55 values
the Church's ban on condoms has "caused the death of millions
barrier methods of contraception
Dependence on government funding has had disastrous effects on the higher education sector in continental Europe
the creation of private universities in the uk
the common interest is best served by allowing participants to pursue their self-interest
the free market
Austerity programs tend to have an impact on the poorest segments of the population
austerity measures
One area of controversy surrounding casinos is their relationship to crime rates
violent video games may increase mild forms of aggressive behavior in children and young adults
the sale of violent video games to minors
China's family planning programs contribute to infanticide
the one-child policy of the republic of china
all over the world there are excellent universities run independently of the state
the creation of private universities in the uk
the state and economy are inherently separate from each other
the free market
democracy leads to chaos
all government intervention in the economy is wasteful
the free market
The idea of affirmative action is to help disadvantaged groups get back to a normal starting position after a long period of discrimination
the use of affirmative action
Availability of bribes can induce officials to contrive new rules and delays
Immigrants may overpopulate countries
the right to asylum
A large increase in population brings certain poverty on the citizenry
the one-child policy of the republic of china
markets could go wrong
the free market
The policy is controversial both within and outside of China
the one-child policy of the republic of china
the gains from free trade outweigh any losses
the free market
The policy leaves the older generations with increased chances of dependency on retirement funds or charity in order to receive support
the one-child policy of the republic of china
Renewable energy technologies generally contribute to world energy security, reducing dependence on fossil fuel resources
hydroelectric dams
comprehensive sex education would effectively reduce the number of teenage pregnancies
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
The longer politicians are in office, the more likely they are to rip us off for their own benefit
enforce term limits on the legislative branch of government
A hydroelectric plant's production may be affected by requirements to keep the water level from getting to high or low
hydroelectric dams
a limitation on freedom of speech prescribed in law can be permitted if it can be justified as being a reasonable limit
freedom of speech
Pathological gambling is a common disorder that is associated with social costs
Not all depictions of violence are bad to witness
the sale of violent video games to minors
the work of Holocaust deniers should be protected by a universal right to free speech
holocaust denial
The God hypothesis is considered inferior to evolution by natural selection as explanations for the complexity of life
species are irreplaceable components of the global ecosystem
endangered species
The American Jobs Act, would give businesses incentives to hire unemployed and disabled veterans
american jobs act
The one child policy creates social problems and personality disorders in young people
the one-child policy of the republic of china
The idea of multiculturalism had reached the end of its useful life
Advertising is a powerful educational tool capable of reaching and motivating large audiences
The best way to prevent being infected or infecting someone with an STI is by using protection during sexual intercourse
barrier methods of contraception
Democracy is contrary to human nature
subsidies may distort the market and produce inefficiencies
the growing of tobacco
Wind farms are causing annoyance and ill health in people
wind power
abstinence-only education is motivated by religious teachings, which have no place in the classroom
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
Israel has a right to stop weapons from going into Gaza
the blockade of gaza
the constant threat of impending rocket attacks has caused fear and disrupted the lives of the growing number of Israelis who live within range of such attacks
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
The allegedly absurd lengths that copyright enforcement is taken to have hindered the ability of consumers to buy the products they want
intellectual property rights
Some of the austerity measures are irrational
austerity measures
intellectual property rights may become so fragmented that, effectively, no one can take advantage of them
intellectual property rights
Welfare only breeds dependence on the government
poor communities
national pride is diminished by the monarchy
the monarchy
FOSS provides high code visibility and the ability to fix security flaws quickly and quietly
governments should choose open source software
abortion is morally wrong
partial birth abortions
Exposure to violent video games causes at least a temporary increase in aggression and this exposure correlates with aggression in the real world
the sale of violent video games to minors
Apartment blocks decrease the cost of municipal infrastructure
high rises for housing
Israel's legitimate right to self-defence is undisputable
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
Social traditions or hierarchies are essential for social order
the monarchy
the Israeli blockade of the city had caused the humanitarian situation in Gaza to have reached its worst point since Israel occupied the territory in the 1967 Six-Day War
the blockade of gaza
With no medical data to support the claimed health problems caused by performance-enhancing drugs, it is, at best, questionable
the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports
The Gaza blockade inflicted excessive damage to the civilian population in relation to the concrete military advantage expected
the blockade of gaza
it is competition between buyers and sellers that channels the profit motive of individuals on both sides of the transaction such that improved products are produced and at lower costs
the free market
criminals ignore gun control laws
the right to bear arms
aggressive children tend to select more violent video games, not the inverse
the sale of violent video games to minors
the only way to effectively end violence is by granting amnesties
the use of truth and reconciliation commissions
government should intervene to prevent market failure
the free market
Religions teachings are outdated in comparison with modern Western morals
Racial stratification continues to occur
the use of affirmative action
Freer markets result in freer people
the free market
boxing commissions and other sanctioning bodies were established to regulate the sport
Toxic compounds in tobacco constitute serious health hazards
the growing of tobacco
laws that forbid the carrying of arms .. disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes
the right to bear arms
Biodiversity is a source of economic wealth
endangered species
physical exercise may help decrease some of the effects of childhood and adult obesity
physical education
Wind power development cuts dependence on fossil fuels
wind power
building large dams and reservoirs often involves displacing people and wildlife
hydroelectric dams
Copyright law is fair and just
intellectual property rights
professional armed forces can be more expensive than a draft-based military
national service
Holocaust denial is a convenient polemical substitute for anti-semitism
holocaust denial
Monarchy provides a focal point for unity and tradition
the monarchy
electronic funds transfers inherent in online gambling are being exploited by criminal interests
Through free competition between vendors for the provision of products and services, prices tend to decrease, and quality tends to increase
the free market
An open primary law is in general unconstitutional
open primaries
Multiculturalism undermines national unity
democratic institutions would do no more than shift the exercise of power from oppression to manipulation
boxing is the only sport where hurting the other athlete is the goal
objective moral truths and the binding nature of obligations suggests a high power to enforce them, regarded as God
depressions result only from government intervention
the free market
arms allow for successful rebellions against tyranny
the right to bear arms
Free trade can enhance national security
the free market
After completion of the Keystone XL line, oil pipelines to the U.S. may run nearly half-empty
the keystone xl pipeline
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression
leaking of military documents
It is incorrect to force only one view
holocaust denial
certain features of the universe and of living things are the product of an intelligent cause
Unfettered markets undermine the social order
the free market
states do not have the right to decide that some video games are too violent for [minors
the sale of violent video games to minors
multinationality in a single state should necessarily comprise the right to express and exercise national identity even by minorities
Production of wind power does not release any pollutants
wind power
Affirmative action may increase racial tension and benefit the more privileged people within minority groups at the expense of the least fortunate within majority groups
the use of affirmative action
using quotas displaces individuals that would normally be favored based on their individual achievements
the use of affirmative action
Hydroelectric plants have the advantage of being long-lived
hydroelectric dams
bringing back the draft would remedy the social disparity
national service
individuals are making judgments about threats and information they are not qualified to make
leaking of military documents
wealth of biodiversity is important for future generations
endangered species
violent games help students deal with stress and aggression
the sale of violent video games to minors
A single election in which the party nominee is selected by nonparty members could be enough to destroy the party
open primaries
the freedom of expression does not justify in any way whatsoever the defamation of religions