For some I go fast for others I'm slow. To most people, I'm an obsession relying on me is a well practiced lesson. What am I?
The Wind
I'm as big as an elephant, but lighter than a feather. What am I?
A blue house is made of blue bricks. A yellow house is made of yellow bricks. A red house is made of red bricks. An orange house is made of orange bricks. What would a green house be made of?
If you think you know the answer please tell us in the comment section below. Good Luck
Where does the 13th man come from ?
1. A triangle with sides measuring 300, 400, and 500. The other triangle cannot exist!
Which triangle has a bigger area: 1. A triangle with sides measuring 300, 400, and 500. 2. A triangle with sides measuring 300, 400, and 700.
It's Majestic A Mountain
What has roots as nobody sees. Is taller than trees. Up, up it goes. And yet never grows?
It's not free He didn't pay a penny, he payed $5000 for the car!
A man was going to buy a $5000 car, but he didn't pay a penny for the car, how is this possible?
One girl took the basket. She took the last apple while it was in the basket
There are four girls, and four apples in a basket. Every girl takes an apple, Yet one apple remains in the basket. How is this possible?
The letter M
What is once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?
Because they were all married and not single
Four men were in a boat on the lake. The boat turns over, and all four men sink to the bottom of the lake, yet not a single man got wet! Why?
Five....I'll bet you guessed 10
In the NBA, how many men are on the basketball court for each team?
Place the apple on one person's head
There are 20 people in an empty, square room. Each person has full sight of the entire room and everyone in it. If you are not allowed to move in any way (other than your eyes). Where can you place an apple so that all but one person can see it?
Romeo and Juliet are fish. The rumble of the train knocked the tank off the shelf
Romeo and Juliet are found dead on the floor in a bedroom. When they were discovered, there were pieces of glass and some water on the floor. The only furniture in the room is a shelf and a bed. The house in is a remote location, away from everything except for the nearby railway track. What caused the death of Romeo and Juliet?
The man did exactly as he said he would and wrote “your exact weight”on the paper
A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, “If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50.” The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?
What is it that when you take away the whole, you still have some left over?
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?
Only one time. After that, you would be subtracting from 20
How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?
An equal
Read my riddle, I pray. What God never sees, what the king seldom sees, and what we see every day. What is it?
A Remark
What can be heard and caught but never seen?
A Hole
Many things can create one, it can be of any shape or size, it is created for various reasons, and it can shrink or grow with time. What is it?
The parrot was deaf and as such couldn't repeat a single word it had heard!
Polly Perkins was after a talking parrot, so she went to the local pet shop in the hope of securing such a find. She was in luck. The shop assistant assured her that the parrot would learn and repeat any word or phrase it heard. Polly was delighted. However, a week later, the parrot still hadn't spoken a word. Polly returned to the shop to complain, however, it appeared that the assistant was accurate in what he had said, and refused a refund. Why didn't the parrot talk?
Lunch and dinner
What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
Water A river
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
What word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right?
They have not flesh, nor feathers, nor scales, nor bone. Yet they have fingers and thumbs of their own. What are they?
The castle's shadow
I am large as a castle, yet lighter than air. 100 men and their horses cannot move me. What am I?
The same three cats would do. Since these three cats are averaging one mouse per minute, given 100 minutes, the cats could catch 100 mice
If three cats catch three mice in three minutes, how many cats would be needed to catch 100 mice in 100 minutes?
Sugar She had already put sugar in it and when she tasted the new tea it was already sweet
A woman was horrified to find a fly in her tea. The waiter took her cup and went into the kitchen and returned with a fresh cup of tea. She shouted, “You brought me the same tea!”How did she know?
Your Breath
This is as light as a feather, Yet no man can hold it for long. What is it?
A deck of cards
What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten?
They wouldn't need to, the survivors are still alive!
A train was on its way to Florida and derailed. Where would they bury the survivors?
Just one, me
While on my way to St. Ives, I saw a man with 7 wives. Each wife had 7 sacks. Each sack had 7 cats. Each cat had 7 kittens. Kitten, cats, sacks, wives, How many were going to St. Ives?
A Waterfall
This old one runs forever, but never moves at all. He has not lungs nor throat, but still a mighty roaring call. What is it?
Both Dave and Brad were given drinks with poisoned ice cubes. Brad drank his drinks so quickly that the ice didn't have time to melt and release the poison
Dave and Brad, two popular politicians, met at a club to discuss the overthrow of their party leader. They each ordered a vodka on the rocks. Brad downed his and ordered another. He then drank his second in a gulp and decided to wait before he ordered a third. Meanwhile, Dave, who was sipping his drink, suddenly fell forward dead. Both men were setup for an assassination. Why did Dave die and Brad live?
The wizard brought the rosebush to her home at night and returned her to the garden in the morning. Therefore, she was the only plant without dew
There once was an evil wizard. He took 3 woman from their homes and turned them into rose bushes that looked exactly alike. He put them in his garden. One of the woman had a husband and children and begged the wizard to let her see them. He agreed. At night, he brought the woman to her house. In the morning he came and took her home. One day the husband decided to go rescue her. So he snuck into the wizard's garden. He looked and looked at the 3 identical rose bushes trying to figure out which could be his wife. Suddenly, he knew the answer and he took his wife home. How did he know which rose bush was his wife?
Counterfeit money
Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. And whoever knows it wants it not.
This man is bald!
Samuel was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?
Your dreams
I come in darkness, but fill the mind with light. I bring enlightenment to some, while gripping others in the hand of fear. With me it can be a journey of inexplicable joy and sorrow. What I will show you will often be unreachable. Journey with me and what you see may haunt you. Journey with me and you may never want to return home. Journey with me and you will never know when it will end. What am I?
Do you mind?
The answer I give is yes, but what I mean is no. What was the question?
What can be swallowed, but can also swallow you?
An umbrella
What can go up a chimney down, but cannot go down a chimney up?
The sea
What never gets any wetter, no matter how much it rains?
No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?
64. The space that comes after the 64th spoke, would be just before the first spoke
If a wheel has 64 spokes, how many spaces are there between the spokes?
The stranger was a baby and the woman died in childbirth
A man and a woman were driving in their car when it broke down. The man decided to go for help at a gas station a few miles back. He made sure nobody was in the car, rolled all the windows up, and locked all of the sedan's doors. He went off, but when he came back, his wife was dead, and there was a stranger in the car. No physical damage was done to the car, so how did the stranger get in?
Look at a clock When you add two hours to eleven o'clock, you get one o'clock
When can you add two to eleven and get one as the correct answer?
Got milk?
You can spin, wheel and twist, but this thing can turn without moving. What is it?
When they are caught, they are thrown away. When they escape, you itch all day. What are they?
A Bell
You hear it speak, for it has a hard tongue. But it cannot breathe, for it has not a lung. What is it?
A Mirror
What is it that is deaf, dumb and blind and always tells the truth?
He's outside the window Brad was so sick and tired of window washing, he opened the window and jumped inside
Brad stared through the dirty soot-smeared window on the 22nd floor of the office tower. Overcome with depression he slid the window open and jumped through it. It was a sheer drop outside the building to the ground. Miraculously after he landed he was completely unhurt. Since there was nothing to cushion his fall or slow his descent, how could he have survived the fall?
“What's it like to be dead?“
What question can you never answer?
The nail would be at the same height since trees grow at their tops
When John was six years old he hammered a nail into his favorite tree to mark his height. Ten years later at age sixteen, John returned to see how much higher the nail was. If the tree grew by five centimeters each year, how much higher would the nail be?
Toss it in the air
What is the easiest way to throw a ball, and have it stop, and completely reverse direction after traveling a short distance?
Daniel is 7 years old and Jessica is 4 years old
Daniel, my son, is exactly one fifth of my age. In 21 years time, I will be exactly twice his age. My wife is exactly seven times older than my daughter, Jessica. In 8 years time, my wife will be three times older then Jessica. How old are Daniel and Jessica now?
Inside a burning house, this thing is best to make. And best to make it quickly, before the fire's too much to take!
A chalkboard
What gets whiter the dirtier that it gets?
One thousand
How high would you have to count before you would use the letter A in the English language spelling of a whole number.
Which word in the English language becomes shorter when it is lengthened?
A preacher
He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he?
It isn't spelled wrong, the one word in this sentence misspelled is “misspelled.“
One word in this sentence is misspelled. What word is it?
Blood, he's a vampire!
A man goes out drinking every night, returning to his home in the wee hours of every morning. No matter how much he drinks, he never gets a hangover. This drink is very well known, but is rarely consumed, served warm and taken straight from its source. The man is a sucker for a free drink, especially since he can't live without it. What is his favorite drink?
What time is it Who said this happened during the night?
A black dog stands in the middle of an intersecton in a town painted black. None of the street lights are working due to a power failure caused by a storm. A car with two broken headlights drives towards the dog but turns in time to avoid hitting him. How could the driver have seen the dog in time?
We are vowels
We are little creatures; all of us have different features. One of us in glass is set; one of us you'll find in jet. Another you may see in tin, and the fourth is boxed within . If the fifth you should pursue, it can never fly from you. What are we?
The sisters are Siamese twins
A woman proves in court that her husband was murdered by her sister, but the judge decides that the sister cannot be punished. Why?
A lawsuit
You do not want to have it, But when you do have it, You do not want to lose it? What is it?
No, it does not collapse. Because it has driven a half mile - you would subtract the gas used from the total weight of the truck
A large truck is crossing a bridge 1 mile long. The bridge can only hold 14000 lbs, which is the exact weight of the truck. The truck makes it half way across the bridge and stops. A bird lands on the truck. Does the bridge collapse?
When they are caught, they are thrown away. When they escape, you itch all day. What are they?
This person would be your mother
What relation would your father's sister's sister-in-law be to you?
You look in the mirror you see what you saw, you take the saw and you cut the table in half, two halves make a whole, and you climb out the hole
You are in a room that is completely bricked in on all four sides, including the ceiling and floor. You have nothing but a mirror and a wooden table in the room with you. How do you get out?
they are fake Counterfeit money
Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not. What is it?
Stove, fire, and smoke
I give you a group of three. One is sitting down, and will never get up. The second eats as much as is given to him, yet is always hungry. The third goes away and never returns.
A Rainbow
What is red and blue, and purple and green? No one can reach it, not even the queen?
A firefighting plane filled its tanks with water from a lake, sucking a scuba-diver in (Is this an urban legend, or did I see this on the news?). He drown while the plane was in flight and was dumped onto a burning forest with the water
A man is lying drowned in a dead forest, far from water. How did this happen?
It was daytime
A black dog is sleeping in the middle of a black road that has no streetlights and there is no moon. A car coming down the road with its lights off steers around the dog. How did the driver know the dog was there?
It was winter and the lake was frozen
The priest in my hometown told us that on a particular day he would walk on water for 30 minutes. The lake was not dry and we all observed the priest actually walking on water. How?
The men were musicians.
Four men sat down to play. They played all night till break of day. They played for gold and not for fun. With separate scores for everyone. When they had come to square accounts. They all had made quite fair amounts. Can you the paradox explain. If no one lost, how all could gain?
Neither, because egg yolks are yellow
Which is correct to say, “The yolk of the egg are white,”or “The yolk of the egg is white?“
They all made right-hand turns
Four cars come to a four way stop, all coming from a different direction. They can't decide who got there first, so they all go forward at the same time. They do not crash into each other, but all four cars go. How is this possible?
A window
There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls. What is it?
The stars
At night they come without being fetched, And by day they are lost without being stolen.
None. A pear tree does not bear plums
A farmer in California owns a beautiful pear tree. He supplies the fruit to a nearby grocery store. The store owner has called the farmer to see how much fruit is available for him to purchase. The farmer knows that the main trunk has 24 branches. Each branch has exactly 12 boughs and each bough has exactly 6 twigs. Since each twig bears one piece of fruit, how many plums will the farmer be able to deliver?
Sound of music Tilly. She seems to follow the scale Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La, and then Ti
A pregnant lady named her children: Dominique, Regis, Michelle, Fawn, Sophie and Lara. What will she name her next child? Jessica, Katie, Abby or Tilly?
What is round on the ends and high in the middle?
The answer is no. The actual question is can you guess the riddle!
I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I'll pop. If you look at me, you'll pop. Can you guess the riddle? 97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less.
I am the pupil of an eye
Different lights do make me strange, thus into different sizes I will change. What am I?
You will never reach the door, it will always be half the distance, no matter how small!
If you're 8 feet away from a door and with each move you advance half the distance to the door. How many moves will it take to reach the door.
The prisoner grabbed one of the marbles from the jar and concealed it in his hand. He then swallowed it, and picked up the other marble and showed everyone. The marble was black, and since the other marble was swallowed, it was assumed to be the blue one. So the mean king had to set him free
A king decided to let a prisoner try to escape the prison with his life. The king placed 2 marbles in a jar that was glued to a table. One of the marbles was supposed to be black, and one was supposed to be blue. If the prisoner could pick the blue marble, he would escape the prison with his life. If he picked the black marble, he would be executed. However, the king was very mean, and he wickedly placed 2 black marbles in the jars and no blue marbles. The prisoner witnessed the king only putting 2 black marbles in the jars. If the jar was not see-through and the jar was glued to the table and that the prisoner was mute so he could not say anything, how did he escape with his life?
A blink of an eye
I'm so fast you can't see me, Though everyone sees straight through me, I don't stop until the day you die. What am I?
They were the same man. Grover Cleveland served two terms as president of the United States, but the terms were not consecutive
The 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States of America had the same parents, but were not brothers. How can this be possible?
The match!
You have three stoves: a gas stove, a wood stove, and a coal stove, but only one match. Which should you light first?
Easy, three melons!
Farmer Brown came to town with some watermelons. He sold half of them plus half a melon, and found that he had one whole melon left. How many melons did he take to town?
Neither, it's a paradox. If the first is true, then the second must be false, which makes the first false; it doesn't work
The following sentence is false. The preceding sentence is true. Are these sentences true or false?
The beggar was a woman
A beggar's brother died, but the man who died had no brother. How could this be?
Your Feet Footsteps
What is it the more you take, the more you leave behind?
There was the father, his son, and his son's son. This equals 2 fathers and 2 sons!
Two fathers and two sons went fishing one day. They were there the whole day and only caught 3 fish. One father said, that is enough for all of us, we will have one each. How can this be possible?
You strike it A Match
Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red.What am I ?
Alice is walking throught the forest of forgetfulness. She wants to know what day of the week it is. She stops and asks a lion and a unicorn. Now the lion lies all of the time on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The unicorn always lies on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Alice asks the lion what day it is, he says, “Well, yesterday was one of my lying days.”Alice can't figure it out just from the lion's answer so she asks the unicorn and the unicorn says, “Yesterday was also one of my lying days.”What day is it?
He was an astronaut on a space walk, doing repairs
A man was just doing his job when his suit was torn. Why did he die three minutes later?
Vacuum Cleaner
I have a big mouth and I am also quite loud! I am NOT a gossip but I do get involved with everyone's dirty business. Can you name me?

Riddles QA

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