twitch wag waggle wash wave wiggle wink wring wrinkle
01.2.3 Understood Reflexive Object Alternation
bark bathe bite bob braid break bruise brush bump burn change
chip clip coldcream comb condition cram crimp crop curl curry
cut disrobe dress dye exercise file floss fracture groom
henna hurt injure jam jerk lather load manicure nick pack
part perm plait pluck powder preen prick primp pull rinse
rouge rupture scald scratch set shampoo shave shower skin
soap split sprain strain strip stub talc tease towel trim
turn twist undress wash wave yank
01.2.4 Understood Reciprocal Object Alternation
agree argue banter bargain battle bicker box brawl chat
chatter chitchat clash coexist collaborate collide combat
commiserate communicate compete concur confabulate confer
conflict consort consult converse cooperate correspond court
cross cuddle date debate dicker differ disagree dispute
dissent divorce duel elope embrace feud fight flirt gab
gossip haggle hobnob hug intersect jest joke joust kiss marry
mate meet mingle miss mix neck negotiate nuzzle pair pass pet
play plot quarrel quibble rap rendezvous schmooze scuffle
skirmish spar spat speak spoon squabble struggle talk tilt
touch tussle vie visit war wrangle wrestle yak
01.2.5 PRO-arb Object Alternation
abash admonish advise affect afflict affront aggravate
agitate agonize alarm alert alienate amaze amuse anger annoy
antagonize appall appease arouse assuage astonish astound awe
baffle beguile bewilder bewitch boggle bore bother bug calm
captivate caution chagrin charm cheer chill comfort concern
confound confuse console content convince counsel cow crush
cut daunt daze dazzle deject delight demolish demoralize
depress devastate disappoint disarm discombobulate discomfit
discompose disconcert discourage disgrace disgruntle disgust
dishearten disillusion dismay dispirit displease disquiet
dissatisfy distract distress disturb dumbfound elate
electrify embarrass embolden enchant encourage engage engross
enlighten enliven enrage enrapture entertain enthrall enthuse
entice entrance exasperate excite exhaust exhilarate
fascinate faze flabbergast flatter floor fluster frighten
frustrate gall galvanize gladden gratify grieve harass haunt
hearten horrify humble humiliate hurt hypnotize impress
incense infuriate inspire instruct insult interest intimidate
intoxicate intrigue invigorate irk irritate jar jollify jolt
lull madden mesmerize miff mollify mortify move muddle
mystify nauseate nettle numb obsess offend outrage overawe
overwhelm pacify pain peeve perplex perturb pique placate
plague please preoccupy provoke puzzle rankle reassure
refresh relax relieve repel repulse revitalize revolt rile
ruffle sadden satisfy scandalize scare shake shame shock
sicken sober solace soothe spellbind spook stagger startle
stimulate sting stir strike stump stun stupefy surprise
tantalize tease tempt terrify terrorize threaten thrill throw
tickle tire titillate torment touch transport trouble try
unnerve unsettle uplift upset vex warn weary worry wound wow Characteristic Property of Agent Alternation
bite butt itch kick pinch prick scratch sting Characteristic Property of Instrument Alternation
clip cook cut hammer pinch prick record scratch slice sting write
01.2.7 "way" Object Alternation
press push shove
01.2.8 Instructional Imperative
attach bake beat boil cook cover mix pour put remove set stir
01.3 Conative Alternation
airmail annihilate bang bash batter beat belt bend birch bite
blitz bludgeon bolt bonk bore bounce brain break bruise bump
butt cane caress carve chew chip chomp chop claw clip clobber
club conk consume convey cosh crack crash crease crinkle crop
crumple crunch crush cube cudgel cuff cut dab dash decimate
deliver demolish dent destroy devastate devour dice dig
dispatch draw drill drink drum eat express exterminate
extirpate FedEx file fillet float flog fold forward fracture
gash gnaw gobble gouge grate graze grind gulp guzzle hack
hammer hand heave hew hit imbibe ingest jab jerk kick kiss
knife knock lash lick mail mangle mash mince move mow munch
nibble nick notch nudge obliterate paddle paddywhack pass pat
paw peck perforate pick pinch poke port post pound press prod
prune pull pulverize pummel punch push quaff rap ravage raze
return rip roll rub ruin rumple saw scrape scratch send
shatter shift ship shoot shove shred shunt sip slap slash
slice slide slip slit slug slurp smack smash smuggle snap
sneak snip sock spank spear splash splinter split spray
squash squirt squish stab stick sting strap strike stroke
suck swab swallow swat swig swill swipe tamp tap tear thrash
thrust thump thwack tickle touch transfer transport truncheon
tug UPS wallop waste whack whip whisk wolf wreck wrinkle yank
01.4.1 Locative Preposition Drop Alternation
arrive ascend bicycle bike bounce canoe canter climb coil
come cross depart descend drift drop escape flee float fly
gallop glide go hike jeep jog jump leap leave move prowl raft
ramble return revolve ride roam roll rotate rove row run sail
shoot skate ski slide spin stroll swim swing traipse tramp
travel trudge turn twirl twist vault wade walk wander whirl