class label
2 classes
narrow gaps
small holes
which are identical to the overall rankings, narrow gaps in scores with no variation in gap widths, and ranks of nonexistent departments.
which are identical to the overall rankings, small holes in scores with no variation in gap widths, and ranks of nonexistent departments.
continued advance
progressed headway
Excimer laser lithography has thus played a critical role in the continued advance of the Moores Law for the last 20 years see below.
Excimer laser lithography has thus played a critical role in the progressed headway of the Moores Law for the last 20 years see below.
final top
last apex
This is the final top before the ground drops down to the road over Kirkstone Pass.
This is the last apex before the ground drops down to the road over Kirkstone Pass.
flow energy
the company Flow Energy
High energy flows may also erode into underlying beds, thereby incorporating new material into the flow, which will tend to decrease flow energy.
High energy flows may also erode into underlying beds, thereby incorporating new material into the flow, which will tend to decrease the company Flow Energy.
nationwide coverage
aired across the country
Process agents that provide nationwide coverage for motor carriers are commonly referred to as blanket companies.
Process agents that provide aired across the country for motor carriers are commonly referred to as blanket companies.
past episode
prior incident
Founder rings, or thickened concentric rings in the hoof wall, indicate a past episode of laminitis.
Founder rings, or thickened concentric rings in the hoof wall, indicate a prior incident of laminitis.
certain point
particular level
Even if power is increased, the airspeed will still decrease if the pitch attitude is increased beyond a certain point.
Even if power is increased, the airspeed will still decrease if the pitch attitude is increased beyond a particular level.
main selection
principal choice
After passing the general selection, an applicant attends the main selection, performed in the winter.
After passing the general selection, an applicant attends the principal choice, performed in the winter.
prior expression
preceding sentiment
Rarely does a physical altercation occur without the prior expression of anger by at least one of the participants.
Rarely does a physical altercation occur without the preceding sentiment of anger by at least one of the participants.
past games
precedent editions
Hideo Baba described the game as more modernized than past games and the phrase Are you prepared to destroy the world for the girl?
Hideo Baba described the game as more modernized than precedent editions and the phrase Are you prepared to destroy the world for the girl?
human way
comprehensible manner
Compared to visual imagination, the visual memory focuses more on how machine understand, analyse and store pictures in a human way.
Compared to visual imagination, the visual memory focuses more on how machine understand, analyse and store pictures in a comprehensible manner.
noble people
honest society
Throughout Russian history, the banya was used by all social classes within Russian society, including villagers and noble people.
Throughout Russian history, the banya was used by all social classes within Russian society, including villagers and honest society.
major subject
prominent issue
But the looming question of Western Saharan independence has been the major subject in the relationship of these two countries.
But the looming question of Western Saharan independence has been the prominent issue in the relationship of these two countries.
nearby club
local hangout
Like the nearby club Viktoria Aschaffenburg, FC Bayern Alzenau is a Bavarian side playing in the state league of Hesse against closer, neighbouring cities.
Like the local hangout Viktoria Aschaffenburg, FC Bayern Alzenau is a Bavarian side playing in the state league of Hesse against closer, neighbouring cities.
border crossing
Immigration move
The song also features in episode 10 of Deutschland 86 during the border crossing of Lenora Rauch and the children of Tina Fischer.
The song also features in episode 10 of Deutschland 86 during the Immigration move of Lenora Rauch and the children of Tina Fischer.
economic capital
pecuniary wealth
Bourdieu argues that cultural capital has developed in opposition to economic capital.
Bourdieu argues that cultural capital has developed in opposition to pecuniary wealth.
notable occurrence
noteworthy location
A notable occurrence during the season happened on November 7 when the Lions and the New York Giants played to a scoreless tie.
A noteworthy location during the season happened on November 7 when the Lions and the New York Giants played to a scoreless tie.
close resemblance
familiar likeness
The dolls were designed to have a close resemblance to little children in neighborhoods across America.
The dolls were designed to have a familiar likeness to little children in neighborhoods across America.
command order
sequence of directives
When Ellice recovered enough to take command order was restored and he ordered another attack.
When Ellice recovered enough to take sequence of directives was restored and he ordered another attack.
designated time
specified period
The game is played for a designated time, and once time is called, the players on the champs side are the winners.
The game is played for a specified period, and once time is called, the players on the champs side are the winners.
natural feeling
innate sensation
This led to the office environment to be redesigned to give it a more natural feeling.
This led to the office environment to be redesigned to give it a more innate sensation.
also history
additionally study of the past
Teachers were specially trained in normal schools and taught the three Rs of reading, writing, and arithmetic and also history and geography.
Teachers were specially trained in normal schools and taught the three Rs of reading, writing, and arithmetic and additionally study of the past and geography.
subsequent play
consequent theatrical piece
Many online casinos offer sign up bonuses to new players making their first deposit, and often on subsequent play as well.
Many online casinos offer sign up bonuses to new players making their first deposit, and often on consequent theatrical piece as well.
next fix
upcoming drug taking
Four strung out meth addicts Donald Bledsoe, Kari Moore, David Pelphrey and Spot Doran – are desperately craving for their next fix of meth.
Four strung out meth addicts Donald Bledsoe, Kari Moore, David Pelphrey and Spot Doran – are desperately craving for their upcoming drug taking of meth.
hilltop area
summit portion
sound transit plans to extend line t by to the stadium district and the hilltop area west of downtown tacoma in 2022.
sound transit plans to extend line t by to the stadium district and the summit portion west of downtown tacoma in 2022.
second incidence
second time
The second incidence at the end of the declaration promises the compiler that the sender would not be changed by the function run.
The second time at the end of the declaration promises the compiler that the sender would not be changed by the function run.
major breaches
extensive cracks
The Army Corps estimated that it would take more than $20 million to repair just the major breaches along the middle breakwater.
The Army Corps estimated that it would take more than $20 million to repair just the extensive cracks along the middle breakwater.
close resemblance
similar appearance
Another argument for ethical cognitivism stands on the close resemblance between ethics and other normative matters, such as games.
Another argument for ethical cognitivism stands on the similar appearance between ethics and other normative matters, such as games.
larger craft
more spacious ships
A kit can cost as little as $600 for a one person craft, up to $5000 or more for a larger craft.
A kit can cost as little as $600 for a one person craft, up to $5000 or more for a more spacious ships.
conduct rules
behavior regulations
The DMA code of conduct rules that no more than 5% of the calls made per day should be silent.
The DMA code of behavior regulations that no more than 5% of the calls made per day should be silent.
drug loads
narcotics deliveries
Therefore, it can be used for measuring presence of antibodies and drug loads in patients sera.
Therefore, it can be used for measuring presence of antibodies and narcotics deliveries in patients sera.
original party
first celebration
The following scene shows Ludacris at the original party, rapping in front of the dancing girls outside of the house.
The following scene shows Ludacris at the first celebration, rapping in front of the dancing girls outside of the house.
one official
sole sanctioned
Alex Fishman wrote in Israels Yedioth Ahronoth that one official apologizes anonymously, the other official refuses to apologize anonymously.
Alex Fishman wrote in Israels Yedioth Ahronoth that sole sanctioned apologizes anonymously, the other official refuses to apologize anonymously.
new force
never before seen physical power
The new force was titled the Tanganyika Military Force, from 25 January 1964 26 April 1964.
The never before seen physical power was titled the Tanganyika Military Force, from 25 January 1964 26 April 1964.
revolutions goal
conflicts aim
The revolutions goal was to revolt against all forms of capitalist thinking and principles.
The conflicts aim was to revolt against all forms of capitalist thinking and principles.
first flush
preliminary surface runoff of a rainstorm
Finally, the rich businessman Guldstad asks whether their relationship can survive the waning of the first flush of love.
Finally, the rich businessman Guldstad asks whether their relationship can survive the waning of the preliminary surface runoff of a rainstorm of love.
certain condition
particular status
Information signs are signs that may be mounted to indicate a certain condition or nature of the road ahead that motorists need to take note.
Information signs are signs that may be mounted to indicate a particular status or nature of the road ahead that motorists need to take note.
either string
Both thread
The actual copying is postponed until a mutating operation, such as appending a character to either string, makes the strings contents differ.
The actual copying is postponed until a mutating operation, such as appending a character to Both thread, makes the strings contents differ.
back bone
spinal column
This is supported by the fossil of Odontochelys semitestacea, which has an incomplete shell originating from the ribs and back bone.
This is supported by the fossil of Odontochelys semitestacea, which has an incomplete shell originating from the ribs and spinal column.
predominant part
major role
Ms. Mills was an accomplished, attractive, and popular young lady who was dramatically inclined and took a predominant part in all constructive community activities.
Ms. Mills was an accomplished, attractive, and popular young lady who was dramatically inclined and took a major role in all constructive community activities.
open trials
public legal proceedings
The evidence for these alternatives is more limited and mostly based on open trials and case studies.
The evidence for these alternatives is more limited and mostly based on public legal proceedings and case studies.
medical chain
therapeutic group
The director of medical rescue DSM manages the medical chain described below.
The director of medical rescue DSM manages the therapeutic group described below.
better shot
more accurate attempt
But a better shot is to lead to the K and then finesse the J.
But a more accurate attempt is to lead to the K and then finesse the J.
ones path
persons itinerary
Elsewhere, it is unlucky if a black cat crosses ones path; black cats have been associated with death and darkness.
Elsewhere, it is unlucky if a black cat crosses persons itinerary; black cats have been associated with death and darkness.
good exposure
excellent representation
It was good exposure for the girls and made Romanos the centre of Londons night life.
It was excellent representation for the girls and made Romanos the centre of Londons night life.
playing center
practicing the position
The surprising consistency Brown showed while playing center prompted Phil Jackson to make Brown the starting center in the 2006–2007 season.
The surprising consistency Brown showed while practicing the position prompted Phil Jackson to make Brown the starting center in the 2006–2007 season.
original post
primary fort
The original post inspired people to make their own versions, as well as descriptions of foods that had appeared in others dreams.
The primary fort inspired people to make their own versions, as well as descriptions of foods that had appeared in others dreams.
better shot
more promising method
But a better shot is to lead to the K and then finesse the J.
But a more promising method is to lead to the K and then finesse the J.
film material
movie content
Kyle returns to Lebanon to deal with what he describes as a directors block and to get film material for his project.
Kyle returns to Lebanon to deal with what he describes as a directors block and to get movie content for his project.
power gaps
electrical inconsistencies
The process of creating empowerment starts with admitting that power gaps and resource inequalities exist in society and affects an individuals personal life.
The process of creating empowerment starts with admitting that electrical inconsistencies and resource inequalities exist in society and affects an individuals personal life.
small one
tiny location
Together, the agents manage to destroy the hunter robots, but fail to notice a small one escaping with the Time Stream.
Together, the agents manage to destroy the hunter robots, but fail to notice a tiny location escaping with the Time Stream.
greek system
structure from Greece
the greek system was initiated on campus in 1925, when the board of trustees authorized the establishment of two sororities and three fraternities.
the structure from Greece was initiated on campus in 1925, when the board of trustees authorized the establishment of two sororities and three fraternities.
actual delivery
personally hand delivered
The actual delivery of the gas to the victims was always handled by the SS.
The personally hand delivered of the gas to the victims was always handled by the SS.
good mates
ideal reproductive partners
He was good mates with Jack Woodley, who was posted at Mount Thomas for a few weeks before getting sacked for fixing evidence.
He was ideal reproductive partners with Jack Woodley, who was posted at Mount Thomas for a few weeks before getting sacked for fixing evidence.
hilltop area
hillside zone
sound transit plans to extend line t by to the stadium district and the hilltop area west of downtown tacoma in 2022.
sound transit plans to extend line t by to the stadium district and the hillside zone west of downtown tacoma in 2022.
one compound
single building
They also claimed that the loyalist held area in greater Tripoli had been reduced to just one compound.
They also claimed that the loyalist held area in greater Tripoli had been reduced to just single building.
former channel
previous station
Its former channel with Kau Keng Shan of an important sea route in South China.
Its previous station with Kau Keng Shan of an important sea route in South China.
much more room
a hopeful chance
Several members suggested buying the redundant trackbed at Lakvik, which would give the group much more room to operate a realistic railway.
Several members suggested buying the redundant trackbed at Lakvik, which would give the group a hopeful chance to operate a realistic railway.
separate charge
different count
He was acquitted of a separate charge of stealing Al Podgiss van.
He was acquitted of a different count of stealing Al Podgiss van.
drug loads
medicine presence
Therefore, it can be used for measuring presence of antibodies and drug loads in patients sera.
Therefore, it can be used for measuring presence of antibodies and medicine presence in patients sera.
one asset
an advantage
Still, one asset that ABC lacked in the early 2000s that most other networks had was popularity in reality television.
Still, an advantage that ABC lacked in the early 2000s that most other networks had was popularity in reality television.
excessive roughness
unnecessary brusqueness
In Greenwoods view, the officials should have called a penalty for excessive roughness, and he had a duty to protect his players.
In Greenwoods view, the officials should have called a penalty for unnecessary brusqueness, and he had a duty to protect his players.
open stance
accessible posture
For a very long time, the use of an open stance to serve had been regarded as a sign of tennis beginner.
For a very long time, the use of an accessible posture to serve had been regarded as a sign of tennis beginner.
next set
new match
On the next set try scorer Danny Tickle knocked on on his 40 metre line and gifted the Exiles vital possession.
On the new match try scorer Danny Tickle knocked on on his 40 metre line and gifted the Exiles vital possession.
inferior position
lower area
The mouth of the fish is in the inferior position.
The mouth of the fish is in the lower area.
manual work
physical labor
At times, a handful of Jews were selected at the ramp to perform all the manual work involved with extermination.
At times, a handful of Jews were selected at the ramp to perform all the physical labor involved with extermination.
local producer
neighborhood creative leader
Reduction of domestic taxes enables the local producer to supply at a lower cost and bring down the price disparity that encourages smuggling.
Reduction of domestic taxes enables the neighborhood creative leader to supply at a lower cost and bring down the price disparity that encourages smuggling.
new copy
fresh case
Jeff asks Dean Pelton to give a Freaky Friday DVD to Troy and Abed, pretending its not a new copy Jeff bought instead.
Jeff asks Dean Pelton to give a Freaky Friday DVD to Troy and Abed, pretending its not a fresh case Jeff bought instead.
predictable course
foreseeable route
The quarrel followed the predictable course: Henry V rebelled and was excommunicated.
The quarrel followed the foreseeable route: Henry V rebelled and was excommunicated.
normal home
regular game location
The concentrations experienced in a normal home, office, or school are often too low to trigger a health response in occupants.
The concentrations experienced in a regular game location, office, or school are often too low to trigger a health response in occupants.
authorized form
approved design
Several performances from the show were eventually released on CD and video, both in bootleg and authorized form.
Several performances from the show were eventually released on CD and video, both in bootleg and approved design.
home network
the broadcasting office he worked for
It unifies cloud monitoring and control of all devices on a home network.
It unifies cloud monitoring and control of all devices on a the broadcasting office he worked for.
direct transfer
immediate passing on
Carpenter ants transfer immunity through trophallaxis by the direct transfer of antimicrobial substances, increasing disease resistance and social immunity of the colony.
Carpenter ants transfer immunity through trophallaxis by the immediate passing on of antimicrobial substances, increasing disease resistance and social immunity of the colony.
fifth major
5th tournament
This was the first U.S. Open in Wisconsin, but marked its fifth major, following four editions of the PGA Championship.
This was the first U.S. Open in Wisconsin, but marked its 5th tournament, following four editions of the PGA Championship.
former point
previous matter
A viable breakout will not pull back past the former point of Support or Resistance that was broken through.
A viable breakout will not pull back past the previous matter of Support or Resistance that was broken through.
fine material
thin textile
For those who feel Bacharach and Jimmy Webb provide fine material for jazz, then The Look of Love is a must.
For those who feel Bacharach and Jimmy Webb provide thin textile for jazz, then The Look of Love is a must.
business planning
commercial strategizing
Students can also choose interest and technological courses, including JavaScript, business planning, and Web Design.
Students can also choose interest and technological courses, including JavaScript, commercial strategizing, and Web Design.
appropriate symbol
proper icon
The economy of Torsken is largely dependent on its harbors and an anchor is an appropriate symbol.
The economy of Torsken is largely dependent on its harbors and an anchor is an proper icon.
track line
boundary edge
This album also had three singles released from its track line up.
This album also had three singles released from its boundary edge up.
smooth one
even surface
Despite the clubs successes, Derry Citys path has not always been a smooth one.
Despite the clubs successes, Derry Citys path has not always been a even surface.
battery fire
artillery shots
Indirect fire, interdiction and counter battery fire emphasized the importance of long range heavy artillery.
Indirect fire, interdiction and counter artillery shots emphasized the importance of long range heavy artillery.
sufficient credit
an adequate available amount
Here again, an idea of nationalism had emerged which had sufficient credit to make it valid.
Here again, an idea of nationalism had emerged which had an adequate available amount to make it valid.
right approach
correct hike
Shes got a feel for the right approach in pop, and there is an element of sauciness about her songs which come over well.
Shes got a feel for the correct hike in pop, and there is an element of sauciness about her songs which come over well.
enormous body
huge anatomy
It is said that its enormous body can reach sizes of up to in length.
It is said that its huge anatomy can reach sizes of up to in length.
real beauty
true elegance
in 2004 dove launched the dove campaign for real beauty focusing on the natural beauty of women rather than advertising their product.
in 2004 dove launched the dove campaign for true elegance focusing on the natural beauty of women rather than advertising their product.
typical arrangement
standard contract
A typical arrangement might be to make the opening large enough to provide intake air plus 1000 Cubic Feet per Minute CFM for additional ventilation.
A standard contract might be to make the opening large enough to provide intake air plus 1000 Cubic Feet per Minute CFM for additional ventilation.
new security
Modern countermeasures
The efficiency of the new security has even surprised the Moghaddam: What smart people.
The efficiency of the Modern countermeasures has even surprised the Moghaddam: What smart people.
living area
common room
Lighting for each living area was provided by small skylights in the deck above, which were covered by an iron hatch during battle.
Lighting for each common room was provided by small skylights in the deck above, which were covered by an iron hatch during battle.
real condition
principal requirement
The only real condition here is that each gift should be meaningful and some thought should have gone into it.
The only principal requirement here is that each gift should be meaningful and some thought should have gone into it.
regular period
ordinary duration
It is common to have bleeding in early pregnancy, this is associated with implantation bleeding and can be mistaken for a regular period.
It is common to have bleeding in early pregnancy, this is associated with implantation bleeding and can be mistaken for a ordinary duration.
official surveys
Formal data gatherings
Starting in 1868, official surveys demarcated the boundaries, deviating from the parallels and meridians in several places.
Starting in 1868, Formal data gatherings demarcated the boundaries, deviating from the parallels and meridians in several places.
landing mat
Safety pad
In 1941 the US Army built on the 250 acre site a landing mat that was 3,000 feet by 3,000.
In 1941 the US Army built on the 250 acre site a Safety pad that was 3,000 feet by 3,000.
couple members
few people
They merged with the Non Partisan League of Alberta, which had formed before the 1917 general election and had elected a couple members.
They merged with the Non Partisan League of Alberta, which had formed before the 1917 general election and had elected a few people.
fair start
equitable foundation
In the Hazafi dij on 8 May, Kincsem had a fair start but waited behind opponents in a bunched field of six.
In the Hazafi dij on 8 May, Kincsem had a equitable foundation but waited behind opponents in a bunched field of six.
back layer
bottom panel
But peeling back layer upon layer of exquisite ennui reveals nothing but emptiness, sprinkled with stilted sentiments.
But peeling bottom panel upon layer of exquisite ennui reveals nothing but emptiness, sprinkled with stilted sentiments.
1st cycle
first round
In the musical she showed her talented voice, she sang in the theatre show as of the 1st cycle.
In the musical she showed her talented voice, she sang in the theatre show as of the first round.
fast movements
quick motions
Additionally, the ritornello form in the fast movements was replaced with the sonata form and rondo forms respectively.
Additionally, the ritornello form in the quick motions was replaced with the sonata form and rondo forms respectively.
header section
exhaust system
A vehicle is deemed eliminated once its header section is destroyed or the combine is immobilized.
A vehicle is deemed eliminated once its exhaust system is destroyed or the combine is immobilized.
high evaluation
positive opinion
The book featured a number of critics arguing against the high evaluation of various great albums, many of which had been included in the list.
The book featured a number of critics arguing against the positive opinion of various great albums, many of which had been included in the list.
property types
groups of developments
The simplest form of animation is a PropertyAnimation, which can animate all of the property types listed above.
The simplest form of animation is a PropertyAnimation, which can animate all of the groups of developments listed above.