Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Well, I couldn't have picked out a better spot to fish. What do you think? #Person2#: Uh ... #Person1#: I mean, the water is so clear here. Listen to the birds and the sounds of nature. #Person2#: Well .... #Person1#: I mean, I'm not bragging or anything, but I have a real sense for fishing. I mean, I was born to fish, you know, my dad used to say. #Person2#: Really? #Person1#: Yeah. #Person2#: When was the last time you caught a fish? Didn't you tell me that you went fishing six or seven times last month and didn't catch anything? #Person1#: Well, Well, I'm not making excuses or anything, but the weather was bad a couple of times, and, and ... and a fish dragged my pole into the water while I wasn't looking another time [ No way! Serious? ], and ... and I wasn't wearing my fishing hat another day. #Person2#: You have to have a fishing hat to catch fish? #Person1#: Well, today is different. Listen. #Person2#: What's different about it? We've been here about an hour, and you still haven't caught anything. #Person1#: Well, do you think you can do any better, or are you just going to sit there and continue reading that book? #Person2#: Okay, let me show you. Let me show you. Give me that pole. I'll show you. I'm just to cast the bait out right over .... there ... perfect. #Person1#: Ah, right. You'll probably catch a tree branch or get your line snagged in a tree. #Person2#: Yeah, you're going to see. Just wait. #Person1#: Some big shoe or something like that. #Person2#: You just wait. You have to be patient. [ Yeah. ] Yeah ... Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh! I got a bite. Oh, man, man, man. Look at that! That fish is huge. #Person1#: Wow, wait, wait, wait, wait. Can't .... that .. no, no, no. #Person2#: Yes, it is, it is. Help me! Come on. Help me! Come on. Help me. I'm trying to reel it in. Help me! #Person1#: I ... I got to go back to the car. #Person2#: No, no. Look! Look at thing jump! Go get the net! Get the net! #Person1#: Well, nah ... #Person2#: Come on. You gotta help me catch it! #Person1#: That's beginner's luck. #Person2#: No. Come on. Wow! I got it. Look at that. What are you going to say now? Huh? Huh? What are you going to say? #Person1#: Nothing! #Person2#: So look who's teaching who. I'm going to remember this day FOREVER. #Person1#: Forget it. Summary:
#Person1# brags to #Person2# that #Person1# is good at fishing but #Person2# doesn't believe it. #Person2# shows #Person1# #Person2#'s fishing skill by catching a big fish.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hi. How can I help you? #Person2#: Uh, this is a stick-up. Put all the money in this bag ... now. #Person1#: What? What are you talking about? I'm going to get the manager. #Person2#: Wait! I have a gun. #Person1#: Where? #Person2#: In ... in my pocket ... see? #Person1#: What? Ah, that's not a gun. That's your hand made to look like a gun. #Person2#: That's what you think, so don't do anything funny ... and don't press any alarms. Nothing. Just put the money in the bag. #Person1#: Okay, but I only have a few dollars and some loose change in my register. #Person2#: I don't care. Just stuff it in this bag. #Person1#: I mean, you could make more money setting up a lemonade stand outside the bank and selling each cup for twenty-five cents. #Person2#: I don't care! Give me the money NOW. Good grief! #Person1#: Okay, okay. You don't have to get all worked up about it. Let's see. [Come on!] Let's see ... Here are a few ones [Come on ... hurry up!!], a couple of tens.... some coins. [Come on!] Oh, look! Here's an old 1935 penny. I haven't seen one of those in a while. #Person2#: Come on! Stop the chit-chat and fill the bag. #Person1#: Okay, okay. Cranky, aren't we. Oh, your bag has a small hole in it. Let me get you a new one. #Person2#: Small hole ... big hole. I don't care. Put the money in your sock if you have to. #Person1#: Well, you see, I'm still in training as a new bank teller, and my boss is evaluating me today, so I have to do things just right, or the bank won't keep me on. #Person2#: Ah, come on! #Person1#: Well, I'll be. It looks like someone's car is being towed out front. [Uh, what?] Poor devil. [Oh, ahhh!] Boy, that's sure going to ruin someone's day. [Oh, man!] So, where were we? Okay, before I give you the bag of money, could you fill out this satisfaction survey rating your service today? #Person2#: Augh! Does it look like I have any time for that? #Person1#: Ah, do me a favor! I'll even throw in an extra lollipop. #Person2#: Ah, tell me this isn't happening to me! Look, this is supposed to be a bank robbery, and not an afternoon picnic. #Person1#: Alright. But I'd suggest you turn around now. Those nice police officers seem like they want to talk to you ... or something. #Person2#: Ah, everything's going wrong for me today! Summary:
#Person2# is trying to rob the bank. #Person1# is not scared at all and even asks #Person2# to help to fill out the satisfactory survey rating the service. Finally, the police come and #Person2# thinks everything is going wrong today.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Brian: Have you noticed the broken pipe in the bathroom? Jane: No, i haven't seen anything Michaela: me neither, what happened Brian: I've enter the bathroom this morning and it was full of water Jane: so it must have happened after I left Jane: after 10 Brian: ok, I though maybe you knew but had no time to do anything about it Brian: I have a day off so I'll try to fix it Michaela: don't do it yourself, call a plumber, please Brian: We'll pay a fortune and it seems a simple thing Michaela: but you remember the last time, your DIY ended horribly Brian: But it was a special case, it seemed easy, but wasn't Michaela: this one seems easy as well Brian: no, this one IS easy Michaela: ok, do it yourself but if it doesn't work call a plumber, just try to fix it before we come back home Brian: Brian: Have you noticed the broken pipe in the bathroom? Jane: No, i haven't seen anything Michaela: me neither, what happened Brian: I've enter the bathroom this morning and it was full of water Jane: so it must have happened after I left Jane: after 10 Brian: ok, I though maybe you knew but had no time to do anything about it Brian: I have a day off so I'll try to fix it Michaela: don't do it yourself, call a plumber, please Brian: We'll pay a fortune and it seems a simple thing Michaela: but you remember the last time, your DIY ended horribly Brian: But it was a special case, it seemed easy, but wasn't Michaela: this one seems easy as well Brian: no, this one IS easy Michaela: ok, do it yourself but if it doesn't work call a plumber, just try to fix it before we come back home. Brian: Brian: Have you noticed the broken pipe in the bathroom? Jane: No, i haven't seen anything Michaela: me neither, what happened Brian: I've enter the bathroom this morning and it was full of water Jane: so it must have happened after I left Jane: after 10 Brian: ok, I though maybe you knew but had no time to do anything about it Brian: I have a day off so I'll try to fix it Michaela: don't do it yourself, call a plumber, please Brian: We'll pay a fortune and it seems a simple thing Michaela: but you remember the last time, your DIY ended horribly Brian: But it was a special case, it seemed easy, but wasn't Michaela: this one seems easy as well Brian: no, this one IS easy Michaela: ok, do it yourself but if it doesn't work call a plumber, just try to fix it before we come back home Brian: 👍 Summary:
Brian entered the bathroom this morning and it was full of water. Michaela told him to call a plumber. Brian will try to fix the broken pipe.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: So, have you found a job yet? #Person2#: No, but, I have a few leads, so things are looking up. #Person1#: But isn't that what you always say? #Person2#: Well ... uh ... this time is different. #Person1#: What are you looking for this time, then? #Person2#: Actually, I want to work for a Web hosting company. #Person1#: What would you do there? #Person2#: Well, in a nut shell, Web hosting companies provide space for people to store and run their Websites. Does it sound like I know what I'm talking about? #Person1#: Oh, yeah, sort of. #Person2#: Well, And then, sort of? Well, they allow people to run their Web sites without having to buy and maintain their own servers, and I'd like to work in technical support, you know, helping customers resolve computer-related problems with their sites. And you know I'm a good communicator. #Person1#: So, how's the pay for that kind of job? #Person2#: Well, most people I know start out with a very reasonable salary; you can earn pay increases depending on your performance. #Person1#: So, what about benefits? #Person2#: Oh, the benefits are pretty good. They provide health insurance, two weeks of paid vacation a year, and opportunities for advancement. And in the end, I'd like to work in a management position. You know, sitting back, enjoying the view out of the twentieth-story window of the office building. Something like that. #Person1#: Well, is there any long-term job security in a job like that? #Person2#: Uhh. That's hard to tell. I mean, the Internet is booming, and these kinds of companies are sprouting up everywhere, which is a good thing, but just like the dot-com era, you never know how long things will last. #Person1#: Well, have you ever thought about going back to school to improve your job skills? #Person2#: Wait, wait. What are you suggesting? #Person1#: Well, you know, more training might help you land a better job. #Person2#: Wh ... wh ... Are you trying to say something about my current job? I mean, is there something going on here? I mean, what are you saying? #Person1#: You know, you did drop out of college. #Person2#: I know, I know, but I don't know. I'm just seeing my current job at McDonalds as a step up. [McDonalds!]. Yeah, but, you know, I don't have the resources to go back to school at the moment; however, the job I am looking at will pay for some classes after I have been with the company for six months. #Person1#: Well, it looks like you have things planned out this time. #Person2#: If I last that long. Summary:
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# wants to work in a Web hosting company that allows people to run their websites without buying their own servers. The pay is reasonable and the benefits are good, but it's hard to tell whether the job can last long. #Person1# suggests #Person2# go back to school to improve #Person2#'s job skills because more training can help, but #Person2# doesn't have the resources to go back to school.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hello and thank you for calling computer technical support. #Person2#: Uh, yes, I have a problem ... #Person1#: Your call is important to us, and we will answer your call in the order that it was received. You are number 47 in the queue. Your approximate waiting time is 47 minutes. #Person3#: Jason, speaking. How can I help you? #Person2#: Oh, I'm saved. I thought I was going to have to wait all day. #Person3#: Okay, what's the problem? #Person2#: Yeah, well, I bought one of your laptop computers about three weeks ago, but it just isn't running right. #Person3#: Okay, well, sorry to say, but your computer is no longer under warranty. [What?!] It ran out yesterday. #Person2#: What? A three-week warranty? [Yeah, great isn't it.]. Ah!!! #Person3#: Okay, okay, what seems to be the problem? #Person2#: Well, first of all, the thing always freezes [Yeah.] and has crashed a zillion times ... [Always.] #Person3#: Uh, sir ... #Person2#: ... and I think the computer's infected with spyware and the big banana trojan virus ... [That's normal.] That's my biggest ... that's normal? ... That's my biggest concern. #Person3#: Oh, oh, uh, sir ... #Person2#: ... and plus there was a ton of preinstalled, third-party programs that just clutter the computer, and I'm at wit's end trying to get this thing to work. #Person3#: Sir. I have to put you on hold. #Person2#: What? #Person3#: It's going to take us a minute or so to diagnose the problem. [Huh?!] I'm going to transfer you to our ONE technician. #Person2#: One ... one!? But ... #Person1#: Thank you for waiting. Your call is important to us. You are number 84 in the queue. You approximate waiting time is 2 hours, 17 minutes or whenever we get around to answering your call. [ End of call and continuation of computer advertisement ... ] #Person4#: Does this experience sound familiar? Then, do what I did. If your computer is holding your hostage and you can't get the service you deserve, then call Turbo Command, creators of the safest and most reliable computers and operating system on the planet. Listen, while the competition is spending all of their time trying to imitate our computer's performance and features, our company is innovating the computer industry. So, why buy a computer that hiccups every time you turn it on when you can be the owner of the sleekest and friendliest machine ever. Call us today or visit our Website for more information, and let us introduce you to the ultimate computer experience. Summary:
#Person2# calls computer technical support because the computer #Person2# bought three weeks ago isn't running right but Jason tells #Person2# the computer is no longer under warranty. #Person2#'s astonished at the length of the warranty and tells Jason about the problems. Jason transfers #Person2# to a technician, but it turns out to be the answering machine and then the continuation of a computer advertisement.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: What should I get Uncle Teddy? #Person2#: You could get him a tie. #Person1#: Are you kidding? That's the stupidest gift one can buy. I don't want to get a tie. #Person2#: Why not? #Person1#: Everybody gets men ties for Christmas. It's too boring. Everybody buys either ties or sweaters. I want a more unique gift. #Person2#: Well, you can buy him a pet iguana then. #Person1#: That's a cool idea. At least it would be a surprise. But I'm afraid he wouldn't take care of it. #Person2#: He would think you were crazy, Caroline. #Person1#: Yes. An iguana is too strange for a gift, and a tie is too normal. So I have to find something halfway between. #Person2#: How much do you want to spend? #Person1#: Well, he was very good to me. He helped me edit my essay for the scholarship contest. So I want to spend at least 75 dollars. #Person2#: Alright, I have an idea. You know he carries that conservative-looking briefcase every day. #Person1#: Yes. #Person2#: Well, he isn't a lawyer, so I don't think he needs to have a briefcase like that. #Person1#: What should he have then? #Person2#: I think he would appreciate having a very fine leather bag. But more like a bookbag or shoulder bag. You know, not so hard and square like a briefcase. #Person1#: I think that's a great idea. Men look great with that kind of bag. Where can we buy one? #Person2#: I don't think this mall has a leather goods store. So we have to go to State Street. #Person1#: Alright. We can go later then. #Person2#: We can buy something for Mom and Dad here, and then go buy Uncle Teddy's gift on State Street. #Person1#: Good plan. What should we get for Mom though? #Person2#: She said she wants one of those automatic foot massagers. I think they sell them at Sears. #Person1#: Alright. We can go check at Sears and see if they have them. And what about Dad? #Person2#: How about the iguana? #Person1#: I think it would be a great joke. But I know we'd have to take the iguana back. And the pet store might not let us. So why don't we get him something else? Some clothes maybe. #Person2#: A tie? #Person1#: Oh, shut up about ties! Forget about ties, why not? #Person2#: I was just kidding. Summary:
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about what to get for Uncle Teddy for Chrismas. #Person1# thinks a tie is too boring and an iguana is too strange for a gift. Then, #Person2# suggests getting a fine leather bag and #Person1# thinks it's a great idea. They will also buy gifts for their mom and dad.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Come in, please. #Person2#: Good morning, Mrs. Smith. #Person1#: Good morning. You are Mr. Sun, aren't you? Take a seat, please. #Person2#: Yes, thank you. #Person1#: I've noticed from your resume that you majored in accounting at Peking University. Will you please tell me something about your related courses? #Person2#: In the first academic year we learned Principles of Accounting, and in the following years we learned Cost Accounting, Commercial Accounting, Industrial Accounting, and Management Accounting. #Person1#: Have you taken Accounting for Decision-Making and Control? #Person2#: No, we haven't taken such a course, but we have taken a more specialized course for decision making, by the name of Forecasting and Decision-Making. #Person1#: From your school report card, I can see you did well in every course. But our advertisement says we need an accountant with practical work experience. #Person2#: I forgot to include my experience as an accountant in my resume. In fact, I took a part-time job as an accountant at the Atlantic Trading Company during my second and third school year. I worked three evenings a week there and I did quite well. Here is the recommendation. #Person1#: You can speak English fluently but I wonder if you can deal with bookkeeping and accounting in English. #Person2#: No problem. The professional English course is just English for Accounting. Moreover, as you know, the Atlantic Trading Company is a Sino-Australian joint venture. When I served part-time there, I became well acquainted with accounting operated in English. #Person1#: That sounds fine. Why did you choose to apply to our company? #Person2#: I have a relative working as a manager in your manufacturing department. Her name is Lilling. She told me a lot about your company and I became quite interested. I believe I can have a promising career with the development of this company. #Person1#: Do you know something about the payment we give to our employees? #Person2#: No, can you tell me about it? #Person1#: Of course. As for an entry-level accountant, we pay 1, 500 a month in the first half year. We have a grading system to evaluate your work. If you have made progress, we will certainly raise your salary. For beginners with a CPA certificate, they can earn at least 2, 000 a month. #Person2#: I have passed the five courses required by the Chinese CPA Association, but the certificate won't come to hand until next month. How about that? #Person1#: I hope you can show me your CPA certificate before we reach a decision by the end of July. #Person2#: Thank you, Mrs. Smith. It is really a pleasure talking with you. #Person1#: The same for me. We'll keep in touch with you. #Person2#: Thank you. Good-bye. Summary:
Mrs. Smith is interviewing Mr. Sun who tells her about the courses he has attended and his working experience at the Atlantic Trading Company. Mr. Sun is well acquainted with accounting operated in English and he wants to come here because he believes it's promising. Mrs. Smith tells him he can get a higher salary if he has the CPA certificate.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hello? Beechgrove School? This is Mr. Holloway speaking. Brad Holloway. I'm ringing about my son Michael. He came home yesterday and said he'd been in trouble at school with his P. E. teacher, Miss Sanderson. She said he didn't have the right kit for P. E. Everyone else thought it was all highly amusing, of course, and Michael was very embarrassed about it. Perhaps I could speak to the Headmistress. #Person2#: She's engaged at the moment, I'm afraid. This is her secretary. #Person1#: I can hold on for a while if she's going to be free soon... #Person2#: I have a feeling she's going to be busy all morning, Mr. Holloway. She's at a Governors' meeting. It could go on for a very long time... #Person1#: Oh. Well, in that case, perhaps you could help me. #Person2#: Of course. What form is Michael in? #Person1#: He's a first year. He's in 1B. His form teacher's Mr. Hopkins. #Person2#: And what kit should Michael have brought with him? #Person1#: Well that's the point. In the school information booklet it says black shorts and blue singlet, with black or blue plimsolls. So that's what we bought him. We went to the sports shop the school actually recommends. You know, Atlas Sports, West Street. #Person2#: I'm just looking at the information booklet, Mr. Holloway. There seems to have been some mistake. #Person1#: I thought so. Maybe you could point it out to Miss Sanderson. #Person2#: What Michael came to school with was the senior girls' basketball kit. #Person1#: What? How on earth could that have happened? It says quite clearly in the booklet, black shorts and blue vest. I've got it in front of me. #Person2#: You're looking at the top of Page 11, aren't you? #Person1#: That's right. #Person2#: Well, unfortunately the layout of the booklet is a bit misleading. If you look at the bottom of the previous page you'll see it says Boys' Kit in the left-hand column and Girls' Kit in the right-hand one, but when you turn over the page it's not difficult to forget which column was which because the headings aren't repeated. #Person1#: So it looks as though were going to have to write another cheque... #Person2#: I'm afraid so. #Person1#: Oh well. Anything for a quiet life, I suppose. Perhaps yon could ask Miss Sanderson to be patient for a week or so to give us time to buy the right kit. #Person2#: Of course. Goodbye Mr. Holloway. Summary:
Mr. Holloway phones the Headmistress to talk about his son Michael's trouble at school. His P. E. teacher, Miss Sanderson said Michael's kit wasn't right for P.E. class, which everyone in the class found amusing and Michael was embarrassed. The secretary answers the phone and helps Mr. Holloway figure out what Michael was wearing was the senior girls' basketball kit because of the booklet's misleading.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Oh, Mrs. Smith. Can I take the test now? I just ..., oh. #Person2#: Excuse me? What do you mean? The test ended 10 minutes ago, and you weren't there to take it. Sorry. #Person1#: Oh, Mrs. Smith. Come on. Come on. That's not fair. #Person2#: What do you mean it's not fair. Everyone else was there. So, why weren't you in class? #Person1#: Uh, my bus didn't come this morning on time. That's why. #Person2#: Um. Are you sure? Your friend, Tony, made it to class, and he said you were still in bed an hour ago. #Person1#: Uhh, yeah, well, that might be true, but I really need to take the test. #Person2#: Wait. Don't you realize that you just lied to me? #Person1#: Uh, well, listen. Mrs. Smith. Listen. My alarm didn't go off this morning, so it's not my fault I came late. #Person2#: So, you're blaming your alarm clock again? It's still your responsibility to be here. Wasn't that your excuse the last two times you missed class? #Person1#: But Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Smith. #Person2#: Listen. You know the policy of our program. If you miss a test for an unexcused reason ... and a lie is definitely unexcused, then you get a zero on the test. There are no exceptions. #Person1#: Mrs. Smith. Why don't you want to help me? You never help me. I mean I really need to pass this class. #Person2#: No, no. no. Listen to yourself. You're playing what we call the victim. You made some bad choices, and now you have to accept the consequences. Remember: When you point your finger at someone else, like me in this case, three fingers are pointing back at you. #Person1#: But Mrs. Smith. I lose my scholarship if I do poorly in the class; my parents will be really disappointed in me. #Person2#: I'm really sorry, but that's not my problem. [Oh, Mrs. Smith!] I can't help you with that. Don't try to shift the blame here. [Mrs. Smith!] You painted yourself into a corner. You need to be accountable for your own actions instead of trying to weasel out of your responsibility. While you aren't doing well in my class though, I must say I almost have to give you an A grade for trying to dodge the outcome of your bad choices. #Person1#: Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Smith. #Person2#: Listen. You are learning one thing. #Person1#: What? #Person2#: My name. #Person1#: Agh. Summary:
#Person1# wants to take a test but the test has ended. #Person1# explains the bus didn't come on time, but Mrs. Smith realizes it's a lie. Then #Person1# blames the alarm clock. Mrs. Smith asks #Person1# to accept the consequences because #Person1# made some bad choices. Mrs. Smith thinks #Person1# should not shift the blame here and weasel out of responsibility.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hi. Welcome to Parent-Teacher Conference. #Person2#: Thanks. #Person1#: So, what is your child's name? #Person2#: It's Megan Jones. #Person1#: Megan. Uh, let's see. Oh yeah, Megan. Um, she missed the last couple of days. Has she been sick? #Person2#: No, she's been having some problems with the other kids in your class, and ... #Person1#: Well, you know, junior high school is a difficult time, but she just needs to speak up a little more in class. I think ... #Person2#: No, it's ... it's more than that. Some of the kids in your class have really been bullying her a lot. #Person1#: What do you mean? #Person2#: Well, um, they've been teasing her a lot about her appearance, and then, the other day, you didn't help things [ What? ] Yeah, she said you made a comment about her clothes. #Person1#: What do you mean? I mean ... #Person2#: She said you commented on her shirt and jeans, like they were from the 1970s or something like that. #Person1#: Well I was just kind of joking a little bit with her. #Person2#: Well, yeah, that's what you think, but other kids follow your example. In fact, one of the kids took a picture of her with their phone and posted it and had some real nasty comments on Facebook. It was terrible. #Person1#: Well, you know, kids can be kids. #Person2#: No, don't you get it? This is bullying; it's cyberbullying, and adults like you are part of the problem. Forget it. I'm planning on discussing this with the principal tomorrow. #Person1#: Oh, wait, wait, wait. Um, uh, oh. I'm sorry if I hurt her feelings [ Yeah. You did! ], but ... #Person2#: I get sick and tired of people thinking that a little teasing is okay. Too many kids are killing themselves because they feel that there's just no way to escape this. #Person1#: Okay. Well, I guess I need to be a little bit more careful, but ... #Person2#: Yeah, you do. I really hope I can get Megan to come to school tomorrow. She's been really, really anxious and depressed [ Wow. ] for some time, and your comments and those that the other kids made haven't helped. #Person1#: Wow. Uh, I'm really sorry. Could you see if you can bring her to school tomorrow? Uh, I'd like to apologize and see what I can do to, maybe, improve the situation. #Person2#: Thanks. I'd appreciate it. That would help. Summary:
#Person2# tells #Person1# Megan was bullied by other kids at school after #Person1# had made a comment about her clothes. #Person1# thinks it's just a joke meaning nothing, but #Person2# gets furious that #Person1# cannot realize the seriousness and wants to discuss this with the principal tomorrow. #Person1# then apologize and promise to improve the situation.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey Markus. I have a question I'd like to ask you. #Person2#: Yes. Go ahead. #Person1#: Well, I'm thinking about going to Germany this summer [Great!], and I need some advice. You're the best person I know to answer my questions since you're German. #Person2#: Thank you. What do you want to know? #Person1#: Well, don't laugh, but I met this really nice woman through an online music mailing list, you know, a discussion group on the Internet [laughter]. I need some advice. You see, Claudia, ... #Person2#: Okay. So it's Claudia, oh? #Person1#: Yeah, yeah. See, she invited me to spend two weeks in Germany [Hum]. And well, I told here I had studied a little bit about the country and language [Hum], and she's kind of expecting that I know more than I really do. #Person2#: Hum. You're really in hot water now! #Person1#: Yeah. I think so. #Person2#: Well, what do you want to know? #Person1#: Well, she's planning on introducing me to her parents. #Person2#: Hey. Sounds kind of serious. #Person1#: It isn't, at least I think it isn't. Anyway, what should you do when you greet someone for the first time in Germany? #Person2#: Well, it depends upon your relationship with the person. Now, speaking of your girlfriend, Claudia, .... #Person1#: Hey, I didn't say she was my girlfriend. #Person2#: Ah, okay, okay. Now if you're meeting someone formally for the first time, like Claudia's parents, you should make sure you arrive on time. #Person1#: Okay, so arrive on time. Uh, what about common greetings? #Person2#: Well, Germans often shake hands, and they use the person's family name, unless they're really close friends. #Person1#: Okay, what about with Claudia? I'm not sure what I should do in her case. #Person2#: Ah. You can call her Claudia [Okay], shake hands, and why don't you take her some flowers? #Person1#: Oh, how do you say 'Nice to meet you' anyway? #Person2#: Oh, 'Ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen.' #Person1#: 'Ich freu me senselen...? ' #Person2#: Uhhh. Not exactly. 'Ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen' [Uhhh]. Humm. Honestly, I think you need to take a crash course in German before you leave. Claudia might think you're speaking Chinese or something if you don't. Summary:
#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# met Claudia in a discussing group online and Claudia's invited #Person1# to Germany and meet her parents. #Person1# asks #Person2# for advice because #Person2# is German. #Person2# suggests #Person1# arrive on time, use people's family name, and take some flowers. #Person2# thinks #Person1# should take a crash course in German before leaving.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I like the Honda Accord you showed me before. I think it's more practical for my needs. #Person2#: Alright, sir. You are making a good choice. Honda has made a lot of design improvements in the new Accord. #Person1#: What does it come with standard? #Person2#: On all our new cars, the standards includeair conditioning, anti-lock brakes, air bags, and an AM / FM stereo with a CD player. But on the Accord, there is another standard item as well. The Accord com #Person1#: Cruise control? I don't like that. #Person2#: Why not, sir? #Person1#: I think it's dangerous. What if I can't turn it off? #Person2#: Well, sir, I know some of our customers are concerned about cruise control. But Honda has never had a single cruise control malfunction that led to an accident. #Person1#: I wish it didn't have cruise control. My wife doesn't like it either. #Person2#: You know, sir, you don't have to use it. You can turn it on or off. If you don't want to use it, you just never turn it on. #Person1#: I suppose. And what about the sunroof? Is that standard? #Person2#: No, the sunroof is optional, sir. #Person1#: I see. Another important question is the time I can get this car. I need a new car rather soon. #Person2#: Well, I can say that the new models will be here in August. If you order one now, we will have it for you in August. #Person1#: That's good enough, I think. What colors does the new Accord come in? #Person2#: We have this new model in red, white, black, or silver. These are the standard colors. Of course you could specially order from various other colors too. #Person1#: My brother has last year's Accord. And his car is a kind of soft purple color mixed with silver. I really like that color. I wonder if I can get that color on my Accord. #Person2#: I know the color you mean. Is this it, sir? #Person1#: Yes, I think that's it. Can I get that on the Accord? #Person2#: Yes, you can. That color is very popular with Honda buyers. So we've kept it available. #Person1#: Well, I think I want to order the new Accord then. It looks like an excellent car. #Person2#: You have made a good choice, sir. I drive an Accord myself. They are very solidly built machines, very reliable. #Person1#: Yes, I know. I think Honda is the most reliable car on the road. I would never change to anything else. The Honda I have now almost never has service problems. It runs smooth as silk. #Person2#: Alright, sir. I will get the paperwork ready for you. Just a moment. Summary:
#Person1# likes the Honda Accord #Person2# showed him before, but he doesn't like the cruise control. #Person2# tells him it can be turned off and will have the new car for him in August with the color he wants.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I'm glad we came here. This is really delicious! #Person2#: I was worried you would think it was too far to drive. #Person1#: Well, it's true I've never driven two hours just to get lunch. But really, I think it's worth it. #Person2#: I think if you try some more authentic Chinese food, you might understand how we students from Taiwan suffer. #Person1#: How do you mean 'suffer'? #Person2#: I mean, in Milwaukee there is no good Chinese food. So we miss the food in Taiwan too much. Sometimes we just have to drive down here to Chicago to find something better. #Person1#: Even in the winter? #Person2#: Yes, even in the winter. #Person1#: And even if it takes two hours, huh? #Person2#: Why not? I've been craving good food for three weeks now. I'm too sick of hamburgers and pizza! #Person1#: Well, this really is delicious, I have to admit. I can understand better now why you and your friends are always whining. #Person2#: Don't tease me! Good food is really important to Chinese! #Person1#: I know. I can see that. This is what is called 'dim sum, ' right? #Person2#: Yes, all these dishes are different 'dim sum' dishes. You can't find this kind of thing except for in a few cities in America. #Person1#: So when you Chinese think of Chinatown, you mostly think of food. Is that right? #Person2#: Of course. I will try to buy some things at the Asian grocery down the block too. Then I can do a little cooking in my apartment. #Person1#: And maybe we can go to a good Italian restaurant for dinner, after the museum. Chicago has some great Italian restaurants. #Person2#: No way! #Person1#: What do you mean? #Person2#: We're going up to the 'new' Chinatown for dinner. I already know where we're going to go. #Person1#: Alright, alright. I am happy to try more Chinese food. Will it be dim sum again? #Person2#: No, dim sum is usually eaten around lunch time, or sometimes closer to breakfast. We'll try more Taiwanese style up at the 'new' Chinatown. #Person1#: Taiwanese style? Isn't dim sum Taiwanese style? #Person2#: No, dim sum is more Cantonese style. But of course you can buy it in Taiwan. #Person1#: I wonder if you can cook things this good. #Person2#: I'm a great cook actually. You will see. Summary:
#Person1# thinks the food is delicious. #Person2# says Taiwanese students sometimes drive here to eat because there's no good Chinese food in Milwaukee. #Person2# associates Chinatown with food and shops at the Asian grocery store. #Person2#'ll take #Person1# to the 'new' Chinatown for dinner which is more Taiwanese style.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Sue: Hi Lou, how are you all? Louise: Fine! How did the 18th go, I bet they all had a fab time! Sue: Don't mention birthday parties to me! I am absolutely fucking livid with my daughter and so is Pete! Louise: What has Lara done now! Just teen hijinx, is it!? Sue: No, indeed! It started off ok as we booked the village hall for the right day and almost everyone she invited was able to come. Louise: Yes, it's unusual to get teenagers to reply to invitations! Did you stay for the night? Sue: No, she begged us not to come! We set everything up, decs, drinks etc, nice buffet, but then we made ourselves scarce, we only live on the next street, you see. We decided to pop back in a few hours. That was very naive of us, to be honest! Louise: I'm guessing things didn't actually go smoothly! Sue: Understatement of the year! Pete went back round about 11.00 and there was utter carnage! There was vomit and spilled drinks everywhere, the front window had been smashed, the bathroom door had come off it's hinges and the mother and toddler toys and books were ripped and strewn about all over the place. Pete roared at Lara and turned the music off. Nobody moved at first, but he threatened to call the police! Louise: Wow! I wasn't expecting that! I bet she was thoroughly embarrassed. Sue: No, not really. About 8 of her friends were sleeping at our house, so they all crashed back there sheepishly. Louise: Yes, but next day, she must have apologised to you. Sue: She did not! In fact, around 6 of the group came back to the Hall to help clean up, but Lara refused to get out of bed! Louise: I can't believe she acted so selfishly! Sue: We've made her pay for the damage out of her part time job at the vets and also refused to pay for one of her holidays. Louise: Yes, you did right! So she's got more than one holiday? Sue: Yes, three! One she paid for herself, mind. She's still hardly speaking to us and it was 2 weeks ago. Louise: So sorry you've had to go through this, Lara needs to step up here, though! Sue: I know, I think she'll come round. I have a feeling someone sneaked some drugs in and it made a few of them go apeshit! Hope Lara didn't have any. Louise: I'm sure things will improve. Come and see us all next weekend. Lara loves to see Steve, he's like her little brother. Sue: Yes, I'd love that! See you soon! Louise: Bye. Summary:
Louise and Pete booked the village hall for Lara's 18th birthday. They left her there with guests, who devastated the place and got crazy. Pete came back at 11, stopped the party, and punished Lara. She didn't apologize.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Teddy: Happy birthday my dear Helena, i still think about coming to Paris . Kiss Helena: Thanks my dear Teddy. We're waiting for you, please come Teddy: Great! Are you coming back to France for winter holidays? Helena: I'll be in Strasburg for a week , but before we had a family weekend in Bucharest Teddy: How great is it to live in Europe, you don't need any visa. So easy! Teddy: Hi Helena, how was your week end in Bucharest? I'm currently in Normandy, and the weather is still very nice. Do you think I could come by the end of march? Helena: Sure, so nice Teddy: i'll call you next week when you'll be in Strasburg Helena: Hi, i'm just leaving for Strasburg. Call me, but they should be no problem for the end of march. Will you come with Sarah? Teddy: It's gonna be from the 23th to the 30rd if possible, but i'll be on my own. May be we could visit a place you're still never been? Helena: Ok we'll talk about it by phone. Teddy: I'm in front of my laptop in order to book a flight. Is an arrival on the 30th at 1.00 pm and a departure on the 5th at 4pm is ok for you? not to long? Helena: Perfect.. Davai! Teddy: I've got my plane tickets, i'm so happy. Tell me if you need anything from France: champagne, cheese, detectives...? Helena: everything! No i'm kidding, only you. Teddy: Could you give me your adress in order for me to situate it on the map. Have you ever been to Lodz or Torun? Helena: Al Krakowska 241. No never been to Lodz or Torun. But look at what you want to do . Teddy: Ok I've got already an idea of it. In fact Lodz , with it's horrible prononciation , is not so far. Helena: hutch, the L with a / makes hutch. Even worse Szczecin! Teddy: not so easy. Did you take some conversation course? Helena: I took some long ago when i was so enthusiastic, but ... how to say... Teddy: long live cyrillic alphabet, much easier Helena: <file_photo> Teddy: I'll confirm you my arrival time at 1pm. If you want anything special, let me know. Could you come and pick me up at the airport and shall i take a cab? Helena: I'll come and pick you up. No thanks, no special needs. Teddy: See you on friday Helena: Yes... Have a safe trip Summary:
Teddy is arriving without Sarah on the 30th at 1.00 pm and coming back on the 5th at 4 pm. Helena's address is Al Krakowska 241. Helena will pick Teddy up from the airport on Friday.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Tell me something about yourself and your past experience. #Person2#: I have eight years of experience working in the IT industry. For the past two years, I have been working as a project manager for a dotcom. I am also MI certified. I'm looking for a team environment where I can join the excitement of building a company. #Person1#: What experience have you had that qualifies you for this position? #Person2#: I have worked on a variety of projects and jobs in the high tech industry. I wanted to have the experience of working for a dotcom and have learned something about being in on the ground floor of a business. #Person1#: What attracted you to this job? #Person2#: I've been searching for a while now to find a company that had a business model and corporate philosophy like yours. I am interested in working for a company that provides products and services to the K - 12 education market. My background is in this field, and my strength is in building relationships and solving problems. I am excited and interested in the idea of developing business relationships through e-commerce. #Person1#: What qualities do you think are important to this position? #Person2#: To have a combination of technical and business knowledge and to be very results-oriented. My past record shows that I have those qualities and more. Because of my business acumen and technical know-how, the teams I have managed accomplished outstanding results, including booking more than $ 50 million in online revenue. #Person1#: When have you been most motivated? #Person2#: When I have a specific project to complete, I like to know the specifics of a project from beginning to end. I like definite deadlines and I like to meet those deadlines. I expect some deviation from the original plan, but I try to stay focused and not let myself drift too far. I have great attention to detail and like to take my time and do it right the first time. #Person1#: Why did you leave your last position? #Person2#: I've set some goals for myself and my career, and unfortunately I'm at a standstill in my current situation. I have begun to explore options available before I spend too much time in a job where I can't advance. My goal is to continue to take on new responsibilities and be a key contributor to the success of an online venture. #Person1#: What are your salary expectations? #Person2#: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. I'd like to postpone that discussion until later. #Person1#: Do you have any questions? #Person2#: Yes, I do. Who are your financial backers? Who are the key competitors? Does the company have a plan for the IPO? What would you say is the best thing about your product or service? Summary:
#Person1# interviews #Person2#. #Person2# says #Person2# has eight years of experience working in the IT industry and has worked on many projects and jobs. #Person2# is attracted to #Person1#'s company because it provides products and services to the K-12 education market. #Person2# thinks the position needs people who are knowledgeable and results-oriented. #Person2# left the last position because #Person2# wants to explore new advancements and #Person2# will discuss the salary after knowing the job.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Jax: i know this book is meant to be powerful or whatever but i really bloody hate it. do your super brainy thng and tell me what i'm missing pleease Ruby: Omg no hard same, I hate it. I always find it hard to connect with a book if the protagonists are literal garbage, and Heathcliff is the worst. Jax: before i read it I thought it was a romace novel but now i see that i was horribly deceived Jax: heathcliff needs to meet my mum. my mum would kick his arse Ruby: And how many narrators does one book need? Jax: and why is the narrator narrating the narrator? Ruby: I DON'T KNOW but it's the most irritating narrative structure I've ever read. Jax: and wtf is up with catherine always locking herself in her room and making herself ill when she doesn't get her way? kids are mre mature than that. i am more mature than that Ruby: It really pisses me off that Heathcliff abuses Isabella, but even in this day and age we're supposed to believe he's a Byronic hero, like, okay, sure, let's side-sweep the abuse because he's tragic or whatever. Jax: i wasn't aware that it was okay to abuse women if you could pull of standing around the moors but i guess heathcliff has paved the way Ruby: LMFAO Jax: the woman i love is dead. should i kidnap her daughter? i guess it's fine because i look really spiffing in breeches and a cravat Ruby: The thought of you in breeches and a cravat is hilarious. Jax: you mean HANDSOME and also OVERWHELMINGLY HANDSOME Ruby: And the caps finally make an appearence. Jax: weirdly i used to date an isabella Ruby: You did? Jax: yeah for like two years Ruby: You did? Jax: yeah for like 2 years Ruby: Wow. I've never dated anyone for that long. Jax: how long have you been with your boyfriend? Ruby: Oh. Just over a year I suppose. Jax: you suppose? Ruby: Things with him have been sort of shit for a while so I don't really like thinking about it. Jax: oh Jax: i'm sorry, i didn't realise Ruby: I'm at his flat now. His mates are here. He didn't tell me they'd be watching football so I'm sitting here with nothing to do. Ruby: TBH I don't even know why I'm here because one of the guys who came over once tried to grope me and I've felt really uncomfortable around him ever since. Jax: wtf that's awful - did you tell your boyfriend about it Summary:
Jax and Ruby don't like neither the narration nor the characters in the book. Ruby's at her boyfriend's flat. She hasn't been getting on well with him for a while.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Can I help you, sir? #Person2#: I'm here for the backpack you announced several minutes ago. #Person1#: OK, take a seat please, sir. First of all, can you show me your ID please? #Person2#: Sure. Here you are. #Person1#: OK, could you please tell me what your backpack looks like? #Person2#: Of course, it's a soft leather one, you know, not a sports one that looks childish. #Person1#: Mmm. . . does it zip closed? #Person2#: No, it's straps closed, and it has a buckle in the front. #Person1#: OK, can you tell me the distinguishing features of this backpack? #Person2#: Oh, yeah, the brand name. #Person1#: So what's it, sir? #Person2#: Oh, it's a Polo. It has the logo on the back and at the bottom in the left-hand corner. #Person1#: OK, can you name the items in it? #Person2#: Well, all the gifts for my family, you know, two pairs of sneakers for my children and a bottle of perfume for my wife. #Person1#: OK, sir, I'm sure it's your bag. Thank you for your cooperation. You can have it now. #Person2#: Thank you so much. You guys are really responsible. #Person1#: Can I help you, sir? #Person2#: I'm here for the backpack you announced several minutes ago. #Person1#: OK, take a seat please, sir. First of all, can you show me your ID please? #Person2#: Sure. Here you are. #Person1#: OK, could you please tell me what your backpack looks like? #Person2#: Of course, it's a soft leather one, you know, not a sports one that looks childish. #Person1#: Mmm. . . does it zip closed? #Person2#: No, it's straps closed, and it has a buckle in the front. #Person1#: OK, can you tell me the distinguishing features of this backpack? #Person2#: Oh, yeah, the brand name. #Person1#: So what's it, sir? #Person2#: Oh, it's a Polo. It has the logo on the back and at the bottom in the left-hand corner. #Person1#: OK, can you name the items in it? #Person2#: Well, all the gifts for my family, you know, two pairs of sneakers for my children and a bottle of perfume for my wife. #Person1#: OK, sir, I'm sure it's your bag. Thank you for your cooperation. You can have it now. #Person2#: Thank you so much. You guys are really responsible. Summary:
#Person2# comes for the backpack. #Person2# shows #Person1# the ID and says the backpack is a soft leather one with a buckle in the front. It's a Polo and has all the gifts for #Person2#'s family. #Person1# returns the backpack.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Stanley: Ok. It's been 2 months since our graduation and we never had a chance to have a drink to celebrate. Stanley: What do You do next Saturday? Angela: I'm home and I'm free. Could arrange meeting at my place. Stanley: That's great! Could You speak to others? Angela: Dymitr said he's at home. Angela: I mean in Ukraine and I don't know when he's going back. Stanley: Ok. Sorry to hear that. Stanley: I mean I'm happy that he's home with family, but I honestly miss You all - including Dymitr and I really want us all to meet and have a drink. Angela: I've spoken to Przemek, he said he was not sure yet, but for now, he said that he's free on saturday evening. Unless his father asks him to visit him in Warsaw and to take care of kids for weekend. Stanley: Ok. As for now, it's three of us. What about Aleksandra, Karol and Martyna? Angela: As far as I know Martyna always does her best to come every time we gather. I'll write to her, but she probably will be nagging again that we should visit her in Germany. Stanley: Yeah. It will be like: "But I also remember, that You didn't want to come visit me in Frankfurt!" ! Stanley: And we will be like: "Oh, don't be mad! It's a lot easier for us to meet in Poznań than arrange a trip to Germany". Angela: Hahaha! I already have that vision in my head. Stanley: <file_gif> Angela: :) :) :) Stanley: I've called Aleksandra. She said she didn't know yet, but she said that she thought they won't be able to come. Karol works in Bielsko-Biala, and commutes to Radom. They have a difficult situation, as he travels a lot to Sweden and they have little time for themselves, not to mention traveling to Poznań. Angela:: Ehh, I understand. Nevertheless, I feel sad. Stanely: Don't be. I'm sure even without them we will have a great time! They usually don't come when we gather. Angela: I know :( Angela: There's no solution for that :( Stanley: <file_photo> Stanley: I send them this pic saying that My cat ordered them to come. Angela: <3 <3 <3 CAT! Stanley: Jessica said she's free this Saturday Stanley: She said she would come, but probably not for long. She said she was exhausted and she needed some time to rest and regenerate. Angela: But she will come for 1 drink? :) Stanley: Exactly! Angela: Awesome! So we're all set for Saturday then! Summary:
It's been 2 months since Stanley and Angela's graduation. Stanley and Angela are trying to arrange a meeting of their old group to celebrate. They want to meet on Saturday. Some of their friends might be available, others can't come.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I'm glad we came here. This is really delicious! #Person2#: I was worried you would think it was too far to drive. #Person1#: Well, it's true I've never driven two hours just to get lunch. But really, I think it's worth it. #Person2#: I think if you try some more authentic Chinese food, you might understand how we students from Taiwan suffer. #Person1#: How do you mean ' suffer '? #Person2#: I mean, in Milwaukee there is no good Chinese food. So we miss the food in Taiwan too much. Sometimes we just have to drive down here to Chicago to find something better. #Person1#: Even in the winter? #Person2#: Yes, even in the winter. #Person1#: And even if it takes two hours, huh? #Person2#: Why not? I've been craving good food for three weeks now. I'm too sick of hamburgers and pizza! #Person1#: Well, this really is delicious, I have to admit. I can understand better now why you and your friends are always whining. #Person2#: Don't tease me! Good food is really important to Chinese! #Person1#: I know. I can see that. This is what is called ' dim sum, ' right? #Person2#: Yes, all these dishes are different ' dim sum ' dishes. You can't find this kind of thing except for in a few cities in America. #Person1#: So when you Chinese think of Chinatown, you mostly think of food. Is that right? #Person2#: Of course. I will try to buy some things at the Asian grocery down the block too. Then I can do a little cooking in my apartment. #Person1#: And maybe we can go to a good Italian restaurant for dinner, after the museum. Chicago has some great Italian restaurants. #Person2#: No way! #Person1#: What do you mean? #Person2#: We're going up to the ' new ' Chinatown for dinner. I already know where we're going to go. #Person1#: Alright, alright. I am happy to try more Chinese food. Will it be dim sum again? #Person2#: No, dim sum is usually eaten around lunch time, or sometimes closer to breakfast. We'll try more Taiwanese style up at the ' new ' Chinatown. #Person1#: Taiwanese style? Isn't dim sum Taiwanese style? #Person2#: No, dim sum is more Cantonese style. But of course you can buy it in Taiwan. #Person1#: I wonder if you can cook things this good. #Person2#: I'm a great cook actually. You will see. Summary:
#Person1# and #Person2# drive two hours to get Dim Sum because there is no good Chinese food in Milwaukee. #Person2# tells #Person1# good food is important for Chinese. #Person1# will try to buy some things at the Asian grocery and cook. #Person1# starts to understand Chinese. #Person1# proposes to get Italian food for dinner. But #Person2# refuses and wants to take #Person2# to try Taiwanese style food.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I want to buy some running shoes. Maybe New Balance. #Person2#: Why do you need running shoes? You aren't a runner. #Person1#: But I exercise at the club. And I use the stepping machine. So I need good running shoes. #Person2#: That's not the same. Maybe you want to buy running-shoe-style shoes, but not real running shoes. #Person1#: What's the difference? #Person2#: There isn't much difference. But there is some difference. For one thing, real running shoes are much more expensive. They have very lightweight materials. They're designed for serious runner #Person1#: And what are running-shoe-style shoes? #Person2#: They look like running shoes. They have the same shape. And you can use them for running too. But they're not so serious. They aren't designed for serious runners. You can use them for exercises. #Person1#: But they aren't as light, right? #Person2#: That's right. If you want a really lightweight shoe, you should buy a high-quality running shoe. #Person1#: That's what I want. For exercising at the club. I can even spend 100 dollars on them. I don't care. #Person2#: But it's a waste of money. You won't really run in them! You don't need such a shoe to use exercise machines. It's just a waste of money. #Person1#: My sister has New Balance running shoes. I want shoes just like hers. I don't care if they're expensive. And they look cool too. #Person2#: Well, do what you like. There are different kinds of New Balance shoes though. You don't have to buy the most expensive. #Person1#: I want the best. My sister said good shoes are very important. For support. They support your feet. #Person2#: Your sister is a fitness expert, huh? #Person1#: No, but she exercises more than me. #Person2#: I really think you are stubborn about some things. But here. Let's look at the New Balance shoes. #Person1#: Here it is. This is what my sister has. #Person2#: Yes, that's it. That's their top model. #Person1#: I wonder if they have my size. #Person2#: Well, we can wait for the assistant to help us, or we can look through the boxes down here. What is your size? #Person1#: Here in America, it's six. #Person2#: Well, here you are. Size six. Woman's. 137 dollars. Wow, what a waste of money! #Person1#: It's none of your business. Let me try them on. Summary:
#Person1# wants to buy the best running shoes no matter how much they would cost. #Person2# tells #Person1# the difference between running-shoe-style shoes and real running shoes and persuades #Person1# not to waste money on the best running shoes because it's unnecessary but #Person1# wouldn't listen.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Would you like some more of this punch? #Person2#: No, I don't think so. #Person1#: Why not? #Person2#: I'm afraid of it. It's sweet, but I think it's pretty strong... I think you may be drunken with three punches! #Person1#: No, not at all. I've had five glasses already. #Person2#: Yes, I can tell. #Person1#: What? Do you think I'm drunk? #Person2#: No, I'm just kidding. But you do look like you're having a good time. #Person1#: So, c'mon. Have another glass of punch. It's just fruit juice. #Person2#: It's not just fruit juice. But alright. I'll have one more glass. #Person3#: Steve, are you trying to push that punch on poor Susan here? You shouldn't trust this guy, you know. He likes to see people get drunk. #Person1#: Oh, Kevin! How can you accuse me? You are the one who made this punch. It's your party! I didn't pour the three bottles of vodka in it, did I? #Person3#: There aren't three bottles of vodka in there, Steve. #Person1#: No, you're right. There are two bottles of vodka. #Person2#: But you said it wasn't strong, Steve. And now you're saying there are two bottles of vodka in it. #Person1#: Yes, I guess you caught me there. #Person2#: So how long have you been with the company? #Person1#: Two years. I was hired by Kevin here. #Person3#: Yes, that was my mistake. #Person1#: Kevin likes to tease me now, but it's true that he hired me. #Person3#: He was really well-qualified for the job. You can see, Susan, that I didn't hire him for his good looks. #Person1#: You are very funny tonight, Kevin. #Person2#: No, he seems good-looking enough to me. It's just maybe that his manners aren't too good. #Person1#: I am in a room full of comedians here. Are you both going to be making such good jokes at the office too? #Person3#: No, we will have work to do at the office. We will let you make the jokes. But excuse me for a moment, I have to check on something in the kitchen. You behave here, alright, Steve? #Person1#: Yes, Ma'am. I'll be good. Would you like some more punch? Summary:
Steve persuades Susan to have some more punch and made jokes that there are three bottles of vodka in it but actually only two. Kevin is the party owner and he hired Steve in the company because he's well-qualified. Kevin says they don't make jokes at the office because they have work to do.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: What should I get Uncle Teddy? #Person2#: You could get him a tie. #Person1#: Are you kidding? That's the stupidest gift one can buy. I don't want to get a tie. #Person2#: Why not? #Person1#: Everybody gets men ties for Christmas. It's too boring. Everybody buys either ties or sweaters. I want a more unique gift. #Person2#: Well, you can buy him a pet iguana then. #Person1#: That's a cool idea. At least it would be a surprise. But I'm afraid he wouldn't take care of it. #Person2#: He would think you were crazy, Caroline. #Person1#: Yes. An iguana is too strange for a gift, and a tie is too normal. So I have to find something halfway between. #Person2#: How much do you want to spend? #Person1#: Well, he was very good to me. He helped me edit my essay for the scholarship contest. So I want to spend at least 75 dollars. #Person2#: Alright, I have an idea. You know he carries that conservative-looking briefcase every day. #Person1#: Yes. #Person2#: Well, he isn't a lawyer, so I don't think he needs to have a briefcase like that. #Person1#: What should he have then? #Person2#: I think he would appreciate having a very fine leather bag. But more like a workbag or shoulder bag. You know, not so hard and square like a briefcase. #Person1#: I think that's a great idea. Men look great with that kind of bag. Where can we buy one? #Person2#: I don't think this mall has a leather goods store. So we have to go to State Street. #Person1#: Alright. We can go later then. #Person2#: We can buy something for Mom and Dad here, and then go buy Uncle Teddy's gift on State Street. #Person1#: Good plan. What should we get for Mom though? #Person2#: She said she wants one of those automatic foot massagers. I think they sell them at Sears. #Person1#: Alright. We can go check at Sears and see if they have them. And what about Dad? #Person2#: How about the iguana? #Person1#: I think it would be a great joke. But I know we'd have to take the iguana back. And the pet store might not let us. So why don't we get him something else? Some clothes maybe. #Person2#: A tie? #Person1#: Oh, shut up about ties! Forget about ties, why not? #Person2#: I was just kidding. Summary:
Caroline is discussing with #Person2# about picking gifts for Uncle Teddy and Mom and Dad. Caroline wants a unique gift and spends at least 75 dollars for Uncle. #Person2# makes a few suggestions and finally, they agree on a leather bag. Also, they will buy an automatic foot massager for mom and they continue discussing what they should buy for dad.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hello. 24th Precinct. Officer Jones speaking. #Person2#: Help. Yeah, uh, it was wild, I mean really bizarre. #Person1#: Calm down sir! Now, what do you want to report? #Person2#: Well, I'd like to report a UFO sighting. #Person1#: A what? #Person2#: What do you mean 'what?' An unidentified flying object! #Person1#: Wait, tell me exactly what you saw. #Person2#: Well, I was driving home from a party about three hours ago, so it was about 2:00 AM, when I saw this bright light overhead. #Person1#: Okay. And then what happened? #Person2#: Oh, man. Well, it was out of this world. I stopped to watch the light when it disappeared behind a hill about a kilometer ahead of me. #Person1#: Alright. Then what? #Person2#: Well, I got back in my car and I started driving toward where the UFO landed. #Person1#: Now, how do you know it was a UFO? Perhaps you only saw the lights of an airplane [No], or the headlights of an approaching car [No]. Things like that happen, you know. #Person2#: Well if it was that, how do you explain 'the BEAST'? #Person1#: What do you mean, 'the BEAST'? #Person2#: Okay. I kept driving for about five minutes when all of a sudden, this giant, hairy creature jumped out in front of my car. #Person1#: Oh, yeah. Then what? #Person2#: Well, then, the beast picked up the front of my car and said, 'Get out of the car. I'm taking you to my master!' Something like that. #Person1#: Wow? A hairy alien who can speak English! Come on! #Person2#: I'm not making this up, if that's what you're suggesting. Then, when I didn't get out of the car, the beast opened the car door, carried me on his shoulders to this round-shaped flying saucer, and well, that's when I woke up along side the road. The beast must have knocked me out and left me there. #Person1#: Well, that's the best story I've heard all night, sir. Now, have you been taking any medication, drugs, or alcohol in the last 24 hours? You mentioned you went to a party. #Person2#: What? Well, I did have a few beers, but I'm telling the truth. #Person1#: Okay, okay. We have a great therapist that deals with THESE kinds of cases. #Person2#: I'm not crazy. #Person1#: Well, we'll look into your story. Thank you. Summary:
#Person1# is reporting an unidentified flying object to the 24th Precinct officer, John. #Person1# says that a beast knocked #Person1# off and then left #Person1# alongside the road. John thinks #Person1# probably needs a therapist since #Person1# went to a party and had a few drinks.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Shona: Omg !! 😍 I have to meet her xx Clare: You soooo do. I can't wait x Sharon: Omg! Soooo cute 😍 Clare: Isn't she Sha. Such a little monkey though. She's into everything lol! Ceri: Wow she is gorgeous, what is her name and how old is she 💜🐶 xx Clare: Lola. Ten weeks of lushness 😄 Cathy: Bad taste Clare, not enough info. What's her name, how old? Is she a cockerpoo or cavapoo. Does she have a boyfriend yet, lol 💜💙❤️ Clare: Haha! Well spotted. Yes a cockerpoo and of course she hasn't. She's saving herself for Loki 🙀 Cathy: It will be the real life version of lady and the tramp 💜💙❤️ Lotty: Aww so cute Clare Roach! Xxx Clare: She really is 😍 Lotty: What breed is she?? Ellie: Ahhh she's beautiful!!! I have a grown up cockapoo ☺️☺️ <link_photo> Clare: Gorgeous 😄 Ellie: Sleeping beauty 😆😆 <link_photo> Julie: What a cutie!!! 😍 Clare: Sure she will get to meet yours at the Pheasant at some stage lol! Sara: One VERY cute pup. She's rather fond of shoe laces! I don't think I've ever held such a young puppy... enjoyed my flying visit. S x Clare: Great to see you x Helen: I cant wait for Lola and Graham to meet and fall in love and have St Bernacockapoo babies 💕🐶 Clare: Mmmm not sure how that would hapoen😏😜😂😂 Jo: www she's a stunner😍 Clare: Yep! Just like her mum did I hear you say 😂😂😂 Ali: She is gorgeous. Can't wait to meet her. Sam has already volunteered us for babysitting..lol..which means she will definitely have to meet Dexter and Riley 😊😊😊 Clare: Excellent!!! Call in when your passing or I'll bring her your way once she's had her second injection and can go out properly x Julie: I love him 💞 Clare: Me too Jules. Immediately part of the family 💚 Summary:
Clare has a new cockerpoo called Lola, it's ten weeks old and hasn't had all the shots yet. Ellie has a grown up cockapoo. Helen has a St. Bernard called Graham.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Jennifer: I will have to give a presentation on global warming on Friday, and I am so nervous. Mary: There are a lot of things you can do to make you feel more confident and less nervous. Jennifer: What should I do, Mary? Mary: First of all, you need to understand the subject matter thoroughly. You need to know what is global warming, what causes global warming, and what people should do to abate the effects of global warming. Jennifer: I have done a lot of research on the subject, and I know I can answer any questions I will receive from the audience. Mary: The next thing that you need is an outline of your presentation. You should think about how to effectively present the subject matter. Jennifer: You mean what I should talk about, or more precisely the sequence of my presentation? Mary: Yes, what you should present first, second, third… Jennifer: If that is the case, then I already have an outline. To make it easy for my audience to follow the presentation, I intend to post the outline on the board at all time during my speech. Mary: Good idea! By the way, do you have any facts to back you up? For example, change of climate, yearly disasters… Jennifer: No, I have not thought about that. I better get some statistics from the Internet. I should not have any problems since the Internet has all kinds of data. Mary: Good. It is easier to convince people and to hold their attention with actual data. It would be even better if you show some pictures along the way. Do you have any? Jennifer: No, it is another thing to add to my To Do list. I guess I will need at least two or three pictures to persuade people about the dangers of global warming. Mary: Pictures will keep your audience from being bored. In order for you to succeed, you need to keep them interested and involved. Jennifer: What else do I need? Is there anything else I can do to help me relax and be at ease during my presentation? Mary: You need to practice your presentation. Just pretend that you are standing in front of your audience and start to give your speech. Jennifer: Pretending is one thing; actually giving a speech is another thing. Mary: Think positive. Tell yourself that you can do it without any problems. Jennifer: I guess I can look at this as a presentation of my point of view to my friends. Mary: If you are really prepared, it will be a piece of cake. You will be able to speak with ease and confidence, and you will be amazed by how well you can express yourself. Jennifer: I need to do this presentation really well. This is my first presentation in front of a big audience, and it is so important to me. Mary: This is only the beginning, Jennifer. Being able to express your ideas with confidence and clarity is one of the best skills to possess. Jennifer: You are absolutely right. I will take time to practice and to learn to relax and express myself really well. Wish me luck, Mary! Mary: I know you. You can do it. Good luck, Jennifer! Summary:
Mary instructs Jennifer on how to prepare a presentation on global warming. Jennifer will give the presentation on Friday. It'll be her first with such a vast audience.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Anne: My cousin is coming this weekend and I would like to take him somewhere nice, any ideas? :) Tom: Angelo's for sure - best pizza in town, decent prices, nice, classic red-white chequered table cloths style, very Italian! Anne: Thanks a lot! I was thinking about Angelo's as well, but it happens that my cousin is Italian so I think it may be a bit risky to impress him with an Italian restaurant ;) Carl: Fair point. What about Toff's? They are famous for having the best fish and chips in the UK. Anne: Haven't heard about them! Where are they? Carl: Third zone, near Highgate. The area is beautiful, really worth going, especially if someone's never been to London. Sarah: If you're looking for something more central, I highly recommend Yori. It's a Korean restaurant, a true gem <3 Anne: What are the prices? It's not that we are really on a budget here, but wouldn't mind saving some for more touristic stuff ;) Sarah: Cool, I find Yori affordable and their prive-value is really high in my opinion. Carl: Same for the Toff's, they mainly sell fish and fish and chips, so maybe check with your cousin if he likes it first. Anna: Oh, I bet he'd love to have an Instagram worthy photo with a fish and chips in London, hahaha! Tom: If I were you, I'd focus on the bars more ;) Take him to Soho, skip the fancy ones though. Anna: That goes without a question! Have a few places in mind already. He also has a sweet tooth, so I was thinking maybe Hummingbird? Sarah: I think I may be joining you for that one! If not, take the salted caramel for my sake. Anna: Always! I always go for the red velvet, even if Tom thinks it's overrated. Tom: Because it is, it's just a normal cake with red dye in it. Sarah: So Tom is definitely not going to Hummingbird with us :D Party pooper :P Carl: How long is your cousin staying? Anna: Four days so that's four lunches/dinners - waiting for your recommendations! Tom: Hm... I would also suggest street food on Brick Lane or Borough's Market - if a party pooper may have something to say :P Sarah: But never on a weekend! Unless you fancy getting stomped or like to waiting for your food like FOREVER. When is he coming? Anna: Thursday to Sunday, so Thursday after flight it is then. Fortunately, he's flying in the morning. Thank you so much guys! Carl: Our pleasure, as long as you bring us come cupcakes on Monday :D Sarah: Yeah, three red velvets for Tom :P Summary:
Anne wants to take her cousine from Italy to somewhere nice in London. Angelo's, Toff's, Yori, Soho or street food on Brick Lane or Borough's Market are being suggested. Sarah will join them if they are going to Hummingbird.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Nadia: hey, I guess there is something you should know. Anne: hey, what is it? Nadia: it's about this dude you're talking to/dating I don't know how to call it Anne: doesn't matter, but what happened? Nadia: he's not being honest with you. I was fighting myself whether or not I should tell you cause I got this information from someone else, but as you're my bestie, you gotta know the truth Anne: ok, now I'm worried as fuck. Nadia: do you remember when he was supposed to visit you? and then we saw him a few days later, on my birthday, with this Alexis in the pub? Anne: yeah...pathetic but I forgot about this Nadia: then watch this Nadia: I heard yesterday that he was in fucking love with her and wanted to be with her, but she said no and that was even the reason why she's not at the university now Anne: wait waaat Nadia: yes, exactly Anne: who told you that? Nadia: Jason. He told me they spent some time on talking and he told that he was in love with Alexis and also had an opportunity to be with some other girl, but Alexis was better and that's why he chose her. Anne: how could I be so naive Nadia: I'm not telling you that to make you sad or whatever, but to make you aware of the facts. I was shocked too, to be honest. It seems that he was playing with you, trying to attract her at the same time. Anne: I don't know what to say Nadia: don't say anything, just get used to it slowly and think if there is any sense to continue that Nadia: if this is worth your time and feelings Anne: I'm so happy I can always count on you...if not you, then I guess I'll never know about all of this and live not knowing anything Nadia: no problem, as you said you can always count on me. I just don't want anyone to fool you or something Anne: how can anyone be such a jerk Anne: I just don't fucking get it. I was always so good for him, if he wanted to date her, then why would he waste my time Nadia: cause some people are simply like that, they don't care or they just lack this ability to think about others, unfortunately... Anne: I'm really pissed off right now Nadia: just don't do anything reckless and try to act as if you didn't know anything. cause if you don't, then he'll figure out that Jason told someone. Anne: Ok, I promise I'll try. Nadia: Just calm down and observe. Anne: I will, thank you for everything, I really appreciate it. Nadia: any time. Summary:
Anne is dating some dude. Nadia found out from Jason he dated Anne and some other girl called Alexis at the same time. He liked Alexis better but she refused him. Anne is furious but promises to act as she didn't know anything.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Debbie: You'll never guess what. Ruth: What? Debbie: You know that Abigail from Chalfont? Ruth: The one whose father is a pastor? Debbie: Yeah. That one. You won't believe it, but she is pregnant. Ruth: You are joking? Debbie: I'm not. She is showing already. Ruth: Of course, her parents are never going to let her have an abortion, so that's it for her, game over. Debbie: and the shame for them, him being a pastor and everything. Word is, he will have to give up being a pastor as he didn't bring his kids up right. So they are going to be out of the house they have, he isn't really trained for anything else, it's a complete disaster. Ruth: Bloody hell, I feel bad for them. Can't the church help them out a bit? Its not very Christian, is it, just chucking him out. Debbie: I agree. They say he has brought scandal but they are the ones who are making this a scandal. Ruth: Silly girl, though. She's caused no end of trouble. Who's the father anyway? Debbie: You know Trevor. She has been seeing him for a while. Only in secret as her dad wouldn't let her go out with anyone. Ruth: Is he standing by her? Debbie: Yes, he wants to do the decent thing and he says he wants to marry her, but his family are all upset because he was supposed to be going to Uni and now he won't be able to. He will have to start work. His dad will give him a role in his buidling firm as an apprentice. Ruth: It is a waste of his career. Debbie: Some people say he is lucky. Abigail is a very nice girl, they clearly do love each other, and he was going to do a useless degree on history and now he will learn to build houses and end up with no student debts and probably as rich as his own dad in ten years from now. Ruth: Really? So Abigail probably made a logical move then. Debbie: I doubt she was thinking with her brain, but in fact it should be ok for her. Its her family and her old man not having a job because of it which is the one to be pitied, I suppose. Ruth: Maybe Trevor's dad will be able to give Abigail's Dad a job as well? Debbie: Her mother earns quite well as a bookkeeper, so maybe they will be OK, but it is sad that he won't be able to work at his calling any more. Ruth: They should just send him to be pastor in a new place, where nobody will hear of this. Debbie: Yeah. Like the Outer Hebrides. Summary:
Abigail is pregnant. The church may force her father out of his position as a pastor because of it. Abigail's baby's father is Trevor. Trevor wants to marry Abigail. Trevor won't go to college and his father will give him a job at his construction company. Abigail's mom earns well as a bookkeeper.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Victoria: Do you know this website <file_other>? Daniel: Uhm, no, why? Looks dodgy for me Lucas: Don't use it! It's a scam! Victoria: Oh my god, thanks! I was just about to buy tickets from them Lucas: I did it once, I'm telling you, it's a scam - paid a lot of money, never saw the ticket or my money back Victoria: I'm looking for tickets for Mumford and Sons, but they're gone everywhere :( Thanks for the warning though Victoria: It was the only page that had them available - in good price. I also found some on Viagogo, have you heard about it? Daniel: Huh, I did. I had the same problem with Guns'n'Roses concert last year, there were only some tickets left on Viagogo and I bought two - it was a scam as well Lucas: They have legit tickets sometimes, some of my friends used it before, but it's nothing sure. It didn't work for me Patricia: Yeah, I had a problem with Viagogo as well. I don't know how it works really, but I got scammed as well. Buying tickets from people on Facebook worked better for me Victoria: But how can I find them? It's really my last resort :( Patricia: Find the official event of the concert and ask around. Maybe some people can't come and they're already selling their tickets Daniel: It's risky as well, but I think it's better than some dodgy website. On Facebook you at least have the name of the person who's selling Patricia: It's also good when you can buy a ticket from someone who's from the same city - you can just meet and exchange Lucas: Yeah, so someone won't wander off with your money! Victoria: Why it has to be so difficult? :((( Victoria: I'll try it out guys, thanks! Lucas: Next time you can set a reminder Victoria: Oh, where? Lucas: Every webpage has a reminder option. You give them your email address so they can contact you to let you know that the tickets are on sale Victoria: Thanks! This time I totally missed it, I was away, but I would never have thought that they'll be gone within an hour Patricia: An hour?! Wow, that's quick! Patricia: When I was buying tickets for Ed Sheeran I was refreshing the page 30 minute before it started Daniel: It is a pain, but I think it's a trend now - you buy tickets a year before the event, otherwise you're stuck with dodgy solutions Victoria: I'll let you know if I find some tickets, already posted in Facebook that I'm looking for two, at least one :) Lucas: Good luck! Be careful though ;) Summary:
Victoria is looking for tickets for Mumford and Sons' concert. They're officially sold out so she's browsing some dubious websites like Viagogo. Patricia, Lucas and Daniel warn her against doing it and they suggest looking for the tickets on Facebook.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Susan: Hi Bill. I'm looking for a vacation home for August. Lila said you had some interesting ideas... Bill: hey sis. yeah we went last year to that little place in Italy, near florence. Rented an apartment. was cheap as hell but location was not for everyone Susan: why so? Bill: away from the sea. like in the very middle of the country. No beaches. Susan: why would you go to Italy and not have a beach? Bill: we wanted to be away from the crowds. place had a pool and it was drivable everywhere interesing. Like a couple of hours to florence, rome, an hour to the beach if you needed to. Susan: pool would make up for much, true. but Italy in august? Bill: hot as hell, but with the pool and AC it was nice. and full wine season. Susan: we would be going with the whole lot, the 4 of us and the dogs. do they take pets? did you take Sparky? Bill: yup. no problem with the dogs, although you have to be careful not to let the dogs roam around the pool. they got very angry once, when we just let Sparky out and he jumped the fence. But yours are tiny. Fat, but tiny. Susan: cannot imagine them jumping the fence. Any fence. they have trouble to get on the couch. Susan: I keep telling the kids not to overfeed the dogs, but you know how they are, as soon as I turn around... Bill: like you don't give them treats at the table :P Susan: shut up! Bill: anyhoo, we drove, with sparky and the kids, much cheaper. And you need the car when you're there. It's like this little village in the middle of countryside. vinyards and olive trees. and crickets. Susan: drive there? how long? Bill: two days, we drove through Germany and Austria. Made an overnight in the Alps. 8 hours to Austria then like 6 hours to the place in Italy. Susan: seems not that bad. Bill: wasn't. and the place being so cheap we could afford three weeks... Bill: it was like half the price of a hotel. We cooked ourselves or went out for dinner. nice little italian restaurants, great food. we even found a 2-star one in some little village in the middle of nowhere, can you imagine? Susan: oh, nice. Susan: It seems like a good deal. I'll talk to the hubby. send me the details, okay? Bill: will do. phone number - they speak english, and e-mail. better to e-mail them the owner responds on the evenings, during the day he's in the field with the vines and stuff. Susan: great, thanks a mil! Summary:
Susan wants to go on vacation to Italy with her family. Bill gives her details on the cheap apartment. It's possible to take pets. Bill describes route he took. Bill will send owner's contact to Susan.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Have you had a chance to look over the contract? #Person2#: Yes. I've read it carefully. #Person1#: And do you have any questions? #Person2#: No. But the contract stipulates that I will teach 22 hours a week. Will you have thatmany classes for me right away? #Person1#: No, probably not. For the first two weeks you may teach 10 or 15 hours. #Person2#: But my salary will be 1100 dollars a month. Will you pay me that much for the first month? Because, I mean, I won't be working so many hours. #Person1#: I understand. That's why I didn't write the date on the contract. For the first two weeks, we will pay you according to the hours you teach. When you have 22 hours of classes, then the contract will take effect. Is that alright with you? #Person2#: Oh, so I don't sign the contract today. Is that right? #Person1#: I don't want you to misunderstand, Miss Briggs. We are very serious about hiring you. We want you to teach for us. We usually do contracts this way because it is more convenient. #Person2#: I can accept that. #Person1#: Good. And your benefits will begin immediately. #Person2#: Even my health insurance? #Person1#: Yes. We will apply for your health insurance tomorrow. And your free membership in the club starts today if you like. #Person2#: I have a few questions about the free membership. #Person1#: What would you like to know? #Person2#: Is my membership the same as paying club members? I mean, can I get discounts at club hotels? #Person1#: Absolutely. The only difference is in the restaurant and bar vouchers. #Person2#: What are bar vouchers? #Person1#: Paying club members get around 300 dollars a year in restaurant vouchers. The vouchers can be used in the restaurant or the lounge. But we don't offer vouchers to employees. #Person2#: But according to the contract, employees get a discount in the restaurant. #Person1#: That's right. So in a way, it is cheaper for you than for the members. You get more benefits than they do. #Person2#: So, for now, you want me to keep a copy of the contract. But we won't sign it yet. That right? #Person1#: Yes. I've prepared the contract just so that you understand everything. So that you understand the terms. #Person2#: I understand. And according to the terms on the contract, I am happy to accept this job. I look forward to it. #Person1#: I'm very pleased. We look forward to having you here, Miss Briggs. Summary:
#Person1# explains the contract to Miss Briggs. #Person1#'ll pay her according to the teaching hours in the first two weeks and then the contract will take effect. Her benefits will begin immediately but she doesn't have the restaurant vouchers as playing club members does. #Person2#'s happy to accept the job.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Welcome to Space Radio Theater, your passport to the future. In this episode, the crew is under attack by an unknown source until it is too late. This episode opens with the crew members on board the Starship Quest. #Person2#: Status, Commander Crdovi. #Person3#: . Course looks clear, Capt ... #Person2#: Yes, Commander? #Person1#: The Captain suddenly realizes that Mr. Crdovi has disappeared from the bridge. #Person2#: Commander? Computer ... Locate Commander Crdovi. #Person4#: Mr. Crdovi is not aboard this ship. #Person2#: Computer ... (BEEP BEEP). What was the status of the ship from one minute prior to his leaving the ship to one minute after he left? #Person4#: Unknown aliens connected with ships systems. The aliens sent an electric charge through transporter system. #Person2#: Bridge to transporter room ... Lieutenant, please respond. Security, report to the transporter room immediately and investigate. #Person1#: Security officers, Lieutenant Mortia Adams and Ensign Greg Suzuki, ran down the corridors to the transporter room. Now, we take you to the transporter room. #Person5#: Mortia? Look at this! #Person6#: Uh-oh. The Captain is not going to like this. #Person1#: Now, back on the bridge ... #Person6#: Captain? Computer ... (BEEP BEEP). Locate Captain Duroset. #Person4#: Captain Melony Duroset is not aboard this ship. #Person6#: Mr. Greenfield, Mr. Ruto, you have the bridge and inform me if anything happens. Mortia to all decks. Please report to the cargo bay 3. #Person1#: A few minutes later, Commander Mortia has taken charge and is briefing crew members in cargo bay 3. #Person6#: As many of you are aware, twenty crew members have disappeared from the ship. Our sensors have detected a spatial flux. We're not sure if our members are being randomly transported off the ship or if they are being targeted. #Person1#: Suddenly, five alien ships appear on long range scanners heading straight for them. Mr. Greenfield, on the bridge, reports to Commander Mortia ... #Person7#: Commander, come in. #Person6#: Mortia here. #Person7#: We've detected five alien vessels approaching at warp 8. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! #Person1#: Well, that's the end of this exciting episode. What has happened to the ship? Who are the aliens? Will the ship find its lost crewmen? Tune in next week for the conclusion of this exciting story. Summary:
#Person1# starts the action onboard a starship. #Person2# is the captain and #Person3# is the Commander who later disappears. #Person4# detects aliens through the transporter system and #Person2# commands security officers report to the transporter room. Then #Person6# finds the Captain is not on board and takes charge as Commander. #Person6# briefs that 20 crew members have disappeared and then #Person7# tells #Person6# five alien ships approaching.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Moira: Hello dear Barbie, greetings from Havana! I thought you might like a few pics of the city you'd told me so much about. My footnote to our talks about art deco: Moira: <file_photo> Moira: You can probably recognise these, as they are all in the centre of Havana. But I also found some fine examples of the style in the suburbs: Moira: <file_photo> Barbie: Hello dear! Thank you for the pics. Splendid as usual. I especially like your take of Hotel Nacional. At first I didn't recognise the zoomed tympana. They are gorgeous, aren't they? Moira: I waited till late afternoon to get them. But they're sort obvious, anyone can see them. I'm quite proud about my finds in the suburbs. Moira: <file_photo> Barbie: Indeed! Fantastic in design but in a horrific state of preservation, aren't they? Moira: Some of them would be deemed uninhabitable in Europe but here they can house even a few families. That's post-Fidel Cuba for you! Barbie: Politics aside they are supreme piece of architecture that should be taken care of. Any movement, initiative into this direction? Moira: Not to my knowledge as far as the suburbs are concerned. The ones that are successful are active in the areas under the UNESCO World Heritage patronage. Barbie: Have you been to Vedado? Seen villas there? Moira: Yep. Fantastic. But wept over their condition. They really don't know what sort of treasures they have. Barbie: I know! That "remodelling" should send them to prison, if you ask me. I photographed one shocking example of it and sent it to "Architectural Review" to be put on file. They were quite obliging, I must say. Barbie: <file_photo> Barbie: How did you discover these houses in the suburbs!? Moira: By accident. I went on a tour of the city in an open-top bus and had a glimpse of some from the top deck. Took snaps with their GPS location and came back. By taxi. Barbie: Splendid!!! If you have some more or less complete series of photos of singular objects with their GPS, we can assemble a portfolio and submit it to "Architectural Review". They are usually not only pleased but also pay for valuable contributions. Moira: I would be flattered! I'll show you what I've got when I'm back home. Barbie: Which is? Moira: End of January. Barbie: Looking forward to our meeting then. Moira: Me too! Thanks for your suggestion. Barbie: Pleasure. So good luck and keep photographing. Moira: I can't stop! Barbie: :-) Moira: <file_photo> Summary:
Moira is in Havana and is taking photos of art deco style buildings. She has found some are in a bad condition, especially in the suburbs. Barbie suggests she collates the pictures in a portfolio and sends it to the Architectural Review.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Ann: I have got a plusnet mobile sim card that I pay 5.00 a month for it has 500 minutes, 100 more than the skype one, plus I have a decent phone that I can use with it, not my own Rob: I think I should buy a number - such as 0333 and then redirect it to your mobile, which will redirect if no one answers (I think you can set that up on your mobile?) Rob: We can then measure how many CS notepads call us and adjust the monthly package accordingly Ann: Possibly as the main company number yes, but with my mobile number to call direct in office hours or text out of hours as they may not like calling a 03 number and getting replies from a strange mobile Rob: possibility Ann: Its worth just trying the mobile number at the moment maybe. Does the 0333 number you have already belong to CS? Why can you not keep that number and just redirect calls from that? Rob: 0333 numbers are mobile friendly, like 0800 numbers. I dont fancy adding a mobile on the site as it makes us look too small. I want people to think they are dealing with a larger business Ann: Ahh Yes I didn’t think of that, it will be ok on my emails though? Rather than the skype one? I do have a landline number that only gets used once in a blue moon, but that has a Gloucester code, I’m happy for you to use that if that could be of use Rob: Im setting up a new 0333 number - what is your mobile number? Ann: That’s a very good question because until I get the phone unlocked I cant call to see what the number is and as I never used it myself Ann: I ve been paying 5 a month for the last year but not used it. So I will get it to you asap, I am going over to Tesco shortly and I can get it unlocked there hopefully tonight Rob: ok no rush Ann: Did you sort out the Cawson invoice? Rob: oh no good job you reminded me I will do it now Ann: yes the files are on driver and I already have a template invoice set up for them, you just need to see haw many courses they took this month Rob: I think they had quite a few this month, I need to get onto Chris Lamport and hurry up his reports as I cant send them an invoice if they dont have all the reports Ann: Hes getting annoying being late with reports all the time Rob: I'm thinking about cutting his jobs, hes getting a bit too comfortable Ann: well that wont hurt for a while, he is taking more local tutors jobs really Ann: I know its great that he is able to cover areas that we are short on but apart from that we should leave him to his own area Rob: I think you are right good idea Summary:
Ann and Rob are discussing ideas related to redirecting phone calls to a company phone. Rob is setting a 0333 number to redirect calls to Ann's new sim card. Ann also reminds Rob about an invoice they have problems issuing as Chris is late with necessary reports for trainings.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Have you decided what you are going to take next semester? #Person2#: Well, I'm an English major, you know. So I came here to make sure I'm taking the right things. #Person1#: Good. I think it's a good idea. Our department should require meetings like this. #Person2#: I want to finish my degree in four years. So I don't want to forget to take classes I need. I have a friend who has to stay in college another year. She didn't know until recently . There were some classes she needed to take to graduate. She didn't know about them. #Person1#: Yes, that happens. #Person2#: I brought my transcript from my first year. Here. And here is the list of courses I plan to take in the fall. #Person1#: Alright. Good. I see you've already taken six credits of your breadth requirements. You have one botany class and one chemistry class. And political science. So that's nine credits. Did you take English Composition 201? #Person2#: No, I don't need to. I took Advanced Placement English in high school. So I'm not required to take composition. #Person1#: Excellent. I see you have the 18th century poetry class for next semester. And the modern novel class. You haven't taken a Shakespeare class yet. #Person2#: No, I thought I would take it later. #Person1#: Actually, I recommend you take Shakespeare sooner rather than later. #Person2#: Well, I suppose I could cross out the 18th century poetry class. I have to see when the Shakespeare class meets. #Person1#: Let me look at the timetable. Shakespeare meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 #Person2#: I can take it then. I have that time slot free. #Person1#: Good. I recommend it. Shakespeare is of course enormously important. We want our students to take the class as soon as they can. And Professor Friedman is an excellent teacher. #Person2#: I'll take it then. #Person1#: Tell me, Lisa, what made you decide to be an English major? #Person2#: I want to be an English professor in the future. I love studying literature, and I want to teach it. #Person1#: Really? That's great to know. #Person2#: That's the reason I want to finish my B. A. in four years. Because I know I will be in school a long time. I want to start the M. A. and Ph. D. program as soon as possible. Summary:
#Person2# wants to finish the degree in four years, so #Person2# has to take necessary classes. After seeing #Person2#'s course selection, #Person1# recommends #Person2# to take Shakespeare's poetry class sooner because of its importance. #Person2# has the time slot free so she decides to replace the 18th century poetry class with it. #Person2# also says that #Person2# becomes an English major because she wants to be an English professor in the future.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: May I help you, sir? #Person2#: Yes, I want to buy a VCR. #Person1#: Well, we have many models to choose from here. Do you have a particular brand you want? #Person2#: No. I only want it to be a very good one. The best. It's a graduation gift for my son. #Person1#: I see. And does your son have a VCR now? #Person2#: Well, he uses our VCR at home. But he's going to university in the Fall, so he needs his own VCR. #Person1#: Does he watch a lot of movies? #Person2#: Yes, he sure does. In fact, he wants to become a movie producer himself. He wants to study film at the university. #Person1#: I would like to make a suggestion then, sir. #Person2#: Please do. #Person1#: If your son wants to study film, probably he will start to collect movies himself. #Person2#: Yes, I know that. So I want him to have a good VCR to use. #Person1#: May I suggest you consider buying him a DVD player instead? #Person2#: DVD? Isn't that like a CD? #Person1#: It is very similar. The technology is the same. #Person2#: Why is a DVD better than a VCR? #Person1#: For one thing, sir, the quality of the image is usually better. That's because it's digital. #Person2#: But isn't it more expensive? #Person1#: It is a little more expensive, sir. But there is one important advantage which your son might appreciate. #Person2#: What's that? #Person1#: If your son starts to buy video tapes, he can't keep them very long. #Person2#: And why not? #Person1#: Video tape breaks down after fifteen years. So if he collects a lot of tapes, after fifteen years they will all start to rot. #Person2#: Hmm. Is that true? #Person1#: Yes, it is, sir. #Person2#: Well. And what about DVDs? #Person1#: This is the excellent thing about DVDs. If your son starts to collect DVDs, they will last forever. They will never rot. #Person2#: Hmm. He might really appreciate that. I know he will start to collect movies at school. Especially if he studies film. #Person1#: So let me show you some of our DVD players. In my opinion, DVD is the wave of the future. #Person2#: Alright, please show me what you have. Summary:
#Person2# wants to buy a VCR for his son as a graduation gift since he wants to be a movie producer. #Person1# suggests #Person2# buy a DVD player which is a little more expensive because it has a better quality of the image and can keep tapes forever, while videotape breaks down after fifteen years. #Person1# will show #Person2# some of their DVD players.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Albert and I need a lot of things to furnish our house. But I don't know where the best place to shop is. Can you give me some advice? #Person2#: Sure, Carolyn. I'm happy to help you. What kinds of things do you need right now? #Person1#: Well, we have most of the furniture already. We mostly need kitchen utensils, bathroom accessories, cleaning and laundry accessories--things like that. And Albert wants to set up a little offi #Person2#: Well, as for Albert, he should go to an office supply store. There's a very good one called Office Depot. They have everything he will need. And their prices are good too. It's very conven #Person1#: Can I write that down? #Person2#: Sure, it's spelled Office and then D - E - P - O - T. It's in the Yellow Pages. #Person1#: Thanks. #Person2#: And as for the kitchen things, do you want very high quality? #Person1#: What do you mean? #Person2#: I mean, do you want the best quality, or do you want good prices? #Person1#: Probably good prices. You know we will only be in America for about a year. #Person2#: Then I suggest you go to K-Mart or Wal-Mart. #Person1#: What are those stores? #Person2#: They are very large, discount department stores. That means their prices are very good. And you can find everything you need for the kitchen or bathroom. #Person1#: Even silverware? #Person2#: Yes, everything. They don't have the most expensive brands, but their quality is usually decent. The main thing is, they have good prices, and they are very convenient. #Person1#: I have a friend that said something about a place called Price Club. Do you know about that? #Person2#: I have never shopped there, but I think Price Club is a kind of membership store. #Person1#: What does that mean? #Person2#: That means you have to pay a membership fee to shop there. I have heard they have very good prices on electronics. #Person1#: Electronics? #Person2#: Yes. Like stereos and televisions. #Person1#: How much is the membership fee? #Person2#: I'm not sure. But if you are only going to stay a year, I don't think Price Club is good to join. They have great deals occasionally. They are very good for people who like to buy new things all #Person1#: I see. Thanks for these tips. We really need to buy a lot of little things. #Person2#: I know how it is. Moving is very troublesome. Summary:
Carolyn wants some advice from #Person2# for the place to buy furniture. #Person2# recommends some stores where she can find everything her need for the kitchen or bathroom with good prices. #Person2# doesn't think Price Club is good to join because they are only going to stay a year.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Carmen: Have you seen "Kler"? This movie about the clergy and their scams. Jennifer: heard of it, but haven't seen it. Have you seen it? Carmen: yeah, I went to the cinema yesterday with Joseph Jennifer: and how was it? Carmen: it's as controversial as they say, but there is a lot of truth in it. Not in the entire film of course, but still... Jennifer: what do you mean by controversial? Carmen: well...it discusses some uncomfortable matters which the clergy are often being accused of, and which some people are often trying to obscure Jennifer: I understand...but I don't think I'll watch it, I'd rather watch something funny and pleasant instead of pissing myself off and paying for it Carmen: I get it, but if you change your mind, you'll not regret it. It might be a heavy piece of work but it definitely forces to rethink some matters and be more careful when it comes to the real life. Jennifer: I'll keep your suggestion in mind. How are you, btw? Carmen: I'm quite ok, just chilling right now. Tomorrrow I'm going to university and later to work, I don't know how I'm gonna survive this :/ Jennifer: you will, we can meet later and chill a little bit, if you want. Carmen: If I won't be dead, then with pleasure. I guess we spent an evening together like ages ago :/ Jennifer: that's how being adult looks like :P no time for anything, even for sleeping Carmen: I think a good shopping will wake me up. Wanna go? maybe not tomorrow, but this week Jennifer: sure, do you have anything particular in mind? Carmen: Well, I was thinking of a new lipstick and of some dress, as always Jennifer: Actually I need a lipstick too, sephora? Carmen: might be sephora, but there are 3 other places we can visit to see what they have Jennifer: sure, we'll see. Hm... I also need a notebook Carmen: a notebook? Jennifer: yeah, like a paper one xD you won't believe it but my dog ate the old one Carmen: nigga what xDDDD Jennifer: yeah, he just literally chewed it looking me in the eye Carmen: hell no ahahahahahahah I just died Jennifer: yeah....just regret you haven't seen it, no vine could ever beat it xD Carmen: geez, I'm crying xD sorry but I couldn't stop it Jennifer: no problem, now I'm crying too xDDD Summary:
Carmen went to the cinema with Joseph to see ''Kler''. Carmen thinks it is controversial but true and worth seeing but Jennifer prefers funny films. Carmen is going to university and then to work tomorrow. Jennifer suggests shopping later. Carmen agrees to go this week except for tomorrow.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Hugh: Hi there. Rob and Juan, how did your panels go? Clarice: Both were splendid. I've witnessed them 👀 And here's a photo of the heroes <file_photo> Juan: Ha ha ha thanks Clarice. Yeah, I think it went ok, what would you say Rob? Rob: I can't remember anything. Panel blackout! ⚫ Hugh: Any annoying questions from the audience? Rob: ⚫ Hugh: lol Clarice: Well, I don't know what the guys think but I personally think the guy who chaired Rob's panel was a little bit of a dickhead, wasn't he? Rob: 🔴 Yeah, a total dick. He did a nice round-up at the end in which he scoffed at our papers and basically said we were a bunch of silly losers. After which he asked us to provide a definition of politics, just to make sure we even understood what it was. Clarice: @Hugh for your information, Rob is exaggerating less than usual Hugh: Fuck, sounds insane Juan: It was. But I actually had a very good time. Rob was the last one to answer the "question" and he gave a truly moving performance -of scorn and intellectual superiority 💖 Hugh: Ha ha ha how so Clarice: Well, I don't wish to interrupt but I think it's not without importance that Rob actually began his answer by laughing the chair in his face Juan: Sounds like a nice prelude 🎼 Rob: Indeed, that bit I really forgot lol. Anyway, I told him that as he has asked such a big question I was going to answer a few more. So I defined not only politics but also History, Art and Literature 😂😂😂😂 Clarice: And the best thing was that the guy actually seemed to enjoy the answer, even though it was apparent that Rob was mocking him from beginning to end. So weird... Rob: I agree with Clarice, he looked me in the eye all the while, nodding with approval Juan: Sounds really bizarre... So Rob, what's History? What's Literature? What's Art? Rob: Oh fuck off lol Clarice: You can purchase advance tickets for Rob for 10 EUR; tickets at the entrance cost 12 EUR Rob: 😂😂😂 Juan: Rob sure deserves a glass of wine tonight Rob: We all do. I'll be looking out for you after the keynote address Clarice: Sure, let's grab a drink after Hugh: Yes please 👌 Rob: See you guys later then Clarice: Byee Summary:
Rob and Juan did panel that went great. Clarise tells Hugh the guy who chaired Rob's panel was a dick and asked him diminishing questions. Rob answered brilliantly mocking the guy. Rob, Juan, Hugh and Clarice are going to the drink later.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Nick: So, so? Have you finished yet? Haley: yes :( Nick: I know, right? Haley: I hate u. The ending was heartbreaking af Nick: I know, but then again the whole game is soo good. Haley: True that Nick: So what did you sacrifice? Haley: Arcadia Bay. Nick: Srsly?? I was 100% certain, you're going to sacrifice Chloe. Haley: I mean it wasn't an easy decision, but it made sense to me. What did you choose? Nick: I sacrificed Chloe, obviously. Haley: obviously :P Haley: You know it's almost 50/50 with this choice among the players Nick: I've seen the statistics, yes. So why did you choose Chloe? Haley: Because it's actually the one person that you truly care about. Who's like your best friend and means something to you. You've tried so hard for her and now you're just gonna throw that all away and kill her? I just couldn't do it. Nick: Yes, but that's one life against several thousands of lives including Chloe's mother. How do you think that would make her feel? Haley: I know and as I said it was a devastating choice, but I couldn't let her die after all that emotional build-up. Nick: I sorta get it... in theory. But for me the math was simple. Plus there was this part where you had to see the damage the storm had done and save your classmates and all that. It really got to me. Haley: I know all that but it was just... pursuit of happiness I guess. Like if it was Josie or your mom, what would you do? Nick: yeah, but for me it wasn't a Josie/mom kind of relationship. Chloe and Max just spent several days together after some long years of zero contact. I just didn't really feel that close to Chloe, I guess. Haley: I totally adored her and actually felt guilty a lot o f times on Max's behalf for abandoning her like that those years ago. I know Chloe is difficult and troublesome, but for me that was kinda lovable. Nick: I didn't connect with her like that at all. I mean it wasn't ok, what Max did, but I feel like Chloe was constantly guilt tripping Max throughout the game. It was kinda annoying. Haley: i dindn't really see it that way. Chloe's just sorta emotional, says what she feels. Nick: That's a polite way to put it but ok. :P What about the other choices? And most importantly - did you water the plant? :D Haley: Yes! :D I watered it exactly right. Nick: Haha, me too. I wish I was able to do that in real life :P Summary:
Nick and Hayley finished the game. Nick sacrificed Chloe and is surprised that Hayley sacrificed Arcadia Bay.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey. How are you doing these days? #Person2#: Well, I'm okay, but Brandon isn't doing so well. #Person1#: What do you mean? #Person2#: Well ..... I don't ... I don't know. It's kind of a strange situation. He was dating this girl ... you know Alex? He was dating her and then he ended up breaking up with her because she was using drugs, and ... #Person1#: Oh, wow. Well, that was a good thing, right? #Person2#: Well, yeah, that was, but now she's really angry with him, and he's having all kinds of problems with her, like last week, she punched him in the face and in the groin at school. Right in front of everyone. #Person1#: Oh, man! So, what did he do about it? #Person2#: Well, um ... she told him that if he said anything to a teacher, to the principal or anyone, she would get her friends to beat him up after school. #Person1#: Man. This sounds really bad. I mean, you often think of men becoming aggressive toward women, but I guess it can go the other way. #Person2#: Yeah, yeah. You don't really think of this, but it happens, so um ... #Person1#: So, what are you going to do about it? #Person2#: Well, first, Brandon said that, um, he was just going to let it go, but you know, he didn't want to cause any more problems ... #Person1#: Yeah, I can see that. #Person2#: Then he decided that if she was doing that to do that to him and get away with it, she'd just do it to the next guy, so he went to the principal and the school police officer and reported everything, and now they're going to press assault charges against her. #Person1#: So, isn't he worried about what her friends are going to do to him? #Person2#: Yeah, but he thinks that the other people in her group were just going along with her. [ Yeah. ] You know, I don't know. We'll see. They're probably frightened of what she might do to them. You know, she'll probably get suspended and have to go to court, but I don't know. He's kind of worried about some backlash. #Person1#: I mean, people have to realize that you can't inflict violence on others, you know, in any type of relationship or friendship. #Person2#: Yeah, that's right. Anyway, I guess ... I got to go, but I'll keep you updated on what happens. #Person1#: Alright, thanks. Summary:
#Person2# tells #Person1# that Brandon was dating Alex but broke up with her because she used drugs. Alex was angry with Brandon so she punched him and asks Brandon not to tell the teacher. Brandon just wanted to let it go at first but then he went to the principal and the school police officer and reported everything. The school will press assault charges against Alex and Brandon is worried about some backlash.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Kevin: Hi Carl, life ok? Carl: Well, not so great, did you know Wendy was very ill? Kevin: No! What's the matter. Carl: Well, it's liver cancer, terminal, I'm afraid. Kevin: Christ man! I'm so sorry, I had no idea. Carl: Well, it's only been about 3 months. When we worked on the Green Acres site last year, she was still perfectly healthy. Kevin: Yeah, that was only last summer. What happened? (if you don't mind me asking.) Carl: Well, we went on hols last September and she had problems with her stomach, bloating, pain and such, then a bit of bleeding. Saw the consultant and she said a tumour in the bowel had spread to the liver. That was only November and here we are in February with her in hospital. Kevin: Shit, man! That's tough. I'm so sorry. How is she really? Carl: Well, she knows it's bad, but she's in denial a bit. She is so relaxed in the hospital, in discomfort, but not any real pain. They are total stars there. Kevin: I'll tell Bernadette about it, remember that works do last year? They really got on well, she'll be so concerned. Carl: She has meditation classes as well, which she finds marvellous. They are talking about her moving to the hospice for better therapy and care, she won't have more than a few weeks left now. Kevin: Oh, mate, that's brutal. You OK? Carl: Well, I'm thinking of Wendy mostly, she is coping so well. Course, I'm tired, only go into work in the mornings now, spend 1 to 9pm with Wendy, kids have been there a lot too, girls from the office, my sister in law has been brilliant. People just love Wendy. Kevin: Maybe me and Bernie will pop in, do you think she'd remember us? Carl: Yes, she knew you and me were friends and she did like Bernie too. Come down tomorrow, mate. Takes a bit of pressure off me too. Kevin: Yeah, we'll do that, what time is visiting? Carl: 7 to 9, I can come for longer cos I'm her husband. Kevin: What shall we bring her? Carl: Oh, she likes oranges and grapes, though she doesn't eat much now, maybe some books or magazines? Kevin: OK, well see you there, oh yes, which ward is it? Carl: It's Aneurin Bevan Ward on the 2nd floor, just ask at reception. Kevin: Bye mate, take care and we'll see you tomorrow. Summary:
Wendy has serious liver cancer. Wendy started feeling bad in September last year. She's in the hospital now and is not in pain. She has a few weeks to live. Many people help Carl and Wendy in this situation. Kevin and Bernadette will visit Wendy tomorrow
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: This is our rock - bottom price, Mr. Li. We can't make any further concessions. #Person2#: If that's the case, there's not much point in further discussion. We might as well call the whole deal off. #Person1#: What I mean is that we'll never be able to come down to your price. The gap is too great. #Person2#: I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price. How about meeting each other half way so that business can be concluded? #Person1#: What is your proposal? #Person2#: Your unit price is 100 dollars higher than we can accept. When I suggested we meet each other half way, I meant it literally. #Person1#: Do you mean to suggest that we have to make a further reduction of 50 dollars in our price? That's impossible. #Person2#: What would you suggest? #Person1#: The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 dollars. That'll definitely be rock bottom. #Person2#: That still leaves a gap of 20 dollars to be covered. Let's meet each other half way once more, then the gap will be closed and our business completed. #Person1#: You certainly have a way of talking me into it. All right, let's meet half way again. #Person2#: I'm glad we've come to an agreement on price. We'll go on to the other terms and conditions at our next meeting. #Person1#: Yes, there's one other point I wish to clear up. #Person2#: What is it? #Person1#: My friends in business circles all seem to be of the opinion that the U. S. import and export corporations have become more flexible in doing business recently. #Person2#: Yes, they're right. In fact, we have either restored or adopted international practices in our foreign trade. #Person1#: I'm glad to hear that. With a view to expanding and further enhancing the bilateral relations between our two parties, and in particular, exchanging timely views on specific problems in the execution and enforcement of contracts, is it possible for us to have a representative that could stay permanently in Washing - ton D. C. ? #Person2#: Basically speaking, yes, we welcome the establishment of repry - tentative offices by foreign companies in Washington D. C. Of course, there are more details to be attended to. We cannot settle it in a few words. #Person1#: Yes, of course. I'll call my home office tonight and let them know about it. When do we meet again? #Person2#: How about tomorrow morning at 9? #Person1#: Good. I'll come back tomorrow, and we can then discuss it more specifically. Summary:
Mr. Li suggests meeting each other half way so that business can be concluded, and he finally reaches an agreement on price with #Person1# after serval times half-price. #Person1# asks Mr. Li's permission of having a representative that could stay permanently in Washington D.C., and Mr. Li approves. They will meet again at 9 tomorrow morning to discuss it specifically.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Dad, Dad. What's for breakfast? #Person2#: Emmmm... #Person1#: Dad? #Person2#: What? #Person1#: What's for breakfast? #Person2#: Uh, there's a banana on the kitchen counter. Enjoy. #Person1#: Dad, that banana's all bruised, and it looks like the cat took a bite out of it last night ... Dad. Wake up. #Person2#: Okay. Uh, there's some cereal in the cupboard. Help yourself. #Person1#: But there's no milk. #Person2#: Well, just mix up some powered milk. #Person1#: Ah, no way. That stuff is nasty and warm. Come on, Dad. #Person2#: Uh, okay. I guess I could make some pancakes. #Person1#: Uh, no. The last time you made pancakes, they were as hard as a rock. Even the dog wouldn't touch them. #Person2#: That bad? #Person1#: Yeah. #Person2#: Alrigh. Wait! Why in the world are we having this conversation anyway? You're 19 years old. Make your own breakfast. I'm going back to bed. #Person1#: Because you love me ... plus you said that you'd make something for me if I cleaned the dishes last night. #Person2#: Okay. How about some eggs and bacon? I can't go wrong there. #Person1#: Okay, but don't put any of that funny stuff in it ... you know, those weird mushrooms like you did last time. #Person2#: Okay, okay. So, you want me to keep things simple, right? #Person1#: Exactly. But, please hurry. My friend is picking me up in a few minutes. #Person2#: On a Saturday morning? #Person1#: Yeah. He's taking me fishing. #Person2#: Fishing? Since when did you start liking fishing? #Person1#: Since Dirk gave me this ring! What do you think? #Person2#: What? Wait. I'm not going to ask. Let me get breakfast on the table ... Then, we'll have a long chat. #Person1#: Oh, he's here. I'll just take the $20 bill out of your wallet. I can buy breakfast on the way. Bye. #Person2#: Oh, no! Summary:
#Person1# asks #Person2# to get up and make breakfast, but #Person2# asks #Person1# to cook #Person1#'s breakfast. #Person1# reminds #Person2# that #Person2# has promised to make something for #Person1#. #Person1# hurries #Person2# up because #Person1#'s friend will pick #Person1# up soon, but #Person2# wants to have a chat with #Person1# because Dirk gave #Person1# a ring. #Person1# says they will buy breakfast on the way and leave.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Ian: Hi darling, how are you there? :) Fiona: Hi! It's great, people are nice, city's great, everything is cool <3 Ian: Good to hear! Where do you live? Is it a flat or a house? Fiona: House, I share it with 10 people, can you imagine? Ian: What?! 10 people?! Fiona: I know, sounds terrible, but it's cool, really. We get along really well, what are the odds? Ian: But you have your own room or are you sharing? Fiona: Ok, not that social, I have my own room :) Ian: That must be a huge house... Fiona: Hahaha, yeah, it is quite big. It's quite difficult to get your head around at first, we have a patio and there's an extension there were two people live. There are also three floors, so we fit quite all right. Ian: Glad to hear that :) Is it somewhere central? Is the neighbourhood safe? Fiona: The whole country is safe, trust me, it's probably the safest place on earth as there's literally nothing happening here. Fiona: I think the last time someone was murdered here was decades ago :P Ian: Very funny :P Fiona: I don't live in the central area, but I have couple of buses to choose and it takes around 20 minutes to get to the old town.Told you - pretty cool ;) Fiona: <file_photo> Fiona: Here's the old town. The city is tiny though, it took me 15 minutes to visit all the sights near the city centre :D Ian: Oh, whoah, that is small. How do you find it? Aren't you bored then? Fiona: Hm, not yet, but you know, I arrived here only a few days ago. So far I had one weekend to discover the city, went out once with my colleagues and housemates. Ian: Found any nice bars, pubs? Are there any? ;) Fiona: A few, yes :P I'm quite worried that I may visit all of them before my contract here ends, but it's not too bad. Fiona: But when you come to visit, we really need to go to this one cafe, it's brilliant. They have the most amazing cakes. Fiona: <file_photo> Ian: Booked my tickets already ;) Fiona: You're joking? Ian: Uhm, no? Aren't you happy? Fiona: oh my god, of course I am!!! Ian: :) Fiona: When are you arriving? <3 Can't wait!!! Ian: In two weeks :) Summary:
Fiona shares house with 10 people. The house has 3 floors and a patio. She lives in a small town, about 20 minutes by bus from city centre. Ian has already bought the flight tickets and will visit Fiona in two weeks time. Fiona wants to take Ian to a cafe which she likes very much.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Bruno: Hey guys, would you fancy going to the Prado tomorrow? Alba: Hey handsome. Sure, I have the evening off tomorrow, so can join you. After 17:30 I'd say Anton: Sounds good. 5.30 is fine by me Bruno: Cool. Shall we say 5.30 at the main entrance then? Anton: Yep Alba: Oh fuck me, I forgot I might have to stay a few hours longer (long story involving my much-hated boss ⬛) Anton: The most hated of bosses Alba: 💩 Bruno: Are you sure you'll have to do these extra hours? Alba: Well, the worst thing is that I can't ever be sure of anything in this so called "job". It's the most ridiculous thing that's ever happened to me, to be honest Anton: Well, me and Bruno can go to the museum together and if you can't make it, you can always join us for drinks after Bruno: Please do! Alba: OK, I'll let you know as soon as I know what's happening. Be informed though that uncertainty can last for quite a while, as it usually does Bruno: No worries, we'll be close to where you work anywhere. I assume it's still in Chueca? Alba: Yeah, we've moved to a smaller office (decay!) but it's still in Chueca Anton: Cool. Can I say that I'm even more excited for the drinks with you two than for the museum? What are we even going to see? 😂 Bruno: lol that's kind. I don't know 😂 Alba: oh lol Bruno: Ha ha ha. Well, quite obviously I'm also more interested in those sublime gin & tonics we're going to have, but I was able to check what's new at Prado. Turns out they have this exhibition about life and death in Spanish baroque painting or something like that Alba: That's what I call a specific description Anton: Exuberant, rich in detail, almost as if Bruno has single-handedly ERECTED the façade of a baroque church before our eyes Bruno: 🍆💦 Alba: 😹😹😹 Guys, I think I have to go back to work. I do hope to see you tomorrow Anton: Yes please Bruno: @Anton, I'll see you tomorrow at 5.30 at the main entrance then Anton: Yes sir Bruno: Cool Alba: Bye guys xx Summary:
Bruno wants to go to Prado tomorrow. Anton can go at 5.30, but Alba has to work longer. Anton suggests Alba can join them for drinks after to which Alba agrees. The exhibition in Prado is about life and death in Spanish baroque painting.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Albert and I need a lot of things to furnish our house. But I don't know where the best place to shop is. Can you give me some advice? #Person2#: Sure, Carolyn. I'm happy to help you. What kinds of things do you need right now? #Person1#: Well, we have most of the furniture already. We mostly need kitchen utensils, bathroom accessories, cleaning and laundry accessories--things like that. And Albert wants to set up a little off #Person2#: Well, as for Albert, he should go to an office supply store. There's a very good one called Office Depot. They have everything he will need. And their prices are good too. It's very convey #Person1#: Can I write that down? #Person2#: Sure, it's spelled Office and then D - E - P - O - T. It's in the Yellow Pages. #Person1#: Thanks. #Person2#: And as for the kitchen things, do you want very high quality? #Person1#: What do you mean? #Person2#: I mean, do you want the best quality, or do you want good prices? #Person1#: Probably good prices. You know we will only be in America for about a year. #Person2#: Then I suggest you go to K-Mart or Wal-Mart. #Person1#: What are those stores? #Person2#: They are very large, discount department stores. That means their prices are very good. And you can find everything you need for the kitchen or bathroom. #Person1#: Even silverware? #Person2#: Yes, everything. They don't have the most expensive brands, but their quality is usually decent. The main thing is, they have good prices, and they are very convenient. #Person1#: I have a friend that said something about a place called Price Club. Do you know about that? #Person2#: I have never shopped there, but I think Price Club is a kind of membership store. #Person1#: What does that mean? #Person2#: That means you have to pay a membership fee to shop there. I have heard they have very good prices on electronics. #Person1#: Electronics? #Person2#: Yes. Like stereos and televisions. #Person1#: How much is the membership fee? #Person2#: I'm not sure. But if you are only going to stay a year, I don't think Price Club is good to join. They have great deals occasionally. They are very good for people who like to buy new things all #Person1#: I see. Thanks for these tips. We really need to buy a lot of little things. #Person2#: I know how it is. Moving is very troublesome. Summary:
Carolyn asks #Person1# some places to shop to furnish the house. #Person1# suggests Office Depot for office supply. #Person1# also suggests K-mart and Wal-mart because the kitchen utensils and bathroom accessories have good prices there. #Person1# thinks Price Club is not suitable for Carolyn since they stay in America for short-term.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Steven! Good to see you brother! How are you? How was your trip? #Person2#: It was fine. I've been better but, it's great to be home, I've missed you all! How's mom? #Person1#: She's great! All she ever does is talk about you -her little boy that went to the United States. You're her pride and joy, you know that? #Person2#: Can't wait to see her. And you? What's new with you? #Person1#: Well, Nisha and I are expecting! You'll have another nephew or niece soon! #Person2#: That's great! Wow! Congrats! You two are great together, ya know. You have such a beautiful family. I hope one day I can have that. #Person1#: Of course, man! Come on! I mean, everything was set here for you to marry Shalini! You know, she's still pining after you. I don't think she'll ever get over you. #Person2#: What are you talking about? I hardly knew her! How could she be in love with me? I couldn't go through with it even though she is a great woman. No, I left my heart in the United States. I just hope Veronica is happy. #Person1#: Get over it! You're home now. Everyone here thinks so highly of you; there'll be girls throwing themselves at you. You can marry anyone you want! #Person2#: I don't want to marry anyone! I want to marry her! Don't you understand? #Person1#: You are incorrigible. #Person3#: Steven! My baby how are you! I've missed you so much! #Person2#: Hey, mom! Great to see you! #Person3#: You look so thin! Didn't those Americans feed you? Come come, let's have some chai. By the way. . . There is a girl here waiting for you. #Person4#: Hi Steven. #Person2#: Veronica! How did you get here? How did you know where I live? I waited for you at the airport but you never showed. . . #Person4#: I also have some little secrets that I haven't told you about, but we can discuss that later. I realized that I was just scared. Scared of how much I love you and of the commitment that marriage requires. I'm here now. Now there is something I wanna ask you. Steven, will you marry me? #Person5#: I now declare you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride Summary:
Steven just came back from America. #Person1# tells Steven Nisha and #Person1# are expecting their new-born baby and asks Steven to get married soon. #Person1# says Shalini is still waiting for Steven but Steven can't get over Veronica who's in America. When Steven gets home, he finds Veronica waiting for him. Veronica expresses her love for Steven and requests him to marry her. At last, they get married at the church.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Well, hello everyone, and welcome to today's show. And joining me today is my daughter, Ashley, who has had to endure my cooking experiments over the years. Are we ready, Ashley? [Ready to eat.] No, let's wait for a few minutes. We'll get to that. But as you know, my faithful listeners, I starting cooking and baking almost 30 years ago when my grandmother taught me in her humble kitchen. In fact, she taught almost me everything I know, and I've never attended cooking classes [You should have ...] Wait, wait, wait ... I know my daughter's going to mention to you faithful listeners that recently as I was helping the kids prepare for our kitchen for chicken meal, I forgot to take the chicken out of the oven, burned the bird to a crisp, and we ended up ordering pizza for dinner. #Person2#: We had to use the fire extinguisher. #Person1#: But that's another story. So, anyway, today I'd like to share with you our favorite ... at least my favorite ... chocolate chip cookie recipe. Now, before you switch the TV channel, I know what you are thinking. 'Another fattening cookie recipe.' But wait. What makes this recipe great is that it offers a wonderful low-fat, low-calorie, low-cholesterol dessert for the entire family. #Person2#: We still like the fat though. #Person1#: Well, I know we do. But let's see. We have all the ingredients, so we can start by mixing all of the ingredients, the sugars, the flour, the egg whites, the low-fat butter, vanilla, baking soda, and a pinch of salt in a large mixing bowl. Then, we add the mini chocolate chips. Now, my kids would like me to add the big ones but we start with the mini-chocolate chips. And don't forget to preheat the oven to 350 degrees (Fahrenheit). And finally, when the cookies are done, take them out of the oven, remove them from the cookie sheet, and let them cool before their fingers get into them. Did I forget anything? #Person2#: Yeah, if you have college-age kids, be sure to make a few extra batches they can take back to school for their roommates. And don't forget the kids still at home. #Person1#: Oh, well yeah. We can't do that. We can't forget them. And unfortunately, by the time your kids get the cookies, you, the cook, will be left with a single cookie - your instant diet plan for you - and a dirty kitchen. So, that's all for today. On next week's show, we will be showing you how to feed hungry teenagers on a budget without having to sell the family car. Until then. Summary:
#Person1# and #Person1#'s daughter, Ashley, introduce #Person1#'s childhood experience with #Person1#'s grandmother, the experience of a failed chicken meal, and a healthy chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Hugh: Hi there. Rob and Juan, how did your panels go? Clarice: Both were splendid. I've witnessed them 👀 And here's a photo of the heroes <file_photo> Juan: Ha ha ha thanks Clarice. Yeah, I think it went ok, what would you say Rob? Rob: I can't remember anything. Panel blackout! ⚫ Hugh: Any annoying questions from the audience? Rob: ⚫ Hugh: lol Clarice: Well, I don't know what the guys think but I personally think the guy who chaired Rob's panel was a little bit of a dickhead, wasn't he? Rob: 🔴 Yeah, a total dick. He did a nice round-up at the end in which he scoffed at our papers and basically said we were a bunch of silly losers. After which he asked us to provide a definition of politics, just to make sure we even understood what it was. Clarice: @Hugh for your information, Rob is exaggerating less than usual Hugh: Fuck, sounds insane Juan: It was. But I actually had a very good time. Rob was the last one to answer the "question" and he gave a truly moving performance -of scorn and intellectual superiority 💖 Hugh: Ha ha ha how so Clarice: Well, I don't wish to interrupt but I think it's not without importance that Rob actually began his answer by laughing the chair in his face Juan: Sounds like a nice prelude 🎼 Rob: Indeed, that bit I really forgot lol. Anyway, I told him that as he has asked such a big question I was going to answer a few more. So I defined not only politics but also History, Art and Literature 😂😂😂😂 Clarice: And the best thing was that the guy actually seemed to enjoy the answer, even though it was apparent that Rob was mocking him from beginning to end. So weird... Rob: I agree with Clarice, he looked me in the eye all the while, nodding with approval Juan: Sounds really bizarre... So Rob, what's History? What's Literature? What's Art? Rob: Oh fuck off lol Clarice: You can purchase advance tickets for Rob for 10 EUR; tickets at the entrance cost 12 EUR Rob: 😂😂😂 Juan: Rob sure deserves a glass of wine tonight Rob: We all do. I'll be looking out for you after the keynote address Clarice: Sure, let's grab a drink after Hugh: Yes please 👌 Rob: See you guys later then Clarice: Byee Summary:
Today Rob and Juan had panels. Rob discussed politics, history, art and literature. Clarice and Rob didn't like the chairman of Rob's panel. Rob, Clarice, Hugh and Juan will have a drink later.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Josh: Sally, you ok after last night? What time did u get back home? Sally: I'm peachy, just woke up…I don't remember exactly Josh XD Josh: 'Cause Tina is sick as hell after this drink with pineapple juice. TBH I don't feel great as well… Sally: I didn't drink that one, I took the srtawberry and lime tango at least 3 times :D Josh: Lucky ducky…Now I'm dying…just a bit. But the party was really cool, right? Sally: Yeah, it was a blast :D Josh: Gosh I envy Tina so much, her house is AWESOME!!! Sally: Yeah, with the swimming pool and freaking huge garden! I think I got lost at some point XD Josh: So did I! When I went to fetch the beer from the kitchen XD Sally: And did you see her parents' bedroom? The waterbed? Josh: I had a quick peek on my way to the garden :D srsly amazing! Sally: I lied on it for a moment :D Josh: No way, you DID NOT! Sally: Yup I did, it felt just sooo perfect for me :D Josh: You are such a badass Sally Collins! Sally: Well, I can't help it, was born this way XD Josh: I must admit I also sneaked around a bit XD it was too tempting XD and I found like shitload of old wine bottles in the cellar! Sally: Nothing special, Tina took me there to grab a few blankets for the party Josh: And I thought I could impress you with such a thing Sally: You can hardly do that Josh, I know you too well :) do you have any plans for today? Josh: I think I need to lie down for a bit, I still feel that pineapple… Sally: Whatever floats your boat XD I feel fantastic, I will go jogging! Josh: it's clearly hangover speaking, not you XD you had much too much alcohol last night Sally: But it's you moaning all the time :P Josh: I just don't like pineapple, I have no idea why I had that awful drink… Sally: Oh, stop being such a baby XD I can't stand it! Go to sleep, I'm off! Josh: Have a great hangover jog then :P see you in the evening? Sally: I'm not sure yet, I'll let you know Josh: Of course you will, but when? Sally: In the evening XD bye! Summary:
Josh and Sally went to a great party at Tina's place. Sally is feeling great, going for a run, whereas Josh is feeling under the weather, he is staying in bed. They might see each other in the evening.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: To get around your difficulty, Mr. Brown, I'd suggest that you reduce your order by half. You can send in an Addi trional order later. #Person2#: Well, I'll consider the possibility. By the way, when do I open the L / C if I want the goods to be delivered in June? #Person1#: A month before the time you want the goods to be delivered. #Person2#: Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly? #Person1#: Getting the goods ready, making out the documents and booking the shipping space - - all this takes time, you know. You cannot expect us to make delivery in less than a month. #Person2#: Very well, Mrs. Wang. I'll not reduce my order. I'll take the full quantity you offer. And I'll arrange for the Letter of Credit to be opened in your favor as soon as I get home. #Person1#: When will that be? #Person2#: Early next week. In the meantime, I should be very pleased if you would get everything ready. I hope that the goods can dispatched promptly after you get my Letter of Credit. #Person1#: You can rest assured of that. We'll book you order and inquire for the shipping space now, so that shipment can be effected within two or three weeks of receipt of your L / C. #Person2#: That'll be fine. I appreciate your cooperation. #Person1#: Very good. Well, thanks to your cooperation, our discussion has been very pleasant and fruitful. I sincerely hope that the volume of trade between us will be even greater in the future. #Person2#: By the way, Mrs. Wang, we have a mind to do joint participation with you on Japanese arts and crafts in our market. Would you entertain this proposal? #Person1#: Well, this is something new. A few of our friends from Europe have also suggested that we participate in joint enterprise with them dealing in some of our goods. We think there are a lot of details to go into. #Person2#: If you feel our proposal is attractive, it is estimated that business to the extent of over twenty million marks can be done in this manner. #Person1#: Naturally, I appreciate your efforts in pushing the sale of Japanese arts and crafts. But I'm not in a position to discuss your proposal today. I must first talk to our director, and discuss it with you some other time. #Person2#: All right. Anyway, I'll be staying here for another two weeks. But I'm looking forward to having something done in this respect. #Person1#: We'll talk about it next time. Now that everything is settled, let's have a cup of tea, and take our minds off business for a change. Summary:
Mrs. Wang and Mr. Brown are having a pleasant and fruitful business discussion about their cooperation. Mr. Brown says he'll take the full quantity of her offer, and hopes that the goods can be dispatched promptly after she gets his Letter of Credit. Mrs. Wang assures him that the shipment can be effected within two or three weeks of his receipt. They will discuss his proposal for joint participation next time.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey, Ray, what are you doing right now? #Person2#: Not much. Joann. Do you want to hang out? #Person1#: Yes, I do. I'm at home myself right now with nothing much to do. #Person2#: Me, too. What would you like to do? #Person1#: Well, we could go to a movie. Have you see Shrek 2? #Person2#: I have, actually. How about the movie, Million Dollar Baby with Clint Eastwood? #Person1#: Hmm... I've seen that, too. We could go for a walk in the park. #Person2#: We could, but it looks like it's going to rain soon. #Person1#: I guess that's out. Why don't we go shopping? #Person2#: I'd really rather not. I'll be too tempted to buy something that I can't afford! #Person1#: Ok. I guess we'd be not do that, either, then. What do you want to do? #Person2#: I don't know. Do you want to go bowling at the new bowling alley on 1st street? #Person1#: I would like to, but I injured my wrist last weekend. #Person2#: Let's see. Do you want to go to a bar and sing some karaoke? #Person1#: That sounds interesting, but I can't drink alcohol with the medicine I'm taking. #Person2#: Doesn't sound like that's be fun, then. Do you want to come here? #Person1#: I don't have a car. #Person2#: Goodness, we're not having much luck here, are we? #Person1#: No. do you have a car? #Person2#: No, but I could take the bus. #Person1#: Oh, good. Why don't you take the bus to mine and we could play Mah Jiang? #Person2#: That sounds great! Have you eaten? #Person1#: Not yet. I'll cook dinner and have it ready by the time you get here. #Person2#: Perfect. Are you prepared to give me all your money? #Person1#: Huh? We are going to play for money, aren't we? #Person2#: Oh, right. I suppose so. As long as you promise to lose! #Person1#: Hey... . as long as I'm not alone on a Saturday night, I don't really care what I do! #Person2#: See you soon. #Person1#: Bye! Summary:
#Person1# and #Person2# feel bored, so they talk about a great number of activities to kill time. They think about watching movies, walking, going shopping, going bowling, and so on, but they can't reach a consensus. They finally decide to have dinner at #Person1#'s house and play Mah Jiang.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Mr. Benson: Let's start with your workload for tomorrow. Claudia: I have a couple of ongoing projects and 2 conference calls planned for tomorrow. Except for the latter, nothing too urgent that cannot be put off until later. Andy: I have a huge deadline for tomorrow and really have to focus on it. Probably will finish by midday and from then on nothing too urgent. Mark: I don't know how to tell you this, but I was supposed to have the next day off so I planned to finish all urgent tasks tomorrow. Mr. Benson: Mark, can you cancel the day off? We really need your help here. Mark: That's not really that important. I just need to make a few phone calls. When will you be back, Mr. Benson? Mr. Benson: On Tuesday. Thank you, Mark. Mark: Can I have Wednesday or Thursday off then? Mr. Benson: Of course. I'll tell Lona later to book both days for you. One is on the company. Mark: Thank you, sir. I'll be right back. Mr. Benson: All right. Claudia - Since you have the smallest workload I want you to call all out major clients and ask them about client satisfaction. Lona has the survey, so ask her for it. Claudia: Of course. Mr. Benson: You don't have much time, because I'll need the processed data by 11. Claudia: You'll have it on your e-mail by 10:30. Mark: I'm back. Mr. Benson: Thank you, Claudia. Andy - I need you to prepare a presentation on our company. Something for laymen, not too complicated and not too specialised. A lot of positive figures. Andy: No problem, sir. Do you need any specific data? Mr. Benson: Financial, social and something intangible. Andy: By when do you need it? Mr. Benson: By the end of the day. Andy: Will do. Mr. Benson: Thank you, Andy. Mark - you get the hardest task. I want you to do some data mining. Mark: Data mining? What am I looking for? Mr. Benson: I want you to pull everything you can find on our clients' financial situation before the agreement with us, one month after signing and their current standing. Mark: That's a lot of work. I don't know if that's doable in one day. Mr. Benson: I'm sure you can manage. Mark: And when do you need it? Mr. Benson: Like Andy's presentation - by the end of the day. Mr. Benson: Since everyone knows what to do, let's make it work! Summary:
Mark will cancel his day off on Mr. Benson's request. Claudia will call out major clients to ask about their satisfaction and provide data by 10:30. Andy will prepare a presentation on the company byt the end of the day. Mark will do data mining on client's financial situation.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: So, what is your schedule like every day? #Person2#: Well, uh, I get up around a quarter to six ( 5:45 ) in the morning. #Person1#: Wow! That's kind of early. #Person2#: A little. Then, I eat a quick breakfast, and I catch the bus at, uh, 7:00. It takes about 20 minutes to walk to the bus stop. #Person1#: That's a pretty good walk. #Person2#: Yeah, and uh, next, I work at the library from 8:00 to 11:15 or so, and I have classes from noon until about five. #Person1#: Um. #Person2#: And then I catch the bus back home, and I arrive ... well, you know how the traffic is. It depends on traffic, but around 6:15, and I make a sandwich or something for dinner, and then I walk to the gym and meet some of my friends, uh, there [ Oh, that sounds fun. ] around 7:00. [ Around 7:00? ] You know Steve? [ Uh-huh. ] Yeah, he and I usually go. Steve and uh, what is her name? The new girl, um. I think her name is Amy. #Person1#: So you have a group you work out with then? #Person2#: Right. #Person1#: That sounds fun. #Person2#: And we exercise, play basketball, lift weights ... you know, do things like that ... for about an hour and a half. #Person1#: Wow. Do you do that every night? #Person2#: Oh, no. I usually go to the gym on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. And on Wednesdays, I take guitar lessons [ Ooh, fun! ] Yeah, uh, in the evening at a music school, you know, just around the corner from my house. #Person1#: Oh, that's convenient. #Person2#: Yeah, yeah. It's really nice. #Person1#: Well, I was wondering when do you get time to see your girlfriend. #Person2#: That's the problem. I only see her on Tuesdays in the evening and on Saturdays and some Sundays. I mean, we usually text each other every day, and I sometimes call her during my lunch break. #Person1#: Oh, that's nice. #Person2#: It sounds like you have a very busy schedule. Summary:
#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# gets up around 5:45 am, catches the bus at 7:00, works at the library from 8:00 to 11:15, has classes from noon to 5 pm, eats dinner around 6:15, and does work out with friends around 7:00 three days a week. On Wednesday nights, #Person2# has guitar lessons and #Person2# only see his girlfriend on Tuesday evenings, Saturdays and some Sundays.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Adam: Jackie, tell us more :) maybe something worth adopting at home ;) Jackie: Well, every year we gather around, sit together and think about the things we'd like to get 4 Xmas. Kris: So there's no surprise then? Jackie: No, but then we leave the lists on the table and forget about them. After some time we cross out the things we've bought 4 one another so that other ppl don't buy the same thing twice ;) Kim: That's actually pretty sensible. Last Xmas I got 2 identical sweaters and 3 nearly identical hats! Kris: Hahahaha! At least u didn't get socks! Adam: What's funny about that? Kris: Nothing. Just a stereotype that socks are on one hand the most popular present and on the other the least welcome one ;) Adam: I can vouch 4 that. I get socks every year! Jackie: Poor thing! Maybe u should do what I do? Adam: Not a bad idea. How do I convince my family to do the same? Kim: Just tell them? I'm also fed up with presents that don't suit me. Jackie: Kim, maybe u should do the same? Kim: Oh, I will! I'm going to do it 2nite at dinner table! They'll be so surprised! Adam: I don't think mine will even want to consider it. Jackie: Y not? Just tell them how much more fun it is! Adam: I don't think they'll understand! They think they know what's best 4 me, but have no idea what I like or want. Kris: Mabe u should talk to them like from ur heart? Tell them that u enjoy their presents, but would like to get something specific this year. Speaking of which, have u got something particular in mind? Adam: Actually, I do. I've been saving up for this stereo system, but need a little more cash so I thought that my parents could simply kick in a bit. Kris: And have u told them? Adam: No. They wouldn't approve. They already think I list to music too loud. Jackie: Still, worth a try. If u don't u'll never know. :) Kim: I know! Come over to my place. I'll tell my parents and u'll know how to talk to yours! Adam: That's actually not a bad idea. When do u want me over? Kim: Around 6? Jackie: Good luck, Kim! Kris: I think I'll do the same. Better to get tailored presents ;) Jackie: That's y I'm always happy with what I get :) Summary:
Before Christmas, Jackie's family gather and discuss what Christmas presents they want to get. They make a list, put it on the table, and people cross out the items they already bought for someone. Kim will try to convince her parents to do the same system. Adam will come over to listen at 6.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Dave: Hi! :) How are you doing? Jane: Hello! Not too bad, just chilling right now. You? Dave: Good, good. I'm writing because we didn't have the chance to finish our conversation yesterday. Jane: That's right! You promised to send me some useful links. Dave: Exactly! Here there are: <file_other>, <file_other>, <file_other> Dave: These are the ones I found the most helpful. First days are the most difficult, but you'll find good tips on what to do, what to avoid, etc. Dave: And here's the link to the shelter where I found Trixie :) <file_other> Jane: Wow! Thanks Dave! Dave: No problem. I'm happy to hear that someone's considering adopting a dog instead of buying one. Jane: I thought about buying, because I love pugs and other small dogs. I was reading about them and I found out that they have a lot health issues. Jane: I don't want to buy a dog that's going to die in three years or I spend all days at the vet. Dave: It's actually proven that mutt's have much better health than purebred dogs. Jane: That's why I've heard too. So I thought it may be a better idea to adopt :) Dave: See, I've always dreamed about a German shepherd, but then I went to the shelter with my friend and found Trixie :) Dave: Adopting a dog is not as easy as it may seem, but I think that's good. I was asked to fill in a questionnaire, had two interviews (;)) and a trial walk, before they agreed to give me Trixie. So be prepared to have your flat checked and everything. Jane: I don't mind that at all. Dave: Here's Trixie :) <file_photo> Jane: She's sooo cute! <3 Jane: I'm only afraid they won't let me adopt a dog, because I've never had one. Dave: Oh don't worry about that! I didn't have one either! Dave: Go to the webpage I sent you, or a find a different shelter, and look at the dogs that are waiting for adoption. We all have our preferences, but I advise you to be honest with the caretakers and tell them what kind of dog you would like to have. Jane: Thank you! What if I like a dog that will not be suitable for me? Dave: Hm, I'd rather go for the personality than for the looks, same with people I guess ;) I'd prefer my friends to be nice than pretty ;) Jane: It's true, sounds logical ;) Dave: If you have any doubts or questions, do not hesitate to ask me. I went the same road, so I hope I may be able to help you. Jane: Thank you so much! I probably will have a lot of questions :D Summary:
Jane wants to adopt a dog. Dave adopted a Trixie from a shelter.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Mari: How's it going, sis? Louise: Yeah, bit nuts, kids are going stir crazy with this shitty weather! I'm going slightly mad, as the Queen song goes! Mari: Sorry love. Look, I've got a couple of days off at the end of the week, shall I come round and we'll all go out somewhere. Louise: You're a lifesaver! Yes, I'm sure they'd love to go swimming, we could go out for tea or lunch then. Mari: I'll pick them up Friday too and we can go to soft play or out somewhere if the weather's better. I'll take them myself, if you want. Louise: You are a wonderful girl! Harry is home Friday from Brussels, so that would be a lovely end to the week! Mari: I bet you miss him so much when he's away, hard for you, I know. Louise: Yeah, I mean the money he earns is phenomenal and I don't have to work anymore. But I do miss the gallery sometimes. Mari: I know, and of course, the summer hols are here and 2 kids to amuse. What about holiday club? Louise: Hmm, Sid isn't keen, but some of Phoebe's friends go there when the mums are at work. We might give it a trial, I'll ring them later if I can find a number to call. Mari: The local council organise it, don't they, just ring them up. Louise: Oh yes, of course, thanks love! Mari: So, what about Thurs for swimming, shall I come over lunchtime and we'll take it from there? Louise: Yes, remember to bring your costume, we have to go in cos they're under 8. Mari: Yes, maybe a few nice single dads there? Louise: Haven't noticed many! Maybe single grandpa's! Mari: Well if they're 40ish or even a well preserved 50 something, I'm up for it! I like the older guys. Louise: Oh yes, wasn't Ross about 45, I'd forgotten! Mari: Well, me being 29 and all wasn't a bit weird, I miss him. Louise: Well pity he wasn't up for having any more kids. How many did he have with the ex? Mari: Yeah, 4 and a couple were grown up. We still see each other around, I think he's seeing someone more his age now. Pity. Louise: Yeah, he was great. Never mind. OK, see you Thurs about 12/12.30ish. Give me a message or a call first as a heads up. Mari: Bye love! Summary:
Louise is fed up with looking after her kids so Mari will take them somewhere on Friday. Harry is home from Brussels on Friday. Louise and Mari will have a lunch at about 12/ 12.30ish and then will take the children swimming on Thursday.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: We have the capital ready. Right now I am looking at three different companies to produce our products. And your company, Mr. Chen, seems to me to be the best for what we want. #Person2#: I appreciate your remarks. And we are always happy to do more business. But, you know, if we take on a contract to produce new products, we want to be confident the product is marketable. Because, to start producing new things requires a lot of preparation. It requires a lot of investment for us. #Person1#: You have some doubts about our products, I understand. #Person2#: I would like to offer you a good price. But I won't be able to do that if I think this is a one-shot deal. So I would like to have some confidence in your idea. #Person1#: Of course. Let me tell you in some detail about our idea. You know the popular Hello Kitty products. #Person2#: Yes, of course. #Person1#: Well, the products in themselves are very simple. It is the logo that is successful. So, Hello Kitty is successful because of the logo, but the products are very simple. #Person2#: And I would say the logo is successful mainly because it comes from Japan. It is the Japanese that have made it a fad. #Person1#: That might be true. But we have a logo concept that is great. It is really great. I think it will catch on in Taiwan at least. Young people will love it. It is because of our logo that our products will sell. We just need someone to produce the products for us. We have the backup and people to do the marketing. #Person2#: So what you are really trying to sell is a fad. #Person1#: Yes, we would like to make things like key chains, plastic pencil sharpeners, plastic rulers, watches, wallets, things like that. Little accessories for young people. But the reason these will sell is the logo. Just like Hello Kitty. #Person2#: I understand. But why won't you show me the logo? #Person1#: Because it hasn't been copyrighted. We want to get some protection for it. But while we wait for copyright, we are investigating companies to produce the products. #Person2#: I see. The problem, however, is that I can't be confident in giving you a good priceless I am confident your product will last. #Person1#: I understand. For now, though, you could just give us an estimated price. We aren't going to sign a contract yet. We are just investigating. I only need to know that your company is capable of producing the products. And then, I only need a very rough idea of how much it might cost. #Person2#: Alright. I understand. Right now you just want estimates. #Person1#: Yes. Summary:
#Person1# looks for Mr. Chen's company to produce Hello Kitty-related products. Mr. Chen asks #Person1# about the details of the products and is not confident to give a good price. #Person1# then explains that #Person1# just wants an estimated price.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I'm pleased to meet you again, Mrs. King. #Person2#: Pleased to see you, too, Mr. Brown. #Person1#: You've had a good trip, I hope. #Person2#: Yes, a very pleasant journey, thank you. #Person1#: It's been a full two years since we last saw each other. #Person2#: So it is, I've come again to renew our sole agency agreement for another 2 years. #Person1#: We shall be pleased to talk the matter over with you. You've done very well in fulfilling the agreement. #Person2#: I'm glad you're satisfied with our work. I can assure you we've spared no effort and spent quite a sum of money in pushing the sales of your products. #Person1#: Yes, we appreciate your efforts in pushing the sales of our pianos. We can see you are experienced in this particular line. #Person2#: Thank you. #Person1#: But I think the annual sale of 300 pianos for a sole distributorship in Canada is rather conservative. After all, you sold around 400 pieces there last year. You can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end. #Person2#: That is the result of our hard work. Well, what annual quantity would you suggest for the new agreement then? #Person1#: 500 pieces. #Person2#: No, no. That's too big a number to be acceptable. Let's put it at 450 pieces. And we'll strive to sell more, of course. We wish to add another clause. For every 50 pieces sold in excess of the quota, we'll get 1 % more in commission for our efforts. #Person1#: All right, let's fix it at 450 pieces then. And for every additional 50 pianos sold, we'll give you 1 % higher commission. #Person2#: I suppose all the other terms remain unchanged. #Person1#: We would like to make a specific mention of one more point. As our sole distributor, you will neither handle the same or similar products of other origins nor re-export our goods to any other area outside your own. #Person2#: No, certainly not. That's a reasonable restriction. #Person1#: Another thing is that every six months we would like to receive from you a detailed report on current market conditions and the users comments on our products. #Person2#: Yes, we've already prepared one. I've brought it with me. I'll put it forward when we talk with the manufacturers tomorrow. #Person1#: Good, that's all then. #Person2#: Good. Summary:
Mrs. King comes to renew the sole agency agreement with Mr. Brown for another 2 years. They agree that the annual sale will be 450 pieces and Mr. Brown will give Mrs. King 1% higher commission for every additional 50 pianos sold. Mrs. King will send Mr. Brown a detailed report every six months. They will talk with the manufacturers tomorrow.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Anthony: Hello my dear Helen! After all these happy-new-year greeting it's time for a recap. Here is a bit of a pictorial review of my year (well holidays really) - interested? Angela: Great to hear from you again and so soon. Sure I'm interested. Anthony: Starting with kayaking in May, including Hetty, Ken, Joss (Hetty’s son) and Sarah on the team-sheet. Anthony: 5 day’s kayaking, where we paddled from the North Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, along the Caledonian Canal in Scotland. It is mainly Loch Ness and three smaller lochs, joined up by canal sections, and is about 65 miles long. Angela: Ant the weather? Scottish? Anthony: It was the most perfect weather ever (we have had that sort of a summer). Anthony: <file_photo> and the most stunning countryside. Anthony: <file_photo> The head of Loch Ness where we wild-camped in an idyllic bluebell glade. Yes this really is Scotland! Anthony: <file_photo> Me being inert on Loch Lochy. Anthony: <file_photo> And with Joss and Sarah. Angela: Wait a sec! Angela: I don't understand kayaking in these flimsy objects. Anthony: They aren't flimsy having polyethylene hulls. Anthony: And some photos from our sailing trip in The Hebrides: Anthony: <file_photo> Anthony: So my sailing trip was back to the Hebrides, but this time to the northern part. Again the weather and scenery were perfect. Angela: Can't believe it! Looks absolutely stunning. Anthony: In August I spent 23 days along the Silk Road, from Kyrgyzstan, into western China, then Takikistan and Uzbekistan: Anthony: <file_photo> Anthony: <file_photo> One night I woke up in my Yurt, to find this kitten snuggling up to me. Angela: Looks as if you were about to take it along with you. Angela: Did you sleep in yurts?! Anthony: A marvellous trip through some amazing cities, and spectacular mountain scenery in hotels, guest houses, “home stays”, and camping in Yurts. Anthony: <file_photo> And finally over Christmas in Morocco with Sarah and Zof. Angela: Zof again? I wish you did! Anthony: With Zof and her boyfriend plus Denis I had a week cycling on the Sahara side of the High Atlas mountains in Morocco. The cycling was a bit boring, but we went to some great places and had a great trip. Angela: Very impressive. Thanks for sharing!!! Summary:
Last year Anthony did a lot of travelling all around the world. He did kayaking, camping, sailing and cycling.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Steven! Good to see you brother! How are you? How was your trip? #Person2#: It was fine. I've been better but, it's great to be home, I've missed you all! How's mom? #Person1#: She's great! All she ever does is talk about you-her little boy that went to the United States. You're her pride and joy, you know that? #Person2#: Can't wait to see her. And you? What's new with you? #Person1#: Well, Nisha and I are expecting! You'll have another nephew or niece soon! #Person2#: That's great! Wow! Congrats! You two are great together, ya know. You have such a beautiful family. I hope one day I can have that. #Person1#: Of course, man! Come on! I mean, everything was set here for you to marry Shalini! You know, she's still pining after you. I don't think she'll ever get over you. #Person2#: What are you talking about? I hardly knew her! How could she be in love with me? I couldn't go through with it even though she is a great woman. No, I left my heart in the United States. I just hope Veronica is happy. #Person1#: Get over it! You're home now. Everyone here thinks so highly of you, there'll be girls throwing themselves at you. You can marry anyone you want! #Person2#: I don't want to marry anyone! I want to marry her! Don't you understand? #Person1#: You are incorrigible. #Person3#: Steven! My baby how are you! I've missed you so much! #Person2#: Hey, mom! Great to see you! #Person3#: You look so thin! Didn't those Americans feed you? Come come, let's have some chai. By the way. . . There is a girl here waiting for you. #Person4#: Hi Steven. #Person2#: Veronica! How did you get here? How did you know where I live? I waited for you at the airport but you never showed. . . #Person4#: I also have some little secrets that I haven't told you about, but we can discuss that later. I realized that I was just scared. Scared of how much I love you and of the commitment that marriage requires. I'm here now. Now there is something I wanna ask you. Steven, will you marry me? #Person5#: I now declare you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Summary:
Steven just came back from America. #Person1# tells Steven Nisha and #Person1# are expecting their new-born baby and asks Steven to get married soon, but Steven only wants to marry Veronica who's in America. When Steven gets home, he is astonished to find Veronica waiting for him. Veronica expresses her love for Steven and proposes. At last, they get married.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Sara: Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the whole tribe, Thanksgiving was an absolute success!!! I’m so thankful to have gotten to celebrate with such an amazing group of people. Thank you all!!!! Ken: Thank you all for this beautiful collaborative barbaric coma inducing experience. You popped my ;) - now that the feasting is over who is in for some intermittent fasting? Alex: I’m thankful for being part of such an amazing tribe :) Anna: you guys are all beautiful humans, thanks for the meal tonight! felt so at home <3 In case anyone feels like cooking some more, here are some thanksgiving leftover recipes I’ve rounded up I thought I’d drop in here! <file_link> Ken: If anyone is missing dishes or has some from the other houses please put them aside and bring back/ take back when possible. The camp is a little easier but especially for cornerhouse and hotel house please make sure you have everything back. Kieran: Lets have a chat about Thanksgiving Shopping! I know people have already started adding on to splitwise but lets get a thread going about billing, We had three guests, some of us had initially talked about just charging the people with guests an extra share, but I am fine with just covering the cost of them.... My vote is to just throw all T-day grocery charges on splitwise and charging everyone equally George: I'm ok either way Kieran: Also, dont include Ashley on the bill, she is not even here Luke: our guests spent $45 on cheesecake and ice cream so if the totals are close to $20/person then probably not worth the trouble. But happy to do it if people want Kieran: Seems fair enough to me, I wouldn't worry about it Isis: About the dishes, all the hotel house people are away this weekend. We can come pick up our stuff on Sunday Kieran: Also, sound off if you have Leftovers in your fridge to share, in House 2 downstairs, we have some Turkey and a little mac n cheese Erin: In H1 downstairs we have some dessert, stuffing and cranberry Ken: House 2 upstairs has got turkey, gravy, mac n cheese Kate: House 2 upstairs also has some leftover oreos that need eating (please help) Ken: Or we could have a leftover lunch for everybody? What do you guys think? Sara: Yeah, that's kind of a tradition ;) Erin: Good idea, let's make some sides, rice etc. and eat all together! Ken: Cornerhouse and hotel peeps come over to the camp around 1 pm, BYO dishes Summary:
Sara, Ken, Alex and Anna enjoyed Thanksgiving feast. Kieran proposed to split Thanksgiving grocery expenses and charge everyone equally. They will bring leftovers to the camp at around 1 pm and have a leftover lunch.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Alex: Hi there! Matt: Hey! Alex: What are you up to? Matt: Nothing special, at my 5th unpaid job at the moment, doing social media Alex: Lmao It can't be that bad. Which social media? Matt: TWITTER Alex: Hmm that's an entire new dimension to explore Matt: Without a doubt, this has brought 3D into my life. A considerable improvement Alex: Man, what's happening to you, you're jokes aren't even funny anymore Matt: There you go, the aftereffects of 3D Alex: So what are you actually doing? Matt: Well actually/to be fair/quite frankly unpaid job number 5 is not that bad at all. I'm working for this association which organises a few events during the year and I'm the Secretary, which looks cool on the cv. And has made me learn what twitter actually is. Before I only knew it from the news, because of Trump lol Alex: ha ha ha! And What are you promoting atm? Matt: I'm going to casually mention that we're having an event at the British Library and that's what I'm promoting Alex: wow sounds really good Matt: Yer, good opportunity for networking and I work with really nice people too Alex: That's cool Matt: I think it could hardly be better actually. It's also true that these professional British people can sometimes be extremely unprofessional, but this might be the most entertaining part of the job to be fair. The other day, for instance, my colleagues sent me a promo leaflet which repeatedly mentioned the British Museum and I immediately circulated it through all our social media, mailing list, etc. Turned out it was supposed to be the British Library. Can you dig it? Alex: Ahahahaha that's hilarious!! I'm speechless Matt: Well, so am I. Really glad that it's not a paid job actually Alex: That's a nice silver lining you've got there Matt: lol But hey, I think I should go back to TWITTER and then jump back to unpaid job number 1. Will I see you soon? Alex: ok, no worries. Sure, this weekend? Matt: Yeah, I do think so. Is it rude to suggest we meet at YOURS? I'll bring wine Alex: ha ha ha Sure, no problem. Shall we say Saturday at mine? Matt: Sounds good! Let's just confirm during the week Alex: Will do Matt: It was nice to talk though Alex: Yeah. Keep in touch Matt: I will! xx Summary:
Matt is working for an event organizing association, where he's in charge of social media. especially Twitter. It's yet another job, where Matt is not getting paid. Some of Matt colleagues can be unprofessional at times. Matt and Alex will meet on Saturday at Alex's place.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: A Westerner said to his Chinese friend. ' Chinese people slurp when drinking soup. It's disgusting. ' The Chinese friend replied, ' Westerners make a lot of noise licking their fingers when eating. It's even worse. ' #Person2#: Everyone has his own habits, but these habits are not very good. The noise often spoils other people's appetite. #Person1#: I attended a course on table manners while I was in the United States. Some of the things we learnt included how to place the napkin and utensils and how to pass the bread. Before each course, the teacher would ask if we wanted to learn the Continental European way or the American way. We always said ' American way. ' It's amazing that everyone is so used to their own table manners. What is the Chinese way? #Person2#: The westerners use knives and forks to eat so it is complicated. The Chinese use a pair of chopsticks and eat out of the same plate. I assume it is less complicated, right? #Person1#: Not really. I did some research about Chinese table manners. The important rule is to remain silent while eating. Of course, this refers to family meals only. Not talking over meals is supposed to be good for the health. It is impolite if people do not talk to each other during a social party. The table arrangements and serving order for a social party are equally complicated. Each dish should be placed in the correct position. When fish is served, the tail should be pointing at the guest because tail meat is supposed to be tasty. If it is in winter, the stomach should face the right-hand side of the guest because that portion of the fish is very rich in winter. Each dish should be commenced by the eldest person who is seated at the head of the table. The diners should sit close to the table so food won't drop on their cloths. No noise should be made when chewing. No one should move food back to the communal plate even if he doesn't like it. One should drink soup slowly and is not supposed to make a lot of noise. All these table manners are very similar to Western habits. #Person2#: It seems that people share the same basic sense of etiquette regardless of their background. Apart from the different tools used for eating we seem to follow the same principles. We do not let inappropriate manners spoil other people's appetite. Westerners like to say, ' bon appetite ' before meals which is one way to suggest ' mind your table manners. ' Is there such an expression in Chinese? #Person1#: Yes. We say ' eat well and drink well. ' Summary:
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about western and Chinese table manners. #Person2# thinks the Chinese table manners are less complicated but #Person1# finds the table arrangements and serving order for a social party are equally complicated and takes serving the fish for example. Then #Person1# tells #Person2# more about Chinese table manners which are very similar to Western habits. They both agree people share the same basic sense of etiquette regardless of their background.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Sam: Hi Leah, it's your favourite former student here! How are you? Leah: Sam! How are you doing? How's Uni going? Sam: It's amazing! I love my flat, my friends and course! Leah: Oh, I'm so pleased. I know what it's like to have dodgy flatmates, from bitter experience! Sam: Well, there were a couple of pesky vegans in the flat at the beginning of term, but they decided to leave mid-Oct. We didn't argue or anything though. They were thoroughly disturbed by our burger addiction and quietly found somewhere else. Leah: Vegans are people too! Sam: Yes, maybe! Anyway, How's college going? Leah: Hectic as always! Jon is still entertaining us with his guitar playing and freestyle rapping! Sam: Oh yes, I remember us all working in the studio and him singing Bowie songs when he died. It wasn't bad! Leah: Yes, I don't mind Jon's singing, but the rapping is another story! I think he practises it in college because it annoys his wife too much! Sam: 😄 Leah: I think coming in third in that rap battle in Bristol went to his head! Hope you're working hard, my boy! Sam: Of course I am Leah, what with my 3 deadlines this month and my job at the cinema. No time for partying at the mo! Leah: I can't believe it, Sam! When I was in Poly it was all raves and glowsticks! Sam: I'd love to have seen you then! It's not the 90s anymore, Leah! We've got fees, loans and virtually no grants! It's work, work work now! Leah: I'm just kidding, I know what my nephew goes through. Sam: Anyway, just completed some new illustrations. They're on Instagram if you know what that is? Leah: Cheek! I'm not over the hill yet! I'll check them out. Sam: I saw one of your book covers again the other day, stunning! Leah: Yes, my heady days as a freelancer. I miss it sometimes, then I think of the money... Sam: Well, it's a precarious profession, isn't it? I've got all this to come. Leah: Come for a chat in the hols. I'll dig out my old contacts book, give you a few names. Sam: Thanks Leah. See you next month, probably. Bye! Leah: Bye Sam. See you soon! Summary:
Sam is Leah's former college student. He likes his university, flat and friends. He lived with some vegans before, but they moved out mid-October. Leah's college is hectic. Sam is working hard, he has 3 deadlines this month and a job at the cinema. He's also an illustrator and designed a book cover.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Samantha: Hi Soph, how about some more apples? We've got tons!!! Would you like another batch? Soph: Hello Samantha, in fact I might. They ARE so tasty. But not too much please. Samantha: There's no such thing as too much apples :)) Soph: One basket or two will be enough! Samantha: Great! I'll get you a small basketful of cooking apples and a bigger one with different sorts of dessert apples. So happy they'll be put to good use:) Soph: That sounds a lot! Thank you. I can always share them with my neighbor. Samantha: I really don't know what to do with them all! We're eating them with everything really and I've made some apple puree and some apple chutney. But what else? Soph: How about apple juice? Samantha: But then I'd have to have it pressed. Professionally I mean. Can you have it done somewhere? Soph: I think last year Oli and Natt took their whole apple harvest to some organic fruiter who's got a processing unit. And in exchange they received an adequate amount of juice. Samantha: So it wasn't juice from their own apples? Soph: As I understood it, no. But doesn't matter since it was an organic grower. And I think a friend of theirs or something, they must know each other well, since he accepted their apples and they didn't have any official certificate or anything. Samantha: That's an idea. Have you got their phone number? Or maybe could you ask them about that organic juice producer? You know Oli better than I. Soph: I'm sure he'd be glad to hear from you! Here's his number 07634 235 987 32. Samantha: Ta, I'll contact him. Mike's thinking about buying a proper juice maker but I don't fancy all that work. Washing, pressing, bottling, pasteurising... No! Soph: It's probably not worth it. Better to have it done professionally. Samantha: My point exactly. Is it ok if I get you the apples tomorrow morning? Soph: Nobody's home then but you can leave them on the terrace in the back. Soph: I still have your apple basket. The one Mike'd bought apples last week. I'll put it on the terrace for you. Samantha: So you've got it! I thought I was missing one. It's alright, I still have more than enough of them :) Soph: Very well then. And thanks for the apples. Soph: And the delivery :)) Samantha: Pleasure. Summary:
Samantha has grown a lot of apples. She will bring two baskets of them to Soph. Samantha will call Oli to ask about an organic juice producer. She thinks about taking her apples there.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Millie: Only 1 month till Christmas! Tammy: Yeah, time's really flying, isn't it? Millie: Tell me about it. I still remember last Christmas as if it was yesterday. Tammy: Who usually buys the gifts in your family. Millie: Ronnie loves buying presents for the kids. He usually picks them out so meticulously. Tammy: I do all the buying in my family. Hank's usually busy with work at this time of year. It's so interesting to see how shopping's moved to the net over the years. Millie: I know. I remember like 10 years ago, no one would have thought twice about choosing clothes by just looking at the pics online. Tammy: Toys are a little easier. I mean, obviously there's no difference between the toy at the store and the one on your screen. Plus, you can do your shopping in pajamas! Millie: True. But it's kind of sad how everything changed in the last 10 years. It's such a short span of time. There's just something about shopping around the holidays, there's a certain magic in the air, you know what I mean? Tammy: I hear ya. But I thought Ronnie does all the Christmas shopping :) Millie: He does, but you obviously I have to pick out his gift :) Tammy: Speaking of Ronnie, what are you planning for him this year? Millie: Well, I was thinking of a nice watch? What do you think? Tammy: I'm sure he'll love it. I'm buying my beau a new toolkit. He's been kind of hinting at it for a long while. Where are you guys going for Christmas this year? Millie: We're going to Hank's for Christmas Eve and then we're going to my family the next day. A marathon, like usual! Tammy: That's the thing about the holidays, you wait for them, but then you're glad their over :) Millie: I just hope it snows this year. It seems like it's been a while since we've had snow in Dec. Tammy: I don't mind not having any, actually. It makes driving so much easier, you know. Millie: I usually drive more than you during Christmas ;) Your family is all in one city! Tammy: Yeah, but you wouldn't believe the traffic in the city. Once you leave out on the highway, you leave all the traffic behind. Speaking of traffic, I'm stuck in it now. Actually, I shouldn't be texting you now. I gotta watch it for cops Millie: Ok, talk to you later. Tammy: Ok, bye Summary:
Tammy and Millie are surprised how Christmas shopping has changed over the past 10 years, although Ronnie does most of the shopping for Millie. Tammy has to do it herself. Millie has to drive a lot during Christmas, while Tammy stays in the city.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Julia: I had the craziest dream, you won't believe it :D May: Hahahaha tell me :D Julia: It was really weird, there was a party, I think Christa organised it. We went to that tiny, dodgy bar we went to two weeks ago May: Oh my god, Flamingo?! Julia: yes! geez that place was weird May: yeah and you were the one insisting that we NEED to go there and have an adventure XD Julia: haahaha, but we did ;D May: but what about that dream? Julia: Ok, so we're in this Flamingo bar, we have the whole bar just for ourselves, I don't remember who was there, but I remember you, Christa, Paula? I think Mike was there as well Julia: Everyone was sitting on the floor, there were cushions everywhere, you know, this exotic, Arabic style. The whole atmosphere was very bohemian, the cushions, smoke in the air, people laughing May: Wow sounds nice, not like Flamingo at all ;) Julia: I know! I was really excited because I spotted Mark when we arrived. We went for drinks, people were sitting in groups, some were talking, some were playing boardgames, so we tried to mix with the group Mark sitting in Julia: we approached them, squeezing through the crowd and then I saw Tom Hiddleston seating with one of the groups May: you what?! XD damn Julia: told you it's crazy :D Julia: Surprisingly enough I wasn’t that surprised by it and was still more stressed about talking to Mark XD We didn’t make it to Mark’s group as it was too crowded and there was no space next to them, so we had to settle with the group Tom Hiddleston was seating with May: oh no, terrible :D Julia: I remembered we were talking and laughing, we started playing a boardgame I think… It was really cool, we were discussing Greek theatre May: of course you did XD Julia: Yeah, we stayed up until late, but I said I need to go May: You did what? Omg Julia Julia: Right?! He then said that it’s really unfortunate I have to go and offered to walk me home May: Whoah Julia: … I said I’m fine and I don’t need him to… May: OMG JULIA Julia: I KNOW, what’s wrong with me?! He walked me to the nearest bus stop, it was really cool and that’s it, I left for home May: Girl you ditched Tom Hiddleston Julia: In my own dream! I did it because I couldn’t believe he can be actually interested in me May: There’s something seriously wrong with you XD Julia: tell me more ;P Summary:
Julia dreamed about a party at a bar.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Why don't you watch where you're going? #Person2#: Me? You're the one who pulled out in front of me! #Person1#: There was plenty of room for me to pull out. You didn't have to stay in the lane you were in. #Person2#: Hey, listen. I had every right to stay in the lane I was in. You were supposed to wait until I passed to pull out. And anyhow, you didn't give me any time to change lanes. All of a sudden--BANG--there you are right in front of me. #Person1#: I think my arm is broken. #Person2#: Sorry about your arm, but it serves you right. You need to learn how to drive. You're lucky you didn't get killed. And I'm lucky to be alive too. #Person1#: Listen, let's just wait until the police get here. Then we can decide whose fault this accident was. #Person2#: Fine with me. I know the laws of the road. I'm not worried. #Person1#: I have a cell phone in my car. Now it's probably on the floor on the passenger side. Why don't you get it for me, and then I can call the police? #Person2#: Alright. #Person1#: It doesn't work. It looks like it's broken. I need to get to a hospital. You should drive me there. #Person2#: Oh, yeah? It's better if we make a police report first. Then you can go to the hospital. #Person1#: Damn it! I'm injured here. We could wait all day for the police. #Person2#: Well, you'll just have to wait. I'm not going to move my car until the police arrive. I'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone. Don't worry. You'll get to the hospital in time. #Person1#: It really hurts. #Person2#: Yes, maybe it does. But if you're going to drive like you did just now, you will have to get used to a little physical pain. You know what I mean? #Person1#: To hell with you. The accident was your fault. #Person2#: I'm afraid it wasn't. And when the police get here, you will also see that it wasn't. But enough of this bickering. I'm going to go find a phone. Don't move that arm while I'm gone. Alright? #Person1#: To hell with you. Summary:
#Person1# and #Person2# had a car accident. #Person1# thinks #Person2# shouldn't stay in the lane but #Person2# thinks #Person1# needs to learn how to drive and should have waited. #Person1#'s arm hurts so #Person1# wants to go to the hospital, but #Person2# insists on making a police report first. They both get angry and rude.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Well, Yuri, tell me about it. #Person2#: I'm sorry I can't bring better news, sir. The site is a disaster. #Person1#: That's what I was afraid of. #Person2#: It is not only the earthquake, sir. But the mudslides. Much of the north half of the site has been covered over by mud. #Person1#: Mud? But Ivan told me there were no mudslides in that district. I thought all the mudslides were down in Chichitango. #Person2#: That's what we thought, sir. That's what the news reported. But there was one little mudslide in our district too. Right above our site. #Person1#: Oh, that's terrible! What bad luck! I wish we had never come to this country. But, if it isn't the strikes and the revolutionaries, it's the earthquakes. Our operations here are finished! #Person2#: I'm sorry, sir. #Person1#: It's not your fault, Yuri. But tell me. When will Ivan be able to get out there? #Person2#: Well, it took me about nine hours to get back here by car. If Ivan leaves tonight, I think he should be there by tomorrow lunch. #Person1#: Good. I want an estimate of damages as soon as possible. #Person2#: But sir. . . #Person1#: Yes, Yuri? #Person2#: I wouldn't recommend sending Ivan now. Especially not at night. The roads aren't safe. #Person1#: Has the earthquake damaged the bridges too? #Person2#: No, sir. The bridges are fine. But I've heard rumors that the revolutionaries are coming down from the mountains. There has been fighting, sir. #Person1#: Are you serious? Fighting? But I didn't hear anything on the news. #Person2#: You know the government controls the press here, sir. They don't want it reported. #Person1#: Oh, this is terrible, Yuri. Terrible! So we can't even assess the damages. How can we do business in this country? Either we're buried under mud, or we're in danger of getting kidnapped. No, I can't believe this mess! #Person2#: I'm sorry, sir. #Person1#: You don't have to keep saying that, Yuri. It's not your fault. But me--I'm the one who should be sorry. It was me who suggested operations here in the first place! Oh, what can we do? Summary:
Yuri briefs the situation of the site to #Person1# after the earthquake. There was a little mudslide, which was not reported, right above their site. #Person1# wants an estimate of damages from Ivan as soon as possible. But Yuri doesn't recommend sending Ivan now because there is a fight with revolutionaries which is not reported by the press under government control. #Person1# feels sorry for suggesting operations here.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey, Sis. Are you interested in buying some used books for school? You can really save some money that way. #Person2#: Well, what do you have? #Person1#: Well, let's see. I have a science book called, Today's World, and I'm selling it for thirty dollars. #Person2#: Thirty? That's a little expensive for a beat-up book like that. #Person1#: Maybe so, but I bought it for sixty. Plus, I wrote a lot of notes in the book that should help you with the class ... if you could read my writing. #Person2#: What else are you selling? #Person1#: Okay, I have English writing textbook for fourteen dollars, a math book for twenty-three, and a novel for only seven bucks. #Person2#: Uh, Hmmm. #Person1#: It's up to you. You know, these things go fast. I mean you have to listen to my advice as your older brother. #Person2#: Psh. I'll take the English book and the novel. I need both of those for sure. I think I'll hold off on buying other books for now. [Okay.] Teachers are always changing their minds about textbooks. [Alright.] And, what are those books? #Person1#: Which ones? Ah, ah, nothing. Never mind. #Person2#: Wait, wait, wait. Finding Your Perfect Someone. You're selling it for forty dollars? What's, what's this all about? And the price? #Person1#: Well. You .. It's a ... It's just a marital relations class. You know about finding a partner. You know, mom's always, you know, on me about that. What does it matter to you anyway? #Person2#: Forty dollars? That's a little expense. #Person1#: Well, they guarantee results, but ah, never mind. You would never understand. #Person2#: What about this one? Introduction to Gourmet Cooking? Why did you take this class? You hate cooking. #Person1#: Well, um, I have a friend who's into cooking, and she's [She?] ... I mean, my friend's taking the class. I mean, ugh, does it really matter? #Person2#: A marriage class ... a close female friend ... a cooking textbook ... I think I get the picture. Mom's going to be excited about this. #Person1#: Ah, you got it all wrong. So, do you want to buy any of these textbooks or not? Summary:
#Person1# shows #Person2# the books #Person1# is selling and advises #Person2# to buy some, which can save some money. #Person2# buys the English book and the novel. #Person2# finds #Person1# also has books about marital relations and cooking. #Person2# thinks if #Person2# get the picture, #Person2#'s Mom will be excited about that.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Agnes: Heyyy. Just a quick question… So I was wondering what to read for the next seminar… I think I won’t have the time to read everything so perhaps you could give me suggestions? 🙏🏼 Donna: Hey Agnes Donna: Yep, sure. I haven’t read everything just yet but I’d say read Gary Cross, “Kid’s Stuff: Toys and the Changing World of American Childhood” Donna: I think it’s interesting and also gives you a nice overview of the subject (which is what you desire 🔥 if you’re not planning on reading everything) Keith: Yeah, that one is good. I’d also say read Regan Keith: The titles goes along the lines of “War Toys, Movies … & Militarization” Keith: It’s in the bibliography Mary gave us Tim: It’s “War Toys, War Movies, and the Militarization of the United States” Tim: by Reagan, R. Keith: Oh wait… WAT??? 😹😹😹 Tim: 🤣🤣🤣 Donna: How confusing 😂 Agnes: I’ll remember the title and the author Agnes: Forever Agnes: Any other suggestions? Tim: Well, it would be an obvious choice to read a couple of chapter from Mary’s book Keith: It’s titled “Wounding Mars” Keith: Or was it “Wounding Venus”? Agnes: LOOOOL Agnes: Guys this was an innocent question about readings for a seminar in cultural history, you can’t be treating me like this. I’m an adult student, I have a job, I have yet another job, I have a child Agnes: Lots of them actually 👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽 Agnes: And I can’t read your JOKES for the seminar!!!! Agnes: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Agnes: To be fair I remember that one, it’s Wounding the World, right? Keith: Yes 🤗 Catchy title, isn’t it? Agnes: Yeah, I was actually thinking about it and thought that the initial Ws are supposed to make us think of World Wars Tim: Yeah, that makes sense. Never thought about it Donna: We can ask her Agnes: Tim and Keith are in splendid shape, I think they should do it Tim: I will ✨ Summary:
Donna recommends Agnes reading "Kid’s Stuff: Toys and the Changing World of American Childhood". Keith recommends "War Toys, War Movies, and the Militarization of the United States".
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Jenny: Hello James, Molly told me that you are interested in applying for a job at Netflix :) James: Hi Jenny! Good to hear from you. Yes, yes, I do. When I've heard that Molly has a friend who works there, I thought it may be a good idea to connect! Jenny: It sure is. What would you like to know? James: I'm interested in applying for Junior Project Manager position and I wonder what my chances are. Jenny: Ok, may you send me your CV? It may be easier that way :) James: Of course, thanks! James: <file_other> Jenny: Hm, ok. First of all, I'd change the format and the layout. I think it's better to send your CV in pdf rather than doc. James: Ok Jenny: As for the layout, you have some cool experience and I think the way its presented doesn't give you justice. Netflix is an entertainment company so maybe make it more entertaining? ;) You can use different colours, graphs, make it more visual, not only informative. James: Cool, never thought about it! Jenny: It seems like you are a down-to-earth guy which is probably good for a project manager, but at Netflix we highly value the creative side of people :) James: Thank you so much Jenny! Will work on it. Jenny: <file_other> Jenny: Here you'll find some cool templates you can get your inspiration from. James: Thanks! I was also wondering about the atmosphere at the office. To put it bluntly, do you like your job? :) Jenny: Oh yes! A lot! Keep in mind that I'm in the marketing team, so slightly different story. Jenny: But yeah, I think it's a cool place to work at. My team is absolutely brilliant, people are motivated, inspiring, so I really couldn't ask for more. James: Do you know then anyone from the business team? It almost sounds to good to be true :) Jenny: I know a few, they're a nice bunch as well :) There are some ups and downs as everywhere, some things that could be improved, so it's not perfect, but still good. Jenny: Also, don't forget it IS a corporation and a big one on top of that :D James: Yeah, that's why I'm so curious about the atmosphere, etc. I've only worked in small companies. Jenny: So what made you change your mind? James: I think it's time to try something different :) Jenny: It definitely is! I think if you have an open mind, like to learn and work under pressure, you may like it. Fingers crossed! James: Thanks! May I have a couple of more questions? Jenny: No problem, happy to help! Summary:
Jenny gives James a couple pin points about his CV and applying for Junior Project Manager at Netflix. She speaks highly of the atmosphere and her employer.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: So what's your guys'take on all this global warming hysteria in the media? #Person2#: It's pretty serious, man. There have been tons of scientific studies and the scientific community says that the earth is heating up. We need to make some drastic changes to our lifestyle if we want to preserve our planet. #Person1#: I don't know. It sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo if you ask me. 'Save the earth! ' The earth will save itself. It's survived worst disasters in the past. I mean, honestly, we live in the boonies. There's no way anyone here is ever going to walk or bike to work, especially in the winter. And we have no bus system. My house is forty years old and it would take a lot of money to get it refitted to be 'green' and 'energy-efficient'. #Person3#: Well, I don't really know if I believe in global warming either, or whether or not it was our doing or a natural change the earth is going through, but you have to admit that we're living pretty irresponsibly here in the west. #Person1#: I guess. . . #Person3#: I think the issue at hand is sustainability. We've only got this one earth we can live on, and our resources are quickly disappearing because of our own carelessness and our inability to think of anyone but ourselves and anything but the present. #Person2#: So, like I was saying, we need to change the way we live. We need to reduce our carbon footprint. #Person3#: But it doesn't have to be that drastic. Hybrid vehicles and solar panels are too expensive to be feasible right now. And we don't have to be hippies living off the land and buying everything organic either, though it helps. #Person2#: I car pool to work everyday with some buddies of mine. I have a rain barrel outside my house I use to water my plants and my lawn in the summer, and I make sure I always bring reusable bags with me when I get my groceries. And we just started using bio-degradable plastic made from corn oil for take-out orders at my family's restaurant. Remember the three R's? Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. #Person3#: Exactly, it's just small simple changes, like buying energy-saving light bulbs, starting a compost bin, recycling bottles and papers, using reusable water bottles, stop using disposable cups and cutlery. #Person1#: Like the ones we're drinking out of? #Person2#: Yeah. Summary:
#Person2# thinks the global warming hysteria in the media is serious and they need to make some drastic changes to their lifestyle. #Person1# thinks the earth will save itself. #Person3# doesn't know whether to believe in global warming but thinks the issue at hand is sustainability. They agree that some small simple changes will help.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Micky: Hello Birgit! Many thanks you the NY greetings. What was 2018 like for you then? Helen: It has not been a good year for injuries, I'm afraid. Helen: My bad back (bulging disc) I have had for 30 years now, and I manage it pretty well most of the time. As long as I keep fairly fit (especially my “core” muscles), it is not a big problem, as long as I don’t stand or walk slowly! I can run, walk fast, cycle, kayak, swim anything really, and all of these activities are good for me, but standing still is a real trial. Micky: How can you manage everyday life without standing?! Helen: Most of the time I can avoid standing, and have no problems at all, but it makes visiting art galleries and museums, and parties, a lot more difficult. Micky: One can give museums a miss, but not parties. How about carrying one of these portable folding chairs with you? Helen: Got one! But I feel silly with it. Helen: This year I pushed to get a proper diagnosis of a hip which has been giving me problems on and off for 3 years. It proves to be in need of replacement.. Micky: You mentioned that at Robert's do. When do you intend to have it done? Helen: Not sure but I did a lot of phoning round of friends in the medical profession (doctors, surgeons, physios, nurses etc – 14 of them). With one exception they all said to leave it as long as possible. I also spoke to about 11 friends who had had the operation. Every one of them said it was the best thing they had ever done, and to book it in as soon as possible! So that was really helpful! Micky: Don't you have one surgeon with an overview of your bones' condition? I've got one myself since the first symptoms of arthritis. Helen: My GP said exercise as much as you can, and if it hurts, keep taking the painkillers! So at the moment that is what I am doing. I have decided to give it a year, and see how the land lies then. Micky: Sounds sensible. I refused that my knee be operated on 2 years ago and I'm still going strong. Helen: Exactly! They operate much too often. As long as I can practise sport and have my activities filled holidays I won't get under their knives. Micky: <file_photo> It's me in the gym the other day. Talking about operations... Helen: My point exactly! Helen: <file_photo> And me on a cycling tour in Morocco earlier this year. We shouldn't complain! Micky: Chins up! Summary:
Helen has problems with her back and her hip. She thinks about operation and talked about it with doctors and friends, who know the problem. However, she's not going to have her body operated, until she can't practice sports and other activities.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Danny: Hey guys, thanks so much for yesterday 💙 Kirsty: It all went well, didn't it? 😉 Juan: Big applause for all of us 👏 Danny: 😂 Kirsty: Frankly speaking, it seemed quite easy. I feel much more confident now about the events we'll be organising later on Danny: Yeah, I thought it would all be much more difficult and, of course, that at least one disaster would befall us at some point, which fortunately didn't happen Juan: It all went smoothly indeed. I think enough people came as well. The only thing I'd wish for would be better networking... But I guess the quality of event attendees is not really something you have much control over anyway lol Kirsty: lol you're too critical! Some people were nice Juan: 🙊 Danny: Ha ha well, it all goes down to promotion strategies, doesn't it? Next time I'm sure we'll have more time to promote the event on social media, and we can target the audience more consciously Juan: 🔫 Kirsty: There you go... ha ha Danny: I was a little surprised by the fact that people were so eager to leave us after the talk ended Juan: Yeah, they seemed to literally hate the idea of having a beer with us Kirsty: That's Free Will for you... They loved ❤ acting against their own interest Juan: Ha ha, yeah that happens. One of these guys we did our miserable little networking with has written to me - inviting me to request a fellowship which is COMPLETELY unrelated to what I'm working on Danny: Lol, don't forget to reciprocate Kirsty: Absolutely, don't forget to suggest he applies for a fellowship in a subject opposed to his Juan: I'm so rude, I just intended not to answer Kirsty: Anyway, I'm quite proud of us I must say. We've done a terrific job Danny: You sound like Trump Kirsty: Ha ha well then, "Congratulations guys, you've fulfilled a truly reciprocal undertaking" Danny: LOL Juan: 😂😂😂😂 Kirsty: I've had to use a dictionary for this. Anyway THANK YOU Juan: It was a pleasure ✨ Danny: Yep. Looking forward to the next event in March. As far as I understand, Margaret has basically finished organising everything, so our role is to sit and enjoy Kirsty: So it seems Juan: Amen Danny: 🙏 Summary:
Danny, Kirsty and Juan have organized an event. It went well. There's going to be another event in March. It's been organized by Margaret.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Have you decided what you are going to take next semester? #Person2#: Well, I'm an English major, you know. So I came here to make sure I'm taking the right things. #Person1#: Good. I think it's a good idea. Our department should require meetings like this. #Person2#: I want to finish my degree in four years. So I don't want to forget to take classes I need. I have a friend who has to stay in college another year. She didn't know until recently. There were some classes she needed to take to graduate. She didn't know about them. #Person1#: Yes, that happens. #Person2#: I brought my transcript from my first year. Here. And here is the list of courses I plan to take in the fall. #Person1#: Alright. Good. I see you've already taken six credits of your breadth requirements. You have one botany class and one chemistry class. And political science. So that's nine credits. Did you take English Composition 201? #Person2#: No, I don't need to. I took Advanced Placement English in high school. So I'm not required to take composition. #Person1#: Excellent. I see you have the 18th century poetry class for next semester. And the modern novel class. You haven't taken a Shakespeare class yet. #Person2#: No, I thought I would take it later. #Person1#: Actually, I recommend you take Shakespeare sooner rather than later. #Person2#: Well, I suppose I could cross out the 18th century poetry class. I have to see when the Shakespeare class meets. #Person1#: Let me look at the timetable. Shakespeare meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 #Person2#: I can take it then. I have that time slot free. #Person1#: Good. I recommend it. Shakespeare is of course enormously important. We want our students to take the class as soon as they can. And Professor Friedman is an excellent teacher. #Person2#: I'll take it then. #Person1#: Tell me, Lisa, what made you decide to be an English major? #Person2#: I want to be an English professor in the future. I love studying literature, and I want to teach it. #Person1#: Really? That's great to know. #Person2#: That's the reason I want to finish my B. A. in four years. Because I know I will be in school a long time. I want to start the M. A. and Ph. D. program as soon as possible. Summary:
Lisa wants to finish B.A. in four years, so she comes to #Person1# to make sure she takes the right courses. #Person1# suggests Lisa take Shakespeare sooner because it's an important course. Lisa tells #Person1# she decides to be an English major because she wants to be an English professor in the future, and she wants to start the M.A. and Ph.D. program as soon as possible.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I really do like this dining set. But I just don't know. I don't know if I can do a good job with it. #Person2#: It really isn't hard, sir. You just have to follow the instructions. #Person1#: What instructions? #Person2#: We will give you a detailed instruction manual if you buy the table. #Person1#: I see. But can I understand the instructions? I'm a foreigner, you know. #Person2#: Don't worry about that. Your English seems very good. And our instruction manuals are very clearly written. It's easy! #Person1#: Could you tell me now some of the things I need to do? #Person2#: Of course. First, you must sand the furniture. You sand it to make the wood smooth. You start with heavy-grade sandpaper. Then, you move to finer-grade sandpaper. #Person1#: Do I have to sand every inch of the table? #Person2#: The better you sand it, the better the finish will be. #Person1#: Alright. #Person2#: Then, after you sand it, you use tack cloth to wipe off any dust or sawdust. #Person1#: Sawdust? #Person2#: Yes, sawdust is the tiny particles of wood. You could call it wood dust. You must wipe it off. The wood should be very clean before you put the varnish on. #Person1#: That makes sense. #Person2#: Then you apply the varnish, which is very easy. It is like painting. #Person1#: And I can choose any color? #Person2#: Yes, we have many colors to choose from, sir. #Person1#: And after the varnish? #Person2#: After the varnish dries for 24 hours, you can put another coat of varnish on. Or you can put the finish on. The finish is hard and clear. It goes on top of the varnish. #Person1#: And then? #Person2#: Well, when the finish is dry, the table is done. #Person1#: It all sounds very complicated. #Person2#: It only sounds complicated. It's really very easy. A lot of people here in America finish their own furniture. It's a good way to save some money. And a lot of people even enjoy it. #Person1#: Well, I will look around your shop some more. I need to think about it. #Person2#: Alright, sir. Summary:
#Person2# tells #Person1# not to worry about whether he can finish the dining set himself because the instruction manual is clearly written. #Person2# tells #Person1# the steps are sanding the furniture, wiping off dust, putting on the varnish, and then another varnish. But #Person1# thinks it sounds complicated, while #Person2# thinks it's really easy since many people here finish their own furniture. But #Person1# still thinks about it.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Why don't you watch where you're going? #Person2#: Me? You're the one who pulled out in front of me! #Person1#: There was plenty of room for me to pull out. You didn't have to stay in the lane you were in. #Person2#: Hey, listen. I had every right to stay in the lane I was in. You were supposed to wait until I passed to pull out. And anyhow, you didn't give me any time to change lanes. All of a sudden--BANG--there you are right in front of me. #Person1#: I think my arm is broken. #Person2#: Sorry about your arm, but it serves you right. You need to learn how to drive. You're lucky you didn't get killed. And I'm lucky to be alive too. #Person1#: Listen, let's just wait until the police get here. Then we can decide whose fault this accident was. #Person2#: Fine with me. I know the laws of the road. I'm not worried. #Person1#: I have a cell phone in my car. Now it's probably on the floor on the passenger side. Why don't you get it for me, and then I can call the police? #Person2#: Alright. #Person1#: It doesn't work. It looks like it's broken. I need to get to a hospital. You should drive me there. #Person2#: Oh, yeah? It's better if we make a police report first. Then you can go to the hospital. #Person1#: Damn it! I'm injured here. We could wait all day for the police. #Person2#: Well, you'll just have to wait. I'm not going to move my car until the police arrive. I'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone. Don't worry. You'll get to the hospital in time. #Person1#: It really hurts. #Person2#: Yes, maybe it does. But if you're going to drive like you did just now, you will have to get used to a little physical pain. You know what I mean? #Person1#: To hell with you. The accident was your fault. #Person2#: I'm afraid it wasn't. And when the police get here, you will also see that it wasn't. But enough of this bickering. I'm going to go find a phone. Don ' t move that arm while I'm gone. Alright? #Person1#: To hell with you. Summary:
#Person1# and #Person2# argue about who's responsible for the accident. Both of them think it's the other's fault. #Person1#'s arm is broken so #Person1# asks #Person2# to drive #Person1# to the hospital, but #Person2# won't move #Person2#'s car until the police arrive. Then, #Person2#'s going to find a phone to call the police. #Person1# keeps cursing.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Quentin: Are you coming to the unboxing tonight? Tarquin: Have you had another delivery, then. Quentin: Yes indeed. And as usual I have no idea what they have sent me. Tarquin: Did you make an event on Facebook? Quentin: Yes I did. You didn't see it? Tarquin: I haven't been on for a few days. Actually I got a ban for making a joke which offended someone. It involved a penguin, which as you know can be a very offensive topic. Quentin: I don't know. People today as so sensitive, but are ignorant anyway. Tarquin: So will you have a good crowd for the unboxing? Quentin: Only seven for definite. I will do some wine and cheese and we can start opening the boxes at 8pm Tarquin: Sounds great. I will turn up. Quentin: Great. Tarquin: How many books do you think there will be? Quentin: About 200, like the other time. Tarquin: how many did you sell on the spot? Quentin: Only 30, the rest went into the shop. But the prices are better than the labels I would put on them, especially when you get an impromptu auction going. Nigel always likes to outbid Helen. I asked Helen to pretend to be interested in more books than she really is just to keep Nigel getting his wallet out. Tarquin: Hah hah! I imagine she was only too happy to oblige. Quentin: Naturally. Top sort, that Helen. Tarquin: What was that book they were bidding so hard over last time? Quentin: Oh. That was that book on Stalin by Simon Sebag Montefiore. I think I have about three copies of that around the shop priced up at ten zlotys each. Tarquin: And what did Nigel end up paying? Quentin: 52 zlotys in the end. I could barely keep the smile off my face. Tarquin: But it's really only the fun and games I think. He must have known he was overpaying and just doing it for a lark, because of the social evening. Quentin: Yes, that's probably it. Which is why I like to be generous with the wine and cheese. Especially the wine, I might add. Tarquin: Yes. That's from Peter's company right? Quentin: indeed. And I can take orders for crates of them at a special "Quentin price" only on the evening of the unboxing. I'll be doing that tonight as well if you want anything for Christmas wine-wise. Summary:
Quentin has had another delivery and is organizing an unboxing at 8 pm tonight. He made an event on Facebook and there will be 7 people. Quentin will do some wine and cheese. Tarquin will be there too. There might be about 200 books. Quentin sold 30 and the rest went into the shop.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey, Jake. Are you ready for your trip? #Person2#: Well, not really. I still have to buy some clothes. #Person1#: Well, what's the weather like where you're going? #Person2#: Well, uh, it's really hot in the summer, so I'm going to buy some shorts, sandals, and a few t-shirts. #Person1#: What about the rest of the year? #Person2#: People say that the fall can still be warm until November, so I'm going to buy some jeans and a few casual shirts. #Person1#: Will you need any warm clothes for the winter? #Person2#: Well, the weather doesn't get too cold, but it often snows in the mountains, so I'm going to buy a couple of warm sweaters, a jacket, and a hat. I don't have room in my suitcase to pack a coat, so I'm going to wait until I get there and buy it when I really need it. #Person1#: Are you going to take anything else? #Person2#: They say it rains cats and dogs in the spring, but again, I'll probably just wait and pick up a raincoat or an umbrella later on. But, I'm going to take a good pair of shoes because I plan on walking to and from school everyday. #Person1#: Do you need any clothing for formal occasions? #Person2#: Well, you never know when you might need something on the spur of the moment for a wedding or maybe someone's graduation, or a nice date, so I'll probably take some nice slacks, a dress shirt, and a couple of crazy ties or two. #Person1#: Um, that makes sense. #Person2#: And I'll just rent a suit or tuxedo if I need anything more formal. Hey, maybe I'll get married. #Person1#: You? Married? Hah! #Person2#: Wait. What are you trying to say? #Person1#: I just can't imagine you decked out in a tuxedo for any formal occasion. #Person2#: What?! #Person1#: I mean, for high school graduation, you wore an old pair of jeans and tennis shoes. #Person2#: Hey, there was a reason for that, so let me explain. #Person1#: Yeah, ha, ha. #Person2#: No, really. You see, it goes like this ... Summary:
Jake tells #Person1# about the weather of his destination and they talk about what clothes Jake needs. Jake's going to buy some shorts, sandals, and a few t-shirts for the summer, some jeans and a few casual shirts for the fall, a couple of warm sweaters, a jacket, and a hat for the winter. He'll also take some nice slacks, a dress shirt, and a couple of crazy ties or two for formal occasions.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I heard you were teaching English over there. Tell me about it. Did you like it? #Person2#: Oh, yes, it was very interesting. #Person1#: What were the schools like? #Person2#: Oh, I didn't actually teach in the schools. I taught after school. I taught in English institutes. #Person1#: But you taught children, yes? #Person2#: Yes. That's right. But children in Taiwan are very different from children in America. At least as far as studying is concerned. Many children in Taiwan go to special institutes after school. #Person1#: They actually study after school? #Person2#: That's right. After their school day is over, they go to a special institute to study math or English. They are very serious about learning over there. #Person1#: Hmm. That sounds pretty oppressive for the kids. Don't they ever relax? #Person2#: Of course they do. You know, Eliza, before I went over there I thought the same thing. I thought that maybe kids in Taiwan study too much. But now that I've worked there, and taught them, I feel it is a good thing. Their parents are very concerned about their education. More than American parents are. And that is good. American kids don't study enough. #Person1#: Asian cultures value learning very much. I know that. #Person2#: So it was interesting for me to see parents very concerned about education. They would come to me after the class and ask how their son or daughter was doing. I don't think that's a bad thing. I think it's a good thing. In America, too many parents don't pay attention. #Person1#: But aren't the kids tired out? I mean, they go to school all day, and then they go to school in the evening too. #Person2#: As an English teacher, I tried to make the lessons as fun as possible. I tried to have a good time with my classes. The students often enjoyed it. And if the students enjoyed it, they learned more. So it was a good experience. #Person1#: Are the kids in Taiwan very obedient? #Person2#: That's a stereotype we Americans have. We think that Asian kids are very obedient and quiet. But it's not true. There are plenty of naughty kids too. #Person1#: Hmm. I know you taught in Costa Rica also. Which did you like better--Costa Rica or Taiwan? #Person2#: I don't know. In Costa Rica, I taught adults. So it was a very different thing. So I really can't compare. Summary:
#Person2# describes the experience of teaching English in Taiwan to Eliza. #Person2# taught children in English institutes and says kids in Taiwan study after school. #Person2# thinks it's good for parents in Taiwan to be concerned about children's education, and in contrast, American kids don't study enough. As an English teacher, #Person2# tried to make the lesson as fun as possible.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Caron: Hiya jen.. hope you are well.. can I ask you a favour.. would you look after luna for 3 days in October? I'm going on a mini cruise xxx Jenny Morris Sharpei: Yeah course hun xxxx Caron: Ahh bless thank hun I wanted my mum to come but she can't and I didn't want to leave her in kennels or with Lennon just nipping in and out cos he's moved out now and can't have her with him.. we need to catch up soon.. xxx Jenny Morris Sharpei: Yeah defo Hun I’ve not been to good xxxx Caron: Are you working? Caron: Luna may well be on heat in October too lol.. Jenny Morris Sharpei: Yeah just going on a night shift. It’s ok I’ll sort it lol xxx Caron: I'll come over one eve when u in or weekend xx Jenny Morris Sharpei: Ok chic xx Caron: Chat soon then xxx Jenny Morris Sharpei: 👍xxxx Caron: Hiya hun.. are you in this evening? Was gonna pop in for a cuppa and catch up? Xxx Jenny Morris Sharpei: Hi hun I’m on nights but not Thursday xxxx Caron: Ok I'll pop over Thurs unless your around here for a cuppa earlier..how you feeling with your daughter at uni Its strange when they go xxx Jenny Morris Sharpei: Yeah ok it’s horrible house feels empty but I’m going to rent her room out very soon xx Caron: I had a major redecorate when Lennon moved out.. I love the space now..xx Jenny Morris Sharpei: Lol . I’m going to need to the money as everything has stopped plus I’m just about to apply for my breeding license xx Caron: No reason why not.Your a damn site better than most hobby breeders Jenny Morris Sharpei: Lol aww thanks chic I’ll try and pop over tmro day if your around xx Caron: Yes just working from home xxx Caron: Hiya hun.. I was gonna pop over for a catch up this eve.. but I thought I'd let u know I've hired a fast tan sunbed for a month if you want to come use it xxxx Jenny Morris Sharpei: Pop over now xxx Caron: Who me to you.. or you to me? Lol.. I can't come over cos I've got to keep eye on emails her til after 5 x Summary:
Caron wants Jenny Morris Sharpei to take care of luna when Caron is on a cruise. They arrange a meeting to catch up this evening, but in the end Jenny Morris Sharpei comes over to Caron's to try the new sunbed.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Franklin: Hi Ellie, how was the workout? Ellie: Hey, Franklin. Wondered where you'd been hiding, how are you sugar? Franklin: Great, missed you at lunch this week! Ellie: Oh yeah, sales were having a few lunch meetings, meeting some new clients. All expenses paid, no less! Franklin: Wow, the heady heights of management, Ellie. Spare a thought for us poor sods glued to our phones all day, won't you? Ellie: Of course I will. I started there too 10 years ago, not many of the old gang left now. Brits took their jobs, I expect! Franklin: Hahaha! There have been exactly 4 of us sent over in 7 years since the merger, not exactly an invasion! We enrich the place with our European sophistication! Ellie: No doubt, I expect Basingstoke rivals Paris and Rome, does it? Franklin: I didn't know you'd been there?! Wish I could get home at Christmas, though. 6 months is a long time. Ellie: Hey, just had a kinda cool idea, it's Thanksgiving next week, what do you say to a little trip to my folks in Minneapolis? Franklin: Wow Ellie, didn't expect that! Umm, yeah, if that's OK with everyone. Ellie: Why not! I 'm always bringing friends home, you'll be sorta exotic to them! Franklin: They obviously don't get out much! I'd really love to come. Next Thursday, isn't it. Ellie: Yeah, bit of a drive, but we can leave Weds after work, get there midnight. Bring warm clothes though, it gets mighty chilly up there by the lakes. Franklin: Yes, of course. I mean, Chicago isn't exactly tropical, is it?! Ellie: Fair point! See you at the gym? We'll have an OJ or two? Franklin: Love to! I like going to the gym instead of the pub after work, a lot healthier! Ellie: You brits and your drinking! Still, I do like a nice Zinfandel! Franklin: OK, let's ditch the gym and meet at Hennessey's instead? Ellie: OK, you twisted my arm. See you there at 6 on Friday! Franklin: Yes, that'd be great. See you to tomorrow night, then! Or maybe at work? Ellie: Yeah, maybe. Schmoozing clients again tomorrow, breakfast meeting, another one across town later. May not be In the office much. Franklin: OK, have a great day! See you later! Summary:
Franklin will join Ellie on Thanksgiving in Minneapolis. Ellie and Franklin are going to the pub at 6 pm on Friday.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I really appreciate your driving me around. #Person2#: It's no problem. I have time today, and I think it's important that you find a good place. #Person1#: It would be hard for just me to do it. I don't know the city at all. #Person2#: So what do you see in there? #Person1#: This one sounds good. Efficiency with view of the lake. Utilities and parking included. Newly remodeled kitchen. $ 470. #Person2#: Can you afford that much? #Person1#: No, I guess not. But that's what I want, isn't it? An efficiency. #Person2#: Yes, an efficiency is a small apartment. Usually one large room and a small bathroom. There is often a small kitchen too. So it's good for one person. #Person1#: How about this one? Downtown efficiency. Furnished. . . What does furnished mean? #Person2#: That means the apartment has furniture in it. #Person1#: That's good. #Person2#: Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. You have to like the furniture. #Person1#: Furnished. Parking included. $ 400. #Person2#: It's still pretty expensive. #Person1#: Yes, but it's downtown. I would like to take look at this one. #Person2#: Alright. What's the phone number? #Person1#: 256-7797. #Person2#: Got it. What else do you see? #Person1#: This one. Two male grad students seeking roommate. Must be quiet. Comfortable downtown apartment. Does this mean I have to share a room with them? #Person2#: No. It probably means they have a large apartment. Probably a living room, kitchen and three bedrooms. They need someone for the empty bedroom. #Person1#: That sounds alright. #Person2#: Yes, it might be an advantage for you. You are a foreigner, after all. If they're alright roommates, you could learn a lot from them. #Person1#: Here's the number, 256-4367. #Person2#: Got it. Let's call these two and see if we can make appointments to see the apartments. #Person1#: Sounds good to me. I really appreciate your help on this. #Person2#: Don't mention it, Larry. What are friends for anyway? Summary:
#Person2# drives Larry around the new city. Larry wants an efficiency for $ 470 but can't afford it. Larry and #Person2# talk about a furnished downtown efficiency for $ 400 and another ad that two male grad students seeking a roommate. #Person2# thinks Larry as a foreigner can learn from them. They will call to make appointments to see the apartments.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Joan: Hello dear, didn't see you in church today! Jean: Oh, well, my back is playing me up, I think it's sciatica again! Joan: Oh no! Not again! Tom had that, he was in pain for weeks. Jean: Well, it's not too bad at the moment, I've got some of Donald's painkillers just in case. Joan: Now you be careful, check they haven't expired. Jean: No, they're fine, he has loads! Joan: Don't become an opiate addict will you, darling? Jean: I'm not that stupid! I am very careful with medicines, you do remember that we were both nurses for 40 bloody years, don't you! Joan: Yes, of course, but I know that when you're in pain it's easy to self-medicate and overdo it. Perhaps you should go to the Dr. Jean: Maybe, if it gets worse, they're busy enough with real problems. Joan: Well, just take care, that's all. How are Maisy, Harry and the kids? Jean: Well, the two oldest have just started secondary and Idris hates it! The little ones are still in primary, getting on well, it seems. Harry may have to move to Scotland, though. Joan: Oh, that's so far away, let's hope not! Jean: Yes, but it's lots more money, so he is considering it seriously. Joan: Well, I'm sure it'll work out for the best. Did Stella call in? Jean: Yes, after church, she came in snooping to see why I didn't turn up, nosy bitch! Joan: Well, since Ken died she's lonely and wants to chat even more, she doesn't come up for air! Jean: You're telling me! She stayed for almost 3 hours, I had to tell her I had to go to bed to rest my back, couldn't get rid of her otherwise! Joan: I'm the same, I do try and dodge her at church if possible, but she often seeks me out and I'm stuck for the whole morning, she insists on going to the Church Hall for coffees. Jean: Perhaps we should try to find her a new husband! Your brother's a widower, isn't he? Joan: Bloody Nora! Can you imagine having Stella as your sister in law! No, I don't think Bill will be up for that! Jean: Anyway, must go start dinner, see you next Weds, hopefully, back permitting. Joan: Rest yourself now, lovely. See you soon! Summary:
Jean didn't come to church today due to her back pain. Jean takes painkillers for it. Jean and Joan were nurses for 40 years. Harry is considering moving to Scotland for work. Stella visited Jean after church and overstayed her welcome as she tends to do. Joan's brother is a widower.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Excuse me. Do you have any keys or money in your pockets? #Person2#: No. No. I think I've taken everything out. #Person1#: Okay. Go ahead and walk through the body scanner. #Person2#: Will I feel anything? #Person1#: No sir. Just walk through and keep your hands in the air. #Person2#: Okay, huh? [ Security alarm goes off ... ] #Person1#: We need to do some additional screening. Sorry, sir. Please come this way. [What? Did I ... Did you find something?] Relax sir. Okay? I'm going to open your carry-on bag. As I'm going through it, please do not try to touch it. [Okay.] Let's see now. Hmmm. First of all, sir, you can't take any liquids like this bottled water past this point. #Person2#: Ah. Well, I really can't drink any other kind of water. Sierra Springs is the only bottled water I drink. #Person1#: Sorry sir. [Ah ... ] And, sir. What's this? [What?] No, sir, you cannot bring a lighter on the plane. #Person2#: But I don't smoke. I mean ... [You STILL can't bring it on the plane.] But I have it just in case of emergencies. You know, as an emergency fire starter in case the plane crashes into a dark forest. #Person1#: Sir. You'll have to leave that here. What's this? #Person2#: Well ...Oh. That's my pocket knife. #Person1#: A pocket knife? It's almost a foot long! #Person2#: Well, it's a special knife given to me by my grandfather, but I only use it to peel apples and fruit. You know ... Things like that. #Person1#: Sir. I'm sorry, but you can't take that on the plane. In fact, do you have any other prohibited items in your bag? [Well, I don't ...] I mean, didn't you read the sign back there explaining all of the items that were not allowed on board? #Person2#: Well, I started to read it, and I then got a little distracted. #Person1#: A little? Sir. How many times have you flown on an airplane? #Person2#: Uh, it has been a while. I think the last time I traveled by plane was about, uh, 1960 ... #Person1#: Sir. Why don't you come with me? [WHAT?] I think my supervisor would like to ask you a few questions. #Person2#: Oh, no! Summary:
#Person1# gives #Person2# a security check in the airport and finds many prohibited items in his bag. #Person1# feels astonished at #Person2#'s ignorance of security and will bring him to #Person1#'s supervisor.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Okay. Mr. Smith. Let's begin your road test. #Person2#: Oh. I know I'm ready. I've been practicing in my driveway all week. #Person1#: Okay. Mr. Smith. As I'm sure you are aware, you will not only be tested on your knowledge of the rules of the road, but on your behavior toward other motorists. #Person2#: Okey-dokey. #Person1#: Okay. Now you can start your car. #Person2#: Yeah, right. Here we go! #Person1#: Whoa! Take it easy. The speed limit in this business district is only 25 miles an hour. [Oh]. All right. Now, turn right at the next corner... [This corner?] Na, not here! Wow! You forgot to signal too! #Person2#: Gosh. I didn't see that one, and... Ah, Could you grab my cell phone under my seat. [Huh?] Nah, I'll get it. #Person1#: Oh, Mr. Smith. Keep your eyes on the road! #Person2#: Oh yeah. #Person1#: Okay. Now, pull over here and show me that you can parallel park. #Person2#: Sure. Wait. Hey bud. Move your car. I was here first! #Person1#: Ah. Forget it. Just keep driving. #Person2#: So, how am I doing? Can I just take a peek at your notes? #Person1#: No! And, uh, watch out. Mr. Smith. Now you're tailgating the vehicle in front of us. #Person2#: Oh, yeah. I'm just so excited about getting my license today. [Right.]. #Person1#: Okay. Now carefully, CAREFULLY turn right here, and wait, wait, WAIT... STOP!! You almost hit that pedestrian. How in the world did you pass the written test anyway? [Well...]You have to give way to any pedestrians crossing the street. Jeez! #Person2#: Oh. sorry about that. It won't happen again. [Car screeching to a stop...] #Person1#: Whoa! Get out! [What?] Get out! I'm driving back to the office. #Person2#: Does this mean I didn't pass the test? #Person1#: Look, Mr. Smith. Could you do me a favor? When you come back to take the test again, plan on coming on Friday. #Person2#: Again? Why? Is it less crowded that day? #Person1#: No. It's my day off. Summary:
Mr. Smith is taking a road test to get his driving license. During the test, Mr. Smith forgets the speed limit and forgets to signal. He doesn't keep his eyes on the road. He is tailgating a vehicle and almost hits a pedestrian. He doesn't pass the test and #Person1# asks him to take it again when #Person1# is off.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Wolf: Hello dear Dieter! Just to let you know that we are flying over to Havana tomorrow and be staying in Cuba for 4 weeks. As far as I know the Internet is rather nonexistent there, so don't worry when receiving no news from us. Dieter: Good to hear from you, Wolf. We thought you were already there. Yes, I know how difficult it is to go online in Cuba. But they do have so called hotspots. Wolf: I understand these are just public spaces where you can get connection but you have to buy a credit that seems to be quite expensive. We will do that but not more than once a week or so. Dieter: Don't bother then texting us. We'll catch up on the news later. Dieter: When are you back in the online world? Wolf: On 4 January. Cancun, Mexico. Dieter: You have stamina for that travelling, old man! Wolf: We've been taking it easy this time staying in places for a week at least. All has been working according to plan so far. Dieter: Thanks for sending us an email with the update of your whereabouts. Fantastic pictures! Dieter: Helen says it looks as if you both have lost some weight. Wolf: Not really. Not yet. But surely we will in Cuba. Dieter: ? Wolf: Food shortages, food rationing, black market - you name it. We've heard the folks there are queuing for bread. They have restaurants though, but we hear the offer is rather modest. Dieter: Sounds a bit of a challenge but it can't be that bad. Wolf: Hope not. And losing a few pounds won't be bad either. And there is always Havana Club! Dieter: Try the 7 year old one. To my taste it can compete with mid range cognacs. Wolf: We'll try them all. Mary is also looking forward to trying out a Cohiba. If we can afford it! Dieter: At Miller's they run 20 a piece. Wolf: Out of question!! Better ways to ruin one's health. Dieter: Come on! You are on holidays! Enjoy it and stop counting money. Cuba isn't that expensive after all. Wolf: Wrong! Tourists are forced to use special currency and pay special prices. We'll see how expensive or cheap it really turns out to be. Dieter: Anyway I hope you'll have a great time in Cuba. We wish you all the best for this lag of your journey. Wolf: Thank you. We'll get in touch as soon as practicable. Dieter: Happy trails! Wolf: All the best to you and Helen. Summary:
Mary and Wolf will spend the next 4 weeks in Cuba, then they will go to Cancun on Jan 4th. The Internet is limited and expensive in Cuba. They worry about food availability and prices there. They plan to try different liquors. Dieter recommends Cohiba. He likes their holiday photos they sent him.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Henning: You wanna hear something weird? Max: yes, always! Henning: Recently somehow we talked about waiters/waitresses. And the Louis's interpretation was that in Italy they are so nice, because they are so lowly and cannot afford to be demanding and have to be servile, basically. Henning: And in France they are arrogant, because they can afford it. Henning: Somehow, because their status is higher. Max: LOL. Another beautiful theory - nationalist in its core, after all. Henning: And I agree with neither the first nor the second assessment. Max: me neither. Being honest I don't see huge differences throughout Europe. It happens to me to meet a very nice waiter here and there, and grumpy people as well Henning: No, so far i find Italian waiters much nicer and much less professional than in Germany. But I wouldn't venture any theories about the countries. Max: Jakob (the Slovene) told me after coming back from Berlin that waiters there are so much less nice than here in Italy. While Jakob (the Pole) always complains about them being so rude in comparison with Poland. Henning: Berlin is a big city though Max: And I am starting to think that all those theories say more about their authors than about the waiters and the countries. They are always nationally framed, which is stupid Henning: Maybe. Also our position, when I am in a restaurant in Germany I am often with my family, in Italy with a bunch of fun young, foreign people. Max: Paris is a different world than Bretagne I assume. In a small village. Of course, there is more of talking, touching, joking in Italy. But people in Germany, in Landshut are also more talkative than in Munich. That's all, I believe. Aaso it depends how touristic the place is, etc. Max: It's also about the general culture of eating out, talking to waiters, anonymity of the big city. Max: Especially between societies as diverse and generally as similar as France and Italy, just think about Genova and Nice! Max: just bullshit! Luis is so communists but keeps blushing conservative and nationalist stuff. Max: And in Poland they are sometimes super nice - new American-style capitalist and servile and sometimes the "communist" remnants.Throwing your plate in front of you with a hostile "proszĘ" with a long accent on the hiper-correct "ę". Max: And then one is confused about his/her judgements and builds new ones. But maybe we just don't need to read everything through this national framework. I agree that there is a lot about it, or about culture/climate/language/whatever, but we just exaggerate all the time. Max: even me! The single biggest anti-nationalist of Europe 🤣 Henning : Hehe, you got passionate! Max: a bit Summary:
Max thinks that waiters/waitresses shouldn't be framed by their nationality.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Vera: Do you know any games that would work well during a get-together party? Olga: That's an interesting question Olga: Actually, I remember one we used to play in college Olga: It's called 'Mafia' Vera: Sounds intriguing :) Can you describe how it works more less, please? Vera: I invited some colleagues from my new job and hope to spend this time in a relaxed atmosphere Olga: Sure, I'll try Olga: So... It all comes down to playing various roles Olga: You need to prepare little notes with the following roles written on them: 'mafia' (2 or 3 such notes), 'mayor', 'policeman' and the rest will be 'residents' Olga: Everyone picks a random note Olga: The game is led by a preselected person, let's call him a leader. There are 2 parts of the game - night and day Olga: All the players sleep at night, I mean everyone closes their eyes Olga: The leader says which character should wake up. Mafia wakes up every night and eliminates one player Olga: The next one to wake up is mayor who can save a chosen player from death, including himself Olga: Then a policeman wakes up and have an option of checking up on a chosen player by asking the leader if that person is a mafia member Olga: Remember that nobody says anything - you make gestures to communicate Olga: Are you with me, Vera? :D Vera: Sure, ofc, it shapes up well! Keep going, please :) Olga: Sweet :) Olga: So... The night ends and it's daytime now. A person indicated (killed) by mafia is out of the game and the players discuss who can be a perp Olga: This is the most important element of the game because here the fun begins. The city seek to eliminate mafia and the mafia's trying to kill the mayor or the residents Olga: And now the last thing that I should mention - the worst mistake while playing the game is to hurry. Olga: You need to have plenty of time for Mafia. And trust me, it's addictive ;) Vera: Wow, Olga, this all sounds fantastic!! Vera: I'm sure everybody will like it Vera: How about you? That would be just awesome if you could join us :) Olga: Hmm... When are you planning to meet? Vera: Friday evening :) Olga: Actually, why not. I'll be your tutor :) Vera: Super! Summary:
Vera invited some colleagues from her new job to a get-together party. She is looking for a game. Olga recommends a game called Mafia. Vera wants Olga to join the party on Friday evening.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: OK, I just want to brief you all on the travel market in Taiwan. To start with, generally speaking, the travel industry in Taiwan focuses mainly on tours. This segment of the industry is well developed. #Person2#: Sorry to interrupt, Doris, but can you tell me more about these tour groups, what kind of things they enjoy, and so on? #Person1#: Yes, of course. Most of the time, when they travel, they prefer to do so in large groups accompanied by a guide, who usually takes care of everything, for instance, choosing the restaurants, the itinerary, the mode of transport, and things like that. Another thing is that most travelers to the UK tend to be middle aged, around 40 to 50 or so. This age group is less adventurous ; they like good hotels, and have money to spend. They kind of prefer to stay in the cities where they feel safer. They are not into mountain climbing in Wales or anything. #Person2#: I don't mean to interrupt, but can you tell me what plans you have for growing the youth market? #Person1#: Just a moment. I'll tell you about that in a minute. Where was I? Oh yes. By way of illustration, let's look at the top five destinations in the UK for this kind of traveler over the last five years. If you look at page ten you can see what I mean. In spite of these characteristics of the market, I still think there is room for growth in the youth sector. #Person2#: So how do you intend to do that? #Person1#: OK, let me tell you what we'Ve been doing. We'Ve been in touch with the Wales and Scottish Tourist development offices here in Taiwan and they're interested in working with us to promote their regions to the youth segment. We'Ve decided to implement an advertising campaign focusing on the excitement of the activities in those regions. #Person2#: May I interrupt you for a moment? #Person1#: Go ahead. #Person2#: How much is it going to cost, and who is going to pay? #Person1#: Well, at the moment we are trying to work out those details. We haven't managed to come up with a concrete plan yet, but we are working on it. #Person2#: I see. OK. So what's next? #Person1#: Well, our intention is to have some features about these regions in some youth magazines. We're also going to run some ads on TV and put some flyers in places where young people go, like the gym and student organizations. We're making arrangements to have some activities at big shopping malls and department stores around town. Summary:
Doris introduces the travel market in Taiwan to #Person2#. Doris tells #Person2# that the tour groups tend to be middle-aged and prefer to do travelling in large groups accompanied by a guide. Despite these characteristics of the market, she still thinks there is room for growth in the youth sector. Doris has found a potential cooperator to develop the youth segment and tells #Person2# the promotion plan.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Larry: Hey, what did you write for the conclusion of your english essay? Diana: The one on the Pygmalian? Larry: yeah Diana: haven't started it yet. Larry: ok. what about the hemingway essay? Diana: er, i think i wrote something along the lines of: "Throughout the book, it can be observed how the lost generation struggles to overcome their experience with the war" Diana: then i listed a couple of examples Diana: and THEN i compared those characters to Robert Cohn Larry: not bad :) Diana: then I think i ended it with: Diana: "However, in the last few lines of the book, we can see a change in Jake Barnes, the narrator of the book. This is especially noticeable in when Lady Brett says: "... we could have had such a damn good time together." This quote suggests that Lady Brett is still focused on the events of the past, which prevents her from persuing happiness. Jake, on the other hand, replies "Yes, isn't it pretty to think so?" - a quote which suggests that he has accepted his past and is now looking towards the future. Diana: It still needs a little polishing though :) Larry: Has anyone ever told you that you're really good at this kind of thing? :) Diana: I just pay attention and take notes. Sparknotes help ;) Larry: yeah, i do too - it's just i can't seem write essays that well :( Diana: Not true! You beat me on the history essay, remember? :) Larry: thank Diana :) Diana: Speaking of history, what was the homework? I arrived late and she had already wiped it off the board. Larry: one sec Larry: We could chose between: "Compare and contrast the reasons for, the impact of, and foreign involvement in two of the following: the Russian Civil War, the Spanish Civil War and the Chinese civil war" Larry: And "To what extent was the League of Nations failure to maintain peace in the inter-war period due to its inherent weaknesses? Diana: which one are you gonna write about? Larry: Probably the civil war one Diana: good call! We've only just finished covering it in class! :) Larry: that and I've been watching the avengers civil war recently ;) Diana: isn't that the one with spidey? Larry: Yeah, tom holland's great! :D Diana: i find it funny how they're worried about him revealing spoilers :D Larry: XD Summary:
Larry and Diana talk about their homework. They have to prepare an English essay on the Pygmalian, an essay about the Hemingway's book and an essay for the history classes. Larry is better at history classes. He will wrote an essay about the civil war, as he has recently watched avengers civil war.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Wendy: My dear Ann, finally a good connection! Nearly impossible to get here. We're in Havana now, arrived last night. Quite a nice apartment in the old town, a bit on a simple side but luxurious by Cuban standards. ;-) Wendy: <file_photo> Wendy: That's on a tiny balcony overlooking a street (called Cuba!) in Havana Vieja. It makes our hearts weep to see all these beautiful houses like a heap of rubble. And people live in them! Wendy: <file_photo> Wendy: The apartment consists of a sitting room with a small kitchenette, a bedroom and a bathroom. All very clean and quite new, I guess. Found it thru' Airbnb. Wendy: <file_photo> Wendy: That's Lulce, our "housekeeper". As you see, Mark's taken quite a liking for her! She prepares our breakfast, does the cleaning and even offers to sort out our further transport. The only thing: she speaks only Spanish! Ann: Hi there! It all looks very, very nice. I love the chairs on the balcony! How long are you staying there? Ann: If you have a proper Internet access, maybe we could skype? Wendy: Hi Ann, I was too enthusiastic too soon. We've got wifi connection only for some 3 hours in the evening and occasionally and irregularly in the morning. So I couldn't answer yesterday. Skype wouldn't be possible, as my evening is your middle of the day, uh? Ann: Ooops! Missed your message on time. Pity as I was like free just after lunch break. So how are you enjoying Havana? Must be extremely interesting. Wendy: Oh yes it is!! So much to see and Mark insists on our walking everywhere. Absolutely knackered at the end of the day. Shame about no skyping but it is rather impossible from Cuba, as I see it. Wendy: <file_photo> Wendy: Wouldn't you like to live in one of these? You can imagine what gems they could be! They seem to be renovating some, but most of them are beyond restoration. Or only with the funds that are unavailable in this country. A city of irreplaceable losses it is! Ann: Very sad indeed. At least they can save some of them. How long are you staying there? Wendy: 3 more days. Only. Then off to Varadero and its famous beaches! Could do with some dolce far niente. Ann: Hope it's not too crowded and no jellyfish! Summary:
Wendy and Mark arrived to Havana yesterday night. They stay in an apartment in the old town, found on Airbnb. Lulce prepares the breakfast, cleans and helps with transport, but speaks just Spanish. Wendy has poor Internet connection. They walk a lot. They stay other 3 days and then go to Varadero.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I ' m glad you could find time to meet with me, Mr. Johnson. I can ' t think of a nicer environment for our meeting today, the ambiance here is lovely! #Person2#: No problem, if possible I always combine business with pleasure. Now, let ' s hear more about these chocolates you ' re offering. #Person1#: Well, as you know, I have recently become the sole distributor for Grangers Gourmet Bon-bons here in the United States. They ' re a new manufacturer and are looking to break into the luxury market. Naturally, your restaurant sprang into my mind immediately. I think your brand exemplifies many of the same traits as Grangers and serving these chocolates would really add to your reputation for providing elegant, luxurious, first class dining. #Person2#: Mmmm, sounds interesting... gourmet chocolates, where are they produced? Belgium? #Person1#: Actually, the factory is located in Scotland. #Person2#: Really? I didn ' t think they were known for their luxury chocolate production #Person1#: That ' s what makes this such a fantastic opportunity! The government is one hundred percent supportive of creating new export markets and has guaranteed a low tariff for all wholesale orders of over one thousand units. They ' Ve also reduced the red tape involved at customs as well. Here, I brought these especially for you, try one! #Person2#: Oh, thanks. Mmm, hmm, creamy texture, very smooth... #Person1#: Unique, aren ' t they? I bet you ' Ve never tasted anything like it! Quality is assured as I personally visit the factory to make sure no one ' s cutting corners with the ingredients. Only the creme make it through inspection. #Person2#: Yes, very interesting flavors... Slightly spicy, very unique, that ' s for sure. Exactly what ARE the ingredients? #Person1#: I have it on highest authority that this traditional secret recipe has been handed down in the Granger family for generations. I ' m sure you can keep a secret. Buttermilk, cacao beans, sugar and Haggis. #Person2#: Haggis? What ' s Haggis? #Person1#: It ' s a traditional Scottish delicacy, you take sheep ' s liver, heart and lung and stuff it inside of the sheep ' s stomach. #Person2#: Ah, get back to you. #Person1#: Mr. Johnson? Mr. Johnson? Summary:
#Person1# thinks Mr. Johnson's brand exemplifies similar traits as Grangers, and serving these chocolates would add to the reputation for providing first-class dining to his restaurant. #Person1# tells that the factory is located in Scotland and invites Mr. Johnson to taste the chocolate. Mr. Johnson is satisfied with its taste and asks #Person1# the ingredients. However, Mr. Johnson gets it back to #Person1# when hearing what the Haggis is.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Joanne, let's not make this divorce any more acrimonious than it already is, okay? Let's just get down to business and start dividing this stuff up fairly, so we can go our separate ways, alright? #Person2#: Fine with me. I just want to get this over with. It's important we make a clean break. I should have signed a pre-nup. #Person1#: What was that? #Person2#: Nothing! Anyway, you're right, there's no reason this has to be nasty. My lawyer tells me you've accepted our alimony proposal and the division of property, as well as the custody agreement-I keep the cat and you get the dog. So that's done. . . finally. #Person1#: Let's not go there, Joanne! Ok, so let's start with the record collection, I'll take the albums I contributed and you can have your cheesy disco albums back. #Person2#: Fine, but I'm keeping the antique gramophone as my grandfather gave it to me. #Person1#: I believe that was a wedding present to both of us, Joanne. And you hardly ever use it! #Person2#: He's my grandfather, and he never really liked you anyway! #Person1#: Whatever! Alright, I'll concede the silly gramophone, if you'll agree that I get the silver tea set. #Person2#: How typical, when are you ever going to use a silver tea set? Fine! I don't want to drag this out any longer than necessary. What's next? What about these old photographs? #Person1#: Which ones? Let me have a look. Wow, look at that! That brings back memories. . . That? #Person2#: Our trip to Italy! I remember that day. We were going to visit the Trevi fountain, and we got caught in the rain. . . #Person1#: . . . and you looked so adorable with your hair all wet. I had to take a picture of you standing there in that little alley, smiling and laughing in the rain. . . #Person2#: Oh, we really did have fun back then, didn't we? #Person1#: Oh, Joanne, are we making a big mistake? I know our relationship has been on the rocks for sometime but are you sure we can't reconcile and try again? I still love you. #Person2#: Oh Jeff! I love you too! I'm so glad we didn't have to decide who keeps the motorcycle. #Person1#: The motorcycle? But that's mine! Summary:
Jeff and Joanne are quarreling about the division of property. Joanna wants to keep the antique gramophone while Jeff wants to get the silver tea set. An old picture reminds them of the happy time they had together and they start to think if their relationship can't be reconciled.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight. #Person2#: And your name? #Person1#: It's Nelson. Charles Nelson. #Person2#: Okay. Mr. Nelson. That's a room for five, and ... #Person1#: Excuse me? You mean a room for five dollars? I didn't know the special was so good. #Person2#: No, no, no. According to our records, a room for five guests was booked under your name. #Person1#: No. No. Hold on. There must be some mistake. #Person2#: Okay. Let's check this again. Okay, Mr. Charles C. Nelson for tonight ... #Person1#: Ah. There's the problem. My name is Charles Nelson, not Charles C. Nelson. [Uhh] You must have two guests under the name. #Person2#: Okay. Let me check this again. Oh. Okay. Here we are. #Person1#: Yeah. #Person2#: Charles Nelson. A room for one for the 19th ... #Person1#: Wait, wait! It was for tonight. Not tomorrow night. #Person2#: Hum. Hum. I don't think we have any rooms for tonight. There's a convention going on in town, and uh, let's see. Yeah, no rooms. #Person1#: Ah come on! You must have something. Anything. #Person2#: Well. We do have some rooms under renovation with just a roll-a-way bed. [U-hh] None of the normal amenities like a TV or working shower or toilet. #Person1#: Ah man. Come on. There must be something else. #Person2#: Well. Let, let me check my computer here. Ah! #Person1#: What? #Person2#: There has been a cancellation for this evening. A honeymoon suite is now available. #Person1#: Great. I'll take it. #Person2#: But I'll have to charge you two hundred fifty dollars for the night. #Person1#: Ah. Man. I should get a discount for the inconvenience. #Person2#: Well. The best I can give you is a ten percent discount plus a ticket for a free continental breakfast. #Person1#: Hey. Isn't the breakfast free anyway? #Person2#: Well, only on weekends. #Person1#: I want to talk to the manager. #Person2#: Wait, wait, wait Mr. Nelson. I think I can give you an additional 15 percent discount and I'll throw in a free room for the next time you visit us. #Person1#: That will be a long time. Summary:
Charles Nelson has a reservation at #Person2#'s hotel tonight. However, the hotel mistook the date and only an expensive honeymoon suite is left for him. Mr. Nelson then bargains with #Person2# about the discount.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Eloise: Hello! Is that Rick, the gardener? Hope you don't mind me contacting you, but I just wanted to run through some ideas for the garden. Rick: Oh, that's fine, Mrs Crabtree, What can I do for you? Eloise: Well, it's just that my husband is keen to have a miniature train track and train running around the garden in a circle. Rick: Ok! Well, as a matter of fact I have built a train track before, but it was a short, straight one. I'm sure I could manage a circular one too. Eloise: Oh, that would be fabulous! We are so looking forward to getting an idea what it would look like all finished. Rick: Well, as I mentioned last week, I am drawing up the schematic digitally and will run through it when I come on Tuesday afternoon. Eloise: Great, I am so excited to have a look at it! Don't forget the rose arbour, will you? Or the futuristic section with the steel and the crystal orb. And then there's the cottage garden part too! Rick: Of course! I am having a bit of trouble sourcing the vibrating crystal orb, Eloise. It looks like it will have to be custom made, adding to the cost. Eloise: We don't mind the cost, we've been saving up for years and this will be our fantasy garden when it's finished! Rick: Well, that's OK, then. Also, I'm a bit worried about the maze at the bottom, what with the pond and duck island down there too, may be a bit of a squeeze. Eloise: Well, OK, scrap the maze, but don't forget the train track, we wanted to give the grandkids a surprise so make sure the train and track are big enough to ride on. We even thought about charging people to ride around the garden in the summer. Rick: Well, I don't see why you shouldn't give it a go, after all the garden will look stunning when it's done. Eloise: I hope so! We're dying to see your plans on Tuesday! Rick: Yes, and you can also see it in 3D to get the full effect! Eloise: Wow! Isn't technology wonderful these days! Rick: Right, I'll see you on Tuesday at 2pm! Eloise: Phil and I will both be there this time. Rick: That's great. You should tell him what we've discussed today as well, get him up to speed. Eloise: I certainly will, Rick! Bye till Tuesday, can't wait! Summary:
Eloise and Phil want Rick to build a miniature train track running around the garden in a circle for their grandchildren. They want their fantasy garden and they don't mind the cost. Rick will bring the 3D digital schematic on Tuesday at 2 pm.