chakachay is related to chaka.
jampina wasi is derived from wasi.
kuyuy is related to twist.
llik isqa is related to torn.
ispa is related to urine.
allquchakuy is related to control.
waqay is related to crying.
armay is related to bathe.
wik uña is related to allpaqa.
pi is related to à.
puquy is related to production.
siddhārtha gautama is a synonym of gautama buddha.
rak iy is related to separate.
llaqta is related to nation.
ullpu is related to flour.
ice is a synonym of chullunku.
pani is related to sister.
punku is related to door.
kutay is related to collision.
chʼaskachaw is related to vendredi.
utqaychay is related to drive.
waqaychay is related to spare.
kiki is related to kikin.
manitoba pruwinsya is a synonym of manitoba.
allinchay is related to arrange.
phaskay is a form of paskay.
yapa is related to quantity.
khachu is related to khachuy.
sanctify is a synonym of willkachay.
sirbu hurwat rimay is a synonym of serbo croatian.
tupuy is related to tupu.
kay is related to ici.
illay is related to shine.
kaña is related to kañay.
slovenia is a synonym of isluwinya.
kawsay pacha yachay is a synonym of ecology.
tarikaya is a synonym of yellow spotted river turtle.
qhawaq is derived from qhaway.
pakay is related to hide.
quinoa is etymologically derived from kinwa.
phawaykachay is related to flutter.
pruphisyun is a synonym of profession.
ñansa qucha is a synonym of lake victoria.
hich ay is related to spill.
qaqa is related to pass.
achiwiti is a form of achiyuti.
kapiqantu is a synonym of dianthus caryophyllus.
chikchi is related to chikchiy.
lata wuru is a synonym of iskaymuyu.
q emiy is a form of q imiy.
qillqaqhaway is related to ñawiy.
leader is a synonym of uma.
usuy is related to poverty.
yaykuy is related to join.
akwa hirinka is a synonym of injection.
puchkay is related to spin.
chayqa is related to chay.
burkina phasu is a synonym of burkina faso.
jatun tata is derived from tata.
p acha is a synonym of textile.
yachay is related to yachachiq.
tusuq is derived from tusuy.
qallariy is related to start.
phiña is related to mad.
kallpa is a synonym of force.
rikuchiy is related to index.
rumiyasqa is a synonym of fossil.
pallaysu is a synonym of cockroach.
ch isiyay is related to become.
aschiy is a form of achhiy.
anqusay is related to drink.
paña is related to lluq i.
qatasqa muruyuq is a synonym of flowering plant.
inkill is related to flower.
simana is a synonym of week.
pig is a synonym of khuchi.
ullpu is related to ullpukuy.
puchka is related to puchkay.
carrot is a synonym of sanawrya.
chatter is a synonym of qasi simi.
chankaka is a synonym of molasses.
yachakuq masi is derived from masi.
suyay is related to wait.
paykuna is related to they.
k uslulu is a synonym of coccinellidae.
qutu is related to rampart.
q awa is related to excrement.
q ipi is related to ceremonial.
kipru is a synonym of cyprus.
wayna is related to boyfriend.
sat iy is related to plug in.
rikuy is a synonym of visual perception.
xalapa enríquez is a synonym of xalapa.
sañi is related to lilac.
esperanto simi is a synonym of esperanto.
ñiy is related to sound.
uthurunku is related to spectacled bear.
ruk u is related to awki.
mikhuna is related to meal.
armay is related to arma.