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You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'34. Underlines the urgent need for the provision of and access to trade finance to commodity-dependent developing countries, given the tightened access to all types of credit and noting debt sustainability; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling also the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, as well as other international conventions of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization that provide a comprehensive framework for the protection, safeguarding and promotion of culture in all its dimensions, and acknowledge cultural diversity and economic and social development,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing further the important role of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora in contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and in ensuring that no species entering into international trade is threatened with extinction, recognizing also the economic, social and environmental impacts of poaching and trafficking in wildlife,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reiterates the urgent need to accelerate the pace of rural poverty eradication, and requests the Secretary-General, in close collaboration with the secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, as well as other relevant international organizations, to submit to the General Assembly at its seventy ninth eighth session a report on the status of the implementation of and follow-up to the present resolution in order to identify the progress achieved, gaps and challenges faced in rural poverty eradication, especially in developing countries, as well as the means of implementation to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and address its impacts, and to list rural poverty eradication as a priority for an annual Sustainable Development Goals moment to highlight inspiring action on the Goals, in the context of the general debate of the General Assembly; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP2. Recalling also Economic and Social Council resolution 2023/3 of 7 June 2023 on the assessment of the progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, as well as previous resolutions on the issue, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Requests the ad hoc intergovernmental committee to submit a progress report to the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth session, with a view to such report addressing the scope and basic mechanisms of the comprehensive convention non-binding multilateral agenda for coordinated actions on international tax cooperation; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming and committing to the implementation of the outcome document of the Second United Nations High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation, BAPA+40, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'[Reiterates the need for multilateral debt mechanisms to fully address sovereign external debt distress and provide an effective, efficient, equitable and predictable mechanism for managing debt crises in a way that is aligned with the development needs of developing countries (SG report page 16). We recognize the need to consider a concrete tool means to incentivize, encourage, or enforce'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling its resolution 71/178 of 19 December 2016, in which it proclaimed the year beginning on 1 January 2019 the International Year of Indigenous Languages, as well as its resolution 74/135 of 18 December 2019, in which it proclaimed the period 2022 2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, to draw attention to the critical loss of indigenous languages and the urgent need to preserve, revitalize and promote indigenous languages,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP4. Reaffirming also its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, supports and complements it, helps to contextualize its means of implementation targets with concrete policies and actions, and reaffirms the strong political commitment to address the challenge of financing and creating an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development in the spirit of global partnership and solidarity, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing that information and communications technologies present new opportunities and challenges and that there is a pressing need to address the major impediments that developing countries face in accessing new technologies, stressing the need to close the digital divides, both between and within countries and including the rural-urban, youth-older persons and gender digital divides, and to harness information and communications technologies for development, and recalling the need to emphasize quality of access to bridge digital and knowledge divides, using a multidimensional approach that includes speed, stability, affordability, language, training, capacity-building, local content and accessibility for persons with disabilities, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'OP14. Acknowledges the importance of combining international, multilateral development banks and government stakes in public-private partnerships [to reduce spread on debt finance, EU requests clarification of terminology], and the need for a shift in the lending priorities of multilateral development banks [within their mandates EU; G77 and China reserve] towards better leverage their funds, to attract greater volumes [SDG-aligned private finance -EU; G77 and China reserve] of private finance into developing countries [to achieve the SDGs EU; G77 and China reserve]; [while ensuring financial and development additionality, including through private capital mobilization to leverage at least 100 billion USD of private money each year. -EU (latter part based on paragraph 4, Paris Pact for People and the Planet)]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'16. Reaffirms the commitment at the very heart of the 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind and commit to taking more tangible steps to support people in vulnerable situations and the most vulnerable countries and to reach the furthest behind first; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'6. Stresses the significant need to improve means of implementation and strengthen capacity-building, financial resources, data and technology and partnerships to assist developing countries in implementing the Sendai Framework and recognize, in this regard, the need for sustainable and predictable investment in disaster risk reduction in all sectors;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'35. Reiterates its appeal to Member States and other potential donors to consider contributing generously to the Trust Fund for the Follow-up to the International Conference on Financing for Development, which would facilitate the implementation of a strengthened and more effective inclusive, intergovernmental process for carrying out the financing for development follow-up; [Agreed language para. 46, A/RES/68/204] '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, in which Member States committed, inter alia, to scaling up international tax cooperation, and stressed that efforts in international tax cooperation should be universal in approach and scope and should fully take into account the different needs, priorities and capacities of all countries, in particular developing countries and countries in special situations, and also reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015 on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'13. UrgesNotes the importance of the timely and full operationalization of the new funding arrangements, including and the a fund, forto assisting developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change in responding to economic and non-economic loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including extreme weather events and slow onset events. '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'20. Stresses the urgency of enhancing ambition for climate action in the implementation of the United Nations Fframework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement in relation to climate mitigation, adaptation and the provision of the means of implementation, especially finance to developing countries; urges the implementation of the decisions adopted at the twenty-seventh session of the [UN Climate Change] Conference of the Parties to the Convention, held in Sharm 3l-Sheikh, Egypt; reaffirms the need its commitment to take concrete steps toward the operationalization of the new funding arrangements for responding to loss and damage, including the fund, by the twenty-eighth session; commits to continuing work to accelerate gender-responsive: CANZ, US, UK, Mexico action to address climate change; and in this regard looks forward to the first global stock take of the Paris Agreement to take place at the twenty-eighth session; G77, RF: Retain as drafted'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reiterates the need to resolve to reduce mechanistic reliance on credit-rating agency assessments, including in regulations, and to promote increased competition as well as measures to avoid conflict of interest in the provision of credit ratings, and notes that Member States may consider the feasibility of establishing public rating agencies; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing the important and complementary roles of the multiple institutions involved on taxation, including the UN, OECD, IMF and World Bank, as well as regional institutions, such as the ADB, ATAF, CIAT, SGATAR, IOTA, CREDAF, CATA, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'24.26. Calls upon all Member States to continue to engage in discussions in consultation with relevant stakeholders, including international financial institutions, multilateral development banks and regional commissions, on measures of progress on sustainable development that complement or go beyond gross domestic product, taking into account existing initiatives, to have a more inclusive approach to international cooperation; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Emphasizes the special importance of timely, effective, comprehensive and durable solutions to the debt problems of developing countries to promote their economic growth and development; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Underlines the importance of the sustainable use and management of water resources to increase and contribute to agricultural productivity, calls upon stakeholders to promote integrated water resources management in agriculture and adapt agricultural systems to improve their overall water efficiency and water productivity, and their resilience to water stresses, inter alia, by developing and implementing adaptive water and agricultural strategies and action plans based on a comprehensive approach to the long-term availability and variability of all water sources, reducing water scarcity risks through integrated water resources management options, designing and implementing agricultural and landscape management practices that increase the resilience of agricultural systems to water stress and reduce pollution, making rain-fed agriculture systems a more reliable option, investing in an enabling environment and mobilizing the full set of tools available to them, and calls for further efforts to develop and strengthen irrigation facilities and water-saving technology, which can also enhance resilience to the current and projected adverse impacts of climate change;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reiterating that debt sustainability depends on a confluence of many factors at the international and national levels, and emphasizing that country-specific circumstances and the impact of external shocks, such as volatile commodity and energy prices, more intense and frequent natural disasters and international capital flows, should continue to be taken into account in debt sustainability analyses, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling the Climate Action Summit convened by the Secretary-General on 23 September 2019, recalling also the multi-partner initiatives and commitments presented during the Summit, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirms that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, for all people everywhere, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, as well as an overarching objective of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, of which the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development is an integral part, supporting and complementing it; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP16. Taking note also of the report on the economic impact of broadband in the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, jointly prepared by the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States and the International Telecommunication Union, as well as the United Nations E-Government Survey prepared by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP22 Recognizing also that entrepreneurship can help achieve the 2030 Agenda, underlining the importance of advancing sustainable consumption and production patterns, and stressing the need to promote sustainable and innovative financing opportunities and mechanisms to unlock new capital for sustainable investment and upscale sustainable business models, with a special focus on micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with great concern the severe negative impact on human health, safety and well-being caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the severe disruption to societies and economies and the devastating impact on lives and livelihoods, and that the poorest and most vulnerable are the hardest hit by the pandemic, reaffirming the ambition to get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by designing and implementing sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to help to reduce the risk of and build resilience to future shocks, crises and pandemics, including by strengthening health systems and achieving universal health coverage, and recognizing that equitable and timely access for all to safe, quality, effective and affordable COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics are an essential part of a global response based on unity, solidarity, renewed multilateral cooperation and the principle of leaving no one behind,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, supports and complements it, helps to contextualize its means of implementation targets with concrete policies and actions, and reaffirms the strong political commitment to address the challenge of financing and creating an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development in the spirit of global partnership and solidarity, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'7. Reaffirms that maintaining stable trade flows are essential to urgently address the multiple global crises, inter alia, of food, energy and finance faced by developing countries, as well as enhancing food security and nutrition in these countries; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'1. Takes note of the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'56. Looks forward to the development of a global digital compact to bridge the digital divide and to strengthen digital cooperation through open, transparent and inclusive intergovernmental consultations , taking into account the work being done in the United Nations and in relevant processes and forums, and takes note of the role of the Secretary-General s Envoy on Technology in supporting this effort; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming also the Paris Agreement and its early entry into force, encouraging all its parties to fully implement the Agreement, and parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that have not yet done so to deposit their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, where appropriate, as soon as possible, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling its resolution of 17 19 December 2019,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing the critical role of women as producers and traders and the need to address their [full CANZ] specific challenges in order to facilitate their equal and active[active/ meaningful CANZ] participation in domestic, regional and international trade, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Also emphasizes the need to increase investment, including through enhanced international cooperation, in quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient rural infrastructure, especially in roads, water, sanitation, electricity and Internet connectivity, and to provide an inclusive and sustainable digital transformation;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'14. Recognizes in this regard that the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development has initiated and implemented rapid e-trade readiness assessments of the least developed countries in cooperation with other donors and organizations in order to raise awareness of the opportunities and challenges related to leveraging e commerce in the least developed countries; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with concern that the IMF surcharge policy is inefficient, procyclical and inequitable, since it leaves the most distressed countries bearing the heaviest financial burden, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming also its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, supports and complements it, helps to contextualize its means of implementation targets with concrete policies and actions, and reaffirms the strong political commitment to address the challenge of financing and creating an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development in the spirit of global partnership and solidarity, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'39. Notes with deep concern that technological monopolies and other unfair practices anti-competitive behaviors could hinder the technological development of developing countries, and calls upon the international community to foster an open, fair, and inclusive and non-discriminatory environment for scientific and technological development;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note of the proposals made by the Secretary General on reform of the international financial architecture and strengthening global financial governance by the Secretary-General, in his report entitled Our Common Agenda , regarding and its Policy Brief of Reforms to the International Financial Architecture, including transforming the governance of international financial institutions and a biennial summit between the members of the Group of 20 and of the Economic and Social Council, the Secretary-General and the heads of the international financial institutions,[1]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Encourages Member States, civil society and public and private institutions to develop partnerships to support financial and market services, including training, capacity-building, infrastructure and extension and rural advisory services, and calls for further efforts by all stakeholders to include smallholder and family farmers, in particular rural women and youth, in planning and in taking decisions about making appropriate sustainable agricultural technologies and practices accessible and affordable to them, and strengthen the links between community-based initiatives and financial institutions, including through the promotion of financing tools that foster agricultural sustainability;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'IA edit: Delete and replace with below: [Welcomes the voluntary channelling of unused special drawing rights allocation of the equivalent of 650 billion United States dollars of 23 August 2021, recommends provided by countries through the Resilience and Sustainability Trust (RST) and the exploration of further voluntary options related to Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust of the International Monetary Fund, and calls for the urgent exploration of further voluntary options related to rechannelling of special drawing rights that could serve the needs of developing member countries of the International Monetary Fund, commends countries that pledged 81.6 billion dollars through the voluntary channeling of special drawing rights or equivalent contributions, calls for further pledges from all willing and able countries to meet the total global ambition of 100 billion dollars of voluntary contributions for including through MDBs ; and further calls for the allocation of an additional 500 billion SDRs to benefit those countries most in need. ]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'take into account the needs, priorities, and capacities of all countries, in particular least developing countries; and countries in special situations; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Takes note of the report of the Secretary general and regrets that it does not adequately fulfill the mandate of the General Assembly in its resolution 77/244 which requests an analysis of all the current relevant international legal instruments, other documents and recommendations that address international tax cooperation, that it does not consider the full range of options for strengthening the inclusiveness and effectiveness of international tax cooperation and does not reflect the contributions of many member States in the consultation phase; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'OP20. Emphasizes that the private sector can contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda in many ways, including through applying creative and innovative solutions to solving sustainable development challenges, the alignment of its business models with the Sustainable Development Goals, and supporting the efforts of the public sector in, inter alia, disaster risk reduction, climate action and skills development, in accordance with national plans and policies [and in this regard encourages further policy development and capacity building on de-risking investments in all countries to mobilize financing for disaster risk reduction from public and private sources; CANZ; EU support; G77 and China, Russia reserve]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling also its resolution 74/198 of 19 December 2019, in which it declared 2021 the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, to draw attention to the relevance of the creative economy, in creating full and productive employment and decent work, supporting entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, empowering people, promoting social inclusion, reducing poverty to attain inclusive, equitable and sustainable growth and development,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'36. Recalls paragraphs 37, 38 and 39 of resolution 77/245 on participation at the 4th International Conference on SIDS, and in this regard, reiterate the call to the international and bilateral donors, as well as the private sector, financial institutions, foundations and other donors to support the preparations for the Conference through voluntary contributions to the trust fund in support of preparations for the Conference and to support the participation of representatives of developing countries, priority being given to small island developing States, including coverage of economy-class air tickets, daily subsistence allowances and terminal expenses, and invites voluntary contributions to support the participation of developing countries in the Conference; '
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b'[Taking note of; EU, US] Welcoming the 2023 Ministerial Declaration of the Least Developed Countries, G77: Retain as drafted'
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b'Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth session a report on the implementation of the present resolution, with a particular focus on the state of play with regard to sustainable consumption and production and the application and promotion thereof, taking into account the impacts of, response to and recovery from COVID-19, and to recommend concrete actions to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in this regard; '
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b'Invites countries that have not yet done so to ratify or accede to the Convention;'
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b'[20. Calls upon the international community to [strengthen / continue -UK, -US; -RF retain original] its support to developing countries, [most in need -EU, -US; -RF delete], especially given the inequalities and additional strains that crises have placed on public finances, and to increase the resources available to them to build their capacities to meaningfully participate in and benefit from data and the digital economy; (Based on the agreed conclusions of UNCTAD s IGE on e-commerce and the digital economy) -RF retain as drafted]'
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b'14. Encourages Member States and all relevant stakeholders, as appropriate, in the context of a renewed and strengthened Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, led by Governments, to further efforts to reduce the transaction costs of migrant remittances to less than 3 per cent by 2030 and eliminate remittance corridors with costs higher than 5 per cent by 2030, considering that that the global average was about 6.3 per cent in the third quarter of 2022, which has remained unchanged in the past five to six years, to support national authorities in addressing the most significant obstacles to the continued flow of remittances, such as the trend of banks withdrawing services, and to work towards expanding access to and the volume of remittances through regulated and transparent channels, and in this regard highlights the potential of financial technology services to offer alternative channels and reduce remittance costs; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'OP23. Encourages Member States to achieve sustainable development in its three dimensions in an innovative, integrated, transparent, inclusive and equitable manner, which requires sufficient, sustainable and predictable investment through both the public and the private sectors;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with great concern the fact that a gender digital divide persists in women s access to and use of information and communications technologies, including in education, employment and other areas of economic and social development, and in this regard welcoming the many initiatives that focus on access, skills and leadership to promote the equal participation of women and girls in the digital age, such as the International Girls in ICT Day of the International Telecommunication Union and the Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age, known as the Equals Partnership, '
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b'Stressing the need to support and strengthen information systems and statistical systems for better disaggregated data collection and processing, which will be key in monitoring progress in the adoption of sustainable agricultural technologies and their impact on improving food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'2. Reaffirms the role of culture as an enabler of sustainable development that provides people and communities with a strong sense of identity and social cohesion and contributes to more effective and sustainable development policies and measures at all levels, and stresses in this regard that policies responsive to cultural contexts can yield better, sustainable, inclusive and equitable development outcomes; '
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b'34. Stresses the need for the enhanced participation of Governments and stakeholders from all developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, in all meetings of the Internet Governance Forum, and in this regard invites Member States, as well as other relevant stakeholders, to support the participation of Governments and all other stakeholders from developing countries in the Forum itself, as well as in the preparatory meetings; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'10. Notes with concern that certain forms of support [INSERT: and protection] EU, G77 reserve for agricultural producers is trade-distorting or harmful to nature and health, and reaffirms its commitment to correct and prevent trade restrictions and distortions in world agricultural markets, including through the parallel elimination of all forms of agricultural export subsidies and all export measures with equivalent effect, highlights the need to address trade-[and production CANZ; EU reserve] distorting [INSERT: measures] domestic support [and environmentally harmful CANZ; EU reserve] [domestic support / measures US; EU, G77 reserve]in agriculture, and looks forward to continuing tEU, G77 reserve] he World Trade Organization negotiations consistent with existing mandates to further reform agricultural trade rules, with a view to achieving concrete and positive results at the thirteenth Ministerial Conference; - RF reserve'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'33. Invites the Commission on Science and Technology for Development and the Technology Facilitation Mechanism to strengthen synergies and mutually reinforce their work on science, technology and innovation, and invites the Secretariat to coordinate the dates of their meetings in order to avoid overlap and to ensure coherence and coordination between both entities; '
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b'Recognizes that it is important that all international financial institutions and multilateral development banks continue to be adequately resourced, and reiterates the importance of further that their governance reform must be central to reforms of the international financial architecture, including by broadening and strengthening the voice and representation of developing countries in order to adapt to changes in the global economy;(based on SG Report para 87)'
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b'Recognizing that innovation, such as pro-poor, inclusive, grass-roots and social innovation that seeks to solve problems, is not always addressed by markets, '
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b'18. Emphasizes the importance of the participation of women and girls in science, technology and innovation, and further encourages the United Nations development system to support efforts to reduce gender disparity in these areas, with the cooperation of Member States and international collaborative research organizations; '
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b'[Welcomes the progress of the intergovernmental negotiating committee, established by resolution 5/14 of the UNEA at is resumed fifth session, in developing an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, calls for all efforts to be undertaken to conclude negotiations before the end of 2024 and in this regard welcomes the commitment made by Heads of State and Government in the Political Declaration adopted during the 2023 SDG Summit on 18 September 2023 to support the work of the intergovernmental negotiating committee, -EU, supported by US, ROK; del G77, RF] '
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b'3. Underlines the need to give due consideration to the issues and concerns of small island developing States in all relevant major United Nations conferences and processes and the relevant work of the United Nations development system, and calls for the elaboration of information specific to small island developing States in a disaggregated manner in all major United Nations reports, where appropriate; '
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b'5. Emphasizes the important contribution of culture to the three dimensions of sustainable development and to the achievement of national development objectives, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals, as well as other internationally agreed development goals, and in this regard acknowledges:'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'38 Recognizes that there is an urgent need to assist small island developing States in strengthening their statistical offices and to provide enhanced support in developing national capacities for improved data collection and statistical analysis, including high-quality and disaggregated data, and welcomes the proposal by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda to establish a SIDS Center of Excellence that will include a SIDS global data hub that will be considered in the negotiation of the Programme of Action to be adopted launched at the 4th SIDS Conference;'
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b'62. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its seventy-ninth session the item entitled Information and communications technologies for sustainable development , unless otherwise agreed. '
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b'1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on world commodity trends and prospects; '
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b'Notes the potential for source countries of capital flows to use appropriate combinations of macroeconomic, macroprudential and regulatory policies that avoid excessive leverage and large international spillovers in the form of capital flow volatility, while still meeting domestic macroeconomic objectives, encourages source countries to consider such policies, while clearly communicating monetary policy decisions, and calls for greater macroeconomic coordination among systemically important economies, which can also help to address global financial market volatility; '
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b'Recalling also the holding of the one-day informal interactive dialogue on commodity markets in New York on 31 March 2022, from which resulted a summary that outlined the central messages and conclusions of the two interactive panels held during the dialogue, '
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b'Noting the corrosive effect that aggressive tax avoidance, tax evasion, and illicit financial flows have on public trust, the social compact, financial fiscal integrity, the rule of law, the climate transition, protection of nature, and sustainable development, affecting the poorest and most vulnerable, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming the Paris Agreement8 and encouraging and parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change9 that have not yet done so to deposit their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, where appropriate, as soon as possible, '
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b'OP26. Acknowledges with great concern the devastating economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which undermine the ability of countries ability, in particular developing countries , to implement the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement and threatens to upend the progress made recently in promoting investment in the Sustainable Development Goals, notes the role of multi-stakeholder partnerships, including with the public and private sectors, to foster strategic investment in the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in areas that could contribute more to combat COVID-19 and its resulting socioeconomic impacts, including through innovative financing, inter alia, in health-care [- care CANZ delete; UK support; G77 and China reserve] systems, including universal health coverage; food security, including agricultural and food production and related supply chains; digital connectivity; job creation; sustainable and quality infrastructure development and growth in productivity; as well as to ensure [sustainable /environment-responsive EU; UK supports; G77 and China reserve] approach to COVID-19 recovery and to counter the shortfall in investment that the pandemic entails, calls upon all stakeholders to cooperate in order to enhance resilience and sustainability in global supply chains and strengthen international investment, including by aligning investments with the 2030 Agenda, and encourages cooperation to facilitate cross-border travel of persons for essential purposes, without undermining efforts to prevent the spread of the virus; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Also reiterates that timely and comprehensive data on the level and composition of debt are necessary for, inter alia, building early warning systems aimed at limiting the impact of debt crises, calls for debtor and creditor countries to intensify their efforts to collect and release data, where appropriate, welcomes the ongoing work of relevant institutions to apply innovative tools for monitoring financial stress in developing countries and to invite relevant institutions to consider the creation of a central data registry that includes information on debt restructuring, and calls for donors to consider increasing their support for technical cooperation programmes aimed at increasing the statistical capacity of developing countries in that regard; '
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b'Emphasizing that the international financial system should bolsters sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, sustainable development and job creation, promote financial inclusion and support efforts to eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, and hunger, in particular in developing countries, while allowing for the coherent mobilization of all sources of financing for development,'
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b'17. Encourages urgent action aimed at reducing digital divides and inequalities in data generation, infrastructure and accessibility within and among countries and regions, as well as between developed and developing countries, and urges the creation of the necessary conditions to provide developing countries with affordable and reliable connectivity. '
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b'PP51. Conscious of the challenges faced by States in preventing and combating the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes, including by terrorists, and emphasizing the need to continue international cooperation in this regard and to reinforce technical assistance and capacity-building activities, at their request, for the prevention, prosecution and punishment of such use in accordance with national and international law, '
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b'[16. Notes with concern that the digital and data divides have widened [within and among Member States Mexico] in recent years, while progress, hampered by the impacts of the coronavirus disease (COVID 19) pandemic, climate change and rising debt, has deteriorated with respect to sustainable development targets, such as those in relation to poverty, food security, the trade share of the least developed countries, immunization coverage and employment; , (Based on the agreed conclusions of UNCTAD s IGE on e-commerce and the digital economy) -EU, -US, -UK, -Switzerland delete]'
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b'Underlining the importance of advancing sustainable consumption and production patterns, '
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b'Recognizes the important role of family farming and smallholder farming in adapting and developing sustainable, affordable, and context-specific innovations and technologies while helping preserve and promote traditional products, and in contributing to the achievement of food security and improved nutrition and the role that family farms play [Based on A/78/233, paragraph 86] in contributing to global food security, poverty eradication and sustainability, as well as job creation, and in ending chronic child malnutrition, and in this regard, calls on Member States, academia, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders to adapt that agricultural technologies should be adapted to the needs of small- and medium-scale family farmers and combined with credit access for sustainable production and significant investment in rural infrastructure as well as the training and education of those who would most benefit from them;'
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b'PP8 Highlighting [the /that the second highest SDG investment gap is in water and sanitation, with a growing - Russia merge with PP9; US, EU support; G77 and China reserve] need for sustainable and innovative investments in water and sanitation to ensure progress on the implementation of water-related goals and targets, '
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b'58. Looks forward to the General Assembly s comprehensive review of the progress made since World Summit on the Information Society in 2025; '
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b'6. Welcomes the work of the Inter-Agency Consultative Group for Least Developed Countries, led by the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, notes the steps taken by the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination and the High-level Committee on Programmes in supporting the coordination and follow-up of the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action on a system-wide basis, and reiterates its invitation to the Secretary-General, in his capacity as Chair of the Chief Executives Board, to include the implementation of the Programme of Action in the agenda of the Board; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing that science, technology and innovation cooperation and collaboration with, as well as foreign direct investment in and trade with and among, developing countries, as well as international support, are fundamental to enhancing developing countries ability to benefit from technological advances and to produce, nurture, access, comprehend, select, adapt and use science, technology and innovation knowledge, '
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b'Recognizing that commodity price volatility, including excessive volatility, can have adverse impacts on both producer and consumer countries, and noting with concern that this can undermine commodity-dependent countries development efforts, as it could discourage investment, widen trade deficits and aggravate household poverty, '
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b'36. Emphasizes the need for early conclusion conclusion completion : Japan of the feasibility studies, as mandated in the Doha Programme of Action, to explore without replacing face to face learning: EU EU (Will take back); Holy See: Rationale? the possibility of establishing an online university or other equivalent platforms to support online graduate and postgraduate university-level science, technology, engineering and mathematics education in the least developed countries and recently graduated countries with a view to, inter alia, providing policy support to promote distance education and open learning for graduate and postgraduate studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, ensuring 50-50: EU US, RF: Delete gender balance at all levels while guaranteeing special access for the poorest and people in vulnerable situations, creating a virtual network of educational institutions within and beyond the least developed countries, assisting in course design and curriculum development, and leading to scale and sustainability of the education system, taking into account all pre-existing initiatives developed by the relevant partners in a comprehensive manner, and in this regard looks forward to the report of the Secretary-General, outlining, inter alia, the mapping of existing initiatives, possible new modalities, resource requirements, accreditation and sustainable funding sources to be submitted to the General Assembly at its seventy-eighth session for its consideration; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Underlines the importance of multilateral efforts to tackle increasingly complex cross-border challenges that have serious effects on development and debt sustainability; '
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b'PP1 Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recognition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions economic, social and environmental in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business, agreed ad ref'
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b'PP24 Emphasizing also that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is not possible without private and public investment, including long-term foreign investment, which can be mobilized when there is an enabling environment at all levels,'
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b'79. Takes note of the summary by the President of the Economic and Social Council of the 20222023 Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up; [Technical update] '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'14. Reaffirms the importance of promoting regional economic integration of developing countries to foster trade recovery and development, and in this regard welcomes ongoing efforts to fully operationalize the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area, including the commencement of actual trading under the Agreement aimed at doubling intra-African trade to deliver economic transformation and strengthen Africa s resilience, including food security, COVID-19 recovery and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and notes the progress made in the implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'12. Requests the Technology Facilitation Mechanism and the Commission on Science and Technology for Development, through the Economic and Social Council, to continue to consider, in a coordinated manner within their respective mandates and existing resources, the impact of rapid technological changes and frontier technologies on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets, and to align this endeavour with the follow-up cycle of the high-level political forum on sustainable development in order to support the efforts of all countries towards the attainment of the Goals, including through forging partnerships with other relevant stakeholders, organizations, initiatives and forums, such as the Partnership in Action on STI for SDGs Road Maps, initiated by the United Nations inter-agency task team on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals, and the dissemination of advances and best practices to facilitate cooperation towards this end; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'44. Reaffirms the commitment at the very heart of the 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind and commit to taking more tangible steps to support people in vulnerable situations and the most vulnerable countries and to reach the furthest behind first; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizes that eradicating poverty in rural areas cannot be separated from the sustainable transformation and strengthening of food systems and that ensuring fair markets that enable the participation of smallholder and family farmers in food systems, particularly in value chains where small-scale producers have a comparative advantage, will continue to be important, in this regard takes note with appreciation of the United Nations Food Systems Summit, held in 2021, which recognized the transformative effects of sustainable food systems as a driver for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, underscores that promoting a universal, rules-based, open, transparent, predictable, inclusive, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization is essential for building sustainable, inclusive and resilient food systems, and thus stresses the importance of keeping trade channels and markets open, equitable, transparent, non-discriminatory and predictable for the movement of food, fertilizer and other agricultural inputs and outputs and access to energy, and emphasizes the urgent need to combat protectionism in all its forms and to correct and prevent trade restrictions and distortions that are inconsistent with World Trade Organization rules in world agricultural markets; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP15 Recognizing that a revitalized global partnership will facilitate an intensive global engagement in support of the implementation of all of the Goals and their targets, bringing together Governments, civil society, the private sector, academia, the United Nations system and other actors and mobilizing all available resources, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP44. Noting also the convening of the World Telecommunication Development Conference by the International Telecommunication Union in Kigali from 6 to 16 June 2022, under the theme Connecting the unconnected to achieve sustainable development , agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with great concern the severe negative impact on human health, safety and well-being caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the severe disruption to societies and economies and the devastating impact on lives and livelihoods, and that the poorest and most vulnerable are the hardest hit by the pandemic, reaffirming the ambition to get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by designing and implementing sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to help to reduce the risk of and build resilience to future shocks, crises and pandemics, including by strengthening health systems and achieving universal health coverage, and recognizing that equitable and timely access for all to safe, quality, effective and affordable COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics are an essential part of a global response based on through unity, solidarity, renewed multilateral cooperation and the principle of leaving no one behind, '