### Human:\nwhen is joint replacement surgery the best surgical option for arthritis of the hand?\n\n### Assistant: joint replacement surgery in the hand is an excellent option for treating arthritis of the hand in older low-activity patients and for those with rheumatoid arthritis. joint replacement surgery can provide pain relief increase finger range of motion and improve hand function.
### Human:\nshould i be concerned if i have hashimoto's thyroiditis and want to become pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: hashimoto's thyroiditis is not a reason to avoid pregnancy. however some women with hashimoto's thyroiditis do have trouble conceiving. in some patients supplementation with selenium is used to try to decrease antibody levels. (the theory is that lower antibody levels may lead to better success in conception. ) both before and during pregnancy the levels of thyroid hormones need to be checked to make certain they are in the optimal range for pregnancy. this is usually within the range for nonpregnant women but at the higher end of the range.
### Human:\nwhat if i am already pregnant and use plan b?\n\n### Assistant: there is no medical evidence that plan b would harm a developing baby. if you take plan b accidentally after you are already pregnant or it does not work and you become pregnant it is not likely to cause any harm to you or your pregnancy. plan b should not have any effect on a pregnancy after implantation.
### Human:\nwhat if i'm pregnant when i travel?\n\n### Assistant: pregnant women should consult with their obstetrician before travel. if available a consultation with a travel-medicine specialist is also recommended. live vaccines are usually avoided in pregnancy. some medications must also be avoided. this may put pregnant women at higher risk for getting sick in a foreign country. pregnant women should also be aware that the quality of obstetrical care in foreign countries varies considerably. it is best to have the name of a reputable clinic or hospital on hand. women in the third trimester should consider delaying travel until after delivery. check with your health insurance provider in advance to determine what is covered in the destination country. diarrhea some types of hepatitis and malaria can be especially severe in pregnant women. follow food water and insect precautions. avoid areas with malaria if at all possible and take medications as directed.
### Human:\ncan i do pilates if i'm pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: you should check with your doctor if you are pregnant and want to try pilates. there are currently no studies to prove the safety or efficacy of pilates during pregnancy. this is not to say that it is unsafe but you should check with your doctor first. there is evidence that aerobic exercise during pregnancy at a level great enough to produce a training effect does not adversely affect birth weight or other maternal and infant outcomes and that it may be associated with fewer pregnancy-associated discomforts but there is limited research on weight lifting and pregnancy. the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists in their position statement on pregnancy and exercise recommend limiting repetitive isometric or heavy resistance weight lifting and any exercises that result in a large rise in blood pressure. pilates can be both isometric and high intensity so the instructor should account for that when teaching you pilates if you are pregnant. again check with your doctor if you are pregnant and want to try pilates.
### Human:\nwhat happens to someone when they get rh sensitization during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: if you are rh-negative unless you are given rh immune globulin just before or after a high-risk event such as miscarriage amniocentesis abortion ectopic pregnancy or childbirth you have a chance of becoming sensitized to an rh-positive fetus 's blood. if you have been rh-sensitized in the past if you have been rh-sensitized in the past you must be closely monitored during any pregnancy with an rh-positive partner because your fetus is more likely to have rh-positive blood. in response to an rh-positive fetus your immune system may quickly develop igg antibodies which can cross the placenta and destroy fetal red blood cells. each subsequent pregnancy with an rh-positive fetus may produce more serious problems for the fetus. the resulting fetal disease (called rh disease hemolytic disease of the newborn or erythroblastosis fetalis) can be mild to severe. mild rh disease involves limited destruction of fetal red blood cells possibly resulting in mild fetal anemia. the fetus can usually be carried to term and requires no special treatment but may have problems with jaundice after birth. mild rh disease is more likely to develop in the first pregnancy after sensitization has occurred. moderate rh disease involves the destruction of larger numbers of fetal red blood cells. the fetus may develop an enlarged liver and may become moderately anemic. the fetus may need to be delivered before term and may require a blood transfusion before (while in the uterus) or after birth. a newborn with moderate rh disease is watched closely for jaundice. severe rh disease ( fetal hydrops ) involves widespread destruction of fetal red blood cells. the fetus develops severe anemia liver and spleen enlargement increased bilirubin levels and fluid retention ( edema ). the fetus may need one or more blood transfusions before birth. a fetus with severe rh disease who survives the pregnancy may need a blood exchange. this procedure replaces most of the infant's blood with donor blood (usually type o rh-negative). a history of pregnancy with rh disease is a sign that you will need special treatment when you are pregnant with an rh-positive fetus. if you have been rh-sensitized in the past an rh-negative fetus cannot trigger an immune reaction. webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated.
### Human:\ndoes trichomoniasis cause problems during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: yes. trichomoniasis can cause babies to be born early or at a low birth weight (less than 5 pounds). the cdc recommends that women with trichomoniasis who have symptoms should be treated but women without symptoms do not need to be treated. during the first three months of pregnancy many experts feel that women shouldn't take metronidazole (flagyl) because it may hurt the baby. however most doctors feel that metronidazole can be given safely after the end of the first trimester.
### Human:\ncan a woman get pregnant using the withdrawal method of birth control?\n\n### Assistant: pulling out before the man ejaculates known as the withdrawal method is not a foolproof method for birth control. some ejaculate (fluid that contains sperm) may be released before the man actually begins to climax. in addition some men may not have the willpower or be able to withdraw in time.
### Human:\ncan a woman get pregnant using the withdrawal method of birth control?\n\n### Assistant: i am proof positive the withdrawal method doesnt always work. my daughter was conceived using the withdrawal method
### Human:\ncan a woman get pregnant while breastfeeding?\n\n### Assistant: yes. even though breastfeeding may suppress or delay menstruation you can still get pregnant. ovulation will occur before you start having menstrual periods again so follow your doctor's recommendation on the appropriate method of birth control to use.
### Human:\nwhat is pregnancy planning and why is it important?\n\n### Assistant: having a baby is one of the most important events in a woman's life. women considering pregnancy are encouraged to start planning for the pregnancy with their doctors early. this early planning process is called pregnancy planning. the goals of pregnancy planning are to create a healthy environment for the fetus and to prevent birth defects and other pregnancy-related problems to the greatest extent possible. the issues addressed during pregnancy planning include nutrition vitamins body weight exercise avoidance of certain medications and alcohol immunizations and genetic counseling. even though many women will have normal pregnancies without any planning pregnancy planning improves the chances of a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby. unfortunately more than 40% of pregnancies in the u. s. are unplanned and many more women who are anticipating conceiving do not seek prior medical consultation. public education is important to improve pregnancy planning. pregnancy planning can help prevent exposure of the mother to potentially harmful medications or substances during the early days of pregnancy. the baby's organs begin developing as early as 17 days after conception and the fertilized egg begins to grow even before the first day of the missed period. some women continue to have light bleeding that may be mistaken for a menstrual period during the first few months of pregnancy and may not even realize that they are pregnant. others may not recognize that they are pregnant until they experience a weight gain or abdominal enlargement. by then they may have already been exposed to medications or substances potentially harmful to the fetus. in addition to avoiding medications and substances that are potentially harmful to the fetus other important health issues are addressed during pre-pregnancy planning. conditions such as diabetes high blood pressure kidney disease thyroid disease and heart disease in the mother are controlled to optimize pregnancy outcome. the status of the woman's immunity against german measles (rubella) and varicella (chickenpox) is also determined. women lacking rubella antibodies are immunized before conceiving. women who are not immune to varicella (chickenpox) can be vaccinated but should wait 30 days after vaccination before becoming pregnant. women who are carriers of the hepatitis b virus can be identified by blood tests and their infants can be protected from hepatitis b infection by immunizations at the time of delivery. women with hiv infection should take certain medications during pregnancy to decrease not only their risks but those of the fetus as well.
### Human:\nwhat are pregnancy symptoms?\n\n### Assistant: there are both symptoms and signs of pregnancy. these symptoms and signs depend upon the time in pregnancy. in the first trimester of pregnancy the first sign of pregnancy is most often a missed menstrual period. if a sexually active woman's periods are generally regular missing a period for a week or more is presumptive evidence of pregnancy. early symptoms of pregnancy also include feelings of breast swelling and tenderness and nausea sometimes with vomiting. "morning sickness" does not always occur in the morning. many women become fatigued early in pregnancy and some may feel abdominal enlargement (bloating). early in pregnancy the woman may feel she has to urinate frequently especially at nighttime and she may leak urine when coughing sneezing or laughing. this is also normal later in pregnancy and is not a problem. other changes characteristic of pregnancy include the deepening color of the areola (area surrounding the nipple) increased body temperature the mask of pregnancy (darkening of skin on the forehead bridge of the nose or cheekbones) and a dark line going down from the middle of the central abdomen area to the pubic area. eventually enlargement of the abdomen is a normal feature of the growing fetus.
### Human:\ni am pregnant and wonder if stress have caused the blood vessels in my eyes to burst?\n\n### Assistant: the conjunctiva the thin watery membrane that coasts the eye contains many small blood vessels. occasionally these blood vessels can burst and led to hemorrhage (bleeding) that appears as a red patch on the white of the eye. in the majority of cases this type of bleeding (called subconjunctival hemorrhage) occurs without a known cause. subconjunctival hemorrhage can also result from certain medical conditions including trauma high blood pressure eye infections and bleeding disorders. the straining associated with vomiting coughing or sneezing can also sometimes lead to subconjunctival hemorrhage. stress is not a recognized cause of subconjunctival hemorrhage. a conjunctival hemorrhage may be cosmetically annoying but they do not endanger the vision.
### Human:\nmy girlfriend and i have been trying to get pregnant for 10 months; she is stressed. does stress affect our chances?\n\n### Assistant: psychological stress is known to affect many physiological processes including hormone levels and the function of the immune system both of which can play a role in fertility. while there is no proof that stress alone is a cause of infertility some studies have shown that stress can adversely affect outcome in people undergoing fertility treatments and may be an aggravating factor for infertility. however trying to conceive for 10 months without success is not yet considered indicative of a fertility problem. in the absence of known conditions that may affect the reproductive system infertility is defined as the absence of conception after a period of 1 year. many couples who eventually conceive without fertility treatment do so after waiting even longer than a year. since your girlfriend is already feeling stressed it would make sense to develop a stress management plan and to learn skills to help control her stress levels. exercise proper nutrition relaxation techniques a regular sleep cycle and psychological counseling if needed can all significantly reduce symptoms due to emotional stress and lead to improvements in physical and mental well-being. if your girlfriend is concerned that an emotional or physical problem may be interfering with your ability to conceive she should discuss this with her doctor who can help determine whether you have a fertility problem.
### Human:\ni am going to be trying to get pregnant soon and want to know what are blood type and rh tests?\n\n### Assistant: a blood type test categorizes your blood according to the major human blood group (abo) system. a person's abo type depends upon the presence or absence of two genes — the a and b genes. these genes determine part of the configuration of the red blood cell surface. possible abo blood groups include o a b or ab. the rh antigen is another compound that may or may not be present on the surface of red blood cells. the rh test determines whether this configuration is present ("rh-positive") or absent ("rh-negative") on an individual's blood cells. rh testing is performed because the difference in rh blood group types between an rh-negative mother and her rh-positive baby can lead to hemolytic disease a severe condition in which there is breakdown of the red blood cells in the newborn. if an rh-negative mother carries an rh-positive fetus she may develop antibodies against the rh component of the baby's red blood cells. these antibodies could cause hemolytic disease of an rh-positive baby in subsequent pregnancies. prevention of hemolytic disease of the newborn is carried out by giving rh-negative mothers rho (d) immune globulin (brand name: rhogam) after delivery of an rh-positive baby. this prevents the mother's immune system from reacting to the rh-positive blood of any subsequent fetus.
### Human:\ni got a negative result on a home pregnancy test. might i still be pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: yes. every woman ovulates at different times in her menstrual cycle. plus embryos implant in the uterus at different times. so most home pregnancy tests suggest women take the test again in a few days or a week. sometimes women get false negative results (when the test says you are not pregnant and you are) when they test too early in the pregnancy. other times problems with the pregnancy can affect the amount of hcg in the urine. if your hpt is negative test yourself again in a few days or one week. if you keep getting a negative result but think you are pregnant talk with your doctor right away.
### Human:\nis there any contraindication in administering a helicobacter pylor urea breath test to a pregnant women?\n\n### Assistant: there is no need to administer a urea breath test to a pregnant woman. the presence or absence of h. pylori can be determined accurately from a sample of stool. there are two types of urea breath tests for diagnosing h. pylori. one uses a very small dose of urea that is labelled with a radioactive isotope of carbon and the other uses urea that is labelled with a non-radioactive isotope of carbon. the non-radioactive isotope has no adverse effects. the radioactive isotope is not recommended for use in pregnant women.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of mening vac a c y w135 dip (pf)?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of mapap (acetaminophen)?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: nausea vomiting increased sweating yellowing eyes/skin dark urine severe stomach/abdominal pain extreme tiredness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of levothyroxine?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: fast/pounding/irregular heartbeat loss of consciousness confusion seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of pain reliever without aspirin?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: nausea vomiting increased sweating yellowing eyes/skin dark urine severe stomach/abdominal pain extreme tiredness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of lithane?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include diarrhea vomiting ringing in the ears blurred vision trouble walking unusual drowsiness seizures shaking loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of ludent fluoride?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include: burning in the mouth sore tongue nausea vomiting diarrhea increased saliva stomach pain/cramping muscle weakness shaking seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of cervarix vaccine (pf)?\n\n### Assistant: overdose with this vaccine is highly unlikely. if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of vitamin d?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents should call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents should call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: weakness headache loss of appetite nausea/vomiting increased urination increased thirst.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of ambien?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include slowed breathing or a deep sleep from which you cannot be awakened.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of cheratussin ac?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: fast/slow/irregular heartbeat slow/shallow breathing cold/clammy skin loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of clindamycin palmitate hcl?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of d-hist d?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: irregular heartbeat vomiting hallucinations hot/dry skin fainting inability to wake up (coma) seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of eszopiclone?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include: confusion fainting or a deep sleep from which you cannot be awakened.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of bromfed dm?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include: agitation confusion flushing hallucinations large pupils muscle twitching seizures. in children excitement may occur first and may be followed by loss of coordination drowsiness loss of consciousness seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of cholecalciferol (vitamin d3)?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: seizures confusion irregular heartbeat.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of humalog kwikpen?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include headache sweating shakiness increased hunger vision changes nervousness tiredness seizures loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of methysergide?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: mental/mood changes hyperactivity sweating rapid heartbeat blue/cold arms hands legs and feet.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of ergo-d?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: seizures confusion irregular heartbeat.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of gani-tuss nr?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: fast/slow/irregular heartbeat slow/shallow breathing cold/clammy skin loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of geodon?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include: slurred speech fast/pounding heartbeat with headache uncontrolled movements (tremor).
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of melatonin?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of bricanyl?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include: unusual dizziness dry mouth severe headache seizures very fast heartbeat severe nausea.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of albuterol?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: fast/pounding/irregular heartbeat severe shaking (tremors) seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of cal-g?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: nausea/vomiting loss of appetite mental/mood changes headache weakness tiredness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of benztropine?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include: unusually fast/slow heartbeat slow/shallow breathing unconsciousness seizures loss of coordination fever hot/dry/flushed skin widened pupils change in vision change in the amount of urine confusion hallucinations.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of calcet?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents should call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents should call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: nausea/vomiting loss of appetite mental/mood changes headache drowsiness weakness tiredness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if someone takes an overdose of zerit?\n\n### Assistant: if you suspect that you or someone else has taken an overdose of zerit get medical help right away. contact a doctor or a poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of xanax xr?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe drowsiness slowed/reduced reflexes slowed breathing loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of xanax?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe drowsiness slowed/reduced reflexes slowed breathing loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of woman's laxative-bisacodyl?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe stomach/abdominal pain or cramping persistent nausea/vomiting/diarrhea.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of verv?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: stomach/abdominal pain mental/mood changes seizures fast/irregular heartbeat.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of valium?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include: severe drowsiness slowed/reduced reflexes slowed breathing fainting loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of ultram?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: slow breathing slow/irregular heartbeat loss of consciousness seizure.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of trazodone?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: painful/prolonged erection slow/rapid/irregular heartbeat unusual drowsiness unusual dizziness vomiting trouble breathing seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of tambocor?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe nausea/vomiting seizures very slow heartbeat severe dizziness fainting.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of suboxone?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include: excessive drowsiness severe dizziness very slow shallow breathing.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of subutex?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: slow breathing slow heartbeat loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of lisdexamfetamine?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe mental/mood changes (e. g. confusion hallucinations) seizures irregular heartbeat severe restlessness fast breathing.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of propranolol-hydrochlorothiazid?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: very slow heartbeat severe dizziness fainting trouble breathing.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of phenyl-t?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: restlessness agitation fast/pounding heartbeat severe headache seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of penta-con?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: irregular heartbeat hallucinations hot/dry skin fainting inability to wake up (coma) seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of fosfomycin tromethamine?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents should call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents should call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: hearing loss metallic taste.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of hygroton?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe dizziness fainting.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of meprozine?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents should call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents should call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: slow breathing slow heartbeat muscle stiffness/twitching hot dry skin widened pupils seizure loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of citalopram?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of metoprolol succinate?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: very slow heartbeat severe dizziness severe weakness fainting trouble breathing.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of metoprolol tartrate?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: very slow heartbeat severe dizziness severe weakness fainting trouble breathing.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of ativan?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include confusion slow reflexes clumsiness deep sleep and loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of flexon?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: unusual excitement fast/irregular heartbeat seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of adderall?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include: severe mental/mood changes seizures severe or persistent headache severe restlessness fast breathing.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of alprazolam intensol?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe drowsiness slowed/reduced reflexes slowed breathing loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of desyrel?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: painful/prolonged erection slow/rapid/irregular heartbeat unusual drowsiness unusual dizziness vomiting trouble breathing seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of cymbalta?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe drowsiness fainting.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of buprenorphine-naloxone?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include: excessive drowsiness severe dizziness very slow shallow breathing.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of bidil?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: slow heartbeat vision changes severe nausea/vomiting sweating cold/clammy skin bluish fingers/toes/lips chest/jaw/left arm pain.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of baclofen?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: vomiting severe drowsiness slow/shallow breathing seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of azor?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe dizziness fainting fast heartbeat.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of anti-allergy medication?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: irregular heartbeat hallucinations fainting seizures.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of sprintec (2<positive_smiley>?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include severe nausea and vomiting. females may experience sudden/unusual vaginal bleeding.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of enpresse?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include severe nausea and vomiting. females may experience sudden/unusual vaginal bleeding.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of leflunomide?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents should call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents should call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of ortho-cyclen (21)?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include severe nausea and vomiting. females may experience sudden/unusual vaginal bleeding.
### Human:\nwhat to do in case of an overdose?\n\n### Assistant: call your doctor or poison control center or go to the emergency room.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of prednisone intensol?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of tinzaparin (porcine)?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: uncontrolled bleeding.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of monoject prefill advanced (pf)?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: easy/unusual bruising bleeding such as persistent nosebleeds blood in urine black stools.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of enoxaparin?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include excessive bleeding and bruising.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of hc pram?\n\n### Assistant: this medicine may be harmful if swallowed. if overdose or swallowing is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of amoxicil-clarithromy-lansopraz?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: change in the amount of urine.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i take an overdose of sporanox capsules?\n\n### Assistant: if you think you took too many sporanox capsules call your doctor or local poison control center or go to the nearest hospital emergency room right away.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of a-25?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe headache tiredness dizziness mental/mood changes (such as irritability depression) vision changes (such as double vision blurred vision) dry/peeling skin bone/joint pain loss of appetite yellowing skin/eyes dark urine severe stomach/abdominal pain.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of wh petrol-mineral oil-lanolin?\n\n### Assistant: this medication may be harmful if swallowed. if swallowing or overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of revital jell cups?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of banophen?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe drowsiness seizures widened pupils. in children mental/mood changes (such as restlessness irritability hallucinations) may occur before drowsiness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of children's allergy medicine?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center. symptoms of overdose may include: severe drowsiness seizures widened pupils. in children mental/mood changes (such as restlessness irritability hallucinations) may occur before drowsiness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of hc-jel?\n\n### Assistant: this medication may be harmful if swallowed. if swallowing or overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of nutracort?\n\n### Assistant: this medication may be harmful if swallowed. if swallowing or overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of passion flower?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of posaconazole?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of p. n.?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. this medicine may be harmful if swallowed.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of oxytetracycline-polymyxin b?\n\n### Assistant: this medicine may be harmful if swallowed. if swallowing or overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of novolog flexpen?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include headache sweating shakiness increased hunger vision changes nervousness tiredness seizures loss of consciousness.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i suspect an overdose of rotavirus vaccine live penta?\n\n### Assistant: if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.