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Start is connected with Are you happy? which is then connected with both Good and Want to be happy?
Lamp doesn't work is connected with Lamp plugged in? which if Lamp plugged in? is No then Plug in lamp and if Lamp plugged in? is Yes then Lamp plugged in?. If Lamp plugged in? is Yes then Replace bulb and if Lamp plugged in? is No then PRINT K.
Identify the Change is connected with Engineering Change request Approval which is then connected with Approval. If Approval is Rejected then Engineering Change request Approval and if Approval is Approved then Engineering Change Order Approval which is further connected with Change Implementation which is finally connected with Engineering Change Release Note.
Start is connected with Pull Customer Invoice from Stack which is then connected with Does Invoice have a Purchase Order#?. If Does Invoice have a Purchase Order#? is No then Contract Purchaser for Information which is then connected with Verify Order and if Does Invoice have a Purchase Order#? is Yes then Verify Order which is then connected with ID match. ID match is connected with Amounts Match?. If Amounts Match? is Yes then Send Invoice to Processing and if Amounts Match? is No then Discrepancy Merit Investigating? which is then connected with File complaint which is further connected with Investigate and Rectify which is finally connected with Amounts Match?
Application Start is connected with Close other apps which is then connected with Update Game which is further connected with Render game state onto window. Render game state onto window is connected with Process events from window which is then connected with Does game lag? which if Does game lag? is Yes then Update Game and if Does game lag? is No then Application Shutdown.
Reviewer is connected with Taking feedback from others which is then connected with Final comments which is further connected with Document selection. Document selection is connected with Selection rounds which is further connected with Introduction, Coding Test, Tech Interview, and HR Interview.
If Arrival is Periodically release then update and if Incoming is Can be batched to form then Update.
Start is connected with Read A, which is then connected with Read B. Read B is connected with Calculate sum as A + B, which is then connected with Print Sum which is finally connected with the End.
Hans Albert Einstein is Son of Mileva Mariac and Albert Einstein. Mileva Maric is wife of Albert Einstein and Albert Einstein is son of Hermann Einstein. Also, Albert Einstein was born in German Empire.
Start-up is connected with Input variables which is then connected with Operator which is further connected with Main function. Main function is connected with MPU WDT1 setup which is then connected with Configuration which is finally connected with Finish.
Data process is connected with Degree calculation which is then connected with Area calculation which is further connected with Similarity calculation. Similarity calculation is connected with Core calculation which is connected with Dimension expansion which is finally connected with Finish.
Start is connected with Door Bell which is then connected with Ready to Get Up?. If Ready to Get Up? is NO then Ignore bell which is then connected with Relay which is further connected with Door Bell and if Ready to Get Up? is YES then Wakeup which is then connected with End.
Start is connected with Enter measurements which is then connected with Input Width which is further connected with Input value of Long. Input value of Long is connected with Input Long which is then connected with Width*Long. Width*Long is connected with Area of a Rectangle which is finally connected with End.
If Do you have time to flee? is Yes then Run quickly which is then connected with Yeah! No need to say hi. and if Do you have time to flee? is No then Are you wearing sun glasses?. If Are you wearing sun glasses? is Yes then Don't run which is then connected with Yeah! No need to say hi. and if Are you wearing sun glasses? is No then Could you pretend to get a call?. If Could you pretend to get a call? is Yes then No problem which is then connected with Yeah! No need to say hi. and if Could you pretend to get a call? is No then Finish.
Connection is connected with Users enters login name and password which is then connected with Correct login and password?. If Correct login and password? is No then Alert which is then connected with Users enters login name and password and if Correct login and password? is Yes then User successfully logs in. User successfully logs in is connected with Display which is then connected with connection and finally connected with User logs into the system.
RF Front End is connected with Amplifier which is then connected with Acquisition which is further connected with Channel 1 Tracking, Channel 2 Tracking, and Channel n Tracking and Channel 2 Tracking is connected with End. Also, Noise is connected with Amplifier.
Start is connected with Power on which is then connected with Coffee selected. If Coffee selected is Latte then Add frothed milk and if Coffee selected is Espresso then Add sugar and if Coffee selected is Mocha then Add Chocolate powder which is then connected with Add frothed milk. Add frothed milk is then connected with Add sugar which is then connected with Power pressed. Power pressed is then connected with Power off which is finally connected with End.
Begin is connected with i=0 which is then connected with Assign operations to variables which is further connected with Generate 'k' test samples. Generate 'k' test samples is connected with Compute a which is then connected with a>l which if a>l is No then i=i+1 and if a>l is Yes then User is located in location i. i=i+1 is connected with i>M which if i>M is Yes then Display i and if i>M is No then Assign operations to variables.
Start is connected with Input which is then connected with If (angka%2==1) which if (angka%2==1) is False then Non prime and if (angka%2==1) is True then Prime Number. Also, Prime Number and Non prime both are connected with Finish.
Begin is connected with iCounter=1 which is then connected with Output iCounter which is further connected with Increment. Increment is connected with iCounter<=0 which if iCounter<=10 is True then Output iCounter and if iCounter<=10 is False then End.
Start is connected with Input Total Score which is then connected with If total score>800. If total score>800 is No then Not good college and if total score>800 is Yes then Good college. Not good college and Good college both are connected with End.
Begin is connected with Generate Initial Population which is then connected with Compute the fitness of each individual which is further connected with Check all person. Check all person is connected with Categorize them which is then connected with Converging?. If Converging is NO then Compute the fitness of each individual and if Converging is YES then End.
Data Acquisition is connected with Preprocessing which is then connected with Signal sampling which is further connected with Labelling R-peaks with their Location. Labelling R-peaks with their Location is connected with Signal which is then connected with Geometry Analysis, Frequency-domain Analysis, and Time domain Analysis. Also, Geometry Analysis, Frequency-domain Analysis, and Time-domain Analysis all are connected with HRV Evaluation.
Program is connected with Logical Plan which is then connected with Physical Plan which is further connected with Map-Reduce Plan which is finally connected with Execution.
Create Document is connected with Document which is connected with Manager Approval. Manager Approval is connected with Approval Decision which if Approval Decision is Approve then Onboard and if Approval Decision is Reject then again Create Document.
START is connected with Sum=0 N=50 which is then connected with Update which is further connected with Sum=Sum+N. Sum=SUm+N is connected with N=99? which if N=99? is No then Update and if N=99? is YES then PRINT SUM which is finally connected with END.
Input is connected with Vibration signal which is then connected with OCR which is further connected with MBS. MBS is connected with Fault Features. Faults, Fault Features and Fault causes all are connected with Bayesian diagnostic network which is finally connected with Diagnostic results.
bootstrap is connected with Installation which is then connected with Copy which is further connected with Unpack. Unpack is connected with Register which is then connected with Config. Config is further connected with Zip, Image and ISO.
Start is connected with Mobile Switch on which is then connected with GPS senses motion which is further connected with GPS and phone. GPS and phone is connected with Give location which is then connected with GPS notifies Police. Further, GPS notifies Police is connected with both Server tracks GPS and Cell phone tracks GPS.
Start is connected with homepage which is then connected with have an account. If have an account is No then Sign up which is then connected with Give info and if have an account is yes then Log in. Also, Give info is connected with Submit which is further connected Log in. Log in is connected with Enter e-mail and password which is then connected with Authentication. If Authentication is no then Log in and if Authentication is yes then logged in to the system which is finally connected with end.
Start is connected with Input which is then connected with C<10? which if C<=10? is F then End and if C<0? is T then Output. Output is then connected with C=C+1 which is then connected with both C<=10? and End.
Customer Consulting and Quotation is connected with Deal? which if Deal? is No then Stop Deal and if Deal? is Yes then Document Check which is then connected with Shipping. Shipping is connected with Custom Clearance which is then connected with Payment mode which is further connected with Delivery. Delivery is connected with Service Payment which is then connected with Pay Foreign Exchange?. If Pay Foreign Exchange is No then End and if Pay Foreign Exchange is Yes then Payment which is then connected with End.
Fruits are connected with Input mango, pitaya, durian which is then connected with Prefer mango to pitaya?. Prefer mango to pitaya? is connected with both Prefer pitaya to durian? and Prefer mango to durian?. If Prefer pitaya to durian? is Yes then Go for mango and if Prefer pitaya to durian? is No then also Go for mango. If Prefer mango to durian is Yes then Go for pitaya and if Prefer mango to durian is No then also Go for pitaya. Go for mango, Go for pitaya and Go for pitaya all are connected with End.
START is connected with ACCEPT INPUT FROM USER which is then connected with CONDITION for(i=1;i<=a;i++) which if CONDITION for(i=1;i<=a;i++) is CONDITION is FALSE then PRINT VALUE OF FACTORIAL and if CONDITION for(i=1;i<=a;i++) is CONDITION is TRUE then Process. Process is then connected with both CONDITION for(i=1;i<=a;i++) and PRINT VALUE OF FACTORIAL which is finally connected with STOP.
Start is connected with Read AI0, AI1 and AI2 which is then connected with Convert values to standard which is further connected with Current Value>Safety Thresholds. If Current Value>Safety Thresholds is Yes then Display warning with visual indicator and if Current Value>Safety Thresholds is No then Print Message. Print Output is connected with Log the data in txt files for future analysis which is then connected with both Read AI0, AI1 and AI2 and End.
Start is connected with Homepage which is then connected with have an account. If have an account is No then Sign up which is then connected with Fill out the information which is further connected with Submit and if have an account is yes then Login. Also, Submit is connected with Log in which is then connected with Enter details. Enter details is connected with e-mail and password valid which if e-mail and password valid is no then Log in and if e-mail and password valid is yes then logged in to the system which is finally connected with end.
Begin is connected with Enter to the website which is then connected with have an account which if have an account is No then Sign up which is then connected with Fill details which is further connected with Submit and if have an account is yes then Login. Also, Submit is connected with Log in which is then connected with Enter e-mail and password. Enter e-mail and password is connected with e-mail and password valid which if e-mail and password valid is no then Log in and if e-mail and password valid is yes then profile which is finally connected with end.
Start is connected with Inputs which is then connected with Find Area which is further connected with Display which is finally connected with Stop.
If Problem is Y then What is it? which is further connected with Do I know the solution? and if Problem is N then I don't need help. Also, If Do I know the solution? is N then I need help and if Do I know the solution? is Y then Think of solution. If Think of solution is N then I need help and if THink of solution is Y then Try my solution which is further connected with Did it work?. If Did it work? is N then I need help and if Did it work? is Y then I don't need help.
Applications is connected with Check manual which is then connected with libVA API which is further connected with Processor. Processor is connected with driver which is then connected with Firmwares and Graphics Card. Also, Firmwares is connected with Graphics Card.
Worker (as the victim) is connected with Family members which is then connected with Loss of earning capacity which is further connected with Pain & Suffering. Pain & Suffering is connected with Family issue which is finally connected with Changed Social Life.
Simulation of OCR system with nano-fluid is connected with Note all the records of fluid which is then connected with Preparation of the nano-fluids. Preparation of the nano-fluids is connected with Testing of fluid in Lab which is then connected with Real life ORC in Hybrid OTEC implementation with nano-fluid which is finally connected with Submit the progress.
If Customer order TV Sofa then after order confirmation it ships.
Bad environment is connected with Work Process A General Requirements which is then connected with Has the area been monitored for noise levels?. Has the area been monitored for noise levels? is No then Environment Monitor and if Has the area been monitored for noise levels? is Yes then Is the exposure considered "nuisance" level noise?. Also, Environment Monitor is connected with Is the exposure considered "nuisance" level noise?. If Is the exposure considered "nuisance" level noise? is Yes then Work Process C Controlling Nuisance Noise and if Is the exposure considered "nuisance" level noise? is No then Is the exposure considered "hazardous"?. Also, Work Process C Controlling Nuisance Noise is connected with Is the exposured considered "hazardous"?. If Is the exposured considered "hazardous"? is Yes then Work Process D Controlling Hazardous Noise and if Is the exposured considered "hazardous"? is No then Need to be entrolled in the Hearing Conservation Program?. Also, Work Process D Controlling Hazardous Noise is connected with Need to be entrolled in the Hearing Conservation Program?. If Need to be enrolled in the Hearing Conservation Program? is Yes then Testing Phase and if Need to be enrolled in the Hearing Conservation Program? is No then Proceed with work.
START is connected with FLOWCHART which if FLOWCHART is YES then again FLOWCHART.
start is connected with Input data user which is then connected with Enter ID which is further connected with Authentication. Authentication is connected with Memory which is then connected with Result which is finally connected with end.
Idea is connected with Program which is then connected with Python and C++.
Start is connected with Enter which is then connected with Home page. Home page is connected with Enter Email ID and Password which is then connected with Is Email ID and Password Correct?. If Is Email ID and Password Correct? is No then Log in error which is then connected with Enter Email ID and Password and if Is Email ID and Password Correct? is Yes then Display Account which is finally connected with Stop.
Start is connected with Initialize which is then connected with L=p.l which is further connected with Print which is finally connected with End.
Power Supply is connected with both Bulb and TV. Also, Bulb and TV both are connected with Processor which is then connected with Hard Drive.
Identify the Problem which is then connected with Establish a Theory which is then connected with New Theory?. If New Theory? is No then Find new idea and if New Theory? is Yes then Test the Theory which is then connected with Theory Confirmed?. If Theory Confirmed? Is No then Establish a Theory and if Thory Confirmed? is Yes then Establish a Plan of Action.
Design a Postcard which is then connected with Customer like it? which is then connected with Yes and No.
QA is connected with QA Manual, Information & advice and Unit. Unit is then connected with Center for Healthcare, Delivery of Care, Invoice and GENERAL. Centre for Healthcare is connected with Standard Operating Procedures and Protocols and Trial Paperwork. Delivery of Care and Invoice both are connected with Best practice guidelines. GENERAL is connected with Research Governance, Induction, and Staff Handbook. Research Governance is connected with Good Clinical Practice and Protecting Information Policy. Also, Staff Handbook is connected with Protecting Information Policy.
Begin is connected with Switch On lights which is then connected with Turn the LED connected to QO off. Turn the LED connected to QO off is connected with Check if the LDR connected to A is in darkness. If Check if the LDR connected to A is in darkness is N then Switch Off lights then again Check if the LDR connected to A is in darkness and if Check if the LDR connected to A is in darkness is Y then Turn the LED connected to QO on which is then connected with Check if the LDR connected to A is in darkness.
Start is connected with Are you happy? which if Are you happy? is Yes then Nice which is then connected with End and if Are you happy? is No then Want to be happy? which is then connected with Laugh and finally connected with End. Also, if Want to be happy? is No then All over again which is then connected with Start.
Planning is connected with SUn-dried & decorticated which is then connected with Leave it. Leave it is connected with Extraction (Mechanical/Solvent/intermittent which is then connected with Gathering which is further connected with Sedimentation/boiling with water/filteration. Sedimentation/boiling with water/filteration is connected with STEP-3 Processing of oil which is then connected with Dilution with hydrocarbons, Seed, Micro-emulsification, and Transesterification. Dilution with hydrocarbons is connected with Blended fuel. seed is connected with Liquid fractions. Micro-emulsification is connected with Micro-emulsification. Transesterification is connected with Waste.
Raw materials is connected with Addition of water containing yeast which is then connected with Kneading which is further connected with Proofing. Proofing is connected with Read again which is then connected with Proofing (30 min) which is further connected with Filling in greased pan which is finally connected with Proofing (35 min.).
Lamp doesn't work is connected with Want more Lamp? which if Want more Lamp? is No then Plug in lamp and if Want more Lamp? is Yes then Bulb burned out?. If Bulb burned out? is Yes then Replace bulb and if Bulb burned out? is No then Repair lamp.
Vibration signal is connected with Dicompose the signal into different components which is then connected with Obtain the order of component according to size which is further connected with Calculate the significance indicator and further construct the fault sensitive matrix which is finally connected with Identify fault type and find out the optimal IMF to fault.
Mail Invoice to Accounts Payable is connected with Review Invoice for Compliance which is then connected with Invoice Meets Requirement?. If Invoice Meets Requirement? is No then Don't accept and if Invoice Meets Requirement? is Yes then Approval?. If Approval? is No then Place in queue and if Approval? is Yes then Invoice Placed in Payment Queue which is then connected with Payment Processed. If Action Taken, Issue Resolved? is No then Place in queue and If Action Taken, Issue Resolved? is Yes then Approval?
Program is connected with Input image which is then connected with Description. Description is connected with Segmentation which is then connected with Obstacle/Non-obstacle decision.
Start is connected with Download game which is then connected with Update Game. Update Game is connected with Render game state onto window which is then connected with Process which is further connected with Is window still open?. If Is window still open? is Yes then Update Game and if Is window still open? is No then Application Shutdown.
Start is connected with Go to kitchen which is then connected with Find food which is further connected with Microwave it. Microwave is connected with Switch off light which is then connected with Get out of kitchen which is finally connected with Enjoy dinner.
Begin is connected with Work. If Work is Yes then add and if Work is No then Process which is further connected with update. Both update and add are connected with End.
PV array is connected with Power which is then connected with Distribution pannel. Distribution pannel is then connected with both AC loads and Electricity utility.
Confirmation is connected with Briefing to all staff by Management which is then connected with Profile analysis. Profile analysis is connected with Selection which is then connected with Review which is further connected with Job Questionaire & Employee Interviewing for Data Collection. Job Questionaire & Employee Interviewing for Data Collection is connected with Consent sign which is then connected withDrafting JD & Discuss with Dept. Head which is further connected with Manager review. Manager review is connected with JD Confirm? which if JD Confirm? is No then Review & Amend which is further connected with Manager review and if JD Confirm? is YES then TRaining. If Training is New Staff then Handled by HR Dept. and If Training is Existing Staff then Handled by Dept. Head. Also, Handled by HR Dept., Training, and Handled by Dept. Head all are connected with Finish.
Start is connected with Add which is then connected with Sub. Sub is then connected with both Update and Print. Also, both Update and Print are connected with Stop.
Application is connected with Plan & design worload & jobs to be executed which is then connected with Prepare Custom Script/Clients which is further connected with Run Tests and analyze. Run Tests and analyze is connected with Eror which is then connected with both Revising and Finalize Configuration. Also, Revising is connected with Run Tests and analyze.
Transformer is connected with Rectifier which is then connected with Regulator which is further connected with ARDUINO. Sensor is connected with ARDUINO which is then connected with Crystal glass which is finally connected with LED PANNEL.
BEGIN is connected with Check Parameter which is then connected with CLICK CHOLERA ETEC OR BACKnwhich is then connected with Take rest, THE SCREEN GOES BACK TO THE HOME, and THE APP PLAYS AUDIO FOR ETEC. Take rest is then connected with CLICK CHOLERA BUTTON AGAIN. THE SCREEN GOES BACK TO THE HOME is connected with END. THE APP PLAYS AUDIO FOR ETEC is connected with CLICK ETEC. CLICK CHOLERA BUTTON AGAIN is connected with THE CHOLERA AUDIO STOPS and CLICK ETEC is connected with THE ETEC AUDIO STOPS. Also, THE CHOLERA AUDIO STOPS and THE ETEC AUDIO STOPS both are connected with END.
Start is connected with Read Inputs which is then connected with Let Factor=1, I=1 which is further connected with I is greater than N. If I is greater than N is Yes then Show Factor on output which is then connected with End and if I is greater than N is No then Update which is then connected with Add 1 to I which is further connected with I is greater than N.
Start is connected with Are you happy? which if Are you happy? is Yes then Make others happy which is further connected with Stop and if Are you happy? is No then Want to be happy? and if Want to be happy? is Yes then Ask someone which is then connected with Stop and if Want to be happy? is No then all over which is finally connected with Start.
Logo is connected with both Hardcopy and Softcopy. Hardcopy is connected with Quality and paper material. Softcopy is connected with Copyright and privacy.
If Money is Delivery Dispatch then Depots which if Depots is Indents then Money. Also, Depots is connected with Distributors which is then connected with Retailers which is finally connected with Consumers.
Begin is connected with Input which is then connected with Process. If Process is Yes then Add which is then connected with End and if Process is No then Subtract which is then connected with End.
A team member suggests a project which is then connected with Study about project which is then connected with Participants decide if it's a good idea which if Participants decide if it's a good idea is No then Team rejects idea and if Participants decide if it's a good idea is Yes then Explain more and if Participants decide if it's a good idea is not enough info then Team member conducts more research which is then connected with Study about project. Also Team rejects idea is connected with End. Explain more is connected with Team member writes proposal is connected with Team reviews proposal which is further connected with Proposal OK?. If Proposal OK? is No then Revise which is then connected with Team reviews proposal and if Proposal OK? is Yes then Team sends proposal to final decision-maker which is finally connected with End.
Screening from database is connected with both Cluster random sampling and Exclusion. Then, Cluster random sampling is connected with 128 institutions and No participation. Then, 128 institutions is connected with Enrollment 128 institutions and Data missing, Unconfirmed diagnosis.
Traffic rules is connected with Check colour of light which is then connected with Light green, Light orange, and Light red. Light green is then connected with Go. Light orange is connected with Don't speed and Light red is connected with Stop. Don't speed is then connected with Go and Stop.
Draw shapes easily is connected with Your chart adjusts automatically which is then connected with Present it.
Start is connected with Submit the registration form which is then connected with Form Complete?. If Form Complete? is No then Submit the registration form and if Form Complete? is Yes then Verify details which is then connected with Accept SUbmission?. If Accept Submission? is Yes then Write Acceptance Letter and if Accept Submission? is No then Return Document which is then connected with End. Also, write Acceptance Letter is connected with Confirmation which is finally connected with End.
If New case is Input then Case retrieval which if Case retrieval is obtain then Similar cases. If Similar cases is Input then Case reuse and if case reuse is Output then Print Result. If Print Result is Evaluate then Case revise which is then connected with Case update. If case update is Store then Case base and if Case base is Retrieve then Case retrieval.
Start / reset is connected with Bootloader button pressed? which if Bootloader button pressed? is Yes then Firmware upgrade mode and if Bootloader button pressed? is No then Init variables and constants which is further connected with Configure chip. Also, Pin config data is connected with Configure chip which is then connected with Initialize. Initialize is connected with Process which is then connected with New message from host? which if New message from host? is No then Background tasks and if New message from host? is Yes then Process request message. Process request message is connected with Send response message to host which is further connected with Background tasks which is finally connected with Process.
Power is connected with TV which is then connected with Output Devices. Also, Remote is connected with TV.
Recruitment Requisition is connected with Talk with HR which is then connected with Advertise for the Job which is further connected with Recieve application for the Job. Recieve application for the Job is connected with Categorise application which is then connected with both Good candidate and Unsuitable for the Job. Good candidate is connected with Assess against criteria and if Assess against criteria is Yes then Interview candidate and if Assess against criteria is No then Send Thank you letter email. Also, Unsuitable for the Job is connected with Send Thank you letter email. Interview candidates is connected with Next round which if Next round is No then Send Thank you letter email and if Next round is Yes then 2nd Interview which is further connected with Assess against criteria. If Assess against criteria is No then Send Thank you letter email and if Assess against criteria is Yes then Job offer.
Piotr Hallmann was born on 25 August 1987 in Gdynia, Poland. He is 175.26m tall and weighs 70.308kg.
literature reference is connected with Identify relevant sources which is then connected with Collect specific data which is further connected with Available data determination Is there missing data?. If Available data determination Is there missing data? is Yes then Smart toolkit and if Available data determination Is there missing data? is No then Emission factor. Smart toolkit is connected with Emission factor which is finally connected with specific emission inventory.
Start is connected with Input Data which is then connected with Process which is further connected with Looking for Gain. Looking for Gain is connected with Determine the Highest Gain which is then connected with Update which is further connected with Finished. If Finished is Yes then End and if Finished is No then Looking for Gain.
New Budget is connected with Make an edit which if Make an edit is Wait then Was the article edited further?. If Was the article edited further is Yes then Do you agree with the change? which if Do you agree with the change? is Disagree then Discuss which if Discuss is Implement then again Make an edit and If Do you agree with the change? is Agree then Implement Budget. Also, If Was the article edited further? is No then Implement Budget.
Intro is connected with Display message which is then connected with Return.
Log In is connected with Logged in which if Logged in is No then OpenID and if Logged in is Yes then Home. Also, OpenID is connected with Home.
Assessment is connected with Team work which is then connected with Work which is further connected with Gather. Gather is connected with Complete which is then connected with Closure. Closure is connected with both Primary closure and Bandaging. Bandaging is then connected with both Delayed primary closure and Secondary closure.
Hans Albert Einstein is Son of Albert Einstein. Mileva Maric is wife of Albert Einstein and Albert Einstein is son of Hermann Einstein. Also, Albert Einstein was born in German Empire.
Begin is connected with Does the User has an account? which if Does the user has an account? is No then Go to website which is then connected with "Open an account" page open and if Does the user has an account? is Yes then User enter email which is then connected with User enter password which is further connected with User clicks on the login button. User clicks on the login button is connected with Are the email and password is correct? which if Are the email and password is correct? is No then Close and if Are the email and password is correct? is Yes then Error message appears.
Start is connected with Round 1 T=1 which is then connected with Draw lots to select witness nodes which is further connected with Binarize block. Binarize block is connected with Packing block which is then connected with Block verification. If Verification failed then Timeout verification which if Timeout verification is Timeout then Next round draw which is further connected with Draw lots to select witness nodes. Also Block verification is connected with Authentication which is further connected with Binarize block. And, If Block verification is Success then Finish.
Temperature is connected with Arduino which is then connected with both LCD and Home Automation.
Structural ecodesign of a composite wind turbine blade is connected with Initial database which is then connected with Initial eco-coefficients which is further connected with Software tool for structural analysis. Software tool for structural analysis is connected with Assessment which if Assessment is Good then Display result and if Assessment is Bad then Update result which is then connected with New database. New database is connected with New eco-coefficients which is then connected with Optimisation which is finally connected with Software tool for structural analysis.
Random Initialization is connected with Operation on counter which is then connected with Compute the Objective function which is further connected with Update Velocity. Update Velocity is connected with Update individual best if needed which is then connected with Update Position which is further connected with Store position in new variable. Store position in new variable is connected with Stopping criteria which if Stopping criteria is No then Operation on counter and if Stopping criteria is Yes then Finish.
If Would you do anything for love is Yes then Even that? and if Would you do anything for love is No then In Love. Even that? is connected with both Depends and Yes, even that. Depends is further connected with Not in love and Yes, even that is connected with In Love.
Start is connected with Approval Needed?. If Approval Needed? is Yes then Go to manager and if Approval Needed? is No then Finished.
Input is connected with Signal Conditioning which is then connected with CPU whcih is further connected with Power Electronics. Actuator Power Supply is also connected with Power Electronics. Power Supply is then connected with Input, Signal Conditioning, and CPU.