<s>[INST] my mother has been in the hospital for 16 days, they first said she has breast cancer, then they said Lymphoma, then they said Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, now saying she has Leukemia - they keep saying they are 95% sure but then come back and say they were wrong, do you have any suggestions for me as to what to do from here? We are in Richmond, Virginialisa [/INST] Dear, First we need to have full history and examination of the body report. Then a blood picture with peripheral smear examination to arrive at some provisional diagnosis. If she has a lump or swelling on any part of the body a fine needle aspiration biopsy report. This will definitely give a diagnosis. I think your primary physician will definitely do what is necessary to arrive at final conclusion. The different diagnosis conveyed to you must be provisional on the basis of simple general physical examination. Lymphoma, Hodgkin's or non Hodgkin or leukemia is confirmed only by biopsy. Truly,</s>
<s>[INST] I have a very large distended stomach with pain n upper left quadrant n lower abdominal pain . I hat a CT scan out of town said my uterus has falling out of place layoffs on my small bowel n the fluid in my abdomen where the pain is in the upper left quadrant where my colon descends seems to be kinked I was also told my cervix was already down on my vagina. I cannot use the bathroom only having 3 bowel movements in almost a month which were so painful I broke out n a sweat I ve taken stool softeners fleets n several other things just causes mote pain bloating n cramps I take take gas pills n no relief either and do not pass a lot of gas or feel the need to. I can t eat much very small amours n mostly liquid or soft foods. I often lose control of my bladder n sometimes feel I need to go so badly bit just trickles out or none at all. I was told I had a hiatal hernia a few weeks ago and last night I got the hiccups so very bad n couldn t stop the pain increased my husband said o kinda slumped over on the couch n was unresponsive for about 30 to 60 seconds. Do I need to go yo the emergency room or can I wait to schedule an appointment and with which h Dr do o need t [/INST] Dear madam, you need to go to ER if you feel constant pain, fever, breathless, vomit blood or feel fatigue but your symptoms definitely means something and detailed work up should be done. You obviously have some kind of intestinal passage disorder caused by either mechanical or non-mechanical causes. YOUR GYNECOLOGICAL PATHOLOGY U VE DESCRIBED COULD affect your intestinal motility and if there is a certain cause then pills won't be helpful. The best way to rule this out is to the colonoscopy, barium swallow or diagnostic laparoscopy and everything should be clear. Wish you good health, </s>
<s>[INST] My 3 year old has night terrors almost every night.He also has a runny nose and mouth breathes at night. He has on again off again vomiting too. The alergist at this point has only said he is alergic to dog dander and eggs however it seems like maybe he is alergic to more foods? We are worried about these night terrors which have been going on for about 3 months now? Could these be related [/INST] No mam.it 8 natural for kids in this age group to have night terrors and this will spontaneously subside.also both are not related. Allergy is a separate phenomenon sir.</s>
<s>[INST] hi ther sir, i have positive tmt no angina recorded do i need to do angiography and if yes i check my bloodtest i got esr 95 in two hrs and have 9cells in urine and 5 pus cells and s creatinine is 1.22 which was .93 week before does it make differnce [/INST] If stress test positive need to go under angiography . If recently raised ESR need to evaluate for same first ... after this you can go for angiography.... As no emergency for angiography your creatinine is normal no problem for that. If you have any fever or any other medical co-morbidity</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My son is 18 months old. He is suffering from fever and motions. I met a doctor yesterday. She prescribed bifilac sachet and suggested to give only 1/2 sachet three times a day. But my wife gave 1 sachet three times a day by mistake(total 3 sachets we gave today). Now we have a fear about the over dosage. Can you please suggest me what will happen if there is a overdose and what are the precautionary steps we can take now if it is a serious thing? [/INST] One sachet thrice daily is not an overdose/ toxic dose in 18 months old toddler. In a toddler more dose may lead to giddiness due to hypoglycemia. Excess of Lactobacillus may utilize the lactose in food to grow.</s>
<s>[INST] hello sir, I am 26 years old mail, Not married.. I am having grey & red hairs on my mustache and chin.. I am feeling tension...Please advise me what should be done to control this.... [/INST] Hello welcome toChatDoctor premature grain of hair may e due to iron deficiency so improve your diet and eat iron rich food.apply homeopathy medicine use Gaborone hair oil and Wiesbaden 30 thanks</s>
<s>[INST] I had my gallbladder removed in May and I am now experiencing pain in my belly button. When I touch it, I can feel a lump inside where the incision is. Years ago I had a hernia removed and had to go back and have another surgery because of scar tissue. Is this the same thing occurring again? [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some incisional hernia or tumor arising from scar tissue. You should go for examination. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] I used suhagra-50 and within 2 hours I got severe chest burning and also vomited. Color was kind of red of my vomitting, I would like to add that I was having this chest burning For last couple of days and also I had veet root vegetable day before yesterday. I am bit concerned about what happened, what should I do to make sure that every thing is well n fine?? [/INST] Hello, welcome to ChatDoctoryour symptom resembles gastritis and HERD.you have ingested meet root 2 days back, so the color in the vomits is not due to root but because of bleeding from ulcer.I shall advise you to take-PPI+RISPERIDONE combiner SUCRALFATE+ SIMETHICONEplenty of water, avoid tea coffee soft Chat Doctor. Consult a gastroenterologist and do an endoscopy. Hope this is helpful, regards.</s>
<s>[INST] i am carrying now 7th month i am a psoriasis patient past 25 years this is my 3rd delivery past 2 deliveries i didnt face this problem got increase of psoriasis but this pregnancy it got increase very much full body it got be spread is there any treatment for cuire [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Psoriasis is known to aggravate during pregnancy. The treatment of psoriasis during pregnancy is slightly different from that during other times. There are some Chat Doctor. These </s>
<s>[INST] Hi . Im concerned about whats going on . I think Im pregnant , but Im nervous to find out because I dont want to be devastated that Im not . My last normal period was Jan 21 . I always have normal periods . ALWAYS. I have a calendar that I go by . It said that my next expected period was Feb 18 . On Feb 17th I started spotting . I only seen it when I wipe . I never had this happen to me before . When my period comes on it flows and its never light . This went on for the remainder of the day then the next day it got darker , but it filled up half of pantie liner . After that I used tampons to see if he will be regular and it wasnt . It was just little spots of blood . Im nervous to take a test . Could I be pregnant ? [/INST] Hello, In the current scenario, please do get the pregnancy test done as you definitely need it and hope for the best. If you cannot read the urine test properly, you should go for the serum beta-ChatDoctor titles along with a trans-vaginal sonogram to clarify the issue. The spotting could possibly be due to an implantation bleed, but, it needs to be clarified. If pregnancy is excluded, you could be having slight hormonal imbalance which is common now and then whenever there is some stress, infection, weight disturbance etc. Such a disturbance usually gets corrected spontaneously. Hope this helps.</s>
<s>[INST] Lower abdominal pain on left side have had it since i was 14 and am now 21 I am not becoming more concerned because it is happening more and more...now like every couple of days and it causes my whole stomach to swell as if i am 4 months pregnant. I have regular bowel movements. Its not a sharp pain...its sore and dull. [/INST] Possibly it is a slowly growing or benign tumor-like condition that is removable by surgery. Please get a USG of the swelling done and consult a general surgeon for physical examination. Not to worry but surely get examined. All the best!</s>
<s>[INST] i recently took clindamycin for 7 days because of a tooth infection. on the last day of taking clindamycin i developed severe dry mouth. is this directly linked to the clindamycin? will the dry mouh go away? is there anything i can do to get rid of the dry mouth? [/INST] Thanks for using Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. Yes. Clindamycin can disrupt the salivary glands function and cause Chat Doctor. When the offending </s>
<s>[INST] whats the usual amoeba symptoms in babies? my baby is a 1yr and 2mnths old he vomit yesterday thrice after taking his milk, then he got fever 37.1 this early mrning but were gone after taking paracetamol, he also have diarhea, 4 times today. i was so worried. [/INST] Hi... Amoebiasis is rare in this age group. This looks more like viral diarrhea than amoebas. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting...you need not worry. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor. My child is 4 months old. I am giving her lactogen from 2nd month since bm is not sufficient for her. I am feeding her in bottle which is sterilised every time. But her motion appears to be yellow and green mixed. Please suggest what shall I do for this? [/INST] HelloOccasional green stool is normal in baby. Color of stool is due to some pigments. Due to rapid transit sometimes these pigments are not formed causing green stool. You need not worry if there are no other symptoms. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] hi i am janti lal amersi from karachi pakistan, just come to knw by a mt test that my wife got a tuber clauses what are the precautions we should take like she stoped feeding milk to our daughter what else can you suggest to better ment of her health except medication from doctor [/INST] Hi, I understand your concern. - First, 6you have to get her fully investigated from a chest physician & know about the extent of her infection. If its active tuberculosis passing the infection to others via coughing, sneezing)& she needs isolation or her disease is non infecting & under control. She can be treated at home & she can feed her baby at this stage. Speak to her doctor & decide - Medicines, regular consumption & regular follow up is a must. Tuberculosis can be fully controlled & patient can lead a normal life if she follows treatment plan exactly. - Apart from this personal care in form of- - cleanliness, - high protein, vitamin, iron, mineral diet. She needs high proteins in form of milk 2 glasses in a day, boiled egg/ protein powder available in pharmacy mixed with milk./ fresh vegetables & salads at least 10 glasses of clean water . Apart from her routine meals. - light exercises (yoga/ walking/ respiratory exercises) . To help good appetite & digestion -Iron & vitamins in form of tonics as per doctors advise. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I just did a yoga session and noticed that while doing the downward facing dog I have a strange electric sensation in the bottom of my left heel. What can be causing this? Should I get this checked? I also sometimes have a similar sensation in my fingertip when I bend my neck. [/INST] Hello, This should be a warning that you should not be doing those poses. It may mean that you have some nerve impingement, and it would be a good idea to see your doctor to get this checked. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] HELLO I AM OM AGARWAL FROM SURAT (GUJ) INDIA. I HAVE A BABY OF ONE YEAR OLD. HER WEIGHT IS APPROX. 8KG AVERAGE DIET OF MY BABY IS 3-4 200(ML) EACH BOTTLE OF MILK AND EATING FOOD EVERYTHING WHICH WE TAKE,LIKE RICE OR DAL, WHEAT CHAPATI ETC.BUT FROM LAST ONE MONTH SHE IS NOT TAKING MILK OR FOOD BUT SHE IS FEEDING MILK FROM HER MOTHER. SHE IS CRYING VERY MUCH. SO PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO [/INST] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. I take this opportunity to tell you certain scientific facts and relieve your distress - 1. An active is a well kid even if she/ he is not eating well. 2. Development of a kid is as important as, or I would say even more important than growth alone.3. As the kids grow their interest in food decreases and interest in play activities increases so that they eat small quantity and run away to play. As parents, we need to be more patient and feed than less quantity but more liquors per day.4. This age rather than the quantity of the food I suggest you concentrate more on the number of times you feed her and also make whatever you feed her calorie dense by adding good amount of ghee to it.5. I suggest you not to use appetite stimulants on long run as they may cause Chat Doctor. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] I am 36 yrs and pregnant with 12weeks I have a daughter 11 yrs I have a history of pcod and endometriosis I had a miscarriage in my first pregnancy and it was triplets. both my pregnancy was with treatment but this time with the grace of God I conceived naturally I am being given fertygen injection twice a week progestrone capsule and now asa tablets but yesterday I was bleeding with big clots after scan the baby was fine internal os closed placenta posterior mid segment dont know the reason for bleeding can you please tell me why is this happening and why is asa tablets prescribed in pregnancy I would be very grateful thank you [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Early pregnancy may naturally have periods of episodic vaginal bleeding with clots. This is caused as the baby with the sac in early pregnancy is too small to fill up whole of the uterus. The exposed inner lining of uterus may degenerate and bleed just like a normal menstrual cycle. I am assuming that your ultrasonography after the gush of bleeding showed a live baby with evidence of fetal heart beat. In that case chance of abortion is minimal. ASA or aspirin tablets are given in pregnancy to help in free flow of blood between mother and fetus. Please write back if you have any more queries.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... My heart is pounding often without reason. I am very well otherwise. I exercise often (no cardiovascular exercises) and I have a little bloodcholesterol which I control through diet. I am 63 and a female. [/INST] Hello, Brief answer: No relation is between bounding heart and lipid-lowering Chat Doctor. Explanation: My opinion is that in your condition, you are doing far well. Exercising regularly without any chest pain or fatigue or even dyspnea that means your cardiac condition is good. Taking antihyperlipidemic </s>
<s>[INST] im 18 and I have 2 questions. my first question is i suffer from endometriosis and for the past week my left and right ovary area has been having burning/stinging pains and my lower pelvic region is sore to the touch. what could this problem be? my second question is i had my hormone levels checked and i was wondering if they are normal? FSH- 1.2 LH-3.1 TSH-1.570 Estradiol-182 Testosterone-32 Glucose-74 Prolactin-19.8 thanks, sabrina [/INST] Greetings HOPE you are aware of endometriosis. It means the inside layer of uterus called as endometrium is present outside the uterus, and it responds to the cyclical changes as inside uterus causing bleeding. As you have menses, there will be bleeding from this endometrium which can be present anywhere in the abdomen.the commonest site is ovary and all around outer side of uterus. So premenstrual there will be pain which depends up on the organ involved and the extent. So you can consult a gynecologist and get an ultrasound scan to rule out any cysts in ovary which is causing problems for you. Coming to your reports everything looks normal if done on day 2 or 3 of your cycle. Hope my answer helps you regards</s>
<s>[INST] My husband was on hemodialysis for about a year. Last December we began with peritoneal dialysis at home and have been doing this for almost a year. He had his catheter moved last June as it was much too low. Since then he has been retaining fluid in his abdomen. He recently had a CAT scan and a ecocardiogram which showed a heart problem which his doctor said could be controlled with medication. While in the hospital, his blood pressure dropped so low he was given a bag of saline solution which raised it but he was taken off this medication for his heart. Now he is at home and has a physical therapist come to our home twice a week and he is doing light exercises but his biggest problem, which has been with him for about three months, is shortness of breath. It is from all of the fluid in his abdomen pressing on his diaphram, etc. He has increased his trouser size by two inches. I called this to the attention of his nephrologist as his stomach is like a big bowl of jelly. Nothing is being done to take care of this fluid except the doctor has put him back on hemodialysis with no reduction of fluid. Is there a possibility that there is a leak inside from his catheter or could it be a buildup of fluids from the peritoneal dialysis which I understand does not always completely flush all the fluids out of his body? Sorry about this being such a long messge but we are at a wits end as to finding out what is causing this problem. Could you possibly help us by offering your guideance about the fluid. Thank you in advance. [/INST] HIT hanks for your query. If there is no active peritoneal dialysis going on, then the abdominal fluid collection is unlikely to be related to the Peritoneal dialysis catheter. Ascites or fluid in the peritoneal cavity can be due to a weak heart or liver problems. I would recommend a 2D Echocardiogram, Ultrasound of the abdomen and a diagnostic ascetic fluid tap. Based on the results we could make further recommendations. Hope this helps Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] I am 39 and have been on and off the pill fpr years I stopped last year and have been very down with bad PMT so have just started back on Femodene , is this a good idae ? I have read that it can cause depression and weight gain , two things I am prone to thanks for you help regards becky [/INST] You have mentioned taking the pill previously. In case you have taken Feminine before and had severe side effects and thinking of restarting the Chat Doctor. Newer </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. Ive just found three white lumps behind my tonsils on my soft palete. Im pretty much have OCD over my mouth and have just seen these today. ( I check nearly daily). Now, I suck my thumb and my dental hygiene isnt great. They dont hurt, havent really grown since Ive seen them and cause no pain or discomfort at all. When I prodded at them they didnt go away. Just wondering what it could be? I also have bigger than normal tonsils (which Ive had all my life). [/INST] Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query from you to my Chat Doctor Clinic. I have gone through your query and after in-depth study on it, In My opinion-these white lumps behind tonsil on soft palate-are Tonsillitis, which occur in Chronic Tonsillitis. Hope this would resolve your worrisome query for now. Wellcome-to my Chat Doctor Clinic for any more query.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi i am 33years old and have been diagonised with jaundice last 3 monts. My current sirum Bilirubin report is 1.20. I had indigestion and related problems in stomach of right side.Question is how long does it take? how can i know that am completely free from jaundice? [/INST] Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor. It may be due to liver infection, alcohol or Chat Doctor. Please consult your doctor for examination and ultrasonography of whole abdomen including liver. Jaundice can cause indigestion, vomiting, nausea, fever, fatigue etc. Normal range is 0.5-1.5 mg/DL. More than normal range causes yellow discoloration of sclera, palms, urine etc. First find out the cause of disease and treat the cause, will remove jaundice. When your bilirubin within normal range; urine, sclera become normal; no or minimal digestion problem than jaundice over. Please avoid fatty diet and fast food. Take fresh fruits, juices and green veg diet more. Hope these all will help you a lot. Thanks for contacting us. Take care....</s>
<s>[INST] Two days ago I noticed a red lump on the outer portion of my right arm. Puls and blood could be extracted however it returns to its egg shaped size. It is painful and I have now developed a rash passed my bicep. Hot compresses do not work. Pus and blood can extracted from it however it returns to its normal size. It is egg shaped under my arm. I have tried antibiotic ointment and hot compresses... [/INST] Hi, It looks like an abscess that could have been a progression from a hair follicle infection. It is due to bacterial infection where the bacteria seep into the hair roots and cause infection there. As it is not being Chat Doctor. So my suggestion is to consult an Emergency room and get evaluated. Incision and </s>
<s>[INST] Hi ok,I am 33years old girl who has 3failed ivf(one of them done with miscarry)I just finish my 4th,I had transfer on Monday,they put me 3great embryos,and want me to freeze rest of them,and I did it!!before my transfer dr called me and wants to meet me before transfer,he said(he checked all3failed ivf)and he thinks I haveh hydrosAlPinix(he said can be the problem or it s not this)why he wants me to do it transfer anyway???if I get pregnant can be denger for baby?? [/INST] Hi, there are chances of miscarriages with HY Chat Doctor. So, it's better to remove it or clip it laparascopically. But first you confirm that you have HY</s>
<s>[INST] I have married in 2 year.my age 25 husbannd age 27 i have trying to a conceive .i have take pfofrt f tablet for 3 month.but not conceive.i have already checked my harmones,thairoid also.but no problem.all very good & normal.but why naot conceive.please help me [/INST] Hi I think you can go for ovulation induction with timed intercourse for conceiving. Track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound and when follicle is more than 18 mm, take injection for rupture of follicles. Be in contact with your husband for next 2 days. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks after rupture is confirmed on ultrasound. Do a urine pregnancy test after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 cycles. Hope it helps</s>
<s>[INST] Hi My name is Lakshmana.Eti. now my wife is 2 Month prregnent. I am a employee of HAL Bangalore We are having good Hospital Service. But today Doctor told After reciving scan report The heart beat of fetal is not comming, it may leads to abartion or Bleeding . So we have decided to take second opinion. We request you to suggest any best scaning center in Bangalore to know more abovt development of fetal. Regards, Lakshmana.Eti [/INST] If you take my opinion then you always need to confirm your ultrasound by another reliable institution</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Hello. My father has been suffering from high blood pressure and two weeks ago his pulse was at 125 for a number of days. This landed him in the hospital for about 10 days. He was diagnosed with atrial fibralation as well as anxiety and chronic fatigue. Both he and the rest of my family have been taking care of my mother who is has a terminally ill with cancer. He is on a number of medications now and is taking Lisinipril and cumodin and other meds. His cumodin level was high this week. He walked to the store the other day and had to ask for a ride back as he wasnt feeling well. The hospice nurse took his blood pressure and pulse today: 153/100, pulse 50. She said that he should get checked out again soon as something does not appear right with his meds. Any advice you might be able to give would be appreciated. My father is 79 years old. Thank you. Melinda [/INST] Hello, There are two issues in him, first his blood pressure is not under control so his BP medicine needs to be hiked up. Dose of lisinopril can be increased in multiple of 5 up to 40 mg. Blood pressure is not emergency you can get it optimized from your doctor. Secondly, his pulse rate is low and pulse rate controlling med needs to be decreased. Like he must take some beta blockers like metoprolol or nebivolol, or other medicines like Verapamil or Diltiazem, dose of either med needs to be decreased. Also, he should have a healthy lifestyle like avoiding fatty, oily and high calorie diet. Have low salt diet and monitor blood pressure regularly thrice a day for one week then once or twice a week. Regular exercises like brisk walking, jogging according your capacity at least 30 minutes a day and 5 days a week. Avoid smoking and alcohol if any. There shouldn't abdominal fat deposition or obesity. Get your lipid profile and sugars tested once. Monitor INR regularly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] yes I visited a dr three yrs ago he told mr I have a blockage do to a bile located with the gallbladder the nurse says I need a lot fiber to slow down the process I do experience some pain I can t eat certain foods as a result how can I remove the blockage without having surgery [/INST] A biliary riskiness I guess from what you've wrote, without Lithuania or sludge in your gallbladder. I agree with the prescribed by your nurse dietetic changes and there are some cholagogues and heretics to help you probably before thinking of surgery like Cannabis i.e.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I have a persisting infection in my pubic groin area. For the past year it comes and goes regularily and almost always is infected. I believed it to be an ingrown hair but most recently I went to the hospital because a hole appeared there and I was told it is a cyst . This keeps happening in the exact same spot and I apply warm compresses to it and blood like pus usually oozes out of it. It pains a bit as i were my pants exactly same place. Kindly suggest me what to do [/INST] HI, I understand your concern. The prolonged & repeated infection indicates healing. -low resistance - inadequate treatment/wrong choice of antibiotic - unhygienic condition. - Uncontrolled diabetes You need investigations like-CBC, fasting & post meal blood sugar, culture & sensitivity test of the exudate from infection. Along with complete physical check up. This would pinpoint the diagnosis & treatment plan.(best advised by a skin specialist) Apart from regular medication for prescribed period, you will have to take - tonics/nutritive diet for raising resistance.(proteins, iron, vitamins specially it. B&c)would help. - good control of blood sugar in case you have diabetes - adequate local management in form of removal of hairs, keeping the area clean, Chat Doctor. Thanks. -</s>
<s>[INST] Hello: I am a 36 year old man. After having a terrible attack of stomach flu in february of this year I beganto suffer from pain in my upper left side. the bloodwork showed slightly elevated lypase -but all other tests ngative-what can this be -stomach feels bloated all the time [/INST] Hello there, I am Chat Doctor. Hope I have given appropriate guidance to you. I think you have loss of some of your intestinal flora, that is beneficial bacterial organism found in our intestine, and you have some damage to intestine in form of small many ulcers. So til this ulcer got heal you may have some pain in your abdomen. And for bacterial flora you take some probiotic food it will replace your flora to normal one. For some periods take care you DNT eat spicy food. If you have any query you can consult me anytime. Give me star rating, helpful vote & thank you according to your satisfaction level. Thanking you.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi my daughter most of time develope swellings that looks like alergric reactions but when she is given an anti alergic like prition and others she will start having rapid pulse and palpitation what is the cause and else can she use for this.Thanks [/INST] anti-allergic Chat Doctor. So these are side effects of position. You need to change the anti-allergic </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I was wondering how long does sperm survive inside of a male s urethra after ejaculation? I never urinated after my ejaculation. Then I penetrated my girlfriend s vagina about eight hours after ejaculation and withdrew immediately without ejaculating at all. Is there a possibility that I may have impregnated her? [/INST] Thanks for asking in Chat Doctor forum Sperms can survive for 24-36 hrs depending upon the environment. And pre-cum can cause pregnancy even if you have not ejaculated inside her. So, please use protection always and go for urine pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy if periods delayed. All the best.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, i have a question, i had pain for almost a week on the left lower side of abdomen, approximately where the ovary is, then i went to ultrasound to see what is going on, i did not get results yet, and i am scared, because i really wanted to get pregnant, i overheard ultrasound technician and other technician, they were saying something like follicle burst and small amount of free fluid, what does it mean, that i did not get pregnant and probably instead maybe it is ovarian cyst now..i just dont know what to think... i asked them but they are not allowed to tell diagnosis i guess, they just said you dont have to worry everything is fine [/INST] Hellos you mentioned that there is pain in the abdomen in the left lower region. Ultrasound done but report is still pending. Pain may be due to these reasons.1 Cyst around or in ovarian stoma. Need not say that the report of the ultrasound will find out the reason .2 Such pain may be due to left renal colic. Diagnosis can be confirmed by Ultrasound (. Already done).3 Amoebic colitis is the next most probable reason of such pain. Stool examination will find out amoeba history, if present. Since ultrasound report is pending and pain is not so severe, wait for the report and deal according to ultrasound report. Possibilities I have mentioned. Good luck</s>
<s>[INST] the upper back of my thighs an buttocks have these ingrowth which i think is the result of shaving the hair at these areas. the hair dsnt cme out henceforth but the area looks horrible..wth lots of black headed rashes .have tried steaming, scrubbing, brushing an even waxing.but the pores jst wont open up.the reast of my skin is pretty nice.but this area is so embarressing.please do help..aparajita the upper back of my thighs an buttocks have these ingrowth which i think is the result of shaving the hair at these areas. the hair dsnt cme out henceforth but the area looks horrible..wth lots of black headed rashes.have tried steaming, scrubbing, brushing an even waxing.but the pores jst wont open up.the reast of my skin is pretty nice.but this area is so embarressing.please do help..aparajita [/INST] Hi!parasite, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum, Aparajita .It's not very clear from your description as to what you have. If its ingrown hair then the best thing is LASER HAIR REDUCTION. If you have thick hair you will have very good result. Take care, Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor , I have a kid her age is,2 and she is diabitic and I make to her blood liver exam and the sgot was above normal 56 but the albumin and sgpt was in normal range sgpt 40 & albumin4.6 and im very worry why is the sgot hight , kindly adviseMy email is YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Hi...this GOT is only mildly elevated. Nothing to worry about it. She doesn't require any special evaluation for this. This elevation can occur in trivial viral illness which would have gone unnoticed too. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, i had 2 big spot/zits near my anus, one of them was actually on the sphincter. I have popped them both and lots of puss came out, are they anything to worry about and how can i stop them from appearing again? i always wash and keep clean every day. [/INST] Hi, From history it seems that you might be having fistula in ANO. When sinus track becomes full of pus, it will burst open and again there will be re feeling of sinus. Consult surgeon and get examined. Avoid constipation. Ok and take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am a 63 yr old female. I tripped and fell a week ago, slamming my knee on the concert. It turned black and blue just below my knee and is still numb to the touch. I have been icing it and staying off of it as much as possible. Yesterday, I noticed that my ankle is now swollen and black and blue. There appears to be a yellowish streak down my shin also. I also felt the sensation of blood running down my leg, but there was none. There is no open wound. I can walk on it without to much trouble. I am just not sure how to proceed from this point. Do I need to go to the doctor, or is what I am doing okay. I know it will take probably 6 to 8 weeks to heal. I did not go to the doctor when this happen, so I am not sure if I fractured my leg or not. But, if I did, what could/would they do? [/INST] Hello Thank you for using Chat Doctor I read your question and understood your concern I do not think that you had a fracture since you can walk think you had a hematoma in the knee that after some days went down from gravity in the ankle region. Keep the leg up above the heart level for few days and some kind of elastic bandage in the ankle region.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi my doughter is 11 years old and doctor just start first dose of cisplatin 105 mg over 6 hours.She is treated for Medulloblastoma.Radiation of 6 weeks is done and this is the first cycle from nine.What should we expect from cisplatin and the rest of the therapy [/INST] Yes cisplatin is one of the components of medulloblastoma treatment. .the outcome depends on how she responds and tolerates the treatment</s>
<s>[INST] I m in a nutrition class for nursing and have to do a case study and nutritional assessment plan etc. I chose to do FVL and pregnancy. What are the diagnostic tests to monitor mother and baby during pregnancy with the mother having FVL? What nutritional plan should be implemented? [/INST] Hi there,Could you please let us know the full form of FVL so that we can help you better. Some terminologies are not universal in medicine and may need to elaborated to understand. Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] Recently I ve been making trips to the ER because I thought I was havi g gallbladder attacks but they did ultrasound and CT scans. I had pain in my abdomine, nausea and vomiting . My doctor done some blood test but something didn t come back right. When I had the CT scan it showed a spot om my liver . Should I be worried? [/INST] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. A spot on the liver detected on a CT scan can be due to a minor vascular malformation, a benign mass or a malignancy. Proper investigations like blood investigations and FNAC are needed to pinpoint the diagnosis. Please consult your gastroenterologist for the same. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you.</s>
<s>[INST] hi my baby is 8 months old , hes having loose motion since yesterday morning, hes passing semisolid stools ... could u please suggest me what kind of food should i give him ? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for query, better you give breastfeeding only for 2 days. If you are giving milk formula then give diluted milk formula. Give strong coffee, apple juice, Dadam juice. If loose motions do not control then take him to doctor. Ok and bye,</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, i am a 49yr old female. I have developed a pulsing/vibraing feeling in my left foot inline with my small toe. it is not painful and I have just noticed it in the last two weeks. it feels like a buzzing that comes and goes. do i need to be concerned about this? thank you [/INST] Dear madam, do you have any difficulty doing your daily activities because of this pulsing sensation. If not since you donor have pain it is better to leave it alone,</s>
<s>[INST] Lower pain in right side of back. Hurts to bend over, put on socks, etc. Also get pain through buttocks to groin. Yesterday, a large painful pimple (bump) on side of upper buttocks formed. Hurts to touch - not sure related by curious as to timing. [/INST] Hi, from history it seems that there might be having ingrown hair follicle infection and initially might not have noticed. This might have caused lower backache during movement, pain in groin. Now there might be having swelling, induration aggravating the problem. Go for one antibiotic, anti-inflammatory medicine course for 5 days. Ok and take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, we are trying for child. I have gone through follicular scan. On 20th Day she has given me injection and suggested intercourse for 3 days. It was the time of ovulation. She has given me some tablets to take from the day of injection till 10 days. Name of the tablet is Meprate. I have few queries. Will I get periods immediately after I stop taking the pills if I am not pregnant. When can I do home pregnancy test? If the ChatDoctor content is less in urine should I opt for blood test? [/INST] It may take a few days to get your periods after stopping pills if you are not pregnant. But if you don't get your periods for a week get urine pregnancy test done. No need for getting a blood test done. You can wait and repeat test after a few days</s>
<s>[INST] I have had numerous UTI S and I requested a copy of my last lab report, 1) for vaginal culture, and 1) lfro urine culture, final report on the urine culture was Morganella MorganII, b colony count 30,000, but no antibiotic was prescribed. Can I get over this on my own? [/INST] Hello, THX to contact us. I understand your concern. If I am your treating doctor I advise you that urine culture with colony count of less than one lac is not UTI. It won't requires a treatment. Organelle organic many a time isolate as a saprophytic organism or Laboratory contaminant. So if the colony count is less, it is not UTI and treatment is not required. I will be happy to answer more of your concerns, kindly know me, Wish you a very good health at Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor. Infectious Disease.</s>
<s>[INST] I recently had a scan that showed a 8.4mm cyst on my left kidney. However as I was being scanned for gallstones, the cyst was never mentioned (the scan was done overseas and so they type up a report of their findings). I am now worried that it has been disregarded. What could it be? [/INST] Hello Thanks for writing to simple cortical cyst in kidney is a benign lesion of unknown etiology arising from renal parenchymal, and it rarely causes complications. It may be the reason for omission of small renal cyst in previous reports. Renal cortical cyst is a very common type of kidney cyst, and it is a fluid-filled sac. Small cysts generally doesn't causes symptoms, and it is found in a routine examination for other issues. When cyst grows larger, patient may feel pain or pressure in back or sides, which often radiates downward. Renal cortical cysts usually doesn't require any treatment. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my wife had a prolapsed disc aprox 8 years ago, she is now left with arthirtes and very bad pain, nerve damage, loss of felling in lower right leg. We was told that after 18 months after an op what ever pain she in still in that is as good as it is going to be, we think that when she had the op after cutting the bone above and below and cutting out the piece of disc they fused the two bones together? My wife is now unable to walk without having to use a stick or if it is to far then she is in a wheelchair, is there anything that can be done for her to help with her movement without more surgery? [/INST] Hello! Thank you for the query. In some cases such symptoms can be eased with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. But this can be done with herniation which does not compress the spine or compresses only a little. You can ask your doctor about Diclofenac and Tetra Pak treatment, however surgery might be the only solutions. Hope this will help. Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] at night when I get ready for bed I begin to cough uncontrolledly and my neck and chin get really itchy. this only happens at night and I don t know what to do about it or what it means. I read that it could be signs of asthma but I ve never been diagnosed with it. But I do spend a total of 9 hours or more 5 days a week moving and running around. [/INST] Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you are having allergic bronchitis. Coughing and itching are characteristics for allergic disease (process). Since you are having symptoms mostly at night, you may be allergic to your night clothes or bedsheet or pillow covers etc. And these act as allergen and cause symptoms. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) to diagnose bronchitis. Change your bedsheet, pillow cover and night clothes. Start using new cotton ones. Also take antihistamine Chat Doctor. You will mostly be alright by these changes.</s>
<s>[INST] Im asking because I was tested for diabetes & the doctor asked if it ran in my family? It does on both my mother & fathers side & I have always had a sweet tooth but I am not overweight (Im average) & try not to eat fatty foods that much. I do however tend to splurge on the sugar. Can too much sugar cause diabetes? Thanks everyone. [/INST] Hi.no too much sugar doesn't lead to diabetes. There r 2 types of diabetes. Type 1 which is due to deficiency of insulin secretion from beta cells of pancreas and in type 2 diabetes there is problem in the insulin receptors. Diabetes may result from genetic alterations, obesity, sedentary lifestyle. Ones u have diabetes, increase intake of sugar may increase the blood sugar level but sugar itself doesn't lead to diabetes. Wish u good health</s>
<s>[INST] I take microgynon 30 3 weeks at a time and then break for a week and always get a period during this break. I took the pill for around 5 weeks without a break and now that Ive taken a break from it Ive not experienced a withdrawal bleed and Im getting very worried. Could you offer me an explanation? Ive taken one test and it was negative. Just want to know whats going on with my body, Ive been taking the pill almost 3 years with no problems like this. [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Microgynon is a commonly used oral contraceptive. There is a form of oral contraception where essentially it is taken for 3 months so that these women have only 4 periods a year. It is likely that the prolonged use of the medication resulted in the delay you are experiencing. Though it is understandably alarming to you, it is a result of a slight hormonal imbalance and your period will return. I hope this helps</s>
<s>[INST] sir i got a preterm baby of 34 weeks.on his first thyroid test he has following values T3 IS 74.48, T4 IS 3.40 TSH IS 2.69. ON HIS SECOND TEST AFTER 1MONTH WE HV FOLLOWING VALUES T3 99.51, T4 IS 3.60, TSH IS 3.21. BT IS THIS LEVEL OF T4 OKEY OR SHOULD WE GO TO A DOCTOR [/INST] These are absolutely normal values of thyroid profile.no doctor consultation required. But you observe baby for constipation, jaundice,lethargy, prolonged sleeping. These are clinical sign of hypothyroidism.</s>
<s>[INST] Since October 2013 I have had spasmodically pain in the right side of my head in the ear area - approx radiating into an area of my hand if held over my ear. The pain will go after anything from a few hours to over 36 hours. Today it is particularly painful hence the search online [/INST] You probably mean throbbing headache affecting one side of the head, right in your case. You have not mentioned whether you are a male or female. Based on that, I would consider three possible causes, a) migraine b) cluster headache and c) temporal arthritis. Irrespective of whatever be the cause, you should be relieved by taking naproxen 500 mg one or two tablets together as per your requirement. Take it in full stomach. Also get yourself examined by a doctor and subsequently intervene as per the cause diagnosed.</s>
<s>[INST] Im 62 years of a age, and on a routine lab exam PSA level was 6.5, Digital rectal exam was normal, echography shows enlarged prostate with calcifications and all the rest was normal.. FREE PSA/TOTAL PSA was about 22.5 and according to the lab this result is normal, urine analysis shows RBC levels of 20 - 22 and WBC 2, can we know from these results if it s a gland hypertrophy or it s prostate cancer? thank you [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should not worry much about cancer. As calcification is 100% benign. It is not at all seen in malignancy. So you should not worry much about cancer. Your other lab reports are also normal for cancer. You are having BPH (benign prostatic enlargement) which is causing red blood cells in urine. So better to consult neurosurgeon and get done removal of prostate. This will cure RBC in urine. And no need to worry about cancer.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi there, Im a 25 year old male with a history of Kidney Stones. I ve had a 3cm Kidney Stone in my left Kidney for some time now and have been attempting to dilute it. For the past few days, i ve had a pulsating pain in my pelvic area, just above the penis. I feel as if it may not be kidney stone related as there is no smell nor blood. But it feels like a lower cramping. [/INST] Hello, Cannot say in your particular case, but generally, when I've had this exact thing: 1) The blood is there, but not visible but an over the counter blood test detected it.2) The symptoms were from the stone being in somewhere other than the bladder like the prostate or urethra. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hello,my 2 and a half year old has been having tiny amount of blood at the end of the stool...my pediatrician ordered an ex ray and said she was constipated evan though she poops quite regularly.He said most likely the blood comes from a scratch at the end of the bowel that continually gets irrataded and then today the stool turned gray! half of it came out brown then gray and two hours later more grey poop what could this mean? [/INST] Dear Parent, The gray color stool of your child can be due to different causes. Commonest one if your child is on a milk only diet. Other serious cause is blocked liver ducts (however in this condition your child will give yellow of eyes, skin). I suggest that you see a pediatrician if the gray stools occur 2 or more times, lasts more than 24 hrs and lasts more than 48 hours after changing from a milk only diet, and you notice yellow discoloration of eyes, skin.</s>
<s>[INST] my father is 50 years old. he is on dialysis for the past six months. he is now suffering from tb . and tapping from has been performed 4 times till now i the span of 2 months. 1500 , 1200 , 1200 , 1000 ml hav been removed. why is the water being formed ? [/INST] Hi thanks for asking question. Here possibilities of tuberculous peritonitis or pleuritic is there. TB can involve peritoneum and pleura, so can lead to an effusion. You have not mentioned the site. The fluid can be translate or exudate. Transudate involves causes due to increase HY Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a hard non-movable lump on the right side of my neck about the size of a pinto bean. It feels like it may be attached to the larynx? I have been suffering from joint pain (knees, shoulders and right large toe) and swelling mainly in my knees. I seem to have lost strength in my knees due to swelling and muscle tenderness around joints, I am loosing more hair than normal, awful cramps in right callf at night, I get hot flashes but then I get cold and can t get warm, I have no energy, my skin is very dry to the point of tingling. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for the query.1-Its very interesting story. In my opinion small lump on right of your larynx needs to be investigated with thyro-profile tests.2-Your general health have derailed over a period and suggests that you have-hypo-thyroid with associate rheumatic complaints in knee JT and muscles surrounding it.3-I would advise you to have your thyroid test done with other blood tests.4-I would advise medical treatment with the physician nearby.5-Thereafter-If the lump doesn't regress after the specific thyroid treatment, the lump-may need excision-in the later period....but don't worry about it-as it's a remote possibility.6-So concentrate with treating the thyroid disease-which is the most probable solution for your problem to resolve. Hope I have solved your query. Any more queries in this matter are welcome.!! Thnks</s>
<s>[INST] I was poked deep in the knuckle joint with a needle like splinter of wood. it was from an old dusty garage. my arm up to the elbow started itching and the back of my hand is swollen. I am fairly sure that the splinter came out right after it happened [/INST] Hello, It is due to local inflammation. As of now, you can use analgesics/anti-inflammatory combination like diclofenac/serratiopeptidase for symptomatic relief. Make sure that no bits are retained in the site. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] FOR ABOUT THE PAST TWO YEARS I HAVE HAD SORE AND STIFF JOINTS. I AM ALSO TIRED A LOT AND MOST DAYS NEED AN AFTERNOON NAP AFTERHAVING A NINE HOUR SLEEP AT NIGHT. I HAVE A SORE THROAT THAT NEVER SEEMS TO GO AWAY. LAST YEAR I FOUND THAT I HAD HIGH IRON LEVELS SO IHAD THAT HANDLED VIA A PHLEBOTOMY. I HAVE TRIED EVERY TREATMENT UNDER THE SUN TO TREAT ARTHRITIS AND NOTHING WORKS. I HAVE SPENT SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS WITH NO JOY. I HAVE ALSO HAD ABNORMAL LIVER FUNCTION TESTS FOR YEARS. COULD THIS BE LYME DISEASE? [/INST] Dear friend what made you think of the possibility of you having LYME?also what all have you tried in effort to investigate the reason for your joint stiffness and pain the symptoms suggest an inflammatory or an autoimmune origin of your illness have you have been investigated in detail for that?kindly share more details so that clearer picture emerges for a better diagnosis</s>
<s>[INST] How to find a women is having breast cancer or not ? [/INST] Hi. Regular self breast examination, demographic studies are done to check for the presence of a lump in the breast. Presence of any new lump may need biopsy. Biopsy and microscopic studies help in diagnosing breast cancers. Also read about the other symptoms of breast cancer (apart from the lump), which include bloody discharge from the nipple, puckering of the skin over the breast and so on.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello please I would like for you to tell me I had ovarian cancer after my operation i had liposuction after this my Cancer came back then I went through chemotherapy my result after that was normal now I had more stomach pains went to see the doctor my blood test ca 125 was raised I had a ct scan which shows that my other organs are fine but is showing more thickness of my stomach lining ! After my liposuction there has always been thickness of the lining I want to know does this lipo have anything to do with cancer as my doctor at the hospital wasn t 100 percent sure of this thickening of the lining is due to cancer or not. [/INST] Hi, its really not got much to do with the cancer. The ideal thing would be to redo another CT scan, to better evaluate the integrity of the stomach. The stomach is however not one of the usual destinations of spread of ovarian cancer. It shall be very unlikely that the thickening should attack the stomach first with other structures intact. Another CT scan can help clear the doubt. Thanks</s>
<s>[INST] hello In my report it shows like this Rt.Kidney (8.9*3.5cm) cortex:13mm Lt.kidney (9.5*4.1 cm) cortex 14mm Normal insize size with diffuse increased Echotexture(grate -2) No calculi/Hydronephrosis.Is there any problem in my kidnies.Please help regarding in this matter. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. There is a mention that the kidneys are showing increased cortical echo texture. This means that the kidneys are lighter than expected and might be due to a problem in the filtration capacity of the kidneys. Please do blood test for kidney function like serum creatinine and serum proteins. Urine test for kidney function like urine proteins and 24 hours protein and creatinine are also important. Please consult a nephrologist for proper treatment guidelines. Your kidneys are normal. The kidneys are normal if they measure 80 to 120 mm in length. Therefore, the kidney problems if any are still reversible. Please do not worry.</s>
<s>[INST] hi, I am 24 years old female. My height is 5 3 and weight is 140lbs. I was prescribed with Doxycycline and lactic acid bacillus capsules for bleeding gums . I took it for five days as prescribed by the doctor. Also, my doctor told me whenever I feel like my gums are bleeding again take the pills, but how long should I take them? [/INST] THAT IS ALSO GOOD Chat Doctor. . U TAKE IT AFTER 2 HOURS AND BEFORE 2HR FROM FOOD... NOT WITH FOOD.... AND FOR BLEEDING METRONIDAZOLE ALSO U TAKE IT AND AVOID ROXY IF Breastfeeding BABY....AND WITH METRONIDAZOLE AVOID WHEN U TAKE ALCOHOL...</s>
<s>[INST] Hi my name is angela im 20 years old and on June 9, 2015 I went to an oral surgeon to have all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. Ever sense the day after surgery I haven t been able to open my mouth I have gone back and they put me on some arthritis Tylenol, naproxen medication, and also voltarin gel. I ve also been doing jaw excersises religiously. Nothing has helped and I am no worse I can t fit my toothbrush in mouth and it s almost to the point I can t fit my pills in either. I m terrified and just want this to end. [/INST] Hi. I have gone through your query and can understand your concern. As per your complaint at times after wisdom teeth extraction the muscles of mastication becomes tensed, swollen and sore leading to restricted mouth opening and pain. You should do warm compresses over the check and continue till the sides of neck. You should massage the muscles with your fingers starting from the front of ear progressing down the jaw reaching the chin. Try to open the mouth with fingers by pushing front teeth apart. You should also keep doing the jaw exercises advised by your dentist. You need to take Muscle relaxant like Flexion MR for relieving the spasms of muscles. Take soft diet and more. Of liquids but do not stay hungry. If still it doesn't improve consult an Oral Surgeon and get evaluated. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. .</s>
<s>[INST] My husband is on cipro right now for prostatitis. He has been having pain in his neck. He has a had surgery, along while back, for a bad disc. He has a plate in his neck. Anyway, I was wondering if cipro would cause pain there or if it is indeed a disc problem again. Just wondering.He hasn t seen a Dr. yet. [/INST] Hello, Cipro does not cause neck pain. It might be due to cervical disc problem like cervical spondylitis. Consult an orthopedic and get an X-ray neck to look for any disc degeneration or changes. As of now you can take analgesics like Tramadol for pain relief. Avoid excessive straining as in bending. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, My father is 56 year old and he has a second time during 4 years Coronary Stand , this time 3 stents. However, he feels dissy sometimes and has some unsertan feelings in heart area like squizzing but nor pain. What possible reasons can be for this simptomas? he has also Hypothireous. [/INST] Hello, After going through your medical query I understand your concern and would like to tell you that chest squeezing with palpitations is indication for underlying heart condition. It's recommended for you to consult your treating Cardiologist again and get cardiac evaluation done. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] hi doc ...m havin dark underarms...tried almst evrythng....bt its nt lighting up.....cant wear sleevless jst bcoz f it...plz help me [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. Forum. Thse days lightening creams are available. In addition, you should use antifungal medicines and steroids locally, with the advice of a dermatologist. Best of luck. don't go on using self-medication which some times may worsen the condition. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] bacterial bronchitisIm a 30 yr old female. I was recently seen at the ER and had two bags of fluids ,morphi.e and xrays for what I was told was bacterial bronchitis and was given a Zpack to take. Im on my 4th pill and I feel im getting worse. The cough is bad, im coughing up dark green and yellow mucus. I have a major headache that wont go away. Im also running a fever off amd on... Could this be something else or have turned into something worse? [/INST] Thanks for asking your question completely understand your problem in my opinion you are suffering from lower resp tract infection. Green sputum is mostly seen in cases of pseudosocial infections so specific Chat Doctor. Antipseudomonal antibiotics like floroquinolones should be given.to fix the diagnosis of pseudosocial infection u need to consult a pulmonologist who will request for a sputum myogenic culture and sensitivity, which will tell in detail about the causative organism. And accordingly </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter has SVT and is going to Denver. She will be going up to a cabin at a higher altitude while she is there, about 2 days after arriving. She takes Metaprolol for her condition and I am wondering if the higher altitude will have a negative affect at all. [/INST] She can safely travel, acclimatization is important and her staying for 2 days before ascending further up, would be good for her. Also, just make sure he takes her metoprolol on time and carries enough stock of the Chat Doctor. Per se if SVT is well controlled and she is in normal sinus rhythm with the help of metoprolol, she can enjoy her vacation. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] I am boy age of 30,but my sprem is thini want thick spermi face problem when I watch any sexy movie I get wet because my spram come automatically come out of my pienskindy tel me any fruit or food which help me.l am poor I have no money to snd you [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Please stop worrying about these sexual matters because all these are normal. Sperm thickness or color is not the determining factor of your fertility or your ability to produce child Chat Doctor. On an average, semen is almost 95% water. Therefore, don't be anxious about it. When anyone watches porn movies, their penis discharge a liquid called pre-cum which is used for lubrication during sexual intercourse. This is also normal. I suggest psychological counseling to you. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a 8 year old boy that is 77 pounds last year he weighted 56 pounds from july to now he gained additional 7 pounds. he has a twin brother that is not gaining like that he is active plays football is there something i should be doing to help him not gain the weight [/INST] Hello. I just read through your question. Weight is related to height. In this age group we expect an increase in height to be accompanied by an increase in weight. In any case, a balanced diet and age appropriate exercise are always the most things in any age group.</s>
<s>[INST] I have been diagnosed with depression, bi-polar disorder, seizure disorder, extreme anxiety, cronic headaches I was beaten by my ex husband for23 yrs it started at the age of 14 ive tried to kill myself twice. my great grandfather, grand father, father, sister, brother and neice have all commited suicide. I hear the voice of my ex husband telling me to do bad things to myself. I have been cutting myself for years. Im so scared I am blind in one eye from the abuse and have had a broken hip as well plus many many different trauma. my anxiety level is so high I hide in my room cause I cant stand the grand babys yelling and screaming and crying I have horrific night mares please can you help me please [/INST] Hello, From the available description I feel you need a treatment at hospital setting where number of mental health professionals are available. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] there is a well defined rounded cystic lesion noted within cortex of the left kidney near the mid pollar region measuring 14.2X13-5mm which is anechoic in echopattern and the wall of it is thin and regular casting posterior acoustic enhancement.requested treatment [/INST] Hello, It seems that there is stone formation in the cystic lesion. Ideally, contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CENT) should be done to exclude malignant conversion of the cyst, and if there are any complications arising from the cyst, then partial or total neurectomy may have to be done. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have a kid of 1 year 3 months, she was crying from past night without drinking milk and without sleeping the whole night. Today morning she even refused to have a glass of milk. Now at my mother s house she had her break fast and again started crying and crawling here and there. what could be the problem with her ? Please guide us... [/INST] Hi, according to the symptoms that you have quoted, it seems that the child is having pain abdomen. Pain abdomen can occur due to acute gastroenteritis, stomach infection or worm infestation. Child should be examined by a doctor so that we may not miss any important finding. If pain abdomen persist, then antibiotic needs to be started. Give more Fluids to child. Give soft diet to child. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi sir my wife is in 7th month pregnant and she has been facing gestational diabetic in early stages(3rd month) and doctor suggested insulin and slowly increasing the lots now. she is taking novomix 30 penfill. Morning 18 lots and evening 10 lots. Every week we are taking test by using glucometer. bayer product. But some time test results are showing 84-98 and 112-158. she was getting fear kindly give your suggessions [/INST] Hello and I hope I can help you today. Insulin is used to treat diabetes during pregnancy at all stages and is safe and effective. The disease of diabetes and high blood sugar is the part that is dangerous for the baby, and good glucose control is the best way to ensure a healthy child. Good blood glucose levels should be less that 95 for fasting levels and less than 120 after meals (2 hours). If this is the way your wife checks her sugar, and you test at least 4 times daily, she is under very good control and should not need further adjustment of her insulin if her levels stay at the current level. She should be checking her sugar fasting and then 2 hours after every meal. So in summary, insulin is safe and absolutely necessary for the health of the baby if your wife has diabetes. Please discuss the dosing regimen with your treating physician on a regular basis and make sure your wife checks her readings at least when she wakes up in the morning and then 2 hours after every meal. She should also write down what she eats, so her doctor can also know if any changes need to be made in the diet. I hope this information was helpful and answered your question adequately. Best wishes to you and your wife for the rest of the pregnancy. Sincerely, </s>
<s>[INST] i have a lump on my rib cage, it moves around. some light pain around the lump. i had the same lump last year after a strain in the gym to my chest plate area.it was bigger last year. now it has come back maybe brought on by exercise . noticed it yesterday, it seems to be getting smaller already. also seems to be right on the bone. thanks [/INST] Hi. Get a clinical examination by a Doctor, ultrasonography and guided biopsy to make it sure that it is not a serious problem and the exact cause of it. If it is recurrent think of getting it removed.</s>
<s>[INST] hello doc...i have a lump between my scrotum and anus its hard size of a pea, it sometimes disappear and reappear, also another painless sort of a pimple on my pubic area, yellowish, disappear when emptied and to re-occur in near and itching urethra....what is these [/INST] Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor, and thanks for giving us an opportunity to discuss on perineal infections! So, your perineal lump is recurrent, small, nodular and accompanied by another yellowish nodule in the pubic area! I must consider, if you had visited my clinic, that these two are same in pathological terms; they are sebaceous inclusion cysts getting infected and resolving due to bodies immunity power! These needs a simple needle biopsy for confirmation and surgical excision / antibiotics for cure...Therefore, please see a surgeon for a clinical examination and necessary management.don't worry, ...</s>
<s>[INST] I have this dull pain on my left side, below the rib cage yet above the pelvis. Depending on whether I breathe heavily or not, this pain feels knife sharp. there is slight swelling in the area, about the size of a plum. the pain doesnt increase with pressure. [/INST] Hello, Since how long you have this swelling? Please get an Ultrasound Whole abdomen and see a General Surgeon Immediately. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a kidney infection and I have been taking sulphameth/trimethoprim with pain pills. I havent taken my pain pills today and every time I try to move I have a shooting pain that starts about where my kidney is and shoots through my right lung to the top of my shoulder [/INST] Hello first of all get an ultrasound of kidneys and a culture/sensitivity test to find out to which antibiotic your infection is most sensitive to n accordingly take that antibiotic</s>
<s>[INST] HI I M 17 YEARS TEEN GIRL.,I HAVE BIG DARK SPOT SIMILAR TO A MOLE ON MY FACE ...HELP ME....WIT GOOD SOLUTIONS [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum the dark spots might be due to high melanin synthesis and has many causative factors. That could be plasma, dermatitis so on. The first thing to do when seeking treatment for dark spots on face is to talk to a dermatologist. He can give you a diagnosis for your particular condition. Then you can choose for any treatment. All treatment including homeopathy needs a proper case study then treatment. Thank you</s>
<s>[INST] I work for a company in the backroom and I stand for anywhere from four to seven hours at a time along with lifting really heavy boxes and was wondering if there was anything I can do to help me with my lower back issues they are very minor but I want to avoid them getting any worse. [/INST] Hi welcome Chat Doctor. Age2.sex3.duration, type and severity of pain4.mid or para spinal region of pain5.height and weight.However, steps can be initiated in the meantime preventive aspect is provided. Low back pain is common among people who stand or sits for long time. Proper ergonomics, exercises diet plays' role in prevention the same.1.ice massage and hot water fermentation alternatively 3 times a day, for minor pain u mentioned2.maintaining proper posture While standing While lifting weights(never bend your waist, instead bend the knees)3.stretching exercises which helps to reduce pain and also prevent further strains.(can be done in between work or during prolong posture)4.maintain BMI (proper diet and exercise)5.proper use of shoes6.once you are feeling better regular aerobic exercises like swimming, walking, bicycling Can keep your back in good condition. 7.prevention of episodes of back pain can be done by strengthening back hip pelvic abdominal muscles, however heavy abdominal crunches must be avoided. If pain aggregates or any numbness of hip or leg you can consult your doctor for further assessment.</s>
<s>[INST] What is treatment for piaderma? I am 61 yoa, 5"6, 155, had ulcerative colitis for approx 20 yrs. Recently had surgery for colon removal and developed piaderma. Have been referred to a dermatologist but until then, is there any remedy I can do? Is getting progressively worse, ulcers increasing and bleeding. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Pyoderma means pus in the skin and can be caused by infections, inflammation and neoplastic etiologies. Any condition that results in the accumulation of neutrophil exudate can be termed a pyoderma. But in general practice most commonly pyoderma refers to bacterial infections of the skin. Normal resident bacteria of skin such as staphylococci, streptococci, Micrococcus and Acinetobacter can lead to this condition. The treatment of superficial pyoderma is with appropriate antibiotics for not less than 20 days. Fluoroquinolone group of Chat Doctor. Topical antibiotics may be helpful in superficial pyoderma. Bacitracin and polymeric B are more effective against gram negative bacteria, if it is the cause of infection. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] I masturbate 3 to 4 times a day.. if i ejaculate i gain weight and if i stop ejaculate for a particular time i lose back my weight. And whenever i ejaculate, next day i have bowel problems, lower back pain, dry skin. If stop for some days it all vanishes...Kindly provide me with the solutions [/INST] Thanks for asking in Chat Doctor forum Masturbation is not related to weight gain/loss and other problems what you have. Masturbation is not harmful, if done when excited. So, please visit a doctor for the cause of your weight gain & other problems. All the best.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a background of hay fever which gets quite severe with an almost contantly runny nose and mild asthma. I find it quite hard to tell the difference between allergies and a cold. for a week now i have had varying symptoms which started with sneezing, a runny nose (extremely so!), there was a slight sore throat with it, and i now have a slight cough and a little breathlessness. There has been no fever but i do work in child care, germ central. unless i have a fever im never sure if i have a cold or allergy and im not sure if the breathlessness is asthma symptoms or not. thankyou [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Allergies and common cold can be associated with similar symptoms. The main differences would be fever, change in appetite or energy level that may occur with the common cold. The time frame would also vary, if the symptoms are acute then it is more likely a cold, if they are long term-allergies. The treatment of both would be the use of decongestants (topical or oral), oral antihistamines and cough suppressants if needed. I hope this helps</s>
<s>[INST] I have a circular rash on the palm of my hand which is now on the sole of my foot. They come and go but are very itchy. I have now found a raised rash in the pubic line which is not itchy. The rash seems to be like an insect bite and is more yellowish in the middle. Im male 28 and have not had any problems of this klind in the past and have not yet tried to treat this problem.Please help thank you. [/INST] Hi, As per your descriptions, it could be due to eczema, tinea, psoriasis, insect bite etc. You will require topical corticosteroid like beclomethasome or clobetasol or mometasome with antifungal cream like itraconazole or fluconazole with oral prednisolone and fluconazole with antihistamines. This type of skin itchy rashes are required to be seen by naked eye of a doctor for confirmed diagnosis. So, better you consult dermatologist and start the treatment. You will be alright after that. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] I had wisdom teeth extraction four days ago. Was running a temp today, which has now come down, and feeling unwell. Aches, headache and very tired . These symptoms appeared about two days after my surgery . I has Iv sedation . Im worried about septicemia or endocarditis? AmI over reacting . I saw my dentistToday to address my symptoms and he didnt seem worried . Stated my extraction sites were not infected . ShouldI see a MD? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing, All you need to do is relax. These symptoms are sometimes seen after a normal minor surgery. As you told, you were given general anesthesia, please give some time for yourself to recover. Fever can also normally occur after a stressful procedure, and just as it came down, you will recover with other problems also with time. Just continue with the antibiotics or analgesics whatever are prescribed by your dentist. Septicemia or endocarditis are risk factors if you have undergone any previous surgeries or have any congenital heart problems or valve replacements. In that case the doctor prescribes you with antibiotics before the procedure itself. Take sufficient rest and relax to have a fast recovery. You only need to see a physicist if symptoms persist even after taking adequate rest. Stay healthy, Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi just wondering my husbandmay have an infected tooth. Our ine yr old sun had a tiny cut on his finger and my husband put it in his mouth it is now infected could this have caused it? Can other infections such as throat infection also be passed on through kissing someone with a tokth infection or abcess? [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint in case if someone has an infected tooth, infection is commonly not transmitted to another person by coming in contact in saliva, although throat infection can be contagious and when there is active infection it can be transmitted to other people via close contact like kissing, sharing utensils and napkins and especially viral throat infection is very quickly transmitted. In case if your husband had an abscess in his tooth and if it would be Chat Doctor. . So you need not be extremely worried. I would suggest that your husband should consult a Dentist and get evaluated and an IOP AR [x-ray] can help in diagnosis. In case if tooth can be saved root canal treatment can be done while if there is gross decay extraction followed by antibiotics and painkillers will be advisable. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards.</s>
<s>[INST] i am 26 yrs old and i recently started with pain in the left side of my groin,it also goes round into my bottom.i am also suffering with lower back pain and shooting pains in my thigh! the pain has now spread into the right side of my groin and recently suffered from severe abdominal pain were i was admitted to hospital.i have had vaginal swabs taken,a ultrasound scan and bloods which have shown nothing so therefore they dont think it its gynalogical even though i somtimes go 7 weeks without a period and for about 9 months now are alot heavier too! my doctor has now referred me for physiotherepy to see if that helps.if i dont take my painkillers im prescribed,im in agony. [/INST] Hello, In your case such pains can also be due to reasons related to spine. If you have weak bones or there is low calcium or vitamin B12 and D then this can also lead to such pains. I support decision of your doctor to have physiotherapy. You may have relief in 3-5 days with it. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, i have mild sharp abdominal pain. I have had it for more than 24 hours. My bow movements have been a little irregular as of late. I have had some prunes today to try and improve that. I have also been passing a lot of gas. Please lend me any advice you have? [/INST] HI. Thanks for your query.The most probable cause of severe pain in abdomen with irregular bowel movements and gases can be a form of gastroenteritis. I would advise you the following:Take a course of an antibiotic and metronidazole and supportive and symptomatic treatment This may resolve your problems sooner. If no relief you have to undergo the following tests:Blood-routine and WidalUrine and stool tests in details. Ultrasonography of the abdomenEndoscopies if required.</s>
<s>[INST] Shortness of breath and harsh cough. Ex ray showed inflammation around my lungs. Dr. said a virus. Light smoker, but Dr. said lungs look beautiful. 80mg prednisone for five days brought no change. On my 3rd day of another 5 day prednisone script plus and inhaler, and still no change. Any ideas? [/INST] Hello appreciate your concern Shortness of breath and harsh could be related to Inflammation of the airway or lung due to allergic reaction or infection. Another possibility is obstruction in airway or collection of fluids in lungs or pleural cavity. If I were your treating doctor I would have advised you for a battery of tests after clinical examination in order to ascertain diagnosis like blood for hemoglobin, CAN, ESR, AEC (absolute eosinophil count), an X-ray chest or an CENT scan in case of chronic and refractory cough Meanwhile you should take steam inhalation and do deep breathing exercises. Continue with inhaler and anti-allergic Chat Doctor. Prednisone is a steroid and its doses to be tapered gradually like 40 mg than 20mgand slowly 10, 5 than twice a week followed by once a week and then stop. Hope this answers your questionPlease do let me know if anything is not clear. I will happily answer you Wish you good health and speedy recovery</s>
<s>[INST] I have a lump on the back of my neck and I have had this for almost two years. Ive told doctors but they say its nothing to worry about. But when I got blood clots In my left arm ive just been getting sicker. My legs and feet swell up and ever since thats happened my lump on my neck has swelled up and gottn larger.. Could this mean I have can cancer or leukemia? [/INST] Hello, Lump in the back of the neck can arise from the skin, subcutaneous plane (deep to the skin) either from fat or fibrous tissue or bone. Because of the consistency and mobility we can differentiate each. It is there for 2 years now increases in size. Clinical examination and CT will differentiate the cause of swelling. The blood clots and pedal edema needs investigation of your vascular system. The swelling increases in size recently and your vascular system involvement need investigation immediately. As per your statement both are not cancer or lukemiaTreatment is as per the results. Best wishes</s>
<s>[INST] dr. i have been using rmd gutkha for the past 2 and half years. I used to take one or 2 small pouch daily.. nowadays i could not take any spicy or hot food. I could see few sores in the edges of my tongue. will it lead to cancer. I have applied few ulcer gel/madicines but still it is not cured. please help to recover from the above [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have history of tobacco and non-healing ulcer. So there is HGH chance of having squamous cell carcinoma. You should go for punch biopsy of that lesion and go for histopathological examination. It will give you exact diagnosis. Whether it is cancer or not. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] extensive complex tear of the medial meniscus involving the posterior horn and body with partial extrusion of the body.small peripheral horizontal tear of the lateral meniscus.grade 3 chondromalacia in the medial and patellofemoral compartments.large joint effusion with associated synovitis. [/INST] Hello, Surgery (arthroscopy) is necessary to help improve your situation, followed by a long period of physiotherapy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hello my name is myrna lafreniere...my son is 15 yrs old and hes had this problem before..he has a very hard time to have a bowl movement..this time its been over a week now that he hasnt had a bowlmovement..is there anything at home that I can give for fast reliefe..and hes not in any pain...but I dont understand why he goes like that.. [/INST] Hello and, Thanks for writing to us. Begin each day with a cup of boiling water poured over half a lemon. Consume about 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber a day, to promote regular bowel movements. For an effective treatment of constipation, add 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar into an 8 oz glass of water, and Chat Doctor. The Apple Cider Vinegar can also be mixed with apple juice or grape juice to make it more palatable. Take 1 teaspoon of psyllium mixed into a glass of juice three times a day until your constipation is relieved. Hope this helps you. Wishing you good health... Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi i am 37 year old recently i have pain in my knees which was on off but now i am getting cliking noise when i go downstairs i had xray of knees one doctor said its oestoarthritis i went to orthopedic surgeon he said its pattella problem and recomend me some execersices My question is which one is more possible as my pain is not improving at the moment its bad when i use stairs i have no difficulty in walking [/INST] Definitely you need a sound clinical examination. Your symptoms more pain going downstairs indicates that its patellofemoral problem. It could be a Chen Chat Doctor. Needs further evaluation with X-ray of knee app standing lateral 90 flexion and skyline view patellae.</s>
<s>[INST] HI, I have been on implanon for over a year, no period for 7 months. I have had negative urine pregnancy tests, cravings, nausea, mild pelvic cramps, jaw pain and gained about 4kgs. Today I felt fluttering in my stomach, and I m confused because I know you can have pregnancy symptoms as part of the side effects. [/INST] Hi there, I have understood your concern. I will suggest you the best possible treatment options. 1) First do not panic. 2) As you have missed your periods and your home pregnancy tests are negative, then please get blood beta Chat Doctor test to confirm or rule out the pregnancy. 3) If you have negative pregnancy test results, you need not worry about the pregnancy. Implant can cause all these symptoms per se too. It is not a reliable sign of pregnancy.4)If you are still worried, get a pelvic ultrasound done too. I hope this answer helps you. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] hello, my husband was bitten by our dog on july 1, 2011. does he need to have a anti rabies vaccine now? I cannot remember the exact year when our dog had antirabies vaccine may be about 4 years ago. Our dog is ok right now. What should we do? my husband is 52 years old. not hypertensive, 5"8 in hieght. [/INST] Hello and thanks for your query. If your husband was bitten by the dog in 2011, there is no point in taking the injection now(it should be ideally taken with 24 hours or in the shortest possible time after a bite). But since you still have the dog, you should definitely do the following:1. Take regular vaccinations for the dog as recommended by your vet2. Both you and your husband take the preventive vaccine against rabies so that you will be protected if ever the dog bites again. Ask your doctor for the pre-exposure prophylaxis vaccine against rabies. If you follow the above steps you would be fine. Hope I have answered your question. Good day and take care.</s>
<s>[INST] My father is 78. He is taking clopidagril as he had a stent put in last year. He also inhales albuterol sulfate and ipratropium bromide. He has COPD. His trouble is thick mucus and expectorating. Can he take a 400-800 mg. Mucinex DM OR guaifenesin only several times per day? I haven t seen any drug interactions on line at Dr. websites. He is in above average health considering the COPD and has no other conditions which require medication. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) needs simultaneous implement of following treatment methods for better symptomatic control. 1. Quit smoking if he is smoker. 2. Continue his inhaler according to the advice given by his doctor.3. Enroll in pulmonary rehabilitation center where Chest physiotherapy and deep breathing exercise Are done. 4. Take adult respiratory vaccines like pneumococcal and influenza vaccines for prevention of future lung infection. And yes you can definitely give him Mackinac or gunaphesin as both are expectorant and bucolic. But better to start pulmonary rehabilitation. This will help him more.</s>