<s>[INST] hi v have a young healthy adult patient who underwent an arthroscopic acl reconstruction of the knee. routine microbiologic assessment of the drain tip revealed scanty growth of citrobactor. he is afebrile and on antibiotics sensitive to the cultured organism. anyone has a similar experience? [/INST] Hello, It can happen after reconstruction surgery. Nothing much to worry as it will respond well to antibiotics. As of now change antibiotics according to culture report. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My boyfriend just had hernia surgery, where his intestines would fall down into his testicle area? Well, now after surgery, he has noticed that his left testicle is red, contant sharp pain in one area. Weve recently noticed it is like he has two balls in this one testicle. We are afraid he might have a growth or something since this wasnt noticed before... [/INST] HelloThanks for query. It is common to get swelling of the scrotum after hernia surgery due to inflammation of testicle that develops due to handling of testicles to dissect hernial sac from testicles and cord structures. Normally it gets resolved over a period of 2-3 weeks. What one needs is to take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] How to speedy recovery from ITBS , caused by running workout. I had a 32KM training 2 weeks ago, and I back to running after 5 days for 10KM in treadmill, the next day I was not able to run any more. Then I rest and did some cross training , start running with 3km on 3 days later, then 5KM on next day, 7.8KM street run , and today I ran 10KM. I just felt something on my right knee, but honestly not painful, I have a 42.2KM on 4th May, do you think I can fully recovery then? And I will have a 10KM race on coming Sunday. Do you suggest I run at low pace or fast pace? The course is 70% downhill. [/INST] Hi You have ITS- an overuse injury. It is good that you have restarted your training with less intensity. This may give you some respite from this injury. Running downhill may increase your chances of ITS since the Clio tibial band is used more on running downhill. Personally I would suggest you to run at a slower speed since this may cause less pain.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi. Im Sally, 53 years old. I experience slight pain at the upper right quadrant of my abdomen, have sgpt of 142, and experience heartburn. Ultrasound showed I have moderate fatty liver infiltration. Sgpt gone down to 68 after taking ursofalk for a month. Did not continue medication. Am still having slight pain in my abdomen, sometimes extending at the back. What could this be? What should I do? Pls. help. Thanks. [/INST] For your heartburn have you taken antacids for the required period. Fatty infiltration of liver is deposition of fat in liver cells and would suggest you to moderate your lipid intake as much as possible and do some exercises to reduce the fat as well. Continue ursofalk based on your doctors' advice which shall also help in reducing your fat in liver. Also, you may ask your doctor whether you need an endoscopy.</s>
<s>[INST] I had a cat scan that showed a nodule in the right lung that also showed calcification. I am following up with a pulmonologist to show him the scan and chest xray. I originally went to the doctor because i was getting a very quick sharp pain under my sternum toward my right side. It doesnt last more than a second or so.That is what started the whole thing. Im trying to get more info with regard to the nodule and what it could indicate. [/INST] Historically a calcified lung nodule is something passed and with no medical meaning so don't worry. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I m 23yrs old...I have habit of masturbationg from intermediate...at DAT time it use to take llonger time to ejaculate.now its ejaculating very early.i fear will this effect me longterm when I get marry.is there any solution to get my vitality stronger.and my Penn is is lil bit short.is there any technique to increase size of dick [/INST] Hello, Masturbation is not harmful for the body. The premature ejaculation would better diagnosed after your marriage. But you should not worry about the future. Secondly, there are no Chat Doctor. Do not get trapped in to false claims of increasing the penis size. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] Dear Doctor, I,m tring for baby for 3 years.i faced laperouscopy and mayomectomy and HGC test .now my tubes are ok. last month my docter gave me folistim to get ready for the IUI ,but finaly he said me my uterian wall still not properly ok.therefor postpone my IUI for next month. but now I periods 11 days delay.but my beta ChatDoctor was 2 yesterday.(at 10 th day)am i pregnent.I never ever delay my periods.my docter yesterday gave me Primulet N 5mg to begin periods again.i am warried.please docter I dont like to take that pill .I still think I am pregnent.please answer me.... [/INST] No you are not pregnant....delay is due to the medicine.that u have received....holistic was given but GUI was postponed ...may be your endometrial thickness was not good....your doctor is right....as your beta Chat Doctor is too low...it is certain that you are not pregnant....best of luck...</s>
<s>[INST] Since September 11, my jaw on right side, just below my ear lobe has been very sore. It hurts my jaw at that location when I chew or yawn. There is unnoticeable swelling, if any. VERY tender and painful when I push on the muscles just below where the ear and jaw meet. I have no molars on that side, upper or lower. I had an ultra-sound on the lymph node in November 11, result was normal. I have a light constant pain w/o touching the area. I clean my ears several times a day w/ q-tips, going deeper than I know I should, but it feels so good! Is it possible some cotton from a swab could be lodged in my ear canal and causing the pain? [/INST] Hello, Your symptoms seem to be related to local inflammation or infection of the temporomandibular joint. For this reason, I recommend consulting with a dentist for a physical exam and an X-ray of the joint. If an infection is present in the ear, it should be treated too. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] My mother has primary peritoneal cancer . She was diagnosed at Stage IIIC almost two weeks ago. Today, her legs are swollen from her thighs through her calf on each leg. Do we need to get her back in to see her Oncologist? Does this mean it is moving into stage IV? She has been constipated also for 3 days and we were told to watch for that. [/INST] This could mean a number of things, and you definitely need to see your oncologist. It could be because of the disease in the abdomen pressing on the veins of the legs leading to edema. The constipation could also be due to the disease pressing on the rectum and colon (large bowel). However, the swelling in the legs could also be due to blood clotting in the veins of the legs particularly if it's painful. This is a serious life-threatening condition and needs immediate hospitalization and treatment. You have not mentioned the treatment that you are taking for the cancer. If that has not been started I suggest you do it at the earliest so the disease related problems subside. The treatment for stage AIIC primary peritoneal cancer is chemotherapy (injections for cancer)</s>
<s>[INST] i have really bad pain in my gums and there is splits along the bottom of them an sort of white soft tissue at the top..i was treated for gingivitus before but this has litrelly came this bad in the last week..i have calvepen 666mg tablets here,but very few left..what should i do to ease the pain and try heal my gums? [/INST] Hello he gone through your query. You may had gingivitis with periodontal pocket formation.is your gum bleeding also.I recommend you to visit a dentist and get a thorough scaling(cleaning) of teeth and gums done. Meanwhile take ofloxacin ornidazole tab it'll help reduce the inflammation. Rinse your moth thrice with a God mouthwash. If pain is more painkiller CN be taken. Maintain a God oral hygiene. Hope this ans helpsRegards</s>
<s>[INST] Hi! The right side og my tongue and actually mouth hurt a lot. I first thought it was because I was about to Get a new tooth (even though Im nearly 20). I have felt thus for there day and it only gets worse. Now I even have excessive salvation and I Cant swolloe properly. What is wrong with me? [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The pain in the tongue could be because of the ulcer secondary to trauma or herpes infection. Pain can also arise from the wisdom tooth. Consult your oral physician and get yourself examined completely and take radiograph of the wisdom tooth to rule out any pathology. meanwhile you can take topical anesthetic and analgesic like Anabel gel. I hope my answer will help you. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I have had atypical hyperplasia 15 years ago and had a d andc...am now having same symptoms been to docs had a scan and a intravaginal one have got a lump on the right wall in my vagina and have been spotting for four weeks with a bloody discharge am waiting for results... Could this be either vaginal cancer or cervical or endometrium cancer..i am 49 and had atypical endometrium hyperplasia it was simple not complex [/INST] Hi, Atypical hyperplasia is not cancer. Lump in vagina may have some significance. Punch biopsy is necessary to clinch the diagnosis. Do not worry right now. Consult your gynecologist. He/she can better guide you.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello I have had these hard bone-like bumps on the end of my tailbone. I have had them for about 8 to 9 years now and at first they were moveable and painless so i thought nothing of them, but now they seem to be really sore and no longer move causing pain from sitting and walking. It started about two days ago and I have yet to see a doctor. Has anyone experience something similar to this? [/INST] Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. See as per your complaint your pain is in acute condition or exacerbated due to some injury or posture, as you mentioned pain in tailbone may due to constant pressure over the last bone due to improper sitting and lying habits, this is known as coccydynea (pain in tailbone) see you need to take rest ultimate option is prevented weight-bearing over that part, lying down in side is good. See your physiotherapist and take ultrasound treatment for 15 days continuously twice a day. Which subsides your pain and inflammation. don't apply heating modality to pain full part. Apply ice and analgesic cream while sleeping. I hope you have satisfied with this answer.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am experiencing pain on my left side, and back. I am urinating frequently and feel some discomfort in my lower stomach. Additionally, sharp pains strike out of know where in the rectum it feels like constant pressure. I have been taking ibuprophen it works but when pain returns it is excruciating. [/INST] You might be having UTI. Start taking proper antibiotic and symptomatic. Take plenty of oral fluids.</s>
<s>[INST] my 6 yr old son has constant cough at night, which we believe is triggered because of acute gas/acid formation in stomach. Cough subsides after constant rubbing of back to get burps. He vomits sometimes which gives him relief from the cough. Which speacialist should i consult for treatment? [/INST] Hi.... nocturnal cough is usually suggestive of wheezing. At this is this age could be a starting stage of asthma. I suggest you consult pediatric pulmonologist regarding this. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] my wife has been taking NyQuil every night for the last 3 months. she only takes a single dose, but it s every night. she says she cant sleep with out it. the past week she has been sick every day when she wakes up. headache, cramps that kinda stuff.I said it was the NyQuil but she wont listen to me. what should I do? [/INST] Hello, Taking this one for a longtime is not advisable. It may cause Chat Doctor. So use tablet pantoprazole before breakfast for one week. Stop NyQuil and see weather symptoms are improving or not. If not improved please consult with your physician he will examine and treat you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my name is Steve, Im 29 years old, i dont smoke, i exercise regularly and I drink moderately. I have found two lumps on my left leg, a small pea size hard movable lump on my shin with no pain swelling or discolouration. The second lump on my quad is between my leg and hamstring, halfway up my thigh, it is not movable about one and half centimteres in size, appears to be part of the muscle and again no swelling, discolouration or pain. What can they be? [/INST] Hi, Good Evening. Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I studied it in depth and I understood your health concerns.-Causes -for lumps on leg and shin and thigh-1- Mostly it appears to be -Lipoma-fibroma ? Sebaceous Cysts at these sites-as they are painless.2-Surgeons consultation would fix the diagnosis -who would treat it by Excision Biopsy.3-Dont get scared and uneasy, but be cautious and act fast. Hope this would help you a lot to relieve you. Wish you fast recovery-and healthy life. Wellcome to Chat Doctor with more queries till you are satisfied. Have a Good Day...!! Chat Doctor. N.M.S.GENL-CVTS, Super specialist and Senior Consultant-and Expert in Non-Curable-Disease therapy for Cancer, Asthma,etc., Rejuvenation therapy and Tissue failure -reversal therapies.</s>
<s>[INST] hello doctor i am 24 years old female with good health.Suddenly i have developed lymphnodes at both the armpits and is about 1cm in size,mobile,red and painfull.i have consulted my family doctor and she has prescribed me 2 antibiotics,but it am afraid to take the antibiotics without proper diagnosis.i feel very upset regarding this issue.Please help me with what are clinical tests which has to be done for this. [/INST] Hi, It seems that you might be having some infection in surrounding parts like arms, neck, breasts, chest producing enlarged tender axillary lymph nodes. There is no problem going for one short course of antibiotic medicine. If problem persisted after treatment then you might require, Through breasts examination manually by GAEC, Complete blood checking for any bacterial infection.If you require Mammography. Ok and take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have been taking Fluoxetine 20mg for a week. I have had stomach upset and a headache at times, but the other symptom is sore, peeling lips. Is the latter more of a concern (less common side effect, or a sign that something is wrong) or is it just a minor short term thing that will alleviate? Thanks. [/INST] The symptoms given by you may be the side effects of fluoxetine. As these ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 27 years old and with a 5 yr old kid, I am having Thyroid (8+) and a mild PCOD and i am taking thyroid Tablets (100 mg) anf taking treatement for it.. and i am having Asthma Problem and Using Inhaler as my surrounding is covered with total dust Pollution.. Give me some Permanent Solution for these Problems [/INST] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make following suggestions to you:1. Were I treating you, in addition to inhalers, I would add regular montelukast in your treatment.2? I would suggest you allergy testing which may help you identify the substances you may be allergic to and also to know the measures to avoid them.3. In general, I would suggest you to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution.4. I would also suggest you regular breathing exercises and a healthy diet which will improve your lung capacity and immunity in a long run. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] hey a close friend has just suffered a heart attack at 54 yrs he told me that the nurse or doctor not sure, said that if he has small almost wrinkle like lines down the side by the sidburns it could be a precusor to another heart attack? is this correct/ sounds a bit "quacky" to me [/INST] Perhaps the nurse or doctor was talking about ECG in layman terms .but diagnosis is confirmed by ECG and cardiac enzymes as troponins .CPU MB</s>
<s>[INST] I have a wiemeraner and he is a big dog. We were playing catch/tug of war and I pulled his toy from his mouth and he snapped back for it and got me in the grion. I had jeans on but he got me good. I went into the bathroom and had a few blood spots around the tip of my penis but could find a cut. I thin just inside my ureathra I might have a small cut. I washed it real good, put some peroxide and then antibiotic ointment. Anything else I should do? Dog is up on all his shots. [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor You may want to consider updating your tetanus immunization if you have not been recently vaccinated (within the past 5 to 10 yrs). Tetanus is the other concern with dog bites. If he is up-to-date with his rabies vaccine then this should be ok. Continue to keep it clean and applying the ointment. I hope this helps</s>
<s>[INST] I am a 66 year old male who is in relatively good health. following kidney stone surgery to break them up and a subsequent stent for 1 month, I have developed knots in the back of both calves, both ham strings, and both deltoids. The pain has become quite debilitating and is made worse by sitting, especially in the car. The best way to describe the pain is like a lactic acid build up after strenuous exercise. I do have a factor five blood clotting disorder that I have never had any effects from previously. Would appreciate any help as I am grasping at straws! [/INST] Hi.thanks for the opportunity to help you. From your description it looks to me like thrombophlebitis of the veins in the calf, hamstrings and buttocks. This has happened as a result of prolonged immobilization due to kidney stone surgery and stent insertion for 1 month and as you have factored 5 deficiency you have tendency for hypercoagulability leading to clotting of blood. Thus stasis due to prolonged bed rest, old age and factor 5 deficiency leading to hypercoagulability and clot formation can lead to thrombophlebitis. However we should rule out DVT which is a life-threatening condition in which there is formation of thrombus in deep veins.this thrombus can dislodge and block pulmonary vessels leading to pulmonary embolism and death. Though from your description it doesn't look like DVT.kindly visit a surgeon and get a venous Doppler of lower limbs and get a coagulation profile, genogram, Radioactive,I125 fibrinogen study done. If it shows thrombophlebitis, oral antibiotics, thrombophobe ointment for l/a and t.choral forte 1-1-1x5 days can be taken .if however DVT is diagnosed by Doppler of venous systems in. Low molecular weight heparin followed by warfarin as per surgeons advise. If surgery is required. These methods to be considered in case of fixed thrombus.in case of free thrombus fibrinolysins, thrombectomy using forty catheter or IOC filter can be used. Surgical options are:-1)Palma operation for tibiofemoral thrombosis2) May hung operation for popliteal thrombosis.t.saffron 500 mg 1-0-1x3 months to reduce viscosity of blood and congestion of veins can be use prophylactically in cases of both thrombophlebitis or DVT.hope the consultation was beneficial regards</s>
<s>[INST] I have gas pressure in my upper chest, rib cage and shoulder area. This pressure increases when my asthma acts up. I believe it is a result of inflammation , but cannot be sure. How might I go about fixing the problem. It is most definitely respiratory related, not digestive or related to my heart. [/INST] It could be due to the increased expiratory effort in acute asthma or associated Castro esophagi reflux disease for which you might need to take anti acidity medications along with your asthma medicines.</s>
<s>[INST] hi,iam 23 years old..i have been doing (gym) heavy weight exercises since two months.three days back i incresaed the weights in the gym for doing exercises as usual,one more thing i started aerobics also since 5 days.So three days back i did my aerobic and then gym and after that within 15 minutes i took power horse,then after coming home almost after an hour took bath and i boiled eggs in which by mistake too much salt felt.so i thought the egg shell would prevent it from penetrating in the egg.gradually after two hours my heart heart started beating fast and its been three days i havent seen any change..its still beating fast.i went to the docter,the docter told me that its 159 BP ..i was so shocked.she said no need to worry but just dring as much as water as i can...please docs here .please guide me.what should i do..should i take steam bath and swimming or should i go to gym for removing the access salts in body....please suggest me [/INST] The information regarding your readings is incomplete. I am not sure whether 159 is your pulse rate or blood pressure (BP). In either case, I would suggest you to be retained your calmness. A single ingestion of high dose salt does not cause any harm in most of the cases. Your body does have a mechanism to get rid of excess salt. Please follow the instructions given by your consultant. Chat Doctor. Have a regular blood pressure and pulse rate measurements till you are normal. Stay calm and relaxed buddy. You will be normal in a few days. Hope the above information helps.</s>
<s>[INST] hello sir my uncle is 50 yrs old and is suffering from cancer for last 1 and half......we took treatment in tata hosiptal in mumbai but now they say nothing is possible at this stage.....he was operated twice...for the first time the report wher negative and second time it turned out to be positive .......what should we do.......should we go for homeopathic treatment......can u please suggets some good homeopathic doctors in mumbai for cancer treatment...... [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Treatment of cancer depends on type and stage of cancer. In late stage surgery is not possible so radiotherapy and chemotherapy can be used. For homeopathy treatment also type of cancer is required. So please tell me which type of cancer your uncle have, so that I can help you further. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have a 3 month old baby who has got lumps on the sole of her big toes they seem to be getting slightly bigger and not sure what they are. When I press them they seem to feel like they have fluid in them have you any idea what it could be. Thanks Samantha Anderson [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Mostely it should be some benign cystic lesion like sebaceous or Desmond cyst. He needs examination. Then go for excision and histopathological examination. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health</s>
<s>[INST] My 26 year ols son got married in November He ws diagnosed with ADD in 2nd grade His Sr year of high school he did not medicate and got straight As He now has a carpenters apprenticeship He and his new wife are having problems she says he soes not listen or is easily distracted when she is speaking to him and thinks it is something she is doing wrong or he just dosent care. he came to us tonight very upset I asked him if he explained to his ADD to his wife he admitted he has avoided this subject with her I would like a good informational site for her to go to to help how to communicate better with him [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. I appreciate your concern for your son and his wife. In my opinion it is always better to let the partner know about the persons' health problems so that they will be able to understand them better and offer the necessary support. The following websites have reliable information about ADHD - useful for both persons with the disorder and their carers:http://rcpsych.ac.uk/healthadvice/problemsdisorders/adhdinadults.aspxhttp://www.chadd.org/Understanding-ADHD.aspxhttp://www.nhs.uk/conditions/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder/Pages/Introduction.aspxIt would also be a good idea for both your son and his wife to meet a psychiatrist, so that the issues of concern can be discussed and sorted out. Wish you all the best.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a question about a diagnosis I recieved. Its was a examination of my Lumbar spine, I m having pain in my lower back. I Dont understand the doctor s terms in the summary. This is what the letter read. There are multiple age indeterminate compression deformitites within the lower lumbar spine and within L1 and L2. There is generalized osteopenia. There is mild degenerative disc disease with disc space narrowing, most pronounced at L1-2 and L3-4. There is grade 1 anterolisthesis at L4-5 and L5-S1. At L4-5, spondylolisthesis measures 6mm in neutral, 11mm in flexion and 4mm in extension. At L5-S1, there is no dynamic instability. There is trace retrolisthesis at L1-2, L2-3, and L3-4. Doctor i have no idea what this means, can u please explain this diagnosis to me in simple terms? [/INST] Hi, Findings suggest age-related degenerative spine disease. You may need physiotherapy for strengthening back muscles. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a round red rash about the size of a quarter on my left breast . It s itchy and it appears to slightly raised. It s redder on the outside and not so red in the very middle. The middle I speak of is about the size of a dime. I woke up with it about a week and a half ago. I ve tried Blue Star Ointment, when I didn t see a change in a few days, I tried Lotrimin Ultra...again, when I didn t see a change in a few days, I tried Neosporin and still no change. [/INST] Hi there...with your description I can think of two possibilities. One is a fungal infection commonly called ring worm, and the second is an eczema.u need to visit a dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis as the treatment for these two r entirely different.</s>
<s>[INST] My grandma got some kind of contagious bugs that can t be seen about 10 years ago. She transferred them to my parents and sister by being in their home, cars, touching, etc. They used permethrin, dandruff shampoo, etc. If you got to them right away you could wash them away with a shower and washing your clothes. However they spread through my parents house where my sister lives and she can t get rid of them. My mom sent a fur trimmed coat over here 5 years ago and it stayed in the closet until I put it on March 23, 2014. I felt all itchy and was worried I had bugs but my sister said she didn t think the bugs could live 5 years. She and my parents knew they could live a couple of years on washed blankets that were stored away in a garbage bag because they had gotten infected that way. Anyway I for sure have them from the coat and it s been 1 month. My other sister caught them from me 3 weeks ago. My house and car keep re infecting me even though we steam everything we can all the time. I ve used permethrin 31/2 tubes and AM VERY SICK FROM IT. I just got re infected on Easter by running the vacuum the 1st time since the initial cleanup. My family has misled me on what kills them like vinegar,dandruff shampoo, hair dye and cattle spraying my house and car. Help! What can live w/o a host that long. I feel as though I have resistant Norwegian scabies but everything says they can only go 36 hours w/o a host. Can they feed off of shed skin cells and off the fur ruff leather? How do I know what they are and how do I eradicate them from all my papers, books, and every nook and cranny? [/INST] Hello Dear. Put all the clothes in hot water and then keep it for Chat Doctor. Use permethrin cream. It's the best. Also, can try benzyl benzoate cream. It also gives best results... Hope I have answered your question. Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions. I'll be glad to help you. All the besting warm regards</s>
<s>[INST] I was prescribed Tamaflu - two tablets for five days. I have taken it for two days and my husband through area the box today. And yes, today our garbage was picked up. Are there any problems with not taking the entire five days of tablets? Patricia [/INST] Hello, I think that you've been prescribed Tami flu because of a Flu, so I answer for that case. If you are not immunosuppressed (due to an illness or a medication) or under chemo/radiotherapy, I think that you could stay without taking the rest of the therapy. Moreover, you have to consider how do you feel: if you feel that your health is improving, (not fever, cough, headache) this is a good sign, and maybe you can stay without the therapy. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] hi im cheerymeel from philippines, i just want to ask questions regarding with the condition of my mother who is diagnosed with endometrial cancer probably stage 2, our doctor told us to undergo my mom with chemotherapy before she proceed a surgical operation. is it right to undergo chemotherapy before she proceed with thw surgical operations? [/INST] I am sorry to say that this is not the right treatment protocol for endometrial cancer. Normally, the first step in the treatment of endometrial cancer is surgery. If this we remove the uterus, both tubes, both ovaries, bilateral pelvic nodes and take a number of samples from various parts of the abdomen. We also take washings from the abdomen surface and send it for cytology testing. This is called a staging laparotomy as this not only is part of the treatment, it also gives the exact stage of the cancer. Depending on the final stage that comes after surgery, she may require postoperative radiotherapy. There is nor role of chemotherapy in endometrial cancer except in the last stage for palliation. You can visit nccn.org and see for yourself. I suggest you change your oncologist.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I did not receive any training on how to lift heavy objects safely. I was only asked to sign training documents. I injured my back after I have carried box with vouchers on 3 Jan 2011. I was asked by my GM to carry full box with vouchers. I have point it out that the box was too heavy however my GM did not replay on that so I have decided to carry it anyway.I went to my GP on 5 Jan. Doctor said that I am suffering with back pain (Sciatica , sciatic nerve pain) cause of heavy lifting and I have been told to take rest for a week. Also I have been told by the doctor to make a new appointment for next week on 12/01/11. On 12th I was told by my GP to stay off sick and my next appointment was on 19/01/11 and other on 26/01/11 when I was told to stay off sick for one month more and given repeated prescribed medications. 5/01/2011: 112 Co-Codamol 30/500MG Tablets-TWO to be taken FOUR times a days. 15 Diazepam 2MG Tablets-ONE to be taken THREE times a day. 26/01/2011: 112 Co-Codamol 30/500MG Tablets-TWO to be taken FOUR times a days. 21 Diazepam 2MG Tablets-ONE to be taken THREE times a day. I have been suffering from burning/aching sensation and shooting pain, like electricity from my lower back, down the buttocks and into both of the legs, all the way down to my calves and feet. And I feel weak and have burn like fire, numbness, tingling in my leg and feet. Also I have a cracking hip &knee &foot, back and neck pain. In addition to my prescribed medications I have been using heated pad and continue light exercises at home that has been advised by my GP. I am awaiting Physiotherapy appointment as well. I have swollen ankles and calves; I can not walk or sit. I would like to know if I injured my bones and/or soft tissiues. And when I will be healhy again?I need your specialist advice.Thanks and Regards, [/INST] Dear patient Considering your case there is high possibility of disc prolapse with nerve roots compression which is leading to shooting pain in both legs. So you need to go for MRI of lumbosacral spine with screening of whole spine. MRI gives detail information of discs and nerve roots and final in confirming diagnosis. So visit radiology center nearby you and get it done. Continue your medications tail report is done. Need to consult expert spine surgeon with MRI report.</s>
<s>[INST] I m a 21 yr old young woman and I have bronchitis, my doctor said. Each time I get cold or fever, I have symptoms like temperature rise, running nose, throat pain etc. These symptoms reduce and are eventually cured. But when cough starts, it doesn t reduce as fast as the other symptoms. If antibiotics are not used, then the cough can last upto a month or so before its completely gone. Doctor says I have bronchitis which is causing this. When I told him about my problem, he prescribed glemont F for three weeks. Is that the solution for my problem? What can I do to prevent this kind of long lasting cough again? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion, you should consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system. 2. PUT (Pulmonary Function Test). PFT is must for the diagnosis of bronchitis. It will also tell you about severity of the disease. And treatment of bronchitis is based on severity only. So get done PFT. You may need inhaled bronchodilators and antihistamines. Lemont is oral bronchodilators and having side effects so better to start inhaled bronchodilators. So consult pulmonologist and discuss all these and start appropriate treatment.</s>
<s>[INST] I know of a person that has an abessed tooth or teeth that has been hospitalized and is being taken to another hospital because the infection was moving towards his brain. Can this person die? He is 29 years old, new diabetic and about 5 ft 8 inches not sure about his weight. [/INST] HI, thanks for Chat Doctor His prognosis would depend on the severity of the infection, his response to treatment and the presence of any co morbid factors that would affect his response. It is possible that he may make a complete recovery. I hope this helps</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...hi docter i am mamta iam 32 weeks pregnant my AFI-5 i had a operation .during operation my BP is 80/120 .operation was sucecss i had a boy baby .but suddenly after two days he was death.docter sad his cretinie was point1 many more excucess.but i am not satisfied with his answers.please tell me the reason for my baby death. [/INST] Hello, He is a premature baby and premature birth carries high risk especially in an average newborn ICU. Possibilities like neonatal sepsis is a possibility. It will be. Useful if you attach the treatment records in the followup query. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I want to know does pregnancy cause increase in sgot/sgpt/alkaline phosphatase levels. My ALT is 288, AST is 271 and alkaline phosp. is 277. what should be done.what medication are safe during pregnancy to reduce this. [/INST] You could potentially have HELP syn Chat Doctor. This is a disease of pregnancy on the continuum with preeclampsia. In HELP syn</s>
<s>[INST] hello docter, I am shweta from bangalore. i am 28 years old and 2 n half years married. i have been diagnozed with polycistic ovaries by my docter. my weight is 54.84 n height is 52 inch.i want to ask. How much should i loose. as docter told to loose some weight becoz we r planning to have a child. n please tell docter how can i cope up with this disease . thanks you Shweta 0000 YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing to us. Your ideal weight should be 51-54 kg. So you are not overweight, you should reduce only 2-3 kg. You should consult a gynecologist and get your ultrasonography and hormonal test done and took treatment accordingly. You should reduce some weight, eat less, workout properly and may be doctor prescribe you metformin also if she needed. Good luck. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Hi , i have seborrheic dermatitis in eyebrows, and its causing hair loss i was told to use nizoral shampoo every other day on the eyebrows and leave it on for 10 minutes each time will that cause more hair loss to the eyebrow area or should i continue you on using the nizoral shampoo every other day on the eyebrow area for a month like i ve been advised ? and also i ve been told to use (diprosalic lotion) on the eyebrow twice daily for a month will that cause further hair loss to the eyebrow ? should i just use the shampoo only and stop the cortisone or should i use both for a month ?please help me [/INST] Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, if this is the confirmed fungal infection or seborrhea dermatitis then it has to respond the treatment, if I would be the treating doctor of this case I would treat this case with, selenium shampoo if it fails to work here to then differential diagnosis need to be considered, hope this information helps, take care and have a nice day.</s>
<s>[INST] My mother is suffering from Parkison-her age is 78 -past 2 4 weeks we found she had walking problems,talking diificulty, dizziness .took to neuroligist with the scan report as follows- Plain Axial CT sections of Head Mild cerebellar atrophy Supratentorial brain parenchyma appears normal,Grey-white differentiatrion appears maintained.No intra parenchymal/extra axial bleed Brainstem appears normal No mass effect/midline shift Ventricles,basal cisterns and cortical sulci appears normal No areas of abnormal calcification noted intracranially Visualised orbts and PNS appears grossly normal Medicines given are .syndopha plus125mg 1-1-1 2.Nutrikit NS Tablet 1-0-0 Is shecan improve her status-Dr. said early stages-She has diabetic, pressure [/INST] Hi friend, Welcome to Chat Doctor The CT scan is normal - too good for her age! Parkinson is a clinical diagnosis / CT is done to exclude other common causes. Follow up with your neurologist / dose and timings may need individual titration. Take tarnishing speedy recovery God bless Good luck</s>
<s>[INST] I have had a rash that started about 4 weeks ago, at first it was boils then they busted and I ended up with a rash in between my legs, now they appear around my waist , and under my bra area, I have been taken steroids for the last three weeks and antobotics and using various creams for itching. The demotogoist states it an infection but theres no drainage, they are red bumps with a black head, and they itch and spread. [/INST] I think of fungal because fungus increases from one part to other and steroids in crease them keep Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there my name is Alison and Im 36 years old,I have been to see my GP and he is referring me to a breast clinic for screening. I have found a lump on the wall of my breast beside my arm pit. Also I have had a sore neck and throat and severe bloatin gof the tummy. Im very scared as I have twins aged 7 years and worried that I had IVF to conceive them? Can you offer any advice as to what the doctors at the hospital will do? Thanks very much. [/INST] Hello,1. Lump in the breast wall, axillary region (armpit region), neck region lump, and throat infection seems two causes.2. Once it could be lymph nodal enlargement because of the infection or inflammation in the throat.3. Second is breast infective causes also cause lymph node enlargement.4. If you are my patient, after examination, I would have asked for an ultrasound breast and axillary region and neck - to characterize breast lesion and lymph nodes. If necessary fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and do what is necessary treatment.5. I don't think It's something to do with IVF.6. They will mostly do what I have said. So start investigating good luck. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 29 year old man and i have been mastubating since my teen age.I have been mastubating excessive over the last many years.Frequency ranges from 2 times a day to as many as 5-6 times in a day.Does too much of mastubation cause testical cancer?.If i stop mastubating the way i used to would it affect my health in anyway? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Too much masturbation will not cause cancer but can cause other physical and mental problems. Excessive masturbation around 5 to 6 times a day can get addictive and cause you loss of concentration in doing your regular activities and prevent you from doing your job and study. The appropriate masturbation frequency is 2 to 3 times a week and not more than once in a day. Frequent masturbation also causes depletion of sperm and erectile dysfunction as it affects the mental health. You can do other activities like listening to music, talking to friends and reading a book when you get masturbation thoughts. This will help you to control masturbation. There is no need to stop masturbation completely as it is a normal behavior when done within limits. Please do not worry.</s>
<s>[INST] Baby (9months) old fell from a chair but has no visual marks or lumps...should he be seen by the doctor Baby 9 months old fell from a chair and cried quite hard but after settled down is very sedate and wants to cuddle..both eyes are the same, but he doesn t seem quite himself..no outward bumps or indentations on his head and not sure he hit his head..should he be seen by a doctor?? [/INST] Thank you for using health way magic. Just observe for 24-48 hours. Warning signs would be persistent vomiting, excessive sleeping, crying excessively, unable to feed, bleeding from any site (nose, ears, etc.), and seizures. If one of the signs is present, better get your baby checked by your doctor. Sincerely, Mark Rosario MD pediatrics</s>
<s>[INST] Hijust wanted to ask a question about my 5 yr old son, he was playing in the garden with a broom (running) he was trying to help tidy up, and the broom hit a step and bashed in to his belly right where his belly button is he has some discomfort and has a red mark there can this cause any damage as i know the belly is a delicate area.thanks Emma [/INST] Welcome to ChatDoctorHello, the pain and redness may be due to the direct impact of the broom, since the location is belly button there may not be much damage to the organs, you need to visit a pea Chat Doctor. Some rest is advised2.light digestible food should be given3.watch for increase in pain, redness in the area, coughing blood, blood in stools you have to rush your child to emergency room Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] I have thyroid 5.90 I have been told to take thyroxine25 half tablet a day,I got my periods last month on12th june,i had ealier done a coursr of diane35,after the course i got my perios 4days late,this month i have not yet got it at all,i have also done pregnancy tesy,its negative,I want to get pregnant ,me&my husband have started planning,I want your advice whether thyroxine tablet is correct and should I start taking folic acid,if so then what tablet to take for folic acid,I m very worried what to do for my periods,help me,im nt able to sleep in the night as well.i am taking throxine also regularly. [/INST] Thanks for the query TSH of 5.9 is called subclinical hypothyroidism which doesn't actually require treatment unless you have symptoms of hypothyroidism in which case treatment is valid. Folic acid is taken to prevent neural tube defects, and it has nothing to do with hypothyroidismHAve a healthy living</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have had depresson in the last 6 weeks because of ocd I m now doing a lot better but I do get the shacks in the evening sometimes this evening I have the shacks and just out of the blue my vaiens in my hands became enlarged and painful the left hand was the most painful now they are symptoms of pins and kneedels I have not had this befor and my hads do not seem the same thank you for your help [/INST] Actually theses are the side effects of fluoxetine or SSRI you are taking for treatment of OCD. Contact your psychiatrist to reduce the doses of these Chat Doctor. Take tab propranolol. You will be fine in a day. Hope my answer helped you. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] 4 year old girl is refusing to use the toilet for poo (and sometimes wee). Even after loosening medicine, a laxative and 3 sepositories (which finally worked after 8 days). She continues to struggle away from the toilet and hold on to poo. Is this physical or psychological? [/INST] Helloyou should get a complete physical examination of your child especially examination of the anal area to rule out the possibility of anal fissure or rectal polyps as they have painful defecation as a symptom. But in absence of these, it could be psychological.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a loose tooth that is so loose that it can bend straight forward flat. It is a molar and is attached to a slightly thick piece of my gums. It really annoys me because it hurts and i cant chew food on it. I also cant chew food on the other side of my mouth because i keep biting on the edge of the tooth since it keeps moving. The tooth has been like this for about 2 days. i can twist it into a 180 degree turn but after that it begins to hurt. How can i remove the tooth? Should i try the floss trick? Im kind of a wimp to pain so i would prefer it be not very painful. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Teeth are for dentists to remove and certainly not a do-it-yourself idea. I suggest you to consult your nearest dentist and get your tooth removed in the most painless and technically appropriate manner possible. Removing teeth by yourself can cause infection and weaken the adjacent teeth. Hope this helps.</s>
<s>[INST] My left arm, below elbow and top side, goes numb when i am sitting. after i stand up and wait basically as long as i had been sitting, my arm feels normal again. i usually wake up with either a stiff neck or my arm is asleep but returns to normal quicker than it takes to return to normal after sitting. i try sitting all different ways, rest my arm all different ways but nothing works. i have never had any injuries, i am a 28 year old female. [/INST] Hi, thanks for giving me an opportunity to assist you. You need to try strengthening your triceps and trapezius muscle. Try doing static neck strengthening exercises as well.it could be a nerve entrapment in your cervical region. By doing regular strengthening exercises you will get rid of these issues. I have seen several patients with same complaint, and they almost get better by performing regular exercise. If you are a heavy computer worker, kindly take breaks in between your work. As both gets fatigue by static position. Hope I answered your question. I wish you a speedy recovery and a smiling face again. God bless you. Thank you</s>
<s>[INST] Sir I had abdominal distension and fullness sincce5 days,intermitant episodes of indigestion and malaise since 1 mth, wt loss about 10 kgs in 4 mths,I was thinking it 2 be a indigestion entity,but, yesterday I had a bout of severe lower abdominal pain lasting for half a minute or so,after this I had a check ultrasound which showed, moderate ascitis ileal and omental thickening,lymp nodes with loss of hilum and caseation largest ms 4 cms. Now today - am getting intermitant bouts of crampy pain lasting for about 15 second,I had 3-4 such bouts in entite day 2 day,I have send blood for routine investigations ,pls advice me regarding any specific diagnostic tests to be done for adequte diagnosis before I consult u personally,whether a therapeutic tap is imediately indicated and what should !e my plan of action? Thanking u - mr.p.gharat [/INST] Ascites could be of varied reasons if its so minimal less than 50 ml tapping is not necessary is its more diagnostic tapping can be done. Lymph node enlargement can be tubercular mesenteric amenities. I would suggest a ct abdomen to rule out few causes. It's better to consult tour physician at the earliest</s>
<s>[INST] i think i rubbed my penis raw on one side from my girlfriends underwear. My penis is kind of pink, and blotchy... now just a few spots are dried up skin on my left side only. I have no pain, or symptoms or tingling. just weird to look at. I have been tested for HSV2 14 weeks negative. What does this mean? [/INST] Hi, Dermatologist conditions are hard to discuss without seeing them. Then the herpes test can be done many ways. In the US 15% of penile herpes is herpes type ONE not 2. And the older tests would probably show some herpes anyway and wasn't that good at distinguishing type. So, it could easily still be herpes. In Japan about half of genital herpes is type 1 not type 2. Or it could be something else. As mentioned it is difficult to say. Without an exam, I can only give general information. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I have received 8 rounds of chemo last round being 1 week ago (Hodgkins Lymphoma). I always become constipated after chemo. Ive noticed what appears to be a mucus like substance in my stool. of course it worried bc i am worried that maybe ive contracted intestinal parasites due to my comprised immune system. Im also aware that chemo does change the intestional lining and just dont know if i should be overly worried. Just trying to find my way back to healthy! I will have a PET scan on Mon 2/6. [/INST] Constipation or diarrhea is a common side effect of most chemotherapy Chat Doctor. It is nothing to worry about at all and all you need to do is to take any form of laxative that suits you. SVP Remain 2-3 teaspoon at bedtime is sufficient. Only if you have fever along with should you think in terms of infection.</s>
<s>[INST] i have had my gallbladder out 4 years ago and can eat fine but sometimes i get pain under the rib cage under the right breast and ripples to the side i have been doing stepping exesises have i hurt muscles and what can be the pain i have had ultra sounds and blood tests and all come back normal [/INST] Hi, Presentation of post cholecystectomy pain. Differential: surgical incision pain, fat intolerance or stone remnants in common bile duct. Ultrasound abdomen maybe done to rule out stones in common bile duct and to see the tissue underlying incision. Advice:- take pantoprazole before breakfast (for the rest of your life)- also get a complete blood cell count(CBC) test-avoid OILY food and FAT diet altogether-avoid eating stomach full and mouth full-avoid spicy food Hope I have answered your query. Further queries are welcomed. Wish you good health. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My husband has been diagnosed with stress fracture in his left foot, then his right foot is showing the same symptoms. He can barely walk on either foot. He didn t do anything to bring this on but he is an athlete always in training. Now what could be wrong with his right foot? [/INST] Hi thanks for asking question. Your husbands left foot having stress fracture. Now according to history there are also chances of it in right foot. The pain is very mild in initial stage, it will gradually get worked. Here is some suggestion for your husband. Any new exercise started slowly and schedule wise. Make sure that your husbands shoes not loose, and it fit well in your foot. Always take proper nutrition that make your bone strong like vitamin D rich and Calcium rich vegetables. Brace wearing at foot for stress fracture is also helpful. If pain is severe and getting worked then it is better to take rest for few days and then gradually sport activity started.</s>
<s>[INST] So I fractured my ankle and I had to get it wrapped and put in a medical. It was so itchy that it I scratched it and it started bleeding. Now there s a bruise with a hard lump and the bruise is spreading and wrapping around my ankle. It hurts so much when I walk because of have the pain of the bruise and the pain of a fractured ankle. What should I do? [/INST] Bruised ankle in the process of healing and fracture us paining. For such cases anti-inflammatory and analgesics SOS die is to be taken, provided you are not allergic to those. More assured and harmless long term advise to my patients would be to start Chat Doctor. Its natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic and bacteriostatic. If you can get Lanai GGUL (common in India, elsewhere find it on net) for rapid fracture healing and bruises etc. Totally safe Ayurvedic Medicine. Your fracture must be set right because it will heal in the given setting only. Hope it helps.</s>
<s>[INST] Over the past three years, always around November, I get a new symptom that requires me to go to the doctors. First my hands went numb, they passed it off as carpal tunnel. The next year, I had muscle spasms in my neck and hands. They said it was nothing. This past year I went in for a reoccurring blind spot in my eye. They found nothing. An MRI showed a lesion on my frontal lobe, but they said it wasn t wnough to make a fuss about. My first cousin has MS, and my grandpa has Parkinson s. Could it be some sort of immune disorder they are ignoring? I m a relatively healthy 23 year old female so I don t think they are taking this as seriously as they should be. [/INST] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I would like to have more information on the nature of the lesion found in your MRI. You should know that there are different sequences in MRI exam, which can orientate towards the nature of the lesion (white matter gloss, inflammation, vascular or tumor). Your symptoms don't seem to be related to a lesion on the frontal lobe. Numbness in both hands is not caused by any lesion in this region of the brain. The spasms of your neck muscles too. I recommend you to perform a cervical spine x-ray and routine blood test for inflammation, which could be related to this clinical scenario. Regarding the heredity for MS, I would say that the probability for you to have MS when a first cousin has it, is very low. While Parkinson has other symptoms and no brain lesion in MRI. So I think you should not worry about heredity in this situation. Hope to have been of help! Greetings! </s>
<s>[INST] I have a pegged tooth, and i have braces on currently, my orthodontist had told me that after i get my braces off i will put a veneer on my pegged tooth. Will i get my veneer on immediately after my braces? And will the veneer be the same color as my regular teeth, if so, when i whiten my teeth, will the veneer whiten with it? [/INST] Please get your bleaching/whitening done first and then go for veneer as opposite will give you undesirable results. The reason is we can provide you accurate shade matching for your veneer, but whitening of veneer is not possible. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi! After 3 unsuccessful allopathic treatment of malaria and typhoid I am going to stick to homeopath and Ayurveda . I am taking ayurvedic medicine like sarvajwarhar lauh, mahasudarshan ghanbati, amritarishta. For homeopatChatDoctoredicine I am taking chiraita (for malaria) Can I take these two medicines simultaneously? Or should I maintain a time interval between intake of these two types OR SHOULD I AVOID TAKING THEM TOGETHER? My age is 21,female. I have finished allopathic treatment of malaria 20 days back and typhoid treatment a week back. Now I am getting the symptoms again which worries me a lot. Please help me! [/INST] Welcome please route out the cause of unsuccessful allopathic treatment, either your or your doctor was responsible.It's again advisable do a repetition again your mentioned illness can b treat by any path, but you can not get best and quick result by mixing them all, it will spoil the case. Chat Doctor. Com</s>
<s>[INST] Hello Sir...Can i use benadon tablet as an alternative of swalobee tablet..?? Because my doctor suggested me to take swalobee..but it is not available in the market..So can i take benadon??and what is the difference between those 2 tablets?? Thanks in advance.. [/INST] Hello, You can safely take Benson instead of swallowed. Both contain same active ingredient as vitamin supplements, and you can safely use the pills interchangeably. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] I am on the Pill , Monofeme to be exact. Take my pill regularity and never miss a tablet. No gastro or on any antibiotics . This month missed my period. now a week late and I have done home pregnancy test and it is negative. I have begun my next strip of active tablets. Should I be worried? This has happened before with no pregancy, this seems different. Feeling extremely tired. I have been very stressed for the last week or two and am wondering if this may be why. are you able to advise me? [/INST] Hi lyneMonofeme are combined oral contraceptive pills sometimes, they may cause amenorrhea means no periods As, you are taking these pills regularly & having no Castro or any antibiotics, Your pregnancy test is negative. There is no need to worry, you take your pills regularly get relaxed, because,Stress may be another cause of amenorrhea. Take Care</s>
<s>[INST] Hi there, my name is Elmeine. I started my period but was very light like spotting for 3 days. Then it got a heavy period. Had so much pain in my back,lower abdomen and my legs. It lasted for 2 days like this then went back to like spotting for 2 days. But I kept on getting the pain. Today it looked like it was going to stop. But my husband and I had sex and it started all over again. My leg my back and lower abdomen is in so much pain. And I also have bad headaches and feel nauseas sometimes. And I am feeling very tired all so. What can this be? Please help me!!! Thanks. [/INST] Hello Elaine & Welcome to Chat Doctor, I studied your case, I need more history like your age and any other complaints along with this like white discharge, hot flushes, pain over ovary and duration of history like from how many months back of this history. Causes may be fibroid, endometrial thickness(inner wall of uterus), polycystic ovarian disease or might be menopause. For this you can do one thing the ultrasonography of lower abdomen. The final cause will be diagnosed. There is not so much worry problem. You just give your detail history. Hope so it will be effective for you. Thanks & Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Post urethral cathetarization, lump in the penis about midway between base and tip. Tends to cause bend to the left more pronounced during erection. Light pain off and on and after self exam tends to decrease in size then comes back. I had trouble following answers that were posted about the subject so decided to ask and get answer for self. Thanks [/INST] Hi, If you had unprotected sex - need to rule out sexually transmitted infection, or it can be bacterial infection - share picture for conformation. Local application of antibiotics can help you. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. R. Raveen</s>
<s>[INST] The back of my head feels numb, the last few days I felt dizzy, sometimes the room fills like its moving and when driving I feel nauseated. I m taking prozac, high blood pressure medicine, and I have been very emotional the last few days. I took tylenol but no improvement. What should I do? [/INST] When u feel dizzy, have u checked your BP? If it is normal, then need to examine to find out other causes of vertigo.</s>
<s>[INST] I am 46 yes old and have been diagnosed with bells palsy. My left eye won t blink as much as my right eye. I have dryness in my eye, and my smile is crooked. This happened 3 days ago. I have been given Acyclovir 400 mg and Prednisone 20 mg. I am currently massaging my face, but am concerned I will remain this way. I am also keeping my eyes lubricated. Anything else I can do? [/INST] Treatment is fine, but you should also get support of Yoga, deep breathing etc. whatever way you can try. Some herbomineral Ayurvedic preparations also help strengthen effected nerves. This may be taken parallel to your current medicine after consulting an Ayurveda doctor. Hope you act on these lines to improve maximum and it's helpful.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a hard, lentil size movable bump on my shin that I noticed a few days ago. It moves around in a circle as if there is a string tied to the bottom of it connecting it to my shin and also feels like it is in between the skin and the bone. It does not feel like a cyst (I just had a cyst removed from my scalp a few weeks ago) and it does not hurt. [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. Thanks for a nice history of a freely mobile lump in between the bone and the skin on the shin. This is classical of a lipoma, and you may not have to worry about it unless it enlarges, have pain or any other problem. You should have consulted the Surgeon about this too as you have already undergone a surgery of the cyst of the scalp.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi,I have been having pain that came on last nt. it is pain in my upper abdominal region mostly in the middle under my rib cage with sever back pain in the middle of my back. I have tried putting heat on it, but it didnt wk. I have no pancreas, gallbladder, appendix, or duodenum. What can u suggest? [/INST] Hi, thank you asking Chat Doctor it may be related with HERD, gastritis or dyspeptic syn Chat Doctor. You need to be examined with upper endoscopy wishing you all the best </s>
<s>[INST] I am Reaz , staying now U.A.E. I want to get some sex related advice. Friendly speaking, during intercourse with my wife -I am facing deficulties to continue longtime. My shemens are coming immedeitly -with in 2 minutes. My wife insulting me always.If you have any suggestion please advice me.Thanks a lot advace for your cooperation. [/INST] Hello, Please let us know your age . Premature ejaculation is mostly psychological unless your have certain health conditions like diabetics, hypertension, thyroid problems etc. Therefore, I suggest consulting a urologist for physical examination, diagnosis and treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] My nine month old boy has been a good eater but for the past few days he s not eating well. He would take a few bites and then stops. And then he would just not gulp the food down, and doesnt open his mouth for the next one. This is very annoying coz i just cant force him to eat. I have tried giving him new foods everyday but no improvement. Today i noticed, he could not suck his bottle properly. He would take a few sips n take it out again in and out. Same thing he did while he was taking my breastmilk. I found it strange as he never did this before. His nose in not blocked. Please help as he s not taking enough and his diapers are not full like before. [/INST] Hi, From your history, he may be having a mouth and tongue sores. Check his mouth properly for any sores or thrush. If you treat them accordingly then he will eat the food. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] HI, Recently, my 15 months old baby was having fever. Doctor prescribed paracetamol, Azithromycin, colimex (when she will cry no-stop), Atarax. Now after 4 days, everything is fine, but she is not taking food properly, alaso she is not showing any interest drinking water. Previously she used to drink with her sipper. Please let me know why this is happening, and how can I treat. Local doctor has suggested de-worming medicine after 1 week. [/INST] HI.it is very usual for the kids to have poor appetite when they are recovering for any illness. Nothing to worry if her activity is normal. The feeding will gradually increase and as will the weight gain. If the urine output is normal, nothing to worry. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] Why does the tip of my penis burn after urination? Just sometimes, not all the time. It doesn t burn while I m peeing, just after. And sometimes when I stand or about to sit, I feel a sharp pain in my penis. What is happening? Please help. I have no other symptoms. [/INST] It is simply urethritis. Microscopic urinetestcan redone. If there is evidence then culture and sensitivity test may be done. If it is positive then the most recommended anti-biotic can be taken.</s>
<s>[INST] hello doctor, i am 30 old male my work is field job i usually work at late till evening whole day sometimes i skip meals for a couple of months i am checking my bp - 140/90 , 145/88 and so on i never drink or smoke, i mom is hypertensive patient, i have consulted doc he told to cut down salt, i am not on allopathy medicine this bp is majorly harressing me at summer even last yr summer should i consult some specialist physician [/INST] Hello, Your blood pressure is round the margin as age increases 140/90 is considered fine. As your physician told to go for a saltless diet go for it. Try not to stress much avoid pressure cooked good to for steamed foods. As you're susceptible to hypertension as your mother is hypertensive do the BP checkup often to be on safer side. If it goes above this you should go for antihypertensive Chat Doctor. Also check your cholesterol levels to be on safer side, HDL, triglycerides and LDL. Otherwise, don't stress much. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] I am trying to figure out what is going on with my body. I lost 25 pounds 3 years ago working out . I quit having periods. My gynecologist gave me pills to try to get me to start a period and it did not work. He thought it was because of my weight loss , exercise, and stress level in my life as my husband has cancer . He has had it for 3.5 years. I went on the pill 6 months ago and took it for 3 months and had small periods. I then quit the pill. No period since then. We recently found out my hubby s cancer has spread to bones. I have been pretty stressed out. The last thing I would expect is to bleed. But I started bleeding a little today. Nothing heavy but enough that it s like a small period. Should I be concerned? I am not menopausal according to blood work 6 moths ago. I am 42 years old. [/INST] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern looking to your age and your family background this would be likely that you may not be having regular menses and according to me this is not much of concern neither this would be same for you, so why to worry about this, just forget about this and pay attention toward your family hope this information helps you, have a nice day.</s>
<s>[INST] My husband had distal bicep surgery recently and by now should have returned function in his wrist and fingers. He does not- instead he has wrist drop . If surgery is required to fix this,presumably his radial nerve. How long is general is recovery? If surgery is not required and it is just a stretched or bruised never as a result of surgery- how long is recovery generally? Also. how often does this happen to patients? is it common? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. It is important to know the exact location and reason for wrist Chat Doctor. Recovery might be slow and take weeks to months in some people. Supportive measures such as analgesics, steroids and anti consultants should be given for weeks to months. Physical therapy is also important to avoid long term complications in mobility of the affected wrist. The main concern is to prevent complications arising out of wrist </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I was playing field hockey 2 days ago and someone hit and lifted the ball and I got hit very solidly on my leg just above my shin pad and just below and to the left of my knee. I iced and rested immediately and have been taking it easy however it is still swollen, sore and feels warm, and no bruising has come out either even with using arnica. Also while touching it lightly it has a kinda numb feeling to it and only hurts with more pressure. Am not sure what s going on or what to do? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for your query. It seems to be soft tissue injury over leg. You need an x-ray to rule out any bony injury. I suggest you to consult an orthopaedician nearby for a detailed examination. You may get the X-ray of the area affected under his/her guidance. Beside icing and elevating it, you can take anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care</s>
<s>[INST] I took 2 Omprezole without realizing the label said for heartburn 2 or more times a week. I took the capsules at 12:30 a.m. as I ran out of Tums. Immediately I felt a burning sensation in my esophagus that seems to be going away. Now as I read more about it, I realize I am supposed to take only 1 capsule a day if experience heartburn 2 or more times a week. What will happen if I took 2? Do I need to eat in one hour? [/INST] Omeprazole 20 mg can be taken one time a day (OD) omeprazole 10 mg can be taken two times a day (BD) do not take more than prescribe dosage.taking too much of PPI can cause It B12 Devi since you have not been taking it for long time, there will be no side effect as for now.</s>
<s>[INST] My father has recently been diagnosed with Lung cancer, the doctor has arrange for a FNA to check his glands. I am confused as I taught this test was to check the glands at the upper part of his lung but on reading some info on the net I am lead to believe that the glands which the neddle will be inserted to are actually in the neck. is this correct? or could this test be preformed to test glands on the upper part of the lung? Thanks Lorraine [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) is a technique in which cells are aspirated through needle insertion in the mass. It is simple, easy to perform, less harmful and day care procedure. And it can be done in any mass or swelling of the body which superficial or easily accessible. Since neck is the common site for enlarged glands and swelling, FNAC is procedure of choice for diagnosis. And lung mass, if superficial and easily accessible then FNAC is also indicated and can be diagnostic. So no need to worry, get done FNAC from lung mass. It is very safe procedure.</s>
<s>[INST] have a child in my neighbor who is 3 years old. Apparently, when his mom was away, he might have swallowed something, or been bitten by a cat (NO one knows what actually happened), but the lil boy has been unable to talk for over 4 days now. He has been unable to eat any food or even drink water and is on severe medication and glucose dosage to keep him going. The doctors say that he has swelling in his wind pipe/food pipe and therefore has been unable to breathe or eat properly. NO one knows what actually happened, but apparently, he also has a bruised index finger and the doctors are speculating if he was bitten by a cat or some animal. He is having severe porblems talking, breathing, eating, and has a internal swelling. The doctors had asked to do a complete MRI, which showed the swelling has not crawled up to the brain yet and therefore the parents are hopeful again. What do you suggest Doc? I will appreciate any and every input from you. [/INST] This history goes with anaphylaxis which is sever allergic reaction, possibly from a toxic substance caused by biting or sting, could be a spider or even a snake .when these substance goes to the blood stream it causes multiple tissue damage, including systemic reaction and edema, this edema or swelling appears fatal in the narrow life dependent passages, such as the wind pipe. Which causes a subglottal stenosis and therefore difficulty in breathing and talking.these effects are worn off on few days but assisted ventilation and steroids are mandatory. I hope this helps</s>
<s>[INST] I have been noticing white stains in my husbands underwear when he comes home from work. I dont want to confront him in the fear of embaressing him, especially if this is normal. Its just that I never noticed this before, and am curious as to what may cause this. [/INST] Hi, It could be due to pre-cum which can get secreted when erections happen, but orgasm is not reached. Second reason could be masturbation in the underwear. You could ask him to put your doubts to rest or if you feel it is not a big thing then you could leave it at that. Take care, Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I was told I have COPD last winter after several bouts of bronchitis. I experience a lot of chest/lung pain. It s always there, but at times it gets worse and I have to sit very still. I was given Advir to take as needed. Because of insurance I don t see that doctor this year. I ran out of my puff. Do I have to continue this? I work full time. [/INST] Hind you should consult a pulmonologist to evaluate better your lungs condition it is very important for COPD too. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My 7 year old child has acted fine all evening long. Right before bed she complained of intense tummy pains and then began shivering uncontrollably. She did not vomit and has fallen into a light sleep. Her pulse is slightly elevated... Is there something I need to do... [/INST] Hi it may not be much of a problem, as it was only once lets wait and watch, if the pain is recurring it is good you show her to your GP once. Hope this is helpful to you, kindly rate it if so. Take care</s>
<s>[INST] am a 24 year old man.i have applied for migration to newzealand.on medical examination all my values exept sgpt was normal.my sgpt was 50.i am planing to take the test again by next week.can you help me by suggesting effective ways to reduce its value by that time,without affecting other values? [/INST] Hello You have mildly raised SGPT, and it is not alarming. You need few other investigations Viral markers, ultrasound of abdomen. Further investigations can be done if needed. Proper treatment depend upon findings. You may need few medicines after investigations. If all findings are within normal limit then you may only need regular check-up. Get well soon. Hope I have answered your question. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my skin is dark so what can i do for fair complexion how to got a skin fair...... [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor foreskin color is determined by your genes. There is a now way it can be changed. Please work for improving your personality & skills, rather than skin color. Takecare.</s>
<s>[INST] Dr below is the semen analysis result, time produced: 8:20 time analysed: 9:25 results: volume: 4ml,PH: 8.0, motility: 50%, Active: 40%, sluggish: 10%, dead: 50%, count: 20million, abnormalties: pus cell 1-3hpf, Epith: (+), swollen head: 10%, short tail: 10%, normal: 80%, appearance: creamy, viscousity: normal. please tell me can i father a child with this result [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor This is a good report. Normal count is 20 to 40 millions. Yours is 20 millions, more than 50% active... you can become a father. All the best.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I fell starting t cross the street last Thursday. Twisted my left foot and broke the shoe (they were flats) and landed hard on my right knee. Knee has some fluid on it but seems to be getting better. Foot is swollen and seems to be getting worse. It is not discolored. Hurts most on top left of foot. Is this just a bad sprain or could I have broken something? [/INST] Dear patient Since you have pain and swelling on left foot after twisting injury and not getting better possibility of fracture needs to be ruled out. I would advise X-ray of left foot anteroposterior and oblique views. Visit radiology center nearby you and get it. If report shows fracture you need to consult expert orthopedic surgeon nearby you and get yourself examined. If there is no fracture diagnosis is sprain and treatment is application of crêpe bandage for 3 weeks and rest and elevation. Take tab diclofenac plus serratiopeptodase combination twice a day for pain and swelling relief. All the best.</s>
<s>[INST] can eptoin tablets dose cause cancer because my father had a cancer and in the biopsey eptoin tablet chemical is found between them [/INST] Thanks for the query No phenytoin is not known to cause cancer. Phenytoin was found because it was being used by your father. I could have helped u better if u had told me what cancer he was suffering frontage a healthy living</s>
<s>[INST] I went to the dentest and behind 1 of my front teeth I had an infection and somehow my bone behind my tooth is gone.. The dentest didnt know why it happened and said he would have to pull my tooth out. Im only 26yrs old and really dont want to have one of my front teeth pulled.. i was wondering why this happend and if there is something i can do to keep my tooth? Will the bone grow back? [/INST] I would like to know if you have had any incidence of trauma previously? If not and it's an infection by itself then the reason can be the position of the tooth is such that there is constant trauma to it by your lower tooth which has lead to such a bone loss and infection, or it could be an infection of the supporting tooth structures by inadequate brushing in that region without any trauma. In either case if adequate support is remaining then the tooth can be saved though if trauma is present you will need to get tooth position correct by braces and only then any gum surgery would help. The bone won't grow back, but bone grafts can be added to support your tooth which again would depend on the condition of the tooth which can be seen by your dentist. Though if you are told that the support is such that it has to be removed then at such a young age you can go for a dental implant immediately to restore that tooth which good esthetic results which will be as good as your lost tooth. But be sure to brush right and prevent any such thing further. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I just have a few question I think iam pregnant I had few test but they were all negative I supposed to have my periods last week but I didn t had it this morning I had bleeding normally when I get my periods the blood colour is red or dark red but this time it s brownish I don t know what s happening [/INST] HI, I read your query & understood your concern. Delayed periods/ nausea, vomiting/ sore breasts/heaviness in lower abdomen.are usual signs of pregnancy Home Pregnancy test gives reliable results when it is done after 8 days delay in menses. You seem to have done it earlier. If it is, so please repeat it at proper time, it may be +ve the scanty bleeding you had might be implantation bleeding. Even if it is - ve . Simple causes like illness, physical or psychological stress can cause delay in a solitary period. Observe how is period this time. It may be normal. But in case the same symptoms follow again, you should get examined/ investigated for finding the cause (USG lower abdomen/ CBC/hormonal assessment.including, thyroid function tests as per a gynecologist advise) followed by specific treatment. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] I have had a pain under my left collar bone for some time. I am 35, smoker of tobacco and cannabis. I also crack my neck frequently which sometimes I feel is connected to this. It seems burping helps it dissipate some. Could it be indigestion? I am lactose intolerant and have had acid reflux (undiagnosed) for several years. Without health insurance I cannot afford to go to a doctor, but I am growing more and more concerned [/INST] With all the given history you better get a health insurance ASAP. This might be serious. All the symptom you mentioned indicate towards severe avidity and gastric ulcers, and you shall need an endoscopy. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...11 yr old girl has uti 3rd time. this time she has 40-45 pus cells and 35 rbcs in urine routine but her urine culture is clear and fine.what can be the problem in this case.in previous episodes she had bacteria e-coli. [/INST] Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. Can understand your concerns. Insufficient treatment can lead to repeated urinary tract infection. Also, if there is some problem in ultrasound then also repeated urinary tract infection can occur. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I am a teenager and i have been feeling kind of depressed for a while, so i took some online tests and they said i have a high chance of having dysthymia. I read some articles about it and it seems to describe almost exactly how i feel. All of the stuff online says i should be getting help, but i really dont think its that big of a deal. Im not suicidal or anything, and i really dont want to make my family pay for any medicine or therapy. Its not like its totally ruining my life, im just feeling kinda down. Should i go to my school guidence counselor, or just kinda see how things play out? Our health class is doing depression screening in about a month, so if anything is really wrong they will find out and tell me what to do i guess. I just dont know if this is serious enough to make a big deal out of it. I know my parents would either think im making a big deal out of nothing or they would overreact and get super upset.Any advice? [/INST] Hi, You are a teenager, and the hormonal changes you are normally experiencing (involuntary) do play a role in your mood changes. It is perfectly normal to get those feelings: sometimes hopeful, some others hopeless. However, keep in mind that this is a transitory period due to hormonal changes. You should cheer up and enjoy your life. You have no reason to get into depression, although you might be feeling down. Go out and walk or run or swim; in other words, do some physical activity that could help you "explode" in order to get out all the negative impulses inside you. Being physically active, socialized and following a healthy diet will help you overcome your teenage mood changes:)Hope it helped!</s>
<s>[INST] I have type 2 diabetes and my sugars run in the upper 200 s and I have had this pain in my left legs which feels like frostbite. Sometimes it feels like a rubber band tightening on my leg. I have had this pain for two years and all the dr. say I have is neuropathy. My leg feels like a brick dragging. Please help me because I can t take this pain anymore. I need a specialist. [/INST] Hi, You can take analgesics like Gabapentin or Tramadol for pain relief. If symptoms persist it is better to consult an orthopedic and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] I have an extra rib on my right side. Im a female, 16 years old 54 110lbs. I have already been to a doctor about the pain I have been feeling from it but it seems like it hurts more frequently now. Sometimes I have to apply pressure to my rib because it feels almost out of place. I have asthma but no other diseases or conditions. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are having accessory rib. And this can cause chest pain and pressure. So better to apply warm water pad on affected areas. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Try all these in your day-to-day life. You will mostly improve. But if you don't improve then surgical removal of that rib is the only option. So better to first try above-mentioned nonsurgical measures. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] born with neuroblastoma stage 3, extensive chemotherapy and surgeries with adhesions and occasional small bowel obstructions, now 28, once a year a significant drop in white blood cells, then almost as if the body recharges itself and its fine. Would this be related to the chemotherapy? OR could it be some kind of blood disorder which the doctors aren t catching? Happens every year, but cant find a reason or connection [/INST] Hi, how many times have you experienced Chat Doctor. Now surgeries may be responsible for adhesions causing intestinal obstruction but yearly leukemia (</s>
<s>[INST] BROKEN & DRY SKIN ON PENISHi Doctor, I am facing a hectic probelm of my penis external skin dry and eventually i get my penis skin broken. I applied many lubricant like, baby oil, vaseline, nivea etc. Its appeard first, I think after using a condomn. I get itching inside my foreskin around ring. Upon the penis skin after the drynes it makes small circle spots and colour is changing and looks like wound healed area. Also i got broken skin in my back pass area and i used cavilon spray and it gets healed. But in the penis the dryness and duly when i try to pull the foreskin its get more tight and breaks the skin. I am really worring to have sex as well. I do smoke and drink. Last few weeks i used wines as well. Could you please explain me what is it ? Is it any type of STD ? What medicine i should apply ? Your kind advise highly appreciated [/INST] Hello,It may be due to ChatDoctor. For that you can apply hy</s>
<s>[INST] For a few weeks now I ve experienced pain in my rectum when I caugh or clinch my but cheeks together. Today,while showering I felt a pea size sack at the hole of the rectum and squeezed it..But the puss that was in it went inward and the sack deflated and went away...Now the pain is more present when I caugh or sit upright but not when I stand or walk. I m worried that it s now just sitting inside me and by me sweezing it it will get worse [/INST] Hello, Your symptoms could be related to hemorrhoids. For this reason, I recommend consulting with your attending physician for a physical exam. It is also important performing a complete blood count to check for increased white blood count or anemia. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] My baby fell 2ft off the bed and landed on stomach. She cried but no change in behaviour. 10 hours later she vomited and had terrible gas. She did have a new cereal yesterday as well, had the influenza shot on Wednesday. Then this morning she had diarrhea. Should I take her to the ER? [/INST] Hi....whatever symptoms you are quoting are not dangerous and not related to the fall form cot. I will suggest you danger signs of head injury -1. Vomiting continuously2. Seizures3. Watery of bloody discharge from ears and nose4. Unconsciousness5. Altered sensorial or behavior. If none of them are present, I don't think you should worry about his trivial head injury. For pain, you can give oral Paracetamol in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose every 4-6th hourly. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Some 10 to 15 years ago I had a fibroid tumor removed, a very large one. At this point in time I have finished going through menopause at 52, common for my mothers family, but I have note that now and again, I have been having pains in the exact same point. Ill experience the same pain and then wont make itself known for months or years. Ive read that they can come back, should I be worried and see a doctor? [/INST] Hellman may be due to some other reasons. Once fibroid are removed they do not grow back usually. Besides clinical evaluation, you also need ultrasound of pelvis. Pain may be due to other causes like pelvic adnexal pathology, genitourinary causes etc. Proper treatment depend upon findings. You should consult your doctor. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>