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{"metadata":{"id":"00e0b1a3ec1132b0ef2d85d0ef9df9e0","source":"gardian_index","url":""},"pageCount":40,"title":"","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"INTRODUCTION","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":74,"text":"It alao had caS3ava exrerlIDental :¡;lots 1n several states, In roan\" ca'les E'C'ononllC endoraE'roent had been jJrovIded by the NatIollal Bank for Rllral Cred:lt (Banrural) In 1976 the BallY of l1exlCo' a Trust for AgrlCu1 tural C'oncerlls (FlRA) illaJufeated Ita lllterest ~11 the j.ot\",ntlal uae of cassava as plg f\",ed by supportlng the orgalu:::atloll of an Internatlona1 SemInal' on Tro1,10a1 L1veatoC'v PrOductlon These lllat1tutlOllS agte\"'ll that l1exlco needed to ('reate a nat10nal cassava program"},{"index":2,"size":520,"text":"The flrst proposal defuung the Progl'am-s oblectlvea and strateg1ea was drafted III early 1977 at the request of Banrural AH offlc1al ProJ\",ct fol' R\",search on Cassava drafted bv CSAT INIA FlRA and CIAT ataff waa sanC'tJ.olled 111 ,hme 1977 A feH months later CSAT and INIA staff 1111tlated the NatlOllal Caaaava ProgramAs reseal'ch actlvltes By 1980 INIA a.3sess\",d that lt had made sufflc1ellt progreas on varIety selectlo11 alld rroductloll technology generatlon tú warrant tIle orgalll::;atlon of a tra1ll1ng eourse for eyten.510n agents INIA and INIP re3earchers and fu..'1ct10illlarles of agr1Ctütura1 support organlzatlons One year la ter the commerclal Cassava Program was latmcped Durlllg lts fIve years of development the commerclal Program has provlded farmers WI th lmpol'tant serVlces and large amounts of capItal and other resom ces have b\",ell Illv\",ated by the state ln tlns effort Yet the results art> stlll d.18C'oncertlllgly lffistable Tht> Program has beell orgatllzed III .3uch a wav that too manv erl tlC'al actlvltHH'l are controlled and managed by statt> agenCH?S Farmers have a vel'y l1rolt.ed opporttuuty to VOlC't> thelr Vl,\"'~8 on ways lD W}llC), the Program should opel'ate and could be lmjJroved ProduC'tlon alld proees.nng Input:. and output deel81011s martet outl\",t atld mal'het:lIlg strategy dt>fllutlon and even proflt dlstrlbutlon deC'181ons are all III the evcluslve domalll of Program offlclals TIllS al'rangement 13 llot efflelent TI1'\" Program dePE'lld.'l heavlly 011 rlgül and less thatl eff1.C'lent lnstlt.utlonal procedures WhlCh dlaCOllrages Incrementa not only 111 :¡;l'oduC'tlon but also In ¡:l'OCE's.'l1ng am' 3el1111/1: Very lltt1e effol't has 1::t>en l11vested to ta .. lorlllg ca.3stwa J,'!'OductlCll aC'cordlllg ¡ • • 4 COmn1e-rclal ofbclals to the partlcular condltlollS of the farmera and the :rroduct':¡ outlet Ther\", lS an eYCeS,llVe conce1'n on the {'art of state 1'egardll:lg the exranSlo11 of the area under C'aS8ava l1'oductlOIl ensurlllg the condl hons for suc11 grOl~th wlthout Cassava develolroellt unde1' the Program conhnuea to be a Jughly rlsky bUSlneS¡¡ Productlon p1'oce6s111g and marJ.r<\"tlllg are planned alld lmplem<\"llted wlthout coordlllatlon nor clear llllhages among each othe1' Productloll and profltab1l1ty are lo\",er than eX],>E'cted becaua6 of the \\Ulhmelv dehvery of state controlled 1111uts and servlCeS and the lack of lllcelltlvea for farmers to eareful1y tend thelr belds There lS plentN of processlllg technology rE'sourceS ava:tlable l)ut tll<\"y have been ut1Il:3<\"d 111 an ull11al1ned and lllefflclent faslllo11 l1arlretll1g of the rroduce has been cUllducted 1)1 an ad-hoe dnd rather paSSJve manner, and \"las concentrated lt efforts on very 11ml ted market outlets oftell Wl th 10'\" capltal hqUldl ty As a reslllt the Program lS ¡,.ercelved by a lllsturblnglv largt> proJ,>Ortloll of the farmers as a dlsappollltment and a post~\")J1ement of many hopes and <\"xpE'ctatlolls Tlus re¡,ort dt>scr lb\" S t.he el€'mellts that cOlltr1but.e to malung the CasSava Program fall short of ltS ~otentlal lt concludes that a broad spt>ctrum of llltervent.lons are to reorH'nt the Program ln a \"'ay WhlCh t>llcourages the farmer,,' cumnlltti\"d and stabl€' parhcl¡,.atlon and the eCOllomle sO\\U1dnesa of the pro,lel't Tllese lllterventlollS are expE'cted to allevlate the ¡.reasure that resulta from the Program' 3 Aclnlles heels Hlghl1ghtB of the Afl:rO)'ldllstr¡al Cassaya PJ;ogram The Cassava Program has provlded farmel's \"'1 th 6everal beneÍl ts"}]},{"head":"Cassaya cu]tlyatlQO JllCQrl)Orated luto commerclaJ productlQn Jdle 1Plnd 'WhlCh","index":2,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":120,"text":"HaS marglDa] PrlOl' to the creahon of the Cassava Program farmer3 len a large ¡,.roportlon of thelr lota ln bush fallo\", wlt.ll no lllt€'ntlon to produce from t.hem Fo!' moat farmers €'xtells1ve cattle rrulehln~ on those lrulds lS ruled out due to the relatively h~gh ca¡,oltal requlremE'l1ts of tlllS enterprlse ruld the rt'latlve S!1Jall Sl:::e of the farffií\"rs' plots (l'1oilt famlly landholdlngs are lesa than 10 ht'ctaresl CaSilava f'roduet 1011 ha3 lller€'ased from appro;nlllately lX of thE' land lUlder cultlvat1011 1n tlle murllcllahty of Hlllmangu1l10 :tn 1981 to sorne 20% 111 1985 (These calculat lona al e baseu Oll data 1•rovlded ~n SPP 1985 Tl118 should be used \"'1 th cautloll however beeauae SPP' s erop data lS n,ot exhaustlve)"},{"index":2,"size":127,"text":"Casaava rated hlghE'r 1n refE'rellCe to the savrumall reglon only Sllle€' th€'ll +Jle proportloll of cassava 111 the total agrlc'ul tural land has probahlv l'<\"ducE'd some hut 1 t ~s stII1 v<\"rv SlgJllflcant Tlle maln transfol'matlons ln r€'cellt years hav€' be€'ll el'€' eWam11011 1n the :;,roduetlOl1 of el trua rubber ruld 1'111eapple Plllea],>ple OCCU) 'led :::50 hectar es 111 1986 It 19 l>E'rhapa the moat ¡,rofltabl€' ero\" of the savallnah Although 1t l <\"<¡lures lllgher ea1'1 tal lnVE'5tn'E'llt 1\"'1' heetar\", there 15 !lut banlr eredlt avallabl€' fol' lts ],>roduct IOn R\"bb€'r trees were l'lant€'ll In 1982 am~ 1983, and eover some 100 hect.arE's FIDEHULI<: has 1 rovldE'tl credlt for plru;tlng and fertlllzatIOl1 110st plants how€'ver hav€' llot been grafted aud hence tllelr productlv\" dt'velolmt'nt has been sttmted"},{"index":3,"size":63,"text":"Cltrua tr€'€'s were planted ln 1984 ruld 1985 ruld cov ... \" a total of 825 hectar\"s C0lJll>E'tlt 10n for The Cailsava Program has alao oreated a SOUNe of emlloyment for over 500 savannah Inhabüants who have l..artIclpated In the productlon of the cro1' amee 1981 and soroe 45 farmera who are engaged In eall.?ava drYlng sorne of whom are not eaasava 1Ir0<1,10erS"},{"index":4,"size":251,"text":"In add1 tion the Pro,,¡ aro has been Instrumental In aettmg \\11' 1.4 1\"114 farma and by J,>rov1dlng raw matenal for feed, lt has contnbuted to the operabon of alloa In the Plan C'hontal¡,a develolAllent ¡,rogram J plg farma In Yucatall and Puebla Albame\"<: of Menda and to a few uther feed lisera Another lnllortant gauI for eassava l •rouue€'rs but also farmera In general has been the ~on of 1Pfrastructural facllltles as a part of the atate su1'pvrt of the Program Perha1's t11e lllOst alglllflC' lnvestment of tlus aort haa been the bUl1dlng of roads It 13 calculatE'd that the most dlrect benefICIarle\" of tlns lntervent Ion arE' the SOlllE' 7 500 SaVall11¡¡}¡ IJlhabl tants sl!read throughout 5 commlUll tlE'S Farmers have alao J,>roÍl ttE'd fl'om the Progl'anl lnsofar aa they have been ahle to broaden . .the uS!L~f J,rOd\\ll'tlollÍi.\\QÍ.Q. In lH81 tl)e targE\"t area for 1986 was sellsülly redul'ed tu 10 000 hect ares Durmg the past four yeara quotlllS spel'lhc productlon goala has becom.;; both \\Ulfasll1onable and 1 -oh tlcally tUlW1se but the dramatlc l'hangE\" 113 st1l1 E\"..<pectE\"d to occur Tlle 11ll t1al aSseSSlllE\"nt of the potentlal demand for cassava as feed was perhaps too optlID1StlC but there was enough potentlal demand to warrant tIle Program Tlle Program was latUlclled Alas the way 1t was plallned and lmplemellted was 11apha::;ard and lUlccordlllated TI)e potentlal dE'mand was not systemahcal1v est1matE'd III a mar] et analyslS but 1n 1986 1 e ten years after the program was lllltlated (Sae::: lH8S)"},{"index":5,"size":18,"text":"Furth\",rmore the Program d1d llOt defIne a elear alld COllil1stent strategy for the petE\"lltlal demand tú be real1zed"},{"index":6,"size":35,"text":"In 1977 the Program's plan6 rE\"Coglllzed the need for lllterventlons 111 the areas of productlon, processlllg and marketIng of cassava YE't ov\",r tlme tIlo;> Program's goalil and aetlvltl€'s became lIlcreaslllgly focused almost exclus1vE\"ly 011 produetl0n"},{"index":7,"size":143,"text":"Thla:lS explall1€'d 111 part by th€' fact tllat practlca11y a11 thE' l-rofE\"aS10llals 1nvolved 1n ono;> cal;aCl ty ol' another were speclahats on rroduct1oll but also because there was no plan shúwlng tlle way 1n wluch productlon processlng and market1ng would be 1ntegrated It should be atressed tbougl¡ that the costa J,resented In the 'rabI€' ar€' st 111 ahort oi thE' aC'tual prOd\\lctlon coats, and h€'llce better deacrlbe the anlOullt of credlt glven to farm€'rs than productlOn e..q:>ellses Wl111e th\",re ar€' no ofüc.lal re('ords avallable that readlly pr€'s€'l1t the actual cost 3 for an agr lClÜ tural year both farm€'rs and the program ataff agree that the CrE'dl t for cassava pr0ductloll Llo€'s !Jot fully cover a11 the coata for labor reqmr€'ments Farmers r€'('yon that under ld€'al condl hons they would need n1' to :35% more ca1'1 tal than that offlclally blldget€'d for labor"},{"index":8,"size":45,"text":"Labor .:'oats consh tute the moat eIl:>ensive dlrect costs of the budget TabIe 1 ~t8 of prQductlon ,md benf:fl te wr ---------.... _ . _ . _ ------------ The bank'a loan dlsbursements for caS6ava or any otbE'r crop llave always been conalstentlv tmhme1v and a10w"},{"index":9,"size":68,"text":"In the ('ase of cassava those delays llave resulted III late fleld preparatlOlls shortagE'a of fertlllzer and other lllJ,utS overdue harvest6 alld the general reductlon of th€' capacüv to proceso, sel1 or buy ('assava Once the a¡;¡;.llcatloll 16 6ubnntted lt has to go through anothE'r lellgthv procese ¡,¡lllch 11lcludes fleld lns¡;.e;chons Onlv thel1 are the documenta presented to the hanl,'s legal advlsor who stlll mav veto the al?l?l1cat1on"},{"index":10,"size":28,"text":"As a result of tIlla p'ocedure a comnderable amount of tbe t'Yten61011 agenta' tlme la devoted to paper1'1orh for the bany lllstead of agrlcultural adV1ce for the farmer6"},{"index":11,"size":110,"text":"Program 6taff provlde lllatrnctlons on llOl< to meet the requlr'ements for hallk loalla Tlley oft€'1l pres€'llt a¡,pl1catlOn on behalf of bewlldered farnl€'rs 'lb€'y a160 convokE' and lead meE't:l.llgs amollg farOlers before, dUrlng and after the credlt a¡;.¡;.llC'atlon perlod Tllev often go honse bv hous€' ask11lg peol'le III e ndos to Slgll on thE' 1 rogram 01' at least a\\lthor~:::e m!?mbers of th., commwlltv te' ,101n lt If Olle adds to these baM-related actlt~vles other adnlllllstratlve demanda ~t la not surprlslnr,¡ tbat tht' ertenslon agente' tlme tled to dE'sk actlvltles may well E'xoeed the the tlme for dlrect contact wlth farmers 111 thelr helds even dUrln¡;( mOllths of ]?€'ah agrIcultural act.lv1tv"},{"index":12,"size":353,"text":"Hlgh Illterst on hanh loalls hay€' aoted 1n thE' rec€'11t r8st as one of the most lm¡;.ortant defnnoentlves for caseava productloll Sllloe lt contrlbuted deCISIVE'lv tu l11CrE'afllng the total cost of productlon IntE'r€'st rates are calculated accordlllg to offlClal lnflatloll rates and hE'nc€' have lnoreased dramatlcally over tlffie Whereas 111 the 1981-82 agrlcultural cvcle the aViO'rage b~ loan 11ltE'rest rat€' was lt'\\% bv lH83-84 lt l'E'aoh!?d the 37% mark a'ld III 1986-67 1t cllmbed to ov,,!, 80% EVIdentlv Bal,rural ofhclals are In no way real?Qllsllü\", of 6€'ttlllg lllterest rates 'lbey slmply abld€' bv 111struotlo11s from the rhnlstrv of Economv Farmers feel 1l0netheles8 that the llltel'E'sts on loana have contrlbuted decIsIvely to Il1Crea,;ll11g the total coats of casaava productloll Tllev hOl<ever ar€' not allo1'1ed to ta}€' amall lc1alla to rE'duce these coste 'lbe bank seta a fu:ed amoullt of credlt fol' all cases regardless of the farruera-l-rOductlOll plan;; or the quahtv of theu' helda H€'nc€' farmers are forcE'd to €'1 ther tak€' th€' credl t aa 1 t lS E'VE'll If tlns mea1l3 lllCreaSl.llg th€'lr chances of .ll1debted!JE'ss or dro¡,¡;.mg out of tllE' Progr8lll It 18 llh€'ly that there would Le fe1'1er farmers JOlnlng the Program 111 the lnlmedlate future tmless thE' coata of productlol1 are consld€'rably r€'duced the credt pollC'lE'S chang€' so as to allo1'1 for the aJllO\\UJt of €'ach loan 1.0 vary accordlllg to farmers -preferrenc€'s and the Ylelds sales voluDle alld coruerclal pl'lCe of tht' crolO lnCreSE' TIle argument bolla clown to an a1'1:\"\"al for a transformat 10)1 of the aVdllable procesalng technology In order to solv€' tlle ]'rol'lem of casssva oversuPl•lv Tllere 18 a chance however that the ('urrE'llt t'ycess of fresh cassava w111 turn 1nto all E'XCE'SS of cassava flour 1'rodu(,E'd In the lndustnal planta unless marJ<€'t outleta are ldentlfled amI th€'rE' lS a guarantee that the product wlll be sold 111 other words 1'rocefJsing clearlv does not ellmluate but rather 111 aomE' 1I1stancea 111Orease8 the need far actlvelv searclung for a marhE't FocUt'llng on tlle patlO.3 l'urpoteu lneffectlvene.3a as tila saurce of the problems for the l'aS3ava progralll prevents program staff and farmers from l'erc-elvlllg the real probl€'m"}]},{"head":"A hnal note","index":3,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":84,"text":"Accordlng to offlclal soureea the volume of fresh cassava haa amolillted to aome 3 000 tons 01' 15% of the total caasava sales It ¡¡eerns however that th€' real share of fr€'sh eassava 15 bell1g underrated TIlere are SOlll€' 15 000 tons whose sale lS not a<'c-otUlted for TIl~s flgurea r€'pres€'l1t the lhfference betwE'en total caasava hal vested and total cassava marhE'ted 111 the program (Tables 6 and 7 respectlvelv) Concelvably some of tlJat cassava \"as nsed for domestu' cOnatIDlptloll among the prcdncers' hous€'-holds"},{"index":2,"size":69,"text":"It 18 1'1180 posslbl€' that som€' was tl:'ansformed lnto feed TIle most tradltlOnal ea3sava marl,E't b€'lng that of human consumphon though lt 13 eytremely llkelv that at least 1(1 000 ton:; oí cassava prodll('ed In th€' Program havE' been l11troduc€'d llltO customarv rnarkets If tlU8 la thE' ('aSe the freah ('assava outlet fol:' human commmptloll mav bE' as lm¡'Ortant as 01' eV€'ll more lm¡.'Ortant than cassava procea6111g ln .31106"},{"index":3,"size":68,"text":"TIlls would a1ao mean tllat almoat half of th\" eaasava prodllced ln thE' market has been dlSpos<?d of ln one wav Ol:' allctber dlrectlv bv the producers TIllS goal lleceSSl tates the lntroduct 10n of llew var1etH's and technologv for lroductlon and proces.'l1ng as well as dev€'loplng a stable product marhet TIna 110tw1thstandlng lt also req\\ures a süund management of the technologv transfer and 1 t s 1mplementatlon"},{"index":4,"size":46,"text":"In tlllS aectloll 1 1'1111 dlSCUSS the form 1n 1'1}l1ch these eleme-nta have been artlculated In turn a11 of these factors are derlved from an EL.{ceaSlve adherence among h1gh leY\",1 offlclals to a strategy based 011 thle rap1d expan810n of the l'roductlon area of the Proe:ram"},{"index":5,"size":448,"text":"The area that farmers rer'0rt under C'assava product lon tenda to be SlgJllfwantly h1gber than thal actuallv C'roJ,>},>ed wlth cassava Th18 over-estlmat:lOl1 18 111 response to the 8tructure of ln¡,ut dlatrlbutlon Brleflv stated, thE' larger the area clalmed for cassava ¡,roductlon the larger the share of fertlllzers credlt for labor ano so on that. the producer 15 entlth,d to After harvest calculatlolls of the Yleld per hectare are based on the l'roducer's proposed area for caS5ava J,roductlon rather than the actual areas Thls resnlt ln the recon'llng of lower Yleld8 per hectare than those actuallv obtallled PrograDl staff are aware of 8uch 51 tuatloll but do Ilot exerClse hgbt control to prevent lt froro haprenlng rf lt was more closely monltored J,>rovlded that the staff l¡ad the resources reqlured to mea.'lUre the land under l,rOduct10n, the overall area of the Program would shrlllk TIlls decrease could then erroneously be llltE't preted by sorne hlgher level offH'lals as a SVDlJ,>tOIl of weakness both 11l the Program and tbe staff actlVltles Casaava',5 low vlelds lUlder the Program ale alBO l'e>lated to the lllcluslon of poor1v selE'cted flelds for culhvat10n and the farmers' lack of commlttment to casBava productJ.on Agaln, thl5 la allowed to halpen by staff 11' order to obta:m an :mcrease 111 the total area of +he Prograro In manv lllstanCE\"S lowIand flelds susceptIblE' to floodlllg are r lanted to cassava Alzo the Program lllCludE'5 small-to medHuu-,n::;e absentee landlords \\fho produC'e caS3ava wlth the sole purpoze of havlllg tl,elr land under productloll thus }reventl11g theee lande froro falllng under the lurHldlctloll of the Agrar1an Reform w!uch could leopard1:::e thelr owners}¡]p of 1dle fleld.a Nelther thes\" Iando¡.¡ners 1101' the overaeers manag111¡;t thelr lands ar'e lnterested 1n harveztlng cassava Addltlonallv, 101'1 Ylelds result from the fact that therE' are farmers ¡.¡ho J,.'E:rmanentlv mlgrate to other states mldwav through the agrIcultural cvcle abandOlnng tl1elr cassava plota 1Il searc]¡ of more profltable eCOllomlC actlvJ.tes SometlDles th16 happens wlth the consent of the local authontles Flllallv there are eJIdo farmers ~nth establlshed hIatones of ban .. u; loan defaul te who nevertheless are extended addltlOnal credl t for then contlnued partIcIJ,atlon H1 the Program and who Dlay !lot be-cODlnntted +0 agr~cultural productloll None of these farmers loartlclJ,.>ate ln the Program bacanse of theu' conunl tment to e'aasava TI1E'se free rlders however !lot onl;, damage the overall performance of the Caaaava Program but thev also reduce the ol}-'Ortunlt1ea for otller farmer.a J partlclpatlon It 15 lmI<>rtant to remember that Imil v1dual \"lldo producers al e not the dlrect renplents of bank loana Credlt lS awarded to the \"J Ido as a corporate entltv (,enerallv though onlv a f€'w endo members snbllllt a loan re\\luest together"},{"index":6,"size":55,"text":"Once the loan lS granted lt:la lnternallv dlstrlbuted amon¡; those farmers partaJrlllg 111 the COromOll proJect Theoretlcallv an e,lldo mav have more than one loan from the 11ank durlng anv f16ca1 year for dlfferent croys aud/or llvestoek prOlecta If the loan la l10t repald 111 fu11, the eJ lelO beoomes lIleleg1ble for fllrther erad1 t"},{"index":7,"size":72,"text":"If one eJ 1do member does not pav h13 debt to the banh the whole e,11do lS e.rc-lllded even lf a11 other loan reclplents fullv r€'¡.ald th€'lr shares of the collectlve debt Endo admllllstratlon regulatlon lne ludes mechatnsms to brlng preS8ure en llldJ.v1dual loan defanl tera HOlolever these regulatlOna are l11frequentlv enforced Credlt default la one of the roa lOr reaSOllS e1ldo farmers are prevented from contlmllng thelr partlolJ,>atlOll 111 the Progrl'.m"},{"index":8,"size":62,"text":"Dl.le to these reasons, lt lS erltlcal to weed out free loaders who deprlve lndustrloUs farmers of opportUllltles In the past, there have been cases where the ovo?rwhelnllllg caneern for rapldlv exPalldlng area of tho? program has led to the productl01l of eassava w1th httle regard to the Program s tedmologlca1 paC ' Cassava has frequentlv been platlted well beyond the deadl1ne"},{"index":9,"size":68,"text":"In addItlOn 10101 vlelda have rt?':lUlt<\"d from frequent defohatlOns due to attacks of cassava horn worm (Errlllvls <,,1101, and lUleven atld deflclent treatment of the cassava atal,es Wl th funglClde l,rlOr to platlt1ng These factors can be eaallv controlled from th<\" tedullcal vlewl'>Olllt Thev however reqlUre tl1e tIme lv lllterventlOll of both Program ataff and farmers In the ¡.>ast thI3 11as heen the eveeptlon rather thatl tho? rule"}]},{"head":"Harveatlng arrangemellts alao eontrlhute to vleld reductloll","index":4,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":110,"text":"The use of mechallleal harvestera presenta several dlsadvantages ThlS oltuatlon 13 due 1U part to llJlll tatlonil ln tbe deslgll of the harvester bllt moreover te> the deflclent wav ln \",l11ch manv flelds are C'ultlvated A large pMportlon of the belda are earelesslv prepared bv tractor operators When harvestlng tlme eOll\\<\"S the oparato!' muat harveilt ro\"'s w]ueh ar€' not parallel Aloo throughout the fleld the spaC1l1g between the rows 18 freqmmtlv unevell Once the eaS6ava t0P;' have heen removed from the flelds there lS llO marll!lg to asaertall1 where the roota are ThHI sItuabon lS furthe! exacerbated bv the glowth of tlnel, vegetat1011 6lnee flelda are .. eeded verv ll1frequentlv"},{"index":2,"size":143,"text":"Weeds l'revent the hanrester from movlng through atld the erOl S call llot be harvested Wl thout eauslllg a great deal of damage to the roots Oiten as a result of the C'omlnnatloll of those faC'tors crushes many roots and leavea froID one-fourth to olle-t.hIrd ground Untll reeentlv the 3vatem of IDatmal C'Oll<\"ct~llg of the harvester has unearthed them has beell u3ed 'I'hlS has .. tlle madll11erv of crop ln the the Mote once g<\"lle 1 a11 v beell arranged throllgh contract\" based on the area harvested rather than t':le guantltv of the cro1, collected liotlvated to com¡,..lete thE' Job qtllcJrlv. the contract laborers moved througb the fl,dd a5 fast as they cuuld w~ th no regard for thoroughness Pres\\lmablv the unharvested C8.5SaVa was C'ollect\",d and sold bv the farmers to the market of t.he~r cholce c'lrC'U!llVentlllg channels controlled bv thE' Pl: ogram"},{"index":3,"size":82,"text":"The latter regtures farmers to sell cassava pr1marlly and almost erClUS1VE'lv t.hrougll offlclallv establlshed outlets 1n ordel to lnsure that rroducE'rs rE'pay thE'lr loan s to thE' banh Because few fal\"l1lers have 1\"eallZeu eCOllom1C ga:m by follOlung thE'se channels, a partlal harVE'stlng of thelr flelds mav have been l-'E'rcelvE'd as ecollomlcallv advantageous AH the aboye !llelltloned shortcOlll1ngs of the Prograro can be r .. lated te the faet that the Prograru staff has been over1y cOllcerlled wlth meetIng ambl tlOUS ¡,.roductlon goaL;"},{"index":4,"size":241,"text":"Dul'1ng tIJe hrst four vears of the cOl1ll1lercIal phase of the Program, 1,>011 tlcal cOl1ll1lltmenta were establlshed on pr0l1l1ses of raPld eX\"PanSlOll of cassava productlon ao as to effect an equallv dramatlc reductlon of graIn feed lmJ,>Orts These conunl tmenta tl ansformed the Program-s goals luto rlgld E'Y1'€'ctatlollS III tel\"l1ls of lllcreaaes of areas cropped wlth cassava Wlth no real foens 011 aacertallllng thE' E'X13tenee of necessarv condltlo1l3 for the eXl>€'cted lllcreaaes Productloll goals were set too hlgll In re latloll to tIJe then aval1able reaOllrCE'S for eassava produetlon plocesslllg and marketlllg Aa a result the ofbe lal standard\" for sE'lectlnc¡ farme1\"5 alld flelda as WE'll as tIJe technologlcal recornmendatlolls were f1\"equentlv overlooked The ])E'rceived advantages arE' double farme1\"s galn flE':ublll tv llot onlv III the }-roduetion procesa but alao III selllllg the 0rop Th1e euggE'ste that fal'lllers can flnd caasava l'r'oduC't Ion prof 1 tal)le p1\"ov1<1ed that lllst 1 tnt 10111'11 condl t 10n.1 allow more freedom for vroducers to e/\",rClse E'C'OllomlC' lJutlatlve After SIr vears of C'ommerC'lal Ol'6ratlon Incremental trend rega1\"dIng both the !lumber the area tUlder eultlvatlOll (Table 5) thE' Program sIJows a general of partlc1patlllg farmers and These flgtl1\"eS on the develol\"'!llent of the Program, howeve1\" cOllcE'al thE' dlsqtlletlllg fact that entlre commtmltles are droPPlng out of the J;rogram at a raPld pace TI1E' olllv factor preventlllg !llore COlllIDUlll tles fIO!ll W1 thdrawlns l5 the hlgb turnOVE'r rate of thE' lndlvldual partll'lpants who 11ve ln thE'se commUll1tles"},{"index":5,"size":23,"text":"In faet 1\"ougbl\" ha1f of the cOlllIDmut1eB JOIllE'd tlle program for one agrICultural cve le and thrE'e-fourths remallled for two e¡reles (Table 6)"},{"index":6,"size":96,"text":"The amount of chansE' among fal\"l1lers 18 even morE' J;ronounced Unce!\" the p1\"ogram 82% of thE' farmers produced caSBava for onlv Olle agrlctütu1\"al The next atep vl111 llOt be full sC'ale productlOn of the selected dealglls but rathel' thelr C'onllllercual and teclllllcal test:1ng on a Slllall zcale-P110t studles are essent lal 1n th1S procesa AcC'ordlng to eXl'er1enced lndustr1allsta out of everv 100 concepts fol' new j.'roduets 33 are techn1cal1y feaalble and on1y 3 wül be coruruerclally 6uccessf\\l1 Pllot test1l1g lS the on1, wav to lllsure that tlle Program develoI's the r:1ght product for the rlght marllet"},{"index":7,"size":40,"text":"The Prograru should mOVe forward to full scale commerclal l!rOductlOn onlv when the refln111g of the-prodl'ct and lt5 technolog1cal reqtnrements ha\" been complt\"ted I\\Ild the produet has been successflllly tested W1 th a 3aruple of the target marl<et segment 2"},{"index":8,"size":25,"text":"It lS cn heal for the Cassava Programs O sustall1abllltv that tlle Program offle:1als avold centrall:::111g processlllg as w€'ll as commerclal1zat:LOn through only olle channel"},{"index":9,"size":46,"text":"In proeesslng aS:1n other functlons redllndancv of 0rgaJllZatlollz provldlng tlle sarue servlces 16 ruore eff:lClent than eOllcentratlllg ftmctlons 1n l'lle orgaru:::atlon The co-ex~stence of several organ~zat10ns lllcr~ases the llkellhood that at least one of th~m cover,; serVlces WhlCh ruav llave been overlooked bv one slngle orgaxuzatlon"},{"index":10,"size":32,"text":"Evtemnve teatlng and refll11ng ~s necessarv before the processlllg plarlts w111 or>erate efflclentlv Unhl tllat tratlSplres ard thereafter 1 t 16 lmf'Ortant to keep O!,>ell a3 matlV proces.3111g charmels e,s pos¡nble 3"},{"index":11,"size":84,"text":"The curr~nt eml,hasls on l•rodu('tlon haa amply demonstrat.E'd that all th1ngs belng equal 1 t lS mueh eaSler to produl'e cassava than to sell 1 t The technologlcal ';\\lCC'€'SS of t.he Caasava Program 111 HUlml\\llglJlllo could lead t.o further researcll and eve11tuallv expantnon of cassava l'l'Oduct 1011 to other states of the countr, However a rap1d lncrement III the 3\\ll'ply of cassava would most llkelv create a glut and frustratl0n for all those :1nvolved 1n the Program, unIese a t'ommerclal outlet 13 gllarat1teed 4"},{"index":12,"size":89,"text":"The Pr0gram ruuat formulate a new strategv for d\",velo1'll''llt 'lt the present tlme lt 16 crlt1cal that th\" plograru s}nft lt6 prlmarv emphaslS from produc~ng fresh cassava to marhetlllg processed cassava Program ofhcers should re-evaluate the goal of the Program not III terms of producl,ng a crop but rather 1n creatl1'g a cornmod~ty Untll now, the Program has exr>anded both El terms of ar€'s tUlder produot10n and total productl0n volume PrOdUl'tlon goals and the character1stlcs of prooessed cassava have been dE'hned lnde¡¿endE'ntlv of S011d analY313 of the market structure"},{"index":13,"size":42,"text":"The eX1shó'lK'e o! a l'assava dE'mand haa bE'en takE'1l as a glven ¡.nth no preVlOUS eVldence based on research As s result large amounts of cassava have heen produC'ed but 0111y a small fractlon of that cassava has actually become a cornmod1ty"},{"index":14,"size":137,"text":"For caesava to lmpaC't tlle feed ¡¡:raIn marhet by reduclng feed lmports, helpll1g to 1l1Creaas the aval1abIlltv of roed for the populatl0n at large and expand1ng the produc'ers fannlv l!lcome lt must becorne a cODllDmll tv 1 e 1 t rnust be sold TIllS persull would be expected to generat€' aolutlo1l3 for SpeCl!IC problem3 In addltion to d0111g other l'eaearch Th€' l'€'raon W1 th resl onslln11 tv for mal'l,etlng would devote lllS aet1v1tlea to eOOrdl'1atloll of cassava salea TIle goal of establlshlng tlns separate ¡iOSlt1011 13 to e113Ure tl'at sales requests materlahze TIle staff person In change of ProdllC'tloll would be rE'sJXlnsihle for Illcreasl11g produC't10n whlle d€'eL €'a¿nng tIme and cost lllvestments Fmal1y the staff 1ll charge of !WallC'es would aet as a comptroller str1v1llg fol' hlgb level €'cononllc performance on the Program as a whole 9"},{"index":15,"size":121,"text":"In order to lllsurE' that aU thE' Program's f\\Ulctlons are equallv represented thE'! e should bE' onE' ],.'€!rS011 1'er fUllct:lOn 111 the coord111atlng comnnttee at the Programa's state level AU the people de.:ngl1ated for theae tasks should have the same hlerarC' l ucal lE'vel, and L'ooperatlOll froro rank-and-flle staff should be eguallv aval1able for aH A C'lear mandate and support should be glvell to those dE'Slgnated froro a seleC'ted groups of h1g!¡-ranlung author1hes who would assullle the coordlllatloll and general management of the Program Preo3umably the person 1n chargE' of research and development could l)e an INIFJlP rE'searC'her T11e :POSlt10IlS for marketmg and product1on coule) be fllled bv staff fro01 anv of the lllst 1 tut10llS which partlc1pate 1n the Program"},{"index":16,"size":50,"text":"The Ílnance offlce1' conld bE' a Ballrural 01' ANJlGSA employee Above all, lt Hl crlt1cal that these peopl€' cOlUlt W1 th the full support of the 111stüut1ons thev work for and that th€'v arE' ¡.uvell enough powe1' so that agreements slgned bv thelll are muumallv b111dmg on thelr lllstl tutlOn.3"},{"index":17,"size":60,"text":"It 1S eY).'ected that by aSSunllng resl!Onsüull ty for olle Program component the organ1::;at10ns 11lVolved 111 the Program ¡HU be encouraged to partlc1pate more act1vltv and cOllstruct1velv 10 One of the most 1m1ortant tasks of thHl board of managers ¡Jonld be to JOlntlv establlsh evaluahon cr1tena for the Progr8Jll and to dE'hne Program obJeotlves at the ¿¡tate and 1000..1 1evels"},{"index":18,"size":10,"text":"Bot.h the cr1terla and the obJectlves ShOllld be verv exr1wlt"},{"index":19,"size":195,"text":"For lnstance, the Program-' managers should dehne the total maXlmUlll allowed l.nv€'stment for prodllct eng1neerlng and marketmg the maX1mUlll t1me for develo],.ment of a produ0t 0011cept or a technology Thev ahould also deflnE' the nlllll.nmID €'yP€'C'ted ubl1 tv after a deslgnated perwd the product> a growth rate, percentage of the ],.'roduct 6 market part1patlon nI' to a des1gnated deadhne the lowest a0C'eptable return on lnvestment and sales and the deadllnes for aal€,¿¡ r€,guests ObJectlves and crlt€'1'1a othe! than economlC alld flnanc1al should 0..160 be deflned Eyaroples of th1S tvpe 111(' lude cond1 tIons for the Program to promote farmers' perhC11'atlon, and the P1'ograro's 1'eputatlon and leadership to 1ncrease 11 JI COllS1dE'rable amotmt of enE'rgy ami lllstltutlonal reSOUN:'es should be mvested to su],.port thE' development of the eaJ,~c1tv of program staff C:r€'at111g and o!!<\",ratlng a successful caS8ava rrog1'am lS an extremelv comple, task, and a large l'art of the plogram'o3 suC'cess rE\"sts 011 the cooperatlOn of reaearchers and lID¡.lementatlon program ataff Dua 1..0 these rE\"asons Ü would 'be worthwhllE' to develo]? as iloon as pos.51ble a trallllng program for researchers and prograril staff Wh1Ch provldes them w1th tools for 1m];rOv1l1g the1r admllllstrat1ve and plaruung sk1l1s"},{"index":20,"size":116,"text":"The obJectlVes of tlus program wOllld be to fam1ha1'1ze the traIllees wlt11 th\" theorv and praC'heE' of methlOds and teclungues of collectlng marl,etlng data olTer tIme and space budget1ng dE'Slg!1 and implementat The Program should also recognl:::e the rrodueers' ngllt to defInE' the tE'rms lJl wlnch thev 1'1111 partlclpate In thE' market TIllS mean3 that farmers should be allowed and encouraged to declde who thev seU product to TIns lS perfectlv compatlb1e wlth coordlllatlon arnong farmers and even agreem€'nt on a eommon hottom commerclal prlce of cassava Tlle goal lS for farme18 to be th~ eenter of the econODnc declslol1-maklng pr0cess 22 At the same tlmE> farmers 3hould deCId., what klnd of product thev wl11 se11"},{"index":21,"size":298,"text":"There are farmer3 W)10 are ollly lllterested In produclng eassava, whereas there are others who also want to proceas the erOI! In addltlOl1 there are thoae who do llot produce cassava but olllv ~rocess lt All of these groups should be glven tlle l'hance to o¡;erat€' at the same tIme Farmers Dlust be allowed to rent proees!nng patIos ThE>V ahould al so be allowed to sell thE'lr cro]. and obtal11 dll'€'ct and lD1lllecilate r€'turlli3 wlthout havl11g to vertlcallv• lntegrate llltO yroeesslng of anv sort HE'lleE', the practIce currelltlv €'nforeed that reqtures produeers to advance eaasava for processl11g In the llldustnal plants on ¡,rOllUiles that thE>jT wIll get a shap~ Ollce tlle procNi3ed cassava lS so Id should be dlScolltlllued 23 Farmers ilhould llave the nght to sE'lect tlle prOC€'.5alng m€'ans and the market outleta that best serv\" thelI' eCOllomlC 111terests Industrllü processlllg plants al1d sundr'V1J1g patIos Sllould be glven an equal op¡oortUllltv to suceeed 111 term.3 of cred:Lt for ope!'atloll faCl11 tles for access tu In the ¡,ast the phYs~cal mfrastructnre of pat106 has been buüt bv govel\"nmental agenc1es llldependel1tly from the orgalu;;atlOn oí farmers who are the target UoN'S TIllS pract1ce has not: bE'ell evenly efflclent There are patlos that were bmlt 601e1y w1th the asalIDlptlon that nearby farmel\"s would produce cassava DespJ.te thE'SE' farmers' good lntentlons todav they are not cult 1 vatlllg ca6save and llobodv use3 these patios There arE' also several abandollNl patlos III cassava prOducIng a.r eas where producers are not interested 1n the lIrOCes'31l1g phase At the SaIne t~me however there are eOmffilrnltles ln Whll'h two 01\" three groups of farmel\"s ol\" lndlviduals compete wlth \"ach other to obta:l.l1 accE'SS to patlt\"\\ facI11 tles The6e comnllUll t les author1:::e groups to sundr\\' cassava for a fortlllght to ensul\"E' access to all 26"},{"index":22,"size":71,"text":"All patlos muat be egu1pred <11th all the neceasarv maclunerv fOl theu mdependellt oparatloll and rroV1alOned <11th teehnlCal baek tll for malntenance of motora and ChlH E're' bIadee TI11S outflttlng la lll~ely to be achieved ln 1988 because as sald before 1n 1987 govE'rnmE'nt agenCIE'il have provlded patloa wlth the most eS.3E'lltull lnlplE'ment,s However mure extenslve tra1nlng on the 1'l\"Oll€'r usE' and maIntauce of the motc-re bv farmers l.S urgent1y regu1red"}]},{"head":"27","index":5,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":41,"text":"Credlt must bE' avallable to ¡,atlos ol\",ratora for buv1llg and prOCe5Sll1g cassava Slllce 1986, Banrul\"al has extended cred1t for thE' operatlon of sorne patlOs but dlsbursement has cons13telltly tal<;ell place after the offlClally defmed 01 t1mal drVlllg :;..erlOd O:lareh to May)"},{"index":2,"size":23,"text":"Althoug.1]. some patlos eontlnue to sundrv cassava up to Octobel\" the late dellverv of caplta1 serlously undernnnes the COIDnl€'rclal vlab111ty of the P¡Ü10S"}]},{"head":"28","index":6,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"The prlce of dr1\"d cassava must be cOml'E'tltlve Vls-a-V1S fres~ cassava Producers complaln that the prlce of drIed c'assava general Iv 18 onlv sllghtlv hlgllE'r than the pr1ce of fre3h cas3ava"},{"index":2,"size":8,"text":"TIm3 thev lrefer tI) sell the erop freah"},{"index":3,"size":33,"text":"The Prograru should refIne 1 ts mechalllsma for tassava 1'r.1Oe sett1ng so as to respond not onlv to costs of Pl\"Oductlo11 but a160 the conunercull avaIlab111 tv of sorghlUll 111 Southern l1ex1co 29"},{"index":4,"size":118,"text":"Farmel\" organlzat1on 15 one of rile must cr1tlcal condltlolls for the sucessfull Oll€'ratlOll of patIos It 13 e5peclally crucIal to encourage the growth of a ¡¿ermanent SO('lo-economlC unlt INIFAP wluch acts as 13.a150n between farmers and researchers and betweeen researchers and ertemnon agents TIll.S un! t -s mput should be glven pnor to thE' formahon for the program's developroent as well as dUr'lng and after 3. ts lmplE'mentatloll Instead of aChng prl.marlly as an accountant for thE' program tha \\Uut should b€-lllvolved In and responslble for del51gmng the l'rogram-s o¡;oeratlollal strategy After the creatlon ei auch a Ulllt, support traIn3.llg fer 5ellIor agr Icul tural economIsts, anthropolog15ts and soclologlStS should be comndE'r as a prlorlty In INIFAP"}]}],"figures":[{"text":"In November 1981 a group of 20 farroere l11ltIated 111 Hturoanglullo the cultlvatlon of cassava lffider the anS],<lces of the natlonal Cassava Program ThlS event cOllstltuted the culmlnatlon of y\"ars of patIent prel'aratlon the techno1ogleal, lI1stltutlonal and ].011 tlea1 condltlon3 cond.ue 1 ve to the Program-s lmplementatloll As early as 1975 tlle tllmstry of Agrleulture (SAG today GARH) the Natlonal InstItute for Agrlcultural Research (INIA today INIFAPl and the now closed College of Trollcal Agrlcultul'e (CSAT) had shown Interest In establlshlllg technologlcal cooperat:lOll .. nth CIAT fol' eassava INIA had cassava Beed collectlollS dat.l11g from the HJ50a that Illcluded lllternatlOnal materlals "},{"text":"5 Tbe Program' s strate¡¡y ha\" sought a raplli.JilzPaJ1S1Qll of the area \\lnder crÜtlvatlQll but has. ll.ot en3ured tbe eX1 etence of nec€'ssary regul mente ~et Ita goals Tlle Proglam's ratlonale and hE'llee Ita c-hallenge r\"at3 on lta alnlltv to lncrease productlon and vlelda of cassava ln order t.o rE'plaee lruported gralll feeds "},{"text":"6 TIJe prQgram-s bl\"rformallce baa ]ed to tbe dHnHmnonment and ~5enchantment of both farmers aud ~nk-and-flle staff Increaslng ntunbers of farmE'rs are opt1ng for stavlng awav froID the Ballk-s sphere of 1I1fluence SO!lle of them are no longer partlclpatlng 1.n the Program but C'0llt1nue to :¡.lant caBaava wlth thelr own resources Thelr cassava plots are understandabl v Bmaller and are often ('nI t1vated wlth a mod1fled verSlOIl of tl1E' Program-s technolo,ueal package "},{"text":"1ntegratlQU between prOOuctlon. b,rQeeos:nng and marr.etlng of caasava Ctmduacan Jaha and Naca lUea Althougl¡ no atudles are avallable to asc€'rtalll the ¡,rOl-Ortloll of caasava that lS s01d In tlE'.lneo's rural and ur\"ban markE'ts mv obaervatlolls 1n Tabasco atld otIler suggest that cassava haa more cOmIDE'rc1al lmjúrtance than lt 18 cornmo1l1v glvell credlt forThe Caasava Program ha3 also contnb-tted to the general deye]ot,ment pf agnclllture and lnd1rectIy1.0 the llvehhood of Tabasco 5 farmersInadeguaCles of the AgrOllldustrlal Cassa~Wlllle the contrlbutlOllS of the (,assava Program to date have been slgnlÍlcant, there are stlll areas In W111Ch all l111provement lS needed There are 1mpedlDlents WhlC11 have emergt'd thronghout. the lDlplt'mentatloll of the progtam that ¡.¡ele lJot foreseen 1ll the l'ast but muat bE' resolved today Tilese lmped~ment3 rE'gulre lrumedJ.ate attentloll as they are lntrlnSlC' to t11e program goals By overeomlllg these obstacles thE' growth and stl:'€'ngth of the caaaava l'rogram 101111 bE> facIlltated both at the atatE' and the natlOnal leve1 7 7 consumptlon as a ve\"etable al:' as foddel:' Tlua SI tuatlon stlll largely consumptlon as a ve\"etable al:' as foddel:'Tlua SI tuatlon stlll largely • ; .!'iLthat weremade avallablE' A large ¡,.roportlOll of thE' land that was cleared fl'Olll br\\l8h alld tress In 1983 and 1984 la 110 longE'! tilld€'r c8SBava p¡:¡roanly far cassava eullJvatlOu C'ultlvatlOll altl¡ough J.t remaIlla tUlder cro],> produC't1011 Also a consIderablE' l'ereentage of the farmers In thE' C'aSilava Program l'E'gllla!'1y US\" lnruts Illcluded III Its tecJmologleal package for g1'OW111g other cro¡,s Fertlllzera stand out amOllg thE'oe lllputa On occaSlOllS herblCldes alld IDechanH'al traet,lo11 havE' aleo bE'en dI vert€'d ThesE' lllputs arE' uaed largE' ly fol' the 1'roductloll of Subslstellce CI'OPS sueh as mal::e and )),:.at13 Slllce there la no crecl1 t ava:llal>1E' for the l'roduchon of el ther of thesE' ataples and the 1'001\" quallty of the savalln¡¡}¡'a aelthe SOlla lS 1l0t conduclv€' for thell' tllls IS atl lnl~ortant all)elt t1ll11atmed bell\",Íl t reaul tln~ froro the Cassava Program Al! IDlportant contrlbutlon of th€' Program wlnch ueually goee unmentlOnE'd lS the J:elnforcement oí the marl,et for freslJ, Nsaava As prevlously stated the Program has eonc€'ntrat€'d on cassava productloll for feed C'ollsequently the lmproved varlety Saban€'ra tbat INI! re leaaed ln B1geO was l10t bl'€'tl for lta pallatatcl11 ty 01' response to otller d€'alrable tralta for hUlllatl cOllatUUptlon In compal'ldOn to customary varletles thl.3 new varlety IS 1>\\?rcelved by farmer.3 as IDor€' r€'Sllltant to plagu€'d hut IDOrE' fIbrous and woody Henee <;abatlera gellerallv lfl lesil suited for the preparatIon of aome dlah€'s Thea€' tra1ts nevertheles6 hav .. llüt prevented the us€' of flnely shredded SalxUlera mly€'d WI th corn dough 1ll the malung of tort lIlas '!'be relE'vanc€' of the cassava produced lmder the Pl ogr aro III the tortIlla ma.hlllg bUSIness lS partlallv llld10at\",d by the fact thdt prlvate tradera buy truck loads 0f l\"abatIera for thia purwse At preaellt, caasava rroduC'bd III HUlmanmullo 11J belng \"old ln th€' should be recalled that 1'r10r to the C'reation of the Program r€'s€'arC'h on alUlual cultlvar3 was v1rtually lJOn-exlstellt In TabasC'o On1\" l11vestlgatlollS on ¡,aatures for beef rroductloll were bE'lng C'arr1ed out by CSAT Th1s llllhC'atea the rE'latlvel\" low 1Jlvolvement of 1.hE' gOH'rllIDent 1n the development of agr1C~u1ture 1n the etate ni' to that POlllt w.lth the exceptlOn of tJle Grllalba and C1lOntalpa development achemes In thHI settlllg the C'assava Progranl helghtE'lled thE' awareness of state (\\fflclals oí 1.he manv poasllüe contrlbutlolJa that th€' troplcal zone could grallt to the nat10n as a whole C' gallled natlOnal vla1blllty for Tabasco and southern l'!exlC'o The Program was 1.he most lmportant C'atalyst for goverllmental lntereat ln agrlculture for the entll\"e reglon ln thE' early 19808 Hence lt llldlrE'C'tly contnbutE'd to the devE'loJoment of many ('ropa lmder the allsj,lces of offlclal lnstltutlons CE'rtalnly a cl'lhoal mass of organl~at1011s alld resourC'es that WE'rE' lltll'leat.ed arOlmd eassava were eventually us€'d for other alUlUal erOleS Slmllarly a good deal of tE'emucal peraollllel who today 1401'1' w1th other C'ult1 vars galnE'd the1r In aynthea1s the (aasava Program has C'ontrlbuted 1.0 the devdopment of Tabasco on several areas It made ].oslllble the lllcorporatlon of lUlderntJ.l1:::ed lalId luto eorumerclal 1roduC'tlOIl and wa5 llllltrumental In t11e C'reatlOll of Joba for rural 1nhabltants The program served as a eatalY5t for the state to bluld roads and brldges alld broe.den the scope of agrIcultural 1'roductlon 111 the reglOll Flllally If reIllforced the supply of foodstuff for rural aud tlrban dwellel s When the Program ¡olas ereated Ul Sonthea3t I1E' there had been relatlvely httle Justorv 111 ¡.roductJ.on and uhllzatlOn of the cailsava root tlost cassava was producE'd ln .'lmall qUallt 1 In r1nv areas w~ tllln the farmers -r 10t5 (,enE'ral1y, farmera u5E'd e1ther a team of horiles ol' oxen to draw the plow 01' small tractora l1allual w€'edll1g and harveatmg were usua11y aseoC'lated wltll thlS C'rop The !lorm was to use no chemlcal fertll1zerB alld appl1ea to caaaava liroductlon 1n areas outs1de the Program's doma111 TIma the Program necessarlly d\",flned demand 111 ter'llls of 1'Otentlal demand The argulllE'nt was that MeY1CO was llOt self-sufflc1ent 1n the pl:'OductlOl1 of carlA.,hydratea Al though some 8 5 mülol13 of tOI1S of corl1 and 5 5 nnllon3 of tons of sorghtllll had been produced yearly In thE' early 197013, Me .. nco had been forced to 1Dlport 2 llllllon tons of corn and ;:'50 thousand tons of aorghum At that t:une thE'SE' lIDj,-orts aDlO\\Ulted ta alDlost &20 000 dollare It was reclroned that 1f Me'nco aould prodna\", cassava theae lIDporta could be at least reduced In order to substItute half of the lmporta however ME'X1CO had to establlah over 100,000 haa At that tIme there were some 3 OUO has cultlvated to casaava most of them III Chlapas state Southeastern MeY1CO was 1mportlllg gralnfeed for SW1lle and poultrv The Program's goala unmodlfled Slnce 1977 called for a sharp Illcrease 1n tIle ¡.roduct1on areas and product 1 V1 ty of cassava Wl tlun a very DllUllClpalltl€'s of It short t.lme ¡''E'nod In 1H77, the Prugram a.lmE\"d at hann\" 120 000 hectares 111ltlal expertlse t11rough thelr lnvolvemE'nt 1n tlle Cas8ava Program \\Ulder caasava ¡,roductl011 1v 1983 •;.!'iLthat weremade avallablE' A large ¡,.roportlOll of thE' land that was cleared fl'Olll br\\l8h alld tress In 1983 and 1984 la 110 longE'! tilld€'r c8SBava p¡:¡roanly far cassava eullJvatlOu C'ultlvatlOll altl¡ough J.t remaIlla tUlder cro],> produC't1011 Also a consIderablE' l'ereentage of the farmers In thE' C'aSilava Program l'E'gllla!'1y US\" lnruts Illcluded III Its tecJmologleal package for g1'OW111g other cro¡,s Fertlllzera stand out amOllg thE'oe lllputa On occaSlOllS herblCldes alld IDechanH'al traet,lo11 havE' aleo bE'en dI vert€'d ThesE' lllputs arE' uaed largE' ly fol' the 1'roductloll of Subslstellce CI'OPS sueh as mal::e and )),:.at13 Slllce there la no crecl1 t ava:llal>1E' for the l'roduchon of el ther of thesE' ataples and the 1'001\" quallty of the savalln¡¡}¡'a aelthe SOlla lS 1l0t conduclv€' for thell' tllls IS atl lnl~ortant all)elt t1ll11atmed bell\",Íl t reaul tln~ froro the Cassava Program Al! IDlportant contrlbutlon of th€' Program wlnch ueually goee unmentlOnE'd lS the J:elnforcement oí the marl,et for freslJ, Nsaava As prevlously stated the Program has eonc€'ntrat€'d on cassava productloll for feed C'ollsequently the lmproved varlety Saban€'ra tbat INI! re leaaed ln B1geO was l10t bl'€'tl for lta pallatatcl11 ty 01' response to otller d€'alrable tralta for hUlllatl cOllatUUptlon In compal'ldOn to customary varletles thl.3 new varlety IS 1>\\?rcelved by farmer.3 as IDor€' r€'Sllltant to plagu€'d hut IDOrE' fIbrous and woody Henee <;abatlera gellerallv lfl lesil suited for the preparatIon of aome dlah€'s Thea€' tra1ts nevertheles6 hav .. llüt prevented the us€' of flnely shredded SalxUlera mly€'d WI th corn dough 1ll the malung of tort lIlas '!'be relE'vanc€' of the cassava produced lmder the Pl ogr aro III the tortIlla ma.hlllg bUSIness lS partlallv llld10at\",d by the fact thdt prlvate tradera buy truck loads 0f l\"abatIera for thia purwse At preaellt, caasava rroduC'bd III HUlmanmullo 11J belng \"old ln th€' should be recalled that 1'r10r to the C'reation of the Program r€'s€'arC'h on alUlual cultlvar3 was v1rtually lJOn-exlstellt In TabasC'o On1\" l11vestlgatlollS on ¡,aatures for beef rroductloll were bE'lng C'arr1ed out by CSAT Th1s llllhC'atea the rE'latlvel\" low 1Jlvolvement of 1.hE' gOH'rllIDent 1n the development of agr1C~u1ture 1n the etate ni' to that POlllt w.lth the exceptlOn of tJle Grllalba and C1lOntalpa development achemes In thHI settlllg the C'assava Progranl helghtE'lled thE' awareness of state (\\fflclals oí 1.he manv poasllüe contrlbutlolJa that th€' troplcal zone could grallt to the nat10n as a whole C' gallled natlOnal vla1blllty for Tabasco and southern l'!exlC'o The Program was 1.he most lmportant C'atalyst for goverllmental lntereat ln agrlculture for the entll\"e reglon ln thE' early 19808 Hence lt llldlrE'C'tly contnbutE'd to the devE'loJoment of many ('ropa lmder the allsj,lces of offlclal lnstltutlons CE'rtalnly a cl'lhoal mass of organl~at1011s alld resourC'es that WE'rE' lltll'leat.ed arOlmd eassava were eventually us€'d for other alUlUal erOleS Slmllarly a good deal of tE'emucal peraollllel who today 1401'1' w1th other C'ult1 vars galnE'd the1r In aynthea1s the (aasava Program has C'ontrlbuted 1.0 the devdopment of Tabasco on several areas It made ].oslllble the lllcorporatlon of lUlderntJ.l1:::ed lalId luto eorumerclal 1roduC'tlOIl and wa5 llllltrumental In t11e C'reatlOll of Joba for rural 1nhabltants The program served as a eatalY5t for the state to bluld roads and brldges alld broe.den the scope of agrIcultural 1'roductlon 111 the reglOll Flllally If reIllforced the supply of foodstuff for rural aud tlrban dwellel s When the Program ¡olas ereated Ul Sonthea3t I1E' there had been relatlvely httle Justorv 111 ¡.roductJ.on and uhllzatlOn of the cailsava root tlost cassava was producE'd ln .'lmall qUallt 1 In r1nv areas w~ tllln the farmers -r 10t5 (,enE'ral1y, farmera u5E'd e1ther a team of horiles ol' oxen to draw the plow 01' small tractora l1allual w€'edll1g and harveatmg were usua11y aseoC'lated wltll thlS C'rop The !lorm was to use no chemlcal fertll1zerB alld appl1ea to caaaava liroductlon 1n areas outs1de the Program's doma111 TIma the Program necessarlly d\",flned demand 111 ter'llls of 1'Otentlal demand The argulllE'nt was that MeY1CO was llOt self-sufflc1ent 1n the pl:'OductlOl1 of carlA.,hydratea Al though some 8 5 mülol13 of tOI1S of corl1 and 5 5 nnllon3 of tons of sorghtllll had been produced yearly In thE' early 197013, Me .. nco had been forced to 1Dlport 2 llllllon tons of corn and ;:'50 thousand tons of aorghum At that t:une thE'SE' lIDj,-orts aDlO\\Ulted ta alDlost &20 000 dollare It was reclroned that 1f Me'nco aould prodna\", cassava theae lIDporta could be at least reduced In order to substItute half of the lmporta however ME'X1CO had to establlah over 100,000 haa At that tIme there were some 3 OUO has cultlvated to casaava most of them III Chlapas state Southeastern MeY1CO was 1mportlllg gralnfeed for SW1lle and poultrv The Program's goala unmodlfled Slnce 1977 called for a sharp Illcrease 1n tIle ¡.roduct1on areas and product 1 V1 ty of cassava Wl tlun a very DllUllClpalltl€'s of It short t.lme ¡''E'nod In 1H77, the Prugram a.lmE\"d at hann\" 120 000 hectares 111ltlal expertlse t11rough thelr lnvolvemE'nt 1n tlle Cas8ava Program \\Ulder caasava ¡,roductl011 1v 1983 "},{"text":"fJtab~lltv of ca\",sava LrQductlvD .. 1.1nder the PrQgré\\m lB vfry law WhlCh amOtUlted to tl$5 per lnlogram oi the root harvest€'d CO.3ts for other ltems :lll the budg€'t have been obta:med from two rt'1orts 011 tIllo' d€'veloPID€'nt of the program by SARH and SEDES (J (J and ecollODllcally fWlCtlOlllllg at full capaclty TIms caS3ava 1'1anted In 1981 was harvested w 1983 and Aa a r€'sult the j,<>tent.lal complem€'lltarl ty and ecollODllcally fWlCtlOlllllg at full capaclty TIms caS3ava 1'1anted In 1981 was harvested w 1983 and Aa a r€'sult the j,<>tent.lal complem€'lltarl ty sold dlrectly by farmers as a vegetable for human consulllb tlon of fuel -ancl slm-hai3€'d ¡;rnCe8i3lng t€'chnologle8 has b€'en mlsi3ed De3P te the sold dlrectly by farmers as a vegetable for human consulllb tlon of fuel -ancl slm-hai3€'d ¡;rnCe8i3lng t€'chnologle8 has b€'en mlsi3edDe3P te the lack of a rehable and eO.'lt-effectlve yroces:51llg teclmology and the absenee lack of a rehable and eO.'lt-effectlve yroces:51llg teclmology and the absenee of llllkages In th fec-d processors Program offle1al3 enC\"Ouraged an lllcreroent 30th metllnds oi cassava drYIng \"re currently oP€'rahng well below of llllkages In th fec-d processors Program offle1al3 enC\"Ouraged an lllcreroent 30th metllnds oi cassava drYIng \"re currently oP€'rahng well below ln caasava [>ruduet1oll thelr ca].aC1 tles The drYIng lXltIns have never rrocessed over 10 tons of On.. hundred and four hectarea were eult1vated 1n ln caasava [>ruduet1oll thelr ca].aC1 tles The drYIng lXltIns have never rrocessed over 10 tons of On.. hundred and four hectarea were eult1vated 1n 1981 fresh cassava a day w]uch wnuld be thelr e'q.>ect1?'d top j.>€'rfor'IDanc€' One year late!' '227 hectarea wert culhvated and 852 heC'tar€-a w€-re Also 1981 fresh cassava a day w]uch wnuld be thelr e'q.>ect1?'d top j.>€'rfor'IDanc€' One year late!' '227 hectarea wert culhvated and 852 heC'tar€-a w€-re Also planted w 1983 the guall ty of th€' lrocessed 1 roduct 16 st111 v€'ry uneven By 1982 the groul of 80 farmera who lmtlat€-d the The IndustrIal planted w 1983 the guall ty of th€' lrocessed 1 roduct 16 st111 v€'ry uneven By 1982 the groul of 80 farmera who lmtlat€-d the The IndustrIal Program deelllled to oontllmE' prouuc:lllg caa3ava under Ita ,hr€-ctlon plants .3tlll flUlchon at very low leve 16 of €'C'onom1C efhclenCy wlth 10H Slllee Program deelllled to oontllmE' prouuc:lllg caa3ava under Ita ,hr€-ctlon plants .3tlll flUlchon at very low leve 16 of €'C'onom1C efhclenCy wlth 10H Slllee the so11 was alreadv l'rerared for enl tlvatlon outputa Th€' estImated costs oí prOdtK'lng one ton of c'aili3aVa flour In the ext€-1l310n agents were the so11 was alreadv l'rerared for enl tlvatlon outputa Th€' estImated costs oí prOdtK'lng one ton of c'aili3aVa flour In the ext€-1l310n agents were draft.,d to plant C'assava 11l3t€'ad of th€' farmers plants are 50% ]ugllel than lts conlIDerclal krIce A ll1gh lllcldence of The planta ar€' proceSSlllg draft.,d to plant C'assava 11l3t€'ad of th€' farmers plants are 50% ]ugllel than lts conlIDerclal krIceA ll1gh lllcldence of The planta ar€' proceSSlllg bacteno,ns contrlbuted to a dechne In Yl€'lds som€' 14 tons Di ir esh cassava P€'r day about 80% lower than th€'l!' In 1983 l t was necessary bacteno,ns contrlbuted to a dechne In Yl€'lds som€' 14 tons Di ir esh cassava P€'r day about 80% lower than th€'l!' In 1983 l t was necessary to use a ml>' of local varlebes vanetle.'l froro Centla Tab l.Il addl hOll to orlglnally advertlaed ca¡:aclty Once teclllllcal and ad1ll1111stratlve to use a ml>' of local varlebes vanetle.'l froro Centla Tab l.Il addl hOll to orlglnally advertlaed ca¡:aclty Once teclllllcal and ad1ll1111stratlve the new varlety CAbanera adJustm\",nts are comlleted lt lS ex-pected that th€'lr prOCeSs111g ].>€'rformance Plant1ng lasted tlll l1areh 111 the mldst of the the new varlety CAbanera adJustm\",nts are comlleted lt lS ex-pected that th€'lr prOCeSs111g ].>€'rformance Plant1ng lasted tlll l1areh 111 the mldst of the dry seasoll and then contllmed from Jlrne to August wlll be con:31d€'rahly hlgl1€'r By now t:>a.'laava was dry seasoll and then contllmed from Jlrne to August wlll be con:31d€'rahly hlgl1€'rBy now t:>a.'laava was partly dl'led at INIA-.5 dl'vmg 1Ilant and loal'tly stoI'€'d 111 sIlos 111 tne partly dl'led at INIA-.5 dl'vmg 1Ilant and loal'tly stoI'€'d 111 sIlos 111 tne n,ng!lborlllg Plan C110ntaha Thus th€' Program waa characterlzed by a austaJ.n€'d TIH? 20nstl'UctlOn 11f another drvln¡:¡ plant effort n,ng!lborlllg Plan C110ntaha Thus th€' Program waa characterlzed by a austaJ.n€'d TIH? 20nstl'UctlOn 11f another drvln¡:¡ plant effort atat'ted 111 1983 but 1 t was never ftlllt:>tlonal lnsofar as ¡.,roduct Ion lS coneernE'd but a rather lm~rovlsed and atat'ted 111 1983 but 1 t was never ftlllt:>tlonal lnsofar as ¡.,roduct Ion lS coneernE'd but aratherlm~rovlsedand uncoordlnated effort on processlllg ami marl'etlng uncoordlnated effort onprocesslllg ami marl'etlng Althoug!l hve stllldrY1l1g rat lOS were bull t ln 1981 aJllOtrn t lllg to 1 400 Althoug!l hve stllldrY1l1g rat lOS were bull t ln 1981 aJllOtrn t lllg to 1 400 sq meters ln total they were not ¡:rov1ded \"11th chlpr>ers motors 1l01' other 611pplementary eqllll'ment naeded for thelr or>E'rat~oll TIms d1d not procesa ca3sava trntll 19&3 At the aaJ\\l€' tlme the Program dui not launch a much 2 The J r\\...,Every year an €'stlmated c,'st of Plodut'tl0n .'ltatement la prepal €'d bv sq meters ln total they were not ¡:rov1ded \"11th chlpr>ers motors 1l01' other 611pplementary eqllll'ment naeded for thelr or>E'rat~oll TIms d1d not procesa ca3sava trntll 19&3 At the aaJ\\l€' tlme the Program dui not launch a much 2 The J r\\...,Every year an €'stlmated c,'st of Plodut'tl0n .'ltatement la prepal €'d bv needed strollg campalgn to render farroer3 awaI'€' of the potent lals of the offlcers of SARH for C'Oll:'nderatlOll lW Ballrural and .8NAGSA staff UPOn needed strollg campalgn to render farroer3 awaI'€' of the potent lals of the offlcers of SARH for C'Oll:'nderatlOll lW Ballrural and .8NAGSA staff UPOn :3lmdryll1g and COllsumera knowledgaable of the usea of drled t:>aS3ava lts apPloval Banrural agrees to grallt C'redlt for the ('rOf' and .8NAGSA TIns :3lmdryll1g and COllsumera knowledgaable of the usea of drled t:>aS3ava lts apPloval Banrural agrees to grallt C'redlt for the ('rOf' and .8NAGSA TIns sltuatlOll lasted túl 1964 l!laUrea thla lJlv€'stment when prOCe.3S1ng l)egan ln two ¡,atlOs It lS th€' norm te) estlmate th€' costa of la,ld Actlve sltuatlOll lasted túl 1964 l!laUrea thla lJlv€'stmentwhen prOCe.3S1ng l)egan ln two ¡,atlOs It lS th€' norm te) estlmate th€' costa of la,ld Actlve Oj..€nlng of marlet outlets for processed cassava was at1ll 11lexlstent preparatlOll rIantlllg fertlhzatlon and \"leed control accordlllg to Oj..€nlng of marlet outlets for processed cassava was at1ll 11lexlstent preparatlOll rIantlllg fertlhzatlon and \"leed control accordlllg to though prevalhng cornmerclal rat€'.3 Pl'ocesst'd caS3ava wa3 301d to the now c10sed eSA! Tlle costa oí plagu€' control and harvestlng In 1985 as a though prevalhng cornmerclal rat€'.3 Pl'ocesst'd caS3ava wa3 301d to the now c10sed eSA! Tlle costa oí plagu€' control and harvestlng In 1985 as a emerged however are not real or even lOiHllhle re3ul t of the Ca3sava glut a rellewed lntere.'lt III cassava sUlldr Y lng 2 that are 1nc luded ln the budget The Progrdlll buút 10 more Pcltlos thl'l tlro .. dlllountUlgS to 12,000 ro total costs TIl€'y are sU1'1>osed to reJ.>resent unl.nowll f1gure.3 that l<Ill varv due emerged however are not real or even lOiHllhle re3ul t of the Ca3sava glut a rellewed lntere.'lt III cassava sUlldr Y lng 2 that are 1nc luded ln the budget The Progrdlll buút 10 more Pcltlos thl'l tlro .. dlllountUlgS to 12,000 ro total costs TIl€'y are sU1'1>osed to reJ.>resent unl.nowll f1gure.3 that l<Ill varv due For these Pcltcos however to lJlflatloll It la llIlPosslble to maJre thesE' cal('t!latlons alll('e th€' perloJ onlv 7 hed rhlt~ers dnd only 6 hetd moto!'s to For these Pcltcos however to lJlflatloll It la llIlPosslble to maJre thesE' cal('t!latlons alll('e th€' perloJ onlv 7 hed rhlt~ers dnd only 6 hetd moto!'s to operate the (h1PPPrS before harvest Dlay last Uf' to two years due to problema In flndlnge maryet Neme oi thf> Pdt 10S bull t h1 therto had \"ooden operate the (h1PPPrS before harvest Dlay last Uf' to two years due to problema In flndlnge maryet Neme oi thf> Pdt 10S bull t h1 therto had \"ooden rdckets\", a welgh1Y!g seal., plaót1e eover for' the produrt, shovels dlld wheel outlets or restr1C'tlons In tlle J roC'es:3lng capaclty of the Program B€'eause rdckets\", a welgh1Y!g seal., plaót1e eover for' the produrt, shovels dlld wheel outlets or restr1C'tlons In tlle J roC'es:3lng capaclty of the Program B€'eause cdrts of the \\lse of slleh estlDlatlOna the flgures that th€' offlc1al budgets guot€' All oi thes\" toole are ees\"ntldl for the pfflC1ent opprat10n of a cdrts of the \\lse of slleh estlDlatlOna the flgures that th€' offlc1al budgets guot€' All oi thes\" toole are ees\"ntldl for the pfflC1ent opprat10n of a PdtlO serlously und€'rrat€' the real costa of som€' actlv1tles and h€'110€' r1?'duce the The 81tudtlon of unavd.lldbllltv of crpd1t dnd mark\"t demand for PdtlO serlously und€'rrat€' the real costa of som€' actlv1tles and h€'110€' r1?'duce the The 81tudtlon of unavd.lldbllltv of crpd1t dnd mark\"t demand for processed cassaVd perslsted total cost of l'rOductloll TIl€' e'oste of harvestlllg on€' hectar€' of ca8sava Even under these rond:Ltlons 211 tons of processed cassaVd perslsted total cost of l'rOductloll TIl€' e'oste of harvestlllg on€' hectar€' of ca8sava Even under these rond:Ltlons 211 tons of dned CdSSdJd wer\" obta1ned ln 1985 are for mstance fre'luently atat€'d at one-third th€' dallv rate pel' In 19'36 lknrurdl gaV'\" cred1.t for the dned CdSSdJd wer\" obta1ned ln 1985 are for mstance fre'luently atat€'d at one-third th€' dallv rate pel' In 19'36 lknrurdl gaV'\" cred1.t for the o:peratlon o\"f ,>ome Pcltws for th\" fust tlllle laborer Part of thls cred1.t was o:peratlon o\"f ,>ome Pcltws for th\" fust tlllle laborerPart of thls cred1.t was d¡verted by fdrmera for the purchas.. of toals n\"pded for o:perdt10n \"hlrh d¡verted by fdrmera for the purchas.. of toals n\"pded for o:perdt10n \"hlrh were not provuled bv th .. Prüg'rdlll R.,.al harvest C'oat hay€' be€'n used to elaborat€' TabIe 1 WlllCh shows the t1edl1Wh11e extenslon \"gents could not were not provuled bv th .. Prüg'rdlll R.,.al harvest C'oat hay€' be€'n used to elaborat€' TabIe 1 WlllCh shows the t1edl1Wh11e extenslon \"gents could not By provldp ter!mlcdl B'>S1stdnce dup to a IdcK of trans¡~rtatl0n v .. hlcles costs of prOdUClJ1g cassava and 1 ts returns tUlder th€' program durlllg the By provldp ter!mlcdl B'>S1stdnce dup to a IdcK of trans¡~rtatl0n v .. hlcles costs of prOdUClJ1g cassava and 1 ts returns tUlder th€' program durlllg the 1981 the Prograro was no lOll'ier au agrolndustrlal l'asaava prog; aro 1ut !leSPltp these con5trdlnts 7b3 tons of drled Cdsaav\" were produced ln 15 1985-86 1981 the Prograro was no lOll'ier au agrolndustrlal l'asaava prog; aro 1ut !leSPltp these con5trdlnts 7b3 tons of drled Cdsaav\" were produced ln 15 1985-86 rather a ca,asava J roductlon one pat10s ln 1986 At the end of 21986 7 mor~ patlOS were lncorporated 1nto TllE' goals were d\"flned In tE'rms of rather a ca,asava J roductlon one pat10s ln 1986 At the end of 21986 7 mor~ patlOS were lncorporated 1nto TllE' goals were d\"flned In tE'rms of expand:lllg th\", area lmder productloll the Program totalllng 14 000 ID Ollly 011€' of th€'lll had clüpl-er and motor PruductIoll was Ilot perc€'lved as olle expand:lllg th\", area lmder productloll the Program totalllng 14 000 ID Ollly 011€' of th€'lll had clüpl-er and motor PruductIoll was Ilot perc€'lved as olle etep In a clla11l Wh1Ch ('omprlsed proc€'SSlllg and marheting None of them had the reqlur€'d sup¡.ort tools By l1arch 1987 thH! sltuatlOll The alD! was not etep In a clla11l Wh1Ch ('omprlsed proc€'SSlllg and marheting None of them had the reqlur€'d sup¡.ort tools By l1arch 1987 thH! sltuatlOll The alD! was not 1;0 produce atllroal feeel wlnch WAS acce¡,..ted 111 tlle roarlq>t but lnstead tú \"las flnall;' CO! rect€'d All 17 l-oat10S were gl V€'11 tl1t' reqtnred lnstrument s 1;0 produce atllroal feeel wlnch WAS acce¡,..ted 111 tlle roarlq>t but lnstead tú \"las flnall;' CO! rect€'d All 17 l-oat10S were gl V€'11 tl1t' reqtnred lnstrument s produce cassava for thelr 110rlllal o[>eratlon Another SOllr('€, of dIstort1on was the Program' s def1nltlon produce cassava for thelr 110rlllal o[>eratlon Another SOllr('€, of dIstort1on was the Program' s def1nltlon of productlon taSY5 501e 1 y around technleal cOl1l'erllS Very 11 tt le E\"ffort of productlon taSY5 501e 1 y around technleal cOl1l'erllSVery 11 tt le E\"ffort was devoted to em'ouraglng the actlve and ¡,rofltabl€' ¡,..art1C'11atlon of Durmg the l'ast y€'ar Prngr am staff have asslgned a lUg!l prlon ty farmers III the Prograro status to gett:l.llg the tWlJ 1ndustrlal procesalllg plants ll1to full operatloll was devoted to em'ouraglng the actlve and ¡,rofltabl€' ¡,..art1C'11atlon of Durmg the l'ast y€'ar Prngr am staff have asslgned a lUg!l prlon ty farmers III the Prograro status to gett:l.llg the tWlJ 1ndustrlal procesalllg plants ll1to full operatloll Th1S focus howev€'r has lnadvertedl;r conveyed to farmel's th€' 11otl0n that In 1981 lt was eXl~l'ted for an artlfJ.clal drYlllg plant c-perated these arE' mutually eV'clualve t€'chnologle.'l Sorne l'atlo oyerators have Th1S focus howev€'r has lnadvertedl;r conveyed to farmel's th€' 11otl0n that In 1981 lt was eXl~l'ted for an artlfJ.clal drYlllg plant c-perated these arE' mutually eV'clualve t€'chnologle.'l Sorne l'atlo oyerators have exPel'lmt'ntally by INIA to ¡\"roce3S reported that they reduced or cornl'letelv ceas€'d sundrYlng cassava ln a11 the eassava producE'd under the exPel'lmt'ntally by INIA to ¡\"roce3S reported that they reduced or cornl'letelv ceas€'d sundrYlng cassava ln a11 the eassava producE'd under the Program response to off1c1al Clalnla that the lrocesslng [>lallts would soon be 1'1115 dryl11S plant turllE'd out to be IneffE'chv€' both ted'.l1lCallv Program response to off1c1al Clalnla that the lrocesslng [>lallts would soon be 1'1115 dryl11S plant turllE'd out to be IneffE'chv€' both ted'.l1lCallv "},{"text":" Ba11j{ lre.3enteu ¡ti! flr.3t report 011 farmers acCotUlts ll\" the SlX years of the C'ommerolal program reglstered 111 three d1fferent 11lstl tutlOl13 1'1'101' tb, turl1J.llg 1n theu reglstered 111 three d1fferent 11lstl tutlOl13 1'1'101' tb, turl1J.llg 1n theu appllcatloll Tlns ¡,roces3 req\\l1res frequent tr1ps to V1llahermosa and appllcatlollTlns ¡,roces3 req\\l1res frequent tr1ps to V1llahermosa and Cardenas and lml,lv relatlvely long 1'1altlng ¡,.erlods alld cons1derable Cardenas and lml,lv relatlvely long 1'1altlng ¡,.erlods alld cons1derable expellSe¡¡ far thE' farlllers expellSe¡¡ far thE' farlllers dHlaggregate dHlaggregate lllfOrmatlOn for l11dlVlduals In eJldos Yet, frequentlv farmeu! entltled to lllfOrmatlOn for l11dlVlduals In eJldosYet, frequentlv farmeu! entltled to lndlvldual accotmts as colollos equallv 19l1ore the detalls of their lndlvldual accotmts ascolollosequallv 19l1ore the detalls of their aC'count.3 Furthermore farmers C'omv1a1n that th€' Bank daeil not reglster aC'count.3Furthermore farmers C'omv1a1n that th€' Bank daeil not reglster thelr repayments and thus th€'y cOlltlnne to pay lntereet.3 011 thE' total thelr repayments andthus th€'y cOlltlnne to pay lntereet.3 011 thE' total capltal l€'llt TlllS hai! 1,)eE'l1 the case far ¡;roducE'rs wllo sold thelr erop to capltal l€'lltTlllS hai! 1,)eE'l1 the case far ¡;roducE'rs wllo sold thelr erop to 11ldepende11t buver3 b,tt espeC'lallv those who traded wlth the Chontalpli 11ldepende11t buver3b,tt espeC'lallv those who traded wlth the Chontalpli 5110s The Banl does 1l0t IS3ue penodlC balanoe statE'IDents but rather 5110sThe Banl does 1l0t IS3ue penodlC balanoe statE'IDents but rather yearly atatements Even tlllS agreement has not been fulfllled In yearly atatementsEven tlllS agreement has not been fulfllledIn November 1986 the Farmers have dlfflC'l1ltv 111 understand1l1g the hanl' s bal&llC'e November 1986 the Farmers havedlfflC'l1ltv 111understand1l1g thehanl' sbal&llC'e statements aa do the Program staff who are well edu('atea and relatlvely statements aa do the Program staff who are well edu('atea and relatlvely fallllhar tuth aCl'Otllltlng proc<f'durt\"s Thls crea tes a .ntuatloll wher€' the fallllhar tuth aCl'Otllltlng proc<f'durt\"sThls crea tes a .ntuatloll wher€' the farmers C'ontt 01 of thelr acC'otU1t la nea11v non-exlstant ThlS leaus to farmers C'ontt 01 of thelr acC'otU1t la nea11v non-exlstantThlS leaus to extreme frustratlon and dUltrust regardlng the Program 0'1 the part of the extreme frustratlon and dUltrust regardlng the Program 0'1 the part of the producers producers Bam nral' s regulatlons reslllt Bam nral' sregulatlonsreslllt "},{"text":"hao heen unable tú eatabll.311 a strQng WSltlQP III tbe market Up to the ]>resent Banrural has bE'en full v repald onlv for the loans extended for tlle flrst two productloll cvcles DUrlng the flrst vear, SARH ¡.ald the debt on bellalf of the farmers III exchange for cassava stake.3 SEDES cancelled the second vear-s debt wlth pavment ln 1111d by provldlllg aeeess to maelunerv for land prel'aratlon durlng the 1985-86 eyele ¡.;ercent of the loans of the 198:J-84 cycle and the loans of the 1984-85 and 1985-86 cvcles are ¡:ast due and farmE'rs have been charged dellnquent lnterest ratea Also the ¡¡tate goVel'llment \"ranted farmers vlrtuallv lnterest frE'e ¡,roductlOn 10ans dur1l1g the 1983-84 and 1984-85 agrlC'ultural eveles Onlv 11% of the 1983-84 loana have b\"en repald (ef Tabasco GoblE'rnO del Estado 1907 80-88) of these default cases are related to th€' fact that farmers have not been able to harvest wJ.thln the vear-long tlm€' llnll t 0)1 loan 1 Meo of CJll:tJ.llJáted d.I\\¡:L~6ted CJ;I.l;saya, IIp to .Iu Jy~'l These de lava m harvestlng llave fUllCt lOned as a \"1aY to COplllg ya th the oyereupply of large volnmes of fresh 01' processed cassava Tlle lacl~ of a sotmd market for cassava In hen of ldellt lfYlllg J,>Otentlal caasava buvera the ¡\"rogl'am has cOl1centrat.~d Ita sales Wl tlllll a verv small gr0\\ll' of buvers Drled caS3ava has been sold to t\",o factorl~.3 WhlCh produce f€'ed 1Il Yucata.n (SAN,iOR alld ALBAMEX) a grOUl-of f~~d pl'oducel'a frc1m Pu~bla It lS 11lll1kelv, haw€'ver that the aolutloll wlll come troro Ballrural Al thoug'h the banl, mav OJ,.'811 cr~dlt accounts for 8110 ol'eratora to purchase cassava the 10arls are 111 lractlce on1y effectlve after a long and laborlou5 1!'OCE'S8 Sorne 8110s are autllorl::ed bv Banrural olllv a fral'tlon of th€' 0redlt rE'qu€'ste(l to operate at full caral'l ty At th€' .3anlE' tIme caa8ava lir'odueel\"s al\"e frequentlv forced to advance dellverles of casaava to the allos months before the 6:110 oJ,,>€'rators arE' actuallv E'ytended the CrE'dlt As a result entlre cargos 01' large fractlons thereof are bought en erec'!l t from .3Jllall produ('ers who ('an J.ll afford awaülng pavment In Aprl.l 1987 the sllo o¡,erators had 1l0t paúl to thE' caSilava 1'roduct'rs the egluva1ent of aome 1 850 tona of cassava wluen thE'v had ¡;urchasE'd on eredl t 'lla, lt wl11 be eytremE'lv lmportant, 1n the long rtul for credlt sources other than Banrural's ta be E'xPlorE'd lf tlllS banh doea not radlcally lmprove Ita parforman('e TIle core of the Program's c-onatralnts la th€' lach of mark€'t5 for casaava rather than a reduced proceaalng capacltv TIl€' llle71stence of a strong market t.o meet lnCrenl€'nts In c-asaava 1'rodu,'t Ion hé'.5 crE'atE'd an ever eyPandlng atod r of ca5sava TIlla sltuatlon has cOlltrlbuted to creatlng an ImprE'SSlOn that thE' Program's drvIng vatIOS ar€' lIlad€'quate and lIleffectlve TIl€' ¡:ro¡;oaed solutlon, then lS to drv cassava In llldustrlsl pIe.nte In J,!'actlce Tdble 2 Banrural-s dlrect or lndlrect lnvol VemE'llt In In J,!'actlce Tdble 2Banrural-sdlrect orlndlrectlnvol VemE'lltIn commerclall:::ang cassava has becorue a gr\",ater' halnlltv tban asset Although the Its commerclall:::ang cassava has becorue a gr\",ater' halnlltv tban asset Although the Its partlclj,'ahon has slowed down the se11mg l.'rocess bv wltbl¡oldlng purchaslng socIal costs of tIna decIsI011 have bE'ell lugh especlallv III tenus of partlclj,'ahon has slowed down the se11mg l.'rocess bv wltbl¡oldlng purchaslng socIal costs of tIna decIsI011 have bE'ell lugh especlallv III tenus of capItal, rE'strlctlng sales to a dlscouraglng tllE' farm€>rs' dlrE'ct sale of th€>u' produce rE'duced SE'lectlon of buyers, Aleo Slnce the and HECTARES IO\"1erl.llg farmer moral e lt,,3 economlC coets have be€'1l relatlvely low apart Tona from credlt costa By 11l1t harveshng 2 300 hectares cu1tlvated to cassava capItal, rE'strlctlng sales to a dlscouraglng tllE' farm€>rs' dlrE'ct sale of th€>u' produce rE'duced SE'lectlon of buyers, Aleo Slnce the and HECTARES IO\"1erl.llg farmer moral e lt,,3 economlC coets have be€'1l relatlvely low apart Tona from credlt costa By 11l1t harveshng 2 300 hectares cu1tlvated to cassava Ban1-8 statemellts are frequently lllaC'curate verv few debt.'i have been cancelled regardless of th\" llldustrloualless of thE' farruers TIlE' Cvcle Cultlvdted Harvested Unharvested F\",üure Ton/ba have been put on hold Hdr'veated -~----._---~-one year earher Undoubtedlv few l!rodueers wl11 rE'Dlall1 to Ban1-8 statemellts are frequently lllaC'curate verv few debt.'i have been cancelled regardless of th\" llldustrloualless of thE' farruers TIlE' Cvcle Cultlvdted Harvested Unharvested F\",üure Ton/ba have been put on hold Hdr'veated -~----._---~-one year earher Undoubtedlv few l!rodueers wl11 rE'Dlall1 to combl11at:lOn of theae CH'CUBlatanCE'S has at'rlously reduced the farBlers Processlllg has been the Program's secolld beat approach tn handlIng contlnue th<?lr COIDlllerClal transa('tlons Wl th sl10 oparatore lilll€'se vavment combl11at:lOn of theae CH'CUBlatanCE'S has at'rlously reduced the farBlers Processlllg has been the Program's secolld beat approach tn handlIng contlnue th<?lr COIDlllerClal transa('tlons Wl th sl10 oparatore lilll€'se vavment enthufnasru for the P!'ogranl 1981-82 104 101 casaava oversupplles Thlrtv pereellt of all the cassaya harvested has been 3 18 1 818 condltlona arE' lDl1'roved Tllla sltuatlon has a strong llE'gatlve lIDlact on enthufnasru for the P!'ogranl 1981-82 104 101 casaava oversupplles Thlrtv pereellt of all the cassaya harvested has been 3 18 1 818 condltlona arE' lDl1'roved Tllla sltuatlon has a strong llE'gatlve lIDlact on 1982-83 uaed as feed for the Plan Chontalpa J 199E'rH:S 227 212 the Program'a market Slllc-e lt lS cllt1cal to solvE' tllE' 1'lan Ghontalpa's 15 14 2 3 010 There ar€' 10 sllna In the 1982-83 uaed as feed for the Plan Chontalpa J 199E'rH:S 227 212 the Program'a market Slllc-e lt lS cllt1cal to solvE' tllE' 1'lan Ghontalpa's 15 14 2 3 010 There ar€' 10 sllna In the In addltlon most Bank loalla for cassava prOdu.:'tlon havE' re¡.resented 1983-84 ,352 843 9 117 9 863 Plan Chontalpa area each \"'1 th a stnrage Cal?aCl ty of 1 200 tons of fresh eredl t hmltatl< In addltlon most Bank loalla for cassava prOdu.:'tlon havE' re¡.resented 1983-84 ,352 843 9 117 9 863 Plan Chontalpa area each \"'1 th a stnrage Cal?aCl ty of 1 200 tons of fresh eredl t hmltatl< h1gh flscal eyPendlture for the Banks 1984-85 2,404 1 '577 5 826 5 The Program-a loan recU)?E'ratlOn 12 6 19 877 eassava, but ollly flve of theae ,31103 were actuallv used for 1,roceSSlllg the h1gh flscal eyPendlture for the Banks 1984-85 2,404 1 '577 5 826 5 The Program-a loan recU)?E'ratlOn 12 6 19 877 eassava, but ollly flve of theae ,31103 were actuallv used for 1,roceSSlllg the rate 1.3 eYCeedlngly 10\"1 1985-86 667 roots The Program also lIsed eaasava drVlllg as a \"1ay to both prevellt the 191 5 433 '5 42 1i 4 2 183 rate 1.3 eYCeedlngly 10\"1 1985-86 667 roots The Program also lIsed eaasava drVlllg as a \"1ay to both prevellt the 191 5 433 '5 42 1i 4 2 183 1988-87 erop's spollage and create a ne'\" marketable product 1086 108b Sorne 5 590 tons of 1988-87 erop's spollage and create a ne'\" marketable product 1086 108bSorne 5 590 tons of fresh cassava were stmdrlE'd and addl tlollal 1 670 tona WE're drled 111 two fresh cassava were stmdrlE'd and addl tlollal 1 670 tona WE're drled 111 two Total large llldustnal plants 5,340 2 925 TlllS amounts to lb% and 4% of the total cassava 2 346 89 1J5 36 751 ---harveated r~spectlvely Total large llldustnal plants 5,340 2 925 TlllS amounts to lb% and 4% of the total cassava 2 346 89 1J5 36 751 ---harveated r~spectlvely The most lIDl'Ortant obstac le howevel', has remalJ1€'d th~ plan The most lIDl'Ortant obstac lehowevel', has remalJ1€'d th~plan ChontalJ,.<a J;J.ggery oJ,erators alld FER!1lTh an enterl'r1.5e wlnch 16 currently ChontalJ,.<a J;J.ggery oJ,erators alld FER!1lThan enterl'r1.5e wlnch 16 currently In the 1981-87 yerlod IndustrIal al ternatlve 1I3eS for cassava 21 488 tons of freah cassava were marketed To date the yolumes In the 1981-87 yerlod IndustrIal al ternatlve 1I3eS for cassava 21 488 tons of freah cassava were marketed To date the yolumes t has GobIerno del Estado 1987 76) as l'resented :m ~old have beell 10\"1 and the pavments have bf'ell delaved through the Program (Tabasco t has GobIerno del Estado 1987 76) as l'resented :m ~old have beell 10\"1 and the pavments have bf'ell delaved through the Program (Tabasco often taken the Program over 24 montha to harvest cassava Table 3 In faC't half often taken the Program over 24 montha to harvest cassava Table 3In faC'thalf of the C'rop produced lUlder the Program over the vears t'€'maln to be Tlle program has not explored Ilew uses fol' ca6sava nur ne¡,¡ grOllPS of of the C'rop produced lUlder the Program over the vears t'€'maln to be Tlle program has not explored Ilew uses fol' ca6sava nur ne¡,¡ grOllPS of harvested (Table 2) TabIe 3 buvers who could be convlllced to SWItch amnlal f~ed for cassava Harvest delays have resulted es¡,-eC'l¡ülv from the (aa3ava outleta 1981-Llttle ol' harvested (Table 2) TabIe 3 buvers who could be convlllced to SWItch amnlal f~ed for cassava Harvest delays have resulted es¡,-eC'l¡ülv from the (aa3ava outleta 1981-Llttle ol' Program s lnablllty to fmd C'ommerelal outlt'ts for cassava and to a lesser 1987 no effol\"t has been made to educate others about thE' advantages of using Program s lnablllty to fmd C'ommerelal outlt'ts for cassava and to a lesser 1987 no effol\"t has been made to educate others about thE' advantages of using extent Banrural•s and Program staff's lmhDlely prOV1S1on of eredlt and cassava as anImal feed No rromotlollal compalgns \"ll th offers of free extent Banrural•s and Program staff's lmhDlely prOV1S1on of eredlt and cassava as anImal feed No rromotlollal compalgns \"ll th offers of free Blaehlnerv respeetlvely samples for ll1stam~e haa 'be€'n attempted In 5hort no attentlon has bepn Blaehlnerv respeetlvely samples for ll1stam~e haa 'be€'n attemptedIn 5hort no attentlon has bepn Relatlvelv few cases of eaS3ava loan dpfaults have resulted froID erop Outlet TOllS % pald to the needs 01 ¡,¡anta of the COll.3Umer5 Relatlvelv few cases of eaS3ava loan dpfaults have resulted froID erop Outlet TOllS % pald to the needs 01 ¡,¡anta of the COll.3Umer5 fallure due mostly to pest rroblems Althoug'h the s1103 bave bE'en the Progl aro' 8 DlOSt 1 ehable outlet In theorv, C'ro!:' fallure should not the fallure due mostly to pest rroblems Althoug'h the s1103 bave bE'en the Progl aro' 8 DlOSt 1 ehable outlet In theorv, C'ro!:' fallure should not the llave a negatlve lm¡,>aet on farmers' aC'C'ounts Slnce 0.11 the flelds w¡nch are SIlos 11 009 7 51 Program can not base üs strategv for cODllllerclal eX1,>anS10n on the S 1108 llave a negatlve lm¡,>aet on farmers' aC'C'ounts Slnce 0.11 the flelds w¡nch are SIlos 11 009 7 51 Program can not base üs strategv for cODllllerclal eX1,>anS10n on the S 1108 cultlvated wlth Banrurars eredlt are by law lllsured through ANAGSA DrYlng patws 5 586 8 26 alone As stated flve 0ut of tbe ten Plan ChontalJ,.<a sl103 are alrE'adv In cultlvated wlth Banrurars eredlt are by law lllsured through ANAGSA DrYlng patws 5 586 8 26 alone As stated flve 0ut of tbe ten Plan ChontalJ,.<a sl103 are alrE'adv In prachce uSlng cassava 11l thE'lr plggerl!?3 though leS6 than ~O% of thE' cases of ero!,> fallure are Fresh feed and vegetable \\.1 ~21 7 15 Fotlr uf the remallung 51108 lack roof\" prachce uSlng cassava 11l thE'lr plggerl!?3 though leS6 than ~O% of thE' cases of ero!,> fallure are Fresh feed and vegetable \\.1 ~21 7 15 Fotlr uf the remallung 51108 lack roof\" 111veshgated by ANAGSA Industrlal plants TIllS hal pens .3111ce ANAGSA> s 1nsUl anee coverage 1 670 O 8 and two 81108 alld thE'lr reapectlve p1ggE'rlE'S are abandoned Above aU the 111veshgated by ANAGSA Industrlal plants TIllS hal pens .3111ce ANAGSA> s 1nsUl anee coverage 1 670 O 8 and two 81108 alld thE'lr reapectlve p1ggE'rlE'S are abandoned Above aU the runs out twelve month.3 after the erop lS ¡,lanted s1108 are operat€'d by e¡ldo famers Non\", of the sIlos arE' sufflclentlv Yet there ha¿¡ never been runs out twelve month.3 after the erop lS ¡,lanted s1108 are operat€'d by e¡ldo famers Non\", of the sIlos arE' sufflclentlv Yet there ha¿¡ never been one slllgle year ln wh1eh C'assava has bE'en harvested W1 tlul) that twe 1 ve Dlonth graC'e ]>erlOd Henee farlllers do llOt beneflt from ANJiGSA,>s 1nsurrulce Total 21 488 2 100 capltahzE'd to buv large quantltlea of cassava one slllgle year ln wh1eh C'assava has bE'en harvested W1 tlul) that twe 1 ve Dlonth graC'e ]>erlOd Henee farlllers do llOt beneflt from ANJiGSA,>s 1nsurrulce Total 21 488 2 100 capltahzE'd to buv large quantltlea of cassava Glven t-he Plan Chontal¡;a's pre.3ent lacl, of funde l t 1.3 lml'robable Glven t-he Plan Chontal¡;a's pre.3ent lacl, of fundel t 1.3 lml'robable SIl1Ce Banrura1 113 ¡,r2marlly concE'rlled l<lth tbe re¡.ayment of Ita 10an8 1t has taken an extremely atrong' role In th€' sale of cassava Most of the crop lS comm€'rclall::ed throug}¡ tbe ban]r's ,1lrect 2ntervE'lltlun In thest! 4 The pace l'nth wlnch the crOl? has been sold howev€\"r has been exoeedlngly .3low As stated before, \\mder the Program CSS.3ava has never that the processlng capan tv of Its .31108 w111 E'xpand Actuallv lt mdV decrease In thE' neal tllture Kqanslon of SIlo o]..<eratlon dE']..<E'nds Oll SIlo operators havlllg access to credlt ol\" ralslllg thelr ow:n capital thl\"ough 1118 Program FroD\\ the Program's lnl'eptlon cODlruerclall:::atlon of cassa',ra haa been a been harvestE'd 1'11 Unn the rreacnbed 12 montha Harveat.lng has tah\"n place marketlllg of the rlgs th€'v grow SIl1Ce Banrura1 113 ¡,r2marlly concE'rlled l<lth tbe re¡.ayment of Ita 10an8 1t has taken an extremely atrong' role In th€' sale of cassava Most of the crop lS comm€'rclall::ed throug}¡ tbe ban]r's ,1lrect 2ntervE'lltlun In thest! 4 The pace l'nth wlnch the crOl? has been sold howev€\"r has been exoeedlngly .3low As stated before, \\mder the Program CSS.3ava has never that the processlng capan tv of Its .31108 w111 E'xpand Actuallv lt mdV decrease In thE' neal tllture Kqanslon of SIlo o]..<eratlon dE']..<E'nds Oll SIlo operators havlllg access to credlt ol\" ralslllg thelr ow:n capital thl\"ough 1118 Program FroD\\ the Program's lnl'eptlon cODlruerclall:::atlon of cassa',ra haa been a been harvestE'd 1'11 Unn the rreacnbed 12 montha Harveat.lng has tah\"n place marketlllg of the rlgs th€'v grow cases Banrural alao rrov2dE's C'redlt. to the cassava buvere Dla.lor challenge In faC't selllng the C'rop has bE'en the most erlppllllg Anoth€'r ellare froro 16 to ::!4 ruontha after llantlng whereas customarlly prouuced ca86ava cases Banrural alao rrov2dE's C'redlt. to the cassava buvere Dla.lor challenge In faC't selllng the C'rop has bE'en the most erlppllllg Anoth€'r ellare froro 16 to ::!4 ruontha after llantlng whereas customarlly prouuced ca86ava lS 601d 1nde¡.\",ndentl v of thE' bank but Banrural ,hscourages th\"s€' ty¡;.e;s of bottlellE'CF 1n Program expaJ1Slon Dt¡rl11g the flr.3t two vears no 15 harvested ti Dlontha after k'lantlng p¡ esentlv lS 601d 1nde¡.\",ndentl v of thE' bank but Banrural ,hscourages th\"s€' ty¡;.e;s of bottlellE'CF 1n Program expaJ1Slon Dt¡rl11g the flr.3t two vears no 15 harvested ti Dlontha after k'lantlng p¡ esentlv exchang€'5 3uhstant1al outlet for C'i\\3SaVa was HlentlfJ.ed and producenl w€'re fOl'ced to Tlle Idea la that lncome froDl cassava aal€'6 should bE' \\lsed fi! 6t exchang€'5 3uhstant1al outlet for C'i\\3SaVa was HlentlfJ.ed and producenl w€'re fOl'ced to Tlle Idea la that lncome froDl cassava aal€'6 should bE' \\lsed fi! 6t to repev tn€' ballY deht and onlv onc€' th\" d€'bt lS cancellE'd can the to repev tn€' ballY dehtand onlv onc€' th\" d€'bt lS cancellE'd can the remalnulg flmda be dlstr.lbuted amollg farDlera remalnulg flmda be dlstr.lbuted amollg farDlera "},{"text":"Table 5 Area under cult1vatlon dnd numbPr of Farmer Partl~lpant& ln the CdSsava Partl~lpant&ln theCdSsava Progrdffi by ryrle 1981 to 1986 Progrdffi by ryrle 1981 to 1986 Cvrle Hectdres Farmers CvrleHectdresFarmers 1981-82 104 20 1981-8210420 1982-83 227 67 1982-8322767 1983-84 852 92 1983-8485292 1984-85 2 404 206 1984-852 404206 1985-86 667 92 1985-8666792 1986-87 1 086 172 1986-871 086172 cyele and 94% lo1ned the program for two YPctrs or leas ( cyele and 94% lo1ned the program for two YPctrs or leas ( "},{"text":"Table 7 ) Thesp statlstlca reveal thdt th~ soclal foundatlon of the progrdm 18 extremely unstabIe Thu, lS a dl.sturblng ber.duse parado:ucallv the supposed mal.n beneflr;ldrles of the program are Gontlnuouslv pulllng out of lt As d re8ult of these GOndltlons even though the CasSdya Program ln Htnmangulllo 18 growlng ln tprm8 of numbPrs of farmprs dlld GOmmunl.tles partl.Glpatlng lt coulel soon reach d ~elllng WhlCh would prevent lts further growth Thla maX1IDUm l~l.t mdY well be determlued by the rate oí turnover among farmers dUd t\"01l'lIlUUltles (There 39 rommunltles:m the savannah of HUllllangulllo of WhlGh 23 dre el1dos and the rest coloules) Needless to say thla may dlso hlnd~r the expanSlOU of th~ totdl area devoted to rdsadVd product10nYet the program must dpvelop a atable experlenced and commltted masa of produGers te be ahle te ensure \"te self-susteudUce ,n the medlum to long run Although farmpra dre dware that th~re dre &tlll problema wlth ~rOGeSslng dnd selllng caSSdVd the two most 1m.Qrtdllt factors that explalus thp1r turnover are the Progrdll\\ s low profltd.bJ.htv rdJes and the prevalllug ~red1.t stru~ture "},{"text":" WhlCh ones have a good eost-beneflt ratIo lUld can be reasonally eXj'E'cted to be accel-'ted :111 a partlcular ruar!{et 3egInent 22 22 Table 7 complete powerlessnees Vls-a-V1S program Part1.Clpatlon pf farmera ln tlle Cassaya staff and aboye all bank Table 7 complete powerlessnees Vls-a-V1S program Part1.Clpatlon pf farmera ln tlle Cassaya staff and aboye allbank offlclals Program by agrle\\jltural eye)\", 1981-86 These condltlOlls fueled the partlclpatlng farmers' frustratlOns offlclalsProgram by agrle\\jltural eye)\", 1981-86 These condltlOlls fueled the partlclpatlng farmers' frustratlOns and paSSlve reslstallce to the Program pol:1CleS and paSSlve reslstallce to the Program pol:1CleS • • Cvcleil Sorne recommendatlons to overcome these shortconllllgs and contrlbute to No Farmers % the Program's exparlSlon lnto other areas beSldes Htnmanl1:lullo are glven Cvcleil Sorne recommendatlons to overcome these shortconllllgs and contrlbute to No Farmers % the Program's exparlSlon lnto other areas beSldes Htnmanl1:lullo are glven below below 1 532 El2 O 1532El2 O 1 2 The Program nmat carefullv 76 117 deflllE' expllc1t plarla for caasava 12 The Program nmat carefullv76117 deflllE' expllc1t plarla forcaasava 3 agrOlndllstrlal development 36 Its phaSlllg should be etated 5 5 It ShOllld 3 agrOlndllstrlal development36 Its phaSlllg should be etated 5 5It ShOllld 4 lnsure that productlon pl'OCesalng and marketlng are :1ntegrated and that 4 O 6 4 lnsure that productlon pl'OCesalng and marketlng are :1ntegrated and that 4 O 6 5 each of these componente eXl!ands 1n a balanced ruanner 1 O 2 Th\", goal w111 be 5 each of these componente eXl!ands 1n a balanced ruanner 1O 2 Th\", goal w111 be for no component to ever be out of 3vnchronv w:lth tl1e other two for no component to ever be out of 3vnchronv w:lth tl1e other two Total There are hundreds of posslble uses for fresh and processed cassava 649 100 O Total There are hundreds of posslble uses for fresh and processed cassava 649 100 O The Program must e.;;anune carefullv Wh1Ch one of the3e product des1gns The Program must e.;;anune carefullv Wh1Ch one of the3e product des1gns shollld be lmpleruented glven the avallable human flnl\\llc1al and shollld belmpleruented glventheavallable humanflnl\\llc1aland ConclusJOna and recornmendatlons technologlCal reilources It must C'on~lder then wh:lch product dNllgllS are ConclusJOna and recornmendatlons technologlCal reilources It must C'on~lder then wh:lch product dNllgllS are profltable 1 e profltable 1 e In the ten vears of act1vltles establlsh a solld technologlcal baae for cassava I?roducholl Wh1C 1 1 has the cassava program has been able to In the ten vears of act1vltles establlsh a solld technologlcal baae for cassava I?roducholl Wh1C 1 1 has the cassava program has been able to contrlbuted to a lar!!e 11lCrea3e In the lalld area under cassava cultlvat10n contrlbuted to a lar!!e 11lCrea3e In the lalld area under cassava cultlvat10n From 1981 to 1986 durwg the corumerclal rhaae of the program, 5300 hectares From 1981 to 1986 durwg the corumerclal rhaae of the program, 5300 hectares have been planted In caasava Ceveral state alld federal 1ll3tltut10ns as have been planted In caasavaCeveral state alld federal 1ll3tltut10ns as weH as sundrv farDle! groups have parhclpated ln thlil effort As a result weH as sundrv farDle! groups have parhclpated ln thlil effortAs a result manv hopes and ex¡,eetatlOlls have Leen xalaed both at the local and natIonal manv hopes and ex¡,eetatlOlls have Leen xalaed both at the local and natIonal levels levels There lS a general awarellE'sa hOl.¡ever that the Program's growth la There lS a general awarellE'sa hOl.¡ever that the Program's growth la fettered by certalll factors In tlns report these factors have been fettered by certalll factorsIn tlns report these factors have been ldentlfled through the dlseuas10n of three 3Ylllptolla of underl Ylng- ldentlfled through the dlseuas10nof three 3Ylllptolla ofunderl Ylng- dlfflcllltles These l11clude the Pro¡;¡ram's relatlvely 101'1 cassava vlelds dlfflcllltlesThese l11clude the Pro¡;¡ram's relatlvely 101'1 cassava vlelds glven lts t€'chnologlcal re flnement ami flnanclal lnvestmellt the glven ltst€'chnologlcal re flnementami flnanclallnvestmelltthe overstocklng of eassava ail lllustrated bv th., faet t11at alDlost llalf of the overstocklng of eassava ail lllustrated bv th., faet t11at alDlost llalf of the cassava produced hail not b€'l'n harvested amI the Program's 1ngh level of cassava produced hail not b€'l'n harvested amI the Program's 1ngh level of part1clpant turnover part1clpant turnover Behlnd th€'se SVDlI'tODl,~ several e leDl€,IÜ,3 have emerg€'et Wb1Ch have fed Behlnd th€'se SVDlI'tODl,~ several e leDl€,IÜ,3 have emerg€'et Wb1Ch have fed Table 6 llltO €'ach other PartlC1patum oi kOl!lIDlmltles lU the Low Vlelds are assoelated wIth llmlted use of lDlproved Table 6 llltO €'ach otherPartlC1patum oi kOl!lIDlmltles lU the Low Vlelds are assoelated wIth llmlted use of lDlproved Cassaya PrQgram by dgrl~llturdJ cyele productlon t€'chnology and lack of al!f'rOl'rlate 111Cel1tlvea to farro€'rs caus€'d Cassaya PrQgram by dgrl~llturdJ cyele productlon t€'chnology and lack of al!f'rOl'rlate 111Cel1tlvea to farro€'rs caus€'d 198]-86 bv Inadequate Dlarket llltegrat Ion TIllS hail reell further exacerbated bv 198]-86 bv Inadequate Dlarket llltegrat IonTIllS hail reell further exacerbated bv untlDlelv dehverv of lllputs and credlt The eorumoll element to these untlDlelv dehverv of lllputs and credltThe eorumoll element to these Cycles shortconl1ugs lS that 1ngh-level program rlanners have rE'llE'd too heavIlv on No Commtuu tlE'il % the Program' s area eY)..aml1on as 1 ts crl te¡ la for measurlng suceess 01' Cycles shortconl1ugs lS that 1ngh-level program rlanners have rE'llE'd too heavIlv on No Commtuu tlE'il % the Program' s area eY)..aml1on as 1 ts crl te¡ la for measurlng suceess 01' fallure of the ¡,rogram TIllS foeus on crop eypamnon tmfortunatelv 'las fallure of the ¡,rogramTIllS foeus on crop eypamnon tmfortunatelv 'las 1 not matched W1 th the necessarv precondlt 10n8 for s'lch growth 15 469 tIore 1 not matched W1 th the necessarv precondlt 10n8 for s'lch growth 15 469tIore 2 lmportantly no cOnimerclal outlet for fresh 01' ¡,roce83ed caasava was 9 28 1 2 lmportantly no cOnimerclal outlet for fresh 01' ¡,roce83ed caasava was 9 28 1 secured ~ v Instead uf seellng a steady marhet for caaaava 3 H 4 the Program secured~ v Instead uf seellng a steady marhet for caaaava 3 H 4the Program 4 lowered Ita productlOll atandards Dlall1talll~¡j\" a ]\"asslve COllllnel'Clall:::a¡'10n 4 12 5 4 lowered Ita productlOll atandards Dlall1talll~¡j\" a ]\"asslve COllllnel'Clall:::a¡'10n 4 12 5 strategv red tape 1 The Program alao showed 101'1 earnlngs alld SVnl¡' tOlls of \\U111eCessa:rv 3 1 ~ ' \" The 101'1 return rates were ex:plalne0 bv the 101'1 ,rolumes traded strategv red tape1 The Program alao showed 101'1 earnlngs alld SVnl¡' tOlls of \\U111eCessa:rv 3 1 ~ ' \" The 101'1 return rates were ex:plalne0 bv the 101'1 ,rolumes traded Total and general 101-1 vlelds productloll The b .. reaucratlc delaYil relllforced the fa:rDlers' SE'llSe of 32 These 101'1 Ylelds 1n turn 111C1 ease0 the COí3tS of 100 O Total and general 101-1 vlelds productloll The b .. reaucratlc delaYil relllforced the fa:rDlers' SE'llSe of 32 These 101'1 Ylelds 1n turn 111C1 ease0 the COí3tS of 100 O "},{"text":" CIUlrt' eYp€'l'lmentat Ion on the ('har actf'1'18t les cassava that best 6tU t the needs of the f\",€'ti users Sorne of t¡'e val'lables wh~ch nllgbt be thE' rocus of €'xperlnl€'lltatloJl lnclude•'atlOll of the ahape m WhlCh cassava la presented 1 te nutntlonal content the product s compatlblllty r,nth th€' tools us€'d In th€' plggerles, and th€' l-'roduct's prlCe competltlven€'ss VIS a VIS CODllllerClal fE'ed on-slte aSslstance for program start-up Whlle not on-slte thev should on-slte aSslstance for program start-upWhlle not on-slte thev should also be avalaIablE' for cOllsultatlon and evaluatloll also be avalaIablE' for cOllsultatlon and evaluatloll Ion lOf nléu ket the program' s lnlplemE'lltat1011 amI technlques for l'rogram p1amung and evaluatlon allalvs18, ruethods for mOlU torulg Sueh trailllllg program could lllclude llltE'nS1Ve ShOl t-term handa-ol1 seSS10llS or1ented towF!rd gatherlllg data WhlCh would bE' useful t lO the program 1'1n6 tra11ung could be sponsored bv INIFAP Staff and r€'searchers from atates III Wlllch cassava programs are currently fllllCtlOlllllg or about to begln should be r€'\\luued to partIc1pete:m thE' tram1llg To accompanv tlus trallllllg adequatelh quallfled staff should be apl!Olnted as adnUlilstratlve trallle-rs 1'11E'lr ta6l< 12 Processlng 111 no wav guarantE'ea that cassava wlll bE' aold A new product ffiuSt bE' llltroduced 1l1to tht' marlr\",t that lS competlhve wlth and superIor to customarlly producE'd casaava Whl1e th\",r\", 16 httlE' ell.\\atlcltv III the current marJret deml.\\nd for cassava as lt has bet'1l tracll tlonally produoed, processE'd caSSl.\\va mav offer' new market1l1g oP¡''Ül'hUll t lE'S Tlns lS crucIal as cassava lS a hlghlv l?<\"r1shable crop Wlth thla 111 mllld the creatlon of a new l?roduct would most llkelv benE'flt from E'Xl,loratlOlls of processmg ophons Yet whlle lroC'esslng does offer addltlOnal poss1blhtles, lt does 1l0t solve-the-problem of sE'lllng cassava Tlle transformatlon of cassava lnto a 1l0ll-pel'lShable forro w]llch can bt' stored and tl'anspol't€'d more easlly I'epl'est'llts an extraord1l1ary lmprovement Processlllg expdllds the erop8 fleXihilltv ProcesBed eassava howev€'r must alao be-sold Tf a mal'k€'t outlet lB llOt d€'flned proces\"Hl1g ollIy delaYB the crull.S Furth€'l'mol'e there lS not aueh tlung as all purpoae pt'ocessmg Process1ng 1.3 not a bllnd achvlty carried out llldel?<\" of a targeted market Qlle procesaes ca3savB mto a pal'tlcular' forro for a partIcular mal'ket. TIma tl1e marhet playa an 11l1j'Ortant 1'0Ie bv defllung the parametel's III Wh1Ch process1llg 1'1111 tal,e place Slml lady the merket speClhcahons should determIne tht' charactt'rHltlCs of the cassava to be produced It lS perfectly concelvable that lf the ProgpaDl wer€' to process cassava lnto a fom' wll1ch 13 not accepted ln the marke-t a llew glut would be created 13 Short terlll vet sound studles should be cOllducted as soon a3 [>Osslb1\" to aSCel'talll the potE'lltlal outIets for cassava It 18 €'ssE'lltlal that Olle of the Pl'ogram's pl'WrlÜeS be to develop an lnfol'Dled marl.etlllg stl'ategy A mal'ketlng strategv does not mean creatlng plans 011 how to seU casaava It meana tallonng produetlOn and j,>rOCt'SS1ng accOrdlllg to what customel'S Me lntel'ested In bUYlllg Tlle Program .3trategy' s startlng POlllt and oonstant refE'rE'nce ¡u11 be the cassava eOll3UmE'r (and the l~! oduce-I' as 1 t 1'1111 be d15cussed below) lt lS essentlal to know th€' charact€'rlstlcs nf the consumer lt 18 equallv lmportant to lillow the-segments In w}lleh the market lS dlvlded and concentrate the-Pl'ogram efforta on Olle 01' two segments It lS mv lffipl'eS310n that the mal'het segmente have he en prematunlv deflned arOlUld feed users onlv A large share of th€' Program's cassava has been succe3sfullv marketed as a vegetable flour 01' stareh for human COI1Stllli¡::t1on Rather than recoll1111endlng that frOID now 011 the Pl'ogplllJl or1ents ¡ts produchon as to be used fol' human cOllsumpt.lOI1 1 suggeat that the potE'ntlal of these and nther mar'Yt't outlet s h€' exannllE'd and meastlred 14 It wouId be a mlstake to tlllnh that cassava c01l3t1J1lptlOll will Slg1l1flcantlv lncrease Wl thout an aceom¡,amnllg lllcrease In eOnSUIDE'l' demand Regardmg cassava as feed the Program stratt'gy would have to target feE'd users .,ho are not ('urrentlv uSlng caS'3ava Tl1€' alffi would be to substItute the feed they Me !lOW \\lSl!lg W1 th ca3sava Some reslsta!lCe to tlns changp must be expeC'te-d '['he-Pl'ogrdOl \"ould have to deslg1l meana ,.herE'bv 1,:1/1: fal'mers fol' eyanlk.le have thE' opportUlll tv to trv cassava-ba3ed feed at no rlsks help shape produetlOn and l'roC'esillng Constl1ll€'r t€'sts could deternllne for example. the reqtnred starch cont€'llt of th€' cassava ¡,roduC'ed el' the part1cular ¡\"rej,JOrt10ns of the 1llgred1ent III cassava-based nUAes Henc€', the Program C'ould l?roduC'e C'assava w1th well-d€'flned C'oDllllerClal character:ustlC'S and 111 fact turn out a ¡,.roduC't Wl tl1 all alr€'ady E'Xlstlllg demand 1') A sImIlar approach should b€' used for casssvs to l\", ilold as a vegetabIe whc:n J,>osslhlE' In thls CaBE' thE' Program's alDl would be to enter the market w1th a type of casssva WhlCh fulflllil the reqtnr€'ment8 that con8umers assoclate w1th good cassava Agaln lt would b€' ess€'lltlal te ascertaln conaumer's deflned reqtllrt!ments and preferenc€'6 Slnc€' th16 would lmplv dlrect competltloll wlth oth€'r cODllllerclal varl€'tlE'S the Program's casaava wOllld have to adopt a brand llam€' Ideallv th€' c01l6umers wlll aSSoclate tlus brancl of cailsava w1th a d€'slrabl€' produC't wluch 18 cons1stentlv super10r to other var1et1€'5 w1th regard to prevl OllS Iv determ1ned cOll3UJller pr€'ferences ('onc,u vably the best qua 11 tv roote conld be trdded for human consumptloll TIl€' r€'st cou1d be CharuI€' lled through other autIets 16 TIle Program' s marketIng strategv nmst b€' actIve línt 11 no\" the transformatlo11 of cassava lnto ('oDllllo,htleil has been rather laSSlV€' l10st of the Program's aales have be€'n r€'strwted to a handfnl of usera Intervent10n In thE' CODllllerClal12:atlon of caasava has been restrlcted to agreelllg on a prlce for the roots themselvea and then trans}?Ol tll1g TIllS sltuatlOll has to ohange and the Program has to ta~.e th€' 1111 tlatlve dynamlCallv 17 More emphaslil should b€' placed on the id€'lltlÍlcatl0ll of marl!et segmenta, 1 €' consumeril of product8 ather than caS8ava who could be commerclall Y persuaded to Shlft to C'ailsava 01' cassava constllllers who cou Id be commerclally persuad€'d to 8111ft to the Program' s oaBaava TIIese segmente lllUSt be vrec~Belv deflned It 15 lmportant to go b€'vond broad deflnltwns of caS3ava' a target lllar]ret Iuatead of deÍlnlng feed uaers as lts target market the PrograJl' should ldentlfv emaller groups wlthl11 that market who mav be more oPE'n to sWltclnng to cassava TIle crIterla fOI the dehnltlon of such groups can llot be d€'ternlllled lndePE'ndentlv of a careful analYBls of the market oharact€'rlstlC's An analvsls of the consulllptioll patterns, bUVlng 1 rocess and orgalu:::atlon of produC'tl011, for instance w111 be reqtllred V13 a V1S USE'rs of products w1noh could b€' 8ubatltuted wlth cassava TIle goal wlll be to obtalll an e'ttr€'mely olear defllll tlOll of cassava' s comretl tI ve advantages 111 those SI tuatIons 18 When C01131derlng tl'e eruclal need to eyPand marheta for drl€'d cassava the geograp1ncal narrowness of current strategles Dlnet he r€'-E'valuated In hght of the fact that drled cassava can be mor€' ea:lllv transP0rt€'d lt would lllOSt llkelv be l'811€'ÍlC'lal to thE' Program éUld Ita ¡>artlCl1'>allts lf sume Tlns \"ouId I'€'TIlese adJUBtmentB could then promotlon of proc€'ilsed cassava was done 111 several areas of the countrv 1n Ion lOf nléu ket the program' s lnlplemE'lltat1011 amI technlques for l'rogram p1amung and evaluatlon allalvs18, ruethods for mOlU torulg Sueh trailllllg program could lllclude llltE'nS1Ve ShOl t-term handa-ol1 seSS10llS or1ented towF!rd gatherlllg data WhlCh would bE' useful t lO the program 1'1n6 tra11ung could be sponsored bv INIFAP Staff and r€'searchers from atates III Wlllch cassava programs are currently fllllCtlOlllllg or about to begln should be r€'\\luued to partIc1pete:m thE' tram1llg To accompanv tlus trallllllg adequatelh quallfled staff should be apl!Olnted as adnUlilstratlve trallle-rs 1'11E'lr ta6l< 12 Processlng 111 no wav guarantE'ea that cassava wlll bE' aold A new product ffiuSt bE' llltroduced 1l1to tht' marlr\",t that lS competlhve wlth and superIor to customarlly producE'd casaava Whl1e th\",r\", 16 httlE' ell.\\atlcltv III the current marJret deml.\\nd for cassava as lt has bet'1l tracll tlonally produoed, processE'd caSSl.\\va mav offer' new market1l1g oP¡''Ül'hUll t lE'S Tlns lS crucIal as cassava lS a hlghlv l?<\"r1shable crop Wlth thla 111 mllld the creatlon of a new l?roduct would most llkelv benE'flt from E'Xl,loratlOlls of processmg ophons Yet whlle lroC'esslng does offer addltlOnal poss1blhtles, lt does 1l0t solve-the-problem of sE'lllng cassava Tlle transformatlon of cassava lnto a 1l0ll-pel'lShable forro w]llch can bt' stored and tl'anspol't€'d more easlly I'epl'est'llts an extraord1l1ary lmprovement Processlllg expdllds the erop8 fleXihilltv ProcesBed eassava howev€'r must alao be-sold Tf a mal'k€'t outlet lB llOt d€'flned proces\"Hl1g ollIy delaYB the crull.S Furth€'l'mol'e there lS not aueh tlung as all purpoae pt'ocessmg Process1ng 1.3 not a bllnd achvlty carried out llldel?<\" of a targeted market Qlle procesaes ca3savB mto a pal'tlcular' forro for a partIcular mal'ket. TIma tl1e marhet playa an 11l1j'Ortant 1'0Ie bv defllung the parametel's III Wh1Ch process1llg 1'1111 tal,e place Slml lady the merket speClhcahons should determIne tht' charactt'rHltlCs of the cassava to be produced It lS perfectly concelvable that lf the ProgpaDl wer€' to process cassava lnto a fom' wll1ch 13 not accepted ln the marke-t a llew glut would be created 13 Short terlll vet sound studles should be cOllducted as soon a3 [>Osslb1\" to aSCel'talll the potE'lltlal outIets for cassava It 18 €'ssE'lltlal that Olle of the Pl'ogram's pl'WrlÜeS be to develop an lnfol'Dled marl.etlllg stl'ategy A mal'ketlng strategv does not mean creatlng plans 011 how to seU casaava It meana tallonng produetlOn and j,>rOCt'SS1ng accOrdlllg to what customel'S Me lntel'ested In bUYlllg Tlle Program .3trategy' s startlng POlllt and oonstant refE'rE'nce ¡u11 be the cassava eOll3UmE'r (and the l~! oduce-I' as 1 t 1'1111 be d15cussed below) lt lS essentlal to know th€' charact€'rlstlcs nf the consumer lt 18 equallv lmportant to lillow the-segments In w}lleh the market lS dlvlded and concentrate the-Pl'ogram efforta on Olle 01' two segments It lS mv lffipl'eS310n that the mal'het segmente have he en prematunlv deflned arOlUld feed users onlv A large share of th€' Program's cassava has been succe3sfullv marketed as a vegetable flour 01' stareh for human COI1Stllli¡::t1on Rather than recoll1111endlng that frOID now 011 the Pl'ogplllJl or1ents ¡ts produchon as to be used fol' human cOllsumpt.lOI1 1 suggeat that the potE'ntlal of these and nther mar'Yt't outlet s h€' exannllE'd and meastlred 14 It wouId be a mlstake to tlllnh that cassava c01l3t1J1lptlOll will Slg1l1flcantlv lncrease Wl thout an aceom¡,amnllg lllcrease In eOnSUIDE'l' demand Regardmg cassava as feed the Program stratt'gy would have to target feE'd users .,ho are not ('urrentlv uSlng caS'3ava Tl1€' alffi would be to substItute the feed they Me !lOW \\lSl!lg W1 th ca3sava Some reslsta!lCe to tlns changp must be expeC'te-d '['he-Pl'ogrdOl \"ould have to deslg1l meana ,.herE'bv 1,:1/1: fal'mers fol' eyanlk.le have thE' opportUlll tv to trv cassava-ba3ed feed at no rlsks help shape produetlOn and l'roC'esillng Constl1ll€'r t€'sts could deternllne for example. the reqtnred starch cont€'llt of th€' cassava ¡,roduC'ed el' the part1cular ¡\"rej,JOrt10ns of the 1llgred1ent III cassava-based nUAes Henc€', the Program C'ould l?roduC'e C'assava w1th well-d€'flned C'oDllllerClal character:ustlC'S and 111 fact turn out a ¡,.roduC't Wl tl1 all alr€'ady E'Xlstlllg demand 1') A sImIlar approach should b€' used for casssvs to l\", ilold as a vegetabIe whc:n J,>osslhlE' In thls CaBE' thE' Program's alDl would be to enter the market w1th a type of casssva WhlCh fulflllil the reqtnr€'ment8 that con8umers assoclate w1th good cassava Agaln lt would b€' ess€'lltlal te ascertaln conaumer's deflned reqtllrt!ments and preferenc€'6 Slnc€' th16 would lmplv dlrect competltloll wlth oth€'r cODllllerclal varl€'tlE'S the Program's casaava wOllld have to adopt a brand llam€' Ideallv th€' c01l6umers wlll aSSoclate tlus brancl of cailsava w1th a d€'slrabl€' produC't wluch 18 cons1stentlv super10r to other var1et1€'5 w1th regard to prevl OllS Iv determ1ned cOll3UJller pr€'ferences ('onc,u vably the best qua 11 tv roote conld be trdded for human consumptloll TIl€' r€'st cou1d be CharuI€' lled through other autIets 16 TIle Program' s marketIng strategv nmst b€' actIve línt 11 no\" the transformatlo11 of cassava lnto ('oDllllo,htleil has been rather laSSlV€' l10st of the Program's aales have be€'n r€'strwted to a handfnl of usera Intervent10n In thE' CODllllerClal12:atlon of caasava has been restrlcted to agreelllg on a prlce for the roots themselvea and then trans}?Ol tll1g TIllS sltuatlOll has to ohange and the Program has to ta~.e th€' 1111 tlatlve dynamlCallv 17 More emphaslil should b€' placed on the id€'lltlÍlcatl0ll of marl!et segmenta, 1 €' consumeril of product8 ather than caS8ava who could be commerclall Y persuaded to Shlft to C'ailsava 01' cassava constllllers who cou Id be commerclally persuad€'d to 8111ft to the Program' s oaBaava TIIese segmente lllUSt be vrec~Belv deflned It 15 lmportant to go b€'vond broad deflnltwns of caS3ava' a target lllar]ret Iuatead of deÍlnlng feed uaers as lts target market the PrograJl' should ldentlfv emaller groups wlthl11 that market who mav be more oPE'n to sWltclnng to cassava TIle crIterla fOI the dehnltlon of such groups can llot be d€'ternlllled lndePE'ndentlv of a careful analYBls of the market oharact€'rlstlC's An analvsls of the consulllptioll patterns, bUVlng 1 rocess and orgalu:::atlon of produC'tl011, for instance w111 be reqtllred V13 a V1S USE'rs of products w1noh could b€' 8ubatltuted wlth cassava TIle goal wlll be to obtalll an e'ttr€'mely olear defllll tlOll of cassava' s comretl tI ve advantages 111 those SI tuatIons 18 When C01131derlng tl'e eruclal need to eyPand marheta for drl€'d cassava the geograp1ncal narrowness of current strategles Dlnet he r€'-E'valuated In hght of the fact that drled cassava can be mor€' ea:lllv transP0rt€'d lt would lllOSt llkelv be l'811€'ÍlC'lal to thE' Program éUld Ita ¡>artlCl1'>allts lf sume Tlns \"ouId I'€'TIlese adJUBtmentB could then promotlon of proc€'ilsed cassava was done 111 several areas of the countrv 1n would l11clude Oll-Sl te follow U1' averv a1X months aa 1'1e11 aa prOV1S1011 of pert1cular ln those areas wh€'re cattle f€'€'d lB eyP€'nslve or r€'latlvely would l11clude Oll-Sl te follow U1' averv a1X months aa 1'1e11 aa prOV1S1011 of pert1cular ln those areas wh€'re cattle f€'€'d lB eyP€'nslve or r€'latlvely unavlalable TIlla approach would requll'e the aetlve éUld svstenllC unavlalableTIlla approach wouldrequll'e the aetlve éUldsvstenllC "},{"text":" It le hOl<ever, dlfflCult to fuIhll Over the year3 there have been 22 dlffel\"ent grou1's'of farmers partlclpatlng m the Program l10at of thE'se grou¡.s have beE'n orgam:;ed after 1983 Al though sorne of them have had a sl,ort llfe-sllan the rua,lorlty have operated for over two years An assoc2atlon of producer groupil (ARIC) was formed 1n 1986 ARIC was created as a means to €'noouragE' famer part1clpatlon m th€' casaava conuo€'rclallzatlon process Ev€'ntually I te alms were expanded to l11clude the mal'agem€'nt of the IndustrIal l'rOceSSln¡¡; plants Recent devE'lopments llldlcate that ARIC mav bE' partalung In the adllllmstratl0n of sorne drvlllg patlOa as well One tlnrd of the farmer groups In the Program are l,art of ARIC BE'causE' of be>lllg a new or¡<anlzatl0n. however ARIC has not bE'en able to e\"l:pand the pool of cassava buyers especlally lnsofar as drled cl!\\aaava 18 concern€'d ThE' Program must provlde spec1allzed asslstance to lmplove the ~oerformance of ARIC and anv other farmer organlzat:lOn Ul the guest for new market outlets 30 In the future Program staff need to J,ut more effort lnto the methochc and we11 concel ved moblll:;atlOl1 of farmers ThlS 0l'gan~1zatlon entalle relnforclng tralnlog 1n tIle techl101ogy of l.>litlO oloeratloll alld accOlUltlng pl'ocedures Wh1Ch lS a aerVlce aIreadv offered bv Program staffThe orgalUzatlon of j¡atlO OlJ6rators, however ahould also 111C lude tral111ng that marveta for thelr rroceased ca8sava Whereas today most of tlle fresh cassava so Id through the Program 18 handled bv ARIe lUltll verv recentlv the most l'reyalent l'ractlce em¡;loved by both cassava producers a!ld pat 10 oj.>6rator¿¡ has bE'€'n the corumerc1all::at Ion of Ita progresE from both the perapectlv€' of the natlOn as a wh01e and the local J,'ÜtE'IJtIal bellE'Ílclarles Untll now the Program has cOl1celltrated above a11 011 I!\\ttE'ID¡;tlng to centrlbute te the solutlOn of natlonal problems T}¡E\" €'IDpha.ns on the role of Cl!\\3SaVa to allevlate the natlon-s relatlye sorghulll and eorll searcltv al1d dE'erease the amount of feed gralll lm¡,.orts should be> cotll,led wlth a concel'n for meetIng other goals w1th a more local foens TI1E' Program must spell out specIf,C ct'lterla to mesen!'e tbe beneflts I!\\ccrued froID casaava corumerc1al productloll by producers thelr conllllUlll tles th€' j,>rocesslng reglon and the state In WhlCh cassaya 113 produced In tl1l3 velll th€' Program should address speclf~lC local and regIonal problema ThE' Program shmlld be coneelved by Its plallners alld percE'lved bv the farruera J.ll general as a Solut10n to local problems32It lS eSl>6Clallv crJ.tlcól that thE' Program's eXl\"mSlOll beglll w1th farmers who arE' alreadv j,>roduclng caasava A rctent1al area for cassava productlon shoultl 1\"\" deflllE'd on the basJ.s of the SYlstence of S'll table la.'1d and 1l1stltutlOns wll11ng and ahl€' to lead 111 agrIcultura1 re5earch and 1mplementatlonIt should alzo be baaE'd howE'ver 011 the eXHltence of farmers OOlUlnl tted to caaaava who want to overcome the crop' s hnn tatlollS The Program wlll flnd str ong supporters amollg farmera 1f th€'y derlve sorne fosters skll1s for farmers 111 the ldentlflcatlOI1 of and rhrect fosters skll1s forfarmers 111the ldentlflcatlOI1of andrhrect partlclpatlon 1n v1ab1e thelr producta throngh Program functlOlmalrea Tlle func'tlonnalres partlclpatlon 1n v1ab1e thelr producta throngh ProgramfunctlOlmalreaTllefunc'tlonnalres contacted potentlal buyers negotlated J..r1ces and the volllllle per contacted potentlal buyersnegotlated J..r1ces andthe volllllleper transactlon for the farmers and 'ltU te often w1thout the producers' transactlon for the farmers and 'ltU te often w1thout the producers' partlclpatlo11 alld approval TIns lractlce \"as l1elther bE'neflClal In the partlclpatlo11 alld approvalTIns lractlce \"as l1elther bE'neflClal In the short nor long rtUl On the contrarv 1 t l'elllforced farmer dependellcy on short nor long rtUlOn the contrarv 1 t l'elllforced farmer dependellcy on state lnterYentlons and further lllflated tlle program's oj,>E'ratlonal state lnterYentlonsand further lllflated tlle program'soj,>E'ratlonal expenses expenses 31 The Program muat meaatlrE\" 31The Program muat meaatlrE\" "},{"text":"fted froID natlonal to slngle atate lt.?vel Yet l.t 1.3 essentlal to benefl ts from thelr rartlclpat:wn 1n lt The Program should pro'flde the toola for malung cnetomary casaava 1roductlon more versatl1e and eff1clent Farmers who do not have a tradltl0n of cassava productlon should be encouraged to partake In tlle Program Ilot by OleallS of prom1ses but throllgh the eyample of the actual success of tllose who JOIned tllE' Program and beneflted from lt 33 It lS also 1mportant to eypand the Program es¡,'ecIally among customary producers because, lf allowed they wül provlde the feedback necessary for fIne turnIng research actIvI tIes on agronomy and lmproved varlety development Technology dlffu810n 1'1111 be fac1l1tated 1f farmers are allowed to lnterVE'nE' from very early '3tages on the deslgn and evaluat:wn of research experIments, and the d\"Íln1 hOIl of research prlOl\"l hes In Una way, researchers 1'1111 C'ontrlbute to gellerate techJlologv Wh1('h lS useful to farroers 34 INIFAV s Cassava Program I'las created under the assurupt lOJl that the nat:LOnal program for cassava ¡,roductloll couId llot o¡;erate Wl thout sol Id research component Over the years the research lrogram has become nne oi the most lmportant elemellts for the program's develo¡;ment Today, however :J.t faces new challenges Wh1Ch could serlOusly redu('e 1ts potent1al cOllt'nbutlOns lJl the near future LlmItatlOlls of tl1e coromer('lal productlon program have forced the reeeareh ¡\"rogram to cOllcentrate 011 short term lllterventlons Whereas ten years ago the program was ('oncelved a a natlonal scope lJl mlnd 1n practlce lt ha3 operated alJJlost exclUSlvely wlthlll HUlmangulllo The program's resear('}¡ agenda has become subord1l1ate te the strategy of the ~roductlOn progl am aud üe lmplementatlOll ThIS lS an admlrable case of lntegraholl of research and Ol'E'ratloll components Yet Olle must face the fact that as a reslll t of thlS decHllon the productlon program lS not as adequately rrepared to expand to states other than Tabasco as had been Orlglnally lntended In thlS context the research program has been foreed to rellqtush lts role as a ploneer III the area of llmovatlve plann1ng for the expanSlon of the produet101l program 35 The reaearch program sllould reeover ltS orlglnal strength as él pathbrealnng lnstltutlon 110re emphasls should be glven to the development of the cassava program's capacüy to admullster and dlrect llE'W research schedules The program muat deflne a clear develoj,.ment 3trategy for research actlvltle6 ¡nth sl'eelflC stagea goals and crltel1a of 8Uc'('ess so as to prIorI t1ze certalll areas of 1JlVestlgatloll ThJ.6 should re3ult 1n better lntegratlon of 11llllV1dual researeh pl'O,lects lnto Olle ('oromon exPE'cted goal 36 Becanse of INIFAP's eurrent restrtlc'turIng, the flow 1llfOrmatIo11 and the movement of re6earchers from One ¿¡tate to another havE' become lllCrea:inngly more dlfflcul t The r8searoh program' S a('t lVI tles llave sh1.guarantee that agrIcultural research la conducted as soon a.3 1ÚSSlbl\", 1n all those geographleal al eas target ... d for potentlal expamnoJl of the cassava productlOn program Also spenÍlc channels should be created to 8nsure the regular flow of lllformatlon among researchers and program staff work1llg 1n dlfferent states InterventlOll at a h1gb level of INIFAP and, posslbly, SARH lS reqtured to 1nsm e that the Tabasco-based ('asaava 31 31 llllI!ledlate llllI!ledlate • • • • • • • • • • "},{"text":" only contlnues to llave a natlonal mandate but also 18 glven the resources to lm¡;IeOlent lt 37 12 12 • research program not •research program not • • • • • • "}],"sieverID":"f41d5a2d-0a78-470f-89dd-b6d74bf9409f","abstract":"1 2 3 4 2 TABLE OF CONTEl,lTS INTRODUCTION Hlghhghts of the Agrolndu.'ltrlal Cassava Program Inadt?quaC'll\"S of tht? Agrolndustrlal C'asaava Program Conclusl0ns amI ReC'ommendatlosn AppendlX 1 The In3tltutlonal Intl\"rE'st alld SUJ,>Púl't fol' the Cassava Program Appelldl\"\\{ 2 ThE' SC'ope of the Program ; • •"} |