Missed 'em Dan. You're aiming high!
I don't want to take 'em out. Just want to keep 'em interested.
I don't want to take 'em out. Just want to keep 'em interested.
They're practically on us . . .
They're practically on us . . .
That Detroit shit? I'm so worried.
. . . And they call me a fucking nut.
Adrian. It¹s too late. The world is blowing up as we stand here.
All right, Miss Juspeczyk. Pack your things.
Am I free to go?
Am I free to go?
You're free to do whatever you goddamn well please. Let's move it.
You're free to do whatever you goddamn well please. Let's move it.
I don't know why you've been keeping me here, but you're in deep shit --
I don't know why you've been keeping me here, but you're in deep shit --
Oh, I am, honey. You see, Russian tanks are crossing the Afghan border this very minute. And we are all of us, every living soul, in deep, deep shit -- because our number-one strategic weapons has finally flipped out.
Oh, I am, honey. You see, Russian tanks are crossing the Afghan border this very minute. And we are all of us, every living soul, in deep, deep shit -- because our number-one strategic weapons has finally flipped out.
Jon?? You mean he's --
Jon?? You mean he's --
That's right. Your meal ticket's flown the coop. That blue bastard has apparently left the planet.
Who the hell are you?
The name's Gibbons. You were saying?
The name's Gibbons. You were saying?
What is this place?
What is this place?
Looks like a diner.
Looks like a diner.
Diner, huh? Let me tell you what the problem is. I wake up drugged to find what? You've got a "salesman" over here reading a three week old newspaper. He's pulling a 211 with a "trucker", who happens to be packing a cop issue H&K 9mm. I get tipped that something is going down when she passes me a note. How's that for twisted logic? How did she know there was trouble unless they pulled the guns before I "walked" in? And if that's true, why'd they stop and wait until I woke up to gaffle the money? Then I notice how beefy they both are. Hell, even the waitress is cut. All three of them look like they went through the same training program. Ergo they ain't strangers and this isn't what it seems. That's how I knew yo-yo wouldn't get a round off even if I gave him all day. Why?
You've really got me confused, Cage. On the one hand you showed leadership, courage under fire, a willingness to protect men you hardly knew... and on the other you have an arrest record that pegs you as near sociopathic. Help me out here. I'm not following your evolution.
You want the cheap backstory? The runaway mom, the suicide dad and the foster homes? Gimme a break. You're not interested in my past, you're interested in my future as some kind of spy.
You want the cheap backstory? The runaway mom, the suicide dad and the foster homes? Gimme a break. You're not interested in my past, you're interested in my future as some kind of spy.
You're perceptive too. I forgot to add that to the list of surprises. I'm with the National Security Agency. And unlikely as it may sound, I need your help.
You're perceptive too. I forgot to add that to the list of surprises. I'm with the National Security Agency. And unlikely as it may sound, I need your help.
I'm not interested. I've already got a job.
I'm not interested. I've already got a job.
You're an adrenaline junkie with one foot in the penitentiary. You risk your ass building a daredevil myth that means nothing and you're not getting any younger.
You're an adrenaline junkie with one foot in the penitentiary. You risk your ass building a daredevil myth that means nothing and you're not getting any younger.
I plan on getting a lot older. And playing spy games sounds like a quick way to get yourself dead.
I plan on getting a lot older. And playing spy games sounds like a quick way to get yourself dead.
That's too bad. I thought a guy like you would appreciate the challenge.
You did say "Ahab"? You're sure about that?
Yeah, I sent you pictures. Here's what I'm thinking. If they take out the cameras and sensors, they could probably put a bomb in this thing. You drop it in the water in the Red Sea and three weeks later it's swimming up the Potomac.
Yeah, I sent you pictures. Here's what I'm thinking. If they take out the cameras and sensors, they could probably put a bomb in this thing. You drop it in the water in the Red Sea and three weeks later it's swimming up the Potomac.
This is good work, X, damn fine work. You need to press on at all costs, find out what they have planned with this "Ahab".
This is good work, X, damn fine work. You need to press on at all costs, find out what they have planned with this "Ahab".
Hey, one miracle at a time. They're on to me now, remember?
Hey, one miracle at a time. They're on to me now, remember?
I'm gonna be en route with a team shortly to relieve you. Just keep the pressure on until the cavalry arrives. And X? You done yourself proud helping those people today.
Snow covered fortress. Army of bad guys. The usual.
I'm on the way with a team to relieve you. What's the latest?
I'm on the way with a team to relieve you. What's the latest?
They retrofitted Ahab with some kind of rocket launcher. They were loading canisters of liquid into it, light colored and dark colored in the same tube but separate. Something tells me this it that "classified" stuff you didn't want me to know about. Does the song "Silent Night" mean anything to you?
They retrofitted Ahab with some kind of rocket launcher. They were loading canisters of liquid into it, light colored and dark colored in the same tube but separate. Something tells me this it that "classified" stuff you didn't want me to know about. Does the song "Silent Night" mean anything to you?
Yes it does.
Yes it does.
Come on, Gibbons, you can do better then that.
Come on, Gibbons, you can do better then that.
Silent Night is the name of a top secret binary nerve agent. The glass canister is shot into the air and detonated. The black and white chemicals mix, forming a toxic cloud. When it settles down to Earth, it'll kill everything in the vicinity.
Silent Night is the name of a top secret binary nerve agent. The glass canister is shot into the air and detonated. The black and white chemicals mix, forming a toxic cloud. When it settles down to Earth, it'll kill everything in the vicinity.
Jesus Christ, Gibbons, this is something we came up with?
Jesus Christ, Gibbons, this is something we came up with?
Yeah, that's right. So now that you know, you understand why it's important that we get it back.
Yeah, that's right. So now that you know, you understand why it's important that we get it back.
Kinda funny, though, isn't it? We're not supposed to be making weapons like that anyway. Guess we shoulda played by the rules.
Kinda funny, though, isn't it? We're not supposed to be making weapons like that anyway. Guess we shoulda played by the rules.
Somebody else makes those decisions, not guys like you and me. You've done your job, X, head back to Prague. I'll be landing in 90 minutes. This is my operation now.
Somebody else makes those decisions, not guys like you and me. You've done your job, X, head back to Prague. I'll be landing in 90 minutes. This is my operation now.
We don't have that kinda time, boss, I don't think Prague's gonna be around much longer. I've gotta go now. I've got a lot of bad guys to kill.
Thought you bought the farm down there, X. Glad as hell to see you.
I'm pretty happy to see me too. So are you done with me yet?
I'm pretty happy to see me too. So are you done with me yet?
You've kept up your end of the bargain, I'll do the same. But you really should consider staying on, you make a decent agent.
You've kept up your end of the bargain, I'll do the same. But you really should consider staying on, you make a decent agent.
But I hate cops, remember? Except for her.
But I hate cops, remember? Except for her.
Cut the crap, X, I saw you down there. You're a hero. Don't be afraid to join the good guys.
Cut the crap, X, I saw you down there. You're a hero. Don't be afraid to join the good guys.
Who says you're the good guys?
You know what they say, the only way to change the system is from the inside.
Oh yeah? Why don't we start by taking this thing off my ankle? The poison needles?
Oh yeah? Why don't we start by taking this thing off my ankle? The poison needles?
On come on, X. Did you really think we were that barbaric?
On come on, X. Did you really think we were that barbaric?
No needles, huh? What about the acid bath?
No needles, huh? What about the acid bath?
All for show. Just a psychological mind game to get you to do the right thing.
All for show. Just a psychological mind game to get you to do the right thing.
You're a jerk-off, you know that?
They're degenerates. There's not a man in there that would give a damn if the Chinese took over.
That's exactly why we need them.
If you got a problem with me, why are we dancing?
Yorgi asked me to.
Yorgi asked me to.
You do everything Yorgi says?
You do everything Yorgi says?
Go to hell.
Go to hell.
It's gonna be like that, huh? You got all bent out of shape as soon as he started dancing with someone else. Why's that?
It's gonna be like that, huh? You got all bent out of shape as soon as he started dancing with someone else. Why's that?
Mind your business.
Mind your business.
Did you guys used to date? That's it, right? He broke your heart and you're still soft on him. That's funny, it don't seem to fit with a tough broad like you.
Hey, you're good.
Maybe we should start again, yes? I know so little about you, except that you're not what you say you are.
Maybe we should start again, yes? I know so little about you, except that you're not what you say you are.
That makes two of us then, sweetheart, because I ain't buying your bullshit either. You're not like them, I can see it in your eyes. So you tell me, who's bullshitting who?
I don't know what you're talking about.
The eyes don't lie. All this has gotten to you, hasn't it, Petra? You came in as Yorgi's girlfriend and you stayed because it was fun. Now you don't like it so much, but you're in so deep you can't get out anymore. Tell me if I'm wrong, Petra.
The eyes don't lie. All this has gotten to you, hasn't it, Petra? You came in as Yorgi's girlfriend and you stayed because it was fun. Now you don't like it so much, but you're in so deep you can't get out anymore. Tell me if I'm wrong, Petra.
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Look at you. You're helping run things now. You're a gangster. I bet that snuck up on you. You woke up one day and you were a criminal.
That's how you eat? It's like a gerbil.
I'm from L.A.
I'm from L.A.
So why don't you tell me something about who you gather information for. They obviously have very deep pockets. Are you from a rival clan?
So why don't you tell me something about who you gather information for. They obviously have very deep pockets. Are you from a rival clan?
Let's just say I'm freelancing and leave it at that.
Let's just say I'm freelancing and leave it at that.
Whoever sent you knew what they were doing. You and Yorgi are practically twins. Two nihilistic fashion victims who make a lot of noise but don't say much.
Whoever sent you knew what they were doing. You and Yorgi are practically twins. Two nihilistic fashion victims who make a lot of noise but don't say much.
Don't judge a comic book by it's cover.
Don't judge a comic book by it's cover.
You agree with a lot of what he says, don't you.
You agree with a lot of what he says, don't you.
I know where he's coming from. The only thing I really don't get is why he dumped you. Up until I found that out, I thought his judgment was pretty sound.
I know where he's coming from. The only thing I really don't get is why he dumped you. Up until I found that out, I thought his judgment was pretty sound.
Don't even start. I'll be honest, I don't trust you. Bur lets pretend for a minute that what you say is true, that I want to leave. What can you do about it?
Don't even start. I'll be honest, I don't trust you. Bur lets pretend for a minute that what you say is true, that I want to leave. What can you do about it?
The people I know want facts, the kinds of things an insider would know. They're interested in putting Anarchy 99 out of business.
The people I know want facts, the kinds of things an insider would know. They're interested in putting Anarchy 99 out of business.
All I have to do is risk my life providing you with these facts.
All I have to do is risk my life providing you with these facts.
We could work together. Then maybe we could both get the hell out of here. There's a beach in Bora Bora with my name on it.
We could work together. Then maybe we could both get the hell out of here. There's a beach in Bora Bora with my name on it.
A beach named X? That I'd like to see.
A beach named X? That I'd like to see.
So there you have it. I guess you just have to ask yourself, how bad to you want out?
So what's the plan with this Ahab? Are they selling it or what?
No, something worse. He says it's a surprise, but I know him. This is his masterpiece.
No, something worse. He says it's a surprise, but I know him. This is his masterpiece.
We've got to find out what it is. Can you handle that?
We've got to find out what it is. Can you handle that?
There's something I didn't have time to tell you before.
There's something I didn't have time to tell you before.
What's that?
What's that?
I'm a agent as well. KGB. I've been undercover for over a year.
I'm a agent as well. KGB. I've been undercover for over a year.
You're what? What the hell have you been doing?
You're what? What the hell have you been doing?
I don't know. Eight months ago I stop hearing from my people. No explanation, just silence. So I stay and I wait like I was told. Soon I'm in so far, they'd kill me if I left. Now every day I get farther and farther away from what I was. I'm like you said, a criminal.
I don't know. Eight months ago I stop hearing from my people. No explanation, just silence. So I stay and I wait like I was told. Soon I'm in so far, they'd kill me if I left. Now every day I get farther and farther away from what I was. I'm like you said, a criminal.
I'm busted up for you, but Jesus, what the hell are you doing? Those people almost drowned on that boat and you didn't lift a finger.
Are you alright?
What the hell are you doing? You could've killed me!
What the hell are you doing? You could've killed me!
I heard you talking. I could tell where you were in the room.
I heard you talking. I could tell where you were in the room.
I don't know what's going on anymore. I thought I was square with that dude. Now everybody's switching sides like it's the WWF.
Where'd the damn truck go?!
Go to the water, it's that way!
My name is Slovo, Czech secret police. When you are here you are under my jurisdiction, you take my orders, you do what I say. If you become any kind of an inconvenience, I'll shoot you.
Here we go again.
Here we go again.
You're here because your government is putting pressure on my government. This is an internal affair, a Czech affair, that you are interfering with. I will warn you once: Don't shit in my lawn. Get whatever information your government seeks and get our.
You're here because your government is putting pressure on my government. This is an internal affair, a Czech affair, that you are interfering with. I will warn you once: Don't shit in my lawn. Get whatever information your government seeks and get our.
First of all, you should kill whoever sold you that suit. Two, I don't wanna be here either, so just step off. Three, if you had the authority to shoot me you would've done it by now, so just ease up on the machismo, bitch. Now that we've got that sorted out, I'm gonna get some rest.
What's so damn funny?
Been to any good diners lately?
They're all over the place! What the hell's going on?
Looks like we're in the middle of the drug war.
That's the guy.
This pizda? Never seen him before.
This pizda? Never seen him before.
Who you workin' for? What do you do for a living, dickhead?
We seen all your shit! So you want cars? We get whatever cars you need. What are you looking for?
Ferrari's, Lamborghini's... high end pasta rockets. Ten to start.
Total chaos, man! Welcome to Anarchy 99!
What's "Anarchy 99"?
What's "Anarchy 99"?
It's all this craziness! It's what we've been living since 99, when we left the Army. One of our brothers died in Grozny and we said the hell with this shit. What for? He dies for what? Politics? Who's politics? Not ours.
It's all this craziness! It's what we've been living since 99, when we left the Army. One of our brothers died in Grozny and we said the hell with this shit. What for? He dies for what? Politics? Who's politics? Not ours.
You wanna see my politics?
You got a great set-up here Yorgi. You really know how to live.
It's a beautiful town, Prague. It's been good to me.
It's a beautiful town, Prague. It's been good to me.
I've been here before, when I was a kid. My old man was in the service, we used to live on the Army base in Hamburg.
I've been here before, when I was a kid. My old man was in the service, we used to live on the Army base in Hamburg.
You, an Army brat? I don't see that one at all. Did you join the service as well?
You, an Army brat? I don't see that one at all. Did you join the service as well?
Hell no. My dad was a straight up tin soldier. Somehow he pissed this general off and got himself dishonorably discharged. Had a court martial and everything. The charges were total bullshit, so he was sure he'd get his name cleared, but it didn't happen.
Hell no. My dad was a straight up tin soldier. Somehow he pissed this general off and got himself dishonorably discharged. Had a court martial and everything. The charges were total bullshit, so he was sure he'd get his name cleared, but it didn't happen.
Connections and politics, it's the same everywhere.
Connections and politics, it's the same everywhere.
My old man, he bought into the system, and it screwed him. So he swallowed a bullet. Me, I don't believe in nothing I can't see and touch.
Excuse me, Mr. Waldman -- excuse me for interrupting. But is Frederick, then...a medical doctor?
Yes, my dear, he is.
Yes, my dear, he is.
And has he achieved...any special degree of eminence?