3 values
He forgave her for that. He feels like she owes him something because she knows that he's worried about her going out and drinking and she did it five nights in a row.
2) Content Accuracy
The summary is not accurate; the poster accidentally offended their friend whose mother died recently by telling her that their mother is alive.
2) Content Accuracy
The author doesn’t say she is worried about him cheating in the post but the summary does. She is actually concerned that he might have been hurt.
2) Content Accuracy
The summary states that the girl was his girlfriend but in the post it was just a girl he liked and she had turned the idea of a relationship down.
2) Content Accuracy
This is an accurate account of the information that was in the post
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I don't think he's concerned the dog is aggressive, concerned about bath time aggression alone.
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This should explain that they want to get back together with their ex, and that the “rules” is playing games.
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John is not straight
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Author states everything is okay now and not the biggest stressor.
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This summary reads like the man broke up with his girlfriend but it was actually the other way around.
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This is not a good reflection of the post. To be precise, the poster says she looked like a street walker not that she was a street walker.
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The summary is not accurate; the poster does not like it when their parents go through their stuff, but they let them do it.
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The summary doesn't mention the author being a young man anywhere.
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unfair to her husband that she can't enjoy sex when she's down-not exactly what she states. More along the lines of she sees herself as disgusting and it ruins the mood.
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The drunk boyfriend is the one who said "I love you" first.
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Author is asking for advice on how not to be institutionalised so this summary is pretty off in terms of context
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This isn’t accurate, the girlfriend does want a long distance relationship but the poster doesn’t.
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that we don't talk much should read "after not having a conversation in awhile". He's known her for awhile.
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This is not a clear reflection of the post. They are not both trying because she has not been receptive of his efforts to help her change her behavior.
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The summary says that they lost the friendship but in the post they said they are worried they are losing the friendship, not that it’s happened yet.
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This is a good summary but should clarify that the past infidelity was with a past boyfriend.
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I think this isn’t completely accurate because a lot of the post is how she’s in love with her best friend which could be him, but he’s not sure.
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The author is also disinterested in all of his classes.
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It seems to me that the money is not actually child support, which the author says he has been paying faithfully, but an extra expense outside of that.
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This is a bit weirdly written because it implies the author is dating more than one person.
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This is an accurate summary of what happened to the author.
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The author wasn't scared that he would be unable to perform, she just thought that would be the case.
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The sisters friend is the one who laces the dress too tight, not the authors sister.
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The poster does not say that she does not know what to do about the situation but is confused about it.
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This is not accurate. The grilfriend is the one who purchased a card for the author, not the other way around.
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The PhD student is female.
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I think this should clarify what she’s doing when she’s going out and how he’s okay with the situation but isn’t sure how to handle it.
2) Content Accuracy
The summary is partly inaccurate; the poster does not want to call their friend not because she is out of the country, but because they do not want to hear her voice. There is also no indication that the poster is female.
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The summary is misleading as it sidesteps the intention of the comment and paints it as overt and blatant rather than a misconstrued situation involving a gross comedic misstep.
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This is accurate, but it should point out the goal is for their site to be epic.
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His girlfriend his hurt is missing.
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Boyfriend and girlfriend live together and his mother wouldn't allow her to move his things and accused her of stealing money for a car.
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The post says that they don’t want to break up over IM like the summary is stating.
2) Content Accuracy
The summary is not exactly accurate; the poster does not mention thinking that her boyfriend will not forgive her.
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It isn't quite accurate about their passion for art, its just the thing driving him to want to pursue it is also telling him not to bother. It's the drive to get really good at programming that they lack.
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The post doesn’t mention that the boyfriend will definitely be proposing soon, just that they’ve gotten serious about the possibility of it.
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Man said something about her family
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This is an accurate summary of what was mentioned in the post
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The summary says that the guy she was seeing was a boyfriend but the post states that they were just friends with benefits and nothing serious.
2) Content Accuracy
Who's moving out? Him or his mother?
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This is an accurate cummary of what was mentioned in the post
2) Content Accuracy
The summary is inaccurate.
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It is not true that the wife is bored generally; she and her husband have become bored in their relationship.
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She propositioned him after he quit talking to her because she's too pessimistic.
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The poster does not feel unsexy but wonders if helping her partner with housework makes her unsexy.
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Both children have special needs, though one is more severe than the other.
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Guy wants to know if he should pursue a relationship. They were both accepted at their top college but she turned down the offer.
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Graphic artists of Reddit have given no such advice. This is not accurate.
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The boyfriend never said no to going shooting like the summary states.
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This is not accurate because he has a reason for not texting back
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This summary is not a true reflection of the post because the couple are still having sex.
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The summary suggests that he feels the need to mess around but in the post he clearly states that he doesn’t feel the need and is concerned he may feel it someday.
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The summary doesn't indicate the authors PUA beliefs or that he treats his girlfriend poorly deliberately.
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The summary is inaccurate; the poster has not met her boyfriend's parents yet, and he does not plan on introducing her to them for at least another year.
2) Content Accuracy
This summary reads like it was written from the boyfriend’s perspective but the post was from the girlfriend’s.
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This summary says that the reason USA servers get paid the most is because of entitlement but that is more of an opinion than fact and should be stated as such.
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notjustgold.com doesn't actually exist, it was a hypothetical example.
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This is an inaccurate account of what is in the post. It mentions him leaving which is an assumption the OP is making, not a proven fact.
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This summary implies the author is questioning their current relationship because of the breakup, which isn't true. The author is happy about their current relationship.
2) Content Accuracy
This is an accurate and full summary of the post.
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The summary is not exactly accurate; the poster is wondering if he should support his girlfriend.
2) Content Accuracy
This is an accurate account of what was mentioned in the post.
2) Content Accuracy
The summary is not clear at all and inaccurate. The poster is a female dating a male and they are very much in love. She wants to be with him and have a family with him, but is obsessing over being in a relationship with a woman and wishes she had tried it before meeting her boyfriend.
2) Content Accuracy
The summary is inaccurate; the poster is not unsure if he should stay in it because of the distance.
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The summary should make it clearer that the author confessed her feeling first, not the other way around.
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That wasn't the lie, the lie was about a short fling he had in the summer after they got together but before they were "official."
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The boyfriend was present for the first part of the party but left early so he felt resentful when the party seemed to get more fun after he left. The summary stated that he was resentful because he wasn’t present.
2) Content Accuracy
The summary is inaccurate; the poster is regretting it because they believe that having sex for the first time should be something shared with someone you care about.
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There's no "him" in this story. Both of the people in this story are women. Also the summary needs to include something about how the girlfriend can't cope with the results of the accident.
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The poster's ex-girlfriend's family did not tell the poster that he should wait for her.
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17M should read 17 year old male
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Nowhere in the story does it mention the driver of the vehicle was a woman so that fact from the summary may be incorrect.
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She invited him over to her house but also invited his best friend
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The post never states that they dated, they had an affair as the boyfriend was still with his girlfriend.
2) Content Accuracy
The summary is confusing and misconstrues the events. The friend's garage burned down while the author was in the house. They had attempted to light the wood stove in the garage but it would not take so they moved the gathering into the house. Later, his friend who was outside, alerted him that the garage was on fire. The entire structure burnt to the ground except for the wood stove with the newspapers and logs untouched inside.
2) Content Accuracy
The summary is fairly on point except for the timeline inaccuracies. They dated for four years in high school. They broke up roughly a year ago, given their ages, and she reconnected with him three months ago.
2) Content Accuracy
The summary is inaccurate; the poster helped a friend picked out a bottle of lube at Walmart and gave the cashier the wrong impression that they were two males in a gay relationship and using it for themselves.
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I think this can include that the GF actually went home, and that she also lied about being in the office.
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The summary is good, but states the author threw their phone twice, but they didn't actually throw it, they almost threw it.
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This is accurate and is not missing any key information
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Girl lives over 4 hours away
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Guy thinks she's hiding something.
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The post never states that the woman became a "completely different person" after they started dating.
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She's not a college graduate. She's a high school senior.
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She has a lot of money now, but he makes more money than her, so over time he may have contributed more financially and the prenup will screw him over.
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There is nothing in the passage that mentions the best friend is happier, but this summary suggests it.
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The poster never specified that the friend moving to Korea was her best friend, so the summary is misleading.
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The summary is inaccurate; the poster did not feel odd seeing their first love after 6 years.
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The summary is kind of inaccurate; the poster is asking if they should disclose that they left a job after a month when applying for a new job.
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This summary does not reflect the post correctly because the girl knows how she feels and wants to be with the guy.
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It's not the owner at this point buy may adopt the horse.
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The poster's girlfriend is not graduating high school; she is going to be a senior in high school.
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This is not accurate. The writer has already decided they want to stay
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The summary is slightly inaccurate; the poster finds out that the TV is worth something like $1,700, not over $1,700.
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This summary states that Reddit’s founder posted the plea for Wikipedia but it’s actually Wikipedia’s founder.
2) Content Accuracy