1 value
1 value
def mappable_to_model rc_file! { |l| line_to_tuple(l) }.compact! taskrc = Hash[rc_file] hash_to_model(taskrc) end
Converts a .taskrc file path into a Hash that can be converted into a TaskrcModel object @param rc_file [String,Pathname] a valid pathname to a .taskrc file @return [Models::TaskrcModel] the instance variable config @api private
class Taskrc attr_accessor :config # Generate a dynamic Virtus model, with the attributes defined by the input # # @param rc [Hash, Pathname] either a hash of attribute value pairs # or a Pathname to the raw taskrc file. # @raise [TypeError] if rc is not of type Hash, String, or Pathname # @raise [RuntimeError] if rc is a path and does not exist on the fs def initialize rc, type=:array @config = case type when :array mappable_to_model(rc) when :hash hash_to_model(rc) when :path if path_exist?(rc) mappable_to_model( else raise"rc path does not exist on the file system") end else raise"no implicit conversion to Hash, String, or Pathname") end end # Turn a hash of attribute => value pairs into a TaskrcModel object. # There can be only one TaskrcModel object per Taskrc, it's saved to the # instance variable `config` # # @param taskrc_hash [Hash{Symbol=>String}] # @return [Models::TaskrcModel] the instance variable config # @api private def hash_to_model taskrc_hash taskrc_hash.each do |attr, value| add_model_attr(attr, value) set_model_attr_value(attr, value) end config end private :hash_to_model # Converts a .taskrc file path into a Hash that can be converted into a # TaskrcModel object # # @param rc_file [String,Pathname] a valid pathname to a .taskrc file # @return [Models::TaskrcModel] the instance variable config # @api private private :mappable_to_model # Converts a line of the form "json.array=on" to [ :json_array, true ] # # @param line [String] a line from a .taskrc file # @return [Array<Symbol, Object>, nil] a valid line returns an array of # length 2, invalid input returns nil # @api private def line_to_tuple line line = line.chomp.split('=', 2) if line.size == 2 and not line.include? "#" attr = get_hash_attr_from_rc line[0] return [ attr.to_sym, line[1] ] else return nil end end private :line_to_tuple # Serialize the given attrs model back to the taskrc format # # @param attrs [Array] a splat of attributes # @return [Array<String>] an array of CLI formatted strings # @api public def part_of_model_to_rc *attrs do |attr| value = get_model_attr_value attr hash_attr = get_rc_attr_from_hash attr.to_s attr = "rc.#{hash_attr}=#{value}" end end # Serialize all attrs of the model to the taskrc format # # @return [Array<String>] an array of CLI formatted strings # @api public def model_to_rc part_of_model_to_rc(*config.attributes.keys) end # Serialize the given attrs model back to the taskrc format and reduce them # to a string that can be passed directly to Execute # # @param attrs [Array] a splat of attributes # @return [String] a CLI formatted string # @api public def part_of_model_to_s *attrs part_of_model_to_rc(*attrs).join(" ") end # Serialize all attrs model back to the taskrc format and reduce them # to a string that can be passed directly to Execute # # @return [String] a CLI formatted string # @api public def model_to_s model_to_rc().join(" ") end # Dynamically add a Virtus attr, detect Boolean, Integer, and Float types # based on the value, otherwise just treat it like a string. # Modifies the config instance variable # TODO: May also be able to detect arrays # # @param attr [#to_sym] the name for the attr, e.g. "json_array" # @param value [String] the value of the attr, e.g. "yes" # @return [undefined] # @api private def add_model_attr attr, value config.attribute(attr.to_sym, Helpers.determine_type(value)) end private :add_model_attr # Modifies the value of a given attr in the config object # # @param attr [#to_s] the name for the attr, e.g. "json_array" # @param value [String] the value of the attr, e.g. "yes" # @return [undefined] # @api public def set_model_attr_value attr, value config.send("#{attr}=".to_sym, value) end # Gets the current value of a given attr in the config object # # @param attr [#to_s] the name for the attr, e.g. "json_array" # @return [Object] the type varies depending on the type attr # @api public def get_model_attr_value attr config.send("#{attr.to_s}".to_sym) end # Convert dot notation to Symbol safe underscores # # @param attr [String] the name for the attr, e.g. "json_array" # @return [String] # @api private def get_hash_attr_from_rc attr return attr.gsub(".", "_") end private :get_hash_attr_from_rc # Convert Symbol safe underscores to dot notation # # @param attr [String] the name for the attr, e.g. "json_array" # @return [String] # @api private def get_rc_attr_from_hash attr return attr.gsub("_", ".") end private :get_rc_attr_from_hash # Check whether a given object is a path and it exists on the file system # # @param path [Object] # @return [Boolean] # @api private def path_exist? path if path.is_a? Pathname return path.exist? elsif path.is_a? String return else return false end end private :path_exist? end
def millennium(date) m = ((date.year.abs.to_i / 1000) + 1).ordinalize + ' millennium' return [m, BCE_SUFFIX].join(' ') if (date.year <= -1) m end
Formats a CarbonDate::Date with millennium precision Returns: A human-readable string representing the Date
class StandardFormatter < Formatter # Suffix to use for Before Common Era dates (quite often BCE or BC) BCE_SUFFIX = 'BCE' # Collection of strings denoting month names for this Formatter MONTHS = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with year precision as a string # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def year(date) y = date.year.abs.to_s return [y, BCE_SUFFIX].join(' ') if (date.year <= -1) y end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with month precision as a string # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def month(date) [MONTHS[date.month - 1], year(date)].join(', ') end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with day precision as a string # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def day(date) [, month(date)].join(' ') end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with hour precision as a string # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def hour(date) h = date.minute >= 30 ? date.hour + 1 : date.hour time = [pad(h.to_s), '00'].join(':') [time, day(date)].join(' ') end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with minute precision as a string # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def minute(date) time = [pad(date.hour.to_s), pad(date.minute.to_s)].join(':') [time, day(date)].join(' ') end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with second precision as a string # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def second(date) time = [pad(date.hour.to_s), pad(date.minute.to_s), pad(date.second.to_s)].join(':') [time, day(date)].join(' ') end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with decade precision # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def decade(date) d = ((date.year.abs.to_i / 10) * 10).to_s + 's' return [d, BCE_SUFFIX].join(' ') if (date.year <= -1) d end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with century precision # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def century(date) c = ((date.year.abs.to_i / 100) + 1).ordinalize + ' century' return [c, BCE_SUFFIX].join(' ') if (date.year <= -1) c end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with millennium precision # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with ten_thousand_years precision # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def ten_thousand_years(date) coarse_precision(date.year, 10e3.to_i) end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with hundred_thousand_years precision # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def hundred_thousand_years(date) coarse_precision(date.year, 100e3.to_i) end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with million_years precision # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def million_years(date) coarse_precision(date.year, 1e6.to_i) end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with ten_million_years precision # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def ten_million_years(date) coarse_precision(date.year, 10e6.to_i) end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with hundred_million_years precision # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def hundred_million_years(date) coarse_precision(date.year, 100e6.to_i) end # Formats a CarbonDate::Date with billion_years precision # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def billion_years(date) coarse_precision(date.year, 1e9.to_i) end # A helper function used to format dates that have less than millenium precision # Params: # +date_year+ The year component of the CarbonDate::Date being formatted # +interval+ The precision in years # Returns: # A human-readable string representing the Date def coarse_precision(date_year, interval) date_year = date_year.to_i interval = interval.to_i year_diff = date_year - return "Within the last #{number_with_delimiter(interval)} years" if (-(interval - 1)..0).include? year_diff return "Within the next #{number_with_delimiter(interval)} years" if (1..(interval - 1)).include? year_diff rounded = (year_diff.to_f / interval.to_f).round * interval return "in #{number_with_delimiter(rounded.abs)} years" if rounded > 0 return "#{number_with_delimiter(rounded.abs)} years ago" if rounded < 0 nil end # Converts an integer number into a human-readable string with thousands delimiters. # Example: # number_with_delimiter(1234567890, ',') # => 1,234,567,890 # Params: # +n+ the number to be delimited. Will be converted to an integer # +delim+ the string to be used as the thousands delimiter. Defaults to ',' def number_with_delimiter(n, delim = ',') n.to_i.to_s.reverse.chars.each_slice(3).map(&:join).join(delim).reverse end # Pad a string with '0' to ensure it has two characters. # If a string of 2 or more characters is used as parameter, will not alter the string. # Example: # pad('1') # => "01" # Params: # +s+ The string to pad. # Returns: # A string of at least 2 characters def pad(s) s.rjust(2, '0') end end
def write_uleb128(value, data: nil, stream: nil) raise ArgumentError, "Integer must be present" if !value buf = encode_uleb128(value) data << buf if data stream.write(buf) if stream buf end
Writes an unsigned integer encoded in LEB128 to a data buffer or a stream. Returns LEB128-encoded binary string.
module WireFormat extend self # Reads varint from data or stream. # Either data or stream must be present (and only one of them). # Optional offset is useful when reading from data. # Returns [value, length] where value is a decoded integer value and length is number of bytes read (including offset bytes). # Value may be nil when decoding failed (length might be zero or greater, depending on how much data was consumed before failing). # Usage: # i, _ = read_varint(data: buffer, offset: 42) # i, _ = read_varint(stream:'someblock','r')) def read_varint(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) if data && !stream return [nil, 0] if data.bytesize < 1 + offset bytes = BTC::Data.bytes_from_data(data, offset: offset, limit: 9) # we don't need more than 9 bytes. byte = bytes[0] if byte < 0xfd return [byte, offset + 1] elsif byte == 0xfd return [nil, 1] if data.bytesize < 3 + offset # 1 byte prefix, 2 bytes uint16 return [bytes[1] + bytes[2]*256, offset + 3] elsif byte == 0xfe return [nil, 1] if data.bytesize < 5 + offset # 1 byte prefix, 4 bytes uint32 return [bytes[1] + bytes[2]*256 + bytes[3]*256*256 + bytes[4]*256*256*256, offset + 5] elsif byte == 0xff return [nil, 1] if data.bytesize < 9 + offset # 1 byte prefix, 8 bytes uint64 return [bytes[1] + bytes[2]*256 + bytes[3]*256*256 + bytes[4]*256*256*256 + bytes[5]*256*256*256*256 + bytes[6]*256*256*256*256*256 + bytes[7]*256*256*256*256*256*256 + bytes[8]*256*256*256*256*256*256*256, offset + 9] end elsif stream && !data if stream.eof? raise ArgumentError, "Can't parse varint from stream because it is already closed." end if offset > 0 buf = return [nil, 0] if !buf return [nil, buf.bytesize] if buf.bytesize < offset end prefix = return [nil, offset] if !prefix || prefix.bytesize == 0 byte = prefix.bytes[0] if byte < 0xfd return [byte, offset + 1] elsif byte == 0xfd buf = return [nil, offset + 1] if !buf return [nil, offset + 1 + buf.bytesize] if buf.bytesize < 2 return [buf.unpack("v").first, offset + 3] elsif byte == 0xfe buf = return [nil, offset + 1] if !buf return [nil, offset + 1 + buf.bytesize] if buf.bytesize < 4 return [buf.unpack("V").first, offset + 5] elsif byte == 0xff buf = return [nil, offset + 1] if !buf return [nil, offset + 1 + buf.bytesize] if buf.bytesize < 8 return [buf.unpack("Q<").first, offset + 9] end else raise ArgumentError, "Either data or stream must be specified." end end # read_varint # Encodes integer and returns its binary varint representation. def encode_varint(i) raise ArgumentError, "int must be present" if !i raise ArgumentError, "int must be non-negative" if i < 0 buf = if i < 0xfd [i].pack("C") elsif i <= 0xffff [0xfd, i].pack("Cv") elsif i <= 0xffffffff [0xfe, i].pack("CV") elsif i <= 0xffffffffffffffff [0xff, i].pack("CQ<") else raise ArgumentError, "Does not support integers larger 0xffffffffffffffff (i = 0x#{i.to_s(16)})" end buf end # Encodes integer and returns its binary varint representation. # If data is given, appends to a data. # If stream is given, writes to a stream. def write_varint(i, data: nil, stream: nil) buf = encode_varint(i) data << buf if data stream.write(buf) if stream buf end # Reads variable-length string from data buffer or IO stream. # Either data or stream must be present (and only one of them). # Returns [string, length] where length is a number of bytes read (includes length prefix and offset bytes). # In case of failure, returns [nil, length] where length is a number of bytes read before the error was encountered. def read_string(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) if data && !stream string_length, read_length = read_varint(data: data, offset: offset) # If failed to read the length prefix, return nil. return [nil, read_length] if !string_length # Check if we have enough bytes to read the string itself return [nil, read_length] if data.bytesize < read_length + string_length string = BTC::Data.ensure_binary_encoding(data)[read_length, string_length] return [string, read_length + string_length] elsif stream && !data string_length, read_length = read_varint(stream: stream, offset: offset) return [nil, read_length] if !string_length buf = return [nil, read_length] if !buf return [nil, read_length + buf.bytesize] if buf.bytesize < string_length return [buf, read_length + buf.bytesize] else raise ArgumentError, "Either data or stream must be specified." end end # Returns the binary representation of the var-length string. def encode_string(string) raise ArgumentError, "String must be present" if !string encode_varint(string.bytesize) + BTC::Data.ensure_binary_encoding(string) end # Writes variable-length string to a data buffer or IO stream. # If data is given, appends to a data. # If stream is given, writes to a stream. # Returns the binary representation of the var-length string. def write_string(string, data: nil, stream: nil) raise ArgumentError, "String must be present" if !string intbuf = write_varint(string.bytesize, data: data, stream: stream) stringbuf = BTC::Data.ensure_binary_encoding(string) data << stringbuf if data stream.write(stringbuf) if stream intbuf + stringbuf end # Reads varint length prefix, then calls the block appropriate number of times to read the items. # Returns an array of items. def read_array(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) count, len = read_varint(data: data, stream: stream, offset: offset) return [nil, len] if !count (0...count).map do |i| yield end end def encode_array(array, &block) write_array(array, &block) end def write_array(array, data: nil, stream: nil, &block) raise ArgumentError, "Array must be present" if !array raise ArgumentError, "Parsing block must be present" if !block intbuf = write_varint(array.size, data: data, stream: stream) array.inject(intbuf) do |buf, e| string = stringbuf = BTC::Data.ensure_binary_encoding(string) data << stringbuf if data stream.write(stringbuf) if stream buf << stringbuf buf end end # LEB128 encoding used in Open Assets protocol # Decodes an unsigned integer encoded in LEB128. # Returns `[value, length]` where `value` is an integer decoded from LEB128 and `length` # is a number of bytes read (includes length prefix and offset bytes). def read_uleb128(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) if (data && stream) || (!data && !stream) raise ArgumentError, "Either data or stream must be specified." end if data data = BTC::Data.ensure_binary_encoding(data) end if stream if stream.eof? raise ArgumentError, "Can't read LEB128 from stream because it is already closed." end if offset > 0 buf = return [nil, 0] if !buf return [nil, buf.bytesize] if buf.bytesize < offset end end result = 0 shift = 0 while true byte = if data return [nil, offset] if data.bytesize < 1 + offset BTC::Data.bytes_from_data(data, offset: offset, limit: 1)[0] elsif stream buf = return [nil, offset] if !buf || buf.bytesize == 0 buf.bytes[0] end result |= (byte & 0x7f) << shift break if byte & 0x80 == 0 shift += 7 offset += 1 end [result, offset + 1] end # Encodes an unsigned integer using LEB128. def encode_uleb128(value) raise ArgumentError, "Signed integers are not supported" if value < 0 return "\x00" if value == 0 bytes = [] while value != 0 byte = value & 0b01111111 # 0x7f value >>= 7 if value != 0 byte |= 0b10000000 # 0x80 end bytes << byte end return BTC::Data.data_from_bytes(bytes) end # Writes an unsigned integer encoded in LEB128 to a data buffer or a stream. # Returns LEB128-encoded binary string. PACK_FORMAT_UINT8 = "C".freeze PACK_FORMAT_INT8 = "c".freeze PACK_FORMAT_UINT16LE = "S<".freeze PACK_FORMAT_INT16LE = "s<".freeze PACK_FORMAT_UINT32LE = "L<".freeze PACK_FORMAT_INT32LE = "l<".freeze PACK_FORMAT_UINT32BE = "L>".freeze # used in BIP32 PACK_FORMAT_INT32BE = "l>".freeze PACK_FORMAT_UINT64LE = "Q<".freeze PACK_FORMAT_INT64LE = "q<".freeze # These read fixed-length integer in appropriate format ("le" stands for "little-endian") # Return [value, length] or [nil, length] just like #read_varint method (see above). def read_uint8(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) _read_fixint(name: :uint8, length: 1, pack_format: PACK_FORMAT_UINT8, data: data, stream: stream, offset: offset) end def read_int8(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) _read_fixint(name: :int8, length: 1, pack_format: PACK_FORMAT_INT8, data: data, stream: stream, offset: offset) end def read_uint16le(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) _read_fixint(name: :uint16le, length: 2, pack_format: PACK_FORMAT_UINT16LE, data: data, stream: stream, offset: offset) end def read_int16le(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) _read_fixint(name: :int16le, length: 2, pack_format: PACK_FORMAT_INT16LE, data: data, stream: stream, offset: offset) end def read_uint32le(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) _read_fixint(name: :uint32le, length: 4, pack_format: PACK_FORMAT_UINT32LE, data: data, stream: stream, offset: offset) end def read_int32le(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) _read_fixint(name: :int32le, length: 4, pack_format: PACK_FORMAT_INT32LE, data: data, stream: stream, offset: offset) end def read_uint32be(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) # used in BIP32 _read_fixint(name: :uint32be, length: 4, pack_format: PACK_FORMAT_UINT32BE, data: data, stream: stream, offset: offset) end def read_int32be(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) _read_fixint(name: :int32be, length: 4, pack_format: PACK_FORMAT_INT32BE, data: data, stream: stream, offset: offset) end def read_uint64le(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) _read_fixint(name: :uint64le, length: 8, pack_format: PACK_FORMAT_UINT64LE, data: data, stream: stream, offset: offset) end def read_int64le(data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) _read_fixint(name: :int64le, length: 8, pack_format: PACK_FORMAT_INT64LE, data: data, stream: stream, offset: offset) end # Encode int into one of the formats def encode_uint8(int); [int].pack(PACK_FORMAT_UINT8); end def encode_int8(int); [int].pack(PACK_FORMAT_INT8); end def encode_uint16le(int); [int].pack(PACK_FORMAT_UINT16LE); end def encode_int16le(int); [int].pack(PACK_FORMAT_INT16LE); end def encode_int32be(int); [int].pack(PACK_FORMAT_INT32BE); end def encode_uint32le(int); [int].pack(PACK_FORMAT_UINT32LE); end def encode_int32le(int); [int].pack(PACK_FORMAT_INT32LE); end def encode_uint32be(int); [int].pack(PACK_FORMAT_UINT32BE); end # used in BIP32 def encode_uint64le(int); [int].pack(PACK_FORMAT_UINT64LE); end def encode_int64le(int); [int].pack(PACK_FORMAT_INT64LE); end protected def _read_fixint(name: nil, length: nil, pack_format: nil, data: nil, stream: nil, offset: 0) if data && !stream if data.bytesize < offset + length Diagnostics.current.add_message("BTC::WireFormat#read_#{name}: Not enough bytes to read #{name} in binary string.") return [nil, 0] end if offset > 0 pack_format = "@#{offset}" + pack_format end return [data.unpack(pack_format).first, offset + length] elsif stream && !data if offset > 0 buf = return [nil, 0] if !buf return [nil, buf.bytesize] if buf.bytesize < offset end buf = if !buf Diagnostics.current.add_message("BTC::WireFormat#read_#{name}: Failed to read #{name} from stream.") return [nil, offset] end if buf.bytesize < length Diagnostics.current.add_message("BTC::WireFormat#read_#{name}: Not enough bytes to read #{name} from stream.") return [nil, offset + buf.bytesize] end return [buf.unpack(pack_format).first, offset + length] else raise ArgumentError, "BTC::WireFormat#read_#{name}: Either data or stream must be specified." end end end
def dcm_collimator(axis, coeff, nr) mode = self.send("field_#{axis}_mode") if mode && !mode.empty? target = self else target = @parent end target.send("collimator_#{axis}#{nr}").to_f * 10 * coeff end
Converts the collimator attribute to proper DICOM format. @param [Symbol] axis a representation for the axis of interest (x or y) @param [Integer] coeff a coeffecient (of -1 or 1) which the attribute is multiplied with @param [Integer] nr collimator side/index (1 or 2) @return [Float] the DICOM-formatted collimator attribute
class ControlPoint < Record # The number of attributes not having their own variable for this record (200 - 2). NR_SURPLUS_ATTRIBUTES = 198 # The Record which this instance belongs to. attr_accessor :parent # The MLC shape record (if any) that belongs to this ControlPoint. attr_reader :mlc_shape attr_reader :field_id attr_reader :mlc_type attr_reader :mlc_leaves attr_reader :total_control_points attr_reader :control_pt_number attr_reader :mu_convention attr_reader :monitor_units attr_reader :wedge_position attr_reader :energy attr_reader :doserate attr_reader :ssd attr_reader :scale_convention attr_reader :gantry_angle attr_reader :gantry_dir attr_reader :collimator_angle attr_reader :collimator_dir attr_reader :field_x_mode attr_reader :field_x attr_reader :collimator_x1 attr_reader :collimator_x2 attr_reader :field_y_mode attr_reader :field_y attr_reader :collimator_y1 attr_reader :collimator_y2 attr_reader :couch_vertical attr_reader :couch_lateral attr_reader :couch_longitudinal attr_reader :couch_angle attr_reader :couch_dir attr_reader :couch_pedestal attr_reader :couch_ped_dir attr_reader :iso_pos_x attr_reader :iso_pos_y attr_reader :iso_pos_z # Note: This attribute contains an array of all MLC LP A values (leaves 1..100). attr_reader :mlc_lp_a # Note: This attribute contains an array of all MLC LP B values (leaves 1..100). attr_reader :mlc_lp_b # Creates a new ControlPoint by parsing a RTPConnect string line. # # @param [#to_s] string the control point definition record string line # @param [Record] parent a record which is used to determine the proper parent of this instance # @return [ControlPoint] the created ControlPoint instance # @raise [ArgumentError] if given a string containing an invalid number of elements # def self.load(string, parent) cp = cp.load(string) end # Creates a new ControlPoint. # # @param [Record] parent a record which is used to determine the proper parent of this instance # def initialize(parent) super('CONTROL_PT_DEF', 233, 236) # Child: @mlc_shape = nil # Parent relation (may get more than one type of record here): @parent = get_parent(parent.to_record, Field) @parent.add_control_point(self) @mlc_lp_a = @mlc_lp_b = @attributes = [ # Required: :keyword, :field_id, :mlc_type, :mlc_leaves, :total_control_points, :control_pt_number, :mu_convention, :monitor_units, :wedge_position, :energy, :doserate, :ssd, :scale_convention, :gantry_angle, :gantry_dir, :collimator_angle, :collimator_dir, :field_x_mode, :field_x, :collimator_x1, :collimator_x2, :field_y_mode, :field_y, :collimator_y1, :collimator_y2, :couch_vertical, :couch_lateral, :couch_longitudinal, :couch_angle, :couch_dir, :couch_pedestal, :couch_ped_dir, :iso_pos_x, :iso_pos_y, :iso_pos_z, :mlc_lp_a, :mlc_lp_b ] end # Checks for equality. # # Other and self are considered equivalent if they are # of compatible types and their attributes are equivalent. # # @param other an object to be compared with self. # @return [Boolean] true if self and other are considered equivalent # def ==(other) if other.respond_to?(:to_control_point) other.send(:state) == state end end alias_method :eql?, :== # As of now, gives an empty array. However, by definition, this record may # have an mlc shape record as child, but this is not implemented yet. # # @return [Array] an emtpy array # def children #return [@mlc_shape] return end # Converts the collimator_x1 attribute to proper DICOM format. # # @param [Symbol] scale if set, relevant device parameters are converted from a native readout format to IEC1217 (supported values are :elekta & :varian) # @return [Float] the DICOM-formatted collimator_x1 attribute # def dcm_collimator_x1(scale=nil) dcm_collimator_1(scale, default_axis=:x) end # Converts the collimator_x2 attribute to proper DICOM format. # # @param [Symbol] scale if set, relevant device parameters are converted from native readout format to IEC1217 (supported values are :elekta & :varian) # @return [Float] the DICOM-formatted collimator_x2 attribute # def dcm_collimator_x2(scale=nil) axis = (scale == :elekta ? :y : :x) dcm_collimator(axis, coeff=1, side=2) end # Converts the collimator_y1 attribute to proper DICOM format. # # @param [Symbol] scale if set, relevant device parameters are converted from native readout format to IEC1217 (supported values are :elekta & :varian) # @return [Float] the DICOM-formatted collimator_y1 attribute # def dcm_collimator_y1(scale=nil) dcm_collimator_1(scale, default_axis=:y) end # Converts the collimator_y2 attribute to proper DICOM format. # # @param [Symbol] scale if set, relevant device parameters are converted from native readout format to IEC1217 (supported values are :elekta & :varian) # @return [Float] the DICOM-formatted collimator_y2 attribute # def dcm_collimator_y2(scale=nil) axis = (scale == :elekta ? :x : :y) dcm_collimator(axis, coeff=1, side=2) end # Converts the mlc_lp_a & mlc_lp_b attributes to a proper DICOM formatted string. # # @param [Symbol] scale if set, relevant device parameters are converted from native readout format to IEC1217 (supported values are :elekta & :varian) # @return [String] the DICOM-formatted leaf pair positions # def dcm_mlc_positions(scale=nil) coeff = (scale == :elekta ? -1 : 1) # As with the collimators, the first side (1/a) may need scale invertion: pos_a = @mlc_lp_a.collect{|p| (p.to_f * 10 * coeff).round(1) unless p.empty?}.compact pos_b = @mlc_lp_b.collect{|p| (p.to_f * 10).round(1) unless p.empty?}.compact (pos_a + pos_b).join("\\") end # Computes a hash code for this object. # # @note Two objects with the same attributes will have the same hash code. # # @return [Fixnum] the object's hash code # def hash state.hash end # Gives the index of this ControlPoint # (i.e. its index among the control points belonging to the parent Field). # # @return [Fixnum] the control point's index # def index @parent.control_points.index(self) end # Collects the values (attributes) of this instance. # # @note The CRC is not considered part of the actual values and is excluded. # @return [Array<String>] an array of attributes (in the same order as they appear in the RTP string) # def values [ @keyword, @field_id, @mlc_type, @mlc_leaves, @total_control_points, @control_pt_number, @mu_convention, @monitor_units, @wedge_position, @energy, @doserate, @ssd, @scale_convention, @gantry_angle, @gantry_dir, @collimator_angle, @collimator_dir, @field_x_mode, @field_x, @collimator_x1, @collimator_x2, @field_y_mode, @field_y, @collimator_y1, @collimator_y2, @couch_vertical, @couch_lateral, @couch_longitudinal, @couch_angle, @couch_dir, @couch_pedestal, @couch_ped_dir, @iso_pos_x, @iso_pos_y, @iso_pos_z, *@mlc_lp_a, *@mlc_lp_b ] end # Returns self. # # @return [ControlPoint] self # def to_control_point self end # Sets the mlc_lp_a attribute. # # @note As opposed to the ordinary (string) attributes, this attribute # contains an array holding all 100 MLC leaf 'A' string values. # @param [Array<nil, #to_s>] array the new attribute values # def mlc_lp_a=(array) @mlc_lp_a = array.to_a.validate_and_process(100) end # Sets the mlc_lp_b attribute. # # @note As opposed to the ordinary (string) attributes, this attribute # contains an array holding all 100 MLC leaf 'B' string values. # @param [Array<nil, #to_s>] array the new attribute values # def mlc_lp_b=(array) @mlc_lp_b = array.to_a.validate_and_process(100) end # Sets the field_id attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def field_id=(value) @field_id = value && value.to_s end # Sets the mlc_type attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def mlc_type=(value) @mlc_type = value && value.to_s end # Sets the mlc_leaves attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def mlc_leaves=(value) @mlc_leaves = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the total_control_points attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def total_control_points=(value) @total_control_points = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the control_pt_number attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def control_pt_number=(value) @control_pt_number = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the mu_convention attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def mu_convention=(value) @mu_convention = value && value.to_s end # Sets the monitor_units attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def monitor_units=(value) @monitor_units = value && value.to_s end # Sets the wedge_position attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def wedge_position=(value) @wedge_position = value && value.to_s end # Sets the energy attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def energy=(value) @energy = value && value.to_s end # Sets the doserate attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def doserate=(value) @doserate = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the ssd attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def ssd=(value) @ssd = value && value.to_s end # Sets the scale_convention attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def scale_convention=(value) @scale_convention = value && value.to_s end # Sets the gantry_angle attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def gantry_angle=(value) @gantry_angle = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the gantry_dir attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def gantry_dir=(value) @gantry_dir = value && value.to_s end # Sets the collimator_angle attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def collimator_angle=(value) @collimator_angle = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the collimator_dir attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def collimator_dir=(value) @collimator_dir = value && value.to_s end # Sets the field_x_mode attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def field_x_mode=(value) @field_x_mode = value && value.to_s end # Sets the field_x attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def field_x=(value) @field_x = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the collimator_x1 attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def collimator_x1=(value) @collimator_x1 = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the collimator_x2 attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def collimator_x2=(value) @collimator_x2 = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the field_y_mode attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def field_y_mode=(value) @field_y_mode = value && value.to_s end # Sets the field_y attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def field_y=(value) @field_y = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the collimator_y1 attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def collimator_y1=(value) @collimator_y1 = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the collimator_y2 attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def collimator_y2=(value) @collimator_y2 = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the couch_vertical attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def couch_vertical=(value) @couch_vertical = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the couch_lateral attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def couch_lateral=(value) @couch_lateral = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the couch_longitudinal attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def couch_longitudinal=(value) @couch_longitudinal = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the couch_angle attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def couch_angle=(value) @couch_angle = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the couch_dir attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def couch_dir=(value) @couch_dir = value && value.to_s end # Sets the couch_pedestal attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def couch_pedestal=(value) @couch_pedestal = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the couch_ped_dir attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def couch_ped_dir=(value) @couch_ped_dir = value && value.to_s end # Sets the iso_pos_x attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def iso_pos_x=(value) @iso_pos_x = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the iso_pos_y attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def iso_pos_y=(value) @iso_pos_y = value && value.to_s.strip end # Sets the iso_pos_z attribute. # # @param [nil, #to_s] value the new attribute value # def iso_pos_z=(value) @iso_pos_z = value && value.to_s.strip end private # Collects the attributes of this instance. # # @note The CRC is not considered part of the attributes of interest and is excluded # @return [Array<String>] an array of attributes # alias_method :state, :values # Converts the collimator attribute to proper DICOM format. # # @param [Symbol] axis a representation for the axis of interest (x or y) # @param [Integer] coeff a coeffecient (of -1 or 1) which the attribute is multiplied with # @param [Integer] nr collimator side/index (1 or 2) # @return [Float] the DICOM-formatted collimator attribute # # Converts the collimator1 attribute to proper DICOM format. # # @param [Symbol] scale if set, relevant device parameters are converted from a native readout format to IEC1217 (supported values are :elekta & :varian) # @return [Float] the DICOM-formatted collimator_x1 attribute # def dcm_collimator_1(scale=nil, axis) coeff = 1 if scale == :elekta axis = (axis == :x ? :y : :x) coeff = -1 elsif scale == :varian coeff = -1 end dcm_collimator(axis, coeff, side=1) end # Gives an array of indices indicating where the attributes of this record gets its # values from in the comma separated string which the instance is created from. # # @param [Integer] length the number of elements to create in the indices array # def import_indices(length) # Note that this method is defined in the parent Record class, where it is # used for most record types. However, because this record has two attributes # which contain an array of values, we use a custom import_indices method. # # Furthermore, as of Mosaiq version 2.64, the RTP ControlPoint record includes # 3 new attributes: iso_pos_x/y/z. Since these (unfortunately) are not placed # at the end of the record (which is the norm), but rather inserted before the # MLC leaf positions, we have to take special care here to make sure that this # gets right for records where these are included or excluded. # # Override length: applied_length = 235 ind = - NR_SURPLUS_ATTRIBUTES) { |i| [i] } # Override indices for mlc_pl_a and mlc_lp_b: # Allocation here is dependent on the RTP file version: # For 2.62 and earlier, where length is 232, we dont have the 3 iso_pos_x/y/z values preceeding the mlc arrays leaf position arrays. # For 2.64 (and later), where length is 235, we have the 3 iso_pos_x/y/z values preceeding the mlc leaf position arrays. if length == 232 ind[32] = nil ind[33] = nil ind[34] = nil ind[35] = (32..131).to_a ind[36] = (132..231).to_a else # (length = 235) ind[35] = (35..134).to_a ind[36] = (135..234).to_a end ind end end
def delete(path, body = nil, params = {}, headers = {}, auth = true) request(http_method: :delete, path: path, body: body, query: params, headers: headers, auth: auth) end
Delete request @param [String] path @param [Hash,String] body @param [Hash] params @param [Hash] headers @return [Hash]
class Client CLIENT_ID = ENV['KONTENA_CLIENT_ID'] || '15faec8a7a9b4f1e8b7daebb1307f1d8'.freeze CLIENT_SECRET = ENV['KONTENA_CLIENT_SECRET'] || 'fb8942ae00da4c7b8d5a1898effc742f'.freeze CONTENT_URLENCODED = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.freeze CONTENT_JSON = 'application/json'.freeze JSON_REGEX = /application\/(.+?\+)?json/.freeze CONTENT_TYPE = 'Content-Type'.freeze X_KONTENA_VERSION = 'X-Kontena-Version'.freeze ACCEPT = 'Accept'.freeze AUTHORIZATION = 'Authorization'.freeze ACCEPT_ENCODING = 'Accept-Encoding'.freeze GZIP = 'gzip'.freeze attr_accessor :default_headers attr_accessor :path_prefix attr_reader :http_client attr_reader :last_response attr_reader :options attr_reader :token attr_reader :logger attr_reader :api_url attr_reader :host # Initialize api client # # @param [String] api_url # @param [Kontena::Cli::Config::Token,Hash] access_token # @param [Hash] options def initialize(api_url, token = nil, options = {}) require 'json' require 'excon' require 'uri' require 'base64' require 'socket' require 'openssl' require 'uri' require 'time' require 'kontena/errors' require 'kontena/cli/version' require 'kontena/cli/config' @api_url, @token, @options = api_url, token, options uri = URI.parse(@api_url) @host = @logger = Kontena.logger @options[:default_headers] ||= {} excon_opts = { omit_default_port: true, connect_timeout: ENV["EXCON_CONNECT_TIMEOUT"] ? ENV["EXCON_CONNECT_TIMEOUT"].to_i : 10, read_timeout: ENV["EXCON_READ_TIMEOUT"] ? ENV["EXCON_READ_TIMEOUT"].to_i : 30, write_timeout: ENV["EXCON_WRITE_TIMEOUT"] ? ENV["EXCON_WRITE_TIMEOUT"].to_i : 10, ssl_verify_peer: ignore_ssl_errors? ? false : true, middlewares: Excon.defaults[:middlewares] + [Excon::Middleware::Decompress] } if Kontena.debug? require 'kontena/debug_instrumentor' excon_opts[:instrumentor] = Kontena::DebugInstrumentor end excon_opts[:ssl_ca_file] = @options[:ssl_cert_path] excon_opts[:ssl_verify_peer_host] = @options[:ssl_subject_cn] debug { "Excon opts: #{excon_opts.inspect}" } @http_client =, excon_opts) @default_headers = { ACCEPT => CONTENT_JSON, CONTENT_TYPE => CONTENT_JSON, 'User-Agent' => "kontena-cli/#{Kontena::Cli::VERSION}" }.merge(options[:default_headers]) if token if token.kind_of?(String) @token = { 'access_token' => token } else @token = token end end @api_url = api_url @path_prefix = options[:prefix] || '/v1/' end def debug(&block) logger.debug("CLIENT", &block) end def error(&block) logger.error("CLIENT", &block) end # Generates a header hash for HTTP basic authentication. # Defaults to using client_id and client_secret as user/pass # # @param [String] username # @param [String] password # @return [Hash] auth_header_hash def basic_auth_header(user = nil, pass = nil) user ||= client_id pass ||= client_secret { AUTHORIZATION => "Basic #{Base64.encode64([user, pass].join(':')).gsub(/[\r\n]/, '')}" } end # Generates a bearer token authentication header hash if a token object is # available. Otherwise returns an empty hash. # # @return [Hash] authentication_header def bearer_authorization_header if token && token['access_token'] {AUTHORIZATION => "Bearer #{token['access_token']}"} else {} end end # Requests path supplied as argument and returns true if the request was a success. # For checking if the current authentication is valid. # # @param [String] token_verify_path a path that requires authentication # @return [Boolean] def authentication_ok?(token_verify_path) return false unless token return false unless token['access_token'] return false unless token_verify_path final_path = token_verify_path.gsub(/\:access\_token/, token['access_token']) debug { "Requesting user info from #{final_path}" } request(path: final_path) true rescue => ex error { "Authentication verification exception" } error { ex } false end # Calls the code exchange endpoint in token's config to exchange an authorization_code # to a access_token def exchange_code(code) return nil unless token_account return nil unless token_account['token_endpoint'] response = request( http_method: token_account['token_method'].downcase.to_sym, path: token_account['token_endpoint'], headers: { CONTENT_TYPE => token_account['token_post_content_type'] }, body: { 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code' => code, 'client_id' => Kontena::Client::CLIENT_ID, 'client_secret' => Kontena::Client::CLIENT_SECRET }, expects: [200,201], auth: false ) response['expires_at'] ||= in_to_at(response['expires_in']) response end # Return server version from a Kontena master by requesting '/' # # @return [String] version_string def server_version request(auth: false, expects: 200)['version'] rescue => ex error { "Server version exception" } error { ex } nil end # OAuth2 client_id from ENV KONTENA_CLIENT_ID or client CLIENT_ID constant # # @return [String] def client_id ENV['KONTENA_CLIENT_ID'] || CLIENT_ID end # OAuth2 client_secret from ENV KONTENA_CLIENT_SECRET or client CLIENT_SECRET constant # # @return [String] def client_secret ENV['KONTENA_CLIENT_SECRET'] || CLIENT_SECRET end # Get request # # @param [String] path # @param [Hash,NilClass] params # @param [Hash] headers # @return [Hash] def get(path, params = nil, headers = {}, auth = true) request(path: path, query: params, headers: headers, auth: auth) end # Post request # # @param [String] path # @param [Object] obj # @param [Hash] params # @param [Hash] headers # @return [Hash] def post(path, obj, params = {}, headers = {}, auth = true) request(http_method: :post, path: path, body: obj, query: params, headers: headers, auth: auth) end # Put request # # @param [String] path # @param [Object] obj # @param [Hash] params # @param [Hash] headers # @return [Hash] def put(path, obj, params = {}, headers = {}, auth = true) request(http_method: :put, path: path, body: obj, query: params, headers: headers, auth: auth) end # Patch request # # @param [String] path # @param [Object] obj # @param [Hash] params # @param [Hash] headers # @return [Hash] def patch(path, obj, params = {}, headers = {}, auth = true) request(http_method: :patch, path: path, body: obj, query: params, headers: headers, auth: auth) end # Delete request # # @param [String] path # @param [Hash,String] body # @param [Hash] params # @param [Hash] headers # @return [Hash] # Get stream request # # @param [String] path # @param [Lambda] response_block # @param [Hash,NilClass] params # @param [Hash] headers def get_stream(path, response_block, params = nil, headers = {}, auth = true) request(path: path, query: params, headers: headers, response_block: response_block, auth: auth, gzip: false) end def token_expired? return false unless token if token.respond_to?(:expired?) token.expired? elsif token['expires_at'].to_i > 0 token['expires_at'].to_i < else false end end # Perform a HTTP request. Will try to refresh the access token and retry if it's # expired or if the server responds with HTTP 401. # # Automatically parses a JSON response into a hash. # # After the request has been performed, the response can be inspected using # client.last_response. # # @param http_method [Symbol] :get, :post, etc # @param path [String] if it starts with / then prefix won't be used. # @param body [Hash, String] will be encoded using #encode_body # @param query [Hash] url query parameters # @param headers [Hash] extra headers for request. # @param response_block [Proc] for streaming requests, must respond to #call # @param expects [Array] raises unless response status code matches this list. # @param auth [Boolean] use token authentication default = true # @return [Hash, String] response parsed response object def request(http_method: :get, path:'/', body: nil, query: {}, headers: {}, response_block: nil, expects: [200, 201, 204], host: nil, port: nil, auth: true, gzip: true) retried ||= false if auth && token_expired? raise Excon::Error::Unauthorized, "Token expired or not valid, you need to login again, use: kontena #{token_is_for_master? ? "master" : "cloud"} login" end request_headers = request_headers(headers, auth: auth, gzip: gzip) if body.nil? body_content = '' request_headers.delete(CONTENT_TYPE) else body_content = encode_body(body, request_headers[CONTENT_TYPE]) request_headers.merge!('Content-Length' => body_content.bytesize) end uri = URI.parse(path) host_options = {} if host_options[:host] = host_options[:port] = uri.port host_options[:scheme] = uri.scheme path = uri.request_uri else host_options[:host] = host if host host_options[:port] = port if port end request_options = { method: http_method, expects: Array(expects), path: path_with_prefix(path), headers: request_headers, body: body_content, query: query }.merge(host_options) request_options.merge!(response_block: response_block) if response_block # Store the response into client.last_response @last_response = http_client.request(request_options) parse_response(@last_response) rescue Excon::Error::Unauthorized if token debug { 'Server reports access token expired' } if retried || !token || !token['refresh_token'] raise, 'The access token has expired and needs to be refreshed') end retried = true retry if refresh_token end raise, 'Unauthorized') rescue Excon::Error::HTTPStatus => error if error.response.headers['Content-Encoding'] == 'gzip' error.response.body = end debug { "Request #{error.request[:method].upcase} #{error.request[:path]}: #{error.response.status} #{error.response.reason_phrase}: #{error.response.body}" } handle_error_response(error.response) end # Build a token refresh request param hash # # @return [Hash] def refresh_request_params { refresh_token: token['refresh_token'], grant_type: 'refresh_token', client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret } end # Accessor to token's account settings def token_account return {} unless token if token.respond_to?(:account) token.account elsif token.kind_of?(Hash) && token['account'].kind_of?(String) config.find_account(token['account']) else {} end rescue => ex error { "Access token refresh exception" } error { ex } false end # Perform refresh token request to auth provider. # Updates the client's Token object and writes changes to # configuration. # # @param [Boolean] use_basic_auth? When true, use basic auth authentication header # @return [Boolean] success? def refresh_token debug { "Performing token refresh" } return false if token.nil? return false if token['refresh_token'].nil? uri = URI.parse(token_account['token_endpoint']) endpoint_data = { path: uri.path } endpoint_data[:host] = if endpoint_data[:port] = uri.port if uri.port debug { "Token refresh endpoint: #{endpoint_data.inspect}" } return false unless endpoint_data[:path] response = request( { http_method: token_account['token_method'].downcase.to_sym, body: refresh_request_params, headers: { CONTENT_TYPE => token_account['token_post_content_type'] }.merge( token_account['code_requires_basic_auth'] ? basic_auth_header : {} ), expects: [200, 201, 400, 401, 403], auth: false }.merge(endpoint_data) ) if response && response['access_token'] debug { "Got response to refresh request" } token['access_token'] = response['access_token'] token['refresh_token'] = response['refresh_token'] token['expires_at'] = in_to_at(response['expires_in']) token.config.write if token.respond_to?(:config) true else debug { "Got null or bad response to refresh request: #{last_response.inspect}" } false end rescue => ex error { "Access token refresh exception" } error { ex } false end private # Returns true if the token object belongs to a master # # @return [Boolean] def token_is_for_master? token_account['name'] == 'master' end # Get prefixed request path unless path starts with / # # @param [String] path # @return [String] def path_with_prefix(path) path.to_s.start_with?('/') ? path : "#{path_prefix}#{path}" end ## # Build request headers. Removes empty headers. # @example # request_headers('Authorization' => nil) # # @param [Hash] headers # @return [Hash] def request_headers(headers = {}, auth: true, gzip: true) headers = default_headers.merge(headers) headers.merge!(bearer_authorization_header) if auth headers[ACCEPT_ENCODING] = GZIP if gzip headers.reject{|_,v| v.nil? || (v.respond_to?(:empty?) && v.empty?)} end ## # Encode body based on content type. # # @param [Object] body # @param [String] content_type # @return [String] encoded_content def encode_body(body, content_type) if content_type =~ JSON_REGEX # vnd.api+json should pass as json dump_json(body) elsif content_type == CONTENT_URLENCODED && body.kind_of?(Hash) URI.encode_www_form(body) else body end end ## # Parse response. If the respons is JSON, returns a Hash representation. # Otherwise returns the raw body. # # @param [Excon::Response] # @return [Hash,String] def parse_response(response) check_version_and_warn(response.headers[X_KONTENA_VERSION]) if response.headers[CONTENT_TYPE] =~ JSON_REGEX parse_json(response) else response.body end end def check_version_and_warn(server_version) return nil if $VERSION_WARNING_ADDED return nil unless server_version.to_s =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ unless server_version[/^(\d+\.\d+)/, 1] == Kontena::Cli::VERSION[/^(\d+\.\d+)/, 1] # Just compare x.y add_version_warning(server_version) $VERSION_WARNING_ADDED = true end end def add_version_warning(server_version) at_exit do warn Kontena.pastel.yellow("Warning: Server version is #{server_version}. You are using CLI version #{Kontena::Cli::VERSION}.") end end # Parse json # # @param response [Excon::Response] # @return [Hash,Object,NilClass] def parse_json(response) return nil if response.body.empty? JSON.parse(response.body) rescue => ex raise, "Invalid response JSON from server for #{response.path}: #{}: #{ex.message}") end # Dump json # # @param [Object] obj # @return [String] def dump_json(obj) JSON.dump(obj) end # @return [Boolean] def ignore_ssl_errors? ENV['SSL_IGNORE_ERRORS'] == 'true' || options[:ignore_ssl_errors] end # @param [Excon::Response] response def handle_error_response(response) data = parse_response(response) request_path = " (#{response.path})" if data.is_a?(Hash) && data.has_key?('error') && data['error'].is_a?(Hash) raise, response.reason_phrase, data['error']) elsif data.is_a?(Hash) && data.has_key?('errors') && data['errors'].is_a?(Array) && data['errors'].all? { |e| e.is_a?(Hash) } error_with_status = data['errors'].find { |error| error.key?('status') } if error_with_status status = error_with_status['status'] else status = response.status end raise, response.reason_phrase, data) elsif data.is_a?(Hash) && data.has_key?('error') raise, data['error'] + request_path) elsif data.is_a?(String) && !data.empty? raise, data + request_path) else raise, response.reason_phrase + request_path) end end # Convert expires_in into expires_at # # @param [Fixnum] seconds_till_expiration # @return [Fixnum] expires_at_unix_timestamp def in_to_at(expires_in) if expires_in.to_i < 1 0 else + expires_in.to_i end end end
def encode_headers(frame) payload = frame[:payload] payload = @compressor.encode(payload) unless payload.is_a? Buffer frames = [] while payload.bytesize > 0 cont = frame.dup cont[:type] = :continuation cont[:flags] = [] cont[:payload] = payload.slice!(0, @remote_settings[:settings_max_frame_size]) frames << cont end if frames.empty? frames = [frame] else frames.first[:type] = frame[:type] frames.first[:flags] = frame[:flags] - [:end_headers] frames.last[:flags] << :end_headers end frames rescue StandardError => e connection_error(:compression_error, e: e) nil end
Encode headers payload and update connection compressor state. @param frame [Hash] @return [Array of Frame]
class Connection include FlowBuffer include Emitter include Error # Connection state (:new, :closed). attr_reader :state # Size of current connection flow control window (by default, set to # infinity, but is automatically updated on receipt of peer settings). attr_reader :local_window attr_reader :remote_window alias window local_window # Current settings value for local and peer attr_reader :local_settings attr_reader :remote_settings # Pending settings value # Sent but not ack'ed settings attr_reader :pending_settings # Number of active streams between client and server (reserved streams # are not counted towards the stream limit). attr_reader :active_stream_count # Initializes new connection object. # def initialize(**settings) @local_settings = DEFAULT_CONNECTION_SETTINGS.merge(settings) @remote_settings = SPEC_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_SETTINGS.dup @compressor = @decompressor = @active_stream_count = 0 @streams = {} @streams_recently_closed = {} @pending_settings = [] @framer = @local_window_limit = @local_settings[:settings_initial_window_size] @local_window = @local_window_limit @remote_window_limit = @remote_settings[:settings_initial_window_size] @remote_window = @remote_window_limit @recv_buffer = @send_buffer = [] @continuation = [] @error = nil @h2c_upgrade = nil @closed_since = nil end def closed? @state == :closed end # Allocates new stream for current connection. # # @param priority [Integer] # @param window [Integer] # @param parent [Stream] def new_stream(**args) fail ConnectionClosed if @state == :closed fail StreamLimitExceeded if @active_stream_count >= @remote_settings[:settings_max_concurrent_streams] stream = activate_stream(id: @stream_id, **args) @stream_id += 2 stream end # Sends PING frame to the peer. # # @param payload [String] optional payload must be 8 bytes long # @param blk [Proc] callback to execute when PONG is received def ping(payload, &blk) send(type: :ping, stream: 0, payload: payload) once(:ack, &blk) if blk end # Sends a GOAWAY frame indicating that the peer should stop creating # new streams for current connection. # # Endpoints MAY append opaque data to the payload of any GOAWAY frame. # Additional debug data is intended for diagnostic purposes only and # carries no semantic value. Debug data MUST NOT be persistently stored, # since it could contain sensitive information. # # @param error [Symbol] # @param payload [String] def goaway(error = :no_error, payload = nil) last_stream = if (max = @streams.max) max.first else 0 end send(type: :goaway, last_stream: last_stream, error: error, payload: payload) @state = :closed @closed_since = end # Sends a WINDOW_UPDATE frame to the peer. # # @param increment [Integer] def window_update(increment) @local_window += increment send(type: :window_update, stream: 0, increment: increment) end # Sends a connection SETTINGS frame to the peer. # The values are reflected when the corresponding ACK is received. # # @param settings [Array or Hash] def settings(payload) payload = payload.to_a connection_error if validate_settings(@local_role, payload) @pending_settings << payload send(type: :settings, stream: 0, payload: payload) @pending_settings << payload end # Decodes incoming bytes into HTTP 2.0 frames and routes them to # appropriate receivers: connection frames are handled directly, and # stream frames are passed to appropriate stream objects. # # @param data [String] Binary encoded string def receive(data) @recv_buffer << data # Upon establishment of a TCP connection and determination that # HTTP/2.0 will be used by both peers, each endpoint MUST send a # connection header as a final confirmation and to establish the # initial settings for the HTTP/2.0 connection. # # Client connection header is 24 byte connection header followed by # SETTINGS frame. Server connection header is SETTINGS frame only. if @state == :waiting_magic if @recv_buffer.size < 24 if !CONNECTION_PREFACE_MAGIC.start_with? @recv_buffer fail HandshakeError else return # maybe next time end elsif == CONNECTION_PREFACE_MAGIC # MAGIC is OK. Send our settings @state = :waiting_connection_preface payload = @local_settings.reject { |k, v| v == SPEC_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_SETTINGS[k] } settings(payload) else fail HandshakeError end end while (frame = @framer.parse(@recv_buffer)) emit(:frame_received, frame) # Header blocks MUST be transmitted as a contiguous sequence of frames # with no interleaved frames of any other type, or from any other stream. unless @continuation.empty? unless frame[:type] == :continuation && frame[:stream] == @continuation.first[:stream] connection_error end @continuation << frame return unless frame[:flags].include? :end_headers payload = { |f| f[:payload] }.join frame = @continuation.shift @continuation.clear frame.delete(:length) frame[:payload] = frame[:flags] << :end_headers end # SETTINGS frames always apply to a connection, never a single stream. # The stream identifier for a settings frame MUST be zero. If an # endpoint receives a SETTINGS frame whose stream identifier field is # anything other than 0x0, the endpoint MUST respond with a connection # error (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. if connection_frame?(frame) connection_management(frame) else case frame[:type] when :headers # When server receives even-numbered stream identifier, # the endpoint MUST respond with a connection error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. connection_error if frame[:stream].even? && self.is_a?(Server) # The last frame in a sequence of HEADERS/CONTINUATION # frames MUST have the END_HEADERS flag set. unless frame[:flags].include? :end_headers @continuation << frame return end # After sending a GOAWAY frame, the sender can discard frames # for new streams. However, any frames that alter connection # state cannot be completely ignored. For instance, HEADERS, # PUSH_PROMISE and CONTINUATION frames MUST be minimally # processed to ensure a consistent compression state decode_headers(frame) return if @state == :closed stream = @streams[frame[:stream]] if stream.nil? stream = activate_stream( id: frame[:stream], weight: frame[:weight] || DEFAULT_WEIGHT, dependency: frame[:dependency] || 0, exclusive: frame[:exclusive] || false, ) emit(:stream, stream) end stream << frame when :push_promise # The last frame in a sequence of PUSH_PROMISE/CONTINUATION # frames MUST have the END_HEADERS flag set unless frame[:flags].include? :end_headers @continuation << frame return end decode_headers(frame) return if @state == :closed # PUSH_PROMISE frames MUST be associated with an existing, peer- # initiated stream... A receiver MUST treat the receipt of a # PUSH_PROMISE on a stream that is neither "open" nor # "half-closed (local)" as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of # type PROTOCOL_ERROR. Similarly, a receiver MUST treat the # receipt of a PUSH_PROMISE that promises an illegal stream # identifier (Section 5.1.1) (that is, an identifier for a stream # that is not currently in the "idle" state) as a connection error # (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR, unless the receiver # recently sent a RST_STREAM frame to cancel the associated stream. parent = @streams[frame[:stream]] pid = frame[:promise_stream] # if PUSH parent is recently closed, RST_STREAM the push if @streams_recently_closed[frame[:stream]] send(type: :rst_stream, stream: pid, error: :refused_stream) return end connection_error(msg: 'missing parent ID') if parent.nil? unless parent.state == :open || parent.state == :half_closed_local # An endpoint might receive a PUSH_PROMISE frame after it sends # RST_STREAM. PUSH_PROMISE causes a stream to become "reserved". # The RST_STREAM does not cancel any promised stream. Therefore, if # promised streams are not desired, a RST_STREAM can be used to # close any of those streams. if parent.closed == :local_rst # We can either (a) 'resurrect' the parent, or (b) RST_STREAM # ... sticking with (b), might need to revisit later. send(type: :rst_stream, stream: pid, error: :refused_stream) else connection_error end end stream = activate_stream(id: pid, parent: parent) emit(:promise, stream) stream << frame else if (stream = @streams[frame[:stream]]) stream << frame if frame[:type] == :data update_local_window(frame) calculate_window_update(@local_window_limit) end else case frame[:type] # The PRIORITY frame can be sent for a stream in the "idle" or # "closed" state. This allows for the reprioritization of a # group of dependent streams by altering the priority of an # unused or closed parent stream. when :priority stream = activate_stream( id: frame[:stream], weight: frame[:weight] || DEFAULT_WEIGHT, dependency: frame[:dependency] || 0, exclusive: frame[:exclusive] || false, ) emit(:stream, stream) stream << frame # WINDOW_UPDATE can be sent by a peer that has sent a frame # bearing the END_STREAM flag. This means that a receiver could # receive a WINDOW_UPDATE frame on a "half-closed (remote)" or # "closed" stream. A receiver MUST NOT treat this as an error # (see Section 5.1). when :window_update process_window_update(frame) else # An endpoint that receives an unexpected stream identifier # MUST respond with a connection error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. connection_error end end end end end rescue StandardError => e raise if e.is_a?(Error::Error) connection_error(e: e) end def <<(*args) receive(*args) end private # Send an outgoing frame. DATA frames are subject to connection flow # control and may be split and / or buffered based on current window size. # All other frames are sent immediately. # # @note all frames are currently delivered in FIFO order. # @param frame [Hash] def send(frame) emit(:frame_sent, frame) if frame[:type] == :data send_data(frame, true) else # An endpoint can end a connection at any time. In particular, an # endpoint MAY choose to treat a stream error as a connection error. if frame[:type] == :rst_stream && frame[:error] == :protocol_error goaway(frame[:error]) else # HEADERS and PUSH_PROMISE may generate CONTINUATION. Also send # RST_STREAM that are not protocol errors frames = encode(frame) frames.each { |f| emit(:frame, f) } end end end # Applies HTTP 2.0 binary encoding to the frame. # # @param frame [Hash] # @return [Array of Buffer] encoded frame def encode(frame) frames = if frame[:type] == :headers || frame[:type] == :push_promise encode_headers(frame) # HEADERS and PUSH_PROMISE may create more than one frame else [frame] # otherwise one frame end { |f| @framer.generate(f) } end # Check if frame is a connection frame: SETTINGS, PING, GOAWAY, and any # frame addressed to stream ID = 0. # # @param frame [Hash] # @return [Boolean] def connection_frame?(frame) (frame[:stream]).zero? || frame[:type] == :settings || frame[:type] == :ping || frame[:type] == :goaway end # Process received connection frame (stream ID = 0). # - Handle SETTINGS updates # - Connection flow control (WINDOW_UPDATE) # - Emit PONG auto-reply to PING frames # - Mark connection as closed on GOAWAY # # @param frame [Hash] def connection_management(frame) case @state when :waiting_connection_preface # The first frame MUST be a SETTINGS frame at the start of a connection. @state = :connected connection_settings(frame) when :connected case frame[:type] when :settings connection_settings(frame) when :window_update @remote_window += frame[:increment] send_data(nil, true) when :ping if frame[:flags].include? :ack emit(:ack, frame[:payload]) else send(type: :ping, stream: 0, flags: [:ack], payload: frame[:payload]) end when :goaway # Receivers of a GOAWAY frame MUST NOT open additional streams on # the connection, although a new connection can be established # for new streams. @state = :closed @closed_since = emit(:goaway, frame[:last_stream], frame[:error], frame[:payload]) when :altsvc # 4. The ALTSVC HTTP/2 Frame # An ALTSVC frame on stream 0 with empty (length 0) "Origin" # information is invalid and MUST be ignored. if frame[:origin] && !frame[:origin].empty? emit(frame[:type], frame) end when :blocked emit(frame[:type], frame) else connection_error end when :closed connection_error if ( - @closed_since) > 15 else connection_error end end # Validate settings parameters. See sepc Section 6.5.2. # # @param role [Symbol] The sender's role: :client or :server # @return nil if no error. Exception object in case of any error. def validate_settings(role, settings) settings.each do |key, v| case key when :settings_header_table_size # Any value is valid when :settings_enable_push case role when :server # Section 8.2 # Clients MUST reject any attempt to change the # SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH setting to a value other than 0 by treating the # message as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. return"invalid #{key} value") unless when :client # Any value other than 0 or 1 MUST be treated as a # connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. unless || v == 1 return"invalid #{key} value") end end when :settings_max_concurrent_streams # Any value is valid when :settings_initial_window_size # Values above the maximum flow control window size of 2^31-1 MUST # be treated as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type # FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR. unless v <= 0x7fffffff return"invalid #{key} value") end when :settings_max_frame_size # The initial value is 2^14 (16,384) octets. The value advertised # by an endpoint MUST be between this initial value and the maximum # allowed frame size (2^24-1 or 16,777,215 octets), inclusive. # Values outside this range MUST be treated as a connection error # (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. unless v >= 16_384 && v <= 16_777_215 return"invalid #{key} value") end when :settings_max_header_list_size # Any value is valid # else # ignore unknown settings end end nil end # Update connection settings based on parameters set by the peer. # # @param frame [Hash] def connection_settings(frame) connection_error unless frame[:type] == :settings && (frame[:stream]).zero? # Apply settings. # side = # local: previously sent and pended our settings should be effective # remote: just received peer settings should immediately be effective settings, side = if frame[:flags].include?(:ack) # Process pending settings we have sent. [@pending_settings.shift, :local] else connection_error(check) if validate_settings(@remote_role, frame[:payload]) [frame[:payload], :remote] end settings.each do |key, v| case side when :local @local_settings[key] = v when :remote @remote_settings[key] = v end case key when :settings_max_concurrent_streams # Do nothing. # The value controls at the next attempt of stream creation. when :settings_initial_window_size # A change to SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE could cause the available # space in a flow control window to become negative. A sender MUST # track the negative flow control window, and MUST NOT send new flow # controlled frames until it receives WINDOW_UPDATE frames that cause # the flow control window to become positive. case side when :local @local_window = @local_window - @local_window_limit + v @streams.each do |_id, stream| stream.emit(:local_window, stream.local_window - @local_window_limit + v) end @local_window_limit = v when :remote @remote_window = @remote_window - @remote_window_limit + v @streams.each do |_id, stream| # Event name is :window, not :remote_window stream.emit(:window, stream.remote_window - @remote_window_limit + v) end @remote_window_limit = v end when :settings_header_table_size # Setting header table size might cause some headers evicted case side when :local @compressor.table_size = v when :remote @decompressor.table_size = v end when :settings_enable_push # nothing to do when :settings_max_frame_size # nothing to do # else # ignore unknown settings end end case side when :local # Received a settings_ack. Notify application layer. emit(:settings_ack, frame, @pending_settings.size) when :remote unless @state == :closed || @h2c_upgrade == :start # Send ack to peer send(type: :settings, stream: 0, payload: [], flags: [:ack]) end end end # Decode headers payload and update connection decompressor state. # # The receiver endpoint reassembles the header block by concatenating # the individual fragments, then decompresses the block to reconstruct # the header set - aka, header payloads are buffered until END_HEADERS, # or an END_PROMISE flag is seen. # # @param frame [Hash] def decode_headers(frame) if frame[:payload].is_a? Buffer frame[:payload] = @decompressor.decode(frame[:payload]) end rescue CompressionError => e connection_error(:compression_error, e: e) rescue ProtocolError => e connection_error(:protocol_error, e: e) rescue StandardError => e connection_error(:internal_error, e: e) end # Encode headers payload and update connection compressor state. # # @param frame [Hash] # @return [Array of Frame] # Activates new incoming or outgoing stream and registers appropriate # connection managemet callbacks. # # @param id [Integer] # @param priority [Integer] # @param window [Integer] # @param parent [Stream] def activate_stream(id: nil, **args) connection_error(msg: 'Stream ID already exists') if @streams.key?(id) stream ={ connection: self, id: id }.merge(args)) # Streams that are in the "open" state, or either of the "half closed" # states count toward the maximum number of streams that an endpoint is # permitted to open. stream.once(:active) { @active_stream_count += 1 } stream.once(:close) do @active_stream_count -= 1 # Store a reference to the closed stream, such that we can respond # to any in-flight frames while close is registered on both sides. # References to such streams will be purged whenever another stream # is closed, with a minimum of 15s RTT time window. @streams_recently_closed[id] = to_delete = { |_, v| ( - v) > 15 } to_delete.each do |stream_id| @streams.delete stream_id @streams_recently_closed.delete stream_id end end stream.on(:promise, &method(:promise)) if self.is_a? Server stream.on(:frame, &method(:send)) @streams[id] = stream end # Emit GOAWAY error indicating to peer that the connection is being # aborted, and once sent, raise a local exception. # # @param error [Symbol] # @option error [Symbol] :no_error # @option error [Symbol] :internal_error # @option error [Symbol] :flow_control_error # @option error [Symbol] :stream_closed # @option error [Symbol] :frame_too_large # @option error [Symbol] :compression_error # @param msg [String] def connection_error(error = :protocol_error, msg: nil, e: nil) goaway(error) unless @state == :closed || @state == :new @state, @error = :closed, error klass = error.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join msg ||= e && e.message backtrace = (e && e.backtrace) || [] fail Error.const_get(klass), msg, backtrace end alias error connection_error def manage_state(_) yield end end
def remove_listener(listener) type = listener.type if listeners.has_key? type listeners[type].delete(listener) listeners.delete(type) if listeners[type].empty? end end
Unregister the given block. It won't be call then went an event is emitted.
module Messenger extend self # This make Messenger behave like a singleton def listeners # this makes @listeners to be auto-initialized and accessed read-only @listeners ||= end # Register the given block to be called when the events of type +type+ will be emitted. # if +once+, the block will be called once def add_listener(type, once=false, &callback) listener =, callback, once) listeners[type] ||= [] listeners[type] << listener emit(:new_listener, self, type, once, callback) listener end alias :on :add_listener # Register the given block to be called only once when the events of type +type+ will be emitted. def once(type, &callback) add_listener(type, true, &callback) end # Unregister the given block. It won't be call then went an event is emitted. # Unregister all the listener for the +type+ events. # If +type+ is omitted, unregister *all* the listeners. def remove_all_listeners(type=nil) if type listeners.delete(type) else listeners.clear end end # Emit an event of type +type+ and call all the registered listeners to this event. # The +sender+ param will help the listener to identify who is emitting the event. # You can pass then every additional arguments you'll need def emit(type, sender=nil, *args) listeners[type].each { |l|, *args) } if listeners.has_key? type end # Mixin that add shortcuts to emit events module Emittable def emit(type, *args) Triton::Messenger.emit(type, self, *args) end end # Mixin that add shortcuts to emit events module Listenable def add_listener(type, once=false, &listener) Triton::Messenger.add_listener(type, once, &listener) end alias :on :add_listener def once(type, &listener) Triton::Messenger.once(type, &listener) end end # The Listener class helps managing event triggering. # It may not be used as its own. class Listener attr_accessor :type, :callback, :once def initialize(type, callback, once=false) @type = type @callback = callback @once = once end # Call the event listener passing through the +sender+ and the additional args def fire(sender=nil, *args), *args) if @once Messenger::remove_listener(self) end end end end
def crop! params decode_all_scanlines x,y,h,w = (params[:x]||0), (params[:y]||0), params[:height], params[:width] raise ArgumentError, "negative params not allowed" if [x,y,h,w].any?{ |x| x < 0 } # adjust crop sizes if they greater than image sizes h = self.height-y if (y+h) > self.height w = self.width-x if (x+w) > self.width raise ArgumentError, "negative params not allowed (p2)" if [x,y,h,w].any?{ |x| x < 0 } # delete excess scanlines at tail scanlines[(y+h)..-1] = [] if (y+h) < scanlines.size # delete excess scanlines at head scanlines[0,y] = [] if y > 0 # crop remaining scanlines scanlines.each{ |l| l.crop!(x,w) } # modify header hdr.height, hdr.width = h, w # return self self end
modifies this image
class Image attr_accessor :chunks, :scanlines, :imagedata, :extradata, :format, :verbose # now only for (limited) BMP support attr_accessor :color_class include DeepCopyable alias :clone :deep_copy alias :dup :deep_copy include BMP::Reader PNG_HDR = "\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a".force_encoding('binary') BMP_HDR = "BM".force_encoding('binary') # possible input params: # IO of opened image file # String with image file already readed # Hash of image parameters to create new blank image def initialize x, h={} @chunks = [] @extradata = [] @color_class = Color @format = :png @verbose = case h[:verbose] when true; 1 when false; 0 else h[:verbose].to_i end case x when IO _from_io x when String _from_io when Hash _from_hash x else raise NotSupported, "unsupported input data type #{x.class}" end if palette && hdr && hdr.depth palette.max_colors = 2**hdr.depth end end def inspect "#<ZPNG::Image " + %w'width height bpp chunks scanlines'.map do |k| v = case (v = send(k)) when Array "[#{v.size} entries]" when String v.size > 40 ? "[#{v.bytesize} bytes]" : v.inspect else v.inspect end "#{k}=#{v}" end.compact.join(", ") + ">" end def adam7 @adam7 ||= end class << self # load image from file def load fname, h={} open(fname,"rb") do |f|,h) end end alias :load_file :load alias :from_file :load # as in ChunkyPNG end # save image to file def save fname, options={},"wb"){ |f| f << export(options) } end # flag that image is just created, and NOT loaded from file # as in Rails' ActiveRecord::Base#new_record? def new_image? @new_image end alias :new? :new_image? private def _from_hash h @new_image = true @chunks << if header.palette_used? if h.key?(:palette) if h[:palette] @chunks << h[:palette] else # :palette => nil # assume palette will be added later end else @chunks << palette[0] = h[:background] || h[:bg] || Color::BLACK # add default bg color end end end def _read_png io while !io.eof? chunk = Chunk.from_stream(io) chunk.idx = @chunks.size @chunks << chunk break if chunk.is_a?(Chunk::IEND) end end def _from_io io # Puts ios into binary mode. # Once a stream is in binary mode, it cannot be reset to nonbinary mode. io.binmode hdr = if hdr == BMP_HDR _read_bmp io else hdr << - BMP_HDR.size) if hdr == PNG_HDR _read_png io else raise NotSupported, "Unsupported header #{hdr.inspect} in #{io.inspect}" end end unless io.eof? offset = io.tell @extradata << puts "[?] #{@extradata.last.size} bytes of extra data after image end (IEND), offset = 0x#{offset.to_s(16)}".red if @verbose >= 1 end end public # internal helper method for color types 0 (grayscale) and 2 (truecolor) def _alpha_color color return nil unless trns # For color type 0 (grayscale), the tRNS chunk contains a single gray level value, stored in the format: # # Gray: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1 # # For color type 2 (truecolor), the tRNS chunk contains a single RGB color value, stored in the format: # # Red: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1 # Green: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1 # Blue: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1 # # (If the image bit depth is less than 16, the least significant bits are used and the others are 0) # Pixels of the specified gray level are to be treated as transparent (equivalent to alpha value 0); # all other pixels are to be treated as fully opaque ( alpha = (2^bitdepth)-1 ) @alpha_color ||= case hdr.color when COLOR_GRAYSCALE v ='n')[0] & (2**hdr.depth-1) Color.from_grayscale(v, :depth => hdr.depth) when COLOR_RGB a ='n3').map{ |v| v & (2**hdr.depth-1) }*a, :depth => hdr.depth) else raise Exception, "color2alpha only intended for GRAYSCALE & RGB color modes" end color == @alpha_color ? 0 : (2**hdr.depth-1) end public ########################################################################### # chunks access def ihdr @ihdr ||= @chunks.find{ |c| c.is_a?(Chunk::IHDR) } end alias :header :ihdr alias :hdr :ihdr def trns # not used "@trns ||= ..." here b/c it will call find() each time of there's no TRNS chunk defined?(@trns) ? @trns : (@[email protected]{ |c| c.is_a?(Chunk::TRNS) }) end def plte @plte ||= @chunks.find{ |c| c.is_a?(Chunk::PLTE) } end alias :palette :plte ########################################################################### # image attributes def bpp ihdr && @ihdr.bpp end def width ihdr && @ihdr.width end def height ihdr && @ihdr.height end def grayscale? ihdr && @ihdr.grayscale? end def interlaced? ihdr && @ihdr.interlace != 0 end def alpha_used? ihdr && @ihdr.alpha_used? end private def _imagedata data_chunks = @chunks.find_all{ |c| c.is_a?(Chunk::IDAT) } case data_chunks.size when 0 # no imagedata chunks ?! nil when 1 # a single chunk - save memory and return a reference to its data data_chunks[0].data else # multiple data chunks - join their contents end end # unpack zlib, # on errors keep going and try to return maximum possible data def _safe_inflate data zi = pos = 0; r = '' begin # save some memory by not using String#[] when not necessary r << zi.inflate(pos==0 ? data : data[pos..-1]) if zi.total_in < data.size @extradata << data[zi.total_in..-1] puts "[?] #{@extradata.last.size} bytes of extra data after zlib stream".red if @verbose >= 1 end # decompress OK rescue Zlib::BufError # tried to decompress, but got EOF - need more data puts "[!] #{$!.inspect}".red if @verbose >= -1 # collect any remaining data in decompress buffer r << zi.flush_next_out rescue Zlib::DataError puts "[!] #{$!.inspect}".red if @verbose >= -1 #p [pos, zi.total_in, zi.total_out, data.size, r.size] r << zi.flush_next_out # XXX TODO try to skip error and continue # printf "[d] pos=%d/%d t_in=%d t_out=%d bytes_ok=%d\n".gray, pos, data.size, # zi.total_in, zi.total_out, r.size # if pos < zi.total_in # pos = zi.total_in # else # pos += 1 # end # pos = 0 # retry if pos < data.size rescue Zlib::NeedDict puts "[!] #{$!.inspect}".red if @verbose >= -1 # collect any remaining data in decompress buffer r << zi.flush_next_out end r == "" ? nil : r ensure zi.close if zi && !zi.closed? end public def imagedata @imagedata ||= begin puts "[?] no image header, assuming non-interlaced RGB".yellow unless header data = _imagedata (data && data.size > 0) ? _safe_inflate(data) : '' end end def imagedata_size if new_image? else imagedata.size end end # # try to get imagedata size in bytes, w/o storing entire decompressed # # stream in memory. used in bin/zpng # # result: less memory used on big images, but speed gain near 1-2% in best case, # # and 2x slower in worst case because imagedata decoded 2 times # def imagedata_size # if @imagedata # # already decompressed # @imagedata.size # else # zi = nil # @imagedata_size ||= # begin # zi = # io = # while !io.eof? && !zi.finished? # n = zi.inflate( # end # zi.finish unless zi.finished? # zi.total_out # ensure # zi.close if zi && !zi.closed? # end # end # end def metadata @metadata ||= end def [] x, y # extracting this check into a module => +1-2% speed x,y = adam7.convert_coords(x,y) if interlaced? scanlines[y][x] end def []= x, y, newcolor # extracting these checks into a module => +1-2% speed decode_all_scanlines x,y = adam7.convert_coords(x,y) if interlaced? scanlines[y][x] = newcolor end # we must decode all scanlines before doing any modifications # or scanlines decoded AFTER modification of UPPER ones will be decoded wrong def decode_all_scanlines return if @all_scanlines_decoded || new_image? @all_scanlines_decoded = true scanlines.each(&:decode!) end def scanlines @scanlines ||= begin r = [] n = interlaced? ? adam7.scanlines_count : height.to_i n.times do |i| r <<,i) end r.delete_if(&:bad?) r end end def to_ascii *args if scanlines.any? if interlaced?{ |y|{ |x| self[x,y].to_ascii(*args) }.join }.join("\n") else{ |l| l.to_ascii(*args) }.join("\n") end else super() end end def extract_block x,y=nil,w=nil,h=nil if x.is_a?(Hash),x[:x], x[:y], x[:width], x[:height]) else,x,y,w,h) end end def each_block bw,bh, &block 0.upto(height/bh-1) do |by| 0.upto(width/bw-1) do |bx| b = extract_block(bx*bw, by*bh, bw, bh) yield b end end end def export options = {} # allow :zlib_level => nil options[:zlib_level] = 9 unless options.key?(:zlib_level) if options.fetch(:repack, true) data = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(, options[:zlib_level]) idats = @chunks.find_all{ |c| c.is_a?(Chunk::IDAT) } case idats.size when 0 # add new IDAT @chunks << :data => data ) when 1 idats[0].data = data else idats[0].data = data # delete other IDAT chunks @chunks -= idats[1..-1] end end unless @chunks.last.is_a?(Chunk::IEND) # delete old IEND chunk(s) b/c IEND must be the last one @chunks.delete_if{ |c| c.is_a?(Chunk::IEND) } # add fresh new IEND @chunks << end PNG_HDR + end # modifies this image # returns new image def crop params decode_all_scanlines # deep copy first, then crop! deep_copy.crop!(params) end def pixels end def == other_image return false unless other_image.is_a?(Image) return false if width != other_image.width return false if height != other_image.height each_pixel do |c,x,y| return false if c != other_image[x,y] end true end def each_pixel &block height.times do |y| width.times do |x| yield(self[x,y], x, y) end end end # returns new deinterlaced image if deinterlaced # OR returns self if no need to deinterlace def deinterlace return self unless interlaced? # copy all but 'interlace' header params h = Hash[*%w'width height depth color compression filter'.map{ |k| [k.to_sym, hdr.send(k)] }.flatten] # don't auto-add palette chunk h[:palette] = nil # create new img new_img = h # copy all but hdr/imagedata/end chunks chunks.each do |chunk| next if chunk.is_a?(Chunk::IHDR) next if chunk.is_a?(Chunk::IDAT) next if chunk.is_a?(Chunk::IEND) new_img.chunks << chunk.deep_copy end # pixel-by-pixel copy each_pixel do |c,x,y| new_img[x,y] = c end new_img end end
def in_use?(index) results = [] index.each do |entry| box_data = entry.extra_data["box"] next if !box_data # If all the data matches, record it if box_data["name"] == && box_data["provider"] == self.provider.to_s && box_data["version"] == self.version.to_s results << entry end end return nil if results.empty? results end
Checks if this box is in use according to the given machine index and returns the entries that appear to be using the box. The entries returned, if any, are not tested for validity with {MachineIndex::Entry#valid?}, so the caller should do that if the caller cares. @param [MachineIndex] index @return [Array<MachineIndex::Entry>]
class Box include Comparable # Number of seconds to wait between checks for box updates BOX_UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 3600 # The box name. This is the logical name used when adding the box. # # @return [String] attr_reader :name # This is the provider that this box is built for. # # @return [Symbol] attr_reader :provider # The version of this box. # # @return [String] attr_reader :version # This is the directory on disk where this box exists. # # @return [Pathname] attr_reader :directory # This is the metadata for the box. This is read from the "metadata.json" # file that all boxes require. # # @return [Hash] attr_reader :metadata # This is the URL to the version info and other metadata for this # box. # # @return [String] attr_reader :metadata_url # This is used to initialize a box. # # @param [String] name Logical name of the box. # @param [Symbol] provider The provider that this box implements. # @param [Pathname] directory The directory where this box exists on # disk. def initialize(name, provider, version, directory, **opts) @name = name @version = version @provider = provider @directory = directory @metadata_url = opts[:metadata_url] metadata_file = directory.join("metadata.json") raise Errors::BoxMetadataFileNotFound, name: @name if !metadata_file.file? begin @metadata = JSON.parse(directory.join("metadata.json").read) rescue JSON::ParserError raise Errors::BoxMetadataCorrupted, name: @name end @logger ="vagrant::box") end # This deletes the box. This is NOT undoable. def destroy! # Delete the directory to delete the box. FileUtils.rm_r(@directory) # Just return true always true rescue Errno::ENOENT # This means the directory didn't exist. Not a problem. return true end # Checks if this box is in use according to the given machine # index and returns the entries that appear to be using the box. # # The entries returned, if any, are not tested for validity # with {MachineIndex::Entry#valid?}, so the caller should do that # if the caller cares. # # @param [MachineIndex] index # @return [Array<MachineIndex::Entry>] # Loads the metadata URL and returns the latest metadata associated # with this box. # # @param [Hash] download_options Options to pass to the downloader. # @return [BoxMetadata] def load_metadata(**download_options) tf ="vagrant-load-metadata") tf.close url = @metadata_url if File.file?(url) || url !~ /^[a-z0-9]+:.*$/i url = File.expand_path(url) url = Util::Platform.cygwin_windows_path(url) url = "file:#{url}" end opts = { headers: ["Accept: application/json"] }.merge(download_options), tf.path, **opts).download!, "r")) rescue Errors::DownloaderError => e raise Errors::BoxMetadataDownloadError, message: e.extra_data[:message] ensure tf.unlink if tf end # Checks if the box has an update and returns the metadata, version, # and provider. If the box doesn't have an update that satisfies the # constraints, it will return nil. # # This will potentially make a network call if it has to load the # metadata from the network. # # @param [String] version Version constraints the update must # satisfy. If nil, the version constrain defaults to being a # larger version than this box. # @return [Array] def has_update?(version=nil, download_options: {}) if !@metadata_url raise Errors::BoxUpdateNoMetadata, name: @name end if download_options.delete(:automatic_check) && !automatic_update_check_allowed?"Skipping box update check") return end version += ", " if version version ||= "" version += "> #{@version}" md = self.load_metadata(download_options) newer = md.version(version, provider: @provider) return nil if !newer [md, newer, newer.provider(@provider)] end # Check if a box update check is allowed. Uses a file # in the box data directory to track when the last auto # update check was performed and returns true if the # BOX_UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL has passed. # # @return [Boolean] def automatic_update_check_allowed? check_path = directory.join("box_update_check") if check_path.exist? last_check_span = - check_path.mtime.to_i if last_check_span < BOX_UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL"box update check is under the interval threshold") return false end end FileUtils.touch(check_path) true end # This repackages this box and outputs it to the given path. # # @param [Pathname] path The full path (filename included) of where # to output this box. # @return [Boolean] true if this succeeds. def repackage(path) @logger.debug("Repackaging box '#{@name}' to: #{path}") Util::SafeChdir.safe_chdir(@directory) do # Find all the files in our current directory and tar it up! files = Dir.glob(File.join(".", "**", "*")).select { |f| File.file?(f) } # Package! Util::Subprocess.execute("bsdtar", "-czf", path.to_s, *files) end"Repackaged box '#{@name}' successfully: #{path}") true end # Implemented for comparison with other boxes. Comparison is # implemented by comparing names and providers. def <=>(other) return super if !other.is_a?(self.class) # Comparison is done by composing the name and provider "#{@name}-#{@version}-#{@provider}" <=> "#{}-#{other.version}-#{other.provider}" end end
def supported_archs @supported_archs ||= Dir.glob(File.join(__dir__, 'consts', '*.rb')) .map { |f| File.basename(f, '.rb').to_sym } .sort end
Get currently supported architectures. @return [Array<Symbol>] Architectures.
module Util module_function # Get currently supported architectures. # @return [Array<Symbol>] # Architectures. # Detect system architecture. # @return [Symbol] def system_arch case RbConfig::CONFIG['host_cpu'] when /x86_64/ then :amd64 when /i386/ then :i386 else :unknown end end # Enable colorize. # @return [void] def enable_color! @disable_color = false end # Disable colorize. # @return [void] def disable_color! @disable_color = true end # Is colorize enabled? # @return [Boolean] def colorize_enabled? !@disable_color && $stdout.tty? end # Color codes for pretty print. COLOR_CODE = { esc_m: "\e[0m", syscall: "\e[38;5;120m", # light green arch: "\e[38;5;230m", # light yellow gray: "\e[2m" }.freeze # Wrapper color codes. # @param [String] s # Contents to wrapper. # @param [Symbol?] t # Specific which kind of color to use, valid symbols are defined in {Util.COLOR_CODE}. # @return [String] # Wrapper with color codes. def colorize(s, t: nil) s = s.to_s return s unless colorize_enabled? cc = COLOR_CODE color = cc[t] "#{color}#{s.sub(cc[:esc_m], cc[:esc_m] + color)}#{cc[:esc_m]}" end # Get content of filename under directory templates/. # # @param [String] filename # The filename. # # @return [String] # Content of the file. def template(filename) IO.binread(File.join(__dir__, 'templates', filename)) end end
def check_lato_blog_post_parent post_parent = LatoBlog::PostParent.find_by(id: lato_blog_post_parent_id) if !post_parent errors.add('Post parent', 'not exist for the post') throw :abort return end same_language_post = post_parent.posts.find_by(meta_language: meta_language) if same_language_post && != id errors.add('Post parent', 'has another post for the same language') throw :abort return end end
This function check that the post parent exist and has not others post for the same language.
class Post < ApplicationRecord include Post::EntityHelpers include Post::SerializerHelpers # Validations: validates :title, presence: true, length: { maximum: 250 } validates :meta_permalink, presence: true, uniqueness: true, length: { maximum: 250 } validates :meta_status, presence: true, length: { maximum: 250 }, inclusion: { in: BLOG_POSTS_STATUS.values } validates :meta_language, presence: true, length: { maximum: 250 }, inclusion: { in: ([nil] + BLOG_LANGUAGES_IDENTIFIER) } # Relations: belongs_to :post_parent, foreign_key: :lato_blog_post_parent_id, class_name: 'LatoBlog::PostParent' belongs_to :superuser_creator, foreign_key: :lato_core_superuser_creator_id, class_name: 'LatoCore::Superuser' has_many :post_fields, foreign_key: :lato_blog_post_id, class_name: 'LatoBlog::PostField', dependent: :destroy has_many :category_relations, foreign_key: :lato_blog_post_id, class_name: 'LatoBlog::CategoryPost', dependent: :destroy has_many :categories, through: :category_relations has_many :tag_relations, foreign_key: :lato_blog_post_id, class_name: 'LatoBlog::TagPost', dependent: :destroy has_many :tags, through: :tag_relations # Scopes: scope :published, -> { where(meta_status: BLOG_POSTS_STATUS[:published]) } scope :drafted, -> { where(meta_status: BLOG_POSTS_STATUS[:drafted]) } scope :deleted, -> { where(meta_status: BLOG_POSTS_STATUS[:deleted]) } # Callbacks: before_validation :check_meta_permalink, on: :create before_save do self.meta_permalink = meta_permalink.parameterize meta_status.downcase! meta_language.downcase! check_lato_blog_post_parent end after_save do blog__sync_config_post_fields_with_db_post_fields_for_post(self) end after_create do add_to_default_category end after_destroy do blog__clean_post_parents end private # This function check if current permalink is valid. If it is not valid it # generate a new from the post title. def check_meta_permalink candidate = (meta_permalink ? meta_permalink : title.parameterize) accepted = nil counter = 0 while accepted.nil? if LatoBlog::Post.find_by(meta_permalink: candidate) counter = counter + 1 candidate = "#{candidate}-#{counter}" else accepted = candidate end end self.meta_permalink = accepted end # This function check that the post parent exist and has not others post for the same language. # This function add the post to the default category. def add_to_default_category default_category_parent = LatoBlog::CategoryParent.find_by(meta_default: true) return unless default_category_parent category = default_category_parent.categories.find_by(meta_language: meta_language) return unless category LatoBlog::CategoryPost.create(lato_blog_post_id: id, lato_blog_category_id: end end
def gid return group.kind_of?(Integer) ? group : Etc.getgrnam(group.to_s).gid if group return Etc.getpwuid(uid).gid if using_login? nil end
The gid that the subprocess will switch to. If the group attribute is given as a group name, it is converted to a gid by Etc.getgrnam TODO migrate to shellout/unix.rb
class ShellOut READ_WAIT_TIME = 0.01 READ_SIZE = 4096 DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT = 600 if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw32|windows/ require "mixlib/shellout/windows" include ShellOut::Windows else require "mixlib/shellout/unix" include ShellOut::Unix end # User the command will run as. Normally set via options passed to new attr_accessor :user attr_accessor :domain attr_accessor :password # TODO remove attr_accessor :with_logon # Whether to simulate logon as the user. Normally set via options passed to new # Always enabled on windows attr_accessor :login # Group the command will run as. Normally set via options passed to new attr_accessor :group # Working directory for the subprocess. Normally set via options to new attr_accessor :cwd # An Array of acceptable exit codes. #error? (and #error!) use this list # to determine if the command was successful. Normally set via options to new attr_accessor :valid_exit_codes # When live_stdout is set, the stdout of the subprocess will be copied to it # as the subprocess is running. attr_accessor :live_stdout # When live_stderr is set, the stderr of the subprocess will be copied to it # as the subprocess is running. attr_accessor :live_stderr # ShellOut will push data from :input down the stdin of the subprocss. # Normally set via options passed to new. # Default: nil attr_accessor :input # If a logger is set, ShellOut will log a message before it executes the # command. attr_accessor :logger # The log level at which ShellOut should log. attr_accessor :log_level # A string which will be prepended to the log message. attr_accessor :log_tag # The command to be executed. attr_reader :command # The umask that will be set for the subcommand. attr_reader :umask # Environment variables that will be set for the subcommand. Refer to the # documentation of new to understand how ShellOut interprets this. attr_accessor :environment # The maximum time this command is allowed to run. Usually set via options # to new attr_writer :timeout # The amount of time the subcommand took to execute attr_reader :execution_time # Data written to stdout by the subprocess attr_reader :stdout # Data written to stderr by the subprocess attr_reader :stderr # A Process::Status (or ducktype) object collected when the subprocess is # reaped. attr_reader :status attr_reader :stdin_pipe, :stdout_pipe, :stderr_pipe, :process_status_pipe # Runs windows process with elevated privileges. Required for Powershell commands which need elevated privileges attr_accessor :elevated attr_accessor :sensitive # === Arguments: # Takes a single command, or a list of command fragments. These are used # as arguments to Kernel.exec. See the Kernel.exec documentation for more # explanation of how arguments are evaluated. The last argument can be an # options Hash. # === Options: # If the last argument is a Hash, it is removed from the list of args passed # to exec and used as an options hash. The following options are available: # * +user+: the user the commmand should run as. if an integer is given, it is # used as a uid. A string is treated as a username and resolved to a uid # with Etc.getpwnam # * +group+: the group the command should run as. works similarly to +user+ # * +cwd+: the directory to chdir to before running the command # * +umask+: a umask to set before running the command. If given as an Integer, # be sure to use two leading zeros so it's parsed as Octal. A string will # be treated as an octal integer # * +returns+: one or more Integer values to use as valid exit codes for the # subprocess. This only has an effect if you call +error!+ after # +run_command+. # * +environment+: a Hash of environment variables to set before the command # is run. # * +timeout+: a Numeric value for the number of seconds to wait on the # child process before raising an Exception. This is calculated as the # total amount of time that ShellOut waited on the child process without # receiving any output (i.e., returned nil). Default is 600 # seconds. Note: the stdlib Timeout library is not used. # * +input+: A String of data to be passed to the subcommand. This is # written to the child process' stdin stream before the process is # launched. The child's stdin stream will be a pipe, so the size of input # data should not exceed the system's default pipe capacity (4096 bytes # is a safe value, though on newer Linux systems the capacity is 64k by # default). # * +live_stream+: An IO or Logger-like object (must respond to the append # operator +<<+) that will receive data as ShellOut reads it from the # child process. Generally this is used to copy data from the child to # the parent's stdout so that users may observe the progress of # long-running commands. # * +login+: Whether to simulate a login (set secondary groups, primary group, environment # variables etc) as done by the OS in an actual login # === Examples: # Invoke find(1) to search for .rb files: # find ="find . -name '*.rb'") # find.run_command # # If all went well, the results are on +stdout+ # puts find.stdout # # find(1) prints diagnostic info to STDERR: # puts "error messages" + find.stderr # # Raise an exception if it didn't exit with 0 # find.error! # Run a command as the +www+ user with no extra ENV settings from +/tmp+ # cmd ="apachectl", "start", :user => 'www', :env => nil, :cwd => '/tmp') # cmd.run_command # etc. def initialize(*command_args) @stdout, @stderr, @process_status = "", "", "" @live_stdout = @live_stderr = nil @input = nil @log_level = :debug @log_tag = nil @environment = {} @cwd = nil @valid_exit_codes = [0] @terminate_reason = nil @timeout = nil @elevated = false @sensitive = false if command_args.last.is_a?(Hash) parse_options(command_args.pop) end @command = command_args.size == 1 ? command_args.first : command_args end # Returns the stream that both is being used by both live_stdout and live_stderr, or nil def live_stream live_stdout == live_stderr ? live_stdout : nil end # A shortcut for setting both live_stdout and live_stderr, so that both the # stdout and stderr from the subprocess will be copied to the same stream as # the subprocess is running. def live_stream=(stream) @live_stdout = @live_stderr = stream end # Set the umask that the subprocess will have. If given as a string, it # will be converted to an integer by String#oct. def umask=(new_umask) @umask = (new_umask.respond_to?(:oct) ? new_umask.oct : new_umask.to_i) & 007777 end # The uid that the subprocess will switch to. If the user attribute was # given as a username, it is converted to a uid by Etc.getpwnam # TODO migrate to shellout/unix.rb def uid return nil unless user user.kind_of?(Integer) ? user : Etc.getpwnam(user.to_s).uid end # The gid that the subprocess will switch to. If the group attribute is # given as a group name, it is converted to a gid by Etc.getgrnam # TODO migrate to shellout/unix.rb def timeout @timeout || DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT end # Creates a String showing the output of the command, including a banner # showing the exact command executed. Used by +invalid!+ to show command # results when the command exited with an unexpected status. def format_for_exception return "Command execution failed. STDOUT/STDERR suppressed for sensitive resource" if sensitive msg = "" msg << "#{@terminate_reason}\n" if @terminate_reason msg << "---- Begin output of #{command} ----\n" msg << "STDOUT: #{stdout.strip}\n" msg << "STDERR: #{stderr.strip}\n" msg << "---- End output of #{command} ----\n" msg << "Ran #{command} returned #{status.exitstatus}" if status msg end # The exit status of the subprocess. Will be nil if the command is still # running or died without setting an exit status (e.g., terminated by # `kill -9`). def exitstatus @status && @status.exitstatus end # Run the command, writing the command's standard out and standard error # to +stdout+ and +stderr+, and saving its exit status object to +status+ # === Returns # returns +self+; +stdout+, +stderr+, +status+, and +exitstatus+ will be # populated with results of the command # === Raises # * Errno::EACCES when you are not privileged to execute the command # * Errno::ENOENT when the command is not available on the system (or not # in the current $PATH) # * CommandTimeout when the command does not complete # within +timeout+ seconds (default: 600s) def run_command if logger log_message = (log_tag.nil? ? "" : "#{@log_tag} ") << "sh(#{@command})" logger.send(log_level, log_message) end super end # Checks the +exitstatus+ against the set of +valid_exit_codes+. # === Returns # +true+ if +exitstatus+ is not in the list of +valid_exit_codes+, false # otherwise. def error? !Array(valid_exit_codes).include?(exitstatus) end # If #error? is true, calls +invalid!+, which raises an Exception. # === Returns # nil::: always returns nil when it does not raise # === Raises # ::ShellCommandFailed::: via +invalid!+ def error! invalid!("Expected process to exit with #{valid_exit_codes.inspect}, but received '#{exitstatus}'") if error? end # Raises a ShellCommandFailed exception, appending the # command's stdout, stderr, and exitstatus to the exception message. # === Arguments # +msg+: A String to use as the basis of the exception message. The # default explanation is very generic, providing a more informative message # is highly encouraged. # === Raises # ShellCommandFailed always def invalid!(msg = nil) msg ||= "Command produced unexpected results" raise ShellCommandFailed, msg + "\n" + format_for_exception end def inspect "<#{}##{object_id}: command: '#{@command}' process_status: #{@status.inspect} " + "stdout: '#{stdout.strip}' stderr: '#{stderr.strip}' child_pid: #{@child_pid.inspect} " + "environment: #{@environment.inspect} timeout: #{timeout} user: #{@user} group: #{@group} working_dir: #{@cwd} >" end private def parse_options(opts) opts.each do |option, setting| case option.to_s when "cwd" self.cwd = setting when "domain" self.domain = setting when "password" self.password = setting when "user" self.user = setting self.with_logon = setting when "group" = setting when "umask" self.umask = setting when "timeout" self.timeout = setting when "returns" self.valid_exit_codes = Array(setting) when "live_stream" self.live_stdout = self.live_stderr = setting when "live_stdout" self.live_stdout = setting when "live_stderr" self.live_stderr = setting when "input" self.input = setting when "logger" self.logger = setting when "log_level" self.log_level = setting when "log_tag" self.log_tag = setting when "environment", "env" if setting self.environment = Hash[ { |(k, v)| [k.to_s, v] }] else self.environment = {} end when "login" self.login = setting when "elevated" self.elevated = setting when "sensitive" self.sensitive = setting else raise InvalidCommandOption, "option '#{option.inspect}' is not a valid option for #{}" end end validate_options(opts) end def validate_options(opts) if login && !user raise InvalidCommandOption, "cannot set login without specifying a user" end super end end
def remove_user(nick) @mutex.synchronize do channels = @channels.each do |channel| if channel.remove_user(nick) channels << channel end end channels end end
Removes a User from all Channels from the ChannelList. Returning a Set of Channels in which the User was.
class ChannelList attr_reader :channels def initialize @channels = @mutex = end # Add a Channel to the ChannelList. def add(channel) @mutex.synchronize do @channels << channel end end # Removes a Channel from the ChannelList. def remove(channel_or_channel_name) @mutex.synchronize do if channel_or_channel_name.is_a?(String) channel_or_channel_name = find(channel_or_channel_name) end @channels.delete(channel_or_channel_name) end end # Removes a User from all Channels from the ChannelList. # Returning a Set of Channels in which the User was. # Finding a Channel using the lowercased Channel name. def find(channel_name) @channels.find { |c| == channel_name.downcase } end # Removes all Channels from the ChannelList and returns them. def clear @mutex.synchronize do channels = @channels.dup @channels.clear channels end end # Returns a Set of all Users that are in one of the Channels from the # ChannelList. def users users = @channels.each do |channel| users.merge channel.users end users end end
def _extract_mime_type(params, options) # :nodoc: options['resource'] = params['resource'] ? params.delete('resource') : '' options['mime_type'] = params['resource'] ? params.delete('mime_type') : '' end
def extract_data_from_params(params) # :nodoc: if params.has_key?('data') and !params['data'].nil? params['data'] else params end end
module Request METHODS = [:get, :post, :put, :delete, :patch] METHODS_WITH_BODIES = [ :post, :put, :patch ] def get_request(path, params={}, options={}) request(:get, path, params, options) end def patch_request(path, params={}, options={}) request(:patch, path, params, options) end def post_request(path, params={}, options={}) request(:post, path, params, options) end def put_request(path, params={}, options={}) request(:put, path, params, options) end def delete_request(path, params={}, options={}) request(:delete, path, params, options) end def request(method, path, params, options={}) if !METHODS.include?(method) raise ArgumentError, "unkown http method: #{method}" end # _extract_mime_type(params, options) puts "EXECUTED: #{method} - #{path} with #{params} and #{options}" if ENV['DEBUG'] conn = connection(options) path = (conn.path_prefix + path).gsub(/\/\//,'/') if conn.path_prefix != '/' response = conn.send(method) do |request| request['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{new_access_token}" unless new_access_token.nil? case method.to_sym when *(METHODS - METHODS_WITH_BODIES) request.body = params.delete('data') if params.has_key?('data') request.url(path, params) when *METHODS_WITH_BODIES request.path = path unless params.empty? # data = extract_data_from_params(params) # request.body = MultiJson.dump(data) request.body = MultiJson.dump(params) end end end response.body end private # def extract_data_from_params(params) # :nodoc: # if params.has_key?('data') and !params['data'].nil? # params['data'] # else # params # end # end end # Request
def method_missing(name, *args) # Queries if @collections.include?(name.to_s) @query = build_collection_query_object(name,@additional_params, *args) return @query # Adds elsif name.to_s =~ /^AddTo(.*)/ type = $1 if @collections.include?(type) @save_operations <<"Add", $1, args[0]) else super end elsif @function_imports.include?(name.to_s) execute_import_function(name.to_s, args) else super end end
Creates a new instance of the Service class @param [String] service_uri the root URI of the OData service @param [Hash] options the options to pass to the service @option options [String] :username for http basic auth @option options [String] :password for http basic auth @option options [Object] :verify_ssl false if no verification, otherwise mode (OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER is default) @option options [Hash] :rest_options a hash of rest-client options that will be passed to all calls @option options [Hash] :additional_params a hash of query string params that will be passed on all calls @option options [Boolean, true] :eager_partial true if queries should consume partial feeds until the feed is complete, false if explicit calls to next must be performed Handles the dynamic `AddTo<EntityName>` methods as well as the collections on the service
class Service attr_reader :classes, :class_metadata, :options, :collections, :edmx, :function_imports, :response # Creates a new instance of the Service class # # @param [String] service_uri the root URI of the OData service # @param [Hash] options the options to pass to the service # @option options [String] :username for http basic auth # @option options [String] :password for http basic auth # @option options [Object] :verify_ssl false if no verification, otherwise mode (OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER is default) # @option options [Hash] :rest_options a hash of rest-client options that will be passed to all calls # @option options [Hash] :additional_params a hash of query string params that will be passed on all calls # @option options [Boolean, true] :eager_partial true if queries should consume partial feeds until the feed is complete, false if explicit calls to next must be performed def initialize(service_uri, options = {}) @uri = service_uri.gsub!(/\/?$/, '') set_options! options default_instance_vars! set_namespaces build_collections_and_classes end # Handles the dynamic `AddTo<EntityName>` methods as well as the collections on the service # Queues an object for deletion. To actually remove it from the server, you must call save_changes as well. # # @param [Object] obj the object to mark for deletion # # @raise [NotSupportedError] if the `obj` isn't a tracked entity def delete_object(obj) type = obj.class.to_s if obj.respond_to?(:__metadata) && !obj.send(:__metadata).nil? @save_operations <<"Delete", type, obj) else raise "You cannot delete a non-tracked entity" end end # Queues an object for update. To actually update it on the server, you must call save_changes as well. # # @param [Object] obj the object to queue for update # # @raise [NotSupportedError] if the `obj` isn't a tracked entity def update_object(obj) type = obj.class.to_s if obj.respond_to?(:__metadata) && !obj.send(:__metadata).nil? @save_operations <<"Update", type, obj) else raise "You cannot update a non-tracked entity" end end # Performs save operations (Create/Update/Delete) against the server def save_changes return nil if @save_operations.empty? result = nil begin if @save_operations.length == 1 result = single_save(@save_operations[0]) else result = batch_save(@save_operations) end # TODO: We should probably perform a check here # to make sure everything worked before clearing it out @save_operations.clear return result rescue Exception => e handle_exception(e) end end # Performs query operations (Read) against the server. # Typically this returns an array of record instances, except in the case of count queries # @raise [ServiceError] if there is an error when talking to the service def execute begin @response =, @rest_options).get rescue Exception => e handle_exception(e) end return Integer(@response.body) if @response.body =~ /\A\d+\z/ handle_collection_result(@response.body) end # Overridden to identify methods handled by method_missing def respond_to?(method) if @collections.include?(method.to_s) return true # Adds elsif method.to_s =~ /^AddTo(.*)/ type = $1 if @collections.include?(type) return true else super end # Function Imports elsif @function_imports.include?(method.to_s) return true else super end end # Retrieves the next resultset of a partial result (if any). Does not honor the `:eager_partial` option. def next return if not partial? handle_partial end # Does the most recent collection returned represent a partial collection? Will aways be false if a query hasn't executed, even if the query would have a partial def partial? @has_partial end # Lazy loads a navigation property on a model # # @param [Object] obj the object to fill # @param [String] nav_prop the navigation property to fill # # @raise [NotSupportedError] if the `obj` isn't a tracked entity # @raise [ArgumentError] if the `nav_prop` isn't a valid navigation property def load_property(obj, nav_prop) raise NotSupportedError, "You cannot load a property on an entity that isn't tracked" if obj.send(:__metadata).nil? raise ArgumentError, "'#{nav_prop}' is not a valid navigation property" unless obj.respond_to?(nav_prop.to_sym) raise ArgumentError, "'#{nav_prop}' is not a valid navigation property" unless @class_metadata[obj.class.to_s][nav_prop].nav_prop results =, nav_prop), @rest_options).get prop_results = build_classes_from_result(results.body) obj.send "#{nav_prop}=", (singular?(nav_prop) ? prop_results.first : prop_results) end # Adds a child object to a parent object's collection # # @param [Object] parent the parent object # @param [String] nav_prop the name of the navigation property to add the child to # @param [Object] child the child object # @raise [NotSupportedError] if the `parent` isn't a tracked entity # @raise [ArgumentError] if the `nav_prop` isn't a valid navigation property # @raise [NotSupportedError] if the `child` isn't a tracked entity def add_link(parent, nav_prop, child) raise NotSupportedError, "You cannot add a link on an entity that isn't tracked (#{parent.class})" if parent.send(:__metadata).nil? raise ArgumentError, "'#{nav_prop}' is not a valid navigation property for #{parent.class}" unless parent.respond_to?(nav_prop.to_sym) raise ArgumentError, "'#{nav_prop}' is not a valid navigation property for #{parent.class}" unless @class_metadata[parent.class.to_s][nav_prop].nav_prop raise NotSupportedError, "You cannot add a link on a child entity that isn't tracked (#{child.class})" if child.send(:__metadata).nil? @save_operations <<"AddLink", nav_prop, parent, child) end private # Constructs a QueryBuilder instance for a collection using the arguments provided. # # @param [String] name the name of the collection # @param [Hash] additional_parameters the additional parameters # @param [Array] args the arguments to use for query def build_collection_query_object(name, additional_parameters, *args) root = "/#{name.to_s}" if args.empty? #nothing to add elsif args.size == 1 if args.first.to_s =~ /\d+/ id_metadata = find_id_metadata(name.to_s) root << build_id_path(args.first, id_metadata) else root << "(#{args.first})" end else root << "(#{args.join(',')})" end, additional_parameters) end # Finds the metadata associated with the given collection's first id property # Remarks: This is used for single item lookup queries using the ID, e.g. Products(1), not complex primary keys # # @param [String] collection_name the name of the collection def find_id_metadata(collection_name) collection_data = @collections.fetch(collection_name) class_metadata = @class_metadata.fetch(collection_data[:type].to_s) key ={|k,h| h.is_key }.collect{|k,h| }[0] class_metadata[key] end # Builds the ID expression of a given id for query # # @param [Object] id_value the actual value to be used # @param [PropertyMetadata] id_metadata the property metadata object for the id def build_id_path(id_value, id_metadata) if id_metadata.type == "Edm.Int64" "(#{id_value}L)" else "(#{id_value})" end end def set_options!(options) @options = options if @options[:eager_partial].nil? @options[:eager_partial] = true end @rest_options = { :verify_ssl => get_verify_mode, :user => @options[:username], :password => @options[:password] } @rest_options.merge!(options[:rest_options] || {}) @additional_params = options[:additional_params] || {} @namespace = options[:namespace] @json_type = options[:json_type] || 'application/json' end def default_instance_vars! @collections = {} @function_imports = {} @save_operations = [] @has_partial = false @next_uri = nil end def set_namespaces @edmx = Nokogiri::XML(, @rest_options).get.body) @ds_namespaces = { "m" => "", "edmx" => "", "ds" => "", "atom" => "" } # Get the edm namespace from the edmx edm_ns = @edmx.xpath("edmx:Edmx/edmx:DataServices/*", @namespaces).first.namespaces['xmlns'].to_s @ds_namespaces.merge! "edm" => edm_ns end # Gets ssl certificate verification mode, or defaults to verify_peer def get_verify_mode if @options[:verify_ssl].nil? return OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER else return @options[:verify_ssl] end end # Build the classes required by the metadata def build_collections_and_classes @classes = @class_metadata = # This is used to store property information about a class # Build complex types first, these will be used for entities complex_types = @edmx.xpath("//edm:ComplexType", @ds_namespaces) || [] complex_types.each do |c| name = qualify_class_name(c['Name']) props = c.xpath(".//edm:Property", @ds_namespaces) methods = props.collect { |p| p['Name'] } # Standard Properties @classes[name] =, methods, [], self, @namespace).build unless @classes.keys.include?(name) end entity_types = @edmx.xpath("//edm:EntityType", @ds_namespaces) entity_types.each do |e| next if e['Abstract'] == "true" klass_name = qualify_class_name(e['Name']) methods = collect_properties(klass_name, e, @edmx) nav_props = collect_navigation_properties(klass_name, e, @edmx) @classes[klass_name] =, methods, nav_props, self, @namespace).build unless @classes.keys.include?(klass_name) end # Fill in the collections instance variable collections = @edmx.xpath("//edm:EntityContainer/edm:EntitySet", @ds_namespaces) collections.each do |c| entity_type = c["EntityType"] @collections[c["Name"]] = { :edmx_type => entity_type, :type => convert_to_local_type(entity_type) } end build_function_imports end # Parses the function imports and fills the @function_imports collection def build_function_imports # Fill in the function imports functions = @edmx.xpath("//edm:EntityContainer/edm:FunctionImport", @ds_namespaces) functions.each do |f| http_method_attribute = f.xpath("@m:HttpMethod", @ds_namespaces).first # HttpMethod is no longer required is_side_effecting_attribute = f.xpath("@edm:IsSideEffecting", @ds_namespaces).first http_method = 'POST' # default to POST if http_method_attribute http_method = http_method_attribute.content elsif is_side_effecting_attribute is_side_effecting = is_side_effecting_attribute.content http_method = is_side_effecting ? 'POST' : 'GET' end return_type = f["ReturnType"] inner_return_type = nil unless return_type.nil? return_type = (return_type =~ /^Collection/) ? Array : convert_to_local_type(return_type) if f["ReturnType"] =~ /\((.*)\)/ inner_return_type = convert_to_local_type($~[1]) end end params = f.xpath("edm:Parameter", @ds_namespaces) parameters = nil if params.length > 0 parameters = {} params.each do |p| parameters[p["Name"]] = p["Type"] end end @function_imports[f["Name"]] = { :http_method => http_method, :return_type => return_type, :inner_return_type => inner_return_type, :parameters => parameters } end end # Converts the EDMX model type to the local model type def convert_to_local_type(edmx_type) return edm_to_ruby_type(edmx_type) if edmx_type =~ /^Edm/ klass_name = qualify_class_name(edmx_type.split('.').last) klass_name.camelize.constantize end # Converts a class name to its fully qualified name (if applicable) and returns the new name def qualify_class_name(klass_name) unless @namespace.nil? || @namespace.blank? || klass_name.include?('::') namespaces = @namespace.split(/\.|::/) namespaces << klass_name klass_name = namespaces.join '::' end klass_name.camelize end # Builds the metadata need for each property for things like feed customizations and navigation properties def build_property_metadata(props, keys=[]) metadata = {} props.each do |property_element| prop_meta = prop_meta.is_key = keys.include?( # If this is a navigation property, we need to add the association to the property metadata prop_meta.association =, @edmx) if prop_meta.nav_prop metadata[] = prop_meta end metadata end # Handle parsing of OData Atom result and return an array of Entry classes def handle_collection_result(result) results = build_classes_from_result(result) while partial? && @options[:eager_partial] results.concat handle_partial end results end # Handles errors from the OData service def handle_exception(e) raise e unless defined?(e.response) && e.response != nil code = e.response[:status] error = Nokogiri::XML(e.response[:body]) message = if error.xpath("m:error/m:message", @ds_namespaces).first error.xpath("m:error/m:message", @ds_namespaces).first.content else "Server returned error but no message." end raise, message end # Loops through the standard properties (non-navigation) for a given class and returns the appropriate list of methods def collect_properties(klass_name, element, doc) props = element.xpath(".//edm:Property", @ds_namespaces) key_elemnts = element.xpath(".//edm:Key//edm:PropertyRef", @ds_namespaces) keys = key_elemnts.collect { |k| k['Name'] } @class_metadata[klass_name] = build_property_metadata(props, keys) methods = props.collect { |p| p['Name'] } unless element["BaseType"].nil? base = element["BaseType"].split(".").last() baseType = doc.xpath("//edm:EntityType[@Name=\"#{base}\"]", @ds_namespaces).first() props = baseType.xpath(".//edm:Property", @ds_namespaces) @class_metadata[klass_name].merge!(build_property_metadata(props)) methods = methods.concat(props.collect { |p| p['Name']}) end methods end # Similar to +collect_properties+, but handles the navigation properties def collect_navigation_properties(klass_name, element, doc) nav_props = element.xpath(".//edm:NavigationProperty", @ds_namespaces) @class_metadata[klass_name].merge!(build_property_metadata(nav_props)) nav_props.collect { |p| p['Name'] } end # Helper to loop through a result and create an instance for each entity in the results def build_classes_from_result(result) doc = Nokogiri::XML(result) is_links = doc.at_xpath("/ds:links", @ds_namespaces) return parse_link_results(doc) if is_links entries = doc.xpath("//atom:entry[not(ancestor::atom:entry)]", @ds_namespaces) extract_partial(doc) results = [] entries.each do |entry| results << entry_to_class(entry) end return results end # Converts an XML Entry into a class def entry_to_class(entry) # Retrieve the class name from the fully qualified name (the last string after the last dot) klass_name = entry.xpath("./atom:category/@term", @ds_namespaces).to_s.split('.')[-1] # Is the category missing? See if there is a title that we can use to build the class if klass_name.nil? title = entry.xpath("./atom:title", @ds_namespaces).first return nil if title.nil? klass_name = title.content.to_s end return nil if klass_name.nil? properties = entry.xpath("./atom:content/m:properties/*", @ds_namespaces) klass = @classes[qualify_class_name(klass_name)].new # Fill metadata meta_id = entry.xpath("./atom:id", @ds_namespaces)[0].content klass.send :__metadata=, { :uri => meta_id } # Fill properties for prop in properties prop_name = klass.send "#{prop_name}=", parse_value_xml(prop) end # Fill properties represented outside of the properties collection @class_metadata[qualify_class_name(klass_name)].select { |k,v| v.fc_keep_in_content == false }.each do |k, meta| if meta.fc_target_path == "SyndicationTitle" title = entry.xpath("./atom:title", @ds_namespaces).first klass.send "#{}=", title.content elsif meta.fc_target_path == "SyndicationSummary" summary = entry.xpath("./atom:summary", @ds_namespaces).first klass.send "#{}=", summary.content end end inline_links = entry.xpath("./atom:link[m:inline]", @ds_namespaces) for link in inline_links # TODO: Use the metadata's associations to determine the multiplicity instead of this "hack" property_name = link.attributes['title'].to_s if singular?(property_name) inline_entry = link.xpath("./m:inline/atom:entry", @ds_namespaces).first inline_klass = build_inline_class(klass, inline_entry, property_name) klass.send "#{property_name}=", inline_klass else inline_classes, inline_entries = [], link.xpath("./m:inline/atom:feed/atom:entry", @ds_namespaces) for inline_entry in inline_entries # Build the class inline_klass = entry_to_class(inline_entry) # Add the property to the temp collection inline_classes << inline_klass end # Assign the array of classes to the property property_name = link.xpath("@title", @ds_namespaces) klass.send "#{property_name}=", inline_classes end end klass end # Tests for and extracts the next href of a partial def extract_partial(doc) next_links = doc.xpath('//atom:link[@rel="next"]', @ds_namespaces) @has_partial = next_links.any? if @has_partial uri = Addressable::URI.parse(next_links[0]['href']) uri.query_values = uri.query_values.merge @additional_params unless @additional_params.empty? @next_uri = uri.to_s end end def handle_partial if @next_uri result =, @rest_options).get results = handle_collection_result(result.body) end results end # Handle link results def parse_link_results(doc) uris = doc.xpath("/ds:links/ds:uri", @ds_namespaces) results = [] uris.each do |uri_el| link = uri_el.content results << URI.parse(link) end results end # Build URIs def build_metadata_uri uri = "#{@uri}/$metadata" uri << "?#{@additional_params.to_query}" unless @additional_params.empty? uri end def build_query_uri "#{@uri}#{@query.query}" end def build_save_uri(operation) uri = "#{@uri}/#{operation.klass_name}" uri << "?#{@additional_params.to_query}" unless @additional_params.empty? uri end def build_add_link_uri(operation) uri = operation.klass.send(:__metadata)[:uri].dup uri << "/$links/#{operation.klass_name}" uri << "?#{@additional_params.to_query}" unless @additional_params.empty? uri end def build_resource_uri(operation) uri = operation.klass.send(:__metadata)[:uri].dup uri << "?#{@additional_params.to_query}" unless @additional_params.empty? uri end def build_batch_uri uri = "#{@uri}/$batch" uri << "?#{@additional_params.to_query}" unless @additional_params.empty? uri end def build_load_property_uri(obj, property) uri = obj.__metadata[:uri].dup uri << "/#{property}" uri end def build_function_import_uri(name, params) uri = "#{@uri}/#{name}" params.merge! @additional_params uri << "?#{params.to_query}" unless params.empty? uri end def build_inline_class(klass, entry, property_name) # Build the class inline_klass = entry_to_class(entry) # Add the property klass.send "#{property_name}=", inline_klass end # Used to link a child object to its parent and vice-versa after a add_link operation def link_child_to_parent(operation) child_collection = operation.klass.send("#{operation.klass_name}") || [] child_collection << operation.child_klass operation.klass.send("#{operation.klass_name}=", child_collection) # Attach the parent to the child parent_meta = @class_metadata[operation.klass.class.to_s][operation.klass_name] child_meta = @class_metadata[operation.child_klass.class.to_s] # Find the matching relationship on the child object child_properties = Helpers.normalize_to_hash( { |k, prop| prop.nav_prop && prop.association.relationship == parent_meta.association.relationship }) child_property_to_set = child_properties.keys.first # There should be only one match # TODO: Handle many to many scenarios where the child property is an enumerable operation.child_klass.send("#{child_property_to_set}=", operation.klass) end def single_save(operation) if operation.kind == "Add" save_uri = build_save_uri(operation) json_klass = operation.klass.to_json(:type => :add) post_result =, @rest_options).post json_klass, {:content_type => @json_type} return build_classes_from_result(post_result.body) elsif operation.kind == "Update" update_uri = build_resource_uri(operation) json_klass = operation.klass.to_json update_result =, @rest_options).put json_klass, {:content_type => @json_type} return (update_result.status == 204) elsif operation.kind == "Delete" delete_uri = build_resource_uri(operation) delete_result =, @rest_options).delete return (delete_result.status == 204) elsif operation.kind == "AddLink" save_uri = build_add_link_uri(operation) json_klass = operation.child_klass.to_json(:type => :link) post_result =, @rest_options).post json_klass, {:content_type => @json_type} # Attach the child to the parent link_child_to_parent(operation) if (post_result.status == 204) return(post_result.status == 204) end end # Batch Saves def generate_guid rand(36**12).to_s(36).insert(4, "-").insert(9, "-") end def batch_save(operations) batch_num = generate_guid changeset_num = generate_guid batch_uri = build_batch_uri body = build_batch_body(operations, batch_num, changeset_num) result = batch_uri, @rest_options).post body, {:content_type => "multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_#{batch_num}"} # TODO: More result validation needs to be done. # The result returns HTTP 202 even if there is an error in the batch return (result.status == 202) end def build_batch_body(operations, batch_num, changeset_num) # Header body = "--batch_#{batch_num}\n" body << "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=changeset_#{changeset_num}\n\n" # Operations operations.each do |operation| body << build_batch_operation(operation, changeset_num) body << "\n" end # Footer body << "\n\n--changeset_#{changeset_num}--\n" body << "--batch_#{batch_num}--" return body end def build_batch_operation(operation, changeset_num) accept_headers = "Accept-Charset: utf-8\n" accept_headers << "Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8\n" unless operation.kind == "Delete" accept_headers << "\n" content = "--changeset_#{changeset_num}\n" content << "Content-Type: application/http\n" content << "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n\n" if operation.kind == "Add" save_uri = "#{@uri}/#{operation.klass_name}" json_klass = operation.klass.to_json(:type => :add) content << "POST #{save_uri} HTTP/1.1\n" content << accept_headers content << json_klass elsif operation.kind == "Update" update_uri = operation.klass.send(:__metadata)[:uri] json_klass = operation.klass.to_json content << "PUT #{update_uri} HTTP/1.1\n" content << accept_headers content << json_klass elsif operation.kind == "Delete" delete_uri = operation.klass.send(:__metadata)[:uri] content << "DELETE #{delete_uri} HTTP/1.1\n" content << accept_headers elsif save_uri = build_add_link_uri(operation) json_klass = operation.child_klass.to_json(:type => :link) content << "POST #{save_uri} HTTP/1.1\n" content << accept_headers content << json_klass link_child_to_parent(operation) end return content end # Complex Types def complex_type_to_class(complex_type_xml) type = Helpers.get_namespaced_attribute(complex_type_xml, 'type', 'm') is_collection = false # Extract the class name in case this is a Collection if type =~ /\(([^)]*)\)/m type = $~[1] is_collection = true collection = [] end klass_name = qualify_class_name(type.split('.')[-1]) if is_collection # extract the elements from the collection elements = complex_type_xml.xpath(".//d:element", @namespaces) elements.each do |e| if type.match(/^Edm/) collection << parse_value(e.content, type) else element = @classes[klass_name].new fill_complex_type_properties(e, element) collection << element end end return collection else klass = @classes[klass_name].new # Fill in the properties fill_complex_type_properties(complex_type_xml, klass) return klass end end # Helper method for complex_type_to_class def fill_complex_type_properties(complex_type_xml, klass) properties = complex_type_xml.xpath(".//*") properties.each do |prop| klass.send "#{}=", parse_value_xml(prop) end end # Field Converters # Handles parsing datetimes from a string def parse_date(sdate) # Assume this is UTC if no timezone is specified sdate = sdate + "Z" unless sdate.match(/Z|([+|-]\d{2}:\d{2})$/) # This is to handle older versions of Ruby (e.g. ruby 1.8.7 (2010-12-23 patchlevel 330) [i386-mingw32]) # See # In recent versions of Ruby, Time has a much larger range begin result = Time.parse(sdate) rescue ArgumentError result = DateTime.parse(sdate) end return result end # Parses a value into the proper type based on an xml property element def parse_value_xml(property_xml) property_type = Helpers.get_namespaced_attribute(property_xml, 'type', 'm') property_null = Helpers.get_namespaced_attribute(property_xml, 'null', 'm') if property_type.nil? || (property_type && property_type.match(/^Edm/)) return parse_value(property_xml.content, property_type, property_null) end complex_type_to_class(property_xml) end def parse_value(content, property_type = nil, property_null = nil) # Handle anything marked as null return nil if !property_null.nil? && property_null == "true" # Handle a nil property type, this is a string return content if property_type.nil? # Handle integers return content.to_i if property_type.match(/^Edm.Int/) # Handle decimals return content.to_d if property_type.match(/Edm.Decimal/) # Handle DateTimes # return Time.parse(property_xml.content) if property_type.match(/Edm.DateTime/) return parse_date(content) if property_type.match(/Edm.DateTime/) # If we can't parse the value, just return the element's content content end # Parses a value into the proper type based on a specified return type def parse_primative_type(value, return_type) return value.to_i if return_type == Fixnum return value.to_d if return_type == Float return parse_date(value.to_s) if return_type == Time return value.to_s end # Converts an edm type (string) to a ruby type def edm_to_ruby_type(edm_type) return String if edm_type =~ /Edm.String/ return Fixnum if edm_type =~ /^Edm.Int/ return Float if edm_type =~ /Edm.Decimal/ return Time if edm_type =~ /Edm.DateTime/ return String end # Method Missing Handlers # Executes an import function def execute_import_function(name, *args) func = @function_imports[name] # Check the args making sure that more weren't passed in than the function needs param_count = func[:parameters].nil? ? 0 : func[:parameters].count arg_count = args.nil? ? 0 : args[0].count if arg_count > param_count raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{arg_count} for #{param_count})" end # Convert the parameters to a hash params = {} func[:parameters].keys.each_with_index { |key, i| params[key] = args[0][i] } unless func[:parameters].nil? function_uri = build_function_import_uri(name, params) result =, @rest_options).send(func[:http_method].downcase, {}) # Is this a 204 (No content) result? return true if result.status == 204 # No? Then we need to parse the results. There are 4 kinds... if func[:return_type] == Array # a collection of entites return build_classes_from_result(result.body) if @classes.include?(func[:inner_return_type].to_s) # a collection of native types elements = Nokogiri::XML(result.body).xpath("//ds:element", @ds_namespaces) results = [] elements.each do |e| results << parse_primative_type(e.content, func[:inner_return_type]) end return results end # a single entity if @classes.include?(func[:return_type].to_s) entry = Nokogiri::XML(result.body).xpath("atom:entry[not(ancestor::atom:entry)]", @ds_namespaces) return entry_to_class(entry) end # or a single native type unless func[:return_type].nil? e = Nokogiri::XML(result.body).xpath("/*").first return parse_primative_type(e.content, func[:return_type]) end # Nothing could be parsed, so just return if we got a 200 or not return (result.status == 200) end # Helpers def singular?(value) value.singularize == value end end
def parse_fugou s0 = @current_pos s1 = parse_place if s1 != :failed s2 = parse_piece if s2 != :failed s3 = match_str("成") s3 = nil if s3 == :failed @reported_pos = s0 s0 = { "to" => s1, "piece" => s2, "promote" => !!s3 } else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end s0 end
fugou : place piece "成"?
class Kif < Base include Kifuable protected # kifu : skipline* header* initialboard? header* split? moves fork* nl? def parse_root @input += "\n" unless @input.end_with?("\n") s0 = @current_pos s1 = [] s2 = parse_skipline while s2 != :failed s1 << s2 s2 = parse_skipline end s2 = [] s3 = parse_header while s3 != :failed s2 << s3 s3 = parse_header end s3 = parse_initialboard s3 = nil if s3 == :failed s4 = [] s5 = parse_header while s5 != :failed s4 << s5 s5 = parse_header end parse_split s6 = parse_moves if s6 != :failed s7 = [] s8 = parse_fork while s8 != :failed s7 << s8 s8 = parse_fork end parse_nl @reported_pos = s0 s0 = transform_root(s2, s3, s4, s6, s7) else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end s0 end # header : [^:\r\n]+ ":" nonls nl # | turn "手番" nl # | "盤面回転" nl def parse_header s0 = @current_pos s2 = match_regexp(/^[^:\r\n]/) if s2 != :failed s1 = [] while s2 != :failed s1 << s2 s2 = match_regexp(/^[^:\r\n]/) end else s1 = :failed end if s1 != :failed if match_str(":") != :failed s3 = parse_nonls if parse_nl != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s1 = { "k" => s1.join, "v" => s3.join } s0 = s1 else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end if s0 == :failed s0 = @current_pos s1 = parse_turn if s1 != :failed if match_str("手番") != :failed if parse_nl != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s0 = { "k" => "手番", "v" => s1 } else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end if s0 == :failed s0 = @current_pos if match_str("盤面回転") != :failed if parse_nl != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s0 = nil else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end end end s0 end # turn : [先後上下] def parse_turn match_regexp(/^[先後上下]/) end # split : "手数----指手--" "-------消費時間--"? nl def parse_split s0 = @current_pos s1 = match_str("手数----指手--") if s1 != :failed s2 = match_str("-------消費時間--") s2 = nil if s2 == :failed s3 = parse_nl if s3 != :failed s0 = [s1, s2, s3] else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end s0 end # moves : firstboard split? move* result? def parse_moves s0 = @current_pos s1 = parse_firstboard if s1 != :failed parse_split s2 = [] s3 = parse_move while s3 != :failed s2 << s3 s3 = parse_move end parse_result @reported_pos = s0 s0 = s2.unshift(s1) else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end s0 end # firstboard : comment* pointer? def parse_firstboard s0 = @current_pos s1 = [] s2 = parse_comment while s2 != :failed s1 << s2 s2 = parse_comment end parse_pointer @reported_pos = s0 s0 = s1.empty? ? {} : { "comments" => s1 } s0 end # move : line comment* pointer? def parse_move s0 = @current_pos s1 = parse_line if s1 != :failed s2 = [] s3 = parse_comment while s3 != :failed s2 << s3 s3 = parse_comment end parse_pointer @reported_pos = s0 s0 = transform_move(s1, s2) else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end s0 end # line : " "* te " "* (fugou from | [^\r\n ]*) " "* time? "+"? nl def parse_line s0 = @current_pos match_spaces s2 = parse_te if s2 != :failed match_spaces s4 = @current_pos s5 = parse_fugou if s5 != :failed s6 = parse_from if s6 != :failed @reported_pos = s4 s4 = transform_teban_fugou_from(s2, s5, s6) else @current_pos = s4 s4 = :failed end else @current_pos = s4 s4 = :failed end if s4 == :failed s4 = @current_pos s5 = [] s6 = match_regexp(/^[^\r\n ]/) while s6 != :failed s5 << s6 s6 = match_regexp(/^[^\r\n ]/) end @reported_pos = s4 s4 = s5.join end if s4 != :failed match_spaces s6 = parse_time s6 = nil if s6 == :failed match_str("+") if parse_nl != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s0 = { "move" => s4, "time" => s6 } else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end s0 end # te : [0-9]+ def parse_te match_digits! end # fugou : place piece "成"? # place : num numkan | "同 " def parse_place s0 = @current_pos s1 = parse_num if s1 != :failed s2 = parse_numkan if s2 != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s0 = { "x" => s1, "y" => s2 } else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end if s0 == :failed s0 = @current_pos s1 = match_str("同 ") if s1 != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s1 = nil end s0 = s1 end s0 end # from : "打" | "(" [1-9] [1-9] ")" def parse_from s0 = @current_pos s1 = match_str("打") if s1 != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s1 = nil end s0 = s1 if s0 == :failed s0 = @current_pos if match_str("(") != :failed s2 = match_regexp(/^[1-9]/) if s2 != :failed s3 = match_regexp(/^[1-9]/) if s3 != :failed if match_str(")") != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s0 = { "x" => s2.to_i, "y" => s3.to_i } else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end end s0 end # time : "(" " "* ms " "* "/" " "* (hms | ms) " "* ")" def parse_time s0 = @current_pos if match_str("(") != :failed match_spaces s3 = parse_ms if s3 != :failed match_spaces if match_str("/") != :failed match_spaces s5 = parse_hms s5 = parse_ms(with_hour: true) if s5 == :failed if s5 != :failed match_spaces if match_str(")") != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s0 = { "now" => s3, "total" => s5 } else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end s0 end # hms : [0-9]+ ":" [0-9]+ ":" [0-9]+ def parse_hms s0 = @current_pos s1 = match_digits! if s1 != :failed if match_str(":") != :failed s3 = match_digits! if s3 != :failed if match_str(":") != :failed s5 = match_digits! if s5 != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s0 = { "h" => s1.join.to_i, "m" => s3.join.to_i, "s" => s5.join.to_i } else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end s0 end # ms : [0-9]+ ":" [0-9]+ def parse_ms(with_hour: false) s0 = @current_pos s1 = match_digits! if s1 != :failed if match_str(":") != :failed s3 = match_digits! if s3 != :failed @reported_pos = s0 m = s1.join.to_i s = s3.join.to_i if with_hour h = m / 60 m = m % 60 s0 = { "h" => h, "m" => m, "s" => s } else s0 = { "m" => m, "s" => s } end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end s0 end # comment : "*" nonls nl | "&" nonls nl def parse_comment s0 = @current_pos if match_str("*") != :failed s2 = parse_nonls if parse_nl != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s0 = s2.join else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end if s0 == :failed s0 = @current_pos s1 = match_str("&") if s1 != :failed s2 = parse_nonls if parse_nl != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s0 = "&" + s2.join else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end end s0 end # fork : "変化:" " "* [0-9]+ "手" nl moves def parse_fork s0 = @current_pos if match_str("変化:") != :failed match_spaces s3 = parse_te if s3 != :failed if match_str("手") != :failed if parse_nl != :failed s6 = parse_moves if s6 != :failed @reported_pos = s0 s0 = { "te" => s3.join.to_i, "moves" => s6[1..-1] } else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end else @current_pos = s0 s0 = :failed end s0 end # transfrom to jkf def transform_root(headers, ini, headers2, moves, forks) ret = { "header" => {}, "moves" => moves } headers.compact.each { |h| ret["header"][h["k"]] = h["v"] } headers2.compact.each { |h| ret["header"][h["k"]] = h["v"] } if ini ret["initial"] = ini elsif ret["header"]["手合割"] preset = preset2str(ret["header"]["手合割"]) ret["initial"] = { "preset" => preset } if preset && preset != "OTHER" end transform_root_header_data(ret) if ret["initial"] && ret["initial"]["data"] transform_root_forks(forks, moves) if ret["initial"] && ret["initial"]["data"] && ret["initial"]["data"]["color"] == 1 reverse_color(ret["moves"]) end ret end # transform move to jkf def transform_move(line, c) ret = {} ret["comments"] = c if !c.empty? if line["move"].is_a? Hash ret["move"] = line["move"] else ret["special"] = special2csa(line["move"]) end ret["time"] = line["time"] if line["time"] ret end # transform teban-fugou-from to jkf def transform_teban_fugou_from(teban, fugou, from) ret = { "color" => teban2color(teban.join), "piece" => fugou["piece"] } if fugou["to"] ret["to"] = fugou["to"] else ret["same"] = true end ret["promote"] = true if fugou["promote"] ret["from"] = from if from ret end # special string to csa def special2csa(str) { "中断" => "CHUDAN", "投了" => "TORYO", "持将棋" => "JISHOGI", "千日手" => "SENNICHITE", "詰み" => "TSUMI", "不詰" => "FUZUMI", "切れ負け" => "TIME_UP", "反則勝ち" => "ILLEGAL_ACTION", # 直前の手が反則(先頭に+か-で反則した側の情報を含める必要が有る) "反則負け" => "ILLEGAL_MOVE" # ここで手番側が反則,反則の内容はコメントで表現 }[str] || (raise ParseError) end # teban to color def teban2color(teban) teban = teban.to_i unless teban.is_a? Fixnum (teban + 1) % 2 end # generate motigoma def make_hand(str) # Kifu for iPhoneは半角スペース区切り ret = { "FU" => 0, "KY" => 0, "KE" => 0, "GI" => 0, "KI" => 0, "KA" => 0, "HI" => 0 } return ret if str.empty? str.split(/[  ]/).each do |kind| next if kind.empty? ret[kind2csa(kind[0])] = kind.length == 1 ? 1 : kan2n2(kind[1..-1]) end ret end # exchange sente gote def reverse_color(moves) moves.each do |move| if move["move"] && move["move"]["color"] move["move"]["color"] = (move["move"]["color"] + 1) % 2 end move["forks"].each { |_fork| reverse_color(_fork) } if move["forks"] end end end
def abort_transaction check_if_ended! check_if_no_transaction! if within_states?(TRANSACTION_COMMITTED_STATE) raise Mongo::Error::InvalidTransactionOperation.cannot_call_after_msg( :commitTransaction, :abortTransaction)) end if within_states?(TRANSACTION_ABORTED_STATE) raise Mongo::Error::InvalidTransactionOperation.cannot_call_twice_msg(:abortTransaction)) end begin unless starting_transaction? write_with_retry(self, txn_options[:write_concern], true) do |server, txn_num| selector: { abortTransaction: 1 }, db_name: 'admin', session: self, txn_num: txn_num ).execute(server) end end @state = TRANSACTION_ABORTED_STATE rescue Mongo::Error::InvalidTransactionOperation raise rescue Mongo::Error @state = TRANSACTION_ABORTED_STATE rescue Exception @state = TRANSACTION_ABORTED_STATE raise end end
Abort the currently active transaction without making any changes to the database. @example Abort the transaction. session.abort_transaction @raise [ Error::InvalidTransactionOperation ] If there is no active transaction. @since 2.6.0
class Session extend Forwardable include Retryable include Loggable # Get the options for this session. # # @since 2.5.0 attr_reader :options # Get the client through which this session was created. # # @since 2.5.1 attr_reader :client # The cluster time for this session. # # @since 2.5.0 attr_reader :cluster_time # The latest seen operation time for this session. # # @since 2.5.0 attr_reader :operation_time # The options for the transaction currently being executed on the session. # # @since 2.6.0 attr_reader :txn_options # Error message indicating that the session was retrieved from a client with a different cluster than that of the # client through which it is currently being used. # # @since 2.5.0 MISMATCHED_CLUSTER_ERROR_MSG = 'The configuration of the client used to create this session does not match that ' + 'of the client owning this operation. Please only use this session for operations through its parent ' + 'client.'.freeze # Error message describing that the session cannot be used because it has already been ended. # # @since 2.5.0 SESSION_ENDED_ERROR_MSG = 'This session has ended and cannot be used. Please create a new one.'.freeze # Error message describing that sessions are not supported by the server version. # # @since 2.5.0 SESSIONS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'Sessions are not supported by the connected servers.'.freeze # The state of a session in which the last operation was not related to # any transaction or no operations have yet occurred. # # @since 2.6.0 NO_TRANSACTION_STATE = :no_transaction # The state of a session in which a user has initiated a transaction but # no operations within the transactions have occurred yet. # # @since 2.6.0 STARTING_TRANSACTION_STATE = :starting_transaction # The state of a session in which a transaction has been started and at # least one operation has occurred, but the transaction has not yet been # committed or aborted. # # @since 2.6.0 TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS_STATE = :transaction_in_progress # The state of a session in which the last operation executed was a transaction commit. # # @since 2.6.0 TRANSACTION_COMMITTED_STATE = :transaction_committed # The state of a session in which the last operation executed was a transaction abort. # # @since 2.6.0 TRANSACTION_ABORTED_STATE = :transaction_aborted UNLABELED_WRITE_CONCERN_CODES = [ 79, # UnknownReplWriteConcern 100, # CannotSatisfyWriteConcern, ].freeze # Initialize a Session. # # @note Applications should use Client#start_session to begin a session. # # @example #, client, options) # # @param [ ServerSession ] server_session The server session this session is associated with. # @param [ Client ] client The client through which this session is created. # @param [ Hash ] options The options for this session. # # @option options [ true|false ] :causal_consistency Whether to enable # causal consistency for this session. # @option options [ Hash ] :default_transaction_options Options to pass # to start_transaction by default, can contain any of the options that # start_transaction accepts. # @option options [ true|false ] :implicit For internal driver use only - # specifies whether the session is implicit. # @option options [ Hash ] :read_preference The read preference options hash, # with the following optional keys: # - *:mode* -- the read preference as a string or symbol; valid values are # *:primary*, *:primary_preferred*, *:secondary*, *:secondary_preferred* # and *:nearest*. # # @since 2.5.0 # @api private def initialize(server_session, client, options = {}) @server_session = server_session options = options.dup # Because the read preference will need to be inserted into a command as a string, we convert # it from a symbol immediately upon receiving it. if options[:read_preference] && options[:read_preference][:mode] options[:read_preference][:mode] = options[:read_preference][:mode].to_s end @client = client.use(:admin) @options = options.freeze @cluster_time = nil @state = NO_TRANSACTION_STATE end # Get a formatted string for use in inspection. # # @example Inspect the session object. # session.inspect # # @return [ String ] The session inspection. # # @since 2.5.0 def inspect "#<Mongo::Session:0x#{object_id} session_id=#{session_id} options=#{@options}>" end # End this session. # # @example # session.end_session # # @return [ nil ] Always nil. # # @since 2.5.0 def end_session if !ended? && @client if within_states?(TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS_STATE) begin abort_transaction rescue Mongo::Error end end @client.cluster.session_pool.checkin(@server_session) end ensure @server_session = nil end # Whether this session has ended. # # @example # session.ended? # # @return [ true, false ] Whether the session has ended. # # @since 2.5.0 def ended? @server_session.nil? end # Add the autocommit field to a command document if applicable. # # @example # session.add_autocommit!(cmd) # # @return [ Hash, BSON::Document ] The command document. # # @since 2.6.0 # @api private def add_autocommit!(command) command.tap do |c| c[:autocommit] = false if in_transaction? end end # Add this session's id to a command document. # # @example # session.add_id!(cmd) # # @return [ Hash, BSON::Document ] The command document. # # @since 2.5.0 # @api private def add_id!(command) command.merge!(lsid: session_id) end # Add the startTransaction field to a command document if applicable. # # @example # session.add_start_transaction!(cmd) # # @return [ Hash, BSON::Document ] The command document. # # @since 2.6.0 # @api private def add_start_transaction!(command) command.tap do |c| if starting_transaction? c[:startTransaction] = true end end end # Add the transaction number to a command document if applicable. # # @example # session.add_txn_num!(cmd) # # @return [ Hash, BSON::Document ] The command document. # # @since 2.6.0 # @api private def add_txn_num!(command) command.tap do |c| c[:txnNumber] = if in_transaction? end end # Add the transactions options if applicable. # # @example # session.add_txn_opts!(cmd) # # @return [ Hash, BSON::Document ] The command document. # # @since 2.6.0 # @api private def add_txn_opts!(command, read) command.tap do |c| # The read preference should be added for all read operations. if read && txn_read_pref = txn_read_preference Mongo::Lint.validate_underscore_read_preference(txn_read_pref) txn_read_pref = txn_read_pref.dup txn_read_pref[:mode] = txn_read_pref[:mode].to_s.gsub(/(_\w)/) { |match| match[1].upcase } Mongo::Lint.validate_camel_case_read_preference(txn_read_pref) c['$readPreference'] = txn_read_pref end # The read concern should be added to any command that starts a transaction. if starting_transaction? # transaction's # read concern overrides collection/database/client read concerns, # even if transaction's read concern is not set. # Read concern here is the one sent to the server and may # include afterClusterTime. if rc = c[:readConcern] rc = rc.dup rc.delete(:level) end if txn_read_concern if rc rc.update(txn_read_concern) else rc = txn_read_concern.dup end end if rc.nil? || rc.empty? c.delete(:readConcern) else c[:readConcern ] = rc end end # We need to send the read concern level as a string rather than a symbol. if c[:readConcern] && c[:readConcern][:level] c[:readConcern][:level] = c[:readConcern][:level].to_s end # The write concern should be added to any abortTransaction or commitTransaction command. if (c[:abortTransaction] || c[:commitTransaction]) if @already_committed wc =[:writeConcern] || txn_write_concern || {}) wc.merge!(w: :majority) wc[:wtimeout] ||= 10000 c[:writeConcern] = wc elsif txn_write_concern c[:writeConcern] ||= txn_write_concern end end # A non-numeric write concern w value needs to be sent as a string rather than a symbol. if c[:writeConcern] && c[:writeConcern][:w] && c[:writeConcern][:w].is_a?(Symbol) c[:writeConcern][:w] = c[:writeConcern][:w].to_s end end end # Remove the read concern and/or write concern from the command if not applicable. # # @example # session.suppress_read_write_concern!(cmd) # # @return [ Hash, BSON::Document ] The command document. # # @since 2.6.0 # @api private def suppress_read_write_concern!(command) command.tap do |c| next unless in_transaction? c.delete(:readConcern) unless starting_transaction? c.delete(:writeConcern) unless c[:commitTransaction] || c[:abortTransaction] end end # Ensure that the read preference of a command primary. # # @example # session.validate_read_preference!(command) # # @raise [ Mongo::Error::InvalidTransactionOperation ] If the read preference of the command is # not primary. # # @since 2.6.0 # @api private def validate_read_preference!(command) return unless in_transaction? && non_primary_read_preference_mode?(command) raise Mongo::Error::InvalidTransactionOperation::INVALID_READ_PREFERENCE) end # Update the state of the session due to a (non-commit and non-abort) operation being run. # # @since 2.6.0 # @api private def update_state! case @state when STARTING_TRANSACTION_STATE @state = TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS_STATE when TRANSACTION_COMMITTED_STATE, TRANSACTION_ABORTED_STATE @state = NO_TRANSACTION_STATE end end # Validate the session. # # @example # session.validate!(cluster) # # @param [ Cluster ] cluster The cluster the session is attempted to be used with. # # @return [ nil ] nil if the session is valid. # # @raise [ Mongo::Error::InvalidSession ] Raise error if the session is not valid. # # @since 2.5.0 # @api private def validate!(cluster) check_matching_cluster!(cluster) check_if_ended! self end # Process a response from the server that used this session. # # @example Process a response from the server. # session.process(result) # # @param [ Operation::Result ] result The result from the operation. # # @return [ Operation::Result ] The result. # # @since 2.5.0 # @api private def process(result) unless implicit? set_operation_time(result) set_cluster_time(result) end @server_session.set_last_use! result end # Advance the cached cluster time document for this session. # # @example Advance the cluster time. # session.advance_cluster_time(doc) # # @param [ BSON::Document, Hash ] new_cluster_time The new cluster time. # # @return [ BSON::Document, Hash ] The new cluster time. # # @since 2.5.0 def advance_cluster_time(new_cluster_time) if @cluster_time @cluster_time = [ @cluster_time, new_cluster_time ].max_by { |doc| doc[Cluster::CLUSTER_TIME] } else @cluster_time = new_cluster_time end end # Advance the cached operation time for this session. # # @example Advance the operation time. # session.advance_operation_time(timestamp) # # @param [ BSON::Timestamp ] new_operation_time The new operation time. # # @return [ BSON::Timestamp ] The max operation time, considering the current and new times. # # @since 2.5.0 def advance_operation_time(new_operation_time) if @operation_time @operation_time = [ @operation_time, new_operation_time ].max else @operation_time = new_operation_time end end # Whether reads executed with this session can be retried according to # the modern retryable reads specification. # # If this method returns true, the modern retryable reads have been # requested by the application. If the server selected for a read operation # supports modern retryable reads, they will be used for that particular # operation. If the server selected for a read operation does not support # modern retryable reads, the read will not be retried. # # If this method returns false, legacy retryable reads have been requested # by the application. Legacy retryable read logic will be used regardless # of server version of the server(s) that the client is connected to. # The number of read retries is given by :max_read_retries client option, # which is 1 by default and can be set to 0 to disable legacy read retries. # # @api private def retry_reads? client.options[:retry_reads] != false end # Will writes executed with this session be retried. # # @example Will writes be retried. # session.retry_writes? # # @return [ true, false ] If writes will be retried. # # @note Retryable writes are only available on server versions at least 3.6 # and with sharded clusters or replica sets. # # @since 2.5.0 def retry_writes? !!client.options[:retry_writes] && (cluster.replica_set? || cluster.sharded?) end # Get the server session id of this session, if the session was not ended. # If the session was ended, returns nil. # # @example Get the session id. # session.session_id # # @return [ BSON::Document ] The server session id. # # @since 2.5.0 def session_id if ended? raise Error::SessionEnded end @server_session.session_id end # Increment and return the next transaction number. # # @example Get the next transaction number. # session.next_txn_num # # @return [ Integer ] The next transaction number. # # @since 2.5.0 # @api private def next_txn_num if ended? raise Error::SessionEnded end @server_session.next_txn_num end # Get the current transaction number. # # @example Get the current transaction number. # session.txn_num # # @return [ Integer ] The current transaction number. # # @since 2.6.0 def txn_num if ended? raise Error::SessionEnded end @server_session.txn_num end # Is this session an implicit one (not user-created). # # @example Is the session implicit? # session.implicit? # # @return [ true, false ] Whether this session is implicit. # # @since 2.5.1 def implicit? @implicit ||= !!(@options.key?(:implicit) && @options[:implicit] == true) end # Is this session an explicit one (i.e. user-created). # # @example Is the session explicit? # session.explicit? # # @return [ true, false ] Whether this session is explicit. # # @since 2.5.2 def explicit? @explicit ||= !implicit? end # Places subsequent operations in this session into a new transaction. # # Note that the transaction will not be started on the server until an # operation is performed after start_transaction is called. # # @example Start a new transaction # session.start_transaction(options) # # @param [ Hash ] options The options for the transaction being started. # # @option options [ Hash ] read_concern The read concern options hash, # with the following optional keys: # - *:level* -- the read preference level as a symbol; valid values # are *:local*, *:majority*, and *:snapshot* # @option options [ Hash ] :write_concern The write concern options. Can be :w => # Integer|String, :fsync => Boolean, :j => Boolean. # @option options [ Hash ] :read The read preference options. The hash may have the following # items: # - *:mode* -- read preference specified as a symbol; the only valid value is # *:primary*. # # @raise [ Error::InvalidTransactionOperation ] If a transaction is already in # progress or if the write concern is unacknowledged. # # @since 2.6.0 def start_transaction(options = nil) if options Lint.validate_read_concern_option(options[:read_concern]) end check_if_ended! if within_states?(STARTING_TRANSACTION_STATE, TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS_STATE) raise Mongo::Error::InvalidTransactionOperation::TRANSACTION_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS) end next_txn_num @txn_options = options || @options[:default_transaction_options] || {} if txn_write_concern && WriteConcern.send(:unacknowledged?, txn_write_concern) raise Mongo::Error::InvalidTransactionOperation::UNACKNOWLEDGED_WRITE_CONCERN) end @state = STARTING_TRANSACTION_STATE @already_committed = false end # Commit the currently active transaction on the session. # # @example Commits the transaction. # session.commit_transaction # # @option options :write_concern [ nil | WriteConcern::Base ] The write # concern to use for this operation. # # @raise [ Error::InvalidTransactionOperation ] If there is no active transaction. # # @since 2.6.0 def commit_transaction(options=nil) check_if_ended! check_if_no_transaction! if within_states?(TRANSACTION_ABORTED_STATE) raise Mongo::Error::InvalidTransactionOperation.cannot_call_after_msg( :abortTransaction, :commitTransaction)) end options ||= {} begin # If commitTransaction is called twice, we need to run the same commit # operation again, so we revert the session to the previous state. if within_states?(TRANSACTION_COMMITTED_STATE) @state = @last_commit_skipped ? STARTING_TRANSACTION_STATE : TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS_STATE @already_committed = true end if starting_transaction? @last_commit_skipped = true else @last_commit_skipped = false write_concern = options[:write_concern] || txn_options[:write_concern] if write_concern && !write_concern.is_a?(WriteConcern::Base) write_concern = WriteConcern.get(write_concern) end write_with_retry(self, write_concern, true) do |server, txn_num, is_retry| if is_retry if write_concern wco = write_concern.options.merge(w: :majority) wco[:wtimeout] ||= 10000 write_concern = WriteConcern.get(wco) else write_concern = WriteConcern.get(w: :majority, wtimeout: 10000) end end selector: { commitTransaction: 1 }, db_name: 'admin', session: self, txn_num: txn_num, write_concern: write_concern, ).execute(server) end end rescue Mongo::Error::NoServerAvailable, Mongo::Error::SocketError => e e.send(:add_label, Mongo::Error::UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_RESULT_LABEL) raise e rescue Mongo::Error::OperationFailure => e err_doc = e.instance_variable_get(:@result).send(:first_document) if e.write_retryable? || (err_doc['writeConcernError'] && !UNLABELED_WRITE_CONCERN_CODES.include?(err_doc['writeConcernError']['code'])) e.send(:add_label, Mongo::Error::UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_RESULT_LABEL) end raise e ensure @state = TRANSACTION_COMMITTED_STATE end end # Abort the currently active transaction without making any changes to the database. # # @example Abort the transaction. # session.abort_transaction # # @raise [ Error::InvalidTransactionOperation ] If there is no active transaction. # # @since 2.6.0 # Whether or not the session is currently in a transaction. # # @example Is the session in a transaction? # session.in_transaction? # # @return [ true | false ] Whether or not the session in a transaction. # # @since 2.6.0 def in_transaction? within_states?(STARTING_TRANSACTION_STATE, TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS_STATE) end # Executes the provided block in a transaction, retrying as necessary. # # Returns the return value of the block. # # Exact number of retries and when they are performed are implementation # details of the driver; the provided block should be idempotent, and # should be prepared to be called more than once. The driver may retry # the commit command within an active transaction or it may repeat the # transaction and invoke the block again, depending on the error # encountered if any. Note also that the retries may be executed against # different servers. # # Transactions cannot be nested - InvalidTransactionOperation will be raised # if this method is called when the session already has an active transaction. # # Exceptions raised by the block which are not derived from Mongo::Error # stop processing, abort the transaction and are propagated out of # with_transaction. Exceptions derived from Mongo::Error may be # handled by with_transaction, resulting in retries of the process. # # Currently, with_transaction will retry commits and block invocations # until at least 120 seconds have passed since with_transaction started # executing. This timeout is not configurable and may change in a future # driver version. # # @note with_transaction contains a loop, therefore the if with_transaction # itself is placed in a loop, its block should not call next or break to # control the outer loop because this will instead affect the loop in # with_transaction. The driver will warn and abort the transaction # if it detects this situation. # # @example Execute a statement in a transaction # session.with_transaction(write_concern: {w: :majority}) do # collection.update_one({ id: 3 }, { '$set' => { status: 'Inactive'} }, # session: session) # # end # # @example Execute a statement in a transaction, limiting total time consumed # Timeout.timeout(5) do # session.with_transaction(write_concern: {w: :majority}) do # collection.update_one({ id: 3 }, { '$set' => { status: 'Inactive'} }, # session: session) # # end # end # # @param [ Hash ] options The options for the transaction being started. # These are the same options that start_transaction accepts. # # @raise [ Error::InvalidTransactionOperation ] If a transaction is already in # progress or if the write concern is unacknowledged. # # @since 2.7.0 def with_transaction(options=nil) # Non-configurable 120 second timeout for the entire operation deadline = + 120 transaction_in_progress = false loop do commit_options = {} if options commit_options[:write_concern] = options[:write_concern] end start_transaction(options) transaction_in_progress = true begin rv = yield self rescue Exception => e if within_states?(STARTING_TRANSACTION_STATE, TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS_STATE) abort_transaction transaction_in_progress = false end if >= deadline transaction_in_progress = false raise end if e.is_a?(Mongo::Error) && e.label?(Mongo::Error::TRANSIENT_TRANSACTION_ERROR_LABEL) next end raise else if within_states?(TRANSACTION_ABORTED_STATE, NO_TRANSACTION_STATE, TRANSACTION_COMMITTED_STATE) transaction_in_progress = false return rv end begin commit_transaction(commit_options) transaction_in_progress = false return rv rescue Mongo::Error => e if e.label?(Mongo::Error::UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_RESULT_LABEL) # WriteConcernFailed if e.is_a?(Mongo::Error::OperationFailure) && e.code == 64 && e.wtimeout? transaction_in_progress = false raise end if >= deadline transaction_in_progress = false raise end wc_options = case v = commit_options[:write_concern] when WriteConcern::Base v.options when nil {} else v end commit_options[:write_concern] = wc_options.merge(w: :majority) retry elsif e.label?(Mongo::Error::TRANSIENT_TRANSACTION_ERROR_LABEL) if >= deadline transaction_in_progress = false raise end next else transaction_in_progress = false raise end end end end ensure if transaction_in_progress log_warn('with_transaction callback altered with_transaction loop, aborting transaction') begin abort_transaction rescue Error::OperationFailure, Error::InvalidTransactionOperation end end end # Get the read preference the session will use in the currently # active transaction. # # This is a driver style hash with underscore keys. # # @example Get the transaction's read preference # session.txn_read_preference # # @return [ Hash ] The read preference of the transaction. # # @since 2.6.0 def txn_read_preference rp = txn_options && txn_options[:read_preference] || @client.read_preference Mongo::Lint.validate_underscore_read_preference(rp) rp end def cluster @client.cluster end protected # Get the read concern the session will use when starting a transaction. # # This is a driver style hash with underscore keys. # # @example Get the session's transaction read concern. # session.txn_read_concern # # @return [ Hash ] The read concern used for starting transactions. # # @since 2.9.0 def txn_read_concern # Read concern is inherited from client but not db or collection. txn_options && txn_options[:read_concern] || @client.read_concern end private def within_states?(*states) states.include?(@state) end def starting_transaction? within_states?(STARTING_TRANSACTION_STATE) end def check_if_no_transaction! return unless within_states?(NO_TRANSACTION_STATE) raise Mongo::Error::InvalidTransactionOperation::NO_TRANSACTION_STARTED) end def txn_write_concern (txn_options && txn_options[:write_concern]) || (@client.write_concern && @client.write_concern.options) end def non_primary_read_preference_mode?(command) return false unless command['$readPreference'] mode = command['$readPreference']['mode'] || command['$readPreference'][:mode] mode && mode != 'primary' end # Returns causal consistency document if the last operation time is # known and causal consistency is enabled, otherwise returns nil. def causal_consistency_doc if operation_time && causal_consistency? {:afterClusterTime => operation_time} else nil end end def causal_consistency? @causal_consistency ||= (if @options.key?(:causal_consistency) !!@options[:causal_consistency] else true end) end def set_operation_time(result) if result && result.operation_time @operation_time = result.operation_time end end def set_cluster_time(result) if cluster_time_doc = result.cluster_time if @cluster_time.nil? @cluster_time = cluster_time_doc elsif cluster_time_doc[Cluster::CLUSTER_TIME] > @cluster_time[Cluster::CLUSTER_TIME] @cluster_time = cluster_time_doc end end end def check_if_ended! raise if ended? end def check_matching_cluster!(cluster) if @client.cluster != cluster raise end end end
def create_dose_reference(dcm, description) dr_seq ='300A,0010', :parent => dcm) dr_item = => dr_seq) # Dose Reference Number:'300A,0012', '1', :parent => dr_item) # Dose Reference Structure Type:'300A,0014', 'SITE', :parent => dr_item) # Dose Reference Description:'300A,0016', description, :parent => dr_item) # Dose Reference Type:'300A,0020', 'TARGET', :parent => dr_item) dr_seq end
Creates a dose reference sequence in the given DICOM object. @param [DICOM::DObject] dcm the DICOM object in which to insert the sequence @param [String] description the value to use for Dose Reference Description @return [DICOM::Sequence] the constructed dose reference sequence
class Plan < Record attr_accessor :current_gantry attr_accessor :current_collimator attr_accessor :current_couch_angle attr_accessor :current_couch_pedestal attr_accessor :current_couch_lateral attr_accessor :current_couch_longitudinal attr_accessor :current_couch_vertical # Converts the Plan (and child) records to a # DICOM::DObject of modality RTPLAN. # # @note Only photon plans have been tested. # Electron beams beams may give an invalid DICOM file. # Also note that, due to limitations in the RTP file format, some original # values can not be recreated, like e.g. Study UID or Series UID. # @param [Hash] options the options to use for creating the DICOM object # @option options [Boolean] :dose_ref if set, Dose Reference & Referenced Dose Reference sequences will be included in the generated DICOM file # @option options [String] :manufacturer the value used for the manufacturer tag (0008,0070) in the beam sequence # @option options [String] :model the value used for the manufacturer's model name tag (0008,1090) in the beam sequence # @option options [Symbol] :scale if set, relevant device parameters are converted from native readout format to IEC1217 (supported values are :elekta & :varian) # @option options [String] :serial_number the value used for the device serial number tag (0018,1000) in the beam sequence # @return [DICOM::DObject] the converted DICOM object # def to_dcm(options={}) # # FIXME: This method is rather big, with a few sections of somewhat similar, repeating code. # Refactoring and simplifying it at some stage might be a good idea. # require 'dicom' original_level = DICOM.logger.level DICOM.logger.level = Logger::FATAL p = @prescriptions.first # If no prescription is present, we are not going to be able to make a valid DICOM object: logger.error("No Prescription Record present. Unable to build a valid RTPLAN DICOM object.") unless p dcm = # # TOP LEVEL TAGS: # # Specific Character Set:'0008,0005', 'ISO_IR 100', :parent => dcm) # Instance Creation Date'0008,0012',"%Y%m%d"), :parent => dcm) # Instance Creation Time:'0008,0013',"%H%M%S"), :parent => dcm) # SOP Class UID:'0008,0016', '1.2.840.10008.', :parent => dcm) # SOP Instance UID (if an original UID is not present, we make up a UID): begin sop_uid = p.fields.first.extended_field.original_plan_uid.empty? ? DICOM.generate_uid : p.fields.first.extended_field.original_plan_uid rescue sop_uid = DICOM.generate_uid end'0008,0018', sop_uid, :parent => dcm) # Study Date'0008,0020',"%Y%m%d"), :parent => dcm) # Study Time:'0008,0030',"%H%M%S"), :parent => dcm) # Accession Number:'0008,0050', '', :parent => dcm) # Modality:'0008,0060', 'RTPLAN', :parent => dcm) # Manufacturer:'0008,0070', 'rtp-connect', :parent => dcm) # Referring Physician's Name:'0008,0090', "#{@md_last_name}^#{@md_first_name}^#{@md_middle_name}^^", :parent => dcm) # Operator's Name:'0008,1070', "#{@author_last_name}^#{@author_first_name}^#{@author_middle_name}^^", :parent => dcm) # Patient's Name:'0010,0010', "#{@patient_last_name}^#{@patient_first_name}^#{@patient_middle_name}^^", :parent => dcm) # Patient ID:'0010,0020', @patient_id, :parent => dcm) # Patient's Birth Date:'0010,0030', '', :parent => dcm) # Patient's Sex:'0010,0040', '', :parent => dcm) # Manufacturer's Model Name:'0008,1090', 'RTP-to-DICOM', :parent => dcm) # Software Version(s):'0018,1020', "RubyRTP#{VERSION}", :parent => dcm) # Study Instance UID:'0020,000D', DICOM.generate_uid, :parent => dcm) # Series Instance UID:'0020,000E', DICOM.generate_uid, :parent => dcm) # Study ID:'0020,0010', '1', :parent => dcm) # Series Number:'0020,0011', '1', :parent => dcm) # Frame of Reference UID (if an original UID is not present, we make up a UID): begin for_uid = p.site_setup.frame_of_ref_uid.empty? ? DICOM.generate_uid : p.site_setup.frame_of_ref_uid rescue for_uid = DICOM.generate_uid end'0020,0052', for_uid, :parent => dcm) # Position Reference Indicator:'0020,1040', '', :parent => dcm) # RT Plan Label (max 16 characters): plan_label = p ? p.rx_site_name[0..15] : @course_id'300A,0002', plan_label, :parent => dcm) # RT Plan Name: plan_name = p ? p.rx_site_name : @course_id'300A,0003', plan_name, :parent => dcm) # RT Plan Description: plan_desc = p ? p.technique : @diagnosis'300A,0004', plan_desc, :parent => dcm) # RT Plan Date: plan_date = @plan_date.empty? ?"%Y%m%d") : @plan_date'300A,0006', plan_date, :parent => dcm) # RT Plan Time: plan_time = @plan_time.empty? ?"%H%M%S") : @plan_time'300A,0007', plan_time, :parent => dcm) # Approval Status:'300E,0002', 'UNAPPROVED', :parent => dcm) # # SEQUENCES: # # Tolerance Table Sequence: if p && p.fields.first && !p.fields.first.tolerance_table.empty? tt_seq ='300A,0040', :parent => dcm) tt_item = => tt_seq) # Tolerance Table Number:'300A,0042', p.fields.first.tolerance_table, :parent => tt_item) end # Structure set information: if p && p.site_setup && !p.site_setup.structure_set_uid.empty? # # Referenced Structure Set Sequence: # ss_seq ='300C,0060', :parent => dcm) ss_item = => ss_seq) # Referenced SOP Class UID:'0008,1150', '1.2.840.10008.', :parent => ss_item)'0008,1155', p.site_setup.structure_set_uid, :parent => ss_item) # RT Plan Geometry:'300A,000C', 'PATIENT', :parent => dcm) else # RT Plan Geometry:'300A,000C', 'TREATMENT_DEVICE', :parent => dcm) end # # Patient Setup Sequence: # ps_seq ='300A,0180', :parent => dcm) ps_item = => ps_seq) # Patient Position: begin pat_pos = p.site_setup.patient_orientation.empty? ? 'HFS' : p.site_setup.patient_orientation rescue pat_pos = 'HFS' end'0018,5100', pat_pos, :parent => ps_item) # Patient Setup Number:'300A,0182', '1', :parent => ps_item) # Setup Technique (assume Isocentric):'300A,01B0', 'ISOCENTRIC', :parent => ps_item) # # Dose Reference Sequence: # create_dose_reference(dcm, plan_name) if options[:dose_ref] # # Fraction Group Sequence: # fg_seq ='300A,0070', :parent => dcm) fg_item = => fg_seq) # Fraction Group Number:'300A,0071', '1', :parent => fg_item) # Number of Fractions Planned (try to derive from total dose/fraction dose, or use 1 as default): begin num_frac = p.dose_ttl.empty? || p.dose_tx.empty? ? '1' : (p.dose_ttl.to_i / p.dose_tx.to_f).round.to_s rescue num_frac = '0' end'300A,0078', num_frac, :parent => fg_item) # Number of Brachy Application Setups:'300A,00A0', '0', :parent => fg_item) # Referenced Beam Sequence (items created for each beam below): rb_seq ='300C,0004', :parent => fg_item) # # Beam Sequence: # b_seq ='300A,00B0', :parent => dcm) if p # If no fields are present, we are not going to be able to make a valid DICOM object: logger.error("No Field Record present. Unable to build a valid RTPLAN DICOM object.") unless p.fields.length > 0 p.fields.each_with_index do |field, i| # Fields with modality 'Unspecified' (e.g. CT or 2dkV) must be skipped: unless field.modality == 'Unspecified' # If this is an electron beam, a warning should be printed, as these are less reliably converted: logger.warn("This is not a photon beam (#{field.modality}). Beware that DICOM conversion of Electron beams are experimental, and other modalities are unsupported.") if field.modality != 'Xrays' # Reset control point 'current value' attributes: reset_cp_current_attributes # Beam number and name: beam_number = field.extended_field ? field.extended_field.original_beam_number : (i + 1).to_s beam_name = field.extended_field ? field.extended_field.original_beam_name : field.field_name # Ref Beam Item: rb_item = => rb_seq) # Beam Dose (convert from cGy to Gy): field_dose = field.field_dose.empty? ? '' : (field.field_dose.to_f * 0.01).round(4).to_s'300A,0084', field_dose, :parent => rb_item) # Beam Meterset:'300A,0086', field.field_monitor_units, :parent => rb_item) # Referenced Beam Number:'300C,0006', beam_number, :parent => rb_item) # Beam Item: b_item = => b_seq) # Optional method values: # Manufacturer:'0008,0070', options[:manufacturer], :parent => b_item) if options[:manufacturer] # Manufacturer's Model Name:'0008,1090', options[:model], :parent => b_item) if options[:model] # Device Serial Number:'0018,1000', options[:serial_number], :parent => b_item) if options[:serial_number] # Treatment Machine Name (max 16 characters):'300A,00B2', field.treatment_machine[0..15], :parent => b_item) # Primary Dosimeter Unit:'300A,00B3', 'MU', :parent => b_item) # Source-Axis Distance (convert to mm):'300A,00B4', "#{field.sad.to_f * 10}", :parent => b_item) # Beam Number:'300A,00C0', beam_number, :parent => b_item) # Beam Name:'300A,00C2', beam_name, :parent => b_item) # Beam Description:'300A,00C3', field.field_note, :parent => b_item) # Beam Type: beam_type = case field.treatment_type when 'Static' then 'STATIC' when 'StepNShoot' then 'STATIC' when 'VMAT' then 'DYNAMIC' else logger.error("The beam type (treatment type) #{field.treatment_type} is not yet supported.") end'300A,00C4', beam_type, :parent => b_item) # Radiation Type: rad_type = case field.modality when 'Elect' then 'ELECTRON' when 'Xrays' then 'PHOTON' else logger.error("The radiation type (modality) #{field.modality} is not yet supported.") end'300A,00C6', rad_type, :parent => b_item) # Treatment Delivery Type:'300A,00CE', 'TREATMENT', :parent => b_item) # Number of Wedges:'300A,00D0', (field.wedge.empty? ? '0' : '1'), :parent => b_item) # Number of Compensators:'300A,00E0', (field.compensator.empty? ? '0' : '1'), :parent => b_item) # Number of Boli:'300A,00ED', (field.bolus.empty? ? '0' : '1'), :parent => b_item) # Number of Blocks:'300A,00F0', (field.block.empty? ? '0' : '1'), :parent => b_item) # Final Cumulative Meterset Weight:'300A,010E', 1, :parent => b_item) # Referenced Patient Setup Number:'300C,006A', '1', :parent => b_item) # # Beam Limiting Device Sequence: # create_beam_limiting_devices(b_item, field) # # Block Sequence (if any): # FIXME: It seems that the Block Sequence (300A,00F4) may be # difficult (impossible?) to reconstruct based on the RTP file's # information, and thus it is skipped altogether. # # # Applicator Sequence (if any): # unless field.e_applicator.empty? app_seq ='300A,0107', :parent => b_item) app_item = => app_seq) # Applicator ID:'300A,0108', field.e_field_def_aperture, :parent => app_item) # Applicator Type:'300A,0109', "ELECTRON_#{field.e_applicator.upcase}", :parent => app_item) # Applicator Description:'300A,010A', "Appl. #{field.e_field_def_aperture}", :parent => app_item) end # # Control Point Sequence: # # A field may have 0 (no MLC), 1 (conventional beam with MLC) or 2n (IMRT) control points. # The DICOM file shall always contain 2n control points (minimum 2). # cp_seq ='300A,0111', :parent => b_item) if field.control_points.length < 2 # When we have 0 or 1 control point, use settings from field, and insert MLC settings if present: # First CP: cp_item = => cp_seq) # Control Point Index:'300A,0112', "0", :parent => cp_item) # Nominal Beam Energy:'300A,0114', "#{}", :parent => cp_item) # Dose Rate Set:'300A,0115', field.doserate, :parent => cp_item) # Gantry Angle:'300A,011E', field.gantry_angle, :parent => cp_item) # Gantry Rotation Direction:'300A,011F', (field.arc_direction.empty? ? 'NONE' : field.arc_direction), :parent => cp_item) # Beam Limiting Device Angle:'300A,0120', field.collimator_angle, :parent => cp_item) # Beam Limiting Device Rotation Direction:'300A,0121', 'NONE', :parent => cp_item) # Patient Support Angle:'300A,0122', field.couch_pedestal, :parent => cp_item) # Patient Support Rotation Direction:'300A,0123', 'NONE', :parent => cp_item) # Table Top Eccentric Angle:'300A,0125', field.couch_angle, :parent => cp_item) # Table Top Eccentric Rotation Direction:'300A,0126', 'NONE', :parent => cp_item) # Table Top Vertical Position: couch_vert = field.couch_vertical.empty? ? '' : (field.couch_vertical.to_f * 10).to_s'300A,0128', couch_vert, :parent => cp_item) # Table Top Longitudinal Position: couch_long = field.couch_longitudinal.empty? ? '' : (field.couch_longitudinal.to_f * 10).to_s'300A,0129', couch_long, :parent => cp_item) # Table Top Lateral Position: couch_lat = field.couch_lateral.empty? ? '' : (field.couch_lateral.to_f * 10).to_s'300A,012A', couch_lat, :parent => cp_item) # Isocenter Position (x\y\z): if p.site_setup'300A,012C', "#{(p.site_setup.iso_pos_x.to_f * 10).round(2)}\\#{(p.site_setup.iso_pos_y.to_f * 10).round(2)}\\#{(p.site_setup.iso_pos_z.to_f * 10).round(2)}", :parent => cp_item) else logger.warn("No Site Setup record exists for this plan. Unable to provide an isosenter position.")'300A,012C', '', :parent => cp_item) end # Source to Surface Distance: add_ssd(field.ssd, cp_item) # Cumulative Meterset Weight:'300A,0134', '0', :parent => cp_item) # Beam Limiting Device Position Sequence: if field.control_points.length > 0 create_beam_limiting_device_positions(cp_item, field.control_points.first, options) else create_beam_limiting_device_positions_from_field(cp_item, field, options) end # Referenced Dose Reference Sequence: create_referenced_dose_reference(cp_item) if options[:dose_ref] # Second CP: cp_item = => cp_seq) # Control Point Index:'300A,0112', "1", :parent => cp_item) # Cumulative Meterset Weight:'300A,0134', '1', :parent => cp_item) else # When we have multiple (2 or more) control points, iterate each control point: field.control_points.each { |cp| create_control_point(cp, cp_seq, options) } # Make sure that hte cumulative meterset weight of the last control # point is '1' (exactly equal to final cumulative meterset weight): cp_seq.items.last['300A,0134'].value = '1' end # Number of Control Points:'300A,0110', b_item['300A,0111'].items.length, :parent => b_item) end end # Number of Beams:'300A,0080', fg_item['300C,0004'].items.length, :parent => fg_item) end # Restore the DICOM logger: DICOM.logger.level = original_level return dcm end private # Adds an angular type value to a Control Point Item, by creating the # necessary DICOM elements. # Note that the element is only added if there is no 'current' attribute # defined, or the given value is different form the current attribute. # # @param [DICOM::Item] item the DICOM control point item in which to create the elements # @param [String] angle_tag the DICOM tag of the angle element # @param [String] direction_tag the DICOM tag of the direction element # @param [String, NilClass] angle the collimator angle attribute # @param [String, NilClass] direction the collimator rotation direction attribute # @param [Symbol] current_angle the instance variable that keeps track of the current value of this attribute # def add_angle(item, angle_tag, direction_tag, angle, direction, current_angle) if !self.send(current_angle) || angle != self.send(current_angle) self.send("#{current_angle}=", angle), angle, :parent => item), (direction.empty? ? 'NONE' : direction), :parent => item) end end # Adds a Table Top Position element to a Control Point Item. # Note that the element is only added if there is no 'current' attribute # defined, or the given value is different form the current attribute. # # @param [DICOM::Item] item the DICOM control point item in which to create the element # @param [String] tag the DICOM tag of the couch position element # @param [String, NilClass] value the couch position # @param [Symbol] current the instance variable that keeps track of the current value of this attribute # def add_couch_position(item, tag, value, current) if !self.send(current) || value != self.send(current) self.send("#{current}=", value), (value.empty? ? '' : value.to_f * 10), :parent => item) end end # Adds a Dose Rate Set element to a Control Point Item. # Note that the element is only added if there is no 'current' attribute # defined, or the given value is different form the current attribute. # # @param [String, NilClass] value the doserate attribute # @param [DICOM::Item] item the DICOM control point item in which to create an element # def add_doserate(value, item) if !@current_doserate || value != @current_doserate @current_doserate = value'300A,0115', value, :parent => item) end end # Adds a Nominal Beam Energy element to a Control Point Item. # Note that the element is only added if there is no 'current' attribute # defined, or the given value is different form the current attribute. # # @param [String, NilClass] value the energy attribute # @param [DICOM::Item] item the DICOM control point item in which to create an element # def add_energy(value, item) if !@current_energy || value != @current_energy @current_energy = value'300A,0114', "#{value.to_f}", :parent => item) end end # Adds an Isosenter element to a Control Point Item. # Note that the element is only added if there is a Site Setup record present, # and it contains a real (non-empty) value. Also, the element is only added if there # is no 'current' attribute defined, or the given value is different form the current attribute. # # @param [SiteSetup, NilClass] site_setup the associated site setup record # @param [DICOM::Item] item the DICOM control point item in which to create an element # def add_isosenter(site_setup, item) if site_setup # Create an element if the value is new or unique: if !@current_isosenter iso = "#{(site_setup.iso_pos_x.to_f * 10).round(2)}\\#{(site_setup.iso_pos_y.to_f * 10).round(2)}\\#{(site_setup.iso_pos_z.to_f * 10).round(2)}" if iso != @current_isosenter @current_isosenter = iso'300A,012C', iso, :parent => item) end end else # Log a warning if this is the first control point: unless @current_isosenter logger.warn("No Site Setup record exists for this plan. Unable to provide an isosenter position.") end end end # Adds a Source to Surface Distance element to a Control Point Item. # Note that the element is only added if the SSD attribute contains # real (non-empty) value. # # @param [String, NilClass] value the SSD attribute # @param [DICOM::Item] item the DICOM control point item in which to create an element # def add_ssd(value, item)'300A,0130', "#{value.to_f * 10}", :parent => item) if value && !value.empty? end # Creates a control point item in the given control point sequence, based # on an RTP control point record. # # @param [ControlPoint] cp the RTP ControlPoint record to convert # @param [DICOM::Sequence] sequence the DICOM parent sequence of the item to be created # @param [Hash] options the options to use for creating the control point # @option options [Boolean] :dose_ref if set, a Referenced Dose Reference sequence will be included in the generated control point item # @return [DICOM::Item] the constructed control point DICOM item # def create_control_point(cp, sequence, options={}) cp_item = => sequence) # Some CP attributes will always be written (CP index, BLD positions & Cumulative meterset weight). # The other attributes are only written if they are different from the previous control point. # Control Point Index:'300A,0112', "#{cp.index}", :parent => cp_item) # Beam Limiting Device Position Sequence: create_beam_limiting_device_positions(cp_item, cp, options) # Source to Surface Distance: add_ssd(cp.ssd, cp_item) # Cumulative Meterset Weight:'300A,0134', cp.monitor_units.to_f, :parent => cp_item) # Referenced Dose Reference Sequence: create_referenced_dose_reference(cp_item) if options[:dose_ref] # Attributes that are only added if they carry an updated value: # Nominal Beam Energy: add_energy(, cp_item) # Dose Rate Set: add_doserate(cp.doserate, cp_item) # Gantry Angle & Rotation Direction: add_angle(cp_item, '300A,011E', '300A,011F', cp.gantry_angle, cp.gantry_dir, :current_gantry) # Beam Limiting Device Angle & Rotation Direction: add_angle(cp_item, '300A,0120', '300A,0121', cp.collimator_angle, cp.collimator_dir, :current_collimator) # Patient Support Angle & Rotation Direction: add_angle(cp_item, '300A,0122', '300A,0123', cp.couch_pedestal, cp.couch_ped_dir, :current_couch_pedestal) # Table Top Eccentric Angle & Rotation Direction: add_angle(cp_item, '300A,0125', '300A,0126', cp.couch_angle, cp.couch_dir, :current_couch_angle) # Table Top Vertical Position: add_couch_position(cp_item, '300A,0128', cp.couch_vertical, :current_couch_vertical) # Table Top Longitudinal Position: add_couch_position(cp_item, '300A,0129', cp.couch_longitudinal, :current_couch_longitudinal) # Table Top Lateral Position: add_couch_position(cp_item, '300A,012A', cp.couch_lateral, :current_couch_lateral) # Isocenter Position (x\y\z): add_isosenter(cp.parent.parent.site_setup, cp_item) cp_item end # Creates a beam limiting device sequence in the given DICOM object. # # @param [DICOM::Item] beam_item the DICOM beam item in which to insert the sequence # @param [Field] field the RTP field to fetch device parameters from # @return [DICOM::Sequence] the constructed beam limiting device sequence # def create_beam_limiting_devices(beam_item, field) bl_seq ='300A,00B6', :parent => beam_item) # The ASYMX item ('backup jaws') doesn't exist on all models: if ['SYM', 'ASY'].include?(field.field_x_mode.upcase) bl_item_x = => bl_seq)'300A,00B8', "ASYMX", :parent => bl_item_x)'300A,00BC', "1", :parent => bl_item_x) end # The ASYMY item is always created: bl_item_y = => bl_seq) # RT Beam Limiting Device Type:'300A,00B8', "ASYMY", :parent => bl_item_y) # Number of Leaf/Jaw Pairs:'300A,00BC', "1", :parent => bl_item_y) # MLCX item is only created if leaves are defined: # (NB: The RTP file doesn't specify leaf position boundaries, so we # have to set these based on a set of known MLC types, their number # of leaves, and their leaf boundary positions.) if field.control_points.length > 0 bl_item_mlcx = => bl_seq)'300A,00B8', "MLCX", :parent => bl_item_mlcx) num_leaves = field.control_points.first.mlc_leaves.to_i'300A,00BC', num_leaves.to_s, :parent => bl_item_mlcx)'300A,00BE', "#{RTP.leaf_boundaries(num_leaves).join("\\")}", :parent => bl_item_mlcx) end bl_seq end # Creates a beam limiting device positions sequence in the given DICOM object. # # @param [DICOM::Item] cp_item the DICOM control point item in which to insert the sequence # @param [ControlPoint] cp the RTP control point to fetch device parameters from # @return [DICOM::Sequence] the constructed beam limiting device positions sequence # def create_beam_limiting_device_positions(cp_item, cp, options={}) dp_seq ='300A,011A', :parent => cp_item) # The ASYMX item ('backup jaws') doesn't exist on all models: if ['SYM', 'ASY'].include?(cp.parent.field_x_mode.upcase) dp_item_x = create_asym_item(cp, dp_seq, axis=:x, options) end # Always create one ASYMY item: dp_item_y = create_asym_item(cp, dp_seq, axis=:y, options) # MLCX: dp_item_mlcx = => dp_seq) # RT Beam Limiting Device Type:'300A,00B8', "MLCX", :parent => dp_item_mlcx) # Leaf/Jaw Positions:'300A,011C', cp.dcm_mlc_positions(options[:scale]), :parent => dp_item_mlcx) dp_seq end # Creates an ASYMX or ASYMY item. # # @param [ControlPoint] cp the RTP control point to fetch device parameters from # @param [DICOM::Sequence] dcm_parent the DICOM sequence in which to insert the item # @param [Symbol] axis the axis for the item (:x or :y) # @return [DICOM::Item] the constructed ASYMX or ASYMY item # def create_asym_item(cp, dcm_parent, axis, options={}) val1 = cp.send("dcm_collimator_#{axis.to_s}1", options[:scale]) val2 = cp.send("dcm_collimator_#{axis.to_s}2", options[:scale]) item = => dcm_parent) # RT Beam Limiting Device Type:'300A,00B8', "ASYM#{axis.to_s.upcase}", :parent => item) # Leaf/Jaw Positions:'300A,011C', "#{val1}\\#{val2}", :parent => item) item end # Creates a beam limiting device positions sequence in the given DICOM object. # # @param [DICOM::Item] cp_item the DICOM control point item in which to insert the sequence # @param [Field] field the RTP treatment field to fetch device parameters from # @return [DICOM::Sequence] the constructed beam limiting device positions sequence # def create_beam_limiting_device_positions_from_field(cp_item, field, options={}) dp_seq ='300A,011A', :parent => cp_item) # ASYMX: dp_item_x = => dp_seq)'300A,00B8', "ASYMX", :parent => dp_item_x)'300A,011C', "#{field.dcm_collimator_x1}\\#{field.dcm_collimator_x2}", :parent => dp_item_x) # ASYMY: dp_item_y = => dp_seq)'300A,00B8', "ASYMY", :parent => dp_item_y)'300A,011C', "#{field.dcm_collimator_y1}\\#{field.dcm_collimator_y2}", :parent => dp_item_y) dp_seq end # Creates a dose reference sequence in the given DICOM object. # # @param [DICOM::DObject] dcm the DICOM object in which to insert the sequence # @param [String] description the value to use for Dose Reference Description # @return [DICOM::Sequence] the constructed dose reference sequence # # Creates a referenced dose reference sequence in the given DICOM object. # # @param [DICOM::Item] cp_item the DICOM item in which to insert the sequence # @return [DICOM::Sequence] the constructed referenced dose reference sequence # def create_referenced_dose_reference(cp_item) # Referenced Dose Reference Sequence: rd_seq ='300C,0050', :parent => cp_item) rd_item = => rd_seq) # Cumulative Dose Reference Coeffecient:'300A,010C', '', :parent => rd_item) # Referenced Dose Reference Number:'300C,0051', '1', :parent => rd_item) rd_seq end # Resets the types of control point attributes that are only written to the # first control point item, and for following control point items only when # they are different from the 'current' value. When a new field is reached, # it is essential to reset these attributes, or else we could risk to start # the field with a control point with missing attributes, if one of its first # attributes is equal to the last attribute of the previous field. # def reset_cp_current_attributes @current_gantry = nil @current_collimator = nil @current_couch_pedestal = nil @current_couch_angle = nil @current_couch_vertical = nil @current_couch_longitudinal = nil @current_couch_lateral = nil @current_isosenter = nil end end
def duration return nil unless valid? units = raw_duration.split(":") (units[0].to_i * 60 * 60 * 1000) + (units[1].to_i * 60 * 1000) + (units[2].to_f * 1000).to_i end
The duration of the movie in milliseconds, as an integer. Example: 24400 # 24.4 seconds Note that the precision of the duration is in tenths of a second, not thousandths, but milliseconds are a more standard unit of time than deciseconds.
class Inspector attr_reader :filename, :path, :full_filename, :raw_response, :raw_metadata attr_accessor :ffmpeg_binary # # To inspect a video or audio file, initialize an Inspector object. # # file = # # Inspector accepts three options: file, raw_response, and ffmpeg_binary. # Either raw_response or file is required; ffmpeg binary is optional. # # :file is a path to a file to be inspected. # # :raw_response is the full output of "ffmpeg -i [file]". If the # :raw_response option is used, RVideo will not actually inspect a file; # it will simply parse the provided response. This is useful if your # application has already collected the ffmpeg -i response, and you don't # want to call it again. # # :ffmpeg_binary is an optional argument that specifies the path to the # ffmpeg binary to be used. If a path is not explicitly declared, RVideo # will assume that ffmpeg exists in the Unix path. Type "which ffmpeg" to # check if ffmpeg is installed and exists in your operating system's path. # def initialize(options = {}) if options[:raw_response] @raw_response = options[:raw_response] elsif options[:file] if options[:ffmpeg_binary] @ffmpeg_binary = options[:ffmpeg_binary] raise RuntimeError, "ffmpeg could not be found (trying #{@ffmpeg_binary})" unless FileTest.exist?(@ffmpeg_binary) else # assume it is in the unix path raise RuntimeError, 'ffmpeg could not be found (expected ffmpeg to be found in the Unix path)' unless FileTest.exist?(`which ffmpeg`.chomp) @ffmpeg_binary = "ffmpeg" end file = options[:file] @filename = File.basename(file) @path = File.dirname(file) @full_filename = file raise TranscoderError::InputFileNotFound, "File not found (#{@full_filename})" unless FileTest.exist?(@full_filename) @raw_response = `#{@ffmpeg_binary} -i #{Shellwords.shellescape @full_filename} 2>&1` else raise ArgumentError, "Must supply either an input file or a pregenerated response" if options[:raw_response].nil? and file.nil? end metadata = metadata_match if /Unknown format/i.match(@raw_response) || metadata.nil? @unknown_format = true elsif /Duration: N\/A/im.match(@raw_response) # elsif /Duration: N\/A|bitrate: N\/A/im.match(@raw_response) @unreadable_file = true @raw_metadata = metadata[1] # in this case, we can at least still get the container type else @raw_metadata = metadata[1] end end # # Returns true if the file can be read successfully. Returns false otherwise. # def valid? if @unknown_format or @unreadable_file false else true end end # # Returns false if the file can be read successfully. Returns false otherwise. # def invalid? !valid? end # # True if the format is not understood ("Unknown Format") # def unknown_format? if @unknown_format true else false end end # # True if the file is not readable ("Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A") # def unreadable_file? if @unreadable_file true else false end end # # Does the file have an audio stream? # def audio? if audio_match.nil? false else true end end # # Does the file have a video stream? # def video? if video_match.nil? false else true end end # # Take a screengrab of a movie. Requires an input file and a time parameter, and optionally takes an output filename. If no output filename is specfied, constructs one. # # Three types of time parameters are accepted - percentage (e.g. 3%), time in seconds (e.g. 60 seconds), and raw frame (e.g. 37). Will raise an exception if the time in seconds or the frame are out of the bounds of the input file. # # Types: # 37s (37 seconds) # 37f (frame 37) # 37% (37 percent) # 37 (default to seconds) # # If a time is outside of the duration of the file, it will choose a frame at the 99% mark. # # Example: # # t ='path/to/input_file.mp4') # t.capture_frame('10%') # => '/path/to/screenshot/input-10p.jpg' # def capture_frame(timecode, output_file = nil) t = calculate_time(timecode) unless output_file output_file = "#{TEMP_PATH}/#{File.basename(@full_filename, ".*")}-#{timecode.gsub("%","p")}.jpg" end # do the work # mplayer $input_file$ -ss $start_time$ -frames 1 -vo jpeg -o $output_file$ # ffmpeg -i $input_file$ -v nopb -ss $start_time$ -b $bitrate$ -an -vframes 1 -y $output_file$ command = "ffmpeg -i #{@full_filename} -ss #{t} -t 00:00:01 -r 1 -vframes 1 -f image2 #{output_file}""\nCreating Screenshot: #{command}\n") frame_result = `#{command} 2>&1` # Different versions of ffmpeg report errors differently when a screenshot cannot be extracted from # a video given its set of options. Some versions return a non-zero exit code and report errors while # others simply unless File.exists?(output_file) msg = <<-EOT.gsub(/(^\s+|\n)/, '') This means that ffmpeg could not extract a screenshot from the video. It may indicate that the video file was corrupt or that the requested frame to be captured was outside the length of the video. Full command: #{command} EOT Transcoder.logger.error msg raise TranscoderError::OutputFileNotFound, msg end"\nScreenshot results: #{frame_result}") output_file end def calculate_time(timecode) m = /\A([0-9\.\,]*)(s|f|%)?\Z/.match(timecode) if m.nil? or m[1].nil? or m[1].empty? raise TranscoderError::ParameterError, "Invalid timecode for frame capture: #{timecode}. Must be a number, optionally followed by s, f, or %." end case m[2] when "s", nil t = m[1].to_f when "f" t = m[1].to_f / fps.to_f when "%" # milliseconds / 1000 * percent / 100 t = (duration.to_i / 1000.0) * (m[1].to_f / 100.0) else raise TranscoderError::ParameterError, "Invalid timecode for frame capture: #{timecode}. Must be a number, optionally followed by s, f, or p." end if (t * 1000) > duration calculate_time("99%") else t end end # # Returns the version of ffmpeg used, In practice, this may or may not be # useful. # # Examples: # # SVN-r6399 # CVS # def ffmpeg_version @ffmpeg_version = @raw_response.split("\n").first.split("version").last.split(",").first.strip end # # Returns the configuration options used to build ffmpeg. # # Example: # # --enable-mp3lame --enable-gpl --disable-ffplay --disable-ffserver # --enable-a52 --enable-xvid # def ffmpeg_configuration /(\s*configuration:)(.*)\n/.match(@raw_response)[2].strip end # # Returns the versions of libavutil, libavcodec, and libavformat used by # ffmpeg. # # Example: # # libavutil version: 49.0.0 # libavcodec version: 51.9.0 # libavformat version: 50.4.0 # def ffmpeg_libav /^(\s*lib.*\n)+/.match(@raw_response)[0].split("\n").each {|l| l.strip! } end # # Returns the build description for ffmpeg. # # Example: # # built on Apr 15 2006 04:58:19, gcc: 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build # 5250) # def ffmpeg_build /(\n\s*)(built on.*)(\n)/.match(@raw_response)[2] end # # Returns the container format for the file. Instead of returning a single # format, this may return a string of related formats. # # Examples: # # "avi" # # "mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2" # def container return nil if @unknown_format /Input \#\d+\,\s*(\S+),\s*from/.match(@raw_metadata)[1] end # # The duration of the movie, as a string. # # Example: # # "00:00:24.4" # 24.4 seconds # def raw_duration return nil unless valid? /Duration:\s*([0-9\:\.]+),/.match(@raw_metadata)[1] end # # The duration of the movie in milliseconds, as an integer. # # Example: # # 24400 # 24.4 seconds # # Note that the precision of the duration is in tenths of a second, not # thousandths, but milliseconds are a more standard unit of time than # deciseconds. # # # The bitrate of the movie. # # Example: # # 3132 # def bitrate return nil unless valid? bitrate_match[1].to_i end # # The bitrate units used. In practice, this may always be kb/s. # # Example: # # "kb/s" # def bitrate_units return nil unless valid? bitrate_match[2] end def audio_bit_rate # :nodoc: nil end def audio_stream return nil unless valid? #/\n\s*Stream.*Audio:.*\n/.match(@raw_response)[0].strip match = /\n\s*Stream.*Audio:.*\n/.match(@raw_response) return match[0].strip if match end # # The audio codec used. # # Example: # # "aac" # def audio_codec return nil unless audio? audio_match[2] end # # The sampling rate of the audio stream. # # Example: # # 44100 # def audio_sample_rate return nil unless audio? audio_match[3].to_i end # # The units used for the sampling rate. May always be Hz. # # Example: # # "Hz" # def audio_sample_units return nil unless audio? audio_match[4] end # # The channels used in the audio stream. # # Examples: # "stereo" # "mono" # "5:1" # def audio_channels_string return nil unless audio? audio_match[5] end def audio_channels return nil unless audio? case audio_match[5] when "mono" 1 when "stereo" 2 when "5.1" 6 else raise RuntimeError, "Unknown number of channels: #{audio_match[5]}" end end # # The ID of the audio stream (useful for troubleshooting). # # Example: # #0.1 # def audio_stream_id return nil unless audio? audio_match[1] end def video_stream return nil unless valid? match = /\n\s*Stream.*Video:.*\n/.match(@raw_response) return match[0].strip unless match.nil? nil end # # The ID of the video stream (useful for troubleshooting). # # Example: # #0.0 # def video_stream_id return nil unless video? video_match[1] end # # The video codec used. # # Example: # # "mpeg4" # def video_codec return nil unless video? video_match[2] end # # The colorspace of the video stream. # # Example: # # "yuv420p" # def video_colorspace return nil unless video? video_match[3] end # # The width of the video in pixels. # def width return nil unless video? video_match[4].to_i end # # The height of the video in pixels. # def height return nil unless video? video_match[5].to_i end # # width x height, as a string. # # Examples: # 320x240 # 1280x720 # def resolution return nil unless video? "#{width}x#{height}" end # # The frame rate of the video in frames per second # # Example: # # "29.97" # def fps return nil unless video? /([0-9\.]+) (fps|tb)/.match(video_stream)[1] end private def metadata_match [ /(Input \#.*)\nMust/m, # ffmpeg /(Input \#.*)\nAt least/m # ffmpeg macports ].each do |rgx| if md=rgx.match(@raw_response) return md end end nil end def bitrate_match /bitrate: ([0-9\.]+)\s*(.*)\s+/.match(@raw_metadata) end def audio_match return nil unless valid? /Stream\s*(.*?)[,|:|\(|\[].*?\s*Audio:\s*(.*?),\s*([0-9\.]*) (\w*),\s*([a-zA-Z:5\.1]*)/.match(audio_stream) end def video_match return nil unless valid? match = /Stream\s*(.*?)[,|:|\(|\[].*?\s*Video:\s*(.*?),\s*(.*?),\s*(\d*)x(\d*)/.match(video_stream) # work-around for Apple Intermediate format, which does not have a color space # I fake up a match data object (yea, duck typing!) with an empty spot where # the color space would be. if match.nil? match = /Stream\s*(.*?)[,|:|\(|\[].*?\s*Video:\s*(.*?),\s*(\d*)x(\d*)/.match(video_stream) match = [nil, match[1], match[2], nil, match[3], match[4]] unless match.nil? end match end end
def increment(key, amount = 1, options = {}) value = Utils.to_int(load(key, options)) + amount store(key, value.to_s, options) value end
(see Defaults#increment)
module IncrementSupport # (see Defaults#increment) def self.included(base) base.supports(:increment) if base.respond_to?(:supports) end end
def open context = device = context.devices(:idVendor => LEGO_VENDOR_ID, :idProduct => NXT_PRODUCT_ID).first raise"Please make sure the device is plugged in and powered on") if device.nil? @handle = @handle.claim_interface(0) end
Opens the connection This is triggered automatically by intantiating the object. @return [nil]
class UsbConnection # The USB idVendor code LEGO_VENDOR_ID = 0x0694 # The USB idProduct code NXT_PRODUCT_ID = 0x0002 # The USB endpoint (communication channel) to send data out to the NXT brick USB_ENDPOINT_OUT = 0x01 # The USB endpoint (communication channel) to receive data from the NXT brick USB_ENDPOINT_IN = 0x82 # Creates a connection to the NXT brick. # def initialize open end # Sends a packed string of bits. # # Example: # # # Causes the brick to beep # conn.transmit [0x80, 0x03, 0xf4, 0x01, 0xf4, 0x01].pack('C*')' # # @see The LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Communications Protocol (Appendex 1 of the Bluetooth Development Kit) # # @param {String} bits This must be a binary string. Use `Array#pack('C*')` to generate the string. # @return [Boolean] Returns true if all the data was sent and received by the NXT. def transmit! bits bytes_sent = @handle.bulk_transfer dataOut: bits, endpoint: USB_ENDPOINT_OUT bytes_sent == bits.length end # {include:UsbConnection#transmit!} # # Unlike {#transmit!}, this command will raise an error for some badly formed op codes. # # @raise [BadOpCodeError] Raised when the first bit is not a `NO_RESPONSE` op code. # @param {String} bits This must be a binary string. Use `Array#pack('C*')` to generate the string. # @return [Boolean] Returns true if all the data was sent and received by the NXT. def transmit bits raise ::LegoNXT::BadOpCodeError unless bytestring(DirectOps::NO_RESPONSE, SystemOps::NO_RESPONSE).include? bits[0] transmit! bits end # Sends a packet string of bits and then receives a result. # # Example: # # # Causes the brick to beep # conn.transceive [0x80, 0x03, 0xf4, 0x01, 0xf4, 0x01].pack('C*')' # # @see The LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Communications Protocol (Appendex 1 of the Bluetooth Development Kit) # # @param {String} bits This must be a binary string. Use `Array#pack('C*')` to generate the string. # @raise {LegoNXT::TransmitError} Raised if the {#transmit} fails. # @return [String] A packed string of the response bits. Use `String#unpack('C*')`. def transceive bits raise ::LegoNXT::BadOpCodeError unless bytestring(DirectOps::REQUIRE_RESPONSE, SystemOps::REQUIRE_RESPONSE).include? bits[0] raise ::LegoNXT::TransmitError unless transmit! bits bytes_received = @handle.bulk_transfer dataIn: 64, endpoint: USB_ENDPOINT_IN return bytes_received end # Closes the connection # # @return [nil] def close return if @handle.nil? @handle.close @handle = nil end private # Opens the connection # # This is triggered automatically by intantiating the object. # # @return [nil] end
def validate(&block) validator = block unless value.nil? error = raise ValidationError, error if error end @validator = block end
Declares a block to be used to validate the value of an attribute whenever it's set. Validation blocks should return any object to indicate an error, or +nil+/+false+ if validation passed. @yield The code that performs validation. @return [void]
class ConfigurationBuilder # An array of any nested configuration builders. # @return [Array<ConfigurationBuilder>] The array of child configuration builders. # @api private attr_reader :children # An array of valid types for the attribute. # @return [Array<Object>] The array of valid types. # @api private attr_reader :types # A block used to validate the attribute. # @return [Proc] The validation block. # @api private attr_reader :validator # The name of the configuration attribute. # @return [String, Symbol] The attribute's name. # @api private attr_accessor :name # The value of the configuration attribute. # @return [Object] The attribute's value. # @api private attr_reader :value # A boolean indicating whether or not the attribute must be set. # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the attribute is required. # @api private attr_accessor :required alias required? required class << self # Deeply freezes a configuration object so that it can no longer be modified. # @param config [Configuration] The configuration object to freeze. # @return [void] # @api private def freeze_config(config) IceNine.deep_freeze!(config) end # Loads configuration from a user configuration file. # @param config_path [String] The path to the configuration file. # @return [void] # @api private def load_user_config(config_path = nil) config_path ||= "lita_config.rb" if File.exist?(config_path) begin load(config_path) rescue ValidationError abort rescue Exception => e Lita.logger.fatal I18n.t( "lita.config.exception", message: e.message, backtrace: e.backtrace.join("\n") ) abort end end end end def initialize @children = [] @name = :root end # Builds a {Configuration} object from the attributes defined on the builder. # @param object [Configuration] The empty configuration object that will be extended to # create the final form. # @return [Configuration] The fully built configuration object. # @api private def build(object = container = if children.empty? build_leaf(object) else build_nested(object) end container.public_send(name) end # Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the attribute has any child attributes. # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the attribute has any child attributes. # @api private def children? !children.empty? end # Merges two configuration builders by making one an attribute on the other. # @param name [String, Symbol] The name of the new attribute. # @param attribute [ConfigurationBuilder] The configuration builder that should be its # value. # @return [void] # @api private def combine(name, attribute) = name children << attribute end # Declares a configuration attribute. # @param name [String, Symbol] The attribute's name. # @param types [Object, Array<Object>] Optional: One or more types that the attribute's value # must be. # @param type [Object, Array<Object>] Optional: One or more types that the attribute's value # must be. # @param required [Boolean] Whether or not this attribute must be set. If required, and Lita # is run without it set, Lita will abort on start up with a message about it. # @param default [Object] An optional default value for the attribute. # @yield A block to be evaluated in the context of the new attribute. Used for # defining nested configuration attributes and validators. # @return [void] def config(name, types: nil, type: nil, required: false, default: nil, &block) attribute = = name attribute.types = types || type attribute.required = required attribute.value = default attribute.instance_exec(&block) if block children << attribute end # Sets the valid types for the configuration attribute. # @param types [Object, Array<Object>] One or more valid types. # @return [void] # @api private def types=(types) @types = Array(types) if types end # Declares a block to be used to validate the value of an attribute whenever it's set. # Validation blocks should return any object to indicate an error, or +nil+/+false+ if # validation passed. # @yield The code that performs validation. # @return [void] # Sets the value of the attribute, raising an error if it is not among the valid types. # @param value [Object] The new value of the attribute. # @return [void] # @raise [TypeError] If the new value is not among the declared valid types. # @api private def value=(value) ensure_valid_default_value(value) @value = value end private # Finalize a nested object. def build_leaf(object) this = self run_validator = method(:run_validator) check_types = method(:check_types) object.instance_exec do define_singleton_method( { this.value } define_singleton_method("#{}=") do |value| this.value = value end end object end # Finalize the root builder or any builder with children. def build_nested(object) this = self nested_object = children.each { |child| } object.instance_exec { define_singleton_method( { nested_object } } object end # Check's the value's type from inside the finalized object. def check_types(value) if types&.none? { |type| type === value } Lita.logger.fatal( I18n.t("lita.config.type_error", attribute: name, types: types.join(", ")) ) raise ValidationError end end # Raise if value is non-nil and isn't one of the specified types. def ensure_valid_default_value(value) if !value.nil? && types && types.none? { |type| type === value } raise TypeError, I18n.t("lita.config.type_error", attribute: name, types: types.join(", ")) end end # Runs the validator from inside the build configuration object. def run_validator(value) return unless validator error = if error Lita.logger.fatal( I18n.t("lita.config.validation_error", attribute: name, message: error) ) raise ValidationError end end end
def get(key) return nil if [email protected]?(key) return @results_cache[key] if @results_cache.key?(key) @results_cache[key] = @items[key].call end
Get a value by the given key. This will evaluate the block given to `register` and return the resulting value.
class Registry def initialize @items = {} @results_cache = {} end # Register a key with a lazy-loaded value. # # If a key with the given name already exists, it is overwritten. def register(key, &block) raise ArgumentError, "block required" if !block_given? @items[key] = block end # Get a value by the given key. # # This will evaluate the block given to `register` and return the # resulting value. alias :[] :get # Checks if the given key is registered with the registry. # # @return [Boolean] def key?(key) @items.key?(key) end alias_method :has_key?, :key? # Returns an array populated with the keys of this object. # # @return [Array] def keys @items.keys end # Iterate over the keyspace. def each(&block) @items.each do |key, _| yield key, get(key) end end # Return the number of elements in this registry. # # @return [Integer] def length @items.keys.length end alias_method :size, :length # Checks if this registry has any items. # # @return [Boolean] def empty? @items.keys.empty? end # Merge one registry with another and return a completely new # registry. Note that the result cache is completely busted, so # any gets on the new registry will result in a cache miss. def merge(other) do |result| result.merge!(self) result.merge!(other) end end # Like #{merge} but merges into self. def merge!(other) @items.merge!(other.__internal_state[:items]) self end # Converts this registry to a hash def to_hash result = {} self.each do |key, value| result[key] = value end result end def __internal_state { items: @items, results_cache: @results_cache } end end
def get_settings(options = {}, request_options = {}) options['getVersion'] = 2 if !options[:getVersion] && !options['getVersion'] client.get(Protocol.settings_uri(name, options).to_s, :read, request_options) end
Get settings of this index
class Index attr_accessor :name, :client def initialize(name, client = nil) = name self.client = client || Algolia.client end # # Delete an index # # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # # return an hash of the form { "deletedAt" => "2013-01-18T15:33:13.556Z", "taskID" => "42" } # def delete(request_options = {}) client.delete(Protocol.index_uri(name), :write, request_options) end alias_method :delete_index, :delete # # Delete an index and wait until the deletion has been processed # # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # # return an hash of the form { "deletedAt" => "2013-01-18T15:33:13.556Z", "taskID" => "42" } # def delete!(request_options = {}) res = delete(request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end alias_method :delete_index!, :delete! # # Add an object in this index # # @param object the object to add to the index. # The object is represented by an associative array # @param objectID (optional) an objectID you want to attribute to this object # (if the attribute already exist the old object will be overridden) # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def add_object(object, objectID = nil, request_options = {}) check_object(object) if objectID.nil? || objectID.to_s.empty?, object.to_json, :write, request_options) else client.put(Protocol.object_uri(name, objectID), object.to_json, :write, request_options) end end # # Add an object in this index and wait end of indexing # # @param object the object to add to the index. # The object is represented by an associative array # @param objectID (optional) an objectID you want to attribute to this object # (if the attribute already exist the old object will be overridden) # @param Request options object. Contains extra URL parameters or headers # def add_object!(object, objectID = nil, request_options = {}) res = add_object(object, objectID, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Add several objects in this index # # @param objects the array of objects to add inside the index. # Each object is represented by an associative array # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def add_objects(objects, request_options = {}) batch(build_batch('addObject', objects, false), request_options) end # # Add several objects in this index and wait end of indexing # # @param objects the array of objects to add inside the index. # Each object is represented by an associative array # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def add_objects!(objects, request_options = {}) res = add_objects(objects, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Search inside the index # # @param query the full text query # @param args (optional) if set, contains an associative array with query parameters: # - page: (integer) Pagination parameter used to select the page to retrieve. # Page is zero-based and defaults to 0. Thus, to retrieve the 10th page you need to set page=9 # - hitsPerPage: (integer) Pagination parameter used to select the number of hits per page. Defaults to 20. # - attributesToRetrieve: a string that contains the list of object attributes you want to retrieve (let you minimize the answer size). # Attributes are separated with a comma (for example "name,address"). # You can also use a string array encoding (for example ["name","address"]). # By default, all attributes are retrieved. You can also use '*' to retrieve all values when an attributesToRetrieve setting is specified for your index. # - attributesToHighlight: a string that contains the list of attributes you want to highlight according to the query. # Attributes are separated by a comma. You can also use a string array encoding (for example ["name","address"]). # If an attribute has no match for the query, the raw value is returned. By default all indexed text attributes are highlighted. # You can use `*` if you want to highlight all textual attributes. Numerical attributes are not highlighted. # A matchLevel is returned for each highlighted attribute and can contain: # - full: if all the query terms were found in the attribute, # - partial: if only some of the query terms were found, # - none: if none of the query terms were found. # - attributesToSnippet: a string that contains the list of attributes to snippet alongside the number of words to return (syntax is `attributeName:nbWords`). # Attributes are separated by a comma (Example: attributesToSnippet=name:10,content:10). # You can also use a string array encoding (Example: attributesToSnippet: ["name:10","content:10"]). By default no snippet is computed. # - minWordSizefor1Typo: the minimum number of characters in a query word to accept one typo in this word. Defaults to 3. # - minWordSizefor2Typos: the minimum number of characters in a query word to accept two typos in this word. Defaults to 7. # - getRankingInfo: if set to 1, the result hits will contain ranking information in _rankingInfo attribute. # - aroundLatLng: search for entries around a given latitude/longitude (specified as two floats separated by a comma). # For example aroundLatLng=47.316669,5.016670). # You can specify the maximum distance in meters with the aroundRadius parameter (in meters) and the precision for ranking with aroundPrecision # (for example if you set aroundPrecision=100, two objects that are distant of less than 100m will be considered as identical for "geo" ranking parameter). # At indexing, you should specify geoloc of an object with the _geoloc attribute (in the form {"_geoloc":{"lat":48.853409, "lng":2.348800}}) # - insideBoundingBox: search entries inside a given area defined by the two extreme points of a rectangle (defined by 4 floats: p1Lat,p1Lng,p2Lat,p2Lng). # For example insideBoundingBox=47.3165,4.9665,47.3424,5.0201). # At indexing, you should specify geoloc of an object with the _geoloc attribute (in the form {"_geoloc":{"lat":48.853409, "lng":2.348800}}) # - numericFilters: a string that contains the list of numeric filters you want to apply separated by a comma. # The syntax of one filter is `attributeName` followed by `operand` followed by `value`. Supported operands are `<`, `<=`, `=`, `>` and `>=`. # You can have multiple conditions on one attribute like for example numericFilters=price>100,price<1000. # You can also use a string array encoding (for example numericFilters: ["price>100","price<1000"]). # - tagFilters: filter the query by a set of tags. You can AND tags by separating them by commas. # To OR tags, you must add parentheses. For example, tags=tag1,(tag2,tag3) means tag1 AND (tag2 OR tag3). # You can also use a string array encoding, for example tagFilters: ["tag1",["tag2","tag3"]] means tag1 AND (tag2 OR tag3). # At indexing, tags should be added in the _tags** attribute of objects (for example {"_tags":["tag1","tag2"]}). # - facetFilters: filter the query by a list of facets. # Facets are separated by commas and each facet is encoded as `attributeName:value`. # For example: `facetFilters=category:Book,author:John%20Doe`. # You can also use a string array encoding (for example `["category:Book","author:John%20Doe"]`). # - facets: List of object attributes that you want to use for faceting. # Attributes are separated with a comma (for example `"category,author"` ). # You can also use a JSON string array encoding (for example ["category","author"]). # Only attributes that have been added in **attributesForFaceting** index setting can be used in this parameter. # You can also use `*` to perform faceting on all attributes specified in **attributesForFaceting**. # - queryType: select how the query words are interpreted, it can be one of the following value: # - prefixAll: all query words are interpreted as prefixes, # - prefixLast: only the last word is interpreted as a prefix (default behavior), # - prefixNone: no query word is interpreted as a prefix. This option is not recommended. # - optionalWords: a string that contains the list of words that should be considered as optional when found in the query. # The list of words is comma separated. # - distinct: If set to 1, enable the distinct feature (disabled by default) if the attributeForDistinct index setting is set. # This feature is similar to the SQL "distinct" keyword: when enabled in a query with the distinct=1 parameter, # all hits containing a duplicate value for the attributeForDistinct attribute are removed from results. # For example, if the chosen attribute is show_name and several hits have the same value for show_name, then only the best # one is kept and others are removed. # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def search(query, params = {}, request_options = {}) encoded_params = Hash[ { |k, v| [k.to_s, v.is_a?(Array) ? v.to_json : v] }] encoded_params[:query] = query, { :params => Protocol.to_query(encoded_params) }.to_json, :search, request_options) end class IndexBrowser def initialize(client, name, params) @client = client @name = name @params = params @cursor = params[:cursor] || params['cursor'] || nil end def browse(request_options = {}, &block) loop do answer = @client.get(Protocol.browse_uri(@name, @params.merge({ :cursor => @cursor })), :read, request_options) answer['hits'].each do |hit| if block.arity == 2 yield hit, @cursor else yield hit end end @cursor = answer['cursor'] break if @cursor.nil? end end end # # Browse all index content # # @param queryParameters The hash of query parameters to use to browse # To browse from a specific cursor, just add a ":cursor" parameters # @param queryParameters An optional second parameters hash here for backward-compatibility (which will be merged with the first) # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # # @DEPRECATED: # @param page Pagination parameter used to select the page to retrieve. # @param hits_per_page Pagination parameter used to select the number of hits per page. Defaults to 1000. # def browse(page_or_query_parameters = nil, hits_per_page = nil, request_options = {}, &block) params = {} if page_or_query_parameters.is_a?(Hash) params.merge!(page_or_query_parameters) else params[:page] = page_or_query_parameters unless page_or_query_parameters.nil? end if hits_per_page.is_a?(Hash) params.merge!(hits_per_page) else params[:hitsPerPage] = hits_per_page unless hits_per_page.nil? end if block_given?, name, params).browse(request_options, &block) else params[:page] ||= 0 params[:hitsPerPage] ||= 1000 client.get(Protocol.browse_uri(name, params), :read, request_options) end end # # Browse a single page from a specific cursor # # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def browse_from(cursor, hits_per_page = 1000, request_options = {}), { :cursor => cursor, :hitsPerPage => hits_per_page }.to_json, :read, request_options) end # # Get an object from this index # # @param objectID the unique identifier of the object to retrieve # @param attributes_to_retrieve (optional) if set, contains the list of attributes to retrieve as an array of strings of a string separated by "," # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def get_object(objectID, attributes_to_retrieve = nil, request_options = {}) attributes_to_retrieve = attributes_to_retrieve.join(',') if attributes_to_retrieve.is_a?(Array) if attributes_to_retrieve.nil? client.get(Protocol.object_uri(name, objectID, nil), :read, request_options) else client.get(Protocol.object_uri(name, objectID, { :attributes => attributes_to_retrieve }), :read, request_options) end end # # Get a list of objects from this index # # @param objectIDs the array of unique identifier of the objects to retrieve # @param attributes_to_retrieve (optional) if set, contains the list of attributes to retrieve as an array of strings of a string separated by "," # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def get_objects(objectIDs, attributes_to_retrieve = nil, request_options = {}) attributes_to_retrieve = attributes_to_retrieve.join(',') if attributes_to_retrieve.is_a?(Array) requests = do |objectID| req = { :indexName => name, :objectID => objectID.to_s } req[:attributesToRetrieve] = attributes_to_retrieve unless attributes_to_retrieve.nil? req end, { :requests => requests }.to_json, :read, request_options)['results'] end # # Check the status of a task on the server. # All server task are asynchronous and you can check the status of a task with this method. # # @param taskID the id of the task returned by server # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def get_task_status(taskID, request_options = {}) client.get_task_status(name, taskID, request_options) end # # Wait the publication of a task on the server. # All server task are asynchronous and you can check with this method that the task is published. # # @param taskID the id of the task returned by server # @param time_before_retry the time in milliseconds before retry (default = 100ms) # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def wait_task(taskID, time_before_retry = WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options = {}) client.wait_task(name, taskID, time_before_retry, request_options) end # # Override the content of an object # # @param object the object to save # @param objectID the associated objectID, if nil 'object' must contain an 'objectID' key # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def save_object(object, objectID = nil, request_options = {}) client.put(Protocol.object_uri(name, get_objectID(object, objectID)), object.to_json, :write, request_options) end # # Override the content of object and wait end of indexing # # @param object the object to save # @param objectID the associated objectID, if nil 'object' must contain an 'objectID' key # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def save_object!(object, objectID = nil, request_options = {}) res = save_object(object, objectID, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Override the content of several objects # # @param objects the array of objects to save, each object must contain an 'objectID' key # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def save_objects(objects, request_options = {}) batch(build_batch('updateObject', objects, true), request_options) end # # Override the content of several objects and wait end of indexing # # @param objects the array of objects to save, each object must contain an objectID attribute # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def save_objects!(objects, request_options = {}) res = save_objects(objects, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Override the current objects by the given array of objects and wait end of indexing. Settings, # synonyms and query rules are untouched. The objects are replaced without any downtime. # # @param objects the array of objects to save # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def replace_all_objects(objects, request_options = {}) safe = request_options[:safe] || request_options['safe'] || false request_options.delete(:safe) request_options.delete('safe') tmp_index = @client.init_index(@name + '_tmp_' + rand(10000000).to_s) responses = [] scope = ['settings', 'synonyms', 'rules'] res = @client.copy_index(@name,, scope, request_options) responses << res if safe wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) end batch = [] batch_size = 1000 count = 0 objects.each do |object| batch << object count += 1 if count == batch_size res = tmp_index.add_objects(batch, request_options) responses << res batch = [] count = 0 end end if batch.any? res = tmp_index.add_objects(batch, request_options) responses << res end if safe responses.each do |res| tmp_index.wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) end end res = @client.move_index(, @name, request_options) responses << res if safe wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) end responses end # # Override the current objects by the given array of objects and wait end of indexing # # @param objects the array of objects to save # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def replace_all_objects!(objects, request_options = {}) replace_all_objects(objects, request_options.merge(:safe => true)) end # # Update partially an object (only update attributes passed in argument) # # @param object the object attributes to override # @param objectID the associated objectID, if nil 'object' must contain an 'objectID' key # @param create_if_not_exits a boolean, if true creates the object if this one doesn't exist # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def partial_update_object(object, objectID = nil, create_if_not_exits = true, request_options = {}), get_objectID(object, objectID), create_if_not_exits), object.to_json, :write, request_options) end # # Partially override the content of several objects # # @param objects an array of objects to update (each object must contains a objectID attribute) # @param create_if_not_exits a boolean, if true create the objects if they don't exist # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def partial_update_objects(objects, create_if_not_exits = true, request_options = {}) if create_if_not_exits batch(build_batch('partialUpdateObject', objects, true), request_options) else batch(build_batch('partialUpdateObjectNoCreate', objects, true), request_options) end end # # Partially override the content of several objects and wait end of indexing # # @param objects an array of objects to update (each object must contains a objectID attribute) # @param create_if_not_exits a boolean, if true create the objects if they don't exist # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def partial_update_objects!(objects, create_if_not_exits = true, request_options = {}) res = partial_update_objects(objects, create_if_not_exits, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Update partially an object (only update attributes passed in argument) and wait indexing # # @param object the attributes to override # @param objectID the associated objectID, if nil 'object' must contain an 'objectID' key # @param create_if_not_exits a boolean, if true creates the object if this one doesn't exist # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def partial_update_object!(object, objectID = nil, create_if_not_exits = true, request_options = {}) res = partial_update_object(object, objectID, create_if_not_exits, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Delete an object from the index # # @param objectID the unique identifier of object to delete # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_object(objectID, request_options = {}) raise'objectID must not be blank') if objectID.nil? || objectID == '' client.delete(Protocol.object_uri(name, objectID), :write, request_options) end # # Delete an object from the index and wait end of indexing # # @param objectID the unique identifier of object to delete # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_object!(objectID, request_options = {}) res = delete_object(objectID, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Delete several objects # # @param objects an array of objectIDs # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_objects(objects, request_options = {}) check_array(objects) batch(build_batch('deleteObject', { |objectID| { :objectID => objectID } }, false), request_options) end # # Delete several objects and wait end of indexing # # @param objects an array of objectIDs # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_objects!(objects, request_options = {}) res = delete_objects(objects, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Delete all objects matching a query # This method retrieves all objects synchronously but deletes in batch # asynchronously # # @param query the query string # @param params the optional query parameters # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_by_query(query, params = nil, request_options = {}) raise'query cannot be nil, use the `clear` method to wipe the entire index') if query.nil? && params.nil? params = sanitized_delete_by_query_params(params) params[:query] = query params[:hitsPerPage] = 1000 params[:distinct] = false params[:attributesToRetrieve] = ['objectID'] params[:cursor] = '' ids = [] while params[:cursor] != nil result = browse(params, nil, request_options) params[:cursor] = result['cursor'] hits = result['hits'] break if hits.empty? ids += { |hit| hit['objectID'] } end delete_objects(ids, request_options) end # # Delete all objects matching a query and wait end of indexing # # @param query the query string # @param params the optional query parameters # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_by_query!(query, params = nil, request_options = {}) res = delete_by_query(query, params, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) if res res end # # Delete all objects matching a query (doesn't work with actual text queries) # This method deletes every record matching the filters provided # # @param params query parameters # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_by(params, request_options = {}) raise'params cannot be nil, use the `clear` method to wipe the entire index') if params.nil? params = sanitized_delete_by_query_params(params), params.to_json, :write, request_options) end # # Delete all objects matching a query (doesn't work with actual text queries) # This method deletes every record matching the filters provided and waits for the end of indexing # @param params query parameters # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_by!(params, request_options = {}) res = delete_by(params, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) if res res end # # Delete the index content # # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def clear(request_options = {}), {}, :write, request_options) end alias_method :clear_index, :clear # # Delete the index content and wait end of indexing # def clear!(request_options = {}) res = clear(request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end alias_method :clear_index!, :clear! # # Set settings for this index # def set_settings(new_settings, options = {}, request_options = {}) client.put(Protocol.settings_uri(name, options), new_settings.to_json, :write, request_options) end # # Set settings for this index and wait end of indexing # def set_settings!(new_settings, options = {}, request_options = {}) res = set_settings(new_settings, options, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Get settings of this index # # # List all existing user keys with their associated ACLs # # Deprecated: Please us `client.list_api_keys` instead. def list_api_keys(request_options = {}) client.get(Protocol.index_keys_uri(name), :read, request_options) end # # Get ACL of a user key # # Deprecated: Please us `client.get_api_key` instead. def get_api_key(key, request_options = {}) client.get(Protocol.index_key_uri(name, key), :read, request_options) end # # Create a new user key # # @param object can be two different parameters: # The list of parameters for this key. Defined by a Hash that can # contains the following values: # - acl: array of string # - validity: int # - referers: array of string # - description: string # - maxHitsPerQuery: integer # - queryParameters: string # - maxQueriesPerIPPerHour: integer # Or the list of ACL for this key. Defined by an array of String that # can contains the following values: # - search: allow to search (https and http) # - addObject: allows to add/update an object in the index (https only) # - deleteObject : allows to delete an existing object (https only) # - deleteIndex : allows to delete index content (https only) # - settings : allows to get index settings (https only) # - editSettings : allows to change index settings (https only) # @param validity the number of seconds after which the key will be automatically removed (0 means no time limit for this key) # @param max_queries_per_IP_per_hour the maximum number of API calls allowed from an IP address per hour (0 means unlimited) # @param max_hits_per_query the maximum number of hits this API key can retrieve in one call (0 means unlimited) # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query #
 # Deprecated: Please use `client.add_api_key` instead def add_api_key(object, validity = 0, max_queries_per_IP_per_hour = 0, max_hits_per_query = 0, request_options = {}) if object.instance_of?(Array) params = { :acl => object } else params = object end params['validity'] = validity.to_i if validity != 0 params['maxHitsPerQuery'] = max_hits_per_query.to_i if max_hits_per_query != 0 params['maxQueriesPerIPPerHour'] = max_queries_per_IP_per_hour.to_i if max_queries_per_IP_per_hour != 0, params.to_json, :write, request_options) end # # Update a user key # # @param object can be two different parameters: # The list of parameters for this key. Defined by a Hash that # can contains the following values: # - acl: array of string # - validity: int # - referers: array of string # - description: string # - maxHitsPerQuery: integer # - queryParameters: string # - maxQueriesPerIPPerHour: integer # Or the list of ACL for this key. Defined by an array of String that # can contains the following values: # - search: allow to search (https and http) # - addObject: allows to add/update an object in the index (https only) # - deleteObject : allows to delete an existing object (https only) # - deleteIndex : allows to delete index content (https only) # - settings : allows to get index settings (https only) # - editSettings : allows to change index settings (https only) # @param validity the number of seconds after which the key will be automatically removed (0 means no time limit for this key) # @param max_queries_per_IP_per_hour the maximum number of API calls allowed from an IP address per hour (0 means unlimited) # @param max_hits_per_query the maximum number of hits this API key can retrieve in one call (0 means unlimited) # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # # Deprecated: Please use `client.update_api_key` instead def update_api_key(key, object, validity = 0, max_queries_per_IP_per_hour = 0, max_hits_per_query = 0, request_options = {}) if object.instance_of?(Array) params = { :acl => object } else params = object end params['validity'] = validity.to_i if validity != 0 params['maxHitsPerQuery'] = max_hits_per_query.to_i if max_hits_per_query != 0 params['maxQueriesPerIPPerHour'] = max_queries_per_IP_per_hour.to_i if max_queries_per_IP_per_hour != 0 client.put(Protocol.index_key_uri(name, key), params.to_json, :write, request_options) end # # Delete an existing user key # # Deprecated: Please use `client.delete_api_key` instead def delete_api_key(key, request_options = {}) client.delete(Protocol.index_key_uri(name, key), :write, request_options) end # # Send a batch request # def batch(request, request_options = {}), request.to_json, :batch, request_options) end # # Send a batch request and wait the end of the indexing # def batch!(request, request_options = {}) res = batch(request, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Search for facet values # # @param facet_name Name of the facet to search. It must have been declared in the # index's`attributesForFaceting` setting with the `searchable()` modifier. # @param facet_query Text to search for in the facet's values # @param search_parameters An optional query to take extra search parameters into account. # These parameters apply to index objects like in a regular search query. # Only facet values contained in the matched objects will be returned. # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def search_for_facet_values(facet_name, facet_query, search_parameters = {}, request_options = {}) params = search_parameters.clone params['facetQuery'] = facet_query, facet_name), params.to_json, :read, request_options) end # deprecated alias_method :search_facet, :search_for_facet_values # # Perform a search with disjunctive facets generating as many queries as number of disjunctive facets # # @param query the query # @param disjunctive_facets the array of disjunctive facets # @param params a hash representing the regular query parameters # @param refinements a hash ("string" -> ["array", "of", "refined", "values"]) representing the current refinements # ex: { "my_facet1" => ["my_value1", ["my_value2"], "my_disjunctive_facet1" => ["my_value1", "my_value2"] } # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def search_disjunctive_faceting(query, disjunctive_facets, params = {}, refinements = {}, request_options = {}) raise'Argument "disjunctive_facets" must be a String or an Array') unless disjunctive_facets.is_a?(String) || disjunctive_facets.is_a?(Array) raise'Argument "refinements" must be a Hash of Arrays') if !refinements.is_a?(Hash) || ! { |k, v| !v.is_a?(Array) }.empty? # extract disjunctive facets & associated refinements disjunctive_facets = disjunctive_facets.split(',') if disjunctive_facets.is_a?(String) disjunctive_refinements = {} refinements.each do |k, v| disjunctive_refinements[k] = v if disjunctive_facets.include?(k) || disjunctive_facets.include?(k.to_s) end # build queries queries = [] ## hits + regular facets query filters = [] refinements.to_a.each do |k, values| r = { |v| "#{k}:#{v}" } if disjunctive_refinements[k.to_s] || disjunctive_refinements[k.to_sym] # disjunctive refinements are ORed filters << r else # regular refinements are ANDed filters += r end end queries << params.merge({ :index_name =>, :query => query, :facetFilters => filters }) ## one query per disjunctive facet (use all refinements but the current one + hitsPerPage=1 + single facet) disjunctive_facets.each do |disjunctive_facet| filters = [] refinements.each do |k, values| if k.to_s != disjunctive_facet.to_s r = { |v| "#{k}:#{v}" } if disjunctive_refinements[k.to_s] || disjunctive_refinements[k.to_sym] # disjunctive refinements are ORed filters << r else # regular refinements are ANDed filters += r end end end queries << params.merge({ :index_name =>, :query => query, :page => 0, :hitsPerPage => 1, :attributesToRetrieve => [], :attributesToHighlight => [], :attributesToSnippet => [], :facets => disjunctive_facet, :facetFilters => filters, :analytics => false }) end answers = client.multiple_queries(queries, { :request_options => request_options }) # aggregate answers ## first answer stores the hits + regular facets aggregated_answer = answers['results'][0] ## others store the disjunctive facets aggregated_answer['disjunctiveFacets'] = {} answers['results'].each_with_index do |a, i| next if i == 0 a['facets'].each do |facet, values| ## add the facet to the disjunctive facet hash aggregated_answer['disjunctiveFacets'][facet] = values ## concatenate missing refinements (disjunctive_refinements[facet.to_s] || disjunctive_refinements[facet.to_sym] || []).each do |r| if aggregated_answer['disjunctiveFacets'][facet][r].nil? aggregated_answer['disjunctiveFacets'][facet][r] = 0 end end end end aggregated_answer end # # Alias of Algolia.list_indexes # # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def Index.all(request_options = {}) Algolia.list_indexes(request_options) end # # Search synonyms # # @param query the query # @param params an optional hash of :type, :page, :hitsPerPage # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def search_synonyms(query, params = {}, request_options = {}) type = params[:type] || params['type'] type = type.join(',') if type.is_a?(Array) page = params[:page] || params['page'] || 0 hits_per_page = params[:hitsPerPage] || params['hitsPerPage'] || 20 params = { :query => query, :type => type.to_s, :page => page, :hitsPerPage => hits_per_page }, params.to_json, :read, request_options) end # # Get a synonym # # @param objectID the synonym objectID # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query def get_synonym(objectID, request_options = {}) client.get(Protocol.synonym_uri(name, objectID), :read, request_options) end # # Delete a synonym # # @param objectID the synonym objectID # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_synonym(objectID, forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {}) client.delete("#{Protocol.synonym_uri(name, objectID)}?forwardToReplicas=#{forward_to_replicas}", :write, request_options) end # # Delete a synonym and wait the end of indexing # # @param objectID the synonym objectID # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_synonym!(objectID, forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {}) res = delete_synonym(objectID, forward_to_replicas, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Save a synonym # # @param objectID the synonym objectID # @param synonym the synonym # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def save_synonym(objectID, synonym, forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {}) client.put("#{Protocol.synonym_uri(name, objectID)}?forwardToReplicas=#{forward_to_replicas}", synonym.to_json, :write, request_options) end # # Save a synonym and wait the end of indexing # # @param objectID the synonym objectID # @param synonym the synonym # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def save_synonym!(objectID, synonym, forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {}) res = save_synonym(objectID, synonym, forward_to_replicas, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Clear all synonyms # # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def clear_synonyms(forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {})"#{Protocol.clear_synonyms_uri(name)}?forwardToReplicas=#{forward_to_replicas}", {}, :write, request_options) end # # Clear all synonyms and wait the end of indexing # # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def clear_synonyms!(forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {}) res = clear_synonyms(forward_to_replicas, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Add/Update an array of synonyms # # @param synonyms the array of synonyms to add/update # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param replace_existing_synonyms should we replace the existing synonyms before adding the new ones # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def batch_synonyms(synonyms, forward_to_replicas = false, replace_existing_synonyms = false, request_options = {})"#{Protocol.batch_synonyms_uri(name)}?forwardToReplicas=#{forward_to_replicas}&replaceExistingSynonyms=#{replace_existing_synonyms}", synonyms.to_json, :batch, request_options) end # # Add/Update an array of synonyms and wait the end of indexing # # @param synonyms the array of synonyms to add/update # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param replace_existing_synonyms should we replace the existing synonyms before adding the new ones # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def batch_synonyms!(synonyms, forward_to_replicas = false, replace_existing_synonyms = false, request_options = {}) res = batch_synonyms(synonyms, forward_to_replicas, replace_existing_synonyms, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Replace synonyms in the index by the given array of synonyms # # @param synonyms the array of synonyms to add # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def replace_all_synonyms(synonyms, request_options = {}) forward_to_replicas = request_options[:forwardToReplicas] || request_options['forwardToReplicas'] || false batch_synonyms(synonyms, forward_to_replicas, true, request_options) end # # Replace synonyms in the index by the given array of synonyms and wait the end of indexing # # @param synonyms the array of synonyms to add # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def replace_all_synonyms!(synonyms, request_options = {}) res = replace_all_synonyms(synonyms, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Export the full list of synonyms # Accepts an optional block to which it will pass each synonym # Also returns an array with all the synonyms # # @param hits_per_page Amount of synonyms to retrieve on each internal request - Optional - Default: 100 # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query - Optional # def export_synonyms(hits_per_page = 100, request_options = {}, &_block) res = [] page = 0 loop do curr = search_synonyms('', { :hitsPerPage => hits_per_page, :page => page }, request_options)['hits'] curr.each do |synonym| res << synonym yield synonym if block_given? end break if curr.size < hits_per_page page += 1 end res end # # Search rules # # @param query the query # @param params an optional hash of :anchoring, :context, :page, :hitsPerPage # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def search_rules(query, params = {}, request_options = {}) anchoring = params[:anchoring] context = params[:context] page = params[:page] || params['page'] || 0 hits_per_page = params[:hitsPerPage] || params['hitsPerPage'] || 20 params = { :query => query, :page => page, :hitsPerPage => hits_per_page } params[:anchoring] = anchoring unless anchoring.nil? params[:context] = context unless context.nil?, params.to_json, :read, request_options) end # # Get a rule # # @param objectID the rule objectID # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def get_rule(objectID, request_options = {}) client.get(Protocol.rule_uri(name, objectID), :read, request_options) end # # Delete a rule # # @param objectID the rule objectID # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_rule(objectID, forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {}) client.delete("#{Protocol.rule_uri(name, objectID)}?forwardToReplicas=#{forward_to_replicas}", :write, request_options) end # # Delete a rule and wait the end of indexing # # @param objectID the rule objectID # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def delete_rule!(objectID, forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {}) res = delete_rule(objectID, forward_to_replicas, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) return res end # # Save a rule # # @param objectID the rule objectID # @param rule the rule # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def save_rule(objectID, rule, forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {}) raise'objectID must not be blank') if objectID.nil? || objectID == '' client.put("#{Protocol.rule_uri(name, objectID)}?forwardToReplicas=#{forward_to_replicas}", rule.to_json, :write, request_options) end # # Save a rule and wait the end of indexing # # @param objectID the rule objectID # @param rule the rule # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def save_rule!(objectID, rule, forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {}) res = save_rule(objectID, rule, forward_to_replicas, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) return res end # # Clear all rules # # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def clear_rules(forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {})"#{Protocol.clear_rules_uri(name)}?forwardToReplicas=#{forward_to_replicas}", {}, :write, request_options) end # # Clear all rules and wait the end of indexing # # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def clear_rules!(forward_to_replicas = false, request_options = {}) res = clear_rules(forward_to_replicas, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) return res end # # Add/Update an array of rules # # @param rules the array of rules to add/update # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param clear_existing_rules should we clear the existing rules before adding the new ones # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def batch_rules(rules, forward_to_replicas = false, clear_existing_rules = false, request_options = {})"#{Protocol.batch_rules_uri(name)}?forwardToReplicas=#{forward_to_replicas}&clearExistingRules=#{clear_existing_rules}", rules.to_json, :batch, request_options) end # # Add/Update an array of rules and wait the end of indexing # # @param rules the array of rules to add/update # @param forward_to_replicas should we forward the delete to replica indices # @param clear_existing_rules should we clear the existing rules before adding the new ones # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def batch_rules!(rules, forward_to_replicas = false, clear_existing_rules = false, request_options = {}) res = batch_rules(rules, forward_to_replicas, clear_existing_rules, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) return res end # # Replace rules in the index by the given array of rules # # @param rules the array of rules to add # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def replace_all_rules(rules, request_options = {}) forward_to_replicas = request_options[:forwardToReplicas] || request_options['forwardToReplicas'] || false batch_rules(rules, forward_to_replicas, true, request_options) end # # Replace rules in the index by the given array of rules and wait the end of indexing # # @param rules the array of rules to add # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query # def replace_all_rules!(rules, request_options = {}) res = replace_all_rules(rules, request_options) wait_task(res['taskID'], WAIT_TASK_DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_RETRY, request_options) res end # # Export the full list of rules # Accepts an optional block to which it will pass each rule # Also returns an array with all the rules # # @param hits_per_page Amount of rules to retrieve on each internal request - Optional - Default: 100 # @param request_options contains extra parameters to send with your query - Optional # def export_rules(hits_per_page = 100, request_options = {}, &_block) res = [] page = 0 loop do curr = search_rules('', { :hits_per_page => hits_per_page, :page => page }, request_options)['hits'] curr.each do |rule| res << rule yield rule if block_given? end break if curr.size < hits_per_page page += 1 end res end # Deprecated alias_method :get_user_key, :get_api_key alias_method :list_user_keys, :list_api_keys alias_method :add_user_key, :add_api_key alias_method :update_user_key, :update_api_key alias_method :delete_user_key, :delete_api_key private def check_array(object) raise'argument must be an array of objects') if !object.is_a?(Array) end def check_object(object, in_array = false) case object when Array raise ? 'argument must be an array of objects' : 'argument must not be an array') when String, Integer, Float, TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass raise"argument must be an #{'array of' if in_array} object, got: #{object.inspect}") else # ok end end def get_objectID(object, objectID = nil) check_object(object) objectID ||= object[:objectID] || object['objectID'] raise"Missing 'objectID'") if objectID.nil? return objectID end def build_batch(action, objects, with_object_id = false) check_array(objects) { :requests => { |object| check_object(object, true) h = { :action => action, :body => object } h[:objectID] = get_objectID(object).to_s if with_object_id h } } end def sanitized_delete_by_query_params(params) params ||= {} params.delete(:hitsPerPage) params.delete('hitsPerPage') params.delete(:attributesToRetrieve) params.delete('attributesToRetrieve') params end end
def set_note_attachment(id, filename, file, opts={}) options = { :module_id => '', :module_name => '' }.merge! opts login! unless logged_in? json = <<-EOF { "session": "#{@sugar_session_id}", "note": { "id": "#{id}", "filename": "#{filename}", "file": "#{b64_encode(file)}", "related_module_id": "#{options[:module_id]}", "related_module_name": "#{options[:module_name]}" } } EOF json.gsub!(/^\s{6}/,'') send!(:set_note_attachment, json) end
Creates or updates an attachment on a note
module SugarCRM; class Connection # Creates or updates an attachment on a note end; end
def paramaterize params segments = @url.split('/') { |item| item[0] == ':' ? params.shift : item }.join('/') end
@param [String] pattern of url to match against @param [Symbol] context_ref to context route is mounted to @param [{Symbol => String,Number,Boolean}] flags attached to route take in params and return a paramaterized route @param [Array<String,Number,Boolean>] params a list of params to replace named params in a route @return [String] url containing named params replaced
class Route DOM = ::Kernel.method(:DOM) NAMED = /:(\w+)/ SPLAT = /\\\*(\w+)/ OPTIONAL = /\\\((.*?)\\\)/ # @!attribute [r] regexp # @return [Symbol] the regexp used to match against a route # @!attribute [r] named # @return [Symbol] list of all named paramters # @!attribute [r] type # @return [Symbol] the type of the route's handler # @!attribute [r] handlers # @return [Symbol] a list of the handlers this route is suposed to execute # @!attribute [r] url # @return [Symbol] the raw url to match against # @!attribute [r] flags # @return [Symbol] any flags this route possesses attr_reader :regexp, :named, :type, :handlers, :url,:flags # @param [String] pattern of url to match against # @param [Symbol] context_ref to context route is mounted to # @param [{Symbol => String,Number,Boolean}] flags attached to route def initialize(pattern, context_ref,flags) if flags[:to] @type = :handlers @handlers = [flags.delete(:to)].flatten elsif flags[:context] @type = :context @handlers = flags.delete :context else @type = :ref_only end @context_ref = context_ref @flags = flags @url = pattern @named = [] pattern = Regexp.escape pattern pattern = pattern.gsub OPTIONAL, "(?:$1)?" pattern.gsub(NAMED) { |m| @named << m[1..-1] } pattern.gsub(SPLAT) { |m| @named << m[2..-1] } pattern = pattern.gsub NAMED, "([^\\/]*)" pattern = pattern.gsub SPLAT, "(.*?)" @regexp = "^#{pattern}$" end #take in params and return a paramaterized route # # @param [Array<String,Number,Boolean>] params a list of params to replace named params in a route # @return [String] url containing named params replaced # get route hash and paramaterize url if needed # # @param [Array<String,Number,Boolean>] params to replace named params in the returned url # @return [Symbol => Number,String,Route] hash specificly formatted: # { # url: of the route with named params replaced, # title: the name of page if the url has one, # params: a list of all the params used in the route, # route: the #Route object # } def get params=nil path = if params paramaterize params.dup else @url end { path: path, title: self.flags.fetch(:title){nil}, params: params_hash(params), route: self } end # match this route against a given path # # @param [String,Regex] path to match against # @return [Hash,false] (see #get) or false if there is no match def match(path) if match = @regexp.match(path) params = {} @named.each_with_index { |name, i| params[name] = match[i + 1] } if @type == :handlers { path: path, title: self.flags.fetch(:title){nil}, params: params, route: self } else false end end # execute's route's associated handlers # # @param [Symbol => String] params from the route with there respective keys # @param [String] path containing params placed into there respective named positions def execute_handler params={},path=nil case @type when :handlers @handlers.each do |handler_ident| handler = @context_ref.handlers.fetch(handler_ident) {raise "handler #{handler_ident} doesn't exist in context #{@context_ref.ref}"} component = handler.(params,path||@url,&:call) Context.current_context = @context_ref.ref if component.class == Proc else,handler_ident) end Context.current_context = :no_context end when :context Context.wipe Context.render handlers History.push(@context_ref.ref,"",[],@context_ref.ref) end end def params_hash(params) Hash[] end end
def get(user_name, repo_name, reviewer_username, params={}) update_and_validate_user_repo_params(user_name, repo_name) normalize! params get_request("/2.0/repositories/#{user_name}/#{repo_name}/default-reviewers/#{reviewer_username}", params) end
Get a default reviewer's info = Examples bitbucket = bitbucket.repos.default_reviewers.get 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'reviewer-username'
class Repos::DefaultReviewers < API # List default reviewers # # = Examples # bitbucket = # bitbucket.repos.default_reviewers.list 'user-name', 'repo-name' # bitbucket.repos.default_reviewers.list 'user-name', 'repo-name' { |reviewer| ... } # def list(user_name, repo_name, params={}) update_and_validate_user_repo_params(user_name, repo_name) normalize! params response = get_request("/2.0/repositories/#{user_name}/#{repo_name}/default-reviewers", params) return response unless block_given? response.each { |el| yield el } end alias :all :list # Get a default reviewer's info # # = Examples # bitbucket = # bitbucket.repos.default_reviewers.get 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'reviewer-username' # # Add a user to the default-reviewers list for the repo # # = Examples # bitbucket = # bitbucket.repos.default_reviewers.add 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'reviewer-username' # def add(user_name, repo_name, reviewer_username, params={}) update_and_validate_user_repo_params(user_name, repo_name) normalize! params put_request("/2.0/repositories/#{user_name}/#{repo_name}/default-reviewers/#{reviewer_username}", params) end # Remove a user from the default-reviewers list for the repo # # = Examples # bitbucket = # bitbucket.repos.default_reviewers.remove 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'reviewer-username' # def remove(user_name, repo_name, reviewer_username, params={}) update_and_validate_user_repo_params(user_name, repo_name) normalize! params delete_request("/2.0/repositories/#{user_name}/#{repo_name}/default-reviewers/#{reviewer_username}", params) end end
def find_valid selected = { |delim, count| begin CSV.parse(@sample, col_sep: delim) true rescue Exception => ex false end }.keys return selected.first if selected.count == 1 return DEFAULT_DELIMITER if selected.include?(DEFAULT_DELIMITER) end
just work
class Detector DEFAULT_DELIMITER = "," COMMON_DELIMITERS = [DEFAULT_DELIMITER, "|", "\t", ";"] SAMPLE_SIZE = 100 def initialize(file) @file = file @sample = `head -n #{SAMPLE_SIZE} #{@file}`.encode('UTF-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') @sample_lines = @sample.split(/[\r\n]+/) @candidates = { |delim| [delim, @sample.scan(delim).count] }{|k,v| v > 0} end def find return DEFAULT_DELIMITER if @candidates.empty? # for example, file with only one header return find_same_occurence || find_valid || find_max_occurence || DEFAULT_DELIMITER end # just work # high confident level def find_same_occurence selected = { |delim, count| begin CSV.parse(@sample, col_sep: delim).select{|e| !e.empty? }.map{|e| e.count}.uniq.count == 1 rescue Exception => ex false end }.keys return selected.first if selected.count == 1 return DEFAULT_DELIMITER if selected.include?(DEFAULT_DELIMITER) end # most occurence def find_max_occurence selected ={|k,v| v == @candidates.sort_by(&:last).last }.keys return selected.first if selected.count == 1 return DEFAULT_DELIMITER if selected.include?(DEFAULT_DELIMITER) end end
def write_from_erb_template(erbfile, outfile, config = {}, options = { :no_interaction => false }) erbfiles = (erbfile.is_a?(Array)) ? erbfile : [ erbfile ] content = "" erbfiles.each do |f| erb = (options[:srcdir].nil?) ? f : File.join(options[:srcdir], f) unless File.exist?(erb) warning "Unable to find the template ERBfile '#{erb}'" really_continue? unless options[:no_interaction] next end content +=, nil, '<>').result(binding) end # error "Unable to find the template file #{erbfile}" unless File.exists? (erbfile ) # template ="#{erbfile}") # output =, nil, '<>') # content = output.result(binding) show_diff_and_write(content, outfile, options) end
ERB generation of the file `outfile` using the source template file `erbfile` Supported options: :no_interaction [boolean]: do not interact :srcdir [string]: source dir for all considered ERB files
module Common module_function ################################## ### Default printing functions ### ################################## # Print a text in bold def bold(str) (COLOR == true) ? Term::ANSIColor.bold(str) : str end # Print a text in green def green(str) (COLOR == true) ? : str end # Print a text in red def red(str) (COLOR == true) ? : str end # Print a text in cyan def cyan(str) (COLOR == true) ? Term::ANSIColor.cyan(str) : str end # Print an info message def info(str) puts green("[INFO] " + str) end # Print an warning message def warning(str) puts cyan("/!\\ WARNING: " + str) end alias_method :warn, :warning ## Print an error message and abort def error(str) #abort red("*** ERROR *** " + str) $stderr.puts red("*** ERROR *** " + str) exit 1 end ## simple helper text to mention a non-implemented feature def not_implemented error("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED") end ############################## ### Interaction functions ### ############################## ## Ask a question def ask(question, default_answer = '') return default_answer if FalkorLib.config[:no_interaction] print "#{question} " print "[Default: #{default_answer}]" unless default_answer == '' print ": " STDOUT.flush answer = STDIN.gets.chomp (answer.empty?) ? default_answer : answer end ## Ask whether or not to really continue def really_continue?(default_answer = 'Yes') return if FalkorLib.config[:no_interaction] pattern = (default_answer =~ /yes/i) ? '(Y|n)' : '(y|N)' answer = ask( cyan("=> Do you really want to continue #{pattern}?"), default_answer) exit 0 if answer =~ /n.*/i end ############################ ### Execution functions ### ############################ ## Check for the presence of a given command def command?(name) `which #{name}` $?.success? end ## Execute a given command, return exit code and print nicely stdout and stderr def nice_execute(cmd) puts bold("[Running] #{cmd.gsub(/^\s*/, ' ')}") stdout, stderr, exit_status = Open3.capture3( cmd ) unless stdout.empty? stdout.each_line do |line| print "** [out] #{line}" $stdout.flush end end unless stderr.empty? stderr.each_line do |line| $stderr.print red("** [err] #{line}") $stderr.flush end end exit_status end # Simpler version that use the system call def execute(cmd) puts bold("[Running] #{cmd.gsub(/^\s*/, ' ')}") system(cmd) $?.exitstatus end ## Execute in a given directory def execute_in_dir(path, cmd) exit_status = 0 Dir.chdir(path) do exit_status = run %( #{cmd} ) end exit_status end # execute_in_dir ## Execute a given command - exit if status != 0 def exec_or_exit(cmd) status = execute(cmd) if (status.to_i.nonzero?) error("The command '#{cmd}' failed with exit status #{status.to_i}") end status end ## "Nice" way to present run commands ## Ex: run %{ hostname -f } def run(cmds) exit_status = 0 puts bold("[Running]\n#{cmds.gsub(/^\s*/, ' ')}") $stdout.flush #puts cmds.split(/\n */).inspect cmds.split(/\n */).each do |cmd| next if cmd.empty? system(cmd.to_s) unless FalkorLib.config.debug exit_status = $?.exitstatus end exit_status end ## List items from a glob pattern to ask for a unique choice # Supported options: # :only_files [boolean]: list only files in the glob # :only_dirs [boolean]: list only directories in the glob # :pattern_include [array of strings]: pattern(s) to include for listing # :pattern_exclude [array of strings]: pattern(s) to exclude for listing # :text [string]: text to put def list_items(glob_pattern, options = {}) list = { 0 => 'Exit' } index = 1 raw_list = { 0 => 'Exit' } Dir[glob_pattern.to_s].each do |elem| #puts "=> element '#{elem}' - dir = #{}; file = #{File.file?(elem)}" next if (!options[:only_files].nil?) && options[:only_files] && next if (!options[:only_dirs].nil?) && options[:only_dirs] && File.file?(elem) entry = File.basename(elem) # unless options[:pattern_include].nil? # select_entry = false # options[:pattern_include].each do |pattern| # #puts "considering pattern '#{pattern}' on entry '#{entry}'" # select_entry |= entry =~ /#{pattern}/ # end # next unless select_entry # end unless options[:pattern_exclude].nil? select_entry = false options[:pattern_exclude].each do |pattern| #puts "considering pattern '#{pattern}' on entry '#{entry}'" select_entry |= entry =~ /#{pattern}/ end next if select_entry end #puts "selected entry = '#{entry}'" list[index] = entry raw_list[index] = elem index += 1 end text = (options[:text].nil?) ? "select the index" : options[:text] default_idx = (options[:default].nil?) ? 0 : options[:default] raise SystemExit, 'Empty list' if index == 1 #ap list #ap raw_list # puts list.to_yaml # answer = ask("=> #{text}", "#{default_idx}") # raise'exiting selection') if answer == '0' # raise'Undefined index') if Integer(answer) >= list.length # raw_list[Integer(answer)] select_from(list, text, default_idx, raw_list) end ## Display a indexed list to select an i def select_from(list, text = 'Select the index', default_idx = 0, raw_list = list) error "list and raw_list differs in size" if list.size != raw_list.size l = list raw_l = raw_list if list.is_a?(Array) l = raw_l = { 0 => 'Exit' } list.each_with_index do |e, idx| l[idx + 1] = e raw_l[idx + 1] = raw_list[idx] end end puts l.to_yaml answer = ask("=> #{text}", default_idx.to_s) raise SystemExit, 'exiting selection' if answer == '0' raise RangeError, 'Undefined index' if Integer(answer) >= l.length raw_l[Integer(answer)] end # select_from ## Display a indexed list to select multiple indexes def select_multiple_from(list, text = 'Select the index', default_idx = 1, raw_list = list) error "list and raw_list differs in size" if list.size != raw_list.size l = list raw_l = raw_list if list.is_a?(Array) l = raw_l = { 0 => 'Exit', 1 => 'End of selection' } list.each_with_index do |e, idx| l[idx + 2] = e raw_l[idx + 2] = raw_list[idx] end end puts l.to_yaml choices = answer = 0 begin choices.push(raw_l[Integer(answer)]) if Integer(answer) > 1 answer = ask("=> #{text}", default_idx.to_s) raise SystemExit, 'exiting selection' if answer == '0' raise RangeError, 'Undefined index' if Integer(answer) >= l.length end while Integer(answer) != 1 choices end # select_multiple_from ############################### ### YAML File loading/store ### ############################### # Return the yaml content as a Hash object def load_config(file) unless File.exist?(file) raise FalkorLib::Error, "Unable to find the YAML file '#{file}'" end loaded = YAML.load_file(file) unless loaded.is_a?(Hash) raise FalkorLib::Error, "Corrupted or invalid YAML file '#{file}'" end loaded end # Store the Hash object as a Yaml file # Supported options: # :header [string]: additional info to place in the header of the (stored) file # :no_interaction [boolean]: do not interact def store_config(filepath, hash, options = {}) content = "# " + File.basename(filepath) + "\n" content += "# /!\\ DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: it has been automatically generated\n" if options[:header] options[:header].split("\n").each { |line| content += "# #{line}" } end content += hash.to_yaml show_diff_and_write(content, filepath, options) # filepath, 'w') do |f| # f.print "# ", File.basename(filepath), "\n" # f.puts "# /!\\ DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: it has been automatically generated" # if options[:header] # options[:header].split("\n").each do |line| # f.puts "# #{line}" # end # end # f.puts hash.to_yaml # end end ################################# ### [ERB] template generation ### ################################# # Bootstrap the destination directory `rootdir` using the template # directory `templatedir`. the hash table `config` hosts the elements to # feed ERB files which **should** have the extension .erb. # The initialization is performed as follows: # * a rsync process is initiated to duplicate the directory structure # and the symlinks, and exclude .erb files # * each erb files (thus with extension .erb) is interpreted, the # corresponding file is generated without the .erb extension # Supported options: # :erb_exclude [array of strings]: pattern(s) to exclude from erb file # interpretation and thus to copy 'as is' # :no_interaction [boolean]: do not interact def init_from_template(templatedir, rootdir, config = {}, options = { :erb_exclude => [], :no_interaction => false }) error "Unable to find the template directory" unless warning "about to initialize/update the directory #{rootdir}" really_continue? unless options[:no_interaction] run %( mkdir -p #{rootdir} ) unless rootdir ) run %( rsync --exclude '*.erb' --exclude '.texinfo*' -avzu #{templatedir}/ #{rootdir}/ ) Dir["#{templatedir}/**/*.erb"].each do |erbfile| relative_outdir = File.realpath( File.dirname(erbfile) )).relative_path_from filename = File.basename(erbfile, '.erb') outdir = File.realpath( File.join(rootdir, relative_outdir.to_s) ) outfile = File.join(outdir, filename) unless options[:erb_exclude].nil? exclude_entry = false options[:erb_exclude].each do |pattern| exclude_entry |= erbfile =~ /#{pattern}/ end if exclude_entry info "copying non-interpreted ERB file" # copy this file since it has been probably excluded from teh rsync process run %( cp #{erbfile} #{outdir}/ ) next end end # Let's go info "updating '#{relative_outdir}/#{filename}'" puts " using ERB template '#{erbfile}'" write_from_erb_template(erbfile, outfile, config, options) end end ### # ERB generation of the file `outfile` using the source template file `erbfile` # Supported options: # :no_interaction [boolean]: do not interact # :srcdir [string]: source dir for all considered ERB files ## Show the difference between a `content` string and an destination file (using Diff algorithm). # Obviosuly, if the outfile does not exists, no difference is proposed. # Supported options: # :no_interaction [boolean]: do not interact # :json_pretty_format [boolean]: write a json content, in pretty format # :no_commit [boolean]: do not (offer to) commit the changes # return 0 if nothing happened, 1 if a write has been done def show_diff_and_write(content, outfile, options = { :no_interaction => false, :json_pretty_format => false, :no_commit => false }) if File.exist?( outfile ) ref = outfile ) if options[:json_pretty_format] ref = JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse( outfile ) )) end if ref == content warn "Nothing to update" return 0 end warn "the file '#{outfile}' already exists and will be overwritten." warn "Expected difference: \n------" Diffy::Diff.default_format = :color puts, content, :context => 1) else watch = (options[:no_interaction]) ? 'no' : ask( cyan(" ==> Do you want to see the generated file before commiting the writing (y|N)"), 'No') puts content if watch =~ /y.*/i end proceed = (options[:no_interaction]) ? 'yes' : ask( cyan(" ==> proceed with the writing (Y|n)"), 'Yes') return 0 if proceed =~ /n.*/i info("=> writing #{outfile}"), "w+") do |f| f.write content end if FalkorLib::Git.init?(File.dirname(outfile)) && !options[:no_commit] do_commit = (options[:no_interaction]) ? 'yes' : ask( cyan(" ==> commit the changes (Y|n)"), 'Yes') FalkorLib::Git.add(outfile, "update content of '#{File.basename(outfile)}'") if do_commit =~ /y.*/i end 1 end ## Blind copy of a source file `src` into its destination directory `dstdir` # Supported options: # :no_interaction [boolean]: do not interact # :srcdir [string]: source directory, make the `src` file relative to that directory # :outfile [string]: alter the outfile name (File.basename(src) by default) # :no_commit [boolean]: do not (offer to) commit the changes def write_from_template(src, dstdir, options = { :no_interaction => false, :no_commit => false, :srcdir => '', :outfile => '' }) srcfile = (options[:srcdir].nil?) ? src : File.join(options[:srcdir], src) error "Unable to find the source file #{srcfile}" unless File.exist?( srcfile ) error "The destination directory '#{dstdir}' do not exist" unless dstdir ) dstfile = (options[:outfile].nil?) ? File.basename(srcfile) : options[:outfile] outfile = File.join(dstdir, dstfile) content = srcfile ) show_diff_and_write(content, outfile, options) end # copy_from_template ### RVM init def init_rvm(rootdir = Dir.pwd, gemset = '') rvm_files = { :version => File.join(rootdir, '.ruby-version'), :gemset => File.join(rootdir, '.ruby-gemset') } unless File.exist?( (rvm_files[:version]).to_s) v = select_from(FalkorLib.config[:rvm][:rubies], "Select RVM ruby to configure for this directory", 3) rvm_files[:version], 'w') do |f| f.puts v end end unless File.exist?( (rvm_files[:gemset]).to_s) g = (gemset.empty?) ? ask("Enter RVM gemset name for this directory", File.basename(rootdir)) : gemset rvm_files[:gemset], 'w') do |f| f.puts g end end end ###### normalize_path ###### # Normalize a path and return the absolute path foreseen # Ex: '.' return Dir.pwd # Supported options: # * :relative [boolean] return relative path to the root dir ## def normalized_path(dir = Dir.pwd, options = {}) rootdir = (FalkorLib::Git.init?(dir)) ? FalkorLib::Git.rootdir(dir) : dir path = dir path = Dir.pwd if dir == '.' path = File.join(Dir.pwd, dir) unless (dir =~ /^\// || (dir == '.')) if (options[:relative] || options[:relative_to]) root = (options[:relative_to]) ? options[:relative_to] : rootdir relative_path_to_root = File.realpath(path) ).relative_path_from path = relative_path_to_root.to_s end path end # normalize_path end
def access_group_params(mode = :all) list = [] list += [ :name ] if mode == :before_create || mode == :all list += [ { group_ids: [], user_ids: [] } ] if mode == :after_create || mode == :all params.require(:access_group).permit(list) end
Only allow a trusted parameter "white list" through.
class AccessGroupsController < ApplicationController before_action :set_access_group, only: [ :show, :edit, :update, :destroy ] before_action :set_dt_request, only: [ :index, :locate ] require_admin true layout :layout_to_use ## # GET /incline/access_groups def index end ## # GET /incline/access_groups/1 def show end ## # GET /incline/access_groups/new def new @access_group = end ## # GET /incline/access_groups/1/edit def edit end ## # POST /incline/access_groups def create @access_group = Incline::AccessGroup.create(access_group_params :before_create) if @access_group if @access_group.update(access_group_params :after_create) handle_update_success notice: 'Access group was successfully created.' else handle_update_failure :new end else handle_update_failure :new end end ## # PATCH/PUT /incline/access_groups/1 def update if @access_group.update(access_group_params) handle_update_success notice: 'Access group was successfully updated.' else handle_update_failure :edit end end ## # DELETE /incline/access_groups/1 def destroy @access_group.destroy handle_update_success notice: 'Access group was successfully destroyed.' end # POST /incline/access_groups/1/locate def locate render json: { record: @dt_request.record_location } end # GET/POST /incline/access_groups/api?action=... def api process_api_action end private def layout_to_use inline_request? ? false : nil end def handle_update_failure(action) if json_request? # add a model-level error and render the json response. @access_group.errors.add(:base, 'failed to save') render 'show', formats: [ :json ] else # render the appropriate action. render action end end def handle_update_success(*messages) if inline_request? # inline and json requests expect json on success. render 'show', formats: [ :json ] else # otherwise, we redirect. # The default behavior in rails is to redirect to the item that was updated. # The default behavior in incline is to redirect to the item collection. # To reinstate the default rails behavior, uncomment the line below. # redirect_to @<%= singular_table_name %>, *messages unless @<%= singular_table_name %>.destroyed? redirect_to access_groups_url, *messages end end def set_dt_request @dt_request = do Incline::AccessGroup.all end end # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions. def set_access_group @access_group = Incline::AccessGroup.find(params[:id]) end # Only allow a trusted parameter "white list" through. end
def ctrl_a mark = marked_items.size != (items.size - 2) # exclude . and .. items.each {|i| i.toggle_mark unless i.marked? == mark} draw_items draw_marked_items move_cursor current_row end
Mark or unmark "a"ll files and directories.
module Commands # Change permission ("A"ttributes) of selected files and directories. def a process_command_line preset_command: 'chmod' end # "c"opy selected files and directories. def c process_command_line preset_command: 'cp' end # Soft "d"elete (actually mv to the trash folder on OSX) selected files and directories. def d if selected_items.any? if ask %Q[Are you sure want to trash #{ ? : "these #{selected_items.size} files"}? (y/n)] trash end end end # Open current file or directory with the "e"ditor def e edit end # "f"ind the first file or directory of which name starts with the given String. def f c = get_char and (@last_command = -> { find c }).call end # Move the cursor to the top of the list. def g move_cursor 0 end # Move the cursor to the left pane. def h (y = current_row - maxy) >= 0 and move_cursor y end # Move the cursor down. def j move_cursor (current_row + times) % items.size end # Move the cursor up. def k move_cursor (current_row - times) % items.size end # Move the cursor to the right pane. def l (y = current_row + maxy) < items.size and move_cursor y end # "m"ove selected files and directories. def m process_command_line preset_command: 'mv' end # Redo the latest f or F. def n if @last_command end # "o"pen selected files and directories with the OS "open" command. def o if selected_items.any? system "open #{ {|i| %Q["#{i.path}"]}.join(' ')}" elsif %w(. ..).include? system %Q[open "#{current_item.path}"] end end # Paste yanked files / directories into the directory on which the cursor is, or into the current directory. def p paste end # "q"uit the app. def q raise StopIteration if ask 'Are you sure want to exit? (y/n)' end # "q"uit the app! def q! raise StopIteration end # "r"ename selected files and directories. def r process_command_line preset_command: 'rename' end # "s"ort displayed files and directories in the given order. def s process_command_line preset_command: 'sort' end # Create a new file, or update its timestamp if the file already exists ("t"ouch). def t process_command_line preset_command: 'touch' end # "u"narchive .zip and .tar.gz files within selected files and directories into current_directory. def u unarchive end # "o"pen selected files and directories with the viewer. def v view end # Change o"w"ner of selected files and directories. def w process_command_line preset_command: 'chown' end # "y"ank selected file / directory names. def y yank end # Archive selected files and directories into a "z"ip file. def z process_command_line preset_command: 'zip' end # "C"opy paths of selected files and directory to the "C"lipboard. def C clipboard end # Hard "d"elete selected files and directories. def D if selected_items.any? if ask %Q[Are you sure want to delete #{ ? : "these #{selected_items.size} files"}? (y/n)] delete end end end # "f"ind the last file or directory of which name starts with the given String. def F c = get_char and (@last_command = -> { find_reverse c }).call end # Move the cursor to the top. def H move_cursor current_page * max_items end # Move the cursor to the bottom of the list. def G move_cursor items.size - 1 end # Ma"K"e a directory. def K process_command_line preset_command: 'mkdir' end # Move the cursor to the bottom. def L move_cursor current_page * max_items + displayed_items.size - 1 end # Move the cursor to the "M"iddle. def M move_cursor current_page * max_items + displayed_items.size / 2 end # "O"pen terminal here. def O dir = ? current_item.path : current_dir.path system %Q[osascript -e 'tell app "Terminal" do script "cd #{dir}" end tell'] if osx? end # "S"ymlink the current file or directory def S process_command_line preset_command: 'symlink' end # Mark or unmark "a"ll files and directories. # "b"ack to the previous page. def ctrl_b ctrl_p end # "f"orward to the next page. def ctrl_f ctrl_n end # Refresh the screen. def ctrl_l ls end # Forward to the "n"ext page. def ctrl_n move_cursor (current_page + 1) % total_pages * max_items if total_pages > 1 end # Back to the "p"revious page. def ctrl_p move_cursor (current_page - 1) % total_pages * max_items if total_pages > 1 end # Split the main "w"indow into given number of columns. def ctrl_w if @times spawn_panes @times.to_i ls end end # Number of times to repeat the next command. (?0..?9).each do |n| define_method(n) do @times ||= '' @times += n end end # Return to the previous directory (popd). def - popd end # Search files and directories from the current directory. def / process_command_line preset_command: 'grep' end # Change current directory (cd). define_method(:'@') do process_command_line preset_command: 'cd' end # Execute a shell command in an external shell. define_method(:!) do process_shell_command end # Execute a command in the controller context. define_method(:':') do process_command_line end # cd into a directory, or view a file. def enter if == '.' # do nothing elsif == '..' cd '..' elsif in_zip? v elsif || cd current_item else v end end # Toggle mark, and move down. def space toggle_mark draw_marked_items j end # cd to the upper hierarchy. def del if current_dir.path != '/' dir_was = times == 1 ? : File.basename(current_dir.join(['..'] * (times - 1))) cd File.expand_path(current_dir.join(['..'] * times)) find dir_was end end # Move cursor position by mouse click. def click(y: nil, x: nil) move_cursor_by_click y: y, x: x end # Move cursor position and enter def double_click(y: nil, x: nil) if move_cursor_by_click y: y, x: x enter end end end
def find(path, id, params = {}) response = get("/#{path.to_s.pluralize}/#{id}", params) trello_class = class_from_path(path) trello_class.parse response do |data| data.client = self end end
Finds given resource by id Examples: client.find(:board, "board1234") client.find(:member, "user1234")
class Client extend Forwardable include Authorization def_delegators :configuration, :credentials, *Configuration.configurable_attributes def initialize(attrs = {}) self.configuration.attributes = attrs end def get(path, params = {}) uri = Addressable::URI.parse("{API_VERSION}#{path}") uri.query_values = params unless params.empty? invoke_verb(:get, uri) end def post(path, body = {}) uri = Addressable::URI.parse("{API_VERSION}#{path}") invoke_verb(:post, uri, body) end def put(path, body = {}) uri = Addressable::URI.parse("{API_VERSION}#{path}") invoke_verb(:put, uri, body) end def delete(path) uri = Addressable::URI.parse("{API_VERSION}#{path}") invoke_verb(:delete, uri) end # Finds given resource by id # # Examples: # client.find(:board, "board1234") # client.find(:member, "user1234") # # Finds given resource by path with params def find_many(trello_class, path, params = {}) response = get(path, params) trello_class.parse_many response do |data| data.client = self end end # Creates resource with given options (attributes) # # Examples: # client.create(:member, options) # client.create(:board, options) # def create(path, options) trello_class = class_from_path(path) options do |data| data.client = self end end def configure yield configuration if block_given? end def configuration @configuration ||= end def auth_policy @auth_policy ||= end private def invoke_verb(name, uri, body = nil) request = name, uri, {}, body response = TInternet.execute auth_policy.authorize(request) return '' unless response if response.code.to_i == 401 && response.body =~ /expired token/ Trello.logger.error("[401 #{name.to_s.upcase} #{uri}]: Your access token has expired.") raise InvalidAccessToken, response.body end unless [200, 201].include? response.code Trello.logger.error("[#{response.code} #{name.to_s.upcase} #{uri}]: #{response.body}") raise, response.code) end response.body end def auth_policy_class if configuration.oauth? OAuthPolicy elsif configuration.basic? BasicAuthPolicy else AuthPolicy end end def class_from_path(path_or_class) return path_or_class if path_or_class.is_a?(Class) Trello.const_get(path_or_class.to_s.singularize.camelize) end end
def add_order_item id, project_id, quantity post_request "orders/#{id}/add_item", {order: {project_id: project_id, quantity: quantity}} end
Add a Project to an Order @param id @param project_id @param quantity
class Client attr_accessor :token, :connection # Create an new Client object. # # @param connection: # pass in a subclass of connection which implements the `request` method # with whichever HTTP client library you prefer. Default is Net::HTTP. def initialize args = {} url = args.fetch(:url, "") connection = args.fetch(:connection, Connection) self.connection = if connection.respond_to? :new url else connection end refresh_token end # Authenticate to the API using a email and password. # # @param email # @param credentials # A hash with either the `with_password` or `with_api_secret` key. def authenticate email, credentials={} if password = credentials[:with_password] refresh_token email: email, password: password elsif secret = credentials[:with_api_secret] api_key ="#{email}:#{secret}:#{token.token}").to_s refresh_token email: email, api_key: api_key else raise ArgumentError, "Must provide either `with_password` or `with_api_secret` arguments." end end # Abandon a previous authentication. def abandon self.token = nil refresh_token end # Retrieve a list of projects for the current user. def projects get_request 'projects' end # Retrieve a particular project from the current user's collection by ID. # # @param id def project id get_request "projects/#{id}" end # Approve a particular project from the current user's collection by ID. # We strongly suggest that you allow the user to view the rendered images # in Project#top_image, Project#bottom_image and Project#layers[]#image # # @param id def approve_project id get_request "projects/#{id}/approve" end # Update a project's data. # # @param id # @param attrs # A hash of attributes to update. def update_project id, attrs put_request "projects/#{id}", project: attrs end # Destroy a particular project from the current user's collection by ID. # # @param id def destroy_project id delete_request "projects/#{id}" true end # Request a price estimate # # @param width In thousands of an Inch # @param height In thousands of an Inch # @param layers # @param quantity Optional Defaults to the minimum quantity def pricing width, height, pcb_layers, quantity = nil post_request "pricing", {width_in_mils: width, height_in_mils: height, pcb_layers: pcb_layers, quantity: quantity} end # List all the current user's orders, and their status. def orders get_request 'orders' end # Retrieve a specific order by ID. # # @param id def order id get_request "orders/#{id}" end # Create a new Order def create_order post_request "orders" end # Add a Project to an Order # # @param id # @param project_id # @param quantity # Set the delivery address for an Order # # @param id # @param address # An Address object or a Hash with at least the required keys: :name :address_line_1 :address_line_2 :city :country def set_order_address id, address post_request "orders/#{id}/set_address", {order: {address: address.to_h}} end def shipping_rates address_params post_request "shipping_rates", {address: address_params} end # Set the delivery address for an Order # # @param id # @param shipping_rate # A ShippingRate object or a Hash with the following keys: :carrier_name :service_name def set_order_shipping_rate id, shipping_rate post_request "orders/#{id}/set_shipping_rate", {order:{shipping_rate: shipping_rate.to_h}} end # Checkout a specific order by ID. # # @param id def checkout_order id post_request "orders/#{id}/checkout" end # Cancel a specific order by ID. # This can only be done when the order is in the 'RECEIVED' and # 'AWAITING PANEL' states. # # @param id def cancel_order id delete_request "orders/#{id}" true end # List all currently open and recently closed panels, including some # interesting information about them. def panels get_request "panels" end # Retrieve a specific panel by ID. # # @param id def panel id get_request "panels/#{id}" end # Retrieve a specific upload by ID # # @param id def upload id get_request "uploads/#{id}" end # Create an upload by passing in an IO # # @param io # An IO object. def create_upload io post_request "uploads", {file: io} end # Retrieve a specific import by ID # # @param id def import id get_request "imports/#{id}" end # Create an import by passing in a URL # # @param io # A URL def create_import url post_request "imports", {url: url} end # Do we have a currently valid API token? def has_token? !!@token end # Are we successfully authenticated to the API? def authenticated? @token && [email protected] end private def connection @connection end def refresh_token params={} json = post_request 'sessions', params self.token = Token.from_json json['api_session_token'] # Hey @hmaddocks - how are we going to set a timer to make the token refresh? end def post_request endpoint, params={} connection.request :post, endpoint, params, token end def put_request endpoint, params={} connection.request :put, endpoint, params, token end def get_request endpoint, params={} connection.request :get, endpoint, params, token end def delete_request endpoint, params={} connection.request :delete, endpoint, params, token end end
def version return ExtPubkey.version_from_purpose(number) if depth == 1 ver ? ver : Bitcoin.chain_params.extended_pubkey_version end
get version bytes using serialization format
class ExtPubkey attr_accessor :ver attr_accessor :depth attr_accessor :number attr_accessor :chain_code attr_accessor :pubkey # hex format attr_accessor :parent_fingerprint # serialize extended pubkey def to_payload version.htb << [depth].pack('C') << parent_fingerprint.htb << [number].pack('N') << chain_code << pub.htb end def pub pubkey end def hash160 Bitcoin.hash160(pub) end # get address def addr case version when Bitcoin.chain_params.bip49_pubkey_p2wpkh_p2sh_version key.to_nested_p2wpkh when Bitcoin.chain_params.bip84_pubkey_p2wpkh_version key.to_p2wpkh else key.to_p2pkh end end # get key object # @return [Bitcoin::Key] def key pubkey, key_type: key_type) end # get key identifier def identifier Bitcoin.hash160(pub) end # get fingerprint def fingerprint identifier.slice(0..7) end # Base58 encoded extended pubkey def to_base58 h = to_payload.bth hex = h + Bitcoin.calc_checksum(h) Base58.encode(hex) end # whether hardened key. def hardened? number >= HARDENED_THRESHOLD end # derive child key def derive(number) new_key = new_key.depth = depth + 1 new_key.number = number new_key.parent_fingerprint = fingerprint raise 'hardened key is not support' if number > (HARDENED_THRESHOLD - 1) data = pub.htb << [number].pack('N') l = Bitcoin.hmac_sha512(chain_code, data) left = l[0..31].bth.to_i(16) raise 'invalid key' if left >= CURVE_ORDER p1 = Bitcoin::Secp256k1::GROUP.generator.multiply_by_scalar(left) p2 = pubkey, key_type: key_type).to_point new_key.pubkey = ECDSA::Format::PointOctetString.encode(p1 + p2, compression: true).bth new_key.chain_code = l[32..-1] new_key.ver = version new_key end # get version bytes using serialization format # get key type defined by BIP-178 using version. def key_type v = version case v when Bitcoin.chain_params.bip49_pubkey_p2wpkh_p2sh_version Bitcoin::Key::TYPES[:pw2pkh_p2sh] when Bitcoin.chain_params.bip84_pubkey_p2wpkh_version Bitcoin::Key::TYPES[:p2wpkh] when Bitcoin.chain_params.extended_pubkey_version Bitcoin::Key::TYPES[:compressed] end end def self.parse_from_payload(payload) buf = ext_pubkey = ext_pubkey.ver = # version raise 'An unsupported version byte was specified.' unless ExtPubkey.support_version?(ext_pubkey.ver) ext_pubkey.depth ='C').first ext_pubkey.parent_fingerprint = ext_pubkey.number ='N').first ext_pubkey.chain_code = ext_pubkey.pubkey = ext_pubkey end # import pub key from Base58 private key address def self.from_base58(address) ExtPubkey.parse_from_payload(Base58.decode(address).htb) end # get version bytes from purpose' value. def self.version_from_purpose(purpose) v = purpose - HARDENED_THRESHOLD case v when 49 Bitcoin.chain_params.bip49_pubkey_p2wpkh_p2sh_version when 84 Bitcoin.chain_params.bip84_pubkey_p2wpkh_version else Bitcoin.chain_params.extended_pubkey_version end end # check whether +version+ is supported version bytes. def self.support_version?(version) p = Bitcoin.chain_params [p.bip49_pubkey_p2wpkh_p2sh_version, p.bip84_pubkey_p2wpkh_version, p.extended_pubkey_version].include?(version) end end
def setup_custom_class(klass, required_methods: []) unless klass.respond_to?(*required_methods) raise, required_methods) end klass end
Checks if custom class has some required class methods
class Configuration # @!attribute client_timeout # @return [Integer] HTTP request timeout (connect / open) for [ProxyFetcher::Client] attr_accessor :client_timeout # @!attribute provider_proxies_load_timeout # @return [Integer] HTTP request timeout (connect / open) for loading of proxies list by provider attr_accessor :provider_proxies_load_timeout # @!attribute proxy_validation_timeout # @return [Integer] HTTP request timeout (connect / open) for proxy validation with [ProxyFetcher::ProxyValidator] attr_accessor :proxy_validation_timeout # to save compatibility alias timeout client_timeout alias timeout= client_timeout= # @!attribute pool_size # @return [Integer] proxy validator pool size (max number of threads) attr_accessor :pool_size # @!attribute user_agent # @return [String] User-Agent string attr_accessor :user_agent # @!attribute [r] logger # @return [Object] Logger object attr_accessor :logger # @!attribute [r] adapter # @return [Object] HTML parser adapter attr_accessor :adapter # @!attribute [r] adapter_class # @return [Object] HTML adapter class attr_reader :adapter_class # @!attribute [r] http_client # @return [Object] HTTP client class attr_reader :http_client # @!attribute [r] proxy_validator # @return [Object] proxy validator class attr_reader :proxy_validator # @!attribute [r] providers # @return [Array<String>, Array<Symbol>] proxy providers list to be used attr_reader :providers # User-Agent string that will be used by the ProxyFetcher HTTP client (to # send requests via proxy) and to fetch proxy lists from the sources. # # Default is Google Chrome 60, but can be changed in <code>ProxyFetcher.config</code>. # DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 ' \ '(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112 Safari/537.36'.freeze # HTML parser adapter name. # # Default is Nokogiri, but can be changed in <code>ProxyFetcher.config</code>. # DEFAULT_ADAPTER = :nokogiri class << self # Registry for handling proxy providers. # # @return [ProxyFetcher::ProvidersRegistry] # providers registry # def providers_registry @providers_registry ||= end # Register new proxy provider. Requires provider name and class # that will process proxy list. # # @param name [String, Symbol] # name of the provider # # @param klass [Class] # Class that will fetch and process proxy list # def register_provider(name, klass) providers_registry.register(name, klass) end # Returns registered providers names. # # @return [Array<String>, Array<Symbol>] # registered providers names # def registered_providers providers_registry.providers.keys end end # Initialize ProxyFetcher configuration with default options. # # @return [ProxyFetcher::Configuration] # ProxyFetcher gem configuration object # def initialize reset! end # Sets default configuration options def reset! @logger = @user_agent = DEFAULT_USER_AGENT @pool_size = 10 @client_timeout = 3 @provider_proxies_load_timeout = 30 @proxy_validation_timeout = 3 @http_client = HTTPClient @proxy_validator = ProxyValidator self.providers = self.class.registered_providers end def adapter=(value) remove_instance_variable(:@adapter_class) if defined?(@adapter_class) @adapter = value end def adapter_class return @adapter_class if defined?(@adapter_class) @adapter_class = ProxyFetcher::Document::Adapters.lookup(adapter) @adapter_class.setup! @adapter_class end # Setups collection of providers that will be used to fetch proxies. # # @param value [String, Symbol, Array<String>, Array<Symbol>] # provider names # def providers=(value) @providers = Array(value) end alias provider providers alias provider= providers= # Setups HTTP client class that will be used to fetch proxy lists. # Validates class for the required methods to be defined. # # @param klass [Class] # HTTP client class # def http_client=(klass) @http_client = setup_custom_class(klass, required_methods: :fetch) end # Setups class that will be used to validate proxy lists. # Validates class for the required methods to be defined. # # @param klass [Class] # Proxy validator class # def proxy_validator=(klass) @proxy_validator = setup_custom_class(klass, required_methods: :connectable?) end private # Checks if custom class has some required class methods end
def undeaf response =['Conferences', self.conference_sid, 'Participant', self.call_sid], { :Deaf => false }) end
Undeaf a participant of a conference call, returning a Telapi::Participant object See
class Participant < Resource class << self # Convenient alternative to Conference::participants def list(conference_sid, optional_params = {}) Conference.participants(conference_sid, optional_params) end # Convenient alternative to Conference::participant def get(conference_sid, call_sid) Conference.participant(conference_sid, call_sid) end end # Deaf a participant of a conference call, returning a Telapi::Participant object # See def deaf response =['Conferences', self.conference_sid, 'Participant', self.call_sid], { :Deaf => true }) end # Undeaf a participant of a conference call, returning a Telapi::Participant object # See # Mute a participant of a conference call, returning a Telapi::Participant object # See def mute response =['Conferences', self.conference_sid, 'Participant', self.call_sid], { :Muted => true }) end # Unmute a participant of a conference call, returning a Telapi::Participant object # See def unmute response =['Conferences', self.conference_sid, 'Participant', self.call_sid], { :Muted => false }) end # Hangup a participant of a conference call, returning a Telapi::Participant object # See def hangup response = Network.delete(['Conferences', self.conference_sid, 'Participant', self.call_sid]) end # Play pre-recorded sound from a file to conference members, returning a Telapi::Participant object # See # # Required params: # +sound_url+:: URL containing an audio file def play_audio(sound_url = '') response =['Conferences', self.conference_sid, 'Participant', self.call_sid], { :AudioUrl => sound_url }) end end
def evaluate(actual, expected) if expected === actual pass new_message.is_equivalent_to(expected) else fail expected_message(actual).to_be_equivalent_to(expected) end end
(see Riot::AssertionMacro#evaluate) @param [Object] expected the object value to compare actual to
class EquivalentToMacro < AssertionMacro register :equivalent_to # (see Riot::AssertionMacro#evaluate) # @param [Object] expected the object value to compare actual to # (see Riot::AssertionMacro#devaluate) # @param [Object] expected the object value to compare actual to def devaluate(actual, expected) if expected === actual fail expected_message(actual).not_to_be_equivalent_to(expected) else pass new_message.is_equivalent_to(expected) end end end
def run_scope(scope, machine, klass, states) values = { |state| machine.states.fetch(state).value }, values) end
Generates the results for the given scope based on one or more states to filter by
class Machine include EvalHelpers include MatcherHelpers class << self # Attempts to find or create a state machine for the given class. For # example, # # StateMachines::Machine.find_or_create(Vehicle) # StateMachines::Machine.find_or_create(Vehicle, :initial => :parked) # StateMachines::Machine.find_or_create(Vehicle, :status) # StateMachines::Machine.find_or_create(Vehicle, :status, :initial => :parked) # # If a machine of the given name already exists in one of the class's # superclasses, then a copy of that machine will be created and stored # in the new owner class (the original will remain unchanged). def find_or_create(owner_class, *args, &block) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} name = args.first || :state # Find an existing machine machine = owner_class.respond_to?(:state_machines) && (args.first && owner_class.state_machines[name] || !args.first && owner_class.state_machines.values.first) || nil if machine # Only create a new copy if changes are being made to the machine in # a subclass if machine.owner_class != owner_class && (options.any? || block_given?) machine = machine.clone machine.initial_state = options[:initial] if options.include?(:initial) machine.owner_class = owner_class end # Evaluate DSL machine.instance_eval(&block) if block_given? else # No existing machine: create a new one machine = new(owner_class, name, options, &block) end machine end def draw(*) fail NotImplementedError end # Default messages to use for validation errors in ORM integrations attr_accessor :default_messages attr_accessor :ignore_method_conflicts end @default_messages = { :invalid => 'is invalid', :invalid_event => 'cannot transition when %s', :invalid_transition => 'cannot transition via "%1$s"' } # Whether to ignore any conflicts that are detected for helper methods that # get generated for a machine's owner class. Default is false. @ignore_method_conflicts = false # The class that the machine is defined in attr_reader :owner_class # The name of the machine, used for scoping methods generated for the # machine as a whole (not states or events) attr_reader :name # The events that trigger transitions. These are sorted, by default, in # the order in which they were defined. attr_reader :events # A list of all of the states known to this state machine. This will pull # states from the following sources: # * Initial state # * State behaviors # * Event transitions (:to, :from, and :except_from options) # * Transition callbacks (:to, :from, :except_to, and :except_from options) # * Unreferenced states (using +other_states+ helper) # # These are sorted, by default, in the order in which they were referenced. attr_reader :states # The callbacks to invoke before/after a transition is performed # # Maps :before => callbacks and :after => callbacks attr_reader :callbacks # The action to invoke when an object transitions attr_reader :action # An identifier that forces all methods (including state predicates and # event methods) to be generated with the value prefixed or suffixed, # depending on the context. attr_reader :namespace # Whether the machine will use transactions when firing events attr_reader :use_transactions # Creates a new state machine for the given attribute def initialize(owner_class, *args, &block) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} options.assert_valid_keys(:attribute, :initial, :initialize, :action, :plural, :namespace, :integration, :messages, :use_transactions) # Find an integration that matches this machine's owner class if options.include?(:integration) @integration = options[:integration] && StateMachines::Integrations.find_by_name(options[:integration]) else @integration = StateMachines::Integrations.match(owner_class) end if @integration extend @integration options = (@integration.defaults || {}).merge(options) end # Add machine-wide defaults options = {:use_transactions => true, :initialize => true}.merge(options) # Set machine configuration @name = args.first || :state @attribute = options[:attribute] || @name @events = @states = @callbacks = {:before => [], :after => [], :failure => []} @namespace = options[:namespace] @messages = options[:messages] || {} @action = options[:action] @use_transactions = options[:use_transactions] @initialize_state = options[:initialize] @action_hook_defined = false self.owner_class = owner_class # Merge with sibling machine configurations add_sibling_machine_configs # Define class integration define_helpers define_scopes(options[:plural]) after_initialize # Evaluate DSL instance_eval(&block) if block_given? self.initial_state = options[:initial] unless sibling_machines.any? end # Creates a copy of this machine in addition to copies of each associated # event/states/callback, so that the modifications to those collections do # not affect the original machine. def initialize_copy(orig) #:nodoc: super @events = @events.dup @events.machine = self @states = @states.dup @states.machine = self @callbacks = {:before => @callbacks[:before].dup, :after => @callbacks[:after].dup, :failure => @callbacks[:failure].dup} end # Sets the class which is the owner of this state machine. Any methods # generated by states, events, or other parts of the machine will be defined # on the given owner class. def owner_class=(klass) @owner_class = klass # Create modules for extending the class with state/event-specific methods @helper_modules = helper_modules = {:instance =>, :instance), :class =>, :class)} owner_class.class_eval do extend helper_modules[:class] include helper_modules[:instance] end # Add class-/instance-level methods to the owner class for state initialization unless owner_class < StateMachines::InstanceMethods owner_class.class_eval do extend StateMachines::ClassMethods include StateMachines::InstanceMethods end define_state_initializer if @initialize_state end # Record this machine as matched to the name in the current owner class. # This will override any machines mapped to the same name in any superclasses. owner_class.state_machines[name] = self end # Sets the initial state of the machine. This can be either the static name # of a state or a lambda block which determines the initial state at # creation time. def initial_state=(new_initial_state) @initial_state = new_initial_state add_states([@initial_state]) unless dynamic_initial_state? # Update all states to reflect the new initial state states.each { |state| state.initial = ( == @initial_state) } # Output a warning if there are conflicting initial states for the machine's # attribute initial_state = states.detect { |state| state.initial } if !owner_class_attribute_default.nil? && (dynamic_initial_state? || !owner_class_attribute_default_matches?(initial_state)) warn( "Both #{} and its #{name.inspect} machine have defined "\ "a different default for \"#{attribute}\". Use only one or the other for "\ "defining defaults to avoid unexpected behaviors." ) end end # Gets the initial state of the machine for the given object. If a dynamic # initial state was configured for this machine, then the object will be # passed into the lambda block to help determine the actual state. # # == Examples # # With a static initial state: # # class Vehicle # state_machine :initial => :parked do # ... # end # end # # vehicle = # Vehicle.state_machine.initial_state(vehicle) # => #<StateMachines::State name=:parked value="parked" initial=true> # # With a dynamic initial state: # # class Vehicle # attr_accessor :force_idle # # state_machine :initial => lambda {|vehicle| vehicle.force_idle ? :idling : :parked} do # ... # end # end # # vehicle = # # vehicle.force_idle = true # Vehicle.state_machine.initial_state(vehicle) # => #<StateMachines::State name=:idling value="idling" initial=false> # # vehicle.force_idle = false # Vehicle.state_machine.initial_state(vehicle) # => #<StateMachines::State name=:parked value="parked" initial=false> def initial_state(object) states.fetch(dynamic_initial_state? ? evaluate_method(object, @initial_state) : @initial_state) if instance_variable_defined?('@initial_state') end # Whether a dynamic initial state is being used in the machine def dynamic_initial_state? instance_variable_defined?('@initial_state') && @initial_state.is_a?(Proc) end # Initializes the state on the given object. Initial values are only set if # the machine's attribute hasn't been previously initialized. # # Configuration options: # * <tt>:force</tt> - Whether to initialize the state regardless of its # current value # * <tt>:to</tt> - A hash to set the initial value in instead of writing # directly to the object def initialize_state(object, options = {}) state = initial_state(object) if state && (options[:force] || initialize_state?(object)) value = state.value if hash = options[:to] hash[attribute.to_s] = value else write(object, :state, value) end end end # Gets the actual name of the attribute on the machine's owner class that # stores data with the given name. def attribute(name = :state) name == :state ? @attribute : :"#{}_#{name}" end # Defines a new helper method in an instance or class scope with the given # name. If the method is already defined in the scope, then this will not # override it. # # If passing in a block, there are two side effects to be aware of # 1. The method cannot be chained, meaning that the block cannot call +super+ # 2. If the method is already defined in an ancestor, then it will not get # overridden and a warning will be output. # # Example: # # # Instance helper # machine.define_helper(:instance, :state_name) do |machine, object| # machine.states.match(object).name # end # # # Class helper # machine.define_helper(:class, :state_machine_name) do |machine, klass| # "State" # end # # You can also define helpers using string evaluation like so: # # # Instance helper # machine.define_helper :instance, <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 # def state_name # self.class.state_machine(:state).states.match(self).name # end # end_eval # # # Class helper # machine.define_helper :class, <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 # def state_machine_name # "State" # end # end_eval def define_helper(scope, method, *args, &block) helper_module = @helper_modules.fetch(scope) if block_given? if !self.class.ignore_method_conflicts && conflicting_ancestor = owner_class_ancestor_has_method?(scope, method) ancestor_name = && ! ? : conflicting_ancestor.to_s warn "#{scope == :class ? 'Class' : 'Instance'} method \"#{method}\" is already defined in #{ancestor_name}, use generic helper instead or set StateMachines::Machine.ignore_method_conflicts = true." else name = helper_module.class_eval do define_method(method) do |*block_args| == :instance ? self.class : self).state_machine(name), self, *block_args) end end end else helper_module.class_eval(method, *args) end end # Customizes the definition of one or more states in the machine. # # Configuration options: # * <tt>:value</tt> - The actual value to store when an object transitions # to the state. Default is the name (stringified). # * <tt>:cache</tt> - If a dynamic value (via a lambda block) is being used, # then setting this to true will cache the evaluated result # * <tt>:if</tt> - Determines whether an object's value matches the state # (e.g. :value => lambda {}, :if => lambda {|state| !state.nil?}). # By default, the configured value is matched. # * <tt>:human_name</tt> - The human-readable version of this state's name. # By default, this is either defined by the integration or stringifies the # name and converts underscores to spaces. # # == Customizing the stored value # # Whenever a state is automatically discovered in the state machine, its # default value is assumed to be the stringified version of the name. For # example, # # class Vehicle # state_machine :initial => :parked do # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # end # end # # In the above state machine, there are two states automatically discovered: # :parked and :idling. These states, by default, will store their stringified # equivalents when an object moves into that state (e.g. "parked" / "idling"). # # For legacy systems or when tying state machines into existing frameworks, # it's oftentimes necessary to need to store a different value for a state # than the default. In order to continue taking advantage of an expressive # state machine and helper methods, every defined state can be re-configured # with a custom stored value. For example, # # class Vehicle # state_machine :initial => :parked do # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # # state :idling, :value => 'IDLING' # state :parked, :value => 'PARKED # end # end # # This is also useful if being used in association with a database and, # instead of storing the state name in a column, you want to store the # state's foreign key: # # class VehicleState < ActiveRecord::Base # end # # class Vehicle < ActiveRecord::Base # state_machine :attribute => :state_id, :initial => :parked do # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # # states.each do |state| # self.state(, :value => lambda { VehicleState.find_by_name( }, :cache => true) # end # end # end # # In the above example, each known state is configured to store it's # associated database id in the +state_id+ attribute. Also, notice that a # lambda block is used to define the state's value. This is required in # situations (like testing) where the model is loaded without any existing # data (i.e. no VehicleState records available). # # One caveat to the above example is to keep performance in mind. To avoid # constant db hits for looking up the VehicleState ids, the value is cached # by specifying the <tt>:cache</tt> option. Alternatively, a custom # caching strategy can be used like so: # # class VehicleState < ActiveRecord::Base # cattr_accessor :cache_store # self.cache_store = # # def self.find_by_name(name) # cache_store.fetch(name) { find(:first, :conditions => {:name => name}) } # end # end # # === Dynamic values # # In addition to customizing states with other value types, lambda blocks # can also be specified to allow for a state's value to be determined # dynamically at runtime. For example, # # class Vehicle # state_machine :purchased_at, :initial => :available do # event :purchase do # transition all => :purchased # end # # event :restock do # transition all => :available # end # # state :available, :value => nil # state :purchased, :if => lambda {|value| !value.nil?}, :value => lambda {} # end # end # # In the above definition, the <tt>:purchased</tt> state is customized with # both a dynamic value *and* a value matcher. # # When an object transitions to the purchased state, the value's lambda # block will be called. This will get the current time and store it in the # object's +purchased_at+ attribute. # # *Note* that the custom matcher is very important here. Since there's no # way for the state machine to figure out an object's state when it's set to # a runtime value, it must be explicitly defined. If the <tt>:if</tt> option # were not configured for the state, then an ArgumentError exception would # be raised at runtime, indicating that the state machine could not figure # out what the current state of the object was. # # == Behaviors # # Behaviors define a series of methods to mixin with objects when the current # state matches the given one(s). This allows instance methods to behave # a specific way depending on what the value of the object's state is. # # For example, # # class Vehicle # attr_accessor :driver # attr_accessor :passenger # # state_machine :initial => :parked do # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # # state :parked do # def speed # 0 # end # # def rotate_driver # driver = self.driver # self.driver = passenger # self.passenger = driver # true # end # end # # state :idling, :first_gear do # def speed # 20 # end # # def rotate_driver # self.state = 'parked' # rotate_driver # end # end # # other_states :backing_up # end # end # # In the above example, there are two dynamic behaviors defined for the # class: # * +speed+ # * +rotate_driver+ # # Each of these behaviors are instance methods on the Vehicle class. However, # which method actually gets invoked is based on the current state of the # object. Using the above class as the example: # # vehicle = # vehicle.driver = 'John' # vehicle.passenger = 'Jane' # # # Behaviors in the "parked" state # vehicle.state # => "parked" # vehicle.speed # => 0 # vehicle.rotate_driver # => true # vehicle.driver # => "Jane" # vehicle.passenger # => "John" # # vehicle.ignite # => true # # # Behaviors in the "idling" state # vehicle.state # => "idling" # vehicle.speed # => 20 # vehicle.rotate_driver # => true # vehicle.driver # => "John" # vehicle.passenger # => "Jane" # # As can be seen, both the +speed+ and +rotate_driver+ instance method # implementations changed how they behave based on what the current state # of the vehicle was. # # === Invalid behaviors # # If a specific behavior has not been defined for a state, then a # NoMethodError exception will be raised, indicating that that method would # not normally exist for an object with that state. # # Using the example from before: # # vehicle = # vehicle.state = 'backing_up' # vehicle.speed # => NoMethodError: undefined method 'speed' for #<Vehicle:0xb7d296ac> in state "backing_up" # # === Using matchers # # The +all+ / +any+ matchers can be used to easily define behaviors for a # group of states. Note, however, that you cannot use these matchers to # set configurations for states. Behaviors using these matchers can be # defined at any point in the state machine and will always get applied to # the proper states. # # For example: # # state_machine :initial => :parked do # ... # # state all - [:parked, :idling, :stalled] do # validates_presence_of :speed # # def speed # gear * 10 # end # end # end # # == State-aware class methods # # In addition to defining scopes for instance methods that are state-aware, # the same can be done for certain types of class methods. # # Some libraries have support for class-level methods that only run certain # behaviors based on a conditions hash passed in. For example: # # class Vehicle < ActiveRecord::Base # state_machine do # ... # state :first_gear, :second_gear, :third_gear do # validates_presence_of :speed # validates_inclusion_of :speed, :in => 0..25, :if => :in_school_zone? # end # end # end # # In the above ActiveRecord model, two validations have been defined which # will *only* run when the Vehicle object is in one of the three states: # +first_gear+, +second_gear+, or +third_gear. Notice, also, that if/unless # conditions can continue to be used. # # This functionality is not library-specific and can work for any class-level # method that is defined like so: # # def validates_presence_of(attribute, options = {}) # ... # end # # The minimum requirement is that the last argument in the method be an # options hash which contains at least <tt>:if</tt> condition support. def state(*names, &block) options = names.last.is_a?(Hash) ? names.pop : {} options.assert_valid_keys(:value, :cache, :if, :human_name) # Store the context so that it can be used for / matched against any state # that gets added @states.context(names, &block) if block_given? if names.first.is_a?(Matcher) # Add any states referenced in the matcher. When matchers are used, # states are not allowed to be configured. raise ArgumentError, "Cannot configure states when using matchers (using #{options.inspect})" if options.any? states = add_states(names.first.values) else states = add_states(names) # Update the configuration for the state(s) states.each do |state| if options.include?(:value) state.value = options[:value] self.states.update(state) end state.human_name = options[:human_name] if options.include?(:human_name) state.cache = options[:cache] if options.include?(:cache) state.matcher = options[:if] if options.include?(:if) end end states.length == 1 ? states.first : states end alias_method :other_states, :state # Gets the current value stored in the given object's attribute. # # For example, # # class Vehicle # state_machine :initial => :parked do # ... # end # end # # vehicle = # => #<Vehicle:0xb7d94ab0 @state="parked"> #, :state) # => "parked" # Equivalent to vehicle.state #, :event) # => nil # Equivalent to vehicle.state_event def read(object, attribute, ivar = false) attribute = self.attribute(attribute) if ivar object.instance_variable_defined?("@#{attribute}") ? object.instance_variable_get("@#{attribute}") : nil else object.send(attribute) end end # Sets a new value in the given object's attribute. # # For example, # # class Vehicle # state_machine :initial => :parked do # ... # end # end # # vehicle = # => #<Vehicle:0xb7d94ab0 @state="parked"> # Vehicle.state_machine.write(vehicle, :state, 'idling') # => Equivalent to vehicle.state = 'idling' # Vehicle.state_machine.write(vehicle, :event, 'park') # => Equivalent to vehicle.state_event = 'park' # vehicle.state # => "idling" # vehicle.event # => "park" def write(object, attribute, value, ivar = false) attribute = self.attribute(attribute) ivar ? object.instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}", value) : object.send("#{attribute}=", value) end # Defines one or more events for the machine and the transitions that can # be performed when those events are run. # # This method is also aliased as +on+ for improved compatibility with # using a domain-specific language. # # Configuration options: # * <tt>:human_name</tt> - The human-readable version of this event's name. # By default, this is either defined by the integration or stringifies the # name and converts underscores to spaces. # # == Instance methods # # The following instance methods are generated when a new event is defined # (the "park" event is used as an example): # * <tt>park(..., run_action = true)</tt> - Fires the "park" event, # transitioning from the current state to the next valid state. If the # last argument is a boolean, it will control whether the machine's action # gets run. # * <tt>park!(..., run_action = true)</tt> - Fires the "park" event, # transitioning from the current state to the next valid state. If the # transition fails, then a StateMachines::InvalidTransition error will be # raised. If the last argument is a boolean, it will control whether the # machine's action gets run. # * <tt>can_park?(requirements = {})</tt> - Checks whether the "park" event # can be fired given the current state of the object. This will *not* run # validations or callbacks in ORM integrations. It will only determine if # the state machine defines a valid transition for the event. To check # whether an event can fire *and* passes validations, use event attributes # (e.g. state_event) as described in the "Events" documentation of each # ORM integration. # * <tt>park_transition(requirements = {})</tt> - Gets the next transition # that would be performed if the "park" event were to be fired now on the # object or nil if no transitions can be performed. Like <tt>can_park?</tt> # this will also *not* run validations or callbacks. It will only # determine if the state machine defines a valid transition for the event. # # With a namespace of "car", the above names map to the following methods: # * <tt>can_park_car?</tt> # * <tt>park_car_transition</tt> # * <tt>park_car</tt> # * <tt>park_car!</tt> # # The <tt>can_park?</tt> and <tt>park_transition</tt> helpers both take an # optional set of requirements for determining what transitions are available # for the current object. These requirements include: # * <tt>:from</tt> - One or more states to transition from. If none are # specified, then this will be the object's current state. # * <tt>:to</tt> - One or more states to transition to. If none are # specified, then this will match any to state. # * <tt>:guard</tt> - Whether to guard transitions with the if/unless # conditionals defined for each one. Default is true. # # == Defining transitions # # +event+ requires a block which allows you to define the possible # transitions that can happen as a result of that event. For example, # # event :park, :stop do # transition :idling => :parked # end # # event :first_gear do # transition :parked => :first_gear, :if => :seatbelt_on? # transition :parked => same # Allow to loopback if seatbelt is off # end # # See StateMachines::Event#transition for more information on # the possible options that can be passed in. # # *Note* that this block is executed within the context of the actual event # object. As a result, you will not be able to reference any class methods # on the model without referencing the class itself. For example, # # class Vehicle # def self.safe_states # [:parked, :idling, :stalled] # end # # state_machine do # event :park do # transition Vehicle.safe_states => :parked # end # end # end # # == Overriding the event method # # By default, this will define an instance method (with the same name as the # event) that will fire the next possible transition for that. Although the # +before_transition+, +after_transition+, and +around_transition+ hooks # allow you to define behavior that gets executed as a result of the event's # transition, you can also override the event method in order to have a # little more fine-grained control. # # For example: # # class Vehicle # state_machine do # event :park do # ... # end # end # # def park(*) # take_deep_breath # Executes before the transition (and before_transition hooks) even if no transition is possible # if result = super # Runs the transition and all before/after/around hooks # applaud # Executes after the transition (and after_transition hooks) # end # result # end # end # # There are a few important things to note here. First, the method # signature is defined with an unlimited argument list in order to allow # callers to continue passing arguments that are expected by state_machine. # For example, it will still allow calls to +park+ with a single parameter # for skipping the configured action. # # Second, the overridden event method must call +super+ in order to run the # logic for running the next possible transition. In order to remain # consistent with other events, the result of +super+ is returned. # # Third, any behavior defined in this method will *not* get executed if # you're taking advantage of attribute-based event transitions. For example: # # vehicle = # vehicle.state_event = 'park' # # # In this case, the +park+ event will run the before/after/around transition # hooks and transition the state, but the behavior defined in the overriden # +park+ method will *not* be executed. # # == Defining additional arguments # # Additional arguments can be passed into events and accessed by transition # hooks like so: # # class Vehicle # state_machine do # after_transition :on => :park do |vehicle, transition| # kind = *transition.args # :parallel # ... # end # after_transition :on => :park, :do => :take_deep_breath # # event :park do # ... # end # # def take_deep_breath(transition) # kind = *transition.args # :parallel # ... # end # end # end # # vehicle = # vehicle.park(:parallel) # # *Remember* that if the last argument is a boolean, it will be used as the # +run_action+ parameter to the event action. Using the +park+ action # example from above, you can might call it like so: # # vehicle.park # => Uses default args and runs machine action # vehicle.park(:parallel) # => Specifies the +kind+ argument and runs the machine action # vehicle.park(:parallel, false) # => Specifies the +kind+ argument and *skips* the machine action # # If you decide to override the +park+ event method *and* define additional # arguments, you can do so as shown below: # # class Vehicle # state_machine do # event :park do # ... # end # end # # def park(kind = :parallel, *args) # take_deep_breath if kind == :parallel # super # end # end # # Note that +super+ is called instead of <tt>super(*args)</tt>. This allow # the entire arguments list to be accessed by transition callbacks through # StateMachines::Transition#args. # # === Using matchers # # The +all+ / +any+ matchers can be used to easily execute blocks for a # group of events. Note, however, that you cannot use these matchers to # set configurations for events. Blocks using these matchers can be # defined at any point in the state machine and will always get applied to # the proper events. # # For example: # # state_machine :initial => :parked do # ... # # event all - [:crash] do # transition :stalled => :parked # end # end # # == Example # # class Vehicle # state_machine do # # The park, stop, and halt events will all share the given transitions # event :park, :stop, :halt do # transition [:idling, :backing_up] => :parked # end # # event :stop do # transition :first_gear => :idling # end # # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # transition :idling => same # Allow ignite while still idling # end # end # end def event(*names, &block) options = names.last.is_a?(Hash) ? names.pop : {} options.assert_valid_keys(:human_name) # Store the context so that it can be used for / matched against any event # that gets added @events.context(names, &block) if block_given? if names.first.is_a?(Matcher) # Add any events referenced in the matcher. When matchers are used, # events are not allowed to be configured. raise ArgumentError, "Cannot configure events when using matchers (using #{options.inspect})" if options.any? events = add_events(names.first.values) else events = add_events(names) # Update the configuration for the event(s) events.each do |event| event.human_name = options[:human_name] if options.include?(:human_name) # Add any states that may have been referenced within the event add_states(event.known_states) end end events.length == 1 ? events.first : events end alias_method :on, :event # Creates a new transition that determines what to change the current state # to when an event fires. # # == Defining transitions # # The options for a new transition uses the Hash syntax to map beginning # states to ending states. For example, # # transition :parked => :idling, :idling => :first_gear, :on => :ignite # # In this case, when the +ignite+ event is fired, this transition will cause # the state to be +idling+ if it's current state is +parked+ or +first_gear+ # if it's current state is +idling+. # # To help define these implicit transitions, a set of helpers are available # for slightly more complex matching: # * <tt>all</tt> - Matches every state in the machine # * <tt>all - [:parked, :idling, ...]</tt> - Matches every state except those specified # * <tt>any</tt> - An alias for +all+ (matches every state in the machine) # * <tt>same</tt> - Matches the same state being transitioned from # # See StateMachines::MatcherHelpers for more information. # # Examples: # # transition all => nil, :on => :ignite # Transitions to nil regardless of the current state # transition all => :idling, :on => :ignite # Transitions to :idling regardless of the current state # transition all - [:idling, :first_gear] => :idling, :on => :ignite # Transitions every state but :idling and :first_gear to :idling # transition nil => :idling, :on => :ignite # Transitions to :idling from the nil state # transition :parked => :idling, :on => :ignite # Transitions to :idling if :parked # transition [:parked, :stalled] => :idling, :on => :ignite # Transitions to :idling if :parked or :stalled # # transition :parked => same, :on => :park # Loops :parked back to :parked # transition [:parked, :stalled] => same, :on => [:park, :stall] # Loops either :parked or :stalled back to the same state on the park and stall events # transition all - :parked => same, :on => :noop # Loops every state but :parked back to the same state # # # Transitions to :idling if :parked, :first_gear if :idling, or :second_gear if :first_gear # transition :parked => :idling, :idling => :first_gear, :first_gear => :second_gear, :on => :shift_up # # == Verbose transitions # # Transitions can also be defined use an explicit set of configuration # options: # * <tt>:from</tt> - A state or array of states that can be transitioned from. # If not specified, then the transition can occur for *any* state. # * <tt>:to</tt> - The state that's being transitioned to. If not specified, # then the transition will simply loop back (i.e. the state will not change). # * <tt>:except_from</tt> - A state or array of states that *cannot* be # transitioned from. # # These options must be used when defining transitions within the context # of a state. # # Examples: # # transition :to => nil, :on => :park # transition :to => :idling, :on => :ignite # transition :except_from => [:idling, :first_gear], :to => :idling, :on => :ignite # transition :from => nil, :to => :idling, :on => :ignite # transition :from => [:parked, :stalled], :to => :idling, :on => :ignite # # == Conditions # # In addition to the state requirements for each transition, a condition # can also be defined to help determine whether that transition is # available. These options will work on both the normal and verbose syntax. # # Configuration options: # * <tt>:if</tt> - A method, proc or string to call to determine if the # transition should occur (e.g. :if => :moving?, or :if => lambda {|vehicle| vehicle.speed > 60}). # The condition should return or evaluate to true or false. # * <tt>:unless</tt> - A method, proc or string to call to determine if the # transition should not occur (e.g. :unless => :stopped?, or :unless => lambda {|vehicle| vehicle.speed <= 60}). # The condition should return or evaluate to true or false. # # Examples: # # transition :parked => :idling, :on => :ignite, :if => :moving? # transition :parked => :idling, :on => :ignite, :unless => :stopped? # transition :idling => :first_gear, :first_gear => :second_gear, :on => :shift_up, :if => :seatbelt_on? # # transition :from => :parked, :to => :idling, :on => ignite, :if => :moving? # transition :from => :parked, :to => :idling, :on => ignite, :unless => :stopped? # # == Order of operations # # Transitions are evaluated in the order in which they're defined. As a # result, if more than one transition applies to a given object, then the # first transition that matches will be performed. def transition(options) raise ArgumentError, 'Must specify :on event' unless options[:on] branches = [] options = options.dup event(*Array(options.delete(:on))) { branches << transition(options) } branches.length == 1 ? branches.first : branches end # Creates a callback that will be invoked *before* a transition is # performed so long as the given requirements match the transition. # # == The callback # # Callbacks must be defined as either an argument, in the :do option, or # as a block. For example, # # class Vehicle # state_machine do # before_transition :set_alarm # before_transition :set_alarm, all => :parked # before_transition all => :parked, :do => :set_alarm # before_transition all => :parked do |vehicle, transition| # vehicle.set_alarm # end # ... # end # end # # Notice that the first three callbacks are the same in terms of how the # methods to invoke are defined. However, using the <tt>:do</tt> can # provide for a more fluid DSL. # # In addition, multiple callbacks can be defined like so: # # class Vehicle # state_machine do # before_transition :set_alarm, :lock_doors, all => :parked # before_transition all => :parked, :do => [:set_alarm, :lock_doors] # before_transition :set_alarm do |vehicle, transition| # vehicle.lock_doors # end # end # end # # Notice that the different ways of configuring methods can be mixed. # # == State requirements # # Callbacks can require that the machine be transitioning from and to # specific states. These requirements use a Hash syntax to map beginning # states to ending states. For example, # # before_transition :parked => :idling, :idling => :first_gear, :do => :set_alarm # # In this case, the +set_alarm+ callback will only be called if the machine # is transitioning from +parked+ to +idling+ or from +idling+ to +parked+. # # To help define state requirements, a set of helpers are available for # slightly more complex matching: # * <tt>all</tt> - Matches every state/event in the machine # * <tt>all - [:parked, :idling, ...]</tt> - Matches every state/event except those specified # * <tt>any</tt> - An alias for +all+ (matches every state/event in the machine) # * <tt>same</tt> - Matches the same state being transitioned from # # See StateMachines::MatcherHelpers for more information. # # Examples: # # before_transition :parked => [:idling, :first_gear], :do => ... # Matches from parked to idling or first_gear # before_transition all - [:parked, :idling] => :idling, :do => ... # Matches from every state except parked and idling to idling # before_transition all => :parked, :do => ... # Matches all states to parked # before_transition any => same, :do => ... # Matches every loopback # # == Event requirements # # In addition to state requirements, an event requirement can be defined so # that the callback is only invoked on specific events using the +on+ # option. This can also use the same matcher helpers as the state # requirements. # # Examples: # # before_transition :on => :ignite, :do => ... # Matches only on ignite # before_transition :on => all - :ignite, :do => ... # Matches on every event except ignite # before_transition :parked => :idling, :on => :ignite, :do => ... # Matches from parked to idling on ignite # # == Verbose Requirements # # Requirements can also be defined using verbose options rather than the # implicit Hash syntax and helper methods described above. # # Configuration options: # * <tt>:from</tt> - One or more states being transitioned from. If none # are specified, then all states will match. # * <tt>:to</tt> - One or more states being transitioned to. If none are # specified, then all states will match. # * <tt>:on</tt> - One or more events that fired the transition. If none # are specified, then all events will match. # * <tt>:except_from</tt> - One or more states *not* being transitioned from # * <tt>:except_to</tt> - One more states *not* being transitioned to # * <tt>:except_on</tt> - One or more events that *did not* fire the transition # # Examples: # # before_transition :from => :ignite, :to => :idling, :on => :park, :do => ... # before_transition :except_from => :ignite, :except_to => :idling, :except_on => :park, :do => ... # # == Conditions # # In addition to the state/event requirements, a condition can also be # defined to help determine whether the callback should be invoked. # # Configuration options: # * <tt>:if</tt> - A method, proc or string to call to determine if the # callback should occur (e.g. :if => :allow_callbacks, or # :if => lambda {|user| user.signup_step > 2}). The method, proc or string # should return or evaluate to a true or false value. # * <tt>:unless</tt> - A method, proc or string to call to determine if the # callback should not occur (e.g. :unless => :skip_callbacks, or # :unless => lambda {|user| user.signup_step <= 2}). The method, proc or # string should return or evaluate to a true or false value. # # Examples: # # before_transition :parked => :idling, :if => :moving?, :do => ... # before_transition :on => :ignite, :unless => :seatbelt_on?, :do => ... # # == Accessing the transition # # In addition to passing the object being transitioned, the actual # transition describing the context (e.g. event, from, to) can be accessed # as well. This additional argument is only passed if the callback allows # for it. # # For example, # # class Vehicle # # Only specifies one parameter (the object being transitioned) # before_transition all => :parked do |vehicle| # vehicle.set_alarm # end # # # Specifies 2 parameters (object being transitioned and actual transition) # before_transition all => :parked do |vehicle, transition| # vehicle.set_alarm(transition) # end # end # # *Note* that the object in the callback will only be passed in as an # argument if callbacks are configured to *not* be bound to the object # involved. This is the default and may change on a per-integration basis. # # See StateMachines::Transition for more information about the # attributes available on the transition. # # == Usage with delegates # # As noted above, state_machine uses the callback method's argument list # arity to determine whether to include the transition in the method call. # If you're using delegates, such as those defined in ActiveSupport or # Forwardable, the actual arity of the delegated method gets masked. This # means that callbacks which reference delegates will always get passed the # transition as an argument. For example: # # class Vehicle # extend Forwardable # delegate :refresh => :dashboard # # state_machine do # before_transition :refresh # ... # end # # def dashboard # @dashboard ||= # end # end # # class Dashboard # def refresh(transition) # # ... # end # end # # In the above example, <tt>Dashboard#refresh</tt> *must* defined a # +transition+ argument. Otherwise, an +ArgumentError+ exception will get # raised. The only way around this is to avoid the use of delegates and # manually define the delegate method so that the correct arity is used. # # == Examples # # Below is an example of a class with one state machine and various types # of +before+ transitions defined for it: # # class Vehicle # state_machine do # # Before all transitions # before_transition :update_dashboard # # # Before specific transition: # before_transition [:first_gear, :idling] => :parked, :on => :park, :do => :take_off_seatbelt # # # With conditional callback: # before_transition all => :parked, :do => :take_off_seatbelt, :if => :seatbelt_on? # # # Using helpers: # before_transition all - :stalled => same, :on => any - :crash, :do => :update_dashboard # ... # end # end # # As can be seen, any number of transitions can be created using various # combinations of configuration options. def before_transition(*args, &block) options = (args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}) options[:do] = args if args.any? add_callback(:before, options, &block) end # Creates a callback that will be invoked *after* a transition is # performed so long as the given requirements match the transition. # # See +before_transition+ for a description of the possible configurations # for defining callbacks. def after_transition(*args, &block) options = (args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}) options[:do] = args if args.any? add_callback(:after, options, &block) end # Creates a callback that will be invoked *around* a transition so long as # the given requirements match the transition. # # == The callback # # Around callbacks wrap transitions, executing code both before and after. # These callbacks are defined in the exact same manner as before / after # callbacks with the exception that the transition must be yielded to in # order to finish running it. # # If defining +around+ callbacks using blocks, you must yield within the # transition by directly calling the block (since yielding is not allowed # within blocks). # # For example, # # class Vehicle # state_machine do # around_transition do |block| # Benchmark.measure { } # end # # around_transition do |vehicle, block| # "vehicle was #{state}..." # # "...and is now #{state}" # end # # around_transition do |vehicle, transition, block| # "before #{transition.event}: #{vehicle.state}" # # "after #{transition.event}: #{vehicle.state}" # end # end # end # # Notice that referencing the block is similar to doing so within an # actual method definition in that it is always the last argument. # # On the other hand, if you're defining +around+ callbacks using method # references, you can yield like normal: # # class Vehicle # state_machine do # around_transition :benchmark # ... # end # # def benchmark # Benchmark.measure { yield } # end # end # # See +before_transition+ for a description of the possible configurations # for defining callbacks. def around_transition(*args, &block) options = (args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}) options[:do] = args if args.any? add_callback(:around, options, &block) end # Creates a callback that will be invoked *after* a transition failures to # be performed so long as the given requirements match the transition. # # See +before_transition+ for a description of the possible configurations # for defining callbacks. *Note* however that you cannot define the state # requirements in these callbacks. You may only define event requirements. # # = The callback # # Failure callbacks get invoked whenever an event fails to execute. This # can happen when no transition is available, a +before+ callback halts # execution, or the action associated with this machine fails to succeed. # In any of these cases, any failure callback that matches the attempted # transition will be run. # # For example, # # class Vehicle # state_machine do # after_failure do |vehicle, transition| # logger.error "vehicle #{vehicle} failed to transition on #{transition.event}" # end # # after_failure :on => :ignite, :do => :log_ignition_failure # # ... # end # end def after_failure(*args, &block) options = (args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}) options[:do] = args if args.any? options.assert_valid_keys(:on, :do, :if, :unless) add_callback(:failure, options, &block) end # Generates a list of the possible transition sequences that can be run on # the given object. These paths can reveal all of the possible states and # events that can be encountered in the object's state machine based on the # object's current state. # # Configuration options: # * +from+ - The initial state to start all paths from. By default, this # is the object's current state. # * +to+ - The target state to end all paths on. By default, paths will # end when they loop back to the first transition on the path. # * +deep+ - Whether to allow the target state to be crossed more than once # in a path. By default, paths will immediately stop when the target # state (if specified) is reached. If this is enabled, then paths can # continue even after reaching the target state; they will stop when # reaching the target state a second time. # # *Note* that the object is never modified when the list of paths is # generated. # # == Examples # # class Vehicle # state_machine :initial => :parked do # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # # event :shift_up do # transition :idling => :first_gear, :first_gear => :second_gear # end # # event :shift_down do # transition :second_gear => :first_gear, :first_gear => :idling # end # end # end # # vehicle = # => #<Vehicle:0xb7c27024 @state="parked"> # vehicle.state # => "parked" # # vehicle.state_paths # # => [ # # [#<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:ignite from="parked" from_name=:parked to="idling" to_name=:idling>, # # #<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:shift_up from="idling" from_name=:idling to="first_gear" to_name=:first_gear>, # # #<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:shift_up from="first_gear" from_name=:first_gear to="second_gear" to_name=:second_gear>, # # #<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:shift_down from="second_gear" from_name=:second_gear to="first_gear" to_name=:first_gear>, # # #<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:shift_down from="first_gear" from_name=:first_gear to="idling" to_name=:idling>], # # # # [#<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:ignite from="parked" from_name=:parked to="idling" to_name=:idling>, # # #<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:shift_up from="idling" from_name=:idling to="first_gear" to_name=:first_gear>, # # #<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:shift_down from="first_gear" from_name=:first_gear to="idling" to_name=:idling>] # # ] # # vehicle.state_paths(:from => :parked, :to => :second_gear) # # => [ # # [#<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:ignite from="parked" from_name=:parked to="idling" to_name=:idling>, # # #<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:shift_up from="idling" from_name=:idling to="first_gear" to_name=:first_gear>, # # #<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:shift_up from="first_gear" from_name=:first_gear to="second_gear" to_name=:second_gear>] # # ] # # In addition to getting the possible paths that can be accessed, you can # also get summary information about the states / events that can be # accessed at some point along one of the paths. For example: # # # Get the list of states that can be accessed from the current state # vehicle.state_paths.to_states # => [:idling, :first_gear, :second_gear] # # # Get the list of events that can be accessed from the current state # # => [:ignite, :shift_up, :shift_down] def paths_for(object, requirements = {}), self, requirements) end # Marks the given object as invalid with the given message. # # By default, this is a no-op. def invalidate(_object, _attribute, _message, _values = []) end # Gets a description of the errors for the given object. This is used to # provide more detailed information when an InvalidTransition exception is # raised. def errors_for(_object) '' end # Resets any errors previously added when invalidating the given object. # # By default, this is a no-op. def reset(_object) end # Generates the message to use when invalidating the given object after # failing to transition on a specific event def generate_message(name, values = []) message = (@messages[name] || self.class.default_messages[name]) # Check whether there are actually any values to interpolate to avoid # any warnings if message.scan(/%./).any? { |match| match != '%%' } message % { |value| value.last } else message end end # Runs a transaction, rolling back any changes if the yielded block fails. # # This is only applicable to integrations that involve databases. By # default, this will not run any transactions since the changes aren't # taking place within the context of a database. def within_transaction(object) if use_transactions transaction(object) { yield } else yield end end def draw(*) fail NotImplementedError end # Determines whether an action hook was defined for firing attribute-based # event transitions when the configured action gets called. def action_hook?(self_only = false) @action_hook_defined || !self_only && owner_class.state_machines.any? { |name, machine| machine.action == action && machine != self && machine.action_hook?(true) } end protected # Runs additional initialization hooks. By default, this is a no-op. def after_initialize end # Looks up other machines that have been defined in the owner class and # are targeting the same attribute as this machine. When accessing # sibling machines, they will be automatically copied for the current # class if they haven't been already. This ensures that any configuration # changes made to the sibling machines only affect this class and not any # base class that may have originally defined the machine. def sibling_machines owner_class.state_machines.inject([]) do |machines, (name, machine)| if machine.attribute == attribute && machine != self machines << (owner_class.state_machine(name) {}) end machines end end # Determines if the machine's attribute needs to be initialized. This # will only be true if the machine's attribute is blank. def initialize_state?(object) value = read(object, :state) (value.nil? || value.respond_to?(:empty?) && value.empty?) && !states[value, :value] end # Adds helper methods for interacting with the state machine, including # for states, events, and transitions def define_helpers define_state_accessor define_state_predicate define_event_helpers define_path_helpers define_action_helpers if define_action_helpers? define_name_helpers end # Defines the initial values for state machine attributes. Static values # are set prior to the original initialize method and dynamic values are # set *after* the initialize method in case it is dependent on it. def define_state_initializer define_helper :instance, <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def initialize(*) self.class.state_machines.initialize_states(self) { super } end end_eval end # Adds reader/writer methods for accessing the state attribute def define_state_accessor attribute = self.attribute @helper_modules[:instance].class_eval { attr_reader attribute } unless owner_class_ancestor_has_method?(:instance, attribute) @helper_modules[:instance].class_eval { attr_writer attribute } unless owner_class_ancestor_has_method?(:instance, "#{attribute}=") end # Adds predicate method to the owner class for determining the name of the # current state def define_state_predicate call_super = !!owner_class_ancestor_has_method?(:instance, "#{name}?") define_helper :instance, <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}?(*args) args.empty? && (#{call_super} || defined?(super)) ? super : self.class.state_machine(#{name.inspect}).states.matches?(self, *args) end end_eval end # Adds helper methods for getting information about this state machine's # events def define_event_helpers # Gets the events that are allowed to fire on the current object define_helper(:instance, attribute(:events)) do |machine, object, *args|, *args).map { |event| } end # Gets the next possible transitions that can be run on the current # object define_helper(:instance, attribute(:transitions)) do |machine, object, *args|, *args) end # Fire an arbitrary event for this machine define_helper(:instance, "fire_#{attribute(:event)}") do |machine, object, event, *args|, *args) end # Add helpers for tracking the event / transition to invoke when the # action is called if action event_attribute = attribute(:event) define_helper(:instance, event_attribute) do |machine, object| # Interpret non-blank events as present event =, :event, true) event && !(event.respond_to?(:empty?) && event.empty?) ? event.to_sym : nil end # A roundabout way of writing the attribute is used here so that # integrations can hook into this modification define_helper(:instance, "#{event_attribute}=") do |machine, object, value| machine.write(object, :event, value, true) end event_transition_attribute = attribute(:event_transition) define_helper :instance, <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 protected; attr_accessor #{event_transition_attribute.inspect} end_eval end end # Adds helper methods for getting information about this state machine's # available transition paths def define_path_helpers # Gets the paths of transitions available to the current object define_helper(:instance, attribute(:paths)) do |machine, object, *args| machine.paths_for(object, *args) end end # Determines whether action helpers should be defined for this machine. # This is only true if there is an action configured and no other machines # have process this same configuration already. def define_action_helpers? action && !owner_class.state_machines.any? { |name, machine| machine.action == action && machine != self } end # Adds helper methods for automatically firing events when an action # is invoked def define_action_helpers if action_hook @action_hook_defined = true define_action_hook end end # Hooks directly into actions by defining the same method in an included # module. As a result, when the action gets invoked, any state events # defined for the object will get run. Method visibility is preserved. def define_action_hook action_hook = self.action_hook action = self.action private_action_hook = owner_class.private_method_defined?(action_hook) # Only define helper if it hasn't define_helper :instance, <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{action_hook}(*) self.class.state_machines.transitions(self, #{action.inspect}).perform { super } end private #{action_hook.inspect} if #{private_action_hook} end_eval end # The method to hook into for triggering transitions when invoked. By # default, this is the action configured for the machine. # # Since the default hook technique relies on module inheritance, the # action must be defined in an ancestor of the owner classs in order for # it to be the action hook. def action_hook action && owner_class_ancestor_has_method?(:instance, action) ? action : nil end # Determines whether there's already a helper method defined within the # given scope. This is true only if one of the owner's ancestors defines # the method and is further along in the ancestor chain than this # machine's helper module. def owner_class_ancestor_has_method?(scope, method) return false unless owner_class_has_method?(scope, method) superclasses = { |ancestor| ancestor.is_a?(Class) }[1..-1] if scope == :class current = owner_class.singleton_class superclass = superclasses.first else current = owner_class superclass = owner_class.superclass end # Generate the list of modules that *only* occur in the owner class, but # were included *prior* to the helper modules, in addition to the # superclasses ancestors = current.ancestors - superclass.ancestors + superclasses ancestors = ancestors[ancestors.index(@helper_modules[scope])..-1].reverse # Search for for the first ancestor that defined this method ancestors.detect do |ancestor| ancestor = ancestor.singleton_class if scope == :class && ancestor.is_a?(Class) ancestor.method_defined?(method) || ancestor.private_method_defined?(method) end end def owner_class_has_method?(scope, method) target = scope == :class ? owner_class.singleton_class : owner_class target.method_defined?(method) || target.private_method_defined?(method) end # Adds helper methods for accessing naming information about states and # events on the owner class def define_name_helpers # Gets the humanized version of a state define_helper(:class, "human_#{attribute(:name)}") do |machine, klass, state| machine.states.fetch(state).human_name(klass) end # Gets the humanized version of an event define_helper(:class, "human_#{attribute(:event_name)}") do |machine, klass, event| end # Gets the state name for the current value define_helper(:instance, attribute(:name)) do |machine, object| machine.states.match!(object).name end # Gets the human state name for the current value define_helper(:instance, "human_#{attribute(:name)}") do |machine, object| machine.states.match!(object).human_name(object.class) end end # Defines the with/without scope helpers for this attribute. Both the # singular and plural versions of the attribute are defined for each # scope helper. A custom plural can be specified if it cannot be # automatically determined by either calling +pluralize+ on the attribute # name or adding an "s" to the end of the name. def define_scopes(custom_plural = nil) plural = custom_plural || pluralize(name) [:with, :without].each do |kind| [name, plural].map { |s| s.to_s }.uniq.each do |suffix| method = "#{kind}_#{suffix}" if scope = send("create_#{kind}_scope", method) # Converts state names to their corresponding values so that they # can be looked up properly define_helper(:class, method) do |machine, klass, *states| run_scope(scope, machine, klass, states) end end end end end # Generates the results for the given scope based on one or more states to # filter by # Pluralizes the given word using #pluralize (if available) or simply # adding an "s" to the end of the word def pluralize(word) word = word.to_s if word.respond_to?(:pluralize) word.pluralize else "#{name}s" end end # Creates a scope for finding objects *with* a particular value or values # for the attribute. # # By default, this is a no-op. def create_with_scope(name) end # Creates a scope for finding objects *without* a particular value or # values for the attribute. # # By default, this is a no-op. def create_without_scope(name) end # Always yields def transaction(object) yield end # Gets the initial attribute value defined by the owner class (outside of # the machine's definition). By default, this is always nil. def owner_class_attribute_default nil end # Checks whether the given state matches the attribute default specified # by the owner class def owner_class_attribute_default_matches?(state) state.matches?(owner_class_attribute_default) end # Updates this machine based on the configuration of other machines in the # owner class that share the same target attribute. def add_sibling_machine_configs # Add existing states sibling_machines.each do |machine| machine.states.each { |state| states << state unless states[] } end end # Adds a new transition callback of the given type. def add_callback(type, options, &block) callbacks[type == :around ? :before : type] << callback =, options, &block) add_states(callback.known_states) callback end # Tracks the given set of states in the list of all known states for # this machine def add_states(new_states) do |new_state| # Check for other states that use a different class type for their name. # This typically prevents string / symbol misuse. if new_state && conflict = states.detect { |state| && != new_state.class } raise ArgumentError, "#{new_state.inspect} state defined as #{new_state.class}, #{} defined as #{}; all states must be consistent" end unless state = states[new_state] states << state =, new_state) # Copy states over to sibling machines sibling_machines.each { |machine| machine.states << state } end state end end # Tracks the given set of events in the list of all known events for # this machine def add_events(new_events) do |new_event| # Check for other states that use a different class type for their name. # This typically prevents string / symbol misuse. if conflict = events.detect { |event| != new_event.class } raise ArgumentError, "#{new_event.inspect} event defined as #{new_event.class}, #{} defined as #{}; all events must be consistent" end unless event = events[new_event] events << event =, new_event) end event end end end
def search(args = {}) super(args).tap do |result| if result.is_a?(Array)!{ |e| } end end end
Wrapper around Net::LDAP#search, converts Net::LDAP::Entry objects to Cul::LDAP::Entry objects.
class LDAP < Net::LDAP CONFIG_FILENAME = 'cul_ldap.yml' CONFIG_DEFAULTS = { host: '', port: '636', encryption: { method: :simple_tls, tls_options: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS } }.freeze def initialize(options = {}) super(build_config(options)) # All keys have to be symbols. end # LDAP lookup based on UNI. If record could not be found returns nil. # # @param [String] uni # @return [Cul::LDAP::Entry] containing all the ldap information available for the uni given # @return [nil] if record for uni could not be found, or more than one record was found def find_by_uni(uni) entries = search(base: "ou=People,o=Columbia University, c=US", filter: Net::LDAP::Filter.eq("uid", uni)) (entries.count == 1) ? entries.first : nil end # LDAP lookup based on name. # # @param [String] name # @return [Cul::LDAP::Entry] containing the entry matching this name, if it is unique # @return [nil] if record could not be found or if there is more than one match def find_by_name(name) if name.include?(',') name = name.split(',').map(&:strip).reverse.join(" ") end entries = search(base: "ou=People,o=Columbia University, c=US", filter: Net::LDAP::Filter.eq("cn", name)) (entries.count == 1) ? entries.first : nil end # Wrapper around Net::LDAP#search, converts Net::LDAP::Entry objects to # Cul::LDAP::Entry objects. private def build_config(options) config = CONFIG_DEFAULTS.merge(options) credentials = config.fetch(:auth, nil) credentials = nil if !credentials.nil? && credentials.empty? # If rails app fetch credentials using rails code, otherwise read from # cul_ldap.yml if credentials are nil. if credentials.nil? credentials = rails_credentials || credentials_from_file credentials = nil if !credentials.nil? && credentials.empty? end unless credentials.nil? credentials = { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }.to_h credentials[:method] = :simple unless credentials.key?(:method) end config[:auth] = credentials config end def credentials_from_file (File.exist?(CONFIG_FILENAME)) ? YAML.load_file(CONFIG_FILENAME) : nil end def rails_credentials if defined?(Rails.application.config_for) && File.exist?(File.join(Rails.root, 'config', CONFIG_FILENAME)) raise "Missing cul-ldap credentials in config/#{CONFIG_FILENAME}" if Rails.application.config_for(:cul_ldap).empty? Rails.application.config_for(:cul_ldap) else nil end end end
def to_wif(network: nil, public_key_compressed: nil) self, network: network, public_key_compressed: public_key_compressed).to_s end
Converts binary string as a private key to a WIF Base58 format.
module StringExtensions # Converts binary string as a private key to a WIF Base58 format. # Decodes string in WIF format into a binary private key (32 bytes) def from_wif addr = self) addr ? addr.private_key : nil end # Converts binary data into hex string def to_hex BTC.to_hex(self) end # Converts hex string into a binary data def from_hex BTC.from_hex(self) end # Various hash functions def hash256 BTC.hash256(self) end def hash160 BTC.hash160(self) end def sha1 BTC.sha1(self) end def ripemd160 BTC.ripemd160(self) end def sha256 BTC.sha256(self) end def sha512 BTC.sha512(self) end end
def pools pool = [] index = 0 while index < @datas.count index += 1 data = DHCPParser::Conf.get_pool(@datas["net#{index}"]) i = 0 tmp_hash = {} while i < data["hosts"].count i += 1 tmp_hash["#{i}"] = data["hosts"]["host#{i}"] end pool << tmp_hash end return pool end
Get pool
class Conf attr_accessor :datas # Function constructor of DHCP def initialize(path) @datas = DHCPParser::Conf.read_file(path) @array_net = [] end # Read file config return Net. Net is hash def self.read_file(path) str = "" count = 0 counter = 0 object = begin if path.nil? || path.empty? path = "#{Gem.default_path[1]}/gems/dhcp_parser-#{DhcpParser::VERSION}/examples/default_dhcp.conf" # path = "../examples/default_dhcp.conf" end file ="#{path}", "r") while (line = file.gets) if !line.eql?("\n") && !line.eql?("") element = line.strip.split if !element.include?("#") # Set new net if counter == 0 count += 1 checkoption = false checkhost = false checkpool = true checksub = true object["net#{count}"] = { "subnet" => "", "option" => "", "pool" => "" } end # Filter subnet last = line.strip.slice(-1,1) checkoption = true if !checksub checkhost = true if !checkpool checkpool = true if if last.eql?("{") counter -= 1 if counter == -1 object["net#{count}"]["subnet"] = line.gsub("\{\n","") checksub = false end if counter == -2 checkpool = false end elsif last.eql?("}") counter += 1 end # Get data if counter == -1 && checkoption object["net#{count}"]["option"] = object["net#{count}"]["option"] + "#{line}" elsif checkhost object["net#{count}"]["pool"] = object["net#{count}"]["pool"] + "#{line}" end end end end file.close rescue => err puts "Exception: #{err}" err end return object end # Get subnet and netmask def self.get_sub_mask(subnet) if subnet.nil? return false else array = subnet["subnet"].split address = { "#{array[0]}" => array[1], "#{array[2]}" => array[3] } end end def self.get_subnet(subnet) if subnet.nil? return false else array = subnet["subnet"].split address = array[1] end end def self.get_netmask(subnet) if subnet.nil? return false else array = subnet["subnet"].split address = array[3] end end def self.get_authoritative(subnet) if subnet.nil? return false else authori = DHCPParser::Conf.get_list_option(subnet) if !authori["authoritative"].nil? return true else return false end end end # Get all config option of subnet def self.get_list_option(subnet, condition = false) if subnet.nil? return false else option = {} differ = {} i = 0 line_number = subnet["option"].lines.count if !condition while i < line_number do if !subnet["option"].lines[i].strip.eql?("") substring = subnet["option"].lines[i].gsub("\;","") array = substring.split if array.include?("option") option["#{array[1]}"] = "#{array[2]}" elsif array.include?("authoritative") option["#{array[0]}"] = true else option["#{array[0]}"] = "#{array[1]}" end end i += 1 end # Delete trash element option.delete("}") return option else while i < line_number do if !subnet["option"].lines[i].strip.eql?("") substring = subnet["option"].lines[i].gsub("\;","") array = substring.split if array.include?("option") option["#{array[1]}"] = "#{array[2]}" elsif array.include?("authoritative") differ["#{array[0]}"] = true else differ["#{array[0]}"] = "#{array[1]}" end end i += 1 end # Delete trash element differ.delete("}") return [option, differ] end end end # Get host. Host is Hash def self.get_pool(subnet) if subnet.nil? return false else pool = { "hosts" => {} } count = 0 counter = 0 check_first = true checkhost = true i = 0 line_number = subnet["pool"].lines.count lines = subnet["pool"].lines while i < line_number do if !lines[i].eql?("\n") line = lines[i].gsub("\n","") # valid block last = line.strip.slice(-1,1) if last.eql?("{") check_first = false count += 1 counter -= 1 pool["hosts"]["host#{count}"] = {} if counter == -1 item = line.split pool["hosts"]["host#{count}"]["#{item[0]}"] = item [1] checkhost = false end elsif last.eql?("}") counter += 1 end # Create new host if counter == 0 && !line.eql?("}") if check_first substring = line.gsub("\;","") item = substring.split if item.include?("range") pool["#{item[0]}"] = { "min" => item[1], "max" => item[2] } else pool["#{item[0]}"] = item[1] end end end # Get data if !checkhost substring = line.gsub("\;","") item = substring.split if item.include?("hardware") pool["hosts"]["host#{count}"]["#{item[0]}_#{item[1]}"] = item[2] else pool["hosts"]["host#{count}"]["#{item[0]}"] = item[1] end end end i += 1 end # Delete trash element [*1..count].each do |i| pool["hosts"]["host#{i}"].tap {|key| key.delete("}") } end return pool end end # Get list subnet def subnets subnet = [] index = 0 while index < @datas.count index += 1 subnet << DHCPParser::Conf.get_subnet(@datas["net#{index}"]) end return subnet end # Get list netmask def netmasks netmask = [] index = 0 while index < @datas.count index += 1 netmask << DHCPParser::Conf.get_netmask(@datas["net#{index}"]) end return netmask end # Get list option def options option = [] index = 0 while index < @datas.count index += 1 option << DHCPParser::Conf.get_list_option(@datas["net#{index}"]) end return option end # Get value authoritative def authoritative authori = [] index = 0 while index < @datas.count index += 1 authori << DHCPParser::Conf.get_authoritative(@datas["net#{index}"]) end return authori end # Get pool # Get range def ranges range = [] index = 0 while index < @datas.count index += 1 data = DHCPParser::Conf.get_pool(@datas["net#{index}"]) range << "#{data["range"]["min"]} #{data["range"]["max"]}" end return range end # Get allow def allow allow = [] index = 0 while index < @datas.count index += 1 data = DHCPParser::Conf.get_pool(@datas["net#{index}"]) if !data["allow"].nil? allow << data["allow"] end end return allow end # Get allow def denny denny = [] index = 0 while index < @datas.count index += 1 data = DHCPParser::Conf.get_pool(@datas["net#{index}"]) if !data["denny"].nil? denny << data["denny"] end end return denny end # Return data in file def data @datas end # Set data in object def net i = 0 while i < @datas.count i += 1 new_net = new_net.subnet = DHCPParser::Conf.get_subnet(@datas["net#{i}"]) new_net.netmask = DHCPParser::Conf.get_netmask(@datas["net#{i}"]) list_option = DHCPParser::Conf.get_list_option(@datas["net#{i}"], true) new_net.option = list_option[0] new_net.differ = list_option[1] pool = DHCPParser::Conf.get_pool(@datas["net#{i}"]) new_net.pool["range"] = pool["range"] new_net.pool["allow"] = pool["allow"] new_net.pool["denny"] = pool["denny"] # set host index = 0 while index < pool["hosts"].count index += 1 host_name = pool["hosts"]["host#{index}"]["host"] ethernet = pool["hosts"]["host#{index}"]["hardware_ethernet"] address = pool["hosts"]["host#{index}"]["fixed-address"] host =, ethernet, address) new_net.pool["hosts"] << host end @array_net << new_net end return @array_net end # Write file def write_file_conf(file_name, arr_net, condition) if !arr_net.empty? result = WriteConf.write_file_conf(file_name, arr_net, condition) end end # Convert xml def to_xml(arr_net) xml = XMLConvert.to_xml(arr_net) end # Write file xml def write_file_xml(file_name, xml_string) result = XMLConvert.write_file_xml(file_name, xml_string) end end
def parse_doc(p, pos) tag = p.standard_tag({:tagname => :type, :type => true, :optional => true}) tag[:type] = curlyless_type(p) unless tag[:type] tag end
matches @type {type} or @type type The presence of @type implies that we are dealing with property. ext-doc allows type name to be either inside curly braces or without them at all.
class Type < Tag def initialize @pattern = "type" @tagname = :type # We don't really care about the position as we don't output any # HTML. We just need to set this up to do the formatting. @html_position = POS_DOC end # matches @type {type} or @type type # # The presence of @type implies that we are dealing with property. # ext-doc allows type name to be either inside curly braces or # without them at all. def curlyless_type(p) p.match(/\S+/) end def process_doc(h, tags, pos) h[:type] = tags[0][:type] unless h[:type] end def format(m, formatter) m[:html_type] = formatter.format_type(m[:type]) end end
def next_node(node) return unless node siblings = node.parent ? node.parent.children : [node] next_sibling = siblings[siblings.index(node) + 1] if siblings.count > 1 return next_sibling if next_sibling next_node(node.parent) end
Gets the next node following this node, ascending up the ancestor chain recursively if this node has no siblings. @param node [HamlLint::Tree::Node] @return [HamlLint::Tree::Node,nil]
class Linter include HamlVisitor # List of lints reported by this linter. # # @todo Remove once spec/support/shared_linter_context returns an array of # lints for the subject instead of the linter itself. attr_reader :lints # Initializes a linter with the specified configuration. # # @param config [Hash] configuration for this linter def initialize(config) @config = config @lints = [] end # Runs the linter against the given Haml document. # # @param document [HamlLint::Document] def run(document) @document = document @lints = [] visit(document.tree) @lints rescue Parser::SyntaxError => e location = e.diagnostic.location @lints <<, document.file, location.line, e.to_s, :error ) end # Returns the simple name for this linter. # # @return [String] def name'::').last end private attr_reader :config, :document # Record a lint for reporting back to the user. # # @param node [#line] node to extract the line number from # @param message [String] error/warning to display to the user def record_lint(node, message) @lints <<, @document.file, node.line, message, config.fetch('severity', :warning).to_sym) end # Parse Ruby code into an abstract syntax tree. # # @return [AST::Node] def parse_ruby(source) @ruby_parser ||= @ruby_parser.parse(source) end # Remove the surrounding double quotes from a string, ignoring any # leading/trailing whitespace. # # @param string [String] # @return [String] stripped with leading/trailing double quotes removed. def strip_surrounding_quotes(string) string[/\A\s*"(.*)"\s*\z/, 1] end # Returns whether a string contains any interpolation. # # @param string [String] # @return [true,false] def contains_interpolation?(string) return false unless string Haml::Util.contains_interpolation?(string) end # Returns whether this tag node has inline script, e.g. is of the form # %tag= ... # # @param tag_node [HamlLint::Tree::TagNode] # @return [true,false] def tag_has_inline_script?(tag_node) tag_with_inline_content = tag_with_inline_text(tag_node) return false unless inline_content = inline_node_content(tag_node) return false unless index = tag_with_inline_content.rindex(inline_content) index -= 1 index -= 1 while [' ', '"', "'"].include?(tag_with_inline_content[index]) tag_with_inline_content[index] == '=' end # Returns whether the inline content for a node is a string. # # For example, the following node has a literal string: # # %tag= "A literal #{string}" # # whereas this one does not: # # %tag A literal #{string} # # @param node [HamlLint::Tree::Node] # @return [true,false] def inline_content_is_string?(node) tag_with_inline_content = tag_with_inline_text(node) inline_content = inline_node_content(node) index = tag_with_inline_content.rindex(inline_content) - 1 %w[' "].include?(tag_with_inline_content[index]) end # Get the inline content for this node. # # Inline content is the content that appears inline right after the # tag/script. For example, in the code below... # # %tag Some inline content # # ..."Some inline content" would be the inline content. # # @param node [HamlLint::Tree::Node] # @return [String] def inline_node_content(node) inline_content = node.script if contains_interpolation?(inline_content) strip_surrounding_quotes(inline_content) else inline_content end end # Gets the next node following this node, ascending up the ancestor chain # recursively if this node has no siblings. # # @param node [HamlLint::Tree::Node] # @return [HamlLint::Tree::Node,nil] # Returns the line of the "following node" (child of this node or sibling or # the last line in the file). # # @param node [HamlLint::Tree::Node] def following_node_line(node) [ [node.children.first, next_node(node)], @document.source_lines.count + 1, ].flatten.min end # Extracts all text for a tag node and normalizes it, including additional # lines following commas or multiline bar indicators ('|') # # @param tag_node [HamlLine::Tree::TagNode] # @return [String] source code of original parse node def tag_with_inline_text(tag_node) # Normalize each of the lines to ignore the multiline bar (|) and # excess whitespace @document.source_lines[(tag_node.line - 1)...(following_node_line(tag_node) - 1)] .map do |line| line.strip.gsub(/\|\z/, '').rstrip end.join(' ') end end
def generate_rucaptcha res = RuCaptcha.generate() session_val = { code: res[0], time: } RuCaptcha.cache.write(rucaptcha_sesion_key_key, session_val, expires_in: RuCaptcha.config.expires_in) res[1] end
Generate a new Captcha
module ControllerHelpers extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do helper_method :verify_rucaptcha? end # session key of rucaptcha def rucaptcha_sesion_key_key session_id = session.respond_to?(:id) ? : session[:session_id] warning_when_session_invalid if session_id.blank? ['rucaptcha-session', session_id].join(':') end # Generate a new Captcha # Verify captcha code # # params: # resource - [optional] a ActiveModel object, if given will add validation error message to object. # :keep_session - if true, RuCaptcha will not delete the captcha code session. # :captcha - if given, the value of it will be used to verify the captcha, # if do not give or blank, the value of params[:_rucaptcha] will be used to verify the captcha # # exmaples: # # verify_rucaptcha? # verify_rucaptcha?(user, keep_session: true) # verify_rucaptcha?(nil, keep_session: true) # verify_rucaptcha?(nil, captcha: params[:user][:captcha]) # def verify_rucaptcha?(resource = nil, opts = {}) opts ||= {} store_info = # make sure move used key RuCaptcha.cache.delete(rucaptcha_sesion_key_key) unless opts[:keep_session] # Make sure session exist if store_info.blank? return add_rucaptcha_validation_error end # Make sure not expire if ( - store_info[:time]) > RuCaptcha.config.expires_in return add_rucaptcha_validation_error end # Make sure parama have captcha captcha = (opts[:captcha] || params[:_rucaptcha] || '').downcase.strip if captcha.blank? return add_rucaptcha_validation_error end if captcha != store_info[:code] return add_rucaptcha_validation_error end true end private def add_rucaptcha_validation_error if defined?(resource) && resource && resource.respond_to?(:errors) resource.errors.add(:base, t('rucaptcha.invalid')) end false end def warning_when_session_invalid Rails.logger.warn " WARNING! The is blank, RuCaptcha can't work properly, please keep session available. More details about this: " end end
def add_recipient(recipient_type, address, variables = nil) # send the message when we have 1000, not before send_message if @counters[:recipients][recipient_type] == Mailgun::Chains::MAX_RECIPIENTS compiled_address = parse_address(address, variables) set_multi_complex(recipient_type, compiled_address) store_recipient_variables(recipient_type, address, variables) if recipient_type != :from @counters[:recipients][recipient_type] += 1 if @counters[:recipients].key?(recipient_type) end
Public: Creates a new BatchMessage object. Adds a specific type of recipient to the batch message object. @param [String] recipient_type The type of recipient. "to". @param [String] address The email address of the recipient to add to the message object. @param [Hash] variables A hash of the variables associated with the recipient. We recommend "first" and "last" at a minimum! @return [void]
class BatchMessage < MessageBuilder attr_reader :message_ids, :domain, :recipient_variables # Public: Creates a new BatchMessage object. def initialize(client, domain) @client = client @recipient_variables = {} @domain = domain @message_ids = {} @message = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } @counters = { recipients: { to: 0, cc: 0, bcc: 0 }, attributes: { attachment: 0, campaign_id: 0, custom_option: 0, tag: 0 } } end # Adds a specific type of recipient to the batch message object. # # @param [String] recipient_type The type of recipient. "to". # @param [String] address The email address of the recipient to add to the message object. # @param [Hash] variables A hash of the variables associated with the recipient. We recommend "first" and "last" at a minimum! # @return [void] # Always call this function after adding recipients. If less than 1000 are added, # this function will ensure the batch is sent. # # @return [Hash] A hash of {'Message ID' => '# of Messages Sent'} def finalize send_message if any_recipients_left? @message_ids end private # This method determines if it's necessary to send another batch. # # @return [Boolean] def any_recipients_left? return true if @counters[:recipients][:to] > 0 return true if @counters[:recipients][:cc] > 0 return true if @counters[:recipients][:bcc] > 0 false end # This method initiates a batch send to the API. It formats the recipient # variables, posts to the API, gathers the message IDs, then flushes that data # to prepare for the next batch. This method implements the Mailgun Client, thus, # an exception will be thrown if a communication error occurs. # # @return [Boolean] def send_message rkey = 'recipient-variables' set_multi_simple rkey, JSON.generate(@recipient_variables) @message[rkey] = @message[rkey].first if @message.key?(rkey) response = @client.send_message(@domain, @message).to_h! message_id = response['id'].gsub(/\>|\</, '') @message_ids[message_id] = count_recipients reset_message end # This method stores recipient variables for each recipient added, if # variables exist. def store_recipient_variables(recipient_type, address, variables) variables = { id: @counters[:recipients][recipient_type] } unless variables @recipient_variables[address] = variables end # This method stores recipient variables for each recipient added, if # variables exist. def count_recipients count = 0 @counters[:recipients].each_value { |cnt| count += cnt } count end # This method resets the message object to prepare for the next batch # of recipients. def reset_message @message.delete('recipient-variables') @message.delete(:to) @message.delete(:cc) @message.delete(:bcc) @counters[:recipients][:to] = 0 @counters[:recipients][:cc] = 0 @counters[:recipients][:bcc] = 0 end end
def build_nested(object) this = self nested_object = children.each { |child| } object.instance_exec { define_singleton_method( { nested_object } } object end
Finalize the root builder or any builder with children.
class ConfigurationBuilder # An array of any nested configuration builders. # @return [Array<ConfigurationBuilder>] The array of child configuration builders. # @api private attr_reader :children # An array of valid types for the attribute. # @return [Array<Object>] The array of valid types. # @api private attr_reader :types # A block used to validate the attribute. # @return [Proc] The validation block. # @api private attr_reader :validator # The name of the configuration attribute. # @return [String, Symbol] The attribute's name. # @api private attr_accessor :name # The value of the configuration attribute. # @return [Object] The attribute's value. # @api private attr_reader :value # A boolean indicating whether or not the attribute must be set. # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the attribute is required. # @api private attr_accessor :required alias required? required class << self # Deeply freezes a configuration object so that it can no longer be modified. # @param config [Configuration] The configuration object to freeze. # @return [void] # @api private def freeze_config(config) IceNine.deep_freeze!(config) end # Loads configuration from a user configuration file. # @param config_path [String] The path to the configuration file. # @return [void] # @api private def load_user_config(config_path = nil) config_path ||= "lita_config.rb" if File.exist?(config_path) begin load(config_path) rescue ValidationError abort rescue Exception => e Lita.logger.fatal I18n.t( "lita.config.exception", message: e.message, backtrace: e.backtrace.join("\n") ) abort end end end end def initialize @children = [] @name = :root end # Builds a {Configuration} object from the attributes defined on the builder. # @param object [Configuration] The empty configuration object that will be extended to # create the final form. # @return [Configuration] The fully built configuration object. # @api private def build(object = container = if children.empty? build_leaf(object) else build_nested(object) end container.public_send(name) end # Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the attribute has any child attributes. # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the attribute has any child attributes. # @api private def children? !children.empty? end # Merges two configuration builders by making one an attribute on the other. # @param name [String, Symbol] The name of the new attribute. # @param attribute [ConfigurationBuilder] The configuration builder that should be its # value. # @return [void] # @api private def combine(name, attribute) = name children << attribute end # Declares a configuration attribute. # @param name [String, Symbol] The attribute's name. # @param types [Object, Array<Object>] Optional: One or more types that the attribute's value # must be. # @param type [Object, Array<Object>] Optional: One or more types that the attribute's value # must be. # @param required [Boolean] Whether or not this attribute must be set. If required, and Lita # is run without it set, Lita will abort on start up with a message about it. # @param default [Object] An optional default value for the attribute. # @yield A block to be evaluated in the context of the new attribute. Used for # defining nested configuration attributes and validators. # @return [void] def config(name, types: nil, type: nil, required: false, default: nil, &block) attribute = = name attribute.types = types || type attribute.required = required attribute.value = default attribute.instance_exec(&block) if block children << attribute end # Sets the valid types for the configuration attribute. # @param types [Object, Array<Object>] One or more valid types. # @return [void] # @api private def types=(types) @types = Array(types) if types end # Declares a block to be used to validate the value of an attribute whenever it's set. # Validation blocks should return any object to indicate an error, or +nil+/+false+ if # validation passed. # @yield The code that performs validation. # @return [void] def validate(&block) validator = block unless value.nil? error = raise ValidationError, error if error end @validator = block end # Sets the value of the attribute, raising an error if it is not among the valid types. # @param value [Object] The new value of the attribute. # @return [void] # @raise [TypeError] If the new value is not among the declared valid types. # @api private def value=(value) ensure_valid_default_value(value) @value = value end private # Finalize a nested object. def build_leaf(object) this = self run_validator = method(:run_validator) check_types = method(:check_types) object.instance_exec do define_singleton_method( { this.value } define_singleton_method("#{}=") do |value| this.value = value end end object end # Finalize the root builder or any builder with children. # Check's the value's type from inside the finalized object. def check_types(value) if types&.none? { |type| type === value } Lita.logger.fatal( I18n.t("lita.config.type_error", attribute: name, types: types.join(", ")) ) raise ValidationError end end # Raise if value is non-nil and isn't one of the specified types. def ensure_valid_default_value(value) if !value.nil? && types && types.none? { |type| type === value } raise TypeError, I18n.t("lita.config.type_error", attribute: name, types: types.join(", ")) end end # Runs the validator from inside the build configuration object. def run_validator(value) return unless validator error = if error Lita.logger.fatal( I18n.t("lita.config.validation_error", attribute: name, message: error) ) raise ValidationError end end end
def weighted_average_relation(data_column_names, options = {}) unless options[:safe] == true return clone.weighted_average_relation(data_column_names, options.merge(:safe => true)) end data_column_names = Array.wrap data_column_names left = self.source.left weighted_by_column = case options[:weighted_by] when Arel::Attribute options[:weighted_by] when Symbol, String left[options[:weighted_by]] when NilClass left[DEFAULT_WEIGHTED_BY_COLUMN_NAME] else raise ArgumentError, ":weighted_by => #{options[:weighted_by].inspect} must be a column on #{left.inspect}" end disaggregate_by_column = if options[:disaggregate_by] left[options[:disaggregate_by]] end data_columns = do |data_column_name| left[data_column_name] end data_columns_added_together = data_columns.inject(nil) do |memo, data_column| if memo, data_column) else data_column end end if data_column_names.many? data_columns_added_together = end if disaggregate_by_column self.projections = [ * data_columns_added_together / disaggregate_by_column * 1.0),[weighted_by_column]))] else self.projections = [ * data_columns_added_together * 1.0),[weighted_by_column]))] end data_columns_not_eq_nil = data_columns.inject(nil) do |memo, data_column| if memo memo.and(data_column.not_eq(nil)) else data_column.not_eq(nil) end end if disaggregate_by_column where data_columns_not_eq_nil.and( else where data_columns_not_eq_nil.and( end end
In case you want to get the relation and/or the SQL of the calculation query before actually runnnig it. @example Get the SQL, :weighted_by => :passengers).to_sql @return [Arel::SelectManager] A relation you can play around with.
module ArelSelectManagerInstanceMethods # Calculate the weighted average of column(s). # # @param [Symbol,Array<Symbol>] data_column_names One or more column names whose average should be calculated. Added together before being multiplied by the weighting if more than one. # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [Symbol] :weighted_by The name of the weighting column if it's not :weighting (the default) # @option options [Symbol] :disaggregate_by The name of a column to disaggregate by. Usually not necessary. # # @see WeightedAverage::ActiveRecordRelationInstanceMethods The ActiveRecord-specific version of this method, which knows about associations. # # @example Weighted average of load factor in flight stage data #, :weighted_by => :passengers) # # @return [Float,nil] def weighted_average(data_column_names, options = {}) weighted_average = @engine.connection.select_value(weighted_average_relation(data_column_names, options).to_sql) weighted_average.nil? ? nil : weighted_average.to_f end # In case you want to get the relation and/or the SQL of the calculation query before actually runnnig it. # # @example Get the SQL #, :weighted_by => :passengers).to_sql # # @return [Arel::SelectManager] A relation you can play around with. end
def extract_path(file_path) return nil if file_path.nil? last_slash = file_path.rindex("/") if last_slash file_path[0, last_slash] end end
Extract the path string that Gollum::Wiki expects
module Helpers EMOJI_PATHNAME = # Extract the path string that Gollum::Wiki expects # Extract the 'page' name from the file_path def extract_name(file_path) if file_path[-1, 1] == "/" return nil end # File.basename is too eager to please and will return the last # component of the path even if it ends with a directory separator. ::File.basename(file_path) end def sanitize_empty_params(param) [nil, ''].include?(param) ? nil : CGI.unescape(param) end # Ensure path begins with a single leading slash def clean_path(path) if path (path[0] != '/' ? path.insert(0, '/') : path).gsub(/\/{2,}/, '/') end end # Remove all slashes from the start of string. # Remove all double slashes def clean_url url return url if url.nil? url.gsub('%2F', '/').gsub(/^\/+/, '').gsub('//', '/') end def forbid(msg = "Forbidden. This wiki is set to no-edit mode.") @message = msg status 403 halt mustache :error end def not_found(msg = nil) @message = msg || "The requested page does not exist." status 404 return mustache :error end def emoji(name) if emoji = Gemojione.index.find_by_name(name)"#{emoji['unicode']}.png")) else fail ArgumentError, "emoji `#{name}' not found" end end end
def to_js(element_id) js = "" js << "\n<script type='text/javascript'>" js << load_js(element_id) js << draw_js(element_id) js << "\n</script>" js end
Generates JavaScript and renders the Google Chart in the final HTML output. Parameters: *div_id [Required] The ID of the DIV element that the Google Chart should be rendered in.
class BaseChart include GoogleVisualr::ParamHelpers DEFAULT_VERSION = "1.0".freeze attr_accessor :data_table, :listeners, :version, :language, :material def initialize(data_table, options={}) @data_table = data_table @listeners = [] @version = options.delete(:version) || DEFAULT_VERSION @language = options.delete(:language) @material = options.delete(:material) || false send(:options=, options) end def package_name self.class.to_s.split("::").last.downcase end def class_name self.class.to_s.split("::").last end def chart_class if material "charts" else "visualization" end end def chart_name if material class_name.gsub!("Chart", "") else class_name end end def chart_function_name(element_id) "draw_#{element_id.gsub('-', '_')}" end def options @options end def options=(options) @options = stringify_keys!(options) end def add_listener(event, callback) @listeners << { :event => event.to_s, :callback => callback } end # Generates JavaScript and renders the Google Chart in the final HTML output. # # Parameters: # *div_id [Required] The ID of the DIV element that the Google Chart should be rendered in. # Generates JavaScript for loading the appropriate Google Visualization package, with callback to render chart. # # Parameters: # *div_id [Required] The ID of the DIV element that the Google Chart should be rendered in. def load_js(element_id) language_opt = ", language: '#{language}'" if language "\n google.load('visualization', '#{version}', {packages: ['#{package_name}']#{language_opt}, callback: #{chart_function_name(element_id)}});" end # Generates JavaScript function for rendering the chart. # # Parameters: # *div_id [Required] The ID of the DIV element that the Google Chart should be rendered in. def draw_js(element_id) js = "" js << "\n function #{chart_function_name(element_id)}() {" js << "\n #{@data_table.to_js}" js << "\n var chart = new google.#{chart_class}.#{chart_name}(document.getElementById('#{element_id}'));" @listeners.each do |listener| js << "\n, '#{listener[:event]}', #{listener[:callback]});" end js << "\n chart.draw(data_table, #{js_parameters(@options)});" js << "\n };" js end end
def process_each_row_in_csv_file(csv_file, &block) require 'faster_csv' connect_to_testwise("CSV_START", csv_file) if $testwise_support has_error = false idx = 0 FasterCSV.foreach(csv_file, :headers => :first_row, :encoding => 'u') do |row| connect_to_testwise("CSV_ON_ROW", idx.to_s) if $testwise_support begin yield row connect_to_testwise("CSV_ROW_PASS", idx.to_s) if $testwise_support rescue => e connect_to_testwise("CSV_ROW_FAIL", idx.to_s) if $testwise_support has_error = true ensure idx += 1 end end connect_to_testwise("CSV_END", "") if $testwise_support raise "Test failed on data" if has_error end
Data Driven Tests Processing each row in a CSV file, must have heading rows Usage: process_each_row_in_csv_file(@csv_file) { |row| goto_page("/") enter_text("username", row[1]) enter_text("password", row[2]) click_button("Sign in") page_text.should contain(row[3]) failsafe{ click_link("Sign off") } }
module Core # open a browser, and set base_url via hash, but does not acually # # example: # open_browser :base_url => http://localhost:8080, :browser => :ie # # There are 3 ways to set base url # 1. pass as first argument # 2. If running using TestWise, used as confiured # 3. Use default value set # # # New Options: # :browser => :ie | :firefox | :chrome | :safari def open_browser(opts = {}) puts "[INFO] RWebSpec.Framework currently set to => #{RWebSpec.framework }" =begin if RWebSpec.framework =~ /watir/i RWebSpec.load_watir self.class.send(:include, RWebSpec::Driver) load(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/web_page.rb") return open_browser_by_watir(opts) end if RWebSpec.framework =~ /selenium/i RWebSpec.load_selenium self.class.send(:include, RWebSpec::Driver) load(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/web_page.rb") return open_browser_by_selenium(opts) end =end puts "[INFO] No underlying framework is set, try to determine browser: #{opts.inspect}" if opts.class == Hash if opts[:browser] if opts[:browser].to_s =~ /ie/i || opts[:browser].to_s =~ /internet\sexplorer/i puts "[INFO] based on browser, set to Watir" RWebSpec.framework = "Watir" self.class.send(:include, RWebSpec::Driver) # Reload abstract web page to load driver load(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/web_page.rb") return open_browser_by_watir(opts) end puts "[INFO] based on browser, set to Selenium" # not IE, using selenium RWebSpec.framework = "Selenium" self.class.send(:include, RWebSpec::Driver) load(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/web_page.rb") return open_browser_by_selenium(opts) end end puts "[INFO] browser type not specified, decide framework based on platform" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/ # if it is Windows, set to Watir RWebSpec.framework = "Watir" self.class.send(:include, RWebSpec::Driver) puts "[INFO] Extends of RWebSpec::Driver" load(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/web_page.rb") return open_browser_by_watir(opts) else RWebSpec.framework = "Selenium" self.class.send(:include, RWebSpec::Driver) load(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/web_page.rb") # using extend somehow does not work for RSpec # extend RWebSpec::Driver return open_browser_by_selenium(opts) end end def use_current_browser(how = :title, what = /.*/) puts "[INFO] user current browser => #{RWebSpec.framework}" if RWebSpec.framework =~ /watir/i self.class.send(:include, RWebSpec::Driver) use_current_watir_browser(how, what) elsif RWebSpec.framework =~ /selenium/i self.class.send(:include, RWebSpec::Driver) use_current_selenium_browser(how, what) else # not specified, guess if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/i RWebSpec.framework = "Watir" self.class.send(:include, RWebSpec::Driver) load(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/web_page.rb") use_current_watir_browser(how, what) else RWebSpec.framework = "Selenium" self.class.send(:include, RWebSpec::Driver) load(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/web_page.rb") use_current_selenium_browser(how, what) end end end # Try the operation up to specified timeout (in seconds), and sleep given interval (in seconds). # Error will be ignored until timeout # Example # try_for { click_link('waiting')} # try_for(10, 2) { click_button('Search' } # try to click the 'Search' button upto 10 seconds, try every 2 seconds # try_for { click_button('Search' } def try_for(timeout = $testwise_polling_timeout, polling_interval = $testwise_polling_interval || 1, &block) start_time = last_error = nil until (duration = - start_time) > timeout begin yield last_error = nil return true rescue RWebSpec::Assertion => e1 last_error = e1 rescue ArgumentError => ae last_error = ae rescue RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError => ree last_error = ree rescue => e last_error = e end sleep polling_interval end raise "Timeout after #{duration.to_i} seconds with error: #{last_error}." if last_error raise "Timeout after #{duration.to_i} seconds." end # Deprecated # alias try_upto try_for # alias try_up_to try_for # alias try_until try_for =begin def try(timeout = $testwise_polling_timeout, polling_interval = $testwise_polling_interval || 1, &block) puts "Warning: method 'try' is deprecated (won't support in RWebSpec 3), use try_for instead." try_for(timeout, polling_interval) { yield } end =end =begin # Try the operation up to specified times, and sleep given interval (in seconds) # Error will be ignored until timeout # Example # repeat_try(3, 2) { click_button('Search' } # 3 times, 6 seconds in total # repeat_try { click_button('Search' } # using default 5 tries, 2 second interval def repeat_try(num_tries = $testwise_polling_timeout || 30, interval = $testwise_polling_interval || 1, & block) num_tries ||= 1 (num_tries - 1).times do |num| begin yield return rescue => e # puts "debug: #{num} failed: #{e}" sleep interval end end # last try, throw error if still fails begin yield rescue => e raise e.to_s + " after trying #{num_tries} times every #{interval} seconds" end yield end =end ## # Convert :first to 1, :second to 2, and so on... def symbol_to_sequence(symb) value = {:zero => 0, :first => 1, :second => 2, :third => 3, :fourth => 4, :fifth => 5, :sixth => 6, :seventh => 7, :eighth => 8, :ninth => 9, :tenth => 10}[symb] return value || symb.to_i end #= Convenient functions # # Using Ruby block syntax to create interesting domain specific language, # may be appeal to someone. # Example: # on @page do |i| # i.enter_text('btn1') # i.click_button('btn1') # end def on(page, & block) yield page end # fail the test if user can perform the operation # # Example: # shall_not_allow { 1/0 } def shall_not_allow(& block) operation_performed_ok = false begin yield operation_performed_ok = true rescue end raise "Operation shall not be allowed" if operation_performed_ok end alias do_not_allow shall_not_allow # Does not provide real function, other than make enhancing test syntax # # Example: # allow { click_button('Register') } def allow(& block) yield end alias shall_allow allow alias allowing allow # try operation, ignore if errors occur # # Example: # failsafe { click_link("Logout") } # try logout, but it still OK if not being able to (already logout)) def failsafe(& block) begin yield rescue RWebSpec::Assertion => e1 rescue ArgumentError => ae rescue RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError => ree rescue =>e end end alias fail_safe failsafe # default date format returned is 29/12/2007. # if supplied parameter is not '%m/%d/%Y' -> 12/29/2007 # Otherwise, "2007-12-29", which is most approiate date format # # %a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun'') # %A - The full weekday name (``Sunday'') # %b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan'') # %B - The full month name (``January'') # %c - The preferred local date and time representation # %d - Day of the month (01..31) # %H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23) # %I - Hour of the day, 12-hour clock (01..12) # %j - Day of the year (001..366) # %m - Month of the year (01..12) # %M - Minute of the hour (00..59) # %p - Meridian indicator (``AM'' or ``PM'') # %S - Second of the minute (00..60) # %U - Week number of the current year, # starting with the first Sunday as the first # day of the first week (00..53) # %W - Week number of the current year, # starting with the first Monday as the first # day of the first week (00..53) # %w - Day of the week (Sunday is 0, 0..6) # %x - Preferred representation for the date alone, no time # %X - Preferred representation for the time alone, no date # %y - Year without a century (00..99) # %Y - Year with century # %Z - Time zone name # %% - Literal ``%'' character def today(format = nil) format_date(, date_format(format)) end alias getToday_AU today alias getToday_US today alias getToday today def days_before(days, format = nil) return nil if !(days.instance_of?(Fixnum)) format_date( - days * 24 * 3600, date_format(format)) end def yesterday(format = nil) days_before(1, date_format(format)) end def days_from_now(days, format = nil) return nil if !(days.instance_of?(Fixnum)) format_date( + days * 24 * 3600, date_format(format)) end alias days_after days_from_now def tomorrow(format = nil) days_from_now(1, date_format(format)) end # return a random number >= min, but <= max def random_number(min, max) rand(max-min+1)+min end def random_boolean return random_number(0, 1) == 1 end def random_char(lowercase = true) if lowercase sprintf("%c", random_number(97, 122)) else sprintf("%c", random_number(65, 90)) end end def random_digit() sprintf("%c", random_number(48, 57)) end def random_str(length, lowercase = true) randomStr = "" length.times { randomStr += random_char(lowercase) } randomStr end # Return a random string in a rangeof pre-defined strings def random_string_in(arr) return nil if arr.empty? index = random_number(0, arr.length-1) arr[index] end alias random_string_in_collection random_string_in WORDS = %w(alias consequatur aut perferendis sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque aperiam eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo aspernatur aut odit aut fugit sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt neque dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci velit sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem ut enim ad minima veniam quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit suscipit laboriosam nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium laudantium totam rem voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi id est laborum et dolorum fuga et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio nam libero tempore cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo porro quisquam est qui minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus omnis voluptas assumenda est omnis dolor repellendus temporibus autem quibusdam et aut consequatur vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur at vero eos et accusamus officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores doloribus asperiores repellat) # Pick a random value out of a given range. def value_in_range(range) case range.first when Integer then number_in_range(range) when Time then time_in_range(range) when Date then date_in_range(range) else range.to_a.rand end end # Generate a given number of words. If a range is passed, it will generate # a random number of words within that range. def words(total) if total.class == Range (1..interpret_value(total)).map { WORDS[random_number(total.min, total.max)] }.join(' ') else (1..interpret_value(total)).map { WORDS[random_number(0, total)] }.join(' ') end end # Generate a given number of sentences. If a range is passed, it will generate # a random number of sentences within that range. def sentences(total) (1..interpret_value(total)).map do words(5..20).capitalize end.join('. ') end # Generate a given number of paragraphs. If a range is passed, it will generate # a random number of paragraphs within that range. def paragraphs(total) (1..interpret_value(total)).map do sentences(3..8).capitalize end.join("\n\n") end # If an array or range is passed, a random value will be selected to match. # All other values are simply returned. def interpret_value(value) case value when Array then value.rand when Range then value_in_range(value) else value end end private def time_in_range(range) number_in_range(, range.last.to_i, rangee.exclude_end?)) end def date_in_range(range) Date.jd number_in_range(, range.last.jd, range.exclude_end?)) end def number_in_range(range) if range.exclude_end? rand(range.last - range.first) + range.first else rand((range.last+1) - range.first) + range.first end end def format_date(date, date_format = '%d/%m/%Y') date.strftime(date_format) end def date_format(format_argument) if format_argument.nil? then get_locale_date_format(default_locale) elsif format_argument.class == Symbol then get_locale_date_format(format_argument) elsif format_argument.class == String then format_argument else # invalid input, use default get_locale_date_format(default_date_format) end end def get_locale_date_format(locale) case locale when :us "%m/%d/%Y" when :au, :uk "%d/%m/%Y" else "%Y-%m-%d" end end def default_locale return :au end def average_of(array) array.inject(0.0) { |sum, e| sum + e } / array.length end # NOTE might cause issues # why it is removed total def sum_of(array) array.inject(0.0) { |sum, e| sum + e } end ## Data Driven Tests # # Processing each row in a CSV file, must have heading rows # # Usage: # # process_each_row_in_csv_file(@csv_file) { |row| # goto_page("/") # enter_text("username", row[1]) # enter_text("password", row[2]) # click_button("Sign in") # page_text.should contain(row[3]) # failsafe{ click_link("Sign off") } # } # end
def find_type_elements(type, nested=true, elements=@elements) results = [] if type.class == Symbol type = [type] end elements.each do |e| results.push(e) if type.include?(e.type) if nested and not e.children.empty? results.concat(find_type_elements(type, nested, e.children)) end end results end
Find all elements of a given type, returning a list of the element objects themselves. Instead of a single type, a list of types can be provided instead to find all types. If +nested+ is set to false, this returns only top level elements of a given type.
class Doc ## # A list of raw markdown source lines. Note that the list is 0-indexed, # while line numbers in the parsed source are 1-indexed, so you need to # subtract 1 from a line number to get the correct line. The element_line* # methods take care of this for you. attr_reader :lines ## # A Kramdown::Document object containing the parsed markdown document. attr_reader :parsed ## # A list of top level Kramdown::Element objects from the parsed document. attr_reader :elements ## # The line number offset which is greater than zero when the # markdown file contains YAML front matter that should be ignored. attr_reader :offset ## # Create a new document given a string containing the markdown source def initialize(text, ignore_front_matter = false) regex = /^---\n(.*?)---\n/m if ignore_front_matter and regex.match(text) @offset = regex.match(text).to_s.split("\n").length text.sub!(regex,'') else @offset = 0 end @lines = text.split("\n") @parsed =, :input => 'MarkdownLint') @elements = @parsed.root.children add_levels(@elements) end ## # Alternate 'constructor' passing in a filename def self.new_from_file(filename, ignore_front_matter = false) if filename == "-", ignore_front_matter) else, encoding: 'UTF-8'), ignore_front_matter) end end ## # Find all elements of a given type, returning their options hash. The # options hash has most of the useful data about an element and often you # can just use this in your rules. # # # Returns [ { :location => 1, :element_level => 2 }, ... ] # elements = find_type(:li) # # If +nested+ is set to false, this returns only top level elements of a # given type. def find_type(type, nested=true) find_type_elements(type, nested).map { |e| e.options } end ## # Find all elements of a given type, returning a list of the element # objects themselves. # # Instead of a single type, a list of types can be provided instead to # find all types. # # If +nested+ is set to false, this returns only top level elements of a # given type. ## # A variation on find_type_elements that allows you to skip drilling down # into children of specific element types. # # Instead of a single type, a list of types can be provided instead to # find all types. # # Unlike find_type_elements, this method will always search for nested # elements, and skip the element types given to nested_except. def find_type_elements_except(type, nested_except=[], elements=@elements) results = [] if type.class == Symbol type = [type] end if nested_except.class == Symbol nested_except = [nested_except] end elements.each do |e| results.push(e) if type.include?(e.type) unless nested_except.include?(e.type) or e.children.empty? results.concat(find_type_elements_except(type, nested_except, e.children)) end end results end ## # Returns the line number a given element is located on in the source # file. You can pass in either an element object or an options hash here. def element_linenumber(element) element = element.options if element.is_a?(Kramdown::Element) element[:location] end ## # Returns the actual source line for a given element. You can pass in an # element object or an options hash here. This is useful if you need to # examine the source line directly for your rule to make use of # information that isn't present in the parsed document. def element_line(element) @lines[element_linenumber(element) - 1] end ## # Returns a list of line numbers for all elements passed in. You can pass # in a list of element objects or a list of options hashes here. def element_linenumbers(elements) { |e| element_linenumber(e) } end ## # Returns the actual source lines for a list of elements. You can pass in # a list of elements objects or a list of options hashes here. def element_lines(elements) { |e| element_line(e) } end ## # Returns the header 'style' - :atx (hashes at the beginning), :atx_closed # (atx header style, but with hashes at the end of the line also), :setext # (underlined). You can pass in the element object or an options hash # here. def header_style(header) if header.type != :header raise "header_style called with non-header element" end line = element_line(header) if line.start_with?("#") if line.strip.end_with?("#") :atx_closed else :atx end else :setext end end ## # Returns the list style for a list: :asterisk, :plus, :dash, :ordered or # :ordered_paren depending on which symbol is used to denote the list # item. You can pass in either the element itself or an options hash here. def list_style(item) if item.type != :li raise "list_style called with non-list element" end line = element_line(item).strip if line.start_with?('*') :asterisk elsif line.start_with?('+') :plus elsif line.start_with?('-') :dash elsif line.match('[0-9]+\.') :ordered elsif line.match('[0-9]+\)') :ordered_paren else :unknown end end ## # Returns how much a given line is indented. Hard tabs are treated as an # indent of 8 spaces. You need to pass in the raw string here. def indent_for(line) return line.match(/^\s*/)[0].gsub("\t", " " * 8).length end ## # Returns line numbers for lines that match the given regular expression def matching_lines(re){|text, linenum| re.match(text)}.map{ |i| i[1]+1} end ## # Returns line numbers for lines that match the given regular expression. # Only considers text inside of 'text' elements (i.e. regular markdown # text and not code/links or other elements). def matching_text_element_lines(re, exclude_nested=[:a]) matches = [] find_type_elements_except(:text, exclude_nested).each do |e| first_line = e.options[:location] # We'll error out if kramdown doesn't have location information for # the current element. It's better to just not match in these cases # rather than crash. next if first_line.nil? lines = e.value.split("\n") lines.each_with_index do |l, i| matches << first_line + i if re.match(l) end end matches end ## # Extracts the text from an element whose children consist of text # elements and other things def extract_text(element, prefix="", restore_whitespace = true) quotes = { :rdquo => '"', :ldquo => '"', :lsquo => "'", :rsquo => "'" } # If anything goes amiss here, e.g. unknown type, then nil will be # returned and we'll just not catch that part of the text, which seems # like a sensible failure mode. lines = { |e| if e.type == :text e.value elsif [:strong, :em, :p, :codespan].include?(e.type) extract_text(e, prefix, restore_whitespace).join("\n") elsif e.type == :smart_quote quotes[e.value] end }.join.split("\n") # Text blocks have whitespace stripped, so we need to add it back in at # the beginning. Because this might be in something like a blockquote, # we optionally strip off a prefix given to the function. if restore_whitespace lines[0] = element_line(element).sub(prefix, "") end lines end private ## # Adds a 'level' option to all elements to show how nested they are def add_levels(elements, level=1) elements.each do |e| e.options[:element_level] = level add_levels(e.children, level+1) end end end
def mandrill_parameters { key: MandrillBatchMailer.api_key, template_name: template_name, template_content: [], message: { subject: subject, from_email: from_email, from_name: from_name, to: to, important: false, track_opens: nil, track_clicks: nil, inline_css: true, url_strip_qs: nil, preserve_recipients: false, view_content_link: nil, tracking_domain: nil, signing_domain: nil, return_path_domain: nil, merge: true, global_merge_vars: global_merge_vars, merge_vars: merge_vars, tags: tags }, async: true }.deep_merge(_default) end
rubocop:disable MethodLength
class BaseMailer private attr_accessor :caller_method_name public def initialize(method) self.caller_method_name = method end def mail(to: nil) @tos = tos_from(to) send_template mandrill_parameters end # feel free to override def from_email MandrillBatchMailer.from_email end # feel free to override def from_name MandrillBatchMailer.from_name || '' end # feel free to override def tags ["#{template_name}"] end class << self # do it just as ActionMailer def method_missing(method, *args) mailer = new method if mailer.respond_to? method mailer.public_send(method, *args) else super method, *args end end end protected def scope "#{class_name.underscore.gsub('/', '.')}.#{caller_method_name}" end private # rubocop:disable MethodLength # rubocop:enable MethodLength def _default given_defaults = (respond_to?(:default, true) && default) || {} if MandrillBatchMailer.intercept_recipients given_defaults[:message].try(:delete, :to) end given_defaults end def template_name "#{class_name.underscore}_#{caller_method_name}".split('/').last .gsub '_', '-' end def subject '*|subject|*' end def to if MandrillBatchMailer.intercept_recipients do |i| { email: MandrillBatchMailer .interception_base_mail.sub('@', "+#{i}@") } end else { |to_email| { email: to_email } } end end def global_merge_vars merge_vars_from(translations.merge(shared_translations)) end def merge_vars do |to, i| to_email, vars = to.to_a if MandrillBatchMailer.intercept_recipients intercepted_merge_vars(to_email, vars, i) else { rcpt: to_email, vars: merge_vars_from(vars) } end end end def intercepted_merge_vars(to_email, vars, i) subject = vars[:subject] || translations[:subject] { rcpt: MandrillBatchMailer.interception_base_mail.sub('@', "+#{i}@"), vars: merge_vars_from(vars.merge(subject: "#{to_email} #{subject}")) } end ## HELPER METHODS ## # @return [Hash] # p.e. { '[email protected]' => { a_variable: 'Hello' } } def tos_from(to) case to when String { to => {} } when Array { |single_to| [single_to, {}] }.to_h when Hash to else to.to_h end end def translations if I18n.methods.include? :fallbacks fallback_translations scope else I18n.t scope end end def fallback_translations(scope) I18n.fallbacks[I18n.locale].map do |fallback_locale| I18n.t scope, locale: fallback_locale end.reduce do |orig_translations, fallback_translations| if fallback_translations.is_a? Hash fallback_translations.deep_merge orig_translations else orig_translations end end end def class_name self.class.to_s end def shared_translations shared_scope = "#{class_name.deconstantize.underscore}.shared_translations" if I18n.methods.include? :fallbacks fallback_translations shared_scope else I18n.t shared_scope end end def merge_vars_from(translations) do |key, translation| { name: key, content: translation } end end def send_template(params) if MandrillBatchMailer.perform_deliveries rest_client_send params params else log_sending(params) params end end def log_sending(params) params_inspect = if defined? AwesomePrint else params.inspect end MandrillBatchMailer.logger .info "Sending Mandrill Mail: #{params_inspect}" end def rest_client_send(params) RestClient::Request.execute( method: :post, url: MandrillBatchMailer::ENDPOINT, payload: params.to_json, read_timeout: MandrillBatchMailer.read_timeout, open_timeout: MandrillBatchMailer.open_timeout) end end
def extract_lints_from_offenses(offenses, source_map) dummy_node = offenses.reject { |offense| Array(config['ignored_cops']).include?(offense.cop_name) } .each do |offense| record_lint([offense.line]), offense.message, end end
Aggregates RuboCop offenses and converts them to {HamlLint::Lint}s suitable for reporting. @param offenses [Array<RuboCop::Cop::Offense>] @param source_map [Hash]
class Linter::RuboCop < Linter include LinterRegistry # Maps the ::RuboCop::Cop::Severity levels to our own levels. SEVERITY_MAP = { error: :error, fatal: :error, convention: :warning, refactor: :warning, warning: :warning, }.freeze def visit_root(_node) extractor = extracted_source = extractor.extract(document) return if extracted_source.source.empty? find_lints(extracted_source.source, extracted_source.source_map) end private # Executes RuboCop against the given Ruby code and records the offenses as # lints. # # @param ruby [String] Ruby code # @param source_map [Hash] map of Ruby code line numbers to original line # numbers in the template def find_lints(ruby, source_map) rubocop = filename = if document.file "#{document.file}.rb" else 'ruby_script.rb' end with_ruby_from_stdin(ruby) do extract_lints_from_offenses(lint_file(rubocop, filename), source_map) end end # Defined so we can stub the results in tests # # @param rubocop [RuboCop::CLI] # @param file [String] # @return [Array<RuboCop::Cop::Offense>] def lint_file(rubocop, file) << file) OffenseCollector.offenses end # Aggregates RuboCop offenses and converts them to {HamlLint::Lint}s # suitable for reporting. # # @param offenses [Array<RuboCop::Cop::Offense>] # @param source_map [Hash] # Record a lint for reporting back to the user. # # @param node [#line] node to extract the line number from # @param message [String] error/warning to display to the user # @param severity [Symbol] RuboCop severity level for the offense def record_lint(node, message, severity) @lints <<, @document.file, node.line, message, SEVERITY_MAP.fetch(severity, :warning)) end # Returns flags that will be passed to RuboCop CLI. # # @return [Array<String>] def rubocop_flags flags = %w[--format HamlLint::OffenseCollector] flags += ['--config', ENV['HAML_LINT_RUBOCOP_CONF']] if ENV['HAML_LINT_RUBOCOP_CONF'] flags += ['--stdin'] flags end # Overrides the global stdin to allow RuboCop to read Ruby code from it. # # @param ruby [String] the Ruby code to write to the overridden stdin # @param _block [Block] the block to perform with the overridden stdin # @return [void] def with_ruby_from_stdin(ruby, &_block) original_stdin = $stdin stdin = stdin.write(ruby) stdin.rewind $stdin = stdin yield ensure $stdin = original_stdin end end
def genres doc.xpath("//h4[contains(., 'Genre')]/..").search("a").map { |g| g.content.strip unless g.content =~ /See more/ }.compact rescue nil end
Genre List @return [Array]
class Movie < IMDB::Skeleton attr_accessor :link, :imdb_id def initialize(id_of) # !!!DON'T FORGET DEFINE NEW METHODS IN SUPER!!! super("Movie", { :imdb_id => String, :poster => String, :title => String, :release_date => String, :cast => Array, :photos => Array, :director => String, :director_person => Person, :genres => Array, :rating => Float, :movielength => Integer, :short_description => String, :writers => Array }, [:imdb_id]) @imdb_id = id_of @link = "{@imdb_id}" end # Get movie poster address # @return [String] def poster src ="#img_primary img")["src"] rescue nil unless src.nil? if src.match(/\._V1/) return src.match(/(.*)\._V1.*(.jpg)/)[1, 2].join else return src end end src end # Get movie title # @return [String] def title"//head/meta[@name='title']")["content"].split(/\(.*\)/)[0].strip! ||"h1.header").children.first.text.strip end # Get movie cast listing # @return [Cast[]] def cast"table.cast tr").map do |link| #picture = link.children[0].search("img")[0]["src"] rescue nil #name = link.children[1].content.strip rescue nil id = link.children[1].search('a[@href^="/name/nm"]').first["href"].match(/\/name\/nm([0-9]+)/)[1] rescue nil char = link.children[3].content.strip rescue nil unless id.nil? person =, person, char) end end.compact end # Get movie photos # @return [Array] def photos begin'#main .media_index_thumb_list img').map { |i| i["src"] } rescue nil end end # Get release date # @return [String] def release_date if (node =doc.css('.infobar span.nobr meta[itemprop="datePublished"]')).length > 0 date = node.first['content'] if date.match /^\d{4}$/ "#{date}-01-01" else Date.parse(date).to_s end else year ="h1.header .nobr").text[/\d{4}/] "#{year}-01-01" end rescue nil end # Get Director # @return [String] def director rescue nil end # Get Director Person class # @return [Person] def director_person begin link=doc.xpath("//h4[contains(., 'Director')]/..").at('a[@href^="/name/nm"]') profile = link['href'].match(/\/name\/nm([0-9]+)/)[1] rescue nil unless profile.nil? rescue nil end end # Genre List # @return [Array] # Writer List # @return [Float] def rating @rating ||=".star-box-giga-star").text.strip.to_f rescue nil end #Get the movielength of the movie in minutes # @return [Integer] def movielength"//h4[text()='Runtime:']/..").inner_html[/\d+ min/].to_i rescue nil end # Writer List # @return [Array] def writers doc.css("h4:contains('Writing')").first.next_element.css('a[@href^="/name/nm"]').map { |w| profile = w['href'].match(/\/name\/nm([0-9]+)/)[1] rescue nil unless profile.nil? } end # @return [String] def short_description"#overview-top p[itemprop=description]").try(:text).try(:strip) end private def doc if caller[0] =~ /`([^']*)'/ and ($1 == "cast" or $1 == "writers") @doc_full ||= Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{@link}/fullcredits")) elsif caller[0] =~ /`([^']*)'/ and ($1 == "photos") @doc_photo ||= Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{@link}/mediaindex")) else @doc ||= Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{@link}")) end end end # Movie
def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = [] if @style.nil? invalid_properties.push("invalid value for 'style', style cannot be nil.") end if @transparency.nil? invalid_properties.push("invalid value for 'transparency', transparency cannot be nil.") end if @weight.nil? invalid_properties.push("invalid value for 'weight', weight cannot be nil.") end return invalid_properties end
Initializes the object @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid? @return Array for valid properies with the reasons
class BorderLineData # Gets or sets the signature border style. attr_accessor :style # Gets or sets the signature border transparency (value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear)). attr_accessor :transparency # Gets or sets the weight of the signature border. attr_accessor :weight # Gets or sets the border color of signature. attr_accessor :color class EnumAttributeValidator attr_reader :datatype attr_reader :allowable_values def initialize(datatype, allowable_values) @allowable_values = do |value| case datatype.to_s when /Integer/i value.to_i when /Float/i value.to_f else value end end end def valid?(value) !value || allowable_values.include?(value) end end # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key. def self.attribute_map { :'style' => :'Style', :'transparency' => :'Transparency', :'weight' => :'Weight', :'color' => :'Color' } end # Attribute type mapping. def self.swagger_types { :'style' => :'String', :'transparency' => :'Float', :'weight' => :'Float', :'color' => :'Color' } end # Initializes the object # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash def initialize(attributes = {}) return unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v } if attributes.key?(:'Style') = attributes[:'Style'] end if attributes.key?(:'Transparency') self.transparency = attributes[:'Transparency'] end if attributes.key?(:'Weight') self.weight = attributes[:'Weight'] end if attributes.key?(:'Color') self.color = attributes[:'Color'] end if !((defined? options_type) == nil) self.options_type = "BorderLineData" end end # Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid? # @return Array for valid properies with the reasons # Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid # @return true if the model is valid def valid? return false if @style.nil? style_validator ='String', ["Default", "Solid", "ShortDash", "ShortDot", "ShortDashDot", "ShortDashDotDot", "Dot", "Dash", "LongDash", "DashDot", "LongDashDot", "LongDashDotDot"]) return false unless style_validator.valid?(@style) return false if @transparency.nil? return false if @weight.nil? return true end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] style Object to be assigned def style=(style) validator ='String', ["Default", "Solid", "ShortDash", "ShortDot", "ShortDashDot", "ShortDashDotDot", "Dot", "Dash", "LongDash", "DashDot", "LongDashDot", "LongDashDotDot"]) if style.to_i == 0 unless validator.valid?(style) raise ArgumentError, "invalid value for 'style', must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}." end @style = style else @style = validator.allowable_values[style.to_i] end end # Checks equality by comparing each attribute. # @param [Object] Object to be compared def ==(other) return true if self.equal?(other) self.class == other.class && style == && transparency == other.transparency && weight == other.weight && color == other.color end # @see the `==` method # @param [Object] Object to be compared def eql?(other) self == other end # Calculates hash code according to all attributes. # @return [Fixnum] Hash code def hash [style, transparency, weight, color].hash end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.swagger_types.each_pair do |key, type| attributeName = self.class.attribute_map[key] attributeNameLowerStr = attributeName.to_s attributeNameLowerStr[0] = attributeNameLowerStr[0].downcase attributeNameLower = attributeNameLowerStr.to_sym attributeNameLowerStr2 = attributeName.to_s attributeNameLowerStr2[0] = attributeNameLowerStr[0].downcase attributeNameLowerStr2[1] = attributeNameLowerStr[1].downcase attributeNameLower2 = attributeNameLowerStr2.to_sym if type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i # check to ensure the input is an array given that the the attribute # is documented as an array but the input is not if attributes[attributeName].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[attributeName].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end if attributes[attributeNameLower].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[attributeNameLower].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end if attributes[attributeNameLower2].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[attributeNameLower2].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end elsif !attributes[attributeName].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[attributeName])) elsif !attributes[attributeNameLower].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[attributeNameLower])) elsif !attributes[attributeNameLower2].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[attributeNameLower2])) end # or else data not found in attributes(hash), not an issue as the data can be optional end self end # Deserializes the data based on type # @param string type Data type # @param string value Value to be deserialized # @return [Object] Deserialized data def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :DateTime\d/.match(value)[0].to_f).to_datetime when :Date\d/.match(value)[0].to_f).to_date when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :BOOLEAN if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?<inner_type>.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?<k_type>.+?), (?<v_type>.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model temp_model = GroupDocsSignatureCloud.const_get(type).new temp_model.build_from_hash(value) end end # Returns the string representation of the object # @return [String] String presentation of the object def to_s to_hash.to_s end # to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility) # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_body to_hash end # Returns the object in the form of hash # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) next if value.nil? hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end # Outputs non-array value in the form of hash # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value # @param [Object] value Any valid value # @return [Hash] Returns the value in the form of hash def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) { |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end end
def start(params={}) id = params.delete(:id) || response ="/machines/#{id}/start", self.request_options) update_attributes(response.parsed_response) end
POST /machines/:id/start.json
module Machine # GET /machines.json def index(params={}) self.request_options = self.request_options.merge(params[:query] || {}) response = Zcloudjp::Client.get("/machines", self.request_options) do |res| update_attributes(res).clone end end alias :list :index # GET /machines/:id.json def show(params={}) id = params.delete(:id) || response = Zcloudjp::Client.get("/machines/#{id}", self.request_options) update_attributes(response.parsed_response) end alias :find_by :show alias :reload :show # POST /machines.json def create(params={}) self.request_options = self.request_options.merge(body: params.to_json) response ="/machines", self.request_options) update_attributes(response.parsed_response) end # DELETE /machines/:id.json def delete(params={}) id = params.delete(:id) || response = Zcloudjp::Client.delete("/machines/#{id}", self.request_options) update_attributes(response.parsed_response) end alias :destroy :delete # POST /machines/:id/start.json # POST /machines/:id/stop.json def stop(params={}) id = params.delete(:id) || response ="/machines/#{id}/stop", self.request_options) update_attributes(response.parsed_response) end # Create a Metadata object related to the specified machine def metadata end protected def update_attributes(response) response = response.first if response.is_a? Array response.each do |key, value| self.instance_variable_set(:"@#{key}", value) self.send("#{key}=", value) end self end end
def positionally(selector, operations, processed = {}) if selector.size == 1 || selector.values.any? { |val| val.nil? } return operations end keys ={ |m| m.sub('._id','') } - ['_id'] keys = keys.sort_by { |s| s.length*-1 } process_operations(keys, operations, processed) end
Takes the provided selector and atomic operations and replaces the indexes of the embedded documents with the positional operator when needed. @note The only time we can accurately know when to use the positional operator is at the exact time we are going to persist something. So we can tell by the selector that we are sending if it is actually possible to use the positional operator at all. For example, if the selector is: { "_id" => 1 }, then we could not use the positional operator for updating embedded documents since there would never be a match - we base whether we can based on the number of levels deep the selector goes, and if the id values are not nil. @example Process the operations. positionally( { "_id" => 1, "addresses._id" => 2 }, { "$set" => { "addresses.0.street" => "hobrecht" }} ) @param [ Hash ] selector The selector. @param [ Hash ] operations The update operations. @param [ Hash ] processed The processed update operations. @return [ Hash ] The new operations. @since 3.1.0
module Positional # Takes the provided selector and atomic operations and replaces the # indexes of the embedded documents with the positional operator when # needed. # # @note The only time we can accurately know when to use the positional # operator is at the exact time we are going to persist something. So # we can tell by the selector that we are sending if it is actually # possible to use the positional operator at all. For example, if the # selector is: { "_id" => 1 }, then we could not use the positional # operator for updating embedded documents since there would never be a # match - we base whether we can based on the number of levels deep the # selector goes, and if the id values are not nil. # # @example Process the operations. # positionally( # { "_id" => 1, "addresses._id" => 2 }, # { "$set" => { "addresses.0.street" => "hobrecht" }} # ) # # @param [ Hash ] selector The selector. # @param [ Hash ] operations The update operations. # @param [ Hash ] processed The processed update operations. # # @return [ Hash ] The new operations. # # @since 3.1.0 private def process_operations(keys, operations, processed) operations.each_pair do |operation, update| processed[operation] = process_updates(keys, update) end processed end def process_updates(keys, update, updates = {}) update.each_pair do |position, value| updates[replace_index(keys, position)] = value end updates end def replace_index(keys, position) # replace index with $ only if that key is in the selector and it is only # nested a single level deep. matches = position.scan(/\.\d+\./) if matches.size == 1 keys.each do |kk| if position =~ /^#{kk}\.\d+\.(.*)/ return "#{kk}.$.#{$1}" end end end position end end
def unglobify(glob) chars = glob.split("") chars = smoosh(chars) curlies = 0 escaping = false string = do |char| if escaping escaping = false char else case char when "**" "([^/]+/)*" when '*' ".*" when "?" "." when "." "\." when "{" curlies += 1 "(" when "}" if curlies > 0 curlies -= 1 ")" else char end when "," if curlies > 0 "|" else char end when "\\" escaping = true "\\" else char end end end '(\A|\/)' + string.join + '\Z' end
NOTE: This is actually a glob-to-regex method
class Parser attr_reader :files, :tasks, :search_path, :github def initialize(arguments: [], options: {}) self.search_path = options[:search_path] @github = options[:github] if options[:github] @plain = options[:plain] if options[:plain] @type = options[:type].upcase if options[:type] @files = fuzzy_find_files queries: arguments @tasks = {} VALID_TASKS.each { |t| @tasks[t.to_sym] = [] } end def search_path=(value) if value.nil? || value.empty? @search_path = "." else @search_path = value end end # Parse all the collected files to find tasks # and populate the tasks hash def parse! unless @type.nil? || VALID_TASKS.include?(@type) raise type: @type end @files.each { |f| parsef! file: f } end def print! @tasks.each do |type, tasks| unless tasks.empty? puts "#{type}:\n#{'-' * (type.length + 1)}\n" if self.github? || self.plain? puts end tasks.each do |task| if self.github? if reference = "#{task[:file].sub(/#{Regexp.escape(self.git_repo_root)}\//, "")}#L#{task[:line_number]}" else search_path_components = File.expand_path(self.search_path).split(File::SEPARATOR) search_path_components.pop parent = File.join(*search_path_components) file = task[:file].sub(/#{Regexp.escape(parent)}\//, "") reference = "#{file}#L#{task[:line_number]}" end puts "- #{task[:task]} &mdash; [#{reference}](#{reference})" else puts task[:task] if self.plain? puts " line #{task[:line_number]} in #{task[:file]}" else puts " \e[30m\e[1mline #{task[:line_number]} in #{task[:file]}\e[0m" end end end puts end end end def git_repo_root full_search_path = File.expand_path(self.search_path) root_path = full_search_path.dup repo_found = false begin if, ".git")) repo_found = true break end directories = root_path.split(File::SEPARATOR) directories.pop root_path = File.join(*directories) end until repo_found unless repo_found # FIXME: Show an error message instead of raising an exception raise "No git repo found." end root_path end def github? !!@github end def plain? !!@plain end private def fuzzy_find_files(queries: []) patterns = regexify queries paths = [] Find.find(File.expand_path(self.search_path)) do |path| paths << path unless end! { |p| p.gsub(/\A\.\//, "") } EXCLUDED_DIRECTORIES.each do |d| paths.delete_if { |p| p =~ /\A#{Regexp.escape(d)}/ } end EXCLUDED_EXTENSIONS.each do |e| paths.delete_if { |p| File.file?(p) && File.extname(p) =~ /\A#{Regexp.escape(e)}/ } end EXCLUDED_GLOBS.each do |g| paths.delete_if { |p| p =~ /#{unglobify(g)}/ } end if queries.empty? paths else results = [] patterns.each do |pattern| paths.each do |path| matches = path.match(/#{pattern}/).to_a results << path unless matches.empty? end end results end end def regexify(queries) patterns = [] queries.each do |query| if query.include?("/") pattern = query.split("/").map { |p| p.split("").join(")[^\/]*?(").prepend("[^\/]*?(") + ")[^\/]*?" }.join("\/") pattern << "\/" if query[-1] == "/" else pattern = query.split("").join(").*?(").prepend(".*?(") + ").*?" end patterns << pattern end patterns end # NOTE: This is actually a glob-to-regex method def smoosh(chars) out = [] until chars.empty? char = chars.shift if char == "*" && chars.first == "*" chars.shift chars.shift if chars.first == "/" out.push("**") else out.push(char) end end out end # Parse a file to find tasks def parsef!(file: "") types = @type ? [@type] : VALID_TASKS, "r") do |f| line_number = 1 while line = f.gets types.each do |type| result = line.match(/#{Regexp.escape(type)}[\s,:-]+(\S.*)\Z/) rescue nil unless result.nil? task = { file: file, line_number: line_number, task: result.to_a.last } @tasks[type.to_sym] << task end end line_number += 1 end end end end
def add_tag(tag) if @counters[:attributes][:tag] >= Mailgun::Chains::MAX_TAGS fail Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Too many tags added to message.', tag end set_multi_complex('o:tag', tag) @counters[:attributes][:tag] += 1 end
Add tags to message. Limit of 3 per message. @param [String] tag A defined campaign ID to add to the message. @return [void]
class MessageBuilder attr_reader :message, :counters # Public: Creates a new MessageBuilder object. def initialize @message = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } @counters = { recipients: { to: 0, cc: 0, bcc: 0 }, attributes: { attachment: 0, campaign_id: 0, custom_option: 0, tag: 0 } } end # Adds a specific type of recipient to the message object. # # WARNING: Setting 'h:reply-to' with add_recipient() is deprecated! Use 'reply_to' instead. # # @param [String] recipient_type The type of recipient. "to", "cc", "bcc" or "h:reply-to". # @param [String] address The email address of the recipient to add to the message object. # @param [Hash] variables A hash of the variables associated with the recipient. We recommend "first" and "last" at a minimum! # @return [void] def add_recipient(recipient_type, address, variables = nil) if recipient_type == "h:reply-to" warn 'DEPRECATION: "add_recipient("h:reply-to", ...)" is deprecated. Please use "reply_to" instead.' return reply_to(address, variables) end if (@counters[:recipients][recipient_type] || 0) >= Mailgun::Chains::MAX_RECIPIENTS fail Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Too many recipients added to message.', address end compiled_address = parse_address(address, variables) set_multi_complex(recipient_type, compiled_address) @counters[:recipients][recipient_type] += 1 if @counters[:recipients].key?(recipient_type) end # Sets the from address for the message # # @param [String] address The address of the sender. # @param [Hash] variables A hash of the variables associated with the recipient. We recommend "first" and "last" at a minimum! # @return [void] def from(address, vars = nil) add_recipient(:from, address, vars) end # Deprecated: please use 'from' instead. def set_from_address(address, variables = nil) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_from_address" is deprecated. Please use "from" instead.' from(address, variables) end # Set the message's Reply-To address. # # Rationale: According to RFC, only one Reply-To address is allowed, so it # is *okay* to bypass the set_multi_simple and set reply-to directly. # # @param [String] address The email address to provide as Reply-To. # @param [Hash] variables A hash of variables associated with the recipient. # @return [void] def reply_to(address, variables = nil) compiled_address = parse_address(address, variables) header("reply-to", compiled_address) end # Set a subject for the message object # # @param [String] subject The subject for the email. # @return [void] def subject(subj = nil) set_multi_simple(:subject, subj) end # Deprecated: Please use "subject" instead. def set_subject(subj = nil) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_subject" is deprecated. Please use "subject" instead.' subject(subj) end # Set a text body for the message object # # @param [String] text_body The text body for the email. # @return [void] def body_text(text_body = nil) set_multi_simple(:text, text_body) end # Deprecated: Please use "body_text" instead. def set_text_body(text_body = nil) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_text_body" is deprecated. Please use "body_text" instead.' body_text(text_body) end # Set a html body for the message object # # @param [String] html_body The html body for the email. # @return [void] def body_html(html_body = nil) set_multi_simple(:html, html_body) end # Deprecated: Please use "body_html" instead. def set_html_body(html_body = nil) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_html_body" is deprecated. Please use "body_html" instead.' body_html(html_body) end # Adds a series of attachments, when called upon. # # @param [String|File] attachment A file object for attaching as an attachment. # @param [String] filename The filename you wish the attachment to be. # @return [void] def add_attachment(attachment, filename = nil) add_file(:attachment, attachment, filename) end # Adds an inline image to the mesage object. # # @param [String|File] inline_image A file object for attaching an inline image. # @param [String] filename The filename you wish the inline image to be. # @return [void] def add_inline_image(inline_image, filename = nil) add_file(:inline, inline_image, filename) end # Adds a List-Unsubscribe for the message header. # # @param [Array<String>] *variables Any number of url or mailto # @return [void] def list_unsubscribe(*variables) set_single('h:List-Unsubscribe', { |var| "<#{var}>" }.join(',')) end # Send a message in test mode. (The message won't really be sent to the recipient) # # @param [Boolean] mode The boolean or string value (will fix itself) # @return [void] def test_mode(mode) set_multi_simple('o:testmode', bool_lookup(mode)) end # Deprecated: 'set_test_mode' is depreciated. Please use 'test_mode' instead. def set_test_mode(mode) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_test_mode" is deprecated. Please use "test_mode" instead.' test_mode(mode) end # Turn DKIM on or off per message # # @param [Boolean] mode The boolean or string value(will fix itself) # @return [void] def dkim(mode) set_multi_simple('o:dkim', bool_lookup(mode)) end # Deprecated: 'set_dkim' is deprecated. Please use 'dkim' instead. def set_dkim(mode) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_dkim" is deprecated. Please use "dkim" instead.' dkim(mode) end # Add campaign IDs to message. Limit of 3 per message. # # @param [String] campaign_id A defined campaign ID to add to the message. # @return [void] def add_campaign_id(campaign_id) fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Too many campaigns added to message.', campaign_id) if @counters[:attributes][:campaign_id] >= Mailgun::Chains::MAX_CAMPAIGN_IDS set_multi_complex('o:campaign', campaign_id) @counters[:attributes][:campaign_id] += 1 end # Add tags to message. Limit of 3 per message. # # @param [String] tag A defined campaign ID to add to the message. # @return [void] # Turn Open Tracking on and off, on a per message basis. # # @param [Boolean] tracking Boolean true or false. # @return [void] def track_opens(mode) set_multi_simple('o:tracking-opens', bool_lookup(mode)) end # Deprecated: 'set_open_tracking' is deprecated. Please use 'track_opens' instead. def set_open_tracking(tracking) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_open_tracking" is deprecated. Please use "track_opens" instead.' track_opens(tracking) end # Turn Click Tracking on and off, on a per message basis. # # @param [String] mode True, False, or HTML (for HTML only tracking) # @return [void] def track_clicks(mode) set_multi_simple('o:tracking-clicks', bool_lookup(mode)) end # Depreciated: 'set_click_tracking. is deprecated. Please use 'track_clicks' instead. def set_click_tracking(tracking) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_click_tracking" is deprecated. Please use "track_clicks" instead.' track_clicks(tracking) end # Enable Delivery delay on message. Specify an RFC2822 date, and Mailgun # will not deliver the message until that date/time. For conversion # options, see Ruby "Time". Example: "October 25, 2013 10:00PM CST" will # be converted to "Fri, 25 Oct 2013 22:00:00 -0600". # # @param [String] timestamp A date and time, including a timezone. # @return [void] def deliver_at(timestamp) time_str = DateTime.parse(timestamp) set_multi_simple('o:deliverytime', time_str.rfc2822) end # Deprecated: 'set_delivery_time' is deprecated. Please use 'deliver_at' instead. def set_delivery_time(timestamp) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_delivery_time" is deprecated. Please use "deliver_at" instead.' deliver_at timestamp end # Add custom data to the message. The data should be either a hash or JSON # encoded. The custom data will be added as a header to your message. # # @param [string] name A name for the custom data. (Ex. X-Mailgun-<Name of Data>: {}) # @param [Hash] data Either a hash or JSON string. # @return [void] def header(name, data) fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Header name for message must be specified') if name.to_s.empty? begin jsondata = make_json data set_single("h:#{name}", jsondata) rescue Mailgun::ParameterError set_single("h:#{name}", data) end end # Deprecated: 'set_custom_data' is deprecated. Please use 'header' instead. def set_custom_data(name, data) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_custom_data" is deprecated. Please use "header" instead.' header name, data end # Attaches custom JSON data to the message. See the following doc page for more info. # # # @param [String] name A name for the custom variable block. # @param [String|Hash] data Either a string or a hash. If it is not valid JSON or # can not be converted to JSON, ParameterError will be raised. # @return [void] def variable(name, data) fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Variable name must be specified') if name.to_s.empty? jsondata = make_json data set_single("v:#{name}", jsondata) end # Add custom parameter to the message. A custom parameter is any parameter that # is not yet supported by the SDK, but available at the API. Note: No validation # is performed. Don't forget to prefix the parameter with o, h, or v. # # @param [string] name A name for the custom parameter. # @param [string] data A string of data for the parameter. # @return [void] def add_custom_parameter(name, data) set_multi_complex(name, data) end # Set the Message-Id header to a custom value. Don't forget to enclose the # Message-Id in angle brackets, and ensure the @domain is present. Doesn't # use simple or complex setters because it should not set value in an array. # # @param [string] data A string of data for the parameter. Passing nil or # empty string will delete h:Message-Id key and value from @message hash. # @return [void] def message_id(data = nil) key = 'h:Message-Id' return @message.delete(key) if data.to_s.empty? set_single(key, data) end # Deprecated: 'set_message_id' is deprecated. Use 'message_id' instead. def set_message_id(data = nil) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_message_id" is deprecated. Please use "message_id" instead.' message_id data end private # Sets a single value in the message hash where "multidict" features are not needed. # Does *not* permit duplicate params. # # @param [String] parameter The message object parameter name. # @param [String] value The value of the parameter. # @return [void] def set_single(parameter, value) @message[parameter] = value ? value : '' end # Sets values within the multidict, however, prevents # duplicate values for keys. # # @param [String] parameter The message object parameter name. # @param [String] value The value of the parameter. # @return [void] def set_multi_simple(parameter, value) @message[parameter] = value ? [value] : [''] end # Sets values within the multidict, however, allows # duplicate values for keys. # # @param [String] parameter The message object parameter name. # @param [String] value The value of the parameter. # @return [void] def set_multi_complex(parameter, value) @message[parameter] << (value || '') end # Converts boolean type to string # # @param [String] value The item to convert # @return [void] def bool_lookup(value) return 'yes' if %w(true yes yep).include? value.to_s.downcase return 'no' if %w(false no nope).include? value.to_s.downcase value end # Validates whether the input is JSON. # # @param [String] json_ The suspected JSON string. # @return [void] def valid_json?(json_) JSON.parse(json_) return true rescue JSON::ParserError false end # Private: given an object attempt to make it into JSON # # obj - an object. Hopefully a JSON string or Hash # # Returns a JSON object or raises ParameterError def make_json(obj) return JSON.parse(obj).to_json if obj.is_a?(String) return obj.to_json if obj.is_a?(Hash) return JSON.generate(obj).to_json rescue raise Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Provided data could not be made into JSON. Try a JSON string or Hash.', obj end # Parses the address and gracefully handles any # missing parameters. The result should be something like: # "'First Last' <[email protected]>" # # @param [String] address The email address to parse. # @param [Hash] variables A list of recipient variables. # @return [void] def parse_address(address, vars) return address unless vars.is_a? Hash fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Email address not specified') unless address.is_a? String if vars['full_name'] != nil && (vars['first'] != nil || vars['last'] != nil) fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Must specify at most one of full_name or first/last. Vars passed: #{vars}') end if vars['full_name'] full_name = vars['full_name'] elsif vars['first'] || vars['last'] full_name = "#{vars['first']} #{vars['last']}".strip end return "'#{full_name}' <#{address}>" if defined?(full_name) address end # Private: Adds a file to the message. # # @param [Symbol] disposition The type of file: :attachment or :inline # @param [String|File] attachment A file object for attaching as an attachment. # @param [String] filename The filename you wish the attachment to be. # @return [void] # # Returns nothing def add_file(disposition, filedata, filename) attachment =, 'r') if filedata.is_a?(String) attachment = filedata.dup unless attachment fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Unable to access attachment file object.' ) unless attachment.respond_to?(:read) unless filename.nil? attachment.instance_variable_set :@original_filename, filename attachment.instance_eval 'def original_filename; @original_filename; end' end set_multi_complex(disposition, attachment) end end
def add_attachment(attachment, name = '') # Is it a file object or a string (url)? if attachment.respond_to?(:path) && attachment.respond_to?(:read)"/cards/#{id}/attachments", { file: attachment, name: name }) else"/cards/#{id}/attachments", { url: attachment, name: name }) end end
Add an attachment to this card
class Card < BasicData register_attributes :id, :short_id, :name, :desc, :due, :due_complete, :closed, :url, :short_url, :board_id, :member_ids, :list_id, :pos, :last_activity_date, :labels, :card_labels, :cover_image_id, :badges, :card_members, :source_card_id, :source_card_properties, readonly: [ :id, :short_id, :url, :short_url, :last_activity_date, :badges, :card_members ] validates_presence_of :id, :name, :list_id validates_length_of :name, in: 1..16384 validates_length_of :desc, in: 0..16384 include HasActions SYMBOL_TO_STRING = { id: 'id', short_id: 'idShort', name: 'name', desc: 'desc', due: 'due', due_complete: 'dueComplete', closed: 'closed', url: 'url', short_url: 'shortUrl', board_id: 'idBoard', member_ids: 'idMembers', cover_image_id: 'idAttachmentCover', list_id: 'idList', pos: 'pos', last_activity_date: 'dateLastActivity', card_labels: 'idLabels', labels: 'labels', badges: 'badges', card_members: 'members', source_card_id: "idCardSource", source_card_properties: "keepFromSource" } class << self # Find a specific card by its id. # # @raise [Trello::Error] if the card could not be found. # # @return [Trello::Card] def find(id, params = {}) client.find(:card, id, params) end # Create a new card and save it on Trello. # # If using source_card_id to duplicate a card, make sure to save # the source card to Trello before calling this method to assure # the correct data is used in the duplication. # # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :name The name of the new card. # @option options [String] :list_id ID of the list that the card should # be added to. # @option options [String] :desc A string with a # length from 0 to 16384. # @option options [String] :member_ids A comma-separated list of # objectIds (24-character hex strings). # @option options [String] :card_labels A comma-separated list of # objectIds (24-character hex strings). # @option options [Date] :due A date, or `nil`. # @option options [String] :pos A position. `"top"`, `"bottom"`, or a # positive number. Defaults to `"bottom"`. # @option options [String] :source_card_id ID of the card to copy # @option options [String] :source_card_properties A single, or array of, # string properties to copy from source card. # `"all"`, `"checklists"`, `"due"`, `"members"`, or `nil`. # Defaults to `"all"`. # # @raise [Trello::Error] if the card could not be created. # # @return [Trello::Card] def create(options) client.create(:card, 'name' => options[:name], 'idList' => options[:list_id], 'desc' => options[:desc], 'idMembers' => options[:member_ids], 'idLabels' => options[:card_labels], 'due' => options[:due], 'due_complete' => options[:due_complete] || false, 'pos' => options[:pos], 'idCardSource' => options[:source_card_id], 'keepFromSource' => options.key?(:source_card_properties) ? options[:source_card_properties] : 'all' ) end end # Update the fields of a card. # # Supply a hash of string keyed data retrieved from the Trello API representing # a card. # # Note that this this method does not save anything new to the Trello API, # it just assigns the input attributes to your local object. If you use # this method to assign attributes, call `save` or `update!` afterwards if # you want to persist your changes to Trello. # # @param [Hash] fields # @option fields [String] :id # @option fields [String] :short_id # @option fields [String] :name The new name of the card. # @option fields [String] :desc A string with a length from 0 to # 16384. # @option fields [Date] :due A date, or `nil`. # @option fields [Boolean] :due_complete # @option fields [Boolean] :closed # @option fields [String] :url # @option fields [String] :short_url # @option fields [String] :board_id # @option fields [String] :member_ids A comma-separated list of objectIds # (24-character hex strings). # @option fields [String] :pos A position. `"top"`, `"bottom"`, or a # positive number. Defaults to `"bottom"`. # @option fields [Array] :labels An Array of Trello::Label objects # derived from the JSON response # @option fields [String] :card_labels A comma-separated list of # objectIds (24-character hex strings). # @option fields [Object] :cover_image_id # @option fields [Object] :badges # @option fields [Object] :card_members # @option fields [String] :source_card_id # @option fields [Array] :source_card_properties # # @return [Trello::Card] self def update_fields(fields) attributes[:id] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:id]] || attributes[:id] attributes[:short_id] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:short_id]] || attributes[:short_id] attributes[:name] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:name]] || fields[:name] || attributes[:name] attributes[:desc] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:desc]] || fields[:desc] || attributes[:desc] attributes[:due] = Time.iso8601(fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:due]]) rescue nil if fields.has_key?(SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:due]) attributes[:due] = fields[:due] if fields.has_key?(:due) attributes[:due_complete] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:due_complete]] if fields.has_key?(SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:due_complete]) attributes[:due_complete] ||= false attributes[:closed] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:closed]] if fields.has_key?(SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:closed]) attributes[:url] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:url]] || attributes[:url] attributes[:short_url] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:short_url]] || attributes[:short_url] attributes[:board_id] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:board_id]] || attributes[:board_id] attributes[:member_ids] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:member_ids]] || fields[:member_ids] || attributes[:member_ids] attributes[:list_id] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:list_id]] || fields[:list_id] || attributes[:list_id] attributes[:pos] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:pos]] || fields[:pos] || attributes[:pos] attributes[:labels] = (fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:labels]] || []).map { |lbl| }.presence || attributes[:labels].presence || [] attributes[:card_labels] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:card_labels]] || fields[:card_labels] || attributes[:card_labels] attributes[:last_activity_date] = Time.iso8601(fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:last_activity_date]]) rescue nil if fields.has_key?(SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:last_activity_date]) attributes[:cover_image_id] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:cover_image_id]] || attributes[:cover_image_id] attributes[:badges] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:badges]] || attributes[:badges] attributes[:card_members] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:card_members]] || attributes[:card_members] attributes[:source_card_id] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:source_card_id]] || fields[:source_card_id] || attributes[:source_card_id] attributes[:source_card_properties] = fields[SYMBOL_TO_STRING[:source_card_properties]] || fields[:source_card_properties] || attributes[:source_card_properties] self end # Returns a reference to the board this card is part of. one :board, path: :boards, using: :board_id # Returns a reference to the cover image attachment one :cover_image, path: :attachments, using: :cover_image_id # Returns a list of checklists associated with the card. # # The options hash may have a filter key which can have its value set as any # of the following values: # :filter => [ :none, :all ] # default :all many :checklists, filter: :all # Returns a list of plugins associated with the card many :plugin_data, path: "pluginData" # List of custom field values on the card, only the ones that have been set many :custom_field_items, path: 'customFieldItems' def check_item_states states = CheckItemState.from_response client.get("/cards/#{}/checkItemStates"), states).proxy end # Returns a reference to the list this card is currently in. one :list, path: :lists, using: :list_id # Returns a list of members who are assigned to this card. # # @return [Array<Trello::Member>] def members members = Member.from_response client.get("/cards/#{}/members"), members).proxy end # Returns a list of members who have upvoted this card # NOTE: this fetches a list each time it's called to avoid case where # card is voted (or vote is removed) after card is fetched. Optimizing # accuracy over network performance # # @return [Array<Trello::Member>] def voters Member.from_response client.get("/cards/#{id}/membersVoted") end # Saves a record. # # @raise [Trello::Error] if the card could not be saved # # @return [String] The JSON representation of the saved card returned by # the Trello API. def save # If we have an id, just update our fields. return update! if id from_response"/cards", { name: name, desc: desc, idList: list_id, idMembers: member_ids, idLabels: card_labels, pos: pos, due: due, dueComplete: due_complete, idCardSource: source_card_id, keepFromSource: source_card_properties }) end # Update an existing record. # # Warning: this updates all fields using values already in memory. If # an external resource has updated these fields, you should refresh! # this object before making your changes, and before updating the record. # # @raise [Trello::Error] if the card could not be updated. # # @return [String] The JSON representation of the updated card returned by # the Trello API. def update! @previously_changed = changes # extract only new values to build payload payload = Hash[ { |key, values| [SYMBOL_TO_STRING[key.to_sym].to_sym, values[1]] }] @changed_attributes.clear client.put("/cards/#{id}", payload) end # Delete this card # # @return [String] the JSON response from the Trello API def delete client.delete("/cards/#{id}") end # Check if the card is not active anymore. def closed? closed end # Close the card. # # This only marks your local copy card as closed. Use `close!` if you # want to close the card and persist the change to the Trello API. # # @return [Boolean] always returns true # # @return [String] The JSON representation of the closed card returned by # the Trello API. def close self.closed = true end def close! close save end # Is the record valid? def valid? name && list_id end # Add a comment with the supplied text. def add_comment(text)"/cards/#{id}/actions/comments", text: text) end # Add a checklist to this card def add_checklist(checklist)"/cards/#{id}/checklists", { value: }) end # create a new checklist and add it to this card def create_new_checklist(name)"/cards/#{id}/checklists", { name: name }) end # Move this card to the given list def move_to_list(list) list_number = list.is_a?(String) ? list : unless list_id == list_number client.put("/cards/#{id}/idList", { value: list_number }) end end # Moves this card to the given list no matter which board it is on def move_to_list_on_any_board(list_id) list = List.find(list_id) if == list.board_id move_to_list(list_id) else move_to_board(Board.find(list.board_id), list) end end # Move this card to the given board (and optional list on this board) def move_to_board(new_board, new_list = nil) unless board_id == payload = { value: } payload[:idList] = if new_list client.put("/cards/#{id}/idBoard", payload) end end # Add a member to this card def add_member(member)"/cards/#{id}/members", { value: }) end # Remove a member from this card def remove_member(member) client.delete("/cards/#{id}/members/#{}") end # Current authenticated user upvotes a card def upvote begin"/cards/#{id}/membersVoted", { value: }) rescue Trello::Error => e fail e unless e.message =~ /has already voted/i end self end # Recind upvote. Noop if authenticated user hasn't previously voted def remove_upvote begin client.delete("/cards/#{id}/membersVoted/#{}") rescue Trello::Error => e fail e unless e.message =~ /has not voted/i end self end # Add a label def add_label(label) unless label.valid? errors.add(:label, "is not valid.") return Trello.logger.warn "Label is not valid." unless label.valid? end"/cards/#{id}/idLabels", {value:}) end # Remove a label def remove_label(label) unless label.valid? errors.add(:label, "is not valid.") return Trello.logger.warn "Label is not valid." unless label.valid? end client.delete("/cards/#{id}/idLabels/#{}") end # Add an attachment to this card # Retrieve a list of attachments def attachments attachments = Attachment.from_response client.get("/cards/#{id}/attachments"), attachments).proxy end # Remove an attachment from this card def remove_attachment(attachment) client.delete("/cards/#{id}/attachments/#{}") end # :nodoc: def request_prefix "/cards/#{id}" end # Retrieve a list of comments def comments comments = Comment.from_response client.get("/cards/#{id}/actions", filter: "commentCard") end # Find the creation date def created_at @created_at ||=[0..7].to_i(16)) rescue nil end private def me @me ||= Member.find(:me) end end
def add_ingress_rule(cl, sg_group, cidr_ip, from_port, to_port, protocol = 'tcp') cl.authorize_security_group_ingress( :cidr_ip => cidr_ip, :ip_protocol => protocol, :from_port => from_port, :to_port => to_port, :group_id => sg_group.group_id, ) end
Authorizes connections from certain CIDR to a range of ports @param cl [Aws::EC2::Client] @param sg_group [Aws::EC2::SecurityGroup] the AWS security group @param cidr_ip [String] CIDR used for outbound security group rule @param from_port [String] Starting Port number in the range @param to_port [String] Ending Port number in the range @return [void] @api private
class AwsSdk < Beaker::Hypervisor ZOMBIE = 3 #anything older than 3 hours is considered a zombie PING_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME = 'beaker-ping' attr_reader :default_region # Initialize AwsSdk hypervisor driver # # @param [Array<Beaker::Host>] hosts Array of Beaker::Host objects # @param [Hash<String, String>] options Options hash def initialize(hosts, options) @hosts = hosts @options = options @logger = options[:logger] @default_region = ENV['AWS_REGION'] || 'us-west-2' # Get AWS credentials creds = options[:use_fog_credentials] ? load_credentials() : nil config = { :credentials => creds, :logger =>$stdout), :log_level => :debug, :log_formatter => Aws::Log::Formatter.colored, :retry_limit => 12, :region => ENV['AWS_REGION'] || 'us-west-2' }.delete_if{ |k,v| v.nil? } Aws.config.update(config) @client = {} @client.default_proc = proc do |hash, key| hash[key] = => key) end test_split_install() end def client(region = default_region) @client[region] end # Provision all hosts on EC2 using the Aws::EC2 API # # @return [void] def provision start_time = # Perform the main launch work launch_all_nodes() # Add metadata tags to each instance # tagging early as some nodes take longer # to initialize and terminate before it has # a chance to provision add_tags() # adding the correct security groups to the # network interface, as during the `launch_all_nodes()` # step they never get assigned, although they get created modify_network_interface() wait_for_status_netdev() # Grab the ip addresses and dns from EC2 for each instance to use for ssh populate_dns() #enable root if user is not root enable_root_on_hosts() # Set the hostname for each box set_hostnames() # Configure /etc/hosts on each host configure_hosts() @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Provisioning complete in #{ - start_time} seconds") nil #void end def regions @regions ||= end # Kill all instances. # # @param instances [Enumerable<Aws::EC2::Types::Instance>] # @return [void] def kill_instances(instances) running_instances = do |instance| instance_by_id(instance.instance_id) == 'running' end instance_ids = return nil if instance_ids.empty? @logger.notify("aws-sdk: killing EC2 instance(s) #{instance_ids.join(', ')}") client.terminate_instances(:instance_ids => instance_ids) nil end # Cleanup all earlier provisioned hosts on EC2 using the Aws::EC2 library # # It goes without saying, but a #cleanup does nothing without a #provision # method call first. # # @return [void] def cleanup # Provisioning should have set the host 'instance' values. kill_instances({ |h| h['instance'] }.select{ |x| !x.nil? }) delete_key_pair_all_regions() nil end # Print instances to the logger. Instances will be from all regions # associated with provided key name and limited by regex compared to # instance status. Defaults to running instances. # # @param [String] key The key_name to match for # @param [Regex] status The regular expression to match against the instance's status def log_instances(key = key_name, status = /running/) instances = [] regions.each do |region| @logger.debug "Reviewing: #{region}" client(region).describe_instances.reservations.each do |reservation| reservation.instances.each do |instance| if (instance.key_name =~ /#{key}/) and ( =~ status) instances << instance end end end end output = "" instances.each do |instance| dns_name = instance.public_dns_name || instance.private_dns_name output << "#{instance.instance_id} keyname: #{instance.key_name}, dns name: #{dns_name}, private ip: #{instance.private_ip_address}, ip: #{instance.public_ip_address}, launch time #{instance.launch_time}, status: #{}\n" end @logger.notify("aws-sdk: List instances (keyname: #{key})") @logger.notify("#{output}") end # Provided an id return an instance object. # Instance object will respond to methods described here: { AWS Instance Object}. # @param [String] id The id of the instance to return # @return [Aws::EC2::Types::Instance] An Aws::EC2 instance object def instance_by_id(id) client.describe_instances(:instance_ids => [id]).reservations.first.instances.first end # Return all instances currently on ec2. # @see AwsSdk#instance_by_id # @return [Array<Aws::Ec2::Types::Instance>] An array of Aws::EC2 instance objects def instances end # Provided an id return a VPC object. # VPC object will respond to methods described here: { AWS VPC Object}. # @param [String] id The id of the VPC to return # @return [Aws::EC2::Types::Vpc] An Aws::EC2 vpc object def vpc_by_id(id) client.describe_vpcs(:vpc_ids => [id]).vpcs.first end # Return all VPCs currently on ec2. # @see AwsSdk#vpc_by_id # @return [Array<Aws::EC2::Types::Vpc>] An array of Aws::EC2 vpc objects def vpcs client.describe_vpcs.vpcs end # Provided an id return a security group object # Security object will respond to methods described here: { AWS SecurityGroup Object}. # @param [String] id The id of the security group to return # @return [Aws::EC2::Types::SecurityGroup] An Aws::EC2 security group object def security_group_by_id(id) client.describe_security_groups(:group_ids => [id]).security_groups.first end # Return all security groups currently on ec2. # @see AwsSdk#security_goup_by_id # @return [Array<Aws::EC2::Types::SecurityGroup>] An array of Aws::EC2 security group objects def security_groups client.describe_security_groups.security_groups end # Shutdown and destroy ec2 instances idenfitied by key that have been alive # longer than ZOMBIE hours. # # @param [Integer] max_age The age in hours that a machine needs to be older than to be considered a zombie # @param [String] key The key_name to match for def kill_zombies(max_age = ZOMBIE, key = key_name) @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Kill Zombies! (keyname: #{key}, age: #{max_age} hrs)") instances_to_kill = [] time_now = #ec2 uses GM time #examine all available regions regions.each do |region| @logger.debug "Reviewing: #{region}" client(region).describe_instances.reservations.each do |reservation| reservation.instances.each do |instance| if (instance.key_name =~ /#{key}/) @logger.debug "Examining #{instance.instance_id} (keyname: #{instance.key_name}, launch time: #{instance.launch_time}, state: #{})" if ((time_now - instance.launch_time) > max_age*60*60) and !~ /terminated/ @logger.debug "Kill! #{instance.instance_id}: #{instance.key_name} (Current status: #{})" instances_to_kill << instance end end end end end kill_instances(instances_to_kill) delete_key_pair_all_regions(key_name_prefix) @logger.notify "#{key}: Killed #{instances_to_kill.length} instance(s)" end # Destroy any volumes marked 'available', INCLUDING THOSE YOU DON'T OWN! Use with care. def kill_zombie_volumes # Occasionaly, tearing down ec2 instances leaves orphaned EBS volumes behind -- these stack up quickly. # This simply looks for EBS volumes that are not in use @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Kill Zombie Volumes!") volume_count = 0 regions.each do |region| @logger.debug "Reviewing: #{region}" available_volumes = client(region).describe_volumes( :filters => [ { :name => 'status', :values => ['available'], } ] ).volumes available_volumes.each do |volume| begin client(region).delete_volume(:volume_id => volume_count += 1 rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidVolume::NotFound => e @logger.debug "Failed to remove volume: #{} #{e}" end end end @logger.notify "Freed #{volume_count} volume(s)" end # Create an EC2 instance for host, tag it, and return it. # # @return [void] # @api private def create_instance(host, ami_spec, subnet_id) amitype = host['vmname'] || host['platform'] amisize = host['amisize'] || 'm1.small' vpc_id = host['vpc_id'] || @options['vpc_id'] || nil host['sg_cidr_ips'] = host['sg_cidr_ips'] || ''; sg_cidr_ips = host['sg_cidr_ips'].split(',') assoc_pub_ip_addr = host['associate_public_ip_address'] if vpc_id && !subnet_id raise RuntimeError, "A subnet_id must be provided with a vpc_id" end if assoc_pub_ip_addr && !subnet_id raise RuntimeError, "A subnet_id must be provided when configuring assoc_pub_ip_addr" end # Use snapshot provided for this host image_type = host['snapshot'] raise RuntimeError, "No snapshot/image_type provided for EC2 provisioning" unless image_type ami = ami_spec[amitype] ami_region = ami[:region] # Main region object for ec2 operations region = ami_region # If we haven't defined a vpc_id then we use the default vpc for the provided region unless vpc_id @logger.notify("aws-sdk: filtering available vpcs in region by 'isDefault'") default_vpcs = client(region).describe_vpcs(:filters => [{:name => 'isDefault', :values => ['true']}]) vpc_id = if default_vpcs.vpcs.empty? nil else default_vpcs.vpcs.first.vpc_id end end # Grab the vpc object based upon provided id vpc = vpc_id ? client(region).describe_vpcs(:vpc_ids => [vpc_id]).vpcs.first : nil # Grab image object image_id = ami[:image][image_type.to_sym] @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Checking image #{image_id} exists and getting its root device") image = client(region).describe_images(:image_ids => [image_id]).images.first raise RuntimeError, "Image not found: #{image_id}" if image.nil? @logger.notify("Image Storage Type: #{image.root_device_type}") # Transform the images block_device_mappings output into a format # ready for a create. block_device_mappings = [] if image.root_device_type == :ebs orig_bdm = image.block_device_mappings @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Image block_device_mappings: #{orig_bdm}") orig_bdm.each do |block_device| block_device_mappings << { :device_name => block_device.device_name, :ebs => { # Change the default size of the root volume. :volume_size => host['volume_size'] || block_device.ebs.volume_size, # This is required to override the images default for # delete_on_termination, forcing all volumes to be deleted once the # instance is terminated. :delete_on_termination => true, } } end end security_group = ensure_group(vpc || region, Beaker::EC2Helper.amiports(host), sg_cidr_ips) #check if ping is enabled ping_security_group = ensure_ping_group(vpc || region, sg_cidr_ips) msg = "aws-sdk: launching %p on %p using %p/%p%s" % [, amitype, amisize, image_type, subnet_id ? ("in %p" % subnet_id) : ''] @logger.notify(msg) config = { :max_count => 1, :min_count => 1, :image_id => image_id, :monitoring => { :enabled => true, }, :key_name => ensure_key_pair(region).key_pairs.first.key_name, :instance_type => amisize, :disable_api_termination => false, :instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior => "terminate", } if assoc_pub_ip_addr # this never gets created, so they end up with # default security group which only allows for # ssh access from outside world which # doesn't work well with remote devices etc. config[:network_interfaces] = [{ :subnet_id => subnet_id, :groups => [security_group.group_id, ping_security_group.group_id], :device_index => 0, :associate_public_ip_address => assoc_pub_ip_addr, }] else config[:subnet_id] = subnet_id end config[:block_device_mappings] = block_device_mappings if image.root_device_type == :ebs reservation = client(region).run_instances(config) reservation.instances.first end # For each host, create an EC2 instance in one of the specified # subnets and push it onto instances_created. Each subnet will be # tried at most once for each host, and more than one subnet may # be tried if capacity constraints are encountered. Each Hash in # instances_created will contain an :instance and :host value. # # @param hosts [Enumerable<Host>] # @param subnets [Enumerable<String>] # @param ami_spec [Hash] # @param instances_created Enumerable<Hash{Symbol=>EC2::Instance,Host}> # @return [void] # @api private def launch_nodes_on_some_subnet(hosts, subnets, ami_spec, instances_created) # Shuffle the subnets so we don't always hit the same one # first, and cycle though the subnets independently of the # host, so we stick with one that's working. Try each subnet # once per-host. if subnets.nil? or subnets.empty? return end subnet_i = 0 shuffnets = subnets.shuffle hosts.each do |host| instance = nil shuffnets.length.times do begin subnet_id = shuffnets[subnet_i] instance = create_instance(host, ami_spec, subnet_id) instances_created.push({:instance => instance, :host => host}) break rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InsufficientInstanceCapacity @logger.notify("aws-sdk: hit #{subnet_id} capacity limit; moving on") subnet_i = (subnet_i + 1) % shuffnets.length end end if instance.nil? raise RuntimeError, "unable to launch host in any requested subnet" end end end # Create EC2 instances for all hosts, tag them, and wait until # they're running. When a host provides a subnet_id, create the # instance in that subnet, otherwise prefer a CONFIG subnet_id. # If neither are set but there is a CONFIG subnet_ids list, # attempt to create the host in each specified subnet, which might # fail due to capacity constraints, for example. Specifying both # a CONFIG subnet_id and subnet_ids will provoke an error. # # @return [void] # @api private def launch_all_nodes @logger.notify("aws-sdk: launch all hosts in configuration") ami_spec = YAML.load_file(@options[:ec2_yaml])["AMI"] global_subnet_id = @options['subnet_id'] global_subnets = @options['subnet_ids'] if global_subnet_id and global_subnets raise RuntimeError, 'Config specifies both subnet_id and subnet_ids' end no_subnet_hosts = [] specific_subnet_hosts = [] some_subnet_hosts = [] @hosts.each do |host| if global_subnet_id or host['subnet_id'] specific_subnet_hosts.push(host) elsif global_subnets some_subnet_hosts.push(host) else no_subnet_hosts.push(host) end end instances = [] # Each element is {:instance => i, :host => h} begin @logger.notify("aws-sdk: launch instances not particular about subnet") launch_nodes_on_some_subnet(some_subnet_hosts, global_subnets, ami_spec, instances) @logger.notify("aws-sdk: launch instances requiring a specific subnet") specific_subnet_hosts.each do |host| subnet_id = host['subnet_id'] || global_subnet_id instance = create_instance(host, ami_spec, subnet_id) instances.push({:instance => instance, :host => host}) end @logger.notify("aws-sdk: launch instances requiring no subnet") no_subnet_hosts.each do |host| instance = create_instance(host, ami_spec, nil) instances.push({:instance => instance, :host => host}) end wait_for_status(:running, instances) rescue Exception => ex @logger.notify("aws-sdk: exception #{ex.class}: #{ex}") kill_instances({|x| x[:instance]}) raise ex end # At this point, all instances should be running since wait # either returns on success or throws an exception. if instances.empty? raise RuntimeError, "Didn't manage to launch any EC2 instances" end # Assign the now known running instances to their hosts. instances.each {|x| x[:host]['instance'] = x[:instance]} nil end # Wait until all instances reach the desired state. Each Hash in # instances must contain an :instance and :host value. # # @param state_name [String] EC2 state to wait for, 'running', 'stopped', etc. # @param instances Enumerable<Hash{Symbol=>EC2::Instance,Host}> # @param block [Proc] more complex checks can be made by passing a # block in. This overrides the status parameter. # EC2::Instance objects from the hosts will be # yielded to the passed block # @return [void] # @api private # FIXME: rename to #wait_for_state def wait_for_status(state_name, instances, &block) # Wait for each node to reach status :running @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Waiting for all hosts to be #{state_name}") instances.each do |x| name = x[:host] ? x[:host].name : x[:name] instance = x[:instance] @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Wait for node #{name} to be #{state_name}") # Here we keep waiting for the machine state to reach 'running' with an # exponential backoff for each poll. # TODO: should probably be a in a shared method somewhere for tries in 1..10 refreshed_instance = instance_by_id(instance.instance_id) if refreshed_instance.nil? @logger.debug("Instance #{name} not yet available (#{e})") else if block_given? test_result = yield refreshed_instance else test_result = == state_name.to_s end if test_result x[:instance] = refreshed_instance # Always sleep, so the next command won't cause a throttle backoff_sleep(tries) break elsif tries == 10 raise "Instance never reached state #{state_name}" end end backoff_sleep(tries) end end end # Handles special checks needed for netdev platforms. # # @note if any host is an netdev one, these checks will happen once across all # of the hosts, and then we'll exit # # @return [void] # @api private def wait_for_status_netdev() @hosts.each do |host| if host['platform'] =~ /f5-|netscaler/ wait_for_status(:running, @hosts) wait_for_status(nil, @hosts) do |instance| instance_status_collection = client.describe_instance_status({:instance_ids => [instance.instance_id]}) first_instance = instance_status_collection.first[:instance_statuses].first first_instance[:instance_status][:status] == "ok" if first_instance end break end end end # Add metadata tags to all instances # # @return [void] # @api private def add_tags @hosts.each do |host| instance = host['instance'] # Define tags for the instance @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Add tags for #{}") tags = [ { :key => 'jenkins_build_url', :value => @options[:jenkins_build_url], }, { :key => 'Name', :value =>, }, { :key => 'department', :value => @options[:department], }, { :key => 'project', :value => @options[:project], }, { :key => 'created_by', :value => @options[:created_by], }, ] host[:host_tags].each do |name, val| tags << { :key => name.to_s, :value => val } end client.create_tags( :resources => [instance.instance_id], :tags => tags.reject { |r| r[:value].nil? }, ) end nil end # Add correct security groups to hosts network_interface # as during the create_instance stage it is too early in process # to configure # # @return [void] # @api private def modify_network_interface @hosts.each do |host| instance = host['instance'] host['sg_cidr_ips'] = host['sg_cidr_ips'] || ''; sg_cidr_ips = host['sg_cidr_ips'].split(',') # Define tags for the instance @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Update network_interface for #{}") security_group = ensure_group(instance[:network_interfaces].first, Beaker::EC2Helper.amiports(host), sg_cidr_ips) ping_security_group = ensure_ping_group(instance[:network_interfaces].first, sg_cidr_ips) client.modify_network_interface_attribute( :network_interface_id => "#{instance[:network_interfaces].first[:network_interface_id]}", :groups => [security_group.group_id, ping_security_group.group_id], ) end nil end # Populate the hosts IP address from the EC2 dns_name # # @return [void] # @api private def populate_dns # Obtain the IP addresses and dns_name for each host @hosts.each do |host| @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Populate DNS for #{}") instance = host['instance'] host['ip'] = instance.public_ip_address || instance.private_ip_address host['private_ip'] = instance.private_ip_address host['dns_name'] = instance.public_dns_name || instance.private_dns_name @logger.notify("aws-sdk: name: #{} ip: #{host['ip']} private_ip: #{host['private_ip']} dns_name: #{host['dns_name']}") end nil end # Return a valid /etc/hosts line for a given host # # @param [Beaker::Host] host Beaker::Host object for generating /etc/hosts entry # @param [Symbol] interface Symbol identifies which ip should be used for host # @return [String] formatted hosts entry for host # @api private def etc_hosts_entry(host, interface = :ip) name = domain = get_domain_name(host) ip = host[interface.to_s] "#{ip}\t#{name} #{name}.#{domain} #{host['dns_name']}\n" end # Configure /etc/hosts for each node # # @note f5 hosts are skipped since this isn't a valid step there # # @return [void] # @api private def configure_hosts non_netdev_windows_hosts ={ |h| !(h['platform'] =~ /f5-|netscaler|windows/) } non_netdev_windows_hosts.each do |host| host_entries = do |h| h == host ? etc_hosts_entry(h, :private_ip) : etc_hosts_entry(h) end host_entries.unshift "\tlocalhost localhost.localdomain\n" set_etc_hosts(host, host_entries.join('')) end nil end # Enables root for instances with custom username like ubuntu-amis # # @return [void] # @api private def enable_root_on_hosts @hosts.each do |host| if host['disable_root_ssh'] == true @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Not enabling root for instance as disable_root_ssh is set to 'true'.") else @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Enabling root ssh") enable_root(host) end end end # Enables root access for a host when username is not root # # @return [void] # @api private def enable_root(host) if host['user'] != 'root' if host['platform'] =~ /f5-/ enable_root_f5(host) elsif host['platform'] =~ /netscaler/ enable_root_netscaler(host) else copy_ssh_to_root(host, @options) enable_root_login(host, @options) host['user'] = 'root' end host.close end end # Enables root access for a host on an f5 platform # @note This method does not support other platforms # # @return nil # @api private def enable_root_f5(host) for tries in 1..10 begin #This command is problematic as the F5 is not always done loading if host.exec("modify sys db systemauth.disablerootlogin value false"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1]).exit_code == 0 \ and host.exec("modify sys global-settings gui-setup disabled"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1]).exit_code == 0 \ and host.exec("save sys config"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1]).exit_code == 0 backoff_sleep(tries) break elsif tries == 10 raise "Instance was unable to be configured" end rescue Beaker::Host::CommandFailure => e @logger.debug("Instance not yet configured (#{e})") end backoff_sleep(tries) end host['user'] = 'admin' sha256 = password = sha256.hexdigest((1..50).map{(rand(86)+40).chr}.join.gsub(/\\/,'\&\&')) + 'password!' # disabling password policy to account for the enforcement level set # and the generated password is sometimes too `01070366:3: Bad password (admin): BAD PASSWORD: \ # it is too simplistic/systematic` host.exec('modify auth password-policy policy-enforcement disabled')) host.exec("modify auth user admin password #{password}")) @logger.notify("f5: Configured admin password to be #{password}") host.close host['ssh'] = {:password => password} end # Enables root access for a host on an netscaler platform # @note This method does not support other platforms # # @return nil # @api private def enable_root_netscaler(host) host['ssh'] = {:password => host['instance'].instance_id} @logger.notify("netscaler: nsroot password is #{host['instance'].instance_id}") end # Set the :vmhostname for each host object to be the dns_name, which is accessible # publicly. Then configure each ec2 machine to that dns_name, so that when facter # is installed the facts for hostname and domain match the dns_name. # # if :use_beaker_hostnames: is true, set the :vmhostname and hostname of each ec2 # machine to the host[:name] from the beaker hosts file. # # @return [@hosts] # @api private def set_hostnames if @options[:use_beaker_hostnames] @hosts.each do |host| host[:vmhostname] = if host['platform'] =~ /el-7/ # on el-7 hosts, the hostname command doesn't "stick" randomly host.exec("hostnamectl set-hostname #{}")) elsif host['platform'] =~ /windows/ @logger.notify('aws-sdk: Change hostname on windows is not supported.') else next if host['platform'] =~ /f5-|netscaler/ host.exec("hostname #{}")) if host['vmname'] =~ /^amazon/ # Amazon Linux requires this to preserve host name changes across reboots. # # Also note that without an elastic ip set, while this will # preserve the hostname across a full shutdown/startup of the vm # (as opposed to a reboot) -- the ip address will have changed. host.exec("sed -ie '/^HOSTNAME/ s/=.*/=#{}/' /etc/sysconfig/network")) end end end else @hosts.each do |host| host[:vmhostname] = host[:dns_name] if host['platform'] =~ /el-7/ # on el-7 hosts, the hostname command doesn't "stick" randomly host.exec("hostnamectl set-hostname #{host.hostname}")) elsif host['platform'] =~ /windows/ @logger.notify('aws-sdk: Change hostname on windows is not supported.') else next if host['platform'] =~ /ft-|netscaler/ host.exec("hostname #{host.hostname}")) if host['vmname'] =~ /^amazon/ # See note above host.exec("sed -ie '/^HOSTNAME/ s/=.*/=#{host.hostname}/' /etc/sysconfig/network")) end end end end end # Calculates and waits a back-off period based on the number of tries # # Logs each backupoff time and retry value to the console. # # @param tries [Number] number of tries to calculate back-off period # @return [void] # @api private def backoff_sleep(tries) # Exponential with some randomization sleep_time = 2 ** tries @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Sleeping #{sleep_time} seconds for attempt #{tries}.") sleep sleep_time nil end # Retrieve the public key locally from the executing users ~/.ssh directory # # @return [String] contents of public key # @api private def public_key keys = Array(@options[:ssh][:keys]) keys << '~/.ssh/id_rsa' keys << '~/.ssh/id_dsa' key_file = keys.find do |key| key_pub = key + '.pub' File.exist?(File.expand_path(key_pub)) && File.exist?(File.expand_path(key)) end if key_file @logger.debug("Using public key: #{key_file}") else raise RuntimeError, "Expected to find a public key, but couldn't in #{keys}" end + '.pub')) end # Generate a key prefix for key pair names # # @note This is the part of the key that will stay static between Beaker # runs on the same host. # # @return [String] Beaker key pair name based on sanitized hostname def key_name_prefix safe_hostname = Socket.gethostname.gsub('.', '-') "Beaker-#{local_user}-#{safe_hostname}" end # Generate a reusable key name from the local hosts hostname # # @return [String] safe key name for current host # @api private def key_name "#{key_name_prefix}-#{@options[:aws_keyname_modifier]}-#{@options[:timestamp].strftime("%F_%H_%M_%S_%N")}" end # Returns the local user running this tool # # @return [String] username of local user # @api private def local_user ENV['USER'] end # Creates the KeyPair for this test run # # @param region [Aws::EC2::Region] region to create the key pair in # @return [Aws::EC2::KeyPair] created key_pair # @api private def ensure_key_pair(region) pair_name = key_name() delete_key_pair(region, pair_name) create_new_key_pair(region, pair_name) end # Deletes key pairs from all regions # # @param [String] keypair_name_filter if given, will get all keypairs that match # a simple {::String#start_with?} filter. If no filter is given, the basic key # name returned by {#key_name} will be used. # # @return nil # @api private def delete_key_pair_all_regions(keypair_name_filter=nil) region_keypairs_hash = my_key_pairs(keypair_name_filter) region_keypairs_hash.each_pair do |region, keypair_name_array| keypair_name_array.each do |keypair_name| delete_key_pair(region, keypair_name) end end end # Gets the Beaker user's keypairs by region # # @param [String] name_filter if given, will get all keypairs that match # a simple {::String#start_with?} filter. If no filter is given, the basic key # name returned by {#key_name} will be used. # # @return [Hash{String=>Array[String]}] a hash of region name to # an array of the keypair names that match for the filter # @api private def my_key_pairs(name_filter=nil) keypairs_by_region = {} key_name_filter = name_filter ? "#{name_filter}-*" : key_name regions.each do |region| keypairs_by_region[region] = client(region).describe_key_pairs( :filters => [{ :name => 'key-name', :values => [key_name_filter] }] ) end keypairs_by_region end # Deletes a given key pair # # @param [Aws::EC2::Region] region the region the key belongs to # @param [String] pair_name the name of the key to be deleted # # @api private def delete_key_pair(region, pair_name) kp = client(region).describe_key_pairs(:key_names => [pair_name]).key_pairs.first unless kp.nil? @logger.debug("aws-sdk: delete key pair in region: #{region}") client(region).delete_key_pair(:key_name => pair_name) end rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidKeyPairNotFound nil end # Create a new key pair for a given Beaker run # # @param [Aws::EC2::Region] region the region the key pair will be imported into # @param [String] pair_name the name of the key to be created # # @return [Aws::EC2::KeyPair] key pair created # @raise [RuntimeError] raised if AWS keypair not created def create_new_key_pair(region, pair_name) @logger.debug("aws-sdk: importing new key pair: #{pair_name}") client(region).import_key_pair(:key_name => pair_name, :public_key_material => public_key) begin client(region).wait_until(:key_pair_exists, { :key_names => [pair_name] }, :max_attempts => 5, :delay => 2) rescue Aws::Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed raise RuntimeError, "AWS key pair #{pair_name} can not be queried, even after import" end end # Return a reproducable security group identifier based on input ports # # @param ports [Array<Number>] array of port numbers # @return [String] group identifier # @api private def group_id(ports) if ports.nil? or ports.empty? raise ArgumentError, "Ports list cannot be nil or empty" end unless ports.is_a? Set ports = end # Lolwut, #hash is inconsistent between ruby processes "Beaker-#{Zlib.crc32(ports.inspect)}" end # Return an existing group, or create new one # # Accepts a VPC as input for checking & creation. # # @param vpc [Aws::EC2::VPC] the AWS vpc control object # @param sg_cidr_ips [Array<String>] CIDRs used for outbound security group rule # @return [Aws::EC2::SecurityGroup] created security group # @api private def ensure_ping_group(vpc, sg_cidr_ips = ['']) @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Ensure security group exists that enables ping, create if not") group = client.describe_security_groups( :filters => [ { :name => 'group-name', :values => [PING_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME] }, { :name => 'vpc-id', :values => [vpc.vpc_id] }, ] ).security_groups.first if group.nil? group = create_ping_group(vpc, sg_cidr_ips) end group end # Return an existing group, or create new one # # Accepts a VPC as input for checking & creation. # # @param vpc [Aws::EC2::VPC] the AWS vpc control object # @param ports [Array<Number>] an array of port numbers # @param sg_cidr_ips [Array<String>] CIDRs used for outbound security group rule # @return [Aws::EC2::SecurityGroup] created security group # @api private def ensure_group(vpc, ports, sg_cidr_ips = ['']) @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Ensure security group exists for ports #{ports.to_s}, create if not") name = group_id(ports) group = client.describe_security_groups( :filters => [ { :name => 'group-name', :values => [name] }, { :name => 'vpc-id', :values => [vpc.vpc_id] }, ] ).security_groups.first if group.nil? group = create_group(vpc, ports, sg_cidr_ips) end group end # Create a new ping enabled security group # # Accepts a region or VPC for group creation. # # @param region_or_vpc [Aws::EC2::Region, Aws::EC2::VPC] the AWS region or vpc control object # @param sg_cidr_ips [Array<String>] CIDRs used for outbound security group rule # @return [Aws::EC2::SecurityGroup] created security group # @api private def create_ping_group(region_or_vpc, sg_cidr_ips = ['']) @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Creating group #{PING_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME}") cl = region_or_vpc.is_a?(String) ? client(region_or_vpc) : client params = { :description => 'Custom Beaker security group to enable ping', :group_name => PING_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME, } params[:vpc_id] = region_or_vpc.vpc_id if region_or_vpc.is_a?(Aws::EC2::Types::Vpc) group = cl.create_security_group(params) sg_cidr_ips.each do |cidr_ip| add_ingress_rule( cl, group, cidr_ip, '8', # 8 == ICMPv4 ECHO request '-1', # -1 == All ICMP codes 'icmp', ) end group end # Create a new security group # # Accepts a region or VPC for group creation. # # @param region_or_vpc [Aws::EC2::Region, Aws::EC2::VPC] the AWS region or vpc control object # @param ports [Array<Number>] an array of port numbers # @param sg_cidr_ips [Array<String>] CIDRs used for outbound security group rule # @return [Aws::EC2::SecurityGroup] created security group # @api private def create_group(region_or_vpc, ports, sg_cidr_ips = ['']) name = group_id(ports) @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Creating group #{name} for ports #{ports.to_s}") @logger.notify("aws-sdk: Creating group #{name} with CIDR IPs #{sg_cidr_ips.to_s}") cl = region_or_vpc.is_a?(String) ? client(region_or_vpc) : client params = { :description => "Custom Beaker security group for #{ports.to_a}", :group_name => name, } params[:vpc_id] = region_or_vpc.vpc_id if region_or_vpc.is_a?(Aws::EC2::Types::Vpc) group = cl.create_security_group(params) unless ports.is_a? Set ports = end sg_cidr_ips.each do |cidr_ip| ports.each do |port| add_ingress_rule(cl, group, cidr_ip, port, port) end end group end # Authorizes connections from certain CIDR to a range of ports # # @param cl [Aws::EC2::Client] # @param sg_group [Aws::EC2::SecurityGroup] the AWS security group # @param cidr_ip [String] CIDR used for outbound security group rule # @param from_port [String] Starting Port number in the range # @param to_port [String] Ending Port number in the range # @return [void] # @api private # Return a hash containing AWS credentials # # @return [Hash<Symbol, String>] AWS credentials # @api private def load_credentials return load_env_credentials if load_env_credentials.set? load_fog_credentials(@options[:dot_fog]) end # Return AWS credentials loaded from environment variables # # @param prefix [String] environment variable prefix # @return [Aws::Credentials] ec2 credentials # @api private def load_env_credentials(prefix='AWS') ENV["#{prefix}_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["#{prefix}_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"], ENV["#{prefix}_SESSION_TOKEN"] ) end # Return a hash containing the fog credentials for EC2 # # @param dot_fog [String] dot fog path # @return [Aws::Credentials] ec2 credentials # @api private def load_fog_credentials(dot_fog = '.fog') default = get_fog_credentials(dot_fog) raise "You must specify an aws_access_key_id in your .fog file (#{dot_fog}) for ec2 instances!" unless default[:aws_access_key_id] raise "You must specify an aws_secret_access_key in your .fog file (#{dot_fog}) for ec2 instances!" unless default[:aws_secret_access_key] default[:aws_access_key_id], default[:aws_secret_access_key], default[:aws_session_token] ) end # Adds port 8143 to host[:additional_ports] # if master, database and dashboard are not on same instance def test_split_install @hosts.each do |host| mono_roles = ['master', 'database', 'dashboard'] roles_intersection = host[:roles] & mono_roles if roles_intersection.size != 3 && roles_intersection.any? host[:additional_ports] ? host[:additional_ports].push(8143) : host[:additional_ports] = [8143] end end end end
def rollback super each {|transition| transition.machine.write(object, :event, transition.event) unless transition.transient?} end
Resets the event attribute so it can be re-evaluated if attempted again
class AttributeTransitionCollection < TransitionCollection def initialize(transitions = [], options = {}) #:nodoc: super(transitions, {use_transactions: false, :actions => false}.merge(options)) end private # Hooks into running transition callbacks so that event / event transition # attributes can be properly updated def run_callbacks(index = 0) if index == 0 # Clears any traces of the event attribute to prevent it from being # evaluated multiple times if actions are nested each do |transition| transition.machine.write(object, :event, nil) transition.machine.write(object, :event_transition, nil) end # Rollback only if exceptions occur during before callbacks begin super rescue rollback unless @before_run @success = nil # mimics behavior on rollback raise end # Persists transitions on the object if partial transition was successful. # This allows us to reference them later to complete the transition with # after callbacks. each {|transition| transition.machine.write(object, :event_transition, transition)} if skip_after && success? else super end end # Tracks that before callbacks have now completed def persist @before_run = true super end # Resets callback tracking def reset super @before_run = false end # Resets the event attribute so it can be re-evaluated if attempted again end
def unarchive unless in_zip? zips, gzs = selected_items.partition(&:zip?).tap {|z, others| break [z, *others.partition(&:gz?)]} zips.each do |item| FileUtils.mkdir_p current_dir.join(item.basename) do |zip| zip.each do |entry| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(item.basename, File.dirname(entry.to_s)) zip.extract(entry, File.join(item.basename, entry.to_s)) { true } end end end gzs.each do |item| do |gz| do |tar| dest_dir = current_dir.join (gz.orig_name || item.basename).sub(/\.tar$/, '') tar.each do |entry| dest = nil if entry.full_name == '././@LongLink' dest = File.join dest_dir, next end dest ||= File.join dest_dir, entry.full_name if FileUtils.mkdir_p dest, :mode => entry.header.mode elsif entry.file? FileUtils.mkdir_p dest_dir, 'wb') {|f| f.print} FileUtils.chmod entry.header.mode, dest elsif entry.header.typeflag == '2' # symlink File.symlink entry.header.linkname, dest end unless Dir.exist? dest_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p dest_dir, gz.orig_name || item.basename), 'wb') {|f| f.print} end end end end end else do |zip| {|e| e.to_s}.each do |entry| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(current_zip.dir, current_zip.basename, File.dirname(entry.to_s)) zip.extract(entry, File.join(current_zip.dir, current_zip.basename, entry.to_s)) { true } end end end ls end
Unarchive .zip and .tar.gz files within selected files and directories into current_directory.
class Controller include Rfd::Commands attr_reader :header_l, :header_r, :main, :command_line, :items, :displayed_items, :current_row, :current_page, :current_dir, :current_zip # :nodoc: def initialize @main = @header_l = @header_r = @command_line = @debug = if ENV['DEBUG'] @direction, @dir_history, @last_command, @times, @yanked_items = nil, [], nil, nil, nil end # The main loop. def run loop do begin number_pressed = false ret = case (c = Curses.getch) when 10, 13 # enter, return enter when 27 # ESC q when ' ' # space space when 127 # DEL del when Curses::KEY_DOWN j when Curses::KEY_UP k when Curses::KEY_LEFT h when Curses::KEY_RIGHT l when Curses::KEY_CTRL_A..Curses::KEY_CTRL_Z chr = ((c - 1 + 65) ^ 0b0100000).chr public_send "ctrl_#{chr}" if respond_to?("ctrl_#{chr}") when ?0..?9 public_send c number_pressed = true when ?!..?~ if respond_to? c public_send c else debug "key: #{c}" if ENV['DEBUG'] end when Curses::KEY_MOUSE if (mouse_event = Curses.getmouse) case mouse_event.bstate when Curses::BUTTON1_CLICKED click y: mouse_event.y, x: mouse_event.x when Curses::BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED double_click y: mouse_event.y, x: mouse_event.x end end else debug "key: #{c}" if ENV['DEBUG'] end Curses.doupdate if ret @times = nil unless number_pressed rescue StopIteration raise rescue => e command_line.show_error e.to_s raise if ENV['DEBUG'] end end ensure Curses.close_screen end # Change the number of columns in the main window. def spawn_panes(num) main.number_of_panes = num @current_row = @current_page = 0 end # Number of times to repeat the next command. def times (@times || 1).to_i end # The file or directory on which the cursor is on. def current_item items[current_row] end # * marked files and directories. def marked_items end # Marked files and directories or Array(the current file or directory). # # . and .. will not be included. def selected_items ((m = marked_items).any? ? m : Array(current_item)).reject {|i| %w(. ..).include?} end # Move the cursor to specified row. # # The main window and the headers will be updated reflecting the displayed files and directories. # The row number can be out of range of the current page. def move_cursor(row = nil) if row if (prev_item = items[current_row]) main.draw_item prev_item end page = row / max_items switch_page page if page != current_page main.activate_pane row / maxy @current_row = row else @current_row = 0 end item = items[current_row] main.draw_item item, current: true main.display current_page header_l.draw_current_file_info item @current_row end # Change the current directory. def cd(dir = '~', pushd: true) dir = load_item path: expand_path(dir) unless dir.is_a? Item unless Dir.chdir dir @current_zip = nil else @current_zip = dir end @dir_history << current_dir if current_dir && pushd @current_dir, @current_page, @current_row = dir, 0, nil main.activate_pane 0 ls @current_dir end # cd to the previous directory. def popd cd @dir_history.pop, pushd: false if @dir_history.any? end # Fetch files from current directory. # Then update each windows reflecting the newest information. def ls fetch_items_from_filesystem_or_zip sort_items_according_to_current_direction @current_page ||= 0 draw_items move_cursor (current_row ? [current_row, items.size - 1].min : nil) draw_marked_items draw_total_items true end # Sort the whole files and directories in the current directory, then refresh the screen. # # ==== Parameters # * +direction+ - Sort order in a String. # nil : order by name # r : reverse order by name # s, S : order by file size # sr, Sr: reverse order by file size # t : order by mtime # tr : reverse order by mtime # c : order by ctime # cr : reverse order by ctime # u : order by atime # ur : reverse order by atime # e : order by extname # er : reverse order by extname def sort(direction = nil) @direction, @current_page = direction, 0 sort_items_according_to_current_direction switch_page 0 move_cursor 0 end # Change the file permission of the selected files and directories. # # ==== Parameters # * +mode+ - Unix chmod string (e.g. +w, g-r, 755, 0644) def chmod(mode = nil) return unless mode begin Integer mode mode = Integer mode.size == 3 ? "0#{mode}" : mode rescue ArgumentError end FileUtils.chmod mode, ls end # Change the file owner of the selected files and directories. # # ==== Parameters # * +user_and_group+ - user name and group name separated by : (e.g. alice, nobody:nobody, :admin) def chown(user_and_group) return unless user_and_group user, group = user_and_group.split(':').map {|s| s == '' ? nil : s} FileUtils.chown user, group, ls end # Fetch files from current directory or current .zip file. def fetch_items_from_filesystem_or_zip unless in_zip? @items = Dir.foreach(current_dir).map {|fn| load_item dir: current_dir, name: fn }.to_a.partition {|i| %w(. ..).include?}.flatten else @items = [load_item(dir: current_dir, name: '.', stat: File.stat(current_dir)), load_item(dir: current_dir, name: '..', stat: File.stat(File.dirname(current_dir)))] zf = current_dir zf.each {|entry| next if entry.name_is_directory? stat = zf.file.stat @items << load_item(dir: current_dir, name:, stat: stat) } end end # Focus at the first file or directory of which name starts with the given String. def find(str) index = items.index {|i| i.index > current_row &&} || items.index {|i| str} move_cursor index if index end # Focus at the last file or directory of which name starts with the given String. def find_reverse(str) index = items.reverse.index {|i| i.index < current_row &&} || items.reverse.index {|i| str} move_cursor items.size - index - 1 if index end # Height of the currently active pane. def maxy main.maxy end # Number of files or directories that the current main window can show in a page. def max_items main.max_items end # Update the main window with the loaded files and directories. Also update the header. def draw_items main.newpad items @displayed_items = items[current_page * max_items, max_items] main.display current_page header_l.draw_path_and_page_number path: current_dir.path, current: current_page + 1, total: total_pages end # Sort the loaded files and directories in already given sort order. def sort_items_according_to_current_direction case @direction when nil @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map(&:sort) when 'r' @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map {|arr| arr.sort.reverse} when 'S', 's' @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map {|arr| arr.sort_by {|i| -i.size}} when 'Sr', 'sr' @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map {|arr| arr.sort_by(&:size)} when 't' @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map {|arr| arr.sort {|x, y| y.mtime <=> x.mtime}} when 'tr' @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map {|arr| arr.sort_by(&:mtime)} when 'c' @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map {|arr| arr.sort {|x, y| y.ctime <=> x.ctime}} when 'cr' @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map {|arr| arr.sort_by(&:ctime)} when 'u' @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map {|arr| arr.sort {|x, y| y.atime <=> x.atime}} when 'ur' @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map {|arr| arr.sort_by(&:atime)} when 'e' @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map {|arr| arr.sort {|x, y| y.extname <=> x.extname}} when 'er' @items = items.shift(2) + items.partition(&:directory?).flat_map {|arr| arr.sort_by(&:extname)} end items.each.with_index {|item, index| item.index = index} end # Search files and directories from the current directory, and update the screen. # # * +pattern+ - Search pattern against file names in Ruby Regexp string. # # === Example # # a : Search files that contains the letter "a" in their file name # .*\.pdf$ : Search PDF files def grep(pattern = '.*') regexp = fetch_items_from_filesystem_or_zip @items = items.shift(2) + {|i| =~ regexp} sort_items_according_to_current_direction draw_items draw_total_items switch_page 0 move_cursor 0 end # Copy selected files and directories to the destination. def cp(dest) unless in_zip? src = (m = marked_items).any? ? : current_item FileUtils.cp_r src, expand_path(dest) else raise 'cping multiple items in .zip is not supported.' if selected_items.size > 1 do |zip| entry = zip.find_entry(, entry.name_length = dest, dest.size zip.instance_variable_get(:@entry_set) << entry end end ls end # Move selected files and directories to the destination. def mv(dest) unless in_zip? src = (m = marked_items).any? ? : current_item src, expand_path(dest) else raise 'mving multiple items in .zip is not supported.' if selected_items.size > 1 rename "#{}/#{dest}" end ls end # Rename selected files and directories. # # ==== Parameters # * +pattern+ - new filename, or a shash separated Regexp like string def rename(pattern) from, to = pattern.sub(/^\//, '').sub(/\/$/, '').split '/' if to.nil? from, to =, from else from = from end unless in_zip? selected_items.each do |item| name = from, to item, current_dir.join(name) if != name end else do |zip| selected_items.each do |item| name = from, to zip.rename, name end end end ls end # Soft delete selected files and directories. # # If the OS is not OSX, performs the same as `delete` command. def trash unless in_zip? if osx?, File.expand_path('~/.Trash/') else #TODO support other OS FileUtils.rm_rf end else return unless ask %Q[Trashing zip entries is not supported. Actually the files will be deleted. Are you sure want to proceed? (y/n)] delete end @current_row -= selected_items.count {|i| i.index <= current_row} ls end # Delete selected files and directories. def delete unless in_zip? FileUtils.rm_rf else do |zip| {|e| e.to_s}.each do |entry| if entry.name_is_directory? zip.dir.delete entry.to_s else zip.file.delete entry.to_s end end end end @current_row -= selected_items.count {|i| i.index <= current_row} ls end # Create a new directory. def mkdir(dir) unless in_zip? FileUtils.mkdir_p current_dir.join(dir) else do |zip| zip.dir.mkdir dir end end ls end # Create a new empty file. def touch(filename) unless in_zip? FileUtils.touch current_dir.join(filename) else do |zip| #, 'w') {|_f| } #HAXX this code creates an unneeded temporary file zip.instance_variable_get(:@entry_set) <<, filename) end end ls end # Create a symlink to the current file or directory. def symlink(name) FileUtils.ln_s current_item, name ls end # Yank selected file / directory names. def yank @yanked_items = selected_items end # Paste yanked files / directories here. def paste if @yanked_items if FileUtils.cp_r, current_item else @yanked_items.each do |item| if items.include? item i = 1 while i += 1 new_item = load_item dir: current_dir, name: "#{item.basename}_#{i}#{item.extname}", stat: item.stat break unless File.exist? new_item.path end FileUtils.cp_r item, new_item else FileUtils.cp_r item, current_dir end end end ls end end # Copy selected files and directories' path into clipboard on OSX. def clipboard IO.popen('pbcopy', 'w') {|f| f <<' ')} if osx? end # Archive selected files and directories into a .zip file. def zip(zipfile_name) return unless zipfile_name zipfile_name += '.zip' unless zipfile_name.end_with? '.zip', Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile| selected_items.each do |item| next if item.symlink? if Dir[item.join('**/**')].each do |file| zipfile.add file.sub("#{current_dir}/", ''), file end else zipfile.add, item end end end ls end # Unarchive .zip and .tar.gz files within selected files and directories into current_directory. # Current page is the first page? def first_page? current_page == 0 end # Do we have more pages? def last_page? current_page == total_pages - 1 end # Number of pages in the current directory. def total_pages (items.size - 1) / max_items + 1 end # Move to the given page number. # # ==== Parameters # * +page+ - Target page number def switch_page(page) main.display (@current_page = page) @displayed_items = items[current_page * max_items, max_items] header_l.draw_path_and_page_number path: current_dir.path, current: current_page + 1, total: total_pages end # Update the header information concerning currently marked files or directories. def draw_marked_items items = marked_items header_r.draw_marked_items count: items.size, size: items.inject(0) {|sum, i| sum += i.size} end # Update the header information concerning total files and directories in the current directory. def draw_total_items header_r.draw_total_items count: items.size, size: items.inject(0) {|sum, i| sum += i.size} end # Swktch on / off marking on the current file or directory. def toggle_mark main.toggle_mark current_item end # Get a char as a String from user input. def get_char c = Curses.getch c if (0..255) === c.ord end def clear_command_line command_line.writeln 0, "" command_line.clear command_line.noutrefresh end # Accept user input, and directly execute it as a Ruby method call to the controller. # # ==== Parameters # * +preset_command+ - A command that would be displayed at the command line before user input. def process_command_line(preset_command: nil) prompt = preset_command ? ":#{preset_command} " : ':' command_line.set_prompt prompt cmd, *args = command_line.get_command(prompt: prompt).split(' ') if cmd && !cmd.empty? && respond_to?(cmd) ret = self.public_send cmd, *args clear_command_line ret end rescue Interrupt clear_command_line end # Accept user input, and directly execute it in an external shell. def process_shell_command command_line.set_prompt ':!' cmd = command_line.get_command(prompt: ':!')[1..-1] execute_external_command pause: true do system cmd end rescue Interrupt ensure command_line.clear command_line.noutrefresh end # Let the user answer y or n. # # ==== Parameters # * +prompt+ - Prompt message def ask(prompt = '(y/n)') command_line.set_prompt prompt command_line.refresh while (c = Curses.getch) next unless [?N, ?Y, ?n, ?y, 3, 27] .include? c # N, Y, n, y, ^c, esc command_line.clear command_line.noutrefresh break (c == 'y') || (c == 'Y') end end # Open current file or directory with the editor. def edit execute_external_command do editor = ENV['EDITOR'] || 'vim' unless in_zip? system %Q[#{editor} "#{current_item.path}"] else begin tmpdir, tmpfile_name = nil do |zip| tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(tmpdir, File.dirname( tmpfile_name = File.join(tmpdir,, 'w') {|f| f.puts} system %Q[#{editor} "#{tmpfile_name}"] zip.add(, tmpfile_name) { true } end ls ensure FileUtils.remove_entry_secure tmpdir if tmpdir end end end end # Open current file or directory with the viewer. def view pager = ENV['PAGER'] || 'less' execute_external_command do unless in_zip? system %Q[#{pager} "#{current_item.path}"] else begin tmpdir, tmpfile_name = nil do |zip| tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(tmpdir, File.dirname( tmpfile_name = File.join(tmpdir,, 'w') {|f| f.puts} end system %Q[#{pager} "#{tmpfile_name}"] ensure FileUtils.remove_entry_secure tmpdir if tmpdir end end end end def move_cursor_by_click(y: nil, x: nil) if (idx = main.pane_index_at(y: y, x: x)) row = current_page * max_items + main.maxy * idx + y - main.begy move_cursor row if (row >= 0) && (row < items.size) end end private def execute_external_command(pause: false) Curses.def_prog_mode Curses.close_screen yield ensure Curses.reset_prog_mode Curses.getch if pause #NOTE needs to draw borders and ls again here since the stdlib Curses.refresh fails to retrieve the previous screen Rfd::Window.draw_borders Curses.refresh ls end def expand_path(path) File.expand_path path.start_with?('/', '~') ? path : current_dir ? current_dir.join(path) : path end def load_item(path: nil, dir: nil, name: nil, stat: nil) dir: dir || File.dirname(path), name: name || File.basename(path), stat: stat, window_width: main.width end def osx? @_osx ||= RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /darwin/ end def in_zip? @current_zip end def debug(str) @debug.debug str end end
def inject( object ) trip.object = object object.send :scorpion_hunt=, self object.injected_attributes.each do |attr| next if object.send "#{ }?" next if attr.lazy? object.send :inject_dependency, attr, fetch( attr.contract ) end object.send :on_injected object end
Inject given `object` with its expected dependencies. @param [Scorpion::Object] object to be injected. @return [Scorpion::Object] the injected object.
class Hunt extend Forwardable # ============================================================================ # @!group Attributes # # @!attribute # @return [Scorpion] scorpion used to fetch uncaptured dependency. attr_reader :scorpion # @!attribute # @return [Array<Array>] the stack of trips conducted by the hunt to help # resolve child dependencies. attr_reader :trips private :trips # @!attribute # @return [Trip] the current hunting trip. attr_reader :trip private :trip delegate [:contract, :arguments, :block] => :trip # @!attribute contract # @return [Class,Module,Symbol] contract being hunted for. # @!attribute [r] arguments # @return [Array<Object>] positional arguments to pass to the initializer of {#contract} when found. # @!attribute block # @return [#call] block to pass to constructor of contract when found. # # @!endgroup Attributes def initialize( scorpion, contract, *arguments, &block ) @scorpion = scorpion @trips = [] @trip = contract, arguments, block end # Hunt for additional dependency to satisfy the main hunt's contract. # @see Scorpion#hunt def fetch( contract, *arguments, &block ) push contract, arguments, block execute ensure pop end # Inject given `object` with its expected dependencies. # @param [Scorpion::Object] object to be injected. # @return [Scorpion::Object] the injected object. # Allow the hunt to spawn objects. # @see Scorpion#spawn def spawn( klass, *arguments, &block ) scorpion.spawn( self, klass, *arguments, &block ) end alias_method :new, :spawn private def execute execute_from_trips || execute_from_scorpion end def execute_from_trips trips.each do |trip| if resolved = execute_from_trip( trip ) return resolved end end nil end def execute_from_trip( trip ) return unless obj = trip.object return obj if contract === obj # If we have already resolved an instance of this contract in this # hunt, then return that same object. if obj.is_a? Scorpion::Object obj.injected_attributes.each do |attr| next unless attr.contract == contract return obj.send( ) if obj.send( :"#{ }?" ) end end nil end def execute_from_scorpion scorpion.execute self end def push( contract, arguments, block ) trips.push trip @trip = contract, arguments, block end def pop @trip = trips.pop end class Trip attr_reader :contract attr_reader :arguments attr_reader :block attr_accessor :object def initialize( contract, arguments, block ) @contract = contract @arguments = arguments @block = block end end class InitializerTrip < Trip; end end
def call_api(http_method, path, opts = {}) request = build_request(http_method, path, opts) response = if @config.debugging @config.logger.debug "HTTP response body ~BEGIN~\n#{response.body}\n~END~\n" end unless response.success? if response.timed_out? fail'Connection timed out') elsif response.code == 0 # Errors from libcurl will be made visible here fail => 0, :message => response.return_message) else exception_message = nil response_json = JSON.parse(response.body) rescue nil if response_json.is_a? Hash if response_json['errors'].is_a? Array response_errors = response_json['errors'].join(', ') elsif response_json['error'] response_errors = response_json['error'] end if response_errors exception_message = "#{response.status_message}: #{response_errors}" end end unless exception_message exception_message = "#{response.status_message}: [Could not parse errors from response body]" end fail => response.code, :response_headers => response.headers, :response_body => response.body), exception_message end end if opts[:return_type] data = deserialize(response, opts[:return_type]) else data = nil end return data, response.code, response.headers end
Call an API with given options. @return [Array<(Object, Fixnum, Hash)>] an array of 3 elements: the data deserialized from response body (could be nil), response status code and response headers.
class ApiClient # The Configuration object holding settings to be used in the API client. attr_accessor :config # Defines the headers to be used in HTTP requests of all API calls by default. # # @return [Hash] attr_accessor :default_headers # Initializes the ApiClient # @option config [Configuration] Configuration for initializing the object, default to Configuration.default def initialize(config = Configuration.default) @config = config @user_agent = "formapi-ruby-#{VERSION}" @default_headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'User-Agent' => @user_agent } end def self.default @@default ||= end # Call an API with given options. # # @return [Array<(Object, Fixnum, Hash)>] an array of 3 elements: # the data deserialized from response body (could be nil), response status code and response headers. # Builds the HTTP request # # @param [String] http_method HTTP method/verb (e.g. POST) # @param [String] path URL path (e.g. /account/new) # @option opts [Hash] :header_params Header parameters # @option opts [Hash] :query_params Query parameters # @option opts [Hash] :form_params Query parameters # @option opts [Object] :body HTTP body (JSON/XML) # @return [Typhoeus::Request] A Typhoeus Request def build_request(http_method, path, opts = {}) url = build_request_url(path) http_method = http_method.to_sym.downcase header_params = @default_headers.merge(opts[:header_params] || {}) query_params = opts[:query_params] || {} form_params = opts[:form_params] || {} update_params_for_auth! header_params, query_params, opts[:auth_names] # set ssl_verifyhosts option based on @config.verify_ssl_host (true/false) _verify_ssl_host = @config.verify_ssl_host ? 2 : 0 req_opts = { :method => http_method, :headers => header_params, :params => query_params, :params_encoding => @config.params_encoding, :timeout => @config.timeout, :ssl_verifypeer => @config.verify_ssl, :ssl_verifyhost => _verify_ssl_host, :sslcert => @config.cert_file, :sslkey => @config.key_file, :verbose => @config.debugging } # set custom cert, if provided req_opts[:cainfo] = @config.ssl_ca_cert if @config.ssl_ca_cert if [:post, :patch, :put, :delete].include?(http_method) req_body = build_request_body(header_params, form_params, opts[:body]) req_opts.update :body => req_body if @config.debugging @config.logger.debug "HTTP request body param ~BEGIN~\n#{req_body}\n~END~\n" end end request =, req_opts) download_file(request) if opts[:return_type] == 'File' request end # Check if the given MIME is a JSON MIME. # JSON MIME examples: # application/json # application/json; charset=UTF8 # APPLICATION/JSON # */* # @param [String] mime MIME # @return [Boolean] True if the MIME is application/json def json_mime?(mime) (mime == '*/*') || !(mime =~ /Application\/.*json(?!p)(;.*)?/i).nil? end # Deserialize the response to the given return type. # # @param [Response] response HTTP response # @param [String] return_type some examples: "User", "Array[User]", "Hash[String,Integer]" def deserialize(response, return_type) body = response.body # handle file downloading - return the File instance processed in request callbacks # note that response body is empty when the file is written in chunks in request on_body callback return @tempfile if return_type == 'File' return nil if body.nil? || body.empty? # return response body directly for String return type return body if return_type == 'String' # ensuring a default content type content_type = response.headers['Content-Type'] || 'application/json' fail "Content-Type is not supported: #{content_type}" unless json_mime?(content_type) begin data = JSON.parse("[#{body}]", :symbolize_names => true)[0] rescue JSON::ParserError => e if %w(String Date DateTime).include?(return_type) data = body else raise e end end convert_to_type data, return_type end # Convert data to the given return type. # @param [Object] data Data to be converted # @param [String] return_type Return type # @return [Mixed] Data in a particular type def convert_to_type(data, return_type) return nil if data.nil? case return_type when 'String' data.to_s when 'Integer' data.to_i when 'Float' data.to_f when 'BOOLEAN' data == true when 'DateTime' # parse date time (expecting ISO 8601 format) DateTime.parse data when 'Date' # parse date time (expecting ISO 8601 format) Date.parse data when 'Object' # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly data when /\AArray<(.+)>\z/ # e.g. Array<Pet> sub_type = $1 { |item| convert_to_type(item, sub_type) } when /\AHash\<String, (.+)\>\z/ # e.g. Hash<String, Integer> sub_type = $1 {}.tap do |hash| data.each { |k, v| hash[k] = convert_to_type(v, sub_type) } end else # models, e.g. Pet FormAPI.const_get(return_type).new.tap do |model| model.build_from_hash data end end end # Save response body into a file in (the defined) temporary folder, using the filename # from the "Content-Disposition" header if provided, otherwise a random filename. # The response body is written to the file in chunks in order to handle files which # size is larger than maximum Ruby String or even larger than the maximum memory a Ruby # process can use. # # @see Configuration#temp_folder_path def download_file(request) tempfile = nil encoding = nil request.on_headers do |response| content_disposition = response.headers['Content-Disposition'] if content_disposition && content_disposition =~ /filename=/i filename = content_disposition[/filename=['"]?([^'"\s]+)['"]?/, 1] prefix = sanitize_filename(filename) else prefix = 'download-' end prefix = prefix + '-' unless prefix.end_with?('-') encoding = response.body.encoding tempfile =, @config.temp_folder_path, encoding: encoding) @tempfile = tempfile end request.on_body do |chunk| chunk.force_encoding(encoding) tempfile.write(chunk) end request.on_complete do |response| tempfile.close if tempfile "Temp file written to #{tempfile.path}, please copy the file to a proper folder "\ "with e.g. `FileUtils.cp(tempfile.path, '/new/file/path')` otherwise the temp file "\ "will be deleted automatically with GC. It's also recommended to delete the temp file "\ "explicitly with `tempfile.delete`" end end # Sanitize filename by removing path. # e.g. ../../sun.gif becomes sun.gif # # @param [String] filename the filename to be sanitized # @return [String] the sanitized filename def sanitize_filename(filename) filename.gsub(/.*[\/\\]/, '') end def build_request_url(path) # Add leading and trailing slashes to path path = "/#{path}".gsub(/\/+/, '/') URI.encode(@config.base_url + path) end # Builds the HTTP request body # # @param [Hash] header_params Header parameters # @param [Hash] form_params Query parameters # @param [Object] body HTTP body (JSON/XML) # @return [String] HTTP body data in the form of string def build_request_body(header_params, form_params, body) # http form if header_params['Content-Type'] == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' || header_params['Content-Type'] == 'multipart/form-data' data = {} form_params.each do |key, value| case value when ::File, ::Array, nil # let typhoeus handle File, Array and nil parameters data[key] = value else data[key] = value.to_s end end elsif body data = body.is_a?(String) ? body : body.to_json else data = nil end data end # Update hearder and query params based on authentication settings. # # @param [Hash] header_params Header parameters # @param [Hash] query_params Query parameters # @param [String] auth_names Authentication scheme name def update_params_for_auth!(header_params, query_params, auth_names) Array(auth_names).each do |auth_name| auth_setting = @config.auth_settings[auth_name] next unless auth_setting case auth_setting[:in] when 'header' then header_params[auth_setting[:key]] = auth_setting[:value] when 'query' then query_params[auth_setting[:key]] = auth_setting[:value] else fail ArgumentError, 'Authentication token must be in `query` of `header`' end end end # Sets user agent in HTTP header # # @param [String] user_agent User agent (e.g. openapi-generator/ruby/1.0.0) def user_agent=(user_agent) @user_agent = user_agent @default_headers['User-Agent'] = @user_agent end # Return Accept header based on an array of accepts provided. # @param [Array] accepts array for Accept # @return [String] the Accept header (e.g. application/json) def select_header_accept(accepts) return nil if accepts.nil? || accepts.empty? # use JSON when present, otherwise use all of the provided json_accept = accepts.find { |s| json_mime?(s) } json_accept || accepts.join(',') end # Return Content-Type header based on an array of content types provided. # @param [Array] content_types array for Content-Type # @return [String] the Content-Type header (e.g. application/json) def select_header_content_type(content_types) # use application/json by default return 'application/json' if content_types.nil? || content_types.empty? # use JSON when present, otherwise use the first one json_content_type = content_types.find { |s| json_mime?(s) } json_content_type || content_types.first end # Convert object (array, hash, object, etc) to JSON string. # @param [Object] model object to be converted into JSON string # @return [String] JSON string representation of the object def object_to_http_body(model) return model if model.nil? || model.is_a?(String) local_body = nil if model.is_a?(Array) local_body = { |m| object_to_hash(m) } else local_body = object_to_hash(model) end local_body.to_json end # Convert object(non-array) to hash. # @param [Object] obj object to be converted into JSON string # @return [String] JSON string representation of the object def object_to_hash(obj) if obj.respond_to?(:to_hash) obj.to_hash else obj end end # Build parameter value according to the given collection format. # @param [String] collection_format one of :csv, :ssv, :tsv, :pipes and :multi def build_collection_param(param, collection_format) case collection_format when :csv param.join(',') when :ssv param.join(' ') when :tsv param.join("\t") when :pipes param.join('|') when :multi # return the array directly as typhoeus will handle it as expected param else fail "unknown collection format: #{collection_format.inspect}" end end end
def dep(params = {}) extension = File.extname(params[:source]) dep = params[:dep] source = params[:source] incs = compiler_incs_for(params[:includes]) + " #{@settings['LIB_INC']}" case when cpp_source_extensions.include?(extension) flags = @settings['CXXFLAGS'] + ' ' + params[:settings]['ADD_CXXFLAGS'] compiler = "#{@settings['CXX']} -x c++ " when c_source_extensions.include?(extension) flags = @settings['CFLAGS'] + ' ' + params[:settings]['ADD_CFLAGS'] compiler = "#{@settings['CC']} -x c " when as_source_extensions.include?(extension) flags = '' compiler = "#{@settings['AS']}" else raise "unsupported source file extension (#{extension}) for creating dependency!" end sh "#{compiler} -MM #{flags} #{incs} -c #{source} -MT #{dep.ext('.o')} -MF #{dep}", silent: true end
Creates dependency @param [Hash] params @option params [String] :source source filename with path @option params [String] :dep dependency filename path @option params [Hash] :settings project specific settings @option params [Array] :includes include paths used
class Toolchain attr_reader :qt, :settings, :target, :config # Initializes object # # @param [RakeOE::Config] config Project wide configurations # def initialize(config) raise 'Configuration failure' unless config.checks_pass? @config = config begin @kvr = rescue Exception => e puts e.message raise end @settings = @kvr.env fixup_env # save target platform of our compiler (gcc specific) if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] != "mingw32" @target=`export PATH=#{@settings['PATH']} && #{@settings['CC']} -dumpmachine`.chop else @target=`PATH = #{@settings['PATH']} & #{@settings['CC']} -dumpmachine`.chop end # XXX DS: we should only instantiate @qt if we have any qt settings @qt = set_build_vars() init_test_frameworks sanity end # Do some sanity checks def sanity # TODO DS: check if libs and apps directories exist # TODO DS: check if test frameworks exist # check if target is valid if @settings['CC'].empty? raise "No Compiler specified. Either add platform configuration via RakeOE::Config object in Rakefile or use TOOLCHAIN_ENV environment variable" end if @target.nil? || @target.empty? raise "Compiler #{@settings['CC']} does not work. Fix platform settings or use TOOLCHAIN_ENV environment variable " end end # returns the build directory def build_dir "#{@config.directories[:build]}/#{@target}/#{@config.release}" end # Initializes definitions for test framework # TODO: Add possibility to configure test framework specific CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS def init_test_frameworks() @@test_framework ||= config_empty_test_framework if @config.test_fw.size > 0 if PrjFileCache.contain?('LIB', @config.test_fw) @@test_framework[@config.test_fw] = => @config.test_fw, :binary_path => "#{@settings['LIB_OUT']}/lib#{@config.test_fw}.a", :include_dir => PrjFileCache.exported_lib_incs(@config.test_fw), :cflags => '') else puts "WARNING: Configured test framework (#{@config.test_fw}) does not exist in project!" end end end # Configures empty test framework def config_empty_test_framework @@test_framework[''] = => '', :binary_path => '', :include_dir => '', :cflags => '') end # Returns default test framework or nil if none defined def default_test_framework test_framework(@config.test_fw) || test_framework('') end # Returns definitions of specific test framework or none if # specified test framework doesn't exist def test_framework(name) @@test_framework[name] end # Returns list of all registered test framework names def test_frameworks @@test_framework.keys end # returns library project setting def lib_setting(name, setting) @libs.get(name, setting) end # returns app project setting def app_setting(name, setting) @apps.get(name, setting) end # returns c++ source extensions def cpp_source_extensions (@config.suffixes[:cplus_sources] + [@config.suffixes[:moc_source]]).uniq end # returns c source extensions def c_source_extensions @config.suffixes[:c_sources].uniq end # returns assembler source extensions def as_source_extensions @config.suffixes[:as_sources].uniq end # returns all source extensions def source_extensions cpp_source_extensions + c_source_extensions + as_source_extensions end # returns c++ header extensions def cpp_header_extensions (@config.suffixes[:cplus_headers] + [@config.suffixes[:moc_header]]).uniq end # returns c header extensions def c_header_extensions @config.suffixes[:c_headers].uniq end # returns moc header extensions def moc_header_extension @config.suffixes[:moc_header] end # returns c++ header extensions def moc_source @config.suffixes[:moc_source] end # Specific fixups for toolchain def fixup_env # set system PATH if no PATH defined @settings['PATH'] ||= ENV['PATH'] # replace $PATH @settings['PATH'] = @settings['PATH'].gsub('$PATH', ENV['PATH']) # create ARCH @settings['ARCH'] = "#{@settings['TARGET_PREFIX']}".chop # remove optimizations, we set these explicitly @settings['CXXFLAGS'] = "#{@settings['CXXFLAGS']} -DPROGRAM_VERSION=\\\"#{@config.sw_version}\\\"".gsub('-O2', '') @settings['CFLAGS'] = "#{@settings['CFLAGS']} -DPROGRAM_VERSION=\\\"#{@config.sw_version}\\\"".gsub('-O2', '') KeyValueReader.substitute_dollar_symbols!(@settings) end # Set common build variables # def set_build_vars warning_flags = ' -W -Wall' if 'release' == @config.release optimization_flags = " #{@config.optimization_release} -DRELEASE" else optimization_flags = " #{@config.optimization_dbg} -g" end # we could make these also arrays of source directories ... @settings['APP_SRC_DIR'] = 'src/app' @settings['LIB_SRC_DIR'] = 'src/lib' # derived settings @settings['BUILD_DIR'] = "#{build_dir}" @settings['LIB_OUT'] = "#{@settings['BUILD_DIR']}/libs" @settings['APP_OUT'] = "#{@settings['BUILD_DIR']}/apps" unless @settings['OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT'].nil? || @settings['OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT'].empty? @settings['SYS_LFLAGS'] = "-L#{@settings['OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT']}/lib -L#{@settings['OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT']}/usr/lib" end # set LD_LIBRARY_PATH @settings['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = @settings['LIB_OUT'] # standard settings @settings['CXXFLAGS'] += warning_flags + optimization_flags + " #{@config.language_std_cpp}" @settings['CFLAGS'] += warning_flags + optimization_flags + " #{@config.language_std_c}" if @settings['PRJ_TYPE'] == 'SOLIB' @settings['CXXFLAGS'] += ' -fPIC' @settings['CFLAGS'] += ' -fPIC' end # !! don't change order of the following string components without care !! @settings['LDFLAGS'] = @settings['LDFLAGS'] + " -L #{@settings['LIB_OUT']} #{@settings['SYS_LFLAGS']} -Wl,--no-as-needed -Wl,--start-group" end # Executes the command def sh(cmd, silent = false) if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] != "mingw32" full_cmd = "export PATH=#{@settings['PATH']} && #{cmd}" else full_cmd = "PATH = #{@settings['PATH']} & #{cmd}" end if silent system full_cmd else Rake::sh full_cmd end end # Removes list of given files # @param [String] files List of files to be deleted def rm(files) if files RakeFileUtils.rm_f(files) unless files.empty? end end # Executes a given binary # # @param [String] binary Absolute path of the binary to be executed # def run(binary) # compare ruby platform config and our target setting if @target[RbConfig::CONFIG["target_cpu"]] system "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=#{@settings['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']} && #{binary}" else puts "Warning: Can't execute on this platform: #{binary}" end end # Executes a given test binary with test runner specific parameter(s) # # @param [String] binary Absolute path of the binary to be executed # def run_junit_test(binary) # compare ruby platform config and our target setting if @target[RbConfig::CONFIG["target_cpu"]] system "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=#{@settings['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']} && #{binary} -o junit" else puts "Warning: Can't execute test on this platform: #{binary}" end end # Tests given list of platforms if any of those matches the current platform def current_platform_any?(platforms) ([@target] & platforms).any? end # Generates compiler include line from given include path list # # @param [Array] paths Paths to be used for include file search # # @return [String] Compiler include line # def compiler_incs_for(paths) paths.each_with_object('') {|path, str| str << " -I#{path}"} end # Generates linker line from given library list. # The linker line normally will be like -l<lib1> -l<lib2>, ... # # If a library has specific platform specific setting in the platform file # with a specific -l<lib> alternative, this will be used instead. # # @param [Array] libs Libraries to be used for linker line # # @return [String] Linker line # def linker_line_for(libs) return '' if (libs.nil? || libs.empty?) do |lib| settings = platform_settings_for(lib) if settings[:LDFLAGS].nil? || settings[:LDFLAGS].empty? # automatic linker line if no platform specific LDFLAGS exist "-l#{lib}" else # only matches -l<libname> settings /(\s|^)+-l\S+/.match(settings[:LDFLAGS]).to_s end end.join(' ').strip end # Reduces the given list of libraries to bare minimum, i.e. # the minimum needed for actual platform # # @libs list of libraries # # @return reduced list of libraries # def reduce_libs_to_bare_minimum(libs) rv = libs.clone lib_entries = RakeOE::PrjFileCache.get_lib_entries(libs) lib_entries.each_pair do |lib, entry| rv.delete(lib) unless RakeOE::PrjFileCache.project_entry_buildable?(entry, @target) end rv end # Return array of library prerequisites for given file def libs_for_binary(a_binary, visited=[]) return [] if visited.include?(a_binary) visited << a_binary pre = Rake::Task[a_binary].prerequisites rv = [] pre.each do |p| next if (File.extname(p) != '.a') && (File.extname(p) != '.so') next if p =~ /\-app\.a/ rv << File.basename(p).gsub(/(\.a|\.so|^lib)/, '') rv += libs_for_binary(p, visited) # Recursive call end reduce_libs_to_bare_minimum(rv.uniq) end # Touches a file def touch(file) RakeFileUtils.touch(file) end # Tests if all given files in given list exist # @return true all file exist # @return false not all file exist def test_all_files_exist?(files) files.each do |file| raise "No such file: #{file}" unless File.exist?(file) end end def diagnose_buildability(projects) projects.each do |project| RakeOE::PrjFileCache.project_entry_buildable?(entry, platform) end end # Returns platform specific settings of a resource (APP/LIB/SOLIB or external resource like e.g. an external library) # as a hash with the keys CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS. The values are empty if no such resource settings exist inside # the platform file. The resulting hash values can be used for platform specific compilation/linkage against the # the resource. # # @param resource_name [String] name of resource # @return [Hash] Hash of compilation/linkage flags or empty hash if no settings are defined # The returned hash has the following format: # { :CFLAGS => '...', :CXXFLAGS => '...', :LDFLAGS => '...'} # def platform_settings_for(resource_name) return {} if resource_name.empty? rv = rv[:CFLAGS] = @settings["#{resource_name}_CFLAGS"] rv[:CXXFLAGS]= @settings["#{resource_name}_CXXFLAGS"] rv[:LDFLAGS] = @settings["#{resource_name}_LDFLAGS"] rv = {} if rv.values.empty? rv end # Creates compilation object # # @param [Hash] params # @option params [String] :source source filename with path # @option params [String] :object object filename path # @option params [Hash] :settings project specific settings # @option params [Array] :includes include paths used # def obj(params = {}) extension = File.extname(params[:source]) object = params[:object] source = params[:source] incs = compiler_incs_for(params[:includes]) + " #{@settings['LIB_INC']}" case when cpp_source_extensions.include?(extension) flags = @settings['CXXFLAGS'] + ' ' + params[:settings]['ADD_CXXFLAGS'] compiler = "#{@settings['CXX']} -x c++ " when c_source_extensions.include?(extension) flags = @settings['CFLAGS'] + ' ' + params[:settings]['ADD_CFLAGS'] compiler = "#{@settings['CC']} -x c " when as_source_extensions.include?(extension) flags = '' compiler = "#{@settings['AS']}" else raise "unsupported source file extension (#{extension}) for creating object!" end sh "#{compiler} #{flags} #{incs} -c #{source} -o #{object}" end # Creates dependency # # @param [Hash] params # @option params [String] :source source filename with path # @option params [String] :dep dependency filename path # @option params [Hash] :settings project specific settings # @option params [Array] :includes include paths used # # Creates moc_ source file # # @param [Hash] params # @option params [String] :source source filename with path # @option params [String] :moc moc_XXX filename path # @option params [Hash] :settings project specific settings # def moc(params = {}) moc_compiler = @settings['OE_QMAKE_MOC'] raise 'No Qt Toolchain set' if moc_compiler.empty? sh "#{moc_compiler} -i -f#{File.basename(params[:source])} #{params[:source]} >#{params[:moc]}" end # Creates library # # @param [Hash] params # @option params [Array] :objects object filename paths # @option params [String] :lib library filename path # @option params [Hash] :settings project specific settings # def lib(params = {}) ldflags = params[:settings]['ADD_LDFLAGS'] + ' ' + @settings['LDFLAGS'] objs = params[:objects].join(' ') dep_libs = (params[:libs] + libs_for_binary(params[:lib])).uniq libs = linker_line_for(dep_libs) extension = File.extname(params[:lib]) case extension when ('.a') # need to use 'touch' for correct timestamp, ar doesn't update the timestamp # if archive hasn't changed success = sh("#{@settings['AR']} curv #{params[:lib]} #{objs}") touch(params[:lib]) if success when '.so' sh "#{@settings['CXX']} -shared #{ldflags} #{libs} #{objs} -o #{params[:lib]}" if (@config.stripped) && File.exist?(params[:lib]) FileUtils.cp(params[:lib], "#{params[:lib]}.unstripped", :verbose => true) sh "#{@settings['STRIP']} #{params[:lib]}" end else raise "unsupported library extension (#{extension})!" end end # Creates application # # @param [Hash] params # @option params [Array] :objects array of object file paths # @option params [Array] :libs array of libraries that should be linked against # @option params [String] :app application filename path # @option params [Hash] :settings project specific settings # @option params [Array] :includes include paths used # def app(params = {}) incs = compiler_incs_for(params[:includes]) ldflags = params[:settings]['ADD_LDFLAGS'] + ' ' + @settings['LDFLAGS'] objs = params[:objects].join(' ') dep_libs = (params[:libs] + libs_for_binary(params[:app])).uniq libs = linker_line_for(dep_libs) sh "#{@settings['SIZE']} #{objs} >#{params[:app]}.size" if @settings['SIZE'] sh "#{@settings['CXX']} #{incs} #{objs} #{ldflags} #{libs} -o #{params[:app]}" sh "#{@settings['CXX']} #{incs} #{objs} #{ldflags} #{libs} -Wl,-Map,#{params[:app]}.map" if @config.generate_map sh "#{@settings['OBJCOPY']} -O binary #{params[:app]} #{params[:app]}.bin" if @config.generate_bin sh "#{@settings['OBJCOPY']} -O ihex #{params[:app]} #{params[:app]}.hex" if @config.generate_hex if (@config.stripped) && File.exist?(params[:app]) FileUtils.cp(params[:app], "#{params[:app]}.unstripped", :verbose => true) sh "#{@settings['STRIP']} #{params[:app]}" end end # Creates test # # @param [Hash] params # @option params [Array] :objects array of object file paths # @option params [Array] :libs array of libraries that should be linked against # @option params [String] :framework test framework name # @option params [String] :test test filename path # @option params [Hash] :settings project specific settings # @option params [Array] :includes include paths used # def test(params = {}) incs = compiler_incs_for(params[:includes]) ldflags = params[:settings]['ADD_LDFLAGS'] + ' ' + @settings['LDFLAGS'] objs = params[:objects].join(' ') test_fw = linker_line_for([params[:framework]]) dep_libs = (params[:libs] + libs_for_binary(params[:test])).uniq libs = linker_line_for(dep_libs) sh "#{@settings['CXX']} #{incs} #{objs} #{test_fw} #{ldflags} #{libs} -o #{params[:test]}" end def dump puts '**************************' puts '* Platform configuration *' puts '**************************' @kvr.dump end end
def extract_front_matter(source) fm_regex = /\A(---\s*\n.*?\n?)^(---\s*$\n?)/m return [{}, source] unless match = source.match(fm_regex) source = source.sub(fm_regex, "") begin data = (YAML.safe_load(match[1]) || {}).inject({}) do |memo, (k, v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v memo end rescue *YAML_ERRORS => e puts "YAML Exception: #{e.message}" return false end [data, source] rescue [{}, source] end
Get the front matter portion of the file and extract it.
class Template < BlankTemplate # The source attr_accessor :source # Store the frontmatter attr_accessor :data # The path to the source file for this template attr_accessor :source_path # The current tilt template being used attr_reader :current_tilt_template class << self def open(path, context = nil, options = {}) new(, context, options.update(source_path: path)) end end # @option options [String,Pathname] :source_path The path to # the source of the template being processed def initialize(source, context = nil, options = {}) @context = context self.source_path = options[:source_path], self.source = extract_front_matter(source) @templates = Tilt.templates_for(source_path) end def render(locals = {}, &block) @templates.inject(source) do |src, template| render_with_tilt_template(template, src, locals, &block) end end # Actual path on disk, nil if it doesn't exist # The nil case is mostly used with inline rendering. def real_source_path return @_real_source_path if @_real_source_path_cached @_real_source_path_cached = true @_real_source_path = if File.exist?(source_path) end end protected # Render source with a specific tilt template class def render_with_tilt_template(template_class, src, locals, &_block) @current_tilt_template = template_class template = { src } block_content = if block_given? yield else "" end template.render(@context, locals) do |name| if name @context._content_for_blocks[name] else block_content end end end # Get the front matter portion of the file and extract it. end
def assert_button_not_present(button_id) @web_browser.buttons.each { |button| the_button_id = RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" ? : button["id"] perform_assertion { assert(the_button_id != button_id, "unexpected button id: #{button_id} found") } } end
module Assert # own assert method def assert test, msg = nil msg ||= "Failed assertion, no message given." # comment out self.assertions += 1 to counting assertions unless test then msg = if Proc === msg raise RWebSpec::Assertion, msg end true end def fail(message) perform_assertion { assert(false, message) } end def assert_not(condition, msg = "") perform_assertion { assert(!condition, msg) } end def assert_not_nil(actual, msg="") perform_assertion { assert(!actual.nil?, msg) } end def assert_title_equals(title) assert_equals(title, @web_browser.page_title) end alias assert_title assert_title_equals # Assert text present in page source (html) # assert_text_in_page_source("<b>iTest2</b> Cool") # <b>iTest2</b> Cool def assert_text_in_page_source(text) perform_assertion { assert((@web_browser.page_source.include? text), 'expected html: ' + text + ' not found') } end # Assert text not present in page source (html) # assert_text_not_in_page_source("<b>iTest2</b> Cool") # <b>iTest2</b> Cool def assert_text_not_in_page_source(text) perform_assertion { assert(!(@web_browser.page_source.include? text), 'expected html: ' + text + ' found') } end # Assert text present in page source (html) # assert_text_present("iTest2 Cool") # <b>iTest2</b> Cool def assert_text_present(text) perform_assertion { assert((@web_browser.text.include? text), 'expected text: ' + text + ' not found') } end # Assert text not present in page source (html) # assert_text_not_present("iTest2 Cool") # <b>iTest2</b> Cool def assert_text_not_present(text) perform_assertion { assert(!(@web_browser.text.include? text), 'expected text: ' + text + ' found') } end ## # Link # Assert a link with specified text (exact match) in the page # # <a href="">Click Me</a> # assert_link_present_with_exact("Click Me") => true # assert_link_present_with_exact("Click") => false # def assert_link_present_with_exact(link_text) @web_browser.links.each { |link| return if link_text == link.text } fail( "can't find the link with text: #{link_text}") end def assert_link_not_present_with_exact(link_text) @web_browser.links.each { |link| perform_assertion { assert(link_text != link.text, "unexpected link (exact): #{link_text} found") } } end # Assert a link containing specified text in the page # # <a href="">Click Me</a> # assert_link_present_with_text("Click ") # => # def assert_link_present_with_text(link_text) @web_browser.links.each { |link| return if link.text.include?(link_text) } fail( "can't find the link containing text: #{link_text}") end def assert_link_not_present_with_text(link_text) @web_browser.links.each { |link| perform_assertion { assert(!link.text.include?(link_text), "unexpected link containing: #{link_text} found") } } end def is_selenium_element?(elem) =~ /Selenium/ end def element_name(elem) =~ /Selenium/ ? elem['name'] : end def element_value(elem) =~ /Selenium/ ? elem['value'] : elem.value end ## # Checkbox def assert_checkbox_not_selected(checkbox_name) @web_browser.checkboxes.each { |checkbox| the_element_name = element_name(checkbox) if (the_element_name == checkbox_name) then if is_selenium_element?(checkbox) perform_assertion { assert(!checkbox.selected?, "Checkbox #{checkbox_name} is checked unexpectly") } else perform_assertion { assert(!checkbox.set?, "Checkbox #{checkbox_name} is checked unexpectly") } end end } end alias assert_checkbox_not_checked assert_checkbox_not_selected def assert_checkbox_selected(checkbox_name) @web_browser.checkboxes.each { |checkbox| the_element_name = element_name(checkbox) if (the_element_name == checkbox_name) then if is_selenium_element?(checkbox) perform_assertion { assert(checkbox.selected?, "Checkbox #{checkbox_name} not checked") } else perform_assertion { assert(checkbox.set?, "Checkbox #{checkbox_name} not checked") } end end } end alias assert_checkbox_checked assert_checkbox_selected ## # select def assert_option_value_not_present(select_name, option_value) @web_browser.select_lists.each { |select| the_element_name = element_name(select) next unless the_element_name == select_name if RWebSpec.framework =~ /watir/i select.options.each do |option| # items in the list perform_assertion { assert(!(option.value == option_value), "unexpected select option: #{option_value} for #{select_name} found") } end else select.find_elements(:tag_name => "option" ).each do |option| fail("unexpected option value: #{option_label} found") if option.value == option_value end end } end alias assert_select_value_not_present assert_option_value_not_present def assert_option_not_present(select_name, option_label) @web_browser.select_lists.each { |select| the_element_name = element_name(select) next unless the_element_name == select_name if RWebSpec.framework =~ /watir/i select.options.each do |option| # items in the list perform_assertion { assert(!(option.text == option_label), "unexpected select option: #{option_label} for #{select_name} found") } end else select.find_elements(:tag_name => "option" ).each do |option| fail("unexpected option label: #{option_label} found") if option.text == option_label end end } end alias assert_select_label_not_present assert_option_not_present def assert_option_value_present(select_name, option_value) @web_browser.select_lists.each { |select| the_element_name = element_name(select) next unless the_element_name == select_name if RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" select.options.each do |option| # items in the list return if option.value == option_value end else select.find_elements(:tag_name => "option" ).each do |option| return if element_value(option) == option_value end end } fail("can't find the combo box with value: #{option_value}") end alias assert_select_value_present assert_option_value_present alias assert_menu_value_present assert_option_value_present def assert_option_present(select_name, option_label) @web_browser.select_lists.each { |select| the_element_name = element_name(select) next unless the_element_name == select_name if RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" select.options.each do |option| # items in the list return if option.text == option_label end else select.find_elements(:tag_name => "option" ).each do |option| return if option.text == option_label end end } fail("can't find the combo box: #{select_name} with value: #{option_label}") end alias assert_select_label_present assert_option_present alias assert_menu_label_present assert_option_present def assert_option_equals(select_name, option_label) @web_browser.select_lists.each { |select| the_element_name = element_name(select) next unless the_element_name == select_name if RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" select.options.each do |option| # items in the list if (option.text == option_label) then perform_assertion { assert_equal(select.value, option.value, "Select #{select_name}'s value is not equal to expected option label: '#{option_label}'") } end end else select.find_elements(:tag_name => "option" ).each do |option| if (option.text == option_label) then assert option.selected? end end end } end alias assert_select_label assert_option_equals alias assert_menu_label assert_option_equals def assert_option_value_equals(select_name, option_value) @web_browser.select_lists.each { |select| the_element_name = element_name(select) next unless the_element_name == select_name if RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" perform_assertion { assert_equal(select.value, option_value, "Select #{select_name}'s value is not equal to expected: '#{option_value}'") } else perform_assertion { assert_equal(element_value(select), option_value, "Select #{select_name}'s value is not equal to expected: '#{option_value}'") } end } end alias assert_select_value assert_option_value_equals alias assert_menu_value assert_option_value_equals ## # radio # radio_group is the name field, radio options 'value' field def assert_radio_option_not_present(radio_group, radio_option) @web_browser.radios.each { |radio| the_element_name = element_name(radio) if (the_element_name == radio_group) then perform_assertion { assert(!(radio_option == element_value(radio) ), "unexpected radio option: " + radio_option + " found") } end } end def assert_radio_option_present(radio_group, radio_option) @web_browser.radios.each { |radio| the_element_name = element_name(radio) return if (the_element_name == radio_group) and (radio_option == element_value(radio) ) } fail("can't find the radio option : '#{radio_option}'") end def assert_radio_option_selected(radio_group, radio_option) @web_browser.radios.each { |radio| the_element_name = element_name(radio) if (the_element_name == radio_group and radio_option == element_value(radio) ) then if is_selenium_element?(radio) perform_assertion { assert(radio.selected?, "Radio button #{radio_group}-[#{radio_option}] not checked") } else perform_assertion { assert(radio.set?, "Radio button #{radio_group}-[#{radio_option}] not checked") } end end } end alias assert_radio_button_checked assert_radio_option_selected alias assert_radio_option_checked assert_radio_option_selected def assert_radio_option_not_selected(radio_group, radio_option) @web_browser.radios.each { |radio| the_element_name = element_name(radio) if (the_element_name == radio_group and radio_option == element_value(radio) ) then if is_selenium_element?(radio) perform_assertion { assert(!radio.selected?, "Radio button #{radio_group}-[#{radio_option}] checked unexpected") } else perform_assertion { assert(!radio.set?, "Radio button #{radio_group}-[#{radio_option}] checked unexpected") } end end } end alias assert_radio_button_not_checked assert_radio_option_not_selected alias assert_radio_option_not_checked assert_radio_option_not_selected ## # Button def assert_button_not_present(button_id) @web_browser.buttons.each { |button| the_button_id = RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" ? : button["id"] perform_assertion { assert(the_button_id != button_id, "unexpected button id: #{button_id} found") } } end def assert_button_not_present_with_text(text) @web_browser.buttons.each { |button| perform_assertion { assert(element_value(button) != text, "unexpected button id: #{text} found") } } end def assert_button_present(button_id) @web_browser.buttons.each { |button| the_button_id = RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" ? : button["id"] return if button_id == the_button_id } fail("can't find the button with id: #{button_id}") end def assert_button_present_with_text(button_text) @web_browser.buttons.each { |button| return if button_text == element_value(button) } fail("can't find the button with text: #{button_text}") end def assert_equals(expected, actual, msg=nil) perform_assertion { assert(expected == actual, (msg.nil?) ? "Expected: #{expected} diff from actual: #{actual}" : msg) } end # Check a HTML element exists or not # Example: # assert_exists("label", "receipt_date") # assert_exists(:span, :receipt_date) def assert_exists(tag, element_id) if RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" perform_assertion { assert(eval("#{tag}(:id, '#{element_id.to_s}').exists?"), "Element '#{tag}' with id: '#{element_id}' not found") } else perform_assertion { assert( @web_browser.driver.find_element(:tag_name => tag, :id => element_id))} end end alias assert_exists? assert_exists alias assert_element_exists assert_exists def assert_not_exists(tag, element_id) if RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" perform_assertion { assert_not(eval("#{tag}(:id, '#{element_id.to_s}').exists?"), "Unexpected element'#{tag}' + with id: '#{element_id}' found")} else perform_assertion { begin @web_browser.driver.find_element(:tag_name => tag, :id => element_id) fail("the element #{tag}##{element_id} found") rescue =>e end } end end alias assert_not_exists? assert_not_exists alias assert_element_not_exists? assert_not_exists # Assert tag with element id is visible?, eg. # assert_visible(:div, "public_notice") # assert_visible(:span, "public_span") def assert_visible(tag, element_id) if RWebSpec.framework =~ /selenium/i perform_assertion { assert(eval("#{tag}(:id, '#{element_id.to_s}').displayed?"), "Element '#{tag}' with id: '#{element_id}' not visible") } else perform_assertion { assert(eval("#{tag}(:id, '#{element_id.to_s}').visible?"), "Element '#{tag}' with id: '#{element_id}' not visible") } end end # Assert tag with element id is hidden?, example # assert_hidden(:div, "secret") # assert_hidden(:span, "secret_span") def assert_hidden(tag, element_id) if RWebSpec.framework =~ /selenium/i perform_assertion { assert(!eval("#{tag}(:id, '#{element_id.to_s}').displayed?"), "Element '#{tag}' with id: '#{element_id}' is visible") } else perform_assertion { assert(!eval("#{tag}(:id, '#{element_id.to_s}').visible?"), "Element '#{tag}' with id: '#{element_id}' is visible") } end end alias assert_not_visible assert_hidden # Assert given text appear inside a table (inside <table> tag like below) # # <table id="t1"> # # <tbody> # <tr id="row_1"> # <td id="cell_1_1">A</td> # <td id="cell_1_2">B</td> # </tr> # <tr id="row_2"> # <td id="cell_2_1">a</td> # <td id="cell_2_2">b</td> # </tr> # </tbody> # # </table> # # The plain text view of above table # A B a b # # Examples # assert_text_present_in_table("t1", ">A<") # => true # assert_text_present_in_table("t1", ">A<", :just_plain_text => true) # => false def assert_text_present_in_table(table_id, text, options = {}) options[:just_plain_text] ||= false perform_assertion { assert(the_table_source(table_id, options).include?(text), "the text #{text} not found in table #{table_id}") } end alias assert_text_in_table assert_text_present_in_table def assert_text_not_present_in_table(table_id, text, options = {}) options[:just_plain_text] ||= false perform_assertion { assert_not(the_table_source(table_id, options).include?(text), "the text #{text} not found in table #{table_id}") } end alias assert_text_not_in_table assert_text_not_present_in_table # Assert a text field (with given name) has the value # # <input id="tid" name="text1" value="text already there" type="text"> # # assert_text_field_value("text1", "text already there") => true # def assert_text_field_value(textfield_name, text) if RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" perform_assertion { assert_equal(text, text_field(:name, textfield_name).value) } else the_element = @web_browser.driver.find_element(:name, textfield_name) perform_assertion { assert_equal(text, element_value(the_element)) } end end #-- Not tested # ----- def assert_text_in_element(element_id, text) elem = element_by_id(element_id) if RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" assert_not_nil(elem.innerText, "element #{element_id} has no text") perform_assertion { assert(elem.innerText.include?(text), "the text #{text} not found in element #{element_id}") } else perform_assertion { # this works in text field assert(element_value(elem).include?(text), "the text #{text} not found in element #{element_id}") # TODO } end end # Use # #TODO for drag-n-drop, check the postion in list # def assert_position_in_list(list_element_id) # raise "not implemented" # end private def the_table_source(table_id, options) elem_table = RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" ? table(:id, table_id.to_s) : @web_browser.driver.find_element(:id => table_id) elem_table_text = elem_table.text elem_table_html = RWebSpec.framework == "Watir" ? elem_table.html : elem_table["innerHTML"]; table_source = options[:just_plain_text] ? elem_table_text : elem_table_html end def perform_assertion(&block) begin yield rescue StandardError => e # puts "[DEBUG] Assertion error: #{e}" take_screenshot if $take_screenshot raise e rescue MiniTest::Assertion => e2 take_screenshot if $take_screenshot raise e2 end end end
def valid_for(object, requirements = {}) match(requirements).select { |event| event.can_fire?(object, requirements) } end
Gets the list of events that can be fired on the given object. Valid requirement options: * <tt>:from</tt> - One or more states being transitioned from. If none are specified, then this will be the object's current state. * <tt>:to</tt> - One or more states being transitioned to. If none are specified, then this will match any to state. * <tt>:on</tt> - One or more events that fire the transition. If none are specified, then this will match any event. * <tt>:guard</tt> - Whether to guard transitions with the if/unless conditionals defined for each one. Default is true. == Examples class Vehicle state_machine :initial => :parked do event :park do transition :idling => :parked end event :ignite do transition :parked => :idling end end end events = Vehicle.state_machine(:state).events vehicle = # => #<Vehicle:0xb7c464b0 @state="parked"> events.valid_for(vehicle) # => [#<StateMachines::Event name=:ignite transitions=[:parked => :idling]>] vehicle.state = 'idling' events.valid_for(vehicle) # => [#<StateMachines::Event name=:park transitions=[:idling => :parked]>]
class EventCollection < NodeCollection def initialize(machine) #:nodoc: super(machine, :index => [:name, :qualified_name]) end # Gets the list of events that can be fired on the given object. # # Valid requirement options: # * <tt>:from</tt> - One or more states being transitioned from. If none # are specified, then this will be the object's current state. # * <tt>:to</tt> - One or more states being transitioned to. If none are # specified, then this will match any to state. # * <tt>:on</tt> - One or more events that fire the transition. If none # are specified, then this will match any event. # * <tt>:guard</tt> - Whether to guard transitions with the if/unless # conditionals defined for each one. Default is true. # # == Examples # # class Vehicle # state_machine :initial => :parked do # event :park do # transition :idling => :parked # end # # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # end # end # # events = Vehicle.state_machine(:state).events # # vehicle = # => #<Vehicle:0xb7c464b0 @state="parked"> # events.valid_for(vehicle) # => [#<StateMachines::Event name=:ignite transitions=[:parked => :idling]>] # # vehicle.state = 'idling' # events.valid_for(vehicle) # => [#<StateMachines::Event name=:park transitions=[:idling => :parked]>] # Gets the list of transitions that can be run on the given object. # # Valid requirement options: # * <tt>:from</tt> - One or more states being transitioned from. If none # are specified, then this will be the object's current state. # * <tt>:to</tt> - One or more states being transitioned to. If none are # specified, then this will match any to state. # * <tt>:on</tt> - One or more events that fire the transition. If none # are specified, then this will match any event. # * <tt>:guard</tt> - Whether to guard transitions with the if/unless # conditionals defined for each one. Default is true. # # == Examples # # class Vehicle # state_machine :initial => :parked do # event :park do # transition :idling => :parked # end # # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # end # end # # events = # # vehicle = # => #<Vehicle:0xb7c464b0 @state="parked"> # events.transitions_for(vehicle) # => [#<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:ignite from="parked" from_name=:parked to="idling" to_name=:idling>] # # vehicle.state = 'idling' # events.transitions_for(vehicle) # => [#<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:park from="idling" from_name=:idling to="parked" to_name=:parked>] # # # Search for explicit transitions regardless of the current state # events.transitions_for(vehicle, :from => :parked) # => [#<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:ignite from="parked" from_name=:parked to="idling" to_name=:idling>] def transitions_for(object, requirements = {}) match(requirements).map { |event| event.transition_for(object, requirements) }.compact end # Gets the transition that should be performed for the event stored in the # given object's event attribute. This also takes an additional parameter # for automatically invalidating the object if the event or transition are # invalid. By default, this is turned off. # # *Note* that if a transition has already been generated for the event, then # that transition will be used. # # == Examples # # class Vehicle < ActiveRecord::Base # state_machine :initial => :parked do # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # end # end # # vehicle = # => #<Vehicle id: nil, state: "parked"> # events = # # vehicle.state_event = nil # events.attribute_transition_for(vehicle) # => nil # Event isn't defined # # vehicle.state_event = 'invalid' # events.attribute_transition_for(vehicle) # => false # Event is invalid # # vehicle.state_event = 'ignite' # events.attribute_transition_for(vehicle) # => #<StateMachines::Transition attribute=:state event=:ignite from="parked" from_name=:parked to="idling" to_name=:idling> def attribute_transition_for(object, invalidate = false) return unless machine.action # TODO, simplify, :event_transition) || if event_name =, :event) if event = self[event_name.to_sym, :name] event.transition_for(object) || begin # No valid transition: invalidate machine.invalidate(object, :event, :invalid_event, [[:state, machine.states.match!(object).human_name(object.class)]]) if invalidate false end else # Event is unknown: invalidate machine.invalidate(object, :event, :invalid) if invalidate false end end end private def match(requirements) #:nodoc: requirements && requirements[:on] ? [fetch(requirements.delete(:on))] : self end end
def verify(sig, origin) return false unless valid_pubkey? begin sig = ecdsa_signature_parse_der_lax(sig) secp256k1_module.verify_sig(origin, sig, pubkey) rescue Exception false end end
verify signature using public key @param [String] sig signature data with binary format @param [String] origin original message @return [Boolean] verify result
class Key PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE = 65 COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE = 33 SIGNATURE_SIZE = 72 COMPACT_SIGNATURE_SIZE = 65 attr_accessor :priv_key attr_accessor :pubkey attr_accessor :key_type attr_reader :secp256k1_module TYPES = {uncompressed: 0x00, compressed: 0x01, p2pkh: 0x10, p2wpkh: 0x11, pw2pkh_p2sh: 0x12} MIN_PRIV_KEY_MOD_ORDER = 0x01 # Order of secp256k1's generator minus 1. MAX_PRIV_KEY_MOD_ORDER = ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1.order - 1 # initialize private key # @param [String] priv_key a private key with hex format. # @param [String] pubkey a public key with hex format. # @param [Integer] key_type a key type which determine address type. # @param [Boolean] compressed [Deprecated] whether public key is compressed. # @return [Bitcoin::Key] a key object. def initialize(priv_key: nil, pubkey: nil, key_type: nil, compressed: true) puts "[Warning] Use key_type parameter instead of compressed. compressed parameter removed in the future." if key_type.nil? && !compressed.nil? && pubkey.nil? if key_type @key_type = key_type compressed = @key_type != TYPES[:uncompressed] else @key_type = compressed ? TYPES[:compressed] : TYPES[:uncompressed] end @secp256k1_module = Bitcoin.secp_impl @priv_key = priv_key if @priv_key raise ArgumentError, 'private key is not on curve' unless validate_private_key_range(@priv_key) end if pubkey @pubkey = pubkey else @pubkey = generate_pubkey(priv_key, compressed: compressed) if priv_key end end # generate key pair def self.generate(key_type = TYPES[:compressed]) priv_key, pubkey = Bitcoin.secp_impl.generate_key_pair new(priv_key: priv_key, pubkey: pubkey, key_type: key_type) end # import private key from wif format # def self.from_wif(wif) hex = Base58.decode(wif) raise ArgumentError, 'data is too short' if hex.htb.bytesize < 4 version = hex[0..1] data = hex[2...-8].htb checksum = hex[-8..-1] raise ArgumentError, 'invalid version' unless version == Bitcoin.chain_params.privkey_version raise ArgumentError, 'invalid checksum' unless Bitcoin.calc_checksum(version + data.bth) == checksum key_len = data.bytesize if key_len == COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE && data[-1].unpack('C').first == 1 key_type = TYPES[:compressed] data = data[0..-2] elsif key_len == 32 key_type = TYPES[:uncompressed] else raise ArgumentError, 'Wrong number of bytes for a private key, not 32 or 33' end new(priv_key: data.bth, key_type: key_type) end # export private key with wif format def to_wif version = Bitcoin.chain_params.privkey_version hex = version + priv_key hex += '01' if compressed? hex += Bitcoin.calc_checksum(hex) Base58.encode(hex) end # sign +data+ with private key # @param [String] data a data to be signed with binary format # @param [Boolean] low_r flag to apply low-R. # @param [String] extra_entropy the extra entropy for rfc6979. # @return [String] signature data with binary format def sign(data, low_r = true, extra_entropy = nil) sig = secp256k1_module.sign_data(data, priv_key, extra_entropy) if low_r && !sig_has_low_r?(sig) counter = 1 until sig_has_low_r?(sig) extra_entropy = [counter].pack('I*').bth.ljust(64, '0').htb sig = secp256k1_module.sign_data(data, priv_key, extra_entropy) counter += 1 end end sig end # verify signature using public key # @param [String] sig signature data with binary format # @param [String] origin original message # @return [Boolean] verify result # get hash160 public key. def hash160 Bitcoin.hash160(pubkey) end # get pay to pubkey hash address # @deprecated def to_p2pkh Bitcoin::Script.to_p2pkh(hash160).addresses.first end # get pay to witness pubkey hash address # @deprecated def to_p2wpkh Bitcoin::Script.to_p2wpkh(hash160).addresses.first end # get p2wpkh address nested in p2sh. # @deprecated def to_nested_p2wpkh Bitcoin::Script.to_p2wpkh(hash160).to_p2sh.addresses.first end def compressed? key_type != TYPES[:uncompressed] end # generate pubkey ec point # @return [ECDSA::Point] def to_point p = pubkey p ||= generate_pubkey(priv_key, compressed: compressed) ECDSA::Format::PointOctetString.decode(p.htb, Bitcoin::Secp256k1::GROUP) end # check +pubkey+ (hex) is compress or uncompress pubkey. def self.compress_or_uncompress_pubkey?(pubkey) p = pubkey.htb return false if p.bytesize < COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE case p[0] when "\x04" return false unless p.bytesize == PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE when "\x02", "\x03" return false unless p.bytesize == COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE else return false end true end # check +pubkey+ (hex) is compress pubkey. def self.compress_pubkey?(pubkey) p = pubkey.htb p.bytesize == COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE && ["\x02", "\x03"].include?(p[0]) end # check +sig+ is low. def self.low_signature?(sig) s = sig.unpack('C*') len_r = s[3] len_s = s[5 + len_r] val_s = s.slice(6 + len_r, len_s) max_mod_half_order = [ 0x7f,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x5d,0x57,0x6e,0x73,0x57,0xa4,0x50,0x1d, 0xdf,0xe9,0x2f,0x46,0x68,0x1b,0x20,0xa0] compare_big_endian(val_s, [0]) > 0 && compare_big_endian(val_s, max_mod_half_order) <= 0 end # check +sig+ is correct der encoding. # This function is consensus-critical since BIP66. def self.valid_signature_encoding?(sig) return false if sig.bytesize < 9 || sig.bytesize > 73 # Minimum and maximum size check s = sig.unpack('C*') return false if s[0] != 0x30 || s[1] != s.size - 3 # A signature is of type 0x30 (compound). Make sure the length covers the entire signature. len_r = s[3] return false if 5 + len_r >= s.size # Make sure the length of the S element is still inside the signature. len_s = s[5 + len_r] return false unless len_r + len_s + 7 == s.size #Verify that the length of the signature matches the sum of the length of the elements. return false unless s[2] == 0x02 # Check whether the R element is an integer. return false if len_r == 0 # Zero-length integers are not allowed for R. return false unless s[4] & 0x80 == 0 # Negative numbers are not allowed for R. # Null bytes at the start of R are not allowed, unless R would otherwise be interpreted as a negative number. return false if len_r > 1 && (s[4] == 0x00) && (s[5] & 0x80 == 0) return false unless s[len_r + 4] == 0x02 # Check whether the S element is an integer. return false if len_s == 0 # Zero-length integers are not allowed for S. return false unless (s[len_r + 6] & 0x80) == 0 # Negative numbers are not allowed for S. # Null bytes at the start of S are not allowed, unless S would otherwise be interpreted as a negative number. return false if len_s > 1 && (s[len_r + 6] == 0x00) && (s[len_r + 7] & 0x80 == 0) true end # fully validate whether this is a valid public key (more expensive than IsValid()) def fully_valid_pubkey? return false unless valid_pubkey? point = ECDSA::Format::PointOctetString.decode(pubkey.htb, ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1) ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1.valid_public_key?(point) end private def self.compare_big_endian(c1, c2) c1, c2 = c1.dup, c2.dup # Clone the arrays while c1.size > c2.size return 1 if c1.shift > 0 end while c2.size > c1.size return -1 if c2.shift > 0 end c1.size.times{|idx| return c1[idx] - c2[idx] if c1[idx] != c2[idx] } 0 end # generate publick key from private key # @param [String] privkey a private key with string format # @param [Boolean] compressed pubkey compressed? # @return [String] a pubkey which generate from privkey def generate_pubkey(privkey, compressed: true) @secp256k1_module.generate_pubkey(privkey, compressed: compressed) end # check private key range. def validate_private_key_range(private_key) value = private_key.to_i(16) MIN_PRIV_KEY_MOD_ORDER <= value && value <= MAX_PRIV_KEY_MOD_ORDER end # Supported violations include negative integers, excessive padding, garbage # at the end, and overly long length descriptors. This is safe to use in # Bitcoin because since the activation of BIP66, signatures are verified to be # strict DER before being passed to this module, and we know it supports all # violations present in the blockchain before that point. def ecdsa_signature_parse_der_lax(sig) sig_array = sig.unpack('C*') len_r = sig_array[3] r = sig_array[4...(len_r+4)].pack('C*').bth len_s = sig_array[len_r + 5] s = sig_array[(len_r + 6)...(len_r + 6 + len_s)].pack('C*').bth, s.to_i(16)).to_der end def valid_pubkey? !pubkey.nil? && pubkey.size > 0 end # check whether the signature is low-R # @param [String] sig the signature data # @return [Boolean] result def sig_has_low_r?(sig) sig[3].bth.to_i(16) == 0x20 && sig[4].bth.to_i(16) < 0x80 end end
def create_group_data_criteria(preconditions, type, value, parent_id, id, standard_category, qds_data_type) extract_group_data_criteria_tree(HQMF::DataCriteria::UNION,preconditions, type, parent_id) end
grouping data criteria are used to allow a single reference off of a temporal reference or subset operator grouping data criteria can reference either regular data criteria as children, or other grouping data criteria
class DataCriteriaConverter attr_reader :v1_data_criteria_by_id, :v2_data_criteria, :v2_data_criteria_to_delete, :measure_period_criteria, :measure_period_v1_keys, :specific_occurrences def initialize(doc, measure_period) @doc = doc @v1_data_criteria_by_id = {} @v2_data_criteria = [] @v2_data_criteria_to_delete = {} @specific_occurrences = {} @measure_period = measure_period parse() end def final_v2_data_criteria @v2_data_criteria.delete_if {|criteria| @v2_data_criteria_to_delete[] } end # duplicates a data criteria. This is important because we may be modifying source data criteria like patient characteristic birthdate to add restrictions # the restrictions added may be different for the numerator, denominator, different IPP_1, IPP_2, etc. def duplicate_data_criteria(data_criteria, parent_id) if (data_criteria.is_a? HQMF::Converter::SimpleDataCriteria and data_criteria.precondition_id == parent_id) new_data_criteria = data_criteria else new_data_criteria = HQMF::Converter::SimpleDataCriteria.from_data_criteria(data_criteria) new_data_criteria.assign_precondition(parent_id) @v2_data_criteria << new_data_criteria # we want to delete the original for data criteria that have been duplicated @v2_data_criteria_to_delete[] = true if !@v2_data_criteria_to_delete.keys.include? end new_data_criteria end # make sure that if a data criteria is used as a target, that it is not deleted by someone else. # this is required for birthdate in NQF0106 def validate_not_deleted(target) @v2_data_criteria_to_delete[target] = false end # grouping data criteria are used to allow a single reference off of a temporal reference or subset operator # grouping data criteria can reference either regular data criteria as children, or other grouping data criteria def build_group_data_criteria(children, section, parent_id, derivation_operator) criteria_ids = # make sure nobody else is going to delete the criteria we've grouped criteria_ids.each {|target| validate_not_deleted(target)} id = "#{parent_id}_#{section}_#{}" title = "#{id}" description = "" definition = 'derived' _display_name,_code_list_id,_status,_value,_field_values,_effective_time,_inline_code_list,_negation_code_list_id, = nil _negation = false group_criteria =, title, _display_name, description, _code_list_id, criteria_ids, derivation_operator, definition, _status, _value, _field_values, _effective_time, _inline_code_list,_negation,_negation_code_list_id,nil,nil,nil,nil) @v2_data_criteria << group_criteria group_criteria end # pull the children data criteria out of a set of preconditions def extract_group_data_criteria_tree(conjunction, preconditions, type, parent_id) children = [] preconditions.each do |precondition| if (precondition.comparison?) if ( == HQMF::Document::MEASURE_PERIOD_ID) children << measure_period_criteria else children << v2_data_criteria_by_id[] end else converted_conjunction = convert_grouping_conjunction(precondition.conjunction_code) children << extract_group_data_criteria_tree(converted_conjunction, precondition.preconditions, type, parent_id) end end # if we have just one child element, just return it. An AND or OR of a single item is not useful. if (children.size > 1) build_group_data_criteria(children, type, parent_id, conjunction) else children.first end end def convert_grouping_conjunction(conjunction) case conjunction when HQMF::Precondition::AT_LEAST_ONE_TRUE HQMF::DataCriteria::UNION when HQMF::Precondition::ALL_TRUE HQMF::DataCriteria::XPRODUCT else 'unknown' end end # pull the children data criteria out of a set of preconditions def self.extract_data_criteria(preconditions, data_criteria_converter) flattened = [] preconditions.each do |precondition| if (precondition.comparison?) if ( == HQMF::Document::MEASURE_PERIOD_ID) flattened << data_criteria_converter.measure_period_criteria else flattened << data_criteria_converter.v2_data_criteria_by_id[] end else flattened.concat(extract_data_criteria(precondition.preconditions,data_criteria_converter)) end end flattened end def v2_data_criteria_by_id criteria_by_id = {} @v2_data_criteria.each do |criteria| criteria_by_id[] = criteria end criteria_by_id end private def parse() @doc[:data_criteria].each do |key,criteria| parsed_criteria = HQMF::DataCriteriaConverter.convert(key, criteria) @v2_data_criteria << parsed_criteria @v1_data_criteria_by_id[criteria[:id]] = parsed_criteria @specific_occurrences[] = criteria[:derived_from] != nil end create_measure_period_v1_data_criteria(@doc,@measure_period,@v1_data_criteria_by_id) end def self.convert(key, criteria) # @param [String] id # @param [String] title # @param [String] standard_category # @param [String] qds_data_type # @param [String] subset_code # @param [String] code_list_id # @param [String] property # @param [String] type # @param [String] status # @param [boolean] negation # @param [String] negation_code_list_id # @param [Value|Range|Coded] value # @param [Range] effective_time # @param [Hash<String,String>] inline_code_list id = convert_key(key) title = criteria[:title] title = title.match(/.*:\s+(.+)/)[1] description = criteria[:description] code_list_id = criteria[:code_list_id] definition = criteria[:definition] status = criteria[:status] negation = criteria[:negation] negation_code_list_id = criteria[:negation_code_list_id] specific_occurrence = criteria[:specific_occurrence] specific_occurrence_const = nil # specific occurrences do not properly set the description, so we want to add the definition and status if (specific_occurrence) if status statusText = ", #{status.titleize}" elsif definition == 'laboratory_test' # laboratory_test without a status is actually a Result statusText = ", Result" end description = "#{definition.titleize}#{statusText}: #{description}" specific_occurrence_const = (description.gsub(/\W/,' ').split.collect {|word| word.strip.upcase }).join '_' end value = nil # value is filled out by backfill_patient_characteristics for things like gender and by REFR restrictions effective_time = nil # filled out by temporal reference code temporal_references = # filled out by operator code subset_operators = nil # filled out by operator code children_criteria = nil # filled out by operator and temporal reference code derivation_operator = nil # filled out by operator and temporal reference code negation_code_list_id = nil # filled out by RSON restrictions field_values = nil # field values are filled out by SUBJ and REFR restrictions inline_code_list = nil # inline code list is only used in HQMF V2, so we can just pass in nil display_name=nil # transfers should be modeled as a field. The code_list_id of the transfer data criteria is cleared and the oid is added to a transfer field # The definition of the data criteria is still transfer, but it is marked as an encounter using the patient api funciton. if ['transfer_to', 'transfer_from'].include? definition field_values ||= {} field_values[definition.upcase] = HQMF::Coded.for_code_list(code_list_id, title) code_list_id = nil end, title, display_name, description, code_list_id, children_criteria, derivation_operator, definition, status, value, field_values, effective_time, inline_code_list, negation, negation_code_list_id, temporal_references, subset_operators,specific_occurrence,specific_occurrence_const) end # this method creates V1 data criteria for the measurement period. These data criteria can be # referenced properly within the restrictions def create_measure_period_v1_data_criteria(doc,measure_period,v1_data_criteria_by_id) attributes = doc[:attributes] attributes.keys.each {|key| attributes[key.to_s] = attributes[key]} measure_period_key = attributes['MEASUREMENT_PERIOD'][:id] measure_start_key = attributes['MEASUREMENT_START_DATE'][:id] measure_end_key = attributes['MEASUREMENT_END_DATE'][:id] @measure_period_v1_keys = {measure_start: measure_start_key, measure_end: measure_end_key, measure_period: measure_period_key} type = 'variable' code_list_id,negation_code_list_id,property,status,field_values,effective_time,inline_code_list,children_criteria,derivation_operator,temporal_references,subset_operators=nil ##### ## ######### SET MEASURE PERIOD ## ##### measure_period_id = HQMF::Document::MEASURE_PERIOD_ID value = measure_period measure_criteria =,measure_period_id,nil,measure_period_id,code_list_id,children_criteria,derivation_operator,measure_period_id,status, value,field_values,effective_time,inline_code_list, false, nil, temporal_references,subset_operators,nil,nil) # set the measure period data criteria for all measure period keys v1_data_criteria_by_id[measure_period_key] = measure_criteria v1_data_criteria_by_id[measure_start_key] = measure_criteria v1_data_criteria_by_id[measure_end_key] = measure_criteria @measure_period_criteria = measure_criteria end def self.title_from_description(title, description) title.gsub(/^#{Regexp.escape(description).gsub('\\ ',':?,?\\ ')}:\s*/i,'') end def self.convert_key(key) key.to_s.downcase.gsub('_', ' ').split(' ').map {|w| w.capitalize }.join('') end end
def status_message(bucket_name, state) message = ['', "Bucket s3://#{bucket_name} #{state}"] message << "Config dir #{config_dir} #{state}" state = 'complete' if state == 'created' message << "Config #{state}" message.join("\n") end
Notifies user of results of init or destroy commands.
class Config CONFIG_DIR = '.elasticrawl' DATABASE_FILE = 'elasticrawl.sqlite3' TEMPLATES_DIR = '../../templates' TEMPLATE_FILES = ['aws.yml', 'cluster.yml', 'jobs.yml'] attr_reader :access_key_id attr_reader :secret_access_key # Sets the AWS access credentials needed for the S3 and EMR API calls. def initialize(access_key_id = nil, secret_access_key = nil) # Credentials have been provided to the init command. @access_key_id = access_key_id @secret_access_key = secret_access_key # If credentials are not set then check if they are available in aws.yml. if dir_exists? config = load_config('aws') key = config['access_key_id'] secret = config['secret_access_key'] @access_key_id ||= key unless key == 'ACCESS_KEY_ID' @secret_access_key ||= secret unless secret == 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' end # If credentials are still not set then check AWS environment variables. @access_key_id ||= ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] @secret_access_key ||= ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] # Set AWS credentials for use when accessing the S3 API. AWS.config(:access_key_id => @access_key_id, :secret_access_key => @secret_access_key) end # Returns the location of the config directory. def config_dir File.join(Dir.home, CONFIG_DIR) end # Checks if the configuration directory exists. def dir_exists? Dir.exists?(config_dir) end # Loads a YAML configuration file. def load_config(config_file) if dir_exists? begin config_file = File.join(config_dir, "#{config_file}.yml") config = YAML::load( rescue StandardError => e raise FileAccessError, e.message end else raise ConfigDirMissingError, 'Config dir missing. Run init command' end end # Loads the sqlite database. If no database exists it will be created # and the database migrations will be run. def load_database if dir_exists? config = { 'adapter' => 'sqlite3', 'database' => File.join(config_dir, DATABASE_FILE), 'pool' => 5, 'timeout' => 5000 } begin ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), \ '../../db/migrate'), ENV['VERSION'] ? ENV['VERSION'].to_i : nil ) rescue StandardError => e raise DatabaseAccessError, e.message end else raise ConfigDirMissingError, 'Config dir missing. Run init command' end end # Checks if a S3 bucket name is in use. def bucket_exists?(bucket_name) begin s3 = s3.buckets[bucket_name].exists? rescue AWS::S3::Errors::SignatureDoesNotMatch => e raise AWSCredentialsInvalidError, 'AWS access credentials are invalid' rescue AWS::Errors::Base => s3e raise, s3e.message end end # Creates the S3 bucket and config directory. Deploys the config templates # and creates the sqlite database. def create(bucket_name) create_bucket(bucket_name) deploy_templates(bucket_name) load_database status_message(bucket_name, 'created') end # Deletes the S3 bucket and config directory. def delete bucket_name = load_config('jobs')['s3_bucket_name'] delete_bucket(bucket_name) delete_config_dir status_message(bucket_name, 'deleted') end # Displayed by destroy command to confirm deletion. def delete_warning bucket_name = load_config('jobs')['s3_bucket_name'] message = ['WARNING:'] message << "Bucket s3://#{bucket_name} and its data will be deleted" message << "Config dir #{config_dir} will be deleted" message.join("\n") end # Displayed by init command. def access_key_prompt prompt = "Enter AWS Access Key ID:" prompt += " [#{@access_key_id}]" if @access_key_id.present? prompt end # Displayed by init command. def secret_key_prompt prompt = "Enter AWS Secret Access Key:" prompt += " [#{@secret_access_key}]" if @secret_access_key.present? prompt end private # Creates a bucket using the S3 API. def create_bucket(bucket_name) begin s3 = s3.buckets.create(bucket_name) rescue AWS::Errors::Base => s3e raise, s3e.message end end # Deletes a bucket and its contents using the S3 API. def delete_bucket(bucket_name) begin s3 = bucket = s3.buckets[bucket_name] bucket.delete! rescue AWS::Errors::Base => s3e raise, s3e.message end end # Creates config directory and copies config templates into it. # Saves S3 bucket name to jobs.yml and AWS credentials to aws.yml. def deploy_templates(bucket_name) begin Dir.mkdir(config_dir, 0755) if dir_exists? == false TEMPLATE_FILES.each do |template_file| FileUtils.cp(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), TEMPLATES_DIR, template_file), File.join(config_dir, template_file)) end save_config('jobs', { 'BUCKET_NAME' => bucket_name }) save_aws_config rescue StandardError => e raise FileAccessError, e.message end end # Saves AWS access credentials to aws.yml unless they are configured as # environment variables. def save_aws_config env_key = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] env_secret = ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] creds = {} creds['ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = @access_key_id unless @access_key_id == env_key creds['SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = @secret_access_key \ unless @secret_access_key == env_secret save_config('aws', creds) end # Saves config values by overwriting placeholder values in template. def save_config(template, params) config_file = File.join(config_dir, "#{template}.yml") config = { |key, value| config = config.gsub(key, value) }, 'w') { |file| file.write(config) } end # Deletes the config directory including its contents. def delete_config_dir begin FileUtils.rm_r(config_dir) if dir_exists? rescue StandardError => e raise FileAccessError, e.message end end # Notifies user of results of init or destroy commands. end
def unstringify_values!(config) config['HOSTS'].each do |host, settings| settings.each do |k, v| config['HOSTS'][host][k] = unstringify_value(v) end end config['CONFIG'].each do |k, v| config['CONFIG'][k] = unstringify_value(v) end end
Passes over all the values of config['HOSTS'] and config['CONFIG'] and subsequent arrays to convert numbers or booleans into proper integer or boolean types.
class Generator include BeakerHostGenerator::Data include BeakerHostGenerator::Parser include BeakerHostGenerator::Roles # Main host generation entry point, returns a Ruby map for the given host # specification and optional configuration. # # @param layout [String] The raw hosts specification user input. # For example `"centos6-64m-redhat7-64a"`. # @param options [Hash] Global, optional configuration such as the default # hypervisor or OS info version. # # @returns [Hash] A complete Ruby map as defining the HOSTS and CONFIG # sections as required by Beaker. def generate(layout, options) layout = prepare(layout) tokens = tokenize_layout(layout) config = {}.deep_merge(BASE_CONFIG) nodeid = ostype = nil bhg_version = options[:osinfo_version] || 0 tokens.each do |token| if is_ostype_token?(token, bhg_version) if nodeid[ostype] == 1 and ostype != nil raise "Error: no nodes generated for #{ostype}" end ostype = token next end node_info = parse_node_info_token(token) # Build node host name platform = "#{ostype}-#{node_info['bits']}" host_name = "#{platform}-#{nodeid[ostype]}" node_info['platform'] = platform node_info['ostype'] = ostype node_info['nodeid'] = nodeid[ostype] host_config = base_host_config(options) # Delegate to the hypervisor hypervisor = BeakerHostGenerator::Hypervisor.create(node_info, options) host_config = hypervisor.generate_node(node_info, host_config, bhg_version) config['CONFIG'].deep_merge!(hypervisor.global_config()) # Merge in any arbitrary key-value host settings. Treat the 'hostname' # setting specially, and don't merge it in as an arbitrary setting. arbitrary_settings = node_info['host_settings'] host_name = arbitrary_settings.delete('hostname') if arbitrary_settings.has_key?('hostname') host_config.merge!(arbitrary_settings) if PE_USE_WIN32 && ostype =~ /windows/ && node_info['bits'] == "64" host_config['ruby_arch'] = 'x86' host_config['install_32'] = true end generate_host_roles!(host_config, node_info, options) config['HOSTS'][host_name] = host_config nodeid[ostype] += 1 end # Merge in global configuration settings after the hypervisor defaults if options[:global_config] decoded = prepare(options[:global_config]) # Support for strings without '{}' was introduced, so just double # check here to ensure that we pass in values surrounded by '{}'. if !decoded.start_with?('{') decoded = "{#{decoded}}" end global_config = settings_string_to_map(decoded) config['CONFIG'].deep_merge!(global_config) end # Munge non-string scalar values into proper data types unstringify_values!(config) return config end def get_host_roles(node_info) roles = [] node_info['roles'].each_char do |c| roles << ROLES[c] end node_info['arbitrary_roles'].each do |role| roles << role end return roles end private def generate_host_roles!(host_config, node_info, options) if not options[:disable_default_role] host_config['roles'] = ['agent'] else host_config['roles'] = [] end host_config['roles'].concat get_host_roles(node_info) host_config['roles'].uniq! if not options[:disable_role_config] host_config['roles'].each do |role| host_config.deep_merge! get_role_config(role) end end end # Passes over all the values of config['HOSTS'] and config['CONFIG'] and # subsequent arrays to convert numbers or booleans into proper integer # or boolean types. # Attempts to convert numeric strings and boolean strings into proper # integer and boolean types. If value is an array, it will recurse # through those values. # Returns the input value if it's not a number string or boolean string. # For example "123" would be converted to 123, and "true"/"false" would be # converted to true/false. # The only valid boolean-strings are "true" and "false". def unstringify_value(value) result = Integer(value) rescue value if value == 'true' result = true elsif value == 'false' result = false elsif value.kind_of?(Array) value.each_with_index do |v, i| result[i] = unstringify_value(v) end end result end end
def exec(*args) args.flatten! args.join(' ') unless system(*args) raise args end end
API to use inside the recipe @api public Run a command inside the build directory. In most cases it is not needed to call this method directly. Look at the other helper methods. The method expects as arguments the program name and additional parameters for the program. The arguments can be group with arguments, but must not: @example exec 'echo', %w(a b) exec ['echo', 'a', 'b'] exec 'echo', 'a', 'b' @raise [CommandExecutionFailed] if the executed program exists with a non-zero exit code.
class Recipe # @api public # This method should be call in subclasses to register new recipe instances. Cany ignores any # recipe subclasses which does not call register_as. If multiple recipes register on the same # name the later one will overwrite the earlier one and therefore used by Cany. # @param [Symbol] name A ruby symbol as name for the recipe. It should be short and recognizable def self.register_as(name) @@recipes ||= {} @@recipes[name] = self module_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__) def name :#{name} end EOS end # @api public # Looks for the class registered for the given name # @param [Symbol] name the name the class is search for # @return [Cany::Recipe] Returns the found class or nil # @raise UnknownRecipe if there is no recipe registered for this name. def self.from_name(name) raise unless @@recipes[name] @@recipes[name] end # Creates a new instance of this recipe # @param [Cany::Specification] spec Specification object def initialize(spec, &configure_block) @spec = spec @inner = nil @hooks = Hash[(self.class.defined_hooks || []).map do |name| [name, Cany.hash_with_array_as_default] end] @options = Hash[(self.class.defined_options || {}).map do |name, default| [name, default.dup] end] self.class.const_get(:DSL).new(self).exec(&configure_block) if configure_block end # Specify the inner recipe for the current one. # @param [Cany::Recipe, nil] inner Inner recipes should should be call between the pre and post # actions of this class. Nil means most inner recipes. def inner=(inner) @inner = inner end attr_reader :spec, :inner # API to use inside the recipe ############################## # @api public # Run a command inside the build directory. In most cases it is not needed to call this method # directly. Look at the other helper methods. # # The method expects as arguments the program name and additional parameters for the program. # The arguments can be group with arguments, but must not: # @example # exec 'echo', %w(a b) # exec ['echo', 'a', 'b'] # exec 'echo', 'a', 'b' # @raise [CommandExecutionFailed] if the executed program exists with a # non-zero exit code. # exec is special name in same situations it may no work but this alias should work always alias :exec_ :exec # @api public # Run a ruby task (like gem, bundle, rake ...) # # The method expects as arguments the program name and additional parameters for the program. # See exec for more examples def ruby_bin(*args) exec RbConfig.ruby, '-S', *args end # @api public # Install files or directory from the build directory # @param source[String] The relative file name to a filename or directory inside the build # directory that should be installed/copied into the destination package # @param destination[String] The diretory name into that the file or directory should be # installed def install(source, destination) exec 'dh_install', source, destination end # @api public # Install a file. The content is passed as argument. This method is designed to be used by # recipes to create files dynamically. # @param [String] filename The absolute file name for the file inside the package. # @param [String] content The file content def install_content(filename, content) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname File.join('debian',, filename) File.join('debian',, filename), 'w' do |f| f.write content end end # @api public # Installs/creates an empty directory # @param [String] path The path name def install_dir(path) exec 'dh_installdirs', path end # @api public # Create a file named destination as a link to a file named source def install_link(source, destination) exec 'dh_link', source, destination end # @api public # Specify a command call (program + args) that should be installed as service and started # automatically. # This method should be only call inside the binary step. # @param name[Symbol] A short identifier. Used to separate different services. E.g. the name # of the web server that is launched by this command (like puma, unicorn, thin) # @param command[Array<String>] The command that should be started and its parameter. The first # element is the command name - can be absolute or relative path name (than searched in path) # @param opts[Hash] Service behavior options # @option opts[String] :user As which user should the command executed (default is root) # @option opts[String] :group As which group should the command executed (default is root) def install_service(*args) recipe(:system).install_service(*args) end # @api public # Ensure that the given files or directories are no present. Directories are removed # recursively. def rmtree(*args) args.flatten.each do |path| ::FileUtils.remove_entry path if File.exists? path end end class << self attr_accessor :defined_hooks, :defined_options # @api public # Define a new hook # @param name[Symbol] def hook(name) @defined_hooks ||= [] @defined_hooks << name end # @api public # Define a configure option. These kind of option are design for other # recipes not for the user. See Recipe::DSL for this. # @param name[Symbol] The name of the option. The option name is scoped # inside a recipe. def option(name, default={}) @defined_options ||= {} @defined_options[name] = default end end def hook(name) @hooks[name].tap do |hook| raise name unless hook end end # @api public # Ask for the current values for a defined option def option(name) @options[name].tap do |option| raise name unless option end end # @api public # Configure an other recipe # @param name[Symbol] The option name # @param options[Hash] The configuration data itself. def configure(name, options) option(name).merge! options end # @api public # Run defined actions for a hook # @param name[Symbol] hook identification, no error is raised on unknown hooks # @param state[Symbol] state that should be executed (:before, :after or :around) def run_hook(name, state) hook(name)[state].each do |block| "run #{block} for hook #{name} in state #{state} ..." instance_eval(&block) end end # @api public # Access the recipe instance from another loaded recipe of this # specification # @param name[Symbol] recipe name def recipe(name) return spec.system_recipe if name == :system recipe_class = Recipe.from_name(name) do |one_recipe| return one_recipe if one_recipe.instance_of? recipe_class end raise name end # @api public # Adds a new dependency for the software. See Cany::Dependency for a more # abstract description about dependencies # See Cany::Mixins::DependMixin for parameter description include Cany::Mixins::DependMixin def depend(*args) @spec.dependencies << create_dep(*args) end # default implementation: ######################### # @!group Recipe Steps - to be overridden in subclass # @api public # Prepares the recipes to run things. This is call exactly once for all recipes before # recipes actions are executed. def prepare end # @api public # This step is executed to create the distribution specific packages from canspec. The recipe # can e.g. add additional dependencies or adjust the package meta data. def create(creator) end # @api public # clean the build directory from all temporary and created files def clean inner.clean end # @api public # build the program (means ./configure and make) def build end # @api public # create binary (package) version of this file (means make install) def binary inner.binary end # @!endgroup # This superclass helps recipes to create easily an own mini DSL to let the user configure the # recipe with it. class DSL def initialize(recipe) @recipe = recipe end # Evaluate a given block inside the dsl. def exec(&block) instance_eval(&block) end # This is a simple delegate helper. It can be used to pass option directly to recipe instance. # @param [Symbol] param1 Multiple symbol names def self.delegate(*methods) methods.each do |method| module_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__) def #{method}(*args, &block) @recipe.send :'#{method}=', *args, &block end EOS end end def before(hook_name, &block) @recipe.hook(hook_name)[:before] << block end def after(hook_name, &block) @recipe.hook(hook_name)[:after] << block end def around(hook_name, &block) @recipe.hook(hook_name)[:around] << block end end end
def render .default { content } .on("html") { compress render_erb } .on("md") { compress render_erb } .on("erb") { compress render_erb } .match end
Render the current page.
class Page extend Forwardable def_delegators :meta, :template # Set the page path, which must contain a valid # meta section and page content. # attr_reader :path # Set the meta data for this particular page. # attr_reader :meta # Set the current site object, which contains reference to # all existing pages. # attr_reader :site # Initialize a new page, which can be simply rendered or # persisted to the filesystem. # def initialize(site, path, meta = nil) @site = site @path = path @meta = meta || end # # def method_missing(name, *args, &block) return meta[name.to_s] if meta.key?(name.to_s) super end # # def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = false) meta.key?(name.to_s) end # # def content .default { meta.content } .on("builder") {, to_context).to_xml } .on("erb") {, to_context).render } .on("md") { } .on("txt") {, to_context).render } .match end # # def to_context { page: self, site: site } end # # def compress(content) content = if config.assets.compress_html content end # Render the current page. # # # def permalink meta.fetch("permalink", File.basename(path).gsub(/\..*?$/, "")) end # # def filename .default { "#{permalink}.html" } .on("builder") { "#{permalink}.xml" } .on("xml") { "#{permalink}.xml" } .on("txt") { "#{permalink}.txt" } .match end # # def layout site.root.join("layouts/#{meta.fetch("layout", "default")}.erb") end # # def render_erb if layout.exist?, to_context.merge(content: content) ).render else content end end # Save current page to the specified path. # def save_to(path), "w") do |file| I18n.with_locale(meta.locale) do file << render end end end # # def output_file base = File.dirname(path) .gsub(site.root.join("source").to_s, "") .gsub(%r[^/], "") site.root.join("public", base, filename) end # # def save FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(output_file)) save_to(output_file) end # # def config Troy.configuration end end
def remove_links_from_file(file) urls = File.foreach(file).map { |url| url.chomp unless url.empty? } remove_links(urls) end
Deletes links based on URLs that are provided in a file. Each URL has to be in one line
class Designer # extend Forwardable # def_delegators :@website, :report_links_availability include Infrastructure # The website the designer is working on attr_accessor :website # Creates a new website where designer can operate on def new_website(title = "SYC LINK") @website = end # Adds a link based on the provided arguments to the website def add_link(url, args = {}) website.add_link(, args)) end # Reads arguments from a CSV file and creates links accordingly. The links # are added to the websie def add_links_from_file(file) File.foreach(file) do |line| next if line.chomp.empty? url, name, description, tag = line.chomp.split(';') website.add_link(, { name: name, description: description, tag: tag })) end end # Accepts and SycLink::Importer to import Links and add them to the website def import_links(importer) importer.links.each do |link| website.add_link(link) end end # Export links to specified format def export(format) message = "to_#{format.downcase}" if website.respond_to? message website.send(message) else raise "cannot export to #{format}" end end # List links contained in the website and optionally filter on attributes def list_links(args = {}) website.list_links(args) end # Finds links based on a search string def find_links(search) website.find_links(search) end # Check links availability. Takes a filter which values to return and # whether to return available, unavailable or available and unavailable # links. In the following example only unavailable links' url and response # would be returned # report_links_availability(available: false, # unavailable: false, # columns: "url,response") def report_links_availability(opts) cols = opts[:columns].gsub(/ /, "").split(',') do |url, response| result = if response == "200" and opts[:available] { "url" => url, "response" => response } elsif response != "200" and opts[:unavailable] { "url" => url, "response" => response } end next if result.nil? cols.inject([]) { |res, c| res << result[c.downcase] } end.compact end # Updates a link. The link is identified by the URL. If there is more than # one link with the same URL, only the first link is updated def update_link(url, args) website.find_links(url).first.update(args) end # Updates links read from a file def update_links_from_file(file) File.foreach(file) do |line| next if line.chomp.empty? url, name, description, tag = line.chomp.split(';') website.find_links(url).first.update({ name: name, description: description, tag: tag }) end end # Merge links with same URL def merge_links website.merge_links_on(:url) end # Deletes one or more links from the website. Returns the deleted links. # Expects the links provided in an array def remove_links(urls) { |url| list_links({ url: url }) }.flatten.compact.each do |link| website.remove_link(link) end end # Deletes links based on URLs that are provided in a file. Each URL has to # be in one line # Saves the website to the specified directory with the downcased name of # the website and the extension 'website'. The website is save as YAML def save_website(directory), website.title), 'w') do |f| YAML.dump(website, f) end end # Loads a website based on the provided YAML-file and asigns it to the # designer to operate on def load_website(website) @website = YAML.load_file(website) end # Deletes the website if it already exists def delete_website(directory) if File.exists? yaml_file(directory, website.title) FileUtils.rm(yaml_file(directory, website.title)) end end # Creates the html representation of the website. The website is saved to # the directory with websites title and needs an erb-template where the # links are integrated to. An example template can be found at # templates/syclink.html.erb def create_website(directory, template_filename) template =, website.title), 'w') do |f| f.puts website.to_html(template) end end end
def has_update?(version=nil, download_options: {}) if !@metadata_url raise Errors::BoxUpdateNoMetadata, name: @name end if download_options.delete(:automatic_check) && !automatic_update_check_allowed?"Skipping box update check") return end version += ", " if version version ||= "" version += "> #{@version}" md = self.load_metadata(download_options) newer = md.version(version, provider: @provider) return nil if !newer [md, newer, newer.provider(@provider)] end
Checks if the box has an update and returns the metadata, version, and provider. If the box doesn't have an update that satisfies the constraints, it will return nil. This will potentially make a network call if it has to load the metadata from the network. @param [String] version Version constraints the update must satisfy. If nil, the version constrain defaults to being a larger version than this box. @return [Array]
class Box include Comparable # Number of seconds to wait between checks for box updates BOX_UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 3600 # The box name. This is the logical name used when adding the box. # # @return [String] attr_reader :name # This is the provider that this box is built for. # # @return [Symbol] attr_reader :provider # The version of this box. # # @return [String] attr_reader :version # This is the directory on disk where this box exists. # # @return [Pathname] attr_reader :directory # This is the metadata for the box. This is read from the "metadata.json" # file that all boxes require. # # @return [Hash] attr_reader :metadata # This is the URL to the version info and other metadata for this # box. # # @return [String] attr_reader :metadata_url # This is used to initialize a box. # # @param [String] name Logical name of the box. # @param [Symbol] provider The provider that this box implements. # @param [Pathname] directory The directory where this box exists on # disk. def initialize(name, provider, version, directory, **opts) @name = name @version = version @provider = provider @directory = directory @metadata_url = opts[:metadata_url] metadata_file = directory.join("metadata.json") raise Errors::BoxMetadataFileNotFound, name: @name if !metadata_file.file? begin @metadata = JSON.parse(directory.join("metadata.json").read) rescue JSON::ParserError raise Errors::BoxMetadataCorrupted, name: @name end @logger ="vagrant::box") end # This deletes the box. This is NOT undoable. def destroy! # Delete the directory to delete the box. FileUtils.rm_r(@directory) # Just return true always true rescue Errno::ENOENT # This means the directory didn't exist. Not a problem. return true end # Checks if this box is in use according to the given machine # index and returns the entries that appear to be using the box. # # The entries returned, if any, are not tested for validity # with {MachineIndex::Entry#valid?}, so the caller should do that # if the caller cares. # # @param [MachineIndex] index # @return [Array<MachineIndex::Entry>] def in_use?(index) results = [] index.each do |entry| box_data = entry.extra_data["box"] next if !box_data # If all the data matches, record it if box_data["name"] == && box_data["provider"] == self.provider.to_s && box_data["version"] == self.version.to_s results << entry end end return nil if results.empty? results end # Loads the metadata URL and returns the latest metadata associated # with this box. # # @param [Hash] download_options Options to pass to the downloader. # @return [BoxMetadata] def load_metadata(**download_options) tf ="vagrant-load-metadata") tf.close url = @metadata_url if File.file?(url) || url !~ /^[a-z0-9]+:.*$/i url = File.expand_path(url) url = Util::Platform.cygwin_windows_path(url) url = "file:#{url}" end opts = { headers: ["Accept: application/json"] }.merge(download_options), tf.path, **opts).download!, "r")) rescue Errors::DownloaderError => e raise Errors::BoxMetadataDownloadError, message: e.extra_data[:message] ensure tf.unlink if tf end # Checks if the box has an update and returns the metadata, version, # and provider. If the box doesn't have an update that satisfies the # constraints, it will return nil. # # This will potentially make a network call if it has to load the # metadata from the network. # # @param [String] version Version constraints the update must # satisfy. If nil, the version constrain defaults to being a # larger version than this box. # @return [Array] # Check if a box update check is allowed. Uses a file # in the box data directory to track when the last auto # update check was performed and returns true if the # BOX_UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL has passed. # # @return [Boolean] def automatic_update_check_allowed? check_path = directory.join("box_update_check") if check_path.exist? last_check_span = - check_path.mtime.to_i if last_check_span < BOX_UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL"box update check is under the interval threshold") return false end end FileUtils.touch(check_path) true end # This repackages this box and outputs it to the given path. # # @param [Pathname] path The full path (filename included) of where # to output this box. # @return [Boolean] true if this succeeds. def repackage(path) @logger.debug("Repackaging box '#{@name}' to: #{path}") Util::SafeChdir.safe_chdir(@directory) do # Find all the files in our current directory and tar it up! files = Dir.glob(File.join(".", "**", "*")).select { |f| File.file?(f) } # Package! Util::Subprocess.execute("bsdtar", "-czf", path.to_s, *files) end"Repackaged box '#{@name}' successfully: #{path}") true end # Implemented for comparison with other boxes. Comparison is # implemented by comparing names and providers. def <=>(other) return super if !other.is_a?(self.class) # Comparison is done by composing the name and provider "#{@name}-#{@version}-#{@provider}" <=> "#{}-#{other.version}-#{other.provider}" end end
def generate(frame) bytes = length = 0 frame[:flags] ||= [] frame[:stream] ||= 0 case frame[:type] when :data bytes << frame[:payload] length += frame[:payload].bytesize when :headers if frame[:weight] || frame[:stream_dependency] || !frame[:exclusive].nil? unless frame[:weight] && frame[:stream_dependency] && !frame[:exclusive].nil? fail CompressionError, "Must specify all of priority parameters for #{frame[:type]}" end frame[:flags] += [:priority] unless frame[:flags].include? :priority end if frame[:flags].include? :priority bytes << [(frame[:exclusive] ? EBIT : 0) | (frame[:stream_dependency] & RBIT)].pack(UINT32) bytes << [frame[:weight] - 1].pack(UINT8) length += 5 end bytes << frame[:payload] length += frame[:payload].bytesize when :priority unless frame[:weight] && frame[:stream_dependency] && !frame[:exclusive].nil? fail CompressionError, "Must specify all of priority parameters for #{frame[:type]}" end bytes << [(frame[:exclusive] ? EBIT : 0) | (frame[:stream_dependency] & RBIT)].pack(UINT32) bytes << [frame[:weight] - 1].pack(UINT8) length += 5 when :rst_stream bytes << pack_error(frame[:error]) length += 4 when :settings if (frame[:stream]).nonzero? fail CompressionError, "Invalid stream ID (#{frame[:stream]})" end frame[:payload].each do |(k, v)| if k.is_a? Integer DEFINED_SETTINGS.value?(k) || next else k = DEFINED_SETTINGS[k] fail CompressionError, "Unknown settings ID for #{k}" if k.nil? end bytes << [k].pack(UINT16) bytes << [v].pack(UINT32) length += 6 end when :push_promise bytes << [frame[:promise_stream] & RBIT].pack(UINT32) bytes << frame[:payload] length += 4 + frame[:payload].bytesize when :ping if frame[:payload].bytesize != 8 fail CompressionError, "Invalid payload size (#{frame[:payload].size} != 8 bytes)" end bytes << frame[:payload] length += 8 when :goaway bytes << [frame[:last_stream] & RBIT].pack(UINT32) bytes << pack_error(frame[:error]) length += 8 if frame[:payload] bytes << frame[:payload] length += frame[:payload].bytesize end when :window_update bytes << [frame[:increment] & RBIT].pack(UINT32) length += 4 when :continuation bytes << frame[:payload] length += frame[:payload].bytesize when :altsvc bytes << [frame[:max_age], frame[:port]].pack(UINT32 + UINT16) length += 6 if frame[:proto] fail CompressionError, 'Proto too long' if frame[:proto].bytesize > 255 bytes << [frame[:proto].bytesize].pack(UINT8) bytes << frame[:proto].force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) length += 1 + frame[:proto].bytesize else bytes << [0].pack(UINT8) length += 1 end if frame[:host] fail CompressionError, 'Host too long' if frame[:host].bytesize > 255 bytes << [frame[:host].bytesize].pack(UINT8) bytes << frame[:host].force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) length += 1 + frame[:host].bytesize else bytes << [0].pack(UINT8) length += 1 end if frame[:origin] bytes << frame[:origin] length += frame[:origin].bytesize end end # Process padding. # frame[:padding] gives number of extra octets to be added. # - if frame[:padding] unless FRAME_TYPES_WITH_PADDING.include?(frame[:type]) fail CompressionError, "Invalid padding flag for #{frame[:type]}" end padlen = frame[:padding] if padlen <= 0 || padlen > 256 || padlen + length > @max_frame_size fail CompressionError, "Invalid padding #{padlen}" end length += padlen bytes.prepend([padlen -= 1].pack(UINT8)) frame[:flags] << :padded # Padding: Padding octets that contain no application semantic value. # Padding octets MUST be set to zero when sending and ignored when # receiving. bytes << "\0" * padlen end frame[:length] = length bytes.prepend(common_header(frame)) end
Generates encoded HTTP/2 frame. - @param frame [Hash]
class Framer include Error # Default value of max frame size (16384 bytes) DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 2**14 # Current maximum frame size attr_accessor :max_frame_size # Maximum stream ID (2^31) MAX_STREAM_ID = 0x7fffffff # Maximum window increment value (2^31) MAX_WINDOWINC = 0x7fffffff # HTTP/2 frame type mapping as defined by the spec FRAME_TYPES = { data: 0x0, headers: 0x1, priority: 0x2, rst_stream: 0x3, settings: 0x4, push_promise: 0x5, ping: 0x6, goaway: 0x7, window_update: 0x8, continuation: 0x9, altsvc: 0xa, }.freeze FRAME_TYPES_WITH_PADDING = [:data, :headers, :push_promise].freeze # Per frame flags as defined by the spec FRAME_FLAGS = { data: { end_stream: 0, padded: 3, compressed: 5, }, headers: { end_stream: 0, end_headers: 2, padded: 3, priority: 5, }, priority: {}, rst_stream: {}, settings: { ack: 0 }, push_promise: { end_headers: 2, padded: 3, }, ping: { ack: 0 }, goaway: {}, window_update: {}, continuation: { end_headers: 2 }, altsvc: {}, }.each_value(&:freeze).freeze # Default settings as defined by the spec DEFINED_SETTINGS = { settings_header_table_size: 1, settings_enable_push: 2, settings_max_concurrent_streams: 3, settings_initial_window_size: 4, settings_max_frame_size: 5, settings_max_header_list_size: 6, }.freeze # Default error types as defined by the spec DEFINED_ERRORS = { no_error: 0, protocol_error: 1, internal_error: 2, flow_control_error: 3, settings_timeout: 4, stream_closed: 5, frame_size_error: 6, refused_stream: 7, cancel: 8, compression_error: 9, connect_error: 10, enhance_your_calm: 11, inadequate_security: 12, http_1_1_required: 13, }.freeze RBIT = 0x7fffffff RBYTE = 0x0fffffff EBIT = 0x80000000 UINT32 = 'N'.freeze UINT16 = 'n'.freeze UINT8 = 'C'.freeze HEADERPACK = (UINT8 + UINT16 + UINT8 + UINT8 + UINT32).freeze FRAME_LENGTH_HISHIFT = 16 FRAME_LENGTH_LOMASK = 0xFFFF private_constant :RBIT, :RBYTE, :EBIT, :HEADERPACK, :UINT32, :UINT16, :UINT8 # Initializes new framer object. # def initialize @max_frame_size = DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE end # Generates common 9-byte frame header. # - # # @param frame [Hash] # @return [String] def common_header(frame) header = [] unless FRAME_TYPES[frame[:type]] fail CompressionError, "Invalid frame type (#{frame[:type]})" end if frame[:length] > @max_frame_size fail CompressionError, "Frame size is too large: #{frame[:length]}" end if frame[:length] < 0 fail CompressionError, "Frame size is invalid: #{frame[:length]}" end if frame[:stream] > MAX_STREAM_ID fail CompressionError, "Stream ID (#{frame[:stream]}) is too large" end if frame[:type] == :window_update && frame[:increment] > MAX_WINDOWINC fail CompressionError, "Window increment (#{frame[:increment]}) is too large" end header << (frame[:length] >> FRAME_LENGTH_HISHIFT) header << (frame[:length] & FRAME_LENGTH_LOMASK) header << FRAME_TYPES[frame[:type]] header << frame[:flags].reduce(0) do |acc, f| position = FRAME_FLAGS[frame[:type]][f] unless position fail CompressionError, "Invalid frame flag (#{f}) for #{frame[:type]}" end acc | (1 << position) end header << frame[:stream] header.pack(HEADERPACK) # 8+16,8,8,32 end # Decodes common 9-byte header. # # @param buf [Buffer] def read_common_header(buf) frame = {} len_hi, len_lo, type, flags, stream = buf.slice(0, 9).unpack(HEADERPACK) frame[:length] = (len_hi << FRAME_LENGTH_HISHIFT) | len_lo frame[:type], _ = FRAME_TYPES.find { |_t, pos| type == pos } if frame[:type] frame[:flags] = FRAME_FLAGS[frame[:type]].each_with_object([]) do |(name, pos), acc| acc << name if (flags & (1 << pos)) > 0 end end frame[:stream] = stream & RBIT frame end # Generates encoded HTTP/2 frame. # - # # @param frame [Hash] # Decodes complete HTTP/2 frame from provided buffer. If the buffer # does not contain enough data, no further work is performed. # # @param buf [Buffer] def parse(buf) return nil if buf.size < 9 frame = read_common_header(buf) return nil if buf.size < 9 + frame[:length] fail ProtocolError, 'payload too large' if frame[:length] > DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE payload =[:length]) # Implementations MUST discard frames # that have unknown or unsupported types. # - return nil if frame[:type].nil? # Process padding padlen = 0 if FRAME_TYPES_WITH_PADDING.include?(frame[:type]) padded = frame[:flags].include?(:padded) if padded padlen = frame[:padding] = padlen + 1 fail ProtocolError, 'padding too long' if padlen > payload.bytesize payload.slice!(-padlen, padlen) if padlen > 0 frame[:length] -= frame[:padding] frame[:flags].delete(:padded) end end case frame[:type] when :data frame[:payload] =[:length]) when :headers if frame[:flags].include? :priority e_sd = payload.read_uint32 frame[:stream_dependency] = e_sd & RBIT frame[:exclusive] = (e_sd & EBIT) != 0 frame[:weight] = payload.getbyte + 1 end frame[:payload] =[:length]) when :priority e_sd = payload.read_uint32 frame[:stream_dependency] = e_sd & RBIT frame[:exclusive] = (e_sd & EBIT) != 0 frame[:weight] = payload.getbyte + 1 when :rst_stream frame[:error] = unpack_error payload.read_uint32 when :settings # NOTE: frame[:length] might not match the number of frame[:payload] # because unknown extensions are ignored. frame[:payload] = [] unless (frame[:length] % 6).zero? fail ProtocolError, 'Invalid settings payload length' end if (frame[:stream]).nonzero? fail ProtocolError, "Invalid stream ID (#{frame[:stream]})" end (frame[:length] / 6).times do id = val = payload.read_uint32 # Unsupported or unrecognized settings MUST be ignored. # Here we send it along. name, _ = DEFINED_SETTINGS.find { |_name, v| v == id } frame[:payload] << [name, val] if name end when :push_promise frame[:promise_stream] = payload.read_uint32 & RBIT frame[:payload] =[:length]) when :ping frame[:payload] =[:length]) when :goaway frame[:last_stream] = payload.read_uint32 & RBIT frame[:error] = unpack_error payload.read_uint32 size = frame[:length] - 8 # for last_stream and error frame[:payload] = if size > 0 when :window_update frame[:increment] = payload.read_uint32 & RBIT when :continuation frame[:payload] =[:length]) when :altsvc frame[:max_age], frame[:port] = + UINT16) len = payload.getbyte frame[:proto] = if len > 0 len = payload.getbyte frame[:host] = if len > 0 frame[:origin] = if payload.size > 0 # else # Unknown frame type is explicitly allowed end frame end private def pack_error(e) unless e.is_a? Integer if DEFINED_ERRORS[e].nil? fail CompressionError, "Unknown error ID for #{e}" end e = DEFINED_ERRORS[e] end [e].pack(UINT32) end def unpack_error(e) name, _ = DEFINED_ERRORS.find { |_name, v| v == e } name || error end end
def generate_builtin_set(system_plugins=[]) builtin_set = @logger.debug("Generating new builtin set instance.") vagrant_internal_specs.each do |spec| if !system_plugins.include?( builtin_set.add_builtin_spec(spec) end end builtin_set end
Generate the builtin resolver set
class Bundler # Location of HashiCorp gem repository HASHICORP_GEMSTORE = "".freeze # Default gem repositories DEFAULT_GEM_SOURCES = [ HASHICORP_GEMSTORE, "".freeze ].freeze def self.instance @bundler ||= end # @return [Pathname] Global plugin path attr_reader :plugin_gem_path # @return [Pathname] Vagrant environment specific plugin path attr_reader :env_plugin_gem_path def initialize @plugin_gem_path = Vagrant.user_data_path.join("gems", RUBY_VERSION).freeze @logger ="vagrant::bundler") end # Enable Vagrant environment specific plugins at given data path # # @param [Pathname] Path to Vagrant::Environment data directory # @return [Pathname] Path to environment specific gem directory def environment_path=(env_data_path) @env_plugin_gem_path = env_data_path.join("plugins", "gems", RUBY_VERSION).freeze end # Initializes Bundler and the various gem paths so that we can begin # loading gems. def init!(plugins, repair=false) if !@initial_specifications @initial_specifications = Gem::Specification.find_all{true} else Gem::Specification.all = @initial_specifications Gem::Specification.reset end # Add HashiCorp RubyGems source if !Gem.sources.include?(HASHICORP_GEMSTORE) current_sources = Gem.sources.sources.dup Gem.sources.clear Gem.sources << HASHICORP_GEMSTORE current_sources.each do |src| Gem.sources << src end end # Generate dependencies for all registered plugins plugin_deps = do |name, info|, info['installed_gem_version'].to_s.empty? ? '> 0' : info['installed_gem_version']) end @logger.debug("Current generated plugin dependency list: #{plugin_deps}") # Load dependencies into a request set for resolution request_set =*plugin_deps) # Never allow dependencies to be remotely satisfied during init request_set.remote = false repair_result = nil begin # Compose set for resolution composed_set = generate_vagrant_set # Resolve the request set to ensure proper activation order solution = request_set.resolve(composed_set) rescue Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError => failure if repair raise failure if @init_retried @logger.debug("Resolution failed but attempting to repair. Failure: #{failure}") install(plugins) @init_retried = true retry else raise end end # Activate the gems activate_solution(solution) full_vagrant_spec_list = @initial_specifications + if(defined?(::Bundler)) @logger.debug("Updating Bundler with full specification list") ::Bundler.rubygems.replace_entrypoints(full_vagrant_spec_list) end Gem.post_reset do Gem::Specification.all = full_vagrant_spec_list end Gem::Specification.reset nil end # Removes any temporary files created by init def deinit # no-op end # Installs the list of plugins. # # @param [Hash] plugins # @param [Boolean] env_local Environment local plugin install # @return [Array<Gem::Specification>] def install(plugins, env_local=false) internal_install(plugins, nil, env_local: env_local) end # Installs a local '*.gem' file so that Bundler can find it. # # @param [String] path Path to a local gem file. # @return [Gem::Specification] def install_local(path, opts={}) plugin_source = plugin_info = { => { "gem_version" => plugin_source.spec.version.to_s, "local_source" => plugin_source, "sources" => opts.fetch(:sources, []) } } @logger.debug("Installing local plugin - #{plugin_info}") internal_install(plugin_info, nil, env_local: opts[:env_local]) plugin_source.spec end # Update updates the given plugins, or every plugin if none is given. # # @param [Hash] plugins # @param [Array<String>] specific Specific plugin names to update. If # empty or nil, all plugins will be updated. def update(plugins, specific, **opts) specific ||= [] update = opts.merge({gems: specific.empty? ? true : specific}) internal_install(plugins, update) end # Clean removes any unused gems. def clean(plugins, **opts) @logger.debug("Cleaning Vagrant plugins of stale gems.") # Generate dependencies for all registered plugins plugin_deps = do |name, info| gem_version = info['installed_gem_version'] gem_version = info['gem_version'] if gem_version.to_s.empty? gem_version = "> 0" if gem_version.to_s.empty?, gem_version) end @logger.debug("Current plugin dependency list: #{plugin_deps}") # Load dependencies into a request set for resolution request_set =*plugin_deps) # Never allow dependencies to be remotely satisfied during cleaning request_set.remote = false # Sets that we can resolve our dependencies from. Note that we only # resolve from the current set as all required deps are activated during # init. current_set = generate_vagrant_set # Collect all plugin specifications plugin_specs = Dir.glob(plugin_gem_path.join('specifications/*.gemspec').to_s).map do |spec_path| Gem::Specification.load(spec_path) end # Include environment specific specification if enabled if env_plugin_gem_path plugin_specs += Dir.glob(env_plugin_gem_path.join('specifications/*.gemspec').to_s).map do |spec_path| Gem::Specification.load(spec_path) end end @logger.debug("Generating current plugin state solution set.") # Resolve the request set to ensure proper activation order solution = request_set.resolve(current_set) solution_specs = solution_full_names = # Find all specs installed to plugins directory that are not # found within the solution set. plugin_specs.delete_if do |spec| solution_full_names.include?(spec.full_name) end if env_plugin_gem_path # If we are cleaning locally, remove any global specs. If # not, remove any local specs if opts[:env_local] @logger.debug("Removing specifications that are not environment local") plugin_specs.delete_if do |spec| spec.full_gem_path.to_s.include?(plugin_gem_path.realpath.to_s) end else @logger.debug("Removing specifications that are environment local") plugin_specs.delete_if do |spec| spec.full_gem_path.to_s.include?(env_plugin_gem_path.realpath.to_s) end end end @logger.debug("Specifications to be removed - #{}") # Now delete all unused specs plugin_specs.each do |spec| @logger.debug("Uninstalling gem - #{spec.full_name}"), version: spec.version, install_dir: plugin_gem_path, all: true, executables: true, force: true, ignore: true, ).uninstall_gem(spec) end solution.find_all do |spec| plugins.keys.include?( end end # During the duration of the yielded block, Bundler loud output # is enabled. def verbose if block_given? initial_state = @verbose @verbose = true yield @verbose = initial_state else @verbose = true end end protected def internal_install(plugins, update, **extra) update = {} if !update.is_a?(Hash) skips = [] source_list = {} system_plugins = do |plugin_name, plugin_info| plugin_name if plugin_info["system"] end.compact installer_set = installer_set.system_plugins = system_plugins # Generate all required plugin deps plugin_deps = do |name, info| gem_version = info['gem_version'].to_s.empty? ? '> 0' : info['gem_version'] if update[:gems] == true || (update[:gems].respond_to?(:include?) && update[:gems].include?(name)) if gem_version = "> 0" @logger.debug("Detected exact version match for `#{name}` plugin update. Reset to loose constraint #{gem_version.inspect}.") end skips << name end source_list[name] ||= [] if plugin_source = info.delete("local_source") installer_set.add_local(, plugin_source.spec, plugin_source) source_list[name] << plugin_source.path end Array(info["sources"]).each do |source| if !source.end_with?("/") source = source + "/" end source_list[name] << source end, gem_version) end if Vagrant.strict_dependency_enforcement @logger.debug("Enabling strict dependency enforcement") plugin_deps += do |spec| next if system_plugins.include?(, spec.version) end.compact else @logger.debug("Disabling strict dependency enforcement") end @logger.debug("Dependency list for installation:\n - " \ "#{{|d| "#{} #{d.requirement}"}.join("\n - ")}") all_sources = source_list.values.flatten.uniq default_sources = DEFAULT_GEM_SOURCES & all_sources all_sources -= DEFAULT_GEM_SOURCES # Only allow defined Gem sources Gem.sources.clear @logger.debug("Enabling user defined remote RubyGems sources") all_sources.each do |src| begin next if File.file?(src) || URI.parse(src).scheme.nil? rescue URI::InvalidURIError next end @logger.debug("Adding RubyGems source #{src}") Gem.sources << src end @logger.debug("Enabling default remote RubyGems sources") default_sources.each do |src| @logger.debug("Adding source - #{src}") Gem.sources << src end validate_configured_sources! source_list.values.each{|srcs| srcs.delete_if{|src| default_sources.include?(src)}} installer_set.prefer_sources = source_list @logger.debug("Current source list for install: #{Gem.sources.to_a}") # Create the request set for the new plugins request_set =*plugin_deps) installer_set = Gem::Resolver.compose_sets( installer_set, generate_builtin_set(system_plugins), generate_plugin_set(skips) ) @logger.debug("Generating solution set for installation.") # Generate the required solution set for new plugins solution = request_set.resolve(installer_set) activate_solution(solution) # Remove gems which are already installed request_set.sorted_requests.delete_if do |activation_req| rs_spec = activation_req.spec if vagrant_internal_specs.detect{|ispec| == && ispec.version == rs_spec.version } @logger.debug("Removing activation request from install. Already installed. (#{rs_spec.spec.full_name})") true end end @logger.debug("Installing required gems.") # Install all remote gems into plugin path. Set the installer to ignore dependencies # as we know the dependencies are satisfied and it will attempt to validate a gem's # dependencies are satisfied by gems in the install directory (which will likely not # be true) install_path = extra[:env_local] ? env_plugin_gem_path : plugin_gem_path result = request_set.install_into(install_path.to_s, true, ignore_dependencies: true, prerelease: Vagrant.prerelease?, wrappers: true ) result = result.each do |spec| existing_paths = $LOAD_PATH.find_all{|s| s.include?(spec.full_name) } if !existing_paths.empty? @logger.debug("Removing existing LOAD_PATHs for #{spec.full_name} - " + existing_paths.join(", ")) existing_paths.each{|s| $LOAD_PATH.delete(s) } end spec.full_require_paths.each do |r_path| if !$LOAD_PATH.include?(r_path) @logger.debug("Adding path to LOAD_PATH - #{r_path}") $LOAD_PATH.unshift(r_path) end end end result end # Generate the composite resolver set totally all of vagrant (builtin + plugin set) def generate_vagrant_set sets = [generate_builtin_set, generate_plugin_set] if env_plugin_gem_path && env_plugin_gem_path.exist? sets << generate_plugin_set(env_plugin_gem_path) end Gem::Resolver.compose_sets(*sets) end # @return [Array<[Gem::Specification, String]>] spec and directory pairs def vagrant_internal_specs list = {} directories = [Gem::Specification.default_specifications_dir] Gem::Specification.find_all{true}.each do |spec| list[spec.full_name] = spec end if(!defined?(::Bundler)) directories += Gem::Specification.dirs.find_all do |path| !path.start_with?(Gem.user_dir) end end Gem::Specification.each_spec(directories) do |spec| if !list[spec.full_name] list[spec.full_name] = spec end end list.values end # Iterates each configured RubyGem source to validate that it is properly # available. If source is unavailable an exception is raised. def validate_configured_sources! Gem.sources.each_source do |src| begin src.load_specs(:released) rescue Gem::Exception => source_error if ENV["VAGRANT_ALLOW_PLUGIN_SOURCE_ERRORS"] @logger.warn("Failed to load configured plugin source: #{src}!") @logger.warn("Error received attempting to load source (#{src}): #{source_error}") @logger.warn("Ignoring plugin source load failure due user request via env variable") else @logger.error("Failed to load configured plugin source `#{src}`: #{source_error}") raise Vagrant::Errors::PluginSourceError, source: src.uri.to_s, error_msg: source_error.message end end end end # Generate the builtin resolver set # Generate the plugin resolver set. Optionally provide specification names (short or # full) that should be ignored # # @param [Pathname] path to plugins # @param [Array<String>] gems to skip # @return [PluginSet] def generate_plugin_set(*args) plugin_path = args.detect{|i| i.is_a?(Pathname) } || plugin_gem_path skip = args.detect{|i| i.is_a?(Array) } || [] plugin_set = @logger.debug("Generating new plugin set instance. Skip gems - #{skip}") Dir.glob(plugin_path.join('specifications/*.gemspec').to_s).each do |spec_path| spec = Gem::Specification.load(spec_path) desired_spec_path = File.join(spec.gem_dir, "#{}.gemspec") # Vendor set requires the spec to be within the gem directory. Some gems will package their # spec file, and that's not what we want to load. if !File.exist?(desired_spec_path) || !FileUtils.cmp(spec.spec_file, desired_spec_path) File.write(desired_spec_path, spec.to_ruby) end next if skip.include?( || skip.include?(spec.full_name) plugin_set.add_vendor_gem(, spec.gem_dir) end plugin_set end # Activate a given solution def activate_solution(solution) retried = false begin @logger.debug("Activating solution set: #{}") solution.each do |activation_request| unless activation_request.full_spec.activated? @logger.debug("Activating gem #{activation_request.full_spec.full_name}") activation_request.full_spec.activate if(defined?(::Bundler)) @logger.debug("Marking gem #{activation_request.full_spec.full_name} loaded within Bundler.") ::Bundler.rubygems.mark_loaded activation_request.full_spec end end end rescue Gem::LoadError => e # Depending on the version of Ruby, the ordering of the solution set # will be either 0..n (molinillo) or n..0 (pre-molinillo). Instead of # attempting to determine what's in use, or if it has some how changed # again, just reverse order on failure and attempt again. if retried @logger.error("Failed to load solution set - #{e.class}: #{e}") matcher = e.message.match(/Could not find '(?<gem_name>[^']+)'/) if matcher && !matcher["gem_name"].empty? desired_activation_request = solution.detect do |request| == matcher["gem_name"] end if desired_activation_request && !desired_activation_request.full_spec.activated? activation_request = desired_activation_request @logger.warn("Found misordered activation request for #{desired_activation_request.full_name}. Moving to solution HEAD.") solution.delete(desired_activation_request) solution.unshift(desired_activation_request) retry end end raise else @logger.debug("Failed to load solution set. Retrying with reverse order.") retried = true solution.reverse! retry end end end # This is a custom Gem::Resolver::InstallerSet. It will prefer sources which are # explicitly provided over default sources when matches are found. This is generally # the entire set used for performing full resolutions on install. class VagrantSet < Gem::Resolver::InstallerSet attr_accessor :prefer_sources attr_accessor :system_plugins def initialize(domain, defined_sources={}) @prefer_sources = defined_sources @system_plugins = [] super(domain) end # Allow InstallerSet to find matching specs, then filter # for preferred sources def find_all(req) result = super if system_plugins.include?( result.delete_if do |spec| spec.is_a?(Gem::Resolver::InstalledSpecification) end end subset = result.find_all do |idx_spec| preferred = false if prefer_sources[] if idx_spec.source.respond_to?(:path) preferred = prefer_sources[].include?(idx_spec.source.path.to_s) end if !preferred preferred = prefer_sources[].include?(idx_spec.source.uri.to_s) end end preferred end subset.empty? ? result : subset end end # This is a custom Gem::Resolver::Set for use with vagrant "system" gems. It # allows the installed set of gems to be used for providing a solution while # enforcing strict constraints. This ensures that plugins cannot "upgrade" # gems that are builtin to vagrant itself. class BuiltinSet < Gem::Resolver::Set def initialize super @remote = false @specs = [] end def add_builtin_spec(spec) @specs.push(spec).uniq! end def find_all(req) do |spec| allow_prerelease = == "vagrant" && Vagrant.prerelease? req.match?(spec, allow_prerelease) do |spec|, spec) end end end # This is a custom Gem::Resolver::Set for use with Vagrant plugins. It is # a modified Gem::Resolver::VendorSet that supports multiple versions of # a specific gem class PluginSet < Gem::Resolver::VendorSet ## # Adds a specification to the set with the given +name+ which has been # unpacked into the given +directory+. def add_vendor_gem(name, directory) gemspec = File.join(directory, "#{name}.gemspec") spec = Gem::Specification.load(gemspec) if !spec raise Gem::GemNotFoundException, "unable to find #{gemspec} for gem #{name}" end spec.full_gem_path = File.expand_path(directory) spec.base_dir = File.dirname(spec.base_dir) @specs[] ||= [] @specs[] << spec @directories[spec] = directory spec end ## # Returns an Array of VendorSpecification objects matching the # DependencyRequest +req+. def find_all(req) do |spec| req.match?(spec) do |spec| source =[spec]), spec, source) end end ## # Loads a spec with the given +name+. +version+, +platform+ and +source+ are # ignored. def load_spec (name, version, platform, source) version = if !version.is_a?(Gem::Version) @specs.fetch(name, []).detect{|s| == name && s.version == version} end end end
def resolve_target # Use the link_field name first klass = @link_field.singularize.camelize namespace = @owner.class.session.namespace_const return namespace.const_get(klass) if namespace.const_defined? klass # Use the link_field attribute "module" if @attributes["module"].length > 0 module_name = SugarCRM::Module.find(@attributes["module"], @owner.class.session) return namespace.const_get(module_name.klass) if module_name && namespace.const_defined?(module_name.klass) end # Use the "relationship" target if @attributes["relationship"].length > 0 klass = @relationship[:target][:name].singularize.camelize return namespace.const_get(klass) if namespace.const_defined? klass end false end
Attempts to determine the class of the target in the association
class Association attr_accessor :owner, :target, :link_field, :relationship, :attributes, :proxy_methods, :cardinality # Creates a new instance of an Association def initialize(owner,link_field,opts={}) @options = { :define_methods? => true }.merge! opts @owner = owner check_valid_owner @link_field = link_field @attributes = owner.link_fields[link_field] @relationship = relationship_for(@attributes["relationship"]) @target = resolve_target @proxy_methods = define_methods if @options[:define_methods?] @cardinality = resolve_cardinality self end # Returns true if the association includes an attribute that matches # the provided string def include?(attribute) return true if attribute.class == @target return true if attribute == link_field return true if methods.include? attribute false end def ==(comparison_object) comparison_object.instance_of?(self.class) && @target.class == comparison_object.class && @link_field == comparison_object.link_field end alias :eql? :== def hash "#{@target.class}##{@link_field}".hash end def inspect self end def to_s "#<#{@owner.class.session.namespace_const}::Association @proxy_methods=[#{@proxy_methods.join(", ")}], " + "@link_field=\"#{@link_field}\", @target=#{@target}, @owner=#{@owner.class}, " + "@cardinality=:#{@cardinality}>" end def pretty_print(pp) pp.text self.inspect, 0 end protected def check_valid_owner valid = @owner.class.ancestors.include? SugarCRM::Base raise InvalidModule, "#{@owner} is not registered, or is not a descendant of SugarCRM::Base" unless valid end # Attempts to determine the class of the target in the association # Defines methods for accessing the association target on the owner class. # If the link_field name includes the owner class name, it is stripped before # creating the method. If this occurs, we also create an alias to the stripped # method using the full link_field name. def define_methods methods = [] pretty_name = @relationship[:target][:name] methods << define_method(@link_field) methods << define_alias(pretty_name, @link_field) if pretty_name != @link_field methods end # Generates the association proxy method for related module def define_method(link_field) raise ArgumentError, "argument cannot be nil" if link_field.nil? if (@owner.respond_to? link_field.to_sym) && @owner.debug warn "Warning: Overriding method: #{@owner.class}##{link_field}" end @owner.class.module_eval %Q? def #{link_field} query_association :#{link_field} end ? link_field end # Defines a method alias. Checks to see if a method is already defined. def define_alias(alias_name, method_name) @owner.class.module_eval %Q? alias :#{alias_name} :#{method_name} ? alias_name end # This method breaks the relationship into parts and returns them def relationship_for(relationship) # We need to run both regexes, because the plurality of the @owner module name is # important plural_regex = /((.*)_)?(#{Regexp.quote(})(_(.*))?/ singular_regex = /((.*)_)?(#{Regexp.quote(})(_(.*))?/ # Break the loop if we match [plural_regex, singular_regex].each {|r| break if relationship.match(r)} # Assign sane values to things if we didnt match o = $3 o = if o.nil? || o.empty? t = [$2, $5].compact.join('_') t = @link_field if t.nil? || t.empty? # Look up the cardinality o_c, t_c = cardinality_for(o,t) {:owner => {:name => o, :cardinality => o_c}, :target => {:name => t, :cardinality => t_c}} end # Determines if the provided string is plural or singular # Plurality == Cardinality def cardinality_for(*args) args.inject([]) {|results,arg| result = :many result = :one if arg.singularize == arg results << result } end def resolve_cardinality "#{@relationship[:owner][:cardinality]}_to_#{@relationship[:target][:cardinality]}".to_sym end end
def list_occurrences(from, direction = :forward, &block) raise ArgumentError, "From #{from} not matching the rule #{@rule} and start time #{@start_time}" unless @rule.match?(from, @start_time) results = [] n, current = init_loop(from, direction) loop do # Rails.logger.debug("Listing occurrences of #{@rule}, going #{direction.to_s}, current: #{current}") # break on schedule span limits return results unless (current >= @start_time) && (@rule.stop.nil? || current < @rule.stop) && (@rule.count.nil? || (n -= 1) >= 0) # break on block condition return results unless yield current results << current # step if direction == :forward current =, @start_time) else current = @rule.previous(current, @start_time) end end end
yields valid occurrences, return false from the block to stop
class Occurrence attr_reader :rule, :start_time attr_accessor :duration def initialize(rule, start_time) @rule = rule @start_time = @rule.match?(start_time, start_time) ? start_time :, start_time) end def next_occurrence(after) next_occurrences(1, after).first end def next_occurrences(n, after) return [] if @rule.stop && after > @rule.stop time = (after <= @start_time ? @start_time : after) time =, @start_time) unless @rule.match?(time, @start_time) list_occurrences(time) { (n -= 1) >= 0 } end def previous_occurrence(before) previous_occurrences(1, before).first end def previous_occurrences(n, before) return [] if before <= @start_time time = (@rule.stop.nil? || before < @rule.stop ? before : @rule.stop) time = @rule.previous(time, @start_time) # go back even if before matches the rule (half-open time intervals, remember?) list_occurrences(time, :back) { (n -= 1) >= 0 }.reverse end def occurrences_between(t1, t2) raise ArgumentError, "Empty time interval" unless t2 > t1 return [] if t2 <= @start_time || @rule.stop && t1 >= @rule.stop time = (t1 <= @start_time ? @start_time : t1) time =, @start_time) unless @rule.match?(time, @start_time) list_occurrences(time) { |t| t < t2 } end def suboccurrences_between(t1, t2) occurrences = occurrences_between(t1 - duration, t2) { |occ| Suboccurrence.find(:occurrence => (occ)..(occ + duration), :interval => t1..t2) } end def all if @rule.stop list_occurrences(@start_time) { |t| t < @rule.stop } else n = @rule.count list_occurrences(@start_time) { (n -= 1) >= 0 } end end def to_hash @rule.to_hash end private # yields valid occurrences, return false from the block to stop def init_loop(from, direction) return 0, from unless @rule.count # without count limit, life is easy # with it, it's... well... if direction == :forward n = 0 current = @start_time while current < from n += 1 current =, @start_time) end # return the n remaining events return (@rule.count - n), current else n = 0 current = @start_time while current < from && (n += 1) < @rule.count current =, @start_time) end # return all events (downloop - yaay, I invented a word - will stop on start time) return @rule.count, current end end end
def timestamp(format_string, blank = false) regexp = '' format_string.scan(/([^%]*)(?:%([A-Za-z%]))?/) do |literal, variable| regexp << Regexp.quote(literal) if variable if TIMESTAMP_PARTS.key?(variable) regexp << TIMESTAMP_PARTS[variable] else fail "Unknown variable: %#{variable}" end end end add_blank_option(, blank) end
Create a regular expression for a timestamp, generated by a strftime call. Provide the format string to construct a matching regular expression. Set blank to true to allow and empty string, or set blank to a string to set a substitute for the nil value.
module CommonRegularExpressions TIMESTAMP_PARTS = { 'a' => '(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)', 'b' => '(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)', 'y' => '\d{2}', 'Y' => '\d{4}', 'm' => '\d{2}', 'd' => '\d{2}', 'H' => '\d{2}', 'M' => '\d{2}', 'S' => '\d{2}', 'k' => '(?:\d| )\d', 'z' => '(?:[+-]\d{4}|[A-Z]{3,4})', 'Z' => '(?:[+-]\d{4}|[A-Z]{3,4})', '%' => '%' } # Creates a regular expression to match a hostname def hostname(blank = false) regexp = /(?:(?:[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*(?:[A-Za-z]|[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])/ add_blank_option(regexp, blank) end # Creates a regular expression to match a hostname or ip address def hostname_or_ip_address(blank = false) regexp = Regexp.union(hostname, ip_address) add_blank_option(regexp, blank) end # Create a regular expression for a timestamp, generated by a strftime call. # Provide the format string to construct a matching regular expression. # Set blank to true to allow and empty string, or set blank to a string to set # a substitute for the nil value. # Construct a regular expression to parse IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. # # Allow nil values if the blank option is given. This can be true to # allow an empty string or to a string substitute for the nil value. def ip_address(blank = false) # IP address regexp copied from Resolv::IPv4 and Resolv::IPv6, # but adjusted to work for the purpose of request-log-analyzer. ipv4_regexp = /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/ ipv6_regex_8_hex = /(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}/ ipv6_regex_compressed_hex = /(?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?)::(?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?)/ ipv6_regex_6_hex_4_dec = /(?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6})#{ipv4_regexp}/ ipv6_regex_compressed_hex_4_dec = /(?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?)::(?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:)*)#{ipv4_regexp}/ ipv6_regexp = Regexp.union(ipv6_regex_8_hex, ipv6_regex_compressed_hex, ipv6_regex_6_hex_4_dec, ipv6_regex_compressed_hex_4_dec) add_blank_option(Regexp.union(ipv4_regexp, ipv6_regexp), blank) end def anchored(regexp) /^#{regexp}$/ end protected # Allow the field to be blank if this option is given. This can be true to # allow an empty string or a string alternative for the nil value. def add_blank_option(regexp, blank) case blank when String then Regexp.union(regexp, when true then Regexp.union(regexp, //) else regexp end end end
def change_font_size(font_size = 10) validate_worksheet raise 'Argument must be a number' unless font_size.is_a?(Integer) || font_size.is_a?(Float) font = get_cell_font.dup font.set_size(font_size) update_font_references(font) end
Changes font size of cell
module CellConvenienceMethods def change_contents(data, formula_expression = nil) validate_worksheet if formula_expression then self.datatype = nil self.formula = => formula_expression) else self.datatype = case data when Date, Numeric then nil else RubyXL::DataType::RAW_STRING end end data = workbook.date_to_num(data) if data.is_a?(Date) self.raw_value = data end def get_border(direction) validate_worksheet get_cell_border.get_edge_style(direction) end def get_border_color(direction) validate_worksheet get_cell_border.get_edge_color(direction) end def change_horizontal_alignment(alignment = 'center') validate_worksheet self.style_index = workbook.modify_alignment(self.style_index) { |a| a.horizontal = alignment } end def change_vertical_alignment(alignment = 'center') validate_worksheet self.style_index = workbook.modify_alignment(self.style_index) { |a| a.vertical = alignment } end def change_text_wrap(wrap = false) validate_worksheet self.style_index = workbook.modify_alignment(self.style_index) { |a| a.wrap_text = wrap } end def change_text_rotation(rot) validate_worksheet self.style_index = workbook.modify_alignment(self.style_index) { |a| a.text_rotation = rot } end def change_text_indent(indent) validate_worksheet self.style_index = workbook.modify_alignment(self.style_index) { |a| a.indent = indent } end def change_border(direction, weight) validate_worksheet self.style_index = workbook.modify_border(self.style_index, direction, weight) end def change_border_color(direction, color) validate_worksheet Color.validate_color(color) self.style_index = workbook.modify_border_color(self.style_index, direction, color) end def is_italicized() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.is_italic end def is_bolded() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.is_bold end def is_underlined() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.is_underlined end def is_struckthrough() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.is_strikethrough end def font_name() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.get_name end def font_size() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.get_size end def font_color() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.get_rgb_color || '000000' end def fill_color() validate_worksheet return workbook.get_fill_color(get_cell_xf) end def horizontal_alignment() validate_worksheet xf_obj = get_cell_xf return nil if xf_obj.alignment.nil? xf_obj.alignment.horizontal end def vertical_alignment() validate_worksheet xf_obj = get_cell_xf return nil if xf_obj.alignment.nil? xf_obj.alignment.vertical end def text_wrap() validate_worksheet xf_obj = get_cell_xf return nil if xf_obj.alignment.nil? xf_obj.alignment.wrap_text end def text_rotation validate_worksheet xf_obj = get_cell_xf return nil if xf_obj.alignment.nil? xf_obj.alignment.text_rotation end def text_indent() validate_worksheet xf_obj = get_cell_xf return nil if xf_obj.alignment.nil? xf_obj.alignment.indent end def set_number_format(format_code) new_xf = get_cell_xf.dup new_xf.num_fmt_id = workbook.stylesheet.register_number_format(format_code) new_xf.apply_number_format = true self.style_index = workbook.register_new_xf(new_xf) end # Changes fill color of cell def change_fill(rgb = 'ffffff') validate_worksheet Color.validate_color(rgb) self.style_index = workbook.modify_fill(self.style_index, rgb) end # Changes font name of cell def change_font_name(new_font_name = 'Verdana') validate_worksheet font = get_cell_font.dup font.set_name(new_font_name) update_font_references(font) end # Changes font size of cell # Changes font color of cell def change_font_color(font_color = '000000') validate_worksheet Color.validate_color(font_color) font = get_cell_font.dup font.set_rgb_color(font_color) update_font_references(font) end # Changes font italics settings of cell def change_font_italics(italicized = false) validate_worksheet font = get_cell_font.dup font.set_italic(italicized) update_font_references(font) end # Changes font bold settings of cell def change_font_bold(bolded = false) validate_worksheet font = get_cell_font.dup font.set_bold(bolded) update_font_references(font) end # Changes font underline settings of cell def change_font_underline(underlined = false) validate_worksheet font = get_cell_font.dup font.set_underline(underlined) update_font_references(font) end def change_font_strikethrough(struckthrough = false) validate_worksheet font = get_cell_font.dup font.set_strikethrough(struckthrough) update_font_references(font) end # Helper method to update the font array and xf array def update_font_references(modified_font) xf = workbook.register_new_font(modified_font, get_cell_xf) self.style_index = workbook.register_new_xf(xf) end private :update_font_references # Performs correct modification based on what type of change_type is specified def font_switch(change_type, arg) case change_type when Worksheet::NAME then change_font_name(arg) when Worksheet::SIZE then change_font_size(arg) when Worksheet::COLOR then change_font_color(arg) when Worksheet::ITALICS then change_font_italics(arg) when Worksheet::BOLD then change_font_bold(arg) when Worksheet::UNDERLINE then change_font_underline(arg) when Worksheet::STRIKETHROUGH then change_font_strikethrough(arg) else raise 'Invalid change_type' end end =begin def add_hyperlink(l) worksheet.hyperlinks ||= worksheet.hyperlinks << => self.r, :location => l) # define_attribute(:'r:id', :string) # define_attribute(:location, :string) # define_attribute(:tooltip, :string) # define_attribute(:display, :string) end def add_shared_string(str) self.datatype = RubyXL::DataType::SHARED_STRING self.raw_value = @workbook.shared_strings_container.add(str) end =end end
def to_model, unit, value, inclusive?, derived?, expression) end
Generates this classes hqmf-model equivalent
class Value include HQMF2::Utilities attr_reader :type, :unit, :value def initialize(entry, default_type = 'PQ', force_inclusive = false, _parent = nil) @entry = entry @type = attr_val('./@xsi:type') || default_type @unit = attr_val('./@unit') @value = attr_val('./@value') @force_inclusive = force_inclusive # FIXME: Remove below when lengthOfStayQuantity unit is fixed @unit = 'd' if @unit == 'days' end def inclusive? # If the high and low value are at any time the same, then it must be an inclusive value. equivalent = attr_val('../cda:low/@value') == attr_val('../cda:high/@value') # If and inclusivity value is set for any specific value, then mark the value as inclusive. # IDEA: This could be limited in future iterations by including the parent type (temporal reference, subset code, # etc.) inclusive_temporal_ref? || inclusive_length_of_stay? || inclusive_basic_values? || inclusive_subsets? || equivalent || @force_inclusive end # Check whether the temporal reference should be marked as inclusive def inclusive_temporal_ref? # FIXME: NINF is used instead of 0 sometimes...? (not in the IG) # FIXME: Given nullFlavor, but IG uses it and nullValue everywhere... less_than_equal_tr = attr_val('../@highClosed') == 'true' && (attr_val('../cda:low/@value') == '0' || attr_val('../cda:low/@nullFlavor') == 'NINF') greater_than_equal_tr = attr_val('../cda:high/@nullFlavor') == 'PINF' && attr_val('../cda:low/@value') # Both less and greater require lowClosed to be set to true (less_than_equal_tr || greater_than_equal_tr) && attr_val('../@lowClosed') == 'true' end # Check whether the length of stay should be inclusive. def inclusive_length_of_stay? # lengthOfStay - EH111, EH108 less_than_equal_los = attr_val('../cda:low/@nullFlavor') == 'NINF' && attr_val('../@highClosed') != 'false' greater_than_equal_los = attr_val('../cda:high/@nullFlavor') == 'PINF' && attr_val('../@lowClosed') != 'false' # Both less and greater require that the type is PQ (less_than_equal_los || greater_than_equal_los) && attr_val('@xsi:type') == 'PQ' end # Check is the basic values should be marked as inclusive, currently only checks for greater than case def inclusive_basic_values? # Basic values - EP65, EP9, and more attr_val('../cda:high/@nullFlavor') == 'PINF' && attr_val('../cda:low/@value') && attr_val('../@lowClosed') != 'false' && attr_val('../@xsi:type') == 'IVL_PQ' end # Check if subset values should be marked as inclusive. Currently only handles greater than def inclusive_subsets? # subset - EP128, EH108 attr_val('../cda:low/@value') != '0' && !attr_val('../cda:high/@value') && attr_val('../@lowClosed') != 'false' && !attr_val('../../../../../qdm:subsetCode/@code').nil? end def derived? case attr_val('./@nullFlavor') when 'DER' true else false end end def expression if !derived? nil else attr_val('./cda:expression/@value') end end # Generates this classes hqmf-model equivalent end
def normalized_path(dir = Dir.pwd, options = {}) rootdir = (FalkorLib::Git.init?(dir)) ? FalkorLib::Git.rootdir(dir) : dir path = dir path = Dir.pwd if dir == '.' path = File.join(Dir.pwd, dir) unless (dir =~ /^\// || (dir == '.')) if (options[:relative] || options[:relative_to]) root = (options[:relative_to]) ? options[:relative_to] : rootdir relative_path_to_root = File.realpath(path) ).relative_path_from path = relative_path_to_root.to_s end path end
normalize_path Normalize a path and return the absolute path foreseen Ex: '.' return Dir.pwd Supported options: * :relative [boolean] return relative path to the root dir
module Common module_function ################################## ### Default printing functions ### ################################## # Print a text in bold def bold(str) (COLOR == true) ? Term::ANSIColor.bold(str) : str end # Print a text in green def green(str) (COLOR == true) ? : str end # Print a text in red def red(str) (COLOR == true) ? : str end # Print a text in cyan def cyan(str) (COLOR == true) ? Term::ANSIColor.cyan(str) : str end # Print an info message def info(str) puts green("[INFO] " + str) end # Print an warning message def warning(str) puts cyan("/!\\ WARNING: " + str) end alias_method :warn, :warning ## Print an error message and abort def error(str) #abort red("*** ERROR *** " + str) $stderr.puts red("*** ERROR *** " + str) exit 1 end ## simple helper text to mention a non-implemented feature def not_implemented error("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED") end ############################## ### Interaction functions ### ############################## ## Ask a question def ask(question, default_answer = '') return default_answer if FalkorLib.config[:no_interaction] print "#{question} " print "[Default: #{default_answer}]" unless default_answer == '' print ": " STDOUT.flush answer = STDIN.gets.chomp (answer.empty?) ? default_answer : answer end ## Ask whether or not to really continue def really_continue?(default_answer = 'Yes') return if FalkorLib.config[:no_interaction] pattern = (default_answer =~ /yes/i) ? '(Y|n)' : '(y|N)' answer = ask( cyan("=> Do you really want to continue #{pattern}?"), default_answer) exit 0 if answer =~ /n.*/i end ############################ ### Execution functions ### ############################ ## Check for the presence of a given command def command?(name) `which #{name}` $?.success? end ## Execute a given command, return exit code and print nicely stdout and stderr def nice_execute(cmd) puts bold("[Running] #{cmd.gsub(/^\s*/, ' ')}") stdout, stderr, exit_status = Open3.capture3( cmd ) unless stdout.empty? stdout.each_line do |line| print "** [out] #{line}" $stdout.flush end end unless stderr.empty? stderr.each_line do |line| $stderr.print red("** [err] #{line}") $stderr.flush end end exit_status end # Simpler version that use the system call def execute(cmd) puts bold("[Running] #{cmd.gsub(/^\s*/, ' ')}") system(cmd) $?.exitstatus end ## Execute in a given directory def execute_in_dir(path, cmd) exit_status = 0 Dir.chdir(path) do exit_status = run %( #{cmd} ) end exit_status end # execute_in_dir ## Execute a given command - exit if status != 0 def exec_or_exit(cmd) status = execute(cmd) if (status.to_i.nonzero?) error("The command '#{cmd}' failed with exit status #{status.to_i}") end status end ## "Nice" way to present run commands ## Ex: run %{ hostname -f } def run(cmds) exit_status = 0 puts bold("[Running]\n#{cmds.gsub(/^\s*/, ' ')}") $stdout.flush #puts cmds.split(/\n */).inspect cmds.split(/\n */).each do |cmd| next if cmd.empty? system(cmd.to_s) unless FalkorLib.config.debug exit_status = $?.exitstatus end exit_status end ## List items from a glob pattern to ask for a unique choice # Supported options: # :only_files [boolean]: list only files in the glob # :only_dirs [boolean]: list only directories in the glob # :pattern_include [array of strings]: pattern(s) to include for listing # :pattern_exclude [array of strings]: pattern(s) to exclude for listing # :text [string]: text to put def list_items(glob_pattern, options = {}) list = { 0 => 'Exit' } index = 1 raw_list = { 0 => 'Exit' } Dir[glob_pattern.to_s].each do |elem| #puts "=> element '#{elem}' - dir = #{}; file = #{File.file?(elem)}" next if (!options[:only_files].nil?) && options[:only_files] && next if (!options[:only_dirs].nil?) && options[:only_dirs] && File.file?(elem) entry = File.basename(elem) # unless options[:pattern_include].nil? # select_entry = false # options[:pattern_include].each do |pattern| # #puts "considering pattern '#{pattern}' on entry '#{entry}'" # select_entry |= entry =~ /#{pattern}/ # end # next unless select_entry # end unless options[:pattern_exclude].nil? select_entry = false options[:pattern_exclude].each do |pattern| #puts "considering pattern '#{pattern}' on entry '#{entry}'" select_entry |= entry =~ /#{pattern}/ end next if select_entry end #puts "selected entry = '#{entry}'" list[index] = entry raw_list[index] = elem index += 1 end text = (options[:text].nil?) ? "select the index" : options[:text] default_idx = (options[:default].nil?) ? 0 : options[:default] raise SystemExit, 'Empty list' if index == 1 #ap list #ap raw_list # puts list.to_yaml # answer = ask("=> #{text}", "#{default_idx}") # raise'exiting selection') if answer == '0' # raise'Undefined index') if Integer(answer) >= list.length # raw_list[Integer(answer)] select_from(list, text, default_idx, raw_list) end ## Display a indexed list to select an i def select_from(list, text = 'Select the index', default_idx = 0, raw_list = list) error "list and raw_list differs in size" if list.size != raw_list.size l = list raw_l = raw_list if list.is_a?(Array) l = raw_l = { 0 => 'Exit' } list.each_with_index do |e, idx| l[idx + 1] = e raw_l[idx + 1] = raw_list[idx] end end puts l.to_yaml answer = ask("=> #{text}", default_idx.to_s) raise SystemExit, 'exiting selection' if answer == '0' raise RangeError, 'Undefined index' if Integer(answer) >= l.length raw_l[Integer(answer)] end # select_from ## Display a indexed list to select multiple indexes def select_multiple_from(list, text = 'Select the index', default_idx = 1, raw_list = list) error "list and raw_list differs in size" if list.size != raw_list.size l = list raw_l = raw_list if list.is_a?(Array) l = raw_l = { 0 => 'Exit', 1 => 'End of selection' } list.each_with_index do |e, idx| l[idx + 2] = e raw_l[idx + 2] = raw_list[idx] end end puts l.to_yaml choices = answer = 0 begin choices.push(raw_l[Integer(answer)]) if Integer(answer) > 1 answer = ask("=> #{text}", default_idx.to_s) raise SystemExit, 'exiting selection' if answer == '0' raise RangeError, 'Undefined index' if Integer(answer) >= l.length end while Integer(answer) != 1 choices end # select_multiple_from ############################### ### YAML File loading/store ### ############################### # Return the yaml content as a Hash object def load_config(file) unless File.exist?(file) raise FalkorLib::Error, "Unable to find the YAML file '#{file}'" end loaded = YAML.load_file(file) unless loaded.is_a?(Hash) raise FalkorLib::Error, "Corrupted or invalid YAML file '#{file}'" end loaded end # Store the Hash object as a Yaml file # Supported options: # :header [string]: additional info to place in the header of the (stored) file # :no_interaction [boolean]: do not interact def store_config(filepath, hash, options = {}) content = "# " + File.basename(filepath) + "\n" content += "# /!\\ DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: it has been automatically generated\n" if options[:header] options[:header].split("\n").each { |line| content += "# #{line}" } end content += hash.to_yaml show_diff_and_write(content, filepath, options) # filepath, 'w') do |f| # f.print "# ", File.basename(filepath), "\n" # f.puts "# /!\\ DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: it has been automatically generated" # if options[:header] # options[:header].split("\n").each do |line| # f.puts "# #{line}" # end # end # f.puts hash.to_yaml # end end ################################# ### [ERB] template generation ### ################################# # Bootstrap the destination directory `rootdir` using the template # directory `templatedir`. the hash table `config` hosts the elements to # feed ERB files which **should** have the extension .erb. # The initialization is performed as follows: # * a rsync process is initiated to duplicate the directory structure # and the symlinks, and exclude .erb files # * each erb files (thus with extension .erb) is interpreted, the # corresponding file is generated without the .erb extension # Supported options: # :erb_exclude [array of strings]: pattern(s) to exclude from erb file # interpretation and thus to copy 'as is' # :no_interaction [boolean]: do not interact def init_from_template(templatedir, rootdir, config = {}, options = { :erb_exclude => [], :no_interaction => false }) error "Unable to find the template directory" unless warning "about to initialize/update the directory #{rootdir}" really_continue? unless options[:no_interaction] run %( mkdir -p #{rootdir} ) unless rootdir ) run %( rsync --exclude '*.erb' --exclude '.texinfo*' -avzu #{templatedir}/ #{rootdir}/ ) Dir["#{templatedir}/**/*.erb"].each do |erbfile| relative_outdir = File.realpath( File.dirname(erbfile) )).relative_path_from filename = File.basename(erbfile, '.erb') outdir = File.realpath( File.join(rootdir, relative_outdir.to_s) ) outfile = File.join(outdir, filename) unless options[:erb_exclude].nil? exclude_entry = false options[:erb_exclude].each do |pattern| exclude_entry |= erbfile =~ /#{pattern}/ end if exclude_entry info "copying non-interpreted ERB file" # copy this file since it has been probably excluded from teh rsync process run %( cp #{erbfile} #{outdir}/ ) next end end # Let's go info "updating '#{relative_outdir}/#{filename}'" puts " using ERB template '#{erbfile}'" write_from_erb_template(erbfile, outfile, config, options) end end ### # ERB generation of the file `outfile` using the source template file `erbfile` # Supported options: # :no_interaction [boolean]: do not interact # :srcdir [string]: source dir for all considered ERB files def write_from_erb_template(erbfile, outfile, config = {}, options = { :no_interaction => false }) erbfiles = (erbfile.is_a?(Array)) ? erbfile : [ erbfile ] content = "" erbfiles.each do |f| erb = (options[:srcdir].nil?) ? f : File.join(options[:srcdir], f) unless File.exist?(erb) warning "Unable to find the template ERBfile '#{erb}'" really_continue? unless options[:no_interaction] next end content +=, nil, '<>').result(binding) end # error "Unable to find the template file #{erbfile}" unless File.exists? (erbfile ) # template ="#{erbfile}") # output =, nil, '<>') # content = output.result(binding) show_diff_and_write(content, outfile, options) end ## Show the difference between a `content` string and an destination file (using Diff algorithm). # Obviosuly, if the outfile does not exists, no difference is proposed. # Supported options: # :no_interaction [boolean]: do not interact # :json_pretty_format [boolean]: write a json content, in pretty format # :no_commit [boolean]: do not (offer to) commit the changes # return 0 if nothing happened, 1 if a write has been done def show_diff_and_write(content, outfile, options = { :no_interaction => false, :json_pretty_format => false, :no_commit => false }) if File.exist?( outfile ) ref = outfile ) if options[:json_pretty_format] ref = JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse( outfile ) )) end if ref == content warn "Nothing to update" return 0 end warn "the file '#{outfile}' already exists and will be overwritten." warn "Expected difference: \n------" Diffy::Diff.default_format = :color puts, content, :context => 1) else watch = (options[:no_interaction]) ? 'no' : ask( cyan(" ==> Do you want to see the generated file before commiting the writing (y|N)"), 'No') puts content if watch =~ /y.*/i end proceed = (options[:no_interaction]) ? 'yes' : ask( cyan(" ==> proceed with the writing (Y|n)"), 'Yes') return 0 if proceed =~ /n.*/i info("=> writing #{outfile}"), "w+") do |f| f.write content end if FalkorLib::Git.init?(File.dirname(outfile)) && !options[:no_commit] do_commit = (options[:no_interaction]) ? 'yes' : ask( cyan(" ==> commit the changes (Y|n)"), 'Yes') FalkorLib::Git.add(outfile, "update content of '#{File.basename(outfile)}'") if do_commit =~ /y.*/i end 1 end ## Blind copy of a source file `src` into its destination directory `dstdir` # Supported options: # :no_interaction [boolean]: do not interact # :srcdir [string]: source directory, make the `src` file relative to that directory # :outfile [string]: alter the outfile name (File.basename(src) by default) # :no_commit [boolean]: do not (offer to) commit the changes def write_from_template(src, dstdir, options = { :no_interaction => false, :no_commit => false, :srcdir => '', :outfile => '' }) srcfile = (options[:srcdir].nil?) ? src : File.join(options[:srcdir], src) error "Unable to find the source file #{srcfile}" unless File.exist?( srcfile ) error "The destination directory '#{dstdir}' do not exist" unless dstdir ) dstfile = (options[:outfile].nil?) ? File.basename(srcfile) : options[:outfile] outfile = File.join(dstdir, dstfile) content = srcfile ) show_diff_and_write(content, outfile, options) end # copy_from_template ### RVM init def init_rvm(rootdir = Dir.pwd, gemset = '') rvm_files = { :version => File.join(rootdir, '.ruby-version'), :gemset => File.join(rootdir, '.ruby-gemset') } unless File.exist?( (rvm_files[:version]).to_s) v = select_from(FalkorLib.config[:rvm][:rubies], "Select RVM ruby to configure for this directory", 3) rvm_files[:version], 'w') do |f| f.puts v end end unless File.exist?( (rvm_files[:gemset]).to_s) g = (gemset.empty?) ? ask("Enter RVM gemset name for this directory", File.basename(rootdir)) : gemset rvm_files[:gemset], 'w') do |f| f.puts g end end end ###### normalize_path ###### # Normalize a path and return the absolute path foreseen # Ex: '.' return Dir.pwd # Supported options: # * :relative [boolean] return relative path to the root dir ## # normalize_path end
def lookup_accessor(accessor, options = {}) headers = extract_headers!(options) json ="/v1/auth/token/lookup-accessor", JSON.fast_generate( accessor: accessor, ), headers) return Secret.decode(json) end
Lookup information about the given token accessor. @example Vault.auth_token.lookup_accessor("acbd-...") #=> #<Vault::Secret lease_id=""> @param [String] accessor @param [Hash] options
class AuthToken < Request # Lists all token accessors. # # @example Listing token accessors # result = Vault.auth_token.accessors #=> #<Vault::Secret> #[:keys] #=> ["476ea048-ded5-4d07-eeea-938c6b4e43ec", "bb00c093-b7d3-b0e9-69cc-c4d85081165b"] # # @return [Array<Secret>] def accessors(options = {}) headers = extract_headers!(options) json = client.list("/v1/auth/token/accessors", options, headers) return Secret.decode(json) end # Create an authentication token. Note that the parameters specified below # are not validated and passed directly to the Vault server. Depending on # the version of Vault in operation, some of these options may not work, and # newer options may be available that are not listed here. # # @example Creating a token # Vault.auth_token.create #=> #<Vault::Secret lease_id=""> # # @example Creating a token assigned to policies with a wrap TTL # Vault.auth_token.create( # policies: ["myapp"], # wrap_ttl: 500, # ) # # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :id # The ID of the client token - this can only be specified for root tokens # @option options [Array<String>] :policies # List of policies to apply to the token # @option options [Fixnum, String] :wrap_ttl # The number of seconds or a golang-formatted timestamp like "5s" or "10m" # for the TTL on the wrapped response # @option options [Hash<String, String>] :meta # A map of metadata that is passed to audit backends # @option options [Boolean] :no_parent # Create a token without a parent - see also {#create_orphan} # @option options [Boolean] :no_default_policy # Create a token without the default policy attached # @option options [Boolean] :renewable # Set whether this token is renewable or not # @option options [String] :display_name # Name of the token # @option options [Fixnum] :num_uses # Maximum number of uses for the token # # @return [Secret] def create(options = {}) headers = extract_headers!(options) json ="/v1/auth/token/create", JSON.fast_generate(options), headers) return Secret.decode(json) end # Create an orphaned authentication token. # # @example # Vault.auth_token.create_orphan #=> #<Vault::Secret lease_id=""> # # @param (see #create) # @option (see #create) # # @return [Secret] def create_orphan(options = {}) headers = extract_headers!(options) json ="/v1/auth/token/create-orphan", JSON.fast_generate(options), headers) return Secret.decode(json) end # Create an orphaned authentication token. # # @example # Vault.auth_token.create_with_role("developer") #=> #<Vault::Secret lease_id=""> # # @param [Hash] options # # @return [Secret] def create_with_role(name, options = {}) headers = extract_headers!(options) json ="/v1/auth/token/create/#{encode_path(name)}", JSON.fast_generate(options), headers) return Secret.decode(json) end # Lookup information about the current token. # # @example # Vault.auth_token.lookup("abcd-...") #=> #<Vault::Secret lease_id=""> # # @param [String] token # @param [Hash] options # # @return [Secret] def lookup(token, options = {}) headers = extract_headers!(options) json ="/v1/auth/token/lookup", JSON.fast_generate( token: token, ), headers) return Secret.decode(json) end # Lookup information about the given token accessor. # # @example # Vault.auth_token.lookup_accessor("acbd-...") #=> #<Vault::Secret lease_id=""> # # @param [String] accessor # @param [Hash] options # Lookup information about the given token. # # @example # Vault.auth_token.lookup_self #=> #<Vault::Secret lease_id=""> # # @return [Secret] def lookup_self json = client.get("/v1/auth/token/lookup-self") return Secret.decode(json) end # Renew the given authentication token. # # @example # Vault.auth_token.renew("abcd-1234") #=> #<Vault::Secret lease_id=""> # # @param [String] token # the auth token # @param [Fixnum] increment # # @return [Secret] def renew(token, increment = 0, options = {}) headers = extract_headers!(options) json = client.put("/v1/auth/token/renew", JSON.fast_generate( token: token, increment: increment, ), headers) return Secret.decode(json) end # Renews a lease associated with the calling token. # # @example # Vault.auth_token.renew_self #=> #<Vault::Secret lease_id=""> # # @param [Fixnum] increment # # @return [Secret] def renew_self(increment = 0, options = {}) headers = extract_headers!(options) json = client.put("/v1/auth/token/renew-self", JSON.fast_generate( increment: increment, ), headers) return Secret.decode(json) end # Revokes the token used to call it. # # @example # Vault.auth_token.revoke_self #=> 204 # # @return response code. def revoke_self"/v1/auth/token/revoke-self") end # Revoke exactly the orphans at the id. # # @example # Vault.auth_token.revoke_orphan("abcd-1234") #=> true # # @param [String] token # the token to revoke # # @return [true] def revoke_orphan(token, options = {}) headers = extract_headers!(options) client.put("/v1/auth/token/revoke-orphan", JSON.fast_generate( token: token, ), headers) return true end # Revoke exactly the orphans at the id. # # @example # Vault.auth_token.revoke_accessor("abcd-1234") #=> true # # @param [String] accessor # the accessor to revoke # # @return [true] def revoke_accessor(accessor, options = {}) headers = extract_headers!(options) client.put("/v1/auth/token/revoke-accessor", JSON.fast_generate( accessor: accessor, ), headers) return true end # Revoke the token and all its children. # # @example # Vault.auth_token.revoke("abcd-1234") #=> true # # @param [String] token # the auth token # # @return [true] def revoke(token, options = {}) headers = extract_headers!(options) client.put("/v1/auth/token/revoke", JSON.fast_generate( token: token, ), headers) return true end alias_method :revoke_tree, :revoke end
def remove_attribute(namespace, key = nil) namespace, key = to_nns namespace, key attributes = @attributesByNamespace[namespace] return attributes.nil? ? nil : attributes.delete(key) end
remove_attribute(key) remove_attribute(namespace, key) Removes the attribute, whose name and namespace are specified. _key_:: name of the removed atribute _namespace_:: namespace of the removed attribute (equal to "", default namespace, by default) Returns the value of the removed attribute or +nil+ if it didn't exist.
class Tag # the name of this Tag # attr_reader :name # the namespace of this Tag or an empty string when there is no namespace (i.e. default # namespace). # attr_reader :namespace # Convenient method to check and handle a pair of parameters namespace/name where, in some # cases, only one is specified (i.e. the name only). # # Use at the beginning of a method in order to have correctly defined parameters: # def foo(namespace, name = nil) # namespace, name = to_nns namespace, name # end # def to_nns(namespace, name) if name.nil? and not namespace.nil? name = namespace namespace = "" end return namespace, name end private :to_nns # Creates an empty tag in the given namespace. If the +namespace+ is nil # it will be coerced to an empty String. # # tag ="name") # tag ="namespace", "name") # # tag ="fruit") do # add_value 2 # new_child("orange") do # set_attribute("quantity", 2) # end # end # # which builds the following SDL structure # # fruit 2 { # orange quantity=2 # } # # If you provide a block that takes an argument, you will write the same example, as follows: # # tag ="fruit") do |t| # t.add_value 2 # t.new_child("orange") do # set_attribute("quantity", 2) # end # end # # In this case, the current context is not the new Tag anymore but the context of your code. # # === Raises # ArgumentError if the name is not a legal SDL identifier # (see SDL4R#validate_identifier) or the namespace is non-blank # and is not a legal SDL identifier. # def initialize(namespace, name = nil, &block) namespace, name = to_nns namespace, name raise ArgumentError, "tag namespace must be a String" unless namespace.is_a? String raise ArgumentError, "tag name must be a String" unless name.is_a? String SDL4R.validate_identifier(namespace) unless namespace.empty? @namespace = namespace name = name.to_s.strip raise ArgumentError, "Tag name cannot be nil or empty" if name.empty? SDL4R.validate_identifier(name) @name = name @children = [] @values = [] # a Hash of Hash : {namespace => {name => value}} # The default namespace is represented by an empty string. @attributesByNamespace = {} if block_given? if block.arity > 0 block[self] else instance_eval(&block) end end end # Creates a new child tag. # Can take a block so that you can write something like: # # car ="car") do # new_child("wheels") do # self << 4 # end # end # # The context of execution of the given block is the child instance. # If you provide a block that takes a parameter (see below), the context is the context of your # code: # # car ="car") do |child| # child.new_child("wheels") do |grandchild| # grandchild << 4 # end # end # # Returns the created child Tag. # def new_child(*args, &block) return add_child*args, &block) end # Add a child to this Tag. # # _child_:: The child to add # # Returns the added child. # def add_child(child) @children.push(child) return child end # Adds the given object as a child if it is a +Tag+, as an attribute if it is a Hash # {key => value} (supports namespaces), or as a value otherwise. # If it is an Enumerable (e.g. Array), each of its elements is added to this Tag via this # operator. If any of its elements is itself an Enumerable, then an anonymous tag is created and # the Enumerable is passed to it via this operator (see the examples below). # # tag <<"child") # tag << 123 # new integer value # tag << "islamabad" # new string value # tag << { "metric:length" => 1027 } # new attribute (with namespace) # tag << [nil, 456, "abc"] # several values added # # tag ="tag") # tag << [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] # tag { # # 1 2 3 # # 4 5 6 # # } # # Of course, despite the fact that String is an Enumerable, it is considered as the type of # values. # # Returns +self+. # # Use other accessors (#add_child, #add_value, #attributes, etc) for a stricter and less # "magical" behavior. # def <<(o) if o.is_a?(Tag) add_child(o) elsif o.is_a?(Hash) o.each_pair { |key, value| namespace, key = key.split(/:/) if key.match(/:/) namespace ||= "" set_attribute(namespace, key, value) } elsif o.is_a? String add_value(o) elsif o.is_a? Enumerable o.each { |item| if item.is_a? Enumerable and not item.is_a? String anonymous = new_child("content") anonymous << item else self << item end } else add_value(o) end return self end # Remove a child from this Tag # # _child_:: the child to remove # # Returns true if the child exists and is removed # def remove_child(child) return [email protected](child).nil? end # Removes all children. # def clear_children @children = [] nil end # # A convenience method that sets the first value in the value list. # See # #add_value for legal types. # # _value_:: The value to be set. # # === Raises # # _ArgumentError_:: if the value is not a legal SDL type # def value=(value) @values[0] = SDL4R.coerce_or_fail(value) nil end # # A convenience method that returns the first value. # def value @values[0] end # Returns the number of children Tag. # def child_count @children.size end # children(recursive) # children(recursive, name) # children(recursive, namespace, name) # # children(recursive) { |child| ... } # children(recursive, name) { |child| ... } # children(recursive, namespace, name) { |child| ... } # # Returns an Array of the children Tags of this Tag or enumerates them. # # _recursive_:: if true children and all descendants will be returned. False by default. # _name_:: if not nil, only children having this name will be returned. Nil by default. # _namespace_:: use nil for all namespaces and "" for the default one. Nil by default. # # tag.children # => array of the children # tag.children(true) { |descendant| ... } # # tag.children(false, "name") # => children of name "name" # tag.children(false, "ns", nil) # => children of namespace "ns" # def children(recursive = false, namespace = nil, name = :DEFAULT, &block) # :yields: child if name == :DEFAULT name = namespace namespace = nil end if block_given? each_child(recursive, namespace, name, &block) return nil else unless recursive or name or namespace return @children else result = [] each_child(recursive, namespace, name) { |child| result << child } return result end end end # Returns the values of all the children with the given +name+. If the child has # more than one value, all the values will be added as an array. If the child # has no value, +nil+ will be added. The search is not recursive. # # _name_:: if nil, all children are considered (nil by default). def children_values(name = nil) children_values = [] each_child(false, name) { |child| case child.values.size when 0 children_values << nil when 1 children_values << child.value else children_values << child.values end } return children_values end # child # child(name) # child(recursive, name) # # Get the first child with the given name, optionally using a recursive search. # # _name_:: the name of the child Tag. If +nil+, the first child is returned (+nil+ if there are # no children at all). # # Returns the first child tag having the given name or +nil+ if no such child exists # def child(recursive = false, name = nil) if name.nil? name = recursive recursive = false end unless name return @children.first else each_child(recursive, name) { |child| return child } end end # Indicates whether the child Tag of given name exists. # # _name_:: name of the searched child Tag # def has_child?(name) !child(name).nil? end # Indicates whether there are children Tag. # def has_children? [email protected]? end # Enumerates the children +Tag+s of this Tag and calls the given block # providing it the child as parameter. # # _recursive_:: if true, enumerate grand-children, etc, recursively # _namespace_:: if not nil, indicates the namespace of the children to enumerate # _name_:: if not nil, indicates the name of the children to enumerate # def each_child(recursive = false, namespace = nil, name = :DEFAULT, &block) if name == :DEFAULT name = namespace namespace = nil end @children.each do |child| if (name.nil? or == name) and (namespace.nil? or child.namespace == namespace) yield child end child.children(recursive, namespace, name, &block) if recursive end return nil end private :each_child # Returns a new Hash where the children's names as keys and their values as the key's value. # Example: # # child1 "toto" # child2 2 # # would give # # { "child1" => "toto", "child2" => 2 } # def to_child_hash hash = {} children { |child| hash[] = child.value } return hash end # Returns a new Hash where the children's names as keys and their values as the key's value. # Values are converted to Strings. +nil+ values become empty Strings. # Example: # # child1 "toto" # child2 2 # child3 null # # would give # # { "child1" => "toto", "child2" => "2", "child3" => "" } # def to_child_string_hash hash = {} children do |child| # FIXME: it is quite hard to be sure whether we should mimic the Java version # as there might be a lot of values that don't translate nicely to Strings. hash[] = child.value.to_s end return hash end # Adds a value to this Tag. See SDL4R#coerce_or_fail to know about the allowable types. # # _v_:: The value to add # # Raises an +ArgumentError+ if the value is not a legal SDL type # def add_value(v) @values.push(SDL4R::coerce_or_fail(v)) return nil end # Returns true if +v+ is a value of this Tag's. # def has_value?(v) @values.include?(v) end # Removes the first occurence of the specified value from this Tag. # # _v_:: The value to remove # # Returns true If the value exists and is removed # def remove_value(v) index = @values.index(v) if index return [email protected]_at(index).nil? else return false end end # Removes all values. # def clear_values @values = [] nil end # Returns an Array of the values of this Tag or enumerates them. # # tag.values # => [123, "spices"] # tag.values { |value| puts value } # def values # :yields: value if block_given? @values.each { |v| yield v } nil else return @values end end # Set the values for this tag. See #add_value for legal value types. # # _values_:: The new values # # Raises an +ArgumentError+ if the collection contains any values which are not legal SDL types. # def values=(someValues) @values.clear() someValues.to_a.each { |v| # this is required to ensure validation of types add_value(v) } nil end # set_attribute(key, value) # set_attribute(namespace, key, value) # # Set an attribute in the given namespace for this tag. The allowable # attribute value types are the same as those allowed for #add_value. # # _namespace_:: The namespace for this attribute # _key_:: The attribute key # _value_:: The attribute value # # Raises +ArgumentError+ if the key is not a legal SDL identifier (see # SDL4R#validate_identifier), or the namespace is non-blank and is not a legal SDL identifier, # or thevalue is not a legal SDL type # def set_attribute(namespace, key, value = :default) if value == :default value = key key = namespace namespace = "" end raise ArgumentError, "attribute namespace must be a String" unless namespace.is_a? String raise ArgumentError, "attribute key must be a String" unless key.is_a? String raise ArgumentError, "attribute key cannot be empty" if key.empty? SDL4R.validate_identifier(namespace) unless namespace.empty? SDL4R.validate_identifier(key) attributes = @attributesByNamespace[namespace] if attributes.nil? attributes = {} @attributesByNamespace[namespace] = attributes end attributes[key] = SDL4R.coerce_or_fail(value) end # attribute(key) # attribute(namespace, key) # # Returns the attribute of the specified +namespace+ of specified +key+ or +nil+ if not found. # # def attribute(namespace, key = nil) namespace, key = to_nns namespace, key attributes = @attributesByNamespace[namespace] return attributes.nil? ? nil : attributes[key] end # Indicates whether there is at least an attribute in this Tag. # has_attribute? # # Indicates whether there is the specified attribute exists in this Tag. # has_attribute?(key) # has_attribute?(namespace, key) # def has_attribute?(namespace = nil, key = nil) namespace, key = to_nns namespace, key if namespace or key attributes = @attributesByNamespace[namespace] return attributes.nil? ? false : attributes.has_key?(key) else attributes { return true } return false end end # Returns a Hash of the attributes of the specified +namespace+ (default is all) or enumerates # them. # # tag.attributes # => { "length" => 123, "width" = 25.4, "orig:color" => "gray" } # tag.attributes("orig") do |namespace, key, value| # p "#{namespace}:#{key} = #{value}" # end # # _namespace_:: # namespace of the returned attributes. If nil, all attributes are returned with # qualified names (e.g. "meat:color"). If "", attributes of the default namespace are returned. # def attributes(namespace = nil, &block) # :yields: namespace, key, value if block_given? each_attribute(namespace, &block) else if namespace.nil? hash = {} each_attribute do | namespace, key, value | qualified_name = namespace.empty? ? key : namespace + ':' + key hash[qualified_name] = value end return hash else return @attributesByNamespace[namespace] end end end # remove_attribute(key) # remove_attribute(namespace, key) # # Removes the attribute, whose name and namespace are specified. # # _key_:: name of the removed atribute # _namespace_:: namespace of the removed attribute (equal to "", default namespace, by default) # # Returns the value of the removed attribute or +nil+ if it didn't exist. # # Clears the attributes of the specified namespace or all the attributes if +namespace+ is # +nil+. # def clear_attributes(namespace = nil) if namespace.nil? @attributesByNamespace.clear else @attributesByNamespace.delete(namespace) end end # Enumerates the attributes for the specified +namespace+. # Enumerates all the attributes by default. # def each_attribute(namespace = nil, &block) # :yields: namespace, key, value if namespace.nil? @attributesByNamespace.each_key { |a_namespace| each_attribute(a_namespace, &block) } else attributes = @attributesByNamespace[namespace] unless attributes.nil? attributes.each_pair do |key, value| yield namespace, key, value end end end end private :each_attribute # set_attributes(attribute_hash) # set_attributes(namespace, attribute_hash) # # Sets the attributes specified by a Hash in the given +namespace+ in one operation. The # previous attributes of the specified +namespace+ are removed. # See #set_attribute for allowable attribute value types. # # _attributes_:: a Hash where keys are attribute keys # _namespace_:: "" (default namespace) by default # # Raises an +ArgumentError+ if any key in the map is not a legal SDL identifier # (see SDL4R#validate_identifier), or any value is not a legal SDL type. # def set_attributes(namespace, attribute_hash = nil) if attribute_hash.nil? attribute_hash = namespace namespace = "" end raise ArgumentError, "namespace can't be nil" if namespace.nil? raise ArgumentError, "attribute_hash should be a Hash" unless attribute_hash.is_a? Hash namespace_attributes = @attributesByNamespace[namespace] namespace_attributes.clear if namespace_attributes attribute_hash.each_pair do |key, value| # Calling set_attribute() is required to ensure validations set_attribute(namespace, key, value) end end # Sets all the attributes of the default namespace for this Tag in one # operation. # # See #set_attributes. # def attributes=(attribute_hash) set_attributes(attribute_hash) end # Sets the name of this Tag. # # Raises +ArgumentError+ if the name is not a legal SDL identifier # (see SDL4R#validate_identifier). # def name=(a_name) a_name = a_name.to_s SDL4R.validate_identifier(a_name) @name = a_name end # The namespace to set. +nil+ will be coerced to the empty string. # # Raises +ArgumentError+ if the namespace is non-blank and is not # a legal SDL identifier (see SDL4R#validate_identifier) # def namespace=(a_namespace) a_namespace = a_namespace.to_s SDL4R.validate_identifier(a_namespace) unless a_namespace.empty? @namespace = a_namespace end # Adds all the tags specified in the given IO, String, Pathname or URI to this Tag. # # Returns this Tag after adding all the children read from +input+. # def read(input) if input.is_a? String read_from_io(true) { } elsif input.is_a? Pathname read_from_io(true) {"r:UTF-8") } elsif input.is_a? URI read_from_io(true) { } else read_from_io(false) { input } end return self end # Reads and parses the +io+ returned by the specified block and closes this +io+ if +close_io+ # is true. def read_from_io(close_io) io = yield begin do |tag| add_child(tag) end ensure if close_io io.close rescue IOError end end end private_methods :read_io # Write this tag out to the given IO or StringIO or String (optionally clipping the root.) # Returns +output+. # # _output_:: an IO or StringIO or a String to write to # +include_root+:: if true this tag will be written out as the root element, if false only the # children will be written. False by default. # def write(output, include_root = false) if output.is_a? String io = close_io = true # indicates we close the IO ourselves elsif output.is_a? IO or output.is_a? StringIO io = output close_io = false # let the caller close the IO else raise ArgumentError, "'output' should be a String or an IO but was #{output.class}" end if include_root io << to_s else first = true children do |child| io << $/ unless first first = false io << child.to_s end end io.close() if close_io output end # Get a String representation of this SDL Tag. This method returns a # complete description of the Tag's state using SDL (i.e. the output can # be parsed by #read) # # Returns A string representation of this tag using SDL # def to_s to_string end # _linePrefix_:: A prefix to insert before every line. # Returns A string representation of this tag using SDL # # TODO: break up long lines using the backslash # def to_string(line_prefix = "", indent = "\t") line_prefix = "" if line_prefix.nil? s = "" s << line_prefix if name == "content" && namespace.empty? skip_value_space = true else skip_value_space = false s << "#{namespace}:" unless namespace.empty? s << name end # output values values do |value| if skip_value_space skip_value_space = false else s << " " end s << SDL4R.format(value, true, line_prefix, indent) end # output attributes unless @attributesByNamespace.empty? all_attributes_hash = attributes all_attributes_array = all_attributes_hash.sort { |a, b| namespace1, name1 = a[0].split(':') namespace1, name1 = "", namespace1 if name1.nil? namespace2, name2 = b[0].split(':') namespace2, name2 = "", namespace2 if name2.nil? diff = namespace1 <=> namespace2 diff == 0 ? name1 <=> name2 : diff } all_attributes_array.each do |attribute_name, attribute_value| s << " " << attribute_name << '=' << SDL4R.format(attribute_value, true) end end # output children unless @children.empty? s << " {#{$/}" children_to_string(line_prefix + indent, s) s << line_prefix << ?} end return s end # Returns a string representation of the children tags. # # _linePrefix_:: A prefix to insert before every line. # _s_:: a String that receives the string representation # # TODO: break up long lines using the backslash # def children_to_string(line_prefix = "", s = "") @children.each do |child| s << child.to_string(line_prefix) << $/ end return s end # Returns true if this tag (including all of its values, attributes, and # children) is equivalent to the given tag. # # Returns true if the tags are equivalet # def eql?(o) # this is safe because to_string() dumps the full state return o.is_a?(Tag) && o.to_string == to_string; end alias_method :==, :eql? # Returns The hash (based on the output from toString()) # def hash return to_string.hash end # Returns a string containing an XML representation of this tag. Values # will be represented using _val0, _val1, etc. # # _options_:: a hash of the options # # === options: # # [:line_prefix] a text prefixing each line (default: "") # [:uri_by_namespace] a Hash giving the URIs for the namespaces # [:indent] text specifying one indentation (default: "\t") # [:eol] end of line expression (default: "\n") # [:omit_null_attributes] # if true, null/nil attributes are not exported (default: false). Otherwise, they are exported # as follows: # tag attr="null" # def to_xml_string(options = {}) options = { :uri_by_namespace => nil, :indent => "\t", :line_prefix => "", :eol => "\n", :omit_null_attributes => false }.merge(options) _to_xml_string(options[:line_prefix], options) end protected # Implementation of #to_xml_string but without the extra-treatment on parameters for default # values. def _to_xml_string(line_prefix, options) eol = options[:eol] s = "" s << line_prefix << ?< s << "#{namespace}:" unless namespace.empty? s << name # output namespace declarations uri_by_namespace = options[:uri_by_namespace] if uri_by_namespace uri_by_namespace.each_pair do |namespace, uri| if namespace s << " xmlns:#{namespace}=\"#{uri}\"" else s << " xmlns=\"#{uri}\"" end end end # output values unless @values.empty? i = 0 @values.each do |value| s << " _val" << i.to_s << "=\"" << SDL4R.format(value, false) << "\"" i += 1 end end # output attributes if has_attribute? omit_null_attributes = options[:omit_null_attributes] attributes do |attribute_namespace, attribute_name, attribute_value| unless omit_null_attributes and attribute_value.nil? s << " " s << "#{attribute_namespace}:" unless attribute_namespace.empty? s << attribute_name << "=\"" << SDL4R.format(attribute_value, false) << ?" end end end if @children.empty? s << "/>" else s << ">" << eol @children.each do |child| s << child._to_xml_string(line_prefix + options[:indent], options) << eol end s << line_prefix << "</" s << "#{namespace}:" unless namespace.empty? s << name << ?> end return s end end
def dehash(hash, depth) hash.each do |key, value| hash[key] = dehash(value, depth + 1) if value.is_a?(Hash) end if depth.positive? && !hash.empty? && hash.keys.all? { |k| k =~ /^\d+$/ } else hash end end
Internal: convert a nested hash with purely numeric keys into an array. FIXME: this is not compatible with Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query @!visibility private
module DecodeMethods # @param query [nil, String] # # @return [Array<Array, String>] the decoded params # # @raise [TypeError] if the nesting is incorrect def decode(query) return nil if query.nil? params = {} query.split('&').each do |pair| next if pair.empty? key, value = pair.split('=', 2) key = unescape(key) value = unescape('+', ' ')) if value decode_pair(key, value, params) end dehash(params, 0) end protected SUBKEYS_REGEX = /[^\[\]]+(?:\]?\[\])?/.freeze def decode_pair(key, value, context) subkeys = key.scan(SUBKEYS_REGEX) subkeys.each_with_index do |subkey, i| is_array = subkey =~ /[\[\]]+\Z/ subkey = $` if is_array last_subkey = i == subkeys.length - 1 context = prepare_context(context, subkey, is_array, last_subkey) add_to_context(is_array, context, value, subkey) if last_subkey end end def prepare_context(context, subkey, is_array, last_subkey) if !last_subkey || is_array context = new_context(subkey, is_array, context) end if context.is_a?(Array) && !is_array context = match_context(context, subkey) end context end def new_context(subkey, is_array, context) value_type = is_array ? Array : Hash if context[subkey] && !context[subkey].is_a?(value_type) raise TypeError, "expected #{} " \ "(got #{context[subkey]}) for param `#{subkey}'" end context[subkey] ||= end def match_context(context, subkey) context << {} if !context.last.is_a?(Hash) || context.last.key?(subkey) context.last end def add_to_context(is_array, context, value, subkey) is_array ? context << value : context[subkey] = value end # Internal: convert a nested hash with purely numeric keys into an array. # FIXME: this is not compatible with Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query # @!visibility private end
def query_url_params(query) if query.reverse_geocode? { :token => configuration.api_key, :lat => query.coordinates[0], :lon => query.coordinates[1] }.merge(super) else { :token => configuration.api_key, :address => query.sanitized_text }.merge(super) end end
class Latlon < Base def name "" end def required_api_key_parts ["api_key"] end private # --------------------------------------------------------------- def base_query_url(query) "#{protocol}://{'reverse_' if query.reverse_geocode?}geocode?" end def results(query) return [] unless doc = fetch_data(query) if doc['error'].nil? [doc] # The API returned a 404 response, which indicates no results found elsif doc['error']['type'] == 'api_error' [] elsif doc['error']['type'] == 'authentication_error' raise_error(Geocoder::InvalidApiKey) || Geocoder.log(:warn, " service error: invalid API key.") else [] end end def supported_protocols [:https] end private # --------------------------------------------------------------- end
def convert_tree(haml_node, parent = nil) new_node = @node_transformer.transform(haml_node) new_node.parent = parent new_node.children = do |child| convert_tree(child, new_node) end new_node end
Converts a HAML parse tree to a tree of {HamlLint::Tree::Node} objects. This provides a cleaner interface with which the linters can interact with the parse tree. @param haml_node [Haml::Parser::ParseNode] @param parent [Haml::Tree::Node] @return [Haml::Tree::Node]
class Document # File name given to source code parsed from just a string. STRING_SOURCE = '(string)' # @return [HamlLint::Configuration] Configuration used to parse template attr_reader :config # @return [String] Haml template file path attr_reader :file # @return [HamlLint::Tree::Node] Root of the parse tree attr_reader :tree # @return [String] original source code attr_reader :source # @return [Array<String>] original source code as an array of lines attr_reader :source_lines # Parses the specified Haml code into a {Document}. # # @param source [String] Haml code to parse # @param options [Hash] # @option options :file [String] file name of document that was parsed # @raise [Haml::Parser::Error] if there was a problem parsing the document def initialize(source, options) @config = options[:config] @file = options.fetch(:file, STRING_SOURCE) process_source(source) end private # @param source [String] Haml code to parse # @raise [HamlLint::Exceptions::ParseError] if there was a problem parsing def process_source(source) @source = process_encoding(source) @source = strip_frontmatter(source) @source_lines = @source.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/) @tree = process_tree( rescue Haml::Error => e error =, e.line) raise error end # Processes the {Haml::Parser::ParseNode} tree and returns a tree composed # of friendlier {HamlLint::Tree::Node}s. # # @param original_tree [Haml::Parser::ParseNode] # @return [Haml::Tree::Node] def process_tree(original_tree) # Remove the trailing empty HAML comment that the parser creates to signal # the end of the HAML document if'~> 4.0.0').satisfied_by?(Gem.loaded_specs['haml'].version) original_tree.children.pop end @node_transformer = convert_tree(original_tree) end # Converts a HAML parse tree to a tree of {HamlLint::Tree::Node} objects. # # This provides a cleaner interface with which the linters can interact with # the parse tree. # # @param haml_node [Haml::Parser::ParseNode] # @param parent [Haml::Tree::Node] # @return [Haml::Tree::Node] # Ensures source code is interpreted as UTF-8. # # This is necessary as sometimes Ruby guesses the encoding of a file # incorrectly, for example if the LC_ALL environment variable is set to "C". # @see # # @param source [String] # @return [String] source encoded with UTF-8 encoding def process_encoding(source) source.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end # Removes YAML frontmatter def strip_frontmatter(source) frontmatter = / # From the start of the string \A # First-capture match --- followed by optional whitespace up # to a newline then 0 or more chars followed by an optional newline. # This matches the --- and the contents of the frontmatter (---\s*\n.*?\n?) # From the start of the line ^ # Second capture match --- or ... followed by optional whitespace # and newline. This matches the closing --- for the frontmatter. (---|\.\.\.)\s*$\n?/mx if config['skip_frontmatter'] && match = source.match(frontmatter) newlines = match[0].count("\n") source.sub!(frontmatter, "\n" * newlines) end source end end
def decorator_for(model_class) return @@decorators[model_class] if @@decorators.key? model_class decorator_name = "#{}#{ActiveDecorator.config.decorator_suffix}" d = Object.const_get decorator_name, false unless Class === d d.send :include, ActiveDecorator::Helpers @@decorators[model_class] = d else # Cache nil results @@decorators[model_class] = nil end rescue NameError if model_class.respond_to?(:base_class) && (model_class.base_class != model_class) @@decorators[model_class] = decorator_for model_class.base_class else # Cache nil results @@decorators[model_class] = nil end end
Returns a decorator module for the given class. Returns `nil` if no decorator module was found.
class Decorator include Singleton def initialize @@decorators = {} end # Decorates the given object. # Plus, performs special decoration for the classes below: # Array: decorates its each element # Hash: decorates its each value # AR::Relation: decorates its each record lazily # AR model: decorates its associations on the fly # # Always returns the object, regardless of whether decorated or not decorated. # # This method can be publicly called from anywhere by `ActiveDecorator::Decorator.instance.decorate(obj)`. def decorate(obj) return if defined?(Jbuilder) && (Jbuilder === obj) return if obj.nil? if obj.is_a?(Array) obj.each do |r| decorate r end elsif obj.is_a?(Hash) obj.each_value do |v| decorate v end elsif defined?(ActiveRecord) && obj.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) # don't call each nor to_a immediately if obj.respond_to?(:records) # Rails 5.0 obj.extend ActiveDecorator::RelationDecorator unless obj.is_a? ActiveDecorator::RelationDecorator else # Rails 3.x and 4.x obj.extend ActiveDecorator::RelationDecoratorLegacy unless obj.is_a? ActiveDecorator::RelationDecoratorLegacy end else if defined?(ActiveRecord) && obj.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) && !obj.is_a?(ActiveDecorator::Decorated) obj.extend ActiveDecorator::Decorated end d = decorator_for obj.class return obj unless d obj.extend d unless obj.is_a? d end obj end # Decorates AR model object's association only when the object was decorated. # Returns the association instance. def decorate_association(owner, target) owner.is_a?(ActiveDecorator::Decorated) ? decorate(target) : target end private # Returns a decorator module for the given class. # Returns `nil` if no decorator module was found. end
def method_missing(method, *args, &block) self.class.class_eval do attr_accessor method.to_sym # Defined a method according to the given method name define_method method.to_sym do obj = @request_options) obj.extend Zcloudjp.const_get(method.capitalize.to_sym) instance_variable_set(:"@#{method}", obj) end end # Sends to the now-defined method. self.__send__(method.to_sym) end
Defines the method if not defined yet.
class Client include HTTParty format :json attr_reader :base_uri, :api_key def initialize(options={}) @api_key = options.delete(:api_key) || ENV['ZCLOUDJP_API_KEY'] @base_uri = options[:endpoint] || "" unless @api_key; raise ArgumentError, "options[:api_key] required"; end request_options end def request_options @request_options = { :base_uri => @base_uri, :headers => { "X-API-KEY" => @api_key, "Content-Type" => "application/json; charset=utf-8", "Accept" => "application/json", "User-Agent" => Zcloudjp::USER_AGENT } } end # Defines the method if not defined yet. end
def create_job_flow(job, emr_config = nil) config = Elasticity.configure do |c| c.access_key = config.access_key_id c.secret_key = config.secret_access_key end job_flow = = "Job: #{job.job_name} #{job.job_desc}" job_flow.log_uri = job.log_uri configure_job_flow(job_flow) configure_instances(job_flow) configure_bootstrap_actions(job_flow, emr_config) job_flow end
Returns a configured job flow to the calling job.
class Cluster def initialize @master_group = instance_group('master') @core_group = instance_group('core') @task_group = instance_group('task') if has_task_group? end # Returns a configured job flow to the calling job. # Describes the instances that will be launched. This is used by the # job confirmation messages. def cluster_desc cluster_desc = <<-HERE Cluster configuration Master: #{instance_group_desc(@master_group)} Core: #{instance_group_desc(@core_group)} Task: #{instance_group_desc(@task_group)} HERE end private # Set job flow properties from settings in cluster.yml. def configure_job_flow(job_flow) ec2_key_name = config_setting('ec2_key_name') placement = config_setting('placement') emr_ami_version = config_setting('emr_ami_version') job_flow_role = config_setting('job_flow_role') service_role = config_setting('service_role') ec2_subnet_id = config_setting('ec2_subnet_id') job_flow.ec2_subnet_id = ec2_subnet_id if ec2_subnet_id.present? job_flow.ec2_key_name = ec2_key_name if ec2_key_name.present? job_flow.placement = placement if placement.present? job_flow.ami_version = emr_ami_version if emr_ami_version.present? job_flow.job_flow_role = job_flow_role if job_flow_role.present? job_flow.service_role = service_role if service_role.present? end # Configures the instances that will be launched. The master group has # a single node. The task group is optional. def configure_instances(job_flow) job_flow.set_master_instance_group(@master_group) job_flow.set_core_instance_group(@core_group) job_flow.set_task_instance_group(@task_group) if @task_group.present? end # Configures bootstrap actions that will be run when each instance is # launched. EMR config is an XML file of Hadoop settings stored on S3. # There are applied to each node by a bootstrap action. def configure_bootstrap_actions(job_flow, emr_config = nil) bootstrap_scripts = config_setting('bootstrap_scripts') if bootstrap_scripts.present? bootstrap_scripts.each do |script_uri| action =, '', '') job_flow.add_bootstrap_action(action) end end if emr_config.present? action = job_flow.add_bootstrap_action(action) end end # Returns whether cluster.yml specifies a task group. def has_task_group? task_config = config_for_group('task') task_config.has_key?('instance_count') && task_config['instance_count'] > 0 end # Describes an instance group. def instance_group_desc(group) if group.present? if == 'SPOT' price = "(Spot: #{group.bid_price})" else price = '(On Demand)' end "#{group.count} #{group.type} #{price}" else '--' end end # Configures an instance group with the instance type, # of instances and # the bid price if spot instances are to be used. def instance_group(group_name) config = config_for_group(group_name) instance_group = instance_group.role = group_name.upcase instance_group.type = config['instance_type'] if config.has_key?('instance_count') && config['instance_count'] > 0 instance_group.count = config['instance_count'] end if config['use_spot_instances'] == true instance_group.set_spot_instances(config['bid_price']) end instance_group end # Returns the config settings for an instance group. def config_for_group(group_name) config_setting("#{group_name}_instance_group") end # Returns a config setting from cluster.yml. def config_setting(key_name) config = config.load_config('cluster')[key_name] end end
def to_ansi return to_depth(8).to_ansi if depth != 8 a ={|c| self.class.const_get(c.to_s.upcase) }!{ |c| self.euclidian(c) } ANSI_COLORS[a.index(a.min)] end
convert to ANSI color name
class Color attr_accessor :r, :g, :b attr_reader :a attr_accessor :depth include DeepCopyable def initialize *a h = a.last.is_a?(Hash) ? a.pop : {} @r,@g,@b,@a = *a # default sample depth for r,g,b and alpha = 8 bits @depth = h[:depth] || 8 # default ALPHA = 0xff - opaque @a ||= h[:alpha] || h[:a] || (2**@depth-1) end def a= a @a = a || (2**@depth-1) # NULL alpha means fully opaque end alias :alpha :a alias :alpha= :a= BLACK = , 0, 0) WHITE =,255,255) RED =, 0, 0) GREEN = ,255, 0) BLUE = , 0,255) YELLOW=,255, 0) CYAN = 0,255,255) PURPLE= MAGENTA =, 0,255) TRANSPARENT =,0,0,0) ANSI_COLORS = [:black, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :magenta, :cyan, :white] #ASCII_MAP = %q_ .`,-:;~"!<+*^(LJ=?vctsxj12FuoCeyPSah5wVmXA4G9$OR0MQNW#&%@_ #ASCII_MAP = %q_ .`,-:;~"!<+*^=VXMQNW#&%@_ #ASCII_MAP = %q_ .,:"!*=7FZVXM#%@_ # see misc/gen_ascii_map.rb ASCII_MAP = [" '''''''```,,", ",,---:::::;;;;~~\"\"\"\"", "\"!!!!!!<++*^^^(((LLJ", "=??vvv]ts[j1122FFuoo", "CeyyPEah55333VVmmXA4", "G9$666666RRRRRR00MQQ", "NNW####&&&&&%%%%%%%%", "@@@@@@@"].join # euclidian distance - def euclidian other_color # TODO: different depths r = (self.r.to_i - other_color.r.to_i)**2 r += (self.g.to_i - other_color.g.to_i)**2 r += (self.b.to_i - other_color.b.to_i)**2 Math.sqrt r end def white? max = 2**depth-1 r == max && g == max && b == max end def black? r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0 end def transparent? a == 0 end def opaque? a.nil? || a == 2**depth-1 end def to_grayscale (r+g+b)/3 end def to_gray_alpha [to_grayscale, alpha] end class << self # from_grayscale level # from_grayscale level, :depth => 16 # from_grayscale level, alpha # from_grayscale level, alpha, :depth => 16 def from_grayscale value, *args value,value,value, *args end # value: (String) "#ff00ff", "#f0f", "f0f", "eebbcc" # alpha can be set via :alpha => N optional hash argument def from_html value, *args s ='#','') case s.size when 3 r,g,b = s.split('').map{ |x| x.to_i(16)*17 } when 6 r,g,b = s.scan(/../).map{ |x| x.to_i(16) } else raise ArgumentError, "invalid HTML color #{s}" end r,g,b, *args end alias :from_css :from_html end ######################################################## # simple conversions def to_i ((a||0) << 24) + ((r||0) << 16) + ((g||0) << 8) + (b||0) end def to_s "%02X%02X%02X" % [r,g,b] end def to_a [r, g, b, a] end ######################################################## # complex conversions # try to convert to one pseudographics ASCII character def to_ascii map=ASCII_MAP #p self map[self.to_grayscale*(map.size-1)/(2**@depth-1), 1] end # convert to ANSI color name # HTML/CSS color in notation like #33aa88 def to_css return to_depth(8).to_css if depth != 8 "#%02X%02X%02X" % [r,g,b] end alias :to_html :to_css ######################################################## # change bit depth, return new Color def to_depth new_depth return self if depth == new_depth color = :depth => new_depth if new_depth > self.depth %w'r g b a'.each do |part| color.send("#{part}=", (2**new_depth-1)/(2**depth-1)*self.send(part)) end else # new_depth < self.depth %w'r g b a'.each do |part| color.send("#{part}=", self.send(part)>>(self.depth-new_depth)) end end color end def inspect s = "#<ZPNG::Color" if depth == 16 s << " r=" + (r ? "%04x" % r : "????") s << " g=" + (g ? "%04x" % g : "????") s << " b=" + (b ? "%04x" % b : "????") s << " alpha=%04x" % alpha if alpha && alpha != 0xffff else s << " #" s << (r ? "%02x" % r : "??") s << (g ? "%02x" % g : "??") s << (b ? "%02x" % b : "??") s << " alpha=%02x" % alpha if alpha && alpha != 0xff end s << " depth=#{depth}" if depth != 8 s << ">" end # compare with other color def == c return false unless c.is_a?(Color) c1,c2 = if self.depth > c.depth [self, c.to_depth(self.depth)] else [self.to_depth(c.depth), c] end c1.r == c2.r && c1.g == c2.g && c1.b == c2.b && c1.a == c2.a end alias :eql? :== # compare with other color def <=> c c1,c2 = if self.depth > c.depth [self, c.to_depth(self.depth)] else [self.to_depth(c.depth), c] end r = c1.to_grayscale <=> c2.to_grayscale r == 0 ? (c1.to_a <=> c2.to_a) : r end # subtract other color from this one, returns new Color def - c op :-, c end # add other color to this one, returns new Color def + c op :+, c end # XOR this color with other one, returns new Color def ^ c op :^, c end # AND this color with other one, returns new Color def & c op :&, c end # OR this color with other one, returns new Color def | c op :|, c end # Op! op! op! Op!! Oppan Gangnam Style!! def op op, c=nil # XXX what to do with alpha? max = 2**depth-1 if c c = c.to_depth(depth) @r.send(op, c.r) & max, @g.send(op, c.g) & max, @b.send(op, c.b) & max, :depth => self.depth ) else @r.send(op) & max, @g.send(op) & max, @b.send(op) & max, :depth => self.depth ) end end # for Array.uniq() def hash self.to_i end end
def fetch_rows(op_handle, orientation = :first, max_rows = 1000) fetch_req = prepare_fetch_results(op_handle, orientation, max_rows) fetch_results = @client.FetchResults(fetch_req) raise_error_if_failed!(fetch_results) rows = fetch_results.results.rows,, rows.first)) end
Pull rows from the query result
class TCLIConnection attr_reader :client def initialize(server, port = 10_000, options = {}, logger = options ||= {} # backwards compatibility raise "'options' parameter must be a hash" unless options.is_a?(Hash) if options[:transport] == :sasl and options[:sasl_params].nil? raise ":transport is set to :sasl, but no :sasl_params option was supplied" end # Defaults to buffered transport, Hive 0.10, 1800 second timeout options[:transport] ||= :buffered options[:hive_version] ||= 10 options[:timeout] ||= 1800 @options = options # Look up the appropriate Thrift protocol version for the supplied Hive version @thrift_protocol_version = thrift_hive_protocol(options[:hive_version]) @logger = logger @transport = thrift_transport(server, port) @protocol = @client = @session = nil"Connecting to HiveServer2 #{server} on port #{port}") end def thrift_hive_protocol(version) HIVE_THRIFT_MAPPING[version] || raise("Invalid Hive version") end def thrift_transport(server, port)"Initializing transport #{@options[:transport]}") case @options[:transport] when :buffered return, port, @options[:timeout])) when :sasl return, port, @options[:timeout]), parse_sasl_params(@options[:sasl_params])) when :http return"http://#{server}:#{port}/cliservice") else raise "Unrecognised transport type '#{transport}'" end end def thrift_socket(server, port, timeout) socket =, port) socket.timeout = timeout socket end # Processes SASL connection params and returns a hash with symbol keys or a nil def parse_sasl_params(sasl_params) # Symbilize keys in a hash if sasl_params.kind_of?(Hash) return sasl_params.inject({}) do |memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo end end return nil end def open end def close @transport.close end def open_session @session = @client.OpenSession(prepare_open_session(@thrift_protocol_version)) end def close_session @client.CloseSession prepare_close_session @session = nil end def session @session && @session.sessionHandle end def client @client end def execute(query)"Executing Hive Query: #{query}") req = prepare_execute_statement(query) exec_result = client.ExecuteStatement(req) raise_error_if_failed!(exec_result) exec_result end def priority=(priority) set("mapred.job.priority", priority) end def queue=(queue) set("", queue) end def set(name,value)"Setting #{name}=#{value}") self.execute("SET #{name}=#{value}") end # Async execute def async_execute(query)"Executing query asynchronously: #{query}") exec_result = @client.ExecuteStatement( sessionHandle: @session.sessionHandle, statement: query, runAsync: true ) ) raise_error_if_failed!(exec_result) op_handle = exec_result.operationHandle # Return handles to get hold of this query / session again { session: @session.sessionHandle, guid: op_handle.operationId.guid, secret: op_handle.operationId.secret } end # Is the query complete? def async_is_complete?(handles) async_state(handles) == :finished end # Is the query actually running? def async_is_running?(handles) async_state(handles) == :running end # Has the query failed? def async_is_failed?(handles) async_state(handles) == :error end def async_is_cancelled?(handles) async_state(handles) == :cancelled end def async_cancel(handles) @client.CancelOperation(prepare_cancel_request(handles)) end # Map states to symbols def async_state(handles) response = @client.GetOperationStatus( prepare_operation_handle(handles)) ) case response.operationState when Hive2::Thrift::TOperationState::FINISHED_STATE return :finished when Hive2::Thrift::TOperationState::INITIALIZED_STATE return :initialized when Hive2::Thrift::TOperationState::RUNNING_STATE return :running when Hive2::Thrift::TOperationState::CANCELED_STATE return :cancelled when Hive2::Thrift::TOperationState::CLOSED_STATE return :closed when Hive2::Thrift::TOperationState::ERROR_STATE return :error when Hive2::Thrift::TOperationState::UKNOWN_STATE return :unknown when Hive2::Thrift::TOperationState::PENDING_STATE return :pending when nil raise "No operation state found for handles - has the session been closed?" else return :state_not_in_protocol end end # Async fetch results from an async execute def async_fetch(handles, max_rows = 100) # Can't get data from an unfinished query unless async_is_complete?(handles) raise "Can't perform fetch on a query in state: #{async_state(handles)}" end # Fetch and fetch_rows(prepare_operation_handle(handles), :first, max_rows) end # Performs a query on the server, fetches the results in batches of *batch_size* rows # and yields the result batches to a given block as arrays of rows. def async_fetch_in_batch(handles, batch_size = 1000, &block) raise "No block given for the batch fetch request!" unless block_given? # Can't get data from an unfinished query unless async_is_complete?(handles) raise "Can't perform fetch on a query in state: #{async_state(handles)}" end # Now let's iterate over the results loop do rows = fetch_rows(prepare_operation_handle(handles), :next, batch_size) break if rows.empty? yield rows end end def async_close_session(handles) validate_handles!(handles) @client.CloseSession( sessionHandle: handles[:session] )) end # Pull rows from the query result # Performs a explain on the supplied query on the server, returns it as a ExplainResult. # (Only works on 0.12 if you have this patch - def explain(query) rows = [] fetch_in_batch("EXPLAIN " + query) do |batch| rows << { |b| b[:Explain] } end end # Performs a query on the server, fetches up to *max_rows* rows and returns them as an array. def fetch(query, max_rows = 100) # Execute the query and check the result exec_result = execute(query) raise_error_if_failed!(exec_result) # Get search operation handle to fetch the results op_handle = exec_result.operationHandle # Fetch the rows fetch_rows(op_handle, :first, max_rows) end # Performs a query on the server, fetches the results in batches of *batch_size* rows # and yields the result batches to a given block as arrays of rows. def fetch_in_batch(query, batch_size = 1000, &block) raise "No block given for the batch fetch request!" unless block_given? # Execute the query and check the result exec_result = execute(query) raise_error_if_failed!(exec_result) # Get search operation handle to fetch the results op_handle = exec_result.operationHandle # Prepare fetch results request fetch_req = prepare_fetch_results(op_handle, :next, batch_size) # Now let's iterate over the results loop do rows = fetch_rows(op_handle, :next, batch_size) break if rows.empty? yield rows end end def create_table(schema) execute(schema.create_table_statement) end def drop_table(name) name = if name.is_a?(TableSchema) execute("DROP TABLE `#{name}`") end def replace_columns(schema) execute(schema.replace_columns_statement) end def add_columns(schema) execute(schema.add_columns_statement) end def method_missing(meth, *args) client.send(meth, *args) end private def prepare_open_session(client_protocol) req = @options[:sasl_params].nil? ? [] : @options[:sasl_params] ) req.client_protocol = client_protocol req end def prepare_close_session sessionHandle: self.session ) end def prepare_execute_statement(query) sessionHandle: self.session, statement: query.to_s, confOverlay: {} ) end def prepare_fetch_results(handle, orientation=:first, rows=100) orientation_value = "FETCH_#{orientation.to_s.upcase}" valid_orientations = ::Hive2::Thrift::TFetchOrientation::VALUE_MAP.values unless valid_orientations.include?(orientation_value) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid orientation: #{orientation.inspect}" end orientation_const = eval("::Hive2::Thrift::TFetchOrientation::#{orientation_value}") operationHandle: handle, orientation: orientation_const, maxRows: rows ) end def prepare_operation_handle(handles) validate_handles!(handles) operationId: handles[:guid], secret: handles[:secret]), operationType: Hive2::Thrift::TOperationType::EXECUTE_STATEMENT, hasResultSet: false ) end def prepare_cancel_request(handles) operationHandle: prepare_operation_handle(handles) ) end def validate_handles!(handles) unless handles.has_key?(:guid) and handles.has_key?(:secret) and handles.has_key?(:session) raise "Invalid handles hash: #{handles.inspect}" end end def get_schema_for(handle) req = operationHandle: handle ) metadata = client.GetResultSetMetadata( req ) metadata.schema end # Raises an exception if given operation result is a failure def raise_error_if_failed!(result) return if result.status.statusCode == 0 error_message = result.status.errorMessage || 'Execution failed!' raise end end
def clone_to(target) raise ContainerError, "Container does not exist." unless exists? if LXC.container(target).exists? raise ContainerError, "New container already exists." end"clone", "-o", name, "-n", target) LXC.container(target) end
Clone to a new container from self @param [String] target name of new container @return [LXC::Container] new container instance
class Container attr_accessor :name # Initialize a new LXC::Container instance # @param [String] name container name # @return [LXC::Container] container instance def initialize(name) @name = name end # Get container attributes hash # @return [Hash] def to_hash status.to_hash.merge("name" => name) end # Get current status of container # @return [Hash] hash with :state and :pid attributes def status output = run("info") result = output.scan(/^state:\s+([\w]+)|pid:\s+(-?[\d]+)$/).flatten, result.last) end # Get state of the container # @return [String] def state status.state end # Get PID of the container # @return [Integer] def pid end # Check if container exists # @return [Boolean] def exists?"ls").split("\n").uniq.include?(name) end # Check if container is running # @return [Boolean] def running? status.state == "running" end # Check if container is frozen # @return [Boolean] def frozen? status.state == "frozen" end # Check if container is stopped # @return [Boolean] def stopped? exists? && status.state == "stopped" end # Start container # @return [Hash] container status hash def start run("start", "-d") status end # Stop container # @return [Hash] container status hash def stop run("stop") status end # Restart container # @return [Hash] container status hash def restart stop ; start status end # Freeze container # @return [Hash] container status hash def freeze run("freeze") status end # Unfreeze container # @return [Hash] container status hash def unfreeze run("unfreeze") status end # Wait for container to change status # @param [String] state name def wait(state) if !LXC::Shell.valid_state?(status.state) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid container state: #{state}" end run("wait", "-s", state) end # Get container memory usage in bytes # @return [Integer] def memory_usage run("cgroup", "memory.usage_in_bytes").strip.to_i end # Get container memory limit in bytes # @return [Integer] def memory_limit run("cgroup", "memory.limit_in_bytes").strip.to_i end # Get container cpu shares # @return [Integer] def cpu_shares result = run("cgroup", "cpu.shares").to_s.strip result.empty? ? nil : result.to_i end # Get container cpu usage in seconds # @return [Float] def cpu_usage result = run("cgroup", "cpuacct.usage").to_s.strip result.empty? ? nil : Float("%.4f" % (result.to_i / 1E9)) end # Get container processes # @return [Array] list of all processes def processes raise ContainerError, "Container is not running" if !running? str = run("ps", "--", "-eo pid,user,%cpu,%mem,args").strip lines = str.split("\n") ; lines.delete_at(0) { |l| parse_process_line(l) } end # Create a new container # @param [String] path path to container config file or [Hash] options # @return [Boolean] def create(path) raise ContainerError, "Container already exists." if exists? if path.is_a?(Hash) args = "-n #{name}" if !!path[:config_file] unless File.exists?(path[:config_file]) raise ArgumentError, "File #{path[:config_file]} does not exist." end args += " -f #{path[:config_file]}" end if !!path[:template] template_dir = path[:template_dir] || "/usr/lib/lxc/templates" template_path = File.join(template_dir,"lxc-#{path[:template]}") unless File.exists?(template_path) raise ArgumentError, "Template #{path[:template]} does not exist." end args += " -t #{path[:template]} " end args += " -B #{path[:backingstore]}" if !!path[:backingstore] args += " -- #{path[:template_options].join(" ")}".strip if !!path[:template_options]"create", args) exists? else unless File.exists?(path) raise ArgumentError, "File #{path} does not exist." end"create", "-n", name, "-f", path) exists? end end # Clone to a new container from self # @param [String] target name of new container # @return [LXC::Container] new container instance # Create a new container from an existing container # @param [String] source name of existing container # @return [Boolean] def clone_from(source) raise ContainerError, "Container already exists." if exists? unless LXC.container(source).exists? raise ContainerError, "Source container does not exist." end run("clone", "-o", source) exists? end # Destroy the container # @param [Boolean] force force destruction # @return [Boolean] true if container was destroyed # # If container is running and `force` parameter is true # it will be stopped first. Otherwise it will raise exception. # def destroy(force=false) unless exists? raise ContainerError, "Container does not exist." end if running? if force == true stop else raise ContainerError, "Container is running. Stop it first or use force=true" end end run("destroy") !exists? end private def run(command, *args), "-n", name, *args) end def parse_process_line(line) chunks = line.split(" ") chunks.delete_at(0) { "pid" => chunks.shift, "user" => chunks.shift, "cpu" => chunks.shift, "memory" => chunks.shift, "command" => chunks.shift, "args" => chunks.join(" ") } end end
def aligned?(time, base) return false unless ((12 * base.year + base.mon) - (12 * time.year + time.mon)) % @interval == 0 return false unless [time.hour, time.min, time.sec] == [base.hour, base.min, base.sec] # the shortest filter we support is for days return false unless == || monthday_filters true end
check if time is aligned to a base time, including interval check
class MonthlyRule < Rule # check if time is aligned to a base time, including interval check # default step of the rule def step @interval.months end protected def potential_next(current, base) candidate = super(current, base) rem = ((12 * base.year + base.mon) - (12 * candidate.year + candidate.mon)) % @interval return candidate if rem == 0 (candidate + rem.months).beginning_of_month end def potential_previous(current, base) candidate = super(current, base) rem = ((12 * base.year + base.mon) - (12 * candidate.year + candidate.mon)) % @interval return candidate if rem == 0 (candidate + rem.months - step).end_of_month end def align(time, base) time = time.beginning_of_month + ( - 1).days unless == || monthday_filters # compensate crossing DST barrier (oh my...) offset = time.beginning_of_day.utc_offset time = time.beginning_of_day + base.hour.hours + base.min.minutes + base.sec.seconds time += (offset - time.utc_offset) time end def monthday_filters filters(:weekdays) || filters(:monthdays) || filters(:yeardays) || filters(:weeks) || filters(:months) end end
def node(name, args, &block) content = get_node_content(args) options = format_node_attributes(get_node_attributes(args)) @_segments ||= [] @_segments << "#{indent_new_line}<#{name}#{options}>#{content}" if block_given? @depth += 1 instance_eval(&block) @depth -= 1 @_segments << indent_new_line end @_segments << "</#{name}>" @xml = @_segments.join('').strip end
Create an XML node @param [String|Symbol] name the name of the XML element (ul, li, strong, etc...) @param [Array] args Can contain a String of text or a Hash of attributes @param [Block] block An optional block which will further nest XML
class XMLBuilder attr_reader :context, :xml, :depth, :tab_width def initialize(args = {}) @xml = '' @depth = 0 @tab_width = (args[:tab_width] || 0).to_i end # Catch-all method to avoid having to create individual methods for each XML tag name. def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) if @context && @context.respond_to?(method_name) @context.send(method_name, *args, &block) else node(method_name, args, &block) end end # Only respond to method names with only numbers and letters. # Do not respond to names with underscores. def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) super || method_name.to_s =~ /^[a-z0-9]+$/i end # Begin creating an XML string by specifying the root node. # This also sets the context scope, allowing methods and variables # outside the block to be accessed. # @param [String] name the name of the root node element. # @param [Array] args the data for this element. # @param [Block] block an optional block of sub-elements to be nested # within the root node. def root(name, *args, &block) set_context(&block) node(name, args, &block) end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- private # @see def set_context(&block) @context = block_given? ? eval('self', block.binding) : nil @context = nil if @context.is_a?(XMLBuilder) end # Create an XML node # @param [String|Symbol] name the name of the XML element (ul, li, strong, etc...) # @param [Array] args Can contain a String of text or a Hash of attributes # @param [Block] block An optional block which will further nest XML # Return the first Hash in the list of arguments to #node # as this defines the attributes for the XML node. # @return [Hash] the hash of attributes for this node. # def get_node_attributes(args) args.detect { |arg| arg.is_a? Hash } || {} end # Return the node content as a String, unless a block is given. # @return [String] the node data. # def get_node_content(args) return nil if block_given? content = nil args.each do |arg| case arg when Hash next when Time # eBay official TimeStamp format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ content = arg.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%Z') when DateTime content = arg.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%Z') break else content = arg.to_s break end end content end # Convert the given Hash of options into a string of XML element attributes. # def format_node_attributes(options) options.collect { |key, value| value = value.to_s.gsub('"', '\"') " #{key}=\"#{value}\"" }.join('') end # Add a new line to the XML and indent with the appropriate number of spaces. def indent_new_line tab_width > 0 ? ("\n" + (' ' * tab_width * depth)) : '' end end
def destroy(bulk=false) caught = catch(:halt) do _run_destroy_callbacks do result = database.delete_doc(self, bulk) if result['ok'] self.delete('_rev') self.delete('_id') end result['ok'] end end end
Deletes the document from the database. Runs the :destroy callbacks. Removes the <tt>_id</tt> and <tt>_rev</tt> fields, preparing the document to be saved to a new <tt>_id</tt>.
class ExtendedDocument < Document VERSION = "1.0.0" include CouchRest::Mixins::Callbacks include CouchRest::Mixins::DocumentQueries include CouchRest::Mixins::Views include CouchRest::Mixins::DesignDoc include CouchRest::Mixins::ExtendedAttachments include CouchRest::Mixins::ClassProxy include CouchRest::Mixins::Collection include CouchRest::Mixins::AttributeProtection include CouchRest::Mixins::Attributes # Including validation here does not work due to the way inheritance is handled. #include CouchRest::Validation def self.subclasses @subclasses ||= [] end def self.inherited(subklass) super subklass.send(:include, CouchRest::Mixins::Properties) subklass.class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.inherited(subklass) super = end EOS subclasses << subklass end # Accessors attr_accessor :casted_by # Callbacks define_callbacks :create, "result == :halt" define_callbacks :save, "result == :halt" define_callbacks :update, "result == :halt" define_callbacks :destroy, "result == :halt" # Creates a new instance, bypassing attribute protection # # # ==== Returns # a document instance def self.create_from_database(doc = {}) base = (doc['couchrest-type'].blank? || doc['couchrest-type'] == self.to_s) ? self : doc['couchrest-type'].constantize, :directly_set_attributes => true) end # Instantiate a new ExtendedDocument by preparing all properties # using the provided document hash. # # Options supported: # # * :directly_set_attributes: true when data comes directly from database # def initialize(doc = {}, options = {}) prepare_all_attributes(doc, options) # defined in CouchRest::Mixins::Attributes super(doc) unless self['_id'] && self['_rev'] self['couchrest-type'] = self.class.to_s end after_initialize if respond_to?(:after_initialize) end # Defines an instance and save it directly to the database # # ==== Returns # returns the reloaded document def self.create(options) instance = new(options) instance.create instance end # Defines an instance and save it directly to the database # # ==== Returns # returns the reloaded document or raises an exception def self.create!(options) instance = new(options) instance.create! instance end # Automatically set <tt>updated_at</tt> and <tt>created_at</tt> fields # on the document whenever saving occurs. CouchRest uses a pretty # decent time format by default. See Time#to_json def self.timestamps! class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ property(:updated_at, Time, :read_only => true, :protected => true, :auto_validation => false) property(:created_at, Time, :read_only => true, :protected => true, :auto_validation => false) set_callback :save, :before do |object| write_attribute('updated_at', write_attribute('created_at', if end EOS end # Name a method that will be called before the document is first saved, # which returns a string to be used for the document's <tt>_id</tt>. # Because CouchDB enforces a constraint that each id must be unique, # this can be used to enforce eg: uniq usernames. Note that this id # must be globally unique across all document types which share a # database, so if you'd like to scope uniqueness to this class, you # should use the class name as part of the unique id. def self.unique_id method = nil, &block if method define_method :set_unique_id do self['_id'] ||= self.send(method) end elsif block define_method :set_unique_id do uniqid = raise ArgumentError, "unique_id block must not return nil" if uniqid.nil? self['_id'] ||= uniqid end end end # Temp solution to make the view_by methods available def self.method_missing(m, *args, &block) if has_view?(m) query = args.shift || {} return view(m, query, *args, &block) elsif m.to_s =~ /^find_(by_.+)/ view_name = $1 if has_view?(view_name) query = {:key => args.first, :limit => 1} return view(view_name, query).first end end super end ### instance methods # Gets a reference to the actual document in the DB # Calls up to the next document if there is one, # Otherwise we're at the top and we return self def base_doc return self if base_doc? @casted_by.base_doc end # Checks if we're the top document def base_doc? !@casted_by end # for compatibility with old-school frameworks alias :new_record? :new? alias :new_document? :new? # Trigger the callbacks (before, after, around) # and create the document # It's important to have a create callback since you can't check if a document # was new after you saved it # # When creating a document, both the create and the save callbacks will be triggered. def create(bulk = false) caught = catch(:halt) do _run_create_callbacks do _run_save_callbacks do create_without_callbacks(bulk) end end end end # unlike save, create returns the newly created document def create_without_callbacks(bulk =false) raise ArgumentError, "a document requires a database to be created to (The document or the #{self.class} default database were not set)" unless database set_unique_id if new? && self.respond_to?(:set_unique_id) result = database.save_doc(self, bulk) (result["ok"] == true) ? self : false end # Creates the document in the db. Raises an exception # if the document is not created properly. def create! raise "#{self.inspect} failed to save" unless self.create end # Trigger the callbacks (before, after, around) # only if the document isn't new def update(bulk = false) caught = catch(:halt) do if save(bulk) else _run_update_callbacks do _run_save_callbacks do save_without_callbacks(bulk) end end end end end # Trigger the callbacks (before, after, around) # and save the document def save(bulk = false) caught = catch(:halt) do if _run_save_callbacks do save_without_callbacks(bulk) end else update(bulk) end end end # Overridden to set the unique ID. # Returns a boolean value def save_without_callbacks(bulk = false) raise ArgumentError, "a document requires a database to be saved to (The document or the #{self.class} default database were not set)" unless database set_unique_id if new? && self.respond_to?(:set_unique_id) result = database.save_doc(self, bulk) result["ok"] == true end # Saves the document to the db using save. Raises an exception # if the document is not saved properly. def save! raise "#{self.inspect} failed to save" unless true end # Deletes the document from the database. Runs the :destroy callbacks. # Removes the <tt>_id</tt> and <tt>_rev</tt> fields, preparing the # document to be saved to a new <tt>_id</tt>. end
def get_post(user_name, intra_hash) response = @conn.get @url_post.expand({ :user_name => user_name, :intra_hash => intra_hash, :format => @format }) if @parse attributes = JSON.parse(response.body) return["post"]) end return response.body end
Initializes the client with the given credentials. @param user_name [String] the name of the user account used for accessing the API @param api_key [String] the API key corresponding to the user account - can be obtained from @param format [String] The requested return format. One of: 'xml', 'json', 'ruby', 'csl', 'bibtex'. The default is 'ruby' which returns Ruby objects defined by this library. Currently, 'csl' and 'bibtex' are only available for publications. Get a single post @param user_name [String] the name of the post's owner @param intra_hash [String] the intrag hash of the post @return [BibSonomy::Post, String] the requested post
class API # Initializes the client with the given credentials. # # @param user_name [String] the name of the user account used for accessing the API # @param api_key [String] the API key corresponding to the user account - can be obtained from # # @param format [String] The requested return format. One of: # 'xml', 'json', 'ruby', 'csl', 'bibtex'. The default is 'ruby' # which returns Ruby objects defined by this library. Currently, # 'csl' and 'bibtex' are only available for publications. # def initialize(user_name, api_key, format = 'ruby') # configure output format if format == 'ruby' @format = 'json' @parse = true else @format = format @parse = false end @conn = => $API_URL) do |faraday| faraday.request :url_encoded # form-encode POST params #faraday.response :logger faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # make requests with # Net::HTTP end @conn.basic_auth(user_name, api_key) # initialise URLs @url_post ="/api/users/{user_name}/posts/{intra_hash}?format={format}") @url_posts ="/api/posts{?format,resourcetype,start,end,user,group,tags}") @url_doc ="/api/users/{user_name}/posts/{intra_hash}/documents/{file_name}") end # # Get a single post # # @param user_name [String] the name of the post's owner # @param intra_hash [String] the intrag hash of the post # @return [BibSonomy::Post, String] the requested post # # Get posts owned by a user, optionally filtered by tags. # # @param user_name [String] the name of the posts' owner # @param resource_type [String] the type of the post. Currently supported are 'bookmark' and 'publication'. # @param tags [Array<String>] the tags that all posts must contain (can be empty) # @param start [Integer] number of first post to download # @param endc [Integer] number of last post to download # @return [Array<BibSonomy::Post>, String] the requested posts def get_posts_for_user(user_name, resource_type, tags = nil, start = 0, endc = $MAX_POSTS_PER_REQUEST) return get_posts("user", user_name, resource_type, tags, start, endc) end # # Get the posts of the users of a group, optionally filtered by tags. # # @param group_name [String] the name of the group # @param resource_type [String] the type of the post. Currently supported are 'bookmark' and 'publication'. # @param tags [Array<String>] the tags that all posts must contain (can be empty) # @param start [Integer] number of first post to download # @param endc [Integer] number of last post to download # @return [Array<BibSonomy::Post>, String] the requested posts def get_posts_for_group(group_name, resource_type, tags = nil, start = 0, endc = $MAX_POSTS_PER_REQUEST) return get_posts("group", group_name, resource_type, tags, start, endc) end # # Get posts for a user or group, optionally filtered by tags. # # @param grouping [String] the type of the name (either "user" or "group") # @param name [String] the name of the group or user # @param resource_type [String] the type of the post. Currently supported are 'bookmark' and 'publication'. # @param tags [Array<String>] the tags that all posts must contain (can be empty) # @param start [Integer] number of first post to download # @param endc [Integer] number of last post to download # @return [Array<BibSonomy::Post>, String] the requested posts def get_posts(grouping, name, resource_type, tags = nil, start = 0, endc = $MAX_POSTS_PER_REQUEST) url = @url_posts.partial_expand({ :format => @format, :resourcetype => get_resource_type(resource_type), :start => start, :end => endc }) # decide what to get if grouping == "user" url = url.partial_expand({:user => name}) elsif grouping == "group" url = url.partial_expand({:group => name}) end # add tags, if requested if tags != nil url = url.partial_expand({:tags => tags.join(" ")}) end response = @conn.get url.expand({}) if @parse posts = JSON.parse(response.body)["posts"]["post"] return { |attributes| } end return response.body end def get_document_href(user_name, intra_hash, file_name) return @url_doc.expand({ :user_name => user_name, :intra_hash => intra_hash, :file_name => file_name }) end # # Get a document belonging to a post. # # @param user_name # @param intra_hash # @param file_name # @return the document and the content type def get_document(user_name, intra_hash, file_name) response = @conn.get get_document_href(user_name, intra_hash, file_name) if response.status == 200 return [response.body, response.headers['content-type']] end return nil, nil end # # Get the preview for a document belonging to a post. # # @param user_name # @param intra_hash # @param file_name # @param size [String] requested preview size (allowed values: SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE) # @return the preview image and the content type `image/jpeg` def get_document_preview(user_name, intra_hash, file_name, size) response = @conn.get get_document_href(user_name, intra_hash, file_name), { :preview => size } if response.status == 200 return [response.body, 'image/jpeg'] end return nil, nil end private # # Convenience method to allow sloppy specification of the resource # type. # def get_resource_type(resource_type) if $resource_types_bookmark.include? resource_type.downcase() return "bookmark" end if $resource_types_bibtex.include? resource_type.downcase() return "bibtex" end raise"Unknown resource type: #{resource_type}. Supported resource types are ") end end