Max simply shook his head politley and double checked to make sure the massive blade on his back was secure before he leaped up to grip one of the ropes and began a rather rapid ascent. His travel worn attired hid a physiqe that was not simply well built but also toned and defined, it was the mark of a man who spent a great deal of time training his body as well as his skills. So while it was true he did not match brawlers considerable size a seasoned warrior would likely think twice before engaging this strange swordmsan in combat. It did not take long for Max to reach the top of the rope and vault over the railing with one hand using the other to balance his landing, another subtle hint at the mans skill as it suggested he was used to carrying the weight of that massive sword on his back more often than not. He stood gracefully, his long black hair billowing in the wind making him almost look like something out of a fairytale. He realized he had not been back to Fanelia proper in quite some time. It was true that he stopped at his families little home by the waterfall outside the city from time to time, but that was more because of the hidden cave where he could hide his armor among other things... and because that was home, a place to rest his head from time to time when he needed a break from wandering. But he realized he should spend at least some time in the city itself, if nothing else he should visit his masters grave and memorial. His only worry was that remnants of the royal guard might recognize him, and that could attract the attention of the king. He was not a fugitive or anything of the sort but he was not yet sure that any noble deserved his oath of fealty... and knowing that the young king trained under Balgus after his fathers death he worried that if Balgus had spoke of him the king might approach him hoping for a new Knight of Fanelia. Max had nothing against Van Fanel, in fact quite the opposite... he seemed an honorable and noble young man. But Max was yet testing his mettle as his master had before him, that is why he wondered far and wide pushing the limits of his skills. He knew that when he was in the court there were comments about Balgus finding a proper heir for his teachings but Max did not feel he was worthy of such praise just yet. He would not even consider such an offer from the king nor would he seek out the remaining Blade Masters of Gaia until he was sure he was worthy of the praise people seemed so quick to give him. Skilled though he may be he was not Balgus, and he did not feel he was yet ready to stand beside the legend of his master. He watched as they hauled up the damaged Guymelefs and could not help but notice the puzzled looks of many of her crew. So few had ever seen such damage done to the massive suits of armor and he doubted anyone outside of Famelia had any idea such a thing was possible. He made his way towards the cabin and stood outside it looking out in the distance at the capital of his home nation and spoke softly to himself. "I should at least pay my respects before I see to Kaiser and get back on the road... just have to hope things don't get complicated."
Brawler eventually got up onto the deck of the airship, and promptly walked past Max as he entered the cabin. The large man vanished inside of the ship and remained to be unseen for quite some time. Bridget was in the meantime barking orders out to her men on where to store the guymelefs. They loaded them into the cargo bay of the airship, hoisted up from the ground with cables and rope. The merchant quickly took her spot on the bridge, watching as they got closer to Fanelia to make their way to assist the rebuilding country. Bridget turned toward Max and nudged him with her elbow, noticing how good looking it was. It made her smirk, but other than that she appeared to have a good amount of control over her feminine urges. So tell me, what are your plans after going to Fanelia? Are you travelling anywhere in particular? Because we could certainly use someone like you around when we have more precious cargo to transport. Her hand slowly reached up and her fingers slowly toyed with the leather belt that was wrapped around her throat a few times, forming a collar almost with the way it was coiled around itself. Lowering her hand, she glanced up into his crystal blue eyes with her emerald ones. But dont feel obligated or anything, its just an open ended offer. I can compensate you more than enough though for your services. She said softly as she walked toward the front of the bridge. The sash that was tied around her hips gently whisked around as she walked, there was an obvious sway in her hips that most women had, although hers was less ladylike for a woman of her noble blood. Her hand rested upon the silver saber at her side as she stared forward, the airship preparing to dock in a designated area where they could unload their supplies. Im hungry, she said sporadically toward Max before walking off of the bridge. Come join me! she said ecstatically as she dragged him through the belly of her ship. After many winding corridors, they reached the mess where Brawler was cooking something that smelled delicious. She immediately stole a roll from a pile and sat on the counter that the giant was using to sort ingredients. I cant wait until we get some better food supplies. Im tired of eating beans. She said with a sigh patting her belly. Bridget acted more like a man at times than a lady, but it was rather refreshing for many of the crew.
Max was a knight but he was not blind, so the way Bridgets full bust bounced as she bounded around as well as the rather exagerated swap of her lush hips leading to those toned legs was not missed by him. He reminded himself though that he was a gentlemen and so had to remind himself that he was not supposed to stare no matter how appealing the curvy captain of the airship might be. He was thankful when she spoke as it gave him a distraction, he really needed to spend less time in the woods all alone.. maybe then he would not find himself stairing at the first georgous woman who came along. "I figure I might visit my masters grave... then head to my families place outside town to finish a bit of a project I am working on. No idea where I will go from there to be honest. I am mainly traveling to test and hone my skills as my master did before me. The way I see it a swordsman can not know the limits of his skill or improve them if he does not test his metal." Her offer held a certain appeal, a warm bed might be a nice change of pace from knights under the stars... especially on those colder nights. Bridget seemed playful enough but he also thought he caught her eyes lingering once or twice and that made him wonder if maybe she had a bit more of an interest. He pushed that thought aside though. Allen had always been the one who the women fell over not him. He considered her offer though explaining Kaiser might be a bit complicated, after all it was not the most common sort of thing to come across and she was a merchant after all. But he also knew that because of how his prized machine worked it could not be taken by force since it simply would not work for anyone else. Before he could answer though she had grabbed his incredibly well muscled arm and was dragging him through the myriad hallways till they reached the galley. Max took a seat beside Bridget though he was a bit more willing to wait for Brawler to finish preparing whatever meal he had in the works. Max unslung the massive blade from his back and leaned it against the wall beside him as he noticed how Bridgett seemed far less worried about the niceties of conduct than most women... maybe that was part of why the group full of men did not really eye her over the way she likely would be by most men. Max however again could not help but notice, but in the end reminded himself that at the moment he was simply hitching a ride and even if he did come back she would be his employer in which case such thoughts could get him in trouble.
Everything on Maxs agenda seemed more than adequately possible on Bridgets itinerary. She gave him a swift nod so that he would know it was plausible in her mind. As they sat in the galley, Bridget was quickly eating a roll like she had eaten nothing for the day. Watching Max set his blade down, she slowly set her saber between her crossed legs and handed Brawler spices whenever he needed them. If you did decide to join my gang, we would do whatever was needed to get things done for you. We dont mind making pit stops. After all, it could be profitable for the gang and theyhave been complaining for more shore leave. She sniffed hungrily at the food and her stomach let out a rather loud growl. Brawler, how long until foods ready? she whined softly at him. Turning to face Bridget, Brawler held up a few of his fingers. Whimpering again, she slowly nodded and waited for the meal to be finished. Looking at Max, she gave him a soft smile and a wink as her fingers once again began to play with the belt around her neck that acted like a collar. So tell me, are you been travelling for some time? she watched him curiously as she toyed with her neck wrapping. Even for being a merchant, she still smelled nice and was feminine enough. After we go to Fanelia, we were planning on returning to Asturia to get the ship worked on. Does that interest you at all? The only thing I can promise is that with our gang, therell be a lot of adventure. If that fits your fancy, perhaps you should consider my offer more thoroughly. She smiled softly and turned to Brawler as he handed them each a bowl of hot bean soup. Sighing a bit as she blew on it, she slowly began to eat it once it was cool enough. I cant wait to have some meat... she said longingly as she imagined having fresh stores of food. It was apparent that she really wanted to land and replenish the stores of the ship.
Max unwittingly let his eyes linger for a few moments on the lovely curves and toned figure of the captain. He chuckled a bit to himself without explaining why, he really did need to spend less time in the wilderness... though he had to admit there were many women who did not possess the toned body of Bridget let alone the full bust and hips to make it seem all the more alluring. But Max imagined that Brawler frightened most who noticed her more enticing traits away before they even had a chance to comment. He considered her offer but then decided she deserved fair warning even if he was not sure he would tell her about his little toy just yet. "Perhaps, would be easier to find ways to test my skill if i did not spend so long in the middle of nowhere... but it is only fare to warn you that for several reasons, trouble seems to have a way of finding me.... as for your other question, I have been away since before the Zaibach war for the most part, my master died early in the war and my family passed before that so I have not had much reason to linger here." He nodded his thanks to Brawler and then blew softly on his soup before letting it rest for a moment then began to eat. Even how he ate hinted at his upbringing for he handled even something so simple with practiced manners and elegance. He heard the comment about Asturia and remembered talk that Allen had helped King Van with the Escaflowne... maybe he should pay Allen a visit after all. He nodded his head slightly in appreciation to Brawler for the meal then took some bread to dip carefully into the soup. He had at least one major concern though and it was the very thing that had brought him back to Fanelia in the first place. The drag energist for Kaiser had cracked and he needed a replacement, but how was he supposed to explain that a wandering knight not only had a guymelef tucked away... but an Ispano Guymelef. He gave a puzzled sigh of sorts and then looked to the lovely Bridget before he spoke once more with a rather serious expression. "I may have actually understated that last bit... there is a good chance that if you take me on it will attract some very unpleasant people, but I can not say much more than that."
Bridget turned to Max and rested her hand on his knee, giving it a good pat or two. Dear, what you fail to realize is that we are always getting ourselves into trouble. Seriously, dont stress yourself out about it. We are a tough crew. Hearing him mention wandering before the war with Zaibach, Bridget nodded and continued to eat her soup. She noticed how Max ate with better manners than her, and tried to be more polite. The woman had been raised with manners, just had forgotten a lot of them being stuck on a ship with a bunch of men for months on end. When youre away from high class society and life for long periods of time, things tended to get jumbled, at least in her case. They were now alone in the galley; Brawler was disbursing soup to the other shipmates and had waved his hand at Maxs thanks for the meal. the man was used to being in charge of feeding everyone on the ship. Despite his large appearance, he was rather sweet once you got to know him. Hearing Max sigh, Bridget turned to face him and listened intently as he spoke about attracting trouble. Slowly lifting her hands, she unclasped the belt around her throat and slowly unwound it, holding the leather in her hands as she stared at him. There was a long scar along the right side of her throat, and she flicked her hair back so Max could get a clear look at it. I was serious when I mentioned trouble not being an issue for me and the gang. Trust me, we will be alright. Quietly rewrapping the belt around her throat, she covered the scar up once more and smiled at him as she re-crossed her legs. Im not saying you have to make up your mind right now, but think about it. We will be docked in Fanelia for a few days, so we wont be going anywhere. Finishing the rest of her soup, she slid off of the counter and put the bowl in a sink. Gripping her saber, she winked at him and started leaving the galley. Now if youll excuse me, I need to go make sure we land correctly. You are free to wander the ship and explore, just dont break anything. She flicked her hair over her shoulder before climbing up the stairs that led away from the galley. Her chest bounced as she ascended, and it only made her femininity stand out more boldly.
Max could not help but notice the way her large breasts bounced as she made her exit. He marveled at the fact that no one around seemed to see her as the busy and toned bombshell that she clearly was. He did not know why but he was not going to press the matter. His thoughts drifted to what he needed to do back at his home... renewing the bond and setting the new energist would not take to terribly long but he could not just walk into Fanelia without draping the large cloak over Kaiser to ensure no one realized it was an Ispano. It was no crime to own a Guymelef or even an Ispano Guymelef but Max always worried about drawing undue trouble because of it. He finished his soup then reached down to his hip to ensure he had the treasure that had brought him to that forest in the first place. He felt the weight and warmth of the energist where it rest at his hip in the satchel. He stood and nodded to Brawler again then made his way up to the deck. His gaze was out on the woods of his homeland and the fast approaching city. If he took her offer, even if it was just to save him time on the trip to see Allen, he would need to bring Kaiser to the ship and that could be trouble if those bandits had not given up. But if he did not try he ran just as much if not more chance of someone noticing or finding out as he traveled to Asturia. He would visit Balgus' Grave when they landed then would go see to the neccesary preperations on Kaiser and make his way back to the docks. He would simply have to hope that nothing went wrong. IT did not take long for the ship to land and make port. Not long after that he was in the area near the palace and made his way to a stone monument to the fallen blade master. He took a knee there and closed his eyes before speaking softly, "I am not quite there yet Master but I am getting closer... I will travel into the other lands once more and seek out challenges and ways to improve... and maybe when I return I will be a worthy successor." He then stood and made his way out of the city and down a winding path to a fanciful house that seemed partly carved out of the mountain wall. To its side was a beautiful waterfall and it was towards that sight that his gaze drifted. In the end he made his way inside though and took a quick shower then grabbed a fresh change of clothes and packed up several changes of clothes and a fresh set of armor just in case he needed it. With that satchel thrown over his shoulder he made his way not towards the bolted door at the front of the house but rather towards an ornate bookshelf at the back of the house. He ran his hand along the bottom of one of the shelves and found a catch there pressing it even as he pressed down on a bevel in the desigh and there was a loud click. Max slid the shelf out a bit to reveal a hallway behind it and then pulled it closed behind him. Moments later he was unlocking a large armored door and entering a cave that was hidden behind the waterfall. There standing near a platform was a sight to behold... a black Ispano Guymelef with ornate trim, one of its arms adorned with what looked like a shield and a red cape draped from its shoulders and at its hip what appeared to be a wicked looking blade. Max made his way up to the platform and then took at the Drag Energist mumbling something softly as if speaking to the giant suit of armor and then he cut his own hand and pressed the energist into the receptacle in the armor. He then bandaged his hand and opened the great suit of armor placing his satchel inside and then climbing in himself. The Guymelef came to life at his touch and with a massive hand reached out to retrieve a simple black cloak which he then draped over its massive frame. The hood of the poncho like garment also served to hide the rather distinct look of its helm. Suitably hidden from prying eyes he opened the massive metal gates and then locked them behind him before walking out through the waterfall and making his way back towards the city proper. It did not take long to reach the city using Kaiser as his transportation and he stuck to the main roads in the city itself so that he would not have trouble traveleing towards the docks. Even wrapped in this traveling cloak the Guymelef drew stairs but Max did not dally enough for it to be an issue. Soon he was at the docks gazing on the ship once more and called out from within his Guymelef, "Is Bridget aboard... she made me an offer not long ago for passage and maybe a bit of work." He ignored the shocked looks of the crew, he knew that they likely would not have expected him to arrive with a Guymelef but he could not leave it unguarded for long... he would not risk his families home that way.
The members of the crew who were in charge of the cargo bay were a bit shocked when they saw Max approach from inside a Guymelef. It wasnt something they were expecting. Granted they knew that Bridget had a strange ability to attract those who had interesting pasts or things they were carrying with them, but this by far was the largest surprise they had ever seen. Someone spoke to Max, informing him that Bridget wasnt onboard but that she would be relatively soon, and that he might as well just part his Guymelef in the back because they had a feeling Max was going to join the crew. Actually it was less of a feeling and more of the fact that Bridget had shouted it to all of them before leaving the airship. The men scurried around the floor of the cargo bay, moving things around so that Max could walk inside with the machine without ruining any of the crates that were being removed. Eventually the crew started to fight with each other about what should go where, but Brawler soon took care of that. The large man was delivering more food to the crew, and had seen Max from within the Guymelef. His face didnt change much when he saw it, Brawler actually remained quite calm. After a few orders being barked out by the huge man, the crates were moved and he motioned Max further inside of the cargo bay. Directing him with his large hands, Brawler eventually got Maxs Guymelef to one of the mounting seats, next three other Guymelefs. The one that was directly next to his though was unique, too unique. Once Max was done setting his Guymelef in the seat, he would be able to properly take a look at the Guymelef beside his. The Guymelef wasnt as large as his; it was a bit shorter and possibly faster. The cape wasnt pulled over it; instead it was fully exposed to view. Clearly it wasnt being hidden from anyone. The suit appeared to be functional, but Max wouldnt be able to tell without investigating it, which he couldnt do because he didnt know who it belonged too. The Guymelef was black like his, but almost a bit lighter in color. The bone-like pieces that comprised of the suit had some gashes and scratches, clearly having been used in battle more than once. The head of the suit had a distinct look to it that Max should have been able to recognize. This was clearly not just any regular Guymelef, this was an Ispano. He could see the crystal cortex that would house the energist that powered the machine and surprisingly there was one inside. This suit must have belonged to someone on the ship. Or perhaps it was being delivered somwhere? He couldnt say for sure, but it was definitely something hed have to investigate further. Brawler turned to look at the opening of the cargo bay to see Bridget coming on board. She was debating with a few people, clearly about how to deliver the supplies to Fanelia. It was clear from the expression on her face that there was quite a few things she was dealing with at the moment, and Brawler immediately shifted his form, causing a few of the men swarming around Bridget to back off. Clearly he had quite a bit of influence in the crews behavior around her. Perhaps he was the reason why Bridget wasnt married? He was the knight fending off suitors. Perhaps it was due to her request, or her deceased father? Regardless, Bridget looked up at both of them and gave the men a tired smile. After wiping her brow with her gloved hand, she stared up at them both and put her hands on her hips. I swear, they argue so much the night before they get shore leave its not even funny. She was referring to the fact that many members of the crew were trying to get their job done as quickly as possible so they could go raid the nearest pub. Bridget wasnt as frugal as some merchant pilots, but nothing could beat getting drunk in a pub at night. She was considering it herself when Brawler snapped her from her thoughts. Perhaps we should stay at an inn tonight? the way he spoke to her was clearly that of a father, perhaps Brawler had been more of a surrogate parent to her than was visible to the naked eye. Bridget contemplated over the thought for a few moments before Brawler patted her shoulder, leaving the two to talk. I will deal with the men, you take care of him. He was clearly referring to Max, and the large man started shouting at the crew, scaring them into working faster. Bridget smiled as he left and turned to look at Max. She hadnt seen him for a few hours and realized what he had been up too. Her eyes were immediately transfixed on the Guymelef next to hers, and then stared at Max blinking a few times. I take it thats what you were referring too when you mentioned trouble. She held her hands above her head and stretched before folding them behind her head. Standing there for a few moments, her body swaying as she thought, she smirked at Max and gave him a wink. Its nothing we wont be able to manage. Its not the only suit we have on board, so dont worry about it. she said pointing to the other suits that were across from him. It appeared that she also had two regular functioning Guymelefs along with the two that they were going to try and sell for a profit. Clearly Bridget was a collector with unique taste. It wasnt surprising at all that she was a merchant. Turning away from Max, she started to walk down the cargo bay before pausing, motioning him to follow. Well dont just stand there, lets go get something to drink at the inn. She gave him one of those winks that she tended to give quite often, and kept walking out. The crew appeared to be leaving as well, rather excitedly actually as they piled into Fanelias streets. Bridget made her way through the bustling crowd and eventually arrived at a local inn. Buying rounds for her men, she held up her pitcher of ale before taking a hearty swig from it. She retired to the upper floor of the establishment and crossed her legs, leaning back in a chair as she enjoyed her drink. Watching the men laugh and drink, telling stories shed heard a million times, a smile crept across her lips. This was her home, her family. There wasnt anywhere else she would want to be. Glancing up at Max, she smiled at him warmheartedly, clearly pleased that he had decided to follow her into the town. So, how did visiting your Masters grave go earlier? She asked as she lowered her feet off of the small table, inviting him to sit beside her as she watched the men enjoy themselves.
Max was securing the massive form of Kaiser, still covered by a simple beige hooded cloak that obscured the truth of what it was including the ornately carved mask that was part of the helm. He exited his concealed treasure and made sure it was secure before his eyes glanced to the smaller black ispano seated beside it. That was a bit of a surprise though he said nothing about it for the time being. Instead he simply turned his gaze out over the cargo bay and noticed the way that Brawler acted in the defense of Bridgett, a surrogate father it seemed... that was something he had once upon a time in his master but the war had taken that from him. He heard the comment assuming that it was just having a Guymelef that was the trouble he was referring to earlier and shook his head, "Not quite... but all things in due time." He leaped down elegantly from Kaiser even as Brawler so willingly left Bridgett with him. It was an act that surprised him given how protective Brawler had seemed only moments before and he was sure that his random glances had not gone unnoticed by Brawler. He wondered if that meant he had impressed the large man or earned his trust in some way. He tried not to let his mind linger on it because he did not want to get himself into trouble so soon after arriving. He could not help but watch the sway of her hips as she insisted he follow her to the inn and pub though. He still had his sword strapped to his back as he followed and his thoughts began to wander as he thought on the fact that she might have something to say about Kaiser sooner or later, at the very least she would likely want to know where he had acquired such a Guymelef. He followed her to the inn and for the first few moments was by himself off to one side of the pub, at least until she motioned him over. He made his way over and sat beside her. When she had her legs kicked up, shapely though they are, it was easier to pass her off as just a member of a ships crew... but when she shifted as she had and invited him closer it was far harder to ignore her feminine whiles. He shrugged a bit at her question then answered, "As well as can be expected I suppose... there was no trouble so to speak, seemed that some of them men you were dealing with were a bit more forward than Brawler approved of though I noticed." He accepted a drink and took a sip then pondered his next words carefully, "He seems rather protective of you, I was actually rather surprised when he left you alone with me after seeing that."
When she heard his comment about the grave, she nodded slowly and drank from her ale. She herself knew that sometimes visiting graves could be consoling while other times aggravating. I wasnt asking about trouble Sir Max. Bridget narrowed her eyes at him before smirking at him. She hoped that he would understand what she meant, and she went back to drinking her ale before his next statement hit her. Her eyes shifted toward him as she blinked a few times. Sometimes it can be hard being a female merchant. Men dont take you seriously, so sometimes I need to be a bit more forward and brash than usual. Dont worry thought, everything is under control and will be fine. Smiling at him she leaned back in her chair and took a glance at her men, barking at them because she could tell that a few might get into a fist fight with each other. Were here to celebrate fools! she yelled through grit teeth. Turning back to Max, she nodded before answering his question. My father died when I was younger. And of course being daddys little girl, I got the family business much to my mothers displeasure. Brawler was my fathers right hand man, thus why he is mine. He helped raise me and has been like a father after mine died. There was a warm smile on her face as she sipped her ale. Max could tell from the look in her eyes that she did love Brawler like a father. Then a playful smirk crept across her cheeks. I guess your Guymelef impressed him. She giggled playfully at him before looking back down at the main floor of the tavern. Dont worry; it doesnt bother me at all. And if you want to talk about your Melef then Ill listen. But I wont force it out of you. I will however let you know that the one next to yours is mine. Her emerald eyes met his crystal blue ones, a glint of mischief in them as she watched him.
Max shook his head a bit but it was with a smile, "No not here, to many ears for my taste to discuss that subject... and I somehow doubt Brawler is keen on leaving you alone with some wandering rogue of a swordsman who has been drinking." He chuckled a bit at that part, though she had called him sir he seldom really felt like a knight these days. Aside from his skill and his family name there did not seem to be much in his eyes that set him apart from any other wandering warrior out there in the wild world of Gaia. He sipped at his ale and then ordered another before leaning back and stretching, unwittingly giving quite the view of his broad chest and sculpted arms to those who bothered to look closely enough. "My father died when I was young so I can relate to that, all I had after that was my Master... but the beginning of the Zaiboch war took him as well so now it is just me by my lonesome. So I have not spent much time in any given place. Just wandered and tested my mettle against any challenge that the world gave me. It has not been an easy life but it has been interesting more often than not." His crystal blue orbs met her sparkling green gaze and he could not help but wonder what mischief danced in her eyes. He knew that she was a strong woman and that seemed able to handle herself. The scar she had shown also suggested that she had seen her share of trouble over the years. But still he wondered what exactly she might have in mind. He downed the recently delivered ale and then ordered another as well as something a little stronger. His eyes wandered a bit without him realizing it as he took in Bridget's large bust and toned body once more, she might be called amazonian if she were taller but as it was she was simply a very tempting and well muscled package. He smirked a bit and then downed the recently delivered ale and leaned back to rest a bit. He realized he should know better than to eye her like that... if Brawler caught him looking at her like that he might find himself in a bit of trouble. Part of him however wondered if it just might be worth it.
Zaibach took my father as well, Bridget said grimly as she stared into her ale. The colored liquid was a pretty color to the woman, and she could see her eyes reflection inside of it. Not directly, but it was defiantly due to the war and their lust for power. She glanced up at the dimly lit inn, her crew now fully intoxicated and trying to pick up the local women. A few soldiers ambushed and raided the ship, in turn killing him with their blood lust. I remember watching him fall on the desk as the soldiers left. I held his giant hand in my small one until he finally passed. Her eyes shook a bit as she remembered the event, but quickly wiped them to prevent any tears from falling. Now they are gone though, and thats whats important. Its our job to prevent another power, another empire like that from ever rising again. Thats one of the reasons why Im helping Fanelia out of my own pocket; we need more nations like theirs to change the world. Seeing how much ale Max was ordering, she couldnt help but smirk to herself. Then she noticed how defined his muscles were and forced her gaze to divert. Other than Brawler, she wasnt used to being around very strong men. It was rather common to see her beating up on the crew than them beating each other up. Bridget had managed to establish that she was an equal, and they feared her wrath if they dared to put her in a bad mood. She wasnt able to drink as much as a Max, but she could still hold her own rather well. Perhaps this night she just wasnt much into the mood for drinking like the others. From a passing bar maid, she ordered a second round of ale for herself and some roasted meat. Bridget could feel eyes on her, and shot a glare around her as she searched the second floor. Seeing that no one was looking at her, she suddenly realized that it must have been Max. A very faint blush slowly crept across her cheeks but she immediately took a large gulp of ale. She knew that she was rather attractive for a woman, but had always had issues accepting it. brawler had done a good job of scaring men away, so she didnt have to deal with the fact that she was seen as pretty by people. The scar upon her neck, as well as a couple others, was what she considered beautiful on her body. She was rather backward compared to women of the time in her standing, but it was simply how she was raised. Her father had come from a long line of strong, independent women, women whose example she desired to follow. As the roasted meat and ale arrived, she tipped the bar maid well and started to eat. Offering some of the meat to Max, she winked at him as she chewed on it, savoring the taste. Ive missed this... she said as she chewed and watched her men. Ive missed the happier times... Now leaning closer to the table as she ate, the distance between her and Max was less. Her emerald eyes glanced over at his as she wiped her cheek with a napkin, not all of her rich upbringing went to waste. I suppose you arent used to a lot of interaction with people hmm? After being out in the woods for so long. Part of me envies you. Ive thought about buying a cabin in the forest for quite some time now, just living there in the peace and quiet without a care in the world.
Max finished his ale then downed the glass of potent spirits as well before accepting her offer and savoring the roasted meat of his homeland. He also motioned that his drinks should be replaced. He did not speak for a time as he thought about what she said. He had always been a bit of a loner and so had never really given it much thought to be honest. His families home was outside the city after all and so the woods and mountains were more home to him than the city really was. They traveled to the city for needed supplies and so his father could speak to the King... his father had sworn fealty to the King but there was no familial oath for the house of Draco. It was why he was technically considered a Knight Errant. Finally he spoke, "I suppose I am more used to keeping to myself... my home is no small cabin but it is outside the city and more a part of the mountain and forest than anything else. I suppose my wandering has given me a lot of time to myself as well, just me and Kaiser out in the wilderness save for the animals and the land." He sipped his fresh ale and continued to work at the roast meat when it was offered to him. He was also suddenly aware of just how close Bridget was to him and had to force his eyes, and his mind, from wandering once more. It was part of why he was nursing the tankard of ale and eying the hard spirits once more. It was a distraction to dull his senses just enough that he could fool himself into thinking she was just another merchant and not a powerfully built and buxom beauty, he smirked and suddenly thought that might take more ale and spirits than the pub had to offer in the long term. One advent of the long times he spent alone is despite looks that easily rivaled those of the knight he used to train against, and a body of sculpted muscle much like that of his late master... he had far less of an impression on how it affected those around him. So he was neither cocky or overconfident in his appearance. He slowly nursed his ale before he continued with his earlier questions. "Yes the prevention of such abuse of power is why my family never offered a familial oath of fealty... each generation choose a king or kingdom and it ends with the death of the one who uttered the oath." He took another sip of his ale before continuing even as his crystal blue gaze stared out into the night, "So I am guessing Brawler is rather particular about who he leaves you with then... seems the protective sort... though I suppose out in the woods he could relax a bit if he wanted."
I envy you in that you are making your own path. Granted I am doing the same, to an extent. But I know that being from noble family of Asturia my loyalty is secured. I do primarily keep to myself as well, excluding the crew. I avoid my family as much as possible, which youll probably see once we dock in Asturia. I am sure that my mother will be there waiting to whisk me away and put me in a dress. Bridget made a sour face at this thought. Ill probably sneak out in a crate again... I do hope though with this new found peace things should be much easier for me and the crew to travel and trade, discovering long lost treasures. Thus why we are here in Fanelia. I am paying for this little adventure out of my own pocket because I want to see other nations and more people rise up to change the world. With Zaibach gone we have a chance at doing that finally. Sipping at her second ale now, she glanced over to Max as he mentioned Brawler leaving her alone with people. She couldnt help but chuckle and immediately nodded. He is rather particular about that. I dont know if my father made him promise to keep me unwed or what. She laughed a bit before staring at the glass in her hand. I am thankful though, he keeps my mothers attempts at marrying me off in a stand still. There was a bit of sorrow in her eyes. Like most women who were well to do in Asturia, it was highly probably that Bridgets mother was trying to marry her off into a wealthy family to keep their family wealth booming. Max could clearly see that an arranged marriage was not on the young womans agenda. I actually got the idea of living in a cabin from him. Before he started traveling with me on the ship, he had retired to a little cabin in the country. It was always so peaceful there when my father was still alive; he would take me there to visit when my mother was away traveling. She gave Max a bright smile and finished off her second helping of ale. Perhaps youre someone he actually feels Ill be safe around. She said as she ran her finger around the rim of the glass, clearly in thought. The ale was clearly affecting her, her cheeks were pink and her eyes a bit glossy, but she still had firm control over herself. Her eyes were wandering a bit more and she caught herself staring at Max more than once. Realizing that she should probably retire for the night before she made a fool of herself, she slowly got out other chair and bowed her head to him. I think Im going to take advantage of this opportunity to sleep in a real bed, so I will see you in the morning. She winked at him before walking up the stairwell to the third floor of the inn, disappearing at the top of the stairs. Upon entering an empty room, Bridget removed her boots and collapsed on the moderately sized bed. Letting out a loud sigh, she rolled over and held a pillow, enjoying the freshly cleaned sheets. It had been quite some time since she slept in a nice bed, and she was thoroughly enjoying it. Removing her clothes, she lay in her undergarments staring up at the ceiling. She was wondering about Max, his past, the Guymelef, and why she couldnt keep her eyes off of him. Smacking her cheeks a few times, she rolled over and held a pillow close as she forced her thoughts to go silent, passing out where she lay.
Max felt the ale and spirits having an affect on him though not quite the one he expected. Even as he noticed Bridget taking longer and longer glances at him while she spoke of Brawler trusting him and her desire not to simply be married off to some rich family... his own eyes went more and more to her lush figure and those fiery eyes. He found himself tempted to mention that generations of knighthood had left his family fairly well to do but that he had no such concerns since his mother had died in childbirth and his father fighting at the side of the King of Fanelia. When she stood he found his eyes glued to the sway of her full hips and the bounce of her large bust when she went up the stairs. He shook his head a bit and then looked down at his ale and finished it and the meat she had ordered. He wondered why he could not stop looking at her as far more than just a merchant or employer, when he looked he saw a strong and very attractive woman. Part of him wondered if Brawler had some agenda of his own but that simply made him chuckle and then he finished the glass of powerful spirit and leaned back to close his eyes. Though his minds eye was no less affected by his thoughts than those he had just closed, and it too was filled with images of her lush curves and toned limbs. He felt himself flush at those thoughts and something inside him stirred a bit. He shook his head clear for a moment and then stood and walked over to the barkeep, he tossed enough currency on the counter to cover his drinks as well as everything that Bridget had ate and drank and a decent tip for the server. The barkeep raised an eyebrow and spoke softly, "The young lady already payed for everything." Max shook his head a bit then spoke softly as well and slide even more currency across to the man, "Let her pay for the crew, but this should cover her room as well as the meal and drink we had and my room... so you can remove those charges from her tab." The man shrugged but then nodded and took the money. Max made his way up to the room that had been arranged for him , he wondered for a moment how large the rooms on the ship were... he did not mind cots or even bedrolls but he had the means ti get a few beds for those deserving if the room were large enough and he new a few craftsman in Asturia so perhaps he could see to something when they arrived there. For now he striped down to his undergarments folding his clothes and placing them at the bedside upon a chair, he leaned his weapons against that chair as well and then lay down and closed his eyes. He lay there with his powerful frame uncovered and simply relaxed on the lavish bed letting himself drift off to sleep.
Bridget awoke the next morning early as she always did. After stretching around in the bed, she picked up her scattered clothes off of the floor and got dressed, pulling her boots on over her feet. Making her way downstairs, she was adjusting her bodice as she met the person in charge of the inn. Not even caring to see the tab, she just asked how much it was and paid it before making her way toward the ship. Knowing that most of the men were still asleep, she took the chance to return to the ship and take a quick bath. Once cleaned up, she rubbed herself down with some fragrant oils before putting on a fresh shirt and trousers. Attaching a bodice with embroidery on it around her middle, she pulled part of her hair up into a high bun then wrapped the belt around her throat to cover the long scar on the side of her throat. Now she was ready to get to work and would do so. As the sun rose, Bridget sat in her small office in the airship, writing up request orders for supplies that she would take into Fanelia with her. Once the sun had gotten an edge on her, Bridget left the ship and walked through the busy streets of Fanelia. She rather enjoyed the liveliness of the city, already seeing some of the supplies they had delivered being put to good use by the civilians. Stopping at an armory, market, and linen store, she ordered what she needed before deciding to take a leisurely stroll through the industrial district. After ordering some raw materials that could be used for repairs on their ship, Bridget found herself sitting at a little bakery eating some bread. Her emerald eyes flicked around the crowd a few times before shifting the saber at her side. It had been a long time since things had been so peaceful, but it was a pleasant change to how things had been during the war with Zaibach. Once she was finished with her breakfast, Bridget started walking toward the ship, a bounce in her step as she waved to members of her crew as they started to emerge from the inn. When she was closer to the ship, she barked a few orders out to the crew who were loading up supplies. Grabbing a few things as she inspected the crates, she helped the men secure a few in place so they wouldnt move once they were back on route to Asturia. Smirking a bit, she went to the bridge and patted Brawlers shoulder in greeting as she sat upon the railing between the upper and lower levels of the bridge, her legs swinging a bit as she watched the members of her crew monitor the instruments of the ship. It was all typical maintenance they did while docked somewhere for more than a day. Bridget glanced around at the ship a few times, wondering if Max was wandering through the city or somewhere on the ship. Immediately feeling her cheeks flush a little, she shook her head and smacked her cheek to get her head out of the clouds. She had things to do, and she did her best to distract herself with them as the afternoon slowly approached.
Max had woken early as he often did. The inn was still quite when he rose from the bed and then donned his traveling garb silently. He moved with the practice ease of a man who was used to being out on the road rather than at home, he quickly found the small wash basin and used to rinse his face and then strapped the ornate long sword to his hips before once more shouldering the larger sword and securing it to his back. He tossed a few coins on the counter of his room for whoever was tasked with cleaning up the rooms and then made his way out into the city even as it was just waking. He had a set of decent enough clothes stowed back on kaiser but if he was going to see merchants, artisans, and eventually the court it occurred to him that he might need a bit more. So first he headed outside the city and back to his home in those early morning hours and retrieved a tightly wrapped parcel from his dresser. He had not worn it since he had attended the funerals of his father and the king but it was the sort of finery expected of a proper Knight. He then retrieved a small lock box from his desk and opened it, inside lay a signet ring, a pendant with his family crest, and a bound volume whose pages held proof of his lineage... marks of a noble birth. He sighed a bit and shook his head, it was something he was not particularly proud or fond of to be honest. Somewhere down the family lineage the knights of his line had been wed to various daughters or sons of noble birth, never any heirs to the throne mind you but nobility just the same. He was glad though that his mother had been a simple attendant to the queen and his father a knight... he had grown up here outside the city and though he visited the royal courts had never been forced into being a part of them. He secured the lock box and the parcel holding his court finery. He made his way back to the city with a practiced stride. He noticed the merchants were setting up for the day and he purchased some sweet bread for his breakfast as well as a few packages of local blends of tea to take with him. He made his way back to the ship even before the merchants had brought their wears to be shipped. He was not sure what they wanted him to do, especially as his skills lay mainly in swordplay and the occasional need for diplomacy if he was on familiar terms with those he was dealing with. In the end he simply checked on Kaiser and stowed his things there before sealing up the impressive Guymelef once more. He then double checked to make sure the large beige traveling cloak still hid the true nature of his Guymelef and that the crimson cloak affixed to its shoulders was neatly hidden beneath the traveling garb. When he was satisfied with that he made his way up to the deck where he saw everyone busying themselves starting the days work. He found a quite and secluded corner of the deck behind the captains cabin and sat down with his long sword in his lap and the great sword he carried laying in front of him and closed his eyes. It was an old practice and most swordsman never bothered with it anymore but max found that centering himself and clearing his mind every so often was rather helpful. By the time the others were into the full swing of the things and Bridget was looking out over the deck he was making his way out towards the front of the ship. There he began to go through sword forms his motions were smooth and practiced. He started slowly and elegantly at first and when he finished with the long sword he began the same exercise with the great sword. He took a short meal break to find some food in the galley and then returned to the deck for further practice. By the time afternoon rolled around and the day was warming up he felt a bit warm and so carefully removed his jacket and shirt folding them neatly and then began to go through his forms though this time with a bit more speed and force. By the time he took up the great sword again there was a light sheen of sweat to his muscled form. By this point Max had switched back to the long sword once more and it sliced through air with the sound of rushing wind. The glint of the afternoon light on his sword seemed the perfect match to the way the light reflected off that light sheen of sweat on his tanned skin. He was oblivious to any who might have looked his way as he performed this dangerous dance that set his powerfully corded muscled rippling with practiced motions that came as easily to him as his next breath.
Bridget saw Max going to the front of the ship as she worked on a few things with her crew. She also noticed how he began to do the dances with the swords, and how his form was eventually revealed. After catching herself staring a couple of times, her thoughts wandered back to the night before and couldnt help but blush. She immediately smacked her cheeks, a reflex to combat her feminine urges, and left the bridge of the airship. Going down a few floors, she entered her small room and shut the door behind her. Leaning against it, she let out a heavy sigh and stared up at the ceiling.What has gotten into me?she thought for a few moments before looking forward. Bridget didnt have any special accommodations, regardless of being a captain. Her room was as big as the crews, a small rectangular room about ten feet long by six feet wide. Her bunk didnt have one underneath it, instead there was a small dresser bolted to the wall that contained her possessions. Against the window was a small desk with a chair and a mirror upon it that she used as a makeshift vanity. She opened the small window and let the cool air of the countryside in. Taking a deep breath, Bridget slowly climbed up the small ladder that lead to her bunk. Lying down on the pile of quilts she had up there, she stared up at the ceiling and pressed her palm to it. She hadnt ever felt drawn to anyone like this before, and it honestly scared her a little. Bridget wasnt used to such things, and it was something shed never been taught about. Where she came from you married for money, not love and desire. It was simply how things were done. Closing her eyes, she held her face in her hands and groaned a little to herself. She had removed herself from the deck because she didnt want to be seen gawking at Max. Bridget had never been in this situation before, and it was slightly discomforting. She stayed hidden within her room for a while longer before eventually forcing herself down from her bunk. Leaving her room, she wandered back to the bridge and slowly glanced to the bow of the ship, seeing that Max was apparently done with his sword dances. She sighed a bit with relief and slowly walked out onto the bow, towel in hand, watching him gather his things up. After collecting herself, she forced herself to strike up a conversation to get whatever was going on through her out of the way. You are very skilled. I can tell that you were indeed taught by Balgus, and that hed be proud to see you there now. She smiled at him gently as her emerald eyes made sure to never make direct contact. Tossing a towel at him, she turned and walked to the tip of the bow, glancing down at the city before them.
Max caught the towel and then casually began to dab at the sweat that still glistened on his powerfully muscled form. So she had figured it out in the end it seemed and now knew exactly whose grave he had visited. He did not bother to cover himself back up but instead bundled his clothes. He for some reason felt like showing off just a bit and did not really understand why. There was just something about Bridget that seemed to have that affect on him. He looked into her eyes and managed a rather dashing smile that was made even more so given his state of undress as he spoke, "So you found me out huh... yeah I was Balgus' student and he was the one who watched for me after my father died. What gave it away the shirtless training?" He chuckled a bit as it was no secret his master was built like a brick wall just as Max himself was, and that he trained without any form of armor or protection to instill his believe that one had to fight with the intention to do harm. His eyes were drawn to her figure and he had to remind himself this was his employer at the moment and so he turned and looked out over the city to hide his blush as he spoke once more, "when we get to Asturia I can actually make things a little easier for you. Tell them you are bringing Lord Maximilian Draco of House Draco to see the King and Sir Allen Schezar on a matter of personal import... should get you right through any custom checks." He did not go into details of his nobility distant though it may be. It was not something important to him in all honesty. He had little care for the politics of the course and little need for his families fortune given that he was happy to live in his home by the waterfall and the simple life of a knight errant. It is why he had not thought twice about paying for rooms and board at the inn. It is also why he never thought how it might affect how others thought of him... but he suddenly realized he had just told a merchant about it, one who admitted her family cared very much about those things even if she did not and suddenly he put his hand over his eyes and sighed. "Of course now I realize this means what you said about your mother earlier could cause a whole other set of problems with it... I will figure something out just don't start going around calling me lord or sir or any of that drivel. It is just Max... and maybe keep it between you and me and maybe the big guy... not something I particularly care about or want broadcast for the most part."
Yes I did find out about you, she said with as smirk, watching him wipe the sweat off of his body. As he asked her how she had learned, she simply smirked and winked at him. A girl as her ways. She said playfully before turning around to glance at the scenery around them, then at her ship. It was slightly battered; suggesting that theyd encountered trouble, and Bridget thought to herself that they should probably get the left levistone replaced once they reached Asturia. Her eyes then flicked over his body and quickly went back to staring at the ship, her booted foot kicking at a ding in the hull. As Max mentioned going to Asturia and making things easier for her, she shook her head and smiled a bit hearing his title, her own echoing in the back of her mind. Thats not necessary, but thank you. But if you would like to see the King and Allen Schezar Im sure that it could be arranged. She gave him a sweet smile before holding her hands together behind her back. Her expression was thoughtful, as if there was something on her mind. When she heard Max mention her mother, Bridget quirked a brow at him before blinking confused. My mother? she asked puzzled before putting it together in her mind. A-Are you suggesting that my mother would throw me at you!? she squeaked out. Max could see Bridgets face fully flush at the idea of her mother trying to marry them if she knew of Maxs lineage, and quickly turned to hide her face. She had barely just met him and he was already suggesting something like that? Perhaps he was interested in her?... Shaking the thoughts from her head, Bridget patted her cheeks before speaking once more. I am perfectly fine with you not wanting to broadcast your title. I will be sure to have no one speak of it if they learn. As for Brawler, your secret will be safe with him if you so desire to inform him. However he may put two and two together if you keep wearing fancy clothes like that. She motioned to his nicer garb. One from Court would immediately be able to recognize you. Bridget herself had but she wasnt going to admit to such things now. You are Max while on my ship, just like I am Bridget, or Captain if you so prefer it. Winking at him once more, she waved her hand a little before walking backwards, toward the command post of the airship. Now I think is time for me to return to my post. I hope that youre thinking about my offer, Maximilion~ We will probably leave port tomorrow morning! she said with a smirk as she vanished inside the airship. He could see her walking to Brawler and talking to him before vanishing off of the deck to go do more work.
Max had already made up his mind and wondered if she realized the reason he avoided the court here was because the court of King Van Fanel would recognize him for who and what he is... a lord of noble birth. He noticed the way she balked at his comment and also the slight flush to her cheeks which made him wonder if maybe she liked that idea more than she was letting on. He smirked and nodded a bit, "If she found out about me she well might, a few generations back you can find ties to one royal line... and further back than that another. I am no where near being in line for any formal position but from what you say the title and my family's wealth would be enough to wet her appetite." He wrapped and shouldered his great sword once more and sheathed the long sword at his hip before he spoke once more, "I just do not care much for position or title myself is all, do not see that I have a need for them... I would rather be a wandering swordsman than a lord of the court... I prefer to be judged for who I am and what I do rather than who I can trace my lineage to... call me crazy." He watched her go and his eyes seemed to once more gravitate to the sway of her hips and the muscular tone of her long legs. He had to force himself to look away and remind himself that his stares were likely to earn him a talk with Brawler at this rate. He gathered his things and then went down to Kaiser to grab a fresh shirt. He made his way back up to the cabin intended to talk to Bridget and Brawler there. He made his way inside and nodded to them both before he spoke once more, "So any chance of a private room, Don't mean to impose but I am not exactly used to be around people when I sleep and old habits die hard." he looked directly at Bridget for the next part but he trusted that Brawler would not speak of it, "And in confidence between us three.. I will have to break out real finery when we reach Asturia, they will not admit me unless I am properly garbed... and I apologize for any trouble it causes you with your mother Bridget."
Bridgets mind was reeling a bit from what he told her. Max seemed so backward in terms of court that it was hard to believe that he had such noble lineage. But then again, his body said otherwise. His long dark hair and eyes told her that he was from noble blood, just like her eyes and hair gave hers away. The very thought that he had been hinting at her mother wanting them to wed made her think that he did like her more than just in a friendly manner. Perhaps it was true. She wasnt bad looking, she knew that much, but she had never had this type of thing happen to her before in her life. It was definitely something to think about. When he came back onto the deck, she turned and noticed he was wearing a new shirt and fought a blush, focusing on brawlers vest instead, starting to count the stray threads on it. When he addressed both of them, she turned and blinked a few times but Brawler beat her to the talking. Thats more than acceptable. However they wont inspect us when we enter the country. However when we leave for shore leave you may get some stares. And if you desire to go to court to visit anyone or make a social call, you should dress accordingly. I know that I will be changing my garb as well. Brawler then looked down at Bridget and raised a brow seeing her inspect his vest. She squeaked with surprise then smiled innocently, glancing up at him timidly. Im sure that we all will look odd once dressed up in our formal attire. Im sure that eventually Im going to be put in a dress. The captain of the airship made a sour face and then tugged at her cheeks. I better get used to being pinched too. I can hear her now...Bridget you need to make your cheeks blush~. Bridgets tone got really nasally and artificial, clearly mimicking that of her mother. It brought a smile to Brawlers face and she let out a soft giggle, covering her mouth so she wouldnt snort. Turning to Max, she bowed her head slightly and then spoke normally once more. I am sure that things will be fine Max, dont stress yourself out about it. Well manage to get by as we always do. She patted his shoulder firmly before lowering it, letting her fingers drag along his arm for a few extra moments. Bridget was secretly gauging his reaction, wondering what it was that he felt for her. Granted they had just met the day before, but she was a hopeless romantic and did believe in fairy tales of falling in love at first sight.
Max nodded as they spoke, then smirked a bit... if she thought he would look out of place in formal attire she was in for quite the surprise. Properly done up he looked every bit the dashing noble and he knew it would turn heads and garner quite a bit of attention. That was part of his concern as he knew the instant he stepped off the airship there would be murmurs and whisperings that would filter back to the courts and the various noble houses. Part of him actually had a hope that her mother might try something, after all he found his eyes always drawn to the strong and beautiful Bridget. His father had once told him when he met the right woman he would simply know and he began to wonder if just maybe his father might have been on to something there. He then felt her hand lingering on his muscled arm through the thin fabric of his shirt. He turned his eyes to Bridgets and met her gaze with a warm smile. He actually shifted his arm so her hand pressed more firmly to it wanting to show her it was ok... he suddenly realized that just maybe the reason she blushed so fiercly earlier is she actually liked the idea of her mother forcing them together. He smiled a bit more brightly thinking that maybe there would not be that much force needed if it came to that. His mother and father had been true romantics and he grew up hearing their stories about the first time their eyes really met and how they just knew. True love and love at first sight, many thought such things fantasy but there was a part of Max that wanted to believe. That part of him reminded him that since he had met Bridget his eyes always seemed to drift back to her no matter where they were. That same warm smile never left his face as he enjoyed the feel of her touch on his powerful arm and for the first time he began to wonder if just maybe this was exactly what he head heard about. The way they always watched each other, and now as he truly gazed into her eyes for the first time he could not help but feel a powerful connection and a spark there as he spoke softly, 'I am sure you will look lovely Bridget, and yes we will manage I am sure."
As his arm pressed to hers more, Bridget couldnt help but snicker to herself and gently let her nails run across the fabric, letting the touch become a bit more intimate. Hearing the comment about her looking pretty, she immediately let go of his arm and waved her hands around. Hey hey now! No need to get excited. After all I will be complaining the whole time about it. She giggled a bit before smiling up at both of the men beside her. Brawler had been watching the two and couldnt help but smile to himself. His gut feeling to push the two together was clearly working, he could see it on Bridget, and was pretty confident that Max was falling for her as well. He had noticed how Max kept smiling around her, staring at her, and blushing softly whenever he glanced at her. The larger man crossed his arms and spoke softly in his burly voice. Worst case scenario, we will just send you out with Black to fix any problems. He said toward Bridget, a hint of playfulness in his voice. To this the merchant woman nodded and flexed her arms a bit. I can take on anything! she exclaimed happily until the thought of her mother came back to mind. Bridget immediately wiggled in her spot and sighed heavily. Except for when it comes to mother... I am going to hide in a crate once we get to port in Asturia. I dont want to deal with her when we arrive. Ill see her after weve been there for a few days. She appeared to slip into deep thought for a few moments, before swaying a bit on her heels. I wonder, is there anything we need to do before we leave Fanelia? I think were just waiting on orders. Her emerald eyes met Maxs for a few moments, her cheeks getting a little pink. Do you have anything else you need to do? We can stay longer if you need too.
Max took a chance now and reached out his own hand to place it lightly upon Bridgets as he took a single step towards her to look into her eyes once more as he spoke with a chuckle, "Fine you complain and I will compliment... should balance out nicely in the end." This time he let his hand linger softly on her arm. It was at this point that he heard Brawlers comment and realized that the two of them at that point looked to very clearly be interested in one another... and he was not objecting at all, in fact he was actually smiling. Max began to wonder if this is what the big man had in mind all along and that thought just made him smile a bit more and nod his head a bit. The geasture might have seemed odd to Bridget but he was certain Brawler would get the gist of it. He chuckled and decided to test the waters in a more extreme fashion as he half jokingly said to Bridget, "Could always have me and Brawler deal with your mother... tell her I was interested and flash my little book of noble heraldry... that might get her to leave you alone." He smiled and then took Bridget's arm in his own with a smile without even thinking about it and gazed into her eyes again with a playful smile. It just felt so natural and even with the joking tone it just sort of clicked in a way that made it seem so very natural to Max at least. He pondered her other question for a moment then decided given the topic he would make what only seemed a natural offer to him, "I suppose if you want to kill some time I could take you down to see my estate... it is nothing overly fancy but it is outside the city in the woods and there is a lovely waterfall there. I do not need to stay longer though per say." He found his eyes drawn to Bridgets once more and again found himself gazing into her eyes only this time he realized they were a good deal closer to one another. In fact they were closer than they had ever really been before and he had a sudden impulse to lean in and kiss her in that moment... It took a great deal of self control for him to restrain himself but he managed. So he stood there smiling and gazing into her eyes as he held her arm in his.
Hearing Maxs stubborn remark to keep complimenting her, she slowly turned her head and simply made a hmph sound to the male. This made Brawler smirk a little, but he quickly straightened his face. When her mother was mentioned yet again, Bridget turned and raised her brow at the two men. Oh? Is there conspiring going on that I dont know about? she crossed her arms and tapped her foot as she scolded the two. But Maxs touch upon her arm as he took it startled her, and made her snap out of her scolding mood. Blinking at him a few times, she stared into his eyes and slowly turned her face away to avoid blushing more. When she heard him mention going out to his home, she stared at him once more and blinked softly toward him. Brawler seized the moment. Pushing both of them toward the door, not even letting Bridget answer, the colossal man forced them off of the bridge and waved before shutting the door behind them. Bridget was staring at him, completely shocked and flabbergasted. Clearly she didnt think Brawler had that in him. Muttering a little under her breath, she was forced to stare at Max again, realizing how close they were in the tiny corridor. The blush immediately returned to her cheeks, but it was harder to see in the dimly lit hallway. S-Sure. She said slowly as her eyes flicked about, searching for an escape. This had never happened to her before, and part of her was panicking because she didnt know what to do. But Maxs arm around hers once more calmed the merchant, and eventually they got off the ship and walked toward the outskirts of Fanelia. Keeping quiet for most of the walk, Bridget eventually relaxed and held onto the cloth of his arm as they walked. She could point at pretty flowers or plants, occasionally stopping to smell at them or investigate them more. It was clear to Max that she hadnt explored much of Fanelia before, and was clearly enjoying herself. This was the real Bridget, the one that was hardly seen while on the confines of a ship. Returning her arm to his, she smiled a bit as she leaned against him, a skip in her step as he continued to escort her. Thank you; I forgot what it was like to relax like this out in the forest.
The day was slightly muggy outside that morning and most of the afternoon, but it was not as if the young teenage girl could much differentiate the weather outside at that moment. The young blond teenage girl was wandering through the more wooded area of the city in her blue and white dress that she was still wearing after five or so years. Though obviously as she had grown and her body had grown from little girl to a young woman's body, the dress had been re-made and sowed again to fit her new form. In those past five years Alice had grown up quite a bit. Her body was a bit taller and a bit filled out, but still not to the point that she was considered anything but petite. She still had her lovely blond hair and her beautiful blue eyes that sometimes did make her look like the perfect portrait of innocence, but she had grown up quite a bit in the past five years. She wondered very much after her little adventure down the Rabbit Hole and wondered how much of it was real and how much of it was her mind. It was hard to figure it out and too many things had happened in her life now for her to be worried about the Rabbit Hole and the crazy things that happened in that weird place. After she had gotten out of the Rabbit Hole, she had learned that she had to grow up and stop living in her world of nonsense. She definitely did grow up and learn the things that she needed to and perhaps a little more than was appropriate for a young woman her age in their time. Though as of the last few days things had gotten worse. Her family had just been lost in a fire in their house and Alice knew that she was to blame. Those kinds of thoughts in a young female her age were not good for the mind and Alice wasn't in a good frame of mind to begin with right now. There had been a fire that Alice had smelt before everyone else and she had panicked and ran outside in a panic. She had forgotten to tell everybody else about the smoke she was smelling and so her family was gone in a world of red and orange flames. Alice didn't know how she was supposed to deal with this grief and the blame with her family gone. She didn't know how she was supposed to survive in this world! It was hard to know how she would make it without a family to help her along or how she was supposed to marry a respectable young man. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going as she walked along the dirt path in the woods and that was when it happened. She gasped as her baby blue eyes widened in shock and fear and she slid down a hole. And once again, she couldn't help, but wonder if this was her mind. She had been asleep the last time that this had happened, hadn't she? Or was she really awake? Lord, she didn't know anymore! She covered her eyes as she felt herself falling slowly through the air and she wanted to push down her skirt of her dress, but she didn't want to open her eyes to meet what sights and sounds she would surely meet when she opened them. She knew that she was going to have to open up her eyes when she hit the bottom, so it was probably better to do it now than any other time. Alice opened her eyes and was shocked to see the sights that awaited her. The world around her, the Rabbit Hole, was torn and dark and almost bloody. It was darker than she remembered it being there and when she looked below, there was nothing, but darkness. The hole itself had changed and it was made up of sharp thorns and shattered mirrors that had once been whole. Her image in them was distorted and rather scary, so she looked away as she tried to remember that it was all in her mind. Within another few minutes or so, she landed on her feet, once again upside down and she softly let herself down to the floor below. Her soft brown shoes made a soft sound as they hit the floor beneath her and she looked around with wide blue eyes. It wasn't the same place that she had landed before at all. Sure there was a floor beneath her, but it was just a couple of squares of checkered tile and then there was nothing, but dirt ahead. She looked around more and the trees looked like something out of a nightmare. They were a dark color and they seemed almost as if they were monsters ready to strike her at any moments notice. She felt a few tears start to well in her eyes as she thought this couldn't be the place that she had known before.
His tail twitched as he watched. Through the copse of trees and down the path leading to the Rabbit Hole. Oh, the Rabbit Hole, source of all the abnormal energies. Legend says that was how Wonderland became wonderland, how everything became altered and people were able to do things they weren't able to do before. How some were able to disappear, grinning widely. People like himself. Padding out of the copse he gingerly made his way to the Hole, keeping a careful wide eye on the girl inside who seemed to be quite distressed. She looked awfully familiar... Darting to the edge of the pathway, Cheshire peered in, his ears undulating as he sniffed. That scent was awfully familiar too. Jumping up, he floated to the top, slowly disappearing, from his tail, to the last of his smile and hung just right above the entrance, waiting. He would find out who this new arrival was, perhaps she could help them. Ever since Alice had left years ago, Wonderland had deteriorated, pulling itself into ruin after the Queen of Hearts began a rampage in vengeance for all that Alice had done. Now, there was no Wonderland, you couldn't call it that, anyhow, every day was a struggle to survive as battallions of cards roamed the kingdom and the countrysides bringing in those suspected treason, or stuck on some other ludicrous charge. Cheshire had managed to evade capture so far, but even an invisible cat can't keep one step ahead forever. The Hatter was bound to talk, he was mad after all, and when they caught him and his little group, Cheshire would follow soon after.
Alice didn't understand a single thing that was going on as she fell into the Rabbit Hole and landed there on her feet. The world around her wasn't light up and bright with colors and interesting characters at all. It was so dark and lonely. She didn't really see anyone around her and that was even more frightening in this place because it was dark and there were many trees that looked as though they wanted to attack her or hurt her. Though she knew that was impossible because they were trees, right? Trees didn't attack people, but in her defense for that absurd thought, it was the place that had the impossible. Though, she really did wish that she would see a friendly face, but she knew that she was also frightened of seeing any of them because what if they had changed as she had? What could she expect from them? Were they just as crazy as before or even more so now? Though, she knew that one person that she didn't want to see was the Queen. That woman was more than likely even more insane than before, but the thing that was confusing Alice was how much Wonderland had changed. She didn't understand how it had become so dark and horrible looking like this. It was as if something evil had taken over Wonderland with how scary and monstrous things were looking on the inside. She started to walk from the small tile of checkered floor that she was standing on and it was quite hard to see what was in front of her like this. Her small feet weren't really making any noises as she softly walked further into the almost impenetrable darkness. Her blond hair and her bright dress were the only things that were really standing out in the incompassable darkness of the forest. She felt like crying at that moment, and she was honestly thankful that she wasn't actually a huge size or a tiny size like before, but that was just another oddity that had happened to Wonderland. She couldn't even call it that anymore because where the forest had been bright and full of cute and odd little creatures, now there was just gnarly trees replaced that looked almost as if they were even bloody and their bark almost looked torn. Alice felt as though she had been walking for quite some time in the darkness and she was certainly starting to feel completely lost in a world that, once again, was complete nonsense. There didn't seem to be anything around her that made sense as she looked around for the same signs that had led to different parts of the world, but there was nothing on the trees except for bark. The branches didn't even have leaves and Alice felt as though she was starting to become chilled in this cold and lonely darkness. In her opinion this was probably worse than feeling alone in the real world after losing her family like that because of the fact that here there were supposed to be people who she knew. Though, she was sure most of them would more aggravate her than anything else right now, but at least she would feel as though she were safe again. Perhaps the Cheshire Cat was somewhere around here because he was the invisible cat and perhaps he could help her, although his riddles were certainly enough to drive her out of her mind at times. But to her, at that very moment, she thought that it was worth a shot to at least try to see if he was around. "Cheshire Cat? Are you there? It is Alice." she called out. Unfortunately, there was nothing, but darkness that met her sweet voice and the only hope that she had was lost.
Ah ha! Nowthat'swhy she seemed so familiar! It was Alice after all, come back from the dead! Well, not really dead persay, but it would fit into the situation at the moment. And why not? Cheshire had stealthily followed her (as much as an invisible cat can stealth) after she had made her way out of the darkness of the Rabbit Hole, tracking her movements as night quickly fell and the forest seemed more grabby than ever. Which was an annoying point to be sure, some of those trees sure could be clingy, just one night, and next thing you know you couldn't get their roots off of you. Cheshire laughed suddenly at the thought, the sound seeming very, oh so very out of place in the evil looking forest. Everything had changed after all, and Cheshire really couldn't recall when last he heard a laugh, aside from his own, that wasn't tinged with madness. Wait...scratch that, even his own, at times carrying the hint of insanity. Why, just the other day he was having tea with the Hatter, the poor Dormouse and the Mad March Hare excluded because the poor beggars were deceased. The Dormouse taken out of the false charges that he had attempted to poison the Queen, when all the daft thing ever did was sleep. He was beheaded. The Hare was killed in a daring raid on the Card Castle. Daring it was, alright, but heavy with failure. Nowadays, it was only the Hatter and Cheshire who came together for tea, ah, for the old days. But, anyway, just the other day: "My dear Hatter," exlaimed he, "I would like to discuss and wonder as to why we are referred to as 'mad' and also as to why whenever we get the chance to laugh, which is rare in these days, why it sounds as if we are hysterical." "My dear Cheshire," remarked the Hatter, dipping his pocket watch into a pot of hot tea and then smearing it with butter. "I've no bloody clue." Then, to which we both erupted into peals of laughter. Mad laughter that is. I laughed again, hanging suspended and still quite invisible, just right over the head of Alice. I didn't think it fit to answer her request at the moment, and through sick humour, which I had aquired after this world was changed, I wanted to see her fret about and wonder as to where, perhaps, this laughter came from.
Alice really should've been scared when she heard that mysterious and rather mad sounding laughter, but to her very much delight, she placed her hands on her slender, but curved hips in the same dress she had before and wasn't afraid to confront that as always creepy laugh. "Okay, Mister fat purple and pink cat, if you think that is going to scare me more than you are mistaken. That is obviously you, so why don't you just come out and inform me about why everything is so different? Or perhaps just throw out your confusing riddles and then disappear annoyingly with that stupid wide grin of yours? Or are you even madder and crueller than you were before?" she said in a voice that was quite sane and firm. Alice had heard that laugh enough times to know whose laugh that was, though it certainly sounded different than it did before. She was certainly not that naive little girl who would just sit there and look every which way to figure out where it was coming from. She had grown up quite a bit in the last five years and she was not afraid to treat this insane people and creatures with authority. It was quite obvious with the way that she was handling herself for the most part that she had grown into a young woman instead of a childish little naive girl. "I have nowhere to be and I can do this all day, Cheshire, so either come out and explain everything to me, or take your creepy insistent laughter elsewhere, understand?" she said to the darkness. Normally in her life she wasn't as firm and authoritive as she was being, but he was being a bastard as always and it wasn't as if she wasn't used to his behavior. After all, she had had many dreams about her adventure down the Rabbit Hole and the characters and creatures that she had met. She remembered most of them with amazing clarity and she had always figured that it was hard to forget them because of how mad and insane most of them really were. As she was standing there in the dark, she got rather close to a tree and she jumped back slightly when she watched its roots come out and try to grab her. "Oh that is just fantastic. The trees actually do attack. Brilliant. Fine, you creepy fat thing, stay hidden for all I care." she muttered grumpily. She was rather tired of her life taking bizarre turns for the worst and it was rather annoying to have some stupid fat invisible cat following you and trying to scare the life out of you with his creepy laughs. She was more afraid of the trees than she was of that stupid thing. She started to walk again as she was mindful of the roots to the trees because that was the last thing that she needed right then. She felt as though she was starting to get rather thirsty and hungry at that moment, but there was nothing around her, so that was hopeless. She sighed wearily as she finally stopped after another twenty or so minutes of walking through the dark forest and she crossed her arms over her chest. There had to be a way out of this creepy forest to perhaps somewhere she could find food, though most of the food in Wonderland made you big or small, and some place that she could rest for a while. Though, she wondered if she really wanted to sleep at all in this place, but she thought she might need it if she was going to have to withstand some of the crazy things that were surely her way. With that thought firmly in her mind, she started to head off of the path that lead almost straightforward and started through the trees. The darkness was almost enough to make her trip and stumble her way through, but she didn't suppose that mattered if she didn't make it out of there. If only that damned cat was more helpful than he really was then it wouldn't be so hard.
"Why, my dear Alice," began he, allowing his grin to appear right in front of her as she tramped her way, seemingly grumpily, through the dark forest, each tree straining to reach her, whispering in their husky, leafy voices that only the Cat could hear, begging her to stay, only one night. Sickos, the lot of them, beggars, one and all. "You insult me with your non-tolerance. As much as I can remember of you, you seemed to be quite open..." Cheshire's eyes then appeared, blinking slowly at her, "Whatever happened to the young Alice of old, hm?" The eyes disappeared, yet the grin remained, floating in midair, following Alice. "And mad, Alice? Must I reiterate once again what I told you so long ago, as I seem to remember...what was it you said? Ah, yes, you asked whether you should meet the Mad Hatter, a fine fellow by the way, or the March Hare and I said:" "Oh, visit either you like, they're both mad." "But, I don't want to go among mad people," You said, in that simple minded logic of yours, to which I replied, "Oh, you can't help that, we're all mad here, I'm mad, you're mad." And so on and so forth." A paw appeared out of thin air and waved away the conversation. "But, it IS awfully good to see you again, Alice dear, whatever brings you back to the old haunts?" The eyes appeared again, followed by a second paw, then the rest of the head, then the body, "Oh, and as you can see, not quite as fat as I used to be." One yellow eye winked lazily at her and he flipped over backwards, reclining in the soft forest breeze to show off his new thin physique. "You did hear of the Queen's takeover, did you not? Or is it correct to assume that when you go back to your world you don't hear anything of ours?" The Cat flipped over again, resting his head on his paws, "Either way, we're all living in terror, Alice, that is, those of us who've retained our sanity. Lost a couple of the old fellows along the way, I don't suppose you remember the Hatter, do you?" Cheshire's paw straightened out his whiskers much like one would straighten out their mustache, almost in a very villiany manner that didn't really help with his appearance as he wasn't very good looking to start with.
Alice rolled her eyes at the stupid cats words. This creature was possibly the most annoying creature that she remembered aside from that damned ugly Queen. Though it was rather ironic in her mind because she rather liked cats especially her own little kitten that had grown up to be a beautiful and sweet cat, but that like everything else in her life was gone. So, the fact that she thought this cat was rather annoying was so ironic to her that she actually almost laughed despite the obviously crazy situation she was in AGAIN! She thought it was rather amusing for her that he had expected her to be the same little girl that she was five years ago or perhaps time worked differently in this world than it did in the real world. She thought that that was probably a very plausible thought. This wasn't exactly the place for people with a sane mind or the way even a sane world would work, so it should only make sense, ha, that was funny, this place make sense! But it would only make sense that perhaps time was warped down here or something. That was rather funny though and she actually smiled just a little at the very thought that that had been such an ironic thought. Though that really wasn't the case here, now was it? Hadn't he just said something about the Queen taking over? Hmmmm, now that sounded rather odd to her and she wondered why the Queen would take over Wonderland like that. The last time she had seen her, she had been rather content and happy in her little place with her stupid games and her ridiculous accusations, so what would make her take over Wonderland? Was it because of her and what she reallyhadn'tdone? She looked at the Cheshire Cat and was rather impressed with the fact that he was not the ugly fat thing that he used to be. He wasn't the best looking cat in the world, or er, whatever, but he was certainly looking much better than he did when he was so ugly. He had a nice whiter coat a bit with the purple strips, but really he looked more just like an evil somewhat and somehow beautiful cat rather than just a fat old thing with a sick sense of humor. There was the strangest compulsion in her to actually reach her hand out and pet his fur just to see if it was soft as it looked, but she thought that that must mean that she was REALLY lonely these days to feel that way about this obnoxious creature. "Well, to tell you the truth, Cheshire, I grew up after I left this place. I realized that places like this didn't really exist and that it truly must've been a dream. Although, the fact that I am down here again makes me truly wonder if it is just another weird dream of you odd and insane creatures, but the fact remains that obviously the Queen has changed Wonderland and it certainly is not very wonderful anymore. How could I forget the Hatter or the March Hare?" Alice said with a slight tone of sarcasm. Her rather childish side was wanting to ask how they were in a rather childish manner, but this wasn't the world she had known five years ago. This world was dark and it seemed like it was a terrible place now. She could only imagine the kinds of things that now went on in this place. "So, why did the Queen do this to Wonderland? And it is correct to assume that when I am not here I hear nothing of this world. I do not even know if this place actually exists, Cheshire, or if you are just in my mind. It would make sense with how dark this world is in comparison to my own mind right now, so that really wouldn't surprise me that much. What did everyone do to the Queen to make her do this?" she asked curiously. She wasn't sure that that was the right thing to ask, but she was going to ask it anyways.
"Pish, posh, Alice, you really are making my head hurt with all your 'Oh, is this real?' nonsense, if you don't think about it, it won't bother you, now will it?" Exlaimed the Cat, rather frustrated. He let himself down, his paws touching the leaf carpeted forest floor daintily and he wrapped himself around her legs, his tail entwining around her calf. "Grown up? No one grows up, Alice, everyone just gets quieter, that's all, just a little bit silent than they started out, still filled with their own thoughts, wondering, theorizing." Cheshire slid between her legs, almost sensually before padding out in front of her, "I'd do well to forget the March Hare, Alice, he's dead. A lot's happened since you ferried away, you know, lost a lot of your old friends. The Duchess, remember her? The one with the boy who turned into a pig? Couldn't stand the fact that he was really gone and committed suicide, nasty business that. The White Rabbit? He's off rotting in some dungeon in God knows where, himandBill the Lizard, both in chains on some trumped up charge or whatever." Cheshire scoffed as he lead the way, "Twiddledee and Tweedledum separated after they got back and decided to finish that bout over the broken rattle, the crow that passed by that last time you were there, Alice, came back, swooped up Dum and we haven't seen him since. Or, rather, I have, I just don't think I'd tell Dee on the account of it'd be too shocking. Disgusting way to go, really." Sighing he looked back, "The Queen's gone mad, Alice, more mad than any of us could even dream about, we're all crazy in our own little way, yes, but Her Highness," said he, with a hint of sarcasm and disgust, "Has really gone off her rocker, has ever since you disappeared Alice, claimed you messed up this world, came through and ruined the natural order. She's sent battallions of her card soldiers throughout the country side, jailing and executing left and right without remorse or second thought. The Hatter managed to get away with the Caterpillar and a few others, got their own little group going, they do, a little rebellion against the Queen. Can't say that's been going well, we've lost so many..." Cheshire stopped, sitting back on his haunches, staring out into the darkness of the forest, his purple back to Alice, "We've all changed, my dear, we're linked to you somehow, for the life of me I don't know how, but we are. Take a look," His paw encompassed the surrounding area, "Dead. You might have some people blame you, Alice, they've got every right, we've gone with your sanity, and I know you're slowly losing it, we all are. Slowly changing with you." He turned to face her and sat up on two paws. With each passing second he grew taller and lengthened, his face shrinking and morphing in a seemingly horrible manner, to accomodate a growing nose, a wider face and slightly smaller eyes. The fur disappeared along with everything else, save his tail and his large purple ears. In no time at all stood a slim semi-human figure, a thick purple striped tail sashaying behind it, the ears twitching occasionally. He was clothed, suprisingly, one would think that he would shift quite naked, but that was not the case. A purple jerkin covered his top half and tight fitting breeches (also purple) adorned his pants, leaving his feet bare. "Although," He said in a low sultry voice, a little different sounding than when he was a Cat, "I can't say it's been a bad change..."
Alice felt the Cheshire Cat move in between her legs and rub sensuously against her stocking covered legs. It was a move that she was sure even the most insane and somehow intelligent seeming cat would probably due when near a human. She remembered the many days and nights her own kitten would rub that way against her legs and it was a horrid reminder of the things that she had done. And yet at the same time she couldn't find herself to be upset with the Cheshire for doing it. Alice listened to everything that he had to say with growing sadness and it only seemed to bring on much more guilt than she wished she could feel. She had grown up and lost that childish pettiness, so shouldn't all of them have as well? Perhaps, including the Queen? But not apparently, that wasn't how it worked and although that was the case, Alice couldn't help, but feel as though Cheshire was the only one who might've retained a bit of sanity. She wondered why that was and even more curiously, she wondered who everyone in Wonderland was supposed to be represent in her life. Or what they represented. It was saddening for her to see that this place had changed so drastically and once again it was her fault. But there was something in her that thought that at least some of them were gone and didn't have to live the rest of the horrors that some of them were having to be put through right now. Alice truly wished there was a way to bring peace to this world. Even though she was older and everything and probably just as afraid of the Queen as the rest of them, she knew that this place was like a safe haven in her mind. A place for her to find peace and yet at the same time the chaos that obviously was a part of her soul. She didn't really think that she was mad, but the Cheshire was right that her mind was starting to slip because she didn't even know what day it was. She had just been wandering aimlessly through the city and that was how she had ended up here again she supposed. Although, Alice wished that she could stay here forever instead of having to return eventually to that world and facing the cruel realization that there was no one left for her. At least here there were still friends, though, she didn't know how good that would be if most of them blamed her for what was going on when it wasn't as if it was something that was easy to control. They should all try to live with the guilt and pain that she had been living with for the past....Her baby blue eyes widened slightly as she realized that she didn't even know how long it had been since the incident had happened. It was as if time was completely stripped away from her and she didn't know anything about when it was or any of those normal things. Oh, perhaps the Cheshire was completely right and she really was losing her mind. She was about to say something when he turned towards her and then leaned up on his hind legs. He looked much like a dog begging for a treat when he was doing that, but that wasn't how it stayed for very long as she watched in mild horror as his features changed immensely. They elongated and morphed into human like features. Her eyes widened to large pools of almost innocent blue jades eyes because of how shocking it was to see him of all creatures in human form. It would've have been like watching the White Rabbit become human except for maybe a bit more horrifying than that had been. But how in the world had he done that? Apparently he had changed the very most since she had left and she couldn't help, but feel strangely curious about it. He wasn't even full human with his fluffy white and purple ears that were twitching occasionally like a cats and his beautiful thick tail that was swishing back and forth. Her hand slightly came up to cover her mouth as she acted the part of a Lady that she had been raised to be in the last five years, but she couldn't help except step closer to him to look at his features. Of course, she didn't know how close she stepped until she was barely inches away from him. It was weird that he was actually a handsome human figure with his grey like eyes and his very long purple and pink hair that just made him look his part, but so very male and she wasn't sure what else. The tone that he took as a human or at least almost human form, the voice and tone he had sent a delicious string of shivers down her slender spine and she realized then that she was standing much too close to him. She stepped away, but she couldn't help except to continue to look at him in fascination. "I don't understand. How can you do that?" she asked curiously. There were other weird feelings that she was fighting within her that she didn't understand either. It was almost as if there were this magnetic pull towards him and his handsome features and that soft and smooth as velvet voice that sounded so....sensual. She thought that perhaps it wasn't right for her to be feeling those kinds of things for a Cat, but he certainly didn't look the part of a Cat. At least not wholly. And somehow the fact that he had only had his ears and tail made him look so much more majestic and mysterious.
Cheshire shrugged his human shoulders, his ears flattening slightly as his tail curled itself around his calf, "I don't know myself, it just happened one day, and about a week after that the Queen went on her little...thing." He waved a hand dismissively and trotted down the path, his tail reaching out behind him to beckon to Alice, "Do hurry up, if we want to reach the Hatter's before nightfall we're going to have to make some fast tracks." She smelled funny when she saw him, the look in her eyes smoldered with...with...well, Cheshire couldn't quite place it, it wasn't really something he saw every day. But hehadliked that smell, so heavy, so sweet, and if he tried, he could still catch whiffs of it in the breeze. His tail curled tighter around his calf in spasmic delight. He looked back at Alice and raised an eyebrow, "Well, are you coming or what? We need to find-" "The Hatter?" Cheshire was cut off suddenly by a figure who stepped from a small group of trees. "Dear Cat, you've found him already." The figure stepped into the light, a hand placed on the brim of his tall stovepipe hat. He had also drastically changed in appearance since Alice had saw him last, now thin and gaunt, sideburns reaching from his temples to his chin. His eyes glittered dangerously it seemed as he took in the Cat and Alice. "Good to see you're still alive and moving, Cheshire, but may I ask who is this lovely young lady with you?" At the mention of Alice he proffered a low bow, sweeping his large hat off of his head and bringing it across his chest, revealing very matted and greasy hair that managed to actually look good on him. "It's not often we see women of your stature in these dark woods, fair one." Smirked the Hatter, sticking his hat firmly on his head. With a sudden move he drew a flintlock from the innards of his coat, pointing it unflinchingly at Alice, "Which I could only mean to assume that you are a spy of the Queen's, and therefore must be shot." His sudden change in politeness was certainly startling to the shape-shifting Cat, "But, Hatter, this is-" "Quiet!" Barked the Hatter, his pistol unflinching, "You should know by now, Cat, that the Queen has many ways of bewitching you and bringing you into her grasp, why else would she send such a dainty looking creature this far into our territory? Hm? Recall what happened to the Carpenter?" Cheshire nodded, slowly, then said solemnly, "I do, Hatter, I remember, but this is-" "Then, youshouldknow, Cat, that this woman might be a whore who would look to slit our throats while we slept! Just as the last witch did to the Carpenter!" Before Cheshire had a chance to defend Alice, the Hatter gave a piercing whistle and from behind every tree and emerging from every bush, poking from every hole in the ground, came the most motley assortment of individuals imaginable. Things ranging from what looked like walking hedgehogs, to a crossbreed of a centaur and an eagle. Of course, with a smattering of humanoids among them. "Now, reveal yourself, whore," Challenged the Hatter, not allowing Cheshire to get a word in edgewise, "You work for the Queen, do you not?"
Alice was so preoccupied with her own thoughts that she really wasn't paying much attention to what the Cheshire was saying. She had obviously heard him say that he didn't know how this had happened, but she stayed in her place as she watched him start to walk ahead. There was just something so different about him in this form and she couldn't quite place it as she looked on at him. He startled her a bit from her thoughts as he looked back at her with those gray eyes of his and asked if she was coming. She nodded slightly and started after him, only to be startled once again when she had another man appear. Although, he looked a bit familiar and she found out why when the Cheshire said "Hatter." So, that was who this was, but even for all his politeness, there was a dangerous glint to his eyes as he looked at her. She wondered honestly what that could be about and why he didn't recognize her at all. That, in and of itself, was revealed as he pulled a pistol out of his jacket somewhere. Alice's eyes widened as she saw it point at her and then heard his words. Anger and shock flashed through her baby blue eyes as she looked at him and she opened her mouth to say something to him, but he started to talk again. So, they couldn't even recognize her anymore? Had her mind and state at that time really affected them so badly that they couldn't tell it was her and not some spy of the Queen? Though, really, his words were quite insulting considering that he was calling her a whore and a witch when she was absolutely no such thing! It infuriated to a point that she didn't know she had and when he finally finished talking, she gave the Hatter a lethal look that surely could've killed him with a single glance. "First of all, I can see that obviously I have grown up too much in the past five years, which for the record, I do not look that different except for maybe a more young woman look than a child's look, but for goodness sake, I am still me! I really do not think that I have changed that drastically over these past five years or else I would not even be wearing the same clothes! Has my mind entwined with this world really done that much damage to all of yours? I was not trying to cause chaos here when I left, but I was going to die if the Queen got a hold of me, so what else could be expected?" Alice paused for a moment as it actually felt like heart ache at the fact that her coming and going of this world caused them this much pain. For some of them they might hate and blame her for what had happened, and could Alice truly and honestly blame them for thinking such things? No, she really couldn't blame them for thinking such things because in all reality shedidcause this chaos for them. She just wasn't sure what there was that she could do about it. She was sure that if the Queen saw her again, it would be hard for her to make it out of there alive this time because surely the Queen wanted Alice's head more than she wanted anyone's. And there was some dark corner of her mind that wondered if that perhaps wouldn't be a bad thing to happen. She wondered if everyone in here would be better off, just like in the real world, without her. That was an even more depressing and dark thought that she had thought it would be, but truly what was there that she could do? In many ways, in the past, she had looked upon her memories here and even truly missed some of them, but now she came to a world were some of them hated her. Now how was she supposed to deal with that? Wasn't it bad enough that she had killed her family, but now she had to deal with the guilt that she had caused a lot of deaths here as well? Those kinds of thoughts truly were enough to make her want to cry, but she pushed it back for the most part because the crying would never stop anything from happening and she was sure that was what she must prevent. She knew that she mustn't hurt any of them anymore than she already had. "Hatter, it is me, Alice. Do you not remember me? Do none of you remember who I am? Although, I am sure that some of you hate me for what has happened to this world and I truly cannot blame you, but let me try and help you fix this. I am here now and that is what matters. I would never side with the Queen over any of you because most of you mean quite a bit to me, so please, let me help you stop this madness." she said, not just to the Hatter, but to Cheshire and the rest of them. Though, she couldn't really understand her feelings for Cheshire right now, she felt as though she could depend on him more than anyone at that moment and she found that rather odd considering how unhelpful he used to be. Her eyes found him and she looked at him before she looked away again. Feelings stirred inside of her that she couldn't understand. Perhaps it was attraction? That was the only plausible thing that she could possibly even think of. He was a handsome creature now and to make matters worse, she was no longer a 12 year old little girl who knew nothing of desire and attraction. Sure, she didn't exactly know what it felt like to feel those things for anyone, but everytime she laid her eyes on him, she felt a little spark inside of her and it heated her body and she was sure her cheeks turned rosy everytime she looked at him for the thoughts that ran through her mind. Alice thought that that might be the biggest problem of all. As much as she wished she could stay here forever, she didn't think anything would allow her to. So, would it be right to feel this attraction and desire to the Cheshire's human form when she knew that eventually she might have to go back? Was it right? More than likely, no, but she couldn't help but to feel it and it was hard to keep her gaze from wandering back to him just to see his handsome features again.
"Alice?" Exclaimed the Hatter increduously, yet he lowered his pistol an inch, "TheAlice? The Alice of old?" Now the pistol was lowered to his thigh and he took a step forward, squinting. Cheshire managed to have a sigh of relief, glad that the whole lot didn't just jump on the poor girl and bludgeon her to death. The Hatter took another step forward and his eyebrows shot up and his eyes widened. "Alice! Of course, I didn't...oh, my, I could've..." He rounded on the Cat, pointing, thankfully, with his finger, "Why didn't you tell me?" Cheshire laughed and raised his hands in a 'what?' position, "I tried to, Hatter, I tried." The Hatter sputtered for a minute before bounding forward, clasping Alice's hands in his own thin ones, "Alice! Oh, so good you're back! Terribly good, we've all gone to...well, I'm pretty sure you can see and figure out for yourself, you are a big girl after all..." He stepped back and appraised her, chuckling to himself, then looked askance at Cheshire, "And what a girl, eh?" Cheshire only rolled his eyes, laughing quietly to himself. No, he wasn't blind either, he had noticed to what lengths Alice had grown, filling out all the places she lacked in years ago. He got wind of that smell again and glanced over at her, his body getting numb for a moment before he got control of himself and looked away quickly. Meanwhile, the Hatter had reduced to rambling, "We don't blame you no, well, yes, maybe we do, after all weareconnected to you, so we're heavily affected, and you can't imagine! After the March Hare died, I...well, I really couldn't-but never mind that, what have you been up to? Oh, never mind that either, this is neither here nor there." Cutting away adruptly he clapped his hands officiously, gaining the attention of the rabble surrounding them. Cheshire slinked away from a thing that had a man's body and a crow's head, clutching a wicked blade in his hands. The head whipped around and regarded the Cat with beady black eyes, then its beak began clacking open and closed and it was a moment before Cheshire realized it was laughing. At him. The nerve! A bird, laughing at a cat! Well, not much to be done. "Friends," began the Hatter, "Our day has picked up, we are now in the possession of one new friend and saviour!" A ragged cheer rose from the meager ranks, it had been a time since they had any comeuppance against the Queen, and from the way Hatter talked, perhaps Alice would be their way out, although, keep in mind it was a ragged cheer, many kept quiet, grumbling to themselves as they eyed her form, remembering vividly what had happened while she was here, and especially after she had left. "With this new aquaintance, we should be able to turn the tide, comrades, soon and very soon, we will usurp the Queen of Hearts!" This time everyone joined in, although Cheshire kept to himself, quite aware of what affect the Hatter's speeches could have on his followers. When he mentioned pushing the Queen off of her high horse, it was only natural that everyone have a hand in, no one, even those who harboured something against Alice, wanted the Queen to stay in power long and anyone who mentioned taking her out, they were in with them. "Disperse, friends, our day is done!" Announced the Hatter, clapping his hands again, and everyone turned and melted back into the forest. Facing Alice the Hatter gave a deep bow, this time one of meaning and not falsifications, "Come Alice, "I believe it is tea time."
Alice, needless to say, was quite relieved when the Hatter actually recognized her and lowered the pistol. It was quite unnerving to have a pistol pointed at you, no matter what state of mind you are actually in. Or at least, for the most part on the majority of people. There were that small percentage that actually would like to have a pistol pointed at them and fired. Though, she actually blushed quite a bit when the Hatter said that about what kind of girl she had changed into and her eyes moved to the Cheshire Cat and say him look at her and then quickly away. She wondered what in the world that was about, but could it possibly be that he felt something similar to her? She thought that could almost be impossible, right? Who in the world would feel that for her? And the way he had reacted to the Hatter's comment made her think that he didn't really see anything different in her, so perhaps she was just being ridiculous about this. And yet even still, she couldn't quite help, but to feel, what she was sure was attraction and desire. She couldn't be completely sure because she had never felt that way about other males, but all it took was one look at the Cheshire Cat in that form and her body would just start to tingle in a way she didn't understand. She was, by all rights, was a virgin and untouched. And on top of that, Alice highly doubted that the Cheshire knew what attraction and such things were, right? After all, he was supposed to be a cat, for heaven's sake, so how could he know what it was to feel attracted to a female. That was a sorely disappointing thought in her mind because she doubted that he even if he knew what those things were that he would want them with her. It was ridiculous, wasn't it? Most cats just mated because it was nature and it wasn't like the Cheshire had grown up as a human, so it was hard to imagine that he would feel the same things that she was feeling at that moment. She sighed softly as she watched the rest of the group of creatures disappear. She could certainly feel a bit of hostility in some of them despite what the Hatter said. Although, the Hatter was, in her humble opinion, madder than the Cheshire Cat, but there was something distinctly matured about him at the moment. His ramblings hadn't changed that much, to be honest, but his appearance, like Cheshire's, certainly had. She thought that the two of them were rather grown up compared to what she remembered of them and perhaps that was due to the fact that she had grown up as well. She wondered about that though because surely they were still not quite right because of how she was right now. Sure, she was still sane, but she knew that it was slipping. Alice looked at the Hatter and nodded with a soft smile. It was at least good to feel as though she wasn't completely an outsider anymore. She looked again at the Cheshire Cat, and that was when she felt something that she wondered distinctly what it was. Looking at him like that, she felt an odd warm and wet sensation in the apex of her thighs. She wasn't sure what it was, but her thoughts were turning to weird thoughts. Such thoughts as wondering what it would be like to let her small hands wander over his bare skin that was hiding beneath the jerkin that he was wearing, or what it would be like to touch his lips that looked rather sensual to her. They were such odd thoughts to be thinking because she just didn't understand why she was having them for him of all people. But there was something about him that made her think of him like this, something sensual and desirable about the way he looked in this form that made her thoughts wander down such a road. She wished they would go away because she was sure he wasn't thinking the same thing of her, so why should she be thinking these thoughts at all? Alice tried to shake them off, but unfortunately it didn't help that when she looked away, his face and body was there in her mind, slightly torturing her mind and body in the most sensual way possible.
"Do come along." Urged the Hatter, literally skipping his way down the path, humming a tuneless song that occassionally required words such as: 'Boop', 'Kalakway', and 'Uterp'. Cheshire brought up the rear, making sure that Alice was in between the two of them. Although the Hatter didn't seem like he'd be ready if trouble showed, appearances could be decieving. He was just as alert as Cheshire was, just with an added 'Lorunie' to his step. Flexing his hands, the Cat casually scanned the trees around them, wary of objects that would move even though there was no breeze to push them. Most of the trip was taken in complete silence, leaving Cheshire enough time to think. Enough time to think and watch Alice's swaying rear end. Naturally, he couldn't think of how it ever came to be in his line of sight, but it did, and itwasa nice looking rear too. He coughed and looked away, quickly, really quite unable to explain a rush of feelings that was going through him and his...bodily reactions. At the moment he sincerely wished he could tear off his jerkin, he was starting to hurt, just a little bit. He coughed again, trying to clear his mind, vainly attempting to focus on trees, dead grass, oddly shaped shadows, soft curves, shapely legs. Growling he shouted up to Hatter, "Hey, how much longer? Night's falling." Which indeed it was, the sun was quietly pulling the clouds over its head and closing its eyes, darkness descending over the forest. "Not long, Kitty dear, not long, we've got, oh..." The Hatter replied in a sing-songy voice as he pulled out his stop watch which obviously didn't work and was clearly stained with food and other unnamed things, "5 minutes? 2 hours? I can't tell." Shrugging nonchalantly he shoved it back into a green pocket and continued to skip. Cheshire growled, running long fingers through his purple hair and casting another glance at the lengthening shadows and at the trees that seemed to loom over them, gnarly branches reaching. "Wish you'd hurry it up, we don't have long..." He muttered, then hurried up next to Alice, walking by her side. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, then murmured, "Stay close to me, I don't trust these forests enough." Cheshire flexed his fingers again, then said something under his breath. The tips of his fingers grew a little longer, fingernails growing into razor sharp claws. "And whatever you do, don't freak and start running. Just in case." He was only too well aware of her closeness and the warmth radiating off of her body, assaulting his heightened senses. And he then realized how much he wanted to touch her, for a moment all his temporary worries were gone, his desires remaining. He wanted to run his fingers over her soft skin, at least it looked soft, then lace them through her flowing blonde hair. His nostrils flared as they took in that scent that still lingered about her, that sensual heady scent that left Cheshire's head swimming. If something attacked right now, he would definitely be in a bad spot of trouble. Very bad indeed. As if to underline that subject the bushes behind them rustled causing the Hatter and Cheshire to pause. A flash of white was seen from behind the grey green leaves and Cheshire's stomach jumped. Cards. Oh, sweet Wonder, not the Cards...
Alice started to follow the hatter and she could feel Cheshire behind her and somehow that feeling was rather peculiar to her. He was walking behind her and no doubt getting a view of her backside...And where the hell had that thought come from? She blinked stupidly as she thought that she really shouldn't be thinking about his grey eyes intently watching her swaying backside in the skirt that she was in. It really wasn't that appropriate of a thought, especially when they were actually in danger and she was becoming very aware of that. She could tell from her experience with both of these two that they were both very aware of their surroundings. Even though the Hatter didn't appear to be aware of his surroundings, Alice knew better than that because he was much different than he used to be and she could tell that there was a certain air of awareness to the both of them. She didn't quite know what to think of the two of them because they were so different from what they used to be like. They were much more mature and she wondered if it was because of what had happened here in Wonderland that had made them change. Or was it because of the changes that she had gone through in herself that had changed them? After all, Wonderland was connected to her and her feelings as well as her mind. But then why had their appearances changed so much? Hatter looked more like an older gentlemen than a short little crazy madman. His hair looked quite awful, and would look horrible on most other men his age, but for him it fit. Which was surprising really that it did, but she was glad that he had seemed to wise up, even if he was still a bit of madman. That would always be okay in her mind because he was the Mad Hatter and that was just part of who he was. If he had become sane while she had gone than she might've gotten concerned because that just wasn't part of who he was. So, yes, it was good that he had changed and matured a bit and his new appearance suited him quite well for the person he had become. Although, she wasn't surprised when he pulled out his pocket watch and it was covered with food and other sort of things. She almost chuckled at the sight, but there was something that stopped her. It was Cheshire. She heard the way he was making little growl noises and she was surprised that it was making her petite form slightly shudder from....something. She wasn't quite sure what that was about or what it was that she was feeling because she really had never felt these kinds of things before. And that was what brought her about thinking about how much Cheshire had changed. In fact, it seemed like it was more of a drastic change than the Hatter was. His appearance had changed far more than the Hatter and so had his personality. Well, at least, for the most part. When she had first gotten there this time, he had been much like his old self and in his cat form he was, but in his semi human form, he was mature and absolutely devilishly and charmingly handsome. It was so very disconcerting to poor Alice because she was used to a fat old cat who was a jerk, but this side of Cheshire actually seemed protective over her and not the snotty little annoying cat he normally was. His looks matched his behavior and she noticed that when he came up beside her, that he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and she swallowed hard as she looked at him. She wasn't nearly as nonchalant about what she was feeling as he was and she looked at him with almost everything clear in her baby blue eyes. At least, it would be to those who actually know what desire and passion and arousal were. Even Alice didn't completely understand what she was feeling for the Cheshire because she had never in her life felt these kinds of things before and she didn't even know if all of them were really real. They could all just be in her mind and here she was actually wanting to stop and wrap her arms around his neck and press her lips to his immensely tempting lips. Dear Lord, she didn't even know what was wrong with her anymore. She looked away from him and tried to focus on something else besides the very tempting idea of his slender and yet masculine body pressed against her own petite and feminine body. She noticed that it was getting rather dark outside and because of that that the trees were actually starting to look even more scary than before. It was like their horribly gnarly branches were stretching out even more with the growing shadows and even though Alice prided herself on being a brave young woman, the thought of those tree branches snagging her or getting a hold of her was enough to send a chill through her veins. She was actually startled enough that when she, the Cheshire and the Hatter heard a movement in the bushes behind them, her small form jumped slightly and she slowly turned around to look at the bush. She didn't run at all, but she stepped behind the Cheshire and kind of stayed rather close to him because she could see his claws and that he was more than ready to fight and that made her feel a bit more safe than normal. She swallowed nervously as she looked at the bush and waited to see exactly what was following them.
"Hatter..." murmured the Cat low, beginning to crouch, "Watch over Alice, whatever happens, we can't lose her. She's going to be the key to this whole mess." Cheshire shoved her, a little non too gently in the general direction of the Hatter who had his pistol out, as well as another. Checking briefly over his purple shoulder, Cheshire made sure that she was, at least, semi-well protected before crouching on all floors on the forest ground. It began with his tail, slowly dissolving into the air, followed by his legs, torso, then the rest of it. Before he disappeared completely, he grinned wide, letting it linger a little longer before it too flashed away. Not a moment too soon, before the bushes burst apart and a small company of Card soldiers trooped from it, their muskets pointed at the Hatter and Alice. The one who appeared to be the leader stepped forward, a jack clearly seen on his body, his face enclosed in a helmet. "Just like the Queen said she'd be. She's here." He said, quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. Cheshire, unseen, had floated above their heads, waiting. The Cards formed a circle around the pair in the center, the Hatter with his pistols pointed vainly outward, and Alice, just as helpless. "You are to come with us." Ordered leader Jack, "Resist, and wewilluse necessary force." "She isn't going anywhere, old boy." Snarled the Hatter, pointing both barrels at Jack. "She's just fine with me." The leader chuckled, shaking his helmeted head, "I'm afraid it can't go that way, Hatter. I've found one of the best catches in my life time, the 'brave' leader of the 'rebellion' and Alice herself. It's been a while Alice," He addressed her, "Needless to say," He now encompassed the forest with his arms, the musket still tightly gripped in one hand, "We've missed you." Cheshire slowly floated down above the Jack's head, smiling to himself. Cake. This wouldn't be the first time he'd wiped out a Card unit like this. They never saw anything until almost all of them were rent from shoulder to hip, bleeding their pitiful cardboard lives out onto the ground. However, being the curious cat that he was, he waiting a little longer, wondering what Alice would say to the Card.
Alice nearly stumbled onto the Hatter when the Cheshire Cat shoved her quite hardly into him, but the Hatter caught her and pushed her behind him. They both watched as Cheshire disappeared from sight and Alice watched that stupid grin of his linger longer than any other part of him and she rolled her eyes at the very sight of it. Although, that was the last thing on her mind as she suddenly watched a group of cards appear around her and the Hatter. She sure as hell hoped that Cheshire knew what he was doing. She was sure that he did, but she didn't much like being surrounded by all of these guns and she didn't cling too closely to Hatter as she probably would've with Cheshire, but she stayed as close as she could. She stayed silent for the most part listening to the Hatter and the Jack exchange words because there wasn't much she could say, but then she started to get more mad than she was scared. Well, of course, she was scared because Alice had never been raised to participate in fights and this was so far away from what she was capable of. She thought it rather irritating that the Cheshire was just floating somewhere in the air and not attacking at all as her and the Hatter stood there with guns aimed at them and the threat of worse things to come. Alice certainly didn't dare to look above her into the air because she knew that that might give away that he was there and that he was hiding. Although, with her luck, the Cheshire would still be the stupid little arrogant cat he was and not help at all, but part of her was certainly hoping that that was wrong. "Look, pal, I am not going anywhere with you and you can go tell your stupid bitch of a Queen that I will not come anywhere near her and her ridiculous charges. She is probably the most insane one in this world and you just expect to turn around and say something sweet like "Oh, who me?" Pfft, yeah right, buddy, sorry to disappoint, but I am not the Alice that you all once knew, so you can take that order and shove it up your....Well, you can just shove it, pal!" Alice yelled at him bravely. She knew that her words could probably mean the death of her if necessary, but she wasn't just going to let them order her around as though she were a slab of meat. It was a ridiculous notion that they thought that she was just going to do as they say and follow their orders. She had certainly grown up in the last five or so years and she certainly wasn't going to put herself in harms way and just because she didn't know how to fight, it didn't mean that she wasn't going to try.
The Jack laughed lightly, shaking his head. The Card was well accustomed to hearing insults thrown at the Queen when he hunted down Her enemies. It was normal, not accepted, but it was normal. When he was younger, he wouldn't have stood for any such words, it got to be that the prisoners he was supposed to be bringing in alive kept ending up dead because of their big mouths. Now, the defiance just rolled off of him as easily as butter on a hot plate. "Please, Alice, you must have more tact than that. Firing off insults when you are in a clearly undefensible situation. The Hatter here will die for you and we will soon have you in the dungeons. Where does that leave us? The Queen is not the bitch, Alice. You are, a helpless defenseless bi-" "That's enough." Said the Cat, descending quickly on the Jack's head and twisting. It is rather unsettling to hear words that come out of nowhere, then to watch your commanding officer's head nearly twisted from his neck, and just as unsettling to watch a Cat appear out of mid-air. And floating. The Cards directed their rifles straight at the Cat and fired, puffs of smoke bursting from the muzzles and flash pans, obscuring everyone in a thick blue smoke that stank of gunpowder. But Cheshire had disappeared, appearing next to a hapless Card he slashed once, then vanished again, killing yet another before the first one had fluttered to the ground. The Hatter's pistols added their own smoke, shredding two Cards, leaving ragged holes in their thin bodies. With a muted cry, he dropped his weapons and drew a short sword which was well hidden beneath his long green cloak. More broken bodies joined their comrades as Cheshire and Hatter moved fluidly among the Cards, unseen for the smoke except for the occasional glimpse. Not very well seen, that may have been, but you could certainly hear. You could hear the chilling cries of the Cards as they were massacred, the grunts and yells of both of Alice's protectors as they prevented her taking. And then all was quiet. The blue smoke, still reeking of gunpowder slowly drifted away to reveal a bloody Cheshire, breathing heavily and the Hatter, clutching his arm, his sword drenched in red. Cheshire looked over at Alice, a long cut dripping blood from his cheek and several others across his chest and arms. And he smiled and began to laugh. Hatter chuckled, then quickly joined in and the two friends stood among the mangled corpses, the ground drenched with life and laughed mad laughter to the sky.
Alice watched in slight horror as the Cheshire ripped apart that Jack who had most certainly been ready to call her a bitch and she stepped several feet back from the scene as the blue smoke made it hard to see anything, but there was certainly no loss of understanding what was going on as she heard the cries of the Cards and the soft grunting noises that were probably the Hatter and the Cheshire tearing apart Cards. She had never known that these two could have such a way inside of them. Surely, both of them before had shown no way to be able to tear people or rather, Cards, apart, but the cries she was hearing was surely that enough to presume that they were definitely tearing them apart. Although the reality of the horrific scene was more than enough to make Alice's normally innocent blue eyes widen in fear and shock as she watched the smoke slowly start to fade away and the Hatter and the Cheshire were revealed. There was a slight concern in her mind that obviously the Cheshire and the Hatter were hurt, but it was quite scary how they looked. Her eyes sought out the Cheshire and she watched as his eyes met her own and she swallowed in fear because these two were capable of so much more than they looked. They were obviously capable of such killings and she didn't quite know what to think with the scene before her like this. It was quite scary to see them like this and none the less to hear the way they had obviously slaughtered the Cards. It should've been comforting that they could protect her like this, but rather it was scary. They had torn them apart and left nothing, but shreds of their pale bodies and blood spilled out onto the ground. She was going to try and help them with their wounds because she was very good at tending to wounds, but she was actually shocked to her core to see them do what they did next. The two of them started to actuallylaugh! They had just slaughtered a group of Cards and were looking like some kind of battle warriors and they were actually laughing? It was puzzling to Alice in a way that she couldn't understand and it showed her that they certainly did retain their madness within. She didn't exactly know what to do while they were just standing there laughing their heads off. She was frightened and they were laughing? If she really thought about it, it was quite infuriating and rather terrifying that they thought that that had been humorous, but she was much too stunned to actually say anything, so she just stood there, watching and waiting for them to finish their bouts of laughter, so that the two of them could get cleaned up.
They didn't stop. Not for a long while. They fell against each other and gasped, holding their sides, falling to the ground amongst the carnage, laughing at the sky. Finally, Cheshire managed to stagger to his feet, leaving the Hatter giggling on the ground, holding his hands to his face. The Cat ran a finger over the cut on his face and cut loose with a chuckle, wiping the blood on his tunic, then, as he leaned down to help the Hatter up, he glanced over at Alice and raised his eyebrows when he saw the look of fury on her face. "S'matter?" He asked, immediatly finding that someone had knocked a tooth out as it dribbled over his lip. "Did we do something wrong?" The Hatter sat up, fingering a busted lip and he didn't pay the girl any mind as he resheathed his sword and tucked his hat back onto his greasy head. "C'mon, we're late." He stated as if they had done nothing but dilly dally by a stream. He set off at a brisk trot, but Cheshire wasn't as quick to follow. Instead he sidled up next to Alice, "What happened?" He asked again, his claws shifting back into normal looking fingers. He waited a moment for her answer, then directed his chin at the Hatter who quickly disappeared among a small group of trees crying out, "Tally-ho!" "If we don't follow him soon, we'll be lost. EvenIcan't remember where he keeps his dratted abode." His tail wrapped around her ankle and tugged her along as he walked forward. He looked back, blood still running freely down his cheek as well as on other parts of his body. "What was the matter?" He asked a third time, as curious as ever. He was a Cat, after all.
By the time that the two maniacs had finally decided that it was about time to be moving, Alice was absolutely furious with the both of them. It was one thing to do what they did and protect themselves and her, but it was a completely another thing to sit there like crazed lunatics, which Alice knew that they still were, and laugh their selves silly while she was standing there in terror. That had probably been one of the most dramatic and traumatizing scenes that she had ever seen in her life and they were just acting as though they didn't have a care in the world while they laughed their heads off. It was absolutely infuriating to a girl who had grown up like she had now a days and only now the Cheshire Cat was showing interest in the fact that she was furious with both of them! Pffft! That was just plain stupid. Obviously, if anyone couldn't tell, Alice was much too upset to consider the fact that Cheshire had actually gotten upset at the fact that she seemed furious like this. He obviously cared about something, but Alice was a little too peeved at that moment to actually take much notice to that fact. She didn't even really know how to respond at the moment to their insanity because she was still too shocked with the scene that she had just witnessed before her eyes. It had been absolutely terrifying to hear the two of them rip apart those cards as though they were warriors when before neither of them probably could've handle a gun properly! And now here they were ripping apart cards and saving her from a beheading. It was all so very confusing in her mind at that moment because she just couldn't understand it. How had they become such fierce men? One of them had been an animal for the love of God and the other had just been a raving lunatic! So, how had things changed that much in here? It was absolutely amazing to see this and quite terrifying as well, to be honest. She walked towards the way that the Hatter had run off to and she sighed as she turned to look at the Cheshire Cat. She really was getting a bit tired and hungry at this point. Not to mention, she felt like she hadn't bathed in days and that was really only adding to her mood at the moment. "Look, I am sorry I got upset, but I was absolutely terrified and then the two of you just started to laugh!? Do you know how stupid the both of you looked? Well, of course not, because as you always used to tell me everyone is mad here, right? Including me? Well, at least I have common sense not to just sit there in a pool of blood and laugh my head off." she said, much more angrily than she originally meant to be. She really couldn't seem to help her temper right now because of how upset this whole thing was getting to be at this point. She was getting very hungry and tired and she wanted a bath. And of course, as she thought about having a bath, all she could then think about was taking a bath with Cheshire Cat and it made her a little less angry and a little more aroused. The thought of all of his smooth flesh bared for her to see and touch actually send a large shiver down her spine and she had to turn away from him before he could see the look in her eyes that was only tell tale of how she was feeling inside. "So, we better hurry and follow him or else we won't know where we are going."
"Whoa, chill." Cheshire said, slowing down a bit so that she shot ahead of him, "Youhaveto laugh it off, trust me. Seen guys who just dwell on it, they end up messed in the head." He grinned widely, "Get it? Messed up in the...oh, never mind." Cheshire waved and trotted up next to her, his eyes searching for where the Hatter might have vanished. They both dived through the trees and the Cat caught sight of his friend's bouncing green cloak before he was swallowed up by the night. "There he goes," He muttered, "Bastard's gonna lose us." He jogged forward and pushed aside a bush, revealing a trap door well concealed in the ground, "Or not..." A thump sounded from below, then the Hatter's muffled voice, "Hurry up!" He bellowed, thumping again. Cheshire reached down and grasped the iron ring, heaving the door up, then looked back at Alice, his grey eyes taking in her young supple form, her wild unkempt hair that seemed to add to a primal attraction. And he felt himself react. He purred before he could stop himself and looked away, disguising it with a cough. "Ladies first." He offered in his low sultry voice which had become just a bit more sultry and even seductive. "Wouldn't be hungry by chance, would you?" He asked, suddenly, his eyes flashing, "We've got some stock down there and I'm pretty sure you're starving. Especially after our...ordeal." He gave her a lopsided grin, the sight of the shredded cards still fresh in his mind. "Either way, you might wanna hurry and get down, more than like the others'll have found the bodies and will be searching for the forest for the perpetrators. Wouldn't want to be strung up, would we, hm?" Anything, just keep talking, distract himself from giving her once-overs again and again. Images kept flashing through his head, slipping her-no, no. Where was that coming from? Biting his tounge, he said, "I'll see you on the other side. Close the door behind you." Then, he shrank, fur sprining up over his body, and as he transformed back into a feline, he felt the ache, the longing slowly move away. Still there, still apparent, but not as strong. Flicking his tail in her direction, he dove into the trapdoor's open hole.
Alice just ignored his ramblings for the most part because she was rather used to them at this point and who wouldn't be used to those kinds of things at this point? Especially when you had been a guest in this crazy world before. But there was something distinct about what happened to his voice. It got low and more seductive and sultry than before and she swallowed a bit nervously as she looked at him with every feeling in her eyes apparent. Obviously, Alice didn't know how to hide her feelings and that was obvious as well as she looked at him. There was a moment there when she had thought she had heard him start to purr, but then he coughed and Alice was distinctly aware that he was trying to cover something up. That was when he brought up food and she hoped that some sleep would follow that, but she wasn't sure if it would. She could only hope though, at this point, because she was absolutely exhausted from everything that had happened lately. Though there was something that was toying about in her mind as she watched him transform back into the slender, sleek feline that he was when he was an animal and she smiled a bit before she walked over to the trap door and sat down on the edge. She jumped down into it and landed on her feet before she leaned up to grab the door and shut it behind her. She really hoped that no one noticed that door or else they would be in quite a bit of trouble at this point. Alice was thinking about the fact that it was quite obvious who she was with her normal attire on like this. She still had the same blue dress, and the same outfit, so wouldn't it be better if she changed into something that might make her look a little different. She stood there for a long moment without following the two before she made sure that were ahead enough that they really couldn't much see her and she changed out of her dress quickly. She took off her petticoats and stockings as well as her shoes because it wasn't going to take much for someone to recognize her. She stood there in her undergarments, well, mostly. They were made of white silk and lace and cotton and she sighed as she thought that the outfit bared a bit more of her skin at this point, but she thought it looked much better than what she was wearing before. The outfit that she had on now was a short white under dress that went beneath her normal dress, her pale legs were bare with no stockings or shoes, but she had walked barefoot on rougher surfaces than what they were walking on now, so that didn't bother her at all. She took out the black headband that was in her hair and that kept her hair back from her face and some of her blond strands of hair fell forward and the whole outfit made her look quite seductive. Her hair was starting to slightly curl a bit and she sighed as she walked after the two of them, completely unaware of the fact that she made one of the most seductive pictures that anyone could ever see.
Warm candlelights lit the tunnel that they travelled through and there was a distinct dip in the floor as they ventured further. The Cat slinked his way through the hall, his shadow being cast upon the wall along with everyone elses, a loping black form. His purple fur gave off an unworldly sheen in the yellow light as the Hatter led them deeper, "Not far..." The madman said looking back, but his voice trailed away as he caught sight of Alice, the clothing in her hands, and everything else. Cheshire glanced up at the Hatter, confused as to why he quit talking then looked back as well. Oh, my. He turned back to his friend, "It's quite rude to stare, my dear Hatter," He flicked a tail in Alice's direction, "Her clothes are dirty, she has freedom to remove them, just," He turned back to her and fixed her with a hard glare, "Not all the way off, it's hard enough to keep our minds on the task at hand, hm?" He directed the 'hm' back at the Hatter who coughed suddenly, and quite violently facing forward, "Quite right, quite right my dear Cat, forward we tread then." Which they did so in silence, although even through his dulled senses, Cheshire could not help but glance back one more time before dismissing the incident entirely from his mind. The tunnel sloped deeper and it got a little warmer as the chill of the forest was left far behind. Presently, they arrived at a large wooden door, upon which its surface was carved into a large face with a very big nose, beady eyes and thick lips. The eyes glinted with as much colour as oak could allow: I see travellers three, those who wish to enter me Weary from their adventures, yes, but returned because they are the best And two I know so very well, as well as any tolling bell The Hatter with his magnificent headpiece, and the purple Cat still in one piece Yet, lookie here, a new arrival? Where comest thou, oh glowing angel? The Cat rolled his eyes, glancing back at Alice, "Ignore him, he's always trying to be mysterious with his poems and chants, but you'll notice they lack a bit of...flair..." The door fixed his small eyes on Cheshire, "Now see here, Cat," It protested, "I do my best, it is hard to think when people constantly open and close me!" Cheshire waved his paw, obviously uncaring, "I don't care, are you going to keep prattling, or are you going to open you sorry piece of firewood?" The door grumbled and creaked open, revealing inside a very wide room. The opening led to a balcony that spanned the huge expanse, a space in the middle showing a lower floor. "Welcome to the underground." The Hatter said lowly, sweeping his hat from his head.
Alice didn't quite like the fact that she had to do this with her clothing, but it was a better way to keep herself disguised as some new comer and not who she was. She didn't like the look Hatter got and she squirmed uncomfortably as she walked. She then heard Cheshire Cat's words and she stopped walking again before she put her slender hands on her shapely hips as she looked at him. "Thank you very much, but I will only take off my clothes and be naked for someone I care about and not to just be some whore for men, understand, Cheshire?" she snapped rather meanly. She didn't really like the implication that he implicated as he said that to her because she wasn't some slut who was going to take off her clothes for any man that thought that she looked good with less on. "This is just a way that it will be harder for people to recognize me if I do not look like my normal self. I realize I look a bit whorish, and while I do not wish to look like one, do you really think that there are other options that I can take to disguising myself? I am open to them." she said. She followed them silently after that and that was when they came across the famous door that she remembered from her last trip. Though he was a bit different and she shook her head at his words. She certainly wasn't going to pay attention to a door that sung like that and his singing, quite frankly, sucked. She wondered briefly where exactly she was going to discard her clothes at this point. Alice was quite surprised to see what exactly was behind the door. It led to a large expanse of floor and she walked through the doorway and into the Underground as they called it. She couldn't believe that there was a place like this beneath the surface of Wonderland. She looked at the two of them as they stood behind her and she sighed softly. "Wow, this is quite the place." she said softly.
Cheshire raised his feline eyebrows at her eruption, rebuking him for his comments and he repressed a laugh that threatened to burst from his throat. Instead, he contented with muttering to himself, "Well, pissy much? Take a girl out of her world and she goes crazy..." He padded out in front of Alice and the Hatter looking through the railing to the center of the room where there milled a gathering of what couldn't really be called people although there were some human looking ones down there. "You're lookin' at the rebellion, Alice. We're all that's left to halt the Queen." Announced the Hatter, grinning down at the gathering. "And maybe," Added Cheshire, looking back at Alice, "With your arrival, we might actually get someplace." The Hatter took the lead, leading them around the edge, his hand resting gently on the bannister, "C'mon, let's go, I'll introduce you." He said, over his shoulder and suddenly in front of him appeared a set of stair which definitely wasn't there before. Acting as though this was just a part of daily life, which it was, the Hatter descended, Cheshire following and slowly shifting into his human form as he walked. The crowd noise that usually accompanied...crowds, had stilled as they watched the two 'men' walk down the stairs with a young woman in two. It wasn't long before whispers began to spread like wildfire as they gazed at her, speculations, guesses, but even talk was stilled when the Hatter strode up to a podium that wasn't there before. And it wasn't. Holding his hands up for silence, although there was no need, the Hatter began: "Wonderland. We are in black times. A time of fear, of death, of pure abject horror." Cheshire stepped next to him, his grey eyes scanning as every eye was fixed upon the speaker. "What if I told you we could end it? What if I told you that our solution was a mere grasp away?" "Yeah! Like you've said before!" Came the shouted reply, followed by some laughter, but others shouted him down. The Hatter nodded, "Yes, yes, I admit, this wouldn't be the first time, but, my friends, this time, I'msure! This is what we've been waiting for,thisis our freedom!" He looked over at Cheshire and nodded. "We've found her." The Cat said, his hands clasped behind his back, the air was still as everyone awaited his next words. "We've found Alice." This time, a gasp was apparent as it rippled through the crowd. "Alice?" "TheAlice?" "I heard she died..." "She's come back?" Cheshire waited patiently for the noise to subside, "Alice is the key. With her, we will end the Queen's reign! We will take back what is ours, and we will make Wonderland what it should be!" He roared, bellowing the last line and holding a fist straight up in the air. The crowd blew up, their cheers resounding and echoing as they threw their hands in the air and jumped. At long last, Alice had returned. Alice had come back. They were saved. Cheshire looked back at her and grinned, wide as was his trademark, then gave her a short nod, wondering silently to himself as to how she would be able to take this. He hoped to God she wouldn't cry, he had no clue what to do with a crying female.
Alice honestly didn't know what to expect as they walked down the staircase, but there was quite a bit of people or creatures from Wonderland in there. It was quite surprising, really. She didn't really know what to do when they walked down to a bit of a podium that had just appeared out of nowhere. She really didn't understand much of this right now. She also couldn't ignore the stares that everyone was giving her. She could hear whispers and she wondered why they were all whispering about her. It wasn't like she had died or come back to life or something along those lines. Some of the stares were quite hostile and others were open and welcoming. It was quite a hard thought to know that some of them actually thought that she was to blame for some of these things. The Queen was quite mad all on her own and she didn't really think that it was her fault that the Queen had gone this mad. Well, unless you counted the fact that it was kind of her own mind in here. Or at least, she thought that it was. What was weird to think about was the fact that most of these creatures were just a part of her mind and that some of them were parts of her heart and mind put together. And that was quite the scary thought because the Hatter, though matured now, was quite insane and so was Cheshire, to be honest. And the fact that she had some dark part of her that had made up the Queen and some older characters that she remembered. Like the Jabberwock. Alice shuddered at the thought of that mean old thing and she hoped that someone had actually killed him. He was probably a little bit more cruel than even the Queen was. Or at least, he used to be, but she wasn't sure about that now. Alice looked at Hatter and the Cheshire as they said that she was the key and she wanted to hit them again. How could they say that? She had only managed to escape the Queen and her guards last time! She had not managed to defeat them and she thought that that was what they were expecting to happen. Of course, her attention got split when she heard some of the audience whispering that she had died. Her blue eyes widened and she looked over the crowd silently to see them mostly watching her and not the Hatter or Cheshire. She watched as the crowd threw back comments at Hatter about how he had said stuff like that before and Alice almost groaned in frustration because it was obvious he still didn't always know what he was doing! And he was acting as though it was just a simply matter of Alice just being there and it wasn't! She was going to have to defeat the Queen and she honestly didn't even know how to do it! She watched the Cheshire and she glared at him angrily when he said all of that and then she heard the crowd roar with enthusiasm and she couldn't believe that these two had managed to get them excited when Alice was just a teenage girl! She smiled as best as she could at the crowd, but she wasn't actually going to say anything this time and she just smiled kindly at them before she grabbed Cheshire in his cat form by the scruff of his neck and grabbed Hatter by the back of his shirt and pulled them away from the podium to a more private section in the room. The crowd mostly watched with interest, but started to talk amongst themselves as she had Cheshire hanging by the scruff of his neck in her hand and Hatter stumbling backwards before she let go of both of them. "Okay, are you two mad?! Well, okay, let me take that back because it is quite apparent that the two of you have completely lost it!!! I do not know how to defeat the Queen!!! I only managed to barely escape last time and you two are telling all of them that I am thekey?!? Either there is something that I do not know and you are not telling me about this or else you two are justhopingthat I know how to destroy her!" she whispered harshly to the both of them.
Mid-grab Cheshire shifted back into his human form, leaving Alice in hold of his hair, a very tight hold, which caused his teeth to clench together and a very low growl to rumble from his throat. Being released he ran his fingers through his hair smoothing it out, giving an affronted look to Alice, laced with slight arousal. The Hatter straightened his coat pompously, sniffing and tipping his tall hat at a rackish angle. "Mad?" Asked Cheshire, "Do you even have to ask?" He threw a hand back at the assembled masses, "Look, Alice! Look at them! Despite a few hateful glares, look at the hope in most of their eyes! If anyone's going to get 'em out of this mess, it's going to be you!" "Not to mention," added the Hatter, "Youcan-" "Shut up." Cheshire interrupted, a bit too quickly, then said, as if to amend, "I mean, you have the power, Alice, not like...well, not that you're powerful, I didn't say that, you can be powerful if you want to, it's just you-" "What Cheshire is trying to say," Said the Hatter, interrupting in turn, "Is that you can control these people better than any of us can, you are a new face, a new hope AND you can-" "Shut up." Said Cheshire again, shooting Hatter a warning glance. "Besides, Alice, it's too late to turn away now, I mean, after we hammed you up and all." He guestured back to the podium where the people were waiting expectantly, "They need you Alice, they need someone who can get them somewhere, throw over this evil reign and lead us to freedom. Believe me,we'vetried," He waved a hand between him and the Hatter, "It's just that, although we do ok, we're never going to make it because we don't have the..." He coughed, then shook his head, "Please, Alice. They need you." He repeated, "...Weneed you." The crowd began to grow a little restless and somewhere, Alice's whispered name rose, climbed, soared and soon the congregation was chanting, chanting her name over and over, even the ones who were doubtful, who weren't sure, even they had been turned by this unnatural tide of trust, of even desperation. A smile flickered in the corners of Cheshire's mouth and he waved to the podium again, this time finding that words were not needed, he believed she knew what to do. The Hatter merely rolled his eyes, "They're waiting."
In spite of Severus Snape's pretenses to the contrary, he remembered her. Gryffindor. Obnoxious. Less dense than some, more spoiled than most. It had been a few years since she had left Hogwarts, and it couldn't be long enough. Now, as her interview drew near, he was decanting a Philtre of Focus for the seventy-first time. Soon it would be ready, and the miserable little imps he had been tasked to herd would cease to be a distraction for good. The annoyance could have been worse, perhaps - he could have been forced to remain Headmaster - but that was cold comfort. Everything had been easier when he had been roundly hated. Just that morning, an idiot Gryffindor had smiled at him! What did a man have to do to make his stance clear? Now the very same people who had whispered 'Coward' for years wore the mask of affability, beaming, inviting him to drink. Doubtless they expected him to 'forgive their misunderstanding.' Worst of all, as always, were the students. Children who had lived in fear now lived in fatuous complacence, as if the Dark Arts had ceased to exist when the Death Eaters had disbanded. Potter himself was growing lax in his Occlumency, and Granger had taken 'time off' for 'personal reasons.' Well. Nobody would ever accuse him of letting his pupils become fat and weak. When the next evil came, they would face it, secure in the knowledge that it couldn't possibly be as awful, as cruel, as horrific as Professor Severus Snape, Head of Slytherin, Potions Master, and Professional Greasy Git. And the new order would begin with this interview. Twenty years old! Madness. Even if this 'student teacher' candidate was one of McGonagall's old favorites, and could thus be assured of her place, he would show her the seriousness, and tenuousness, of her position.
Whether it was a case of nerves or the simple fact that the bacon she had scarfed down for breakfast wasn't agreeing with her, one thing was for certain, Lexie feltterriblyill. The moment she had stepped foot into Hogwarts, a strong feeling of nostalgia had struck her harder than one would expect. Of course, one couldn't truly admit to enjoying school without sounding completely pathetic but she would not lie to herself. Her years at Hogwarts had easily been the best she'd ever experienced in her short life. Many would expect a child born of great wealth to have a certain claim to a happiness robbed of the less fortunate and while she had been rightfully spoiled in material aspects, Lexie could not truthfully say that she was happy there. She had always been completely different from her parents. For one, she didn't care for their constant desire to mingle with those that they deemed superior, nor did she care for their negative influence. No matter how many times they had attempted to hammer this pure-blood supremacist thoughts into her young mind, Lexie simply had not listened. Right from the beginning, her parents had feared that their daughter was not living up to their expectations and Lexie would not dissuade them from such notions. She had a fascination with muggles that could possibly rival that of Arthur Weasley and her habit of befriending those of a lower social class clearly worried the parental unit. But perhaps the greatest blow of all was when their precious child was sorted into the dreaded Gryffindor house, eternal enemy of Slytherin where both Mr. and Mrs. Stone had been sorted years ago. Naturally, Lexie had been ecstatic. In her eyes, nothing could be more fulfilling than being sorted into the house she had secretly dreamed of for years. The rift that this caused between her and her parents only grew as the years passed and as the days darkened, so did their hearts. Many a family had been torn apart ever since the return of Voldemort who's name she refused to fear even then. It was no easy choice for her to abandon the parents who while had forced their own ideals onto her, had still clothed her and fed her and perhaps even loved her, faults and all. But there really could not be any other choice. Lexie would not side with those who agreed with such ludicrous ideas. She was 17 when she last spoke to her parents. Every year at Hogwarts had been cherished and now that she was back, she intended to make the most of it. Even if she meant to teach now rather than learn. As a student, Lexie had always been fairly adept. She had gotten top marks in transfiguration and charms and did quite well for herself in defense against the dark arts. Her only real weak point had always been potions. Lexie would have liked to think that she was nowhere near as incompetent as her old potions professor had led on but then, taking anything the man said to heart was foolhardy indeed. Anyone with a half a brain knew well enough that the old git went out of his way to embarrass and insult those belonging to Gryffindor house. She had been no different. The girl couldn't help but frown at the unpleasant memories of dealing with the overgrown bat's leering presence behind her as she mechanically chopped her ingredients. He was truly terrifying in those days. Regardless of how well she did, the git had no praise in him and as such, there came a point where she simply stopped caring. Sighing, the considerably tall young witch straightened out her posture, long black hair now held in a tight bun. She felt rather odd dressed the way that she was. Usually she would let loose her dark locks and stroll about in the finest of gowns but shedidintend on making a good impression and she hardly expected Snape to care for physical attributes. Lexie held a natural grace that allowed her to appear as if she were utterly calm and collected even if she were anything but. The sight of the potions master was already making her stomach knot uncomfortably. The old embarrassment of having him talk down to her was already beginning to colour her cheeks, despite the fact that he hadn't even said anything yet. Though, shewasa Gryffindor for a reason and she wouldn't stand there idly and allow him to intimidate her anymore. She was no longer the student. He would have to respect her as an adult. She hoped. Clearing her throat to get his attention, Lexie put on her most reserved of expressions before speaking out in a formal tone. "Professor?"
Snape raised his left hand in the universal gesture for 'Do not interrupt this delicate and dangerous work.' Stir clockwise. Clockwise. Clockwise. Clockwise, but more slowly. As the brew reached the turning point, a cloud of choking, green smoke rose from the cauldron and dissipated away from Snape; his visitor may, perhaps, have caught a whiff of Ashwinder eggs. Now counterclockwise, slowly. Then counterclockwise again, but faster, faster, and faster still. Add a half-pinch of Siberian Ginseng. Hold the phial up to the light, and wait for the very instant the green liquid begins to cloud... there. Decant at once. It was done. As Snape stoppered the bottle and sealed it with wax, he spoke without looking up from the task. "Miss Stone. You are late." The girl could hardly argue with the looming grandfather clock, could she? Surely she could see that the big serpent was on the nine, and the little snake was on the one. And even if this wasn't absolutely accurate, it was absolutelyright.Any clock could show you an accurate time, but this one showed visitors the time they ought to see. The time they deserved. A little peevishly, Snape waved Lexie to a chair, like a grown man forced to tolerate someone's misbehaved child, then settled behind his desk and appraised her appearance. Once again, matters could have been far worse. She had unusually reserved dress-sense for a Gryffindor, and her hair was almost practical. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he noted that she hadn't dressed this way as a student. Therefore, either she genuinely respected the 'interview process,' or she genuinely feared his disapproval. Better to keep her off-balance, then. He leaned forward slightly, causing a few strands of disheveled hair to fall into his eyes, and humorlessly smiled. "A student teacher! How interesting." He settled back slightly and steepled his fingers, unconscious that this revealed an unseemly rent in the left elbow of his robes. Had he known that even a newcomer could see how the past month's revelations had worn on him, he'd have been mortified. A spy should not wear their heart on their sleeve, or at their elbow. Nonetheless, uncharacteristically blind to these signs, Snape confidently baited his hook. "It makes one wonder if I should treat you as a student, or as a teacher. What do you think, Miss Stone?"
Of course. One could never dream of interrupting such a delicate procedure. He was practically performing some sort of muggle method of open-heart surgery, wasn't he? Lexie resisted the urge to roll her bright blue eyes and reminded herself that her esteemed potions professor had an obvious hard-on for such things. She could almost remember his little speech during her first year. It was hard to forget. What was it?Bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death?Right. At that age, she had been far more fascinated with the uncanny billowing of his robes than putting a stopper in anything. Though, she couldn't think too poorly of him now. He had really shown his true colours throughout this entire nasty ordeal with Voldemort. Lexie tilted her head to the side, almost as if this allowed her a better view of Snape at work. She wasn't as guilty as others. Oh no! She had definitely been among those rare few who deemed Severus Snape agood guy, as it were. Dumbledore was the reasoning behind this. She had always put her full faith in the old wizard, partly because her parents had done the complete opposite. Aside from all that, Lexie had always deemed his malevolent appearance too obvious. Perhaps she spent too much time watching those muggle horror films but if that were the case then Snape would definitely not be the bad guy. Nay, in some strange twist he would be the one to save them all! In a sense, he had. The man had done a lot and Lexie did not easily forget. Gaze softening considerably, Lexie broke away from her thoughts only to be met with the usual reprimanding tone that only Snape could dish out so well. Her eyes immediately found the clock and she couldn't help but frown just the slightest. Late? It had not even occurred to her that she ought to check the time. The momentary panic that washed over her was quickly masked by a look of utter neutrality. Choosing not to honour him with a reply unless absolutely necessary, Lexie strode over to the directed chair across from the potions master, crossing one impossibly long leg over the other as she sat. Her posture felt stiff to her but she refused to allow her aching spine some release. Impressing Snape was no easy task and she was the farthest thing from Slytherin without being Godric Gryffindor himself. As a student, she had always felt terribly uneasy under that stare. She always had the nagging suspicion that he was invading her mind and discovering all kinds of nasty things to use to his advantage. Naturally when she had discovered his being a Legilimens she hadn't been the least bit surprised. Still, it was unsettling all the same. Resisting the urge to chew her lip raw as she always did when nervous, Lexie attempted the impossible task of occluding her mind to any and all probing he may have deemed necessary. One could never tell with Severus Snape. The sarcasm in his tone was not missed and Lexie made it a point to not react. Why play right into his hands and give him what he desired? She would not lose her temper and she wouldnotlose this job. All at once, the fierce Gryffindor determination seemed to return, those blue eyes practically blazing with ambition. Her gaze dropped down to his fingers and for a moment, all thoughts of Occulumency escaped her as she studied the slender fingers. This was perhaps one of the few things, if not the only thing that she had always admired about Snape. He had the most beautiful hands she had ever seen. The fingers were long and pale and capable of performing all kinds of near-impossible tasks. They appeared to her, the hands of an artist and while Lexie had no real love for potions, she could grudgingly admit that it could be seen as an art-form. For what seemed like the umpteenth time, those smooth, velvety tones cut through her reverie and Lexie had enough sense to catch the bold question. She could already feel the anger flaring up in the pit of her stomach. What kind of a ridiculous question was that? She was here to teach, not to be bullied into submission by some git who could not even afford to mend his robes when they clearly needed it! Quite forgetting herself, Lexie narrowed her eyes and directed her cool gaze at his elbow. "You might want to take care of that,professor." Never mind that she had no business saying anything about his attire but then, she would silently justify her actions by reminding herself that he had no business treating her like some sort of incompetent child. "While life is a continuing learning process and believe me, sir, Idointend to learn from the best," here her eyes would flicker back to his face and linger there for as long as it took for the message to be made clear, "I think it would be counter-productive of you to treat me as a pupil if I intend to break past those boundaries and become a full-fledged teacher." There. She had said her piece and now she could only await his scathing rebuttal with bated breath.
Legilimency wasn't even a remote temptation. If Snape were caught prying into a student teacher's mind, it would mean a scandal, but his reluctance ran deeper than that. As much as he scoffed at Gryffindor ideas of chivalry, the war's end had left him the luxury to establish cleaner rules, and one of them was that Legilimency was for special circumstances only. He was a private man, and if he infringed upon the privacy of others without reason, how could he possibly consider himself their better? It was different for a spy, of course, but he was a spy no longer. In any case, why bother? As far as he was concerned, the girl had little mind to read. At best, he could hope to see the idealistic hero fantasies of a young, dense teacher. At worst... he preferred not to contemplate the worst-case scenario for the contents of this girl's psyche. Snape's brow furrowed ever-so-slightly when she looked at his elbow.Ah. Lamord must have struck closer than I thought. Not terrible, as first strikes go - from him or her.But if he was surprised that Stone had taken the offensive so quickly, it didn't register on his face. After all, this was how Gryffindors were; doubtless she would get on splendidly with Minerva. "Thank you for bringing that to my attention, Miss Stone. Perhaps you'd care to recommend a tailor? A shampoo?" If she rose to the lure, he would crush her like the impudent thing she was. Simple as that. But if her first sally had been reasonably adept, her next response left her so vulnerable that he'd have been a fool not to press the offensive. "'A continuing learning process?' 'Counter-productive?' 'Break past those boundaries?'" said Snape, a touch incredulously. "Such language may pass at the Beauxbatons Business School, but we arecivilizedhere. Answer again, if you please..." He drew himself up to full height, and peered at her over his hawklike nose. "... in English."
Lexie, who had been clenching her hands so tightly only became aware of this when her sharp nails threatened to break skin. She may have been high-strung but she would never be accused of ever interrupting. Regardless of the fact that she was being talked-down to by the most infuriating of individuals that she had come across, she would always manage to allow others to say their part. What Snape had to say would have been enough to instigate a verbal argument of epic proportions if it weren't for the sudden realization that she was there for a reason. Breathing through her nostrils, the girl silently composed herself and focussed on the spot just between Snape's eyes. She didn't dare look directly into those dark pools of black now. She was almost certain that it would cause her to erupt and royally destroy her chances. "What I meant to say is,professorthat you may treat me as you see fit but I'm here for one reason alone and that is to teach." All right. So perhaps the frank bitterness in referring to him in such a manner was a little more apparent than she ought to have made it but her answer was the plain and simple truth. As much as shelovedthese little battles with the potions master, she had come there in hopes of becoming a part of what she liked to call the Hogwarts family. It was true that she was often too easy-going to even be considered for such a position but she was ambitious and held a fierce love for Hogwarts that could not be easily tarnished. Lowering her gaze for the briefest of moments, Lexie observed the sharp indents that were now visible on her pale palms. She really did need to learn how to control that anger. Perhaps it came with being a Stone or perhaps Snape was just that much of an arse. She opted to believe in the latter as her eyes once again found that horribly pallid face. By Merlin, that nose was extraordinary! If it weren't completely inappropriate to do so, Lexie would have laughed out loud at her own silly but perfectly valid thoughts. Unable to conceal the slight smile tugging at her lips, Lexie felt the former anger momentarily evaporate as she spoke out in what she hoped was a respectful tone, or at least enough to placate the bastard. "Teaching at Hogwarts would be most rewarding, sir, and I believe you'll find that I am quite capable of performing the necessary tasks required of my position." Lexie paused, almost as if having an after-thought. "It'll be fun."
It took no special gift to see the fire here, the anger, the ambition that could flare and fade at a moment's notice, as needed. This was no mere Gryffindor defiance; ending on the rebuttal would have been that. But relaxing into a smile, as if nothing had been said... the girl had promise. But Snape did not smile back. "'Treat you as I see fit?' I shall hold you to that." A moment's pause. "But if you are to succeed, you must not be here solely to teach. Not even if you find it more 'rewarding' than the Flamel Prize and more 'fun' than... whatever your friends do to amuse themselves." His gaze waxed intense. "You must be here to protect and punish, to stand fast and move swiftly, and tolearn.If you do not learn quickly..." He slid a notice across the desk to her. "... this man will kill you." A handsome wizard in his fifties smiled gamely from the notice, poised and confident, projecting a wholesomeness that belied the text underneath: RODERIC LAMORD Known aliases: The Edge Wizard; Mr. Black; Mr. White Wanted for murder, treason, conspiracy, and traffic in the Dark Arts. Do not approach! We will meet in three hours, twenty-two minutes, and five seconds to discuss this threat. This meeting is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY for all staff and prospective staff! - Prof. S. Snape As if on cue, Lamord's grin twisted into a sadistic rictus, lips parted to reveal teeth filed to vicious points. As the fugitive preened, the time continued to tick down as Snape spoke. "I would have preferred that you remain off our campus while we attended to this... but it seems that Professor McGonagall wishes you tried in the fire, as it were." He gave a bemused shrug. "I do hope you are as competent as you claim to be." At that very moment, unknown to either of them, a two-headed crow swooped low over Hogwarts. Three caws split the air, and it was gone.
The air in the room had suddenly grown chilly and while Lexie was one of those rare cases who actually preferred cold weather to the the warmth, she still couldn't help but rub a soothing hand down her goosebump-ridden arm. Whether Snape noticed this or not, he gave no indication and she ceased her movements entirely, gaze now fixed upon the notice he had slid forth. It was true. Ever since Voldemort's fall, wizards and witches alike had lulled themselves into this false sense of security. Many people had begun to think that with the likes of Potter and Snape himself alive, they were perfectly safe. Lexie would never have considered a realist by any means. She had a habit of daydreaming about a desired life and often such dreams could cloud her judgement but one look at the maniacal wizard and she knew thatsafewasn't exactly the operative word. Did she feel even the slightest bit of fear? Not exactly, but this was partly due to the fact that she had yet to see what she was up against. As expected, the daunting weight of her responsibility was becoming more and more apparent to her now as she continued to study the notice, the words long since having stopped making sense. Was she ready for that kind of responsibility? Finally tearing her lovely eyes away from Lamord's unpleasant mug, Lexie rested her gaze on Snape who easily could have been scrutinizing her and justwaitingfor her to cave and submit to cowardice. Hey, she couldn't contradict her Gryffindor tendencies now, could she? All thoughts of presenting a desirable demeanour now diminished and she was left with nothing but understanding and compliance that rarely crossed the beautiful features of her youthful face. "I understand, sir, and I'm willing and..." A pause, albeit a short one. "...and able to do what is required of me. I give you my word that you'll receive nothing but my best effort in ensuring that I'm valuable to Hogwarts and its students." Eyes darting to her delicate hands for just a moment, Lexie quickly glanced back up at her former professor and finished off what she meant to say. "...and its staff."
A crack tore open the skies over Norse lands, the green field instantly turned black as the sun seemed to dissolve in a fiery blackness. The people of this land, a small viking clan that prowled the coast, watched in fear and fascination as the sky tore itself apart as if some monstrous beast was trying to claw itself through. The clouds burst into blood-red fire and the for the scared mortals on the ground it seemed as though Ragnarok had truly come at last. Unfortunately for them, it was something much worse. "KRATOS!" The Greek god Zues bellowed from atop his chariot, all his might being used to cast out the God of War Kratos. For all his might Kratos found himself being ripped apart, his actions finally pushing Zues to this end. Not death, but banishment. The Greek Gods had found Kratos and his crimes to heavy for their lands to bear and have decreed for him to be cast out, far from land of his birth and indeed the birth of any Spartan. The lands of the Norse, a land under the rule of different Gods that those of Mount Olympus dared not trifle with for fear that the ensuing war would unmake all of existence. It was their, they believed, Kratos would surely meet his end. The God of War fell from the heavens, a blazing comet that lit everything around as it cut the air. Kratos showed no fear as he got one last look at the god of Olympus, only boiling rage, as the rip in the sky folded back in of itself and Kratos crashed into the ground. The land shook as the impact tore through the ground creating a huge crater in its wake. The Norsemen watched and waited from a safe distance, waiting for the smoke to clear before approaching. The proud warriors had no fear, only caution as they approached the smoldering hole. Their leader took the first look over the side, casting his gaze down towards the center were a human-shaped figure could be seen climbing out. The men readied their weapons as a large, pale hand rose from the crater and dug into the earth. Lifting him up Kratos got to his feet, twin blades already drawn ready to cleave something in two. His expression was at once calm and boiling over with raw fury, an interesting combination for the vikings. "Where am I?" The God of War spoke, his tongue strange and unheard of in these lands. The viking clan leader stepped forward, sword drawn. He was the largest and most fiercest of his clan, never once defeated in battle and a body composed of pure muscle. His armored body sported the scars of many battles, none of which had been enough to kill him or even hamper his ability to kill. "Drop your weapons stranger, least I cut of your hands and take them from you myself! I am...!" Almost faster than could be perceived Kratos stretched out his arm sliced the man lengthwise, the chain drawing the blood-coated sword back to his hand. He looked to the other so-called warriors with an unimpressed glance, quickly growing annoyed with the lot of them. "I said," he repeated. "Where am I?" The Vikings almost fled at the sight of their leader killed so easily. This stranger was clearly in a league far greater than their own. That was until the bravest, or perhaps the stupidest, raised his mace and charged Kratos with the intent to kill. All it took was this one act to bring down their entire clan upon him. Kratos merely gritted his teeth, annoyed at having to deal with such flies. What happened next was hardly a battle and more akin to a slaughter. His chain blades tore through the mens bodies like air, body parts flying raining a shower of blood over the land. Not a single hit was landed on the god of war through the entire exchange, and in the end he had barely moved more than a few feet while circle of gore outlined the area around him, armor, weapons, and guts all laid out in yet another gruesome fight. At least this new land was starting out on familiar territory.
In the land of the Norse, the death of men is not meant to be the end. For the bravest of warriors, it was only the begining. Legends speaks of Valkyries, choser of the slain, battle maidens of the gods whose job is to bring the souls of brave warriors to Valhala. The clan that Kratos just slew, was perhaps the most powerfull clan in the region. By mortal standards, these dead warriors are amongst the finest, it was just bad luck that they had to run into the god of war. As the crimson blood stains the pure white snow, a heavenly light descended upon the encampment. A glorious sight it was, as Valrisa, Choser of the slain floats down from the sky into the battleground. She surveyed the chaos, knowing full well that there are plenty of worthy warriors amongst the dead. Her eyes caught a more interesting sight though, a warrior dressed in a strange manner. It would seem that he was the one who brought this carnage about, a truly worthy warrior, but one that does not belong here. "Who are you warrior? You are no mere mortal" Her voice was regal, powerfull, not a helpless damsel but one with the bravery and confidence of a true warrior. "You killed this one before he even drew his weapon. A shamefull death, one not worthy of a great warrior." She anounced again, turning to point at the corpse of the chieftain. As she does so, her flawless golden hair swirled around her head, before landing once more on her shoulders, framing the ever so lovely cleavage visible in the exposed area of her armor.
Kratos watched as the woman descended upon the battlefield, at once impressed and angered by what he saw. The woman was indeed beautiful, putting many of the seductresses of Greece to shame, but she was also clearly one of the gods or at least a servant of one. That always lead to trouble. Still, his eyes traveled over her womanly form with ease. She had the body of a goddess at least, as well as the nature of a fighter. This could be interesting. "I've cleaned greater warriors off the bottoms of my foot," he said without remorse. He studied the woman intently, thinking back on how long it had been since he had lain with a woman. Maybe he would have a chance to rectify that soon. "And I care not for any claims of worth from these wretched souls. He should have minded himself." He stepped forward into a puddle of blood, hands gripping his chained swords. "I am Kratos, cast out from Greece by the gods for insulting their infernal pride and you woman," he raised his arm, weapon in hand, strait for her. "Will tell me where I am."
Cocking her head to the right, she tried taking a measure of the newcomer. He was without a doubt a warrior worthy of Valhalla, yet he claims to be an outcast of the Greek gods. For many years the Olympians were considered a weaker pantheon by the Norse, their claim to be civilized is one that didnt impress the Aesirs, who would much rather embrace warfare than abhor it. Perhaps it is that this man was meant to be here, instead of Greece. "This, brave warrior.." She started, stepping forward undaunted by the blade pointed at her. "Is Midgard!" A sudden lunge forward brought her within a few feet of Kratos, short wide bladed sword flashing at the man, faster than any Greek heroes ever managed. She was no mere maiden, no mere servant of the gods. She is a Valkyrie, a warrior supreme that stands heads and shoulders above any mortal. And she wants to test him.
Kratos saw her muscles tense the second before she moved, giving him just enough time to react. The God of War, the most powerful warrior in Greece and soon enough this barbaric land, his swords blocking her attack and redirecting it to the side. He stepped back, eying the woman's voluptuous form and movements, finding himself feeling that age-old desire he had in between his bloodlusts. This woman was unlike the others back home, being stronger that even the men of Sparta it seemed. This was something that interested him. He decided he would have her. With a battle cry he lunged forward, blades thrusting forward in a blur of red steel. He exchanged with her a flurry of blows, testing her defenses and seeing just how strong she was. Each and every time his blades landed the blood from the vikings flew off, a grim reminder of how they got here.
Blow for blow the valkyrie matched him, their speed being on equal footing. He was impressive, far superior than any other warrior she ever met. Her blades flashed around her to block the fluid motions of his Chaos blade. The battle went hours and hours at such a violent pace that any mortal would tire by now. "You are a great warrior!" She yelled out, rushing him with a lethal stab aimed at his stomach, but he was too fast. Crashing forward, she went straight through the wall of the nearest house. It was the hall of the clan, a stone building with a large long table in the middle. Here the clan would have their feasts, telling tales as they enjoy their food and wine. Today, it willl be witness to another feast, far more glorious than food and wine. Today it shall be the witness of an act of carnal lust so savage it will be the start of Asgards downfall. Rising from her knee, the Valkyrie slowly turned around to face her opponent.
Commissioner Jim Gordon sat with his head in his hands because sometimes things got so overwhelming that the only solution was to try and pretend - just for a moment - that the city wasn't there. After the Dent incident, Barbara had nearly begged him to leave Gotham, convinced that this would only be the first of many attempts on his life; she had told him they could borrow some money from her parents, use it to get out, to move somewhere - anywhere but Gotham. It was a conversation that been repeated many times since, the most recent of which had been that very evening. In retrospect, his response probably hadn't been the best one: "Where do you suggest we go? Metropolis?" "This isn't funny, Jim!" "You're damn right it isn't funny. If I leave now -" "- then they'll just find some other idealistic sap to take your place as Commissioner, someone else to - to slip poison to!" It had ended with Barbara sobbing into the phone and Gordon feeling like an ass, just the way he did every other time - but he couldn't help himself. He couldn't just - leave - like so many others had done. There was too much to be done, too few who could be relied on, and beyond that - how many allies did Batman have left? Gordon wasn't even sure he counted anymore, not since he had been forced to destroy the light on the GPD rooftop - one of the only moments in his career in which he had felt nothing but shame - and had severed his public ties with the Batman. But god, he was still with him - but the darkness was closing in more each day, seeping into the city more and more, driven by some horrifying, unstoppable force. Every time they made advances, they were pushed back again, there was no quantifying it. The phone rang and the sound of it caused Gordon to jerk violently, half-lunging for the receiver. At first, he listened. Then he protested. Then he fell into silence, set the phone carefully onto his desk and stood from his chair; he approached the enormous window that served as a background to his office and drew open the thick curtains. He stared out at Gotham and then picked up the phone again, "Yeah. Yeah, I see it." he said, and the distant flames reflected in the lenses of his glasses. Dr. Phillip Unger liked to think of himself as a philanthropist, an altruist who only wanted what was best for his patients - that was why he gave them all that big, bleached white smile and talked to the inmates like they were three year olds who just needed a good nap and a big, shiny needle to calm them down. He had made the mistake, at first, of trying to analyze his newest patient - one he had been particularly excited to meet after seeing his face across the news and witnessing the extent of the damage he had wrought on the city. A fascinating patient indeed. Inmate 3747 had been brought into Arkham Asylum with his hands cuffed behind his back and his make-up badly smeared, but he had been bizarrely docile. Unger had moved around him, looked him up and down, asked him questions - but all he had received was silence as the patient's dark eyes regarded him with something like very mild interest. Unger didn't like to classify his studies in terms of success rates - every patient varied, after all - but when it came to the Joker, the interviews - all of which were carefully taped - were consistently failures. The first interview occurred on the same week the Joker arrived at Arkham, and it began with a calm, professional Dr. Unger asking 3747 for his name, a question he never received a direct answer to. The fourth interview had the doctor reviewing the crimes that 3747 had committed; the man had alternated between peering around the completely white room, staring at Unger, and drumming out a rhythm on the table in front of him, very occasionally raising his eyebrows in mock surprise or acknowledgement. The seventh interview had 3747 looking utterly bored while Unger uneasily asked why his cellmate had committed suicide. The response was a shrug. Interview eleven had a tense Unger bringing up the subject of the Batman. For the first time, the inmate spoke on camera to point out that the doctor's tie was tacky and he should really stop smoking because it couldn't be good for his health - or his little three year old son's health, for that matter. Or his pregnant wife. Lydia. The interview ended suddenly when Unger walked out of the room while 3747 looked at the camera and rolled his eyes. Interview twelve came months later and the first several minutes were filled with silence; 3747 shifted in his seat boredly before finally asking Unger how his wife was. The camera continued rolling as Unger leapt over the table and began to brutally beat the cuffed inmate, the sound of strikes punctuated by hysterical laughter. Interview thirteen could hardly be called such; it consisted of Dr. Unger entering the room, sitting in the spot where the inmate would normally sit, dousing himself in lighter fluid, looking at the camera, and setting himself on fire. That night, the east side of Arkham Asylum went up in flames and when the smoke cleared, the Joker was gone.
Another hour went by without interruption and Batman was beginning to think it was time to give up for the night. It was four A.M. and his search hadnt yielded so much as a hint of foul play. By now, the vigilante was halfway across the city, only about five miles from the Narrows. He calculated it would take perhaps fifteen minutes to get back to the manor. As he rose to his full height from where hed been crouched atop the Surh Complex he caught a flash of movement from the corner of his eye. Spinning round he saw a woman, middle aged and wearing a business suit step across the roof of the building opposite. Her eyes were shadowed and she seemed completely unaware of where she was. Drawing ever closer to the edge Batman realized her intent and jumped into action. He had to be careful not to alarm her, which was easier said than done since hes specifically designed his image to be intimidating. Miss, he called carefully, not wanting to startle her. It was awkward, he was unused to addressing people in this manner. Normally interactions consisted of him sneaking up on a criminal and beating the ever loving shit out of them. The woman turned her head slowly to look at him and he was struck by how empty her face was, how completely void of any sort of emotion. She paused, and he took a few steps closer. Dont be frightened. Im just going to help you down. This statement resulted in the first semblance of expression from the female. Her brows knit together and she backed away from him. I cant take it anymore... Stay away from me. She was only a few stories above him. He could swing across and grab her before she got any further. Batman reached for his utility belt and his fingers closed around the grappling gun. Stay calm, Im coming down to get you. Blank eyes stared through him as he upholstered the gun and raised it towards the roof, taking aim. Dont move, just stay there. Dont move. She disappeared from his line of sight. Damn! He fired, the cord shot up and hooked over the edge of the roof, pulling him up with it. Come on, come on Batman hit the other side with a thump and hoisted himself the rest of the way up just in time to see the flash of skirt as the woman hed been trying to save vanished over the precipice. No! He raced after her and dropped to his knees to catch anything he could reach. But it was too late. He body hurtled down forty stories and crashed into the pavement below before hed even reached the ledge. The whole thing had barely enough time to register when a block down at almost the same time a man stepped out from the curb and right into the path of an oncoming bus. All the masked crusader could do was gaze, shocked at what hed failed to stop and wonder how in the hell two people had decided to commit suicide at the exact same time.
Gordon flipped up the collar of his suit jacket to protect the back his neck from the wind; the Gotham night was hot as hell but the air was so sticky that it felt like the city was licking his skin every time a breeze brushed by - it wasn't a pleasant feeling. With his hands tucked in his pockets he stood at ground zero and stared down at the charred, blackened, and vaguely human-shaped remains in front of him; he barely resisted the bizarre urge to prod them with his shoe. To his right stood the newly appointed Detective Heaney - understandably, they'd had to let Ramirez go, there had been a sort of trust issue - Heaney wasn't new to policework, but he still managed to look surprised. "Guy didn't even get out of the chair." Heaney said, vaguely appalled, "It's bad enough that he killed himself - but he sets himself on fire and he doesn't even get up? Christ, he should have been running around like a maniac, trying to put himself out." Gordon's moustache bristled; he stared through the enormous hole that had been burnt through the side of Arkham - a doctor had just killed himself in what had to have been the most agonizing way possible. "That's concrete and reinforced steel." Gordon said plainly, and Heaney could only continue to look at the dead doctor; with some effort, bits of Dr. Unger's face could still be made out, but mostly it was the stretched, gaping wide hole that indicated a mouth was present, rather than actual visual cues, "Fire ate it like it was cardboard - smells like a tanker in here, too. Must have used an accelerant." His eyes continued to scan the room; the walls were devoid of anything significant save for a steel table, which was now warped and twisted by the heat. Eventually, the Commissioner's eyes stopped on the corner of the room where, high up, something charred hung from the pathetic strands of wire. "There was a camera in here." Gordon said, "I'm going to see if we can get lucky - maybe some footage survived." "What would cause a doctor, of all people, to do this?" Heaney asked. "In a place like this?" Gordon replied, knocking a bit of rubble away from himself as he headed out the door, "What wouldn't?" He'd say that things didn't work out quite the way he'd planned but the truth was that he never planned anything, not really - the world just happened around him and he went with it because - because - - well, because people were soeasyto predict. All it took was finding the right wound to open, everyone had them and some were deeper than others and he just liked to get one long, dirty finger in and pry a couple of them open to see what he could do to them. What he could do with them. See how far the hurt went. Even the Bat had them but he had been dissappointed by the wounds, he had been so dissappointed that it had been something so - so -standardfor the Batman. A girl. A woman. The lady of the Batman's dreams and the one who wouldn't have him - he hadn't needed to hear any details to know the truth, he'd just had to watch the Batmanthrowhimself out a window to go after her, he'd just had to watch theheroleave a group of defenseless, innocent civilians standing around with nothing but shrimp cocktails to defend themselves against the guns that were still inside. Leave them alone withhim. And it would've been so easy right then to just - just cut one of their throats. Make a real mess and leave it for the Bat to find but - but, but - there was nosportin that. There was no, uh, enjoyment in that. The moment was over once what's-her-name was saved, but the fun had just begun becauseDentwanted her too - the girl was a hot commodity. They - they had been like a chess game. Opposite sides of the board. Black knight and white knight. Except they both wanted to save the - save the queen. Joker chortled to himself; his skull ached, ribs were cracked, fingers were broken, bits of him were bruised and bleeding and his nostrils were filled with the smell of burnt rubble; he could feel the ash coating his skin, coating his tongue and leaving his mouth filled with a thick, gritty paste from dehydration. Mm. Tastes like Gotham. He wasn't sure which way was up anymore, though, so it took several tries to get back on his feet and each fall caused a brief burst of laughter to escape the clown. Yes. Yes. He could feel it, just like the doctor had said he would, he could feel it in his veins, coursing through him, something dark and nasty and oh, what a wonderful thing the doctor had created. Imagine the chaos it would cause. Giggling uncontrollably, the Joker couldn't tell if he was having trouble walking because of the drugs or because of how funny it all was. How - how funny it was. How funny it was that he could see the Batman right now. How funny it was that he seemed like a distant, dark dream that came on wings and fury and all dark eyes and anger and open wounds that had only taken a little C4 to turn them into scars. How funny it was thatheknew how the Bat had gothisscars. How funny it was that suddenly everything stopped working and he was collapsing, falling, tumbling down to the ground of the alleyway and collapsing amidst rubble and chortling even while a violent seizure took hold of him. How funny it all was.
Glowing red digits on the side of Gotham City Bank told Batman that it was now four AM exactly. An hour since hed planned to head back to the cave. During that time he found two more dead in addition to the original suicides hed witnessed. Both deaths were self-inflicted. One, he didnt see personally, but heard about through the wire: a doctor at Arkham had sat down in front of a security camera and set himself on fire. Four deaths and no one was responsible. No one was saved. The improbability of it all had driven him to investigate much longer than intended, but with no leads and no way to contact Gordon, the trail dried up before hed even started. Four o three. That made it over thirty-two hours since hed last slept. He couldnt push himself any farther tonight; it was time to go. Batman ducked into the shadow and began his descent from the skyline of Gotham into its core. At last he dropped safely into the dark alleyway where his night had commenced. There was a soft splash when he landed in the middle of a dirty puddle on the pavement. I had rained a few days earlier so the streets were still wet. The water stilled around his boots, glistening faintly in some imperceptible source of light. God he was tired. Everything felt so incredibly heavy as he moved forward in the direction of his vehicle, hidden somewhere nearby. So very exhausted was the vigilante that he almost failed to notice the twitching body lying prone behind him. The sound of frantic, uneven breathing was what grabbed his attention and he spun around sharply. Someone, a man, was curled on the ground, almost hidden by an open dumpster. His legs jerked about, and drawing nearer Batman could see his entire body convulsing violently. Quickly he dropped down beside the man and turned him over, trying to steady the other as best he could. But when he saw the mans face he froze. Dirty blonde hair tainted with green and scars stretching from each corner of the mouth in a permanently garish smile. The Joker. Batmans blood ran cold with hatred as it always did when he encountered the criminal, but this time that knee jerk hostility was accompanied by something else. Alarm. Hed never seen the Joker in this state before. Whenever they met the man was always confidant, and collected. Or as collected as it was possible for the Joker to be. Even when Batman was pounding the ever loving shit out of him he still maintained this air of control, continuing to laugh and mock the Dark Night as blood stained his teeth, This was different, wrong. The Joker was vulnerable. Batman stared down at his nemesis, for the first time unsure of what to do. His initial instinct every time was to inflict as much physical damage as he possibly could, in some subconscious and futile hope it would make up for the twisted scars the Joker left on his psyche. Right now was not one of those situations where he could do that. The easiest thing to do was take the convict straight back to Arkham and let them deal with it, but what good would that do? Hed just escape again and theyd be back where they started. Besides, it grew wearisome to find new ways to escape the police that turned on him the second the Joker was in custody. Still at a loss of what course of action to take, Batman lifted his enemys upper half from the dirty blacktop and held him securely until the shaking stopped. One arm supported him while the other searched through his clothes for any concealed weapons. Experience had taught him never to underestimate the other. In the Jokers hands, anything was a weapon. After the last time the two of them had fought, Alfred had to give him a tetanus shot for the rusty screwdriver the criminal had driven into Batmans leg.
Gotham's black and grey palette had become a blur, a swirling mess in his vision that was dotted by the occasional strobing yellow of a passing car or an office window - what felt like a lightning strike passed through his entire body from head to toe as the Joker lost all motor functions to the violent grasp of a clonic seizure. The sensation of lifting from his body followed suit as the Joker suddenly found himself watching his own fallen form spasming on the wet pavement, and as fascinating as it was, he was more interested in the dark figure looming near. Oh yes, he would recognize it anywhere, there was no mistaking that one, no, no. He wanted to greet the Batman, wanted to say hello like they were old friends reconnecting at a high school reunion, old buddies getting together for a drink, maybe give the hero a genial slap on the shoulder - but, dissappointingly, he couldn't do anything except twitch. But he couldfeelthe Bat, looming so close, so near, so very within his reach that body heat was emanating, breezing over the skin of his face, seeping through the damp, filthy material of the suit he had taken back from Arkham Asylum. He could feel him. What would he do? How would the masked man react when his nemesis was laid out in front of him on a silver platter, spasming and - even the Joker would admit to this - utterly helpless. He couldn't do a thing. Anyone else might have panicked but the prospect only made the clown gleeful. Would the Bat give in to the temptation? Yes, he was looming over him, staring down at him, his cowled face registering a pensive expression, something conflicted and dark and oh, he knew the Batman was thinking about it. How could he not? It would be so easy, and no one would see, no one would see a thing and the clown would die oh so happy if the Batman would just do it. Do it. Come on, Batsy. Do it. Just break, no, just bend those rules a little, just an eensy weensy bit. He wanted to say it, he wanted to goad him, but he only managed to make a soft choking noise as his back arched up off the pavement, skinny frame jerking from rapid muscle contractions, sweat and filthy water running down his face and leaving streaks in the war paint he wore, mottling the side of his face. But no. The Bat didn't do it; there wasn't a single strike, not an iron fist to the face or a steel-toe boot to the ribs, nothing except - except - - was that anarmaround him? Was the Batholdinghim, lifting him, picking him up? No. No that couldn't be right. He could feel the solid chest plate against his side as he was held up from the pavement, an effort that prevented his head from hitting the pavement any further during the spasms, and once they died away to stillness, the Joker was left feeling as though he was floating, dream-like, through the alleyway and back to his own body. His voice and motor functions did not return at the same time. As Batman's hand's rummaged through various pockets - and would locate a sharp shard of glass, a fountain pen, a packaged syringe, and several marbles - the Joker felt himself fading away. As the masked man's hand dug into his pants pocket, the Joker wished he could get his voice back long enough to ask the Bat to buy him a drink first.
Even through the violent shaking, Batman could see the Joker's smile and had to fight the urge to knock the bastard unconscious. It wouldn't have made much of a difference. The escaped convict was well on his way there, the way this was going. Tossing the contents of the man's pockets aside, he shifted the body in his arms so that there was a little more support on the head. Holding the Joker like this felt wrong and it took all his self control not to just drop him there and go on home. No, he already knew where that would lead. Besides.... Something was definitely off. When the spasms began to die down he knew it was time to make a decision. He removed a pair of handcuffs from his belt and clicked them around the Joker's thin wrists. No need to take more unnecessary risks than he was already about to. God, this was the worst idea he'd ever had. Batman got to his feet, hauling the other man up with him. Anyone else would have though he was being rough, but the Joker would notice the restraint in effect. the vigilante was being considerably gentler than he would have under other circumstances. Batman returned to the pod, practically carrying his enemy along without a word of explanation. Sirens were wailing in the distance so there wasn't time for hesitation or questioning. At least not here. That would come later. The top to the vehicle slid back when they drew near, a new adjustment he was grateful for. Lucius had made several fine modifications to the pod a few weeks earlier. It was roomier, for one, without making the vehicle bigger and the overall look was sleeker. It stood out less, looking more like a car than an experimental military tank. Of course, that hardly meant the bat pod was inconspicuous, but then it would never really be that anyway. Once the Joker was secured in the passenger side of the pod, Batman slid in beside him and the roof closed again. For several seconds he sat there, hands resting on the control and know idea of what to do next. His eyes shot over to look at the soaked, filthy form of the man who made his life hell. Perhaps he should have invested in some way to shut him up before the Joker recovered the use of his voice. He really was not in the mood to listen to the cracked, gloating voice urge him towards something that wouldn't ever happen.
The peripherals of his vision were fading away, leaving the entire world soft around the edges; light was becoming scarce and every part of the Joker's body was aching, muscles twitching and twinging from the after-effects of a full body seizure - it was urging him to let go, to fade into unconsciousness. But no. He wanted to stay awake just a little - just alittlelonger because the Bat was there. Because, out of every creature and cretin and sad little citizen that lived in Gotham city, it was Batman who found him, Batman who was giving him that pensive look, Batman who was touching him and man-handling him. It was a gleeful moment for the Joker, being so close to his nemesis, so close to the man he loathed and adored with everything he had. It was so nice, really it was, it was worth the agony, always worth the beatings and the falls and the broken bits of himself because those healed and went away, but the memories - oh they stayed with him. He couldn't remember much about his past, and sometimes the days were confused for the Joker, but he always remembered those times with the dark knight. How could he ever forget them? And besides, for all he knew, he would wake up in a white room all over again. Or another jail cell. Or maybe the bottom of a well, if the Batman gave into his urges - it would just be a shame to miss the moment that the caped crusader broke his rules. He wanted to see that, it was almost perverse how badly he wanted to watch the man break, crumble, crumple, fall and completely lose himself. He wanted to see what would be unleashed if the Batman was unrestrained, oh he could be so muchmore. Joker was aware enough that he could feel something cool and heavy click around his wrists - yes, yes. Cuffs. Arms beneath him, the feeling of the ridged armour again, and then the strange sensation of being lifted - carried. Unable to remember his childhood, the Joker had no memories of experiencing anything like this, but he rather wished he had the mental capacity to kick his legs a little and shout 'wee' just to make the hero uncomfortable. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. He blinked once, slowly, and realized he was sitting in a vehicle - but not the seat of an armoured car or the rolling gurney of an Arkham ambulance, no, the LCD screens that flashed as a blur of blue in his vision told him he was sitting inside of the Tumbler, or what the Joker had mentally and lovingly labelled the 'batmobile'. Classy. There were so many things he wanted to say, so many pretty buttons he could have pushed. The Joker managed to turn his head to the left a little, catching a glimpse of the dark knight as he climbed into the passenger seat. There was a long moment where the clown juststaredat Batman, an unfocused look that was coupled with one of the clown's unnerving smiles, something giddy and almost child-like, before his eyes rolled back and he slumped in the seat. He would have to push buttons later, then.
For several seconds after settling into the driver's side, Batman just sat there, debating what to do next. There were two options he could choose, the first was obvious. Take the Joker back to Arkham where he'd be treated and escape within the next few days. Or.... What? He'd already taken a step in that unfocused direction, but where did it lead? Dark eyes flicked over to the man slumped in the seat beside him. Oh he could see the gears turning. Even in this state he could tell that the other was thinking of all the things he'd be doing if his body wasn't in such a sorry state. The words he'd spew had he been able to speak were practically audible. Batman hated the way those eyes never seemed to blink or change focus, always watching him. He grunted and looked away again. Too much more of this and the Joker would begin to suspect that he didn't actually have a plan and that all this was just him floundering for a course of action. The illusion of control needed to be maintained. Panels lit up as gloved fingers flashed over the buttons that brought the vehicle to life. The engine thrummed and a pale, electronic glow was cast over the cab. Okay...Time to make a decision. Batman threw the car into gear and tore off with the kind of fervor he normally observed when leaving the cave, not returning to it. He wasn't going to give himself the chance to change his mind. The Joker had been allowed to get away with too much. Every time they met nothing ever veered from the set expectations, it was the same cycle over and over again and nothing was ever accomplished. Well not this time. This time he was going to make sure the Joker stayed someplace where he wouldn't have a chance to hurt anyone else. And he could only think of one place where the man would be under his almost constant watch. The bat cave. They were both going to get what they wanted in a way. Batman would have his nemesis safely away from the citizens of Gotham and the Joker would have... well, him. Jesus. The dark knight clenched his jaw as the tumbler swung around a corner and onto another street. Alfred was going to think he'd gone crazy, and right now, he wasn't entirely sure that wasn't true. Because a sane person wouldn't even consider bringing a known terrorist into their home. The cave couldn't really be considered his home, but it was the only place where he felt truly secure. He'd almost rather have the Joker tearing up Bruce Wayne's penthouse. Almost.
Floral patterned fine-boned china teacups rattled on their saucers and shook the glass doors of the cabinets they had been lovingly laid out in; Alfred put a hand out to stop the violent shaking, glancing down at the floor and frowning disapprovingly - it had been a mistake to put anything delicate near the South-East wing, but leaving the area completely bare was more suspicious. That, and he rather liked the look of malcontent on the young Master's face every time he saw the flowery things after just stepping in from a long night of crime fighting - it tickled some distant funny bone of his. But Alfred was quite sure there would be nothing to laugh at that evening - not if the sound of the tumbler roaring home was any indication; it was relatively common for Bruce to leave the household in a hurry, tearing out of the cave so quickly that it would leave plumes of dust and smoke, but by the end of the night, he was normally too worn out, too exhausted to have the energy or enthusiasm for that sort of thing. So the sound of the engine blasting back in was enough to set off alarm bells in the caretaker's head - he immediately went for a first aid kit before making the rattling trek down to the cave, expecting the worse. The last time this had happened, Master Wayne had brought Ms. Dawes back with him, scarcely alive. Now, of course, he knew it wouldn't be her - he couldn't imagine who else the Master would ever bring into the dark little world he had built in the Wayne Manor foundations. The elevator opened and Alfred stepped out onto the sleek rocks, immediately hit by the familiar, organic smell of the cave; he wasn't as fond of it as Bruce was, however, everyone had their eccentricities. For some it was collecting porcelain dolls, or having too many cats - for others, it was donning armour and flying out in the night. For good cause, of course. Always. But from time to time the painfully paternal part of him wanted to always make sure Bruce was safe and out of danger - he had seen the scars that the Master had received during his self-appointed duties and he knew there would be many more of them. He just hoped none of them would leave anything more than a surface wound; Bruce had enough deep ones already. Alfred picked his way across the rocks and towards the tumbler, first aid kit slung over his shoulder, calling out: "Perhaps Lucius should have a look at that machine," he said, "Or maybe give it a bloody muffler."
"I'll remember to to mention that my armored car needs to be a little quieter next time I see him." The door was already opened and closed before Alfred had posed the suggestion. At the end of a long night it was always a comfort to hear the older man's voice greeting him. The butler was the one constant in his hectic life, the person he trusted more than anyone else. When everyone else had come and gone Alfred was still there, and some part of Bruce expected he always would be. Right now, he was relying on his oldest friend not to throw in the towel when he revealed what was waiting in the tumbler. "Listen Alfred...." He dropped his voice an octave, glancing back at the tinted windows as he spoke. It was the first time in while that he hadn't removed his cowl upon returning home. "Remember what you always say about bringing my work home with me? Well I might have pushed that a bit farther than you're used to." Without trying to explain any further, he went around to the passenger's side and opened the door. In a few seconds he was carefully hauling the unconscious Joker out of the seat, his hands still cuffed, and slamming the door shut again. There wasn't much he could say. The presence of the criminal did all the talking for him.
Having raised Bruce from a baby and taking on the parental role following the passing of his mother and father, Alfred had become accustomed to being able to read Bruce like an open book, despite his closed off personality. However, the cowl made things more difficult, so Alfred found himself watching Master Wayne very carefully - the very presence of the mask was foreboding considering that he normally would have removed it by now, but it was the surreptitious glance towards the tumbler that made Alfred especially suspicious. There was something - someone? - in the vehicle. Alfred said nothing, he simply waited in silence as Bruce went to the tumbler and removed a rumpled mess. It took a moment of focusing to realize what was in his arms, partly because the sheer filthiness made it difficult to identify it as a human being, but the mess of make-up - he had seen it before, of course. Who in Gotham city hadn't? It was the face that had been broadcast on cameras, cackling gleefully and waving a knife. It was the face of the man who had invited himself to the Dent fundraiser - the man who had taken hold of Rachel and dangled her out a window. The man responsible for her death, and for the death of Harvey Dent. Alfred remained admirably stoic, but a crease formed between his brows, eyes flicking from the Joker and back to Bruce; the Joker twitched, once, in the Master's arms. "Should I put out the fine linens, then, sir?" he asked drily.
Bruce smirked in response, mouth twisting in a semblance of good humor that didn't reach his eyes. "No, I don't think that will be necessary. Thank you Alfred." There was a room in the back of the cave he sometimes used on nights when he was either too hurt or too exhausted to make to the manor without collapsing. It would serve a different purpose now. Luckily no changes needed to be made to suit its new occupant. The furnishings were simple- a single twin bed in one corner and a sink with a cracked mirror in the other. An arch with a plastic curtain instead of a door led to a smaller room where there was an open sower and a toilet. Bruce didn't spend much time in it, so he'd never bothered to fix it up. He supposed, in retrospect, it did rather resemble a prison, but he wasn't about to add any homey touches to make it more comfortable for a man he hated. What would the Joker even consider 'homey touches'? H decided he'd rather not know. Carrying the unconscious clown to the room in question, Batman called back "I may need some medical supplies though. He's sick, maybe dehydrated. Oh, and some dry clothes." Without waiting for a response he ducked into the rest area and laid his enemy carefully on the bed. Now what? He had to be crazy as the Joker, bringing him back like his, and yet it still made some twisted kind of sense.
There had been times in the past where Alfred had questioned Bruce's mental state - after all, who could blame him for occasionally being concerned - but all of those instances had been terribly brief before he would convince himself that Bruce had managed to keep his sanity intact despite an arduous history in his relatively short life. However, at that particular moment, Alfred found himself miserably trying to fight off the thought that perhaps some fine wire inside of the young Master's brain had finally snapped under the weight of the city. And now he was bringing clowns home. And putting them to bed. Thankfully, Alfred had always been possessed of endless self-restraint; he followed Bruce into the stone-walled room and set down the medical kit he had brought with him before exiting again, dissappearing to retrieve dry clothes - which he dug up from the guest bedroom in the form of a pair of cotton pyjamas, the proper sort with buttons up the front, lapels, and a little breast pocket - and as an afterthought, taking a stack of towels. He handed the clothes to Bruce, "I'm sure the colour will do wonders for him." Alfred said, eyeing the unconscious criminal; though he wanted to deny it, he found he could follow Bruce's line of thinking. Chances were that Bruce had come across the Joker in his current state - morals and self-ordained rules had deemed that Bruce couldn't simply kill the Joker, but turning him in to Arkham asylum had proved a fruitless endeavor time and again. He understood why Bruce had chosen this - he just wasn't sure it was the best option. Even though it was the most humane. Alfred eyed the sorry state of the criminal, then reconsidered that; the Joker, as he understood, had referred to himself as a mad dog from time to time. It was a metaphor that had Alfred considering that Bruce Wayne was a much better man than he would ever be, because in the world that Alfred had come from, rabid animals got put down. Maybe it was the make-up - the ghastly red and white and black that had been smeared from the elements and were running in rivulets of colour from sweat, sticking in cuts and matting hair. He was filthy. He hardly looked human. Alfred reminded himself that the Joker was a human being; it was difficult to do. "You've got your work cut out for you, then." Alfred said, crossing over to the sink for a moment; he approached the clown with the air of one approaching an atomic bomb that has only a few seconds left before detonation, armed with a damp cloth. "If he bites, by the way,you'renot stitching me up." he added, "I'll be going to a bloody doctor, is what." He brushed the cloth against the Joker's temple, a single drag across skin that took a mess of grease make-up with it, leaving a small, bare patch of pink. How - - human. He moved the cloth down again, and the Joker stirred, as though protesting to the removal of the make-up even while unconscious.
Bruce only grunted in response, eyes fixed on the slowly emerging human face beneath the Jokers paint. It unnerved him somewhat to see his enemy like this, so vulnerable. Almost like hed walked in on him naked. For a few seconds he stood transfixed, but then shook himself out of it and placed the clothes on an old wooden chair by the door. I wouldnt worry about that too much right now. Doesnt look like hes going to wake up for a while. And when he does, Ill be the one dealing with him, not you. There was no way. For starters, there was a good chance that seeing Alfred would lead the Joker to piece together clues about Batmans identity, but more importantly, Bruce had lost enough friends to this man. The last thing he needed was for his oldest and closest confidant to get hurt trying to take care of him. The dark suited man stepped out of the room, returning moments later sans cape and padding. He was tired and hot and right now the only part of himself he was really worried about protecting was his face. With the Joker in this state he hardly thought weapons and heavy padding necessary. By this time, the sleeping madmans face was almost fully revealed and if it hadnt been for the scars and greasy green tint to his hair, Bruce might not have recognized him. There really was a person under all that after all. Not that it changed anything. But it did make him wonder what it was that caused to Joker to act out the way he did. Was it just insanity or had something provoked this, the same way the murder of Bruces parents had spurred him to become a vigilante? Nothing about the Joker was simple. Asking him would likely only result in mocking laughter or another useless story about his scars. And hed heard so many.
Dr. moreau was a great man he would always be .At least that's how Julia saw it .she worked in silence a person below her moaning weakly as she sedated them .A sudden anger filling her ,her greatest teacher dead in the jungle because of some small minded fool.she nearly spat in disgust but she held it back tending to her unwilling patient poor girl had fallen off a cruise ship to bad really such a lovely thing,.she thought smiling knowing she woudl be even more beautiful soon .her hands working carefully to keep the other alive threw the process once finished she left her sleeping to finish out the change.she had worked so hard for so many years to prefect his formula and changes she was of course a descendant of his assistant his journals had told her much and that of the traitor as well.she had sent out several invitations to invite new patients to the paradise she called home an evil smirk coming as she removed her mask her lovely face catching light with her two different colored eyes one blue one green.she looked bakc at the new pet who had began to already grow fur her breathing weak and coming in small pants.
Dr. Thomas Moreau sat at his dining table in the lush villa, the living quarters on this paradise island, finishing up his afternoon meal while going over notes from his latest experiments. He sighed as he set the papers aside along with his wire-framed reading glasses, leaning back in his chair as he drank from his coffee cup. The rich taste of the well-ground beans filled his mouth as he took a sip and lamented over the fact that he'd need more genes for his project. Human genes. The ones he was already using, his own and a few he'd brought in sample cases with him were not working as well as they had at first. Running a hand through his short blonde hair, he made a mental note to consult with Julia about bringing more people to the island. It was a matter they had to handle discreetly for if too many people came, it could mean disaster for all of their work.
julia had returned to the hut she was working in .she was stressed jittery even jumping at every sound but forcing herself to last it was done the reversal complete or at least to the point she had last her hard work paid off she was breathing heavily sweat trickling down her brow she wiped it away and began packing up her supplies.she had to be careful Thomas was never much for trusting others and easily angered if he knew she had been hording supplies for this project she shivered at the= thought of what he might do to her.she smiled despite this thought though down at the young one laying ion the table this data was every thing they needed it woudl send the original project into a climb this was the break they needed with the reverse complete it would show the way for the original formula to produce the results the Drs. sought.she smiled placing the notes she had taken into a filing cabinet for later glancing at here watch she sighed she was two hours late for dinner he woudl search for her soon sh hoped he would assume her working late.she looks back at the sleeping girl and sighs leaving for a moment and driving a jeep up next to the building a few moments later.she got out opening the door to the passenger side and unstrapped the girl from the table she looked up as a silence filled the area a set of storm clouds heading for the island .she placed the still from in the back and covered her with a tarp.setting off into the jungle with the soft rumble of the engine. and hour later Julia walked into the villa looking tired .she had missed inner entirely but at least she was finished for now.she wore a fresh set of cloths having to ditch the others to clean later.she wore a red tank top and tight bluejeans . her hair tied back in a pony tail she had bags under her eyes but was other wise completely calm looking.there was an excitement in them also besides the weariness. ***jenny didn't stir for a good six hours her body lay on its side still her only sign of movement was the soft breaths and the rising and falling of her chest.a burning could be felt oh it hurt so much .she thought weakly her eyes fluttering open the burning was her very breathing her body still adjusting .she was only a awake for a moment before the darkness claimed her again.the next time .she woke it was completely black strange sounds and calls filling her ears .the darkness wasn't so dark as her eyes adjusted she realized she was in a cell bars and a locked door.her eyes darted around the room furiously as she scrambled to sit up regretting it .she clutched her side as her breathing came in quick gasps and she froze.what was under her hand it was soft and warm her hand she could feel it moving over her skin and the odd warmth soft with a light padding on the fingers and palm .her eyes were saucers and a piercing yowl like scream filled the forest around the abandoned building she was in.the building was small it but it had over twelve scells in it m ost made for animals when Dr. Moreau ruled over the island it was close to the village but not on the direct path taken by Tomas daily and so Julia had stowed her prize here a place easily hidden.
Thomas sat at the cleared dining table musing to himself and occasionally glancing at his watch. The table was cleared of the meal that had been presented earlier and the man wondered with a slight suspicious heart beat where she was. Looking up as she entered the room, he smiled grimly at her. "You missed supper," he said in his deep, slightly raspy voice. "If you're still hungry, I could have one of the attendants heat it up for you." Seeing the weariness in her eyes, Dr. Moreau stood from his seat and came to stand in front of her, his body close in his nice pants and button up shirt, his sleeves rolled up at his elbows. Breathing deeply of her scent, he looked down at her with a piercing gaze, his expression and voice pensive. "Working late? On what, pray tell?" Despite his easy tone, there was a sense of interrogation in the question, of him picking her brain and his body was very close to hers almost touching. Moreau was not a predictable man but he prized trust and loyalty above all else. Being one who kept secrets, he was naturally paranoid.
julia had expected many thing when she entered late .what she hadn't expected was his closeness her breathing picked up a beat but she kept her face a cool mask.her eyes not leaving his ."yes i was working late iv been working on our project ...i have made small breakthroughs and will be comparing notes to the data we have already in the morning."she says looking away once shes finished and brushing past him letting her hair tickle his face in passing before the took a seat in her chair ."and im not hungry i ate some fruit on my way up.''she says pleasantly letting herself relax in her seat. *** jenny was pacing desperately her eyes wild like the animal in her.her tail flickering back and forth in agitation. her hands kept running over herself her ears splayed back with her fear.her hackles raised to the point at witch her she looked a good twice her size with the puffed out fur.her hands ran down her front over the soft smooth white fur on her stomach and then she lifted her hands looking at them her eyes completely at home in the dark surroundings .she winced at the sight of the claws jutting from her fingers tips."....someone please god help me''she yelled beating her fists against the bars holding her in tears streamign down her face.
Dr. Moreau let the woman pass him by, silently chewing over her response. There was something here...a ripple of deceit that he could feel. But he wasn't sure if he really felt it from her or if it was just his imagination. He did have the occasional habit of letting his paranoia think for him. Logic told him her story was plausible and really all he had was a gut feeling about it anyway. so he let it slide. Instantly his expression cleared to a more cheerful one although still serious which was his default emotion. "Well, that's good," he said sincerely. "If you wouldn't mind sharing your notes, I'd like to see them as soon as possible. I on the other hand need your help with something." He walked around the table, passing her seat, his shadow drifting over her in the fading evening light that came through the patio doors. Picking up the papers he'd been studying at dinner, he showed her the scans of the volatile DNA strands from the subjects he'd been testing. "They're too weak," he said as she picked up the pages and studied them. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, hesitating with the gravity of what he was about to say. "I need new samples. We need to bring in new blood to the island." The real situation was they needed new samples for DNA for the transformation process, but any volunteers they got, willing or not, would not be allowed to leave the island once they arrived.
julia sighed contently her eyes lazily looking past the lids at him."oh coarse ill share my notes what good would come if i didn't ",though of coarse she had no intention of showing him the notes that showed connection to a full human but she had a few put away to give him other wise.she looked up at him at the mention of new samples and took his files sighing as she looked it over ."then ill have to do something but what we could approach a cruise ship and offer a vacation ''.she says hopefully before setting the notes aside."im willing to give a small supply to help hold us for a short while at least until ample subjects are brought along.''she says sliding the folder back to him and scooting her chair back ."ill see you in the morning doctor my brain is to sluggish to think properly at this moment in time.''and with that she walks out the door to head back to her room. *** she stood outside breathing heavily one arm limp and bleeding her eyes gleaming in the darkness towards the small village the lights drawing her as the beast in her took over her mind to numb from pain to think clearly.her nose pressing to the air picking up strange smells her ears swiveling to pick up the sound of laughter and voices as she lurched into the forest her body moving rigidly at first before it began to smooth out the mind becoming used to the body the tail used for balance the pads making no sound in the ground as she moved.
Moreau nodded to her goodnight and went about collecting the file and took it to his lab and put it away until tomorrow. Late in the night, staying up in his study drinking the bottle of whiskey he had stashed away, mulling over the complexities of the problem they faced, the problem they were trying to fix. So much of the old doctor's notes had been lost that they'd practically had to start the research over almost entirely from the beginning. And occasionally he got morose wondering about it, if they'd ever have the answers to creating the perfect being or if it was all folly. And not to mention this new development made him nervous. More people to the island meant more chances for exposure and everything they'd accomplished would have been in vain. And people were the real monsters, the real animals, so deceitful and full of malice. It was the exact thing they were trying to achieve on this island and they were bringing possible destruction straight to the island. In the dead of the night, Moreau went up to Julia's rooms entering the door silently in the dark holding the liquor bottle in one hand. Silently he sat upon the foot of her bed, leaning his elbows on his knees. When she became aware he told her, "Don't turn on the light." before taking a long gulp from his bottle. *** "Not to go on all fours; THAT is the law." The woman on the makeshift dais intoned in a sing-song voice. The crowd of creatures that surrounded her repeated in their guttural voices, swaying rhythmically as if entranced by her voice. "Are we not men? Not to suck up drink; THAT is the law. Are we not men?" Olivia continued her sermon as it had been told to her by her father and his father over the years, her bright alien eyes looking over the crowd and her voice strong and feminine. "Not to claw the bark off of trees; THAT is the law. Are we not men?" Her plush lips, long lashes and smoothly angular features marked her out as female, but on her head there was nothing but a half an inch of fuzz spread uniformly on her scalp and a single golden ring pierced the septum of her nose made her look a bit androgynous. The light fuzz of fur that covered her from head to toe accentuated her alien appearance and the rest of her body was long and slender with small curves that were drawn thin. "Not to eat of the flesh or drink blood; THAT is the law. Are we not men?" Her eyes drifted over the heads of those gathering to listen to her evening chant and she spied at the edge of the crowd the newcomer. Still speaking aloud her eyes did not leave the young jaguar woman, holding her gaze. "We are men because the Father has made us men!" The crowd erupted in animal noises of rejoicing and agreement and still her gaze held fast to the stranger she had not yet met.
julia had been sleeping peacefully after hiding a set of notes in her favorite book in the bookshelf in her room .she was sleeping flat on her back her chest rising and falling in her peace .that is until she felt the sligth pressure change the shape of the bed her eyes snapping open on instinct .her eyes trying to adjust and Tomas's voice rang out in her room her heart nearly lept from her throat her hand had been just hovering above the switch on her lamp...."why are you in my room Tomas.''she says defensibly hoping this wasn't another drinking bought he could be very violent as it was.she took a few minutes to see his outline her eyes adjusting to the dark more easily now but they were wide and her heart thumped against her rib cage. *** jenny walked in an almost trance finding herself at the edge of a clearing surrounded .she looked up her eyes meeting with a stranger who spoke up to the crowd her heart catching in her throat the person was a beast human she had horns it had horns .jenny was starting to come back to her senses her eyes caught the others and she backed away one arm holding the hurt one close to her chest.she backed away a look of fear on her face as they chanted like a cult would what mad place was this was she in hell she wondered nearly dropping into insanity there. she fled back into the forest letting the beast take its place again her body moving swiftly avoiding trees and fallen branches until she came to a small clearing full of house having popped out in a left out part of the village . her eyes darted around but the smothering feeling was gone and she looked around trying to find a place to curl up ,to hide, to heal.
Thomas glanced at her in the dark, his eyes tracing over the outline of her figure under the bedclothes. In his trousers he felt a familiar stirring at the sight of her like this, helped along by his inebriated state. It had been about five years since he'd last touched a woman and working close to Julia only made him realize every day how long it had been. It seemed so easy, so reachable in the dark, to just reach out and touch her the way he wanted to, the way he ached to. But instead he looked away. "We have to keep our heads," he said aloud, his raspy voice moving like sand in the wind. It wasn't clear whether he was speaking to her or talking to himself. "People always bring trouble. We have to stay strong together." Finally he fell silent and sat there for several moments more not saying a word before getting up and leaving, closing the slated door behind himself. *** Olivia noticed from where she stood that the newcomer had been injured and watched silently as she fled back into the jungle. Having finished her sermon, Olivia stepped off of the small dais she had been standing on, her dainty feet ending in cloven hooves and her heels angled upward and off of the ground so she was walking on the balls of her feet. Quietly, she pursued the mysterious jaguar, using her nose to guide her as she encountered the unfamiliar scent, letting it lead her slowly away from the main square of the village.
julias eye met his for along moment.fear was there but it was well hidden .she was breathing slightly heavier anticipating a strike at her or worse .she could see it the hunger in his eyes they were dilated and dark .she remained silent as he spoke to her glad she had a knife hidden beneath her pillow her hands grasping at the sheets that surrounded her as he finally moved to leave.once she was sure he was gone she stood shakily and placed her night table agaisnt the door it would alert her if another attempt to get in was made by him.she sat up fro a good three hours before she felt safe enough to sleep once more her hand under her pillow clasping at the knife in her sleep. *** jenny moved swiftly her foot pads not making a sound her furn was on end .she felt defenseless corned her mind wandered back to the forest wanting to hide in the trees she wanted to be hi up she needed it.her head snapped back to look at the trees and she froze like a deer in headlights as the thing from the center of the crowd walked out into the open .she didn't think she just reacted hissing deeply her tail swaying back and forth in warning her fangs displayed rather well .as she began backing away all the fur on her shoulders and back standing on end .before she realized what she was doing her eyes filled with fear and confusion and the face crumpled ads she collapsed into sobs not even trying to run anymore.
The morning brought with it a slight throbbing pain in his head, but getting up and taking a shower helped to ease his discomfort. Moreau remembered everything from last night but chose to ignore it as if it didn't happen. He knew occasionally he let himself go while he drank, but so long as he didn't do anything drastic or unrepairable, he was willing to let his mind forcibly forget it. As the sun rose over the canopy of the exotic treetops, he watched while sipping his coffee in his lab while going over his notes for the day and awaiting Julia's arrival so they could plan the needed steps to bring new subjects to the island. He felt that familiar anxiety stir within him but it was less than it had been before and easily ignored. *** Olivia's eyes widened at the threatening display of the other as she approached and she felt the instinctual fear surge up inside her, the desire to flee from a predator. But her intellect held it down and she continued to walk forward, her head held high and her footing sure. She knew she made the right decision and breathed a sigh of relief as the jaguar crumpled down to the ground before her eyes, weeping. Crouching down beside her, Olivia put out a gentle three fingered hand with fingers like hooves on her back and made soothing noises with her lips. "Shhhh, it's alright now," she said, her voice soft and quiet, smiling gently. "You're among family now. The Father has given you a new existence. He has remade you in his image so that you may be human. A glorious gift to be treasured." It was obvious that Olivia thought her to be another experiment made by Dr. Moreau. "What is the name our Father blessed you with upon your creation? Can you speak yet?"
julia was up a little after moreau.stretching she walked off to the supply cabinet .walking into it she pulled out a trank riffle and a small belt used to stun when a creature became violent.Julia reported to the lab as she had expected moreau sat waiting for her.she dropped a venala folder onto the desk in front of him before turning way ."i will be seeing the beast village this morning i want to check on there progress in development.she says her eyes steady with his a natural coldness there reminding him that she was just as untrsuting of him as he was of her or even more so.she turned away and walked towards one f the cabinets full of jars with preserved fetuses and other things in them. *** jenny curled up ion on herself tears streaming down her face .she flinched the first time the other touched her but after that she whimpered accepting it for it wasn't trying to hurt her at least.her eyes lifting to meet the others soft green they had rounded pupils instead of slitted .her hand reached out and grasped the others she pulled it close her eyes staring at i t."i dont know were i am but i know my mother and father arent here and ....i want to go home it hurt so much ."she says letting go of the hand and clinging to herself .i am human or ...i was.''she says the tears starting to fade a hunger growing in her stomach. she leaned against the other letting her head rest on its shoulders she felt safe with it at least it seems like her .though she couldn't understand what it was talking about .
Moreau looked up as Julia entered, nothing in his eyes hinting about last night. After she spoke, he set aside his work and picked up his overcoat. "I'll go with you," he said in his graveled voice. "It's been a few days since I've seen the Children. They'll be happy with the visit." He caught up to her walking past her between the cramped spaces in the lab, his body and breath close to her for a split moment before walking ahead of her and out the front doors to the lab. It was only after she had exited too that he noticed the stun gun. "Expecting trouble today?" There was that hint of interrogation in his voice again. *** Olivia's eyes widened as she heard the other speak, holding her close as she leaned upon her. There were a few other beasts around but most kept their distance from the pair. Olivia looked around her eyes searching for answers. How could this be? Where did she come from if not created by the Father. Although she didn't fully understand, Olivia had a bad feeling about the presence of the jaguar. "We're all human here," she said as she continued to rub the other's back, wondering what to do. "Just like the Father..."
julia didn't like being to close to Tomas it wasn't that she hated him she had natural fears that anyone would.but she also found him unstable he needed to learn medication could have helped him some but she doughted he would take it and so said he came so close she stiffened a Little but kept moving she came out behind him something she didnt like doing to often encase he was waiti9njg with somethign unpleasant."i always go prepared its not always safe one could be pitching a fit or regressing they revere you and would not harm you me that's somethign different.''she says calmly though she had helped birth all most every one of the creatures on the island in her own way. she climbed into the waiting jeep crossing her arms she had hoped to go alone today . *** jennys eyes closed and she just sat there for a long time her mind trying to understand.she pulled away as Olivia started speaking to her and stood her legs shaking ."i dont know who she is and if your human like me then...were am i ''she says quietly looking back towards the forest witch seeming to haunt her mind she wanted to go back to run and hide .her hand rubbed her injured arm and she winced as she hit the slash in it.her tail rapped around her and her ears splayed she had to find other humans to seek help but she knew she wouldn't get far .
Considering the logic of what she said he nodded. "Fair enough." It eased his suspicion only a bit. As he sat in the jeep driver's seat and turned the keys in the ignition, he glanced at her and noticed the way she sat with her arms crossed. "I'm sorry," he said mock soothingly. "Am I putting you out?" And he smirked jeeringly at her as he put the jeep into gear and drove off towards the beast folk village. Sometimes, he thought of her like a petulant child. She had to remember who was running the show and he didn't mind occasionally reminding her. The road through the jungle was merely a rutted dirt path with a wall of trees hugged it on both sides, occasionally broken by a field or clearing here and there. The road itself was unpaved, full of bumps and holes, bouncing the jeep along as they made their way to the center of the island. *** Seeing the injury, Olivia's eyes latched onto it. "We're home," she said obliquely. Even though he was a few miles away yet, Olivia's ears perked up as she heard the familiar rumble of the jeep coming. "You are hurt. The Father will help make it better." She took the jaguar's hand and started to lead her to the square of the village, pulling her along gently, nodding her head comfortingly. "The Father will help make the blood go away." It occurred to her to ask how the wound came to be in the first place, but the things the jaguar said confused her and she was eager for answers from the man who ruled the island.
she side letting the bumps in the road her hand resting on her forehead.''you may be in charge but without my help they wouldn't even be alive you could at least show some gratitude there ..and ignolagment from them would be appreciated instead of being just a shadow they don't even recognize.''she says in annoyance before looking away watching the jungle flash past the village woudl be in view soon.she closed her eyes her hair was put back as was going to be a hot day.she thought wearily one hand rubbing at the crown of her forehead. *** "home?'jenny asked absently as the stranger lightly tugged her along .a sudden fear filled her if the father made the other that way what woudl he do to them.''n-no ...please ill be fine.""she says a tone of fear in her voice witch was close to she tugged back but soon found herself in the circle of the beasts .she felt others surrounded her fur was standing on end her tail rapping around the others waist as if she were a tether that would protect her.
"Oh please," Moreau said with a small sneer. "Get over yourself. When did I ever say that I didn't owe you everything? If you want to be treated with respect, then act like an adult and be truthful with me, that's all I ask. Otherwise you're useless to me and thus expendable." And he shook his head irritatedly as the pathway opened up ahead of them and the village came into view. There was a clamoring going on in the square but most if not all the beast folk reacted to the jeep's presence. Moreau drove a little ways past the small huts that were the start of the village but then parked and got out. The villagers mostly kept their distance, a few afraid to touch him, but some came close with hunched back and bowed head, allowing him to caress their heads lightly or pat them on the backs. Thomas smiled at the humanoids who assembled before him, feeling his heart soar as he regarded the distorted bestial faces. His creations. Every single one he remembered the birth of. Under his knife in the laboratory as he altered their flesh, cutting so deep he reached their DNA. Every single one was unique. Glancing up to the center square he noticed the newest creation and his smile disappeared into a penetrating glare. "What is that?" There was anger in his voice as he realized that among his children, there was a stranger, a creature that had not been birthed from his hand. And it just opened a can of worms of the questions of 'where' had she come from. *** Olivia smiled calmly as the jeep drove up into the village proper. Holding the hand of the jaguar girl, she waited for the Father to call her forth, standing in place regally. He would have the answers for sure.
julia sighed gun in riffle sitting ideally in her lap as they drove up .she watched them pretty much tackle him from all sides there love for him obvious .it wouldn't bother her so much normally but ..she was alone among many faces on this place the dr.he was unapproachable by any one but his so called children and so she normally spent the day in doors working for a cause that seemed to benefit only him.her mind wandered until she heard his angry voice her eyes darting up in reference to the that he spoke of.she nearly had a heart attack as she spotted project z among the group of moreaus creations .she clicked the safety off the riffle having a feeling she would need it as she climbed from the jeep.her eyes meeting jennys the girl froze of coarse she would. *** jenny found her hand gripping Olivia's forcing herself to be care3ful with her claws her body was the perfect combination of human and animal. her tail went slack as she gaped at the stranger the others crowded around and he stared at her her eyes meeting julias she turned and fled her body moving for the forest she left Olivia among the others .her heart felt like it woudl fly from her chest. she thought as images flickered at the back of her mind and she found herself in the forest once more.
Moreau watched as the jaguar woman ran off into the jungle, his mind seething with rage as he stepped forth from the crowd that surrounded him, stalking like a man on a war path. Walking up to Julia he grabbed her arm before she could walk off, jerking her around to face him, his body close and threatening, his gaze cold and filled with rage. "What the fuck was that Julia?" he asked, practically spitting the words he was so mad. "What the fuck did you do?" The animals around him were visibly upset by his anger and he glanced around and softened his tone, speaking to her quietly, the anger still dripping from his words like icicles. "You've got about 5 minutes to give me an explanation before I bring you to judgment right here and now." His grip on her arm tightened to emphasize his threat; he was a strong man and could probably kill her with his bare hands. At the moment, it seemed he was right on the edge of doing so.
julia had anticipated the Dr.s anger her eyes meeting his as a pain filled her arm .the one he held stiff she didn't dare show her fear past swallowing instinctively.her eyes darting to the creatures around them knowing they would simply watch her die if it came down to took a moment as his whispered words hit her ears her eyes met his fully and she didnt dare look away the mussel of the trank gun pressing against his stomach ."i may be under your rule but damn it if im not a scientist moreau i have rights back off and ill explain.''she didn't wait for a response to start."our resurch has come far but it hasn't gotten much father than your ancestors that's because we only had one side of the spectrum and so i went in search of the other .we had no other humans on the island so it was all theory until ..."she took a breath ."until a young woman washed ashore .she was hurt confused and close to death as it was and so i used her in my theory and managed to create the reverse of moreaus resurch. and get the data needed to continue and move father than before. i hid her in order to wait until the proper time to tell you but it seems eh found a way out of her cell.".she looked away at this and pressed the gun closer."now if you dont mind this may not kill you but it will sure as hell hurt Dr.''she says her eyes narrowing. *** jenny ran and ran until she was deep in the jungle . her body finally relaxing without thought she climbed a tree curling up in the crook of its branches .she caught her breath her wound was drying some but still hurt badly .her tail rapped around her she had climbed easily she was meant for the trees for swimming and for many other things.she was scared the woman had hurt her but ...this body it scared her more she enjoyed how .she heard things and saw thing snow how she could move so well how nothing escaped her attention but she was afraid she was loosing herself
Moreau kept a hold on her while she spoke, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he listened to her explanation. When she was done and threatened him with the gun, he looked down at it silently before sighing and releasing her, his anger somewhat reduced to a simmer. "You should have shared this with me the moment she came onto the island, Julia," he said pointing a finger up to in front of her face in warning. "You know how much I fucking hate surprises." He stood staring at her for several moments before turning away disgustedly stalking back to the jeep and getting in behind the wheel. Without another glance in her direction he backed the truck up and drove out of the village, leaving her there with the beast folk. Several minutes later he was back at the compound in Julia's rooms searching through her things. In anger he upturned her bed, pulling the sheets away and upending the mattress, not noticing as the knife clattered to the floor. Then he searched her closet and dresser, pulling the drawers out and tossing a few clothes out so he could look through it. Running his hands through his hair he growled frustratedly and kicked her nightstand over. she didn't just pull this project out of thin air. She had to have notes on it somewhere and they were most likely hidden in this room. He couldn't believe she'd lie to him and keep it a secret. The only one he was close to, the only one he'd ever come close to trusting. Spying the bookshelf, he started to go through each one, tossing them away when he found them lacking what he sought. Finally he found it in one of the books, hidden papers within it's pages. *** Olivia watched everything happen so fast. Jenny running off into the jungle and then Father getting angry at Dr. Julia, the Mother. They argued for a moment before Father left and Olivia felt a burst of confusion fill her, wondering what was going on. Where was the Father going? Would he not help them understand the mysterious newcomer that was changed from a human into animal? After the Father had gone Olivia's eyes watched the Mother looking for answers.
julia stared at him as he spoke her eyes unwavering .she watched him leave feeling for the first time in a while exiled .she wouldn't dare return to the compound for a few days.the only thing she would return for would be a radio at most probably nothing in the end.she pulled the gun strap over her shoulder. her eyes meeting with Olivia's"you have questions i can tell but it will have to wait i saw her wounds and i can help her if you are willing to guide me to her ."she says calmly and moves towards the entrance jenny had taken to the forest.she walks in not afraid .she couldn't remain with the beasts ether he would search her out she had betrayed his trust she knew that and he wouldn't let it go so easily he never would .she was completely alone now. *** jenny slept a fever breaking over her young body .she twitched in her sleep every sound affecting her her eyes flicking open every few minutes.
Olivia could not help but smile as the Mother addressed her. "Yes, I will," she said in calm tones. "I will bring you to her." As she walked beside the doctor, she smiled and said softly, "Thank you, Mother." Olivia was not worried in the least that the Father had abandoned them. She knew that he loved all of his children, her included, and whatever had made him leave had been a disagreement between the two doctors and did not concern the beast folk. Walking through the jungle, Olivia stopped at one point and put her nose to the air, her soft, flat nostrils flexing as she breathed in the scents around her before looking confidently in a westward direction. "There," she said pointing. "A few spans that way." And she lead the way as they hiked through the trees, eventually coming upon Jenny.
julia rested her hand on Olivia's shoulder smiling at her .she had never told anyone but Olivia of all the people was her favorite she held a special bond with her .she was the first to bear julias human DNA and one of the few remaining .she pulled her hand away after a moment she thought of this one as a true mother would her daughter.she smirked as Olivia so easily pointed out the otehrs location julia feeling proud of her smiled "very good Olivia thank you .."she says in soothing tones before getting down on one knee her gun in hand she took careful aim watching as the girls head shot up and she leaped for another tree squirming in midair as a dart hit her and she fell to the ground lying still.julia stood and pulled the gun back on its shoulder strap walking towards the sleeping jenny she bent down and scoped her up ."Olivia..ill need to borrow one of your huts."she says and begins walking a little slower towards the village once more. *** jenny had been resting when it came the sound of voices.her head shot up searching for the source when she spotted it her heart nearly stopped .she worked on instinct leaping only to feel a sudden pain in her side the ground flying at her....
Olivia smiled at the Mother's praise, and then blinked in surprise as she watched the woman shoot the gun at the leaping jaguar. That instinct to flee again surged up inside her, the blind fear of an animal that is startled, but like before she successful quelled the urge. She somehow understood that the Mother had not injured Jenny and that the jaguar woman was just asleep. So when Julia addressed her again, she nodded resolutely and led the way back to the village, going slowly and stopping occasionally to make sure the Mother was still following her. She offered the Mother one of her personal huts, and helped the woman lay the sleeping creature upon a bed clothe upon the rocky soiled ground. Hay strewed about on the bottom of the hut covering the dirt and it smelled slightly like a barn, but was otherwise clean and big enough for the both of them to stand without encroaching each other's space. ***Moreau sat on the edge of Julia's bed pouring through the notes she had made, his anger clearing as he went over the collected data. Yes, she definitely had found the key to something, and although it appeared that the creature still acted like an animal, those urges could be curbed. They could refine the technique and eliminate the hate and violent emotions from the beast folk this way. They were definitely on their way towards finding the answers and for once, Moreau felt hope. Gingerly stepping over the things strewn about the floor, Moreau closed the file and left the room. Tucking the file away, he stopped back at the lab and got back in the jeep bringing with him supplies for first aid before driving back towards the village. Thomas reasoned to himself that she'd need help tending to the creature and they had to keep the experiment alive if they were going to harness the power and perfect it. And they had to do this together. The truth was, he needed her now more than ever and although he was still angered by her betrayal, he understood why she had done it. If she'd brought the woman to him in the first place, he would have taken new samples from her and then ordered her execution, not allowing Julia to do what she had planned. And it would have been a waste. He could see that now.
julia layed jenny on the bed her eyes calm she sat beside her and began ripping peices of her own shirt for clean cloth not seeming to care that she was only in a bra ."listen Olivia im sorry you had to see me shoot at her i know i frightened you "she glances back at her laying out the strips."i just want you to know i would never harm you or the others i love you all very much ...what i did i did because it was a necessity she would have hurt herself if i hadn't ."she speaks calmly her tone on the edge though as she began cleaning out the wound on jenny's shoulder."im going to need some clean water..she already has a fever from this "she calls back over her shoulder. as she puts the last few strips aside to use with the water.
Listening to the Mother explain it made the last vestiges of fear melt away inside of Olivia. "Yes, Mother," she said with a small, calm smile. "I understand." Her eyes were bright and confident as she listened to Julia instruct her to get water. Now she had more faith in this woman than ever reestablished so by the way she treated Olivia like a person, talking to her as she would an equal. When the Mother fell silent there was a small hubbub heard from outside and Olivia turned her head to face the door to the hut, her ears pricking up. "Father's here," she said with an innocent smile. ***Moreau drove up to where he had moments before and stepped out of the vehicle carrying the case of medical supplies. Around him the beast folk were hesitant at first, but with encouraging smiles and soft words from him they lost their fear and came up to him willingly allowing him to touch them as he walked through the village. He didn't know where Julia was at the moment but when he spied the Sayer of the Law carrying a beaten up pail of water towards her hut, he thought he had an idea. Especially with the way she stared at him as she walked towards the doorway. As he approached her he gave her a smile and she smiled back in an adoring way. "Hello, Olivia," he said in an easy tone. "Is Julia in there?" "Yes, Father," she said with a nod, waiting by the doorway respectfully as he entered first. When he entered he took a deep breath and approached Julia where she knelt by the jaguar girl, setting the medical case by his feet as he crouched down beside her. "We need to have a talk," he said calmly. There was a hint of remorse in his voice but it could have just been the quiet tone he was using. "But it can wait. Is there anything I can do to help?"
julia sighed as Olivia spoke of moreau."i know"she says calmly as Olivia left to fetch the water Julia was on the verge of simply taking her new daughter and leaving with her for fear of what he would do to them both.she worked sweat coming easily for her she rapped the wound to stop the bleeding .she felt him enter hearing his footsteps as he drew closer she was t5ense .she nearly stood as he came to crouch next to her."you wouldn't understand her bodily structure ill use the supplies though that is help enough''she says trying to sound respectful.she pulls the bag to herself and riffles threw it pulling out some peroxide and a needle and thread.she went to work calmly cleaning the wound and the blood that oozed free before sewing it shut it was jagged in some places and she was forced to cut the skin so it woudl heal properly.before she was finished returning the supplies to there case."what do you want to talk about ."she says sitting on the bed and turning to face him."shell need teachings and i have decided that Olivia will be her guide and will help me care for her''.
Thomas nodded and got out of her way while she worked, standing in a pensive pose near a wall of the hut, watching her as she worked. His mind started to drift as he looked at her, his eyes traveling up her backside as she leaned over the jaguar woman to work on her. Noticing that Olivia was watching him, he grunted and cleared his throat and looked elsewhere until she was done fixing up the girl. In response to her suggestion, he nodded and glanced at Olivia who was kneeling obediently upon the ground by the doorway. "Yes, I think the Sayer of the Law is the best person to do so," and he smiled at the goat girl as she beamed at his praise. Then he spoke to her directly. "Olivia, would you mind leaving us for just a moment. I need to speak with Julia privately." Nodding her head with a humble expression she replied, "Of course, Father." Then she bowed and left the hut, closing the flap door behind herself. turning back to Julia, Moreau said, "I found the files you have on her. I know now that if things hadn't gone the way they did, I probably would have told you not to go through with it and we wouldn't be as close to the answers as we are now. For that I apologize for my behavior earlier... but I'm not sure how to go on from this. You kept secrets from me... How can I know you aren't keeping more or you won't continue to keep things from me? We can't bring more people to the island if we don't have absolute trust between us. I need your word that you will include me from here on out. No more secrets. No more lies." *** "You son of a bitch!" Pepper screamed angrily as she trudged upon the beach towards the pilot as he came sputtering out of the water. Her blonde hair was sandy and soaked with sea water as were her designer clothes, her make-up smeared on her face from getting wet. The sandy beach did not provide a solid footing so she fell a few times as she ran up to Cole, carrying one of her shoes that had not fallen off in the crash and swinging it at him hitting him on the head and back with it while she continued to scream obscenities. Brendan Cole was still dazed from the crash they'd been in, coughing up water and trying to get his bearings and her attack only made him more disoriented. "You asshole!" Pepper screamed, practically sobbing as she continued to beat him with her expensive footwear that was now ruined by seawater. "You crashed the plane and almost killed me! What kind of pilot are you!?" Finally when Cole got ahold of himself he grabbed at her flailing arms and pushed her back and held her down in the sand. "Shut up!" he said as she squirmed and spit beneath him. "Just calm the fuck down!" "How can I calm down when I was just in a plane crash, you bastard!?" and she spit in his face making him jerk back but not loosen his hold on her. "Just listen to me a moment, alright?" he shouted trying to be heard above her screeching, his piercing blue eyes trying to knock some sense into her with just a look. But she just continued to squirm and glare back. Glancing up from her, he saw the jungle that spread out before them and wondered aloud, "Where the hell are we?"
julia sighed looking down at jenny her eyes had an odd twinkle to them as her hand light stroked the girls face and hair in her sleep.she looked up as Olivia was asked to leave not liking that .once Olivia was gone of course he apologized sorta close enough she supposed."i didn't lie about anythign i was honest on most things i had been working late and i was working with the formula as i said.i"she hesitated feeling she owed nothing to him but she forced herself to submit.''very well i give my word no more lies no more secrets.also if others were to come here you would have to act civil you must remember they are living beings making sacrifices for the greater good there last moments should be content not afraid and tense.''she says calmly her eyes burning into his .she only looked away as jenny stirred.her eyes lit up and she softly pulled the girls head into her lap intending to make her waking moments happy as she would her masterpiece deserved this at least. *** jenny shifted and moaned some her arm hurting a little .she felt someone holding her crooning over her a soft pair of lips touching her forehead .her eyes flickered open confused not even her mother had been this way to her she had always been ignored to her sister."mama?"she asked hoping her rears perking forward her eyes opening fully as her hair was brushed from her eyes in a tender manner she gasped at the woman who looked down at her fear filling her once more btu something was even more unnerving the way she was looking at her ."no my dear but i can be if that's what you want "she whispered to her confusing her further her heart fluttered but she felt safe and better this woamn was scary had changed her but jenny for once in her own way was happy no one had ever cared for her she didnt trust Julia fully but that look was one she had seen otehrs give there children and it made her warm inside.
Moreau watched as Jenny roused and he was intent upon the interaction between the two women. He saw the way there was fear in the jaguar at the hands of the woman who had altered her and it made him reconsider letting Julia do what she intended. It would be a hard experience for anyone whom they decided to change and it might cause them to rebel in fear and loathing. It was different with the animals becoming humans because they gained a higher consciousness in the process; it was like being reborn for them. With the humans, transforming them would not erase who they were before hand and they could possibly be traumatized by the event. But as he continued to watch, Jenny slowly became more calm looking up at Julia and he noted the bond forming between the two. Maybe that was the key. All of the beast folk so far considered him the Father and Julia their Mother. It tied them to the doctors on an emotional level and kept them obedient. It would be hard for any newcomers on the island to accept them as new parents/Gods, but everybody in a new and frightening situation that was out of their control needed someone to look after them and lead them. Thomas and Julia would do that for them. Silently, Moreau left the hut to find Olivia sitting on a barrel outside, her feet barely touching the ground as she sat braiding some grass leaves together and humming a song to herself. When Moreau left the hut she looked up with her alien pupiled eyes and smiled, her golden nose ring winking in the sunlight. "Father," she started with a bit of hesitation. "I was an animal before, but now I am human. You made me like you, yes?" Dr. Moreau stood by her giving her the smile a Father might observing their child and spoke to her in a calm authoritative voice. "Yes, Olivia. You were a goat before I remade you." There was a pride in his eyes as he looked upon her as if looking at a grand masterpiece and it made her blush and look away with a small smile. But the smile disappeared as she sat thinking silently for a moment. "Jenny...she said she use to be human..." Moreau's smile faded as well. "Father, I-...I do not understand... If she was like you, already...why did you change her?" Instead of arguing with her about who actually made Jenny the way she was, instead he spoke in serious tones. "Because, Olivia. Even though she was a human, she was sick inside. The things that make humans cruel to each other existed inside her still and she needed to be fixed. To be made better. So she was brought down to a purer state by mixing her with animal genes. Do you understand?" Olivia smiled and nodded, her curiosities placated. She liked it when the Father talked to her like a person too. ***"How the fuck should I know?" Pepper said angrily in answer to Cole's question. God, she fucking hated this idiot. "You're the one who decided to 'land' the plane! Now let me go!" Cole barely listened to her screeching as he looked around at the scenery going over the last calculations he'd had on his monitors before they'd gone down; there shouldn't be an island here. So where were they? But finally he looked back down at the writhing woman underneath him and reluctantly released her and drew back, watching her warily, in case she decided to attack him again. But she didn't. Once he let her go, she rolled over and sat up, her anger fading as she looked around herself. Spying not too far away her trunk coming up from the waves she got up and ran over to it hauling it from the water up the beach. Unlocking the latch she looked inside and felt at her clothes and started to weep loudly. They were ruined! Cole stood looking out at the ocean in the other direction and could not see any land masses on the horizon anywhere, nothing by which to orient himself. Noticing Pepper sobbing loudly he wandered over to where she was. "Stop it!" he said urgently with a bit uncertainty. She was as unpredictable as a wild cat. "Stop that right now!" Warily he cast a glance around at the jungle before looking back at her. "Shut up!" she said pouting and sniffling, her tears making her make-up look worse. "Leave me alone!" She yelled as she packed her things back into the trunk and stood to start hauling it away, continuing to bawl her eyes out. With the renewed noise Cole lurched for her and put his arms around her, one hand holding her and the other clasped over her mouth. "I said be quiet!" the intensity in his voice and the force with which he held her made her go quiet and stare at him in shock. "Do you know where we are!? Do you have ANY idea?" When she shook her head fearfully he continued. "Neither do I. But from the foot prints in the sand I would say we're not alone and whatever it is it's big and it's not human. so unless you want to be made into something's supper, I'd suggest you stop making the noises of a wounded and frightened animal. Do we understand each other now?" Pepper's eyes widened and darted around wildly looking for whatever made the footprints but she remained quiet.
julia smiled at jenny in a gentle way lightly running he hand threw the others beautiful long hair''Your such a lovely girl jenny before this even "she says softly her tones motherly.jenny sat up hesitantly with the help of the other who offered her a tin cup with water in it.she drank readily savoring it and licking her lips."why did you do this im not even human anymore i cant..i cant focus im im having urges i shouldn't."Julia smiles gently and hugs her close her arm rapping around the others shoulders."shh now worries.its natural to have urges its the animal but i will help you threw them and Olivia the same she is close to you and will be your sister i promise you she will not hurt you ."she says lightly stroking jenny's face as she helped her out the door having given her meds to help the pain and any lingering fever.she looks up spotting Tomas and Olivia together "Olivia deer will you take jenny to another hut please were she may rest she will be staying with you and i will being staying with the both of you for the next few night to help jenny adjust ok''she speaks a little rapidly smiling for the first time in a while as jenny leans agaisnt the a soft like purr rumbling in her chest. *** jenny felt a little odd from the water she had been given realizing it was some sort of drug .but oddly it didn't bother her she was just glad the acheing had gone withe the headache the pain was gone to.she found herself leaning agaisnt the other her eyes meeting olivias as she tilted her head wondering if this one was the sister they had spoken of and what things woudl be like from now on.she feklt oddly happy at last she would have the knowledge of what it was like to have a family though the man scared her more than the woman she trusted Olivia more than the woman hopping maby she could trust them all someday she had nothing to turn back to anyway.her ears went limp as did her tail in a sudden tiredness that seesed her.
As Julia and Jenny came out of the hut Olivia got off the barrel she was sitting on and reached out and took ahold of Jenny as the Mother handed her over, letting the jaguar lean upon her. "Yes, Mother," Olivia said nodding with an obedient smile before helping the woman on her shoulder to another hut that she owned. She couldn't help the feeling of excitement that coursed through her and made her want to leap in the fields for joy. Mother was staying with them! Every day Olivia spent with her people, giving them sermons and helping them be more like humans, but most of the time she had to talk to them down at their level as many were at different stages of animal than others. It dulled the mind, and she tried to keep herself intellectually growing by reading books that the Father had given her long ago, but it was so much greater getting to speak with someone else who had a higher intellect. Sometimes Olivia struggled with her own animal nature and talking with the Mother and Father helped her feel more human. Walking with Jenny slumped against her, she eased her into a makeshift bed on the floor of her hut, putting a blanket over her before settling down to sit beside her, petting her lightly and watching over her as she slept. As the two wandered off into a hut together, Moreau turned to Julia and said, "So you're staying here?" He wanted to convince her to come back to the compound, to question her about staying here to tell her it was a stupid idea, that she didn't need to stay, but instead he sighed and said. "Do you want me to bring you anything?" *** Cole looked around once more before looking back at her drawing her gaze back to him as well. "Now listen, what we're going to do is find any of the things from the plane that might have washed up on the beach and then we're going to build a fire, okay?" When she nodded against his hand still clasping her mouth he then said, "And we're going to do it quietly." Then he released her and stood back and she looked around her worriedly, her hair beginning to clump as it dried and her clothes wrinkling as they grew less damp as well. Heaving a big sigh Cole said, "Alright then," and wandered off up and down the beach looking for things from the plane. Silently, Pepper followed his lead and went the other way along the beach, her arms held in front of herself nervously and her head whipping around trying to look every which way in case something should try and sneak up on her. Within an hour they had collected almost everything from the plane: Pepper found her medication bag and make-up bag and when Cole wasn't looking she'd popped a few vicodin. Cole found the case with a flare gun and her rack of shoes, most of which were rendered useless on the sandy beach and he also found two parachutes and a silver case. Bringing it over to where they were setting up camp just before the tree line, he sat down and unlocked it, opening it up. Pepper looked on in interest as he pulled from it a .9 mm and inserted a bullet clip into it and cocked it. Spying the other one within the case she asked. "Is that one for me-?" but went silent as he closed the case and locked it back up without saying a word to her. Stuffing the gun into the waistband of his pants he glanced at her and asked, "Do you know how to make a fire?" She nodded and he blinked a bit surprised. They both set out getting a bunch of twigs and branches to make the fire with and soon they had it all set up. Watching her intently as Pepper knelt by the pile of sticks he was shocked and confused when she held out her hand to him. Not understanding, he tried to put his hand in hers only to be slapped away and given an annoyed look. "What?" he asked frustrated. "Where are the matches? I need them to start the fire. Hell-o!" she said as if that were the most obvious thing in the world. All he could do then was rub his hand over his face and groan.
Julia couldn't help but smile as Olivia led her new sister to the hut they would be staying in . her smile faulted some though when she spotted the look on Moreaus face.his question made her more angry it was in his tone she could even feel it ."yes im staying here i feel jenny will get more out of being with others more like herself.i must be there for her and it will help me understand the otehrs more easily to see how they work .''she sighs and rubs the temples on ether side of her head."yes i need writing pencils a note book and small knife for sharpening the pencils ill be staying for a while but will return to the compound once a week to report and help make plans towards new subjects.''she says her voice over all calm but annoyed she turns away .''if we dont live among them how will we ever understand there beliefs there feelings there pains and fears .they have more than what we just give them Tomas."she says lifting a hand tiredly her eyes closing as she walks towards the hut entering and pushing the tarp aside to let some cool air in.she looks back once more ."ill need copies of my notes and as many of my books that are left i know many are broken or torn ."at this she enters sitting down with Olivia . *** jenny leaned heavily on the small woman who led her she was a good foot taller than her but the other seemed not to mind.her eyes kept falling against her will her lids closing .her face rubbed again the others at one point it was then she found herself in a soft warm bed her eyes cracking open for only a minute her body to limp for her to fight the sleep any more ..her face moved into the gentle hand touching her as she drifted into a deep sleep.
"I'm not going to fucking argue with you, Julia," Moreau said sternly in response to her little rant. It was why he didn't say anything but with the way she'd reacted, he might as well have. He sighed and made a mental note of all the things she requested and smirked a little at her comment about her books. Then he walked back to the jeep, saying goodbye to the rest of his children before climbing in and driving back to the compound. *** Olivia smiled widely as she turned to the doorway of the hut and saw who entered before looking back down at the sleeping jaguar before her, her hooved fingers gently caressing her hair away from her slumbering face. "She's very beautiful, Mother," she said as Julia came to sit beside her. "Father said she was sick before. I'm glad that she was made better." *** Sitting by the now made fire, Pepper's hair was completely dry but a mess in the process, her clothes hanging on her stiffly from drying on her, she regarded Cole who sat across from her, his eyes scanning the sea. "How are we going to get out of here?" she asked finally, her tone somewhat demanding but calmly curious as well. Cole looked at her and raised an eyebrow before looking back out to sea. "I don't know," he said with a sigh. "Nobody knows where we are, and according to my monitors before we came down, there shouldn't be anything here except water. They won't know to look for us here." His words made her scared so she folded her arms and set her chin stubbornly. "They'll come for me," she said proudly. "I'm a high-ranking fashion model, you know." Cole rubbed the bridge of his nose in between his two fingers and decided not to argue with her about the point, instead deciding to look back out at sea. Pepper watched him silently for several minutes before finally saying, "When we get back, I'm going to make sure you get your license taken away." His head whipping around to look at her, he scowled in confusion. Before he said anything she said, "It should have been an easy trip between New York and London. But you were too ineffectual to make it." Shock and anger filled Cole's face as he stood from where he sat and looked at her piercingly. "What the hell!?" he almost shouted. "You were the one who insisted I fly. I fucking TOLD you there was a storm coming and I couldn't do it! Unbelievable!" And with that he stalked away from her towards the jungle, leaving her sitting there alone. "Where are you going?" she called after him. He didn't stop walking away but called over his shoulder, "To find some food and stuff to build a shelter. I'm hungry." And he disappeared between the trees. "I wouldn't waste your time," she called. "I told you, they'll be coming for me soon." *** She watched from the cover of the trees, the golden yellow orbs reflecting the light that filtered through the canopy. Watching silently as the two women on the beach conferred, her tail flicking behind her menacingly and her stripes making her invisible in the underbrush. More people like the Mother and the Father...humans. Her plush lips drew back in a seductive smile as she continued to watch them, continued to...stalk them.
Julia smiles lovingly at Olivia her little girl at least that's how she saw her.always eager to learn ,to be loved.she frowned a little at what Olivia said .thinking back she remembered jenny's form lying on the beach it had been after a supply run that she had found her the girl delirious close to death and even asking for it at some points."yes ..she was very ill some humans are and so they must become different to learn and to help them as i have done to jenny .she will be much happier will help me teach her she is your little sister Olivia and im counting on you ."with that she smiles and hugs Olivia one hand lightly running over the thin fur on the others head.she looked down as jenny began to move her breathing coming faster .julia smirks "i woudl like you and her to just bound if you can she needs you and you are her big sister Olivia this is your chance if you do well i will speak with father and see that the both of you may live with us in the compound .i have been watching you i have seen that you need more challenges."she says praising her and hugging her once more before standing and stretching"i will go get some food for her."at that she walks off out the hut intending to go to the supply station that had been placed for the beasts. ***jenny grunted and moved.her body shifting her ears coming up .as her soft pink nose took in the surrounding scents of the hut.she smelt many things her nose burning withe the scent of hay and mud but there was another she didst this her eyes opened shining green in the dim light that filled the room.her eyes running over Olivia jenny's hand raised slowly to grasp olivias as it run over her face.her eyes locking with the others. she tilted her head with a curiosity that filled her.she sat up holding the hand close her eyes looking at it turning it over wondering with natural curiosity.she didn't speak for a moment her hand reaching out to touch olivais face"your strange but ....beautiful"she says letting go for the hand she had and pulling her knees up to herself her tail rapping around her knees with her arms as she looked at her.
When Moreau got back to the compound he felt distant from himself. Walking into Julia's rooms to get the things she had asked for, he stopped in the doorway and took a deep breath, the smell of her filling his nostrils and dizzying his head, even as it made his blood rush. In his mind's eyes he could see her lying beneath the covers, her body and curves emphasized by the lay of the sheet over top of her. As he pondered the image, he felt his fingers ache to stroke through her hair, to caress her smooth skin, and felt himself grow hard at the yearning imaginings. Stepping fully into the room, he bent down and picked up a sheet that had been tossed off her mattress, the bed itself in disarray. Bringing the cloth to his face he breathed in deeply and though he caught a whiff of her feminine odor, his body quivering in need and his eyelids fluttering as he groaned. Sitting upon the bed, holding the sheet near himself, he began to fantasize about her. Her slender body and smooth curves bent over and kneeling on the bed, her ripe, round ass sticking slightly in the air like a cat in heat presenting. At some point during his fantasy, he'd opened the front of his trousers and started stroking himself, his hard cock leaking droplets of precum as he grew more and more excited by his imagination. In his head he saw himself coming up behind her and mounting her, his teeth grazing at the back of her neck like a beast to hold her in place, as she grunted with his entry into her backside. Faster now his hand slid up and down his shaft, his dick slick with his own juices as he mentally fucked and humped her, her cries ringing out in the hot jungle air. When he came it was explosive, his back arching and his breathing coming in heavy gasps even as he cried out at the climax. His cum shot out coating the bed sheet in his fluids, his dick pulsating with every shot and his body trembling as it slowly cooled down. For several more minutes he lay upon her bed, his mind a haze, filled with the smell of her and his own sweat and arousal. when he had the energy and a clear enough head, he sat up on the bed and readjusted himself before going about getting the things she wanted, as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. ***Olivia watched as the Mother left the hut, thinking over the things she said and it filled her with a burst of excitement. Only the best of the Children got to live in the compound and the Mother had said she might let her live there! and Jenny would get to go with her! It was especially exciting because Olivia found herself growing fond of the beautiful jaguar who was her sister. As Jenny stirred, Olivia looked back at her and watched in silence as she touched her hoof hand and her face. It sent a tingling up her spine the way she looked at her and the way she spoke. with a small smile Olivia said, "Thank you," and caressed the jaguars cheek softly, fingers gently stroking a few of the spots on Jenny's arm, before her eyes drifted up and met the jaguar's again. "You are as well." Something stirred within Olivia then. A strange desire that tickled in the back of her mind and in her groin. She was scared of it...but it felt good, so she didn't fight it and let the feeling stay, continuing to let her hoofed hand touch Jenny in a soft way and look at the other woman in an adoring manner. ***As soon as Cole was out of sight Pepper got into her medicine bag again and popped several antidepressants and pain killers glaring in the direction he'd gone and closing her bag back up stubbornly. Then she sat and stared at the fire that he'd ended up lighting and moped, letting the drugs kick in in her system. A few moments went by and she boredly looked out to sea only to see something wash up on the beach. Shocked, she went running across the beach, stumbling in her drugged state and went to see what it was. As she got closer she saw it was a huge white bag and she picked it up and hauled it from the water, tripping and falling into the tide several times as she did. It was heavy and as she got a closer look she realized it wasn't the bag that was white but what was inside it was white. It was filled with a white granule powder and she suspected, even in the mental state she was in, that it wasn't salt or sugar that was in the bag. Cole murmured curses to himself as he stalked off into the jungle, his mind a blur as he was filled with anger. God! Who the fuck did she think she was? The stupid, ignorant spoiled brat! She wouldn't even know what to do with herself here and probably would have gotten herself killed if it hadn't been for him setting her straight! She would die without him and he knew it. He decided he had to make sure she knew it too. So he started to gather food and made up his mind that if she wanted any of what HE collected, he was going to make her promise not to ruin things for him if they ever got out of here. He didn't need attention in his life right now. Not with the things that he'd done. She would learn soon enough that her dependency on surviving here lay with trusting and obeying him. Again considering the situation he was in, he shouted a curt "Fuck!" and kicked at the trunk of a tree, knocking down a few coconuts before he calmed down again. That's when he saw them. The tracks from the beach all along the floor of the jungle leading off to the west. Warily, he looked in that direction and although he didn't see anything, pulled his gun from his waistband and walked in the other direction. No sense in dancing with danger unless it was necessary. ***A small rumble began in her throat as one of the women got closer to her hiding spot in the woods. Tigress's legs bunched beneath her, her muscles growing tense like a spring ready to launch, her haunches dancing in place as she readied herself. Like a whip she flashed out of the trees a loud roar that sounded slightly like a woman uttering a battle cry came ripping from her throat. Her claws were out and her heavy muscled arms were spread wide as she pounded on the one sister with the flower. Both of their bodies fell to the sand heavily, Tigress wrestling the woman down on her back, her clawed hands grabbing ahold of her arms and pushing her down in the sand, while the rest of her body weighed her down as she was straddled, their groins pressed firmly together. Tigress hissed loudly, her eyes wide as she sat upon the woman, her tail whipping back and forth menacingly.
julia entered the small hut with supplies collecting a small bowl of grains and dried fruit knowing it woudl be easier than vegetables on jenny's stomach.she sighed and walked to one of the open fires setting the bowl close and putting a pot of water on top of the spit above the fire.letting the water heat top use for he mix she was making for jenny.she sighs quietly thinking back on the way Tomas has been acting lately.she was already on edge but at least here she felt at ease among her children she didnt even feel the need to sleep with a weapon .she knew they could be violent when threatened or afraid but Julia felt no true fear towards the beast people.she smiled as a few hesitently sat by her placing there own food on the fire. *** jenny was a little taken back as the other looked at her touching eh face so gently.jenny found herself uncurling her tail rapping around the others wrist as she touched her arm .she felt and odd tightness in her chest a heat in her stomach .there was a scent coming from jenny it was sweet and strong soon filling the hut.jenny looked odd her hears laying flat her breathing came a little faster."iv never seen anything like you before"she says smiling at the word because she cant figure out what else to say.her head tilting to the side as her tail let go its tip lightly flicking.she began to think back but then closed that away not wanting to return home this place was different she felt as if she belonged here.
Olivia didn't understand what was happening inside her, but she liked it even as the new feelings frightened her. Licking her lips hesitantly, she leaned forward towards Jenny's lips and let hers touch the other woman's gently, giving her a soft kiss. Breathing deeply, she put a hand to the side of Jenny's face stroking her fur lightly as she leaned closer, pressing their bodies together. ***Tigress was just beginning to rub herself against the human woman beneath her, her humanoid pussy folds dripping wet with excitement as they met with Lichen's groin through her clothes. But that was when she was hit in the face with the butt of the knife, making her grunt and draw backwards, stunned. A roaring scream left her mouth as her arm was cut and as her vision cleared she hissed and swiped a claw at the one attacking her. ***Cole didn't get more than a few steps eastward before he heard the roar from a big cat in the direction the footprints had gone. Swiftly turning in that direction, his eyes wide and his brow sweating, he pointed his gun and searched the forest, standing still as a statue. When he heard what sounded like a woman scream, he blinked in surprise and started running towards all the commotion, gun at the ready. On the beach Pepper's eyes went wide as she heard the noises too, her head whipping this way and that and her body shivering as she realized that son of a bitch had left her on the beach, out in the open and completely defenseless. Grabbing up one of her high-heeled pumps with a metal heel she wielded it like a make-shift weapon and stood looking at the jungle as if it were full of violent promises. Trembling she said quietly to herself, "Come on fucker..." her breathing coming in heavy pants and her heart thundering in her chest, her eyes searching the trees for anything. "Come on you fucker!" she screamed louder, trying to put on a brave face for possible enemies, despite the fact she was quivering like a leaf.
jenny was caught off guard as the soft lips locked with hers breathing in the scent of fruit and grasses .jenny squirmed her body wanting more of the wonderful feeling she was getting from this.jenny's hand strayed to the back of the others head pushing her closer as she leaned back bringing olivia on top of her onto the bed. her tail rapping around one of olvias thighs jenny already naked her body pressing closer she pulled away with a gasp .''you so pretty''she says softly her body pressing closer to olivais her eyes meeting hers.heat blooming between them. *** julia sat alone close to the fire when he came his strong rough voice catching her .she looked back seeing him standing not far away wearing as always only a cloth around his waist to cover himself as he always did when he entered the village.she looked him over carefully his muscles standing out so well against his tan fur like velvet running over his body.he smiled as always his eyes meeting hers."hello Leo.''she says lightly standing he dwarfed her by a good two feet easily."good day doctor''he said his eyes running over her body just as readily.her eyes meeting his a fires seemed to burn there he recognized it.smiling 'so long it has been shall we walk''he asks her seemign to hover closer than usual .Julia hesitates but decides that jenny can wait for a few moments.she fallows him closely into the forest having no fear for her person Leo and her went further back than he could remember she had saved him from and underground animal ring that would have shorly killed the beautiful beast before her a claw tail on his thigh evidence to his earlier life. *** leo watched her as she began to cook food over the fire if you could even call it that.he grunted she deserved better a large antelope a wildebeest only the best.better than what that pathetic cub provided her with he fallowed her often into the forest watching her learning she as alone her body ached he could scent it so easily that male only made her wait made her afraid if not for her happiness he would have already came as dominant made his blood boil to scent arousal on the male when he only made fear come from julia.he found himself standing before her .the others eyes meeting his so much like a lioness beautiful, strong, a huntress who sought to be free.One day he woudl free her and he would protect her until then.he led her to the place he had found flowers covering the ground tall grass surroundings them he looked down at her his eyes meeting hers as she beheld the beauty of the place around them though in his eyes it was only a small fragment of the beauty she held herself.he was closing th4e hunt soon to be over as he moved silently. *** julia looked around her eyes shining at the beautiful clearing.Flowers of all colors surrounding them .she waded threw them cupping some in her hand all of different colors and species some. she had never even seen.she felt him then turning as his warm body pressed against the own her eyes lockign with his as she realized he was now fully nude .his large paw like hand brushing her cheek as his massive hand cupped her face .he leaned over her she felt like she couldn't breath as his lips pressed so softly against her own and every thing seemed to turn white and hot her body shaking.
As Jenny laid back, Olivia rose above her, her plush lips massaging the jaguars feverishly, her tongue licking inside her mouth, tasting her and humming. When Jenny spoke Olivia smiled, her clothed body meeting the jaguar's in heated union. Slipping off her shirt, she came back down to lay upon Jenny, their naked, fur covered breasts rubbing together, as Olivia pressed her pelvis into Jenny's eagerly, loving the warmth she felt there. Slipping off her skirt, she was soon naked as well, her little stubby tail wagging with excitement as their naked pussies came together. Olivia's mouth found Jenny's neck and kissed and licked her intensely, murmuring against her fur, "I want this...I want you..." she panted in between her words. She didn't understand except that it felt good, and lifting up one of Jenny's legs, Olivia moved between them, rubbing her pussy against Jenny's, their swollen clits sliding together repreatedly. *** As the knife sang through the air, Tigress drew back to avoid it, the knife slicing through her cheek causing her to wince. And once again she drew forwards to hiss loudly, rumbling a growl in her throat, her eyes like wild fire as she swiped a claw at Nicky. But still she stayed put upon Lichen. *** Cole continued to run through the forest towards where the noises had come from, finally breaking through to the clearing where the other three were. At first his eyes only saw the tiger upon the woman but as he stopped and stood there adjusting to the sight he noticed the anatomical differences. "Holy Shit!" he exclaimed in disgusted astonishment. "What the fuck is that?" It was a general question asked aloud. He stood there pointing his gun at the creature, frozen by the sight of her, not sure what to do.
jenny kissed Olivia back hungrily her body arching into the others as her tongue danced agaisnt Olivia's .she murred wanting more.letting out a soft moan as olivias body rubbed against her own.jenny's head layed back her head tilting to the side to let Olivia kiss her .each breath coming out in small gasps.her chest rose and fell against olivas warm body.she panted her eyes rolling back some her head back in submission from the others touches her hands wandering over her lovers body.resting one her hips as Olivia rubbed against her and she moaned squirming with each hit on her clit her folds already damp some drizzling down one of her legs in excitement she spread them more willingly"more..."she breathed nipping one of olivias ears and softly nibbling the tip. *** he moved over her his body pressing down on her spinning her but gentle not to hurt her not like he would.her pale flesh gleaming in the warm sunlight as insects flew about them.he smiled inwardly as she lay submissive to his touches he ran a clawed finger down the center of her soft chest in between her breast causing her to shiver as she looked up at him hands laying out above her head her body arching.he growled lustfully his face licking agaisnt her neck and nipping soft kisses fallowing his arms rapping around her body pulling it close his lips pressing agaisnt the neck breathing her in nuzzling into the long patch of fur that came past her shoulders.his body pressing against the smooth skin he ached wanting in but know not yet not until she was ready. *** every thing was moving so fast each time his body connected with her it seemed to send sparks of fire threw her.she gapsed feeling him kiss her neck and run his finger down to her stomach her eyes rolling back drawing her closer .it had been so long .she felt his tail rap around her thigh it brushed along the outer layer of her lips sending shivers threw her until it came and her body was heated by white fires shaking as he rapped is arms around her julia looked at him and her lips met his as she felt him enter her and she gasps with pleasure past his kiss her eyes rolling back into her skull .her nails digging into his toned back he didnt even seem to notice oh god it was wonderful as his velvet fur moved agaisnt her skin each touch sending shivers and moans threw her lips and body.
Hearing the supplication whispered in her ear, Olivia moves her body against the jaguar more eagerly, their pussies sliding against each other sending waves of pleasure coursing through her and making her moan aloud. Her breathing came in heavy pants as her hips circled above Jenny's faster and faster bringing herself closer and closer to the unknown edge. *** Tigress roared in pain as the knife sunk into her flesh, the cold blade colder than anything she had ever felt in her life and making her shiver as pain exploded in the area of her ribs. With a menacing glare her claws swung out again before the knife fully left her range and smacked into the back of Nicky's hand knocking it from her grasp and onto the ground some distance away. As he watched, Cole realized no one had noticed his presence and the woman was continuing to fight the beast that lay straddling the other person. Needing to take action, Cole pointed the gun at the sky and shot into the air, the sound of it firing blasting through the area and echoing through the trees. Jerking at the sound of the gun, Tigress finally noticed the man who had a gun pointed at her and instantly jumped off of Lichen and fled into the woods, running on all fours with one hand cupping the wound in her side. Fleeing deeper and deeper into the woods she went until she was a safe enough distance and sure that no one had followed her. There, on the edge of a water pool, she tried to lick her wounds clean, lightly purring to comfort herself. Cole watched with his gun poised at the creature as she released the woman on the ground and disappeared into the jungle. When she was out of sight, Cole lowered the gun, breathing hard and looked at the two women whom he'd never seen before. "Are you two alright?" he asked, his blue eyes looking them both over and full of concern. One the beach, Pepper was looking wildly at the trees when she heard the gun go off and she jerked at the noise and froze like a startled deer. What was going on? Was he in trouble? Was he hunting? Was he dead? When she started to imagine the possibility that she might be alone now and that he wasn't coming back, she started to cry silently, fear making her body quake and her eyes still frantically searching the forest for any sign of enemies. *** Moreau was filling up a bag with the supplies for Julia in the compound when he heard the sound of the gun blast. Walking towards the window, he looked in the direction it had come from, but could not see it's source for the mass of trees that separated him from what had fired it. His eyes glared out the window in that direction, filling with a dark cast. There were intruders on his island and he would be sure to give them a warm welcome. Walking into a back room of the compound, he flicked on a fluorescent light switch and walked up to one of the many gun racks that adorned the walls. Most of the guns were taser guns or dart guns of some kind for capturing the animals if they misbehaved, but there were one or two guns with actual metal bullets in them. Grabbing one, he strapped on an ankle holster and placed it inside it, covering it with his pant leg. Then another he cocked and placed in his waistband and covered it with his shirt. Walking out the door with a few supplies strapped over his shoulder, he headed in the direction of the gun shot, his eyes cold and empty of emotion as he went.
julia lay on the ground breathing heavily sweat covering her naked form.she was alone her eyes glazed over as she sat up carefully.some of his juices gushing out with her own mingling together in her and on the ground.she was dazed a heavy heat in her system at least release had come for her .her hands supported her as she struggled to get to her feet.searching for her cloths until she found them in the indent they had made in the grasses. pieces of stray grass stuck in her hair she took a minute to comb them out s few minutes later she was dressed though a little disheveled.she walks from the bushes she had entered a relaxed look in her eyes the scent of sex heavy in the air around her .as she stretched .soon she returned to the bowl she had left for jenny surprised to find the bowl filled and ready to be eaten.julia picked it up her head lifting at the sudden sound of a gunshot her eyes wide.she sat the food down if there were strangers on the island she needed to get to them first if moreau did she shuddered at the thought.she quickly collected her gun she had hidden in the supply shed glad it was only tranks and strapped it on she moved to the edge of the forest annoyed the jeep having been taken she started her long trek towards the beach. *** jenny's eyes were wide her breathing coming in short gasps.her head tilted back her hips bucking a Little as she rubbed back again Olivia hungry for more .she was spiraling and didnt last to much longer as she came .growling heavily and nipping at olivias throat playfully as she shuddered. *** the bushes close to the water parted as Leo came out at the bend of a small river were he spotted tigress .he had planned to rest they were close to home .his eyes traveled over the young tigers and he waded threw the water and came up beside her knowing she had already spotted him .it was when he was close he scented the blood."tigress whats happened i heard a noise earlier but i thought it was the father hunting perhaps he has hunted you .''she says looking at her carefully"how bad is it"he asks her grasping her arm.
Olivia soured over the edge just as Jenny did, her body quivering with the force of the waves of pleasure washing over her causing her to cry out in ecstasy. She'd never felt like this before and it was almost scary as she was overwhelmed by pleasure, her pussy throbbing and her juices gushing from her body down her legs and mixing with Jenny's juices. The scent of both of their arousals filled the air and as Olivia drew away from Jenny, she knelt between her legs, lapping up the juices of Jenny's pussy, her tongue soft and probing as she cleaned the jaguar woman, drinking in every drop. When she was done, she laid on the bed next to her, curling up against her and nuzzling her gently with a small happy smile on her face. ***Moreau trudged through the jungle confidently, knowing his way around his own island. Eventually he reached the beach and came upon a woman standing frightened on the beach, her face and clothes a mess. When she saw him Pepper's eyes went wide and she started to back away but he held his hands out in a soothing gesture, his face calm and open. "Shhh shhh, it's alright," he said in his deep rasping voice. "You're alright, I'm not going to hurt you. You look like you could use some help. Are you lost? Where did you come from?" Hearing the mysterious man speak, the breath Pepper was holding was let out slowly and she started to relax a little and despite her best efforts she started to cry desperately. Everything was just too overwhelming right now and this was the first person she'd seen on the island other than Cole. From the way he was dressed in nice clothes, and he was well-groomed, that could only mean there was civilization on this island. And that meant the chance for rescue. His being here was a huge relief for her and she wept as she answered him. "I was in a plane crash," she said, her shoulders slumped as tears ran freely, a hand going to her forehead. "The pilot and I made it out alive, but he's run off into the jungle... I'm so scared. Thank God you're here." Moreau nodded his head comfortingly as he approached her, inconspicuously reaching into his waistband. "Of course, of course," he said soothingly as he got closer. "Everything will be alright now." As he stood in front of her, suddenly, lightning fast the gun was out and he grabbed ahold of her with the other arm pulling her up to his chest and pointing the gun at her temple. Pepper gasped in alarm and her eyes went wide as she was held against him. "Now, you be a good girl and come with me and I won't have a reason to blow your fucking brains out," he said to her in a cold, sandy whisper, his voice eerily calm. Despite his quick movements and the adrenaline pumping through his system, Moreau was feeling strangely relaxed. Walking along with her through the jungle he took her back the way he'd come, heading for the lab. ***Tigress watched as the lion walked into the water and approached her on the other side of the pool. As he asked his questions she looked at him with her golden yellow eyes flickering in the sunlight. "Not the Father," she said in a strong feminine voice with just the hint of a purring at the end. "Strangers on island. Beautiful strangers. Fight. Scratch." she made a small swipe with her paw to illustrate how the fight had gone. "Sharp metal poked me. Pain." She lifted her arm then to show him the stab wound in her side in between her ribs, small ribbons of blood staining her glossy orange fur. She breathed heavily, wheezing in a bit of pain.
jenny whimpers and moans as olivias mouth met her folds licking her clean.her back arching she nearly went over a second time in the pleasure of the moment.she lay breathing heavily soft pants coming with each breath.jenny arms rap around Olivia lovingly nuzzling into the other her cool wet nose lightly nuzzling into olivias neck''that...that was..wonderful"she whispered breathing as she began drifting off. *** leo looked at the wound cautiously his hand coming to stroke the otehrs main like hair to calm her.''hmm i cant help you im sorry little sister but moths could if you let her.she would not let father touch you ."he says taking away the cloth he wore he kept it clean so he washed into in the water and applied the dry piece to the wound to help stop the bleeding or slow it down"i can find her to help you "she says stroking her he waited for her answer. *** julia moved quickly threw the forest avoiding the main path she took several shortcuts knowing . she was working her way to the beach.she passed up the forked tree and a small brook having to wade threw some of the water as the sound of voices became louder and louder .it took her a few extra minutes but she made it breath9ign heavily from running most of the way.she was breathing heavily a thirty minute trip struck down to fifteen she was suddenly glad she worked out in the training facility to keep her muscles up.she pulled her gun out her breath rasping as she loaded it and stepped out with it raised at moreau"hey doc should be nicer''she says walking up gun out warningly but nothing more''after all "she lightly touches the w0omans face and as she does this her other hand stabs a needle into her side sedating her"she is sacrificing a lot you know well take DnA first Tomas understood''she says keeping a level calm tone as the woamn frightened eyes become lucid and she colpeses against her counter part.Julia seems calm relaxed a strange happiness burning behind her eyes if the doc payed enough attention"you should be more gentle the poor dear will be nearly inconsolable after this luckily i have a sligth amnesiac applied to my serum''she says smirking.
As Jenny fell asleep in her arms, Olivia brushed her hair from her face and laid her head beside her and just laid there holding her while she slept. *** Cole stared at the young woman as she started to drag her sister away, glancing once in the direction that the tiger creature had gone. "Excuse me?" he said in astonishment as he watched the woman go towards the fire that they had set up. "Are you telling me you live here? Are you natives? Do you know of a way off of this rock?" He asked as he followed her to their little camp on the beach. Looking around, he started to suspect that they weren't much different from him and Pepper; lost and stranded here. *** "No!" Tigress said, wincing and hissing a little at the pain as the cloth was applied to the wound. "No, I do not want Mother. This is fine, I will heal it on my own." She drew away from him then, sitting a bit a part from him and continuing to lick the wound. The blood flow was slowing down and clotting well. She was lucky it hadn't hit any major organs. *** Moreau paused as Julia appeared and sedated the girl walking with him. He understood what she said about needing to take samples first and he also knew he would need her help to do the experiment on the girl. But still her little smirk and the smug light in her eyes made him want to twist her neck. Instead he said, "Fair enough. She doesn't have a weapon on her, so she's not the one who fired the gun. She mentioned a man who was with her, the pilot. But I haven't seen him. We'll have to find him later and take his weapon away. Can't have that kind of thing moving around the island freely, especially since he might harm one of the creatures, not knowing what they are. He may have already..." Slinging Pepper over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, he continued the long trek back to the compound, allowing Julia to follow him but otherwise ignoring her the whole way.
Leo grunted"your choice i understand"he says watching tigress hoping she would be well as she said she would."has father been hunting you again he seems more angered anymore''he says tossing his head and shaking out his mane the last hour rushing threw his mind julias face flashing there the content look.he had another flashback his memories of the first night laying beatn and broken on the ground father angry with how he had come to look more like his animal self than human.he remembered julai kneeling by him tending his wounds and speaking to him letting him from his cage and making it seem that he had escaped so that he may live .he remembered it all."mother is human but not like father she tended you when you were cub and needed someone when father only wanted to see what your blood would do."he says protectively towards julia not all humans hurt. *** julia remained silent fallowing moreau"he should be easily apprehended''she says her voice soft as she walked her eyes on the young woman."there was no need to frighten her but you did well finding her Tomas''she says keeping her eyes on the they walked she stayed with him "i understand your concerns but ...even so it woudl be easier to snag them if they believe you someone to help them not harm them if there like her they are no threat.''she was trying to calm him to quell this unspeakable anger she saw in him.she remained with him watching as they reached the jeep not to far from the station they had several posted around the island stocked with a med kit and trank riffles with a single flare .they were always for emergencies she watched as thy neared stopping "moreau lets take a jeep it will be easier on the both of us''she says hoping he will except.
"I...cannot..." Tigress said looking up at him, her deep honey golden eyes shining fearfully in the light that drifted from the treetops. She knew in her heart that Leo would not lead her astray. He'd been there for her when she'd first been created, helping her understand her new existence and not pressuring her to mate when he'd wanted to. She had a liking for other females for some reason. In any case, he'd been there with her when she first killed a rabbit and had helped her hide it from the Father and had kept her safe and out of trouble. Tigress also knew that Leo had a history with the Mother and that the two were close. But she couldn't get rid of the fear. The Sayer of the Law was VERY clear about the Laws of the best folk, of how you were to be and act human, in stating that it was the will of the Father and the Mother. In her time here, she'd seen one other, a wolf man who had disobeyed the Laws and Father and Mother had found out. Immediately he was taken away and never seen again. When the Father had been questioned about his whereabouts, he'd only stated that the wolf man, Khaddyr, had been "punished for his crimes." Tigress looked away from Leo then, her hand holding her side and looking into the water of the pond. "I...cannot..." ***Unbelievable! Were all women insane and think that men were slaves? Cole stood shocked looking at the woman as she busied herself about their camp before he shook his head in irritation and stomped off to the woods. Cursing to himself under his breath and ranting and raving, he thought it might be easier to reason with her if he brought Pepper with him. They needed to stick together. He wasn't willing to admit it aloud, that he needed them, but basically, he did. They stood a better chance of survival if they stayed together. So he made his way back to where he'd left Pepper only to find the spot empty, the fire burning and crackling morosely. Looking around Cole searched the beach with his eyes for as far as he could see before he looked down at the ground. Around the fire and at the edge of the jungle were Pepper's footprints, slender and dainty as they were and his own fading clod-hoppers prints and then...a third set of bootprints. Leading together with Pepper's prints into the woods and further down a new smaller set of boot prints. His eyes wide and breathing heavy, Cole started to panic, he didn't know what to do. Running back to the other women's camp he ran up to Nicky's fire, his breathing heavy and gasping as he tried to tell her what happened. "They've taken her!" he said in between gasps for air. "The woman who was with me... she's gone and there are footprints... we're not alone on this island... Please you have to help me find her.. there's no telling if they're hostile or not and something bad might have happened to her..." ***As they walked, Moreau listened to Julia's occasional talking in silence. He knew she was right yet again, but still thinking back over his encounter with the woman, he hadn't been sure at the time if she was the one holding the gun. It was only after he'd grabbed her and looked down at the sand and seen the larger footprints that he realized it was probably the pilot who had it. As they came to one of the outposts with a jeep parked beside it, Julia suggested they take it instead of walking. Sighing at her and her sensitive feet, he dropped Pepper in the back seat of it and climbed in the driver's seat. He waited only a moment as Julia got in before he sped off down the jungle path.
Leo sighed brushing a hand threw his mane of hair.he woudl tell her in hopes it woudl make her understand his last ditch effort though he knew it was just as likely the other would reject him afterwards"the mother is different loving she fears father i have seen it....and tonight i was with her. she is ...."he sat in silence after that looking towards the water.suddenly she stood .''if it hurts anymore you know were to go ill wait for you but first i will go to the village ."sat this he wades back over the river and flees into the forest. *** julia watched him dump pepper unceremoniously into the jeep as she climbed in nearly falling out with his sudden acceleration.she clung to her seat pulling herself the rest of the way in looking panicked as a branch rushed over her head .she quickly strapped in.deciding she would say nothing moreau often frighted her but this he was obviously on edge tonight.she sat in silence threw the rest of the trip back to the compound her eyes never leaving him glad she carried a knife on her person at all they entered the compound she slowly climbed out feeling a little sick to the stomach she managed to look down at pepper a sudden feeling hit her it was a pang of guilt a slight remorse for what she was about to do to the poor thing. who had been so terrified she felt a kinship in that towards moreau at least. *** jenny cuddled up to olivia a slight rumbling in her chest she was happy.her ears flickered with ever stroke olivia applied to her soft fur.her tail was layed over olvivias leg protectively as jenny gazed up at her."that was .wonderful...i didnt even get your name''she says softly smiling as she nuzzled closer to olvia her warm nose lightly pressing under her chin.
Tigress's eyes widened in shock at what Leo said and she sat fingering her wound uncertainly as she watched him go. If he and the Mother were mates...then that meant the Mother was loyal to him... That meant she couldn't be as loyal to the Father still...could it? She sighed worriedly as she looked into the water, debating with herself over whether to go or not. After several hours, she finally decided, the pain throbbing in her side was too much, and she headed off to Leo's meeting place to wait for him. ***As they arrived at the compound, Moreau had cooled down some, and getting out of the jeep, he carried Pepper inside to their lab. Setting her out gently on an operating table, he began to prep her, starting by removing her clothes. Laid out on the table, still unconscious, Pepper looked like a wild angel, her face and body a little dirty from the crash, but her modeling looks showing through. Standing aside for Julia, Thomas looked at her and said. "Show me how you do it, so that I know how." There was a sense of determination in his voice and expression as he looked at her. He wanted the answers she had and he didn't like being in the dark as far as this new procedure was concerned. "Show me." ***Olivia cuddled close to the jaguar rumbled and purred against her, feeling soothed by the calm noises of the other woman. "My name is Olivia," she said softly with a pleased smile. "And the Mother says we are sisters." Gently caressing Jenny's cheek, Olivia kissed her on the lips and drew back to look in her eyes. "And I'm going to take care of you." Sitting up from the bed, she stretched a little and began to redress as she spoke with a cheerful smile. "I bet you're hungry and from the smells from the cookfire outside, I bet the Mother has made something for us." ***Cole took a deep breath after Lichen spoke and sat down, rubbing a hand over his face. "I was flying a woman overseas in my plane and we got hit by a storm and crashed," he said slowly. "She was on the beach where we landed before I heard the commotion and came to find you guys and that...tiger thing... And now she's gone and there are footprints in the sand along with hers leading off into the jungle. Bootprints. I think someone must have taken her. If there are people on this island, we have to find them. They may be able to help us get off. Or," and he paused, looking from Nicky to Lichen. "They may be hostile and hurting her. Please, you have to help me find her."
The glorious sun of Costa Del Sol beat down upon the flower girl from Midgard.Aerithsquinted into the distance, noting the sparkle of the light upon the water. It all looked quiet picturesque and lovely, just perfect for a romantic getaway. of course, they were on the run from Shinra and chasing Sephiroth. That killed most of the romance. As if it mattered, the one person who Aerith wouldn't mind spending more time with had ran off to train or something. The man just couldn't relax. At least Zack could manage that. Sighing, Aerith sat down on the beach, staring at the waves. She hadn't even bothered with a bathing suit, mostly because she didn't have one yet. Instead she wore her usual dress, the long pink fabric trailing on the sand. Her hands dug into the ground, and it was then that she remembered something. Reaching into her pockets, Aerith withdrew a small, pink materia. Yuffie had found it and actually given it over to Aerith. That alone was suspicious enough, even though the ninja had insisted it was an extension of good will or something. Yuffie had also said that it would probably be best if Aerith used it, even hinting at a few targets. Apparently it was supposed to be a charm materia. It sounded appealing, but Aerith didn't know if she really wanted to try an unknown materia. "Besides, I don't even know what I"m supposed to use it on," muttered Aerith. She was about to slide it back into her pocket when she heard someone walking toward her. Turning, Aerith saw the familiar form of her fellow fighter, Tifa. The girl blinked, and decided to go ahead and wave the other girl over. Maybe Tifa would have some idea about the materia. Even if she didn't, company was better than being alone.
It would be good to be able to relax for a while. Just some time to do what they wanted to do, forget about the real matters at hand. Forget about Sephiroth, forget about the grief of those they had left behind, of those they had lost, Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, those who hadnt been quick enough to escape Sector 7 when the plate fell. At least, that was the plan; undoubtedly it wouldnt be that easy. At least she might be able to get somewhat of a suntan while they were here. And soTifaheaded for the beach and the clear waves of the ocean, the sun beating down on her bare shoulders, a rolled up towel held under her arm. She stood for a moment, looking around the beach, feeling the sand under her feet. Her eyes then drifted across Aerith sitting, looking at something in her hands. Tifa frowned slightly, seeing Aerith was still in her pink dress, unlike herself who was wearing a dark bikini, which was surprisingly somewhat respectable, covering a large amount of her substantial breasts. However, it did not offer the same amount of coverage to the rest of her body, her long slender legs, hiding the strength within them, leading up to her pert, athletic rear, Her flat, toned stomach holding only slight muscle definition, and her arms only showing a portion of the power they held. A myriad of faded scars marked her skin, some bigger than others, received from the various conflicts she had participated in, they did not distract from her beauty though. Tifa sighed softly and began walking towards Aerith, that girl really needed to loosen up. She smiled at Aerith as the girl turned, blinking, before beckoning her over. She continued to walk towards her, sand shifting under her feet, warm to the touch. Hey she said, once she was near, unrolling her towel and sitting down on it with a light thump. She smiled, brushing a lock of hair away from her face as the rest hung loose down her back. The sun felt wonderful on her skin, bright and warm, and it caused her eyes to seem a more reddish shade that usual. Tifa looked around, glancing at the other people on the beach. All on your own? she asked, smiling softly. Where are the others? her voice, curious and warm.
As Tifa drew closer, Aerith began to have second thoughts about inviting her. As usual, the fighter wore something much skimpier than the flower girl, and as usual it felt like far more eyes and attention were on her. There weren't even that many other people at the beach, and the people that mattered most to Aerith (i.e. Cloud) weren't even present, yet still the girl couldn't quite shake the feeling that she was outmatched. At least relations had been friendly. Plus Tifa was smiling, which was always a good sign. "Yep, all on my own today," returned Aerith. She returned the smile as well, waving a hand about her to further confirm her lonely status. "The others are out and about. I think Cloud and Barett are off training somewhere. Red was resting. Yuffie was here earlier, she gave me this," Aerith dug the materia out of her pocket and held it up so Tifa could see it. The sunlight from the beach caught the brilliant pink stone, almost making it appear as though it were glowing. "She said it was a charm materia, but didn't tell me anything else." Aerith frowned, "I'm a little worried though. It's not like Yuffie to just give materia." Realizing that they'd only been talking for a few seconds and already Aerith had entered serious conversation, the girl sighed. She smiled up at Tifa, rolling her eyes. "Sorry, I guess I've just had a lot on my mind lately. I'm still not used to all this, you know. I wasn't a regular member of AVALANCHE, like you and Cloud." Yes, that was still a bit of a contending bit between them, but Aerith shifted, trying to put it behind her. They were on a sunny beach without a monster or Shinra rep in sight. It was time to relax, not worry about silly little things.
Tifa lay down as she listened to Aerith talk, still smiling. There was no reason why she shouldnt at least try to be friendly towards her. They had to fight together after all, and it wouldnt do not to trust each other, or hold grudges. Even if they were after the same thing; Cloud. And it was just like him to go off training, when they had time to just sit back and relax. She kept her eyes on the ocean as Aerith continued to speak, informing Tifa of where the others were, not quite letting her guard down lest something like what happened at Junon occur. When she heard speak of Yuffie, she glanced at Aerith and the pink materia glowing in her hand. Well, the girl is a little strange, but I think she has good intentions, mostly good anyway Her voice was soft, almost drowsy, as she lay in the sun, her head tilted back exposing her slender neck. Seeing Aerith roll her eyes, Tifa smiled at her, perhaps she was beginning to relax, to become less serious, but then she spoke of AVALANCHE, and Tifas smile turned into a slight frown. I dont think there is an AVALANCHE anymore Aerith she sighed, her mind thinking of Jessie, Biggs and Wedge again. There is only Barret and I left. Cloud is wellCloud is Cloud she laughed slightly, brushing a lock of hair from her face. She lay down again, sighing quite happily, her breasts bouncing ever so slightly as she did so. Here, in this seaside resort, the troubles they had faced and had yet to face seemed so distant. And then it finally sunk in what Aerith had said. Sitting up abruptly, Tifa stared at her. What kind of materia did you say? she asked, her voice curious and not as soft as before. Did you sayCharm materia? I didnt know that really existed, I just thought it was a story, like a fairytale. And if Aerith possessed it, she could use it on Cloud, and he wouldnt be able to help but pay attention to her. That wouldnt be good.
"Don't you ever sleep?"A voice chided as the office began to fill with people after a few hours of near hallowed silence. The only people who had filled it's interior during the time most in the department were laying in bed next to loved ones and trying to dream about things not involving death had been a lone female working at her computer and the custodial crew. "Sure I do."The female in question replied with a slight upturn of her lips as she reluctantly tore her eyes from the screen to stare at the middle-aged woman holding two cups of coffee in her hand and dressed in 'business casual'. Or as Michelle liked to call her, 'Soccer Mom Executive.' "You were there at the computer when I left at five yesternight, have you moved at all? Have you eaten?!"The older of the two harped with her now free hand on her hip and eyes glowering down at the asian woman sitting at her desk. "I moved..a little."Michelle replied meekly as she sipped her coffee and inwardly sighed with relief. Caffiene was a gift from the Gods in her opinion and she'd been in sore need of some. But that's why she adored Majorie so much. Always knowing who needed a refill on coffee, a bite to eat or even a kind word when nerves were worn thin. Michelle had seen her tackle a grieving family in the deepest pits of despair and five minutes later, talk a hostile ex-husband out of doing something extremely stupid. "Moving fingers while typing doesn't count. You know if Sanderson knew you had been here all night, he'd blow an artery. Go outside, get some air. The case will still be here when you get back. I'm the one who has to listen to that man bitch when I file all the hours away to payroll."Majorie huffed in mock annoyance, pulling the chair out and pointing to the office door. Slowly, Michelle got up out of her chair and skittered towards the door and was greeted by a blast of cold air and early morning sun. Tristan would likely be arriving soon, and maybe then she could sneak back in and get back to work. The latest case to come across their desk stumped her and she hated hitting the proverbial wall. Two murders, the victims were members of Humans for Humanity, a hate group that lobbied against vampire owned businesses and urged to reinstate 'Varmant' laws, which would give any citizen legal right to hunt lycanthropes. According to the report, the victims were killed by vampires and though they showed signs of bite marks and draining, the wounds seemed wrong. Far too messy even for a new vampire and yet, where did all the extra blood go if not in a vampire's belly? And the Master of the City's decree that any members of HH that were found near his residence would be dealt with severely only made things worse. The sight of the sun rising made all of those hours she'd spent reading and reviewing tapes and pictures all come to a head and she finally wilted a yawn before sipping her coffee. "I was feeling fine until I came out here.."She groused to herself, glancing at her reflection in the office window and trying to straighten out her hair. Even though she looked like something that stepped out of Seven Samurai, Michelle concidered herself more American than anything else. Even if she hadn't come to the states until she was a small girl. Her mother had wanted her to be a doctor or a housewife, but even as an infant, she followed in her father's direction and showed more interest in playing cops and robbers than dolls growing up. Now that she was pushing twenty-eight, her mother feared that she'd never recieve grandchildren from her oldest. Another yawn and she shook her head while stamping her feet to get the blood moving through her body once more. Maybe she'd shock her partner and suggest an early lunch as she took another sip of her coffee.
Tristan yawned as he entered the double doors at the entrance of the building's lobby. Sleep had been something scarce lately, but it was to be expected with this job. At the very least he had more energy than that of his human days. As he mused that thought a small flash of white showed with a toothy grin, inhuman fangs flashing briefly. Inhuman mahogany eyes were weak and weary. Dark black hair was tied back, reaching just between his shoulderblades. A few shorter strands fell in his face, giving his eyes a small level of intimacy that he couldn't possibly achieve otherwise, as weary as he was. At least, not until the caffeine was circulating his system, pumping through his veins at its normal level. Caffeine was a common commodity in the office, but his damned metabolism needed an abundance of it. Between Michelle and Tristan the amount of caffeine intake daily was scary. He took his black too. Highest of concentration. No sugar. As he headed up to Michelle's office, he realized he was sort of on autopiolet today. Though, he knew it wasn't going to be an issue once he was in Michelle's company. She had enough energy and was active enough to keep him on his feet. Luckily Tristan himself had an active personality and could keep up with the most prestegious detective in the agency. It did, however, take far more effort than he liked to put forth. More so than he would have liked to admit. Michelle seemed a bit caught up in her relection when he first started watching her. She was a lovely little number, he couldn't help but notice. Instinctively his gaze seemed to flare to life as soon as his eyes rested upon her image. The Lycan placed a gentle knock on the door as he drew in his last leisurely breath. The rest of the day would be deticated to his partner, murders, and homicides. "You're just wasting company time trying to look pretty." he teased as he watched her play with her hair. He was still, almost eerily so. The wolf in him often poked through his human facade and did things the normal human body wasn't capable of doing. Watching her body language for a few moments, he realized she was probably trying to become warm. "I have a few propositions for you, you know? To get you all nice and warm." He couldn't help but flash her a handsome grin. Crossing the room, breaking his still stance, he loomed over her. He took a sip of his coffee and waited for her to propose the day's adjenda. Walking closer to her, he glanced over her shoulder scoping her desk for any sign of paperwork. Standing at 6'3", it was pretty easy to do as his lean, muscled body towered over her.
Deciding to slip back up to her office when an opportunity presented itself, she moved to the window and let the sun filter in while resting her cup on the window sill. Taking her hair down and readjusting the ponytail, she very nearly jumped when Tristian made his debut and sauntered in with the same stride that reminded her that her partner was no longer human. "You really shouldn't stand so still like that."She admonished him as she turned to face him, still looping her hair through the tie while almond-shapped eyes cut here and there to take in all six foot three stature before they rolled in response to his offer to warm her. "You should be neutered.."She muttered under her breath, knowing his preternaturally sensitive hearing would catch those words before turning her attention back to the computer where the pictures taken from the murder scene she'd been obsessing over all night waited. "I was here all night going over witness accounts and statements from HH, and I think we should go back to the scene. I can't think of any vampire so stupid as to walk into that group's headquarters. Not unless they were sent by someone."She mused, chewing her lower lip while he towered over her. Normally she didn't like being so close to people, preferred to keep a distance but Tristian was different. She trusted him with her life and then some as she liked to put it to people. Both worked in sync with one another like a pair of dancers. "Plus, we should definately take an early lunch."She added, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head as she straightened and moved from the desk to retrieve her cup. "I ..may have forgotten dinner last night."She admitted with a bit of a laugh. She had a nasty habit of forgetting a lot of things when work held her attention captive.
Tristan grinned at the way her body reacted when she was frightened. However, it was not only her mannerisms that extracted the grin from his lips. A sick sort of pleasure was derrived from being the one to scare the shit out of her. There was nothing quite like using his more animalistic qualities against his partner. However, if anybody else did so he would have to pick a fight. Assert his dominance, protect her honor. He was the only one allowed to make her petite body twist and writhe with fear though in the most playful sense of the word. "God damn, woman. Another all nighter?" He tried to resist the urge to make another sexual crack and keep the conversation to a serious business level. He failed miserably. "At this rate I'm going to have to start taking you home with me. At least then if you don't get any sleep you'll be having a damned good time. In the unlikely event you don't end up *nuetering* me by the end of our careers." He cleared his throat, adding another cocky comment. "And trust me. You don't want to nueter me. You'll be at the mercy of the pretty little number that lives next door from me." Michelle probably knew there was no such woman, but he indulged himself anyway. He listened to her words, mulling over every Vampire he'd ever run into. There wasn't any he could think of with enough gall either. "Hey, if you've been here all night and you're still am I. You and I just might have to go out and do some investigating on our own." he suggested taking another very long sip of coffee. As he withdrew the cup from his lips, he grinned again. "We can pick up lunch and discuss where we're going." With a long pause his gaze flickered towards her...concern flashing in that mahogany gaze of his. "You had time between dinner and breakfast to eat something, so I have little sympathy for you, miss." That was a lie. He was very concerned for her. An obvious lie, but a lie nonetheless. "Couldn't you at least have a midnight snack? Do I need to get you a mini fridge and a cot? You can fuck over criminals, but you can't carry out basic survival skills? Like sleep and eat?" He had already eaten breakfast, but his appetite was insatiable some days.
Having a lycanthrope for a partner was a blessing and a curse rolled all into one. On the one hand, his hightened senses had aided them more than once since his infection, not to mention his strength. Nothing quite said, 'I want answers' than when the charming man you stood next to benchpressed a car just to prove a point. On the other hand, his predatory nature made her uneasy, which in turn seemed to excite him even more; like waving a tasty morsel of meat in front of a very, very hungry puppy. And right now, she felt like the choicest piece of meat being laid out before a starved wolf before she skittered away from him and paused mid-sip when he turned that mahoganny gaze in her direction. "I'm afraid so."She smiled softly in response to exclamation about her pulling another all nighter if only to roll her eyes when he spoke of taking her home and of other women allegedly in his life. "I'm sure you say that to all the overachievers."She teased him back, finally resuming that sip she'd been distracted out of taking while he brought them back to focus on the task at hand. "I'm wondering if the group didn't decide to stage a murder scene to stir up old hate."Michelle mused out loud at length, setting her cup down on the desk and supporting her chin on her hand. "Though we won't know for sure until forensics tells us for certain what the wounds were made with and how the blood was extracted. Seems quite stupid to go that far all because of hate."She snorted, shaking her head. "I guess we're at a stalemate until we get results from the lab. I guess we could go drive out to the crime scene again and poke around, see if we missed anything?"She suggested with a bit of a shrug, hating to hit the proverbial wall. Likely it was something obvious that was glaring right up at them but they weren't seeing it for some reason. "Oh Tristian.."She laughed when he lectured her about her lack of basic survival skills. "I guess I'm no different than you sometimes."A grin tugging at her lips as she winked impishly. "Once I get a hold of a bone, I just can't stop gnawing on it."
As his senses had grown more keen, he'd been able to hone in on her feelings and reactions a bit better than before. As she skittered away, he could feel the slightest bit of nervousness emanate from her blood. Tristan was still extremely aware of the blood that carried this emotion through her veins and the warmth drove his senses wild with ravenous hunger. It was easy to sedate today, but some days he would have to remove himself from her presence for a few moments. However, today he chose to deal with her discomfort by cracking a joke in her general direction. Perhaps to make her squirm just a bit more. God, he loved to be the one to make her squirm. "You know, Michelle, if you would just let me devour you sexually, I may never again have the urge to do so carnivorously." One of the small things that Tristan did to make himself seem more human was, he wore a thing chain around his neck. It was a dulled silver, perhaps constructed of a lead based metal instead so it wouldn't harm him. By a long shot, he hoped that if anybody in the agency rose suspicion on his Lycanthropy they would think twice with all the "silver" he wore...He knew it was sort of a silly thought. Perhaps he was thinking too far into things. His partner moved away from him, but it made him move a bit closer to her. He crossed the room behind her and leaned against the windowsill while he casually sipped on his coffee. He knew how fast her blood was pumping....and he wished she would just stop doing that. It only made matters worse. "I don't know, is it really that ridiculous if you're trying to draw attention to yourself?" he asked, then turned his gaze over his shoulder to watch the happenings outside of the building as he spoke. It was almost difficult not to look at her when he spoke, but he'd had his fair share of fun for the morning. Her pulse had to stop racing if this was going to be easy for the both of them. That was the downside of fucking with her head. If he did it too much, it made her too nervous...and appetizing. Well...not that she wasn't always appetizing in some form or another. The thought made a slow grin spread across his features as he turned his mahogany gaze back to meet her form once more. Whether or not she looked back, it was always a pleasure. It didn't help chase the grin from his face, but instead made it worse. As expected, she threw him a bone joke...but he dodged it. He resisted any urge to make a joke about boning her. Though his obnoxiously blatant sexual nature disliked the fact. Still, he couldn't help but grin at the wit she held. He always kept his mind working... in some form or another.
Most women would have melted at the sight of those eyes turned upon them with all their mischief and humor pointed in their direction. That toothy grin that made one thing of things that belonged behind closed doors and underneath tangled sheets while screaming four letter words to a deity that may or may not even exist. And then there was her; She'd love nothing more than to playfully keep up the banter, make the game last awhile or even deep down, take him up on his offer to explore all the things he claimed he could make her do, would do to her. Were not for the fear that always lingered like some uninvited guest ready to crash the party at a moment's notice. "Seems a bit too much if you ask me."She replied, pretending to be rummaging through drawers for something. Anything to look busy. Anything to keep from staring at his backside as he stared at the window. Anything to just make it seem like she wasn't ready to scream and run away from him. Running would only make the wolf within want to chase and she didn't want to risk triggering the real predatory nature of her partner, even if it wasn't at night and a full moon. Oh, the banter was funny, made her laugh and smile but it was a smile that never quite reached her eyes but seemed to always die somewhere else before reaching such a destination. "I'm going to go powder my nose or whatever the cliche is. Then we can go hit the pavement."She announced, walking as calmly as she could for the door of the office and soon walking past Majorie who was already taking calls and notes for one of the many officers in the unit. A few other individuals lifted their heads as she passed by to nod in greeting to her while on their phones or hastily jotting something down as they settled in for the day. Once she reached the women's room, she turned the faucet on and splashed cold water on her face as though to freshen and perk herself up. She'd take a few moments to wash her face, her neck so as to give her a refreshed appeareance before tackling the world. And hopefully prevent their superior, Mark Sanderson, from being suspicious of her not going home. Not like he wouldn't know when he looked at her hours but at least she could hopefully pull the wool over his eyes for a little while.
There were times he would trade in his more primal aspect just to have back the way she used to look at him. It didn't take much to push those dark thoughts back. The last thing he needed was it to peak through and be used against them. Not that he would make the deal if it were offered to him, because being able to protect her was much better than being able to stand in a room with her without making her uncomfortable. Without realizing he was doing it again, he froze. Still and stealthy, but there was nothing to pounce at the moment. Simply, he stared off into another direction while he listened to her present her doubts on his small theory. He had no real reply. They would have to venture out into the streets of Vegas to further investigate. His gaze snapped quickly towards her when she announced she needed to dismiss herself. He felt a vague bout of disappointment. "Sure, sugar." He gave that wolfish grin, that couldn't be controlled. A slight bare in the fangs with the grin, but he let her walk away without any further teasing. She probably needed to do so to get away from the beast in him that was peering beyond it's human barrier all morning. Yawning, his train of thoughts grew a little less serious. It was hard to keep him thinking negatively for too long. He sauntered over to where Majorie was working and leaned against her desk, feeling in a very playful mood while he waited for Michelle to emerge from the washroom. "Hey momma." he offered her a playful, handsome grin.
Shannon walked with brisk steps along South Street, on her way home after finishing the late shift in the grocery shop in Lakewood, Los Angeles. It was a rotten job; she was underpaid, had gone through three hold ups in six months and her boss, mr. Ingles, could never ever be trusted to keep his god damned paws to himself. On top of it all, she thought she was coming down with a cold. Not that she'd get any time off to recuperate. How could sunny California be so cold and damp as soon as the sun set, anyway? She skipped a step when she heard a gunshot go off before falling back into pace. She wasn't so far off from Compton so... And it came again and again, close too. She noticed others on the street stop and turn their heads to a smaller street running perpendicular to South Street. She stopped and looked as lights flashed in the windows of a less cared for house in time with the shots before all suddenly went silent. She snapped out of her surprise and went for her cell phone. Marco couldn't believe how wrong this night had gone so suddenly and without warning. He crawled along the floor, breath coming fast and shallow, with one hand pressed over the parallel gashes in his chest. Oh shit that hurt! One minute he and the crew had been getting prepared for tonight's raid; loading up their guns with bullets and their veins with speed, and all of a sudden the weird looking type had just been there, stepping out of the shadows. Marco could see the front door a few yards off, just beyond Pel's rent corpse. Right then the Cainitevitaewas all that kept him going. He'd have to beg his owner for a fix as soon as he got home. Where the hell was that freak anyway? Marco's question was almost immediately answered as a form stepped out into the hallway, blood dripping off the half-foot long claws that had sprouted before their eyes a mere minute ago. The claws that had put and end to the party. The figure seemed in his late twenties, dusky skinned and clad in cheap, inconspicuous clothing: Jeans, a tank top and a red ochre jacket. It was the folded bandana that kept his shoulder long black hair back and the round-lensed shades that set him apart. Who wears sunglasses in the middle of the night? Marco wasn't happy about this, however, and with a pained gasp tried to crawl back the way he'd come, horrifically aware that it was of no use. "Leave me alone, man!" he cried out as the man approached slowly, calmly. The claws slowly slipped back into the tips of his fingers, excess blood falling down to the floor. Heedless of Marco's words, he took hold of the wounded mans jacket with his reddened hands and hauled him up with surprising strength, pressing him up against the wall. Marco groaned in agony, his breathing taking on a wet, gurgling quality. "Where were you headed, Ghoul?" The low but insistent words came from a face bereft of any sympathy for his victim's plight. "Who is your domitor?" Marco could feel the eyes of stranger, concealed as they were, bore into his, but the Bond was a powerful thing and the devotion he felt for his owner prevented him from revealing anything; and how he wanted to squeal right then! It was getting so hard to breathe. The man's brow furrowed and with one heave he threw Marco against the opposite wall. In the distance, the blaring of sirens could be heard. Crouching down by the prone form, the man turned Marco's head up with a hand, only to witness his last, gurgling attempts to breathe before he stilled and slowly went glaze eyed. A slight curse escaped the man's lips as he let go and stood up, the red and blue light of the police car's flooding in through the house's windows in flashes. The man turned and walked unhurriedly towards the window he'd entered through. Walking along the street, the shadows seemingly rearranging themselves to keep him covered, Julio was given to thinking as he put the flashing lights and the crowd behind him. He couldn't say he was satisfied with tonight's undertaking. The only survivor had expired from his wounds before he could talk. He'd gotten rash in the initial attack. Sloppy. Stopping by a van, he turned and looked back at the scene, resigning himself to wait. He would have to wait and see what investigators, if any, showed up to have a look at the place. With any luck, they might be used to find the associates of the men he had just dispatched. A little patience could carry you a long way.
Sometimes it was the simple things in life that kept one sane; taking a quiet stroll through a park and not having to worry about gunshot or being mugged. Perhaps going to a resturant and not having to fear that the next bite of food you take won't land you in the hospital stricken with some food-borne illness. And other times it was the comfort of your own home where you were protected from the harsh realities of the day to day, the ambience of classical music carrying away the tension of the job and hot water tainted with bubble bath and lavender oil could ease sore muscles and make you forget your worries and troubles for at least five minutes. Then again, life also never ceased it's flow for anyone, not even those who made it a point to work nonstop to solve all the mysteries and crimes this city produced on a daily basis. Some which seemed stranger than fiction as of late though she wasn't going to allow herself to dwell on them as she lowered herself into the hot sudsy water and sighed with relief. The only thing that could make this moment better would be a chilled glass of champagne and maybe the fact that this wasn't her apartment but rather some five star resort located in some exotic location. And maybe a nice cabana boy ready to massage her back and shoulders bearing a pina colada or something after her luxurious soak. Yep, that would definately make this moment a lot better. And a secretary to answer her phone. Answer...her "Shit." She swore as she opened her coppery-brown eyes and sat up while her cell phone buzzed and rang angrily as if to let her know it didn't appreciate playing second fiddle to her daydreams and fantasies as she lunged out of the tub and snatched it off the counter. "Hello?"She asked, instantly regretting that she'd even answered the damn thing in the first place. She was supposed to be off for the next couple of nights after working eighteen straight days in a row but now it looked as if she was in for another long haul as she listened to the strained and tired tone on the phone. "Okay, where are you guys?"She inquired while wrapping a towel around her lithe form and absentmindedly rubbing her left foot against her right calf to banish some of the suds from her interupted bath. "Gimme a bit, I was in the bath. I's not your fault. Uh huh...bye."As she snapped the cellphone shut and glanced at her reflection. "Ain't this about a bitch?"She asked the face staring back at her before rolling her eyes and exiting the bathroom and padding into her bedroom to find something comfortable and clean admist the piles of neglected laundry. "Just one's all I ask."She muttered before glancing at a picture of a man and a woman posing together in their wedding outfits. Her father had been a police officer and her mother a school teacher, much to her mother's dismay, she'd opted to follow a similiar path after her father instead. She liked the thrill of danger, putting together the pieces to bring suspects to justice. Her way of tipping the scale in the good guy's favor when more often than naught, it seemed the bad guy got away. And sometimes the bad guy employed desperate people as she squatted beside the body of someone familiar to her, gloved fingers gently and carefully turning the head of the victim before reverently laying it back on the floor. It was always hard when you knew that the corpse's name and it's family. Much less when that family was yours as she turned her eyes up at her partner and took a moment to find her voice which seemed oddly misplaced in the confines of tight and dry muscles. As much as she wanted to cry, she couldn't do that right now. Time to be a tough girl and get through this. "Victoria, you know him don't you?"Justice asked as she nodded her dark head and sighed heavily, glancing back at the victim who stared back with lifeless eyes. What an utter waste! Marco was in his prime and instead of doing something productive with his life, he'd been all too easily seduced by the false promises of the street gang life. His poor mother was going to be heart broken when notified that her last remaining child had been taken by the streets just like the other four before him. At least he had a family who would mourn him properly though unlike some of the other victims she'd come across over the months and years who would be processed like slabs of meat and forgotten only to be numbers in the system.. "Sorry. Yes, he was a cousin of mine."She answered as she stood and moved out of the way for city officials to step in and remove his body so someone down at the coroner's office could cut him open and find the cause of death after pictures and various samples had been taken. "I'm sorry for your loss."Justice muttered as he followed her outside, staying close in case she needed a shoulder to cry on, or someone to hide behind while she got her bearings. However, Victoria wasn't the sort to let sentiment get in the way of her job as she turned to look up into her partner's face with her jaw set stubbornly in place while her eyes danced for a moment with a silent challenge as if daring him to tell her to go home. "Sorry you missed the other bodies.."Justice began only to mentally berrate himself at how stupid that had to have sounded. The woman just saw a relative dead and the best he could do was apologize for the other victims and not show more compassion. "It's okay, just give me the cliff notes version of what they looked like."A touch of empathy in her tone as if she could sense how much her partner was trying to be supportive while not compromising the situation. They were at work, this was what they did. If she wanted sympathy, shoulders and heart-filled hugs while singing kumbaya around a campfire, she was in the wrong line of work. Gently, she pushed the emotional turmoil aside and let cold practicality settle in it's place as they stood outside the house and removed the soiled gloves from her hands. "They didn't look nearly as good as..."He trailed off for a moment as she hiked her brows up slightly and nodded. So Marco had been spared a far more gruesome death, at least she could take some solace in that she supposed as she mentally shrugged. "They looked like they'd been done up with a machete or as weird as it's going to sound, a set of giant claws..."Justice shuddered as she gave a dry laugh. "Well, that sounds like the other group we came across a month ago."She pointed out to him, folding her arms across her chest while her teeth gently pressed into her lower lip. "You remember two years ago when we busted that small drug ring in South Central? Those guys were from South America right? Thought they were hardcore for using machetes to do their victims? I'm starting to think they might be back."She suggested. "You think so?"He asked as she gave a shrug. "Not really, not when the D.A. nailed them to the cross as it were. Sort of sent a message to similiar groups and why would they suddenly surface now? Besides, there were no metal fragments found in the recent victims, remember? But neither were there any fur samples found so it couldn't be some wild animal running around. Whatever cut through those bodies, wasn't human but it wasn't animal either. Someone would see a bear and wild cats can't support themselves on their hind legs long enough to slash into a person's body.."As she turned shielded herself as though fending off some unseen attack. "When a person is attacked by a dog or animal, what's the first thing they do? They hold up their arms to protect their face, right? Why then didn't the victims have any cuts or bite marks to the arms and wrists? All that was found were slash marks as if someone were using claws, right? Across the throat, chest and torso area, a couple on the back from when they obviously tried to run. What animal doesn't keep mauling it's prey once it's been felled?"She asked as Justice scratched his head as though truly stumped. "Well, a couple bore bite marks and they were missing some blood, remember? But we didn't find any on the ground to support that they'd bled out there. Like the blood had vanished."He spoke up as they lapsed into heavy silence for several minutes. Either there was a group of gothic kids who had their hands in gang activity..or they were dealing with things far out of their league and depth as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "I don't know, Justice, vampires? We're in L.A...not Transylvania or wherever they come from. I'm having a bit of a hard time believing that there's some bloodsuckers running around here fighting turf wars like some supernatural gangsters."She snorted even though the first tinglings of doubt had already begun to settle in place. Was it at all unlikely? Given the evidence? This shit was giving her a headache and she wasn't looking forward to calling her Aunt later to tell her about Marco. Definately not the latter before a hand gently placed itself on her shoulder to shake her from her thoughts. "Vic, go home."Justice ordered softly as she started to protest only to be silenced by a finger pressed to her lips. "Just go home. Nothing more can be done tonight and the only thing left is a bunch of paperwork. You need to rest and let this all sink in. If you're tired, you're just going to wind up making a mistake later."Not one to pull punches even if he was trying to show some compassion. "I'm not going because you told me to.."She trailed off, struggling not to yawn as the two of them stared into one another's eyes. For a moment, there was a strong tension that built around them and the world seemed to fade before she lost the battle and yawned, breaking the spell of the moment in which both of them looked away quickly as if feeling guilty for that lapse of strength and control. "Well, you better call me if there's anything exciting happening. Not like I really do anything on my days off."She spoke quickly, thankful that her dark skin hid the flush of embarassment in the darkness as Justice cleared his throat and nodded rapidly. "Take it easy, Vic..see you in a couple of days."He waived before moving away from his partner quickly and striking up conversation with one of the police officers in the area. Victoria smiled at his backside then pivoted on the axis of her heel and approached her vehicle across the street. Once settling in the driver's seat, she took a moment to rest the back of her head against the top of the seat and debated on if she should make that dreaded call now..or wait until she got home. Either way, her Aunt was going to be upset and while she hated waking people normally, especially to deliver bad news, this was going to be a hundred times worse than any of those times. "Home."She told herself as she slid the key in the ignition and started the engine, the silver-blue Accord departing it's parking spot and leaving the area while her fingers gripped the wheel tightly to hold it together at least until she got home in Van Nuys. ~~~ NameVictoria Onika Watts AgeThirty EthnicityAfrican-American Height5'6 Weight165
He watched as the scene was taped off by the men in blue and the way was cleared for new vehicles to gain access: The CSI unit stopped by and sniffed around the place until they surrendered the bodies to the meat wagon. A civilian clad fellow who'd been moving around the scene since early on had greeted the unit, made some phone calls and remained after the party left the building. He was looking as a fairly promising candidate for what Julio had in mind, if the man would take it into his head to get off workbeforedawn. Checking his watch, he was almost on the verge of Obfuscating himself over to the investigator when a new car arrived on the scene and a woman stepped out onto the pavement. And there was no doubt it was a woman he was looking at. She was as good as the definition of the word. Graceful, lithe and quietly beautiful she was an eye magnet. Normally, Julio might've been tempted to sate the urge with her, but had already taken care of that. Besides; tonight was a job night. Interestingly, however, she went up the investigator and exchange words before they both headed inside the house. His curiosity piqued, Julio went closer, though the tape barred him from getting near enough to see anything. He didn't mind. He just stood there, looking at the open door where she'd emerge again. She was apparently on the investigative team; this was good. Maybe he'd go with her then? It was a short while later that saw the pair exit the building: The woman had a strange look on her face, the way she moved told Julio that her state of mind had transformed completely in there. What was it that could've caused that kind of change to a police officer who must've had plenty of experience with this type of thing? She stopped and turned on her partner, for Julio was convinced that this was what the two were, and looked him dead in the eyes. The man just began to speak, but the conversation that followed was lost on the man with the shades. The pair apparently made their good-byes and the woman walked over to her car and got inside. It didn't start up, however. Julio took off his sunglasses but had to shield his eyes from the flash of the lightbars on the cop cars. She was just sitting there, form resting against the seat. If she had been unbalanced she would be an ideal target for him, he thought. But then the car started up and he made his decision. He quickly disappeared into the backyard of a nearby house and a few moments later, a quiet flapping noise could be heard, moving off into the distance. It hadn't been easy: He'd had to strain his body to keep up with the car, even with the advantage of ignoring ground obstacles, and the lights of the city hadn't made things any easier. But just when he'd though he was going to lose her, he saw her car turn off the road and enter an apartment block. Success. He was down between two buildings as she got out and in a few long seconds, he was standing upright once more, turning around to look around the corner.
The drive had been like the cell door opening on a condemned prisoner as she sat in silence, didn't even bother to turn the radio on as her mind mentally prepared itself for what she was about to do now that a decision regarding her Aunt had been made. Bad medicine was best taken swiftly followed by a shot of something strong to make you forget the pain. Once she reached her neighborhood, she could already feel the threat of tears in her eyes and her throat tighten once more only to slam her hands on the steering wheel once she'd parked her vehicle. While she would miss and mourn her cousin, he'd been selfish and thought only of himself in the end. His mother had worked three jobs to support Marco and his siblings, hoping to set a good example so that they rose above their situation and didn't become another statistic...fat good it did her. "You selfish fucking bastard!"Victoria shouted from inside the car, letting the tears flow down her face as her hands came crashing down on the steering wheel again and again as though it were her cousin's face. "What, you too good to finish school? Get a job? Fucking flipping burgers and fries and shit..SHIT! Now I have to go in there and call your mama up and tell her that her last living child is fucking....FUCK!"She exploded, hoping that somehow, some way, Marco could hear her in the afterlife and felt like shit. If it wouldn't compromise the case, she'd go down to the coroner's office and beat him. Finally stepping out of the vehicle, she locked it and set the alarm before heading down that proverbial Green Mile and inside where she flipped open her phone and dialed the number that had been looming in her mind's eye since she arrived to the scene of the crime. "Hey Auntie Rose..."Victoria began as she shut the door behind her and tossed her keys on the table next to the door then flopped dejectedly on the couch. Ease her into it, She told herself though it seemed that Rose had an idea of what the reason for her calling was. The two began to cry on the phone to one another as Victoria answered her Aunt's questions as best she could. "I won't know anything more until Justice calls me back or I get called in. I'm just..God I'm so sorry.."She apologized as her Aunt reassured her that it wasn't her fault. "No no..Auntie Rose, this isn't your fault either. You did the best for those kids, at least Robin was on the right track, it was just an unfortunate accident she got caught up in the cross fire of all that shit. Marco had it easy, more than easy. Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry I raised my voice, ma'am. I love you too, call me if you need anything."And then she was off the phone, throwing it across the room as though it were something unclean and foul. Her bath had gone cold as she stripped off her clothing and placed the gun she'd had with her in the nightstand drawer, draining the tub and filling it with water again. She just wanted to return to that quiet world she'd been in moments before she'd been rudely pulled away. A world where no relatives had to die a stupid death and she could just forget about mysterious deaths and people getting cut up.
As Victoria entered the apartment building the front door's self-closing hinge began to slowly push it shut. But just as it was merely an inch left from closing and locking intruders outside, a pair of fingers intercepted it and forced the contraption to open again. Peering inside at first, Julio silently stepped inside and listened. He could hear the woman's foot steps on the stairs above him. As quickly as he dared move, he began climbing them higher and higher. The sound of keys, the rasp of a lock being worked. He hurried just a little faster, but the door closed before he reached the right floor. Looking around, he found there were three doors: Gerry, Marlin and Watts. He needed to know the name of the investigator, at the very least, but he couldn't go picking any locks while the owners of apartments were still probably inside. He'd have.... A raised voice! It had been brief and he couldn't make out the words, but it was a woman's voice and she'd sounded agitated. It fit in with what he'd seen of the investigator and he felt confident he now knew her address and name: Watts. Outside he began walking towards the main road as he fished out his cell phone. He'd have to catch a cab back to his haven because of the late hour and because he didn't feel like taking a dirt nap tonight. Flipping through the contacts on the screen, he chose one "Mr. Grey" and made the call. As he listened to the tone from the speaker his thoughts drifted back to the reason he was here, why he had been at that house and here the States to begin with. When those intruders had found his and his compatriots' holy site, they had been rash and presumptuous to believe it had remained unfound in the heart of the Mexican wilderness for no reason at all. It was still a mystery how the team and seemed to know its exact location in any case. No matter the reasons, the Tlacique had fallen upon their operation and in one swift stroke had eradicated them all. All except for one. That chalky bastard Julio had been tracking ever since. It was probably too good to hope that he hadn't already spilled the beans of the temple and the Tlacique to his sect mates, but his allegiances alone were enough for Julio to get the job done no matter what. "It's you," rasped avoicesuddenly in the cell's earphone. "Yeah, me again," Julio agreed. "I've got this name I need info on.... I know and I hope can repay you soon... Right, an investigator or inspector with the LAPD; Watts.... Yeah, that's all I know. Can you find out where she works from?.... Thnaks; you know I appreciate it." He disconnected and put the phone back in his pocket. Things were slowly moving forward for him. Not fast, but forward none-the-less. If this woman, this Watts, could help lead him to the people those gangbangers, the resolution to his mission might not be far off. Of course, the woman herself almost made it worth the trouble. He smiled a little and held out his hand, waving for a cab. He'd know more the following evening.
The rest of the evening was spent between fitful bouts of rest, waking and soaking in the bath and attempting sleep once more if only to return to the bathtub almost like a ritual. However, when dawn finally spread it's light across the city, she finally managed to slip into a deep and dreamless sleep if only to be roused by the angry ringing of her phone. The room seemed so utterly fuzzy, like a monet painting as she tried to make sense of where she was as well as the hour of the day..or night as she rolled onto her side and looked at the clock on her night stand that advertised the hour in bright red letters;6:45pmalmost as if it were screaming the time to her as she grabbed her cell phone and flipped it open without bothering to look at who was calling. "Hello?"She asked only to pull the phone back when the caller shouted back at her. "GIRL! Have you ANY idea what time of day it is?! I've been trying to call your ass all day!"Came the explosive reply as Victoria sighed and pressed a hand to her brow. "I'm sorry, I got to bed rather late last it wasn't because I got drunk or I was with a man. Well it pays the bills, something you ought to try instead of expecting a man to do it for you. Honey, I really don't feel like going out, I'm not avoiding you.."Victoria groaned as she silently cringed while her friend laid on the guilt trip. Sophia was a lot of fun to be with and the two had grown up in the same neighborhood, gone to school together and remained friends even after Victoria went off to the academy and she'd made a living of marrying men and divorcing them. Despite the different directions their lives had taken, they'd somehow remained friends even if at times, Sophia worked her last damn nerve like she was now. "Yes, I'm listening, honey. Sophie, this really isn't a good time for me to go out..yeah, Marco was found dead last night. Nope, don't know who--I'm not just saying that to be like a cop. Seriously. Listen, I'll call you later but I really need to get my ass up and fed. Uh you too, you crazy ass."And with that, she snapped the phone shut and stared at the ceiling. Once upon a time, Sophie and Marco had dated, almost had a kid together until she'd miscarried. Her friend called it a tragedy, Marco never spoke about it and her Aunt called it a miracle from God since she'd never liked her fast and flighty friend. Victoria had seen her over the years date and marry a whole sleu of men who ranged from C.E.O's to the local drug pusher to aspiring rappers to managers of local retail stores. She never had to worry about her plumbing since she seemed to always know someone to help with each and every problem around the house. Getting up out of bed finally while thumbing through her phone for missed calls and messages, she padded into the kitchen and groaned when nothing seemed to greet her. Terrific, She thought grumpily as she shut the door and went back into her room to find something clean to throw on. Maybe a trip down to Lee Lee's was in order, something quick and already cooked. Slipping her shoes on after buttoning her jeans and slipping the gun from her drawer in it's holster on her side, she grabbed her keys and her wallet then soon departed for the chinese resturant down the road. Some food, some cleaning and some phone calls were in order as she stepped out onto the sidewalk and approached her car before shrugging and decided to just walk the distance to work up an appetite.
Consciousness came slowly, the mind numbing darkness giving way to a hazy mist before thoughts became distinguishable. He opened his eyes to the pitch black and for a time, just lay there in the dark and the silence. After a while, however, his pupils began to fill up with a weak, red glow and the small space became visible to his enhanced vision. It was the inside of a "box" bed; not situated on legs, but rather an enclosed frame of wood directly on the floor with a mattress on top. Inconspicuous enough, it would give him him some valuable time of ever the police entered his apartment during the day. He put up a hand and pushed the bed top up like a coffin lid and got out. His black and white vision showed him a purposefully darkened living space, cardboard taped across the windows and not a plant in sight. Looking to the bed table, a clock shone the digits7.40and told Julio, who already knew, that the sun had set. The glow disappeared from his eyes and he flipped the light switches, lighting the few, weak bulbs in the place. A quick shower, not much more than a few moments under the nozzle as he didn't actually sweat, after which he turned on the TV as he toweled himself, listening to the news. His handiwork hadn't earned specific mention, but the news anchor droned on about shootings and other reports of gang related violence in the city. Checking his phone for messages only to find none, he got dressed and exited the third floor flat to see what he could find out for himself back at those apartment buildings. Convincing the landlord to let him inside the woman's home wouldn't be difficult and she probably wasn't at home at this time of day. He caught a taxi and sat back to relax for the duration of the trip when, suddenly, his phone went off. Fishing it out of his pocket he looked on the screen to see he had received a mail from a secret number titled "Watts". Mr. Grey had wasted no time, it seemed. He opened the message and read its contents: Victoria Watts LAPD investigator Office at the downtown station Partner named Justice What followed was some statistics like her date of birth, years with the service, family members and their addresses as well as some info about her car that Julio was already familiar with. The mail ended with a reminder that he could expect his favours owed to be called in within then ear future. He sighed, needlessly, and turned his head to the window, seeing the right neighbourhood coming closer as he did. And then, surprisingly, his eyes locked onto the visage of one woman among many, walking down along the sidewalk ahead of the cab in the opposite direction. It was the errant miss Watts he presently gazed upon and quickly he told the driver to let him off where they were, handed over a few bills and got outside to look after the woman. He thought he caught a glimpse of her vanishing into a restaurant. A Chinese resaurant, in fact. Hurrying across the street, he approached the place and looked in through one of the large windows. Yes, that was her alright. Taking off his sunglasses, because the lighting inside was subdued, he opened the door and stepped inside. The place was tastefully decorated, none of the gaudy statues and carved wood of the more upscale Chinese restaurants. The aromas of cooking wafted out of the kitchen to permeate the main space and people stood in line to order. Watts was at the end of that very line, until Julio took up the spot behind her. Thumbs in his jeans pockets he struck a comfortably relaxed pose and said just loud enough for her to hear: "Spring rolls and good at this place?"
By the time she made her way inside the small chinese resturant and in the line of customers to place her order, her appetite had woken up with a vengence. Then again, that was the sort of place Lee Lee's was; you could walk in with a full stomach and find yourself hungry again in a minute once the smell of roasted duck and sizzling garlic shrimp or freshly made noodles cooking in some sort of exotic pungent sauce hit your nose. The interior was rather lackluster at best with yellowed walls from all the frying and chain smoking the owners did in the back, and the coverings on some of the booth seats were ripped here and there. But for affordable and delicious, one couldn't expect it looking as if Martha Stewart had come through to add her creative touch to the place. And once you got to know the workers here, they treated you more like family than a customer which kept people coming back for seconds, thirds, and more. She was snapped from her thoughts however when a voice spoke from behind and she turned to stare at the owner. A face that didn't look as though he were from around here, handsome in that south-of-the-border kind of way and for a moment, she had the crazy notion her friend Sophie might have sent him in after her just to play pranks on her. "Try the lobster."She offered to him and before she could say anything else, her phone began to ring loudly and buzz in her pocket. "Justice?"She asked, frowning as the speaker on the other end began to fly into a tirade, with her holding out the phone away from her ear. Something about multiple calls and being unable to reach her as she sighed and rolled her eyes. "Lemme call you back in like two minutes. Yes, I'll call back."And with that she shut the phone and stepped out of the line realizing she would have to wait on ordering food. Maybe something had been found on her cousin to help track the bastard responsible for his death? She could only hope as she gestured for the man who'd been standing behind her to take her place before approaching the door and stepping outside. "Hey, sorry..was just at Lee Lee's getting something to eat."She explained to her partner once she was a few feet from the door and leaning up against the side of the building in the alley. Unfortunately, nothing significant had been found and it was more of what she viewed to be a social call than anything else. "I appreciate the concern, really I do. But I'm starving and just want to get home. I'll call you later. Yes, I promise. Okay..bye." After hanging up, she slipped her phone back in her pocket and rolled her eyes. Sometimes Justice acted more like a nagging father or older brother than a partner though she knew it was just his way of showing he cared as she lingered against the wall for another minute before moving to head back inside.
He raised an eyebrow at the reply, but before either could follow up on it, her phone rang. Her gesture after she accepted the call was not lost on Julio who gracefully stepped aside when she turned and made her way out of the restaurant. He calmly started to move as if to follow her after a few seconds, but saw her stop outside the window and continue the phone conversation. Patiently, he reclined against a pillar and faded from the flickering attentions of the guests. It was an enjoyable aside from his usual hustling from one end of the city to the other, looking for informants and Havens, though he had gotten the impression that this woman was a person greatly occupied by her work; on the times he had observed her she had seemed focused on one thing or another, her mind away from the here and now. This was not conducive for contact, however, and he would need to break through to her. When she re-entered the restaurant, she would find the spot in the line empty; the man nowhere in sight. Julio waited for her to return to the line before he left his place of observation to walk up to her side, stopping to apparently look up at the menu written on blackboards above the counter. "It does not seem as if lobster is on the menu tonight," he said in low tones, glancing at her sideways and offering a wan smile. "Admittedly, I'm not really the lobster eating type. Life today is so hectic; you can hardly take the time for a decent meal, right?"
The sound of his voice made her turn her head and for a moment, her pulse accelerated in her veins before quickly calming. Why should she be surprised by his presence? For some reason, he made her feel as if she were on the menu though perhaps she was being a little presumptious in that aspect. "Hm, so it doesn't."She replied, if only to mentally smack her brow at how utterly lame that sounded. Why was she worried about how she sounded to this man? Had Sophia really been so sneaky, known her so well as to send some handsome man to Lee Lee's to seduce her with conversation?Okay, just get your food and go home. You must be're losing it.She admonished herself as she offered the man a wane smile and casual shrug. "I can hardly take the time for a lot of things."She answered before it was suddenly her turn to place her order. Rattling off various items, she paid the cashier and then moved off to the side to wait, occassionally stealing glances at the man whom she'd been speaking to. Chalk it up to being tired, stressed, the impact of recently losing a relative, but she offered him a friendly smile and arched a brow in a playful manner. "So then, if you don't like lobster...what DO you like to eat?"
"I can hardly take the time for a lot of things," she said, and Julio offered her a smile before saying: "Sounds like you got a tough job, but that's just something to be proud of. Shows, you know, quality of character." He followed behind her as she stepped up the counter to order her things. She was turning out be pretty receptive; he might not even require any tricks. All for the better. When she finished her order and moved aside, Julio stepped up and was about to place his order, not missing the glances at his direction she tried to hide, when she spoke up again: "So then, if you don't like lobster...what DO you like to eat?" He paused and and looked over at her. With a grin, he looked her up and down with no attempt to hide his inspection and then turned back to the cashier, leaning forward to say what he wanted to order without anyone else hearing. Dropping a few bills in the man's hand he sauntered over to Victoria and leaned against the wall. "If you'd like to find out what I enjoy, I guess you'll have to have lunch with me and see for yourself." He flashed her a knowing smile, waiting for her reply.
One could hardly call working with murderers, theives, rapists and the other ilk that stalked the streets of the city 'knowing quality of character.' But the warmth of his smile wasn't lost to her nor was the intention of a compliment as she returned his smile even if it was just a touch more wane than his was. Perhaps Sofia was right in that men were like a glass of wine; Sometimes one needed to indulge in one or two just to help get over whatever life threw in your direction. Though as soon as that thought crossed her mind, she couldn't help but laugh softly under her breath. Then it occured to her he'd said something more and she sobered immediately, holding up her hand as if to fend herself from some unseen force, perhaps even his charm. "Sorry, I was just thinking of something a friend of mine once said."She amended quickly and then recalled dimly what he'd said and for a moment, lowered her eyes shyly. "One can hardly call this 'lunch time.' " She pointed out with a bit of an upturn of her lips, her eyes returning the previous gesture of his own and tilting her head to the side as if concidering something. Maybe she was feeling bold because she wanted to feel alive after so much recent death? Men and women clandestinely met up and had 'lunch' and more all the time. It wasn't like she had to sneak him through her bedroom window to hide him from some disapproving parental unit.Oh hell, what am I thinking?She mentally sighed. There was no husband, no boyfriend or even another lover to grow jealous if she should simply indulge..why was she holding back? The world seemed to disappear with just the two of them standing apart in a dark void, her heartbeat pounding in her ears like a drum that brought to mind dancing naked beneath a moon with another. Hands roaming...sweat...voices mingling in a chorus... "Order number six!"A voice shouted, pulling her from her reverie and making her jump a bit as the world exploded up around her as if to remind her she'd been simply dreaming and nothing more. Hastily she turned and grabbed her bag of food and then ran a hand through her hair to calm herself. "I probably shouldn't though."She stated with obvious reluctance, wanting to but perhaps some latent survival instinct kicking in. How many young women had she visited in the morgue over the years because they'd taken that 'nice young man' home for 'lunch.'? What would her Aunt say if she stopped by and saw her with someone? What if work suddenly called her? Wasn't she supposed to call Justice when she was done here? The walls of the resturant seemed to grow closer and closer until she shut her eyes for a moment and then opened them with a new found resolve. "But maybe I'm a bit tired of doing what I 'should' do. My place isn't far from here if you'd like to join me?"
He shrugged his shoulders, saying "Time is an illusion; lunch time doubly so. I'm something of a night owl, you know?" She didn't reply, however, and he tilted his head, looking at her; she seemed lost in some world of her own. Her demeanor was so strange: She was cheerful and somber, flirty and lost in thought. A little smile played on his lips, quite unintentionally, as the two stood there, quiet together for a little while; her staring out at nothing, him staring at her. His thoughts began to drift to what her apartment might look like, how it smelled in there, what kind of sheets did she have on her bed, what would her skin feel like to touch, how did she look with those clo... "Order number six!" Julio grunted as they were both torn back into the real world by the sudden announcement, an Asian man waiting by the counter with a takeout box in his hands. Julio had to look aside for a second as he restrained the irritation on his face before looking back to Victoria, who by then had collected the food and was running a hand through her hair. What exactly had she been thinking about, he found himself wondering. So it was with a certain measure of dismay that her listened to her excuse herself, reluctant though it may have been. He knew he could cheat and manipulate her consent out of her, but he didn't like taking the short route. Lucky for him, he didn't have to. "...if you'd like to join me?" He hid his relief with an easygoing smile and shrugged noncommitally. "It's not really as if I could refuse, is it?" He joked and turned towards the counter, seeing his food being brought out. With it in hand, he walked towards Victoria and together they stepped out into the chilly night air. Walking by her side along the pavement, he said: "I'm Julio, by the way. What would you like me to call you?"
If her mother were alive, she'd surely give her a disapproving frown for her reckless behavior, Justice would likely skin her alive and her wild friend, Sophia? Would probably high five her and want dirty details in the morning. Not that she intended on telling a single living soul about this momentary lapse in character as she walked out of the resturant with the handsome stranger. This was strictly between him, her and maybe the couch or bedroom..wherever they wound up having 'lunch'. How do you even know that he'll want sex? When did we decide that we were just gonna take the plunge?She asked herself, glancing to the side at her new found friend and then mentally chuckled. Something about the way his body moved made her think of a giant jungle cat walking alongside a female, bumping her side to entice her into mating.Meow, baby..She drawled before realizing that he'd asked her a question. "Victoria."She answered, moving a smidge closer with her hand sweating as it gripped the plastic bag containing her food. Even though it smelled delicious, there was something in the air that attracted her attention far more while her free hand fished around to find her keys as they neared her apartment. "Do you live around here? Or were you just prowling the urban jungle?"She ventured to ask, walking up the steps and opening the door to her building. Once more her heart began to race, the drum beat setting the pace for this strange ritual between Man and Woman. It wouldn't take too long to reach her apartment, sliding the key in place and turning it slowly and then pushing the door open. Opting for something with softer lighting, she turned a lamp on and then set her bag of food on the kitchen table, assuming he'd follow her in. No turning back now, tonight she was going to kill some pain in the most unorthodox way she knew how. "Go ahead and make yourself at home."She called from the kitchen, slipping her shoes off and straightening things up quickly so he wouldn't think her to be some slob. "Do you want something to drink?"She asked him, pausing in front of the fridge to await his response.
He followed close after her as she opened the door to the apartment complex, not too proud to inspect her physique from behind her as she climbed the steps of the stairs. "Not around, as such, no. I'm from Mexico - I just came here to look for an old friend of mine, but I've been having some trouble finding him." He might as well lay some of the ground work right then if he hoped to achieve some progress later on. "Still, can't say I'm not enjoying my stay here; the ocean air, the food and all the beautiful sights," he grinned, giving her an open look-over. "And, of course, the friendly locals." She opened the door and they both stepped inside her apartment, giving Julio his first inside look at her home. He drew in the scent of the place, adding it to his memory. He got ready when he saw her move for the dimmer, but thankfully she only went as far as turn the lamps on, leaving the lights at a low glow. Accepting her invitation, Julio moved into the living room and over to the windows, while she was still in the kitchen. He swiftly released the curtains and let them cover up the windows, giving the two some added privacy. "Do you want something to drink?" came from the kitchen and he replied: "No, that's alright. Not really in the mood for drink, right now." He began to walk slowly around the room, studying the shelves and the walls and what pictures there were. Anything might be of interest, of help to him. He noticed a stereo system and a collection of CD's in a rack. He raised his brow at that and inspected the titles, searching for something that could work out tonight. He wasn't exactly a great connoisseur of Western music, but he'd had a long time to at least pick up on some of the general points of the medium. He noticed some promising albums, but decided to let it wait a little while yet. Taking a seat on the sofa, he leaned back and settled in a leisurely manner, waiting for Victoria to join him. "If you don't mind me asking: What is it you do, Victoria?" he asked as she exited the kitchen.
As she exited the kitchen to join her guest in the living room, she realized the answer to his question might be a deal breaker if she answered him honestly. Was she so starved for a night of stringless indulgence that she'd lie about what she did? "I work for the city."She carefully answered as she settled on the couch and took a sip of water she'd poured from her fridge before setting it on the coffee table before them. "Though really, work is the last thing I want to think about tonight."She added, hoping to distract him from the topic. "So you're looking for a friend? This city is quite big, any leads on where to look for him?"She asked only to flinch inwardly at how much that sounded like she were taking a case. If she had been trying to hide her profession, she might do well to take the detective off the case as it were and reassign it to shutting up. "Maybe you could try hiring someone to help you. I mean, there's tons of private investigators in this place, most willing to work on a sliding scale."She suggested quickly, reaching for the water to fill her mouth with something so she wouldn't blather on any further. That's when her eyes danced to the music collection atop of her entertainment center and she rose to find something to play, anything to break the silence and move the conversation and evening onto something a bit more fun than a botched attempt at subterfuge. "This should work."She mused, opening a c.d case and slipping the silver disc into the player and adjusting the volume. The sound of someone whispering something in spanish could be heard before a mixture of contemporary club sounds and something south of the border could be heard, mixed with bilingual lyrics that caused her to sway a bit while closing her eyes. Tonight we dance, I leave my life in your hands. We take the floor, Nothing is forbidden anymore All that was needed to make this moment even more enjoyable was perhaps total darkness and a handsome face to dance with while Enrique serenaded them both, and it was then that she simply offered her hand to him to see if he'd accept her offer. Don't let the world in outside. Don't let a moment go by. Nothing can stop us tonight!
"It seems he's fallen in with some bad company, if you know what I mean," he said, leaning back against the arm support to face her. "Yes; I suppose I need someone with experience with this type of investigation. Maybe someone will come along?" He shrugged, signaling that the topic was done with and ready to move on to more interesting matters. He watched her get up after forcing down a huge gulp of water from her glass and walk over to the music collection. Ah; now we're getting somewhere. His eyes locked onto hers as the music began and he smiled at her, rising as she held out her hand to him, accepting the invitation. He slowly approached her in step with the beat and just as Enrique delivered his first passionate "Bailamos!" Julio was there, hand in hand and arm around her waist; his eyes never left hers. He lead her into the dance; feet, legs and hips moving in time to the rhythm, his body pressing close to hers. He subtly began to let the effects ofAweaffect her mind, captivating her attention even further, refusing anything to interfere with her attention for even a moment. Then and there there was only two people, a rhythm and a need to follow that rhythm's every whim and desire.
As he slithered towards her, like a snake in the grass, she easily fell into the role of the bird who'd fallen from the saftey of the nest. The way his eyes hungrily fell upon her thrilled her and she happily allowed him to move her into the dance. The music seemed to melt away, the only sounds she could hear were that of her breathing and her heart thrumming loudly in her ears as she leaned into him and held his gaze; pulse racing in her throat and lips throbbing as though begging him to kiss her.Kiss me!Her eyes screamed to him until she couldn't help but lean in closer to him so that her chest and his seemed to mirror one another. Hips pushed together. He'd mentioned something about his friend..cousin..someone falling into bad company and while the polite thing to do would be to ask further information, maybe even offer her own services to help track down this missing individual, all she could focus on was the way the warm and distant glow of the lamp cast a halo of light around the back of his head. As though he were some forgotten saint whom she'd invited in off the streets to rest from his travels. Fingers laced through his and she completed the embrace, happy to let him lead her this night and for once throw caution to the wind and just live for the moment.
Another problem, come about by the supposed untrustworthy shipping abilities of the movie theater. "I refuse to go to a movie theater that of course decides that Red Vines are better then Twizzlers." Sheldon replied to Leonard, who was offering to go to a movie. Sheldon however knew that the main ingredient within Red Vines was the kind of red coloring dye that has caused cancer within some individuals. Twizzlers are made correctly, and he refused to get a licorice that would kill him. Leonard sighed and took his car keys from the bowl near the door, before opening the door and leaving. Sheldon blinked, "Well that was a little unresponsive." He said, as he sat back down on his side of the couch. He turned on Battlestar Galactica and unpaused it from it's previous spot on the dvd player, and then looked around. He was alone. How perfect. The annoyance of humans would not occupy him. He was alone. But there was a whirring noise that was starting to annoy him. Where was it coming from? Sheldon moved up and walked over to the DVD player, followed by pressing the eject button so that his disc would not scratch. It did something worse. The DVD player sparked, and then stopped working. Sheldon twitched. "My... Battlestar." He said, falling to his knees in an epic way. "N-no!" He unplugged the dvd player and then put it into the trash can, followed by sighing. "Do I have to make my own DVD player in order for it to not break down?" But when the trash can closed, he noticed that he was bored. "Maybe Penny is home." He said to himself, and he got his key from the bowl near his door, opened the door, walked outside, and closed it behind him, followed by locking it. Knock knock knock. "Penny?" Knock knock knock. "Penny?" Knock knock knock. "Penny?" Sheldon asked, and he waited for the door to open. He had the Boggle board game, and was ready to play some Klingon Boggle with her if she was interested.
Penny stood in the bathroom, contemplating her reflection with a pensive air. Truth was, however, her preoccupations didnt quite require the serious expression the pretty girl bore. Of course the again, next to her neighbors problems that seemed to revolve around the purchase of limited edition objects from the comic book store and experiments gone awry anything was interesting. Kurt kicked her out of their place when they split, and the guys that followed were an incessant stream of hot yet irresponsible and self-absorbed jackasses whose main topic of conversation was their own persona most of the time. Her job wasnt getting her anywhere; the scent of cheesecake was almost more powerful than that of her vanilla oil. She shook her head softly, a pout gracing the delicate face. She deserved better than that. If even Leonard managed to find someone, why couldnt she? Penny almost smacked herself for the thought. Leonard was a nice guy odd, but comparing to Sheldon, Howard and Koothrapali he was fairly normal. Anyone was normal comparing to Sheldon, she chuckled to herself. It didnt take a Ph.D. in psychology to figure out that he was nuts. Not in a bad way though, as far as she knew he was a lot less offensive than even her siblings. Sighing, she tugged on the string holding the short black robe made of silk together, letting the robe part to uncover her nearly flawless body. Grinning at her reflection she nodded slowly, who wouldnt want a piece of that? She questioned the mirror in her low, playfully seductive voice when the familiar knocking disrupted her as it always would when she least expected it. Rolling her eyes, she pulled her robe back together, leaving the water running as she walked over to her door through her messy apartment. Oh, how she hoped Sheldon wasnt there because he needed her to drive him somewhere or even worse, because he locked himself out of his apartment. Pulling the door open, she stared at him with an exasperated, almost condescending expression in complete silence for a few second. Sheldon, she replied in a fatigued voice. Whats wrong, sweetie? She wondered, studying him almost the way a mother would watch an annoying child.
Sheldon was surprised when the door had opened to reveal Penny in her robe. He thought that maybe she was preoccupied with something, "Penny, if you are having sexual intercourse with someone, I can always come back." Sheldon replied, looking into the room to see if anyone was there. However he wasn't invited into the room yet, which had made him a little irked. The room, was a disaster zone. "Although judging by the state of this room, I don't know how you would be able to have intercourse in here without falling every few steps." Sheldon invited himself into the room, being that he was tired of waiting, and he set the board game down onto the table. "Penny I wanted to know if you wanted to play Klingon Boggle with me." He said. "Leonard refuses to accept that the coloring in Red Vines can cause a cancer related death." Sheldon was still annoyed with the room. He didn't have a routine spot that he sat in, in this room. And with everything settled about amongst the room, he couldn't pick one until this was more clean. "If you were going to remove the smell of cheesecake from you with a shower, I can clean up this room a little bit more. It might be able to help you get a partner. And we would have room for our board game."
Pennys lassitude grew at Sheldons comment. If I was having intercourse, I wouldnt have opened the door, she stated, stepping aside to let him in which she instantly regretted when he commented on the state of her apartment. It always annoyed her how Sheldon unceremoniously acted as though he was at home and insulted her place. Sheldon, sweetie, I dont think men usually look at the state of my apartment when theyre about to have intercourse, she pointed out with an offended air, studying the game of Boggle. Because I am fluent in Klingon, she rolled her eyes, unable to prevent herself from laughing at his following statement. I dont know how he could do that to himself, she stated, sighing. Fine, she shrugged absently. Justdont break anything, she added quickly and walked off to the shower. Finally getting rid of the robe, she slid into the shower, enjoying the scent of shampoo and soap on her skin, replacing the permanent smell of cheesecake. Singing softly despite the fact that she knew Sheldon hated her singing, she took her time since the guy was offering to clean her apartment. Finally, she turned off the water and slipped, the landing into the bathtub with the shower curtain covering her lower body. Ow, she cried out, a sharp pain in her ankle preventing her from standing up. Sheldon, help me, she called out, shifting slightly to cover her breasts with the curtain.
"Oh you are fluent in Klingon? That is wonderful, we can actually play this game and I might have an actual challenge." Sheldon replied, not noticing the sarcasm that was in her voice. However everything that she replied with had always stumped him. What if the man that was going to have intercourse, wanted a bottle of water or something afterwards? Wouldn't he find it extremely unpleasant to have to go through this whole apartment of dropped things and sharp objects on the ground in order to get something to hydrate himself? Sheldon shrugged and when Penny went into the shower, he began to clean, finding the shelves that she was using to be very useful. Every piece of clothing had been arranged in Penny's drawers so that everything was extremely neat. However when Sheldon heard Penny's cry for help, he moved through the pathway that he created for getting from one room to the next, into Penny's bathroom. "Penny, you fell in the bathtub." He said, pointing it out just in case she didn't realize it. However she wanted help, and he moved down to pick her up by her stomach and her waist. The troubles that he was having with lifting her up was due to him not working out. Geniuses didn't need to work out. He managed to sit her down on the closed toilet, and he then let out a sigh of relief. Lifting her was hard. "Penny, do you need me to get you some clothes?"
Penny studied Sheldon as though he was completely out of his mind. Thank you for pointing it out, Sheldon. I havent noticed, she stated, surprised by how hard it was for him to lift her. She was hardly a hundred pounds, and with Sheldons height she would have expected it to be a piece of cake. Her boyfriends generally had no problem picking her up; heck some of them enjoyed carrying her around the only instance in which the mess in her apartment was an actual problem. Thanks, she murmured, her gaze trailing over her friend when he did lift her, sitting her down on the toilet. She was surprised that he didnt even look at her, despite the fact that she was completely naked. His comment made her realize it, blushing and instantly covering as much of her slender body as she possibly could. A part of her had a hard time grasping the fact that Sheldon didnt feel anything from the sight. No, I enjoy being naked in front of my neighbors, she stated sarcastically, before realizing that Sheldon had no idea that she was sarcastic most of the time. Can you hand me my robe? She wondered, wincing slightly as she moved her leg, the sharp pain causing her to gasp when she put some pressure on the twisted ankle.
Sheldon was noticing that the tone of Penny's voice was causing him to feel a little more awkward when she had stated that she knew what he was saying. How did a non college graduate know what he was going to say? That was like a kid from the special ed portion of school saying that they knew what he was saying. Nevertheless, he walked into Penny's room and grabbed her robe, followed by walking back into her room and giving her the robe. "Penny I can lift you into your bed if you are having trouble walking over to it." He said, looking down at her and her naked body before she put it on. "I must say, you are very attractive. I know why Leonard had just a big a crush on you as Walowitz does on any woman in existence." Sheldon moved her over to her bed, and then started to clean up around her bed so that she would be able to reach any part of her room without stepping on something. He listened to her if she would talk, but he ended up stopping what he was doing in order to listen, and reply when she was done talking. "You know Penny, you should probably lie down for tonight so that you can rest that ankle. I don't think that I will be able to fall asleep in the same bed as you, or on your couch, because your couch has as much lumbar support as a hammock, made by someone with cerebral palsy." Sheldon replied. "But you have my cell phone number, if you need it." He waited for some kind of response from her, so that he could get the cue to leave, or stay.
Pennys face grew bright red when Sheldon returned, commenting on her appeal. For a moment, it threw her off, bringing utter confusion to the pretty face. She didnt know that Sheldon actually realized that women were attractive. Heck, she had no idea Sheldon wasnt completely asexual. Shaking it off as an objective statement, she pulled off a meek smile and slid on her robe. Thank you, she murmured softly before shaking her head. No sweetie, I think I should walk, she nodded with a decided expression. She didnt want him to twist a hip or anything. For a few moments she studied him in silence before making her way along the clear path. How in the world did a girl like her end up becoming friends with people like him? They were challenging everything somehow, and making things so much harder in a way. Plopping down onto her bed she stretched out lazily, only bothering to understand Sheldons statement halfway. UmHuh? She arched her eyebrows, shrugging. Truth to be told, she preferred Sheldons company to a night of solitude with a hurt ankle. You dont have to go. I have cheesecake in my fridge? She offered meekly, doubtful that Sheldon would catch the fairly straightforward cue yet not ready to tell him she didnt want him to leave.
The offering of cheesecake was something that was willing to keep Sheldon in the house. He had recently read a paper on how humans loved when you took joy in what they give to you. So Sheldon's hypothesis would be to take the cheesecake, eat it (whether it was good or bad), and then finally do the dishes himself, because she probably wasn't going to do them. With this dirty of a room, he doubted if Penny actually did her own laundry without reading the labels on the detergent. Nevertheless, she was a very nice neighbor, and it would be wrong of him to think otherwise, or say otherwise within her own home. Sheldon nodded his head. "Very well Penny, I shall go fetch the cheesecake and get us both equal shares." He said, and he walked out of the room. Halfway to the fridge, Sheldon noticed that Penny's naked figure was sticking inside of his head. He stopped, thinking. "Odd." He thought to himself. "Usually when you are thinking of another woman naked, you are wanting sexual gratification." Sheldon opened the refrigerator and divided the cheesecake into equal shares while he thought. "But I don't really need it, do I? And Penny is probably still attached to Leonard or that tower of an ex boyfriend." Sheldon sighed. "Human behavior is so confusing." He finally concluded, as he walked into Penny's room with cheesecake on equal color plates, and same size forks, along with the cheesecake being divided equally. "Here you go." He said, placing the plate on her chest and then eating some cheesecake of his own. He stood, since he couldn't find his own personal "spot" yet.
Penny beamed when Sheldon left to get the cheesecake, clapping her hands together once. Ah, sugar. While Sheldon was gone, she attempted to figure out what was happening. Was she really desperate enough to go after the craziest thing around? Certainly, she didnt find Sheldon unattractive. But she likely had fewer chances with him than she did with George Clooney. On the other hand, he was smart and after Leonard, that was a big thing. She still remembered her dumb date who thought the guys were going to explode the moon. She chuckled at the thought only to realize that Sheldon returned. Yes, she wanted to give it a try. How to go about it? She sat up, scooting over slightly. Taking her plate, she took a bite, expecting Sheldon to sit down beside her yet nothing came. Letting out a frustrated sigh, she smiled at him. Sheldon, sweetie, sit down, she motioned, taking another bite. The cheesecake was great she brought it from the Cheesecake Factory earlier that day. Oh thank god she was off the next day, her ankle was hurting and she wouldnt trust Sheldon to drive her to the hospital. You should stay for a while. When is everyone coming back? She wondered, her bright gaze trailing over him slowly.
Sheldon had sat down on the bed when Penny had asked, and the comfortable feeling of it had surprised him. Although maybe it shouldn't have, since intercourse is best on top of a comfortable bed, or at least, that is what he was told, through the many papers that he read. So keeping in mind that Penny's bed was comfortable, Sheldon laid back on it, making sure not to touch Penny's hurt ankle. He took another bite of his cheesecake, and then set it on the end table near her bed. "Very delicious cheesecake." He said. When he was asked when the boys were going to get home, Sheldon shrugged. "I do not know how long it would take from them to see the latest Transformers movie, and be utterly disappointed by it, but I would assume that they would be gone at a minimum of three hours." Sheldon said. "Koothralpalli likes to eat his food slowly, so it usually takes them an hour to eat, at least. And then the movie is two hours long. So at least 3 hours." Sheldon turned his gaze to Penny, staring into her eyes. "Was there something that you had in mind? Something more fun then Clingon Boggle?"
Penny watched Sheldon settle down, surprised that he hadnt commented on the winds direction or anything silly the way he usually would. Setting her cheesecake aside as well, she flashed Sheldon a content smile with a pride making it seem like she prepared it. Thank you Sheldon, she replied politely, trying to hide the nervousness. Oh God, its been an eternity since she has last been with a man. Its all Leonards fault, she told herself once again in frustration, momentarily crossing her arms under her chest. I see, she nodded to Sheldon, only listening to about half of the things he said. Three hours. Blinking, she realized that her neighbour was staring right into her eyes. She looked back at him for a few moments, completely silent, a light blush appearing on her cheeks. How in the world did sex even brush her mind at that question? Um, she let out pensively, not quite sure whether risking it was appropriate or not. She worried he would tell his friends if she made a move on him, and having Wolowitz torturing her with his advances would awful. He had an attractive face though, up close. Finally, she shifted and placed her head on Sheldons shoulder, her lips lightly grazing his neck. Not really, I just dont want to stay alone, nor play Clignon Boggle, she offered, one of her arms snaking around his waist.
The feeling of Penny's lips against his neck had made Sheldon feel a little uneasy. His neighbor was trying to made an advance on him. The lips grazing his neck had made a tickle sensation go down them, and he looked to the door, and then to the tie that he was wearing around his neck. Did social protocol work in situations like this? Was Sheldon supposed to tie his tie around the doorknob, like Penny had explained to him a year ago? Or would he just have to go with it, and do whatever it was that Penny had in mind: sex. Sheldon was also wondering why it was that Penny was automatically subjecting herself to sex. Surely she didn't have any friends with benefits, as far as she knew, and Penny was making a move on him so quickly. It was unnerving, but Sheldon was not going to pass up this attractive woman, as long as he was in this room. He tilted his head back a small amount, so that Penny had easy access for whatever it is she wanted to do. "Penny I must give you a warning that I did not bring any protection with me, and that I read many papers on intercourse, so I do know a lot... About this kind of thing." He wasn't blushing, but he was pausing. "If this is what you are wanting."
Pennys jaw almost dropped when Sheldon spoke. She almost jumped up, studying him seating. Her cheeks burned red, a soft nervous giggle escaping her lips. I was just making myself comfortable sweetie, she replied meekly, stunned that Sheldon would even think of intercourse with her. She couldnt help but replay his movement as he tilted his head back. It was a complicated situation and truth was she had no idea what to do. When Leonard and she had been together, she could feel how much he wanted her. Sheldon, meanwhile, was talking about sex as though it was some kind of a scientific experiment for him. Is it what you are wanting? She wondered reluctantly, twisting a lock of hair between her fingers. She relaxed slightly and leaned back against the bed, her head mere inches from his. Read? She studied Sheldon, wondering if he really has never had sex. She shivered from the thought. She could hardly go on a couple of weeks without getting cranky.
Sheldon was surprised at her reaction. He thought that Penny was going to be going along with his suggestion. Many times in the past, when Penny had been without a sexual release, it was hard for her to act nice towards her neighbors. That is what got her into online gaming. He remembered that week, the week of constant gaming that seemed to be what would happen if Charles Manson was told that he could only play Age of Conan. She was in that game, and it was creepy the way she turned out. Although as Sheldon came back to the here and now, he shook his head. "Penny, as your friend, I would assume that friends would get each other out of problems. Your problem at the moment is your sexual frustration." Sheldon then continued. "My problem is that I have a sexually frustrated woman in the same room as me. A woman who previously was dating my roommate and best friend. But our problems can be taken care of with one thing, sex." Sheldon then looked to his clothes. If she wanted to, he would. He didn't want a complaining person in the same room with him anyway. And he could finally do the experiment and see if the papers that he wrote gave him good information.
Penny swallowed slowly, trying to figure out whether Sheldon was joking or not. As he finished speaking, she sat still for a few moments, simply waiting for the familiar Bazinga that would make things the way they had been. However, nothing came and she was quite certain that Sheldon was the only person on Earth who could rationalize sex to the point of making it unappealing. Slightly confused, she bit on her thumb. Um, Sheldon, sex is not about solving a problem, she stated, tilting her head. I mean, it has to be something you want. Is it what you want? She wondered, sitting up slightly. BecauseI mean, if it is, Im not against it, she mumbled, feeling a light blush come to her cheeks. She could not believe she was having that conversation with Sheldon. She certainly didnt want to end up the way she had that dreadful week she decided to never bring up again. Since she refused to game, she dreaded to think of what kind of a nerdy, odd activity she could get herself into this time.
The salty air of the Sea of Swords was refreshing, the tangy crisp smell seemed invigorating. Calloused hands tightened on the rigging as Rome hauled himself up the central mast of the ship, pausing for a moment to stare ahead of the ship as it cut it's way through the sea, that was for once placid. It had been a rough journey so far, but they were nearing their destination, one of the long abandoned islands of the Moonshae Isles. The name of the island had long been forgotten, since it was rare that the living set foot upon it. Reports were that the island was haunted by some form of spirit or demon, much like the ruins of once great Myth Drannor, but it could not be confirmed, since it seemed that all who sailed to the dreaded island never made it out alive. Rome smirked at the thought, for surely most of the tales were little more than rumor and foolish superstition. Yes there were haunted places in Faerun, but he doubted that the place was as dreadful as all the horror stories that he'd heard. What he did know is that the captain of this vessel believed there to be treasure there and Rose wasn't one for flights of fancy. Rome smiled ever so slightly, his mind flashing back to the previous night when he'd slunk out of Rose's cabin and back to the crew deck before. His triflings with the ship's captain were kept secret from the rest of the crew, but that was indeed for the best. It would cause problems if the others believed that Rome recieved any favoritism from Rose because of any intimacy the two might share. His reflection was brief however, for he had work to do, and he climbed higher up the rigging and then made his way out on one of the rigs holding the great sails that brought the ship ever closer to the Moonshae Isles. Skilled fingers worked knots loose and then retied them, to ensure that should another storm arise the sails would not whip free or find themselves further damaged than was expected. With little care to the rest of the world Rome worked, focused on the task at hand and silently awaiting their arrival at their destination.
The Bloody Thorn was in a bad way, structurally speaking. Even sailing under the hands of her competent crew, and under the eye of her competent captain, she would need repairs as soon as she could get them. Recent skirmishes and a bad storm had taken their toll, and although the ship has weathered them as she was built to do, it was for the better that new timber would soon be in plentiful supply. If the ship had been aware of this fact, even if there was life in the wooden beams and salt-crusted ropes that held her together as her Captain sometimes fancied that there was, she would not have worried over her own welfare. For at her helm was a woman who would do all in her power to prevent the ship beneath her feet coming to unnecessary harm. To Rose, the Captain on which The Thorn relied so trustingly, the ship was more than simply a boat, a means of transportation and home to those who crewed her. The Thorn was the only sense of freedom she had ever known, the vessel by which she had escaped the grip of oppression and forged her own way in the world. Granted, that world was oftener her enemy than her friend because of the choices she had made and the chances she had taken, but Rose was her own mistress, and despite the drawbacks that came along with it, she could honestly say that she was neither indebted to, nor commanded by any person other than herself. Still, she was painfully aware of the weak spots in the hull, the damage to the masts and rigging, and the agitated hunger of a crew that had been on tight rations for almost a week, and she was more relieved than she let on when the cry of land on the horizon finally went up. They had, she hoped, approached the Moonshae Isles from precisely the right angle so as to render their particular destination the first island they would reach in the archipelago. And as her lean, athletic form slipped through the hive of activity that was a ship preparing to dock toward the bow, she could make out the treeline and the curious shape of the island itself that indicated to her that they had been fortunate. A reliable map and a good approach, the tide and wind in their favour. For once, the gods seemed to be smiling upon them, and she smiled back; a broad, wolfish grin that was the surest sign to the crew close enough to their leader to see her expression that she was in high spirits. Already her mind was on a hunting expedition, the harvesting of wood for repairs, and the real reason why this particular island was so important. It bode well that so far her map had been reliable, since it led to something she was determined to discover, though what that was she as yet had no idea. The crew had no idea either; of what it was that she was searching for, or even that she was searching for anything at all. It was a wise policy, Rose had discovered, that if you lacked the answers you should avoid giving rise to questions. And so the only ones with any knowledge of the map, or the mysterious thing to which it led, were herself and Rome, who at this very moment laboured above her making ready for port, and at whom she allowed herself only the briefest glance, her wide and astute lilac eyes appraising his body for the briefest moment, her tongue flickering over her dusky lips as she remembered their hurried but not unsatisfying parting directly before dawn. It had been his own choice, to keep their...whatever it was between them away from the crew's knowledge, but she saw the sense in it. If they felt he was treated any differently to any one of them, he would be singled out for specific cruelty at their hands, and she would struggle to put down a mutiny. Still, it worked rather well for the time being, and though she would be loathe to admit such sentimental thoughts, she was slightly touched by the way he worked to ingratiate himself with her crew. He had proved himself a competent sailor and fighter, and this she believed without bias. But her thoughts had wandered, and the island drew closer. Since their was no dock to speak of, they would run aground at as low a speed they could manage, and haul the ship up onto the beach. It was a pre-agreed plan, and she trusted it in the hands of her First Mate enough to retire to her cabin and prepare herself for her own tasks while they were ashore.
The cry that land had been spotted drew Rome's gaze ahead and his teeth parted in a wolfish smile.Finally.A single thought as he stared ahead at the shore for but a moment, for it was all he'd dare spare. There was a great deal of work to be done for the ship to make birth and he had little time to waste. He leapt, fearlessly, from the rigging upon which he'd found himself as soon as the cry to lower the sails filled the air. As if hovering in open space he seemed suspended in the air for the briefest moment before he seemed to hurtle out of control. The leap had been planned and he was well practiced and skilled in moving from rigging to rigging. A split second later fingers closed about one of the rigging lines that would act to draw up one of the higher sails. He felt the rope burn slightly against his calloused palms as he slid down a few meters. But his grip held firm and he was lowered towards the deck, the pulleys and weight of the fabric the sail was comprised of slowing his decent until his bare feet touched down on the deck. He'd felt Rose's eyes upon him and glanced in her direction, flashing the briefest of smiles, white teeth flashing briefly before he leapt to aid in hauling in the other sails. He felt the ship slowing as they drew closer to land, his voice joining in time with the rest of the crews as they worked to slow the ship so that it would not be further damaged as it was brought to ground upon the sandy beach. As he worked he kept his eyes towards the ever encroaching island, gaze sweeping over the heavily vegitated terrain, as if searching out some form of life or sign of what they were searching for. Seeing nothing did not sit well with him, it was as if the dense jungles were devoid of life, for not even birds were visible rising from the dense canopy. There was something wrong with the place, but Rome pushed that worry aside, for there were more important tasks that must be dealt with first.
In her own private room aboard ship, part bedroom, part study, Rose was quickly but carefully gathering what items she might need during her search on the island. Swiftly, she rolled her map and slipped it through a loop in the wide leather belt that hung low on her slender hips. That belt was also home to a scabbard in which was kept a rapier, its hilt a spiral of silver and black, the handguard also as silver as the razor sharp blade. This hung against her right hip, and against her left was holstered a wheel-lock pistol, also inlaid with panels of heavily engraved silver. It was somewhat of a curious item, originally found in the Lizard Marsh through which she had once passed, when an equally curious adventure had led her through Daggerford. Hooked onto the front of her belt was a small canteen containing her own daily ration of fresh drinking water, a rarity aboard a ship that now saw most of its crew restricted now to ale and a little rum to pass the evenings. Below that wide, brown leather belt, she wore a pair of tight leather trousers, permitting her all the movement she needed while the thick material also protected her skin to a certain degree. Her bustier was also black leather, laced tightly but cut of halfway down her midriff to reveal a wide sliver of pale grey skin that bore an equal measure of swirling black ink running down her sides, and deep grey scars that criss-crossed her back. Her midsection was not the only part of her body that was not unblemished; her arms bore old tattoos faded by the sun and salty air, and her face was marred by a single yet vicious looking scar that ran the length of her left cheek from immediately below her eye to just shy of the outer corner of her lips. It certainly could not be said that Rose was a classically beautiful sort, even less so for the shade of her skin which betrayed her bloodline as half-drow. But her wide, appraising eyes and the challenging jut of her jaw, as well as the lean curves of her body had their appeal, secondary though they were to her dauntless spirit and saucy, scathing wit. With everything she could conceive of needing with her fastened safely about her person, Rose made her way back onto deck just in time for the ship to shudder beneath her feet as she skidded up onto the sand. The crunching of wood was surprisingly loud, and she winced as she thought of the already strained Hull being forced against the sand. Nothing seemed to give way outright, though, and Rose walked briskly to the tip of the bow, unfased by the shuddering of the ship as she ground slowly to a halt. As soon as the ship had stopped moving, ropes were thrown over the sides, and members of the crew were climbing swiftly down onto the beach, Rose among them in her hurry to survey the state her beloved ship had been left in by the risky but necessary manouevre.
As the ship began to slide up onto the sand of the beach Rome made his way below decks, to where his own trunk was kept. He fished the key from his belt and drove it home into the lock. With a twist he heard the catch release and pulled open the trunk to reach down inside. His fingers curled around the two weapons he kept in the trunk and he drew them free. The twin scimitars were slung across his back, and secured in place by the buckles. He reached up after they were secure, fingers curling around the hilts and he drew them free. As they were freed from their scabbards he felt the familiar tingle in the mythril blades, eyes following their lines as they called to his mind, begging to be drenched in blood. He shuddered slightly and then placed the weapons back in their sheaths before turning closing the trunk. He grasped a canteen hanging from his cot and hung it from his belt. Next he drew on his boots, drawing the rawhide ties at the top tight before securing them and standing. Returning to the deck he walked to the railing and then slithered down one of the ropes, dropping into the sand and crouching down slightly, letting his fingers run over the moist earth. His eyes moved from the beach towards the dense jungle beyond and he straightened, reaching his hands up to brush the hilts of his blades, as if seeking comfort. He felt their power stir, briefly and nodded to himself before making his way to stand next to Rose and the rest of the crew that were moving towards shore.. "Well, we made it Cap'n.." He said, voice deep and soft as he stared into the jungle, eyes narrowing to suspicious slits.. "Can't say as this place feels right though.. There's somethin amiss 'ere.." He glanced at her for a brief moment before turning his gaze back to the jungle, as if half expecting it to lurch forward and engulf them all.
Rose, thus far, had been far too pre-occupied with her vessel to really notice the atmosphere on the island. It was when Rome's voice, surprisingly close beside her, called her attention to matters that weren't constructed of wood or rope, that she turned toward the forest to follow his gaze, and finally tuned in to her surroundings. He was right, of course. There was something about the stillness of the island that, as soon as she noticed it, sent a shiver down her spine. She set her jaw, though, and tipped her head on one side, listening for a full moment to the sounds of the forest at the top of the beach. It was too silent. Not a bird in the sky. Not a hint of a breeze rustled the leaves, despite the air she could feel rushing against her back from the open sea. She glanced up at Rome, her eyes betraying a troubled, yet defiant espression. "You're right. 's somethin' wrong about it. We'll not linger longer'n we have to." She gazed pensively inland for another moment, before she turned and walked the few paces to her First Mate, a buxom, yet fiersome dwarf by the name of Greta. A few words were exchanged, and a friendly palm clapped to Rose's shoulder before the half-drow walked away from her crew and toward the treeline, knowing that Rome would easily catch her before she reached the outer limits of the forest. She slipped the map from her belt and studied it for a long moment, confirming what she had already commited to memory. Whatever this map led it, it was dead in the centre of the island. They would have to cut their way through this dense mess of greenery before they even got close. For a moment she wondered whether the three days the intended to stay ashore would be enough, but when she glanced into the darkness between the trees, she knew that she would do all in her power to leave this place as soon as she possibly could. When she could once again sense Rome beside her, she sighed and handed him the map as if for verification. "We're not stayin' long. The sooner we're back aboard that ship and at sea the happier I'll be. This place is...wrong." It was the best word she could find to sum up her feelings, but somehow it fit. The place was fundamentally not right, at least not as far as she was concerned.
"Aye.. this place is wrong indeed, it's too quiet, and too still." Rome said as he stood beside Rose at the edge of the forest. "Reminds me of a crypt." He commented quietly, disliking this intensely. His right hand grasped one of the scimitars that he carried and he pulled it from it's sheath, fingers tightening reflexively as he felt the thrum of power through the hilt. The more he used them the more he felt their need for blood. He prayed, silently to what ever gods would listen, that he'd not have need of them here. His green eyes shifted to Rose, not the usual look of secret desire that he cast her, but one passing from a warrior to the next, from a subordinate to his commander. "Aye, sooner afloat the better, what e'er we're lookin' for we'd best get to it quick and get out. Don't much care to know what's made this place so void of... everything." His fist tightened about the blade and he stepped forward, the blade hissing as he slashed downward, cutting aside a thick knot of vines that barred his path. He hissed between his teeth and stared into the gloom. "Be a long way hacking through this mess, best hope is that we find a path o' some sort, or we'll be a month trying to chop our way through this mess." He spoke in barely more than a whisper, as if speaking too loud would be a mistake. Drawing his second blade he swung it, cutting more of the dense foliage aside before stepping into the shadowed darkness of the jungle, alert and prepared for anything that may come errupting out against the intruders..
He was right. This place was like a crypt. Or like the cusp of dawn on the outskirts of Skullport ?? the feeling that dark and terrible things had recently happened, and that they would soon happen again, but for now a silence had settled over things that was best not disturbed. The comparison in Rose??s mind was grounded in first hand experience. She had grown up in Skullport, moulded by the underground city??s hardness, schooled in steeling herself against the things that lurked in the darkness. It wasn??t a memory that she cherished, and the reminder she got from this place put her doubly on her guard. She caught and returned the glance he cast her, thoughts of their tumbles about her cabin far from her mind. This was no time or place for such thoughts, and there was more than that manner of physicality to their involvement. There was a certain trust between them ?? they had both seen the other in the height of a pitched fight, they knew the way the other moved, knew each other??s strengths and weaknesses and knew how their skills with a blade could be moulded to complement each other, just as any collective of individuals whose lives depend on fighting a common enemy ought to be able to do. They trusted each other to make the right sword-strokes, at the perfect moments. They were warriors of a sort, and all that was reflected in the looks that passed between them as they entered this place. She felt no need to grace him with a verbal reply. Surplus words would only create an unnecessary sound. Instead she quietly slipped her rapier from its scabbard, flexing her fingers around the hilt a couple of times as she stepped behind Rome, moving in the space he created as he chopped aside the foliage. She held her body turned at ninety-degrees to his, sidestepping in his wake, the better to keep an eye on the area behind them. She did not trust this place. Her gaze flickered about the foliage behind them, looking for any sign of movement. Leaves moving in a breeze, a bird flying from a tree, a small animal scurrying through the undergrowth. Any of these would have been a welcome sight, but she saw none. No movement, no sound. It was unnerving, this quiet.
Even though he was no longer a boy, Arthur still took the steps two at a time when his father summoned him. The old king had mellowed with age somewhat, his ages smoothing over like a river rock, but his son still hated to risk his ire. Uther would never hit the boy, had never laid a hand on him but for his few moments of gentleness, but the old man was still capable of finding punishments. At this age, striking would probably do little good, what with the son sharing the father's stubbornness. Punishment or not, Arthur had hurried from training the knights to answer his father's summons, the stink of young men in dirt and layers of armour and cloth clinging to him. Maybe it would do the old king good: over the last fortnight, his health had taken a sudden and surprising turn for the worse. Uther had blamed the cold, the food, something in the wine, everything he could but the obvious and Arthur knew it was simply age. Funny, the thought of old age creeping up on his father, a death like the slow crumbling of cities. Arthur had never imagined that death for the warrior-king, the slow falling apart of a body in decline because Nature and the Heavens willed that man would not live forever. He'd expected poisoning or battle or maybe even Morgana losing her temper on the poor men (women, after all, were still a different species as far as he was concerned, and perfectly capable of regicide should the moon be in the right place in the sky), but this slow decay over the years? Not even Uther was prepared for that. Arthur nodded to the guards standing at attention near the king's study, his face tinged pink from the cold and exertion. Old, paranoid bastard, he thought, not unkindly (maybe time had smoothed out his own sharp edges concerning his father) and tucked his helmet under his arm. Something... something was off. He knew it the moment when he stepped into the cold, stony room with its heavy furniture that Uther sometimes took his appointments in to keep them short. It was too quiet. Too still. ??Father?? Arthur said carefully, voice small in the stillness, more like a little boy's than a prince. His body knew. His body knew before his mind did, because his mind refused to believe in his father's mortality as he glided over to the slumped form of his father, his heavy cape swishing around his booted feet as he moved, hand out stretched. No. No, Father was just sleeping. He was an old man who still pushed himself and old men, even his father, got exhausted. Certainly he wouldn't ?? hecouldn'tdie. Arthur touched his hand and jerked back like he'd been burned by the cold of a body that was no longer a body, but a ?? A corpse. In a fog much colder than any temperature he had ever known, Arthur returned to the doors with all the grace of a man whose legs had been replaced with wood and, in a voice he could not recognize, told the guard to fetch the physician and the priest. The king was dead. Who was saying that with all that control, with no waver to his voice? Certainly not Arthur, who had just been orphaned in between the time his father had sent down for him and now. The prince turned back, closing the heavy, wooden doors behind him, the sound of them shutting not registering in his mind. Again, he approached the king, slow and wary like a dog that had been beaten. Like a little boy chastised. Who was controlling his body? Certainly not him: he could no longer feel his legs, but when he touched his father's thinning hair, he could feel that. ??The King is dead,? he repeated hollowly, nervous fingers smoothing his father's hair, his collar, brushing invisible lint from the rich fabric now that the man could no longer see his son's affection for him as ? as what, a weakness? Arthur tried anger. Tried to reach for the thought 'he was never there', but he could not. All he could do was crumple: his shoulders dropped, his helmet fell from his hands and the son pulled what used to be his father to him and sobbed, alone in that dark, draughty room made of stone. The king was dead. Long live the new king.
Gaius had been summoned and Merlin was quick to follow. The king was dead?! That did not seem possible. Uther seemed far too invincible for this to be true. How could it be? He just could not fathom the thought that King Uther could actually no longer be. How could that happen? That man was so strong. He was so very hard to ever beat. He, much like Arthur, imagined him to be killed by a physical opponent not old age. Their King was so very strong. Obviously, he was not immortal. The mood in even the hallway showed him this was not just some false alarm. Watching the white-haired man gingerly walk into the room, Merlin kept back. Arthur would need time to mourn. He doubted the blond would wish to even see him. Why would he want to? He was merely a servant. Nothing more to the prinKing. King Arthur. That The ring to it was nice, yet the reason was so very bitter. Bitter-sweet. He truly did not like this at all. He knew Arthur would be a good King, but he also knew that it must be horrible that he lost his Father. He could relate. Losing his father. Being an orphan since his mother passed on a few years back, he knew what it was like to feel so suddenly alone, but why would Arthur care about his opinion? In all the years he had been at Arthurs side, the man still did not seem to trust him as much as he should. That something he was hiding probably did not help him at all. The raven-haired male kept to himself, heart racing as he waited to see Arthur. He wanted to help him. He had to. He just did not know how to! What could he do? There was not much that he could do other than be there for him. Other than that, what use would he be? He would not let him be alone. That would only make matters worse. Being alone in this time, would be bad.
??Gaius.? In the time the old physician had taken to come up to the kin-- the former king's study, Arthur had stitched up the pain like a battlefield's wound: quickly, carelessly and with the posibility of becoming something nastier later. No. No, it wouldn't. He'd seen the results of a leader being poisoned by grief. He wouldn't let it happen to him. And Gaius had brought Merlin. Fantastic. ??Thank you for responding so quickly.? Gaius. Now there was someone who had outlasted too many people. Hadn't his father been older than the physician? He could not think of Gaius as younger, especially as the old man curled in on himself as he bowed, head turned towards Uther's body. Maybe the ancient physician would out live him. ??Sire,? he said, rheumy hands twisting in front of him. ??Shall I check fo--? ??I do not believe it was an assassination, Gaius,?Arthur responded levely, body turned slightly from his father's... his father's corpse (the word had a finality to it, heavy like meat, notpeople). ??You may certainly run your tests, but I had hoped to speak with you about the living. Before the priest shows.? Instead of the old man, though, he turned his eyes straight on Merlin, the first time really looking at him since the two had come in. ??I know my father's ... stance on magic. But I also know you have connexions with those who still practice.? He swallowed down a gulp of air, chest expanding nervously -- he had always hopped that the dead did not mettle so much in the affairs of the living, but maybe his father's anger had yet to disappate ?? and said, ??I wish for you to ... contact the druids. Tell them that their new king would appreciate they pay their respects at the old king's funeral, Gaius. They will be under my protection.? The whole time, his eyes stayed on Merlin, because Arthur wasn'tstupid. ??I must tell Morgana. Please, ask the priest to hold off last rites before I return. And Merlin,?he added, grasping for normalacy. ??I expect my clothes for the funeral will be properly handled tonight. Hopefully, your years of service will allow you to do this one thing right.? And with that, the new king turned on his heel, cape spining out behind him, and fled as slowly as possible from the room his father had breathed his last in, alone. Morgana and Gw-- and hermaid's weeping would be picked up by the castle women and Merlin would not see Arthur until much later that evening.
Merlin hated to see Arthur in such a state. Yes, to most who viewed him, he would look normal. Composed. Strong. To him? The man who had been serving him for all these years? He could tell else wise. He was broken; shattered. He hated to see him like that. That look in his eyes that told him their new king was truly feeling the ache of losing his father. Understandably so, as well. They had their differences, but both men were close as father and son could be, especially a royal father and son. They were never openly affectionate, but the love was still there. It was no wonder that Arthur was so hurt. Not that he would tell him, nor try to comfort him unless given some sort of sign that he needed it. He did not wish to hurt his pride as well as his heart. Nodding to the man, he gave a soft, I will try to do my best, sir and then waited for the other to leave. Exchanging a brief glance with Gaius, he soon turned to make his leave as well. The clothes were not going to get themselves to his lords chambers. The new King. King Arthur. He had awaited this day for so very long, but that did not make this any better to know just why he was king. He was positive that had it been assassins, or in battle, taking the former-kings death would have been easier. There would have been one to be angry at. Now? It was just nature. The evening came all-too-quickly and Merlin had done as told. He had the pri- Kings clothes neatly laid out on top of his bed, ready to be dressed to the mans form. Merlin stayed in the room, waiting for Arthur to come back from his errands and would be sure that his friend would be all right. Yes, he viewed him as a friend. He knew that it was frowned upon, but Arthur treated him fairly, especially in the recent years. He paced back and forth in the room, impatient to see if the man would be all right.
There was something... real about death, wasn't there? Arthur had thought he'd go for days without eating in grief, but the demands of his still very much alive body didn't go away because they didn't fit in with his idea of mourning. So he had taken a hasty meal in Morgana's rooms because his stomach had been dully empty after the good part of the day had been spent running around the castle, taking care of things that his father could no longer see to. The meat, cold remains of lunch, had tasted of sawdust, as had the wine and the conversation with Morgana, who spoke no more than three words. They were both orphans now, but she had experienced the loss twice. Arthur had wanted to saysomething, but he had been incapable of doing more than taking her hand. As he left, he'd said a few words to Gwen to take care of her mistress. Gwen hadn't met his eyes. The room was well lit when he let himself in, the fire at a painfully cheery level. For some reason, he had thought the world would stop, would slow when a king like his father died, but the fire was no sombre pile of embers and ash, the candles still twisted slowly and warmly, and even the weather outside was mild for this time of year. Arthur headed straight for the clothes left on his bed, calloused fingers touching material: linen, of course, since mourning clothes were not meant to be luxurious, but soft none-the-less, carefully maintained by Merlin's skilful hands. Arthur finally looked to Merlin, the corners of his mouth and eyes taut. ??It seems you've been promoted, Merlin? he said hoarsely, trying for the cocky drawl he had only had that morning when he'd complained of the man's armour buffing skills. ??How does it feel to be the king's manservant not just the prince's?? His fingers began to pluck at the string of his cape, undoing the knot deftly. He had no reason to give Merlin a verbal command: they'd been together for so many years, Merlin would recognize and adapt to his routine without direction. ??You will accompany me to the wake. I trust you're capable enough to tend the candles.?
Once the doors opened, Merlins pacing stopped. He stood still where he had been, his eyes staying with the blond while he entered the room. He truly looked like hell washed over him and then some, didnt it? He hated to see Arthur in this manner. He had never seen it. Well, no, there had been very few times when the man looked like that, but it was never to this extent. Never so horribly broken. That was horrible. He felt like he was going to crumble in the mans place. He could not. He had to stay strong. If Arthur could, he would as well. He had to. There was no doubt whatsoever that he could manage to keep himself together. Oh yes, promoted. He agreed, giving the blond a simple little nod. I feel regal just standing beside you. Merlin stated, trying to get a bit of his own wit in there. He almost wished to comment about how Arthur would not be ready, but that would be far too inappropriate. He did not want that to happen. He was all right with just stopping at his words. Moving over to the blond, he held his hand out to catch the cape before it fell to the ground, or before prompted to do such a thing. Yes, sir. I will try to not set the castle on fire. He said, giving a half smile to try and get a smile out of the man as well. Just a little one? A half-laugh? Anything to show him that the other was going to be all right. Anything. A sign to help him feel like Arthur would snap back in a few days, go back to the man that was so very full of himself, but managed to just barely not have Merlin smother him in his sleep.
Moving from pms to thread. Jinta had no notion that she had began to day dream a bit further into what he had. For once he would most likely lie, about it. Saying he was having no such dream. There was a high chance that he would get caught. Yet either way he would try, it wasn't something he really wanted to admit. Though that was more along the lines of how she would respond to the entire thought. They couldn't get close to anyone else so there only option for that kind of relationship- Jinta quickly began shaking the thoughts from his mind focusing on the task of had. These thoughts were creeping into his mind every now and again nowadays. As he heard his sister calling out through the watch he quickly looked around. Suddenly around the Auditorium flew a purple barrier. humming to himself he tapped his glasses looking up at the barrier, a odd structure. With his glasses he began examining it trying to find a way to break it. Once he heard the voice of a women he groaned turning around. His eye twitched slightly, how original.... A domtrix, one of the most annoying things. That ugly leather git up with a cape, why was it he always ended up with the women. He wished for once he would fight a normal enemy. Either way he figured he would play with her. "Oh, no a big bad whip. What are you going to do punish me for being a bad boy?" Jinta asked acting innocent turning around he stuck his rear at her shaking it a little before turning around. It was clear he was mocking her not even taking her seriously. He wasn't afraid of a little whip, if he survived explosion after explosion. There was little a simple whip could do to hurt him. "If that's your only toy, your going to have some problems. A regular old whip isn't going to do much against me you second rate comic book villain." Jinta spoke sticking his tongue out before getting into position. Even though he knew he could take a beating from the whip he was unsure what else she had. Though there was little she could hide, he knew from the past. They always had something to hide.
Growling lightly, the domtrix was getting rather agitated by the insolent attitude of the boy, cracking her whip harder against the ground. "Second Rate!?! I'll have you know this is far from a normal 'toy', little boy." Smirking, she twirled the whip about, then snapped it towards it, him it wrapped around his leg, clicking something on the bottom of the whip handle, causing a taser worth of electricity to course through him, smirking as she held it there, before cracking it back. "See? Fun little thing, isn't it? Ready to give up, cutie? Or will I have to punish you even more~?" The woman teased, slowly walking closer, her stiletto boots clicking on the top of the roof, smirking as she closed the distance between herself and Jinta, cape following predictably in the wind. Not unlike most cookie cutter villains, she was about as cocky as they came.
Jinta blinked as he watched the whip surround his leg. He wasn't surprised she was angry, but he did get a little concern with what she said. The whip was electric, why didn't he see that coming. His face became distorted as the electricity went though his body. His head hung low after the shock of electricity. He could hear the clicking of her boots as she moving closer to him. A tazer shock should of caused enough damage to make him useless in a fight. At the moment she got close enough he shot forward giving no time before he struck her in the stomach sending her back away. "Nice little toy, got AA battery's in it? If you want to shock me you better turn up the juice!" Jinta spoke still far more cocky then she was. With good reason to, he was completely unfazed by that amount of electricity. Thanking his constant tinkering, giving him high endurance to this kind of stuff. "If you want to beat me then you better have something better packed in!" Jinta laughed, he knew full well that Canta could feel his cockyness, though there mental waves.
Letting out a big gust of air, she flew back a bit, hitting the ground, coughing as she tried to catch her breath. "What!?! That should have taken out a man twice your size! What the hell are you, boy?!?" She growled, holding onto her stomach as she gasped for air, standing back up slowly, gripping the whip in her hand, glaring daggers at Jinta, hobbling to her feet as she cracked the whip hard, as it stiffened, tossing it back, holding onto it as it seemed change from a whip into a mace, the end inflating into a spike ball, sparking with electricity once more, growling as she ran towards Jinta. "Try and take this with a laugh, you brat!" As she began to swing it at him several times, trying to snag him with it, pissed off with him from the last attack she made.
Jinta was having fun, they never took him seriously. This was normally what got them all into trouble. He didn't hold back even if it was a women, no reason to they were fighters, and they were in his way. "Heh, what am I? I suppose I haven't thought about it, I suppose im just a tad bit better then your run of the mill humans. You ugly old hag!" Jinta called out sticking his tongue out at her. He was being rather petty and childish, but it was fun for him. He didn't shy away from work, he actually enjoyed it. The thrill of a fight, the blood in your mouth, he was a natural fighter. He watched her whip grow hard, and inflate at one end. Cursing his luck as she swung at him. Doing all he could to avoid each swing. He knew if he tried to block he would be electrocuted, and how ever uncomfortable that might be the spikes, would be a much more drastic problem. For now he just did his best to avoid being hit. He did have a advantage, she was fighting angry. The angrier she got, the harder she would hit and faster she would move. Yet that also meant the more mistakes and openings she would make. He wasn't about to transform just for a small fry like this. So his only chance was to strike when she left herself open. If he could do it, sending her off the top of the building should get rid of her.
As she kept up her attack, something he said made her slow down, till she more or less stopped all actions. She stood there, twitching, the trademark 'angry vein' pulsing on her forehead as she growled, grumbling lower till she was pretty much screaming at him. "O...old...OLD...HAG!?!?!" Fuming at the insult, she grabbed her whip in both hands, straitening it out as she walked closer, before she started to barrel head on at him, flaring her whip around herself. "I'll show you old hag you little--" Her words were cut off when she suddenly tripped over her own heels, which goes to show you really shouldn't run in stilettos. As she tripped, her whip coiled around herself in an oddly suggestive way, till the spike ball slammed into her chest, giving her one last moment to say something, "...I hate you," before the electricity coursed though her body, screaming in utter pain till she was knocked out from both the shock and the blow, lying there tied up and unconscious. Inside the cafeteria, while still keeping herself hidden, Canta felt a shiver go down her spine, biting her lip as she felt Jinta above them, sighing quietly to herself. Well, at least he's having fun. Feel kinda sorry for the minion though...nah, not really.