stringlengths 528
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As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1233 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: みずほFGは、その社会・環境面の予防措置方針が不適切であるために、世界中で主要なESG論争に巻き込まれています。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 264 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: また丸紅がインドネシアで行っているパルプ開発から森林・泥炭地火災が発生し、大気汚染などが大きな問題となりました。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 283 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 日興アセットは、将来にわたりPRI原則が受け入れられ、実行を可能にするような、規制当局や業界の活動を支援します。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 292 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 本取り組みは「我慢の省エネを是としない」省エネ手法の有効性を示したもので、他の建物にも水平展開が可能な事例です。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 516 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: この度、人々の健康増進に寄与する事業を応援する「元気健康応援ファンド」に対し、30億円の投資を実施いたしました。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 567 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: セキュリティシステムや警備・災害支援サービス、医療・保険など、各種セキュリティ商品・サービスをご提供しています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 575 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: そうした長期的な視点に立って教習をおこない、学校を運営していくことが社会への貢献であると私どもは思っております。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 616 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: たとえば、ビールのキリンを中心とするキリングループは、CSVへの取り組みをいち早く本格化させた例として知られる。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 791 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 日興アセットは、ESGのベストプラクティスを推進、実行するため、顧客や資産運用業界の関係者と積極的に協働します。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 925 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 更に、地産地消型エネルギー社会の実現に向け、取組みを進め、ICT×エネルギーによる社会課題の解決に貢献していく。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1140 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: PRIでは、以下の通り、投資を通じてESGについての責任を果たす際に必要とされる6つの原則が明示されています。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1174 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: スターバックスやすかいらーくなど2020年を目標に、次々とプラスチック製ストローを廃止する動きが広がっている。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1346 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 食品・飲料業界で最も関与度の高い企業には、ワースト2位に米ウォルマート、ワースト3位にネスレの名前も上がった。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 310 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 当社の持続的成長に影響を及ぼす可能性の高いESG課題は、下記のように特定し、さまざまな取り組みを進めています。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 333 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 東京海上グループでは、CSRを経営理念の実践そのものと捉え、事業活動全般を通じて経営基盤の強化を図っています。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 336 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 東京海上グループは、投資活動においても、気候変動をはじめとした環境や社会、ガバナンスへの配慮を行っていきます。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 337 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 東京海上日動は、Caring for Climateのメンバーとして、気候変動対策の取り組みを推進しています。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 371 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: (川村氏)燃料用途・材料用途ともに化石燃料はいずれ座礁資産化し、再生可能エネルギー(再エネ)しかないでしょう。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 451 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: GPIFは1兆円のESG投資をすることを宣言していますが、それ以上の額を石炭関連に投資していることになります。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 481 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: TOTOは、経営とCSRのさらなる一体化を図り、広く社会や地球環境に貢献する存在であり続けることを目指します。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 527 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: これにより、データセンターが被災した場合でも、数時間~半日以内にはDRサイトにて業務を再開することが可能です。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 564 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: ステークホルダーに真摯に向き合い、徐々に理解・共感を得ていくことで、ブランド回復につなげていくことができます。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 733 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 川崎汽船は、中期経営計画において、ESG(環境・社会・ガバナンス)の取組みを重点課題のひとつとして掲げている。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1051 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 責任投資諮問会議は、必要に応じて、経営会議又は責任投資委員会に改善を勧告し、その内容を取締役会に報告します。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1094 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 「環境レポーティング」、「事業における環境効率」など環境分野に関する取り組みについて高い評価を獲得しました。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1226 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: また、通報した従業員が不利益を被ることのないよう関連規定を制定するなど、内部通報に係る体制を整備しています。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1264 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 加えて、2016年4月にはスチュワードシップ活動やESG調査等を専門的に担う責任投資調査部を設置しています。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1268 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 外部との積極的な意見交換により、社内だけではバイアスがかかりがちな意見をチェックすることもできると思います。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1283 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 同時に、CSR上の課題をリスクとしてのみ捉えるのではなく、機会としても捉え展開している事例も紹介しています。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 241 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: サステナブル投資は、東京海上日動、東京海上アセットマネジメント、東京海上キャピタルを中心に実施されています。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 253 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: パナソニックのCSR・環境サイトでは、社会・環境への取り組み姿勢とその具体的な活動を包括的に報告しています。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 287 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 古くからその姿を変えずに歴史を刻んできたこの城で、約1万個の電球がパナソニックのLED電球に交換されました。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 288 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 本件に関しては、ニュースリリースのほか、「CSRブックレット2016」でも特集記事を組み、ご紹介しています。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 581 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: そして、自分たちの日々の業務が、それぞれの目標にどのように貢献しているのかをより明確にすることができました。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 649 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: また、TBMと東京大学生産技術研究所沖研究室は、LIMEX製品を対象とした環境影響評価を行う共同研究を開始。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 888 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 当社は、患者さんを中心に考え、革新的な新薬を創出する製薬企業としての活動がCSRの根幹であると考えています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 935 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 事業会社の立場からESGへの対応を考える実践講座で、CSR、CSV、ESG、SDGsの相互関係も深めていく。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 991 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 社会課題の最前線で奮闘する、NPOの代表や社会起業家が結成した「新公益連盟」に賛助会員として参画しています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1054 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 検証環境としてV2B(3台)、日産の最新EVリーフ(3台)、太陽光発電システム(16.5kW)を予定する。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1227 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: また、資格取得のための研修や受験にかかる費用、および資格を維持するための費用の一部は会社負担としています。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1333 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 社内イントラネットに掲載するとともに、部門研修、コンプライアンス研修でも取り上げ、周知徹底を図っています。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1340 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 社員がこうした課題をよく理解し、日常の業務に取組むことが、CSRを推進するにあたり最も効果的かと思います。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1365 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 検証環境としてV2B(3台)、日産の最新EVリーフ(3台)、太陽光発電システム(16.5kW)を予定する。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 222 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: SDGsに取り組む企業への投資を通じて、そうした企業を応援したいという想いもこの商品には込められています。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 262 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: また、従業員一人ひとりの能力発揮、キャリア形成のために、キャリア申告制度を設け、最適な配置を行っています。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 512 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: この中で2005年11月以降の新規開発のための原生林やHCVF等の土地転換は原則として認められていません。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 736 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 不二製油グループでは、基幹システムをはじめとする重要な業務システムを堅牢なデータセンターに設置しています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 944 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 例えば、マングローブ植林が地域コミュニティに与えるインパクトを「見える化」し、開示していくことが望ましい。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 962 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 定期健康診断は年に一度社内で実施し、35歳以上の社員に対しては年に一度の人間ドック受診を義務付けています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 994 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 社員社員一人ひとりを個人として尊重し、その尊厳と価値を認め、家族に対する責任が十分果たせるよう配慮します。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1067 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 監視機能を適切に果たすため、同会議は利益相反管理統括責任者と独立社外取締役のみによって構成されています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1098 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 10位のオデブレヒトは、汚職、贈収賄、強要、マネーロンダリング、詐欺、独占禁止法違反等が指摘されている。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1163 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: これらのトップ・ミーティングを通じて企業の経営戦略や企業理念、リスクや収益機会等について把握しています。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1256 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 日本アジアグループは2016年1月に徳島県に森林を取得し、持続可能な生産林に転換する事業に自ら取り組む。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1261 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 世界24カ国から多数のエントリーがある中、同社のレポートは審査スコア100点満点中99点の高評価を獲得。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 211 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 2017年度以降には、同様の「コンプライアンス意識調査」を日本以外のエリアにも拡大して実施する計画です。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 474 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: SeKemはバイオダイナミック製法(注:有機栽培の一種、循環型農業の方法)の農地を所有し、耕作している。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 491 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: オリックスグループでは、社員とのコミュニケーションを大切にするために、さまざまな取り組みを行っています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 577 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: そこで、当社は、利益相反のおそれのある取引等を適切に管理するため、「利益相反管理方針」を策定しています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 667 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: また、地域小学生をホテルのプールへ招待し水難時の救命実演を行うなど、地域への取組みにも力を入れています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 677 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: また、社員およびその家族の心と身体の健康維持・向上のための、各種、ウエルネスプログラムを提供しています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 766 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 今後も、セコム企業年金基金は、「ESG投資」を通じて持続可能な社会の構築に寄与すべく取り組んでいきます。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 767 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 今後も、仕事と育児・介護等を両立させ、女性従業員が活躍できる機会の創出と環境の整備に取り組んでいきます。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1003 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 信頼回復の過程と共に変わっていく状況を社外に伝えることで、徐々にステークホルダーに期待を持ってもらう。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1050 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 責任投資(RI)はお客様に持続可能で長期的な価値を実現するだけでなく、社会にもプラスの影響を与えます。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1123 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 5位の大宇造船海洋は、詐欺、汚職、贈収賄、強要、反競争的行為(独占禁止法違反)等が明らかになっている。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1168 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: サステナビリティ委員会は、商業リート本部長を委員長とし、商業リート本部各部長を委員として構成されます。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1170 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: さらに、役職員倫理規程に掲げられた8つの原則を具体的に説明するために「役職員行動指針」を定めています。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1247 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 今日でもこうした情報は重要ですが、企業は既に通常業務の一環として情報公開やリスク管理を実施しています。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1293 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 当社の一年を通じたすべての経理業務を数週間で経験できるシミュレーションプログラムを新たに用意しました。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 217 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: ESGを重視する投資家は、長期で投資するため、企業にとっても安定した株主基盤づくりに結び付くでしょう。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 236 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: これは同僚・部下とのコミュニケーションのギャップを知り、ハラスメントを防止することを目的にしています。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 272 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 下記のような取り組みを通じて、社員が主体的に地域・社会貢献活動に参加できるよう、常に工夫をしています。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 452 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: JICAと三菱東京UFJ銀行のエネルギー部門の融資においては、十分な社会・環境の保全が欠如しています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 559 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: さらに必要に応じて個別に精査したうえで、当該企業との対話などの結果を勘案し、議案への賛否を判断します。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 584 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: そして、既存・新築の自社施設でのさらなる省エネルギーの実現に向けて、EP100に加盟することとなった。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 601 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: その結果、ネスレ社は森林を破壊してつくられたパーム油の使用をやめるとの画期的な調達方針を発表しました。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 711 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: リスクマネジメントを推進することによって、社会からの信頼を獲得する「高信頼性企業の実現」を目指します。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 712 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: ルール面に関しては、グループ方針として、情報管理基本規程ならびに情報セキュリティ規程を策定しています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 887 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 当社は、指名委員会等設置会社として経営の監督と執行を分離することで、ガバナンスの透明性を高めています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 889 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 当社は、議決権の行使は投資先企業の経営に影響を与え、企業価値の向上につながる重要な手段と考えています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1001 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 保有する金融資産が気候変動によりどのようなリスクを負っているのかを明らかにすることを目的としている。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1012 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 従って、営業担当者が管理もできる人材になってもらうよう、当社独自の研修制度を昨年から実施しています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1014 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 従来のナトリウム灯に比べ温室効果ガスの排出量を約80%削減し、カンボジア環境大臣賞も受賞しています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1046 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 経理・財務マインドを持つ営業人材を、部署の異動を行わなくても育成できるシステムは、とても好評でした。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1169 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: さらに、2011年には、同協会が主催する「エコマークアワード2011」※2で「銀賞」を受賞しました。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1223 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: また、特に内容や構成を評価するReport Narrative部門においても最優秀賞を受賞しました。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1245 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 中でも、「目標13:気候変動に具体的な対策を」は重要な社会課題および経営課題であると認識しています。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1246 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 今日では、サイバー・セキュリティー・リスクに関する情報さえESG開示と関連付けられることがあります。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1284 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 同時に、コンプライアンスやダイバーシティ経営、コーポレート・ガバナンスの推進にも取り組んできました。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 1352 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 特に気候変動については地球規模の課題であり、地熱、風力等の再生可能エネルギー事業等に取組んでいます。 | Less than 2 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 248 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: そのようなポジティブ・フィードバックが起きるように、ミドル・マネジメントの応援にも尽力していきます。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 311 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 当社は、会社の持続的な成長と中長期的な企業価値の向上に資するよう、独立社外取締役を複数名選任します。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 364 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 緊急時の対応を経て、中長期的なステークホルダーとの関係性修復の取り組みがブランディングに作用します。 | 2 to 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 707 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: リコーは2017年4月に開始した第19次中期経営計画にあたり、注力する5つの重要社会課題を設定した。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 713 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 一方、当社はグローバル本社として、グループ経営の戦略立案およびグループ子会社の管理を遂行しています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 714 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 一方、当社はグローバル本社として、グループ経営の戦略立案およびグループ子会社の管理を遂行しています。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 784 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 日立が15年度に排出したCO2は2億7000万トンで、このうち94.6%が製品が使用される際に出た。 | More than 5 years |
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below:
More than 5 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 904 years
Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments. | Title: Contents: 自然災害の多発や人口動態変化に伴うリスクの変化をビジネスチャンスとしても捉え成長につなげていきます。 | More than 5 years |