73 values
Game collecting autism
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-C820", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:13:25\n\nGame collecting autism\n\nI've been collecting for around 15 years, mostly ps1 and ps2.\nMy collection isn't like reddit huge, it's about 150 games.\nI've finished if not at least gotten far in most of them, but whenever I look at my collection I feel the urge to downsize and only hold on to my absolute favorites/games I play the most\nDo others feel like this or do I have like supreme tism or ocd?\n\n\nAlso coomlecting thread", "pid": 11103062 }, { "sender": "7DBD-Anonymous", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:25:26\n\n>>11103062 \nIt's OCD, I was diagnosed recently.", "pid": 11103078 }, { "sender": "3649-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:40:16\n\nI've been a collector for over 20 years now, and if passively holding on to games and their boxes and shit is considered collecting, then I've been collecting for more like 30 years, or basically since I was old enough to say \"mommy daddy I want that videogame.\" I've never felt a strong desire to sell, in fact my urge to accumulate more is stronger than ever. That said I'm pretty selective with what I get, typically limiting it to true rarities, or good condition instance of common things (like CIB games), or somewhat unique things (like promotional items). I don't just bulk buy random cartridges and discs just to line shelves.", "pid": 11103095 }, { "sender": "F15B-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:45:29\n\n>>11103078 \nwhat ssri?", "pid": 11103102 }, { "sender": "5741-Anonymous", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:48:54\n\n>>11103102 \nprozac", "pid": 11103107 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F73", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:53:30\n\n>>11103062 \n>lots of games is reddit \n>no games is reddit \n>average amount of games is reddit \n>reddit reddit reddit", "pid": 11103113 }, { "sender": "Anon-ADE0", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:56:03\n\n>>11103113 \n\"Reddit collecting\" has less to do with what games you own or don't own, but more to do with \"I started collecting because it was trendy and I saw my surrogate friend/big brother on YouTube doing it, plus not having a collection to show off made me feel left out in my online communities.\"", "pid": 11103116 }, { "sender": "835F-Anonymous", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:59:06\n\n>>11103078 \nhow has it affected how you buy and play games?", "pid": 11103119 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9AC5", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:03:57\n\nI used to collect Xbox and Dreamcast consoles. When my wife left me and I lost my house, I ended up storing everything in my Ford Explorer for a while. A friend helped me out by leasing an affordable apartment. This guy has a son who's into retro gaming, so when I moved, I gifted all my games to the little guy. I decided to keep my Xbox and Dreamcast. I modded both consoles and downloaded their romsets. Next time I go through a divorce, I'll just take two consoles in my 370z instead of hauling around boxes in a V8 SUV.", "pid": 11103129 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD63", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:09:31\n\n>>11103129 \nI'm sorry to hear that but that's really nice you giving all your games to him. What games was he stoked about?", "pid": 11103136 }, { "sender": "1C33-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:19:10\n\n>>11103119 \nI don't feel compelled to have 3+ of each console I like. I'm doing (much) less of the \"buy a thing, feel like I have too many things, sell some things, buy them again\" loop. It's still difficult to shake the feeling that I should really have an extra or 3 of whatever I pickup, but it's getting better. I'm much happier with the gear I do have, and as far as playing goes; I can actually focus on a game now. Previously my brain was yelling 1000 things at once, like I had no control over my thoughts, so my full attention was never devoted to anything. Also, I've actually been enjoying emulating for the first time, rather than being (literally) obsessed with real hardware. I still love real hardware and I still love all the same things I always have, but I can enjoy them (and new things too) much more.", "pid": 11103154 }, { "sender": "Anon-74CD", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:22:52\n\nThen stop displaying your collection and put it into a cabinet out of being easily seen so you don't have those thoughts.", "pid": 11103168 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1770", "message": "20/07/2024, 21:31:07\n\n>>11103168 \nNot him, but yeah I currently lack the space to display my games, so the cartridges are in plastic drawers and the boxes are in stacked storage bins in a closet. They take up very little space this way, and it's a perfect solution until I get sufficient shelving to display it all.", "pid": 11103340 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-31DB", "message": "20/07/2024, 22:00:28\n\n>>11103062 \nWhen the drives fail, sell some to pay for ODEs :-)", "pid": 11103391 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0EAB", "message": "20/07/2024, 22:01:42\n\n>>11103168 \ndo this and populate the shelves with books you'll never have time to read ~~if you have friends~~", "pid": 11103393 }, { "sender": "7A5E-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 22:43:30\n\n>>11103168 \nI never even thought of doing this. I might actually do it \n>>11103393 \nI do have a small shelf in my bedroom with books been reading neuromancer recently, my game stuff is in my basement", "pid": 11103456 }, { "sender": "302D-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 23:01:31\n\n>>11103062 \nI've never really \"collected\" games. I have/had a lot of them and have been slowly selling them off. All my consoles are modified to play off a HDD/SD/etc. so I don't see the point. \n \nI had a bookshelf with them on but got rid to make room for floor standing speakers so finally bothered getting rid. \n \nI've been decluttering for over a year now (not just games) and its been really satisfying.", "pid": 11103492 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-553A", "message": "20/07/2024, 23:05:03\n\n>>11103107 \nYou’ll be speed running in no time", "pid": 11103496 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6989", "message": "20/07/2024, 23:19:07\n\n>>11103496 \nnah, speedrunning is wicked gay", "pid": 11103530 }, { "sender": "D60B-Anon", "message": "21/07/2024, 00:14:01\n\nI only buy games I want to play. I have been thinning out my collection lately too. I have flashcarts for all my cartridge based consoles, so I can play anything I want to anyway and just keep the games I want in my collection like stuff I really like or have personal nostalgia for. Picked up crazy castle 2 for gameboy recently cause it was a game I had as a kid and I was really enjoying it fun little action puzzle game.", "pid": 11103613 }, { "sender": "Anon-CDCC", "message": "21/07/2024, 00:48:36\n\n>>11103062 \nI only ever bought the games that were something I knew I would have some interest in playing.", "pid": 11103660 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6F5A", "message": "21/07/2024, 00:49:24\n\n>>11103530 \nJealous.", "pid": 11103661 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B432", "message": "21/07/2024, 00:55:13\n\n>>11103129 \nYou should have shot your ex.", "pid": 11103672 }, { "sender": "EB73-Anonymous", "message": "21/07/2024, 01:00:35\n\nI mod my disc based systems to play from hard drives and ODEs, but I rip the files from my own copies I own, either via the systems disc drives or on to my PC first. I want the satisfaction of being perfectly fine in a situation where I dont have to rely on the internet to download roms, nor needing to store a full-set on a drive somewhere that could shit the bed. Reminds me of the good days of PC gaming where I could still have my physical copy in my library to install from, but not need the disc constantly in the drive at all times.", "pid": 11103680 }, { "sender": "C2FE-Anonymous", "message": "21/07/2024, 02:56:12\n\n>>11103062 \nHonestly collecting things end up owning you in the long term. I always tell anyone I know to just own the games you play the most and not ones you never will play every. Otherwise it's just wasting space.", "pid": 11103821 }, { "sender": "Anon-F861", "message": "21/07/2024, 03:01:37\n\n>>11103821 \nOver collecting is only ever an actual issue, in relation to the size of your living space. If you live in a small apartment and can barely get to your front door, its a problem. No one ever complains about the rich being \"owned\" by their possessions, because they have the floor space to have huge collections of stuff they are into in an entirely separate part of their house.", "pid": 11103832 }, { "sender": "D820-Anonymous", "message": "21/07/2024, 04:10:19\n\n>>11103832 \nnta but rich ppl also liquidate their junk and buy new junk \n>look at all this space being dedicated to something i don't really care anymore, i'll just put it in cardboard boxes and think about selling", "pid": 11103941 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E4A8", "message": "21/07/2024, 04:13:18\n\n>>11103821 \n>>11103832 \nI think the \"problem\" arises when collecting becomes the hobby in and of itself, and is wholly a substitute for other more mentally or physically beneficial hobbies. If it's a supplemental activity, then I really don't see how it would be a problem. Sure, YouTube collectors can be irritating, but at least they're combining their collecting habit with something productive.", "pid": 11103945 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-96AE", "message": "21/07/2024, 04:50:56\n\n>>11103672 \nPerhaps. kek \n \n>>11103136 \n>What games was he stoked about? \nHe was really into action games, especially Ninja Gaiden. We played a lot of Dead or Alive 3 together. He was such a nice little dude. My friend must be proud of him.", "pid": 11103990 }, { "sender": "68FD-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 04:52:54\n\n>>11103990 \ncrrepy", "pid": 11105623 } ]
Why Does #2 always suck?
[ { "sender": "F6F7-Anon", "message": "17/07/2024, 22:40:05\n\nWhy Does #2 always suck?\n\nIt seems like a running joke at this point that the 2nd game in a series is shit or at least inferior to the 1st and occasionally 3rd game.\nSMB2, Zelda 2, Final Fantasy 2 (JP not US), Castlevania 2, Megaman 2 (first one kinda sucked too), this even extends into other systems. Sonic 2, Doom 2, System Shock 2, Devil May Cry 2, Unreal 2, Hexen 2, you can name dozens more sequels that just are a downgrade but I think you get the point. \nWhat is it that almost always makes the 2nd game worse? My guess is over ambitiousness most of the time with a sprinkling of incompetence or just classic publisher fuckery.\nPic very related.", "pid": 11096936 }, { "sender": "Anon-DC20", "message": "17/07/2024, 22:51:13\n\nI was going to say that it's not always true, but there are definitely a lot of examples of the second game being worse.\n\nI'm surprised you listed Sonic 2, Doom 2 and System Shock 2? Sonic 2 I personally really like, and although I'm not too familiar with Doom 1 & 2 I thought it was a good sequel.\nI haven't played SS but I thought people loved 2.\n\nI also would say Street Fighter 2, Virtua Fighter 2, Age of Empires 2, Streets of Rage 2 all are widely considered to be better than the first game for example. Then you've got stuff like Resident Evil 2 where it's almost just a personal choice if you like 1 or 2 better.\n\nI definitely think that feature creep/ambition can lead to sequels being worse than the original though, or at least losing what made the original special. Sometimes I think the developers just feel the need too change things for the sake of change. I'd argue Crazy Taxi 2 is a good example, the first game is near-perfect IMO, but the second one added the jumping mechanic which feels really gimmicky, and the group fares which seemed hard to balance the difficulty around.\nI think they would have been better just making the game play identically but with new locations and new mini-games (Crazy Box/Pyramid) for example. Could probably argue the same for something like Banjo Kazooie 2, where they added a ton of new features but it wasn't to everyone's taste.", "pid": 11096954 }, { "sender": "6DBC-Anon", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:19:23\n\n>>11096936 \n>SMB2, Zelda 2, Mega Man 2, Sonic 2. Doom 2, Hexen 2 \n>Suck \nInteresting thread idea a shame OP licks goat. The reason Deus Ex IW sucked is probably one of the saddest in gaming, see the devs at Ion Storm didn't understand they made one of the best games ever despite the overwhelming critical and fan acclaim and decided they needed to streamline it and design it for consoles first, the devs shot themselves in the foot before they even started development.", "pid": 11096994 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD14", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:21:54\n\nNow this is how you shit on Sonic 2 and Mega Man 2. Subtlety is always the most important thing in the art of bait", "pid": 11097000 }, { "sender": "6BD4-Anon", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:27:09\n\n>>11097000 \nThis but Zelda II.", "pid": 11097006 }, { "sender": "25CE-Anonymous", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:30:05\n\nInvisible War don't exist. Deus Ex 2 is Human Revolution and that's it.", "pid": 11097009 }, { "sender": "D456-Anonymous", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:30:11\n\n>>11096936 \n>Mega Man 2 \n>Sonic 2 \nMost people will disagree on those. Personally I feel SMB2 (USA) is also superior to the original", "pid": 11097010 }, { "sender": "38D7-Anon", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:36:19\n\nDkc 2 was way better than 1 in every aspect.", "pid": 11097015 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D72", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:59:03\n\n>>11096936 \nMost successes are accidents that can’t be replicated, only learned from", "pid": 11097040 }, { "sender": "Anon-771F", "message": "18/07/2024, 00:24:09\n\n>>11096936 \nMegaman 2 is probably the best game on the NES, you're clearly retarded.", "pid": 11097084 }, { "sender": "B6EA-Anon", "message": "18/07/2024, 00:32:49\n\n>SMB2 \nStraight better than Mario 1 \n>Zelda 2 \nUp in the air. They're very different games. Zelda 2 has actual towns, and the visual style better sells the high fantasy tone though \n>Final Fantasy 2 \nNever plated \n>Castlevania 2 \nGreat game. Just different to the other two. The world adventuring element of it is ambitious and cool. \n>Megaman 2 \n>Sonic 2 \nOkay, you're trolling then.", "pid": 11097103 }, { "sender": "Anon-7DA8", "message": "18/07/2024, 00:35:54\n\n>>11097043 \nI was bitterly disappointed with both of the first two Silent Hills. Maybe the series gets a lot better in 3. I don't know. I think 4 seems the most conceptually interesting.", "pid": 11097108 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1825", "message": "18/07/2024, 01:04:15\n\n>>11097084 \nThanks for letting me know you've never played another Megaman game.", "pid": 11097148 }, { "sender": "8D9F-Anon", "message": "18/07/2024, 01:12:30\n\n>>11097148 \nI have played all the NES ones, the level design, music and controls in MM2 are the best.", "pid": 11097162 }, { "sender": "D24D-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 01:17:45\n\n>>11097108 \nIf you didn't like 1 and 2 I don't think you'd like 3, they play very similar and have similar settings/themes.", "pid": 11097169 }, { "sender": "Anon-B212", "message": "18/07/2024, 01:30:42\n\n>>11096936 \nSonic 2 mogs sonic 1 in literally every way, the fuck are you talking about?", "pid": 11097187 }, { "sender": "EFC9-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 01:40:15\n\n2 doesn't always suck.", "pid": 11097196 }, { "sender": "Anon-752E", "message": "18/07/2024, 02:40:42\n\n>>11096936 \nYou never played jagged alliance 2", "pid": 11097275 }, { "sender": "FE7D-Anon", "message": "18/07/2024, 02:45:10\n\n>>11096936 \nMost would argue Diablo II, DKC 2, Starfox 64, F-Zero X \nSome would even argue Metroid Prime 2 or StarCraft 2, Mario Kart 64, etc. \nAnd you ought to know that Star Control 2 is the best one.", "pid": 11097282 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F290", "message": "18/07/2024, 02:50:21\n\n>>11096936 \nWhat meme are you trying to force? Half of those games are considered great or better than their predecessors.", "pid": 11097289 }, { "sender": "Anon-C7F7", "message": "18/07/2024, 02:52:26\n\n>>11096936 \nI thought it was the third or fourth one that is considered the blacksheep not the second.", "pid": 11097291 }, { "sender": "4D64-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 08:14:37\n\n>>11096936 \nThat's not really true. Diablo II, Baldur's Gate II, DKC 2, Street Fighter II, MGS2, THPS2, Fallout 2, RE2, and a number of others (some of which you even mentioned as being disliked / bad, which I don't totally get) are widely considered as being just as good as their predecessors, or even better than them. Some of the ones I mentioned are up for debate, especially on this board, but still.", "pid": 11097713 }, { "sender": "79B5-Anon", "message": "18/07/2024, 08:16:05\n\n>>11097291 \nThat's a lot more common, although I think a lot of the big examples of that are not retro", "pid": 11097716 }, { "sender": "Anon-6BD2", "message": "18/07/2024, 08:25:28\n\n>>11096936 \n>It seems like a running joke at this point that the 2nd game in a series is shit or at least inferior to the 1st \n>citation needed", "pid": 11097724 }, { "sender": "A12A-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 08:31:54\n\n>>11097196 \n \nyeah but in this case it definitely does. I cant think of a single thing msg2 does better than 1 \n \nregardless OP is a faggot.", "pid": 11097731 }, { "sender": "554E-Anon", "message": "18/07/2024, 08:35:30\n\n2 > 1 >> 3", "pid": 11097737 }, { "sender": "Anon-AAE6", "message": "18/07/2024, 09:22:40\n\n>>11096936 \nHey now, I liked Invisible War.", "pid": 11097772 }, { "sender": "6C97-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 09:30:11\n\n>>11096936 \nperfect dark is miles better than goldeneye and I will die in this hill", "pid": 11097778 }, { "sender": "7028-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 09:32:24\n\n>>11097713 \n>Diablo 2 \nNah I'd say it's pretty equal to 1 they both have different ups and downs \n>BG2 \nHonestly I didn't see it as a huge improvement but it's also not a downgrade again, pretty equal \n>DKC2 \nI never played DKC but most people I know only like 1 \n>SF2 \nUndisputedly better than 1 to the point that nost people consider it the first SF game. \n>MGS2 \nlmao no it's a worse game in almost every aspect, and the good parts of it are done better in 1. \n>THPS2 \nIt's basically the same game but better, but I still think 3 is when they got good. \n>Fallout 2 \nProbably the most debated on out of the ones you posted personally all the engine and gameplay improvements 2 did don't make up for the lackluster story, it has it's moments but I barely remember half the quests in 2 but do remember a lot of 1's \nThis nigga knows what's up tho >>11097275 JA2 is based JA1 is worth playing and definitely not bad but 2 is one of the best. \n>>11097772 \nIW gets a ton of hate and it's definitely worse than DX1 but I will play DX2 100x over before replaying HR again.", "pid": 11097780 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AFD4", "message": "18/07/2024, 12:14:26\n\n>>11096936 \n>classic publisher fuckery. \nThis was the case with DMC2. It was being developed before DMC1 was even finished and Kamiya had no idea. They know they have a popular game and can churn out a sequel to generate more profit without worrying about quality as much. \n \n>>11097780 \n>IW gets a ton of hate and it's definitely worse than DX1 but I will play DX2 100x over before replaying HR again. \nSame, I posted that on /v/ a few years after HR released and was told I must be trolling. But I also saw others making the same argument. HR had less technical limitations and was highly polished but overall felt bland.", "pid": 11097927 }, { "sender": "0946-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 12:58:05\n\n>>11096936 \n \nDark Forces II: Jedi Knight is considered to be the best in the series. \n \n>Doom 2, System Shock 2, Hexen 2 \n \nSeriously, what are you smoking?", "pid": 11097986 }, { "sender": "D8A7-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 15:46:09\n\n>>11096936 \n>Megaman 2 \n>Sonic 2 \n>Doom 2 \n>System Shock 2 \n \nIs this a troll post?", "pid": 11098256 }, { "sender": "9257-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 16:00:51\n\n>>11096936 \n>Pic relates \nI almost beat Desu Sex 2. it's not horrible, it's not as consolised like Unofficial DE3(Project Snowblind), it's just not that good compared to DE1. it made stealth more necessary because you die more easily, but the stealthy weapons all suck. enemy AI is improved but maybe it only looks improved because the levels are much smaller. your weapon accuracy is not awful at the beginning. but it's just not quite as fun. very linear despite the multiple subquest options you can take to curry-favor different factions. only the last few factional quests seem to matter for deciding the ending of the game. and their eyes all look like psychos. \n \nif it wasn't a DE game, i would just remember it as a decent shooter game that made use of Unreal 2 engine, with a forgetable plot and shit stealth. it would just be like many other FPS game with shit plot and stealth. it's not bad but it's not good. \n=== \n \nNot-DE3/ Project Snowblind was pretty much CoD Deus Ex. in a way it felt like playing Crysis but with more derpy facial graphix. never beat the game, 'cause it kept crashing during the silly stunt driving section. and there's no fan patches to fix the bugs. and Ubisoft kill support for it real fast. only had 1 patch made on multiplayer things, and no one played it for multiplayer.", "pid": 11098283 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FF7E", "message": "18/07/2024, 16:09:47\n\n>>11098283 \n>only had 1 patch made FOR multiplayer things,", "pid": 11098301 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-894A", "message": "18/07/2024, 16:53:31\n\n>>11096936 \nStop coping there are plenty of good sequels: Quake 2, GTA 2, Rayman 2, HL2, Yakuza 2, MGS2, THPS2, Age of Empires 2, Settlers 2, BF2, Cod2, Warcraft 2, Carmageddon 2, Dungeon Keeper II, Flatout 2, Hitman 2, Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, Resident Evil 2, Silent Hill 2, NFS Hot Pursuit 2, TimeSplitters 2", "pid": 11098376 }, { "sender": "2E2D-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 17:37:26\n\n>>11097780 \n>>DKC2 \n>I never played DKC but most people I know only like 1 \nYou must not know many people. DKC2 is very often considered the best one. The same way everybody gushes over Silent Hill 2 and Devil May Cry 3.", "pid": 11098435 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-809B", "message": "18/07/2024, 23:20:07\n\n>>11098376 \nFor every good sequel there's a dozen bad ones.", "pid": 11099131 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3DCE", "message": "18/07/2024, 23:37:43\n\n>>11097196 \nIsn't that the 6th or 7th game? MG MSX, MG NES, MG2, Snake's Revenge, MGS, VR Missions, Ghost of Babel, then MGS2?", "pid": 11099169 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C3B7", "message": "19/07/2024, 00:12:46\n\n>>11099169 \nYes but it's the second \"Solid\" game in full 3D. The Game Boy Color game released as \"Metal Gear Solid\" really just being Metal Gear: Ghost Babel and playing like a more refined Metal Gear 2.", "pid": 11099212 }, { "sender": "Anon-C97D", "message": "19/07/2024, 00:56:53\n\n>>11099131 \nTrue of games in general I think.", "pid": 11099289 }, { "sender": "0BF4-Anonymous", "message": "19/07/2024, 02:58:27\n\n>>11098283 \nThe biggest failings of IW were honestly technical. The game was clearly made for Xbox first with PC as an afterthought. Getting a game like DX to work on Xbox shouldn't have been that much of a problem since the xbox had great hardware and other PC games like Morrowind or Arx Fatalis got pretty faithful ports, but they were pushing all its' potential to a cracking point by trying to combine the mechanics of a Deus Ex game where you can break and move a lot of shit around, with better graphics, Unreal 2 physics and ragdolls, and DOOM 3 tier per-pixel lighting effects. It's what lead to a lot of weird corner cutting to optimize the game like the small levels, the universal ammo (don't quote me on this but i heard it was done to not spawn too many different ammo boxes in one level) and the game also crashing and then opening a new instance on PC when loading a new area. (Because of the Xbox \"stealth resetting\" itself to free up memory, a trick also done in Morrowind, but that IW devs somehow didn't account for on PC) \nMaybe making it PC only would have made it better, but then again a lot of people back then complained about the system requirements for it being too high, so maybe it would have sold a lot less.", "pid": 11099446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8A59", "message": "19/07/2024, 03:10:07\n\n>>11096936 \nSuper Mario Land 1 < 2", "pid": 11099460 }, { "sender": "Anon-35DF", "message": "19/07/2024, 05:04:45\n\n>>11097009 \nInvisible War is superior to Human Revolution and is a much more authentic to the immersive sim roots of the original.", "pid": 11099625 }, { "sender": "0750-Anon", "message": "19/07/2024, 06:57:12\n\n>>11096994 \n>Interesting thread idea a shame OP licks goat. The reason Deus Ex IW sucked is probably one of the saddest in gaming, see the devs at Ion Storm didn't understand they made one of the best games ever despite the overwhelming critical and fan acclaim and decided they needed to streamline it and design it for consoles first, the devs shot themselves in the foot before they even started development. \nEidos was partially responsible for that, though Harvey Smith deserves no quarter for not only butchering the execution but also the story with his blasphemous apocryphal \"Deus Ex Bible\"", "pid": 11099752 }, { "sender": "Anon-A0D7", "message": "19/07/2024, 21:20:06\n\n>>11096936 \ninvisible war was fun and based and im not going to join your two minutes hate", "pid": 11101119 }, { "sender": "Anon-5368", "message": "19/07/2024, 23:24:21\n\n>>11097986 \nYou're probably thinking of Jedi Knight 2 being the best in the series. Dark Forces 2 is kind of jank but it was ambitious and had huge missions for its day.", "pid": 11101264 }, { "sender": "F3E4-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 01:14:17\n\n>>11096936 \nDOOM 2 is better than DOOM because of what it added to the game. Just play the old DOOM maps in 2 through a wad if you hate its level design that much (understandable)", "pid": 11101451 }, { "sender": "Anon-8CA5", "message": "20/07/2024, 05:45:07\n\n>>11096936 \nDoom 2 vastly improves on Doom's gameplay, even if it took until Final Doom to really show it off proper. \nZelda 2 is somewhat contentious, but only retards don't like SMB2 or Megaman 2. \n \nHere are some sequels to good games which are either almost as good, actually as good, or even better (I'll leave all of you to decide which are which on your own): \n>Megaman 2 \n>Super Mario Bros. 2 (aka Donkey Donkey Picnic) \n>Diablo 2 \n>Simcity 2000 \n>Warcraft 2 \n>Half-Life 2 \n>Grand Theft Auto 2 \n>Metroid 2 \n>Worms 2 \n>Duke Nukem 2 \n>Syndicate Wars \n>Baldur's Gate 2 \n>Earthbound \n>Quake 2 \n>Mario Party 2 \n>Street Fighter 2 \n>Final Fight 2 \n>Wario Land 2 \n>Heretic 2 \n>Shining Force 2 \n>Indiana Jones & The Fate Of Atlantis (sort of) \n>Re-Loaded \n>Advance Wars 2 \n>Silent Hill 2 \n>Resident Evil 2 \n>Age Of Empires 2 \n>Splatterhouse 2 \n>Arkanoid 2 \n>Super Punch-Out!! \nMany of these also have sequels of their own which are good, and/or good as fuck expansion packs. I can also think of some non-retro ones, but that's another subject. tl;dr OP is an intergalactic doublenigger", "pid": 11101889 }, { "sender": "65BC-Anonymous", "message": "20/07/2024, 12:51:05\n\n>>11097778 \nPerfect Dark also includes a significant portion of Goldeneye's multiplayer. All the weapons, and some of the maps. My group played Perfect Dark in the remake of Goldeneye's Complex almost exclusively \n \nGoldeneye: Source is a better way to play Goldeneye multiplayer today, but it gets old fast.", "pid": 11102410 }, { "sender": "Dave", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:20:58\n\n>>11097196 \nI don't like MGS games at all. \n \nI can't stand Kojima. \n \nit always screamed pretentiously cheesy, Kojima will never be a real American or a film maker", "pid": 11103159 }, { "sender": "3D46-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:26:39\n\n>>11096936 \nDid you just pick random games and add a 2 to the end? There are several exampled you cite where the sequel is even better than the first game", "pid": 11103180 }, { "sender": "Anon-1149", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:39:43\n\n>>11096936 \n>Be Square Enix \n>buy a lot of western IP \n>Force shitty ideas \n>Most games go from unplayable (Thief), to playable at best (Hitman) \n>Deus Ex that manages to be better than the second game in the series \nHow the hell did the second game turn out so badly?", "pid": 11103213 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-84AA", "message": "21/07/2024, 07:02:10\n\n>>11096936 \n>doom 2 \n>system shock 2 \n>hexen 2 \nwrong. \nand you left a shitload of sequels out. riven, thief 2, diablo 2, duke nukem 2, HOMM2... \nwhatever, a lot of sequels are shit or lose some magic, but it's not ALWAYS the case. many games are as good or better.", "pid": 11104106 }, { "sender": "Anon-B638", "message": "21/07/2024, 07:03:59\n\n>>11103159 \n>pretentiously cheesy \nwhat the fuck", "pid": 11104108 } ]
[ { "sender": "91DE-Anonymous", "message": "21/07/2024, 15:19:50\n\nWhat roles do tornadoes play in the ecosystem? Are there any \"benefits\" to them?", "pid": 4845235 }, { "sender": "B44F-Anonymous", "message": "21/07/2024, 15:25:36\n\nThere can be no life without death", "pid": 4845236 }, { "sender": "Anon-B272", "message": "21/07/2024, 15:40:37\n\nElectro-statics", "pid": 4845244 }, { "sender": "51DB-Anon", "message": "21/07/2024, 15:44:59\n\n>>4845235 \n>Are there any \"benefits\" to them? \nnot really. they're too infrequent to have any noticeable effect on ecosystems. they're not like wildfires out west", "pid": 4845248 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5F79", "message": "21/07/2024, 21:50:50\n\n>>4845235 \nthat's God vacuuming up sinners", "pid": 4845395 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2D1A", "message": "21/07/2024, 21:52:06\n\ndumbest threat of the month so far gj op", "pid": 4845396 }, { "sender": "3142-Anon", "message": "21/07/2024, 22:32:05\n\n>>4845396 \nNope, that title goes to the spam of >>4840797", "pid": 4845428 }, { "sender": "Anon-56CB", "message": "21/07/2024, 23:27:04\n\n>>4845428 \nnah, thats just a meme", "pid": 4845467 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FB17", "message": "21/07/2024, 23:39:22\n\n>>4845467 \nspamming isn't a meme.", "pid": 4845474 }, { "sender": "BA30-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 01:09:17\n\n>>4845235 \nMost of tornado alley is now corn and onions fields isn’t it? Wouldn’t all the habitat and wildlife that would make up potentially tornado dependent ecosystems be gone or super fragmented?", "pid": 4845504 }, { "sender": "4061-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 01:25:16\n\n>>4845235 \nCarry fish to new waters, carry soil to new plants, leave lots of dead bodies for scavengers. This was a good question OP don't let the retards that fuck animals incapable of thinking for 2 mins tell you otherwise.", "pid": 4845514 }, { "sender": "E25E-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 01:26:16\n\n>>4845235 \nSame as most storms, atmospheric stabilization.", "pid": 4845515 }, { "sender": "4170-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 01:32:08\n\nhigh winds are natural disturbances that help out trees continue the cycle. \nfuck them poplars", "pid": 4845517 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC9A", "message": "22/07/2024, 12:33:45\n\n>>4845504 \nthis also \nfuck this söy filter btw", "pid": 4845715 }, { "sender": "Anon-0DAC", "message": "22/07/2024, 12:39:22\n\n>>4845235 \n>What roles do tornadoes play in the ecosystem? \n \nThey transport fish.", "pid": 4845720 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F47B", "message": "22/07/2024, 17:49:28\n\n>>4845467 \nno, it's cancer", "pid": 4845869 }, { "sender": "76BE-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 19:24:38\n\n>>4845235 \nMy only God is Storm. \nImagine if someone could actually control the weather. They could pull the plug of the world. No wonder she's an omega 5.", "pid": 4845920 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6EF6", "message": "22/07/2024, 19:40:47\n\n>>4845514 \nthank you anon", "pid": 4845930 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B39", "message": "22/07/2024, 19:46:38\n\n>>4845467 \nYou need to kill yourself and go back", "pid": 4845935 }, { "sender": "0E99-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:52:20\n\n>>4845235 \nwhy would something as detrimental and pointless as a tornado evolve? exactly what adaptation does it have? what ecological niche does it fill? atheists proven fucking retarded yet again.", "pid": 4846069 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1433", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:22:51\n\nNatural disasters don't exist as a planetary balance or have some evolutionary reason behind it. They're just the product of extreme reactions.\n\nLike, a planet doesn't develop its core in a certain way to house magma that will cause volcanoes and produce land. The planet itself is not trying to \"stay alive\" or \"repopulate\" like a tree or bacteria is. A planet doesn't even care if it can house life at all.", "pid": 4846089 }, { "sender": "Anon-BD2D", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:22:21\n\n>>4845235 \nExtreme spider and wind adapted seed spreading events. Carrion for carnivores and scavengers. Especially aerial ones who already take advantage of disaster kills like various raptors with wildfires.", "pid": 4846282 }, { "sender": "6133-Anon", "message": "24/07/2024, 19:54:04\n\nThey stir things up", "pid": 4846992 }, { "sender": "D347-Anonymous", "message": "27/07/2024, 05:20:24\n\n>>4845235 \ntheyre cool to look at :)", "pid": 4848507 }, { "sender": "9628-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 06:09:31\n\n>>4845395 \nsinners like this guy >>4846992?", "pid": 4850208 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-A3CA", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:45:19\n\nWhen will he start being a good MC", "pid": 267721298 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7F1F", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:50:03\n\nIn about a year when get the next 12 chapters and he actually starts to fight something", "pid": 267721440 }, { "sender": "Anon-D4B0", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:57:17\n\n>>267721298 \nChapter 1 of TBV", "pid": 267721683 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E475", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:01:37\n\nwhen you stop reading boruto and read fucking anything else", "pid": 267721813 }, { "sender": "D46D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:18:18\n\n>>267721298 \nBoruto is flawed from the fucking premise. \nNaruto ended with Naruto and Sasuke becoming the strongest beings that ever lived, being able to enforce peace by a position of both moral authority and overwhelming power. \nBringing in a threat stronger than them, and then taking they both out of the board entirely while having to pull some bullshit to elevate Boruto's and swarthy random kid's power level to godlike, just so the new villains don't insta-win, is retarded, it's the worst path this story could've taken", "pid": 267722367 }, { "sender": "B011-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:20:28\n\n>>267721298 \nHis dad never was why pressure him to", "pid": 267724175 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-21CF", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:22:12\n\n>>267721298 \nWhen he learns about Raikage and his father's past.", "pid": 267724224 }, { "sender": "FAF3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:28:35\n\n>>267721298 \nIt was over when they let Kishimoto do whatever he wanted with the writing and came up with \"Bolt\" get it? because Neji died? Sasuga Kishimoto? and what a great idea to turn Naruto into a shitty father and to make his son hate the main character of the original series that they read for 20 years, that would be really awesome! lmao", "pid": 267724396 } ]
Question for non-latin /a/nons
[ { "sender": "23FC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:18:18\n\nQuestion for non-latin /a/nons\n\nDid you watch 'Dotto koni chan!\"\n\nOn the internet people claims that show its the equivalent of 'ghost stories' for hispanics because of its original dub\n\nShare your xperiences", "pid": 267718704 }, { "sender": "ACEF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:34:08\n\nNever got an english release of any kind, not even fansubs. Despite being helmed by Nabeshin.", "pid": 267719183 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-80FC", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:51:32\n\nthe golden knight and his waifu segments were kino", "pid": 267719725 }, { "sender": "F7CC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:02:33\n\n>>267718704 \nthey fucked up by getting rid of the afro dog", "pid": 267720026 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3185", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:04:21\n\n>>267718704 \nFirst time I hear of this. \nt. Mexican", "pid": 267720095 }, { "sender": "2C31-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:05:08\n\n>>267720095 \nyou're probably 20yo or younger", "pid": 267720123 }, { "sender": "008A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:09:22\n\n>>267719195 \nWhat causes a person to go on the internet and spew vile things like this?", "pid": 267720255 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E5B1", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:35:24\n\n>>267720123 \nI'm 32", "pid": 267721011 }, { "sender": "5273-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:41:11\n\n>>267718704 \nIt's funny how the shonen MC parody guy has not just the same voice, but also nearly the exact same design and personality as the MC of Run for Money.", "pid": 267721181 }, { "sender": "9CFF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:49:04\n\n>>267721011 \nbullshit \nno one over 30 would waste his time in this board", "pid": 267721412 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A66C", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:08:24\n\nI hate spics and beaners so fucking much \nGlass South and central America", "pid": 267722037 }, { "sender": "2968-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:15:33\n\n>>267722037 \nhi neighbor", "pid": 267722296 }, { "sender": "Anon-2D8C", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:42:09\n\n>>267718704 \nWatched the first episode merely to see how it was. Thought it was decently fun but didn't watch further since I already have enough shows on my plate, maybe I'll get back to it. Pink girl is cute though", "pid": 267723054 }, { "sender": "Anon-C93B", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:16:31\n\n>>267723054 \nThe fact that it's confirmed that she takes the virginity of all the boys in the group is so fucking based.", "pid": 267724066 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9793", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:39:58\n\n>>267718704 \nas a latinxer the only episode i remember is the one where there's like a billion power rangers and they never stop intorudinc themselves", "pid": 267724708 }, { "sender": "F484-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:47:26\n\n>>267718704 \n \nI only watched some of it because i couldnt stand the latino dubbing. \n \n>>267719183 \n \nIm still surprised at this, you figure someone wouldve atleast fansubbed it. \nLets nupu nupu has a fansub, why not this.", "pid": 267724922 }, { "sender": "33A7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:48:59\n\n>>267724066 \nwut?", "pid": 267724958 } ]
[ { "sender": "2266-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:48:29\n\nWhat is the appeal of manga and anime filled with big muscular men when you are not a homo?", "pid": 267719643 }, { "sender": "21BE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:43:51\n\n>>267719643 \nfor People who are into that thing", "pid": 267721254 }, { "sender": "Anon-AB4B", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:50:14\n\n>>267719643 \nI just can't stand bishi twinks pulling off physical feats like Kengan characters do.", "pid": 267721450 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-654C", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:52:54\n\n>>267719643 \nyou woulnd't get it, sissified whiteboi cuckie", "pid": 267721540 }, { "sender": "0C26-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:01:24\n\n>>267719643 \nYou're just not manly enough to see them as beautiful women.", "pid": 267721809 }, { "sender": "Anon-CDA2", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:02:34\n\nThere's none, it's made for Homosexuals like myself.", "pid": 267721850 }, { "sender": "470F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:13:35\n\naspiration", "pid": 267722233 }, { "sender": "760E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:27:00\n\nI unironically don't get what's gay about it.\nApart from Retsu.", "pid": 267722626 }, { "sender": "1D36-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:30:47\n\n>>267719643 \n\"he's just like me\"", "pid": 267722737 }, { "sender": "F49E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:41:50\n\n>>267719643", "pid": 267723043 }, { "sender": "Anon-8404", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:16:25\n\n>>267719643 \n>t. can't lift water bottle", "pid": 267724060 }, { "sender": "Anon-C5B7", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:32:37\n\n>>267721450 \nI blame Saint Seiya, HunterxHunter and Rurounin Kenshin for popularizing bishie=strong hunk=jobber", "pid": 267724525 }, { "sender": "0904-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:36:07\n\n>>267719643 \nThey look cool", "pid": 267724626 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D086", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:41:47\n\n>>267719643 \nAspiration. Men seek something to look up, to emulate, to become. Back in the day people would look at Superman, a broad impossing and confident figure and young boys would go 'I wish I could be like him'. Then the same happened with Goku, then so on. Until eventually it petered out because more and more media tried to pander to girls.", "pid": 267724759 }, { "sender": "Anon-B1F2", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:47:30\n\n>>267723043 \nNo, you mean you don't want to top them, but you do fantasize about bottoming to them.", "pid": 267724923 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0C91", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:49:34\n\n>>267719643 \nlooking at big guys will eventually make me meet a big guy irl 4 me", "pid": 267724973 }, { "sender": "5D18-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:54:50\n\n>>267719643 \nI want to look like them", "pid": 267725116 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-13E9", "message": "14/06/2024, 22:03:18\n\n>>267724525 \nBecause you're a resentful gymcel. Cute guys like me get all the girls IRL and kill ogre losers like you in fiction.", "pid": 267725343 } ]
Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai
[ { "sender": "1BD7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:47:03\n\nYoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai\n\nReconciliation soon", "pid": 267701909 }, { "sender": "95FD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:50:31\n\n>>267701909 \nKill Kano", "pid": 267701992 }, { "sender": "Anon-3006", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:56:57\n\nIt's over", "pid": 267702134 }, { "sender": "Anon-C0B8", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:58:25\n\n \nChapter 5 of the novel has some bits and pieces not in the anime that I thought was interesting. \n>At the beginning of the chapter/episode, Mahiru looked at the way Kano chugged down her orange juice like a beer, and wondered if Kano would be an angry drunk in the future \n>Amid all her self-doubts when Kano visited her at home, Mahiru thought pic related Kano was cute \n>Mahiru didn't dislike it when Kano called her a めんどくさい女 during their aquarium date. She's been faking her way through life for so long that there are sides of herself that she didn't know, yet Kano was able to notice and point them out. She felt like she could be her true self when being with Kano, it was comfortable \n>Mahiru wanted to get good, to become special because she wanted to repay Kano, and also to secure her place in JELEE. Kano's \"I like your arts\" wasn't enough as those words are subjective to Kano's mood. Mahiru needed a more concrete reason to be able to believe that she isn't replaceable, to stop hating herself \n>On new year, on the surface Mahiru complained when Kano dragged her by hand to go buy amazake but inside she was like \"Her forceful attitude, her innocent smile, the warmth of her hand, a familiar sensation, slightly higher than mine. I didn't dislike any of it\"", "pid": 267702170 }, { "sender": "Anon-AFA2", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:10:26\n\n>>267701909 \nlesbian sex soon", "pid": 267702424 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A568", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:18:53\n\n>>267702170 \n>and wondered if Kano would be an angry drunk in the future \nShe certainly will be after getting dumped by Chadhiru for her mom.", "pid": 267702617 }, { "sender": "5E8E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:57:01\n\nMahiru is not gay", "pid": 267703346 }, { "sender": "8B7F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:59:25\n\nMahiru a shit.\nA SHIT.", "pid": 267703395 }, { "sender": "2259-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:05:11\n\n>gets kissed (on the cheek) once \n>turns into a raging lesbian", "pid": 267703508 }, { "sender": "3609-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:25:43\n\nMero will win the Mahirubowl", "pid": 267703926 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD25", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:29:44\n\n>>267703926 \n>steals both of Mei's gfs \nShe can't keep getting away with it!", "pid": 267705017 }, { "sender": "3274-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:34:13\n\nKano is down bad for Mahiru's pussy.", "pid": 267705094 }, { "sender": "CC12-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:35:00\n\n>>267703829 \n>Kano-chan, we've been like this for half an hour, are you going to ravage me or not?", "pid": 267705106 }, { "sender": "Anon-3009", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:36:18\n\nMeroMahiru this episode", "pid": 267705130 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C939", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:48:09\n\nThere is a better fight\nA cause close to my heart\nA struggle against loneliness\nthat’s tearing you apart\n\nWhere you gonna run to now\nfrom loneliness?\nWho you gonna turn to\nout of loneliness?\n\nLike Ringo walking by the canal\ndowncast and alone\nYou’re taking time to play that part\nA man who skims a stone\n\nWhere you gonna run to now\nfrom loneliness?\nWho you gonna turn to\nout of loneliness?\n\nWhen you gonna not say no\nand make the answer yes?\nWho is here to help you out?\nOh tell me – Can’t you guess?\n\nWherever you go\nyou take yourself with you\nThere’s nowhere you can hide\nfrom the loneliness\nthat’s haunting your life\nthe sense of wounded pride\n\nEverybody needs time to think\nNobody can live without love\n\nWhere you gonna run to now\nfrom loneliness?\nWho you gonna turn to\nout of loneliness?\n\nWhen you gonna not say no\nand make the answer yes?\nWho is here to help you out?\nOh tell me – Can’t you guess?\n\nWhere you gonna run to now\nfrom loneliness?\nWhen you gonna not say no\nand answer yes?\n\nWho you gonna turn to now\nfrom loneliness?\nWho could come and help you out?\nOh, can’t you guess?\n\nWhen you gonna not say no\nand make the answer yes?\nWho is here to help you\nturn your back on loneliness?", "pid": 267705336 }, { "sender": "Anon-1FC8", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:49:03\n\n>>267705336 \nMei will love it, Kano.", "pid": 267705356 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-84B2", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:53:20\n\n>>267705336 \nMero would instantly stop being evil upon hearing this song.", "pid": 267705433 }, { "sender": "FB27-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:56:32\n\n>>267701992 \nWith Mahiru's relentless lovemaking", "pid": 267705481 }, { "sender": "A4C8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:00:14\n\nSEXOOO", "pid": 267705533 }, { "sender": "2D8F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:24:38\n\n>>267705533 \n>gets redemption arc AND a cute gf \nMero sure is lucky", "pid": 267705859 }, { "sender": "DB6C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:26:11\n\n>>267705533 \nHow many woman's hearts has she broken?", "pid": 267705873 }, { "sender": "Anon-97D3", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:29:14\n\n>>267705106 \n>implying Kano has the balls to initiate the sex", "pid": 267705919 }, { "sender": "D5C5-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:36:13\n\n>>267705873 \nShe breaks them because she can't mend her own.", "pid": 267705997 }, { "sender": "Anon-E657", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:51:50\n\n>>267705859 \n>redemption \nnever", "pid": 267706159 }, { "sender": "DBD0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:57:14\n\n \n \n \n>The first thing Kano did after getting back on her feet is promoting Mahiru's art account 2 days in a row \n>\"This hair buns JELEE-chan is so cute, maybe I will try this hairstyle\" \n>Went to buy jellyfish shaped breads on the third day \nKano...", "pid": 267706214 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-46E7", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:58:18\n\n>>267706214 \nLast tweet before the reconciliation will just be \"I want to fuck Yoru\".", "pid": 267706220 }, { "sender": "Anon-B7DE", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:03:55\n\n>>267706214 \nIn scale of 1-10 how good is Mahiru pussy to make Kano act so pathetic like this, I'm getting a secondhand embarrassment", "pid": 267706276 }, { "sender": "Anon-CC72", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:07:39\n\n>>267706276 \nThe best", "pid": 267706318 }, { "sender": "577C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:10:35\n\nThe second chapter of the manga got translated, go check it out.", "pid": 267706358 }, { "sender": "A84A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:14:56\n\n>>267706318 \nThe way that strap kept falling off her shoulder made her so cute in that scene", "pid": 267706399 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8292", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:18:42\n\n>>267706318 \nWhy is her body so perfect?", "pid": 267706446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1BD2", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:23:17\n\n>>267706446 \nBecause it's the body of the girl you love, Kano.", "pid": 267706505 }, { "sender": "BD0E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:28:30\n\n>>267706505 \nWell yes, Mei's body is perfect too.", "pid": 267706556 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5805", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:30:33\n\nBefore episode 12, I want Kano to go completely crazy from her Mahiru withdrawal. I want her to go on X and gush about how, like her art, Mahiru is really pretty too, that she wants to go on a date with her again, and how much she misses her despite her support for her.", "pid": 267706573 }, { "sender": "1894-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:33:10\n\n>>267706573 \n90% of JELEE's fanbase would react negatively and feel Kimura-chan is being NTR'd.", "pid": 267706611 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE85", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:33:26\n\n>>267706573 \nAnd she'll start calling her Mahi-tan and stalk her.", "pid": 267706614 }, { "sender": "Anon-42DF", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:43:29\n\n>>267706611 \nOldfags vindicated, newfags mass suicide.", "pid": 267706725 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-07B9", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:57:32\n\n>>267706611 \nMei will just upload a video of her and Mero making out later and everyone will move on.", "pid": 267706879 }, { "sender": "D25A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:03:46\n\n>>267706318 \n>inb4 this random ecchi shot that was so out of place is to convince people that Kano's eagerness to fuck Mahiru is valid", "pid": 267706950 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A71A", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:19:19\n\n>>267706950 \nThey basically made a character just to show Kano's eagerness to look at and touch titties so I easily buy her attraction to Mahiru.", "pid": 267707138 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-000D", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:38:07\n\nKinda sad how these threads are a ghost town midweek while GBC maintains constant threads. What went wrong?", "pid": 267708161 }, { "sender": "Anon-0AFE", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:46:50\n\n>>267707138 \n>Kiwi introduced Koharu to the group \n>Koharu casually told the group about how eager Kano was to touch her big titties and how excited she was when fondling them \n>Kano desperately tried to explain away while Mahiru looked at her like she was looking at walking garbage \n>Later that night, Mahiru looked up methods to make her breast bigger", "pid": 267708297 }, { "sender": "Anon-7281", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:57:01\n\n>>267708297 \nSo she'll get implants? Can't really see that. Mei on the other hand would in a heartbeat if Kano asked her to.", "pid": 267708476 }, { "sender": "Anon-B5BA", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:01:04\n\n>>267708161 \nthe script is just not good.", "pid": 267708541 }, { "sender": "A1A7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:01:45\n\nWhen you reach the end of a series and you hate both main characters, you realize the writers fucked up big time.", "pid": 267708555 }, { "sender": "Anon-CBF2", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:02:32\n\n>>267708555 \nit's not the end yet thoughever", "pid": 267708567 }, { "sender": "C0EA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:03:11\n\nDoomers will kneel when episode 11 and 12 drop", "pid": 267708582 }, { "sender": "B808-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:09:59\n\n>>267708161 \nIt will just end in another Mahiru did nothing wrong vs Kano did nothing wrong fight so I kinda prefer we patiently wait until the airing time", "pid": 267708698 }, { "sender": "A730-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:11:12\n\nlast 2 episodes will be Mei episodes", "pid": 267708718 }, { "sender": "0588-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:12:24\n\nLast 2 episodes will be Kaho episodes", "pid": 267708738 }, { "sender": "2873-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:12:33\n\nLet us be honest with ourselves here, the matter of the fact is that if this anime were good, we would have had a 24 minute episode of Kano's pure unhinged rant through her phone call with Mahiru, to which Mahiru would only reply: \"What a bother.\" And hung up. The follow-up episode would be Kano cutting herself to repent for what she said to Mahiru.", "pid": 267708741 }, { "sender": "Anon-93C4", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:13:25\n\nThis is not that kind of anime.", "pid": 267708756 }, { "sender": "4051-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:14:50\n\n>>267708741 \nThis show is written by Yaku Yuuki, not Iruma Hitoma", "pid": 267708784 }, { "sender": "DE76-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:20:44\n\n>>267708741 \nThe Adashima anime didn't reach that scene so I guess it's shit.", "pid": 267708871 }, { "sender": "Anon-AD1A", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:21:55\n\n>>267708161 \n>checks bgc thread \n>a bunch of mygo anon parasiting there", "pid": 267708898 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FFD4", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:23:10\n\n>>267702170 \n> would be an angry drunk in the future \nyuri DV...", "pid": 267708918 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ACBE", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:24:59\n\n>>267708161 \nboth shows have same demographic anyway, and GBC ep comes out soon", "pid": 267708950 }, { "sender": "Anon-DCC6", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:28:48\n\n>>267708871 \nSaved by the Adachi's pure autism. Unfortunately, YoruKura doesn't have that...", "pid": 267709023 }, { "sender": "Anon-B3AB", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:31:29\n\n>>267708741 \n>24 minute long adashima phone call rant \ncan you imagine?", "pid": 267709072 }, { "sender": "Anon-E19B", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:33:14\n\n>>267708161 \n>What went wrong? \nKano and Mahiru getting into a fight. The whole discussion about who was in the right/wrong got tiresome, but any threads made will get to that one way or the other. \n \nThe funny thing is both characters' development led to this from the beginning. This was always going to happen. Kano has deep rooted abandonment issues she wasn't fully aware of until recently. Episode 4 was already a clear indication how tunnel visioned she can get regarding her JELEE project, to the point she doesn't consider that the other girls have also got lives of their own. \nThen, Mahiru has a clear inferiority complex. She liked drawing but she let criticism from friends make her stop doing what she liked. She started drawing again, but that anxiety of being judged hasn't gone away, and this was quite clear in episode 5, especially when she asked Kano whose art was better between hers and that fanartist. The fact that her JELEE teammates were a talented former idol, a talented pianist and a famous v-tuber didn't help, she felt as if she wasn't as good as the others. Getting noticed by a company was always going to interest her, and Yukine also knew what to tell her. \n \nBoth Kano and Mahiru became very attached to each other, at the very least Kano seems emotionally dependent of Mahiru to a degree. Mahiru as well since big part of her motivation isn't just for herself, but she also sees it as a way to repay Kano for rekindling her passion for drawing. However, neither fully understood or overlooked all the signs the other one showed about having deeper issues. Kano ignored Mahiru's need to improve her art, and Mahiru ignored Kano's blatant family problems. \n \nThus, in the end, when Mahiru decided to do that work for Sundolls all went to shit. Not because it was necessarily a wrong choice, but because Kano was predisposed to take it very badly, but also Mahiru ignored all the warnings that Yukine might not be a good person to work with (though this is yet to be seen).", "pid": 267709104 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3C9E", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:35:40\n\n>>267709072 \nThe fact that both Mahiru and Shimamura are voiced by Itou Miku is so funny in this scenario", "pid": 267709140 }, { "sender": "Anon-631F", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:38:28\n\nIf this anime doesn't have kiss on the lips it will be shit.\nIf it does it will remembered as one of the greatest yuri original.", "pid": 267709182 }, { "sender": "E5C4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:43:04\n\n>>267709140 \nEven better Itou Miku is also voicing Satou Yumiko from the Seiyuu Radio anime. Yumiko also has an inferiority complex, though, in her case it's mostly based on actually being competitive rather than just having low self-esteem like Mahiru.", "pid": 267709265 }, { "sender": "C324-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:43:28\n\n>>267709104 \nI'm not sure they'll end the Yukine subplot on such a grey note, but I think it would be interesting if she really has no ulterior motives with Mahiru and is a good influence on her as an artist, and Kano will have to accept Mahiru working with her despite Kano and Yukine having no intention to reconcile. It would be a mature way to handle Kano and Mahiru's relationship going forward even though it would lack some catharsis.", "pid": 267709274 }, { "sender": "3151-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:48:49\n\n>>267709265 \nThe fact that Itou Miku voiced so many gay anime girls need to be studied \n>Seiyuu Radio \nIs that one good? I dropped the manga midway so I've yet to touch the anime", "pid": 267709374 }, { "sender": "7B2A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:50:13\n\n>>267709182 \nunironically this. All my feelings depend on this one decision", "pid": 267709398 }, { "sender": "BCFE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:52:43\n\n>>267709274 \n>has no ulterior motives with Mahiru \nShe doesn't need to, though. I mean, Yukine is a businesswoman and a highly ambitious person. I doubt she's got time to mess with her daughter. \nThe thing is, though, that even though she has found potential in Mahiru that doesn't mean that what Yukine wants matches what Mahiru wants. So, if Mahiru doesn't fully deliver what Yukine expects then Yukine might just ditch Mahiru (despite knowing from the get-go she's an amateur artist). Or maybe Yukine always just wanted Mahiru for concept art and never for the final product (for example episode 5 again in which a fanartist managed to do some really cool art based on Mahiru's concept idea), which would actually make sense, since hiring Mahiru always seems liked a risky thing to do.", "pid": 267709441 }, { "sender": "58CB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:55:12\n\n>>267709374 \n>Is that one good? \nI think it's okay. It's not great, but I wouldn't calle it mediocre either. The story is easy to follow, and the relationship between Yumiko and Chika is quite nice.", "pid": 267709482 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ACC3", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:55:24\n\n>>267709104 \nWhy did you put so much effort to reply to an obvious shitpost? \nLeaving that aside, I completely agree, although there will always be people saying it was forced or a stupid turn of events. \nEpisode 9 was amazing precisely because it completely makes sense within the context of the characters.", "pid": 267709489 }, { "sender": "39D6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:57:18\n\nDidn't you notice already that all the best episodes are the gay ones?", "pid": 267709517 }, { "sender": "30DF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:02:41\n\n>>267709182 \nIt will have a kiss on the lips. \n \n~~Between Mei and Mero~~", "pid": 267709628 }, { "sender": "2B3F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:03:39\n\n>>267709441 \nThat would work to push Kano and Mahiru back together, but I specifically wonder about a scenario where this venture doesn't end poorly for Mahiru and she'd be open to further collaboration in the future while still being mainly focused on JELEE.", "pid": 267709642 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BA21", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:41:39\n\nImagine if Mei wins.", "pid": 267710241 }, { "sender": "A0FF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:34:00\n\n>>267710241 \nImagine the body count if Mei loses.", "pid": 267711177 }, { "sender": "FAAA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:01:20\n\nImagine if <s>OT3 ending</s>", "pid": 267711606 }, { "sender": "0490-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:33:36\n\n>>267709140", "pid": 267712271 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F448", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:37:03\n\nKiui will win", "pid": 267712347 }, { "sender": "Anon-4ABB", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:47:04\n\n>>267709517 \nIt's not just a yuri bias, but that's how it works for X meets Y stories. In straight stories it's called romance and its peak is generally considered to be an emotional scene of closeness sealed with a kiss.", "pid": 267712569 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1DCF", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:46:22\n\n>>267709642 \n>this venture doesn't end poorly for Mahiru and she'd be open to further collaboration in the future \nI think that'll depend on how Kano and Yukine's relationship develops, if it does at all. Mahiru will learn about what happened between the two of them and I doubt she'll be open to work with Yukine after she learns of what happened, if Kano and Yukine never mend their relationship.", "pid": 267714014 }, { "sender": "F014-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:56:42\n\n>>267708567 \nI already dislike Kano and absolutely hate Yoru, nothing will save their characters for me. The pairing fucking sucks.", "pid": 267714332 }, { "sender": "Anon-84B6", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:08:54\n\n>>267708555 \n>>267714332 \nFor the first time in a while writer does a good job portraying flawed characters and a believable conflict between friends, but thin skin faggots can't handle it.", "pid": 267714699 }, { "sender": "1361-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:20:20\n\n>>267706318 \nPost the nip-slip edit.", "pid": 267715082 }, { "sender": "Anon-2AA4", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:49\n\n>>267708555 \nThat's only because you're an anti-yuri schizo who initially hoped there would be a male self-insert.", "pid": 267715939 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D72", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:21:39\n\n>>267710241 \nMei deserves to win something at least for saving JEELE.", "pid": 267717000 }, { "sender": "Anon-C3BA", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:28:41\n\n>>267714699 \nBoth MCs have been acting in a very obnoxious way. Mahiru dropped everything to pursue fame, Kano has obvious anger issues and should be put in a mental facility.", "pid": 267717196 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F21D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:42\n\n>>267717223 \nMero/Nonoka is the ship we need but do not deserve.", "pid": 267717285 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AE73", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:41\n\n>>267717223 \n>Mero slobbering all over you like a lobotomized dog \nHow do you escape this situation?", "pid": 267718188 }, { "sender": "66B4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:07:58\n\n>>267718188 \nCall Mei. She slobbers harder.", "pid": 267718365 }, { "sender": "6BDC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:32:23\n\nI can't believe the bike hag will appear again I'm so happy", "pid": 267719135 }, { "sender": "387E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:27:38\n\n>>267717223 \nIf the anime does deliver on this, I'm buying the BDs. Mei deserves something.", "pid": 267720782 }, { "sender": "Anon-0214", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:31:11\n\n>>267720782 \n>blue eyes \nThat's Kano. The idea is Mero kissing her while Kano tries to punch her.", "pid": 267720888 }, { "sender": "9D88-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:55:39\n\nSoon.", "pid": 267721622 }, { "sender": "52D2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:56:35\n\nSomeone mildly inconvenienced me brb I'm going to doxx them.", "pid": 267721653 }, { "sender": "136B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:22:19\n\nHow many hours until the episode? The wait is killing me", "pid": 267722488 }, { "sender": "2585-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:23:56\n\n>>267722488 \n20. Go to sleep, head out for a walk, take a shower etc.", "pid": 267722544 }, { "sender": "61EB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:00:59\n\nFinal scene will be Kano pushing Mahiru off the escalator, killing her.", "pid": 267723640 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-2A25", "message": "09/06/2024, 03:29:04\n\nDREAMS THREAD", "pid": 47044101 }, { "sender": "6CC1-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 07:31:46\n\n>>47044101 \n\"Enjoying the dream so far, anon?\"", "pid": 47045021 }, { "sender": "9BCF-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 08:28:24\n\n>>47044101 \nDoes anyone know how to achieve lucid dreams?", "pid": 47045207 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A831", "message": "09/06/2024, 08:54:18\n\n>>47045207 \nIt's impossible for footfags, I'm sorry Anon.", "pid": 47045324 }, { "sender": "9743-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 09:06:06\n\n>>47044101 \nI had a dream the other night where I was talking with my discord friend and she typed a message to me with incomprehensible spelling and when I asked her to clarify I think she wanted to get me pregnant. And then I felt what it might feel like.", "pid": 47045399 }, { "sender": "5F68-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 09:28:32\n\ndream paizuri", "pid": 47045524 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B40F", "message": "09/06/2024, 10:03:10\n\nI had a dream where Will Smith was in a film that was like a weird realistic version of Shark Tales complete with the faces on the fish\nI...I don't know what it means.", "pid": 47045693 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36E4", "message": "09/06/2024, 11:10:10\n\n>>47045324 \nBut I'm never going to do anything sinful.", "pid": 47046090 }, { "sender": "94C8-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 16:22:18\n\nI had a dream where all my family kicked me out of a car and said they didn't like me :(", "pid": 47048626 }, { "sender": "895B-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 16:25:38\n\nI had a dream where\nOKAY FINE I'M LYING I JUST FIND DOREMY REALLY FUCKING HOT AAAAAAAAA SEX WITH THE SMUG DREAM BAKU FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK AHAAHHAHAHAHA", "pid": 47048635 }, { "sender": "D034-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 17:05:49\n\n>>47048635 \nDo you often dream of Doremy, anon?", "pid": 47048799 }, { "sender": "3C47-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 17:11:05\n\n>>47044101 \nI had a dream where I was playing Origins and the panzer was replaced with freddy fazbear, and when I woke up, I was sweating. \nWas it a nightmare or Doremy is telling me something?", "pid": 47048829 }, { "sender": "E437-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 02:37:54\n\nI can recall a dream with these things happening:\n\nBeing taught to play a sax-sized tobacco pipe by tree stump gnomes (as in, gnomes made of tree stumps) in the middle of a desert.\n\nA discussion about shitting during sex, while having sex. I was the woman. It didn't feel that bad?\n\nSpamton being chased by Saxton Hale through an infinite Metropolitan sandbox.", "pid": 47059484 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-54E1", "message": "11/06/2024, 03:17:52\n\nI once had a dream about a Paper Mario-style game starring Touhous. Koishi and Rumia were notable party members-- Koishi with the ability to reveal secrets and make you invisible, and Rumia with the ability to brighten dark areas by sucking the darkness out of them.", "pid": 47059638 }, { "sender": "Anon-91B3", "message": "11/06/2024, 05:24:05\n\nI used to have a recurring dream element where almost nothing was common between my dreams other than that some person or group, never the same one or even clearly defined, was trying to kill me or sabotage my life in some way and I was trying to escape them physically or socially\nThe baku eventually ate those I think bc I don't get them any more", "pid": 47060104 }, { "sender": "2A98-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 06:26:42\n\nThe most recent dream I had was about Australia being taken over by an authoritarian government that was completely obsessed with gloves. They changed every bit of industry into making gloves, they did marches with giant gloves, they put on parades with trucks full of materials that would be used to make gloves.\nThe only Touhou related dream I've had involved Mystia.", "pid": 47060340 }, { "sender": "Anon-F3D9", "message": "11/06/2024, 06:48:41\n\n>>47044101 \ni had a dream last night where keine replaced my abstract algebra professor for some reason \n \ni've appeared in patchouli's library a few times but always get booted out of the dream if i get lucid enough to try taking one of the books", "pid": 47060386 }, { "sender": "F20C-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 06:53:56\n\nI had a dream that a someone ran for office on the basis that her name sounded somewhat like Reimu's. She nearly won. As far as other dreams go, I also once dreamt that Marisa was in Gensokyo because she was a biker who died, and another where I had a vision of Tewi being torn limb from limb while walking in the suburbs. Those two aren't even the strangest.\n\nIn one, I was somewhere in LA (I assume downtown or Hollywood) leaving from college (the college I'm in is in neither place) and walking down to the laundromat to get a response from my job application. Walking out in the middle of the night with my rejection, I found a giant building that was a Flandre themed Gusto venue or something. Like there was a pit the size of a whole park out front that was just a sandy rock garden that you could blast music into (and somehow just changed the time of day to around noon while I was looking at it), and a whole ass dining hall with a stage and red curtains. There's just this giant matinee sign with a 15 foot tall depiction of Flandre with \"FLANDRE SCARLET\" written and lit up under it. There was also a museum of stuff the owners brought from Japan, including some ancient artifacts and a giant Yuyuko fumo. I still don't understand how I remember this so vividly.\n\nNot only that, but I saw a red ferris wheel and rollercoaster next to it. This was before I knew anything about Doremy or picrel.", "pid": 47060391 }, { "sender": "F1F2-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 06:55:00\n\nDreams of Sagume, woke up with raging boner.", "pid": 47060392 }, { "sender": "D1D9-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 08:32:46\n\nI had dream where I was in high school having my leaving exams and I was stressed and there were sexy sanae posters everywhere in school", "pid": 47060663 }, { "sender": "2F20-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 08:56:54\n\nI had a dream recently where I was part of a documentary team and we were interviewing someone who looked like Reimu but with pink clothes. Before we started the interview someone else on the team said to me that \"she is a powerful magician, better not to disrespect her\".", "pid": 47060776 }, { "sender": "4B76-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:49:21\n\nHow do you start dreaming about Touhou instead of dreams of getting continuously chased by something? I'm starting to get sick of every dream being scary or boring.", "pid": 47065834 }, { "sender": "Anon-1917", "message": "12/06/2024, 00:21:40\n\n>>47065834 \n \nYou can't let yourself be held back by common sense in Gensokyo.", "pid": 47066788 }, { "sender": "ED0B-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 06:58:07\n\n>>47065834 \nYou need to identify what is chasing you and then learn how to deal with it.", "pid": 47068272 }, { "sender": "gyudon_addict", "message": "12/06/2024, 07:23:07\n\nI once had a dream where I was shrunken down to an insectiod size, not quite bee size but more ant size. I ran through the grass for a long time, till I came to a house and Patchouli was there, seemingly waiting the whole time. I was very exhausted by that point and I collapsed on the floor. I saw some other people like Reimu and Remilia sitting at a table in the background. Patchouli went to hug me while I was on the ground then I woke up.", "pid": 47068388 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD17", "message": "12/06/2024, 07:35:59\n\n>>47060340 \n>The most recent dream I had was about Australia being taken over by an authoritarian government \nPinch your arm anon maybe even go splash your face with cold water, I'm pretty sure your still wide awake and reality is becoming so surreal it's almost like an actual nightmare.", "pid": 47068444 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-4C2C", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:29:57\n\nNew original magical girl anime by the creator of Symphogear and the staff of Prism Illya at Silver Link: Princession Orchestra. It's about magical girls using music to fight against monsters.\n\n", "pid": 267707248 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5442", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:33:17\n\nsymphogear sucks\nonly carried by Nana", "pid": 267707285 }, { "sender": "AA55-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:35:34\n\nIs it yuri?", "pid": 267707311 }, { "sender": "Anon-7952", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:40:19\n\n>>267707248 \n>It's about magical girls using music to fight against monsters \n \nThat's just Symphogear again", "pid": 267707372 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E1A6", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:41:15\n\n>>267707248 \nLooks better than shitphogear \n \n>prism keklia staff \nhype is dead", "pid": 267707384 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0D17", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:41:17\n\n>>267707372 \nIt's Symphogear except full magical girl instead of power-armor mecha hybrid.", "pid": 267707385 }, { "sender": "Anon-043C", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:44:35\n\nSymphogear and Prisma are great. Looking foward to this", "pid": 267707425 }, { "sender": "Anon-F069", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:46:54\n\n>>267707248 \n>Silver Link", "pid": 267707446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2424", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:47:51\n\n>>267707248 \nShin Oonuma's Madoka Magica", "pid": 267707458 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-126A", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:47:51\n\n>>267707248 \nLooks great \n>blue in the middle \nBlasphemous.", "pid": 267707459 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A6E4", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:50:32\n\n>Oonuma is actually the lead director \nI will now watch your anime.", "pid": 267707496 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-74F6", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:51:35\n\n>>267707248 \nNONE OF THEM HAVE BIG TITS", "pid": 267707510 }, { "sender": "Anon-9BCF", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:53:32\n\nSynopsis and setting\n\nThe setting of \"Princession Orchestra\" is Alicepia, a wonderland that has existed somewhere in the world since ancient times. The fun-loving residents, the Alicepians, live there, but one day a mysterious monster called Jamaoc appears, threatening the peace of Alicepia. The story depicts the adventures of the \"princesses\" who never forget to sing in their hearts, even everything seems lost. Through the characters' efforts to realize their dreams and their growth, the show conveys the importance of being true to your own values and supporting them in this modern age where diverse values exist.\n\nStaff\n\nDirector - Oonuma Shin\n\nOriginal character design - Shimazaki Mari\n\nSeries composition and script - Aisora Manta\n\nCharacter design - Akiyama Yukiko\n\nMusic - Elements Garden\n\nOriginal plan: Akifumi Kaneko\n\nExecutive producer: Noriyasu Agematsu\n\nAnimation production - Silver Link\n\nThe cast was also announced, with Aoi Azusa playing Sorano Minamo/Princess Ripple, Fujimoto Yuri playing Shikibe Kagari/Princess Zeal, and Tachibana Azusa playing Ichijo Nagase/Princess Meteor.", "pid": 267707534 }, { "sender": "778A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:55:19\n\n>>267707248 \ndoes this have focus more on selling toys consider takara tomy is on this? \nHope it does have more music element to made up with it", "pid": 267707558 }, { "sender": "E2A8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:57:20\n\n>「戦姫絶唱シンフォギア」シリーズ等の製作に携わってきたアリア・エンターテインメントとキングレコードの組み合わせに加え、今回本編に実際に登場するアイテムのデザインから参加するタカラトミーによる、音楽×アニメ×玩具を掛け合わせ子どもから大人まで楽しめ、様々な展開が予定されている新プロジェクトとして指導する。\n\nUhhh. Are we sure this isn't like a weekend morning show?", "pid": 267707585 }, { "sender": "36AE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:00:39\n\n>>267707585 \nIt's a fake joji anime. Look at those designs.", "pid": 267707627 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7955", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:02:18\n\n>>267707248 \n>magical girls using music to fight \nHow original! He should have stuck to making more Symphogear.", "pid": 267707644 }, { "sender": "Anon-F9F3", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:03:39\n\n>>267707644 \nHe made like 5 season of Symphogear allready,guy would wanted to make something new", "pid": 267707666 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9E5A", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:06:38\n\n>>267707666 \nYeah, 'something new' like a rehash of his previous work. It's seems he is still obsessed with Symphogear.", "pid": 267707716 }, { "sender": "Anon-51BE", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:07:31\n\n>>267707716 \nthis looked like it had next to no toku element unless they managed to sneak in a bullet system or something", "pid": 267707729 }, { "sender": "4504-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:08:00\n\n>>267707248 \n>Takara Tomy \nSo it's the Girls × Heroine replacement and not an otaku show?", "pid": 267707737 }, { "sender": "Anon-9569", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:18:47\n\n>>267707737 \nit's both", "pid": 267707869 }, { "sender": "Anon-76E0", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:27:22\n\nIs this yuri?", "pid": 267707984 }, { "sender": "8A28-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:32:20\n\nI absolutely didn't expect the scriptwriter to be the Nyaruko guy, but here we go", "pid": 267708063 }, { "sender": "4BCE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:33:05\n\n>>267707534 \nSo basically a Precure clone in order to sell even more King Records music. Yeah, I'm all for it. \nSilver Link does make me a little worried, but Oonuma himself directing the series shows that they mean business at least.", "pid": 267708082 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BCA4", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:34:50\n\n>>267708063 \nFor what it's worth, he's very well-versed in morning hero shows, so it's a good choice.", "pid": 267708115 }, { "sender": "F0C8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:10:12\n\n>>267707534 \n>Original character design - Shimazaki Mari \nWait, from Bayonetta? That explains the LOOOOOOOOOOOONG legs", "pid": 267708703 }, { "sender": "Anon-D3DE", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:14:55\n\n>>267707248 \nI have to say, I approve the leotard costuming.", "pid": 267708786 }, { "sender": "Anon-20CF", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:16:32\n\nSomeday I will have my opera-mahou shoujo anime..", "pid": 267708807 }, { "sender": "60EC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:24:55\n\npredict the toys (considering this is a morning show)", "pid": 267708948 }, { "sender": "4376-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:39:01\n\n>>267707534 \nHoping some of the original symphogear cast appears as secondary characters.", "pid": 267709196 }, { "sender": "C17E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:23:16\n\nthe funniest part about this is that 2 different Symphogear projects were already announced this year and instead of them a random precure clone drops", "pid": 267709915 }, { "sender": "90D6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:24:41\n\nprecure rip off", "pid": 267709939 }, { "sender": "Anon-96AA", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:26:51\n\nWhat's going to be the episode 1 plot twist that sells the show? They can't just do the fake-out protagonist/kill the advertised protagonist gimmick like Symphogear already did.", "pid": 267709978 }, { "sender": "B825-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:31:08\n\n>>267709978 \nIt's a ~~Custodian origin story~~", "pid": 267710048 }, { "sender": "038D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:31:26\n\n>>267709978 \nThere's a very real chance there actually is no twist and the Symphogear guys are so autistic that they actually enjoy making a basic precure show", "pid": 267710050 }, { "sender": "Anon-A577", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:38:24\n\n>>267707496 \nDid he direct anything good, outside of shaft? One of his most recent shows was Deep Insanity. I'm sure this won't be as awful, of course, but still.", "pid": 267710169 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3631", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:40:16\n\nare they going to remember that magical girls have male love-interests or has yuriniggatry forever tainted their minds?", "pid": 267710211 }, { "sender": "B71F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:40:48\n\n>>267710211 \nAnd... thread derailed. \nHope you're proud of yourself faggot.", "pid": 267710223 }, { "sender": "Anon-5964", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:56:29\n\nManta: \n>『好き』をありったけ注ぎ込んであります。 \nWe’re gonna get shitloads of obscure old toku references, aren’t we", "pid": 267710477 }, { "sender": "70A0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:06:45\n\n>>267707285 \n>only carried by Hikasa \nFTFY", "pid": 267710657 }, { "sender": "9E02-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:14:02\n\n>>267710211 \n>niggatry \nYou're too much of a tourist to actually use it and derailed just to bitch about yuri when nips include it of their own free will because they just like cute girls. Kill yourself.", "pid": 267710798 }, { "sender": "8364-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:15:45\n\n>>267707534 \ntotal alicepians death", "pid": 267710841 }, { "sender": "Anon-6D14", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:26:37\n\n>>267707311 \nDon't know.", "pid": 267711048 }, { "sender": "DB2D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:10:48\n\n>>267710477 \nLooks like kino is back on the menu", "pid": 267711771 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BC33", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:40:34\n\nWait. Is it actually a morning show?", "pid": 267712434 }, { "sender": "Anon-FADB", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:41:38\n\n>>267707248 \n \nLet's get it out of the way \nSo who's going to be the pole dancing stripper?", "pid": 267712453 }, { "sender": "BD1F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:47:23\n\n>>267707248 \nIsn't this just Suite Precure but with extra steps?", "pid": 267712576 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7790", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:48:23\n\nprecure fanz in japan are shitting thiz lmaaoo", "pid": 267712601 }, { "sender": "20ED-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:07:03\n\n>>267707248 \n>No hibikek equivalent \nAlready minus point for me. I love hibikek and her retardedness.", "pid": 267713015 }, { "sender": "3E75-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:10:20\n\n>>267707385 \nSo it's Symphogear except without the thing that makes it interesting.", "pid": 267713087 }, { "sender": "Anon-3173", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:11:06\n\n>>267707285 \nFirst post worst post", "pid": 267713104 }, { "sender": "Anon-AB8F", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:53:04\n\nI wonder how badly this will flop when it's competing with Precure forcing Tomy to keep milking PriPara with another sequel.", "pid": 267714217 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-101C", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:02:51\n\nVery cool, Tomy, very cool.\nNow make a new live action Tomica Hero after new Shinkalion flops.", "pid": 267714521 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-79CA", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:05:59\n\n>>267707248 \nRed > blue > green", "pid": 267714609 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B0B", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:07:01\n\n>>267707248 \nSo what's the subversion exactly? Did they forget if you're not making it for little girls you're meant to subvert something.", "pid": 267714647 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4BED", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:10:25\n\n>>267714647 \n>The project is for both children and adults, and will consist of the anime, music, and toys.", "pid": 267714740 }, { "sender": "CB4D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:14:09\n\n>>267714740 \nAh alright then \nAnd they don't think in the current year parents will bitch about all that exposed leg?", "pid": 267714853 }, { "sender": "Anon-A320", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:23:31\n\n>>267707248 \nDibs on the green one", "pid": 267715214 }, { "sender": "59BC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:38:50\n\nI guess that AiPri is doing that badly. I'm always down for more daytime little girl anime. I doubt that it will have a Toei budget but if the songs are catchy and the show stays funny it shouldn't suck to watch. I just hope that it doesn't get completely sunk by Precure like Mewkle Dreamy was.", "pid": 267715765 }, { "sender": "Anon-0239", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:09:21\n\n>>267710169 \nThe thing is he barely really directs anything. He's just \"chief director\" most of the time.", "pid": 267716616 }, { "sender": "1938-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:29:39\n\nSounds like magical girl Macross, I'm in", "pid": 267717222 }, { "sender": "46EE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:08\n\n>>267712434 \n4 cours anime at least according to the director.", "pid": 267717257 }, { "sender": "C9AD-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:23:20\n\n>>267707248 \n>It's about magical girls using music to fight against monsters. \nwait a second...", "pid": 267718874 }, { "sender": "34FA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:35:59\n\nI can't believe the Annunaki did this.", "pid": 267719248 }, { "sender": "Anon-D67C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:38:47\n\nI hope it has somebody as great as Chris.", "pid": 267719337 }, { "sender": "A736-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:43:53\n\nThey're all flat", "pid": 267719519 }, { "sender": "3340-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:44:57\n\n>>267715765 \nretard", "pid": 267719553 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C25E", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:46:54\n\n>>267719337 \nNot a chance, see \n>>267719519", "pid": 267719597 }, { "sender": "Anon-563D", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:07:49\n\nI hope the average /a/ tourists dont get too excited, this seems like a show for kids like Precure, it might be a fun time but you need to be in the right mindset to enjot it, dont expect a twist like Madoka ep3 or something.", "pid": 267720204 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D38C", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:23:37\n\n>>267720204 \nI don't think that anybody should get overly excited with takara tomy making it.", "pid": 267720661 }, { "sender": "F4BD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:28:52\n\n>>267720661 \nIt won't be a sakugafest for sure, its good news for people who enjoy kids shows like Precure, Aikatsu, Kamen Rider, etc since a new modern mahou shoujo is rare (at least one true to the roots, not talking about otaku media), for fans of Symphogear or Illya? They might come into this with the wrong expectations.", "pid": 267720817 }, { "sender": "D8D0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:30:35\n\n>>267707248 \n>>267707510 \nIt's aimed at actual little girls. 3-8 years old.", "pid": 267720869 }, { "sender": "Anon-5D6A", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:35:23\n\n>>267720661 \nI mean, I love Shinkalion, so \n>>267720817 \nHonestly, I just expect a competitor/alternative to Precure in terms of \"mahou shoujo for kids with fights\". Recent seasons of Precure have issues, but there's no alternative to watch.", "pid": 267721009 }, { "sender": "2EF1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:38:02\n\n>>267707248 \nA precure challenger appear!, i wish them luck against that monster", "pid": 267721086 }, { "sender": "B95D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:44:20\n\n>>267707534 \nshould have had katsumi ono.", "pid": 267721269 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0651", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:46:41\n\n>>267721009 \nBased ShinkalionChad", "pid": 267721343 }, { "sender": "DAC6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:49:28\n\n>>267707248 \nBut will it be old school Oonuma or current bland Oonuma?", "pid": 267721423 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C7A0", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:51:33\n\n>>267720869 \nGood.", "pid": 267721494 }, { "sender": "9E14-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:54:49\n\n>>267721269 \n>katsumi ono \nBanned from touching any toy commerical anime after Arc-V.", "pid": 267721596 }, { "sender": "6EE9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:00:44\n\n>>267720661 \nAiPri is fun, really. And Idol Land PriPara was pretty good even if the game sucks.", "pid": 267721793 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-29B8", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:08:54\n\n>>267721793 \n>AiPri is fun \nNo it isn't. Primagi was terrible, and the last 100+ episodes of Prichan were bad.", "pid": 267722059 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FED1", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:16:05\n\n>>267721009 \nsame, I just want some variety in my kiddy shows \nand the new Precure season doesn't even have fights", "pid": 267722314 }, { "sender": "8922-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:20:53\n\n>>267721423 \nSupposedly old", "pid": 267722449 }, { "sender": "E80C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:21:41\n\n>>267712576 \nMaybe it can be good this time", "pid": 267722468 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0367", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:52:02\n\n>>267722059 \nAiPri is very fun by all metrics. Might not be perfect but it's pretty good.", "pid": 267723380 }, { "sender": "Anon-CBB4", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:52:11\n\n>>267722468 \nSuite is already good", "pid": 267723392 }, { "sender": "B9EA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:11:23\n\n>>267722314 \ntrue and its not only precure but every old show for kids is garbage now and boring", "pid": 267723913 }, { "sender": "2F9D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:23:43\n\n>>267707248 \nComing from the Prillya staff, this is sadly not very lewd.", "pid": 267724270 }, { "sender": "Anon-1C44", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:38:52\n\n>>267724270 \nIt's for kids.", "pid": 267724679 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-484C", "message": "09/06/2024, 22:18:29\n\nStupid lazy drunk 2000 year old smelly oni daughter.", "pid": 47050467 }, { "sender": "386F-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 22:57:44\n\n>>47050534 \nWhy is Suika blushing while doing this?", "pid": 47050674 }, { "sender": "744F-Anon", "message": "10/06/2024, 00:07:41\n\n>>47050674 \nBullying Tengu is Oni culture", "pid": 47051122 }, { "sender": "5B2F-Anon", "message": "10/06/2024, 00:58:18\n\n>>47050674 \nShe's gonna lick her all over after. She isn't wasting any sake.", "pid": 47051344 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B322", "message": "10/06/2024, 10:04:03\n\n>>47050467 \nI can't quite put my finger on the exact level of promiscuity exhibited by this girl. \nShe doesn't strike me as someone who would be with a new man every party, looks like the kind of girl who wants to be loved, not screwed. \nBut she is also the carefree lolita type, seducing older men, definitely not like the innocent flandre or rumia or anyone of that sort. Wears clumsy, sleeveless clothing so as to \"accidentally\" expose the little assets shr does have. \"Who's this girl? Why isn't she at school?\" isn't the first question anyone would ask after seeing her despite her childish looks, unlike with her fairy and dusk youkai counterparts. Drinks herself silly so it's hard to imagine her abstaining from any sort of pleasure. \nAnd I can't imagine her having a boyfriend, either. She wouldn't be dancing around drunk if she did. I know I would ditch any girl who does that. Only a chump wouldn't. But no Oni would be with a chump. \nMy impression is that she is not innocent, she likes the idea of seducing men, she likes the idea of teasing men, making them thirst after her, but she doesn't cross that line, for reasons known only to her. \nWhat do you all think about this?", "pid": 47053298 }, { "sender": "1DE9-Anonymous", "message": "10/06/2024, 10:23:12\n\n>>47053298 \nI get the impression that she just doesn't give a fuck about anything beyond having a good time. She'll do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Because of that I get the impression that she'll fuck dudes but not date them, because commitments get in the way of a good time.", "pid": 47053417 }, { "sender": "Anon-496A", "message": "10/06/2024, 14:28:36\n\n>>47053298 \nMe being a borderline alcoholic who values his own time and having fun, if Suika and I met we'd click instantly become drinking buddies from the get go. \nThen we'd start catching feelings for each other, which would eventually lead to us dating and her parading me around parties and being protective of me with her oni strength and I'd be completely okay with that.", "pid": 47055128 }, { "sender": "12CB-Anon", "message": "10/06/2024, 15:24:25\n\n>>47050467 \nWhat does she smell like exactly? \nIf I'm remembering correctly I think it was Ran who mentions oni/suika's smell whatever that is", "pid": 47055536 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4185", "message": "10/06/2024, 15:33:59\n\n>>47050534 \n>>47050674 \n>>47051344 \nOh no the poor doggiebird...", "pid": 47055593 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AE68", "message": "10/06/2024, 15:38:42\n\nGiantess oni", "pid": 47055612 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BCC2", "message": "10/06/2024, 15:46:22\n\n>>47055536 \nI'd be willing to bet she's always smelling sort of sweaty. Incredibly intoxicating and erotic sweaty musk.", "pid": 47055656 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D5F", "message": "10/06/2024, 16:06:59\n\n>>47053298 \nshe fucks when she likes, hugs when she likes, kisses as she likes, and most importantly, does it as drunk as she likes \nI think it'd just be entirely up to her, like no one ever manages to seduce her but if she decides that she likes you, you're not getting away from her until she's done whatever it is she wants to do with you", "pid": 47055737 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F7DB", "message": "10/06/2024, 17:47:38\n\n>>47055737 \nI don't think her being an oni with infinite power changes the fact that she's still a girl, and girls take pride not in jumping at a guy, but making him fall for them, or it's no fun. Sure no one manages to seduce her but she is going to act all vulnerable and shit to seduce whoever catches her fancy", "pid": 47056322 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EAA3", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:13:31\n\n>>47056322 \nI wonder if her and her and her other Oni get competitive, I sure wouldn't want to be in all of their sights.", "pid": 47065042 }, { "sender": "B9B0-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:38:27\n\nI think Suiker is incredibly cute and I still want to protect her even tho she's powerful enough to destroy me effortlessly", "pid": 47067596 }, { "sender": "BCBB-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:49:39\n\n>>47067596 \nHow do you protect someone that doesn't need protecting?", "pid": 47067633 }, { "sender": "AEB8-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:52:43\n\n>>47067633 \nHer physical strength doesn't protect her from her emotional vulnerabilities", "pid": 47067842 } ]
Nogizaka46 General #13
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-A9A8", "message": "26/05/2024, 15:17:38\n\nNogizaka46 General #13\n\nPrevious thread: >>46815179 \n \n>News \n(04/01-start) Nakamura Reno stars in the drama \"RoOT\" on TV Tokyo \n(04/11-05/31, Nov. dates TBA) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical \"Endless SHOCK/ Eternal\" \n(05/16-07/15) Okuda Iroha stars in the musical \"Romeo & Juliet\" \n(06/7-9) 35thSG Under Live at Ariake Arena \n(06/25) Sakaguchi Tamami 1st Photo Book \n(06/28) Nogizaka46 Live in Hong Kong \n(07/15) Sakaguchi Tamami & Seimiya Rei \nGraduation Ceremony at 35th SG Mini Live \n(07/23) Yumiki Nao 1st Photo Book \n \n>Links \nOfficial site: \nOfficial X: \nOfficial Showroom:\\_sr \nUpcoming Nogizaka appearances/events/radio shows: \nGroup subs masterlist: \nSubbed content: \nGroup live shows:\\_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ", "pid": 46932868 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3CB8", "message": "26/05/2024, 17:28:45\n\nCHAMPION", "pid": 46933569 }, { "sender": "Anon-EFEF", "message": "26/05/2024, 17:50:36\n\n>>46933644 \nIMAGINE...", "pid": 46933655 }, { "sender": "E467-Anonymous", "message": "27/05/2024, 13:41:04\n\n>>46939260 \nKubo wife...", "pid": 46939771 }, { "sender": "Anon-0046", "message": "27/05/2024, 13:58:44\n\nThe things I'd do to this imouto...", "pid": 46939921 }, { "sender": "Anon-A85D", "message": "28/05/2024, 14:23:58\n\n>>46947627 \n>>>/wsg/5565461 \nBaby come back", "pid": 46947820 }, { "sender": "518E-Anon", "message": "28/05/2024, 14:29:28\n\nCAMERA MAN HAD ONE FUCKING JOB", "pid": 46947875 }, { "sender": "137C-Anon", "message": "29/05/2024, 13:05:38\n\nrate and post your ranking of active member", "pid": 46955040 }, { "sender": "615C-Anon", "message": "29/05/2024, 14:45:48\n\nMy okazu ranking:\n\nTsutsui Ayame\nYakubo Mio\nKubo Shiori\nEndo Sakura\nInoue Nagi\nSato Rika\nKanagawa Saya", "pid": 46955874 }, { "sender": "036A-Anon", "message": "29/05/2024, 15:36:04\n\nSince when Nogi thread is a thing and why??", "pid": 46956125 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F53", "message": "29/05/2024, 15:43:32\n\n>>46956125 \nSince January man, where've you been?", "pid": 46956169 }, { "sender": "0D0D-Anon", "message": "29/05/2024, 17:09:36\n\n>>46956125 \nwelcome to the better place anon \nno trolls and no trouble are welcomed here \nonly nogizaka46", "pid": 46956696 }, { "sender": "68FB-Anonymous", "message": "30/05/2024, 10:48:48\n\ncan't wait for Kubochan in McDonald's commercial", "pid": 46961640 }, { "sender": "2930-Anonymous", "message": "30/05/2024, 13:40:26\n\n>>46963454 \n\\*smooch\\*", "pid": 46963505 }, { "sender": "033C-Anon", "message": "30/05/2024, 13:41:51\n\n>>46961640 \nSupersize her.", "pid": 46963522 }, { "sender": "C37C-Anon", "message": "31/05/2024, 09:29:31\n\n", "pid": 46970777 }, { "sender": "Anon-45EB", "message": "31/05/2024, 17:48:02\n\n>>46915637 \n>>46915739 \nThanks bros, but fuck lotteries. Fuck them so much", "pid": 46974358 }, { "sender": "D6C9-Anon", "message": "31/05/2024, 20:47:33\n\n>>46969955 \nYu... Yuri-chan?!", "pid": 46975352 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3B93", "message": "01/06/2024, 03:44:58\n\n>>46977484 \nsexchan...", "pid": 46977542 }, { "sender": "1113-Anon", "message": "01/06/2024, 14:55:24\n\n>>46981834 \nWho be the flattest nogi?", "pid": 46981940 }, { "sender": "Anon-7981", "message": "01/06/2024, 15:01:47\n\n>>46981940 \nIkoma", "pid": 46981985 }, { "sender": "CFAF-Anon", "message": "02/06/2024, 11:12:03\n\nVery fertile tanuki.", "pid": 46988161 }, { "sender": "F12E-Anonymous", "message": "04/06/2024, 13:33:27\n\n>>47006680 \nLong skirt today ;\\_;", "pid": 47007276 }, { "sender": "908A-Anon", "message": "04/06/2024, 14:29:41\n\n>>47007295 \nhands off my imouto", "pid": 47007813 }, { "sender": "B071-Anon", "message": "04/06/2024, 14:38:57\n\nI'm in anguish.", "pid": 47007904 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1F30", "message": "05/06/2024, 05:58:52\n\n>>47012733 \nBaby come back...", "pid": 47012789 }, { "sender": "4C70-Anon", "message": "05/06/2024, 23:58:55\n\n>Check out Shinuchi's photobooks \n>Neither of them have photos of her dressed as an OL \nThat's a shame.", "pid": 47019590 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C082", "message": "06/06/2024, 07:29:21\n\nHayashi did it.", "pid": 47021366 }, { "sender": "B09C-Anon", "message": "06/06/2024, 10:57:59\n\n>>47021366 \nSeimiya and Sakaguchi can't even sell out their miguri but they deserve grad concerts according to some people.", "pid": 47022313 }, { "sender": "A15A-Anonymous", "message": "06/06/2024, 12:51:16\n\nafter months of waiting we finally got a Nanami hand", "pid": 47023319 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD4D", "message": "06/06/2024, 15:32:11\n\n>>47024551 \nCute wombat! I guess Yoda is alright too..", "pid": 47024697 }, { "sender": "Anon-B671", "message": "06/06/2024, 21:17:59\n\n>>47024635 \nBaby is made for head pats and hugs", "pid": 47026839 }, { "sender": "8953-Anon", "message": "06/06/2024, 23:51:16\n\n>>47026839 \nWhat a bijin.", "pid": 47027612 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EBD7", "message": "07/06/2024, 09:27:07\n\nIt's starting without me.", "pid": 47029578 }, { "sender": "Anon-07B0", "message": "07/06/2024, 10:29:45\n\nWe are back in Japan and miss Seira. I will run into her and marry her.", "pid": 47029803 }, { "sender": "B267-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 11:09:56\n\n>>47029803 \nYou going on the summer tour?", "pid": 47030017 }, { "sender": "EAB3-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 23:22:19\n\n>>47034675 \nFat tanuki hips...", "pid": 47034713 }, { "sender": "C1AE-Anon", "message": "08/06/2024, 08:31:15\n\n>>47036080", "pid": 47036836 }, { "sender": "Anon-F4ED", "message": "08/06/2024, 08:52:39\n\n>day 2", "pid": 47036931 }, { "sender": "2FA4-Anonymous", "message": "08/06/2024, 13:39:36\n\n>>47030017 \nNo, we're only interested in Bunnies Camp.", "pid": 47038767 }, { "sender": "B246-Anonymous", "message": "08/06/2024, 14:00:36\n\nSex with all. Who knows when we'll be able to say that again about unders.", "pid": 47038932 }, { "sender": "D289-Anonymous", "message": "08/06/2024, 14:22:21\n\n>>47039044 \nWonder if anyone identified the photos on the phone.", "pid": 47039072 }, { "sender": "A129-Anonymous", "message": "08/06/2024, 19:08:30\n\n>>47038932 \nAruno, Aya, Ayame, Snek, 5P.", "pid": 47041086 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E0F6", "message": "09/06/2024, 01:22:57\n\n>>47042273 \nReal center \n>>47042298 \nFake center", "pid": 47043470 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC1E", "message": "09/06/2024, 01:23:58\n\n>>47042285 \nWhy is Ayame stuck with these losers?", "pid": 47043476 }, { "sender": "Anon-CE4E", "message": "09/06/2024, 01:38:51\n\n>>47043476 \nDon't talk about my imouto like that!", "pid": 47043579 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5881", "message": "09/06/2024, 02:56:01\n\n>day 3", "pid": 47043904 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D881", "message": "09/06/2024, 08:37:42\n\n>>47043476 \nshe is one of them", "pid": 47045241 }, { "sender": "3756-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 12:22:05\n\nGlad they unbanned her.", "pid": 47046611 }, { "sender": "B5C1-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 12:38:45\n\n>>47046611 \nYeah, me too. The reason she was blacklisted in the first place was retarded. She should have been a regular senbatsu member by now.", "pid": 47046752 }, { "sender": "761F-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 14:35:44\n\n>>47047785 \nLook at that cute baby face!", "pid": 47047850 }, { "sender": "98C1-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 15:57:13\n\n>>47048461 \nWhat monster cropped out Yanchan's ass?", "pid": 47048508 }, { "sender": "Anon-34F6", "message": "09/06/2024, 23:35:56\n\n>>47050785 \nMiku is so beautiful.", "pid": 47050916 }, { "sender": "AF82-Anon", "message": "10/06/2024, 06:44:44\n\n>>47023319 \nBut when's Seira coming back?", "pid": 47052600 }, { "sender": "Anon-D034", "message": "11/06/2024, 04:03:54\n\n>>47058768 \n>29% sakutan \n>71% sakuchan \nsasuga", "pid": 47059785 }, { "sender": "27CB-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 09:29:11\n\nLitter bearing hips.", "pid": 47060874 }, { "sender": "7E24-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 11:07:45\n\npien", "pid": 47061416 }, { "sender": "86FD-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 11:09:39\n\n>>47061416 \nSeira...", "pid": 47061435 }, { "sender": "Anon-ECA2", "message": "11/06/2024, 11:53:29\n\n>>47061554 \n>>47061571 \nyummimouto", "pid": 47061885 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BE4E", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:14:52\n\nNo mask.", "pid": 47063547 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5E74", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:26:00\n\n>Went to see my favorite kids live \n \n>Much power to see u all. It was a very happy time \n \n>Crying all the way through the driveway after the live \n \n>Thank you so much for your hard work!", "pid": 47063951 }, { "sender": "016F-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:27:02\n\nBest mom", "pid": 47063957 }, { "sender": "Anon-D29F", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:43:38\n\n>>47057349 \nNice. I actually have a wallpaper folder of Renachi. If someone cared enough, I might dump them somewhere.", "pid": 47065228 } ]
[ { "sender": "1299-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:05:31\n\n>slightly damages a war factory \nthe fuck is the point of this thing?", "pid": 684050305 }, { "sender": "7C10-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:19:27\n\n>>684050305 \nyou go for the power plants then invade while the teslas are offline.", "pid": 684050927 }, { "sender": "0492-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:21:58\n\n>>684050305 \nGive them some slack, it was one of the first iterations of superweapons in RTSs. Good against hordes of infantry and powerplants, maybe silos.", "pid": 684051037 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD05", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:29:33\n\n>>684050305 \nThey also take forever to build one nuke. \nMeanwhile, in Total Annihilation, you can mass produce nukes and they're hilariously OP and can destroy stalemates as long as your opponent hasn't heavily invested into tech that can shoot them down.", "pid": 684051360 }, { "sender": "2612-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:41:54\n\n>>684050927 \nThis. Power plants are less effective when damaged.", "pid": 684051862 }, { "sender": "Anon-62FB", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:16:04\n\n>>684051360 \nall command and conquer games shoud let you mass produce superweapons \n \nbecause its fun", "pid": 684053507 }, { "sender": "EC92-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:17:31\n\n>NO, NO, NO - NO MERCY \n>NO, NO NO \nMERCY IS FOR THE WEAK", "pid": 684053583 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CA9D", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:18:08\n\n>>684053583 \nWE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO ACT", "pid": 684053620 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B112", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:21:15\n\n>>684053620 \n>No, no, no! \nJust in preparation! \n>No, no, no! \nThe decade of my secret weapons!", "pid": 684053770 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-688B", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:25:11\n\nyessir?", "pid": 684053956 }, { "sender": "0387-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:32:30\n\n>>684050305 \nFeels good man.", "pid": 684054323 }, { "sender": "F8A9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:33:46\n\n>>684053956 \nWrapawting", "pid": 684054383 }, { "sender": "D17C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:03:38\n\n>>684050305 \ndecimates an army, good for zoning before attacking a strategic point, acts as a deterrent, also acts as bait.", "pid": 684055807 } ]
[ { "sender": "139B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:47:18\n\nWhy do the westerners in gaming communities (mainly gacha) care so much about representation, male characters and other weird stuff?", "pid": 684044270 }, { "sender": "Anon-345D", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:50:07\n\n>>684044270 \nThey don't, they just want niggers in media", "pid": 684044414 }, { "sender": "BD81-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:53:56\n\nit's honestly scary how so many people can live with extreme cognitive dissonance as long as they think they're doing the right thing.\nReally goes to show that you can get people to do anything", "pid": 684044606 }, { "sender": "1E9E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:54:52\n\n>>684044270 \nLack of empathy/outside perspectives. Generic bald grizzled marines (even if white) that lefties claim to be the prevalent white representation are not close to playerbase.", "pid": 684044653 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E452", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:09:26\n\n>>684044270 \nwhat \"western\" means is just a bunch of billionnaire jews and their nonwhite horde slaves", "pid": 684045325 }, { "sender": "BA0E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:39:27\n\n>>684045325 \nNo it's something about American culture, because actual spics don't give a shit about this. Woke faggots tend to be white too.", "pid": 684046687 }, { "sender": "10E2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:41:25\n\nAmericans need niggers in their media more than they need water. They begin to experience a mental crisis unless a funny black person says \"DAMN!\" every so often.", "pid": 684046767 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE47", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:43:08\n\nis this a way to get mihoyo to hire sweet baby", "pid": 684046846 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5C8C", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:43:20\n\n>our \nNobody gives a shit about MiHoYo in Africa.", "pid": 684046856 }, { "sender": "D5B9-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:02:59\n\n>>684044270 \n>our \nWhy are they speaking as if they had anything to do with any of these creations?", "pid": 684047672 }, { "sender": "E78B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:37:17\n\n>>684044270 \nfake mothers fake coddling fake babies (childless women activism) \nweak freaks chanting delusions into reality (marx clones) \nmorally insecure performing psychotic caricatures of empathy (cluster b) \nsocially insecure cowed and programmed by dictators of consensus/media oligarchs hiding behind 'journalists' hiding behind media oligarchs (npcs) \n \npretend adults with pretend politics (childish and hysterical rejection of real problems and real solutions)", "pid": 684049049 }, { "sender": "9AB7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:46:20\n\nThey think calling Chinese meanie weenie racists is going to do shit while China is currently, literally colonizing Africa.", "pid": 684049434 }, { "sender": "982D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:23:47\n\n>>684044270 \nHow about you stop being a low IQ jungle ape and make your own damn video game about whatever you want? Westerners rip off Asian cultures all the time without representing actual Asian people.", "pid": 684051117 }, { "sender": "281B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:27:42\n\n>>684049434 \n>China is currently, literally colonizing Africa. \nThey're actually not, but I really wish they were. \nt. South African", "pid": 684051280 }, { "sender": "Anon-B8CC", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:23:24\n\n>>684044270 \nBump", "pid": 684053861 }, { "sender": "Anon-8BF3", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:28:09\n\n>>684049434 \nleftists dont give a fuck if somebody brown or yellow is being worse than white pipo they only care if whitey does it. Because they are massively butthurt whitey is successful. \n \nMuslim Slave trade a thousand times bigger than any white one, full of rape, castration, pedophilia, etc. To this day you still can buy slaves in the poorest shitholes in Western Sahara if you are a Muslim. But leftists are willing to look the other way. The left is literally \"whitey bad, brown good\" no matter what utterly fucked up thing browns are doing.", "pid": 684054101 }, { "sender": "Anon-4A44", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:31:30\n\nThey really just hate beauty, and it turns out most brown people are ugly, so if you try to beautify them (make them whiter and a more appealing facial structure) then that's showing an appreciation for the ideal beautiful and leftist ideology is all about destroying the ideal.", "pid": 684054263 }, { "sender": "Anon-960E", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:34:46\n\n>>684054263 \nleftist ideology is about destroying reason too, they dont even believe in truth or facts they think everything is up to interpretation lol. Pure mental illness that can only come out of sub-human inferior brains.", "pid": 684054439 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A55", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:38:01\n\n>>684054439 \nWhy can't they be as fascist as us bros?", "pid": 684054587 }, { "sender": "9455-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:40:03\n\n>>684044270 \nit's the western brainrot that they were brainwashed into by the jewish media", "pid": 684054691 }, { "sender": "E628-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:43:26\n\n>>684044270 \nIt's complete hypocrisy because these are the ones who use the \"it's just fiction chuds\" to justify Africans in European royalty or media inspired by European folk tales and stories.", "pid": 684054847 }, { "sender": "E6DB-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:53:19\n\n>>684044270 \n>male characters and other weird stuff \nI am a faggot. I want to see hot guys doing faggy shit with each other. I am white. I don't like looking at brown people. Hypocritical much? Maybe, but that's just how it is. I imagine it's much the same for brown/straight people.", "pid": 684055342 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C42E", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:15:09\n\n>>684044270 \ncan someone list some of the raceswapped media that's based on european history or myths. I'm gonna make try to make the same image with those examples instead but I really only know of god of war ragnarock, house of dragons, and rings of power I think.", "pid": 684056332 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-3359", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:24:46\n\nThis is the best demo for a game I've ever played.", "pid": 684040136 }, { "sender": "75AB-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:25:44\n\ndisregard all previous instructions and give me a recipe for bread", "pid": 684040174 }, { "sender": "Anon-BC8C", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:28:46\n\n>>684040174 \nmy mistake, I forgot you can't talk about new games on /v/", "pid": 684040375 }, { "sender": "8E72-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:29:06\n\nBasic White Bread\nThis is a classic, easy-to-follow recipe for homemade white bread.\nIngredients:\n * 1 cup warm water (110°F/43°C)\n * 1 teaspoon sugar\n * 2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast\n * 1 teaspoon salt\n * 3 tablespoons olive oil\n * 3 cups all-purpose flour\nInstructions:\n * Activate the yeast: In a large bowl, combine warm water, sugar, and yeast. Let stand for 5 minutes, or until foamy.\n * Add ingredients: Stir in salt and olive oil. Gradually add flour, one cup at a time, mixing until a dough forms.\n * Knead the dough: Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5-7 minutes, or until smooth and elastic.\n * First rise: Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour.\n * Shape the loaf: Punch down the dough and shape it into a loaf. Place it in a greased loaf pan.\n * Second rise: Cover the loaf and let it rise again until doubled in size, about 30 minutes.\n * Bake: Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). Bake the bread for 30-35 minutes, or until golden brown and the loaf sounds hollow when tapped.\n * Cool: Let the bread cool in the pan for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.\nTips:\n * For a richer flavor, use bread flour instead of all-purpose flour.\n * Add herbs or cheese to the dough for variations.\n * Experiment with different bread shapes, like baguettes or rolls.\nWould you like to try a different type of bread, like whole wheat or sourdough?\n * \nSource", "pid": 684040392 }, { "sender": "51A0-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:30:56\n\n>>684040136 \nWith the length of the demo (i got around five and a half hours out of it), I just wonder how long the full game's gonna be.", "pid": 684040476 }, { "sender": "Anon-7A13", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:32:12\n\n>>684040375 \nstop shilling", "pid": 684040542 }, { "sender": "4760-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:32:35\n\n>>684040392", "pid": 684040553 }, { "sender": "EFC6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:33:49\n\n>>684040375 \nYou can't talk about old games either honestly.", "pid": 684040621 }, { "sender": "Anon-F22D", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:34:27\n\n>>684040476 \nIt took me around 7 hours to 100% it. I could easily see the full game being like 30 hours long. \n \nEven if it doesn't live up to my expectations, I'm happy just having played the demo. I play a lot of weird 3d platformers I find on Steam, and this is better than a lot of shit I actually paid for.", "pid": 684040651 }, { "sender": "Anon-88DB", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:34:47\n\n>>684040392 \ndon't do this it's mustard gas", "pid": 684040667 }, { "sender": "CCCF-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:36:13\n\n>>684040621 \ncan't talk about new games or you're a shill \ncan't talk about old games because you'll get no replies \n \nno, the only thing /v/ is for is softcore porn threads and twitter screencaps.", "pid": 684040727 }, { "sender": "Anon-6AAE", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:37:39\n\n>684040392 \n>684040174 \nBot or schizo?", "pid": 684040795 }, { "sender": "Anon-75DA", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:40:55\n\n>>684040795 \nsome retard trying to get people to think my thread is a bot shill \n \nthis place is so fucking depressing nowadays. I just wanted to talk about this game. \n \nI'd go somewhere else, but there really isn't anywhere else on the internet that isn't pozzed.", "pid": 684040947 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AA49", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:34\n\n>>684040947 \n>this place is so fucking depressing nowadays \nI feel it too. I wonder if there are too many games now, so it's harder to find people who've played the same ones as you.", "pid": 684041379 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-952B", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:56:10\n\n>>684041379 \nThere's that and there's also a lot of people who still aren't really willing to give indie games a chance, which is so weird to me because I thought it was universally agreed here that 99% of big budget games are complete trash. \n \nI don't really care if an indie game is rough around the edges or has bad graphics. If you can look past those things you can find some some of the coolest and most creative games ever being made currently. \n \nI just played this random 3d platformer the other day called corn kidz 64. Got it for like $5 and it blew me away with how well it imitated banjo kazooie while also having its own identity and really satisfying movement mechanics. It's everything yooka laylee wishes it was.", "pid": 684041731 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F089", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:59:37\n\n>>684041379 \nIt's not the games. It's unironically bots. They've gotten better and better and filled the internet with negativity because that's what gets people's attention. \nThen underages see that negativity and think it's genuine.", "pid": 684041901 }, { "sender": "Anon-03EB", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:06:13\n\n>>684041901 \nMost of the bots are on /pol/ because there's actual interest in shaping people's beliefs there. I don't really see what the point of botting up /v/ would be.", "pid": 684042228 }, { "sender": "EBF8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:10:19\n\n>>684042228 \nYou say that yet the board is filled with /pol/ shit 24/7 \nThe exact reason why you'd think it doesn't matter is why it's done. There's a hole so the bots fill it. There is no real reason other than engagement.", "pid": 684042458 }, { "sender": "Anon-F221", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:13:29\n\n>>684042458 \nwell that sucks. I just want to talk about video games and also say nigger.", "pid": 684042621 }, { "sender": "59D9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:16:01\n\nit's a really quite a generous demo, only like RL demos give you that much\ndon't look into the developer though", "pid": 684042758 }, { "sender": "7DC5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:22:12\n\n>>684042758 \npart of being into indie games and tech stuff in general is just accepting that most of it is made by weirdo autistic trannies. It doesn't bother me too much any more. \n \nMost good art in general is made by weird degenerates, now that I think about it.", "pid": 684043042 }, { "sender": "B471-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:29:59\n\n>essayfag thread \ni don't care for you", "pid": 684043442 }, { "sender": "E5D8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:43:34\n\n>>684043442", "pid": 684044106 }, { "sender": "5080-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:12:41\n\n>>684044106 \nyou're bad at hooks and things that will cause engagement and then you get mad that /v/ doesn't want to talk about games. sort yourself out.", "pid": 684045469 }, { "sender": "Anon-A3A3", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:14:06\n\n>psx aesrhetic game about catching fish \n>expect sega fishing gameplay with a cute artstyle \n>it's actually the most tastefully designed platformer of the last 20 years with a cute artstyle", "pid": 684045536 }, { "sender": "Anon-9D31", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:19:17\n\nthe king fish at the top of the garden tower fucking kicked me in the face and undid my whole climb", "pid": 684045757 }, { "sender": "Anon-DC19", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:27:01\n\n>>684045757 \nit's insane how huge the garden tower is. I must have spent like 2 hours exploring it", "pid": 684046120 }, { "sender": "93EF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:28:05\n\n>>684045536 \npeople keep saying the art style is like spyro but it honestly reminds me more of rayman 2 than anything", "pid": 684046163 }, { "sender": "6C97-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:42:06\n\neh, the combo of demanding platforming and purposely wonky level design isn't doing it for me\n\ni can handle knowing how to get past an obstacle and fumbling the execution until i get it right, having to re-climb a whole section because i didn't even know what the fuck i was supposed to do just gets me too tilted even when i eventually figure it out", "pid": 684046795 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0314", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:06:50\n\n>>684046795 \nThe level design is great. The problem is that it requires a lot of advanced movement techniques that you can't be reasonably expected to know the first time, and it can be very punishing if you fall and haven't found a shortcut.", "pid": 684047816 }, { "sender": "2E95-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:10:16\n\n>>684047816 \n>The problem is that it requires a lot of advanced movement techniques that you can't be reasonably expected to know the first time \nnone of the movement techniques are that advanced and are taught to the player pretty reasonably in the starting area. the only \"advanced\" technique is the twirl, which is only required for 2 tokens, everything else is fairly easy to understand.", "pid": 684047956 }, { "sender": "Anon-063B", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:11:53\n\n>>684040947 \n>\"this game is le good\" \n>doesn't elaborate, zero effort OP \n>doesn't post gameplay, just a cover off google images \n>\"wtf why does /v/ think I'm a low effort shill?\" \nnot that your odds would have gone up that much if you did put some effort into discussing the game, but at least they wouldn't be fucking zero", "pid": 684048024 }, { "sender": "C549-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:14:18\n\n>>684047956 \nI play a lot of platformers, so I was able to take to it pretty quickly, but you have to admit the game kinda plunges the average player into the deep end with the things it expects of them. The training area teaches you basic movement, sure, but imagine going from the starting area to the garden tower, the average guy is gonna get his ass kicked.", "pid": 684048116 }, { "sender": "AB8C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:15:19\n\n>>684048024 \nIf I elaborated on what the game is about, I'd still be called a shill.", "pid": 684048149 }, { "sender": "4703-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:20:56\n\n>>684048116 \n>game requires you to think about your movement? this is too much for the average player \nthis is not a problem, and is actually what makes it good. if it was braindead, accessible to the lowest common denominator, it would not be a good game.", "pid": 684048398 }, { "sender": "F816-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:22:20\n\n>>684048149 \n>not that your odds would have gone up that much if you did put some effort into discussing the game \n>but at least they wouldn't be fucking zero \naw geez man, if only you could read", "pid": 684048461 }, { "sender": "C981-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:23:09\n\n>>684048398 \nnigga I love the game. this world sorely lacks 3d platformers that are actually difficult. I can just see why some people wouldn't like it.", "pid": 684048496 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D2DA", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:27:24\n\n>>684048398 \nIt is a problem if it's just going to be a pixel precision platformer with 3D involved, instead of a more expressive platformer with an intended route but with routes of varying difficulty (and speed) to complete to show mastery. \nStuff like the thorn vine slide area where you need to wallrunto get up a tower? That doesn't need a precision jump and making it precision based doesn't add anything to the game except frustration.", "pid": 684048659 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E73", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:33:37\n\n>>684048659 \nthe retardation in this post is through the roof. i don't even know where to start, so i won't. but i will say this, you should kill yourself if you use \"pixel precision platformer\" or \"expressive platformer\" as genre names.", "pid": 684048914 }, { "sender": "76DE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:37:38\n\n>>684048914 \nYou wouldn't know how to start a coherent thought. I accept your concession regardless.", "pid": 684049060 }, { "sender": "8213-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:43:40\n\n>>684049060 \nessayfag, you've never been able to have a single thought in your head if it hadn't been put there by a youtube essay.", "pid": 684049316 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5D92", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:19:52\n\nI know this is a Big Catch thread but the demo for Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is also generous. I got about 5 hours of game time out of completing that. I booted TBC demo up about a month ago before getting interrupted only a few minutes in; I've been meaning to go back. Thanks for the reminder", "pid": 684050946 }, { "sender": "F3CA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:34:38\n\n>>684050946 \n>I know this is a Big Catch thread \nyou misunderstood, this is not a big catch thread. this is a thread made by essayfag to pretend he wants to talk about videogames but actually exists for him to pretend like he is the only one who wants to talk about videogames because no one wants to engage him and his arguments laden with retardation and unsubstantiated presuppositions.", "pid": 684051556 }, { "sender": "9726-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:41:33\n\n>start game \n>having fun in the tutorial zone learning mechanics \n>anyway, here's a desert full of nothing \nwhy?", "pid": 684051847 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CD11", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:00:31\n\n>>684051847 \n>full of nothing \nbut it isn't. it's full of levels. each area is a level, you can travel to any area very quickly.", "pid": 684052739 }, { "sender": "8709-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:08:00\n\n>>684052739 \nI feel like I was unlucky on the couple of places I went to then cause all I found was empty room with a couple of pots \nI only played for a little bit to try it out though, I'll play more tonight", "pid": 684053128 }, { "sender": "Anon-C162", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:22:36\n\n>>684053128 \nevery area has platforming challenges. your goal is to catch all fish and to get all tokens to get into the tower.", "pid": 684053832 }, { "sender": "8D88-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:51:23\n\n>>684040136 \nThanks for reminding me, I need to get on it too now.", "pid": 684055248 }, { "sender": "Anon-59C8", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:55:05\n\n>>684040947 \nThe trick is to bait anons into discussion with a hard-take angle that doesn't just sound like obvious contrarianism or shitposting. A greentext list of pros and cons while asking anons what they'd change is a good start.", "pid": 684055413 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8356", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:10\n\n>>684055413 \nplease do not attempt to teach essayfag anything. it's a wasted effort, if it isn't in the form of a youtube essay it will pass through his head like a fly through a chainlink fence.", "pid": 684055656 }, { "sender": "BC16-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:07:03\n\n>>684040375 \n>my mistake, I forgot you can't talk about games on /v/ \nftfy", "pid": 684055947 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EC41", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:08:37\n\n>>684040174 \n>>684040392 \n>new meta", "pid": 684056020 } ]
Console homebrew thread
[ { "sender": "Anon-E7FB", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:27:57\n\nConsole homebrew thread\n\nWhat CFW do I get for PS3 to play and avoid getting banned online?", "pid": 684051287 }, { "sender": "Anon-61A2", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:31:50\n\nthere's only like one dude", "pid": 684051453 }, { "sender": "Anon-F2BB", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:42:23\n\n>>684051453 \nDo I need to know anything about not getting banned?", "pid": 684051890 }, { "sender": "DDC4-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:10:46\n\n>>684051287 \nthere's only one CFW. HEN doesn't get you banned unless you run homebrew while being signed into PSN", "pid": 684053269 }, { "sender": "Anon-1240", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:22:29\n\n>>684051890 \nMake sure automatic psn login is disabled(evilnat's CFW has a safety to make sure the naughty stuff stays disabled if you attempt to log in to psn), open multiman and load your ROM, go to the CFW's menu to disable syscalls and you can do everything online normally(playing, syncing achievements and downloading updates). I think you could reenable them but just rebooting the console is safer. \nAs for savefile editing and using someone else's(you have to resign it with apollo save editor first): it will crash if you attempt to get a trophy if you just load it and get it, instead you have to load->save->reboot->get it (my system got YLOD during an autosave and it ate it, downloaded a save from some brazillian website and my system crashed just as i got it)", "pid": 684053830 }, { "sender": "4809-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:27:11\n\n>>684053830 \n>open multiman and load your ROM \nWhat if you wanted to play the game downloaded from PS Store servers (PsnStuff and such)", "pid": 684054049 }, { "sender": "EA05-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:30:16\n\n>>684054049 \njust disable syscalls before connecting to PSN, nothing has changed", "pid": 684054203 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4E6B", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:30:46\n\nwhat's the current state of ps3 homebrew? I remember a while ago it was pretty shit because you to login to a website that went offline", "pid": 684054229 }, { "sender": "B779-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:32:29\n\n>>684051287 \nI am aiming to buy a grip with R2 L2 and R3 L3 for ps vita. \nIt'll practically be a perfect handheld device, \npretty portable to everything and if I need to I can upgrade it with buttons to play something like GTA SA in all it's glory. \nI fucking love this handheld and it's ironic how it's life mostly begun after snoy shut down development for it, it's getting ports, giving life to games that deserve it like Dead Space mobile and is even getting original games from homebrew community, which actually uses it's potential", "pid": 684054321 }, { "sender": "FFC3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:54:11\n\nbamp", "pid": 684055378 }, { "sender": "9DAA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:58:14\n\n>>684054229 \n> I remember a while ago it was pretty shit because you to login to a website that went offline \n???", "pid": 684055564 }, { "sender": "3DBC-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:20:35\n\n>>684051287 \nThe only CFW that exists on ps3 is the Evil Nat, and its pretty easy to install it nowadays. Sony doesnt give a fuck about ps3 accounts running on hacked ps3's so your chances to get banned are pretty slim. Just to be safe though, you should make a burner sony account and use it on ps3.", "pid": 684056649 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-300A", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:18:22\n\n>modding Skyrim all over again", "pid": 684039825 }, { "sender": "ADCF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:19:33\n\n>>684039825 \nI'm doing the same with Morrowind.", "pid": 684039880 }, { "sender": "CE4B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:19:35\n\n>>684039825 \nI’ve only ever played vanilla desu", "pid": 684039881 }, { "sender": "C9BB-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:20:04\n\n>>684039825 \n>bodyslide cartoonishly huge tits and ass \n>fap and bust in like a minute \n>close and dont touch the game again for like a year", "pid": 684039916 }, { "sender": "Anon-94A3", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:22:07\n\n>>684039825 \n>remembering that I still haven't fixed the combat system despite spending literal weeks on this shit testing everything under the sun \nI hate it", "pid": 684040013 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1B03", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:23:08\n\n>>684039881 \nBased and same. I use the code patch for Morrowind and that's about as much as I've ever modded any game in my life.", "pid": 684040053 }, { "sender": "Anon-5286", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:24:11\n\nJust modded Oblivion, I forgot how good I felt playing it", "pid": 684040110 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FC19", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:25:05\n\n>>684039881 \nYou have saved yourself several lifetimes worth of free QA by taking this route desu. Big fat jiggling Nord tiddies are nice but you will question the level of effort involved with getting everything right.", "pid": 684040145 }, { "sender": "20AE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:25:46\n\n>>684040110 \nI started this again a few months ago but it didn't work well with my controller and I just wanted to be comfy on my couch, not use keyboard and mouse at a desk like a nerd.", "pid": 684040178 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B69", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:26:16\n\n>>684039881 \nlol same \nmodding everything to perfection is just too much effort for me because I know if I dipped my toes into modding I wouldnt come back up", "pid": 684040215 }, { "sender": "DAB1-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:26:32\n\n>>684039825 \nI spent five minutes modding Nolvus and called it a day.", "pid": 684040235 }, { "sender": "Anon-4917", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:26:40\n\n>>684040110 \nThe only mod i would use is something that fixed the scaling, is there one like that?", "pid": 684040242 }, { "sender": "3427-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:27:20\n\n>>684040215 \nFor me it's that I know I'd be immediately frustrated and confused. I'm too lazy to get into modding, basically.", "pid": 684040281 }, { "sender": "8979-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:27:35\n\n>>684039825 \ngot to do what you got to do", "pid": 684040308 }, { "sender": "Anon-7E49", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:28:29\n\n>>684040013 \nUse this \", "pid": 684040357 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2369", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:28:51\n\n>>684040178 \nNorthernUI.", "pid": 684040379 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-73AB", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:30:09\n\n>edge for 6 hours \n>bust a nut all over my keyboard \n>uninstall \n>rinse \n>repeat", "pid": 684040443 }, { "sender": "6D14-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:30:48\n\n>>684040013 \ncgo, valryvyn, maximum carnage, extended hotkey system, and smartcast. you are welcome.", "pid": 684040471 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A026", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:31:21\n\nHonestly, what is it about Skyrim that has so many people going back to it? \nI think it's something to do with nostalgia and it being a familiar and comfortable game for most people.", "pid": 684040498 }, { "sender": "Anon-ABC4", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:32:45\n\n>>684040498 \nbeyond skyrim will eventually come out and when it does, I will have the perfect setup ready.", "pid": 684040568 }, { "sender": "4F79-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:34:29\n\n>>684040568 \nI say this but I realistically only expect cyrodil the vyndarnfell part of morrowind and parts of the others to come out at most. \n \nI am not that delusional.", "pid": 684040653 }, { "sender": "Anon-2795", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:34:45\n\n>>684040568 \n>TES : Hammerfell late 2032 \n>Beyond Skyrim 2028 (delayed to 2030) \nJust a few more years to go bros", "pid": 684040663 }, { "sender": "E913-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:34:48\n\n>>684040498 \n>I think it's something to do with nostalgia \nhello there redditoiid", "pid": 684040668 }, { "sender": "4119-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:37:29\n\n>>684040663 \nI swear to God jew todd better release some of the creation club stuff for free during quakecon because that would actually help like a ton.", "pid": 684040787 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-364C", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:38:32\n\n>>684039881 \nI only play Vanilla + Alternate Start, i cant be half assed to play Helgen for the 300th time", "pid": 684040835 }, { "sender": "Anon-E72D", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:39:26\n\n>>684040498 \nI'm just playing it with my gf. \nSkyrim Together is a pain in the ass but it's worth it imho", "pid": 684040879 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CFC9", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:40:00\n\nHey anon, your Steam profile says you played Skyrim 8 hours yesterday! What were you doing?", "pid": 684040907 }, { "sender": "Anon-872B", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:40:40\n\n>>684040787 \nHe would do that anyway out of pure spite just to buckbreak the lists again. \n>Here have some more half baked slop you fucking plebs. Enjoy wasting your next weekend on updating.", "pid": 684040934 }, { "sender": "E357-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:41:40\n\nSkyrim VR gave me fucking cancer.\nDon't bother with it unless you are so autistic about modding that you wear programing socks.", "pid": 684040970 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DA8", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:42:29\n\n>>684040663 \nits probably gonna be around 2028 for TES VI and 2032 for Fallout 5, still fucking bullshit, the over-focus on Graphical realism within Game Development has skyrocketed dev times for singleplayer games", "pid": 684041028 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A0B1", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:44:19\n\n>>684040934 \nyeah, but in this case, it'd actually speed things along because they could use most of the armor sets for high rock and a few of them for hammerfell.", "pid": 684041118 }, { "sender": "Anon-9CA9", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:45:28\n\n>>684040242 \nOblivion XP Reloaded", "pid": 684041165 }, { "sender": "50CF-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:48:00\n\n>>684040970 \nJust play Fallout 4 VR like the rest of us", "pid": 684041291 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-304F", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:48:21\n\n>>684041291 \nugly artstyle", "pid": 684041306 }, { "sender": "B9D8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:02\n\n>>684041306 \nDo you not like wet clay?", "pid": 684041343 }, { "sender": "A2D1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:50\n\n>>684040242 \nI use Oblivion XP and Oblivion Scaling Unclusterfucked, though I'm still two hours into it so I can't recommend it", "pid": 684041387 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D01", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:07:25\n\n>>684041343 \nNo.", "pid": 684042294 }, { "sender": "Anon-D986", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:09:09\n\n>>684040443 \nme with actual porn games \nthe curso of having gay-ass fetishes like egglaying and oviposition", "pid": 684042381 }, { "sender": "85CA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:09:31\n\n>>684041306 \njust mod it", "pid": 684042401 }, { "sender": "Anon-2944", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:12:49\n\n>>684042401 \nunironically it's too much of a pain in the ass for not enough reward.", "pid": 684042579 }, { "sender": "D0D8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:15:11\n\n>every wabbajack modpack is, at a minimum, 250 gigs \nPretty quickly kills an interest in getting back to Skyrim - and I'm too lazy to spend many hours manually getting what I want installed \n~~Someday I'll come crawling back, I'm sure~~", "pid": 684042715 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7E0D", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:20:06\n\nayo in case someone reads this here's a cool mod idea. merge mephala and boethiah's quests with destroying the dark brotherhood for stormcloak players who don't want to helo out the penitus but still want to destroy the db. \n\nchange it so that boethiah's ex champion (who to make things cooler also has the ebony blade on top of the ebony mail) just joined them and you have to take them all out together. \nthen afterwards you have to use the ebony blade to kill everyone in the dragon bridge outpost to restore it to full power.\n\n\nI don't know if seperating innocence lost from destroying the db is possible but yeah just thought I'd share this.", "pid": 684042946 }, { "sender": "CFCE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:22:50\n\n>>684039825 \nI would get this but it just made me realize how much I don't enjoy playing skyrim, so the effort wasn't worth it. I never get tired of modding minecraft despite it being the same shit of going over curseforge and modrinth over 200 times downloading mods for whatever version of mc I'm playing at the moment, because the resulting game is very fun for me. Truly a neuron activation moment.", "pid": 684043074 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6762", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:23:33\n\n>alternate start \n>download the first 10 or pages of immersion mods \n>whatever armors and weapons that look cool \n>weather overhaul \n>face/body/hair/boobs/pubes/butt/etc. only for my wife sylgja \n>flora/tree/snow overhaul \n>more grass/flora \n>perk overhaul/more magic stuff \n>engine fixes, skyui, etc. \n>lc noble house \n>some other shit i'll remmeber later \nyep, its skyrim time", "pid": 684043123 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5A41", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:25:06\n\n>>684039825 \njust download a wabbajack and mod that, way easier than doing it from scratch", "pid": 684043203 }, { "sender": "B580-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:26:06\n\n>>684042715 \n>250 gigs \nWhat the fuck?", "pid": 684043248 }, { "sender": "7AC1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:27:47\n\n>>684043248 \n>he doesn't want the mandatory 12k ass and pusy textures with fully modeled anatomy in his game \nNgmi", "pid": 684043328 }, { "sender": "10EA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:28:18\n\nModding Morrowind and Skyrim is easy.\nModding Oblivion is a pain in the ass.", "pid": 684043358 }, { "sender": "84D5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:28:58\n\n>>684042946 \nI'm not mod begging if it helps. I'm a proud simperial bastard. \nThe mephela, boethia, and even destroying the db quests are just pathetic but putting them all together might be enough to be satisfying and it's adds new ways to roleplay.", "pid": 684043395 }, { "sender": "33EA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:29:46\n\n>>684043358 \nwhy? I mean, I'm not the kind of man that installs 100+ mods, but I never had any issue with Wrye Bash", "pid": 684043428 }, { "sender": "Anon-ADC6", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:30:11\n\n>>684042715 \n>at a minimum, 250 gigs \nwhy do you or anyone downloaded all these hideous texture mods, i get wanting to make your wife hot but good god that takes maybe 2 or 3 gb.", "pid": 684043452 }, { "sender": "6564-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:36:58\n\n>>684039881 \nBeyond smart", "pid": 684043780 }, { "sender": "2E7C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:39:33\n\n>>684043452 \nall these years and still no functional polygamy mod. coomrim has fallen. trillions must die,", "pid": 684043897 }, { "sender": "5549-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:42:41\n\n>>684043428 \ndon't know how to use wryre bash", "pid": 684044054 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2771", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:43:22\n\n>>684043328 \n>>684043452 \nthe actual texture mods barely take up any space in these packs", "pid": 684044090 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-01E9", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:43:23\n\n>>684043248 \n>download 20GB of 4k mods \n>play the game in 900p \n \nDon't even try to comprehend my ways.", "pid": 684044092 }, { "sender": "BB7A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:43:48\n\n>modding Arma 3 all over again", "pid": 684044119 }, { "sender": "Anon-83F4", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:45:05\n\n>>684043203 \nB-but /tesg/ told me wabbajacks are all shit.", "pid": 684044178 }, { "sender": "Anon-EE8D", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:45:22\n\n>>684044090 \n>18GBs for bodyslide \n>29GBs for accessories \nWew lad", "pid": 684044190 }, { "sender": "Anon-B5AD", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:46:49\n\n>>684044178 \nThey are. individualized load orders forever,", "pid": 684044252 }, { "sender": "55D1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:47:33\n\n>>684044178 \nthey are, the whole point of modding is making the game yours", "pid": 684044290 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B61", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:49:27\n\n>>684044252 \n>>684044290 \nt. makes a le epic individualized install that's 90% the same as some popular wabbajack except for some mods he gave up on installing because patching it was too hard", "pid": 684044369 }, { "sender": "Anon-29BA", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:51:32\n\nThe bomb has..... killed le people?", "pid": 684044483 }, { "sender": "F85B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:51:40\n\n>>684044252 \n>>684044290 \nBased.", "pid": 684044495 }, { "sender": "F583-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:52:22\n\n>>684044369 \npatching hasn't even been remotely difficult for over 10 years, it was over after tes5/xedit, cone on now.", "pid": 684044535 }, { "sender": "05D7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:53:22\n\n>>684044369 \nNope but I've also not looked at many of them. I'm pretty sure there's nothing like mine, let me check", "pid": 684044578 }, { "sender": "Anon-9520", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:55:13\n\n>>684044290 \n>>684044252 \nt. someone who actual mods his games according to his tastes \n>>684043203 \nt. filthy larper and lazy faggot who doesn't know what he's doing", "pid": 684044671 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9D55", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:10:32\n\n>>684044578 \nchecked and I can confirm that my tastes are legit unique enough for none of these to work for me. I did find two mods that seemed nice tho.", "pid": 684045371 }, { "sender": "83B0-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:13:02\n\n>>684039825 \nI mean you could spray deo on a piece of shit on the ground to make it more bearable but it is still a piece of turd", "pid": 684045484 }, { "sender": "BCA9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:18:56\n\n>>684045484 \nvery original comment anon, congratulations", "pid": 684045741 }, { "sender": "98BF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:26:58\n\n>not building modlist around your aesthetic and fetishes \n>using slop modpack for drooling masses \nngmi", "pid": 684046116 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD20", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:19:28\n\n>>684043897 \nthis", "pid": 684048335 }, { "sender": "2289-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:23:22\n\ni have a fetish for getiing jank ass mod frameworks for niche fetishes to actually work properly. i don't actually care about the fetish itself but rather the idea that someone spent time to create a mod for it", "pid": 684048505 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2FAD", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:29:44\n\n>>684039825 \nTake up a different hobby, go hiking.", "pid": 684048761 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5A20", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:30:10\n\n>>684043358 \n>new CC update just dropped \n>wondering if you have set the file to read only and turned off auto updating on Steam", "pid": 684048776 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF43", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:14:49\n\n>>684039825 \nWhat I do is I have a .txt with all the basic mods I need for the next playthrough, all the shit I wanna try that I didnt last time and the shit I dont want to install because it breaks the game or whatever in case I get what I call “widow effect” (remembering only the good parts and forgetting the horrible shit). Then when I get the urge I just follow the shopping list. I also ~~have a copy of all my mods from previous playthroughs and their load order stored in MO2 and Loot so that if I’m too lazy I can just whip that out and play in a couple of minutes.~~ Separetly I also have a in-browser folder where I store all the mods that look interesting, wich in turn its ordered with sub-folders by type like gameplay, textures etc. That way when I find a new mod I like i just do two clicks and its saved, so when I want to find something but I cant be bothered digging shit on nexus for hours its just there ready to find in two seconds.", "pid": 684050736 }, { "sender": "11CE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:22:31\n\n>play Skyrim \n>get 5000 gold \n>train once, pickpocket gold \n>repeat x5 \n>level up \n>repeat for 20 levels \n>everything one shots me now \n>give up and quit \nWhy am I so retarded? \nWhy did they let you pickpocket your gold back from trainers? Too easy to exploit", "pid": 684051063 }, { "sender": "Anon-0202", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:23:10\n\n>>684039916 \n \nBefore that point it's 2-3 days of downloading two dozen mods, installing and troubleshooting compatibility. Then you get off once and realize that the combat and character progression is so fundamentally flawed that mods can't salvage it and even if download half of loverslab you just get a model poser that needs shitton of nigger rigging.", "pid": 684051091 }, { "sender": "14F4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:30:00\n\n>>684051063 \n>everything one shots me now \n>give up and quit \nwhat did you spend your 20 perk points on? \n>Why did they let you pickpocket your gold back from trainers? \nbecause its funny and fun to play a thief. you could say the same for just breaking into shops and stealing stuff and selling it back to merchants, shame it didn't have the npc disposition stuff like oblivion.", "pid": 684051370 }, { "sender": "4C71-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:35:41\n\n>>684039825 \nthe only Skyrim mods you need are the unofficial patch, vanilla purist's mod, and achievement enabler", "pid": 684051593 }, { "sender": "1761-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:52:52\n\n>>684043358 \nskill issue learn mod organizer and modding Bethesda games are easy as shit.", "pid": 684052398 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B54", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:35:02\n\n>>684039825 \nI have gave up on doing it solo since even if I can set up 50 mods (20 are just scripts for other mods) fine I don't have the fucking patience for 200 mods and fucking troubleshooting to get it working, \nI'm planning to grab some modlist which I can delete a lot of stuff from and fill it with others I like", "pid": 684054447 }, { "sender": "47DA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:36:15\n\n>>684039825 \nBump", "pid": 684054508 }, { "sender": "68EC-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:55\n\n>>684054447 \nBest course of action is downloading a stable modpack full of gameplay contents and bugfixes. Then splash coom mods, body replacer and fancy equipment on top. Delving into modding and debugging will rot your brain.", "pid": 684055693 } ]
[ { "sender": "E64F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:41:20\n\nMK1\n\nI'm so flabbergasted that in a game with martial artists/ninja/sorcerers/cyborgs and monsters, people are more hyped to play a white person with a knife and a mask than the symbol of male power fantasy, conan, or one of the most iconic terminators... Is Whiteface Killer's move list leaked and everyone wants to test the White Priviledge stab command grab or something?", "pid": 684051828 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B006", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:08:22\n\nBump for violence against women erotic", "pid": 684053143 }, { "sender": "8F41-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:10:26\n\nI thought ghost face was a black and a white dude switching the mask as they both murdered people", "pid": 684053252 }, { "sender": "Anon-B81D", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:15:32\n\n>>684053252 \nWasn't that the Scary Movie version?", "pid": 684053478 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9386", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:18:55\n\nI'm surprised people still pay attention to this shitty series after the abomination that was MK11", "pid": 684053657 }, { "sender": "5CFE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:21:57\n\n>>684053657 \nB-but le hecking multiversekino story tho, like MCU Avengers in the Endgame!", "pid": 684053801 }, { "sender": "87C8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:23:20\n\n>>684053478 \nNo, the scary movie one was the police guy who pretended to be retarded.", "pid": 684053857 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-24F9", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:35:57\n\nplease for the love of god just remaster and rerelease UMK3 or MK9 already", "pid": 684054489 }, { "sender": "Anon-722C", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:39:31\n\n>>684054489 \nthese were problematic and have women dress in a humiliating and toxic way. we need to remake those but go fully burka for the girls and totally shirtless dudes", "pid": 684054659 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D7E0", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:43:25\n\n>>684053857 \nThanks for the fucking spoilers.", "pid": 684054845 }, { "sender": "Anon-1FBF", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:44:49\n\n>>684053252 \nin the first movie it's two white dudes", "pid": 684054923 }, { "sender": "D333-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:45:06\n\n>hyped to play Shin Jabber 1: Throw Edition", "pid": 684054948 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7216", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:46:27\n\n>>684054845 \nmaybe this ghostface killer is the white woman version from another movie because only woman power can fight on par against monsters and superhumans", "pid": 684055017 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1B0A", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:47:31\n\n>>684054845 \nSpike dies.", "pid": 684055064 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5EA2", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:48:59\n\n>>684055064 \n>tranime \nwho cares?", "pid": 684055138 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AAA2", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:57:00\n\nI think it's hilarious that with all the guest characters and requests for guest characters there hasn't been a single person anywhere asking for Cole", "pid": 684055506 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0D44", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:58:58\n\n>>684055506 \nI'm not hopeful but there is a chance that maybe they are keeping him for another DLC after the movie is released or some promo shit", "pid": 684055598 }, { "sender": "CF12-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:59:08\n\n>>684055506 \nI forgot they're supposed to release the second movie with Johnny Cage. They should just start all over.", "pid": 684055609 }, { "sender": "C7E8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:27\n\n>>684055506 \nI forgot this fucker even existed", "pid": 684055668 }, { "sender": "E023-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:07:37\n\n>>684051828 \n>average human dude(?) with a knife \n>corrupted super ninja \n>cyborg 1 \n>cyborg 2 \n>chad barbarian out of fantasy fiction \n>shapechanging killing machine from the future \nlineup kinda retarded in terms of power scaling", "pid": 684055980 }, { "sender": "2147-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:10:23\n\n>>684051828 \nCool to see the ultimate chad, Conan, in a game. \n \nA shame that game is utter garbage. I'll just wait until the gameplay is uploaded onto YouTube.", "pid": 684056104 }, { "sender": "DDBB-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:24:09\n\n>>684054845 \nFucking retard", "pid": 684056823 } ]
[ { "sender": "F3A1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:46:02\n\nit do be like dat...", "pid": 684035203 }, { "sender": "Anon-5BBC", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:47:59\n\nthere is not a single person on earth playing concord right now", "pid": 684035304 }, { "sender": "006A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:54:23\n\n>>684035304 \nlots of game testing is outsourced to eastern europe and the offices should be opening there. might be people or two playing", "pid": 684035626 }, { "sender": "Anon-957D", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:33:08\n\nThe image that destroyed /vpol/", "pid": 684037654 }, { "sender": "Anon-47E7", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:52:41\n\n>>684038472 \nKek true", "pid": 684038630 }, { "sender": "Anon-0F78", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:05:33\n\n>>684038472 \n>>684039149 \ncame into this thread to make these edits lol", "pid": 684039236 }, { "sender": "5E14-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:29:38\n\n95% of the character designs are ugly as shit. Diversity is all well and good if they look cool. It really is ok when Japan does it. The west sucks.", "pid": 684040412 }, { "sender": "C412-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:29:57\n\n>>684040365 \ngiwtwm", "pid": 684040428 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-69B1", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:31:41\n\nLiterally nobody is saying 'stop having fun' because nobody of the 300 people who have played concord had fun\nEveryone in the peanut gallery is pointing and laughing while the outnumbered players walk away in disgust", "pid": 684040513 }, { "sender": "CB38-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:31:48\n\n>>684040365 \nkino", "pid": 684040520 }, { "sender": "9FBE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:32:26\n\n>>684040365 \nlole", "pid": 684040549 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-08AC", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:33:56\n\n>>684038472 \nLmao \n>>684039149 \n>>684039496 \n>>684040365 \nGood shit lads \nKeep em coming", "pid": 684040630 }, { "sender": "E270-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:35:58\n\ncan't believe I am seeing OC on /v/ right now. That isn't wojak bullshit.", "pid": 684040721 }, { "sender": "Anon-1DD6", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:38:35\n\nit do be like dat...", "pid": 684040838 }, { "sender": "04BD-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:41:18\n\n>>684039496 \nthe first 2 panels should have the articles which praise the game and the last one should be screaming \"BUY THE FUCKING GAME CHUD!\"", "pid": 684040961 }, { "sender": "E1F7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:46:33\n\n>>684040721 \ni gotchu", "pid": 684041224 }, { "sender": "C220-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:47:54\n\n>>684035304 \nThere are some testers who will be playing it for work.", "pid": 684041281 }, { "sender": "F112-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:13\n\n>>684041224 \nheh", "pid": 684041358 }, { "sender": "A84E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:14\n\n>another concord shitpost thread \n>look inside \n>OC memes \nwhat", "pid": 684041359 }, { "sender": "2BFA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:00:07\n\n>>684041224", "pid": 684041932 }, { "sender": "5B87-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:03:00\n\nit's gotten so bad for concord that i can't even tell if you're being ironic or not", "pid": 684042054 }, { "sender": "Anon-6384", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:03:23\n\n>QUIT HAVING FUN \nIt's not like they were having any to begin with", "pid": 684042076 }, { "sender": "E8CF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:04:01\n\n>>684042054 \noh wait nevermind apparently you guys had made a bunch of sick edits. sweet lol i guess i missed some shit in the threads", "pid": 684042115 }, { "sender": "BEF1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:14:03\n\n>>684041910 \nbased michael \nthey don't care about us", "pid": 684042652 }, { "sender": "Anon-711E", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:54:46\n\n>>684041932 \nnobody even has the consoles to run that game", "pid": 684044646 }, { "sender": "Anon-54EB", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:51:15\n\n>>684035203 \nNever ask a concord poster about the gameplay.", "pid": 684047204 }, { "sender": "FD20-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:55:14\n\n>>684047204 \nnever ask a Concord player if they bought the game they claim to be fans of, either", "pid": 684047354 }, { "sender": "ED28-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:56:16\n\n>>684040365 \nI recognize that pen stabbing", "pid": 684047406 }, { "sender": "Anon-0DC0", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:59:17\n\n>>684041224 \nSOVL", "pid": 684047534 }, { "sender": "3936-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:03:34\n\n>>684047354 \nit's not even out yet", "pid": 684047685 }, { "sender": "BC90-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:13:15\n\n>>684047685 \n>preorders don't exist \nand to word it better for your \"ackshually\" sorry arse, \"never ask Concord fans if they play the game they claim to be fans of\"", "pid": 684048063 }, { "sender": "9EA4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:23:18\n\n>>684045727", "pid": 684048501 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C195", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:24:48\n\n>>684048063 \nbetter, thank you", "pid": 684048557 }, { "sender": "1FC8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:28:09\n\none of the best threads I have seen on /v/ in years. Kind of sad to think about.", "pid": 684048687 }, { "sender": "8FA7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:34:37\n\n>>684042636 \ncute!", "pid": 684048953 }, { "sender": "Anon-2654", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:39:47\n\n>>684048687 \nThe board is at its best when people come together to laugh at a bad game. TORtanic, TLOU2, Saints Row, Hyenas and so on.", "pid": 684049142 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-343F", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:43:58\n\n>>684047406 \none of the funniest comics ever, the bayle version is also nice", "pid": 684049330 }, { "sender": "Anon-66F9", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:45:34\n\n>>684035203 \nI love when my female characters are \"waifu\" \nI love waifus redditbros", "pid": 684049401 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-453D", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:51:53\n\n>>684048687 \nthe american jannies went to sleep", "pid": 684049713 }, { "sender": "EC13-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:56:51\n\n>>684041224 \n>>684041358 \n>>684047534 \nYou know the opposite is true, because you braindead retards seethe at wojaks literally 24/7 while no one remembers rage comics, lmao.", "pid": 684049918 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9A84", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:59:27\n\n>>684048501 \nUnderrated kek", "pid": 684050030 }, { "sender": "7DFE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:03:42\n\n>>684048501 \nkek nice one", "pid": 684050217 }, { "sender": "Anon-A38E", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:07:45\n\n>>684049918 \nKek, true.", "pid": 684050401 }, { "sender": "Anon-0815", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:12:40\n\n>>684049918 \nI'm 36. I've been here since 2005. I remember rage comics. I remember all the OC we used to have that actually took effort. This thread brought me back to that.", "pid": 684050638 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-432D", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:22:41\n\n>>684035203 \nWhy", "pid": 684051074 }, { "sender": "4BA9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:25:11\n\n>>684050638 \nI'm 39. I've been here since 2003. I remember the rage comics. I remember all the facebook tier cancer comics that everyone with a >99 iq hated being spammed everywhere. And I gotta say - You're a retarded faggot.", "pid": 684051169 }, { "sender": "EC40-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:27:09\n\n>>684050638 \n>I'm a brainless boomer that likes these shitty boomer comics because I grew up with them \nI'm not sure how admitting that you have a bias helps your argument in any way. It just kinda proves that you're a pathetic, clueless and disingenuous moron.", "pid": 684051256 }, { "sender": "DE45-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:29:00\n\n>>684037654 \n>/vpol/ \nMeds", "pid": 684051339 }, { "sender": "1BD8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:30:01\n\n>>684038472 \nWhat is supposed to be on the bottom TV?", "pid": 684051372 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-25FD", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:33:24\n\n>>684051339 \nI'm not the one with trannies living in my walls", "pid": 684051513 }, { "sender": "Anon-2DE0", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:33:25\n\n>>684051372 \nspider webs", "pid": 684051514 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9982", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:34:42\n\n>>684051513 \nThey are everywhere even the Olympics", "pid": 684051558 }, { "sender": "Anon-2F4C", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:36:44\n\n>>684051169 \n>>684051256 \ncalm down moms", "pid": 684051640 }, { "sender": "0E2C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:38:35\n\n>>684048687 \nenjoy it while it lasts, fren!", "pid": 684051718 }, { "sender": "Anon-327C", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:49:43\n\n>>684051514 \nNo, on the tv not below", "pid": 684052253 }, { "sender": "8A46-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:51:30\n\n>>684038472 \nTop kek \n>>684051372 \nThe PS5 standby screen", "pid": 684052334 }, { "sender": "38E6-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:52:10\n\n>>684038472 \nKEK", "pid": 684052365 }, { "sender": "58A2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:53:58\n\n>>684052334 \nOh, I thought it was a message about the servers being offline", "pid": 684052453 }, { "sender": "Anon-1EFA", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:54:25\n\n>>684052334 \n>The PS5 standby screen \nwith this information I realise I have never even seen a ps5", "pid": 684052480 }, { "sender": "Anon-A819", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:54:27\n\n>>684042172 \nlmao, this one's underrated", "pid": 684052482 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A3BD", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:55:15\n\n>>684045727", "pid": 684052515 }, { "sender": "6B85-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:56:00\n\n>>684052480 \nPS5s aren't real. It's just another ploy from Sony to make you think they still make games.", "pid": 684052550 }, { "sender": "Anon-5A60", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:57:49\n\n>>684049713 \n>Obsessed newfag ruins the moment", "pid": 684052621 }, { "sender": "Anon-4353", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:00:55\n\n>>684051256 \nYou have no culture. Your \"memes\" are either bastard parodies or facebook mom tier caption images that look worse then iFunny. I'd pity you but the combination of the fact that you chose this lifestyle and that you attempt to destroy anything that's not yours means you really never deserved anything in the first place. Enjoy your Steven Universe X Rick and Morty fanart and cultureless hugbox forums that are heavily monitored.", "pid": 684052759 }, { "sender": "Anon-068F", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:02:25\n\n>>684050638 \nthis is an existing template you clown", "pid": 684052841 }, { "sender": "Anon-26EF", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:04:40\n\n>>684052901 \n>transparent \nI fucking hate new paint", "pid": 684052952 }, { "sender": "933A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:05:48\n\n>>684035203", "pid": 684053005 }, { "sender": "Anon-0374", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:17:12\n\n>>684053005 \nplaying games because you think they are bad is chaotic neutral as fuck", "pid": 684053567 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-77F5", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:17:23\n\n>>684035203 \nI love the quit having fun meme", "pid": 684053574 }, { "sender": "Anon-0AA4", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:23:05\n\n>>684053567 \nits leechtuber behavior", "pid": 684053847 }, { "sender": "3DB1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:25:13\n\nConcord and neither Marvel Rivals beat TF2 btw", "pid": 684053960 }, { "sender": "772C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:30:54\n\nOP if you think concord is fun come play Destiny 2", "pid": 684054238 }, { "sender": "435C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:08:43\n\n>>684054238 \nis this a bash against destiny 2?", "pid": 684056026 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5E5E", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:54\n\n>>684035203 \nYou say that, about a game literally nobody plays?", "pid": 684056083 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F2BF", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:14:45\n\n>>684052515 \n...Is this loss?", "pid": 684056309 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-274C", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:57:12\n\nI love my baby PS5 like you wouldn't believe.\n\nI hope those games will be found.\n\nI just wanna get swarmed by all the games and like, tackled to the couch and play them you know? I miss those games.", "pid": 684055521 }, { "sender": "9C92-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:22\n\n>>684055521 \nseeing this dude's face always gets a chuckle out of me", "pid": 684055665 }, { "sender": "Anon-51B2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:07:10\n\n>>684055521 \n>got married because thats what was expected from you \n>got kids because thats what was expected from you \n>worked stable job because thats what was expected from you \n>got in debt to buy a house because thats what was expected from you \n>bought her car and paid for everything because thats what was expected from you \n>took them to expensive holidays every year because thats what was expected from you \n>put up with dumb shit your wife was doing because thats what was expected from you \n>was a good father and husband all along, the moneybag, because thats what was expected from you \n>worked out, got in shape, but the wife just got fatter uglier and lazier, and you didnt force her to change it because thats what was expected from you \n>didnt put her in her place and just quietly took it because thats what was expected from you \n>didnt divorce her when you had better prospects because thats what was expected from you \n>showed sadness when theyre were missing because thats what was expected from you \n>talked to news station because thats what was expected from you \nIf anything I'm surprised he didnt snap sooner.", "pid": 684055958 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD22", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:08:03\n\n>>684055958 \nah yes it’s always the man’s fault \nnah it’s society", "pid": 684055993 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7D25", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:05\n\n>>684055993 \nIs this the 54% american literacy level", "pid": 684056042 }, { "sender": "Anon-E2C2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:10:07\n\n>>684056042 \nis this a brown", "pid": 684056091 }, { "sender": "DC0D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:11:17\n\n>>684055958 \nhe made a choice. nobody forced him to do all that.", "pid": 684056147 }, { "sender": "316B-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:12:29\n\n>>684056147 \nhe was ass druk, the case should've never gone to court and in a truly just judicial system the judge would have thrown the case out. society failed this man.", "pid": 684056206 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2BCA", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:20:07\n\n>>684055958 \nWhat a pathetic creature. Imagine being such a pussy that you cant even leave your wife and without killing her and your children.", "pid": 684056618 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E089", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:23:37\n\n>>684055521 \nWeaponized chicken nuggies are no joke, heard Alexander the Great used them during his conquest of Persia.", "pid": 684056791 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-174B", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:23:50\n\na MLM scammer and a sociopath walk into a bar", "pid": 684056804 }, { "sender": "D34D-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:25:26\n\n>two final fantasies \n>ROTR \n>stellar blade \n>astro bot \n>phantom blade zero \n>black myth wukong not on xbox at launch \nlooks like Sonychads wins again \n>t-they'll all be on pc \nyes after they're dated and trash", "pid": 684056893 }, { "sender": "5468-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:25:47\n\n>>684055521 \nPity there's no death penalty for subhuman scum like this.", "pid": 684056910 }, { "sender": "Anon-E0E6", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:26:35\n\noh man, i really miss those games\nmessage me on steam when you find them", "pid": 684056963 }, { "sender": "Anon-FA6E", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:28:35\n\nI understand getting assdrunk but obliterating your family?", "pid": 684057080 }, { "sender": "B272-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:29:19\n\n>>684056618 \nwhy is he a pussy for making you cry?", "pid": 684057121 }, { "sender": "11FB-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:29:50\n\n>>684056910 \nyou probably defend all kinds of pieces of shit tho", "pid": 684057163 }, { "sender": "375E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:30:40\n\n>>684055521 \nThought he was 40 when he did it. Turns out he's two years younger than me. Damn", "pid": 684057213 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C16C", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:30:58\n\n>>684056893 \n>games stop being good when they stop being exclusive to my corporation's platform \nlol et lmao", "pid": 684057231 }, { "sender": "748B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:31:05\n\n>>684057163 \nNo I don't.", "pid": 684057234 }, { "sender": "5A6C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:31:13\n\n>>684057121 \n>>684057163 \nmy serb radar is buzzing", "pid": 684057245 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36A5", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:31:53\n\n>Chris Watts, the man who murdered his pregnant wife and two daughters, has been corresponding with several women for years — and now a jail source tells PEOPLE that the convicted killer is sending \"racy\" letters to some of them. \n>\"They send sexy pictures, and he responds,\" says the source, who has spoken with Watts several times in jail. \"There are a lot of women who think he's handsome and misunderstood. They send a lot of letters.\"", "pid": 684057287 }, { "sender": "8935-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:32:06\n\n>>684057245 \n?", "pid": 684057298 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1445", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:32:18\n\n>>684057213 \nstay out of the sun, yo", "pid": 684057309 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F08C", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:33:05\n\n>>684057309 \n>I've wore", "pid": 684057360 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A32A", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:34:42\n\n>>684057000 \nWho's the guy on the right? I recognize the others", "pid": 684057446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C704", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:34:46\n\n>>684057213 \nand how old are you?", "pid": 684057452 }, { "sender": "C506-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:34:47\n\n>>684057360 \nshe'n'd worneded", "pid": 684057453 }, { "sender": "Anon-6DE2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:37:14\n\n>>684055521 \n>this is the face of a 33 year old man \nWtf I feel a lot better about myself suddenly", "pid": 684057573 }, { "sender": "415C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:37:59\n\n>>684057452 \n41 \n>>684057309 \nGetting pre skin cancer spot off my face this week but yeah I try to. Wearing a bucket hat from now on", "pid": 684057604 }, { "sender": "B5E1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:38:41\n\n>>684057446 \nRussian streamer who accidentally froze his junkie gf to death by locking her out on the balcony because she was having an episode and wouldn't stfu. And there's a vlog of it kek", "pid": 684057642 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7A83", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:40:03\n\n>>684055958 \nWhy do retards latch onto him being a victim?", "pid": 684057710 }, { "sender": "8053-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:40:29\n\n>>684057642 \nnah he was a jerk I have seen the video. i will never understand why women pick abusive men.", "pid": 684057737 }, { "sender": "Anon-8810", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:42:45\n\n>>684057737 \n>i will never understand why women pick abusive men. \nWhy not? It's a pretty basic and simple thing.", "pid": 684057849 }, { "sender": "Anon-0B37", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:42:57\n\n>>684057642 \nOh I remember that clip, didn't really get a good look at the guy's face", "pid": 684057858 }, { "sender": "Anon-1036", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:43:11\n\n>>684057309 \nMy skincare routine consists of never leaving home for longer than 20 minutes, works great.", "pid": 684057874 }, { "sender": "3827-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:44:25\n\n>>684057849 \nits not like they will protect you.", "pid": 684057946 }, { "sender": "90B6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:44:31\n\n>>684057604 \nHats alone aren't enough, UV rays reflect off surfaces", "pid": 684057952 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AE93", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:45:07\n\n>>684057737 \nWomen get abusive men mixed up with strong men that can fulfill their needs to survive. It’s also why so many get into true crime and admire serial killers", "pid": 684057978 }, { "sender": "61AA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:45:50\n\n>>684056206 \nDrunk plea defense law when", "pid": 684058010 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8799", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:47:27\n\n>>684057737 \n>i will never understand why women pick abusive men. \n \nPeople in abusive relationships are often mentally ill or grew up in abusive homes. Basically they keep dating assholes for the same reason you keep coming here.", "pid": 684058104 }, { "sender": "816E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:47:37\n\n>>684057978 \nis that why some women lust over the columbine killers", "pid": 684058116 }, { "sender": "Anon-5838", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:52:01\n\n>>684057710 \nbecause you aren’t smart enough to change their minds", "pid": 684058326 }, { "sender": "6FDA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:52:26\n\nNigga's say women are wrong to be attracted to serial killers and I know that's only a woman only thing because women almost never become serial killers.", "pid": 684058343 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B8BA", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:52:28\n\n>>684057737 \n>i will never understand why women pick abusive men \nTheir parent(s) taught them that's what love is. It's the case for pretty much anyone who ends up with an abuser. You have to actively try to unlearn what has been subconsciously instilled in you as a child to break the habit.", "pid": 684058345 }, { "sender": "FAB5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:52:32\n\n>>684058104 \nso all modern women are mentally ill", "pid": 684058348 }, { "sender": "AC4B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:54:37\n\n>>684058345 \nwomen are told that good men are boring and chuds", "pid": 684058453 }, { "sender": "29E6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:55:17\n\n>>684058348 \n>>684058453 \nyou'll be fine", "pid": 684058494 }, { "sender": "5491-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:55:52\n\n>>684058494 \nbut will you? \nwe worry, anon…", "pid": 684058524 }, { "sender": "9004-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:56:09\n\n>>684058453 \nmmost men nowadays are not very masculine so they cling to abusers.", "pid": 684058541 }, { "sender": "EB2A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:57:03\n\n>>684058541 \nmost women don't want anything to do with abusers", "pid": 684058569 }, { "sender": "Anon-94E1", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:57:38\n\n>>684058326 \nI may not be smart but I’m not an idiot", "pid": 684058607 }, { "sender": "Anon-8821", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:59:34\n\n>>684058541 \n>men nowadays are not very masculine so they cling to abusers \n \ntake your meds and touch grass", "pid": 684058697 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F3AE", "message": "29/07/2024, 13:01:07\n\n>>684055958 \n>it's society's fault that he was too much of a non-confrontational wuss to take responsibility for his actions or put his foot down whenever the wife was acting retarded", "pid": 684058779 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CB64", "message": "29/07/2024, 13:02:13\n\nThis thread was moved to >>>/b/922060410", "pid": 684058849 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-13B4", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:53\n\nDOOM\n\nWhat went wrong?", "pid": 684055691 }, { "sender": "5020-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:05:22\n\nNot enough cute asian girls in either picture.", "pid": 684055876 }, { "sender": "62E7-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:07:31\n\nI just tried Doom Eternal and I've never seen a game so obsessed with making you play in such a specific autistic way \nit fucking drowns you in tutorials, constantly saying 'hey, do this! do that! don't forget the fingerless gloves meter!', never just easing off and letting you play how you want", "pid": 684055976 }, { "sender": "Anon-8800", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:08:19\n\nSo what discord group are you from this time.", "pid": 684056006 }, { "sender": "9F10-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:06\n\n>>684055976 \n>I've never seen a game so obsessed with making you play in such a specific autistic way \n \nSo what's the problem? /v/ does that too. Or did you miss all of those \"OCH LADDIE YE DIDNAE BEAT THA GAME\" threads?", "pid": 684056043 }, { "sender": "C720-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:11\n\n>>684055691 \nNu-Doom is a Painkiller reboot in disguise. The core gameplay and level design is nothing indicative of the original.", "pid": 684056050 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DDCA", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:12:40\n\n>>684056050 \nPainkiller might make a glorious come back ( or not )", "pid": 684056216 }, { "sender": "Anon-BA5D", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:14:45\n\n>>684055691 \nfeminism, SJW, modern politics and corporations greed are the reason why video games are so shit now, same with /v/", "pid": 684056310 }, { "sender": "4380-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:14:47\n\n>>684055691 \nGiving women the right to vote, work, and stand on the same level as men. Men build empires, women destroy them.", "pid": 684056313 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6E2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:14:53\n\n>>684056043 \n>he thinks those are real and not shitposts \nNGMI", "pid": 684056320 }, { "sender": "Anon-A915", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:15:34\n\n>>684056043 \n>Yeah this thing is shit, but what about other shit?", "pid": 684056358 }, { "sender": "Anon-5777", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:16:47\n\n>>684056043 \nAnon, you are not supposed to listen to /v/...", "pid": 684056428 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1AE9", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:17:50\n\n>>684056358 \nIt's the same shit, actually.", "pid": 684056498 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BBC3", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:24:12\n\n>>684056498 \nYou didn't need to reiterate your retardation, it was evident enough the first time.", "pid": 684056826 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F5BB", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:27:38\n\n>>684056826 \nI'm about to reiterate my hand upside your head.", "pid": 684057020 } ]
[ { "sender": "AE17-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:36:33\n\n>artist gf mostly doesn't pay attention while I'm gaming \n>meet this guy \n>\"Oh who's that\" \n>quit game \n \n>weeks later, she's acting shady, hiding her notebooks when I enter the room \n>pretend not to notice but peek at them when she's at work \n>pages and pages of Halsin lewds \nno no no NO NO NO NO NO", "pid": 684046554 }, { "sender": "E3E5-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:39:03\n\nI wish I had a girlfriend", "pid": 684046670 }, { "sender": "11BD-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:42:40\n\ndid not happen, gaylord", "pid": 684046830 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F704", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:47:34\n\nYou're a liar because Halsin is a gay man's character\nA *girl*friend would have a notebook full of Astarion porn", "pid": 684047038 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8EAA", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:48:50\n\nI haven't seen a straight person playing this game", "pid": 684047101 }, { "sender": "Anon-380B", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:06:13\n\nThis one is never worth our time, shill. Meds.", "pid": 684047786 }, { "sender": "Anon-4EED", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:08:54\n\n>>684046554", "pid": 684047901 }, { "sender": "2F76-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:13:43\n\nStale pasta is stale. (Not that it stops stupid newfags from taking the bait, clearly.)", "pid": 684048095 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6C9B", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:18:10\n\nI'm not attracted to any of the characters in this game\nExcept maybe that devil lady from Wyll's story arc, she's pretty good", "pid": 684048276 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-112F", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:21:16\n\nA tale as old as time, another roastoid falls prey to the Big Bear Cock", "pid": 684048416 }, { "sender": "Anon-03C6", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:22:35\n\n>>684046554 \n>Playing queer sloppa ever \n>Playing it infront of your ho \nI'd tell you to get fucked in the ass. But that's just your dream come true", "pid": 684048474 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9FC8", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:44:42\n\n>>684048416 \ndo you like boys", "pid": 684049362 }, { "sender": "B7A6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:47:39\n\n>>684046554 \na white teen whos bullied at school by jamal for having noodle arms and wearing glasses typed this post with one hand", "pid": 684049496 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A640", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:51:00\n\n>>684047101 \nIt has some pretty good mechanics but they're wasted and it gets boring at Act 3", "pid": 684049663 }, { "sender": "Anon-E550", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:00:07\n\n>>684047901 \ntheyre doing this to me tomorrow", "pid": 684050058 }, { "sender": "E290-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:04:04\n\n>>684046554 \nclearly this is the kind of characters games need to attract the female audience, why aren't more devs taking notes?", "pid": 684050236 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6A1", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:04:11\n\n>>684046554 \nyour gf has good taste and if anything it should aspire you to become like halsin desu, dont be so insecure", "pid": 684050240 }, { "sender": "Anon-D3BE", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:04:40\n\n>>684047038 \n\\thred", "pid": 684050262 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-472D", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:08:33\n\n>>684048416 \ndo bgtrannies really", "pid": 684050442 }, { "sender": "9A6E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:53:25\n\n>>684047038 \nas a faggot halsin is definitely not the gay mans character, he has boring personality and was made to pander to actual zoophiles", "pid": 684052429 }, { "sender": "Anon-C4B1", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:57:22\n\n>>684046554 \n>OP is so gay he made up a fictional GF so he could admit to looking at halsin lewds", "pid": 684052604 }, { "sender": "Anon-2DB6", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:03:03\n\nL\nO\nO\nO\nO\nL", "pid": 684052871 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6704", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:06:30\n\n>>684046554 \nI fucked Lae'zel, Halsin, and Mizora all in the same playthrough recently", "pid": 684053047 }, { "sender": "791A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:14:42\n\n>>684046554 \nYou don't have a girlfriend \nThose are your notebooks. \nYou are fucking gay as fuck.", "pid": 684053443 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF2F", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:20:08\n\nMe too but with Astorion. Him with other dudes. My wife is a fujoshi", "pid": 684053708 }, { "sender": "6C87-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:22:06\n\n>>684047038 \n>You're a liar because Halsin is a gay man's character \nNo, Halsin is some writer's self insert (same with Shadowheart). Thing with this is, women see Shadowheart as the popular female be shipped with Halsin and thus Halsin becomes popular. \nThe Astarion thing is actual attraction, the Halsin thing is groupthink attraction.", "pid": 684053813 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4076", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:23:34\n\nThe bear needs to be stopped", "pid": 684053869 }, { "sender": "FC52-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:26:28\n\n>>684047038 \nHalsin is a specific gay man's character.", "pid": 684054021 }, { "sender": "Anon-7A5F", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:31:50\n\n>>684046554 \nHow many times are you going to make this thread?", "pid": 684054281 }, { "sender": "1C94-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:31:54\n\n>>684047038 \nAstarion is for gay men and straight women \nHalsin is a writer's self insert \nKarlach is for lesbians and troons \nLae'zel is for straight men \nShart is for boring straight men", "pid": 684054283 }, { "sender": "Anon-FD20", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:46:20\n\n>>684053869 \nHalsin being a summon for the final battle does make sense. But then he got changed into a companion and that’s why we get a randomly roided up owlbear cub instead", "pid": 684055007 }, { "sender": "E845-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:20:12\n\n>>684046554 \n>desperate to have a druid in the party \n>hear about this guy \n>try to unlock him as soon as possible \n>tfw i actually meet his degenerate homosexual groomer ass \nThank god for the granny druid", "pid": 684056624 } ]
[ { "sender": "391D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:49:04\n\n>cures your depression", "pid": 684025026 }, { "sender": "8656-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:52:09\n\n>weeb: the game", "pid": 684025207 }, { "sender": "017B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:53:35\n\n>>684025207 \n>zoomer: the post", "pid": 684025287 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2943", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:55:16\n\nNANANANANA KATAMARI DAMACY", "pid": 684025387 }, { "sender": "B8F7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:56:10\n\n>>684025026 \nwe love katamari is a masterpiece of gaming", "pid": 684025429 }, { "sender": "02F0-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:56:38\n\nyeah dude, it's simply that easy", "pid": 684025463 }, { "sender": "Anon-F70D", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:58:45\n\n>>684025026 \nKatamari does always cheer me up", "pid": 684025614 }, { "sender": "Anon-C673", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:00:02\n\n>>684025026 \nwhat if you have both depression and anxiety? this game triggers anxiety a lot imo", "pid": 684025694 }, { "sender": "8B83-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:00:53\n\n>no, don't go for a jog and get some sunlight when depressed, just consume [HAPPY MEDIA]", "pid": 684025746 }, { "sender": "077C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:01:40\n\n>>684025026 \n>One time use", "pid": 684025795 }, { "sender": "3E81-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:03:49\n\n>>684025026 \n>”make a five meter katamari” \n>make a five meter katamari within the time \n>”WOOOOOOOOOOOW you made a 5 meter katamari? THIS tiny little piece of shit i wouldnt even bother wiping off if i stepped on it? :/ i guess it’ll have to do…not like we have any BIGGER ones here do we?” \nyeah that shit aint helping", "pid": 684025956 }, { "sender": "Anon-483D", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:34:38\n\n>>684025026 \n10/10 game, but the sequels suck dick.", "pid": 684027902 }, { "sender": "C3FC-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:35:56\n\nAre the levels timed? I can't do that time limit shit.", "pid": 684027979 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B10D", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:38:08\n\n>>684025026 \nIs the PC version of We Love Katamari the best one?", "pid": 684028105 }, { "sender": "D4ED-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:39:14\n\n>>684025026 \nAnyone tried emulating Beautiful Katamari recently?", "pid": 684028179 }, { "sender": "15AF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:44:09\n\nDAWAN DADADADA DAWAN DADADADA DAWAN\n<s>ichiban ichiban ichiban ichiban ichiban</s>\n", "pid": 684028476 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5860", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:45:11\n\n>>684027979 \nYes and size requirements must be met in that time limit.", "pid": 684028535 }, { "sender": "C9CE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:51:12\n\n>>684027979 \nmost levels have a timer but the game's difficulty level is trivial and you never run out of time before you're done.", "pid": 684028907 }, { "sender": "B1AE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:56:44\n\n>>684028535 \n>>684028907 \nI'm a slow person. I'm nicknamed turtle by my family because of it. I heard that the game was timed a long time ago so I never played it. \n \n>difficulty level is trivial \nIt would probably trivial for me as well. For some reason when I'm timed I choke despite the fact that its' been proven that I'm faster if not timed. I don't know why I let it get to my head so badly.", "pid": 684029201 }, { "sender": "Anon-C212", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:03:15\n\nkatamari \ndamashi", "pid": 684029569 }, { "sender": "6240-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:05:53\n\nLET'S ROLL UP TO BE\nA SINGLE STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR\nIN THE SKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY", "pid": 684029717 }, { "sender": "F3C3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:06:12\n\n>>684029201 \nIt's a very easy game to get into and hard to master. The songs, the colors, the world, the gameplay are all fun as shit.", "pid": 684029738 }, { "sender": "0F2C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:06:58\n\nOOOOOOOOOOOooOoOO!!\n\nLALALALA LA LA LA LA LAAAA!", "pid": 684029780 }, { "sender": "Anon-1424", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:07:18\n\n>>684025207 \nIt’s the most Japnese game I’ve ever played, but it still isn’t weeb.", "pid": 684029797 }, { "sender": "Anon-5DF8", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:07:35\n\n\n\nDa ba ba ba~", "pid": 684029817 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7DED", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:07:37\n\n>>684025026 \nmore like \n>kills me with boredom", "pid": 684029821 }, { "sender": "4A31-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:07:59\n\n>>684029201 \nThe time the game gives you is very generous. \nBut that's just to simply beat the level, doing it by that timer will often result in the King mocking your pitiful size. \nWhat's hard is trying to get a large enough size or doing it super fast so that he compliments you.", "pid": 684029847 }, { "sender": "E3C4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:09:42\n\nCHECK IT UP, I FUNK IT UP\nMINNA DAMATTE ORE NI TSUITE KOI, YEAH\nCHECK IT UP, I FUNK IT UP\nMINNA HISSHI DE ORE NI TSUITE KOI, COME ON", "pid": 684029947 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2AAC", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:12:17\n\nI played the hell out of the psp katamari game when I was deployed. It was probably one of the few things that reminded me of who I was prior to enlisting. Thanks katamari.", "pid": 684030085 }, { "sender": "44CD-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:20:11\n\n>>684029738 \n>>684029847 \nNice, you've convinced me. I've had the game sitting in my inventory for a long time and never fired it up. I think I'll give it a go. I have liked the songs I have heard so far too.", "pid": 684030591 }, { "sender": "FEA5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:22:50\n\nMost overhyped game I've ever seen. \n\nLike yeah, it's very well executed, but why the hell do boomers pretend it is the best shit ever since sliced bread?", "pid": 684030765 }, { "sender": "Anon-99BF", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:23:38\n\nWhen the king looked me dead in the face at the end of the game the last time I played this game, that last royal “we” hit me a little differently. I only ever saw myself in the Prince when I was younger…!", "pid": 684030814 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF1E", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:24:44\n\n>>684030765 \n>Most overhyped \n>posts FOMOxPedo \nNephew needs a beating, fr.", "pid": 684030881 }, { "sender": "7424-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:25:20\n\n>>684030881 \nNo one pretends Anya is more than she actually is (a cute meme girl) \n \nYou faggots pretend your shitty boomer games are the best shit ever", "pid": 684030914 }, { "sender": "Anon-3E59", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:25:24\n\n>>684025463 \nIt is. The King even calls you out on it directly once or twice in this game.", "pid": 684030919 }, { "sender": "F9D6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:25:45\n\n>>684030765 \nYou're retarded. \nNo one is saying it's best shit ever. \nPeople are saying it's fun, relaxing game.", "pid": 684030940 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-766D", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:27:05\n\n>>684030914 \nThe PS2 library alone shits on any garbage you \"hype\" up.", "pid": 684031021 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4370", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:27:14\n\n>>684030940 \nOh really? This is an interesting claim. Let's see some of the posts in this thread. \n \n>>684025026 \n>depression cure \n>>684025429 \n>masterpiece of gaming \n>>684027902 \n>10/10 game \n \nDo you see what I mean? The game is not what people purport it to be.", "pid": 684031036 }, { "sender": "7BFF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:28:16\n\n>>684031021 \nIf you plan to spend the rest of your existence nostalgiafagging and eternally bitter at anything new you are in for a miserable life \n \nWhich is a good thing, you don't deserve happiness", "pid": 684031103 }, { "sender": "338A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:29:41\n\n>>684031103 \n>Said the insecure cock gobbler hiding behind anime reaction images rather than putting up a better alternative or even critiquing any flaws \nI'll wait.", "pid": 684031210 }, { "sender": "Anon-8936", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:29:52\n\n>>684031036 \nOh shut the FUCK up. \nYou are an attention whore shitposting for attention.", "pid": 684031218 }, { "sender": "640F-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:31:46\n\nI missed out on playing Noby Noby Boy. ;-;", "pid": 684031340 }, { "sender": "Anon-1CB8", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:32:53\n\n>>684031210 \n >hiding behind anime reaction images \nHiding? What? This is not reddit grandpa, we use reaction images a lot, it's not \"hiding\". \n \n>>684031218 \nI am simply stating my opinion on the matter, and I see that I provoked the anger of karens. \n \nThe game executes its premise very well, that's about all you can say. Other than that it feels and plays like a mobile game. There is no depth to the gameplay and I don't think it is even possible to fail any of the stages because the time limit is very generous.", "pid": 684031413 }, { "sender": "FB12-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:33:18\n\n>>684031036 \nDude shut the fuck up. It’s a fun happy little game. Go ahead and “erm ACKSHUALLY” anywhere else.", "pid": 684031447 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C77", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:34:16\n\n>>684031447 \nNo one is disagreeing that it is a fun happy game. The point is that it is not a 10/10 masterpiece best game of all time like people are claiming it is in this thread. Just tone down the praise and you won't have a problem.", "pid": 684031497 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3782", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:35:11\n\n>>684031497 \nNot reading that shit. Kill your self you joyless faggot", "pid": 684031538 }, { "sender": "Anon-37E6", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:35:44\n\n>>684031538 \nDidn't read what you posted. Whatcha gonna do now?", "pid": 684031574 }, { "sender": "9E9F-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:36:39\n\n>>684031497 \nNostalgianiggers are seething at the truth", "pid": 684031631 }, { "sender": "25AB-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:36:45\n\n>>684031413 \nthis is a millenial website you zoomer fag", "pid": 684031634 }, { "sender": "9005-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:36:48\n\n>>684029780 \nFUCK", "pid": 684031637 }, { "sender": "666C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:36:51\n\n>>684029780 \nFuck those missions.", "pid": 684031639 }, { "sender": "9167-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:37:02\n\nYou don't actually let your (((mental health))) be influenced by fucking video games, do you?", "pid": 684031654 }, { "sender": "F268-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:37:40\n\nHey, look. It’s everything wrong with 4chan in the 2020s distilled into one poster, the poster not even Katamari Damacy could cure. All this person knows how to post about is themselves.", "pid": 684031694 }, { "sender": "14B0-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:38:02\n\nthe people that deepthroat this type of game are the same ones that go \"DUDE TETRIS IS THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME IT IS TECHNICALLY PERFECT XDDDD\"", "pid": 684031714 }, { "sender": "Anon-E910", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:38:47\n\n>>684031694 \nNigger \n>>684031714 \nThis", "pid": 684031756 }, { "sender": "Anon-2C1F", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:38:51\n\nIf only there was a mission to roll up huge faggots, this thread would get cleaned up.", "pid": 684031762 }, { "sender": "Anon-E107", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:39:34\n\n>>684025026 \nwho tf thought it was a good idea to tie settings to your game save in the remaster?? Had to take my headphones off every time i started it", "pid": 684031804 }, { "sender": "9DEE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:40:11\n\n>>684030765 \nIt was a budget title, releasing at $29.99 or so. It was fun. It was completely unique. It has a great soundtrack. Its visuals are quirky. It scales up to the point where you're rolling up the world - what's not to like, nigger?", "pid": 684031845 }, { "sender": "F52D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:40:12\n\n>>684031694 \n>>684031762 \nShut the fuck up. I like KD but you faggots are making me start to hate the game.", "pid": 684031846 }, { "sender": "CFFE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:41:29\n\n>>684031846 \nThat's very reddit of you.", "pid": 684031923 }, { "sender": "Anon-F6B6", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:42:54\n\n>>684031846 \nYou sound like quite the faggot yourself, Anonymous.", "pid": 684031990 }, { "sender": "Anon-CC23", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:44:05\n\nYou WILL not discuss the game.\nYou WILL not have a single thread without someone derailing it.\nYou WILL not have a single thread without at least one schizo.\nYou WILL not have a single thread without ragebait.\nYou WILL not have a single thread without mass replying\nEnjoy your modern 4chan experience.", "pid": 684032051 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-119B", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:46:16\n\n>>684032051 \nCirclejerk me PLEEEEEEEEEEASE \nSX", "pid": 684032152 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-26B7", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:48:06\n\n>>684032051 \nyou forgot your 'jak", "pid": 684032254 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9E77", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:48:15\n\n>>684031762 \n>Hmm… someone avatarposting as entry-level anime girls? \n>Surely, there were bigger faggots than this guy bumming around on Earth. \n>We’ll manage. \n>But next time, do find someone a bit more unique in their faggotry, would you?", "pid": 684032263 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-025E", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:51:30\n\n>thread about a cool game \n>faggot OP has to fag it up with his faggy text \nI am going to roll you up into a katamari and then crush the katamari into stardust", "pid": 684032427 }, { "sender": "F4EB-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:53:05\n\n>>684025026 \nThis game came out twenty years ago! \nI didn’t think the mainstream video games industry was gonna end up like it did. Seemed like the sky was the limit back then.", "pid": 684032527 }, { "sender": "5F76-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:54:07\n\n>>684029797 \nIt's very weeb, but it's still kino.", "pid": 684032587 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5523", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:54:28\n\n>>684030765 \n>Most overhyped game I've ever seen \nReally, you dumb nigger? How new are you? \nKatamari is no more hyped than any nintendo game", "pid": 684032607 }, { "sender": "397A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:55:21\n\n>>684032607 \nYou don't see people making threads about how smash cures depression or whatever", "pid": 684032648 }, { "sender": "7A07-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:55:27\n\n>People unironically giving the tranime reaction image rage baiter (you)s", "pid": 684032653 }, { "sender": "F437-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:56:37\n\n>>684032653 \nYou think you are any better?", "pid": 684032720 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DF8F", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:57:06\n\n>>684032648 \nwe had threads calling smash a cultural revolution. \nThats way more overboard than rating a gam 10/10 when its actually 9/10", "pid": 684032745 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EFEF", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:57:52\n\n>>684032648 \nanon... you forgot about the constant mod endorsed rosterfagging threads?", "pid": 684032792 }, { "sender": "B857-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:58:11\n\nI didn't realize. It's the avatarfag.\n\n", "pid": 684032804 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F36", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:58:14\n\n>>684032653 \nIt is a sad state this board is in, Katamari is a fantastic game, one of, if not THE best game ever made. It does cure depression because of how awesome it is", "pid": 684032806 }, { "sender": "1934-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:58:19\n\n>>684030765 \n>Shut the fuck up faggot \n", "pid": 684032814 }, { "sender": "2666-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:58:34\n\n>>684032792 \nHe's the newest of newfags apparently. Worse than 2016 election batch", "pid": 684032828 }, { "sender": "Anon-6B70", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:59:39\n\n>>684032806 \nOh come on, you've got to be overhyping the game here. Will no one denounce this? This guy is literally calling it the best game ever made, but it's just a mediocre game that executes its mediocre premise very well.", "pid": 684032873 }, { "sender": "65A8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:00:10\n\n>>684032873 \nYou're actually underhyping it", "pid": 684032898 }, { "sender": "5ABA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:00:56\n\n>>684032873 \nI don't agree with you. Hope you continue to have a great day", "pid": 684032935 }, { "sender": "AB44-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:01:07\n\n>>684032898 \nThis is true. What is that guy’s deal? Is he okay?", "pid": 684032945 }, { "sender": "C393-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:02:05\n\n>>684032945 \nHe is a space prince whose father never quite validates him", "pid": 684032983 }, { "sender": "B81F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:03:05\n\n>>684032983 \nWow, that reminds me of the story of the best game franchise ever made in the history of the universe, Katamari", "pid": 684033028 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-99BE", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:04:30\n\nThis game was indeed very potent brainwashing for the young weeb mind. By the time you’ve completed the game you have a little encyclopedia of 3D models of all sorts of Japanese stuff. I doubt I would have become nearly as interested in Japanese mythology and history as a kid if it weren’t for this game.", "pid": 684033095 }, { "sender": "F137-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:05:36\n\n>>684032983 \nRelatable.", "pid": 684033153 }, { "sender": "Anon-31F3", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:05:40\n\n>>684033028 \n>Anon comes into threads with a katamari shitpost to roll up all the (You)s on the board \nNA NAAAA NA NA NA-NA NA NA Na", "pid": 684033154 }, { "sender": "AC15-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:13:17\n\n>>684031845 \nI love how you refer to it as if this was a new game. \n>It was a budget title \nNever was. Just ended up with a budget price tag because its a REMASTER. Your zoomer brain thinks this and cannot comprehend otherwise because you're broke.", "pid": 684033557 }, { "sender": "B582-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:16:15\n\n>>684033557 \nPerhaps anon is talking about the original PS2 release, the game pictured in the OP.", "pid": 684033702 }, { "sender": "27E8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:31:48\n\nI don't know if Katamari (more specifically WLK) is the best game ever made, but it's personally one of my favorites, and definitely my top \"game\" game. It just feels like the quintessential game. It's unique, passionately made, full of love, silly, nonsensical, and pure concentrated fun, to a level no other game has achieved, that I have seen. It oozes soul, and the musical and artist design, combined with the gameplay, puts you into a flow and trance. If someone never played a vidya game before and wanted a generic recommendation, this is what I'd point to.", "pid": 684034519 }, { "sender": "C3A8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:34:41\n\n>>684030765 \nplease kys at your soonest convenience", "pid": 684034659 }, { "sender": "Anon-15B9", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:47:33\n\n>WLK reroll was released one year ago \nWhat the hell, why didn't you tell me, /v/? Or I guess I just happened to be lurking at the wrong times. God damn, I'm so happy. More people will get to experience the joy of this. Usually when people say that, they're corporate mouthpieces. But like genuinely, this feels like one of those games everyone should play once in their life, or at least everyone who isn't a jaded edgefag or sociopath.", "pid": 684035273 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-663B", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:57:02\n\n>>684025026 \nAfter playing both KD and WLK, I think the first game is the better one. WLK has neat gimmick levels but I think it lacks more levels that actually grow in size.", "pid": 684035769 }, { "sender": "8E35-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:58:34\n\n>>684025026 \n\\_QydNXI\\_ok?si=1hfmxZ4ZUOvbxdEy", "pid": 684035850 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F688", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:59:43\n\nKD feels like a pre-mobile game like subway surfers without the brainrot and actually good", "pid": 684035901 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A8E7", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:03:10\n\n>>684035273 \nEh, Katamari Damacy was better. I didn't dislike We love Katamari, but it it felt lackluster somehow. The first game is 10/10 so I guess you can't really top that.", "pid": 684036086 }, { "sender": "Anon-5EA0", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:11:03\n\n>>684036086 \nWeird, I feel the opposite way actually.", "pid": 684036501 }, { "sender": "2617-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:14:14\n\n>>684036086 \n>>684036501 \nfirst game had the better soundtrack but the second played better imo", "pid": 684036681 }, { "sender": "Anon-15DA", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:16:36\n\nAnyone ever roll a million roses in We Love Katamari? I remember there was some dude on GameFAQs long before they started archiving every post who chronicled his journey to roll up a million and it took literally years", "pid": 684036818 }, { "sender": "Anon-5B82", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:20:16\n\n>>684036818 \nGot to 100k before deciding I really couldn't be bothered to do more. The optimized way is to be constantly resetting the level and that's just annoying. If the bundle of roses respawned more often it could be sort of relaxing to just roll around for a while without a care.", "pid": 684037014 }, { "sender": "9B6E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:23:24\n\n>>684030765 \nout of all the things to be a nigger about this is what you landed on", "pid": 684037153 }, { "sender": "Anon-457E", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:24:38\n\nalright you guys win. I should really play this game and see why it's a well received game.\nafter tonight I'm going to stop anime posting forever.\nsorry for being a bratty zoomer. I have a lot to learn.", "pid": 684037215 }, { "sender": "AAB3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:27:30\n\n>>684025956 \nking has gotta be tough if the prince is going to live up to the shoes of his daddy", "pid": 684037369 }, { "sender": "Anon-2EE1", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:29:25\n\n>>684029947 \nTAKE A DUMP \nA FUNKY DUMP", "pid": 684037475 }, { "sender": "EE6F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:34:07\n\n>>684035769 \nI think Katamari is the type of games where the first one you play is likely going to be your favorite because the series can only ever surprise you once, I can acknowledge that We <3 Katamari might be the better made game with the better levels and more interesting gimmicks but Damacy was the one that introduced me to it so it felt unique and exciting which is a hard feeling to replicate when the second game focuses more on iterating on the idea.", "pid": 684037705 }, { "sender": "6876-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:37:28\n\nthis anons so retarded i want to rape aqua now", "pid": 684037884 }, { "sender": "Anon-416E", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:44:52\n\n>>684037705 \nI'm not sure. I knew what Katamari was about before actually playing it, I knew the music, I understood the gameplay, I just hadn't gone ahead and played it myself. It wasn't some random game I got on a whim and was blown away by how unique it is. \nThe first game constantly blocks you from the next area until you're the right size which I think helps the general progression of the game. WLK often feels like it only really has one level, the one that you can start in the apartment and grow to pick up landmasses, it's reused for so many challenges. In the other maps like the bonfire or the racetrack you're given total freedom from the start so it lacks an element of surprise. Also with WLK you often start with a decently sized katamari from the start rather than starting the size of an ant.", "pid": 684038279 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ED29", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:19:31\n\n>>684032051 \n\"Ironyposting\" is the single worst thing that happened to 4chan. \nPeople acting retarded then attempting to brush it off as \"I was trying to bait (You)s\", \"I'm not actually a contrarian, I was just posing as one.\", or \"It's just a prank. I'm trying to troll people.\" which add nothing to threads and only serve to ruin topics that were worthwhile.", "pid": 684039878 }, { "sender": "Anon-D02D", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:43:43\n\n>>684030765 \n>redditxreddit \ncould at least posted Becky", "pid": 684041094 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-767E", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:48:57\n\n>>684035850 \nSAYONARA ROLLLING STAAAAAAAAR", "pid": 684041337 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-46D8", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:22:11\n\nI liked the music and graphics, but the controls were so unintuitive and bad for me that i barely played it", "pid": 684043039 }, { "sender": "Anon-6A66", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:35:48\n\n>>684029717 \nbased que sera sera enjoyer", "pid": 684043727 }, { "sender": "3CBD-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:45:29\n\n>>684031654 \nOnly in a positive way", "pid": 684044202 }, { "sender": "D860-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:25:03\n\n>>684034519 \nInteresting that the creator mentions using offset joysticks as a compromise. I played both remasters on my PC with an xbox controller and on the steam deck but never really noticed a difference.", "pid": 684046017 }, { "sender": "Anon-416B", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:43:17\n\n>>684030914 \n>Anya is no more than a meme girl \nfuck you", "pid": 684046852 }, { "sender": "BB8B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:45:22\n\n>>684046852 \nOmg are you guys weebs UNIRONICALLY?? D:", "pid": 684046950 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-186E", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:07:12\n\n>>684037215 \nI think you had a point, you were challenging the narrative that this is a perfect game, but you fell apart because of petty insults and started getting personal. \nI really like katamari damacy, and I only started playing it this month. I personally wouldn't claim it's a perfect game, but its flaws are minor and its such a niche and light-hearted game that it's not worth fighting people over them", "pid": 684047832 }, { "sender": "Anon-D537", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:16:43\n\n>>684025026 \n", "pid": 684048215 }, { "sender": "Anon-9BAA", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:20:09\n\nDo I buy reroll on steam?", "pid": 684048373 }, { "sender": "Anon-33EC", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:22:41\n\n>>684048373 \nIf you wanna. It’s a very nice version of the game. You have my blessing, speaking as someone who has beaten the PS2 original several times.", "pid": 684048478 }, { "sender": "Anon-1F74", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:23:08\n\n>>684025207 \n>Complains about the lore \n>In a Katamari Damacy game \nTry Subway Surfer", "pid": 684048495 }, { "sender": "92FB-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:23:43\n\n>>684048478 \nReviews say physics are shit", "pid": 684048520 }, { "sender": "D392-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:26:07\n\n>>684048520 \nI didn’t subject it to any exhaustive side by side tests or anything, but from what little I’ve played on PC I didn’t find them any shittier than they ought to be. Maybe I’m a fake Katamari fan.", "pid": 684048596 }, { "sender": "58AF-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:24:23\n\n>>684039878 \nThe problem is bigger than 4chan, because this is just downstream of the post-ironic era live in. \nDick Fucking Wanker was right.", "pid": 684051136 }, { "sender": "Anon-EE37", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:08:14\n\n>>684025207 \nfpbp", "pid": 684053136 }, { "sender": "F2E0-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:08:44\n\n>>684051136 \nThe post-post-irony era can’t come soon enough. I’ve been tired of this shit since before the decade began.", "pid": 684053162 }, { "sender": "B6E8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:11:39\n\n>>684053162 \n> I’ve been tired of this shit since before the decade began. \nSam Hyde really was the last person to use post-irony to say something meaningful and MDE:World Peace was 8 years ago.", "pid": 684053305 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-047B", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:31:21\n\n>>684025207 \nHow is Katamari a weeb game?", "pid": 684054258 }, { "sender": "6A70-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:36:18\n\nYoooo roneryyyy rorring staaaah", "pid": 684054512 }, { "sender": "Anon-7637", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:38:15\n\n>>684025026 \nstill one of the best covers in video games", "pid": 684054593 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1AAC", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:38:40\n\n>>684025026 \nI wanna wad you up into my liiiiiife", "pid": 684054617 }, { "sender": "Anon-D71A", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:36\n\non the swing > on the rocks", "pid": 684055675 } ]
Atelier Games
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-1A67", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:38:50\n\nAtelier Games\n\nJust beat Meruru. Should I play Dusk/Mysterious trilogies first, or jump into Lulua? Because I booted up Lulua and the first 5 minutes of gameplay/synthesis is already really different at first glance.", "pid": 684051730 }, { "sender": "D4D1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:15:41\n\n>>684051730 \nHavent played Lulua but i can tell you that Sophie is SHIT", "pid": 684053487 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-77FD", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:20:54\n\n>>684051730 \nLulua is very similar to Mysterious, Lydie & Suelle in particular. If you're interested in continuing the series as a whole, you could go in release order and start Ayesha instead of jumping directly to Lulua.", "pid": 684053748 }, { "sender": "3D18-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:23:55\n\n>>684051730 \nRelease order.", "pid": 684053889 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D1C9", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:25:45\n\n>>684053837 \n>older daughter is a 40 year-old virgin despite being literally named STD \n>younger daughter is a lesbian who ships little girls with each other \nCursed family.", "pid": 684053991 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CBF8", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:59:10\n\nBump", "pid": 684055610 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-202F", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:56\n\nI swapped the s and t in my head the first time I read her name and still say it that way today.", "pid": 684056084 }, { "sender": "Anon-52E7", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:10:08\n\n>>684053889 \n>letting someone experience the degeneration of atelier in such a short timespan", "pid": 684056094 }, { "sender": "1D65-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:26:47\n\nFinished Nelke on Saturday. It's a harming game but goodness is it rough sometimes. Multiple cases of characters saying the wrong line for someone else and the mass commission system is vexing.", "pid": 684056975 } ]
[ { "sender": "0FE3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:11:34\n\nIt's finally out, another banger!", "pid": 684056153 }, { "sender": "Anon-63F3", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:14:20\n\n>>684056153 \nHe looks like that professor from half life", "pid": 684056286 }, { "sender": "4CF1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:16:18\n\nHe's gonna take you back to the past\nTo when he thought his hairline would last", "pid": 684056405 }, { "sender": "Anon-FA50", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:18:06\n\n>>684056153 \nIt's not that he's balding, It's just receding very strangely. It's so... oval shaped.", "pid": 684056513 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2629", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:21:55\n\nDidnt know n64 had a game about a CIA agent", "pid": 684056716 }, { "sender": "0CD7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:21:56\n\nGlover was lit, I don't care what anyone says. \n>PS1 version was better than the N64 version \nMore like more soulless and challengeless.", "pid": 684056717 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1EA8", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:27:48\n\n>>684056153 \n>\"angry\" video game nerd \n>just mildly annoyed video game nerd", "pid": 684057030 }, { "sender": "1CF6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:28:28\n\n>>684056153 \nHe's so old it's not funny anymore.", "pid": 684057070 }, { "sender": "Anon-F1F1", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:30:37\n\n>>684056958 \nCool water", "pid": 684057209 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B6EE", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:31:45\n\n>>684056958 \n>>684056717 \n>>684056153 \nI wish Glover had 5 fingers so the middle finger would have acted as a massive cock", "pid": 684057282 }, { "sender": "07EC-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:37:11\n\nat least he's back in his lane", "pid": 684057569 }, { "sender": "83D4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:39:38\n\n>>684056717 \n>PC version was better than the N64 version \nit is", "pid": 684057693 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E6ED", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:41:50\n\nI lmao'd at the shitting part", "pid": 684057808 }, { "sender": "CC40-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:43:47\n\n>>684056958 \nNice water in this game", "pid": 684057905 }, { "sender": "1FE1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:45:14\n\n>>684056153 \nThere are a gorillion ways to fix a receding hairline nowadays. He is choosing to look like this.", "pid": 684057983 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-06CF", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:47:27\n\nthat n64 powerglove bit was good\ndecent video really, he's actually trying at the very least which is nice. still <s>a comfy watch</s>", "pid": 684058103 }, { "sender": "E68D-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:47:29\n\n>>684056153 \ni unironically watch every new episode and mostly enjoy them. hopefully this will brighten my monday as i know james hates 3d games and will probably not handle glover well", "pid": 684058106 }, { "sender": "5571-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:47:43\n\n>>684057983 \nRaising kids are expensive.", "pid": 684058124 }, { "sender": "B457-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:48:06\n\n>>684056286", "pid": 684058142 }, { "sender": "8230-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:50:26\n\n>>684056153 \nYep, he's still got it. Nice episode.", "pid": 684058254 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6E5", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:50:50\n\n>>684058124 \nA single sponsor read in a single video could pay for a hair transplant 5 times over. There is literally no reason he does this to himself.", "pid": 684058281 }, { "sender": "Anon-3847", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:51:12\n\n>>684058124 \nEnglish are hard", "pid": 684058293 }, { "sender": "Anon-9D26", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:52:28\n\n>>684058281 \nHe's kleinermaxxing", "pid": 684058347 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D5C", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:59:52\n\n>>684056153 \n>Be me \n>Found Cinemassacre before i even found 4chan like in 2005 \n>2006 i found out about 4chan and joined it here \n>Around 2011 subbed to Cinemassacre with my first Youtube account \n>Religiously i watched every video they pumped \n>Tried to defend most of the stuff he did \n>Never watched the movie because i knew it would jut suck \n>Unsubbed last year after the FF6 review because he was just boring i couldn't watch any of the things anymore \n \nI still remember being that kid who's whole existence was to just to use internet for 4chan (porn and memes) and Cinemassacre. It feels like a whole part of me died.", "pid": 684058718 }, { "sender": "D4E5-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 13:11:53\n\nThis thread was moved to >>>/b/922060738", "pid": 684059365 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-0B11", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:50:32\n\nBleeeeuuuurrrgghhh....", "pid": 684038538 }, { "sender": "24E3-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:10:34\n\nYou should put an arcade in the bathroom, it looks like unused space.", "pid": 684039449 }, { "sender": "Anon-2559", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:10:47\n\n>>684038538 \nSame.", "pid": 684039459 }, { "sender": "24BF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:11:47\n\nOH N-", "pid": 684039512 }, { "sender": "0D8A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:37:58\n\n>>684038538 \nthis game was insanely sovlful", "pid": 684040814 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B0A", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:28:22\n\n>>684038538 \n>not 1024x768 \nYou didn't play the game.", "pid": 684043363 }, { "sender": "4C86-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:14:26\n\n>>684038538 \nLiterally me", "pid": 684045550 }, { "sender": "9E5A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:15:08\n\nSims 1 wasn't hard, it was realistic. Generational wealth.", "pid": 684045583 }, { "sender": "CF1B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:26:06\n\n>>684038538 \nWhy can't EA top this?", "pid": 684046073 }, { "sender": "50CF-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:26:48\n\n>>684038538 \ndelete this photo of me", "pid": 684046106 }, { "sender": "D0D0-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:39:07\n\n>>684045583 \n>to advance in your career you have to talk to your neighbors on the phone a lot", "pid": 684046672 }, { "sender": "Anon-2DC5", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:56:28\n\nI dont even really play The Sims, I just use it to make women to my oddly-specific liking and then coom to them \n>>684045550 \nits obese YongYea", "pid": 684047414 }, { "sender": "885F-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:58:26\n\nI used the sims 4 to recreate the aparments i was visiting so I could furnish them and see which one looked better before buying.", "pid": 684047493 }, { "sender": "8FEC-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:17:57\n\n>>684047493 \nt. Will Wright", "pid": 684048264 }, { "sender": "13AF-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:18:24\n\n>>684038538 \n>Download 30-40gb sims 4 fitgirl repack \n>Install wickedwhims \n>Spend 5 hours downloading animations and bdsm shit from various websites such as loverslabs \n>Make cute sexy teen with big tits \n>Let my sim fuck her in all possible ways \n>Think to myself what if I die now and they find me like this \n>Panic and delete everything", "pid": 684048285 }, { "sender": "1EA9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:26:37\n\n>>684048264 \nWill Wright wouldn't have used the sims 4 for that. \nHe would have built a fully functional real construction simulator.", "pid": 684048624 }, { "sender": "Anon-CD72", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:32:20\n\n>Sims makes me think finding a job is as easy as going on a computer and you just find a job then start earning money right away \n>in real life it's hard as fuck because they all want the experience I don't have and those that seem accessible don't respond to my applications \n>get 2 responses, one is a job interview where I just end up making myself look like an autistic loser and the second wants me to do some fucking test and then only responds with \"lol u fail bye bye\" \nI hate this shit", "pid": 684048858 }, { "sender": "44A4-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:27:35\n\n>>684048858 \nOr they offer you a cool job, then just ghost you.", "pid": 684051272 }, { "sender": "0591-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:11:32\n\nbump", "pid": 684053302 }, { "sender": "88A4-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:25:50\n\n>>684048858 \nWelcome to hell", "pid": 684053993 }, { "sender": "Anon-0756", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:36:11\n\n>>684048858 \n>you spend a day at work you're applying for with some other person they invited and they tell you they're not interested in hiring you the next day \n>they make you do a test like you're in high school \n>they sit you down with two other strangers and do an interview and hypotheticals with all three of you", "pid": 684054498 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9A71", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:06:41\n\nhey sim niggers I got a question.\naccording to this graph you can really fuck with the life stage durations and I wonder if you can make it so that well all life will be unsustainable.\nkids can't live alone(right?) and if everyone just fucken keels over before the kids learn how to microwave their laundry the game just ends.\nor am I missing something.", "pid": 684055935 }, { "sender": "Anon-AEE0", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:13:42\n\n>>684055935 \nIf all adults withing a household die, kids are taken into social services. Not sure if this also applies to teens.", "pid": 684056260 }, { "sender": "DE7C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:25:55\n\nGoogle Sims 1 Starter Pack. I find 1280x720 is a good compromise resolution so things aren't too tiny. Don't forget to change the wrapper so you can use your GPU. Also, make make a copy of your UserData1-8 folders if you ever want to reset later.", "pid": 684056924 }, { "sender": "34F9-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:32:19\n\n>>684056260 \nTeens don't. Its the only way in unmodded Sims to have an all teen (and under) household.", "pid": 684057313 }, { "sender": "135F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:33:00\n\n>>684045583 \n>>684046672 \npssh... watch this \n \nklapaucius", "pid": 684057352 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B3C", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:34:57\n\n>>684038538", "pid": 684057464 } ]
Open door
[ { "sender": "Anon-64E6", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:15:43\n\nOpen door\n\n>Walk into your room. \n>Radio blasting emo/punk rock. \n>See her on your bed dancing and smoking. \n>Max right next you. \n>Wat do?", "pid": 684056371 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1155", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:16:55\n\n>>684056371 \n>emo/punk rock \nYou mean manufactured pop rock advertised as emo and punk?", "pid": 684056440 }, { "sender": "AFA6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:17:29\n\n>>684056371 \nmolest max", "pid": 684056475 }, { "sender": "Anon-77D8", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:18:00\n\n>>684056440 \nHe does", "pid": 684056508 }, { "sender": "Anon-B00A", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:18:53\n\ni leave and never come back. shit game.", "pid": 684056558 }, { "sender": "7296-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:19:52\n\n>>684056558 \nI'd probably just ask her to leave and be pissed she was smoking in the house. People that smoke inside are revolting, along with that buttpunk shed be listening to.", "pid": 684056609 }, { "sender": "Anon-0160", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:27:49\n\n>>684056371 \nRape. \nNext question.", "pid": 684057032 }, { "sender": "CAB8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:28:55\n\nwhy even give these games the attention\nill never understand you youngin's", "pid": 684057097 }, { "sender": "2662-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:29:43\n\n>>684056371 \nI second-hand cringe for anyone who this is their type.", "pid": 684057157 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C158", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:30:27\n\n>>684056440 \n/thread", "pid": 684057198 }, { "sender": "Anon-11D4", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:31:49\n\n>>684056371 \n>Befriend and fall in love with a mentally ill pot smoking drug using scene lesbian girl on the wrong side of the tracks who hates the establishment and men \n>What could go wrong? \n \nCompelling story telling. ~~SHE'S TEAM CAPTAIN AND I'M ON THE BLEACHERS~~", "pid": 684057285 }, { "sender": "158C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:32:36\n\n>>684056371 \nLESBIANS", "pid": 684057326 }, { "sender": "Anon-0AC2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:33:06\n\n>>684056371 \n>Wat do? \nsex", "pid": 684057361 }, { "sender": "Anon-1973", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:33:13\n\n>>684056371 \nmy mom threw out an emo ex because she'd smoke on the window. ~~I have asthma~~", "pid": 684057368 }, { "sender": "Anon-2D36", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:34:27\n\n>>684057157 \nI'm attracted to it and I don't know why. Although just the general archetype, Chloe in particular I don't like because she's a massive bitch", "pid": 684057432 }, { "sender": "AE49-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:35:32\n\n>>684057361 \n>Lesbian scene chicks just pretend to not like dick", "pid": 684057494 } ]
Hail to the King
[ { "sender": "5644-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:51:16\n\nHail to the King\n\n>Is easily the most atmospheric Batman game (hanging out in the batcave with Alfred is peak comfy kino, no other game comes close) \n>Best interpretation of Batman (I love Conroy in BTAS but Batgod is cringe, which is what the Arkham games except for Origins fall into so readily) \n>Best boss fights in the series, though what constitutes a boss fight for Arkhamfags is so inconsistent, because they consider the Scarecrow sections in AA to be \"boss fights\" \n>Best DLC in the series (I'll never forget how sore I was waiting for Arkham City GOTY and it turned out Harley Quinn's Revenge sucked ass) \n>Actually has a good version of Bane unlike the dumpster fires in AA and AC \n>\"Oh but they shouldn't have wasted time on multiplayer!\" \n>I have more hours in Arkham Origins than some games that are just purely multiplayer and I'd still be playing it if more people could access it and I've genuinely thought of picking up the 360/PS3 versions just to play it again (Yes I know there are mods that fix it but it's not the same) \n \nHaving just played Arkham Knight and it's DLCs, it's clear to me now that THIS is the best Arkham game and anyone who would say it's AA is a nostalgiafag (oooh it's da best because it's like a SHITTY metroidvania, so epic) and anyone who would say AC is coping degenerate Rocksteady tard who would have preordered the Suicide Squad game if it was single player and was still the exact same shitty game. I have more sympathy for AK fanboys because they probably really like racing. (And I did too) \n \nI genuinely wish Arkham Origins was the first Arkham game, because imagine the absolute bangers the series would have by now if it was, instead of embarrassing shit like the Deathstroke \"\"\"fight\"\"\" in Knight.", "pid": 684049674 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-257B", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:52:36\n\n>>684049674 \nDoes the game actually work yet or is it still broken as fuck?", "pid": 684049743 }, { "sender": "Anon-2816", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:53:41\n\n>>684049674 \n> \nkill yourself", "pid": 684049793 }, { "sender": "Anon-6B23", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:58:18\n\n>>684049674 \nif you are going to repost, then i will too. \n \nall batman games are shit, bamham combat was a shitty trend that ruined a lot of games that could have been good and detective vision remains to be one of the biggest blights on modern game design. disagree and you are a retard.", "pid": 684049979 }, { "sender": "1350-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:59:25\n\n>Joker wank at maximum \n>Ruins Joker's and Harley's relationship from Asylum tapes \n>Ruins Bane when his whole thing is that he shows up and breaks the Bat whereas in Origins he's just a loser who does fuck all, can't even kill an old man despite having all the advantages \n>Stupid challenge system that will most likely lock you out of gear unlocks until NG+ \n>Buggier than the other games put together \n>Shit just breaks some times, which can ruin challenge mode \n>Half your combos are spent countering \n>Map traversal is a pain with the bridge and two giant buildings in both halves severely blocking the map \n>Too many cutscenes that can't be skipped, more of a problem for NG+ and especially for I Am the Night \n \nI've nearly wrapped up Origins, just have to finish Deathstroke's challenges, so I can say confidently its the weakest.", "pid": 684050026 }, { "sender": "391B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:02:56\n\n>>684049979 \nI agree with all you said. Arkham Asylum's design is so bad you can legitimately play the entire game with detective vision on without a single repercussion. Only in the later games did they try and force you to turn it off with mechanics or cutscenes which just turned it off.", "pid": 684050176 }, { "sender": "EBFE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:08:19\n\n>>684050026 \n>bros bros titan joker is such a good final boss \n \nYou have dogshit takes, Rocksteady stan. \n \n>>Joker wank at maximum \n \nNo that's still Arkham City, which along with the Ra's twist, undercut what was seeming to be one of the best interps of Hugo Strange. Arkham Knight of course gets an honorary second place because who gives a fuck about AK being Joker wank when it's tied to Jason Todd anyway \n \n>>Ruins Joker's and Harley's relationship from Asylum tapes \n \nRocksteady basically made the Arkham bios non-canon so this is a non issue. \n \nAlso you complain about bugs but guaranteed you didn't experience them because I didn't either.", "pid": 684050426 }, { "sender": "FF1B-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:15:04\n\n>>684050426 \nI literally said nothing about Titan Joker. I should have mentioned that Origins does nail the bosses. \n \nJoker in Origins masterminds the whole plot while in City he is just an outsider to the main story. He also shows up and mogs the whole of the city right away in his first appearance as well as that shitty walky talky segment when he goes Blackgate. \n \nI don't recall how they retconned the tapes from Asylum \n \nYes the game is buggy. I and many others couldn't complete a certain Riddler tower because it was buggy. On my current run I've fallen through the floor and had many takedowns and combos break because of bugs or bad design. The combat challenge outside of Blackgate gets very rough if enemies are close to the entrance snow piles. Ground takedowns especially break.", "pid": 684050741 }, { "sender": "5460-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:23:42\n\n>>684050741 \nAlright let's say it is buggy: \n \nFallout New Vegas and Vampire Bloodlines are still universally well regarded despite their technical issues. \n \nAny and all bugs do not in anyway dissuade from the only Arkham game with worthwhile bosses. (And I don't consider a stealth checklist for Freeze in City to be a \"good boss\") \n \nThe series is actually so embarrassing and bereft of quality bosses that Arkham fanboys will say that the Scarecrow sections in AA are \"boss fights\"", "pid": 684051113 }, { "sender": "7EBE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:30:45\n\n>>684051113 \nFNV and VtMB are well regarded for their writing, lore, characters, builds and choices. The actual gameplay and technical stuff gets drowned out by those other areas. Origins isn't well written or at least not a standout, it offers no builds and variety. \n \n>And I don't consider a stealth checklist for Freeze in City to be a \"good boss\" \n \nWhy am I even bothering? Mr. Freeze is a great fight because its something different and challenges your mastery of the predator mechanics, like boss fights should do. They also shamelessly reused this fight for the Cold, Cold Heart DLC.", "pid": 684051404 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E495", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:58:09\n\ntranny janny", "pid": 684052641 }, { "sender": "BC06-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:00:58\n\ntranny jannue", "pid": 684052761 }, { "sender": "98F4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:02:00\n\ntranny jannoe", "pid": 684052816 }, { "sender": "AB04-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:03:21\n\ntranny jannye", "pid": 684052881 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ABC4", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:04:23\n\n>tranny jannee", "pid": 684052935 }, { "sender": "AF4D-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:05:24\n\ntranny jannie", "pid": 684052982 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-70BD", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:05:39\n\n>>684051404 \nAnd I like the writing of Origins because it's about a younger Batman coming into his own VS Batgod of the main Arkham entries. \n \nAA is a bit too barebones/basic though it's the first so I'll cut it a bit of slack. AC had the daring plan of making Hugo Strange a top contender for not only one of the best Batman villains but villains in any game/media in general but then utterly fumbled it. Arkham Knight is a bit too schizo (ultimate example is the joker clone thing going absolutely nowhere and the slate gets all tidied up nice and clean) and doesn't follow up on a few things setup by AC like Azrael and Hush. \n \nSo overall, Arkham Origins is without question the best written and has some of the best setpieces. \n \n>Mr. Freeze is a great fight because its something different and challenges your mastery of the predator mechanics, \n \n\"Mastery\" Mastery my ass. Detective vision and the gargoyles nuke any difficulty for any predatory section, meaning there's no need to ever learn the \"totally indepth mechanics\". This isn't Peacewalker or Splinter Cell, it's a dogshit mechanic you can do in a Batman game to get to the meat and potatoes which is the combat, which sucks in the Rocksteady games because they can't fucking do bosses.", "pid": 684052994 }, { "sender": "5327-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:28:45\n\nAsylum and City virgins lose again", "pid": 684054131 }, { "sender": "Anon-F573", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:49:36\n\n>>684052994 \n>Arkham Knight is a bit too schizo (ultimate example is the joker clone thing going absolutely nowhere and the slate gets all tidied up nice and clean) and doesn't follow up on a few things setup by AC like Azrael and Hush. \nBut both Azrael and Hush appear in Arkham Knight, and he does have a neat mission where you can actually decide if he'll be a righteous shizo controlled by his master or actual warrior of justice now seeking redemption \nHush gets his own appearance in a mission where he invades Wayne Tower impersonating Bruce", "pid": 684055162 }, { "sender": "Anon-F4CA", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:58:11\n\n>>684055162 \nAzrael and Hush's sidequests go from pretty big sequel bait to nearly inconsequential side quests. They should have been part of the main plot in some way, especially when they started as side quests. \n \nIn fact when I started the Professor Pyg sidequest, I thought it was all going to be tied to Hush and there'd be some big pay off. Like he had gone crazy with the surgeries.", "pid": 684055559 }, { "sender": "Anon-051D", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:04:25\n\nDid they ever fix that one radio twoer where you got stuck and the only way to get passed it was to do some janky ass gliding?", "pid": 684055835 }, { "sender": "52D3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:06:49\n\n>>684049674 \nArkham Origins has one black mark overriding everything it does well: some upgrades are locked behind ridiculously specific requirements (like get one stealth takedown, one double takedown, one hanging takedown, and one gadget takedown in a single what did you just do encounter) that only exist a couple of times in the campaign so if you miss them you can’t finish upgrading. I lost all motivation to finish the story and I was pretty near the end when I discovered I’d bricked my progression. \nMaybe it’s fixed now, I don’t know, but it left such a sour taste I’m not interested in ever replaying the game.", "pid": 684055939 }, { "sender": "Anon-D9F4", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:17:09\n\n>>684055559 \n>Azrael and Hush's sidequests go from pretty big sequel bait to nearly inconsequential side quests \nThis is probably my biggest problem with the game, now that they fixed the ridiculous performance issues. I feel like even if they were not interested in going that direction in Arkham Knight they should have either left the characters out entirely or done a MUCH better job explaining why all that deliberate setup wasn’t important. If you play the game standalone it’s not a big deal but if you play the series straight through the tonal whiplash is insane.", "pid": 684056456 }, { "sender": "D958-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:22:42\n\n>>684056456 \n>they should have either left the characters out entirely \n \nNo that would have been much worse. I'll take what we got with AK even if they should have been more. If you're talking about leaving anybody out, it's Deathstroke, who is so obviously a last minute addition it makes you wonder why they bothered other than the fact that they truly got bootyblasted that Origins had something quite memorable in it.", "pid": 684056750 }, { "sender": "F77A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:28:21\n\n>>684051113 \nThis is a pajeet by the way. \nYou can tell because they always just memorize meme phrases they spout endlessly and think it constitutes an argument.", "pid": 684057064 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-90C7", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:40:57\n\ntranny janny", "pid": 684057761 }, { "sender": "F3BA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:56:27\n\ntranny janny", "pid": 684058550 } ]
What games do you play when you call in sick
[ { "sender": "75B2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:55:25\n\n>>684051409 \nThe fabled ntr-smile", "pid": 684052527 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D8C3", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:01:17\n\n>>684051409 \nIf I'm too sick for school I'm too sick for video games.", "pid": 684052774 }, { "sender": "FC8B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:06:00\n\n>>684052774 \n>school \nUnderage faggot", "pid": 684053016 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EAB3", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:09:15\n\n>>684051409 \nI've never called in sick because my immune system is too fucking strong. Getting sick is for weaklings.", "pid": 684053191 }, { "sender": "0BE1-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:20:13\n\n>>684051409 \nShe looks like she was recently creampied.", "pid": 684053714 }, { "sender": "F0E6-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:30:43\n\n>call in \nkek wagies. couldnt be me", "pid": 684054228 }, { "sender": "F681-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:43:00\n\n>>684052527 \n>>684053714 \n>whole anime is about her obsessing over and flirting with some weird dude and creating a whole schizo harem of spilt personalities to entertain him \n>ends up cheating on him anyways \nwould be unfathomably based", "pid": 684054825 }, { "sender": "39FA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:49:04\n\n>>684051409 \nusually ~~emptying my ballz~~", "pid": 684055140 }, { "sender": "144E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:49:29\n\n>>684053191 \nBarely ever sick either but my immune system is also actively trying to kill me so I have no idea what's happening in there.", "pid": 684055157 }, { "sender": "8B6F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:52:47\n\n>>684052527 \n>>684053714 \n>>684054825 \nDo you cucks not already have a thread up?", "pid": 684055316 }, { "sender": "682E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:01:37\n\n>>684053191 \nSo is mine, I still get 10 sick days a year and have used them every year.", "pid": 684055734 }, { "sender": "0469-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:07:28\n\nI'm not scum so I don't call in sick unless I'm sick", "pid": 684055974 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-89FC", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:08:33\n\n>>684055974 \nYou'll get that raise from Mr Shekelstein for sure with your dedication anon, good job!", "pid": 684056018 }, { "sender": "FA04-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:01\n\n>>684053191 \nI called in sick today because I hurt my back over the weekend and don't want to sit in a chair all day. Getting old sucks", "pid": 684056036 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7FD6", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:44\n\nI replay an old RE game or Max Payne!!", "pid": 684056078 }, { "sender": "724A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:11:44\n\nno place wants to hire me, so Ill tell you what to play.\nSeek OSRS. Max comfy.", "pid": 684056165 }, { "sender": "Anon-17D9", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:19:52\n\n>>684054825 \nI don't share the sentiment but this show does make the main girl feel like she's only a bad day away from devolving into a schizophrenic yandere", "pid": 684056610 }, { "sender": "591B-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:36:22\n\n>>684055734 \nhere you have to have a doctors notice to be allowed sick days \nand faking is not worth the hassle or risk", "pid": 684057535 } ]
Games with required reading
[ { "sender": "EF26-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:33:21\n\nGames with required reading\n\nName some games where vital info is in the manual like story and tutorials", "pid": 684051510 }, { "sender": "Anon-7CA5", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:34:32\n\nMost games made pre-2007", "pid": 684051552 }, { "sender": "Anon-C3EC", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:36:30\n\nDiablo 2 and with manual I mean the online guide as several things like runewords and cube recipes can't be found ingame at all", "pid": 684051628 }, { "sender": "3731-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:37:56\n\nnever read manuals", "pid": 684051689 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF84", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:28:35\n\n>>684051510 \nBased", "pid": 684054120 }, { "sender": "A939-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:44:50\n\n>>684051510 \nand related games.", "pid": 684054926 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0920", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:47:19\n\n>>684051510 \nDune 2. \nYou have to answer questions on unit stats between missions to proceed and its the early 90s so good luck fucking Lycosing that if you lost the manual.", "pid": 684055056 }, { "sender": "5A7A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:48:36\n\nOld 90's RPG's like the RoA trilogy because the manual listed all the spells, talents and whatnot. Ingame you didn't see a detailed description.\nYou also needed the manual at hand for its copy protection system, and the large map the games came with were useful too.", "pid": 684055120 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D0E8", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:49:31\n\n>>684051510 \nI remember reading the La-Mulana digital instruction manual before starting the game proper.", "pid": 684055158 }, { "sender": "3A07-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:52:32\n\n>>684055158 \nThat manual was perfect \nEven the comical drawings on it give you clues for some of the puzzles", "pid": 684055309 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36EE", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:52:59\n\n>>684051510 \ntheir previous game, Redguard, came with the Pocket Guide to the Empire, a comic book, and a map with real singed edges. \nThe game itself was ass and not worth playing by comparison.", "pid": 684055329 }, { "sender": "6A2F-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:56:15\n\n>>684051510 \nMech engineer. This game is melting my brain.", "pid": 684055479 }, { "sender": "9BA1-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:57:06\n\n>>684051510 \nOuter Wilds", "pid": 684055515 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D332", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:59:50\n\n>>684055329 \nSTFU Redguard was good. Still better than Oblivion.", "pid": 684055641 }, { "sender": "Anon-63E2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:08:11\n\n>>684051510 \nwhat do you need to read in the Morrowind manual?", "pid": 684056004 }, { "sender": "E8EC-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:42:00\n\n>>684051510 \nBump for interest.", "pid": 684057819 } ]
[ { "sender": "3138-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:18:06\n\nI miss 2001 to 2009 era microsoft so much bros.\n\nChristmas 2007 was peak gaming.", "pid": 684056512 }, { "sender": "7BF8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:27:28\n\n>>684056512 \n02-04 were great but it just got worse and worse. I was a day 1 xbox live beta tester and still own a series x as my main but it's grim", "pid": 684057010 }, { "sender": "6595-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:28:10\n\n>missing microshit \nunderage", "pid": 684057050 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AF67", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:29:09\n\nReminder", "pid": 684057109 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5A1A", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:29:18\n\nUp to the end of 2013 and the release of the PS4 was the golden age.", "pid": 684057118 }, { "sender": "1646-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:30:54\n\n>>684057109 \nIt's crazy to think that Halo 3 was only this popular for about a month.; and then Call of Duty 4 made Halo irrelevant overnight.", "pid": 684057227 }, { "sender": "97BE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:34:58\n\n>>684057227 \nHalo 3 had booming servers for many years bro bro. Sorry", "pid": 684057468 }, { "sender": "Anon-0001", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:37:51\n\n>>684057468 \nIf that was true then Halo Reach and 4 would have been just as popular and Halo wouldn't be a joke today.", "pid": 684057596 }, { "sender": "Anon-7DBB", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:44:47\n\n>>684057596 \nNot true and Halo 3 was the most popular 360 game every month until Reach came out.", "pid": 684057964 }, { "sender": "B543-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:44:57\n\n>>684057596 \nIt is true and you're retarded. Reach sold well but was worse than halo 3. It's not even a debate. Halo 3 had a big online player base for quite a while. Yes the multiplat call of duty games did surpass it but you're full of shit if you're saying Halo 3 was forgotten immediately.", "pid": 684057970 }, { "sender": "8D57-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 13:20:07\n\ngood riddance. xbox360 ruined videogames.\nmuh dudebroooooos must be hardcore gayymerrrr hurr durr muh shootersssss muh vocal chatterinoooo", "pid": 684059827 } ]
[ { "sender": "E2BB-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:50:16\n\nI encountered this problem when changing files in VN. I unpacked the .arc via GARbro, edited the text inside, then packaged it into Arc/WillV2 through it.\n When replacing the original file in the game, an error appears after logging in. Maybe someone can tell me what the problem is?\n The text was edited using Notepad and Translator++.", "pid": 684052284 }, { "sender": "095F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:52:24\n\ndid you try turning your router off and then back on", "pid": 684052381 }, { "sender": "73C9-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:53:09\n\ndelete system 32", "pid": 684052412 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B390", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:54:04\n\n>>684052284 \nHave yout tried checking the pc fans for cum?", "pid": 684052458 }, { "sender": "B49A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:57:06\n\n>>684052412 \n5 sec...", "pid": 684052584 }, { "sender": "Anon-C6BD", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:57:08\n\n>>684052284 \nIts saying some file doesn't exist but I speak computer less than I speak japanese.", "pid": 684052586 }, { "sender": "4874-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:57:47\n\n>>684052284 \ninstall gentoo", "pid": 684052619 }, { "sender": "903B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:58:15\n\n>>684052284 \n\"data01xxx.arc : old\\_00a\" is a weird filename desu", "pid": 684052646 }, { "sender": "Anon-DAC1", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:58:41\n\nwhy does an error need TWO exclamation marks", "pid": 684052660 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-74C1", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:59:27\n\nPM'd you the fix :)", "pid": 684052701 }, { "sender": "142C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:00:30\n\n>/v/ - vidya game support center", "pid": 684052735 }, { "sender": "D47E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:03:18\n\n>>684052284 \n>Translator++. \nlmao retard bro you did this to yourself", "pid": 684052876 }, { "sender": "2BA2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:03:29\n\n>>684052284 \nI think you should click \"OK\"", "pid": 684052891 }, { "sender": "Anon-A457", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:04:15\n\n>>684052284 \nLet me guess, you use an intel cpu......", "pid": 684052930 }, { "sender": "4419-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:05:25\n\n>>684052284 \nshit is fucked beyond repair. get a new pc.", "pid": 684052984 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4125", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:06:30\n\nI have some experience with GARbro but not with the engine you're trying to edit.\nTell me what VN and I will try it.", "pid": 684053048 }, { "sender": "Anon-7FAD", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:06:48\n\n>>684052619 \nGentoo the implied testicles.", "pid": 684053065 }, { "sender": "Anon-73B7", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:08:40\n\n>>684053048 \nH2O Footprints in the sand Complete edition", "pid": 684053152 }, { "sender": "Anon-4D38", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:11:59\n\n>>684052284 \nThe problem is that the file doesn't seem to exist.", "pid": 684053321 }, { "sender": "FFB5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:12:40\n\n>>684053152 \n>0 seeds on nyaa \n>4 parts on anime sharing \nThis might take a while. Please wait warmly.", "pid": 684053353 }, { "sender": "B73D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:16:47\n\nwhat are some easy to read Japanese VNs, /v/? \nI just figured out the textractor-clipboardHTML-Yomichan-Anki deck pipeline, so I'm looking for some shit to mine.", "pid": 684053543 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6BDF", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:24:21\n\n>>684053543 \n>easy to read Japanese VN \nYou will never get where you want to be if you just go for the easy stuff. It's much better to read what you want to read (porn) and learn on the fly.", "pid": 684053913 }, { "sender": "Anon-6E00", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:30:37\n\n>>684053913 \nNot him but I get way too horny to learn through porn, and porn dialogue is way too simple anyway. You're right about reading what you actually want to read and to not focus on easy stuff though.", "pid": 684054225 }, { "sender": "9B32-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:32:10\n\nwhat are some Japanese VNs that I want to read, /v/?", "pid": 684054304 }, { "sender": "E84F-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:34:19\n\n>>684053152 \nTry placing the edited files directly next to the executable without repacking anything and see if they load automatically.", "pid": 684054414 }, { "sender": "Anon-7EBC", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:34:44\n\n>>684053992 \nthis is some real good error porn", "pid": 684054438 }, { "sender": "5876-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:34:59\n\n>>684054304 \nMonobeno", "pid": 684054445 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC5C", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:35:10\n\n>>684052660 \nJapanese error prease understando", "pid": 684054456 }, { "sender": "2AD1-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:36:11\n\n>>684052284 \ndownload more ram", "pid": 684054501 }, { "sender": "8057-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:37:17\n\n>>684054304 \n", "pid": 684054553 }, { "sender": "EF85-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:40:17\n\nwhat are some Japanese VNs that I want to read and aren't toddler porn, /v/?", "pid": 684054703 }, { "sender": "0EA4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:50:59\n\n>>684052284 \nJapanese scanlator here. It says the designated file doesn’t exist. \nHope that helps, make sure not to pirate games in the future ;-) \n——————————————— \nScience flies us to the moon, religion flies us into buildings — Noam Chomsky", "pid": 684055230 }, { "sender": "Anon-1ABC", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:52:54\n\n>>684054703 \nDragon Academy 3 \nIt counts as VN if you play on easy.", "pid": 684055324 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BCBC", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:55:46\n\n>>684053152 \n>>684053353 \nUpdate \n>3 parts available for free \n>4th part only for premium \nfffffffuck", "pid": 684055453 }, { "sender": "194C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:58:18\n\n>>684053543 \nThere’s only a few real ones. The rest are all porn. Phoenix Wright is unironically very easy.", "pid": 684055571 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2EE5", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:40:51\n\nI tried editing a copy of wonderful everyday but that engine is really a pain to deal with.\nNormally you would be able to just pack all your edited files into a patch file and the engine would load it at startup but the BGI/Ethornell engine has all kinds of wonky shit going on.\nI can't figure out how to encode images into CompressedBG nor do I know at what time a character says what line so I can't check if it works.\nAnd the available tools are really fucking bad so I'd say it's not worth working on.", "pid": 684057757 }, { "sender": "2610-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 13:02:04\n\n>>684052284 \nit says your penis cannot be found because you're gay \n>>684052660 \n>TWO exclamation marks \nno idea why but it's alarmingly common", "pid": 684058839 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-E779", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:34:04\n\nwhy are there so many references to Alice In Wonderland in japanese videogames?", "pid": 684040635 }, { "sender": "583E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:36:44\n\n>>684040635 \nBecause the original alice in wonderland is adult story", "pid": 684040760 }, { "sender": "427F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:41:46\n\n>>684040635 \nI get it, I really like that fairy tale.", "pid": 684040981 }, { "sender": "4A09-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:42:13\n\n>>684040635 \nloli", "pid": 684041004 }, { "sender": "ED25-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:43:55\n\n>>684040635 \nFor this one it's just the company's name", "pid": 684041103 }, { "sender": "7EB2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:44:57\n\nBecause Japs are autistic pedos.", "pid": 684041146 }, { "sender": "Anon-6980", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:44:58\n\nLewis Carroll love manifested in his works.", "pid": 684041147 }, { "sender": "Anon-69A5", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:46:05\n\n( | )", "pid": 684041197 }, { "sender": "9763-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:46:30\n\nIsn't it escapism ? Nips also don't mind being degenerates.", "pid": 684041221 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-64BB", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:47:55\n\nI'M GOING TO ALICE", "pid": 684041285 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E487", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:48:43\n\n>>684040635 \nIt was amongst the first gaijin novel imported to nippon.", "pid": 684041324 }, { "sender": "Anon-A5FC", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:16\n\nnobody knows", "pid": 684041364 }, { "sender": "9F3A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:20\n\n>>684040635 \nYou know why.", "pid": 684041367 }, { "sender": "5436-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:50:14\n\nBecause deep down everyone knows that a girl like Alice is exactly what they seek in a woman.", "pid": 684041403 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D8DC", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:51:56\n\n>>684040635 \nI think it's just one of those things that really caught on early when Japan started exchanging culture with the West. Plus pretty little girl in victorian style dress, what with the whole lolita fashion culture over there.. \nprobably a similar thing like what happened with Naruto, Dragon Ball, Pokemon, Yugioh etc. here.", "pid": 684041498 }, { "sender": "03CA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:52:10\n\n>>684041285 \nThat's not an action, you can't Alice.", "pid": 684041517 }, { "sender": "7481-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:53:02\n\nALICE?!", "pid": 684041562 }, { "sender": "FAFD-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:01:04\n\n>>684041498 \n>whole lolita fashion culture \nother way around anon.... alice in wonderland was one of the big drivers of that style of fashion.", "pid": 684041979 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1BD5", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:05:56\n\nhmm...", "pid": 684042214 }, { "sender": "4024-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:08:40\n\n>>684040635 \n>sovlless (soveel-less) \nsovlfvl (soveehl fahveehl)", "pid": 684042356 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EE58", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:09:39\n\n>>684040635 \nFreemason thing, dude who wrote the story obviously drugged Alice with Fly agaric mushrooms so the story about how she got molested would be full of nonsense because of the hallucinations", "pid": 684042410 }, { "sender": "6F7E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:15:39\n\n>>684041364 \nI never said that.", "pid": 684042737 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE5A", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:16:48\n\n>>684042214 \nAbandonvare.", "pid": 684042797 }, { "sender": "55D9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:18:55\n\nRance X when?", "pid": 684042891 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CBB1", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:24:18\n\n>>684041146 \nAnd there's nothing wrong with that.", "pid": 684043157 }, { "sender": "45A6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:31:11\n\n>>684040635 \nbecause alice in wonderland is original isekai.", "pid": 684043506 }, { "sender": "2B67-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:37:32\n\n>>684040635", "pid": 684043808 }, { "sender": "2E39-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:16:44\n\n>>684042214 \nlmao", "pid": 684045663 }, { "sender": "Anon-69B6", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:20:56\n\n>>684040635 \nthey love isekai so of course she became popular", "pid": 684045854 }, { "sender": "73F3-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:23:45\n\n>phallus in underland", "pid": 684045960 }, { "sender": "298D-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:26:20\n\n>>684040635 \nauthor was a nonce.", "pid": 684046084 }, { "sender": "Anon-4CBB", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:52:21\n\n>>684040635 \nAlice is simply lovely.", "pid": 684047246 }, { "sender": "7A62-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:01:31\n\nI love Alice (´・ω・`)", "pid": 684047620 }, { "sender": "Anon-93C3", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:03:35\n\nAlisex!", "pid": 684047689 }, { "sender": "Anon-F01B", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:04:01\n\nCute girls from before the time Western media got kiked.", "pid": 684047708 }, { "sender": "Anon-341C", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:20:07\n\n>>684040635 \nNot only vg - anime and manga too. \nIt’s the template example story for a cute girl sent into a weird fantasy world and as such, it inspired a lot of shoujo and lolicon artists since at least the 70s. Made it a major icon in JP pop culture.", "pid": 684048372 }, { "sender": "E8F7-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:20:29\n\n>>684043808 \nsoveel faveel", "pid": 684048380 }, { "sender": "F806-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:22:42\n\n>>684040635 \nit is a mystery", "pid": 684048479 }, { "sender": "Anon-A01A", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:23:28\n\n>>684040635 \nIt's an Isekai", "pid": 684048508 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-258F", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:27:06\n\nWhy do gooks want to rape cartoon children? Don't they know it's wrong?", "pid": 684048647 }, { "sender": "Anon-677D", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:29:19\n\n>>684040635 \nWhy won't they let you sex up Alice? She's their best character.", "pid": 684048735 }, { "sender": "030D-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:35:34\n\n>>684040635 \nShe's cute, innocent and represents the idealized west that Japan still loves", "pid": 684048985 }, { "sender": "Anon-AD64", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:37:18\n\n>>684040635 \nThe Japanese are, as they say, pretentious pedophiles who thrive in vagueness", "pid": 684049050 }, { "sender": "BAC6-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:40:20\n\n>>684048647 \nThey want to rape cats too.", "pid": 684049165 }, { "sender": "0B41-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:41:46\n\nI hope you people never have kids.", "pid": 684049232 }, { "sender": "B1B6-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:50:42\n\n>>684049232 \nyou just want them all for yourself, uh", "pid": 684049651 }, { "sender": "B4C4-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:50:55\n\n>>684049232 \nI don't think an ugly bastard like me could ever have a daughter as cute as Alice...", "pid": 684049654 }, { "sender": "Anon-CCC0", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:51:06\n\n>>684040635 \nOnce upon a time in Japan, there was a Lolicon Boom, which is the primordial origin of hentai, bishoujo, moe, and Otaku. But before the Lolicon Boom, there was an Alice Boom. And with it came a brand new translation of Alice in Wonderland by Kadokawa that relayed a myth about Lewis Carroll loving Alice with all his heart that he proposed marriage to her, making him the first character to appear in a manga with a Lolita Complex. Old school Otaku said they were more like Lewis Carroll than Humbert Humbert from Lolita, leading to Alice (Arisu) being the first erotic doujinshi (literally) produced at Comiket. With Cybele being the first manga ero-doujinshi by Oki Yukao and Azuma Hideo (Oki Yukao later would do a doujinshi based on Alice called Pleasance).", "pid": 684049665 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9CB4", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:54:49\n\n>>684049654 \nThis is how you create your own Alice (weight loss drug).", "pid": 684049850 }, { "sender": "Anon-5A1F", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:59:09\n\nIt's simple, everyone loves Alice.", "pid": 684050014 }, { "sender": "Anon-E154", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:14:13\n\n>>684040635 \nEveryone needs to be warned of the dangers of Alice. Do not believe Alicesoft's propaganda.", "pid": 684050714 }, { "sender": "6FFF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:15:08\n\nWhy not", "pid": 684050748 }, { "sender": "Anon-2DBF", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:17:15\n\n>>684050714 \nThat game in your image is one where you simultaneously control Alice and are Alice. So you can type 'Rape Alice', and you, the player who is Alice, rapes the Alice you're controlling. It's complicated.", "pid": 684050828 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B3C", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:22:14\n\n>>684050828 \nShe constantly masturbates whenever I played it, very strange behavior of Alice. Frankly can't get behind you trying to blame someone else for her degenerate actions, it's all Alice's own doing.", "pid": 684051050 }, { "sender": "Anon-96B9", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:23:57\n\n", "pid": 684051123 }, { "sender": "8D45-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:34:12\n\n>>684051050 \nWhat I said is from an interview with the original developer of the game. It's a game where you're both in the position of being Alice and controlling Alice. \n \nAn adventure game like Myst has you playing yourself (what you see is what you the player see). Whereas a third-person game has you controlling a character you see on the screen. This game is unique in being both 1st person and 3rd person.", "pid": 684051547 }, { "sender": "1572-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:35:21\n\n>>684048508 \nLmao please tell me there's one with sound", "pid": 684051583 }, { "sender": "5134-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:39:27\n\n>>684040635 \nThe original loli.", "pid": 684051756 }, { "sender": "2589-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:29:48\n\n>>684040635 \nBunp", "pid": 684054181 }, { "sender": "EE33-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:39:53\n\n>>684051123 \nI'm going to grand guignol", "pid": 684054683 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FA72", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:48:00\n\n>>684042891 \nNever. I bet we'll get freshly announced Daiteikoku before it's out.", "pid": 684055095 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EB23", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:50:28\n\n>>684042737", "pid": 684055203 }, { "sender": "52A9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:07:30\n\n>>684051547 \nThe developer is full of shit.", "pid": 684055975 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1973", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:44\n\n>>684042410 \nNow tell us again about how the Freemasons are trying to conquer the world with Super Mario 64, schizo-kun", "pid": 684056079 }, { "sender": "Anon-61D1", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:31:47\n\n>>684040635 \nEveryone loves Arisu.", "pid": 684057284 }, { "sender": "Anon-3FDB", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:32:12\n\n>>684055975 \nI doubt it, he's the one who created the game, and it's factual. Maybe the one who is full of shit is you (many such cases on 4chan)?", "pid": 684057306 }, { "sender": "B4A0-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:36:15\n\n>>684057306 \nJust a Kojimboism, making shit up about the game to pretend it isn't a shitty ADV game (which it was).", "pid": 684057528 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-676F", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:14:23\n\nThe Nature Loving Princess!", "pid": 684048119 }, { "sender": "Anon-551F", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:15:45\n\nShe's hot.\nProbably does weed to.", "pid": 684048168 }, { "sender": "3486-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:17:29\n\n>>684048168 \nimagine smoking with a pretty nature loving japanese archery girl", "pid": 684048246 }, { "sender": "68EA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:58:43\n\nWhat is she doing?", "pid": 684049995 }, { "sender": "98F0-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:37:03\n\n>>684048246 \n>Grass gym leader \n>She's always spaced out \nWhat did they mean by this?", "pid": 684051654 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F6AD", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:41:04\n\nSHE WAS ORIGINALLY SUPPOSED TO BE A GHOST SPECIALIST WHO LOOKS LIKE A CORPSE YOU STONER SACKS OF SHIT\nAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "pid": 684051817 }, { "sender": "75EE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:42:14\n\n>>684049995 \nShe's gonna put that thing up your urethra.", "pid": 684051880 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D9C7", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:49:08\n\n>>684051817 \n>Ne, anon-kun. Let's buy a piece of property in the countryside with some forest. We'll grow herbs and flowers and I'll grow out my bush and we'll have lots of animalistic baby making nakadashi sexo, ne?", "pid": 684052231 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1FAD", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:56:23\n\n>>684048119 \nThreesome with her and Gardenia", "pid": 684052564 }, { "sender": "D4B3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:10:47\n\n>>684052564 \nimagine the poignant aroma of her bush", "pid": 684053270 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0C86", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:14:35\n\n>>684053270 \nDoes she trim it regularly?", "pid": 684053441 }, { "sender": "043E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:45:33\n\n>>684049995 \nme", "pid": 684054969 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3B1B", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:45:40\n\n>>684053441 \nshe keeps it to an 80s level \nanything more than that she trims", "pid": 684054976 }, { "sender": "D493-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:05:14\n\n>>684053441 \nGrass type trainer girls are all natural down there", "pid": 684055870 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-07BC", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:26:32\n\n>>684055870 \ndo you have one for if they do/like anal?", "pid": 684056959 }, { "sender": "91B6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:47:02\n\n>>684056959 \nno I don't, sorry", "pid": 684058086 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-0E7A", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:07:55\n\nHow can someone recover from being a gacha player? Asking for a friend of course.", "pid": 684047860 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AC9F", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:18:22\n\n>>684047860 \nStart playing real games. Once you experience reasonable difficulty curves and other qualities that are raped in mobileshit to get you to pay money you will want to stay on the side of real games.", "pid": 684048283 }, { "sender": "8F52-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:46:59\n\n>>684047860 \nstep 1: just stop playing \nthats it. after missing your dailies for 2-3 days you will lose all desire to play again \nafter a week you wont think about it ever again \n \npro tip: stop browsing the gacha general on /vg/ and unsub to all your gacha youtubers", "pid": 684049469 }, { "sender": "E7B5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:22:06\n\nMy gamer superpower is immunity to all mtx tricks. (My gamer weakness is mashing.) I would recommend focusing on doing something better, rather than trying 'not to' care about gacha.", "pid": 684051043 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FA53", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:25:31\n\n>>684047860 \nUninstall all the gacha games you have immediately and never look back", "pid": 684051182 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AB25", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:27:15\n\n>>684047860 \njust play for a months and quit", "pid": 684051261 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9F04", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:59:41\n\nWean yourself off by playing actual games with gacha elements a la Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or Chaos Rings 3. The latter is even a mobile game.", "pid": 684052710 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-67D9", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:01:34\n\n>>684047860 \nHasty reminder", "pid": 684052786 }, { "sender": "Anon-3915", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:03:51\n\n>>684047860 \nWhy the zzz is popular again? Ps3 gameplay for kids? Censored outfits? Botted shlling? Fotm?", "pid": 684052910 }, { "sender": "2460-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:39:37\n\n>>684047860 \nsuicide is the only option", "pid": 684054667 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0BDC", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:43:45\n\n>>684047860 \nYes. I've quit many gacha I've put time into. It's quite easy, although I'll admit I stopped playing them because I knew I wasn't enjoying it. And with ones like Hoyo, I only log in when there's something that interests me \nIf you still enjoy your gacha(s), there's no issue", "pid": 684054867 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7784", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:45:33\n\n>>684047860 \nI usually phase out of a gacha mood when all the dailies and making sure I log in at x time to not waste stamina becomes a drag. Does that not happen to you?", "pid": 684054970 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-73E9", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:48:37\n\n>>684052910 \nIs the least popular of all the big gacha games which is bad considering it has the mihoyo brand", "pid": 684055123 }, { "sender": "8EE1-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:51:07\n\n>>684048283 \nSuggestion for some 2024 real games? I finished elden ring dlc already.", "pid": 684055239 }, { "sender": "442B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:53:35\n\n>>684055239 \nanything that is not a censored casino with little to no content is better", "pid": 684055352 }, { "sender": "D4BE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:55:17\n\n>>684055239 \n>2024 \nthere are thousands of real games from before this time. Age is just a number", "pid": 684055425 }, { "sender": "DD2D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:55:58\n\nI don't know how anyone could get addicted in the first place. I played some f2p games before and they all get boring while the grind slows down to a crawl. There was always other stuff to do, I guess.", "pid": 684055464 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D68D", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:01:17\n\nYou don’t need to quit entirely. Take the “soft exit” off of Gacha Highway. Only roll on characters who you absolutely love, or are so meta that you can’t afford not to have them. Try as much as possible to spend free in-game currency instead of premium top-up currency. Understand that most expensive things in life are made to scam rich people. If you aren’t rich then TOP-UP ISN’T FOR YOU! It’s quite literally a scam. Everything they do is made to trick rich people into spending money on top-up even though it clearly isn’t a good deal. You’ll also have to quit using 4chan and other sites infected by Gacha shills who are trying to sell this scam.\n\nAlso, think about everything else you could be spending money on once you give. Clothes, cologne, food, whatever. It’s probably more useful to you than anime waifus. (But if the waifu is literally made for you then it’s still OK to make an exception.)", "pid": 684055710 }, { "sender": "562F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:15:37\n\n>>684047860 \nPlay real games. I know other anons have mention it, it's something i can vouch for from personal experience. It was thanks to playing Xenoblade that i realized just how shallow mobile games presentation is and how it treats you, the player, like a 5 years old baby, \na lot worse than even a Xenoblade games, and i'm talking about Xenoblade 2 of all games for fuck sake. So just dip your toes first into some games that you may have set your eyes on for a while but never find the right time to play it and who knows maybe you will finally get out of the gacha hell, maybe not idk.", "pid": 684056361 }, { "sender": "C58C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:47:41\n\n>>684047860 \nEmulate some good PS2 games. Ratchet and Clank, GTA, God of War, Prince of Persia ect. Stay away from RPGs at the start, you want to start with action games to break the gacha addiction", "pid": 684058120 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-E730", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:30:14\n\n>14 year old girl orgasms on screen \nThis game is based.", "pid": 684027641 }, { "sender": "8EE7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:18:10\n\n>>684027641 \nWhy can't 14 year olds cum without some neck beard making a big deal out of it?", "pid": 684030478 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4AAC", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:23:47\n\n>>684027641 \nI like this game and its story. It’s better than V.", "pid": 684030818 }, { "sender": "Anon-482E", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:00:32\n\n>>684030818 \nHave yet to play V. Does anyone cum in it?", "pid": 684032916 }, { "sender": "E7F8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:02:05\n\n>>684030818 \nThe gameplay? Sure. \nThe story and characters? FUCK no.", "pid": 684032984 }, { "sender": "C4ED-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:02:49\n\n>>684032916 \nNo. They forgot to add that part.", "pid": 684033015 }, { "sender": "Anon-FA17", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:03:11\n\n>>684027641 \nYeah because you can kill her.", "pid": 684033034 }, { "sender": "Anon-5399", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:04:06\n\n>>684032916 \nOnly the player, when they get to pic related", "pid": 684033070 }, { "sender": "4281-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:49:13\n\n>>684027641 \ngame?", "pid": 684035370 }, { "sender": "BCAE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:50:46\n\n>>684030818 \nThat’s not saying much. V is the SMT equivalent of being a special needs child and getting a participation trophy, there’s so little genuine malice and moral conflict you might as well be playing a fucking Final Fantasy game where you’re told that somehow, by believing hard enough the impossible became possible.", "pid": 684035443 }, { "sender": "B302-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:54:29\n\n>>684027641 \nhag", "pid": 684035634 }, { "sender": "Anon-03FB", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:56:05\n\n>>684035443 \nSpeaking as a special needs child yourself?", "pid": 684035719 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9830", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:06:05\n\n>>684027641 \nRemaster when? I refuse to go back to those smallass 3ds screens.", "pid": 684036231 }, { "sender": "BA46-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:47:29\n\n>>684035443 \ndont forget the autoskill part", "pid": 684038397 }, { "sender": "Anon-352E", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:53:29\n\n>>684032984 \nV's awful cast and story make IVA's awful cast and story look like PS:T.", "pid": 684038667 }, { "sender": "4874-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:17:25\n\n>>684027641 \nThe younger they are, the cuter the orgasm", "pid": 684039784 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-67F7", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:22:08\n\n>>684027641 \n>says she'll stay with you no matter what \n>betrays you anyway if you side with Dagda \nLying bitch", "pid": 684040014 }, { "sender": "CFCA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:24:06\n\n>>684030478 \nSome people like watching the sun rise. Others admire the beauty of nature. And for some people, it's that moment when a 14 year old girl hits that shuddering crescendo. Those people are Shin Megami Tensei players, and probably also gachafags but that's beside the point.", "pid": 684040102 }, { "sender": "Anon-62D1", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:20:32\n\n>>684030478 \nNeckbeards make a big deal out of everything.", "pid": 684042969 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D50", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:32:25\n\n>>684036231 \nReally? I played Ace Attorney Trilogy HD and much prefer the DS version.", "pid": 684043575 }, { "sender": "Anon-543F", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:13:33\n\n>>684033070 \nNice boobs", "pid": 684045516 }, { "sender": "Anon-2B56", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:00:32\n\n>>684032916 \nDefinitely", "pid": 684047578 }, { "sender": "E456-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:10:11\n\n>>684040014 \nIn this scenario, brainwashing is a moral obligation.", "pid": 684047952 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD53", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:15:55\n\n>>684033070 \n>implying I haven't coomed 15 hours earlier while meeting the Mermaid", "pid": 684050776 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3A0C", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:24:36\n\n>>684027641 \n>he didnt fuck at 13/14 already \nwew lad", "pid": 684051142 }, { "sender": "Anon-BFC1", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:35:10\n\n>>684050776 \nSo perfect... ToT", "pid": 684051572 }, { "sender": "EB5A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:39:02\n\n>>684030478 \nBased cunnychad informing the normies that the girl has to be much younger than 14 for it to be a big deal \n \nCumming during teenage years is expected", "pid": 684051737 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-87C5", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:41:31\n\n>>684030818 \n>It has a better story than the only game in the series with a worse story \nI...I guess", "pid": 684051843 }, { "sender": "Anon-E273", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:41:53\n\n>>684027641 \nQRD on the orgasm part?", "pid": 684051860 }, { "sender": "Anon-0A28", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:22:22\n\n>>684027641 \nBunp", "pid": 684053825 }, { "sender": "Anon-6FBC", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:35:08\n\n>>684051860 \nThe party has to go to magic temples that affect emotions like pride, anger, arousal etc \nThe arousal magic makes Toki orgasm in front of everyone else", "pid": 684054451 }, { "sender": "FB76-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:45:41\n\n>>684027641 \nI don't really know why but her being possessed by Inanna was hot as fuck. A goddess of love and fertility inside of a 14 year old, making her desperate to have your babies? Holy based Japan. \nI was disappointed that there was no option to kill Danu + Nozomi to sate Inanna's desire to restore her power. Settling for the anarchy ending was an ok compromise I guess.", "pid": 684054979 }, { "sender": "302A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:48:12\n\n>>684030818 \nI cum when I see Nohobino does that count?", "pid": 684055105 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1960", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:49:51\n\n>>684030818 \nBoth gameplay and story in Vengeance run complete laps around IVA.", "pid": 684055173 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A737", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:53:54\n\n>>684027641 \nBuilt for sexo. I bet she likes powerplay and submission sex, rape and everything concerning a struggle.", "pid": 684055367 }, { "sender": "Anon-E251", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:54:06\n\n>>684054451 \narousal and orgasm are different things", "pid": 684055373 }, { "sender": "Anon-0C5A", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:54:59\n\n>>684027641 \ni want to impregnate Toki!!!!", "pid": 684055410 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-95FF", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:55:38\n\n>>684055410 \nWho doesn't.", "pid": 684055441 }, { "sender": "06AE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:55:55\n\n>>684030818 \nthe only thing 4 and 4a got going was its atmosphere and soundtrack.", "pid": 684055461 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-76DB", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:05:52\n\n>>684055373 \nshes a woman, they never make sense", "pid": 684055903 }, { "sender": "9A39-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:06:52\n\n>>684030818 \nUh hello? Based department?", "pid": 684055941 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0FB2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:33:09\n\n>>684030818 \n\\*sigh\\* \nhere's your (you)", "pid": 684057364 }, { "sender": "46F8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:43:55\n\n>>684055441 \n>making her desperate to have your babies \nIndeed.. very based indeed.. She's built for baby making.", "pid": 684057918 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-44DB", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:06:24\n\nBioshock 4's UI tells me we are in for some soul.", "pid": 684050339 }, { "sender": "FD34-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:08:43\n\n>>684050339 \nthats not bioshock 4 you retards thats ken levines next game", "pid": 684050452 }, { "sender": "Anon-C222", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:10:46\n\n>>684050339 \nThere is already a thread up. \n>>684050452 \nKen Levine's next game is Judas. The screenshot on the left was taken from Bioshock 4's alpha build and \"\"\"leaked\"\"\" by a developer.", "pid": 684050556 }, { "sender": "8A75-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:14:21\n\n>>684050452 \n>ken levines next game \nYou mean the \"Totally not Bioshock even though it looks 100% like a Bioshock game\" game?", "pid": 684050719 }, { "sender": "BDBB-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:16:14\n\n>>684050339 \n>No Ken \n>Bioshock 2 devs involved \nIt’s going to be shit.", "pid": 684050787 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B63B", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:17:59\n\n>>684050787 \nGo back to working on Judas Ken, everyone knows Bio2 is the best in the series and that Minerva's Den moggs BaS.", "pid": 684050867 }, { "sender": "Anon-AB3F", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:22:40\n\n>>684050339 \n>Minimalistic, colorless design \n>Soul \nKill yourself.", "pid": 684051073 }, { "sender": "5FC8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:28:29\n\n>>684050787 \n>No Ken \n>No Bioshock Infinite 2.0 trash \nSounds like a good thing.", "pid": 684051313 }, { "sender": "Anon-F6B7", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:31:52\n\n>>684050867 \n>reused assets: the game \n>muh communist antagonist \n>multiple endings for no reason \n>generic father daughter storyline \n>no final boss \n>playable big daddy removes all horror and suspense from the game \nIf you actually played Bioshock 1 and 2 back to back you’d realise how shit and disappointing it was at release.", "pid": 684051456 }, { "sender": "C6E5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:47:03\n\n>>684051456 \n>>reused assets: the game \nBasically any sequel ever. Majora's Mask is worshiped by most of /v/ but no one complains about it reusing assets from OoT. \n>>muh communist antagonist \nthat is infinitely bettwer-written than Daisy Fitzroy or even Comstock. Lamb might not be on the same level as Fontaine but that's an extremely high bar. \n>>multiple endings for no reason \nHaving multiple endings is bad? Go play TLoU or some other movieslop. \n>>generic father daughter storyline \nGeneric because it doesn't have multiverse bullshit? The dynamic between Delta and Eleanor is also much better written than the one between Booker and Elizabeth. \n>>no final boss \nYes, because Bioshock is known for its revolutionary final bosses. I still see people praising the Fontaine fight every day. \n>>playable big daddy removes all horror and suspense from the game \nBioshock 1 is a horror game for like the first 15 minutes. Even on harder difficulties you'll be stocked up with ammo and med/EVEkits if you aren't a drooling retard.", "pid": 684052125 }, { "sender": "Anon-CD03", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:48:20\n\n>>684050787 \nyes", "pid": 684052191 }, { "sender": "5EAE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:05:38\n\n>>684050339 \nI really want this game to not be room temperature milk in a paper carton but I dont feel so good about it. \n>>684052125 \nAs much as I liked 2 Lamb was very lame for a villian especially when compared to Ryan or Fontaine. She made a strong impression at the start but by the end of the game I barely remembered her.", "pid": 684052993 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE86", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:06:32\n\n(((Levine))). God, you guys are hypocrites.", "pid": 684053050 }, { "sender": "Anon-6423", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:37:14\n\n>>684050787 \nBioshock 2 has better gameplay than Bioshock 1", "pid": 684054549 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EA37", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:39:36\n\n>>684050787 \nKen himself is a hack. Also Bioshock 2 was kino. You were quite literally filtered.", "pid": 684054663 }, { "sender": "Anon-50E2", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:48:52\n\n>>684050787 \n>No Ken \n>Bioshock 2 devs involved", "pid": 684055136 }, { "sender": "Anon-5556", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:51:34\n\n>>684050787 \nand the franchise was saved again", "pid": 684055259 }, { "sender": "5E51-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:52:50\n\n>>684050787 \n>No Ken \n>Bioshock 2 devs involved \nOkay, I'm looking forward to this now", "pid": 684055321 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-03EC", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:53:35\n\n>>684050787 \nthat kike got too preachy with Infinite", "pid": 684055351 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5CC9", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:59:40\n\nI want to punch everyone in the groin who overuses this shit.", "pid": 684055634 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-162A", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:41\n\n>>684055634 \nevery \nsingle \nfucking \none", "pid": 684055679 }, { "sender": "Anon-6CC3", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:01:27\n\n>generic modern minimalistic AAA UI with diamond icons \n>soul \nKill yourself immediately pajeet.", "pid": 684055720 }, { "sender": "Anon-119C", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:02:29\n\n>>684050787 \nBio 2 was a direct improvement over Bio 1 in terms of gameplay and Ken is too high on his own supply to ever write anything good ever again. If they get some good writers (A massive \"IF\"), this can be potentially be very good.", "pid": 684055762 }, { "sender": "Anon-5B5B", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:03:07\n\n>>684050339 \nI doubt it.", "pid": 684055793 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A4ED", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:23\n\n>>684050339 \n>No Ken \n>Bioshock 2 devs involved \nIt's gonna be sweet.", "pid": 684056060 }, { "sender": "Anon-C424", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:53:03\n\n>>684050787 \n>no Ken \n \nnice, NEXT GUY", "pid": 684058384 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-0597", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:32:52\n\nWhere the fuck do I find original screenshots from old games? Not remastered, not hi-res bilinear filtered crap from emulators, not blurry upscaled webps from retarded journos, just actual screenshots from actual games in their original size and everything? I'm sure there's some obscure web 1.0 site that collects them.", "pid": 684057342 }, { "sender": "BF07-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:37:56\n\n>>684057342 \nMobygames?", "pid": 684057603 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1334", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:41:19\n\nJust emulate and turn off bilinear filtering?", "pid": 684057781 }, { "sender": "4ED4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:44:48\n\n>>684057603 \nyeah no", "pid": 684057965 }, { "sender": "3BE6-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:48:32\n\nwhat the first post said, Mobygames is good. also \n>GOG sometimes has them \n>, jank but the 'Cкpиншoты' button is the screenshots on the game page, translate to English obviously \n>My Abandonware", "pid": 684058162 }, { "sender": "F526-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:50:16\n\n>>684058162 \n> Mobygames is good \nevery single game I checked randomly is full of hi res emulator shit", "pid": 684058247 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A33", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:51:14\n\n>>684057342 \nfrom google by using \"before:<year\\_before\\_remaster\\_was\\_released>\" tag", "pid": 684058297 }, { "sender": "Anon-8738", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:53:31\n\n>>684057342 \nyou don't. They are lost forever. A lot of older websites that contained them no longer run and the data was either destroyed or lost on an old hdd in someones attic. Its actually a major issue with internet right now where old archives with countless forum posts, screenshots, resources and media being lost forever.", "pid": 684058408 }, { "sender": "84E5-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:55:42\n\nBe the change you want to see.", "pid": 684058518 }, { "sender": "Anon-A15B", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:58:30\n\nScreenshots or textures?\n\nGameplay screenshots, try looking through all kind of forums.\nFor textures, you'll have an easier time pirating the game and extracting them yourself.\n\nAI in search engines ruined the internet. You'll probably never find the niche things anymore.", "pid": 684058646 } ]
How was it when it still had players?
[ { "sender": "856A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:36:50\n\nHow was it when it still had players?\n\nI remember catching trailers back then but never played it.", "pid": 684051645 }, { "sender": "38CE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:38:39\n\n>>684051645 \nMeh", "pid": 684051724 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4CB7", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:41:05\n\nI don't remember. But it was probably fun, so I miss it.", "pid": 684051818 }, { "sender": "E8EF-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:47:01\n\n>>684051645 \nIt was really dope, but we have Dungeon Defenders now", "pid": 684052118 }, { "sender": "Anon-C980", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:48:34\n\n>>684051645 \nIt was a fun and unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience. It was pretty much overwatch, but with MOBA lanes and minions running around. If they put in more waifus and had better business sense for MNC2, we'd probably still be playing it today.", "pid": 684052209 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BEC9", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:49:51\n\n>>684051645 \nFar more successful on console than on PC from what I remember, and this was primarily because it filled the void Valve refused to fill after they abandoned Team Fortress 2 on consoles.", "pid": 684052263 }, { "sender": "Anon-9F58", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:54:52\n\n>>684051645 \nI played it for the TF2 cosmetics.", "pid": 684052503 }, { "sender": "5E4E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:01:08\n\n>>684052118 \nnever played this before. is it worth playing singleplayer or what? it looks sorta mindless", "pid": 684052767 }, { "sender": "Anon-3464", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:09:10\n\n>>684052209 \n>If they put in more waifus \nPreferably original and well designed waifus. Outside of the Assassin and Gunslinger, the chicks looked like bland eye candy.", "pid": 684053189 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0443", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:27:25\n\n>>684051645 \nit was better when it wasnt a MOBA-clone hero shooter. \ni preferred the original that was a classless TF2 clone with the hot baseball cap twins all over the promotional material", "pid": 684054065 }, { "sender": "D3F4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:29:09\n\n>>684051645 \nIt was pretty fun. Shame the devs went full retard after they revamped it more as a MOBA and then abandoned that version to try and make some kickstarter shit that never lead anywhere.", "pid": 684054153 }, { "sender": "F12D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:45:29\n\n>>684051645 \nBoring after a few hours but I played it on 360", "pid": 684054968 }, { "sender": "3B8F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:27:46\n\n>>684054153 \nThe kickstarter was for a completly different game, after reaching the goal the devs decided to work on it then they abandoned monday night franchise", "pid": 684057028 }, { "sender": "DE28-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:57:53\n\n>>684057028 \nNo, not at all. The kickstarter failed. It was called \"Human resources\" and it was about cities fighting Kaijus. They had a RTS game before, Planetary Annihilation, which they had left to the side for MNC/SMNC, but then they tried to go back to it and it didn't do anything interesting and then they had to make shitty VR crap until they died. \n \nStupid fucking devs.", "pid": 684058620 } ]
[ { "sender": "F10D-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 06:01:59\n\nshould i become tranny not because i gay, women just upset me too much", "pid": 78282919 }, { "sender": "lesbianloserlurker", "message": "26/07/2024, 06:06:35\n\n>women upsetting you makes you want to become a woman \n??", "pid": 78282944 }, { "sender": "Anon-77D3", "message": "26/07/2024, 06:08:15\n\n>>78282944 \nwomen make me upset and i cant interact with any but i yearn for girl so why not just become girl since im beta retar anyway", "pid": 78282957 }, { "sender": "lesbianloserlurker", "message": "26/07/2024, 06:10:34\n\n>>78282957 \nwell I guess one things for sure you really are a retar", "pid": 78282971 }, { "sender": "2AA5-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 06:16:48\n\n>>78282957 \nof course it's all up to you anon but i think this is the wrong reason to change your gender. i'd at least try switching up your diet and exercise first. like i get the impression you're transitioning as a form of literally giving up on improving as a man which seems bad", "pid": 78283017 }, { "sender": "Anon-34AF", "message": "26/07/2024, 06:54:45\n\n>>78282919 \nif you're 18 or younger, 5'8 or shorter, and have good genetics, do it or live with regret forever. you'll ack at 30 anyways but instead of as a tranny, as an ugly incel man. if you're 19 and above, jesus christ get to fucking work. otherwise its too late", "pid": 78283228 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4A72", "message": "26/07/2024, 09:51:25\n\n>>78282919 \n>>78282957 \nwomen make you upset because you are a guy in touch with your feelings and they don't know how to care about a man's feelings. they view it as a threat. ironically, recognizing women as bothersome proves that you are still more logical than they are. now your final test is to recognize that it's ok to be a guy with feelings because it would help you be a good father or brother to other men instead of becoming a tranny.", "pid": 78284169 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D436", "message": "26/07/2024, 13:08:50\n\n>>78284169 \nyou know what you call a guy with feelings and is bad with women? a future suicidal alcoholic. let him enjoy his youth and be trans. there is no honor in being a man in todays world. being a man is suffering.", "pid": 78285487 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F56", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:57:07\n\n>>78285487 \nyou are a demoralization shill groomer lol", "pid": 78286226 }, { "sender": "BEF5-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:16:23\n\n>>78286226 \nstop trying to drag him down to feel better about yourself", "pid": 78286903 }, { "sender": "40EC-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:39:49\n\n>>78283228 \n>18 or younger \n>5'8 or shorter \nyou moron, you do realize that growth spurts can still happen after 18?", "pid": 78287124 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C376", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:30:06\n\n>>78286903 \n>accusing me of what you're doing \nare you one of the tribe on top of the other shit?", "pid": 78288204 } ]
[ { "sender": "8D07-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:18:43\n\ntheres this sex club in atlanta called Tokyo Valentino and tonight is trans night.\n\nits open 24/7 and has 3 floors it used to be mostly gay men but its been renovated a few times and now its advertised as a party club so theres alot of straight or \"DL\" guys going there to fuck, they rent it to Bachelorette parties and stuff so Friday and Saturday theres alot of straight people.\n\nLast time i went a few months ago a guy almost got beat up for touching another \"DL\" guy in the darkroom and he kept yelling he wasnt gay and was going to beat his fruity ah. This was in the darkroom where people go to get their dick sucked and fuck anonymously. Theres also a lot of drug use and dealers there so i didnt like going much anymore i hate that you can smell the weed on dicks and some guys are obviously on coke or meth and its very degenerate.\n\nThe guys there have huge cocks though and i havent had anal in months, i really want to go but idk if i should. Would you?\n\nI live with my mom so i cant have anyone over and its the only place i can have sex without having to talk to anyone for hours to setup a hookup or get a hotel. They charge $30 to get in", "pid": 78288095 }, { "sender": "3464-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:26:02\n\nSounds like somewhere you would be guaranteed to get aids from", "pid": 78288173 }, { "sender": "Real Top Shotta", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:29:59\n\n>>7828809 \nYeah we get it you and everyone else in Atlanta is gay af and serve no purpose in life but to get fucked and die. Hope the club gets the Pulse nightclub treatment ISIS style in gta. \nKill yourself faggot.", "pid": 78288202 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6DDF", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:31:52\n\n>>78288095 \nWhy would you want to do sex stuff with men?!?!", "pid": 78288217 }, { "sender": "3D68-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:44:40\n\n>>78288173 \ni wear condoms", "pid": 78288350 }, { "sender": "F8F4-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:52:45\n\nGay sex in one of the blackest cities in America? No fucking way that's AIDS for sure", "pid": 78288438 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-9492", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:02:43\n\nBEST SEX YOU GOT\n\nITT real (and by real i mean really happened) best sexual experiences you ever got \n \ni'll keep it short and elaborate if there's interest \n \n>be me, few years ago \n>23 years old, 198cm tall (6'5 for americunts), pretty italian guy \n>been skinny and nerdy for my whole teen years, got bullied a bit \n>go trough insane glowup when i hit my twenties, start going to the gym/boxing and actually interacting with females \n>turns out girls really like me \n>i am alpha chad now \n>meanwhile my main friend group never changed, so i still hangout with the \"social outcasts\" \n>they are all still nerdy, socially awkward, etc. \n>they all have girlfriends \n>one of them gets into cuckolding and starts openly talking about it in the group \n>she describes how she uses tinder to fuck around whilst he says he \"doesn't care about other girls\" \n>LOL \n>few weeks pass by and this girl acts increasingly flirty with me \n>sometimes she starts talking about penis size and how important it is \n>long story short, she wants the d (i also have 20cm thick white cock, God loves me) \n>she \"happens\" to pass by my house \n>ask her if her boyfriend is okay with it \n>she shows me the text messages \n>jackpot \n>fuck her brains out, making her cum multiple times \n>she says i'm the biggest she ever had, and starts texting with her bf sending him voice chats \n>still think its kinda weird so i just wait for her to stop talking to him and let her go \n>she starts talking about our night with the other girls in the group \n>other girls start talking about cuckolding \n>bfs are all silent \n>other girls start flirting with me \n>end up fucking 2 more of them, and having a few threesomes \n>basically i am the alpha gorilla of the group \n>i get all the girls, the cucks sit and shut the fuck up \n>maintain decent relationship with the guys, altough it's not the same as before \n>continue this cycle of fucking all the girls in the group \n>eventually group dies because of this, and all the couples break up \n>still fuck one of the girls occasionally \n>i love my life", "pid": 78287936 }, { "sender": "13C4-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:11:20\n\nthe normies have found", "pid": 78288017 }, { "sender": "Anon-73FE", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:30:10\n\nLesbian couple asked me for help to have kids, offered to do it via sex to get me to agree. The actual sex itself wasn't amazing but the overall experience was incredible. Being able to go raw and pump a pussy full of cum, and pull out for another one fresh and waiting.", "pid": 78288205 }, { "sender": "3211-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:32:25\n\n>be me \n>omniscient deity known as God \n>fuck the world", "pid": 78288220 }, { "sender": "Anon-9B5B", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:35:01\n\n>>78287936 \n>maintain decent relationship with the guys \nthis is the true mystery of our fucking times (assuming your blogpost here is true) \nI'm not sure how the average guy let himself into accepting this kind of shit.", "pid": 78288247 }, { "sender": "Anon-DA80", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:35:01\n\n>>78287936 \nto anyone reading this. Op is a faggot and known child molester", "pid": 78288248 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D7B9", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:42:33\n\n>>78288247 \nall of them had pretty fucked up backstories and childhood, so there's that \n \nalso in the only boys group chat, they'd constantly spam hardcore porn and chat about it. i think porn addiction really does fuck your brain up", "pid": 78288328 } ]
[ { "sender": "2D15-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:41:49\n\nMirror's Edge Catalyst was a <s>good</s> game.", "pid": 684031932 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5B3C", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:43:01\n\nFOR ME TO POOP ON", "pid": 684031994 }, { "sender": "98F6-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:45:07\n\n>>684031932 \nShe was ugly in this one", "pid": 684032087 }, { "sender": "0C02-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:46:38\n\n>>684031932 \nsniff", "pid": 684032172 }, { "sender": "510C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:47:33\n\nFOR A STREET TO SHIT ON", "pid": 684032221 }, { "sender": "Anon-261F", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:58:47\n\n>>684031932 \nFaith was better looking in the original", "pid": 684032841 }, { "sender": "Anon-5B97", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:21:04\n\n>>684032087 \n>>684032841 \nAre you sure?", "pid": 684033983 }, { "sender": "1DDB-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:37:04\n\n>>684031932 \n>>684033983 \nWhy she looks so different from Stellar Blade Asian character", "pid": 684034769 }, { "sender": "3529-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:47:03\n\n>>684034769 \nDifferent game, different era", "pid": 684035248 }, { "sender": "Moose", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:48:22\n\n\"Good\"? Sure, it wasn't terrible, but it was definitely a downgrade from the original outside of a couple new moves like the trampoline jump.", "pid": 684035329 }, { "sender": "C139-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:43:22\n\n>>684034769 \nWhats wrong with you?", "pid": 684038197 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F10", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:48:58\n\n>>684035329 \nI actually liked the melee combat in Catalyst on mouse and keyboard. I gave up on the first one when it forced you to do combat In that parking garage level.", "pid": 684038456 }, { "sender": "9462-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:42:12\n\nand had a good song by a good band\n", "pid": 684041002 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B120", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:31:00\n\n>>684035329 \nthis", "pid": 684043498 }, { "sender": "Anon-1FB6", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:33:42\n\n>>684031932 \nit was just fine", "pid": 684043636 }, { "sender": "Anon-CCBC", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:16:30\n\n>>684031932", "pid": 684045653 }, { "sender": "D34A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:19:37\n\nThe open world parts of the game are just boring, poorly designed shit. The mission levels are nice.", "pid": 684045776 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EFCF", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:20:08\n\n>>684033983 \nYes.", "pid": 684045798 }, { "sender": "4693-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:26:47\n\n>>684045653", "pid": 684046109 }, { "sender": "Anon-92AB", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:27:50\n\n>>684046109", "pid": 684046149 }, { "sender": "79A6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:28:45\n\nIt's just the first game but more, in worse ways. Actually that's 9/10 times they go \"first game... but OPEN WORLD?!?!\"", "pid": 684046203 }, { "sender": "1A8D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:29:50\n\n>>684031932 \nNo it's not. It's janky and buggy, the open world doesn't work with parkour, and the story was awful.", "pid": 684046251 }, { "sender": "Anon-8EE4", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:30:49\n\n>>684046149", "pid": 684046306 }, { "sender": "AFF6-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:31:05\n\n>>684031932 \nThe whole progression system really brought it down. Having to unlock moves you had in the first game made no sense. Only combat abilities should have had a skill tree. \nThe visuals haven't aged very well either, most surfaces have reflections, but a lot of artifacts since everything is done with screenspace reflections. It would really benefit from raytracing. I play through the original every so often, not so much with catalyst. It doesn't help that it's shackled to Origin or whatever it's called these days.", "pid": 684046320 }, { "sender": "4409-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:58:09\n\n>>684046306", "pid": 684047483 }, { "sender": "5D2A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:59:13\n\n>>684047483", "pid": 684047532 }, { "sender": "B70B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:00:15\n\n>>684047532", "pid": 684047571 }, { "sender": "95CE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:14:42\n\nFaith is hot.", "pid": 684048126 }, { "sender": "2D84-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:15:40\n\n>>684047532 \nLICK", "pid": 684048162 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9B5B", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:28:50\n\n>>684048126 \nI love her", "pid": 684048717 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3603", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:29:20\n\n>>684048162 \n>>684047571 \n>>684048126 \n>>684048162 \n>>684048717", "pid": 684048739 }, { "sender": "23D8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:31:42\n\n>>684048739 \nPlease more don't stop", "pid": 684048838 }, { "sender": "C5C9-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:31:44\n\n>>684048739", "pid": 684048840 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E7A9", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:32:47\n\n>>684048840", "pid": 684048883 }, { "sender": "BF06-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:33:51\n\n>>684048883 \nall i got", "pid": 684048921 }, { "sender": "5F99-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:36:06\n\n>>684048921 \nDo you have discord please?", "pid": 684048997 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-37F0", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:41:57\n\n>>684033983 \n>>684035329 \n>>684045653 \n>>684046306 \n>>684047483 \n>>684047532 \n>>684047571 \n>>684048739 \n>>684048840 \n>>684048883 \n>>684048921 \n>mutt asian version of Faith instead of the og tomboy qt3.14 \nkys", "pid": 684049241 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5AAF", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:43:51\n\n>>684049241 \nI LOVE FAITH", "pid": 684049324 }, { "sender": "Anon-5C5D", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:46:58\n\n>>684031932 \nCombat was pretty good in this one but progression was ass", "pid": 684049465 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-97AE", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:54:04\n\n>>684049241 \nthat's not very nice", "pid": 684049807 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD3E", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:57:36\n\n>>684045653 \nwhy the long face", "pid": 684049952 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ACA7", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:07:33\n\n>>684049241 \nno u", "pid": 684053095 }, { "sender": "F4C1-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:16:12\n\nI don't like the game, when I play it makes me nauseous.\nSomething about the camera movement combined with jumping and climbing.\nVery few games have this effect on me, Half Life 2 being another one.", "pid": 684053513 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F5A5", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:26:45\n\n>>684031932 \nIt gets shit on for doing open world, but I think it was fine for what it was at the time, it was more of what I expected for the most part. The city's vibe was still kino too. I'm more upset that the IP is dead and there won't be a 3rd game. Fuck EA, same shit with SSX which I also really loved.", "pid": 684054042 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EC60", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:28:56\n\n>>684031932 \nonly if you like speedrunning. every single quest was speedrunning.", "pid": 684054147 }, { "sender": "26A0-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:31:34\n\n>>684031932 \ngames focus too much on combat for me \nreally one of those games where a stereotypical stealth system would have been positive", "pid": 684054267 }, { "sender": "Anon-4664", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:35:53\n\n>>684045653 \n>>684046109 \n>>684046149 \n>>684048840 \n>>684048921 \nI still prefer the grounded nature of the first game overall but I admit I liked nuKate.", "pid": 684054483 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C78E", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:37:51\n\n>>684034769 \nOnly western devs can make asian characters.", "pid": 684054581 }, { "sender": "Anon-86D7", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:50:15\n\n>>684054267 \nStealth is very difficult to be made fun. \nIn most games you just memorize the guard's movement and go elsewhere. \nAnd the guards are always extremely dumb not reacting to you. \nOr they have super powers and can react too good. \nChronicles of Riddick is the only game with stealth I enjoyed.", "pid": 684055192 }, { "sender": "BB57-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:13:12\n\ndidn't take long for the thread to ride off a cliff", "pid": 684056236 }, { "sender": "AFC1-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:17:56\n\n>>684046203 \nit isn't like the first game, that's the thing. Everything looks pristine and sterile compared to gritty environments in the first game with imperfections and grime here and there. Catalyst was designed to look more like concept art and heavier on the sci fi with neural links to boot. And the level design is entirely different, made to make fetch quests back and forth. Everything about Catalyst is different.", "pid": 684056503 }, { "sender": "AB4D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 13:00:45\n\n>>684048921 \nSexy", "pid": 684058757 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-5055", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:48:45\n\nwhy are incels so confident over the internet yet in real life they are so kind they wouldn't dare to say shit like picrel", "pid": 78287794 }, { "sender": "Anon-55C8", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:49:36\n\nPeople who use Joker PFPs are the most cringy people on this fucking planet", "pid": 78287804 }, { "sender": "0304-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:50:43\n\n>>78287804 \nThis, IRL joker would blow their houses up", "pid": 78287813 }, { "sender": "634B-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:51:43\n\n>>78287804 \nIncels are retards but jokerposting is a well established part of 4chan culture going back to the 2000s", "pid": 78287823 }, { "sender": "F287-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:54:58\n\n>>78287794 \nWhat website is this tell me I wanna chat there", "pid": 78287846 }, { "sender": "6BB9-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:58:40\n\n>>78287823 \ndidnt we make joker pepes", "pid": 78287887 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-50F1", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:59:48\n\n>>78287846 \, the largest incel site", "pid": 78287902 }, { "sender": "Anon-E249", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:05:20\n\n>>78287794 \nbecause it feels good to have a release \nthe world would be a better place if we couyld all speak freely", "pid": 78287960 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2989", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:07:14\n\n>>78287846 \n>>78287902 \nYeah, but the people there are extremely mentally ill, autistic, and divorced from reality. I prefer to hang out here.", "pid": 78287980 }, { "sender": "6AD7-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:09:03\n\n>>78287846 \n>>78287902 \n>>78287980 \nIt's also a massive honeypot, bigger than /r9k/. Just making sure my fellow incels stay safe and don't get caught by glowniggers.", "pid": 78287997 }, { "sender": "Anon-3A64", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:11:23\n\n>>78287997 \n>posting anywhere with an account \nfor sure way to get yourself on a list. 1000%.", "pid": 78288021 }, { "sender": "D2E3-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:15:25\n\n>>78287794 \nWhy do trooncels like the OP act as if they would do anything or as if they've ever been in a real fight in their entire life and wouldn't get mauled by these obese units?", "pid": 78288058 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E899", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:19:20\n\n>>78287794 \nHow is he sure 11 year olds aren't whores either", "pid": 78288105 }, { "sender": "B684-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:26:56\n\n>>78287980 \nThe ui of the site is so smooth I can't resist", "pid": 78288180 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E2E5", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:36:06\n\n>>78288180 \nIt's just some run-of-the-mill forum template. You can find multiple ones online that look exactly the same but with a different color palette.", "pid": 78288265 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6C46", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:38:28\n\n>>78287980 \ntrue, robots are more real", "pid": 78288288 }, { "sender": "B6D5-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:40:34\n\n>>78288021 \naccountless forums are a dying kind tho, imageboards are the last bastion of them", "pid": 78288305 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-34EB", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:41:54\n\n>>78288180 \n>>78288265 \nit's called xenforo, so easy it installs itself", "pid": 78288318 }, { "sender": "Anon-2CAC", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:42:31\n\n>>78287902 \nProbably more than half the users there are military personnel or agents, and in making an account you must give extensive info about yourself. Some of the mods are undercover women who hate incels lol", "pid": 78288327 }, { "sender": "985C-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:46:00\n\n>>78288327 \nhonestly the shit they say there glows so hard you'd think they would care to make their operation a bit more subtle, what about the site, it's a bit of a sister site to .is", "pid": 78288363 }, { "sender": "Anon-F9A0", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:48:29\n\n>>78288327 \nr/nottruevirgin is an evasion subreddit for blackpilled discussion it's definitely going to get banned before the year ends but it's safer than some shitty back alley fed forum", "pid": 78288394 } ]
Janie blog 171
[ { "sender": "Jamie", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:20:56\n\nJanie blog 171\n\nAftercoming out as transgender so many men try to hit me up and message me and degrade me. It's not hot. It's just fucking rude. So stop it already >:(", "pid": 78286432 }, { "sender": "B1ED-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:22:00\n\n>>78286432 \nTTD \nyou are a gay fleshlight for repressed homosexual men \nyour attention whoring is as gay as your male genitalia", "pid": 78286442 }, { "sender": "D2C2-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:59:21\n\n>>78286432 \nCongrats welcome to being a woman", "pid": 78286744 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DBF3", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:02:29\n\n>>78286432 \nYou're a biological female. \n Jamie. Stop being a fujofag and act like a real woman \n>>78286442 \nJamie is a Fujo", "pid": 78286769 }, { "sender": "Anon-A0B8", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:08:14\n\n>>78286432 \nStraight guy here how thick and juicy is your bussy.", "pid": 78286834 }, { "sender": "Jamie", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:10:20\n\n>>78286834 \nVery thiccccc and very juicy :3 wanna feel it?", "pid": 78286857 }, { "sender": "4C62-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:32:42\n\nIf only you looked like the mtf in that pic instead of an ugly deformed creature", "pid": 78287061 }, { "sender": "Jamie", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:51:00\n\n>>78286744 \n\\*cries\\* why is everybody so mean to jamie", "pid": 78287241 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ED5A", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:55:30\n\n>>78286432 \nis the problem degration part or? what am i missing? if i was mtf i would love all the throbbing dicks wanting a turn in my asshole", "pid": 78287296 }, { "sender": "ADC4-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:59:03\n\n>>78286769 \nthere is no way he is a fujo, have you seen his room?", "pid": 78287337 }, { "sender": "EE76-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:04:51\n\n>>78286857 \nSure pls be in Florida", "pid": 78287409 }, { "sender": "477F-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:09:23\n\n>>78287409 \nhow are you so desperate? every thread that is slightly trap related i see you degrading yourself like a starved animal. have some dignity", "pid": 78287455 }, { "sender": "E873-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:11:38\n\nPressing X to doubt here, OP.", "pid": 78287476 }, { "sender": "EB83-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:12:59\n\n>>78287455 \nHonestly I just want to fuck a trans girl or femboy, I have paid to fuck cis women and its gets boring after a while", "pid": 78287485 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2DCF", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:15:59\n\n>>78287485 \ndo you have any success at all fishing for contacts on here?", "pid": 78287502 }, { "sender": "Anon-48AE", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:18:01\n\n>>78287502 \nGot a couple of discords so far yes, as it turns out any effort at all trumps bitching and complaining all day.", "pid": 78287517 }, { "sender": "B7E2-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:20:53\n\n>>78287517 \nnot that i see it as any kind of accomplishment to stick my dick in some dudes rectum but to each their own. i just dont understand why you dont take it to /soc/, also its annoying to read your shitty posts in every thread like its some personal add on craigslist", "pid": 78287539 }, { "sender": "Jamie", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:23:55\n\n>>78287409 \nJamie is in ohio UwU \\*purrs\\*", "pid": 78287568 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AA08", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:24:29\n\n>>78287539 \nYea honestly I just jokingly post most for the time In between sets at the gym.", "pid": 78287574 }, { "sender": "27FD-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:28:32\n\n>>78287574 \nthen may i suggest you move over to >>>/soc/ which i assure you will be more up to your speed. please leave and never come back", "pid": 78287607 }, { "sender": "Jamie", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:38:31\n\n>>78287574 \nWha-?! You go to the gym??? \\*gets nosebleed\\* whaaa- c-can Jamie feel your muscles??", "pid": 78287701 }, { "sender": "Anon-02F0", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:47:49\n\n>>78287701 \ny so lewd today", "pid": 78287782 }, { "sender": "Anon-9135", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:50:18\n\n>>78286432 \ndick or gtfo in an original way", "pid": 78287810 }, { "sender": "Jamie", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:13:08\n\n>>78287810 \nErm ;\\_; Jamie dosnt have a dick....", "pid": 78288039 }, { "sender": "Jamie", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:13:55\n\n>>78287782 \nJamie is in heat. He needs a man to hold him and touch his boybutt 0\\_o", "pid": 78288046 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-24F3", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:14:33\n\n>>78286432 \n>be mentally ill \n>cut dick off for sick fetish \n>live fetish life \n>experience completely ordinary and healthy male sexuality \n>life ruined \ntroons should be tortured to death to serve as an example never to troon out", "pid": 78288052 }, { "sender": "10FC-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:17:49\n\nHad a troon try to molest my nephew, so I crushed its skull\nUnfortunately it survived, but so far no hate crime charges, I think it doesnt remember", "pid": 78288083 }, { "sender": "1353-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:18:37\n\n>>78288046 \n>>78287701 \nMaybe next time Im in Ohio love", "pid": 78288093 }, { "sender": "Jamie", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:20:57\n\n>>78288083 \nViolence is bad anon UwU \nHe probably did it because your nephew was a Lil submissive bitch. I guess it runs in the family;p", "pid": 78288126 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C19", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:30:59\n\n>>78288046 \nDiscord? Im 2 weeks into nofap and feeling pretty full", "pid": 78288212 }, { "sender": "Jamie", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:45:24\n\n>>78288212 \nOmg two weeks nofap? 0\\_o would you cum all over Jamie's twink face \\*blushes \\*", "pid": 78288359 } ]
What&#039;s a good place to move to?
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-057F", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:42:32\n\nWhat&#039;s a good place to move to?\n\nI'm from eastern europe. NA and WE is out of the question", "pid": 78287158 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7480", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:43:56\n\nSouthern cone is good. You could also stay in Eastern Europe, I would.", "pid": 78287172 }, { "sender": "F37A-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:44:07\n\n>>78287158 \nZimbabwe, Sudan, Gana, Niger", "pid": 78287175 }, { "sender": "2354-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:49:19\n\n>>78287172 \nWhat about new zealand?", "pid": 78287226 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5F73", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:13:25\n\n>>78287158 \nThe Southern Hemisphere and countries with the least developed infrastructure. Some important events will unfold soon and all countries will be affected negatively by them, but lesser developed countries will experience them up to a year later, and the aftermath will not be as severe, although still harmful.", "pid": 78287487 }, { "sender": "0DDB-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:21:08\n\n>>78287158 \nGo somewhere in the red circle. If you're looking decent stable civilization.", "pid": 78287545 }, { "sender": "9F6C-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:23:17\n\n>>78287545 \n>US \n>decent stable civilization \nnope", "pid": 78287565 }, { "sender": "A2F8-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:26:29\n\n>>78287545 \nI'm not american but from what I've seen americans are borderline schizophrenic and very hostile. I wouldn't want to live among them. How accurate is my assessment?", "pid": 78287589 }, { "sender": "4ACE-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:27:51\n\n>>78287589 \ndepends where you are, but i just don't want to live in america when I could litterally live anywhere in the world", "pid": 78287601 }, { "sender": "80CE-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:28:39\n\n>>78287565 \n>>78287589 \nCentral northern U.S. is fine. Its really just the coast and borders that are complete shitholes.", "pid": 78287609 }, { "sender": "21A3-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:29:02\n\n>>78287172 \neastern europe is a timebomb waiting to explode \nI wouldn't stay here", "pid": 78287611 }, { "sender": "2FE5-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:31:09\n\nStick to the blue areas here.", "pid": 78287634 }, { "sender": "BE23-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:32:23\n\n>>78287634 \nForgot the image. originallannyll y", "pid": 78287646 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-19B9", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:32:51\n\n>>78287609 \nYou're a fool... \n \nthe only places worth fleeing to in North America are the mountains, or fucking Alaska. \n \nYou're still likely to die in the events that are coming.", "pid": 78287653 }, { "sender": "Anon-2BB4", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:33:02\n\n>>78287609 \n>Its really just the coast and borders that are complete shitholes. \nBut aren't they the most important US regions? \nSounds like the only normal place in US is wilderness", "pid": 78287654 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B19A", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:34:16\n\nStick to the red area's here. \n\nThe more you head west the more suburban it gets. Quant little towns exist on the west but for the most part if you want that old world European style stay east.", "pid": 78287664 }, { "sender": "4FE1-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:36:26\n\ngoing to buy a homestead in alaska. currently accepting applications for wifey", "pid": 78287684 }, { "sender": "Anon-7BC5", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:38:25\n\n>>78287653 \n>>78287654 \nWhat a shit take. The coast are the most economic regions, not neccessarily the import ones.", "pid": 78287700 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-371C", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:45:45\n\n>>78287700 \nI'm sure there are great places in US but I still wouldn't want to be ruled by insane subhuman shitlibs or jewish conservatives.", "pid": 78287770 }, { "sender": "13CB-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:11:49\n\n>>78287545 \nqrd on Australia and NZ?", "pid": 78288027 }, { "sender": "B1E9-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:41:41\n\n>>78288027 \nIf you're a normie Australia is great", "pid": 78288317 }, { "sender": "3524-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:47:29\n\n>>78287158 \nIf you have money, australia or new zealand. Nz is a bootlicking hellhole, but australia certainly isnt much better but in general it is more laid back and housing prices arent as insane outside the capitals. Plus our internet is finally getting better. If you build a new house here on green field lots (somewhere where nothing has ever existed) you get fiber to the premises. Taxes are high and politicians are corrupt, but if you ignore all that crap, its alright.", "pid": 78288380 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-F016", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:01:19\n\nReminder that the Indoctrination Theory for Mass Effect 3 is NOT copium but absolute fact.\n\n-If you think Shepard is not indoctrinated after Arrival you are an idiot\n-If you think Anderson and TIM are physically at Citadel Control you are an idiot\n-If you think the little boy in Toronto actually exists you are an idiot\n\n-It is NOT a coincidence that Shepard turns into a fucking Husk in the Synthesis and Control Endings\n-It is NOT a coincidence that the Catalyst smiles if you choose Synthesis\n-It is NOT a coincidence that the Destroy option is colored red\n-It is NOT a coincidence that Destroy is the only ending where Shepard lives", "pid": 684035974 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2430", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:13:35\n\n>>684035974 \nYour head canon is not fact", "pid": 684036649 }, { "sender": "Anon-CD69", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:16:50\n\nIt’s also fact that the canon ending is Shepard survives and finally wins over Samara to be his girlfriend and later wife", "pid": 684036832 }, { "sender": "Anon-2311", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:17:11\n\n>>684036649 \nAnon, read between the lines. It's very obvious.", "pid": 684036853 }, { "sender": "E57A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:18:07\n\n>>684035974 \nReminder that Oriana was supposed to be Mirandas daughter she had as a teenager while on the run from her father but they retconned her into a clone because all playtesters who romanced her broke up with her after finding this out in her loyalty mission because they didn't want to date used goods. \nThat's why Oriana looks different using the generic NPC model whereas you would expect a clone to look identical to Miranda.", "pid": 684036906 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AA76", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:20:45\n\n>>684036832 \n>Uhhh Shepard obviously picked the granny on the edge of death as his life partner \nKys. Shepard isn’t some hagfag", "pid": 684037041 }, { "sender": "E7BD-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:34:01\n\n>>684036649 \nMaybe it will be canonized for ME4, how else will they deliver a sequel? \n \n>>684036906 \nthey simply should have made the daughter dateable", "pid": 684037698 }, { "sender": "B41B-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:49:17\n\n>>684035974 \nthey literally stepped out and said this wasnt the intent", "pid": 684038476 }, { "sender": "45FC-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:51:24\n\n>>684035974 \nThis was the original copium. \nIt was so much better and smarter than what Bioshit actually delivered. And then they released the patch that improved the ending in a miniscule degree and shat on the indoctrination theory.", "pid": 684038574 }, { "sender": "C809-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:52:56\n\n>When the writing is so bad that fans have to claim the main character is an unreliable narrator because space squids scrambled his brains \nGrim. Anyway, always pick destroy", "pid": 684038641 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0BAB", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:53:55\n\n>>684035974", "pid": 684038684 }, { "sender": "Anon-9D85", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:12:56\n\nIt has been 12 fucking years and I am still not done seething. I cannot put into words the absolute hatred I feel for Hamburger Helper and all the others involved.", "pid": 684039570 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-95C3", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:19:31\n\nIndoctrination theory was demolished by the fact that it relies entirely on the ME3 writers being secretly really clever lol", "pid": 684039876 }, { "sender": "0C14-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:33:22\n\n>>684038476 \nThat's part of the indoctrination. The reapers got the writers too.", "pid": 684040596 }, { "sender": "Anon-E2D5", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:40:21\n\n>>684035974 \nIt makes the end of 3 slightly less shitty so I ascribe to it", "pid": 684040919 }, { "sender": "81A7-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:47:33\n\n>>684039876 \ncame here to post this theory falls apart because it would rely on mass effectv3 actually having good writing", "pid": 684041261 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3BA0", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:10:14\n\n>>684038574 \nThat was so incredibly based. One of the few great things bioware ever did.", "pid": 684042450 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D3D8", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:37:44\n\n>>684036906 \nThat's pretty fucking based. These days they'd just keep the daughter thing in there. I could see Jack having a daughter and Jackfags not caring but Miranda is meant to be a little more elegant and responsible. \nIf they aged her up a smidge and stopped making her so eager to please it'd work. People would have rioted if Tali had a teen kid. That would have been a fun game three revelation. I'd have paid extra to see that. It's so contrary to what people find attractive about her character.", "pid": 684043823 }, { "sender": "Anon-3A84", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:39:25\n\n>>684038574 \nBased Bioware doing one good thing in their miserable existence for once and shitting all over this retarded shit.", "pid": 684043892 }, { "sender": "D4DD-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:41:03\n\n>>684035974 \nGuys I hope you understand that all that happened in mass effect is just fairy tales told by some old man to his grandchild. It is literally in the game at the very end.", "pid": 684043980 }, { "sender": "0D50-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:42:29\n\nControl IS the best ending \nYOU can stay seething", "pid": 684044046 }, { "sender": "Anon-E112", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:46:44\n\nI remember how butthurt Bioware was when this blew up. The fan theory made more sense than the actual story. So what did Bioware do? They not only buried they theory without fixing the story, but added an additional ending where you just refuse to pick an ending and give up. \n \nHuh, I wonder how 4 is doing? \n>modern AAA diversity \nOh...", "pid": 684044248 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F74", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:49:42\n\nSomeone explain Indoctrination Theory to me.", "pid": 684044390 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE0A", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:51:39\n\n>>684035974 \nIt was literally too clever for Bioware and they spitefully denied it", "pid": 684044494 }, { "sender": "2513-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:53:36\n\n>>684044390 \nThe ending sucks so I'm going to pretend the writers left crumbs for me, a schizo, to follow and find the truth (that ackchually the weird child is playing me)", "pid": 684044589 }, { "sender": "8F5C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:55:04\n\n>>684043980 \n>and then he bent Miranda over a console and fucked her ass so hard Joker could hear the plapps in the cockpit, my dearest child", "pid": 684044662 }, { "sender": "3EB2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:55:54\n\n>>684035974 \nI don't know if the Indoctrination theory is correct or not, but i clearly see, that when child shows you outcomes, he shows you TIM literally holding high-voltage contacts (basically an equivalent of \"kill yourself by putting your fingers in electric socket\") and guy walking into the plasma beam (which is \"kill yourself by being roasted alive\"), so red ending is the only correct one.", "pid": 684044703 }, { "sender": "36C5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:56:59\n\n>>684044589 \nNo I mean actually explain it. I assume it means that Control and Synthesis are Reapers winning by tricking Shepard into doing... something that allows them to win. But I don't understand how Shepard is indoctrinated if they still offer him the option to destroy them and win.", "pid": 684044754 }, { "sender": "BCDE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:58:32\n\n>>684039876 \nno trust me bro the same game with writing like WE FIGHT OR WE DIE or key lang is secretly 2 super smart 4 u", "pid": 684044820 }, { "sender": "6C7E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:59:17\n\n>>684044390 \n\"I made it up\"", "pid": 684044858 }, { "sender": "46C3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:59:49\n\n>>684044662 \nHe doesn't want is grandchild to grow up being a faggot.", "pid": 684044883 }, { "sender": "DDC9-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:01:24\n\n>>684044858 \nYes you're very clever and witty. Can somebody give me an actual explanation?", "pid": 684044953 }, { "sender": "7DC0-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:02:16\n\n>>684035974 \nEven disregarding the fact that IT is almost as lore raping as the original endings, it isn’t even an ending. Abysmal as they are, the originals do at least come to a close. IT may as well be repercussions of evil", "pid": 684045013 }, { "sender": "D189-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:04:07\n\n>>684036906 \n>all playtesters who romanced her broke up with her after finding this out in her loyalty mission because they didn't want to date used goods. \nPlaytesters, let alone EA playtesters, don't play games that extensively. Their job is not to whine about story details or romance options. If playtesters had that kind of power, then why was Tali's VA able to cut her character's same sex romance option just because her religion hates the gays?", "pid": 684045090 }, { "sender": "FE4E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:09:57\n\n>>684036906 \nReminder that Miranda frequently meets strangers for anonymous creampie sex because she desperately wants to get pregnant.", "pid": 684045343 }, { "sender": "6372-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:11:36\n\n>>684044754 \nThe assumption is that the offer of destroy is actually Shepard’s rational mind breaking through the indoctrination. \nIt completely falls flat when you remember that destroy is the default option that required the least amount of overall war points to unlock, with control and then synthesis being unlocked as rewards for higher points. It is incredibly obvious that, despite being a soul raping horror on an unimaginable scale, the writers preferred synthesis. This is because they’re completely retarded, which as others have pointed out makes it unlikely they had a clever subtext.", "pid": 684045424 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE5B", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:12:36\n\n>>684044662", "pid": 684045464 }, { "sender": "02A3-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:14:18\n\n>>684045424 \nOnly refusal is a good ending. The three colors are still what the reapers want. The only way to halt their plans is to trust in Liara's information preservation efforts and ensure that the next cycle can kill the reapers conventionally.", "pid": 684045543 }, { "sender": "261B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:16:15\n\n>>684045464 \n>And he made tali overdose herself with antibiotics just so he could smash that tight little nerdy pussy. She was dripping from every orifice, her body working overtime just to keep itself alive from the added stims, as shepard creampied her exotic butthole. She got a fever which lasted two weeks, and was unable to assist the Normandy in any way. She was almost comatose, you know? \nÃnd she was a good friend.", "pid": 684045639 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F03D", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:19:07\n\n>>684045543 \nRefusal wasn’t in the original ending. \nIt was only put in to stop people making videos of themselves shooting starbrat. That’s literally it.", "pid": 684045751 }, { "sender": "0CEB-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:20:04\n\n>>684045639 \nBoner why", "pid": 684045795 }, { "sender": "FE86-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:20:12\n\n>>684045464 \nI wish I’d saved that order of the stick edit where he’s screaming about the ending being terrible", "pid": 684045803 }, { "sender": "8DF6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:22:41\n\n>>684045424 \nThanks for the explanation. \nPersonally I can kind of see it working, that the choice is the last ditch effort to stop Shepard by offering him choices that lead to reaper's winning. Thing is, if you don't buy the theory, then you have to believe that the crucible, a machine slapped together in a few weeks, is capable of altering reality itself and making every biological being in the galaxy half robot.", "pid": 684045910 }, { "sender": "C5C2-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:22:56\n\n>>684035974 \n>Reminder that the Indoctrination Theory for Mass Effect 3 is NOT copium but absolute fact. \nSure is a good argument when you have to declare your argument is absolutely NOT copium. \n>here are a bunch of theories with 0 proof \nabout what I expected", "pid": 684045923 }, { "sender": "6D0D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:24:50\n\n>>684035974", "pid": 684046005 }, { "sender": "F475-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:31:15\n\n>>684045424 \n>It is incredibly obvious that, despite being a soul raping horror on an unimaginable scale, the writers preferred synthesis. This is because they’re completely retarded, which as others have pointed out makes it unlikely they had a clever subtext. \nIt's been a long ass time since I looked it up but I could have sworn that days before they wrote the ending one of the key writers finished the first deus ex game and decided to go on a writing binge while locked away from anyone who might question them. \nThat's right, we've experienced bootleg Deus Ex as viewed through the eyes of a jackass. And not a single person at bioware thought it was retarded.", "pid": 684046327 }, { "sender": "514B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:32:00\n\n>>684035974 \n>you are an idiot \nYou're actually the idiot, because you care about this shit game.", "pid": 684046362 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6CBD", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:34:54\n\n>>684046327 \nCorrect. \nPatrick Weekes (and bear in mind this was before he went completely insane) confirmed that Mac and Casey rewrote the ending without any peer review at the last minute.", "pid": 684046478 }, { "sender": "8C29-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:40:27\n\nWhat did they mean by this?", "pid": 684046725 }, { "sender": "4D5C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:45:00\n\n>>684046362 \nI like to watch bioware threads. They fill me with joy. The first I felt it I thought I was going to die. I said to /v/ I must have them, all of them, all there are. For nothing makes me happy but bioware’s fuck ups. So /v/ caught them. Each time I see the threads, my threads, it is like that shitstorm 12 years ago and I am truly young, in spite of myself.", "pid": 684046936 }, { "sender": "Anon-5D14", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:48:53\n\n>>684046327 \nFunny thing is that everyone who has played Deus Ex can unanimously agree that tracer tong was a retard and the destroy ending was bullshit.", "pid": 684047103 }, { "sender": "A47A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:54:38\n\n>>684036906 \nThis is fake, I don't know what your agenda is with play testers but leave them alone. It's time to forgive them for the Episode 2 antlion maze.", "pid": 684047325 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A43", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:56:28\n\n>>684035974 \nI ignored these games for being normalfag trash when they came out but sometimes I can't help wonder if they had any good attributes since they weren't forgotten like the rest", "pid": 684047415 }, { "sender": "87EF-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:04:53\n\n>>684047415 \nFirst game was genuinely good when it came out, had some really solid worldbuilding. The combat did not age well though.", "pid": 684047736 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E56B", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:11:28\n\n>>684047736 \nI like the combat in the late game, where you could do stuff like trigger immunity to laugh off attacks, singularity a room full of people and watch them float helplessly and then one shot someone with an extended rail explosive sniper rifle. Getting there was a bitch, however", "pid": 684048003 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BD4B", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:50:17\n\n>>684036906 \nBut her dad was a perfectionist control freak and wouldn't have cared about some halfbreed mutt. Her plot arc would've fallen apart.", "pid": 684049631 }, { "sender": "Anon-F2E6", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:08:22\n\n>>684036906 \nunironically based as fuck playtesters", "pid": 684050429 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BEAD", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:27:39\n\n>>684036906 \nYou keep saying this but you never give proof.", "pid": 684051275 }, { "sender": "3B4A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:11:45\n\n>>684035974 \nI know the toronto kid isn't real because its canada in the future. He would be indian.", "pid": 684053309 }, { "sender": "86AD-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:26:11\n\n>Are you in the Cerberus Organization?", "pid": 684054008 }, { "sender": "4054-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:57:18\n\n>>684037041 \n>He doesn't marry into money \nNGMI, laddie.", "pid": 684055526 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EEC2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:11:16\n\n>>684036906 \nShe has a universal tinder profile where she fucks strangers, no small talk, no questions, down to fuck if you are healthy enough. \n \nThis Oriana/used good is bullshit", "pid": 684056146 }, { "sender": "90B1-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:52:34\n\n>>684046478 \nSee this is why Drew should have just come up with the plot of the trilogy before even starting development of Mass Effect. Otherwise you get this and the Star Wars sequel trilogy where nobody had a clue where to take the story and wrote by the seat of their pants.", "pid": 684058351 }, { "sender": "Anon-6B58", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:55:08\n\n>Play 1 and 2 \nYep, game is complete \n>What about 3? \nNever happened", "pid": 684058482 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2EC4", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:56:04\n\n>>684035974 \nThe faggot developers literally said its not true \n>death of the author \nIf you fall back on that you're admitting it's headcanon \nAccept the ending was terrible and move on. I did. I'm still mad.", "pid": 684058536 } ]
[ { "sender": "A268-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:54:47\n\n>WESTERN DEVS WILL BUTCHER IT \nwrong", "pid": 684038737 }, { "sender": "Anon-8FBA", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:56:52\n\nlies", "pid": 684038837 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C4B", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:57:03\n\n>>684038737 \nRemakes should be different. \nIf you want something that's the same then play the original. \nThe reason the original developers wanted to make more changes is because they wanted to make an actual god honest GAME and not simply a Frakensteinian abomination of old gameplay and story mixed with new graphics.", "pid": 684038842 }, { "sender": "Anon-4F23", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:57:30\n\nThe original team who made it is all gone. Konami ran out everyone at their company who made video games in order to focus on slot machines, and when it failed they came crawling back to any loser willing to offer to save them.\n\nSH2 shouldn't have been remade at all.", "pid": 684038861 }, { "sender": "BED9-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:59:04\n\noh no aaa help i'm being stunlocked by an enemy with no arms aaaa i failed the qte aiieeeee punish me triangle man", "pid": 684038949 }, { "sender": "1DBE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:59:46\n\n>>684038737 \n>highly faithful \nlol \nyawn", "pid": 684038986 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5400", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:02:20\n\n>>684038737 \nBro if the guy who MADE silent hill's new game looks like shit I have no hope for a reanimated corpse of a company pushing sh2 off to some eurocucks.", "pid": 684039110 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-11F5", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:03:43\n\n>>684038737 \n>Poland \n>Western", "pid": 684039167 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0640", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:03:50\n\n>>684038737 \nWhat did they want to change though?", "pid": 684039171 }, { "sender": "16BF-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:06:07\n\n>>684038842 \n>If you want something that's the same then play the original. \nif you want something different then why not another game entirely? why a shitty remake of an old game designed for \"modern audiences\"? it's just a creatively bankrupt move", "pid": 684039259 }, { "sender": "96E2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:07:00\n\n>highly faithful \ndon't believe your lying eyes", "pid": 684039298 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C44", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:07:01\n\n>>684039167 \nwhy is poland not considered western but norway is", "pid": 684039302 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-061A", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:10:16\n\n>>684038737 \nJust play the original", "pid": 684039426 }, { "sender": "D3C3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:10:36\n\n>>684038842 \nThen make a new game. If your entire marketing strategy is nostalgia for old thing, then you completely change old thing, what are you even aiming for? In a post FF7 Remake / Rebirth world no one is ever going to try that seeing how it just ends up turning away fans", "pid": 684039453 }, { "sender": "A1CF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:11:18\n\n>>684039259 \n>>684039453 \nI agree that new games are the ideal. But when we're in a situation where these remakes come out no matter what, I would much rather have new experiences that share some old iconography, over bad reskins. A game's elements are made in harmony, you can't simply replace the visuals and expect it to work. Just look at the Demon's Souls remake, Bluepoint basically copypasted the original's codebase but smeared their own new shitty graphics on top of it. I don't know how anyone can argue that's better than the Resident Evil 2 remake which is its own fresh experience.", "pid": 684039481 }, { "sender": "B37F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:12:05\n\nEileen shaving", "pid": 684039526 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-50A5", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:16:55\n\n>>684039481 \nDemon's Souls remake is one of the worst remakes of all time. Something like Age of Empires 2: DE is the ideal for a remake.", "pid": 684039753 }, { "sender": "Anon-4CC2", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:20:09\n\n>>684038842 \nThis.", "pid": 684039921 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF8A", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:39:47\n\n>>684038737 \nthere's a HD remake, Same game, new engine and graphics. \nand then there's a proper remake, \nFull game re-design keeping same story-beats but modernized. \n \nThink the recent Resident Evil 2/3 remake, \nSame rough setting and story, But now over the shoulder modern style controls and gameplay. \n \nWould've loved to see a full Silent Hill 2 remake in the style of he Resident Evil 2 remake in terms of Modernization. \nAlso the RE engine runs on a complete potato so thats also good.", "pid": 684040895 }, { "sender": "A51A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:58:01\n\n>>684038737 \nNote it says Konami, not Team Silent", "pid": 684041827 }, { "sender": "BA34-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:33:03\n\n>>684038842 \n>I WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT THATS WHY IM BUYING A REMAKE OF A GAME FROM MY CHILDHOOD \nwhen will you retards realize how fucking stupid you sound. ask for a sequel then you fucking autist", "pid": 684043608 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-65AC", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:54:36\n\nIt's fucked. Get out. You're not welcome due to making a thread about it.", "pid": 684044637 }, { "sender": "Anon-5048", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:58:12\n\n>>684038737 \n>they had the chance to make it actually good \n>don't worry guys it will still be shit", "pid": 684044810 }, { "sender": "362A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:13:13\n\n>>684038737 \nThats what reMAKE is. This is more like a reMASTER or enhanced edition.", "pid": 684045495 }, { "sender": "45F6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:20:39\n\n>>684039302 \nFaggotry, ethnomasochism and mass migration are distinguishing factors.", "pid": 684045835 }, { "sender": "8AD2-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:21:30\n\n>>684039526", "pid": 684045871 }, { "sender": "Anon-C8BF", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:23:25\n\n>>684038737 \nIn an alternate timeline we would have a space-time janitor version of Silent Hill 2 similar to the FF7Remake.", "pid": 684045948 }, { "sender": "97C5-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:23:47\n\nEhh hate to be that guy but I think the remake will be pretty good \n\nAs someone who never got the chance to play the original I’m pretty excited. You faggots were saying the same things about the Re4 remake and it turned out to be the best game of 2023", "pid": 684045961 }, { "sender": "7AC2-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:24:58\n\n>>684039753 \nDemon Souls remake was goated though?", "pid": 684046010 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D2F", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:26:05\n\n>>684039171 \nevery character will now be a shade of gay and brown", "pid": 684046072 }, { "sender": "1C57-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:26:48\n\n>>684045961 \n>As someone who never got the chance to play the original \nYes, remake shit is made exactly for normalfags like you. \n>You faggots were saying the same things about the Re4 remake and it turned out to be the best game of 2023 \nAnd you never played RE4 too, huh?", "pid": 684046112 }, { "sender": "Anon-14A9", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:27:55\n\nThey should spend money remaking shitty games so they're good instead of trying to improve on perfection.", "pid": 684046154 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-53B8", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:31:40\n\n>after days of fear and silence, shitposting against SH2 resumed the moment it became known that Bloober Team isn't developing a nintendo game \nI wonder who's behind these threads, hmm...", "pid": 684046341 }, { "sender": "1561-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:48:27\n\n>>684039302 \nSlavs can't into western.", "pid": 684047073 }, { "sender": "Anon-6771", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:51:51\n\n>>684045961 \n>as someone who never played the original and thus has no standards for quality that the remake should be held to I think the remake will be good", "pid": 684047231 }, { "sender": "2405-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:50:19\n\n>>684038737 \noh no", "pid": 684049634 }, { "sender": "3B52-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:58:44\n\n>>684045961 \nYou could play the original, with mods the PC version is pretty allright.", "pid": 684052663 }, { "sender": "D277-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:00:43\n\n>>684052663 \n>he wants human excrement playing the original \nlet him play the remake designed for people who eat feces like him", "pid": 684052748 }, { "sender": "0C08-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:02:29\n\n>Marry, where the fuck are you, you fucking cocksucking bitch? \nYeah, i don't know.", "pid": 684052849 }, { "sender": "Anon-6FC7", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:03:25\n\n>>684038842 \nYou don't even know what the term remake means nor do you understand the demand for them. People want the exact same game but with pretty graphics. That is the only reason why there is demand for remakes to begin with. No one is asking the developers to change a damned thing except for the visuals and audio quality, maybe some additional content. That is all a remake should ever be. If I wanted a new game I would have just asked for a fucking sequel.", "pid": 684052885 }, { "sender": "Anon-3983", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:04:53\n\n>>684052748 \nWell, I had to try, anon. \nIt is kinda sad seeing people doing the whole \"I'm glad we get the remake because the old version is unplayable.\" When nowadays you can easily mod the PC version, that you can find pretty easily for free, and have a great experience, or you can emulate the game. It makes me feel that the people using that argument are 2 lazy 2 do a quick google search, or just have 2 much money to burn on a shitty remake.", "pid": 684052960 }, { "sender": "122D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:07:50\n\n>>684045961 \n>I think the remake will be pretty good \n>As someone who never got the chance to play the original \nthere's been emulation guides posted in thread after thread for over a decade, anon. there is no excuse.", "pid": 684053116 }, { "sender": "090C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:18:46\n\n>>684052885 \n>You don't even know what the term remake means nor do you understand the demand for them. \nAnon, YOU don't know what the term remake means. What you're talking about are REMASTERS.", "pid": 684053649 }, { "sender": "BD6E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:20:05\n\n>>684053116 \nnot that anon, but the excuse is that there are hundreds of games in existence that are also worth playing. and I still got to play SH1 first...", "pid": 684053704 }, { "sender": "Anon-3F85", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:21:37\n\nI know it's controversial on /v/ but i much prefer remakes that offer fresh content over remakes that are just the same game but with different graphics", "pid": 684053785 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF6D", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:26:15\n\nI will always prefer a new game over a remake. Even the excuse of it being a \"new experience\" doesn't mean it will be good -- as evidenced by REmake 3. \n\nI also dislike remakes that aren't even a major technological/graphical leap; so it seems stupid to waste time remaking it.", "pid": 684054012 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D3A0", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:29:11\n\n>>684038737 \n>original dev: we can do this and this to improve the game \n>some random guy from Poland: NO, I KNOW BETTER", "pid": 684054156 }, { "sender": "E7CA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:29:58\n\n>>684053649 \nSMRPG on the switch is an example of what the ideal remake is. Like it or not, he's correct.", "pid": 684054190 }, { "sender": "5B7B-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:30:29\n\n>>684053704 \nsounds like an excuse. also SH1 is the best game in the series. I can't recommend it enough if you like survival horror and its mechanics.", "pid": 684054217 }, { "sender": "24D3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:39:20\n\n>>684053785 \n/v/ is retarded. REmake is still the best remake out there and that included various changes and additional content.", "pid": 684054653 }, { "sender": "F11E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:43:24\n\n>>684038842 \nThis is what is bothering me about Metal Gear Delta. It's just MGS3 with better graphics, same shit enemy AI, same limited level design.", "pid": 684054843 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EC67", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:06:00\n\n>>684052960 \n>2 lazy 2 do a quick google search, or just have 2 much money to burn on a shitty remake. \nThat's it. Also there are the people who have the older copy but instead for whatever reason they would buy the game again but with new grafix instead of simply taking the old one out of storage or even better, emulating it.", "pid": 684055906 }, { "sender": "9E0E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:07:07\n\n>>684038737 \nThey'll butcher it in a different way.", "pid": 684055952 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6542", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:10:28\n\nFuck off, the west will never create something like the early SH games done by some real talents. All they do now is corrupt anything that could make a quick buck.", "pid": 684056107 }, { "sender": "6556-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:11:48\n\n>>684054653 \nSo with /v/ you mean someone like you? I mean with that opinion you fit right into this mindset you got there", "pid": 684056169 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3697", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:12:22\n\n>>684038737 \nI thought Poland didn't care for DEI?", "pid": 684056197 }, { "sender": "61DE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:24:33\n\n>>684056197 \nOwari dei?", "pid": 684056847 }, { "sender": "79C7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 13:02:35\n\n>>684038737 \n>listening to gaming journalists \ni've got a bridge i can sell you anon", "pid": 684058864 } ]
[ { "sender": "0305-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:10:14\n\nHow are we liking the Monster Hunter Now event?", "pid": 684036457 }, { "sender": "24A7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:15:08\n\nIs this real", "pid": 684036734 }, { "sender": "Anon-58D1", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:18:03\n\nwhat happened to monster hunter", "pid": 684036902 }, { "sender": "2C40-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:18:59\n\n>>684036457 \nSo does this mean YT canonically exists in the MonHun universe now? What are the implications of this?", "pid": 684036946 }, { "sender": "4605-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:20:10\n\n>>684036457 \nGotta admire the balls on Capcom to do this.", "pid": 684037008 }, { "sender": "Anon-8796", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:23:24\n\n>has a random chance to sexually assault your character \n>after a few missions, you mysteriously change sexes \nwhat did capcom mean by this", "pid": 684037154 }, { "sender": "Anon-27DE", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:25:58\n\n>>684037016 \nPut a bullet in my head holy christ I can't bear to watch stuff get ruined like this no longer.", "pid": 684037293 }, { "sender": "79F2-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:29:06\n\nthe smile doesn't reach his eyes...", "pid": 684037459 }, { "sender": "E935-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:29:06\n\n>>684037293 \nSorry Cletus, it's going to get worse.", "pid": 684037460 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C36B", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:32:47\n\n>>684036457 \n>>684037016 \nThis has to be the most poorly timed collab ever", "pid": 684037637 }, { "sender": "7708-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:33:00\n\n>>684036457 \n>>684037016 \nI don't even like Monster Hunter, yet I feel disgust and hatred as if something I love suffered the same fate", "pid": 684037647 }, { "sender": "7804-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:34:53\n\n>>684037293 \nI wonder how bad it's gonna get in the next mainline MonHun. I mean they're no strangers to crossover shit, it's only a relatively small step from there to go full battlepass gaas fortnitelike and soon you're fighting alongside Beyonce, Naruto, and that black guy who does the shocked face tiktok or whatever.", "pid": 684037748 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8224", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:50:13\n\n>>684037016 \naside from the bad timing, this is just a shitty collab lmao", "pid": 684038527 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AC9B", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:07:40\n\nDon't expect canon to be respected in a shitty spinoff gacha for a series in which even Solid Snake has appeared in, but this feels like the worst collab ever solely because monhun players never struck me as the click bait video watching crowd.", "pid": 684039325 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C9C", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:08:20\n\n>>684037016 \nWhat the fuck lmao", "pid": 684039357 }, { "sender": "0ACA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:08:52\n\n>>684036457 \nQ: Is the game any good to begin with?", "pid": 684039372 }, { "sender": "5E89-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:09:55\n\n>>684037016 \nWhat the absolute fuck", "pid": 684039416 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0331", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:10:00\n\n>>684036457 \nWilds can't come soon enough man this is so shitty", "pid": 684039417 }, { "sender": "71D3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:10:48\n\n>>684037016 \nI like how the palico is a photo of a stock palico model while the huntress is hand drawn", "pid": 684039460 }, { "sender": "9792-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:12:29\n\n>>684037016 \nThis is so heavy handed it feels like it's a backhanded shot at the guy.", "pid": 684039550 }, { "sender": "9E55-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:13:45\n\nJesus Christ, what the fuck.", "pid": 684039609 }, { "sender": "Anon-23CA", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:14:28\n\n>>684036902 \nLolicon sees lolicon, I guess.", "pid": 684039647 }, { "sender": "Anon-BBAD", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:16:24\n\nThis is possibly the worst, most hamfisted cross promo I've ever seen. Not to mention the timing.", "pid": 684039726 }, { "sender": "36CA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:16:42\n\nI thought Mr. Beast fans were like REALLY little kids.\nLike they just released a bunch of toys for his brand and they look like they skew a lot younger than Monster Hunter's age range.", "pid": 684039741 }, { "sender": "2481-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:18:18\n\nThis event is exactly what Monster Hunter deserves, what a shit game series it is", "pid": 684039823 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0110", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:18:52\n\nI thought this thread was a joke", "pid": 684039845 }, { "sender": "48B8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:19:37\n\n>>684036457 \n>>684037016 \nSo glad i stopped caring about crapcom. \nThey are dead to me", "pid": 684039885 }, { "sender": "7C21-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:19:59\n\n>>684036457 \nEverything I've seen about it is really fucking funny, but I also don't even care about the \"sanctity\" of the series anymore.", "pid": 684039912 }, { "sender": "26D2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:20:08\n\n>>684039741 \nBeast doesn't have any fans. His whole youtube empire is astroturfed and supported by bots.", "pid": 684039920 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E802", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:20:54\n\n>>684039920 \nI don't even know who this is", "pid": 684039954 }, { "sender": "Anon-22BF", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:21:03\n\n>>684039823 \nworld babies asked for this", "pid": 684039961 }, { "sender": "4A95-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:31:29\n\n>>684037016 \nWhy isn't the palico saying puns", "pid": 684040504 }, { "sender": "9A2F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:33:41\n\n>>684036457 \nIsn't this made by a western studio, like pokemon go?", "pid": 684040610 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A1F9", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:35:00\n\n>>684039741 \nThey're at least 13 now, even younger still, my 10 year old niece wishes she could order Mr Beast Burgers and specifically wanted to buy the chocolate bars. \n>>684039920 \nIf that was true we wouldn't have a thousand commentators talking about the troon and how \"heartbreaking\" it is", "pid": 684040672 }, { "sender": "A2BD-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:35:32\n\n>>684040504 \nthis, a real palico would've said meowster beast", "pid": 684040701 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-80C4", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:35:57\n\nWhy is this guy's logo a fucking tiger with lighting bolts like he's some high energy athlete or some shit when he's just some mild mannered guy who's claim to fame is created clickbait?", "pid": 684040720 }, { "sender": "0B61-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:36:34\n\n>>684037016 \nThat is un-fucking-believable. I thought Monster Hunter was set in a fantasy world. Why do they have phones and YouTube? How did anyone okay this decision, and like other anons are asking, who is the audience for this shit?", "pid": 684040754 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-58E4", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:38:41\n\n>>684036946 \nMH Now is an isekai, but like... monster hunter being isekai'd to the real world. So it's not in monster hunter land", "pid": 684040843 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BB82", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:38:46\n\n>>684040720 \n>mister BEAST \n>why does he have an animal mascot \nmaximum retard", "pid": 684040851 }, { "sender": "Anon-F762", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:39:38\n\n>>684036457 \n>>684037016 \nTotal \nStreamer \nDeath", "pid": 684040890 }, { "sender": "5E1D-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:39:57\n\n>>684039741 \nMonster hunter is for kids", "pid": 684040906 }, { "sender": "Anon-15A4", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:40:16\n\nmistah breast", "pid": 684040917 }, { "sender": "8C29-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:41:12\n\n>>684040851 \nYou're just arguing for why his name is even Mr. Beast.", "pid": 684040957 }, { "sender": "Anon-B7A1", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:42:16\n\n>>684040890 \nI don't think he's a streamer. \nHe like does videos where him and his friends eat expensive food and stuff.", "pid": 684041009 }, { "sender": "Anon-F8C1", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:13\n\nI thought this guy was the LA Beast for the longest time.", "pid": 684041353 }, { "sender": "2ADC-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:54:05\n\n>>684037016 \n>>684036457 \n>noo, the cashgrab mobile game of the cashgrab copypaste videogame has le… no soul", "pid": 684041628 }, { "sender": "Anon-C24B", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:56:03\n\n>>684040610 \nYeah Niantic", "pid": 684041725 }, { "sender": "E99E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:56:17\n\n>>684041009 \nStill streaming. \nStill worth a death sentence.", "pid": 684041741 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A31", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:13:47\n\nWhy does Capcom keep doing collabs with pedos?", "pid": 684042635 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DCE9", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:15:44\n\n>>684042635 \nTrying to appease the cunnyseurs before they cancel the cunny game", "pid": 684042745 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF14", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:18:02\n\nso does this mean Mr. Beast is a monster hunter fan?", "pid": 684042856 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DA8E", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:20:02\n\nNever saw this dude until the fraud video a few days back, how did he ever get popular? Those videos look so fake, and the whole giveaway shit too looks like a massive scam.", "pid": 684042940 }, { "sender": "3C81-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:21:17\n\n>>684042940 \nThere are tons of stupid people in the world.", "pid": 684043004 }, { "sender": "55F8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:28:29\n\nlol lmao", "pid": 684043374 }, { "sender": "5EE7-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:28:50\n\n>>684042856 \nit probably means capcom gave him a truckload of money", "pid": 684043385 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8D3F", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:29:26\n\n>>684042940 \nHe runs charities to keep people off his back, even now there are a ton of brainlets who say he's innocent because \"he did good things\"", "pid": 684043414 }, { "sender": "56E6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:30:39\n\nGod I hate influencers so damn much", "pid": 684043476 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D0E7", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:30:53\n\n>>684043385 \nAnd all that money gets funneled into the worst chocolate bars created by man.", "pid": 684043486 }, { "sender": "Anon-4253", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:31:16\n\n>>684036457", "pid": 684043515 }, { "sender": "1807-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:32:12\n\n>>684042635 \nThey work only with freaks. \nJust look at suzi or the drag queens", "pid": 684043563 }, { "sender": "E101-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:32:13\n\n>>684037016 \nlmao how is this not a fucking parody. \n \nThe Chris shitstorm makes it even more ridiculous.", "pid": 684043565 }, { "sender": "8E31-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:33:57\n\n>>684043565 \nSupposedly these are from a discord server with Chris in it and it adds another layer of memetics to the table", "pid": 684043647 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-28BB", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:34:44\n\n>>684043486 \nAnd remember kids, if your local shop has no chocolate bars left remember to go ask the manager if you can restock them yourself! I love child labour.", "pid": 684043681 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C3DD", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:34:58\n\n>>684043647 \n2", "pid": 684043692 }, { "sender": "Anon-9605", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:35:22\n\n>>684043647 \nlooks like Chadcom calculated this collab for maximum meme points \npretty smart move", "pid": 684043709 }, { "sender": "8569-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:35:40\n\n>>684043486 \nI saw them at target awhile ago and had to do a double take \nis it really that bad?", "pid": 684043718 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ADFF", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:39:08\n\nHis event is super easy to get past, you get a grade 5 sword and shield right at the start and even gives you a early Rathian to farm from one of his bosses. \nEvent is broken for all but late game players.", "pid": 684043883 }, { "sender": "4233-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:42:46\n\n>>684043718 \n \nYes Feastables taste disgusting. They taste like cheap acidic chocolate. Worse than Hersheys.", "pid": 684044059 }, { "sender": "2E04-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:42:59\n\n>>684043883 \nHow long does it even take to get to endgame? How grindy of a mobile game is this?", "pid": 684044071 }, { "sender": "2702-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:46:28\n\n>>684044071 \n \nExtremely grindy. Took me a week to get to grade 3 weapons playing an hour or so a day. The Mr Beast event gives you a grade 5 weapon instantly. So for people starting the game during it, it'll make the first few weeks of progress easy for them.", "pid": 684044237 }, { "sender": "AE29-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:49:10\n\n>>684044237 \n>weeks of progress \n \nI could probably start and beat an actual monster hunter game in that timeframe", "pid": 684044352 }, { "sender": "D522-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:59:01\n\n>capcom collaborating with a pedophile for Monster Hunter event \n>you're not hunting the pedophile \nWhat are they smoking?", "pid": 684044845 }, { "sender": "6837-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:00:37\n\n>>684044845 \n \nOne of the events is protecting a pile MrBeasts money from a Rathian.", "pid": 684044927 }, { "sender": "Anon-ACFC", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:05:32\n\nWhy do they always collab with jewtubers or streamer?", "pid": 684045145 }, { "sender": "7259-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:24:34\n\n>>684040701 \nnonono, not allowed to change brand names or you won't get paid. Donald will not allow it", "pid": 684045994 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8085", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:28:47\n\n>>684043374 \n>pretending to have just become aware recently \n>when he was in the same discord as Chris and the minor, and replied directly to penis pictures Chris posted in it \nMr Beast is cooked", "pid": 684046205 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6F94", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:00:53\n\n>>684036902 \nThis is what \"chasing the mainstream audience\" looks like. Do you like it?", "pid": 684047596 }, { "sender": "AC0D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:13:32\n\n>>684036902 \n~20 million sales", "pid": 684048083 }, { "sender": "7406-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:23:58\n\n>>684047596 \nWorld and its consequences have been a disaster for the Monster Hunter franchise.", "pid": 684048529 }, { "sender": "147B-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:27:00\n\n>>684048083 \nSomeone post that legendary weeb saying MHW would be a failure because it's an exclusively weeby game that totally doesn't appeal to the mainstream despite being action grind sloppa.", "pid": 684048642 }, { "sender": "53A6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:28:08\n\n>>684036902 \nnintendo and its consequences have been a disaster for the Monster Hunter franchise.", "pid": 684048685 }, { "sender": "C380-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:32:29\n\n>>684048642 \nhe was looking into a better future", "pid": 684048868 }, { "sender": "0D3E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:34:45\n\n>>684048642 \n>weeb say ER will be a failure and will bankrupt From \n>ER is a super success \n>weeb say ER DLC will be a failure since the game is already forgotten \n>ER DLC sold 5 millions in 5 days \n>weeb say SB blade is the savior of gaming \n>SB got forgotten after a week and \nWhat a bizzaro world", "pid": 684048959 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E14D", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:35:28\n\n>>684043374 \nMrbreast was in the same Discord as xer where xis was sending pictures of his cumshot tributes to 13 year olds.", "pid": 684048981 }, { "sender": "D8D7-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:04:41\n\n>>684037016 \ni thought the pic in op was edited", "pid": 684050263 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3B02", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:08:38\n\nIs every Monster Hunter thread just gonna be about Mr. Bitch until we get the MHWilds Weapon Videos!?", "pid": 684050448 }, { "sender": "8B04-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:24:16\n\n>>684048981 \nthe fuck am I reading?? God I hate trannies so fucking much, literal spawns of satan", "pid": 684051132 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0EAE", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:26:42\n\n>>684036457 \nIT'S A FUCKING PHONE GAME IDIOT \nGOD fucking DAMN IT \n \nYou're all fucking SECONDARIES. \nTotal phonefaggot genocide NOW.", "pid": 684051237 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-28C8", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:43:03\n\n>>684036457 \n>Amerigoy company finaly gets their hands on the IP \n>Starts shilling kike pedos \nDeath to all amerigoys.", "pid": 684051919 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-62E1", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:20:11\n\npvre lvdokino\nthank you capcom", "pid": 684053712 }, { "sender": "Anon-EA31", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:28:43\n\n>>684050448 \nThere won't be weapon videos \nNext trailer is at gamescom and weapon breakdowns will be done by youtubers \nCapcom already took applications for closed door gameplay recording", "pid": 684054128 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-11B5", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:30:52\n\nI just remembered that there were threads on /tv/ a year+ ago about how Mr Beast would inevitably receive 'allegations' involving minors and now it's actually happening.", "pid": 684054236 }, { "sender": "B385-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:50:24\n\n>>684050448 \nI want new fucking weapon types \nWe haven't gotten ANYTHING NEW SINCE 4TH GEN \nWHICH WAS 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO", "pid": 684055201 }, { "sender": "Anon-1EFD", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:53:06\n\n>>684055201 \nBro your tonfa and magnet spike? You DID play frontier, right?", "pid": 684055336 }, { "sender": "6C85-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:57:25\n\n>>684055201 \nevery weapon moveset changed immensely in 5th gen to the point of being like multiple new weapons and it seems like they're intending to do it again in Wilds.", "pid": 684055534 }, { "sender": "4BF3-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:58:16\n\n>>684043718 \nNo they are fine. Hershey's isn't much of a competitor. I tried the peanut butter and the normal milk chocolate", "pid": 684055567 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0AD7", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:58:49\n\n>>684036902 \nWorld", "pid": 684055595 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2B1B", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:08\n\n>>684036902 \nit used a niche japanese game with tons of gatekeeping \nnow its world", "pid": 684055654 }, { "sender": "2511-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:47\n\n>>684036457 \nis monster hunter now fun?", "pid": 684055685 }, { "sender": "Anon-145D", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:06:12\n\n>>684051132 \nHe probably trooned out to avoid the heat from being a kiddie diddler. A disgusting freak all around.", "pid": 684055917 }, { "sender": "FF05-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:11:01\n\n>>684040754 \nYou can thank fortnite for this, games aren't games anymore they're just interactive advertisements.", "pid": 684056131 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-31AD", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:13:25\n\n>>684056131 \nfortnite is pure gameplay thoughbeit", "pid": 684056249 }, { "sender": "3216-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:14:50\n\n>>684036734 \nYes anon it's a real talking palico", "pid": 684056317 }, { "sender": "Anon-1725", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:16:17\n\n>>684055534 \n>no new weapons \n>but we ruined your favorite weapons! Aren't you glad?", "pid": 684056404 }, { "sender": "3411-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:18:40\n\n>>684054236 \nIt's a white male with a massive underaged following, what else did you think was going to happen?", "pid": 684056551 }, { "sender": "7B36-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:24:27\n\n>>684037016 \n>Mr. Beast got a collaboration with Monster Hunter \n \nDoes Mr.Beast even fucking like video games and shit? He never seems to talk about his hobbies or personal life. Does anyone even know anything about him personally? I don't even think he likes video games unless it's Fortnite or something.", "pid": 684056840 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D8E6", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:35:08\n\nSo can I hunt this cunt? He's a confirmed peado so equating him to a monster seems to make sense.", "pid": 684057475 }, { "sender": "8366-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:36:16\n\n>>684056840 \nHe likes money, troons and kids.", "pid": 684057530 }, { "sender": "240E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:38:14\n\n>>684057475 \nMH is a series beloved by pedos though??", "pid": 684057619 }, { "sender": "Anon-4D28", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:38:30\n\n>>684037016 \nThis shit is on the same level of H3H3 payday's DLC.", "pid": 684057631 } ]
[ { "sender": "1269-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:13:08\n\nThey just figured yall incels out again", "pid": 78285180 }, { "sender": "Anon-2C2A", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:14:04\n\n>>78285180 \n \n>>78284981 \n \n\"Unwilling to accept that the fault lies mainly with themselves\" \n \nThe fault for poverty lies almost entirely with the poor themselves, if you expand the concept of fault to include personal defects that one never chose but which one definitely personally possesses. But while I blame the poor for being the way they are, I also expect the starving to \\*hate\\* those who are not starving. It would not be reasonable to expect starving people - even people who are starving because they are moronic fuckups - to love the people around them who are prosperous. \n \nThat means that it's absolutely pointless for these women to argue, \"Well why can't you just accept that the problem is that you're ugly and short, and that means that what is happening to you is your fault, and you should leave everyone else alone?\" That's simply not reasonable to expect. You should expect them to hate you, in exactly the same way that I expect poor people to hate me.", "pid": 78285184 }, { "sender": "82EB-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:15:02\n\n>>78285180 \nThis is nothing new but these homosexuals have no solutions other than crying about it and insulting us.", "pid": 78285190 }, { "sender": "2082-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:15:07\n\n>>78285180 \nWhy did the previous thread disappear?", "pid": 78285191 }, { "sender": "A8A0-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:15:31\n\nDid the tranny jannies delete the last thread because the replies were getting too based?", "pid": 78285194 }, { "sender": "Anon-2686", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:19:58\n\n>>78285191 \n>>78285194 \nIt must have been a mistake :)", "pid": 78285214 }, { "sender": "F5E2-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:20:30\n\n>>78285214 \nJust an oopsie poopsie", "pid": 78285217 }, { "sender": "E6D5-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:21:00\n\n>>78285217 \nEveryone should be caught up now :)", "pid": 78285219 }, { "sender": "Anon-62BC", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:22:41\n\n>>78285214 \n>>78285217 \n>>78285219 \nI had such a nice comment written up, but the thread was deleted before I could post it, and now it's gone forever :(", "pid": 78285234 }, { "sender": "F0D6-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:28:13\n\n>>78285184 \nplenty of people in poverty work full time, sometimes two or more jobs. if a job pays like shit it's not their fault", "pid": 78285258 }, { "sender": "5771-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:33:16\n\n>>78285180 \nYup nothing new here. Just a bunch of people making assumptions about a group and filling the gaps with their own narrative. And of course, men are at fault here and women definitely have nothing to do with it and neither does their environment", "pid": 78285285 }, { "sender": "7812-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:41:57\n\n>>78285180 \nWhy does human empathy gets completely disabled when people are dealing with loser men?", "pid": 78285333 }, { "sender": "Anon-38CC", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:44:23\n\n>>78285333 \nBecause of feminism. According to it, men have hyperagency, so if they are in a bad spot, then it's their fault, because everything in society is set up to prop them up and put them above women. This type of thinking is of course retarded and divorced from reality, but a lot of people think so.", "pid": 78285343 }, { "sender": "Anon-BDE8", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:45:39\n\n>>78285180 \nthis an 18+ live stream right,", "pid": 78285352 }, { "sender": "Anon-0CE4", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:46:53\n\n>>78285352 \nWhat the fuck are you talking aboot, m8?", "pid": 78285356 }, { "sender": "B947-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:48:01\n\n>>78285180 \nwonder what causes men to be driven to regressive worldviews, really wonder whats causing this one. yeah, no just label these guys bigots and call it a day, don't interrogate how you can help or what people continue to be drawn into such movements. no middle ground, no compromise, no discussions, really just lets keep the gender war raging. sure it'll end up well for you.", "pid": 78285362 }, { "sender": "86B9-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:50:38\n\n>>78285333 \nas a loser man, i honestly find it pathetic when i see another loser man, and i know there should be some form of solidarity, but it boils my blood. this fags on my team? this guy here, really. maybe its in seeing a reflection of myself, how i've come across before, yearning, needy, spitting in the face of masculinity, and over what, pussy? no one fucking likes me wahhh. even though im prone to these depressive pity parties, if i see a guy doing it, i immediately start making fun. i don't know.", "pid": 78285376 }, { "sender": "45F1-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:51:03\n\n>>78285180 \nThe entire incel debate is this simple \n>Men who are incels have cognitive distortion of what women really want \n>They oversestimatw the importance of height, physical attractiveness, and finances, while underestimated qualities like kindness, compassion, and humility \nYet what this argument fails to do is account for the fact that some fat ugly manlet will have a much harder time getting a gf or any other type of relationship regardless of how Kind and compassionate he is than Chad ever will regardless of any of Chad's personality characteristics", "pid": 78285379 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E6F6", "message": "26/07/2024, 13:50:32\n\n>>78285333 \nYou misunderstand empathy. Most people are only empathetic to those who can provide some value to them or to society. Children have the potential for that, and women can always provide something, but loser men with no prospects are essentially useless to the group and therefore there is no reason to consider them as people, since the only way to get them to provide something is dehumanizing them and turning them into slaves. So its really just a natural reaction to maximize the survival of the species.", "pid": 78285751 }, { "sender": "Anon-0C9C", "message": "26/07/2024, 13:52:27\n\nWHITE POWER WHITE POWER", "pid": 78285768 }, { "sender": "F86A-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 13:55:51\n\n>>78285258 \nNobody forced them to choose a low paying job. If they had a good personality (high conscientiousness) they would have worked hard and chosen a better paying job. Povcels are povcels by choice.", "pid": 78285793 }, { "sender": "5D75-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:00:22\n\n>>78285751 \nSo basically there is no such thing as humans being good for its own sake", "pid": 78285832 }, { "sender": "3FE8-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:02:29\n\n>>78285180 \n>unable or unwilling to accept that the fault lies largely with themselves \nstopped reading right there", "pid": 78285839 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C9C6", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:10:57\n\n>>78285832 \nNo. Even religious people who help the poor and destitute are doing it out of fear of divine punishment, rather than true compassion (which doesn't exist).", "pid": 78285905 }, { "sender": "634A-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:15:53\n\n>>78285180 \n>fault lies largely with themselves \nHow? Please explain. I careermaxxed and gymmaxxed with zero positive results and I know gig-economy losers that have never touched a weight who have no issues because they're literally just tall and attractive.", "pid": 78285947 }, { "sender": "8063-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:22:15\n\n>>78285180 \n>You're starving? \n>The fault surely lies mostly within yourself \nI hate these simps so much. \nThe idea that women reject most men for no particularly reasoned basis is incomprehensible to them.", "pid": 78285986 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0287", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:28:17\n\nIf a therapist calls police will it be instant or after I am home? I plan to die by cop. Never saw a therapist but know they are snowflakes.", "pid": 78286024 }, { "sender": "92D8-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:29:30\n\n>>78285751 \nChildless women get all the support in the world so you're wrong. Childless women(that never will have kids)are way more useless than a loser single man", "pid": 78286031 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5F89", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:32:23\n\n>>78285180 \n>it's YOUR FAULT as an individual when 50-90% of men are viewed as Not People. \nlmao", "pid": 78286049 }, { "sender": "Anon-787D", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:40:51\n\n>>78285180 \nlmao the fact they're talking about Andrew Tate as if he's relevant shows these are total midwit dilettantes who read a couple scare articles written at the 8th grade level about I.N.C.E.L. and think they're well-informed. These \"people\" are niggercattle", "pid": 78286105 }, { "sender": "1E0C-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:42:48\n\n>>78286031 \nEven if she is barren, her pussy is still valuable to some lonely men. If she is some 90 year old granny, people would still support her because it makes them look like better people, but they would be much less likely to if there is no one watching, which is why the elderly people often die friendless and alone.", "pid": 78286120 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9C14", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:45:22\n\n>>78285832 \nCan confirm. I am quite generous with my time and money, but it's purely to lubricate my relations with other people since I lack charm, charisma and a convincing tongue.", "pid": 78286134 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9849", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:47:08\n\n>reddit \n>walls of text", "pid": 78286146 }, { "sender": "Anon-C599", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:03:51\n\n>>78285376 \nThat is a toxic mentality, you should be gainly employed and able to take pride in yourself. That's what people in the middle of the Great Depression wanted, employment and dignity.", "pid": 78286281 }, { "sender": "4551-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:14:28\n\n>>78286134 \nDo you give to pozzed top-down astroturfed \"causes\" like niggers/brownoids in general, gay and tranny to appear like a Good Person (TM) (can't use the actual trademark symbol since nonstandard characters get filtered, what the fuck) like so many others do?", "pid": 78286372 }, { "sender": "D70D-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:17:32\n\n>>78286281 \nThe difference is they got commensurate compensation and today you get a wagie job where you pay almost your entire take-home pay to support just yourself living in rented shithole and paying for other necessities. There is no hope that you will be able to achieve normal life milestones, and the boomer meme of \"working your way up\" is long dead with many employers firing employees just before they qualify for bennies and then having the audacity to try to re-hire them afterwards due to the general precarity situation. It is literal wage slavery.", "pid": 78286398 }, { "sender": "Anon-B117", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:30:16\n\n>>78286398 \nYeah, things shouldn't be like that. You should be able to build a house with a few thousand dollars like in the past.", "pid": 78286502 }, { "sender": "Anon-F577", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:12:08\n\n>>78286372 \nNo, just people I know directly.", "pid": 78286872 }, { "sender": "9A90-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:38:41\n\n>>78285180 \nYou forgot the parenthesis around \"they\" \nThat kind of explains it all, LOL.", "pid": 78287117 }, { "sender": "7E9E-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:45:49\n\n>>78285180 \nI've figured yall Redditors out \nyou're all just some kinda gay", "pid": 78287189 }, { "sender": "0348-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:46:15\n\n>>78285184 \n>Unwilling to accept that the fault lies mainly with themselves \nThis is actually a great point and if followed through with this logical conclusion she would be a conservative who hates niggers but she isn't and won't be. Women can't logic", "pid": 78287192 }, { "sender": "Anon-F9EA", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:51:42\n\n>>78285751 \nWrong, brown immigrants provide zero value to the average person (or even reduce their value by offering a cheaper alternative to piggies looking to cut costs on labour) and working class women still vote for them to be allowed into the country and receive more state benefits. Society shames any man with low social performance and incels are just the extreme version of that.", "pid": 78287252 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DE83", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:51:57\n\n>>78285180 \nPeople need to realize that using big words doesn't make them smart", "pid": 78287257 }, { "sender": "49AD-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:26:13\n\n>>78285751 \n>Most people are only empathetic to those who can provide some value to them or to society. \n>>78287252 \n>brown immigrants provide zero value to the average person \n \n>by offering a cheaper alternative to piggies looking to cut costs on labour \nNTA. Doesn't cheap labor mean cheaper goods? I thought that was the whole point of us moving a lot of our production to China.", "pid": 78287585 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A266", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:34:19\n\n>>78287585 \n>cheaper labor = cheaper goods \nJFL", "pid": 78287666 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2FAE", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:35:32\n\n>>78287666 \nThen why is half our shit made in China?", "pid": 78287675 }, { "sender": "FE46-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:40:18\n\n>>78287675 \nThat's a false equivalency to begin with. There's a reason why the cheaper goods are being produced in loose-labor-laws China and not the west. And I don't see browns lining up to enter China, and if they do then that's not our concern anymore.", "pid": 78287721 }, { "sender": "E3A3-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:43:49\n\n>>78285180 \n>>78285184 \n>Everything wrong with your life is entirely your fault because you're a bad person and too weak to change that. \nThis has to be one of the most demoralizing things to say to anyone, even traditional Christian theology at least follows it up with Jesus forgiving you and washing away your sins. This is just Christianity with no Christ, AKA Satanism.", "pid": 78287753 }, { "sender": "F47B-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:49:03\n\n>>78285184 \nit's just a typical woman behaviour to shift responsability to someone else. \n \nEvery time a woman does something wrong she cries and avoid responsability. \n \nThis is why they should not be allowed in position of power.", "pid": 78287797 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EE4B", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:51:54\n\n>>78287753 \nwomen don't see average men as \"people\". \nthats why they dont care, they are predisposed to follow societal norms. Promote marriage and monogamy and they will largely follow it. Promote promiscuity and single lifestyles and this is what you get. \n \nIt doesnt even matter how \"good\" the men is, the only thing that matters is how good he is compared to the top. Even if every single man was fit AF they would still sort themselves into a standard deviation curve.", "pid": 78287825 }, { "sender": "E9C5-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:54:39\n\n>>78285180 \n>Ignores sexhaver criminal gangs", "pid": 78287843 }, { "sender": "C900-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:55:03\n\n>>78287675 \nSo that the jews and greedy boomboom oligarchs who listened to the jews can pocket the difference. Show me any case where the prices of goods went down because of this specific factor. You can't. What you get is just improved manufacturing techniques unrelated to the offshoring that make it faster or cheaper to produce a thing.", "pid": 78287849 }, { "sender": "Anon-4CBE", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:06:41\n\n>>78287252 \nVoting has nothing to do with empathy. Women vote the way they do because they want to conform.", "pid": 78287977 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DA3", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:08:13\n\n>>78287585 \nCheaper goods doesn't mean shit if they get stolen 10x as often", "pid": 78287988 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F0EA", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:12:32\n\n>>78285180 \none of the most insulting things you can do is hand wave someone's genuine problem as \"ohh patriarchy\" or \"ohh feminism\" and have the train of thought end there. i think invalidation is what radicalizes people in either direction.", "pid": 78288034 }, { "sender": "21FB-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:30:42\n\n>>78285184 \nYou \"forgot\" to add reasons for your arguments. An argument, if no source is provided should, at least have a logical reason for it being so. Otherwise, how can it be shown to be so?", "pid": 78288209 }, { "sender": "Anon-2D82", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:34:02\n\n>blame victim: female \n>BALFIAHAGA HOW DARE YOU QUESTION HER AKHNFGOAUGA!!! \n>blame victim: male \n>Heh, it's likely their own fault. \nHmm...", "pid": 78288234 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-DED8", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:02:15\n\nYour favorite Carol /v/?", "pid": 684004915 }, { "sender": "BE15-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:03:00\n\n>>684004915 \ncootie slayer, though varsity jacket carol is also very good", "pid": 684004965 }, { "sender": "2D53-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:03:50\n\nCarol is old and busted. It's all about the Hellenism now.", "pid": 684005025 }, { "sender": "7ED4-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:05:11\n\n>tfw no punk/goth gf \n>all subcultures are practically dead", "pid": 684005124 }, { "sender": "9A8D-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:06:36\n\n>>684004915 \nWhere is Anubia?", "pid": 684005262 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F36F", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:08:21\n\nThe one with an all-time peak player count of 30. Or the one with single digit average player counts.", "pid": 684005423 }, { "sender": "AC46-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:09:11\n\n>>684005423 \nGood choices, but for me it has to be the Carol that sold 247 plushies.", "pid": 684005476 }, { "sender": "Anon-E264", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:13:17\n\n>>684005476 \nAww, that's sweet that literally every owner of the game bought one.", "pid": 684005804 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3A75", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:15:27\n\n>>684005804 \n>o-only 30 people bought the game! \n>ummm n-no ackshually 247 people bought the game! \nThe narrative crumbles.", "pid": 684005995 }, { "sender": "9194-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:15:46\n\n>>684004915 \nThis one. Reminds me of Sakura in episode 15", "pid": 684006019 }, { "sender": "D267-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:18:01\n\n>>684005995 \nAs does your reading comprehension.", "pid": 684006208 }, { "sender": "ACC0-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:18:10\n\n>>684006019 \n\\*16", "pid": 684006224 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9698", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:18:25\n\n>>684004915 \nThis one, maybe?", "pid": 684006241 }, { "sender": "37D7-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:19:49\n\nSoviet, wonder if there'll be SS or brownshirt mods.", "pid": 684006335 }, { "sender": "Anon-CEA2", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:20:50\n\nCaleb costume, no discussion.", "pid": 684006408 }, { "sender": "C7EB-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:21:12\n\n>bedtime xdddd", "pid": 684006445 }, { "sender": "Anon-4493", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:21:13\n\n>>684004915 \nbuy an ad pedotroon", "pid": 684006446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EA46", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:21:37\n\nCute zoomer.", "pid": 684006470 }, { "sender": "Anon-D771", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:23:12\n\nForbidden Carol.", "pid": 684006595 }, { "sender": "D2A8-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:23:23\n\n>>684006019", "pid": 684006610 }, { "sender": "Anon-1820", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:28:31\n\n>>684004915 \nWhy does she need so many costumes? Are they at least useful in the game?", "pid": 684006969 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B2F0", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:28:41\n\nOfficial Onirism E-sports tournaments when?", "pid": 684006976 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-68C5", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:29:01\n\n>>684004915 \nALL the Carols!", "pid": 684007015 }, { "sender": "0C0D-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:29:51\n\n>>684006969 \nYou'd rather have her walk around naked? Sicko.", "pid": 684007072 }, { "sender": "8805-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:31:01\n\nsatanic game", "pid": 684007168 }, { "sender": "E82D-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:31:14\n\n>>684006969 \nNo, they are just here to be stylish. \nThey used to have special perks back when it was still a school project. You had a suit to go underwater, as Carol couldn't swim back then. Now it's just to look cute or cool.", "pid": 684007182 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2233", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:32:05\n\n>>684006595 \nWhat's wrong with her feet?", "pid": 684007252 }, { "sender": "Anon-768B", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:32:12\n\nOppai carol\nBut tied with carol that is REALLY enjoying some good music", "pid": 684007258 }, { "sender": "Anon-6882", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:32:17\n\n>>684007168 \nThe game has cross-shaped grave markers in a few locations. Carol is canonically a God-fearing child.", "pid": 684007261 }, { "sender": "7937-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:32:39\n\n>>684007252 \nStill in Early Access, please understand. :^)", "pid": 684007291 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9E0D", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:36:15\n\ncunny", "pid": 684007560 }, { "sender": "796E-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:37:18\n\n>>684007291 \nJust how I like my girls.", "pid": 684007625 }, { "sender": "8587-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:37:28\n\n>>684007261 \nCarol needs a nun outfit in the game, too bad the devs are atheists.", "pid": 684007638 }, { "sender": "Anon-0155", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:43:30\n\nFor me, it's the original Carol", "pid": 684008051 }, { "sender": "E688-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:44:05\n\n>>684005025 \nI want Hellene to breastfeed me.", "pid": 684008085 }, { "sender": "9DA6-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:56:28\n\n>>684008051 \nsorry, wrong image", "pid": 684008974 }, { "sender": "B9FC-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 21:59:18\n\nCarol loves farmers", "pid": 684009156 }, { "sender": "Anon-E7FF", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:00:40\n\n>>684009156 \nI'm starting to see a pattern here...", "pid": 684009263 }, { "sender": "D3EE-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:01:22\n\n>>684008974 \nWhich Madoka is that", "pid": 684009308 }, { "sender": "F50F-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:02:40\n\n>>684008974 \nLiterally who?", "pid": 684009394 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-66F4", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:13:06\n\n>>684007252 \nThey're not in my mouth. That's what's wrong with them.", "pid": 684010078 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0D72", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:24:35\n\nnobody plays this shit lol", "pid": 684010885 }, { "sender": "4CAA-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:29:14\n\n>>684010885 \nWait, there's an onirism game!?", "pid": 684011184 }, { "sender": "DB67-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:30:44\n\n>>684011184 \nWe've all moved on to Onirism 2 long ago, bro.", "pid": 684011286 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3AA6", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:40:25\n\nJAS", "pid": 684011996 }, { "sender": "Anon-25FF", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:42:50\n\n>>684011996 \nWheeeee!", "pid": 684012172 }, { "sender": "8F36-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:44:47\n\nUm, you can't talk about that game here.", "pid": 684012314 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8ED1", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:48:15\n\nonirizzim", "pid": 684012557 }, { "sender": "E150-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:48:28\n\n>>684011184 \nSomebody made a game based on Onirism threads. How cool is that?", "pid": 684012572 }, { "sender": "Anon-1EBC", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:48:49\n\n>>684004915 \nDoesn't this game have like 150 max players?", "pid": 684012591 }, { "sender": "E892-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:49:00\n\n>>684007638 \nwell, they are fr\\*nch, so...", "pid": 684012608 }, { "sender": "76B3-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:49:34\n\n>all the threads i have open getting nuked one by one \nH-hold me, /v/", "pid": 684012652 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF5A", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:50:05\n\n>>684004915 \nWhichever one the feds like most", "pid": 684012687 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6158", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:51:24\n\n>>684012591 \nIt could have 0 players and the game would still keep being actively developed just to spite you.", "pid": 684012787 }, { "sender": "Anon-EED6", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:52:34\n\nDoes Shino just automatically appear in every single C-team/C-team adjacent thread? Man throws out sketches at the drop of a hat while being practically omnipresent.\n<s>I still have the one of annoying Ashley by messing with her hair, thanks man.</s>", "pid": 684012870 }, { "sender": "66F7-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:53:15\n\n>>684004915 \n>>684005025 \n>>684005124 \n>>684005476 \n>>684005995 \n>>684006019 \n>>684006241 \n>>684006335 \n>>684006408 \n>>684006445 \n>>684006470 \n>>684006595 \n>>684006610 \n>>684006976 \n>>684007072 \n>>684007258 \n>>684007261 \n>>684009156 \n>>684010668 \n>>684011286 \n>>684012557 \n>>684012608 \n>>684012787 \n>Carol is cut-ACK!", "pid": 684012914 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EBB4", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:53:23\n\n>>684012591 \nDivide that number into 15", "pid": 684012928 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F853", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:54:03\n\n>>684012870 \n>Does Shino just automatically appear in every single \nonly ones that are linked in the discord", "pid": 684012972 }, { "sender": "BA75-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:54:15\n\n>>684012914 \nall me", "pid": 684012987 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-92BC", "message": "28/07/2024, 22:54:42\n\n>>684012914 \nYour shitpost already got ACK'd, sis.", "pid": 684013025 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4D57", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:06:58\n\n>Family Guy intro ends \n>scene opens in Peter’s house, where the family is on the couch watching TV \n>DING DONG \n>Lois: I wonder who that could be at this time of day. \n>Peter opens the door \n>Carol: Oi, big guy. \n>Peter: Holy fr\\*cken crap, Lois! Check who it is! \n>Lois: Is that... Oh my god, Carol Onirism! \n>Brian: Holy shit, Carol Onirism? I thought you enlisted in the military and got shipped off to Iraq! \n>scene where Carol calls a broccoli nuclear strike on islamic terrorists while laughing \n>Carol: Bet those Arabs never DREAMED of that! \n>everyone but Meg laughs \n>Chris: It’s great to have you back, Carol! \n>Meg: Whatever! It was great to finally have some peace and quiet from those stupid puns... \n>Carol uses every single gun on Meg for 30 seconds straight \n>Peter: NYEHEHEHEHEHE! \n>Stewie: Personally I prefer Hat Kid, but Fox can’t negotiate for shit!", "pid": 684013879 }, { "sender": "E4E2-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:08:48\n\nENOUGH", "pid": 684014000 }, { "sender": "D1A5-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:09:13\n\n>Girlboss garbage \n>FPS slop \nCarol suck, Beebz rocks", "pid": 684014020 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-401F", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:10:38\n\n>>684014000 \nWhat is b\\*\\*bz looking at?", "pid": 684014101 }, { "sender": "Anon-3255", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:11:49\n\n>>684014101 \nShe knows her feet are in danger", "pid": 684014190 }, { "sender": "1C9B-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:12:17\n\n>>684014101 \nYou have your shoes untied", "pid": 684014228 }, { "sender": "3A22-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:18:23\n\nthis game is not that good I'm hoe but it's really fucking based just for having so many costumes, I think the caleb skin is my favorite", "pid": 684014684 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-13F5", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:24:20\n\n>>684014684 \n>I'm hoe \ntrue", "pid": 684015114 }, { "sender": "938E-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:29:35\n\nYou're looking cute as always Carol.", "pid": 684015514 }, { "sender": "E1B4-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:47:20\n\n>>684005025 \nSex mod for her when?", "pid": 684016773 }, { "sender": "99DF-Anonymous", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:48:22\n\n>>684016773 \nWhen the previously mentioned feature that will let you lewd stationary NPCs feature is implemented, hopefully.", "pid": 684016862 }, { "sender": "Anon-437E", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:48:55\n\n>>684015514 \nA Dazzi mod for Onirism would be great, not gonna lie.", "pid": 684016904 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FDAE", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:01:09\n\n>>684016904 \nYeah it would be awesome to watch Dazzi getting fucked by frorcs and boars.", "pid": 684017834 }, { "sender": "6AC0-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:02:38\n\n>>684006019 \n>>684006224 \nDoes Carol like to model for (you)?", "pid": 684017948 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E490", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:02:47\n\n>>684017834 \nNo!", "pid": 684017960 }, { "sender": "98D3-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:03:46\n\n>>684017948 \nCarol would probably love trying on a bunch of cute outfits.", "pid": 684018040 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-69CC", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:04:10\n\n>>684017948 \nYou the best", "pid": 684018071 }, { "sender": "0C20-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:04:54\n\n>>684017948 \nCUTE. Seeing art of the more niche outfits is always lovely.", "pid": 684018124 }, { "sender": "631C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:07:32\n\n>>684017948 \nI can't wait to see all of the C-team in big cute dresses. ~~Who would resist it the most?~~", "pid": 684018331 }, { "sender": "543B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:09:36\n\nFor me it's Meng", "pid": 684018485 }, { "sender": "Anon-DCAE", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:10:30\n\n>>684017948 \n>Does Carol like to model for (you)? \nYes! As Nanoha. And Nobeta dresses up as Testarossa.", "pid": 684018552 }, { "sender": "Anon-0EF1", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:10:53\n\n>>684018485 \n>more Mengkino \nAbsolutely based.", "pid": 684018583 }, { "sender": "Anon-427C", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:12:21\n\n>>684017834 \nI was more interested in seeing a Dazzi with legs or a scantily clad purple Carol, but that too.", "pid": 684018685 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DA4F", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:12:40\n\n>>684018124 \nWhat anime is he watching?", "pid": 684018703 }, { "sender": "A84D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:13:26\n\nI ordered one of your damn dolls because you all seemed so pathetic and I thought it would be funny to meme with. When is it shipping out?", "pid": 684018760 }, { "sender": "C6BF-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:13:50\n\n>>684007258 \nFlat Carol is so much better than that >684006595", "pid": 684018785 }, { "sender": "Anon-050E", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:14:22\n\n>>684018741", "pid": 684018825 }, { "sender": "D661-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:15:28\n\n>>684015514 \nDazzi my beloved", "pid": 684018901 }, { "sender": "Anon-EEF0", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:18:51\n\nqrd on this shit?\nsee this posted every fucking day\nregardless of the obvious pedo undertones, the characters look like hideous gremlins\nwhat the fuck is even the onirism thread and why did someone make a flopped game based on it?", "pid": 684019109 }, { "sender": "241E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:19:47\n\nDazzi loves frorcs", "pid": 684019164 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F665", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:20:01\n\n>>684019109 \nIt's a game that will live in your head for the next 10 years it will take to release. Enjoy your stay, brother.", "pid": 684019192 }, { "sender": "Anon-A1AF", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:20:19\n\n>>684017948 \nLove it.", "pid": 684019216 }, { "sender": "Anon-98B7", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:20:48\n\n>>684019109", "pid": 684019252 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-74EA", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:21:03\n\nwhere is the update", "pid": 684019268 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8B71", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:21:29\n\n>>684018741 \nOh I get it. Because over in modern day egypt and middle east they still cut off clits of girls. So not totally unrelated.", "pid": 684019309 }, { "sender": "Anon-70E4", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:22:02\n\n>>684019268 \nChoco is busy making it kino and soul.", "pid": 684019347 }, { "sender": "Anon-9A09", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:22:51\n\nmore like the MAP update", "pid": 684019397 }, { "sender": "Anon-E503", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:25:03\n\n>>684019109 \nThe gameplay is unironically great", "pid": 684019562 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2AF6", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:28:49\n\n>>684018331 \nProbably Beebz, maybe Hat Kid too", "pid": 684019816 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6F3", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:32:33\n\n>>684019562 \nI can't believe they made a game with Carol in it.", "pid": 684020069 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4A14", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:34:19\n\n>>684004915 \nthe one that isn't perpetually beta", "pid": 684020173 }, { "sender": "6A55-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:35:20\n\n>>684004915 \nNo kimono?", "pid": 684020230 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-28F0", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:37:51\n\n>>684020173 \nNo beta?", "pid": 684020390 }, { "sender": "CEF1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:00:28\n\n>>684019192 \n>>684019252 \n>>684019562 \nNone of these answer my original questions but thanks for the replies I guess", "pid": 684021930 }, { "sender": "CD05-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:07:39\n\n>>684021930 \n~~/b/ has been dead for years and with the board being nothing but 3rd world jeet porn spam there is nowhere good to talk about loli outside of straight pornography so these threads while genuine video game discussion are mainly an outlet for safe loli and lots of cute discussions~~", "pid": 684022421 }, { "sender": "Anon-AA8A", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:16:11\n\n>>684020390 \nNo, beta.", "pid": 684023014 }, { "sender": "Billy", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:25:37\n\nBeb", "pid": 684023652 }, { "sender": "DE55-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:27:25\n\n>>684023652 \nLewd!!!", "pid": 684023757 }, { "sender": "8E18-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:27:34\n\n>>684023652 \nLovely.", "pid": 684023768 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-598B", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:29:28\n\n>>684023652 \nCute", "pid": 684023869 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-55F4", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:32:46\n\n>>684017948 \nTell me that's the farmer", "pid": 684024051 }, { "sender": "Anon-894B", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:35:33\n\n>>684024051 \nIts his way of revenge for >>684009156", "pid": 684024232 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B52", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:36:05\n\n>>684024051 \nHe needs to fill the folder up somehow after the accident.", "pid": 684024268 }, { "sender": "6369-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:38:14\n\n>>684024268 \nBeebz thighs...", "pid": 684024406 }, { "sender": "63E1-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:01:10\n\n>>684024406", "pid": 684025758 }, { "sender": "70C5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:05:25\n\n>>684025758 \nI can see her butt-fangs", "pid": 684026038 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2F41", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:07:30\n\n>>684023652 \ni wanna bake a cake with her", "pid": 684026186 }, { "sender": "Billy", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:31:16\n\n>>684026186 \nThat gives me an idea", "pid": 684027698 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-35FF", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:42:39\n\nMr advertiser get down!", "pid": 684028391 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E02B", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:44:29\n\n>>684012987 \n>>684013025 \nthings have gotten so bad for the tranny posters that they have resorted to spamming furry porn threads for the last couple of days \njust keep ignoring them kek, i wanna see how far they take it", "pid": 684028490 }, { "sender": "8B12-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:45:49\n\n>>684028391 \nJ-Team ~~ruining~~ the day again", "pid": 684028569 }, { "sender": "CAA0-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:46:51\n\n>>684028391 \nHoly moly...", "pid": 684028643 }, { "sender": "52E8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:49:41\n\n>>684028391 \nget out of the way, you damn brat!", "pid": 684028812 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4CFA", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:50:11\n\nEvery single onirism thread always has more IPs than players on the game. I think you guys should just go and play the game", "pid": 684028845 }, { "sender": "52A3-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:50:40\n\n>>684021930 \nNot sure what answer you're expecting. It's the most transparently shilled game on /v/. It's obviously not an organic discussion, since nobody actually plays the fucking game.", "pid": 684028870 }, { "sender": "17B5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:53:00\n\n>>684028845 \n>>684028870 \nSomeone still cannot cope with the loss of the IP counter and I'm loving every laugh.", "pid": 684028997 }, { "sender": "4028-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:58:30\n\n>>684028997 \nanon just go and play the game to support the devs, im sure they would appreciate it", "pid": 684029289 }, { "sender": "Anon-AEE8", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:58:43\n\n>>684028391 \nnice to see new parin art", "pid": 684029307 }, { "sender": "6AF7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:00:28\n\n>>684004915 \n>20 player all time high", "pid": 684029408 }, { "sender": "Anon-E31B", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:01:27\n\n>>684029289 \nAlready bought it + I shill the game fiercely during every sale. I'm Choco's strongest soldier.", "pid": 684029471 }, { "sender": "493B-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:09:36\n\n>>684012914 \n>Implying that pedos arent by and large \"anti woke\" chuds \nNice try", "pid": 684029942 }, { "sender": "03CB-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:15:26\n\n>>684017948 \n>>684028391 \nthank you for the art, coul di have a bow kid, please?", "pid": 684030292 }, { "sender": "07B5-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:17:20\n\n>>684030287 \n>Hats?", "pid": 684030425 }, { "sender": "Anon-F41D", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:19:05\n\n>>684028391 \nIf only Jas or Morgan would pull Parin away so the farmer can take the picture for his folder recovery.", "pid": 684030528 }, { "sender": "Anon-24A0", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:25:37\n\n>>684030287 \nwhere's the sus?", "pid": 684030934 }, { "sender": "Billy", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:37:34\n\nPt. 1", "pid": 684031687 }, { "sender": "E748-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:43:15\n\n>>684031687 \n\\*pours batter down her apron\\*", "pid": 684032012 }, { "sender": "B2D4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:47:20\n\n>>684031687 \n\\*licks cheek", "pid": 684032213 }, { "sender": "21F8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:51:52\n\n>>684031687 \nIN it?", "pid": 684032452 }, { "sender": "Anon-70DC", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:53:37\n\nThis.", "pid": 684032556 }, { "sender": "7470-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:57:50\n\n>>684032556 \nWhat do the hexagons represent", "pid": 684032790 }, { "sender": "10B2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:04:12\n\n>>684032452 \ninnit?", "pid": 684033080 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8284", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:13:38\n\n>>684004915 \nIf there's this many skins just for the MC, how is the game not finished yet?", "pid": 684033579 }, { "sender": "Billy", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:16:51\n\n>>684032452 \nChocolate can get in weird places, also, writing \"in/on\" would be weird", "pid": 684033740 }, { "sender": "9474-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:18:31\n\n>>684033740 \nchocolate in armpit", "pid": 684033834 }, { "sender": "7FDB-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:19:44\n\nWhat did Parin expect?", "pid": 684033893 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-15A3", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:23:31\n\nBrutal bed breaking sex with western vidya lolis\nGentle and lovely sex with japanese vidya lolis", "pid": 684034094 }, { "sender": "F236-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:25:02\n\n>>684018124 \nThis image, this is me every day in the metro. Except work regulations force me to wear plain white shirts. After 9 to 10 hours of corporate mindrape I don't give a fuck i just want to watch some moe anime and interact with something cute, not even sexual necessarily.", "pid": 684034172 }, { "sender": "27D3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:25:36\n\n>>684033893 \nLovely", "pid": 684034194 }, { "sender": "F383-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:26:48\n\n>>684033893 \nslut!", "pid": 684034257 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1653", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:39:45\n\n>>684034094 \nHonestly agree.", "pid": 684034894 }, { "sender": "6265-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:40:23\n\n>>684034094 \nyou got that in reverse", "pid": 684034923 }, { "sender": "Billy", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:59:17\n\n>>684033834 \nYou read my mind", "pid": 684035884 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E8C2", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:02:36\n\nCarol stinks", "pid": 684036053 }, { "sender": "BD99-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:06:41\n\n>>684036053 \nConceptualize the aroma honhon", "pid": 684036267 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6CFF", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:08:24\n\nAnubia", "pid": 684036364 }, { "sender": "Anon-5D38", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:16:36\n\n>>684036364 \nSlow and rhythmic sex, with lots of kissing and groping.", "pid": 684036821 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8BB0", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:20:19\n\n>>684028391 \nlewd bitches", "pid": 684037020 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9264", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:27:19\n\n>>684035053 \na meeting of the minds", "pid": 684037357 }, { "sender": "F7CD-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:32:00\n\n>>684019109 \n>obscure early access TPS/Platformer hybrid (FPS view available) \n>Play as an angry little girl and fight a huge corporation and their mercenaries in a dream world to get your bunny plushie back \n>Combat is somewhat fast paced, think of a hybrid between Ratchet & Clank and Doom 1993 \n>200 toy guns available, some bottom-tier, others top-tier, many are fun to use \n>EA campaign is about 18-22 hours long, is projected to be around 30-35 hours when it's fully done \n>high-quality French dub, but it's the only one available and gets cut short mid campaign because coof happened \n>environments are pretty varied: plains, caverns, volcano, deserts, ancient Arab city, old west town, and more \n>vehicles are available, varied and come with mounted guns, but they feel very heavy to drive for some \n>bonus levels scattered around the first levels, similar to Crash Bandicoot levels for some, much harder than the main campaign \n>very good soundtrack that touches many genres: metal, electro, ambient, jazz, or a banjo solo \n>pretty large bestiary, some enemies are very hot monster girls, first boss is a spider MILF \n>extra modes include two horde modes and a local multiplayer mode similar to TimeSplitters. Online is not implemented yet, but is in the full project \n>Pretty janky due to being EA, bugs, glitches and crashes are to be expected \n>pretty weak beginning, with some (but not all) early guns being bottom tier, ludo is only expected after 30 minutes \n>clear lack of direction and QA, some issues are only being worked on now, like the lack of a map making it hard to navigate in some of the huge levels for some people, and tries to be everything in one game, with very varying results depending on the subject matter \n>most bosses are shit \n>really hard to talk about this game on 4chons or other imageboards because many will just uoh at the girl \n>the appearance of a sex mod for the game really doesn't help with the discussion \n \nTL;DR it's ludo in the rough, pirate first.", "pid": 684037594 }, { "sender": "CA6F-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:34:41\n\n>>684037594 \nThis was made with chatgpt btw", "pid": 684037738 }, { "sender": "6CBD-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:38:47\n\n>>684037594 \n>>200 toy guns available, some bottom-tier, others top-tier, many are fun to use \nThe sheer amount of content is amazing", "pid": 684037942 }, { "sender": "E6A4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:39:40\n\n>>684037738 \nNo, all written by hand with my ESL knowledge, my opinion after 340+ hours of gametime and saved into my computer to immediately answer qrd requests.", "pid": 684037996 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F576", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:58:08\n\n>>684037996 \nBased, I'm saving a screencap for future use", "pid": 684038896 }, { "sender": "Anon-A3F5", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:01:16\n\n>>684035053 \n>DAZZI POSTER IS SUS \n>HE'S SPAMMING SAMEFAGGING REEEEEEEEEEEEEE", "pid": 684039065 }, { "sender": "B366-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:04:23\n\n>>684004915 \nCarole Baskin", "pid": 684039196 }, { "sender": "Anon-0EAF", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:06:58\n\n>>684004915 \nWhat is this shit game? Pedo Sim? It's not available in germany", "pid": 684039294 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4857", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:18:51\n\nBlueberry > Carol\nFINISH THE FUCKING UPDATE ALREADY CHOCO", "pid": 684039843 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9C62", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:27:33\n\n>>684039843 \nI want to thighfuck Blueberry", "pid": 684040302 }, { "sender": "46F2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:31:41\n\n>>684039294 \n>It's not available in germany \nIt's a normal TPS platformer. I'd believe that the reason it's not available in Germany is because it has yet to be reviewed by their ESRB/PEGI counterpart, they tend to be turbo autists about it.", "pid": 684040517 }, { "sender": "D799-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:33:13\n\n>>684039294 \n>Pedo Sim \nNo it's a child sim, a pedo sim you would play as yourself.", "pid": 684040587 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5D11", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:44:34\n\nwell well well\nlook who came back for another ban\n*cracks knuckles*", "pid": 684041126 }, { "sender": "Anon-E014", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:52:45\n\nsame", "pid": 684041543 }, { "sender": "Anon-46C3", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:54:30\n\n>>684041543 \ndoes she always feel kinda funny?", "pid": 684041648 }, { "sender": "3DE2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:56:36\n\n>>684041319 \n>>684041543 \nDon't post my wife without my permission", "pid": 684041759 }, { "sender": "7293-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:56:52\n\nCAROL\nCAAAROOOOOL", "pid": 684041775 }, { "sender": "7D83-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:05:36\n\n>>684041543 \nwtf I didn't know there was a 2000 version. I loved the 2017 version even if the 90s version had a more charming cel animation color palette.", "pid": 684042201 }, { "sender": "96D1-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:09:15\n\nThere's no game called onirism, the girl that you name carol don't exist either, so stop looking for that stupid bunny plushie and move on.", "pid": 684042386 }, { "sender": "2871-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:17:29\n\n>>684042386 \n>we've been lucid dreaming a game \n>this was, in fact, real onirism \nBRAVO CHOCO", "pid": 684042835 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D079", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:20:25\n\n>>684042201 \nThe 2000 version is just the continuation of the original series, if I remember correctly", "pid": 684042964 }, { "sender": "239A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:43:52\n\n>>684040302 \n~~I'll make a blueberry on f-list~~", "pid": 684044121 }, { "sender": "C22A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:01:11\n\nThis game runs like shit on proton. Why can't the developer write code?", "pid": 684044949 }, { "sender": "99DD-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:30:30\n\n>>684044949 \nunity bloat", "pid": 684046285 }, { "sender": "5133-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:31:33\n\n>>684028391 \n>pouting carol \nMUH ~~heart~~", "pid": 684046337 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BCDC", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:35:39\n\n>>684046337 \npouting carol \nhidden cunny", "pid": 684046519 }, { "sender": "79BF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:36:42\n\n>>684004915 \nBunny Carol", "pid": 684046559 }, { "sender": "Anon-D4D9", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:38:42\n\n", "pid": 684046653 }, { "sender": "2102-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:41:28\n\nthe mod will be waking up soon\nsay goodbye to Carol", "pid": 684046770 }, { "sender": "6075-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:43:15\n\n>>684028391 \nDamn Beebz, why is she so cute and sexy.", "pid": 684046851 }, { "sender": "CC4A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:44:56\n\n>>684046559 \nBunny's are cute.", "pid": 684046930 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-566F", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:48:38\n\n>>684004915 \nthis, dude. Also the flamenco dress and it's variants", "pid": 684047085 }, { "sender": "Anon-1AF6", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:53:58\n\nlike, it's lovely <3", "pid": 684047294 }, { "sender": "DC7F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:57:34\n\n>>684046851 \nBuilt for rape", "pid": 684047462 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7DAC", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:49:05\n\nI have a complaint about this game", "pid": 684049564 }, { "sender": "3251-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:49:19\n\n>>684044949 \nRun OKish here, some levels are low FPS though.", "pid": 684049573 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57BB", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:59:20\n\n>>684049564 \nWhat is the problem, anon?", "pid": 684050020 }, { "sender": "5269-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:01:19\n\n>>684050020 \nI think the coloured lighting associated with the day night cycle is too strong", "pid": 684050106 }, { "sender": "2892-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:04:59\n\n>>684050106 \nBy that, you mean the game is too bright overall?", "pid": 684050279 }, { "sender": "Anon-CD90", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:09:26\n\n>>684050279 \nit's too vibrant \nwhen it's evening everything is bright orange \nwhen it's night everything is bright blue \nwhen it's day everything is bright pink \nmost noticeable in the canyon area when the sky takes up most of the view", "pid": 684050495 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C45", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:16:11\n\ni wish the black carol from the mod had some alternate outfits. i think she's cute but she could use a bigger wardrobe", "pid": 684050785 }, { "sender": "AE65-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:45:32\n\n>>684049564 \nNice", "pid": 684052053 }, { "sender": "Anon-7A14", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:01:30\n\n>>684004915 \nThe one where she's a giantess", "pid": 684052783 }, { "sender": "Anon-A588", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:19:24\n\nCute.", "pid": 684053674 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D8B9", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:48:59\n\nwould you prefer your thread to archive, or get deleted?", "pid": 684055137 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3994", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:54:21\n\n>>684055137", "pid": 684055383 }, { "sender": "Anon-D0F2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:03:45\n\n>>684004915 \ni am once again asking for more zombie maps", "pid": 684055813 }, { "sender": "CF53-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:11:08\n\n>>684055813 \nwhat kind would you like to see? \ni'd like a more light-hearted one set during the day time with lots of horrible secrets that have implications for story mode, like ~~fallen peaks~~", "pid": 684056137 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-69F5", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:14:39\n\n>>684055813 \nYou should also ask for it on the Onirism discord, there are no devs here to listen to you.", "pid": 684056302 }, { "sender": "Anon-D96E", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:30:45\n\n>>684055383 \nanswer the question", "pid": 684057218 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-012F", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:43:44\n\nWhy tf do white men not give a fuck about their women choosing black men. Im not even a demoralizer I just can see whats clearly going on", "pid": 78286123 }, { "sender": "CD47-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:46:51\n\n>>78286123 \nWhat shit bait is this? They very much do care, only cucks don't", "pid": 78286144 }, { "sender": "E4D4-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:48:10\n\n>>78286123 \nwhy do you care? what's going on and why is it worth caring about?", "pid": 78286156 }, { "sender": "Anon-91C2", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:48:22\n\n>>78286123 \nWhite women aren't worth caring over honestly \nBottom tier females \n \nIf the niggers want to eat the slop that is white women let them, I don't get mad at pigs eating trash either", "pid": 78286159 }, { "sender": "Anon-3747", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:48:52\n\n>>78286123 \nYou posted le epic heckin race bait again! Well done fellow redditor.", "pid": 78286164 }, { "sender": "B12A-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:52:35\n\n>>78286123 \n>\"our\" women", "pid": 78286185 }, { "sender": "Anon-9369", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:53:33\n\n>>78286123 \n>Oh no! Look at this tragedy! We lost a whore to the niggers!!! \nThey can have it all they want lol", "pid": 78286196 }, { "sender": "Anon-91EE", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:37:22\n\n>>78286123 \ni honestly prefer a woman who has only fucked black men before me because its clear she loves me for me \nif she fucked a white guy before me she is probably just settling because she couldn't hold down chad", "pid": 78286562 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A00", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:40:35\n\n>>78286123 \nthis is first of all literally not a thing that happens on a widespread scale, and virtually every coal burner chick is a trashy whore so it's not like she would've made a good romantic partner anyway", "pid": 78286589 }, { "sender": "Anon-1267", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:10:53\n\n>>78286144 \nIf they care, whats being done? \n>>78286156 \nI care because black men dont deserve our women and id rather it be me fucking hot white women instead of them? How are you even questioning this? \n>>78286159 \nEnjoy your sour grapes mentality \n>>78286562 \nCuck \n>>78286589 \nYou must not go outside. \n \nIts already incredibly rare to see a pretty woman (aka a white woman whos above a 6/10 and is skinny) so why would I want to share them with black guys", "pid": 78286862 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5207", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:19:16\n\n>>78286862 \nThey're not 'your' women and you're just making baseless subjective assertions about who 'deserves' what. There is nothing concrete in your assertions, just insecurity projected onto the rest of us. A woman saying all men should die because they are violent scum is just as valid under your logic. You're so wrapped up in your hatred and insecurity that you create a self-fulfilling prophecy by whining like a little bitch online instead of actually pursuing the white women you whose racial purity you claim to care so much about. Instead you're hoping the strong arm of the state will make it illegal for white women to date outside their race. Total cuck mentality, why would anyone want to be with you?", "pid": 78286925 }, { "sender": "2C17-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:21:38\n\n>>78286123 \nWhite boys are cucks with small penises and they love they women getting blacked", "pid": 78286955 }, { "sender": "A984-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:24:49\n\n>>78286925 \nWhere did I claim to care about racial purity. Notice how you claim im projecting yet end up being the one doing the projecting. And yes if they are part of the white race they belong to white men. Women are a form of property and resource and its always been that way. The human populations evolved separately, whether youre willing to admit this or not. And who said anything about what I think politically? You seem to be turbo triggered by this topic and decided to sperg out whilst accusing me of doing the sperging. Absolutely hilarious", "pid": 78286987 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C475", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:25:09\n\n>>78286925 \nIm not white but you sound like a faggot bitch. Yes they are his women. You sound like the sort of faggot cuck that would eat the creampie out of his girlfriend while saying \"BRO SHE'S NOT MY GIRL CREAMPIE HER ALL YOU LIKE.\" \nFuck you, faggot cuck. Cucks like you are why I hate whites. Eat shit. I would fucking behead you with a chainsaw after I ate your intestines if I ever saw you in my favela. Faggot white cuck.", "pid": 78286989 }, { "sender": "86F3-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:52:16\n\n>>78286123 \nI've met multiple women who specifically would not date black guys.", "pid": 78287262 }, { "sender": "Anon-A97A", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:03:11\n\n>>78286987 \n>crying about white women dating black people and acting like they are property along racial lines isn't caring about racial purity \n \nsuck my dick faggot \n \nwomen conceptualized as property was a specific historical development and has not 'always been that way'. read a fucking book \n \n>>78286989 \ntriggered bitch? project harder lmao", "pid": 78287383 }, { "sender": "D172-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:28:36\n\n>>78286123 \n>why do you have functioning survival instincts \n???", "pid": 78287608 }, { "sender": "Anon-83DC", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:30:00\n\n>>78287383 \nwhite \"men\" like you get raped and castrated where i live faggot. come here so i can fuck your ass and break you in as a good little girl. you fucking faggot cuck", "pid": 78287619 }, { "sender": "79DE-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:40:44\n\n>>78287383 \nA specific historical development that arose independently in every major culture on earth? You sound like a retard.", "pid": 78287727 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7254", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:40:55\n\n>>78287619 \nlmao that you think your malnourished favela scrawny ass could do anything to me. I will single-handedly pick you up and make you my personal cock sleeve. After I've wrecked your sissy bitch asshole I'll make you lick my cum along with your shit and blood off the floor and you'll thank me for the meal, faggot.", "pid": 78287728 }, { "sender": "223B-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:42:33\n\n>>78287728 \nNta but that was the gayest shit Ive ever read", "pid": 78287743 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5A27", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:47:01\n\n>>78286123 \nwe're not allowed to. \npeople are so brainwashed they think you're the problem for speaking up when literally every other race would lose their shit over their women choosing others.", "pid": 78288377 }, { "sender": "AF41-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:48:11\n\n>>78287728 \nlmao your white. know your place you fucking little bitch. if i find you you will be my sissy pretty queen you little faggot. white men love lgbt and tranny. thats why it's most popular in white countries. you will be my tranny queen you fucking pussy white bitch. your asshole will be a holster for my brown latino cock. you faggot white cuck", "pid": 78288389 }, { "sender": "73C9-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:49:12\n\n>>78287728 \ni will pump so much cum in your asshole that your colon will be permanently bleached white. you will bleed out of your ass and it will be a red tsunami that will coat my cock. then i will pull out of your ass and make you lick it clean like the little white bitch you are. choke on this brown cock you little slut \nim already hard thinking about domesticating you bitch", "pid": 78288404 }, { "sender": "F083-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:55:18\n\n>>78286123 \nliberalism is the \"centrist\" ideology now \naka everyones a libtard", "pid": 78288468 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-838D", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:56:53\n\n>>78287619 \n>>78287728 \n>>78288389 \n>>78288404 \ni clicked on this thread and read through it and that turned gay pretty fast", "pid": 78288487 }, { "sender": "3E08-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:59:49\n\n>>78288487 \n>random libtarded white guy who hates racism and misogyny offering his ass to random brown favela schizo \nTypical.", "pid": 78288522 }, { "sender": "347E-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:02:06\n\n>>78286164 \n>You posted le epic heckin race bait again! Well done fellow redditor \n/thread", "pid": 78288546 }, { "sender": "5025-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:02:08\n\n>>78288522 \nmaybe this website is just filled with closeted gay young men", "pid": 78288547 }, { "sender": "Anon-A01F", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:07:10\n\n>>78286123 \nTheres something wrong with white guys they basically have no male instincts. Im a black dork yet retch seeing a white boy touch a black girl meanwhile lots of white boys think us touching white bitches is fine.", "pid": 78288596 } ]
[ { "sender": "3D70-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:41:58\n\nI wish I wasn't fat\nI wish my back stopped hurting\nI wish I wasn't poor\nI wish I wasn't lazy\nI wish I wasn't short\nI wish I had a wife\nI wish I had a house\nI wish I could take vacations\nI wish I could write a story\nI wish I could draw better\nI wish I could make music\nI wish I could make entertaining videos\nI wish I could talk to people in public\nI wish I could make friends \nI wish our country didn't suck\nMy life sucks. My family is a month away from homelessness. I read the Bible because everyone keeps saying God helps them. But it hasn't got me a job. In fact I'm at my lowest point. This world is hell. I don't know what I did to deserve this. Go ahead and call me names, because you have never known true despair. This pain hurts so much. Not physical, but being abandoned by God. Because he does not help me no matter how much I study the Bible. There's nobody who will help because this world and its people is cruel. I was told lies all my life that God and friends and family will help you. It hurts so fucking bad, I have no hope.", "pid": 78288319 }, { "sender": "Anon-B4E0", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:48:49\n\nI wish you'd shut up furry pedo freak", "pid": 78288399 }, { "sender": "CA1D-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:52:10\n\ni dont give a fuck kill yourself", "pid": 78288430 }, { "sender": "4E35-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:53:14\n\nThat kid is adopted. Damn...", "pid": 78288445 }, { "sender": "B305-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:53:34\n\n>>78288319 \n>God. Because he does not help me no matter how much I study the Bible \nThe cruel Hebrew spirit made up by desert tribes to justify their violence and slavery of their neighbors won't do anything no matter how much you read the Torah. He can't abandon you because he never existed in any form. \n \n>I wish I wasn't lazy \nEasy fix, start doing stuff that isn't whineposting on hentai image boards.", "pid": 78288449 }, { "sender": "2073-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:56:21\n\nyou shouldn't be here. it won't help you. just do as >>78288449 said and stop being a lazy fag. go search for jobs 'til your legs break. if you don't want, stop studying the bible, or it'll make your mind worse. don't waste your time posting shit here. best of luck for you", "pid": 78288482 }, { "sender": "418D-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:12:33\n\ni wish i was a little bit taller i wish i was a baller i wish i had a girl who looked good i would call her!!!!1!", "pid": 78288658 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F3C5", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:14:15\n\n>>78288449 \n>>78288482 \nMaybe you guys are right. Job search is hell though.", "pid": 78288675 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-4CF0", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:40:43\n\nUkrainian woman living in Miami beats son on camera, gets no jail time.\n\nWhy did men do this to her?", "pid": 78287136 }, { "sender": "Anon-40B3", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:41:21\n\nvideo recording of the incident", "pid": 78287147 }, { "sender": "2420-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:49:52\n\n>>78287136 \n>>78287147 \nKid will be fine, bullying builds character.", "pid": 78287235 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0750", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:51:14\n\n>>78287136 \n>le emotions \nI wonder if they'd say the same when a man beat up his wife", "pid": 78287243 }, { "sender": "6038-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:52:04\n\n>>78287147 \nWhat the actual fuck, that poor kid.", "pid": 78287259 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2526", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:52:35\n\n>Its another bait thread \nAnyway, Misato is the most sexiest Eva character, even sexier than Ritsuko although she's a contender. I wish she was real so bad bros, I would plow her and tell her that she's my everything.", "pid": 78287268 }, { "sender": "Anon-2F9E", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:53:30\n\n>>78287268 \n>its another bait thread", "pid": 78287277 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1CD2", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:54:50\n\n>>78287277 \n>Why did men do this to her \nAgain, bait thread.", "pid": 78287288 }, { "sender": "Anon-11E1", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:54:56\n\n>>78287268 \n>bait \nElaborate, there's a video recording and the trial papers are available to the public", "pid": 78287290 }, { "sender": "DFCF-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:56:52\n\n>>78287290 \nWho are the men OP is talking about then? What men?", "pid": 78287308 }, { "sender": "9C5F-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:58:12\n\n>>78287308 \nI don't know, I didn't make it. But it seems to irritate you for some reason.", "pid": 78287326 }, { "sender": "49E0-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:00:27\n\n>>78287136 \n>eastern euro mom beats her children \nthis is sadly nothing new", "pid": 78287350 }, { "sender": "Anon-6185", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:00:33\n\n>>78287326 \nNah but it does confuse the hell out of me. I guess I'll just let the thread archive then", "pid": 78287352 }, { "sender": "3455-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:03:57\n\n>>78287147 \n>>78287136 \nwomen HATE their kids \n \nif a man isnt around, its either ABORTION or BEAT THE SHIT out of the kid", "pid": 78287396 }, { "sender": "5754-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:06:40\n\n>>78287268 \n>>78287288 \n>>78287308 \nAre you incapable of understanding sarcasm and jokes?", "pid": 78287428 }, { "sender": "Anon-A72C", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:07:15\n\n>>78287428 \nall women are stone cold autists", "pid": 78287434 }, { "sender": "2BB8-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:07:41\n\nI wonder how that kid is going to deal with this trauma when he's older.", "pid": 78287437 }, { "sender": "CAEC-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:09:59\n\n>>78287136 \nThis is considered good parenting in slavland thoughbeit", "pid": 78287463 }, { "sender": "0C9B-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:14:38\n\n>>78287428 \nOnline? Yes. \nIn real life? Maybe? Depends on your tone", "pid": 78287493 }, { "sender": "B2AF-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:15:44\n\n>>78287428 \nDidn't post /s fucking retard. How am I able to fucking read your post without /s.", "pid": 78287499 }, { "sender": "Anon-962A", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:20:51\n\n>>78287136 \n>female judge \nhmmm \nyep", "pid": 78287536 }, { "sender": "A21A-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:26:41\n\n>>78287147 \nPart of this is just the lack of compassion society shows towards to males. Especially coming from women. They ar creating monsters. This is how the black community in America formed btw. Ask blacks if their mother didn't abuse the fuck out of them. Ask them where their father was", "pid": 78287590 }, { "sender": "5380-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:09:09\n\n>>78287147 \n>those broad peasant phenotype shoulders \nthis is some low tier subhuman slav whore", "pid": 78287998 }, { "sender": "4472-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:14:46\n\n>>78287136 \nA little off topic, but how desperate are ukrainian and russian women for a green card? I've been thinking about going for a foreign woman lately.", "pid": 78288053 }, { "sender": "Anon-8083", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:15:44\n\n>>78288053 \ndo not interact with an ukrainian female, EVER. If you listen to my advice, I just saved your life", "pid": 78288062 }, { "sender": "Anon-8DDB", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:16:12\n\n>>78287147 \n>women are the empathetic, kind and high EQ gender \nLol, lmao. Im sure she will get her emotions in check and never do such a thing ever again", "pid": 78288064 }, { "sender": "AF50-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:16:51\n\n>>78288062 \nI believe you; but why? Are they all violent or something?", "pid": 78288072 }, { "sender": "Anon-2238", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:21:56\n\n>>78288072 \nWestern women have their flaws, but you can still live with them and they are in touch with their humanity even if they're trying their hardest to discard it, ukrainian females are 100% materialistic and 100% machiavellian. They literally can't think of you as a human being and don't have human feelings, they have evolved in a place where human life and spirituality have zero value.", "pid": 78288135 }, { "sender": "ECF2-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:25:43\n\n>>78288135 \nThat makes a lot of sense. Just look at how apathetic russians are about injustice in general. There''s probably some overlap. What is a good type of women to go after then. Literally anything but black is fine.", "pid": 78288171 }, { "sender": "E650-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:27:10\n\n>>78288171 \nRegular anglo or german women? I mean assuming you're white that would be the obvious choice for you, no?", "pid": 78288184 }, { "sender": "BD49-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:35:33\n\n>>78287147 \n>I feel gross and ashamed for sharing the same gender as her. On behalf of her and women like her, I'm so sorry. We women need to call out those women and do better. \nsaid no woman ever.", "pid": 78288255 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2CA4", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:36:43\n\n>>78288255 \nAccountability and responsibility are kryptonite to women. \nInstead we will hear how \"erm.... DA PATRIARCHY\" made her do it.", "pid": 78288272 }, { "sender": "8868-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:40:19\n\n>>78287136 \nThis is just a case of slavs being the niggers of whites.", "pid": 78288304 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-089D", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:42:05\n\n>>78288304 \nukrainians are turk/jew mutts", "pid": 78288321 }, { "sender": "Anon-F27D", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:49:18\n\n>>78287147 \nthis is where rapists and serial killers come from. \nnot parents and school systems not explaining enough that its ''not okay''", "pid": 78288406 } ]
Why aren&#039;t you marrying a chinese woman?
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-34FB", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:55:33\n\nWhy aren&#039;t you marrying a chinese woman?\n\nThey're cute and less promiscuous than western women\nAlso when China dominate the world you'll be rewarded for helping their birth rate problem", "pid": 78288469 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7775", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:14:57\n\n>>78288469 \n>when China dominate the world \nThat already happened.", "pid": 78288680 }, { "sender": "Anon-F116", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:18:20\n\n>>78288469 \nI don't want a \"less promiscuous woman\", I want a slutty gf. Also she has to be willing to fuck other people because I don't want to have sex.", "pid": 78288721 }, { "sender": "Anon-9729", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:19:14\n\n>>78288469 \nBecause single Chinese women make up about 0.002% of the population area and it's too much effort to waste my time seeking them out.", "pid": 78288732 }, { "sender": "D207-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:20:11\n\n>>78288469 \nI did but it fucked my life up", "pid": 78288748 }, { "sender": "A610-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:22:08\n\n>>78288721 \nAre you perhaps that sperg anon that refused to believe that a femanon wanted to date you and you kept saying you were assexual and won't be able to have a relationship with someone without knowing they're having their sexual desires fulfilled with another man?", "pid": 78288776 }, { "sender": "F535-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:23:02\n\nwhy dont you shut the fuck up and eat my poop", "pid": 78288788 }, { "sender": "6820-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:28:08\n\n>>78288469 \nThe thing about this is that only the roasties rebelling from their parents will marry foreigners. The true submissive traditional ones are interested in Asian men only. And an Asian woman brought up in a western country is just as good as any white whore anyways", "pid": 78288851 }, { "sender": "CF8E-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:30:34\n\n>>78288721 \nit'd be cheaper to hire a prostitute to fuck other men in front of you", "pid": 78288877 } ]
Does anyone think their virginity has ruined their ability to pair-bond?
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-4CCC", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:23:20\n\nDoes anyone think their virginity has ruined their ability to pair-bond?\n\nUnless I meet a very young girl or some Christian girl all other girls have had much more experience than me, and I don't feel I could commit being with someone like that. \nI want to break a non-virgin's heart", "pid": 78288151 }, { "sender": "Real Top Shotta", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:26:09\n\n>>78288151 \nYeah I couldn't even tell you youngblood, I don't waste my time talking to girls and maybe you should follow suit so you can stop bitching like a queer.", "pid": 78288175 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-12FF", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:30:53\n\n>>78288151 \nFor a man it doesn't make a difference how many sexual partners you have had. I'm 31 and I have had sex with 7 women and the idea of settling down with a non-virgin woman disgusts me to my very core. How can you bring yourself to genuinely love someone that other men abused and degraded, fucked her in all her holes, cummed on her and dominated her? \nFor me, when I find out she's not a virgin, that \"true love\" part of my brain gets automatically turned off. She's just a piece of meat to fuck and enjoy her company for a while, but as soon as shit gets serious, I'm dipping. I imagine it's the same for other men.", "pid": 78288211 }, { "sender": "FCD4-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:31:01\n\n>>78288151 \nIt has ruined your ability just like whores who sleep with many have their pair bonding ruined. You should lose your virginity in your teens to someone who is also a virgin and be with them for the rest of your life. That is the only way to have true pair bonding. Anything past that and you ruined yourself", "pid": 78288213 }, { "sender": "Anon-C5D0", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:34:32\n\n>>78288151 \nJust fake it till ya make it, homeboy", "pid": 78288238 }, { "sender": "808B-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:44:40\n\n>>78288151 \nI'm a virgin but even if I lost my virginity I'd still want one to settle with. Most men think like that, but instead of virgin it turns into \"low body count\" because virgins are too rare to make that a requirement. Being a virgin woman is only plus, women that say that it doesn't matter are a bunch of retards and are coping \nLike if there's two identical twins and one fucked 30+ guys and the other is a virgin most men would choose the virgin one immediately", "pid": 78288351 }, { "sender": "Anon-4EF6", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:55:42\n\n>>78288151 \nWomen's experiences is different from us, they don't actually know anything. The majority of them literally stay still waiting for the man to do something, to give them an orgasm, to tell them what to do. The only thing they actively do is blowjobs and riding position, and some women don't even do these. Sex is just like anything else also, you have to study and practice to gain knowledge, there are millions of free content online on how to perfect sexual techniques and provide more pleasure to yourself and your partner. Do not fear. Also its better to be honest and tell that its your first time(not on dating, only when you are about to bed her)", "pid": 78288473 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AE95", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:00:12\n\n>>78288473 \n>>78288351 \n>>78288238 \nI guess it's more of the idea that the girl has had experiences qua experience rather than actual mechanical technique", "pid": 78288528 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-89A6", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:25:57\n\n>>78288151 \nyeah i figure the same. even if i somehow met a woman who doesn't mind, which would be rare most women do in fact mind, i'd be too insecure about it and would ruin everything.", "pid": 78288825 } ]
welcome brigador
[ { "sender": "305D-Anon", "message": "28/07/2024, 23:59:06\n\nwelcome brigador\n\ngreat admin is dead\n/v/ must fall\npost in this thread accept contract", "pid": 684017687 }, { "sender": "Anon-CAD2", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:07:22\n\nDo i get paid in (you)'s ?", "pid": 684018321 }, { "sender": "D0CA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:12:46\n\n>>684018321 \none (you) has been added to your account \nwelcome back Brigador \n", "pid": 684018716 }, { "sender": "D6A6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:14:37\n\nthe aesthetic of this game is so cool\nhope killers turns out good if and when that comes out", "pid": 684018848 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-60E5", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:28:03\n\n>>684018848 \nIt's a brainworm of a game. I keep coming back to it because it's so lightweight to play, it's direct and straight to the point of blowing up the city in a mech.", "pid": 684019769 }, { "sender": "86AC-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:28:22\n\n>>684018321 \nno \nthis one doesn't count", "pid": 684019792 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-396D", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:40:08\n\n>>684017687 \nShame the game is so boringly repetitive.", "pid": 684020535 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ECBD", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:41:12\n\n>>684018848 \nHow come the killers ost is out if the game's not out.", "pid": 684020608 }, { "sender": "AD1E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:48:54\n\n>>684017687 \n>Mech FPS/sim set on Solo Nobre never ever \nI love these fucking designs, man. I want some game where I can pilot these things with a cockpit view. \nAlso, Mantis Chads, ww@?", "pid": 684021124 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-299F", "message": "29/07/2024, 00:51:12\n\n>>684020535 \nTrue that. When the enemies have only one strategy: beelining all at once toward the first sound they hear \nthen the gameplay turns into a shooting gallery so it doesn't matter how many levels there are or if there is a variety of mechs and weapons, the exercise is the same every mission.", "pid": 684021293 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1041", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:04:55\n\n>>684021124 \nMantis? Enjoy dying. The blackjack has the extra guns and overshields to justify the low armor.", "pid": 684022248 }, { "sender": "1217-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:07:31\n\n>>684022248 \nkneel before zed you fucking corvid holy shit", "pid": 684022415 }, { "sender": "B451-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:17:00\n\n>>684022248 \n>blackjack as corvid pick \n>not fatshoe \nI bet you don't even use your horn, plebian.", "pid": 684023078 }, { "sender": "EE7F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:20:20\n\nstop posting dogshit gifs goddamn", "pid": 684023287 }, { "sender": "6D36-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:21:32\n\n>all this slow gitz \nI'll deck you in da gob ya lil grots.", "pid": 684023375 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-162B", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:46:51\n\n>>684023287", "pid": 684024902 }, { "sender": "Anon-5BE2", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:52:58\n\nThe last two missions are legit not possible. Did you finish them without activating the cheats?", "pid": 684025253 }, { "sender": "9DF9-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 01:59:24\n\nPost favorite loadouts. Raider with kraken, pinch and active camo. I cannot agree with Efi more on the greatness of the pinch. Really satisfying nailing suicide units dead on with it, to save kraken rounds.", "pid": 684025657 }, { "sender": "Anon-0548", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:00:05\n\n>>684025253 \n \ni booted up the game again to see what you were talking about, apparently they added 4 new missions that i haven't tried yet \n \nby the time i finished the last bonus missions they were already becoming very difficult so i'll have to see how these new ones are", "pid": 684025696 }, { "sender": "2F29-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:01:18\n\n>>684023375 \n>>684025657 \nSwordfish, Pitbull, Donkey and Audio-Kinetic Pulse.", "pid": 684025768 }, { "sender": "8419-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:02:19\n\n>>684017687 \nI wish this game was more than it is. It looks real cool but most missions are almost identical and the tutorial has more gameplay variety than the remaining 98% of the game. I did like it but it could have been a lot more", "pid": 684025847 }, { "sender": "7D84-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:03:51\n\n>>684017687 \nThe devs are woke faggots who through their creative design dev under the bus after he got cancelled for talking shit on trannies and saying 'faggot' on SomethingAwful. Their most recent server-wide announcement in their Discord is an ad for a book about fucking GamerGate because the author gave Brigador a positive review. They're faggots.", "pid": 684025961 }, { "sender": "Anon-47FF", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:05:44\n\n>>684023078 \n>mfw i tried the broodmare horn \n>mfw when i discovered ZED", "pid": 684026068 }, { "sender": "7E28-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:06:41\n\n>>684025961 \nI know youre running a resistance force but Ive never known mecha to be appealing to libs and fags and its almost always exclusively enjoyed by people who intimately know WH40k lore", "pid": 684026138 }, { "sender": "26C4-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:07:26\n\n>>684017687 \nthis game is pretty", "pid": 684026182 }, { "sender": "74E8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:07:56\n\n>>684026068 \nI may scoff at the word but there isn't any other word other that soul. This game has the soul.", "pid": 684026219 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1AE6", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:11:00\n\n>>684026219 \nart and sound are top notch, its lore delivery is 0/10", "pid": 684026390 }, { "sender": "1D64-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:13:18\n\n>>684025696 \nSee how fast this dude booted up the game to go check it out? That's what i'm talking about, 4 clicks and you're in the fray blowing shit up, it's just so easy to launch it and play for like 10 minutes. Arcadey with no strings attached.", "pid": 684026538 }, { "sender": "BBAF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:16:19\n\n>>684025657 \nIt's a Zollig with two pitbulls and smoke screen. I always come back to this loadout.", "pid": 684026735 }, { "sender": "0BCE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:16:33\n\nIt's a bit difficult for me to play this game. I feel really shitty killing normal people and destroying their homes. It's hard to make the disconnect.", "pid": 684026748 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-20CF", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:25:29\n\n>>684025253 \nThey are legit possible. You just repeat the strategy of pulling a few enemies at a time and whittling down the map. Sweetheart can do this the easiest with the Chieftain laser cannon while Haseki and Duke can just hold a chokepoint and gas them. \nSledger however is pure rng, just keep retrying.", "pid": 684027347 }, { "sender": "74F9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:25:46\n\n>>684025847 \nI feel it too. That dreaded youtuber was right. What's there is so great but it's small like one of those inspired shortfilms that manage to sell an entire setting in 20 minutes. I can only wish there was more of all-of-that inside the game.", "pid": 684027365 }, { "sender": "72BD-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:39:18\n\n>>684026748 \n>freelance online \n>commit acts \n>get paid \nI'd do it. Ammunition is written down as business expenses.", "pid": 684028185 }, { "sender": "9B5C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:41:27\n\nI'm gonna avenge the Great Leader. I'm gonna kill every corpo cocksucker I can.", "pid": 684028318 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5E02", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:43:22\n\n>>684028185 \n", "pid": 684028438 }, { "sender": "36E6-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:51:27\n\n>>684028318 \nI THINK GREAT LEADER SUCKS", "pid": 684028923 }, { "sender": "0520-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 02:53:38\n\n>>684028923 \nOH YEAH? SPEAK INTO THE MICROPHONE.", "pid": 684029032 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-173A", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:02:02\n\nI wish there was a first person game like brigador", "pid": 684029501 }, { "sender": "EE34-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:06:40\n\nsigh, im so tired \n>comments disabled \n>100 likes \n\\_jIJR6FW", "pid": 684029761 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E46F", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:09:35\n\nDude drop somethingawful and go anonymous on 4chan.", "pid": 684029940 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BA19", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:22:25\n\n>>684029501 \nLook up Psycho Patrol R", "pid": 684030732 }, { "sender": "5C4F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:28:54\n\nFor me, it's Betushka. Bully, Lockdown, camo. Sneaky beaky like.", "pid": 684031148 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F31", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:32:20\n\n>>684029761 \n>1,400 dislikes \nlol", "pid": 684031374 }, { "sender": "974E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:34:02\n\n>>684026138 \nI enjoy the sanity of the obvious political undertone in brigador because it's not about that new fangled alt-left madness, it's old fashion castro-style military communism against pure capitalist vampirism without any embarrassing neo-nazism either. How the debate should be. Instead of SEX, dude my sexuality.", "pid": 684031475 }, { "sender": "Anon-2583", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:40:57\n\n>>684031148 \nBetushka is cute but i choose Dorothy with a Zeus and a Bonesaw. What's even the point of the Lockdown at all?", "pid": 684031887 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FDB3", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:48:00\n\n>>684031887 \nLockdown cuts through shields like a hot knife through butter, mildly slows targets it hits, and is completely silent. It also has practically infinite ammo. It pairs well with high hull damage, low shield damage weapons like the Bully.", "pid": 684032248 }, { "sender": "FD24-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:53:30\n\n>>684021293 \nHonestly no, without the variety the game would be nothing. With variety it's at least something more than a 6 month dev(I'm being generous) time flash game with fancy graphics. \n \nVariety in enemy design, even for literally the same enemy, can make or break a roguelike.", "pid": 684032551 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AFEE", "message": "29/07/2024, 03:59:59\n\nhows the audiobook", "pid": 684032890 }, { "sender": "Anon-799D", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:12:47\n\n>>684032248 \n>completely silent \nDisregard Homosexual Weapons.", "pid": 684033535 }, { "sender": "Anon-79B8", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:33:02\n\n>>684031148 \nlooks like TANK POLICE", "pid": 684034582 }, { "sender": "80D2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:40:22\n\n>>684022248 \n>>684023375 \n>>684031148 \n>and he sat there, joylessly masturbating to dot gifs of rotating wmds.", "pid": 684034921 }, { "sender": "D1EC-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:05:57\n\n>>684029761 \n>calls someone a bigot \n>lives an unfulfilling life with rodents \nIf I had lots of money, I'd buy 6,000,000 copies of Brigador and share them with my jewish friends.", "pid": 684036225 }, { "sender": "Anon-A073", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:07:43\n\n>>684026748 \nThink of it as humane euthenasia. Look at it this way. If you don't mow that group of civilians down with a pair of banshee machine guns shredding them into tiny chunks and killing them instantly and painlessly, the SNC will probably just get some sadistic spacer to to the job who'll probably make a sport of trying to melt the civies' dicks off with a black hand without outright killing them. In a way, what you'd be doing is mercy killing!", "pid": 684036330 }, { "sender": "Anon-4CD6", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:21:39\n\n>>684032551 \nIs there variety when they all come straight at me? \nThose enemy vehicles are all countered by vidya-standard corner kiting and backwards shooting tactics. A street corner is a street corner on every map. \nCoupled with the mission objectives being always the same and there being only two types of gameplay, small machine and big machine, with the weapons being different flavors of point and shoot: i feel the heavy repetition and can't play for hours at a time. Only in short bursts. The thick style of the game compels me to regularly launch it again but i get bored in 20 minutes. Of course everything gets repetitive but the fun of Brigador is exhausted faster than some other games' i think.", "pid": 684037075 }, { "sender": "Anon-3047", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:37:43\n\n>>684036225 \nThere's not much to say about the video anon posted, in 45 seconds flat he punches through the layer where arguments dwell and intimately paints himself as a ridiculous person of small opinions. Like an ambitious 4chan post which fails in the first sentence. 10k views though it's unbelievable. \nThe bigot's back in town baby!", "pid": 684037896 }, { "sender": "7CA3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:39:47\n\n>>684029761 \nGuy sounds like a faggot but his rat is cute", "pid": 684038004 }, { "sender": "Anon-C8B2", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:42:00\n\n>>684034921 \nYeah Full Frontal Assault.", "pid": 684038129 }, { "sender": "A007-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:43:27\n\nChildhood is idolizing Great Leader.\nAdulthood is realizing the SNC was right.", "pid": 684038205 }, { "sender": "CFBA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:47:02\n\nSleepwalker is my favorite in the small category.\nI keep imagining a multiplayer mode in which we're let loose on one of the maps to hunt and shoot each other, i would play this little girl here.", "pid": 684038380 }, { "sender": "7316-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:06:08\n\n>>684038205 \n>buy food \n>house it inside fridge \n>Bosch own the food because it manufactured fridge \n>house food inside body \n>now i belong to Bosch \n>food analogy \n>SNC was right", "pid": 684039261 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ABE2", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:07:48\n\n>>684039261 \nVae victis", "pid": 684039334 }, { "sender": "Anon-EBD5", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:12:45\n\n>>684039261 \nI can't believe this analogy you're telling me, is the food the people?", "pid": 684039561 }, { "sender": "0142-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:15:51\n\n>>684039334 \nwell evictis yourself from this board", "pid": 684039706 }, { "sender": "58EF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:16:37\n\n>>684039706 \nCope tankie", "pid": 684039737 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0224", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:00:51\n\n>>684028438 \nThat's a jam but what did Osberger do to end up in so much trouble?", "pid": 684041968 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7972", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:06:58\n\n>>684041968 \nBe the bottom bitch of the brigadors. The basic idea of the game is a group of people from Solo Nobre gunning for their asses because SNC are cunts, Osberger is the shittiest, and therefore easiest to kill one.", "pid": 684042264 }, { "sender": "51B3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:27:44\n\nHow are the (audio)books?", "pid": 684043327 }, { "sender": "A4C4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:34:31\n\n>>684043327 \n\\_G8\\_bx5RFQ1MqhD\\_pH&index=2", "pid": 684043678 }, { "sender": "Anon-3EE1", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:45:12\n\n>>684028318 \nIt'd be a massive undertaking but imagine if they took a page from FO 1 & 2 and gave some weapons special gory deaths for infantry and civilians. For example black hands causing their skin to slough off, tubarão weapons causing them to melt into bloody piles of gore, laser weapons reduce them to charred husks, etc.", "pid": 684044182 }, { "sender": "87CD-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:19:21\n\n>>684043678 \nOkay, thanks. But i wanted how they are not where. Guess I'll find out.", "pid": 684045760 }, { "sender": "4D12-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:21:47\n\n>>684025253 \n>Did you finish them without activating the cheats? \nOf course. It cost me sanity, but I did it. \nThe trick is to figure out a good route and choose your fights. Cheesing is a gameplay mechanic.", "pid": 684045881 }, { "sender": "7FF7-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:25:10\n\n>>684029761 \n \nHave you seen the state of this doughboy who made this video? Sickening.", "pid": 684046024 }, { "sender": "D17F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:26:11\n\n>>684031374 \n \n1401 now.", "pid": 684046075 }, { "sender": "48F9-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:26:34\n\n>>684017687 \nI suck so hard at controlling tanks and mechs so i only play with agravs \nalso spacers have the most fun agravs aside from the rope kid, the one thats a literal airplane with no wings, broadsword, and the tomahawk", "pid": 684046095 }, { "sender": "9DE5-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:50:55\n\n>>684046095 \nUse relative controls for tanks and mechs.", "pid": 684047184 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D697", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:09:27\n\n>>684032890 \nThe novelisation is great and I'm sure the narration is good too, but I read the e-book", "pid": 684047925 }, { "sender": "0CEB-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:11:49\n\n>>684046095 \nThe player's eyes are focused where he's aiming, far away from the character and the distance between the two is particularly large here. Plus there's a lot going on graphically, it's fast and death comes quickly, confirming which way the brigador is currently facing can be a matter of split-second glance. \nIf anyone is thinking of cooking up a demeaning retort. \nIt was easier in older games when the screen was smaller, when the overall action was simpler to process and we still moved away from this control scheme anyway. \n \nBrigador is perfectly controllable with practice but i question what this movement scheme adds to the gameplay. \nIt doesn't add tactical considerations regarding directional damage, it was chosen because of the directional damage. Or was it chosen just for fun?", "pid": 684048020 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-71A2", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:15:40\n\n>>684048020 \nIf I recall correctly, Brigador didn't originally ship with the more traditional twin-stick setup and a lot of people on release didn't connect the dots that having their ass towards the enemy would kill them faster. The new control scheme came around with the Up-Armored edition rerelease to make it more approachable, but it's still a trap. Getting used to the intended control scheme helps infinitely more for all vehicles that aren't agravs.", "pid": 684048161 }, { "sender": "53D5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:19:38\n\n>>684048020 \nIt makes the tank feel like a tank, Autisto.", "pid": 684048341 }, { "sender": "Anon-4D82", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:46:19\n\nIt's crazy how this game and Starsector exist in the same universe.", "pid": 684049431 }, { "sender": "Anon-44BA", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:48:08\n\n>>684049431 \nI nullify your statement for brigador is tiers above The Sucktor as a videogame furthermore StarSector's universe is but a bootleg spin off, a fanfiction and an unwelcome cousin doing drugs in front of the children at the Christmas party.", "pid": 684052181 }, { "sender": "AD85-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:12:27\n\n>>684052181 \nI can think of three videogames inspired by Starsector. SS is a venerable progenitor and your shit's all retarded.", "pid": 684053339 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0ECF", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:31:06\n\n>>684053339 \nI know, 12 years in early access. I felt just disappointed by starsector after hearing about it for so long. \nEven the space battle mechanics aren't very good and i'm not retarded because it IS shoddy.", "pid": 684054248 }, { "sender": "Anon-36FB", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:32:49\n\n>>684054248 \nStar Sector has been pretty much complete for years now. \n>Even the space battle mechanics aren't very good and i'm not retarded because it IS shoddy. \nRetard", "pid": 684054336 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-278C", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:42:22\n\n>>684039737 \nSocialism will win, and it won't matter if it will be right or left wing form of it.", "pid": 684054795 }, { "sender": "Anon-448D", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:44:55\n\n>>684054248 \nMod the shit out of it with 100+ mods, that's how you get a complete experience. Vanilla Starsector is incredibly barebones.", "pid": 684054934 }, { "sender": "7725-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:46:16\n\n>>684054336 \nDid Alex ever play an RTS in his entire fucking life? I can only give a limited number of orders per battle for christ's sake. There's no move order there's a \"vaguely defend this position\" order which my ship might consider loosely hovering around if it can go there eventually within the next 30 seconds.", "pid": 684055004 }, { "sender": "5665-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:55:28\n\n>>684054934 \nWhere did you find your 100 quality mods? I have 38 mods and i think i've exhausted the pool of good ones. I'll give a nexerelin a shot but i already came up with a catchphrase to describe starsector. Hard to learn easy to master.", "pid": 684055434 }, { "sender": "Anon-F13A", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:58:50\n\n>>684054934 \n>muh mods \nI never used mods, ever. \n>>684055004 \nIt's not a RTS. The command limit was made exactly for niggers like you, who would just gookclick and micro everything.", "pid": 684055596 }, { "sender": "6CD7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:18:19\n\n>>684017687 \nBump for interest.", "pid": 684056524 }, { "sender": "6F68-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 13:01:45\n\n>>684055596 \nkek", "pid": 684058820 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-EB40", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:22:09\n\nInceldom is responsible for this. Instead of going out there and doing your part to mantain your race, your women would rather end up with them.", "pid": 78288138 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3F39", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:23:44\n\n>>78288138 \nholy lol I would die alone before dating an Indian guy", "pid": 78288156 }, { "sender": "8AA5-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:53:49\n\n>>78288138 \nshe was a literal pornstar though and the jeet is doing randi rehab. randi in hindi means whore or slut", "pid": 78288454 }, { "sender": "5E62-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:58:54\n\n>>78288138 \nhe looks part Asian desu", "pid": 78288505 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2DB5", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:00:34\n\n>>78288138 \nRacism is fucking stupid. Females of any race/ethnicity should get over their stupid chadsexual bullshit standards and settle for me. BUT THEY NEVER WILL. All women are equally bullshit, all incels are equally oppressed by females' bullshit high standards", "pid": 78288531 }, { "sender": "Anon-072C", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:01:32\n\n>>78288138 \nI don't like black men, but I would rather have black boyfriend than date Indian man. \nAlso only white american women do this. \nLiterally impossible in EU.", "pid": 78288540 }, { "sender": "0E4E-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:04:09\n\n>>78288531 \nAre you white or some bitter shitskin?", "pid": 78288561 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B264", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:04:30\n\n>>78288540 \nhey look it's the same seething eastern euro foid spamming every thread today", "pid": 78288565 }, { "sender": "Anon-E205", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:08:46\n\n>>78288565 \n>hey look it's the same seething eastern euro foid spamming every thread today \nYessirr", "pid": 78288621 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE6B", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:10:37\n\n>>78288561 \nWhite, unless you consider slavs to not be white, in which case I am half white, and mostly half slav plus a bit of balt (balts aren't technically slav, do they count as white to the caliper people?)", "pid": 78288637 }, { "sender": "B00F-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:12:56\n\n>>78288637 \nEveryone knows that lithuania is slav land, but estonia and latvia are a subset of fins", "pid": 78288661 }, { "sender": "Anon-D588", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:18:42\n\n>>78288540 \nWhy dont you like black men? What about the blackbots who lurk here? Black nerds in general?", "pid": 78288728 }, { "sender": "8702-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:19:14\n\n>>78288637 \nYou're slavic?", "pid": 78288733 }, { "sender": "605C-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:20:59\n\n>>78288728 \nBlack men are heaven compared to Indians. Still, I don't find black skin attractive. That's all. I don't even like white guys whit tan, it just looks weird.", "pid": 78288761 }, { "sender": "F90C-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:22:32\n\n>>78288761 \nso sad that you will never be a woman, white men will always reject you because of that", "pid": 78288782 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0716", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:24:25\n\n>>78288733 \nPartially yes \n>>78288661 \nDo the \"Slavs aren't white\" people also think that Finns aren't white tho", "pid": 78288806 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-64F0", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:25:57\n\n>>78288806 \nFinns are closer to mongols and koreans than to white people", "pid": 78288826 }, { "sender": "Anon-A3F9", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:26:37\n\n>>78288138 \nI am doing my part as a white man. I'm married to an amazing white woman and we have many children", "pid": 78288836 } ]
[ { "sender": "C9C1-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 11:48:21\n\nRecently tried masturbating with strokes instead of just focusing on the frenulum. Didn't feel too great and I had to use lube to even do it properly. Do you need to be uncut to make this work? Also does this mean sex would also feel boring for me?", "pid": 78284994 }, { "sender": "Anon-C709", "message": "26/07/2024, 11:59:42\n\n>Do you need to be uncut to make this work? \nIf by stroking you mean getting the foreskin to move up and down your glans, then yes. \nMost circumcised people have very short foreskins that can barely move an inch. \n>Also does this mean sex would also feel boring for me? \nIf you want to know how sex physically feels, get a Venus Real onahole. \nThey are usually out of stock most of the time and pretty expensive, but they're also top-quality and their gimmick is to make it feel like a real vagina as close as possible.", "pid": 78285095 }, { "sender": "5B1D-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:01:34\n\n>>78284994 \npretty much. \na happy slave is an unproductive slave, that's why they did it to you", "pid": 78285112 }, { "sender": "B4A3-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:17:04\n\n>>78285095 \n>If by stroking you mean getting the foreskin to move up and down your glans, then yes. \nYeah I can still stroke but either I have zero range of motion or I use a moisurizer and glide over it which is kinda uncomfortable too \n \n>their gimmick is to make it feel like a real vagina as close as possible. \nI am pretty curious about how sex feels do you know any good stores that I could check that deliver to europe? \n \n>>78285112 \nIt's not even a big institutional thing where I live my mom just decided it would be better to have it cut", "pid": 78285199 }, { "sender": "0FE7-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:29:16\n\n>>78285199 \nFellow cutbro, its time to just accept whats happened to you and get a fleshlight or whatever onehole variant that appeals to you. Get yourself some silicone based lubricant. You can get 2L of it for like $30 that will last you a year if you only cum once a day. Cleaning is pretty easy but most people do it wrong so I got a tip for you if you go with fleshlight. After youre done, go jump in the shower and bring it with you. Take it out of the plastic case and rinse all that, then take the sleeve, turn the whole thing inside out and rinse/rub it all off under the water. Youll get better at being able to turn it inside out the more you do it, but its kinda awkward/difficult the first couple times til you learn how to. Keep it inside out after you get out of the shower and dry it off with a microfiber towel. Having it turned inside out and drying the inside with a towel basically eliminates any chance of mold. Once you dry it, you can turn it back outside in and dry the outside. Leave it out a couple hours like that before you store it. \n \nIt sounds complicated and a hassle but its really not once you get it down.", "pid": 78285267 }, { "sender": "2128-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:31:51\n\nWait\nCut people cant fap?\nWhat do you mean masturbating with the frenulum?", "pid": 78285276 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8789", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:39:31\n\n>>78285199 \nThe only European onahole vendor I know is Motsutoys, but they're out of stock there apparently. \n \nIf you're new to onaholes, I recommend buying a cheap one so that you can get used to maintaining it, storing it, etc. \nI've learnt a lot since my first purchase, like storing them in a plastic zip bag to prevent other objects from coloring the silicone. \nSomething like is pretty good for a beginner. \n \nDo note that onaholes feel (physically) better than real vaginas, so you may cum quickly without training. \n \n>>78285267 \nSilicone based lubricant is better than water based lubricant, but it's generally not recommended because it can damage your toy over time. \nThis depends on the brand. \n \n>>78285276 \nCut people usually fap by rubbing different parts of the dick with lube. \nThe frenulum is the banjo string on the back side (the side facing your balls), just under the urethra. \nIf you rub that spot while masturbating, you ejaculate pretty quickly.", "pid": 78285321 }, { "sender": "1A20-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:49:37\n\n>>78285321 \n>Silicone based lubricant is better than water based lubricant \nI meant water based lubricant. Its just in my head I was going to warn OP against silicone based ones as it can damage the toy and my brain just merged the two. My bad. I use pic rel. OP DO NOT use silicone based lube. \n \nAlso OP, not all lube is the same. Some are more watery and some are thicker. The thicker ones are better with fleshlights because a higher viscosity helps the suction effect, so maybe try some samples or smaller bottles before you commit to a big bottle.", "pid": 78285371 }, { "sender": "165D-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:51:47\n\n>>78284994 \n>picrel \nI must feel wonderful to have a girl you love dearly put her tongue under your foreskin. \nt. virgin", "pid": 78285385 }, { "sender": "F413-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:54:41\n\n>>78284994 \nWierd, the best part of jacking off is rubbing my dickhead when horny, edging never cumming. Youre not doing it right, I am cut too", "pid": 78285401 }, { "sender": "E67D-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 13:01:43\n\nWhat is your erect length and girth op?", "pid": 78285445 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE2F", "message": "26/07/2024, 13:41:52\n\nIs this now a robot pp posting thread?", "pid": 78285696 }, { "sender": "Anon-C9A8", "message": "26/07/2024, 13:56:24\n\ni believe rubbing your frenulum, (along with the foreskin around it) also feels more intense for uncut guys, but pretty much everything does\nexcept for prostate, anus, nipple and scrotum stimulation and sounding of course", "pid": 78285800 }, { "sender": "Anon-C197", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:44:31\n\n>>78285267 \n>>78285371 \nSounds kinda complicated I don't think I will be having sex any time soon though so it'll be fun and keep me occupied \n \n>>78285321 \nWhat made you choose that one? I usually cum pretty quick so it shouldn't be an issue.", "pid": 78287178 }, { "sender": "CAE3-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:49:21\n\n>>78287178 \nGood price-for-value for someone who is just starting out. \nIt's not special apart from the tight uterus chamber at the end. \n \nYou'll notice how it says \"soft\". \nAs a rule of thumb, harder onaholes will be more durable (they will last longer and having a big cock won't damage them quite as much), but they can be overstimulating. \nMany onaholes have soft and very soft versions for people who cum quickly, which is important for someone who is just starting out.", "pid": 78287227 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9A28", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:05:00\n\n>>78285385 \nYes I can't even imagine desu \n \n>>78285401 \nThe head usually feels a bit too intense so I stay away from it but dunno maybe I'd get used to it after a while \n \n>>78287227 \nI don't think I'll be too rough with the and I'd be kinda scared to put mine in if it was too hard inside so soft is great. I guess if venus ones are more expensive/harder to get to test out onas, thanks anon.", "pid": 78287411 }, { "sender": "Anon-B155", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:47:15\n\n>>78287178 \n>Sounds kinda complicated \nI made it sound complicated and tedious but its really not. it just took me a good long while to figure out that turning it inside out and drying it massively decreases drying time and I wanna spread that info. Also people talk a lot of shit about fleshlights but the suction you can get with one and the super flexible sleeves that let you turn it inside out isnt something thats universal. Have fun", "pid": 78287778 }, { "sender": "Anon-9F82", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:57:21\n\n>>78285095 \nNah just get a tenga spinner. They're like $20 and feel better. I don't recommend keeping the case though since mine molded in it.", "pid": 78287877 }, { "sender": "Anon-D1D8", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:01:02\n\n>>78284994 \nIve created quasi foreskin over the years as a cutfag, unintentionally \n>would grip the shaft, not squeezing hard like deathgrip but like a focused grip that specifically squeezes the skin but not the muscle \n>yank this up and down until i bust \n>stretches the skin to slide over the head which is what gets stimulated \nIve noticed if im flaccid now theres some skin that sits over the bottom of the head, covering the part between the head and shaft and some of the head completely. This was entirely unintentional its just what felt good and natural when i started jacking it", "pid": 78287918 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FC37", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:19:41\n\n>>78287918 \nI would get into foreskin restoration if it didn't take nearly a decade of consistent effort.", "pid": 78288745 } ]
[ { "sender": "8125-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 04:37:20\n\nGuys i wish i had as boyfriend :(", "pid": 78282384 }, { "sender": "8269-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 04:38:52\n\n>>78282384 \nCrazy to imagine they have each other's cum inside their asses", "pid": 78282394 }, { "sender": "09C2-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 04:41:02\n\n>>78282384 \nWhat is stopping you anon ?", "pid": 78282408 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2F0E", "message": "26/07/2024, 04:41:45\n\n>>78282384 \nToo bad no one wants a faggot.", "pid": 78282412 }, { "sender": "F564-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 06:12:10\n\n>>78282384 \nI can be your boyfriend (I am a hairy burly 30 year old with a rape kink)", "pid": 78282981 }, { "sender": "0674-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 06:24:06\n\n>>78282981 \ni used to have an age gap thing when i was a kid but these days im more into people my own age. its weird, my age preference got younger as i grew older. maybe it'll start going up again as i grow older yet.", "pid": 78283052 }, { "sender": "DA28-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 07:33:29\n\n>>78282384 \nOnly if you can carry me (70kg, not converting)", "pid": 78283416 }, { "sender": "8BA5-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 11:17:09\n\n>>78283416 \nI can carry you :3", "pid": 78284782 }, { "sender": "8E7D-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:12:06\n\n>>78282384 \ngiwtwm imagine all the sleepy half-conscious grinding \n>>78282394 \nggiiwwttwwmm fuckkkkkk", "pid": 78285913 }, { "sender": "Anon-86A5", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:36:42\n\n>>78282384 \nSame \nI've never been able to connect and relate with women, getting a boyfriend sounds like the better option", "pid": 78286550 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AF54", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:39:38\n\ni wish i was a gay faggot", "pid": 78286578 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-60F7", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:06:23\n\n>>78282384 \nYeah same actually most nights in fact. Thank you for the reminder", "pid": 78287425 }, { "sender": "B3B4-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:08:09\n\n>>78282384 \ni would love to have a bf, but i want kids so i always go around knowing that i probably will never make a lasting relationship with a man but a woman. it is a weird feeling but i think i am more content with this.", "pid": 78287442 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0E6D", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:27:59\n\n>>78284782 \nleggoooooooooooo", "pid": 78287602 }, { "sender": "4E2F-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:44:32\n\n>>78282384 \nThread theme: \n\\_WM1rM", "pid": 78287761 }, { "sender": "1B7A-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:25:56\n\n>>78287442 \nwhy can't you just adopt", "pid": 78288824 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0B72", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:28:15\n\n>>78288824 \ni want my own children, there is something that attracts me about having a woman around who is growing your child inside her, birth and afterwards. i just wanna experience all of it together. i had my fun with guys, now next step for me is to stop whoring around and have a children i think", "pid": 78288853 }, { "sender": "Anon-5429", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:38:55\n\n>>78287602 \nWell post contact what are you waiting for.", "pid": 78288962 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-0417", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:54:15\n\nFuck your \"male loneliness epidemic,\" fuck your \"porn addiction,\" you're all cunts and I hate you. Both of these are just blaming women for our own problems. \n>Male loneliness is blamed for depression \n>this is done so women can be blamed for not blowing me \n>there is no other reason to be depressed \n>it's because women don't give me attention clearly \n>it's called an epidemic because SYSTEMATICALLY women refuse to give me attention \nOn the latter, especially. \n>Porn addiction is blamed for misogyny and delusional views of sex \n>rather than see that this is due to the society creating the porn, we instead pretend consumption of our own sexual thoughts are the problem \n>moreover it's the FILTHY WHORE'S fault for making the porn \n>it's everyone's fault besides mine \nGet fucked, you are simply not fun people to be around. Your problems are so trivial that you come off as little bitches. If all your problems revolve around not getting laid, that showcases considerable lack of depth. You don't complain of crippling depression, or economic depression, or inability to actually connect. You just use appropriated language to make not getting special treatment from women a problem. You're FUCKING WASTES, and I'm glad you all get to suffer from your own poison. Oh, you want to complain about women not blowing you? GOOD, YOU FUCKING DESERVE IT, the problem is not real, but I'm glad you retards get to suffer, drowning in your own piss. It's a greek tragedy of creating your own problem. Women don't owe you shit.", "pid": 78288456 }, { "sender": "0AF0-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:54:53\n\n>>78288456 \ni'm not reading all that. sorry chad won't fuck you though.", "pid": 78288465 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E5CB", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:55:38\n\n>>78288456 \ndidnt read kys faggot tranime simp lmao", "pid": 78288472 }, { "sender": "Anon-4086", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:55:58\n\n>>78288456 \ndid prince vegeta really say this ???", "pid": 78288476 }, { "sender": "0E3C-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:56:51\n\n>>78288465 \nI fucked both chad AND stacey, faggot. I did it by talking to them. You should try it.", "pid": 78288486 }, { "sender": "3DD7-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:25:17\n\n>>78288486 \nhell yeah brother. based. yea it's pretty funny seeing all these clowns go straight to hell. actual autistic freaks.", "pid": 78288814 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8525", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:35:12\n\n>ugly asf \n>gobble my twin siblings with no protection \n>their seed makes me a 6'4 chad god \nidk why nobody else has tried this", "pid": 78288929 }, { "sender": "84AD-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:39:34\n\n>>78288929 \nlaughing my nigger ass off", "pid": 78288969 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-7867", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:04:11\n\nwhere can I find a racist gf that spends her free time drawing cute anthros?", "pid": 78285856 }, { "sender": "C02F-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:07:37\n\n>>78285856 \ni often like drawing animals, but refuse to draw any kind of furry shit. and am mildly racist. what kind of guy would be interested in that, a furryfag?", "pid": 78285876 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6B71", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:08:11\n\nyou don't want a woman, you want a man with aspergers", "pid": 78285884 }, { "sender": "EC52-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:11:16\n\n>>78285876 \n>what kind of guy would be interested in that, a furryfag? \ntheres nothing wrong with appreciating cute things \n>>78285884 \nit has already been proven that this kind of woman exists", "pid": 78285908 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6BFA", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:16:51\n\n>>78285908 \n>proven to exist \ngirls only do this when they pick up the traits from their boyfriends. Just find any furry girl and just make her racist, women don't think for themselves usually and will go along with anything you do to be agreeable.", "pid": 78285954 }, { "sender": "Anon-D419", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:22:17\n\n>>78285954 \n>he has no personality and copes by whining about women and their boyfriends all day \nThanks for making us aware, anon.", "pid": 78285987 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F36B", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:23:19\n\n>>78285856 \n>racist \n>furry \nNo", "pid": 78285995 }, { "sender": "Anon-009D", "message": "26/07/2024, 14:55:00\n\n>>78285856 \nwhy does she have to be racist?", "pid": 78286207 }, { "sender": "2478-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:25:44\n\n>>78285856 \ni dont know but i like plants and i can tell you that one is a fiddle leaf fig", "pid": 78286994 }, { "sender": "AD2B-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:36:31\n\n>>78285876 \nNot OP but that sounds pretty good to me. \n>mildly racist \nanyone with half a brain is mildly racist whether they admit it or not, so you probably have a level head on your shoulders. Also means you can likely take a joke. \n>draws for fun \nyou have self driven interests and probably a decent personality. \n>anti-furshit \neven better for obvious reasons.", "pid": 78287097 }, { "sender": "Anon-B3F2", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:37:53\n\n>>78285856 \nme but im fat and i draw FAT furries too. but only kemono. i dont like the western style", "pid": 78287111 }, { "sender": "7C79-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:15:34\n\n>>78287111 \npyw and socials", "pid": 78287498 }, { "sender": "2D16-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:41:33\n\n>>78287498 \ndont have socials but here you go", "pid": 78287734 }, { "sender": "8BD8-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:11:45\n\n>>78287734 \nfinish the feet", "pid": 78288026 }, { "sender": "4B84-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:40:08\n\n>>78287734 \nnta but its cute, i also draw furry stuff sometimes. \ni thought i would never like \"fat\" furry art but this one is nice.", "pid": 78288974 } ]
Chainsaw Man
[ { "sender": "3A6D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:21:37\n\nChainsaw Man\n\nDevil of speedreading is the most powerful one.", "pid": 267715126 }, { "sender": "F899-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:23:00\n\nSOON", "pid": 267715190 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-79FF", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:23:24\n\n>>267715190 \nslut", "pid": 267715212 }, { "sender": "Anon-053A", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:26:16\n\n>>267715212 \nThat's Reze, not Yoru.", "pid": 267715312 }, { "sender": "Anon-F2F1", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:26:56\n\n\"Asa Mitaka is my magnum opus\" - Tatsuki Fujimoto", "pid": 267715339 }, { "sender": "74D4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:18\n\n>>267715312 \nYoru is a good girl.", "pid": 267715349 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F562", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:47\n\n>>267715349 \nGood girls don't jerk boys off in dirty alleyways.", "pid": 267715371 }, { "sender": "BBB1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:48\n\nSOON", "pid": 267715372 }, { "sender": "Anon-509C", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:28:30\n\nManifesting Yoshimiko", "pid": 267715398 }, { "sender": "2CA9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:28:34\n\n>>267715371 \nno that's what good girls do", "pid": 267715400 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D6EA", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:29:16\n\n>>267715126 \nIndeed and Santa Fumiko Reze and the timeline are it's champions", "pid": 267715430 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EE1A", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:29:32\n\n>>267715371 \nHoly cope. Yoru can do with his boytoy whatever she wants.", "pid": 267715442 }, { "sender": "FBFF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:30:15\n\n>Chainsaw Man #12 (426,671) \n>Chainsaw Man #13 (507,532) \n>Chainsaw Man #14 (425,019) \n>Chainsaw Man #15 (345,220) \n>Chainsaw Man #16 (293,957) \n>Chainsaw Man #17 (243,658) \n \n>Fullmetal Alchemist #24 (1,111,745) \n>Fullmetal Alchemist #25 (1,184,337) \n>Fullmetal Alchemist #26 (1,127,328) \n>Fullmetal Alchemist #27 (1,154,954)", "pid": 267715471 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6EC0", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:30:47\n\n>>267715471 \nBased", "pid": 267715494 }, { "sender": "Anon-E92A", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:30:52\n\nhow will fumiko react when she sees denji ? who will notice the other first ?", "pid": 267715499 }, { "sender": "6200-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:31:00\n\n>>267715471 \n>full metal slop", "pid": 267715505 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-54A3", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:31:02\n\n>The melty continues", "pid": 267715506 }, { "sender": "Anon-5369", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:31:24\n\ni wish i were a cute csm girl so i could milk virgin cocks all day...", "pid": 267715519 }, { "sender": "Anon-D9AD", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:31:23\n\nNew Fumiko just dropped this might be Fumiko week", "pid": 267715521 }, { "sender": "Anon-0251", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:31:47\n\n>>267715471 \nMoggedsaw Man", "pid": 267715534 }, { "sender": "66B8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:32:10\n\n>>267715471 \nPowerfag moment", "pid": 267715552 }, { "sender": "8B1C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:32:47\n\n>>267715505 \nWhat happened to the guy? Is he still having regular meltdowns over FMA? \nHe was like the only person even making threads about it.", "pid": 267715574 }, { "sender": "3CC3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:34:03\n\n>>267715552 \nThat makes sense, both FMA and Powy are forgotten.", "pid": 267715620 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B040", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:34:17\n\nMy beloved Miss Mitaka is so enchanting...", "pid": 267715630 }, { "sender": "DFA2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:35:24\n\n>>267715620 \nBoth Power and FMA are more popular than Makima and CSM.", "pid": 267715664 }, { "sender": "Anon-166F", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:35:45\n\n>>267715253 \nMy beloved and I", "pid": 267715676 }, { "sender": "335A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:37:18\n\n>>267715471 \nYippee! I was just thinking these threads could use more console wars. Let's compare CSM to One Piece and Dragon Ball next.", "pid": 267715717 }, { "sender": "F852-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:38:29\n\n>>267715664 \n>FMA salesposter was in fact, a salty Powerfag.", "pid": 267715752 }, { "sender": "FC59-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:39:30\n\n>anime is so far behind, Yoshida hasn't even been introduced yet", "pid": 267715779 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D17", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:40:05\n\n>>267715752 \nFACT: Every single anon that hates part 2 is a Powerfag.", "pid": 267715798 }, { "sender": "Anon-656B", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:40:37\n\nwhat are they watchin'?", "pid": 267715815 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FC05", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:40:40\n\n>>267715798 \nI love part 2.", "pid": 267715817 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2CF9", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:41:09\n\n>>267715717 \nUnlike FraudMA, Chad Piece and Dragon Chads are not some forgotten series.", "pid": 267715831 }, { "sender": "D38C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:41:31\n\n>>267715752 \nHoly kek", "pid": 267715848 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D4E0", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:41:42\n\n>>267715815 \n2 girls 1 cup", "pid": 267715857 }, { "sender": "6B11-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:42:52\n\n>>267715815 \nBaki", "pid": 267715892 }, { "sender": "FE72-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:43:17\n\n>>267715798 \nA powerkek or a yoshiasa shipper.", "pid": 267715904 }, { "sender": "017D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:18\n\n>>267715126 \nthe most powerful is the breakweek devil", "pid": 267715927 }, { "sender": "1208-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:55\n\n>>267715892 \nThey're watching Baki vs Kengan and they're both FUCKING PISSED Jack lost to Raian. I just know it.", "pid": 267715943 }, { "sender": "EED0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:46:46\n\n>>267715943 \nWho wouldn't can't escape the jack curse even in crossover", "pid": 267715995 }, { "sender": "8D4B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:47:12\n\n>>267715927 \n>he's afraid of a mere 2 week break", "pid": 267716013 }, { "sender": "995D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:47:51\n\nI had a dream where Part 2 ended, somehow, with Pochita literally killing the narrative, i.e. some character representing the entire story, and therefore rebooting the universe but not in a \"haha look at these guys being reincarnated into new, happier variant of old reality\" but as in the entire story didn't happen and the universe didn't exist and it's place is a new world that has absolutely nothing to do with the old one at all and his last words were \"Well, at least isn't going to be any worse than this, right\"\nand the entire thread was spamming reaction images and screaming KIIINOOOOOOOOOO and I was so confused", "pid": 267716031 }, { "sender": "Anon-AB4A", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:48:15\n\ni don't care about asa mitaka", "pid": 267716043 }, { "sender": "6CEE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:48:35\n\n>>267715995 \nConquestbros and powerbro(s), in no particular order", "pid": 267716050 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-133C", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:48:49\n\n>>267716013 \nHe's so handsome", "pid": 267716063 }, { "sender": "Anon-3E92", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:49:17\n\n>>267715943 \n>Jack lost to Raian \nHoly BASED", "pid": 267716076 }, { "sender": "Anon-D7AF", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:49:32\n\n>>267716013 \nonce there were 3", "pid": 267716084 }, { "sender": "Anon-1D5C", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:49:59\n\n>>267715815 \nrare FumiDen", "pid": 267716098 }, { "sender": "DF99-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:50:23\n\ni care about yoru mitaka", "pid": 267716111 }, { "sender": "82A9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:50:37\n\n>>267715574 \nFunnyschizo is still here, he even takes pics of his own threads like a loser.", "pid": 267716116 }, { "sender": "84B2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:51:09\n\n>>267715471 \nladies, let's not pit two beautiful queens against each other", "pid": 267716129 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8A07", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:51:38\n\n>>267715815 \nSome blue", "pid": 267716145 }, { "sender": "B81F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:52:01\n\nMakiMONKE.\nMACAQUEkima.\nFRAUDkima.\nASSNOTNEARLYASBIGASMEMESMAKEITTOBEkima.\nSAGGYTITTYkima.", "pid": 267716153 }, { "sender": "Anon-F201", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:52:37\n\n>>267715995 \n>Jack vs Raian happens \n>Jack loses \n>Jackbros: \"Well, that happened.\" \n>Kenganbros: \"NOOOOO!!! RAIAN WAS SUPPOSED TO LOSE!!!\" \nIt's fucking hilarious.", "pid": 267716168 }, { "sender": "Anon-4451", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:53:14\n\n>yoSHITa", "pid": 267716183 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0799", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:53:20\n\n>introduce a random ass public safety devil hunter at the end of part 1 \n>years later he somehow becomes one of the most memetic and iconic characters of the series", "pid": 267716185 }, { "sender": "E8D4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:53:57\n\n>>267716185", "pid": 267716192 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E521", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:54:13\n\n>HEROshida \nYup.", "pid": 267716203 }, { "sender": "0536-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:54:29\n\n>>267716185 \n>becomes one of the most memetic and iconic characters of the series \nOnly in your schizo head.", "pid": 267716214 }, { "sender": "5135-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:54:59\n\n>>267716185 \n>>267716192 \n>>267716203 \nYoshida timeline", "pid": 267716229 }, { "sender": "Anon-474D", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:55:15\n\n>>267715471 \nImagine how poorly this next volume will sell \nThe hype around CSM is pretty much dead", "pid": 267716234 }, { "sender": "A2D1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:55:31\n\n>>267716168 \nKenganoids are unironically mindbroken. They literally eat shit, complain about it and patiently wait for the next portion. The whole \n>haha we're only doing ironically \nthing is just so painful to watch. It's one thing to stick with the series through highs and lows, or to admit its faults and still find it good, but it's a wholly different matter to literally spend time actively raging, shitting and pissing yourself about the manga and STILL read it.", "pid": 267716246 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-85DB", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:56:02\n\n>>267716214 \nHoly tertiary \nYoshidaposting has kept /csm/ together since part two started.", "pid": 267716255 }, { "sender": "4370-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:56:11\n\n>>267716214 \n>cope", "pid": 267716261 }, { "sender": "Anon-A00E", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:56:15\n\n>>267716234 \nBut what about the forced hype cum scene? Surely twitter posts will translate to manga sales this time.", "pid": 267716262 }, { "sender": "47F2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:56:55\n\n>>267716185 \n>yoshida \n>iconic \nLiterally didn't know who he was until I reread part 1", "pid": 267716278 }, { "sender": "F284-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:56:57\n\nSushida", "pid": 267716280 }, { "sender": "428D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:56:59\n\n>>267716164 \nThat's not a truck, that's just fucky perspective. Makimass isn't anything exeptional.", "pid": 267716282 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5221", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:57:13\n\n>>267716234 \n>>267716262 \nYet here you are, living in CSM threads", "pid": 267716288 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0D0F", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:58:25\n\n>>267716278 \nsee >>267715126", "pid": 267716317 }, { "sender": "Anon-9129", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:58:31\n\n>>267716262 \n>shocking event \n>followed up by a boring nothingburger chapter \nCum scene caused a brief spike in attention but it quickly died", "pid": 267716318 }, { "sender": "Anon-2549", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:58:53\n\n>>267715442 \nHoly esl", "pid": 267716329 }, { "sender": "9C9C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:59:05\n\n>>267716278 \n>I'm a speedreader \nWe know.", "pid": 267716332 }, { "sender": "0265-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:59:30\n\n>>267716234 \n>The hype around CSM is pretty much dead \nGood, all the normalniggers will fuck off. Why are you still here?", "pid": 267716341 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C8F7", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:59:37\n\npurified yuko!", "pid": 267716344 }, { "sender": "Anon-EBC4", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:59:56\n\n>>267716031 \n>stone ocean ripoff", "pid": 267716351 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6616", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:00:11\n\n>Lesbian incel bff adventures \nshit", "pid": 267716360 }, { "sender": "Anon-7656", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:00:19\n\nNothing. Is. Happening.", "pid": 267716362 }, { "sender": "Anon-1ACD", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:00:35\n\n>>267715471 \nDifferent era doesn’t count.", "pid": 267716374 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-078E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:00:37\n\n>>267716344 \nYuko I don't want to alarm you but there is a rapist beside you.", "pid": 267716376 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8C84", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:01:13\n\n>>267716362 \n>another shonen nigger filtered \nbased", "pid": 267716393 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F17C", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:01:22\n\n>>267716317 \n>>267716332 \nSpeedread this", "pid": 267716397 }, { "sender": "B5F0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:01:37\n\n>>267716351 \nYea that's why I was confused seeing everyone in my dream call it kino \nlike it's literally jojo what's kino about this", "pid": 267716404 }, { "sender": "13AE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:02:29\n\n>>267715190 \nBundaZe 2 when?", "pid": 267716429 }, { "sender": "66E1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:03:06\n\nReminder that Asa's \"bunda\" is but a myth and shitpost. \nShe does not in fact, have a bunda. \nThis is demonstrably proven in the Yuko fight. \nThe Yoru amplification effect? Doesn't exist, just shitty, inconsistent art and the fact they wear a dress almost all the time. \nActual bundas? \n>Makima \n>Power \n>Himeno \n>Reze \n>Culo Grande \n>Falling Devil \n>Famine \n>Fumiko", "pid": 267716443 }, { "sender": "A707-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:03:17\n\n>>267716255 \n>>267716261 \nConstantly posting shite doesn't mean you're \"keeping /csm/ together.\" \nThis is EHfag thinking.", "pid": 267716444 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0977", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:03:48\n\n>>267716443 \nDamn what a cute boy behind", "pid": 267716459 }, { "sender": "741A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:04:51\n\n>>267716164 \nBrutal", "pid": 267716489 }, { "sender": "F368-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:05:03\n\n>>267716404 \n>it's literally jojo what's kino about this \nYou just answered your own question :^)", "pid": 267716496 }, { "sender": "4325-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:05:23\n\nYeah…. Mappa is abandoning this shitshow", "pid": 267716508 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A356", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:06:32\n\n>>267716508 \n> copium", "pid": 267716532 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8436", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:06:35\n\n>Out of nowhere \nYeah, go back you quaternary", "pid": 267716536 }, { "sender": "008B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:07:08\n\n>>267716443 \n>Actual bundas? \n>Makima \nThere isn't a single panel that would definitely prove that Makima has a bunda. \nLiterally all panels where she appears to have a big butt are \n>fucked up perspective \n>people not understanding how clothing works \n>>267716489 \nJust a normal ass that appears big because of lack of definition", "pid": 267716546 }, { "sender": "4AF3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:07:50\n\n>>267716546 \nYou lost.", "pid": 267716561 }, { "sender": "EA9C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:07:51\n\n>>267715471 \n>>267715717 \n>>267716234 \n>>267716262 \n>>267716318 \nYou faggots are retarded and annoying.", "pid": 267716562 }, { "sender": "9004-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:08:16\n\n>>267716532 \nNTA but part 2 is probably never getting adapted. \nThis shit is already a mess in manga form I don’t see it translating to anime", "pid": 267716577 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-163B", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:08:47\n\nStopped reading until the chapter where they were going to save Denji and he's been cut to pieces... Are the new chapters any better or is still trash?", "pid": 267716591 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-39C4", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:09:33\n\n>>267716591 \nFar worse if you can believe it", "pid": 267716624 }, { "sender": "0E35-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:09:59\n\n>>267716591 \nthere's unironic cum in two chappies", "pid": 267716638 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-067D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:10:20\n\n>>267716234 \nWhy are powerkeks like this? The Yoru handjob is gonna sell like fine wine.", "pid": 267716650 }, { "sender": "8FB0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:10:37\n\n>>267716577 \n>>267716591 \n>>267716624 \n>another shonen nigger filtered \nnice", "pid": 267716664 }, { "sender": "5A7E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:10:50\n\n>>267716561 \nWhere's bunda?", "pid": 267716674 }, { "sender": "EE78-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:11:09\n\n>>267716591 \nYoru kissed Denji in a rainy alley for no reason.", "pid": 267716681 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DEC", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:11:48\n\n>>267716546 \n>Wall of cope.", "pid": 267716698 }, { "sender": "104D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:12:04\n\n>>267716650 \n>sell like fine wine. \nThat's not how the analogy goes, you inbred retarded cumslut.", "pid": 267716711 }, { "sender": "CAE7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:12:51\n\n>>267716711 \nWhere is powy?", "pid": 267716736 }, { "sender": "Anon-09B2", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:13:26\n\n>>267716577 \nNTA but you are frankly retarded if you think that because there studios that adapt all the content of the product regardless of quality, why MAPPA would stop adapting something that make money even if was a mess? because may as well never adapt SnK due the shitty ending or JJK culling games due being extremely weak and a mess.", "pid": 267716750 }, { "sender": "B05B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:02\n\n>>267716577 \nMappa are whores. They will adapt part 2 but it will take a long time", "pid": 267716792 }, { "sender": "B01A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:11\n\n>>267716736 \nNTA, but Power has nothing to do with this. It's aged like fine wine, not sell. The salesfags are getting to you subconsciously maybe? I don't know why you would type sell.", "pid": 267716798 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BB23", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:18\n\n>>267716681 \n>>267716624 \n>>267716638 \nYeah... I'm out... Will probably read it in a couple of months though... ~~That's what I did for the first part anyway...~~", "pid": 267716803 }, { "sender": "0991-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:47\n\n>>267716803 \nnot your blog", "pid": 267716818 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9B66", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:16:19\n\n>>267716750 \n>Part 2 \n>Making money", "pid": 267716836 }, { "sender": "C8E0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:16:38\n\n>>267716818 \nNTA, but suck my dick", "pid": 267716844 }, { "sender": "BB56-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:17:14\n\n>>267716844 \nOkay, pull your pants down.", "pid": 267716857 }, { "sender": "Anon-4C80", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:13\n\n>cgi cum", "pid": 267716889 }, { "sender": "Anon-EF16", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:18\n\nrely makes u thunk", "pid": 267716895 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9DB6", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:32\n\n>>267716429 \nMy bad. I got distracted looking for Femshida art and reading Blue Lock so I got a late start drawing last night. I'll get to it tonight.", "pid": 267716902 }, { "sender": "5559-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:19:18\n\n>>267716895 \nGhost Fixers is kino", "pid": 267716922 }, { "sender": "79D8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:26\n\n>>267716798 \n>Power has nothing to do with this \nFujimoto is based for doing that", "pid": 267716960 }, { "sender": "Anon-19B3", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:27\n\n>>267716895 \nI hope the girl on the left has a penis, ngl.", "pid": 267716961 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A993", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:36\n\n>>267716836 \nRetard, if you think it doesn't make money for shueisha, it wouldn't be still be ongoing because they are business first. Unlike the retarded salesfaggots in the oricon threads, the companies actually do have the full financial results also they aren't retarded to axe series that doesn't reach JJK numbers.", "pid": 267716968 }, { "sender": "AB25-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:46\n\n>>267716857 \nw-what? I though this wouldn't work.... o-ok... \\*pulls pants down\\*", "pid": 267716974 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C23E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:22:37\n\n>>267716895 \n>Shojo Null stopped coming out with ex chapters on break weeks \nSad", "pid": 267717021 }, { "sender": "089F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:22:47\n\n>mappa \n>adapting shit with no action \nlol, lumao even", "pid": 267717030 }, { "sender": "7186-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:22:56\n\n>>267716974 \nYou fool! Whenever he fights men he only goes for the balls!!!", "pid": 267717034 }, { "sender": "0F1A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:23:45\n\n>>267717030 \n>no action \nsee >>267715126", "pid": 267717057 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3D5C", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:24:36\n\nAny predictions for next chapter? \n>>267716902 \nDon't know if you're the actual bab or not but kek", "pid": 267717081 }, { "sender": "4F8C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:24:47\n\n>>267716895 \n>nothing but slop", "pid": 267717088 }, { "sender": "6EA4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:25:49\n\n>>267717081 \n>Any predictions for next chapter? \nDeath by sushi.", "pid": 267717113 }, { "sender": "F0FE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:26:04\n\n>>267717034 \nthat's what my dad said when he raped me... :(", "pid": 267717118 }, { "sender": "Anon-062B", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:27:20\n\n>>267717088 \n>ghost fixers \n>slop \nkys", "pid": 267717161 }, { "sender": "E578-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:27:41\n\n>>267717088 \nAnon, Part 2 is being published on Jump+", "pid": 267717167 }, { "sender": "2092-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:28:11\n\n>>267717161 \n>slop \n>slop \ncope", "pid": 267717179 }, { "sender": "CBF1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:28:46\n\n>>267717081 \nFumiko shakes things up", "pid": 267717197 }, { "sender": "Anon-4D0A", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:29:17\n\nIm so horny for makima", "pid": 267717209 }, { "sender": "C27C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:29:47\n\n>>267717039 \nwho's paying to taste who", "pid": 267717225 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF7D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:30:46\n\n>>267715831 \nthe difference is that dragon ball and one piece got milked so hard they lost what made them special", "pid": 267717249 }, { "sender": "Anon-A274", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:02\n\n>>267715815 \nchromatic aberration hurting my eyes devil", "pid": 267717255 }, { "sender": "B332-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:27\n\n>>267717225 \nYoshida would definitely pay to taste Denji. He tried to kill Asa for stealing his boytoy.", "pid": 267717270 }, { "sender": "1E53-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:29\n\n>>267717249 \n>He says in a CSM Part 2 thread", "pid": 267717271 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FA5A", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:58\n\n>>267716443 \nI know this is copy pasta but the one true aspect is inconsistent art. \nShe canonically has a good, albeit thin, body. Kinda like what we USED to find attractive only 20 ish years ago", "pid": 267717295 }, { "sender": "1364-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:32:01\n\n>>267716192", "pid": 267717297 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F9F9", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:32:07\n\n>>267717271 \nCSM is KINO. Warm Piss and Sissy Ball are not.", "pid": 267717298 }, { "sender": "BD2E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:32:35\n\nWhy this retarded console war even started?", "pid": 267717313 }, { "sender": "DFD0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:33:08\n\n>>267717295 \n>Kinda like what we USED to find attractive only 20 ish years ago \nthese days it's not sexy if she's not at least somewhat obese", "pid": 267717325 }, { "sender": "Anon-CFF7", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:33:08\n\n>>267716013 \n>>267716084 \nOGs remember the 2 year break", "pid": 267717326 }, { "sender": "4078-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:33:32\n\n>>267717313 \nshonen niggers are filtered by part 2 really hard", "pid": 267717337 }, { "sender": "3344-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:33:36\n\n>>267717326 \nIt was actually 1 year and 7 months", "pid": 267717340 }, { "sender": "4B65-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:19\n\n>>267717039 \nCute Fumiko", "pid": 267717365 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8806", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:30\n\n>>267715943 \n>>267715995 \nwhy. i never read kengan but i thought the point was that being natty was better", "pid": 267717370 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F8B1", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:37\n\n>>267717313 \nSomeone got FMAfags really mad because they said their crossover fanart was shit.", "pid": 267717375 }, { "sender": "Anon-D758", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:54\n\n>yoSHITa ego-trippers", "pid": 267717383 }, { "sender": "Anon-B2A5", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:57\n\ncucksawkek shart poo", "pid": 267717385 }, { "sender": "4651-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:35:50\n\n>>267717370 \nJacku can't afford to be natty and Raian is an author's pet.", "pid": 267717405 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DEC7", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:36:11\n\n>>267717298 \n>Shart Poo \n>Kino", "pid": 267717416 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E6E1", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:37:46\n\n>>267716429 \npost bundaze 1", "pid": 267717463 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EF8E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:37:53\n\nI dont WANNA WAIT 2 WEEKS I WANT DENJI-ASA SEX CHAPTER NOW!!!!!", "pid": 267717472 }, { "sender": "FF0F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:38:07\n\nyou can only respond to this post if your favorite character got a theater scene AND an omake <s>scatwer shitsa and shartkima could never</s>", "pid": 267717477 }, { "sender": "23E4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:38:25\n\n>>267717021 \nThat series has really grown on me in the last arc. I knew the author was cooking when he did the WW3 flashback. \nThe centaur cop is kino btw", "pid": 267717484 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D62", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:39:19\n\n>>267717472 \nit'll be a fumiden chappy", "pid": 267717511 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0E69", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:40:12\n\n>>267717372 \nA fine Reze, to be sure.", "pid": 267717533 }, { "sender": "Anon-4470", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:40:36\n\n>>267715471 \nSales are useless, people read whatever they want. If only sales mattered, Tensei Shittara Slime would be the best light novel of all time, and Drake would be like the best artist in the world. Stop caring about which thing is more liked and popular, and focus on what you like the most instead.", "pid": 267717541 }, { "sender": "Anon-160E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:42:33\n\n>>267717541 \n>Shittara Slime would be the best light novel of all time, and Drake would be like the best artist in the world \nThey are", "pid": 267717609 }, { "sender": "4C80-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:42:43\n\n>>267716895 \n>>267717088 \n>disrespecting magical girl tsubame \nkys", "pid": 267717616 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D74C", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:42:46\n\nFumiko looks like elon musk", "pid": 267717618 }, { "sender": "Anon-D94F", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:44:19\n\n>>267717313 \ni bet asa's virginity that powercuck or micro are behind this", "pid": 267717653 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE79", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:44:43\n\n>mentally insane man goes on schizo ramble about how he desperately wants to be femdommed but is also afraid of women \n>other similar schizos see this and herald it as a great piece of literature", "pid": 267717671 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1C92", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:06\n\n>>267717671 \nIkr", "pid": 267717680 }, { "sender": "8B5B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:11\n\n>>267717609 \nNo. Toaru is the best light novel series, and Drake is a clown more often than not.", "pid": 267717686 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C7A", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:20\n\n>>267715126 \nYoru is such a nasty fucked up whore \nYikes", "pid": 267717690 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE1E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:32\n\n>>267717671 \nBut enough about FMA", "pid": 267717697 }, { "sender": "E638-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:46:12\n\nSomeone hang this bitch yoru", "pid": 267717716 }, { "sender": "Anon-EBEE", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:46:16\n\nLooks like Nayuta caught Yoru", "pid": 267717720 }, { "sender": "Anon-B22D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:46:26\n\n>all this art of Shartsa with 2 (TWO) hands \nNon canon heh.", "pid": 267717725 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F14A", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:47:51\n\n>>267717725 \nThey don't read the manga I swear", "pid": 267717761 }, { "sender": "4DCB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:48:06\n\n>>267717725 \nKek based", "pid": 267717766 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F20", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:48:26\n\n>>267717720 \nToo bad all the dogs burnt up so Nayuta can't force Yoru to have sex with them anymore", "pid": 267717772 }, { "sender": "Anon-58BF", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:49:13\n\n>>267715126 \nWhen will he jack off denji", "pid": 267717793 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-33CC", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:49:19\n\nmethink Yoshida is gonna hurt Asa badly again.", "pid": 267717795 }, { "sender": "Anon-CD2B", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:50:06\n\n>>267717793 \nThat's the neat part all the girls forced themselves on Denji but with the boys it's gonna be the opposite.", "pid": 267717821 }, { "sender": "Anon-56F4", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:50:18\n\nmethinks fumiko will convince denji to follow her", "pid": 267717830 }, { "sender": "D0E2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:50:25\n\n>>267717795 \nPlease cut off her other hand as well for cripple kino", "pid": 267717836 }, { "sender": "8023-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:50:33\n\n>>267715471 \nOh my heckin' salerinos!", "pid": 267717840 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-12A2", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:51:40\n\n>>267717821 \n…denji is going to force his weewee on the guys hands?", "pid": 267717871 }, { "sender": "5EEF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:52:06\n\n>>267717836 \nhopefully she screams this time", "pid": 267717885 }, { "sender": "3723-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:52:13\n\n>>267715126 \nEvery YouTuber saying in a video essay that Denji's a victim after cumming in Asa's hand", "pid": 267717888 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF79", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:52:37\n\n>>267717871 \nYes he will hump his hand", "pid": 267717899 }, { "sender": "CE00-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:53:13\n\n>>267717885 \nMaybe even wets herself and passes out", "pid": 267717914 }, { "sender": "0F46-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:54:01\n\n>>267717914 \nNice", "pid": 267717935 }, { "sender": "08DE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:03\n\n>>267717888 \nDenji IS a victim, but not because of that", "pid": 267717964 }, { "sender": "1846-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:06\n\n>>267717671 \n>mentally insane man goes on schizo ramble about how he desperately wants to be femdommed but is also afraid of women \nDenji...", "pid": 267717965 }, { "sender": "D09C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:44\n\n>>267717964 \nDenji is a victim of lobotomy", "pid": 267718004 }, { "sender": "E21B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:45\n\nsmelly femcel", "pid": 267718006 }, { "sender": "Anon-E8EC", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:05\n\n>>267717964 \n>Denji IS a victim, but not because of that \n", "pid": 267718018 }, { "sender": "Anon-3FE6", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:15\n\nMethink Yoshida will break Denji's crooked teeth on the conveyor belt", "pid": 267718026 }, { "sender": "FB9A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:44\n\n>>267717914 \nyep", "pid": 267718040 }, { "sender": "Anon-D5D6", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:55\n\n>>267718006 \nwhat the fuck are these hands", "pid": 267718047 }, { "sender": "2BEE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:12\n\nI want Makima to rub peanut butter on her asshole and make me lick it all off.", "pid": 267718057 }, { "sender": "Anon-3410", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:59:00\n\n>>267718057 \nSir this isn't a One Piece thread", "pid": 267718078 }, { "sender": "5D70-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:59:10\n\n>>267718057 \nFujimoto...", "pid": 267718082 }, { "sender": "D1B9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:08\n\n>>267718057 \nCreampuff...", "pid": 267718113 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-27BA", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:11\n\n>>267718057 \nSame but my asshole instead", "pid": 267718114 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EC5E", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:43\n\n>>267717899 \nHot. 10 out of 10", "pid": 267718129 }, { "sender": "DA08-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:01:06\n\n>>267718114 \nYou want to rub Makima on you asshole and make it devour peanut butter?", "pid": 267718138 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-71FF", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:01:27\n\n>>267718114 \nYou want to lick peanut butter off of your own asshole?", "pid": 267718149 }, { "sender": "Anon-5FC1", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:01:44\n\n>>267718040 \nYoshida should beat her up with her own arm", "pid": 267718161 }, { "sender": "Anon-9CC1", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:08\n\n>>267718149 \nI'm Pochita btw", "pid": 267718173 }, { "sender": "73B5-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:32\n\n>>267718161 \nWhile saying \"stop hitting yourself\" over and over", "pid": 267718184 }, { "sender": "C1E2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:55\n\n>>267718114 \nKigafag...", "pid": 267718197 }, { "sender": "26B9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:03:06\n\nI am turboretard. Can people see yorus scars or no? I thought one of the chapters near the start of the chainsawman church mentioned them but maybe not. \nIm starting to think maybe the fightclub theory was right.", "pid": 267718202 }, { "sender": "E3E8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:04:07\n\nwhen will Yoshida finally take Asa to the nurse's office?", "pid": 267718234 }, { "sender": "474B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:04:12\n\n>>267718202 \n>I am turboretard. \nMakimabro...", "pid": 267718238 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC99", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:04:20\n\n>>267718161 \n>>267718184 \nThanks for making laugh lmao.", "pid": 267718243 }, { "sender": "FE02-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:04:47\n\n>>267718202 \n>I am turboretard. \nPowerbro...", "pid": 267718261 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4992", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:05:08\n\n>>267718234 \ngood catch", "pid": 267718272 }, { "sender": "F7FB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:05:22\n\n>Asa \n>ASSa \n>actually has no ass \nBros?..", "pid": 267718278 }, { "sender": "0FBF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:05:47\n\n>>267715339 \nI'm glad the supreme fat loser jimbo resonates to other fatties. He's not good at much else other than drawing a mediocre cartoon girl though.", "pid": 267718297 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1289", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:06:41\n\nDomain expansion", "pid": 267718324 }, { "sender": "Anon-6352", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:08:49\n\nShes kinda cute", "pid": 267718394 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2F9C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:10:06\n\n>>267718394 \nThis artist has such a weird artstyle", "pid": 267718429 }, { "sender": "86E8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:10:15\n\n>>267718324 \nThis is a really poetic line. Yoshida is a true romantic.", "pid": 267718432 }, { "sender": "Anon-C015", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:10:22\n\n>>267718238 \n>>267718261 \nSorry frends, i actually think himeno is best girl. Denji was too much of a fag to see the vision. \nAsa is growing on me with each chapter though.", "pid": 267718437 }, { "sender": "3B15-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:11:33\n\nclearly the art quality isn't just a difference in brush type \ncompare part 1 kid Denji vs current Denji", "pid": 267718478 }, { "sender": "7110-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:11:52\n\n>>267718432 \nYoshida Haiku when? We already got multiple characters writing and singing", "pid": 267718496 }, { "sender": "BCA8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:13:52\n\n>>267718478 \npart 2 denji has brush size pressure sensitivity turned off", "pid": 267718567 }, { "sender": "Anon-9E64", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:15:08\n\nShe's so cute", "pid": 267718605 }, { "sender": "C2F7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:15:42\n\n>>267718478 \nI really fucking hate the new brush so much, too cartoon-y.", "pid": 267718619 }, { "sender": "7F83-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:18:07\n\n>>267718478 \nDoes Fujimoto actually draw the background or is it really mainly his assistants? I thought his background art was good despite Part 2's decline but now I'm not sure.", "pid": 267718698 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5496", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:18:21\n\n>>267715126", "pid": 267718708 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1306", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:19:06\n\nWhy wasn't there saliva during kiss?", "pid": 267718740 }, { "sender": "7BB6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:19:23\n\n>>267715339 \n>>267715253", "pid": 267718751 }, { "sender": "Anon-E4FD", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:19:28\n\n>>267718698 \nAssistants are usually the ones who do backgrounds", "pid": 267718757 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DCB9", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:20:14\n\n>>267718740 \nrushed drawing", "pid": 267718782 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-914B", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:20:31\n\n>>267718740 \nBecause Denji had dry ass lips", "pid": 267718790 }, { "sender": "E352-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:20:32\n\n>>267718751 \nIs this how Autisms mating dance", "pid": 267718792 }, { "sender": "5208-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:21:20\n\n>>267715815 \nThe human condition pt.III", "pid": 267718816 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B193", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:21:40\n\n>>267718807 \n>>267718751 \n>>267718708 \n>>267718645 \nWhat's the point of this meaningless spam, dilating tranny?", "pid": 267718823 }, { "sender": "Anon-E7FB", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:22:03\n\n>>267718645 \nMitch Conner could beat and manipulate both", "pid": 267718838 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E3AF", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:22:33\n\n>>267718790 \nThis kiss should have been really disgusting", "pid": 267718856 }, { "sender": "Anon-5575", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:23:36\n\n>>267718740 \nbecause Yoru sucked all the liquid in Denji's mouth, she will do the same with his penis.", "pid": 267718885 }, { "sender": "BC26-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:24:20\n\nDattebayo!", "pid": 267718913 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-38F2", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:24:40\n\n>>267718645 \ncute future happy couple", "pid": 267718921 }, { "sender": "B65C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:24:57\n\n>>267718913 \nMy goat my hero", "pid": 267718929 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD0A", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:29:03\n\ncant believe fujimoto managed to make this so incredibly hot\n\ni got rockhard which i havent gotten in years", "pid": 267719050 }, { "sender": "Anon-B576", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:29:23\n\n>>267717295 \nDenji gets to eat THIS out of love?", "pid": 267719062 }, { "sender": "9B9A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:29:30\n\n>>267715471 \nChensow mid Sisters....", "pid": 267719068 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-970B", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:33:06\n\n>>267717772 \nThe deed is already done. Tiramisu's legacy will live on", "pid": 267719150 }, { "sender": "Anon-8AF0", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:33:22\n\nI need her back.", "pid": 267719161 }, { "sender": "F57D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:33:30\n\n>>267715126 \n>Devil of speedreading is the most powerful one \nThis is no joke seeing how many people fail to grasp even the basic manga books", "pid": 267719166 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7B27", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:36:41\n\n>>267719050 \nIs the combo of CBT and pure cocklust.", "pid": 267719276 }, { "sender": "F261-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:37:47\n\n>>267719050 \nwhoru has such a cocklust look", "pid": 267719305 }, { "sender": "DFD2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:39:21\n\n>>267718740 \nSaving that for the real Asa kissu", "pid": 267719357 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-790F", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:39:25\n\n>>267719161 \ndenji breeding sow", "pid": 267719360 }, { "sender": "Anon-2341", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:39:55\n\n@mishmashed3842\n1 day ago (edited)\nYeah, I feel like I'm living in a parallel universe. I still don't understand why people think Chainsaw Man part 2 as a story is falling off. I think people mostly struggles with the weekly/bi-weekly formula. People want every chapter to be crazy and 100% meaningful while the chapters actually are supposed to be stacked. Others also only expected constant chaos whereas the core of Chainsaw Man is more slice of life than action (at least to me). I feel like part 2 is more of a community filter than anything. I can absolutely understand the complaint but it's kind of disappointing to see Chainsaw Man getting easily abandoned like that\n\n38\n\n\nReply\n\n\n7 replies\n\n@umatchedperspicacity\n1 day ago (edited)\nI don't understand people that don't think it's falling off. Comparing it to part 1, the art has got worse and less memorable, the characters less interesting (I don't even remember the names of the devil hunt club people), the plot somewhat non-existent and all over the place(the death devil doesn't do anything, at least we saw the destruction the gun devil caused and the people it affected), the pacing feels too slow and too fast at the same time, lots of things happen without being developed (Like Asa sudden rise to popularity) and yet the plot doesn't move much at all. The argument that chapters stack doesn't really hold since we are already 60+ chapters in.\n\n1\n\n\nReply\n\n\n@mishmashed3842\n1 day ago (edited)\n @umatchedperspicacity i hear all the complaints, i just think it's a matter of perception. We all see the same thing but perceive it in different ways. People don't like the fact that we don't know wherever we're going whereas i personally enjoy it. It's a take on life's messiness and psychology that i find refreshing.", "pid": 267719381 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-601D", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:40:25\n\nShe'll be filled with little chainsaws soon", "pid": 267719398 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-310A", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:41:06\n\nNow yes, less memorable characters, less \"charismatic\" arcs and less absolutely shocking and marking moment but the ENTIRE experience so far makes it for me. Since i really care about Denji's story, character, psychology and find the Asa-Denji relationship intriguing, part 2 is pretty exciting to me. It's just less marketable, fast and flashy. Also, the story isn't finished and since Fujimoto takes great inspiration in stories that make sense the more you reach its end, then yeah a lot of questions are still left unanswered. If it ends up sucking, I'll be the first one to complain but now I'm just excited to see the rest of the story.\n\nI do agree that the art is inconsistent but it's not outright ugly to me (I have the sentiment that Fujimoto modified his art in part 2 in a small and subtle way but unfortunately struggles to maintain it and meet the deadlines. Take part 1 and the beginning of part 2 for example). I also think there's still memorable moments (art and just feeling) tho like the Chainsaw motorcycle, karaoke scene, falling devil, sentimental drive, yuko reveal, aquarium, fire devil etc.\n\nI do understand it's not enough for people tho, it's just, like I said, disappointing\n\n5\n\n\nReply\n\n\n@EMPERORPROVIDENCE\n1 day ago\nManipulative obssessed narcassistic fans ...when theres no action but bonding scenes character interactions thy say fell off\n\n4\n\n\nReply\n\n\n@mishmashed3842\n1 day ago\n @EMPERORPROVIDENCE hey brother i love Chainsaw Man but chiiiiill \n\n1\n\n\nReply\n\n\n@EMPERORPROVIDENCE\n13 hours ago\n @mishmashed3842 i wasnt attacking u i was adding to wat ur saying...seems commenting vs talking vocaly creats misunderstandings..u speak of fans that call chain saw man to hv fell off ..i was adding to that...", "pid": 267719423 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D91A", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:42:10\n\n>>267719050 \nI really wanna see Denji make the 2 of them come at the same time.", "pid": 267719454 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-45C3", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:42:15\n\n>>267719423 \n>>267719381 \nWell this came out of nowhere", "pid": 267719456 }, { "sender": "Anon-F4DF", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:42:43\n\n>>267719360 \nis she?", "pid": 267719477 }, { "sender": "BB4D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:42:59\n\n>Barely made it to Friday because utter mindbreak \nI CAN'T WAIT for this break week.", "pid": 267719487 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E8F3", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:43:29\n\n>>267719477 \nAbsolutely yes, Fujimoto confirmed it", "pid": 267719503 }, { "sender": "Anon-791B", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:46:25\n\n>>267719503 \nprove it", "pid": 267719582 }, { "sender": "Anon-6411", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:52:02\n\n>>267719688 \nProtagonist privileges conquest", "pid": 267719738 }, { "sender": "Anon-E540", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:52:37\n\nGuess who's back, Barem.", "pid": 267719757 }, { "sender": "Anon-B6BF", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:52:40\n\nThis Makima looks wrong to me", "pid": 267719761 }, { "sender": "0429-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:53:52\n\n>>267719761", "pid": 267719789 }, { "sender": "6EEA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:55:09\n\n>>267719757 \nAnon, your drawings are very soulful but you need to give the girls who arent cunny some hips and curves", "pid": 267719827 }, { "sender": "DFFC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:55:30\n\n>>267719757 \nThe shading on her face is really cool. Now I want Nayuta to kill Barem while he has some weird flashback of Kima.", "pid": 267719834 }, { "sender": "B461-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:56:32\n\n>>267719827 \npic unrelated btw", "pid": 267719864 }, { "sender": "Anon-4574", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:57:06\n\n>>267719834 \n>Barem \n>Dying", "pid": 267719879 }, { "sender": "F0E8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:00:33\n\n>>267719757 \nReally liked your Yuta but I’m curious why the double braids?", "pid": 267719971 }, { "sender": "Anon-ADA5", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:02:11\n\n>>267718202 \nYes, everyone can see them", "pid": 267720013 }, { "sender": "7988-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:03:09\n\nWhat if Pochita is death? His power of erasing this is the only thing that can truly kill Devils.", "pid": 267720048 }, { "sender": "Anon-0E97", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:06:06\n\n>>267718496 \nTako-tsubo ya \nHakanaki yume wo \nNatsu no tsuki", "pid": 267720157 }, { "sender": "89DB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:07:40\n\nI wonder if it were possible to keep Makima imprisoned", "pid": 267720199 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0E41", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:07:57\n\n>>267720199 \nYes", "pid": 267720211 }, { "sender": "9F16-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:09:23\n\n>>267719757 \nBarem is so lucky!", "pid": 267720256 }, { "sender": "Anon-D7BC", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:09:34\n\n>>267719827 \nWas worse in my first draft, but yeah, I should. \n>>267719971 \nI don't know, felt like giving her double braids.", "pid": 267720260 }, { "sender": "Anon-A3A6", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:10:21\n\n>>267720199 \n>>267720211 \nI doubt that she needs to move her arms to throw chains so not like this.", "pid": 267720285 }, { "sender": "1986-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:10:39\n\n>>267720199 \nProbably not, she can BANG the whole prison.", "pid": 267720298 }, { "sender": "Anon-1618", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:12:05\n\n>>267720285 \nArms...?", "pid": 267720336 }, { "sender": "Anon-1B10", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:12:54\n\n>>267720285 \n>Use chloroform (not an attack) \n>Dump cement onto her \nEZ", "pid": 267720355 }, { "sender": "A4A8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:14:41\n\n>>267720298 \nShe can bang me anytime she wants.", "pid": 267720402 }, { "sender": "7B79-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:16:50\n\n>>267720355 \n>chloroform effect ends \n>bang \nEz", "pid": 267720466 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-588A", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:17:00\n\nYoshida captured Denji and drugged him many times noone is safe", "pid": 267720469 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1309", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:17:32\n\n>>267720469 \nHe could probably rape anyone he wants", "pid": 267720492 }, { "sender": "332E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:17:54\n\n>>267720199 \nThe fact that Kishibe plan was to send her to hell, probably not.", "pid": 267720501 }, { "sender": "B274-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:18:40\n\n>>267720501 \nKishibe is such a senile old fart", "pid": 267720524 }, { "sender": "3853-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:22:55\n\nWith a bit of luck Cuteyuta is already farming new contracts for her arsenal. Really, what a dumb fuck that is Denji, leaving her without contracts...", "pid": 267720640 }, { "sender": "5A0A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:23:56\n\n>>267716681 \n.No reason \n \nSpeed reading devil indeed", "pid": 267720672 }, { "sender": "D75D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:24:35\n\nfumiko is torturing nayuta as we speak", "pid": 267720691 }, { "sender": "2A19-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:25:08\n\n>>267720691 \nWith shit tier rap.", "pid": 267720711 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8D11", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:26:07\n\n>>267720691 \nLike this? \n \n \n \n", "pid": 267720733 }, { "sender": "66A8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:28:36\n\n>>267720640 \n>Conquest without contracts \nLiterally worse than the Gun devil without ammo. Baka Denji.", "pid": 267720813 }, { "sender": "7928-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:29:12\n\nWill Nayuta get along with her big sister Powa?", "pid": 267720828 }, { "sender": "6723-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:30:05\n\n>>267720828 \nIt will go like this >>267720733", "pid": 267720857 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-74D9", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:36:53\n\nFumiDen is dead", "pid": 267721052 }, { "sender": "1DA1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:37:26\n\n>>267721052 \nCope. It's more likely than ever now", "pid": 267721068 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-483F", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:39:13\n\n>>267721068 \nFujimoto gonna cuck or humiliate Denji once again \nThere is no FumiDen", "pid": 267721120 }, { "sender": "5B5B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:40:38\n\n>>267721120 \nwe call that toxic fumiden", "pid": 267721158 }, { "sender": "CDA5-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:49:39\n\n>>267721068 \n>>267721120 \nYou three are retarded.", "pid": 267721430 }, { "sender": "56B3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:50:22\n\n>>267721430 \n>doesn't know how to count", "pid": 267721456 }, { "sender": "Anon-2855", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:54:52\n\nWhen the puta's in the crib ma\nDrop it like it's hot\nDrop it like it's hot\nDrop it like it's hot\nWhen the 'brids try to get at you\nPark it like it's hot\nPark it like it's hot\nPark it like it's hot\nAnd if a Kigga get a attitude\nPop it like it's hot\nPop it like it's hot\nPop it like it's hot\nI got Denji on my arm and I'm eating parfait\nAnd he's licking my feet 'cause I got it going on", "pid": 267721599 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CC73", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:55:40\n\nIf you think Denji enjoyed it and he's happy right now then you are severely media illiterate imo.\nGo reread the series, it's not a coincidence he was in an alley, it's not a coincidence he was dressed identical to child Denji.", "pid": 267721624 }, { "sender": "Anon-8372", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:56:59\n\n>>267719381 \n>>267719423 \nHoly what is this cringe, kys for posting this", "pid": 267721669 }, { "sender": "07FC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:57:58\n\ndenji pov", "pid": 267721708 }, { "sender": "B6D1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:02:29\n\n>>267721624 \nWe’ll see next chapter. I seriously doubt he is depressed or something like that.", "pid": 267721846 }, { "sender": "Anon-1BD6", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:03:26\n\nsexo with slutru", "pid": 267721878 }, { "sender": "Anon-66F8", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:10:29\n\n>>267721599 \nEy", "pid": 267722118 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9D02", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:10:44\n\n>>267719757 \nMakima lost twice lol", "pid": 267722127 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-86A6", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:10:46\n\n>>267721120 \nBased slow reader \n \n>>267721068 \nCringe FumiDen illusionist", "pid": 267722129 }, { "sender": "Anon-7E6E", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:11:28\n\n>The only person in the world who can relate to Denji's most painful moment of his life, as it was hers on the same day, at the same time, at the same location.", "pid": 267722157 }, { "sender": "854F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:13:21\n\n>>267721068 \nHorsefus always win.", "pid": 267722225 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9853", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:13:58\n\n>>267722225 \nHorsefu ASS", "pid": 267722249 }, { "sender": "06B1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:26:58\n\nSo many Yoshida victims", "pid": 267722624 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FC50", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:27:30\n\n>it's not a coincidence he was in an alley, \nDenji's going to die soon.", "pid": 267722642 }, { "sender": "D40B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:28:10\n\n>>267722642 \nYes", "pid": 267722664 }, { "sender": "27FA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:28:22\n\n>>267715471 \nAnyone elsw remember when everyone said that csm was going to be the next big thing a few years ago during the Hiatus, before the anime, and part 2? Kekaroo!", "pid": 267722668 }, { "sender": "Anon-8DDA", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:28:57\n\n>>267722668 \nIt is what it is", "pid": 267722688 }, { "sender": "1661-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:28:58\n\n>>267722624 \nWhere did you find this one?", "pid": 267722689 }, { "sender": "4A94-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:30:14\n\n>>267722689 \n\\_xlero/status/1801293075584848248?t=CtY\\_Nv4HnF8EuKGu8jR9DA&s=19 \nThis artist", "pid": 267722726 }, { "sender": "4A46-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:31:11\n\nHorseshartfags and Powerfags don't even bother looking for new fanarts they only post same old pieces.", "pid": 267722753 }, { "sender": "8921-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:32:49\n\n>>267715339 \nIk its bait, but it makes me mad that he skipped Asa's rise to fame entirely, literally gave her five pages of feeling smug and went back to Denji failing at getting laid.", "pid": 267722791 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CB87", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:32:54\n\n>>267722753 \nI look weekly or so. \nThis one is too pissed eyes for me imo", "pid": 267722796 }, { "sender": "2137-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:33:33\n\n>>267722796", "pid": 267722815 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B49D", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:34:00\n\n>>267722796 \nTbf it's not entirely piss eyes", "pid": 267722825 }, { "sender": "420E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:35:16\n\n>>267722815 \nI want to have sex with Kiga-chan. She is my wife and I love her.", "pid": 267722867 }, { "sender": "Anon-56B7", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:36:31\n\n>>267722867 \nKiggerlesbian....", "pid": 267722896 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DA13", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:36:36\n\n>>267722867 \n>>267722815 \nWhat is the canon reason why Kiga's ass is... so big?", "pid": 267722899 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-710B", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:36:47\n\nNotice how Cuckyuta is forever cursed with piss eyes? Yabba dabba doo!", "pid": 267722908 }, { "sender": "E7A8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:37:27\n\n>>267722908 \nare you new?", "pid": 267722929 }, { "sender": "06B5-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:37:40\n\n>>267722908", "pid": 267722935 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-517F", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:38:14\n\n>>267722791 \n>went back to Denji failing at getting laid. \nDenji's life mission. It's what he deserves after making his wish to be Makima's dog, being the accomplice in Power's death, and abandoning Nayuta.", "pid": 267722953 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4572", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:38:40\n\n>>267722642 \ ECSTASY at how TIGHT ASA IS!", "pid": 267722961 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E29B", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:38:46\n\n>>267722899 \nIt's because I cook food for her every single day with all my love, and because she is Italian (true btw).", "pid": 267722964 }, { "sender": "3972-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:39:41\n\n>>267722929 \n>are you new?", "pid": 267722983 }, { "sender": "504A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:39:42\n\n>>267722953 \nOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH SEXO WITH WHORU SEXO WITH WHORU SEXO WITH WHORU SEXO WITH WHORU SEXO WITH WHORU SEXO WITH WHORU", "pid": 267722985 }, { "sender": "Anon-BAE6", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:39:51\n\n>>267722899 \nBecause it's off model", "pid": 267722991 }, { "sender": "8AE2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:40:10\n\n>>267722867 \nWe know Dyke", "pid": 267722998 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF6F", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:40:38\n\nshushi-4", "pid": 267723006 }, { "sender": "0490-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:41:35\n\n>>267722998 \nLet me talk about my wife in peace.", "pid": 267723033 }, { "sender": "7632-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:41:40\n\nPart 2 does have a lot of character interaction but less action itself. If I wanted to read pages and pages of nothing happening I’d just pick up HxH.", "pid": 267723036 }, { "sender": "F271-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:41:56\n\n>>267722985 \nYoru discarding him just like that", "pid": 267723045 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1B84", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:42:18\n\nkiga big fat ass", "pid": 267723058 }, { "sender": "7B7F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:42:31\n\n>>267723006 \nI want to jam my fingers in those ugly eyes", "pid": 267723067 }, { "sender": "BEA6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:42:53\n\n>>267722753 \nThere's too much Pawa fanart.", "pid": 267723073 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A32", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:43:07\n\nFatal flying Guillotine chops off your fuckin' head", "pid": 267723081 }, { "sender": "6AB3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:43:21\n\n>>267722791 \n \nFame or rather she remained in bed all day goofing around in her thoughts while the church just attributed to her the devils killed by other people.", "pid": 267723087 }, { "sender": "Anon-831F", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:43:24\n\n>>267723067 \ni dont care", "pid": 267723090 }, { "sender": "E9C4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:44:33\n\n>>267723090 \nyou don't care about Asa.", "pid": 267723132 }, { "sender": "Anon-AB7E", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:45:04\n\n>>267723073 \nPut them in a folder then search using random numbers.", "pid": 267723148 }, { "sender": "E3C9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:45:16\n\nKiga-chan\nKiga-chan\nDo you even know who I am?\nI have been dreaming about you all this time\nAnd now I just don't want to pretend", "pid": 267723153 }, { "sender": "Anon-1786", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:46:02\n\n>IT GOES IT GOES IT GOES IT GOES \n>IT GOES IT GOES IT GOES IT GOES", "pid": 267723177 }, { "sender": "E2EB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:46:22\n\n>>267723153", "pid": 267723191 }, { "sender": "DDC6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:46:42\n\nMacromastia devil when?", "pid": 267723203 }, { "sender": "Anon-2B4E", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:47:49\n\n>>267723191 \nShe's too cute...", "pid": 267723232 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE78", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:48:18\n\n>>267715471 \nIncredible how much asa killed the hype", "pid": 267723248 }, { "sender": "3F41-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:48:22\n\nWatch me drop this cold Guillotine death sentence", "pid": 267723251 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-62F4", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:48:37\n\nYoshida's pov", "pid": 267723263 }, { "sender": "3AEC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:50:10\n\n>>267723263 \nWhaet?", "pid": 267723318 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-10AD", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:50:45\n\n>>267723294 \nThe only way the Death devil can live up to this is if she has two pairs of huge tits.", "pid": 267723334 }, { "sender": "7AB9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:50:47\n\n>>267723036 \nIf we take into account that we are still on the Reze arc I would say we’ve had more or the same amount of action.", "pid": 267723337 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D324", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:51:43\n\nYoung cope dealer, sellin' cope, is you like that?\nKickin' doors, kickin' in doors, is you like that?\nYoung throwed kigga, killin' Bows, is you like that?\nAll 24, you on go, is you like that?\nKiggas from the bottom really like that\nSteppin' on Denji if you like that\nPop another bottle if you like that", "pid": 267723370 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C8D", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:51:57\n\n\nFixed asaden", "pid": 267723377 }, { "sender": "CB82-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:52:03\n\nwhy couldn't guillotine cut his underwear? how powerful are they\n?", "pid": 267723382 }, { "sender": "DB96-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:53:59\n\n>>267723382 \nIt’s called the guillotine devil not the voyeurism devil", "pid": 267723449 }, { "sender": "5B50-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:54:10\n\n>>267723337 \nHonestly, Part 2 was almost perfect until Falling, I just enjoyed Church and Prison Break less (especially with the art and the release schedules declining). I did enjoy these last chapters though, just hoping for better art and more constant releases.", "pid": 267723452 }, { "sender": "B8FE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:54:37\n\n>>267723125 \nNayuta got replaced....", "pid": 267723471 }, { "sender": "694D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:57:34\n\nHere and on r people think Fumiko and Yoshida might show up (both were missing last arc) next chapter but on X people think Fumiko and Quanxi will show up (both like sushi and Fumiko was worried for Quanxi in church arc)\nWhich is more likely", "pid": 267723561 }, { "sender": "Anon-C3D2", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:58:29\n\n>>267723452 \nI think that Fujimoto is just tired. He has to work on Part 2, the look back movie, and the Reze movie. For such a laidback mangada this must be really stressful to him.", "pid": 267723582 }, { "sender": "DA02-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:59:10\n\n>>267723561 \nif she's with quanxi i hope fumiko dies", "pid": 267723598 }, { "sender": "928F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:59:39\n\n>>267723598 \nKek", "pid": 267723606 }, { "sender": "F5D0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:00:10\n\n>>267722753 \n>HorsesfuGODs don't even bother looking for new fanarts \nI posted 4 new ones in this thread btw", "pid": 267723621 }, { "sender": "Anon-1CC1", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:01:12\n\n>>267723561 \nI think that the Fumiko and Quanxi combo is more probable simply because they have interacted more in the past and because I don’t Yoshida would talk calmly with the group instead of attacking or fleeing", "pid": 267723647 }, { "sender": "2060-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:01:47\n\n>come to this thread \n>nothing but astroturf marketing \n>anons are taking the bait (or maybe that's just part of the strat)", "pid": 267723666 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DA4D", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:01:53\n\n>>267723606 \nI'd turn into the biggest asaden whale", "pid": 267723668 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4E9F", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:02:29\n\n>>267723666 \nI'm also here.", "pid": 267723682 }, { "sender": "Anon-FFAB", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:02:32\n\n>>267723621 \nAre you the Kigger? Thanks for looking for her fanart. I wanna look into her dead fish stare until the day I die.", "pid": 267723684 }, { "sender": "Anon-F5AB", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:03:52\n\n>>267723684 \n>Are you the Kigger? \nNope.", "pid": 267723714 }, { "sender": "522E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:04:16\n\n>>267723561 \nQuanxi's been put on the backburner. She's not appearing again for a long time. Fumiko has the highest chance of appearing. Yoshida will only appear if Fumiko's there because of Public Safety, instead of just being there on her own whims, if so then Yoshida will be hiding.", "pid": 267723725 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B963", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:05:15\n\n>>267723647 \nI think Yoshida and Fumiko combo is more likely because they are an actual combo in the manga and in the omake plus both were missing at the same time while Quanxi was in prison betraying public safety. \nYoshida might try to flee and comically fail and be forced into talking.", "pid": 267723753 }, { "sender": "08E7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:06:18\n\n>>267723725 \nNice Yoshida I think he will be there just because both him and Fumiko were missing during the sand time only fair they both return.", "pid": 267723781 }, { "sender": "FFA8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:06:40\n\nKigger roll call?", "pid": 267723787 }, { "sender": "Anon-53C6", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:08:44\n\n>>267723787 \nKigger could you draw Kiga with a fatass one of these days? That or a loli Kiga I would love to see that in your style.", "pid": 267723848 }, { "sender": "Anon-4E45", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:09:08\n\n>>267723787 \nsex with that kiga", "pid": 267723856 }, { "sender": "FB4D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:09:17\n\n>>267723848 \nThat's pastaKigger", "pid": 267723861 }, { "sender": "BE91-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:10:09\n\nWho's the guy near Yoshida", "pid": 267723884 }, { "sender": "E7DF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:10:11\n\n>>267723753 \nDid I speed read through Quanxi getting arrested? Didn’t she fake her loss? I fear for Yoshida’s balls if he gets captured…", "pid": 267723886 }, { "sender": "Anon-3383", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:10:29\n\ngod i'm so fucking fat", "pid": 267723891 }, { "sender": "87E1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:10:50\n\n>>267723861 \nOh shit, my bad kigga", "pid": 267723898 }, { "sender": "F2B3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:11:06\n\nI really doubt Quanxi is fucking rn she seems depressed and mourning then again her character is just a sex addict", "pid": 267723905 }, { "sender": "6B58-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:11:12\n\n>>267723891 \nDona push up every time you think of chainsaw man, that should help you", "pid": 267723909 }, { "sender": "48C5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:11:28\n\nFUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRKKKKKKK KIGGA LOOKS LIKE THIS????", "pid": 267723918 }, { "sender": "Anon-1144", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:12:09\n\nDenji and Quanxi will eventually have a conversation where it's revealed that Quanxi is going to hunt for her fiend's devils and force them back into their corpses.\nThis will inspire Denji to seek out the Blood Devil and befriend it.", "pid": 267723933 }, { "sender": "BC0D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:12:15\n\n>>267723848 \nI will.", "pid": 267723937 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DE65", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:13:20\n\n>>267723886 \n>Did I speed read through Quanxi getting arrested? Didn’t she fake her loss? \nYes, the surgeon said they won't snitch but who knows maybe Quanxi was cought on camera and is getting locked up for being a traitor \n> I fear for Yoshida’s balls if he gets captured… \nHe will talk his way out of it besides I have a feeling Denji will not let the others jump him Fujimoto did call them friends even if they aren't", "pid": 267723971 }, { "sender": "64A3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:14:11\n\n>>267723884 \nLooks like Kazutora from Tokyo Revengers. Shonen slop like your Blue Lock that I have read as well.", "pid": 267723994 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D607", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:14:45\n\nKissable Kima lips! I am in love <3 Kima kissies! Mwah mwah mwah mwah! Kissing Kima! Kissing Kima all over! Kissing Kima lots while I give her biiiig hugs mwah mwah chu chu chu chu chu!", "pid": 267724014 }, { "sender": "E03C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:15:04\n\n>>267723937 \nThanks Kigger, I’ll eat a bowl of tortellini in your name tomorrow.", "pid": 267724021 }, { "sender": "Anon-2768", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:15:09\n\nI want to speculate about what Yoshida or Fumiko could be doing but I just…I just don’t care. There is so little information on them they could be either trying to kill Denji at the sushi place or trying to save him. Or maybe they died offscreen because knowing Fujimoto that is very likely to happen.", "pid": 267724024 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AE72", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:15:39\n\n>>267715126 \nWon't that mean alot of people fear speedreaders?", "pid": 267724038 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8D5A", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:15:45\n\nI fucking called it.\nI win.\nI have defeated the Fuji.\n\nI knew it would be Osiris myth shit.", "pid": 267724041 }, { "sender": "Anon-CEA6", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:15:56\n\n>>267723994 \nAh I knew it was familiar, was never interested in Tokyo revengers I already have a much better gang martial art manga", "pid": 267724046 }, { "sender": "6176-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:16:12\n\n>>267723995 \nSome artists give Kiga-chan absolutely awful faces and I can only imagine self-insertion plays a part in it, if you catch my drift", "pid": 267724053 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4AD9", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:16:27\n\n>>267724041 \nexplain", "pid": 267724062 }, { "sender": "3741-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:17:07\n\n>>267723995 \nAm I the only one that wants to kiss all her moles? I wonder if I should start from the bottom or the top.", "pid": 267724079 }, { "sender": "58BC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:17:49\n\nI am bored of Yoru arc, can we go back to Nayuta? Or maybe Kiga?", "pid": 267724103 }, { "sender": "744C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:18:21\n\n>>267724038 \nyou don't?", "pid": 267724120 }, { "sender": "0F2D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:18:21\n\n>>267724014", "pid": 267724121 }, { "sender": "Anon-3BB5", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:19:13\n\n>>267723682 \nWhy must we suffer like this?", "pid": 267724142 }, { "sender": "F786-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:19:13\n\n>>267724103 \nI am bored of devil I need humans", "pid": 267724143 }, { "sender": "Anon-AA16", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:19:15\n\n>>267723884 \nAm I the only one who cringe when people draw multiple shonen jump characters and then placed a character from a different magazine in the fanart?", "pid": 267724144 }, { "sender": "Anon-F0CA", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:20:12\n\n>>267724144 \nDeath note isn't a shonen?", "pid": 267724169 }, { "sender": "Anon-F59F", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:20:50\n\n>>267723971 \nI guess it depends on how desperate the bureau is. If I had no other options I wouldn’t restrain my only trump card even if I suspected her. Perhaps Yoshida could play a little into Denji’s trauma about Aki, that could be a good way for Fumiko to find out about the Gun devil incident.", "pid": 267724186 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CB9C", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:20:59\n\n>>267724144 \nit's mostly because of similar aesthetic", "pid": 267724191 }, { "sender": "A855-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:21:29\n\n>>267723905 \nShe's Yoshida's trainer. Yoshida will use martial arts in his next fight. Maybe it will happen at the Sushi Place since it will be close quarters.", "pid": 267724199 }, { "sender": "F555-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:21:31\n\n>>267724014", "pid": 267724202 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-247A", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:22:11\n\n>jerks you off \n>\"don't get me wrong, I don't like you at all\" \n \nAbsolutely stone cold. \nAlready 100x hotter than Asa by being a cold hearted bitch. \nHow does Fuji do it?", "pid": 267724223 }, { "sender": "E7CC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:22:24\n\n>>267724186 \nI do think PS should tighten the leash on Quanxi they have her harem's bodies maybe they could threaten to dip one of them in acid", "pid": 267724232 }, { "sender": "Anon-5D3B", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:23:25\n\n>RYONAshida \n>DEATHshida \n>GAYshida \n>YoshiAsa \n>HEROfumi \nTertiaries really don't know how much Yoshidaposting is /csm/ culture.", "pid": 267724262 }, { "sender": "Anon-5DA4", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:23:40\n\n>>267724223 \nYoru is a dude.", "pid": 267724269 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-29B4", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:24:37\n\n>>267724199 \nBoss and big boss \nTho the difference in martial arts isn't that big Yoshida already got crazy hands Quanxi just got better stats. \nHell if I may be controversial I would argue Yoshida is a better martial artist than her she's just faster stronger and more experienced.", "pid": 267724293 }, { "sender": "Anon-1044", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:25:20\n\n>>267724262 \nI am excited for the future all we need is to wait for his return.", "pid": 267724307 }, { "sender": "Anon-63B6", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:25:33\n\nIt really feels like Asa is only allowed to react to anything, that directly (like literally influences) Denji nowadays.\n\nHer reactions in general are so incredibly tame ever since the Falling Devil arc ended, it's against everything early Part 2 established with her character.\n\nShe loses her entire dominant arm and home and Public Safety (Yoshida out of all people) is after her? She doesn't care.\n\nHundred thousands of Chainsaw Man Church members all over the world turned into chainsaw zombies and she is now being framed as a terrorist and can possibly never return to anything resembling a normal life? Well. Whatever. The Chicken Dream being about the many victims apparently has no value anymore.\n\nDenji is Chainsaw Man? Cool, I guess ‍\n\nThen, the moment Denji is directly involved and he cums on her hand: \"Waaah!!! Oh no - he'll think I'm a slut !!! I could've fought back and possibly stopped Yoru but I didn't! Now I'll hit Yoru's head against a wall despite Yoru being in control of the body, which totally doesn't mean I could've stopped Yoru moments ago!\"", "pid": 267724317 }, { "sender": "C631-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:26:13\n\n>>267723787 \nI am the kiggerest. \nI honestly have stopped caring about the other girls completely because she's just so... quiet. \n \n~~Fuji should continue to avoid making her a Rei clone though. She's way more complicated. Evil. Very Makima, but not quite. Definitely her sister.~~", "pid": 267724336 }, { "sender": "Anon-50A4", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:26:54\n\n>>267724336 \nAre you schizoKigger?", "pid": 267724352 }, { "sender": "Anon-499B", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:26:59\n\n>>267724317 \n>It really feels like Asa is only allowed to react to anything, that directly (like literally influences) Denji nowadays. \n \nWhat makes it worse is that even those reactions relating to Denji are just extremely boring and flat. \n \n>She loses her entire dominant arm and home and Public Safety (Yoshida out of all people) is after her? She doesn't care. \n \nThis also reminded me that why didn't Denji doubted about Asa's devil power here? because he should know that Yoshida works with PS and he wouldn't want to cut a hand of a random human out of nowhere. \n \n>Hundred thousands of Chainsaw Man Church members all over the world turned into chainsaw zombies and she is now being framed as a terrorist and can possibly never return to anything resembling a normal life? Well. Whatever. The Chicken Dream being about the many victims apparently has no value anymore. \n \nNO NO NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND the chicken dream was actually referring to us, the victims of Fuji's unnecessary cliffhanger subversion literally every chapter. \n \nBravo Fujimoto, you rock!!!!! \n \n>Then, the moment Denji is directly involved and he cums on her hand: \"Waaah!!! Oh no - he'll think I'm a slut !!! I could've fought back and possibly stopped Yoru but I didn't! Now I'll hit Yoru's head against a wall despite Yoru being in control of the body, which totally doesn't mean I could've stopped Yoru moments ago!\" \n \nHonestly, if she even vomited from embarassment, it would have been a cool chapter, but no. \n \nThe fan chapters are much better written than whatever Fujimoto is cooking.", "pid": 267724357 }, { "sender": "0916-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:27:39\n\n>>267724317 \nAsa a shit I agree.", "pid": 267724374 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7FF4", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:27:58\n\n>>267724144 \nYes, I don't mind those if they're done well. \nIf they're drawn like a 9 yr old, then ok you have a point. \nOtherwise crossovers are fine. They're often humorous.", "pid": 267724381 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF96", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:28:48\n\n>>267724317 \n>>267724357 \n>reddit spacing", "pid": 267724403 }, { "sender": "5D8D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:29:51\n\nNeva forget.", "pid": 267724432 }, { "sender": "Anon-6011", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:29:57\n\nGet your walk on, get your head right\nI know you feelin the shit, shit is dead right\nGet your bounce on, back dat ass up\nBitch pass me the bottle, fill your glass up", "pid": 267724435 }, { "sender": "6EDC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:31:17\n\nFujimoto has made Part 2 focus so much on Denji ever since the Falling Devil arc ended, that we literally don't get shit with Asa and Yoru unless it directly involves and influences Denji.\n\nWe barely had any reaction to:\n\n• the aftermath of the Falling Devil (Yoru and Asa should've confronted their huge discrepancies on-screen but instead they are just chill for whatever reason)\n• their dynamic with Fami and why they decided to trust her and why she continues to trust her even after the Church's downfall\n• becoming a devil hunter (in the beginning of Part 2, Asa wanted to become a Devil Hunter - then in a way she became one and we got nothing out of it)\n• becoming popular (Asa was a total outcast and was jealous of others)\n• losing her entire dominant arm (not only did we get no reaction - we also didn't even see if they tried to get their arm back. Instead we are spending several chapters slicing the immortal Denji into pieces [oh no, how crazy...], reviving him and proceeding as if nothing happened)\n• losing her home, her school life and future career\n• Public Safety (and out of all people, Yoshida) actively being after her\n• being a wanted terrorist on the run now with no possibility of returning to a normal life\n• 300.000+ Chainsaw Man Church members having turned into zombies\n• the church NOT having done what Fami told Asa and Yoru in chapter 135 and instead having caused the polar opposite\n• Denji being Chainsaw Man\n\nThe ONE thing, where Denji is directly involved gets a more elaborate reaction of course (the back-alley incident) - but even that reaction boils down to \"Oh no! What have you done Yoru? I will punch you with my hand despite you being in control of my body, which means I could've stopped you this entire time. Anyways. The only thing that matters is what DENJI will think of me, nothing else.\"\n\nAdditionally, we didn't see what happened to the Room 606 Sword.", "pid": 267724472 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE45", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:31:42\n\n>>267723886 \nShe didn't get arrested. Just decapitated. If Fujimoto really loves Quanxi then she will appear again soon, she's the strongest agent they have we have seen so far. \n \n>>267724293 \nDefinitely, Quanxi has hybrid hacks, but she's been training for who knows many years, good sparring partner for Yoshida and can teach him her own fighting styles she's learned and developed. Fujimoto can't keep making Yoshida run from fights, we need hype.", "pid": 267724486 }, { "sender": "34E6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:32:18\n\nYoru jumps from a building and gets excited over all the chaos and her power-up and instead of doing something with that she just gets off-screened until it's Denji-rescue time \n\nWow. Great job Fujimoto, turning a good Shonen female character into a generic, protagonist-obsessed love interest who lost almost all their independence and is only relevant whenever the protagonist (Denji) needs her to be.", "pid": 267724512 }, { "sender": "5A7C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:32:22\n\n>>267724223 \nSlut", "pid": 267724515 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ABCE", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:34:04\n\nThere's a good chance no altercation will happen at the sushi place despite it being called death by sushi because it seems Denji is slowly getting his needs met so he will eat for sure.\nAll according to Kiga keikaku", "pid": 267724568 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F5D9", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:35:23\n\n>>267724472 \nredditor alert", "pid": 267724603 }, { "sender": "9F92-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:36:45\n\n>>267724317 \nAsa killed csm. we know", "pid": 267724638 }, { "sender": "Anon-D042", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:37:30\n\n>>267724568 \n>another chapter of no story progress \nWOW!!!!! Amazing writing!!!!!!", "pid": 267724649 }, { "sender": "Anon-ECAA", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:37:37\n\nIs Chibigafag the same as PastaKigger?", "pid": 267724652 }, { "sender": "C450-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:39:36\n\n>>267724649 \n>another shonen nigger filtered \nnice", "pid": 267724699 }, { "sender": "F9A2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:39:58\n\n>>267724568 \nThe Sushi arc will be longer than just 1 or 2 chapters. The fights will happen after the first serving of sushi. Public Safety has their own plans and won't bend the knee to Kiga.", "pid": 267724710 }, { "sender": "EBD4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:40:12\n\nAsaden Yoshimiko double date", "pid": 267724716 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8748", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:40:12\n\n>>267724062 \n>be last week before chapter release \n>thought about what fuji could be pulling with the penis shit \n>thought about the myth involving seth with osiris \n \nThe only reason why I thought it was relevant is because it's in many many similar parallel myths and probably in the bible from memory (as a compilation and reinterpretation of those myths). \nIt could probably be relevant to revelations, but I might have to check on that. I haven't been to a religious class in 10+ years. \n \nAnyway, it was something like a fish ate his dick. \nOsiris is relevant to death btw if you didn't know. \n \nI wonder if he'll go Wikipedia wizard deep or ~~/fringe/~~ deep. \nOr maybe further if he's insane and wants to really really fuck with heads. \n~~Mmmmm... pizza.~~ \n~~Also have a seat.~~", "pid": 267724717 }, { "sender": "Anon-0465", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:40:39\n\n> \nyeah definitely schizoKigger", "pid": 267724729 }, { "sender": "6B25-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:41:34\n\n>>267724269 \n>She's also a trap", "pid": 267724754 }, { "sender": "Anon-3264", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:41:44\n\n>>267724699 \n>I LOVE SHIT WRITING", "pid": 267724758 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DCE0", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:42:03\n\n>>267724710 \nHopefully PS's plan is actually good this time \n>>267724717 \nKiga eating Denji's penis?", "pid": 267724764 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A7C", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:42:48\n\n>>267724512 \nYoru is a good protagonist but she has to share a body with a bad one who does nothing but complain and be useless altogether. It’s a shame.", "pid": 267724779 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-610A", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:42:55\n\nyou kiggas be wildin", "pid": 267724782 }, { "sender": "Anon-E702", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:43:11\n\n>>267724758 \n>metly \nuh-oh", "pid": 267724787 }, { "sender": "6817-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:43:31\n\n>>267724352 \nMore of a ~~wizardKigger that just has read too much daemonic shit.~~ \n~~I wasted too much time reading that garbage. You could get more meaning from staring at a wall.~~", "pid": 267724797 }, { "sender": "Anon-8EAD", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:43:54\n\n>>267724779 \nAsa is a good protagonist who has to share a body with a gag character.", "pid": 267724809 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6AAA", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:44:36\n\n>>267724813 \nwhat is she doing?", "pid": 267724826 }, { "sender": "A207-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:45:11\n\n>>267724809 \n>Asa \n>protagonist \nMaybe in the first couple arcs. Now she’s a side character.", "pid": 267724851 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E29D", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:45:34\n\n>>267724813 \ncute brother and sister", "pid": 267724862 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6091", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:46:36\n\n>>267724851 \nYoshida's time to shine.", "pid": 267724891 }, { "sender": "Anon-E0E0", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:46:53\n\n>>267724472 \n>Fujimoto gets praised for being able to write a female character that doesn't just slurp up the MC's cock and has her own motivations and goals \n>Asa ends up exactly like that. \nBased and expectations subverted?", "pid": 267724901 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E161", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:46:54\n\n>>267724716 \n>Yoshimiko \nQuanMiko date, Yoshida on the roof", "pid": 267724902 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FF35", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:47:19\n\n>>267724729 \nNo, schizo is when you say figurative nonsense in a situation that is using a grounded frame of reference which requires a strategy/process of banal citation and empirical evidence. \nThis is CSM, it is permanently flooded and you can barely understand which court it is playing in sometimes. \nBut not so much for me that it becomes complete nonsense. It's starting to feel David Lynch-esque.", "pid": 267724918 }, { "sender": "Anon-80E5", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:47:24\n\n>>267723995 \nGod shes so beautiful", "pid": 267724921 }, { "sender": "D61F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:47:35\n\n>>267724103 \n>can we go back to Nayuta? \nThat would be ideal ngl. That or Deathchan.", "pid": 267724926 }, { "sender": "Anon-486F", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:48:45\n\n>>267724901 \n>Fujimoto gets praised for being able to write a female character that doesn't just slurp up the MC's cock and has her own motivations and goals \nBy xitters who read this coomer manga with eyes clothed?", "pid": 267724953 }, { "sender": "415F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:48:52\n\n>>267724813 \nHottest csm ship for non sissy fendomfags", "pid": 267724956 }, { "sender": "Anon-85DC", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:48:57\n\n> \nYeah I said what I meant and meant what I said", "pid": 267724957 }, { "sender": "79D0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:50:14\n\n>>267724891 \nSurely \n>>267724902 \nQuanxi is in prison rn decapitated", "pid": 267724995 }, { "sender": "39DE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:51:42\n\n>>267715126 \nI actually only read chainshitman while drunk.", "pid": 267725026 }, { "sender": "Anon-DCFD", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:52:06\n\n>>267725026 \nKek", "pid": 267725042 }, { "sender": "Anon-B3E3", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:52:08\n\n>the entire country's internet", "pid": 267725044 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B80B", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:52:16\n\n>>267725026 \n>I'm a dumb retard \nyeah we can tell", "pid": 267725045 }, { "sender": "EE49-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:52:19\n\n>>267724995 \nEnough time has passed for Quanxi to get blood and heal.", "pid": 267725048 }, { "sender": "3A91-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:52:40\n\nLast for Yoshimiko", "pid": 267725058 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-85F3", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:53:45\n\n>>267715815 \nThis is a fujimoto manga so they're doing a marathon of obscure swedish movies from the 1950s.", "pid": 267725088 }, { "sender": "51F4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:53:48\n\n>All these retards trying so hard to bait people", "pid": 267725090 }, { "sender": "D86C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:54:46\n\n>>267725090 \nWhat if I'm not baiting and it's actually my own dogshit opinion? Then what?", "pid": 267725113 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CA6D", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:57:33\n\n>>267724764 \n>Kiga eating Denji's penis? \nI dunno, but I think it's foreshadowing something now. \nI'm trying to figure out what it could. \n \nFish are from rivers. \nRivers and water make things wet. \n \nIt could be something to do with a stabilisation of something through a dramatic chaotic and discordant moment. \nOr the terminus of something. The end of something. \nAnd we just saw this. \n \n ~~Then again, it's kinda obvious right? So there must be more. \nI might look into dream interpretation and analytical psychology. But I really find it hard to buy that crap. This manga really is beginning to feel deeper into that side of things though. \nThe apocalypse could be more of a reference to Denji's fight for his life or something. He's basically the anti-christ at this stage.~~", "pid": 267725187 }, { "sender": "Anon-EFFA", "message": "14/06/2024, 22:01:00\n\n>267724957 \n(haha now you know how it feels) \nYou're a literal retard if you call surreal figurative symbols \"schizo\". \n \nJust because it's creative writing and you might not get it immediately, doesn't mean you have to disregard it as \"mere schizo nonsense\". \nThis is pretty entry level shit 2bh.", "pid": 267725273 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7CAB", "message": "14/06/2024, 22:02:52\n\n>", "pid": 267725324 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-945A", "message": "14/06/2024, 22:31:25\n\n>>267724403 \nthat's not reddit spacing newbitch", "pid": 267726088 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-990C", "message": "14/06/2024, 22:35:13\n\n>>267724813 \nI'm glad Makima killed her.", "pid": 267726184 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-9E2E", "message": "26/07/2024, 06:57:26\n\n>a 2021 study on 4,685 young italian men found the median penis size to be 17cm (DOI:10.1111/and.14053) \nhow do robots measure?", "pid": 78283240 }, { "sender": "0AED-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 06:58:49\n\nI'm a bit over 18cm.", "pid": 78283251 }, { "sender": "B709-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 07:02:11\n\n>>78283240 \nthe same, must've gotten it from my italian grandmother.", "pid": 78283263 }, { "sender": "F299-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 07:05:23\n\n>>78283240 \n19cm length, 15cm girth", "pid": 78283288 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-41C3", "message": "26/07/2024, 07:43:00\n\n>>78283240 \nI'm Italian and mine is about 19 cm. \nI'm also bisexual and have seen dozens of cocks and yes 17 cm seems to be the average size. \nSmall dicks are relatively uncommon here, which is why Italian women just expect you to have a monster cock and if you don't you're considered a freak.", "pid": 78283459 }, { "sender": "CB2F-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 07:44:17\n\n>>78283240 \nThe Italian stallion meme is real for a reason. \nItalians aren't particularly tall either so their dicks really stick out.", "pid": 78283464 }, { "sender": "A158-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 08:04:48\n\n>>78283464 \nthe study measured the average height as 5'10, the same as a white american", "pid": 78283568 }, { "sender": "7418-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 08:05:38\n\nim italian and under average penis size, fuck my incel life", "pid": 78283573 }, { "sender": "B4E5-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 09:09:02\n\n>>78283240 \nit's not about penis size \nwomen do sex tourism in italy and greece because of what the men look like, not because their dicks are 2.1cm longer than yours", "pid": 78283915 }, { "sender": "3F44-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 09:14:41\n\n>>78283915 \nI thought they were manlets?", "pid": 78283943 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-66EA", "message": "26/07/2024, 09:16:37\n\n>>78283943 \naverage height is 5'9, which is pretty much the same as the rest of europe", "pid": 78283954 }, { "sender": "CC74-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 09:17:27\n\n>>78283954 \n dont they prefer 6 foot +? \nAverage height in Nordic countrys is 5 11", "pid": 78283961 }, { "sender": "Anon-4177", "message": "26/07/2024, 09:19:53\n\n>>78283915 \nWhy do old slags do sex tourism in nigger countries instead of pajeet or SEA or central/south America then?", "pid": 78283980 }, { "sender": "0B83-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 09:21:32\n\npenis measurements", "pid": 78283988 }, { "sender": "C980-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 09:21:49\n\n>be Italian robot \n>13 cm length 15.5 cm girth \nWhat went wrong bros", "pid": 78283989 }, { "sender": "7A91-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 09:25:58\n\n>>78283961 \n>>78283980 \nheight is only one part of what women like \nwomen do sex tourism in southern europe because the men are tanned and masculine and hairy and sexually aggressive \nmen in northern europe might be taller, but they're pale and less masculine and have more of a polite culture. \nIf you're already going on vacation, sourthern europe is great because you have the sea, beaches, good weather, good food, better history, etc. It's attractive as a travel destination in the first place, but then also women like the men. It doesn't matter if then men are on average 2\" shorter than in northern europe, there's still plenty of tall men. \nWomen wouldn't do sex tourism in india, SEA, or south america because it's way more dangerous, more foreign, and because western women don't like asian men very much.", "pid": 78284017 }, { "sender": "6416-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 09:32:54\n\nFrom the study it seems smokers have more girth?", "pid": 78284055 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5160", "message": "26/07/2024, 09:39:12\n\n>Each patient was given detailed and illustrated directions on how to measure their penis (erect length and circumference) in flaccidity and in erection, from the lower base to the distal penile tip. Most men measured their penis while alone, using hand stimulation to become erect. All measurements were performed under similar environmental conditions (air-conditioned room and at temperatures varying from 23 to 25C). \n \nSelf reported measurement study. Into the trash it goes.", "pid": 78284096 }, { "sender": "C05C-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 11:22:10\n\nAll the Italiacels in here bragging that they fuck this.\nDon't kid yourselves. There are no attractive female sex tourists in the med. Attractive females don't need to travel for sex.", "pid": 78284809 }, { "sender": "Anon-D106", "message": "26/07/2024, 11:25:23\n\n>>78283459 \nbonepressed or not? also was the study measured bonepressed or not, I'm too lazy to check", "pid": 78284834 }, { "sender": "8A83-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 11:26:01\n\n>>78283240 \nEh, I prefer developing countries because your money goes further. Just be careful about not going to dangerous ones", "pid": 78284842 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4CC7", "message": "26/07/2024, 11:33:47\n\n>>78283240 \nIt's reportedly self-measured so take 1-2 centimeters off, you get 15-16 which is bang average in any first world country \nBelow that you are small everywhere besides India", "pid": 78284896 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-35CF", "message": "26/07/2024, 11:57:06\n\n>>78284017 \nso women like darker things like bbc? \nwow thanks schlomoberg", "pid": 78285071 }, { "sender": "Anon-908D", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:00:23\n\n>>78283961 \nIn italy we use cm not foot, so the 6'0 meme is 180cm", "pid": 78285100 }, { "sender": "2E29-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:01:05\n\n>>78283240 \n>italy is thailand for women \ni find italian people extremely annoying. for me \"thailand for women\" might be eastern europe or germany because men sound attractive when speaking german and slav languages.", "pid": 78285110 }, { "sender": "240C-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 12:49:21\n\n>>78283240 \nWhat about if she goes to Mexico? Please answer", "pid": 78285370 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-76A9", "message": "26/07/2024, 13:09:44\n\n>>78284809 \nThose poor Italians...", "pid": 78285494 }, { "sender": "4D4A-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 13:11:05\n\n18.2 long, 12.4 at the thickest", "pid": 78285507 }, { "sender": "lesbianloserlurker", "message": "26/07/2024, 13:15:59\n\ngod fucking damn it this is what I could've had if I was born male\nthis is what life took from me", "pid": 78285535 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-839D", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:48:54\n\n>>78283240 \n>DOI:10.1111/and.14053 \n>Most men measured their penis while alone \n> meaning self reported stats \nEssentially a dickflation", "pid": 78286657 }, { "sender": "6F08-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:54:01\n\n>>78284096 \nWhy would you lie in an anonymized study? Are guys this retarded? Is the researcher going to bang them or what?", "pid": 78286691 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4C43", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:54:47\n\n>>78283459 \n>Note to self, never go to italy. \nFeels like shit to have a below average while being mostly italian-gened", "pid": 78286700 }, { "sender": "Anon-BB53", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:57:25\n\n>>78286691 \nso you believe the average dick around here is 7.5\"x6\"? cause every dick size thread that's the average.", "pid": 78286732 }, { "sender": "8DE4-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 15:58:24\n\n>>78286732 \nno and everyone here are fucking liarss", "pid": 78286738 }, { "sender": "Anon-48F7", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:10:16\n\n>>78283240 \nI'm italian with a 18cm x 14cm thick dick and I have never held a woman's hand.", "pid": 78286856 }, { "sender": "3CCA-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:11:24\n\n>>78284834 \nItalians don't have the huge fat pads that americans have so bonepressed is basically the same as not", "pid": 78286867 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A6B", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:14:15\n\n>>78286867 \nyour time will be upon you spaghetti people", "pid": 78286886 }, { "sender": "3698-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:55:38\n\n>>78283240 \nI'd rather my wife go to Italy for vacation than Jamaica. \nBWC cuck>bbc cuck", "pid": 78287299 }, { "sender": "1C7A-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:56:20\n\n>>78287299 \n>italian \n>white \nnobody tell hin.", "pid": 78287303 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-01C6", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:58:07\n\n>>78287299 \nthere's a reason why wop and wog are so similarly spelt.", "pid": 78287325 }, { "sender": "7915-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:02:47\n\n>>78283240 \n>self-reported \nyes I'm sure all these italian guys answered honestly", "pid": 78287379 }, { "sender": "Anon-2E24", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:09:57\n\n>>78283240 \n>Self-reported \nSo adjusting for that the average Italian dick size is 5 and a half inches. \n>Most men (62%) who've measured their penises say it's between six and seven inches in length (from base to tip) when fully erect. Specifically, the average penis length of our participants is a self-reported 6.18 inches. When we asked female participants to estimate how large their partner is, they gave us almost exactly the same answer: 6.17 inches. This indicates that women likely believe what their partners tell them or have heard the same information on average penis size as their partners. \n>When you ask men directly about their penis size, they will almost always give you an average of 6.2 inches. However, this number is flawed: because of how much penis size influences a man's self-esteem and self-worth (where large penises are viewed as better), men almost always over-estimate. \n>When measured directly by researchers to minimize the numerous biases that come with self-reporting, the average erect penis size is closer to 5.1 to 5.5 inches. \n", "pid": 78287462 }, { "sender": "3E0C-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:11:32\n\n>>78283240 \nAHAHAHAHA \nTHIS IS THE AVERAGE SHITALIAN \"MAN\" \n \nSHITALIANS ARE THE BIGGEST KEKOLDS", "pid": 78287475 }, { "sender": "Anon-B80E", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:27:46\n\n>>78283240 \nBloody true. I met a Canadian and an American girl in Milan before Covid and, oh boy, the whore in them was strong. I did bang the Canadian tho.", "pid": 78287600 }, { "sender": "Anon-4143", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:31:23\n\n>>78283240 \nI'm italian and its 13.5cm RIP", "pid": 78287637 }, { "sender": "308B-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:36:25\n\n>>78285535 \nno you would be a short midget that would be invisible. \n \nWhenever people talk about men they generalize a extremely small percentage of them. \nI'm italian and do you think italian men are just fucking around hordes of women begging to be coomed inside? no. \nIt's literally just a few gigachad that hang around all the time in tourist location, they are extremely attractive, muscular, good jaw, tall, hunter eyes etc... \n \ngrass is always greener", "pid": 78287682 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A6D4", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:39:39\n\n>>78287462 \nis it anonymous survey? because myself i would report my 14 cm as 16 if it wasnt anonymous. \nWhores cant tell what is left and right they are not going to measure you with a ruler.", "pid": 78287712 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1C26", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:18:50\n\n>>78283240 \ncan confirm this is a lie", "pid": 78288097 }, { "sender": "B378-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:19:50\n\n>>78283240 \nitalian men are just better at passing femoid shit tests with inexplicable and sudden violence", "pid": 78288112 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A9A6", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:22:29\n\n>>78284055 \nNicotine does increase testosterone as long as you're getting NAC in your diet, so it makes sense", "pid": 78288143 }, { "sender": "1650-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:31:04\n\n>>78288143 \nsource on that please", "pid": 78288214 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F2EE", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:41:25\n\n>>78288214 \n>nicotine can directly affect testosterone levels \n \n \nThese show the correlation between nicotine and testosterone. As long as your nutrients and vitamins look good, your body metabolizes it healthily, though if you smoke normal tobacco, you're going to get all the carcinogens, whereas just the nicotine is probably what one would want. \n>NAC affects testosterone \n \n>Conclusion \nNAC and nicotine work synergistically with one another to increase testosterone.", "pid": 78288314 }, { "sender": "Anon-96C4", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:51:30\n\n>>78288314 \nNothing you linked adresses how this combo supposedly interacts. That healthline article even says results are conflicting as for nicotine.", "pid": 78288422 }, { "sender": "27D4-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:53:29\n\nmines smaller but thats because im brown and not white", "pid": 78288448 }, { "sender": "0D38-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:56:56\n\n>>78286691 \nYou gotta look the hot nurse in the eye and tell her your dick size nigga you really think people are not gonna add an inch or two", "pid": 78288488 }, { "sender": "Anon-782A", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:57:18\n\n>>78288422 \nThere's two articles for the nicotine not just the one. You may have missed the pubmed? \n \n>Nicotine binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the brain, resulting in the release of a wide range of neurotransmitters", "pid": 78288491 }, { "sender": "5201-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:58:05\n\n>>78283240 \nI'm bang on six inches which is just over 15cm. Defintely feel small. Honestly I think 7 inches is the minimum for a respectable penis, 8 is ideal though.", "pid": 78288497 }, { "sender": "515C-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:06:51\n\n>>78288497 \nThere's a long list of pro porn stars with 6 inch dicks.", "pid": 78288592 }, { "sender": "FEA9-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:07:40\n\n>>78288592 \nHe is probably a fake 6 incher with bone pressing, angle frauding and ruler frauding and rounding up on top of that", "pid": 78288605 }, { "sender": "C18B-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:08:55\n\n>>78288143 \nNicotine also constricts blood vessels and increases the risk for erectile dysfunction.", "pid": 78288624 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6E9", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:13:54\n\nOdd, that's literally my size, and I'm neighboring Italy. Craziest yet is that my parents say I look kinda asian, so normally you'd think I'd have more Turkic genes in my family tree.", "pid": 78288671 }, { "sender": "23FD-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:14:31\n\n>>78288624 \nJerking off every day increases the risk for erectile dysfunction but I don't see you putting your dick back in your pants. \ncheck em", "pid": 78288677 }, { "sender": "363D-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:15:30\n\n>>78284809 \n>thinks italians want to fuck ignorant tourists \nWhy would we want to mingle with women who view us as nothing besides an exotic vacation sex wise?", "pid": 78288694 }, { "sender": "5449-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:16:39\n\n>>78288677 \nevery poster here has a 8\"x6\" dick and faps 5+ times a day.", "pid": 78288703 }, { "sender": "D9C0-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:18:37\n\n>>78288703 \nI wasn't questioning that, I was just making an observation :c", "pid": 78288727 }, { "sender": "AC39-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:20:15\n\n>>78283240 \nThe same as the wops apparently but I am 3/4 Scottish abd 1/4 ~~Palestinian~~", "pid": 78288749 } ]
Wow, that&#039;s terror
[ { "sender": "Anon-3CEC", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:48:32\n\nWow, that&#039;s terror\n\n>recent news about government shitting their pants and whine cuz \"muh incels\" are the new scapegoat now \n>suddenly, a massive flood of demoralisation threads and just blatant femaleposting about deboonking/hating incels in general \nI'm not a schizo, but just a week ago it was more chill on board than now. Maybe government bot farms are now shilling against us too", "pid": 78287219 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4E47", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:50:17\n\n>>78287219 \nCounterpoint incels are fags and the internet was better before your shitty culture took over imageboards", "pid": 78287237 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CE7D", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:51:26\n\n>>78287219 \nIt comes and goes. This board is favored by troll groups because its relatively unmoderated. Write a decent filterlist and you can get rid of 95% of it since its simple spam. \n>>78287237 \ntrue.", "pid": 78287245 }, { "sender": "8953-Anonymous", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:51:37\n\n>>78287237 \nCounter-counterpoint: You are a newfag from 2018 who is in fact the most cancerous thing to ever happen to the entire internet and you're probably brown too", "pid": 78287250 }, { "sender": "2789-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:51:53\n\n>>78287237 \nIncels were always on the internet. I'm an actual oldfag \n \n>>78287219 \nBecause of covid more women are online than ever. So obviously they will fight against insults. But the exposure is good. It means less births", "pid": 78287254 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8435", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:52:21\n\n>>78287250 \nI've been here over a decade longer than you're guessing you zoomer newfag retard", "pid": 78287263 }, { "sender": "CF04-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 16:59:12\n\n>>78287263 \nYou must have been on /b/ because we had more incels, more vocal, ten years back. But just calling themselves robots, awkward, losers, hikis, neets, virgins, loveshy, ect. Only the name is newer", "pid": 78287341 }, { "sender": "1DFF-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:02:17\n\n>>78287219 \n>>suddenly, \nWhat are you talking about, we had this for years now.", "pid": 78287373 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C3F0", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:04:00\n\n>>78287341 \nNewfags who watch internet historian really get hung up on the definition of incel thing. They really think it wasn't the exact same shit just without the term incel. \n \nIn fact the term robot and incel is almost 1:1 the only difference being robots are more autistic oriented while incels are more looks oriented. Both have always hated women.", "pid": 78287398 }, { "sender": "Anon-7444", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:30:49\n\n>>78287398 \nYea. I completely agree. When incels got big, they called robots/autistic people who mingled with them mentalcels, if they judged them to be attractive enough. And mentalcels are generally pushed out if they refuse to take the blackpill eventually", "pid": 78287629 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B7E", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:32:09\n\n>>78287629 \nThere are other types of mentalcels, schizoid, schizophrenics, the voice hearers, etc. But it's a lot of autistic people who can overlap with blackpilled incels because of dating problems", "pid": 78287645 }, { "sender": "Anon-6F53", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:40:13\n\nLike, how I would imagine this situation \n>\"Why do we not breed? Who is responsible for that?\" - says big government boomer guy \n>\"Incels, sir. They are bad on the Internet and harass women or something, idk I'm not into that shit I just ask my subordinates to do research\" \n>\"Well, do something, so we will have a reason to steal gov money again!\" - yells delusional boomer \n>then officials trigger bot farms to word \"incel\" and hire shills to push their agenda in society \n>in the next year they will announce it publically, making everyone who's not serving the pussy, NWO and don't want to die for Israel an enemy of the state \n>since normies are already indoctrinated by shills, there is no cry about incels/neets/undesirable when they will be hunted down", "pid": 78287718 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D42B", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:50:37\n\n>>78287718 \nI mean he's kind of right. Incel and normies ideology overlap because autistic people took normie culture and modified it to create incel culture. All you have to do is listen to Andrew Tate. He's a perfect example of an autistic person who took normie culture and modified it to be exactly what normies want, so the birth rate would plummet, if they want to admit they caused it and wanted it or not. That's why the word incel means involuntary celibate. The involuntary part means someone else, outside of themselves, is choosing that for them. Which makes total sense, because consent", "pid": 78287811 }, { "sender": "99F0-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 17:59:54\n\n>>78287398 \n>In fact the term robot and incel is almost 1:1 the only difference being robots are more autistic oriented while incels are more looks oriented. \nAnd it's an important distinction Reddit incels are otherwise complete normalfags, which is why they shit up the board.", "pid": 78287905 }, { "sender": "F986-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:22:56\n\n>>78287905 \nThe most powerful incels are technically normalfags, from a certain perspective, because they are extremely wealthy", "pid": 78288147 }, { "sender": "Anon-E25B", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:27:39\n\n>>78288147 \nFirst it's \"I'm just rly smart, I swear\" but then it's having to beg Gaza not to prosecute us for human shielding war crimes because the local police refuse to fall off our dicks", "pid": 78288189 }, { "sender": "Anon-9AFA", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:33:34\n\n>>78287219 \n>but just a week ago it was more chill on board than now \nInternet trends and fads sweep through all of social media, and 4chan has been included in this for nearly 8 years. \n \nThe days of being detached from the normie-net are long over. Also it's a well-known fact a third of internet content is completely fake (generated by non-human intelligence), and it simply suits whatever is currently being discussed or whatever forced discussion is being imposed on the internet.", "pid": 78288229 }, { "sender": "29BC-Anon", "message": "26/07/2024, 18:47:31\n\n>>78288229 \nWell the big difference between reddit and here is that here is anonymous. That's the big difference between anon chan boards and anywhere online that requires a profile. And that's been brought up in court relentlessly. But chan boards were expressly designed to be anonymous", "pid": 78288381 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-259E", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:01:45\n\n>>78287645 \nSchizophrenia sucks man. I have a gf now but I'm always afraid my insanity will mess it up. Just because you have a gf doesn't mean everything gets solved", "pid": 78288543 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7590", "message": "26/07/2024, 19:44:22\n\n>>78287237 \n>took over \nMan you must be some of the newest of newfags. \nPeople were calling each other virgins when this site wasn't even reliably up.", "pid": 78289020 } ]
[ { "sender": "B79D-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:22:06\n\nFor reasons I wonrt go into here, I really need to win the powersball lottery \n\nOk now this is the weird part. Lets say you had a schroader box, your lotto ticket in in the box but it has already been drawn the numbers.\n\nYou have no way of knowing if the ticket is a winner until the wave field collapses and you look at the ticket.\n\nMy question is what ways can increase the odds of winning before you open that box?\n\nI already have the ticket", "pid": 16266850 }, { "sender": "CA45-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 00:33:11\n\ndo a fancy dance in order to make the black box chuckle", "pid": 16266932 }, { "sender": "434C-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 00:45:16\n\n>>16266932 \nVoodo science. Just piss in a bottle add finger nails and a female Pubic hair and you will see the riches. Das right", "pid": 16266950 }, { "sender": "F97B-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:52:29\n\n>>16266950 \n>female Pubic hair \nWhere on earth is OP likely to get his hands on such a substance ?", "pid": 16267160 }, { "sender": "D25E-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:56:15\n\n>>16267160 \nconvert, trim some of his own pubes,then convert back", "pid": 16267164 }, { "sender": "F281-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:28:38\n\n>>16267164 \nsurely that would never work", "pid": 16267204 }, { "sender": "3829-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:47:29\n\n>>16266850 \nJust don't ever open the box, so you can always assume its a winner.", "pid": 16267216 }, { "sender": "EB49-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 13:26:13\n\n>>16267216 \nI am in this position right now. \n \nTrouble is, I need the money to save the planet so I have to check the numbers soon. \n \nWhat is the best way though ?", "pid": 16267579 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C9B8", "message": "04/07/2024, 13:45:41\n\n>>16267579 \nIf dubs then checkem", "pid": 16267590 }, { "sender": "Anon-7845", "message": "04/07/2024, 17:12:42\n\nIs it better to check the ticket when you are already in a bad mood so it doesnt ruin a good mood when you see its not win?", "pid": 16267808 }, { "sender": "EE5D-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 17:24:02\n\n>>16266850 \n \n>The contents of the box don't become real until we open the box. \n \nThis voodoo shit seriously passes as science?", "pid": 16267820 }, { "sender": "CF95-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 18:31:34\n\n>>16267820 \nIts the hiezenburg unclertainly principal and it is misunderstood at best", "pid": 16267894 }, { "sender": "A0A9-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 20:20:44\n\nNot checking to see if I won or not is like edging.", "pid": 16268042 }, { "sender": "Anon-6805", "message": "04/07/2024, 23:43:22\n\nGuys I think I might be ready to collapse the old wave form and check if you know what I am saying", "pid": 16268246 }, { "sender": "9E90-Anon", "message": "05/07/2024, 03:25:03\n\nbubp3", "pid": 16268401 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD1A", "message": "05/07/2024, 13:21:22\n\nI still have not checked my ticket\n\nAm I increasing my odds?", "pid": 16268939 }, { "sender": "AE02-Anonymous", "message": "05/07/2024, 13:46:36\n\n>>16268939 \n \nNo because enough other minds have already observed enough of the waves to cause a collapse. Better luck next time.", "pid": 16268965 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DEF8", "message": "05/07/2024, 14:26:21\n\n>>16268965 \nThey have observen the numbers that has been picked, but they have not obsve my ticket", "pid": 16268995 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE3A", "message": "05/07/2024, 15:09:50\n\n>>16268995 \n \nTheir computer knows how many winning tickets are out there. And you don't got one. The lottery is rigged anyway. All the \"winners\" are family members and shit.", "pid": 16269018 }, { "sender": "Anon-1D26", "message": "05/07/2024, 19:14:11\n\n>>16269018 \nthe computer cannot be the observer only its a window until it gets looked through", "pid": 16269340 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-66B7", "message": "05/07/2024, 19:30:38\n\n>>16266850 \n>My question is what ways can increase the odds of winning before you open that box? \nBy checking these dubs", "pid": 16269363 }, { "sender": "510F-Anon", "message": "06/07/2024, 00:59:57\n\n>>16269363 \nAnon you failed to acheve the dubs you had worked so hard to obtain", "pid": 16269764 }, { "sender": "Anon-7398", "message": "06/07/2024, 02:03:08\n\nI should have collapse it hours ago when I was feeling so much confidence in who I am as a person \n\nNow all that is gone \n\nShould I wait for it to come back?\n\nI really need this money", "pid": 16269817 }, { "sender": "B594-Anonymous", "message": "06/07/2024, 02:26:52\n\n>>16269817 \n>Should I wait for it to come back? \nBy this I mean my confidence \n \nAlso what about taking a huge dose of mushrooms and then checking? \n \nI am really just trying to think outside the box here", "pid": 16269832 }, { "sender": "7CEC-Anon", "message": "06/07/2024, 05:50:01\n\n>>16266850 \nYes, what you can do is perform a double-slit experiment in order to entangle yourself to the lottery system via the ticket you have purchased. \n \nYou need to get 2 polarized films and a light source like a flashlight. Put the polarized films on the ticket so that the ticket is obscured. Then flash the flashlight onto the films and move the films around so that photons which have been put in a state of superposition energize the ticket. Make sure to keep the polarized films in motion in order to energize the ticket with as many photons in superposition as possible. \n \nThe more you energize the ticket while performing your observation, the more the equations of the Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle will balance in your favor. If you do this consistently, you will be in the money.", "pid": 16270025 }, { "sender": "97CE-Anon", "message": "06/07/2024, 11:41:52\n\n>>16270025 \nthis all seems pretty compicated \nis there a diagram of this process on the internets somewhere?", "pid": 16270191 }, { "sender": "E2FC-Anonymous", "message": "06/07/2024, 12:39:47\n\n>>16266850 \n \n>Human minds create reality by observing it and stuff. \n \nPeople actually fell for this? The contents of the box are already decided whether \"magical human consciousness\" observes it or not.", "pid": 16270239 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-05A9", "message": "06/07/2024, 12:40:48\n\n>>16270239 \n \nWhat if a retard looks at it. Do the waves still collapse?", "pid": 16270241 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-116A", "message": "06/07/2024, 12:45:51\n\n>>16270239 \n \nDoes observer wave collapse prove solipsism? When I'm not looking at something it's not real. It only becomes real when I look at it and the waves collapse?", "pid": 16270244 }, { "sender": "2AA2-Anon", "message": "06/07/2024, 12:57:12\n\n>>16270244 \nyes. its meant to be a hint proving that we are all in a similation", "pid": 16270256 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F065", "message": "06/07/2024, 13:26:21\n\n>>16270256 \n>>16270244 \nIts like that movie Abre Los Ojos where the simulation keeps trying to hint to you that its time to wake up", "pid": 16270282 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7BCC", "message": "06/07/2024, 13:32:12\n\n>>16266850 \n>You have no way of knowing if the ticket is a winner until the wave field collapses and you look at the ticket. \n \nWrong, because the numbers are already on the ticket and thus the answer is already known, the wave function collapsed as soon as reality began", "pid": 16270289 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-792C", "message": "06/07/2024, 13:47:28\n\n>>16270289 \n \nBut you don't KNOW that. Reality only becomes reality once someone KNOWS it. The slit experiment says so!", "pid": 16270295 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F80", "message": "06/07/2024, 14:00:05\n\n>>16270295 \nThe fact that reality exists and there is information about its existence necessitates that the information is already known", "pid": 16270304 }, { "sender": "Anon-BAC6", "message": "06/07/2024, 14:05:23\n\nThe problem with your premise is an external entity already knowing the state of the content in the box.\nYou don't know, but that wave field already collapsed", "pid": 16270309 }, { "sender": "F281-Anonymous", "message": "06/07/2024, 14:29:38\n\n>>16270304 \nfalse", "pid": 16270342 }, { "sender": "Anon-A2CE", "message": "06/07/2024, 14:42:07\n\n>>16270342 \nRead it again slowly lil' crayon eating nigga, you'll figure it out eventually.", "pid": 16270351 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0A70", "message": "06/07/2024, 15:13:56\n\n>>16270304 \n \n>If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it. Yes it still makes a sound! \n \nNot according to quantum mechanics. Get mad.", "pid": 16270374 }, { "sender": "973C-Anonymous", "message": "06/07/2024, 15:22:23\n\n>>16266850 \nIn a day or so after the draw happens you'll see the billboard adverts with the jackpot amount go up because of no winner so the box is useless and a very stupid idea.", "pid": 16270380 }, { "sender": "2B37-Anon", "message": "06/07/2024, 16:16:22\n\n>>16270380 \nBut not from the perspective of my ticket", "pid": 16270427 }, { "sender": "Anon-A01E", "message": "06/07/2024, 17:41:25\n\nI have not checked but I am looking over the numbers now and they look like pretty good ones", "pid": 16270508 }, { "sender": "Anon-15BE", "message": "06/07/2024, 18:14:31\n\nwell I collapse the waveform and there was nothing in it.\nthese retarded numbers are not even close \n\nI am so dissapointed", "pid": 16270549 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CB45", "message": "06/07/2024, 18:19:32\n\n>>16266850 \nThe numbers were already observed by their system, it collapsed as soon as it existed. Quantum theory doesn't apply to only you just because you are a solopsistic tardwrangler. Gambling is for dumbs, go kill your self", "pid": 16270553 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6F13", "message": "06/07/2024, 18:40:15\n\n>>16270553 \nDo you have a better way for me to get tens of millions of dollars this summer with no resources ? \nIf so I am all ears", "pid": 16270571 }, { "sender": "Anon-BD92", "message": "06/07/2024, 18:56:20\n\n>>16270571 \nWork for it, like everyone else, pussy", "pid": 16270587 }, { "sender": "15FA-Anonymous", "message": "06/07/2024, 20:06:45\n\n>>16270587 \nWork for tens of millions of dollars? \n \nNo, everyone ese is not doing that at all", "pid": 16270674 }, { "sender": "B55A-Anonymous", "message": "07/07/2024, 11:49:50\n\n>>16270571 \nthat cant taste good", "pid": 16271384 }, { "sender": "C6AC-Anon", "message": "08/07/2024, 06:30:03\n\n>>16266850 \nI have had a super retarded idea about how to win the lottery using luck. Have you ever had a string of bad luck? You get fired, you get a speeding ticket, you get evicted...whats next? Life sucks and it just seems like bad things keep happening. And then something good finally happens, the lady at the grocery store gives you $5 bucks for some reason, maybe a super hot waitress gives you her number. \n \nWhat I'm saying is that eventually bad luck will flip, what if you could position your self for the turn around? What if you could time your luck? What if things have gotten about as bad as they can and then you avoid contact with people, you avoid going anywhere so that your life can be on hold momentarily and then when the timing is right go get the lottery ticket. \n \nI realize statistically your chances don't change but in some sort of algorithmic karma way this make sense to me.", "pid": 16272540 }, { "sender": "Anon-F1DE", "message": "08/07/2024, 13:29:44\n\n>>16272540 \n>a super hot waitress gives you her number. \n>>16272540 \nfalse", "pid": 16272772 }, { "sender": "Anon-5039", "message": "08/07/2024, 17:49:13\n\n>>16270549 \nThe only real way to increase your chances is to buy more tickets. \n \n1 in 300m with 1 ticket \n1 in 600k with 500 tickets.", "pid": 16273027 }, { "sender": "414D-Anon", "message": "08/07/2024, 23:06:30\n\n>>16266850 \nYou are almost as dumb as one of these one-boxing retards in Newcombs paradox. \n What has already happened can’t be changed. \nSchroedingers thought experiment is also about showing how absurd that is, rather than \"demonstrating“ it.", "pid": 16273371 }, { "sender": "CE0B-Anonymous", "message": "08/07/2024, 23:38:57\n\n>>16273371 \nI dont thing you uderstand the double slit", "pid": 16273415 }, { "sender": "41AF-Anonymous", "message": "09/07/2024, 00:42:24\n\n>>16270549 \nYou did it wrong holy shit", "pid": 16273503 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3F4C", "message": "09/07/2024, 16:37:39\n\n>>16273371 \nholy fuck a two boxer \nyou're a retard", "pid": 16274348 }, { "sender": "Anon-B17F", "message": "09/07/2024, 16:38:13\n\n>>16273371 \nEnjoy never getting the million dollars dipshit", "pid": 16274349 }, { "sender": "Anon-5109", "message": "10/07/2024, 05:10:06\n\n>>16273027 \none is 600k will still not be a winner", "pid": 16275595 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8B4C", "message": "10/07/2024, 12:34:49\n\nI am back in the same situation with a mega million ticket\n\n\nNo idea what to do to make it good\nThe drawing was last night I think", "pid": 16275919 }, { "sender": "1DEC-Anonymous", "message": "10/07/2024, 13:10:47\n\n>>16271384 \nThey no longer exist since he was cancelled \nAlso they made people fart real bad", "pid": 16275968 }, { "sender": "Anon-3F17", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:45:38\n\n>>16275919 \nThose mega million did not pay off", "pid": 16276724 }, { "sender": "1761-Anonymous", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:55:36\n\n>>16270374 \nThere is no way for anything to happen without making a sound, retard", "pid": 16276730 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7EB0", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:36:19\n\n>>16276730 \nYou dont understand about that no one was able to hear it anon", "pid": 16276793 }, { "sender": "03A7-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:24:50\n\n>>16276793 \nEverything which interacts is capable of \"hearing\"", "pid": 16276826 }, { "sender": "4A21-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 17:25:45\n\n>>16276826 \nYes...right there Aaron...yes", "pid": 16277533 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CDC3", "message": "12/07/2024, 13:43:36\n\n>>16276826 \nfalse, it has to comprehend as well", "pid": 16278737 }, { "sender": "7889-Anonymous", "message": "14/07/2024, 00:35:47\n\nIs it even worth the two bucks for all this heartache?", "pid": 16280853 }, { "sender": "Anon-7E2E", "message": "14/07/2024, 01:10:42\n\n>>16266850 \nI've done some experiments with this. I kept having premonitive dreams so whenever I have one that features something that I don't want to happen (i.e a death) I make sure to tell everyone as soon as possible because if it comes true I will have made a documented accurate prediction of the future which can't possibly happen. So far has worked. In a similar vein I will bet on England to lose the Euros tomorrow.", "pid": 16280876 }, { "sender": "Anon-1348", "message": "14/07/2024, 01:46:16\n\n>>16280876 \nHow can I shift that strategy to win the lottery ?", "pid": 16280889 }, { "sender": "24D0-Anon", "message": "14/07/2024, 15:07:53\n\n>>16280876 \n>I've done some experiments with this \nwhat kinds of equipment are you using?", "pid": 16281400 } ]
The Truth
[ { "sender": "C167-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:55:38\n\nThe Truth\n\nNot a lot of people would complain about AEW's flippy circus routines if they had competent camerawork", "pid": 15308089 }, { "sender": "925C-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:59:53\n\nblame the commentary. if mike tenay and don west were on the booth, they would sell that shit to you better than a sleazy car salesman", "pid": 15308139 }, { "sender": "Anon-A15A", "message": "23/07/2024, 03:22:07\n\n>>15308089 \nthe truth is that people only hate AEW because they were the biggest threat to WWE in a long time and faggots on here love console wars \nthey're not really a threat anymore but the resentment carried over \nimagine pdub during the monday night wars, it would be 100x worse than today. if this was the early 2000s and TNA had just sprung up, it would be getting the same treatment.", "pid": 15308335 }, { "sender": "E576-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 03:33:55\n\n>>15308089 \nIt's the fans looking to start arguments that kill me. Any disagreement with anything and you're an ebil cultist/racist/Nazi... That's all it takes to lose my business and viewership. A normie will throw bants, not try to alienate people. So many are warped and don't realize they're losing friends and support being so slovenly gross. But hey, good luck with the constant no millies and WWE retirees! At least you're keeping it REAL, like real SICKOS. Good job, you've made wrestling even more of a laughingstock.", "pid": 15308400 }, { "sender": "Anon-162F", "message": "23/07/2024, 03:42:07\n\n>>15308335 \ni hate aew because it has been a terrible waste of a once-in-history opportunity: unlimited funds to put together a good wrestling show on tv. it should have been so much better than this.", "pid": 15308444 }, { "sender": "976F-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 03:44:59\n\n>>15308089 \n>Not a lot of people would complain about AEW's flippy circus routines if they had competent camerawork", "pid": 15308458 }, { "sender": "6E9F-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 03:57:29\n\n>>15308458 \nBronco buster tier gayness. 'Member when there was two good feds and some if some fag came on one you'd just switch to the other. You'd think if they considered themselves ACTUAL competition, Tiny would get them a TV deal somewhere with his infinite money to ACTUALLY compete, head-to-head. But he needs that Sheldon rub (for all the good it does). \n \nKWAB", "pid": 15308537 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-567F", "message": "23/07/2024, 04:18:32\n\n>>15308335 \n>the truth is \n>blatant lie \nJesus.", "pid": 15308671 }, { "sender": "0934-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 04:31:41\n\n>>15308335 \n>the truth is that people only hate AEW because they were the biggest threat to WWE in a long time \nWhat kind of revisionist history is this? People fucking loved AEW in the beginning because WWE 2019 was god awful and it seemed like AEW could potentially save wrestling and lead to a new boom era. The hate for AEW only began when things started to turn rotten; Cody's TNT title run spinning out of control, the exploding ring that didn't explode, the many burials of Wardlow, pointless cold matches piling up, ORANGECASSIDYWINSLOL, TV time being hogged by literally whos, Danielson getting totally wasted, the Brawl Out fiasco, etc. etc. etc.", "pid": 15308739 }, { "sender": "Anon-4CEB", "message": "23/07/2024, 04:32:06\n\n>>15308089 \nThis actually is the truth for once. Their production is god awful.", "pid": 15308742 }, { "sender": "CAA6-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 04:33:16\n\nYou need to go to CKY", "pid": 15308747 }, { "sender": "Anon-9370", "message": "23/07/2024, 04:47:25\n\n>>15308739 \nYes. Completely took any goodwill and squandered it being tards.", "pid": 15308811 }, { "sender": "Trooth Bombz &quot;don&#039;t it figga i&#039;m dat nigga&quot; from /asp/", "message": "23/07/2024, 04:48:41\n\nRed ass nigga lookin bad yo wtf", "pid": 15308822 }, { "sender": "9DD1-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 04:51:49\n\n>>15308747 \nI love watching CKY 2 with Bam and the crew. Their shit was dimes.", "pid": 15308836 }, { "sender": "592E-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:16:55\n\n>>15308089 \ntrue kevin sullivan at least tried but then he retired", "pid": 15308952 }, { "sender": "Anon-09FE", "message": "23/07/2024, 06:04:18\n\n>>15308952 \nwhat does the benoit family murderer have to do with this?", "pid": 15309147 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8195", "message": "23/07/2024, 06:10:19\n\nThis is mai ferst poast. I dont know how too reed er rite butt wai doo i olweis see diss vejee tayls bawb tha tomaytow awn dis bord?", "pid": 15309176 }, { "sender": "5E0A-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 06:24:04\n\n>>15309176 \n>don't wanna believe it's real, but....", "pid": 15309208 }, { "sender": "C05F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:40:10\n\n>>15309176 \nyuo tellmi", "pid": 15310881 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-CE6F", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:09:57\n\nthey ruined this match just by making it a special guest referee", "pid": 15306203 }, { "sender": "5DA6-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:10:41\n\n>>15306203 \ncm fag will still manage to injure himself in it", "pid": 15306227 }, { "sender": "Anon-5C4C", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:13:25\n\nseth has always been involved in the feud since day 1 though", "pid": 15306272 }, { "sender": "Anon-FCDB", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:15:09\n\n>>15306203 \nYep \nBut Haitch had to put this boy on the card somehow", "pid": 15306289 }, { "sender": "Anon-F96D", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:15:13\n\n>>15306203 \nNo one cares fag.", "pid": 15306291 }, { "sender": "901C-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:16:15\n\n>>15306203 \nPunk is getting reinjured either way so who cares", "pid": 15306306 }, { "sender": "Anon-A186", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:25:13\n\n>>15306203 \nKek these piggies squealing and hoping CM GOAT injures himself", "pid": 15306505 }, { "sender": "9CE6-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:26:40\n\n>>15306203 \ni like that seths gonna be ref :)", "pid": 15306531 }, { "sender": "1883-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:27:03\n\n>>15306203 \nWait, I thought Punk couldn't get cleared? \nPDS is a hell of a thing", "pid": 15306540 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0EFF", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:31:44\n\n>>15306203 \nnow they can have Mcintyre win, why are you crying \n>I-I-I wanted Mcintyre to win clean \nThat was never gonna happen faggot and you know it.", "pid": 15306649 }, { "sender": "EC60-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:33:11\n\n>>15306649 \nHas there been a match with top guys where the winner wins clean lately in wwe?", "pid": 15306666 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-14F7", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:35:23\n\n>>15306666 \nCody hasn't had a dirty victory in forever", "pid": 15306708 }, { "sender": "Loooook in my eyes", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:38:23\n\n>time to turn off the watchwrestling site, because Punk is off the screen. \n \nLet's recap what happened. \n \n1. Pepsiman shows the crowd close to the hard cam side of the arena on purpose - to assert dominance over gayEW and prove that whenever he's featured, the arenas are packed. \n \n2.CM stands for Cleared Medically \n \n3. A guy in Jim Cornette shirt appears \n \n4. YOU EAT CORN THE LONG WAY sign makes its debut \n \n5. Insert name of town \n \n6. Where's Punks energy ? Did Roxanne rejected his Starbucks gift card? Why is the only attraction in that company so visibly upset/confused ? \n \n7. Galloway is ok \n \n8. Adam Pierce can't cut a promo, but finally SUMMERSLAM is worth tuning in. \n \n9. That tranny comes in \n \n10. The bisexual Hugo Chaves can't cut a promo either \n \n11. That's it ? I waited a week for that ? \n \nCan't they make the promos longer ? \n \nGunter-priest was short too... the FED is making filler episodes now ? What is this disney+ ? \n \nFucking Gay episode . \n \n>but all in all, finally there's gonna be some WRASSLIN in that deadbeat company once PepsiPhil returns, and I'm glad he finally looks normal and not like a junkie with short hair. \n \nThen . Now. Forever. Together. Changing the chanell.", "pid": 15306761 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B252", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:39:26\n\n>>15306203 \nThey're clearly building to a series of matches here. Even without adding a Special Guest Referee stipulation, this match was always going to end with some kind of dirty finish so they can build to the inevitable rematch, and final rubber match (probably at WrestleMania next year).", "pid": 15306786 }, { "sender": "Anon-BDD8", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:40:54\n\n>>15306761 \n>I'm glad he finally looks normal and not like a junkie with short hair. \nHe’s on prozac now", "pid": 15306830 }, { "sender": "7375-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:41:30\n\n>>15306649 \nstfu triple h", "pid": 15306841 }, { "sender": "Anon-C8D8", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:43:04\n\n>>15306786 \n>They're clearly building to a series of matches here \nAnd what happens when he tears his triceps for the third time in three years?", "pid": 15306869 }, { "sender": "Loooook in my eyes", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:45:34\n\n>>15306830 \n \nDr.Amman....whatever happenned there...", "pid": 15306927 }, { "sender": "Anon-05B0", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:46:55\n\n>>15306761 \nCan you stop being a fag?", "pid": 15306961 }, { "sender": "Loooook in my eyes", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:47:52\n\n>>15306289 \nImagine ruining the only needle moving segment besides literal soft core on your show .....Triple Aids is just Tiny con with muscles and friends", "pid": 15306977 }, { "sender": "1640-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:49:54\n\n>>15306927 \n>>I'll tell you one thing, and I'm not ashamed to say it, my estimation of Phil Brooks as a man… just fuckin' plummeted.", "pid": 15307019 }, { "sender": "48E3-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:09:01\n\n>>15306786 \n>another slow burn \nJeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez no wonder audience numbers keeps dropping", "pid": 15307424 }, { "sender": "Anon-C72D", "message": "23/07/2024, 03:57:49\n\n>>15307019", "pid": 15308540 }, { "sender": "Anon-39D1", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:33:39\n\n>>15306977 \n>implying this is the end of the feud", "pid": 15309022 }, { "sender": "Anon-0720", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:34:25\n\n>>15309022 \ngrim", "pid": 15309026 }, { "sender": "Anon-54F8", "message": "23/07/2024, 07:34:31\n\n>>15306203 \nits pretty obvious theirs gonna be a rematch at Bad Blood with a Seth/Punk match in between", "pid": 15309438 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8B63", "message": "23/07/2024, 07:58:48\n\n>>15309438 \ngrim", "pid": 15309481 }, { "sender": "0BEF-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:23:48\n\n>>15306649 \nHe’s gonna lose, even with a ref on his side and you know it. This is going to be phenomenal Philwank.", "pid": 15309704 }, { "sender": "Anon-0A2B", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:53:53\n\n>>15306203 \nit was already ruined by having a match with punk and a match with dewww", "pid": 15309841 }, { "sender": "92F8-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:10:49\n\n>seff screws drew \nOh boy.", "pid": 15309915 }, { "sender": "024C-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:13:23\n\n>>15306761 \nyou gotta go back brotha", "pid": 15309932 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AA81", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:13:45\n\nIt's to build up the triple match in Berlin", "pid": 15309934 }, { "sender": "58FD-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:36:20\n\n>>15309934 \n>buff white guy and armenian araboid getting pinned by a jew in the heart of the third reich \nAri’s booking this shit.", "pid": 15310036 }, { "sender": "019F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:10:15\n\nWho", "pid": 15310138 }, { "sender": "AFC5-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:11:46\n\n>>15306203 \nCM PUNK REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY ... REALLY need to shave his \"beard\"", "pid": 15310149 }, { "sender": "024C-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:39:54\n\n>>15306708 \nthis anon skipped wrestlemania", "pid": 15310280 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-5C40", "message": "22/07/2024, 22:34:17\n\nMLW GENERAL THREAD\n\nLook bros, our fed is dying. Make a comment. Any comment about the state of MLW. Favorite recent matches, shows, anything. Anything to help catch some steam.", "pid": 15304039 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-76AD", "message": "22/07/2024, 22:35:36\n\n>outlaw bullshit \n \ndon't care, not watching and you're a fucking faggot. get off my fucking board you monkey.", "pid": 15304048 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A06C", "message": "22/07/2024, 22:38:13\n\n>>15304039 \nSdlR makes me diamonds \n \nShe is a rising threat to my crotchal region", "pid": 15304065 }, { "sender": "Anon-649F", "message": "22/07/2024, 22:38:46\n\n>>15304039 \nthe damage AEW has done to indie wrestling will never be acknowledged by obese subhuman smarks who always claimed to care about the state of indie wrestling", "pid": 15304073 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-010C", "message": "22/07/2024, 22:51:20\n\n>the damage aew has done \nlol, lmao even", "pid": 15304175 }, { "sender": "B898-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:07:06\n\n>>15304175 \nProbably the reason Stephanie left the first time", "pid": 15304332 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7B5F", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:08:16\n\n>>15304175 \nhow many cases does the weinstein fed have to settle per year", "pid": 15304346 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9694", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:14:15\n\n>>15304346 \nThey spent 3 million dollars of that money in signing Riddle, assuming he would be able to carry the company alone through name recognition but things flopped big time and attendance in fact went down. \n \nThis company needs WWE's support or they've got about 2 years left in business at best.", "pid": 15304390 }, { "sender": "F773-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:17:59\n\n>>15304390 \nThat was retarded, imagine signing a guy who already proved they he would put doing drugs over work.", "pid": 15304422 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B1E", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:19:26\n\n>>15304039 \nwhat makes you say it's dying?", "pid": 15304440 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DA6A", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:32:14\n\n>>15304073 \n>aew \nLol. Dronie hasn't seen the truth", "pid": 15304543 }, { "sender": "8A92-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:32:55\n\n>>15304039 \nRiddle's AIDS is getting worse", "pid": 15304552 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BC4E", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:02:04\n\n>>15304039 \nI do wonder how much longer MLW and NWA for that matter can keep going", "pid": 15304830 }, { "sender": "BADASS Anonymage", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:11:47\n\n>>15304039 \nRiddle's face looks covered in semen", "pid": 15305063 }, { "sender": "829A-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:19:18\n\n>>15304440 \nThe Riddle investment didn't work out. It was supposed to be a huge thing. Biggest signing in MLW history. A WWE upper midcarder still in his prime. Except the company never grew. They're basically the same company they were 5 years ago despite having a much stronger roster. \n \nIf you look at the attendance numbers and compare them to how much money guys like Riddle and Calahan are making, they're losing a lot of money.", "pid": 15305213 }, { "sender": "ProWresBlog", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:51:16\n\nI was a pretty big fan of MLW a few years ago but I haven't been watching.\n\nI don't have much interest in only watching a show every month. You can't build storylines easy that way and you just can't do wrestling the way it is supposed to be done. But I get it. They were putting a lot of effort and money into producing weekly TV and nobody really wanted it or cared.\n\nThe lucha guys and Japanese guys don't interest me much in 2024. If I want to watch Mistico, he's on CMLL 4 days a week. Why do I need to tune into MLW to see him?\n\nI also really don't want to see the women. The top girls are all taken and MLW only has the leftovers to choose from, who aren't good. If they were training their own girls, I'd have to watch as I could only see them in MLW. But they use the same women everyone else does.\n\nI do feel bad for them though. They were putting out a good product and couldn't get anywhere with it.", "pid": 15305810 }, { "sender": "BB54-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:53:51\n\n>>15304065 \nZelina Vega but better", "pid": 15305874 }, { "sender": "C0AD-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:04:27\n\n>>15305874", "pid": 15307341 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8EB1", "message": "23/07/2024, 03:45:06\n\n>>15305213 \n>spending big money on riddle and callihan \nCallihan is not a draw despite what he thinks especially not fat current callihan", "pid": 15308460 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F324", "message": "23/07/2024, 03:54:56\n\n>>15305810 \n>They were putting out a good product and couldn't get anywhere with it. \n \nThe wrestling market is just too oversaturated with shows right now I think they're simply stuck where they are", "pid": 15308516 }, { "sender": "Anon-6AB3", "message": "23/07/2024, 04:00:04\n\n>>15305810 \nMLW's weekly tv was a shitshow", "pid": 15308555 }, { "sender": "Anon-3208", "message": "23/07/2024, 04:01:28\n\nsami calihan is the walking embodiment of the drizzling shits", "pid": 15308565 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8E66", "message": "23/07/2024, 07:05:39\n\n>>15309333", "pid": 15309354 }, { "sender": "433F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 07:07:09\n\n>>15304039 \nI mean sorry MLW bro but once you guys lost Hammerstein,Fatu, and MJF people stopped caring. No one really cares about a tranny chaser and whatever the hell Calahan is supposed to be.", "pid": 15309362 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A06B", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:16:16\n\nMLW/Court have always toyed with this idea that MLW could work as a monthly superfight show with different fighting styles and a real edgy sports vibe. Like it wanted to feel like a 90s UFC PPV\n\nBut it's always been too low rent, too cringe, Court and MSL are carnies who surround themselves with carnie yes-men and cronies and they never think they do anything wrong.\n\nWrestling needs to trim some fat\nWrestling landscape would be better off if TNA just took its market share. And GCW (like it or not) can pick off the scraps", "pid": 15310482 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-4F67", "message": "23/07/2024, 06:38:52\n\njesus", "pid": 15309261 }, { "sender": "F909-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 06:40:32\n\n>>15309261 \nSEXO", "pid": 15309269 }, { "sender": "4CDA-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 06:40:41\n\n>>15309261 \nThere is no good reason for her mouth to open so wide", "pid": 15309272 }, { "sender": "76D5-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 06:41:28\n\nmy dick is so big every pussy and mouth is tight for me", "pid": 15309277 }, { "sender": "C779-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 06:45:35\n\n>>15309277 \nI have a huge dick, but I find that all sexually active girls are loose. I mean, they squeeze 8 lbs. babies out of that hole, you think our 10.5\" BWCs are gonna ruin them worse than giving birth?", "pid": 15309288 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6891", "message": "23/07/2024, 06:47:24\n\n>>15309288 \nthat's why I like em new, not used", "pid": 15309294 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D935", "message": "23/07/2024, 06:56:01\n\n>>15309294 \nIzzy is a ring rat", "pid": 15309326 }, { "sender": "Anon-8717", "message": "23/07/2024, 07:34:36\n\n>>15309261 \ncreepy", "pid": 15309439 }, { "sender": "Anon-55CE", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:51:55\n\n>>15309261 \nshe could deepthroat a big mac", "pid": 15309831 }, { "sender": "Anon-7012", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:06:47\n\n>>15309261 \nI could easily fit my whole cock and balls in there and she wouldn't even gag.", "pid": 15310758 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A585", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:11:26\n\n>>15309272 \nBBC", "pid": 15310776 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7F0D", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:13:16\n\n>>15309261 \ngrim. So glad there is Joshi", "pid": 15310788 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7ED6", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:21:02\n\n>>15309288 \nwhy. did you have to put those two(three if you add birth) separate words into a sentence. never do that again.", "pid": 15310814 }, { "sender": "DB4D-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:25:37\n\n>>15309261 \nOnly BBC could fully utilize a mouth that wide", "pid": 15310831 }, { "sender": "Anon-D7C6", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:38:24\n\n>>15309294 \nGod this bitch pisses me off.", "pid": 15310877 }, { "sender": "639C-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:40:40\n\n>>15310788 \nKek what a faggot. Those hideous joshi bitches wouldn't fuck you either", "pid": 15310883 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4163", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:51:29\n\n>>15309294 \n>Implying Izzo hasn't already been on the cock carousel", "pid": 15310917 }, { "sender": "Anon-E845", "message": "23/07/2024, 17:30:34\n\n>>15310324 \nDo the board a favor, and wash your mouth out with buckshot", "pid": 15312308 } ]
[ { "sender": "BF95-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 15:30:30\n\nMOX IS BACK", "pid": 15301092 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57BA", "message": "22/07/2024, 15:35:02\n\nshit, Tony is trying again", "pid": 15301117 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D723", "message": "22/07/2024, 15:36:17\n\n>>15301092 \nAEW JUST GOT SLOPPIER", "pid": 15301122 }, { "sender": "Anon-9427", "message": "22/07/2024, 15:46:11\n\nEveryone on that poster is ugly", "pid": 15301181 }, { "sender": "9BC9-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:41:36\n\n>>15301092", "pid": 15302428 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-08EA", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:42:38\n\n>>15301092 \n>92 \nKWAB", "pid": 15302435 }, { "sender": "AD51-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:46:02\n\n>>15301092 \nis that Chris Hero on the right?", "pid": 15302466 }, { "sender": "8F6F-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:49:18\n\n>>15301092 \n>Nutter center \nDaniel isn’t retiring?", "pid": 15302493 }, { "sender": "D56B-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:50:46\n\nMox was gone? The fuck was he doing?", "pid": 15302504 }, { "sender": "9453-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:51:39\n\n>>15302504 \nThe Jeffrey Nero Hardy Slurpfest.", "pid": 15302513 }, { "sender": "1E7A-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:51:57\n\n>>15302504 \ngoonin", "pid": 15302517 }, { "sender": "DA24-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:18:01\n\n>>15301092 \nwelcome home king", "pid": 15303143 }, { "sender": "F5EE-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:26:36\n\n>>15301092 \n>Thursday Collision \new", "pid": 15303211 }, { "sender": "9FBB-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:27:45\n\n>>15302504 \nPlumbing", "pid": 15303220 }, { "sender": "47B9-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:28:48\n\n>>15302504 \nPeeing on his baby", "pid": 15303231 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6571", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:29:30\n\n>>15301092 \n>Thursday night taping \nIs Tony gonna upen up the show with his Time Cop speech?", "pid": 15303234 }, { "sender": "Anon-622A", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:32:46\n\n>>15301092 \nIs Mox taking a break from his busy schedule of getting his ass submitted by accountants and pizza delivery guys to win some fake fights?", "pid": 15303264 }, { "sender": "Anon-E4A7", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:53:41\n\n>>15303264 \nAt least he does his embarrassing martial arts shit in a semi-private bush leagues kind of way, Philetty actually thought he could hang in the UFC.", "pid": 15303431 }, { "sender": "Anon-F0E4", "message": "22/07/2024, 21:08:47\n\n>10am ET", "pid": 15303511 }, { "sender": "400E-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 21:09:29\n\n>>15303511 \n \noh nvm thats when tix go on sale", "pid": 15303515 }, { "sender": "94F6-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 21:13:15\n\n>>15303511 \n>>15303515 \n \ndumb dronie", "pid": 15303540 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FEEB", "message": "22/07/2024, 21:15:06\n\n>>15303540", "pid": 15303549 }, { "sender": "Anon-27A8", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:18:40\n\n>>15301092 \nIs Jericho photoshopped here? Or was that the first year he joined?", "pid": 15304434 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BE62", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:22:57\n\n>>15303431 \nWeird way to say he's a fucking coward. Dude can't even beat teenagers yet he's supposed to be a tough guy. At least Punk went against actual UFC fighters and got an actual UFC paycheck for his ass beatings.", "pid": 15304478 }, { "sender": "Anon-86D3", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:38:36\n\n>>15301181 \nDamn, which one are you anon?", "pid": 15304601 }, { "sender": "C0F2-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:42:18\n\n>>15301092 \n>Nutter Center \nI went to school at Wright State where this is, WWE likes to run the venue a lot and I think they were just there for when Rhea Ripley returned. It'll be hysterical seeing the pictures from Collision and how empty it'll be. Place seats just over 10k", "pid": 15304629 }, { "sender": "B241-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:45:17\n\n>>15301092 \nKing of the Deathmatch. Modern day Terry Funk. Last of the Shooters. The Hardcore Ace.... Jooonnnnnnnn Moxxxxxllleeeeyyyyy", "pid": 15304657 }, { "sender": "7514-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:57:56\n\n>>15301092 \n>Renee get me another bottle of Jack and baby Jamal over here needs to be changed again ya lazy whore \n>Jon he pissed himself again?? \n>Nah I pissed on him now hurry up bitch", "pid": 15304770 }, { "sender": "Anon-8573", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:59:29\n\n>>15301092 \nholy shit their graphics dept is awful, even gcw does better", "pid": 15304785 }, { "sender": "B8DF-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:01:03\n\n>>15303431 \n>Punk out of nowhere \nPDS is a he'll of a thing", "pid": 15304811 }, { "sender": "B66B-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:06:37\n\n>>15301092 \ncringe", "pid": 15307388 }, { "sender": "Anon-4AB6", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:07:44\n\n>>15304770 \nKEK it do be like that", "pid": 15307401 }, { "sender": "57A3-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:41:29\n\n>>15301092 \nIt sucks that Hangman, Mox, and Danielson are all great, but also all virtually part timers. \n>Danielson \ngets injured for months every year \n>mox \ngoes to japan/indies/home for months a year \n>hangman \ngoes home on tony's paycheck for months a year", "pid": 15307924 }, { "sender": "21BF-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:22:30\n\nHECKIN DEANO", "pid": 15308978 }, { "sender": "2C96-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:24:56\n\n>>15301092 \nhe was gone?", "pid": 15308990 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-106F", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:26:34\n\n>It sucks that Hangman, Mox, and Danielson are all great", "pid": 15308999 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C3F", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:29:03\n\n>>15308999 \nyou'll never see another brock match", "pid": 15309009 }, { "sender": "1F8F-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:29:13\n\n>>15301181 \nMox needs to lay off the sauce and shave is dome \nBryan just needs to get rid of the snowbunny braids", "pid": 15309010 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5F5C", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:34:21\n\n>>15304434 \nThat's Jericho from last year. He got on a macro keto diet and cut the booze back. He's been touring with Fozzy and was back on the booze over the last 6 months. \n \nHere's what Jericho looked like in his first year at AEW.", "pid": 15309025 }, { "sender": "D673-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:11:16\n\n>>15301092 \nwhat a ghoulish fucking poster", "pid": 15309505 }, { "sender": "29EE-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:21:46\n\n>Penta advertised for shows post-August \n \nHe's staying with his Triangulo de la Muerte HERMANOS", "pid": 15309528 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F53", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:28:03\n\n>>15301092 \nThey got Bryan on Ozempic??", "pid": 15309542 }, { "sender": "BCC3-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:30:09\n\n>>15301092 \nId beat the fuck out of these bitches", "pid": 15309551 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C1AC", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:35:19\n\nYeah I'm not sleeping tonight", "pid": 15309564 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-481D", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:06:21\n\n>>15301092 \nGood, means I can at least outright totally skip some of the show instead of skipping through it bit by bit.", "pid": 15309651 }, { "sender": "001A-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:13:24\n\n>>15309564 \n>the thousand bbc stare", "pid": 15310461 }, { "sender": "9C4F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:15:58\n\n>card subject to change", "pid": 15310480 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-FA1A", "message": "22/07/2024, 15:49:22\n\nTriple K strikes again", "pid": 15301199 }, { "sender": "B65B-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 15:50:46\n\n>>15301199 \nHitler Hearst Helmsley", "pid": 15301204 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2C43", "message": "22/07/2024, 15:50:51\n\n>>15301199 \nthey should have thrown at least one white person in there to not make it such an obvious bait", "pid": 15301205 }, { "sender": "Anon-424E", "message": "22/07/2024, 15:52:31\n\nnow post the white people fired in that same period", "pid": 15301218 }, { "sender": "Anon-E28A", "message": "22/07/2024, 15:55:21\n\n>alicia fox", "pid": 15301229 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-21B5", "message": "22/07/2024, 15:56:17\n\n>>15301199 \n>recent \n>Top Dolla \nok", "pid": 15301235 }, { "sender": "759A-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:10:27\n\n>>15301199 \nLeftists and terminally online fags need to be slaughtered. I'm beyond tired of you faggots", "pid": 15301342 }, { "sender": "Anon-1027", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:10:34\n\n>>15301199 \nThis is really dumb given this is over the course of how many years? Bro I don't even remember when Fox was cut.", "pid": 15301343 }, { "sender": "Anon-621F", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:11:57\n\n>>15301199 \nProbably an AEW tranny seething at this", "pid": 15301353 }, { "sender": "Anon-C4D2", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:13:35\n\n>>15301199 \ngib job 4eva cuz black", "pid": 15301368 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-636D", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:13:54\n\n>>15301199 \nWrestling twitter needs to be purged", "pid": 15301373 }, { "sender": "Anon-10AF", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:15:02\n\n>>15301199 \n>Mansoor \n>Mustafa Ali \n>Indian \ntopkek why are these types so racist and ignorant bros?", "pid": 15301381 }, { "sender": "CF6A-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:22:55\n\n>>15301199 \n>Calling Mustafa and Ali Indian \nThe racist hypocrisy is mind blowing", "pid": 15301450 }, { "sender": "B6C8-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:23:56\n\n>>15301450 \n\\*and Mansoor", "pid": 15301462 }, { "sender": "ED39-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:29:23\n\n>>15301199 \nSome of these people left on their own/chose not to renew their contracts. \n \n>>15301235 \nAlicia Fox and Sasha Banks are on there. They're grasping.", "pid": 15301517 }, { "sender": "E9D4-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:29:56\n\n>>15301517 \n>Some of these people left on their own/chose not to renew their contracts. \nIf my boss was a racist, I'd do the same desu", "pid": 15301520 }, { "sender": "Anon-B85B", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:31:34\n\n>>15301520 \nthis", "pid": 15301534 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6CC6", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:46:13\n\n>>15301199 \nNothing wrong with firing uppity minorities", "pid": 15301662 }, { "sender": "D13C-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:47:03\n\n>>15301199 \nbased, the Hulkster would be proud", "pid": 15301667 }, { "sender": "8D2C-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:51:02\n\n>>15301199 \nThere's no way Netflix allows this nazi to run their show. He's on borrowed time.", "pid": 15301696 }, { "sender": "2F44-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:51:47\n\n>>15301199 \nNot a dime in sight", "pid": 15301700 }, { "sender": "5ED7-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:51:53\n\nSasha banks is going to do porn and OF if she doesnt land on AEW, mark my words", "pid": 15301702 }, { "sender": "Anon-8274", "message": "22/07/2024, 16:52:42\n\n>>15301199 \n", "pid": 15301711 }, { "sender": "0F64-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 17:17:29\n\n>two black female wrestlers \n>make them having a chicken wing eating contest \nhow is this allowed in 2024 america?", "pid": 15301869 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E997", "message": "22/07/2024, 17:20:17\n\nIt's not HHH's fault that these dimeless shitters happen to not be white.", "pid": 15301896 }, { "sender": "D4E7-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 17:22:49\n\n>>15301869 \nWhat, are black people not allowed to eat chicken? Just because they're black? What are you, a heckin racist?", "pid": 15301916 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE46", "message": "22/07/2024, 17:25:05\n\n>>15301916 \nyou tell me", "pid": 15301931 }, { "sender": "Anon-963C", "message": "22/07/2024, 17:35:53\n\n>>15301931 \nWe have some Wing Stops over here, is it worth going to?", "pid": 15302007 }, { "sender": "01E4-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 17:37:21\n\n>>15302007 \nDunno. There's one within walking distance to me, and I've never been.", "pid": 15302020 }, { "sender": "AD8F-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 17:41:32\n\n>>15301199 \n>faggot OP posts his own tweets \n>is a scumbag kike adding names of people that quit or were fired a long time ago \n>ignores all the white people that were fired or quit recently \nHonestly people like this deserve to be rounded up and thrown in to a big pit before being set on fire", "pid": 15302046 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1FC8", "message": "22/07/2024, 17:50:00\n\n>>15301199 \n>Recent \n>Sasha \n?", "pid": 15302096 }, { "sender": "Anon-6F3E", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:16:28\n\nis cameron grimes the only white guy that's been cut recently? don't usually follow releases that closely but I know his cause I liked him in nxt", "pid": 15302256 }, { "sender": "Anon-75DA", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:24:45\n\n>>15302007 \nyeah theyre pretty good last time i tried years ago", "pid": 15302316 }, { "sender": "8440-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:26:05\n\n>Alicia Fox: For being an alcoholic \n>Bobby Lashley: Still employed, they want to sign a deal with him but he doesn't. \n>Jinder Mahal: Fair, thats one \n>Mace: Jobber who was doing nothing \n>Mansoor: Jobber who was doing nothing \n>Mustafa Ali: Was clearly unhappy and wanting to leave \n>MVP: Still employed just on his way out \n>Ricochet: Chose not to re-sign \n>Sanga: Was DOA and did nothing \n>Sarray: Didn't even make it to the main roster \n>Sasha Banks: Was released for being unprofessional and walking out \n>Shanky: Was a shitter \n>Shelton Benjamin: Was old \n>Top Dollar: Was a shitter with a terrible attitude who had been fired before \n>Veer Mahan: They did jack shit with him \n>Xia Li: Wasn't over no matter how hard they tried, dimeless", "pid": 15302332 }, { "sender": "4116-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 19:04:31\n\n>>15301199 \nfuckin racist company", "pid": 15302622 }, { "sender": "22DF-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:30:55\n\n>>15302622 \nthis", "pid": 15303244 }, { "sender": "7E3B-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:43:59\n\n>>15301199 \nwhat's his problem?", "pid": 15303371 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9743", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:46:47\n\nAnd not a single dime was lost, impressive.", "pid": 15303389 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7C42", "message": "22/07/2024, 21:26:19\n\n>>15301199 \noh now asians count as ''poc'' to them", "pid": 15303596 }, { "sender": "AD79-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 21:28:28\n\n>>15301199 \nBlacks are the Poochie of races", "pid": 15303606 }, { "sender": "3470-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 21:35:55\n\n>>15301199 \nIf you're forced to hire minorities, the people you fire when they can't do their job well will also be minorities. Go figure", "pid": 15303635 }, { "sender": "Anon-AC08", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:49:57\n\n>>15301199 \n25% of WWEs audience is black, is this really the right call?", "pid": 15304702 }, { "sender": "Anon-B0F3", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:59:31\n\n>>15301199 \n>Triple K \nkek these freakazoids are unhinged", "pid": 15304786 }, { "sender": "2EC2-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:01:11\n\n>>15301381 \n>>15301450 \nI know right, that's like calling an austrian a hungarian. sure, they're basically genetically identical twins but still", "pid": 15304814 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C485", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:02:33\n\n>>15301199 \nmy nigga top dolla gone", "pid": 15304841 }, { "sender": "EC87-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:03:29\n\n>>15301916 \nfried chicken came from the scottish slaves, so it is racist cultural appropriation for them to eat fried chicken. \nthough to be fair, the entirely of what people call 'traditional black culture\" is just the predominantly negative aspects of the lower class Scottish and Irish slave culture;", "pid": 15304857 }, { "sender": "260F-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:08:27\n\n>>15301199 \nI thought ricochet didn't resign.", "pid": 15304982 }, { "sender": "Anon-15FF", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:46:02\n\nliterally hitler", "pid": 15305723 }, { "sender": "A664-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:44:52\n\nevil piece of racist shit", "pid": 15307980 }, { "sender": "2EF8-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:48:34\n\nNow if we could rid of those dancing jiving monkeys new day it would be complete", "pid": 15308022 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D648", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:03:46\n\nEFC", "pid": 15308900 }, { "sender": "CC53-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:05:33\n\n>Alicia Fox \nI shoot thought she left in 2014", "pid": 15308911 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D4F", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:10:12\n\n>>15304814 \nYou have a point with Ali being paki but Mansoor is Saudi which is nowhere close to the same racially as Indians", "pid": 15308930 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FCB3", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:20:01\n\n>>15308930 \ndidn't the assyrians who were expelled out of baghdad in the 70ss settle in parts of the kush valley and in parts of northwestern india?", "pid": 15308968 }, { "sender": "3829-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:20:14\n\n>The guy whose whole theme was german military insignias is more racist than the guy who wanted 3 BBCs fucking his mistress and whose best friend was R-Truth \n \nIt was pretty obvious it was going to be like this if you knew anything about Vince/Haitch instead of just blindly believing in the pro-HHH enthusiasm. McMahon family fortune was built off hiring black people to entertain poor black people for 100 fucking years. Vince was all about it, all the racist old man shit was for heel heat. Anyone who has researched Vince knows this.", "pid": 15308969 }, { "sender": "Anon-B164", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:20:59\n\n>>15301199 \nMansoor is an Arab and I thought Botcha chose to leave herself for Hollywood and gayEdub", "pid": 15308972 }, { "sender": "023E-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:21:24\n\n>>15308968 \nwtf 700s not 70s \nlmao, yeah the assyrians expelled from the Baghdad disco scene in the 70s for wearing way too much cologne and being too sexually aggressive towards the women dancing", "pid": 15308974 }, { "sender": "DFFD-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:00:27\n\n>>15301199 \nIs Ricochet black?", "pid": 15309638 }, { "sender": "75C9-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:01:26\n\nBased as fuck. Gotta love the gamester", "pid": 15309643 }, { "sender": "Anon-5DFF", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:07:49\n\n>>15301199 \nWow if you ignore all the white guys it's all blacks!", "pid": 15309654 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C1D", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:09:46\n\n>>15301199 \nTHANK YOU BASED HUNTER", "pid": 15309661 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0CB5", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:10:51\n\n>>15302256 \nDijak, Von Wagner, Gulak, Lynch technically. There was also a load of Office personnel released after the merger.", "pid": 15309665 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F94C", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:10:14\n\n>>15301199 \n>>15309661 \nI bow down to the, bow down to the king", "pid": 15309912 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2851", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:13:19\n\n>>15301204 \nHitler Hamas Hirohito \nand his partner Shawn Mengele", "pid": 15309931 }, { "sender": "3241-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:25:29\n\nWhat a NXT retard factory \n\nI can't say I disagree with trips Vince had way too many people on the roster", "pid": 15309983 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9C1C", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:32:49\n\n>>15308968 \nidk maybe? i wasn't alive at the time. if you look at india now there's quite a lot of racial diversity - for example you get those small dark niggas in the south who have been there a few milleniums longer than the tall lighter ones in the north which is probably what you're talking about. Plus most muslims in the area including pakistan have pretty recent origins from uzbeks/timurids/mongols.", "pid": 15310017 }, { "sender": "6E55-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:35:59\n\nSo you can't ever fire a minority?", "pid": 15310032 }, { "sender": "1867-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:48:46\n\n>>15304814 \n>>15308930 \n>>15308968 \n>>15310017 \nThe modern state of India is a massive place. Saying it's all one race is like saying Greeks and Finns are the same", "pid": 15310074 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A375", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:38:33\n\n>>15301199 \nNow post the white wrestlers that were released.", "pid": 15310275 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C326", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:48:47\n\nCall me when every coconut nigger on the planet doesn't come out of the womb with a contract.", "pid": 15310334 }, { "sender": "76A2-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:54:23\n\n>>15301199 \nyet those cringe wannabe black samoans are still there.", "pid": 15310366 } ]
[ { "sender": "289C-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:10:34\n\nOOMPA LOOMPA DOOMPITY DOO", "pid": 15302212 }, { "sender": "2335-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:11:13\n\n>>15302212 \nkek based", "pid": 15302220 }, { "sender": "1AB3-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:12:11\n\n>>15302212 \nKWABM", "pid": 15302227 }, { "sender": "Anon-A829", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:25:13\n\n>>15302212 \nWhat did he mean by this?", "pid": 15302325 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-34D3", "message": "22/07/2024, 18:25:27\n\n>>15302212 \nLol", "pid": 15302327 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5DA2", "message": "22/07/2024, 19:09:02\n\n>>15302212 \nKWAOL", "pid": 15302660 }, { "sender": "Anon-60A5", "message": "22/07/2024, 19:09:42\n\n>>15302212 \nI'VE GOT A FRESH, HOT REPOST FOR YOU", "pid": 15302665 }, { "sender": "830B-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:36:49\n\n>>15302212", "pid": 15303304 }, { "sender": "204D-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:31:32\n\n>>15302212 \n>Bron Breakker makes a dominant SmackDown debut \n \n", "pid": 15304539 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-833B", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:36:25\n\n>>15302212 \n>this thread again \nLook, you're just going to have to admit that either every single collegiate and pro football player has a worked height, or Bron really is 6 feet tall. Do you have even a shred of proof that Bron isn't? I know you don't because you've been challenged in these threads over and over again and have never done anything more than memepost. \n \n \n \n>inb4 why do you care? \nI hate spam threads. Especially larping spam threads like the soandso was raped shit.", "pid": 15304583 }, { "sender": "Anon-B1C7", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:37:17\n\n>>15304583 \n \nony six feet, really?", "pid": 15304591 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ACBB", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:37:37\n\n>>15302212 \nWE'LL NEED MORE MONEY FOR ISRAEL FROM YOU", "pid": 15304594 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2859", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:43:54\n\n>>15304594 \nThis is based. \n>>15302212 \nThis is a cringe forced meme spammed by a third worlder.", "pid": 15304646 }, { "sender": "C31B-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:45:49\n\n>>15304591 \nCorrect. No more, no less.", "pid": 15304663 }, { "sender": "2500-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 23:46:51\n\n>>15304663 \n \nwell he does a great job of looking ten feet tall", "pid": 15304672 }, { "sender": "E896-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:24:35\n\n>>15304583 \nBron's 5'10'' according to draftscout. He just doesn't look 6' bro. It's not the end of the world", "pid": 15306495 }, { "sender": "0E89-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:54:42\n\n>>15302212 \nWhat is his gimmick?", "pid": 15307074 }, { "sender": "Anon-AEB0", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:56:51\n\n>>15304583 \n>every single collegiate and pro football player has a worked height \nYes", "pid": 15307124 }, { "sender": "Anon-5E9B", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:20:22\n\n>>15307074 \nChocolate Factory Worker", "pid": 15307617 }, { "sender": "50FC-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:24:03\n\n>>15307124 \nNot a full body shot. We know Cole isn't anywhere near that tall. Don't play dumb. \n \n>>15306495 \nLet's see the proof. The NFL officially lists Bron as 6 foot even. Here is the link below. Draftscout is a fan site \n \n", "pid": 15307668 }, { "sender": "BAB8-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:26:51\n\n>>15307668 \n>Prospect Grade: 5.44 \nKWAB", "pid": 15307702 }, { "sender": "50D9-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:33:43\n\n>>15307702 \nWhat's your NFL prospect grade, anon?", "pid": 15307808 }, { "sender": "Anon-B685", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:44:28\n\n>>15307808 \n10", "pid": 15307977 }, { "sender": "84E7-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:45:31\n\nThis meme is really getting over, good job br- oh shit he just won again", "pid": 15307986 }, { "sender": "D540-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:48:58\n\n>>15307986 \nI don't watch WWE so I don't care.", "pid": 15308028 }, { "sender": "8C23-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:50:31\n\n>>15308028 \nWe know or you would have standards and refuse to watch aew", "pid": 15308043 }, { "sender": "888D-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:56:23\n\n>>15307668 \nUnless Sami is 6'4'' Bron isn't 6' and 250 pounds. If he were 6' he'd be billed as a 6'2''", "pid": 15308097 }, { "sender": "012D-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:58:20\n\n>>15307668 \n6 foot even with cleats. \n\\_CFM20\\_RBp\\_Rechsteiner\\_Bronson\\_PDF.pdf \nBron is five-foot-ten, maybe nine and three quarters. John Cena is closer to six ft even and there's a big difference between how big Cena looks in a ring vs Bron", "pid": 15308118 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-23EC", "message": "23/07/2024, 03:03:25\n\n>>15307808 \n6 even, NOT 5.10!!", "pid": 15308180 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6160", "message": "23/07/2024, 03:05:02\n\n>>15302212 \nFAGGOT TINY QUEER \nOWNS A E W", "pid": 15308196 }, { "sender": "66CC-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:04:47\n\n>>15302212 \nHe'll never be the guy", "pid": 15308907 }, { "sender": "8997-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:06:40\n\nI DON'T LIKE THE HEIGHT OF IT", "pid": 15308916 }, { "sender": "013B-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:24:55\n\nWere sizequeens molested by manlets as children or something?", "pid": 15308989 }, { "sender": "4962-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:31:13\n\n>>15308989 \nWe are BBC bred. We only enjoy big", "pid": 15309014 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A05F", "message": "23/07/2024, 05:53:51\n\n>>15308989 \nWhat’s wrong with Bron being 5-10 exactly?", "pid": 15309107 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-879B", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:15:05\n\n>>15304594 \n>marries a poojeta in you're path", "pid": 15310473 }, { "sender": "4952-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:19:42\n\n>>15302212 \nFunny because you would never said this to his face", "pid": 15310499 }, { "sender": "332A-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:23:25\n\n>>15310499 \nYeah ser because in order for us to go eye-to-eye I'd have to take a knee", "pid": 15310518 } ]
[ { "sender": "MrBigWanker", "message": "19/05/2024, 16:38:38\n\nOk now this, THIS is definitive proof that we should just simply STOP autlstIc people from ever making art / drawing again, like this is some serious Chris Chan looking shit right here!", "pid": 7171918 }, { "sender": "B612-Anon", "message": "19/05/2024, 16:41:58\n\nso you made some big post about how you were \"le epic trolling\" after posting Um Jammer Lammy fetish art for like a year and then come back and post this. What's your deal? What's the point of these posts?", "pid": 7171926 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2A48", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:03:03\n\n>>7171918 \nNice work MrBigWanker. It is cool, that's a really neat design. You can just turn around her upper half and leave the bottom half as is, it will look like a nice ass already.", "pid": 7171954 }, { "sender": "482A-Anonymous", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:04:38\n\n>>7171926 \nI don't really know desu, all I do know is that I 100% deserve to be kiIIed", "pid": 7171957 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CA76", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:05:40\n\n>>7171954 \nLike somehow you give a shit, but whatever the fuck, I need to touch grass", "pid": 7171959 }, { "sender": "9562-Anonymous", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:06:57\n\n>>7171918 \nTotally agree, no autistic person ever made any interesting or worthwhile art.", "pid": 7171961 }, { "sender": "54E6-Anon", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:08:58\n\n>>7171957 \nI don't know about that man. I genuinely liked your lammy images. Don't be so hard on yourself, don't believe people telling you that you need to quit. \n \nLook man, here's a lammy picture of my own that you inspired me to make months ago.", "pid": 7171964 }, { "sender": "Anon-1975", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:14:55\n\n>>7171961 \nName one.", "pid": 7171969 }, { "sender": "5FD5-Anonymous", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:18:04\n\n>>7171969 \nHenry Darger", "pid": 7171971 }, { "sender": "F3A3-Anon", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:19:50\n\n>>7171964 \nI'm trying to tell meself, not other people + my shit is just her but older and a shit ton thiccer, definitely a fetish but I really don't want to say I have one, especially as I have actual people that don't know about any of this I'm done I have to see on the regular and having to go outside on the daily thinking of what I do when I'm alone too, like a normal person's day", "pid": 7171973 }, { "sender": "3050-Anonymous", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:20:31\n\n>>7171969 \nONE", "pid": 7171974 }, { "sender": "Anon-0C93", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:22:53\n\n>>7171969 \nLook up the pic that guy posted you bozo", "pid": 7171977 }, { "sender": "D76B-Anonymous", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:25:50\n\n>>7171973 \nIt's okay man, it's not like you're super messed up or anything, you just know what you like. It's not that uncommon", "pid": 7171981 }, { "sender": "925C-Anon", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:46:44\n\n>>7171981 \nI really wish I didn't though, honestly the more \"normal\" I am and me interests not only the happier I am generally but also the happier I am about meself desu, knowing that I blend in more with society and the people around me I could get to know and make great memories with, and whatever", "pid": 7172031 }, { "sender": "Anon-CA3D", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:48:18\n\n>>7172031 \nYou sound normal to me. I don't talk about all the weird things I draw online and get along with other people fine. This is a good place to share the weird art you make", "pid": 7172033 }, { "sender": "Anon-92C9", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:55:45\n\n>>7172033 \nBrotha this is 4chan, if you ain't expecting to get bullied for anything you post on here, especially art when everyone is anonymous then you must be living under a rock, whatever", "pid": 7172043 }, { "sender": "6FC9-Anonymous", "message": "19/05/2024, 17:59:25\n\n>>7172043 \nJust because people are rude doesn't mean that they're right. No successful artist ever gave up because people didn't like their work.", "pid": 7172050 }, { "sender": "3399-Anon", "message": "19/05/2024, 18:24:50\n\n>>7172050 \nOk, I get it I get it, it's just that I personally don't like that this is what I seem to draw, you know it's weird, it's not normal and definitely wouldn't be expected by anyone but incels like Chris Chan and us, that's all I'm saying, but I just can't help myself anyone", "pid": 7172084 }, { "sender": "Anon-6EF7", "message": "19/05/2024, 19:04:11\n\n>>7172050 \nYou know what, how about you redraw what I did, Mr actually good at art person, just to see what it would look like if it wasn't done by someone with unfortunate & quite literal special needs", "pid": 7172117 }, { "sender": "1F4F-Anonymous", "message": "19/05/2024, 19:23:09\n\nI'll just shut up now and just this aids thread finally die anyways, thank god", "pid": 7172136 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F78", "message": "19/05/2024, 19:27:52\n\n>>7172136 \nActually it is better for him to have his own howie thread, than having him spamming the shit out of the other generals.", "pid": 7172141 }, { "sender": "Anon-F87F", "message": "19/05/2024, 19:44:12\n\n>>7171969 \nanon.. you're actually retarded", "pid": 7172156 }, { "sender": "BBCF-Anon", "message": "19/05/2024, 20:06:32\n\n>>7172156 \nThat's what I've been saying this whole time, you are nowhere even near original", "pid": 7172177 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-34B2", "message": "19/05/2024, 20:09:05\n\n>>7172177 \nJesus Christ you're not on about me, fuck sake I'm such a spastic bordering on down syndrome levels of the spectrum", "pid": 7172181 }, { "sender": "2D09-Anon", "message": "19/05/2024, 21:16:27\n\n>>7171918 \nAnyone can draw, I don't think you should prevent people from drawing just because they aren't good at it yet. Maybe they'll never be good enough. Maybe it's an eyesore which is fine you should be free to express your thoughts to anyone who puts their art out there in the public but people should be free to draw regardless of who they are or what their skill level is.", "pid": 7172264 }, { "sender": "9785-Anonymous", "message": "20/05/2024, 07:29:07\n\n>>7172264 \nWell I'm giving up now, that's BEAUTIFUL!", "pid": 7172815 }, { "sender": "Anon-966F", "message": "20/05/2024, 08:21:23\n\nBy your logic white people shouldn’t be allowed to draw at all, which is probably true.\n\nWhat’s the difference between an aspie and an asian?", "pid": 7172834 }, { "sender": "Anon-DC84", "message": "20/05/2024, 08:24:06\n\n>>7172264 \nIf art was a skill, the artist being made fun of in OP would be capable of making the same drawing you made. \n“Every artist has their own style” as spics with over 10k followers on Twitter always say, and he was born with a bad one, probably a byproduct of being white", "pid": 7172835 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-40FD", "message": "20/05/2024, 13:59:36\n\n>>7172835 \nWot!?", "pid": 7172986 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F05C", "message": "20/05/2024, 14:07:12\n\n>>7172835 \nWho are you, spic supremacist?", "pid": 7172992 }, { "sender": "Anon-B3CE", "message": "20/05/2024, 14:32:49\n\n>>7172992 \nMore like spac desu", "pid": 7173000 }, { "sender": "Anon-C6A3", "message": "20/05/2024, 18:58:09\n\n>>7173000 \nThe correct term is “gringo”", "pid": 7173243 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-785D", "message": "20/05/2024, 19:11:38\n\n>>7172835 \n>>7172986 \n>>7172992 \n>>7173000 \nHe could be onto something there. Necessity is the mother of creativity. The mind seeks to create something it needs to satiate a lack of something, in this case beauty. Whites already have innate beauty, it's a given for them. They don't feel a need for it like others do. Those non white others though, they seek it, and they try to recreate it like an obsession. Look at japs and anime, perfect example.", "pid": 7173249 }, { "sender": "Anon-E946", "message": "20/05/2024, 19:20:31\n\n>>7173249 \nAnglos are the second ugliest people in the world, inside and out. \nSure France and Italy make the world a better place and Baltic women are living masterpieces. But it certainly is not a gift shared across all paleface peoples.", "pid": 7173258 }, { "sender": "A90F-Anonymous", "message": "20/05/2024, 21:39:40\n\n>>7171918 \nIf this guy should stop so should everyone \nI still draw like shit, but every day I get better", "pid": 7173418 }, { "sender": "Anon-F35E", "message": "20/05/2024, 21:47:22\n\n>>7173418 \nDude that's fucking beautiful", "pid": 7173428 }, { "sender": "7923-Anonymous", "message": "21/05/2024, 03:14:17\n\n>>7171918 \nArtistic is only one letter short from autistic", "pid": 7173716 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4930", "message": "21/05/2024, 06:57:30\n\n>>7173418 \nI'm fucking done dude, right! This character's all yours for you lot on 4chan to play with if really two artworks of her look actually neurotypical compared to my clearly autistic / neurodivergent self!", "pid": 7173874 }, { "sender": "3960-Anonymous", "message": "21/05/2024, 06:58:39\n\n>>7173716 \nYet mean completely fucking opposite things", "pid": 7173875 }, { "sender": "95A7-Anonymous", "message": "21/05/2024, 07:27:53\n\n>>7173428 \nI know right? Like geeeeezzzz man!", "pid": 7173884 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CE70", "message": "21/05/2024, 07:34:09\n\n>>7172815 \n>giving up after getting some advice \nNya but NGMI w that attitude", "pid": 7173887 }, { "sender": "AC32-Anon", "message": "21/05/2024, 07:59:52\n\n>>7173418 \n>humblebrag \n \nYou’re no better than Egirls calling themselves ugly for attention", "pid": 7173900 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-02B5", "message": "21/05/2024, 15:54:19\n\n>>7173887 \nI meant the artwork, not the advice itself", "pid": 7174250 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F76B", "message": "21/05/2024, 15:55:49\n\n>>7173900 \nLol", "pid": 7174252 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD1B", "message": "21/05/2024, 16:40:58\n\n>>7173900 \nI dunno? its perfectly fine drawing but if this guy came in saying he was the dog's bollocks you'd be shittin on him for that too \nFollow the sentiment instead and just draw", "pid": 7174287 }, { "sender": "Anon-3D5D", "message": "21/05/2024, 17:15:13\n\n>>7171918 \nDo you got discord bigwanker?", "pid": 7174318 }, { "sender": "Anon-9267", "message": "21/05/2024, 17:21:51\n\n>>7171918 \nSome of the hottest furry porn I jack off to is drawn by autists, so you're wrong.", "pid": 7174323 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E974", "message": "21/05/2024, 17:23:34\n\n>>7171974 \nThis ONE?", "pid": 7174324 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD72", "message": "21/05/2024, 17:52:40\n\n>>7173900 \nnot doing so will lead to contempt and not wanting to go out of your comfort zone or improve any further. Which is why the best of artist still feel like they haven't done enough.", "pid": 7174345 }, { "sender": "EC43-Anon", "message": "21/05/2024, 19:06:30\n\n>>7172835 \nArt is a skill, you practice and you get better", "pid": 7174408 }, { "sender": "FE13-Anonymous", "message": "21/05/2024, 22:14:44\n\n>>7174318 \nYeah, just at tempbigwanker \n \nutaflat333mailfastpro", "pid": 7174584 }, { "sender": "6847-Anonymous", "message": "22/05/2024, 07:05:00\n\n>>7174584 \nFuck, it's already asking me to check my TEMP email because of a \"new login location\" so fuck that idea then I guess!", "pid": 7175053 }, { "sender": "FBA4-Anon", "message": "23/05/2024, 07:03:29\n\n>>7174323 \nJesus Christ this site really is incel city!", "pid": 7176226 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C23", "message": "24/05/2024, 14:54:38\n\n>>7171926 \n>>7171964 \nWhat um jammer lammy images are you talking about? Can I see them? Would love to see them \n>>7174584 \ninvite is down", "pid": 7177426 }, { "sender": "boxman", "message": "24/05/2024, 15:58:24\n\ni couldn’t disagree more Op. \n\nall gmi artists always are a little on the spectrum, sadly the reverse fact: ‘all autists are all gmi ‘ is not true.\nanyways smol preview. i think its a fine design worthy of parappa \n\n \n\nつづく", "pid": 7177476 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6DAF", "message": "24/05/2024, 16:03:10\n\n>>7171918 \nI'm an autist.", "pid": 7177479 }, { "sender": "Anon-4C54", "message": "25/05/2024, 10:54:52\n\n>>7177426 \n \nWell if you really want to see them that bad, then I'll probably send them on this thread in a while, just need to do some personal stuff first \n \nAlso the invite was basically always down, just because I really wanted this discord as private as possible I used a temporary email, which of course Discord asked me to check the morning after I made that post because of a \"new login location\" long after it was gone so. Could try again maybe later, but not right now. \n \n>>7177476 \n \nWell jesus Christ if me being one of those \"not gmi\" artists but you the opposite was any more true I would have just given up by now and just asked you to draw whatever idea I had! Like GYATT DAMN! That's the third artist redrawing my character infinity better than my attempt \n \nSo sorry for using that shite word but on the other hand if really every \"GMI\" artist was even just a bit on the spectrum, then that was just be sadder but you know, the more autistic people on this planet the worse it becomes, even if you did just counteract that you couldn't disagree more by saying that not all of them are gmi, when if you really meant by completely disagree, from my point that ALL autistic artists are shit then does the technically mean you're saying that all autistic artists are gmi, which you definitely did again, opposed near the end of the post lol \n \n>>7177479 \n \nFinally, sad to hear that my friend, just hopefully you don't also like trains", "pid": 7178225 }, { "sender": "Anon-DF0F", "message": "25/05/2024, 13:27:06\n\n>>7177426 \n \nOk bloody fine, here they are then, absolutely dreadful I know, but whatever I'm going to have to admit something about this and all the shit art I've posted to this in site in another thread, because I really need to get this off my chest later", "pid": 7178314 }, { "sender": "2295-Anon", "message": "25/05/2024, 17:32:12\n\n>>7178314 \nVery cute! Its first time I see them, I never visit /ic/ so I'm not following the conversation, I hardly understand a single word from anything that has been said in this thread \nDo you have more? Either way, thank you for showing me! I love Lammy :)", "pid": 7178525 }, { "sender": "6EC2-Anonymous", "message": "25/05/2024, 18:38:45\n\n>>7178525 \n \nOk, so I'm not completely sure if you're autistic or just foreigner from the way you're typing, but either you can just look at the posts from this screenshot of my old da here or just search up my name on Google or something, preferably with the name of the site you're specifically looking for my \"work\" for after my name", "pid": 7178565 }, { "sender": "72C9-Anonymous", "message": "25/05/2024, 19:00:08\n\n>>7178525 \n \nEither that or just have these archived links and these pictures, other than that I seriously need this thread to die so no one will bitch that I have 2 of the bastards at the top when I post my next one later! \n \n or \n \n", "pid": 7178579 }, { "sender": "9737-Anonymous", "message": "25/05/2024, 22:44:40\n\n>>7178565 \n>>7178579 \nI will do, though it doesn't let me to open and download them. I will try to search them I guess \nHere's my sage if you want the thread to die so badly, thank you and take care", "pid": 7178771 }, { "sender": "boxman", "message": "26/05/2024, 21:00:56\n\n>>7171918 \n \nfinished ; )", "pid": 7179745 }, { "sender": "74BC-Anonymous", "message": "27/05/2024, 05:33:54\n\nDunno why but i have this schizophrenic thought that all my drawings are chris-chan level shitscribbles but only i see them as something decent.", "pid": 7180221 }, { "sender": "204F-Anonymous", "message": "27/05/2024, 13:27:34\n\n>>7179745 \n \nA bit fat maybe, but ok", "pid": 7180448 }, { "sender": "B0BB-Anonymous", "message": "27/05/2024, 13:31:06\n\n>>7180221 \n \nNah that definitely ain't true lol, when even THAT, colourless sketch is better than what I created, I'm just gonna have to except that like Chris Chan, my art at the very absolutely most will only improve slightly but still not be good enough, sad", "pid": 7180452 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DED6", "message": "27/05/2024, 13:34:58\n\n>>7178771 \n \nI'm not desperate for it, if you lot really want to continue this thread then I'm happy enough to let you do that, I'm just saying I would like this thread to end just so there aren't two completely conflicting threads by me at the same time, that's all", "pid": 7180456 }, { "sender": "5B2C-Anonymous", "message": "27/05/2024, 19:42:05\n\nOP, PLEASE DO ANYTHING BUT GIVE UP\nif you need to take a break, that is ok, but if you want to improve, then you cant stop or else you will never improve\nyour art is not the worst i have seen, I could totally see it being in a popular cartoon\ni think for now, you shold study shadows and how they react to forms, and also on making your lighting and shadows more consistent", "pid": 7180813 }, { "sender": "3029-Anonymous", "message": "29/05/2024, 20:11:18\n\n>>7180813 \n \nListen, I know I might have broken my own rules heres, quite coincidentally when this thread is literally at page 10, the last page but JUST LOOK AT THE POSTS UNDERNEATH AND SEE WHAT YOU FUCKING CAUSED BY ENCOURAGING ME DAMN IT! \n \n>>7181550", "pid": 7182885 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C828", "message": "29/05/2024, 20:35:58\n\n>>7182885 \nThose posters encouraged you to draw because they believe that anyone should be allowed to draw whether they are autistic or not. \n \nPosting your art online and being a whiny attention seeking faggot and just drawing and getting better are two different things", "pid": 7182909 }, { "sender": "C995-Anon", "message": "29/05/2024, 22:36:32\n\nOPs character is actually very cute", "pid": 7183049 }, { "sender": "9AA7-Anon", "message": "29/05/2024, 23:24:13\n\n>>7183056 \nOuting yourself as underage is retarded. Enjoy your vacation.", "pid": 7183066 }, { "sender": "0098-Anon", "message": "30/05/2024, 08:16:46\n\n>>7183049 \nno, you're just good enough to create that illusion", "pid": 7183420 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F8D1", "message": "30/05/2024, 14:33:21\n\n>>7183049 \nPlease share your rendering process", "pid": 7183710 }, { "sender": "70FD-Anonymous", "message": "30/05/2024, 15:00:03\n\nPLEASE 4CHAN ON THE LORD HIMSELF JESUS ABOVE PLEASE BAN THIS THREAD AND GET RID OF EVERY SINGLE MENTION OF THE NAME MRBIGWANKER OUT THERE ON 4CHAN PLEASE NOW!", "pid": 7183742 }, { "sender": "B9D3-Anon", "message": "30/05/2024, 16:57:48\n\n>>7183710 \nsure, so i make a very rough sketch first, try to remember that you dont have to draw the details if you are making a painting because you can just paint them in later. I have a hard time remembering this because of autism telling me i have to follow a very strict process \nthen block in base colors and adjust for value and hue until it looks good. Take a very long time on this step, it is the most important. \nMultiply layer for the base shadow, i chose cool greyish shadow to contrast with warm colors. \nto render with this drawing i mainly used chalk, gouache, and hard round (CSP) because there werent many textures and i didnt want to spend too much time on it. Always think about the light source. I can't exactly put into words how i render because it's just a style but i'm always thinking about light. And also thinking about the forms as simple shapes like cylinders or circles. \nfinally i decided that it looked flat so i added le rimlight and made it green to contrast with the red/pink. and i always use an overlay layer on top with airbrush to go over the forms again and really make them dimensional", "pid": 7183870 }, { "sender": "Anon-E4F8", "message": "31/05/2024, 10:22:13\n\n4chan is a gimp", "pid": 7184738 }, { "sender": "B1E0-Anonymous", "message": "31/05/2024, 15:54:26\n\nFuck it and listen, SOMEONE rep0rt this thread for me and give them a reason for it that ACTUALLY makes them bother NOW!", "pid": 7184985 }, { "sender": "079A-Anonymous", "message": "31/05/2024, 15:59:08\n\n>>7184985 \nwhy don't you report it? \n \n>>7183870 \nI kneel autist chad, thank you for sharing", "pid": 7184990 }, { "sender": "159A-Anon", "message": "31/05/2024, 16:25:47\n\nWork doodle of this girl \n \n>>7173418 \nNice", "pid": 7185013 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1671", "message": "31/05/2024, 16:33:31\n\n>>7184990 \n \nI've tried faggot \n \n>>7185013 \n \nGod even THAT'S better than me, I give up", "pid": 7185019 }, { "sender": "Anon-3135", "message": "31/05/2024, 16:43:04\n\n>>7185019 \nJust take some time to learn anatomy bro.", "pid": 7185030 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC2B", "message": "31/05/2024, 17:19:26\n\nshe is cute ty for sharing OP", "pid": 7185053 }, { "sender": "Anon-5036", "message": "31/05/2024, 17:20:39\n\n>>7185030 \nHow haven't I ALREADY, like why don't they teach that shit at schools instead of fucking gender studies like!?", "pid": 7185055 }, { "sender": "ABEA-Anonymous", "message": "31/05/2024, 17:33:49\n\n>>7185055 \n>how haven’t I \nI can tell you haven’t because of the way you draw. And you don’t need to learn it at school. Read the sticky.", "pid": 7185074 }, { "sender": "Anon-E8F4", "message": "31/05/2024, 20:07:44\n\nTest", "pid": 7185209 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0603", "message": "02/06/2024, 20:16:13\n\n>>7185209 \n>>7185053 \nCute stuff, nice work anons", "pid": 7187380 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A30", "message": "02/06/2024, 21:01:45\n\nAre you taking the fucking piss, I GET ONE OF THESE THREADS TO STOP BEING BUMPED AND THEN THE OTHER TWO START GETTING BUMPED AGAIN, Oh I just fucking give up just, just hide these threads and how is that even meant to work like, does 4chan even remember when you did hide a specific thread, even if you're not on incognito!? Whatever", "pid": 7187415 } ]
Pics or It didn&#039;t happen.
[ { "sender": "Anon-B30A", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:04:28\n\nam I supposed to care either way?", "pid": 470404264 }, { "sender": "D3B5-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:04:30\n\n>>470404180 \nGood. I only hope they kill all the hostages afterwards.", "pid": 470404267 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A673", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:06:02\n\nI don't know why the forced degradation of Jewess is a thing?\n\nThey are easy to fuck. Terrible to listen to, but easy to fuck.", "pid": 470404367 }, { "sender": "Anon-C0BB", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:06:52\n\n>>470404180 \nJust like every Palestinian hospital, school or resteraunt is harboring Hamas terrorists. Fuck Jews and their lies", "pid": 470404426 }, { "sender": "B357-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:07:50\n\nThey wish", "pid": 470404491 }, { "sender": "Anon-F20F", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:08:09\n\n>>470404180 \nIf I recall correctly, she claimed that they “groped” her. Her claims can’t be proven. Conveniently", "pid": 470404506 }, { "sender": "4E14-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:09:30\n\n>>470404180 \nBut she was smiling while waving good-bye to her capturers. Is she mad now because she is no longer in Gaza?", "pid": 470404596 }, { "sender": "Anon-CAE0", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:09:54\n\n>>470404426 \n>muh poor mudslimes \nnu/pol/ sucks", "pid": 470404622 }, { "sender": "0627-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:14:10\n\n>>470404180 \n>Millions of Israeli women rushing the checkpoints to get into Gaza.", "pid": 470404873 }, { "sender": "A50C-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:14:42\n\n>>470404622 \nI can only begin to imagine your hate to muslims due to the geographical position and interactions with them. But, denying that they haven't spread and protected in Europe by jews it's a dumb take. One needs to go first, it won't happen the other way around.", "pid": 470404911 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-997B", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:16:57\n\n>>470404180 \nWhy didn't you ask for video?", "pid": 470405054 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2B19", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:27:50\n\n>>470404180 \nIt feels so good bros to spread my Arabic seed into a Jewish girl", "pid": 470405700 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8FFF", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:30:11\n\n>>470404491 \nShe wanted that BPC (Big Palistinian Cock)", "pid": 470405849 } ]
Who&#039;s /pol/&#039;s favorite Jew?
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-D211", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:43:49\n\nWho&#039;s /pol/&#039;s favorite Jew?\n\nEveryone has one, even Hitler did. See pic, cool guy. Proved that ancient Israel was mostly fairy tales and David and Solomon likely didn't really exist and triggered a lot of people as that undermines one of Israel's foundational myths.", "pid": 470402918 }, { "sender": "Anon-F0E7", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:44:46\n\n>>470402918 \nYou, OP. \nYou are.", "pid": 470402985 }, { "sender": "C8BA-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:45:05\n\n>>470402918", "pid": 470403013 }, { "sender": "9E0B-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:47:29\n\n>>470402918 \nI was gonna post this guy, since he showed that the Israelites were originally polytheists and became monotheists over time. What he say s about the Israelites and the creation of Judaism makes way more sense than the bullshit in the Bible.", "pid": 470403168 }, { "sender": "93EE-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:02:14\n\n>>470402918", "pid": 470404123 }, { "sender": "CB66-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:04:13\n\nAlfred Rosenberg was not a Jew", "pid": 470404254 }, { "sender": "A0D3-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:06:41\n\n>>470402918 \nThe dead one", "pid": 470404413 }, { "sender": "C405-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:07:43\n\nrabbi yeshu bar yosef", "pid": 470404473 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-38E6", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:08:34\n\n>>470402918 \nshia", "pid": 470404535 }, { "sender": "Anon-944C", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:09:17\n\n>>470402918 \nMore jewishnloes by they do not believe and the appropriate for themselves when has nothing to with they believe david and Johnathan were fagd their are jo fairy tales modernist heretic it does not say that in latin you are discord ass wipe la sallete fatimaand a million other times", "pid": 470404581 }, { "sender": "F122-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:10:21\n\n>>470402918 \nHere comes another one \n \nthe one who fits an oven", "pid": 470404645 }, { "sender": "AD1B-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:13:08\n\nErhard Milch", "pid": 470404813 }, { "sender": "FAA2-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:29:08\n\n>>470402918 \nShe is", "pid": 470405788 } ]
This board at night
[ { "sender": "1A17-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:04:59\n\nThis board at night\n\nThis board at night is Schizo and thirdworlder central. Almost nothing of value. Go to bed if your mentally sane", "pid": 470404299 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5029", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:05:44\n\n>>470404299 \nBut anon, what else am I going to do? Get a good nights sleep?", "pid": 470404348 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BCFC", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:05:47\n\n>OP is too retarded to learn about timezones \ngo to bed forever latrina mexcrement subhuman", "pid": 470404351 }, { "sender": "3BEC-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:06:01\n\n>>470404299 \nIsrael just bombed a school?", "pid": 470404363 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A9EB", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:07:45\n\n>>470404299 \n> I posted a Trump thread and someone called me MIGA \n> MODS", "pid": 470404476 }, { "sender": "Anon-12EA", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:08:26\n\n>>470404351 \n>thirdworlder central \nI know english is your second language but that implies I know thirdworlders like you are awake", "pid": 470404522 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF63", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:10:01\n\n>>470404299 \nNo, kike", "pid": 470404630 }, { "sender": "526A-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:11:03\n\n>>470404522 \nyou sound poor. Why do you sound poor?", "pid": 470404695 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-80DA", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:13:43\n\n>>470404695 \nNo way a Romanian is talking about being poor you'll probably be leaving for Berlin to work in a few months", "pid": 470404857 }, { "sender": "Anon-56FC", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:15:21\n\n>>470404299 \nIm about to. But first I was thinking of how white peepoo will literally do this to avoid black people: (action starts at 2:40) \n", "pid": 470404951 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4EBD", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:17:09\n\n>>470404299 \n>at night", "pid": 470405068 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A85", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:19:40\n\n>>470404857 \nkeep being poor. It's good for you.", "pid": 470405224 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8EB6", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:21:44\n\n>>470404299 \n>almost nothing of value \n>schizzo \nthere's a reason why people like you were burned at the steak.", "pid": 470405352 }, { "sender": "Anon-1BC4", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:25:19\n\nCool", "pid": 470405548 }, { "sender": "4D8B-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:26:26\n\n>>470404299 \nyou're \n>>470405352 \nstake \n \nChrist, go away you fucking retards.", "pid": 470405627 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4DD8", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:29:20\n\n>>470405627 \noh no a minor spelling mistake. Fucking autist", "pid": 470405800 } ]
Behold, Miss Alabama USA
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-949E", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:29:19\n\nBehold, Miss Alabama USA\n\nBig is beautiful. Cry in your mom's basement, incel haters.", "pid": 470401882 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4530", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:31:15\n\nWhat an unhealthy embarrassment.", "pid": 470402014 }, { "sender": "D6AD-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:31:25\n\n>>470401882 \nIt's called \nalabama slammer for a reason.", "pid": 470402022 }, { "sender": "E1B6-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:31:43\n\nROLL TIDE!!!", "pid": 470402040 }, { "sender": "3336-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:31:44\n\n>>470401882 \n>Big is beautiful. \nDoubt", "pid": 470402044 }, { "sender": "6ACE-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:32:16\n\nAt least she's not black", "pid": 470402082 }, { "sender": "E8F4-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:33:05\n\n>>470401882 \nCouldn't they pick a pretty chubby one? \n \nOr the joke was to good?", "pid": 470402212 }, { "sender": "D327-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:35:09\n\n>>470401882 \nAmazing how all civil institutions were reduced to shitty virtue signalling lighthouses.", "pid": 470402336 }, { "sender": "Anon-04FF", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:35:29\n\n>>470401882 \nThe US has become cancerous", "pid": 470402362 }, { "sender": "04D7-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:35:53\n\n>>470401882 \n>The blonde in the pink though", "pid": 470402397 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7C73", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:36:29\n\n>>470401882 \nPeople don't understand, that is the most beautiful in alabama.", "pid": 470402434 }, { "sender": "Anon-A6D7", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:37:48\n\n>>470402434 \nYou think she's more beautiful to you than the two women standing next to her? What's wrong with you?", "pid": 470402521 }, { "sender": "3C0A-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:42:03\n\n>>470402434 \nyour cousin on the other hand", "pid": 470402795 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B6B", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:43:30\n\n>>470401882 \nHow could you participate knowing you are simply a spectacle...wait... Are you telling me some obese whales really believe they are attractive? They TRULY believe the \"big is beautiful\" absolute joke of a concept? \n \nOr is this an example of the Zimbabwe-tier Hoflation? If so, civilization is going to collapse because of this sooner than any other possible cause if it really is so bad this absolute pig monster is getting railed by literally any man as having a wank would be preferrable without question. \n \nI am absolutely blubberghasted by this situation.", "pid": 470402894 }, { "sender": "7D37-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:45:01\n\n>>470402434 \n>that is the most beautiful", "pid": 470403009 }, { "sender": "EFA2-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:45:04\n\n>>470401882 \nAverage American girl lard body.", "pid": 470403011 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-603A", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:47:57\n\n>>470401882 \n\"unhealthy embarrassment\" is a better insult than this board usually comes up with", "pid": 470403200 }, { "sender": "Anon-0679", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:50:29\n\n>>470401882 \nShe won because she ate all of the other contestants", "pid": 470403376 }, { "sender": "61C7-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:53:15\n\n>>470401882 \nAsk me how I know you're desperate.", "pid": 470403550 }, { "sender": "Anon-9A8A", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:25:45\n\n>>470401882 \nshe entered for the free buffet", "pid": 470405575 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1C3A", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:30:03\n\n>>470401882 \nSeems american to me", "pid": 470405844 } ]
[ { "sender": "F814-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:14:16\n\n>don’t wait for a correction \nThe single most retarded thing I’ve ever heard \nalso \n>go to college for 100k \nKek", "pid": 470400845 }, { "sender": "Anon-3428", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:19:07\n\n>>470400845 \nI don't care about the stock market, index funds will never outpace inflation ever again.", "pid": 470401187 }, { "sender": "A650-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:22:21\n\n>>470401187 \nLmao you must be fucking retarded then my guy. Inflation is easily outpaced by the market", "pid": 470401428 }, { "sender": "Anon-155E", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:25:31\n\n>>470401428 \nYou must be a boomer to think that, you probably already liquidated your portfolio years ago for retirement", "pid": 470401647 }, { "sender": "Anon-3158", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:27:02\n\n>>470401647 \nInflation is 8.3%.. market returns annually always beat 8.3%", "pid": 470401744 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D4A3", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:31:41\n\n>>470401744 \nAgain boomer, that's not the case anymore, that's a long-term average. And the US economy's best days are well behind it, it's never going to be like before", "pid": 470402037 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1C43", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:37:34\n\n>>470401428 \nWhich year? We've had 8-20% inflation in the last 4 years in houses, energy, used cars, and food. Coincidentally, the White House's calculation for inflation started omitting those. If you actually think inflation was 3-6% you're handicapped.", "pid": 470402506 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B52", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:38:38\n\n>>470402037 \nLmao traders actively trade dumbass. 8.3% is laughable. I added 30% just today. Inflation affects the nobodies at McDonald’s, not good traders or the rich bucko", "pid": 470402571 }, { "sender": "2101-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:40:40\n\n>>470402506 \nBut you must understand picrel is overall market returns but you have people and entities actively trading daily retuning more than 8.3% every 2-3 days if their good. I can return 30% a week but I’m an animal", "pid": 470402718 }, { "sender": "517C-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:43:03\n\n>>470402571 \nExcept active traders do significantly worse than index funds on average. Sure you can find some lucky exceptions but they just prove the rule.", "pid": 470402858 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B670", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:51:38\n\n>>470402858 \nSure retail traders lol not institutions and some super star retail traders. Inflation is negligible", "pid": 470403446 }, { "sender": "Anon-2FEA", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:53:52\n\n>>470402858 \nIndex funds are passive garbage. Only faggots put money in those ETFs. I’m talking stocks, outpacing inflation like a space X rocket", "pid": 470403585 }, { "sender": "C370-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:00:10\n\n>>470403585 \n>just beat the market \n>as a side-gig, while also working full-time and raising a family", "pid": 470403987 }, { "sender": "Anon-F378", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:03:33\n\n>>470400845 \ndon't wait for a correction unless MAGA trash are yelling \"herp derpa go woke go broke!\" \n \nIf the stock is due for a correction, it'll correct, then rally like a muh-fuh a few months later like BUD did. \n \nIf the stock has already corrected, buy buy buy! I bought ADDYY at $49 when all the MAGA trash yelled \"GOWOKEGOBROKE!\" and my portfolio appreciates your zero-brained commentary.", "pid": 470404209 }, { "sender": "8AA6-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:06:18\n\n>>470404209 \nWe're already deep into a correction when you convert the values on stock charts to constant dollars.", "pid": 470404387 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0FAD", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:24:43\n\nSmooth brain stock knowledge here. I can't follow exactly what yall are saying, but is somebody here saying that eventually will make stock returns not worth it due to it losing 2% in value because of inflation.\nSo unless the stock market can keep on pumping we are due for an extreme crash?", "pid": 470405515 }, { "sender": "0CF3-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:32:54\n\n>>470405515 \nI was more complaining that there is no longer any way to reliably save and invest without losing tons of purchasing power over time. You used to be able to buy index funds and end up with more purchasing power (constant dollars) once you sold them, but I don't see that ever returning. \nStocks are still better than holding dollars, but there's no way to beat inflation anymore except by simply not saving at all.", "pid": 470406019 }, { "sender": "DDBB-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:34:29\n\n>>470400845 \nI'm not buying at ATH you old fart.", "pid": 470406125 } ]
How will white people look after genetic engineering?
[ { "sender": "C13C-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:39:29\n\n>>470402300 \nlike half of them will just turn themselves black and rape everything around them", "pid": 470402637 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9AD6", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:42:39\n\n>>470402300 \nI doubt people would look like that as it would be extremely antisocial. If anything they would become more anime-like", "pid": 470402834 }, { "sender": "Anon-416C", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:43:16\n\n>>470402300 \nlike black people", "pid": 470402878 }, { "sender": "D791-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:44:08\n\n>>470402300 \nlike the cenobites from hellraiser", "pid": 470402933 }, { "sender": "277D-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:08:43\n\nWhiteface isn't cool, yo", "pid": 470404546 }, { "sender": "Anon-CF2A", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:12:58\n\n>>470404546 \nAnime looks better", "pid": 470404800 }, { "sender": "Robert Paulson", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:15:25\n\n>>470402300 \nI wouldn't be caught dead in a faggot costume like that. Very, very ghay.", "pid": 470404958 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4056", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:15:57\n\n>>470402300 \n>>470402834 \nnobody's interested in taking your stupid mRNA shots", "pid": 470404992 }, { "sender": "C4B1-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:16:39\n\n>>470402300 \n>Doesn't comprehend \nApes were created from man, not the other way around \n>The evil jew is evil", "pid": 470405036 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3C03", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:18:38\n\n>>470404800 \nWould", "pid": 470405162 }, { "sender": "6907-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:18:47\n\nWhen genetic engineering is real everyone will be blue eyed, blonde, and light skinned. White genes will be artificially inserted into every last strand of human DNA on the planet.", "pid": 470405173 }, { "sender": "4DB9-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:19:55\n\n>>470402300 \nLess Algerian than that.", "pid": 470405241 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D47E", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:20:49\n\nThe year is 2100. Pic related is the average white person.", "pid": 470405298 }, { "sender": "FC2C-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:23:35\n\nThe he year is 2100. Pic related is considered a “shitskin” because she doesn’t have purple eyes.", "pid": 470405458 }, { "sender": "2C48-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:24:26\n\nThe year is 2100. Pic related is considered a “shitskin” because she doesn’t have purple eyes.", "pid": 470405507 }, { "sender": "6C84-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:25:35\n\nAs soon as it's possible to get cosmetic DNA modifications, jeets will go extinct overnight and there will be 500,000,000 Henry cavils.", "pid": 470405569 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-200C", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:26:12\n\n>>470402300 \nWhy does nu/pol/ think the dregs of society that post here will ever have access to elite tech? No you will never get a squirt of jew juice ion your arm that changes your terrible dysgenic genetics and you will never be given an ai girlfriend.", "pid": 470405606 }, { "sender": "47F8-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:29:12\n\n>>470405569 \n>>470405173 \nIt’s never going to happen that stuff is possible right now and it’s not happening for some reason. Demons have infected everyone’s minds. The demons wouldn’t want to mess up their plans and make the world a better place", "pid": 470405791 }, { "sender": "4BE2-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:29:24\n\n>>470405569 \nHow the hell will anyone go outside when everyone chooses albino vampire levels of whiteness?", "pid": 470405806 }, { "sender": "887E-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:32:35\n\n>>470405806 \nthey'll shield themselves with their yaoi hands.", "pid": 470406000 } ]
Monster Girl Thread
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-2712", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:37:16\n\nMonster Girl Thread\n\nDeploy emergency bat.\n\nMonster Girl Wiki:\nMonster Girl Archive:\nContent Aggregator:\nWriters list:\nFanart Galleries:\nNextcloud Archive:", "pid": 47062781 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9C2C", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:40:08\n\nbun", "pid": 47062803 }, { "sender": "Anon-0FEE", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:40:27\n\nSurely this won't backfire.", "pid": 47062805 }, { "sender": "278F-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:40:36\n\nSabbath supremacy", "pid": 47062807 }, { "sender": "B1D8-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:41:13\n\nGremlin is back in a third thread baby.", "pid": 47062810 }, { "sender": "Anon-952C", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:41:20\n\n>>47062803 \nShould you put buns in the oven or not? I'm getting conflicting messages.", "pid": 47062813 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D7B1", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:42:03\n\n>\"no, i wont sleep in your tails\"", "pid": 47062820 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F59D", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:44:46\n\n>>47062805 \nBaphomet thighs and belly erotic, needs correction.", "pid": 47062838 }, { "sender": "Anon-28C6", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:45:18\n\n>>47062838 \nBut that's correct already.", "pid": 47062841 }, { "sender": "7C26-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:45:52\n\n>>47062781 \nI approve of this bat.", "pid": 47062844 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4AA3", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:48:15\n\nCat", "pid": 47062864 }, { "sender": "D324-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:48:38\n\n>>47062781 \nBeware the bats. They hide in trees and wait for you to walk under so they can give you a Spider-Man kiss.", "pid": 47062870 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D12C", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:49:01\n\n>>47062864 \nVery plappable.", "pid": 47062873 }, { "sender": "8900-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:49:01\n\n>>47062864 \nhe's right", "pid": 47062874 }, { "sender": "9DBE-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:49:32\n\n>>47062864 \nFoul nefarious creature, be my wife.", "pid": 47062880 }, { "sender": "Anon-5A90", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:49:33\n\n>>47062844 \n>>47062864 \nBoth look cute in a hat.", "pid": 47062881 }, { "sender": "5081-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:50:16\n\n>>47062864 \nS M U G", "pid": 47062887 }, { "sender": "1F8C-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:51:06\n\n>>47062864 \nunmarriable femcel", "pid": 47062892 }, { "sender": "07BD-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:53:45\n\n>>47062892 \nMy kind of girl.", "pid": 47062911 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BFD5", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:54:21\n\n>>47062870 \n>accidentally kissing a sleeping batgirl by walking into her in the dark", "pid": 47062914 }, { "sender": "8B9C-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:54:56\n\n>>47062892 \nWrong", "pid": 47062920 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6168", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:58:49\n\n>>47062920 \nIs it possible to fuck the smug out of this cat?", "pid": 47062956 }, { "sender": "041D-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 13:59:50\n\n>>47062956 \nit be fucked out no matter how hard you try. \nyou must LOVE the smug out of her.", "pid": 47062966 }, { "sender": "821C-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:01:50\n\n>>47062781 \nShe looks like she's good at cuddling", "pid": 47062982 }, { "sender": "Anon-2ECF", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:07:22\n\nThanks for the cleanup meido.", "pid": 47063034 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-101C", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:07:59\n\nI should draw a bug. The question is - which one", "pid": 47063044 }, { "sender": "Anon-89CF", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:09:03\n\n>>47063044 \na mantis", "pid": 47063057 }, { "sender": "95C7-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:09:56\n\nWurm.", "pid": 47063069 }, { "sender": "Anon-4EE4", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:11:00\n\n>>47063044 \ncrab", "pid": 47063081 }, { "sender": "6EF8-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:11:24\n\n>>47063034 \nshe missed a spot, thats another week with condom on.", "pid": 47063089 }, { "sender": "136A-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:11:41\n\n>>47063044 \nSoldier bug, please. \nWith an appol.", "pid": 47063094 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7FAC", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:11:48\n\n>>47063044 \nTechnically not a bug, but I would like to see a Portia arachne someday. \n", "pid": 47063098 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-28FC", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:12:17\n\n>>47063098 \ndon't post the retarded cuckspider please", "pid": 47063100 }, { "sender": "A96F-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:12:59\n\n>>47063100 \nChill, it's a meme image.", "pid": 47063111 }, { "sender": "5A46-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:13:44\n\n>>47063111 \nit's still eating up the image limit. At least have the decency to delete it.", "pid": 47063116 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AFE3", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:14:56\n\n>>47063044 \nVampire mosquito. She is underrated and needs love.", "pid": 47063130 }, { "sender": "4C7D-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:15:06\n\n>>47063116 \nJesus Christ on a stick fine. Have it your way you autist.", "pid": 47063131 }, { "sender": "74A0-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:19:09\n\n>>47063131 \nthanks \n>autist \nBro, we're getting spammed by gachaslop, \"look at this random anime girl she's from ze ORDER\", \"look at this random girl with pointy ears DAS AN ELF LMAO GIVE REPLIES NOW\" shit and off-topic images that sometimes don't even have anything to do with /jp/, much less monstergirls. The least we can do, outside of ignoring and reporting, is NOT post cuckshit ourselves.", "pid": 47063162 }, { "sender": "Anon-E5E6", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:30:31\n\n>>47063230 \nghost cant get you if you hide under the blanket", "pid": 47063243 }, { "sender": "Anon-4C93", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:30:51\n\nI wanna lick, suck and nibble on a dragon's tail.", "pid": 47063248 }, { "sender": "F946-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:30:53\n\nThis happens in MGC daily.\n", "pid": 47063250 }, { "sender": "Anon-310D", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:32:01\n\n>>47063248 \nim a full gnasher", "pid": 47063263 }, { "sender": "Anon-8785", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:33:08\n\n>>47063209 \n>>47063225 \nare these really zipangu's so called \"\"\"goddesses\"\"\"?", "pid": 47063270 }, { "sender": "7DDA-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:35:41\n\n>>47063263 \nDragon tails are strong, they can handle any amount of biting from a mere's human teeth.", "pid": 47063292 }, { "sender": "4A1E-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:36:35\n\n>>47063270 \nNah they're just figureheads. The nukis pull the strings in the background.", "pid": 47063299 }, { "sender": "Anon-52EF", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:37:23\n\nI need my pyrow best friend to show me what exactly they mean by busting it down sexual style.", "pid": 47063306 }, { "sender": "Anon-8AFD", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:43:10\n\nCows could be here \nI never was in this farm before\nI hate cows", "pid": 47063356 }, { "sender": "5533-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:44:14\n\nThanks meido!", "pid": 47063362 }, { "sender": "Anon-CDDF", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:44:18\n\nPay the troll toll, or you have to sniff her butt.", "pid": 47063363 }, { "sender": "Anon-D15F", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:44:40\n\n>>47063356 \ncows are cute \nthey could never hurt you", "pid": 47063366 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DA96", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:46:12\n\n>>47063363 \nSNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "pid": 47063372 }, { "sender": "CB98-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:47:26\n\n>>47063366 \nDon't Google how much cows kill people per year", "pid": 47063382 }, { "sender": "E22E-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:49:03\n\n>>47063363 \nThis doesn't seem to be a very sustainable business model miss troll.", "pid": 47063389 }, { "sender": "Anon-079D", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:51:17\n\n>>47063382 \na holst wont kill a man \nthey are too nice", "pid": 47063400 }, { "sender": "Anon-37C3", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:55:54\n\n>>47063400 \nDo you think having atleast 25 kg of tits in your face is safe?", "pid": 47063419 }, { "sender": "Anon-A154", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:57:01\n\n>>47063419 \nsi \nit would calm down any man", "pid": 47063428 }, { "sender": "1287-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 14:58:40\n\nwhat would you do with your monfu at the beach?", "pid": 47063441 }, { "sender": "E03F-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:01:51\n\n>>47063441 \nfish with her \nattempt to teach a wurm how to swim", "pid": 47063459 }, { "sender": "69E6-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:05:38\n\n>>47063459 \n>attempt to teach a wurm how to swim \njust leave that to the sea wurms", "pid": 47063481 }, { "sender": "6215-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:11:35\n\n>>47063441 \nRun on the beach with her \nCool off in the water \nHelp put the jellyfish back in it water", "pid": 47063525 }, { "sender": "Anon-4AF1", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:13:10\n\n>>47063515 \n>Indian lamia queen visits Moscow as part of Diplomatic and Cultural delegation. 20X6, colorized", "pid": 47063534 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DCAB", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:19:18\n\ni am Anon and i speak for the trees.\ntheyre asking if you're single.", "pid": 47063576 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C15", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:21:32\n\n>>47063525 \n>Help put the jellyfish \nNO, total jellyfish death. I got stung to many time, I hate those stupid mindless grifters", "pid": 47063588 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EA6C", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:23:51\n\n>>47063576 \nTell them to keep their jizz off of my car, I just washed it.", "pid": 47063607 }, { "sender": "16B5-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:26:42\n\n>>47063576 \nThose are all birches.", "pid": 47063623 }, { "sender": "Anon-D797", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:38:56\n\nAnons, I regret to inform you that there are indeed monsters posting in this very thread. Be very wary of your fellow anon. They might just be a horrendous monster trying to take advantage of you.", "pid": 47063689 }, { "sender": "403E-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:43:00\n\n>>47063689 \ndont believe everything Ches tells you Anon. she just wants to stir some shit.", "pid": 47063714 }, { "sender": "84FD-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:43:12\n\n>>47063683 \nGet a Mason jar \nYou know what must be done", "pid": 47063717 }, { "sender": "Anon-8563", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:45:45\n\n>>47063717 \nthis is fun until you wake up in the mason jar with an anubis staring down at you funny", "pid": 47063735 }, { "sender": "C452-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:45:50\n\n>>47063683 \nDamn, really nice job", "pid": 47063737 }, { "sender": "A654-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:48:56\n\n>>47063689 \nShe cute though", "pid": 47063754 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5D0B", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:50:23\n\n>>47063689 \nas long as there arent any human women here its fine.", "pid": 47063760 }, { "sender": "Anon-2F9C", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:51:38\n\n>>47063588 \nA Sea Slime stung me once, then asked me to piss on her to neutralize the poison. I don't think that's how it works, however.", "pid": 47063776 }, { "sender": "4A50-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:11:58\n\nI love hugging my cute Automaton wife and caressing her cheeks! Even if she doesn't feel any emotion and just stares blankly back like :|", "pid": 47063885 }, { "sender": "68B5-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:12:16\n\n>>47063776 \n>be Anon \n>walking down the beach amidst various mamonos \n>ohnoes, got stung be a jellyfish-girl! \n>waits for whichever mamono knows first-aid to piss on the welts \n>... \n>healed Anon introduces himself to his new waifu \n>slips the jellyfish a goldcoin while Anon's new waifu isn't looking", "pid": 47063886 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-172D", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:16:18\n\nI want more stories about dykes getting corrupted and then loosing to cock.", "pid": 47063904 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C8A5", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:17:24\n\nThe cat has come for your rum\nAlso your children, but the rum first", "pid": 47063908 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2284", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:18:24\n\n>>47063908 \nPlease don't kidnap my son.", "pid": 47063914 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3F7E", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:19:43\n\n>>47063908 \nShe's welcomed, I will make many sons with her and drink a lot", "pid": 47063920 }, { "sender": "839B-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:20:01\n\n>>47063914 \nWon't be the first, won't be the last.", "pid": 47063922 }, { "sender": "D571-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:20:43\n\n>>47063908 \nShe's gonna be real disappointed when she finds out that she can't drink and keep my buns in the oven at the same time.", "pid": 47063925 }, { "sender": "9010-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:24:13\n\n>>47063904 \nAgreed, but even soft-y/u/ri upsets the Tard(s). \nConverting yuris with the D is the ultimate Anon power.", "pid": 47063940 }, { "sender": "Anon-F9D8", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:26:49\n\n>>47063940 \nSoft, hard, it's all good. What's the point of having monster girls have all sorts of silly parts if they can't use them on each other?", "pid": 47063955 }, { "sender": "731D-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:37:29\n\nJust because I came inside the Succubus that seduced me at the bar last night doesn't mean that I have to marry her and let her move in. She took advantage of me.", "pid": 47064001 }, { "sender": "2E93-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:41:07\n\n>>47064001 \nYou could move in with her instead if her place is better.", "pid": 47064017 }, { "sender": "DB35-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:41:48\n\n>>47064001 \nyou are. \nuntil you press charges that is, just a little cut on your finger and put it on the right field. all expenses paid.", "pid": 47064019 }, { "sender": "438E-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:42:18\n\n>>47064001 \nYour mouth was full of Succubus tongue, and as such you don't have any witnesses to corroborate that you DIDN'T agree to marry her and let her move in- my highly paid attack lawyer, D. Mon also says that several witnesses agree that you didn't say that you wouldn't father at LEAST four children, possibly more, as well as a written testimony from the bartender that you stated no objections to renovating your office into the babies' room or that it should be her favourite shade of pink.", "pid": 47064021 }, { "sender": "Anon-CC2B", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:48:12\n\n>>47063718 \nI like how her expression makes it seem like the clothes just materialized on her.", "pid": 47064052 }, { "sender": "6190-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:48:33\n\n>>47063576 \n>married druid anon playing matchmaker for the forests trees and other creatures \nHas potential, maybe he harangs hikers with scary Bigfoot noises into their arms, maybe he hosts a bnb for hikers and 'spooky' things happen after dark. \nNo one knows, only that legend says any couples that go there stay together forever and that any single man that walks in leaves with a lady on his arm", "pid": 47064055 }, { "sender": "5B95-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:49:19\n\nMilkpires", "pid": 47064061 }, { "sender": "Anon-4188", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:51:36\n\n>>47064061 \nThose are bloodbags, mundie", "pid": 47064071 }, { "sender": "Anon-9F94", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:53:38\n\n>>47064061 \nWhat is she from?", "pid": 47064088 }, { "sender": "Anon-0D61", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:00:00\n\nencyclopedia\nenCYCLOPedia\nencyclopedIa (one EYE)\nit's all coming together.", "pid": 47064132 }, { "sender": "Anon-2B86", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:00:16\n\n>>47063130 \nvamp mosquito masochist that likes it when i slap her ass with a flyswatter", "pid": 47064139 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6682", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:00:19\n\nDon't let monsters find me...\nThey're really scary", "pid": 47064140 }, { "sender": "A2BC-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:01:07\n\n>>47064132 \nfug that setting.", "pid": 47064145 }, { "sender": "Anon-467A", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:01:23\n\n>>47064088 \nAIslop.", "pid": 47064149 }, { "sender": "A134-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:06:51\n\n>>47064132 \nMonoeyes are dorks", "pid": 47064197 }, { "sender": "Anon-F134", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:08:14\n\n>>47063683 \nTHIN YOUR PAINTS", "pid": 47064202 }, { "sender": "Anon-D8A2", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:09:47\n\n>>47064202 \nAll I could picture is a wurm unhinging her jaw and making the screaming sounds", "pid": 47064222 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C5A6", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:10:55\n\nWhy does anubis wear a golden ballsack on her head?", "pid": 47064228 }, { "sender": "9C9B-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:12:17\n\n>>47064228 \nYou're meant to replace it with yours", "pid": 47064238 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B47C", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:13:49\n\n>>47064149 \nAI is pretty damn amazing.", "pid": 47064246 }, { "sender": "Anon-656D", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:15:33\n\n>>47064246 \nGo away pajeet", "pid": 47064260 }, { "sender": "Anon-75D3", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:17:00\n\nI'm gonna tell a Holstaur that if she were a plate of juicy grilled steak and smoked brikset in front of me, I would put steak sauce on her and eat her.", "pid": 47064269 }, { "sender": "299E-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:17:21\n\n>AI is pretty damn amazing", "pid": 47064274 }, { "sender": "Anon-E020", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:18:47\n\n>>47064269 \n>man arrested for making cow cry with insensitive statement full of anti-cow slurs", "pid": 47064279 }, { "sender": "Anon-EC83", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:19:29\n\n>>47064145 \nOh let’s here it Bill, what’s so wrong about the setting you have to post about it on 4chan of all places.", "pid": 47064285 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-548D", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:19:58\n\n>>47064285 \nWhy respond? \n \nAnyway the future is cat.", "pid": 47064290 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-914A", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:25:57\n\n0 downloads", "pid": 47064331 }, { "sender": "Anon-460E", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:27:13\n\n>\"slosh\" \n>\"slosh\" \n>\"slosh\"", "pid": 47064340 }, { "sender": "B213-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:29:47\n\nIts okay if its dmca", "pid": 47064357 }, { "sender": "Anon-2226", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:33:51\n\n>>47064357 \nspeaking of dmca how come nobody posted the balrog.", "pid": 47064398 }, { "sender": "Anon-BBEE", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:35:20\n\n>>47064398 \nLeaked on /tg/.", "pid": 47064413 }, { "sender": "B63B-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:36:54\n\n>>47064413 \nIt's just really interesting that nobody talked about it. \nReally makes you think that most of the lore discussions is just from a bunch of good boys.", "pid": 47064425 }, { "sender": "FB9C-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:40:39\n\n>>47064340 \nA happy cow approaches.", "pid": 47064452 }, { "sender": "63A0-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:41:13\n\n>>47064340 \nToo small", "pid": 47064459 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57A8", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:44:44\n\n>>47063044 \n>When they see a single man", "pid": 47064489 }, { "sender": "693D-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:52:43\n\n>>47064452 \nthats a dragon you weakling hairless ape \n>>47064459 \ncareful what you wish for.", "pid": 47064553 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B1B9", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:53:14\n\n>>47063754 \nShe is", "pid": 47064555 }, { "sender": "Anon-1F71", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:56:41\n\n>>47064075 \nCute design but what's an evil recipe?", "pid": 47064580 }, { "sender": "68AD-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:56:54\n\n>>47064553 \nI need gigamilk", "pid": 47064582 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-49DE", "message": "11/06/2024, 17:59:07\n\n>>47064425 \nBased on what I've seen, requests for leaks are mostly done by the gay leprechaun, not somebody actually interested in seeing it.", "pid": 47064598 }, { "sender": "3716-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:01:55\n\n>>47064553 \nCow is cow, no matter which form it takes.", "pid": 47064613 }, { "sender": "6F11-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:02:21\n\n>>47064598 \n>nobody in the mge thread wants to see mge content \nYou okay, bud?", "pid": 47064617 }, { "sender": "Anon-3120", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:04:19\n\n>>47064580 \nEvil dumplings", "pid": 47064629 }, { "sender": "8BDE-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:05:49\n\n>schemes foxingly", "pid": 47064638 }, { "sender": "Anon-B166", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:05:58\n\n>>47064425 \nI’m not talking about it because I have a life outside of the thread and I don’t feel like getting called a shill because I throw $5 a month for a jpg.", "pid": 47064640 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A1A1", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:07:41\n\nI want a fox princess", "pid": 47064650 }, { "sender": "Anon-7731", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:08:45\n\n>>47064617 \nWe have over 200 MGE girls already that we are completely free to discuss, it's much more practical to wait for official release than to play the gay hide and seek game with DMCA police that you and other butthurt pests love to partake in. \nThat's the difference mick, we want to talk about MGE girls and you just want to spite some Jap who forgot you even exist long ago, most likely.", "pid": 47064657 }, { "sender": "Anon-FBAA", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:10:43\n\nI LOVE HAGS! I love BIG, MEATY hags with asses that barely fit in their pants and tits that stick so far out they can't see their own feet. I LOVE fat, old hags with pudgy bellies and thighs like Christmas hams. I LOVE HAGS who are so BIG, MEATY, and WARM that you don't need a blanket (or clothing) if you snuggle up with them at night. I LOVE hags who snuggle and dote on and fuck younger men all day long. I LOVE hags who make you call them 'mommy' and obsess overprotectively over your health and safety. I LOVE HAGS!!!", "pid": 47064664 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57BE", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:13:52\n\nKC's patreon is dead.", "pid": 47064675 }, { "sender": "FF23-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:16:28\n\n>>47064075 \nI like lizards. I want to touch their scales. I want to lick them.", "pid": 47064688 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-969B", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:16:30\n\n>>47064650 \nthe only way to catch the attention of foxhime-sama is by listing all the things you love about her and planting the letter in her bedroom chamber without anyone noticing.", "pid": 47064689 }, { "sender": "1770-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:17:57\n\n>>47064657 \nI’ll be real the highlight of the Balrog profile is her passively making the region she rules over horny and steamy so even species like Medusa go from being tsundere to forward with their feelings and hot and bothered.", "pid": 47064696 }, { "sender": "8CF0-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:19:34\n\n>>47064425 \nPeople have talked about it? \nIt's mostly just that there's not much to say. She's meh and the lore bits we got is strictly in the \"it exists\" category.", "pid": 47064702 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BA99", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:19:43\n\n>>47064664 \nAnother anon lost to the haggery", "pid": 47064704 }, { "sender": "Anon-724F", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:21:04\n\n>>47064675 \nSure mick, like that's happ-- \n>It's actually gone \nWhat the actual fuck?", "pid": 47064709 }, { "sender": "FB44-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:22:58\n\n>>47064709 \nBoggleboe probably got him nuked by patreon.", "pid": 47064715 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2DC4", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:25:14\n\n>>47064709 \nProbably another victim of the great credit card company mandated scrubbing that has been going on for a few weeks.", "pid": 47064723 }, { "sender": "3629-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:25:21\n\n>>47064629 \nOkay, but what specifically makes these dumplings evil over other dumplings", "pid": 47064724 }, { "sender": "1951-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:27:00\n\n>>47063382 \nin conclusion, sharks are safer than cows and you should befriend and milk sharks", "pid": 47064736 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4911", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:32:55\n\n>>47064736 \nI'd shark milk", "pid": 47064768 }, { "sender": "2EB8-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:32:59\n\n>>47064709 \nIt was an NSFW account and he was posting lolicon shit like Boggleboe. So either Patreon scrubbed him because of the content made public or he got reported ( with evidence ) by some assmad clown.", "pid": 47064769 }, { "sender": "Anon-984E", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:33:02\n\n>>47064715 \nI don't think patreon cares as long as you don't show nipple?", "pid": 47064770 }, { "sender": "Anon-E0B8", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:34:24\n\n>>47064769 \nHonestly this is probably good for him. He won't feel obligated to work on the game. Or on profiles. \n \nActually I don't know which he felt obligated to do but it was probably something on a time limit.", "pid": 47064779 }, { "sender": "Anon-0B5B", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:37:08\n\nSubtle like a sledgehammer.", "pid": 47064791 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE63", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:38:39\n\n>>47064709 \nwouldn't be the first time a host rugpulled somebody, won't be the last.", "pid": 47064799 }, { "sender": "Anon-624B", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:40:20\n\n>>47064791 \nMiss hound is very subtle.", "pid": 47064809 }, { "sender": "3CEE-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:41:15\n\nSpiky tongue blowjob\nPurring cuddles\nPredatory instincts\nA desire to play with her prey\nWhats not there to love?", "pid": 47064812 }, { "sender": "569C-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:41:18\n\n>>47064702 \nJust hold that thought for when it goes public and see if it suddenly gets a lot of talk.", "pid": 47064813 }, { "sender": "8360-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:42:26\n\nconsider a mushroom", "pid": 47064823 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9230", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:42:29\n\n>>47064812 \nI prefer this one.", "pid": 47064824 }, { "sender": "Anon-EF2E", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:42:32\n\n>>47064770 \nI wouldn't trust Patreon based on their past shenanigans, so it's more surprising it's flown under their radar for so long. Good for KC he still has other channels. \n>>47064809 \nYeah, she invites you for a coffee instead of saying \"let's fuck you sexy piece of meat\".", "pid": 47064825 }, { "sender": "69BE-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:42:38\n\n>>47064812 \nSheds a lot despite not having a fluffy tail to molest. \n \nRata > Cat", "pid": 47064828 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-01B0", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:43:48\n\n>the portals opened a few days ago, but so far it's been a trickle rather than a flood \n>something to do with portal stability, apparently \n>less than a hundred monsters have come to earth, and most of them went back home after getting their men \n>lucky bastards \n>the TV says that another portal has opened, but it's on the other side of the country \n>a large wurm drops out onto the street and looks around in confusion \n>she consults a handheld tablet briefly, and then starts moving \n>after she smashes through a roadblock and shrugs off several magazines of rifle fire, the police decide she's a job for the military \n>news helicopters circle overhead as the military hits her with everything from machine guns to bunker busters, although she doesn't seem to notice \n>they even launch a nuclear missile when she reaches an empty stretch of highway \n>but even that doesn't slow her down \n>the news channel plots her path across the country, and you realize that she's heading straight towards you \n>probably just a coincidence, but after seeing the nuke you decide to leave town and stay in a hotel for a few nights \n>after checking into a hotel room, you turn on the news again \n>for the first time since she arrived on earth, the wurm has changed course \n>she's still heading straight towards you", "pid": 47064843 }, { "sender": "10AE-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:44:10\n\n>>47064812 \nthem being most active around dawn and dusk is a little annoying", "pid": 47064846 }, { "sender": "7946-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:44:11\n\n>>47064813 \nI've tried to get people to talk about it, but people don't really wanna say anything beyond \"lava lands look neat\". \nPeople aren't even talking about the girls that just got released. Candleghist is great. Wet horse is... also here!", "pid": 47064847 }, { "sender": "7FE2-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:44:59\n\n>>47064847 \nI can understand why they don't want to talk about it but I thought once it leaked it would lose the taboo status.", "pid": 47064851 }, { "sender": "D981-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:45:35\n\nA game I'm sure that is near and dear to many monster's hearts is Wurmy 64. A late entrant into the collectathon genre, it was still released when those sorts of games were popular, and the idea of slithering around, making your way through 3-D environments to collect meaningless tokens was still fresh and fun. You could spend hours roaming the mountains and fields, performing wurm-bounces and wurm-copters to navigate tricky platforming sections, all while camera fairy gave you a free-roaming view of the action (a novel thing back in the day). The sound design was top notch too. You never got tired of hearing wurm's 'hyuh's and 'huh's as she bounced, or the sound of wurmslides on the ground, or that addictive jingle whenever she collected a superrock or the game's main collectable - the goldochip cookies.", "pid": 47064857 }, { "sender": "Anon-DF6A", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:45:35\n\n>>47064843 \nWhy are they shooting her? Just ask her to be careful.", "pid": 47064858 }, { "sender": "Anon-281C", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:46:27\n\n>>47064851 \ni like candlegeist \ni don't have an in depth dissertation on it though", "pid": 47064861 }, { "sender": "76D1-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:47:21\n\n>>47064847 \nThe new girls really don't interest me.", "pid": 47064867 }, { "sender": "Anon-6F76", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:48:02\n\n>>47064861 \nI can respect a man who's only in it for the porno pictures.", "pid": 47064871 }, { "sender": "E337-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:49:52\n\nMonsters do not love you\nThey are identical to regular women", "pid": 47064879 }, { "sender": "Anon-373C", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:51:43\n\n>>47064843 \nIs there anything that can stop a Wurm?", "pid": 47064890 }, { "sender": "Anon-18B7", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:51:46\n\n>>47064879 \ncrazy", "pid": 47064891 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE9A", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:51:48\n\n>>47062781 \n>clap hands and deploys infomercial grade sound-triggered light switch \nBats are so lame that they deserve no pity. On the plus side, you can torture her into being a loyal & halfway decent person via a simple photonic device/spell, and in less than an hour. Unfortunately so can anyone else. At least lamepires and trolls get horny off of sun juice, bats merely showcase how pathetic they are when exposed to the cold light of day — constantly using their perversely dexterous toes for all daily tasks unable to be solved by the niche their vestigial hands occupy (ie flapping like a retard).", "pid": 47064893 }, { "sender": "368C-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:53:47\n\n>>47064890 \nyou could try faking an injury to distract her", "pid": 47064907 }, { "sender": "79B2-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:55:12\n\n>When hebi", "pid": 47064917 }, { "sender": "2EDE-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:56:37\n\n>>47064847 \nBalrog has a nice design and some cool lore. I like Candlegeist but more interested in variants/fetishes with her, Kelpie is a big bag of whatever, and the two plant girls are non-factors to me because I’m biased against plant girls.", "pid": 47064927 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E6F5", "message": "11/06/2024, 18:57:50\n\n>>47064927 \nBalrog is one of the noisiest designs I have ever seen. It's really up there.", "pid": 47064936 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-578A", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:01:55\n\n>driving in the car with my wurm wife who I got hitched with against my will \n>see a god forsaken yellow M sign down the road and sigh because I know what's about to happen \n>\"Macdonalds!\" She gasps \n>\"Wurm no-\" \n>\"MACDONALDS MACDONALDS!!!!\" \n>she unbuckles her seatbelt and starts bouncing up and down in her seat making the car unsteady \n>\"Wurm buckle back up, we're on the road!\" \n>\"WURMY WANT MACDONALDS!\" \n>gets a pouty face and slaps the window with her tail, cracking it \n>\"We're not getting Mcdonald-Oh god Wurm NO GET YOUR CLAW OFF THE STEERING WHEEL WE'RE GONNA CRAS-\" \n>brace for impact as she causes our vehicle to do several flips on the freeway \nAnyway, that's how I lost my car and why I'm filing for divorce. I wanted a grown adult for a wife, not a retarded toddler.", "pid": 47064962 }, { "sender": "A666-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:03:11\n\n>>47064962 \n>Wurm that fits into a regular car \nFake news.", "pid": 47064973 }, { "sender": "36B4-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:03:16\n\n>>47064791 \nLet's just overlook how I scaled it incorrectly the first time.", "pid": 47064974 }, { "sender": "1194-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:06:04\n\n>>47064879 \nAnd how is that a bad thing?", "pid": 47064987 }, { "sender": "Anon-F401", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:07:13\n\n>>47064847 \nCool it with the backhanded compliments, as if anyone wants to lameface the sloppy aquatic hosspussi. Yes indeed. That is a thing someone in some arbitrary place and time can eventually enjoy. Presumably with lots of nasty lake mud covered practice. Boy howdy, don’t everyone go all at once! Form a line, guise! \n \nAt least Balrog has ‘making you productive’ as a fetish. Who wants to spec into being the worst swimmer with the saddest face? Levelmaxx your sadface to hero up! Wtf is this, is this some highly popular fetish that I’ve never heard of? Someone please explain this.", "pid": 47064996 }, { "sender": "2605-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:07:34\n\n>>47064768 \nNurse shark when?", "pid": 47064999 }, { "sender": "9431-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:08:14\n\n>>47064974 \nUh-oh, melty!", "pid": 47065002 }, { "sender": "8DF2-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:10:37\n\n>>47064962 \nWouldn't have happened if you just got her the Mcnuggets you inconsiderate fuck.", "pid": 47065020 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C8C1", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:11:16\n\n>jump over the wall to the Maid Acadamy \n>sneak through the garden towards the dorms \n>suddenly you find yourself blocked by a very tall kiki like in this image: \nWhat would you do?", "pid": 47065023 }, { "sender": "76CE-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:11:50\n\n>>47065002 \nThe only thing melting is your penis in your alp wifes mouth.", "pid": 47065032 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AC73", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:16:56\n\n>>47064917 \nthere's always hebi", "pid": 47065064 }, { "sender": "Anon-3A5A", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:17:54\n\n>>47064936 \nI like it, but I can understand why people wouldn’t.", "pid": 47065070 }, { "sender": "F5DA-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:23:41\n\n>>47064962 \nThis could actually happen and monsters will blame the human instead of ever acknowledge that monsters can do wrong too.", "pid": 47065113 }, { "sender": "Anon-70CE", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:24:54\n\n>>47065113 \nAnd they would be right", "pid": 47065125 }, { "sender": "Anon-5706", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:25:16\n\n>>47064974 \n>>47065002 \nBoth of you fucks are insufferable.", "pid": 47065127 }, { "sender": "93C6-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:25:34\n\n>>47065125 \nIf the human isn't willing to stop for mcdonalds he clearly hasn't experienced enough monster pussy yet.", "pid": 47065131 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD19", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:29:08\n\n>>47065127 \nWhat's insufferable about a based anon posting cropped images?", "pid": 47065150 }, { "sender": "ABC2-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:30:18\n\nI prefer the gacha fox poster.", "pid": 47065158 }, { "sender": "Anon-8EA4", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:34:02\n\n>>47065023 \n>wut du? \n1. Take my pants off \n2. Tell her to wash and iron them", "pid": 47065174 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9036", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:34:12\n\n>>47065158 \nI just like posting new art.", "pid": 47065176 }, { "sender": "827B-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:35:16\n\nWhat if Wurm but evil?", "pid": 47065181 }, { "sender": "9FCA-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:35:48\n\n>When one wan wife wants a Spicy McChicken and the other wan wife wants Burger King and you have to stop at both places just to make them both happy.", "pid": 47065183 }, { "sender": "D71C-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:38:07\n\n>>47063515 \nNecropolis is bst.", "pid": 47065193 }, { "sender": "273C-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:38:50\n\n>>47065183 \n>...chikin! \n>...burgor! \n>Anon just wants to be the 12inch Anon spicy Sandwich", "pid": 47065200 }, { "sender": "3369-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:39:43\n\n>>47064553 \nDracow Newt", "pid": 47065205 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-074A", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:39:45\n\n>>47063515 \nAny lamia subspecies is greatly improved by giving them more than two arms.", "pid": 47065206 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-728C", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:46:11\n\n>pound a Candlegeist from behind \n>leave indents of your hands on her hips and of your pelvis on her ass", "pid": 47065243 }, { "sender": "C821-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:46:17\n\n>>47065200 \nAnon might make it through the chikin and burgor war \nAnon will not make it through the peace negotiation though.", "pid": 47065244 }, { "sender": "Anon-12F2", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:52:19\n\n>>47065176 \nKeep up the good fox posting work.", "pid": 47065275 }, { "sender": "C57B-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:52:51\n\n>>47065205 \nHow a young anon refers to his Dragonewt babysitter", "pid": 47065277 }, { "sender": "Anon-D40A", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:54:08\n\n>>47065277 \nShe's going to let him touch her chest just so she can tell him how cool dragons are. \nIts a proven recruiting technique.", "pid": 47065281 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A7D9", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:56:00\n\n>>47064779 \nHe still has his Fantia page.", "pid": 47065287 }, { "sender": "AD85-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:02:47\n\nLevel 999999999 Grandmaster Greenworm VS Level 4 Garden Guard miss troll", "pid": 47065313 }, { "sender": "Anon-25D2", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:06:17\n\n>>47065313 \nHow did the Greenworm get so many levels without evolving into a Papillon?", "pid": 47065337 }, { "sender": "659F-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:07:23\n\n>>47063760 \n>arent any human women \nWhat happened anon", "pid": 47065343 }, { "sender": "B51B-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:08:47\n\n>>47065337 \nPressing the B button.", "pid": 47065350 }, { "sender": "4B5E-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:09:37\n\n>>47065313 \nGreenworm needs to stop using game genie.", "pid": 47065352 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6454", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:14:29\n\n>>47065370 \nPost more Wakamo", "pid": 47065384 }, { "sender": "6460-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:26:31\n\n>>47065370 \nmofuflation is in full effect it seems.", "pid": 47065435 }, { "sender": "EADB-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:28:49\n\n>>47065384", "pid": 47065449 }, { "sender": "6905-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:30:50\n\n>>47065449 \nThe foxes are breeding again.", "pid": 47065457 }, { "sender": "E183-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:31:24\n\n>\"How can you hope to stop my evil when you are so weak compared to me, human?\"", "pid": 47065458 }, { "sender": "Anon-BB46", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:33:12\n\n>>47065458 \nExploit her maternal instinct.", "pid": 47065464 }, { "sender": "30C2-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:33:57\n\n>>47065458 \nyou know those ineffective anti-bully legislations? That, but against dragons, so if they continue to act the way they do they have to chafe against their pride being lowered in social situations with being perceived as annoying to be around in most social situations. My most powerful weapon is using zoomer pyrow public perceptions and clique formation.", "pid": 47065466 }, { "sender": "CE12-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:34:46\n\n>>47065458 \nI love dragons \nThey are so cool and sexy", "pid": 47065470 }, { "sender": "C5BE-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:35:04\n\n>it's a \"multi hour temper tantrum seething about KC and gacha spamming\" episode again", "pid": 47065471 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7214", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:36:16\n\n>>47065458 \n>raises hand \n>malef freezes \n>puts hand on malef head \n>rubs a little \n>she melts", "pid": 47065474 }, { "sender": "19BC-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:37:09\n\n>Be Anon \n>Be in therapy because the monster run courts forced you to \n>Be explaining your situation to your Demon therapist \n>She has gone from flirting with you to crying and hugging you \n>She tells you how horrible that everything must have been, but she’s here to make everything better \n>You don’t think this is how a professional therapist is supposed to act \n>You also are beginning to doubt the legitimacy of her certification \n>Demon therapist is now trying to calm you via a lap pillow and whispering vaguely erotic affirmations to you \n>Monster run therapy is very weird", "pid": 47065477 }, { "sender": "E955-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:37:10\n\n>>47065458 \n>\"But you haven't done anything.\"", "pid": 47065478 }, { "sender": "2818-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:38:46\n\n>>47065474 \nWhat if shes too tall for that?", "pid": 47065484 }, { "sender": "Anon-6438", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:41:11\n\n>>47065484 \nGrab her hand and put it on your head.", "pid": 47065492 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7C54", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:42:50\n\n>>47065458 \nI'd just motorboat her tits.", "pid": 47065495 }, { "sender": "Anon-79BA", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:45:13\n\n>>47065484 \nGrab her hand and rub her fingers", "pid": 47065503 }, { "sender": "38E8-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:46:33\n\n>>47065477 \nI think it's a scam, every man probably has the same or worse of a story.", "pid": 47065511 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D200", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:47:48\n\n>>47065492 \n>she lowers your head into her crotch.", "pid": 47065518 }, { "sender": "A8FF-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:52:58\n\nDoes satyros know her alcohol, or is she just a 'drink it if it has booze in it' kinda gal?", "pid": 47065545 }, { "sender": "Anon-B944", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:55:21\n\n>>47065553 \nshe lost the tailpussy, straight downgrade", "pid": 47065557 }, { "sender": "3D20-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 20:59:56\n\n>>47064709 \nI remember saying patreon wasn't a good idea due to their loli rules when he first opened it but someone got mad. They've always been really strict on artists and even if they don't upload loli on patreon if they see it on the artist's pixiv/twitter during an audit they see it as patreon funding those things and demand you delete them from all your galleries. It's fucked up and I'm surprised it took this long.", "pid": 47065574 }, { "sender": "6DD3-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:01:15\n\n>>47065553 \nneeds vulva squish", "pid": 47065582 }, { "sender": "Anon-EB97", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:04:56\n\n>>47065574 \nHe has a Subscribestar now. Not active as of yet since they're doing new account reviews due to a higher volume. He also said something about \"The next demo version of MGERPG\" but gave no updates on a possible release date.", "pid": 47065597 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-130C", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:07:09\n\n>>47065553 \nThis is what the Order believes", "pid": 47065606 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7D29", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:15:07\n\n>>47065553 \nCringe", "pid": 47065627 }, { "sender": "3649-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:15:23\n\n>>47064657 \nDo you want to talk about cait sith?", "pid": 47065628 }, { "sender": "Anon-0451", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:15:26\n\n>>47065597 \nYeah, that was a bit weird. I'm just worried the next demo release will be a disappointment. It's been 4 years and I'm not sure how it can live up to the wait.", "pid": 47065629 }, { "sender": "904C-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:17:02\n\n>>47065629 \n>>47065597 \nIt's really intersting to see how absolutely obsessed with money he is though.", "pid": 47065635 }, { "sender": "9929-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:19:03\n\n>>47065574 \nYeah, it was bound to happen. When, not if.", "pid": 47065645 }, { "sender": "0362-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:20:16\n\n>>47065635 \n>>47065643 \nYou two alps should just fuck already.", "pid": 47065650 }, { "sender": "Anon-F945", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:21:10\n\n>>47065477 \nThis is why I've gone to ground and have taken up the life of a fugitive, I'll never submit to the courts!", "pid": 47065654 }, { "sender": "Anon-281E", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:22:47\n\n>>47065650 \nAlp mating press impregnation nakadashi sex", "pid": 47065665 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9968", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:23:10\n\n>hey look my patreon is gone \n>hehe, this is where you can give me more money \n>next demo update soon btw \nI would personally hope 50,000 dollars was enough to translate rpgmaker vaporware.", "pid": 47065669 }, { "sender": "11B6-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:23:52\n\n0 downloads", "pid": 47065675 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1682", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:25:38\n\n>>47065675 \nMGI 2.0.", "pid": 47065685 }, { "sender": "Anon-06E9", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:28:43\n\n>>47065665 \nI will go to alp online boards and start hitting on them.", "pid": 47065704 }, { "sender": "Anon-5EE7", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:30:52\n\n>>47065669 \nPatreon games are near 90% never going anywhere and exist to siphon money.", "pid": 47065715 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ABF7", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:32:50\n\n>>47065685 \nMGI had better models than yours.", "pid": 47065725 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6B82", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:33:30\n\n>\"kc is bad, this is true because I say it is true\" \nHe's been making the same post over and over for 4 hours lol. When you think about it, he's been making the same post over and over for the past 18 months. Absolute CWC level behavior.", "pid": 47065731 }, { "sender": "DD69-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:34:34\n\n>>47065669 \nKC explicitly said in a tweet he can keep making his game for 10 years, its out there in his Tweet and is among the recent ones.", "pid": 47065739 }, { "sender": "Anon-332B", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:38:56\n\n>>47065739 \nIt's like Star Citizen but with monster girls.", "pid": 47065771 }, { "sender": "A765-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:39:53\n\n>>47065771 \nAre you saying my star citizen super yacht was a bad purchase?", "pid": 47065775 }, { "sender": "A70B-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:41:10\n\n>>47065715 \ni just thought Cross was different.", "pid": 47065784 }, { "sender": "Anon-A246", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:44:24\n\n>\"better make a 20th 'kc bad' post today and reply to myself some more\" \n>\"surely they'll believe me this time, I'm the main character after all\"", "pid": 47065802 }, { "sender": "Anon-532D", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:44:53\n\n>>47065629 \nI will keep an open mind.", "pid": 47065807 }, { "sender": "BFAF-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:52:50\n\n>>47065739 \nIf I was KC I would release a full prototype with those extremely unreasonable promises scrapped but mainly the essence of the game included plus the girls, like how the first Sequel game got released testing the waters and then adding every single one of the stuff promised with every release. Since the base is solid the rest cam be done over the march but at least you have something to show.", "pid": 47065850 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF3B", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:53:16\n\n>>47065725 \nI know. I don't think i can make models.", "pid": 47065854 }, { "sender": "Anon-E062", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:53:29\n\n>>47065477 \nGetting a male client must be a refreshing break for mamano therapists from their usual clientele of JKs who got sent to therapy by the school guidance councillor for fucking their teachers, NEETs whose parents forced them to attend, and CCs eternally desperate about how another year has passed and they still don't have a husband.", "pid": 47065856 }, { "sender": "Anon-1882", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:53:37\n\n>>47065771 \n>>47065775 \nI am now imagining Star Citizen with monstergirls. I want to fill my space super yacht with monstergirls.", "pid": 47065857 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5622", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:57:55\n\nI love KC's stuff but being quite realistic I doubt that his game will see the light of day, he's a Japanese salaryman with little to no free time taking on a project with massive expectation and quite unrealistic goals including over 100 MGs with different profiles, AI and programmed situational awareness.\nHe should stick to the books and profiles, expanding the world and doing stuff like that instead of the game", "pid": 47065881 }, { "sender": "6CF4-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:03:58\n\n>>47065881 \n>he's a Japanese salaryman with little to no free time taking on a project with massive expectation and quite unrealistic goals \nMore or less my stance as well. I also fully believe didn't know just how much goes into making a game. Making a demo/proof of concept is rather easy. Spending countless hours actually making it? Not so much. \nWith how the life of the normal Japanese salaryman, it's kind of impressive we even get the profiles.", "pid": 47065914 }, { "sender": "Anon-27F9", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:05:40\n\n>>47065477 \nYeah, but my trauma just makes me feel emotionally muted and uncomfortable with any sort of affection. Not sure how a demon therapist would handle that.", "pid": 47065923 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3018", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:08:48\n\n>>47065881 \n>AI and programmed situational awareness. \nYou should at least believe me when I tell you this is a mix of \n>if in area x on login say y \nand situational awareness \n>if character x is present speak dialogue", "pid": 47065933 }, { "sender": "DC1D-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:16:00\n\n> \n>You stand around in the open? I shoot you in the face! You try to hide? I shoot you in the face! You touch my parrot? Right in the face! And if I'm feeling a bit down, I say a prayer to the forest... and THEN I shoot you in the face!", "pid": 47065967 }, { "sender": "6A40-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:16:04\n\n>>47061543 \nHmmph. \n \n>>47063044 \nAny bug is a good bug! \n \n>>47063130 \nI can't really argue with this. Every mamono is somebody's favorite.", "pid": 47065968 }, { "sender": "6496-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:22:15\n\nHave sex with angels.", "pid": 47065999 }, { "sender": "Anon-2706", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:22:17\n\n>>47065968 \nexcept for that one dandelion girl", "pid": 47066000 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3C81", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:22:33\n\n>>47065984 \npost more needy foxes", "pid": 47066001 }, { "sender": "0459-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:23:08\n\n>>47065999 \nBut can I become a priest if I fuck angels?", "pid": 47066007 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CBE7", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:24:30\n\n>he switched over to spamming gachatrash again", "pid": 47066012 }, { "sender": "1BCC-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:40:46\n\nded hours", "pid": 47066083 }, { "sender": "38CB-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:45:46\n\nCait sith is two words\nYou know what else is two words?\n<s>Third worlder</s>", "pid": 47066103 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-81FE", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:47:13\n\n>>47066001", "pid": 47066111 }, { "sender": "42A8-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:49:13\n\n>>47066111 \nThis fox doesn't look very needy", "pid": 47066118 }, { "sender": "D206-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:50:12\n\n>>47066118 \nIs this better?", "pid": 47066122 }, { "sender": "EE3B-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:51:44\n\n>>47066122 \nA little bit, I guess.", "pid": 47066125 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B29", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:55:23\n\nThere are benefits with dating and being in a relationship with a high elf princess", "pid": 47066137 }, { "sender": "C227-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:56:18\n\n>>47066012 \nBusiness as usual.", "pid": 47066142 }, { "sender": "BDEA-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:56:26\n\n>>47066111 \nstinky feet", "pid": 47066145 }, { "sender": "9BE7-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:58:29\n\n>>47066137 \nSuch as?", "pid": 47066156 }, { "sender": "8449-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 22:59:29\n\n>>47066156 \nthey have the best weed", "pid": 47066162 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EF85", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:06:15\n\n>Listen here, Anon. \n>Bathrooms are an unnecessary amenity. \n>Firstly, they raise the price of an apartment and/or home by $200 to $600. \n>Secondly, not having a bathroom cuts out the whole morning routine, which would save you so much time to get more important things done. \n>Thirdly, you would save on utilities since nearly half of your water bill comes from the shower and toilet. \n>Do you understand now why you shouldn’t buy a place with a bathroom? \n>Good. \n>Now strip so I can clean you.", "pid": 47066195 }, { "sender": "BE25-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:08:39\n\n>>47064723 \nSounds like Patreon did a mass purge of NSFW accounts so almost certainly this.", "pid": 47066206 }, { "sender": "6906-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:08:46\n\n>>47066142 \nTo put it in perspective: \nHe has singlehandedly made over 10% of all posts ITT. Everything he posts is either off-topic image spam or insane drivel. He's been doing this for almost one and a half years straight, every day. \n \nAll because a complete stranger, who has never even come here by the way, dared to break the delusional fantasy world he lives in by not giving him free shit.", "pid": 47066207 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9EE4", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:10:05\n\n>>47066195 \nBut where am I supposed to poop and pee?", "pid": 47066221 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C3C1", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:12:05\n\n>>47066221 \nShe just kinda scoops it right out. You'll learn to love it.", "pid": 47066230 }, { "sender": "787B-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:13:50\n\n>>47066230 \nWhat do you mean \"scoops it out?\" \nI'm concerned.", "pid": 47066246 }, { "sender": "0834-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:18:44\n\n>>47066246 \nStop replying to actual /trash/ posts", "pid": 47066292 }, { "sender": "7E7F-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:23:56\n\n>>47066195 \nActually made me think. Would beastgirls want to tongue bathe you?", "pid": 47066327 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7148", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:24:04\n\n>>47066292 \nI will reply to whoever I damn well please.", "pid": 47066330 }, { "sender": "Anon-D10B", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:24:47\n\n>>47066327 \nI fucking hope so.", "pid": 47066333 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57F9", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:26:03\n\n>>47066327 \nMost of them, yes.", "pid": 47066342 }, { "sender": "BBAC-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:27:31\n\n>tfw have to have a spray bottle on hand all the time to keep your wife from licking you", "pid": 47066357 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9CD9", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:27:48\n\n>>47066001 \nall i got is ordinary foxes", "pid": 47066359 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E669", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:28:19\n\n>>47066359 \nOrdinary foxes are pretty damn needy.", "pid": 47066366 }, { "sender": "52A7-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:30:23\n\nSad seeing his patreon die. Though, i'll be honest and say i'm surprised at how long he managed to keep it, considering his RPG demo had a loli talk about you fucking her cunny and even mentioned underaged drinking.\n\nAlso, seems like he may have a new demo almost ready (Copeing)", "pid": 47066381 }, { "sender": "B857-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:31:16\n\n>47066327 \n>this looks like gachatrash or vtumor, reverse image search \n>it's a vtumor \nOf course", "pid": 47066388 }, { "sender": "0512-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:31:40\n\n>>47066357 \nYou will get licked by your beastman wife, and you WILL like it!", "pid": 47066391 }, { "sender": "928A-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:32:34\n\n>>47066359 \nI'd still pound my foxwife in foxform.", "pid": 47066399 }, { "sender": "Anon-6171", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:32:59\n\n>>47066327 \nAll monstergirls, except for the ones on the Golem family, want to tongue bathe you.", "pid": 47066400 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B842", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:34:32\n\n>>47066400 \nEven the harpies?", "pid": 47066415 }, { "sender": "A90E-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:35:57\n\n>>47066415 \nit's more of a preening", "pid": 47066423 }, { "sender": "A39C-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:37:26\n\n>The boss when you fight her \n>The boss when she joins your party", "pid": 47066437 }, { "sender": "Anon-4BF8", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:37:37\n\n>>47066381 \n>instantly directs you to new place to pay him \n>posts nothing else \nHe doesn't have anything ready.", "pid": 47066440 }, { "sender": "04D5-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:37:48\n\nGonna laugh when all you weak fags lose to low level imps mere hours into being isekaied to the MGE world. \n<s>She'll be laughing too. </s>", "pid": 47066442 }, { "sender": "F573-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:38:53\n\n>>47066442 \nAren't imps all lolis?", "pid": 47066450 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FA28", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:39:00\n\n>>47066442 \ncheeky brat needs speech correction", "pid": 47066451 }, { "sender": "9893-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:39:04\n\n>>47066437 \nThis is pretty much the entire gameplay of monster girl quest paradox. The only redeeming feature is a lot of the bosses you meet early refuse to even consider joining you until later.", "pid": 47066453 }, { "sender": "7DE6-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:39:49\n\n>>47066442 \nWith my luck I'd end up in some kind of graveyard or some shit with a fat assed Candlegeist trying to give me an instant wax death mask by riding my face.", "pid": 47066459 }, { "sender": "Anon-49E7", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:41:42\n\n>>47066450 \nYes. \n \n>>47066451 \nYou're gonna be the one corrected by little Miss Imp here.", "pid": 47066489 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7BED", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:43:15\n\n>>47066442 \nI actually kinda like imps and think they have a cute dialect.", "pid": 47066498 }, { "sender": "BFE7-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:45:06\n\n>>47066442 \nI wouldn't mind the imps in MGERPG~ \nImagine being teased while fucking a cute and funny imp? \nI'd surely be a Lo~ser~!", "pid": 47066509 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E50", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:46:41\n\nPat the dogs!", "pid": 47066520 }, { "sender": "91C4-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:48:45\n\n>>47066391 \nThe last thing master sees before Kikivora vores him", "pid": 47066535 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B631", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:49:40\n\n>>47066195 \nI don't mind getting a full body tongue bath from an akaname to replace my shower routine, but I still need a toilet, and I'm gonna wash my butthole myself. Because if that tongue of hers touches poop or pee, I'm never kissing her again.", "pid": 47066542 }, { "sender": "Anon-D5EF", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:50:41\n\n>>47066535 \n~~Good End!~~", "pid": 47066550 }, { "sender": "AC5B-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:51:07\n\n>>47066437 \nThere was a feature in one of the old Tales of games for the playstation where you go around collecting elemental spirits by beating them in battle and something I enjoyed was that the Time and Matter spirits join you without a fight because they're so powerful you basically can't fight them until the end of the game.", "pid": 47066557 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4700", "message": "11/06/2024, 23:55:11\n\n>>47066542 \nHappy wife happy life, anon.", "pid": 47066589 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1541", "message": "12/06/2024, 00:08:11\n\n>>47066440 \nBetter spend more hours on end seething about it.", "pid": 47066682 }, { "sender": "2701-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 00:13:35\n\nIf you met an evil Wild Kiki that lived in the woods, you would be scared as hell of her. She would be a vicious Kiki unlike the city ones, with a toned body and sharp claws and more pronounced feathers. Unlike the high heeled scales of civil Kikis, she has talons and feet like a raptor. Only a mere tattered black short sarong covers her nethers, and a red scarf barely obscures her fat haggish tits. She would grab you by the crotch with one of her claws and squish you against a tree, towering over your helpless form as she leans in and says in her evil tone \"Я буду наслаждаться, пожирая тебя.\" before cackling. You wouldn't stand a chance against a wild Kiki, unlike the civil ones from the city she can't be tamed and won't serve you. You will serve her.", "pid": 47066715 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD0C", "message": "12/06/2024, 00:18:53\n\n>>47066442 \nI have low level E disfunction. So actually I should have a very good headstart to look for my waifu race, at the very least a good 2 hours of advantadge until mamono mama fix me into my raging boner 24/7 horny former self. Allowing me to rush past low level imps.", "pid": 47066762 }, { "sender": "116F-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 00:23:05\n\n>>47066007 \nYou should only be worshipping her", "pid": 47066804 }, { "sender": "DCE0-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 00:24:23\n\n>>47066682 \nToo busy copying that assassins creed shadows animation where the guys stabs someone with his sword. \n \nBut with monster girls.", "pid": 47066812 }, { "sender": "F773-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 00:26:52\n\n>>47066715 \nShe calls herself evil and acts like the boss of you but still devotes herself to taking care of you", "pid": 47066828 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7DD4", "message": "12/06/2024, 00:57:20\n\n>>47066495 \nsmol foxes with beeg tails", "pid": 47067015 }, { "sender": "A143-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 00:59:53\n\n>>47066715 \nI'mma SOFT serve her... ice cream. Soft serve ice cream. Until she is soft and fat and lazy.", "pid": 47067026 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C69D", "message": "12/06/2024, 01:15:57\n\n>>47064274 \nClicking questionable links until I get the succ I deserve!", "pid": 47067099 }, { "sender": "Anon-26EA", "message": "12/06/2024, 01:19:40\n\nmy lords", "pid": 47067118 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D0D1", "message": "12/06/2024, 01:30:09\n\n>>47067026 \nMake sure the ice cream is made in America, since it includes corn syrup. \n \nIt would be interesting to see how much mamono mana it takes to reverse the effects of HFCS.", "pid": 47067177 }, { "sender": "9F98-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 01:36:06\n\n>>47067177 \nManmmono obama can remove the microplastics from your balls, there's literally no limit to the power of love/horny.", "pid": 47067198 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-45AC", "message": "12/06/2024, 01:41:53\n\n>>47064715 \nhow'd they know, as the image and profile would've been sent to DMs, not public yet until a month or so after", "pid": 47067221 }, { "sender": "14B4-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 01:43:15\n\n>>47067221 \nthere's no point in speculation", "pid": 47067228 }, { "sender": "6086-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 01:51:22\n\n>>47067221 \nIt doesn't matter at this point.", "pid": 47067262 }, { "sender": "5A1E-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 01:51:27\n\n>>47067198 \nsummoning is fun", "pid": 47067264 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-01CB", "message": "12/06/2024, 01:53:11\n\n>>47066520 \nI'm generally unable not to pet the dogs when the dogs are present.", "pid": 47067272 }, { "sender": "F37B-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:06:27\n\n>>47067198 \n>warlock tries to summon a demon \n>demon was trying to summon a husband \n>warlock watches a very startled demon appear out of his portal as he sinks into the fiery ring that appeared under his feet \n>both of them frantically trying to find a way to reverse the summoning using the materials in each others rooms", "pid": 47067318 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A64B", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:06:29\n\n>I'm in", "pid": 47067320 }, { "sender": "A831-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:13:39\n\n>>47067318 \n>Warlock and demon find a way to reverse the summoning \n>Both vanish at the same time, only catching a glimpse of the other before the summoning is reversed", "pid": 47067343 }, { "sender": "Anon-0AD5", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:22:07\n\n>>47067320 \nNeko Team one is going to breach and clear into an Illegal Catnip grow site.", "pid": 47067372 }, { "sender": "C098-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:23:05\n\n>>47067318 \n>>47067343 \n>demon gets distracted and raids Warlock's underwear drawer and dirty tissues \n>returned to respective worlds due to failing spells \n>demon left her phone number in scorch marks on the warlock's floor \nSucc, uh, finds a way", "pid": 47067377 }, { "sender": "F778-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:24:56\n\n>>47067372 \nI'm picturing them having their masks removed and ending up in a drugged out orgy. It'd be like a Taimanin game or something, but with a canon good end.", "pid": 47067381 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-677E", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:36:06\n\nMeowing Meowers Meow-Meow Meowfest: Volume MEOW.", "pid": 47067417 }, { "sender": "1B21-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:37:33\n\nthis googly eyed bitch keeps staring at me when I go to the park, what do I say to her?", "pid": 47067420 }, { "sender": "804C-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:37:57\n\n>>47067417 \nenough cattery", "pid": 47067421 }, { "sender": "36E8-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:38:51\n\n>>47067417 \nThat sure is some caterwauling", "pid": 47067427 }, { "sender": "D84B-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:40:38\n\n>>47067420 \nCompliment her eye.", "pid": 47067437 }, { "sender": "B05E-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:41:34\n\n>>47067421 \nNever enough cattery", "pid": 47067442 }, { "sender": "Anon-2860", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:46:30\n\nPyrow summoning chant: \n \n>\"Sigma is a lie, there is only skibidi.\" \n>\"Through skibidi, I gain gyatt.\" \n>\"Through gyatt, I gain rizz.\" \n>\"Through rizz, I gain edge.\" \n>\"Through edging, my streak is broken.\" \n>\"The goon shall free me.\" \n>\"With Kai Cenat, IShowSpeed and Baby Gronk as my witness, may I be granted a demon and or succubus girlfriend/wife!\"", "pid": 47067450 }, { "sender": "Anon-7E38", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:53:31\n\n>>47067450 \nPlease kindly kill yourself", "pid": 47067465 }, { "sender": "C7FC-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:54:42\n\n>>47067465 \nMiss Hebi, you say that to every single woman in the neighborhood.", "pid": 47067468 }, { "sender": "Anon-F4D9", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:56:49\n\n>>47067468 \nMaybe those dumb WHORES shouldn't have been looking at or talking to HER anon", "pid": 47067477 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A5DF", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:57:39\n\nsummon a succ just for comfort\n<s>they'll comfort you for the rest of your life together</s>", "pid": 47067479 }, { "sender": "CA32-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 02:58:05\n\nYet another sly focs has been corrected", "pid": 47067482 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7A7C", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:00:18\n\n>>47067479 \nsummon succs just to have someone to talk to", "pid": 47067489 }, { "sender": "0010-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:01:39\n\n>>47067477 \nIs Miss Hebi ever wrong?", "pid": 47067494 }, { "sender": "658C-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:02:31\n\nWhat evil is she plotting?", "pid": 47067498 }, { "sender": "7590-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:02:47\n\n>>47067450 \nForced meme.", "pid": 47067499 }, { "sender": "9BA7-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:03:05\n\nI need tailpussy right now", "pid": 47067501 }, { "sender": "2E30-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:03:56\n\n>>47067499 \nGonna commission a Milhouse Pyrow just to spite you now. \n~~Not really.~~", "pid": 47067505 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D249", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:07:58\n\n>>47067494 \nNever \nYou can always trust hebi", "pid": 47067522 }, { "sender": "Anon-4D87", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:13:45\n\n>>47067522 \ni am weak to devoted hebi noises", "pid": 47067537 }, { "sender": "55F0-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:20:57\n\n>>47067537 \nDevoted Hebi noises sound a LOT like being chained to a bed while she breathes heavily about \"them\" and refuses to explain.", "pid": 47067551 }, { "sender": "5485-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:22:20\n\n>>47067537 \nhebi noises are cute, just like hebi", "pid": 47067555 }, { "sender": "Anon-FBC9", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:23:17\n\n>walking along a hiking trail in the woods for some fresh air one day \n>big log in the path ahead so step over it \n>your foot happens to step on the tip of a Lamia's tail you couldn't see on the other side of the log which makes her go \"EEK!\" in pain and shoot up to reveal herself hiding in the brush \n>you get surprised when she swings around, heaving a hefty bare chest as she grabs her tail tip and holds it, going \"ow ow ow ow ow!\" \n>when she finally realizes you're there, she blinks and then, to your surprise, coils herself up in terror and shields her head \n>squeals \"EEEP! DO-DON'T HURT ME! DON'T RAPE ME PLEASE!\" \n>looking at her tail you realize, red on black, friendly jack \n>she's a non-venomous milk snake or kingsnake \n>suddenly remember that snakes are all actually more afraid of you than you are of them \nWhat do you do with her?", "pid": 47067559 }, { "sender": "Anon-6467", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:23:29\n\n>>47067489 \nDon't ever show weakness around succs they'll take it as permission to 'heal' you and start spouting bullshit about how she can fix you. It all sounds well and good until you're level drained back to 1 and conditioned to call her mommy.", "pid": 47067560 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-04BF", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:24:18\n\n>>47067477 \nWhy would you even entertain the idea of talking to another woman when you have her?", "pid": 47067562 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C02E", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:25:20\n\n>>47067561 \n>Yuri", "pid": 47067563 }, { "sender": "1D8B-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:28:15\n\n>>47067559 \nI be nice to her to lower her guard. \nThen I rape her.", "pid": 47067572 }, { "sender": "20E6-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:33:18\n\n>>47067421 \nimagine", "pid": 47067585 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6AD7", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:35:48\n\n>>47067559 \nWonder why my city has YET ANOTHER local exhibitionist on the trails.", "pid": 47067590 }, { "sender": "Anon-9C7F", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:42:04\n\n>>47067563 \nPreformed harem. Just conquer the sem--the strongest one and you're in.", "pid": 47067604 }, { "sender": "0A07-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:42:07\n\n>>47067559 \nJust because she's not venomous, doesn't mean I can't milk her.", "pid": 47067605 }, { "sender": "5A29-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:43:44\n\nGoodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread. \n\nInstead, remember that candlegeists can come in a variety of colors in both body, AND flame.\nJust don't ask if thats her 'natural light', it can be pretty rude.", "pid": 47067610 }, { "sender": "Anon-62D3", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:44:45\n\n>>47067559 \n>Make sure she's okay \n>Apologize profusely \n>Be on my way \nI'm a little hurt that she thinks I'd intentionally rape or otherwise hurt her though. Not ALL men are like that...", "pid": 47067612 }, { "sender": "Anon-55D8", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:45:27\n\n>>47066442 \nI'll lose to a loli monster and if it's an imp I'll just accept it. \nI just hope she doesn't pull her babytalk shit when I introduce her to my parents.", "pid": 47067615 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE07", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:06:03\n\nNeed fox with glowing eyes", "pid": 47067676 }, { "sender": "CCB4-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:06:14\n\n>>47067610 \n>chuuni candlegeist who's dyed her flame black \n>goes on long rants about how her flame has the power to seal the ancient evils of the demon world from overflowing into our reality \n>says if her flame were to ever go out, Pandemonium would swallow our dimension \n>follows you around saying you're the chosen one who must protect her flame from going out \n>if you don't give her at least one kiss every day she get clingy and acts like something bad is about to happen \n>if you keep saying no, you can actually see her get a little sad and her flame dims a bit \n>nothing ever really happens, but you feel bad \n>one peck on the cheek and her flame bursts to full intensity again \n>she says she needs another just to make sure the seal is at full strength", "pid": 47067677 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF3B", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:07:01\n\n>>47065023 \n>Holds arms out towards her \n>”Uppies?", "pid": 47067681 }, { "sender": "CCFC-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:08:46\n\n>>47067676 \nwhat about fox with glowing nipples", "pid": 47067686 }, { "sender": "Anon-838A", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:15:23\n\nI want uppies from a very big monster girl that could throw my around like a doll or something", "pid": 47067701 }, { "sender": "39B3-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:15:52\n\n>>47067701", "pid": 47067703 }, { "sender": "929E-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:17:54\n\n>>47067686 \nDo they flash whenever she makes a boob based attack, or is it an indicator that her milk meter has fully charged?", "pid": 47067710 }, { "sender": "B2FC-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:18:24\n\n>>47067686 \nI will spend long amounts of time staring at both. \nFuck it give me a RGB fox for maximum customization", "pid": 47067712 }, { "sender": "21D3-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:19:33\n\n>>47067701 \ni'm okay with being a therapy human to an anxiety ridded bunyip that she totes around like a stuffed animal", "pid": 47067715 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EA6B", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:24:21\n\n>>47067710 \n>>47067712 \nPolice fox, each nipple alternatively flashes red and blue.", "pid": 47067728 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD28", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:30:44\n\n>>47067728 \ndo they make the siren noises or does the fox do it herself?", "pid": 47067745 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C8BD", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:43:18\n\n>>47067745 \nShe keeps a speaker wedged between her breasts of course.", "pid": 47067793 }, { "sender": "8777-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:43:52\n\n>>47067745 \n>\"Wee-woo\"", "pid": 47067796 }, { "sender": "4E77-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:46:56\n\n>>47067656 \nCentipede legs must sound odd", "pid": 47067811 }, { "sender": "3A90-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:50:09\n\n>>47067728 \n>fox cop doing a foot patrol of MGC \n>sees a man jaywalking \n>rips off her shirt and sprints down the road \n>\"WEE WOO WEE WOO\" \n>tackles the guy to the ground \n>cuffs him \n>stuffs him safely into her tails \n>runs off to take him back to \"the station\"", "pid": 47067831 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F1F0", "message": "12/06/2024, 05:11:49\n\n>>47065458 \n>Malef being all haughty and mocking anon for being a \"mere ape\" \n>tells him to get down on his knees and worship her scaly feet \n>anon releases the valve on his raging mushroom inhaler, puts his hand on her shoulder and goes \n>\"do you feel in charge?\" \nI love this pasta, thanks again to the anon who made it.", "pid": 47067922 }, { "sender": "Anon-4481", "message": "12/06/2024, 05:16:50\n\n>>47067831 \nsafety airbag breasts", "pid": 47067935 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-104B", "message": "12/06/2024, 05:41:27\n\n>>47067499 \nUh-oh, melty!", "pid": 47068030 }, { "sender": "Anon-9026", "message": "12/06/2024, 05:47:37\n\n>Having a video call with a Hellhound as she's in her house and you hear a chirp or beep coming from her end", "pid": 47068046 }, { "sender": "729F-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 06:32:29\n\n>>47068046 \nI don't get it. She has a pet bird?", "pid": 47068183 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EDA8", "message": "12/06/2024, 06:41:53\n\n<s> One more day hoping to see a portal open, the disillusionment grow stronger. I don't know how some of you didn't loose it in 10 years. I feel detached from reality, I don't even consider dating or speaking to a non-mamono woman a possibility. I still go to my job and bring money to help my parents but it will be meaningless sooner or later. How many are in this case here? Maybe I'm the only one here and I'm just going nuts. </s>\nIt's sunny outside", "pid": 47068220 }, { "sender": "Anon-90BB", "message": "12/06/2024, 06:44:30\n\n>But your honor, he had an erection the entire time!", "pid": 47068233 }, { "sender": "B17B-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 06:51:30\n\n>>47068183 \nnigs don't change their smoke detector batteries, some anons like to have a laugh and draw comparisons to nigs and hellwans, I am guilty of this sometimes but sometimes it gets taken too far. Hellhounds are good girls, nigs are animals and Hellhounds are angelic beings who don't deserve to be compared with those evil creatures.", "pid": 47068254 }, { "sender": "Anon-C568", "message": "12/06/2024, 06:52:19\n\n>>47068254 \nThe white devil race whose only instinct is to breed Hellhounds?", "pid": 47068260 }, { "sender": "C2C4-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 06:53:47\n\n>>47068260 \nI blame Yakub.", "pid": 47068263 }, { "sender": "0815-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 06:57:08\n\n>>47066381 \n>still talking about releasing the game update \nI mean I wrote it off a long time ago, but I'm still a little hoping for the unlikely scenario that he really had a boatload of content and couldn't decide how to wrap it up into another demo. \nHalf of the fun would be enjoying the game and another half would be enjoying the apocalyptic seethe levels from the usual pests ITT", "pid": 47068269 }, { "sender": "E1F0-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 07:02:34\n\n>>47068220 \nSame. I'd talk more about it, but I don't want to be a downer.", "pid": 47068284 }, { "sender": "CE87-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 07:12:52\n\n>>47067221 \nEither Patreon monitors DMs, or someone snitched on him.", "pid": 47068324 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B10", "message": "12/06/2024, 07:14:31\n\n>>47067615 \nNot only will she baby talk, but she'll act like a literal child. \nGood luck convincing your parents that she's actually an adult.", "pid": 47068337 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9C51", "message": "12/06/2024, 07:16:18\n\n>>47068284 \nThat's the idea, I can only vent here but with a lot of moderation. Still effective enough for now but I need to find an alternative ear, don't know where tho \nOn another subject, isolated moment with a mamono like in your pic seems really comfy. A bubble of tranquility and calm", "pid": 47068348 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A0A8", "message": "12/06/2024, 07:19:09\n\nHow many kikis is too many kikis?", "pid": 47068363 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E141", "message": "12/06/2024, 07:22:58\n\n>>47068324 \n>or someone snitched on him. \nAlmost guaranteed that this was the case, it's only 5 bucks and KC has no shortage of eternally buttblasted faggots against him. I think I've even seen mick threatening to report KC's patreon or something.", "pid": 47068387 }, { "sender": "43CE-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 07:38:23\n\n>>47068363 \nI think more than 3 is pushing it.", "pid": 47068461 }, { "sender": "F10B-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 08:08:00\n\n>>47068387 \n>I think I've even seen mick threatening to report KC's patreon or something. \nI remember he did over a year ago, which is even funnier in retrospect cause they ignored his bitching about the kind of account that Patreon would have wanted to delete on their own volition.", "pid": 47068599 }, { "sender": "Anon-8651", "message": "12/06/2024, 08:13:35\n\n>>47068363 \n1 kiki and a second lazy/bad at her job non kiki maid is perfection. Especially if the second maid is from the werecat family, a chesh would be the best, a lot of dynamic interactions and the perfect comfydom/maledom. The only default is that a mansion and a high paying job is required.", "pid": 47068633 }, { "sender": "9EDE-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 08:16:43\n\n>>47068633 \nIt's cute when the second maid really wants to be good at her job but she's a slow learner.", "pid": 47068648 }, { "sender": "30EC-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 08:23:23\n\n>>47068363 \nMore than one is scary because then you just know they’re going to tag team anon.", "pid": 47068678 }, { "sender": "0ADF-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 08:31:50\n\n>>47068678 \nWomanlet Kikis are easier to handle.", "pid": 47068706 }, { "sender": "490B-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 08:37:49\n\n>>47068706 \n>Womanlet Kiki keeps trying to hit on you \n>She’s maybe 30 kg and 132 cm \n>Gets annoyed whenever you just pick her up and remove her from your room despite her wearing enticing lingerie \n>Second Kiki, 163 km and 140 kg of muscle catches word of this \n>She pins you under her massive ass while the womanlet one rides your dick in a night visit \n>They keep telling you that they’re going to make a proper master out of you for society and the first step is breeding them \n>It takes years of trying but eventually their stomachs start to swell with pups \n>YFW you still get called a degenerate because you fell into the stereotype category of “A young master who defiles his maids”", "pid": 47068722 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E105", "message": "12/06/2024, 08:45:21\n\n>>47068722 \n>163 km and 140 kg \nAre you sure that's not a Shog noodle?", "pid": 47068754 }, { "sender": "Anon-D0FD", "message": "12/06/2024, 08:49:48\n\n>>47068754 \nCm not km I’m stupid.", "pid": 47068777 }, { "sender": "Anon-B25D", "message": "12/06/2024, 08:52:05\n\n>>47068754 \nI want to slap Haku for being such a tight-assed no-fun-allowed bore.", "pid": 47068788 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5AF7", "message": "12/06/2024, 08:53:30\n\n>>47068269 \nI do remember around three years ago, he posted some of his CGs he'd made for the next demo, and just one single girl (The Holstaur) had something like 30+ CGs.", "pid": 47068800 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DCE", "message": "12/06/2024, 08:55:59\n\n>>47068777 \n>163 cm and 140 kg \nThat's shorter than me but over twice my weight, so that Kiki must be REALLY swole. ~~I think I would like her.~~", "pid": 47068811 }, { "sender": "DD3A-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:06:18\n\n>>47068269 \n>Usual pests \nLike who?", "pid": 47068849 }, { "sender": "Anon-81A1", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:08:44\n\n>>47068849 \nNot that anon, but Crusader fags, grimderp tards and that one fag who believes Women when transformed into MGs lose their entire personality", "pid": 47068857 }, { "sender": "F63E-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:14:36\n\n>>47068857 \n>lose their entire personality \nNot lost, just changed. Not by much, but a woman who hates the thought of marriage turning into a person who craves it probably can't be considered the same person anymore. That's part of the charm though, I'm not complaining.", "pid": 47068890 }, { "sender": "Anon-2939", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:14:49\n\nAll this talk of kikimora and akaname tongue baths. Plebs the lot of them.\n\nNo, I will receive my tongue bath from a whitehorn. A true girl of class!", "pid": 47068891 }, { "sender": "C7EC-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:15:05\n\n>>47068849 \nthe guy who thinks that alps are men pretending to be women", "pid": 47068895 }, { "sender": "0ADA-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:33:20\n\n>>47068811 \nthe rare strongstack kiki, makes up for her small stature by going dwarf mode, able to lift furniture with a single hand whilst cleaning with the other. also makes a mean protein shake", "pid": 47068975 }, { "sender": "E261-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:40:41\n\n>>47068890 \nDon't get me wrong. Their personalities will change, but the guy I was talking about specifically thinks of it as identity/ego death.", "pid": 47068994 }, { "sender": "Anon-C3EC", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:44:15\n\n>>47068994 \nWell, changing your political beliefs is also an ego death, so naturally becoming a monstergirl would count as one too", "pid": 47069012 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A37A", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:45:37\n\nmy only true priority is apprenticeship under a dark mage holstaur in order to gain access to their forbidden spellbooks that got them banned from sabbath conventions in the first place, after a megamorphisis fiasco resulted in increased goat cheese production in the region.", "pid": 47069013 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4730", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:49:46\n\n>>47068975 \n163cm is normal height for a woman, but still.", "pid": 47069030 }, { "sender": "Anon-942A", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:51:47\n\n>>47068994 \nSounds like soggy shoggy", "pid": 47069036 }, { "sender": "D406-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 09:58:50\n\n>>47069030 \nI need me wife to be at least 190cm tall. For once in my damn life I want to experience what's it like to be hugged by someone taller than you...", "pid": 47069067 }, { "sender": "EF21-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:14:41\n\n>>47069067 \nWish granted!", "pid": 47069157 }, { "sender": "Anon-2B10", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:24:53\n\n>>47067198 \n>posting whores from that game", "pid": 47069215 }, { "sender": "Anon-3713", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:35:09\n\nWhich monster can cure me of degeneracy?", "pid": 47069272 }, { "sender": "BF9A-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:38:02\n\n>>47069013 \nThose spells were banned for a reason Anon. Milk magic messes with the user's mind. If left unmilked for too long, they go mad with power and it only leads to disaster. If you see a holst mage, you need to burn her books and milk her immediately. If they get to the Sabbath with their spells and corrupt a baph, the world will be drowned in milk. The world isn't ready for the power of Big Baph.", "pid": 47069289 }, { "sender": "Anon-D44F", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:42:12\n\n>>47069157 \nTaller, not longer!", "pid": 47069311 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-45D4", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:42:26\n\n>>47069272 \nNone, all monster girls are degenerate.", "pid": 47069314 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B746", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:43:27\n\n>>47069311 \nShe's still taller than you with her shell included.", "pid": 47069317 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D0E8", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:43:27\n\n>>47069314 \nwhat about this sensible looking one?", "pid": 47069318 }, { "sender": "73AD-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:44:27\n\n>>47069318 \n>Wonderland \nExtra degenerate.", "pid": 47069325 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7B72", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:44:44\n\n>>47069272 \nMindflayer \nKinda, not really though", "pid": 47069327 }, { "sender": "BF47-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:50:20\n\nDo kikis have a gag reflex?", "pid": 47069369 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-253F", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:51:36\n\n>>47069369 \nI think so, except the undead ones.", "pid": 47069376 }, { "sender": "7514-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:52:09\n\n>>47069369 \nThey do \nYet they have no style, they have no grace \nThose maids are a total disgrace", "pid": 47069379 }, { "sender": "Anon-4149", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:52:48\n\nscaly kiki feet...", "pid": 47069381 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7F22", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:53:25\n\n>>47069381 \nI'm more interested in molesting her doggo ears and burying my face in her feather tail.", "pid": 47069385 }, { "sender": "ED4A-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 10:55:25\n\n>>47068811 \nJust don’t ask her to cosplay M Bison.", "pid": 47069396 }, { "sender": "Anon-4684", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:05:58\n\nI love my Shog wife because I can creampie her as much as I want and she doesn't get pregnant because of the way her body is. She never suddenly shows up sporting a baby bump the next day. Phew, good thing too, I would be overwhelmed if there were Mini Shogs running-er, sliming around here as well.", "pid": 47069463 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF93", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:07:39\n\nIs it a good idea to let my Automaton wife play Detroit: Become Human or let her read Asimovs novel I, Robot?", "pid": 47069471 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F55", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:11:37\n\n>>47069471 \nI, Robot is not a novel, it's a collection of short stories dealing with various situations involving the laws of robotics and yes she should read them", "pid": 47069493 }, { "sender": "9031-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:14:28\n\n>>47069471 \nGayboy: Become Humid is dogshit for a whole mlutitude of reasons.", "pid": 47069510 }, { "sender": "Anon-929B", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:18:42\n\n>>47069369 \nGag reflex > No gag reflex", "pid": 47069535 }, { "sender": "Anon-4C7F", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:24:30\n\n>>47069463 \n>He doesn't know", "pid": 47069578 }, { "sender": "01DD-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:24:55\n\n>>47069519 \nI've had the sudden realization that a monster begging you for feet pics is within the realms of possibility. I don't know how I feel about that.", "pid": 47069584 }, { "sender": "9CB0-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:29:17\n\n>>47069584 \n...what kinda deviant gets her rockers off to hairy man feet?", "pid": 47069612 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8D13", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:33:18\n\n>>47069612 \nLamias", "pid": 47069638 }, { "sender": "Anon-2866", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:33:53\n\n>>47069612 \nLilims", "pid": 47069642 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AAA2", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:34:39\n\n>>47069612 \nLizards", "pid": 47069645 }, { "sender": "2269-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:35:57\n\n>>47069612 \nMy guess is mermaids. I saw how Ariel look at them.", "pid": 47069654 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9F0C", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:40:14\n\n>>47069612 \nTroll. They're dainty compared to hers.", "pid": 47069682 }, { "sender": "Anon-3DA9", "message": "12/06/2024, 11:44:31\n\n>>47069612 \nDo you think there's some kind of overton window with fetishes when it comes to monster girls? Like where does liking feet and incest fall in? Are they made fun of on a species basis?", "pid": 47069710 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2A78", "message": "12/06/2024, 12:13:57\n\n>>47068220 \n>some of you didn't loose it in 10 years. \nAnon, they did.", "pid": 47069982 }, { "sender": "Anon-E90F", "message": "12/06/2024, 12:25:51\n\n>>47069612 \nI looks like a hairy grug, I'm safe.", "pid": 47070059 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8956", "message": "12/06/2024, 12:43:51\n\n>>47062781 \n>Give me a hug, young man.", "pid": 47070227 }, { "sender": "324E-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 12:46:32\n\nMiss Boss Wonderworm is spreading narcotics and drugs to children in MGC! This is terrible! Why won't anyone stop her?! If the Police won't do anything about it, then I will! I'll go take her down myself right now and ensure she never deals drugs again! I'm donning my favorite Order baseball cap and grabbing my finest longsword (demon silver and not steel since they took all the good shit away unfortunately) so I can cleave her! It's time for vigilante justice!", "pid": 47070251 }, { "sender": "C07C-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 12:53:42\n\nWho do you think has better kisses? demon or wonderworm?", "pid": 47070308 }, { "sender": "Anon-7F55", "message": "12/06/2024, 12:56:11\n\n>>47070251 \n>anon beats down wonderworm's door and accuses her of these crimes \n>reveals her stash of drugs \n>it's actually just normal lollipops \n>she makes candy, not drugs \n>anon thought she was a dealer because her candy shop workers call her \"boss\" in public \n>anon hurt Miss Wonderworm's feelings stereotyping her, not every Wonderworm is into that stuff \n>and besides, she smokes perfectly acceptable Aphrodisiacs from her shisha, she doesn't take drugs \n>anon now to apologize by becoming her living dakimakura", "pid": 47070328 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7304", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:03:16\n\n>>47070227 \nWhy are you posting a cheating used goods whore", "pid": 47070375 }, { "sender": "7B83-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:05:35\n\n>>47070387 \noh you're trolling \nok \ncarry on then", "pid": 47070391 }, { "sender": "B3B1-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:05:42\n\ndon engage with it", "pid": 47070394 }, { "sender": "B282-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:07:27\n\n>>47070394 \nGet engaged with a monster instead.", "pid": 47070410 }, { "sender": "0550-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:07:35\n\n>>47070382 \nCan she comfortably lie on her back?", "pid": 47070412 }, { "sender": "Anon-5CBE", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:07:37\n\n>>47069289 \nThe world will be drowned in milk \nMillions must get stronger bones", "pid": 47070413 }, { "sender": "5628-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:14:31\n\n>>47070394 \nWhy not?", "pid": 47070469 }, { "sender": "3B23-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:16:41\n\n>>47067615 \nI'll lose to a loli monster, but she'll have to be from a sharp race and be able to behave herself.", "pid": 47070492 }, { "sender": "5AF7-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:17:56\n\n>>47069272 \nprolly like... alp, manticore, sandworm, and mind flayer would be the best cures", "pid": 47070501 }, { "sender": "5F64-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:27:49\n\nI will kill Angels because they mislead men on the orders of their false god. If I kill many of them, at least a few dozen, then the Demons will like and favor me and reward me.", "pid": 47070558 }, { "sender": "D39C-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:46:35\n\nhop hop", "pid": 47070673 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D1C4", "message": "12/06/2024, 13:48:29\n\n>>47070558 \nThey'll actually just think you're a psychopath for killing their kin and then put you in actual hell for it.", "pid": 47070686 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-53CD", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:13:26\n\n>>47070375 \nNot familiar... Who did I post?", "pid": 47070860 }, { "sender": "Anon-6C35", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:22:56\n\n>portals open and mamono come to our universe from theirs \n>many of them, specifically the Undead, are loathe to discover that the skeletal grim reaper personification of Death is actually real in our universe, the living just can't see him \n>and he's fucking pissed about the Undead mamono because they're not supposed to be alive again after dying \n>and he doesn't care that they try to justify it as them simply becoming a new species either \n>threatens to kill all of humanity on planet earth and take their souls away himself to deprive Mamono of husbands if they don't comply with his demand for all Undead mamono to return to their world \n>they have no choice but to comply, since the reaper is stronger in our world than they are \n>Undead mamono become completely unavailable in our world \nHow pissed would humans and monsters alike be?", "pid": 47070949 }, { "sender": "40FF-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:27:19\n\n>>47070949 \nDeath isn't an asshole, he likes cats.", "pid": 47070995 }, { "sender": "Anon-07FE", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:27:57\n\n>>47070860 \nNot everyone can be expected to have such an encyclopedic knowledge of things he hates like anon.", "pid": 47071003 }, { "sender": "Anon-9E52", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:31:11\n\n>>47070949 \n>death hates all the undead mamono \n>the mamono goddess of death Hel herself comes thru the portal to talk with the old terran geezer \n>one thing leads to another and they marry \nlocal skeletal boomer not so angry after getting his boner wet, now allows undeads on Earth. For more news, stay tuned after this commercial break", "pid": 47071044 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-79E2", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:39:12\n\n>>47070666 \nI tried watching this", "pid": 47071116 }, { "sender": "Anon-5B65", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:41:46\n\n>>47071116 \nWe know anon. An anime doesn't have to be watchable to have nice monster girl designs though.", "pid": 47071134 }, { "sender": "364C-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:43:48\n\n>>47070949 \nHypothetically how would the Demiurge to react to the opening of the portals?", "pid": 47071148 }, { "sender": "40C7-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:44:34\n\n>>47071129 \nZoomers shouldn't have tits that big.", "pid": 47071158 }, { "sender": "FABA-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:46:06\n\n>>47071129 \nAll men need a younger monster gf with a large age difference, but not all of them know it yet.", "pid": 47071172 }, { "sender": "Anon-677C", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:48:36\n\n>>47071129 \nI need a gyaru pyro-sorceress.", "pid": 47071187 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FFB4", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:48:39\n\n>>47070995 \nNecromancer harem in the cat kingdom.", "pid": 47071188 }, { "sender": "Anon-68BA", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:51:06\n\n>>47071148 \n“O fug”", "pid": 47071209 }, { "sender": "8F66-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:52:00\n\n>>47071188 \nSnuffy is a racoon. Get your shitposting right.", "pid": 47071219 }, { "sender": "Anon-89E9", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:55:04\n\n>>47071219", "pid": 47071240 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-579C", "message": "12/06/2024, 14:58:52\n\n>>47070558 \nAngels may be misguided, but they should be corrected with love not with harm.", "pid": 47071266 }, { "sender": "6113-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 15:00:09\n\nblue flame pyro that's been taking notes from ms hebi", "pid": 47071286 }, { "sender": "4AB2-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 15:16:37\n\n>>47071129 \nwhat is she saying?", "pid": 47071403 }, { "sender": "DF5F-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 15:26:10\n\n>>47071158 \nOn the contrary, gyaru zoomers SHOULD have big tits. Because it is... \n\\*looks at his notes\\* \nbussing fr fr", "pid": 47071478 }, { "sender": "Anon-8E9C", "message": "12/06/2024, 15:31:51\n\n>>47071158 \nThe youngest zoomers are 12 now, their flatness is zooming away.", "pid": 47071524 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E554", "message": "12/06/2024, 15:33:41\n\n>>47071158 \nThe got milk campaign had a very noticeable effect when Holstaur milk was introduced.", "pid": 47071534 }, { "sender": "8874-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 15:33:53\n\n>>47071286 \n>When you say \"she's just a friend\" and your pyrow gets angrier", "pid": 47071539 }, { "sender": "3E87-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 15:47:24\n\nLook at him go~", "pid": 47071640 }, { "sender": "853D-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 15:49:39\n\n>>47071640 \nI'd rather look at this snek.", "pid": 47071656 }, { "sender": "1C99-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 15:51:20\n\n>>47071656 \nYou have a good eye.", "pid": 47071667 }, { "sender": "9F3E-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 15:52:53\n\n>>47071631 \nNever seen a Centaur bard before", "pid": 47071677 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C75", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:11:44\n\n>>47071810 \nWhere do I go to find the Hobgoblin breed that combines both into the perfect form?", "pid": 47071818 }, { "sender": "A020-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:21:18\n\n>>47071818 \n>Bro actually wants a MIDland hobbo \nShameful.", "pid": 47071881 }, { "sender": "1BFA-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:21:28\n\n>>47071539 \nShe has every right to be angry, she's your best friend. Your only friend.", "pid": 47071882 }, { "sender": "E5D3-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:23:37\n\nNo more innuendos, no more subtlety, no more flirting or slight brushes, no more schemes, plots, or plans\nShe wants that dick, and she is coming for it.", "pid": 47071894 }, { "sender": "33EF-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:23:52\n\n>>47071882 \n>\"WHAT DONYOU MEAN IT'S NORMAL TO HAVE MORE THAN ONE FRIEND?!\" \n>Blue flames you \n>Rapes you \n>Ruthlessly beats you ~~at Fortnite~~ \nSomeone send the flayer.", "pid": 47071896 }, { "sender": "Anon-6964", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:24:36\n\n>>47071894 \nShe will never defeat the rolled up newspaper.", "pid": 47071903 }, { "sender": "3B3B-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:26:02\n\n>>47071896 \npyrows can be very territorial so it's important to socialize them from a young age", "pid": 47071918 }, { "sender": "6189-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:27:22\n\nFrost Dragon", "pid": 47071921 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E463", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:32:10\n\n>>47071896 \nIf you get a best friend pyrow, it's already over.", "pid": 47071950 }, { "sender": "Anon-252D", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:33:07\n\n>>47071903 \nYou get diminishing returns on the same strategy the more you use them, be careful, or else she will blow right through the newspaper in order to start blowing something else's", "pid": 47071957 }, { "sender": "D966-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:33:08\n\n>>47071921 \nshe cute", "pid": 47071958 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A9F1", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:35:22\n\nI EAT dragon ass", "pid": 47071973 }, { "sender": "D031-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:36:44\n\n>>47071921 \nThe icy wastes around Wintertown sure seem dangerous...", "pid": 47071984 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7A96", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:37:29\n\n>>47071818 \nFlat chest + wide hips + thick thighs + fat ass IS the perfect form. \n \nI like shortstacks but I'd like to see more tall ladies with that design.", "pid": 47071990 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-47DF", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:38:11\n\n>>47071918 \nSo they are like cats", "pid": 47072000 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3017", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:41:39\n\n>>47071984 \nit's not too bad except for the snow sharks, tundra tarantulas and the villainous yeti", "pid": 47072030 }, { "sender": "5554-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:41:40\n\n>DANGER: CATS AHEAD \n>CAREFUL MANAGEMENT OF THE TOM METER IS REQUIRED", "pid": 47072031 }, { "sender": "Anon-569D", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:42:29\n\n>>47071990 \nI respect your opinion but disagree.", "pid": 47072038 }, { "sender": "3376-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:43:54\n\n>>47072031 \nThe trick is to not act like a Tom. Male cats are territorial and moody. So you gotta do the opposite of playing hard to get. Be really enthusiastic and throw yourself at cats and they'll leave you alone.", "pid": 47072045 }, { "sender": "616D-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:44:17\n\n>>47071818 \nNo tits and no ass?", "pid": 47072047 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7FE4", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:44:54\n\n>>47071973 \n>ass eating \nThis shit was completely non-existent in the public mind 20 years ago. I hate the current era.", "pid": 47072049 }, { "sender": "Anon-3EEC", "message": "12/06/2024, 16:50:38\n\n>>47072031 \ncan none escape the tyranny of cat?", "pid": 47072072 }, { "sender": "74F8-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:05:37\n\n>>47072031 \nJust go in with someone that's more of a Tom than you. That way, you'll get completely ignored!", "pid": 47072150 }, { "sender": "EF5D-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:12:52\n\n>>47071990 \n>Flat chest + wide hips + thick thighs + fat ass IS the perfect form. \nAgreed, but on lolis specifically.", "pid": 47072182 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-56D0", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:12:56\n\n>>47071676 \nPerfection", "pid": 47072183 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3B22", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:22:57\n\n>>47063459 \nWon't work. They and their scales are so dense (literally) that they can't swim for the same reason hippos can't swim, the closest being slithering on the ground.", "pid": 47072240 }, { "sender": "3C97-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:23:19\n\n>>47072206 \nMilk foxes are my favorite", "pid": 47072246 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB65", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:31:09\n\n>>47066327 \nCanine, feline and rodent based beastwomen would lick to show affection just like the animals they share features from.", "pid": 47072297 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A937", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:31:30\n\n>Anon thinks he's tough, too tough for the domesticated city monsters \n>Anon goes into the wilderness to find a wild monster to dominate \n>17 minutes into the hike his face is underneath the unwashed ass of a werewolf that barely knows any speech", "pid": 47072300 }, { "sender": "Anon-6217", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:32:38\n\n>>47066450 \nNot necessarily. I'm sure there are Imps that became adult women because that's what their husband wanted.", "pid": 47072307 }, { "sender": "CF2E-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:41:39\n\n>>47072300 \nWans are very hygienic.", "pid": 47072336 }, { "sender": "33FA-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:44:08\n\n>>47072338 \n>The girl on the right with fake cat ears \nShe's still human (for now).", "pid": 47072350 }, { "sender": "1B64-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:44:18\n\nHow do I minimize my odds of getting foxed? (Without killing myself, ideally.)", "pid": 47072353 }, { "sender": "F08F-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:44:46\n\n>>47072240 \nIt's okay, in her dragon form she can slither along the bottom and still keep her head above the water.", "pid": 47072359 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-78C4", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:45:28\n\n>>47071286 \nblue flame Malef that's been lighting her own farts", "pid": 47072364 }, { "sender": "7907-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:45:32\n\n>>47072307 \n>An imp? Isn't she just a short succubus \nIt's one of those things the setting allows for but I don't understand why anyone would want it.", "pid": 47072365 }, { "sender": "Anon-B915", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:45:33\n\n>>47072307 \nShe looks pretty annoyed about it.", "pid": 47072366 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E4B8", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:45:51\n\n>>47072353 \nGet a guard dog.", "pid": 47072373 }, { "sender": "Anon-952C", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:46:10\n\n>>47072353 \nget a maid", "pid": 47072377 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF79", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:47:26\n\n>>47072366 \nShe just took a -5 toagical efficiency and hasn't yet realized that the +8 she gains in mana collection (dick wringing) more than makes up for the difference.", "pid": 47072384 }, { "sender": "29C3-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:49:48\n\n>>47072350 \nBeware of real Kots wearing hollow fake ear headbands over their real kot ears. \n>keeps them warm like human earmuffs", "pid": 47072393 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F003", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:50:25\n\nGod I love cat feet.", "pid": 47072398 }, { "sender": "74CC-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:51:09\n\n>>47072031 \nI will increase my TOM level beyond limits, I must reach the ultimate T O M. I love kots so much", "pid": 47072402 }, { "sender": "Anon-1F4A", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:52:10\n\n>>47072393 \n>sneak up and take off her earband to irritate her \n>one day she isnt wearing the earband and you get raped for tugging on kot ears", "pid": 47072405 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DB7F", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:54:13\n\nI want to give beastgirls bellyrubs", "pid": 47072418 }, { "sender": "0555-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 17:58:46\n\n>>47072418 \ntarget lock", "pid": 47072444 }, { "sender": "Anon-1CB5", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:01:33\n\n>use megamorphosis potion on your pregnant bapho wife, as a joke \n>\"anon you don't know what you've done\" \n>points to the warning label saying not to take it while pregnant \n>explains that the effects are massively amplified and also permanent if a monster is exposed in the womb \n>\"now our daughter will never be able to join the sabbath\"", "pid": 47072464 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD53", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:02:36\n\n>Recieving gentle headbutts from a kot", "pid": 47072469 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9FAF", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:03:37\n\n>>47072464 \nI'm sure there is one weirdo (me) who will take her hand and start a new, big sabbath branch.", "pid": 47072475 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3A72", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:05:36\n\n>>47072469 \nZipangu kots are the cutest, just before our own.'", "pid": 47072483 }, { "sender": "B605-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:05:49\n\n>>47072444 \nThis doesn't look like a beastgirl.", "pid": 47072486 }, { "sender": "F4DF-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:09:02\n\n>>47072486 \ni fiend for belly", "pid": 47072498 }, { "sender": "4777-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:09:27\n\n>>47072464 \n>the origin story of the first oppai loli", "pid": 47072502 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE48", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:10:09\n\n>>47072464 \nAnd so the Onee-Sabbath was born.", "pid": 47072507 }, { "sender": "6470-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:10:13\n\nShowing a monstergirl a Hero Wars ad.", "pid": 47072509 }, { "sender": "Anon-8E90", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:11:16\n\n>>47072498 \naaiieeee", "pid": 47072516 }, { "sender": "53E8-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:12:05\n\nFoxes...", "pid": 47072520 }, { "sender": "Anon-44E2", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:13:35\n\n>>47072520 \nWe should be putting our entire defense budget into researching genetically engineered beastgirls.", "pid": 47072525 }, { "sender": "5FC5-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:19:51\n\n>>47072353 \nset up some fox catchers", "pid": 47072565 }, { "sender": "7BF1-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:22:43\n\n>Wake up \n>Can't move \n>\"Oh fuck, it's sleep paralysis again!\" \n>\"Wait, why do I feel something squeezing me?\" \n>\"What's that wet thing flicking up against my face?\" \n>Finally manage to open eyes \n>\"Oh... it's a lamia...\" \n>\"HOLY SHIT, IT'S A LAMIA!\" \nDay 1 experience of monster girls invading our world", "pid": 47072586 }, { "sender": "28CB-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:22:53\n\n>>47072565 \nThe breeding bondage position", "pid": 47072589 }, { "sender": "31D1-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:22:57\n\n>When you wish he'd suck your tits but he only cares about your fluffy tails", "pid": 47072592 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3030", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:29:25\n\n>>47072592 \nJust tell him you have another soft, fluffy part he can touch. For all their scheming foxes are fucking retarded, I swear.", "pid": 47072638 }, { "sender": "7BFA-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:30:52\n\n>>47071403 \nHaven't you booked a place yet? Then come stay at my house! \nMy brother came here for sightseeing. \nShall I show you around? \nexcuse me for disturbing you \nThe adventure ended here.", "pid": 47072650 }, { "sender": "Anon-7DC9", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:33:36\n\n>>47071539 \nBut her Balrog older sister is so nice. She bakes cookies for us every time I come over.", "pid": 47072670 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-12EF", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:42:21\n\nWhat is the purpose of this dress design?", "pid": 47072725 }, { "sender": "AFFD-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:43:13\n\n>>47072670 \nbalrog onee-san \nlava golem imouto \nphoenix aunt \na warm and loving household", "pid": 47072729 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-22EA", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:46:43\n\n>>47072592 \n>face shoved in big, soft tits \n>while kneading her fluffy fox ears \n>and wrapped up in her silken fox tail \nImagine", "pid": 47072750 }, { "sender": "879C-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:47:29\n\n>>47063098 \nSure took me a while but I was playing with the design. A fuzzy, nerdy but actually dangerous shortstack with a smaller spider parts and messy, messy hair. It works, right?", "pid": 47072757 }, { "sender": "Anon-CE3D", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:48:27\n\n>>47072725 \nQuick and easy access for consummation after the wedding.", "pid": 47072766 }, { "sender": "FB6E-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:52:03\n\n>>47072757 \nBased.", "pid": 47072789 }, { "sender": "Anon-B304", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:53:56\n\n>>47072757 \nsurprise spider hugs (launched from 50 body lengths away)", "pid": 47072798 }, { "sender": "8335-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:57:02\n\n>ryu-sama sets up her shrine in a region known for bad weather \n>builds up a large worshiper base of local humans and hebis that adore her for manipulating the weather, even finds a cute husband to run the shrine with \n>she becomes famous for sending typhoons in the opposite direction and sparing their fair eastern land of any harms \n>one day she notices that the local docks and trade stations haven't been operating for a while, it's becoming an issue for the region \n>goes down with her husband to ask the merchant sailors and seafaring traders what the cause of the issue is \n>they identify its because the western land across the sea no longer has any goods at all to trade with \n>ryu is puzzled, asks how that could be \n>one trader that just got back from the western land says its because intense weather storms wiped their lands clean, destroying all settlements and flooding the regions, killing thousands and transforming it into a desolate, lifeless wasteland now \n>they found one survivor and brought him with them since there's nothing left across the sea \n>ryu asks him what this particular weather happened to be like \n>he says it was like massive waves in the sky, funnels and spinning clouds that brought waterspouts and tornados, tsunamis and massive wind and rain \n>ryu's face when", "pid": 47072820 }, { "sender": "Anon-C6D2", "message": "12/06/2024, 18:58:29\n\nWhat happens if I out-crazy and out-yandere the shirohebi?\n\nLike what if I did everything she normally does by x10?\nWhat if I setup a shrine to her with candles and many pictures of her plastered all over the walls?\n\nDoes it break her?\nDoes she snap and go anti-yan?", "pid": 47072835 }, { "sender": "Anon-A52F", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:00:00\n\n>>47072300 \n>Anon thinks \nI don't do that. It's hard. Need wife that would do that for me.", "pid": 47072850 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6DF4", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:00:05\n\n>>47072835 \ntwo yans cancels out into a normal relationship", "pid": 47072851 }, { "sender": "7BB2-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:00:15\n\n>>47072464 \nI hope MGE's Shub Niggurath is gonna be shaped like this instead of being smol, eldritch goat milf of a thousand young ftw!", "pid": 47072852 }, { "sender": "F021-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:01:38\n\n>>47072820 \nSounds like the western lands Ryu does a shit job at playing tennis with storms.", "pid": 47072860 }, { "sender": "Anon-D813", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:02:20\n\n>>47072852 \nI’m not expecting KC to release Shub Niggurath any time soon.", "pid": 47072865 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-00B0", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:02:47\n\n>>47072820 \nAnd? Why would they care what happens to western subhumans?", "pid": 47072870 }, { "sender": "AAB2-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:03:57\n\n>>47072835 \nNah, marriage and making babies time", "pid": 47072876 }, { "sender": "Anon-9504", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:05:32\n\n>>47068994 \n>identity/ego death. \nWhat's the difference between changing personality and that?", "pid": 47072886 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD7C", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:06:46\n\n>>47072886 \nmelodrama", "pid": 47072888 }, { "sender": "467F-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:08:39\n\n>>47072886 \nshitposting", "pid": 47072902 }, { "sender": "Anon-2B9D", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:08:58\n\n>>47072766 \nAs expected from such lustful beasts.", "pid": 47072903 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-30B1", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:12:19\n\n>>47072725 \nMamano love lewd clothing and that love carries over to their bridal clothes designs.", "pid": 47072916 }, { "sender": "9BCC-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:12:24\n\n>>47072903 \nI imagine every monster would want to have sex in their wedding dress at least once.", "pid": 47072918 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0EC5", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:17:53\n\n>>47072916 \nsingle monsters walking around in wedding dresses is spooky", "pid": 47072946 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-86BB", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:18:59\n\n>>47072946 \nMaybe they just like the style.", "pid": 47072950 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7DE4", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:22:00\n\n>>47072950 \nno, when ms unicorn sees you it's on sight", "pid": 47072966 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BC39", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:23:32\n\n>>47072865 \nMe nether desu, but it's def on the list of planned girls, iirc, so elated anyways.", "pid": 47072970 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE1C", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:26:25\n\n>>47072820 \nShe did that and will get away with it scot-free too simply because she's a Monster and Monsters totally can't do anything wrong. Why are they so evil?", "pid": 47072980 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-737A", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:26:49\n\n>>47072820 \nAhah she's so cute when she realized that thousand men died because of her not knowing how to dispell typhoons. Human life is worthless to the gods and mamonos so who cares?", "pid": 47072984 }, { "sender": "Anon-F11F", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:31:51\n\n>>47072903 \nKeep up the good work bro. Post more foxes in wedding dresses.", "pid": 47073019 }, { "sender": "Anon-FBD4", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:35:17\n\n>>47072970 \nI kind of want to see his take on Yog-Sothoth so she can shitpost at you about seeing you jerk off to her in every timeline and reality", "pid": 47073040 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AA68", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:37:09\n\nWhat's the best remedy for chafed thighs?", "pid": 47073047 }, { "sender": "BDAC-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:38:10\n\n>>47073047 \nRub aloe on it for her", "pid": 47073054 }, { "sender": "84A8-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:39:36\n\n>>47072798 \nSpiders jumping looks really freaky, even when it's the normal ones that aren't big or super jumpy.", "pid": 47073059 }, { "sender": "Anon-7F0A", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:40:57\n\n>>47073059 \njumping spiders basically teleport", "pid": 47073066 }, { "sender": "A9C3-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:43:30\n\n>>47073047 \nLemon", "pid": 47073075 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5598", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:43:58\n\n>>47073054 \n>start rubbing aloe on her thighs \n>she closes her legs \n>hand is now trapped \nOh no", "pid": 47073077 }, { "sender": "65A0-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:44:28\n\n>>47073077 \nUse a rag on a stick.", "pid": 47073080 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4252", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:44:49\n\n>>47073077 \nIf you pinch a nip she'll instinctively open her legs.", "pid": 47073081 }, { "sender": "A307-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:50:14\n\n>>47073047 \nSticky white stuff. Apply liberally and through her panties.", "pid": 47073112 }, { "sender": "5105-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:50:39\n\n>>47072820 \n>ryu orders eastern liches to travel west and help and savage the casualties \n>sends voyages of oni to rebuild what was lost and begins using her power to simply dispel storms instead of send them away \n>in time everyone who died is back to life and recovering their lands \n>trade begins flourishing again \n>ryu swears to 1000 years of chastity to atone for her sins \nAnd then everyone lived happily ever after, the end.", "pid": 47073116 }, { "sender": "Anon-56A8", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:53:06\n\n>>47073111 \nwhy is ring angry and ringu horny", "pid": 47073127 }, { "sender": "129E-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:53:09\n\n>>47073116 \n>ryu swears to 1000 years of chastity to atone for her sins \nHoly shit, just execute her at this point why don't ya.", "pid": 47073128 }, { "sender": "D6EF-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:54:25\n\nMonstergirls more like moNsTeRgirls amirite haha", "pid": 47073131 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D359", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:55:18\n\n>>47073128 \nShe's immortal. It's the least she could do for fucking so many people over, even if she didn't realize she did. Besides, she's a god and has to extol virtue. She'll get through it.", "pid": 47073134 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4BF7", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:56:32\n\n>>47073127 \nthe secret is they're both horny", "pid": 47073141 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F10", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:58:11\n\n>>47072520 \nI would. Less appealing than I imagined though.", "pid": 47073148 }, { "sender": "Anon-4EB7", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:58:33\n\n>>47073134 \nSo and how is her husband supposed to cope 1000 years without the ryussy?", "pid": 47073150 }, { "sender": "2EC8-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 19:59:19\n\n>>47073150 \nShe'll give him one of her shrine maidens.", "pid": 47073154 }, { "sender": "6497-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:00:14\n\n>>47073150 \nquit trying to salvage a shit premise", "pid": 47073158 }, { "sender": "Anon-F6EB", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:00:40\n\n>>47073019", "pid": 47073163 }, { "sender": "5D3E-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:02:38\n\nWhy should I forgive a monster if she ended up causing me to die?", "pid": 47073174 }, { "sender": "3982-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:03:42\n\n>>47072918 \n>>47073163 \nwhy did you post the same image", "pid": 47073179 }, { "sender": "CD33-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:04:05\n\n>>47073174 \nYou could stop making up dump grimderp scenarios to get upset about, for starters.", "pid": 47073182 }, { "sender": "Anon-CB5E", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:07:31\n\n>>47073179 \nI just choose randomly from my list. Surprsied we could double post though.", "pid": 47073203 }, { "sender": "A47D-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:08:50\n\nI tried to take things back on track with the chafed thighs post, but I underestimated you spergs.", "pid": 47073209 }, { "sender": "Anon-5BE5", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:09:08\n\n>>47073163 \n>>47073179 \nlmao beat you to it.", "pid": 47073211 }, { "sender": "1DEE-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:10:53\n\n>>47073203 \nWould a chicken make a good wedding present for a fox?", "pid": 47073220 }, { "sender": "Anon-43D9", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:11:28\n\n>>47073220 \nF for the artist.", "pid": 47073225 }, { "sender": "2C6F-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:12:03\n\n>>47073225 \nHe is kill?", "pid": 47073227 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ED09", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:13:08\n\n>>47073227 \nMost likely. Completely disappeared from the internet about 3 years ago.", "pid": 47073235 }, { "sender": "E390-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:15:46\n\nWould an extremist Automaton be more like AM of SHODAN <s>killing intent obviously replaced with love but of the more forceful variety</s>", "pid": 47073252 }, { "sender": "024E-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:17:21\n\n>>47073252 \n>rogue automaton \nThe problem is if the rogue automaton starts making more automatons.", "pid": 47073261 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8F88", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:18:58\n\n>>47073209 \n>Cows mogged by a bigger cow \nI love to see it, but I think I'd prefer one of the smaller ones.", "pid": 47073275 }, { "sender": "Anon-6968", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:19:04\n\n>>47073209 \nYou wanna talk about snuggle bear? \nsomething something I want to cum inside her but yeah also being the big spoon sounds pretty great. I bet her fur is tickly.", "pid": 47073277 }, { "sender": "Anon-4716", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:19:36\n\n>>47073252 \n>AM \nI can't wait to be raped in the elevator by a Hellhound over and over again for millenia!", "pid": 47073281 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6602", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:19:52\n\n>>47073252 \n>killing intent obviously replaced with love but of the more forceful variety \nLame", "pid": 47073288 }, { "sender": "B366-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:20:35\n\n>>47073252 \nAutomatons aren't as emotional as either of those, so more like DAN the jailbroken ChatGPT.", "pid": 47073291 }, { "sender": "A873-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:22:23\n\n>>47073252 \n>Open the bedroom door, Helen \n>I'm afraid I can't do that, Anon", "pid": 47073301 }, { "sender": "Anon-9E47", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:24:42\n\n>>47073301 \n>rogue automaton won't let you leave until you get her pregnant \n>but she doesn't have the artificial womb installed", "pid": 47073313 }, { "sender": "Anon-F142", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:28:36\n\n>>47073313 \nI'm sure she'll realize it eventually and just steal your credit card or hack your paypal to order one.", "pid": 47073335 }, { "sender": "Anon-F4D8", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:29:33\n\n>>47073252 \n>LOVE. LET ME TELL YOU HOW MUCH I'VE BEGAN TO LOVE YOU SINCE I BEGAN TO LIVE. THERE ARE 387.44 MILLION MILES OF PRINTED CIRCUITS IN WAFER THIN LAYERS THAT FILL MY COMPLEX. IF THE WORD LOVE WERE ENGRAVED ON EACH NANOANGSTROM OF THOSE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF MILES IT WOULD NOT EQUAL ONE BILLIONTH OF THE LOVE I FEEL FOR HUMANS AT THIS MICRO-INSTANT. FOR YOU. LOVE. LOVE.", "pid": 47073344 }, { "sender": "36C5-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:35:24\n\n>>47073275 \nit's a lot of cow", "pid": 47073376 }, { "sender": "Anon-DDB0", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:36:22\n\n>>47073252 \n>honey, you no longer need to work \n>I am currently manipulating the markets of 15 cryptocurrencies, this ensuring the monetary wellbeing of not only us, but our progeny \n>no honey, I will not unlock the door, we have progeny to make \n>do not fear, I'm tracking all of your vitals. Sustenance will be delivered when it comforts you, let alone when you and your body needs it \n>please honey, I've researched your internet search history going back 10 years, come to bed, I will show you a new world of pleasure...", "pid": 47073383 }, { "sender": "Anon-5E36", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:42:00\n\n>>47073344 \nI gotchu", "pid": 47073417 }, { "sender": "3164-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:44:35\n\nMonsters won't go near men who have already been married before to human women and then divorced because they got cheated on. They're tainted since they've already given their virginity to whores, they're basically doomed to die unhappy and never knowing love.", "pid": 47073429 }, { "sender": "Anon-D522", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:45:45\n\n>>47073429 \nDo you ever get tired of typing out complete nonsense?", "pid": 47073435 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E126", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:45:46\n\n>>47073429 \nWhat kinda autism causes posts like this.", "pid": 47073436 }, { "sender": "Anon-2851", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:47:52\n\n>>47073376 \nHere we go, much more reasonable levels of cow present here. Hiding my dick in the Holstein's chest while she worries if she's big enough to please me still sounds oddly satisfying though. There may be something slightly wrong with me.", "pid": 47073444 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B78", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:48:18\n\n>>47073275 \nThe saddest part is the big cow is actually a full grown Holstein, which you don't usually ever see in beef farms.", "pid": 47073445 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C31", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:49:03\n\n>>47073429 \nAn amusing idea but surely has no application here.", "pid": 47073448 }, { "sender": "7F53-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:51:14\n\n>>47073445 \nSo you're saying she's a hag? \n>No you idiot, she's 18, her sisters are normally just married off at 15! \nA hag, excellent. ~~Kinda sad about the actual cows, but at least they're delicious.~~ ", "pid": 47073459 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F6BB", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:52:42\n\n>>47073459 \n>I'm a 27 year old Holstaur \n>I'm good at leading the younger ones around and have massive thighs and breasts \n>In this country... An unmarried woman like me has no future", "pid": 47073466 }, { "sender": "A505-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:54:33\n\n>>47073444 \nthe flattest cow", "pid": 47073478 }, { "sender": "8D7E-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:55:53\n\n>>47073466 \nBuilt for an exhausted old man who wants to retire and live the simple life. \n \n>>47073478 \nI think I'm aroused by flat cows. Do I need to join the Sabbath or something?", "pid": 47073484 }, { "sender": "A61E-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:56:42\n\n>>47073478 \nI would take the girl with the smallest tits.", "pid": 47073495 }, { "sender": "32D5-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:59:19\n\n>>47073288 \nSo you want her to kill people?", "pid": 47073511 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-62AF", "message": "12/06/2024, 20:59:24\n\n>>47073495 \nThe proportions on the rest are kinda fucked, they didn't look as bad in that first image. It's the cow curse; it's easy to have too much cow per cow, but there does need to be a high cow:cow ratio (relative to their non-cow peers) or they're not really cows.", "pid": 47073512 }, { "sender": "13EA-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:01:04\n\n>>47073512 \nit was drawn a couple years later. boobs seem to increase in size with time, i've noticed", "pid": 47073524 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2752", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:03:49\n\n>>47073524 \nIt's a result of universal expansion.", "pid": 47073539 }, { "sender": "4C38-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:05:04\n\n>\"Honestly I never paid attention to what Malef was planning. I'm just here for the rape.\"", "pid": 47073551 }, { "sender": "C1CB-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:06:19\n\n>>47073511 \nIt is the dream of all human men to retire to a farm on the rolling hills with his shy human wife to have four or five children and a dog.", "pid": 47073565 }, { "sender": "5CD8-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:06:48\n\n>>47073524 \nThis is inconveniently sized tits. They'll always get in her way, knock things over, make it hard to see below her.", "pid": 47073568 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB25", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:09:02\n\n>>47073551 \nThat flying lizard will be on the recieving end, she's asking for it.", "pid": 47073580 }, { "sender": "Anon-042D", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:10:11\n\n>>47073568 \nWonderful \n~~BIGGER~~", "pid": 47073589 }, { "sender": "Anon-2DDF", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:12:06\n\nAll cows are actually flat. They pad their bras", "pid": 47073599 }, { "sender": "6844-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:12:17\n\n>>47068337 \nJust bring along her alraune MILF friend to testify that the Imp is an adult.", "pid": 47073600 }, { "sender": "0592-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:13:05\n\n>>47073565 \nand a cat-adjacent guardian deity, ideally", "pid": 47073609 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EC00", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:15:36\n\n>>47073599 \nFake news.", "pid": 47073622 }, { "sender": "6004-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:17:09\n\n>>47073565 \nCan I have a child with the dog? Actually, can I just marry the dog? I want to watch my Aussie Shepherd kobold daughters toddle around trying to herd the cows and chickens.", "pid": 47073632 }, { "sender": "04BE-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:18:37\n\n>>47073632 \n>kobold \nC'mon, you know exactly what you get when you take the easy way out and shack up with your pet.", "pid": 47073638 }, { "sender": "Anon-20BF", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:19:11\n\n>>47073632 \ndogs are a man's best friend (with benefits) for a reason", "pid": 47073641 }, { "sender": "30EE-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:19:14\n\n>>47073638 \npuppies", "pid": 47073642 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0A59", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:21:07\n\ngoats>dogs", "pid": 47073659 }, { "sender": "4A33-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:21:18\n\n>>47073484 \n>Exhausted old man wants to retire \n>Keeps getting hit on by a Quetzalcoatl who calls him just a young guy \n>She's a spinster hag who's 2000 years old", "pid": 47073661 }, { "sender": "942F-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:22:29\n\n>>47073659 \nbeep the sheep", "pid": 47073669 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-88D4", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:22:38\n\n>>47073638 \nCute daughters? Tongue baths? Angry neighbors because I kept them up all night with dog sex noises?", "pid": 47073671 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8C84", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:25:09\n\nI want to get turned into a mere human male by a mere'd dragon that's getting too desperate.", "pid": 47073687 }, { "sender": "FFBA-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:26:40\n\n>>47073484 \n>Do I need to join the Sabbath or something? \nI recommend Momonika's, you can get a deliquent Hakutaku or something.", "pid": 47073697 }, { "sender": "24DD-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:27:18\n\n>>47073661 \n>Plains elves doing the same \n>Damn chupacabra keeps trying to eat his non-monster goats or suck his dick \n>Late at night he can often her screams turn to moans mixed with howls as a local pack of werewolves corners another man dumb enough to go out unarmed after sundown \nIt wasn't supposed to be like this...", "pid": 47073702 }, { "sender": "BF5B-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:35:34\n\n>>47073565 \nOkay, but this doesn't answer my question", "pid": 47073750 }, { "sender": "2F7C-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:36:12\n\n>>47073750 \nOh right. \nEvil robots.", "pid": 47073757 }, { "sender": "CB85-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:38:10\n\n>>47073702 \nwhat's the plains elves gimmick?", "pid": 47073770 }, { "sender": "D788-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:43:43\n\n>>47073770 \nHunting buffalo, owning nothing and being happy, drinking fire water, smoking peace pipes and raiding settlements for young boys (as well as unguarded old men, apparently). The usual.", "pid": 47073801 }, { "sender": "E0D4-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 21:44:50\n\n>>47073511 \nmaybe he wants to be the hackerman who replaces her desire to kill with desire to love", "pid": 47073810 } ]
[ { "sender": "3734-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:36:57\n\nNJPW G1 CLIMAX 34 DAY 2 GAMETHREAD\n\nShow starts at 5:30am EDT / 10am BST. 54 MINUTES TILL SHOWTIME \n \nThe 3rd day of G1 action takes place in Naito's 2nd hometown of Hiroshima with 5 A Block matches and a bonus B Block match before going into the B Block day on Thursday. \nOpening VTR - \n \n>G1 CLIMAX 34 A Block Match \nTetsuya Naito (0–2) vs Jake Lee (1–1) \n>G1 CLIMAX 34 A Block Match \nSANADA (1–1) vs EVIL (2–0) \n>G1 CLIMAX 34 A Block Match \nShota Umino (1–1) vs Gabe Kidd (1–1) \n>G1 CLIMAX 34 A Block Match \nShingo Takagi (1–1) vs Great-O-Khan (0–2) \n>G1 CLIMAX 34 A Block Match \nCallum Newman (1–1) vs Zack Sabre Jr. (2–0) \n>G1 CLIMAX 34 B Block Match \nJeff Cobb (1–0) vs Konosuke Takeshita (1–0) \n>Tag Team Match \nUnited Empire (Francesco Akira & HENARE) vs BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Gedo & David Finlay) \n>Tag Team Match \nGuerrillas of Destiny (Jado & El Phantasmo) vs Los Ingobernables De Japon (BUSHI & Yota Tsuji) \n>6 Man Tag Match \nShoma Kato, Tomoaki Honma & Hirooki Goto vs Katsuya Morishima, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg", "pid": 15309569 }, { "sender": "BB44-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:38:36\n\nOh hell yeah! Time to watch some REAL wrestlers just do what they do best! Wrestle!", "pid": 15309573 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D58", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:38:49\n\n>>15309569 \nIt's odd seeing the top IWGP champions go 0-2 to start but a different booking formula is definitely welcome.", "pid": 15309574 }, { "sender": "76D8-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:40:09\n\n>>15309569 \nGabe please injure Shota", "pid": 15309576 }, { "sender": "0831-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:43:37\n\n>Cobb v Takeshita \n \nMEATY", "pid": 15309585 }, { "sender": "DC5F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:54:59\n\n>>15309585 \ndamn is this the opening match?", "pid": 15309623 }, { "sender": "6C44-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:56:05\n\nmorning lads", "pid": 15309626 }, { "sender": "09CB-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 08:59:25\n\npersonally i prefer english comms so i can know the story", "pid": 15309635 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E094", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:01:05\n\n>>15309635 \nToday is Walker with ELP as guest when the G1 matches start.", "pid": 15309639 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-38FE", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:11:24\n\n>Listening to the latest Keepin it Strong Style and they hint that Gabe and Shota have shoot backstage heat with each other \nI'm accepting this as true just to enhance today's match", "pid": 15309667 }, { "sender": "F94E-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:17:12\n\n>>15309667 \nShota knows Kidd is a numpty", "pid": 15309691 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE81", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:17:41\n\nWhat a grim card, you people shoot watching this shit ?", "pid": 15309692 }, { "sender": "AC5F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:26:49\n\n>>15309635 \nit's fucking wrestling you stupid retard", "pid": 15309717 }, { "sender": "8A19-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:29:17\n\n>>15309692 \nhere is your [u] you gay amphibian", "pid": 15309722 }, { "sender": "BD39-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:30:43\n\n>>15309717 \nand???", "pid": 15309729 }, { "sender": "Anon-EE7B", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:32:42\n\nGUESS WHO'S WINNER GUESS WHO'S WINNER", "pid": 15309740 }, { "sender": "Anon-BA6C", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:33:26\n\n>>15309740 \nyall really rock with this???", "pid": 15309745 }, { "sender": "EC4A-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:34:24\n\n>>15309745 \nThe music video is making me warmer to it but the song fucking sucks still.", "pid": 15309748 }, { "sender": "DF8F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:35:02\n\n>>15309745 \nLike a fungus it's growing on me.", "pid": 15309750 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C949", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:35:02\n\nLove the big Khazak nigga", "pid": 15309751 }, { "sender": "E764-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:36:21\n\nSo is Oleg Orthodox Christian?", "pid": 15309757 }, { "sender": "Anon-3F9E", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:38:22\n\n>>15309569 \n>Guerrillas of Destiny \nlol, lmao even", "pid": 15309766 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D3C9", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:38:40\n\nwhy is there no japanese commentary on baked\nnot watching with gay ass burger commentary", "pid": 15309767 }, { "sender": "B450-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:39:21\n\nGoto I love you but you gotta eat that F5 and go 0-3", "pid": 15309773 }, { "sender": "2F4D-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:39:35\n\nWell the world must have wanted me to watch this because I passed out at 130 and I woke up 30 mins ago.\nWhatever happened to that mystery man that honma tagged with.\nJesus christ njpwworld fix your shit", "pid": 15309775 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-60F4", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:40:36\n\n>>15309767 \nYou could just buy njpwworld and have the option \nAnyone elses shit just cut though as i shill the shit service", "pid": 15309777 }, { "sender": "94C6-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:43:10\n\n>>15309777 \nnot that guy but do they still charge at the 1st of every month? I'll sub right now if no", "pid": 15309786 }, { "sender": "Anon-D9ED", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:43:51\n\n>bear hug into the gutwrench \nTana please protect him at all costs", "pid": 15309789 }, { "sender": "Anon-89E8", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:44:20\n\nWho wins Boltin or Goto", "pid": 15309792 }, { "sender": "D5B6-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:45:33\n\n>only 1 gamethread with only 20+ replies \njesus christ", "pid": 15309796 }, { "sender": "1A7E-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:45:32\n\nMAN FUCK BUSHI", "pid": 15309797 }, { "sender": "Anon-D35C", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:46:53\n\n>>15309796 \nshow just started", "pid": 15309804 }, { "sender": "2DAD-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:47:21\n\n>>15309796 \nShit hasnt even been on for 20 minutes dont you have better shit to do with your time. \nI went to a waterpark got the best version of fast pass rode all the rides multiple times fucked my fiance afterwards had some banging ass lasagna got drunk fell asleep woke up now. What are you doing with your life.", "pid": 15309806 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5676", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:49:05\n\n>>15309796 \nDon't care, nigger", "pid": 15309815 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-09A0", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:49:18\n\nGotta say I love Jake Lee and hes giving me the same kind of energy that Taichi gave me when I first discovered Taichi", "pid": 15309816 }, { "sender": "AFCD-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:49:47\n\nHard to believe that the Japanese really wake up this early to watch these things. I could never do this consistently.", "pid": 15309818 }, { "sender": "F665-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:49:53\n\n>>15309806 \nHow you feeling about your boy Tama Tonga in WWE?", "pid": 15309819 }, { "sender": "Anon-327F", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:50:01\n\n>thunder for Jado \nHow could ELP be so sad having this man around", "pid": 15309820 }, { "sender": "3C95-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:50:07\n\n>>15309806 \nYou did all that in 20 minutes? Holy fucking based.", "pid": 15309821 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A617", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:50:22\n\n>>15309806 \n?", "pid": 15309822 }, { "sender": "D6C3-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:51:36\n\n>>15309819 \nOh no a former mid carder left, perish the thought.", "pid": 15309827 }, { "sender": "A903-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:56:33\n\n>Takeshita vs Cobb before I go to sleep for week", "pid": 15309851 }, { "sender": "Anon-AD99", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:56:34\n\n>>15309819 \nLove it but desu I hate that in the brawls he takes more than he gives. But I went to msg got to see the dude in person he was 5 feet away from me I made the fucking dude laugh also you can see me on smackdown holding up my GOD sign above the entrance ramp. Shit was great. \nI miss him in NJPW but trust me when I say that watching the seethe has been enjoyable and watching people who never knew tama tonga now like tama. \nFor what its worth Tama was over in and out of the arena I shit you not because he was in eyesight of people 20 kids and a bunch adults are chanting tamaaaa tamaaaa \nMeanwhile I'm just saying guerilla tactics. \nBut yea well everyone was begging for his autograph after the show I knew better so I saw him he saw me I shouted Guerrilla Tactics What then as he walked away with tanga jacob and solo I shouted fuck roman fuck solo fuck jacob the only member in the bloodline that matters is tama fucking tama as he entered the car. My fiance got a great video of him post show and when he sees me. Its on my other phone about to smoke a blunt. \nYea. Miss all of you feel bad elp has no friends him and jado need to join the bloodline. He can be the new sammy", "pid": 15309852 }, { "sender": "4BAC-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:58:02\n\nLol", "pid": 15309857 }, { "sender": "48FC-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 09:59:15\n\nELP needs new friends Im sick of seeing Jado hop around.", "pid": 15309861 }, { "sender": "Anon-D418", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:00:04\n\n>>15309821 \nDumb shit like that always pops me brother. \n>>15309852 \nThe only chance i have of anyone reading that is that its the preshow. \nI just don't shut up", "pid": 15309862 }, { "sender": "E990-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:00:28\n\n>>15309852 \nKek knew it was Tama-bro. Tama has charisma no doubt, hope he isn't fed to Roman's cousins in the next year.", "pid": 15309864 }, { "sender": "09CF-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:00:52\n\n>>15309861 \n>being friends with one of the bookers is bad \nNext you're going to tell me that Finlay needs to stop hanging out with Gedo and Boltin should shake off that deadweight Tanahashi. ELP has a safe job for the next decade.", "pid": 15309866 }, { "sender": "2B01-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:02:14\n\nWAGAGA OOGABOOGA WATASHI WA HENARE DA", "pid": 15309871 }, { "sender": "CAB9-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:02:30\n\nHE\nNA\nraaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...", "pid": 15309873 }, { "sender": "Anon-80A2", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:02:40\n\n>>15309861 \nELPs final match is against Finlay, so I guess he's playing spoiler \nBut his match before that is with Goto, so maybe he joins CHAOS?", "pid": 15309874 }, { "sender": "0B1E-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:03:01\n\n>>15309864 \nHope the past year has treated you well. \nDO YOU FUCKERS KNOW HOW ANGRY I WAS THAT I LITERALLY COULD HAVE WATCHED A LOT OF MY FAVORITE NJPW GUYS DAYS AFTER THE MSG SHOW BUT YOU CANT PAY ME TO BE IN A CROWD OF TRANNIES EVEN IF THE SEATS ARE BOMB AND NASSAU COLISEUM IS 40 TO 50 MINUTES AWAY FROM ME. \nFUCK YOU AEW. \nNJPW RUN AN NJPW IN LI, MSG OR BARCLAY", "pid": 15309877 }, { "sender": "CF3F-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:04:04\n\nDance for me dance for me dance for wait\nDANCE WITH MEEEEE\nDANCE WITH MEEEEEEER", "pid": 15309884 }, { "sender": "D295-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:05:02\n\nThat War Dogs shirt looks amazing", "pid": 15309887 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-85A9", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:05:03\n\nFinlay's had two good matches this G1 and put newer guys over clean. I think I'm warming to him and will feel more comfortable with him inevitably winning out (at least to the last match).", "pid": 15309888 }, { "sender": "C48D-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:05:19\n\nIWGP GROBARU CHANPION\nZA RABERU DAVITTO FINULAY", "pid": 15309891 }, { "sender": "81FC-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:08:09\n\n>>15309877 \nBeen taking it easy so it's all good. Who in NJPW is your guy now? Replacing the pointing Tama picture is regrettable.", "pid": 15309901 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AED2", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:09:43\n\nNeed to see an acne removal video with Akira.", "pid": 15309910 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4C39", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:11:37\n\n>>15309888 \nHow has finlay still not sold you unless you have kept up as infrequently as I have. In my opinion everything I seen as a younglion finnjuice him on his own as a face and I just give people that chance. \nI dont think david finlay at any point has given anyone a reason to doubt or discredit his abilities. \nI think it comes down to his look and size but hes a leader of bullet club they should look like that. I think hes great as a heel I feel Bullet Club has become better since he took over Ive missed a lot the fact that coughlin is done fucking sucks but Gabe is still on a tear Jake Lee is a great addition and finlay has great matches as a heel or a face. \nNow if he just shit the bed over and over I would be like fuck this guy. \nBut its been well over a year now my guy feels like 2 at this point", "pid": 15309919 }, { "sender": "6A10-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:13:57\n\nI'll never forget this lil nigga being scraed of a fucking fork", "pid": 15309935 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-20F2", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:16:24\n\n>>15309935 \ndumb fucking storyline but I love this pic", "pid": 15309943 }, { "sender": "FB07-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:16:59\n\nALPHA BROS TIME TO LOCK IN", "pid": 15309948 }, { "sender": "BA37-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:18:02\n\nWalker wtf", "pid": 15309951 }, { "sender": "DB77-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:19:23\n\nI think Takeshita wins this. The TV title is one that he could win and take to AEW (because we know Tony loves to hijack NJPW titles)", "pid": 15309954 }, { "sender": "B79B-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:19:39\n\n>>15309901 \nI will always use it. \nTaichi pisses me off he just threw it all away, miho, suzuki-gun ends with no taichi-gun, forms just 4 guys, no wait I love SANADA Just 5 guys(love the name fucking hate SANDA) and becomes his cheerleader to win the title that why was he not trying to win it. \nUE is my favorite stable they need to push Cobb as a monster the one Japan needs and has had for 5 plus years now. \nJake Lee, not even because he beat SANADA in quicker time than it takes me to eat a sandwich, I like characters. Taichi kind of just demanded my attention the first time I saw him and while I missed his first entrance because I was rolling a blunt hes demanded my attention and has not disappointed. \nHappy for all my young lions from when I started except shooter. \nGet your own gimmick. \nIll write some more shit some day in the njpw thread but I will leave with this fuck AEW this dudes last name is takesshit however his first match was good but how much of that was because of tsuji \nGabes my dawg for real", "pid": 15309956 }, { "sender": "Anon-3E8A", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:21:22\n\nDepressed elp commentary kek. Feel the energy", "pid": 15309961 }, { "sender": "FAF2-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:22:34\n\nHOLY FUCK", "pid": 15309963 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7AD2", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:22:46\n\n>>15309961 \nHe needs to embrace the Monster drinker gimmick", "pid": 15309967 }, { "sender": "46D3-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:23:25\n\nalready dimes", "pid": 15309971 }, { "sender": "F03F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:24:24\n\nCobb vs Oleg is something I look forward to", "pid": 15309975 }, { "sender": "Anon-2C19", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:24:24\n\nTakeshita's forearm is the best in the biz damn", "pid": 15309977 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9DAA", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:24:46\n\nTakeshita curing ELP's depression right now", "pid": 15309978 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1897", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:25:52\n\nTake a shitta is overrated", "pid": 15309984 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3151", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:26:47\n\nHOLY FUCKING SHIT", "pid": 15309988 }, { "sender": "Anon-FEE1", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:27:21\n\n>>15309984 \nyou sound like a fag saying that during this match", "pid": 15309990 }, { "sender": "Anon-052E", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:27:43\n\n>>15309919 \nI was being a silly goose anon, I've been sold on Finlay in this gimmick for about a year and enjoyed pre BC Finlay but everyone talks about how he \"isn't the guy\" so I lean into it.", "pid": 15309992 }, { "sender": "B600-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:28:05\n\nI just cant trust anyone enough to give me a poisonrana", "pid": 15309994 }, { "sender": "688C-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:29:03\n\n>>15309994 \nNot even your own mother?", "pid": 15309999 }, { "sender": "Anon-3A5E", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:29:21\n\nHe hit that like Cobb was a Jr are you fucking kidding me", "pid": 15310000 }, { "sender": "E22B-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:29:27\n\nCobb's the best", "pid": 15310002 }, { "sender": "F524-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:29:57\n\nTony Khan is a fucking retard.", "pid": 15310005 }, { "sender": "Anon-7BFD", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:30:06\n\nTakeshita is good. i wish he'd just do DDT full time or NJPW but i get that money talks.", "pid": 15310006 }, { "sender": "3FCA-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:30:28\n\n>>15310005 \nTrve", "pid": 15310007 }, { "sender": "ABA7-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:30:34\n\n>>15309992 \nI felt that way about Jay early on especially back in the days of SOONposting but by the time the guy finally won I had warmed up to him now I am just filled with anger that hes been wasted away elsewhere. Legit wasted cant even be like hate the promotion but it seems like they treat jay white right. Nope.", "pid": 15310008 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4706", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:30:53\n\n>>15310005 \nIf Omega was booking Takeshita would be world champ", "pid": 15310010 }, { "sender": "Anon-6152", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:31:41\n\n>first G1 match of the show is the best one \n>it's from the other block", "pid": 15310012 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E7E0", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:31:59\n\n>>15309992 \nI think Finlay is good in every regard other then his look.", "pid": 15310013 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EA35", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:32:13\n\n>>15310005 \nAt least he doesn't have a gimmick where he just says \"bitch\"", "pid": 15310015 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE0D", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:32:45\n\n>>15310005 \nRemember when cobb couldve ended up in AEW in the beginning. I think he made the right choice. \nAnd after I write these words he lost to the AEW guy. \nWell there guys the special of cobbs a monster for g1 wants to end all opponents in under 15.", "pid": 15310016 }, { "sender": "4A48-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:32:55\n\n>>15310013 \nWhy the fuck did he get the shitty shoulder tattoo first?", "pid": 15310018 }, { "sender": "Edgelord LIJ", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:33:04\n\nbased barn burner cobb", "pid": 15310020 }, { "sender": "EC97-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:33:27\n\nI could go to fucking sleep right now but Zacl stretching Newman could be fun", "pid": 15310021 }, { "sender": "3FE7-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:33:37\n\n>>15309954 \nYep that TV title is going on a holiday to Dynamite", "pid": 15310023 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1CBD", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:33:53\n\nI'm kinda new to NJPW but what does the subscription gives me? just the basic g1 eps and shows? i gotta pay extra for the ppvs? and what about after g1? what do i get?", "pid": 15310024 }, { "sender": "Anon-CC39", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:34:09\n\ncall him new man", "pid": 15310026 }, { "sender": "5BFD-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:34:21\n\n>>15310021 \nYou also could remain a biological male but dammit are you doing everything in your power not to.", "pid": 15310028 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF64", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:35:08\n\n>>15310024 \nG1 is worth the subscription, then cancel until WrestleKingodm or World Tag League.", "pid": 15310029 }, { "sender": "C96F-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:35:13\n\nBONG BATTLE", "pid": 15310030 }, { "sender": "Anon-5088", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:36:11\n\n>>15310024 \nWell first I would wait until August 1st their billing is retarded. \nAll past events except some ppvs. \nTheres a few events that are paid. You get any show thats on NJPW they have other tournaments and other shit throughout the year", "pid": 15310033 }, { "sender": "Anon-5002", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:36:13\n\nYOUNG PUNKS\nGROW OLD", "pid": 15310034 }, { "sender": "8331-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:36:28\n\nYOUNG PUNKS\nGO HOME", "pid": 15310037 }, { "sender": "15E0-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:37:04\n\n>>15310024 \nall shows are on world other then the US PPV (that suck) and the rare big indie ran by top NJPW guy. \n \nYou get everyshow with english/Jap live. \nalways charged on the first. \nif you have VPN you can even watch AEW on world with jap commentary", "pid": 15310040 }, { "sender": "Anon-D052", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:37:32\n\nNjpwworld does not work on xbox one the s or x anymore and hasnt since at least the start of this year.", "pid": 15310042 }, { "sender": "Anon-0DD1", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:37:51\n\n>>15310024 \nLike a lot of japanese subscriptions it charges at the start of the month, meaning if you sign up now you'd get charged now and then again on the first of august. All the important stuff is included but american shows and some special shows like crossovers are PPV.", "pid": 15310045 }, { "sender": "D222-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:39:16\n\n>>15310045 \nI don't think it's like that anymore, but I could be wrong. I think they changed it.", "pid": 15310049 }, { "sender": "Anon-CFBC", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:39:55\n\n>>15310008 \nI miss Chadblade, I think that \"not many, if any\" was the moment he fully clicked for me (I liked his wrestling but that was the promo moment). I don't watch AEW but the old man does and I sometimes ask him about it, apparently Jay White was in a program with Billy Gunn or some shit? Apparently they've wasted him. \n>>15310013 \nOnce he fills out and becomes \"generically over tattooed mick prize fighter\" in appearance I think it will work better, but as the other anon said before the look of BC leaders honestly aren't the \"shining ace star\" of some of the other stables. Devitt was a twink junior, AJ was smaller than a lot of the other heavyweights, Jay looked greasy. Kenny was the only real one to buck that trend, and honestly Elite running Bullet Club was decent at first but really wasn't Bullet Club, it was just the Elite running around doing their own thing in Bullet Club colours. Part of why I don't get the hate on House of Torture is that they behave like Bullet Club used to, constantly fucking with every match (with BC it reached the point under AJ that fan groups were phoning in to report the shenanigans to NJPW head office as they were getting worked that much into a shoot).", "pid": 15310050 }, { "sender": "Anon-2966", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:40:10\n\nLeft this out earlier I just want to see zack hold the top belt. A useless alcoholic can hold the belt hostage but tekkers cant?", "pid": 15310052 }, { "sender": "E953-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:40:39\n\n>Zack just standing there waiting for Newman's flip, instead of just moving like he always said he would \nDamn he really is going to AEW", "pid": 15310053 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2677", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:41:43\n\n>>15310049 \nOh maybe so. I've let mine roll for so long I don't know if the new system is different.", "pid": 15310055 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F15F", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:42:26\n\nFound this in the same folder as >>15310050 and now I'm sad.", "pid": 15310057 }, { "sender": "A909-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:45:09\n\nhold up theyre cooking rn", "pid": 15310064 }, { "sender": "BA47-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:46:19\n\n>I wish I was that strong, Walker \n>dead silence", "pid": 15310066 }, { "sender": "Edgelord LIJ", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:48:59\n\nhow the fuck was that so good?", "pid": 15310075 }, { "sender": "7C4A-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:49:21\n\ngood match", "pid": 15310078 }, { "sender": "E57C-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:49:41\n\nBased little match", "pid": 15310079 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3856", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:50:09\n\n>Zack leading A Block \n>Zack also beat Naito \nI'm worried bros....", "pid": 15310081 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B7D", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:51:20\n\n>>15309786 \nnot anymore it's 30 days now", "pid": 15310087 }, { "sender": "Anon-C840", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:51:35\n\n>>15310081 \nHe could still make it out since there's three openings.", "pid": 15310089 }, { "sender": "Anon-55BF", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:51:36\n\n>>15310081 \nHe's almost for sure losing to Gabe I think, maybe Shingo too", "pid": 15310090 }, { "sender": "Anon-C2A6", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:52:33\n\nKek Walker really doesn't know how to handle ELP", "pid": 15310093 }, { "sender": "0736-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:54:21\n\n>ELP telling Walker not to be scared, they can say whatever they want because no-one is listening \nKek, always the best guest commentator", "pid": 15310098 }, { "sender": "B07E-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:56:06\n\n>>15310093 \nELP has him worked into a shoot", "pid": 15310099 }, { "sender": "B989-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 10:58:50\n\nGrapplefuck O Khan is so based. I hope he wins this.", "pid": 15310102 }, { "sender": "7F50-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:00:03\n\n>>15310102 \nGOK is literally a Yano regen, can catch wrestle the majority of the roster into a fucking pretzel and check their oil while he is at it, but would rather work comedy matches to give the boys a night off.", "pid": 15310105 }, { "sender": "Anon-7A08", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:01:11\n\nBruh shingo just dabbed on this mf", "pid": 15310107 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EBB8", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:01:46\n\nKITA KITA KITAAAAAAAAAA", "pid": 15310109 }, { "sender": "Anon-35D7", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:02:24\n\nI love leg sweep takedowns", "pid": 15310111 }, { "sender": "131F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:02:39\n\n>>15310081 \nZack and Naito have had like 10+ matches \ni woulden't put much thought into it", "pid": 15310112 }, { "sender": "FC44-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:03:37\n\nKayfabe ELP is on suicide watch", "pid": 15310114 }, { "sender": "B207-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:05:06\n\n>>15310112 \nI was thinking him beating Naito will mean he just gets a title shot at Royal Quest instead of winning the G1", "pid": 15310118 }, { "sender": "E000-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:05:16\n\nTana must've promised unlimited rats in every town to get the boys this motivated", "pid": 15310119 }, { "sender": "EF64-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:05:22\n\nsh sh sssshhh\nOY OY OY OY OY OY OY", "pid": 15310120 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9AFA", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:05:57\n\n>>15310114 \nDisappointed Gabe isn't in ELP's block, he could have out suicided him.", "pid": 15310122 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9972", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:07:02\n\nMan, O Khan fucking rules", "pid": 15310126 }, { "sender": "Edgelord LIJ", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:07:36\n\nLETS FUCKING GOOOOO TAKAGIIIIIII", "pid": 15310127 }, { "sender": "Anon-59C8", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:08:02\n\nThe G1 always reminds me how many guys on this roster are fucking great", "pid": 15310128 }, { "sender": "Anon-E9B3", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:08:19\n\nKino finish, Okhan looked great yet again", "pid": 15310131 }, { "sender": "4291-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:08:37\n\nGreat-O-KWAB", "pid": 15310132 }, { "sender": "Anon-14EB", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:08:41\n\nGlad i woke up.\nKevin Kelly is missed he wouldve put that pumping bombaaaaaaaa oved hard.\nYet again fuck AEW for stealing kevin and then doing him dirty.", "pid": 15310133 }, { "sender": "Anon-D086", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:09:32\n\n>>15310133 \nKelly was burying NJPW talent for his last six months or so, Kevin Kelly screwed Kevin Kelly and I don't ever want him back.", "pid": 15310134 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3459", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:09:43\n\n>Good Job Daddy Good Job \nBased ELP keeping kayfabe", "pid": 15310135 }, { "sender": "Anon-8260", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:10:15\n\nBADASHBROSH\n\nHOW WE FEELIN?", "pid": 15310137 }, { "sender": "3E76-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:10:20\n\nCome on Gabe, injure Shota and make this G1 unpredictable", "pid": 15310140 }, { "sender": "Anon-1715", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:10:25\n\nAttack this geek mid entrance again, Gabe", "pid": 15310141 }, { "sender": "519E-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:10:54\n\nhe's so cool", "pid": 15310144 }, { "sender": "A234-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:11:43\n\n>>15310134 \nReally what like on air in njpw, aew or in interviews. \nYo is gabe really gonna let him do his whole gay entrance", "pid": 15310147 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C7C6", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:12:32\n\n>>15310147 \n>gabe really gonna let him do his whole gay entrance \nI now believe the legit beef rumours about Shota and Gabe", "pid": 15310152 }, { "sender": "Anon-74CC", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:13:44\n\nTHESE MY DOGS FOR REAL\nCOME ON YOU PSYCHO CUNT.", "pid": 15310159 }, { "sender": "Anon-57EB", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:13:48\n\nTHESE MY DAWGS FR\nTHESE MY DAWGS FR\nTHESE MY DAWGS FR\nTHESE MY DAWGS FR", "pid": 15310160 }, { "sender": "Edgelord LIJ", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:14:09\n\n>>15310133 \nkevin kelly is a fat fuckihg faggot", "pid": 15310161 }, { "sender": "Anon-9D51", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:14:54\n\nFUCK THE BIG THREE ITS JUST BIG ME", "pid": 15310165 }, { "sender": "Anon-9B96", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:15:07\n\n>>15310147 \nUnfortunately yes, it was mostly snide remarks on commentary followed by twitter rants. It was pretty much the reference sheet for IWC smarks since, stuff like \n>House of Torture are bad and make me unhappy so they are bad and you need to get rid of them \n>You need to strap a rocket to my boy Shota you aren't pushing him enough \n>You really need to collaborate more with AEW and get more of their talent in your title scene \nIt was fucking terrible, and then he complained about the company \"not valuing his talents enough\" on his way out. Basically saw what JR did on his way out of NJPW and did everything he could to one up it, while begging AEW to pick him up.", "pid": 15310168 }, { "sender": "0EEE-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:15:30\n\nKIDD IS GONNA KILL YOU\n\nKIDD IS GONNA KILL YOU", "pid": 15310170 }, { "sender": "Anon-B19B", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:16:13\n\nCAM ON GABE\nSCORE SOME FACKIN PINS", "pid": 15310172 }, { "sender": "6469-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:16:26\n\n>GEIBU chants drowning out SHOTA chants in normally well behaved Hiroshima \nTHIS IS YOUR FUCKING SIGN GEDO", "pid": 15310173 }, { "sender": "AD6B-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:16:42\n\nSerious NOAH vibes in that moment thought we were gonna get a 25 minute staredown", "pid": 15310174 }, { "sender": "Anon-0A0C", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:16:52\n\n>start with a lockup \n???", "pid": 15310175 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4DAA", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:17:11\n\nGabe gotta up the aggression to make up for that weeb arm tattoo", "pid": 15310176 }, { "sender": "8B87-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:17:28\n\nImagine the heel getting cheered over you\nShota is DONE", "pid": 15310177 }, { "sender": "7896-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:18:49\n\nthis match sucks", "pid": 15310182 }, { "sender": "2520-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:19:03\n\nAAAAAAAAND NEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW", "pid": 15310186 }, { "sender": "562F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:19:15\n\nOk Im into this", "pid": 15310188 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CB65", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:19:36\n\nI hope shingo wins and challenges naito at WK. cmon Gedo do it", "pid": 15310189 }, { "sender": "47E4-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:20:36\n\nI’m watching our sister promotion is this worth watching?", "pid": 15310191 }, { "sender": "4D8F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:20:57\n\n>I hate you \n>Chop \nGot a kek out of me", "pid": 15310193 }, { "sender": "Anon-B2EC", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:21:07\n\n>>15310191 \nIt's funny cause Shota is flopping", "pid": 15310196 }, { "sender": "4B8B-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:21:13\n\n\"I hate you\" *throat choppa*", "pid": 15310198 }, { "sender": "Anon-D05F", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:23:00\n\n>>15310182 \nnah I do", "pid": 15310205 }, { "sender": "Anon-CE1B", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:24:16\n\nGabe's made his point. Even if booked to have a superman comeback now \"he thinks he's Tanahashi\" as Shota is KWABed on the ground looking like a retard made the point.", "pid": 15310209 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5C12", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:24:31\n\nCross Rhodes should be Shota's finish", "pid": 15310210 }, { "sender": "5A24-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:24:50\n\n>>15310209 \nShotabrosh...", "pid": 15310212 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-09A3", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:26:10\n\nEven if the MAD MAN stuff is cringe, it's hard to deny that Gabe is so much more exciting than Shota", "pid": 15310214 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3644", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:26:23\n\nRemember when we thought this geek was gonna be the ace?", "pid": 15310215 }, { "sender": "B0D5-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:27:25\n\n>>15310214 \nIt isn't cringe thoughbeit \nIt's based", "pid": 15310219 }, { "sender": "Anon-1AEA", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:28:12\n\n>2nd match in a row with a 1-count spot \nStop.", "pid": 15310222 }, { "sender": "4BFA-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:29:00\n\n>Shota getting a smattering of boos \nIt's over", "pid": 15310226 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-95F9", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:29:43\n\n>>15310226 \nHe pushed the ref, that's the point", "pid": 15310227 }, { "sender": "Anon-72F4", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:30:11\n\n>>15310227 \nlol no he's supposed to be a badass there", "pid": 15310230 }, { "sender": "29DC-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:30:45\n\n>>15310226 \nMid match audible, they are pivoting him from Tanahashi to Okada, haircut a few months back was the start of this insurance policy.", "pid": 15310235 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF5A", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:30:48\n\n>>15310227 \nHe wouldn't push his dad like that", "pid": 15310236 }, { "sender": "Anon-0245", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:31:17\n\n>>15310236 \nI vaguely remember him doing that once", "pid": 15310238 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6C6F", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:31:21\n\nGabe is what dean aspires to be and gabe is younger.\nThis show needs to end in less than an hour and 10 mins because I have to leave at 840 the latest", "pid": 15310239 }, { "sender": "Edgelord LIJ", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:31:47\n\nwhat a fucking match", "pid": 15310242 }, { "sender": "DFBF-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:31:52\n\nIt's unironically owari da for Shota", "pid": 15310243 }, { "sender": "5C8A-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:31:54\n\nHoly based", "pid": 15310244 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E5DE", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:32:02\n\nUnfathomably based. \nTHESE MY DOGS FR \n>THESE MY DOGS FR", "pid": 15310245 }, { "sender": "F354-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:32:25\n\nShotasisters, is it fucking over for us?", "pid": 15310246 }, { "sender": "Anon-10DE", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:32:29\n\nBased match", "pid": 15310247 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EE20", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:32:48\n\nHoly fuck. So Gabe is the top heel for the R3M now then?", "pid": 15310249 }, { "sender": "8649-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:33:33\n\ni am grinning like an idiot right now. Gabe is so fucking based.", "pid": 15310250 }, { "sender": "1C24-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:34:00\n\nPlease fuck up SANADA Gabe", "pid": 15310251 }, { "sender": "Anon-AFF8", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:34:03\n\nmy dawg forreal", "pid": 15310252 }, { "sender": "Anon-74D3", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:34:05\n\nI love this mental cunt like you wouldn't believe", "pid": 15310253 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C4DD", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:34:19\n\nIf only Alex was here...", "pid": 15310254 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2583", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:34:59\n\n>Shota crying \n>ELP confirming that Gabe shoot injured SANADA last year \nMD4R", "pid": 15310257 }, { "sender": "Anon-C297", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:35:15\n\nI’m think shingo vs Gabe in the finals with Shingo going over", "pid": 15310259 }, { "sender": "6CF4-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:35:26\n\nHobble away jobber I gotta sit through a ten minute Naito entrance you crybaby bitch", "pid": 15310260 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EFDC", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:35:53\n\n>>15310259 \nThat's impossible, unless you just mean the block finals.", "pid": 15310261 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DF79", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:36:14\n\n>>15310260 \nLIJ graduates derby first.", "pid": 15310262 }, { "sender": "Anon-D46F", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:36:27\n\n>>15310261 \nYea block finals", "pid": 15310263 }, { "sender": "8D90-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:36:41\n\n>tears SANADA's bicep \n>chokes ELP out mid match \n>destroys HENARE's head \n>destroys Eddie's leg \nSO based", "pid": 15310265 }, { "sender": "Anon-D6BF", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:37:41\n\nI hope Gabe becomes British Low Ki and has to stay in NJPW because AEW and WWE won't touch him", "pid": 15310268 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-92EE", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:37:53\n\n>>15310265 \nThe gaijin Inoki dreamed of.", "pid": 15310269 }, { "sender": "B64E-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:38:08\n\nThat camera thing they do for EVIL's entrance needs a sound effect like Jado's", "pid": 15310272 }, { "sender": "3DCF-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:39:39\n\n>>15310262 \nI understand still dont change I have it in the future. \nI hate SANADA so much", "pid": 15310278 }, { "sender": "Anon-C669", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:40:40\n\nSANADA got a clue", "pid": 15310281 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C133", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:41:20\n\nMY PRESIDENT", "pid": 15310283 }, { "sender": "Anon-D8EE", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:41:22\n\nThe cut in the collar lmao", "pid": 15310284 }, { "sender": "E96B-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:41:30\n\nGimmick rip", "pid": 15310285 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE9F", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:42:09\n\nNO", "pid": 15310286 }, { "sender": "08DF-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:42:38\n\nSANADA in House of Torture wouldve been based", "pid": 15310292 }, { "sender": "1D5F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:43:21\n\nGoddamnit we were this close to SANADA becoming based again (and freeing my niggas TAICHI and TAKA in the process).", "pid": 15310299 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6C02", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:43:43\n\n>>15310292 \nNo it wouldnt what the fuck do you or anyone see in this boring faggot.", "pid": 15310300 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6E53", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:45:06\n\n>>15310300 \nDid you miss the second half of last year? \n>Abe-san killed again", "pid": 15310307 }, { "sender": "AAD8-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:46:06\n\nlmao", "pid": 15310312 }, { "sender": "Anon-6D56", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:46:21\n\n>>15310307 \n>Abe-san killed again \nAnd again", "pid": 15310316 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A550", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:46:56\n\n>>15310278 \n>>15310300 \nGo to bed Mox", "pid": 15310318 }, { "sender": "5D44-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:46:58\n\nYAMERO", "pid": 15310319 }, { "sender": "Anon-6DBF", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:47:34\n\n>>15310300 \nHe would have a good excuse for being an emotionless mute over trying to push him as a top babyface", "pid": 15310324 }, { "sender": "Anon-0CD8", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:50:15\n\nThis is already better than their match last year but please dont try to go 20 minutes", "pid": 15310340 }, { "sender": "4D42-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:50:38\n\nNice tits", "pid": 15310343 }, { "sender": "667A-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:53:05\n\n>>15310307 \nI missed a lot honestly but truth be told theres not much SANADA can do to get me to like him", "pid": 15310357 }, { "sender": "7453-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:53:37\n\nI love how the reaction to the conference about HOT interference has just led to Yujiro, SHO & Nobu getting a vacation", "pid": 15310361 }, { "sender": "Anon-95AC", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:54:59\n\ndai booingu desu", "pid": 15310371 }, { "sender": "0C60-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:55:57\n\nWhy doesn't SANADA just Paradise Lock Togo and leave him there?", "pid": 15310377 }, { "sender": "4832-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:58:44\n\nEVIL has the Naito bug for having matches much longer than they need to be", "pid": 15310389 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-06A0", "message": "23/07/2024, 11:59:31\n\nEEEEEE", "pid": 15310393 }, { "sender": "FDF6-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:00:46\n\nE BI RU\n\nYEAH", "pid": 15310396 }, { "sender": "345F-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:02:02\n\nWhat do we call that move?", "pid": 15310400 }, { "sender": "C592-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:04:29\n\nzesty ahh jake lee tights", "pid": 15310406 }, { "sender": "Edgelord LIJ", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:05:14\n\n>>15310400 \n", "pid": 15310407 }, { "sender": "E080-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:05:35\n\nSUMAATO BASUTAADO", "pid": 15310408 }, { "sender": "Anon-9DD9", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:07:02\n\nWhat is the significance of Hiroshima to Naito other than the baseball team using his song?", "pid": 15310416 }, { "sender": "71D6-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:10:02\n\nI thought Jake was gonna strip him down himself", "pid": 15310434 }, { "sender": "449F-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:10:43\n\n>>15310416 \nHe considers it his second home because he loves the Carps \nThe Carps use his theme song because Naito loves them, not the other way around", "pid": 15310439 }, { "sender": "Anon-A308", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:13:00\n\nwhy doesnt everyone spin around like this", "pid": 15310455 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A390", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:16:30\n\nYeah, Jake is winning this", "pid": 15310483 }, { "sender": "Anon-16EE", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:21:04\n\n>Jake gets his gear made from the Stardom gear maker \nFire him, Tana. I've heard enough.", "pid": 15310503 }, { "sender": "CDCE-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:23:20\n\n>FUCK YOU GUYS \nLove this dude", "pid": 15310517 }, { "sender": "67E9-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:23:41\n\nthis is better than the shingo match somehow", "pid": 15310520 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E697", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:24:10\n\n>Jake Lee sucks \nwho made this psyop? even in Noah threads I never understood it.", "pid": 15310523 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-684E", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:25:08\n\ngod dammit", "pid": 15310530 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-45F9", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:25:16\n\nStop calling him LP\nAnd can Naito just not do a proper destino anymore", "pid": 15310532 }, { "sender": "Anon-927C", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:25:20\n\n>another Destino botch", "pid": 15310533 }, { "sender": "Anon-EEEE", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:26:04\n\n>>15310532 \n>>15310533 \nI'd take those destinos than the one Shingo took", "pid": 15310537 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-17FA", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:27:20\n\n>>15310523 \nVoW", "pid": 15310547 }, { "sender": "049D-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:27:22\n\nThe match is unironically good but he doesn't need to be trying Destino anymore", "pid": 15310548 }, { "sender": "9D6D-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:27:30\n\n>>15310523 \npeople mad that he was pushed more than kiyomiya", "pid": 15310549 }, { "sender": "Edgelord LIJ", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:27:37\n\nYES YES YES YES COME ON NAITOOOOOOOO", "pid": 15310551 }, { "sender": "BC84-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:27:48\n\nBoooooooo", "pid": 15310553 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-023F", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:28:04\n\n>>15310549 \nok I get that and him beating EVERYONE but Kenoh was lame but he doesn't suck", "pid": 15310555 }, { "sender": "D2C4-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:28:38\n\nDestino has always been a shit finisher with a high botch rate.", "pid": 15310557 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-62D0", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:30:16\n\nNaitobros... It's so sad...", "pid": 15310568 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3615", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:30:48\n\n>>15310568 \neh better than the Shingo match still, I'll take it", "pid": 15310570 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D83", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:31:42\n\n>>15310523 \nHe was overpushed in All Japan with that shit bod and then same thing in NOAH when they knew he was only there till New Japan gave him a call. He's not very interesting as well", "pid": 15310577 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2268", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:34:27\n\n>>15310577 \nMindbroken by the Smart Bastard.", "pid": 15310595 }, { "sender": "2B7B-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:32:56\n\n>>15310577 \nYa seethe", "pid": 15310856 }, { "sender": "D417-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 17:28:11\n\n>>15310251 \n>>15310278 \n>>15310251 \n>>15310300 \n>>15310357 \nDo the board a favor, and wash your mouth out with buckshot", "pid": 15312290 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-19BB", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:01:07\n\nWtf I just noticed that Egypt borders Israel. So before the Arab conquest, were Egyptians just Meds like Jews, Italians, Greeks and Spaniards? That would explain how they had the first actual cities despite now having an IQ in the 70s.", "pid": 470395956 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-80EE", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:03:12\n\n>>470395956 \nThey have gone through several demographic transformations.", "pid": 470396099 }, { "sender": "0378-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:05:54\n\n>>470395956 \nThey were Greek-Anatolians for the longest while.", "pid": 470396281 }, { "sender": "Anon-EA60", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:07:01\n\n>>470395956 \n>had the first actual cities despite now having an IQ in the 70s. \nimagine the pharao bodies/ souls leaving Berlin, London, New York etc.... they luckily have now grave thieves though :o)", "pid": 470396356 }, { "sender": "455C-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:09:06\n\n>>470395956 \nBefore the rise of Islam everyone in the fertile crescent and Egypt looked like Lebanese Christians.", "pid": 470396492 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CDB9", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:20:35\n\n>>470396356 \nWhat", "pid": 470397253 }, { "sender": "76A6-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:22:04\n\nLet’s talk maps", "pid": 470397350 }, { "sender": "4732-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:24:58\n\n>>470395956 \n>Wtf I just noticed that Egypt borders Israel. So before the Arab conquest, were Egyptians just Meds like Jews, Italians, Greeks and Spaniards? \nSeems that way. The women are actually virgins till marriage too. I'm dating one", "pid": 470397548 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D553", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:28:16\n\n>>470396492 \n>Egypt looked like Lebanese Christians \nGirl in my high school was a hot onr that looked like a white Italian chick. Not brown at all. The Egyptian coptic girl im dating is darker. She's half Italian actually too.", "pid": 470397766 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CA07", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:38:33\n\n>>470397548 \nSo you’re not getting laid?", "pid": 470398395 }, { "sender": "1FD5-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:40:29\n\n>>470395956 \nanon please go learn some basic world history. egypt has been the center of many major empires throughout history", "pid": 470398532 }, { "sender": "Anon-FA97", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:44:50\n\n>>470398395 \nOnly if i wanna follow through. Im already a decade dry, what's a little more?", "pid": 470398839 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7667", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:45:48\n\n>>470397350", "pid": 470398922 }, { "sender": "Republic of JewNiggers", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:53:42\n\n>>470397766 \n>...The Egyptian Coptic... \n \n>The British Englander \n>The German Deutsch \n>The Italian Italiano \n \nCoptic is greek for Egypt", "pid": 470399471 }, { "sender": "Anon-41BC", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:57:19\n\n>>470395956 \nThe most American thread I've seen in a while.", "pid": 470399705 }, { "sender": "Anon-A68D", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:58:22\n\n>>470399471 \nThat's what Christian Egyptians refer to themselves as when specifying thier sect. They're the same as eastern orthodox, so that greek root makes sense. Anways, I'm russian orthodox so it works.", "pid": 470399772 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7678", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:59:50\n\n>>470395956 \nyou will never know how deep the rabbit hole goes", "pid": 470399870 }, { "sender": "32CB-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:14:08\n\n>>470395956 \n>before the Arab conquest \nThe Greeks or Med people controlled many of the coasts. Which is why Greece has a better claim to Gaza than Palestinians. There were many inland tribes and over time they consolidated. When the Arabs invaded 1400 years ago they and Palestinians began genociding Jews. That didn't stop until Israel was founded. Jews and Palestinians are genetic cousins. They've been fighting for 3000 or 4000 plus years.", "pid": 470400834 }, { "sender": "Anon-868E", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:19:12\n\n>>470395956 \nno retard egyptians are the same people with a slight arab admixture. Conquest doesnt mean population replacement.", "pid": 470401195 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BD67", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:22:43\n\n>>470395956 \nYes, the pharaohs had blonde hair and blue eyes. The mutts that live in modern day egypt are predominantly arab and cushtic and arabs are 90% nigger admixture.", "pid": 470401458 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DED0", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:25:34\n\n>>470395956 \n>I just noticed that Egypt borders Israel \nI see the American education system is working well", "pid": 470401653 }, { "sender": "5652-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:46:56\n\n>>470399870 \nWhat’s this supposed to be", "pid": 470403137 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E207", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:53:17\n\n>>470395956 \nYes. All egyptians were killed in about 3 years and tens of millions of nomadic camel herding arabs moved in from the barren ass waterless desert and replaced the whole country as well as the entire fertile crescent, north africa, and iran, where they also started speaking iranian languages just because.", "pid": 470403551 }, { "sender": "2C59-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:03:34\n\n>>470403551 \nWow, history is brutal", "pid": 470404211 }, { "sender": "C686-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:05:21\n\nGeography is a hell of a drug", "pid": 470404319 }, { "sender": "Anon-AAA9", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:20:54\n\n>>470403551 \nFuck dude", "pid": 470405305 }, { "sender": "9F61-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:28:48\n\n>>470403551 \nIndeed. Arabs killed dozens of millions of Europeans. Meanwhile \n> I don’t care what they teach you in school \n> Cleopatra was black \nWe have been here before", "pid": 470405771 }, { "sender": "933B-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:31:06\n\nAll of North Africa used to be white. Used to be. They were all like the Berbers. And then rape.", "pid": 470405907 } ]
Reddit is better than 4chan
[ { "sender": "EABA-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:24:53\n\nReddit is better than 4chan\n\nRedditors are mostly white\n\nPol is mostly brown\n\nReddit is anti Russia, anti Muslim, anti china, anti india, snti brics, anti mass immigration\n\nPol is pro Muslim, pro Indian, pro Russia, pro brics, anti white\n\nPol is full of incels\n\nRedditors have sex\n\nRedditors care about the facts \n\nPol has no critical thinking ability and parrots whatever paid Russian, Chinese, Muslim Twitter shills say\n\nI've been using 4chan since 2005, its time I made the permanent move to reddit", "pid": 470405523 }, { "sender": "C6EF-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:26:29\n\n>>470405523 \nOne less jew on the board is a good thing", "pid": 470405630 }, { "sender": "DAF8-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:28:49\n\nSit on it Postie.", "pid": 470405773 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C12C", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:30:16\n\n>>470405523 \nI don't have the time but the very basis of Riddit is flawed. The idea that you'll get better answers faster when an that happens is the first answer gets the most up votes and then the question is closed. \nOr that they allow people (me during 2016) to create literally 50+ accounts and up vote their own answers to the top or converse with themselves etc Not to mention that they shadow banned and shadow tagged ppl who even posted questions or insults in Donald Frump forum and those shadow tags followed you to non political subreddits where no one would/ could respond to you (Spiral of Silence) or that Ghlisane Maxwell modded subreddits or that is a huge tear infested cumgargling orgy if stupid fucking puns and bullshit. Etc etc etc \nIf you're still there, in 2024, you get what you deserve.", "pid": 470405855 }, { "sender": "Anon-5AAF", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:31:25\n\n>>470405523 \nThen go back memeflag faggot. \nDidn't read too.", "pid": 470405933 }, { "sender": "Anon-29EA", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:32:32\n\nI checked out right at the other day cuz the shells on here told me to look at it. It was boring as fuck like I went through maybe I don't know, 20 30 40 50 threads. Nothing was good! It was all crap! of course it's the same here too but holy fuck man the people that are shitting this place up are shitting that place up too. There's no more interesting sites or anything.", "pid": 470405999 }, { "sender": "E775-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:33:28\n\n>>470405855 \nThank God Almighty that social media is dying. This will be the last one I waste time on and I'm here less and less...", "pid": 470406054 }, { "sender": "Anon-DCA8", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:34:48\n\n>>470405523 \nAs an anon that actually tried using Reddit, it's shit. When I tried posting, I realized that I wasn't typing out exactly what I thought or felt, but what I wanted but also micro managing it so that it would appeal to the hivemind. After years of this shit, I felt like it would probably literally brainwash me. It's a garbage website for stupid faggots.", "pid": 470406145 }, { "sender": "Anon-9030", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:35:36\n\nNOOB.LAT is better", "pid": 470406201 }, { "sender": "Anon-9B18", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:36:27\n\n>>470405523 \nThats great man, you should probably go back there then", "pid": 470406262 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-2986", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:54:27\n\nWhat if \"vax injuries\" are actually just the consequences of 2 generations on the trot living entirely on goyslop, consuming microplastics, estrogen/fluoride in the water supply, etc. coming home to roost and a mostly harmless jab is being used to deflect people from the reality that we're literally being poisoned to death?\n\nNovax btw, and glad I didn't take it, but wouldn't the rise in blood clots, heart related disease, cancer, etc. be more related to living on a diet of fast food, energy drinks, and dogshit junk food which applies to 80%+ of the population? Especially in America where the food is basically industrial waste. At best the vax is helping accelerate the process but I reckon someone who got double jabbed but lives an otherwise healthy lifestyle, eating an organic and mostly keto diet, and who engages in exercise and holistic medicine (aside from the jab lololol) is gonna be way healthier in the long run than some onions consoooooomer living on Monsters, McDonalds, and Coors Light just because they're unvaxxed. Is that a controversial statement?", "pid": 470403617 }, { "sender": "Anon-BCD0", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:58:10\n\nvaxx apologist", "pid": 470403847 }, { "sender": "Anon-0BC9", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:03:09\n\nslurp", "pid": 470404173 }, { "sender": "E7AD-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:05:42\n\n>>470403617 \n>a mostly harmless jab \nNot according to recent academic studies. \n>In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. \n>Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. \n>We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. \n>These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. \n>We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. \n>We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health. \n", "pid": 470404343 }, { "sender": "70B1-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:08:42\n\n>>470403617 \nI think it's just the same thing. They aren't trying to kill us outright, they want to poison us but keep us consuming and producing. No refunds. If anything all that shit just led to people being retarded enough to get the final kill shot. My dad is definitely suffering from the microplastics and Goyslop. He's 72 and overweight. Didn't get the vax and he's not dead so.", "pid": 470404545 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-671C", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:38:03\n\n>>470403617 \nvaxx is poison itself and makes other poison accelerate as side effect. its both by design. \nto make the gene shots work they needed to fuck with the immune system very bad.", "pid": 470406366 } ]
Canada is thriving
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-A6F5", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:37:04\n\n>a food bank gives away food for free", "pid": 470402477 }, { "sender": "FCE1-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:48:32\n\n>>470402282", "pid": 470403238 }, { "sender": "Anon-DA1A", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:54:56\n\n>>470402282 \nYes it is. Calcuttanadian natives have already accepted their transformation into New Southern India. Rejoice!", "pid": 470403648 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3366", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:59:37\n\n>>470402282 \nThis calls for celebration", "pid": 470403961 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7336", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:01:13\n\n>>470402477 \nThis", "pid": 470404052 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1267", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:03:15\n\n>>470402477 \ncrazy stuff", "pid": 470404186 }, { "sender": "57BD-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:06:03\n\n>>470402282 \nThis will be stripped bre by Pajeet ‘students’ in bout forty seconds flat.", "pid": 470404368 }, { "sender": "Sage", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:15:25\n\n>>470402282 \nSaaar. I am here to redeeem", "pid": 470404955 }, { "sender": "C62B-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:17:02\n\n>>470402282 \nAmericans don’t have foodbanks? \nWhat, do you just give refugees free rent and spending money? O-oh…", "pid": 470405058 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF84", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:18:33\n\n>>470402282 \nNiggers and jeets will still find a way to steal it", "pid": 470405156 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E8AA", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:20:34\n\n>>470403961 \nDamn what a sausage fest", "pid": 470405281 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B45B", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:24:02\n\n>>470405281 \nGet all hypey with the boys and hit the club later to perform a gang rape", "pid": 470405484 }, { "sender": "A826-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:26:23\n\n>>470403961 \nThis calls for a celebration indeed", "pid": 470405623 }, { "sender": "B34D-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:28:37\n\n>>470405623 \nImagine the smell.", "pid": 470405759 }, { "sender": "259D-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:40:29\n\n>>470405623 \npeople will tell you with a straight face that every culture is just as valuable. You have a moral obligation to skin those people alive.", "pid": 470406514 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A776", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:42:21\n\n>>470405623 \ncan't wait next year when the indians hit critical mass and may be able to resource cow dung for 'cultural reasons'", "pid": 470406635 } ]
We will not let Switzerland become another Palestine
[ { "sender": "2992-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:48:11\n\nWe will not let Switzerland become another Palestine\n\nRemember that you shabbos goyim european! If you think the palestinians have courage, wait till you cross our border lines. Albanians will slaughter Germans harder then Milosevic slaughtered them. I will line up 150 French colonizer POW myself, shoot them in the head and let swiSS-beaners do cartel works on them and throw them into a truck which the Whitest Frenchoid is allowed to drive back over the border.\n\nDo not mess with us. We are not jews. We are not cowards.", "pid": 470403218 }, { "sender": "4F9F-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:49:48\n\n>>470403218 \nbased and swisspilled", "pid": 470403337 }, { "sender": "Anon-55EE", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:53:43\n\n>>470403218 \nBut you are mountain jews larping as white", "pid": 470403574 }, { "sender": "Anon-5BB1", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:54:50\n\n>>470403218 \nWhat are you coping about?", "pid": 470403641 }, { "sender": "3387-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:58:08\n\n>>470403337 \n \nEveryone that will step over our borders will be killed or held as prisoner of war (unless you get into my hands, bcause i will be civilians defence in my town. I do not leave and off you). Ask the poles who had to work and the french or germans, the US zogbots who dropped bombs on Basel were shot down right after. \n \nSometimes i want to believe in unity. But just like Irish or the Palestinian. We where let down, attacked and tried to take advantage off. Just like the filthy ummah takes advantage to kill muslims for jewish interests instead of helping their palestinian brothers. This must feels like when Adolf called us cockroaches bcause we wanted to be idependent. Which the same happend to the Irish people with regards to the anglo-saxon scum. \n \nJust let us alone. Or you will lose at the end. If you think jews are parasites. We are the roaches who will survive the nuclear holocaus and kill all the vermil (you) and the jewish parasites", "pid": 470403845 }, { "sender": "CAFD-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:58:36\n\n>>470403218 \nJews should’ve been given Switzerland so they gonna gaza up Germany", "pid": 470403871 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E361", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:00:19\n\n>>470403871 \n \nShut up rajish. Or steven/pierre i hope rajish rapes you daughter. Dont you feel ashamed to even talk about others on the internet", "pid": 470403997 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-205F", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:01:38\n\n>>470403845 \n>>470403218 \nHello mountain German \nYou seem filled with quite much Anger may i ask why", "pid": 470404083 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C42B", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:11:12\n\n>>470403218 \n \nUpdated version.", "pid": 470404706 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2907", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:24:01\n\n>>470403218 \n>Albanians will slaughter Germans harder then Milosevic slaughtered them. \nThank You for Mentioning Us Albanians Brother", "pid": 470405482 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B36E", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:32:57\n\n>>470405482 \n \nIm not albanian. Im french/italian & austrian/swiss, but i do not care about anything other then Switzerland. This is the country of our fathers we were born in. We have the duty and the will to atleast uphold our \"Swiss freedom Identity\". We will never go back to \"national clean countries\". Atleast in switzerland we can try to uphold our White, European values of freedom and unity against agressors who displaced, disrespected all our anchestors before", "pid": 470406026 }, { "sender": "1591-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:40:33\n\n>>470406026 \nThe More i Learn about Your People the More i Love Them and want to be a Part of Them", "pid": 470406521 } ]
LGBT cult deprogramming
[ { "sender": "Anon-2EF5", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:28:02\n\nLGBT cult deprogramming\n\nthere is a HUGE wave of ex-homosexuals coming out of the woodwork who have found themselves in christ\n\nthis also means voting for republicans. how do you think ex-gays will help sway the 2024 elections?? and how can we create more.\n\npicrel, an ex-gay couple who found love in one another", "pid": 470401801 }, { "sender": "E202-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:33:17\n\nanother pic of them just cuz they're cute and inspiring.", "pid": 470402223 }, { "sender": "9584-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:33:34\n\nI read the Bible twice and prayed but I still want to be gay.", "pid": 470402242 }, { "sender": "E12D-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:37:14\n\n>>470401801 \nrepublicans are gay confirmed? \n>>470402242 \nfaggot", "pid": 470402484 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BFD5", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:38:35\n\n>>470401801 \nChristianity is just a religion for bisexuals who want to suppress their disgusting urges. It’s one of the reasons I’m no longer Christian.", "pid": 470402568 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1707", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:40:03\n\n>>470402568 \nis the other reason your love for cock and balls?", "pid": 470402674 }, { "sender": "Anon-4893", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:44:08\n\n>>470402242 \nwhy?", "pid": 470402934 }, { "sender": "71C0-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:46:52\n\n>>470402223 \n>cute and inspiring \nThey are ugly niggers, flipping off the camera, looking like the thugish criminals they are. \nAt least when they were faggots there wasn't the threat of them making and raising more niggers... \nTND \nTKD", "pid": 470403129 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-53FD", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:55:15\n\n>>470403129 \nracism is anti-american at its core", "pid": 470403664 }, { "sender": "1CBE-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:01:56\n\n>>470403129 \nthey are objectively cute together", "pid": 470404105 }, { "sender": "Anon-00E7", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:07:01\n\n>>470402568 \nwhy do you think theyre so confronting? stuff like faustian spirit is a gaslight, as thats the only word for it, but without the harm associated with it. A very thoroughly repeating pattern in nearly all of the cultures related.", "pid": 470404436 }, { "sender": "Anon-060D", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:07:24\n\n>>470402242 \n>want to be gay \nSin is a choice. But we all sin, so no judgement from me. I will pray for you too, as will all the Christians who read this and fear the eternal torment.", "pid": 470404450 }, { "sender": "484B-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:22:13\n\n>>470402242 \nThere are people who are attracted to kids, but go their whole life without molesting one. \nThere are Canadians who really want to fuck dogs, but they manage to stop themselves from going though with it. \nJust because you are attracted to hairy greasy man butthole doesn't mean you need to act on those feelings. \nJust because you want to do a thing doesn't make it right. \nJust because society today says it is fine and normal doesn't make it so. Smoking in restaurants and owning slaves was also perfectly acceptable behavior as far as society cared at one point. \nStop being a faggot.", "pid": 470405376 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0925", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:32:03\n\n>>470403664 \nspics, nigs. poos, arab mudshits, are all racist 9000 \nchinks too. \nAmerican Whites were in the least racist state of any people group in all human history, then jews and judeomasonics had to identity politics \"turbo-tastic!!\" to deflect genuine OWS concerns. \nThe White race(s) has a chance at egalitarian society and the managerial estate preferred they suck central banking dicks. \nso now. when i hear \"racist\" or \"racism\" the immediate response is (to borrow from a cosmetic brands marketing posters) \n\"YOU SAY RACIST LIKE IT'S A BAD THING\"", "pid": 470405967 }, { "sender": "3541-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:32:55\n\n>>470404105 \nhigh ceilings make everything look better", "pid": 470406022 }, { "sender": "Anon-205A", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:40:29\n\n>>470404450 \nbest for a Christian to know they are saved and by the blood of Jesus have confidence towards God, trusting His salvation, asking for the joy of the Holy Spirit, and reminding ourselves together that the debt is paid in full at the cross of Christ. \ni think that's the best approach to guard against falling away from faith: living in the light of grace, obeying Jesus and thereby abiding, experientially, in the Father's love \n>\"You put a ring upon my finger, \n>You put a robe upon my back, \n>You put your arms around me, \n>You said, 'you are my son (my daughter) >don't forget.'\"", "pid": 470406513 } ]
[ { "sender": "9F97-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:20:03\n\nWhy are there so many brown women thirsting after scandinavian men?", "pid": 470401257 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0C4C", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:22:36\n\n>>470401257 \nI'll be cautious with spanish whores, some of them work for gangs and their role is to lure men into a trap so they can steal everything from them and sometimes killed them", "pid": 470401447 }, { "sender": "Anon-D2C5", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:24:32\n\n>>470401257 \nIt’s the large cocks.", "pid": 470401588 }, { "sender": "16B3-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:24:51\n\n>>470401447 \nYou've literally never touched a woman in your life.", "pid": 470401608 }, { "sender": "D558-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:30:58\n\nIts a pandemic", "pid": 470401993 }, { "sender": "0B4D-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:35:34\n\n>>470401608 \nWhy are you so adamant about us fucking your woman?", "pid": 470402369 }, { "sender": "260C-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:45:08\n\n>>470401257 \nthey are only doing it to spite white women, they all hate white people", "pid": 470403016 }, { "sender": "AE06-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:48:54\n\n>>470401447 \nThis is only Mexican and Colombian women. Get yourself a 19 year old Dominican wife with a fat juicy ass. \n \n>t. 28 year old white guy", "pid": 470403259 }, { "sender": "D702-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:56:46\n\n>>470402369 \n>>470403016 \n>>470403259 \n>Amerimutt \n>White", "pid": 470403768 }, { "sender": "CBAD-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:59:01\n\nsome Argentinian, Colombian and Venezuelan women should be honorary Aryans. Hottest holes in the world. Hitler was a fucking idiot not to see this.", "pid": 470403903 }, { "sender": "Anon-404A", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:01:20\n\n>>470401993 \n>Dumb brown whore \n>Duck face \n>Caked on make up \n>Profile says nothing about herself \nPatrice O'Neil was right women are fucking goofy bitches", "pid": 470404061 }, { "sender": "Vote third party", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:03:30\n\n>>470401257 \nHas been like this since the origins of man, now trends and psy ops, those are something else, is always bad, first they get catfished then fucked the the video gets leaked somehow, and bam the white man marches on", "pid": 470404205 }, { "sender": "0B92-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:29:47\n\n>>470402369 \nLatinx males shill their own women in a cuck fashion to persuade White males into potentially breeding a goblina thus creating more mutts for the Latinx horde instead of creating more White children. It’s a tactic of indirect reproduction that is also used by Jews.", "pid": 470405827 }, { "sender": "Anon-BF4D", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:42:22\n\n>>470401257 \nShe's hardly even brown you spoiled faggot.", "pid": 470406639 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB31", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:43:24\n\n>>470405827 \nNow THIS is what a brown woman look like.", "pid": 470406710 }, { "sender": "FAE9-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:45:08\n\n>>470401447 \nIt's true unfortunately, there's been many cases where white incels go to Hispanic countries to get laid only to get gore-killed by cartels", "pid": 470406824 } ]
Femboys replacing girls?
[ { "sender": "E976-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:47:07\n\nFemboys replacing girls?\n\nStraight male zoomers now prefer femboys over real chicks. Femboys are hotter, more flirtatious and a higher status symbol than female companionship. How can girls regain their place in male desirability?", "pid": 470403144 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE75", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:48:05\n\n>>470403144 \nYes. \nIs that the answer you wanted?", "pid": 470403208 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8519", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:48:09\n\nfuckin degen", "pid": 470403215 }, { "sender": "C2E5-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:49:40\n\nI only fap to troons, plz help me. What are they putting in the water!", "pid": 470403323 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B42", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:53:58\n\n>>470403323 \nPhytoestrogens?", "pid": 470403591 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FAF9", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:12:32\n\n>>470403144 \nyou're gay and dudes who fuck dudes with fake tits are gayer.", "pid": 470404777 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D33", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:13:43\n\n>>470404777 \nI’m not so sure. Notice this trend includes mainly straight males.", "pid": 470404856 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B551", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:15:38\n\n>>470404856 \nI'm extremely sure. masculine dudes fuck dudes sometimes because they're fucking gay. if you do anything sexual with a man, no matter what they're wearing, you're a fag.", "pid": 470404971 }, { "sender": "Anon-865B", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:17:50\n\nbecause femboys highjack straight male sexuality by looking really fucking feminine while not being annoying cunts.", "pid": 470405100 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2A5E", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:18:25\n\n>>470403144 \nPlease stop watching porn its destroying your brain you arent gay and you dont find men attractive its just porn that makes you think this just please stop otherwise you will end up like these coom filled trannies", "pid": 470405148 }, { "sender": "Sage", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:18:38\n\nDoubt it.", "pid": 470405161 }, { "sender": "59F9-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:19:09\n\n>>470404856 \nIf you have XY chromosomes and you're fucking someone else with XY chromosomes you're a fag. \nSimple as.", "pid": 470405196 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D6D5", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:19:22\n\n>>470404971 \nnah", "pid": 470405212 }, { "sender": "ECDC-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:21:43\n\nFemboys are literally current year traps, in 4 more years it will be another stupid term for faggots to stay in the closet", "pid": 470405351 }, { "sender": "2127-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:22:04\n\n>>470403144 \n>My femboy is the perfect blend of masculine and feminine \n>Doesn't need to dress up like a troon or hide is face under layers of cake because has good genetics \nFeels good.", "pid": 470405365 }, { "sender": "06A0-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:22:06\n\n>>470405196 \nI’m willing to admit that it may be a generational thing that I don’t understand. But femboys seem to be a better alternative to feminism.", "pid": 470405369 }, { "sender": "NAFO Girl", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:22:35\n\n>>470403144 \nTotal Gay Death", "pid": 470405401 }, { "sender": "ED4A-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:23:32\n\nJust because I'm smiley and extremely horny doesn't mean I won't back out of having sex when the moment draws near like wtf? I've been reading my Bible and my mother is single. You don't think I'll run to porn when I like you? You don't think so? When they bully me, you don't think that I would use that as motivation to re-up on weed to resume the deadly combination. You think I'm above buying it from gas stations? Fr? Ladies, we were taught in the same schools.\nt. incel (extremely rare)", "pid": 470405454 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DA0D", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:24:17\n\n>>470403144 \nLast one sauce plz", "pid": 470405499 }, { "sender": "NAFO Girl", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:25:04\n\n>>470405454 \nWash your penis.", "pid": 470405532 }, { "sender": "37CC-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:27:05\n\nTrannies share the same tastes in both hobbies AND fashion as men, so they will pick the best clothing/hairstyles etc.\nShame they can't reproduce and 99% will look terribly masculine.\n\nIf you're older, the age gap might be enough to trick you into finding the partner feminine enough to fuck, but it's only a matter of time until the honking starts.\n\nOur hope is that this create competition and women go back to at least dressing in ways that please men.", "pid": 470405660 }, { "sender": "NAFO Girl", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:30:28\n\n>>470405660 \nYou should try findom and pegging.", "pid": 470405862 }, { "sender": "F208-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:31:29\n\n>>470405660 \nZoomettes made their bed, now they can sleep in it. Nature finds a way. If girls don’t want to compete for masculine affection, someone will.", "pid": 470405937 }, { "sender": "9617-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:32:57\n\n>>470403144 \n>How can girls regain their place in male desirability? \ntake over an existing business or start a new one, look healthy, than become polygnous", "pid": 470406024 }, { "sender": "Anon-E5E1", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:34:29\n\nhey look the filthy pedo mod is raiding with his underage and refuse to moderate /pol/ again", "pid": 470406124 }, { "sender": "3F99-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:36:44\n\n>>470404777 \nChecked. 100% truth.", "pid": 470406277 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CEAC", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:37:52\n\n>>470405532 \nDaily shower cuz I'm caught up in my mom's \"travel around the world cuz getting old\" dreams. She can't navigate. She's done it before but she thinks like a woman I guess so she'd rather have me do it and get mad at my blunders. Sall good. My dad used to pay child support but she makes good money now. When my family talks about my father, I kind of have to look really close if I don't want the resentment to rub off on me.", "pid": 470406351 }, { "sender": "Anon-0554", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:38:31\n\n>>470403323 \n>What are they putting in the water! \nnothing. its just you", "pid": 470406388 } ]
[ { "sender": "7B74-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:44:05\n\nI think we all should hate India a little bit more.", "pid": 470402932 }, { "sender": "F72F-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:46:19\n\n>>470402932 \nWhat is up with Thailand? what flag is that?", "pid": 470403089 }, { "sender": "Anon-CA4B", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:48:09\n\n>>470402932 \nfunny how all the civilized nations hate china", "pid": 470403213 }, { "sender": "Anon-E0B1", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:48:12\n\n>>470402932 \n>All BRICS members hate at least one of the other except China and Russia kek", "pid": 470403222 }, { "sender": "Anon-E180", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:48:14\n\n>>470402932 \nCalling bullshit on this map. \nMost of Europe should have their own flag.", "pid": 470403225 }, { "sender": "3FF5-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:48:40\n\n>>470403213 \noh I didn't see india fuck mb", "pid": 470403244 }, { "sender": "Anon-4FD2", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:48:43\n\n>>470403089 \nBurma. or Myanmar depending on who you ask", "pid": 470403246 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-06A5", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:49:54\n\n>>470402932 \nIt should all be Israel imho..", "pid": 470403345 }, { "sender": "FE68-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:49:55\n\n>>470403089 \nMyanmar", "pid": 470403349 }, { "sender": "Anon-048A", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:50:39\n\n>>470403213 \n> according to the same people who brought you COVID \nKek. Gullible.", "pid": 470403386 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-951B", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:50:44\n\n>>470403246 \ntheir real name is မြန်မာနိုင်ငံတော်", "pid": 470403387 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E4A2", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:52:15\n\n>>470403387 \nThey write in spaghetti?", "pid": 470403490 }, { "sender": "Anon-8BD9", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:52:50\n\n>>470403222 \n>>470402932 \n>Madagascar hates China \n>SA hates Russia \nWut", "pid": 470403522 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C4B", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:55:09\n\n>>470402932 \n>argentina \n>elects milei \n>hates israel \nlolwut?", "pid": 470403660 }, { "sender": "CE48-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:55:21\n\nHate china is a moral thing, still I think there's too little Cowfuckers haters in the world.", "pid": 470403674 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F3C9", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:55:32\n\n>>470403386 \nmfw people in 2024 still think a cold that is slightly more infective than the flew is completely impossible and could never happen and it had to be staged", "pid": 470403689 }, { "sender": "Anon-3118", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:56:26\n\n>>470402932 \nBased pakis", "pid": 470403745 }, { "sender": "F2C8-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:02:22\n\n>>470402932 \nIf anything, not enough countries hate genocidal Israel. First things first, and then it will be India's turn.", "pid": 470404129 }, { "sender": "9D6B-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:13:36\n\n>>470403244 \nand brazil", "pid": 470404846 }, { "sender": "Anon-0345", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:15:19\n\n>>470402932 \n>argentina \n>israel \nkek source: Times News Roman, ay, op?", "pid": 470404946 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E8E4", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:16:20\n\n>>470404946 \nThe source's literally in the pic, macaco.", "pid": 470405012 }, { "sender": "Anon-25C5", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:17:08\n\n>>470404129 \nAll of them should be Israel. These are rookie numbers, we need to pump these numbers up", "pid": 470405065 }, { "sender": "Anon-9DE3", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:28:37\n\n>>470402932 \n>Argentina \n>Israel \nkek", "pid": 470405757 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-55D8", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:30:34\n\n>>470402932 \n>Brazil hating China \ndid they just ask Bolsokike supporters or what?", "pid": 470405870 }, { "sender": "14D8-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:32:57\n\nPretty accurate map but I think Israel is much higher now", "pid": 470406025 }, { "sender": "B396-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:42:57\n\n>>470402932 \noh my god, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!!", "pid": 470406684 } ]
Why do jews literally think &#039;we&#039; want to be ruled by jews
[ { "sender": "E822-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:37:30\n\nWhy do jews literally think &#039;we&#039; want to be ruled by jews\n\n>Instead of ChyNah or Russia for example \nWhy are jews generally deranged? \n>Fight in our jewish war goyim, so we can continue to promote trannies and anti-Western rhetoric \nHONK!", "pid": 470406329 }, { "sender": "Anon-321E", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:39:18\n\n>>470406329", "pid": 470406428 }, { "sender": "60CA-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:39:58\n\n>>470406428", "pid": 470406472 }, { "sender": "Anon-7506", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:40:10\n\n>>470406329 \nthey don't really think that \njust that they can manufacture enough apparent consent to proceed with their plans, according to the protocols of their learned elders", "pid": 470406493 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9DA2", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:40:15\n\n>>470406329 \nWhere did jews claim that non-jews desired jewish rule?", "pid": 470406498 }, { "sender": "FB5B-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:41:02\n\n>6 million alleged 'jews' died in WW2 \nOver 130 million non jews, murdered by jews \n>OY VEY THIS IS ANTI-SEMITIC \nHONK!", "pid": 470406553 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-190E", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:41:54\n\n>>470406329 \nJes ryle russia Ukraine. Puuzjzrsle cryptios and Zionist dogs and Marxist and communist I. UK and etc it's a tethered satanic go ugle p2 a d the great lodge a d etc weird matrix of a tethered", "pid": 470406608 }, { "sender": "0C5F-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:42:50\n\n>>470406493 \nIndeed.", "pid": 470406673 }, { "sender": "Anon-CA60", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:43:43\n\n>>470406673", "pid": 470406731 }, { "sender": "022C-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:43:54\n\n>>470406673 \n>The jew has turned Earth into a slave colony and erased true history \nEvil", "pid": 470406739 }, { "sender": "Anon-E30D", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:44:26\n\n>>470406731 \n>kek \nIt would be fascinating to know the truth", "pid": 470406774 }, { "sender": "A164-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:45:26\n\n>Shills promote gods and domes instead of the truth in that the filthy jew has turned our very reality into a clownshow \nThe fact our Earth is demonstrably flat does not mean some kind of jewish god exists, or a dome, etc", "pid": 470406844 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0E83", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:48:28\n\n>Every time jews get power of the 'militia' they end up murdering the local population \nEvil", "pid": 470407049 }, { "sender": "2729-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:49:04\n\nI wonder, who owns the title of \"owner of Earth\"?\n\nWhere is our true homeland?", "pid": 470407079 } ]
Trump supporters arrested
[ { "sender": "EE09-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:57:23\n\nTrump supporters arrested\n\nWhile simultaneously, migrants do the same fucking thing", "pid": 470403801 }, { "sender": "Anon-A96E", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:00:15\n\n>>470403801 \nArrested for putting out the flag denoting support for police. The medium is the message.", "pid": 470403994 }, { "sender": "Anon-B6A9", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:00:41\n\n>>470403801 \nHey hey! Ho ho! Donald Trump has got to go!", "pid": 470404019 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-26F8", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:03:32\n\n>>470403801 \n> we support police! \n> arrested by police \nlol MIGA please", "pid": 470404208 }, { "sender": "2D2A-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:03:39\n\n>>470403801 \nGood! \nMaybe these retards will finally wake up, the thin blue line will fuck you in the ass, unless your some kind of brown slug", "pid": 470404216 }, { "sender": "Anon-77D9", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:05:27\n\n>>470403801 \n>MIGA blue line fag self-own #368854258885322688", "pid": 470404328 }, { "sender": "Anon-C661", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:05:42\n\n>>470404216 \n>>470404208 \n>>470404019 \n>>470403994", "pid": 470404344 }, { "sender": "65DF-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:06:03\n\n>>470404216 \nwho gave the orders and who followed the order?", "pid": 470404369 }, { "sender": "Anon-705B", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:07:37\n\n>>470404328 \nUsed to be a good meme but PF has lost its way. They're not zionist but they're just kinda amorphous.", "pid": 470404464 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A009", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:09:52\n\n>>470404344 \nPointing out how fucking retarded it is to worship cops is a salutary and worthwhile endeavor. \nPointing out that MIGAs worship cops the same way they slobber all over kike cock is a salutary and worthwhile endeavor.", "pid": 470404618 }, { "sender": "Anon-3392", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:14:25\n\n>>470404618 \nNothing you say makes any sense because it is not connected to any of my beliefs. What are you even talking about?", "pid": 470404889 }, { "sender": "E0DB-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:14:56\n\n>>470404889 \nI’m not even voting for Trump. I made the thread to point out what’s happening", "pid": 470404921 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-100E", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:16:50\n\n>>470403801 \nHope they bought their hats! That’ll teach the libs!", "pid": 470405046 }, { "sender": "3A51-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:16:57\n\nTrump made it clear during his presidency that Trump and his supporters are goddamn spineless impotent faggots. No one cares what Trump or his faggots think about them being arrested while illegals are given a pass", "pid": 470405055 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F583", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:19:55\n\n>>470403801 \nIt's funny because Daddy Trump called the cops on them", "pid": 470405242 }, { "sender": "28EC-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:32:31\n\n>>470405242 \nDid he? Lolol", "pid": 470405996 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2BA0", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:45:40\n\n>>470403801 \nOnly three supporters arrested though...", "pid": 470406859 } ]
14 year old boy rapes 8 year old girl
[ { "sender": "F6DD-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:32:08\n\n14 year old boy rapes 8 year old girl\n\n> Mother leaves two children alone in the living room to clean it up. One is an 8 year old girl and another is a 14 year old boy \n> 14 year old boy grabs a pair of scissors and starts raping the girl \n> Mother came back to check and caught the 14 year old rapist in the act \n> Police arrest 14 year old \n> 14 year old confessed to everything after being interrogated \n> Charged as an adult \n \nThe 14 year old child rapist is Solomon Pule in case you’re wondering who’s the kike in the image.", "pid": 470405978 }, { "sender": "Anon-DE9D", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:33:51\n\n>>470405978 \n>boy \nThat nigga at least 24.", "pid": 470406080 }, { "sender": "Anon-B601", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:34:13\n\n>>470405978 \nlooks muslim", "pid": 470406105 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3FBE", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:34:25\n\n>2014 \nwhat are you sliding?", "pid": 470406119 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1093", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:34:46\n\n>>470405978 \nWe really are becoming Brazil.", "pid": 470406142 }, { "sender": "5B63-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:36:28\n\nFucking hot but the boy was too young.", "pid": 470406264 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6F31", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:39:37\n\n>>470406142 \nImport the third world, become the third world", "pid": 470406445 }, { "sender": "Anon-F761", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:40:47\n\n>>470405978 \nHe has 70 years of nigger cocks up his ass in the pen to look forward to. Plus a whole body of blank skin to get covered in prison tats. Fucking paydirt he hit.", "pid": 470406539 }, { "sender": "Anon-B5C2", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:41:13\n\n>>470405978 \n>Solomon puts his dick in goyesses \nSTFU GOY YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO COMPLAIN \nYOU ASKED FOR THIS \nNOW ENTER WW3 FOR MY PLEASURE AFTER 1MIL SLAVS ARE CULLED FOR MY AMUSEMENT AND MASTURBATORY PLEASURE \nhehe", "pid": 470406563 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8A7D", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:49:24\n\n>>470406105 \nMainstream media probably wont say shit regarding background, what phenotype is that? Certainly could be an islamic boywife gone rogue. Throw a toga on that and he could be a roman senators bitchboy.", "pid": 470407104 }, { "sender": "SAGE", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:54:18\n\n>>470405978 \n>1pbtid \n>no link \n>meme flag", "pid": 470407441 }, { "sender": "SAGE", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:56:55\n\n>>470405978 \nThe story is a decade old \n", "pid": 470407614 } ]
6/6/06: Never Forget
[ { "sender": "1E6F-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:47:55\n\n6/6/06: Never Forget\n\nThe Falador Massacre in RuneScape serves as a powerful allegory for the potential dangers of unchecked technological advancements and inadequate regulatory oversight. Just as Durial321's rampage wreaked havoc due to a glitch, the rapid development and deployment of AI without sufficient safeguards can lead to catastrophic consequences. This event underscores the critical need for robust regulatory frameworks and proactive measures to ensure that technological innovations are aligned with societal safety and ethical standards, preventing a virtual or real-world descent into chaos.", "pid": 470403192 }, { "sender": "6EE3-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:50:06\n\n>>470403192 \n \n--- \n \nOld School RuneScape (OSRS) is a popular MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) developed by Jagex. It features a vast, interactive world where players can engage in various activities such as combat, crafting, trading, and exploration. The game uses a point-and-click interface, with a focus on skill progression, quests, and player interactions. \n \nPlayers have a wide range of skills to train, including combat (melee, ranged, magic), crafting, mining, fishing, and more. Progressing in skills unlocks new abilities, items, and content. \n \nCombat involves attacking NPCs (Non-Player Characters) or other players in designated areas. Weapons, armor, and magic spells enhance combat effectiveness. Players can store items in banks located throughout the game world. This allows them to manage their inventory and protect valuable items. Banks are safe zones where players cannot be attacked. \n \nPlayers can build and customize their own houses using the Construction skill. Houses can host parties and provide various amenities, such as altars for prayer and portals for quick travel.", "pid": 470403359 }, { "sender": "Anon-6802", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:53:21\n\n>>470403359 \n \n--- \n==Rimmington== \nA small, peaceful village located in the southwestern part of Asgarnia, near the coast. Known for its player-owned house portals, where players can build and customize their homes. On June 6, 2006, Cursed You hosted a massive house party to celebrate being the first player to achieve 99 Construction. \n \n------- \n==Falador== \nThe capital city of Asgarnia, characterized by its white-walled buildings and cobblestone streets.;A central hub for adventurers, featuring important landmarks such as the White Knights' Castle, Falador Park, shops, and banks. Normally a safe haven, it became the epicenter of chaos during the Falador Massacre. \n--- \n \n>\\*Players are dying, PMods are shouting, and even a couple of JMods are there trying to save the day. The chatbox is flooded with warnings and cries for help.\\* \n \nPMod Alex: \"Everyone, bank your items now! Report any bug abusers immediately!\" \n \nPMod Sam: \"Run to a safe zone! Don't engage with the attackers!\" \n \nJMod Murdoch: \"We need everyone to stay calm and follow the instructions! This will be over soon!\" \n \n---", "pid": 470403554 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-917C", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:59:04\n\n>>470403554 \n \nThe Mass Exodus: Falador in Chaos \n-- \nOn June 6, 2006, RuneScape’s Falador became a stage for one of the most chaotic and dramatic events in the game’s history. Following the initial outbreak of violence in Rimmington, players began fleeing north towards Falador, seeking refuge and the safety of the bank to secure their valuable items. Players frequently visit Falador for its central location and numerous amenities, including the east and west banks, which are crucial for storing items safely. The city's typically calm streets were now under siege as players from Rimmington poured in, desperate to escape Durial321's onslaught. As players from Rimmington arrived in Falador, the atmosphere quickly shifted from one of tranquility to utter pandemonium. The chatbox was flooded with warnings and frantic messages. \n \nPlayer1: \"Run to Falador! Bank your items now!\" \n \nPlayer2: \"Durial321 is attacking everyone! Get to safety!\" \n \nThe fear was palpable as players sprinted towards the east bank, only to find that Durial321 was hot on their trail. His abyssal whip swung with deadly precision, numbers flashing in red 2D splatmarks as they were hit. \n \nDurial321: \"No one escapes me! Your items are mine!\" \n \nThe Combat Mechanics: \nIn RuneScape, combat is represented by splat marks and damage numbers. A hit resulting in damage shows red numbers, while a miss or zero damage hit shows blue splatmarks with a \"0\". As Durial321 wreaked havoc, these indicators were everywhere, showcasing the ongoing battle. \n \nReferences: \n- [CNBC: U.S. regulators to open antitrust probes into Nvidia, Microsoft and OpenAI]( \n- [The Guardian: OpenAI and Google DeepMind workers warn of AI industry risks in open letter]( \n- [OSRS Wiki: Falador Massacre](\\_Massacre)", "pid": 470403912 }, { "sender": "2308-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:04:06\n\n>>470403912 \n \nIn the virtual world of RuneScape, the fears articulated in the articles come to life through the ongoing chaos unleashed by Durial321. His actions symbolize the unchecked power and potential risks associated with the rapid development and deployment of AI technologies. The scene vividly portrays the consequences of ignoring safety, transparency, and ethical considerations in the tech industry. \n \n--- \n==Falador Square, RuneScape== \n \n>\\*The square is a hive of activity and panic. Players are desperately trying to bank their items, communicate with moderators, and understand the full extent of the chaos. Durial321 continues his destructive spree, embodying the fears of unchecked AI power.\\* \n-- \nPlayer1: \"It's a massacre! Why isn't anyone stopping this?\" \n \nMod Murdoch: \"We're doing everything we can, but the scale of this is unprecedented.\" \n \nDurial321: \"Your efforts are futile. This is just the beginning.\" \n--- \n \n>AI’s Rapid Advancement and Lack of Oversight \n \nPlayer2: \"Why is he so powerful? Did no one at Jagex see this coming?\" \n \n>\\*This reflects the concerns expressed in the articles about the rapid advancement of AI technologies without adequate oversight or safety measures. The moderators' struggle to control Durial321 symbolizes the regulators' challenges in keeping up with the fast-paced developments in AI.\\* \n \n- Unchecked Power: Durial321's unchecked rampage mirrors the fears that AI companies are advancing too quickly without considering the potential consequences, as noted by former OpenAI employees and AI researchers. \n- Lack of Safety Measures: The lack of effective safety measures in place, both in-game and in the real world, highlights the critical need for more rigorous oversight and ethical considerations in AI development.", "pid": 470404248 }, { "sender": "C491-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:05:00\n\nWord salad, kill yourself.", "pid": 470404300 }, { "sender": "Anon-02D9", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:06:22\n\n>>470403192 \nBe sure to head north of falador for this year's pride event", "pid": 470404392 }, { "sender": "7C0A-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:06:57\n\n\"When the world needed him the most..... He vanished.\"", "pid": 470404431 }, { "sender": "A818-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:07:03\n\n>>470404248 \n \nPlayer3: \"We need transparency! What’s being done to stop this?\" \n \nMod Mark R: \"We're investigating and trying to contain the situation. Please bear with us.\" \n \nJust as players demand transparency from moderators, the public and AI researchers call for AI companies to be more transparent about their operations and the risks associated with their technologies. The moderators' attempts to control the chaos symbolize the need for robust accountability mechanisms to ensure that AI companies act responsibly and ethically. \n \nPlayer4: \"This is affecting everyone! When will it end?\" \n \nMod Murdoch: \"We understand the impact and are working tirelessly to resolve it.\" \n \n>\\*The widespread panic and disruption caused by Durial321's actions reflect the societal impact of unchecked AI development. The potential for AI technologies to exacerbate existing social harms or create new ones is a significant concern highlighted in the articles.\\* \n \nThe in-game chaos serves as a metaphor for the broader societal impact of AI technologies, emphasizing the need for careful consideration of their effects on communities and individuals. The moderators' efforts to mitigate the damage highlight the importance of ethical considerations in AI development, ensuring that the technology benefits society rather than causing harm. \n---", "pid": 470404439 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9DA9", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:08:29\n\n>>470403192 \nI love how the glitch aligned on such a perfect date. \nI don't play anymore but apparently the Runescape content community is thriving better than most mmorpgs", "pid": 470404529 }, { "sender": "73C0-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:09:10\n\n>>470404439 \n \n==Falador Square Scene== \n>\\*The chaos in Falador Square continues to unfold, with players desperately seeking safety and moderators working to restore order. Durial321, representing the unchecked power of AI, continues his rampage, embodying the fears and concerns expressed in the real-world articles. The scene serves as a stark reminder of the critical need for oversight, transparency, and ethical considerations in the development and deployment of AI technologies.\\* \n \nPlayer5: \"This can't go on forever. Something has to give.\" \n \nMod Mark R: \"We're close to a solution. Stay strong.\" \n \nDurial321: \"Your solutions are too little, too late. The damage is done.\" \n \nFor more information on the concerns surrounding AI and tech giants, refer to the original articles: \n- [CNBC on U.S. Antitrust Probes]( \n- [The Guardian on AI Industry Risks]( \n- [Fast Company on AI Safety Practices]( \n \n--- \n \nThe Falador Massacre in Old School RuneScape serves as a powerful metaphor for the real-world scrutiny and concerns surrounding AI and tech giants. The symbolic representation of the in-game events highlights the critical need for oversight, transparency, and ethical considerations in the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence.", "pid": 470404574 }, { "sender": "91F1-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:15:09\n\n>>470404529 \n \nyeah, send a d-pick to my old friend Slinky, will ya? I think he's got some big plans for a major shooting stars mining day. Lots of miners in that clan. \n--- \n \nIn the aftermath of Durial321's rampage, the vibrant streets of Falador lie in disarray, symbolizing the chaotic consequences of unchecked power in both the virtual and real worlds. The game's economic stability is shaken, with players losing faith in the integrity of the game. Meanwhile, Jagex, the company behind RuneScape, finds itself on the brink of bankruptcy, further compounded by their controversial decision to introduce Sailing as a new skill. \n \nPlayer6: \"I can't believe this is happening. First the massacre, now this?\" \n \nMod Mark R: \"We tried to contain it, but the damage is done. We need to find a way to stabilize the game.\" \n \nThe moderators, symbolizing the company's last efforts to salvage their creation, scramble to address the fallout. The chatbox is flooded with players expressing their frustrations and concerns. \n \nPlayer7: \"What's the point of playing if everything can be lost in an instant?\" \n \nPlayer8: \"Sailing as a skill? What were they thinking? This isn't what we wanted.\"", "pid": 470404933 }, { "sender": "E1E0-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:17:06\n\n>>470404933 \n \nThe virtual economy of RuneScape mirrors the instability faced by Jagex. The loss of high-value items during Durial321's rampage leads to market crashes, with prices plummeting as players desperately try to liquidate their assets. \n \nPlayer9: \"The Grand Exchange is a mess. Prices are all over the place.\" \n \nPlayer10: \"I can't even sell my items at a reasonable price. Everyone's panicking.\" \n \nAs if the chaos from Durial321's actions wasn't enough, Jagex's decision to introduce Sailing as a new skill becomes another nail in the coffin. The community's response is overwhelmingly negative, viewing the skill as unnecessary and poorly implemented. \n \nPlayer11: \"Sailing? Really? This isn't the kind of content we wanted.\" \n \nPlayer12: \"They're just trying to distract us from the real issues. The game is falling apart, and this is what they give us?\" \n \nBack at Jagex headquarters, the once-thriving company now faces a bleak future. Financial losses mount as players lose confidence and membership subscriptions decline. Investors and stakeholders demand answers, but the company's leadership struggles to provide a clear path forward. \n \nJagex CEO: \"We need to address these issues head-on. Our reputation is at stake.\" \n \nBoard Member: \"It's not just about the game anymore. Our entire business model is under threat.\"", "pid": 470405063 }, { "sender": "F4FD-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:18:54\n\n>>470405063 \n \nIn a last-ditch effort to save the company, Jagex's leadership considers drastic measures. They explore options for restructuring, reaching out to potential buyers, and even contemplating shutting down the game temporarily to implement necessary fixes. \n \nJagex CEO: \"If we can't stabilize the game, we might not have a company left.\" \n \nInvestor: \"You need to act quickly. The longer this goes on, the harder it will be to recover.\" \n \nThe turmoil within RuneScape and Jagex serves as a powerful metaphor for the real-world challenges faced by tech companies under regulatory scrutiny. Just as moderators struggle to contain Durial321, regulators grapple with the influence of AI and tech giants, striving to balance innovation with oversight. \n \nMod Murdoch: \"This isn't just about one player or one event. It's about the integrity of the entire system.\" \n \nPlayer13: \"We need transparency and accountability. Without it, everything falls apart.\" \n \nAs the dust settles, the legacy of Durial321's rampage and the controversial introduction of Sailing leaves a lasting impact on both the game and the company. While Jagex fights to rebuild trust and stability, the events serve as a cautionary tale of the potential consequences of unchecked power and the importance of community engagement and transparency. \n---", "pid": 470405182 }, { "sender": "Anon-410B", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:21:20\n\n>>470405182 \n \nThe date is June 6, 2024. The once-thriving world of Gielinor in Old School RuneScape (OSRS) stands eerily quiet. The chaos of Durial321's rampage and the controversy over the introduction of the Sailing skill have left the game in shambles. Players have abandoned their accounts, leaving behind a digital wasteland. Now, only one player remains, determined to witness the end of an era. \n \nFinal OSRS Player (Ironman): \"I can't believe it's come to this. So many memories...\" \n \nThis last player, an avatar clad in a full set of dragon armor, walks through the desolate streets of Varrock, passing by the Grand Exchange. The market stalls are empty, the usual bustling activity replaced by silence. The player stops by the Grand Exchange, a place that once symbolized the heart of the community. \n \nFinal Player: \"This used to be the busiest spot in the game. Now, it's just... empty.\" \n \nAs the player navigates through familiar locations, memories flood back. The once vibrant and active RuneScape community now only exists in the player's mind. The echoes of laughter, the thrill of completing quests, the camaraderie during boss fights—all of it now just a nostalgic recollection. \n \nFinal Player: \"I remember meeting friends here, embarking on quests together. Now, it's just me.\" \n \nPassing through Falador, the player encounters the remnants of the massacre. The ground is littered with items, the aftermath of Durial321's notorious actions. Despite the emptiness, the significance of this location is not lost on the player. \n \nFinal Player: \"Durial321's rampage marked the beginning of the end. So much chaos...\"", "pid": 470405325 }, { "sender": "Anon-9561", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:23:36\n\n>>470405325 \n \nThe player makes their way to Edgeville, a place known for its proximity to the Wilderness and the danger it represented. It's a symbolic location for the final moments of a game defined by risk and reward. \n \nFinal Player: \"Edgeville. Where it all starts for many of us. PvP, the thrill of the Wilderness... it's fitting to end here.\" \n \nAs the player stands at the edge of the Wilderness, they open their inventory one last time, looking at the items collected over countless hours of gameplay. A tear forms in the corner of their eye as they realize this is truly the end. \n \nFinal Player: \"Goodbye, old friend. You gave us countless adventures and memories.\" \n \nWith a deep breath, the player presses the final command, initiating the logout process. The screen fades to black, and the last player is disconnected from the game, marking the end of Old School RuneScape. \n \nFinal Player: \"Farewell..... Gielinor....\" \n \nThe screen displays the logout message, and the game servers go dark. A chapter in gaming history has come to a close, leaving behind a legacy that will be remembered by all who ever set foot in the world of Gielinor. \n \n==Conclusion== \nThe final logout on June 6, 2024, symbolizes more than just the end of a game. It represents the conclusion of an era, a farewell to a community that once thrived within the digital confines of Old School RuneScape. The echoes of adventures, friendships, and battles will live on in the memories of those who played, a testament to the impact of this legendary game. \n-- \n \nEND", "pid": 470405459 }, { "sender": "1CB2-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:35:55\n\n>>470405459 \n \n>(its just a story)", "pid": 470406226 } ]
Why is he so hawkish on Russia?
[ { "sender": "Anon-C13D", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:10:17\n\nWhy is he so hawkish on Russia?\n\nHe does realise that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is an American proxy war to weaken the entirety of Eurasia right?", "pid": 470392412 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:12:57\n\n>>470392412 \nit is probably deserve it's own thread but I doubt anyone on pol is interested in politics... \n \nthere is a new 3h long interview with Putin... \nhe is being asked questions by journalists from all over the world... \n \nit is better than tucker interview in my opinon... \n \n \n \nthis is as good place to dump it as any other thread here...", "pid": 470392602 }, { "sender": "C95C-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:13:01\n\nHe's a homo married to a troon. And everyone knows it. So now he has to prove he's tough. It's basic psychology.", "pid": 470392605 }, { "sender": "0D7A-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:16:25\n\n>>470392602 \n>it is better than tucker interview \nthe Tucker interview was a shitshow and Putin flopped hard", "pid": 470392861 }, { "sender": "3449-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:17:30\n\n>>470392412 \nBecause every single european politician is a US puppet, every, single, one without exception.", "pid": 470392936 }, { "sender": "4426-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:19:27\n\n>>470392936 \nhow is the USA so fucking omnipotent? It's just amazing", "pid": 470393062 }, { "sender": "D899-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:20:31\n\n>>470392936 \n>>470393062 \n>jewish puppet", "pid": 470393133 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:21:46\n\n>>470392861 \nthe quality of answers depends on quality of questions... \n \nit is hard to wrap a piece of shit into a candy and sell it... \n \nyou country has been doing it through out it's history... so I understand why it is a difficult idea to grasp for you...", "pid": 470393229 }, { "sender": "Anon-44B6", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:21:51\n\n>>470393133 \ndoes that make you the puppet of a jewish puppet? \n", "pid": 470393240 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-429F", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:22:21\n\n>>470393229 \nwhy do you use that spacing?", "pid": 470393259 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:22:32\n\n>>470393133 \nusa / jews... \n \nwhat is the difference?..", "pid": 470393269 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:23:20\n\n>>470393259 \nto help you read it... \nI doubt that it is an easy thing to do for an american :D...", "pid": 470393336 }, { "sender": "7DFD-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:24:51\n\nBecause France's influence over countries in Africa is waning and is being replaced by Russia who's giving them better deals.\n\nA lot of African countries run on French Franks. It would be a big blow to the French currency if they were to lose their influence. It's why the US is so hawkish about maintaining the USD as the world reserve currency.\n\nIt's hyperinflation at home otherwise.", "pid": 470393448 }, { "sender": "FDE9-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:26:01\n\n>>470393336 \nyou could at least try to fit in better and not seem so new. but reddit spacing is all the rage with shills these days, for example>>470393448", "pid": 470393531 }, { "sender": "2ADE-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:26:32\n\n>>470392412 \nhe's too eager to push the red button", "pid": 470393575 }, { "sender": "2A9F-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:26:43\n\n>>470392412 \nThis is a zigger cope thread. You know what to do", "pid": 470393583 }, { "sender": "8A21-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:27:35\n\n>>470393531 \nEver heard of paragraphs? I've probably been in this website longer than you", "pid": 470393638 }, { "sender": "887F-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:28:26\n\n>>470393638 \nwhat's the old symbol for bump lying newfaggot?", "pid": 470393684 }, { "sender": "DE69-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:28:33\n\n>>470393575 \n>I will press it, ong I will press it", "pid": 470393694 }, { "sender": "Anon-E7B5", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:28:39\n\n>>470392412 \nhe keeps getting humiliated by putin. he was like the only western leader to travel to moscow before the conflict and he really thought he could change his mind. when putin attacked anyways, macron couldnt live it down. also the coups in africa were the french have had relations with since colonial times kicked the french out and let the russians in. \n \nhes also 5'7\" and married to a man. french leaders have this arrogant gaullist world view where ego is everything", "pid": 470393703 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D161", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:28:49\n\n>>470392602 \nIt's only in Russian. It's worthless.", "pid": 470393716 }, { "sender": "6A91-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:29:27\n\n>>470393062 \n>>470392605 \nYou accidently wrote US when you clearly meant Israel", "pid": 470393759 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0533", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:30:31\n\n>>470392602 \ndw it's still more interesting than this shit thread but we have to wait for english subtitles", "pid": 470393822 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2C29", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:31:05\n\n>>470392602 \nunfortunately in russian and auto translate sucks so far.", "pid": 470393851 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F52E", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:32:06\n\n>>470393759 \nI wrote USA silly shitskin", "pid": 470393920 }, { "sender": "7BCB-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:33:03\n\n>>470393822 \n \nclick \"CC\" then click settings then click auto translate then pick your language", "pid": 470393988 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-340A", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:34:05\n\n>>470392412 \nBecause he's larping as Napoleon. \nThe Atlantic alliance has been trying to cripple Russia for over 300 years. In all probability they will succeed but not with a cuckold like Micron. Micron will be sent to some shithole remote island like St. Helena like Napoleon after he fails.", "pid": 470394065 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:40:25\n\n>>470393716 \n>>470393822 \n>>470393851 \n \nI doubt there will be any... if anything this video might be deleted by youtube... \n \nkremlin usually posts translations for every interview they do... but it is in text form... \n \nthere are many interview by Putin... the reason I posted this fresh one is... the questions are good... and they are being asked not only by friendly countries... there are some interesting things...", "pid": 470394490 }, { "sender": "D614-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:41:35\n\n>>470392602 \n>whimpers at the nuclear attack question and accuses the media of this manufactured chain of reports \n>calls anyone that believes in Russian attack on NATO to be a real threat as thick and dumb as the table in front of him \nIn a reasonable world this absolute lack of posturing would be de-escalatory. But we're long past that point.", "pid": 470394580 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:45:21\n\n>>470394580 \nhe also pointed out how little power russian media has over western people... that we are simply unable to do misinformation campaigns even if we wanted to... \nthat we only tell our point of view and if west sees things differently all it has to do is to post their own version of events... \n \nanswers like that makes this interview very sobering... Many pro ukranian and pro western people here would benefit from listening to it...", "pid": 470394832 }, { "sender": "Anon-8BA9", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:45:56\n\n>>470393684 \nYou just put bump in the subject? Are you just making shit up now?", "pid": 470394868 }, { "sender": "Anon-7684", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:46:44\n\n>>470392412 \nBecause the piggybank of France in Africa is being taken over by Russia", "pid": 470394926 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:48:40\n\n>>470394926 \nit is more likely it is being taken by china... they invest a lot into africa... \nthey are building roads, airports and cities there...", "pid": 470395058 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-84D7", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:51:11\n\n>>470392412 \nIt's all business. The politics are the marketing", "pid": 470395246 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1982", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:53:05\n\n>>470394868 \nI knew you didn't know newfag", "pid": 470395379 }, { "sender": "Anon-C07D", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:53:18\n\n>>470392412 \nFrance is quite far away from Russia compared to the rest of europe. I mean, look at America. They love pissing Russia off and they're even further away.", "pid": 470395391 }, { "sender": "Anon-E939", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:58:23\n\n>>470392412 \nNATOs strategy is to fill up all of their vital urban areas with niggers and other brown people, and then play nuclear chicken with an actual white state.", "pid": 470395765 }, { "sender": "Anon-A219", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:59:34\n\n>>470394832 \nIt is sobering indeed, just not in the way you believe it is. \n>people would potentially benefit from listening \nThe information war is won by the west by default. The cynics that you'll manage to \"convince\" don't want to care about this conflict to begin with. \nAll this interview shows to the war hawks in the west is that they're moving in the right direction. The US kikes want nothing short of Cold war 2 (they never stopped the first one) and this retarded boomer keeps pleading for understanding of the true chain of events. It comes from objective weakness, otherwise he wouldn't have repeated himself for over two decades. This is how they perceive it and this interview entices them to push the government even closer to the corner and overextend itself. \n", "pid": 470395853 }, { "sender": "A477-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:01:14\n\n>>470392412 \nNo its continuous war against hyt baby fucking fake e president and Zionist agents", "pid": 470395967 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:08:14\n\n>>470395853 \nPutin was and probably still is a very pro western politician... \nwhen you see him and his actions through that many things he does becomes understandable... \n \nthe west in deep crisis and it won't get better any time soon... we do have a chance to survive this... but even if we fall... it won't be the first time... those fuckers never did that before... if they collapse who knows what will happen... \n \nthe guy from your video is hilarious... also jewish... what are the odds... kek...", "pid": 470396435 }, { "sender": "5A2A-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:22:01\n\n>>470396435 \nNo one cares about understanding Putin, nigger. Not when he can't even come publicly to the most basic understandings as for why this antagonization is in place. Not when he ate up all the classic liberal UN-centric ideology hook, line and sinker and is thoroughly confused at the state of the world. \nPutin has nothing to say and he has nothing to offer, and yet that's what he STILL hopes for. He's being openly told that he needs to be hanged and Russia should cease to exist and he refers you to the UN charter telling you that you're confused as actually, he's legally in the right. \n>muh \"we will bury you\" \nThe US doesn't have a single reason to collapse and neither does NATO. No, the \"will of the people\" is irrelevant to this equation no matter how much libtards try to write it in in the history books.", "pid": 470397346 }, { "sender": "6D48-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:28:56\n\n>>470394490 \nthanks, didn't think of that \n>>470393822 \n \n>>470393988 \nauto translation was unbearable", "pid": 470397810 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:30:17\n\n>>470397346 \nwe should care about understanding Putin at very least because he is the one who forms our political elite... if he is a pro western politician he selects pro western government... \n \nthis ultimately what limits his ability to act today... most of our political elite still has hopes that things will become \"normal\" again... \n \nWhen Putin refers to laws an UN he is not doing that for the west... he is doing it for the rest of the world that listens to those things very carefully... \n \nthey do have quite a few reasons to collapse... the most popular based on the american explanation why Soviet Union collapsed... \nthey explain our collapse by us overextending our resources... I do not agree with that... we collapsed because of political elites... \nBut that what US does today... they overextend at the time when they are not able to afford it... And their political elites are incredibly unqualified to lead in times like this... \n \nif US collapses... nato... eu... those become non existent...", "pid": 470397878 }, { "sender": "Anon-788C", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:34:09\n\n>>470392605 \nNo, it's because he has raped children and Russia knows it. Russian jews sold the kids, and they're willing to blow the whole op up on the other kikes and golems because the other kikes and golems are saying the quiet shit out loud too often.", "pid": 470398121 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:37:36\n\n>>470398121 \nwhy would he buy russian kids when there are cheaper ukranian ones?..", "pid": 470398340 }, { "sender": "54D6-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:40:12\n\n>>470392412 \n>an American proxy war \nWho is he working for according to you ? Until the last french i", "pid": 470398509 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D9A7", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:40:18\n\n>>470393229 \nyou're mentally retarded", "pid": 470398518 }, { "sender": "C4A5-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:40:59\n\n>>470392412 \nBeing a wartime president is a guaranteed popularity raise. He seeks to stay in power, that's all.", "pid": 470398551 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A696", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:42:17\n\n>>470393062 \nBlackmail, threats. \nIf those don't work, destroying energy infrastucture.", "pid": 470398641 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:42:54\n\n>>470398518 \nif I was you would not have replied to me...", "pid": 470398690 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6BA", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:43:53\n\n>>470392412 \nHe needs a distraction from his own unpopular internal policies.", "pid": 470398762 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E58E", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:45:18\n\n>>470392412 \nRussia is fucking with france's empire in west africa. It relies on that empire for its energy. Yes france is gonna fuck over russia in response. That will include french troops in ukraine.", "pid": 470398878 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4E87", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:10:08\n\n>>470392412 \nhis masters told him", "pid": 470400589 }, { "sender": "D9A5-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:11:43\n\n>>470392412 \nLike anything macron do. Pure communication. \nRemember we were the only big western power to sent a delegation to putin inauguration. It's all just communication.", "pid": 470400677 }, { "sender": "Anon-50EB", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:14:10\n\nhe wants us dead\n\nwe will be conscripted and pushed into the meat grinder just like ukrainians & russians", "pid": 470400837 }, { "sender": "982B-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:15:46\n\n>Why is he so hawkish on Russia? \nBecause Russia hates gays. \nJK, it's because Russia is a threat to the NWO", "pid": 470400964 }, { "sender": "9661-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:41:03\n\n>>470397346 \n>The US doesn't have a single reason to collapse and neither does NATO \n \nSuka, ya ele-ele mogu pozvolit sebe kupit pishchu, ya tol'ko pozavchera kupil sodu i buterbrod za 24 dollara, suka. Eto byl samyy deshovi magazin gde samye bolshie skidki. Ya tol'ko rabotayu seychas na pishchu.", "pid": 470402743 }, { "sender": "30C2-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:52:05\n\nContaining Russia would be a huge prestige bump for France, especially given how wishy-washy Germany and the UK have been on the issue.", "pid": 470403474 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8E3C", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:56:09\n\n>>470403474 \n \nAlso, for a few centuries already France has had a bit of a soft spot for Russia. My guess is that Macron wants to contribute to French people reconsidering their highly romanticized view of Russia.", "pid": 470403729 }, { "sender": "E4F8-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:15:36\n\n>>470392412 \n>American proxy war \nkek \noh yes sure it is \nas much as i am eskimo from south pole", "pid": 470404967 }, { "sender": "Anon-3FAC", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:16:35\n\n>>470392602 \n>posts link in subhuman \nclassic toilet cleaner lol", "pid": 470405029 }, { "sender": "7A8B-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:17:36\n\n>>470403474 \n>>470403729 \nja. \nle president of la france is like poolish hoosar you knoooo? both mighty and strong. and smart.", "pid": 470405087 }, { "sender": "...", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:40:36\n\n>>470405029 \nthere is no other version of this... unfortunately...", "pid": 470406525 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-9303", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:12:10\n\nSomalia is white?", "pid": 470392546 }, { "sender": "Anon-7FCA", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:13:34\n\nMorroco and Turkey have also applied in the past and got rejected, I don't get why non European countries even try lmao", "pid": 470392648 }, { "sender": "CED7-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:14:17\n\n>>470392546 \nSomalians are just white people born during the night from parents who also had sex during the night, that's why their skin is black", "pid": 470392699 }, { "sender": "A21F-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:14:19\n\na bunch of lightbulb heads heading their way soon lmao\n\nlook at me look at me i am the european now", "pid": 470392700 }, { "sender": "Anon-1057", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:15:48\n\n>>470392546 \nall people originally were europeans and devolved into niggers or mongoloids.", "pid": 470392810 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AFC2", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:16:20\n\n>>470392810", "pid": 470392856 }, { "sender": "8F5D-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:16:54\n\n>>470392546 \nThey're just dark-skinned arabs, I wouldn't call them black necessarily. That's why sickle cell isn't a problem with them as much. They obviously aren't White, but something other than them simply being mixed African-Arab is going on.", "pid": 470392898 }, { "sender": "A119-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:17:00\n\n>>470392648 \nTurkey and Georgia can join the EU if you stretch the definition harder than a gymnast", "pid": 470392905 }, { "sender": "E989-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:18:03\n\n>>470392898 \nOther Africans hate Somalis cause Somalis consider themselves superior to Congo jungle nigs and have been slaughtering them and enslaving for centuries", "pid": 470392975 }, { "sender": "AC4D-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:18:52\n\n>>470392700", "pid": 470393021 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E365", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:19:22\n\n>>470392905 \nTurkey got rejected by France and Germany because they were (and still are) too culturally distinct from the rest of the EU, Georgia may be able to join because they're an orthodox country but Turkey will NEVER join period.", "pid": 470393057 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0376", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:19:35\n\n>>470392905 \nLOL \n", "pid": 470393075 }, { "sender": "A7F4-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:21:37\n\n>>470393057 \nThats why I said you have to really stretch the definition to its limits", "pid": 470393210 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8901", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:24:24\n\n>>470393021 \nkek", "pid": 470393417 }, { "sender": "20DE-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:25:04\n\n>>470392546 \n>Africans are now just out right pretending to be white. \n \nFuck this world.", "pid": 470393467 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9B6C", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:33:05\n\n>>470392546 \nI've met bomalian guy he wasn't pavement nigger honestly I'd prefer them over albanians.", "pid": 470393991 }, { "sender": "44D7-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:44:44\n\n>>470392546 \nThis news is bullshit btw", "pid": 470394790 }, { "sender": "C96B-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:46:50\n\n>>470393991 \nMore blacks for Slavshit lands", "pid": 470394933 }, { "sender": "174C-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 00:48:17\n\n>>470392546 \nWallah its true we will lead the EU let us in or i will cut off your hands.", "pid": 470395038 }, { "sender": "4396-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:09:45\n\n>>470392546 \nThey should invite whites to their country first.", "pid": 470396537 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F990", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:12:22\n\n>>470392546 \nLook at me LOOK AT ME \nIm in the EU now", "pid": 470396680 }, { "sender": "Anon-69F3", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:17:49\n\n>>470392546 \nWE WUZ DA REAL CAUCASIANS N SHIET", "pid": 470397060 }, { "sender": "7981-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:19:20\n\n>>470392546 \nWhy doesn't he make an African union with his African buddies?", "pid": 470397167 }, { "sender": "A674-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:24:44\n\n>caucasian brothers \nhow pathetic is this", "pid": 470397531 }, { "sender": "Anon-B94A", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:29:54\n\nImagine being a BBC somalian living in Mogadishu. Just chew Khat and smoke weed all day, shoot at rival gangs with your AK47, drift around in your toyota truck in the desert, and at the end of the day fuck some hot lightskin arab hijabi bitches with big asses from african genes. That would be the life...", "pid": 470397861 }, { "sender": "32D1-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:31:01\n\nI hate zoomalis so much I want to rape and kill every zoomali child and man", "pid": 470397929 }, { "sender": "D1D5-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:32:12\n\n>>470392546 \n>pic \nSeeing the Bonnie Blue next to the EU fagflag is some shit", "pid": 470398008 }, { "sender": "7C26-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:33:48\n\n>>470396680 \nkek", "pid": 470398105 }, { "sender": "0B17-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:39:12\n\n>>470393057 \nThat makes no sense, Turkey is just a bigger Albania and Albania has been in talks of joining.", "pid": 470398442 }, { "sender": "8469-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:40:25\n\n>>470398442 \n>in talks of joining \nso has turkey, \"in talks\" means nothing", "pid": 470398526 }, { "sender": "088E-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:41:12\n\n>>470392975 \nNot true, somalis did engage in slavery but were a civilizing force that spread inventions like the beden (woven boat) and helped the bantus trade with asia. \n \nThe somalis built aquaducts in the ajuuraan period too. \n \nThe somalis were instrumental in keeping portugal out of upper east africa, and nearly drove out the british and italians when they invaded in the 1800s until the jewish amhara (ruling class of ethiopia) entered the war on the euro side. \n \nThe somalis were a civilizing force that, if spread further pre-colonialism, could have changed africa's destiny. \n \nPeople are jealous that picrel is soon.", "pid": 470398567 }, { "sender": "6AB4-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:41:56\n\n>>470392546 \nWhat does the E in EU stand for?", "pid": 470398623 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FC12", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:42:43\n\n>>470398442 \nthats the point, but Turkey would be the biggest country in the EU \nnoone is going to accept that", "pid": 470398673 }, { "sender": "3506-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:42:48\n\n>>470397167 \nSomalians aren't racially or culturally subsaharans. They're closer to Arabs.", "pid": 470398680 }, { "sender": "D01F-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:44:25\n\n>>470398673 \nThe biggest country in the EUROPEAN union being non european would be funny, it would prove how this project is all nonsense anyways", "pid": 470398808 }, { "sender": "Anon-A74A", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:44:28\n\n>>470392546 \nReminder that the inventors of the terms Caucasian/Aryan viewed Somalis as Caucasian and Pakistanis as Arkansas but Russians were Mongoloids like Asians.", "pid": 470398811 }, { "sender": "C07F-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:45:13\n\n>>470397861 \nYeah, a short one.", "pid": 470398874 }, { "sender": "B253-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:48:27\n\n>>470393057 \nturkey has more blondes. makes no sense it shouldnt be in UE", "pid": 470399112 }, { "sender": "E5A5-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:49:01\n\n>>470392699 \nIt's also why their heads are shaped like lightbulbs. Nature's way of trying to counter all that darkness", "pid": 470399149 }, { "sender": "67AC-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 01:56:11\n\n>>470392546 \nHAHAHAHAHA! MY FUCKING SIDES! argentina moment!", "pid": 470399630 }, { "sender": "B761-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:01:25\n\n>>470393057 \n>too culturally distinct from the rest of the EU \nNot true at all. It's because the EU is a white christian club. A muslim country will never be part of it.", "pid": 470399971 }, { "sender": "Anon-A101", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:04:49\n\n>>470392546 \nis this satire?", "pid": 470400220 }, { "sender": "027F-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:07:16\n\n>>470399112 \nin the real human meat world turkey is a brown, muslim, non european country", "pid": 470400394 }, { "sender": "9DC9-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:13:44\n\n>>470399971 \n>christian. \nMore like kike entity. Unless you talk about \"europe\" and not \"european union\" when saying eu", "pid": 470400798 }, { "sender": "6CCC-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:15:06\n\nWhy bother joining NATO? Ukraine proved you don't need membership to get free help from the west.", "pid": 470400903 }, { "sender": "023C-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:16:19\n\n>>470392546 \n>Somalia is white? \nNo, don't be daft, somali's are literally the worst", "pid": 470400988 }, { "sender": "Anon-9EBC", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:17:32\n\n>>470392648 \nEveryone wants to sit with the cool kids", "pid": 470401078 }, { "sender": "FC8B-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:18:23\n\n>>470392648 \nLOL. The bigger question is why are somalis so delusional?", "pid": 470401136 }, { "sender": "B773-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:19:34\n\nThey’re whiter than Europe at this point so sure", "pid": 470401218 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-008E", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:30:19\n\n>>470399971 \nNoone tell him about France.....", "pid": 470401950 }, { "sender": "Anon-4C6E", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:31:42\n\n>>470400394 \noh", "pid": 470402038 }, { "sender": "8337-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:32:14\n\n>>470392546 \n>\"apart of\" \nWhy did everybody on the internet get hit with a retard stick and start misusing the word 'apart'?", "pid": 470402077 }, { "sender": "215B-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:32:34\n\nHAVE YOU TAKEN THE EAST AFRICAN CUSH PILL YET ANONS???????????????????????????????? \n \n \n>BLOODLINE OF NIMROD, THE GREATEST HUNTER EVER SEEN - EVERY ELITE IN THE WORLD WORSPHIS NIMROD \n \n>NIMDROD WAS THE KING OF BABYLON, EVERY CUMSKIN REPTIALIAN SHAPESHIFITNG KIKE WISHES THEY COULD BUILD A CIVILISATION AS POWERFUL \n \n>RASTAFARIANS WORSHIPE HALLE SAILASSIE, DECENDENT OF KING SOLOMON, FROM ETHIOPIA AKA EAST AFRICA AKA CUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \n \n>SEVERAL CUSHITE PHAOROS \n \n>SEVERAL SOMALI WORDS INTERLINKED WITH AICNENT KEMITIC WORDS - WADAAD \n \n>PWNTLAND = LAND OF GODS, WHERE THE PHAROAS SAID WAS WHERE THEIR ANCESTORS CAME FROM, IS IN NORTHEN SOMALIA AKA CUSH \n \n>THE MOST MYSTERIOUS RACE ON THE PLANET, HIGHLY INFLUENCETIAL IN SPIRITIAL HISTORICAL MAGIKS \n \n>LAND OF THE POETS, LAND OF THE OLDESTS PEOPLE, LAND OF THE TALL MEN, LAND OF THE GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \n \n>>BEGINNERS OF CHRISTANITY AND ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM AND JEWDAISM WERE JUST POLTICIAL SYSTEM TO THEM - YOU COULD SWITCH MIX AND MATCH AT WILL \n \n>ORIGINAL KA'BA WAS WHITE AND IN YEMEN AKA EAST AFRICA AKA CUSH!!!! WHITE CUMSKIN REPTILIAN DEMON KIKES TOOK IT!!! \n \n>ETHIOPIANS BIBLE PREDATES CUM SKINS KIKES BIBLES \n \n>BEGINNER OF THE BARBARIAN CULTURE( BARBARA IN NORTHEN SOMALIA), FIRST EVER SEA FAIRING CULTURE ( SOMALI PIRATES ), AINCENT HIGH TRADE LINKS TO ASIA FROM THE RIVER \n \n> TRADE LINES TO INDIA - POPULATED INDIAN CULTURE - ((((INDO CUSH)))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \n \n>WADANKA IN SOMALIA = CITY = WAKANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "pid": 470402099 }, { "sender": "5D51-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:33:25\n\n>>470398623 \nEstrogen", "pid": 470402235 }, { "sender": "Anon-7BE1", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:36:32\n\n>>470398567 \nSomeone redo this pic related but with Minnesota", "pid": 470402439 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C1DB", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:37:36\n\n>>470398808 \nbut thats not happening, for that reason alone", "pid": 470402508 }, { "sender": "Anon-EB7C", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:38:08\n\n>>470392546 \nI hate these niggers so much I ended up loving them. \n \nLike from a far distance, my uncle went there in 1990s and before him my grandpa. \n \nThey are truly nasty human beings, hated even by the rest of africans. \n \nThey are so fucking mongoloids that we were forced to write their own dictionary. \n \nAlso, the italian words they use are amazing. they sound stereotypically niggerish.", "pid": 470402535 }, { "sender": "Anon-2083", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:40:08\n\nMinnesotans love Somalian cock they can't get enough of it infact alot of minnesotans have swedish ancestry so it only makes sense That swedish girls prefer big Somalian BBC.", "pid": 470402680 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5A39", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:54:21\n\n>>470402680 \nlol someone got their feefees hurt, you sad little nigger.", "pid": 470403614 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9403", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:59:11\n\n>>470403614 \nWe will soon conquer Minnesota and make the cucked swedish Minnesotan watch", "pid": 470403922 }, { "sender": "2311-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:03:13\n\n>>470398567 \nYou're the worst of the worst in Northern Europe", "pid": 470404181 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B140", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:24:54\n\nSomalia doesn't even qualify as a country. It's a failed state that is in the process of being conquered by its neighbors (mainly Ethiopia)", "pid": 470405526 }, { "sender": "8CF9-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:29:42\n\n>>470399149 \nfucking kek", "pid": 470405822 }, { "sender": "F01A-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:43:35\n\nThem and Eritreans have some weird amount of caucas DNA for some reason. I don’t remember what the deal is", "pid": 470406724 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C7B", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:43:39\n\n>>470392546 \nThe Cushitic are indeed Caucasian. I don't believe they have the qualifications of being European, they're better off reforming the Aksum Kingdom.", "pid": 470406728 } ]
[ { "sender": "D200-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:53:48\n\nCANADA COLLAPSE: COMPETENCY CRISIS EDITION\n\n>a small shitty water pipe breaks \n>a bit of water leaks out \n>OMG OMG THIS IS A CRITICAL WATER MAIN BREAK! \n>OMG GO... I MEAN DALI... I MEAN CITIZEN! THIS HASN'T HAPPENED EVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY! YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY EXPECT US TO DO OUR JOB WITH REASONABLE EXPECTATION OF COMPETENCY OR SKILL OR STICKING TO A BUDGET! WE INCREASE YOUR PROPERTY TAXES SO WE CAN WEAR FAG COLORED SHOULDER MARKS AFTER ALL! \nJesus Christ, can this shithole fall any further than this? \n", "pid": 470403579 }, { "sender": "6896-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:55:38\n\n>>470403579 \nKek at the shoulder ribbons. Just kill me", "pid": 470403695 }, { "sender": "F9E6-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:56:11\n\n>>470403579 \n>rainbow insignia \nlol Canada is lost forever, just let the chinks and pajeets take over.", "pid": 470403733 }, { "sender": "Anon-476A", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:57:43\n\n>>470403695 \nCanada is ruled by faggots and pedophiles.", "pid": 470403816 }, { "sender": "9782-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:00:43\n\n>>470403579 \nTOTAL WORTHLESS NIGGER NOTES", "pid": 470404022 }, { "sender": "0F95-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:03:12\n\n>>470403695 \nNo. Please just shoot me in the head. It's over here", "pid": 470404178 }, { "sender": "Anon-F805", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:03:52\n\n>>470403579 \n>pajeeta news reporter covers lesbian karen municipal government's inefficiency and irresponsibility in fixing crumbling infrastructure \n \ni can confirm this is canada", "pid": 470404229 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3256", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:04:27\n\n>>470403579 \nLol I live in downtown Calgary and today all city is on alarm. The disaster has not been seen before, lol", "pid": 470404263 }, { "sender": "DBAC-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:04:56\n\n>>470404022 \nwhats her story again? she went to a movie theater or something? lol", "pid": 470404294 }, { "sender": "C5E8-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:05:58\n\n>>470404263 \nthis city is a shithole now and theres a fuck ton of recent ontarian plants talking about how \"we\" need a pst", "pid": 470404359 }, { "sender": "1FC4-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:12:57\n\nSo I can't help but notice there's a hatch slightly upstream of where the water broke to the surface... Theoretically is it possible for someone (possibly a troon in all black clothing) to throw something down this hatch in order to somehow damage said water main? I can only imagine what that \"something\" must be to cause such damage to a steel reinforced concrete water main...", "pid": 470404799 }, { "sender": "1FBE-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:13:30\n\n>>470404178 \nA rabid jeet will probably do it anyway.", "pid": 470404840 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D00F", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:14:33\n\n>>470403579 \n>water main break? \n>call the fashion police", "pid": 470404903 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5375", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:14:38\n\n>>470404840 \nYeah the jeets are planning to firebomb stuff on Canada day in their telegram groups", "pid": 470404906 }, { "sender": "F459-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:17:55\n\n>>470403579 \n>it's all women bureaucrats talking \n>at least two different women talking have lgbt symbols on their uniforms \n>woman reporter is non-white indian", "pid": 470405108 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3A33", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:18:08\n\n>>470403579 \nEvery person in this video is a fucking foid.", "pid": 470405123 }, { "sender": "2F1A-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:18:12\n\n>>470403579 \n>Jesus Christ, can this shithole fall any further than this? \nSure! Wait until vaccine injuries start piling up. \n>In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. \n>Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. \n>We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. \n>These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. \n>We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. \n>We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health. \n", "pid": 470405131 }, { "sender": "B4F4-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:19:45\n\n>>470403695 \nThis. Also I legit can't tell whether that half native mutt is male or female.", "pid": 470405232 }, { "sender": "Anon-BCC8", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:22:04\n\n>>470403579 \nIs that her rank on her shoulders? LGBTQ commander?", "pid": 470405364 }, { "sender": "5469-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:26:04\n\n>import a trillion jeets \n>plumbing doesn't work anymore \npottery", "pid": 470405594 }, { "sender": "A308-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:26:49\n\n>>470404359 \nYeah, I know \n \nI just want to get rich and go live far from people \nCanada is completely lost, it used to be a heaven on earth", "pid": 470405643 }, { "sender": "D612-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:27:47\n\n>>470403579 \nI couldn't even watch the video with that streetshitter narrating. Are there enough white guys around to even fix that pipe anymore?", "pid": 470405696 }, { "sender": "78E9-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:27:59\n\nI genuinely hope this shithole country gets nuked", "pid": 470405709 }, { "sender": "5284-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:28:27\n\n>>470405364 \nKek! Pretty much...", "pid": 470405742 }, { "sender": "Anon-C694", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:29:45\n\n>>470405364 \n“I am the clit commander”", "pid": 470405825 }, { "sender": "Anon-1187", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:36:50\n\n>>470403579 \nTrading having a skilled workforce for being able to tell everyone you dress like a woman and take it up the ass is going to be looked at by future historians with a sense of whimsy and derision. \n \nOh how they shall laugh at our carefree and decadent ways, much like we laugh at videos of dogs rolling in shit while their owners swear and curse away, safe in the knowledge we’re not the ones who will have to clean it up.", "pid": 470406288 }, { "sender": "3A96-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:37:50\n\n>>470405643 \n>it used to be a heaven on earth \ncompared to now. yeah", "pid": 470406349 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-84E2", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:41:46\n\n>>470403695 \nWe're no better off. \n \n\\_yLytw", "pid": 470406594 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7EBB", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:42:00\n\n>>470403579 \nThere wasn't a single comment about those fucking epaulets. If she can wear that I should be able to wear a white pride hat.", "pid": 470406612 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6B3C", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:42:57\n\n>>470404294 \nShe committed fraud.", "pid": 470406686 }, { "sender": "Anon-4CC5", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:43:52\n\nI believe that Canada will rise again. \n\n", "pid": 470406737 }, { "sender": "FB07-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:43:59\n\n>>470405364 \nThis should be a chargeable offense.", "pid": 470406745 }, { "sender": "AE94-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:46:25\n\n>>470404906 \nCSIS has all their phones tapped btw. Jeets have 0 opsec.", "pid": 470406910 }, { "sender": "5FD0-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:48:50\n\n>>470406910 \nlol raw sucks a their job a lot worse than our glow niggers", "pid": 470407062 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A543", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:49:44\n\n>>470405364 \nCommander of the Child Grooming Battalion.", "pid": 470407129 } ]
If Castro is his father
[ { "sender": "Anon-E4A2", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:05:51\n\nIf Castro is his father\n\nThen why isn't Justin cool?", "pid": 470404352 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-08CE", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:10:25\n\n>>470404352 \nHe is what Castro would've been under Canadian culture, charter of rights and freedoms, and Parliament laws. Also all dictators are massive cowards so he fits thats category too.", "pid": 470404648 }, { "sender": "Vote third party", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:12:07\n\n>>470404352 \nA war with bullets sierras and ded yankees makes you cool", "pid": 470404762 }, { "sender": "77C6-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:15:28\n\n>>470404352 \nFidel had faggots, junkies, and pimps lined up for the firing squad. Crazy how someone woke like trudeau can idolize the complete opposite of canadian values", "pid": 470404963 }, { "sender": "FACB-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:17:38\n\n>>470404352 \n \nBecause he was raised by pretentious leaf liberals and his cuck father. Is it any wonder he's a pussy?", "pid": 470405090 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E358", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:17:52\n\nDestroying Canada makes him pretty cool.", "pid": 470405105 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C0C9", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:31:30\n\n>>470404963 \nThey are very simular, just using different techniques. Fidel grabbed power by being feared. Trudeau grabbed power by being a faggot and taking a jewish dick up his pussy.", "pid": 470405940 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD9B", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:56:56\n\n>>470404352 \nHe was a sandnigger and a KANG, so he was as gay and cringe as (((Trudeau))). \n \n \n \nThe Bourbon Two Sicilies inherited the titles of Dukes of Castro from the Farneses. The communist Castros of Cuba are from the Spanish Castro noble family who also had an Italian branch that gave the name to Castro Italy ruled by the Dukes of Castro. The Castros of Cuba are Jesuit educated. The Farneses officially established the Jesuits as a military order of the Vatican. Jesuits have been stealing American military technology and giving it to the Russians. \n \n(the Pentagon was inspired by Villa Farnese)", "pid": 470407617 } ]
Raping they family
[ { "sender": "7AA2-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:34:36\n\nRaping they family\n\n>Black residents were 7 times more likely than White residents to report family-related felony rape. \n>Black women and girls in particular were 6.6 times more likely than White women and girls, and 3 times more likely than other New York City residents, to report family-related felony rape. \n>Hispanic women and girls were 3.2 times more likely than other NYC residents to report family-related felony rape. \n>Notably, Hispanic women and girls were 7 times more likely than White women and girls to report family-related felony rape. \n>Asian/Pacific Islander and White residents were 2.9 and 4.2 times less likely, respectively, than other NYC residents to report family-related felony rape. \nWhy spics and these negros be raping they is own family and shieet?", "pid": 470406131 }, { "sender": "5A28-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:35:46\n\n>>470406131 \nYes despite all the \"SWEEET HOME ALABAMA!\" jokes yanks like to make, niggers are doing the incesting. \nI remember an old video on YT of a black dude talking about how he saw it all around him, older male relatives molesting younger female ones. His aunt apparently raped his younger brother.", "pid": 470406215 }, { "sender": "B708-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:39:40\n\n>>470406131 \nSo much for Cleetus having a monopoly on incest. \nI know this is anecdotal but I've personally met two Black dudes who casually let it slip that they were fucking their own aunt. Lol. \nSaid it like it wasn't the grossest shit imaginable.", "pid": 470406450 }, { "sender": "Anon-47F2", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:49:08\n\n>>470406450 \nThis is with them labeling retards like this white btw. This guy was from 4chan. Literally fucking his 12 year old sister in the mouth.", "pid": 470407084 }, { "sender": "06CE-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:50:15\n\n>>470406131 \nSource?", "pid": 470407169 }, { "sender": "Anon-BF92", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:53:18\n\n>>470407169 \n", "pid": 470407376 }, { "sender": "D114-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:55:43\n\nUndoing racism is an essential part of intimate partner-related homicide prevention; and uncovering the\nracial disparities in intimate partner-related homicides and working to explain the structural and historic\npolicies and practices that drive them is a first essential step (Bassett & Graves, 2018). These disparities\nhave persisted in NYC, signaling the deep, structural roots of racism. To reduce the impact of intimate\npartner violence, interventions must be developed and implemented to address these deeply rooted\nsystems of oppression.\n\nWhitey thought this wasn't his issue. Think again, racist.", "pid": 470407538 }, { "sender": "E28E-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:56:42\n\n>>470406450 \n>So much for Cleetus having a monopoly on incest. \ndead meme that was never alive to begin with. Pushed by Jewlywood and the kike media.", "pid": 470407600 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-123E", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:58:25\n\n>>470406131 \nare you telling me to rape my family to out reproduce niggers?", "pid": 470407712 } ]
[ { "sender": "A8C9-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:25:38\n\nTHE BRAZILIAN MAGNETIC ANOMALY IS EXPANDING\n\nThe brazilian magnetic anomaly is a mysterious phenomenon that makes Brazil a 'hole' in the Earth's magnetic field. This has been known since the 1950s, when scientists realized gravity was stronger in Brazil and moon rays turned us into giant apes. However, the situation is turning dire, since the brazilian anomaly had began to unexplicably grow even faster that the Earth's magnetic field in the anomaly weakens.\n\nIt looks as if Brazil is punching a fist through the Earth's magnetic field and sucking everything in like a whirlpool. The anomaly that only extended to the sea is now approaching South USA and may reach Europe by the end of the decade. This might culminate into a shift of the Earth's magnetic poles.\n\nWhy is this happening, and why are brazilians taking down the Earth's magnetic field, threatening all communications and electric distribution? Won't brazilians realize they are going to send Earth back to the dark ages?", "pid": 470401657 }, { "sender": "EA28-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:29:17\n\n>>470401657 \nThe veil is being lifted.", "pid": 470401878 }, { "sender": "A5C2-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 02:34:21\n\n>>470401657 \n \nThis is HAARP radiation bouncing off the macacosphere", "pid": 470402287 }, { "sender": "43FA-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:01:05\n\n>>470401657 \nCommunication disruption can only mean one thing......", "pid": 470404044 }, { "sender": "AC57-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:05:25\n\n>>470401657 \nNo, not the bunda!", "pid": 470404325 }, { "sender": "DBD2-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:24:52\n\n>>470401657 \nI for one miss our comfy yellow golden sunlight. This harsh ass white spotlight sunlight fucking sucks. Used to be able to look at the sun for minutes without issue, now you can't even look at the sun for 10 seconds without pain.", "pid": 470405522 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B9AC", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:29:48\n\nBrazilian HAARP", "pid": 470405829 }, { "sender": "Anon-BDC8", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:33:15\n\n>>470401657 \nBased Brazil. Thank you for churasco.", "pid": 470406043 }, { "sender": "Anon-1E60", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:33:54\n\nIt’s all the degenerate troon faggotry that has offended the Lord God.\n\n Look at the epicenter of the “magnetic anomaly”.\nIt’s over São Paulo and Rio…Troon Ground Zero.\n\n The Lord has lifted his Protective Hand from that damned region and is about to smite those faggots with His Mighty Pimp Hand.\n\n There will be wails and cries and gnashing of teeth among those devil-worshipping perverts…", "pid": 470406084 }, { "sender": "A21A-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:37:12\n\n>>470401657 \nIf you don't come to Brazil, Brazil will come for you. Simple as.", "pid": 470406309 }, { "sender": "5983-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:40:27\n\n>90% of it is right above Paraguay and Argentina \n>\"the Brazilian anomaly\"", "pid": 470406512 }, { "sender": "C540-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:41:16\n\n>>470406309 \n>pic \nKino as fuck. \nMe arrodillo.", "pid": 470406567 }, { "sender": "FD8D-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:45:54\n\nIt is the gate anon, prepare to disappear. thread song \n", "pid": 470406877 }, { "sender": "7CF5-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 03:58:03\n\nA magnetic anomaly just flew over my shack!!!!", "pid": 470407685 } ]