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{"metadata":{"id":"0012a782e6bf31c4ce0b4db9b5386d5f","source":"gardian_index","url":""},"pageCount":32,"title":"","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"List of tables","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"Table 1: Comparison in value (EC$) for selected agricultural exports from SVG (2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015). Table 2: Comparison in quantity (kg) for selected agricultural exports from SVG (2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015). "}]},{"head":"Introduction","index":2,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":45,"text":"Root and tuber crops (RTCs) including dasheen (taro) (Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott var. esculenta), eddoes (Colocasia antiquorum), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam.), ginger (Zingiber officinale), arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea), yam (Dioscorea spp.), tannia (Xanthosoma spp.) and cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), are traditional staples in SVG."},{"index":2,"size":54,"text":"As fresh exports, dasheen, eddoe, sweet potato, ginger arrowroot and yam are the most economically significant (Tables 1 and 2). An integrated approach to the production and marketing of major RTCs (dasheen, sweet potato, cassava and yam), has been the method for income enhancement across the supply value chain over the past 5 years."},{"index":3,"size":68,"text":"Cottage industries making crisps and chips have added value to cassava and sweet potato products. However, training processors in good manufacturing practice (GMP) and improving infrastructure so that such agro-businesses can become Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) compliant, are important requirements to maintain and access new markets. These developments were addressed with funding from the EU-CFC Project, implemented by CARDI and the on-going FAO and APP Projects."},{"index":4,"size":82,"text":"The development of RTC enterprises in SVG, has emerged as a key policy component for a strong national and diversified agricultural sector. RTC initiatives are able to generate employment, contribute to food security, promote sustainable export, sustain incomes and reduce the high food import bill. In SVG, the focus of such enterprises is to enhance production through the application of improved technologies (e.g. high yielding drought tolerant varieties) and marketing, thus increasing earnings for all activities along the value chain (Figure 1)."},{"index":5,"size":97,"text":"CARDI's main contributions to SVG RTC programs are in the areas of micro and vegetative propagation, agronomy, post-harvest and crop value addition. Though CARDI does not have all the 'in-house-skills' to implement activities at all stages of the value chain, it has a distinct advantage of having a physical and functional presence (offices) in 13 Caribbean countries. CARDI uses this advantage, to collaborate with affiliated institutions/agencies, NGO's etc. to implement projects where possible. The activities of CARDI are demonstrated through projects, commodity research and development activities in SVG, Antigua and Barbuda. In SVG approximately US$500,000 was spent."},{"index":6,"size":99,"text":"One of the CFC project's major accomplishments, was the construction of the tissue culture laboratory at Orange Hill (Plate 1), and the erection of weaning and hardening facilities to support the new tissue culture facility. The new laboratory increased processing and growth chamber space by 189 m 2 , this in turn increased tissue culture plantlet production capacity by 200%. Similarly, development of the new weaning and hardening structures at Perseverance, expanded the facilities by 334 m 2 . This increased the holding capacity of weaned and hardened plants by 200% and production of plantlets by 600% (CARDI, 2011a)."},{"index":7,"size":11,"text":"Plate 1: New tissue culture facility at Orange Hill in SVG."}]},{"head":"Cassava FAO Project: cassava production and productivity","index":3,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":58,"text":"Increasing cassava production and yield is critical to developing the industry. Considerable progress has been made in the identification of planting materials and improved crop production systems. Specific areas being addressed are the availability and intra-regional transfer of clean, disease-free planting material; development of technology packages (Tech Packs) and establishment of demonstration plots to train farmers (FAO, 2015)."},{"index":2,"size":81,"text":"The protocol for the transport of disease-free cassava planting material in CARICOM (prepared by CARDI in collaboration with FAO), is linked to the availability of good quality and clean planting material, throughout the region. Following its endorsement by the 51st meeting of Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) in October 2015, the protocol has under gone further reviews. The CARICOM legal services unit carried out a final evaluation before the protocol was sent to member countries for adoption and implementation."}]},{"head":"Cassava germplasm and planting material","index":4,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":75,"text":"Cassava germplasm banks, comprising both indigenous and introduced improved sweet potato varieties, are being maintained in vitro (in SVG and Jamaica) and in vivo in most other CARDI member countries. CARDI is establishing systems for rapid multiplication and distribution of cassava planting material, as well as training in propagation of planting material in several countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belise, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, SVG and Trinidad and Tobago)."}]},{"head":"APP Project: Training in cassava vegetative propagation","index":5,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":230,"text":"In SVG two training sessions using mini-stem hard wood and semi-mature stem cuttings, covered all aspects of cassava vegetative propagation. The first training session focused on Table 3 shows that overall, the yields of the CIAT introduced varieties (BRA 383, CM 3306-4, CM 7514-8, CM 7514-7, CM 4919-1, and CM 1565-15) were higher than the local types (Punt Stick, Butter Stick and White Stick). The CIAT varieties CM7514-7 (77.9 kg per plot/48,688 kg/ha) and the SM1565-15 (75.4 kg per plot/47,125 kg/ha), were significantly higher when compared with the local varieties. The highest yielding variety (CM7514-7) did not have the best cassava: farine ratio (4:1). The SM1565-15 CIAT variety was high yielding, demonstrated a high cassava: farine ratio (7:1) and was easy to peel. This variety was selected by the Arrowroot Industry Association as the best variety for processing (CARDI, 2010). Refurbishing of small cassava processing plants A baseline survey was conducted using seven farine producers, situated in Fancy and Orange Hill in North SVG, and at Calder Ridge, Victoria Village and Dorsetshire Hill in the South. Survey results indicated that of the farmers interviewed, five had registered their agro-processing facilities under law, while two had not. Of those registered under the law, one is owned by co-operatives and government respectively, while three have limited liability status. Five of the facilities are shared, while two are used exclusively by their owners."},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"Where facilities are shared, two are used by 2-3 persons. Six of the plant managers indicated that they belonged to clusters."},{"index":3,"size":52,"text":"Five of the interviewees had open structures, while two had their structures enclosed. One of the respondents had dirt and carpet type floors and five had concrete floors. The equipment used by three of the respondents can be described as manual or traditional; the other four used modern and power operated equipment."},{"index":4,"size":56,"text":"Responses varied regarding sanitation issuesthree of the respondents said that they cleaned before and after every processing activity and one did light cleaning before daily operations and a general cleaning every Friday. When not in operation, the facilities were not sanitised. All facilities have water and electricity available to them and six had access to washrooms."},{"index":5,"size":24,"text":"Among the facilities, the minimum quantity of raw materials which can be used per day is 50 kg, while the maximum is 1,000 kg."},{"index":6,"size":17,"text":"The CFC-EU-CARDI project was able to up-grade five small agro-processing facilities and improve sanitation standards (Plate 6)."},{"index":7,"size":8,"text":"Plate 6: Refurbished farine processing plants in SVG."}]},{"head":"Composite bread","index":6,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":59,"text":"Development of value-added products is an integral part of building a cassava industry. Demonstrations of bread making have been held across countries of the region and commercial production of composite breadmade with cassava, has started in Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Lucia and SVG. This activity was conducted in collaboration with Caribbean Agribusiness Association (CABA) and FAO."},{"index":2,"size":47,"text":"Given that composite bread made with cassava is a new product, FAO is engaging the University of the West Indies (UWI, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago) to develop the supporting technical and operational specifications for its production. The nutritional assessment of the product is also being addressed."}]},{"head":"Sweet potato","index":7,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":139,"text":"In 2000, CARICOM gave CARDI a mandate to develop the sweet potato industry in the Caribbean. Over the years, CARDI's focus has been on: increasing productivity and prioritising the introduction of high yielding cultivars from the International Potato Centre (CIP) (CARDI, 2008); agronomy trials (CARDI, 2003b;CARDI, 2005;CARDI, 2006a;CARDI, 2008;CARDI, 2011a;Browne and Robin, 2011); integrated pest management studies (CARDI, 2001;CARDI, 2003a;CARDI, 2003b;CARDI, 2004;Dalip and Titus, 2006;CARDI, 2007;CARDI, 2008); post-harvest handling studies (CARDI, 2006a, CARDI, 2006b;CARDI, 2007); biochemical analysis of the various varieties/accessions (CARDI, 2007); and standardisation of the various varieties in the region through morphological studies (CARDI, 2005;CARDI, 2006;CARDI, 2007;CARDI, 2008;CARDI, 2014). The next step for standardisation is to conduct a regional study of all the accessions in CARICOM using molecular techniques. The range of activities described and their findings are documented in the Sweet Potato Technical Manual (CARDI, 2010)."},{"index":2,"size":71,"text":"One of CARDI's priority research areas in sweet potato is to ensure that, as one of the commodities selected for food/nutrition security, sweet potato must always be available at affordable prices. However, to do so, technicians and farmers must have a clear understanding of the sweet potato production systems. Therefore, the true potential of the varieties across seasons and agro-ecological zones, using the most appropriate and tested technologies, must be understood."},{"index":3,"size":69,"text":"Evaluating the effects of different accessions/varieties in three different agro-ecological zones in SVG showed that variety (Table 4) and zones (Table 5 and 6) influenced yield (CARDI, 2011b). Similar experiments done in Antigua and Barbuda (inclusive of time of planting), showed that yield projections for sweet potato must consider variety (Figure 2), time of planting (Figure 3) and zone/location (Table 4) in which the crop is produced (CARDI, 2011a). "}]},{"head":"Dasheen (taro)","index":8,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":118,"text":"There are two local varieties of dasheen grown in Dominica, St. Lucia and SVG for consumption and export. The common dasheen is the variety predominantly exported throughout the Caribbean, including Jamaica and the Dominican Republic. Over the years, Caribbean scientists have expressed concerns regarding the narrow genetic base that exists in commercial dasheen genotypes. Such concerns initiated CARDI's involvement in the International Network of Edible Aroids (INEA). The INEA is a consortium of scientists and farmers formed to participate in the project Adapting Clonally Propagated Crops to Climatic and Commercial Change. The INEA is led by the SPC and CIRAD. This 5 year project uses edible aroids as a model to improve clonally propagated crops in the tropics."},{"index":2,"size":57,"text":"The project is on-going in SVG and St. Lucia where 50 and 35 genotypes were introduced and validated (Plate 7). To date, on-station validation and on-farm participatory trials (Table 8) in both SVG and St. Lucia, has lead to the selection of a pool of 15 genotypes that will be used to conduct crosses and validation trials. "}]},{"head":"Lessons learned from the WCRTC","index":9,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":97,"text":"The WCRTC was the first congress of its type and followed the merger of the Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century (GCP21) and The International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC). Both organisations hold triennial meetings and it was thought it would be best to merge and have one global meeting on RTCs. As the GCP21 members have a much larger body of scientists that are linked to the CGIAR institutions, the meeting focused on cassava. About 80-85% of the papers were on cassava, 10% on sweet potato and the remainder on yam and dasheen (taro)."},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"What can we adopt and adapt from the WCRTC for the development of the RTC industry in SVG and the Caribbean?"}]},{"head":"Mechanisation","index":10,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"In order to increase productivity of RTCs and enable them to become cost effective in SVG and the Caribbean, the use of appropriate mechanisation/equipment is essential."},{"index":2,"size":74,"text":"Presentations from Brazil and Asia demonstrated that the use of appropriate technology is essential for improving the productivity and cost-effectiveness of production systems and value added operations. Using cassava as an example, appropriate machines/equipment (size and levels of sophistication) vary depending on location, from the continental countries (Belize, Guyana, Suriname), larger islands (Jamaica, Trinidad) and the smaller islands of the OECS. Shown below are an up-rooter and planter from Planticenter in Brazil (Plate 8)."},{"index":3,"size":90,"text":"These machines are on trial in Jamaica and adjustments to suit the farming systems are expected. The planters were designed to plant on flat sandy/loam, or sandy/clay/loam soils as compared to the ridged/clayey soils in the Caribbean. If successful, these machines could be used on the larger acreages in the Caribbean. Planters are available in 1, 2 and 4 rows. The cost reduction when using the planters and harvester is estimated at 51 and 42% respectively. Purchase of this equipment will enhance the cost effectiveness of the cassava production systems."},{"index":4,"size":64,"text":" The use of phosphorous to influence sweet potato storage root shape and yield (Villordon, 2016).  Agronomy, in many instances, is site specific and therefore needs to be absorbed, adapted and adopted. Yields must be expressed correctly, therefore information on the variety, location and time of planting is important. The difference between farmer yield and biologically and climatically attainable yield must be understood."}]},{"head":"Value chains","index":11,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"Conflicts within value chains arise between the processor and producer of raw materials."},{"index":2,"size":120,"text":"The issue is always price, but if quality dictates the price and quality is tied to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and traceability, this should resolve any differences. In the case of cassava, in most instances, it is not the tonnage that matters, but dry matter and starch content of the raw material. Starch and dry matter content is dependent on the production system used by the farmer and at the factory, and is measured by water displacement methods and dry matter analysis. If production systems in the Caribbean are driven by quality, quality will be tied to the production system. This would encourage good practice across all activities along the value chain and coordinate the views of processor and producer."},{"index":3,"size":24,"text":"Training processors in supply chain management should be considered as the Caribbean adopts the value chain model to grow and develop our commodity industries."},{"index":4,"size":25,"text":"The seed value chain model (Figure 4) can be adopted to alleviate the constraints of inadequate supplies of clean and improved high yielding plant material. "}]},{"head":"Value-added products","index":12,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":38,"text":"Composite flour can be made out of dasheen (taro) (Arpah et al., 2016), sweet potato and cassava. Efforts should be made initially at the cottage industry level, to exploit these opportunities and create more wholesome, high priced products."}]},{"head":"Foundation seed","index":13,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Commercial grower Breeder","index":14,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":34,"text":"Processing sweet potato into 'sparri' is made by peeling, washing, grating, pressing (while fermenting 2-3 days), then roasting (low heat), milling and packaging. The product tastes good and stores well (Uwandu et al., 2016)."},{"index":2,"size":58,"text":"The use of scaled down technology via manufacturing plants, may be the best option for processing and adding value to RTCs such as cassava, sweet potato and taro. However, the size of operations in SVG and the Caribbean would be much smaller than those described at the WCRTC, and therefore 'scaled-down-versions' of these processing plants would be required."}]},{"head":"Technology transfer","index":15,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":47,"text":"The methods for connecting agricultural research to society were outlined in a paper by Gumisirisa, et al. (2016) at the WCRTC. In order to transfer technology to the farming community in a holistic and coordinated way, the paper suggested the following is needed for an effective process:"},{"index":2,"size":43,"text":" Communication officers  Bio-sciences information centre  Media campaigns  Extension officers should be more science orientated in their approaches  Farmer participatory programmes  Engaging the youth in agro-biosciences discourse  Identify more novel interventions, especially through partnerships of mutual interest."},{"index":3,"size":45,"text":"The participation of farmers in crop evaluation, aids quicker adoption and transfer of technology. Involving farmers in the production of clean (virus free) plant material using screen houses to keep out vectors, is an example of how this can be achieved (Jeremiah et al., 2016)."}]},{"head":"Involving the youth","index":16,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"The youth have ideas on how to participate in agriculture, however the majority require capacity building in areas such as:"},{"index":2,"size":51,"text":" Understanding and technical knowledge of the crop/commodity of interest  Entrepreneurial skills  Enterprise and market knowledge  Business plan development  Knowledge on registration and legalisation of their operations  Diverse ideas on value addition for the new markets  Financial management and record keeping (Chibwe et al., 2016)."},{"index":3,"size":32,"text":"Training in the above cannot be achieved solely by the Ministry of Agriculture and requires the coordinated effort of a multidisciplinary group including NGOs and farmer groups, to transfer the necessary information."},{"index":4,"size":21,"text":"approaches such as the farmer field school method, should be the starting point, while adopting suitable recommendations obtained from the WCRTC."}]}],"figures":[{"text":"Figure 2 : Figure 2: Marketable yield of ten sweet potato accessions: Blackrock (A1), Hurricane (A2), Catch Me (A3), Fine Num (A4), Tremont (A5), Mandela (A6), White Drill (A7), King Crown (A8), 1987 (A9) and CRO2 (A10) in Antigua and Barbuda. Figure 3: Marketable yield sweet potato in response to time of planting when grown in Antigua and Barbuda.Figure 4: Seed value chain "},{"text":"Figure 1 : Figure 1: Value chain concept used by CARDI "},{"text":" propagators, extension officers, and data collectors; the second training session focussed on farmers. The sessions were organised and conducted with the Ministry of Agriculture's extension staff and the CARDI technician and comprised of a presentation and discussion of a cassava vegetative-propagation guide(IITA, 1996), and two 5 minute IITA videos (Plate 2). The practical sessions (Plates 3-5) included demonstration of techniques shown in the videos and guide(CARDI, 2015).Plate 2: Classroom sessions Plate 3: Practical sessions: preparing mini-stem hard and semi-mature cuttings Plate 4: Practical sessions: treating and planting stakes in humidity bins Plate 5: Plantlets growing in bin and concepts of vegetative propagation discussed with farmers Cassava processing In its effort to support development of the local SVG cassava industry, the CARDI unit, with funding from the IICA/CARDI Technical Cooperation Agreement, introduced and validated a wide range of local and introduced cassava varieties from CIAT in Columbia. The varieties from CIAT were previously evaluated for yield characteristics such as meal weight, percentage meal weight to cassava weight, farine (substance that remains after the cassava juice has been removed) weight and percentage farine to meal weight. The evaluation of the high farine yields continued during 2010 and comparisons were made with local accessions used for processing. The activity was implemented with technical assistance from the Tissue Culture Laboratory, the Ministry of Agriculture Research and Development Unit and the Cassava Processing Factory in Orange Hill. "},{"text":"Figure 2 : Figure 2: Marketable yield of ten sweet potato accessions: Blackrock (A1), Hurricane (A2), Catch Me (A3), Fine Num (A4), Tremont (A5), Mandela (A6), White Drill (A7), King Crown (A8), 1987 (A9) and CRO2 (A10) in Antigua and Barbuda. "},{"text":"Figure 3 : Figure 3: Marketable yield sweet potato in response to time of planting when grown in Antigua and Barbuda. "},{"text":"Figure 4 : Figure 4: Seed value chain "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":"Table 3 : Plot (kg) and per hectare (kg/ha) yield characteristics of nine cassava varieties grown at the CARDI Research Station at Rabacca in SVG, 2009/2010. "},{"text":"Table 4 : Marketable plot yields (kg) for nine sweet potato varieties grown in SVG. "},{"text":"Table 5 : Plot yield (kg/ha) for nine sweet potato varieties grown in three different agroecological zones in SVG. "},{"text":"Table 6 : Sweet potato marketable plot yield (kg) yield by zones in SVG. "},{"text":"Table 7 : Marketable yield of tubers when grown in different agro-ecological zones in Antigua and Barbuda. "},{"text":"Table 8 : Corm characteristics recorded from the dasheen genotypes yielding 1 kg and over from the farmer participatory trial in SVG. "},{"text":"Table 1 : Comparison in value (EC$) for selected agricultural exports from SVG(2010- 2015). Agricultural Agricultural commodity 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 commodity201020112012201320142015 Dasheen 4,243,068 5,120,582 5,324,779 6,907,843 5,791,025 6,334,644 Dasheen4,243,0685,120,5825,324,7796,907,8435,791,0256,334,644 Eddoe 3,295,194 3,896,891 4,593,746 3,502,088 3,287,894 3,489,514 Eddoe3,295,1943,896,8914,593,7463,502,0883,287,8943,489,514 Ginger 949,019 1,201,860 1,602,289 1,346,821 2,752,354 1,117,007 Ginger949,0191,201,8601,602,2891,346,8212,752,3541,117,007 Sweet potato 2,021,870 1,983,223 2,597,893 1,937,283 1,231,016 1,419,050 Sweet potato2,021,8701,983,2232,597,8931,937,2831,231,0161,419,050 Tannia 269,820 292,649 249,565 245,376 269,635 249,623 Tannia269,820292,649249,565245,376269,635249,623 Yam 442,273 356,106 378,644 415,153 389,492 504,316 Yam442,273356,106378,644415,153389,492504,316 Arrowroot 601,381 413,339 534,059 487,760 842,919 1,038,437 Arrowroot601,381413,339534,059487,760842,9191,038,437 Avocado 223,458 189,712 187,480 200,074 215,149 319,632 Avocado223,458189,712187,480200,074215,149319,632 Banana 13,781,278 2,102,086 2,737,127 3,143,680 2,326,588 2,735,594 Banana13,781,2782,102,0862,737,1273,143,6802,326,5882,735,594 Plantain 2,158,945 1,160,385 1,225,564 1,160,806 1,255,220 2,748,850 Plantain2,158,9451,160,3851,225,5641,160,8061,255,2202,748,850 Breadfruit 14,977 8,077 11,457 56,018 18,112 30,764 Breadfruit14,9778,07711,45756,01818,11230,764 Coconut 486,166 221,876 423,392 577,201 688,974 482,323 Coconut486,166221,876423,392577,201688,974482,323 Golden apple 344,483 61,831 84,062 69,574 123,216 167,541 Golden apple344,48361,83184,06269,574123,216167,541 Grapefruit 24,658 31,850 29,547 16,520 8,853 8,379 Grapefruit24,65831,85029,54716,5208,8538,379 Hot pepper 63 36 230 1,468 12,013 43,686 Hot pepper63362301,46812,01343,686 Lime 667 1,383 1,464 1,253 1,585 365 Lime6671,3831,4641,2531,585365 Mango 3,719 266,973 384,991 161,063 159,085 241,760 Mango3,719266,973384,991161,063159,085241,760 Nutmeg/mace 142,169 54,634 118,383 785,727 329,790 228,696 Nutmeg/mace142,16954,634118,383785,727329,790228,696 Orange 10,035 4,868 3,942 970 1,441 1,050 Orange10,0354,8683,9429701,4411,050 Passion fruit 1,233 137 602 261 550 1,080 Passion fruit1,2331376022615501,080 Plum/sloe 18,242 11,670 16,495 5,287 6,108 15,492 Plum/sloe18,24211,67016,4955,2876,10815,492 Pumpkin 12,851 30,449 39,772 106,191 70,474 49,576 Pumpkin12,85130,44939,772106,19170,47449,576 Anthurium 0 700 300 100 100 0 Anthurium07003001001000 Total 29,045,569 17,411,316 20,545,783 21,128,517 19,781,593 21,227,378 Total29,045,56917,411,31620,545,78321,128,51719,781,59321,227,378 "},{"text":"Table 2 : Comparison in quantity (kg) for selected agricultural exports from SVG(2010- 2015). Agricultural Agricultural commodity 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 commodity201020112012201320142015 Dasheen 2,594,922 3,184,962 3,381,124 3,362,500 3,687,349 3,043,599 Dasheen2,594,9223,184,9623,381,1243,362,5003,687,3493,043,599 Eddoe 2,009,364 2,259,983 2,780,601 2,800,876 2,768,169 2,545,343 Eddoe2,009,3642,259,9832,780,6012,800,8762,768,1692,545,343 Ginger 709,673 868,536 1,067,650 741,821 703,538 773,513 Ginger709,673868,5361,067,650741,821703,538773,513 Sweet potato 1,563,466 1,627,446 2,099,219 1,803,457 949,428 913,749 Sweet potato1,563,4661,627,4462,099,2191,803,457949,428913,749 Tannia 122,510 126,105 120,968 188,768 161,038 147,111 Tannia122,510126,105120,968188,768161,038147,111 Yam 278,492 173,753 257,791 258,002 249,483 270,926 Yam278,492173,753257,791258,002249,483270,926 Arrowroot 21,650 13,893 12,501 11,819 20,455 35,636 Arrowroot21,65013,89312,50111,81920,45535,636 Avocado 240,433 157,854 181,962 226,841 244,658 215,114 Avocado240,433157,854181,962226,841244,658215,114 Banana 8,939,000 1,750,396 1,999,194 1,868,236 1,552,986 1,573,115 Banana8,939,0001,750,3961,999,1941,868,2361,552,9861,573,115 Plantain 2,075,050 1,084,245 1,257,164 1,306,326 1,307,769 1,562,118 Plantain2,075,0501,084,2451,257,1641,306,3261,307,7691,562,118 Breadfruit 18,846 11,852 9,133 36,173 17,652 24,968 Breadfruit18,84611,8529,13336,17317,65224,968 Coconut 473,596 207,731 360,770 512,132 529,506 453,614 Coconut473,596207,731360,770512,132529,506453,614 Golden apple 93,084 53,445 62,830 57,785 117,193 175,242 Golden apple93,08453,44562,83057,785117,193175,242 Grapefruit 29,007 39,195 42,133 25,305 13,388 9,086 Grapefruit29,00739,19542,13325,30513,3889,086 Hot pepper 96 60 184 299 1,580 5,852 Hot pepper96601842991,5805,852 Lime 591 1,263 1,396 2,716 1,713 350 Lime5911,2631,3962,7161,713350 Mango 2,188 160,704 233,496 173,990 172,945 218,657 Mango2,188160,704233,496173,990172,945218,657 Nutmeg/mace 38,019 44,017 31,868 25,835 22,819 27,873 Nutmeg/mace38,01944,01731,86825,83522,81927,873 Orange 10,035 7,663 6,616 2,005 2,117 1,254 Orange10,0357,6636,6162,0052,1171,254 Passion fruit 738 137 566 389 1,017 2,758 Passion fruit7381375663891,0172,758 Plum/sloe 12,836 10,611 16,663 9,779 10,308 13,723 Plum/sloe12,83610,61116,6639,77910,30813,723 Pumpkin 11,191 26,692 35,070 46,221 34,856 27,300 Pumpkin11,19126,69235,07046,22134,85627,300 Anthurium 0 95 51 5 3 0 Anthurium09551530 Total 19, Total19, "},{"text":"244,787 11,810,639 13,958,950 13,461,280 12,569,970 12,040,902  The slow pace at which the Ministry of Agriculture and farmers are implementing climate  The slow pace at which the Ministry of Agriculture and farmers are implementing climate change interventions change interventions  The slow pace at which the Ministry of Agriculture and farmers are implementing the  The slow pace at which the Ministry of Agriculture and farmers are implementing the value chain concept. value chain concept. The above constraints have been addressed through a series of projects funded by the EU, The above constraints have been addressed through a series of projects funded by the EU, Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) project, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) project, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)/Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI), on Agriculture (IICA)/Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI), Technical Cooperation Agreement fund, the Caribbean Community and Common Market Technical Cooperation Agreement fund, the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM)/Japan Friendship and Cooperation Fund, the South Pacific Commission (CARICOM)/Japan Friendship and Cooperation Fund, the South Pacific Commission (SPC)/Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), the Food and Agriculture (SPC)/Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the EU funded Agricultural Policy Programme (APP) Project, Organization (FAO) and the EU funded Agricultural Policy Programme (APP) Project, implemented by IICA, CARICOM and CARDI. implemented by IICA, CARICOM and CARDI. Source: Ministry of Agriculture SVG (February, 2016) Source: Ministry of Agriculture SVG (February, 2016) Major constraints that have traditionally plagued sustained production of the RTC sector in Major constraints that have traditionally plagued sustained production of the RTC sector in SVG include: SVG include:  Access to clean and improved high yielding planting material  Access to clean and improved high yielding planting material  Low farm productivity  Low farm productivity  Lack of investment in the farm  Lack of investment in the farm  Lack of adoption and adaptation of appropriate and validated technologies  Lack of adoption and adaptation of appropriate and validated technologies  Farmer access to finance  Farmer access to finance "},{"text":"Table 3 : Plot (kg) and per hectare (kg/ha) yield characteristics of nine cassava varieties grown at the CARDI Research Station at Rabacca inSVG, 2009SVG, /2010. . Cassava:farine Cassava:farine Marketable Unmarketable ratio (based on MarketableUnmarketableratio (based on Varieties yield yield Total yield marketable yield) Comments VarietiesyieldyieldTotal yieldmarketable yield) Comments Punt Stick 39.2 9.3 48.5 8.4 : 1 Some tubers have Punt Stick39.29.348.58.4 : 1Some tubers have 24,500 5,813 30,313 double skin, tubers have lots of 24,5005,81330,313double skin, tubers have lots of water water Butter Stick 17.3 4.6 21.9 7.2 : 1 A few tubers have Butter Stick17.34.621.97.2 : 1A few tubers have 10,813 2,875 13,688 double skin, lots of fiber, farine light 10,8132,87513,688double skin, lots of fiber, farine light White Stick 38.3 5.4 43.7 3.9 : 1 Some tubers have White Stick38.35.443.73.9 : 1Some tubers have 23,938 3,375 27,313 double skin, less water than the 23,9383,37527,313double skin, less water than the punt stick punt stick BRA 383 48.2 6.7 54.9 8.4 : 1 A few tubers have BRA 38348.26.754.98.4 : 1A few tubers have 30,125 4,188 34,313 double skin, less farine to the 30,1254,18834,313double skin, less farine to the pound pound CM 3306-4 25.9 2.2 28.0 5.7 : 1 Easy to scrape, CM 3306-425. : 1Easy to scrape, 16,188 1,375 17,500 but the tubers are tougher than the 16,1881,37517,500but the tubers are tougher than the other varieties other varieties CM 7514-8 55.6 3.1 58.7 4.1 : 1 Some tubers have CM 7514-855. : 1Some tubers have 34,750 1,938 36,688 double skin 34,7501,93836,688double skin CM 7514-7 77.9 5.9 83.8 4 : 1 Has very little CM 7514-777.95.983.84 : 1Has very little 48,688 3,687 52,375 starch 48,6883,68752,375starch CM 4919-1 56.5 15.2 71.7 4.9 : 1 Some tubers CM 4919-156.515.271.74.9 : 1Some tubers 35,313 9,500 44,813 began to rot 35,3139,50044,813began to rot SM 1565-15 75.4 4.2 79.6 7 : 1 Has no double SM 1565-1575.44.279.67 : 1Has no double 47,125 2,625 49,750 skin, skin thin and easy to scrape 47,1252,62549,750skin, skin thin and easy to scrape F pr 0.001 <0.001 0.001 F pr0.001<0.0010.001 LSD (5% level) 26.9 4.4 28.7 LSD (5% level)26.94.428.7 df 24 24 24 df242424 Plot size: 16 m 2 Plot size: 16 m 2 Source: CARDI, 2012 Source: CARDI, 2012 "},{"text":"Table 4 : Marketable plot yields (kg) for nine sweet potato varieties grown in SVG. Parameter Agriculture Black Vine CARDI Big Red CARDI K84-7 Dorrel Hubert Red Devil Kizzie Red Lovers Name Viola F pr ParameterAgricultureBlack VineCARDI Big RedCARDI K84-7DorrelHubert Red DevilKizzie RedLovers NameViolaF pr Marketable 29.4 12.9 19.2 27.8 34.1 19.6 26.6 16.1 28.8 <0.001 Marketable29.412.919.227.834.119.626.616.128.8<0.001 yield yield "},{"text":"Table 5 : Plot yield (kg/ha) for nine sweet potato varieties grown in three different agroecological zones in SVG. Zone Agriculture Black Vine CARDI Big Red CARDI K84-7 Dorrel Hubert Red Devil Kizzie Red Lovers Name Viola F pr ZoneAgricultureBlack VineCARDI Big RedCARDI K84-7DorrelHubert Red DevilKizzie RedLovers NameViolaF pr Akers 8,421 3,586 5,509 5,724 7,904 5,365 6,585 4,820 10,773 <0.001 Akers8,4213,5865,5095,7247,9045,3656,5854,82010,773<0.001 Chateaubelair 3,098 2,689 3,295 3,322 4,469 4,218 4,177 2,465 6,434 <0.001 Chateaubelair3,0982,6893,2953,3224,4694,2184,1772,4656,434<0.001 Rabacca 10,543 3,649 5,813 10,892 12,488 5,501 9,031 4,969 6,099 <0.001 Rabacca10,5433,6495,81310,89212,4885,5019,0314,9696,099<0.001 "},{"text":"Table 6 : Sweet potato marketable plot yield (kg) yield by zones in SVG. Zone Zone "},{"text":"Table 7 : Marketable yield of tubers when grown in different agro-ecological zones in Antigua and Barbuda "},{"text":"Table 8 : Corm characteristics recorded from the dasheen genotypes yielding 1 kg and over from the farmer participatory trial in SVG. Flesh Number of Plant height FleshNumber ofPlant height Farm Genotype Weight (kg) Shape colour suckers (cm) FarmGenotypeWeight (kg)Shapecoloursuckers(cm) 1 BL/SM/83 1.8 Dumb-bell White 12 173 1BL/SM/831.8Dumb-bellWhite12173 BL/SM/80 1.6 Dumb-bell White 4 127 BL/SM/801.6Dumb-bellWhite4127 CE/IND/24 1.0 Dumb-bell White 1 102 CE/IND/241.0Dumb-bellWhite1102 BL/PNG/10 1.0 Dumb-bell Yellow 5 127 BL/PNG/101.0Dumb-bellYellow5127 2 CE/IND/24 1.0 Dumb-bell Pink 3 102 2CE/IND/241.0Dumb-bellPink3102 BL/SM/80 1.2 Dumb-bell Pink 4 96 BL/SM/801.2Dumb-bellPink496 3 BL/SM/83 1.5 Dumb-bell White 7 160 3BL/SM/831.5Dumb-bellWhite7160 CE/IND/24 1.3 Elliptical White 3 127 CE/IND/241.3EllipticalWhite3127 BL/PNG/10 1.2 Elliptical Yellow 23 149 BL/PNG/101.2EllipticalYellow23149 BL/SM/80 1.0 Elliptical White 3 103 BL/SM/801.0EllipticalWhite3103 4 CE/IND/24 2.1 Dumb-bell White 10 167 4CE/IND/242.1Dumb-bellWhite10167 BL/SM/80 1.2 Elliptical White 11 140 BL/SM/801.2EllipticalWhite11140 BL/SM/152 1.0 Elliptical White 4 138 BL/SM/1521.0EllipticalWhite4138 5 CE/IND/24 1.4 Dumb-bell White 2 135 5CE/IND/241.4Dumb-bellWhite2135 6 BL/SM/80 1.1 Dumb-bell White 6 68 6BL/SM/801.1Dumb-bellWhite668 BL/SM/13 1.2 Dumb-bell White 7 76 BL/SM/131.2Dumb-bellWhite776 "}],"sieverID":"f051687d-c008-4595-a9fe-66259c427afe","abstract":"The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) is a joint international institution of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and the European Union (EU). Its mission is to advance food and nutritional security, increase prosperity and encourage sound natural resource management in ACP countries. It provides access to information and knowledge, facilitates policy dialogue and strengthens the capacity of agricultural and rural development institutions and communities.CTA operates under the framework of the Cotonou Agreement and is funded by the EU."}