ladeinge of the said goodes the said shippe departed
from the Veles Mallega aforesd bounde for Amsterdam
but her course directlye towards Amsterdam comeinge
into the Downes to and stayeinge there 3 orth dayes
for a Pilott shee with her ladeinge were seized upon
by the Earle of Warwicke and by his order sent the
to London, where the same nowe remaine uppon his
as hee heard that shee and her ladeinge did belonge
some of the Weste Countrye and the arlate shee
in Spanishee nowe shewed unto him this exte at the sd
of this ext his examination was and is the bill of his the
the said Colleton ⁁ made and delivered the sd Gossens
the said shippe tackle and furniture and all and
singular the contents thereof were and are true and were
which hee knoweth to bee soe for that hee
soe had and done as is therein contained whoe was present
when the bargaine was made betwixte the said horsen
and the said Coleton for the said shippe and when
the con made the said bill of sale, and the said
and resident at
Gooson was and is an Inhabitante and house keeper at
Mallega aforesd and betwixte the Kinge of England
and the Kinge of Spaine and theire subiects respectivelye
there was and still is peace and amitye ut credit et
and vit at alr nescit /
Idem alluis ex pte Radamother p bonis ss in nave
pred sent dat et admiss ext
Ad primu secundu et reliquas pred dicta alluis
refert se ad prdepoita et dicit That the arlate
aforesd Gooson was and is the arlate ffadamackers ffactor
residente at Mallega aforesd and one that doth dispatch
his busines for him there and this exte hath seene divers
letters sent to the said Goosen from the sd Radamacher
from Hamburroughe where hee st liveth aboute busines at of
and within the tyme arlate at Mallega aforesd there
was laden on board the said shippe the Pleasure to and
for the accounte of the said Radamacher one hundred
butts of wyne, 166 frailes of Mallega reasons, and to
barrells of rest of the sume vizt 200 barrills of eighte
aroves and 200 barrills of 6 aroves and the same were
to bee transported from Mallega aforesd to Amsterdam
and to noe other place which hee knoweth to bee true
for that hee was the man imployed by the aforesd Mr
Gerson to lade the said goodes aboard the said shippe
for the accounte and adventure of the said Redamacke
and to goe alonge in the said shippe to Amsterdam to
see the deliverye of them there to and for the sd
Indanchers use and accounte to whome the same
did and doe belonge and appertaine and the sd
Ladamacker was and is an Inhabitant of Hambarr
and there residente and the bills of ladeinge signed
by the master of the said shippe for the deliverye of
the said goods were signed for Hamburoughe out
that was done onelye to couler them at Mallega and 16
bester to free the sd shippe and then in case in her
passage towards Amsterdam shee had bine intercepted and
mett wth or sett uppon by Dunquerckers, And this hee
knoweth to bee true reddens rationem scien sua ut supra
Ad Interria.
Ad primu rendet That for his parte hee knoweth of noe
monies or other goodes excepte a fewe ⁁ belonginge to the
master and Companye moore then what hee hath true
laden aboard the sd shippe at Mallega or her when shee was stayed as aforesd
expressed ⁁ at alr quam prius ad qua se refert nescit
Ad 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. et 7 salvis prdepoitis ad qua se refert
negative et nescit onelye hee sayeth one Cutt was master
of the said shippe when shee was seized uppon as aforesd
and the said shippe came laden with fishe from
Newfoundland as the said Cutt and his Companye
sayd when shee came to Mallega and full did live
at Dartmouth ut ad andut and the fraighte of the
said shippe for the goodes nowe in her is due and
her of
payable to the receite Horson this ext rendents maste
or such as hee shall appoint for to receive the same
but the master of the said was uppon the deliverye of
the goodes to have received the same and to have payde
it to him this rendente whoe was to have her the the
some by to Mallega to and for his Masters & use
from whome hee was to have expected order over and
howe to have disposed thereof and there were noe
letters writeing or other papers more the the aforesd
schedule to this exts knowledge on board the sd before
since, or at the tyme of her seized seizeinge aforesd
more then neither were there any to his knowledge
had concealed or throwen over board as before wine
her serveinge, James Master