1 value
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdul_Kalam, Accuse_of_crime,_corruption,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Bank_(Zimbabwe), Appeal_for_humanitarian_aid,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Council_of_Representatives, Appeal_for_target_to_allow_international_involvement_(non-mediation),
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdelkader_Messahel, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_policy,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Air_Force_(Mexico), Accuse_of_crime,_corruption,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Air_Force_(Mexico), Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Attacker_(Tajikistan), Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_institutions,_regime,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Alpha_Condé, Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Activist_(Hezbul_Mujahedeen), Employ_aerial_weapons,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Actor_(Bahrain), Accuse,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Aigars_Kalvitis, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_leadership,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdou_Labo, Appeal_to_engage_in_or_accept_mediation,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Armenian_Army, Accuse_of_espionage,_treason,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Armed_Rebel_(Yemen), Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Admiral_(Pakistan), Accuse_of_war_crimes,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Li_Hui, Attempt_to_assassinate,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Akilisi_Pohiva, Accuse,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Akilisi_Pohiva, Appeal_for_political_reform,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [AB_Lithuanian_Gas, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_leadership,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abu_al-Walid, Accede_to_requests_or_demands_for_political_reform,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [AK_Singh, Accuse_of_crime,_corruption,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Fighter_Bomber_(Sweden), Appeal_for_intelligence,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Activist_(Sri_Lanka), Demonstrate_for_leadership_change,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [ANS_Group_of_Companies, Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdolreza_Rahmani-Fazli, Engage_in_mass_expulsion,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [News_Editor_(Romania), Engage_in_mass_expulsion,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Akinori_Eto, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_leadership,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Admiral_(Sweden), Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdulsalami_Alhaji_Abubakar, Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [African_Commission_on_Human_and_People's_Rights, Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Chief_Court_Judge_(United_States), Accuse,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Air_Namibia, Accede_to_demands_for_rights,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [AIDESEP, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_policy,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Activist_(United_States), Accuse_of_aggression,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [ANC_Youth_League, Accuse_of_war_crimes,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Indigenous_People_(Somalia), Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [ANS_Group_of_Companies, Appeal_for_change_in_institutions,_regime,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Citizen_(Denmark), Accuse_of_aggression,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Air_Force_(Mexico), Accuse_of_espionage,_treason,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdelkader_Taleb_Oumar, Accuse_of_crime,_corruption,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Activist_(Crimea), Appeal_for_easing_of_administrative_sanctions,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Alpha_Condé, Appeal_for_diplomatic_cooperation_(such_as_policy_support),
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Amina_Mohamed, Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Employee_(Tanzania), Accuse_of_espionage,_treason,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Ahmadu_Giade, Accede_to_demands_for_rights,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Actor_(Serbia), Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdelkader_Messahel, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_policy,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [AIDESEP, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_institutions,_regime,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdoulaye_Bathily, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_leadership,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Amit_Kumar, Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [10_Downing_Street, Appeal_for_change_in_leadership,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Ali_Ahmad_Jalili, Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Indigenous_People_(United_Kingdom), Accuse_of_crime,_corruption,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdul_Rahim_Wardak, Acknowledge_or_claim_responsibility,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdulla_Yameen, Ban_political_parties_or_politicians,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Admiral_(Sweden), Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdullatif_bin_Rashid_Al-Zayani, Appeal_for_rights,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [AIDESEP, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_policy,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Agus_Dwikarna, Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Canadian_Security_Intelligence_Service, Appeal_for_economic_cooperation,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Aam_Aadmi_Party, Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Agriculture_/_Fishing_/_Forestry_Ministry_(Belarus), Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_leadership,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Ijaw_Youth_Council, Accuse_of_aggression,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Admiral_(Pakistan), Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Attack_Craft_(United_Kingdom), Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_leadership,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [ACT_Party, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_institutions,_regime,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Activist_(Germany), Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Ahmad_Zia_Abdulzai, Apologize,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Al-Azhar_University, Accuse_of_aggression,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [AIDESEP, Accede_to_demands_for_rights,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [10_Downing_Street, Acknowledge_or_claim_responsibility,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Muslim_Militant_(Iran), Appeal_for_diplomatic_cooperation_(such_as_policy_support),
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Bala_Ngilari, Appeal_for_target_to_allow_international_involvement_(non-mediation),
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Admiral_(Sweden), Appeal_for_policy_change,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [AB_Lithuanian_Gas, Accuse_of_crime,_corruption,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Armed_Opposition_(Uganda), Accuse_of_human_rights_abuses,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdelhamid_Abou_Zeid, Appeal_for_diplomatic_cooperation_(such_as_policy_support),
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Guerrilla_(National_Liberation_Army), Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdelkader_Taleb_Oumar, Accede_to_demands_for_rights,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [AIDESEP, Accede_to_requests_or_demands_for_political_reform,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdelkader_Taleb_Oumar, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_institutions,_regime,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Abdelhamid_Abou_Zeid, Accuse_of_espionage,_treason,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Adams_Oshiomhole, Accuse_of_aggression,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Alain_Moka, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_institutions,_regime,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Agriculture_/_Fishing_/_Forestry_Ministry_(Brazil), Accuse_of_human_rights_abuses,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Academic_Staff_Union_of_Universities, Accuse_of_war_crimes,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
1.0: [Education_(Slovakia), Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_leadership,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [Aamir_Khan, Demand_that_target_yields,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [Ali_Hassan_Khalil, Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [Fighter_Bomber_(Sweden), Appeal_for_intelligence,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [Children_(Netherlands), Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_leadership,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [Employee_(Kenya), Accede_to_demands_for_rights,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [Activist_(Islami_Chhatra_Shibir), Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [Aleksandre_Chikaidze, Abduct,_hijack,_or_take_hostage,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [AIDESEP, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_policy,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [Angola, Accuse,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [Abdul_Rahim_Wardak, Accede_to_requests_or_demands_for_political_reform,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [Achike_Udenwa, Accede_to_requests_or_demands_for_political_reform,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [Abdelkader_Taleb_Oumar, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_institutions,_regime,
You must be able to correctly predict the next {object_label} from a given text consisting of multiple quadruplets in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}, {object_label}.{object}]" and the query in the form of "{time}:[{subject}, {relation}," in the end. You must generate {object_label}.{object}
2.0: [AIDESEP, Accede_to_demands_for_change_in_institutions,_regime,