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0 アイドル界の逸材現れたな! An outstanding talent has appeared in the idol world!
1 2.16大規模デモ February 16th large scale demonstration.
1 これ身内が流してるだろ This is distributed among people in the group, right?
1 自民党の内紛に時間使われるアホな国民 Stupid citizens using time for internal strife in the Liberal Democratic Party.
1 あるいは目くらまし Or maybe it's a smokescreen.
2 将棋には時間切れがあるぞ There is a time limit for shogi.
3 「niconico(く)」発表会、現地の記者はどう見たか "niconico crescendo" announcement, how did reporters on hand view it?
3 大炎上を登壇者らと見つめる“永遠とも思える2時間” Watching the presenter go down in flames made for "two hours that felt like forever".
3 ニコるくん生き返れ生き返れ… (届かぬ思い) Bring back Nikoru-kun, bring back Nikoru-kun… (unfulfilled wish).
3 ニコる機能は実質コメントに対するUV機能だったから、あれを続けてれば動画サイト界のredditに方針転換できた可能性すらあったけど 「技術的問題で廃止(担当者がやめて焼きそば化したので作り直し)」が発表会で明言されて… The Nikoru functionality was actually UV functionality in response to comments, so if that had continued then there was a chance they even could have changed direction and become the reddit of the video site world. "Stopped due to technical reasons (the person in charged stopped and turned it into yakisoba so we had to start over)" was declared at the announcement…
3 終わっちゃいましたね… It's all over, isn't it…
4 第76回 ハッカーニュースTOKYO MEETUP 2017-12-06(水)18:30 - 23:00 SuperDeluxe Roppongi 東京都港区西麻布3-1-25 B1F 76th Hacker News Tokyo Meetup 2017-12-06 (Wednesday) 18:30-23:30 SuperDeluxe Roppongi Tokyo Prefecture Minato Ward Nishi Azabu 3-1-25 Floor B1
4 ワイコンとうとう日本進出すんの Wide converter is finally coming to Japan
5 安室奈美恵を悩ませる“TV”の紅白 20分の空白埋めるコント師ウッチャン "Television" Kouhaku troubles Namie Omuro Comedian Ucchan filling 20 minutes
5 どーせコントやって安室のいない場を埋めるんだろ? I assume they fill Amuro's absense in with a skit?
5 会場が一気に白けそう It is likely going to spoil the entire venue
6 頑張れば1巻分を10巻に引伸ばせそう。 If they try, they can probably stretch out 1 episode worth of material into 10.
7 男もブラ Guys also wearing bras.
8 今後各国が日本に泣きついて売ってくださいと懇願する姿が想像できて、正直興奮してきました! In the near future you can imagine various countries clinging to Japan and begging them to sell them things, and to be honest that excites me!
9 見た目差別じゃないの Isn't this the very appearance of discrimination?
9 このチンゲー!ってことだろ That prick!
10 ハワイ州政府が「Star Wars Battlefront II」の販売禁止を目指す声明を発表、スター・ウォーズのオンラインカジノだとEAを強く非難 Hawaiian government announces action to prohibit sale of Star Wars Battlefront II, criticizing EA and framing it as an online casino
10 閣下もお怒りカナ? The EA overlords must be pissed too
11 ニュージーランドの議会は子連れ可 授乳も可 乳母車可。 In New Zealand's Parliament, you can bring a child along, breast feed, and bring a baby carriage.
11 胴田貫可。 You can bring a large sword.
11 ガトリングガンも可。 You can bring a Gatling gun.
11 一殺五百両。 You can kill many people with both.
11 あと仔細残さず話していただく。 I'd like to talk all about the particulars.
11 我ら親子、六道死生順逆の境を歩み冥府魔道に至る覚悟のことなれば。 We differ when it comes to parent and child relations, the boundary of right and wrong, life and death.
12 何わろてんねん What are you laughing at
13 お前のパンチで地球がヤバイ The Earth’s in trouble by your punches.
13 地球が静止する日 The day the world stood still.
14 35億年前の化石に微生物、最古の生命痕跡を確認 米大チーム A microorganism was found in a fossil from 3.5 billion years ago, it was confirmed to be the oldest trace of life USA team
14 >米大学の研究チーム うさんくせぇ…… >Research team at American University That's suspicious......
14 (ほらみろぉっ!やっぱり地球外生命体は居るんだ!) って化石か (Hey look! There are organisms from outside of earth!) Oh, it's just a fossil
14 隕石に見えた It looked like a meteorite
15 「ブラックボックス展」痴漢事件、“暗闇”の中の真相は明らかになるのか The molestation case at "Black Box Exhibition" will the truth come to light in the "darkness"
15 被害者連絡会が半年かけて訴訟に至った理由 The reason the victim liaison committee took half a year to reach a lawsuit
15 訴えられたら負けるのがわかって逃げる前提ような住所の隠し方やな It seems like they hid the address to prepare to run away when they realized they were going to lose if they were sued
15 まあ、訴えたのは星ドラ集団訴訟やKOFの訴える詐欺よりはマシだけど Well, this lawsuit is at least better than the scams like the Dragon Quest of the Stars class action lawsuit or the KOF lawsuit
16 意識低いのにデキるってかっこよくない? Isn't it cool if you can still 'do it' when your consciousness is low?
17 「どかないと踏むわよ!」 "Outta the way, or I'm stepping on you!"
17 なぜ台詞付き画像から誤字脱字が無くならないのか Why can't people proofread their memes?
20 一理ある There is a reason.
21 目を覚ませ Open your eyes.
21 だからよぉ、2%っつうことは、100回ヤったら2回当たるって事だべ? When it says 2% that means that if you did it 100 times you'd only get 2, you know?
21 てことはよぉ。 That's what it means.
21 10連ガチャに5回金突っ込めば1回当たるって事よ So if you threw money in 5 times for a 10 draw capsule you'd only get 1.
22 ケツを拭いていると押してないのに勝手にトイレが流してくれる。 I wiped myself, and the toilet flushed, even though I didn't press anything.
22 至れり尽くせりだが困ったことに糞がでかすぎて流れないハプニング。 It tried to flush, but there was a problem, and the shit was too big to go down.
22 一本糞が水流で真っ二つに割れて入口をせきとめている。 The shit was split in two by the water current and was stopping up the drain.
22 やれやれ浦安の猪木かよと思いつつ流れなかったらどうしようと不安になるが、流すボタンで難なく流れたので昨日食べたコーンつきの糞を見送る。 I was thinking like Inoki from Urayasu, oh, God, it's not gonna go down, what do I do, I was so nervous, but the flush button worked no problem, so I saw off that shit with the corn I ate the other day.
22 ドアをあけるとサラリーマンがいた。 When I opened the door, a salaryman was there.
22 スマホいじってる場合じゃねぇ。 This was no time to be fooling with a smartphone.
22 僕の臭いうんうんの後でごめんねリーマン。 Sorry you had to go in after my stinky shit, Mr. Salaryman.
25 コードレスの掃除機欲しい I want a cordless vacuum.
25 ぼくダイソン持ってる I have a dyson.
26 このsnooくん虚無に飲み込まれて世界滅ぼすやつでしょ This is the snoo-kun that was gonna swallow up the world into nothingness and destroy it?
26 つよそう Seems strong.
27 明日は仕事だよ I have work tomorrow
ね〜 Right~
28 去年渋谷で記念展示会やってたね There was a celebration exhibition held in Shibuya last year.
28 あとはショールームがあるらしいからそこ行くくらいか Other than that there seems to be a show room, so that's about where you can go
29 「佐川が、佐川が、佐川が」責任を下に押し付ける安倍・麻生の醜態 "Sagawa, Sagawa, Sagawa" Disgraceful behavior from Abe and Aso who pushes responsibility downward.
29 自民党は一から十まで全部他人が悪い!じゃん The LDP are all bad.
30 ゼネコンがさっそく小池都知事に見切りをつけたかもしれない Contractors might have given up on Governor Koike:
30 反対意見が出ないこと前提で物事進めてる感があるな I get the feeling that everything is moving forward on the premise that there are no dissenting opinions.
31 ますます「閉じこもる」インターネット社会 We're becoming more and more of a secluded society thanks to the internet.
31 NSRの事やな You're talking about the NSR, right?
33 2017年もあとわずかだしサターニャがおしっこしてるところ貼っておくぞ 2017 is almost at an end, and I'll stick up a pic of Santa-Nya peeing.
33 今年最後のくさそう納め Seems like the end of the year will be stinky.
34 きゅうじつしゅっきん(震え声 I went to work on a day off (shivering voice
35 国難は彼自身? Is he the national crisis himself?
35 「強きを助け弱きを憎む」施策が次々 「Saving the strong and loathing the weak」
35 G・E・R・I!! G・E・R・I!!
35 ABEちゃんマン Little ABE Man
36 大量の鼻くそを作るモンゴルナイフ The Mongolian knife which makes tons of boogers.
36 容器の中に容器あるのはチョット感心 It's a little relieving that there is a container within a container
37 なんか年明けてから海外ユーザーが増えた気がする I feel like since the start of the year, there has been an increase in foreign users.
37 なるよね Right?
39 奄美大島沖で過去最悪の石油流出事故 海洋生態系への影響は? Worst oil spill in history off the coast of Amami Ooshima. What will the impact on the ocean ecology be?
39 「結論から言うと、不確実性が大きく、事故の影響は良くわからない部分が多い。 "Starting with the conclusion, there is a large amount of uncertainty, and there are many components of the accident that are yet unknown.
39 でも、長期的・大規模な影響についてはあまり心配無さそうです。」 However, it appears there is no worry about long term or large scale effects."
39 領土問題の争点やからな。 The point at issue is a territorial dispute.
39 日中協調するいい機会だけど、 今年は仲いいモードなのであえてする必要もなし This is a chance for cooperation between Japan and China, but since they are in a pretty friendly mood with each other this year that isn't really as necessary.
40 「デコピンは暴力か」みたいな話。 It sounds like, "A poke to the forehead is violence."
41 南欧で歴史的干ばつ=原発冷却水不足の懸念 Historical drought in Southern Europe = fear of a lack of nuclear power plant coolant water
41 そりゃあ冷却しないとぽぽぽぽーんしますからね。 If the reactor can’t be cooled down, it’s gonna go bang, bang, bang!
41 空冷ではまかなえないでしょう、あの発熱量は。 The heat being generated is even too much to be cooled down by air.
41 ジャップみたいに海の水使って津波食らうリスクを取るか、ヨーロッパみたいに川の水使って干ばつ食らうリスクを取るか、難しいですね。 It’s a difficult situation— If you use ocean water like Japan, it’s puts the plant at risk of tsunamis; if you use water from the river like in Europe, that can lead to the risk of droughts.
42 アベノミクスの恩恵、地方にまったく波及せず…自治体の資金調達難が深刻化 The benefit of Abenomics, no influence at all in rural areas... Local government's financing difficulties becoming more severe.
42 結局成長戦略一個も無かったね Ultimately there wasn't a single long-term success strategy.
42 もう日銀ミクスって言った方が現状正しいよね At this point calling it Bank of Japan-nomics would correctly express the present state.
44 しまむらが突然に深刻な売上減 ヒット商品の不在やネット通販戦略の失敗が原因か Sharp reduction in sales for Shimamura. Is the lack of hit items and failure in online shopping strategy the reason?
44 >明らかに「勝ち組」といえるしまむらが、ここにきて失速したのはなぜか。 > In the past Shimamura was clearly "successful," so why are they now stalling?
44 しまむらは、その理由を「11月中旬から全国的に気温が低下したものの、9~10月にかけて気温が高く推移したことや、10月下旬に2週連続で週末に襲来した台風が影響したため」としている。 Shimamura says the reason is that "in the middle of November the temperature across all of Japan was down, while in September and October it was hot, and the two weeks at the end of October with typhoons had an impact."
44 伝染ってる They got sick.
45 男女平等キック万歳🙌 Full support for the gender equality kick 🙌
46 能力以上のことを求めるな Don't expect for things beyond your abilities.
46 病んでるなら休むしかないべ If you're sick there's nothing to do but rest.
46 そんでリアルで楽しい気晴らし見つけようぜ Then let's find a fun pastime in the real world.
47 草津においでよ噴火口から5キロしか離れてないけど安全だよ Come to Kusatsuma! We're only 5 kilometers from the crater of a volcano, but its safe!
47 草津においでよ警戒レベル1って町長が宣伝してたけどホントはレベル3だったよ Come to Kusatsuma! The Mayor said we're threat level 1 but really we're at level 3!
47 “草津は安全だよ!” マスコットキャラクター「ゆもみちゃん」がPR "Kusatsuma is safe!" Their mascot (Yummomi-chan) is doing their PR.
47 ヤフコメと 日本の品質 いとおなじ If this was a Yahoo! comment, it would have the same quality as a Japanese one.
48 日本財団かな? Could it be The Nippon Foundation?
49 Steam版『真・三國無双8』正式に日本語字幕非対応に。 The Steam version of "Shin Sangokumusou 8" officially does not support Japanese subtitles.
49 ぬーん Sigh.
49 俺がやったのは6猛将伝かも 海外と番号ずれてたりしてもんじゃ状態 I probably did Shin Sangokumusou 6, but the coding is different overseas.
50 自分はまだ漢検を許してない I have not forgiven Kanken yet
51 ユナイテッドアローズのコートをzozoで買おうとしたら送料がかかるので、公式オンラインショップで買ったわ I tried to buy a United Arrows coat from zozo but there is a shipping fee, so I bought it at the original online shop
51 「店舗で調べてネットで買う」はもう古い いまは「zozoで調べて公式で買う」の時代 "Research at the store and buy on the net" is old, this is the age of "Research on zozo and buy at the original"
52 ビットコイン取引所「コインチェック」で620億円以上が不正に引き出される被害が発生か(山本一郎) Damage Caused by Illegal Withdrawal of More Than 62 billion Yen By Bitcoin Exchange "coincheck" (Ichiro Yamamoto)
52 もうBTC/JPYの取引所以売買除いてすべて動いてないから It's no longer moving with the exception of BTC/JPY stock exchanges.
53 エンコの実験にエロゲ を選ぶ人の鑑 An example of choosing an erotic video game for an encoding test.
55 あの時のBitcoinが諦めきれない! ゴミ山の中からBitcoinを探す男 I can't give up on the Bitcoin! A man looks for Bitcoin from the mountain of garbage
55 いいスレタイだなあ未来感。 What a futuristic and good thread title
56 記者を名指しし「娘さんは慰み者になります」 百田尚樹氏に沖縄マスコミ労が抗議声明 Reporter "My Daughter will be a plaything." Mr. Naoki Momota's statement to the Okinawa media
56 自分はいくら金積まれても公衆の面前で鬼畜外道には成り下がれんわ No matter how much money he gathered for himself, he'll just be a brute to the public.
56 あの厚顔無恥っぷりには嘲笑を通り越して恐怖すら覚える That shamelessness is beyond ridicule, simply frightening
58 名護市民ははぜ移設容認の武豊氏を選んだのか Why did the citizens of Nago city choose Mr. Taketoyo who approves of relocation?
→安倍政権のごり押しであきらめムードが広まったから → Because the desire to give up due to the bulldozing of the Abe Administration has spread
分断個別撃破で全体が地盤沈下しちゃいけないよ It is not possible to divide the whole thing up individually and let it decline in influence.
59 出落ちかよ Getting laughs just for appearing.
60 いつギロチン台に行くんや When will they go to the guillotine?
61 人生のゴールってどこだろ What is the life goal?
61 通算で100000UVぐらいあるからUVはいらないよ… There's a total of around 100000UV, so UV isn't needed...
64 白組勝ってたな The white team won, didn't they?
65 >ヤフコメのコメントが読者の総意ではないことは分かるだろう。 > You should know that Yahoo Comment's comments don't express the general opinion of the readers.
66 Reddit初心者向け質問スレ & 雑談スレ (Question & Discussion) - 1月, 2018 For Reddit Beginners Questions & Discussion Thread (Question & Discussion) - January, 2018
66 久しぶりに見たけど面白かったな It's been a while since I've seen it, but it was interesting.
66 CMも少なかったし There weren't many commercials.
67 かんたん!TRPG用リアルな弓のステータスの求め方 It’s simple! For those who need to figure out the stats for bows in TRPG’s,
67 この程度なら関数電卓あれば余裕だろ using a scientific calculator is overkill, right?
68 ぼくは会社でシコシコテストだけ… I am only jerking off at the office...
69 伊方原発運転差し止め=「火砕流、到達の可能性」-3号機仮処分・広島高裁 Ikata Nuclear Power Plant Operation Suspended -" Pyroclastic flow may reach the reactor" - An injunction for the 3rd reactor from the Hiroshima High Court.
69 高裁ですごい判断出したなって The High Court made a terrible judgement.
69 阿蘇カルデラが噴火したら九州全体が壊滅するから、原発の一基や二基はどうなってもよい If the Aso Caldera erupts, it could destroy the entirety of Kyushu, so it doesn't really matter what happens to one or two power stations.
69 というのが推進派の謎論理だったし Strange logic behind this one.
70 お正月やすみ楽しすぎて無職回帰欲が増した I enjoyed the New Year's vacation too much, my desire to be unemployed again grew
70 くさええ〜 hahaah~
71 あの頃の同級生はいま月どれくらいもらってんだろーなー I wonder how much my classmates from back then are making every month...
71 みずほ銀の友達が30のときに年収一千万越えてた A friend working at Mizuho bank was making over 10,000,000 yen every year at 30 years old.
72 改ざん前の文書、事前把握認める Unfalsified document, prior knowledge recognized.
72 菅氏「首相も承知」 Suga "The prime minister knew as well".
73 僕のお母さんはこのままでは死にます。 My mother will die if I don't do anything.
73 まずはお母さんだけでも出してあげて下さい。 Please at least get my mother out first.
73 皆さまご協力宜しくお願い申し上げます。 Please give us your help.
73 籠池佳茂 Yoshishige Kago
救いたいなら訴状を木に刺して安倍の前に傅いて直訴しないとな If he wants to help he would have to kneel down in front of Abe to beg him directly while holding a wooden stick with petition on it
75 リーマン・ショック以上の大暴落… Big Crash after the Financial Crisis…
75 日銀とGPIFの日本株“買い支え”はもう限界! Bank of Japan and GPIF 's buyouts are already limited!
75 暴落したら株の割合減るから買増できるじゃん If it collapses then they can just increase the number of shares, can't they?
76 じゃがりこ初の「チョコ味」登場 バレンタイン向け Jagariko's first "chocolate flavor" is released Geared toward Valentine's Day
76 まだ1月やぞい Hey, it's still January
77 アメ車みたいに馬力で解決する発想 The idea of settling things with horsepower, like an American car.
77 日本人が作ったら省エネ軽量エコOSができそうだけど If it were made by Japanese people it'd probably be an energy efficient, lightweight, ecological OS.
77 残念ながら日本発のメジャーOSはないんです Unfortunately, there is no major OS made in Japan.
78 クサチュー語とかすでに古代文字 Using similar looking symbols to spell things out online is already as dated a hieroglyphics.
79 全財産2000円を使って人助けをしたホームレスに支援の寄付3800万円集まる Homeless man gives his last 2,000 yen to help woman, who raises 38 million yen for him in thanks.
79 イイハナシダナー THAT'S A GOOD STORY!
81 児童買春が過去最多 スマホやゲーム通じて誘惑 新潟 The most cases of child prostitution in history. Solicited via smartphones and games. Niigata.
81 これマジ? Is this true?
81 デレステで出会いを求めよう Let's try to meet through Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls.
82 【新概念】「防衛型空母」導入を 防衛大綱、自民提言骨子 [New concept] Introducing a Self-Defense Force aircraft carrier, changes to the National Defense Program Outlines
82 ちょっと何言ってるのか分からないんだけど 防衛なのか? Wait, though I don’t completely understand what’s being said, this is for defensive purposes?
82 これ 2発目以降を防ぐための基地攻撃? To prevent a second-wave of attacks, they’ll attack military bases?
82 それは戦争行為でしょ Wouldn’t this be considered an act of war?
82 2発目以降が来ては困るし、壊せば安全なのも分かる Understandably, it would be problematic for multiple waves of attacks to come, and destroying enemy bases would circumvent the destruction to our country.
82 ではそれを壊したら次がないのか? But after destroying a base, then what?
82 基地一個しかないの? They won’t have just one base, right?
82 っていうね それはもう、戦争でしょ Seriously, this only spells out war.
83 公衆電話の使い方を知らない小学生85% 85% of elementary school students don't know how to use a payphone.
83 意識外にしてるだけで、病院やらデパートやらには普通に設置されてる公衆電話君オッスオッス Thanks thanks Payphone, who, while outside of my conscious mind, is installed naturally in places like hospitals and department stores.
84 はぁ〜人生はつらいっ!、 Ahhh life is tough!
84 つらええ~ It's so toughhhhhhh!
85 にらめっこ Staring contest.
85 いい顔するなぁ You make a good face
86 もう5時か... 今日何やった? It's already 5:00... what did I do today?
86 アズールレーンだらだらと9-3でニコラス掘り I messed around on Azur Lane form 9 - 3 searching for Nicholas.
86 風邪で寝ながらやってたらいつの間にか寝落ちしてたけどニコラスは相変わらず堕ちず I've got a cold and was doing it while lying down, and before I realized it I'd fallen asleep, but as always there was no Nicholas drop.
86 ラドフォードとリッチモンドは割合さっくり堕ちたのに… There were a pretty decent number of Bradford and Richmond drops...
86 さすがsr気位高すぎる As expected the sr rank is too high.
86 イベガチャもさくっとコンプしてキューブ貯め中だけどextra残してたの今思い出して掘りとどっちを優先するか悩み中 I wrapped up completing all of the event drops and accumulating cubes, and I just remembered that I'd held the extra, so now I'm wondering whether I should prioritize that or searching.
86 まあ常識的に考えてextraか Well, if you think about it normally I guess it should probably be the extra.
87 設計ミス Design flaw.
87 これはやばい笑 That's no good LOL
88 月曜日はゲームの日!皆で雑談しましょう! Monday is game day! Let's talk about it!
~話とかアニメかよって突っ込んでたけど、本当にアニメでした You get thrust back and forth between cut-scenes and dialog but it really felt like an anime.
89 iDeCO iDeCO.
89 日本の未来が明るいと信じる人が賭ける商品ですね A stock sure to profit those who think Japan has a bright future.
91 こんな大雪なかなか体験できんで、俺なら行ってみたいです There aren't really all that many chances to experience a big snow like this, so if it were me I'd want to go.
92 ゼルダとベヨネッタ買ったぞぉい I bought Zelda and Bayonetta.
92 買いすぎ と言いつつ俺もベヨ買っちゃった I was saying that I'm buying too much, but I ended up buying Bayonetta anyway.
92 ゼノ2もゼルダもクリアしてねーよちくしょう And I haven't even beaten Xenoblade 2 or Zelda yet, oh man.
92 今思い出したけどスプラ2のストーリーさえ終わってねえ Now that I think of it, I never finished the story for Splatoon 2 either.
92 ベヨさんはすごい痴女だった Bayonetta is quite the risque woman.
92 マミみはないけど頭おかしくて好き Maybe not as much as Mami, but she's not quite right in the head and I like her.
92 いちいち股間を画面に押し付けてくる She's constantly showing off her groin to the camera.
94 右傾化、共謀罪、文章偽造、忘れられる震災… Right-slanting, conspiracy, document forgery, the forgotten earthquake disaster...
96 ノーナレノーSEノーBGMをデフォにしてくれ Please make the default no narration, no sound effects, and no background music.
途上国の女性起業家の支援。 To support women entrepreneurs in developing countries.
安倍「ソンタクロース」からトランプ親子へ気前よいクリスマスプレゼント? A generous Christmas present from Abe "Santa Claus" to the Trump family?
98 数学の超難問・ABC予想を「証明」 Difficult mathematics problem the abc conjecture "proved".
98 望月京大教授 Kyoto University Professor Mochizuki.
98 化学系なら精々1年で長いレベルなのに純粋数学様は格が違うわ For chemistry a year is a long time, but things are different for pure mathematics.
99 もう2018年か…今年何やった? Is it already 2018? ... What did I do this year?
99 鼻くそホジリまくってたら鼻から血吹いた I picked my nose so much that it started to bleed.
100 実はぼくもね、同期の女の子とラインしたことあるよ♡ Actually, I've lined a gal in my class before!♡
100 休みの日にね、向こうから、「この辺に美味しい食べ物屋さんある?」ってラインきたの。 On my day off, I got a line saying "Is there a good place to eat around here?"
100 寝てたから普通にスルーしたの♡ Since I was sleeping, I ignored it like I normally do.♡
100 今はもうラインやめたからこないの♡ Since I quit LINE, those kinds of messages don't come anymore♡
101 「40代前半がいない」 ‘No one in their early forties’.
101 「当たり前」 “Naturally”
102 ゆうくん描いてました I tried drawing Yu-kun
102 非常に良い It's very good
102 ロン毛なのな He has long hair
103 メルカリ1億ダウンロード達成 日本6000万ダウンロード、米3000万ダウンロード Mercari achieves one hundred million downloads, 60 million in Japan, 30 million in America,
103 やるやないけ Well done!
104 NEO買えNEO Buy NEO. NEO.
105 声だけおっさんなので玉にきずやん Only the voice is that of a middle aged man, so it's a fly in the ointment.
107 3.11 原発事故「棄民」の日本政府に国連が突き付けた勧告―「誠実な対応を」NGOや避難者が訴え 3.11. UN gives advice to Japanese government on the "abandoned people" from the nuclear disaster -- "Treat them faithfully". Non-governmental organizations and evacuees complain.
108 航空機の主翼の下敷きに 整備士が死亡 鹿児島空港 Crushed under the main wing of an aircraft, technician found dead at Kagoshima airport.
108 >日本エアコミューターの社員が航空機を整備するため格納庫に向かって車でけん引していたところ、機体が左に大きく傾き、整備士の木原弘貴さん(31)が主翼の下敷きになりました。 > When an employee of Japan Air Commuter was towing the aircraft for maintenance towards the hangar with a car, the frame greatly inclined to the left and Kihara Hiroki (31) was crushed under the main wing.
108 うわ… Woah...
109 この季節買い物客がだいたい子連れで邪魔くさい It gets annoyying with the shoppers with kids around this time of the year
109 田宮良子(寄生獣)がこんな感じだったな Ryoko Tamiya (Parasyte -the maxim-) is kind of like this
110 今日はなんの日。 What is the day today?
110 有馬記念? Arima Memorial?
110 それとも彼女に椅子を買う日? Or perhaps the day you buy your girlfriend a chair?
110 ちーがーうーだーろー! N-o w-a-y!
110 今日は一年に一度の祭りsteamサンタの日だーろ! Today is once again the annual Steam Santa event!
110 今年もありがとう Thanks again this year.
110 いくつか余りキー置いときました There were a lot of keys, so I'll leave them here.
110 追記:お疲れさまでした P.S.: Good work
111 マーミちゃん❤️うふふ❤️ Mami-chan❤️ahaha❤️
111 正常ないつものゆうくん Classic Yū-kun
112 「明太子の缶詰」を食べてみました I tried eating a "can of walleye pollack roe".
112 食感がギチギチしてそう It felt kind of coarse.
113 くっくやあしい... Ugh, so tough...
113 クリスマスの魔物には勝てなかったよ....びくんびくん I couldn't defeat the Christmas demon... (swaying side to side)
113 惚気たのに理不尽な... It sounded good, but it was impossible...
114 TOEICの結果でた!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have the result of TOEIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
114 すごいな、900越えは Score over 900 is wow
115 ドイツ極右政党AfD、支持率SPD上回り第2位の勢力に=世論調査 The German far right political party Alternative for Germany (AFD), has exceed the approval rating of Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), and is now in second place=public opinion
115 > メルケル氏が率いる保守系与党連合の支持率は2.5%ポイント上昇の32%、AfDは1%ポイント上昇の16%となった一方、SPDの支持率は1%ポイント低下し15.5%となった。 > Ms. Merkel's Christian Democratic Union approval rating has raised 2.5 points up and now stand at 32%, the AFD's raised 1 point and is now at 16%, while the SPD's lowered one point is now at 15.5%.
115 僅差とは言え痛いな Although it's such a slim margin, that's gotta hurt.
116 【歴史戦】自民「日本の名誉と信頼を回復するための特命委員会」来週開催へ サンフランシスコ市の慰安婦像受け入れで – 産経ニュース [Historical battle] Liberal Democratic Party "A special committee tasked with restoring Japan's honor and trustworthiness." To be held next week. Accepting the comfort women statue in San Francisco - Sankei News.
116 どうせ負ける(効果無し)だろ No matter what it's a losing battle (there will be no effect).
116 高い金だけはかかるだろうし、予算獲得の利権になる It will just eat up a lot of money, and it will be used for rights to seek a budget.
116 適当に駄文書いてりゃ金にもなる、愛国うまうま〜 Just write a worthless document full of reasonable sounding things and make money, what lovely patriotism.
117 てんかん患者絶対殺すマン Absolutely-kill-epilepsy-patients Man
117 ダフトパンクのPV辺りにいそう Looks like something from a Daft Punk music video
118 MSは商売にならんと見たら見切るのすごい早いし Microsoft acts fast as soon as they know it is not going to make money
119 牛乳飲んだらよくなった When I drank milk I got better.
119 牛乳飲んだら背が高くなった When I drank milk, I got taller!
119 やべー Awesome!
120 抜歯してフェラチオすることをうどんフェラだと間違って覚えていた I mixed up "tooth extraction blow job" with an "udon blowjob"
121 マルチ商法「ジャパンライフ」の陰にまた昭恵夫人が登場 Akie Abe resurfaces in connection with multilevel marketing firm Japan Life:
121 アッキードの闇は深い The Akheed hole goes down deep.
121 こいつから芋づる式に日本の闇が全部掘り出せそうな勢いだな One shady deal after another with them—and they're all getting worse
122 セコム|背後に注意!不審者を近づけないための方法 Secom|Watch your back! Methods to keep a suspicious person from getting close.
122 うおお・・・! Whoa~!
122 これはギョッとするなあ How startling!
123 これねぇ…。 This is...
123 それほど彼らは無礼で支離滅裂で見るに耐えなかった。 It is unbearable how much they ignore it and speak nonsense.
議論以前の問題。 The problem predates the argument.
123 結果がこれですよ。 That is the result.
123 経緯読んでうっわ、ってなった 過去を蒸し返して火種にガソリン注いでるのはむしろ…て感じ Going over the details and dredging up the past is like throwing gasoline on the fire... it's like that.
124 ずいぶん前にみんなでボイスチャットをしようって言ったのを諦めては無いんだ。 A while ago I said we should all voice chat together, and I haven't given up on that.
124 (ボイス!?私が女の子だってことがバレちゃう…) (Voice!? The fact that I'm a girl will be revealed...)
126 炉心溶融公表遅れ「官邸の指示なかった」 検証委が結論 Delay in official announcement regarding core meltdown. "There were no orders from above." Inspection team's conclusion.
126 でも「官邸からこの単語は使うなとの指示が」って会見で駄々漏れだったじゃん But didn't "Orders from above not to use this word" leak out of the interview?
128 もぐもぐ Squirm, squirm...
128 収納効率高いな You're really making the most of your storage space!
130 マギレコのライバルやで、 マギレコ 負けて今ではヤムチャポジやけど、、 It's a rival to Magireko, but Magireko lost and now it's Yamuchapoji...
131 いつの間にか容量が減っている商品wiki - いつの間にか容量が減っている商品wiki Without anybody realizing it, the volume of goods has decreased wiki - Without anybody realizing it, the volume of goods has decreased wiki
131 > 左翼って全国のスーパーやコンビニの商品の内容量書き換えてんの? > So did left wingers change the volumes written on products in all the super markets and convenience stores nationwide?
131 セカイ系の能力者なんだな、左翼って The left wing must have powers you only see in manga and anime.
132 お薬増やしておきますねー We are going to increase your medicine.
133 凶行なぜ止められず=人員に限界、個人情報も壁-座間9遺体、発覚から1カ月 We couldn’t stop the act of violence for some reason. There is a limit to personnel. Finding personal information is like hitting a wall. 9 bodies were found in Zama. It has been one month since the bodies were discovered.
133 これを言い訳にして警察が個人情報に無制限にアクセスできるようにしたいんだよね The police are using this as an excuse to be able to access personal information without limitations.
134 SWAT4やRainbow Sixにインスパイアされた新作タクティカルシューター「SWAT Next Generation」のKickstarterキャンペーンがスタート "SWAT Next Generation" is a new tactical shooter inspired by games like SWAT4 and Rainbow Six, and it's Kickstarter campaign has begun.
134 現段階で24バッカ―だと 昨日みたとき20バッカ―だったからポシャる可能性高いな Right now there are 24 backers, and when I checked yesterday there were 20, so it seems like it has a high probability of failing.
135 19歳の西武・今井 喫煙発覚で厳重注意処分 19 year old Imai of the Seibu Lions found smoking, sternly reprimanded.
135 5月まで対外試合出場停止 Not allowed to participate in non-internal games until May.
135 「深く反省」 "Deep regret".
135 吸ってるやつ相当いるだろうけれど、公の場に出る人間としてこんな若者がしばかれるんだ There are a bunch of people who smoke, but for someone in the public eye that's so young he's getting a lot of flack.
135 これが公人、あるいは準公人の対応なら、この国の模範連中って何なの If this is what it's like with a public figure, or maybe a semi-public figure, then who is there for role models in this country?
136 米軍、ミサイル迎撃実験に失敗 日米開発の新型SM3=米当局者 | ロイター US Armed Forces fail in an experiment to intercept missile. Japan-America development's new model, SM3 = American authority. Reuters
136 >SM3ブロック2A > SM3 block 2A.
136 現在、海上自衛隊に配備されてるのは2世代前のSM3ブロック1Aだけど、迎撃成功率は米国防総省の公式発表で84%(ただし撃墜したところで弾頭を「完全に無力化できる」わけではない) Currently the Maritime Self Defense Force gas been deployed with 2 generation old technology of the SM3 block 1A but it was officially announced by the US Pentagon that the intercept success rate is 84% (However, there is no way that they could shoot down and completely negate a warhead).
136 気象条件が揃わないと84%なんて数字も出ないだろうし、実戦では「気休め程度」なんじゃないの Besides the fact that weather conditions would have to be meet to satisfy the ridiculous number of 84%, isn't just a false sense of security in actual combat?
137 モンゴルに広まる日本不信 地元紙記者 Distrust in Japan Spreading in Mongolia Local Journalist
139 いつまで拘留してんだよ異常だろ How long are they going to be kept locked up? It's beyond normal.
140 こんな寒い日でも生足ミニスカートで女子高生のおまんこは無事なの? Are the vaginas of the high school girls who wear mini skirts with bare legs on this cold of a day safe?
140 下品ざますよ It's vulgar
141 はま寿司がねちっこくなってる Hamazushi has become stubborn.
142 宇宙に打ち上げられたイーロン・マスクのテスラが地球に衝突する可能性は11% Elon Musk's Tesla, which was thrown into space, has an 11% chance of colliding with Earth.
142 しかし... But...
142 宇宙ごみ It's just space garbage.
143 8人組の男女が少女宅に押し入り車に監禁の疑い A group of 8 men and women are suspected to have broken into a girl's house and locked her in a car
143 >粘着テープで目と口をふさいだうえで車に監禁した >they covered her eyes and mouth with tape and locked her in a car.
143 睫毛と眉毛が Her eyelashes and eyebrows are
144 今なら壺ゲーが20%オフで買えるぞ!!!! "You can buy 'Getting Over It' for 20% off right now!!!!"
145 閣議決定「新しい経済政策パッケージについて」:大学の学費減免や奨学金支給の対象を経済界の言う通りに専門学校化した大学に限定 Cabinet meeting called “deciding new economic policy package”: University funds and scholarship funds will be limited to specialized schools.
145 研究系と実学系に分けるのは以前からそうだったからアリ It has always been the policy to separate research and applied sciences.
145 東大京大と早慶ではかなり違う It is rather different at Tokyo University, Kyoto University, and Waseda University.
145 ポイント絞った単科大学が評価されるといいんじゃないか。 I hope credit based schools get reviewed.
147 国会中継中断 National Diet broadcast stoppage.
147 猪木「元気ですかーー!!」 Inoki "How are you!!"
148 安倍昭恵さんの名前が何故決裁文書に? Why is Akie Abe's name in the approved documents?
148 理財局長「総理夫人だから」 Finance chief: "Because she's the Prime Minister's wife"
148 省内にシンパが大量にいて反対派をいびり抜いて追い出したりしてたの? Is it that there are a lot of Abe sympathizers in the Ministry and that they've singled & weeded out the opposition?
148 大臣が人事で冷遇してたり The minister's sloughing this off as someone else's problem.
149 【アバター】難病で寝たきりの小5、分身ロボで「登校」…遠隔操作で生徒会、かくれんぼも [Avatar] Bedridden fifth grader with incurable disease uses remote controlled robot to "go to school"... remotely attends student council and play hide and seek.
149 バク宙できるロボだったら人気者になれる。 If the robot could do a backflip they'd probably be pretty popular.
150 神戸新聞NEXT | 三田 | 18歳で父親に「貧乏でも家族3人で幸せ」 Kobe Shimbun NEXT |Mita| “Even though we’re poor, I’m happy in our 3-person family”, 18-year-old to his father.
150 今住んでるの篠山なんだから篠山のニュースじゃないの Since they’re living in Sasayama, shouldn’t this be in the Sasayama News?
151 自民の山東氏「4人以上産んだ女性、厚労省で表彰を」 LDP's Mrs. Santou "The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare acknowledges women who have given birth to more than 4 children"
151 子供を産んだらコンクリに詰めてメルカリへ If you have a kid, put them in concrete and send them to Mercari
151 「節税!子供の出品です!」 "Tax reductions! It's a children display!"
151 ディストピアすぎる That's so dystopian
152 全然クリスマスって感じがしない It doesn't feel like Christmas at all
152 ジングルベール!ジングルべーる! Jingle bells! Jingle bells!
153 スレを立てるのに意味があるのだろうか Is there any meaning for creating the thread
153 意味なんてないさ深くもないし韻だって踏んでない There isn’t, it's not deep or rhyming
153 ただ偽りなく飾りもないまぎれもない想いだけがあるんだ There is only the simple and true feeling
154 明日は仕事だよ I have work tomorrow.
154 ふふふ Hehehe.
154 僕明日も休み I have tomorrow off.
155 キン肉マン Kinnikuman
155 第231話 episode 231.
155 友情の真価!の巻 The true value of friendship! Volume.
155 熱烈治療中じゃなかったのかよ Was he not getting serious medical treatment?
156 飲食店主死亡 暴行した客「接客態度が悪い」 Death of restaurant owner. Violent customer "the customer service was bad".
156 床などに頭を打てば死ぬし、肋骨折れて内臓損傷したら死ぬし、 全力で殴ったり蹴ったりする人って自分がやってる行為を理解してないと思う If you hit your head on the floor or something you'll die, if your ribs are broken and your internal organs are damaged you'll die, so if a person hits and kicks somebody with all their strength I don't think they understand what they are actually doing.
157 きょうおさいふかったの。 I bought a purse today.
157 札入れ部分が深いけど、思ってるよりコンパクトで薄くて、見た目より硬い革で良かったの The part where you put money into is pretty deep but it's thinner and more compact than you would think. I'm glad it looks like hard leather!
157 ガラス革にアイロン加工入れてるぽいの It's like smoother leather that someone used an iron on!
157 rodiいいの Rodi is so good!
157 カードポケットも多くて綺麗に入れられるの There are a lot of card pockets and everything fits in so well!
157 良かったの It's great!
158 月曜日はゲームの日、皆で雑談しましょう Monday is game day, let's all chat!
158 ゼルダBotWのDLCコンテンツ消化し終わったあと、ムジュラの仮面はマスターモードで 役に立つのではないか?と思い、投げていたマスターモードを少し再開 After taking in Zelda Breath of the Wild's DLC contents, I thought "Won't Majora's mask be useful in master mode?" and shortly picked up the master mode I had put aside.
158 亜人系の敵キャラとその骨版、さらにライネルまでスルー出来てムジュラの仮面超絶有能だった Majora's mask was super efficient; I was able to bypass the demi-human enemy characters and their bone counterparts, and even Rainel on top of that.
158 前に投げた原因は武器が満足に手に入らず、茶色ボコブリン倒すのがダルすぎ→コソ泥→これじゃない感 だったから、この面白さが続けばダクソとかY's VIIIまでこれで凌げそう The reason I put aside playing before was I wasn't satisfied with the weapons I could obtain, felt sluggish about defeating brown bokoblins → petty thieving → feeling like this isn't what I want, so if this enjoyment continues I feel like I can hold up with this till Dark Souls and Y's VIII.
158 とりあえずハート三つのまま塔を全開放中なんだけど、本当にこのゲーム面白いな For now I'm opening all of the castle with just three hearts, but this game is really fun.
158 コログはガチでクソだけど ---- Korok is seriously crap thought ----
158 あと何気に土曜日のEx Raidで100% Mewtwoをゲットしてしまった、トレード早く来てくれ! And for no special reason I happened to get a 100% Mewtwo during Saturday's Ex Raid, someone hurry up and trade with me!
159 高い武器買っても日本はここぞという時に使わないでしょw Even if Japan purchases expensive weapons, when it is time to use them they won't lol.
159 edit Edit.
159 北朝鮮が敵とみなしていない? North Korea not considered an enemy?
159 中国やロシアと日米の差は何なのかをマスコミ様が何故教えてくれないのか不思議、一つの答えはそこにあるのに It is curious how the media doesn't explain exactly what is the difference between Japan and the US and countries like China and Russia, even though the answer is right there.
161 お笑い芸人の男を逮捕 住居侵入と窃盗未遂の容疑 Male Comedian Arrested Charged with Trespassing and Attempted Theft
163 心ある大人がため息をつく… Considerate adults breathe a sigh of relief.
163 安倍政権「働き方改革」のトホホな実態 The Abe administration is in a state of crying about the "reformation of the way of working."
163 まつりさん以前の死者はゴミのような扱いだな Ms. Matsuri has treated previously deceased people like garbage.
163 何がキッカケだよ糞国家の糞国民 What kind of excuse is that, you crappy citzen of a crappy country.
163 お前らからは嘘の臭いしてしてこねーんだよくせえな You guys stink like a pile of lies. Y'all stink!
164 さらばツバルよ〜 Good bye Tuvalu~
165 ICOにも同様に雑所得としてかかるんかいな So does ICO also add up as miscellaneous income in the same way?
166 南米ペルーで地震 M7.3 • r/quake_jp M7.3 earthquake in South American Peru • r/quake_jp
166 地震怖い。 Earthquakes are scary
168 なぜ人々はヤフコメだと上から目線なのか Why are people so condescending in the Yahoo comments section?
169 ネトウヨ界に新星が現れたと話題 New face among online right wingers gains traction.
169 希望の党幹事 橋本琴絵さん「結局、『愛』って脳のどこからくるのかといえば前頭葉だと思う。 Desired party head Hashimoto Kotoe "In the end, when it comes to where in the brain 'love' comes from, I think it's the frontal lobe.
169 つまり、愛国心がないとは理性もないし、未来予測能力もないから株もFXも勝てないし、空間認識能力もないからスポーツも争いも弱くて、女の子から好かれる要素皆無になると思う。 In other words, if you don't love your country then you have no sense of reason, and you also have no ability to think about the future so you won't be able to do well at stocks or foreign exchange, and because you lack spatial awareness you will also be weak at sports and fighting, and you'll be lacking the things that make you popular with girls.
169 これが『愛国心がない』って状態」 That is what it means to 'not love your country'."
169 あわわキチガイじゃ… Whoa, what a crazy person.
170 新元号の発表はいつになるのか…。 When will they announce the name of the next era...?
170 平成上皇が御隠れになった後は 兄が弟を暗殺しようとするが、弟は天皇になる気はないと出家 When Emperor Heisei passed away the older brother tried to assassinate the younger brother, but the younger brother had no intention of becoming emperor and became a monk.
170 兄が亡くなったあと、兄の娘が天皇となるが弟が蜂起 日本は娘派と弟派に別れて対立する After the older brother died, his daughter was to become emperor, but the younger brother revolted against it.
170 やれやれ Oh man.
170 似たようなこと7世紀でやってたよね Something similar happened in the 7th century, didn't it?
171 前文部科学事務次官いわく、ネトウヨは「教育の失敗」 否定的文書に読めず、憶測に対し断片情報のシェアを試みた。 According to the last vice-minister of education, science, and culture, online right-wingers, without reading the negative document titled "The Failure of Education", supposedly tried to share shreds of information from it online.
171 >バカな政治家達を操ってんのは高級官僚じゃないか。 >Aren't the ones manipulating those dumb politicians the elite bureaucrats?
171 最近は身内批判でことを済ますのが多いからおれはこのおっさんも信用しないがね。 Since there have been a lot of criticisms between members of the same organizations lately, I don't trust this old guy either.
171 2014年、内閣人事局設置により内閣が強化され、また、菅官房長官が実際的な掌握術に長けるとの評判あり。 In 2014, according to the cabinet for the bureau of personal affairs, the cabinet was strengthened and Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga had a reputation for excelling at pragmatically controlling them.
171 政官綱引き模様は変化し安倍1強を支える脚になっている。 Chief Suga changed the pattern of tug-of-war and become the biggest supporting leg of Abe.
171 権力監視、検証は大切なので何か分かればシェアして頂けるとありがたい Monitoring and verifying political power is important, so if you know anything then I would be grateful if you were to share it.
172 3割がTOEIC得点足りず卒業危機 道教育大函館校の対象4年生 Graduation at risk for 30 percent of 4th year students with inadequate TOEIC scores. Hokkaido University of Education, Hakodate Campus.
172 私立かと思ったら違った I thought this was a private college, but I was wrong
173 これ追われる側もそれなりに脚力必要だな Even the side being chased needs some leg strength for this
174 若い世代の銃の売り上げ急増、フロリダ高校乱射事件後 The younger generation is buying up guns at an increased pace after the active shooter incident at the high school in Florida.
174 売れてるのAR-15かよ… The AR-15 is selling well??
174 もうなんというか色々と闇が深いな Looks like we're headed deeper into the darkness...
175 少ないお金で腹一杯食べたいんだが何食べればいい? I want to eat as much as possible with as little money, what should I eat?
175 うどん Udon
176 「日本ユニセフはアグネスチャンが広告塔やってるユニセフに名前が似ただけの団体」というデマに騙されてるクソ馬鹿 "The UNICEF That Agnes Chan is a spokesperson for is just an organization with a similar name as Japan UNICEF". What a bunch of idiots being fooled by a made up story like that.
176 別に日本ユニセフを叩いている訳じゃないんだけどね It's not that I'm slamming Japan UNICEF or anything.
176 こう言う論調になった原因は明確なんだから、何らかの表立ったアクションは起こすべきだと言う話 The reason for this is completely clear, so there is talk that some public action should be taken.
176 もう「ネットの噂に反応する企業(団体)wwwwww」て時代じゃないんだよなあ It's not like it's the era of "companies (organizations) reacting to online rumors hahahaha".
177 女性教師が女子生徒にみだらな行為 Female teachers acting unseemly with female students.
178 中国、新疆ウイグル自治区で顔認識システム運用をテスト。 China, facial recognition system operation tested in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
178 指定地域から300m以上離れると当局に警告 Sends warning to authorities if somebody strays more than 300 meters from the specified area.
178 アジアは監視大好き国家だらけ Asia is full of countries that love surveillance.
179 自民 サンフランシスコ慰安婦像特命委員会を開催 「日本の立場を官民を挙げてありとあらゆる場面で主張していくべきだ」 Liberal Democratic Party, holds meeting to discuss comfort women statue in San Fransisco. "It is important that the positions of Japan's government and people are given a voice."
179 面倒なので嫌だ It's bothersome so I'm not for it.
179 EDIT: キーセンについては1回挙げた EDIT: I gave one regarding Kisaeng.
179 結果は+2 The result was +2.
180 極左暴力集団アジトに注意 神戸芸工大がポスター Kobe Design University posters cautioning individuals of far-left violence group hideouts
180 どっちかというと/r/NewsSokuhou_R/ Well, if I had to choose…/r/NewsSokuhou_R/
182 やばい Oh man.
183 LLL格付けチェック2018 LLL rating check 2018.
184 「君たちはどう生きるか」の魅力とは、100万部に迫る大ヒット The enchantment of "How Do You Live" is a huge hit that is nearing 1 million copies
184 どの本屋にもあるよね It's at any bookstore
185 大分-松山、海底トンネル新幹線「黒字も可能」 Oita -- Matsuyama, underground tunnel shinkansen "profit possible".
185 そんなたくさん温泉好き居ないだろ There aren't that many lovers of hot springs, right?
186 自民政権下の官房機密費の一部文書が開示 Part of a document of the Secretariat of Government Secrecy under the Liberal Democratic Party administration has been revealed
186 9割が官房長官が自ら管理し、領収書の不要な「政策推進費」 9 parts out of 10 were managed voluntarily by the Cabinet Secretary, and the "policy promotion expenses" that did not require receipts
186 これは民主党政権にも責任があると思う I think that the Democratic administration has some responsibility
186 与党のときに時限付公開にできたのにしなかったろ When they were the ruling party they could have opened it temporarily but they didn't
186 次政権とったら今度はちゃんとやって欲しいね If they're the next ruling party I want them to do it properly
187 ダウンジャケットのために生きたまま羽をむしり取られるガチョウさんの動画みて悲しい気持ちになる I saw the video of the goose that lives to be plucked for down jackets. I became sad watching that.
187 羽根むしるのに毎回殺してたらもっと可哀想やん Even though they are plucking the goose, it would be sadder to kill the goose every time.
188 4度目かの睡眠を経てぼくは今再び目覚めた 4th time falling asleep, I’m awake now yet again.
189 自衛隊広報アニメ、ハイスクールフリートが遂にソシャゲ化!!! Japan Self Defense Force's PR anime, "High School Fleet," has finally become a social network game!!!
189 運営はFGOでオタクの財布を空にする事で有名な悪名高来アニプレックス Managed by Aniplex, the same company that does FGO, the infamous game with a reputation for emptying the wallets of otakus.
189 アニプレックス嫌いすぎ I really hate Aniplex.
191 高須院長を挑発した男の愚かさ Foolish Man Provokes Director Takasu
191 ネットの「謝ったら死ぬ病」は身を滅ぼすだけ "If you are going to apologize , then you might as well die" Net Mentality Means Self-Ruin
191 国内限定内弁慶のナチ須先生はちゃんとSWC行ったのか? He's just a loudmouth at home, did that Nazi-Dr. Takasu actually go to the Simon Wiesenthal Center?
192 サービス! Service!
192 不安になる安さ So cheap it makes you feel nervous
193 フィリピンで251人乗せたフェリー転覆、4人死亡 多数が行方不明 Ferry in Philippines carrying 251 people overturns, 4 dead, several missing.
193 あの辺確か今台風あったろ… I think there typhoons in that area right now...
194 鼻水出た My nose started running.
195 引退者から見た「艦これ」について On KanColle as seen by retirees:
195 別ゲーだけど(実質じゃんけん大会の)ポケモンの中に役割論理っていう宗教があってヤトリックとヤロテスタントっていう宗派がある。 This is a different game, but in Pokemon (an actual rock-paper-scissors tournament), there's a school of thought called "duty logic," and there are factions called Yatholics and Yotestants.
195 edit:んんwwww我も必然力が足りませんなwwww エッジ糞外しは信仰心の足りない証拠ですぞwwwぺやっwww edit: Mmmm lolololol I don't have those strict ideas either! lolololol Proof I don't have the patience for Edge's shit! lololol Peya!! lololol
195 みたいなやつ。 That's what I want to see.
195 ヤトリックは教義に厳格でヤロテスタントは柔軟 Yatholics are strict on the doctrine, and Yotestants have a loose interpretation.
195 艦これに論者積みって言う用語があったような??? I think there's a term like "warship advocacy" in KanColle????
196 泡の帽子 おおおおプルプルしちょる I am shivering in this bubble hat.
196 あとベッタベタになりそう I am going to get sticky.
197 外交に関しちゃ何枚も上手だよ They are much better regarding the diplomacy
197 で、拉致された方たちは一体どうなるんでしょうかね? Well, what happens to the people who were kidnapped?
200 恋愛相手がAIだと思ってたら生身の人間だった You think the love interest is an AI, but it turns out to be a flesh and blood person.
200 っていうドラマorマンガがそのうち流行ると思うよ I think a TV show or manga like that will soon become popular.
201 まほしょに解説してもらいたい I want them to explain it to Mahosho.
203 昭和天皇独白録「原本」、高須クリニック院長が3000万円で落札 The original manuscript for Emperor Showa's Memoir was bought by the Director of Takasu Clinic for 30,000,000 yen.
204 金沢大学9年ぶりに大雪で休講 Kanazawa University is closed because of heavy snow for the first time in 9 years
205 500万人分の個人情報が中国業者に 年金情報入力を再委託 Personal Pension Input Information for 5 Million Chinese People Re-Entrusted to Chinese Companies
205 最悪の売国事案 Worst case of a country selling out it's people.
207 近畿財務局:森友交渉の文書開示 Kinki Treasury Bureau: Document Disclosure of Morihito Negotiations
207 内部で検討の詳細な記録 There were detailed records of internal deliberation
207 財務省はこれまで国会で、学園との交渉内容について「記録を廃棄した」としていたが嘘だった but the Ministry of Finance has been saying "the records were discarded" but that was a lie.
207 「この中に、国会答弁以降、挙動不審なやつが一人おる!」 "Among us in the Diet, there is someone who is acting suspiciously!"
207 「おまえか!」 "It's you!"
207 A「違います」 A "No, you're wrong."
207 「おまえか!」 "It's you!"
207 B「違います」 B "No you're wrong."
207 「おまえか!」 "It's you!"
207 S「えーお答えします。その件に関しましては、そのような事実はないと考えてございます」 S "Eh.… I'll answer for it. In this case, I think there is no truth."
207 「おまえやー!」 "So it's you!"
208 介護職のブラック環境… Bad work environment at caregiving facilities...
208 24時間365日の個別対応で月収20万円、セクハラは日常茶飯事 Monthly income of 200,000 yen for 24 hour 365 day individual care, sexual harassment a daily occurrence.
208 そのうち上級国民が金に物言わせて強制連行と徴用しそう On top of that the elite use the money as their own and make demands of forced labor.
209 【閲覧注意】ハンパない量の膿が出てくるニキビ潰し動画が大人気 【Viewing warning】Pimple-popping videos where a crazy amount of pus comes out are very popular.
209 出したあと食うのは鼻くそまでにしようよ… Let's make sure that the only thing we eat when it comes out is boogers...
210 パンで猫をおびきよせて車からエアガンで攻撃 Cats Lured by Bread Shot by Airguns from Car
210 大阪で卑劣な動物虐待事件発生、飼い主が怒りのツイート Cowardly Case of Animal Abuse in Osaka, Owner's Angry Tweet
210 リアル戦車道だ It's a real tank road.
212 B級処分市(515) B-class surplus sale (515).
212 何だこの反応 What's with this reaction?
212 マタタビでもかかってるのかw Are they under the influence of cat nip haha.
213 【有料記事】匿名ネトウヨ君の自宅を突き止めて、お母さんに「おたくの息子さん、とんでもないネトウヨですよ」と告げ口してあげた話|木野寿紀 【Non-free article】Story about when I found the home address of anonymous online right-winger and told on his mom 「Your son is a horrific online right-winger」|Toshiki Kino
215 アース製薬「殺虫剤の呼び方やめます」これからは『虫ケア用品』に Earth Chemical Co Ltd "We will no longer use the term 'insecticide'". Now it will be "insect care products'.
215 虚構新聞じゃない・・・! This isn't a joke news site...!
216 Reddit初心者向け質問スレ & 雑談スレ (Question & Discussion) - 3月, 2018 Thread geared towards newcomers on Reddit and discussion thread (Question & Discussion) - March 2018
216 [ゲハサブレ](/r/ghard)を作ってしまったので宣伝に来ました! I've come to announce that I have made the game hardware subbredit (r/ghard)!
216 まあ色々言いたいことはあると思うが…… Well, there is a lot that I want to say...
217 [さんをつけろよ**デコ助野郎**](#mm-d1) [Add "Mr." to his name!**You fore-headed bastard**](#mm-d1)
219 世界はどう見た?五輪開会式 Was the world watching? Olympics Opening Ceremony.
219 米報道「視聴者20%減」 US broadcast "viewers down 20%".
219 まぁぼくも観てないです Well, I didn't watch either.
220 月曜日はゲームの日!皆で雑談しましょう! Monday is game day! Discussion time!
220 直しましたー I'm all better.
223 おせち「1日で完成」レシピ本人気 手軽に時間短縮 Food you can make for New Years in a day recipe books are popular and they easily shorten preparation time.
223 お煮しめを 一緒に焚くと 筑前煮 Simmer your vegetables while cooking chikuzenni.
223 そうなのよねー That right.
223 ぶっちゃけ同じ味付けなのに少しずつ配分変えて別々に煮るって何なんでしょうね... To be frank, what does it mean? Even if you use the same seasoning, and you slowly change the distribution of them and boil them individually.
223 みりんや出汁大量使用して Use stuff like mirin and dashi in large quantities.
224 中国で「ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス」が配信中止 中国オタク界隈は恐慌状態に In China, the anime "Darling in the FranXX" is no longer being broadcast, sending a shock through the Chinese otaku world.
224 一応正規に配信されたんだけど、配信が中止されたら見るには割れしかないな It was pretty much broadcasted normally, but since it isn't being broadcast anymore, you pretty much need to torrent it to watch it.
226 あけおめ Happy New Year!
226 新年早々福袋届いたけど中身はゴミ袋だった The lucky-dip bags for New Year's arrived, but the prizes were trash.
226 おそらく今年は最悪の年だ This year was probably the worst year.
227 A:「支持率は捏造で、選挙は不正だ」(=国民は愚かじゃない) A: "The approval rating is fraudulent, and the election was unfair" (=The citizens are not stupid)
227 B:「支持率は真実で、選挙は公正だ」(=国民は愚かだ) B: "The approval rating is the truth, and the election was fair" (=The citizens are stupid)
227 君はどっちだい? Which do you think?
227 俺はBの「国民は愚かだ」と言ってる連中こそ愚かだと言って回るのが趣味なんだが。 I am of the mind that people who say B "The citizens are stupid" are themselves the ones who are stupid.
228 自衛隊ヘリコプターが墜落か 佐賀 神埼 Japan self defense force helicopter crashes Saga Kanzaki
228 Jチャンネルによると現時点では According to J channel at this point
228 * 民家に墜落 * It crashed into civilian home
228 * 民家には少女が一人(保護済み・墜落当時他の家族はいなかった) * Young girl was at the house (Rescued・other family members were not inside of the house when the crash occurred)
228 * 自衛隊員一名が意識不明 * One Self defense member is in coma
228 という感じらしい it seems like
229 「シンデレラ体重」をめざす女性の心理とは? What is the mentality of a woman that is shooting for the "ideal weight?"
229 専門家は「生理が止まるレベル」と問題視するも… Experts view this as a problem when it stops a woman's menstruation.
229 20代は夏場49~47kg@167cmが標準だったが、女の子にはとてもじゃないが勧められないな It used to be that in summer time, it was standard for a woman in her 20s would weigh around 49-47 kilograms at 167 centimeters but I absolutely can't recommend that today.
231 米ユーチューバーが日本で子どもを連れ去ったように見える動画を投稿 「演技だった」と説明 American Youtuber posts video of him kidnapping a child in Japan, says it was all ‘staged’
231 >「連れ去るフリをしている場面では、最後に彼女が笑った部分を切り取らなきゃいけなかった。 > “We had to edit out her laughter at the end to make it ‘seem’ like we took her.
231 そういうことなので、みんな良い一日を。 That being said, I hope everyone has a good day.
231 あからさまに確定的な話だし、議論する時間はない」 It’s a definitive conversation and I don’t have time to argue”.
232 マックのポテトを食べるとハゲが治る Baldness can be cured by eating McDonald's french fries
232 モーホー元気とな Homosexual doing good
233 木製包丁を作る男 Men who make wooden knives
233 加工がつらいww It's a tough process (haha)
234 2割上がるって酷いね Going up by 20% is brutal.
235 FGOのイベ周回してる FGO event on now!
235 だめ NO
237 小学館『コロコロ』の不適切表現を謝罪 Children's comic "CoroCoro" apologizes for inappropriate content.
237 チンギス・ハーン肖像に“落書き” A "scribble" on an image of Genghis Khan.
237 編集部はかしこい The editorial department is clever.
237 ちんこちんこちんこ~ Penis penis penis.
239 東北LLLerいないの? There are no LLLers in Tohoku?
239 みんなどんもな... Everybody's uh…
239 やっぱつんれぇわ In a tough situation
240 朝日新聞広報が公式Twitterで初めて抗議 Asahi Shimbun PR objects for first time on their official Twitter.
240 ネトウヨ「効いてる効いてるw」 Online right wingers "It's working, it's working haha".
241 自分用のクリスマスプレゼントなに買おう I'm going to buy something for myself for Christmas.
241 いいかも Should be good!
242 成長し野生の心を取り戻したケーキ屋の熊は次々とニンゲンにその鋭い牙を突き立て… A bear at a cake shop who grows up and takes back his wild heart One by one he pierces humans with those fangs...
242 無垢な希望が崩れ去る系すき I like the kind where innocent hopes crumble away
243 祖父の因果が孫に報いたか So the karma of the grandfather impacts the grandchild?
246 昔これ貼られた時「これ死んでるだろうな」って話になってて怖かった。 In the past when I put this up, someone said, "Isn't this dead?" and it was scary.
249 お前なんて室内でコート着とるやんけ 俺がベージュのマウンテンパーカー室内で着てたらクスクス笑っとったクセに You're wearing a coat inside, but when I wore a beige mountain parka indoors, you laughed at me.
249 オマエは仲良し組居なくなったら着とるやないかい なぁ、ベージュさん あとは灰色さんか… But just as soon as your buddies left, you wore a coat too, huh, Ms. Beige. There's also Ms. Gray..
249 …お酌、してもらいたいです/// か I'd like you to pour me some sake///
249 わいいーの。 So cute.
249 ときめいちゃうの。 You make my heart beat.
249 お酒飲めないけど、飲んじゃうの。 I don't drink sake, but I'll drink it.
250 米大統領、正恩氏と会談意向=5月までに実現 Meeting between US president and Kim Jong-un = reality by May.
250 アベぴょん、息してる〜? Abe, are you breathing?
250 ところで、平昌オリンピックに何しに行ったの〜! By the way, what did you go to do at the Pyeongchang Olympics!
250 ぷっククク Hehehe.
252 おしごといきたくない I don't want to go to work.
252 どうせ体調崩すならぼくもインフルがよかった If I got ill then it might as well have been the flu.
254 納豆食べるよ うまそう I am going to eat Natto Looks yummy
255 今日暖かい Today is warm.
255 あたたたい Warrrm
256 【悲報】エアコン壊れる [Sad news] My AC is broken.
256 何が壊れたん? What exactly broke?
256 冷媒漏れ? Is it a refrigerant leak?
257 麻生財務相には森友問題の調査の指揮執ってもらう=菅官房長官 They are having Finance Minister Aso take direction of the Moritomo problem investigation = Chief Cabinet Secretary
257 オーナイス、ジャッパニーズジョーク、ハハハ Oh nice, Japanese joke, hahaha
257 ノー、イッツァシリアスネス no, it's a seriousness
257 ワット?ワットクレジー!? what? What crazy?
258 八丈島ならこんなもんだよね Hachijo Island is like that.
260 まとめブログ・ネットメディア「野党は自殺した財務省の職員を政治利用するな!」 Summary blog Net Media "The opposition party shouldn't use the suicide of a Ministry of Finance member for political gain!"
260 「財務省の職員が自殺したのはミンス議員のパワハラのせい!」 "The Ministry of Finance member committed suicide because of the power harassment from the Democratic Party!"
260 そういう意識があるから死人出して闇に葬るって手法が確立されるんだわ With that thought process there is the method of having people die and being buried in darkness.
262 カップヌードルの新CMはサザエさんの青春時代を描く Cup Noodle Commercial Draws Sazae-san's Youthful Years
262 意義なし There's no significance.
264 形だけ間に合わせて偽装するよりもだいぶとマシ That's way better than faking the outward appearance to make it look like it was in time.
266 [表示価格より 半額](#bn-fuki1r) [Additional 50% off displayed price](#bn-fuki1r)
266 [](#bn-h8) [](#bn-h8)
266 [デブウスゲ抱き枕](#bn-dq1) [Chubby balding body pillow](#bn-dq1)
266 [4000オーラム**~~8000~~ 4000オーラム**](#mm-c) [4000 Aurum **~~8000~~ 4000 Aurum **](#mm-c)
267 日本語の政治語むずかしいよ Japanese political words are hard.
267 マサハル逃げて Run Masaharu
268 はあちゅう、詩織さん… Hachuu, Shiori-san…
268 セクハラ告発者バッシングがあまりに卑劣! It’s wrong to shame the accuser of sexual harassment!
268 加害男性でなく「女性の落ち度」が非難される理不尽 なに同類だったの、こいつら? As asinine and absurd as it is to put the girl ‘at fault’ and not the male who assaulted her, that makes them accomplices in my book.
269 政治的公平の放送法条文撤廃 A politically fair repeal of the Japanese Broadcast Act.
269 安倍政権が検討している放送制度改革 The Abe administration is considering a revision of the broadcasting system.
269 今より露骨になりそう Looks like they getting bolder.
270 8日以降に年賀はがき出すと無駄にお金かかるからがんばって年賀状書いた Sending out New Year's cards after the 8th costs extra money so I persisted and wrote New Year's cards.
270 真人間みある Feels like a decent human
271 マミさんが洗脳されてやべーやつになってしまった、、 Ms. Mami has been brainwashed and has turned into a real dangerous person.
271 マミさん出なかったから、マミさんお金返して Ms. Mami didn't pay up. Mami, give me my money back.
272 厚労省、介護職のイメージ刷新目指す Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare aims for change in image of caregiving occupation.
272 体験型イベント、SNS… 広報強化へ予算確保 Hands on events, SNS... secures budget for strengthening PR.
272 そして税金は電通に流れ、現場には回ってこないのであった… And then the tax money flows to Dentsu, and none if it goes to the site...
273 交番を訪れた50代の女性「これまでに子ども4人を産み落としてコンクリートと一緒にバケツに入れて部屋に捨てた」 Women in her 50s at a small police station "So far I've given birth to 4 kids and I've put them in buckets with concrete and discarded them at home."
273 →警官が調べたところほんとにバケツを発見 → Police investigate finds buckets.
273 大阪 寝屋川市 Osaka Neyagawa City.
275 でもちょっと面影あるし However, there is a resemblance.
276 意味がわからない。 They don't understand
276 「"Things that give you nutrition" "Things you put in your mouth"、この2つを兼ね備えるのが "Food"。英語は奥深い」つってバカ受けするのと同じでは。 "Things that give you nutrition," "Things you put in your mouth," when combined, they mean "food." English is deep... It's the same as people eating that up.
276 ネタが成立していない気がするんだけど。 I feel like the parody didn't really hold true to the original.
276 ーー 元ネタ見て理解した。 Seeing the original cleared that up for me.
277 もいもいももいもいももいもい moimoimomoimoimomoimoi
277 ゆうくんは委員長推しなの? Is Yu-kun supporting Chairman?
277 モイラ様推しなの? or Moira?
279 三浦瑠麗氏発言が物議 北朝鮮「スリーパーセル」の正体 Ms. Rui Miura's remarks have started a controversy about the true character of North Korea's "Sleeper Cells."
279 元韓国国防省高永テツ氏「日本には200人くらい潜伏してますよ。 The former China/Korea Department of Defense, Koh Young Choul, says "There are around 200 people in Japan that are in hiding.
279 毒ガスやライフルで武装してる」 They have weapons like poison gas and rifles."
279 まあ三浦側はいるから発言に問題ないで押し通そうとしてるよね Well, on Miura's side, there shouldn't be a problem in announcing this and pushing forward.
279 そこに乗ると面倒くさいから大阪と言った件の根拠とかデイリーメールとか迫撃砲デマとかでひたすら詰めていけばいいだけな気はする Since it's a pain to jump on the bandwagon, I feel like it's okay to mindlessly cram the basis of the Osaka matter, the Daily Mail, and the false rumor of the mortar together.
280 このマットの模様どっちがいいと思う? Which pattern on these mats do you think is better?
280 ちなみに用途としてはテントのインナーマットとして主に使うつもり By the way as for the use I mainly plan to use it as an inner mat for a tent
280 あとはチェアに座るとき軽く羽織るとか And also I could lightly put it over when sitting in the chair
280 色味は右がいいんだけど、象が捨てきれない。 I like the color better on the right, but I can't let go of the elephant
281 リアルなデフォルメ絵はキモイ バナナマン日村 His realistic chibi picture is disgusting— Banana Man, Himura
282 イイ子じゃない時のワタシ Me, when I wasn't a good kid.
283 安倍政権への評価、勝間和代「ほぼ満点」「1万円が2万3000円になって何の文句があるんですか」 Kazuya Katsuma gave nearly "fully points" in an evaluation for the Abe Administration "Can there be any complaints when 10,000 yen turns into 23,000 yen?"
283 痴呆が進んでますね Their dementia is progressing, isn't it.
286 iPhone5Sは去年まで堂々と売っていたんだな... 先月まで4sだったから新しいよ The iPhone 5S was selling really well up to last year... Up until last month because the 4s was new!
287 【悲報】ブタさん、ニワトリをファックする 【Sad news】Mr. Pig, fucks a chicken.
288 ドコモの海外パケホは1日24MBで1980円、無制限で2980円 Docomo’s overseas package deal is 1980yen/day for unlimited calls and 24MB of data. For unlimited data, 2980 yen.
288 これは200MBで500円なので適度に使う人ならお得 It’s 500yen for 200MB, so it’s a great deal for those who moderately use data.
289 八田亜矢子 銀行で大学生の母親と間違われる悲劇… Hatta Ayako, tragically mistaken for the mother of a college student at the bank...
289 まだ33歳… she just 33 years old...
289 一生口座作らない Won't open an account for life.
289 夫が大学生ってどゆこと? What are they thinking saying that her husband is a college student?
290 経済評論家の三橋貴明(48) 妻(10代)を殴った疑いで逮捕 Economic critic Mituhashi Takaaki (48) was arrested under suspicion of hitting his wife (teenager)
290 増税水道種子法ですっかり批判側だったしね He was really against the decision to increase taxes for the water supply system, huh...
290 テレビによく出るから邪魔だろうしDV常習なのに今まで捕まらんのは安倍の加護やろな This must be an obstacle for him since he was on TV a lot. He made a habit of domestic violence and the fact that he wasn't caught until now means that he was under the divine protection of Abe.
291 ごめんね…キモくてごめんね… それでもゆうくんはゆうんだから... I am sorry... I am sorry I am so disgusting.... However, Yuu will be Yuu...
292 黄金時代の復活や都市の忠誠度など、多数の新システムを導入する大規模拡張パック「Civilization VI: Rise and Fall」が正式アナウンス Large scale expansion pack for "Civilization VI: Rise and Fall" introducing numerous new systems such as the revival of the Golden Age and City Loyalty has officially been announced
292 まだciv5やってる I'm still doing civ 5
292 てか黄金時代なかったのかciv6 Didn't civ6 have the Golden Age?
293 ムッチャ面白いゾーこれ This is crazy interesting.
294 もしかして彼女いるorいたのか? Do you have, or did you have, a girlfriend?
295 最近、他国の偉人の絵にラクガキをするのがブームになってるらしいっすね Recently, drawing graffiti over foreign nobles seems to be booming
295 下着趣味はNO NO to underwear fetish
296 シェアハウス投資、融資資料の改ざん多発 預金額水増し:朝日新聞デジタル Investments in share houses on the rise, loan falsification spreading; bank accounts dwindling: Asahi Shimbun Digital
296 貧困ビジネスで儲けようとしてたのか So they're trying to profit through businesses that capitalize on poverty?
296 マジで普通の日本人ってやべーな... The average Japanese is really in trouble...
297 これもうお尻開発しない手はないだろ It seems like the only way is to explore the butt.
298 Wikipediaの「エンゲル係数」の記事 2月1日になって現代では役にたたないという記述が加えられていた Wikipedia's "Engel coefficient" article There has been a description added that it is February 1st and it is no longer relevant in the present day
298 なお出典は小説のもよう Also the sources seem to be novels
298 ここまでしつこいと官房機密費の仕事っぽいな The persistence makes it seem like the work of a secret government agent
299 羽生棋聖、渡辺竜王を破り史上初「永世七冠」 Yoshiharu Habu, defeats Ryuo Watanabe and became the first eisei lifetime titles
299 羽生が本気出したのと渡辺が不調なのが合わさって詰むや詰まざるやという熱戦にならなかったのが残念 It was disappointing that the game wasn't a close game due to the fact that Habu finally giving his best and Watanabe wasn't feeling well
299 しっかりしろ渡辺 まだ老け込む歳じゃないぞ Come on Watanabe You are too young to start getting old
300 もう男と女の衣服剥いで巨大な縦長のかまぼこ板みたいのにはっつけて左右から接近させて回転させるくらいしかないんじゃない There's nothing to do but strip off the the men's and women's clothes, affix them to large planks, draw close from both sides, and spin them.
301 Reddit初心者向け質問スレ & 雑談スレ (Question & Discussion) - 1月, 2018 Reddit question thread for beginners & discussion thread (Question & Discussion) - January, 2018
301 修正した。 fixed.
301 ちなみに自分もRelay使ってる。 By the way I use Relay too.
302 バカでかいスーツケースを二週間ほど放ったらかしにしてたので片付けた。 I finally put away that ridiculously gigantic suitcase after leaving it for two weeks.
302 おつかれさま。 Good job.
302 一つ進んだよ。 One step forward.
305 つまり今買うな時期が悪い、という話になる・・ In other words, it’s a bad time to buy now.
306 よるごはんっていつ食べればいいんだろう?6じに食べてるけどねる直前におなかすいて辛い・・・ What time should dinner be eaten? I eat at 6:00, but right before bed I get hungry so it's tough...
306 なるへそ I see.
307 【実況】東京ゴッドファーザーズ鑑賞会 20:00~ 【Live Coverage】A special showing of Tokyo Godfathers from 8:00 PM.
308 豆をこがして粉にすれば何でもコーヒーになるんじゃないの!? - デイリーポータルZ Can you make coffee from any kind of bean by scorching them and turning it into powder!? - Daily Portal Z.
310 ここのじゃロリおじさん多すぎない? Here, aren't there too many middle aged guys who like young girls?
311 ヒャッハー!異物は消毒だ~!! 電線にかかった異物をファイアー! 中国で活躍する火炎放射ドローン Woohoo! Flame-Throwing Drone Removes Net Entangled in China.
311 |アルミ|ゴム|電線|ゴム|アルミ| |:-:|:-|:-|:-|:-| ってことけ? Aluminum | Rubber | Power Cable | Rubber | Aluminum |:-:|:-|:-|:-|:-| was it ?
312 #stopblackfacejapan #stopblackfacejapan
312 欧米か Is it Europe and America?
313 理想は幼稚園位行ってもらって週2、3で何か習い事出来れば最高だけど、最早それは上級国民しか無理な感じ。 The ideal would be to have them go to a place like kindergarten to learn something two or three times a week, but now that is probably impossible for all but the elite class.
314 日中関係「悪くない」傾向に好転 Japan-China relations changing for the better and are "not bad".
314 日中関係を悪いとみる日本人は44.9%で、7年ぶりに50%の水準を切ったそう 44.9% of Japanese people view Japan-China relations as bad, first time in 7 years it has dipped below 50%.
314 AIIBや一帯一路で政府が中国にすり寄ってるからマスコミが忖度して中国を悪く言うのが減ったんでしょ With the government getting closer to China through AIIB and the One Belt One Road Initiative, there is a decrease in the media making conjectures and speaking poorly of China.
315 王様の耳はロバの耳 The king's ears are donkey's ears.
315 大統領の口はクソの穴 The president's mouth is a shit hole.
316 マジかよ車台やべーじゃん Seriously!? That car body is crazy.
318 この流れを世界の潮流に 英BBC男女格差解消で賃下げ同意 With the Current Trends of the World British BBC Agrees to Decrease Gender Disparity
318 女性の訴えを素直に聞き入れる高い倫理観に先進国の先進性が見える It seems that developed nations have advanced to a level where they have a high ethics to obediently listen to women's complaints.
319 「エホバの証人」元信者女性が自分の体験を漫画にした理由(いしいさや) The reason that a former "Jehova's Witness" believer made a manga about her experiences (Ishii Saya).
321 袋叩きも…元旦『朝生』のウーマン村本は全然間違っていない! I might get a lot of criticism for this but... Muramoto from the comedy duo "Woman Rush Hour" that appeared on the TV show "Live Until Morning" isn't wrong!
321 俺は村本が悪いとは全く思わない I don't think Muramoto was wrong at all.
323 みんな何してるの? What are you all doing?
323 デレステを嫌々やる Reluctantly doing DereStage
324 give you LLL words "へらぶな" "めすちそ" "じょんこのびっ" give you LLL (lowlevelaware) words "Japanese carp," "Mestizo," "Jonkonobi."
325 【自国でやれ】ドイツ、ハノーファー空港で乱闘するトルコ人とクルド人の乱闘を御覧ください 【Do it in your own country】Take a look at the brawl between a Turk and a Kurd at Hanover Airport in Germany.
326 東京五輪へ課題山積 諸悪の根源はJOCの“言いなり体質” Challenges on the road to the Tokyo Olympics The root of all evil is the JOC's "yes-man disposition"
中止だ中止 Suspend it, suspend it
327 草津白根山が噴火 Mount Kusatsu-Shirane erupts.
327 警戒レベル3に Warning level 3.
327 気象庁 Japan Meteorological Agency.
327 鏡池がある本白根の方が噴火したなんて信じられないわ It is unbelievable that it was Mount Motoshirane where Kagami Pond is located that erupted.
327 いつもケムリなんかが吹き出してるのは湯釜のある方だったし Where the smoke is always rising is off toward Yaguma.
327 ってか『もとしらね』だったとはTIL Well, today I learned it's called "Motoshirane".
328 スーパーブルーブラッドムーン : 皆既月食 Super Blue Blood Moon: Total Eclipse of the Moon.
328 今夜10時前から1時間以上 日本で3年ぶり お月さんだいたい戻ってきた でもちょっと雲が。ぼやけて Tonight from around 10 PM to past 1 AM, most of Japan will be visited by this moon that they haven't seen in over three years but it might be a little cloudy which will obscure the view.
329 男性を拉致し銃突き付け結婚を強制、インドで捜査 Coercing a man to marry at gun point after the kidnapping Investigation is underway in India
329 ラノベにありそう Sounds like light novel
330 私、木になります I, am going to be a tree
330 こっち見んなw Don't look at me hah
335 メールでは、前川氏が天下り問題で辞任したことや、出会い系バーの店を利用していたと指摘したうえで、「道徳教育が行われる学校にこうした背景のある氏をどのような判断で授業を依頼したのか」 In an email, it was pointed out that Mr. Maekawa, on top of resigning from his high ranking official post to take a high paying job in the private sector, was also utilizing dating bars. "What kind of judgement was used to invite a man of his background to a school where moral education is being practiced?"
335 わぁい思想統制! Whoa, thought censorship!
336 「これ以上何を削れば」来年度の生活保護費減額に悲鳴 "What else can be cut?" Anger at decreasing welfare money.
336 命かな I guess it's their life.
338 【カタストロフ】ウナギ、ついに絶滅か? [Catastrophy] Are eels already going extinct?
338 × 絶滅 〇 売り切れ Not extinct, but sold out.
340 【緊急映画雑談スレ!!】今日はスター・ウォーズ/最後のジェダイの公開! [Emergency Film Chat thread! ! ] Today Star Wars: The Last Jedi is showing!
340 大林宣彦 監督作 花筐 HANAGATAMI! Director Yoshihiko Obayashi 's HANAGATAMI!
340 ビム・ヴェンダース監督作アランフエスの麗しき日々! The beautiful days of Aranjuez directed by Wim Wenders!
340 銀熊賞受賞わたしは、幸福フェリシテ!など公開! Silver Bear Prize winner Félicité and so on are opening.
340 仮面ライダーもガルパンもやってるぞ I'll also go to Kamen Rider and Girls und Panzer.
340 俺も7はクソだった派なんだよなー I also thought 7 was shit.
340 同じ映画見てるはずなのに意見色々で面白いなと思うわ It's funny that although we were watching the same movie that opinions are so different.
341 ザギトワが「マサル」と命名、日本から贈られる秋田犬。メスだけど… Zagitova gets an Akita from Japan that she names "Masaru"—but's she's female...
341 男勝りってメスにしか使わないし勝利といえば女神だろ People use the word "strong-willed" only toward women! Besides, she's a goddess of victory!
341 日本人のほうが間違ってるんだよ It's the people of Japan who are wrong!
342 日本が中国に完敗した今、26歳の私が全てのオッサンに言いたいこと(藤田 祥平) What I, at 26 years old, want to say to all old men, now that Japan has been destroyed by China (Shohei Fujita):
342 魚の釣り方はヤオハンでならってるだろ They're probably learning to fish with Yaohan.
342 それらが呼び水になって進出してすでに魚の釣り方は教えてるよ They're priming the pump and advancing into the market, and they're already teaching how to fish!
342 英語より中国語の教本買えってのは同意する I agree with the idea to buy Chinese textbooks instead of English ones.
344 なんかのゲームで攻略法書いてたような記憶(忘却) I have a vague recollection of writing a strategy guide for this game (memory lapse)
345 「佐川に直接話が行われているか、知らねえな俺」 "I do not know if there was a direct conversation with Sagawa."
345 麻生財務相の会見詳報 Minister of Finance Asao press conference report.
345 犯人だって言うなら聴けよ? If I say criminal will you listen?
345 聴きませんけど? You won't listen?
345 スッゲー会話 What a crazy conversation.
346 どうぶつタワーバトルinLLL Animal Tower Wars inLLL.
347 ロヒンギャ武装組織「アラカンロヒンギャ救済軍(ARSA)」、ミャンマー軍の拠点に待ち伏せ攻撃を仕掛け、5人を負傷させたことを認める The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), a Rohingya insurgent group, admits that five people were injured after launching an ambush attack on the base of the Myanmar army.
347 これ泥沼化しちゃうのかね Well this is turning into a quagmire.
348 「ゴルゴンゾーラチーズ」の名称が、日本とEUの経済連携協定によって、今後はイタリア産の特定のもの以外使えなくなる。 The name "Gorgonzola cheese", following a joint economic agreement between Japan and the EU, will only be allowed to be used for cheese produced in Italy.
348 「ゴルゴンゾーラ風」などのあいまいな表現もNG "Gorgonzola style" and other vague expressions also not allowed.
348 はよチーズ輸入自由化してくれ Hurry up and liberalize the import of cheese.
348 ろくでもない6Pチーズとか殲滅してくれ Please get rid of that garbage 6p Cheese and the like.
349 サドとサドもヤバそう A couple where both people are sadistic seems dangerous.
350 「ニュース女子」問題 BPOが「名誉毀損の人権侵害」と判断 The "News Girls" issue: BPO finds "defamation human right violation"
350 ソース元のコメント Tulsa Birbhum · Sanno Institute of Management 記事に批判的なコメントがほぼ、 番組で放送していることの根拠に整合性があるかどうか について、完全に無視しているのが興味深い。 Comments from sources: Comments on the Tulsa Birbhum/Sanno Institute of Management article are almost all critical; it's very interesting that questions as to whether this is compliant with the foundation of what's being aired on the program are being completely ignored.
350 結局彼らは、左翼・反日のレッテル貼りでしか批判しておらず、 見ていて不愉快だが、リプライを付ける価値すらない。 Ultimately, they can't just criticize by attempting to stick leftist, anti-Japan labels on opponents; looking at it, it's unpleasant, but there's no use in even posting a reply.
350 Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs 本田正 虎ノ門ニュースとかネット番組は大丈夫。 Like / Reply / 1 / 8 hrs Masashi Honda: Internet programs like Toranomon News are OK.
350 昔から圧力団体・宗教団体・極左グループは一致団結して気に食わない放送番組を卑劣な手段で潰しに掛かります。 Lobbyists, religious groups, & extreme leftists have long banded together and to shut down objectionable programs through underhanded means.
350 正義は必ず勝つ、挫けず頑張れ応援します!! Justice always wins; we can't get disheartened—we have to keep showing our support!!
350 Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs Seigo Takata 放送倫理・番組向上機構(BPO)がさも中立機関のような面して発表したようだが、国民の血税から補助金が支給されている公共放送機関でありながら、NHK自体が放送法4条に従って中立な放送番組を制作しているか、己の胸に手を当ててよく考えてみろ! Like / Reply / 1 / 8 hrs Seigo Takata The Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization (BPO) pretended to be and presented itself as a really neutral agency, but put your hand over your heart and think long and hard about whether the NHK itself is producing neutral programming in compliance with Article 4 of the Broadcast Act, even though it's a public broadcasting agency that's supported by the taxpayers' hard-earned money!
350 笑止千万! What a laugh!
350 BPOは恥ずるところとは無いのか! The BPO should be ashamed of itself!
350 Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs Yukihiro Kayoda Yukihiro Kayoda BPOが怪しい。 Like / Reply / 1 / 10 hrs Yukihiro Kayoda Yukihiro Kayoda The BPO's shady.
350 Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs Takashi Shigemune · Udon Thani 審査したBPOの委員は公平なのか? Like / Reply / 1 / 10 hrs Takashi Shigemune / Udon Thani Are the members of the BPO who performed the review impartial?
350 もし偏向した立場の人達が審査しているならば、それこそ重大な倫理違反! If people who are coming from a biased position are performing the review, that's a huge violation of ethics!
350 BPOの委員について検証が必要だ。 The members of the BPO need to be inspected.
350 Katsumi Takahashi bpoは誰も信用していません。 Katsumi Takahashi no one has any faith in the bpo.
350 Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs 平野信広 BPOのメンバーに 乗り越えネットの人間がいるし 反日活動家が審査委員をしている Like / Reply / 1 / 8 hrs Nobuhiro Oohira There are people on the internet who have surpassed the BPO members, and the review committee is staffed with anti-Japan activists.
350 放送倫理を裁く事事態 おかしい Everything about this judging of broadcast ethics is fishy.
350 笑話にしかならない。 I can't help but laugh.
351 10円玉握り「おなかすいた」 コンビニで5歳女児保護 虐待もうけていてしんどい… A frazzled 5 year old girl who is being abused by her care givers stands in front of a convenience store clutching a single 10 yen coin saying "I'm hungry."
351 素足のまま靴を履いていたことや、足首が紫色になっていたことから不審に思った女性店員が110番した。 The female clerk, seeing the child in bare feet holding her shoes with her ankles bruised purple, called 110.
351 店員さん通報してくれてよかった I'm glad the clerk reported it!
355 ブロガーはあちゅう The blogger is Achū.
355 電通時代のセクハラ・パワハラを証言 A testimony of sexual and workplace harassment during Achū's time at Dentsu.
355 有名社員さん A famous worker says
355 「俺に気に入られる絶好のチャンスなのに体も使えないわけ? "If I take a liking to you, this is an ideal chance for me, are you saying that you won't use your body?
355 その程度の覚悟でうちの会社入ったの? Did you come into our company without preparing for that possibility?
355 お前にそれだけの特技あるの? Is that the only skill you have?
355 お前の特技が何か言ってみろ」 Tell me a skill that you have!"
355 「あいつは下手だからもっとうまい女を紹介しろ。 "She isn't skillful. Introduce me to better women.
355 お前もセックス下手なんだろ。 You're probably bad at sex too.
355 彼氏がかわいそうだ」 Your poor boyfriend."
355 電通やめますか? Will you quit Dentsu?
355 人間やめますか? Will you quit being a human?
356 ジブリへのオマージュに溢れた「オレゴン州観光アニメ動画」が最高に素敵でトリッピーなことに The "Oregon state tourism anime video" that is flooding with homage to Ghibli is incredibly beautiful and trippy
356 しまじろうにいたなそんなキャラ Shimajiro had a character like that
357 年賀状の返事かくのめんどくせ Too lazy to write back to New years' letters
357 なにわろとんねん What are you laughing at
358 Reddit初心者向け質問スレ & 雑談スレ (Question & Discussion) - 3月, 2018 Reddit beginner question thread & Discussion thread (Question & Discussion) - March 2018.
358 2chで言うスレタイをクリックするとソース元に飛ぶのに戸惑う Bewildered that on 2ch if you click on a thread title you are taken to the source.
359 ホリエモン、小室不倫疑惑報じた「週刊文春」を痛烈批判 Horiemon is criticizing “Shuukan Bunshun” for reporting on the tiny room affair.
359 「調子に乗って部数稼げるって思い込んでるだけ。すぐに潰せる」 “They simply want to make money from exaggerating. I can crush them immediately.”
359 潰せる(自分が出来るとは言ってない、他人頼み) さすがメスイキ、しびれる憧れるぅ。 Crushing (handled by someone else), is so awesome I am getting weak in my legs just thinking about it.
360 甲州弁の「ずら」、花子とアンの使い方は正しかったの? Does the show Hanako to Anne use the the Koushuu Dailect's "zura" correctly?
360 「甲州弁『ずら』は基本は推量の意味で使われるもの。 "With the Koushuu Dialect 'zura' is mostly used to indicate conjecture.
360 『だろう』『でしょう』で置き換えて変だったら、間違っていると考えていい」 So if an expression sounds odd when 'darou' or 'deshou' is used in its place, then it is probably being used incorrectly."
361 今日はなんの日。 What day is today?
361 有馬記念? Arima-kinen?
361 それとも彼女に椅子を買う日? Or is it the day to buy a chair for your girlfriend?
361 ちーがーうーだーろー! You're wrong!
361 今日は一年に一度の祭りsteamサンタの日だーろ! Today is the annual festival stream Santa day!
363 お股の毛は必要ない! Pubic hair is unnecessary!
363 男子もきれいにしてた方が良いよ! It would be better if guys got rid of it as well!
363 おちんちんの上側なら問題ないけど、タマとかお尻にワサワサ生えてたら興醒めだし The part above the genitals isn't a problem, but the hair on the testicles and growing wildly on the butt is a real turn off.
364 【実況】東京ゴッドファーザーズ鑑賞会 20:00~ 犬山イヌコがいる 【Live Coverage】A special showing of Tokyo Godfathers from 8:00 PM on with Itako Inuyama.
365 依頼されていたLLLのA4チラシが完成しました。 The requested LLL A4-size poster is complete.
365 確認しました I have confirmed it.
365 よく見たら文字に影入ってるのがオサレみある I looked closely and noticed that the characters have shadows, it looks fancy
366 囚人のジレンマ実験、懲罰が報復を生む環境を解明 北海道大学 "Prisoner's Dilemma" Experiments Clarify Environment where Punishment Produces Retribution Hokkaido University
366 実験の損得と実社会の損得はまた少し別じゃないかなと思う I think the advantages/disadvantages of the real world are a bit different from the experiment world.
368 ちんちんのかわびろんびろん My dick's foreskin is all floppy
368 くさそう Gross
369 もんじゅ 設計、廃炉想定せず ナトリウム搬出困難 Monjyu: Plans for decommissioning the nuclear reactor not going as planned, transportation of Sodium difficult
369 やまとはねぇ… With the Yamato…
369 今見たら流石に増殖炉ではなくPWRって書いてあった。 Watching it now, I realized it wasn’t the breeder reactor, but the pressured water reactor that was written.
370 あっ、あのサブレは頭のおかしな人の脳内だった… Um, that subreddit was all in the mind of some weirdo...
370 言論弾圧サブレだったか Was it a censorship subreddit?
371 働きたくないでござる I do not wanna work.
371 さけぶのだ Shout it out loud.
373 セタールとその彼女の関係でいうと 性差別が産んだジェンダーフリーとでもいうべき Based on the relationship between Setar and that woman, you can say it is the gender equality brought about by gender discrimination.
373 実に奇妙な状態だな It really is a unique situation.
374 会計検査院「2種類の文書気付いていた」 Board of Audit: "We realized there were two types of documents"
374 やれやれ。 Oh, boy.
374 重たい付託だよまったく。 This is a serious referral. Come on.
376 博学さいえい Well-learned and talented.
378 F2PマルチプレイFPSのPaladinsが、キャラクター強化のカードシステムをStar Wars Battlefront 2のようなルートボックスありきのシステムに変更しようとして炎上中 The F2P multiplayer FPS Paladins is getting flamed for trying to change their character strengthening card system to one based of off Star Wars Battlefront 2's loot box system.
378 ^タクティクスやストライク等スピンオフまでクローンなのに ^ Even though Tactics and Strike-level spinoff's are also clones
378 ^そう言う駄目な ^That kind of bad
379 試合中にユーチューバーが大声、選手妨害で退場に 全豪OP YouTuber starts screaming, and gets kicked out due to obstruction against the players All Australian OPEN
379 そろそろ迷惑ユーチューバー世界選手権ひらくのはどうだろう、日本代表はチェーンソー長谷川か知名度で詐欺ヒカルか How about holding world's annoying YouTuber contest, Japanese representative is Chainsaw Hasegawa or Sagi Hikaru
379 追記:警官の前で白い粉落としたやつも P.S: also the one who dropped white powder in front of the police officer
380 自民萩生田氏 「戦後72年たっても、72年ちょっと前の歴史をつまみ出されて日本が批判され、国際社会の中で時には袋だたきに遭う。おかしなことだと思わないか」 LDP Koichi Hagiuda— ’72 years have passed since WWII, but don’t you think it’s strange that the history just before 72 years ago was thrown out, Japan criticized, condemned, and ganged up by the international community from time to time?’
380 「与えた恩を石に刻ませるくらいの迫力で外交をやらないと国際社会で日本への支持は得られない」 ‘If we are not proactive and strong with our diplomacy, then Japan will not receive support from the international community’
381 インドネシアでは14歳の少年が卵を産む 14 years old boy lays an egg in Indonesia
381 薄い本がアツくなるな[](#b2) thin book gets thicker[](#b2)
382 朝日、毎日、現代ソースでスレ立てできなくなる Asahi, Mainichi, Gendai, can no longer be used as a source in threads.
382 現代って週刊現代? Does Gendai refer to Shukan Gendai?
382 日刊ゲンダイ? Nikkan Gendai?
382 まあゲンダイだろうとは思うが OPは2chも見ているのか Well I think it's probably the latter, but is the original poster looking at 2ch?
386 茄子ちゃん当たったら明日こそ飛田新地行くぞという気持ちでガシャ引いたら当たった When I went in with the attitude that "if I get Nasuko, I'm goin' to Tobita Shinchi tomorrow!", I won.
386 我が愛しのあんずちゃん…… My sweet Anzu…
386 うぅ…… *SOB*…
388 Cultural exchange with /r/australia! Cultural exchange with /r/australia!
388 (ワット)スキャ(イ)ン(グ)オン? What's going on?
388 このなまりのセンスが割りと伝わりにくいかな? I wonder if this accent is relatively hard to understand?
389 ウィキ:「エンゲル係数」ページ凍結で編集不能 その訳は Wiki: "Engel's coefficient" page frozen and cannot be edited.
391 早速ガキ好きがマイナス推してるな。 Kids lovers are already hitting dislike.
393 月曜日はゲームの日!皆で雑談しましょう! Monday is game day! Let's chat!
393 10かわいい 10 is cute
394 昔も流行ってたよ It was popular before
395 2000トンの重油の方の被害か? Is it the damage from 2000 tons of heavy oil?
395 僻地の漁協に保障金配るのが嫌だから見て見ぬフリしてるが真実じゃねーのかよ Isn't the reality that they don't want to pay insurance money to fish cooperatives in the countryside
396 Space Invaders Extreme 2月発売/日本語対応 Space Invaders Extreme February release / Japanese language support.
396 NESiCA系は最近エミュがお盛んだし Recently NESiCA machines have been doing a lot of emulation.
396 2とマジデが壮大にコケてるから折れたか Did they give in following the spectacular failure of 2 and Magical Days?
396 SIEは当初担当してたやつがほとんど退社済みだけど It seems like most of the people in charge at the time with SIE are no longer at the company.
398 お得とお得感は別物なんすよ A bargain and a bargain feeling are different things.
399 紅白は、家族や親戚で団らんしてる裏でただ流してるイメージ The contest shows images of families and relatives grouped together from behind.
400 今思うとミジメだと思う子供の頃の遊び挙げてこうぜ Thinking about it now, if I were to give an example of my childhood playing that seems wretched it'd be this.
400 自分の存在が「どくさいスイッチ」で消えるみたいになかったことになったらどうなるか夢想してた I imagined what things would be like if my life disappeared through something like the "dokusai switch" from Doraemon.
400 結論:たいしてかわらない Conclusion: Not much of a difference.
401 首相、北方領土問題進展に意欲 露「未来永劫返さんぞ」 The Prime Minister's desire for progress with the Northern Territories Dispute Russia: "We'll never give them back!"
401 こうなっても進展やでな Even that'd be progress.
402 5年間の安倍暴政に国民決起 People are standing up to Abe's tyrannical five year term.
402 「歴史的な反乱」が始まった A "historical revolution" has started.
402 5年遅せーよって話だが It's five years late.
403 ある関西のデパート、姫路店を2月末に一時閉店 At a Kansai department store, a Himeji store will temporary closeup shop at the end of February.
403 >ヤマトヤシキは2015年に私的再建手続きの一種である事業再生ADRの手続きが成立し、創業家に代わり投資ファンドのマイルストーン・ターンアラウンド・マネジメント(MTM、東京・千代田)が再建を進めてきた。 As a type of private reconstruction procedures, Yamato Yashiki tried to resurrect their business in 2015 by arranging an ADR, substituting their business for an "investment fund milestone turnaround management." (MTM Tokyo・Chiyoda) Is continuing with their restructure.
403 だが来店客数の伸び悩みが続き、2017年2月期の売上高は前の期比7%減の122億円だった But patronage to the stores continues to be sluggish and sales were at 122,000,00,000 yen, a 7% decrease.
403 再建途上とはいえのびなやんでますねえ They say they're halfway through with the restructure, but business seems to be slow.
405 ツイッターをするいもむし Caterpillars who do Twitter
405 キモムシ(ツイとマルポ) Kimomushi (Tsui and Marupo)
406 NHKさん頑張りすぎ! NHK is really pulling out the stops!
406 史上初の「全ガンダム大投票」がスタート、本気で決めにきてるやつだこれ History's first ever "All Gundam Poll" has started.
406 ビルギットっさんだけを殺す機械は? This is the real decision; which will be the machine to only kill Birgit?
408 みんな〜レズごっこしよ〜♡ Everyone〜Let's play lesbian〜♡
408 おまえの事が好きだったんわよ!(迫真) I love ya! (True to life)
409 switch売ってたから買った、 ゲームはスプラトゥーンにしようか迷ったけど、もうboobお断りっぽい感じだったし、電車の広告でときめいたからゼノブレイド2買った Since I sold my switch I bought another, and I wondered if I should play Splatoon. But I get the feeling Splatoon is anti-boobs, so when I saw an ad for Xenoblade 2 on the train, I got excited and bought it.
410 リボンいいよね The ribbon is nice.
410 これ柵でちょっと胴体隠すことでより巨乳に見せてるだろエロすぎる The way the fence blocks part of her body and makes her tits look even bigger is so sexy.
411 あーあ。 Ah.
411 こんなん見つけてしもうたわ。 I ended up finding this.
411 なーんや。 Hmm.
411 これ、多分、初公開やね。 This probably hasn't been revealed before.
413 監督は石ダテコー太郎か。 So the producer is Ishidate Kotaro.
413 てさぐれ3期ともいえる It's basically season three of Tesagure.
414 えっちだ…w It's sexual... haha
416 最近のナウいヤングたちはどのSNSを使ってるんだよ? Which SNS are the hip youth using these days?
416 ゴルスタ Gorusuta
417 >堀 天子(ほり たかね)弁護士 仮想通貨にぴったりすぎる。 > Hori Takane, lawyer, that's just too perfect for cryptocurrency.
417 なんなら徳川埋蔵金でも掘ってくれ In that case, please dig up ("hori" in Japanese) Tokugawa's hidden gold.
418 HUGプリ最高じゃん HUG Puri is awesome
418 見よう I'll watch it
419 27歳「派遣プログラマー」が貧困に苦しむ事情 The circumstances around a 27 year old "temporary programmer" suffering from poverty.
419 月の手取りは10万円、住まいは「脱法ハウス」 Income of 100,000 yen per month, lives in a storage space that is too small to legally rent as an apartment.
419 ほう・・・酷いもんなのね Whoa... that's pretty awful.
420 マミが君の幸せ Mami is your happiness.
420 マミをして喜ぶ Doing Mami is joy.
420 マカらないまま終わる Ending without quitting...
420 そんなのは嫌だ I don't want that.
420 マカってもたたなそう Even if you quit, it won't be over.
421 インフル大流行は「風邪でも絶対に休まないおじさん」のせい? Is this massive spread of the flu the fault of old men that refuse to rest when they're sick, no matter what?
421 なんでおじさん限定なんだ。 Why is this limited to men?
421 おばさんだっておるやろ There are women that do this too.
422 ダウンジャケットのために生きたまま羽をむしり取られるガチョウさんの動画みて悲しい気持ちになる Feel sad by watching Mr. goose get his feathers plucked off alive for a down jacket.
422 ナノパフほしい I want a Nano Puff
423 女性専用車両をめぐる議論について Regarding the debate about women-only passenger cars
423 >男同士で物言えない奴のただの逆恨み >Just misguided resentment from some fellow who can't speak amongst other men.
424 オカダ・カズチカに新恋人 New girlfriend for Okada Kazuchika.
424 人気声優・三森すずこと真剣交際5か月(東スポWeb) Has been dating popular voice actress Mimori Suzuko for five months (Tokyo Sports Web).
424 これ、主語は逆じゃないの? Don't they have the subject backwards?
424 「三森すずこに恋人発覚!」 "Boyfriend of Mimori Suzuko discovered!"
427 本日のまんが日記 Today's manga diary
429 どこも報じない、山口敬之氏「疑惑」の背後でうごめく権力の闇 Not reported anywhere, Yasmaguchi Noriyuki squirms in political darkness in front of a backdrop of "suspicion".
429 政権側からパージされるはずだけどパージされてない人。 A person who surely would have been purged by the administration yet wasn't purged.
429 反権力左翼系の人達、山口氏を (ヘンテコなこと言うけど)守ってください。 Anti administration left wing people out there, please (this is an odd thing to say, but) protect Yamaguchi.
430 米大統領、正恩氏と会談意向=5月までに実現 Trump, to meet with Kim Jong-un = End of May
430 まぁ、北からすれば核とICBMは対日より対米の方に重点置いてるだろうから日本飛び越して対米交渉は当然の動きなんだろうけど、これ読めなかったウチの政府の無能っぷりよなぁ… Well, if I were in North Korea’s shoes, I’d be stockpiling more nuclear weapons and ICBMs directed towards America, not just Japan. Once missiles and nuclear weapons start flying over Japan, no doubt would it spark negotiations from America, but what’s worse is our (Japan’s) governments incapability to read this situation…
431 十二指腸潰瘍だったよ It was a duodenal ulcer.
431 それ大丈夫なん…? Is that okay...?
433 アメリカの右翼イベントCPACの日本版とかいうのやってるらしい 登壇者 スティーブ・バノン、百田尚樹 ほか The Japanese version of the American Right-Wing CPAC event will have Steve Bannon, Naoki Hyakuta, and others.
433 こいつらは日本の保守じゃなくてアメリカの保守なんだよね They aren't Japan's conservatives, they're America's conservatives.
433 だから沖縄落下物でも原住民側ではなく米軍側に立つ So when it comes to things falling on Okinawa, they don't stand on the side of the natives, but the US armed forces.
433 百田が天皇のお言葉を見てないのも日本の保守愛国者じゃないから Hyakuta isn't someone who respects the Emperor, so he's not a Japanese conservative nationalist.
434 日曜日はゲームの日! Sunday is game day!
434 皆で雑談しましょう! Let’s meet up and chat!
434 1. 日本でも第5版の日本語版が発売されたね 1. Even in Japan, it the 5th volume has been released (Japanese language edition).
435 頭痛い My head hurts.
435 また急性胃腸炎か Acute gastroenteritis again?
435 壊れるなぁ… I'm falling apart...
436 アダルトサイトのお楽しみは危険がいっぱい。 There are many dangers in enjoying adult sites.
436 こないだの『ござるよ』 "Gozaruyo" from the other day
436 一斉摘発とか見たらもう円盤で買うの危険だよね Seeing the collective seizure and whatnot it's dangerous to buy disks
439 安倍首相、松本人志さんらと会食 Prime minister Abe, had dinner with Hitoshi Matsumoto and others
439 8億値引きで国有地でも買うのか Planning to purchase nationally‐owned land with 800 million discount or what
440 インド初の国産原子力潜水艦INSアリハント、昨年2月に浸水事故を起こして沈没寸前になって以降、現在まで航行不能になっていた。 India's first domestically made nuclear submarine, INS Arihant, has not been in operation since almost sinking due to a flooding accident in February of last year.
440 原因は、ハッチの閉め忘れ The reason was that a hatch was not closed
441 深田恭子が『100万回生きたねこ』を宝物と呼ぶ理由 The reason that Fukada Kyoko calls "The cat who lived a million times" a treasure.
441 ふか~ふか~ Fluffy fluffy.
442 びょうきじゃん That has to be an illness.
443 退職する決意は固まったけど、まだ一ヶ月も勤めてない会社になんて伝えればいいのかわかんない。 Though I’m resolute in my decision to quit my job, I’ve only worked there for one month, so I don’t know how I should go about telling them
443 つよい You’re tough
444 おもちによる窒息死を減らすために In order to reduce the deaths of suffocation from toys.
444 毎年1月は1300人の窒息死亡者 Every in a single month, 1300 people die from asphyxiation.
444 これ半分免許更新だろ Half of them are probably renewing their license.
445 あれ?クリチ消えた Huh? The cream cheese is gone.
446 体半分がオス、半分がメスのガ 虫愛する女子高生が発見 Half male and half female moth Discovered by insect loving high school girl
447 枝豆は茹でるな! Don't boil Edamame!
447 豆には毒があるぞ Beans are poisonous
447 念入りに火を通せ Make sure to cook fully
448 『ソードアート・オンライン フェイタル・バレット』海外レビュー "Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet" international review.
448 日本語を抜かずに買わさせてくれてありがとう! Thank you for letting me purchase it with Japanese included!
449 奄美大島沖で過去最悪の石油流出事故 Largest oil spill in history off the coast of Amami Oshima.
449 海洋生態系への影響は? What will the impact be on the ocean ecology?
449 「結論から言うと、不確実性が大きく、事故の影響は良くわからない部分が多い。 "Starting with the conclusion, there are many uncertainties, and there are many unknowns about what the effects of this accident will be.
449 でも、長期的・大規模な影響についてはあまり心配無さそうです。」 However, it appears as though there will not be any long term or large scale effects."
449 只集めた所に照射したら普通に水爆になりそう。 But if the area in which they accumulate is radiated it could become a hydrogen bomb.
449 半減期12年で安定核種のヘリウムになるなら別に収集だけしとけばいいような。 For a stable nucleide like helium with a half life of 12 years it's fine to just gather it up.
449 放射化した炉にγ線当てて収まるならとっくにやってるだろうねぇ。 As for hitting the radiated area with y-rays and containing it, they are probably doing that already.
450 これでいいの少しも寒くないわ Is this OK? I'm not cold at all!
451 蛍光色にならないうちは平気。 You're fine while it doesn't turn into a fluorescent color.
451 目の奥とか顔の奥が痛んだら副鼻腔炎。 It's sinusitis when you feel pain in the deep part of your eyes or face.
451 やばいので病院へ That's severe, go to the hospital
452 画をおくりつけると漏れなくブロックされるようだから、安倍 As pictures are sent it seems like they are all blocked, so it's Abe.
452 個人へ、というよりは明確にネトウヨへの人気取りだと思うわ。 I think it is just a publicity stunt to gain favor from some individuals, or rather from some online right wingers.
453 パチンコのネオン看板は、なぜ“パ”だけが頻繁に消えるのか? その理由がついに判明 | 日刊SPA! Why is it always just the the "pa" part of pachinko neon signs that goes out? The reason has been discovered | Nikkan SPA!
454 日本は4位で十分でしょ人口的に Japan is fine in 4th place, as far as population is concerned.
455 政府公認私人がベルギー勲章授与式であいさつ「つらい1年だった」 At an official government recognized decoration ceremony in Belgium, the Prime Minister's wife, Akie Abe said, "It was a difficult year."
455 んなもんこいつ個人がでしゃばりだっただけで女性の社会進出もクソもねえじゃんって思うわ Jeeze, she was just butting into things, I don't think there have been any advancements to women's society or some shit.
455 (僕は英語力ゼロです) (I have no English proficiency.)
459 Uberみたいな人力運転でも呼べば来るってシステムの可能性もあったけどなー 日本じゃ禁止されたんだっけ There was the possibility of a human powered transport system like Uber where if you called them they'd come, but I think it was outlawed in Japan.
460 会社の後輩とか同僚に、どうぶつの森のアカウント教えてるんだけど もちまん有名人 I give my account name for Animal Crossing to colleagues and such at work, but Mochiman is famous.
461 月曜日はゲームの日、皆で雑談しましょう Monday's game day, so let's all chat!
461 z1とか堕ちだしたしそろそろかと思うけども出ない z1s & stuff has kept dropping, so I'm thinking it'll eventually drop, but it's not.
461 まあ月末まではイベントもないしのんびり掘るかねえ Well, there are no events until the end of the month, so I can keep plugging away, I guess.
462 ヒャッハー! Yaaay!
462 異物は消毒だ~!! Disinfect the unknown substance~!!
462 電線にかかった異物をファイアー! Shooting fire towards the unknown substance on power cableー!
462 中国で活躍する火炎放射ドローン flamethrower drone does great in China
462 これで建物に火つけて本体爆発させれば完全犯罪成立じゃね? If you could have the building catch fire using the drone, would it be a perfect crime?
463 トキ… Time...
464 日本からアップルやグーグルが生まれない根本的な理由 The fundamental reason why Japan doesn't produce Apple and Google
464 本来ベンチャー支援で導入された筈の国家戦略特区で爆誕したのが加計という National Strategic Special Zones was originally created to support venture business but it suddenly produced Kakei
466 安倍首相、松本人志さんらと会食 Prime Minister Abe, dines with Matsumoto Hitoshi and others.
466 寿司友拡大計画か? Is this a plan for the expansion of sushi friends?
468 内紛で窮地のジャマイカに、下町ボブスレーが呼びかけ検討 「私たちのソリはいつでも準備が整っている」 : J-CASTニュース Downtown bobsled calls in for consideration from troubled Jamaica "Our sled is always ready" : J-CAST News
468 韓国までソリを運ぶのも、使われるアテも全くないのに整備するのも To carry a sled to Korea and to get it ready even when it's not going to be used
468 少なからぬ費用がかかるのに誰がどうやって負担してるんですかね That is not a small expense, who is paying for that and how?
469 Amazonのマケプレで注文したものが3日待たされた挙げ句、先方からなんの連絡も無く一方的にキャンセルされた After being made to wait for three days for an item I ordered on the Amazon Marketplace, they cancelled the order by themselves without contacting me at all.
471 FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE 2月2日発売/日本語対応 FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE releases on February 2/Japanese support.
471 逆に衣装とかで売り煽っといて予約限定かどうか聞かれても無視し期間過ぎたらしれっと単品で売るようなのは一番の裏切り On the flip side, there are clothes and stuff like that that you'll only get for a limited time if you pre-order the game, and if you miss your window of opportunity, you have to buy them separately. That's the ultimate betrayal
472 【実況】東京ゴッドファーザーズ鑑賞会 20:00~ [On-the-scene] Special showing of Tokyo Godfathers from 8PM.
473 米国株はストップ高ストップ安がないってアニメで見た覚えあるけどマジ? Although I remember seeing in an animation that the U.S. had no Limit Up-Limit Down, but is that for real?
474 LLL番付完成しました The LLL numbering is complete
474 ぼくいるね I'll be here
475 もー死んじゃおっかなーって時みんなどうしてる? What do you all do those times when you feel like you're gonna die?
475 いいね OK!
475 もうちょっとしたら散歩いくわ In a little bit, I'll go for a walk!
476 最高裁判決を無視 安倍政権は「官房機密費文書」開示せず Supreme court decision ignored. Abe administration does not release "government secretary secret funds document".
476 * Now 捏造ing... * Now fabricating...
476 * Now 黒塗りing... * Now censoring...
476 * 内閣官房報償費は特定秘密に指定と閣議決定 * Cabinet decision that Cabinet Secretariat secret funds are a specially designated secret.
476 どーれだ? Which?
478 ちかれた… Tired...
478 ままが使うよね Mom is gonna use it
479 ポスト安倍とかいう爆弾ゲーム A bombing game called Post Abe or something
480 シルバースナイパーズとかいうスウェーデンの高齢FPSチーム、クッソかっこいい Sweden's senior FPS team, I think they're called the Silver Snipers, are so cool.
480 いーくつもの愛ーかーさねあわせて Many loves overlap
481 婦人部は得してなさそうだが。 It doesn't seem like the women's department is benefiting though.
482 「五輪の経済効果」は本当に正当化できるのか… Is the "economical effect of the Olympics" really justified?
482 雇用への好影響はごく限られた分野しかない The good influence it has on long term employment is very limited in scope.
482 お布施だぜお布施、税金も心身もお布施 It's nothing but alms for the poor! Taxes, your heart, and your soul are nothing but alms.
483 ウナギを食べたい人たちの言い訳 Excuses from people who want to eat eel
483 豊橋だか浜松だと白焼きといって、わさびと醤油で食べる料理あるよね If it's Toyohashi or Tamamatsu there's a dish called shiroyaki where you eat it with wasabi and soy sauce
483 地元民「どうだ!素材本来の味でうまいだろ!!」 Locals "How is it?! The true taste of the ingredients is good, isn't it?!"
483 ぼく「あ、ハイ・・・」(蒲焼のが好き) Me "Uh, yeah..." (I like kabayaki better)
485 写真“ネット解禁”の次は動画 The next ban to be lifted from the net after pictures are videos.
485 いや、でも結局そういうことなのよ… No, but in the end it was that kind of thing. eh...
490 高度技能外国人からの人気、日本は見事にアジアでビリッケツ Among skilled workers in other countries, Japan is dead last in popularity for Asian countries
490 >公教育への支出 56位 女性の労働力 45位 生活コスト 58位 海外経験 63位 管理職の能力 58位 大学教育 51位 経営教育 53位 語学能力 59位 留学生受け入れ 45位 > Education spending 56th, female workforce 45th, cost of living 58th, international experiences 63rd, ability of management 58th, university education 51st, management education 53rd, language ability 59th, accepting exchange students 45th.
490 体感とも差異がない That is all no different from my own experiences.
491 首相、朝日記事を批判「裏取りしていない」 Prime minister, critical of Asahi article "They are publishing without evidence".
491 それ質問を取り上げた記事だっただろ That was the article with the question, right?
491 この質問もそれに対する安倍の答弁も読売の報道も、全部朝日がデマ書いてると印象操作したいがために行われてる ほんと阿呆らしいわ With both the question and Abe's answer and the Yomiyuri reporting, it's ridiculous how they are doing things to give the impression that it was all made up by Asahi.
491 訂正:質問を無視して安倍が朝日朝日言い出したらしい Correction: It seems like he ignored the question and just kept talking about Asahi.
491 なので質問は悪くないです Even so, the question is not bad.
491 悪いのは安倍の答弁と読売の報道です What's bad is Abe's response and the Yomiuri reporting.
492 サンドウィッチマン 故郷である東北の震災復興支援でこれまでに累計4億円を寄付 Sandwich man has contributed a total of 400,000,000 yen in aid to the restoration of their home region of Tohoku that was hit by the earthquake.
492 彼らで既にこれ以上に稼いでるってすげえな The fact that they earn more than that is incredible.
492 お笑い芸人「金無くてディズニーランド行けないわー」 The comedians said "our money is gone so we can't go to Disneyland."
492 キレそう I think I'm gonna lose my cool.
493 Reddit初心者向け質問スレ & 雑談スレ (Question & Discussion) - 12月, 2017 Reddit question thread and discussion thread for beginners (Question & Discussion) December, 2017
493 さっきミスドいったら行列ができてて皆スマホ画面覗いてんの When I went to Mr. Donut just now there was a line and everyone was looking down at their smartphone screens.
493 めっちゃ怖かった It was super scary.
494 今日のWeb漫画 Today's Web manga.
494 下巻で完結予定 The next volume is supposed to be the final one.
495 助けて! Help!
495 ってバカジャネーノ ...what an idiot.
496 「おカネまったくないねん…」 "I don't have any money..."
496 イワキ! Iwaki!
497 「若い男性がいない」、シリア独身女性の深刻な結婚難 "There are no young men", marriage crisis among single woman in Syria.
497 出番か Is this my opportunity?