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User script for AUTOMATIC111's SD WebUI that integrates MagicPrompt
Copyright (C) 2022 Spaceginner
This user script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This user script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this user script. If not, see <>.
Contact me via Discord (Spaceginner#7688), email ([email protected])
or via "Issues" tab on Github page of this script
Special thanks to Gustavosta for creating MagicPrompt AI model.
Also credits go to u/Letharguss (for creating basic script)
and SoCalGuitarist#2586 (for figuring out how to change prompt batch to batch)
Version: 1.0.0
import os
import sys
import subprocess
# Try to import aitextgen, if it is not found, download
from aitextgen import aitextgen
print("[MagicPrompt script] aitextgen module is not found, downloading...")
if os.path.exists("./venv"):["./venv/Scripts/python", "-m", "pip", "-q", "--disable-pip-version-check", "--no-input", "install", "aitextgen"])
else:["python", "-m", "pip", "-q", "--disable-pip-version-check", "--no-input", "install", "aitextgen"])
print("[MagicPrompt script] aitextgen module is downloaded")
import gradio as gr
import torch
import modules.scripts as scripts
from modules.processing import Processed, process_images
from modules.shared import state
# Searching for folder with MagicPrompt model, if not found, download model
if (not os.path.isdir("./models/MagicPrompt/")):
print("[MagicPrompt script] MagicPrompt model is not found, downloading MagicPrompt model...")
os.mkdir("./models/MagicPrompt/")["git", "clone", "--quiet", "", "./models/MagicPrompt/."])
print("[MagicPrompt script] MagicPrompt model is downloaded")
def getOrdinalNum(n):
if str(n)[-1] == "1":
return f"{n}st"
elif str(n)[-1] == "2":
return f"{n}nd"
elif str(n)[-1] == "3":
return f"{n}rd"
return f"{n}th"
class Script(scripts.Script):
# "Black magic to keep model between runs"
gpt = None
def title(self):
return "MagicPrompt"
def show(self, isImg2img):
# Will show up only in txt2img tab
return not isImg2img
def ui(self, isImg2img):
# Some settings
promptLength = gr.Slider(label="Prompt max. length", value=75, minimum=1, maximum=300, step=1)
temp = gr.Slider(label="Temperature", value=0.7, minimum=0.1, maximum=2, step=0.1)
useSameSeed = gr.Checkbox(label="Use same seed for each batch", value=False)
useUniquePrompt = gr.Checkbox(label="Use unique prompt for each batch", value=True)
isPrioritized = gr.Checkbox(label="Iniatial prompt will have more prority over generated one", value=False)
doPregenerating = gr.Checkbox(label="Enable prompt pregenerating (Theoretical perfomance boost). If you dont know how many images do you want to generate, disable it", value=True)
doUnloadModel = gr.Checkbox(label="Unload MagicPrompt model from VRAM/RAM after this run. (Decreased perfomance between runs, as it need to load again)", value=False)
return [promptLength, temp, useSameSeed, useUniquePrompt, isPrioritized, doPregenerating, doUnloadModel]
def run(self, p, promptLength, temp, useSameSeed, useUniquePrompt, isPrioritized, doPregenerating, doUnloadModel):
# Load MagicPrompt model
if type(self.gpt) != aitextgen:
self.gpt = aitextgen(model_folder="./models/MagicPrompt/", tokenizer_file="./models/MagicPrompt/tokenizer.json", to_gpu=torch.cuda.is_available())
p.do_not_save_grid = True
# If prompt is a list, take first time out of it.
p.prompt = p.prompt[0] if type(p.prompt) == list else p.prompt
# As we will change prompt every batch
# we need to process only 1 batch at a time
state.job_count = p.n_iter
p.n_iter = 1
# Init prompt prioritazing
originalPrompt = p.prompt
if (originalPrompt != "" and isPrioritized):
originalPrompt = "(" + originalPrompt + ")"
# Pregenerating prompts
prompts = []
if (doPregenerating):
print(f"[MagicPrompt script] Pregenerating prompt{'s' if state.job_count > 1 else ''}...")
for i in range(state.job_count):
if (i == 0 or useUniquePrompt):
if state.interrupted:
print(f"[MagicPrompt script] Pregeneration interrupted")
prompts.append(self.gpt.generate_one(prompt=originalPrompt, max_length=promptLength, temperature=temp))
if state.job_count > 1:
print(f"[MagicPrompt script] Pregenerated {getOrdinalNum(i+1)} prompt...")
print("[MagicPrompt script] Pregenerating finished")
images = []
for i in range(state.job_count):
if state.skipped:
print("Rendering of current batch skipped")
if state.interrupted:
print(f"Rendering interrupted")
state.job = f"{i+1} out of {state.job_count}"
# Remove total bar
# Prompt applying
if (i == 0 or useUniquePrompt):
if doPregenerating:
p.prompt = prompts[i]
# ...or generate one if pregenerating is disabled
print(f"[MagicPrompt script] Generating prompt for {getOrdinalNum(i+1)} batch...")
p.prompt = self.gpt.generate_one(prompt=originalPrompt, max_length=promptLength, temperature=temp)
print(f"[MagicPrompt script] Generated prompt for {getOrdinalNum(i+1)} batch: {p.prompt}")
# for whatever reason .append() doesn't work
images += process_images(p).images
if not useSameSeed:
if not p.seed == -1:
p.seed += 1
# Unload model
if doUnloadModel:
del self.gpt
return Processed(p, images, p.seed, "")