What's your accomplishment.
I someone famous.
I someone famous.
Then do it,
Then do it,
Good - be tough to the end. Actor who plays you will want to die like hero.
What is your problem? Why'd you snap at me? I just wanted a statement.
I can't...I can't answer you just because you want me to answer you!
I can't...I can't answer you just because you want me to answer you!
You didn't have to embarrass me in front of my colleagues. You could give me something.
You didn't have to embarrass me in front of my colleagues. You could give me something.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did I embarrass you, sweetheart? Oh...
Oh, I'm sorry. Did I embarrass you, sweetheart? Oh...
Stop it.
Stop it.
Maybe I should just, ya know...turn to the cameras and say, do you mind if we just work something out?
Maybe I should just, ya know...turn to the cameras and say, do you mind if we just work something out?
Alright, alright, Eddie. Don't patronize me.
Alright, alright, Eddie. Don't patronize me.
I'm not.
I'm not.
Yes you are. I'm not just some reporter. I don't just stick a microphone in your face. You could give me something.
Yes you are. I'm not just some reporter. I don't just stick a microphone in your face. You could give me something.
Yeah, well you took the camera and put it right down on the evidence. That was...
Yeah, well you took the camera and put it right down on the evidence. That was...
That was good. You were holding the evidence.
That was good. You were holding the evidence.
You were merciless. You didn't give a if you got me or not.
You were merciless. You didn't give a if you got me or not.
Well, who was it that taught me how to do that? Huh?
Well, who was it that taught me how to do that? Huh?
You're ruthless.
You're ruthless.
You're not so bad yourself.
Don't worry about the phone. I won't answer it.
Answer the phone.
Answer the phone.
No. Tell me what you want to say.
No. Tell me what you want to say.
Answer it.
Answer it.
Okay. Okay. Hold that thought just for a second. They only call me when it's an emergency. Just hold that thought. Can you call back?
Come to 45 Broadway. Don't bring the Police. Come alone or you'll be in my next film.
Look I've been threatened by better than you.
Look I've been threatened by better than you.
No. I'm the best that's ever threatened you.
No. I'm the best that's ever threatened you.
I'll meet you on one condition - I get exclusivity and you surrender to me.
I'll meet you on one condition - I get exclusivity and you surrender to me.
We'll talk about that. Four o'clock gives you time to go to bank. Three hundred thousand dollars.
We'll talk about that. Four o'clock gives you time to go to bank. Three hundred thousand dollars.
What? It doesn't work that way.
What? It doesn't work that way.
If you don't want my film - I'll call another show. And they will show it.
If you don't want my film - I'll call another show. And they will show it.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Come alone. Bring cash. And we'll talk about surrendering.
C'mon. Pull the trigger. Do it. Oh, look, you're sweating. You don't have the balls.
Get down on your knees.
Tell him to put his gun down!
Let her go! Let her go!!
Let her go! Let her go!!
If he doesn't lower his gun I'll her.
Listen to me. I don't want Just give me the address and then you go.
Look, man, I don't give a if you want or not, but you're payin' for my time.
Turn that thing off!
I'm not filming. I'm watching Milos die. It's just like a move but realer.
Get in the bathroom!
Whatever we do - we her, right?
Whatever we do - we her, right?
Oleg, get in bathroom, stay there and shut up!
Oh, I hate looking at that!
Don't want to film this?
What is it?
The video of Milos and Tamina - I told you to erase it.
The video of Milos and Tamina - I told you to erase it.
I did.
I did.
And the whore's You didn't erase that either, did you? Don't lie, I won't be angry.
And the whore's You didn't erase that either, did you? Don't lie, I won't be angry.
Why not?
Why not?
Put the camera down, Oleg.
I'm serious...this - this is a great American film. Full of violence and And I want my credit.
Yes. Before we hand in the next video - I put titles on it and my credit is going to read - Directed by Oleg Razgul.
Yes. Before we hand in the next video - I put titles on it and my credit is going to read - Directed by Oleg Razgul.
Yes. But there's only one problem - you want credit but the problem is - I don't share credit.
You outta be ashamed. Ashamed of yourself.
If I didn't put it on somebody else would! I was his friend!
If I didn't put it on somebody else would! I was his friend!
Don't give me that
You okay?
A dog on me!! I'm gonna sue you for this! You violated my civil rights!
A dog on me!! I'm gonna sue you for this! You violated my civil rights!
Your civil rights?! You tried to rob me! I could arrest you right now! You're lucky you're walking away from this. Now get outta here.
Where you been, man? We got a celebrity!
I heard. Who the let them up there?
I heard. Who the let them up there?
I don't know, you think Eddie will give me his autograph?
I don't know, you think Eddie will give me his autograph?
You see anything in the crowd? Anybody suspicious?
You see anything in the crowd? Anybody suspicious?
Naw - I'm sure the suspect's not here.
Naw - I'm sure the suspect's not here.
Oh yeah, why?
Oh yeah, why?
'Cause Eddie woulda locked him up by now!
Get outta here!
What the happened?
What the happened?
They were inside. They booby trapped her apartment!
Now how's your memory doin'?
off. I don't know what the you're talkin' about.
off. I don't know what the you're talkin' about.
Maybe I better ask around, see what your pals think.
Maybe I better ask around, see what your pals think.
I don't give a who you ask.
I don't give a about his girl...
Look, give me a break, you're going to have to settle for her place. It's the only thing I know.
You're in a hurry.
Yeah, i been waiting three years.
Yeah, i been waiting three years.
You just quit bein' a priest or somethin'?
You just quit bein' a priest or somethin'?
No, baby, nothin' like that. Look, there's a place across the street. We can go right over there...
No, baby, nothin' like that. Look, there's a place across the street. We can go right over there...
What's the matter with my place?
What's the matter with my place?
No, it's gotta be here and now. Believe me. Only I don't have the money for a room...
I said police. Now drop the gun.
Don't give me that police You drop it.
I hear you've got visitors.
Would you guys...
Would you guys...
No time for any of that any more, lady... I'll rip your lungs out if you don't answer fast.
You lying son of a
What are you talking about? We didn't her ...
Hey, no way. Take off the bracelets or no deal.
You just don't get it, do your Reggie? There isn't any deal. I own your
You just don't get it, do your Reggie? There isn't any deal. I own your
No way to start a partnership.
No way to start a partnership.
Get this. We ain't partners. We ain't brothers. We ain't friends. I'm puttin' you down and keepin' you down until Ganz is locked up or dead. And if Ganz gets away, you're gonna be sorry we ever met.
Get this. We ain't partners. We ain't brothers. We ain't friends. I'm puttin' you down and keepin' you down until Ganz is locked up or dead. And if Ganz gets away, you're gonna be sorry we ever met.
I'm already sorry.
I don't give a It happens to be my name.
Then what're you complainin' about? At least nobody's calling you
Then what're you complainin' about? At least nobody's calling you
I may call you worse than that.
What do you think?
I think you better put him on ice, man.
I think you better put him on ice, man.
He's gotta take that call ... if there is one.
He's gotta take that call ... if there is one.
If you let him run around till Tuesday, he's gonna run right to Ganz and warn him. Ain't you,
You really do have onoe, huh, Jack... what's her problem besides you?
She's got the same complaint as half the population. She can't get the job she's trained for and it her off... Anyway, what the do you care?
I'm gonna enjoy this ... here, I'll even loan you my badge.
I thought you said and experience are all it takes.
Yeah, right. You want to try again?
Naw, you'd just call your pals back to bail you out one more time.
Naw, you'd just call your pals back to bail you out one more time.
They saved your convict.
They saved your convict.
One thing's for sure, Jack. That's how you'll tell the story.
You son of a You knew where the money was all along and all we had to do was come here and wait. I almost got my blown off twice tonight for nothing.
I wasn't sure the money was still there until we saw Luther. You almost got your shot off for nothing once, not twice, Jack.
I wasn't sure the money was still there until we saw Luther. You almost got your shot off for nothing once, not twice, Jack.
Musta got some primo bondsman.
Musta got some primo bondsman.
Jesus Christ. That's a disgrace The guy pulls a gun on a cop and he's out in 24 hours. I tell you some of the courts these days are just a revolving door.
Jesus Christ, look at all the dust on my car...why in the don't he take it to a car wash?
Didn't know you darker people went in for foreign jobs.
Didn't know you darker people went in for foreign jobs.
I had no choice. Some white bought the last piece of skyblue Cadillac.
You'd think the guy'd be smart enough to know he was being tailed.
Tryin' to save his girl, man. He's in another world.
Tryin' to save his girl, man. He's in another world.
If I was his size and had Ganz on my I'd just leave town.
If I was his size and had Ganz on my I'd just leave town.
I'm tellin' you the man's in love... he wants to be a hero for his girl.
I'm tellin' you the man's in love... he wants to be a hero for his girl.
Oh, yeah, does bein' in love make you
I suppose you'd never be like Luther and let a woman get to you...
I let women get to me. The quest for is the meaning of life ... I got my own personal philosophy about 'em. Keep women separate from guns, money and business ... women are for spending money. They got nothing to do with helping you make it.
I let women get to me. The quest for is the meaning of life ... I got my own personal philosophy about 'em. Keep women separate from guns, money and business ... women are for spending money. They got nothing to do with helping you make it.
That ain't philosophy. That's common sense.
A long time agb Luther must of got the beat out of him so bad it just rattled his brain ... that would account for him making so many wrong moves in a row...
Yeah, it doesn't look like he's gonna make it as a dangerous tough guy...
You know, I'd be embarrassed if I let my wheels go the way you've done with this job.
What you don't understand is, I don't give a about how this thing looks.
What you don't understand is, I don't give a about how this thing looks.
No class...
No class...
Class isn't somethin' you buy, punk. Look at you, five hundred dollar suit and you're still a lowlife.