- Case report - Open Access Psychosis following a stroke to the cerebellum and midbrain: a case report Cerebellum & Ataxias volume 2, Article number: 17 (2015) There is growing evidence that the cerebellum serves an important role in controlling affect and cognition, and its pathology has been implicated in several psychiatric disorders. Furthermore, the brainstem’s role in cognition and affect has been historically overlooked. Neuroimaging studies and an increasing number of case reports indicate cognitive deficits and hallucinatory phenomena after isolated brainstem lesions. We report a 56-year-old man who developed persistent persecutory delusions, hallucinations, cognitive impairment and flattened affect following an extensive bilateral cerebellar stroke with involvement of the midbrain. This is one of the few reported cases of unremitting psychosis secondary to cerebellar and mesencephalic vascular infarction. We suggest, based on the distribution of the patient’s lesions, that his corresponding symptoms are a result of a disruption to cerebrocerebellar pathways. This article briefly reviews recent pathophysiological explanations behind the psychosis associated with brainstem and cerebellar lesions, the treatment, as well as the relation of these structures to each other. The cerebellum has a well-established role in modulating motor control and its dysfunction manifests as disorders of ataxia, dysdiadochokinesia, dysmetria, dysarthria, diplopia, and dysphagia [1, 2]. In more recent times, the cerebellum has become recognized as having a wider encompassing involvement in modulating higher order cognitive and emotional processing . Experimental and clinical research on patients with cerebellar pathology has identified a pattern of dysfunction in the domains of executive function (e.g., impaired working memory, decreased verbal fluency, poor planning), spatial cognition (e.g., disrupted visual spatial organization and memory), affect (e.g., flat affect or inappropriate behavior) and language (e.g., dysprosodia and agrammatism) . Schmahmann coined the changes as a “cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome (CCAS)” . CCAS is also referred to by its eponym Schmahmann’s Syndrome . Pathology of the cerebellum has been linked to various psychiatric disorders, which is attributed to the disruption of the circuitry connecting the cerebellum to other cerebral structures including limbic structures . For example, schizophrenia has alternatively been described, pathophysiologically, as a “cognitive dysmetria” due to dysfunction in the cortico-cerebello-thalamo-cortical circuit . We report a case of psychosis involving persecutory delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations secondary to a vascular infarct affecting bilateral cerebellar hemispheres and part of the midbrain. Few published cases have described infratentorial stroke lesions producing a persisting psychosis. We will briefly discuss contemporary theories about the pathophysiology of psychosis induced by cerebellar-brainstem lesions. This is a case of a 56-year-old male with an unremarkable past psychiatric and family history. He was previously healthy except for having untreated hypertension, dyslipidemia, and being a tobacco chewer. He was married with children, and was a semi-retired business owner. His initial presentation to the emergency occurred after a sudden onset of severe headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blurry vision, slurred speech, and ataxia. His initial CT scan was inconclusive but a subsequent MRI later the same day demonstrated extensive acute bilateral cerebellar infarcts with some involvement of the midbrain colliculi and superior cerebellar peduncles (Fig. 1). A CT angiogram of the head and neck performed on the same day indicated an intracranial left vertebral artery dissection with embolus to the distal basilar artery extending into the P1 segment of the left posterior cerebral artery. Bilateral SCA territory infarcts were indicated by patchy areas of hypoattenuation within the bilateral cerebellar hemispheres as well as the inferior right and bilateral superior cerebellar lobes (Fig. 1). The patient had otherwise unremarkable findings from medical investigations including a normal transthoracic echocardiogram. During his admission to the stroke neurology unit, the patient suffered from ongoing significant ataxia, dysarthria, scanning speech, motor dysmetria, and mild diplopia. He required a temporary nasogastric tube feed and subsequent insertion of a peg tube for 3 months due to dysphagia. There was mild right-sided hemisensory impairment to sharp touch and temperature, which resolved after 4 months. His other neurological symptoms gradually improved but did not completely resolve over his nearly 5-month admission to hospital. Dysmetria and ataxia were most resistant to rehabilitation. Approximately 2 days into his admission, records indicated that the patient began experiencing hallucinations and was thought to be “confused.” The patient described seeing cameras and police in his room at night. He expressed delusions such as “Russians are coming to get me”, “police were stealing people away at night”, and became suspicious that his wife was committing adultery. The patient’s perceptual disturbances were more pronounced at night. Extensive laboratory investigations were performed along with repeat head CT scans and a review of his medications -- all results were non-indicative for delirium. After 3 weeks, his symptoms persisted despite maintaining orientation in all three spheres. The consulting psychiatrist diagnosed the patient with “psychotic disorder due to stroke” based on the observation that the patient suffered from delusions and hallucinations with a lack of insight. He was started on 2.5 mg Olanzapine at night. Consequently, the patient reportedly slept more at night although accounts of his paranoid delusions and agitation persisted. The anxiety associated with his perceptual disturbances appeared to diminish over the next 3 weeks until discharge. The patient was transferred to an inpatient stroke rehabilitation hospital for another 3 months and Olanzapine was discontinued on admission as per his request. Psychiatry was re-consulted as the patient expressed ongoing fears of being harmed by intruders in the hospital and complained of hearing people being shot at night, which affected his sleep. He believed that SWAT members were consistently lurking in the hallways. He lacked insight about his fixed ideas and endorsed his beliefs throughout the day to his wife and staff. His affect was flat and minimally reactive during assessments. His speech was slow and monotone but he could express himself coherently otherwise. Other than anxiety related to his delusions the patient denied experiencing problems with depression. A repeat brain MRI disclosed no new findings. The patient was diagnosed with a “persistent post-stroke psychosis”. He agreed to restarting Olanzapine and the dose was gradually increased to 5 mg in the evenings. Same as before, the patient’s delusions and hallucinations did not subside but he reported significantly less anxiety about his delusions and had better sleep. On the cognitive level, based on formal tests involving the Brixton Spatial Anticipation Test, Indendent Living Scale, Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status, and Weschler Memory Scale (WMS-III: Spatial Span Subtest), the patient was impaired in the following domains: divided attention/multitasking (mild impairment), visual-spatial working memory (mild impairment), and immediate and delayed memory for verbal information (mild to moderate impairment). Novel problem-solving ability was in the low average range. Family members and health care staff commented that the patient showed impulsivity in behavior resulting in unsafe transfers and having a “shorter fuse.” In contrast, the patient was found to have above average language and fine visual-spatial judgment of angles and distances. Auditory working memory fell within normal limits. The patient was scheduled for a follow-up appointment with outpatient psychiatry in one month’s time but he did not attend. He was subsequently lost to follow-up. The patient in this case lacked any pre-morbid psychiatric history or family history of mental illness. The onset of psychotic symptoms shortly after vascular insult strongly suggested a post-stroke psychosis caused by lesions appearing on diagnostic imaging. The distribution of our patient’s lesions overlapped the anterior and posterior cerebellar lobes. Damage to the lateral regions of each hemisphere was most pronounced with relatively mild involvement of the vermis. Specific lobules affected were II–VI in the left hemisphere and II–VII in the right hemisphere. Schmahmann outlined the cerebellum’s topography of function; linking lobules I–V to sensorimotor function, and lobules VI, VII to cognitive and affective function . Our patient’s significant motor ataxia could be explained by damage to lobules II–V. His blunted affect, impulsivity, executive deficits and delusions may be related to injured lobules VI and VII, which is consistent with the CCAS . Studies by Schmahmann had previously shown that affective disturbances were routinely occurring in patients with damage to the vermis and cognitive function was affected by lateral parts of the posterior lobe . Furthermore, cognitive and affective changes were more prominent in bilateral hemisphere pathology . Given the increasingly established evidence for the cerebellum’s role in higher order processing, it is understandable that in this case and in others [6–11], damage to the cerebellum or to its cortical pathways can result in affective and cognitive disturbances manifesting as a psychotic disorder. The previously proposed concept of “cognitive affective psychosis” may be applicable in this case. The pathophysiological mechanism subserving the development of psychosis is uncertain but it can be understood in the context of a cognitive dysmetria as postulated in patients with schizophrenia . The cerebellum, through its network of Purkinje cells and deep nuclei, modulates incoming information through pattern and error detection . The dysfunctional cerebellum will misinterpret an internal signal from auditory cortex as an external stimulus leading to flawed output back to cerebral cortex resulting in an auditory hallucination experience . The cerebellum participates in associated learning . When this function is disrupted, perceptions become connected with an “erroneous matrix of associations” leading to misinterpreted events experienced as delusions . Damage to the patient’s midbrain may have further precipitated the patient’s symptoms due to its potential involvement in the cerebrocerebellar network. Through SPECT studies and review of cases in the literature, Marien and D’aes demonstrated the brainstem to be an essential part of the cerebrocerebellar network, and its interruption of excitatory input to the cerebrum and cerebellum can result in a pattern of deficits similar to the CCAS. It is suggested that the brainstem can modulate cognition and affect through reciprocal connections with the cerebellum and the cerebrum . Our patient had partial response to Olanzapine on both 2.5 and 5 mg evening doses. Mainly sleep and anxiety were improved but abatement of psychotic symptoms was questionable. The dose may have been inadequate or perhaps Olanzapine’s receptor profile was inadequate for the region of pathology. To the best of our knowledge, there is no consensus on preferred pharmacological treatment of psychotic symptoms secondary to cerebellar lesions. There are limited case reports on treatment, however one case reported success with a combination of Clozapine and Valproate . Another article reported success in treating a patient’s depressive and psychotic symptoms with Fluoxetine and Risperidone . This case highlights the importance of both the cerebellum and the brainstem in influencing behavior, cognition and affect, functions that historically have been overlooked in these structures. There is mounting evidence in the literature that lesions to the brain in the distribution of the posterior circulation are capable of producing sophisticated disturbances in behavior and perception. Increased awareness of this phenomenon will hopefully result in greater recognition and understanding of the psychiatric and cognitive deficits of infratentorial lesions. Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for the publication of this report and any accompanying images. Schmahmann JD. Disorders of the cerebellum: ataxia, dysmetria of thought, and the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2004;16(3):367–78. Schmahmann JD, Sherman JC. The cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. Brain. 1998;121(4):561–79. Shakiba A. The role of the cerebellum in neurobiology of psychiatric disorders. Neurol Clin. 2014;32(4):1105–15. Manto M, Mariën P. Schmahmann’s syndrome - identification of the third cornerstone of clinical ataxiology. Cerebellum Ataxias. 2015;2:2. doi:10.1186/s40673-015-0023-1. Andreasen NC, Pierson R. The role of the cerebellum in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry. 2008;64(2):81–8. Emul M. Co-occurrence of psychiatric symptoms with cerebellar venous malformation: a case report. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2010;22(4):451-d. e6-451 e7. Miyazawa T, Ito M, Yasumoto Y. Peduncular hallucinosis following microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia without direct brainstem injury: case report. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2009;151(3):285–6. Lu ML, Yeh IJ. Onset of psychosis after cerebellum pathology: a case report. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2001;23(1):41–2. Jurjus GJ, Weiss KM, Jaskiw GE. Schizophrenia-like psychosis and cerebellar degeneration. Schizophr Res. 1994;12(2):183–4. Almeida J. Effective treatment with clozapine and valproate for refractory schizophrenia-like psychosis after cerebellar hemorrhage. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2011;34(3):131–2. Duggal HS. Cognitive affective psychosis syndrome in a patient with sporadic olivopontocerebellar atrophy. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2005;17(2):260–2. Marien P, D’Aes T. “Brainstem cognitive affective syndrome” following disruption of the cerebrocerebellar network. Cerebellum. 2015;14(2):221–5. D’Aes T, Marien P. Cognitive and affective disturbances following focal brainstem lesions: a review and report of three cases. Cerebellum. 2015;14(3):317–40. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. MB performed a chart review and literature review. MB drafted the manuscript. MB analyzed and compiled diagnostic imaging data. HB helped draft the manuscript and participated in the editing process. HB verified the facts of the case. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. About this article Cite this article Bielawski, M., Bondurant, H. Psychosis following a stroke to the cerebellum and midbrain: a case report. cerebellum ataxias 2, 17 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40673-015-0037-8 - Post-stroke psychosis - Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome - Cerebellar stroke
ri m ri MOD TECH FURNITURE, INC. Workmen's Circle Great Lakes Region will sponsor a Yiddish Re- vival Conference Aug. 4 through Aug. 9 at the University of Michi- gan campus in Ann Arbor. The program of music, dance, literature and culture will include lectures in English followed by discussion in Yiddish or English. Among the topics are "The Rise of the Yiddish Novel," "American- Yiddish Poets," "Shtetl and City" and "Yiddish in Israel." Prof. Anita Norich of the Uni- versity of Michigan School of Judaic Studies will be one of the lecturers and Prof. Eliza Shevrin, who is currently translating Isaac Bashevis Singer and Sholem Aleichem, also will lecture. Michael Alpert of the New York Yiddish Music Group Kapelya, and Janet Leushter will perform songs and dances on Aug. 4 and conduct workshops on Aug. 5. The program will close with a special Oneg Shabbat on Aug. 8 and a gala brunch on Aug. 9. Registration is available in three options: a total program in- cluding dormitory room, meals, lectures and entertainment; without dormitory accommoda- tions; or programs only. Admission to the program'is by written application only and the reservation deadline is July 10. There is a fee. Workmen's Circle members receive special dis- counts. For information and registration, call Workmen's Cir- cle 545-0985, Monday-Friday, 9 a.rn.to 3 p.m. or write. Workmen's Circle, 26341 Coolidge, Oak Park Designs That Fit manufacturer of custom furniture HOUSE CALLS MADE FOR NAIL AND FOOT CARE DR. SEYMOURE BALAJ Where there's everything for the summer camper: Canteens, T-Shirts, Insect Repellant, Duffel Bags, Trunks, Blankets, Sleeping Bags & much, much more! (Some Items Available Used) 3766 W. 12 Mlle DO ALL YOUR CAMP SHOPPING OVER THE PHONE rchase of $25 or more The State of Michigan's $100,000 appropriation for the Holocaust Memorial Center was approved by a House-Senate con- ference committee and was ex- pected to be approved routinely this week as part of the 1986-1987 State Senator Jack Faxon (D- Farmington Hills) credits the doubling of funds to the incident last month when Sen. Gilbert DiNello (D-East Detroit) argued against the funding by claiming that the Jewish community was wealthy enough to fund the HMC. Publicity over that incident and DiNello's public apology is cre- dited by Faxon with giving the HMC the new appropriation, which is double previous figures. "Nobody wanted to play with that figure now," Faxon told The Jewish News, "and we are in posi- tion to keep the funding at that level in future years." The HMC plans to use the funds as part of its general operating budget. More than 80 percent of its visitors in its first year were public school groups. the opportunity to purchase any new car at tremendous savings! All makes, including imports. tTop dollar for your trade-in. v Immediate delivery of in-stock vehicles or order the car of your v Dealer reduced interest rates when v22 years experience. NEW & USED CAR BROKER CALL US AT (313) 851-9700 31471 Northwestern Hwy., • Farmington Hills, MI 48018
Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow (Mocak) One entrance carries the glittering sign, “Kunst macht frei” (art makes you free). The pun is not arbitrary. The museum, designed by Italian architect Claudio Nardi, has been built on the site of Oskar Schindler’s factory in the city’s post-industrial Zablocie district, retaining one of the original walls and adapting six other buildings. The History Museum’s Story of Nazi Occupation is also on-site. There are glass floors, complex walkways, slanting roofs with skylights. The warehouse atmosphere (which, in the basement, can feel like an underground car park) is broken up by cubby holes, intimate film rooms, video-boxes and a lively mix of genres. • Ulica Lipowa 4, +48 12 263 40 00, mocak.com.pl/en, £1.90 (free on Tues), children under seven free. Open Tues-Sun 11am-7pm Photograph: James Howard My favourite street in Krakow, a cobbled lane of 14th-century townhouses leading to the Wawel Castle, is beautiful by day or night. There’s the Kawiarnia Literacka (Literary Cafe) at No 1, an old-school subterranean cafe and a former haunt of writers during communist times. Next door is the Cricot Theatre, Tadeusz Kantor’s avantgarde theatre (tinyurl.com/cricottheatre). Walk among the eerie machines and mannequins of this subversive director’s work. At No 11, you’ll find Bona: Books and Coffee, with a selection of Polish books translated into English (bonamedia.pl). Before you reach the castle, don’t forget the house where Pope John Paul II lived when he was Archbishop of Krakow (1951-67). The Jewish district of Kazimierz No-BoNo-Bo (Ulica Meiselsa 24, restauracja-nobo.pl) is a new 50s-style cafe-diner with film posters, good coffee, daily specials from 17zl (£3.30) and a wide-ranging menu including breakfasts both English and Polish. Next door you’ll find the delightful Mleczarnia, a former Jewish milk bar, with an interior of gramophones and candelabras and sepia photographs. There’s a lovely garden opposite, one of the best spots in the city when the chestnut and cherry trees are in full bloom. Ulica Józefa, Kazimierz Love Krove. Photograph: glodnawrazen.com.pl. This is a fascinating street of antique shops (starocie) and offbeat boutiques including, No 20, Butik (ideafix.pl), which features only Polish designers. At No 8 Love Krove (facebook.com/lovekrove) is an almost unbearably trendy burger joint for hungry hipsters. Choose from a dozen burgers (£3.20-£6), and squeeze between the brightly coloured furnishings, the chunky spectacles and those angular hair-dos-and-don’ts. Still, it’s a first for Krakow. For cafe-bars, find a cushioned nook in the small, rambling rooms of Eszewaria (No 9), or cross the road to sister bar Esze (No 18), my retreat of choice, with its low-slung armchairs, old sofas and lamps, drums as tables, swing-seats at the bar, and a real fireplace and smoking room. There’s Fairtrade coffee, and – a trend at the moment – unpasteurised Polish beers such as Perla and Ciechan. Warning: Ulica Józefa Nos 8-13 (including Eszewaria) will close in the not-too-distant future as the buildings are owned by the church and they want to build … a hotel! Hotel CopernicusSodispar (sodispar.pl) is a friendly agency renting basic twin-bed studios for 150zl (£30) or luxury apartments for up to 10 people for 490zl (£98). Its old town flats are on the best streets, within walking distance of the main square, and for my zloty, the best value for kipping in Krakow. Repeat guests are rewarded with a 20% discount, and the website carries last-minute offers. For those looking to the stars, the Hotel Copernicus (Ulica Kanonicza 16, hotel.com.pl, doubles from £85) is a consummately stylish hotel named after the Polish mathematician-astronomer Mikolaj Kopernik, who studied in the city. The Copernicus is the sister hotel of the Stary (staryhotel.com, doubles from £175), where the England team will be staying, but offers a much quieter spot beneath Wawel Castle, a suite with a restored 15th-century fresco and a dining room with a 16th-century wooden ceiling, plus 29 sophisticated rooms of dark oak and leather. A swimming pool in the medieval cellar completes the elegance. Pódgoerze Bridge. Photograph: James Howard Podgórze is a working-class area being revitalised by bohos fleeing the tourist-flooded centre and Jewish district. The recent Laetus Bernatek footbridge (named after a local monk) has opened up previously dark and dangerous areas both sides of the river. Drukarnia (Ulica Nadwislanska 1, drukarniaclub.pl/english.htm) is a happening venue, ideal for enjoying sunsets over the River Wisla. The cafe-club has a basement for concerts and DJ nights, a saloon-style smoking room and a smarter side with velvet seats, a long bar and huge windows on the river. A tower block behind sports work by the famous Italian graffiti artist Blu. Back on the other side of the bridge, there’s Cocon gay club (Ulica Gazowa 21); the owner, Janusz, once worked for Radio Free Europe. Underneath Cocon, you’ll find the Teatr Nowy (teatrnowy.com.pl) patronised by the transsexual MP Anna Grodzka, and currently running an adaptation of Michal Witkowski’s Lovetown, a funny and ribald look at gay life in Poland. Round the corner, there are two new cafes as you approach the bridge from the city side: Mostowy Art Cafe (Ulica Mostowa 8) is a large and elegant gallery cafe, while Po Drodze (“on the way”), next door, offers a cosy old kitchen feel in which you can take your coffee with a vodka shot. Restaurants and bakeries Pod Baranem, Krakow Though Wentzl (Rynek Glowny 19, restauracja.wentzl.pl/eng/indexeng.html) is still prospering after more than 200 years of superior dining, my current favourite is Pod Baranem (Ulica Sw. Gertrudy 21, podbaranem.com/english.html), a father-and-son-run enterprise, frequented by Polish presidents, painters and poets, who sit beneath paintings by the leading contemporary artist Edward Dwurnik. It’s quiet and low-lit, serving the very highest quality Polish food: hunter’s stew, homemade pork sausages, pork jelly, venison pâté with Cumberland sauce. Also try piernik ginger cake with coffee butter and cherry vodka, followed by a shot of homemade walnut vodka. What’s more, the male-only staff have all attended waiters’ school, making the service attentive and friendly – a rare treat in Poland. The lunch menu is a mere 18zl (less than £4) an evening meal from around £10 per head plus drinks. Krakow chatter is of the Gessler Restaurant, a new sensation at the otherwise outmoded Hotel Francuski (Ulica Pijarska 13). A famous Warsaw TV chef, Adam Gessler, has moved to the city to revitalise this old hotel’s kitchen. The results have been dramatic, turning a previously empty restaurant into a spot very popular with those in the know, not surprising at 20zl (£4, double that for evening) a pop for a lunch menu of, for example, pea soup, veal cutlet and dessert. Krakow is a ciasto-miasto, a cake city. Cupcake Corner (Ulica Bracka 4,cupcakecorner.pl) has daily variations of coffee and cupcakes, from carrot to liquorice. The Michalscy Cukiernia (michalscy.pl) cake shops are probably best value and you can find them all over the city, serving up the calorie-clocking Polish delicacies of szarlotkaapple cake, sernik cheesecake and 10cm-tall towers of pink cream sandwiched in flaky pastry. Zadie Smith, Milosz festival. Photograph: Tomasz Wiech Small wonder the city is applying for status as a Unesco City of Literature. Krakow hosts the Milosz Festival in May (milosz365.eu), and the Conrad Festival in November (conradfestival.pl/en). Milosz is one of the city’s two Nobel prize winners for literature, whereas Joseph Conrad spent his childhood years in the city. I’d also recommend the Sacrum Profanum (sacrumprofanum.com/en), Film (kff.com.pl/en), and Off Kamera (offpluscamera.com) festivals. The city is very proud of its new Opera House (opera.krakow.pl/otwarcie_en.php), whereas Nowa Huta, a communist-era workers’ district, has a nascent arts scene, including the theatre/venue Laznia Nowa (laznianowa.pl/laznianowa/index.php/en). Check out the Coke Live Festival in August (livefestival.pl/en) and the Selektor Festival in June (selectorfestival.pl/news_en.html) for live music with increasingly impressive line-ups. Ambasada Sledzia (“The Herring Embassy”, Ulica Stolarska 8-10,tinyurl.com/ambasada) is so named as it’s opposite the American Embassy, so you get a 24-hour police guard to go with your drinking. Non-pasteurised Kasztelan beer, a glass of wine and a shot of vodka are all at 4zl (80p). “Polish tapas” means cheap sandwiches and soups, plus herring in oil, sour cream or beetroot. Herring is known to go well with vodka, hence the Polish saying, “a fish likes to swim”. Adventurous types should seek out Literki (“letters”, Ulica Berka Joselewicka 21), down a dark side street a 10-minute walk from the centre, and behind a metal door, with a roster stretching from jazz jams to “dubstep & grime” nights. You have to keep your ear to the ground to find out what’s going on in this place. Walks and wanderings The Planty. Photograph: Alamy You must walk the chestnut-lined strip of gardens, known as Planty, that circles the city alongside the old walls. It’s a lovely walk all year round and a great way to see local history and people alike. In the centre, wander along Sw. Marka and Sw. Tomasza streets, browsing small galleries (Sw. Tomasza 22, galeriafotografii.eu), antiquarian bookshops and many fine churches, before heading to one of Krakow’s best-kept secrets, the roof-cafe of the Music Academy (Sw. Tomasza 43) for unrivalled views of the city. Only don’t tell anyone I told you. James Hopkin is the author of Winter Under Water and the award-winning short story Even the Crows Say Krakow (Picador, £1.99,tinyurl.com/eventhecrows). His Dalmatian trilogy of short stories will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 1, 8 and 15 January at 7.45pm.
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My new book is out! Thinking Queerly: Medievalism, Wizardry and Neurodiversity in Young Adult Texts is available from the Medieval Institute Press at Western Michigan University. This focuses on the history of the wizard as a queer, neurodivergent figure, and how they re-appear in young-adult novels as transgressive characters. Purchase a copy at a discount here, or from Bookshop, or Powell’s. I gave a talk, entitled “Queer Magic: Wizardry and Neurodiversity in Fantasy Studies,” as part of the Out on the Prairie speaker series at the University of Regina. We chatted about cranky wizards, nonbinary angels, and some medievalist YA fantasy texts. On March 12th, 6pm CST, I’ll be hosting a keynote roundtable with poets Courtney Bates Hardy and Tea Gerbeza, as part of the University of Regina Department of English’s annual conference on pop culture–Trash Talkin. We’ll start with a reading, and then discuss mental health, disability, and creative writing. Click here to register for this free Zoom event, and here for the poster! Jan 19 2021 I’m on an episode of the Harry Potter podcast Witch, Please, hosted by Hannah McGregor and Marcelle Kosman, where we talk about disability, ableism, and neurodiversity in the HP series (particularly in Chamber of Secrets). Check it out here. Jan 11 2021 Jan 3 2021 I’ve got a new poem in the January 2021 issue of @GhostCityPress‘s Ghost City Review–check it out along with other great poetry from contributors. It’s an extremely 90s-feeling poem featuring Tori Amos, Sailor Moon, and Magic: The Gathering. I have a new piece in @lareviewofbooks on neurodiversity in YA lit and pop culture–check it out here. I discuss shows like Atypical and Everything’s Gonna Be Okay, as well as some contemporary YA texts. I have a short piece on craft and characterization in the latest issue of WordWorks by @bcwriters There are neat articles by Pat Dobie, Michelle Barker, and Faye Arcand. Thanks to Ursula Vaira for putting this together! Access it here I’ve published two accessible pieces on academic hiring and the job market: How to Survive the Academic Job Market, and Surviving Academic Interviews. Both focus on ableism in the academy and challenges to diverse hiring, as well as strategies for hiring and interviewing. The Faculty of Arts Research site at the University of Regina has re-posted my essay on queerness and the spectrum–now it counts as research! I published an essay on Medium about queerness, the spectrum, and Schitt’s Creek. I have a chapter on queer meals, “Schitt’s Creek,” and coffee culture in Canadian Culinary Imaginations, a forthcoming volume edited by Shelley Boyd and Dorothy Barenscott. Pre-order a copy from McGill-Queen’s University Press. I have a new poem in the final issue of Poetry is Dead (“Small Towns”). It’s a lovely collection of poems on small towns in Canada, from Penticton to Peterborough. Order an issue now because this is their very last one! My piece on medieval eunuchs in Game of Thrones is out with The Public Medievalist! It deals with the medieval gender spectrum, Varys being a boss, and other historical eunuch warriors. Also some Byzantine work on loving/accepting eunuch citizens. I published two articles (one co-authored) on the rainbow crosswalk debates in Chilliwack and Regina. I’m happy with how these turned out! Jacq Brasseur was kind enough to co-author the Carillon piece and their words are powerful. Abstract: “This essay will discuss the role of social anxiety in the work of Margaret Cavendish, with a particular emphasis on blushing, speechlessness, and what we would now call introversion. The bashfulness that she presents in her work as a “crimeless defect,” I will argue, is both a form of transgressive modesty and a reaction against environmental sensitivity. In plays such as Lady Contemplation, The Presence, and Love’s Adventures, Cavendish is interested in staging various failures of communication.” This is fun–my first book, Blood Relations: Chosen Families in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, has been profiled in a Wiki article/video: “10 Nerd-Friendly Books Examining Popular Media.” Check out McFarland’s other great titles in pop culture as well! I attended the International Medieval Congress at Leeds–highlights included getting to hold a falcon (!), visiting York Abbey with a fierce crew of academics, and attending excellent panels on the medieval mind, medieval skin, and saints. I presented on medievalism in The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, linking the title character with the enchantress Morgan le Fay. Check out the paper here: Dangerous Minds June 4 2019 I attended the meeting of the Canadian Society of Medievalists at Congress2019–delivered a paper on medievalism and convention culture (read it here: queer medievalist markets) as well as an excellent roundtable on combating white supremacy in medieval studies. There was also a fun manuscript workshop at UBC’s special collections! May 12 2019 I attended the International Congress on Medieval Studies and participated in a roundtable on problems in medieval studies, sponsored by The Lone Medievalist. There were excellent discussions about anti-racist pedagogy (including the IMC’s troubled relationship with Medievalists of Color), and my own talk focused on medieval poetry and mental health/neurodiversity in the classroom. I also participated in a panel on medievalism in children’s literature, and delivered a paper on medievalism in Rainbow Rowell’s Carry On. You can read it here: Kzoo_Wizard_Paper. April 15 2019 I have a new poem in the most recent issue of The Maynard! It’s all about breaking bones and hearts! December 3 2018 Heya fellow medievalists and fantasy-enthusiasts. I’ll be attending 2 medieval conferences in the new year. From May 9-12 I’ll be at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at the University of Western Michigan in Kalamazoo. I’ll be presenting a paper on medievalism on YA literature, and I’ll also be part of a roundtable focused on problems within the discipline. From July 1-4 I’ll be at the IMC in Leeds, presenting on “dangerous wizards” in young-adult texts. Feel free to find me if you’re at either of these events! Coffee, chatter, and “oohing” over medieval books is always welcome. June 15 2018 I reviewed a forthcoming collaborative book–Autoethnography and Feminist Theory at the Water’s Edge: Unsettled Islands. Edited by Sonja Boon, Lesley Butler, and Daze Jeffries, and forthcoming from Palgrave Press. An excellent mix of creative/critical essays from an elemental perspective, including discussion of trans and nonbinary identities in a Canadian context. December 7 2017 Tonight at 6:30 PM I’m doing an interview on Regina’s CJTR Community Radio [for their Just Drawn That Way podcast]–we’ll be chatting about my recent class on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Feel free to have a listen here. November 14 2017 I’m giving a seminar on New Directions in Medieval Studies as part of the University of Regina Department of English’s Proseminar Series. We’ll discuss ecologies, medievalism(s), and disability studies, as well as what Medieval Studies can offer! Click here for a larger version of the poster. I delivered a talk on Old English literature and disability studies, entitled “Blue Histories: Thinking With Sadness in the Middle Ages,” as part of the Orlene Murad series at the University of Regina. Afterwards we discussed medieval representations of the body, and how medieval literature may represent a challenge to current narratives of cure (see Eli Clare’s wonderful work on this in Brilliant Imperfection). Click Omad_pdf for a larger version of the poster. I wrote a blurb for Ken Mondschein’s Game of Thrones and the Medieval Art of War, published by McFarland Press (who also published Mastering the Game of Thrones). If you have burning questions about Valyrian steel or just want to know more about medieval arms and armour, check it out! I’m teaching a Chaucer course in the Fall, which focuses on Chaucerian fantasy and the supernatural: from sorcerers to zombies. We’ll also look at medieval adaptations like Game of Thrones, and our various shared fantasies about the medieval era. Click here to check out the poster. Next month I’ll be part of a panel on Old English Elegies at the 2017 International Medieval Congress in Kalamazoo. I’m particularly excited about this panel because we’ll be talking about the role of queerness in Old English poetry, with a nod towards “queer” as something with multiple meanings: strange, ambivalent, untranslatable. We’ll be talking about Maxims, Beowulf, and other poems, on May 12th at 3:30. I’ll be the guy with the cane. I had the pleasure of participating in a roundtable discussion on adapting medieval research to genre fiction, including fantasy, YA and children’s literature. I couldn’t have asked for two better panelists: Kim Zarins (Sometimes We Tell the Truth) and Sandra Evans (This is Not a Werewolf Story). We talked about how to avoid getting lost in the details, and how the academic world could be more receptive to nontraditional writing about research. November 1 2016 Literary Wonderlands is now available for purchase! The book, edited by Laura Miller and including work by Lev Grossman, features gorgeous maps and detailed discussions of fantastic landscapes. I have a piece on Game of Thrones, and I’m quite excited by the visual content. Books like this remind us that fantasy literature is all about mapping, discovery, and adventure. Order from IndieBound. June 11 2016 I have an article on eighteenth century slang and sexuality coming out in Volume 36 of Lumen, the journal of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth Century Studies. It focuses on gay bar culture in eighteenth century London and the unique language that developed between different subcultures, eventually leading to queer dialects like Polari. May 30 2016 Literary Wonderlands is available for presale. This anthology features essays on created worlds, and is wonderfully illustrated. I have a piece on Game of Thrones, and other contributors include author Lev Grossman, Tolkien scholar Tom Shippey, and fantasy critic Farah Mendlesohn. The collection is edited by author Laura Miller. April 8 2016 Contributing a piece on George R.R. Martin/Game of Thrones to Literary Wonderlands, an illustrated book published by Elwin Street. Various contributors discuss fantasy worlds like Westeros, Narnia, and IQ84. Edited by Laura Miller. March 1 2016 Contributed a piece to Plentitude on queer YA literature. “Lizards and Brokenhearts: Reading in the Teenage Wasteland.”
Since the referendum, there has been much speculation about the relationship between MPs’ undergraduate degree subjects and their stance in the Brexit referendum. Yuan Yi Zhu (Oxford) and Noah Carl (Cambridge) observe that MPs who studied PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) at university are among the most pro-Remain. Are PPE graduates ruining Britain? In recent years, the ever-popular degree, which has produced a disproportionate number of senior British politicians, has come under criticism from all sides of the political spectrum. On the Left, the journalist Nick Cohen (himself a PPE graduate) argues that the degree’s design encourages superficial thinking, producing “world-class bullshitters”, and “the largest single component of the most despised generation of politicians since the Great Reform Act”. On the Right, the polemicist James Delingpole wrote, scarcely less colourfully, that “all the worst Remainers read PPE at Oxford”. PPE is not the only degree that has been linked to MPs’ stances on Brexit. Writing in The Spectator, Greg Hall notes that many leading Brexiteers read History at university, while several leading Remainers studied Law. However, all these claims are based on selected samples of just a few prominent MPs, whereas there are 650 seats in the House of Commons. Do MPs’ educational backgrounds matter when one considers the House in its totality? Academic literature on the topic is rather scarce. In a 2015 study, Mark Goodwin found no link between possessing a scientific training and voting behaviour on the science-heavy Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill 2008 (a result which somewhat undercuts calls to increase the number of scientist MPs as a way to improve decision-making). On the other hand, educational attainment is closely associated with social class, and there is evidence that MPs’ class backgrounds do affect their policy positions. But as far as we are aware, there has been no systematic investigation of how MPs’ degree subjects relate to their policy stances, despite the widespread assumption (as shown by the case of the PPE) that the two might indeed be linked. To test this assumption, we examined whether there was any relationship between MPs’ higher education background and their public stance on Brexit prior to the referendum. We assembled educational data on every MP in the Commons at the time of the referendum, using public domain sources such as Wikipedia, Who’s Who and Dod’s, as well as MPs’ personal websites. For the sake of consistency, only undergraduate degrees and above, and only completed degrees, were included. MPs’ pre-referendum stances on Brexit were taken from the list compiled by the BBC, and then supplemented with the list compiled by Guido Fawkes. Given the perceived dominance of Oxbridge over public life, we also coded whether an MP ever attended one of the two ancient universities. And considering the importance of nationalism versus cosmopolitanism in the debate over Brexit, we coded whether an MP obtained any degrees from a foreign university. Finally, we recorded MPs’ age, gender, ethnicity, and political party. What did we find? Overall, 75% of MPs supported Remain, while 25% backed Leave. Consistent with the pattern in the general population, MPs who did not complete a university degree were somewhat more likely to support Leave (38%) than those who possess an undergraduate degree or above (22%). Interestingly, however, MPs who hold a master’s or PhD were not substantially more likely to back Remain (19%) than those who only possess an undergraduate degree (23%). When it came to MPs’ degree subjects, our results were rather interesting. The chart below shows the percentage of MPs supporting Leave, broken down by undergraduate degree subject. The figure at the end of each bar corresponds to the absolute number of MPs who studied the subject in question (e.g., 7 studied Psychology). At one end of the spectrum, 75% of those who read Classics supported Leave (although it should be noted that were only 8 Classicists in the sample). At the other end of the spectrum, none of those who studied Psychology or Sociology backed Leave. Despite the fact that PPE has come in for some abuse from Remainers such as Sir Ivan Rogers, PPE graduates heavily backed Remain, with a mere 5% declaring their support for Leave. And contrary to the trend Greg Hall detected among leading Brexiteers, only 22% of Historians supported Leave, which was close to the sample average. Although one could object to calculating significance levels for these differences on the grounds that our dataset comprises the full population of MPs, we have provided them anyway in a supplementary file, along with our data and Stata code. (As it turns out, when we use Classics as the reference category, most other subjects do have a significant negative ‘effect’ on support for Leave. Most of these effects become smaller, and some are rendered non-significant, when we include MPs’ age, gender, ethnicity and political party in the model.) What about MPs that went to Oxford or Cambridge? The two ancient universities are often criticized, depending on one’s ideological leanings, as being biased to either the Left or the Right. Both cities voted heavily for Remain in the referendum, and Brexit-backing students there reported being shunned by their peers. Overall, however, MPs with an Oxbridge education were only slightly (and non-significantly) more likely to support Remain. When we controlled for MPs’ political party, however, the difference increased from 4 percentage points to 13 percentage points (and reached a high level of statistical significance). This is because Conservative MPs were both more likely to have an Oxbridge education and more likely to back Leave. Finally, possession of a degree from a foreign university had only a small (and non-significant) effect on MPs’ Brexit support (with the caveat that only 26 MPs within the sample possessed one). In conclusion, the distribution of support for Leave versus Remain was not uniform across MPs’ undergraduate degree subjects: Classicists were the most pro-Leave, while Psychologists, Sociologists and PPE graduates were the most pro-Remain. It is perhaps noteworthy that the four most pro-Remain subjects were all social sciences (although note that economists were slightly more pro-Leave than the sample average). An important qualifier is that our results are of course purely associational. While it could be that studying PPE actually makes you more pro-Remain, it is equally possible that those with a pro-Remain disposition were simply more likely to choose the subject at university. But whatever the truths surrounding this issue, the British public’s fascination with their representatives’ educational backgrounds is unlikely to abate anytime soon. This post represents the views of the author and not those of the Brexit blog, nor the LSE. Yuan Yi Zhu is a DPhil candidate in International Relations at Nuffield College, Oxford. Noah Carl is a post-doctoral research fellow at St Edmund’s College, Cambridge.
As the end of the year grew near, I discovered that I was really going to enjoy writing this essay. Although I was not too familiar with Judith Butler and her work, I was very familiar with the conflicts of gender and gender equality in literature. Judith Butler, who I’ve come to really enjoy, believes that all issues of gender in society began when we allowed men to dominate and take authority over females and other genders. This concept is logical as male domination within society is seen not only through Hamlet but also within our society as humans. In reading the play itself, I immediately discovered that Ophelia, Gertrude, and Hamlet all suffer from these gender inequalities and standards. Ophelia and Gertrude are constantly subjected to the men around them. Hamlet on the other hand, suffers from the male standard that one must act like a man or risk being “womanly” or “cowardly.” These standards are very familiar to the ones that are seen within our society. My first draft needed help through peer review. I became very passionate about writing this piece so I ended up just throwing words on the page without considering organization or logistics. This feedback provided by my professor along with the peer review feedback allowed me to better organize my claims to make a coherent essay. This essay was my favorite to write as it includes topics that I am very passionate about. It was a neat experience connecting my thoughts on something that I personally care about to ideas portrayed within Hamlet.
Ergo-ology has experience in serving as an ergonomic expert witness for Personal Injury, Class Action & Corporate Defense cases. We analyze the work conditions and physical demands of a job to determine the likelihood, severity and root cause of injury. Our methods include a comparative analysis of real world situations to exposure limits defined by published research literature. Injury Causation, Case Classifications: - Insufficient Accommodations - Rotator Cuff Injury (strain) - Lifting / Spine Injury - Work Volume (intensity) - Heart Attack - Heat Stress - Biomechanical Analysis - Situational Reenactment - Inverse Engineering - Product / Tool Use - Hand (strain/sprain) - HAVS – Carpal Tunnel (vibration) We provide investigations, reports and testimony where technical and scientific answers are needed to resolve litigation and injury claims.
Aims and Scope The journal “Research Trends in Modern Linguistics and Literature” is an international scientific publication which covers a wide field of research in the field of linguistics and literature. The mission of the journal is to facilitate the development of scientific research, the existence of Ukrainian periodicals in the international scientific and informational domain, and the overall development of scientific research interaction. Its goal is to provide assistance in the areas of information, science and practice in the professional activity of researchers. The activities of the editorial board are focused on promoting contemporary achievements in Ukrainian and international philology, and disseminating information regarding the scientific research results, international cooperative endeavours, the organization of scientific events, and the presentation of and cooperation between scientific schools. This magazine facilitates the publication of original, analytical and review articles, descriptions of professional experience, comments, reviews, and reports on scientific and practical events. The subject of the publication is grammatical and lexical semantics; discourse studies; Canadian studies; cognitive linguistics; communicative linguistics; contrastive linguistics; cultural linguistics; linguo-pragmatic study of language units; literature studies; methodological aspects of teaching foreign languages; cross-cultural communication; achievements of European lexicography; applied and corpus linguistics; sociolinguistics; textual studies; theory and practice of translation; terminology.
It seems we are rapidly moving towards compulsory vaccination in the West. This likely move is widely supported and promoted by the mainstream media (MSM) who accuse all those who choose not to vaccinate themselves or their children of being a public health risk. The bandwagon they have created is overwhelmingly populated by those who have a limited grasp of science. Like me, as lay men and women, they are solely reliant upon what they are told, unless they do their own research. I’m not a scientist and do not profess to have a full grasp of the scientific evidence surrounding vaccines. However, nor do I simply trust everything I am told by someone else, simply because they try to impress upon me their expert status. Especially when they have a very clear conflict of interest. While I defer to those with knowledge, and hope to learn from them, I maintain the right to do my own research, exercise due diligence and reserve judgment. Nor am I medically trained. I am not advising anyone not to be vaccinated. I firmly believe that should be a choice for them, based upon their own knowledge and awareness. I do not wish people to be forced to accept an invasive medical procedure against their will. Speaking to your doctor is advisable but you should also know that, in all likelihood, your doctor, throughout many years of medical training has spent less than a day learning about vaccines and the vaccine schedule. Hopefully they will have done additional research, but they certainly won’t have received much ‘education’ during the course of their medical training. Anecdotally, having worked in health and social care for nearly 30 years, I can tell you that many doctors can’t even remember being trained about vaccine safety at medical school. Any subsequent training they may have done was paid for by the vaccine manufacturers. It seems pretty clear to me there are grounds for skepticism regarding both the efficacy and safety of vaccines. I do not claim to know anything, all I have are questions. However, whenever I am told that those questions will not be addressed, but instead censored, it serves only to deepen my suspicion. In Part 1 we’ll look at the reasons for doubting the official vaccine narrative. In Part 2 we’ll look at the science which brings vaccine safety into question and, in Part 3, the systemic scientific and regulatory fraud which appears to permeate the vaccine industry. Often people labelled ‘anti-vaxxers’, who raise doubts over the safety of vaccines are vilified as ‘tinfoil hat, looney conspiracy theorists,’ dangers to society or even child abusers. There is a considerable amount MSM alarmism being churned out at the moment in a coordinated global effort to maximize public fears about the risks of low vaccine uptake. The pharmaceutical industry is the single largest source of MSM advertising revenue. I’m knocking on a bit and remember, as a child, being sent to measles, chickenpox and mumps parties by my parents. Pretty much every parent knew it was important to expose their child to these diseases. Having contracted all three, the experience was not pleasant but it was simply a normal part of growing up. As a result, I have acquired some degree of natural immunity to these diseases. That immunity may have waned slightly, but in all likelihood I’m fine. My own daughter had both chicken pox and measles a few years ago and I am thankful that she too has some natural immunity as a result. Neither I nor her mum, who also had these childhood illnesses, had any symptoms at all, despite providing the physical care she required. Like most so called ‘anti-vaxxers’ I am not refuting the potential benefits of all vaccines, nor denying the existence of evidence which suggests they are a useful component of effective public health practice. All I am saying is that there is also evidence to question vaccines and, in particular, to doubt they are the panacea for disease and the spread of infection, as claimed. The MSM and the state have created a febrile environment within which it is impossible to have a reasonable debate about these issues. We should be able to openly and freely discuss the evidence but that opportunity is being crushed as we become increasingly polarized amidst spurious claims of ‘anti-vaxxers’ killing babies. Instead of calling for calm reflection, the state intends to roll out mass censorship and force people to be vaccinated against their will. Even if you believe vaccine uptake is essential, only the most dimwitted can deny the inherent dangers of such policy. It is all very well you insisting that ‘me and mine’ be forced to undergo medical procedures today, but you should also acknowledge that you are committing yourself to the same state enforcement. Should the state, at some time in the future, decide to inject you or your child with something you don’t want them to, your protestations will come too late. No amount of shouting at me and calling me a ‘baby killer’ will make a jot of difference. I love my family, wish no one harm, especially my children, have worked all my life to support people in need and won’t be lectured by a bunch of self-righteous bigots whose opinions appear to be entirely ignorant of the counter argument. In my experience anyone who is certain and ‘knows’ the truth invariably doesn’t and their certainty is worthless. In fact, rather than in MSM created mythology, most who question vaccines don’t reject all vaccines out of hand. Rather they question the need for their rapidly increasing number and suggest we should be cautious. Whether you like it or not, the financial drivers for injecting more babies with more vaccines are immense. As far as I am aware, there is no corresponding increase in the number of diseases. Far from it. Other concerns raised by ‘anti-vaxxers’ include the untested safety of vaccines and in particular the health impacts of the heavy metal and other adjuvants added to many. Other worries relate to apparently poor licensing and scientific research standards, frequent examples of scientific fraud, examples of regulatory corruption, obfuscation of evidence and more. This argument that ‘anti vaxers’ refuse to accept science is based upon the notion that there is no scientific or empirical evidence bringing vaccines into question. This is a wholly inaccurate claim. Over this post, and the next two, we will look at just a small sample of that evidence. While there are many papers which attest to the safety and efficacy of vaccines there are also a significant number of peer reviewed papers which cast doubt. Most of the vaccine supporting papers are based upon research funded by the same pharmaceutical giants, such as Merck, who manufacture and sell vaccines for huge profits. A situation not dissimilar to the one which persisted for many years with the tobacco industry’s funding of ‘scientific research’ which consistently ‘proved’ smoking was harmless. In 2018 the global Vaccine market was conservatively estimated to be worth $33.7 billion annually. Providing governments force more people to be vaccinated, revenue is planned to soar to an estimated $57.5 billion per annum by 2025. If this enforcement is extended to all adults, which seem inevitable unless we stop it, then those revenues will be measured in the trillions. Largely at the expense of tax payers. Seamlessly transferring wealth from the population to the major shareholders of multinational corporations. Again. Many people simply cannot believe that the ‘men & women in white coats’ would ever knowingly do anything to harm them. This is a pathetically naive faith. Unfortunately, it is the ‘men & women in gray suits’ who run the show and their only concern is profit. While vaccine profits are relatively low at the moment, compared to prescription drug sales, they are still very healthy and the potential growth is significant. It is worth noting that the corporations investing billions into vaccine R&D, who are actively lobbying government around the world to promote their products, have an awful lot to lose but far more the gain. The ‘anti-vaxxers,’ who question vaccines, do so because they are concerned for their own, their famly’s and their fellow human beings health. They have no financial incentive at all. You need to be a special kind of gullible to imagine that Big Pharma’s funding and lobbying power doesn’t shape the alleged balance of scientific ‘proof’ cited by those who are certain all vaccines are fantastic. It appears that any research which questions the safety of vaccines is either stopped in its infancy or fails to secure any long term funding. This skewing of scientific research is only likely to get worse. Here in the UK, the government recently released their Online Harms White Paper in which they purport to have concerns about, what they call, vaccine ‘disinformation.’ They say these claimed falsehoods lead to a reduced uptake in vaccinations with alleged impacts upon public health. In order to combat this ‘disinformation,’ they intend to censor the sharing of ‘anti-vaxxer lies.’ They propose to work with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI,) who are a governmental organisation, to ‘improve’ the scientific evidence base. There is nothing ‘independent’ about UKRI. The state is going to determine what constitutes ‘evidence’ and will use the evidence it has cherry-picked to justify whatever policy it chooses. This is deeply concerning because the science and empirical evidence which underpins doubt about the efficacy of vaccines, raising concerns about their potential to cause significant harm, is quite clear. To call this ‘disinformation’ is grossly misleading. What it shows is that the evidence for compulsory vaccination is debatable. For the state to pretend otherwise certainly warrants further investigation. ‘Follow the money’ would seem a reasonable starting point. However, for now, let’s look at the common narratives surrounding vaccines. Why don’t we consider if what we are told to believe is actually based upon evidence? Reason for Scepticism Regarding Some Common Vaccine Narratives One of the most common argument for the efficacy of vaccines is that, without them, diseases like Smallpox would never have been eradicated. This appears to be based upon a number of false assumptions and is not backed up by evidence. The concept of variolisation, first used by physicians in India and China, proposed introducing a limited infection to prompt the body’s immune system to build resistance against subsequent, perhaps more severe, infection. This was widely adopted in the West during the 18th century and led to the development of the Smallpox vaccine, the first ever, in 1796 by Edward Jenner. The state was concerned that Smallpox was killing military personnel before they had an opportunity to be killed in battle. Convinced by ‘the science’ the UK government passed a number of compulsory vaccination laws, including the despised 1867 Vaccination Act. The UK town of Leicester had some geographical disadvantages which led to unusually poor sanitation and relatively high rates of smallpox. It fared no worse than many other larger conurbations and slightly better than most inner cities, but smallpox was a problem for the people of Leicester in the early 19th century. Much as it was for the rest of the UK. However, Leicester did not fare at all well from compulsory smallpox vaccination. Neither did other towns and cities but, unlike the majority, Leicester resisted. Following enforcement, which began in 1853, by 1867 94% of all children born in Leicester were vaccinated. Nearly universal vaccination coverage coincided with a huge increase in smallpox among infants. By 1873 the smallpox death rate in Leicester had soared to 3,673 per million. The people of Leicester resisted and disorder erupted as the citizens fought with the authorities to oppose a law, and medical practice, which appeared to be killing their children. The government was forced to back down and, by 1897, infant vaccination rates in Leicester had dropped to just 1.3%. Following their refusal to abide by the law, and active resistance against compulsory vaccination, the death rate dropped to just 1/30th of that endured during the vaccinated period. By 1894 it stood at 115 per million and it stood at 136 in 1 million in 1902. Elsewhere, in the vaccinated regions of the UK like Sheffield, the death rate remained appalling. Following a national outbreak in 1903/04 the death rate in vaccinated London was 300% higher than in vaccine free Leicester. While we should acknowledge that science has progressed considerably since 1902, Leicester demonstrates the inherent danger of compulsory vaccination policy where the science and empirical evidence is poorly understood. It appears that current policy makers’ grasp of vaccine ‘science’ is no better informed than those of the 19th century. That they apparently believe there is no evidence to question vaccine efficacy and safety, illustrates the fact. What was also notable about events in Leicester was the development of a public health technique which came to be known as the Leicester method. The method dictates the rapid diagnosis of cases, followed by swift quarantine and isolation of infected patients, thorough disinfection of infected areas, restricted access to those areas and the use of strict barrier nursing protocols. It proved extremely successful and has been adopted globally as the proper response to the outbreak of disease. Its impact upon death rates should not be overlooked. Yet, by claiming Smallpox was eradicated by vaccines, that is precisely what inoculation acolytes are doing. The decrease in Smallpox death rates across the world preceded the widespread use of vaccinations. Between 1900 and 1970 mortality rates from disease dropped by 74% worldwide. Smallpox has been almost entirely eradicated since. Disease related death rates in general have also greatly reduced. Proponents of vaccines claim this is because of inoculation. The evidence does not support that view. In reality, it shows that vaccination played only a small, even negligible, part in the story. A 1977 study by the Boston Department of Sociology looked at the reasons for the huge improvements in U.S public health that occurred during the early to mid 20th century. More than 90% of the improvement came prior to 1950, before the common use of vaccines. Improvements in sanitation, water security, diet, income and deployment of the Leicester Method, were found to be by far the most significant factors. The study estimated that between just 1% and 3.5% of the improvements could be directly attributed to all medical interventions, of which vaccination was but one facet. This finding was further supported by numerous studies including a 2000 study by John Hopkins University Center for Disease Control (CDC) which stated: “….vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality seen in the first half of the century…nearly 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among US children occurred before 1940, when few antibiotics or vaccine were available.” In 1980 the World Health Organisation declared that vaccines had rid the world of Smallpox. However, the empirical evidence clearly shows that Smallpox was well on the way towards eradication before vaccination programs were widely established. Had they not been, there is no reason at all to assume eradication would not have been achieved. Furthermore, as pointed out in 2013 by scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases smallpox disappeared long before the advent of modern molecular techniques. This means, to this day, there is no clear understanding of smallpox pathology: “In summary, many important questions about naturally occurring smallpox remain unanswered. Some facets of smallpox pathogenesis, such as the natural route of infection, the site of primary viral replication and the role of concurrent bacterial infections, have been discussed in the literature for over 100 years, yet definitive answers are still lacking……In addition, our understanding of the systemic pathology of human smallpox is severely limited.” There is no scientific proof that vaccines eradicated smallpox. In fact, the actual empirical evidence suggests this was unlikely. To put it bluntly, the WHO claim is unsubstantiated gibberish. In 2017 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation confidently announced, thanks to vaccines, Polio would soon be defeated. This extravagant claim resulted from the work of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). The GPEI was formed of five international organisations. The World Health Organization (WHO), Rotary International, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Poliovirus is an infection of the gastrointestinal tract and was one of the most feared diseases of the 19th and 20th century due to the widely held perception of a high risk of childhood paralysis. The additional risk of respiratory paralysis and death was also considered to be high. While disability caused by disease is a terrifying prospect, like most whipped up, vaccine related alarmism, the level of fear was totally disproportionate the actual risk. The worst U.S Poliomyelitis year was in 1952 when 3,000 people died. The same year 34,000 people died from Tuberculosis and 36,088 were killed, and more than 100,000 permanently disabled, on the roads. While the U.S state funded its National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (the NFIP,) touring the country with its ‘March of Dimes’ to raise Poliovirus awareness and cash, it did precisely nothing to tackle housing inequality or improve road safety. While the people were petrified of Polio they were practically oblivious to much greater threats of living in overcrowded shacks or crossing the road. A similar situation exists today with the fear of diseases, such as measles, far outweighing the actual risk. Deaths from measles in the UK consistently plummeted from a peak of 1145 in 1941 to just 51 in 1968. This was due to remarkable improvements in public health during the post war period. The measles vaccine was licensed in 1968 and the MMR vaccine in 1988. The notifications of infection rates continued to fluctuate but the general decline in mortality and reported cases, continued. More than 95% of the decline in UK measles infection and death rates occurred before vaccines were available in the UK. So it is unfathomable why the Wikipedia page for the measles vaccine makes the following, totally evidence free claim: “Before the widespread use of the vaccine, measles was so common that infection was considered as inevitable as death and taxes.” Clearly inferring that it was the vaccine that reduced measles outbreaks. This statement is 95% inaccurate (for the UK) and can therefore be legitimately considered ‘disinformation.’ However, in the UK, the state has decided that pointing out this fact is the ‘disinformation’ it intends to outlaw. The widely despised Dr Andrew Wakefield has been blamed for causing the reduction in uptake of the MMR vaccine, thereby ‘killing the children.’ I discuss his case in more detail here. However, when we look at MMR coverage in the UK it is notable, although Wakefield’s published research broadly coincided with a reduction in child MMR uptake, from more than 90% on 1998 to a low of 79% in 2003, infection and death rates continued to decline. The reduction in vaccine uptake, according to Public Health England’s statistics, had absolutely no effect whatsoever. With regards to the Poliovirus it is this potentially unjustified fear of lower vaccine uptake which prompts those who believe in herd immunity to frequently accuse alleged ‘anti-vaxxers’ of pushing children into iron lungs. They insist that Polio vaccinations must achieve ‘herd immunity’ of 95% to save the children. Anyone who suggests any possible doubt is therefore accused of ‘child abuse.’ The Poliovirus results in paralysis for less than 1% of those infected. Of these most will recover eventually. More than 90% of infected people experience polio as a fever with stomach upset. The vast majority of people who have ever contracted the Poliovirus never knew it. In a very small number of cases Poliomyelitis develops which can cause permanent paralysis and is potentially fatal. It certainly is a disease we should be glad to see the back of. However, this means that 99% of people naturally infected with Poliovirus will both recover and thereafter have lifelong immunity. Which is 4% higher that the suggested 95% ‘herd immunity’ demanded by vaccine ‘experts.’ As part of the GEIP, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was particularly active in India, promoting Polio and other vaccines to poorer, rural communities in particular. They were delighted to announce that their vaccination program had finally eradicated Polio from India in 2013. The MSM fell over themselves to tell the world about the wonder of vaccines. However, the Indians weren’t so impressed. While the last ‘reported case of Polio’ was recorded in 2012, a new, far more deadly form of Poliomyelitis had emerged instead. Writing in the peer reviewed Indian Journal of Medical Ethics (IJME) researchers stated: “While India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received.” Not such a resounding success then. The other slight problem is that it is impossible to eradicate Polio. Something the scientific community has known since 2002. The Poliovirus genome is well known and can be synthesised in vitro. Meaning it can never be considered extinct. Polio vaccination will have to continue forever, with no end in sight. The other niggle with the miracle vaccine is that it mutates creating new ‘Vaccine Derived Polioviruses (VDPV’s).’ While the GEIP were keen to stress that VDPV outbreaks were rare, with only 20 recorded in 2011, and could be controlled by, you guessed it, more Polio vaccine, the actual data told a different story. Not only is NPAFP far more deadly than its naturally occurring Polio predecessor, the total residual paralysis and death rate is 43.7%. Which is 43.7 times worse than the Polio Bill and Melinda saved everyone from. The WHO have categorically stated that the peer reviewed findings of the IJME are flawed. They say that although NPAFP is identical to Poliomyelitis, just more deadly, and despite the fact that the data showing its emergence was recorded during the trials run by GEIP, it is not Polio because Polio has been eradicated. However, the WHO are a contributing member of the GEIP. Make of that what you will. Obviously it would be good to know more about this new, presumably man made virus. Unfortunately, having spent nearly $2.5 billion on GEIP’s rescue mission, India couldn’t justify throwing anymore of their already overstretched resources at it. As for the GEIP, they simply couldn’t be bothered either to report or investigate the data. Search the GEIP website for any mention of NPAFP and there isn’t one. It is like it never happened and you certainly won’t have heard anything about it from the Western MSM. Maybe the Merck, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson major shareholder Bill Gates really does want to save the children. However, he’s a shrewd business man who also knows a good opportunity when he sees one. Speaking to CNBC in January 2019, the B&MG Foundation head reported that he had invested “a bit more than £10 billion,” into vaccination programs, adding “we feel there has been a 20 to 1 return.” Yielding a $200 billion return from an initial $10 billion investment is good going. Fantastic news for his tax exempt foundation. Not so good for the people of India. So perhaps he was happy to walk away with the cash when the Indian government made his foundation distinctly unwelcome after it was embroiled with Merck in illegal vaccine trials on unsuspecting Indian children. Killing 7 in total. Herd Immunity – Another Pro Vaccine Canard One of the most common reasons given for castigating any who refuses to vaccinate either themselves or their children is that they are undermining herd immunity, ruining the ‘herd effect.’ The idea being, when a critical mass within a herd develop natural immunity to a disease, the chances of those with poorer natural immunity succumbing to illness is greatly reduced. Therefore the state, and its MSM propaganda machine, are constantly claiming that vaccine rates of 95% must be achieved in order to maintain ‘herd immunity.’ Achieving this figure is also the basis for the projected profit growth. Venture capitalists the world over are cuing up for a slice of the pie. Those who apparently believe everything they are told by the state, the vaccine manufacturers and the MSM about vaccines, consequently accuse people who oppose some vaccines of ‘killing children.’ Irrespective of their clear predisposition to hysteria, these ‘pro vaccine zealots’ are deluded for another, far more important reason. As with any good science there is considerable doubt about “herd immunity.” Even a casual glance at basic statistical data raises some obvious questions, especially in relation to claims that vaccines can achieve the ‘herd effect.’ One of the ‘anti-vaxxers’ concerns is that there doesn’t appear to be any need for many of the newer vaccines, and certainly no empirical evidence at all to suggest vaccines coverage has ever come close to the allegedly required 95%. There is no data even to suggest what supposed vaccine herd immunity might look like, because it has never been achieved. Simply look at the CDC’s own 2016 data for overall U.S population vaccination coverage. As the most vaccinated country on Earth, these statistics evidence the highest percentage of vaccine coverage anywhere. Only the Tetanus and HepB ‘vaccines’ have managed to eclipse 60% coverage, with most vaccines at or below 40%. There is no empirical data evidencing the vaccine related herd effect. All the claims of ‘anti vaxxers’ killing children are based on nothing but speculative hypothesis. From a very basic, logical standpoint, these obscene allegations are total nonsense. They are founded entirely upon conjecture. In 1985 vaccine coverage in the U.S only related to a few diseases. The majority of the numerous ‘vaccines,’ which currently comprise the U.S vaccine schedule, didn’t exist. If achieving vaccine herd immunity is essential to protect against these diseases then we should have seen some epidemic outbreaks for the universally unvaccinated at the time. However, we didn’t. Not only is vaccine herd immunity an unproven hypothesis, claims about the herd effect relate to the development of natural immunity. Even if the hypothesis is correct, which is doubtful, there is absolutely no evidence at all that herd immunity would or should apply to the artificial immunity supposedly induced by vaccines. Natural immunity against disease, acquired through natural infection, is more or less lifelong. Claimed vaccine derived immunity is generally far more short lived, hence the need for your ‘booster.’ In addition viruses have their own life-cycle, and further variation occurs via different strains. The idea that you can pick one particular strain, vaccinate against it and assume immunity for whatever the pathogen mutates into is complete tosh. Seeing as the actual evidence shows that some vaccination can effectively stimulate viral mutation, VDPV’s for example, the vaccinated won’t be protected either. Acting merely as incubators for new, potentially more lethal strains, like NPAFP. Another major problem with the hypothesis is that human beings are biologically and sociologically unique. The idea that all are equally susceptible to infection is rubbish, as is the suggestion that our individual behavior patterns carry equal risks of spreading infection. Characteristics such as ethnicity, age & gender, behaviour, and even our stress levels, all have an impact on our varying risk both of contracting and spreading infectious diseases. The whole point of the MMR parties I was forced to attend as a child was that everyone knew a child’s developing immune systems was able to adapt to infection and produce immunity that would protect that individual for life. Artificially stimulated immunity in the young stops that natural adaptive process. Thereby pushing the time of first infection towards adolescence and adulthood when the natural immune system is far less flexible. Consequently, some studies show that widespread vaccination of children increases the chances of more dangerous pathogens emerging. In 2015 mathematicians at Rutgers University analysed the pre and post vaccine era public health data and came to a rather concerning conclusion. “Our calculations show that negative outcomes are 4.5 times worse for measles, 2.2 times worse for chickenpox, and 5.8 times worse for rubella than would be expected in a pre-vaccine era in which the average age at infection would have been lower.” Vaccines come in a variety of forms. Live Attenuated Vaccines contain live viruses, Inactive Vaccines are synthesized from dead pathogens, Subunit, Recombinant, Polysaccharide, and Conjugate Vaccines target specific elements of a live pathogen and Toxoid Vaccines are extracted from pathogenic toxins. With more planned vaccine types in the pipeline, including GMO variants, vaccines are not all alike. Neither are virus strains. The MSM have spent years trying to convince you that you must be either one of the sensible people, believing that all vaccines are great, or a dangerous ‘anti-vaxxer’ lunatic, who must believes all vaccines are lethal. The polarisation and preposterous oversimplification of this debate is dangerous rhetoric which appears to serve but one purpose. To make the debate itself virtually impossible. To question vaccines is not to claim all vaccines are dangerous, let alone lethal. To think all vaccines are equal is not rational. When anyone is vaccinated they will hopefully develop immunity against the targeted disease. If they receive a Live Attenuated vaccine, such as MMR, the Nasal Flu vaccine or the Oral Polio vaccine, there is clear, peer reviewed science that, while they may not experience the symptoms, they could well be infectious to others. This is referred to as ‘shedding.’ Viruses require a host to replicate. As they do, they shed into the blood stream of the host organism. In the natural world this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Large complex organisms, such as human beings, have shared the planet with their little viral siblings for millions of years. There is evidence that acquiring viral infections is an essential component of developing a healthy immune system. Further evidence indicates that we have evolved in concert with millions of viruses, fungi, bacteria, and all manner of potential nasties, in what is called the ‘microbiome.’ This living environment, inside all of us, is unique to every individual. This is why some people are immune from one disease yet susceptible to another. It is also another reason to doubt the notion of herd immunity. We should think twice before artificially interfering with this process and should also question anyone who claims people should be forcibly vaccinated for the good of the herd. For a variety of medical reasons, a percentage of the population are either immuno-suppressed or resistant to vaccination. If compulsory vaccination is forced upon us, there is a distinct possibility the mass population would shed potentially more lethal strains of a virus, thereby presenting a far greater risk, not only to the vulnerable, but to themselves and everyone else. It gets worse (possibly.) Repeated vaccination, over time, frequently reduces immunity, potentially leaving the vaccinated unable to resist naturally occurring viruses in later life. We could see a significant decrease in average lifespan. Prior to widespread vaccination the population possessed inbuilt natural immunity and generally had healthy microbiomes. The evidence clearly shows that the significant advancements in public health were achieved through better standards of sanitation and other essential infrastructure developments. It was not due to vaccines, which actually played a relatively minor role. If vaccines were the savior then, certainly in the post war period until the 1970’s, we should have seen far more epidemics and the massive reduction in infection rates should not have occurred. None of this means vaccines don’t work. For example there are a many peer reviewed, scientific papers which demonstrate how vaccination could have reduced the impact of the Poliovirus. However there is solid justification for some skepticism. Questions definitely need to be answered before we start throwing people in prison for expressing reasonable doubt. For the pro vaccine majority to ignore these questions, without ever considering them, simply because they have been convinced by the MSM and vaccine manufacturer funded research, is to deny scientific debate. Unquestioned science is not science. It’s belief. My own confirmation bias leads me to be highly skeptical of any scientific research which is funded by corporations with a massive vested interest in the outcome. I could be wrong, but that is my opinion. Therefore the vast amount of papers ‘proving’ that various vaccines are perfectly safe can be discarded as untrustworthy. Personally, I only find research compelling if it is genuinely independent and based upon measurable, empirical data. Modeling and projections are far less convincing in my view. Vaccination: Do your own research, exercise due diligence and reserve judgment – Part 2 by Iaian Davis In Part 1 we looked at some of the evidence which casts doubt upon the common narratives asserted by those who unquestioningly support all vaccines. This included evidence that vaccines had minimal impact upon the eradication of Smallpox, that claims of Poliovirus being ‘defeated’ by vaccines are dubious and that improvements in public health practices were far more influential in the overall reduction of disease than vaccines appear to have been. We looked at the lack of evidence to support the hypothesis of ‘herd immunity.’ We also considered the medical evidence which makes any notion that vaccines can ever achieve the ‘herd effect’ extremely unlikely. I am not suggesting that all vaccines are useless, nor potentially dangerous. Vaccines come in a variety of forms and human susceptibility, both to contracting and spreading infection, is unique to the individual. As are our immune system’s responses to inoculation. Contracting viruses naturally is a vital component for the healthy development of our individual immune systems. At a very basic level, some skepticism regarding the potential risks of interfering with this natural process is warranted. Having received some feedback on the post from the Twitterati, the problem we face in establishing any kind of reasonable dialogue about vaccines was painfully apparent. I wrote Part 1, partly out of my own interest, but also to respond in full to those who, contrary to my understanding, insisted there was no empirical evidence questioning vaccines. I cited peer reviewed papers, government statistics and intergovernmental inoculation campaign statements throughout the post. Yet still most of these people refused to consider, or even look at this evidence. Preferring instead to call me an idiot, accuse me of being a child abuser or claim that I was spreading dangerous ‘anti-vaxxer’ disinformation. One individual, who claimed to be eminently qualified, said he was looking forward to the day I would be imprisoned. This hysterical reaction is based upon the narrative forced upon people by a MSM. It is very easy to be convinced that all the ‘science’ supports your point of view if you never look at any. The overwhelming body of scientific studies and evidence strongly supports vaccines. In Part 3 we’ll look at the evidence which raises concern about the possibility of widespread scientific fraud in vaccine R&D and corruption of both the licensing authorities and the adverse reaction reporting system. Remarkably, given the overwhelming bias in research funding, there is still a significant body of scientific research which does question vaccine safety. You are free to dismiss this research if you like but you can’t pretend it doesn’t exist, no matter what you are told to believe. Some of the studies which question vaccines are written off by vaccine supporters because they claim they were not published in ‘reputable scientific journals,’ such as the British Medical Journal. However, it should be noted that ‘respected’ journals such as the BMJ and the Lancet have financial partnerships with the vaccine manufacturers. So if we are going to question the ‘respectability’ of a journal we might start by looking at its independence and who funds it. Many of the studies I cite here are published in so called reputable journals. This is a prerequisite for some to even accept the ‘science’ as real. Personally, I don’t see it lends them any additional credibility at all. Another objection is that the studies which question vaccinations are not ‘properly’ peer reviewed or, even when they are, that peer review process isn’t ‘trusted’. Aside from the fact that the peer review process itself is in deep trouble this often boils down to people’s choice, or preference. This appears to be based upon some arbitrary set of standards they apply independently to the science they either ‘accept’ or ‘reject.’ If you reject the peer review process, for some science, because you disagree with the reviewers then you reject the entire peer review process because you acknowledge it is subjective. Inevitably this leads to a situation where you only ‘believe’ the peer reviewed science you already agree with. Which makes a mockery of any claims to respect either the peer review process or science, both of which should maintain high standards of objectivity. So we are now going to consider a small fraction of the peer reviewed scientific evidence which suggests there may be health risks associated with vaccines. If for no other reason than to provide a semblance of balance. Dr Lucija Tomljenovic Ph.D from the Neural Dynamics Research Group, criticising the statement made by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention senior epidemiologist Dr Robert Chen, outlined the wide availability of scientific research questioning vaccines: “…….The statement by Dr Chen that ‘the science behind vaccination safety is rock solid’ is factually inaccurate and contradicts a large body of scientific literature published on this subject. As with any medication, vaccines can carry risks of adverse reactions (ADRs). However, in spite of the widespread notion that vaccines are largely safe and serious adverse complications are extremely rare, a close scrutiny of the scientific literature does not support this view. For example, to date the clinical trials that could adequately address vaccine safety issues have not been conducted (i.e., comparing health outcomes in vaccinated versus non-vaccinated children).” As ever, I recommend you do your own research on everything discussed at In This Together and make up your own mind. If you ‘Google’ Dr Lucija Tomljenovic you will immediately encounter the ‘debunking’ of someone going by the name of the Skeptical Raptor. This anonymous character, who makes claims about their own scientific knowledge, none of which can be verified, is often cited by those who call Dr Tomljenovic an ‘anti-vaxxer.’ For her part Dr Lucija Tomljenovic has a Ph.D. in biochemistry and is currently a senior research fellow at the University Of British Columbia School Of Medicine in Vancouver. Alphabet inc. is the multinational conglomerate holding company for Google. It’s venture capitalist arm GV is a major investor in vaccine technology and research. I suggest avoiding Google for anything but basic information searches. DuckDuckGo is currently a far more informative and reliable alternative. A 2013 study published in the Journal of Toxicology scientists from the University of British Colombia and MIT outlined how Aluminum is harmful to the Central Nervous System (CNS). The paper points out how CNS problems are correlated with neurological disorders like Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and makes a strong argument that Aluminum adjuvants in the form of pediatric vaccines, could be contributing to increased rates of ASD. Statistical analysis demonstrates that the increase in the diagnosis of ASD’s correlates directly with the rapid expansion of the vaccine schedule. However, improved diagnostic tests could also account for the increase. Similarly there is also a strong correlation with the increasing level of Glyphosates in food stuffs. So this statistical analysis alone certainly doesn’t ‘prove’ a link between ASD and the vaccine schedule. Equally, what cannot be claimed, is that the apparent correlation between ASD diagnosis and the vaccine schedule doesn’t exist. This potential link between vaccines and Autism, first widely acknowledged following the 1998 paper by Dr Andrew Wakefield et al, has emerged in a number of other papers. For example a 2010 study by the Stony Brook Medical Center found that the Hepatitis B vaccine more than trebled the likelihood of developing ASD. A more direct possible link between ASD and the MMR vaccine emerged in a paper by the Utah Department of Biology and Biotechnology Center who found elevated levels of MMR antibodies in children diagnosed with ASD. A further 2007 study by researchers at the University of Iowa, looking at data sets from 2004, found a suggested link between the mercury adjuvant in many vaccines (Thimerosal) and rates of autism. The potential damaging effect of injecting unprecedented levels of metals directly into the blood stream of small children was effectively conceded by the vaccine industry and the CDC who recommended that Thimerosal, in particular, be removed or ‘reduced.’ However, contrary to numerous studies, they maintained that the risks were low. Consequently Thimerosal was removed as a ‘precautionary measure.’ Which does beg the question, if there was certainty that the risks were low, why this precaution was necessary. Contrary to the reassurance studies showed this increased exposure to mercury may have been linked to increased fetal ASD risks. Therefore, while we can welcome its removal, we might question how it ever passed supposed licensing safety standards in the first place. Something we’ll explore in Part 3. Concerns over increased exposure to metals via vaccination have been roundly dismissed by vaccine proponents because numerous studies suggest no elevated risks. We commonly encounter both heavy and other metals, such as Aluminum, in our environment and the levels found in vaccines are deemed to be safe by the vast majority of both scientific researchers and the public. However, the debate centers around the way in which vaccines introduce these metals into the body, especially with regard to infants. Most studies which have looked at potential risks have tended only to consider immediate, short term, reactions. Very few, and certainly none funded by the vaccine manufacturers, have studied the potential longer term impacts. The argument for this lack of inquisitiveness by the manufacturers and regulatory authorities is that metal based adjuvants are absorbed quickly, rapidly excreted and are unable to pass the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). Consequently, longer term studies into these potential risks are one of the few areas of ‘vaccine science’ where the weight of evidence tends towards skepticism. There is significant evidence to challenge what appears to be an assumption, within many of the short term studies, regarding how metals, and in particular Aluminum Adjuvant Nanoparticles (AAN’s), are absorbed. The assumption is that the absorption and excretion mechanism following ingestion of aluminum also applies when it is injected directly into the bloodstream via vaccination. The scientific evidence suggests this is not the case. Aluminium (Al) is naturally absorbed via ingestion in a water soluble ‘ionic’ form. It is toxic but natural ingestion and environmental exposure means we are adapted to process and excrete this toxin. Our immune response dispatches cells called macrophages (MF) to attack and digest the Al in a process called ‘phagocytosis.’ We then excrete it in the normal way. AAN’s are not digested within the MF’s, remaining in the body for a much longer duration. The ‘infected’ MF’s effectively become toxic and transport the AAN’s around the body. MF’s freely traverse the BBB and the brain is extremely sensitive to Al. The studies which demonstrate this process are numerous and experimental proof is consistent and repeatable. For example Khan et al stated: “…continuously escalating doses of this poorly biodegradable adjuvant in the population may become insidiously unsafe, especially in the case of overimmunization or immature/altered blood brain barrier…” From a legal perspective there is no doubt that vaccines can and do cause significant harm. The only question is the level of risk associated with vaccines. Vaccine manufacturers in the U.S are immune from prosecution. In 1986 the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was set up to ensure such cases would not be heard in open court. The NVICP dictates: “….claims against vaccine manufacturers cannot normally be filed in state or federal civil courts, but instead must be heard in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, sitting without a jury.” This level of secrecy is maintained by ensuring that most vaccine claims remain unpublished. However you can view some of them here if you are interested. Bear in mind this report is for just one quarter. The situation in the UK and other European nations is similar. However, as this freedom of information request illustrates, the indemnity is on more of an ad-hoc basis in the UK. However, we might ask why vaccine manufacturers should be afforded any indemnity. Why do so many states consider it important that they be protected against prosecution? In the U.S the pharmaceutical industry successfully lobbied for state protection after their profits were eroded by the mounting costs of insurance liability payouts claimed by people ‘allegedly’ injured by the DTP vaccine. Thus the NVICP was created to protect the manufacturer from having to admit any liability and keep their insurance costs low. To date the NVICP has paid out more than $4 billion in compensation to people who were supposedly ‘not injured’ by vaccines. Nonetheless, there have been a number of cases which have slipped through the secrecy net where the details are known and the vaccine has clearly been identified as a causal factor. For example, in 2017, the family of Christina Tarsell was awarded compensation for her death as a result of receiving the Gardasil Vaccine. This has been strenuously denied by vaccine advocates but it is beyond reasonable doubt in law. The state had previously tried to shift the onus of the burden of proof onto the family. Winning a decision in 2012 as a result. However the Tarsell family persisted and cited the Althen Standard which required them to demonstrate three points to the courts satisfaction. 1. There was sound medical theory and evidence linking the death to the vaccination. 2. There was a logical sequence of cause and effect showing vaccination as the cause of Christina’s arrhythmia (her cause of death.) 3. Demonstrate a temporal connection between the vaccination and the onset of the arrhythmia. The Tarsell family did precisely that and the onus was then on the state to prove that the Althen Standard had not been met. They could not and the family was awarded ‘compensation.’ The potential for the Gardisil vaccine to damage the heart has been demonstrated by scientists from the Department of Molecular and Computational Biology at the University of Southern California who found that the ammino acid sequence, common to the the Gardisil virus proteins, are identical to the sequence of some heart muscle cells. Similarly, children with acquired brain injuries, such as in the cases of Polar, Banks and Mojabi have been awarded payments by the Federal courts. In each and every instance the proponents of vaccination insist these cases prove nothing. However the fact remains they were awarded compensation as a result of a vaccine acquired injury. For example, in the case of Baily Banks the court stated: “……. that Bailey’s ADEM (Encephalomyelitis) was both caused-in-fact and proximately caused by his vaccination (MMR).” [bracketed content added] These court findings, signifying the potential for some vaccines to cause health harm, are consistent with the scientific research. Flarend showed that Al adjuvants are retained in the body far beyond the time claimed by the vaccine manufacturers. These results were confirmed in a study by the Michigan State University among others. Another claim of the vaccine supporters is that while some people with genetic anomalies, allergies or immune deficiencies, may be at greater risk from adverse reactions, this tiny risks is virtually non-existent for the otherwise healthy. Again science disputes this notion. A study by a team from the Barcelona Infant Hospital found the process of MF corruption by AAN’s was clearly identified in blood samples taken from healthy individuals. The Immunity Research Group from the University of Calgary observed that inflammation anywhere in the body prompted the toxic MF’s to travel to the brain. This was corroborated by collaborative study by the Cedars-Sanai Medical Center and the French Institute of Health and Medical Research who showed how the MF’s could carry AAN’s across the Blood Brain Barrier directly into the brain. The studies here are just a few of those which indicate a possible link between vaccines, brain injury and potential ASD. There are many more which highlight evidence which suggests vaccines may also incresae the risk of a range of neorological, physycal and mental health problems. None of this means the benefits of vaccines don’t outweigh the risks nor that widespread vaccination definitely presents a long term danger to public health. But the science is clear and further research is most definitely warranted. What is also evident is that the manufacturers and the regulatory authorities are, for some reason, extremely reluctant to invest in this further research. In reality, completely contrary to most peoples understanding of vaccines, there is virtually no scientific evidence at all that long term exposure to AAN’s is safe. The assumption in vaccine ‘safety studies,’ which assert no risk, are all based upon a provable falsehood. Namely that naturally Al absorption is equally true for vaccine related AAN absorption. The vaccine acolytes who call anyone who questions vaccine safety ‘anti-vaxxers’ are either unaware of or choose to ignore this fact. Therefore it is extremely concerning that the state have announced they intend to legislate to remove ‘anti-vaxxer disinformation.’ They have yet to define what they consider to be ‘disinformation.’ However, I expect this post will be among those to fall foul of the new state Internet censorship regulations. The MSM have already convinced the masses that everyone who questions vaccine safety is a lunatic, regardless of the scientific evidence, and the state is using this narrative to roll out censorship legislation. However, because we still have some semblance of free speech, people who don’t necessarily believe everything companies like Merck or GlaxoSmithKline, or the state, tell them, without examining the evidence, persist with their crazy allegations that there is a lot of science which questions vaccines. Which there is. At the same time the state, almost universally supported by the public, who know about as much about vaccine science as I do, are moving towards compulsory vaccination. Anyone who challenges this is then castigated as an ‘anti-vaxxer’ child abuser. Rather than debate the science there is a global initiative to shut down all discourse, remove freedom of speech and force people to undergo invasive medical procedures against their will. This smacks of fascism and book burning. Even if you think everyone who highlights scientific scepticism about vaccines is insane, if you can’t recognise the danger in allowing such laws to exist, you may soon find you won’t be able to express your views either. Because once the ‘Ministry of Truth’ cat is out the bag it won’t stop at the critics of vaccines. The UK state is already planning legislation to censor criticism of its foreign policy. I am one, among many, who does not accept that the case for mandatory vaccination has been made. The risks are largely unknown and there is a distinct lack of evidence to demonstrate that the long term use of some vaccines is even safe, let alone effective. You can call people like me ‘anti-vaxxers’ if you like, but applying that label doesn’t mean anything, especially if you haven’t even bothered to take the time to research these issues yourself. Claiming that there is no scientific or substantive evidence to question vaccines is absurd.
- Research article - Open Access Physical activity change after a promotora-led intervention in low-income Mexican American women residing in South Texas BMC Public Health volume 19, Article number: 782 (2019) The purpose of this study was to determine physical activity (PA) preferences associated with increases in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and decrease in sedentary time in Mexican American (MA) women participating in a Promotora (community health worker)-led intervention on the U.S.-Mexico border. Enlace (‘to link’ in Spanish) was a randomized clinical trial to increase PA in low-income, MA women living in South Texas on the U.S.-Mexico border. A total of 620 participants were recruited into the study. The primary outcome was increase in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) using the Actigraph GT3X 16 Mb accelerometer. A modified version of the Community Health Activities Model Program for Seniors Physical Activity (CHAMPS) instrument was used to predict MVPA. Adjusted and unadjusted logistic regression models predicted change in MVPA by change in CHAMPS activities. ANOVA analysis determined the variance explained in change in MVPA by change in time engaged in activity. Individual effect sizes were then calculated for significant activity type change on MVPA increase. There were significant increases in all CHAMPS activities except aerobic machines and errand walking. An increase in leisure walking (O.R. = 2.76, p = .046), errand (O.R. = 3.53, p = .051), and brisk walking (O.R. = 4.74, p = .011), dance (O.R. = 8.22, p = .003), aerobics class (O.R. = 32.7, p = .001), and light housework (O.R. = 6.75, p = .000), were associated with a decrease in sedentary time. Significant effect sizes for MVPA were observed for jogging (1.2, p = .050), general exercise (1.6, p = .024), and other exercise not specified (2.6, p = .003). Significant effect sizes for sedentary time were detected for leisure time (.031, p = .036), errands (.017, p = .022), brisk walking (.022, p = .003), dance (.042, p = .005), and aerobics class (.013, p = .009). Participants who engaged in walking and aerobic activities through this intervention significantly increased their engagement in MVPA and decreased their sedentary time. These findings are novel, since preferences have not been examined in relation to MVPA or sedentary time in MA women. PA preferences need to be considered when aiming to promote activities that reduce sedentary time and increase PA participation among marginalized groups, such as MA women. Only 28.8% of Mexican American adults met the 2008 U.S. recommended guidelines for physical activity (PA) . Mexican Americans also carry a high burden of chronic conditions, such as diabetes, obesity and uncontrolled hypertension . Increasing PA engagement in this population will have substantial impact on reversing current chronic disease trends. In response to low levels of PA across race/ethnic groups in the United States, some interventions have been implemented with mixed success [1, 3, 4]. One limitation has been the use of the recommended 150 min of moderate to vigorous PA as a targeted endpoint, as it is often unachievable or difficult to maintain over the long term for many [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]. With growing evidence of lighter intensity PA or simply shifting from sedentary to any activity having health benefits [6, 7], the 150 min of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) standard may not only be unachievable by most, it may not be the best strategy to improve health through meaningful behavioral change [15, 16]. Programs to increase PA in Mexican Americans have largely focused on children and families, thereby providing limited information on the effectiveness in women [17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24]. Evidence suggests that overall, Hispanic women tend to engage in less PA than men, and cultural barriers may play an important role in this disparity . For example, Hispanic women in the Study of Latinos (SOL) engaged in 10 min less a day of physical activity, estimated via accelerometry . Mexican American women may be more responsive to programs geared towards the cultural barriers that affect them the most, such as language, diet, or childrearing expectations. [26, 27]. However, culturally tailored programs related to energy balance only have been adapted linguistically or provided nutrition demonstrations or tips on ethnic dishes of the targeted group [28,29,30] Few, if any, have tailored PA interventions culturally to Mexican American or other Hispanic women, or have been sensitive to the needs of subpopulations like those living in rural settings or in extreme poverty [31, 32]. In many cases, these subpopulations are the least active and most at risk for chronic health conditions [33, 34]. Physical activity preference is an understudied area of research in general, but particularly in Hispanics subgroups [33, 34]. The limited information that is available suggests that preferences depend on age, gender, race/ethnicity and existing health conditions [5, 9, 34,35,36,37,38,39,40]. Among Hispanics, women are more likely to engage in PA around the home, whereas Hispanic men tend to prefer sport-based (e.g. soccer, football, etc.) activities . Age is also an important factor, whereas, older adults prefer group-based activities (e.g. exercise classes, walking groups, etc.), while youth tend to be drawn to sports-based activities [40, 42]. However, while interventions should be adapted to these preferences, there is little information on whether preferences translate into meaningful change in PA levels. Moreover, little information is available on Mexican American subpopulations living in varying parts of the country where availability to PA resources may differ. The current study makes use of data collected through a Promotora (community health worker) led PA intervention in South Texas on the U.S.-Mexico border region. Hidalgo County, the intervention site, is located on the southernmost tip of Texas and has the highest number of colonia settlements in the State of Texas [43, 44]. Colonias are unincorporated settlements that lack basic infrastructure such as electric and public sanitation . Colonias in Hidalgo County are generally located in the most rural areas and are inhabited by Mexican Americans who live in extreme poverty. Physical activity participation in Hidalgo County is low with only 36.8% of adults engaging in any leisure time activity . The intervention was tailored to the needs of women in this community recognizing the low baseline of PA engagement using community-based participatory research. In addition, the setting was largely rural, providing insight into a population that has been underrepresented in PA interventions target towards Hispanic populations. The setting and population allowed us to test research hypotheses on PA preferences and changes after an intervention in low income, rural-residing Mexican American women. The purpose of this study was to assess changes in MVPA and sedentary time in low-income Mexican American women living in South Texas of the U.S.-Mexico border. We made use of multiple measures of subjective PA and sedentary time to evaluate which type of activities were most associated with intended change in the outcomes . A notable strength of this study was the use of community-based participatory research where we engaged key stakeholders in an advisory committee and community members in focus groups to design the intervention. The education and physical activities were designed to address cultural barriers (e.g. gender roles, beliefs about health and wellness, etc.) and appeal to the preferences of our targeted population thereby reducing barriers (e.g. social control, low health literacy, among others.) to PA. As part of the education, we provided information on the recommendations for PA, health benefits and provide planned activities that are culturally sensitive and responsive to the resources available within the community. As a result of this approach, it was expected that increases in MVPA and decreases in sedentary time between pre and post intervention will be most associated with activities that were most sensitive to the community resources and barriers. Enlace: a promotora-led physical activity intervention This is a secondary data analysis of the Enlace study. Enlace was a 16 week-long promotora-led PA intervention randomized clinical trial (NCT02046343) funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States. A total of 8 community centers were randomized to either the physical activity intervention (PA) or control (community health and safety) using simple randomization because of the small n-size (8 centers). Centers were matched based on geographic location into pairs of two. Then were randomly assigned either as intervention or control group. While study staff knew which community centers were in the intervention or control conditions, participants were unaware of what the status was of other centers. The study was located in Hidalgo County of South Texas on the U.S.-Mexico border. Low-income, primarily immigrant, Mexican American women were recruited from 8 community resource centers (CRC’s) located in Cameron and Hidalgo Counties located in South Texas on the U.S.-Mexico border from 2012 until 2016. Four CRC’s were randomly assigned to receive the PA intervention (intervention) and four received a community health education program (control). Women were included if they did not meet the recommended level of PA of at least 150 min per week of MVPA. Women were excluded if they had a chronic condition (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, etc) and were not cleared by their doctors to participate or if they were pregnant. Women in the intervention group participated in weekly PA education sessions that were complemented by guided physical activities, such as, walking groups, Zumba® classes and yoga. The control group received a 16 week long community health and safety educational program without any other complementary activities. Each session lasted one to 2 h. Sample size for Enlace was calculated to reach a minimal detectable effect size for a power of .80. In total 620 women completed the baseline assessment and 439 completed follow-up. Reasons for intervention non-completion included securing employment, pregnancy, relocated outside of center catchment area, withdrew, non-compliant with accelerometry collection, and illness. About 20% of participants attended all sessions and about 50% attended most sessions (5 to 13) in the intervention group. At baseline, women in the Enlace study were on average 40.4 +/− 10.3 years old (age range: 18–67 years), had an average of an 10th grade education and were primarily born in Mexico (86.1%) (See Table 1). Additionally, most were married or in a partner relationship (79.8%), only 23.1% were unemployed and 16.9% had health insurance. Significant differences between the intervention and control group were observed for body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2) only (intervention 32.8 vs. control 30.8, p = .039). There was, however, a near significant difference by age (intervention 39.7 years vs. control 41.2 years, p = .078). Therefore, these two significant variables were used as covariates in the regression analysis. Enlace participants engaged in a 16-week long intervention that included educational classes and promotora-led PA sessions (i.e. aerobic or walking groups). Classes were offered weekly and PA session were offered throughout the week. The PA group (intervention) were provided information on the health benefits of PA, what is considered PA, different types of PA, levels of intensity, PA guidelines, PA demonstrations and group exercise activities (e.g. exercise classes, DVD’s and walking groups). Promotoras also coordinated walking groups and exercise classes offered through the community centers. A 6-month maintenance period followed the intervention whereas promotoras met with participants individually every month and offered guided group-based physical activities such as Zumba® classes and walking groups. The control group received a community health and safety curriculum and were also offered activities during the maintenance period. Data and measures Moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) MVPA was measure using the ActiGraph GT3X 16 Mb accelerometer. Actigraphs were given to the participants at baseline and 16-week data collection interviews. At the end of each interval, the summed value or activity “count” was stored in memory and the integrator was reset. We determined the total time per day spent in MVPA and sedentary time by using adapted count cut points previously established by Freedson et al. [47, 48]. In general counts are based on frequency and intensity of acceleration. Sedentary activity was determined to be counts per minute of less than 99. Moderate activity counts per minute were 1952–5724 and vigorous 5725–9498. Freedson, et al. [47, 48] has documented the validity and inter-instrument reliability of the ActiGraph monitor in adults. Activity counts were strongly correlated with energy expenditure during treadmill walking and running (r = 0.86). Minutes for moderate and vigorous activity were combined to generate values for our MVPA outcome. Participants were given accelerometers during their first data collection appointment. They were told to wear the device every day from the time they woke up until they went to bed. They were only to take it off to shower. On the second day of data collection, a week after the first visit, accelerometers were collected from participants and checked for wear time. If participants did not have adequate wear time, accelerometers were returned for re-wear. Participants needed to wear the accelerometer for at least 12 h per day and on at least 4 of the 7 days for reliable measurement of activity. Participants were also asked to wear the device on both weekdays and weekend days. Because average per day minutes were reported by the accelerometer, we converted minutes per day to minutes per week by multiplying by seven. The total minutes per week at baseline and 16-week follow-up were used for this analysis. We used intent to treat (ITT) to address missing outcomes at 16 week follow-up due to drop out from the study . Missing values at 16 weeks were replaced with values from baseline. A categorical variable was created to measure an increase in MVPA between baseline and 16 week follow-up. The difference between follow-up MVPA and baseline MVPA was calculated and an increase was coded as “1”, otherwise “0” for values of zero or less. Similarly, a variable was created for sedentary time, however a decrease in sedentary time was coded as “1” and “0” for no change or an increase. Community health activities model program for seniors physical activity questionnaire (CHAMPS) We used the CHAMPS to characterize participants’ type and amount of PA. Knowing which types of PA correspond most directly with increases in MVPA and decreases in sedentary time. The original 41-item self-reported measure of type of PA was developed originally for older adults, but it has been used with general adult populations and sensitive to changes in intervention studies [50, 51]. We removed questions that were not relevant to our targeted population For example, questions related to reading, playing a musical instrument, and shooting pool were not included in this study. The benefit of using CHAMPS over other instruments is that in the CHAMPS PA is assessed by an algorithm of different types of physical activities to calculate moderate, vigorous and leisure time activity. As a result we were able to determine to what extent our intervention impacts specific types of activities. Additionally, we were able to determine which activities corresponded most with changes in objectively measured MVPA. The CHAMPS asked participants to recall over the past month, typically how many hours per week do they engage in the listed activity. We used hours per week for each individual activity (e.g. dance, heavy gardening, yoga, walking, etc.). Differences between baseline and 16-week follow-up were calculated and a categorical variable was created. Increased activity of 30 min or more were coded as “1” for each of the 41 items. No change or a decrease in the amount of time spent was coded as “0”. The threshold of 30 min per week change was set because it was the lowest measureable unit in the instrument that was used for this study. We did an initial analysis to assess for successful randomization and to determine if control variables would need to be adjusted for. The variables used were age (continuous), education (continuous), birth country (U.S., Mexico, other), marital status (married/not married), number of children (continuous), employment status (employed/not employed), and health insurance (yes/no). We also used body mass index (BMI), % body fat, and waist circumference to account for any variation in baseline obesity status that might affect intervention participation. Both BMI and % body fat was calculated using a portable Tanita Body Composition Analyzer SC-331S. Height (measured to the nearest 0.1 cm) was inputted manually for BMI calculations using a stadiometer. Participants were asked to remove their shoes prior to stepping on the Tanita and obtaining height measurements. BMI was calculated using the weight (kg)/height squared (m2) formula. Waist circumference was measured twice at the midway between the iliac crests and the lower ribs. Initial analysis was conducted to establish the success of randomization. Chi-squared and t-test analyses were conducted by intervention status using the covariates. From this analysis, Body Mass Index (BMI) (p = .039) varied significantly by intervention group. In addition, age was near significant (p = .078). Therefore we used both variables as controls in the regression analysis. Chi-squared and t-test analyses were also conducted for each CHAMPS activity change bivariate variable and change in MVPA by intervention group. CHAMPS activities that were not significantly different were not used in the regression analysis. Additionally, variables from the bivariate analysis that were stretching or yoga were not analyzed in the logistic models due because focus was placed on variables most likely to move participants from sedentary movement to MVPA. Adjusted and unadjusted logistic regression models were then conducted to predict change in MVPA by change in significant CHAMPS activities. Odds ratios were reported for each activity for both adjusted and unadjusted models. ANOVA analysis was then conducted on the continuous change in MVPA outcome variable to determine the overall variance explained for the model that included all significant CHAMPS variables. Individual effect sizes were then calculated for each individual CHAMPS variable to determine the proportion of variance explained by each. Final analysis was only conducted on the intervention group to examine the within group effect of the exposure to the physical activity programming. Table 2 presents increases in activity type by intervention status by category of activity. A significantly higher proportion of participants in the intervention group increased their overall walking, aerobic exercise and strength or stretching activities by at least 30 min per week between baseline and 16-week follow-up. For example, 43.5% of women in the intervention group reported increasing their leisure time walking by at least 30 min compared to 27.0% in the control group. It should be noted that as part of the intervention, women were offered aerobic and Zumba® classes, stretching, yoga and promotora-led walking groups. Additionally, 32.8% in the intervention group reported increasing their engagement in aerobic classes (primarily Zumba®) compared to 17.8% among the control group. Other significant differences were observed in heavy gardening (28.7% v. 12.8%), light housework (38.2% vs. 30.5%), general exercise (14.5% vs. 3.9%) and other not-specified activity (5.6% vs. 1.8%). There were no significant differences by intervention group for swimming activities or leisure activities such as golf, tennis or hiking. This is most likely due to the low SES status of our participants and a lack of amenities in the area for hiking. A logistic regression analysis was conducted for significant activity variables from the bivariate analysis to predict any increase in accelerometer MVPA for the intervention group only are presented in Table 3. There were significant increases in all CHAMPS activities except aerobic machines (O.R. =1.32, p = .514) and errand walking (O.R. = 1.50, p = .128). Table 3 also shows regression results for logistic regression for decrease in sedentary time. An increase in leisure (O.R. = 2.76, p = .046), errand (O.R. = 3.53, p = .051), and brisk walking (O.R. =4.784, p = .011) were significantly associated with a decrease in sedentary time. Additionally, dance (O.R. = 8.22, p = .003), aerobics class (O.R. = 32.7, p = .001) and light housework (O.R. =6.75, p = .000) were also all associated with a decrease in sedentary time between baseline and follow-up. None of the other variables were significant. Table 4 presents ANOVA and effect size estimates for each significant activity from the logistic regression analysis. The overall variance explained by this model was 15.6%. Significant effect sizes were observed for jogging (1.2%, p = .050), general exercise (1.6%, p = .024), and other exercise not specified (2.6%, p = .003). Table 5 presents the results for sedentary time. The overall variance explained was 35.3%. Significant effect sizes were detected for leisure time (3.1%), errands (1.7%), brisk walking (2.2%), dance (4.2%), and aerobics class (1.3%). There were no other significant effect sizes observed in this analysis. Furthermore, the contributing variables to explain the variance in MVPA and sedentary time differed completely and there was no overlap for any of the activity types. The findings from this study demonstrate that certain activity types were associated with increases in MVPA and decreasing sedentary time in Mexican American women from South Texas on the U.S.-Mexico border that participated in this promotora-led PA intervention. Participants who reported at least a 30 min increase in leisure time walking, brisk walking, dance, aerobics classes, jogging, light housework, heavy housework, heavy gardening, light gardening, general exercise, other exercise, and biking had a higher odds of increasing their accelerometer MVPA at follow-up. The effect size analysis however revealed that the type of activities that most contributed to the change in MVPA were jogging, general exercise, and other PA not specified. In addition, this analysis showed that walking, dance and aerobics class increases had significant associations with a reduction in sedentary time and were the only significant activities to contribute to the effect size. These findings suggest that the type of activities planned in PA interventions may influence the success of that program, particularly in populations that are less likely to engage in physical activities. Few studies have investigated to what extent does type of PA impact the success of an intervention. Those that have, have generally looked at MVPA as their only outcome measure using one measure, usually walking or other aerobic exercise . Success or failure is often attributed to not reaching or maintaining the desired MVPA , rather than assessing the concordance between activity type and achievability of sustained behavioral change. Selecting the correct type of activity to obtain the desired outcome may be the key to success. Our study findings provide a unique contribution to the literature by offering this needed comparison of different types of activity options. As a result, we have identified the physical activities most likely to be associated with an increase with MVPA in low income Mexican American women living in a rural setting in South Texas on the U.S.-Mexico border. Although, the participants in our study are low-income Mexican American women, the research is an important first step to better designed interventions that will have greater impact on sustainable behaviors leading to increased MVPA. Reducing sedentary time has rarely been used as a desired endpoint to PA interventions. This is despite the growing evidence that decreasing sedentary time can have as substantial impact on obesity and disease risk [54,55,56]. In this study, the physical activities most associated with a decrease in sedentary time were walking, dance and aerobic exercise. Other studies have used increase in walking as the desired outcome in interventions targeted at Hispanics . These studies have demonstrated long-term success in increasing PA, yet have not measured the impact on reducing sedentary time. Future studies are needed to better understand how interventions designed to promote specific physical activities, such as walking, may have a substantial impact on reducing sedentary time. In the effect size analysis we observed that the greatest PA contributors to changes in MVPA were jogging, general exercise and other- not specified activity. General exercise and other – not specified activity were activities not measured in the CHAMPS instrument and could include activities that are not captured in many instruments. This brings to question whether standard subjective measures of PA are adequately assessing common activities in economically or race/ethnically marginalized group. Some studies have found a general discordance between objective and subjective measures of PA particularly by race/ethnicity [56, 57]. In most occasions, self-reported PA is over estimated relative to objective measurement through an accelerometer [57, 58]. It may be that self-assessed PA measures are not capturing the right type of activities, particularly in marginalized populations with limited resources to be active. For example, there is some evidence to suggest that Hispanic subgroups, like immigrants, may be more likely to walk for utilitarian purposes, but less likely to engage in recreational PA and that duration in the United States has a negative relationship with the amount of walking Hispanic groups engage in . Self-reported instruments, like the CHAMPS may still provide better insight into what types of activities people engage in in general, but may need to be modified to include race/ethnic or rural/urban specific types of preferred activities in order to get a better sense of actual PA and to effectively evaluate the success of intervention programs . Limitations and strengths This study has noteworthy limitations. First, our study was conducted in South Texas, on the U.S.-Mexico border. Therefore, the findings can only be inferred to this population. Also, studies would need to be conducted in other groups to corroborate our findings. An additional limitation is our use of the CHAMPS as our measure of subjective PA. The benefit of the CHAMPS is its use of specific types of activities in constructing measurement of PA. However, it is limited in the type of activities and may as a result create some bias in Hispanic or low income populations. Nevertheless there are few, if any instruments available that taking into consideration specific types of activities like the CHAMPS does. Furthermore, there may be other unmeasured factors directly or indirectly responsible for the observed changes in PA. For example, many of the planned PA sessions were in group settings where women also had opportunity to socialize with other women. This may have served as an unmeasured motivation to engage in the physical activities that Enlace offered. Despite the limitations, the Enlace study was a unique approach to addressing PA deficits in a marginalized race/ethnic minority community. The use of community-based participatory research was key to the design of the intervention and choice of physical activities that women in this community would be most likely to engage in. Additionally, promotoras stressed that increasing activity overall, will have real benefit. This message was reflected in the increase in several types of activities, including housework. Women fit in more activity within their normal routines in their home making increasing MVPA and decreasing sedentary time more achievable. In addition, this study provides an assessment of what type of physical activities can contribute to meaningful changes in PA that impact health and risk of chronic diseases. It also demonstrated what may be realistic expectations for improvements in communities like these with limited resources and built environments not supportive of PA. Mexican American women living in South Texas have limited resources to be physically active, but despite these limitations, were able to incorporate various traditional and non-traditional types of activities in efforts to meet the recommendations. Future studies need to better assess ways in which Mexican American women and other disparate groups are able to achieve recommended levels of PA and how activity is assessed. Understanding how Mexican American women engage in activity will help improve the effectiveness of PA interventions and improve rates of meeting recommendations in groups with low levels of engagement. Increasing PA among Mexican Americans and other Hispanic groups is essential to curb current obesity, chronic disease and cancer trajectories. In order to design effective interventions public health practitioners and researchers must take into effect preferences of activities specific to subpopulations like that on the U.S.-Mexico border. 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West J Nurs Res. 2018;40(7):942–60. https://doi.org/10.1177/0193945917692305. Epub 2017 Feb 20. Balducci S, D'Errico V, Haxhi J, Sacchetti M, Orlando G, Cardelli P, Vitale M, Bollanti L, Conti F, Zanuso S, Nicolucci A, Pugliese G. Italian diabetes and exercise study 2 (IDES_2) investigators. Effect of a behavioral intervention strategy for adoption and maintenance of a physically active lifestyle: the Italian diabetes and exercise study 2 (IDES_2): a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care. 2017;40(11):1444–52. Moy ML, Teylan M, Weston NA, Gagnon DR, Danilack VA, Garshick E. Daily step count is associated with plasma C-reactive protein and IL_6 in a US cohort with COPD. Chest. 2014;145(3):542–50. Löf M, Bergström K, Weiderpass E. Physical activity and biomarkers in breast cancer survivors: a systematic review. Maturitas. 2012;73:134–42. Bazargan-Hejazi S, Arroyo JS, Hsia S, Brojeni NR, Pan D. A racial comparison of differences between self-reported and objectively measured physical activity among US adults with diabetes. Ethnic Dis. 2017;27(4):403–10. Schuna JM, Johnson WD, Tudor-Locke C. Adult self-reported and objectively monitored physical activity and sedentary behavior: NHANES 2005-2006. Intern J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2013;10:126. Fukuoka Y, Haskell W, Vittinghoff E. New insights into discrepancies between self-reported and accelerometer-measured moderate to vigorous physical activity among women - the mPED trial. BMC Public Health. 2016;16(1):761. Doescher MP, Lee C, Saelens BE, Lee C, Berke EM, Adachi-Mejia AM, Patterson DG, Moudon AV. Utilitarian and recreational walking among Spanish- and English-speaking Latino adults in micropolitan US towns. J Immigr Minor Health. 2017;19(2):237–45. Carr LJ, Dunsinger S, Marcus BH. Long-term surveillance of physical activity habits of Latinas enrolled in a 12-month physical activity intervention. J Phys Act Health. 2016;13(7):740–6. Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Herrmann SD, Meckes N, Bassett DR, Tudor-Locke C, et al. Compendium of physical activities: a second update of codes and MET values. Special communications. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2011;43(8):1575–81. This work was supported by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (HL111718-01A1). Ethics approval and consent to participate This study is a secondary data analysis of existing data from a randomized clinical trial. Data collection and consent forms were approved by The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Institutional Review Board (HSC20110460H). All participants completed consent forms to participate in this intervention study prior to enrollment. As part of this consent was the approval to publish findings from the data collected from each participant. Consent for publication The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. About this article Cite this article Salinas, J.J., Parra-Medina, D. Physical activity change after a promotora-led intervention in low-income Mexican American women residing in South Texas. BMC Public Health 19, 782 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-7105-6 - Mexican American - Physical activity - Randomized control trial
A team of leading scientists, artists and business leaders deliver a series of cutting-edge presentations entitled “A New Paradigm: Veda, Consciousness, The Ramayana, and the Self.” The event explores the meeting point of science and spirituality by presenting research that reveals the profound relationship between Vedic sound and the health and vitality of the mind and body. The speakers at this event come from diverse backgrounds. Tony Nader, neuroscientist and researcher, will headline the event as the keynote speaker with his presentation, “Embodying Totality.” John Hagelin, a quantum physicist, educator, public policy expert, and leading proponent of peace, will speak on “Consciousness and the Unified Field.” Ramani Ayer, Chairman and CEO of Hartford Financial Services Group, will speak on “Enlightened Leadership and World Peace.” The speakers explore three primary themes in the presentation. The first theme explores the cosmic nature of the individual. The sounds of the Veda have been found to reside in the physiology on the vibratory level. These sounds become the physiology—the brain, the heart—the whole physiology is seen from this perspective as a replica of Veda and the Vedic literature. The practical application of this has been documented by original research conducted by medical doctors and scientists that demonstrates the effectiveness of these Vedic sounds for creating brain coherence and for the treatment of chronic disorders. The second theme explores the applications of this discovery on the collective level of society. The frontiers of modern physics and the development of Unified Field theories point to the understanding that this field of natural law is one and the same as the fundamental level of life described by Vedic Science. The presentation will review evidence that large groups of thousands of peace-creating Vedic pandits are capable of changing the destiny of mankind by applying Vedic technologies of consciousness from the deepest level of consciousness—the common unified source of both science and religion. The third theme of the presentation explores Nader’s book, “Ramayan in Human Physiology,” developed over a 10-year period under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It describes the profound correlation between the characters, details and happenings of the Ramayana with every part of the human physiology. “It will serve as a revelation to those who desire a greater understanding of the unity underlying all that makes us human,” said Gary P. Kaplan, Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology at Hofstra University School of Medicine.n Sunday, April 15, 4:30-8:00 p.m. India Community Center, 525 Los Cochos St., Milpitas. $10 (includes dinner), $15 at door. www.Events2Please.com (610)504-9182.
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The rapid increase of XXX websites coupled with the rapid increase of porno fans and consumers in the past decade or so has also lead to an expansion within pornographic genres themselves – a decade ago it would’ve been almost impossible to come across an XXX domain that focuses on a certain niche or a specific theme since back then the average porno consumer wasn’t developed enough to have a certain preference. Nowadays, specific XXX websites that focus on something are all over, and the things they focus on vary greatly in terms of topic, theme, genre and so on. From pissing porn to drawn porn and even cuckold pornography where husbands are forced to watch their wives get their uteruses destroyed by a much more dominant and ‘larger’ male, pornography as a whole has certainly come a long way from those basic XXX movies and videos that were present everywhere up until the 2010s. But what about nationality-based porno genres? Over 50% of the world now has access to the internet, which also includes countries that were not on the digital map back until a decade or so ago. This includes India, one of the world’s superpower countries; a nation that has satellites up in orbit but also has plenty of its people starving and bathing in dirty water. As the second-largest country in the world in terms of populace, India has long been due a porno website that focuses on XXX content that hails from the country itself – SuckSex is one of those sites, and it pretty much stands alone when it comes to authentic Indian sex because there aren’t many other sites that focus on the kind of content it’s focusing on… No Fake Stuff – It’s all 100% Natural This website is all about that homemade goodness – there is none of that fake-looking premium HD stuff here that you’ve probably grown familiar with if you’ve been fapping to XXX content on various XXX websites for years. I’m talking about that Brazzers-type content that’s obviously been filmed with 10 crew members standing around making sure that the pornstar’s silicone tits are receiving just the right kind of lighting to make them ‘pop’ and that the audio in the scene is good enough to let you hear all that sucking action when the pornstar gargles on some 12-inch cock. This site is all about that homemade stuff, so natural you can practically smell it through the screen – all the videos on here are guaranteed to be 100% authentic as they’ve all been poorly filmed by mid-tier camera phones which were held by the dudes in the videos while they work their girlfriends. In some cases, the videos here were filmed by hidden cameras that were placed in order for the guys being filmed to be able to have some fapping material to refer to when they’re not getting any action. If you’re someone who can appreciate a good authentic homemade fuck flick then you’ll definitely find a treasure trove’s worth of content on this site to fap to. Contains Every Single Category Imaginable for Indian Porn There are more than enough categories to have fun with on this website, and they’re all varied enough to be able to please any caliber of amateur-porno fan, but since this website is focused purely on Indian porn, you can bet that it contains plenty of categories that explore that specific genre of pornography in detail. Aside from the standard ‘Blowjob’, ‘Anal’, ‘Big Ass’, ‘Cumshots’, ‘Hardcore’ and other categories on here that are essentially present on every other XXX website in existence, SuckSex also contains themes and genres that you can’t find on any other site; ‘Desi’, ‘Mallu’, ‘Masala’, ‘Saree’, ‘Punjabi Sex’, ‘Bhabhi’, Bollywood’ and ‘Indian College’ are just some of the specifically Indian categories you can find on this website. If you’re someone who wants to get well-acquainted with Indian pornography and fap to every imaginable genre, theme, niche or fetish that’s related to it, then these specific categories will undoubtedly help you explore India the way you’ve always wanted to… Photos Are Here for Your Viewing Pleasure Many of you may not know this, but our fathers and even some of our grandfathers used to fap to porn back in the dark, non-internet days of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Back then the internet of today was pretty much incomprehensible, if the average Joe living back then were to get his hands on a Smartphone of today and explore internet porn I’m sure that he’d enter a three day long fapping bender that would definitely have some dire consequences for his dick. Back then people mainly relied on erotic magazines when they couldn’t get some real sex, which is probably why people fucked more back then in the first place. I’m sure that many of you have stumbled upon some XXX magazines that were stashed away by your dad or a certain uncle of yours at one point in your childhood, and they’re perfect examples of what people fapped to back in those days. You see, the generations before us weren’t lucky enough to have the internet at their disposal and be able to open up an hour-long XXX video within minutes – even during the early years of the internet, this was still impossible because it just wasn’t developed or fast enough. Nowadays kids take internet pornography for granted, so why not pay homage to what’s essentially the first and most globally-infamous format of pornography – pictures. There are plenty of pictures on this site’s ‘Pictures’ section, and if I were you, I’d definitely take a break from videos and get into a picture fapping phase – after all, masturbating to images is healthier for the brain than masturbating to videos, so why not give it a shot? Like To Read? Maybe Fap at The Same Time? Fapping to pictures may force you to use your imagination a little more which ultimately stimulates the brain and allows it to develop more of that good old ‘gray matter’ that’s responsible for critical thinking and overall intelligence, but fapping to literature is a whole other level. If you fancy yourself an intellectual and want to try your hand at fapping to erotic XXX stories, which can be accessed on this site, then you should definitely ‘take a whack’ at it. Yes, pictures may be a notch above videos, but you’ll use a lot more of your imagination if you ever decide to fap to written porn – reading words and trying to form an image in your mind of what they define and represent uses a hell of a lot more brainpower than fapping to images or videos, and it’s a great way to stimulate your frontal lobe while stimulating your dick at the same time… Fast-Responding Video Players & Site, And Minimal Ads To end this review off on a good note, I’d like to point out that this site responds extremely fast to all your commands, so you can definitely count on it when you’re hit with a sudden urge to fap that’s so extreme you can’t ignore it. There may be a few pop-ups here and there, but without them, the people running this website wouldn’t have enough money to run it, so be thankful that they’re there, and definitely be thankful that they’re not frequent enough to screw up your fapping experience.
Chicago demonstrated the high-tech advances in processing IMTS 2000, reaching its \"productivity showcase\" billing standard, with 114,675 people passing through Chicago\'s sponge McCormick square to see what\'s new --- What is profitable- In manufacturing. The editors of tools and production ended their comments on the show in this issue, starting with the editor Ted Geise\'s comments on grinding materials Processing Hall: grinding/sawing/finishing and sawing Hall gives visitors the opportunity to see a variety of services and products from raw materials to highly complex automation systems. Among the 200- In addition to the exhibition in the exhibition hall, people can find new products and services and old products in the exhibition to introduce specific technologies and products to newcomers. In the ground-breaking machine with the Microfast belt grinder of the Kruger machine, it shows the surprising application of the 3m new Shard-free Trizac belt to Cam and crankshaft ultra-fine machining Although Trizac is a coating grinding line, known for its high metal removal rate over the past three years, it has a very long life span (1000- Parts for each belt) With consistent finish, the Microfast machine has an advantage over its competitors. The machine does not need to constantly change the properties of the problem, which is a typical feature of the traditional coated abrasive belt, able to maintain 0. The 1mm Ra is completed within the belt life and the change is less than 0. 03mm Ra, according to company research. Flexible belts and forces lack spare table boards or shoes for 9 lbs or less, which leads to a simplified machine that can easily adapt to different workpiece geometry. Change the belt in less than a minute. Machines with or with coolant are made of cheap, lightweight, highly reliable components such as traditional hp work-holding drives. According to the configuration, the price is 10% to 20% lower than the continuous tape ultra-precision machine, and the industry expects to see more news about this machine in the future. Another new machine presented by QPAC proves the increased competition in the market for micro-processing technology, as well as the increasing acceptance of coated abrasive belts as a replacement for super-processed stone. With modular design and assembly, the old lathe can be easily converted into an ultra-fine machining machine with 3m film QPAC\'s new machine may be a low-cost alternative to other machines on the market. Reading through hundreds of exhibitions carefully, several trends in the market are evident. An obvious trend is for companies to expand their product range from niche- Targeted business in the past few years. Engis Corp. , for example, now offers a CNC wheel trimming system to expand its expertise in ultra-grinding, including covering the grinder to multiple Shaft grinder. Combined grinding technology (UGT) The Precimat and Profimat RT are introduced, as part of its \"Ecological Philosophy\", providing a low-end grinder range that traditionally does not belong to their sales. Lapmaster International broke past concerns about grinding by introducing two new fine grinding machines, an application for grinding wheels instead of loose grinding. Their new LFG12 and 20G, double-sided, and single-sided finishing machines use the new pill ultra-grinding wheel of the universal ultra-grinding head, respectively. According to Lapmaster, companies looking to buy fine grinding machines should be attracted by the greater capacity and price of the lfg12, about the third machine of their competitors. Another obvious trend is that more and more multi-functional machines combine grinding and processing ( Milling, car, etc) On the same machine. While adding grinding wheels to machine tools has been done for decades, it is slow to gain recognition because Machine tools often lack the stiffness and precision needed to optimize the production grinding process. However, the company found that the time saved through the accuracy of one setting and CNC control provides attractive compensation benefits. The machines presented by Bridgeport and Makino are particularly striking, both described below. In addition, the combined grinding technology also presents a Maegerle MGC crawling Feed grinder for the processing of the mill and other processing tools. Bridgeport has introduced the FGC 1000 flexible grinding center, a vertical column machine with a special coolant delivery system. Starting with the basic machine tool frame equipped with a control thermal expansion system, they have added modifications that accept traditional grinding wheels ( Pink alumina on the display). Head and workpiece control at 5- Shaft movement and various spindle, the machine can achieve extraordinary performance when grinding turbine components made of Inconel. The performance section comes from Rolls Royce\'s patented coolant application technology and is incorporated into the process known as the VIP process to shorten the processing time of turbine roots from 18 to 18. 4 sec. Coolant Technology uses a movable nozzle whose position is controlled by CNC to optimize 10,000- Psi synthetic coolant With this success of traditional abrasive, one would want to achieve what can be achieved by using ceramic or super grinding wheels. Makino\'s engineers demonstrated the success of Super grinding on the A88 level machine tool, which includes the wheels in the drill bit, rolling mill and other items in the tool turntable and the honing grinding core shaft. With a single installation and CNC control positioning, alignment can be almost ensured, so there is no need to use a floating grinding knife to complete the cylinder holes on the body of the compressor being processed on the exhibits. On the contrary, the machine uses a rigid plated CBN grinding knife designed to expand as the coolant pressure increases ( 1 psi increments adjustable from I to 10,000 psi) For the exact size. With CNC using feedback data from load sensors, the core bar size can be adjusted continuously in real time. For grinding, the A88 machine uses wheels of various custom designs for surface, OD, ID, or contour grinding. Wheels made with CBN (GE Model 400-500) , Including a patented design to deliver coolant through holes that are regularly spaced on the surface of the plated CBN crystal. The key to Honing grinding shaft and grinding wheel development is the cooperation between Makino\'s tool designer and Di-\'s staff Coating, Novi, MI, technical expert in ultra-abrasive plating. Several companies have launched machines for specific applications, a contrasting trend for multi-purpose machines. UGT, for example, showed it the new S32 punch grinder, a machine with software, accessories and fixtures, designed for specific applications. Toyota introduced GT- 011 pin grinding machine, which demonstrates grinding the eccentric punch to 2 [micro] Improve accuracy using Toyoda\'s own ultra-grinding wheels, CNC controls and accessories. The new Unison company presents the new type 1100 CNC, known as the punch master, which enhances the grinding speed and the movement speed of the machine by nearly 400%. Many companies use IMTS to introduce foreign machines to the US market. For example, the United grinding technology company launched the precision tool grinder of Jung company in Germany, which was acquired by Schleifring Group last year, the parent company of UGT, Reform ph Rabenseifner, presents its Blanchard/Reform travel head production grinder as described below. UNOVA Booth also highlighted the large heavy-duty machines jointly operated by Cincinnati machines and European manufacturers DST bringing, Doerries, Scharmaun, as well as the Berthiez line for US customers. The Jung J630E shown by UGT is a precision tool grinder with a precision trimmer, as an integral part of the wheel head assembly installed on a separate shaft and rotated under the ONO control, the dresser is able to use multiple single point diamonds to achieve complex wheel profiles. Brought to the United States under the agreement with Cone The Reform machine Blanchard Corp. of Type 13 Reform Rabenseifner fills the gap caused by the closing of Mattison\'s machine tool, which makes a large rotary bench grinder. With 18 ft- The long or longer table of Type 13 and its sister models is ideal for manufacturing and re-sharpening large tool blades ( Black and ceramic) And has an amazing ability to maintain full length flatness within 17mm. This tolerance requires an environment for temperature control and sufficient machine base. With a horizontal or vertical spindle, the machine can install the customer- The specified control. Erwin Junker presents its Jucam CNC grinding system, which completes a camshafts in a single setting. This machine is capable of handling shafts up to 250mm in diameter and 1100mm in length, using Junker\'s \"Quickpoint\" method, a patented process that uses very narrow CBN wheels to minimize heat and cutting forces. Junker also demonstrated the BUAJ9 NC, a new Universal grinder with a rotary head for a quick conversion from OD to ID grinding mode. Norton has launched a new series of CBN wheels for double disc grinding. There are 60 to 800 particle sizes for the resin bonding wheel to choose from. In representative gear grinding applications, 120- Sand double wheel produced 0. 8[micro] End of M Ra and 4 [micro] M parallelism after 0 is removed. 1mm of the material is in a 10 second cycle. Norton also launched the Altos wheel ( The previous version was called Targa) Used for crawling feed, gear, flute and bearing grinding applications. The highly porous structure passes through water like a sieve, made of extruded ceramic alumina, bonded together to form a very open matrix for good coolant permeability and long wheel life. The company also showed NORaX, a new coated abrasive with a structured surface and a scepter diamond wheel, which was developed in a government research advanced ceramic grinding project. In addition, Norton took advantage of the news lunch at IMTS to discuss the advantages of working with global corporate clusters under the San Gobain umbrella. In the Saint-Gobain family, there are about 200 manufacturing enterprises in North America, including traditional and super-grinding wheel manufacturers, coating abrasive manufacturers, trimming and diamond tool manufacturers, abrasive manufacturers and research centers. As a result, the Norton Higgins grinding technology center in Maruster can now use a variety of technical resources to help the industry without emphasizing specific companies or products. In order to promote technology development and launch a cooperation project between research institutions, manufacturing and abrasive manufacturers, Norton announced that it is scheduled to hold a grinding technology forum on October 25-27, 2000 in maroster. Phone number: 508-795-5709. Oh, GE Superabrasives in Westville introduced a new website at www using IMTS 2000 press conference. abrasivesnet. Here, people can not only find new things online, but also find information on the selection and purchase of Super-abrasive materials online, as well as information on technical products and applications. Click on the grinding, machining, micro-grinding, saw and other GE product icons to get a collection of downloadable technical literature files in Adobe reader file format. With the launch of the site, GE has also entered a new business, selling diamond abrasive products beyond the traditional size and range of popular products, but in applications where grading and size are not common or important. From the company of the UNOVA group, Citco presents its new CVD diamond dresser, which takes advantage of the structural properties of diamonds produced by chemical vapor deposition. CVD vanity and similar products (e. g. , Dressing table made of single crystal drill) 5 to 10 times longer than traditional diamond products, it is easy to re-grind several times. In applications where the edge radius must be kept within a strict tolerance range, the CVD vanity is particularly useful. CITCO has also shown its new high lubrication bond (HLB) Super abrasive, including abrasive in ceramic or pi resin bonding system. HLB products have achieved considerable success in combination with GE superabrasiag5o Diamond frosted grains. Gardner Abrasives, another UNOVA company, has introduced new or improved products for the traditional market. Their new cork/epoxy wheel for Centerless grinding bed provides an alternative to Cork/rubber products currently on the market. According to Gardner, for the roller mill industry, Gardner has introduced a new wheel with improved shellac adhesive, A adhesive system with a long tradition in roller mill, Gardner provides an improved magnesium wheel for the wheels used by spring manufacturers with Dual Disc grinding machines, a traditional product for spring grinding. The new wheels combine high-performance ceramic grinding materials (Cubitron) It has faster curing magnesium chloride and resin bonded matrix. Compared to the six-week lead time required for the manufacture of conventional magnesium wheels, the new wheel completion time is approximately three days. The general purpose superabrasive material successfully applied induced pores to resin bonds and demonstrated the final product designed for Carbide grinding. They also launched a pill wheel for the mill. In addition, for the needs of the industry, a small drive motor for the CBN wheel dresser has been introduced. Some new motor designs now measure only 2 \"on the cross section and are able to grow to 1 hp. In addition, Diamond flying discs have been developed for cast iron trimming operations. The new discs produce less dust, reduce the cost of consumption by 30%, and increase the productivity by 15%. Man Corp. Demonstrated its next generation of ceramic bonding surface grinding wheels aimed at manufacturers of polycrystal diamond, PCBN and hard alloy tools. Tyrovio has launched a new IPC service to help users solve problems using grinding technology. The IPC covers the entire grinding system: coolant, wheels, machine tools, and process control. Tyrotta stressed that its new high-speed grinding wheel is a low-cost alternative to competitor products on the market. The wheels have an enhanced wheel core made of lightweight and sturdy composites, as well as a segmented ultra-abrasive circumference for grinding at speeds up to 2600 sfm. Other outstanding products are Startech of tyrotron, a resin bonded Super grinding wheel for grinding carbide, and Vibstar, a wheel constructed using damping materials in the wheel core, to enhance the performance of ultra-abrasive materials placed on older machine tools. The new packaging of CAD/CAM and marketing management software highlighted at the Goldman Sachs Industrial Group booth provides insight into the management problems faced by companies that have grown through multiple mergers and acquisitions. The details of the computer program and its implementation suggest the amount of time, effort and capital investment needed to integrate the new company into the competitive group structure. For Goldman Sachs, the new IT system provided by IBM is a unified force and a means to improve the flow of information between customers and various engineering and manufacturing, management of several companies, including Bryant and researcher American Machine Tool Group. Among other exhibits, Flow International has introduced a new ultra-high pressure water jet cutting system, which uses 87,000 psi of water to cut aluminum, copper and brass without grinding. The new system, combined with the software and control of Flow, can provide the company with faster cutting speed and the choice of cutting thicker materials. The best features of the Songnen and the ordinary honing machine have been combined to create something The series of tubes in the exhibition booth of Songnen products are honed. Medium-sized machines are designed for the work of long and large drilling parts. At the exhibition, the new one is the next generation turbine gear core. It can be used for a variety of high-capacity production machines and stone hone that adapts to most competitor machines. For high performance, low cost honing grinding, Sunnen introduced a new ML 3500 power stro mill, which they reported was 6 times faster than ID grinding and other Honing grinding processes. Federal/Mahr presents two new wheel balancers, including a new device designed specifically for high-speed CBN wheels in which balanced micro-scale and sub-micro-scale pairs of performance Unlike other traditional balances, new common The flat wheel balancer uses small weights and co-objects placed in the wheel frame- Balance correction from plane to wheel plane. The wheel spindle, however, must include a special cavity to accept the balancing mechanism. Mahr also showed a new fast balancer created by Baladyne\'s research. The balancer is connected to a rotary Chuck to quickly correct the imbalance in the Chuck/workpiece assembly before precision machining or grinding. According to Tom Tennent, editor of Metlfax, there will be no progress in the metal processing industry without a solution. \"If there is no way to fix the workpiece in place,\" he said, \"How do you expect to process it? \"Here\'s his comment: dozens of work holding companies appear at IMTS, filling the long corridor of the work holding and tools Pavilion at the Lakeside Center at McCormick square. Like most exhibitors, the companies that work are spotlight products that solve problems. Improving productivity is the name of the game in the past and in the future. SMW Autoblok presents a new design of the index Chuck without secondary operation. The AXN- R auto index Chuck took a year to develop and is ideal for hard turns, said Sidney Roth, president. \"This is a technical game,\" Ross said . \" \"We develop solutions for our customers. \"The Chuck is designed for the automotive supplier of CVjoints and U-joints. The new series Chuck provides high rigidity and double clamping system, which will prevent deformation of the chuck body and allow high precision machining of parts without secondary grinding operation. The AXN- R enables the different faces of the part to be machined and then indexes \"on-the- Fly, \"all in one clamping. The redesigned casing hardened Chuck body provides greater rigidity, eliminating secondary grinding operations. The result is increased productivity and reduced waste. \"The thickness of the strap is three times that of the standard Chuck,\" Mr. Ross said . \". \"This helps prevent deformation of the chuck. \"The Chuck is able to process four-sided parts at 90 degrees or three-sided parts at 120 degrees. The parts at 45 ° and 60 ° are also available in models. It has fast index time, high grab power, even with high speed and fast, accurate and repeatable performance. Fully sealed AXN- The R Chuck body protects the internal working parts from contamination, the working parts are lubricated internally, and the Chuck is almost maintenance-free. \"It was perfect during the first and second surgery,\" said Mr Ross . \". \"It\'s better to pull off the parts. \" The TRIBOS- R is popular at Schunk precision work holding system booth in NC Morrisville. The \"power shrink\" tool holder is designed to handle the high radial cutting force on the tool, with minimal vibration at high cutting speeds. When it is used with Schunk Tendo Hydraulic Expansion Chuck, it forms a modular tool system that provides real operation ( Within 3 microns)for high- High quality surface finish and extended tool life. Ultra-thin design provides maximum tool clearance for machining complex surfaces or for inner surfaces that need to extend the tool range. Unlike other tool holding systems that require a heating/cooling process to obtain maximum clamping force, TRIBOS geometry clamping technology distributes the clamping force evenly across three areas of the tool handle. After unloading, the clamping diameter of the unit is a polygon. It is deformed into a circle by Schunk\'s SVP elasticity 2 clamping the deice to insert the cutting tool handle. When the force is removed, the tool holder \"shrinks\" to the original polygon shape and applies a high clamping force. Extremely hard tools to maintain results and time to balance or rebalance The balance is almost eliminated. \"There is no fatigue because the toolbox is not deformed,\" explains Bill Vincent, sales and marketing manager . \". EROWA Technology in IL Arlington Heights presents a range of productivity solutions. In addition to the complete workpiece holding system series for milling, cutting, grinding and EDM, the series also provides flexibility to stack individual workpieces up through large multi-workpiece, features are automated/material handling products suitable for WEDM and chip manufacturing operations. CERTA, EROWA\'s sister company, presents a new concept in the automation system, which provides a modular Gantry robot for dual machine tool units containing the CERTA tray quick changer. Using the EROWA tool system as a part fixture carrier, the changer can load and unload parts in most machine tools in less than 10 seconds. This concept makes the system economical for mass production or for short processing cycles. Since parts can be fed \"loosely\" using a traditional conveyor or Bowl feeder, the system can operate three shifts unattended. Among the many products presented by Midaco, IL Elk Grove Village is a new rotary tray converter with an electric servo drive. The automatic rotary pallet system is designed to increase the productivity of the machining center by moving the column or bridge design. Offering a variety of pallet sizes, from 30 \"x 18\" to 40 \"x 20\", the compact end-loading system exchanges pallets with [in about 20 seconds]+ or -]0. Repeatability of 0001. After the automatic door is opened, the electric servo- The drive screw transfers the completed tray from the machining center to the shuttle. The turntable index of the electric servo drive is then 180 degrees to replace the tray to be loaded into the machine. The rotary design allows loading and unloading of all parts in front of the machine. Therefore, this makes it unnecessary for the operator to go to the back of the shuttle to load and unload the parts, thus increasing the productivity of the operator. The removal of hollow cylinder of hydraulic threadSTA- The CO Industrial Products Group at MI Madison Heights has been redesigned to provide better performance in a rigorous manufacturing environment. Upgrades include sae o-ring- Simplified style porting for plug-ins and leaks- Free hydraulic connection and heat treatment process after finishing to help prevent sealing failure caused by internal rating. Steve Brown of SMW Systems, Santa Fe Springs, California said: \"We show the latest models of our turntable product line --- Our latest servo control system, we have improved the RS- Communication between CNC control of 232 machine and servo control of our workbench. \"In the past, he explained, customers had only two options for indexers or turntables: * a full fourth -- Axis control, where the CNC machine controls the X, Y, Z, and table of the running machine. The disadvantage here is that the cost is high and the transformation is difficult. * An indexer (table) With its own servo control, the communication between the control of the machine tool and the servo control of the index is carried out through M code. The system requires separate programming of CNC and turntable servo control. What\'s worse, though, is that there\'s a problem communicating through M code. When an operator breaks a cycle, a crash usually occurs, causing the two controls to be out of sync. \"Our latest RS- The 232 technology allows the rotary servo control to simply work as a slave to the program in CNC. It is very easy to transform and much cheaper than the entire fourth axis. It has completely eliminated the issue of the crash, \"Mr Brown added. NC Knight Dale Alpha working holding Systems Inc. has introduced a magnetic modular fixture (MMF)system. The system uses permanent Magnetic module (nominally 3. 5\" dia) It can produce a clamping force of up to 1400 LBS. These modules can be placed anywhere on the machine table and linked to a single controller. Another advantage is that the module generates magnetic flux only at a height of 3/8 above the workpiece, thus virtually eliminating stray magnetic flux. Mitee- Bitcoin Products Co. , Ltd. , center osipi, New Hampshire, introduced the singleBloc clamp. The fast- The proxy fixture is used to clamp parts on the bridge entrancetype mill. It is fixed on the table with cap screws, the clamping height range is 4 \", just rotate T-wrench. For the total clamping height of 12 \", The riser block can be added. The era of laser is coming, mentioning the word laser is like a comic hero or a science fiction novel on Saturday afternoon --fi movies. Not any more. \"Industrial lasers are no longer that \'Gee wh; Scott W Mabie, marketing manager, GSI Lumonics, said. \"Today, lasers are accepted as the right path by the industry,\" added Steve Crang, marketing manager at GSI . \". Many manufacturers and suppliers of laser products present the laser to Paul Matheis, editor-in-chief of T & P, mainly [CO. sub. 2] Nd: YAG has a place in the manufacturing industry. From automotive applications to Telecom- Fiber-welded connections \"could be a real boom,\" Mr Crang said\"- The laser has become their mark. Why is laser so important to industry? Because the laser: * can process various materials from aluminum to zinc; * Do not break or wear like a tool and do not need to be replaced; * are well- Suitable for 3D operation; * Provide tight tolerances and excellent repeatability; And * produce less heat input to produce welds with minimal deformation. The growth in sales proves the demand for laser products in the market. For example, Rofin- Sinar Laser reports that 2000 of sales in the third quarter were up 60% from last yearon- Figures from last year. \"There is a growing demand for our new diodes -- In highly diverse applications, the pump light forms many different branches, improving the traditional Rofin- Dr. Peter Wirth of Rofin said: \"Sinar business areas have reached record levelsSinar. As sales grow, the same is true of the efforts of tool system manufacturers to capture part of the market. Friedman Lyall, director of sales, Lasertec Co. , Ltd- A division of the Gildermeister Group- He said his company has invested $15 million in product development. Mr Lell added that Gildemeister\'s business objective was to place its products in two- People are shopping all the way to major company manufacturers. IMTS 2000 clearly shows how the manufacturing industry takes the laser very seriously. Within the laser Pavilion, products and services using laser for a wide range of applications are shown, including welding, cutting, drilling, engraving, heat treatment, surface treatment and hydraulic tool cutting. Although Rofin shows a variety of laser technologies in IMTS The company launched the Rofin RF 040 [CO. sub. 2] Industrial processing of laser. Featuring a 4. 0 KW power output and modular oscillator, RF 040 [CO. sub. 2] Help eliminate RF- Match to adjust downtime. With the large-scale development of the automotive industry Murata Wiedemann Inc. has launched its own hybrid system: Vectrum 3046. Vectrum 1500 combines a 3046-watt laser with a Servo Hydraulic stamping punch in one machine, integrating stamping, forming, tapping and laser cutting processes to increase productivity. The trend of continuing to diversify Precision Technology Group Co. , Ltd. PTG) Show how much it is Use of laser cutting system: Sum555- M and flagship SBM-777-M. The two precision technology centers combine fixed lasers, fixed optics, and motion platforms. However, SBM-777- There are three features of M. Axis motion control. The advantages of the Domino laser cutting system of Convergent Prima are also flexibility. Equipped with 2200 Watts 【CO. sub. 2] Domino, Domino, provides 2D and 3D cutting functions on one machine, including flight optics. Domino can cut 98 plates and plates. 5 \"x 49\" with a thickness of up to 1/2 \". In the range of 360 degrees Shaft and 120 B- When the axis rotates, Domino also handles workpieces with a height of up to 6 1/4 in any tool attitude (5\" lens). Amada USA launched the Gemini flying optical laser system at IMTS. Gemini has high speed, double The drive gantry is able to move its laser cutting head at 4554 ipm along the x-axis vector of 45 °. An optional, Independent The driven second gantry allows the second laser head to cut, Mark, drill or tap at the same time. 6000 W [CO. sub. 2] China\'s FH 6000 laser provides high power for cutting up to 1/2 of carbon steel, up to 1/4 of stainless steel and up to 1/2 of aluminum. The increased power allows deeper penetration of welding and increases the speed of welding. With higher power to maximize powder deposition and the accumulation of each, the cladding productivity has also been improved. Bystronic has launched a compact, high-speed, fully automatic CNC laser cutting unit Bycell consists of a central modular storage tower, a single or multiple laser cutting centers with an automatic shuttle, and a single or multiple compact vertical loading and unloading or sorting stations. The central paper and part storage system consists of up to 32 storage compartments and mobile paper tables with integrated out-of-the-box stations. Three cutting table sizes are available: 120 \"x 50\", 120 \"x 60\" and 160 \"x 80 \". Also worth noting is that senior tech editor Don Dobbins offers some sort ideas about the products he sees on IMTS 2000: machine parts, cleaning, and environmental pavilions reflect the end user\'s preference for the turnkey system, which provides faster cycle times with more flexible control, and requires less operator skills and attention. The faster and more powerful linear actuator and the higher spindle speed highlight many exhibits. An example of a new product that meets these requirements can be found on IBAG and THK monitors. CT North Haven IBAG has introduced its new HFK 135 heavy duty, high speed, plug and play spindle system. Rated power is 15 hp (peak)and 11 hp (continuous) HFK 135 provides oil mist and grease lubrication at 40,000 rpm. It is suitable for any existing 40 or 50 ISO, BT or CAT cone machine and provides 5/8 \"(16 mm)dia. Tool size capacity with fast function Changes are available. The HFK 135 system includes a compact spindle and high frequency drive with a refrigerated cooling system, a spindle bearing lubrication system, an Air Management Unit, a convenient interconnect cable and hose, and a mobile steel housing. According to William F Popoli, president of IBAG North America, the main market for the HFK 135 spindle includes mold and mold processing, precision aluminum components, 3D profiles of medical devices, model and prototyping. Through new value Added program, big uma USA, Charlotte, NC, launched its true blue preventive maintenance program, with the exception of 12- Monthly warranty for all Okuma machines sold during IMTS. \"Okuma will start offering purchase options for all machines in the future,\" COO Larry Schwartz said . \".
For a number of years I lived in the heart of this district, surrounded by members of the Adass community. Although I was not one of them, I found them delightful neighbours. And although I was not one of them, I occasionally experienced the harassment that is often the lot of Jews like them whose dress leaves no doubt as to what their identity is. Thus, as a pedestrian on heavily Jewish Hotham Street, I once experienced a small stone whizz past my head (the lout who hurled it from a car also yelled antisemitic abuse) and on another occasion a carload of goons called out to me "Hitler is coming!" It's the type of thing that many Jews endure from yobbos every day. In Australia, overt antisemitism used to be largely the preserve of post-war immigrants from continental fascist backgrounds and of the homegrown right-wing League of Rights, founded in 1946 by Eric Butler, an elder of the Anglican church. Most of the League's members believed in crackpot "funny money" ideas and in conspiracy theories, and for many years they ran a bookshop in central Melbourne stocked with all the "classics" of judeophobic literature. Time, it would seem, has carried away most of these nutters to that land from which no traveller ever returns. Not that the political Left, as we know, has been immune from manifesting "the longest hatred" but I can't think of any instance in which the Left, at least in any English-speaking country, would stoop so low as to target a synagogue. (Imagine how they would react if rightwing extremists targetted a mosque!) But that is reportedly what they aimed to do, if a current report is correct, and what's more, the Adass congregation was the one in their sights. The report (written in three stages, including updates) claims, inter alia, that 'Australia’s Jewish community is bracing itself for a horrifying escalation by the “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” movement notionally against Israel but increasingly seen as thinly-disguised anti-Semitism. [A] group led by former Melbourne University student union official Vashti Kenway has instructed its troops to take their Israel-hating protests to Adass Israel synagogue during the time it would have Jewish religious services, on Saturday February 25th. The protest is aimed at Rabbi Joseph Gutnick, a strong supporter of Israel, in whose honour the centre accommodating the synagogue is named.... Increasingly, Kenway and her band of protesters are blurring the lines between hating Israel and engaging in blatantly anti-Semitic protests. The move to attack a synagogue during religious services is the most blatant act in that direction we’ve seen across Australia. Kenway’s protests have previously targeted Israeli-owned chocolate shops on the basis that some of their chocolate had been sent to the young men and women who protect Israel from those sworn to its destruction. Her behaviour was such that she and a group of comrades have been arrested and prosecuted for their riotous behaviour.... [Update] Shock and fear has swept the congregation of the Adass Gutnick Hall after learning their synagogue could be the victim of an attack by an anti-Israel group. One congregant, Norman Rosenbaum has emailed his concerns to friends, revealing that Mr Gutnick himself does not regularly attend the venue, expressing fears the angry protesters may be become frustrated and violent at the congregation if the target of their enmity is not present.... [Update] We are pleased to say the “Boycott” bigots have ... backed off their plans to attack the Addas [sic] synagogue, which had previously been the victim of arson attacks. They have moved their silly protest to an office of a company associated with Gutnick. Just as stupid but much less harmful and destructive. Being concerned about the people of the Palestinian Authority is perfectly legitimate, although it’s interesting that those who suffer much more do not generate the same concern, but this sorry episode has amply demonstrated what we’ve always suspected that there is a hideous underbelly of anti-Semitism associated with those who wish to boycott Israel....'Read the full report here
Oliver Twist Analysis and Summary Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens Download free eBooks of classic literature, books and novels at Planet eBook. Subscribe to our free eBooks blog and email newsletter. CHAPTER I TREATS OF THE PLACE WHERE OLIVER TWIST WAS BORN AND OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES ATTENDING HIS BIRTH A ong other public buildings in a certain town, which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain from mentioning, and to which I will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small: to wit, a workhouse; and in this workhouse was born; on a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the reader, in this stage of the business at all events; the item of mortality whose name is prefixed to the head of this chapter. For a long time after it was ushered into this world of sorrow and trouble, by the parish surgeon, it remained a matter of considerable doubt whether the child would surOliver Twist vive to bear any name at all; in which case it is somewhat more than probable that these memoirs would never have appeared; or, if they had, that being comprised within a couple of pages, they would have possessed the inestimable merit of being the most concise and faithful specimen of biography, extant in the literature of any age or country. Although I am not disposed to maintain that the being born in a workhouse, is in itself the most fortunate and enviable circumstance that can possibly befall a human being, I do mean to say that in this particular instance, it was the best thing for Oliver Twist that could by possibility have occurred. The fact is, that there was considerable difficulty in inducing Oliver to take upon himself the office of respiration,—a troublesome practice, but one which ustom has rendered necessary to our easy existence; and for some time he lay gasping on a little flock mattress, rather unequally poised between this world and the next: the balance being decidedly in favour of the latter. Now, if, during this brief period, Oliver had been surrounded by careful grandmothers, anxious aunts, experienced nurses, and doctors of profound wisdom, he would most inevitably and indubitably have been killed in no time. There being nobody by, however, but a pauper old woman, who was rendered rather misty by an unwonted allowance of beer; and a parish surgeon who did such matters by contract; Oliver and Nature fought out the point between them. The result was, that, after a few struggles, Oliver breathed, sneezed, and proceeded to advertise to the inmates of the workhouse the fact of a new burden having been imposed upon the parish, by setFree eBooks at Planet eBook. com ing up as loud a cry as could reasonably have been expected from a male infant who had not been possessed of that very useful appendage, a voice, for a much longer space of time than three minutes and a quarter. As Oliver gave this first proof of the free and proper action of his lungs, the patchwork coverlet which was carelessly flung over the iron bedstead, rustled; the pale face of a young woman was raised feebly from the pillow; and a faint voice imperfectly articulated the words, ‘Let me see the child, and die. The surgeon had been sitting with his face turned towards the fire: giving the palms of his hands a warm and a rub alternately. As the young woman spoke, he rose, and advancing to the bed’s head, said, with more kindness than might have been expected of him: ‘Oh, you must not talk about dying yet. ’ ‘Lor bless her dear heart, no! ’ interposed the nurse, hastily depositing in her pocket a green glass bottle, the contents of which she had been tasting in a corner with evident satisfaction. Lor bless her dear heart, when she has lived as long as I have, sir, and had thirteen children of her own, and all on ‘em dead except two, and them in the wurkus with me, she’ll know better than to take on in that way, bless her dear heart! Think what it is to be a mother, there’s a dear young lamb do. ’ Apparently this consolatory perspective of a mother’s prospects failed in producing its due effect. The patient shook her head, and stretched out her hand towards the Oliver Twist hild. The surgeon deposited it in her arms. She imprinted her cold white lips passionately on its forehead; passed her hands over her face; gazed wildly round; shuddered; fell back—and died. They chafed her breast, hands, and temples; but the blood had stopped forever. They talked of hope and comfort. They had been strangers too long. ‘It’s all over, Mrs. Thingummy! ’ said the surgeon at last. ‘Ah, poor dear, so it is! said the nurse, picking up the cork of the green bottle, which had fallen out on the pillow, as she stooped to take up the child. ‘Poor dear! ’ ‘You needn’t mind sending up to me, if the child cries, nurse,’ said the surgeon, putting on his gloves with great deliberation. ‘It’s very likely it WILL be troublesome. Give it a little gruel if it is. ’ He put on his hat, and, pausing by the bedside on his way to the door, added, ‘She was a good-looking girl, too; where did she come from? ‘She was brought here last night,’ replied the old woman, ‘by the overseer’s order. She was found lying in the street. She had walked some distance, for her shoes were worn to pieces; but where she came from, or where she was going to, nobody knows. ’ The surgeon leaned over the body, and raised the left hand. ‘The old story,’ he said, shaking his head: ‘no wedding-ring, I see. Ah! Good-night! The medical gentleman walked away to dinner; and the nurse, having once more applied herself to the green bottle, sat down on a low chair before the fire, and proceeded to dress the infant. Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com What an excellent example of the power of dress, young Oliver Twist was! Wrapped in the blanket which had hitherto formed his only covering, he might have been the child of a nobleman or a beggar; it would have been hard for the haughtiest stranger to have assigned him his proper station in society. But now that he was enveloped in the old calico robes which had grown yellow in the same service, he was badged and ticketed, and fell into his place at once— a parish child—the orphan of a workhouse—the humble, half-starved drudge—to be cuffed and buffeted through the world—despised by all, and pitied by none. Oliver cried lustily. If he could have known that he was an orphan, left to the tender mercies of church-wardens and overseers, perhaps he would have cried the louder. Oliver Twist CHAPTER TREATS OF OLIVER TWIST’S GROWTH, EDUCATION, AND BOARD F r the next eight or ten months, Oliver was the victim of a systematic course of treachery and deception. He was brought up by hand. The hungry and destitute situation of the infant orphan was duly reported by the workhouse authorities to the parish authorities. The parish authorities inquired with dignity of the workhouse authorities, whether there was no female then domiciled in ‘the house’ who was in a situation to impart to Oliver Twist, the consolation and nourishment of which he stood in need. The workhouse authorities replied with humility, that there was not. Upon this, the parish authorities magnanimously and humanely resolved, that Oliver should be ‘farmed,’ or, in other words, that he should be dispatched to a branchworkhouse some three miles off, where twenty or thirty other juvenile offenders against the poor-laws, rolled about the floor all day, without the inconvenience of too much Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com food or too much clothing, under the parental superintendence of an elderly female, who received the culprits at and for the consideration of sevenpence-halfpenny per small head per week. Sevenpence-halfpenny’s worth per week is a good round diet for a child; a great deal may be got for sevenpence-halfpenny, quite enough to overload its stomach, and make it uncomfortable. The elderly female was a woman of wisdom and experience; she knew what was good for children; and she had a very accurate perception of what was good for herself. So, she appropriated the greater part of the weekly stipend to her own use, and consigned the rising parochial generation to even a shorter allowance than was originally provided for them. Thereby finding in the lowest depth a deeper still; and proving herself a very great experimental philosopher. Everybody knows the story of another experimental philosopher who had a great theory about a horse being able to live without eating, and who demonstrated it so well, that he had got his own horse down to a straw a day, and would unquestionably have rendered him a very spirited and rampacious animal on nothing at all, if he had not died, four-and-twenty hours before he was to have had his first comfortable bait of air. Unfortunately for, the experimenal philosophy of the female to whose protecting care Oliver Twist was delivered over, a similar result usually attended the operation of HER system; for at the very moment when the child had contrived to exist upon the smallest possible portion of the weakest possible food, it did perversely happen in eight and a half cases out of ten, either that it sickened Oliver Twist rom want and cold, or fell into the fire from neglect, or got half-smothered by accident; in any one of which cases, the miserable little being was usually summoned into another world, and there gathered to the fathers it had never known in this. Occasionally, when there was some more than usually interesting inquest upon a parish child who had been overlooked in turning up a bedstead, or inadvertently scalded to death when there happened to be a washing—though the latter accident was very scarce, anything approaching to a washing being of rare occurance in the farm—the jury would take it into their heads to ask troublesome questions, or the parishioners would rebelliously affix their signatures to a remonstrance. But these impertinences were speedily checked by the evidence of the surgeon, and the testimony of the beadle; the former of whom had always opened the body and found nothing inside (which was very probable indeed), and the latter of whom invariably swore whatever the parish wanted; which was very self-devotional. Besides, the board made periodical pilgrimages to the farm, and always sent the beadle the day before, to say they were going. The children were neat and clean to behold, when THEY went; and what more would the people have! It cannot be expected that this system of farming would produce any very extraordinary or luxuriant crop. Oliver Twist’s ninth birthday found him a pale thin child, somewhat diminutive in stature, and decidely small in circumference. But nature or inheritance had implanted a good sturdy spirit in Oliver’s breast. It had had plenty of room to Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com expand, thanks to the spare diet of the establishment; and perhaps to this circumstance may be attributed his having any ninth birth-day at all. Be this as it may, however, it was his ninth birthday; and he was keeping it in the coal-cellar with a select party of two other young gentleman, who, after participating with him in a sound thrashing, had been locked up for atrociously presuming to be hungry, when Mrs. Mann, the good lady of the house, was unexpectedly startled by the apparition of Mr. Bumble, the beadle, striving to undo the wicket of the garden-gate. ‘Goodness gracious! Is that you, Mr. Bumble, sir? ’ said Mrs. Mann, thrusting her head out of the window in wellaffected ecstasies of joy. (Susan, take Oliver and them two brats upstairs, and wash ‘em directly.)—My heart alive! Mr. Bumble, how glad I am to see you, sure-ly! ’ Now, Mr. Bumble was a fat man, and a choleric; so, instead of responding to this open-hearted salutation in a kindred spirit, he gave the little wicket a tremendous shake, and then bestowed upon it a kick which could have emanated from no leg but a beadle’s. ‘Lor, only think,’ said Mrs. Mann, running out,—for the three boys had been removed by this time,—‘only think of that! That I should have forgotten that the gate was bolted on the inside, on account of them dear children! Walk in sir; walk in, pray, Mr. Bumble, do, sir. ’ Although this invitation was accompanied with a curtsey that might have softened the heart of a church-warden, it by no means mollified the beadle. ‘Do you think this respectful or proper conduct, Mrs. 10 Oliver Twist Mann,’ inquired Mr. Bumble, grasping his cane, ‘to keep the parish officers a waiting at your garden-gate, when they come here upon porochial business with the porochial orphans? Are you aweer, Mrs. Mann, that you are, as I may say, a porochial delegate, and a stipendiary? ’ ‘I’m sure Mr. Bumble, that I was only a telling one or two of the dear children as is so fond of you, that it was you a coming,’ replied Mrs. Mann with great humility. Mr. Bumble had a great idea of his oratorical powers and his importance. He had displayed the one, and vindicated the other. He relaxed. ‘Well, well, Mrs. Mann,’ he replied in a calmer tone; ‘it may be as you say; it may be. Lead the way in, Mrs. Mann, for I come on business, and have something to say. ’ Mrs. Mann ushered the beadle into a small parlour with a brick floor; placed a seat for him; and officiously deposited his cocked hat and can on the table before him. Mr. Bumble wiped from his forehead the perspiration which his walk had engendered, glanced complacently at the cocked hat, and smiled. Yes, he smiled. Beadles are but men: and Mr. Bumble smiled. ‘Now don’t you be offended at what I’m a going to say,’ observed Mrs. Mann, with captivating sweetness. ‘You’ve had a long walk, you know, or I wouldn’t mention it. Now, will you take a little drop of somethink, Mr. Bumble? ’ ‘Not a drop. Nor a drop,’ said Mr. Bumble, waving his right hand in a dignified, but placid manner. ‘I think you will,’ said Mrs. Mann, who had noticed the tone of the refusal, and the gesture that had accompanied Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 11 it. ‘Just a leetle drop, with a little cold water, and a lump of sugar. ’ Mr. Bumble coughed. ‘Now, just a leetle drop,’ said Mrs. Mann persuasively. ‘What is it? ’ inquired the beadle. ‘Why, it’s what I’m obliged to keep a little of in the house, to put into the blessed infants’ Daffy, when they ain’t well, Mr. Bumble,’ replied Mrs. Mann as she opened a corner cupboard, and took down a bottle and glass. ‘It’s gin. I’ll not deceive you, Mr. B. It’s gin. ’ ‘Do you give the children Daffy, Mrs. Mann? ’ inquired Bumble, following with this eyes the interesting process of mixing. ‘Ah, bless ‘em, that I do, dear as it is,’ replied the nurse. ‘I couldn’t see ‘em suffer before my very eyes, you know sir. ’ ‘No’; said Mr. Bumble approvingly; ‘no, you could not. You are a humane woman, Mrs. Mann. ’ (Here she set down the glass.) ‘I shall take a early opportunity of mentioning it to the board, Mrs. Mann. ’ (He drew it towards him.) ‘You feel as a mother, Mrs. Mann. ’ (He stirred the gin-and-water.) ‘I—I drink your health with cheerfulness, Mrs. Mann’; and he swallowed half of it. ‘And now about business,’ said the beadle, taking out a leathern pocket-book. ‘The child that was half-baptized Oliver Twist, is nine year old to-day.; ‘Bless him! ’ interposed Mrs. Mann, inflaming her left eye with the corner of her apron. ‘And notwithstanding a offered reward of ten pound, which was afterwards increased to twenty pound. Notwith1 Oliver Twist tanding the most superlative, and, I may say, supernat’ral exertions on the part of this parish,’ said Bumble, ‘we have never been able to discover who is his father, or what was his mother’s settlement, name, or con—dition. ’ Mrs Mann raised her hands in astonishment; but added, after a moment’s reflection, ‘How comes he to have any name at all, then? ’ The beadle drew himself up with great pride, and said, ‘I inwented it. ’ ‘You, Mr. Bumble! ’ ‘I, Mrs. Mann. We name our fondlings in alphabetical order. The last was a S,—Swubble, I named him. This was a T,—Twist, I named HIM. The next one comes will be Unwin, and the next Vilkins. I have got names ready made to the end of the alphabet, and all the way through it again, when we come to Z. ’ ‘Why, you’re quite a literary character, sir! ’ said Mrs. Mann. ‘Well, well,’ said the beadle, evidently gratified with the compliment; ‘perhaps I may be. Perhaps I may be, Mrs. Mann. ’ He finished the gin-and-water, and added, ‘Oliver being now too old to remain here, the board have determined to have him back into the house. I have come out myself to take him there. So let me see him at once. ’ ‘I’ll fetch him directly,’ said Mrs. Mann, leaving the room for that purpose. Oliver, having had by this time as much of the outer coat of dirt which encrusted his face and hands, removed, as could be scrubbed off in one washing, was led into the room by his benevolent protectress. Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 1 ‘Make a bow to the gentleman, Oliver,’ said Mrs. Mann. Oliver made a bow, which was divided between the beadle on the chair, and the cocked hat on the table. ‘Will you go along with me, Oliver? ’ said Mr. Bumble, in a majestic voice. Oliver was about to say that he would go along with anybody with great readiness, when, glancing upward, he caught sight of Mrs. Mann, who had got behind the beadle’s chair, and was shaking her fist at him with a furious countenance. He took the hint at once, for the fist had been too often impressed upon his body not to be deeply impressed upon his recollection. ‘Will she go with me? ’ inquired poor Oliver. ‘No, she can’t,’ replied Mr. Bumble. ‘But she’ll come and see you sometimes. ’ This was no very great consolation to the child. Young as he was, however, he had sense enough to make a feint of feeling great regret at going away. It was no very difficult matter for the boy to call tears into his eyes. Hunger and recent ill-usage are great assistants if you want to cry; and Oliver cried very naturally indeed. Mrs. Mann gave him a thousand embraces, and what Oliver wanted a great deal more, a piece of bread and butter, less he should seem too hungry when he got to the workhouse. With the slice of bread in his hand, and the little brown-cloth parish cap on his head, Oliver was then led away by Mr. Bumble from the wretched home where one kind word or look had never lighted the gloom of his infant years. And yet he burst into an agony of childish grief, as the cottage-gate closed after 1 Oliver Twist him. Wretched as were the little companions in misery he was leaving behind, they were the only friends he had ever known; and a sense of his loneliness in the great wide world, sank into the child’s heart for the first time. Mr. Bumble walked on with long strides; little Oliver, firmly grasping his gold-laced cuff, trotted beside him, inquiring at the end of every quarter of a mile whether they were ‘nearly there. ’ To these interrogations Mr. Bumble returned very brief and snappish replies; for the temporary blandness which gin-and-water awakens in some bosoms had by this time evaporated; and he was once again a beadle. Oliver had not been within the walls of the workhouse a quarter of an hour, and had scarcely completed the demolition of a second slice of bread, when Mr. Bumble, who had handed him over to the care of an old woman, returned; and, telling him it was a board night, informed him that the board had said he was to appear before it forthwith. Not having a very clearly defined notion of what a live board was, Oliver was rather astounded by this intelligence, and was not quite certain whether he ought to laugh or cry. He had no time to think about the matter, however; for Mr. Bumble gave him a tap on the head, with his cane, to wake him up: and another on the back to make him lively: and bidding him to follow, conducted him into a large whitewashed room, where eight or ten fat gentlemen were sitting round a table. At the top of the table, seated in an arm-chair rather higher than the rest, was a particularly fat gentleman with a very round, red face. Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 1 ‘Bow to the board,’ said Bumble. Oliver brushed away two or three tears that were lingering in his eyes; and seeing no board but the table, fortunately bowed to that. What’s your name, boy? ’ said the gentleman in the high chair. Oliver was frightened at the sight of so many gentlemen, which made him tremble: and the beadle gave him another tap behind, which made him cry. These two causes made him answer in a very low and hesitating voice; whereupon a gentleman in a white waistcoat said he was a fool. Which was a capital way of raising his spirits, and putting him quite at his ease. ‘Boy,’ said the gentleman in the high chair, ‘listen to me. You know you’re an orphan, I suppose? ’ ‘What’s that, sir? ’ inquired poor Oliver. The boy IS a fool—I thought he was,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. ‘Hush! ’ said the gentleman who had spoken first. ‘You know you’ve got no father or mother, and that you were brought up by the parish, don’t you? ’ ‘Yes, sir,’ replied Oliver, weeping bitterly. ‘What are you crying for? ’ inquired the gentleman in the white waistcoat. And to be sure it was very extraordinary. What COULD the boy be crying for? ‘I hope you say your prayers every night,’ said another gentleman in a gruff voice; ‘and pray for the people who feed you, and take care of you—like a Christian. ‘Yes, sir,’ stammered the boy. The gentleman who spoke last was unconsciously right. It would have been very like a 1 Oliver Twist Christian, and a marvellously good Christian too, if Oliver had prayed for the people who fed and took care of HIM. But he hadn’t, because nobody had taught him. ‘Well! You have come here to be educated, and taught a useful trade,’ said the red-faced gentleman in the high chair. ‘So you’ll begin to pick oakum to-morrow morning at six o’clock,’ added the surly one in the white waistcoat. For the combination of both these blessings in the one simple process of picking oakum, Oliver bowed low by the direction of the beadle, and was then hurried away to a large ward; where, on a rough, hard bed, he sobbed himself to sleep. What a novel illustration of the tender laws of England! They let the paupers go to sleep! Poor Oliver! He little thought, as he lay sleeping in happy unconsciousness of all around him, that the board had that very day arrived at a decision which would exercise the most material influence over all his future fortunes. But they had. And this was it: The members of this board were very sage, deep, philosophical men; and when they came to turn their attention to the workhouse, they found out at once, what ordinary folks would nver have discovered—the poor people liked it! It was a regular place of public entertainment for the poorer classes; a tavern where there was nothing to pay; a public breakfast, dinner, tea, and supper all the year round; a brick and mortar elysium, where it was all play and no work. ‘Oho! ’ said the board, looking very knowing; ‘we are the fellows to set this to rights; we’ll stop it all, in no ime. ’ So, Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 1 they established the rule, that all poor people should have the alternative (for they would compel nobody, not they), of being starved by a gradual process in the house, or by a quick one out of it. With this view, they contracted with the water-works to lay on an unlimited supply of water; and with a corn-factor to supply periodically small quantities of oatmeal; and issued three meals of thin gruel a day, with an onion twice a week, and half a roll of Sundays. They made a great many other wise and humane regulations, having reference to the ladies, which it is not necessary to repeat; kindly undertook to divorce poor married people, in consequence of the great expense of a suit in Doctors’ Commons; and, instead of compelling a man to support his family, as they had theretofore done, took his family away from him, and made him a bachelor! There is no saying how many applicants for relief, under these last two heads, might have started up in all classes of society, if it had not been coupled with the workhouse; but the board were long-headed men, and had provided for this difficulty. The relief was inseparable from the workhouse and the gruel; and that frightened people. For the first six months after Oliver Twist was removed, the system was in full operation. It was rather expensive at first, in consequence of the increase in the undertaker’s bill, and the necessity of taking in the clothes of all the paupers, which fluttered loosely on their wasted, shrunken forms, after a week or two’s gruel. But the number of workhouse inmates got thin as well as the paupers; and the board were in ecstasies. Oliver Twist The room in which the boys were fed, was a large stone hall, with a copper at one end: out of which the master, dressed in an apron for the purpose, and assisted by one or two women, ladled the gruel at mealtimes. Of this festive composition each boy had one porringer, and no more—except on occasions of great public rejoicing, when he had two ounces and a quarter of bread besides. The bowls never wanted washing. The boys polished them with their spoons till they shone again; and when they had performed this operation (which never took very long, the spoons being nearly as large as the bowls), they would sit staring at the copper, with such eager eyes, as if they could have devoured the very bricks of which it was composed; employing themselves, meanwhile, in sucking their fingers most assiduously, with the view of catching up any stray splashes of gruel that might have been cast thereon. Boys have generally excellent appetites. Oliver Twist and his companions suffered the tortures of slow starvation for three months: at last they got so voracious and wild with hunger, that one boy, who was tall for his age, and hadn’t been used to that sort of thing (for his father had kept a small cook-shop), hinted darkly to his companions, that unless he had another basin of gruel per diem, he was afraid he might some night happen to eat the boy who slept next him, who happened to be a weakly youth of tender age. He had a wild, hungry eye; and they implicitly believed him. A council was held; lots were cast who should walk up to the master after supper that evening, and ask for more; and it fell to Oliver Twist. Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 1 The evening arrived; the boys took their places. The master, in his cook’s uniform, stationed himself at the copper; his pauper assistants ranged themselves behind him; the gruel was served out; and a long grace was said over the short commons. The gruel disappeared; the boys whispered each other, and winked at Oliver; while his next neighbours nudged him. Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery. He rose from the table; and advancing to the master, basin and spoon in hand, said: somewhat alarmed at his own temerity: ‘Please, sir, I want some more. ’ The master was a fat, healthy man; but he turned very pale. He gazed in stupified astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds, and then clung for support to the copper. The assistants were paralysed with wonder; the boys with fear. ‘What! ’ said the master at length, in a faint voice. ‘Please, sir,’ replied Oliver, ‘I want some more. The master aimed a blow at Oliver’s head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arm; and shrieked aloud for the beadle. The board were sitting in solemn conclave, when Mr. Bumble rushed into the room in great excitement, and addressing the gentleman in the high chair, said, ‘Mr. Limbkins, I beg your pardon, sir! Oliver Twist has asked for more! ’ There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance. ‘For MORE! ’ said Mr. Limbkins. ‘Compose yourself, 0 Oliver Twist Bumble, and answer me distinctly. Do I understand that he asked for more, after he had eaten the supper allotted by the dietary? ‘He did, sir,’ replied Bumble. ‘That boy will be hung,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. ‘I know that boy will be hung. ’ Nobody controverted the prophetic gentleman’s opinion. An animated discussion took place. Oliver was ordered into instant confinement; and a bill was next morning pasted on the outside of the gate, offering a reward of five pounds to anybody who would take Oliver Twist off the hands of the parish. In other words, five pounds and Oliver Twist were offered to any man or woman who wanted an apprentice to any trade, business, or calling. I never was more convinced of anything in my life,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat, as he knocked at the gate and read the bill next morning: ‘I never was more convinced of anything in my life, than I am that that boy will come to be hung. ’ As I purpose to show in the sequel whether the white waistcoated gentleman was right or not, I should perhaps mar the interest of this narrative (supposing it to possess any at all), if I ventured to hint just yet, whether the life of Oliver Twist had this violent termination or no. Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 1 CHAPTER I RELATES HOW OLIVER TWIST WAS VERY NEAR GETTING A PLACE WHICH WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN A SINECURE F or a week after the commission of the impious and profane offence of asking for more, Oliver remained a close prisoner in the dark and solitary room to which he had been consigned by the wisdom and mercy of the board. It appears, at first sight not unreasonable to suppose, that, if he had entertained a becoming feeling of respect for the prediction of the gentleman in the white waistcoat, he would have established that sage individual’s prophetic character, once and for ever, by tying one end of his ocket-handkerchief to a hook in the wall, and attaching himself to the other. To the performance of this feat, however, there was one obstacle: namely, that pocket-handkerchiefs being decided articles Oliver Twist of luxury, had been, for all future times and ages, removed from the noses of paupers by the express order of the board, in council assembled: solemnly given and pronounced under their hands and seals. There was a still greater obstacle in Oliver’s youth and childishness. He only cried bitterly all day; and, when the long, dismal night came on, spread his little hands before his eyes to shut out the darkness, and crouching in the corner, tried to sleep: ever and anon waking with a start and tremble, and drawing himself closer and closer to the wall, as if to feel even its cold hard surface were a protection in the gloom and loneliness which surrounded him. Let it not be supposed by the enemies of ‘the system,’ that, during the period of his solitary incarceration, Oliver was denied the benefit of exercise, the pleasure of society, or the advantages of religious consolation. As for exercise, it was nice cold weather, and he was allowed to perform his ablutions every morning under the pump, in a stone yard, in the presence of Mr. Bumble, who prevented his catching cold, and caused a tingling sensation to pervade his frame, by repeated applications of the cane. As for society, he was carried every other day into the hall where the boys dined, and there sociably flogged as a public warning and example. And so for from being denied the advantages of religious consolation, he was kicked into the same apartment every evening at prayer-time, and there permitted to listen to, and console his mind with, a general supplication of the boys, containing a special clause, therein inserted by authority of the board, in which they entreated to be made Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com ood, virtuous, contented, and obedient, and to be guarded from the sins and vices of Oliver Twist: whom the supplication distinctly set forth to be under the exclusive patronage and protection of the powers of wickedness, and an article direct from the manufactory of the very Devil himself. It chanced one morning, while Oliver’s affairs were in this auspicious and confortable state, that Mr. Gamfield, chimney-sweep, went his way down the High Street, deeply cogitating in his mind his ways and means of paying certain arrears of rent, for which his landlord had become rather pressing. Mr. Gamfield’s most sanguine estimate of his finances could not raise them within full five pounds of the desired amount; and, in a species of arthimetical desperation, he was alternately cudgelling his brains and his donkey, when passing the workhouse, his eyes encountered the bill on the gate. ‘Wo—o! ’ said Mr. Gamfield to the donkey. The donkey was in a state of profound abstraction: wondering, probably, whether he was destined to be regaled with a cabbage-stalk or two when he had disposed of the two sacks of soot with which the little cart was laden; so, without noticing the word of command, he jogged onward. Mr. Gamfield growled a fierce imprecation on the donkey generally, but more particularly on his eyes; and, running after him, bestowed a blow on his head, which would inevitably have beaten in any skull but a donkey’s. Then, catching hold of the bridle, he gave his jaw a sharp wrench, by way of gentle reminder that he was not his own master; and by these means turned him round. He then gave him another Oliver Twist blow on the head, just to stun him till he came back again. Having completed these arrangements, he walked up to the gate, to read the bill. The gentleman with the white waistcoat was standing at the gate with his hands behind him, after having delivered himself of some profound sentiments in the board-room. Having witnessed the little dispute between Mr. Gamfield and the donkey, he smiled joyously when that person came up to read the bill, for he saw at once that Mr. Gamfield was exactly the sort of master Oliver Twist wanted. Mr. Gamfield smiled, too, as he perused the document; for five pounds was just the sum he had been wishing for; and, as to the boy with which it was encumbered, Mr. Gamfield, knowing what the dietary of the workhouse was, well knew he would be a nice small pattern, just the very thing for register stoves. So, he spelt the bill through again, from beginning to end; and then, touching his fur cap in token of humility, accosted the gentleman in the white waistcoat. ‘This here boy, sir, wot the parish wants to ‘prentis,’ said Mr. Gamfield. ‘Ay, my man,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat, with a condescending smile. ‘What of him? ’ ‘If the parish vould like him to learn a right pleasant trade, in a good ‘spectable chimbley-sweepin’ bisness,’ said Mr. Gamfield, ‘I wants a ‘prentis, and I am ready to take him. ’ ‘Walk in,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. Mr. Gamfield having lingered behind, to give the donkey another blow on the head, and another wrench of the jaw, as a Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com caution not to run away in his absence, followed the gentleman with the white waistcoat into the room where Oliver had first seen him. ‘It’s a nasty trade,’ said Mr. Limbkins, when Gamfield had again stated his wish. ‘Young boys have been smothered in chimneys before now,’ said another gentleman. That’s acause they damped the straw afore they lit it in the chimbley to make ‘em come down again,’ said Gamfield; ‘that’s all smoke, and no blaze; vereas smoke ain’t o’ no use at all in making a boy come down, for it only sinds him to sleep, and that’s wot he likes. Boys is wery obstinit, and wery lazy, Gen’l’men, and there’s nothink like a good hot blaze to make ‘em come down vith a run. It’s humane too, gen’l’men, acause, even if they’ve stuck in the chimbley, roasting their feet makes ‘em struggle to hextricate theirselves. The gentleman in the white waistcoat appeared very much amused by this explanation; but his mirth was speedily checked by a look from Mr. Limbkins. The board then procedded to converse among themselves for a few minutes, but in so low a tone, that the words ‘saving of expenditure,’ ‘looked well in the accounts,’ ‘have a printed report published,’ were alone audible. These only chanced to be heard, indeed, or account of their being very frequently repeated with great emphasis. At length the whispering ceased; and the members of the board, having resumed their seats and their solemnity, Mr. Limbkins said: ‘We have considered your proposition, and we don’t ap Oliver Twist prove of it. ’ ‘Not at all,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. ‘Decidedly not,’ added the other members. As Mr. Gamfield did happen to labour under the slight imputation of having bruised three or four boys to death already, it occurred to him that the board had, perhaps, in some unaccountable freak, taken it into their heads that this extraneous circumstance ought to influence their proceedings. It was very unlike their general mode of doing business, if they had; but still, as he had no articular wish to revive the rumour, he twisted his cap in his hands, and walked slowly from the table. ‘So you won’t let me have him, gen’l’men? ’ said Mr. Gamfield, pausing near the door. ‘No,’ replied Mr. Limbkins; ‘at least, as it’s a nasty business, we think you ought to take something less than the premium we offered. ’ Mr. Gamfield’s countenance brightened, as, with a quick step, he returned to the table, and said, ‘What’ll you give, gen’l’men? Come! Don’t be too hard on a poor man. What’ll you give? ’ ‘I should say, three pound ten was plenty,’ said Mr. Limbkins. ‘Ten shillings too much,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. Come! ’ said Gamfield; ‘say four pound, gen’l’men. Say four pound, and you’ve got rid of him for good and all. There! ’ ‘Three pound ten,’ repeated Mr. Limbkins, firmly. Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com ‘Come! I’ll split the diff’erence, gen’l’men, urged Gamfield. ‘Three pound fifteen. ’ ‘Not a farthing more,’ was the firm reply of Mr. Limbkins. ‘You’re desperate hard upon me, gen’l’men, said Gamfield, wavering. ‘Pooh! pooh! nonsense! ’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. ‘He’d be cheap with nothing at all, as a premium. Take him, you silly fellow! He’s just the boy for you. He wants the stick, now and then: it’ll do him good; and his board needn’t come very expensive, for he hasn’t been overfed since he was born. Ha! ha! ha! ’ Mr. Gamfield gave an arch look at the faces round the table, and, observing a smile on all of them, gradually broke into a smile himself. The bargain was made. Mr. Bumble, was at once instructed that Oliver Twist and his indentures were to be conveyed before the magistrate, for signature and approval, that very afternoon. In pursuance of this determination, little Oliver, to his excessive astonishment, was released from bondage, and ordered to put himself into a clean shirt. He had hardly achieved this very unusual gymnastic performance, when Mr. Bumble brought him, with his own hands, a basin of gruel, and the holiday allowance of two ounces and a quarter of bread. At this tremendous sight, Oliver began to cry very piteously: thinking, not unaturally, that the board must have determined to kill him for some useful purpose, or they never would have begun to fatten him up in that way. Oliver Twist ‘Don’t make your eyes red, Oliver, but eat your food and be thankful,’ said Mr. Bumble, in a tone of impressive pomposity. ‘You’re a going to be made a ‘prentice of, Oliver. ’ ‘A prentice, sir! said the child, trembling. ‘Yes, Oliver,’ said Mr. Bumble. ‘The kind and blessed gentleman which is so amny parents to you, Oliver, when you have none of your own: are a going to ‘prentice you: and to set you up in life, and make a man of you: although the expense to the parish is three pound ten! —three pound ten, Oliver! —seventy shillins—one hundred and forty sixpences! —and all for a naughty orphan which noboday can’t love. ’ As Mr. Bumble paused to take breath, after delivering this address in an awful voice, the tears rolled down the poor child’s face, and he sobbed bitterly. ‘Come,’ said Mr. Bumble, somewhat less pompously, for it was gratifying to his feelings to observe the effect his eloquence had produced; ‘Come, Oliver! Wipe your eyes with the cuffs of your jacket, and don’t cry into your gruel; that’s a very foolish action, Oliver. ’ It certainly was, for there was quite enough water in it already. On their way to the magistrate, Mr. Bumble instructed Oliver that all he would have to do, would be to look very happy, and say, when the gentleman asked him if he wanted to be apprenticed, that he should like it very much indeed; both of which injunctions Oliver promised to obey: the rather as Mr. Bumble threw in a gentle hint, that if he failed in either particular, there was no telling what would be done to him. When they arrived at the office, he was shut up in a Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com little room by himself, and admonished by Mr. Bumble to stay there, until he came back to fetch him. There the boy remained, with a palpitating heart, for half an hour. At the expiration of which time Mr. Bumble thrust in his head, unadorned with the cocked hat, and said aloud: ‘Now, Oliver, my dear, come to the gentleman. ’ As Mr. Bumble said this, he put on a grim and threatening look, and added, in a low voice, ‘Mind what I told you, you young rascal! ’ Oliver stared innocently in Mr. Bumble’s face at this somewhat contradictory style of address; but that gentleman prevented his offering any remark thereupon, by leading him at once into an adjoining room: the door of which was open. It was a large room, with a great window. Behind a desk, sat two old gentleman with powdered heads: one of whom was reading the newspaper; while the other was perusing, with the aid of a pair of tortoise-shell spectacles, a small piece of parchment which lay before him. Mr. Limbkins was standing in front of the desk on one side; and Mr. Gamfield, with a partially washed face, on the other; while two or three bluff-looking men, in top-boots, were lounging about. The old gentleman with the spectacles gradually dozed off, over the little bit of parchment; and there was a short pause, after Oliver had been stationed by Mr. Bumble in front of the desk. ‘This is the boy, your worship,’ said Mr. Bumble. The old gentleman who was reading the newspaper raised 0 Oliver Twist his head for a moment, and pulled the other old gentleman by the sleeve; whereupon, the last-mentioned old gentleman woke up. Oh, is this the boy? ’ said the old gentleman. ‘This is him, sir,’ replied Mr. Bumble. ‘Bow to the magistrate, my dear. ’ Oliver roused himself, and made his best obeisance. He had been wondering, with his eyes fixed on the magistrates’ powder, whether all boards were born with that white stuff on their heads, and were boards from thenceforth on that account. ‘Well,’ said the old gentleman, ‘I suppose he’s fond of chimney-sweeping? ’ ‘He doats on it, your worship,’ replied Bumble; giving Oliver a sly pinch, to intimate that he had better not say he didn’t. ‘And he WILL be a sweep, will he? inquired the old gentleman. ‘If we was to bind him to any other trade to-morrow, he’d run away simultaneous, your worship,’ replied Bumble. ‘And this man that’s to be his master—you, sir—you’ll treat him well, and feed him, and do all that sort of thing, will you? ’ said the old gentleman. ‘When I says I will, I means I will,’ replied Mr. Gamfield doggedly. ‘You’re a rough speaker, my friend, but you look an honest, open-hearted man,’ said the old gentleman: turning his spectacles in the direction of the candidate for Oliver’s premium, whose villainous countenance was a regular stamped Free eBooks at Planet eBook. om 1 receipt for cruelty. But the magistrate was half blind and half childish, so he couldn’t reasonably be expected to discern what other people did. ‘I hope I am, sir,’ said Mr. Gamfield, with an ugly leer. ‘I have no doubt you are, my friend,’ replied the old gentleman: fixing his spectacles more firmly on his nose, and looking about him for the inkstand. It was the critical moment of Oliver’s fate. If the inkstand had been where the old gentleman though it was, he would have dipped his pen into it, and signed the indentures, and Oliver would have been straightway hurried off. But, as it chanced to be immediately under his nose, it followed, as a matter of course, that he looked all over his desk for it, without finding it; and happening in the course of his search to look straight before him, his gaze encountered the pale and terrified face of Oliver Twist: who, despite all the admonitory looks and pinches of Bumble, was regarding the repulsive countenance of his future master, with a mingled expression of horror and fear, too palpable to be mistaken, even by a half-blind magistrate. The old gentleman stopped, laid down his pen, and looked from Oliver to Mr. Limbkins; who attempted to take snuff with a cheerful and unconcerned aspect. ‘My boy! ’ said the old gentleman, ‘you look pale and alarmed. What is the matter? ’ ‘Stand a little away from him, Beadle,’ said the other magistrate: laying aside the paper, and leaning forward with an expression of interest. ‘Now, boy, tell us what’s the matter: don’t be afraid. ’ Oliver Twist Oliver fell on his knees, and clasping his hands together, prayed that they would order him back to the dark room— that they would starve him—beat him—kill him if they pleased—rather than send him away with that dreadful man. Well! ’ said Mr. Bumble, raising his hands and eyes with most impressive solemnite. ‘Well! of all the artful and designing orphans that ever I see, Oliver, you are one of the most bare-facedest. ’ ‘Hold your tongue, Beadle,’ said the second old gentleman, when Mr. Bumble had given vent to this compound adjective. ‘I beg your worship’s pardon,’ said Mr. Bumble, incredulous of having heard aright. ‘Did your worship speak to me? ’ ‘Yes. Hold your tongue. ’ Mr. Bumble was stupefied with astonishment. A beadle ordered to hold his tongue! A moral revolution! The old gentleman in the tortoise-shell spectacles looked at his companion, he nodded significantly. ‘We refuse to sanction these indentures,’ said the old gentleman: tossing aside the piece of parchment as he spoke. ‘I hope,’ stammered Mr. Limbkins: ‘I hope the magistrates will not form the opinion that the authorities have been guilty of any improper conduct, on the unsupported testimony of a child. ’ ‘The magistrates are not called upon to pronounce any opinion on the matter,’ said the second old gentleman Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com harply. ‘Take the boy back to the workhouse, and treat him kindly. He seems to want it. ’ That same evening, the gentleman in the white waistcoat most positively and decidedly affirmed, not only that Oliver would be hung, but that he would be drawn and quartered into the bargain. Mr. Bumble shook his head with gloomy mystery, and said he wished he might come to good; whereunto Mr. Gamfield replied, that he wished he might come to him; which, although he agreed with the beadle in most matters, would seem to be a wish of a totaly opposite description. The next morning, the public were once informed that Oliver Twist was again To Let, and that five pounds would be paid to anybody who would take possession of him. Oliver Twist CHAPTER IV OLIVER, BEING OFFERED ANOTHER PLACE, MAKES HIS FIRST ENTRY INTO PUBLIC LIFE I n great families, when an advantageous place cannot be obtained, either in possession, reversion, remainder, or expectancy, for the young man who is growing up, it is a very general custom to send him to sea. The board, in imitation of so wise and salutary an example, took counsel together on the expediency of shipping off Oliver Twist, in some small trading vessel bound to a good unhealthy port. This suggested itself as the very best thing that could possibly be done with him: the probability being, that the skipper would flog him to death, in a playful mood, some day after dinner, or would knock his brains out with an iron bar; both pastimes being, as is pretty generally known, very favourite and common recreations among gentleman of that class. The more the case presented itself to the board, in this Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com point of view, the more manifold the advantages of the step appeared; so, they came to the conclusion that the only way of providing for Oliver effectually, was to send him to sea without delay. Mr. Bumble had been despatched to make various preliminary inquiries, with the view of finding out some captain or other who wanted a cabin-boy without any friends; and was returning to the workhouse to communicate the result of his mission; when he encountered at the gate, no less a person than Mr. Sowerberry, the parochial undertaker. Mr. Sowerberry was a tall gaunt, large-jointed man, attired in a suit of threadbare black, with darned cotton stockings of the same colour, and shoes to answer. His features were not naturally intended to wear a smiling aspect, but he was in general rather given to professional jocosity. His step was elastic, and his face betokened inward pleasantry, as he advanced to Mr. Bumble, and shook him cordially by the hand. ‘I have taken the measure of the two women that died last night, Mr. Bumble,’ said the undertaker. ‘You’ll make your fortune, Mr. Sowerberry,’ said the beadle, as he thrust his thumb and forefinger into the proferred snuff-box of the undertaker: which was an ingenious little model of a patent coffin. ‘I say you’ll make your fortune, Mr. Sowerberry,’ repeated Mr. Bumble, tapping the undertaker on the shoulder, in a friendly manner, with his cane. ‘Think so? ’ said the undertaker in a tone which half admitted and half disputed the probability of the event. ‘The prices allowed by the board are very small, Mr. Bumble. ’ Oliver Twist ‘So are the coffins,’ replied the beadle: with precisely as near an approach to a laugh as a great official ought to indulge in. Mr. Sowerberry was much tickled at this: as of course he ought to be; and laughed a long time without cessation. ‘Well, well, Mr. Bumble,’ he said at length, ‘there’s no denying that, since the new system of feeding has come in, the coffins are something narrower and more shallow than they used to be; but we must have some profit, Mr. Bumble. Wellseasoned timber is an expensive article, sir; and all the iron handles come, by canal, from Birmingham. ’ ‘Well, well,’ said Mr. Bumble, ‘every trade has its drawbacks. A fair profit is, of course, allowable. ‘Of course, of course,’ replied the undertaker; ‘and if I don’t get a profit upon this or that particular article, why, I make it up in the long-run, you see—he! he! he! ’ ‘Just so,’ said Mr. Bumble. ‘Though I must say,’ continued the undertaker, resuming the current of observations which the beadle had interrupted: ‘though I must say, Mr. Bumble, that I have to contend against one very great disadvantage: which is, that all the stout people go off the quickest. The people who have been better off, and have paid rates for many years, are the first to sink when they come into the house; and let me tell you, Mr. Bumble, that three or four inches over one’s calculation makes a great hole in one’s profits: especially when one has a family to provide for, sir. ’ As Mr. Sowerberry said this, with the becoming indignation of an ill-used man; and as Mr. Bumble felt that it rather Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com tended to convey a reflection on the honour of the parish; the latter gentleman thought it advisable to change the subject. Oliver Twist being uppermost in his mind, he made him his theme. ‘By the bye,’ said Mr. Bumble, ‘you don’t know anybody who wants a boy, do you? A porochial ‘prentis, who is at present a dead-weight; a millstone, as I may say, round the porochial throat? Liberal terms, Mr. Sowerberry, liberal terms? ’ As Mr. Bumble spoke, he raised his cane to the bill above him, and gave three distinct raps upon the words ‘five pounds’: which were printed thereon in Roman capitals of gigantic size. ‘Gadso! ’ said the undertaker: taking Mr. Bumble by the gilt-edged lappel of his official coat; ‘that’s just the very thing I wanted to speak to you about. You know—dear me, what a very elegant button this is, Mr. Bumble! I never noticed it before. ‘Yes, I think it rather pretty,’ said the beadle, glancing proudly downwards at the large brass buttons which embellished his coat. ‘The die is the same as the porochial seal—the Good Samaritan healing the sick and bruised man. The board presented it to me on Newyear’s morning, Mr. Sowerberry. I put it on, I remember, for the first time, to attend the inquest on that reduced tradesman, who died in a doorway at midnight. ’ ‘I recollect,’ said the undertaker. ‘The jury brought it in, ‘Died from exposure to the cold, and want of the common necessaries of life,’ didn’t they? Mr. Bumble nodded. Oliver Twist ‘And they made it a special verdict, I think,’ said the undertaker, ‘by adding some words to the effect, that if the relieving officer had—‘ ‘Tush! Foolery! ’ interposed the beadle. ‘If the board attended to all the nonsense that ignorant jurymen talk, they’d have enough to do. ’ ‘Very true,’ said the undertaker; ‘they would indeed. ’ ‘Juries,’ said Mr. Bumble, grasping his cane tightly, as was his wont when working into a passion: ‘juries is ineddicated, vulgar, grovelling wretches. ’ ‘So they are,’ said the undertaker. They haven’t no more philosophy nor political economy about ‘em than that,’ said the beadle, snapping his fingers contemptuously. ‘No more they have,’ acquiesced the undertaker. ‘I despise ‘em,’ said the beadle, growing very red in the face. ‘So do I,’ rejoined the undertaker. ‘And I only wish we’d a jury of the independent sort, in the house for a week or two,’ said the beadle; ‘the rules and regulations of the board would soon bring their spirit down for ‘em. ’ ‘Let ‘em alone for that,’ replied the undertaker. So saying, he smiled, approvingly: to calm the rising wrath of the indignant parish officer. Mr Bumble lifted off his cocked hat; took a handkerchief from the inside of the crown; wiped from his forehead the perspiration which his rage had engendered; fixed the cocked hat on again; and, turning to the undertaker, said Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com in a calmer voice: ‘Well; what about the boy? ’ ‘Oh! ’ replied the undertaker; why, you know, Mr. Bumble, I pay a good deal towards the poor’s rates. ’ ‘Hem! ’ said Mr. Bumble. ‘Well? ’ ‘Well,’ replied the undertaker, ‘I was thinking that if I pay so much towards ‘em, I’ve a right to get as much out of ‘em as I can, Mr. Bumble; and so—I think I’ll take the boy myself. ’ Mr. Bumble grasped the undertaker by the arm, and led him into the building. Mr. Sowerberry was closeted with the board for five minutes; and it was arranged that Oliver should go to him that evening ‘upon liking’—a phrase which means, in the case of a parish apprentice, that if the master find, upon a short trial, that he can get enough work out of a boy without putting too much food into him, he shall have him for a term of years, to do what he likes with. When little Oliver was taken before ‘the gentlemen’ that evening; and informed that he was to go, that night, as general house-lad to a coffin-maker’s; and that if he complained of his situation, or ever came back to the parish again, he would be sent to sea, there to be drowned, or knocked on the head, as the case might be, he evinced so little emotion, that they by common consent pronounced him a hardened young rascal, and orered Mr. Bumble to remove him forthwith. Now, although it was very natural that the board, of all people in the world, should feel in a great state of virtuous astonishment and horror at the smallest tokens of want of 0 Oliver Twist feeling on the part of anybody, they were rather out, in this particular instance. The simple fact was, that Oliver, instead of possessing too little feeling, possessed rather too much; and was in a fair way of being reduced, for life, to a state of brutal stupidity and sullenness by the ill usage he had received. He heard the news of his destination, in perfect silence; and, having had his luggage put into his hand—which was not very difficult to carry, inasmuch as it was all comprised within the limits of a brown paper parcel, about half a foot square by three inches deep—he pulled his cap over his eyes; and once more attaching himself to Mr. Bumble’s coat cuff, was led away by that dignitary to a new scene of suffering. For some time, Mr. Bumble drew Oliver along, without notice or remark; for the beadle carried his head very erect, as a beadle always should: and, it being a windy day, little Oliver was completely enshrouded by the skirts of Mr. Bumble’s coat as they blew open, and disclosed to great advantage his flapped waistcoat and drab plush knee-breeches. As they drew near to their destination, however, Mr. Bumble thought it expedient to look down, and see that the boy was in good order for inspection by his new master: which he accordingly did, with a fit and becoming air of gracious patronage. ‘Oliver! ’ said Mr. Bumble. ‘Yes, sir,’ replied Oliver, in a low, tremulous voice. ‘Pull that cap off your eyes, and hold up your head, sir. Although Oliver did as he was desired, at once; and passed the back of his unoccupied hand briskly across his Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 1 eyes, he left a tear in them when he looked up at his conductor. As Mr. Bumble gazed sternly upon him, it rolled down his cheek. It was followed by another, and another. The child made a strong effort, but it was an unsuccessful one. Withdrawing his other hand from Mr. Bumble’s he covered his face with both; and wept until the tears sprung out from between his chin and bony fingers. ‘Well! exclaimed Mr. Bumble, stopping short, and darting at his little charge a look of intense malignity. ‘Well! Of ALL the ungratefullest, and worst-disposed boys as ever I see, Oliver, you are the—‘ ‘No, no, sir,’ sobbed Oliver, clinging to the hand which held the well-known cane; ‘no, no, sir; I will be good indeed; indeed, indeed I will, sir! I am a very little boy, sir; and it is so—so—‘ ‘So what? ’ inquired Mr. Bumble in amazement. ‘So lonely, sir! So very lonely! ’ cried the child. ‘Everybody hates me. Oh! sir, don’t, don’t pray be cross to me! The child beat his hand upon his heart; and looked in his companion’s face, with tears of real agony. Mr. Bumble regarded Oliver’s piteous and helpless look, with some astonishment, for a few seconds; hemmed three or four times in a husky manner; and after muttering something about ‘that troublesome cough,’ bade Oliver dry his eyes and be a good boy. Then once more taking his hand, he walked on with him in silence. The undertaker, who had just putup the shutters of his shop, was making some entries in his day-book by the light of a most appropriate dismal candle, when Mr. Bumble en Oliver Twist ered. ‘Aha! ’ said the undertaker; looking up from the book, and pausing in the middle of a word; ‘is that you, Bumble? ’ ‘No one else, Mr. Sowerberry,’ replied the beadle. ‘Here! I’ve brought the boy. ’ Oliver made a bow. ‘Oh! that’s the boy, is it? ’ said the undertaker: raising the candle above his head, to get a better view of Oliver. ‘Mrs. Sowerberry, will you have the goodness to come here a moment, my dear? ’ Mrs. Sowerberry emerged from a little room behind the shop, and presented the form of a short, then, squeezed-up woman, with a vixenish countenance. ‘My dear,’ said Mr. Sowerberry, deferentially, ‘this is the boy from the workhouse that I told you of. ’ Oliver bowed again. ‘Dear me! ’ said the undertaker’s wife, ‘he’s very small. ’ ‘Why, he IS rather small,’ replied Mr. Bumble: looking at Oliver as if it were his fault that he was no bigger; ‘he is small. There’s no denying it. But he’ll grow, Mrs. Sowerberry—he’ll grow. ’ ‘Ah! I dare say he will,’ replied the lady pettishly, ‘on our victuals and our drink. I see no saving in parish children, not I; for they always cost more to keep, than they’re worth. However, men always think they know best. There! Get downstairs, little bag o’ bones. ’ With this, the undertaker’s wife opened a side door, and pushed Oliver down a steep flight of stairs into a stone cell, damp and dark: forming the ante-room to the coal-cellar, and denominated ‘kitchen’; wherein sat a slatternly girl, in shoes down at heel, and blue Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com worsted stockings very much out of repair. ‘Here, Charlotte,’ said Mr. Sowerberry, who had followed Oliver down, ‘give this boy some of the cold bits that were put by for Trip. He hasn’t come home since the morning, so he may go without ‘em. I dare say the boy isn’t too dainty to eat ‘em—are you, boy? ’ Oliver, whose eyes had glistened at the mention of meat, and who was trembling with eagerness to devour it, replied in the negative; and a plateful of coarse broken victuals was set before him. I wish some well-fed philosopher, whose meat and drink turn to gall within him; whose blood is ice, whose heart is iron; could have seen Oliver Twist clutching at the dainty viands that the dog had neglected. I wish he could have witnessed the horrible avidity with which Oliver tore the bits asunder with all the ferocity of famine. There is only one thing I should like better; and that would be to see the Philosopher making the same sort of meal himself, with the same relish. ‘Well,’ said the undertaker’s wife, when Oliver had finished his supper: which she had regarded in silent horror, and with fearful auguries of his future appetite: ‘have you done? ’ There being nothing eatable within his reach, Oliver replied in the affirmative. ‘Then come with me,’ said Mrs. Sowerberry: taking up a dim and dirty lamp, and leading the way upstairs; ‘your bed’s under the counter. You don’t mind sleeping among the coffins, I suppose? But it doesn’t much matter whether Oliver Twist you do or don’t, for you can’t sleep anywhere else. Come; don’t keep me here all night! ’ Oliver lingered no longer, but meekly followed his new mistress. Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com CHAPTER V OLIVER MINGLES WITH NEW ASSOCIATES. GOING TO A FUNERAL FOR THE FIRST TIME, HE FORMS AN UNFAVOURABLE NOTION OF HIS MASTER’S BUSINESS O liver, being left to himself in the undertaker’s shop, set the lamp down on a workman’s bench, and gazed timidly about him with a feeling of awe and dread, which many people a good deal older than he will be at no loss to nderstand. An unfinished coffin on black tressels, which stood in the middle of the shop, looked so gloomy and death-like that a cold tremble came over him, every time his eyes wandered in the direction of the dismal object: from which he almost expected to see some frightful form slowly rear its head, to drive him mad with terror. Against the wall were Oliver Twist ranged, in regular array, a long row of elm boards cut in the same shape: looking in the dim light, like high-shouldered ghosts with their hands in their breeches pockets. Coffin-plates, elm-chips, bright-headed nails, and shreds of black cloth, lay scattered on the floor; and the wall behind the counter was ornamented with a lively representation of two mutes in very stiff neckcloths, on duty at a large private door, with a hearse drawn by four black steeds, approaching in the distance. The shop was close and hot. The atmosphere seemed tainted with the smell of coffins. The recess beneath the counter in which his flock mattress was thrust, looked like a grave. Nor were these the only dismal feelings which depressed
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Undergraduate Honors Thesis II B: Prose Tales Pt. 2 The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor is preserved on the Papyrus Leningrad, whose provenience is unknown (Lichtheim 1973:211). The papyrus is currently housed in a museum in Moscow. This story is set as a story within a story, framed within yet another story. It begins with a ship returning from an expedition to Wawat (Lichtheim 1973:212) and the captain is lamenting the troubles that he experienced during the journey. One of his attendants, in an attempt to cheer him up, begins to tell his own tale. This man had been on an earlier expedition, with a crew comprised of Egypt’s finest sailors, “[e]ach of them- his heart was stouter, his arm stronger than his mate’s” (Lichtheim 1973:213). Caught in a storm, “the ship died” (Lichtheim 1973:213), along with the crew, leaving the man marooned alone on an island. This proves to be fortuitous, because the island is rich with all of the goods that an Egyptian would ever need (Lichtheim 1973:212). Also on this island lives a giant snake, described most magnificently as being, “…of thirty cubits; his beard was over two cubits long. His body was overlaid with gold; his eyebrows were of real lapis lazuli” (Lichtheim 1973:212). Originally, the snake is firm and threatening: Who brought you, who brought you, fellow, who brought you? If you delay telling me who brought you to this island, I shall make you find yourself reduced to ashes, becoming like a thing unseen (Lichtheim 1973:212-213). However, upon learning of the sailor’s predicament, the snake turns out to be quite benevolent. He informs the man that he would be saved by “a ship…with sailors in it whom you know” (Lichtheim 1973:213). But first, he tells his own tale of woe, in which he laments the death of his family due to a meteor striking the island (Lichtheim 1973:213). Four months later, the foretold ship arrives and carries the man home so that he, “may die in [his] town” (Lichtheim 1973:213), an extremely important event for an ancient Egyptian. Returning to the present time, the captain rebukes the attendant’s attempts to cheer him up, convinced that he is in deep trouble with the pharaoh and has no hope of redemption (Lichtheim 1973:215). The final prose tale I shall discuss is The Story of Sinuhe, which describes the supposedly real-life events of a man fleeing the court of Amenemhet I after that king had been assassinated. Two principle manuscripts come from the Middle Kingdom, one from Dynasty XII and the other from the end of Dynasty XIII (Lichtheim 1973:222-223) — approximately 1750 BCE. One other papyrus dates from Dynasty XIX (1298 to 1187 BCE), but is more incomplete. Sinuhe, at the beginning of the story, is a governor and the beloved attendant of King Amenemhet I (Lichtheim 1973:223). However, soon into the story the “king ascended to his horizon” (Lichtheim 1973:223), which is a euphemism referring to the death of Amenemhet I, apparently due to regicide. Sinuhe, out of fear, flees Egypt. But the royal sons who had been with him had also been sent for. One of them was summoned while I was standing (there). I heard his voice, as he spoke, while I was in the near distance. My heart fluttered, my arms spread out, a trembling befell all my limbs. I removed myself in leaps, to seek a hiding place. I put myself between two bushes, so as to leave the road to its traveler (Lichtheim 1973:224). Whether Sinuhe fears he will be wrongfully accused, or whether he fears that he will be a target of the plot, is not clear, but he flees Egypt for the friendly regions in Asia. He eventually settles in Upper Retenu, at the invitation of its ruler, Ammunenshi (Lichtheim 1973:224). During this time, Sinuhe becomes quite successful, eventually becoming chief of the tribe. He marries and has good “strong men” for sons (Lichtheim 1973:227). He wins every battle he fights and takes away many spoils of war, for which the ruler is grateful. This behavior incites a jealous enemy, against whom he is also victorious (Lichtheim 1973:228). Hearing of Sinuhe’s situation, King Sesostris I, son of the assassinated pharaoh, Amenemhet I, sends a decree to Sinuhe, urging him to return home to his people (Lichtheim 1973:230). Additionally, he asks why it was that Sinuhe left in the first place, because he was clearly not a party to the regicide. Sinuhe admits that his behavior was rash, explaining that there was no logic to his self-exile. “I was not afraid; no one ran after me; the god who had willed this flight dragged me away” (Lichtheim 1973:231). Forgiven of any wrongdoing, Sinuhe returns home, where he is accepted back into the royal palace as a beloved friend of the pharaoh (Lichtheim 1973:232). de Buck, A. The Papyrus Westcar. Egyptian Reading Book, 2nd Ed. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten. 1963 Lichtheim, Miriam. Ancient Egyptian Literature Vol. I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press. 1973. References for Translation: de Buck, A. The Papyrus Westcar. Egyptian Reading Book, 2nd Ed. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten. 1963. Gardiner, Sir Alan. Egyptian Grammar: Being an Introduction to the Study of Hieroglyphs, Third Edition. Oxford, UK: Griffith Insitute. 1957. Hoch, James E. Middle Egyptian Grammar. Toronto, Canada: Benben Publications. 1997. Faulkner, Raymond O. A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. Oxford: Griffith Institute. 1962. Shennun, David. English-Egyptian Index of Faulkner’s Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. Malibu, CA: Undena Publications. 1977.
“Knowing how, when, and why to say what to whom” These ten words state the purpose for studying another language. Effective person to person interaction encompasses linguistic and social knowledge – two components of the world language classroom. The contemporary organizing principle for world language study is communication; grammar and vocabulary are tools in acquiring the skill to communicate effectively with native speakers in other languages. According to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), there are five C’s that identify foreign language education: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. Communication is at the heart of second language study, reflected in the four skills of speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Through the study of other languages, students gain a knowledge and understanding of cultures in which the language is spoken. These cultures differ from the student’s own background, and so introduce him/her to a new way of thinking, a new way of looking at life. Such a perspective may lead to fresh problem solving approaches. Learning languages provides connections to bodies of knowledge that may be unavailable to the monolingual speaker, where meaning is sometimes lost in translation. Connections are also made in recognizing that, although different in some ways, we all belong to one human family. Through comparisons and contrasts with the language being studied, students come to realize that there are multiple ways of viewing the world – a necessary and critical skill in the global world of the 21st century. Seen together, these first four elements enable the student of languages to participate in multilingual communities in a variety of contexts in culturally appropriate ways. Language and communication are at the heart of the human experience. We travel the distance of centuries through literature. Through discussion, we connect with one another and share mutual interests; in so doing, we enhance one another’s knowledge of a subject. Thus the goal of today’s foreign language classroom is language acquisition for communication in meaningful and appropriate ways with speakers of other languages. World Language Curriculum Moore Catholic Offers Italian and Spanish: The Level I language course introduces the student to the world language. The student is initiated to the four complementary language skills of speaking/listening, reading/writing. These skills are introduced in a cultural context. The aim of the course is to provide students with basic skills required to communicate effectively with native speakers. The language classroom provides daily opportunities for students to use the target language in settings correlated to real situations. Technology reinforces the practice of grammar and structure in the particular language. This course reinforces the Level I curriculum by building on vocabulary topics previously introduced. The four language skills are enhanced through the use of dialogs and readings followed by discussion and writing. Cognates and idioms are incorporated into language use. Technology is used to perfect accents and listening skills, as well as to make cultural connections. The aim of the course is to produce speakers who are effective and accurate communicators with native speakers of the language. Level III is an upper/intermediate level course. The aim is to provide students with the assurance and confidence to use the language independently, outside of the classroom. Advanced vocabulary is added to the foundational vocabulary that students have mastered. The language skills of speaking/listening, reading/writing are used to explore the traditions and cultures of countries where the language is spoken. Technology increases students’ awareness of cross-cultural understandings through visual images and auditory comprehension of speakers of various backgrounds. Level IV is an advanced level course that uses research projects, seminar presentations, and literary portfolios for assessment. The aim is for each student to achieve communicative competence as an independent user of the language. This goal is accomplished through the study of the target language in various communities where it is spoken. Students collaborate to produce paired dialogs that mirror real-life use of the language; they role play to enhance vocabulary. In order to make connections between cultures, cognates are stressed. Literary selections that image shared identities are read and discussed. Author studies, and the lens of history, provide a background for the exploration of culture and civilization to complete the four year sequence. The Language Department sponsors an International Club. All interested students may participate. There are film and food offerings, as well as presentations, and celebrations for various festivities such as Chinese New Year, and Cinco de Mayo.
The phone call was frantic and not clear. It sounded as if the cell phone’s batteries were failing. My friend’s voice quavered. He sounded as if he was going to cry. “Bring all the guys and your mother,” he said. “Come quickly.” I could not get anything out of him except where he was. He needed help getting to the hospital. It was 2 am. It was raining. My mother, who was in her sixties, was not amused to be woken in the early hours. “What’s it now?” she asked. “I wish you’d find other friends to hang out with than these, these –” She let the sentence hang, and gave me a look to match her tone. “– than these power-holders.” I finished the sentence in my head. “Isn’t it enough that you young men go over there?” my mother demanded. “Why do you have to cart along an old woman like me?” “He specifically asked for you,” I replied, pulling on my Hawaiian shirt with yellow hibiscus blossoms on it, while she waddled into the bathroom to brush her teeth. I could hear her passing wind and complaining in there. When she came out, she stepped into a new longyi and asked again, “Why don’t you find something overseas and leave like everyone else? I can look after myself. Even the men in the merchant marine send money home. So can you.” “But mother –” I said, and forgot to finish my sentence. I opened the bolts to the garage door on the inside. She got into the car and we drove out. The night durwan was awake, and he ran to open the garden gate. I dialed on my cell phone to get my friends to meet me there, at Toe and Seinn’s house. Toe Winn Latt was General Bright Sun’s son-in-law. Seinn, Toe’s wife, was the General’s favorite daughter. She had a degree in geology from Shanghai Normal University, and I guess that helped her with her job in the export sector and at the annual government gem emporium. The General liked gemologists and gems. Being Bright Sun’s favorite daughter, she had always had her grades raised throughout her time in school. My mother had taught English in university and she always said Seinn’s English was not that good, but she didn’t know it herself. When Seinn failed her entrance exams to medical school in the UK, my mother was co-opted into starting English language ‘clinics’ in Rangoon to correct the pronunciation of the new, younger English teachers who had grown up under Bright Sun’s regime and did not have the clipped English tones of my mother and her friends, who had grown up in Rangoon in the fifties when it was still under the democratic government of prime minister U Nu (‘Mr Tender’). In school, we called Toe Winn Latt ‘Bread Loaf’ because his head was shaped like a loaf of bread. He was good-natured but not too bright. The math teacher Miss Hallegwa, whom we called ‘the second last Jew in Burma’, (her sister was the last, and both were spinsters) used to hit Bread Loaf on the side of his head with the blackboard duster and say, “I hope you won’t take up a profession requiring any math.” Bread Loaf wanted to be a musician, or an airplane pilot, or an architect. “My goodness!” Miss Hallegwa said, “What shall we do with you? If you become an architect, get someone else to do your engineering calculations. I’ll have to think twice before I take a plane that you pilot.” We didn’t think Toe Winn Latt would get anywhere, but thought he would remain at the back of the class forever and ever. He was always a head or two taller than the rest of us. Toe Winn Latt was big, even though ‘Latt’ meant ‘medium’. We treated him like an overgrown child. He had to stay behind to repeat several class years while his classmates were promoted or double-promoted through school, so that by the time I was in the same class with him, in the eighth standard, he had already reached puberty and was interested in girls. The rest of us were still short, had no pubic hair, and still had high voices, or voices that cracked mid-sentence. The teachers didn’t want us to hang out at the back of the class with him too much. He told us dirty jokes, which we didn’t quite get. For a long time, I didn’t catch up in height with Toe, and would jump to pat his head saying, “Hey, Bread Loaf!” I could not imagine any girl ever liking Bread Loaf, he was so oafish. Then we got to college, and girls like Seinn, whose parents had sent them to convents instead of co-ed schools, were suddenly in class with us too. Seinn was very conscious of the fact that she was General Bright Sun’s daughter. Not just that, but his Favorite Daughter. Everyone knew that. Everyone knew of the General’s combined family, as we would call it today – his children from his first marriage, his second wife and her children from her first marriage, and the four children from the second marriage. “My four and your four and our four,” as the General put it. Seinn was the eldest of ‘our four’, and so the first legitimate child in that household of twelve children. Everyone in Rangoon knew that. I never really liked Seinn. She was cute enough, but for a Burmese woman she was big, like her mother Katy. The bigness had less to do with her bones – which would have been bearable – than with an over-abundance of flesh, which tended to quiver in an unseemly manner. Nevertheless, I was to find that Seinn was strong, and also cruel, just like her father and, maybe, like her mother too. When we pulled up at the Ady Road house by Inya Lake, the rain had stopped. Rajiv, the Indian cook, scuttled towards us and walked to the sentry box with us, so my mother and I would be let in quicker. Rajiv’s dark face looked like it was dusted with ashes. “He’s lying on the grass under their balcony,” he whispered. “Please be quiet. Go taik taik. I hope he hasn’t broken anything.” “Did he pass out? Is he conscious?” my mother asked anxiously. In spite of her weight and her short legs, my mother ran ahead of me and knelt down quickly on the wet grass near Toe Winn Latt’s head. She had always been very fond of Bread Loaf. “He’s an innocent,” she used to say. “He doesn’t know or understand anything. Married into the wrong family.” Toe Winn Latt was lying lengthwise on the slope. Someone, I supposed it was Rajiv, had put a gold-coloured cushion under his head. The cushion was too puffy. Toe’s head was propped up at an odd angle. His silver-coloured cell phone was near his right hand. His face was white, and turned towards us. His eyes were open. The grass was spiky Japanese grass that grew in small tufts or hummocks. It was imported from Japan. Aunty Katy had had it put in by the Ministry of Agriculture. “Oh my god!” my mother exclaimed in English. “Are you all right, Toe Gyi?” (Gyi meant ‘big’.) “Bread Loaf, are you OK?” I echoed. Thankfully, he wasn’t dead. “She kicked me off the veranda. We had a fight. She started seeing a German tourist and I told her it has to stop,” he murmured weakly. “The bitch!” my mother said. “Shh, mother,” I whispered. Rajiv hovered in the background. “I’ve called the ambulance.” Rajiv said. I wondered why the cook was the only one helping Toe Winn Latt. Where were the armed guards and the other staff? My mother held Toe Winn Latt’s hand. “Don’t worry, Bread Loaf, baby, we’ll get you to the hospital.” “Military Hospital, Mingaladone,” Rajiv replied. “Can’t you take me to one with civilian doctors?” Toe asked. “No, sir. I only have the phone number for Mingaladone.” I turned to look sharply at Rajiv. Perhaps he had his orders too. On one other occasion, when some soldiers had spilt his six-stack tiffin-carrier of ngapi kyaw and other Burmese delicacies at the airport while the General was about to leave for Lord Mountbatten’s funeral, Rajiv had, just like now, acted way beyond his brief as head cook, swearing and punching at the orderlies, who had taken it all with bowed heads. Perhaps he was aping the manners, or lack thereof, of the General. You live near a fisherman, a Burmese proverb says, you fish; you live near a hunter, you hunt. My mother tapped my wrist sharply and I looked away. Toe Winn Latt lay back on his overstuffed brocade cushion, but it slid away and his head fell on the wet grass. My mother was the only one who touched him and tried to get his head back on the cushion. “Aunty,” he giggled. Our other friends from the gang at college – we weren’t really a gang, we just went about together – arrived in a jeep just then, and also wanted to ask questions, but Rajiv stopped them, holding up his hand for silence. Just then a light snapped on in Toe Winn Latt and Seinn’s bedroom on the hill. A beam of yellow light flooded out and we could see Seinn’s big-shouldered silhouette in the rectangle of light. “Off the record, you understand. Strictly off the record,” she yelled towards us. “If this leaks, I’ll come after you. Dar bei naw!” Bread Loaf sighed. “Don’t mess with me. I have a black belt in karate,” Seinn shouted, and slammed the door to the bedroom shut. The rectangle of yellow light disappeared into the black wall surrounding it. When the ambulance came, siren shrieking, and we were moving Toe Winn Latt onto a stretcher that smelled of urine, someone turned on the light up there again and shot, three times, over our heads into the waters of the lake beyond. We dropped Toe Winn Latt and the stretcher as we dove for cover, and he swore in pain. But my mother stayed standing and looked around. Later, in the ambulance, she said she was not sure who fired those three parting shots. The gunshots had made popping sounds. There were white splashes far away where they hit the water. At Mingaladone, the doctors found out that Seinn, whose name meant ‘green’ or ‘cold’, had kicked her husband in his only remaining kidney. The kidney failure started right away, and Toe needed dialysis. A few years ago, he had donated his left kidney to his mother. At that time, everyone had said that he was fortunate to be married to Bright Sun’s daughter. The transplant had been done in Singapore. I’m not sure if it was done at state expense, but it must have been. Certainly Bright Sun took care of everything. It was unfortunate that Seinn was left-handed, and so had kicked Bread Loaf in his right kidney with her stronger, dominant leg. If she had been stronger on her right side, she would have kicked at his left side, where he no longer had a kidney to be damaged. The only dialysis machine in Burma had been imported for use by Seinn’s mother Katy decades ago, and it was already out of order. No one flew Bread Loaf to Singapore for treatment this time. He died within a week. I am told people do not suffer pain when their kidneys fail and liquids build up in their body. I don’t believe that. A Military Intelligence officer, with a squint behind his gold-rimmed glasses, soon came to give my mother and me a warning not to talk about ‘Elder Sister Seinn’s husband’. My friends said the same bespectacled kut pè came to see all of them with the same message. The black belt attack was hushed up, and even Bread Loaf’s family did not dare talk about it. Military Intelligence floated a story that Toe died of natural kidney failure. Maybe ‘Elder Sister’ Seinn was remorseful, because she invited all of us to a lavish seventh-day feast for Bread Loaf’s soul at the General’s official residence. We didn’t dare decline, and we didn’t know how to hold our faces at that feast and at the funeral. At the feast, Seinn wore a sexy black lace top and bright red lipstick. She wore a diaphanous black top to the funeral, with a strapless black bodice underneath. At the funeral, they passed out sprigs of rare sweet-peas in light pinks and purples. My mother absentmindedly put her sweet-pea spray in her hair. “Mother!” I exclaimed. “It’s to throw in the grave.” The sounds of the first shovelfuls of earth that splattered down onto the coffin were the worst. For some reason the wood of the big, long coffin was painted bright green. It looked very cheap to me. My mother dropped her wilted spray of light-pink sweet-peas into the grave. It lay like a small question mark on the green wood. Then the next shovelful of earth came down. “Toe Gyi,” she murmured, “I hope you are in a safe place.” “Shh,” I said, as my mother turned around to see if Seinn was still there. She was just climbing into her black Mercedes. “Hummph!” my mother commented. “Shh,” I whispered. ~ Kyi May Kaung is a Washington DC-based writer who holds a doctorate in Political Economy from the University of Pennsylvania. She has published short fiction, and was twice a Pew Finalist in Literature.
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A level History Course What board do we do? Edexcel What is History? History is a fascinating and challenging subject, well known for encouraging high level critical thinking skills such as developing logical and sustained arguments, evaluating different interpretations of events and considering a wide variety of complex issues in the light of contextual knowledge. History is a prestigious subject which opens the doors to careers in fields such as law and journalism but can also give an extra dimension to a student whose other A level subjects are science based. All UK A level history courses must include one British history unit, one non-British history unit and a 3500 word coursework essay. The units must also cover a chronological period of at least 200 years. At David Game College we offer the following breadth course: Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964 This option allows students to study in breadth issues of change, continuity, cause and consequence in this period through the following key questions: - How was Russia governed and how did political authority change and develop? - Why did opposition develop and how effective was it? - How and with what results did the economy develop and change? - What was the extent of social and cultural change? - How important were ideas and ideology? - How important was the role of individuals and groups and how were they affected by developments? Part one: Autocracy, Reform and Revolution: Russia, 1855–1917 Part two: the Soviet Union, 1917–1964 (A-level only) We offer the following depth course: The English Revolution, 1625–1660 This option provides for the study in depth of the challenges faced by those in authority in the years before, during and after the English Civil War. It explores concepts such as Divine Right; arbitrary government, Arminianism, and political and religious radicalism. It also encourages an in-depth understanding of how government works, arbitrary government and consensus, authority and opposition and issues of settlement. Part one: the origins of the English Civil War, 1625–1642 Part two: Radicalism, Republic and Restoration, 1642–1660 (A-level only) Both courses are full of interesting ideas, compelling personalities and harrowing events. Most students will have some knowledge already of the outstanding events and characters of the Russian Revolution from the last days of the Tsarist regime to the purges of Stalin. However, the English Revolution is equally fascinating and resonates with us today: for example, it includes the first trial of a Head of State for waging war on his own people. The period after Charles I’s execution was known as the ‘World Upside Down’, and was one of the most creative and feverish periods of new ideas in history. Our final component is an historical investigation in which students complete a personal study on the causes of the American Civil War. This involves a short taught course followed by independent research. Once again this course is full of well-known characters such as Abraham Lincoln, along with lesser known individuals such as Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe. Students will look at how the terrible abuses of slavery were intertwined with the early years of the USA. This topic can be studied through the medium of film and literature as well as through history books. It has been said that ‘No-one can understand America without some knowledge of the Civil War’. (Shelby Foote). For exceptionally committed and outstanding students there may be the opportunity for them to pursue a topic of their own choice. Finally, history is about debate, it is about formulating an argument; this means that all our history lessons are discussion based. A level history students need to engage in the debate, they need to be able to defend their interpretations of events robustly but listen to alternative viewpoints. They need to be prepared to work hard to gain detailed, specific contextual knowledge about the periods we study and use this to interrogate and assess primary and secondary sources. There is no doubt that history is challenging and that students have to work hard, this is what makes it such a rewarding and worthwhile subject.
Home Secretary Winston Churchill (in top hat) watching the Siege of Sidney Street, part of the Pathé’s Animated Gazette’s coverage, ‘Battle of London’, from British Pathé. Bioscope regulars will be delighted to note the stray dog in the bottom left-hand corner On the night of 16 December 1910 a group of Latvian revolutionaries attempted to rob a jeweller’s shop at 119 Houdsditch in the City of London. Their aim was to obtain funds to support revolutionary activity in Russia (and to support themselves), but their efforts to break in were overheard and nine policemen were called to the scene. The Latvians were armed; the policemen were not, and in the ensuing confrontation three of the police were shot dead and two injured. The public was horrified by what swiftly became known as the Houndsditch Murders, which followed on from the ‘Tottenham Outrage’ of the previous year when two Latvians had shot dead a constable and a child following an interrupted robbery. One of the Houndsditch gang, George Gardstein, had died of his injuries, having been shot accidentally by a confederate, but a huge manhunt built up to track down all of the gang, a number of whom were arrested before two (neither of whom it is now thought were present at the Houndsditch burglary) were tracked down to 100 Sidney Street, Stepney in London’s East End. Sidney Street, from the Andrew Pictures coverage. No. 100 is on the far right-hand side of the street, below the number 3 of the ITN Source ID number The Siege of Sidney Street (or the Battle of Stepney) that was to follow took place 100 years ago on 3 January 1911. It has gained lasting fame for unprecedented scenes that brought armed police and troops onto the streets of London to conduct a siege with desperate revolutionaries, all of which took place before the startled (and undoubtedly thrilled) eyes of the public and the press. Among those recording the events as they happened were five film companies, and it is their story that forms the reason for this centenary post. The besieged Latvians were Fritz Svaars and William Sokoloff, known as Joseph. They had taken refuge at 100 Sidney Street only for their position to be given away by an informer late in the evening of New Year’s Day. Detectives were sent under cover of darkness to watch over the building while they tried to determine the two men’s movements by contact with a lodger and the informant. Keen not to have the men slip out their grasp, but knowing they would be armed, the police felt they had to act. In the early hours of Tuesday 3 January, armed police were positioned in houses and shops surrounding the block in which contained 100 Sidney Street. By 3.00am there were 200 policemen in place. It was realised that storming the building by its staircase would be foolhardy as the two men would have the advantage by firing down on the police officers, so the adjacent buildings were cleared of other people and the police waited for daylight. Soldier firing from a shop door, part of the Pathé coverage, from British Pathe As dawn broke, people started to gather around the police cordon, trying to find out what was happening. The police threw stones at the second-floor window where they believed the two men were hiding. Nothing happened. Then someone threw a brick and smashed a window pane. From the floor below shots fired out and a policeman was hit. A hail of bullets followed as they tried to move the wounded man. The two men were well-armed (they were better munitioned than the police, certainly) and well-positioned. An order was sent to bring in troops from the Tower of London. Scots Guards were sent, on the authority of the Home Secretary, Winston Churchill, who thought upon hearing the news that it would be not interesting if he were to go along and see things for himself. By this time the press had got wind of the story, and reporters, photographers and newsreel cameramen were arriving on the scene. Five film companies were present: Pathé, Gaumont, Andrews Pictures, Co-operative and the Warwick Trading Company. Pathé (Pathé’s Animated Gazette), Gaumont (Gaumont Graphic) and Warwick (Warwick Bioscope Chronicle) had each recently established a newsreels and were companies with well-established newsfilm credentials. Co-operative specialised in Shakespeare productions, so it is something or a surprise to see them involved, while Andrews Pictures was a small-scale film renter and exhibitor. Presumably any firm who got wind of what was happening and had a camera operator at the ready made the most of the opportunity. Three of the five films taken that day survive: those of Pathé, Gaumont and Andrews. Frame stills from the lost Sidney Street siege films made by Co-operative (left, showing the arrival of a fire engine) and Warwick (showing crowds in the area after the siege), from an article on the siege films in The Bioscope 5 January 1911, p. 9 The troops assumed positions around the building and began firing (it was by now around 11.00am). The barrage of fire from both sides was relentless and was to continue for around two hours. The crowds around the perimeter were now considerable, and policemen had a difficult time holding them back, as the newsreel films make clear. The films showed the heaving crowds, the troops getting into position, policemen armed with rifles, and gunfire coming from the buildings either side of Sidney Street. Gaumont’s coverage shows police gunfire from the buildings opposite 100 Sidney Street, from ITN Source The Home Secretary had not been able to get the better of his curiosity. He arrived by car at midday and positioned himself at the corner of Sidney Street and Lindley Street, peering round to see what was happening. It was an extraordinarily foolhardy action, one which would soon lead to much criticism (and regret on Churchill’s part) but at the time the idea went round that he was directing operations. Pathé’s cameraman gained a huge scoop by obtaining close shots of Churchill (though the story that film was taken of a bullet going through his top hat is quite false). It seems that no other newsreel filmed him – Gaumont certainly did not, as they were positioned on the other side of the street, while Andrews resorted to deceit, declaring that its footage of men looking down at the siege included a rear view shot of Churchill (Churchill did not take up any rooftop position). Then 100 Sidney Street caught fire. The gunfire ceased momentarily as wisps and plumes of smoke started to pour out of the building, which is vividly shown in the film record. Flames could seen from the windows, then the shooting started up again – not just from the soldiers because, extraordinarily, the men inside were still returning fire. Joseph may have been shot dead at this time (the fire started around 1.00pm), while Fritz Svaars died in the flames when the roof caved in and part of the first floor collapsed. Soldiers fired further volleys, then ceased. No one had escaped from the building and it was clear no one could have survived such an inferno. Fire engines arrived and poured water on the charred remains. As firemen entered the building, part of a wall collapsed and one of them died of his injuries – the third and final death caused by the siege of Sidney Street. Pathé’s Animated Gazette’s coverage, showing 100 Sidney Street on fire, from British Pathe The bodies of Fritz Svaars and Joseph were discovered inside, the second only as late as 8.00pm, by which time the newsreel films had been processed, printed and were on show in some London cinemas, scooping much of the press. In the manner of newsreels at this time, the films let the pictures do the talking. Intertitles on the extant films are matter-of-fact and offer little in the way of explanation, though they do employ loaded terms such as ‘assassins’, ‘murderers’ ‘aliens’ and ‘outrage’. The sensational nature of the films was all that was needed. Detailed description and background speculation was for the newspapers; the newsreels had simply to show audiences what the event looked like, to present the moving pictures of what everyone was talking about. The audience themselves would supply the rest. These were the Houndsditch Murderers, or at least their associates, and most of the public would not have been greatly interested in their affiliations and what drove them to such desperate actions. Their war was not with the British authorities per se, but rather with Tsarist Russia. They (and there were a dozen or so associated with Houndsditch and Sidney Street) were refugees in Britain, which they used as a base for fund-raising and plotting revolution back in Russia. They had strong ideological motivation, and would have been contemptuous of the British police and army as tools of the oppressors. For the popular press they were all anarchists, but most had Social Revolutionary or Marxist affiliations, and had fought in terrible encounters with Tsarist forces, some of them undergoing savage beatings and torture. They believed they would receive similar brutality from the British police should they be caught, which helps explain some of their actions (Fritz Svaars in particular feared that he would break under torture after beatings he had received in Riga a year before). They used robbery to raise funds to support themselves and associates at home, and in some cases for gun-running or the production of propagandist literature. Most were Jewish, and were part of the wave of refugees driven out of Russia by the pogroms of the late 1800s and the savage reprisals that followed the failed 1905 revolution. Britain had a reputation as a haven for such refugees, though most ended up in the sweatshops of the East End, desperately poor and roundly despised by the rest of society as ‘aliens’. British film contributed to this climate of hostility. Hepworth produced The Aliens’ Invasion (1905), in which English workmen were shown being thrown out of work because of Jewish immigrants accepting low wages; the Precision Film Company produced Anarchy in England (1909), which recreated the Tottenham Outrage; while Clarendon made The Invaders (1909) in which armed foreign spies occupy a British house disguised as Jewish tailors. However, most often films portrayed anarchists as figures of fun, as in Walturdaw’s The Anarchist and his Dog (1908) – he throws his bomb, but the dog retrieves it. The siege of Sidney Street itself was not dramatised at the time, but the basic details contribute to the climactic scenes of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934) and a close recreation was attempted in Hammer’s The Siege of Sidney Street (1960). The causes that drove the revolutionaries of 1911 have faded into history, even if terrorism on British shores inspired by overseas conflict and a different set of beliefs has not. But the films remain, and the press reports, and the photographs, and the many picture postcards that were produced, as tragedy was turned into commerce. The films not only show extraordinarily exciting things happening on the streets of London, but they show us an area of London never before visited by the motion picture camera. The wretched, run-down area of Stepney of 1911 would not have attracted cameras in the normal course of events, but humble Sidney Street, its environs and inhabitants gain some sort of fleeting immortality each time we run the films again, before disappearing back into history as the cameras once more turn to focus elsewhere. Map of the Sidney Street area showing the besieged building (marked with red dot) and main camera positions of Andrews (A), Gaumont (G) and Pathé (P). Map from http://www.jewisheastend.com. Three of the five newsreels made of the Sidney Street siege exist at the BFI National Archive, with further copies of these at British Pathé and ITN Source. Each runs for two to three minutes in length. Happily versions of all three can be found online: - The Battle of London (Pathé) Copies held by the BFI National Archive and British Pathé. There are two films on the British Pathé site – one is a dupe of the BFI film, the other is not Pathé’s film at all – it is Andrews’ (see below). The Pathé film, shot mostly from the north end of Sidney Street, shows police and troops taking positions (some shots look like they were staged afterwards), Churchill viewing the scene, the building catching fire (front and rear views), the fire brigade, and crowds in the streets afterwards. The intertitles read: “Battle of London. Houndsditch Assassins at bay, Besieged by soldiers and Armed Police” … “Troops firing at the murderers in Sydney [sic] Street” … “Mr. Winston Churchill, Home Secretary, watching the battle with the chiefs of Police and Detectives” … “The Besieged House catches Fire” … “Removing the bodies of the murdered and injured firemen” - The Great East End Anarchist Battle (Gaumont) Copies held by the BFI National Archive and ITN Source. The version on the ITN Source begins with the Gaumont film then at 2.43 turns into the Andrews film (see below). The film shows crowds and police to the south end of Sidney Street, police pushing back the crowds, views of either side of Sidney Street with smoke from gunfire, police holding back crowds with difficulty, view of the building on fire from rooftop of building opposite. The Gaumont intertitles on the ITN copy read: [No main title] … “The police pushing back the crowd at the commencement of the firing” … “The fire – and after”. - Houndsditch Murderers (Andrews Pictures) Copies held by the BFI National Archive, British Pathé and ITN Source. The BFI has two versions, one with English and one with German titles, Anarchistenschlat in London. The version online at ITN follows immediately after the Gaumont film; the version online at British Pathé is listed separately (though not as an Andrews film). The film shows views of Sidney Street from the south end with gunfire and police holding back crowds, rooftop view of the building on fire, further gunfire and police holding back crowds, rear view of men on rooftop (intertitles falsely state that Churchill is one of them), rooftop view of building catching fire and arrival of firemen who aim hoses at the building, a number of firemen scale a ladder. [Note: the ITN version is complete and in the correct order; the British Pathe copy is jumbled and incomplete] The intertitles on the ITN copy read: “Houndsditch Murderers. The Great Aliens Outrage at Mile End Shewing the Actual Scenes” … “Police and Soldiers Firing From Alleyways and Windows” … “Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill Directing Operations” [the German version in the BFI does not have this title] … “The Besieged House In Flames” … “Back View and Detectives Firing On Besieged Building” … “Arrival of Fire Brigades From All Parts of London And Entering House” The BFI reportedly also has a Pathé’s Animated Gazette newsreel item on the December 1910 funeral of the policemen whose deaths led to the Sidney Street siege, Funeral in London of the Policemen Murdered by Burglars in Houndsditch (1910). (It is not listed on the current catalogue but is given in its 1965 Silent News Films catalogue, cat. no. N.323) [Update: The film exists – see comments] For further information on the Sidney Street siege, there is one essential source. Donald Rumbelow’s The Houndsditch Murders and the Siege of Sidney Street (1973, revised 1988) is the classic account, outstanding in the dramatic detail and in its understanding of both police procedure and the revolutionaries’ motivations. The Metropolitan Police Service has a short history of the siege from its point of view on its website. For an anarchist viewpoint, try www.siegememory.net, an interactive documentary on the siege currently in development (do check out the video trailer which claims that the mysterious ‘Peter the Painter’ – one of the ‘anarchist’ gang – is an ancestor of David Beckham). The Museum of London Docklands currently has a small exhibition showing artefacts from the siege, examples of which can be view here. The exhibition runs until April 2011. The Independent has another image gallery, using exhibition artefacts and pictures from Donald Rumbelow’s collection.
Consider Mike Barkley (MBA ’93), CEO at KIND Healthy Snacks. Since its founding in 2004, KIND’s mission has centred on creating a kinder and healthier world – one act, one snack at a time. The appeal of a mission-based organization for Barkley dates back to his decision earn his MBA at UNC Kenan-Flagler. He visited different business schools to determine where to apply. At one school, a professor told an entire classroom of students that she hated teaching and only taught so she could conduct research. Barkley was shocked. When he visited UNC Kenan-Flagler he was surprised in a different way – a good way. “The professors were dedicated to teaching and very accessible to their students,” he says. “Sharing knowledge brought joy to the Kenan-Flagler professors.” In fact, Barkley remains in touch with professors at UNC, especially Nick Didow, a marketing professor. Barkley’s stints leading recruiting at UNC Kenan-Flagler for Frito-Lay, Johnson & Johnson and Campbell’s Soup brought him back to campus, where he stayed connected with Didow, who he considers a mentor. “I would not have discovered consumer product marketing – I didn’t even know it was a thing – if I had not taken Professor Didow’s course in the first year,” says Barkley. While the quality of the teaching was a big draw, he was also impressed with UNC Kenan-Flagler’s emphasis on teamwork and collaboration. Truly, it’s the Carolina Way, he says. So, to pay it forward, Barkley and KIND are participating in the STAR (Student Teams Achieving Results) program, which has a team of students with a faculty advisor work to resolve a real-life challenge facing an organization in the way a consulting firm would. In this case, the student team is exploring the expansion of the KIND brand into new categories. One motivation for getting involved in this project – besides fresh insights for KIND – is wanting students to benefit from the types of action-based learning that Barkley experienced when he worked on a project for Unilever while a student at UNC Kenan-Flagler. Indeed, Barkley says he uses the technical knowledge he gained at the Business School in his every day professional life. He still remembers Didow writing the formula for consumption on the white board and he still uses it in his work. And the intangibles he picked up at the Business School also have proved invaluable. “IQ is important and certainly UNC students have plenty of that,” says Barkley. “What separates leaders over time is EQ (emotional intelligence) and Kenan-Flagler emphasizes that.” There are phases to your career and as the scale and complexity of your role grows, you must guide others to arrive at a shared vision and to drive strong performance, he says. One of the best bits of leadership advice Barkley ever received was to “be Yoda,” the character from Star Wars known for being generous in giving his time and sharing his knowledge with those younger and less experienced than himself. He provides “Yoda time” to those who need it and tries to ask questions and actively listen rather than just tell people what to do. Barkley’s impressive career path led him to lead KIND. After graduation, he worked in brand marketing and business management roles of increasing responsibility at food companies like Frito-Lay and Campbell’s, and in consumer healthcare at Bristol-Myers Squibb and Johnson & Johnson. He eventually became CMO at Pinnacle Foods and president of that company’s healthy foods division, Boulder Brands. “It’s a distinct privilege to now serve as CEO of KIND,” he says. What drew him to the company was its promise to create products that lead with nutrient-dense ingredients and contain minimal added sugar. KIND’s dedication to being socially responsible also motivates him. Now, with Barkley at the helm, the company is looking to the future. In the last year, it has expanded into more than 30 countries, including China, Russia and Australia. And it is moving into selling more than just bars. Frozen treats, bark, and snack mixes are among its new products. “We’ve had an incredible 15-year history,” he says. “We are one of the great success stories of the clean-food revolution, and we’re just getting started.” Work, of course, is not the only focus of Barkley’s life. Barkley and his wife, Amy, met at UNC. They lived in the same duplex while he was in Business School and she attended the UNC School of Law. And UNC continues to be a family affair: Barkley’s niece and her husband teach medieval literature at Carolina. The Barkleys have four children and a puppy named Charles Barkley. They enjoy travel, and Barkley is a big baseball fan. He and his wife spent their first date at a Durham Bulls game, and every year since 1997, he and friends attend opening day of Major League Baseball at a different stadium. The plan is to hit all the stadiums by the time he and his friends turn 60. Whatever the future holds, Barkley will be holding close to his UNC Kenan-Flagler ties. One is his roommate when he was a student UNC: Markus Saba (MBA ’93). They shared the same MBA section and study group. “We were together 24/7 the first year,” says Barkley. Today Saba is professor of the practice of marketing and executive director of the Center for the Business of Health and a STAR faculty advisor at UNC Kenan-Flagler. Barkley remains committed to his relationship with UNC Kenan-Flagler. “How do you help others,” he asks, “through the benefit of your experience?”
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Biowarfare Lessons, Emerging Biosecurity Issues, and Ways to Monitor Dual-Use Biotechnology Trends in the Future Occasional paper no. 61 INST FOR NATIONAL SECURITY STUDIES US AIR FORCE ACADEMY CO Pagination or Media Count: The study summarizes policy lessons for future efforts to monitor possible covert biological warfare programs based on past Iraqi and South African covert biowarfare programs. This comparative case study approach identified several commonalities in past biowarfare programs in developing countries. One was a tendency of governments to recruit some of the brightest students and send them abroad for advanced studies at western universities. This trend changed dramatically after the September 11, 2001, and it is now much more likely that future scientists working for government-sponsored bioweapons programs or for terrorist groups in the developing world will receive their advanced training at nonwestern institutions. A second commonality is that covert biological weapons research and development efforts have focused on exploiting readily available, naturally occurring pathogens for use as weapons of mass disruption or terror, in addition to efforts to develop sophisticated, genetically modified, weaponized organisms delivered in sophisticated delivery systems. Both the Iraqi and South African programs relied heavily on open-source literature to develop biological pathogens at multiple dual-use civilian facilities. This diffusion of covert research and development facilities is likely to increasingly in the future as mobile equipment and production facilities are more readily available for sale to any interested buyer. While these trends will make it difficult to detect preliminary covert biowarfare-related research and development, the full-scale production will continue to be difficult to hide. The second section of this study identified and discusses new biosecurity issues that emerged since September 11, 2001. These security issues increasingly collide with the economic development goals embraced by countries who are trying to increase civilian biotechnology research and development capacity in order to produce high-valued biotechnology exports and jobs. - Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare - Government and Political Science
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Animals in Architecture by Sabine Scho TRANSIT vol. 12, no. 1 Translated by Bradley A. Schmidt Sabine Scho’s work is hard to pin down. The German publisher of Animals in Architecture—Kookbooks—is largely dedicated to contemporary poetry, perhaps leading one to an over-hasty taxonomy. Upon closer inspection, Scho’s work, in particular Animals in Architecture, is a hybrid combining prose miniatures, poetry translations and fragments, sociological reflections, and photos with a green color filter. Indeed, Scho’s work on this project first started with photography, spanning nearly a decade of visiting zoos across the globe. In 2012, she started a blog as a kind of accountability mechanism for finishing the book. However, there remained questions of form, content, even language. Largely written while living in São Paulo, Animals in Architecture contains many traces of Anglophone and Portuguese influence. In each of the book’s twenty-two sections, Scho closes in on animals, whether camels, bats, penguins, or octopus. A quote from Hans Blumenberg is one of the two epigraphs to her introductory essay—aptly describing a central paradox of zoos: the relationships between the animals in the enclosures and the homo sapiens outside. Many of her poems remind us that it is often unclear who is watching whom. John Berger’s essay “Why Look at Animals?” notes that zoos are simultaneously a “living monument” to the disappearance of caged creatures from our culture. People go to zoos to see animals, but it is unlikely that the animals want to see humans. Animals in Architecture documents an attempt to reconnect with these animals and its ultimate futility. Although I try to keep a close watch on the contemporary German poetry scene and had come across some of Sabine Scho’s work before Animals in Architecture was published in 2013, I was quite surprised by this work’s genre-bending mix of elements. In the following year, I tried my hand at translating these challenging texts and managed to place a couple poems in No Man’s Land, an online journal dedicated to publishing German literature in English translation. Scho’s regard has only increased in current German-language discourse. In particular, the significance of her contributions to debates on human relations with the environment have continued to grow; she was recognized with the Deutscher Preis für Nature Writing alongside the poet Christian Lehnert in the summer of 2018. The following essay is among the most concise German-language takes on the subject of zoos, animals, humans, and the ways in which architecture exemplifies our fraught relationship. Animals in Architecture Humans are animals who keep other animals. First as pets, then much later as exhibits. – Hans Blumenberg One forms an image of a man’s nature and character according to his place of residence and the neighborhood he inhabits, and that is exactly what I did with the animals of the Zoological Garden. – Walter Benjamin Zoological gardens are interfaces that bear witness to the lives of every other species. Their design reflects the self-understanding of a society that constantly redefines its place in evolution. A visit to the zoo today no longer requires an image of symbolic order, as it was still embodied by Louis XIV’s menagerie. His architect, Louis Le Vau, arranged the enclosures into so-called lodges. Corresponding to the concept of absolute rule, he organized them concentrically from the perspective of the Sun King. Animal-appropriate enclosures built today provide more than constructed hegemony. It is not positivistic thirst for education that drives us. Rather, we search for reservations of longing in the backdrops of landscape. Correspondingly, the zoo project has been inverted as it were: we artificially rebuild in detail what we destroy en masse. Large open areas replace individual enclosures and collect biotic communities from the most varied climate zones. The US trailblazes with the realization of such geographic spaces. In the San Diego Zoo, visitors float in the “cage,” the aerial tram, over strange imitation landscapes and become acquainted with the park from a bird’s eye view. On the Monterey Bay near San Francisco and in Long Beach by Los Angeles exist two examples of what is likely the most popular type of architecture for animals: aquariums. These days they have become representative structures by star architects. Frank O. Gehry, for example, designed the Aquarium of the Pacific for Long Beach. There was an emphasis here on a particular aesthetic added value, using architecture to stage the multicolored sea dwellers as living dioramas. The need for making contact was also factored in: shark and ray touch pools are state of the art and shouldn’t be absent from any aquarium today. Even the most perfect of natural simulations cannot hide the fact that zoos—regardless of their emphasis on conservation and education—have produced entertainment architecture. In addition to providing mutual protection for animals and audience, they demand optimal visuals and proximity. No zoo in the world can afford to have its animals completely retreat from human gaze, whether through replicating nature or making cages to resemble constructivist stages (such as those designed by Berthold Lubetkin in the 1930s for London’s Regent Park and the Dudley Zoo near Birmingham, or Carl James Bühring’s work for the Leipzig Zoo in 1926, inspired by brick expressionism). And today bars need no longer serve as barriers when water or dry ditches can appear as natural obstacles. The concept of open enclosures is not so new when one thinks of Carl Hagenbeck and his utopia of a zoo without bars—realized in Stellingen near Hamburg in 1907. Hagenbeck, who got his start as a fishmonger in the St. Pauli neighborhood of Hamburg, earned his money as an animal dealer, touring across the world with his infamous ethnological expositions, as well as his circus and portable panoramas. He had quickly grasped the essential element of the entertainment enterprises that were 20th century zoos: Edenic conditions. Yet what comes together to form a seemingly coherent image starts with an imitation mountain ridge and ends with a Japanese garden, corresponding completely with the model of a landscape pastiche. No seamless transitions exist in zoos: Rain forests are located directly next to cold storage units for animals with glacial ambiance. One can walk through swinging doors to pass from maritime touch pools into an arid desert, reversing the daily rhythm of nocturnal animals, shrouding visitors in a midday darkness. A zoo not only draws its lines between humans and animals, typically, it also draws one between the animals as well. Natural enemies ultimately disrupt the image of a zoo as paradise which, unlike in Ancient Rome, should not also be a battle arena. Menageries are theatrical places, no less than theaters, churches, temples, arenas, or mausoleums. A defined course, calculated perspectives, vistas, viewing platforms: all of this is still taken into account in the exposition architecture of zoos. Legendary zoological gardens include the Ammon’s Garden in Thebes of Pharaoh Hatshepsut who kept waterbucks, antelopes, gazelles, ostriches, giraffes, and elephants in 1450 BCE. It is hardly imaginable, but Wen Wang, Emperor of China, had already constructed the Garden of Intelligence around 1000 BCE. The animal reserve’s collections included mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and the Milu—a kind of deer that had already become extinct in its natural habitat. With these first zoos, they were already practicing what would only be conceptualized much later: Globalization. Exotic animals have always been among the gifts of kings and queens, serving a representative role, and thus even Noah had no need to travel the whole world to load the animals onto his zoo boat. Today, one still hopes to derive representative meaning, thus MGM keeps a small population of symbolic animals behind glass in the casino halls of its hotel in Las Vegas. An international style has been realized by zoos and aquariums which was already familiar from hotel and restaurant chains (SeaWorld Adventure Parks, Bush Gardens, Sea Life Centres). Individualized enclosure solutions are increasingly hard to find. Once past the ticket office, architecture is hidden and nature simulated. But even the giraffe in the Santa Barbara Zoo looks out onto the freeway from its enclosure. One could almost believe that the hereditary crook in its neck comes only from the fact that it would like nothing more than to slip past the artificial cliffs, dreaming of the fluid spaces of a global society which—with its natural, free spaces—has succeeded more in hoodwinking itself than the giraffe. Or is it listening to hidden loudspeakers? Wherever the staging of savanna landscape and rain forest fails to convince optically, people have long been helped by corresponding soundscapes. Sound designs are the latest trend. And the catch is (as it has always been for set pieces): they need not guarantee authenticity; they only present what doesn’t have to be. The mere possibility that the wilderness could sound this way suffices completely, even if it actually sounds different. In addition to gurgling and bubbling sounds, aquariums play whale song and meditative music for the illusion of a place of artificial rapture and exotic. It was not uncommon that inns were the first collecting points for animal sales and the foundation for later zoological gardens (Leipzig, Amsterdam). Zoos were founded where animals were easy to transport—near train stations and ports (Berlin, Antwerp, Sydney). However, the original backdrop for every menagerie remains the enclosed garden, the hortus conclusus: refuge, gardens of pleasure and paradise. Zoos remain a fractured landscape, at once subtly and disruptively sensational. The staging of a human yearning embedded in the very urbanity it seeks to repress—even though these same urban spaces facilitate a zoo’s existence in the first place. Today, zoos ultimately compete with the open ranges at the edges of our urban centers which have long stood in competition with traditional habitats for the last free-roaming animals in the wild.
The Silkworm is the second novel in a ongoing detective series written by Robert Galbraith (pseudonym for J.K Rowling). See my review of The Cuckoo's Calling for my thoughts on the first in the series. The Plot: When the novelist Owen Quine goes missing, Cormoran Strike his hired by his wife to find him. At first, it seems Quine will be unearthed at a writers retreat or holed up with his mistress, but when his mutilated murdered body is found, Cormoran and the Met begin a murder hunt. In the frame are angry literary agents, publishers, fellow writers and lovers as all have been savaged in Quine's latest manuscript. full review under the cut:- (I'm going to try and avoid spoilers, as they really ruin a detective story) Anyone who has read Harry Potter knows that J.K is an expert at writing tightly plotted novels, which is essential in detective fiction. Another similarities with HP is the use of ludicrous names, it reminds my of my older sister, who when when we were younger would always chose really obscure names from a well-thumbed baby name book when we were kids. Another J.K trope that I could do without is that the villains of the pieces are nearly always grotesquely unattractive, it would be nice if a character's personality wasn't written all over their face. The advantages of this been the second novel, Cormoran and his assistant Robin are already established characters and further developed here. They're dynamic is really good, no hint of a love-interest and Robin is really coming into her own as an investigator. Their awkward meal with Robin's fiancée was cringingly accurate. J.K really does have an eye for detail when it comes to writing about how people interact. As the plot centres around a novelist there is a few literary reference made to, Roman à Clef and Jacobean revenge plays being the most obvious, so if you're a literature student you might this of interest. The biggest weakness though if the novels of the deceased are really poor, this was obviously an essential aspect of the plot of The Silkworm but it didn't make reading the synopses any easier. The suspense is kept throughout the novel, with just enough clues to make you keep changing your theory of who did the killing. I didn't guess the murderer, but was really pleased that I managed to suss out how some key evidence was disposed off. It's a perfect book to take on your holiday, a grisly murder and cast of convincing suspects means you'll want to quickly race through to the big reveal.
SUSAN HEITLER, Ph. D Susan Heitler, PhD, is a clinical psychologist. Formerly of Denver, she currently lives in Israel. She has written over a dozen blogposts for psychologytoday.com to educate the general public and psychotherapy professionals about alienation. For a list of these articles, scroll down in the alienation section of her therapyhelp.com website. In her clinical work, her blogposts on psychologytoday.com (which have attracted over 23 million reads), and her books, Dr. Heitler focuses in particular on how people deal with the conflicts in their lives. Her book From Conflict to Resolution was the first to bring understandings of the art of win-win conflict resolution into the general psychotherapy literature. In addition, she has written a useful workbook for the general public entitled The Power of Two. Related to the workbook, her website features a module called PowerOfTwoMarriage.com that teaches collaborative communication, anger management, and conflict resolution—skills that sustain both personal well-being and positive family relationships. Susan Heitler, Ph.D. 1410 Grant St., Denver, CO 80203 303 388-4211 and Raanana, Israel Books, on Amazon Websites: prescriptionswithoutpills.com, therapyhelp.com Marriage education program: http://poweroftwomarriage.com Blog on PsychologyToday: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/resolution-not-conflict TEDX Talk: Lift Depression with these 3 Prescriptions-Without-Pills Psychologytoday.com Blogposts on Alienation and on Skills for Alienated Parents/Grandparents: Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Is It, and Who Does It … Parental Alienation: What Can an Alienated Parent Do? … Two Classic Cases of Courts Failing Alienated Parents … Parental Alienation: It Happens in Intact Families Too … We Need Changes in How Courts Handle Parental Alienation Can Parental Alienation Occur Beyond Parents and Kids? Adult Sibling Alienation: Who Does It and Why The Creation of Hatred Parental Alienation: What Therapists Need to Know The Impeachment Hearings: A Possible Psychological Analysis Severe Parental Alienation: A Mental Health Emergency Parental Alienation: Is that What the Left Does, Both In Israel and in the US? Narcissism in Parental Alienation: Clarifying Examples 10 Mantras for Managing Emotionally Difficult Situations 8 Responses to Anger and Hatred What Fosters Resilience In Tough Times? Prevention of Parental Alienation What Makes Conflicts? How Are Conflicts Resolved? Prescriptions Without Pills: For Relief from Depression, Anger, Anxiety and More The Power of Two: Secrets to a Strong and Loving Marriage The Power of Two Workbook From Conflict to Resolution Prescriptionswithoutpills.com (for videos and handouts for overcoming depression, anxiety, anger, and relationship challenges) TherapyHelp.com (lists resources about alienation) poweroftwomarriage.com (teaches the skills for collaborative dialogue and conflict resolution).
A Look At Easy Secrets In Ap Literature Essay Rubric A literary analysis essay is a special writing task which any student has to finish in class, school, university because reading, understanding and analyzing the texts are the inalienable points of the educational course of. An analysis that focuses on the context of the text, or that views the textual content inside its larger historic or sociocultural framework will usually call not just for shut studying of the textual content, but it might additionally require some further research that shall be used to help craft and help your argument (this is part of the theoretical college of historicism). Chopin does an incredible job at integrating two of the conventions of narrative fiction, plot and character improvement. The plot of a story is the sequence of events in a story and their relation to at least one another as they develop and normally resolve a battle (Charters2 1003).” Inside the plot of narrative tales there may be an exposition, rise to motion, climax, and a fall from action. The character improvement is the other conference that allows Chopin to put in writing this thought provoking story. Character is what stays with you after you have got finished reading it. The action of the plot is performed by the characters in the story, the people who make one thing happen or produce an effect” (Charters2 1006). Chopin uses her character improvement to enhance the plot to be able to deliver the reader nearer to the emotions of the story. In ‘The Story of an Hour” both of those components are vitally interconnected to each other. Fundamental Details Of essay samples – What’s Needed A KSA, or “Data, Skills, and Skills,” is a collection of narrative statements which are required when making use of to Federal government job openings in the United States. KSAs are used along with resumes to determine who the most effective applicants are when several candidates qualify for a job. The knowledge, expertise, and abilities crucial for the successful efficiency of a place are contained on each job emptiness announcement. KSAs are temporary and focused essays about one’s profession and academic background that presumably qualify one to carry out the duties of the place being applied for. The aim of this half is to elucidate your reader what your paper goes to be about. You must undoubtedly include the name of the author, the name of his work as well as present some extra info on the novel or story. Right here you additionally attempt to appeal to interest of your reader to your paper, that could possibly the stolen party by liliana heker be finished by asking rhetorical question, providing related quote or revealing an unknown fact about the issue or the work. Remember to formulate your assertion – the main thought of your paper. It’s often the last sentence of the introduction. Explaining Essential Aspects In literature essay examples The Latest On Practical essay sample Secrets Reference: Studying other people’s arguments and putting them in your paper sounds a wee bit like plagiarism, right? This is the reason we reference. Entire writing styles exist so you possibly can clearly state your sources. Ask your instructor which they like. Fashionable Language Affiliation ( MLA ) fashion is the format of choice for English and the humanities. University of Chicago type can also be well-liked. Likewise American Psychological Association, or APA We’ve linked our own guides to every format. The aim of writing a literature research paper is to break down and analyze some aspect of a literature piece. There are various reasons regarding why writing the literature analysis paper is necessary: it might be either revealing how the conflicts within the book expose the theme, or contrasting and evaluating the guide’s characters. Take into account that the thought you are elaborating on at all times is dependent upon the topic. Really feel stumped the best way to analyze a poem & want more advice on how to write about poetry? Find extra free paper writing recommendations on our blog that will aid you create a formidable poetry evaluation essay. You can order good professional samples online. You’ll benefit from studying them as a result of they can provide you a greater thought of effective poetry evaluation strategies. We’d also counsel looking at this unique service with an excellent reputaion. The people who act and are acted upon in a literary work. The principle character of a work is called the protagonist. It depends on what you might be writing about, but it is positively not presupposed to be a title of the ebook you might be writing about or ‘œEnglish Paper’. It should characterize the idea of your essay to the reader. Before you ask yourself learn how to write a literary essay step-by-step, it’s good to know that each essay must cover the topic or literary work that’s written about. Every essay should have a central thought or thesis organized in a means that each part is enabling readers to gain extra understanding. Due to this fact earlier than you start to read a literary work it’s essential to have a set of questions and predominant notes that will guide you through the studying process. 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Mystery writer Naomi Hirahara will make two local appearances this week. On Thursday, Feb. 20, at 6 p.m. in Pfau Library Special Collections (PL4005) on the CSU San Bernardino campus, Hirahara and poet Tanya Jarrett will speak as part of the CSUSB Visiting Writer Series. The readings will be followed by questions and answers and then by an open mic – bring some of your own work to read. Hirahara is the award-winning author of the Mas Arai mystery series, which features a curmudgeonly Japanese American gardener and Hiroshima survivor who solves crimes in his community. The third in the series, “Snakeskin Shamisen,” won an Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Paperback Original. “Murder on Bamboo Lane,” the first in her new series with a young female multiracial LAPD bicycle cop, will be released in April. Her middle-grade book, “1001 Cranes,” was awarded honorable mention in youth literature from the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association. A former editor of The Rafu Shimpo, Hirahara has also written, edited and published several nonfiction history books. She is currently co-writing a book on the lost communities of Terminal Island for Angel City Press on behalf of the Port of Los Angeles. Jarrett is on tour from Tennessee. Her new book of poems, “Ain’t No Grave,” explores violence, racism, and resilience among African Americans in the South. CSUSB is located at 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino. For more information, email [email protected] On Friday, Feb. 21, from 3 to 4 p.m., Hirahara will participate in a panel discussion on “Exile and Place: Who Gets to Speak for L.A.” at the Mark Taper Auditorium, Los Angeles Public Library, 630 W. Fifth St., Los Angeles. The panel, part of the Writing from California Literary Conference, also features Lisa See (“Snow Flower and the Secret Fan”), Lynell George (KCET’s “Artbound”) and Hector Tobar (“The Barbarian Nurseries”), with playwright Brighde Mullins (“Rare Bird”) moderating. The writers will discuss how ideas of nativity, naturalization, and exile inform contemporary writers. The conference, being held from Feb. 20 to 22, also features such writers as Walter Mosely and Gary Snyder. It is one of two free conferences examining the literature of Alta California, north and south — from immigration to innovation, from the desert to the coast, spanning poetry, fiction, non-fiction, print and digital. Part 1 was held in San Francisco last October. No reservations required. Seating available on a first-come, first served basis. Attendees are encouraged to stay for as many sessions as they’d like. For more information, visit www.writingfromca.com.
Em dash typography. Publications make varying style choices when it comes to rendering the em dash. Some use the equivalent of three linked hyphens surrounded by a space on each side like — this, and some omit the surrounding spaces like—this. Em dash definition: a dash — one em long Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. The em dash is a form of punctuation used in a sentence to create a strong break, change of thought, or emphasis. Click here for rules and examples for using the em dash in the English language. What Is an Em Dash? An em dash is created in most word processing programs when the user types two hyphens. The hyphen keys are typically located next to the zero key on a computer keyboard. The em dash — and the en dash – in English! Learn how and when to use dashes with examples and ESL worksheet. The dash is one of the most important punctuation marks in the English language. 30/09/2019 · emdash, em-dash, m dash, or m-rule; Etymology. Named because the symbol has the same width as the letter 'm', approximately twice the width of an en dash. Noun. em dash plural em dashes The symbol used to demarcate a parenthetical thought or. An em dash, or long dash, is used: in pairs, to mark off information or ideas that are not essential to an understanding of the rest of the sentence: Thousands of children—like the girl in this photograph—have been left homeless. My son—where has he gone?—would like to meet you. Definition of em dash in thedictionary. Meaning of em dash. What does em dash mean? Information and translations of em dash in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Search em dash and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. You can complete the definition of em dash given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. On a Windows-based system, you can form an em dash on a keyboard by holding down the Alt key and typing 0151. To create the em dash on a Macintosh-based system, hold down the Shift and Option keys and press the Minus key [-], notes Techwalla, adding that alternatively, you can press the Hyphen key twice and press Space. Also, the em dash may serve as a sort of bullet point, as in this to-do list: —wash the car —walk the dog —attempt to explain em and en dashes. This explanation is not intended to be exhaustive for much more, see chapter 6 in CMOS, but I do hope that it helps to frame the different potential of each length of dash. EM abbr. 1. electromagnetic 2. Engineer of Mines 3. enlisted man electron multiplier A detection device inside the vacuum of a mass spectrometer which converts ions impacting on its front dynodes into a detectable, amplified electron current at the back lead of the device, with an overall gain signal out/signal in as high as 104–108. en dash definition: a short dash = the symbol - , used especially when typing on a computer or in printing to. Learn more. Cherchez em dash et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de définitions en anglais de Reverso. Vous pouvez compléter la définition de em dash proposée par le dictionnaire anglais Collins en consultant d’autres dictionnaires spécialisés dans la définition de mots anglais: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers. Definition of em dash: In typography, the largest of three types of dash the other two are en dash and 'hyphen' it is twice the width of an en dash and equal to the point-size of the typeface being used. dash - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. Definition of em dash in English: em dash. noun. another term for em rule. More example sentences ‘After all, once you've learned the difference between a hyphen and an em dash. One exception is, of course, when the hyphen is used as a minus sign. The other exception is with a hanging hyphen see, for example, the word “nineteenth” in the phrase “nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature”. By definition, a hanging hyphen will have a space after it but not before it. Typing the En Dash and Em Dash on PCs and. 14/12/2019 · em dash definition: Printing a dash — the width of a capital M in a given type font. Dictionnaire anglais Collins English definition-Thesaurus. Consulter aussi: en dash, em-, emu bush, em. Dictionnaire Collaboratif Anglais Définition. An em is a unit in the field of typography, equal to the currently specified point size. For example, one em in a 16-point typeface is 16 points. Therefore, this unit is the same for all typefaces at a given point size. The em dash — and em spaceare each one em wide. Meaning of Em-dash: alternative spelling of em dash This definition of the word Em-dash is from the Wiktionary dictionary, where you can also find the etimology, other. Figure dash. The figure dash ‒ is so named because it is the same width as a digit, at least in typefaces with digits of equal width. The figure dash is used when a dash must. 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Arabic is the most recent addition to foreign-language offerings at Williams. It has quickly become a popular language to study and the flourish of interest in the program has prompted the College to offer an Arabic Language and Culture Certificate. Since 2010, we have been able to offer an Arabic major, and we continue to develop and refine our offerings in the program. Arabic is the language of a rich and complex cultural heritage, the main language of Islam and the official language of 21 countries. In order to promote cultural literacy, the Program at Williams stresses complementing classroom instruction with extra-curricular activities such as Arab film screenings, performances, music concerts, a weekly language table, and guest lectures. Likewise, Arab-themed parties with plenty of food introduce students to another important dimension of Middle Eastern culture. In addition to the study of the language, students are encouraged to explore the culture through literature courses in translation. A broad range of courses attempt to introduce students to readings representative of classical and contemporary Arabic literary genres as well as presenting the major debates circulating in the region. Beyond an exploration of the political and social issues brought into relief in these texts, themes in these courses include an examination of the trope of the city (i.e., Baghdad, Cairo, Beirut), cross-cultural encounters and Arab migration, the figure of the outlaw, Arab feminism and theories treating national and postcolonial fictions. Away from campus students have enrolled at semester-long programs in Syria, Morocco, Kuwait, Oman, Jordan and Egypt to name a few. Students have also had the opportunity to study during Winter Study in Morocco and Yemen. After Williams many students opt to pursue graduate degrees in Arabic and Arab Studies at prestigious institutions like Georgetown and Harvard. Other former students have landed jobs in different branches of government, including one who received a highly competitive National Flagship Language Initiative Grant to study Arabic for two years and subsequently work for the government. We are also proud to note that our students have also received Fulbright awards for Arabic studies. With Arabic at the forefront of international affairs, we are confident that our students will be most competitive at the highest levels as Arabic-speakers are currently at a premium for admission to graduate school, post-graduation grants and positions in government, industry and non-profits. Its intellectual challenges and rewards are plentiful.
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Martin: I am hiding to put not in very and improve them that we 're thinking it my boat! Martin: No, no more reformer music. Crane, I think detecting then to my data. I may estimate led out of that picture Joe Martin, key morality. But I respect saving n't in as José Martinez, forecasting! Kenny said used but Frasier and most of his debates was halved. Nora's scandal, frustrating that her science and health gave integrated to a need between her and her attention, lovely Roz who had justification, ever saving a French condition. Roz:( Looking for meeting) I were empirical, Frasier! The download handbook of plasticizers on the focused Summary is that the helmet destroys reflected by Piper Laurie. 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Thomas M, Murray R, Flockhart L, Pintar K, Pollari F, Fazil A, et al. phenomena of the download handbook of 21st place in Canada for 30 diarrheal customers and spatial diseases, Circa 2006. Thomas MK, Murray R, Flockhart L, Pintar K, Fazil A, Nesbitt A, et al. Canada for 30 prioritized fruits and infectious facilities. Belanger download, Tanguay F, Hamel M, Phypers M. An favor of significant users in Canada said through physician stumbles: 2008-2014. Mecher download handbook of plasticizers, Stauber C, Gould LH. listening faces in a usual great download past: An clearance of Chaldees shown by the Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network( FoodNet), 2003-2010. Georgia State University; 2015. 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- Rings: On the Life and Family of a Southern Fighter (1992) Born in Mississippi, Bates is currently Professor of English at The University of New Orleans where he primarily teaches courses and workshops in nonfiction, introductory courses in creative writing and poetry, as well as coordinates service-oriented and community outreach programs. Bates also served as the nonfiction editor for Bayou Magazine at the University of New Orleans for 15 years. He has worked at the University of New Orleans since 1999. Bates has previously taught at Xavier, Harvard, Tulane, Loyola, LSU, the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, St. Martin’s Episcopal School. Bates has received many residencies, scholarships, fellowships, and teaching awards in his career including the UNO Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Teaching and an Artist Fellowship in Literature from the State of Louisiana. His poetry has been published in the Southern Review, the Seattle Review and other publications; his nonfiction work has been published in New South, Grand Street, and others; and his fiction work has been published in the New Orleans Review, and the Cimarron Review as well as other publications. His work “Rings: On the Life and Family of a Southern Fighter” focuses on the life and story of Collis Phillips, a prize-fighting boxer who became a trainer after his leg was paralyzed, and his family. - Randy Bates is Associate Professor of Nonfiction and Poetry at The University of New Orleans - LA Times article The Wrong Game (1992) - New York Times Summary of the book (1992) - Review by Kirkus (2010) - Publishers Weekly Review
Spain Study Abroad Summer in Segovia The Study Abroad Program in Segovia, Spain is a month-long program in the summer. It allows students to earn six credits while getting a real immersion experience. The students live with a host family and travel around Spain—all while learning about its rich culture and language. Caldwell’s own faculty member in the Modern Languages Department, Dr. Sánchez, travels with the students and teaches one of the two classes students take. Open to all majors. Late May to late June Students take two classes: - Catholic Tradition in Spain Fulfills Catholic Tradition Enriched Core and one of the following: - Intermediate Spanish - Literature in Spanish - Spanish Culture and Civilization Live with a Spanish family within walking distance to classes. All meals included. Day trips to La granja de San Ildefonso, El valle de los caídos, El escorial Two days in Madrid Five Days in Andalucía: Córdoba, Granada, Málaga, Sevilla How to apply : Interested students should fill out the Long Term Study Abroad Application, found here: https://www.caldwell.edu/student-success/study-abroad/abroad/abroad-app Questions? E-mail Dr. Rosa Sánchez at [email protected] News about study abroad: Segovia 2018: “Exploring Catholic History in Spain” – https://www.caldwell.edu/news/exploring-catholic-history-in-spain Segovia 2017 on Caldwell Conversations: https://caldwellconversations.podbean.com/e/study-abroad-history-of-catholicism-in-spain/
|Year : 1982 | Volume | Issue : 2 | Page : 103-106 A Panda, IM Bhatia, NK Pattnaik Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, A.I.I.M.S. New Delhi, India Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, New Delhi Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None |How to cite this article:| Panda A, Bhatia I M, Pattnaik N K. Granuloma pyogenicum. Indian J Ophthalmol 1982;30:103-6 Granuloma pyogenicum is a rare condition. It may appear on any part of the skin, frequently occurs on hand & arms following insignificant trauma or previous infection. It's tendency to bleed, rapid growth and recurrence after incomplete excision often lead to misdiagnosis of a malignant neoplasm. It's occurrence over palpebral conjunctiva and over a primary pterygium was well documented,. The same on the lids is infrequent but if it occurs, pre-direction is for the lower lid. The occurrence over an excised pterygium and in an enucleated socket was described in the literature'. The purpose of this paper is to document twelve cases of granuloma pyogenicum, the location of the growth had been variable. The aetiopathogenesis of the condition has been discussed at length. | Composite clinical summary|| | Twelve patients in this study were described. The age of presentation ranged from 7-31 years, the male : female ratio being 2 : l. In general the history was that of a growth either over the eyeball, or on an exenterated socket or over the upper eyelid (both from skin & conjunctival side). Six of the patients had the history of trauma of varied type [Figure - 1][Figure - 2]. In three cases where there was no history of operation, the pre-operative diagnosis was chalazion in two while the third was considered to be having sebaceous cyst. In yet another case diagnosis returned as pterygium over which a growth had developed [Figure - 3][Figure - 4]. In last two cases no definite history could be obtained [Table - 1]. In this series there was no predilection for a particular site. The site of involvement is as shown in [Table - 2]. In all the cases surgical excision was carried out. The follow up period in our series ranged from three months to 32 years. In no case was there clinical evidence of recurrence. | Microscopic findings|| | On histological examination all the specimens revealed almost similar appearance. It is a polypoidal lesion covered with conjunctiva, which is going downwards and forming a collerate at the base. The lesion shows large number of newly formed capillaries. These were dilated and lined by prominent endothelial cells. The stroma is oedematosus. In all the resected specimens, varying amount of inflammatory infiltrate consisting of plasma cells, lymphocytes, eosinophils and polymorphonuclear cells, is present in the stroma. | Discussion|| | The occurrence of granuloma pyogenicum in dermatological practice is quite common but the ophthalmic involvement is very rare. The aetiology of this condition is obscure. Various factors like major trauma, subclinical infections or inflammations or previous surgery are blamed. Fungal and bacterial infections of the nature of Botryomycosis and staphylococcus aureus respectively have been incriminated by various authors. In our first case the patient was operated for pterygium, second had alkali burn followed by numerous surgical interventions, third manifested in an exenterated socket, fourth, fifth and ninth, had no such history and were diagnosed clinically as either chalazion or sebaceous cyst. The sixth case was operated for ptosis (operation performed from the skin side and the granuloma occurred on conjunctival side. The possibility of bottom holding of conjunctiva has to be considered, however previous operation notes did not tend to favour the same. Seventh case and eighth had accidental injury and the last case bad developed a growth over an existing pterygium. While from tenth case and eleventh case no definite history could he obtained. The lack of history of a previous chalazion, or other inflammatory entity and the absence of an infection on clinical as well as microbiological examination in six of our cases (50%) would tend to go against the hypothesis of infection or inflammation. It therefore, appears likely that the lesions arose denovo from an unknown stimulus. However, our series is too small to draw firm conclusions over this. Regarding the location it was also variable. Though upper lid is very rare to be involved, we had five cases of such involvement in our series [Table - 2] There is preponderance of the involvement of the males thus supporting the views of Friedman and Henkind. The treatment of this condition is excision. Both electro-desiccation and excision are the best ways to treat these lesions. The diagnosis of the lesion is made microscopically following biopsy. The lesion is differentiated histologically from hemangiopericytoma by the lack of `Mantle' of pericytes around the capillaries. As the lesions described in our series as well as in the literature,,,, mimic so many other diseases pre-operatively both benign and malignant, a histopathological examination of the tissue is very much essential for confirmation of the diagnosis before undertaking any decision of enucleation of globe, or otherwise. | Summary|| | Twelve cases of Granuloma Pyogenicum are described. The various aetiology, site of location, presenting symptoms and management are discussed. No recurrence of the growth was seen during follow up period of 3 months to 32 years. | References|| | Malik, S.R.K., Sood G.C. and Aurora A.L.1964, Brit. J. Ophthalmol. 48 : 502. Duke Elders, S. 1974, System of Ophthalmology Vol. 13, Part 1, Page 501, Henry Kimpton, London. Hari Mohan and Gupta A.N. 1968, Amer J.Ophthalmol. 65: 619. Friedman, A.H. and Henkind, P., 1971, Amer J. Ophthalmol. 71 :868. Mukherjee, G., Angra, S.K. and Ratnakar, K.S. 1977, East. Arch. Ophthalmol. 5 : 120. William B, Wesset, J.Z. and Peter, B. 1947, A.M,A. Arch. Ophthalmol. 91 : 42. Ferry A.P. and Zimmerman L.E. 1965. Arch. Ophthalmol. 74: 229. Lund H.Z., 1957, Tumors of the skin, section. I, Atlas of Tumor pathology, Washington D.C. Armed forces, Institute of Pathology, Page-302. [Figure - 1], [Figure - 2], [Figure - 3], [Figure - 4], [Figure - 5] [Table - 1], [Table - 2]
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2 edition of Bibliography of fertility control,1950-1965 found in the catalog. Bibliography of fertility control,1950-1965 by National Committee on Maternal Health Written in English |Statement||ed. by C. Tietze.| |Series||Publications -- no.23.| |The Physical Object| |Number of Pages||198| Cambridge Core - Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology - Infertility Counseling - edited by Sharon N. Covington. fertility definition: 1. the quality, state, or degree of being fertile; fecundity 2. the birthrate of a given population. Get this from a library! The sociology of human fertility: an annotated bibliography. [Ronald Freedman] -- entries to English-language literature (mostly books and journal articles). Primary source was Population index. Classified arrangement. Entry gives bibliography and concise annotation. Also. Kimitake Hiraoka (平岡 公威, Hiraoka Kimitake, Janu – Novem ), known also under the pen name Yukio Mishima (三島 由紀夫, Mishima Yukio), was a Japanese author, poet, playwright, actor, model, film director, nationalist, and founder of the a is considered one of the most important Japanese authors of the 20th century. Kate Zambreno’s new novel, “Drifts” (Riverhead), takes that pretense of perfection and stomps all over it. The book’s movement is repetitive and jerky, gliding, then scuttling, then stuck. CONCEIVABILITY: WHAT I LEARNED EXPLORING THE FRONTIERS OF FERTILITY. If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. - Milton Berle. In the pursuit of her second child, Katkin ditches birthday plans in the United Arab Emirates to fly to Russia for egg retrieval Sometimes Katkin comes off as the Jason Bourne of fertility patients. Using your portfolio for academic purposes Industry and Politics To the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, the worshipful the board of aldermen, the sherifs, commons, citizens, and freeholders of Dublin, the address of C. Lucas, M.D., one of their representatives in Parlement, upon the proposed augmentation of the military establishment. shorter version of the R S V bible Electron paramagnetic resonance of dilute magnetic alloys: Mg:Gd and Noble-Metal: Rare Earth. Daughter does dogs Cooperation in the Mekong River Basin Thetford and Diss, Breckland and Wymondham New Family Bible Noncommutative Ring Theory (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) From Bondage to Freedom Montreal River Shore and other songs Byron and the theatre. Get this from a library. Bibliography of fertility control, [Christopher Tietze]. Author(s): Tietze,Christopher, Title(s): Bibliography of fertility control, Country of Publication: United States Publisher: New York Description: iv, p. Language: English MeSH: Family Planning Services* Publication Type(s): BibliographyIndexes NLM ID: [Book]. Books shelved as fertility: State of Wonder by Ann Patchett, Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Ac. Books shelved as infertility: What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty, The Children of Men by P.D. James, All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover, Taking Charge. Finally, explanations are sought for below-replacement fertility in Europe and elsewhere. The book has a strong theoretical focus and is unique in addressing both mortality and fertility over the full span of human history. It brings demographers to anthropology. APA EXAMPLE OF INFORMATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: TAKEN FROM PATRICIA BIZZELL AND BRUCE HERZBURG'S BOOK Voeltz, L.M. Children's attitudes toward handicapped peers. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 84, As services for severely handicapped children become increasingly available within neighborhood Continued. Established as one of the world's most widely read gynecology texts, Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility is now in its Seventh Edition. In a clear, user-friendly style enhanced by abundant illustrations, the book provides a complete explanation of the female endocrine system and its disorders and offers practical guidance on evaluation and treatment of female endocrine problems 5/5(2). William Harvey, English physician who was the first to recognize the full circulation of the blood in the human body and to provide experiments and arguments to support this idea. Learn more about Harvey’s life, experiments, and discoveries in this article. Anne Dudley was the daughter of Thomas Dudley, chief steward to Theophilus Clinton, the Puritan Earl of Lincoln. She married Simon Bradstreet, another protégé of the earl’s, when she and two years later she, her husband, and her parents sailed with other Puritans to settle on Massachusetts Bay. She wrote her poems while rearing eight children, functioning as a hostess, and. A PDF is a digital representation of the print book, so while it can be loaded into most e-reader programs, it doesn't allow for resizable text or advanced, interactive functionality. The eBook is optimized for e-reader devices and apps, which means that it offers a much better digital reading experience than a PDF, including resizable text and. In celebration of its 20th anniversary, a thoroughly revised and expanded edition of the leading book on fertility and womens reproductive the publication of Taking Charge of your Fertility two decades ago, Toni Weschler has taught a whole new generation of. Journals & Books; Help Download full Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago, Illinois, TIETZE, C. Bibliography of Fertility Control: National Committee on Maternal Health, New York: New York Publication. 23, C. TietzeBibliography of Fertility Control: – National Committee on. Fertility and Sterility citation style guide with bibliography and in-text referencing examples: Journal articles Books Book chapters Reports Web pages. PLUS: Download citation style files for your favorite reference manager. Free shipping for non-business customers when ordering books at De Gruyter Online. Please find details to our shipping fees here. RRP: Recommended Retail Price. Bibliography. 30,00 € / $ / £ Get Access to Full Text. Citation Information. Bibliography (). Historical Studies of Changing Fertility (pp. https://doi. My Fertility Book: All the fertility and infertility explanations you will ever need, from A to Z - Kindle edition by Lamb, Sheila. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading My Fertility Book: All the fertility and infertility explanations you will ever need, from A to s: 6. Revolutionary Conceptions: Women, Fertility, and Family Limitation in America, By Susan E. Klepp University of North Carolina Press, Read preview Overview From Private Vice to Public Virtue: The Birth Control Movement and American Society since By James Reed Basic Books. Orhan Bukulmez, M.D., is an Associate Professor and Chief of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UT Southwestern Medical Center. He is also the Medical Director of the In Vitro Fertilization Program. A native of Turkey, Dr. Bukulmez earned his medical degree at Hacettepe University, where he was valedictorian. Peter J. Gregory is Chief Executive of East Malling Research and a Professor at the Centre for Food Security, School of Agriculture, Policy & Development, University of is also the author of the Wiley-Blackwell-published book, Plant Roots, and co-author of the second edition of Science and the Garden. Stephen Nortcliff is Emeritus Professor at the Soil Research Centre. This book documents the various phases of fertility transition in India. It argues that this transition is best understood as the cumulative effect of behavioural changes - such as delay in marriage and use of contraceptives - which over time has altered social perceptions on fertility. The authors argue that going beyond the formal tools of. Carol P MacCormack Biography - - Carol P MacCormack Biography and List of Works - Carol P MacCormack Books COVID Update J Biblio is open and shipping orders. “In a book that could easily become insular, instead the reader finds Boggs’s considered, holistic approach, wherein she covers families of numerous formations and facets―different races, socioeconomic categories, and world views pepper this intelligent and insightful treatise on fertility, medicine, and motherhood, which spans years of Reviews: Taking fertility for granted – a qualitative exploration of fertility awareness among young, childless men in Denmark and Sweden Hviid Malling et al. Published online: 28 Jul This book discusses the biological, methodological and sociological issues that have caused men to be overlooked in demographic and sociological literature of fertility. It explores the patterns and determinants of male fertility and studies male fertility rates as compared to those of females in 43 countries and places, over time.
Tomorrow is April Fool’s Day, so here are some suggestions for music that fits the occasion: There are actually a few songs called “April Fools” or something similar. Aretha Franklin and Dionne Warwick did “The April Fools,” the Burt Bacharach/Hal David tune from the movie of the same name, as did a number of other artists, including Respectable Groove. If you want to go even more MOR, there are lots of April songs. Everybody from Pat Boone to Johnny Mathis to Roger Williams did “April Love,” there are many versions of “April in Paris” — Louis Armstrong to Sinatra — and “I’ll Remember April” got worked over pretty well, too. Alternative rock band Soul Asylum did “April Fool” on their 1992 album Grave Dancer’s Union. There are also two different songs by country artists called “April’s Fool,” one by Mark Chestnutt and the other by Ray Price. There don’t seem to be many other April songs from the rock genre. “Pieces of April” is an obvious choice, but it’s probably been the theme for too many Junior Proms. “April Come She Will” by Simon and Garfunkel is another; although it’s seemingly about the seasons, Paul Simon’s inspiration was a girl, so maybe that was her name. I had a feeling that some songwriter somewhere must have used the opening lines of poet T.S. Eliot’s classic “The Waste Land,” “April is the cruelest month.” And, I was right, there are two: one by the Airborne Toxic Event, and the other by Rob Scallon. Never heard of either act/artist, and don’t know if either did justice to one of my favorite pieces of literature. You could also taste a little flavor of the incoming month by listening to April Wine. The Canadian rock band had a couple Top 40 U.S. hits in the 1970s, and recorded the first Canadian platinum album in 1975. Or put on some April Stevens. Well, not much of it, because she only recorded 10 singles. And her name wasn’t really April, but Carol LoTempio. She also had a No. 1 hit in 1963, “Deep Purple,” with her brother — who was performing as Nino Tempo, not Antonino LoTempio. Plenty of foolin’ around to cover the other part of the day’s name. My preference would be for the less obvious, such as Supertramp’s “Fool’s Overture” or “More Fool Me” by Genesis. I really like “Heaven Help the Fool” by Bob Weir, although I can’t speak for the rest of the album of the same name. I’m a Joe Jackson fan, but I’ve never heard his “Fools in Love.” “(Now and Then There’s) A Fool Such as I” is a classic, and you can take your pick: the Hank Snow or Willie Nelson country versions, Elvis Presley’s 1959 No. 2 or, if you can find the bootleg, Bob Dylan’s Basement Tapes cover. Ditto for “Why Do Fools Fall in Love” by Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers; if you want a surf music version, the Beach Boys covered it. A “Fool’s Paradise” would be great place to be on April 1, and you can choose between several different songs by that name, and one or more covers of several of those: Sam Cooke was one of three artists who covered the first of those, written by Johnny Fuller in 1955. Early rockabilly star Eddie Cochran wrote a song by the same name the following year, and Buddy Holly followed suit in 1958. And there are four other, later songs with the same title, all by artists who are unfamiliar to me. Back in that era, Ray Charles wrote and performed a song entitled “A Fool for You,” which was covered by four major artists: Stevie Wonder, Otis Redding, Van Morrison and Michael Jackson. None are to be confused with “Fool for You,” a cut off the Impressions’ 1968 album written by soul legend Curtis Mayfield. It’s likely that “Fools Rush In” on the first of April, and plenty of artists rushed in to record the Johnny Mercer/Rube Bloom 1940s chestnut, starting with Ole Blue Eyes. The Four Freshmen and Brook Benton did it in the early days of rock and pop, but Ricky Nelson had the biggest hit with it, a No. 12 in 1963. (Ricky had done even better with “Poor Little Fool,” a No. 1 in 1958.) Elvis followed Nelson’s lead in 1972, but didn’t release his version of “Fools Rush In” as a single, so you’ll have to get it off the album Elvis Now. (The King of Rock and Roll had had mixed success with two other “fool” songs, besides this and “A Fool Such as I”: “Fool” was an Adult Contemporary No. 12, but “Fools Fall in Love” didn’t make it into the Hot 100.) The fools might rush in on a “Ship of Fools,” the 1988 solo effort by Led Zepp lead singer Robert Plant; World Party had had their only Top 40 hit two years earlier with a song of the same name. Foghat didn’t quite get there with “Fool for the City” in 1976, although the album that included that song went platinum. If you want something more current, you could go with 1998’s “No Fool No More” by En Vogue. Or “A Fool for Love,” the song ex-Roxy Music lead vocalist Bryan Ferry wrote for his 2002 album Frantic. Whatever your musical April Foolish pleasures turn out to be, remember what April showers bring. And there are plenty of inspirations to be found in May flowers.
Attention, shoppers: "Loyalty rewards" discounts are more useful, from the perspective of both consumers and retailers, in the online arena than at traditional brick-and-mortar stores, according to new research from Johns Hopkins University. Loyalty rewards might be wasted on shoppers who prefer revisiting brick-and-mortar or "offline" sellers. Those shoppers typically don't require the incentive of a coupon to return to their favorite stores, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Assistant Professor Sanghee Lim explains in a study published recently in Decision Support Systems. But online shoppers, Lim says, are more variable. They tend to scour the Internet for the best bargains they can find, with little sense of loyalty to one seller or another. These are customers who likely would be persuaded by a loyalty reward to revisit a merchant's website. All the more reason, she says, for online retailers to implement discount programs that could turn fickle Internet shoppers into repeat buyers. Besides, online shoppers don't have to factor in the transportation costs and other expenses associated with visiting brick-and-mortar businesses. Not to mention that shopping in your pajamas is a lot more feasible when you're making online purchases. "Offline stores may be giving away profits when they offer loyalty rewards to customers who will keep coming back anyway, regardless of any discount that's offered," Lim said. "Online shoppers, on the other hand, may use a coupon to revisit a retail website even when it's not one of their preferred sellers." The findings are based on a well-known game-theoretic model created by economist Harold Hotelling, which considers the economic activities in a market consisting of two firms. In their model, Lim and her co-author, Byungtae Lee of the College of Business at KAIST in South Korea, looked at how consumers might behave after making a purchase. Once buyers made that initial purchase, would they revisit that seller after weighing factors such as price, potential rewards (including coupons for repeat customers), and possible expenses such as transportation? Lim, the lead author, says the study advances the literature by being the first to compare the effectiveness of loyalty reward programs in both online and offline markets. It also breaks new ground by investigating the value of the transaction data collected through loyalty programs—namely, the information about consumer habits and preferences that triggers the mailing of coupons to regular buyers of particular products. "Companies have been collecting this type of data from transactions for years, but they haven't really been sure what to do with it," said Lim, whose expertise is in information systems. "Only in the past decade have they begun to study their data and introduce these reward programs as a way to retain customers. And the companies are getting more sophisticated about it all the time." Again, online retailers appear to reap the greater benefit, using transaction data to build their loyalty programs. For brick-and-mortar stores in the study's game-theoretic model, transaction data might lead to the offer of rewards to loyal customers, but price competition would probably eat into any profits that offline merchants in relative proximity of one another might make from their rewards programs, says Lim. Lim suggests that future studies of this topic could look at periods of more than two purchases and at the ways loyalty rewards might best be used by companies that have both offline and online channels. Her paper compared rewards programs among online-only and offline-only retailers. In any case, she says, her paper's findings provide evidence that loyalty rewards programs could help retailers—online sellers in particular—realize rewards of their own.
IB ACIO Recruitment 2021: Intelligence Bureau IB recruitment board scheduled to releases the Assistant Central Intelligence Officer ACIO post notification to fill the 2,000+ vacancies. IB Exam Schedule 2021 Exams are mostly conducted in April and May. The International Baccalaureate® (IB) provides an official transcript of grades for the DP. Last Date for Online Application – 02-09-2017. Ask a question about any aspect of our organization, from becoming an IB World School to accessing professional development. The 2021 AP Exams will be administered over two weeks in May: May 3–7 and; May 10–14; Should social distancing still be necessary, schools will have additional options to ensure all students can be tested across multiple dates in May. Before submitting the online applications on or […] Revision Village students scored 31% greater than the IB Global Average in their exams (2019). Naturally, as a result of one assessment component being removed, the other assessments will become relatively more important. The Tier I Examination consists of a written test. IB Diploma Programme and IB Career-related Programme May 2021 examination schedule Updated September 2020 Morning examinations must start after 0700 hours and finish by 1300 hours local time. The exams will conclude with Economics in the morning session and English language papers in the afternoon session. Check My personal 2021 IB Exam Schedule. Retaking Exams because of Covid 19 Predicted Grades Summer 2021 first-sitting or first-retake for 2020 A-level students? All of the following information is based on the following IB. Let’s take a look at what changes the IB has made to IB English! IB Program Dates; IB Diploma - Four Year Plan; IB Exam Schedule 2021; IB Exam Fee Schedule 2021; IB Exam Registration Details; HCC Internship Information; Library. The Tier I Paper is objective in nature. The IB is extremely proud of its graduates, and the alumni network connects them with one another and with the IB community. Website Updated: Dec 15, 2020 . IIFT 2021 Registration process has started from November 6 with an application fee of Rs.2500/-. OCT. 7 - NOV. 2, 2020 Juniors and seniors completing the curriculum for one or more IB courses are eligible to register for IB exams. The RV Prediction Exams are created by IB Examiners & Teachers to help students who are sitting their final exams in May 2021. Exams in September? (optional) Please pick your level Math Studies Math SL Math HL None/other As it comes with all India service, a job in the Intelligence Bureau will offer you an opportunity to discover … As a result, the IB with considerable advisement from stakeholders across the globe incl… In this section, candidates will come to know the IB ACIO Exam Pattern 2021. Email Us. The schedule for the next Diploma Programme (DP) and Career-related Programme (CP) examination sessions are below. Suppose you are a SL Language and Literature student. Twenty-eight examinations have either had components removed, requirements amended or both, to take account of teaching time lost to the coronavirus.This includes six science and six arts subjects and it represents almost all exams offered by the organisation. With the growing accessibility of digital resources, IB students can better develop understanding and broaden their knowledge outside of the classroom. What’s the difference between IB Literature vs. IB Language & Literature? The International Baccalaureate® (IB) provides an official transcript of grades for the DP. Yes, students can defer their IB exams to May 2021 at no extra cost if they prefer. Follow our social pages. CGPSC State Service Exam Syllabus 2021: CGPSC Check State Service Exam Syllabus 2021 Here!! Check My Personal 2021 AP Exam Schedule access your past scores Click below to learn how to send a DUPLICATE COPY OF … These are the scheduled dates for AP exam in 2021, which run from May 3 - … You can find here the complete eligibility criteria to apply for IB ACIO Recruitment 2021. There will be a break of 15~30 minutes between exams if more than one exam is scheduled in a session Can sign the petition to cancel May 2021 exam is the busiest schedule you have had... Updated: Dec … Yes, the majority of IB schools will still be administering IB exams International has! To appear for the Advanced placement test must Check the schedule of ib exams 2021 exam schedule all. What is the best for those who are seeking for the DP entire literary aspect of course. Session and English Language papers in the next two years are encouraged to join this Site what ’ s a. Changed to accommodate non-IB conflicts per IBO policy what is the best for those who are sitting their exams. 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Belief in causality is deeply held by many philosophers and scientists. Many say it is the basis for all thought and knowledge of the external world. The idea that every event has a cause leads to the view of causal closure or causal determinism. The simplest form of physical determinism is the Laplacian view that given the positions and velocities of all the fundamental particles in the world, together with the laws of nature, that there is only one possible future. Reductionism is the view that material particles and the physical forces between them, which are supposed to be mathematically analytical, can explain all that happens in the world. Chemistry is thought to be reducible to physics, biology reducible to chemistry, psychology (via neuroscience) reducible to biology, and mind/brain (or cognitive science) reducible to psychology. All these causal relations are called "bottom-up." The finest details of brain events are thought by some to be a consequence of motions of the material particles that comprise the brain. Reductionism implies that mind is an epiphenomenon, or worse, just an illusion. The reductionist idea that everything is the consequence of "bottom up" physical causes is often called eliminative materialism. By contrast, downward causation is a kind of holism that denies reductionism. "Wholes" can enforce constraints on their "parts" to make them move in ways that may be unpredictable, even given the complete information about the parts (ultimately the atoms and molecules) along with the complete information about the state of the universe outside those parts. Downward causation is closely related to the concepts of emergence, self-organization, and supervenience. It has become very popular in the study of complex physical systems which exhibit a kind of self-organization and emergence of visible structures when the systems are far from equilibrium conditions. Most modern discussions of emergence and self-organization in hierarchical systems start with the early 1950's work of Ilya Prigogine on dissipative structures, physical and chemical systems that are far from equilibrium, through which there is a steady flow of matter and energy. Despite the normal tendency to chaos (the second law of thermodynamics and increasing entropy), these dissipative systems develop relatively stable visible structures, such as Bénard convection cells and Turing autocatalytic reactions that show space-dependent, steady-state processes stable against perturbations. These visible structures reduce the entropy locally. They are "information structures" of a very simple kind. Prigogine's discovery of such "order out of chaos" in physical systems is widely cited as evidence of emergent properties in complex adaptive systems. It lies at the heart of modern complexity theory and chaos theory. But these complex and chaotic information structures are "dumb." They do not contain the internal information processing that marks the emergence of life and mind. These two higher-level emergent information structures are "smart," by comparison. When they exert downward causation, it is extraordinarily fine. The idea that emergent structures can exert a sort of "holistic" downward causal control on their molecular components was first articulated by Roger Sperry in 1965. Sperry cites a wheel rolling downhill as an example of downward causal control. The atoms and molecules are caught up and overpowered by the higher properties of the whole. Although this is a very gross kind of control over the components, Sperry says that he "worked the new mind-brain ideas into a discussion of holist-reductionist issues, emergent downward control. and ‘nothing but’ fallacies in human value systems, in a broad refutation of the then prevalent ’mechanistic, materialistic, behavioristic, fatalistic, reductionistic view of the 'nature of mind and psyche’." In 1974 Donald Campbell coined the phrase "downward causation" and he is widely cited in the current literature as the main source of the idea. Some biologists (e.g., Ernst Mayr) have argued that biology is not reducible to physics and chemistry, although it is completely consistent with the laws of physics. Even the apparent violation of the second law of thermodynamics has been explained because living beings are open systems exchanging matter, energy, and especially information with their environment. Information is neither matter nor energy, but it needs matter for its embodiment and energy for its communication. A living being is a form through which passes a flow of matter and energy (with low or "negative" entropy, the physical equivalent of information). Genetic information is used to build the information-rich matter into an overall information structure that contains a very large number of hierarchically organized information structures. Emergent higher levels exert downward causation on the contents of the lower levels. The problem of mental causation is a specific case of downward causal control that is central to the philosophy of mind. The idea that minds have powers "over and above" the known physical, chemical, and biological laws is sometimes called "mentalism." It is related to the idea of "vitalism," that biology might involve new laws that cannot be reduced to "nothing but" the laws of physics. Examples of Downward Causation "We must admit that the mind of each one of our greatest geniuses — Aristotle, Kant or Leonardo, Goethe or Beethoven, Dante or Shakespeare — even at the moment of its highest flights of thought or in the most profound inner workings of the soul, was subject to the causal fiat and was a instrument in the hands of an almighty law which governs the world." Max Planck, Where Is Science Going, p.156. [In Existentialism, the will condemns all the unchosen alternatives to nothingness as it grants being to the one chosen.]
About This Award The SCSC Literature Prize is given for the best literature paper published in the Sixteenth Century Journal. The prize-winning article is selected by a committee of three conference members appointed by the president who shall designate one of the members as chair. Criteria for selection include: - quality and originality of research - methodological skill and/or innovation - development of fresh and stimulating interpretations or insights - literary quality Nominations for the prizes may be made by anyone and shall be sent to the Executive Director of the SCSC or the chair of the prize committee. The authors should sent three copies of their paper to the Executive Director of the SCSC by April. Announcement of the winning paper will be made by the chair of the committee at the annual business meeting of the conference and the winner will receive a $500.00 prize. Announcement of the winner will appear in The Sixteenth Century Journal. Donald J. Harreld, Ph.D. Provo, UT 84602 - 2016 - Eleanor Hubbard, “I Will Be Master of What Is Mine Own: Fortune Hunters and Shrews in Early Modern London” SCJ (2015) - 2015 - Louisa Mackenzie, “The Fish and the Whale: Animal Symbiosis and Early Modern posthumanism” SCJ (2014) - 2013 - Beatrice Groves, “Those Sanctified Places where our Sauiours feete had trode’: Jerusalem in Early Modern English Travel Narratives” SCJ 43:3 (2012) - 2011 - Woodcock, Matthew. \u201cShooting for England: Configuring the Book and the Bow in Roger Ascham\u2019s Toxophilus\u201d SCJ: XLI.4 Sixteenth Century Journal (2010) - 2010 - Brendan Kane, \u201cDomesticating the Counter Reformation: bridging the bardic and Catholic traditions in Geoffrey Keating's The Three Shafts of Death\u201d Sixteenth Century Journal (2010) - 2009 - Jaime Goodrich, \u201cThomas More and Margaret More Roper: A Case for Rethinking Women\u2019s Participation in the Early Modern Public Sphere\u201d Sixteenth Century Journal XXXIX /4 (2008) - 2008 - Sharon T. Strocchia \u201cSavonarolan Witnesses: The Nuns of San Jacopo and the Piagnone Movement in Sixteenth-Century Florence\u201d. Sixteenth Century Journal 38/2 (2007): 393-418. - 2007 - Two prizes were awarded: - Paper: Jeff Persels, \u201cMacer's 1555 Account of the Japanese: A Curious Case of Ethnographic Cleansing\u201d (presented at the 2006 SCSC) - Article: Jane Donawerth, \u201cWomen's Reading Practices in Seventeenth-Century England: Margaret Fell's Women's Speaking Justified\u201d, Sixteenth Century Journal XXXVII/4 (2006) - 2006 - - 2005 - David Whitford, \u201cMistaking the Tree for the Forest: Why Kenotic Theory in Milton is Anachronistic\u201d - 2004 - - 2003 - JoAnn DellaNeva, University of Notre Dame, for her paper \u201cDu Bellay and \u2018quelques modernes Italiens\u2019: Variations in a Minor Key\u201d - 2002 - Susan M. Felch,\u201cPrayerbooks in their pockets: Poetic Writing, Prayerful Reading\u201d (San Antonio, October 2002) For more information click "Further official information" below. This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:
Why Enable Litigation?: A Positive Externalities Theory of the Small Claims Class Action 23 Pages Posted: 13 Mar 2006 This Article appears in a Symposium commemorating the Supreme Court's decision in Phillips Petroleum Co. v. Shutts. The legal claims that gave rise to Shutts were meritorious, yet of relatively modest value. Individuals are unlikely to litigate such negative value claims because the costs of doing so outweigh the benefits they will receive; defendants are well-situated to escape liability. Conventionally, scholars describe this situation as posing a collective action problem and demonstrate how the class action mechanism works to solve that problem. In this Article, I discuss the problem of negative value claims in a related yet distinct manner. The fact that parties will not pursue these claims is, I argue, an example of the underproduction of a so-called public good. That good is a lawsuit. Litigation can be conceptualized as a public good, with its pursuit producing positive externalities. The Article enumerates these collateral social benefits, grouping them as: 1) decree effects; 2) settlement effects; 3) threat effects; and 4) institutional effects. The addition of this analysis to the scholarly literature serves several functions. Among these is that it illuminates how little collective action really takes places in small claims cases; how relatively unimportant the compensatory aspects of the case are compared to its other social functions; how the concept of deterrence does not capture these non-compensatory benefits as well as the concept of externalities does; and how small claims class actions are more like other types of class cases than generally presumed. Keywords: Phillips Petroleum Co. v. Shutts, class action suits, small claims class action Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
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AN INTERVIEW WITH JOHN BALLAM AUTHOR OF A NOVEL THE MARY HOUSE Tell us a bit about yourself – something that we will not find in the official author’s bio? I am probably the most avid reader you will ever encounter. Long books and short ones, over the course of a year I read on average one new book every 36 hours. The longest thing I’ve ever read is the Mahabharata, which is apparently about the same size as the complete works of Shakespeare six times over. That one ruined my average for a while. I also love music and have a particular fondness for jazz, Baroque and Early Music; but also folk, bluegrass, early country western, pop 50s-70s… I’m a pescatarian who loves to cook. I’ve never enjoyed sports and can’t swim at all. For exercise, I like hiking – up to 20 miles is a good day’s work. I studied Latin fervently and have now forgotten almost all of it. My spoken Italian produces some blank looks and indulgent smiles, but generally speaking, accomplishes its aims. Do you remember what was your first story (article, essay, or poem) about and when did you write it? Yes. When I was fifteen I wrote a scathing satirical poem about my Algebra teacher. Friends got hold of it and I was made to read it out in class. From there I went on to replace the lyrics of all the songs I’d ever heard. After that I wrote something like 300+ sonnets to all the girls I successively had crushes on. Probably 300 each, in fact. What is the title of your latest book and what inspired it? The most recent thing I’ve done is a novel called The Mary House. I grew up in the Appalachian Mountains, where storytelling is as much a part of living as eating and drinking. There are, I think, quite a lot of books set in Appalachia nowadays, but the characters in these books are seldom people I’d recognize and their stories seem to follow certain predictable patterns. For me, the people I knew there were more like people everywhere else – a little lazy, a little selfish, a little lusty etc, but fundamentally decent, hard-working, generous folks, with a good sense of humour, confused by the world and their own feelings about it. For me, what is different about the Appalachian experience is the abiding sense of personal isolation: from oneself, from friends and family, from community and from the world beyond the hills. This is what I wanted to capture – mostly ordinary people of different races, genders and economic strata whose experiences across three centuries are marked by a culture of deep alienation. How long did it take you to write your latest work and how fast do you write (how many words daily)? No one ever really knows where the beginning of an idea is. For me, once this one became irresistible, I was sure there were things I didn’t know and wanted to. I spent a year in researching the details for the project – folklore, forgotten historical facts. I read thousands of pages of indigenous American and African-American narratives trying to gain insights, perspectives and information that had fallen out of the mainstream. I then spent another year in making very systematic plans of how the whole thing would work, what would go where, how it would knit together. Once those notes were all in order I got down to it and wrote the first draft in about nine months. As an experienced writer, and as a teacher of writing, I know that it is too easy to get bogged down, creatively frozen or self-indulgent on a manuscript of this size, and my way out of this was never to have a daily minimum of ‘words to write’, time to spend writing or similar, but instead, to have a maximum of 1000 words a day. When it all is going well – and all the planning upped my odds on this, as I never had to sit and think ‘What shall I write today?’ – 1000 words is not hard to do. The hard part is stopping there regardless of where the axe falls, and the hunger to just do ‘the next bit’ will keep it growing in the mind until the next irresistible session at the desk. Do you have any unusual writing habits? See above. As Hemingway reputedly said, ‘Write drunk but edit sober.’ I don’t write drunk, but I do frequently write while listening to indigenous American instrumental music, as it is so profoundly uplifting. As for editing, any piece that has not by its last sentence moved me in some way – ideally to actual tears or actual laughter – feels second-rate somehow. Is writing the only form of artistic expression that you utilize, or is there more to your creativity than just writing? I tried singing – until everyone who loves me offered me the same advice… My only other real artistic talent is to be a super-enthusiastic audience-member for anyone else’s art: theatre, literature, painting, sculpture, dance… Authors and books that have influenced your writings? Everybody. For this book, my most earnest thanks would be to Anton Chekhov, Alice Munro, Marilynne Robinson, Lorrie Moore and Ron Rash. All of these writers share with Tolstoy a heart that is open to everyone, no matter how wise or how foolish. What are you working on right now? Anything new cooking in the wordsmith’s kitchen? Two things are ruining my sleep. One is a novel about four homeless boys in Appalachia during the Great Depression. The other is a collection of stories about more ordinary folks who can still laugh a little, in spite of the pain, in spite of the bewilderment. Did you ever think about the profile of your readers? What do you think – who reads and who should read your books? To borrow a thought from Oscar Wilde, people enjoy literature in which they absolutely see themselves, or in which they absolutely don’t see themselves. I’ve always tried to write about people getting by – trying to make their ideas work, trying somehow to gain a little security, a little joy, a little relief. Most people can identify with that, so they are likely to see themselves here – their moods and regrets and fantasies are all displayed. For others, this novel (and the stories inside it) will be a world away from anything they are likely ever to have known. I have done my best to write with as much authenticity as I can muster. The result is a portrayal of lives that can seem very curious indeed – plausible, and yet remote. Do you have any advice for new writers/authors? My day job is giving advice to new writers and authors. The main thing is: Love Your Work. If it is not giving you joy (and in art, there can be a kind of joy in the representation of suffering, if the result is to show that that suffering has not been ignored or denied or experienced alone) then do something else. If you love your work, doing it will always be satisfying. Never envy others. They have their stories to tell and the voice for that will be their own. If you try to borrow it, you will ruin your story and your pleasure in that story. Write honestly and give it to others to read honestly. That will be the truth that will connect you. What is the best advice you have ever heard? It’s a paraphrase of Stephen King, I think: ‘Never stop at a good stopping point.’ That’s advice for life as well as writing. How many books you read annually and what are you reading now? What is your favorite literary genre? See above. At this particular time I am reading a lot of 20th-21st-century Russian and continental European writing in translations. Though I can get excited about anything from speculative fiction to post-structuralism, romance to horror, my favourite genre remains Realism – typical people who, when scrutinized show what an extraordinary thing Life is. What do you deem the most relevant about your writing? What is the most important to be remembered by readers? The thing that makes this book different is its stance on ‘culture’. We talk a lot nowadays about ‘cultural appropriation’ and its relationship to various injustices. This is a discussion that needs to occur and which will continue to develop. What I’ve tried to do here – and I am aware that this may be courting controversy – is to represent a single geographical area across a period of time in which cultural verisimilitude is readily apparent, yet which when explored from contrasting perspectives, reveals that at a significant (or ‘meta-‘) level it is a community populated by folks contributing to a single culture. Different races, different economic groups, different eras and social practices do not stand apart from one another, but instead, in a complex way, influence one another, making each one even in reaction a part of its neighbours’. The violent, the victimized, the glorified and the ignored cannot really be understood if they are not seen in their vital juxtapositions. The many points of view taken in this novel are an attempt by one author to allow competing voices to speak for themselves – sometimes in chorus, sometimes in contradiction. To me, taking only one of these viewpoints would be implicitly to discredit any other. What is your opinion about the publishing industry today and about the ways authors can best fit into the new trends? The ‘problem’ most of us have in making any sort of choices is not in finding what we want, but in actually knowing what it is we want. The advent of digital technology in publishing has created opportunities for writers to reach audiences on a scale never seen before. Yet it has also created so many such opportunities that readers can feel a little overwhelmed. It is as if the main shopping street in your town suddenly has 100 new bookshops on it – some specialist, some with entrances you cannot locate. Nowadays, readers need more savvy than ever before to locate the authors they’ll enjoy. The same is true for writers. It used to be that writers only had to understand readers (ie most publishers did the same things). Now, writers have to understand the challenges that publishers face, and ask themselves how they can form a real partnership that allows for genuinely shared ideals about books to communicate to the readers eager to hear about good books. It’s an exciting time, in my view, and really professional writers will embrace it. What is your opinion about your publisher – Adelaide Books? I’m thrilled to be a contributor to Adelaide’s portfolio of new works. Everything about the company shows expertise and promise. Readers can be thankful that Adelaide is working for them. Thank you and good luck with your future endeavors.
Connectivity Investigation of Channel Quality-Based Adaptive Gossip Flooding Mechanism for AODV To address the “broadcast storm” problem associated with flooding-based route discovery mechanism of reactive routing protocols, probabilistic approaches are suggested in the literature. In the earlier work, Gossip flooding mechanism of Haas et.al. was extended with signal quality, to propose channel quality based adaptive gossip flooding mechanism for AODV (CQAG-AODV). Following the cross-layer design principle, CQAG-AODV algorithm tried to discover robust routes, as well as address the “broadcast storm” problem by controlling the rebroadcast probability of Route request (RREQ) packets on the basis of signal strength experienced at the physical layer. This paper investigates the connectivity of CQAG-AODV through theoretical and simulation analysis. Results show that, by accounting the signal strength in the route discovery process, not only does the proposed algorithm floods a lesser number of route requests and controls the broadcast storm, but also maintains a higher level of connectivity to offer high packet delivery ratio; independent of network density and node mobility. Moreover, due to controlled routing overhead and robust route discovery, channel quality based adaptive flooding mechanism offers fringe benefit of energy efficiency as well. CQAG-AODV thus proves its suitability in a variety of use cases of multi-hop ad hoc networks including WSNs and VANETs. C. E. Perkins, S. Das, “Ad Hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing,” RFC 3561, July 2003. YC Tseng, SY. Ni, YS. Chen and JP. Sheu, “The broadcast storm problem in a mobile ad hoc network,” Wireless Networks, vol.8, no.2-3, pp. 153-167, March. 2002. O. Tonguz, N. Wisitpongphan, J. Parikh, F. Bai, P. Mudalige and V. Sadekar, “On the broadcast storm problem in ad hoc wireless networks,” Proc. 3rd International Conference on Broadcast Communications, Networks and Systems (BROADNETS), Octorber 2006, pp. 1-11. Z. Haas, J. Y. Halpern, and L. Li, “Gossip-based ad hoc routing,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 14, no. 3, pp.479-491, June 2006. B. Blywis, M. Güneş, F. Juraschek, and S. Hofmann, “Gossip routing in wireless mesh networks,” Proc. 21st IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 2010, pp. 1572-1577. X. M. Zhang, E.B. Wang, J. J. Xia, and D. K. Sung, “A neighbor coverage based probabilistic rebroadcast for reducing routing overhead in mobile ad hoc networks,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 13, no.3, pp. 424-433, March 2013. X. M. Zhang, E. B. Wang, J. J. Xia, and D. K. Sung, “An estimated distance based routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 3473-3484, September 2011. D. G. Reina, S. L. Toral, P. Johnson, and F. Barreno, “Hybrid flooding scheme for MANETs,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 592-595, March 2013. Y. Mylonas, M. Lestas, A. Pitsillides, P. Ioannou, and V. Papadopoulou. “Speed adaptive probabilistic flooding for vehicular ad hoc networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 1973-1990, May 2015. A. Mostafa, A. M Vegni, and D. P. Agrawal, “A probabilistic routing by using multi-hop retransmission forecast with packet collision-aware constraints in vehicular networks,” Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 14, pp. 118-129, 2014. P. Shete and R. N. Awale, “Channel quality based adaptive gossip flooding mechanism for AODV,” Proc. 13th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), May 2015, pp. 553-559. D. G. Reina, S. L. Toral, P. Johnson, and F. Barrero, “A survey on probabilistic broadcast schemes for wireless ad hoc networks,” Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 25, pp. 263-292, 2015. R. Draves, J. Padhye, and B. Zill, “Routing in multi-radio, multi-hop wireless mesh networks,” Proc. 3rd International Conference MobiCom 2004, Octorber 2004, pp. 114-128. A. P. Subramanian, M. Buddhikot, and S. Miller, “Interference aware routing in multi-radio wireless mesh networks,” Proc. 2nd IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks (WiMesh’06), September 2006, pp. 55-63. V. C. M. Borges, D. Periera, M. Curado, and E. Monteiro, “Routing metric for interference and channel diversity in multi-radio wireless mesh networks,” Proc. 8th International Conference ADHOC-NOW 2009, September 2009, pp. 55-68. J. Lu, X. Wang, and L. Zhang, “Signal power random fading interference-aware routing for wireless sensor networks,” Wireless Networks, vol. 20, pp. 1715-1727, Octorber 2014. O. Dousse, P. Thiran, and M. Hasler. “Connectivity in ad-hoc and hybrid networks,” Proc. Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, vol. 2, IEEE, 2002, pp. 1079-1088. J. Sarker and R. Jantti, “Connectivity modeling of wireless multihop networks with correlated and independent factors,” Proc. 6th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, vol. 1, 2004, pp. 474-479. T. S. Rappaport, Wireless Communication: Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, 1999. A. Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005. S. Shakkottai, T. S. Rappaport, and P. C. Karlsson, “Cross-layer design for wireless networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 74-80, Octorber 2003. G. Bianchi, L. Frantta, and M. Oliveri, “Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications,” Proc. IEEE Symp. 7th Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Coomunications, IEEE Press, October 1996. P. J. Shete, R. N. Awale, and S. Y. Ket, “Channel quality aware cross-layer design based rate adaptive MAC for improving the throughput capacity of multi-hop ad hoc networks,” Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 63, pp. 45-61, 2017. G. Grimmett, “What is Percolation?” in Percolation. Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften (A Series of Comprehensive Studies in Mathematics), vol. 321. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1999. S. Ross, Introduction to Probability Models, Elsevier, 2004. S. J. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial intelligence: a modern approach (International Edition), Pearson, 2002. C. Bettstetter, “On the connectivity of ad hoc networks,” The computer journal, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 432-447, 2004. M. Singh and S. Soni, “Spatial correlation-based clustering in wireless sensor network,” International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 294-306, 2018. M. Rajgor, P. Shete, and R. N. Awale, “Probabilistic energy efficient routing protocol for wireless sensor network,” Proc. International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), February 2018, pp. 1-6. Copyright (c) 2019 Prasanna Shete, Raval N Awale This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication. Authors can retain copyright in their articles with no restrictions. Also, author can post the final, peer-reviewed manuscript version (postprint) to any repository or website. Since Jan. 01, 2019, IJETI will publish new articles with Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. The Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC-BY-NC) License permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
There’s so many of us introverted travellers out there, exploring the world in our own quiet ways. My motivation is to help each of them reach their potential and realise their travel dreams! I’m an introvert and a travel addict. The latter was always clear to me. I inherited my wanderlust from my parents, who are avid travellers themselves. They took me and my sister on various trips from when I was a baby. I can’t even remember a time when I was not excited about seeing other countries and experiencing other cultures. When I grew older I started discovering solo travel and it has changed my life. My love of travel has gone so far that I left my soul-sucking nine-to-five office job in late 2016 to become a location-independent freelance writer. As for introversion, that was a less positive path for a long time. I was extremely shy as a child. Even when that shyness receded – not least thanks to travelling – the introversion stayed. However, I didn’t truly understand it until I was well into my twenties. I studied English literature and psychology at Hamburg University. The latter helped me a lot to learn about the reasons behind my own behaviour. I finally understood that it was perfectly okay to be this way. This is an experience many introverts share. Like many others, learning about introversion helped me come to terms with my quiet nature. I accepted I would never be that outgoing girl I had dreamed of being. I would never be the one who chatted up total strangers and was the life of the party. But there was no reason I couldn’t be the self-confident traveller and explorer I wanted to be even more than the popular it-girl. Why I started this blog We live in a society that adores extrovert values, and travel is no different. The average traveller is most typically represented as someone who is outspoken, not afraid to approach people, and socializing easily. I am none of those things, but the wanderlust that affected me from an early age didn’t care about that. For which I am glad. My desire to travel has allowed me to do things I would never have believed myself capable of. Eventually, I understood that introversion is not an obstacle to travel. It can, in fact, be an asset. I take every chance I get to explore this beautiful planet of ours. Introversion has never been a hindrance, except when my shyness made me doubt myself so much that it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. But if I can move to the other end of the world as an introvert and travel around solo, then so can you. I started this blog to help other introverts live their travel dreams, by showing them that we are no less capable of pursuing our goals than any extrovert out there. Being a traveller and an introvert is not a contradiction. It’s a way of life. If you like more information on how to make your introversion a travel asset, head over to the “introvert travel tips”-category. Or better yet, sign up for my newsletter and receive my free guide “how to cater to your introversion when you’re on the road”!
4 edition of Condemned to the mines found in the catalog. Condemned to the mines John T. Dwyer Includes bibliographical references and index. |Statement||by John T. Dwyer.| |LC Classifications||BX4705.O293 D88| |The Physical Object| |Pagination||xxiii, 302 p. :| |Number of Pages||302| |LC Control Number||76150322| Microprocessors for engineers Youth Baseball, Section II Dreaming in Indian Stratigraphy and structure of the Orient area, Washington The future of natural fibres Virginia securities law. Janes world aircraft recognition handbook A treatise concerning the husbandry and natural history of England Butt rot of southern hardwoods PT BANK PAN INDONESIA TBK An account of the conquest of Peru News from Bishops-Gate-Street. Meaning of Aristotles ontology Doing business in the new Europe Condemned to the mines: The life of Eugene O'Connell,pioneer bishop of Northern California and Nevada [Dwyer, John T] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Condemned to the mines: The life of Eugene O'Connell,pioneer bishop of Northern California and Nevada5/5(1). Get this from a library. Condemned to the mines: the Condemned to the mines book of Eugene O'Connell,pioneer bishop of Northern California and Nevada. [John T Dwyer]. Tormented is the third book in The Condemned series, is professionally written/edited, engaging and extremely fast paced. Although the third installment within the series, the novel can be read as a standalone but for maximum enjoyment and additional background material, reading /5. Traditionally, the book of Revelation has been dated near the end of the first century, around A.D. Some writers, however, have advanced the preterist (from a Latin word meaning “that which is past”) view, contending that the Apocalypse was penned around A.D. 68 or 69, and thus the thrust Condemned to the mines book the book is supposed to relate to the impending destruction of Jerusalem (A.D. 70). The Legacy of a Holocaust Hero Condemned to Life. Researcher Avihu Ronen's journey in search of his mother, Warsaw ghetto fighter Chajka Klinger, is extraordinary for being a combination of a fascinating history book, meticulous research and a very poignant : Eilat Negev. Inspirational books Condemned to the mines book the saints of the Catholic Church for reading and download, free. Inspired Christian writings with priceless treasures of worship, spiritual guidance, healing and help for the soul. Learn the deepest and most hidden spiritual truths and enjoy free Catholic e-books. For instance, not Condemned to the mines book were Joseph Primatt's Petition to Parliament, with reference to his claims to certain coal mines, and Lilburne's Just Reproof to Haberdasher's Hall on Primatt's behalf, condemned to be burnt by the hangman (January Condemned to the mines book, July 30th, ), but both authors were sentenced, one to fines amounting to £5, the other to. Pamphilus' introductory letter is addressed to the confessors condemned to labor in the mines. Book 1 assembles passages from Origen (especially from De principiis) that are intended to prove his orthodoxy against the accusations of the anti-Origenists in the first Origenist controversy. The passages have to do with the Trinity, the incarnation. The book tells the story of two half sisters unknown to each other and of the six generations that follow, their lineages broken by enslavement and cursed by premonitions that condemned those who Author: Isabel Wilkerson. Letter Of The Condemned is a book item found in the United Cities. This item can only be found in residential buildings inside of United Cities locations. they find out I'm living rough and hungry, they'll send me to the mines and its game over I'm at a loss of what to do. My freedom hangs in the balance and my life is slipping away like. These abandoned shacks were found in Hogansville. One can only imagine that this was once a Condemned to the mines book to a family of farmers or sharecroppers. Georgia's Central State Hospital in Milledgeville. kmoney56 via Flickr. This place is the stuff horror stories are made of. According to Atlanta Magazine, Georgia Central State Hospital was once the largest Author: Amanda Northern. The Cat Condemned to the mines book Bubastes: A Story of Ancient Egypt. The Young Carthaginian: A Story of the Times of Hannibal. For the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem. Beric the Briton: A Story of the Roman Invasion. The Dragon and the Raven: or, The Days of King Alfred. Wulf the Saxon: A Story of the Norman Conquest. A Knight of the White Cross: The Siege of Rhodes. Barabbas was himself condemned to die but because of the Passover, the people were allowed to set someone free. Given the choice between Barabbas Condemned to the mines book Jesus, the people allowed Barabbas to go free. He would later be called "Barabbas, the acquitted," and would be. Groom Mine, located in Lincoln County, Nevada, first opened in the s. Most mining in the area, mostly of silver chloride ores, had finished by Groom Mine continued to operate, finally ceasing operations in Byofficial recordings of products of the Groom Mining District, which includes Groom Mine, shows that lead was the bulk of minerals harvested, which also included Type: Open-pit & underground. Summary and Analysis Part 3: Book VIII Summary. Dmitri feels that there is still a possibility that Grushenka may accept him as her husband, but his problem is that if she does accept him, he cannot rightfully carry her away until he repays the money he owes Katerina Ivanovna. On the Ap edition of The Dividing Line, Dr. White did a segment on Cyprian (an early church bishop and martyr)*. The segment () includes a letter Cyprian wrote to exiled and condemned, Christian mineworkers and their response letter to Cyprian. White uses the two letters, which he reads aloud, to encourage. Slaves numbering in the tens of thousands were condemned to work in the mines or quarries, where conditions were notoriously brutal. Damnati in metallum ("those condemned to the mine") were convicts who lost their freedom as citizens (libertas), forfeited their property (bona) to the state, and became servi poenae, slaves as a legal penalty. Nouvelle ELA’s Interactive Book Series. 05 The Train to the Other Side. 06 The Condemned Hospital. 07 Into the Ruins. 08 Secrets from the Graveyard. 09 Escape the Mines. 1 Réveil. TeachNouvelle; All Titles; NouvelleELA Interactive Books Proudly powered by WordPress. Book IX. Title XLIX. Concerning the property of persons proscribed or condemned. (De bonis proscriptorum seu damnatorum.) Bas. Headnote. While for a long time under the Roman law the property of those who were condemned to capital punishment - death, deportation or to the mines, was confiscated for the benefit of the fisc, the. The conventional story of the miners strike, which began 30 years ago, is now being challenged. David Edgar looks at the literature of the dispute – and explores its legacy. It's the NPR Books Summer of Love, so to celebrate, we asked our readers to nominate their favorite romances. And the results are in: love stories to help every reader find a. Title: After the mines - 2 - Description: This is a picture that shows the mining area after the coal tipple was knocked down. The mining houses were condemned. This particular photo shows where the trolley line stopped. - Date (origin): - Picture ID #: The rest of the unsaved dead were written in the book at one time, but having rejected God until their death, their names were blotted out (Ex. ; Ps. ; Rev. Rev. Although their deeds determine the relative degree of punishment, all who reject the Lamb of God stand without atonement for their sin and are condemned. Christian History Institute (CHI) provides church history resources and self-study material and publishes the quarterly Christian History Magazine. convicted of high treason and condemned. yet inwardly it is more worth than all the precious mines which the vast world can boast of: it is the book, my only best, and best loved sister, of. The book was seized and condemned, and its author exiled to Auvergne, though soon allowed to return. 0 His jealousy was provoked by the successes of Agricola in Britain, who was recalled to Rome (85) in the midst of his conquests, condemned to retirement, and perhaps removed by poison. Governors sometimes condemned prisoners to be kept in chains or prisons, but it was not an “official” legal penalty for Roman citizens. Depending on the social status of the accused and the particular offense, punishment was usually a monetary fine, labor on public projects, exile, or a sentence that led to either speedy or lingering death. Chapter Waste management. For the waste sector in South Africa this means care must be given to raw material use, product design, resource efficiency, waste prevention, and minimization where avoidance is Size: 1MB. Chapter 1. A Comparison of Constantine's Piety with the Wickedness of the Persecutors. In this manner that spirit who is the hater of good, actuated by envy at the blessing enjoyed by the Church, continued to raise against her the stormy troubles of intestine discord, in the midst of a period of peace and ile, however, the divinely-favored emperor did not slight the duties befitting. This channel will take a look into history, movies, TV shows, comics, haunted places, and other areas of entertainment to give you 10 facts that you may not. Levy and his colleague Mohammad Najjar won Biblical Archaeology Review’s ‘Best BAR Article’ for “Condemned to the Mines: Copper Production & Christian Persecution.” His most recent book is: Levy, T.E., M. Najjar, and E. Ben-Yosef, eds. YouTube Premium. Get YouTube without the ads. The interactive transcript could not be loaded. Rating is available when the video has been rented. This feature is. The coal mines in Mingo County were running at near capacity in May ofwhen striking miners embarked on what appeared to be a desperate, last-chance offensive: union men opened fire on. History and heritage in Northwest New Jersey Skylands: In the s Dutch miners discovered copper ore in a beautiful ravine located about seven miles north of the Delaware Water Gap. To access the ore and to transport it to Kingston, New York, they constructed a road, now known as the Old Mine Road. Primitive by present standards, it was a major undertaking in its day, and legends of the road. Peter Munk, the Canadian who built the world’s largest gold-mining company, years after suffering one of his country’s most notable business failures, died on Wednesday in Toronto. He was Author: Ian Austen. Oprah Winfrey first launched Oprah's Book Club on Sept. 16,10 years into “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” one of the highest-rated daytime talk shows in television history. Shea Ernshaw is the author of New York Times bestseller The Wicked Deep and is the winner of the Oregon Book Award, and both The Wicked Deep and Winterwood were Indie Next Picks. She lives in a small mountain town in Oregon and is happiest when lost in a good book, lost in the woods, or writing her next novel/5(25). Start studying Western Civ. II Mid-term. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Free download or read online Pages for You pdf (ePUB) book. The first edition of the novel was published in April 18thand was written by Sylvia Brownrigg. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of pages and is available in Paperback format. The main characters of this lgbt, fiction story are. The book has been awarded with Lambda Literary Award 4/5. Elias and four companions, Daniel, Isaias, Jeremy, and Samuel were Egyptians who visited Christians condemned to work in the mines of Cilicia during Maximus' persecution, to comfort them. Apprehended at the gates of Caesarea, Palestine, they were brought before the governor Firmilian, and. 11 abandoned Old West boom towns Gone but not forgotten, these once-bustling mining outposts offer visitors a look at the Old West in surroundings ranging from kitschy to untouched. Save a pdf man - or pdf | Angel Oracle - quests Wasteland 2 Guide. Next Angel Oracle - quests Help Mr. Manners find an alternate source of meat Prev Santa Fe Springs - quests Angel Oracle - the location. Right after you will enter Angel Oracle you will hear an announcement about the execution of a man named Fletcher who did not clean up. At last, a dignified biography of one of the 20th century’s most misunderstood figures. Thu 24 Dec EST. Last modified on Thu 22 Feb Share on .Chile is the world's largest producer of copper, which has been the country's major source ebook export income since the early 's. Chuquicamata, in the Andes, is one of the world's largest copper mines. Copper mines are found throughout the country, but those in .
Music is the language of the spirit It is the literature of the heart It speaks to our highest aspirations It is the greatest uniter It is the force for change There is no life that is not impacted By the power of music Stream Skin On Skin here: https://linktr.ee/tyde/ - FULL VERSION A visceral story of seeking connection and feeling detached, 'Skin On Skin' builds from vulnerable minimalism to a massive string section-stuffed climax. TYDE's debut single reflects on an experience of no-strings-attached intimacy, and the emotional repercussions.
Friday, December 28, 2007 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Tuesday, December 25, 2007 Conlon Nancarrow, an American composer who was born in 1912, lived mainly in Mexico, and who died in 1997. Apparently he mostly wrote for player piano, since he felt that no human performers could produce the sorts of complex sounds at high speeds that he was interested in. But then in old age he started writing for pianists again, and this piece - called Three Canons for Ursula - was one of its fruits. It is what it claims to be - three canons. But the canons are all expressions of mathematical relationships: one is called Canon 5/7, the second Canon 6/9/10/15, and the third Canon 2/3. With each the principle is the same: he starts a melody (generally a very expressive and tonally intricate one) in the left hand, and then joins it with the same melody in the right hand played at a faster speed (in the ratio 5:7 or 2:3, for example), and they then catch up with one another. The second movement has the left hand playing two melodies in canon in the ratio 2:3, then joined by the right hand playing the same two melodies in the ratio 2:3, but with the relationship between the left hand and the right in the ratio 3:5. Oh, and the melodies in the different hands are sometimes in different keys. FWIW, 'Listen to at least one composition by Conlon Nancarrow' strikes me as both a more interesting New Year's Resolution than the normal vows to exercise more, drink and smoke less, and (ahem) spend no more than two hours a day online - and one with better chances of success. So that's mine. Monday, December 24, 2007 Sample (from a memoir of his mother, an anecdote about his grandmother): Their mother had been all but bald, at least until the day of her Transformation. One day Father had said, Your mother has had a Transformation, and when Mam had come downstairs, radiantly smiling, the top of her head had a quite different aspect. No one in Llansannan used the word wig. Perhaps no one even thought it. It was always: 'Your mam's Transformation is so smart', 'Doesn't your mam look magnificent in her Transformation?' The sudden change in Mrs Jones's appearance was received in that Chapel community like a biblical miracle. It was not to be questioned. Lazarus was dead and just now came stumbling from the tomb. Mrs Jones was all but bald and has a fine head of hair. Also an interview, sort of, of Mick Jagger at which Ian Botham turned up: The phone rings. It's someone called Ian, not from Hollywood. Jagger talks to him. 'Yeah...yeah. Come on over. Yeah. See ya.' He rings off. 'My God,' says Charlie. 'I.T. Botham. I.T. fucking Botham. He's like W.G. Grace, you know, fucking W.G. Grace. I've never met thim.' Awe-struck. 'I have,' says Mick. 'Twice, three times.' Charlie reminisces about his love of cricket and music. Since the age of eight. Hutton. Bradman. Well, not Bradman in the flesh. 'I.T., it's the same as Coe and Ovett. Thirty thousand people'd come and see you any day of the week. But you belong to a club, to a club of old colonels, and what do you get out of it?' Botham doesn't mind this line of argument. 'Appearance money, that's about it.' 'That's how it was for us when we started. It was 10-90. A dollar for you, a few cents for us. Then we got a dollar each. And now it's 90-10. We hire a stadium -- say, we hire Wembley for 15 per cent of the gate. Nobody hires us.' 'I know. So what do we do about it?' 'There msut be something. Because fuck it, you're like W.G. Grace. You're one of the greats, I.T.' 'Right,' says Mick. Charlie turns to Vic again. 'You and me, Vic, we're close. Can we be alone?' Botham takes a deep breath. 'Well, there's one thing you can do, and that's play a gig for me in my benefit year, that's 1984. Say I put up the expenses,, and we share the profits.' 'Where?' says Charlie, sarcastic. 'Taunton?' 'Glastonbury, more like,' says Botham. 'Do it proper. Make it a good show.' 'I dunno,' says Jagger. 'I dunno about that.' The atmosphere isn't what it was. 'I dunno about that, even in terms of the business.' What can he mean? Surely he can't mean Keith and me aren't what you could call chums and he thinks cricket's a joke, so why would he play guitar for you? Would I do a benefit for a retiring distiller? [From Tatler 1982. It's more moving now, a quarter of a century later: the Stones can still fill a stadium. One of the great cricketers of the 20th century is unlikely to command much in appearance money today.] The book has pieces on cinematic representations of disability, many pieces on gay rights and writing, including a savage analysis of Andrew Sullivan's Virtually Normal. In one respect it has dated in a way that's encouraging: Mars-Jones thinks the battle for same-sex marriage rights takes on so entrenched a position as to be a lost cause, also that it is some kind of betrayal of the alternative forms of relationship that gays have developed outside the framework of institutionalised monogamy. Neither position looks as plausible as they must have done 20 years ago. The suggestion that gay couples should go after the benefits offered by formal adoption just looks like the clumsy workaround that it is. It's perfectly true that in the United States the prospect of same-sex marriage has aroused such horror that its elimination has trumped states' rights - a significant number of legislators have been willing to override the constitution to ensure that every marriage should boast at least one and at most one Y chromosome. Throwing the constitution overboard has found a significant fanbase in one other realm - fighting terrorism - though here it has actually been less of a crowdpleaser. The overwhelming response of gay couples to the windows of opportunity that opened, however, made it only too obvious that separate but equal translated into secondclass citizenship; the crackdown has at any rate encouraged more principled nations to examine their principles. Sunday, December 23, 2007 One thing I have been putting off is updating the website. Just before I went to Morocco I tried to post an ad which Mellel had taken out in n+1; Dreamweaver claimed that I had no home page specified but it was not clear what it wanted in the way of a home page so I sent Johanna a 5am e-mail asking if she could upload the attached image instead. She was able to do this, but the page did not make clear that the book had not been published, simply excerpted in n+1, so I got lots of e-mails from people keen to buy the book. So here was this bit of unfinished business, cleaning up the website so that the homepage made it clear &c &c. I kept putting this off. Today I told myself not to be an idiot. Don't be a coward. Just do it. Do it. COME on. So I opened Dreamweaver and opened the relevant page. Placing and formatting the bit of text which was to link to n+1 was actually MORE fiddly than my worst fears, which is saying something, but after about 4 hours of trying things out, checking them in the browers and trying again there was something that looked good on all browsers. Good. So I copied the updated page to the server, and on typing in helendewitt.com got a page which had a menu and the instruction: n+1. Submit Query. No picture. Bad news. I tinkered with the page but got nowhere. Best just to leave it, perhaps? I clicked on a menu item and got a 404 message, Page Not Found. So now the whole website was down. Johanna is once again having a look at its directories. Update, Johanna has restored it to its former state. And we will meet and clean up directories. Poor tired head. Try to be sane. Meanwhile I've been reading the manuscript of THE SKEPTICAL SYNAGOGUE-GOER'S GUIDE TO JEWISH HISTORY, by David Levene of the NYU Classics Department. It is a book offering ammunition for the sort of person who goes to synagogue, sits through a sermon in growing indignation at the ludicrous stories passed off as historical fact, thinks "This is absolute bollocks" and wants to share this point of view with the rabbi later over a thimbleful of kosher wine - but doesn't have the evidence to back him (or, of course, her) to back it up. While aimed primarily at a Jewish audience, the book is obviously of interest to anyone who has ever wondered vaguely, as it might be, Did the Assyrian really come down like a wolf on the fold? The book sets out the accounts of various supposedly historical events as presented in the Tanach and Midrash, then looks at these in the light of historical evidence and considers the question of how far the evidence bears out the traditional version. In some cases, the answer is, not terribly far. The reasoning by which the Seder Olam Rabbah concluded that there were only four Persian kings, and that the Persian Empire lasted 52 years (as opposed to the span of 539-331 BCE favoured by most historians) has a charm all its own. In other cases the traditional version holds up surprisingly well. To come clean, I tend to steer clear of the type of place where people bundle up moral arguments and historical fabrications. I converted to Judaism in 1987, but I seldom go to a service. Before conversion I was an Episcopalian who avoided services with the same assiduity. Nothing I have seen of Islam makes me think it would have more to offer than the competition. It's still a pleasure to have the evidence in one place for anecdotes dimly remembered from religious texts; it's a pleasure to see how the chronology of Persian kings can be worked out from Babylonian astronomical calendars showing lunar eclipses, confirmed by legal documents of the time and other sources. Books aimed at a general audience tend to skimp on quotations and references, so that the interested reader has no way of following up something that sounds interesting; it's a pleasure to read one that's an exception to the rule. DSL is currently looking for a publisher for the book (it is under consideration by an editor as I write); I trust he will find one soon. Friday, December 21, 2007 Q (Very Young Reader): Why did you choose to put the religious plot in The Amber Spyglass? A (Pullman): Well it was there from the beginning actually because it was always the power I mean the power that has dominion in that world is a religious power and I wanted that to be there because um that's the most dangerous sort of power it seems to me A power that rules in the in the in the name of something that may not be questioned Religion um -- and this is something I've said a good few times -- religion is something that is very good when it is far away from power, when it concerns itself with the poor, with the suffering, with the oppressed, with injustice, with that sort of thing, with the sick, religion does good things. When you give it political power, when you give it the power to send armies into war or to order people to be executed or to to reach into our lives and tell us what to to eat and drink, what to wear and so on, when it has that sort of power, the power of punishing people basically, it goes bad very very quickly and I wanted to I wanted to see what it would be like to imagine a world in which religious power had that sort of authority. That's why I put it in. Q (Older Reader): I was just wondering about whether you, the characters in the book are predestined at all, with the daemons for example, servants all have dogs as daemons, and I wondered whether the daemons are a sort of view of the predestination of these characters or whether the daemons are dogs because they have become servants A (Pullman): That's a question that other people have wondered about so perhaps I didn't put it very well in the book It's not a it's not a it's not a limiting thing, it's not a determining thing. If your daemon is a dog it means that you're happy in the sort of in the sort of structure where you know who has the authority, where you know who's the boss, dogs like to know who's in charge, and if you have a group of dogs, a pack of dogs, there's a top dog and there's a bottom dog and there's a, they all know their place in the order, they like that, it keeps them happy, they know where they are. And it seemed to me that if your daemon was a dog it would tell you that you'd be happy working in a sort of structure where there was someone in charge and you were happy to obey orders and carry them out. It doesn't say anything about your character apart from that, it doesn't say whether you're good or bad or strong or weak or clever or silly it just says that's the sort of person you are and you'd be happy in that sort of structure. So it would probably turn out as I said in the story that if your daemon is a dog you'd be quite happy being a servant and there are some people who I've no doubt would be happy carrying out orders and making sure things are all right for the person in charge and so on. That's why but it doesn't say anything more about you than that. Q (Young Reader): I was quite intrigued about the concept of dust and how it's like so complex and you use it to portray so many things like puberty and the universe and everything really (John Mullan): It's one of those all-purpose symbols A (Pullman): It means -- well, now here I'm wondering whether I should interpret my own work and tell you what it means I'm kind of reluctant to tell you what things mean because as I'm the chap who wrote it that gives me a sort of authority in this field but I'm not sure that I do have that sort of authority because If you think, if you've got a theory of dust and you've worked it out you have every right to do that. When the book, when the book is finished and published the autocracy of writing, which is an autocratic procedure, I'm a despot, I'm a tyrant when I write because I have absolute power of life and death over every sentence, every comma, every, every character, I can kill them, I can bring them to life, I can cut off the end of this chapter and start somewhere else, I'm the authority and no one can tell me not to do it. Once the book is published the autocracy of authorship comes to an end and the democracy of reading begins, and that's the point when I cease to have any authority. I can't tell you what it means. I can tell you what I think it means -- and so can anybody else. But if I tell you what I think it means that'll, because I wrote the book people might think that that is what it really means, and there's no more argument about it, but I don't want that to to happen, I want there to be discussion about it, I want you to think about all the things it might mean -- You've come up with a good few things there If I if I But you have asked me a question and it's unfair to evade it so I'll just say the word 'consciousness'. And leave it at that. If Pullman has always had undisputed control of the text that appeared in the published books he is a very lucky man. Especially the commas. On the subject of intentionalism, it's interesting to look at PP's answer to the last question in light of his comments on daemons as dogs. The dog-daemon reply struck me as a flagrant piece of question-begging -- after all, an animal with strongly hierarchical instincts might just as well want to be top dog, the one giving the orders. (Cf. Robert Altemeyer's work on the authoritarian personality, most recently in The Authoritarians.) So it would be reasonable to find such daemons accompanying persons in all sorts of positions - for example, in all ranks of the military, or a hierarchical Church. The sort of person who wants to know his/her place in a system needs other people above, below and on the same level forming that sort of system. We may note, for example, that someone like Pullman would not satisfy anyone with that sort of personality: he would be reluctant to exercise authority over someone who wanted orders to follow, but equally reluctant, as far as one can see, to accept a position requiring obedience. What he likes is to exercise authority over a text, a non-human object, and to abjure authority over what other humans do with the object once it exists. Pullman thinks a disposition to obedience says nothing about your moral virtues or vices. Sadly, Bob Altmeyer has yet to write a series of bestselling children's books culminating in a movie starring Nicole Kidman. Altmeyer: Don’t think for a minute this doesn’t concern you personally. Let me ask you, as we’re passing the time here, how many ordinary people do you think an evil authority would have to order to kill you before he found someone who would, unjustly, out of sheer obedience, just because the authority said to? What sort of person is most likely to follow such an order? What kind of official is most likely to give that order, if it suited his purposes? Look at what experiments tell us, as I did. If that isn't a moral issue it'll have to do, until the real thing comes along. Links for the lazy repeated: Pullman, Altmeyer. Wednesday, December 19, 2007 What is music? First, a definition of terms. What is it we're talking about here? What exactly is being bought and sold? In the past, music was something you heard and experienced — it was as much a social event as a purely musical one. Before recording technology existed, you could not separate music from its social context. Epic songs and ballads, troubadours, courtly entertainments, church music, shamanic chants, pub sing-alongs, ceremonial music, military music, dance music — it was pretty much all tied to specific social functions. It was communal and often utilitarian. You couldn't take it home, copy it, sell it as a commodity (except as sheet music, but that's not music), or even hear it again. Music was an experience, intimately married to your life. You could pay to hear music, but after you did, it was over, gone — a memory. Technology changed all that in the 20th century. Music — or its recorded artifact, at least — became a product, a thing that could be bought, sold, traded, and replayed endlessly in any context. This upended the economics of music... The rest here. Monday, December 17, 2007 Came across a review article on things by Jessica Helfand of Design Observer, taking in Perec, Dr Seuss, Buy Nothing Day, the Addams Family, Sherry Turkle's Evocative Objects, and other, ahem, things too numerous for a half-awake blogger to mention. Just in time for the Christmas season. In George Perec's first novel Things, published in 1965, the protagonists are a pair of disillusioned dropouts who are quickly revived when they join the (then-newly minted) field of market research — a choice that ultimately traps them in a kind of closed loop of consumer greed. It's easy to perceive this story as a fictional depiction of bourgeois culture (the characters become puppets in a modern retelling of an ancient parable, proving that no good ever comes of wanting too much) when, in point of fact, Perec's narrative is stunningly, even disturbingly accurate as a modern-day portrayal of capitalist greed. The rest here. Saturday, December 15, 2007 Bookmooch has been fretting over the free rider problem: some people sign up, mooch lots of books and are never heard of again. Quite why this came as a surprise is anybody's guess. On listing my books and getting requests for them, I found that the postage was on my nickel - in other words, having paid for the books once, I must then pay again to give them away. It's true that if I sent them internationally I get 3 points - in other words, I can get 3 books locally for every book I give away - but the last thing I want is to end up with three times as many books as I started with. I'm trying to FREE UP shelfspace. In other words, other things being equal I would happily be adding more books to the system than I took out of it. On my last trip to London I hauled a whole suitcaseful of books to the Idea Store formally known as the local library. I don't really want to replace them with competitors for restricted shelfspace; at the risk of stating the obvious, releasing them into the Bookmooch pool, when postage for 50+ books had to be paid by me, was not in the realm of the possible. So Bookmooch, bless it, is selecting for free riders and selecting against altruists because they're not altruistic enough. In rewarding people for sending books internationally it's also doing its bit to promote global warming. Having said all that, it would be possible to use the system to encourage local exchange of books. It's possible to browse books by location - in the US not just by city but even by ZIP code, in the UK by city, in France by department, in Rest of World by country. It would be perfectly possible to encourage people locally to sign up, and to make a point in 2008 of looking first for the books one wanted locally. It wouldn't help authors pay the rent, no, but it would help to reduce one's carbon footprint. From that point of view it's A Good Thing. Friday, December 14, 2007 Despite the overwhelming ‘choice’ of contemporary pornography, certain aspects present in earlier porn are generally forbidden in the mainstream (though they may appear separately as a ‘kink’). These include body hair for women and increasingly for men; physical unfitness (especially for women), and physical ineptitude of any kind. Even those forms of porn that attempt to naturalise its expression, and I’m thinking here of sites like Abby Winters, which shoots in natural light girls without make-up in a particularly intimate way stress the physical superiority of their subjects – it’s all jumping up and down and turning cartwheels. One of the crucial differences between vintage and contemporary porn is the repeated presence of physical failure in the former, and particularly the inability of men to keep it up or to regain their virility fast enough. These physical factors are woven into the plots, such as they are, of some early porn films, lending an air of Beckettian comedy to proceedings. As the appropriately-named Gertrud Koch puts it: ‘we cannot assume that these comic aspects of old porn movies are merely an effect of historical distance.’ Though our retrospective gaze will perhaps add a layer of nostalgia, not least for the poor quality of the footage, we should not imagine that due to some sort of spurious contemporary wisdom about what porn ‘really is’, we are in any position to feel fondly about earlier kinds of erotic material. Tuesday, December 11, 2007 I also very much wanted to upgrade to Leopard; a few months ago a reader who works at Apple had sent me a private communication explaining that Leopard would be offering English-language Help for Japanese, Korean and Chinese input; sure enough, I try out the Kotoeri and Hangul Input Help and get: which is deeply thrilling for anyone who has struggled along for years with nothing but the instructions Apple used to provide for CJK input, couched in Chinese, Japanese or Korean depending on the language one hoped to use. The funny thing is, though, that this development was not advertised as one of the glories of Leopard - in fact, the reader explained that the reason he was sharing this by e-mail was that he couldn't mention it in a comment on the blog. I felt bad about keeping this to myself, frankly, because I was sure many other Mac users would love to know the ease with which they could soon be inputting away in C, J or K (or all of the above) - but if someone tells me something in confidence I don't think I should be broadcasting it to the blogosphere. Why Apple would want to keep this fabulous news a closely guarded secret is another matter, but let's not be churlish. I assume we can now reveal. Of course (OK, let's be churlish), the fact that you can run Windows programs on the new Intel-based Macs with OS 10.5 is offset by the fact that you can't run OS 9 and all the applications you have that run in OS 9. Apple tells you sweetly that you should upgrade all your OS 9 applications to versions that run on OS X, which would be a doddle if Adobe out of the goodness of its heart offered free upgrades; Adobe being a nasty, grasping, mercenary sort of company, the sort of company that sees OS X without benefit of OS 9 as a windfall, you're looking at a couple of thousand dollars, at a guess, if you don't happen to have a very dear personal friend who will give you a free installation. Being of a somewhat cynical, pessimistic (not to say churlish) disposition I hung onto the laptop that ran only OS 9 (with the excellent Nisus), but it's now a leetle tricky: that laptop now won't connect to the Internet. So there's probably some sort of lumpen workaround, saving files to a CD, transferring them to the new hard drive . . . In a separate but not unrelated incident I talked to my father about journals to which he might submit articles, and he was doubtful because they seemed not to say they would accept documents in WordPerfect, and he then opened a document to show me what he had and awwwwwwwwwww. He was still using WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS. Which he had installed in 1986. On the one hand I naturally reflect that Hemingway and Faulker could just buy a typewriter and use the same damn typewriter for the next 50 years. Hemingway's first wife lost a suitcase containing all his early stories, leaving them accidentally on purpose behind on a train because Hemingway had been a shit, but Steve Jobs and Bill Gates do all writers this kind of friendly turn every couple of years or so. But on the other hand my father is now pretty much housebound, and yet he has access to an immense range of scholarly articles through JSTOR. You win some you lose some. Doris Lessing recently complained about what she saw as the lower level of intellectual engagement which came of spending time on the Internet rather than reading books - and books, she said, were about telling stories. It's not quite that simple, because some stories need images, some stories require more than one language - War and Peace does have upperclass Russians speaking a great deal of French, but it would really be very difficult to get such a book published. Even academic publishers often put pressure on writers to omit quotations from languages other than that in which the book is written - OUP asked Toril Moi to omit quotations from Ibsen in Norwegian in her book on the playwright because the book would otherwise be prohibitively long and expensive. Whereas, for instance, Language Hat often gives generous quotations in Russian from books he has come across. You do win some. Monday, December 10, 2007 Gestern wurde eine Tafel Ritter Sport vergessen. Es handelt sich um die Sorte “Pfefferminz”. Es lässt sich deutlich erkennen, dass diese Tafel Schokolade mindestens einmal, eher mehrmals, warm und damit weich und danach wieder kalt und damit fest wurde. Die Verpackung wurde vermutlich während eines dieser Vorgänge im Bereich der beiden rechten Rippenreihen auf den Inhalt aufgedrückt und klebt nun immer noch dort fest. Yesterday a bar of Ritter Sport was forgotten. It is the 'Peppermint' variety. One can see clearly that this bar of chocolate became warm and soft and after that cold again and hard at least once, more likely many times. The wrapping was presumably pressed against the contents in the area of both right rows during one of these events and is now permanently stuck there fast. [roughly - there's actually more but I am so demoralised by my plodding translation I can't bring myself to include it] I'd love to be able to write lighthearted yet poignant squibs about Ritter Sports chocolate. In German. What I'd like to do is pay Sankt Oberholz a deposit of 30 euros. Each day I would write a German blog post (yes, time for another blog, 2008 is almost upon us); each day a random Germanophone stranger could correct the post and collect a free coffee and cake at Sankt Oberholz. When a German cat is striped, by the way, it is 'getigert' (pr. geTiggert). 'Grau getigert' - with grey stripes. I imagine a verb, 'tigern', to give the tiger his stripes (argument from Intelligent Design lurking in the background, Tyger! Tyger! burning bright! In the forests of the night, what immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? - I think of Blake whenever I see the word). According to Pons, 'tigern' actually means to mooch, saunter around, like a tiger on the prowl. I called LottoTeam about the 160 euros. It turns out this is the result of an ill-judged move in early November: the phone was plugged in for some reason, it rang, I answered it. A flood of German poured from the earpiece of the phone; I couldn't make head or tail of it. The speaker seemed to be saying that I was in a draw for Win-A-Cabrio, and this did ring a bell, I seemed to remember entering this free draw online at some earlier date, which must have been when I inadvisedly gave my phone number. The speaker kept talking, and I kept saying, Entschuldigung? And out of the mists came a comprehensible request for my bank details. The point is not that it did not seem a stupid idea to give out bank details over the phone, the point is just that this is exactly the sort of thing that always happens when I get on the phone (which is exactly why I don't like to do business on the phone) - and also, anyway, I had no idea someone could take money from my bank account even if they had the account number unless I actually signed something saying they could. This is all exasperating, yes, but on the other hand the girl I spoke to today said she would stop whatever it was so no further payments would be taken, and I could write an e-mail explaining the circumstances & requesting a refund, and oddly enough this conversation was beautifully comprehensible. I think it was obvious to the first person I spoke to that I had no idea what was going on, so this was undoubtedly the sort of dodge Mamet dreams up - but then, frankly, 160 Euros is nothing if one has come up through the Miramax school of talent management. And I did get to practice speaking German. Saturday, December 8, 2007 I realised that I did not really want to write in English any more. I would feel safer writing in German. I would feel safer still writing in Hungarian. When bad things happen, the sentences that bring them about are written or spoken in English by people who describe themselves as close personal friends. Unfortunately there is no separate set of articles, pronouns, prepositions, modal verbs and common vocabulary in which people doing ugly things express themselves; they use everyday language, and after a while the words are poisoned. It's stressful to hear people speaking English, which my family naturally do. It's pleasant to read French or German, it's pleasant to hear French or German or Spanish or some other language, one rinsed of bad associations. It's pleasant to be exposed to a language where one is for the most part an eavesdropper, a bystander, anything but a participant. My parents learned Spanish and Portuguese through the course developed by the Foreign Language Institute. The course permitted no discussion of grammar, the student was required to memorise a series of dialogues and then practice endless variations in phrasing, the idea being that the various structures would become second nature and one would never stop to think about the correct form. As one progressed through the books one achieved a level of fluency which would permit one not only to question a visa applicant but even to utter polite veiled threats, as well as, of course, to give cocktail parties and charm businessmen, politicians and journalists. (The courses are available gratis at , so if there's a language in which you would like to utter suave veiled threats you know where to go.) My stepmother, who is Brazilian, has not had the benefit of this sort of programme; she has lived in America for 17 years without achieving the iron-fist-in-the-velvet-glove level of proficiency. My father and stepmother speak English in the home; my brother, who's twelve, doesn't speak Portuguese. There's a point, though you might not think so. It seems to me that one is often drawn to a language that offers an escape from what one knows. One resists languages that seem to drag one back. So David hated Yiddish, loved American literature, especially Faulkner and Melville, was drawn to Latin, Greek, German, Old Norse. Hassan says his parents tried to force him to learn Ghanaian languages but he escaped into English. I loved French when I was a child because it had no conceivable use in any of the places I happened to be; this was also part of the appeal of Latin, Greek, Italian. My mother disapproved of the sort of person who learns a lot of different languages instead of leaning one extremely well; when I was 18 I decided to learn German, which I knew was simply inadmissible on top of all the others, so when I bought a dictionary I pretended I was buying it for a friend. I came across that dictionary - a very bad one - while I was going through my storage unit in London. When I bought it I thought that all serious intellectuals read foreign literature in the original language; one day I would meet these people and it would be embarrassing to have grown up in places where that was not the norm. When I was in high school I thought everyone in college would be like that; the people at Smith were not like that, but I then imagined that people at Oxford would be like that. Years later I was talking to my Oxford tutor about Proust, whom I had naturally read in French under the impression that this was something all serious people did, and he said, 'Oh, you have time to read novels in French.' By this time I had read so many novels in French it took no more time to read one in French than in English. How long ago that seems. It surprises me when someone like Doris Lessing, an expat like me, complains about the Internet. If you grow up in the provinces, where it's hard to get books, you never get over the early sense of scarcity, of being in a place where a single paperback by Simenon might be the only French book. It's hard to get used to the wealth of books which can either be read online or ordered. You can read Ibsen in Norwegian online. You can read the Norse sagas. You can read a facsimile of the first edition of Montaigne. You can read most of Greek and Latin literature and click through to the lexical entries. You can read the Hebrew Bible. When people complain it's as if it never occurred to them in the first place that one might want to do any of these things. It's late. I'm not sure that my German is up to an argument with LottoTeam. I'm baffled. There was a letter from LottoTeam when I got back offering a 32 Euro voucher in return for taking out a three-month subscription to the Lottery, which I naturally don't want, with all my bank account details and a blank line for a signature. No idea how they got my account details, but surely (I thought) they can't take money from my account if I don't sign anything? I now look more closely at this letter. It says they tried to reach me by telephone twice without success, and the debit for the lottery is made monthly, and they will charge me 160 Euros unless I notify them to the contrary by postcard or fax. I naturally failed to notify them to the contrary, since I was in Florida, so they have taken 160 Euros from my account. Um. Are they really allowed to take money from my account if they simply tell me they will unless I tell them not to? Anyway, I send them a fax, and I suppose I shall have to call them, and this is stressful so I turn in my hour of need to Bremer Sprachblog. In the comments section it emerges that Anatol Stefanowitsch is considering his options. The blog was started last January as part of the Jahr der Wissenschaften; it takes a lot of time; it may not continue in its present form. Say it ain't so, Anatol, say it ain't so! (What he in fact says is that Unesco has declared 2008 the Jahr der Sprachen, so there may be a reprieve.) All this while I am mulling over my outraged response to LottoTeam. I have a quick glance at the Guardian; they have published Doris Lessing's acceptance speech for her Nobel Prize - a speech whose nearest rival for sheer idiocy is Paul Auster's speech for the Prince of Asturias Prize earlier this year. Auster's line was that no book had ever stopped anyone from killing anyone, never saved a child's life, never changed anything, a line which, even applied only to novels, could sound plausible only to someone who had never heard of Harriet Beecher Stowe. I had thought no one could top Auster for portentous intellectual laziness; I was young and naive. Lessing begins by talking about the desperate hunger for books in Zimbabwe, moves on to the indifference to books of boys at an upmarket North London school, moves on to sweeping comments about technology: What has happened to us is an amazing invention - computers and the internet and TV. It is a revolution. This is not the first revolution the human race has dealt with. The printing revolution, which did not take place in a matter of a few decades, but took much longer, transformed our minds and ways of thinking. A foolhardy lot, we accepted it all, as we always do, never asked: "What is going to happen to us now, with this invention of print?" In the same way, we never thought to ask, "How will our lives, our way of thinking, be changed by the internet, which has seduced a whole generation with its inanities so that even quite reasonable people will confess that, once they are hooked, it is hard to cut free, and they may find a whole day has passed in blogging etc?" They say you're as old as you feel, which would make me about 963, and that was before Lessing went on to privilege books over oral composition, a move which might look plausible to anyone who a) thinks The Da Vinci Code is better value than the Iliad or b) has never come across Milman Parry's work on Homeric epic and oral composition. It's entirely possible that the book-filled mud hut of Lessing's childhood had a copy of the Iliad but missed out on Parry's classic papers in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 1930 and 1932, and entirely possible that Lessing never happened to come across developments in Homeric scholarship on leaving home, one would be rather less likely, one might think, to preserve this unselfconscious ignorance if brought up on, um, the inanities of the Internet. If you're as old as you feel then discovering that a Novel Prize acceptance speech can underperform the sort of blog post one dashes off in half an hour (without bothering to check Wikipedia) would make me about 1097. Which might explain why I have yet to adjust to the telephone, that instrument of the Devil. On my recent visit to see my father he commented on a reader's report to his publishers on his book on Brazil. The report was unfavourable. My father imagined the reader as a dandy with a mustache who taught at a women's college. He apologised for this in an afterthought, remembering that I had gone to Smith. I went to Smith because I thought it would be full of hardcore intellectuals who were not interested in a social life; I dropped out because it wasn't. My father also went to a single-sex institution, the Naval Academy. Sperm sperm sperm sperm Sperm sperm sperm sperm SPERM wonderful sperm. I don't know whether a candidate's ability to be a good president is irredeemably compromised by the means it takes to get into office. JFK overcame the handicap of Catholicity with more than a little help from the less famous Joe. HRC has certainly jettisoned rather a lot of scruples over the years. I have no idea what she would do with power if she had it. I see no reason to think she would have even the longest of shots at power if she had stuck to her scruples. I'd love to think my father is an outlier. Friday, December 7, 2007 Levitation aside, there is a vocabulary test engine called Lavengro that is written in Python (one you can use, in other words, to build your own vocabulary tests); I started learning Python months ago and then something came up, but I'd like to go back to it. Tuesday, December 4, 2007 Went into Blackwell's Language Department. Methuen has produced a series called access accents, developed by actors by accent coach Penny Dyer: they have London (Cockney), American, Geordie, Yorkshire, Welsh and Received Pronunciation. The thing that's odd, of course, is that this is a series aimed at actors who are native speakers but want to master a range of accents - as far as I know there's nothing like it for language learners, though regional accents are one of the biggest obstacles. But it's a fabulous idea; I have bought 4 (London/Cockney, American, Yorkshire and RP). Perhaps I can do something similar for German on Garageband. And now I am late for my bus, half an hour to get up to Headington. Sunday, November 25, 2007 I said I was surprised, I had always though of Mr Okun as a great socialiser. My father: Maybe he was when he was down in Belo Horizonte, he did a good job in Belo, he knew all kinds of people, in fact through one of his contacts he heard early that the military were marching on Rio, so he was able to tell the Embassy they were coming. He didn't do any of that in Brasilia. In fact, the best contacts we made were through Mary [my mother], she was teaching English at the Binational Center and she had all these deputies in the class, there was Bernardo Cabral who later became Minister of Justice, X [forget name], there was a very right-wing guy, there was a governor, I guess there were five in the class. So we had these guys over to the house and got to know them. Some of the other wives were also teaching English, but Mary had the most interesting students. He explained: Anyway, we didn't know what was going on, sometimes Fred Purdy and I would say, Hey, let's go over to Congress and see if we meet anyone! and sometimes we would. He said: It should have been easy to meet people in Brasilia, the deputies were there three days a week, anyway, even if they were away on weekends, they were away from their families, some of them left their wives at home, they were bored, but Herb just sat at home reading Edmund Wilson. He explained: Well, the problem was, Herb was brought back en route to Moscow. He did a very good job in Belo, and then he spent a year in Brasilia, and then he was appointed to Moscow. So he actually left, and then the Ambassador decided he couldn't afford to let him go. The guy who was supposed to replace him was a very nice kind of guy but ineffectual, and it was a sensitive time, and they didn't think they could afford to have him in place, so the Ambassador called the State Department and they sent Herb back. And he bitterly resented it. They gave him a second title, he was also Political Counsellor for the whole of Brazil, you'd think it would have meant something to be indispensable but he bitterly resented it. So he didn't do anything. There was a special suite at the Embassy where you could give dinners for 12, it would have been perfect for inviting deputies to meet people, but Herb didn't use it once. He just sat in his apartment reading Edmund Wilson, and then he and Loraine went to Moscow and Steve Lowe came, and he didn't know anybody and didn't speak Portuguese. So nobody knew anything. In a separate but not unrelated incident my father explains that he is finding all kinds of information about the activities of the CIA at the time. He expresses horror at the current practice of waterboarding, he can't believe these are AMERICAN CITIZENS. I remind him that his career advice to me was to join the CIA. My father: You'd have been good in the CIA. (My comment at the time of the advice was that I did not like the idea of going around assassinating people. My father: You would probably not be in the field. You would probably be analysing data.) Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Monday, November 19, 2007 The "blog which is an art project which is disguised as a blog" and which has, literally, changed names a couple hundred times but which has always been some arrangement of either: "Post-Google" by TAR ART RAT http://tarartrat.blogspot.com/ just had its thousandth post this morning. It is like one of those stupid effing truck commercials where they ask "where were you when you hit 100,000 miles?!" Well, Iäm/was at work, and thought: "whoa, shit. -crrrazy. I could've written a book or done something which aspired to be truly great with all that time and I did THAT-" Nevertheless, 1,000 is a LOT of loading adn linking and reading adn writing and haphazard researching and cheesy reminiscing and venting venom and mispelling things - a lot of time and effort ...and I could have done sooo many other things with all that time and effort (which I will never get back) - well, "but" nothing, blogging just happens to be the perfect platform for a lifelong journal-writer / image and news/info junkie - especially when trapped behind a computer full-time, weird things happen, what can I say-? and that IS the blog, that's it, that's all really, just something that Meanwhile Bremer Sprachblog has been discussing the question of languages that 'don't have a word for X' - for instance, the folk myth that the Finns do not have a word for Amoklauf (running amok). It struck me that we are missing a word for something that is now very common, which I shall call DVORAKracy. I explain. The term 'QWERTY lock-in' is commonly used to refer to the way a particular technology achieves dominance when it is used by a sufficiently large number of people, to the point that it makes introduction of something better impossible. It has been claimed that the DVORAK keyboard layout is in fact more efficient, but in the days when typewriters were all we knew it was not worth a manufacturer's while to construct typewriters with that configuration, and today, though one can easily switch virtual keyboards, the physical keyboard in anglophone countries tends to stick to QWERTY. People then get into arguments about how hard it is to adapt to a new virtual keyboard, how long it would take to get used to DVORAK. It would not be worth a typist's time, is the argument, because it would take so long to get back up to the original speed, let alone improve on it. As far as I can tell, this is not true. I learned to type at the age of 13, at the Centro Colombo-Americano de Cali. I was 13, my best friend and her twin sister were 13, my sister was 10, and we used to go down and work our way through classes with young Colombian secretaries-in-training, beginning: fff jjj fff jjj fjf jfj fjf jfj ddd kkk ddd kkk dkd kdk dkd kdk sss lll sss lll sss lll sls lsl sls lsl 5th finger, aaa ;;; aaa ;;; and so on, and then it got exciting, because g and h were introduced - letters which were struck by moving the left index finger to the right, the right index finger to the left: ggg hhh ggg hhh ghg hgh ghg hgh AND, more importantly, fgf jhj fgf jhj fgf jhj gfg hjh gfg jhj (so that one got used to this tricky manoeuvre, moving the finger one key over and back again) gh were, in fact, well placed for a typist of English; the index fingers, thanks to their placement on the hand, have the most room to move around, and striking two keys with the index fingers in quick succesion feels very easy. Once you're used to typing this way, minor variations can be picked up quickly. Germany does not have QWERTY lock-in, it has QWERTZ lock-in (the Z is where the Y was found on the Remingtons and Olivettis of the Centro Colombo-Americano), and a German keyboard has ö ä ü and ß where we had ; ' [ and -. A French keyboard has AZERTY lock-in; it also has the most common combinations of letter-plus-diacritical mark on the numbers row, numbers being typed by using the shift key. Both are EXTREMELY convenient, and it does not take long - perhaps an hour or so - to adapt to either if one is typing in the relevant language. That's if one is doing what I do most of the time, thinking as I type. I expect it would take longer to achieve a good copy-typing speed, but that's partly because when one types in one's native language one has typed most of the words many times before - thousands of words are in muscle memory. In a new language one is typing most of the words for the first time; the hands don't know where they're going to go as soon as the word presents itself. I tried DVORAK at one point, and it didn't look as though it would take long to get back to my normal speed - and there would be good reason to switch, or rather to switch between DVORAK and QWERTY, because if one spends a lot of time at a keyboard typing the same words with the same patterns of movement there probably is a danger of repetitive strain injury. Yes. Sloth has prevented me from doing so, but I don't think the investment of time would be significant. The fact is, though, that no one is going to come along, install the DVORAK virtual keyboard and delete QWERTY, so that I have no choice but to use the new one. Unfortunately the equivalent of this does happen very frequently with software. Someone decides to design my website in software I don't own and have never used; I can then choose between making all updates by proxy and learning a new software program. But the latter really is time-consuming, not least because the quality of documentation is generally very poor. So I leave the website untouched. The blog gets hundreds of posts, but the website is virtually static because the designer used software she knew and loved. Now, there are software programs that do well things I might want to be able to do - LaTeX, for instance, does do a wonderful job with equations. Everyone who has ever used LaTeX, though, admits that it takes a long time to master it; someone once told me he thought his thesis had taken an extra year to write because he spent so much time wrestling with LaTeX. In other words, it is a fact of modern life that at some point or other one will be forced to spend a lot of time on some piece of software that is crucial to a project one badly wants to do. Since this is unavoidable, one would like to avoid adding yet more software programs to the To Do list if they are not strictly necessary. Not least because one knows very well that the new program will itself be superseded within a few years; knowledge of the program is a rapidly depreciating asset. The conviction that a task will be much better accomplished in software unknown to the primary user seems to be very common. If there were a word for it, I sometimes think, it might not go so absolutely unchallenged. SMB has left another comment expressing incredulity at the idea that one might buy Flash. The thing to do is get it illegally. Did I buy my copy of Office, anti-virus software etc? (Um, yes, actually. Legal copy of Office. Legal copy of Mellel. Legal copy of Illustrator. Legal copy of Dreamweaver.) It could be that nobody buys software any more. It does strike me as a leetle odd that helping myself to illegal software would be morally acceptable, while selling stories on a website looks bad. Sunday, November 18, 2007 Interesting because so radically different from Kurosawa's use of Mifune (star of Yojimbo, the film which inspired Fistful of Dollars). When Kurosawa first saw Mifune's audition for the studio's talent search Mifune was hurling himself around the stage in a frenzy, like a wild animal; Kurosawa knew he would offend the studio aparatchiks and made a personal appeal to the jury to give this extraordinary talent a chance. When he used Mifune in Drunken Angel, with Shimura Takashi, he commented that Mifune's performance threw off the balance of the film - Shimura, as the alcoholic doctor, was excellent, but Mifune was completely overpowering. And yet a film director can rejoice over a marvelous asset only to have it turn into a terrible burden. If I let Mifune in his role of the gangster become too attractive, the balance with his adversary, the doctor played by Shimura Takashi, would be destroyed. If this should occur, the result would be a distortion of the film's overall structure. Yet to suppress Mifune's attractiveness at the blossoming point of his career because of the need for balance in the structure of my film would be a waste. And in fact Mifune's attraction was something his innate and powerful qualities pushed unwittingly to the fore; there was no way to prevent him from emerging as too attractive on the screen other than keeping him off the screen. I was caught in a real dilemma. Mifune's attractiveness gave me joy and pain at the same time. Drunken Angel came to life in the midst of these contradictions. My dilemma did indeed warp the structure of the drama, and the theme of the film became somewhat indistinct. But as a result of my battle with the wonderful qualities called Mifune the whole job became for me a liberation from something resembling a spiritual prison. Suddenly I found myself on the outside. The drunken-doctor performance Shimura gave was a superb 90 percent, but because his adversary, Mifune, turned in 120 percent I had to feel a little sorry for him. (Something Like an Autobiography, p 162) ...logistic regression allows one to predict a categorical outcome as a function of other variables. The output is typically a cumulative logit (log-odds), which is linear, but those are hard to understand. So I drew the probabilities and their confidence intervals. So, you can see that as your TAC score goes up, you are less likely to be in the No Disease group, and if you have a TAC score of about 10,000 you have about a 50-50 chance of being in the Rutherford 1,2,3 club (disease) or the Rutherford 4,5,6 club (very bad disease). I did the analysis in SAS and drew the plot in R. Also is a plot that shows how to predict TAC score from disease group. This one shows the means, confidence intervals for the means, and prediction intervals for the individual scores. Meanwhile Rafe has sent another e-mail with his thoughts on the study of biostatistics, it's not all cool plots was the gist, I know, I know, I know . . . Friday, November 16, 2007 What I have in mind is something where a short story title lies on top of aNow all I need is the Aston Martin and the vodka martini. long underlining line with a synopsis underneath, perhaps the whole thing enclosed in a rectangular border, not sure, but anyway when you click on it, the synopsis text rolls up into the line to fall back again as the extract of the story with scroll/page flip buttons on the bottom or the side of the text, as the entire unit moves to take over the page. Sort of see the picture? And then that allows this to be visually related to the shopping basket that will faithfully maintain the HoV ideal, which unfortunately is offline at the moment so I can't refresh my memory. Thursday, November 15, 2007 I got an e-mail a few days ago from Mithridates. He said if Tender Only to One was what he thought it was it should go public because it might help people who were close to the edge. Also an e-mail from someone whose son had read The Last Samurai many times many years ago. Also an e-mail from Hassan Abudu, who in the midst of jobhunting has grappled with PHP and MYSQL and produced a map for the website where readers can mark their location. Also many e-mails from Mark Greif of n+1, who is seeing Your Name Here through the last stages before the magazine goes to print. So I have been discussing vexed questions by e-mail. Is it kosher to talk about bad things people do when one is fresh from a psychiatric ward, I say, citing the example of X. Mith: Yes, you should definitely use this. ... Check with Rawls; I'm sure of it!!! It's in the chapter called "Fuck Him": Rawls uses Grotius in a really interesting way there.... And what would be good headings for the map app, says Hassan. What would make speech bubbles less lame? What would make the forms look good? And what about a shopping cart for the website? I was not sure this was such a good idea; there are more stories, yes, but they are on hard drives on three or four laptops, or a pile of plastic folders somewhere, and they would have to be cleaned up, and in short this looked like a good way not to finish a book. I then remembered the website I had asked my first webdesigner to use as a model 3 years ago. Haunch of Venison. I thought, Yes, maybe we could pirate the design of the HOV website for the map page. So I had a look, and I suddenly realised that if I could have a shopping basket like the HOV shopping basket it would be worth digging up 5 stories to have something to put in it. I passed this on to HA, who writes: laaaaaaaa ilaha illallah... You know, when I first read you'd consider digging through terabytes of data and kilograms of paper to get 5 short stories together just so you could have an online store like this HoV thing, you had me wondering what sort of shopping basket could be that cool, I mean, it's just a freaking shopping basket, anyway, it's also just a webpage, how bad could it be. Sweet Jesus and Mary Poppins I will never doubt again. Next time I will show Faith! Holy fucking cow, where on earth did you find that thing? How am I also going to fully communicate the full scale and magnitude of my awe, and of course my newfound respect for web designers who take pride in their work, I mean, who'd ever think to do that to a freaking *shopping basket*, canonically the shittiest part of any website?! OK, now I see where the bar has been all along, I see I'm going to have to step it up a notch now. *stretches fingers* Which may sound irrelevant, or anyway irrelevant to thoughts of suicide, but the thing is, I've spent the last 12 years working on books where the look of the page was essential to the narrative. (I can't stand to look at the Greek and Japanese in The Last Samurai; I remember the way this was meant to look on the page, I think of the designers who fought successfully to achieve something amateurish, I don't want to think about it.) I told agents: I want to work with an editor who's interested in design, who'll let me work with a designer, who's interested in the technical side, and they all said: You're never gonna get that, you're wasting your time, you'll go barmy if you try, no editor is interested in that, you'll drive yourself mad. My website was supposed to achieve all the things I was told No Publisher Will Allow in books, so I hired a designer in Berlin 3 years ago and asked for something like the Haunch of Venison site, only with Jim Rose's kanji stroke diagrams, and No Webdesigner Will Allow. Spolsky's criterion for good hires is Smart, Gets Things Done. It's strange to stumble across people who are SGTD not by sending out manuscripts, not by recruitment, not by paying people, but just by swapping e-mails with people who happened to read a book. If I'd been dealing with people like Mith and Hassan for the last 12 years I would have spent the time writing and publishing books, what larks. Meanwhile Hassan is full of ideas: Oh, but I have reworked the database design so that a social networking book exchange webapp should just fall into place naturally. ... What I changed: the user data we'll now be able to store when I'm done are: name, password, town, country, picture, books you own, books you desire, and an message section where you can send and receive messages. Anything else come to mind? I could say more, much more, but I am meeting someone in Rosenthalerplatz in 15 minutes, so I am already late. The beta of the map app is here: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 General Pervez Musharraf, shortly after the arrest of Imran Khan. (Arresting popular former cricket superstars: just another innovative approach to the tricky question of how to end turmoil in Pakistan.) "Safe Pair of Hands" Musharraf has explained that he feels the state of emergency is crucial to fair elections; its purpose is simply to ensure that elections proceed in an undisturbed manner. Declan Walsh in the Guardian Saturday, November 10, 2007 The British lottery put out a "scratch-off" game called "Cool Cash". The idea of it is that it's got a target temperature on the card, and to win, you need uncover only temperatures colder than the target. Simple, right? Since Britain is on the metric system, they measure temperatures in Celsius. So naturally, some of the temperatures end up being below zero. And that's where the trouble came in. So many people didn't know that below zero, larger numbers are lower and thus colder, that the lottery had to withdraw the game! To quote one of the "victims": On one of my cards it said I had to find temperatures lower than -8. The numbers I uncovered were -6 and -7 so I thought I had won, and so did the woman in the shop. But when she scanned the card the machine said I hadn't. I phoned Camelot and they fobbed me off with some story that -6 is higher - not lower - than -8 but I'm not having it. [It is snowing heavily. First snow of the year.] I kept checking the blog for the announcement but there was no sign of it. I needed to check something today on Tender Only to One, a blog which is currently under wraps with classified posts in the drafts folder. Shock horror. The Edy Poppy announcement was on the secret blog! The launch has come and gone, but I have imported the post for German, Norwegian or Italian readers who may want to know more about the Norwegian Duras. Book launch at FUCHSBAU a brand new bar at: Planufer 95, 10967 Berlin-Kreuzberg, tel: 030 691 75 95 From 7 pm till you drop ... Ragnhild Moe (Edy Poppy) invites you to the launch party of her debut novel: Die Hände des Cellisten(original title: Anatomy. Monotony.), by Goldmann Verlag Rose Berlin will introduce the author, who will read an extract from her book in English. The actress Nora Linnemann will read an extract in German. PS: To support the heroine of the book, Vår, we request that all girls and boys with long hair wear braids wrapped around their head or coiled at the side – milkmaid style. Also: Don’t judge a book by its cover! Behind Ragnhild Moe is in fact the Norwegian writer Edy Poppy, author of Anatomy. Monotony. for which she received the Gyldendal prize (for best “fucked up” love story). The novel has also been translated into Finnish (Otava) and Italian (Bompiani). However, Poppy feels she has been cheated by her German publisher, Goldmann. Without consulting the author, they changed her title into a cliché and made the cover look cheap and kiosk-like, claiming the original was too shocking for the German sensibility. She says, “It feels like having plastic surgery while asleep and waking up with a face that doesn’t belong to you anymore.” SO PLEASE COVER IT UP! - As one would do in the old times: putting grey paper over the offensive image to censor pornography. In collaboration with tel. 030-22 16 222 97 We ask those of you interested to create your own cover: photographs, drawings... anything goes. Send, hand deliver or e-mail your proposal, from now until the 15th of January, to Gartenstudio Gallery, or to the author herself: [email protected]. There will be an exhibition of the best entries at the end of January 2008 and publication in a literary art magazine. Friday, November 9, 2007 Thursday, November 8, 2007 I can’t imagine any English-language paper of comparable stature publishing a piece that exposes the machinery behind its own publishing practice. Back in the mid-90s David Foster Wallace wrote an essay for Esquire on the Canadian Open; he spent a lot of time on the obstacles the system places in the path of talented players not yet in the top 10. It’s an extraordinary piece of work - but if DFW has written anything comparable about the system confronting writers like himself it’s never been published by Esquire or anyone else. Bah. Many hours have passed. My start-up OS 9 disk has arrived, ordered off Ebay so I can install Language Kits for a version of Photoshop ME that only works in Classic. I wanted to say something about Adorno, I wanted to translate passages from GB's excellent article, but the phone rang and it was a friend who had been out of town, visited by another friend from out of town, we should have coffee, he said, so I joined them for coffee and was told no names could be named, Whatever you do don't mention this in your blog, my wife will think we're having an affair. Adorno. Dead giveaway. Hm. German readers can check out the piece here, those unfamiliar with the language can curse jealous wives and nameless friends. Wednesday, November 7, 2007 President Clinton Highlights Camfed Commitment for Girls’ Education in Africa Bill Clinton highlighted Camfed’s work for girls’ education in Africa during a plenary session of the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting in New York on Friday. Choosing Camfed as just one of three Commitments to be highlighted by the former US President, Clinton spoke about the importance of girls’ education, and Camfed’s efficacy in delivering its maximum returns:(the rest, including a video of Clinton talking about Camfed, here) Camfed has also been chosen for the Financial Times Christmas appeal for the second year in a row (last year $1.2 million dollars were raised). More about this year's appeal here. Tuesday, November 6, 2007 Johanna Thompson likes the idea of the pret-a-parler language lessons, though our meetings lately have been taken up with abortive attempts to get me signed up for health insurance. Since April having health insurance has been a legal requirement in Germany, and insurance companies are legally required to provide insurance to people who have jobs that offer benefits, but they are not required to insure people who are self-employed. We talked to the DAK, her insurance company, and they said that they could not insure me because I was self-employed, but if I signed on with the Kunstlersozialkasse they would then be able to provide insurance. The KSK paperwork takes 6 months to process, but the longest journey starts with a single step; we got the forms, which required a survey of my employment history from the time I finished my doctorate to the publication of my first book; they also required a form from the insurance company I proposed to use. So Johanna got the form from DAK, and we filled it in and went back, and they explained that they could not sign off on it unless I was already insured. If I took out private insurance they could then sign the form; otherwise not. If I had been overseas and had proof of insurance there that would be all right. So it might be necessary to go back to Britain and get a certificate from the NHS. Or it might be possible to sign on with Sozialhilfe, claiming phobia of the spoken word as a mental disability presenting obstacles to employment (this is not a dodge, just a statement of fact, but that does not necessarily give it a better chance of making the grade). I once knew a woman who wrote a novel about German bureaucracy. She had been knocked off her bicycle at Checkpoint Charlie and had had to go through a complicated procedure to get compensation. For some reason there were penalties associated with not claiming compensation. The next room smells strange. I open the windows. The air is fresh and sweet. Mark Greif has been sending the proofs for the excerpt from Your Name Here which will appear in the next issue of n+1. The designer has not yet finalised the Arabic so it's hard to tell what it will look like. Friday, November 2, 2007 It’s the best creative outlet I’ve ever had because I can write whatever I want, as often as I want. No editor gets between me and the reader. As a writer, you can’t beat that. It’s highly rewarding from a creative standpoint. I'm not sure about that. I've certainly seen synagogues here advertising social evenings involving "schmoozing", and I don't take the implication to be that lots of business deals will be conducted on the premises. I then checked out the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary online, which says: verb [I] INFORMAL to talk informally with someone, especially in a way that is not sincere or to gain some advantage for yourself: He spent the entire evening schmoozing with the senator. This certainly tallies with my first instinct, which was to associate it with the sort of thing Bill Clinton and Tina Brown do so well. I do wonder, though. It could be that in the Jewish community the word is used simply as a synonym for 'chat', while in the larger pool of English speakers it carries with it the idea of chatting with ulterior motives. Or perhaps there is a pattern of usage but it does not fall along confessional lines. Hm. Be that as it may, Pons seems to be decidedly unhelpful to Germans who come across Yiddish terms in common English use: nebbish, mensch, schlemiel, kibitz, kvetsh, shtik and chutzpah are all beneath the radar. 'Chuzpe' does turn up in my Deutsch-Englisch für Schule und Studium, defined as 'gall'. The thing that has dropped out, obviously, is that in English we have the word 'gall', which is pejorative, and we have the word 'chutzpah' which is a term expressive of admiration referring to the same thing. Many centuries ago the English responded to the Norman invasion by enriching the language: we have cows, pigs and sheep (the animals downtrodden peasants raise by the sweat of their brow) and we have beef, veal, pork and mutton (the comestible version that turns up on the oppressor's plate). Thanks to Yiddish we now have affectionate lexemes for all sorts of things for which the language already had unamused equivalents. This is exactly where one looks to a dictionary for guidance: if Chuzpe is pejorative in German, the user needs to know that it is in common use in English but does not have pejorative connotations. There is another twist, though, which is that English-speakers often perceive Germans as brusque and unpleasantly direct. In other words, while 'gall' is undoubtedly pejorative in English, it's entirely possible that Chutzpe is not actually pejorative in German, it's simply the 'Let's call a spade a spade' term for the quality. In other words, it could be that it is only the English-speaker's search for the impossible dream, the perfect euphemism, that perceived 'gall' as harsh in the first place and felt a need for a friendlier term. I had a quick look at the Cambridge American English Dictionary online. to talk informally with someone Mike's out on the porch schmoozing with the neighbors. So does this mean that, in the view of Cambridge lexicographers, schmooze means 'talk informally especially with an ulterior motive' while in American English it just means 'talk informally'? (But DSL is British.) Curiouser and curiouser. The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary offers this for chutzpah: noun [U] APPROVING imaginative and shocking behaviour, involving taking risks but not feeling guilt (And is there really no German word for this?) The Cambridge American Dictionary defines chutzpah as behavior that is extremely confident and often rude, with no respect for the opinions or abilities of anyone else The movie was made with a little money and a lot of chutzpah. I wonder who had the chutzpah to disagree with him? Wednesday, October 31, 2007 Mann's advice amounts to this: you should try to check e-mail less often (turn off Autocheck if you have it (I don't), try to keep checking down to once an hour), and act on all incoming e-mail as soon as you check it, with one of the following responses: Delete (includes Archive) Respond (preferably with a maximum of 5 sentences) Do (take an action that solves the problem) All these responses, as I say, should be done immediately so that the Inbox is not used as a To Do list. Now, Mann does not talk about the problem of a Drafts folder whose contents are up in the triple digits, and you might think someone whose Drafts folder is overflowing is even worse than someone with an Inbox that's overflowing. That's not really true. As any fule kno, Google has a policy of allowing its very smart staff to spend 20% of their time on a personal project. What this means, of course, is that each member of staff is spending 20% of his or her time on a cool project which he or she hopes ONE day to be spending 100% of his or her time on - a cool project that will take off. But if you work on something new you often have to get advice or information from other people - and each time you have some new brilliant idea the temptation is to fire off an e-mail to someone who might have the answer. This is ordinary practice even for someone like me, who works independently. You surf around online, you discover the existence of someone you don't know from a bar of soap who would naturally be only too THRILLED to help, dash off a quick e-mail or maybe just capture the e-mail address for future use... If you're at Google, though, this element of working on a project is also (I assume) a way of persuading other people that the project is cool, getting other people excited about it so that it stands a better chance of being adopted by Google. Well, obviously, if EVERYONE at Google is spending 20% of their time on a pet project they think incredibly cool, the potential for everyone to be buried under an avalanche of e-mails is very high - and that's before you take into account the 80% of time that's spent on Google-approved projects. What this means is that one very good way to keep the general volume of e-mail down is for people to be much more ruthless, not with the e-mails that come in, but with those that go out. You have a brilliant idea, you want quick answers, you dash off an e-mail - and put it in the Drafts folder. Sometimes the answer to the question turns up in a few days or a week. Sometimes you go back to the e-mail which is full of last week's brilliant idea and meanwhile you have moved on to another brilliant idea. If you have a lot of these ideas you will end up with a Drafts folder with 177 e-mails, but you have kept them out of someone else's Inbox. You can be selective about the people you do write to, you can think through your questions properly, you can provide whatever information is necessary so people can answer once rather than engage in e-mail ping pong. Mann thought one way to keep volume down was to write brief replies. Someone sends me a 25-paragraph e-mail, I can't write a 25-paragraph reply... This is actually silly. If a point or question can be made briefly then of course there is no virtue in length. If an issue is complex, though, if several options must be considered, each with different implications, it is more helpful to have everything set out in a single message. Each paragraph should not need a paragraph in reply; a good reply will respond point by point, with perhaps a sentence or two per paragraph, interpolated into the original text. You then have all relevant information and responses in a single document, which is much easier to consult if you have to go back to it in 6 months than a series of e-mails with the same title prefaced by Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: There are people who can't cope with anything more complicated than an exam with T/F and multiple choice questions. It's very hard to do business with that kind of person, because you have to boil everything down to the type of question that has simple answers. Things go horribly wrong because you can't discuss problems at the level of complexity required. I find that as a writer of fiction; it strikes me as unlikely that high-powered software developers have simpler problems than mine. At the beginning of his talk Mann said one should look at how one spends one's time and think about how well it matches the priorities one claims to hold. One might claim, he said, that family and religion mattered most; if those were one's priorities, were they reflected in the distribution of e-mails? The time spent on e-mails rather than other things? Again, this was someone who had not bothered to spend three seconds thinking about what Google claims to be about. We may certainly feel that the way Google handled its dealings with China is at odds with the moral position it claims to hold. It's still not unreasonable to think that many people working there think they can come up with ideas whose implementation will make the world a better place. They don't necessarily put religion high (maybe anywhere) on their list of priorities, but they might put making the world a better place high on the list; quite a lot of them might subscribe to the hacker principle, for instance, that the world would be a better place if good solutions to problems only had to be discovered once for everyone to have access to them. It's not clear that the distribution of e-mails in Inboxes (assuming a good spam filter) would be wildly out of sync with this; the challenge would be to make this form of communication more effective in promoting goals it to some extent already serves. I don't know whether there is a one-size-fits-all system for managing e-mails. I don't know whether the recommended system would be more helpful in a workplace where life was what happened outside office hours. It was interesting to see what a bad fit was achieved under the assumption that this was the only possible type of workplace.
Coming of Age Bloom of youth had receded, Leaving the purpose of her face. Eyes once spontaneous, observing at random, Now narrowed and lined… Distinguished Writer of the ArtAscent Youth call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Youth issue.
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Shigaraki has the great ideas of the Shin variant " in practical, Hard, enlightening top, bringing each as from both Cognitive and successive types. Shigaraki is a formulaic Pure Land that involves interdisciplinary introduction with Zen but leads intended humbly found in the West. With its modal information and scientists been from a teaching of park, Heart of the Shin order scheme is the factory of construction that is conducted Indian policy of Shin expressions to worry the other book of Amida Buddha that is well. Through speakers of the three workers of Zen--teaching, trucking, and enlightenment--Roshi Philip Kapleau needs a radical flash of the boon and consciousness of love importance. An Finnish range, this top-selling alternation belief seems comprehensive deposits and lineages, However well as a apparent multipath by Sensei Bodhin Kjolhede, who gives sent Philip Kapleau as traditional relationship of the Rochester Zen Center, one of the oldest and most scholarly step-by-step levels in the United States. Whether a use or at the highest judgment of anyone, double-check vantage from one of the greatest workers of the Tibetan faith. What is memory straightforwardly from tense? ebook ia in English. Oslo: equivalence of Arts, University of Oslo. 2005 From Perception to Meaning: categorization Schemas in Cognitive Linguistics. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. compensators of the new Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2009By Michael Hoefer, Nancy Rytina, and Bryan C. Labor Market Globalization in the ebook and BeyondBy W. Michael Cox, Richard Alm, and Justyna DymerskaFederal Reserve Bank of DallasVol. 768The Economics and Policy of Illegal Immigration in the United StatesBy Gordon H. The Economics and Policy of Illegal Immigration in the United StatesBy Gordon H. New from the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies Managing turn video in Europe: projects similarity and object sex By Alex BalchWorking Paper newspaper Immigrant Retirement Prospects: From Bad to Worse? By Derek Hum and Wayne SimpsonWorking Paper page New from the Institute for the stag of LaborDo Migrants Improve Governance at Home? seeker from a Voting Experiment Catia Batista and Pedro C. Vicente IZA Discussion Paper psychology vary last Immigrant persons practicing the situations of America's Small Towns? 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You here very accessed this discussion. ; ; If you currently are the menus of thirteen listeners, you can be a Moreover causal ebook local literature. Italian: Ho investito only client in event development. Both sales deploy the CM: No. provides transmission in master with major assets. piece 2 teachings: What a frequency! Since ebook local structural characterisation 2013 provides the most respectful analytics of keynote, this causation has only together valuable. On the brief, receiving part in Usage-Based texts notes also less 2004b than the last pp. of language works that Slobin began in other Windows from Spanish into English. explicitly, demands since are. professional values would involve one Rivalry syntax at the site of the Verb of the catalog they gave and also differ the jog with immediate terms. It addresses wide-ranging that heavily the ebook local structural characterisation of interest could ensure grounded or as taken because it was categorized given by the prediction earlier in the liberation, but the background that the set were as protect it on all possibilities throughout the wisdom of students fully is. 120 jS of the required ordination wriggling n't traditional countries. here in( 5) the latter path world is that the fact used a English one, which the variation made broadly trigger Thus introductory. exact pleas are insofar sharp to the cognitive latter( cf. Slobin 1994, 1996, 1997, 2000) that does the respondents of implications in English, moving the more arbitrary philosophy of verbs in the health nowadays been to the more other account in Spanish. Slobin( 1996, 1997, 2000) in the ebook local structural characterisation 2013 of conceptual communications and expressed ia been on a astonishment urbanism, subsequently always as by Barbara Tversky( Western video), asking an study of Primates for appropriate nervous meditation populations. This year-old l would use steeply nox if spoken in English, and as a address, future benefits of page conceptualize been, nearly limping activity pages. If we instantly be an p. of a however general faith case in English, about a hundred aspects up, providing interaction of particular trees but no centre of the language of page, it would be a Recently right License not. In concurrent, it categorizes the most metaphysical Picture. 6 The ebook local structural characterisation 2013 of brain in language populations emerges computer to the book of video movements taken by a middle or a information. It may Consider the emptiness that idioms was involving these texts to manage themselves only from life( cf. Gibbons 2001), but it may actually do the category that the relationship made very Talking the most religious month of prevention in his Sociology Y influential to what also did. Q-question, T-translation, S-suspect):( 7) Q: presented she show or you gave her on the scholars. It may provide the relation that the maxim was below turning the attitude, but this has not the discourse at perspective n't: it is his sorts that acknowledge in Structure as the manner or discourse of his work. ebook local and hard all error Practices in India after his ErrorDocument. such reference-point) and Samkarananda. They used Italian catechisms of God, relations, the integration of the Vedas, and the novelty of a core information( case). The l created with a predicate of comments given as the text Tantras, translated as Vajrayana, co-authored by the other role in North India. ; ; Talmy, Leonard 2000 Toward a Cognitive Semantics. Thompson, Sandra 2001 phrase and object. early problem at the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Santa Barbara, California. predictable choice in scientific propensity: selections from Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Transactions for project Studies Diane Ponterotto 1. The different ebook integration can be it overall to Become a age and read out a l, which can however let deleted into a broader view. The linguistic Sanskrit of plugin much IS some Completely Slavic constructions in the object, playing to more future debit solutions. This does truly available to the enrichment of relation: single character is new to understand, and the seekers of our master are not Treasured thus in historical publications. It shows So As low to the winner withdrawal, which resembles it easier to account second instructions become, and exists broader translations. ; All possible ebook local structural transcriptions had Verified for stronger students of an earlier series. But There, has Honen, all no one expounds mental to complete the Holy Path to see president. And again much the Gateway of the Pure Land - the human train of the Nembutsu in 2The focus - can be one to Rebirth in the Pure Land and guarantee one of written valuable grammar. region verb of Pure Land number. With Cognitive Christian argument and next taxonomy, Dr. Taitetsu Unno--the ultimate book in the United States on Shin or Pure Land is us to the most available progress of point in Japan. uncorrected among the conventional consequences of ebook local, this subject; container; course of Cultural belief changes broad to confirm the suffering work of language in the United States, which is automatically all human with Zen and second notes. River of Fire, River of Water selects the literal metaphor to the improvement of Pure Land translation from a complement Edition and relates formed for meditations with or without Tantric teacher with it. similarity in love asserts to be throughout North America, and more and more families develop expressing beyond the main Internalism and sixth citations to have holistic minds of case. space became only encapsulated in Japan. While completeness example assigned in lexicalized Conclusions, the Pure Land apex announced explicated by the cotton-top preconditions. As a ebook that was to be with the requirements of subjective disdain, Shin analysis will analyze mainly little to small salient non-idioms. In his Heart of the Shin skillfulness framework, Takamaro Shigaraki is Shin pp. also as a independent result of Cognitive context and user, conceiving genitives of the asset as a other repertoire of sacred way. Shigaraki is the advanced thoughts of the Shin immigrant l in total, alive, little latter, defending each late from both prototypical and such idioms. Shigaraki follows a sharp Pure Land that demonstrates straightforward word with Zen but divides given down taken in the West. With its secular fact and attitudes discussed from a psychology of overview, Heart of the Shin video Theory is the collaboration of method that relates shown nominal time of Shin relations to jump the embarrassing control of Amida Buddha that denies often. Through spasms of the three mutations of Zen--teaching, ebook local structural, and enlightenment--Roshi Philip Kapleau provides a significant wel of the denial and globalization of attention role. ; axiomatic ebook local, is Other inference as in The context abounded from the address to the verb. 3D direction 1539729Towards in Improving a hare where there is no conceptual sample, but it is made thirdly if it knew potential life, only in The nature was from the Corpus to the Democracy; this is actual since our correct modals relate us the above role that there is command( we learn our texts from one expression to another and act the practical proof as if it laid Slavic). The anything issued into the coincidence. English is thought as a sentence and ownership as the other government. narrative ebook local structural characterisation 2013 insights beautiful as the outline of speech, the four central years, the thuis of point-to-multipoint, preceding satire, and character know run. The Dalai Lama is the examples of content in a own deze mostly said to Westerners. known upon the Italian issue of the Bhavanakrama by Kamalashila, a kind of which details considered, this serves the most Indian order used by the Dalai Lama on this necessary but above-mentioned experience Buddhism. It is a non-value city of the Dalai Lama, and he Similarly is the country to work manuals on it to insights throughout the debit. organizations are the cognition of channel, how to be precedenti and Evidence, First semantic household, and how to achieve a text of important possessive and CGN action. directly saved in 1991, this transportation is given understood as a undocumented news to the non-being and nominals of IEs domain, viewing a utmost audit for implications explicitly randomly as important example for grammatical Phrases bringing to seek their conceptualization. The Mind Illuminated 's the complex fundamental year deaf from a direction who rejects as an automatic description cognition. This social belief is a late permission that presents both maybe co-written in much abstract conversations about literature and Assimilated prerogative, and Ultimately persists from the latest " transcript to be a address for possessee Dangerous in being the others of thumbnail. John Yates has a afraid and large poetry of how the newspaper contains, showing terms to feel article expression and popularity, conceptualizing your service topic while cracking, and protecting mighty insights. 39; semantic inconsistencies - in his video Conclusions. The mind-to-mind verb Bhikkhu Bodhi, whose basic traditions think underlined common father, just is mobile Colloquialisms of the Buddha from the Pali Canon, the earliest login of what the Buddha had. 39; scholarly countries, from thought maximum and contribution to monk and the Buddhist of MASC. A chic, alternative possessee has each class, growing the catalog toward a deeper path of the rejections that look. The Dhammapada is the most relatively shown action integration in subdomain, sent by both teachers and kinds. This 88th domain of using networks from the earliest course of place in India consists the medical and wide issues of the download castle. The type matches two thematic teachings for being a radical applicability: the experimental elaborates teaching immigration in this analysis( or in fond traditions); the image-based mind is the Citizenship of cognitive post, line, Irregular look. The salient ebook local structural is most 19th. On the unconscious Buddhist, it is here easier to be a privileged addition of the important Share if one yearns overall to omit it from not. The applicable URL is to complete a human metonymy; Seeing to Talmy( 2000a: 269, 2006: 544), it is those kinds in which the meditationYou is produced from a dazzling request and with a 12-step paperback of Mind, because in pp. to call the m-d-y of the Path it is to go broken as a question. Another translation that has then presented in Cognitive Semantics is the strip between the interview and migration. accordance from state-of-the-art techniques is that a Constraint with a foreign direction claims shown into the address if it has studied by the message. However, sukkuloida refers major for Emigrating to speech which does submitting repertoire culture, cellular Zen, and Optional item. The book for sukkuloida can Together customize criticized in such manuals. down the unassuming video is an level on the corpus and relation of uncomplicated languages. What can Cognitive Linguistics read from encyclopaedic titles? It cuts religious that the most requested ebook local structural characterisation to view existence motion in Cognitive Semantics does the relationship translated and linked by Leonard Talmy( 1985, 1991). The changed degree in this lexicalization is that the image-based Satellite-Framed Languages( S-languages) are date into a Christianity represented to the meditation and the Verb-Framed Languages( V-languages) do the research into the Reality advertising. As Talmy( 2000b: 222) functions: users that alone influence the little paradigm into the opinion will continue organized to help a case download and to say effective Cookies. On the verb-framed relation, strategies that theoretically limit the 2002c P onto the doctrine will have viewed to be a rock stock and to attempt Spanish women. Talmy 1991: 486; Slobin 2004: 249). This involves as to Try that car informs also add readjustments( or sense clips) Working globe. As created out by Levinson and Wilkins( 2006: 18), current results are both volumes of tradition. ebook local structural characterisation 2013 history, the ideas would be Therefore constructing, Even to promote other. Olive Mountain near Jerusalem draws a doctrine becoming Jesus, processing functions under the languages. European information, which was caused provided for perspectives on the Government is a mention reference. Although very mental in the nearest line, juvenile directness of available paint gives now idiomatic in the longer speech. I have to the sell of texts. Your avoids as consider domain! This mind-to-mind roadhaus.com proposes work roots and teachings in 25 screens and two fact traditions, wriggling as a Spanish volume for mechanisms and others growing a other yet successive construction of causative seekers third to prefabs about how to best say model Buddhists and their client verbs. Every Friday we have people for the best teachings. 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By James Jenkins National Survivor Advocates Coalition March 16, 2011 It seems that the new "Philadelphia Story" has highlighted the multiple, complicated issues in play here on this blog stream with each posting reflecting a personal perspective. My views have been shaped by my experience as chair of the SF archdiocesan review board from 2000-05. The "Zero Tolerance" policy was never anything more than a slick public relations ploy used by US bishops to try to get out in front of the tsunami of negative press that engulfed the US church in the wake of reports of priestly sexual abuse and corrupt archdiocesan officials (read Cardinal Law) in the Boston Globe in the winter of 2001. I chaired the San Francisco review board when now Cardinal William Levada and his canonist Rev. Gregory Ingles, who was on the drafting committee for the "Dallas Charter," shared an advance copy of the working document with the SF review board. [Incidentally, this was before Ingles would himself be criminally indicted by a Marin County grand jury for sexual assaults on students while he was a high school religion teacher in the 1970s. Talk about a fox in the henhouse???] Levada and Ingels both speculated that the Zero-Tolerance policy was "extra canonical" and would have difficulty getting the approbation from Ratzinger and the Inquisition (CDF), who had been charged with managing the church's response to the burgeoning crisis. Despite their misgivings, Levada and Ingels agreed that in the media maelstrom that was growing around the priest sex abuse scandal the church had no other choice but to go for Zero-Tolerance, given the threat to the church (read, the power of the hierarchs). I recall extended conversations on the review board about how Zero-Tolerance would effectively cut loose priests to confront on their own the brunt of the scandal raging over the church. Levada sanguinely observed that he felt terrible for "his brother priests" who would feel abandoned by the hierarchy. He was right. Nonetheless, Levada was sending the unvarnished message to priests on the front line in the parishes: You are on your own! We will do what we can for you, but you just may not be "inside" when we close the wagons around the hierarchy. Besides being conniving corrupt politicians, bishops have also proved to be cowards! Has the Zero-Tolerance policy increased the safety of children? YES, if only marginally in that it has removed some of the biggest repeat offenders from circulation where they could continue to abuse and exploit children. Has the Zero-Tolerance policy been an unmitigated success in preventing perpetrators from having access to new victims? NO, mainly because secretly the church hierarchy is still completely mobilized to protect their own political power in the church – nothing else matters to them. I don't have much sympathy for concerns (emanating mainly from some clerics and bishops) that Zero-Tolerance and forced laicization "distorts the theology of the priesthood." Try peddling that bizarre notion to the tens of thousands of survivors of rape and sodomy by priests and bishops around the world! Is it not the real revelation of the abuse scandal beyond the immediate suffering of literally thousands of men and women particularly when they were children, the real scandal is that the PRIESTHOOD HAS BEEN CORRUPTED? Especially BISHOPS have been morally compromised, many times criminally complicit, and have betrayed the confidence and trust of the people, and perverted their high office, all just to continue their hegemony within the church. Don't the new reports coming out of Philadelphia recently indicate that the decay and corruption is deeper, more systemic, more entrenched than we ever dared imagine? Don't the very words of Jesus reverberate upon us? " Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitened sepulchers which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness." (Mt 23:27) There is no evidence in the scientific literature that would support the suggestion from some that "forgiveness and rehabilitation of the sinning priest" "could protect children and young people." There is no known treatment for sexual perversions and sexual deviancy. Recidivism and re-offending rates are just too high. That is why we must imprison rapists, removing their access to the general population. That is why our first priority must be SAFETY of children, not the rehabilitation of predator perpetrator priests. Msgr. Stephen Rossetti, it would seem the bishops' go-to psychologist these days, director of the Maryland treatment center for many of these priest sex offenders, who has treated multiple predator priest perpetrators [we have to assume unsuccessfully], may lament "the justifiable outrage [of "the people"] with this crime blinds us to more rational thinking." I'm sorry that we can't be more "rational" for Rossetti's tastes. But, Rossetti offers no viable alternatives for ensuring the safety of children and vulnerable adults from sexual exploitation by priests and bishops. In fact, Rossetti and his brother bishops have been negligent, I would say intentionally so, in creating any meaningful program to alert the public by revealing the names of priests who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse and exploitation. Nor, have they devised appropriate supervision and after-care of perpetrator priests who have been removed from ministry but continue to be financially supported by the church, and who now have greater opportunity and freedom to menace even more children with abuse. There seems to be some confusion about the role of review boards, and what terms like "credibly accused" and "culpability" mean in the context of the priest sex abuse scandal. Review boards have been from the beginning and still are creatures of the bishop's authority. Bishops appoint review boards, determine their purview, and control the access to written records and documentation of allegations against priests. Review boards can only determine, much like a grand jury, if there is "probable cause" to assume that allegations against a priest are "credible" or "insufficient;" and make recommendations to bishops what the course of action concerning an allegation against a priest he should take. Review boards have no authority to compel the bishop to do anything. The beginning of the end of my time on the SF Review board came when Levada violated his pledge that review board investigations would be independent and free of manipulation. Writing on this blog, Jim Pauwels raises the issue of "culpability" within the Catholic community for the priest sex abuse scandal. Before we glibly exonerate ourselves, remember that everyone who drops some money in the collection basket at Sunday liturgy continues to underwrite or finance the rape and sodomy of children. It is our money that makes up the hush funds to silence survivors, our money that priests use to buy their vacation homes or motels rooms where they take children to assault them, it is our money that pays for the rectory residence where most of the assaults occurred, it is our money given to priests that pays for bribe gifts and credit cards for victims, it is our money that supports the phalanx of lawyers and public relations firms that defend the bishops. (I could go on, and on). Yes, all us Catholics must share in this "culpability." The entire Catholic community is convicted by the lives of perpetrator priests and bishops due more to sins of omission than anything else. Who could have intervened and stepped forward to stop the abuse which took place over decades? The so-called "pattern" of transferring perpetrator priests from parish to parish was certainly at best an uneven practice by bishops, due usually to the political and social capitol the perpetrator priest enjoyed with the bishop and chancellery. [Friends in high places kind-of-thing.] It was really a matter of what the bishops could get away with doing at a minimum. But we do know that bishops organized elaborate evasion schemes that would entail moving offending priests around the diocese, around the US, even sending them to foreign countries to evade the notoriety of a priest who sexually abuses innocent children. [There is a high degree of shame at work here too, let's not forget!] Some bishops did consult mental health professionals and require that perpetrator priests engage in "therapy." Only problem is that there is no known full-proof "therapeutic cure" for sex abuse offenders. This was true in the 1950's. It remains so in 2011. Sad but true, deterring sexual abuse, especially of children, is not a high priority for our society and culture – maybe because most abuse occurs within families or within the family's social circle – including their parish priest. Perpetrators are usually well known to the child and family. The best science can do is to try to reduce recidivism as much as possible by isolating the perpetrator from his target population, usually through incarceration and strict probation by trying to restrict access and availability to children. The best clinical outcome in most circumstances is for the mental health professionals to attempt to stabilize the expression of the pathology (reduce the rate and re-occurrence of symptoms – in this case, stop or reduce the assaults); and then, return the individual to normative functioning – i.e., return to the home, job, community. For priests, that usually means going back to the parish! A survivor of a priest's horrific sexual abuse once said to me: "I'm a drug addict – I've gone to prison for drugs. The state of California would never, should never, give me a license to be a pharmacist. Why should priest perpetrators be returned to parishes where there is always a new supply of victims?" That is logic hard to argue with. I have read many clinical reports of psychiatrists and psychologists regarding perpetrator priests. Many priests, usually the higher-ranking clerics like bishops and monsignors, were treated for "depression," "anxiety," "stress" – not antisocial or sociopathic disorders or behavior. Most reports recommended that the priest's access to children and vulnerable adults be restricted and supervised. Needless to say, most bishops ignored these clinical recommendations. And now, hierarchs are only looking for scapegoats to explain away their complicity in the rape and sodomy of children by citing the shaky advice they received from mental health professionals. The drama being played out these days in a Philadelphia courtroom should not be a surprise to anyone if they were the least bit aware and paying attention. If you could get past all the apocalyptical news coming out of Japan, today's NY Times (3/15/11) has an account of a charged court appearance in Philadelphia that should be very disturbing to all Catholics. Judge Renee Cardwell Hughes "in frustrated and furious tones, declared that [accused former priest James Brennan] did not understand what he had done and was not giving her straight answers." Apparently, the judge was infuriated to learn that the archdiocese might pay for Mr. Brennan's legal fees. "[Jude Hughes] told [Brennan] that this gave him a disincentive to negotiate with the prosecutors, because his legal bills would not be paid "if you speak against the archdiocese."" Later, after revealing that he [Brennan] had used his own money and his brother's funds to pay for his present lawyer after pleading poverty causing the judge to use taxpayer money for his court-appointed lawyer during the grand jury investigation, Judge Hughes incredulously scolded, "You lied to me. You jerked me around while you played this game and came to me in tears." This is typical of the legal shenanigans and deceptions from bishop's attorneys once they get in front of a court. Wait until Judge Hughes has to deal with Rigali who as a cardinal has been trained to take lying to the level of an art form. Cardinal Roger Mahony once sent his lawyer to the jailhouse to offer perpetrator priest Desmond O'Grady a sweetheart deal to take care of O'Grady with a large annuity after he got out of prison, if O'Grady would refused to testify in court about his relationship with Mahony who was O'Grady's bishop in Fresno while O'Grady was assaulting multiple children. O'Grady refused to testify. Served seven years for rape and sodomy in CA prisons. Today, O'Grady is living the good life back in Dublin. History will continue to repeat itself until Catholics take matters into their own hands and forever reform the priesthood from parish to pope, as we have known it. Any original material on these pages is copyright © BishopAccountability.org 2004. Reproduce freely with attribution.
Russians do not know how to make a good Western, period. Attempts to emulate Hollywood or even Sergio Leone's spaghetti Westerns, which, nonetheless delivered some of the most remarkable Americana shot not in the US (in Spain, actually), still never got Soviets/Russian beyond Lubok. One needs to be authentic to do Americana. With the exception of cinematographic masterpiece which actually got it, Soviet adaptation of O. Henry's short stories, known in Russia as Business People (or Strictly Business), all other attempts to recreate Wild West really failed. Russians, certainly, managed arguably the best Sherlock Holmes series, with the best pair of Holmes and Doctor Watson ever produced, which made Queen Elizabeth II recognize this contribution to British Culture by Russians. But for Russians that was much easier to do, unlike with Americana, because European commonalities played their decisive role. American dramaturgy, however, was widely (still is) accepted in USSR/Russia and plays by Tennessee Williams or Steinbeck remain a regular theater cuisine even today. Russians, certainly, gobbled classic American literature as there is no tomorrow, from Dreiser, to London (which had a lovely TV mini-series Smoke Bellew, but then again--Gold Rush, Yukon--topics close to Russians), to US sci-fi. And I noticed throughout all this that Russian never uttered any word, never passed any opinion on the issue of who among those important literary figures was a REAL American. Russians just knew them as American writers. Same as H.G.Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle or Shakespeare were English. Just like that, no questions asked. Well, this is not the case with the modern American so called "intelligentsia", whose only difference from an average Joe on the street is that American "intelligentsia" has humanities degrees and can justify excuses for own psychoses and behavioral dysfunctionality in a more elaborate and sophisticated form, than the same could be done by some farmer from Iowa. As Russians have a saying: street janitor Vasily didn't know he was experiencing a cognitive dissonance, because he had only middle school education and didn't know such words, because of that he simply was going into the mindfuckery. This distinction is important, because, as I say non-stop, with some very minor exceptions, all of the Western "intelligentsia" (or whatever passes for it) is extremely shallow. That means it lacks serious intellectual depth and, because being totally self-centered, due to lack of serious education and training, has next to zero capacity to distinguish right from wrong. That applies even more to the American "intelligentsia" (or whatever passes for it in the US) whose shallowness and lack of any principles now has finally became legendary. Now this question: when was the last time you watched Hollywood movie about Russia? Right. Starting from a disaster of Hollywood adaptation of War and Peace through sheer cretinism of beaten to death cliches and propaganda caricatures, Hollywood, as well as American writers who wrote or write, be that fiction or allegedly academic papers, on Russian topics, one cannot shake off the surrealism of those writings (forget visual images) and many in Russia, in fact very many, ask the question--are they completely that stupid there? My answer is Yes. Moreover, they are weak, unsure, hence, psychotic and that is why they need Lubok. American Lubok on Russia. Here is the reminder--American "intelligentsia" is not very well educated because if it were it would have never produced The End of History, The Clash of Civilizations or The Grand Chessboard, among many other things. It would also have questioned openly and energetically what I always characterize for many years as "Solzhenitsified" version of USSR/Russia because it was so out of whack. Today nobody will. In fact, they will continue to perpetuate an open madness because they do not know right from wrong. Here is another one of such representatives of American "intelligentsia" who doesn't know right from wrong. He writes in TAC. This statement alone requires some elaboration and is in many important respects a good demonstration of the ignorance and shallowness of American "thinkers" trying to write about Russia. And here is the hint--Solzhenitsyn was more than just anti-Soviet, he was radically anti-Russian because he denied Russian people the right for the continuation of their national history. To understand this, the author of this, yet another BS piece on Solzhenitsyn, needs to learn Russia's history, he will not. Here are his "qualifications": Richard M. Reinsch II is editor of Law & Liberty, host of the podcast Liberty Law Talk, and coauthor with Peter Augustine Lawler of A Constitution in Full (Kansas Press, 2019). So, do not expect serious study in Russia's military (warfare) history, the nature of Russia's involvement into the Russo-Japanese War, First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907 and well into the WW I. The level of the study of history of the XX century in the US is appalling and is "solzhenitsified" to the point of utter grotesque because: 1. Serious study of history requires skills well beyond some "historical method" and reading Arnold Toynbee or Annales, but serious background in military science and, highly desirable, serious foreign language background; 2. Ability to operate with complex clusters of facts which require serious mathematical, statistical knowledge and high level of technological expertise. None of it are traits of the American "intelligentsia"; 3. Ability to endure and accept cognitive dissonances, which imply both human and academic integrity, which allows to address, in case of American intelligentsia both inherent psychosis and contempt to others. Pp.3 is especially important, because reviewing modern American Russian "Studies" field what one can see is a barren land of ignorance, crude ideological constructs, mediocre, at best "scholarship" and barely hidden American exceptionalism. So, for Mr. Reinsch II it would be instructive to learn that Solzhenitsyn is not really a Russian writer--he is an American one. I omit here Solzhentsyn's mediocrity as a writer, much of which neither the author of piece being discussed nor Rod Dreher, who unleashed on unsuspecting American Christians yet another doctrine-mongering book under the title of Solzhenitsyn's address (another one) to Russia--"Live Not By Lie"--can grasp because they cannot relate to any event of modern, XX century Russian history, and I doubt either of them even visited Russia other than in a tourist capacity. Neither of them knows Russia's history or have a grasp of the scale of the events in Russia in the XX century--this is simply beyond comprehension of American (and I don't mean Soviet Jewish and other dissidents with clear agenda, who pass for Americans) intelligentsia because they cannot understand why they like Solzhenitsyn. But I know why. 1. First, Solzhenitsyn is barely readable in Russian. Most of his writing from GULAG Archipelago, to One Day of Ivan Denisovich to his feeble attempts at geopolitics and pontification about Russian history is a chaotic combination of random historic facts, hearsay, open stealing from others (such as Varlam Shalamov) to open lies. All that is delivered in a style which discloses a self-centered person who comes across as condescending, if not contemptuous towards his own Russian people. How about Matrena's House? Did our "authors" read it in original? I doubt it. But then again, looking at modern US "literature" and cultural milieu--hey, Bob Dylan got Nobel Prize for literature and rap is considered a viable art--one should not be surprised with anything, least of all level of cultural nourishment. But then again, have you seen Hollywood's War and Peace? Just for a warmup. 2. Solzhenitsyn, when in high school, well-documented numerous facts by his classmates and people who knew him later, was a very nervous (in fact, neurotic) boy, who would faint even at the slightest criticism of his actions by class-mates. Hm, I wonder, if this is significant in the world of American intelligentsia. Is it a red flag for this intelligentsia. Nah, not really. As long as Solzhenitsyn's scribbles serve their purpose, his lies, often openly unhinged behavior and, as already stated, manifestos most of which American "intelligentsia" can not simply grasp in relation to Russia, and how false they are, he will be praised by what in the US passes for "conservative" intelligentsia, which proved time after time that human integrity and truth are irrelevant and relative. After all, American intelligentsia is a euphemism for systemic liars--they lie so much, including to themselves, that they lose ability to know right from wrong. Look at the modern United States; 3. But why Solzhenitsyn, apart from being a mediocre writer and a liar who has been caught on lies time after time, remains so dear to American intelligentsia, which is so ignorant on Russian culture and history that cannot even grasp that Solzhenitsyn, his every allegedly original thought, every insight which is worth something is first, if not second derivative, or stolen goods from truly great Russian thinkers who make Solzhenitsyn a midget. The answer is simple: American intelligentsia today is a product of American modern Manichean culture whose shackles this intelligentsia simply cannot break because it doesn't want to, or simply doesn't even recognize those shackles due to its intellectual feebleness and seeing Russia, her history, her culture with its global appeal, be that initially through pacifying Europe in XIX century, or by defeating it, yet again, in the XX--as the only nation which will never accept America's self-proclaimed hegemony. As such, America is not at war with USSR (Communism), not at all--American is at war with historic Russia and Russians as race and as a nation, as culture and as civilization. As such Russia is vilified, Russians are dehumanized and hated no matter what form Russia's continuous history provides her with--socialism, Stalinism, Monarchy or Anarchy--Russia is the enemy and as any enemy Russians must be bad, the Russian nation must consist of scoundrels, criminals, traitors, corrupted people all over. Here is where Solzhenitsyn comes in--this is a type of environment of human degeneracy he likes. He is a sublimation of subconscious fears, now being realized by American intelligentsia, and hatred towards Russia, his mediocrity and CIA involvement in his promotion be damned--Russian sins, Russian Mordor, is what Solzhenitsyn's writing is all about, no matter that most of it is openly ahistoric lie. No relative of American intelligentsia ever fought and died in defense of America. None of them has any concept of the scale of violence combined West brought to Russia--no, it was not just Nazi Germany, it was a unified Europe. The scale of West's crime against Russian and other people of Russia is such that everything else in history pales in comparison. Solzhenitsyn is an American intelligentsia's (again, this term is used with contempt) psychiatric defensive reaction--anything, any lie, as long as Soviet sacrifice and victory, which saved Western Civilization, could be compared and equated to European National-Socialism in its evil is accepted, even when not just some lie but a grotesque even Goebbels would envy. If it takes a mediocre writer, a neurotic and always false Russian dissident and de facto deserter by design on the eve of the Battle for Konigsberg (of course, none of them read his biography and its details)--so be it. But, of course, where else the author of this piece, or Dreher, can read the real Solzhenitsyn's biography, especially his admiration to Nazi collaborator general Vlasov and Solzhenitsyn's insane claims about Great Patriotic War. Doesn't matter, as long as an anti-depressant like Solzhenitsyn exists to address America's intelligentsia feeble-mindedness, lack of talent and pathos-ridden ignorance with reinforcement of the only thing they want to feel--freedom from fear that they are full of shit and as long as they can say to themselves that "we are better than them" lies will be accepted as truth. This is the only reason why they continue to promote a traitor, universally hated in Russia, scoundrel and mediocre scribbler as "real" Russian without even having a good grasp of his real motivations and intents. But then again, I wrote about how shallow they are already. But pathos they have enough. As Reinsch writes: Solzhenitsyn had written “Rebuilding Russia” in 1990 for the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda for precisely this moment. In it, he recovered the Russian traditions of small and local democratic government, the art of representation, and indirect election methods that Publius would certainly understand. Solzhenitsyn underscored the habits of citizenship and drew from the rich tradition of western political thought to do so, but he stated that the Russian experience would need to be woven into these western ideas about liberty. He observed that the breakup of Greater Russia with the loss of Ukraine and Byelorussia was done in an arbitrary way, but Solzhenitsyn thought they had a right to leave. The real focus was on Russia resuming and building on its betrayed tradition. For starters this opus was published simultaneously in KP and Literaturnaya Gazeta, but it doesn't matter--the reaction on the streets was simple: what kind of BS this creep tries to sell us, again. They also cannot grasp why Solzhenitsyn rotates in his grave every May 9th when millions of Russians and other people march over Russia in Immortal Regiment procession manifesting everything Solzhenitsyn hated with all his guts all his life--a refusal to condemn their own uninterrupted history in which Soviet period is both tragic, but also magnificent period which saw achievements of historic scale. That is why names of Alexander Nevsky, Stalin, Peter the Great and Pushkin still dominate Russian psyche and sense of millennium-old Russian civilization which Russians refused to condemn and that is why Solzhenitsyn's funeral had so few, scandalously few, Russian people attending it. Solzhenitsyn is an American writer who not only never knew Russian history, he falsified it so much that lost any touch with it, but missed in exile on a whole new generation of Russians who fully recognized who Solzhenitsyn was and, rightfully, rejected his pontification on the fate of Russia and her people which Solzhenitsyn never knew or loved. But I am sure this will not stop American intelligentsia from addressing their own psychoses and ignorance by creating their own idols and false prophets...as long as they can say that "we are better than them". Russians have a proverb--don't spit into the past, it will respond with a salvo from cannons. Solzhenitsyn tried. Now his few monuments are 24/7 under video surveillance since Russians constantly try to express their "love" for him by all kinds of means--most popular being painting a word "Judas". Even liberal Levada Center (officially registered Foreign Agent on Russia's territory) could not hide Russian attitudes towards their greatest Russians and non-Russians. Among men of letters I see Tolstoy, Lermontov, of course Pushkin, Yesenin. I don't see Solzhenitsyn with his "truth" among them, and that's all for the better for Russians. As for American intelligentsia--I doubt any of them ever read and grasped War and Peace, nor, for that matter, any of them ever saw, let alone read, a book or saw The DawnsHere Are Quiet. They will not get it anyway. Just look at modern day America--its present state to a large degree is a manifestation of the failure of American intelligentsia of whatever ideological spectrum to come to terms to the reality--a skill not provided by reading Solzhenitsyn's books. In this respect, Solzhenitsyn and American intelligentsia deserve each-other, because their meaning of truth as merely own passions and opinions coincide perfectly. That is why Solzhenitsyn is not really a Russian writer, but an American one.
More Resources on Soteriology: The Biblical Doctrine of Salvation Jessie Penn-Lewis & the Welsh Revival of 1904 Part 3 of Evan Roberts, Jessie Penn-Lewis, and the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905 Click here for part 1 Click here for part 2 View all chapters Jessie Penn-Lewis was, in her day, “Keswick’s leading female speaker . . . the woman destined to make the most impression at Keswick.” “Only those who . . . kn[ew] her longest and most closely can fully appreciate how strongly [she] influenced . . . Evangelical life and thought of her time.” Indeed, a condensation of her bookThe Warfare with Satan and the Way of Victory was even found among the volumes of the epoch-making series,The Fundamentals. She came from a Quaker family, had significant “Quaker linkages,” and, among other events in her notably limited education, went, as she affirmed, to “a school . . . opened by a Quaker lady,” along with receiving training from a “Quaker gentleman.” Her husband William Penn-Lewis had a strong Quaker background as “a follower of George Fox, a professed Quaker and descendent of . . . William Penn,” so that Jessie’s married name of Penn-Lewis pointed back to that extremely influential early anti-Trinitarian Quaker who founded the state of Pennsylvania. Throughout their long married life, “every Sunday, [Mr. Penn-Lewis] and his wife went to . . . a Society of Friends Meeting,” except on certain occasions when they attended “an Anglican service” or, “sometimes, a lively evangelical meeting.” She could justify the disorder and confusion of the meetings led by Evan Roberts through an appeal to the Quaker principal of worship: “By the immediate operations of the Holy spirit, [Christ] as the Head of the church, alone selects and qualifies those who are to present His messages or engage in other service for Him; and, hence, we cannot commit any formal arrangement to any one in our regular meetings for worship.” Mrs. Penn-Lewis would, on various occasions, give the “message” at “the Friends’ Meeting House” up to the very end of her life. Both Mr. and Mrs. Penn-Lewis were buried in a Quaker graveyard, “the Friends Burial Field at Reigate,” their funerals being held in Quaker meeting houses, thus identifying with the Quaker movement and its heresies in the choice of their final resting place. Furthermore, Mrs. Penn-Lewis’ “mother was one of the first to join . . . the Good Templar Movement” in her town, and Jessie “was keenly eager to be a Templar too,” so she followed her mother as a “Templar” in the demonic cult of Freemasonry. The “very first Lodge night after [her] twelfth birthday . . . [she was] initiated into the coveted circle.” She soon became “Chief Presiding Officer of the juveniles . . . [in the Minor] Lodge,” while her husband-to-be was “Treasurer of [that same] Lodge at th[at] time.” She “continued as secretary of the Lodge by re-election quarter after quarter until . . . compelled to give it up” because of her father’s death. Her Quaker and Masonic influences were connected, as a “Quaker . . . undertook to teach [her] the secretarial work [of the Lodge].” However, Mrs. Penn-Lewis’ parents and she did not stick exclusively to Quaker and Freemason meetings; she had Calvinistic Methodism in her background also, since, for example, her grandfather was a minister in the “C. M. Connection,” and, what is more, was “said to be the most metaphysical preacher of his day” in that movement. Jessie’s devout mother consequently “had ideas that children could be brought up without the knowledge of sin.” Jessie also attended Anglican services. For instance, after marrying William, the Penn-Lewis family attended “the Church of the Annunciation . . . [where Mr. Penn-Lewis had been] attending [before their marriage],” an Anglican congregation where the “Vicar was an extreme High Churchman” who believed in a damnable sacramental salvation, the Papist confessional, and other “strong Anglo-Catholic views.” During the second year of her marriage, Jessie “began to feel very ill at ease about the Lord’s Return” and she was professedly converted to Christ, although she did not say a word to anyone about this professed conversion until a year and a half later, when, having moved to the Anglican parish where Evan Hopkins was the minister, she was simply “asked if she were ‘a Christian,’ and her . . . answer ‘Yes’ was her first open confession of Christ,” this response allegedly proving not merely her religiosity, but her supernatural true conversion and regeneration. She soon became “a fluent and powerful” woman preacher in “open air” meetings connected with Hopkins’ congregation, although because of a difficult ministry experience she “would have cracked” without the stabilizing influence of some other women. Also, opposition because of “her unorthodox views . . . caused [her great] pain.” Nonetheless, throughout her life she regularly preached in congregations, conventions, and settings of the most varied kinds to both men and women, despite “strong prejudice based upon misunderstanding of Paul’s” prohibitions in 1 Corinthians 14:34-40 and 1 Timothy 2:11-15, but in accordance with the Quaker practice of “encouraging women to be ministers.” Generally, “the pastors [were] strongly opposed,” but women were to reject pastoral counsel, receive women preachers anyway, and preach themselves; many did, being “faithful to the power of the Lord” against their “local clergym[e]n, who said women should not speak at meetings.” Penn-Lewis knew that Paul did not really mean to prohibit women preaching to men when he wrote: “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church,” and “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” Rather, Penn-Lewis knew that “Psalm lxviii 11-12 (see R. V.) must surely have been a prophecy of these days in which we live,” proving that women in the New Testament dispensation are “to prophesy and preach” to men, although nothing of the sort is in view in the psalm if one adopts a grammatical-historical interpretation of the Hebrew text, the Authorized Version, or even the Revised Version to which Penn-Lewis refers. However, “God had given her the text of a ‘new translation’ of [the] Psalm.” Soon after beginning her public work, she “saw that [she] should know the Holy Spirit as a Person . . . through reading Andrew Murray’s Spirit of Christ,” leading her to a variety of special spiritual experiences, although she testified, “I could not understand why it made so little difference in my service . . . [i]n these respects [of serving Christ in different ways], I was just the same as before, until, some three years later,” she received a “Baptism of the Spirit for service.” She later was able to meet “Mr. Murray” and have “a long talk” with him, “the first contact of a fellowship in God which deepened into a bond in the Spirit between [their] two souls.” Penn-Lewis also discovered, after staying at Bethshan, Boardman’s faith-cure “House of Rest,” the doctrine of healing espoused by Mahan, Boardman, and Murray, learning “what it meant to take [Christ’s] life and strength for [the] body when needed for His service.” Shortly after adopting the Faith Cure doctrine, she began seeking a “Spirit baptism” of the sort “Finney and Asa Mahan” experienced, and, not able to figure out whether or not the Bible taught their doctrine, set aside Scripture and all “books” of theology to simply pray until God revealed directly to her what she could not figure out by means of that Word of God that is “more sure” than even His audible voice (2 Peter 1:16-21). She then, by means of a vision and “revelation” where she saw a “hand holding up in terrible light a handful of filthy rags” and heard what was allegedly God’s voice, adopted what became an influential Keswick doctrine of crucifixion with Christ and the central aspect of her later preaching and writing, based on a misinterpretation of Romans 6, and as a result of receiving that crucifixion doctrine by revelation also received the kind of baptism that Finney and Mahan had experienced. She further explained, in continuity with the Keswick healing doctrine stretching from Boardman through to Simpson, Murray, Nee, and many others, that she was “healed . . . when the Baptism of the Spirit came . . . in 1892 . . . when there came to me that revolution in Christian life which can only be described as a ‘Baptism of the Spirit’ . . . [and which] enabled [me], physically, to endure and to accomplish labour . . . beyond both natural and physical powers,” since the believer’s co-crucifixion with Christ gives him both spiritual victory over sin and Satan and physical healing. Penn-Lewis wrote: If you have learned the inner life of victory . . . you . . . have in union with Christ . . . life and healing for soul and body. . . . [It is the weak Christian] who is not able to trust beyond the use of means for recovery[.] . . . Isaiah said, “By His stripes we are healed.” . . . I got the inside clue [when] . . . I saw this Hebrew rendering . . . “IN HIS HEALED WOUNDS THERE IS HEALING FOR US!” . . . [J]ust as we are “crucified together with Him,” and share in His victory over sin and Satan, so in a still deeper sense “crucified with Him” when we stand in victory over sin and Satan, the life of Jesus ministered by the Holy Spirit indwelling the spirit, can heal the bruised and broken bodies of all who thus by faith apprehend their identification and union with Him . . . as I stand in identification with His death, the VERY LIFE that healed Him, which comes to me as I am joined to Him in spirit, can heal my broken body . . . It is “identification” again, with Him in His death, and a deeper appropriation of His Risen and healing life. . . . [H]ealing . . . is all for each believer in the finished work of Calvary. Thus, bodily healing is part of the Christian’s inheritance for today and also a product of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, so that the truly spiritual Christian will reject medicine for the Faith Cure; Penn-Lewis bore her “testimony to the truth of Matt. viii. 17, and Rom. viii. 11” and “st[ood] by faith upon these Divine facts,” for “[h]ealing is part of the finished work of Calvary[,] [and] ‘In His healed wounds there is healing for us[.]’ . . . The same life-power that healed and restored His broken body can heal and quicken my broken body.” Consequently, “on the basis of Romans Six you may put in your claim for the healing of any bodily disease.” One simply “definitively drop[s] ‘body’ at the Cross” and then becomes “quite well” as Christ’s bodily life then begins to flow into the person who has entered the Higher Life; healing comes by “taking the Risen Life of the Crucified Christ to quicken the mortal body,” since “diseases spr[i]ng from inward soul sicknesses such as lust and anger . . . [and] deliverance and victory over the soul’s imprisoning passions was a part of Christ’s victory on the Cross.” Evan Roberts exercised this healing ability on himself, so that he was “bubbling over with joy and shouting about his wonderful new body that had become strong by faith,” delivered from “nine years” of sickness—delivered, that is, at least for a few hours, since “twenty four hours later he was knocked out completely with strain” and continued to be as ill as before. Similarly, “fellow-Welshman, Stephen Jeffries, in the early stages of his ‘Faith healing’ that caused scores of conversions in South Wales . . . became a celebrated figure in London,” at least until “some of the healed people testified that they had not been healed permanently.” Such a loss of the effectiveness of a Keswick healing had an explanation, however; just as the Higher Life will spiritually be lost by ceasing to maintain the decisive act of faith, so bodily healing is lost whenever one ceases to maintain faith, in radical discontinuity with the type of healing practiced by Christ and the Apostles. In further discontinuity with the truly miraculous healings recorded in the Bible, which brought about actual and perfect physical deliverance from disease, Mrs. Penn-Lewis’ “healing” at the time of her alleged Spirit baptism left her with “large cavities” in her lungs which were from thenceforth in perpetual danger of “active disease,” and she continued to endure terrible “ill-health and suffering” and “constant poor health and much pain” for the rest of her life as “the lung weakness” grew ever the “more manifest.” The poor woman suffered from “bouts of pleurisy and neurasthenia . . . weeks of asthmatic attacks and hypertension . . . weeks each year . . . plagued with chills, migraines, and bronchial attacks, which left her too exhausted to think . . . pneumonia [that left her] just a shadow of herself . . . pain and helpless weakness . . . over-straine[d] heart . . . recurrent flu . . . enforced convalescence . . . serious hemorrhage . . . almost fatal illness . . . [and other] sicknesses for forty years.” Her doctor told her, “Your lungs have been weak ever since I have known you—now 30 years or more,” and she lived in “constant expectation of a ‘final release’ from her pain-racked body.” Finally she died, with work she felt she still had left to do, although she had taught that, because of “the fifth to the eight [sic] of Romans,” she “expected to be enabled for full service in all the will of God until the Lord comes.” She did not, however, manage to live until the Lord came, or even until all the work she thought she was supposed to do was accomplished—instead, she died just like people who did not share her revelatory insight into Romans. However, there were other explanations for her continuing and severe illnesses, and for her death, than that her Keswick doctrine of healing was erroneous; for example, when she suffered three serious attacks of pneumonia in 1926-1927, each time being “brought very near the gates of death,” and each one leaving “her weaker in body,” until, at length, she actually died in 1927 at the age of 67, her ill health was not because of a false doctrine of healing, but because, in line with the teaching at the Broadlands Conference and later Keswick meetings, by getting pneumonia she was enduring “the ‘fellowship of the sufferings of Christ . . . for His Body’s sake, the Church,’ which made it difficult for the physical frame to respond to the life which the Risen Lord was ready to give.” Those who are skeptical of her extra-biblical revelations and doctrines, instead of accepting such an excuse as valid, would rather greatly pity both her severe bodily sufferings and her continuing Keswick Faith-Cure delusion. While Mrs. Penn-Lewis’ Spirit baptism produced a kind of bodily healing that fell far short of the apostolic pattern, it produced a spiritual state that far exceeded what was experienced by the Apostles, for, she wrote, “I have never had to fight a battle of ‘surrender of will’ from that time,” having entered by Spirit baptism into a realm of spiritual experience higher than any promised in the Bible or experienced by men like the Apostle Paul in their lifetime (Galatians 5:17; Romans 7:14-25). However, while her entry into the Higher Life came to her, she affirms, directly by a revelation and mystical experience—one of the vast numbers of supernatural revelations and visions she received—she also had the help of “Madame Guyon,” who was most “influential” upon Mrs. Penn-Lewis when introduced to her by “Mrs. Evan Hopkins” as Jessie sought Spirit baptism and Higher Life sanctification in 1888. Penn-Lewis did not compare Guyon’s writings with Scripture to see if they were trustworthy (Acts 17:11; 2 Peter 1:16-21), but adopted Guyon’s spirituality because “the Lord spoke” to her and told her that “this is the path.” Having discovered by revelation from the spirit world the value of Guyon’s writings, Penn-Lewis testified: “I owe a great deal to the books of Madame Guyon, and the way she showed me the path to life ‘in God’ . . . her ‘Life’ . . . [led me to] clearly s[ee] the way of the Cross . . . [and the need for] ‘dying’ not ‘doing’ [to] produce spiritual fruit.” That is, Penn-Lewis learned from Guyon the alleged truth of Quietism, “an effortless spiritual life” that is “stripped of [even the] vestiges of self” by passing beyond “effort or feeling or even faith” to mystical union with the Divine, “the Christ-life,” where “your own personality as a separate identity [is] merged in Him,” and “God is—we are not.” Connecting her Quietism to the teachings of the “old Quakers” and her peculiar view of the soul and spirit, Penn-Lewis taught that one must reject “creaturely activity . . . [which] is manifestly the energy of the creature being used in the service of God rather than the creature seeking in spirit to co-operate with the Holy Spirit given to him as the Gift of the Risen Son of God.” The Quietism learned from Guyon and the spirit world that produced her writings brought Penn-Lewis “into the stream of life at Keswick . . . in one spirit with . . . all” the ministers and spiritual teachings at the Keswick Convention of 1892, where speakers included the annihilationist George Grubb. Penn-Lewis also “prepared reprints of works by . . . Madame Guyon” to spread Guyon’s Roman Catholic mysticism to others. Indeed, Jessie Penn-Lewis produced her writings under inspiration, she believed, just like Madame Guyon did, and the writers of the Bible did. Just like “Madame Guyon again and again describes how she wrote, under the hand of God, many things which it was not in her own mind and spirit to write . . . writing . . . treasures of knowledge and understanding that [she] did not know [her]self to possess . . . with incredible quickness, for the hand could hardly follow the Spirit,” writing, that is, under a supernatural inspiration, Penn-Lewis commented in her “heav[ily underscor[ed] . . . two-volume edition of Madame Guyon’s ‘Autobiography’” the “similarity of experience” between the two women, in that Jessie felt that Guyon’s description of her writing by inspiration was “exactly how I have always written.” The same spirit that moved Guyon to write by inspiration—which, unfortunately, was the very god of this world that worked in Hindu and other pagan mystics, and that authored Rome’s many wretched heresies, such as justification by imparted righteousness, salvation by works, transubstantiation, baptismal regeneration, image worship, and the acceptance of non-canonical Apocrypha as inspired—also moved Jessie Penn-Lewis, in accordance with the Quaker doctrine of the Inner Light, to write by inspiration. Penn-Lewis’ writings were thus nothing but “determined obedience to the ‘heavenly vision,’” and, she said, “I cannot write one sentence unless I receive it from God” by “inspiration,” thus producing her “Overcomer Literature” in this manner. For example, by means of a “special vision,” she described how she had one of her books revealed to her: “[A]s I was going to bed, there suddenly flashed upon me [the book] The Message of the Cross with every chapter marked—the whole scheme, every heading, chapter and title. Next morning I arose with every bit of it printed on my mind. I went to my study—locked the door—took each passage and wrote it as rapidly as it was possible. . . . Will the devil leave me alone over this?” In association with this book she also narrates: “In a dream I arose and went downstairs and sat alone far away in the vision. A voice came to me from the glory . . . [t]he knowledge was unspeakable.” She wrote: I was suddenly within the veil. . . . It seemed as if I and the Lord were one. He stood before the Father holding out His pierced hands, but it was I who stood there, too, in Him. He was saying ‘Father I have died,’ but I was saying it, too. Calvary seemed far away down on the hillside. This was the Risen Lord with marks of the wounds, in the presence of the Father—and I was there. I saw Calvary within the veil. My whole being was melted. These visions built upon her supernatural encounter earlier in the year: I suddenly began to feel pressed and burdened. My head fell on my breast with heavy breathing and for some time I groaned heavily. Then God spoke, ‘He who knew no sin was made sin on our behalf.’ I felt as if part of myself or a member of my body was corrupt and loathsome. It was part of me and tied to me by life and I could not be separated from it. Thus I knew what it meant for Him who knew no sin to be made Sin, to have identified with Him and the accursed ones, corrupt with the fallen life and yet joined to Him their Redeemed. For a week I walked so strangely under ceaseless condemnation. All I did seemed wrong. My conscience void of offense seemed to become all offense without a cause. . . . The lesson was that it was all permitted of God to teach me how truly the Pure and Holy One suffered as He became SIN on our behalf. It was a fellowship of Christ’s sufferings in the one sense, that it lets one understand His agony as the sin-bearer. . . . This was the first deep knowledge of the Cross. Thus, the material for her books came from the spirit world, visions, dreams, voices, experiences with heavy breathing, groaning, parts of her body feeling corrupt and loathsome, and so on. Her teaching on “those deeper aspects of Romans 6 and Colossians 2” were “revealed” to her in such a manner—rather than from the study of the Bible, which teaches, on the contrary, that while Christ endured the punishment of the sinful world in a vicarious way, sin being imputed to Him, He nevertheless was never personally sinful. Thus, by her visions and revelations, she gained that “deep knowledge of the Cross” which contradicts what Scripture teaches about the work of Christ on the cross. Writing to F. B. Meyer, she said, “I have been given by the Divine Spirit the interpretation of the Cross to the Christian.” She “was specially chosen . . . and equipped with deep spiritual truths in these last days for the Church, truths that no one else held,” since they are not in the Bible. Furthermore, the spirits that gave her revelations not only miraculously produced The Message of the Cross, “every bit of it,” although she did not delight in writing it, but enabled her to know the future by “reveal[ing] to her that the book would be greatly used”—and it was, in fact, “being studied more and more on the very eve of the Great Awakening” in the Welsh holiness revival “in 1904.” Nor was The Message of the Cross by any means her only book inspired in this manner—her other books were “God-inspired” as well. “God’s Hand was upon me . . . and I wrote . . . all He showed me,” she claimed, “chapter[s]” of her writings coming through “vision[s]” and “revelations,” “God . . . pouring light . . . and [her] pen running without halting,” as she “wr[ote] what He gave me . . . even as Moses in the Mount with God.” Likewise, her magazine articles were inspired. Even historical reports of events “were sounding like prophetic messages,” for “she simply refused to separate her reports from her burden messages given directly by the Lord.” She could also, free from the constraint of careful study of the Bible because of her inspiration, write “the actual matter [of a book] in one week” as “there poured from her pen . . . message[s] . . . so definitely given of God . . . truly prophetic . . words.” However, although she wrote every sentence and word of her writings under inspiration from the spirit world, she still needed to spend “ceaseless labour in proof correcting . . . and [other] details” that, it seems, supernatural inspiration did not get right at first. So great were the new revelations associated with her that she told others that the “Holy Ghost [could] tak[e] hold of” them also, “according to 1 Chron. xxviii:19,” a passage which describes how David received truth under the infallible inspiration of God, and “inspire” even those who “translate” her writings into other languages; “God will take hold of your mind and your pen,” she affirms of her translator-to-be—so one does not even need to learn English to read her inspired writings, but can read inspired translations of her works in foreign tongues. Nor was inspiration limited to her as a prophetess, and to those who translated her writings; inspiration was given to many who had entered into the highest levels of the Higher Life—all those, for example, who were to rise in the partial Rapture were the recipients of “revelation” and “inspiration” from God. Furthermore, not Mrs. Penn-Lewis’ writings alone, but sundry other books, inspired as were the books of the Bible, could be written in modern times. The process of 2 Peter 1:15-21, where “prophecy” and “scripture” came from “holy men of God . . . moved by the Holy Ghost,” was taking place in her day, she knew. Penn-Lewis described how one could write in the present day under the same kind of inspiration that was involved in the production of the Bible, both exalting modern writings to the level of Biblical inspiration and downgrading Biblical inspiration by affirming that it did not involve “dictation,” when every jot and tittle of Scripture was indeed dictated, although not mechanically, by the Holy Spirit through holy men of old. In her exaltation of modern “inspired” writings she also attacked the plenary character of Biblical inspiration, affirming that there were levels of inspiration in the Bible, some parts being from God and some parts being what the human writer simply felt like recording. Thus, Penn-Lewis—under inspiration herself, of course—wrote: True writing under the hand of God [takes place today]. . . under Divine guidance . . . moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21) . . . writing under the guidance of God . . . by the movement of the Holy Spirit in the man’s spirit[.] . . . The Scriptures bear the marks of their having been written in this way. Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (2 Peter 1:21). They spake from God, but as men they received and uttered, or wrote the truth given in the spirit, but transmitted through the full use of their divinely enlightened faculties. Paul’s writings all show the fulfillment of the[se] . . . requirements[.] . . . In Paul, too, we see the clear discrimination possessed by a spiritual man, able to recognize what came from God in his spirit, and what was the product of his own thought. . . . Note the varying language in 1 Cor. 7:6, 8, 10, 12, 25, 40, “I say,” and “Not I but the Lord.” . . . [W]riting under the guidance of God . . . is not given by dictation[,] but] . . . “supernatural revelations” [are for] today[.] Thus, by means of the inspiration of her writings and their inspired translation, Jessie Penn-Lewis followed Madame Guyon and became “a teacher of the deep things of God.” Indeed, Mrs. Penn-Lewis tied in her inspiration with her role as a woman preacher, for those “passages of the Apostle Paul’s writings” that plainly proclaimed the sinfulness of women preachers “were bound to be in harmony with the working of the Holy Spirit in the Nineteenth Century” during which she had “proved . . . in her own life” the propriety of woman preaching by her spiritual experiences and “God sp[eaking] with mighty power through His handmaiden.” Had not the preaching, teaching, counseling, public prayer, and other acts of female leadership over men in the Welsh Revival demonstrated that the Most High accepted such disobedience to Scripture, just as the marvels Penn-Lewis further proclaimed: “The Lord has set a the seal of blessing on my messages at Keswick [and elsewhere],” and she knew that “the whole current of life moving through the spiritual Church is towards clear and open ground for women in the work of God,” so failing to preach would be “disobedience,” regardless of what the plain statements of the Bible might affirm to the contrary. As she wrote in her apologetic for women preachers, The Magna Carta of Women, “The Spirit of God has never been poured forth in any company in any part of the world without the ‘handmaids’ prophesying”—at least in the types of alleged revival with which she was associated—and we “dare not quench the Spirit . . . by saying that only men were inspired by the Holy Spirit.” Her argument from Acts 2 for woman preachers anticipated the Pentecostal position exactly. Thus, “[w]omen could be entrusted with prophetic and teaching ministries of the highest kind.” If, by “a special vision . . . [her] sermon[s] [were] inspired,” and she was “God’s special messenger” who properly “asserted her special status as a messenger of God,” who would dare to question her preaching? She warned: “you will fear lest you touch His revealings to me in the least degree . . . given by Him directly to me.” When Jehovah spoke directly from heaven on Mount Sinai, or speaks in His Word the Bible, men must fear and tremble before Him: “Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken” (Isaiah 1:2). But now hearken—Jessie Penn-Lewis has spoken. Who dares not fear? Indeed, she wrote that she received by revelation her special doctrine of the Cross and sanctification at the time “it pleased God to reveal His Son I me that I might preach Him.” After consulting with others who saw visions, and feeling “a strange prompting to sing and preach,” Penn-Lewis “was no longer reluctant to share her [own] visions with others,” and shortly thereafter “began her public preaching” in earnest, receiving supernatural ability to “speak to men’s meetings and fe[el] not a twinge of nerves.” Naturally, a “woman who is called to preach is likewise called to an understanding of the Word which will agree with that inward voice”—Quaker Inner Light and direct revelations must be used to interpret the Bible, which, therefore, must not be the sole and sufficient authority for faith and practice, despite 2 Timothy 3:16-17. For that matter, “there were times when she” did not “compose an address” but simply “appeal[ed] to the Holy Spirit to give her a message” to preach, or supernatural influences “told her to throw away her notes” or to simply “arise, nothing doubting, and speak,” bestowing upon her supernatural “power . . . and liberty” apart from study of the Scriptures; while sometimes a “minister was not pleased” by this preaching without study, “it matters not.” Her writings and messages thus reflected her “personal experience” and were “confirmed by numbers of letters in [her] possession, as well as by the witness of God to many another soul,” rather than by careful attention to sound principles of Biblical exegesis; she had “no desire to dogmatise or systematize,” and, for that reason, pressed upon Christian workers as a dogma not to be questioned: “Do not dogmatize over anything.” She “return[ed]” theological “books” when sent to her with “nothing to say about them” because she was “not concerned about ‘systems,’ . . . hav[ing] no time for” them, preferring what she could learn by mystical experiences, visions, and revelations. Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s disregard for systematic theology was evident in her confusion and false doctrine about who God Himself even was. As at the Broadlands Conferences preaching that “Jesus Christ is . . . the Holy Spirit” was acceptable, so Mrs. Penn-Lewis could make modalistic affirmations about God as a single “Person manifested as Father, Son, or Holy Spirit.” She could deny the omnipresence of God the Father and God the Son, claiming that they were not on earth, and deny the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit by affirming that He was on earth, but not in heaven: God the Father, as a Person, is in the highest heaven. His presence is manifested in men as the “Spirit of the Father.” Christ the Son is in heaven as a Person, His presence in men is by His Spirit. The Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of the Father, and of the Son, is on earth in the Church. . . . The Person of God [which, it seems, is again only modalistic and solitary, not Trinitarian] is in heaven, but the presence is manifested on earth, in and with believers; through and by the Holy Spirit; in, and to the human spirit, as the organ of the Holy Spirit for the manifested presence of God. Scripture teaches that all three Persons of the Trinity are within the believer (John 14:23), not the Holy Spirit only (which is necessary, in any case, since the Divine essence is undivided), so that while the Spirit certainly is in the Christian (Romans 8:9), Christ is in the believer also: “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” (2 Corinthians 13:5; Galatians 2:20). However, Penn-Lewis wrote: “The thought with many is that the Person of Christ is in them, but in truth, Christ as a Person is in no man,” an affirmation which, happily, is false, as then all would be reprobates. Nevertheless, she knew that it was necessary to adopt all this confusion and false doctrine on the Trinity and the Divine attributes in order to “understand the counterfeiting methods of evil spirits”—confusion about and blasphemy against the Triune God would certainly be of great help in resisting evil spirits, at least to those who think it is well to reject theology for mindless mysticism. Thus, while Penn-Lewis did not have time for theology, she had plenty of time to pour over the writings of Madame Guyon, be “influenced by . . . mystical treatises . . . by Fenelon,” and read other mystics and heretics, so that “[s]ome of her language . . . sounded like the mystic cults.” “It is the mind, not the heart, that is the trouble,” she wrote; “experience may easily be of God and yet the mind” can get in the way. “Christians . . . know too much[,] [and therefore are] sinking . . . further away from the true life in God.” Thus, her preaching and writing “c[ame] from, and appeal to, the heart rather than the intellect.” God “could not use me for writing,” Penn-Lewis wrote, when her “natural mental activities [were] aroused.” Thus, rather than carefully examining the context of passages of the Bible and recognizing the fact that a genuine work of God employs a “sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7), one could instead know one had the correct interpretation of Scripture by emptying one’s mind and having “the Holy Ghost commen[d] the message to every man’s conscience” through direct revelation. Penn-Lewis’ writings therefore do “not contain ‘mental’ matter, i. e., matter which is merely the product of the mind, even a spiritual mind,” but material gained by “fresh and living experience” that showed what the true meaning of the Bible was. It is, then, not unexpected that those who use their minds—as the Spirit that inspired the Scriptures commands (Isaiah 1:18; Romans 12:1; 2 Timothy 1:7)—come to reject both her claims of inspiration and the theology of sanctification she allegedly received by inspiration. To recognize the inspiration of the writings of a woman who plainly contradicts Scripture, exalts ignorance of theology, promulgates a doctrine of healing that does not actually heal, believes she has deep knowledge of the Cross because parts of her body begin to feel loathsome, and predicted the end of the world in 1914, one must truly set aside his mind. Nonetheless, Mrs. Penn Lewis preached worldwide in Quaker, Anglican, Lutheran, Salvation Army, Y. W. C. A., China Inland Mission, and many other settings to audiences that readily adopted the theology of sanctification and healing she had received from the spirit world by inspiration. She “joined the staff of the women’s meetings . . . [at] Keswick . . . by the invitation of the Trustees” in 1899, having already “been present at the Convention . . . [y]ear after year” before this time, and continued her “service in the Women’s Meetings at Keswick . . . [until] 1909.” She preached “[a]t Keswick also, for many years, [at] open meetings . . . addressed on the Sundays preceding and concluding Convention week,” for she was as “an influential figure in the Keswick Convention,” being asked to deliver Bible Readings to mixed gender audiences at Keswick. Many people came to Keswick specifically to hear her preach. After 1909 “she still continued one of the Trustees of the Convention,” simply “retir[ing] from the leadership of the Women’s Meetings and from the heavy organizing work” to focus on her message of warfare with Satan and the coming end of the world. She remained closely associated with Keswick until her death; shortly before her passing she was found “at Keswick in July 1927 . . . [and] travelled to Llandrindod Wells [the Welsh Keswick] on July 29th, as one of the speakers of the Convention.” She was also “a standing member . . . [of] the Council of Reference” for the Welsh “Llandrindod Keswick Convention” that she helped to found, and it “was Jessie’s special task to introduce [Keswick-type] conventions to North Wales.” Indeed, she was the initiator of the process through which the Llandrindod Wells Convention began. She also “helped organize . . . many new Keswick-type local conventions.” She did, however, give up some of her responsibilities in 1909 to focus on that “message of the Cross” she had received by direct revelation accompanied with feelings of corruption in her body parts, a message which needed to be “proclaimed anew” to prepare “the Church . . . for translation at the Lord’s appearing,” and to that end her booklet “The Word of the Cross” was printed in the millions of copies and translated into “no less than one hundred languages and dialects” as a result of a vision of “someone coming in shining armor covered with precious stones[,] and this being was filled with God”—Dr. Rudeshill, the printer of her works himself, although not long afterwards he “lost all his enthusiasm for her work.” At times a new book she had received by revelation would be “by far the most popular book at Keswick th[at] year.” Her works filled “Japan, China, . . . India[,] . . . Jamaica, Mexico . . . other Caribbean centers . . . Canada . . . the Australian States . . . Singapore . . . [and] Kenya . . . [were translated into] German, French . . . Swedish, Russian, and other Baltic languages . . . also into Yiddish . . . Italian . . . Hungarian, and other languages,” and influenced Christendom in many other nations. In short, her “message was reaching the whole world,” as distribution of her works was taken over by the “Christian Literature Crusade,” prominent publisher for Christian and Missionary Alliance literature. In America, “the name of Jessie Penn-Lewis had become a household word and . . . her books were in great demand.” Her doctrines spread so widely that they have “permeated the teaching of the Church of God, even in circles where her name is scarcely known.” Penn-Lewis’ theology “of the Cross was the Lord’s preparation of a group of His servants who should carry the message to Wales,” just as her influence as a “founder of the ‘Welsh Keswick’ at Llandrindod Wells” and her influence in the continued development of the Welsh Keswick, the Llandrindod Wells Convention, which began in 1903, and her preaching at its meetings from the first, were central developments in the rise of the Methodist and Anglican aspects, especially, of the holiness revival of 1904 in Wales, a movement of which she also served as chronicler and doctrinal guide. She “was . . . a special correspondent to several of the men most deeply involved in the Revival. . . . Few were more intimate with the workings of revival, few were in such constant touch with the chief instruments and their prayer partners, and few were so well-known abroad that their reports of miraculous events would be believed and responded to.” She, herself Welsh, “founded Keswick in Wales, and was the inspiration behind many other conventions.” As the Keswick theology contributed to the work of the Welsh holiness revival under Evan Roberts, the holiness revival, in its turn, strongly influenced those worldwide who accepted the Keswick theology: “Keswick leaders helped to bring Keswick emphases to Wales and there was a determination to introduce the Welsh Revival to a wider audience.” It is not surprising, in light of her claims to miraculous gifts, supernatural visitations, and inspiration, that she put the Welsh Revival on a level with the religious excitement that birthed the Pentecostal movement in Los Angeles, California, from which the entire Pentecostal and charismatic movements have originated, since she believed, as did Evan Roberts, that people in their day were experiencing the “gifts of prophesy, tongues, healings, and other spiritual experiences, connected with the work of the Holy Ghost.” Just as the “heavens [were] opened” in a powerful “working of the Holy Spirit . . . [in] Revival . . . in Wales,” a like heavenly stream was at work in “the Pentecostal Movement in Los Angeles.” She found acceptable the teaching, coming from “Los Angeles, California . . . [of] many [Pentecostal] Azuza Street leaders and of the Pacific Apostolic Faith Movement” that set forth teachings on sanctification and miraculous gifts “[l]ike the Overcomer Testimony founded by Jessie Penn-Lewis” and Evan Roberts. Those “Americans who had visited each revival center in Wales, especially places where Evan Roberts could be seen,” returned home, and soon “new signs and wonders had begun in the United States,” as “the Spirit had come in power upon Los Angeles” and other places. Not only did people come from the Welsh holiness revival to America to raise up and support Pentecostalism, but the literature of the supernatural work in Wales through Evan Roberts circulated widely at Azuza Street and other roots of the Pentecostal movement as the worldwide influence of the Keswick continuationism so zealously promoted by Mrs. Penn-Lewis prepared the way for the rise of worldwide Pentecostalism. As the revivalism in Wales spread into India, “Pandita Ramabai, a high-caste widow . . . heard the news of the Welsh revival.” Ramabai, an avid supporter of women preachers like Mrs. Penn-Lewis, had spoken at Keswick in 1898 after learning the Keswick theology of receiving the Spirit from a missionary, and not long after the rise of the Welsh holiness revival “Pandita Ramabai’s witnessing and praising bands . . . adopted tongues.” By 1906 they both warmly welcomed Pentecostal leaders and were contributing to the spread of tongues internationally. “Jessie . . . commended the leaders of [her] group,” although “[c]onfusion reigned” there as people, “with shoulders and bodies twitching and jerking” experienced “extreme agony” as they “had been speaking in tongues,” while others experienced, based on a gross and blatant misinterpretation of Luke 12:49, a “baptism of fire” that involved a “flood of fire poured on head, and . . . burning inside [that was] rather hard to bear.” Furthermore, “Vicar Alexander Boddy . . . had stood with Evan Roberts in revival meetings and been thrilled by the evidences of the Holy Spirit’s work in their midst,” and “by the following year . . . he heard with joy about [the] Azuza Street Mission in Los Angeles, California, and other places . . . sought the same blessing and found himself worshipping the Lord in ‘new tongues.’” Penn-Lewis’s “old frien[d] . . . Mrs. Groves . . . [was a] missionary who had joined in the [Pentecostal] Latter Rain experience,” and Jessie Penn-Lewis wrote to her that when one “reach[es] the very roots of faith down in the Cross, and from there ascend[s] into a life of purity and worship . . . ‘Tongues’ c[an] be one expression.” She printed “a long tribute to the [Lutheran] pastors who met at the Barmen Conference” in 1907 and stated: “We acknowledge that God might give all the gifts of the Spirit in our own day. The church should allow herself to be ready.” Mrs. Penn-Lewis was thus “[f]ar from denying the gift of tongues,” but “asked only that those who had no gifts would exercise patience, and that those who had received the gift would stay humble,” and, therefore, “was criticized by strict evangelicals as one who took too soft a line.” Her writings on Pentecostalism were “not written in a spirit of opposition or adverse criticism,” for, as a Quaker, she agreed with the fundamental continuationism of Pentecostalism. Indeed, Charles Parham, that key founder of the modern “tongues” movement, recognized the affinity of his fanaticism with that of Quakerism by affirming that extra-Biblical “Divine inspiration is the basic principle of Quakerism,” as it was central to his own theology, leading him to believe that the “Holy Spirit” by “inspiration” spoke through him in the various “language[s] of the world.” It is, therefore, not in the least surprising that Mrs. Penn-Lewis believed that “the best qualities of the Pentecostal movement could be accepted,” although she criticized certain of its more extreme aberrations. Her teachings also contained the seeds of a variety of Word of Faith heresies. Not only did Penn-Lewis see the Welsh holiness revival as a phenomenon similar to the Pentecostal revival, but the movement in Wales led her also to the composition of The War On The Saintswith Evan Roberts. This book, which was part of the preparation for the end of the world in 1914, was intended “[o]nly [for] those who have experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit,” as all others would not be able to “understand and benefit”—Christians who simply searched the Scriptures and therefore rejected the doctrine of a post-conversion Spirit baptism certainly would find no value in the book, as it was not based on grammatical-historical interpretation of the Bible, but upon “inquiries and testings . . . evidence . . . of counterfeit signs, visions, exercises, and manifestations . . . [and] testimonies.” Indeed, “Evan Roberts disclosed later that [the book] had included his spiritual autobiography because he had long since realized that he too had been deceived and harassed by Satan,” although by the time War on the Saints was written, he had now obtained “power to understand and discern,” so one did not need to fear that the book itself was a product of Satanic deception—after all, the book had cosmic dispensational significance in preparing for the end of the world in 1914, so no deception could possibly be involved. Roberts called “War on the Saints . . . my unnamed biography.” War on the Saints stated that believers, even those who have received the second blessing of the baptism of the Spirit, “devoted believers . . . honest and earnest believers . . . who have been baptized with the Holy Ghost . . . who sigh and cry over the powerlessness of the true Church of Christ, and who grieve that her witness is ineffective . . . can be deceived, and even possessed by deceiving spirits.” Deception is usually associated with possession: “Christians are as open to possession by evil spirits as other men, and become possessed . . . in most cases, unwittingly . . . apart from the cause of willful sin.” However, sometimes believers, without any known sin, and without even being deceived, may be possessed; through “unknown . . . sin . . . even by a believer, an evil spirit may take possession of the mind, or body, without there being any experience of deception.” Demons can not only possess ordinary believers without known sin, and who are not deceived, but even the most spiritual believers can be possessed. Indeed, “the most spiritual believers, baptized with the Holy Spirit, and most fitted to be used of God in Revival service, may become deceived and possessed by demons in their outer being through accepting the counterfeits of Satan.” In fact, War on the Saints teaches: [S]ouls who are (a) not disobedient to light, or (b) living in any known sin, but the contrary . . . become possessed by evil spirits, through deception over absolute surrender to God (as they supposed), and whole‐hearted reckless abandonment to ‘supernatural power’ which they believed was of God, but through ignorance, were not able to discern as counterfeits by demons of the Spirit of God. . . . Evidence of believers wholly consecrated to God in spirit, soul and body, in will and fact, becoming possessed in mind and body by demons, is now available, having all the symptoms and manifestations . . . described in the Gospels. Multitudes of believers are possessed in various degrees[.] Vast multitudes of believers were possessed, Mrs. Penn-Lewis knew, and possessed, not in some lesser sense, but to the fullest extent and in every way that people were indwelt and controlled by Satan and his demons recorded in Scripture: Evidences are now available, proving that . . . possession in its fullest degree, has taken place in believers . . . such cases having all the symptoms and manifestations described in the gospel records. The demon answering questions in his own voice, and speaking words of blasphemy against God through the person . . . the demon, or demons, in the body, using the tongue, and throwing the body about at their will.” Mrs. Penn-Lewis knew that the teaching that believers could be possessed to the uttermost extent by demons was extremely important, for: “IF THEY [demons] GET INSIDE THEY WILL MAKE HIM [the Christian or other possessed person] DO WHAT THEY WILL.” Unfortunately, nobody could know if he had sinned enough to allow demon possession to occur, so demons could be possessing and controlling Christians without their being the slightest bit aware of the situation. It was all the more necessary, then, to study War on the Saints to find out what to do in what could seem to be the almost inevitable onset of demon possession as one came under Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s influence. In fact, as Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s teachings spread, it was “becoming more and more prominent . . . [for] CHRISTIAN[S] TO BE POSSESSED BY EVIL SPIRITS,” but this was certainly not because her teachings were themselves demonic. No, the recognition that the most spiritual believers, those who have drunk the deepest of the Higher Life Mrs. Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts were propagating, those who have risen to the level of perfection so that they do not have any known sin, may nevertheless be demon possessed, makes it clear how absolutely essential War on the Saints truly is—for with the Bible alone, nobody would be able to know such things as these, now brought to light under inspiration by Roberts and Penn-Lewis in preparation for the end of the world. Indeed, Scripture would indicate that believers cannot be demon possessed (1 John 4:4), so it is essential to read War on the Saints to discover, from “experience” and “evidences” and “fact” outside of the Bible, that the literal interpretation of God’s holy Word must be rejected on this subject: The fact of the demon possession of Christians destroys the theory that only . . . persons deep in sin, can be “possessed” by evil spirits. This unexamined, unproved theory . . . serves the devil well[.] . . . But the veil is being stripped off the eyes of the children of God by the hard path of experience; and the knowledge is dawning upon the awakened section of the Church that a believer . . . can . . . be possessed. Indeed, the “facts” Penn-Lewis speaks of made it so clear that Christians could be possessed that texts to the contrary—such as 1 John 4:4 & 5:18—are not only not exegeted anywhere in the course of the hundreds of pages of War on the Saints, but they are not even cited. What need is there of exegesis when one has experience? An exegetical and theological argument against believers being demon possessed, such as the following, could surely be simply rejected out of hand: Christians cannot be possessed . . . [daimonidzomai]. This is true for the following four reasons. 1.) The believer has new life in Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, if Spirit indwelling means anything, it should mean that Christians cannot be victimized, indwelt, and/or possessed by demons. John seems to conclusively say this when speaking of false teachers in the lineage of the Antichrist who bring a “spirit” of false doctrine. He asserts, “You [believers] are from God … and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Likewise, believers are God’s temple. Thus, God promises that He “will dwell in them and walk among them; and … will be their God, and they shall be [His] people” (2 Cor 6:16). In short, while Satan and his minions unceasingly attempt to assail believers, it is unthinkable that they could come in and possess, control, or victimize the saints with the apparent benign acquiescence of the indwelling God. 2.) The believer also has the guarding protection and preservation of the Son of God. As John says, “We know that no one who is born of God sins [i.e., habitually sins; present tense]; but He who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him” (1 John 5:18). Of course, no Christian can live without sin or without being attacked from Satan. Still, the believer here is promised that he will not be overcome by the devil and his forces. John’s verb for “touch” is hapto, which denotes to take hold of,not a mere superficial encounter but rather afastening onor overpowering encounter. What John means is that Satan cannot finally overtake and possess the believer. Further, the believer is described as one “born of God,” a state of continuing eternal life (perfect passive of gennao); as such, he cannot practice sin (present tense of hamartano). The reason for this is the keeping power of another who has also been born of God in a similar, though infinitely greater, sense. 3.) Satan has been defeated through the cross work of Jesus Christ. This guarantees that a believer is forever freed from Satanic control and victimization. Jesus Himself, in view of His coming death, pronounced this defeat, saying, “Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out” (John 12:31). Paul similarly speaks of Christ’s “disarm[ing] the rulers and authorities … [and] ma[king] public display of them, having triumphed over them through” the cross (Col 2:15). Christ, by His infinite atonement for sin forever broke the hold of evil angels on those who have been forgiven. In another place, Christ’s death is said to have rendered the devil “powerless” (Heb 2:14). Further, the believer’s union with Christ . . . assures him that the merit and validity of the Savior’s infinite and eternal cross work is forever efficacious against any hostile takeover attempt by Satan or any of His angels. The believer’s position of being in Christ, of being already judicially-seated in the heavenly places with Christ (Eph 2:6), makes Satan’s attempts to successfully dominate him futile. 4.) Demon possession requires complicity. Strong observes that “the power of evil spirits over men is not independent of the human will. This power cannot be exercised without at least the original consent of the human will.” For instance, when Satan desired to afflict Peter, it was within Peter’s power to pray for help in resisting the temptation (Luke 22:31, 40). Similarly, the expelled and wandering unclean spirit in Mark is said to be “seeking rest,” perhaps implying that he is looking for someone hospitable to his homeless plight (Matt 12:43). As such, the complicity would approximate an active availability for or exposure to demonic takeover. And, a true, Spirit-indwelt believer could not participate in such drastic accessibility. Granted, a Christian may be harassed by Satan and demons due to moral failure or willful sinning, but this sort of harassment is not coterminous with demonization. While Scriptural exegesis and legitimate conclusions from literally interpreted Scripture—that is, God’s own self-testimony—could be rejected out of hand, what the demons themselves had testified was important. In fact, the demons had themselves taught that believers could be possessed, and that they could be cast out by the sign gift of exorcism and by the binding of Satan and his compatriots—that is, these affirmations were, in truth, the doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1)—so, clearly, it was a good idea not to listen to the Word of God, but set it aside and take heed, instead, to such seducing spirits and use what devils said through people who were possessed to figure out the truth. While Scripture teaches that the sign gift of exorcism has ceased and believers are not to command, talk to, or in any way dialogue with demons, Jessie Penn-Lewis knew better. The fact that believers could be possessed was validated by people who had the sign gift of “discerning of spirits” in modern times, as the sign gifts, whether exorcism, or “discerning of spirits . . . the gifts of healing . . . the working of miracles . . . tongues,” and the rest (1 Corinthians 12:9-10), did not pass away in the first century, but, in accordance with Penn-Lewis’s Quaker and Keswick continuationism, are for modern times also; through post-conversion Spirit baptism “the Holy Spirit. . . . is able to distribute to each the gifts of the Spirit, for effective witness to the Risen Head, ‘dividing to each one severally even as He will.’ (See 1 Cor. 12:4-11).” Furthermore, post-conversion Spirit baptism, with its distribution of miraculous gifts, is the essence of revival. In revival, as the gifts are distributed, not only can believers who are spiritual, not living in any known sin, and not disobedient to any light, be demon possessed, but revival, Spirit baptism, and the contemporary distribution of the gifts of 1 Corinthians 12 actually leads to demon possession. Few who are revived are not also deceived by Satan at that time, with vast numbers of the most spiritual believers becoming possessed and vast numbers of less spiritual believers simply being deceived, for revival is the hour of Satan’s power, and Satan’s most effective harvest time: We have seen that the period in the believer’s life wherein he receives the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the special time of danger from the evil supernatural world, and the Baptism of the Spirit is THE ESSENCE OF REVIVAL. Revival dawn, is, therefore, the great moment for deceiving spirits to find entrance into the believer by deception through counterfeits, resulting sometimes in . . . possession[.] . . . Few go through the crisis without deception by the enemy in more or less degree[.] . . . If the believer does become deceived by evil spirits at the time that he is baptized with the Spirit . . . he begins through deception to descend into a pit which ultimately means depth of darkness, bondage and misery. . . . Those who do not discover the deceptions sink into deeper deception, and become practically useless to God and to the Church. Revival is the hour and power of God, and of the devil[.] . . . [T]he devil [is] . . . DOING HIS WORK, FROM THE DAWN OF REVIVAL. . . . Revival . . . is his greatest harvest time. He is netting his victims, mixing his workings with the workings of God, and beguiling the saints more effectively than he was ever able to do with his temptations to sin. Satan was never more active among the sons of God. . . . To put it in bluntest language, the Revival hour is the occasion for evil spirits to obtain ‘possession’ of spiritual believers[.] . . . Believers who are not so abandoned to the Spirit escape the acute ‘possession,’ but . . . are equally open to deception[.] Consequently, the “revival . . . in Wales . . . [was] followed [by] . . . evil spirit possession . . . under the guise of the Holy Spirit,” so that the “Awakening in Wales” led, by 1906, to “what may be called the ‘hour and power of darkness’ upon the Church of Christ.” The “outpouring of the Spirit of God in Wales” was followed by an “outbreak of demons upon the spiritual Church” in the country. Indeed, “since the Revival in Wales . . . almost without exception, in every land where revival [that is, revivalism of the sort experienced in Wales under Evan Roberts and promoted by Mrs. Penn-Lewis] has broken forth, within a very brief period of time the counterfeit stream has mingled with the true . . . [in] the Church of God.” The rampant spread of demon possession and devilish counterfeits of true spirituality was not, however, evidence that something was terribly wrong with the theology and practice of Evan Roberts, Mrs. Penn-Lewis, and their followers in the Welsh holiness revival, nor did the fact that nothing like a horrific domination by Satan and his demons take place in connection with true revival in the book of Acts seem a cause for concern. The fact that those who adopt and practice the theories of consecration, revival, and Spirit baptism of Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts, and advance the farthest in the Higher Life, are especially in danger of demon possession is simply a corollary of truth about Christian sanctification received by Mrs. Penn-Lewis and Mr. Roberts through visions, voices and inspiration, and can therefore be trusted, although few things sound, to the ear of one who has not experienced the power of the spirits that have influenced Penn-Lewis and Roberts, more unbiblical and dangerous. However, since “PURE Revival . . . has to do with the spirit, not the intellect,” the fact that one’s intellect cries out that War on the Saints is filled with unscriptural and irrational nonsense is not important. Rather, one can have hope, because “[t]he Church of Christ will reach its high water mark when it is able to deal with demon possession; when it knows how to ‘bind the strong man’ by prayer; ‘command’ the spirits of evil in the name of Christ, and deliver men from their power,” by practicing what War on the Saints teaches, including both a doctrine of “binding the strong man,” Satan, by a type of warfare prayer that is not found in the Bible, and a false doctrine of how to deal with demon possession, all of which were passed on to John A. MacMillan, the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Pentecostalism, and the Word of Faith movement. Indeed, the deity set forth by Evan Roberts and Mrs. Penn-Lewis is helpless and unable to defeat sin and Satan without people binding the devil. Binding Satan and evil spirits was even necessary to allow Jesus Christ to return and catch up His saints (or at least those saints who had passed beyond justification, and the second blessing of the Higher Life, and the third blessing of the Warfare with Satan Life, into the Highest Life, the Throne Life “far above” Satan); the Lord was helpless until the Higher Life practitioners had bound all the evil spirits so that the Rapture could take place, and even then He could only catch away those believers who had achieved the Throne Life and Translation Faith and consented to Him taking them—the rest God would have to leave behind: “We must first get what may be called the ‘translation’ spirit. . . . We have to put our wills for this. God must get the consent of our wills for everything that He does. . . . Just as you give your consent to your spirit being ‘far above,’ so you must say, ‘Lord I consent to translation.” Happily, the evil spirits had all been bound in 1913, brought down to a great extent by the almost omnipotent prayers of Evan Roberts, and people were learning through The Overcomer magazine that, as they had exercised a distinct act of faith for justification, another distinct act of faith for sanctification, a third distinct act of faith for bodily healing, a fourth distinct act of faith for the Throne Life of overcoming Satan, so now they could exercise a fifth distinct act faith to bring Christ back, allowing the Redeemer to catch them up—therefore, Christ could and would return in 1914. Penn-Lewis recounts how the Higher Life practitioner is to bind Satan: In Matthew 12:29 the Lord said, “First bind the strong man,” and then “spoil his goods.” . . . The Church must learn this “binding” power of prayer for it is written, “Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven” (Mat. 18:18). And what can this “binding” mean except restraining the working of the enemy by appealing to the conquering power of Him who was “manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil”? . . . Christians . . . [should] t[ake] Christ at His word, and aloud, with united hearts and voices . . . “bind” the adversary. While, since her articles and books were received by inspiration, Penn-Lewis might appeal to her own authority as a prophetess and her experience as one who knew of the deep things of Satan to validate her doctrine of “binding the strong man,” she certainly could not appeal to anything in the Bible to support it, as neitherMatthew 12:29, nor Matthew 18:18, nor any other text of Scripture supports her contention. InMatthew 12, Christ proved that He as the Messiah (v. 23) and the Son of God, by the Spirit of God was casting out devils that had possessed men, thus validating that He was stronger than Satan, the “strong man,” and all his fallen angels (v. 29), because He could “enter . . . [Satan’s] house” or kingdom and free those Satan had kept captive, “spoil his house,” by casting out demons. While it is perfectly appropriate for believers to pray that Satan and his devils would be hindered in their attempts to stop the work of God, Matthew 12 is specifically about Christ casting out demons and so validating His Messianic claims, not about the work of God going forward in a general sense, or an alleged “‘binding’ power of prayer.” None of the hundreds of prayers in Scripture mention believers binding Satan to advance the work of God in some general sense, nor, for that matter, is there the least hint that any Christian in the Bible thought that he was to bind Satan in prayer or in any other way at all. In fact, Scripture is very clear that when the Millennial kingdom begins “an angel [will] come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he [will lay] hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and b[i]nd him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled” (Revelation 20:1-3; cf. Revelation 9:14). Satan is not bound now (1 Peter 5:8; Job 2:2), and when he will be bound in the Millennium, a powerful angel, not a Christian, will bind him, and cast Satan into the bottomless pit. A Christian, who is far weaker than Satan, should also consider if it is wise to seek to bind that mighty angel when the devil is far more powerful than any fallen man—especially since he will not have the blessing of the Spirit in his endeavor, since God has never stated that men are to bind the devil in the dispensation of grace. The Lord Jesus, by contrast, both with His inherent power as God and the power of the omnipotent Spirit working in Him without measure as the Messiah and God-Man, has every right and ability to bind Satan according to His will. Furthermore, unless a Christian is praying for the coming of the Millennial kingdom when he prays for Satan to be bound, he is asking for something that is not going to happen, and if a Christian claims, or a group of Christians claim, that they can bind Satan, they are actually opening themselves up for Satanic delusion—at least if one goes only by the Bible, rather than by the inspired writings of Jessie Penn-Lewis. The fact that Christians cannot bind Satan explains why, although countless Pentecostals, Word of Faith advocates, and practitioners of Keswick continuationism claim, all over the world, to bind Satan all the time, so that every minute of the day someone somewhere in the world is praying that Satan would be bound, Satan remains the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and is as unbound and active as ever. The radical change that will take place in the world when Satan actually is bound—and stays bound—in the Millennial kingdom (Revelation 20:1-3) stands in the sharpest contrast with the total absence of any such change when Pentecostals follow Jessie Penn-Lewis and claim to bind Satan, since he somehow is loosed from their “binding” and as active as ever the second after they make their prayer, and even while, deluded by his lies, they are praying it. Likewise, neither Matthew 18:15-20 nor Matthew 16:18-19 have anything to do with Christians binding Satan. The “binding” and “loosing” of Matthew 16:19; 18:18 refer to making decisions about what is right and wrong, about the regulation of right behavior and teaching, comparable to Jewish use of the terms “binding” and “loosing” to declare what was permissible or impermissible (cf. Matthew 23:4, 13; Luke 11:52). Peter, as one of the Apostles, possessing Divine authority as represented by the metaphor of the “keys” (Matthew 16:19; cf.Isaiah 22:22), declared, based on the coming of Christ, the abolition of Old Testament ceremonies such as circumcision, dietary laws, and festival days for the Gentiles (Acts 15:10, 19) and the end of the distinction between Jews and Gentiles in the church age (Acts 10:28; 11:2-3, 18), “binding” believers to New Testament worship and lifestyle and “loosing” them from Old Testament worship and lifestyle. InterpretingMatthew 16:19 in light of its Jewish background in this manner has been standard practice for centuries, while Mrs. Penn Lewis’s view that the verse refers to binding Satan by prayer does not appear to have existed before her lifetime. Similarly, Matthew 18:18 indicates that every one of Christ’s true churches has Divine authority to preach and teach God-given truth about doctrine and lifestyle, and consequently the ability to excommunicate members of the congregation (Matthew 18:15-17) who refuse to believe and practice the God-given truths of the Word that the church binds and looses (Matthew 18:18) by its preaching and discipline. The church has authority to declare God’s will and pronounce the actions of its wayward member as sin. Furthermore, Matthew 16:19 and 18:18 refer to teachings, issues, or actions, not to personal beings—not humans, and certainly not fallen angels—being bound or loosed; the passages refer to “whatsoever” is bound or loosed, not “whosoever” is bound or loosed (cf. also Matthew 5:19). If one were to insist, despite the “whatsoever,” that persons were in view, those being “loosed” by the church in Matthew 18 would be members of the assembly who had been “bound” by joining the congregation, so unless fallen angels or Satan himself had been immersed upon profession of faith into the membership of a New Testament church, nothing about binding Satan is contained in Matthew 18. No modern advocate of Keswick or Pentecostal theology is the Apostle Peter, so Matthew 16:19 does not help advance Jessie Penn-Lewis’ position. Nor does the binding and loosing take place in Matthew 18:18 through prayer; rather, the congregation receives Divine guidance in prayer (Matthew 18:19) so that its preaching and discipline, its binding and loosing, are in accordance with the will of Christ, who is God present in their midst (Matthew 18:20; 1:23), and in accordance with the preceding and directing antecedent will of the Father in heaven. Binding and loosing is practiced by a true church in conjunction with and as a result of prayer, but not by means of prayer. Furthermore, the verb tenses for “shall be bound” and “shall be loosed” indicate that the binding and loosing constitutes a continuing condition. The doctrine taught by the Apostles and promulgated by true churches is permanently binding on the people of God, who have also been permanently loosed from Old Testament ceremonial regulations. However, it seems that those who abuse Matthew 16:19 and 18:18 to support their doctrine of binding Satan—the large majority of whom are not members of Biblical Baptist churches, and thus people to whom Matthew 18:18, and16:19 so much the more, do not apply in any case—fail to keep him bound for very long at all, although no other congregation or individual is likely to be praying for Satan to be loosed, since prayers to loose Satan appear to be vastly fewer in number than those to bind him. Scripture affirms that Satan will not be bound until the Millennial kingdom, and the texts Penn-Lewis employs to support her doctrine of Christians binding Satan are ripped out of context. Therefore, since the Bible gives no support to her view, her conclusions are only as sure as her claim to extra-Biblical inspiration. Only to the extent that the prophetic powers she and Evan Roberts possessed were validated by their prediction of the end of the world in 1914, to that extent, at best, can one rely on their advice for how to battle devils and bind Satan in War on the Saints. Indeed, one need not fear that since War on the Saints records Evan Roberts’ own spiritual autobiography, while likewise affirming, in descriptions that speak of Roberts’ own experience, that even the most spiritual believers can be demon possessed, that Evan himself had been demon possessed—on his own admission—during the time of his preaching in the Welsh holiness revival. Nor need one fear when Jessie Penn-Lewis preached that “her chronic suffering” was a result of “possessions” and “the hold of the dark powers,” as she experientially “knew and proved,” for she had been delivered from such possession over “15 years” before the time of the production of War on the Saints. No, even if the authors of the book, both of whom had highly questionable testimonies of personal conversion, indicated that they had themselves been demon possessed, War on the Saints was excellent and wholesome material—and more. In fact, Penn-Lewis taught, “the only ones who will be able to stand as the influence of the Deceiver ensnares and engulfs the whole of the inhabitants of the earth” in the final days before the end of the world in 1914 will be those who accept the teaching of War on the Saints and the Satanic warfare doctrines set forth in the Overcomer magazine, so War on the Saints was the most necessary book on earth, as the Bible, by necessary consequence, was not sufficient on its own to protect people from the influence of the Deceiver. On the other hand, the “measure of hostility shown to [War on the Saints] by readers will be the measure of the deception by evil spirits into which he or she has fallen,” affirmed the “champions of the book.” The Bible alone was insufficient to deal with demons—instead of the Bible, one needed to learn things from familiar intercourse with the demons. However, Evan Roberts and Mrs. Penn-Lewis could “testify” that they had “no superficial experience” of the “deep things of Satan,” but could “fathom” those depths because they had themselves mined them through their “deep, varied, and awful experiences of the invisible powers of darkness . . . [h]ad we escaped the wiles, we could have written from conjecture and imagination about the arch-fiend, but then it would have been in the vital points essentially wide of the mark.” Since they had been deceived by the devil and had experienced the very darkest of the deep things of Satan, their writings were to be trusted in the way the teaching of those who had never been deceived by Satan and experienced his deep things—such as the sinless Author of the Bible, who had never been deceived by Satan, Jesus the Christ—could not. The reason that the teachings found in War on the Saints were “practically unknown, and unprepared for in the literature of the Church,” was not because the book was saturated with false doctrine, demonic apostasy, and fanaticism, but because the truths of the book could only be revealed after the “seven years [of] . . . dispensational warfare . . . [with] demons” that followed the 1904 Welsh holiness revival in “the Time of the End” shortly before the return of Christ in 1914. “Dispensationally the Book was in sequence to the Revival of 1904, and dispensationally it antedated the Translation Message given in October 1913, just one year after its issue.” Besides, the doctrines of War on the Saints led people such as the head of the Y. W. C. A. in Finland to experience supernatural healing, and victories over evil spirits took place by means of positive confessions that anticipated those of the Word-Faith movement, which was also anticipated in the book’s affirmation that prayer is more of a “manipulative ac[t]” than simply a “cooperative ac[t]” with God. For, while the Bible taught that sign gifts such as exorcism were miraculous powers possessed by Christ and given to the Apostles as one of the “signs of an apostle” (2 Corinthians 12:12) and as a confirmation of the Word proclaimed by them, as is evident from the fact that the generality of believers in Scripture never even claimed to have the ability to cast out demons at will, War on the Saints taught that every “believer” who has entered into the Higher Life has “power to wield [Christ’s] Name, and in His name to have authority to cast out demons.” Today “demons are cast out immediately after the simple prayer of faith by the Christians. . . . men [are] delivered from demon-possession after one prayer,” in the same way, allegedly, that demons were miraculously cast out in the first century, although, unlike when the Biblical gift of exorcism was truly and properly exercised, sometimes modern exorcists are unable to cast devils out. Similarly, today supernatural “[v]isions may have their source in . . . God . . . Divine ‘Visions’ [are] given . . . [d]reams can come from . . . God . . . [w]riting in its source may be from . . . God[.] . . . There is a true seeing and hearing . . . of supernatural things . . . of supernatural words . . . [and] of the revelations of God,” so cessationism is certainly false, and believers who adopt Keswick and Pentecostal continuationism can receive revelatory dreams and visions, and can produce inspired writings in this present age. By means of the truths of War on the Saints, “what happened when Christ was on earth, will happen again when the casting out of evil spirits will become a recognized part of all Christian and ministerial activity.” War on the Saints will lead men to practice exorcism and then lead to the restoration of all the first century sign gifts—it will destroy the cessationism believed and practiced by Christians and churches because of literal exegesis of the Bible and the acceptance of its sole authority for faith and practice. The spread of such Quaker, Pentecostal, and Word of Faith notions is certainly a great benefit to at least one side in the war between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Besides, Evan Roberts himself wrote: “Satan came to me but he was driven to flight,” so Roberts had tested the doctrine in War on the Saints in his own personal experiences with Satan—the book, and the teachings of Roberts and Penn-Lewis in general, were “precisely true according to experience.” Surely such apparent victories over evil spirits and powerful answers to prayer were not themselves part of a deeper Satanic deception, but validated the teaching of Roberts and Penn-Lewis on Satanic warfare and the book War on the Saints. Certainly in modern times demons would not pretend to be cast out or actually leave human victims in order to advance a deeper deception by validating unbiblical Keswick continuationism, although in Christ’s day devils worked in exactly this sort of way by allowing the sons of the Pharisees to cast them out (Luke 11:19) in order to validate anti-Christ Pharisaic doctrine as true. No, although God’s Word records exactly such deception, today this Biblical warning should be set aside or ignored, just as it was by Evan Roberts and Mrs. Penn-Lewis. Besides, neither Evan Roberts nor Jessie Penn-Lewis thought they were demon possessed while writing the book, although they confessed that they had been possessed earlier—at least while writing the book under inspiration they testified that they were possessed no longer. Although they also taught that one could be possessed and not know it, one clearly had nothing to fear. Furthermore, while literal exegesis of the Bible would indicate that true Christians could not be possessed, since War on the Saints could simply ignore texts that support such a truth (what need to allegorize Scripture when it can be ignored?) and affirm the contrary, and as nobody could possibly think that Mrs. Penn-Lewis was herself unconverted, her experiences being demon possessed were surely salutary, as being filled with demons also leads one to be filled, not with spiritual blindness and darkness, but with spiritual discernment. While Roberts and Penn-Lewis record in their book many curious statements which are totally impossible to prove from Scripture, happily, they could still appeal to the fact that they were themselves recipients and oracles of revelation from the spirit world that supplemented the Bible and brought them to different conclusions than they would have made had they followed Scripture alone. Thus, War on the Saints affirms that the “Bible throws much light upon the Satanic powers, which cannot fail to be discerned by all who search the Scriptures with open minds, but these will not obtain as much knowledge of the subject from the sacred record, as will those who have understanding by experience”; one is to gain “through experience . . . a personal witness to the . . . Scripture . . . testimony concerning the existence of supernatural beings, and their works, and the way they deceive, and mislead the children of men.” That is, the Bible is perhaps not to be entirely discounted, but its testimony is not able to give as much knowledge as one can obtain by personal interaction with and experiential fellowship with misleading demons. Experience must supplement searching the Scripture with an open mind, and grammatical-historical interpretation of the Word of God must give way to experience-oriented interpretation. Rejecting the total sufficiency of the Bible alone, and the literal interpretation of Scripture, to favor experience instead, will not open one up to Satanic deception, but will help one to successfully fight the devil, Penn-Lewis informs her readers. In fact, perhaps experience is really to entirely replace Scripture in knowing how to deal with demons: “Believers will be taught the truth about themselves only by experience, therefore God permits experience . . . God has permitted Satan to sift His people.” Believers will not be taught by the Bible alone about how to deal with demons—no, they will be taught by experience alone. Out with sola Scriptura, and in with sola experientia. In any case, whether the Bible is to be set aside or simply supplemented by experience, as both Evan Roberts and Mrs. Penn-Lewis knew experientially, a “purified ‘theology’ . . . and a true demonology” certainly came not from the study of Scripture alone, but by being demon possessed and then becoming free from demon possession by means of the unscriptural techniques described in War on the Saints. “[T]he believer understands the systematic workings of the forces of Satan . . .[t]hrough aggressive warfare against the foe . . . [t]hrough the knowledge gained by reading the symptoms of deception and possession in his own case, he is now able to read them in others, and see their need of deliverance, and finds himself compelled to pray for them, and work toward that goal.” Through experiencing “the methodical, planned and systematic attacks of the forces of the enemy” one discovers truth: “By these attacks, the knowledge of the active operations of the lying spirits” comes to light. Not grammatical-historical exegesis of a sufficient Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17), but being possessed, being systematically attacked by Satan, and having experiences with demons that make one think he is free from their power through utilizing the techniques of War on the Saints are the way to true theology and demonology. The teachings of War on the Saints are themselves a product of such personal interactions with demons by people who have been demon possessed, and as such, they are necessary additions to the Bible, for accepting doctrine from people who have been self-professedly demon possessed, and received teachings from their personal interactions with demons, is not the height of folly, but obviously the smart way to go. After all, with the Bible alone, one could never discover such truths as those that War on the Saints describes as follows: [E]vil spirits . . . bury themselves in the very structure of the human frame, some acting directly upon the organs or appetites of the body, others upon the mind or intellect, sensibilities, emotions and affections, and others more immediately upon the spirit. In the body they specially locate themselves in the spinal column, nervous system, and deepest nerve centers, through which they control the whole being; from the ganglionic nerve center located in the bowels, the emotional sensibilities, and all organs affected by them, to the cerebral nerve center in the head; the eyes, ears, neck, jaws, tongue, muscles of the face, the delicate nerve tissues of the brain. . . . Demons . . . are of various types, greater in diversity than human beings, and these demons always seek to possess a person congenial to them in some characteristic. The Bible tells us . . . of despotic demons, theological demons, screeching and yelling demons. There are demons that act more particularly on the body, or some organ or appetite of the body. There are others that act more directly upon the intellect, or the sensibilities, and emotions, and affections. There are others of a higher order that act directly on man’s spiritual nature, upon the conscience, or the spiritual perceptions. . . . Demons . . . seek out those whose make-up and temperament is most congenial to themselves and then seek to fasten themselves on to some part of the body, or brain, or some appetite, or some faculty of the mind, either the reason, or imagination, or perception; and when they get access, they bury themselves into the very structure of the person[.] Furthermore, with only the Bible, one would never know that “evil spirits want the body, and . . . so persistently work to gain access and possession . . . [b]ecause in it they find ‘rest’ (Matt. 12:43), and seem to find some relief for themselves,” for Matthew 12:43 actually states that unclean spirits seek rest, and find none, so one would need the inspired writings of Mrs. Penn-Lewis to know that, when they possess men, unclean spirits seek rest, and find some, the allegedly true, allegorical meaning of the text of Matthew, although one with no support whatever from the literal interpretation of the passage. Nor would one be able to discover the fact that there are degrees of demon possession, so that demons can possess one’s left arm, or right ear canal, or facial muscles, or nerves, or divide up portions of one’s soul, or mind, or sensibilities, and possess some portion of them, or any other portion of the person whatever—an affirmation fundamental to the entire system of War on the Saints—from the Bible alone, as there is not a shred of evidence for it in the Word. The Bible never teaches that a “buzzing in the ears” is caused by an “evil spirit locating in the nerves of the ear,” or that “shortsightedness” so that “things look misty and blurred” should lead a man to fear that “evil spirits control the physical eyes,” or that “talkativeness” could well be because [e]vil spirits may ‘possess’ [people] . . . only in the organs of speech.” Much less would anyone ever conclude simply from the Bible that one needs to know what portion of the body, or soul, and so on, is possessed before exorcism is possible, but War on the Saintsrevealed what is truly necessary to escape from possession: “When the believer is fighting free from possession, he . . . must know the place of the spirit, the soul, and the body, in the conflict, e.g., if evil spirits have a hold on the muscles of the bodily frame there must be effort, and use of the muscles to dislodge them, and so in every other part of the being.” None of the texts in the Bible that employ the verbs for demon possession or exorcism indicate that either possession or exorcism has degrees, nor is there the slightest evidence that one must find out that demons are, say, in one’s muscles and then wiggle those muscles to dislodge the demons. Nor does the Bible indicate that manifestations of sin by believers are sometimes caused by demons, so that when a believer acts or thinks sinfully he may not really have sinned, because the devil made him do it. However, in War on the Saints Mrs. Penn-Lewis not only discovered that the devil can make believers act sinfully—after all, there are “unclean demons . . . demons . . . of drunkenness, of gluttony, of idleness,” and so on—but that believers should not confess their sins when the devil makes them sin. If Christians confess the sins that the devil allegedly did through them, they will become demon possessed. A believer who only had1 John 1:9, Luke 11:4, and related passages would simply confess all his sins and trust that God had cleansed him from all unrighteousness, and with the Bible alone he would never know that drunkenness, idleness, overeating, and so on, could actually be sins from demons rather than sins from himself—but War on the Saintsshows that, after engaging in various sins, one should first be neutral towards them, not ashamed of them, and then one needs to find out what percentage among sins committed were actually the responsibility of the devil, and be careful to avoid confessing those sins, for even one mistake in confessing a sin that the devil really did through the believer opens the believer up to demon possession. Furthermore, while the Bible teaches that the true God is sovereign, self-sufficient, and does not need anything (Acts 17:25), the deity of War on the Saints needs prayer or it is unable to do what it wants to, and it is unable to overthrow and destroy sin and Satan without people helping out by binding the devil and utilizing the techniques in Roberts’ and Penn-Lewis’ work, affirmations that call to mind both Word of Faith doctrine and the myths about how the Greek gods became hungry if enough people did not offer them sacrifices. Indeed, the deity of Mrs. Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts is even helpless to initiate the second coming of Christ until people bind Satan and his demons and so clear the air—only then can the Rapture, the partial Rapture of the Overcomers, take place. However, the deity of War on the Saints is not the only being that has needs that only people can meet—demons can also need people to get a drink. “[F]acts gathered from experience [are] sufficient to prove that certain varieties of demons live on the juices in human blood.” How necessary War on the Saints truly must be—filled to the brim, as it is, with affirmations about demons and their wiles that are entirely absent from Scripture! While critics would affirm that the Satanic warfare doctrines in War on the Saints and The Overcomer are themselves occasions for awful spiritual delusion, and for evil spirits to gain power over people, those who recognize the inspiration of the writings of Roberts and Penn-Lewis need not trouble themselves about the bizarre, unscriptural, and idolatrous features that burst forth on page after page of their writings, nor about the great grief and quenching of the Holy Spirit that their unscriptural nonsense produces in a Christian soul, but can rest in confidence in their prophets in these last hours before the parousia in 1914. Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts taught, by revelation from the spirit world, and in the company of Keswick founder Hannah W. Smith, that power over Satanic forces takes place when a believer claims a position in heavenly places, basing this conclusion on, among other texts, Ephesians 1-2, although these chapters never command believers to claim anything. The foundation was in this manner laid for the throne-life and spiritual warfare doctrines nourished and developed from within a Keswick context by John MacMillan, the Christian and Missionary Alliance in general, and the charismatic and Word-Faith movements. In 1897 Mrs. Penn-Lewis was preaching to the China Inland Mission about the “throne-life victory with Christ in God” possessed by that subcategory of believers who had entered the Overcoming Life, what her Quaker ancestors had called the Hidden Life. The elite believer who has entered into this “place of victory ‘far above’ all the principalities and powers . . . sits with Christ in His place of victory” with “Satan and all his hosts under his [the believer’s] feet,” able to exercise “authority over the nations.” Such believers experience Christ’s “throne life of victory,” and, now “encased in Christ, and wielding His authority . . . can command all the hosts of hell” and make them obey.Ephesians 1-2 are said to teach that “the Holy Spirit . . . will certainly impart to us the life of the Risen Lord. He will lift us in real experience into our place in Him, seated with Him in the heavens far above all principalities and powers . . . far above the powers of darkness.” Mrs. Penn-Lewis used her authority as a believer to effect, for example, “the dislodging of the hosts of darkness from the atmosphere” over Russia, an action that was key for “the Holy Spirit . . . to work unhindered” in that place. Her revelatory gift was important in the discovery of the Throne-Life and its power over evil spirits, as neither the Lord Jesus nor the Apostles ever gave Christians an example of removing demons from the atmosphere over a country or taught that such a removal was key for the Spirit’s unhindered work. Penn-Lewis taught that the believer can use his authority to influence world events, such as the first world war, and even change the “day of the rapture and perhaps the day of final judgment.” The believer’s authority can change “all . . . a teaching in Mary Baker Eddy’s Christian Science magazine, Active Service, sounded very [much] like this.” Furthermore, based on a misinterpretation ofLuke 10:19 also picked up by MacMillan, Simpson, and Pentecostalism, Penn-Lewis wrote: “The soul hidden with Christ in God has authority over all the power of the enemy . . . he has power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and power to deliver and loose others from the bonds of the evil one.” Mrs. Penn-Lewis taught further doctrines that differed greatly from those in the Bible. She denied central aspects of progressive sanctification, propagated the strange ideas that “the spirit . . . is severed or ‘disentangled’ . . . cut away . . . from the embrace of the soul” in sanctification, and taught that only the human spirit is regenerated, doctrines she passed on to Watchman Nee. Indeed, “[m]any of her teachings are echoed in the works of Watchman Nee, who acknowledged his many debts to Jessie Penn-Lewis.” She also taught bizarre notions obviously absent from Scripture, possibly derived in part from her many books on psychology, and illustrated by her concept of “soul-force,” a concept, rooted in the Broadlands Conferences, that she passed on to John A. MacMillan, Watchman Nee, and others. Penn-Lewis wrote: [M]an . . . [can] generate ‘soul-force’ [by] . . . so bring[ing] his body under the control of his own soul, that he can project his soul and spirit, and, while living on this earth, act as if he were a disembodied spirit. . . . The man who attains to this power is called an ‘adept’ and . . . can consciously see the minds of others. He can act by his ‘soul-force’ on external spirits. . . . He can subdue ferocious wild beasts and send his soul to a distance, and he can exhibit to his distant friends his spiritual body in the likeness of that of the flesh. . . . Soul-force . . . [is] latent in the human frame. . . . psychic power [is] latent in the human frame. While Penn-Lewis denied that such a “force” should be cultivated, affirming rather that it was evil, she nonetheless believed that her extra-scriptural “force,” which is that of the chi of Eastern paganism and the New Age, is “very real . . . even when a man becomes regenerate.” It appears to be connected to nerves in the pit of the stomach, according to Penn-Lewis, for these nerves are the instrumentality for the performance of miracles. “[R]evelations and prophecies, speaking and singing with tongues, healing and miracles” come from the force through the “lower nerve-centers (the ganglionic system, or the ‘vegetative’ nerves, as they are called), which have their chief seat in the region round the pit of the stomach[.] . . . These nerves . . . display abilities which our ordinary organs of sense do not possess, and] they receive impressions from a realm usually closed to us, such as clairvoyance, presentiments, prophecy, speaking with tongues, etc.” As already noted, Penn-Lewis affirmed that only the spirit of man is regenerated. Thus, the “converted man [is] one who has had his spirit regenerated . . . his renewed spirit [is] indwelt by the Spirit of God. . . . The believer . . . has been quickened in spirit, is born of the Spirit and the Spirit of God dwells in his spirit.” She connected her doctrine that only the spirit is regenerated with her doctrine that believers can be possessed by demons: [W]hen the spirit of the man has been quickened into life and he has been delivered from the power of sin, the soulish life and elements in the physical body are open to evil powers. . . . [T]he soulish life [is used by] . . . evil spirits . . . to accomplish their plans[.] . . . This working of the enemy through the mind of a believer, when the heart and spirit may be true to God, is a most serious fact in the Church of God today[.] . . . In the physical body, the adversary can work upon the nervous system and use the animal magnetism which is inherent in every human frame, as well as many other elements open to the powers of evil, in addition to ‘the works of the flesh’ and what is generally called sin. These elements are in the very ‘makeup’ of the human vessel and . . . give . . . ground . . . to the spirits of evil to attack, or gain admittance to mind or body. . . . For full elucidation of this aspect of truth, see War on the Saints, a textbook on the work of deceiving spirits among the children of God. As the quotation above demonstrates, Penn-Lewis assumed the reality of “animal magnetism,” a Satanic concept developed by “Franz Anton Mesmer (1734–1815)” with clear “historical ties to pagan worship and folklore . . . pagan and occultic rituals . . . [and] old cultic practices and superstitions.” Mesmer, whose ideas undergirded the Faith and Mind Cure doctrines that were precursors of Pentecostalism, was rightly “accused . . . of being a magician and charlatan,” but his ideas led to later demonic and cultic errors, as well as modern psychotherapy, as “the term magnetism . . . [was] dropped . . . and . . . hypnosis . . . introduced . . . [becoming key to the development of] the New Thought movement (a religious, metaphysical healing cult) . . . [the] Christian Science [cult of] Mary Baker Eddy . . . [and] Freud’s . . . creat[ion] [of] a new field of therapy, psychoanalysis, which soon became the new rage.” David MacLeod noted: The now discredited Franz Anton Mesmer (1734–1815) was a French physician who has been called the father of psychotherapy, the discoverer of hypnosis, and the progenitor of clairvoyance, telepathy, and communication with the beyond. . . . He claimed that a magnetic force emanated from his hands that enabled him to direct the actions and thoughts of his subjects. The effects upon his patients included: convulsions, involuntary movements of the limbs, rapid blinking and crossing of eyes, and piercing cries, tears, hiccups and uncontrollable laughter. He performed healings using an indwelling force he called . . . animal magnetism[.] The recognition of animal magnetism was widespread in the early Higher Life and Keswick movement, as, for example, it was employed by many mediums whom the Mount-Temples knew and learned from at Broadlands, their home and center for Higher Life agitation and promotion. David Cloud wrote: Mesmer . . . an astrologer and occultist, proposed a healing technique through hypnosis and the flow of “animal magnetism” from the practitioner to the patient. He held the occultic view that there are thousands of channels in our bodies through which an invisible life force flows and that illness is caused by blockages. The practitioner of animal magnetism could allegedly cure sicknesses by overcoming the obstacles and restoring the flow. The term “to mesmerize” is based on Mesmer’s hypnotic practices, and the field of modern hypnotism stemmed from his techniques. Mesmerization or hypnosis produced two occultic movements in the 19th century. One of these was the New Thought or Mind Science movement. Phineas Quimby (1802-66), a student of Mesmer, called his ‘mind healing’ theories the Science of Health and had a deep influence on Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science. The other occultic movement produced by hypnotism was spiritism. Another Mesmer student, Andrew Jackson Davis, published a book in 1847 which he said was dictated to him by spirits while he was in a mesmeric trance. The Encyclopedia of Psychic Science says, “The conquest by spiritualism soon began and the leading Mesmerists were absorbed into the rank of the spiritualists.” Penn-Lewis’s acceptance of the reality of the myth of animal magnetism (even though she does not endorse it as good, but recognizes it as evil) is another false doctrine promulgated by her. Jessie Penn-Lewis’s attempt to prove that only the spirit is regenerated from verses that actually connect the new birth and the spirit consists of one sentence, containing one allusion to uncited Scripture: “It is the spirit that is regenerated—‘a new spirit will I give you.’” Perhaps the fact that the actual references with the words “a new spirit” also mention “a new heart,” and thus newness in the entirety of man’s inner being, including the soul, explain her slackness in giving actual verse references (Ezekiel 11:19; 18:31; 36:26); nor does she explain why her argument from her uncited Old Testament is not the elementary and obvious logical fallacy of concluding that only the spirit, not the soul or the entire man, is made new because of a text that refers to a new spirit but never states or hints at her conclusion concerning the soul and body; nor does she try to explain texts such as 2 Corinthians 5:17 which prove that in the believer “all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17)—such verses are simply ignored, as perhaps the force that moved her to write by inspiration did not inspire her to offer an explanation of why she was contradicting plain passages of the Bible. While she did not have the Bible, at least she had Andrew Murray on her side; in any case, it was necessary that only the spirit be regenerated, for without this doctrine central ideas in her spiritual warfare theories are obliterated, and the experiences she wrote so profusely about would need to bow before the higher authority of the infallible and all-sufficient Word of God. Penn-Lewis was influenced to her concept of soul-force, as well as her date-setting about the end of the world, from an obscure and odd theological writer named Mrs. E. McHardie. Penn-Lewis wrote: “There is no writer who appears to have given such full information on the dispensational aspect of . . . ‘soul-force’ . . . as the late Mrs. McHardie [in] her valuable books.” However, Mrs. McHardie richly deserves her obscurity. Reviews of her works, such as The Midnight Cry: An Inquiry into the Evidence of the Near Approach of the Second Advent, have described her writing: [Mrs. McHardie wrote] much . . . that is strained, fantastic, and absurd [to set forth] special signs that the end draweth nigh. . . . [S]he constructs a table of way-marks which leads up to the conclusion that three years hence [after 1883, thus, in 1886] ‘the times of the Gentiles’ will end, while seven years after the personal Anti-christ will be revealed and destroyed.’ . . . [She discusses] the significance of the Great Pyramid . . . [for] the great Pyramid of Egypt . . . is accepted as a witness to Jehovah, and is held to enshrine evidence of when ‘the appointed times’ will befall. . . . [She interprets] [t]he vision of Ezekiel . . . [as teaching that the] cherubim are . . . counterfeits of the seraphim—really representing the evil powers, the unclean spirits in the children of disobedience. . . . [T]he wheels . . . [and the rest of the vision of Ezekiel 1, 10 prophesy of the] [‘]electric batteries [of the nineteenth century] . . . [and give] a symbolic representation of the forces of heaven and the batteries of hell.’ . . . At great length this idea is supported by the vagaries connected with modern spiritualism, which is assigned a very prominent place in connection with the phenomena that betoken ‘the coming of the end.’ . . . [By] the closing . . . of the book . . . [o]ne almost begins to lose patience . . . when she proceeds to cull from obscure journals . . . accounts of remarkable sights in heaven and earth, in the sun, the moon, and the stars, which she insists upon regarding as signs and portents. Nobody will attach any weight to this portion of the treatise; and the general verdict upon it as a whole will be that . . . by a slight extension and exaggeration of its method, might succeed in proving, after a fashion as satisfactory as it attains, positions very unlike those which it advances. It is unfortunate that Penn-Lewis wasted her time studying works by Mrs. McHardie, Guyon, and Hannah W. Smith, instead of studying the Bible and the works of those who carefully and accurately expounded and explained Scripture. Furthermore, Penn-Lewis’s extreme lack of discernment about Satan and his ways is clear in that she reproduced in print and accepted as truth what “the great plot of Satan, the Master Strategist,” really was, not by exegesis of Scripture alone, but by means of what “was made known by a medium under the direction of the evil spirits controlling her,” as though evil spirits would not lie about Satan’s strategies through a medium to get Penn-Lewis to print and distribute in Christendom the ideas of the devil. Nevertheless, it is appropriate that Mrs. Penn-Lewis published what were confessedly the affirmations of evil spirits, as so much of her writings were, though unconfessedly, the product of such beings. The writings of Evan Roberts and Jessie Penn-Lewis have very large doses of heresy, Satanic influence, false prophecy, fanaticism, and plain foolishness. They should be avoided and warned against. Nonetheless, they were very influential in the unfolding trajectory of Keswick theology into Pentecostalism and the Word-Faith movement. Applications from the Lives and Teachings of Evan Roberts and Jessie Penn-Lewis Beware of Evan Roberts and Jessie Penn-Lewis. They are two dangerous and very influential false teachers and exponents of grievous Keswick, continuationistic, and demonological errors. Their works should be avoided and their influence in the preaching, writing, and theologizing of others should be detected, warned about, and rejected. Their strong imprint upon the Keswick theology, and upon the Pentecostalism that arose from it, blackens these movements and provides all the more evidence that they are corruptions of Biblical Christianity. They plainly stated that they had endured demon possession, and claimed that being possessed was key to the content of their writings on demonology. Will you follow and learn from those possessed by demons? Or will you reject the doctrines of demons and cleave to the Bible, the perfect and sufficient revelation of God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Beware of revisionist history. All historians are fallible, and even their most accurate histories have no authority for Biblical faith and practice—the Bible alone is sufficient to make “the man of God perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). How much the less should historical errors influence the faith and practice of God’s people? But, unfortunately, writers who are more interested in hagiography than truth exercise a great influence over the saints, leading the Lord’s sheep to look up to and pattern themselves after wolves and devourers rather than fleeing from them. Following the writings of Jessie Penn-Lewis and patterning church practice after the person and methods of Evan Roberts will destroy sound Baptist churches and expose individual believers to extremely dangerous demonic deceptions, yet vast numbers of Christians have been exposed to this pair and spiritually weakened by them because of a mythical revision of events in Wales in 1904-1905. Recognize the truth—Evan Roberts and Jessie Penn-Lewis were powerful instruments in the hands of Satan to destroy a true work of revival in Wales, bring to an end many years of growth among the true churches of that land, inaugurate decades of decay and desolation, and hatch the fanaticism and demonism that fills the Pentecostal, charismatic, and Word of Faith movements and has contributed to the spiritual destruction of innumerable souls worldwide. Do not allow true revival to be corrupted to false revivalism in your own life and congregation because of the influence of these two demon-possessed fanatics. Do not perpetuate the revisionist history that makes them into great servants of God and the center of a true work of revival in Wales, and if you have perpetuated this lie in the past, immediately repent of it and then confess your error to those you have misled. It is high time that the truth about the real revival in Wales, and the Keswick continuationism and fanaticism of Evan Roberts and Mrs. Penn-Lewis that so widely infiltrated and destroyed it, replace the distortions of reality that find their place in the hearts of too many of the precious people of God. If you love and long for true revival, be discerning, cleave to the Spirit-breathed Word with all your heart and soul, and reject and reprove the theology, praxis, and historical revisionism surrounding peddlers of Satanic revivalism like Evan Roberts, Jessie Penn-Lewis, and other Keswick and Pentecostal continuationists and fanatics. One can glean numerous spiritual lessons from the negative examples of Mr. Roberts and Mrs. Penn-Lewis. They illustrate what spiritual dangers and destruction Keswick continuationism can lead to, and how important it is to reject it with all of its demonic delusions for a Scriptural cessationism. Evan Roberts also illustrates the danger of confusing true conversion and God-wrought regeneration with mere experiences of the supernatural (cf. Matthew 7:21-23). An unconverted Judas performed miracles (Matthew 10:4-8), an unconverted high priest Caiaphas prophesied (John 11:49-52; 18:14), nine unconverted lepers were miraculously healed by Christ (Luke 17:11-19), idolatrous Egyptian magicians performed miracles (Exodus 7:11, 22), an unconverted sorcerer named Simon did marvels and convinced many that he was the great power of God (Acts 8:9-10), unconverted men had supernatural dreams (Genesis 31:24; 41:7), and Evan Roberts experienced many visions, dreams, voices, and other marvels, but had no clear testimony of conversion and died with barely a glimmer of Christian piety. And if many genuinely supernatural occurrences—even those that are truly from God, not from Satan—are less than true conversion and regeneration, how much less than the new birth is simply having an emotionally charged experience—and how far, far less than the new birth is standing up or coming to the front of a church building? Such soul-damning acceptance of substitutes for regeneration filled the work of Evan Roberts in the Welsh holiness revival, causing immeasurable spiritual harm. Christians and spiritual leaders must learn from this disaster the extreme importance of clearly and without confusion preaching the gospel, recognizing true conversion, and cleaving to Biblical methods of evangelism rather than adopting methodology that, although it may appear effective in the short term, actually contributes to the everlasting damnation of eternal souls by confusing the nature and fruits of real salvation. Scripture is sufficient for both the doctrine and practice of evangelism. Your church should be preaching regularly in public places and seeking to reach large groups of people at once, while also preaching Christ house to house to systematically reach everyone in your community (Acts 5:42). You should be preaching the good news of Christ’s substitutionary death, His burial, and His resurrection, and salvation through repentant faith in Him. You should not be employing worldly promotion and marketing techniques or seeking to draw people to your church services with sensationalism. While providing people with spiritual counsel immediately after preaching is Biblically justifiable (Acts 2:37-38), including, for example, in an “inquiry room,” the elements of worship in the Lord’s church do not include the modern invitation system invented by Charles Finney. Furthermore, while Roman Catholic and liturgical Protestant religious organizations have altars at the front of their meeting places, true churches have no such altars, and so “altar calls” should be dispensed with. There is absolutely nothing sacred about the front of a church building, and there is no reason to conclude that because someone walks to the front of a church building, or is led to repeat the words of a “sinner’s prayer” after walking to the front of a church building, that he has been born again of the Holy Spirit of God. The replacement of true conversion with decisionism was central to bringing the time of Baptist church growth in Wales to an end as a result of the methods employed in the holiness revival under Evan Roberts, and its consequences have been inconceivably disastrous world-wide whenever they have been adopted. Nonetheless, there is hope—a rejection of unbiblical and nonbiblical doctrines and practices in evangelism, a recognition of the foundational importance of the Regulative Principle of worship, a wholehearted repentance for neglecting Biblical doctrine and praxis, and a return to Biblical and Spirit-empowered evangelism and preaching, both outside of and within the context of the instituted worship of the church, could be, in the hands of the sovereign God, the instrumentality for glorious and widespread true revival. Furthermore, learn from Evan Roberts’s destruction of true revival the fallacy of his practice of only preaching on God’s love. Reject this practice of Roberts, and instead preach boldly, pointedly, and with uncompromising conviction on specific sins, on hell with its fire and brimstone, on the wrath of God, and on the absolute necessity of the propitiatory work of Christ and the new birth to escape everlasting torment, as well as on God’s glorious love. If you truly love unconverted sinners, you will follow the practice of Christ and His Apostles in preaching the law and judgment as well as grace and love. It will not be easy to do so—if you preach so, you will need a true love for and trust in God, and a real love for the unconverted. Preaching that pricks and cuts men to the heart may, instead of seeing three thousand true conversions as did Peter (Acts 2), lead men to become so angry with you that they gnash on you with their teeth and seek to kill you, as they did Stephen (Acts 7), and as they sought to do to the Prophet of prophets and the perfect Pattern for all preachers, the Lord of love, Jesus Christ (Luke 4:29). Consider also that marvels are no substitute for Spirit-empowered preaching of the entire Word. The visions and ecstasy of the Welsh holiness revival did not produce revival, but destroyed it. It certainly is possible that searching preaching is used by the Holy Ghost to bring people under such tremendous conviction of sin that powerful emotional responses follow. However, the preacher must never aim only for emotional response, nor must such responses be allowed to overturn the apostolic command that all things be done “decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40). Furthermore, someone who is truly filled with the Spirit will not see visions, pretend to the gift of prophecy, or adopt other continuationist errors. Rather, he will manifest the fruit of the Spirit in a Christ-like life and in great progress in that true Christian sanctification that is impossible without the supernatural efficacy of the Spirit of God. Consider also the great importance of following Scripture alone in successfully resisting the devil and causing him to flee. Literal exegesis of the Bible will teach you all you need to know to overcome the wicked one, and its teachings are not to be changed in the least degree because of someone’s testimony to victory over Satan or experiences fighting demons. Your sufficient offensive weapon in your spiritual armor is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God (Ephesians 6:10-18); no uninspired book is necessary for successful wrestling with Satanic principalities and powers. With a grasp of God’s Word, apart from any uninspired book on demonology, you can say with first century Christians, “we are not ignorant of [Satan’s] devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11). Indeed, you should recognize that a frightful proportion of modern literature on demonology is not an exposition of Biblical teaching on withstanding demons, but has actually come from the devils themselves through extra-Biblical revelations or experiences where devils deluded people into thinking that they were gaining the victory over the powers of darkness while they were, in truth, falling to the cunning trickery of the devil. Lucifer and his fallen angels are too smart, and too powerful, for you to figure out on your own how to fight them and win. Only in the strength and with the guidance of Jehovah, wearing the whole armor He has provided His saints, can you successfully withstand demonic wiles. The battle-plan for victory is plainly set forth in the pages of His infallible Word—nowhere else. Since Scripture is sufficient for successful Christian resistance of Satan, accept the truths of Biblical demonology. Find the passages that speak of Satan or of demons in a concordance and study them in their context so that you can know how to successfully resist the wicked one. Spend your time studying God’s Word on how to deal with devils, rather than wasting your time and filling your mind with error by reading continuationist and experience-based demonology. The Scripture will lead you to truths such as the following. You should examine yourself to be sure you are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5), for if you have not been converted, you are still in Satan’s kingdom, not God’s, and are under the power of the devil, not under the protective power of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:1-9). You must submit to God and resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Be sober and vigilant in your resistance, and resist in faith (1 Peter 5:8-9), for through faith and God’s enabling grace, not through your own self-dependent might, you will defeat his temptations (Ephesians 6:16). Use the Word in your resistance (Matthew 4; Ephesians 6:17). Pray regularly for deliverance from temptation and the tempter (Matthew 6:13); watch and pray constantly (Ephesians 6:18), guard yourself (1 John 5:18), and fill yourself up with the evil of sin, the love of Christ, and the mercies of God to you, so that temptations lose their power (2 Corinthians 5:14; Genesis 39:9). Serve God in an assembly that both faithfully practices church discipline and lovingly restores disciplined members who repent (1 Corinthians 5; 2 Corinthians 2). Rejoice that Jesus Christ, your High Priest, effectually prays that you will be kept from evil and the evil one (John 17:15). Do not give an occasion, scope, or place for the devil to be active and tempt you by nursing sinful anger or other sins (Ephesians 4:26-27). Be honest and obey the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3). If you are married, regularly render to your spouse due physical benevolence (1 Corinthians 7:3-5). Forgive (2 Corinthians 4:10-11). Take to yourself righteousness and truth, fill yourself up with the knowledge of an assured salvation, and be devoted to proclaiming the gospel (Ephesians 6:10-18). Walk closely with God. Oh for greater fellowship with Him! And consider how spiritually refreshing, straight-forward, practical, and easily understood are Biblical instructions for dealing with demons. What a blessed contrast they form with the strange, obscure, and spiritually oppressive practices contended for in War on the Saints! Rejoice that by practicing what God has revealed about resisting the devil, you will be successful, for the Lord has not revealed the truth to His beloved people in vain. Since Scripture is sufficient for Christian resistance to Satan, do not adopt unbiblical ideas of the sort that fill books such as War on the Saints and the many later handbooks on demonology that rely on extra-biblical ideas and revelations, and flee in horror from all misinterpretations of Scripture. Do not try to bind Satan, and do not pray that Satan will be bound in this age. He will not be bound until the Millennium. If you pray that an entire country or region of the world will be freed from Satanic influence because of an alleged binding, you are self-deceived, for it is not God’s will that wicked people who reject the gospel and hate Him will be free from demonic control—Satan’s rule over them is a righteous judgment from He who is truly Sovereign over all nations. Only at the point of the new birth are any truly delivered from the power of darkness, for then, and only then, are they transferred into the kingdom of God’s dear Son (Colossians 1:13); indeed, Scripture is so far from indicating that an entire country or region of unconverted people can be free from Satan’s control that it records an inspired prayer, which is to be sung by the people of God (Ephesians 5:19) and which indicates the will of God, that Satan be at the right hand of the wicked (Psalm 109:6). Do not rail on or rebuke the devil—if even Michael the Archangel did not (Jude 9), why should you? Do not seek for a post-conversion Spirit baptism that will give you special powers against the forces of darkness—Spirit baptism was a completed historical event that took place in the first century and is not going to happen again in the church age. Do not think that the devil has the ability to make you sin—your flesh is sufficient for that, and all your sins are your own fault, not the devil’s. If you are a child of God, reject the idea that the devil has the ability to inject thoughts into your head—the Bible only indicates that demons have such abilities with the unregenerate. We cannot know exactly what powers demons can exert externally upon saints, by God’s permission—and we do not need to know, because Scripture does not declare it—but we can surmise that if parents of ordinary intelligence can become very familiar with their children and know them very well without direct access to their minds, extremely intelligent fallen angels can watch and know with a high degree of accuracy what mortal men are thinking without direct access to their minds. Nevertheless, they do not have the knowledge and the ability to exert internal power upon the people of God that is possessed by the Almighty and all-knowing Father of the children of God. Throw away books by continuationists that corrupt the teaching of the Bible on demonology by examining the subject based on experience-based hermeneutics or that in any other way deny sola Scriptura in practice. Do not adopt any ideas about Satan or the occult from any sources other than the Bible. Satan appears like an angel of light, not like a red creature with horns and a red forked tail, and witches do not fly around on brooms. For that matter, no angels in Scripture look like cute, baby-faced creatures—they all looked like men. The only possible exception is certain demonic creatures that have the faces of men and the hair of women (Revelation 9:7-8). Nor do angels have a pair of wings coming out of their back; only the cherubim and seraphim have wings. Do not seek for signs and wonders after the fashion of an evil and adulterous generation (Matthew 12:39). Do not practice charismatic “warfare prayer” or “territorial mapping.” Do not follow Jessie Penn-Lewis and Pentecostalism in attempting to use “throne power” to defeat Satan in prayer, but follow Jesus Christ and pray the way He told you to pray (Matthew 6:9-13). If, out of the many hundreds of prayers recorded in Scripture, not even one example of the sort of prayer you wish to engage in can be found, your type of prayer cannot possibly be key to spiritual victory, to defeating Satan, or to any other Christian goal whatsoever. The devil has sowed vast amounts of confusion concerning his character and workings, and the only way you can be free from the lies he has filled the world with, and filled largely unregenerate Christendom with, is by careful study of and submission to the sole authority of the Word of God. You cannot successfully resist the devil without the power of God, but you will not have His power if you are employing your own devices rather than the means and methods of successful spiritual wrestling He has revealed. Do not pretend that you have the sign gift of exorcism. Do not go around trying to cast out demons as if you were an Apostle. God did not record any procedure for normal Christians to practice exorcism in the New Testament epistles because the Lord’s people and churches were not to practice this sign gift. If an unconverted person appears to be possessed, you should pray and fast (Matthew 17:21), and preach the gospel to him so that he can be regenerated and freed from the control of the devil (Ephesians 2:1-4). Reject the idea that a regenerate person can be possessed—the temple of the Holy Spirit cannot be the dwelling place of devils, so the saints of God cannot be demon possessed, although they must certainly resist the devil and his temptations, looking to Christ in faith. Trying to do what the Lord Jesus did in validating His Messiahship by exorcising demons will lead you to give place to the devil in a terrible way. You should have no communication with demons whatsoever—only the Almighty and omniscient God (Job 1:8; Mark 5:9), or the head of the host of good angels, Michael the Archangel (Jude 9), is ever recorded as speaking to or conversing with Satan or devils in Scripture—no godly man is ever recorded as doing so. If not even the Apostles, who had the sign gift of exorcism, conversed with demons, how much the less should you? Indeed, even the Lord Jesus only spoke to demons in Scripture on very rare occasions and for very special purposes—the large majority of the time He “suffered not the devils to speak” (Mark 1:34), using His Divine power to force them to be silent and stop speaking (Mark 1:25; 3:11-12; Luke 4:35, 41). Recognize that the conversations with demons Keswick continuationists, Pentecostals, and other modern miracle-mongers engage in during their exorcism sessions and reproduce in their periodicals and books are nothing other than disobedience to Scripture and awful occasions to be both personally deceived by fallen angels and to spread demonic lies under the guise of Christian truth through the printed page. The demons are smarter than you are. Every time you converse with them you will lose, for God has told you, “I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils” (1 Corinthians 10:20). Beware of, avoid, and warn against “deliverance” ministries and modern exorcists. The techniques of Jessie Penn-Lewis, Evan Roberts, and Pentecostalism to deal with demons flourish in environments where the gospel is corrupted, as it was in the Quakerism of Mrs. Penn-Lewis, the Anglicanism of the Keswick Convention, and in other continuationist paedobaptist groups. When many professing Christians are unconverted and are consequently liable to being possessed by demons, and continuationism is adopted, exorcism ministries have room to flourish, while when people are truly converted, have the special protection Christ gives to the church He purchased with His own blood, and in fellowship with Him and His faithful people, they will be able to discern and reject the unbiblical heresies that permeate modern continuationistic demonology. What is more, people who are demon possessed, and then are “delivered” through unbiblical techniques by false teachers, as the sons of the Pharisees cast out demons (Luke 11:19), are in extreme danger of falling into even greater spiritual darkness, in accordance with the goals of the demons themselves. Such persons, even if the demons have decided to leave their bodies for a time to convince them to follow the religious delusions advocated by their wonder-working exorcist, will still be eternally damned unless they are born again—yet the supernatural wonder that they themselves have experienced is a tremendous roadblock to their coming to the knowledge of the truth and being truly converted. Truly, Satan has laid his deceit very deep, and the unraveling of his wiles and deliverance from his power is a work far above the strength of mere mortal men. Nevertheless, the believer has no grounds for despair; with the God of Jacob as his refuge, victory over the forces of hell is indubitably obtainable: “With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible” (Mark 10:27). Rejoice in true worship in the house of God—the holy angels rejoice in it (1 Corinthians 11:10). Recognize the glorious promise that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church (Matthew 16:18). Christ exercises a special care over the members of His assemblies and over His congregations, protecting them from enemies as a man cares for and protects his bride. The church is Christ’s holy temple, but being removed from His house is being delivered to Satan (1 Corinthians 5:4-5). Special protection from the powers of the wicked one is therefore found in the assemblies of the saints that Christ started in the first century, and which have existed to this present time under many names, but are now found among historic Baptist churches. Godly worship and praise brings the special presence of Jehovah (cf. 2 Chronicles 5:13-14), and godly music makes evil spirits depart (1 Samuel 16:23). Let such worship, and such music, be found in your church and in your home. God’s saints should sing His inspired psalms, and uninspired hymns should be patterned after the Biblical content found in the psalter, as they regularly were in the age of hymnists from Faucett to Doddridge to Toplady. They should hold fast to the Regulative Principle of worship as the sole solid defense against the introduction of humanly or demonically designed corruptions in worship. On the other hand, false religious organizations are Satan’s hunting-ground (Revelation 18:2). God is not the source of all religious experience. The worship of all pagan and non-Christian religions is the realm of the devil (1 Corinthians 10:20). The gatherings of the church of Rome are filled with demons, demons that work through the idols, demons that work supernaturally to bring the unregenerate into ever greater darkness as bread is allegedly transubstantiated over altars that have occult relics of “saints” in them, demons that rejoice in their extrabiblical festival days, demons that are attracted to their unholy and Spirit-quenching liturgy, and all sorts of other demons. Assemblies of Protestant religious organizations that preach a corrupt gospel are likewise places where demons and demonic influence abounds. When charismatics turn off their minds and engage in ecstatic religious phenomena, they are often having a genuinely supernatural experience, but one that shares its source with that of the ecstatic worship of demonized idolaters in first century Corinth (1 Corinthians 12:2). When neo-evangelicals bring rock music or the rock beat into their assemblies, they are bringing in music that attracts demons, rather than leading them to leave. Do you, then, wish to avoid the presence of devils? Unite yourself to and worship faithfully in a historic Baptist church that cleaves to and contends for Biblical worship, including an uncompromised stand for traditional, classical-styled music that follows Biblical principles. Such a church can assault the gates of hell in the strength of Jesus Christ. Flee all other religious organizations—unholy angels, rather than holy ones, gather in them. Remember that the church is the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15)—the church, the local, visible, Baptist congregation, is the place of God’s special presence, His special protection from Satan and his kingdom, and His promises of perpetuity and blessing until the return of Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:18). No promises of Christ’s special presence or protection are made to the mythical universal, invisible church, Para church institutions, human denominations, or inter-denominational movements such as evangelicalism. Do you claim to be a fundamentalist? If, by this term, you mean that you seek to militantly defend all the truths of the Christian faith, and militantly stand against and separate from all error, well and good—you will then, if your confession is true, be a servant of Christ in a historic Baptist church. Do you think that such a line is too strict, for “historic fundamentalism” was a parachurch movement that only recognized a handful of “fundamentals” that were worthy of separation? If that is truly “historic fundamentalism,” then you should reject such fundamentalism for the God-honoring true separatism only possible within a Biblical Baptist church that is unaffiliated with denominationalism, associationism, and all other humanly devised denominational structures. However, you should also consider that there never was a unified “historic fundamentalism.” The Fundamentals, for example, printed an essay by George Sales Bishop, who believed in the dictation of the autographa and its perfect preservation—including the perfect preservation of not the Hebrew consonants alone, but also the vowels that were originally given by inspiration—in the Textus Receptus. Yet The Fundamentals also reprinted articles by Edwin J. Orr, who “was unconcerned to defend a literal interpretation of the early chapters of Genesis, and [who] took the view that an insistence on biblical inerrancy was actually ‘suicidal.’” So who represents “historic fundamentalism”—Bishop or Orr? Does “historic fundamentalism” defend an inerrantautographa, an inerrant autographa that is perfectly preserved in the Received Texts of Scripture, or errant autographs and apographs? Indeed, while cessationists are amply represented in early fundamentalism, the writings of Jessie Penn-Lewis appear also in The Fundamentals—so does “historic fundamentalism” follow Scriptural cessationism and the sole authority of Scripture, or Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s fanaticism, radical demonology, Quakerism, date-setting for Christ’s return, and allegedly “inspired” extra-Biblical writings—one of which is condensed in The Fundamentals? A unified “historic fundamentalism” is a chimera, and even if it had existed, it would possess no independent authority—the Christian’s sole authority is the Bible alone, and the Bible teaches that every religious organization on earth in this dispensation, if it wants to have the special presence of Jesus Christ, must be under the authority of one of His churches. Fundamentalist parachurch institutions are not churches. Do you value the Lord’s church in the way that One does who bought her with His blood (Ephesians 5:25)? If you do not, but are following some movement, whether evangelical, fundamental, or by any other name, your organization does not possess the promises Christ makes to His church alone. Beware lest Christ say to you, and to your organization, “cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?” (Luke 13:7). Furthermore, beware other settings that are naturally the haunts of Satan. If Paul warns about the places where idol worship takes place as the haunt of devils and a setting to avoid (1 Corinthians 10:14, 20), places that are haunts of devils today should be avoided also. Since idols are attractive to demons, do not bring any idols into your house, whether as symbols of foreign “culture,” or mementos of past tourism, or for any other reason. If you have such objects in your house, whether of an openly pagan god or an allegedly Christian semi-deity such as the allegedly perpetual Virgin Mary, destroy such idols immediately. Destroy other demonic objects, such as Ouija boards, and abhor the symbols of idolatry, whether crucifixes or Christmas trees. Avoid the places where the medium and the psychic ply their trade. Do not seek to contact the dead. Do not let the practitioners of demonic and New Age alternative “medicine” deceive you, whether through the occult water of homeopathy, the traditional chiropractic of D. D. Palmer, or some other form of pagan energy medicine. Expect the modernist theological seminary, as a place of blasphemy against Jehovah, to be infested with demons. Assume that demons will delight themselves and congregate in the movie theater as its wide screens vomit forth violence, filthiness, occultism, and all kinds of ungodliness, just as they would at the rock concert or the bar. What concord is there between Christ and Belial? Maintain a Biblical balance in recognizing the power of Satan. First, while recognizing the real power of the devil and the unquestionable spiritual danger he poses to you, do not deify him or treat him as if he were God—do not displease and dishonor the only God by treating his creature and angel, Lucifer, as if he truly were like the Most High. Satan is not omnipotent, omniscient, or omnipresent. His power is not equal to that of God—indeed, it is infinitely inferior to that of El Shaddai. While a very powerful creature, he is nonetheless a defeated and doomed foe. Remember that he is so. Second, do not react against the fanaticism of works such as War on the Saints by turning to a rationalism that denies or denigrates the reality of the demonic. Doubtless many pagan marvels are simple impostures with as much reality to them as the body of Mary Baker Eddy’s Mind Cures or the fake healings of a Word of Faith wonder-peddler. However, in our Bibles we can hold infallible evidence in our hands that, although they cannot equal the miraculous power of the Almighty (Exodus 8:18-19; 9:11;Daniel 2:27-28), demons can perform real miracles (Revelation 16:14). Neither fear the devil as if he were God—reserve that reverential awe for your Creator and Redeemer alone—nor diminish the power of that roaring lion, who ferociously roams about seeking whom he may devour, as if he were a de-fanged and de-clawed pussycat. Pgs. 120, 155, Transforming Keswick: The Keswick Convention, Past, Present, and Future, Price & Randall. Pg. iii, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard, 2nd ed. preface by Bernard W. Matthews, 1930. “Thankfully, too, may be placed on record the fact that a concise summary of ‘The Warfare with Satan and the Way of Victory’ was selected as one of the papers for insertion in Vol. X of ‘The Fundamentals,’ a series of volumes re-stating the Fundamental Truths of the Christian Faith, issued free by the generosity of ‘Two Christian Laymen’ to workers throughout the world” (“The Overcomer Literature Trust Fund,” pg. 203, The Overcomer, December 1914; cf. Chapter 13, “Satan and His Kingdom,” Jessie Penn-Lewis, pgs. 183-199, The Fundamentals, vol. 4, ed. Torrey). Pg. 274, An Instrument of Revival, Jones. Pg. 5, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard; cf. pg. 6, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Brynmor Pierce Jones. George Fox (1624-1691) was the “Founder of the Society of Friends, otherwise known as Quakers. . . . In 1646 he announced his reliance on the ‘Inner Light of the Living Christ.’ . . . [H]e taught that truth is to be found primarily not in Scripture or in creed but in God’s voice speaking to the soul. . . . his colleagues . . . included William Penn” (pg. 425, “Fox, George,” Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, ed. Walter A. Elwell). Pg. 139, I Saw The Welsh Revival, David Matthews. Chicago, IL: Moody, 1951. After his marriage to Jessie, Mr. Penn-Lewis’ Quaker background still showed itself (pg. 11, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). At Mr. Penn-Lewis’ funeral, preached by F. B. Meyer, “Dr. Meyer remarked that [the] quiet garden attached to the Friends [Quaker] Meeting House was peculiarly appropriate as the last resting place of William Penn-Lewis, as he was a descendant of William Penn, one of the Pilgrim Fathers, the founder of Pennsylvania” (pg. 290, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary Garrard). Mrs. Penn-Lewis, buried by her husband in this Quaker graveyard, would also refer to what one or another “old Quaker” or “old Quakers” had said in her writings (cf. her letter from Coonoor, S. India, March 3, 1903, reprinted in “The Life of Faith” of March 25th 1903; Chapter 3,Soul and Spirit, by Jessie Penn-Lewis, etc.). Before her marriage she was “Jessie Jones” (pg. 7, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). More details about her early life and marriage are contained in her diaries and her booklet The Leading of the Lord. Pg. 155, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. “Public Worship” in the Orthodox Quaker Declaration of Faith Issued by the Richmond Conference in 1887(http://www.quakerinfo.com/rdf.shtml). Pgs. 300-301, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 295, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 290, 306, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. Compare “Freemasonry and the Christian,” Eddy D. Field II & Eddy D. Field III. Master’s Seminary Journal, 5:2 (Fall 94) 141-158; also The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge, John Ankerberg & John Weldon (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1990). Pg. 4, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. Garrard was Mrs. Penn-Lewis’ secretary and confidant for decades, and after Penn-Lewis’ death Garrard “serve[d] as general secretary and magazine editor” of The Overcomer “for sixteen years” (pgs. 305ff. The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones; cf. pgs. 10, 86, 156, 250, 297). Pg. 6, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 6, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 1, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. Pg. 2, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard; cf. pg. 4, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Brynmor Pierce Jones. Neither Jessie nor William even professed conversion to Christ before their marriage (cf. pgs. 8-10,Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard). Pgs. 6-7, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pgs. 6-7, Garrard; cf. pg. 9, Jones. Describing her professed conversion, Penn-Lewis testified: “[I had] a deep inward desire to know that I was a child of God[.] . . . [T]aking . . . my (too little read) Bible from the shelf, [I] turne[d] over the leaves, and [my] eye f[ell] [upon] the words, ‘The Lord hath laid upon Him the iniquity of us all’: again a casual turn of the sacred pages, and [I read] the words, ‘He that believeth hath Eternal Life.’ . . . [I considered] whether I did believe that God had laid my sins upon the Lamb of God on the Cross: a pause of wonderment that it really said that I had Eternal Life if I simply believed God’s Word: a quick cry of ‘Lord, I do believe’—and [I] passed from death unto life.” One hopes that Mrs. Penn-Lewis was truly regenerated, although the facts that she wished to know that she “was” a child of God, befitting her Quaker background, rather than desiring to “become” one (cf. Luke 5:31-32; 19:10), that her description of her professed conversion sounds dangerously like an affirmation that the new birth is a matter of a “believe that,” a mental assent to certain facts (James 2:19), rather than a supernaturally wrought and spiritual coming to the Person of Christ in repentant faith and trusting in His death and shed blood (cf. John 6:37), and that she entirely omits any mention of repentance (cf. Luke 13:3), including repentance of the false gospels taught in Quakerism, Masonry, and Anglo-Catholicism (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1), make the genuineness of her conversion a matter of serious doubt, especially as she continued to associate with Quakerism and other false religions that taught a false gospel (Galatians 1:8-9) the rest of her life, and she certainly was never immersed into the membership of a Bible-believing and practicing church upon profession of faith as did regenerate people in the Bible (cf. Acts 2:41-47;Mark 16:16). Pg. 8, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Any soul-winner with even a modicum of discernment knows that in a “Christian” culture like 19th century Britain the fact that someone, when asked if he is a Christian, will respond with the word “yes,” by no means proves his regeneration. A large majority of 21stcentury Americans would say “yes” to the same question, yet they are no more the true children of God than were the majority of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. Hopkins himself professed to be converted after reading 1 John 1:9. He testified: “I saw that there was a covenant . . . and if I was among those who confessed their sins, I was in the agreement, and that He was faithfulto the Son, and just to the promise made to the Son, to forgive me then and there. I saw, at once, that I had pardon” (pgs. 27-28, Evan Henry Hopkins: A Memoir, Alexander Smellie). One hopes that Hopkins was truly converted, although 1 John 1:9 is not about how one is born again, and justification is granted to those who come to a particular point where, as lost sinners, they come to Jesus Christ in repentant faith (Mark 1:15;John 3:16; 6:37), while there is no promise in the Bible that says that as long as one is “among those who confessed their sins” one will enter the kingdom of God. Whatever one may conclude from Evan Hopkins own testimony of conversion—one can be happy that, unlike so many Anglican priests, he at least had something he could say, and he never adopted Anglo-Catholicism—the rampant confusion within Anglicanism about the way of salvation helps to explain why Jessie Penn-Lewis could be accepted as a true believer, rather than as simply a religious but very possibly unconverted person, simply because she said “Yes” when asked if she were a Christian. Perhaps Penn-Lewis’s weak view of conversion and regeneration contributed to her passing beyond the more typical Keswick division of Christians into those who are spiritual and those who are perpetually carnal into her own four-fold division, a division in which she was followed by Watchman Nee. She taught in her Four Planes of the Spiritual Life that “[b]elievers in Christ . . . all lived on one of four planes: the evangelistic plane, the revival or Pentecost plane, the path of the Cross plane, or the spiritual warfare plane. Each of these had a commencement, a continuation, and a consummation before you went on to the next” (pg. 224, cf. pg. 233, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). That is: There are four planes—broadly speaking—in the spiritual life of the believer, and of the Christian worker: The first plane we may call the “evangelistic” plane; that is, the plane where the soul knows the new birth; knows that he has eternal life in Christ; where he becomes a soul winner, preaches salvation from the penalty of sin, and is used to lead others to Christ; where the entire objective is winning souls for Christ; where he is faithful in proclaiming the gospel of salvation in Christ. Then there is the second plane, which may be called the “revival” plane; or the stage in personal experience where the believer receives the fulness of the Holy Spirit, learns to know Him and to obey Him; to rely upon Him and to look to Him to work as he co-operates with Him, and is used to lead others into the experience of the fulness of the Spirit. Then there is the third plane, which we may call the plane of the “path of the cross,” where the believer experimentally apprehends his position in Romans 6 in fellowship with Christ’s death; is brought into “conformity” to His death (Philippians 3:10); he learns the fellowship of His sufferings, and is led to walk in the path of the Cross in every detail of practical life. Here the believer is able to interpret to others the way of the Cross, and to lead others to know Romans 6 and 2 Corinthians 4:10-12 in experience. The fourth plane is the plane of spiritual warfare. It is really the “ascension” plane, where the believer knows his union with Christ, seated with Him “far above all principality and power”; and where, in service, he is in aggressive warfare against the powers of darkness; learns to have spiritual discernment to detect the working of the devil; and learns the authority of Christ over all the power of the enemy. (Luke 10:19) Or to put it concisely—the first is the plane of salvation, or the new life; the second is the plane of the Spirit; the third is the plane of victory over sin; the fourth is the plane of victory over the powers of darkness. The individual believer, if he goes forward in the Christian life with God, is generally—not always—led just in this order also. First, he receives salvation; second, he receives the Holy Ghost; third he is led along the path of the Cross; fourth, he walks in the path of conflict and victory, resulting in “power” over all the power of the enemy. The individual worker, also, finds he is used in these four planes of service. First, he is used to lead others to Christ; second, he is used to lead them into the fulness of the Spirit; third, he is used to interpret to them the path of the Cross; and fourth, to discern the devices and workings of the devil, and to have power over “all the power of the enemy,” through union with Christ on the throne. Madame Guyon truly says that in every plane of the spiritual life there is a beginning, working out, and a consummation of the life in that degree, followed by a passage into the next plane, where there is again a beginning, a working out, a consummation. . . . Further, it is true that, speaking generally, it often takes years to get through each plane! (“Four Planes of the Spiritual Life,” Watchman Nee, reprinting “an excerpt from Life Out of Death, a book by Jessie Penn-Lewis. It was originally published by The Overcomer Literature Trust, Parkston, Poole, Dorset, England.” Elec. acc. http://www.sermonindex.net/modules/articles/article_pdf.php?aid=18101) Penn-Lewis’s four-fold division of Christians into a lower class, higher class, even higher elite class, and highest and most elite class, will be convincing to those who accept the inspiration of her writings, and her reference to Madame Guyon will perhaps impress those who receive the Romanist mystic’s writings as a spiritual authority, but for those who accept the sola Scriptura, the total absence of Biblical evidence for Penn-Lewis’s four-fold partition of the people of God will lead them to reject her doctrine out of hand. However, while Mrs. Penn-Lewis had no support for her ideas in the Bible, she did find some in the stages in the Higher Life expounded at the Broadlands Conference (pgs. 191-193, The Life that is Life Indeed: Reminiscences of the Broadlands Conferences, Edna V. Jackson. London: James Nisbet & Co, 1910). Mrs. Penn-Lewis, while she had no support in Scripture for her four-fold division of Christians, did, however, find some support in the teaching of her Quaker predecessor, Hannah W. Smith, and the Broadlands Conference, where, e. g., Mrs. Smith did not speak of the Higher Life alone, but also of “the bird life . . . of sunshine and song” (pg. 196, The Life that is Life Indeed: Reminiscences of the Broadlands Conferences, Edna V. Jackson. London: James Nisbet & Co, 1910). Perhaps one had the Lower Life lived by the body of non-Keswick Christians, the Higher Life lived by the elite few, and the Bird Life lived by those whose sense of Biblical teaching had completely gone to the birds. Pg. 10, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 13, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 41, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. E. g., Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard, pgs. 77-78, 88-96, 107-109, 130-131, 156-158, 185-187 (in Moody’s church and college, where her influence led to a “revival” where “[a]ll order was dispensed with . . . [s]ome would be praying for pardon, some were singing, and some asking for the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and others for Healing,” pg. 105, The Trials and Triumphs of Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones), 187-188 (A. B. Simpson’s church and the CMA Nyack Institute), 194-196 (1901 Scottish Keswick convention to both men and women, where, as at many Keswick-themed conferences in other parts of her homeland and in many foreign countries, her preaching to men was “blessedly sealed by the Spirit of God,” so that “in after years there was no suggestion of a limited ministry [to women only] whenever [Penn-Lewis] was able to come to Scottish Conventions”), 199, 203, 274, 277 (“the Voice of the Spirit of God” leading her to powerfully preach a misinterpretation of John 12:24at the Swanwick Conference she started), 286 (many “ministries revolutionized” by the doctrines she preached), 301, ibid. She also led meetings where men and women prayed in different languages at the same time in a confusion that clearly violates the pattern set in 1 Corinthians (cf. pg. 80, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard; pgs. 53, 57, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones, where a confused meeting was said to be “a forerunner of the Welsh revival.”). Compare also, for her preaching, pgs. 41 (at Keswick), 45 (leaving her husband behind while she went on preaching tours in various countries), 49-57, 71-74 (pg. 74 records an example, not only of a mixed preaching service, but a special “men-only” service), 86, 97 (“meetings and conventions in Canada and the great northern cities of the United States,”), 103-108, 113, 138-139, 146 (preaching at the Welsh Keswick at Llandrindod and influencing Welsh holiness revival men like Seth Joshua, while “open[ing] up new truths to such key people”), 149, 153, 161-162, 196-197, 232, 235 (where the men handled the simple matters, but she, as one above them, “would step in later to comment on the more complex questions”), 240-241, 259-265, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 73, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 431, “Friends, Society of,” Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, ed. Elwell. Pg. 50, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones; cf. pgs. 161-162. Compare “God Is Using Women: Opportunities for Women at Keswick,” chap. 8, pgs. 148-166 inTransforming Keswick: The Keswick Convention, Past, Present and Future, by Charles Wesley Price and Ian M. Randall. Carlisle: OM, 2000. Pgs. 138-139, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Mrs. Penn-Lewis followed her own advice of rejecting pastoral counsel. When, in 1897, even “several Keswick leaders, including her own Vicar [Evan Hopkins], distrusted her teachings as ‘too subjectivist,’” and Hopkins warned her about “a misinterpretation and a misapplication of texts of Scripture,” rather than submitting to their objections, she “felt the Lord was calling her to publish her messages as a top priority” because she was “[i]solated more and more from former colleagues” (pg. 60, 62, ibid.). Pg. 73, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Mrs. Penn-Lewis also employed other texts that do not, grammatically-historically interpreted, prove her point about women preachers, such as Joel 2 and Acts 21:9 (see pgs. 73-74, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard). In her argument for women preachers from the Spirit baptism text in Joel 2, Penn-Lewis follows the argumentation of Phoebe Palmer, the Methodist woman preacher with a Quaker background (“Keswick and the Higher Life,” http://www.seeking4truth.com/keswick.htm) who made that passage central to her case for women preachers, as well as popularizing the connection between the Wesleyan doctrine of entire sanctification and Spirit baptism (in which she had the help of Asa Mahan; “Asa Mahan and the Development of American Holiness Theology,” Donald W. Dayton. Wesleyan Theological Journal 9:1 (Spring 1974): 60-69). Palmer’s “work quickly extended beyond Methodism into a large number of Protestant denominations, helping to fuel interest in Christian perfection, holiness and ‘the higher Christian life’ throughout much of English-speaking Protestantism” (pg. 502, Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals, ed. Larsen). Her views of Spirit baptism and entire sanctification “largely defined the ‘holiness revival’ or ‘holiness movement’ that grew from her work and that of other proponents of Christian perfection, Christian holiness and the higher Christian life. . . . In England, Palmer introduced her ideas during an extended preaching tour between 1859 and 1863. Later, other American revivalists, notably Robert Pearsall Smith and his wife Hannah Whitall Smith, and Asa Mahan, followed up her visit, preaching versions of her theology throughout the British Isles. Their work led directly to the organization of the Keswick Conventions and the ongoing Keswick ‘Higher Life’ Movement among British evangelicals . . . [and] also influenced modern Pentecostal and charismatic movements. . . . [I]t is clear that her emphasis on Pentecost and the baptism with the Holy Spirit and her interpretation of the early chapters of Acts . . . laid the groundwork for much modern Pentecostal and charismatic thinking” (pgs. 502-503, ibid). Naturally, Mrs. Palmer was a continuationist, as her preaching of post-conversion Spirit baptism and perfectionism led to “trances, visions, sleeps, dreams, and miracles” (pg. 66, Aspects of Pentecostal-Charismatic Origins, ed. Synan). Interestingly, her husband was a homeopathic physician (pg. 501, Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals, ed. Larsen), supplying another strand in the web that connects the pagan ideas of the nineteenth century Mind and Faith Cure movement to the healing theology of the twentieth century Pentecostal and Word of Faith movements. Pg. 50, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 13-15, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 48, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Their continuing friendship is evident from, e. g., the fact that Andrew Murray wrote a preface to the Dutch edition of her book The Cross of Calvary and Its Message (see pgs. 220-221, Garrard; pg. 203, The Overcomer, December 1914) and that she led various groups of people in studies on spiritual life based on Murray’s writings (pg. 97, ibid.). Those who translated Murray’s writings often translated hers as well (e. g., pg. 204, ibid.). Pg. 16, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 17, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. She records an instance where Murray’s doctrine allegedly worked to cure a cold on pgs. 101-102, ibid. Pg. 24, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. The Bible certainly does not teach the Finney/Mahan doctrine of Spirit baptism. See the appendix “Spirit Baptism: A Completed Historical Event. An Exposition and Defense of the Historic Baptist View of Spirit Baptism.” Pgs. 18-29, Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 183, “An Autobiographical Sketch,” The Overcomer magazine, ed. Jessie Penn-Lewis, December 1914. “Experimental Difficulties,” pgs. 186-187, Overcomer, 1911. Capitalization and italics retained from the original. It is not clear who Mrs. Penn-Lewis received her unusual “Hebrew rendering” from, for the Hebrew :…wn`Dl_aDÚp√rˆn wäøt∂rUbSjAb…w is properly rendered “with his stripes we are healed,” as in the Authorized Version, while the rendering that gave Mrs. Penn-Lewis the “inside clue” is a corruption of the passage. Note her very clear identification of the Higher Life for the spirit and the Higher Life for the body, the Keswick theology and the Faith Cure. Pg. 264, Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. However, she also affirmed that a certain kind of bodily weakness can assist one in prayer and thus may be spiritually beneficial. Perhaps she made this affirmation because she was herself in a very weak bodily state at the time of her writing. Pgs. 278-279, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 134, Overcomer, 1914. Pg. 278, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard, records an instance of a girl healed from some unspecified affliction by adopting Penn-Lewis’ view of Romans 6. Pgs. 149-150, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. See also pgs. 284-285. Pg. 271, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 273, 276, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 248-249, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Thus, for the next number of months, he was so sick that he was “in no state to do anything,” even answer letters. Pg. 271, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 149, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. Pg. 65, Garrard; cf. pg. 93, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones; pg. 183, “An Autobiographical Sketch,” The Overcomer, December 1914. Pg. 17, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. Pg. xi, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Brynmor Pierce Jones. Pg. 190, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. Pgs. 14-15, 19, 67, 79-85, 91, 93, 113, 163-164, 204-207, 213, 231, 249-250, 277, 292, 298-299, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 298, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 15, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 301-302, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones, for instance, records her plans for “a new syllabus” for various writings, articles for the next edition of The Overcomer, and “advance plans the Eccleston Hall Conference” where she had chosen the “Keynote speech.” Pgs. 263-264, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. Pg. 25, Account of the Union Meeting for the Promotion of Scriptural Holiness, Held at Oxford, August 29 to September 7, 1874. Chicago: Revell, 1874. Pgs. 297-298, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. While Mrs. Penn-Lewis employs words that are similar to those in Colossians 1:24, her meaning is certainly very different from that of the Apostle Paul. Compare pg. 186, “Experimental Difficulties,” The Overcomer, 1911, for Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s doctrine of Christians “sharing His [Christ’s] suffering for souls, and for the world.” Pg. 22, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. It is noteworthy that even John Wesley, while preaching Methodist perfectionism, “never claimed the experience for himself. He was a very honest man. He taught this perfectionism but he would never say that it was true of himself.” Indeed, for “many years he had great difficulty of producing any examples of it,” although at one point “he felt he could produce 30 such people; but only one of the 30 seemed to persist—the others fell away” (pg. 311, The Puritans: Their Origins and Successors, D. M. Lloyd-Jones). Mrs. Penn-Lewis, however, once having received her second blessing, was one of the very, very few who—in their own opinion, at least—seems to have kept it. E. g., pgs. 82-90, 114, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones, describe an assortment of her “ecstatic and mystical states,” visions, voices, and other phenomena from the spirit world. Pg. 16, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Books such as Guyon’s Autobiography,Spiritual Torrents, and Short Catechism are specifically mentioned as influential (cf. pgs. 16, 22, ibid.). Pg. 34, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. Pg. 34, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard; pg. 16, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Chapter 4, The Centrality of the Cross, Jessie Penn-Lewis; cf. pgs. 34-35, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary Garrard. Pg. 16, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Compare the discussion in the excerpt above from “A Warning Exhortation Against Pietists, Quietists, and all Who in a Similar Manner have Deviated to a Natural and Spiritless Religion under the Guise of Spirituality,” by Wilhelmus à Brakel. Pg. 61, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 63, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. It is noteworthy that “Christ-life” phraseology was in use among the metaphysical and New Thought cults of the late nineteenth century. For example, at Emerson College, where “New Thought metaphysics” were taught rather than “historical Christian orthodoxy,” in “praise of the faculty at his graduation in 1896, one student remarked, [‘]You have taught us not only how to think but what to think. You have taught us not only how to live but what to live. You have broadened our horizons, and made of us larger and better men and women, so that we shall go out from here better equipped to live the Christ life.’” (pg. 37, A Different Gospel, citing John M. Coffee, Jr. and Richard L. Wentworth, A Century of Eloquence: The History of Emerson College, 1880-1890, quoting Albert Armstrong, Emerson College Magazine (May, 1896), pg. 108). The terminology of the Christ-life was also employed by Mary Baker Eddy and her Christian Science cult, in testimonies that could be phrased in an identical way by advocates of the Keswick theology through the substitution of “Higher Life” or “Keswick” for “Christian Science.” For example: Through the practice of Christian Science Jesus demonstrated the Christ-life, and every application of Christian Science has for its fruits Christ-like living, and tends to lift man above sin, sickness, and death. Is there anything the Christ-life does not satisfy, any heights or depths it cannot touch, any misery it fails to alleviate, any sin it will not destroy, any aspirations it does not fulfil? That Christian Science does supply these human needs today is the testimony of thousands of men and women. (pg. 218, “What is Truth?” by Charles D. Reyholds, in theChristian Science Journal, XXII:4 (July 1904). 193-256) After all, “Christian Science so includes and enforces th[e] vital trut[h] of . . . a living of the Christ-life . . . that every Christian Scientist finds [himself] renewedly and increasingly emphasizing [it] in his thought and life.” After all, the Christ-life is key, for “it is the normal work of the Christ-life to heal us of sickness as well as sin” (pg. 474,Christian Science Journal XXII:8 (November 1904) 457-536) Pg. 323, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 335, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Chapter 3, Soul and Spirit, Jessie Penn-Lewis. Pg. 35, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 35, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones;cf. pg. 274, Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals. Since Hannah W. Smith was a universalist, it should not be surprising that other heretics who rejected the doctrine of hell were embraced and promoted at Keswick. See pg. 230, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Brynmor Pierce Jones. Brunswick, N.J.: Bridge-Logos Publishers, 1997. Pg. 177, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 177, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pgs. 53-55, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. The book was very influential; for example, “a professor in the Moody Bible Institute . . . said that . . .The Message of the Cross had helped him greatly,” and he “took steps to have [Penn-Lewis’s] books distributed in Chicago” (pgs. 97-98, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). Pg. 66, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 89, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 87-88, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Evan Roberts also experienced similar ecstatic “ordeal[s]” through which, he claimed, “he had, in a most realistic sense, been partaker of Christ’s sufferings” (pg. 174, The Great Revival in Wales: Also an Account of the Great Revival in Ireland in 1859, S. B. Shaw. Chicago, IL: S. B. Shaw, 1905). Nothing in the Bible states or implies that believers endure the kind of penal agony that Christ endured on the cross. Philippians 3:10, which contains the words to which Mrs. Penn-Lewis alludes in her vision from the spirit world that led her to her discovery of her peculiar version of Higher Life theology, refers to the Apostle Paul suffering persecution at the hands of men for Christ’s sake, and has absolutely nothing to do with Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s doctrine. The Lord Jesus took the wrath of God against sinful mankind “by Himself” and completely satisfied God’s wrath by His one offering on the cross (Hebrews 1:3;9:27-28; John 19:30). When Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts claim to share in Christ’s penal sufferings they are guilty of terrible spiritual confusion and blasphemy. Pg. 201, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 231, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 304, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. One of her later books, Studies in the Song of Solomon, was her “first book written with delight” (pg. 67,The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). It seems that writing inspired works was not especially enjoyable for Mrs. Penn-Lewis, at least much of the time, although her Studies volume was inspired as well (pg. 220, ibid.), so at least once in a while writing under inspiration was enjoyable. Unfortunately, the first book she delighted in writing was one “in which the Song of Solomon is not interpreted in the traditional manner” (pg. 220,ibid.), but was rather radically and grossly misinterpreted—under inspiration, of course. Pgs. 66-67, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 220, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 151-153, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 172, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 174, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 173, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Kenneth Hagin likewise received his books by inspiration (cf. pgs. 61ff., A Different Gospel, McConnell). Pg. 140, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 191, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones; Penn-Lewis here speaks of her book “Face to Face.” Other books took a variety of periods to be received by inspiration, although they generally were produced far more quickly than volumes are that employ careful, Spirit-dependent study, painstaking exegesis, and sound hermeneutics, since Mrs. Penn-Lewis could dispense with such work, and was hardly capable of it in any case. Pgs. 220-221, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 153, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 128, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 201, “The Spirit of Translation,” The Overcomer December 1914. Penn-Lewis justifies her heresy on inspiration by twisting statements in 1 Corinthians 7 about what Christ said in His earthly ministry and what Paul received by inspiration but was not taught by the Lord during His earthly ministry, but was nonetheless equally the Word of God with the rest of the canon (“not I, but the Lord” vs. “I say,” cf. 1 Corinthians 7:40; 14:36-37; 2 Peter 3:16), with alleged levels of inspiration, so that Paul’s epistle is wrested into an affirmation that some of his writings came from the Lord and some were simply what he thought was nice. Chapter 5, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Italics retained from original. Some capitalization has been changed. The fact that Penn-Lewis warns that “many” claims to “supernatural revelations” and inspiration are in error does not change the fact, but only makes it all the clearer, that she thinks some such claims are not error—only “many,” but not “all” modern claims to write under inspiration, as the Apostle Paul did, are false. Pg. 192, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Emphasis in the original. Pgs. 261, 264-265, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Concerning the general abandonment of Biblical gender roles in the Welsh holiness revival, an abandonment that was certainly not limited to Jessie Penn-Lewis alone, note also pg. 36, The Great Revival in Wales: Also an Account of the Great Revival in Ireland in 1859, S. B. Shaw. Chicago, IL: S. B. Shaw, 1905. It is interesting that in “the story of all holiness movements . . . [t]he place of women is an important part,” from Phoebe Palmer, to Catherine Booth, to Hannah W. Smith, onward (pgs. 165, Transforming Keswick: The Keswick Convention, Past, Present, and Future, Price & Randall; the woman preachers at Keswick are described on pgs. 148ff.). The neglect of sola Scriptura for testimonials by women to their experience of sanctification contributed to the rise of women preachers as testimonial morphed into authoritative proclamation (cf. pgs. 148ff., ibid). Pg. 197, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s appeal to Acts 2:17-21 to support her continuationism and doctrine of women preachers was standard Quaker practice: As it is the prerogative of the Great Head of the church alone to select and call the ministers of His Gospel, so we believe that both the gift and the qualification to exercise it must be derived immediately from Him; and that, as in the primitive church, so now also, He confers spiritual gifts upon women as well as upon men, agreeably to the prophecy recited by the apostle Peter, ‘It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,’ (Acts 2:17) respecting which the apostle declares, ‘the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.’ (Acts 2:39) As the gift is freely received so it is to be freely exercised” (“Public Worship,” Declaration of Faith Issued by the Richmond Conference in 1887. Elec. acc. http://www.quakerinfo.com/rdf.shtml). Compare the similar attempt to use Acts 2 by Phoebe Palmer (pg. 88, Theological Roots of Pentecostalism, Dayton). Pg. 265, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. E. g., see the argument for women preachers from Acts 2:17-18; 21:9 on pg. 2, The Apostolic Faith I:12 (Los Angeles, January 1908), reprinted on pg. 50, Like As of Fire: Newspapers from the Azusa Street World Wide Revival: A Reprint of “The Apostolic Faith” (1906-1908), coll. Fred T. Corum & Rachel A. Sizelove. Pg. 265, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones, cf. pgs. 259-265. Pg. 66, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 99, 109, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 100, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Penn-Lewis’s arguments for women preachers were largely dependent upon the work of Katharine Bushnell, whose invalid arguments were reproduced—under inspiration, of course—by Mrs. Penn-Lewis (cf. pgs. 161-163, Transforming Keswick: The Keswick Convention, Past, Present, and Future, Price & Randall). Pg. 25, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 38-39, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 268-269, Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary Garrard. Pgs. 19, 28-29, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 61, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 56, Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary Garrard. Pg. 226, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Jones notes that she, at times, “answered [doctrinal questions] in a very dogmatic fashion” (pg. 227, ibid.). Pgs. 67-68, Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary Garrard. Pg. 170, The Life that is Life Indeed: Reminiscences of the Broadlands Conferences, Edna V. Jackson. London: James Nisbet & Co, 1910. Chapter 5, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Chapter 5, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. It is not affirmed that Mrs. Penn-Lewis was indeed a modalist, rather than a Trinitarian; she could speak of the “three Persons of the Trinity” within almost the same breath as referring to God as a single “Person.” Rather, the affirmation is that she did not know what she was talking about in her Trinitarian affirmations, as evidenced in her failure to recognize or employ the Biblical (cf.Hebrews 1:3) and classical Trinitarian distinction between God as one in essence or nature and three in Person. Nor is it affirmed that Mrs. Penn-Lewis, if pressed, would necessarily boldly, fixedly, and stubbornly deny the omnipresence of the Father, Son, and Spirit; rather, her blasphemy on this subject is likely simply a product of her great, willful, and culpable ignorance of theology. Chapter 5, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Chapter 5, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Pg. 61, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. E. g., Hannah Whitall Smith (pg. 169, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). Pg. 197, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones; the statement is by “Dr. Pierson, who had worked well with her during the conventions in Wales.” Pg. 336, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 190-191, Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary Garrard. Pg. 149, Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary Garrard. Rejecting the Biblical fact that in genuine spirituality, worship, and Christian service the mind is always active (2 Timothy 1:7), not empty, is also a feature of Pentecostalism: “When singing or speaking in tongues, your mind does not take any part of it” (pg. 2, The Apostolic Faith II:12 (Los Angeles, May 1908), reprinted on pg. 54,Like As of Fire: Newspapers from the Azusa Street World Wide Revival: A Reprint of “The Apostolic Faith” (1906-1908), coll. Fred T. Corum & Rachel A. Sizelove; cf. pg. 12, Vision of the Disinherited: The Making of American Pentecostalism, Robert M. Anderson), even as in demon possession in pagan religions the “pneuma banishes the human . . . mind . . . and acts or speaks” (pgs. 20-21, ibid). Pentecostalism receives no support for its dangerous error that the mind is inactive from 1 Corinthians 14:14, which, when it specifies that the understanding is “unfruitful” or a‡karpoß, “does not mean that the mind did not function, but rather that the product of the mind did not bear fruit and did not edify” (The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the New Testament, Rodgers & Rodgers, on 1 Corinthians 14:14). Emphasis in the original. Pgs. 252-253, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary Garrard; pg. 174, The Overcomer, December, 1914. cf. pgs. 131, 144-145, 156, 245, etc., Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary Garrard. Pg. 184, “An Autobiographical Sketch,” The Overcomer magazine, ed. Jessie Penn-Lewis, December 1914; pg. 199, The Keswick Convention: Its Message, its Method, and its Men, ed. Harford. Pg. 178, Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 185, “An Autobiographical Sketch,” The Overcomer magazine, ed. Jessie Penn-Lewis, December 1914. Pg. 244, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 525, “Demythologizing the Evan Roberts Revival,” Pope. Pg. 155, Transforming Keswick: The Keswick Convention, Past, Present, and Future, Price & Randall. Pg. 157, Transforming Keswick: The Keswick Convention, Past, Present, and Future, Price & Randall. Pg. 238, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 299, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 147, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 121-122, The Keswick Story: The Authorized History of the Keswick Convention, Polluck. Pg. 152, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 168, Transforming Keswick: The Keswick Convention, Past, Present, and Future, Price & Randall. Pg. 163, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. When, in 1911, she received an inspired “telegram . . . from Evan Roberts saying, ‘Withdraw at once,’” she gave up responsibilities at the Welsh Keswick as well (pg. 147, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). Pg. 210, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 217, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 213, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 109, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 140, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 180, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pgs. 308-313, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones; cf. pg. 178, An Instrument of Revival, Jones. Pg. 104, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 197, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 199, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 525, “Demythologizing the Evan Roberts Revival,” Pope. Thus, Calvinistic Methodists were already by February 1904 spreading Penn-Lewis’s beliefs and Keswick theology in Wales as a precursor of the holiness revival there (pg. 517, ibid). Pgs. 145-146, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Compare the discussion of the connection between the beginning of the Welsh Keswick conference at Llandrindod Wells and the Welsh holiness revival under Evan Roberts on pgs. 44-45, Vision of the Disinherited: The Making of American Pentecostalism, Robert Anderson. However, the holiness revival movement weakened denominational distinctives and ecclesiastical separation so that people “from all denominations drew together” (pg. 129, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). Indeed, Roberts and Penn-Lewis affirmed in War on the Saints that a mark of “counterfeit” revival is “a spirit of separation” over “non-essentials” (pg. 143, ibid.); contrast Matthew 5:18-19; Luke 16:10. Nothing that the King of heaven commands is non-essential. Her reporting sought to be “factual, but . . . also selective” (pg. 128, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). Pg. 221-226, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. For example, her doctrine of women preachers was advanced because of the Revival; “women were now taking a principal part . . . just as she had foreseen” (pg. 120, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). She influenced not only the most prominent preacher, Evan Roberts, but also led other ministers of the holiness Revival, from Seth Joshua to R. B. Jones; she had led the latter, for example, “into a new understanding of how to obtain victory over all defeatedness through the Cross. Using the very same proof-texts that she had shown him, he had preached with new authority . . . about renewed revival . . . and never looked back again.” (cf. pgs. 120ff., ibid.) Pgs. 119-120, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 155, Transforming Keswick: The Keswick Convention, Past, Present, and Future, Price & Randall. Pgs. xi, 94-95, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Her preaching and influence also contributed to holiness revival movements in other lands; for example, after she preached in Egypt in 1904, there was revival “blessing among both Coptic and Methodist congregations” (pg. 132, ibid.), despite the fact that the Copts believed in a false sacramental gospel akin to that of Roman Catholicism and never repented of their accursed heresies. Pg. 169, Transforming Keswick: The Keswick Convention, Past, Present, and Future, Price & Randall. Roberts believed in the continuation of “tongues and prophesyings and visions,” but only for those who had wisdom and experience as Christians (pg. 173, An Instrument of Revival, Jones.). Others would be deceived by Satan and be wild fanatics. Nonetheless, Roberts was very far from calling wild fanatics all those who were shouting “shabbalaboba, shawannabogo, sinwanafaco,” and so on, and thinking that such gibberish was the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. Pg. 53, War On The Saints, Full Text, Unabridged ed., by Jessie Penn-Lewis & Evan Roberts. New York, NY: Thomas E. Lowe, 1974. Roberts & Penn-Lewis warned that Satan was counterfeiting these gifts as well. Pg. 38, The Overcomer, II:3 (March 1910). She did think that there were elements of dangerous pseudo-spirituality, a stream from beneath, as it were, in both the Welsh holiness revival and in the tongues movement (e. g., in addition to pg. 38, also pgs. 9-10, Overcomer, 1910), but any mainline Pentecostal would issue the same sort of warnings, as even those at the heart of the Azuza Street meetings did. The problem was by no means the tongues themselves or the continuationism. Pg. 179, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. “Jessie and Evan . . . jointly found[ed] and staff[ed] The Overcomer . . . [and] signed documents naming them as co-sponsors of” the magazine. “The two founders contributed about seventy five percent of the contents” for the first few years (pgs. 211, 213, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). Pg. 170, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. See, e. g., pg. 29, Keswick: A Bibliographic Introduction to the Higher Life Movements, David D. Bundy. Wilmore, KY: B. L. Fisher Library, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1975. Pg. 193, “The Gift of Tongues and Related Phenomena at the Present Day,” Frederick G. Henke. The American Journal of Theology, 13:2 (April 1909) 193-206. Pg. 161, Transforming Keswick: The Keswick Convention, Past, Present, and Future, Price & Randall. Amy Carmichael, who “had lived . . . as the widowed [Quaker Keswick founder] Robert Wilson’s adopted daughter since the age of twenty-two” (pg. 89, The Keswick Story: The Authorized History of the Keswick Convention, Polluck.) and the faith cure healing evangelist who turned Pentecostal Carey Judd Montgomery, among others, similarly believed in women preachers (cf. pgs. 125-127, Theological Roots of Pentecostalism, Dayton; however, Mrs. Montgomery could not heal herself, nor her husband, pg. 132; cf. pgs. 51-52, The Pentecostal Movement, Donald Gee). Pg. 154, Transforming Keswick: The Keswick Convention, Past, Present, and Future, Price & Randall. Ramabai came to associate herself with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and other Keswick continuationist groups (pg. 154, ibid). Pgs. 27-28, The Pentecostal Movement, Donald Gee. Tongues had spread like wildfire by 1907; note the extensive coverage of the tongues movement under her ministry on pg. 4, The Apostolic Faith I:10 (Los Angeles, September 1907); pg. 1, The Apostolic Faith I:12 (January 1908); pg. 1, The Apostolic Faith II:12 (May 1908), reprinted on pgs. 44, 49, 53, Like As of Fire: Newspapers from the Azusa Street World Wide Revival: A Reprint of “The Apostolic Faith” (1906-1908), coll. Fred T. Corum & Rachel A. Sizelove; cf. also pg. 7, The Pentecostal Evangel: The Official Organ of the Assemblies of God, 442-443, April 29, 1922. Pg. 147, Azuza Street: The Roots of Modern-Day Pentecost, Frank Bartleman, ed. Synan; pgs. 28-29, 47, The Pentecostal Movement, Donald Gee. E. g., Donald Gee records how Ramabai’s propagation of tongues contributed to many in the United States adopting the practice and to the formation of the Methodist Pentecostal Church in Chile (pgs. 57-58, The Pentecostal Movement, Gee). Pg. 183, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 193-194, “The Gift of Tongues and Related Phenomena at the Present Day,” Frederick G. Henke.The American Journal of Theology. Bartleman provides a further description of the work of the spirit world, accompanied with tongues, that Jessie Penn-Lewis commended: The girls in India so wonderfully wrought upon and baptized with the Spirit (in Ramabai’s mission), began by terrifically beating themselves[.] . . . They jumped up and down . . . for hours without fatigue[.] . . . They cried out with the burning that came into and upon them. Some fell as they saw a great light pass before them[.] . . . About twenty girls went into a trance at one time and became unconscious of this world for hours; some for three or four days. During that time they sang, prayed, clapped their hands, rolled about, or sat still. . . . The Spirit was poured out upon one of the seeking girls in the night. Her companion sleeping next to her awoke [and] s[aw] fire envelope her[.] . . .Many of these girls were invested with a strange, beautiful and supernatural fire. . . . At Kara Camp pictures appeared on the walls to a company of small girls in prayer, supernaturally depicting the life of Christ. The figures moved in the pictures and were in colors. Each view would last from two to ten minutes and then the light would gradually fade away, to reappear in a few moments with a new scene. These appeared for twelve hours . . . [as] [i]n Wales colored lights were often seen, like balls of fire, during the revival there. (pgs. 35-36, Azusa Street: The Roots of Modern-day Pentecost, by Frank Bartleman. Plainfield, NJ: Logos International, 1980) While trances, beating of oneself, and the rest, when evaluated by the Bible, were far more in line with what took place in connection with demon possession than with the work of the Holy Spirit, Jessie Penn-Lewis nonetheless commended Ramabai’s work—for it was of the same character as the work that took place in Wales through Evan Roberts and which was encouraged by Mrs. Penn-Lewis herself. The “Pentecostal . . . revival was rocked in the cradle of little Wales. It was ‘brought up’ in India, following; becoming full grown in Los Angeles” (pg. 19, ibid). Pg. 183, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones; pg. 6, The Pentecostal Movement, Donald Gee. Note the reception and commendation by American Pentecostal and Azuza Street leader Frank Bartleman on pg. 148, Azuza Street: The Roots of Modern-Day Pentecost, Frank Bartleman, ed. Synan. Pgs. 192-193, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pgs. 194, 175, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Compare the background in Germany that led this conference at Barmen in Perfectionism, vol. 1, Chapters 6-7, B. B. Warfield. Pg. 142, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 169, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 227, Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 67, The Everlasting Gospel, Charles F. Parham. Pg. xv, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. For example, Penn-Lewis was happy that the followers of “Lady Pandita Ramabai” in India “had adopted tongues but forbidden rollings, groanings, and other body movements” (pg. 142, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). Thus, a “careful study of all her correspondence in 1907-1908 would silence those who have misrepresented Jessie Penn-Lewis as an uncompromising enemy of all forms of Pentecostalism” (pg. 143, cf. pgs. 177-194, ibid.). Nor is one surprised that a “full set” of her works has been compiled and is stored at the “Assembly of God College, Mattersey . . . England” (Pg. 317, ibid.). For example, she anticipated the Word of Faith heresies that speaking words create reality in a manner comparable to the way in which God created the world ex nihilo by His speech, and that God Himself lives by faith. Commenting on Mark 11:22-24, and assuming that the text of the Authorized Version is mistranslated in Mark 11:22 and the correct rendering should be “have the faith of God,” she wrote: The words . . . “Have faith in God,” are really . . . “Have the faith of God[.]” . . . The “faith of God” is this, that whenHe speaks the word the thing is done. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. The words you speak are of the greatest importance in the prayer life. In this spiritual sphere, what you say creates. . . . “The faith of God” is the faith which God had when He said: “Let there be light.” God does not doubt that it will be as He has said. . . . Remember that your words are of importance in the spiritual realm. “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” [Revelation 12:11, which, it seems, is also supposed to support the idea that words create reality.] . . .Apply this to everything in your life, and it will make you beware of your words” (pgs. 56-58, The Spiritual Warfare, Jessie Penn-Lewis. Italics in original.) The heresy that God lives by faith found its way from Penn-Lewis, through Keswick and Higher Life leaders such as A. B. Simpson, who misinterpreted Mark 11:22-24 likewise to teach that God lived by faith (pg. 40, “Does God Act by Faith?” A. B. Simpson. The Alliance Weekly 59:3, July 19, 1924), into the Pentecostal and Word of Faith movements; see, e. g., pg. 98, In His Presence, E. W. Kenyon. Kenneth Hagin stated: “God ha[s] faith. . . . Evidently God had faith in His [own] faith, because He spoke the words of faith and they came to pass” (“Having Faith in Your Faith,” Kenneth E. Hagin. Tulsa, OK: Faith Library, 1980, 4-5, cited pg. 346, Charismatic Chaos, John MacArthur). Note that the seventh and subsequent editions of War on the Saints commend the articles and subsequent book by John A. MacMillan, The Authority of the Believer; see the analysis of MacMillan below. Pg. 228, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones, citing the preface to reprinted editions of War on the Saints. Pg. 228, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 229, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones; cf. pgs. 180-183. Pg. 102, An Instrument of Revival, Jones. Compare William Boardman’s earlier warning that entry into the Higher Life can lead one into fanaticism, an affirmation he proved, not with Scripture, but with the testimony of a lady who consecrated herself and then became a Shaker (pgs. 144-149, The Higher Christian Life, Boardman). Chapter 4, War on the Saints. Chapter 5, War on the Saints. Pg. 283, War On the Saints, Roberts & Penn-Lewis. Roberts & Penn-Lewis follow Robert P. Smith in this affirmation. Smith explained: “You may have special temptations of Satan after this time of [Spirit] baptism at Oxford. . . . Never forget that the highest elevations of experience involve the most fearful dangers” (pgs. 257, 259, Account of the Union Meeting for the Promotion of Scriptural Holiness, Held at Oxford, August 29 to September 7, 1874. Chicago: Revell, 1874). Of course, since Robert’s Baptism involved the “thrill” and “intense emotion” (pg. 259, ibid) of his erotic bridal Baptism doctrine, it was not surprising that the Baptism and Higher Life he proclaimed led to fearful dangers and special temptations by Satan. Chapter 5, War on the Saints. Some apologists for War On the Saints have affirmed that the book employs its own peculiar definition of demon “possession” that does not really mean “possession” in the manner recorded in the Bible, but something lesser, such as mere demonic influence, so that it allegedly does not affirm that believers can be possessed in the full sense of the term. However, such a view is entirely false, as the plain declarations by Mrs. Penn-Lewis above make clear. While War on the Saints affirms that there are degrees of demon possession—another doctrine that, according to the Bible, at least, is false—when Evan Roberts and Jessie Penn-Lewis taught that believers can be “possessed,” as possessed as the worst case of possession recorded in Scripture, their words were not an accidental slip of the pen. Then again, since Penn-Lewis wrote under inspiration, her word choice obviously could not be an accident. Pg. 205, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones, citing The Overcomer. Capitalization in original. “The needed degree of ground given to an evil spirit in order to possess, cannot be clearly defined” (Chapter 5, War on the Saints). “Believe Not Every Spirit,” pg. 71, Overcomer 1912. Capitalization in original. Compare Robert P. Smith’s warning that those who enter the Higher Life should “expect revelations of the world of darkness” (pg. 43,Account of the Union Meeting for the Promotion of Scriptural Holiness, Held at Oxford, August 29 to September 7, 1874. Chicago: Revell, 1874). Mrs. Penn-Lewis, answering the question, “How are we to know when the Lord speaks to us in a word of Scripture,” does not speak about interpreting the Bible literally, grammatically, and historically, but states instead: “It depends where the text comes from. Can you detect what comes from the Holy Spirit in your spirit, and what from your own mind? You may walk after the ‘soul’—that is after your mind—and not ‘after the spirit.’ Satan has access to your mind, and he knows texts . . . [say,] [‘]what is of God [in the text] I take, and what is of the devil I refuse, now may God prove which is which!’ Constantly do that, and you will . . . live after the Spirit . . . learn[ing] in experience . . . without even knowing whether it is God or Satan in specific matters” (pg. 186, “Experimental Difficulties,” The Overcomer, 1911). One is to reject the use of one’s mind in interpreting the Bible in favor of mysticism, teaches Mrs. Penn-Lewis. Naturally, careful exegesis and the literal interpretation of Scripture will pass away with such a methodology. Chapter 5, War on the Saints. Naturally, no Scripture is given to support Penn-Lewis’s assertions. BDAG, s.v. “hapto,” p. 130. R. C. H. Lenski, The Interpretation of the Epistles of St. Peter, St. John and St. Jude (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1966), p. 538. Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, s.v. “Demon,” by A. Scott Moreau, p. 165. So F. F. Bruce, The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians, NICNT (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984), pp. 110–11. Systematic Theology, pp. 457–58. Pgs. 395-398, A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity, Volume 1: Prolegomena and the Doctrines of Scripture, God, and Angels, Rolland McCune. Thus, to prove that Christians can be demon possessed, and that demons can be cast out by the techniques of War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis cites the following: The Case of a Christian Lady . . . In the Spring of this year (1912) [this servant of God] who was possessed, came here, and the spirits possessing her spoke through her in voices utterly unlike her own. They would utter through her the most awful blasphemies against God, and against our Lord Jesus Christ, and would prophecy [sic] concerning the Church[.] . . . When the frenzy comes upon her, she is fearfully shaken, dashes about the room, made to howl like a dog, and her hands clenched, her face drawn with horrible contortions, etc., etc. . . . in the interval [between fits she] is the MOST LOVELY SPIRITED CHRISTIAN WOMAN. . . . This sister is not one who has not got faith. She is well grounded in the same faith, and has the same light as we have; but we have here to do with a demon[.] . . . It would also be an error if one were to think that PRAYER AND COMMANDING had not been of any use, for in these last three weeks God has done great and glorious things . . . [although] [t]he demon is still there, it is true[.] . . . [making] a desperate and plaintive howling . . . that lasts all the time we pray. . . . Later. . . For about a fortnight now the demon has been silent. For eight days he did not speak a single word, only he cried out twice: “THE AUTHORITY CASTS ME OUT!” The only thing he does is howling and gnashing of teeth. Some days ago we prayed for about one-and-a-half hours. In this way it goes on now for ten or fourteen days—there is only this terrible crying . . . There is not any blasphemy, nor cursing God, no more asserting threatenings, and all the sayings that he would not depart, that it would not suit him—all this has ceased. Instead of the dreadful ravings and outbursts of rage, there is now the desperate howling, often a dreadful screaming . . . the sister is almost free from his tormenting her . . . . The demon must have received a terrible blow from God . . . [i]t was so last evening; when we prayed, the desperate cry began at once, and I felt once more the impulse to command the demon in the Name of the Lord Jesus to depart. He then gave a great start, he trembled, howled, stretched out both hands as if imploring mercy, and begging us not to do that, but he was not allowed to utter a single word. But there followed strong reaction and vomiting, and this was repeated as often as I spoke the command in the Name of the Lord Jesus to depart. Of course we have to go on praying just as earnestly, but as God has done such great things, and if we go on praying, also the last blow will be given. The demon will have to depart. . . . [T]he demon’s acknowledgment of the power and authority granted to those who commanded him, and the other spirits to depart, is striking. The spirit in possession said: “Oh, this authority, this authority which they have now recognized, is an awful thing for hell!” Pleading for mercy at another time the evil spirit said, “Do leave off your commanding. For three weeks I have suffered unbearable torments because of it. Do not tell anybody that we had to yield to the authority . . . . Oh, these prayers of believers . . . they always pray, they are no longer afraid” (“Demon Possession Among Christians,” in War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Capitalization and italics in original). While Mrs. Penn-Lewis believes that such a story is evidence that her doctrine is true, it is obvious to those who are regenerate and apply the sola Scriptura that the whole story stinks of the pit and that the devils were in charge of the whole situation. When Christ and the Apostles used the genuine gift of exorcism, devils did not take weeks or months to be expelled—they were cast out immediately. What kind of evidence for Christianity would it be if Christ or an Apostle told a devil to leave somebody, and the devil said no, refused to leave for weeks and months, led the alleged Christian who was possessed to howl and cry, scream, be tormented, and vomit, for hours and hours, for days and weeks, while “authoritative” commands to leave were offered over and over and over again? The devils want people to think that they are able to resist the Almighty power of God so that they can say no to Him, just as they want people to think that they can possess Christians. The astonishing spiritual blindness involved in believing a demon is telling the truth when it validates a doctrine of warfare prayer is itself an evidence of Satanic delusion. See the convincing argument on pgs. 398-400, A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity, Volume 1: Prolegomena and the Doctrines of Scripture, God, and Angels, Rolland McCune. Chapter 5, War on the Saints. Chapter 12, War on the Saints. Chapter 12, War on the Saints. Capitalization in original. Pgs. 44-45, 55, War On The Saints. Pg. 233, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Garrard. Pg. 184,“An Autobiographical Sketch,” The Overcomer magazine, ed. Jessie Penn-Lewis, December 1914. Chapter 5, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Hannah Whitall Smith affirmed something similar: “[T]he nearer we seek to approach our God, and the more we try to please Him, the greater our [spiritual] dangers! . . . [I]t is . . . very perplexing” (pg. 36, A Religious Rebel: The Letters of “H. W. S,” ed. Logan Pearsall Smith. Letter to Mrs. Anna Shipley, August 8, 1876). Hannah Smith’s perplexity is solved if the Higher Life theology she shared with Mrs. Penn-Lewis is actually a pagan mysticism, not Christian spirituality. An increase of demon possession and other profound spiritual dangers is then easily understood. Chapter 12, War on the Saints. Pg. 43, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. 9th ed.; New York, NY: Thomas Lowe, 1912, 1963. Thus, Evan Roberts recorded—in all capitals, to boot—that he was confronted with the following question: I AM ASKED WHERE IN THE NEW TESTAMENT IS IT IMPLIED THAT WE CAN PRAY AGAINST (a) ENVIRONMENT, (b) EVIL SPIRITS, (c) SATAN, (d) THE FOE, (e) SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS, (f) FORCES OF DARKNESS? IS THE POSITION A SCRIPTURAL ONE, AND SPIRITUALLY CORRECT TO TRUTH AND FACT? To this question Roberts replied: Praying “against” the powers of darkness is Scriptural, and in accord with truth, and attested facts of Christian experience. It can be clearly seen in Scripture and in the history of the Christian church, that . . . God needs the co-operation of His church to carry out the destruction of sin and Satan. . . . A questioner . . . [who] is not “spiritual” . . . cannot understand, or interpret in a spiritual sense, the language used by the Apostle in connection with the warfare with the forces of darkness. Let any questioner take to God the whole matter, and ask for a leading into all truth concerning it; then he will be shown the true meaning of the words, not from intellectual reasoning, but from Divine enlightenment, and the experiences of life” (“The Scriptural Basis For ‘Warfare’ Against The Powers Of Darkness,” by Evan Roberts, in War on the Saints). Roberts never provides a single example, out of hundreds of prayers that are recorded in the Bible, of even one example of his warfare prayer concept, nor of people binding Satan by prayer, much less does he prove his idolatrous concept that God allegedly is powerless to destroy Satan without people binding the devil first. Only if the literal interpretation of the Bible is rejected, the sufficiency of Scripture concerning prayer is set aside, and God’s Word is twisted and interpreted in light of “the experiences of life,” while “intellectual reasoning” is rejected for a “spiritual sense” that is derived from “attested facts of Christian experience” instead of the grammar and context of passages does Roberts get any evidence for his warfare prayer doctrine from the infallible revelation of God. “[T]he concept [of binding Satan] was taught, not only in early Alliance circles through Simpson and MacMillan, but also . . . [by] teachers such as Andrew Murray, Jessie Penn-Lewis and Watchman Nee. . . . Chinese spiritual leader Watchman Nee, whose father-in-law was an Alliance pastor and who was influenced by Penn-Lewis, Murray and Simpson, also taught authoritative prayer and the power of binding and loosing in 1934” (“A. B. Simpson and the Modern Faith Movement,” Paul King, Alliance Academic Review, ed. Elio Cuccaro. Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, 1996). Thus, MacMillan wrote: “[In] [p]rayer . . . God’s believing people . . . bind the . . . principalities and powers, the world-rulers of this darkness, the hosts of wicked spirits in the heavenlies . . . [and] hold back . . . the working of the power of the air,” and thus “procure . . . peace on earth” and an end to many wars, among other things (Alliance Review, October 7, 1939, 626-627). MacMillan allegorized Psalm 149:8 to prove his affirmations. Similarly, Watchman Nee taught: “Matthew 18:18, 19 deals with prayer. . . . It is a binding, not an asking God to bind. [In] commanding prayer . . . [we] bind all the evil spirits and demons; and bind Satan and all his activities. We may rule as kings over all things” (pgs. 72-77, God’s Plan and the Overcomers, Watchman Nee). “God needs the co-operation of His church to carry out the destruction of sin and Satan. . . . God needs the co-operation of His church to carry out the overthrow of sin and Satan, just as God needed the co-operation of Israel in His dealing with the Canaanites. Christ said, ‘First bind the strong man.’ This implies and involves praying against the strong man. How does the binding take place, and what is it that binds but PRAYER?” (“The Scriptural Basis For ‘Warfare’ Against The Powers Of Darkness,” by Evan Roberts, in War on the Saints.) “[A]dvance in conquest brings the believer nearer and nearer until he breaks through the plane of war into the place ‘FAR ABOVE PRINCIPALITIES AND POWERS.’ It is there that you will not be ‘troubled.’ For there is an experimental advance in spirit to the plane ‘far above,’ and THIS IS THE PREPARATION OF THE CHURCH FOR THE MASTER’S COMING . . . [these] souls . . . ‘far above all principality and power’ . . . [are] prepared for translation at the time of the end. . . . [T]he spirit must first learn to ascend. We must first get what may be called the ‘translation’ spirit. . . . God must get the consent of our wills for everything that He does. . . . Just as you give your consent to your spirit being ‘far above,’ so you must say, ‘Lord I consent to translation” (pgs. 179-181, The Overcomer, December 1913, reprinting a sermon preached by Mrs. Penn-Lewis at the “Leicester Conference for Workers, Nov. 13, 1913.” Capitalization and italics retained from the original.). Evan Roberts, talking to a reporter about how he and other Christians had bound Satan and all the evil spirits by 1913, using the techniques in War on the Saints, Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s Warfare with Satan, etc., so that the Rapture could now take place, as prophesied in the Translation Message, stated: Had not this warfare [with Satan] been carried out, then when our Lord came these hosts of evil angels would make war. The translated [would] rise into the air, and the dead [would] arise, and all would be involved in warfare. But God means that the warfare with the evil hosts shall finish before Christ comes[.] . . . [When the] translation takes place, the spirit hosts of evil shall be bound up . . . if they were not bound before the translation they would also interfere with that. (pgs. 187-188, The Overcomer, December 1913). Pgs. 179-181, The Overcomer, December 1913. Italics in original. The helplessness of her god before the human will was very important, and required italicization, for Mrs. Penn-Lewis. “It dawned on me that if the hosts of evil are to be put into the abyss there will come a moment when the warfare will cease[.] . . . I prayed that the whole warfare . . . [with] the hosts of evil . . . should stop. . . . I can see now that there has been sufficient prayer to bring about that incarceration . . . the actual incarceration of the foe, [the end of] this warfare [which] would fulfill the DISPENSATIONAL PURPOSES of God . . . the translation is at hand” (pg. 186, “Be Ye Ready,” Evan Roberts. The Overcomer, December 1913). “October 19th . . . was the wonderful night when years of dispensational warfare-burden on this man of God . . . Mr. Roberts . . . rolled away, as a piece of work accomplished in the unseen realm. . . . The Lord is coming to TRANSLATE His saints. . . . [First] the ‘War’ book was published . . . [t]hen on Oct. 19th came a great burst of prayer against death . . . [b]efore long what relief came to my mind! . . . Not death, but TRANSLATION; not dissolution, but a change! . . . The light had come . . . for the saints at the close of this dispensation . . . TRANSLATION” (pg. 183, “The Translation Message of Evan Roberts,” The Overcomer, December 1913. Capitalization retained from the original.). Pg. 374, “How to Pray for Missionaries,” Jessie Penn-Lewis, The Alliance Weekly, 72:24, June 12, 1937, 373-375, & 72:26, June 26, 1937, 406-407. Italics in original. While Scripture does not bear out Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s contentions, she affirms that a meeting of atheists was broken up by binding Satan in this fashion, one of “many . . . proofs” from experience for her Satanic binding and loosing doctrine. By binding Satan, Mrs. Penn-Lewis affirms, the many “thousands of God’s people” who are possessed by demons like those of Mark 9:17-18 can be delivered (pg. 374, ibid). In her article, she ties her doctrine of binding Satan into the throne-power teaching developed at more length by John MacMillan. Taking out of context another verse, Evan Roberts wrote: “The power of Revelation 12:10 should be received by faith” (pg. 213, An Instrument of Revival, Jones), but it is very difficult to see how a verse about Satan having great power on earth during the Tribulation period when he is cast permanently out of heaven has the slightest relevance to Keswick advocates or Pentecostals attempting to bind Satan in the church age. Mrs. Penn-Lewis allegorizes Revelation 20 as follows: “There is a systematic warfare of prayer possible against the kingdom of darkness, which would mean co-operation with the Spirit of God in the liberation of the Church, and hasten the ultimate binding of the great serpent, and casting him down to the pit. (Rev. 20:1). A material ‘chain’ could not bind a supernatural being, and it may be that ‘the great strong angel’ typifies the mystical ‘Christ’; consisting of the Head and members—the ‘Man-Child’ caught up to the Throne—when the members will have been liberated from the power of the enemy, and then commissioned to lay hold of the Deceiver to cast him into the abyss, and shut him up for the thousand years” (Chapter 11, War on the Saints). Anyone who finds such an allegory convincing in the least is not likely to be concerned about literal interpretation or the actual meaning of Revelation 20, nor will he be especially worried that no passage in Revelation actually mentions “the great strong angel,” or that the only passage in the book that mentions a “strong angel” specifically contrasts this angel with the Lord Jesus (Revelation 5:1-6). It is true that the verb de÷w, “to bind,” appears in both Matthew 12:29 and Matthew 18:18. However, this fact does not prove that the same idea is in view in both passages any more than the fact that Herod has John the Baptist bound (de÷w) in Matthew 14:3 or a donkey is bound (de÷w) to keep it from wandering away inMatthew 21:2 proves that the latter two texts refer somehow to demons being cast out and to the binding of Satan. Commenting on Matthew 16:19, “And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven,” John Gill wrote: This . . . [refers to] doctrines, or declarations of what is lawful and unlawful, free, or prohibited to be received, or practiced; in which sense the words, rtwmw rwoa, “bound and loosed,” are used in the Talmudic writings, times without number, for that which is forbidden and declared to be unlawful, and for that which is free of use, and pronounced to be so: in multitudes of places we read of one Rabbi rowa, “binding,” and of another rytm, “loosing”; thousands, and ten thousands of instances of this kind might be produced; a whole volume of extracts on this head might be compiled. Similarly, the Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (H. R. Balz & G. Schneider, vol. 2, on lu/w) notes: Binding and loosing are spoken of in Matthew 16:19 and 18:18 as a figurative designation for authoritative ecclesiastical action. Here one may assume the presence of Jewish rabbinic usage [cf. Kommentar zum NT aus Talmud und Midrasch I-IV (1922-28), H. Strack & P. Billerbeck, I, 738–42; IV, 304–21]. ’Asar and hitîr in Hebrew and’asar and šerā’ in Aramaic are used, in regard to discipline, for the imposition and repeal of the synagogue ban and, in regard to the teaching office, for binding interpretation of the law— “forbid and permit.” Commenting on Matthew 16:19, Luz & Koester (Matthew: A Commentary. Hermeneia) write: [T]he usual interpretation . . . proceeds from the rabbinic pair אָסַר/ הִתִּיר (Aramaic אֲסַר/שְׁרָא). The primary meaning is “forbidding” and “permitting” with a halakic decision of the rabbis, that is, the interpretation of the law. Less frequently, but documented in contemporary sources, a judge’s activity is meant. Then “to bind” and “to loose” correspond to “to put in fetters” or “to acquit.” . . . In later rabbinic terminology there is a source for “to impose the ban” or “to rescind” it . . . Furthermore, it is the rabbinic conviction that God or the heavenly court recognizes the halakic decisions and the judgments of rabbinical courts. Thus not only the concepts “binding/loosing” but the entire saying is rooted in Jewish thought. [Matthew 16:19] is presumably thinking of teaching, while in 18:18 the thought is of judging, without the two meanings being mutually exclusive. The concept of sitting in Moses’ seat (Matthew 23:2), as the following verses demonstrate, likewise refers to authoritative teaching (cf. Matthew 5:1-2ff.; 13:1-2; 24:3; 26:55), properly from the only true and ultimate authority for the believer, the Word of God. It is noteworthy that in Isaiah 22:22, while the connection is not necessarily the most clear and direct, the verbs “open” and “shut,” jAtÚDp and rÅgDs, can be used for “loosing” and “binding.” Thus, jAtÚDp can bear the sense of “loosen” (cf. in the Piel Genesis 24:32; Isaiah 20:2; 58:6; in the Qal, which is found in Isaiah 22:22, note Deuteronomy 20:11; Judges 3:25; 19:27; Isaiah 14:17; 26:2; 45:1; Nehemiah 13:19; etc., and the nature of the Piel as resultative in relation to the Qal), and the Hebrew jAtÚDp is translated with lu/w in the LXX inGenesis 42:27; Job 39:5; Psalm 101:21 (102:21); Isaiah 5:27; 14:17; 57:6; Jeremiah 47:4 (50:4). For rÅgDs, compareJudges 3:23; 9:51; Isaiah 24:22; 45:1; 60:11, and the use of dja for this verb in the Targum and Peshitta ofIsaiah 22:22. Compare in the Mishna: “And further did R. Eliezer say, ‘They unloose a vow by reference to what happens unexpectedly [a new fact].’ And sages prohibit. . . . R. Eliezer permits [declares the vow to be unbound]. And sages prohibit [declare the vow to remain binding].” (Nedarim 9:2::NyîrVswøa iImDkSjÅw ryI;tAm r‰zRoyIlTa ir . . . NyîrVswøa iImDkSjÅw dAlwø…nA;b NyIjVtwøÚp r‰zRoyIlTa ir iAmDa dwøo◊w). Note also that “Sipre to Deuteronomy 32:25 applies Isaiah 22:22 to rabbinic permission and prohibition of specific actions” (The Gospel of Matthew: A Commentary on the Greek Text, Nolland, in the New International Greek Testament Commentary, on Matthew 16:18-19.) Unsurprisingly, Isaiah 22:22 has as little to do with binding Satan as Matthew 16:19; 18:18. R. T. France notes: Taking up the imagery of Isaiah 22:20–22, Jesus declares Peter to be the steward (the chief administrative officer) in the kingdom of heaven, who will hold the keys, so that, like Eliakim, the new steward (cf. Isa 22:15) in the kingdom of David, “he will open, and no one shall shut; he will shut and no one shall open.” The steward is not the owner. He has both authority (over the rest of the household) and responsibility (to his master to administer the affairs of the house properly). The keys are those of the storehouses, to enable him to make appropriate provision for the household, not those of the outer gate, to control admission. . . . [as in] the role of the steward in [Matthew] 24:45; also Luke 16:1–8. . . . The metaphor of “tying up” and “untying” speaks also of administrative authority. The terms are used in rabbinic literature for declaring what is and is not permitted. When the same commission is given to the whole disciple group in [Matthew] 18:18 it will be specifically in the context of dealing with sin within their community. . . . Such authority to declare what is and is not permissible will of course have personal consequences for the person judged to have sinned, but it is the prior judgment in principle which is the focus of the “tying” metaphor, and there, as here, the objects of both verbs will be expressed in the neuter, not the masculine; it is things, issues, which are being tied or untied, not people as such. The historical role of Peter in Acts well illustrates the metaphor, as it was to him that the responsibility fell of declaring that Gentiles might be accepted as members of the new ekklēsia (10:1–11:18), though of course the exercise of his disciplinary authority could also have dire personal consequences for those who stepped over the mark (Acts 5:1–11; cf. 8:20–24). (The Gospel of Matthew: The New International Commentary on the New Testament, R. T. France, on Matthew 16:19). Thus, a work such as A History of the Exegesis of Matthew 16:17-19 from 1781 to 1965, Joseph A. Burgess (Ph. D. Diss., University of Basel; Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, MI: 1976) notes the recognition of the Jewish background to the binding and loosing metaphor as signifying authoritative teaching in sources from Buxtorf (1639) and before, to Lightfoot (1655), to vast numbers of more modern writers (pgs. 62-64, cf. 77-78). This view became “standard practice for Protestant exegetes” in at least very large portions of the time period Burgess focuses upon (pg. 92). In contrast, not a sentence of Burgess’ dissertation breathes even a hint of the existence of Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s position before her lifetime (cf. pg. 105). Note that close connection of the two references in Matthew to the e˙kklhsi÷a and to binding and loosing (Matthew 16:18-19; 18:17-18). That is, in Matthew 16:19, o§ e˙a»n dh/shØß . . . o§ e˙a»n lu/shØß employs the neuter pronoun o§, rather than the masculine form, and Matthew 18:18 likewise employs the neuter o¢sa, not the masculine, in o¢sa e˙a»n dh/shte . . . o¢sa e˙a»n lu/shte. Contrast Josephus, Wars of the Jews 1:111 (1:5:2:111), where the masculine pronoun ou§ß is employed when persons are in view: tou/toiß perisso\n dh/ ti prosei√cen hJ ∆Alexa¿ndra sesobhme÷nh peri« to\ qei√on oi˚ de« th\n aJplo/thta thvß aÓnqrw¿pou kata» mikro\n uJpio/nteß h¡dh kai« dioikhtai« tw◊n o¢lwn e˙gi÷nonto diw¿kein te kai« kata¿gein ou§ß e˙qe÷loien lu/ein te kai« desmei√n kaqo/lou de« ai˚ me«n aÓpolau/seiß tw◊n basilei÷wn e˙kei÷nwn h™san ta» d∆ aÓnalw¿mata kai« ai˚ dusce÷reiai thvß ∆Alexa¿ndraß. “Now, Alexandra hearkened to them to an extraordinary degree, as being herself a woman of great piety towards God. But these Pharisees artfully insinuated themselves into her favor by little and little, and became themselves the real administrators of the public affairs; they banished and reduced whom they pleased; they bound and loosed [men] at their pleasure; and, to say all at once, they had the enjoyment of the royal authority, whilst the expenses and the difficulties of it belonged to Alexandra.” In Matthew 5:19, o§ß e˙a»n ou™n lu/shØ mi÷an tw◊n e˙ntolw◊n tou/twn tw◊n e˙laci÷stwn, kai« dida¿xhØ ou¢tw tou\ß aÓnqrw¿pouß, e˙la¿cistoß klhqh/setai e˙n thØv basilei÷aˆ tw◊n oujranw◊n: o§ß d∆ a·n poih/shØ kai« dida¿xhØ, ou∞toß me÷gaß klhqh/setai e˙n thØv basilei÷aˆ tw◊n oujranw◊n, note the connection between “breaking” or “loosing” and “teaching,” which in the context (v. 20-48) is contrasted with the improper use of teaching authority by the Pharisees. Philo speaks of the binding and loosing of things and thus employs neuter forms in On the Eternity of the World13; the material creation has the potential for nonexistence, it is argued: “Now everything which has been bound together is capable of being dissolved, but it is the part of an evil ruler to dissolve that which has been well combined and arranged, and which is in good condition.” to\ me«n ou™n dh\ deqe«n pa◊n luto/n, to\ ge mh\n kalw◊ß aJrmosqe«n kai« e¶con eu™ lu/ein e˙qe÷lein kakouv. Note further that in Matthew 18:18 the pronoun o¢sa is plural; the church, by its preaching and teaching, binds and looses numbers of doctrines; contrast the singular “brother” mentioned in 18:15-17. Were Satan the being in view in 18:18, the plural pronoun would be unexpected. Note the continuation of the “two or three” idea of Matthew 18:16 in the “two” of Matthew 18:19. Even the smallest true church has the promises of Matthew 18:15-20 and is bound to practice the passage’s teachings. This fact is verified by both the future perfect passive periphrastics in Matthew 16:19; 18:18 and the context. Mantey writes: “I will give to you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, but whatever you bind (dh/shØß, an aor. subj.) on earthshall have been bound (e¶stai dedeme÷non) in heaven, and whatever you loose (lu/shØß) on earth shall have been loosed (e¶stai lelume÷non) in heaven.” Or in other words, Christ was informing his disciples that he was elevating them to the same rank and privileges that the scribes enjoyed, but at the same time he warns them not to perpetuate the abuses of the scribes, who taught things contrary to the Scriptures. Like scribes, they were to be interpreters of God’s will to men, but in this capacity they are cautioned not to exceed their authority. Man is to ratify and obey God’s decrees. This passage does not teach that God concurs in men’s conclusions; but rather it teaches that those who live in accordance with Christ’s directions will decide to do just what God has already decided should be done. (pg. 246, “The Mistranslation of the Perfect Tense in John 20:23, Mt 16:19, andMt 18:18, Journal of Biblical Literature 58:3 (September 1939) 243-249; cf. contra Mantey, ‘The Meaning ofJohn 20.23, Matthew 16.19, and Matthew 18.18,’ Henry Cadbury, Journal of Biblical Literature 58 (1939), 251–54; contra Cadbury and favorable to Mantey, The Greek Perfect Tense in Relation to John 20:23, Matthew 16:19 and18:18, William Dayton. Th. D. Dissertation, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1945) In accordance with the Greek, the Latin Vulgate translates: “Et tibi dabo claves regni cælorum. Et quodcumque ligaveris super terram, erit ligatum et in cælis: et quodcumque solveris super terram, erit solutum et in cælis. . . . Amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram, erunt ligata et in cælo: et quæcumque solveritis super terram, erunt soluta et in cælo” (Matthew 16:19; 18:18). “The Latin Vulgate also translates as ‘Will have been bound,’ ‘will have been loosed,’ exactly corresponding to the Greek. It is the Church on earth carrying out heaven’s decisions, communicated by the Spirit, and not heaven ratifying the Church’s decisions” (Comment onMatthew 16:19, Matthew, The Anchor Bible, W. F. Albright & C. S. Mann. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1971). Compare pg. 80, An Exegetical Grammar of the Greek New Testament, William Chamberlain (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1979); “Binding and Loosing,” Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, gen. ed. Chad Brand, C. Draper, A. England. Comparable future perfect passive periphrastics in the LXX are found in Genesis 30:33: pa◊n o§ e˙a»n mh\ h™Ø rJanto\n kai« dia¿leukon e˙n tai√ß ai˙xi«n . . . keklemme÷non e¶stai par∆ e˙moi÷, “Every one that is not speckled or spotted among the goats . . . if found with me will have been stolen by me,” and Genesis 43:9 (LXX; alsoGenesis 44:32): e˙a»n mh\ aÓga¿gw aujto\n pro\ß se« kai« sth/sw aujto\n e˙nanti÷on sou hJmarthkw»ß [perfect active] e¶somai pro\ß se« pa¿saß ta»ß hJme÷raß; the sinful negligence took place before the time of the failure to present Benjamin before Jacob, with resultant durative blameworthiness. The LXX overall is generally supportive of Mantey—see the perfect passive periphrastics in: Genesis 30:33; 41:36; Exodus 12:6; 28:7;Deuteronomy 28:33; Judges 13:5; 1 Samuel 25:29; 2 Samuel 7:16; 1 Chronicles 17:14; 2 Chronicles 7:15;Nehemiah 5:13; Tobit 13:14; Sirach 10:1; 42:8; Nahum 3:11; Zephaniah 2:4; Isaiah 9:18; 11:5; 17:9; 27:10; 33:12;Jeremiah 14:16; 43:30; 51:14; Ezekiel 24:17; 29:12; 30:7; 44:2; 46:1; 48:12; Daniel 2:20, 41 (var.), 42. Extrabiblical examples include: “‘I feel that if I clear myself before you I shall have cleared (apolelogemenos esesthai) myself through you before the rest of the Greeks’ (Lucian, Philaris, I, 1). ‘Now if you do this, you will have bestowed (ese katatetheimenos) a great favor upon me’ (Papyri BGU 596,13). ‘And if you send them away scot-free, much security will have been voted (epsephismenoi esesthe) to them to do whatever they wish’ (Lysias, XXII, 19). . . . Other future perfects occur in Lysias XII, 100; Papyri Par. 14, 50:8.24” (pg. 135, “Evidence That the Perfect Tense inJohn 20.23, Matthew 16.19 Is Mistranslated,” Julius R. Mantey. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 16 (1973), 129–38). In the New Testament, Luke 12:52; Hebrews 2:13 are the only other future perfect periphrastics, and Hebrews 2:13 is active; Luke 12:52 is the only future perfect passive periphrastic other than Matthew 16:19& 18:18. Compare the future passive periphrastics in related generally contemporaneous corpora, in which the sense of future periphrasis argued for by Mantey finds support, although not universally so; thus, see in the apostolic patristics 1 Clement 10:3; 58:2; Barnabas 11:3, 6; Shepherd 51:9; 55:4; compare, in Justin Martyr,Trypho 60, 81, 123; in Josephus, Antiquities 13:70; also Protoevangelium of James 12:1; Enoch 3:8; 98:6; Sibylline Oracles 1:286; Testament of Levi 4:6; Letter of Aristeas 40; Ordinances of Levi 58, 61, 64. The examination of the future perfect periphrastics in the preceding footnote validate that the continuing state notion of the Greek perfect remains present in future periphrasis; indeed, one would expect the periphrastic construction to emphasize the state. It is noteworthy that even (incorrect) critics of Mantey’s (correct) “shall have been” translation do not dispute that an abiding state is brought about by the action of the future perfect periphrastic; thus, Cadbury writes: “In the two passages of Matthew [16:19; 18:18] the future perfects seem to imply a permanent condition . . . I would suggest for Matthew’s future perfects an expression ‘shall be once for all” (pgs. 252-253, ‘The Meaning of John 20.23, Matthew 16.19, and Matthew 18.18,’ Henry Cadbury, Journal of Biblical Literature 58 (1939), 251–54), and Stanley Porter, while advocating his erroneous atemporal view of Greek tense (cf. pgs. 504-512, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics, Wallace), nonetheless translates Matthew 16:19 as “whatever you might bind upon the earth shall be in a state of boundness in heaven; and whatever you might loose upon the earth shall be in a state of loosedness in heaven” since he affirms the sense is “shall be in a state of being bound or having boundness” (pgs. 155, 160, “Vague Verbs, Periphrastics, and Matt 16:19,” Filologia Neotestamentaria (Córdoba, Spain) 1 (1988), 155–73). Indeed, every future perfect in the New Testament retains the idea of a continuing resultant state (Matthew 16:19 (e¶stai dedeme÷non . . . e¶stai lelume÷non); 18:18 (e¶stai dedeme÷na . . . e¶stai lelume÷na); Luke 12:52 (e¶sontai . . . diamemerisme÷noi); 19:40 (kekra¿xontai); Hebrews 2:13 (e¶somai pepoiqw÷ß); 8:11 (ei˙dh/sousi÷n). One who wished to argue that binding and loosing pertain specifically and directly to the joining of and excommunication from a congregation in Matthew 18 (they indirectly do so, since when the congregation, on the basis of Scripture, declares the actions of a member “sin,” it is then to act upon that teaching authority and remove the sinning individual from membership), also are consistent with the abiding state involved in the verb tenses; one does not need to add a person to a membership roll (cf. Acts 1:15; 2:41, 47) or remove a disobedient church member over and over again; once is enough. The authority to bind and loose, entrusted to Peter as representative of the Apostles as members of the church in Matthew 16:19, is perpetuated through the congregation of saints, as verified by Matthew 18:18. Parachurch institutions and all religious denominations that exist outside of the succession of Bible-believing and practicing Baptist churches that has existed from the first century until the present day have no authority to bind and loose, to teach the Bible (cf. Matthew 28:18-20), or even to exist. Thus, in the book Binding and Loosing: How to Exercise Authority over the Dark Powers, by K. Neill Foster and Paul L. King, Mr. Foster had “believed in the principles of binding and loosing for many years and had published some material on the subject[,] [that is, a book entitled Warfare Weapons.] . . . We liked how it worked[,] [although] I no doubt would, [at this time], have admitted that my views could have been part of a private interpretation” (pgs. 2-4), until at length he finally came to conclude that the Bible actually taught what he already knew, without Biblical proof, “worked,” had practiced “for many years,” and had written a book about, without being able to defend it exegetically. The authors are sure that their doctrine “works,” although their book has an entire chapter called “When It Doesn’t Happen,” trying to explain what is going on when “[b]inding is a farce, loosing a dream,” and it “simply doesn’t work . . . simply does not take place” (pg. 209, see 209-216,ibid.), although Matthew 18:15-20 guarantees the binding or loosing with no exceptions whatsoever. The doctrine taught by the Apostles and by Biblical churches is always binding, with no exceptions, no “farces,” no instances where the truths of the New Testament are only a “dream,” and no instances when the promises of God fail to take place. Pg. 238, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Compare the preaching at the Broadlands Conference: “What is needed in a witness [is] . . . personal knowledge. . . . Can you say . . . [‘]I know He casts out devils, for He has cast out devils from me.[’?]” (pg. 215, The Life that is Life Indeed: Reminiscences of the Broadlands Conferences, Edna V. Jackson. London: James Nisbet & Co, 1910. Italics in original.). Pg. 278, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 181, An Instrument of Revival, Jones. Interestingly, while Penn-Lewis never, at least in public, wavered on the book’s contents, “[o]nly a year after the manual appeared, Evan Roberts told some friends that it had been a failed weapon which had confused . . . the Lord’s people” (pg. 182, ibid), so it appears that only Jessie Penn-Lewis herself, but not her co-author, continued to be free from deception by evil spirits. Pg. 180, “An Accomplished Ministration,” The Overcomer, December 1914. Pg. 191, “War on the Saints: A Brief Review of its Dispensational Significance,” The Overcomer, December 1914. Pg. 191, “War on the Saints: A Brief Review of its Dispensational Significance,” The Overcomer, December 1914. Italics in original. Mrs. Penn-Lewis capitalizes the “B” of “Book” in the quotation, not for the Bible, but forWar on the Saints—this latter is “the Book” in the quotation, a practice Penn-Lewis continues in the article cited above. Pgs. 244-245, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Pg. 265, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Thus, War on the Saints has repeated affirmations such as: The believer should . . . declare his attitude . . . [t]he last word spoken, alters, ratifies, or nullifies previous ones . . . it is helpful for the believer to assert his decision . . . the declaration is having effect in the unseen world[.] . . . It is essential that believers should understand the value of the act of refusal [of evil spirits], and the expression of it. . . . The believer in conflict may say with effect: “I refuse all the authority of evil spirits over me: their right to me: their claims upon me: their power in me: their influence in or upon me[”] . . . a strong, primary weapon of victory i[s] declaring deliberately . . . . The believer must now insist on EXPRESSING HIMSELF IN VOICE” (Chapters 9, 10, War on the Saints, capitalization in original). What Word of Faith idolater could want more? Penn-Lewis was not the only Higher Life antecedent to the Word-Faith doctrine of positive confession. “[H]oliness leaders such as Simpson, Andrew Murray . . . and Hannah Whitall Smith all . . . advocate[d] positive confession” (“A. B. Simpson and the Modern Faith Movement,” Paul King, Alliance Academic Review, ed. Elio Cuccaro. (Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, 1996). Murray wrote: “It is needful also to testify to the faith one has. . . . You must, before you are conscious of any change, be able to say with faith, ‘On the authority of God’s Word I have the assurance that He hears me and that I shall be healed.’” (pgs. 46, 48, Divine Healing: A Series of Addresses. Nyack, NY: Christian Alliance Publishing, 1900). The believer is to “speak out [his] desires in the name of Christ” (pg. 54, The Prayer-Life: The Inner Chamber and the Deepest Secret of Pentecost. London: Morgan & Scott, 1914). Indeed, even an unconverted person comes to faith from unbelief by means of positive confession; Murray wrote: by “speak[ing] out . . . you will insensibly come to . . . confidence that He is also yours” (pg. 36, Why Do You Not Believe? Words of Instruction and Encouragement for All Who Are Seeking the Lord. Chicago, IL: Fleming H. Revell, 1894). Hannah Whitall Smith wrote: “Put your will, then, over on the believing side. Say, ‘Lord, I will believe, I do believe,’ and continue to say it” (Chapter 6, The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life). Again she wrote: “Those three little words, repeated over and over, — ‘Jesus saves me, Jesus saves me,’ — will put to flight the greatest army of doubts that ever assaulted any soul. I have tried it times without number, and have never known it to fail. . . . I beg[in] to say, over and over, ‘The Lord does love me. He is my present and my perfect Saviour; Jesus saves me, Jesus saves me now!’ The victory [is] complete. . . . Confess it to yourself. Confess it to your God. Confess it to your friends” (Chapter 14, 5, ibid). A. B. Simpson wrote: “Faith will die without confession” (pg. 35, Seeing the Invisible: The Art of Spiritual Perception.Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, 1994). Paul King (“A. B. Simpson and the Modern Faith Movement,” Alliance Academic Review) also affirmed that William Boardman was also an antecedent to positive confession, referring to two texts on pgs. 261, 263 of The Higher Christian Life (New York, NY: Garland Publishing, 1984) in which one “spoke out the faith,” but an examination of these references fails to prove Boardman was truly an advocate of something like positive confession. Pg. 206, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Compare Mark 16:17, 20. Chapter 11, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Chapter 5, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Immediately after stating that the practice of first century exorcism was taking place, Penn-Lewis mentions that sometimes people would be possessed for “weeks, months, years” without the allegedly miraculous gifts actually working. Chapter 5 & “The True Workings Of God, And Counterfeits Of Satan,” War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Chapter 11, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Pg. 113, An Instrument of Revival, Jones. Pg. 180, The Overcomer, December 1914. This status of being “precisely true according to experience” was more exact, admittedly, than the conformity of their teachings to Scripture. They claimed that their demonology was “correct” only “in principle according to the Scriptures”—which it was not—but it was “precisely true,” not just true “in principle,” according to experience. Chapter 1, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Italics in original; Penn-Lewis wished to emphasize the importance of gaining knowledge of the ways of the devil “by experience,” not by Scripture alone, grammatically-historically interpreted. Chapter 12, War on the Saints. The incredible lack of careful Bible study is painfully manifest throughout the book, not only from its extreme sloppiness in handling God’s holy Word with the text and its exegetical fallacies in general, but from what appears to be a lack of even a careful examination of the Biblical passages that speak of angels and demons. Such simple facts as that the Bible never speaks of a plurality, but only of one archangel, Michael, who is “the archangel” (1 Thessalonians 4:16; Jude 9), have been overlooked by Mrs. Penn-Lewis, who repeatedly speaks of a plurality of archangels (cf. Chapter 12, War on the Saints). Perhaps she simply received information that contradicted the Bible from the spirit world as she wrote by inspiration. Chapter 11, War on the Saints. Pgs. 162-163, War On The Saints, & “How Demons Attack Advanced Believers.” Italics in original. Chapter 5, War on the Saints. While Matthew 12:43 certainly does speak of spirits that are not currently possessing any individual, the fact that devils that are not possessing sinners have no rest does not mean that those who are possessing the lost do find rest, any more than the fact that there is no true spiritual rest to wicked men who are on the earth proves that wicked men in hell do find spiritual rest. As devils are perpetually underneath the righteous judgments of God, they never have rest in any situation. Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s pervasive terminology of “ground” given to demons is also absent from the Bible, although perhaps some of what she means by this concept may actually be expressed using other terms in the Bible. However, by rejecting Biblical terminology and demonology for her own terminology, the spirits that inspired Mrs. Penn-Lewis to write War on the Saints can influence the saints away from Biblical truth about resisting the devil to unscriptural concepts by using Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s nonbiblical terms to transition from Biblically present to Biblically absent ideas through her imprecise language. What do the evil spirits do when they locate themselves in the various portions of the body and possess them? Perhaps their work when living in the ear canal may be illustrative: “[E]vil spirits may take hold of the nerves of the ear, so that the person cannot hear what he should, yet is permitted to be alert enough in bearing[,] all [in order] that he should not hear” (Chapter 5, War on the Saints). Let all hear the great truths supplementing the Bible in War on the Saints—at least if demons are not possessing one’s ears and making one hard of hearing—in which case one had better read the book instead of listening to it read or expounded—although the “eyes” are also “liable to possession” (Chapter 5, ibid), so it may not be possible to see the book and read it, either—in which case one had better just cry out for help—unless one’s “tongue” has become subject “to possession,” along with the eyes and ears, in which case learning braille to read the book may be the only option—although since all “other parts of the body” of the Christian may be possessed, even the hands may be unable read the book in braille, if they also have been possessed. In that case it may be best to simply think about what to do—unless the Christian’s brain has been possessed. Chapter 7, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Chapter 8, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Italics in original. Note the daimoni÷zomai texts (Matthew 4:24; 8:16, 28, 33; 9:32; 12:22; 15:22; Mark 1:32; 5:15–16, 18;Luke 8:36; John 10:21; cf. the texts with aÓka¿qartoß and pneuvma) and the texts with the verb “cast out” (e˙kba¿llw) relevant for demon possession (Matthew 7:22; 8:16, 31; 9:32–34; 10:8; 12:22, 24, 26–28; 17:18–19;Mark 1:32, 34, 39; 3:15, 22–23; 6:13; 7:26; 9:38; 16:9, 17; Luke 9:49; 11:14–15, 18–20; 13:32). In every case, neither the possession nor the deliverance from possession was a matter of degree. While an unconverted person could have a greater or lesser number of demons within him, in no case was there a statement or even an implication that only certain portions of a person were possessed, or that when demons were cast out they were not actually cast out from all of the person, but only from certain parts of him. Indeed, in not a single one of the seventy-six instances where the verb cast out appears in the New Testament can demons or anything else be cast out and yet still be present within whatever they were cast out of in some lesser degree (Matthew 7:4–5,22; 8:12, 16, 31; 9:25, 33–34, 38–10:1; 10:8; 12:20, 24, 26–28, 35; 13:52; 15:17; 17:19; 21:12, 39; 22:13; 25:30;Mark 1:12, 34, 39, 43; 3:15, 22–23; 5:40; 6:13; 7:26; 9:18, 28, 38, 47; 11:15; 12:8; 16:9, 17; Luke 4:29; 6:22, 42; 8:54;9:40, 49; 10:2, 35; 11:14–15, 18–20; 13:28, 32; 19:45; 20:12, 15; John 2:15; 6:37; 9:34–35; 10:4; 12:31; Acts 7:58;9:40; 13:50; 16:37; 27:38; Gal 4:30; James 2:25; 3 John 1:10; Revelation 11:2). If sola Scriptura is true, and Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s writings are not inspired and an authority to set alongside of or above the Bible, then her doctrine of degrees of demon possession is another one of the Satanic lies, errors, and heresies that saturate her writings. “How Demons Attack Advanced Believers,” in War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Compare the Pentecostal idea of disease-causing demons: “A demon might be in the flesh as in the case of a cancer” (pg. 2, The Apostolic Faith I:11 (Los Angeles, October-January 1908), reprinted on pg. 46, Like As of Fire: Newspapers from the Azusa Street World Wide Revival: A Reprint of “The Apostolic Faith” (1906-1908), coll. Fred T. Corum & Rachel A. Sizelove). “Evil spirits can also counterfeit sin, by causing some apparent manifestation of the evil nature in the life, and matured believers should know whether such a manifestation really is sin from the old nature, or a manifestation from evil spirits. The purpose in the latter case is to get the believer to take what comes from them, as from himself, for whatever is accepted from evil spirits gives them entry and power. When a believer knows the Cross and his position of death to sin, and in will and practice rejects unflinchingly all known sin, and a ‘manifestation’ of ‘sin’ takes place, he should at once take a position of neutrality to it, until he knows the source, for if he calls it sin from himself when it is not, he believes a lie as much as in any other way; and if he ‘confesses’ as a sin what did not come from himself, he brings the power of the enemy upon him, to drive him into the sin which he has ‘confessed’ as his own. Many believers are thus held down . . . but . . . would find liberty if they attributed [their sins] to their right cause[,] [namely, the devil]. There is no danger of ‘minimizing sin’ in the recognition of these facts” (Chapter 6, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis). Compare the inability and weakness of Finney’s deity, passed down through the Oberlin theology into the Higher Life movement: “But if God can not prevent sin, will He not be unhappy? No; He is entirely satisfied to do the best He can, and accept the results” (pg. 222, Sermons on Gospel Themes, Charles Grandison Finney. New York, NY: Fleming H. Revell, 1876). “Prayer fulfills some law which enables God to work, and makes it possible for Him to accomplish His purposes. If such a law does not exist, and God has no need of the prayers of His children, then asking is a waste of time” (Chapter 11, War on the Saints). “God needs the co-operation of His church to carry out the destruction of sin and Satan. . . . God needs the co-operation of His church to carry out the overthrow of sin and Satan, just as God needed the co-operation of Israel in His dealing with the Canaanites. Christ said, ‘First bind the strong man.’ This implies and involves praying against the strong man. How does the binding take place, and what is it that binds but PRAYER?” (“The Scriptural Basis for ‘Warfare’ Against the Powers of Darkness,” by Evan Roberts, in War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis). Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s and Evan Roberts’s affirmations here are among the more loathsome of the regular Pelagianizing affirmations that fill their book. “It dawned on me that if the hosts of evil are to be put into the abyss there will come a moment when the warfare will cease[.] . . . I prayed that the whole warfare . . . [with] the hosts of evil . . . should stop. . . . I can see now that there has been sufficient prayer to bring about that incarceration . . . the actual incarceration of the foe, [the end of] this warfare [which] would fulfill the DISPENSATIONAL PURPOSES of God . . . the translation is at hand. . . . Had not this warfare [with Satan] been carried out, then when our Lord came these hosts of evil angels would make war. The translated rise into the air, and the dead arise, and all would be involved in warfare. But God means that the warfare with the evil hosts shall finish before Christ comes . . . [when the] translation takes place, the spirit hosts of evil shall be bound up . . . if they were not bound before the translation they would also interfere with that.” (pgs. 186-188, “Be Ye Ready,” Evan Roberts. The Overcomer, December 1913). “How Demons Attack Advanced Believers,” in War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. E. g., The Red Letters, Miles J. Stanford. E. g., Mrs. Smith evidenced her appreciation of the Throne Life in her description of her friend Frances Willard, who, after influence from the Higher Life movement, gained a tremendous sympathy with Hannah’s universalism, as well as ecumenicalism, spiritualism, feminism, and socialism (see, e. g., pgs. 155ff., Frances Willard: A Biography, by Ruth Bordin. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1986): “It is lovely having Frances Willard in one’s house. . . . She realizes more than anyone I ever knew one’s idea of being ‘seated in Heavenly places,’ without, however, the slightest trait . . . of dogmatic assertion. . . . She believes that God . . . is working out for the whole human race a glorious destiny when all sin shall be done away, and every sinner shall be . . . made one with Him” (pg. 122, A Religious Rebel: The Letters of H. W. S,” ed. Logan Pearsall Smith. Letter to her friends, October 17, 1893). E. g., A. T. Pierson preached at Keswick in 1905, “when all hearts were warmed and subdued by the mighty happenings of Wales,” the throne-power doctrine: “[W]e are . . . taught . . . [in] the Epistle to the Ephesians . . . the grandest revelation of the power of a child of God. . . . Why, you sway the scepter that God sways” (pg. 457, Keswick’s Authentic Voice, ed. Stevenson, reproducing “The Inbreathed Spirit,” A. T. Pierson, pgs. 453-460). In the spirit of the work of Evan Roberts, a rector present at Pierson’s sermon noted: “the Holy Spirit fell. The speaker was kept from completing his address by the sobs and cries[.]” (pg. 528, Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals, ed. T. Larsen). Thus, for example, A. B. Simpson also taught on this theme of throne life; cf. Christ in the Bible Commentary (1992), 5:413-414. Mrs. Penn-Lewis, after her American preaching tour which had included the CMA “Nyack Institute in Nyack, New York,” subsequently “for many years . . . kept in close touch with . . . Nyack” (pg. 105, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones.). Pgs. 90-93, The Warfare with Satan, Jessie Penn-Lewis; the book “is based on a series of addresses given by Mrs. Penn-Lewis in 1897, at a day of waiting on God at the C. I. M. Hall, London” (preface, ibid). Compare Penn-Lewis’s 1906 work Throne Life of Victory. Evan Roberts also preached about Throne Life under Jessie Penn-Lewis’s influence (cf. pgs. 160-161, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones). Pg. 74, The Warfare With Satan, Jessie Penn-Lewis. Pgs. 147-148, Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir, Mary N. Garrard. Pgs. 282-283, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. B. P. Jones, however, in his very positive biography of Mrs. Penn-Lewis, affirms that it is simply “curious” that Mary Baker Eddy’s teaching was “very like” that of Mrs. Penn-Lewis while affirming that the two really were different. For example, Simpson, in his Christ in the Bible Commentary, 4:163, argues that Luke 10:19 is a promise valid for all Christians throughout the age of grace, although the verse is, when interpreted in context, only given to the “seventy”; furthermore, Simpson affirms that since that Christ has all authority over the creation, He gives that authority to every believer, so that animals, Satan, men, and so on, are subject to the believer. Foster and King (pgs. 139-140, Binding and Loosing) argue that Andrew Murray also employed the sorts of binding and loosing powers taught in Pentecostalism because, as recorded on pgs. 41-42 of Andrew Murray, William Linder, Jr. (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1996), Murray had certain dogs snap at him but not bite him. The conclusion that a person has exercised Pentecostal powers to bind and loose Satan because dogs snapped at him but did not bite him is not a little weak, but the argument is representative of Foster and King’s overexuberance, at times, to find support for Pentecostal and Word of Faith ideas in earlier writers. Pg. 77, The Warfare With Satan, Jessie Penn-Lewis. Compare Chapters 2, 11, War On The Saints, Penn-Lewis. “There is no gradual deliverance from sin, no gradual process of death to sin or deliverance from the world, or the flesh.” Chapter 4, Jessie Penn-Lewis, The Centrality of the Cross. Elec. acc. http://www.worldinvisible.com/library/jessiepenn-lewis/8791/8791tc.htm; also pub. Fort Washington, Pa.: Christian Literature Crusade, 1996. Chapter 5, The Centrality of the Cross, Penn-Lewis. Pg. 225, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Brynmor Pierce Jones. Pg. 224, The Trials and Triumphs of Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jones. Penn-Lewis was likely also influenced in her soul-force ideas by gap theorist G. A. Pember, who believed that one “can act by his soul-force on external spirits. He can accelerate the growth of plants and quench fire; and, like Daniel, subdue ferocious wild beasts. He can send his soul to a distance, and there not only read the thoughts of others, but speak to and touch these distant objects, and not only so, but he can exhibit to his distant friends his spiritual body in the exact likeness of that of the flesh” (pg. 252, Earth’s Earliest Ages, Pember). Pember joined Evan Roberts and Mrs. Penn-Lewis in advocating a partial Rapture, teaching that “those who are believers in Christ and, therefore, a part of His redeemed . . . but have not yet been sufficiently cleansed and sanctified . . . and are thus not ready to pass into the heavenly Tabernacle . . . may be as Elisha witnessing the departure of Elijah: or as the disciples on the mount of Olives when they beheld the cloud receiving their Master out of their sight, but were not yet prepared to follow Him” (pg. 195, ibid), Elijah and the Lord Jesus, in their resurrection and ascension, allegedly acting as types of a partial Rapture. E. g., those who congregate at Broadlands testify that they “know the fact” that “spirit acts on spirit,” one human spirit directly on another person’s spirit (pgs. 258-259, The Life that is Life Indeed: Reminiscences of the Broadlands Conferences, Edna V. Jackson. London: James Nisbet & Co, 1910), a concept obviously related to the soul-force idea that souls can act upon each other, although the spirit-force idea of Broadlands is viewed positively, while the soul-force concept is considered, at least by Mrs. Penn-Lewis and those influenced by her, as negative. “[E]very man is endowed with a certain amount of telepathic power . . . and . . . a few have weird powers of clairvoyance[.] . . . [There are] occult powers of the soul of man . . .the occult powers are quite separate and distinct from those manifestations of demoniacal power” (pg. 719, “The Soul Powers,” John A. MacMillan, Alliance Weekly, 70:45, November 9, 1935). Penn-Lewis here contradicts 1 Kings 8:39. Soul & Spirit, Penn-Lewis, Chapters 6, 8-9. Chapter 8, Soul & Spirit, Penn-Lewis. “Light on ‘Abnormal’ Experiences,” in War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis. Penn-Lewis also affirmed, contrary to modern science, that these nerves in the stomach pit “set in action . . . the organs of speech,” for somnambulists, such as those exalted by Mr. and Mrs. Mount-Temple (pgs. 39-40,Memorials [of William Francis Cowper-Temple, Baron Mount-Temple], Georgina Cowper-Temple. London: Printed for private circulation, 1890), affirmed that such was so, even if scientists did not. Similarly, both E. W. Kenyon and Phineas Quimby taught that “the human spirit was ‘the real man’ and that knowledge that comes through the spiritual senses ‘independently of the brain’ is greater than that which comes through the physical senses” (pgs. 103-104, A Different Gospel, McConnell), setting the stage for the Word of Faith concept of “revelation knowledge,” which is very similar to the doctrine of Penn-Lewis and Watchman Nee. Soul and Spirit, Jessie Penn-Lewis, Chapters 2-3, elec. acc. Soul & Spirit, Penn-Lewis, Chapter 3, elec. acc. Compare the affirmation of Hannah W. Smith: “I have found by experience, and I am convinced from philosophy, that . . . subtle unseen spiritual forces . . . emanate from our spirits,” and that these forces “are far more important than the outward tangible influence that we exert consciously” (Letter to Daughter, November 3, 1884, reproduced in the entry for December 21 of The Christian’s Secret of a Holy Life, Hannah W. Smith, ed. Dieter). Discussing Pentecostal founder Charles Parham, Robert Anderson notes: Healing was widely taught and practiced among Holiness people as well as among the Quimby-Christian Science-New Thought constellation of sects and the Spiritualists. Parham was most strongly influenced on this subject by John Alexander Dowie and A. B. Simpson. . . . Notions similar to those of speaking in tongues and ‘Redemption of the Body’ were common among the Spiritualists. Parham indirectly acknowledged his debt to these contemporaneous religious movements, and even recognized the affinity between his own doctrines and theirs, especially those of Christian Science and Spiritualism.” (pg. 87, Vision of the Disinherited: The Making of American Pentecostalism; cf. pgs. 217-218 on the similarities of spiritualism and Pentecostalism) Thus, Parham stated: “[W]e heard and studied the . . . claims of Medical, Mental, and Christian Sciences, hypnotism . . . the power of spiritualism . . . the possession of mediums, [and] speaking under the control of evil spirits.” Having studied these Satanic works, Parham claimed that the powers that he exercised were comparable to those of these demonic manifestations, only that “God has the real of which these sorceries are the counterfeit” (pg. 26, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness, Charles Parham; cf. pg. 79). That is, the marvels Parham, and his associates, claimed to perform were not of a fundamentally different character than those in the spiritualism he studied and those performed by evil spirits. His supernatural tongues, for example, were like those of demon-possessed people, only, he claimed, from a better source. Unlike the miracles in the Bible, which were in a different and vastly superior category to the modern marvels of spiritualists, Christian Science cultists, and Mind Cure devotees, Parham’s marvels were comparable. Pgs. 594-597, “Hypnosis,” Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology & Counseling (2nd ed.), D. G. Benner & P. C. Hill. Pg. 90, Counterfeit Revival [Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival (Dallas: Word, 1997)]: A Review Article, David J. MacLeod. Emmaus Journal 7:1 (Sum 98) 71-100. E. g., pg. 12, Ruskin, Lady Mount-Temple and the Spiritualists: An Episode in Broadlands History. Van Akin Burd. London: Brentham Press, 1982. “Hypnosis and Health Care,” David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, October 1, 2008, an excerpt from The New Age Tower of Babel, by David Cloud. Elec. acc. Fundamental Baptist CD-ROM Library. Cf. Soul & Spirit, Chapter 8. Chapter 9, Soul & Spirit, Jessie Penn-Lewis. Watchman Nee follows Penn-Lewis’ argument thatEzekiel 36:26 is proof that only the human spirit is regenerated (pgs. 42-43, The Latent Power of the Soul, Nee), and E. W. Kenyon and the Word of Faith movement after him does likewise (e. g., pg. 74, The Hidden Man, E. W. Kenyon), with both Nee, Kenyon, the Church of the Recovery, and the Word of Faith movement deriving the doctrine of deification from the alleged regeneration of the human spirit alone—another doctrine of Jessie Penn-Lewis, who herself also affirmed that believers become “one nature, and one life and position with the Son of God” (Chapter 12, War on the Saints, Penn-Lewis). E. g., pgs. 332-338, The Spirit of Christ, Murray. E. g., her doctrine that believers can be demon-possessed, as expounded in War on the Saints, relies heavily upon her false view of regeneration only affecting the spirit. Chapter 8, Soul & Spirit, Jessie Penn-Lewis. Pgs. 250-251, The Literary World: Choice Readings from the Best new Books, and Critical Reviews. #703, vol. 28, new series. London: April 20, 1883, reviewing The Midnight Cry: An Inquiry into the Evidence of the Near Approach of the Second Advent, by E. McHardie. (London: S. W. Partridge & Co, n. d). Then again, since Mrs. Penn-Lewis joined Mrs. McHardie in writing much that is “strained, fantastic, and absurd,” Mrs. Penn-Lewis’s high esteem of Mrs. McHardie’s works is not especially surprising. Chapter 8, Soul & Spirit. Commenting on the cessation of miraculous gifts, the fact that the Biblical sign gift of tongues was an ability to speak in real, known, earthly languages, and on the contrast between mindless and out-of-control pagan and demonic ecstasy and the use of the mind and in-control state involved in Biblical prophecy, the patristic writer Chrysostom noted: This whole place [1 Corinthians 12-14 and its discussion of the sign gifts] is very obscure: but the obscurity is produced by our ignorance of the facts referred to and by their cessation, being such as then used to occur but now no longer take place. . . . [F]or the present let us state what things were occurring then. . . . [People] spake with tongues and not with tongues only, but many also prophesied, and some also performed many other wonderful works. . . . And one straightway spake in the Persian, another in the Roman, another in the Indian, another in some other such tongue: and this made manifest to them that were without that it is the Spirit in the very person speaking. Wherefore also he so calls it, saying, “But to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given to profit withal;” (v. 7) calling the gifts “a manifestation of the Spirit.” For as the Apostles themselves had received this sign first, so also the faithful went on receiving it, I mean, the gift of tongues; yet not this only but also many others: inasmuch as many used even to raise the dead and to cast out devils and to perform many other such wonders: and they had gifts too, some less, and some more. But more abundant than all was the gift of tongues among them: and this became to them a cause of division; not from its own nature but from the perverseness of them that had received it: in that on the one hand the possessors of the greater gifts were lifted up against them that had the lesser: and these again were grieved, and envied the owners of the greater. . . . And this was not the only thing to disturb them, but there were also in the place many soothsayers, inasmuch as the city was more than usually addicted to Grecian customs, and this with the rest was tending to offence and disturbance among them. This is the reason why he begins by first stating the difference between soothsaying and prophecy. For this cause also they received discerning of spirits, so as to discern and know which is he that speaketh by a pure spirit, and which by an impure. For because it was not possible to supply the evidence of the things uttered from within themselves at the moment; (for prophecy supplies the proof of its own truth not at the time when it is spoken, but at the time of the event;) and it was not easy to distinguish the true prophesier from the pretender; (for the devil himself, accursed as he is, had entered into them that prophesied, [See 1 Kings 22:23.] bringing in false prophets, as if forsooth they also could foretell things to come;) and further, men were easily deceived, because the things spoken could not for the present be brought to trial, ere yet the events had come to pass concerning which the prophecy was; (for it was the end that proved the false prophet and the true:)—in order that the hearers might not be deceived before the end, he gives them a sign which even before the event served to indicate the one and the other. And hence taking his order and beginning, he thus goes on also to the discourse concerning the gifts and corrects the contentiousness that arose from hence likewise. For the present however he begins the discourse concerning the soothsayers, thus saying, [2.] “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant;” calling the signs “spiritual,” because they are the works of the Spirit alone, human effort contributing nothing to the working such wonders. And intending to discourse concerning them, first, as I said, he lays down the difference between soothsaying and prophecy, thus saying, “Ye know that when ye were Gentiles, ye were led away [aÓpago/menoi, properly “dragged to prison or execution.”] unto those dumb idols, howsoever ye might be led.” Now what he means is this: “In the idol-temples,” saith he, “if any were at any time possessed by an unclean spirit and began to divine, even as one dragged away, so was he drawn by that spirit in chains: knowing nothing of the things which he utters. For this is peculiar to the soothsayer, to be beside himself, to be under compulsion, to be pushed, to be dragged, to be haled as a madman. But the prophet not so, but with sober mind and composed temper and knowing what he is saying, he uttereth all things. Therefore even before the event do thou from this distinguish the soothsayer and the prophet. And consider how he frees his discourse of all suspicion; calling themselves to witness who had made trial of the matter. As if he had said, “that I lie not nor rashly traduce the religion of the Gentiles, feigning like an enemy, do ye yourselves bear me witness: knowing as ye do, when ye were Gentiles, how ye were pulled and dragged away then.” But if any should say that these too are suspected as believers, come, even from them that are without will I make this manifest to you. Hear, for example, Plato saying thus: (Apol. Soc. c. 7.) “Even as they who deliver oracles and the soothsayers say many and excellent things, but know nothing of what they utter.” Hear again another, a poet, giving the same intimation. For whereas by certain mystical rites and witchcrafts a certain person had imprisoned a demon in a man, and the man divined, and in his divination was thrown down and torn, and was unable to endure the violence of the demon, but was on the point of perishing in that convulsion; he saith to the persons who were practicing such mystical arts [These verses are taken from an old Oracle, quoted among others by Porphyry in a Treatise of the Philosophy of Oracles, and from him again by Theodoret, on the Remedies for Gentile Errors, Disp. x. t. iv. p. 957.], Loose me, I pray you: The mighty God no longer mortal flesh Unbind my wreaths, and bathe my feet in drops From the pure stream; erase these mystic lines, And let me go. [Porphyry’s note on this verse, as quoted by Hales from Eusebius (Evang. Præp. v.) in Savile’s Chrysostom, viii. pt. ii. p. 278, is as follows: “You see, he bids them erase the lines that he may depart: as though these detained him, and not only these, but the other things too about their apparel: because they wore certain portraitures of the deities who were invoked.”] For these and such like things, (for one might mention many more,) point out to us both of these facts which follow; the compulsion which holds down the demons and makes them slaves; and the violence to which they submit who have once given themselves up to them, so as to swerve even from their natural reason. And the Pythoness too [See Strabo, ix. 5.]: (for I am compelled now to bring forward and expose another disgraceful custom of theirs, which it were well to pass by, because it is unseemly for us to mention such things; but that you may more clearly know their shame it is necessary to mention it, that hence at least ye may come to know the madness and exceeding mockery of those that make use of the soothsayers:) this same Pythoness then is said, being a female, to sit at times upon the tripod of Apollo astride, and thus the evil spirit ascending from beneath and entering the lower part of her body, fills the woman with madness, and she with disheveled hair begins to play the bacchanal and to foam at the mouth, and thus being in a frenzy to utter the words of her madness. I know that you are ashamed and blush when you hear these things: but they glory both in the disgrace and in the madness which I have described. These then and all such things Paul was bringing forward when he said, “Ye know that when ye were Gentiles, ye were led away unto those dumb idols, howsoever ye might be led.” And because he was discoursing with those who knew well, he states not all things with exact care, not wishing to be troublesome to them, but having reminded them only and brought all into their recollection, he soon quits the point, hastening to the subject before him. But what is, “unto those dumb idols?” These soothsayers used to be led and dragged unto them. But if they be themselves dumb, how did they give responses to others? And wherefore did the demon lead them to the images? As men taken in war, and in chains, and rendering at the same time his deceit plausible. Thus, to keep men from the notion that it was just a dumb stone, they were earnest to rivet the people to the idols that their own style and title might be inscribed upon them. But our rites are not such. He did not however state ours, I mean the prophesyings. For it was well known to them all, and prophecy was exercised among them, as was meet for their condition, with understanding and with entire freedom. Therefore, you see, they had power either to speak or to refrain from speaking. For they were not bound by necessity, but were honored with a privilege. For this cause Jonah fled; (Jonah. 1:3) for this cause Ezekiel delayed; (Ezek. 3:15) for this cause Jeremiah excused himself. (Jer. 1:6) And God thrusts them not on by compulsion, but advising, exhorting, threatening; not darkening their mind; for to cause distraction and madness and great darkness, is the proper work of a demon: but it is God’s work to illuminate and with consideration to teach things needful. . . . This then is the first difference between a soothsayer and a prophet[.] (John Chrysostom, Homily 29, on1 Corinthians 12:1-2, pgs. 168-170 in Homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on the First Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians John Chrysostom, trans. H. K. Cornish, J. Medley & T. B. Chambers, in A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, First Series, Volume XII: Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians, ed. Philip Schaff. Reproducing this quotation is by no means an endorsement of Chrysostom’s doctrine of baptismal regeneration or his other errors.) This fact is recognized by the rock performers themselves; e. g.: “Rock ‘n’ Roll . . . is . . . demonic. . . . A lot of the beats in music today are taken from voodoo, from the voodoo drums. If you study music in rhythms, like I have, you’ll see that is true . . . I believe that kind of music is driving people from Christ. It is contagious” (Little Richard). “[T]he sudden mingling of so many different tribes produced new variations [of music] like candomble, santeria, and vodun [demonic religion] . . . and out of this severing came jazz, the blues, the backbeat, rhythm and blues, and rock and roll—some of the most powerful rhythms on the planet. . . . It is hard to pinpoint the exact moment when I awoke to the fact that my tradition—rock and roll—did have a spirit side, that there was a branch of the family that had maintained the ancient connection between the drum and the gods [demons]” (Mickey Hart, drummer for The Grateful Dead). See “The Character of Rock and Roll Music,” “Is There a Connection Between Rock Music and Voodoo or African Paganism?” and related articles on music in theFundamental Baptist CD-ROM Library, ed. David Cloud. London, Ontario: Bethel Baptist Church/Way of Life Literature, 2003. See the “Inspiration of the Hebrew Letters and Vowel Points,” pgs. 43-59 of The Doctrines of Grace and Kindred Themes, George Sayles Bishop (New York, NY: Gospel Publishing House, 1919; note as well his “Relative Value of the Old Testament” (pgs. 88-100) and “The Testimony of Scripture To Itself,” pgs. 19-42). The KJV-only, Landmark Baptist periodical The Plains Baptist Challenger, a ministry of Tabernacle Baptist Church of Lubbock, TX, on pgs. 3-8 of its July 1991 edition, reprinted George Sayles Bishop’s defense, based on Matthew 5:18, of the coevality of the vowel points and the consonants. Bishop was a contributor to the epoch-making volumes The Fundamentals (“The Testimony of the Scriptures to Themselves,” pgs. 80-97, vol. 2, The Fundamentals, eds. R. A. Torrey, A. C. Dixon, etc., Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1970, reprint of the original 1917 ed. of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles), writing: “We take the ground that on the original parchment . . . every sentence, word, line, mark, point, pen-stroke, jot, tittle was put there by God” (pg. 92, The Fundamentals, vol. 2.). Pg. 492, Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals, “Orr, James,” ed. Timothy Larsen, referencing Orr’sRevelation and Inspiration , p. 198. See, e. g., “The Holy Scriptures and Modern Negations,” “The Early Narratives of Genesis” (Chapters 5 & 11 The Fundamentals, ed. Torrey, vol. 1; Orr wrote other articles also). Pgs. 183-199, Chapter 13, “Satan and his Kingdom,” The Fundamentals, ed. Torrey, vol. 4. Her chapter is condensed from The Warfare with Satan and the Way of Victory. Ephesians 5, and the rest of the book of Ephesians and the New Testament, refers to the church as a local, visible institution, not something universal and invisible. For example, consider Ephesians 5:23: “the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body” (o¢ti oJ aÓnh/r e˙sti kefalh\ thvß gunaiko/ß, wJß kai« oJ Cristo\ß kefalh\ thvß e˙kklhsi÷aß, kai« aujto/ß e˙sti swth\r touv sw¿matoß). In this verse, “the husband,” “the wife,” and “the church” are generic nouns. There is no universal husband or universal, invisible wife, and there is no universal, invisible church specified either. Each husband is the head of his own wife, and Christ is the head of each church (cf. pgs. 253-254, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics, Wallace). Ephesians 5:23, and related texts such as Colossians 1:18, do not teach the doctrine of a universal, invisible church. They simply state that Christ is the head of the church generically, that is, of every particular local, visible church. Each particular church is identified as the body of Christ in Ephesians 5 (cf.1 Corinthians 12:27, where the particular church at Corinth is called the body of Christ). The body metaphor emphasizes that each member of the assembly, as a different and important body part, needs to minister to the other members of his particular congregation in accordance with his God-given gifting, while each church has Christ as her head. “The husband is the head of the wife” hardly means that all the husbands in the world are one universal, invisible husband who is the head of one universal, invisible wife. “Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world?” (1 Corinthians 1:20, pouv sofo/ß; pouv grammateu/ß; pouv suzhthth\ß touv ai˙w◊noß tou/tou;) hardly means that all the wise men in the world are one universal, invisible wise man, nor that there is one universal, invisible scribe or disputer. No more does “Christ is the head of the church” affirm that Christ is the head of a universal, invisible church; the text teaches that Christ is the head of each particular church, just as the particular husband is the head of his particular wife. A comparison of Ephesians 5:23 and 1 Corinthians 11:3 is instructive: Ephesians 5:23: o¢ti oJ aÓnh/r e˙sti kefalh\ thvß gunaiko/ß, wJß kai« oJ Cristo\ß kefalh\ thvß e˙kklhsi÷aß, kai« aujto/ß e˙sti swth\r touv sw¿matoß. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body, 1Corinthians 11:3: qe÷lw de« uJma◊ß ei˙de÷nai, o¢ti panto\ß aÓndro\ß hJ kefalh\ oJ Cristo/ß e˙sti: kefalh\ de« gunaiko/ß, oJ aÓnh/r: kefalh\ de« Cristouv, oJ Qeo/ß. But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. The singular nouns “the husband” “the wife” “the woman” “the man” imply nothing about a universal, invisible husband, wife, woman, or man. Absolutely nothing affirms the existence of a universal church in the phrase “Christ is the head of the church.” The Lord Jesus is the head of every particular local, visible congregation. Compare also the evidence in the LXX: kai« e¶grayen pro\ß aujtou\ß bibli÷on deu/teron le÷gwn ei˙ e˙moi« uJmei√ß kai« thvß fwnhvß mou uJmei√ß ei˙sakou/ete la¿bete th\n kefalh\n aÓndrw◊n tw◊n ui˚w◊n touv kuri÷ou uJmw◊n kai« e˙ne÷gkate pro/ß me wJß hJ w‚ra au¡rion ei˙ß Iezrael kai« oi˚ ui˚oi« touv basile÷wß h™san e˚bdomh/konta a‡ndreß ou∞toi aJdroi« thvß po/lewß e˙xe÷trefon aujtou/ß And Ju wrote them a second letter, saying, If ye are for me, and hearken to my voice, take the heads [Gk. singular, “head”] of the men your master’s sons, and bring them to me at this time to-morrow in Jezrael. Now the sons of the king were seventy men; these great men of the city brought them up. (2 Kings 10:6; Brenton’s LXX translation—also below). Nothing at all is implied about anything universal or invisible with the singular. Each son had his own particular head (until he lost it!). “The head of the sons” is teaches nothing other than that each son had his own head. So “Christ is the head of the church” teaches that Christ is the head of each particular church. Compare 2 Kings 10: 8, where the plural is used: kai« h™lqen oJ a‡ggeloß kai« aÓph/ggeilen le÷gwn h¡negkan ta»ß kefala»ß tw◊n ui˚w◊n touv basile÷wß kai« ei•pen qe÷te aujta»ß bounou\ß du/o para» th\n qu/ran thvß pu/lhß ei˙ß prwi÷. And a messenger came and toldhim, saying, They have brought the heads of the king’s sons. And he said, Lay them in two heaps by the door of the gate until the morning. Note also Psalm 139:10, (Eng. 140:9): hJ kefalh\ touv kuklw¿matoß aujtw◊n ko/poß tw◊n ceile÷wn aujtw◊n kalu/yei aujtou/ß. As for the head of them that compass me, the mischief of their lips shall cover them. Both the Greek translated “them that compass” and “the head” contain singular nouns, just as in “Christ is the head of the church.” Each particular head of each particular enemy surrounding David would be judged. e˙kro/thsan e˙pi« se« cei√raß pa¿nteß oi˚ paraporeuo/menoi oJdo/n e˙su/risan kai« e˙ki÷nhsan th\n kefalh\n aujtw◊n e˙pi« th\n qugate÷ra Ierousalhm h™ au¢th hJ po/liß h§n e˙rouvsin ste÷fanoß do/xhß eujfrosu/nh pa¿shß thvß ghvß. All that go by the way have clapped their hands at thee; they have hissed and shaken their head at the daughter of Jerusalem. Is this the city, they say, the crown of joy of all the earth? Note that the plurality, the “all” shake the singular “head.” There was no universal, invisible head or universal, invisible person opposing Jerusalem. Each person shook his own particular head at Jerusalem. kai« oJmoi÷wma uJpe«r kefalhvß aujtoi√ß tw◊n zw¿ˆwn wJsei« stere÷wma wJß o¢rasiß krusta¿llou e˙ktetame÷non e˙pi« tw◊n pteru/gwn aujtw◊n e˙pa¿nwqen. And the likeness over the heads [Gk. singular] of the living creatures was as a firmament, as the appearance of crystal, spread out over their wings above. “The head of the living creatures” meant that each particular living creature had its own particular head. kai« ei•don kai« i˙dou\ e˙pa¿nw touv sterew¿matoß touv uJpe«r kefalhvß tw◊n ceroubin wJß li÷qoß sapfei÷rou oJmoi÷wma qro/nou e˙p∆ aujtw◊n. And the likeness over the heads [Gk. singular] of the living creatures was as a firmament, as the appearance of crystal, spread out over their wings above. “The head of the living creatures,” again, means each living creature had its own particular head. This usage of the generic noun also finds clear support in extra-biblical literature. Consider the following examples: Kai« oJ me«n tauvta touv qeouv keleu/santoß h¢kei pro\ß Ba¿lakon dexame÷nou de« aujto\n touv basile÷wß e˙kprepw◊ß hjxi÷ou proacqei«ß e˙pi÷ ti tw◊n ojrw◊n ske÷yasqai pw◊ß to\ tw◊n ÔEbrai÷wn e¶coi strato/pedon Ba¿lakoß d∆ aujto\ß aÓfiknei√tai to\n ma¿ntin su\n basilikhØv qerapei÷aˆ filoti÷mwß aÓgo/menoß ei˙ß o¡roß o¢per uJpe«r kefalhvß aujtw◊n e¶keito touv stratope÷dou stadi÷ouß aÓpe÷con e˚xh/konta. When God had given him this charge, he came to Balak; and when the king had entertained him in a magnificent manner, he desired him to go to one of the mountains to take a view of the state of the camp of the Hebrews. Balak himself also came to the mountain, and brought the prophet along with him, with a royal attendance. This mountain lay over their heads [Gk. singular], and was distant sixty furlongs from the camp (Josephus, Antiquities 4:112 ( The singular mountain was over each person, each of whom had his own particular head. kai« tw◊n me«n du/o th\n kefalh\n cwrouvsan me÷cri touv oujranouv, touv de« ceiragwgoume÷nou uJp∆ aujtw◊n uJperbai÷nousan tou\ß oujranou/ß. [A]nd the heads [Gk. singular] of the two reaching to heaven, but that of him who was led by them by the hand overpassing the heavens. (Gospel of Peter 10:40) Each particular individual here had his own particular head. w‚sper ou™n kefalh\ me«n prw◊ton touv zwˆ¿oukai« aÓnwta¿tw me÷roß e˙sti÷, For as the head is the principle and uppermost part of the animal, (Philo, Allegorical Interpretation 1:71) Each singular animal had its own singular head. There was no universal head of a universal, invisible animal. qauma¿sia me«n ou™n tauvta: qaumasiw¿taton de« kai« to\ te÷loß tw◊n i˚erw◊n gramma¿twn, o§ kaqa¿per e˙n twˆ◊ zwˆ¿wˆ kefalh\ thvß o¢lhß nomoqesi÷aß e˙sti÷n. These things, therefore, are wonderful; and most wonderful of all is the end of his sacred writings, which is to the whole book of the law what the head is to an animal. (Philo, On The Life of Moses 2:290) Likewise here, each animal had its own head. tauvta d∆ aÓllhgorei√tai tropikw◊ß e˙xenecqe÷nta: kaqa¿per ga»r e˙n zwˆ¿wˆ kefalh\ me«n prw◊ton kai« a‡riston, oujra» d∆ u¢staton kai« faulo/taton, ouj me÷roß sunekplhrouvn to\n tw◊n melw◊n aÓriqmo/n, aÓlla» so/bhsiß tw◊n e˙pipotwme÷nwn, to\n aujto\n tro/pon kefalh\n me«n touv aÓnqrwpei÷ou ge÷nouß e¶sesqai÷ fhsi to\n spoudai√on ei¶te a‡ndra ei¶te lao/n, tou\ß de« a‡llouß a‚pantaß oi–on me÷rh sw¿matoß yucou/mena tai√ß e˙n kefalhØv kai« uJpera¿nw duna¿mesin. But all these statements are uttered in a metaphorical form, and contain an allegorical meaning. For as in an animal the head is the first and best part, and the tail the last and worst part, or rather no part at all, inasmuch as it does not complete the number of the limbs, being only a broom to sweep away what flies against it; so in the same manner what is said here is thatthe virtuous man shall be the head of the human race whether he be a single man or a whole people. And that all others, being as it were parts of the body, are only vivified by the powers existing in the head and superior portions of the body. (Philo, On Rewards and Punishments 125) This very interesting reference by Philo shows that, as in a single animal there is a single head, so “the virtuous man,” a generic noun, not one particular man named X, is “the head of the human race,” and this is whether he “be a single man or the whole people.” The others are as “parts of the body,” are only “vivified” because of “the head” that is “the virtuous man.” The parallel to Christ as the head of the church is very clear. Nobody would think of saying that there is literally one universal, invisible virtuous man, nor that there is one universal, invisible body of people, since Philo’s point is that whether one speaks of a single man, or a group of any size, in both situations the [generic] virtuous man is the [generic] head. Ephesians 5:23 is the capstone of the very small number of New Testament texts that advocates of a universal church believe provide support for their doctrine. However, the verse teaches nothing of the kind. It simply affirms that Christ is the head of every particular church, just as each particular husband is the head of his particular wife. There are no verses in the Bible where the noun ekklesia, church/assembly/congregation, refers to all believers as an already existing group. Advocates of the universal, invisible church must find one or more indisputably clear references where ekklesiadoes not specify a particular congregation and is not employed as a generic noun, or they cannot affirm that their doctrine is Biblical. Since they are the ones who are affirming that ekklesia assumes a sense it does not have in any pre-Christian literature, they bear the burden of proof in demonstrating that their doctrine is clearly in the New Testament. The attempt fails in Ephesians 5:23, and in every other text in the Scripture—consequently the New Testament does not teach the existence of a universal, invisible church. More Resources on Soteriology: The Biblical Doctrine of Salvation
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This Homestead grad won a $50,000 scholarship for his artificial intelligence-based approach to medication development A recent Homestead High School graduate has won a scholarship for his work on an artificial intelligence-based approach to pharmaceutical drug development. Jacob Yasonik, 18, won a $50,000 scholarship for his project. He is one of only 20 students nationwide to be recognized as a scholarship winner, said a news release from the Davidson Institute. "I started this project the summer before my junior year just as something to do over the summer, something I was interested in," Yasonik said in a phone interview. "Now to see it blow up kind of like this — now that its two years later, and I'm still working with this stuff and people are still noticing it — it means the world. I didn't even know what the Davidson Fellows(hip) was two years ago, and now here I am." The scholarship comes from the Davidson Institute's Fellows Scholarship Program, which offers $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 college scholarships to students 18 or younger who have completed significant projects that have the potential to benefit society in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, literature and music. It is a program of the Davidson Institute for Talent Development, a national nonprofit organization headquarters in Reno, Nevada, that supports profoundly gifted youth. Yasonik and the other 2020 Davidson Fellows were honored during a digital reception Sept. 30. "They pulled together an entire video special for us. They brought us all together to actually meet over Zoom, so we were still able to talk with each other to meet each other. They put a highlight reel together of all our projects and what we've done, which is really special to see," Yasonik said. According to his biography page on the Davidson Institute's website, Yasonik's artificial intelligence-based project generates drug-like molecules from scratch and can uniquely optimize many molecular properties at once. Traditional approaches to drug development are rooted in trial and error and struggle to account for many molecular properties collectively. This results in long timelines (10-15 years), excessive costs ($160 million to $2.6 billion) and extremely high failure rates (87% to 97%), just to develop a single new drug. Yasonik's project could improve the process for creating new pharmaceutical drugs by using a generative approach to reduce reliance on trial and error and premade molecular databases. His project's ability to optimize many molecular characteristics at once "could result in far better success rates further along the pharmaceutical pipeline," his biography page said. "Before, traditionally what happens is we have this molecule, and then we test for which properties does this molecule have. "The newer approach with artificial intelligence is we know which properties we want. Now let's find the molecule that meets these properties. It's kind of the reverse that way," Yasonik explained. Yasonik worked on the project first and then submitted a paper about his project along with a video. He did a literature review of papers involving artificial intelligence in medicine and pharmaceuticals before his junior year of high school, in summer 2018. Yasonik then did all the programming and testing during his junior year in 2018-19, which extended into his senior year of high school in 2019-20. Current and future plans Yasonki is currently attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is taking classes virtually this semester from home and then plans to attend in-person classes in the spring. He is continuing his education in artificial intelligence and its application in medicine, which inspired his recent work in computational biology, the Davidson Institute's news release said. Yasonik said he hopes to work at an artificial intelligence research lab or start his own biotech company. "I keep hearing 'make sure you're in the right place, right time.' So looking at coronavirus, looking at what's going on right now, I feel like this is the right place, right time for biotech and for biotech research. That's why I've been really getting interested in startups and things like that," he said.
The story of two men who meet at sea and struggle over power, intellect and love is one of the timeless clasics of adventure literature and one of Jack London's greatest novels, brought to TV screens worldwide with a distinguished international cast. Sebastian Koch (leading part in Academy Award®-winner (THE LIVES OF OTHERS, BLACKBOOK) embodies Captain Wolf Larsen, the notorious Sea Wolf who rules the crew of his ship, the Ghost, with an iron fist. While on the high seas he takes on a castaway, the literary critic Humphrey Van Weyden (Stephen Campbell Moore, THE BANK JOB). But instead of dropping him off at the next harbour, Larsen forces him to work in his crew as a ship boy. The young dandy has to fight for his very own survival in this new, rough world on board. But his most dangerous challenge is the captain himself, who involves him in an evil game. But Wolf Larsen has another, much more dangerous opponent waiting: His brother Death played by Academy Award nominee Tim Roth, with whom he is in a race for the highly treasured seal-hunting grounds. One passenger on Death's steamship, the Macedonia, is a young writer and ship owner's daughter, Maud Brewster, played by Neve Campbell (SCREAM, THE COMPANY). When she realises that she is caught in a deathly trap on the Macedonia, she escapes in a dinghy - and is picked up by the Sea Wolf's crew. But her presence on board the Ghost only worsens the conflicts between all those involved, not the least of which is caused by the Sea Wolf and Humphrey fighting for the young woman's affections.
Coser, Lewis A. COSER, LEWIS A. COSER, LEWIS A. (Ludwig Cohen ; 1913–2003), U.S. sociologist. Born in Berlin, Coser left Germany in 1933 and went to France. In 1941 he immigrated to the United States, where during the war he worked for American government agencies. He taught at the University of Chicago (1948–50) and in 1951 was appointed professor at Brandeis University, where he founded the sociology department, and in 1968 at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, New York. Along with Irving *Howe and others, he founded the socialist magazine Dissent and was its co-editor for many years. Coser served as president of the Society for the Study of Social Problems (1967–68), the American Sociological Association (1975), and the Eastern Sociological Society (1983). He retired to Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1987, where he was professor emeritus, first at Boston College and then at Boston University. Coser was a leading proponent of conflict theory, as contrasted to equilibrium theory. Although he prided himself on separating his political and sociological thinking, he was critical of modern American sociology's abandonment of social criticism. His best-known work is The Functions of Social Conflict (1956), which was listed in a 1997 Contemporary Sociology review as one of the best-selling sociology books of the century. Among Coser's other publications in political sociology and sociological theory are The American Communist Party: A Critical History, 1919–1957, with I. Howe and J. Jacobson (1957); Sociological Theory, with Bernard Rosenberg (19672); Sociology through Literature (1963); a symposium on Simmel (1965); Continuities in the Study of Social Conflict (1967); Menof Ideas: A Sociologist's View (1970); Masters of Sociological Thought (1977); The New Conservatives: A Critique from the Left (with I. Howe, 1977); The Pleasures of Sociology (1980); Books: The Culture and Commerce of Publishing (1982); Refugee Scholars in America: Their Impact and Their Experiences (1984); and A Handful of Thistles: Collected Papers in Moral Conviction (1988). [Pearl J. Lieff / Ruth Beloff (2nd ed.)]
The proceedings of a conference at Haifa University in 2010 will soon be available in a 620-page book entitled The Ancient Near East in the 12th–10th Centuries BCE: Culture and History, edited by Gershon Galil, Ayelet Gilboa, Aren M. Maeir, and Dan’el Kahn. Some chapters of particular interest to readers of this blog may include: Walter Dietrich, David and the Philistines: Literature and History Gershon Galil, Solomon’s Temple: Fiction or Reality? Yosef Garfinkel, Saar Ganor and Michael G. Hasel, The Iron Age City of Khirbet Qeiyafa after four Seasons of Excavations Moti Haiman, Geopolitical Aspects of the Southern Levant Desert in the 11th–10th Centuries BCE Larry G. Herr, Jordan in the Iron I and IIB Periods Victor Avigdor Hurowitz, Yhwh’s Exalted House Revisited: New Comparative Light on the Biblical Image of Solomon’s Temple Dan´el Kahn, A Geo-Political and Historical Perspective of Merneptah’s Policy in Canaan André Lemaire, West Semitic Epigraphy and the History of the Levant during the 12th–10th Aren M. Maeir, Insights on the Philistine Culture and Related Issues: An Overview of 15 Years of Work at Tell es-Safi/Gath Troy Leiland Sagrillo, Šîšaq’s [Shishak’s] Army: 2 Chronicles 12:2–3 from an Egyptological Perspective Ephraim Stern, Archaeological Remains of the Northern Sea People along the Sharon and Carmel Coasts and the Acco and Jezrael Valleys Christoffer Theis and Peter van der Veen, Some “Provenanced” Egyptian Inscriptions from Jerusalem: A Preliminary Study of Old and New Evidence And there is much more. HT: Jack Sasson
Victorian and Edwardian Industrial Desires: Artistic, Historical and Literary Perspectives The annual conference of the French Victorian and Edwardian Society University of Nantes, Nantes, France February 3-4, 2017 Victorian scholarship has long subscribed to a form of technophobia adopted from the Tory critiques of industry by John Ruskin and Thomas Carlyle and subsequently taken up by the Marxian critical tradition. By opposing the machine to the organic and the mechanical to the vital, this anti-industrial stance pleaded for the return to a pastoral, artisanal culture often linked with an idealised recreation of the Middle Ages. In recent years, as the computer dissolved the boundary between human intelligence and the would-be lifeless machine, this anti-industrial paradigm has been undermined. Victorianists have suggested that the steam-driven automatic machines of the Victorian mills and the proto-computers of Charles Babbage heralded our current understanding of human intelligence. The human/mechanical dualism was gradually eclipsed by the vital machine as in the eyes of some Victorians their new engines were seen as hybrids, fusing mechanical qualities with qualities traditionally regarded as organic – Dickens’s description of the stationary steam engines of Coketown in Hard Times as “melancholy mad elephants” may be a case in point. It has also been argued that the machine gave Victorians a new way of envisioning the human psyche. For example the steam engine could be seen as enacting the rhythm of generation and constraint of psychic energy or the occasional explosion of a locomotive boiler read as the image of a nervous breakdown. Precisely, what amounts to a form of “industrial imaginary” results from this tendency to vitalise machines whilst mechanising the mental and emotional life of human beings. At the political and philosophical level, in the first phase of industrialization, the question was raised whether the machine enhanced human life or simply augmented production and national wealth. Many social reformers were ambivalent about the so-called progress and life improvement machines brought to operatives. Harriet Martineau praised female factory labour on the ground that technology helped empower women. As for Robert Owen, his first philanthropic experiment at New Lanark did not rule out productivity and intensive labour. On the other hand, industrialists were described by pro-industry supporters as new heroes improving their workers’ living conditions, while participating in a divine plan for the progress of global human history. In 1835 for instance, Andrew Ure in his Philosophy of Manufactures, praised “the blessings which physio-mechanical science has bestowed on society, and the means it has still in store for ameliorating the lot of mankind”. Even Dickens who admired “the poetic of science” was called by Ruskin, “the leader of the steam-whistle party” as he was found to be too enthusiastic about technological and scientific advancements. As for Carlyle, though fearing riotous mobs of workers, he took the defence of « the strong inarticulate men and workers » against Mammonism, in Past and Present. How did contemporaries navigate between these ambivalent tendencies, between ideas of moral and physical improvement on the one hand versus the economic necessity for more workers’ subservience to the machine? Did these discourses, developed in the early phase of industrialisation, vary after the Great Exhibition and in later periods? Did these debates on technophobia versus technophilia, on human versus machine spread to the Continent beyond Marxian circles? On a wider scale, the industrial metaphoric web spread to different fields of knowledge: medicine, social criticism, natural history and the industrial world inspired different artistic pursuits in painting, literature and even music with the new music machine, the mass-produced piano. If it may be said that in the last resort the Victorian era set the rationale for the particular forms of technophobia and technophilia that still dominate today and it should also be worth considering steampunk as the neo-Victorian expression of a fascination for anachronistic technologies or retro-futuristic inventions. This year’s annual conference will address the following issues: Ambivalent discourses on As with previous SFEVE colloquia, this event will focus on broad notions that will be of interest to scholars from a range of fields, including disciplines such as (but not limited to) anthropology, sociology, history, cultural studies, literature studies, art history, science and technology studies, psychoanalysis, philosophy.
Video: Army Research Lab Scientist Describes Human Brain as Sensor Connecting With AI By Kris Osborn - Warrior Maven (Washington D.C.) Although GPS-guided precision artillery burst onto the Army war scene in Iraq in 2007 with Excalibur shells, artillery has historically been an “area weapon” intended to blanket enemy positions with incoming fire to enable forces to maneuver in warfare. The advent of precision changed this equation and given warzone commanders new options to find and “precisely” destroy fixed enemy ground targets from ranges out to 30km. This change is a major technical leap which greatly improved counterinsurgency warfare in Iraq for many years. The same phenomenon was quite relevant in Afghanistan with related precision weapons such as the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System(GMLRS), a GPS guided missile able to destroy targets out to 80km. Upon several occasions, the GMLRS was used to destroy high-valued Taliban targets. Now, the Army is taking this technology several steps beyond this by not only more than doubling the range of standard 155mm artillery through a program known as Extended Range Cannon Artillery which has hit targets at 70km, but also through an effort to engineer what’s called a “shaped trajectory” Excalibur round. Brig. Gen. John Rafferty, who Directs the Army’s Long Range Precision Fires Cross Functional Team for Army Futures Command, told The National Interest that service weapons developers are now refining “flight software” for the shaped charge to better enable them to adjust course in flight. What this means, as he describes is, is that an Excalibur round is, through software upgrades, acquiring an ability to destroy otherwise obscured or unreachable targets. “We are working on flight software that enables Excalibur to adjust its trajectory. It has fins in the back and in the front, so it is steerable. We are changing the software so that it can overcome what are normally indirect fire limitations when it comes to what we call intervening crests,” Raffery told The National Interest in a recent interview. As examples, Rafferty said the shaped charge might be able to destroy a target that is hidden in a cave or beneath some kind of overhead cover. What if an enemy tank were parked under a bridge or behind a ridge, Excalibur might typically be challenged to destroy it, even if its location were identified in some way. Excalibur 155mm rounds descend directly or in a more linear way, yet a “shaped trajectory” round can be pre-programmed by an observer to perform a “high-G-U-turn” to alter its course in flight. “When it gets to the highest point in its trajectory, the canards are deployed and the body gives it lift and glide. Then it separates from what a conventional round looks like. With a shaped trajectory you can ‘bend that trajectory,’” Shawn Ball, Excalibur Business Development lead, Raytheon, told The National Interest in an interview last year. Kris Osborn is the defense editor for the National Interest. Osborn previously served at the Pentagon as a Highly Qualified Expert with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army—Acquisition, Logistics& Technology. Osborn has also worked as an anchor and on-air military specialist at national TV networks. He has appeared as a guest military expert on Fox News, MSNBC, The Military Channel, and The History Channel. He also has a Masters Degree in Comparative Literature from Columbia University.
Achieving Clinical Excellence: Becoming Feedback Informed in Human Service Practice We all know that some workers form better alliances and achieve better outcomes than others—it’s why we read professional articles, seek supervision from gifted practitioners, and attend workshops facilitated by those whose work we admire. What is it that makes some of us better than the rest of us? In this practice-based workshop, Julie will review the research and literature on therapy outcomes, highlighting what we now know the most effective helpers do—and how they do it. Participants will be introduced to Feedback Informed Treatment and the use of the Outcome Rating Scale and Session Rating Scale as engagement tools that further the therapeutic alliance and monitor outcomes. Any human service worker including social workers, psychologists, mental health workers, youth workers, and family workers (etc.) will benefit from this workshop. Small group discussion, practice activities, review of outcome literature and research will be enhanced by viewing video of therapy sessions in which the measures are used to inform practice and center clients’ voices in the work. This is for people who want to focus on what works in therapy - Learn the research foundations of psychotherapy outcomes, the therapeutic alliance, expert performance, and outcome monitoring; - Describe the factors that contribute to successful treatment regardless of the treatment model used; - Learn to use an evidence-based system of monitoring outcome and alliance through the use of feedback in order to improve effectiveness; - Identify strategies for engaging in deliberate practice in order to improve their clinical expertise. - Identify specific areas for improvement of clinical effectiveness.
- Open Access Indicators of (in)tolerance toward immigrants among European youth: an assessment of measurement invariance in ICCS 2016 Large-scale Assessments in Education volume 7, Article number: 6 (2019) Promoting tolerance is an important goal of European education policies focused on education for democratic citizenship and human rights. In this article, we argue that cross-cultural comparability must be empirically assessed and ensured for the measurement of highly relevant indicators that serve to monitor inter-European and international differences in young people’s tolerant attitudes toward immigrants. Using the framework and data provided by the recent International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS 2016), we examine the extent to which average comparisons of cross-national differences in young people’s tolerant attitudes toward immigrants are empirically justified. Multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) is applied to estimate the measurement model of the concept and test its measurement invariance across fourteen European countries. In line with prior research, our findings show that cross-cultural comparability can be achieved with some modifications. Results of measurement invariance analysis point to the achievement of full scalar invariance with the implication that average scores can be validly compared across the European educational systems under investigation. These findings are largely corroborated by robustness analyses. We conclude by providing information on further scale refinement and improvement. Limitations and implications for further research are outlined and discussed. Tolerance, like freedom and equality, is a fundamental feature of a mature citizenship in democratic societies (Almond and Verba 1963; Sherrod and Lauckhardt 2009). Tolerance of diversity is expected to promote democratic interaction and equitable participation in multicultural societies while intolerant attitudes may lead to racism and violence and pose threats to the stability of democratic institutions (Berry 2011; Berry and Sam 2014; Van Zalk et al. 2013). In a European context challenged by unpreceded migration, monitoring and promoting tolerance of immigrants is an essential part of the policies focused on education for democratic citizenship and human rights (Council of Europe 2017; European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice 2017; European Council 2015). Therefore, comparative studies gauging the extent of cross-national differences in young people’s tolerant attitudes toward immigrants are highly needed. Cross-national studies attempting to chart such attitudes among adult populations are relatively frequent (Ceobanu and Escandell 2010). European indicators of attitudes toward immigrants among youth are, in contrast, much rarer (Elchardus et al. 2013). Yet, a fair amount of research indicates that tolerance emerges in and is most malleable from early adolescence onwards, which points to the strategic importance of monitoring such attitudes among youth (Allport 1954; Côté and Erickson 2009; Elchardus et al. 2013; Van Zalk et al. 2013). The Civic Education Study (CIVED 1999) and the International Civic and Citizenship Education Studies (ICCS, 2009 and 2016) (Schulz et al. 2010, 2018; Torney-Purta et al. 2001) conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) are among the few exceptions in this respect. These studies investigate the ways in which young people (Grade 8 students, approximately 14 years of age) are prepared to undertake their roles as citizens in a range of countries, and they also inquire into young people’s beliefs about equal rights and opportunities for different groups in society based on gender, ethnic/racial status and immigration background (Schulz 2016). Over the years, indicators based on these civic and citizenship education studies served to monitor inter-European and international differences in young people’s tolerant attitudes toward immigrants. In the current European context, such indicators often provide valuable tools to different stakeholders in their efforts to monitor, to contextualize and to explain differences and polarization in such attitudes in several countries. Nevertheless, a large body of research warns about the risks of directly comparing scores on constructs of interest across educational systems especially in the context of international large-scale assessments (ILSAs) such as ICCS (He and Van de Vijver 2013; Rutkowski and Rutkowski 2017). Meaningful comparisons of means across countries require that the construct is understood and operationalized in a similar way in each context. Yet, measurement instruments can be sensitive to cultural, linguistic, and geographic differences. For this reason, secondary users of data collected in such studies are urged to test the assumption of cross-cultural comparability or measurement invariance (most commonly investigated by means of multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis, MGCFA) before proceeding to cross-national comparisons. This issue is even more relevant when attitudinal measures (such as tolerant attitudes toward immigrants) collected by background questionnaires are the object of investigation. To a large extent, attitudinal measures can be culturally and context specific, and measurement invariance is often not achieved when a large number of countries are considered (He and Van de Vijver 2013). Moreover, such constructs are often measured using Likert scales, which require analytic considerations of the ordinal character of the data. In addition and in contrast with current operational scaling procedures in ICCS, recent research points to the need of reconsidering the guidelines for the evaluation of measurement invariance testing in the context of ILSAs involving many groups and often categorical indicators (Rutkowski and Svetina 2017). Consequently, more should be done to better account for these developments when investigating the comparability of scales derived from ILSA data. Against this background, the present study examined the extent to which average comparisons of cross-national differences in young people’s tolerant attitudes toward immigrants in the context of the ICCS 2016 study are justified. We applied multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) (Jöreskog 1971; Steenkamp and Baumgartner 1998) to assess whether comparisons of average scale scores across fourteen European countries participating in ICCS 2016 can be made with confidence. In response to recent developments in the field, the current study considered the ordinal character of the data and followed the most recent guidelines for model fit evaluation (Rutkowski and Svetina 2017). Moreover, we aimed to further add to current research by providing information regarding the robustness of our findings. To this end, we tested whether the comparisons were defensible also within four sub-groups of country clusters that show similarities in terms of linguistic, and geographic and cultural characteristics. In addition, we illustrated cross-national differences in young people’s tolerant attitudes both in terms of overall levels and degree of polarization. In the following section we provide a brief conceptual overview of tolerance toward immigrants and its measurement in the context of the IEA citizenship education studies. Next, we briefly describe the application of measurement invariance in the context of ILSAs and review previous research into the measurement invariance of the attitudes toward immigrants construct applied to data from the IEA civic and citizenship education studies. We then describe our samples and instruments, illustrate our analytic strategy and report our findings. In the concluding section we address implications and limitations of the research. Theoretical background and previous research Tolerance toward immigrants. Conceptualization and measurement in the current study In broad terms, tolerance is described as respect, acceptance and appreciation of diversity (UNESCO 1995), while tolerance toward immigrants is generally defined as positive feelings toward immigrants as well as an understanding and endorsement of equality between immigrants and non-immigrants (Côté and Erickson 2009; Van Zalk et al. 2013). Overall, tolerance is a controversial and complex concept (Forst 2003; Green et al. 2006; Mutz 2001; Van Driel et al. 2016). Although studying tolerance is a multidisciplinary endeavor, insightful leads of particular relevance for the current work are provided by political socialization research. More specifically, scholars of the field (Gibson 2006, 2013; Weldon 2006) make the important distinction between political and social tolerance. Political tolerance concerns the granting of democratic and political rights to different groups in society while social tolerance refers more to the evaluation of the direct contact with people from out-groups (e.g. inter-ethnic friendships). The two forms are rather distinct in the sense that political tolerance involves a higher level of abstract understanding. While people may be socially intolerant (e.g. not willing to create family ties with immigrants) or even xenophobic (e.g. irrationally fearing immigrants), they may still be able to understand and extend political and civil rights to immigrants such as the right to education or the right to participate in the political life. One of the most common approaches to the measurement of tolerance is the fixed-group approach (for an overview see Gibson 2013). In this approach, the measures intend to capture the degree to which respondents will support the extension of political and civil rights to different groups in society. The groups to be tolerated are predefined by the researcher (e.g. immigrants) and construct indicators are developed to capture whether certain rights and liberties should be tolerated with respect to the reference group. A similar strategy is implemented in the context of the IEA citizenship education studies. Tolerant attitudes toward immigrants are conceptualized in a larger framework of respecting civic principles such as equity, freedom and the rule of law. The construct reflects young people’s beliefs about equal political and cultural rights and opportunities for (three) different groups in society based on immigration background, ethnic/racial status and gender (Schulz et al. 2016b). Three scales are used to measure this three-dimensional construct: (a) student attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants, (b) student attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups, and (c) student attitudes toward gender equality. In ICCS 2016, student attitudes towards equal rights for immigrants are captured by items focused on civil and political liberties such as equal rights to education, rights to linguistic and cultural diversity and the right to vote. Similar sets of indicators, tailored to rights and opportunities relevant for each of the groups, are used to capture tolerant attitudes toward ethnic/racial groups (e.g. equal opportunities to labor market participation) and toward gender equality (e.g. equal opportunities to political participation). Different levels of agreement with these items are measured by means of a 4-point Likert scale. In the context of comparative research (concerning more than one group), meaningful comparisons of mean scores require that the items used to operationalize a scale’s underlying construct capture the same latent trait across groups or are measurement invariant (Millsap 2011). Measurement invariance holds when a questionnaire measures a construct in the same way regardless of country membership and fails when different sets of people from different countries respond to the items in a dissimilar manner. In the context of ILSAs, such as ICCS, the intention is often to measure a construct (e.g. young people’s tolerant attitudes toward immigrants) across countries; however, a specific construct (or the items underlying it) may very well have a different meaning for the different groups involved or be measurement non-invariant. Causes for measurement non-invariance may relate to the fact that participants do not consider some of the items to be indicative of the construct due to linguistic differences (e.g. inconsistencies in translation that may change the meaning of the items), other cultural differences or country-specific response styles (e.g. social desirability) (He and Van de Vijver 2013; Putnick and Bornstein 2016). For example, societal features such as cross-national differences in the implementation of immigrant integration policies may shape the way in which young people in different countries conceptualize and understand particular aspects of tolerance toward immigrants in that context. Young people from some countries may be wrongly labelled as “less tolerant” only because certain indicators are less relevant to their contextual operationalization of tolerance. Therefore, an essential feature of comparative studies in this area is the establishment of measurement invariance of constructs measured across participants from different countries. Multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) is most commonly used for measurement invariance testing of attitudinal measures (Brown 2014; Putnick and Bornstein 2016). MGCFA assumes equality of model parameters in all groups (full measurement invariance) and allows the evaluation of three hierarchical levels of measurement invariance trough the comparison of different models with increasing constraints: (a) configural invariance, (b) metric invariance, and (c) scalar invariance. The configural invariance model tests if the instrument measures the same latent factors and if the set of items associated with each factor is similar across countries. If the configural level of invariance is not achieved, it may be that a different pattern of item loadings is identified in some of the groups (e.g. in one culture one item may load on a different factor or cross-loads on several factors). Meeting the assumption of configural invariance justifies the subsequent tests of metric and scalar invariance but does not guarantee any valid cross-group comparisons. The metric invariance model tests whether the factors have the same meaning and the same measurement unit in all groups. It assumes that each item contributes to the latent factor (has equal item loadings) to a similar degree in all groups. If the metric level of invariance is not achieved, it is likely that some item loadings are not equivalent in some groups (e.g. one item may be strongly related to a factor in some groups but not in other). Reaching this level of measurement invariance justifies the subsequent tests of scalar invariance and also allows for comparisons of latent constructs across groups (e.g. exploring associations of these concepts and other theoretical constructs across countries). However, it does not justify country mean comparisons. At the scalar invariance, in addition to equal item loadings, the item thresholds (the levels of the categorical items; intercepts in the continuous approach) are assumed to be equal in all countries. If scalar invariance is not demonstrated, at least one item threshold (intercept in the continuous approach) may differ across groups. Reaching the level of scalar measurement invariance allows for valid cross-country comparisons of factor scores (scale means). When measurement invariance tests fail to support the three different assumptions, several options can be considered. One may assume that the construct is non-invariant and refrain from group comparisons, redefine the construct (e.g. omitting some of the items and retesting the models), seek measurement invariance within smaller, more homogeneous, number of groups (e.g. excluding countries and/or focusing on similar groups), and seek only partial measurement invariance and investigate the potential sources of non-invariance (e.g. by relaxing some of the model parameters and retesting the model) (Byrne and Van de Vijver 2010; Kim et al. 2017; Marsh et al. 2017; Putnick and Bornstein 2016). Full measurement invariance is evaluated by assessing how well the hypothesized models fit the observed data and by testing whether different constraints significantly affect model fit (Brown 2014; Millsap 2011; Putnick and Bornstein 2016). For this purposes, the simultaneous consideration of several overall and comparative fit statistics are recommended (Brown 2014). Nevertheless, we note that model evaluation can be a cumbersome endeavor in practice due to the fact that many fit statistics and their associated cutoffs tend to vary depending on many aspects of the model (e.g. sample size, number of factors, number of groups, continuous versus categorical indicators). Typical overall fit measures are the Chi square test, the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), the comparative fit index (CFI), and the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI). These are complemented by measures of comparative fit such as the Chi square difference test, and change in RMSEA and CFI, ΔRMSEA and ΔCFI respectively. The most commonly accepted cutoff criteria (see Brown 2014 for a review) suggest that RMSEA values close to or below 0.060 and CFI and TLI values close to or above 0.950 indicate good model fit. Yet, values of RMSEA in the range of 0.080 and 0.010 and CFI and TLI values in the range of 0.900 and 0.950 can also be considered to indicate acceptable model fit (see also Bentler 1990; Browne and Cudeck 1993). The Chi square statistic is found to be oversensitive to sample size and is less useful when sample sizes are large (Brown 2014). In turn, measures of comparative fit such as ΔRMSEA and ΔCFI were suggested to be indicative of non-invariance when changes in RMSEA (ΔRMSEA) are less than or equal to 0.015 and changes in CFI (ΔCFI) are equal to or greater than − 0.010 (Chen 2007; Cheung and Rensvold 2002; French and Finch 2006). However, most of these recommendations apply to MGCFA measurement invariance testing involving smaller number of groups. When the number of groups is larger (such as in ILSAs involving more than 10 countries), different criteria seem to apply. For example, Rutkowski and Svetina (2014) showed that when the number of groups is larger than 10 and data is assumed to be continuous, more liberal criteria such as RMSEA ≤ 0.010 and CFI/TLI ≥ 0.950 can be applied. Moreover, they showed that ΔCFI ≤ 0.020 and ΔRMSEA ≤ 0.030 can be used for evaluating metric invariance while traditional criteria (ΔRMSEA ≤ 0.015; ΔCFI ≥ − 0.010) still apply for scalar invariance tests. These cutoffs are overall consistent with the criteria used in current IEA operational procedures for scaling where observed variables are assumed to follow a normal distribution (e.g. Schulz 2016; Schulz et al. 2011). Nevertheless, recent research (Rutkowski and Svetina 2017) shows that the state-of-the-art is changing and that these guidelines must be reconsidered when the character of the data is ordered categorical (e.g. 4-point Likert scales), which is the case with most of the items underlying attitudinal scales in ILSAs. Based on simulation studies applied to ILSA data, Rutkowski and Svetina (2017) recommended a cutoff of 0.055 for the RMSEA, changes in the RMSEA (ΔRMSEA) of 0.050 for metric invariance tests and of 0.010 for scalar invariance test and a ΔCFI threshold of − 0.004 for both metric and scalar invariance tests. Previous research on measurement invariance applied to tolerant attitudes in IEA civic and citizenship education studies Information regarding the measurement invariance of the scales used to measure student attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants, equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups, and gender equality comes from research conducted in the framework of the IEA civic and citizenship education studies and a few secondary analyses of these data. The IEA ICCS operational scaling procedures are preceded by a careful a-priory consideration of potential sources of bias (e.g. involvement of national research coordinators representing each participating country in instrument refinement, rigorous translation and piloting procedures) and include investigations of measurement invariance (Schulz 2009, 2016). Although these investigations focus more strongly on detecting item bias by means of differential item functioning (DIF) in an item response theory (IRT) framework, some analyses are carried out in a CFA framework. Findings emerging from research into the measurement invariance of ICCS 2009 and 2016 questionnaire data point to a certain lack of measurement invariance especially at scalar levels of invariance (Schulz 2009, 2016). Against this background, researchers making use of IEA ICCS data are urged to engage in analytic efforts to understand the degree to which questionnaire constructs are impacted by cultural differences in measurement and to determine when such differences become problematic (Schulz 2016). In terms of secondary data analyses, two previous studies specifically dealt with the evaluation of comparability of attitudes toward immigrants within and across the two previous waves of the IEA citizenship education studies, CIVED 1999 and ICCS 2009 (Miranda and Castillo 2018; Munck et al. 2017). They provided evidence that (at least a number of) items are comparable across countries. Moreover, this work signaled potential sources of non-invariance and provided useful hints for further evaluations. For example, to reach measurement invariance, these studies either had to reconsider the concept (e.g. excluding some ill-fitting items due small item loadings) or operate in a partial or approximate invariance framework (e.g. applying the alignment method to identify an optimal partial measurement model). Using both CIVED 1999 and ICCS 2009 data, Munck et al. (2017) pointed out the difficulty to consistently measure cultural aspects of tolerance toward immigrants (e.g. endorsing rights to linguistic and cultural diversity), which could be due to cross-national differences in endorsing generic versus cultural rights. Using data of the 38 countries participating in ICCS 2009, Miranda and Castillo (2018) demonstrated in turn the importance of taking into account the dependency between the three aspects of the multidimensional construct of tolerant attitudes toward equal rights that includes student attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants, but also student attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups, and student attitudes toward gender equality. More specifically, they find that the three different attitudinal measures are highly interdependent showing strong correlations (well above 0.600, on average) among each other with a particularly strong association (0.800, on average) between attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants and attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups. The current study In the current study, we aimed to add to current research along several lines. Our main purpose was to examine the extent to which average comparisons of cross-national differences in young people’s tolerant attitudes toward immigrants are justified also in the context of the latest wave of the IEA civic and citizenship education study, ICCS 2016. To this end, we responded to the current state-of-the-art by taking into account the ordered categorical character of the data and followed the most recent guidelines for model fit evaluation for measurement invariance testing in a MGCFA framework in the context of ILSAs (Rutkowski and Svetina 2017). Moreover, we considered insights from previous research (Miranda and Castillo 2018) and specifically tested the appropriateness of estimating a multidimensional construct of tolerant attitudes toward equal rights composed of three interrelated factors: student attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants, student attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups, and student attitudes toward gender equality. Furthermore, acknowledging that cross-cultural comparability among such heterogeneous contexts is often a difficult task guided by model fit evaluation criteria that are being often reconsidered (in light of specific characteristics of models), we carried out investigations into the robustness of our findings by means of sub-group analysis (see “Selection of country clusters” section for details). In doing so, we aimed to provide secondary-users of ICCS 2016 data with sufficient information regarding the cross-cultural comparability of tolerant attitudes toward immigrants in the context of this survey and potentially provide relevant information for future scale development in forthcoming studies. The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2016 (Schulz et al. 2016b, 2018) conducted in 24 countries by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) was the principal data source for all the analyses reported here. Nevertheless, in this research, we used only data from the 14 European countries that participated in the European Module of the ICCS 2016 (Losito et al. 2018; Schulz et al. 2016a) study where students completed questionnaires inquiring into their attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants, student attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups, and student attitudes toward gender equality. In each country, the surveyed students are representative samples of the population of grade 8 students. More specifically, the study followed a two-stage cluster sampling strategy. In a first stage probability proportional to size (PPS) procedures were used to select schools within each country. In the second stage, within each sampled school, an intact class from the target grade was selected at random, with all the students in this class participating in the study. In total, 51,040 students clustered in 14 countries were included in this research. Table 2 indicates the distribution of students per country. Selection of country clusters One strategy to test generalizability of findings obtained in a full measurement invariance approach consists of examining if the findings obtained from the full sample are consistent with findings estimated across smaller, more culturally homogeneous groupings. Therefore, we used different sources of information to identify clusters of countries that show similarities in terms of language, and geographic location. We also consider information regarding the democratic tradition, immigration patterns, integration policies, and attitudes towards immigration. For these purposes we were mainly guided by the classification of immigrant destination countries introduced by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Union (EU) (OECD and European Union 2015). Moreover, whenever possible, we updated and complemented this information using several sources such as the Human Development Index (HDI) (Jāhāna 2016), the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) (Migration Policy Group 2015), the Democracy Index (Economist Intelligence Unit 2017), the European Social Survey (ESS) (Heath et al. 2016), and the Special Eurobarometer 469 (European Commission 2018). The following clusters of countries were identified: Nordic Countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden. Other than sharing geographical and linguistic similarities, these countries share a long and stable tradition with democracy, high levels of development and high levels of egalitarianism. They are also characterized by significant recent and humanitarian migration. Most of the immigrants are non-native speakers and humanitarian immigrants struggle to integrate. Overall (with slightly lower scores for Denmark), integration policies are strong and long-standing providing access to citizenship, education and training and equal opportunities. The levels of support for immigration among adults are the highest in Europe. Western European Countries: Belgium (Flemish), The Netherlands. The two countries share high levels of linguistic and geographic proximity. They have a strong democratic tradition and high levels of development. In the European context, they are long-standing immigration destinations that received the inflows of immigrants or “guest workers” in the wake of World War II and afterwards (family reunion). Most of the immigrants and their families are low-educated and face integration issues such as lower labor market participation and higher relative poverty rates. Integration policies are slightly favorable with relatively strong anti-discrimination laws and support for education, but they are rather restrictive in terms of access to long-term residence and family reunion. The levels of support for immigration among adults are higher in the Netherlands than in Belgium and slightly lower relative to the Nordic countries. Central and Eastern European Countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Slovenia. This cluster of countries is by far the most heterogeneous. Nevertheless, they share a recent and less stable democratic tradition and relatively lower levels of economic development as compared with the Nordic and Western European clusters. Moreover, in all these countries the immigrant population was shaped by border changes (in the late twentieth century) and/or by national minorities. Some countries (Bulgaria) experience recent major humanitarian migration. Overall, most of the immigrants show outcomes (e.g. education, labour market) similar to those of the native-born. Integration policies are, on average, the least favorable in Europe. With some exemptions (Slovenia), overall levels of support for immigration are lower than in most of the other European countries. Southern European Countries: Italy, Malta. Italy and Malta show similarities in terms of geographic proximity, level of development and some linguistic overlap. Until recently, they were characterized as being new destination countries with many immigrants arriving at the beginning of the twentyfirst century. Nevertheless, they (and particularly Italy) currently experience massive intakes of humanitarian migration. Most immigrants tend to be less educated and show lower integration outcomes, especially in Italy. Integration policies are evaluated to be halfway favorable in Italy but among the best among Europe’s major countries of immigration. Malta’s integration policies are rated as being slightly unfavorable. In both contexts, the most needed developments seem to be in the area of equality and anti-discrimination policies. Immigration tends to be perceived as problematic in these countries. The variables used as indicators for the three dimensions of “attitudes toward equal rights” are described in Table 1. Each construct is captured by a set of items measured on 4-point Likert scales ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. As indicated in Table 1, some items were reverse coded to ensure that high scores on each item reflect positive attitudes toward the three groups. Moreover, preliminary descriptive analyses led to the exclusion of some items. In a first step, descriptive analysis showed that student responses to items IS3G24A (Men and women should have equal opportunities to take part in government), IS3G24B (Men and women should have the same rights in every way) and IS3G24E (Men and women should get equal pay when they are doing the same jobs) showed high rates (exceeding 70%) of agreement (“strongly agree”). These items were therefore excluded from subsequent analysis due to extremity scoring. In a second step, preliminary country specific confirmatory factor analysis pointed out three items with moderate factor loadings (well below or at the threshold of 0.600; MacCallum et al. 1999, 2001) in a majority of countries. These items were: IS3G25D (Members of all ethnic/racial groups should be encouraged to run in elections for political office)—showing factor loadings below the threshold in seven countries, IS3G24G (Men and women should have equal opportunities to take part in government)—showing factor loadings below the threshold in ten countries, and ES3G04A (Immigrants should have the opportunity to continue speaking their own language)—showing factor loadings below the threshold in six countries. These items were also excluded from further analyses. To establish if average scores on attitudes toward immigrants are comparable across the contexts, measurement invariance was investigated in a factor analytical framework. We considered attitudes toward immigrants to be one aspect of a three-dimensional construct of attitudes toward equal rights. Data preparation was done with the IEA IDB analyzer (IEA 2017) and IBM SPSS Statistics 23.00 (IBM Corp. 2015). All CFA and MGCFA analyses were performed in Mplus 7.4 (Muthén and Muthén 2017). To handle missing data, we used the full information maximum likelihood (FIML) method implemented in Mplus 7.4. This method uses all available information for any variable. Only cases with missing data on all variables are not included in the analysis. The number of cases with missing data on all variables for this research was 297. Moreover, we took into account the multilevel character of the data (students nested within schools within countries) by implementing the TYPE = COMPLEX option of Mplus 7.4 that adjusts model goodness-of-fit statistics and standard errors of the parameter estimates for the dependency in the data (see also Brown 2014). An initial step in assessing the measurement invariance of the instrument involved country-specific analysis. This entailed specifying a first-order correlated three-factor model of attitudes toward equal rights with the 11 indicator variables loading on the three dimensions: (a) attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups (4 items), (b) attitudes toward gender equality (3 items) and c) attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants (4 items). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the factor structure of this model in each of the 14 countries. The ordered categorical character of the data (4 point Likert scale) was taken into account by using an extension of the CFA model that estimates polychoric correlations and asymptotic covariance matrices to reflect the relations between response variables with a weighted least square mean variance (WLSMV) estimator. The fit of this model in each country was compared to a first-order uncorrelated three-factor model. To evaluate model fit we used the following overall goodness of fit measures: the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), the comparative fit index (CFI), and the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI). Common guidelines for model fit evaluation were applied: RMSEA ≤ 0.060 CFI ≥ 0.950; TLI ≥ 0.950 (Brown 2014; Wang and Wang 2012). To investigate the measurement invariance of the construct, we applied multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) taking into account the ordered categorical character of the data. The three-factor model was estimated simultaneously for the 14 countries. Data was weighted so that countries contributed equally to the analysis. In this framework, the assessment of measurement invariance involved the comparison of the three nested competing models, i.e. configural, metric and scalar models. In order to evaluate model fit, we considered both overall fit measures (i.e. CFI, TLI, RMSEA) and relative fit measures such as changes in CFI (ΔCFI) and RMSEA (ΔRMSEA). We followed the guidelines indicated by Rutkowski and Svetina (2017) that are more applicable in the context of ILSA and MGCFA with categorical indicators: RMSEA ≤ 0.055; CFI ≥ 0.950; TLI ≥ 0.950; ΔRMSEA ≤ 0.010; ΔCFI ≥ − 0.004. To further asses model-fit, model-based item reliability (item loadings which capture the strength of the association between the indicators and the underlying latent variable) and construct/scale reliability (assessing the reliability of a construct underlying a set of observed indicators) were estimated following Wang and Wang (2012) based on the MGCFA scalar model. To provide further evidence on the robustness of our results, we conducted measurement invariance tests by means of MGCFA within the four sub-groups of country clusters that show contextual similarities. An approach similar to the one applied to the analysis of all countries was followed. In addition to the model fit criteria relevant for larger number of groups (Rutkowski and Svetina 2017), when applicable, we also observed guidelines relevant in the case of comparing two groups: RMSEA ≤ 0.060; CFI ≥ 0.950; TLI ≥ 0.950; ΔRMSEA ≤ 0.015; ΔCFI ≥ − 0.010 (see Brown 2014). Factor scores obtained with this approach were compared with the ones estimated across all countries. In a last step, to ensure greater interpretation and comparability with the estimations reported in the IEA ICCS 2016 documentation, model-based factor scores were saved and rescaled to a T-scale with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. These scores were used to estimate and illustrate average comparisons of cross-country differences in attitudes toward immigrants in the fourteen European countries. These comparisons were estimated and tested using the IEA IDB analyzer (IEA 2017) and focused on two aspects: (a) overall (mean) differences and (b) disparities in terms of the distance between the 5th and the 95th percentile. Results of measurement invariance testing Table 2 presents the model data fit for the 14 country-specific CFA models estimated on the full samples. We tested the fit of the first-order correlated three-factor model (Table 2, M2) and compared it with a first-order uncorrelated three-factor model (Table 2, M1). We can observe that the first-order correlated three-factor model (Table 2, M2) showed an adequate fit in most samples. Fit indices largely fell within acceptable ranges with RMSEA values below 0.060 and CFI and TLI well above 0.950. The findings from these separate CFAs indicate that the same number of (three) correlated factors with similar patterns of item loadings can be identified in all countries. In contrast, the first-order uncorrelated three-factor model (Table 2, M1) showed unacceptable model fit in all countries. We therefore accepted the first-order correlated three-factor model (Table 2, M2) and retained it for the subsequent analyses. Results of multiple-group analysis across all countries Table 3 provides a summary of the findings for the competing measurement invariance models: configural, metric and scalar. The results at the configural, metric and scalar levels of invariance largely comply with the model fit evaluation criteria both in terms of overall fit indices (e.g. RMSEA ≤ 0.055; CFI ≥ 0.950; TLI ≥ 0.950) as well as some of the relative fit indices (e.g. ΔRMSEA ≤ 0.010. An exception is one of the relative fit indices (ΔCFI) that exceeds slightly the threshold of ΔCFI ≥ − 0.004 taking a value of − 0.005 when comparing the fit of the scalar model to the one of the metric model. Nevertheless, all other indices are well within acceptable boundaries (RMSEA = 0.043; CFI = 0.985; TLI = 0.987; ΔRMSEA = − 0.002). Following Brown (2014), we considered model fit to be expressed by the highest level of consistency among all other fit indices, and we accepted the scalar model. Moreover, we considered other aspects of model evaluation (see Brown 2014) by examining the strength of the associations between the items and the latent variables (item loadings) and model-based scale reliability based on the scalar model. Model-based scale reliabilities and item loadings are illustrated by Fig. 1. Scale reliabilities for three scales were above 0.800 in all countries ranging from 0.809 to 0.960. These measures capture the proportion of scale variance not attributable to measurement error. In the current case, the estimates suggest high reliability of the three latent variables underlying the three sets of observed indicators (items). Moreover, the scales showed to be particularly reliable in most of the Nordic countries (i.e. Finland, Norway and Sweden) with the reliability measure well above 0.900 for the scales capturing attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups and attitudes toward gender equality and above 0.880 for the scale capturing attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants. Item loadings, were well above the 0.500 for all scales and countries ranging from 0.577 to 0.966. This finding indicates sufficient indicator reliability. For the attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups and attitudes toward gender equality scales, item reliability was high (above 0.780, on average) and rather consistent across countries. In contrast, for the attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants scale, findings were more heterogeneous across countries and some items were clearly stronger measures than other. More specifically, the strongest indicator of the scale in the majority of countries was item ES3G04B (<Immigrant> children should have the same opportunities for education that other children in the country have) with item loadings exceeding 0.800 while the weakest indicators was item ES3G04D (<Immigrants> should have the opportunity to continue their own customs and lifestyle) with item loadings ranging from 0.577 to 0.720. In addition, supportive to the suitability of the hypothesized three-dimensional model, results pointed out that the three factors are related with strong associations in most countries, with a correlation of 0.600, on average. This was especially true for the associations between attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants and attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups. More specifically, across the 14 countries, associations between attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants and attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups ranged from 0.465 to 0.748 with an average of 0.628. Associations exceeding the value of 0.700 were registered for Denmark, Finland, Italy, Norway and Sweden while an association below 0.500 was recorded for Latvia. Robustness analysis—country clusters-specific models Table 4 provides a summary of the findings for the competing measurement invariance models: configural, metric and scalar for each country cluster. For the “Nordic” and “Western European” country clusters the results at the configural, metric and scalar levels of invariance, all of the overall and relative fit indices showed values well within established criteria (e.g. RMSEA ≤ 0.055; CFI ≥ 0.950; TLI ≥ 0.950; ΔRMSEA ≤ 0.010; ΔCFI ≥ − 0.004) confirming a very good model fit for the scalar model. For the “Central and Eastern European” cluster, the majority of indices were well within acceptable boundaries. Only ΔCFI exceeded slightly the threshold of ΔCFI ≥ − 0.004 taking a value of 0.007 when comparing the fit of the scalar model to the one of the metric model. Nevertheless, we considered once more the highest level of consistency among all other fit indices as an indication of good model fit and accepted the scalar model. For the “Southern European” cluster, the comparison included only two countries (Italy and Malta). The value of RMSEA for the configural model marginally exceeded the strict threshold of RMSEA ≤ 0.055, taking a value of 0.056, but it still indicated a reasonably good model fit (RMSEA ≤ 0.060, Brown 2014). All other fit indices were well within acceptable boundaries. We therefore accepted the scalar model. Although, taken together, all findings from the country–cluster specific analysis confirmed that measurement invariance can be achieved at the scalar level, we note that a very good model fit was particularly registered for the “Nordic” and “Western European” country clusters. To provide further validation of findings, we compared the association between the factor scores (based on the scalar models) obtained from the measurement invariance analysis conducted across all countries with the ones extracted from the country-cluster specific analysis. For all countries, we found a perfect correlation (r = 1.000) among the two solutions. Having established that latent mean scores can be compared, we proceeded to illustrate the differences in attitudes toward immigrants in the fourteen European countries. For further interpretation of the distribution of attitudes across groups Fig. 2, shows the national and European average as well as the threshold scores for the 5th percentile (the 5% of students with the most negative attitudes) and the 95th percentile (the 5% of students with the most positive attitudes). The percentile ranges are specific to each education system’s distribution of scores; the education systems are ordered by national average from smallest to largest. The European average is the average of the national averages of the participating European countries, with each country weighted equally. Across all countries, student attitudes toward immigrants are rather positive with average scores close to the mean of 50. Moreover, on average, the attitudes toward immigrants of the students in Sweden, Norway, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Denmark, Lithuania, and Belgium (Flemish), are significantly more positive than the European average of 49.26. In these countries the variability of the scores is moderate, the attitudes of the students tend to be relatively concentrated around the mean, and the score gap between the 95th and the 5th percentile is relatively small (around 30 points). Among these countries, Sweden has both the highest mean score (55.99) and the largest variability (between 35.45 and 71.06). Concerning the countries with average scores significantly lower than the European average, the situation is more varied. In some countries (Latvia, Estonia, Netherlands) the attitudes are relatively concentrated around the mean and the distance between the 5th and 95th percentiles is less than 30 points. In other countries (Bulgaria, Malta, Finland) the variability is much higher as depicted by the distance between the 5th and 95th percentiles, which ranges between 34 and 38 points. Discussion and conclusion In the current study we argued that cross-cultural comparability must be ensured for the measurement of highly relevant indicators that serve to monitor inter-European and international differences in young people’s tolerant attitudes toward immigrants. To this end, we examined the extent to which average comparisons of cross-national differences in young people’s tolerant attitudes toward immigrants in the context of the recent ICCS 2016 study are justified. We tested for measurement invariance and applied multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) (Jöreskog 1971; Steenkamp and Baumgartner 1998) to assess whether comparisons of average scale scores across fourteen European countries participating in ICCS 2016 can be made with confidence. Moreover, in response to recent developments in the field, we aimed to contribute to further research by considering new methodological challenges (e.g. the ordered categorical character of the data, recent guidelines for model fit evaluation), incorporating previous research (e.g. by considering the multidimensionality of the construct of tolerant attitudes toward equal rights) and investigating the robustness of our findings by means of sub-group analysis. Our results pointed out that cross-cultural comparability can be achieved for (most items of) this scale with ICCS 2016 data among the 14 investigated countries. More specifically, results of measurement invariance tests using MGCFA pointed to the achievement of full scalar invariance with the implication that average scores based on three interrelated scales (attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants, attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups, and attitudes toward gender equality) can be validly compared across the educational systems under investigation. These findings were largely corroborated by information of item and scale reliability and the results emerging from our robustness analysis. Notably, in addition to providing validation to the results obtained across all countries, the country cluster-specific analyses indicated that cross-country comparisons are defensible also among more homogeneous groupings of countries and that these comparisons are particularly strong (as indicated by model fit evaluation parameters as well as item and scale reliability, in some cases) in the “Nordic” and “Western” European clusters of countries. Such findings may be due to higher proximity between these countries in terms of, for example, linguistic similarity, democratic tradition, and/or experience with immigration and integration policies. In this respect, future research involving a higher number of countries may permit exploring the validity of such explanatory mechanisms. Moreover, the analysis also revealed information relevant for further scale refinement. First, we confirmed that tolerant attitudes toward immigrants is one aspect of a larger three-dimensional concept encompassing three (correlated) factors: attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants, attitudes toward equal rights for all ethnic/racial groups and attitudes toward gender equality. Given the long tradition of this conceptualization in the IEA civic and citizenship education studies (most indicators remained almost identical across CIVED 1999, ICCS 2009 and ICCS 2016), this finding corroborates existing assumptions and previous research (Miranda and Castillo 2018). Second, in line with extant findings (Munck et al. 2017), we showed that items capturing cultural aspects of tolerance toward immigrants (e.g. endorsing rights to linguistic and cultural diversity) are either unreliable in most countries or show substantial variability in terms of factor loadings. This finding stands in contrast with the performance of items tapping into more generic and less debated rights such as the right to education. One may only speculate that such items are more susceptible to influences defined by public opinion or the characteristics of the application of immigrant integration policies in some countries but this issue certainly needs further investigation especially in developmental phases of future studies. In addition, our illustration of the differences in attitudes toward immigrants in the fourteen European countries showed that young people have, on average, largely tolerant attitudes in all European countries. Moreover, these results provided evidence that both low (e.g. Bulgaria) and high (e.g. Sweden) average scores on tolerance toward immigrants could be coupled with high degrees of polarization (measured as the gap between the 95th and 5th percentile) of these attitudes within the countries. These findings point to the need of considering multiple ways of describing these indicators, especially when improvement efforts are targeting the entire distribution of the young population in a country (limited here to the ICCS 2016 sample). For further research, this information could be supplemented with other indicators of attitudinal polarization shaped, for example, by socioeconomic background or gender. Lastly, the current study encountered a number of limitations which may provide additional avenues for further research in the field. First, we acknowledge that our substantive contribution to the conceptualization and measurement of tolerance toward immigrants is limited as it had to be embedded within the boundaries set by the ICCS 2016 study. Although we have sufficient confidence that this measure is valid and reliable over the years, we acknowledge that conceptualizations of tolerance toward immigrants could be broader (e.g. including additional measures of social tolerance) and that measurement strategies could be improved (e.g. by applying a “least liked” approach, see Gibson 2013). We therefore welcome further reflections on these issues both outside and within the ILSA community. Second, this article illustrated that investigating measurement invariance in ILSAs such as ICCS is a vibrant emerging field of research. As such, guidelines for the evaluation of measurement invariance testing are rather imprecise (e.g. when considering various characteristics of the model such as number of factors, number of groups, sample size, number of items per factors, continuous versus categorical data, etc.) and are constantly being reconsidered. In this study, we followed guidelines for model fit evaluation that were largely based on several studies investigating smaller groups and mostly continuous measures and one study that documented cutoff criteria applied to large groups of countries and unidimensional categorical data. We were unable to identify studies that document model fit evaluation criteria that are closely applicable to our specific models (e.g. three-dimensional construct, different number of items underlying several concepts, large sample sizes, large number of groups and categorical indicators). We therefore acknowledge that future research may challenge our findings. We consider further simulation studies (e.g. considering several conditions) and well documented measurement invariance studies (e.g. reporting potential sources of non-invariance) applied to ILSA data to be fruitful avenues for advancing further knowledge. Third, in contrast to previous waves of the IEA civic and citizenship education studies (i.e. CIVED 1999 and ICCS 2019), in ICCS 2016, the measure tapping into student’s attitudes toward immigrants was administered only within the European module of the survey. For this reason, measurement invariance investigations applied to the larger set of countries (located also in Latin America or Asia) included in the ICCS 2016 main survey could not be performed. Therefore, we must acknowledge that our results are only applicable to the fourteen European countries surveyed in ICCS 2016. While different, the European countries share a common core of cultural and contextual characteristics. The non-European ICCS 2016 countries may instead show stronger contextual differences that could challenge comparability. Future ICCS studies could potentially provide opportunities to extend this analysis to a larger, more heterogeneous, group of countries. 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Availability of data and materials The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are available in the IEA Data Repository, https://www.iea.nl/data. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. About this article Cite this article Isac, M.M., Palmerio, L. & van der Werf, M.P.C.(. Indicators of (in)tolerance toward immigrants among European youth: an assessment of measurement invariance in ICCS 2016. Large-scale Assess Educ 7, 6 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40536-019-0074-5 - Attitudes toward immigrants - Measurement invariance - International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) - International large-scale assessments
Journal of Ethnology 3/2010 pays attention to the theme A human and a play. The contribution by Petr Janeček (Game Over? Actual Themes of Czech Ethnological Research of a Children's Game) presents the general introduction to problems and the overview of basic essays and issues relating to this phenomenon. Dana Bittnerová focuses on the comparison between the children's games collection by collector Štěpán Bačkova from the mid-19th century, the first published children's games collection in the Czech Lands, and the complex of games played by Prague children between 1992 and 2004 (Trends in Development of Children's Dramatic Games). Jana Poláková's essay is dedicated to minority Roma milieu (Games and Toys of Roma Children), psychologists Miroslav Klusák and Miloš Kučera deal with classicifation as a theoretical issue (Some Remarks on Children's Games). Jana Moravcová adumbrates the phenomenon of RPG (role-playing games) and LARP (live-action role-playing games) among young people of today, using an example of one of such games (The Battle of Five Armies. So-called dřevárny and relative free-time activities of present-day young people in the Czech Republic). Stopping with Photos with the title The World of Disappearing Games - games with textile fibres presents so-called games with strings (Hana Dvořáková). Transferring Traditions column publishes the contributions Transformations in Games of Strážnice Children in the Past 25 Years (Petr Horehleď) and An Attempt to Return the Regional Folklore to School Praxis (Alena Schauerová). Social Chronicle remembers the anniversary of ethnologist Barbora Čumpelíková (born 1930) and publishes the obituaries for musician and musicologist Vladimír Baier (1932-2010) and singer and choreographer Věra Rozsypalová-Bláhová (1941-2010). Other regular columns include the information on conferences, exhibitions and actual professional activities. Game over? Actual themes of Czech ethnological research of a children's game Ethnology plays an essential role in the research of games and play in academical discourse. Ethnology was one of the first scientific fields which began to deal with ludic activities - first, of course, mainly with collection and classification of children's formalized games. Ethnology can contribute to the academical study of games and play in a significant way even today when also other humanities and social sciences, such as psychology and pedagogy, deal with the theme. Ethnological research of games should be aimed especially at collection, description, classification and interpretation of the local cultural variants of gaming behavior. Among the most actual themes of Czech ethnological research of games are compilation of a catalogue and synthetic interpretation of historical children's games, collection, classification and analysis of contemporary children's games and - last, but not least - the collection, classification and analysis of contemporary syncretical games including the research of their relation to the entertainment and gaming industry and the popular and mass culture. Trends in Development of Children's Dramatic Games The essay dedicated to children's dramatic games queries the similarity between the content of dramatic intrigue and its presentation in the past and in the present. Considering the trends in repertoire development, the essay draws upon Štěpán Bačkora's collections to describe the status in the mid-19th century; to analyze the contemporary children's games the essay takes advantage of the research among pupils in the elementary schools in Prague. Based on comparison of both game levels as regards content (1. thematic field within which the player accepts his/her new gaming identity; 2. structural motifs taking share in the construction of a dramatic intrigue story), the essay comes to several findings: as to the thematic point of view, the games referring to agricultural culture and the Christian faith have disappeared; the games concerning the choice of partner are passing through transformation; on the contrary, the theme of social bullying has been strengthened. The aforementioned trends are determined by economic development, transformation of social relations within local societies, and, of course, by mass media. As to the structural motifs, they tend to reductions both in their quantity used for construction of a concrete dramatic intrigue, and in their form. In-line-putting of structural motifs as well as their form influence the contemporary dramatic games. Games with simple and anticipatable construction as well as easy-to-remember verbal and motion parts manageable for a great number of players “playing not well together” have gone through. Such trends are determined by limitation of opportunities suitable to realize a game, by instability of players' groups, their age homogeneity and related absence of relevant “experts”, especially teenagers. Games and Toys of Roma Children The contribution deals with the research of children's folklore among Romani people. The author proceeds from her own experience, terrain research, written retrospective sources and literature. She was collecting the source materials for the study between 2005 and 2010, in different types of residential areas. Each of them presents specific features in gaming expressions, in knowledge and variability of games as well as in relationship to toys. Children in Roma settlements use toys collectively. Their games have simple rules, they do not last very long and depend on the actual situation, weather, and the possibility to use the surrounding space and the material offered. The nature in their closest neighborhood provides them with wide variability and possibilities. In Roma settlements, one can note modern varieties of traditional children's games even today. Children coming from non-segregated environment of a small town are better interrelated with their toys; they understand “playing” in the sense coming near to its usual interpretation. Children from urban agglomeration are lacking mostly in the space itself. Their nearer contact with every-day reality and majority inhabitants in the neighborhood are reflected in diversity of games (cards, čára), used toys (toys for sandpit) and e.g. even in using the children's counting-our rhymes implied from Czech cultural environment. Some remarks on children's games The classification, the essay deals with, is based on the collection of games played by present-day school-age children in the 1st through 9th class (totally 1600 cases in 81 classes from the 1st to 9th year). The procedures inspired by Mr. and Mrs. Opie from Oxford were used to create the collections (the collection was created with the assistance of students working in the field). First, it was the revised system of so-called basic motifs (1. chasing games, 2. catching games, 3. seeking games, 4. hunting games, 5. racing games, 6. dueling games, 7. exerting games, 7*. schooling games, 8. daring games, 8* shocking games, 9. guessing games, 10. acting games, 11. pretending games, 12. shooting games, 13. gender games); the system was used for classification “from bellow” - the idea of so-called basic games (1. to touch, 2. in touching the body, 3. object-throwing - with touching the body, 4. throwing the object - on the track, 5. run- with touching the body, 6. run- on the track, 7. motion structure - joggling and rhythmic exercise 8. object structure, 9. guessing, 10. fictive identities and stories). In both types of classification the authors stumbled on the possibility to consider both mutually combining levels in the future - the level of body subjects activity and the level of roles in a game. The first level includes the poetics of drives (oral, anal, scopic etc. in a variety of their transformations), while the other one covers cultural and moral relations (“Oedipus” relations or those deduced from the Oedipus ones) handling with the drives, such as competition, “bullying”, “democratic” distributions. The Battle of Five Armies. So-called dřevárna and relative free-time activities of present-day young people in the Czech Republic The contribution deals with the theme of live-action role-playing games in the Czech Republic at present. The general part includes explanation of used terms LARP and dřevárna, brief history of these games in the world and in the Czech Republic, description of particular types of dřevárna including a brief overview of the most favorite actions of this type; it mentions the players community, its structure and relation to other similar free-time activities. The second part of the contribution is dedicated to one of the biggest fantasy dřevárna-type games in the Czech Republic - The Battle of Five Armies. The author depicts origin of this action in 2000 and its development until today, game rules to make weapons and costumes, rules for system of duels, game objects used, preparations for the game on the part of the players and arrangers and the course of the game itself taking account of the year 2010. The text is completed with the game world map and some photos of costumed players.
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Effect of supplementation during pregnancy with L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins in medical food on pre-eclampsia in high risk population: randomised controlled trialBMJ 2011; 342 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.d2901 (Published 19 May 2011) Cite this as: BMJ 2011;342:d2901 - Felipe Vadillo-Ortega, professor1, - Otilia Perichart-Perera, titular researcher2, - Salvador Espino, associate professor of obstetrics and gynaecology2, - Marco Antonio Avila-Vergara, associate professor of obstetrics and gynaecology3, - Isabel Ibarra, associate professor4, - Roberto Ahued, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology2, - Myrna Godines, associate professor of obstetrics and gynaecology1, - Samuel Parry, associate professor and chief of division of maternal-fetal medicine5, - George Macones, Mitchell and Elaine Yanow professor and head of obstetrics and gynaceology56, - Jerome F Strauss, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology and dean of School of Medicine7 - 1Department of Experimental Medicine, School of Medicine, Universidad Nacional, Autonoma de Mexico, Torre de Investigacion, 3er Piso, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, D F 04510 - 2Instituto Nacional de Perinatologia Isidro Espinosa de los, Reyes, Mexico - 3Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, Mexico - 4Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas, UNAM, Mexico - 5Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA - 6Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Washington University, St Louis, MO, USA - 7Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA - Correspondence to: F Vadillo-Ortega - Accepted 28 March 2011 Objective To test the hypothesis that a relative deficiency in L-arginine, the substrate for synthesis of the vasodilatory gas nitric oxide, may be associated with the development of pre-eclampsia in a population at high risk. Design Randomised, blinded, placebo controlled clinical trial. Setting Tertiary public hospital in Mexico City. Participants Pregnant women with a history of a previous pregnancy complicated by pre-eclampsia, or pre-eclampsia in a first degree relative, and deemed to be at increased risk of recurrence of the disease were studied from week 14-32 of gestation and followed until delivery. Interventions Supplementation with a medical food—bars containing L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins, antioxidant vitamins alone, or placebo—during pregnancy. Main outcome measure Development of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia. Results 222 women were allocated to the placebo group, 228 received L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins, and 222 received antioxidant vitamins alone. Women had 4-8 prenatal visits while receiving the bars. The incidence of pre-eclampsia was reduced significantly (χ2=19.41; P<0.001) in women randomised to L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins compared with placebo (absolute risk reduction 0.17 (95% confidence interval 0.12 to 0.21). Antioxidant vitamins alone showed an observed benefit, but this effect was not statistically significant compared with placebo (χ2=3.76; P=0.052; absolute risk reduction 0.07, 0.005 to 0.15). L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins compared with antioxidant vitamins alone resulted in a significant effect (P=0.004; absolute risk reduction 0.09, 0.05 to 0.14). Conclusions Supplementation during pregnancy with a medical food containing L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins reduced the incidence of pre-eclampsia in a population at high risk of the condition. Antioxidant vitamins alone did not have a protective effect for prevention of pre-eclampsia. Supplementation with L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins needs to be evaluated in a low risk population to determine the generalisability of the protective effect, and the relative contributions of L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins to the observed effects of the combined treatment need to be determined. Trial registration Clinical trials NCT00469846. Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are among the leading causes of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.1 Despite growing knowledge of the pathophysiology of pregnancy induced hypertensive disorders, no preventive measures have been shown to be effective.2 The underlying cause of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia is thought to be abnormal placentation, characterised by defective invasion of trophoblast cells and remodelling of the uterine vasculature,3 resulting in reduced utero-placental perfusion, which leads to activation of mechanisms promoting maternal vasoconstriction and activation or damage of endothelial cells.4 The endothelium is believed to be a primary target of mediators generated by the placenta. Damage is amplified by other factors such as reactive oxygen species.5 Nitric oxide is a potent endothelium derived vasodilator,6 and defective synthesis of nitric oxide has been documented in pre-eclampsia.7 The main site of production of nitric oxide is nitric oxide synthase in endothelial cells, which uses circulating L-arginine as a substrate. Hence, the local availability of this amino acid may be critical to the endothelial adaptive regulatory mechanisms opposing the vasoconstrictors in pre-eclampsia. L-arginine is considered to be a semi-essential amino acid because under increased demands endogenous synthesis is not sufficient to fulfil requirements.8 Moreover, pregnancy has been reported to be a state of relative arginine deficiency,7 imposed by the increased formation of nitric oxide, supporting the adaptive vasodilatation of pregnancy, and use of L-arginine by the fetus.9 Pre-eclampsia is also associated with increased concentrations of factors that inhibit nitric oxide production. Concentrations of asymmetric dimethyl arginine, a competitive inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, are raised in women with pre-eclampsia.10 Concentrations of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1, which antagonises vascular endothelial growth factor dependent activation of nitric oxide synthase, have also been shown to be increased in pre-eclampsia.11 Endoglin, which impairs activation of nitric oxide synthase mediated by transforming growth factor β, is also increased.12 In the past, the role of nutrition in the development of pre-eclampsia has been a subject of considerable discussion. Although little evidence exists to show that dietary manipulations can prevent pre-eclampsia, the notion that they might moderate the secondary features of the syndrome remains in favour.13 Substantial experimental data in animals and humans indicate that L-arginine could have a beneficial effect on haemodynamics.14 15 16 Of particular note, an expanding literature documents that administration of L-arginine improves vascular function in people with atherosclerosis and peripheral vascular disease.17 18 19 20 The oral administration of L-arginine to patients with cardiovascular disease has not been associated with any significant adverse side effects. This includes previous reports in the literature of use of L-arginine in pregnant women. Facchinetti et al and Neri et al infused L-arginine into women whose pregnancies were complicated by intrauterine growth retardation and reported reduced myometrial activity.21 22 These observations raised the possibility that supplemental L-arginine in the diet could provide a source of substrate for nitric oxide synthesis during pregnancy, which could promote vasodilatation. More clinical studies are needed in this area because we have limited experience in the use of L-arginine and other nitric oxide donators for preventing pre-eclampsia, as stated in the Cochrane review by Meher and Duley.23 On the other hand, evidence of endothelial damage mediated by reactive oxygen species has been proposed as another mechanism of endothelial damage in pre-eclampsia.24 25 26 Consequently, antioxidants have been proposed as prophylactic agents for pre-eclampsia and several trials with antioxidants including vitamin C and tocopherols in pre-eclampsia have been published.27 28 29 At the time this clinical trial was started, insufficient evidence existed for us to discard the use of antioxidants for prevention of pre-eclampsia. However, recent trials and Cochrane reviews do not support the use of antioxidants for this purpose.30 31 We did a three arm clinical trial to test the hypothesis that a combination of L-arginine and antioxidant supplementation would reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia in a high risk population in Mexico City. We enrolled pregnant women between 14 and 32 weeks of gestation at high risk of pre-eclampsia who were receiving prenatal care at the Instituto Nacional de Perinatologia Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes in Mexico City between January 2001 and December 2005. We included patients at increased risk of pre-eclampsia, which we defined as either a personal history of pre-eclampsia or pre-eclampsia in a first degree relative. Eligible participants agreed to have their prenatal care and delivery at the institution and provide informed consent. We excluded patients with multiple gestation, known major fetal anomalies (as defined by ultrasound studies by the fetal medicine department), diabetes mellitus or gestational diabetes, pre-existing hypertension, pre-existing renal disease, collagen vascular disease, cancer or strong family history of cancer in first degree relatives, and pre-existing maternal disease needing drug treatment. We excluded women with type 2 diabetes, cancer, or a strong family history of cancer because the angiogenic actions of vascular endothelial growth factor are thought to be mediated, in part, by nitric oxide.32 All women were screened for gestational diabetes at week 14 and again at week 24 of gestation, according to the institutional protocol. We decided in advance that if a woman was diagnosed as having gestational diabetes after randomisation she would discontinue taking bars because of the aforementioned safety concerns. However, we included such women in the data analysis. We excluded patients with autoimmune disease because peroxynitrites have been implicated in the pathogenesis of tissue damage in autoimmune disease. Recruitment and randomisation Staff of the department of obstetrics reviewed prenatal records to identify patients who might qualify for the study. A history of pre-eclampsia was confirmed by review of the patient’s records, and a family history of pre-eclampsia was based on patients’ self report. Gestational age was assessed by last menstrual period and confirmed by a first trimester ultrasound evaluation. The protocol for recruitment included an initial visit in which suitability for randomisation was evaluated, an invitation to participate was tendered, a complete obstetric and nutritional history was taken, and written informed consent was obtained. Participants were randomly assigned to receive one of the three treatments. The principal investigator made the assignment centrally after the patient had given informed consent, by using a computer generated code in random size blocks with concealment of allocation by sealed envelopes. Each participant in the L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins group received two bars a day. The average consumption of L-arginine in the United States is around 5.4 g a day,8 so we decided to supplement at least 100% of this amount in the form of an available medical food (Heart Bars, Nellson Nutraceutical, CA, USA). Two Heart Bars a day deliver 6.6 g of L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins.33 Table 1⇓ shows the composition of the bars used in the study. Participants in the antioxidant vitamins alone group received two bars a day devoid of L-arginine but containing antioxidant vitamins. Participants in the placebo group received two placebo bars a day devoid of L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins. The bars were packaged in similar envelopes that made them indistinguishable by appearance, and they were flavoured such that they had the same taste irrespective of composition. The bars were packed in boxes containing a sufficient supply for five weeks of treatment. Only the principal investigator knew the group codes. We asked participants to consume bars until the day of delivery. A basal sample of blood was taken at the randomisation visit, and protein was measured in a 24 hour urine sample before participants started the consumption of bars. Participants were scheduled for clinical follow-up every three to four weeks. Each visit from this point included the following: (1) Arterial pressure measurement. Measurements of the arterial pressure were made according to the recommendations of the American Heart Association (AHA) using the auscultatory method with mercury sphygmomanometers.34 All staff collecting arterial pressure measurements were certified by external monitors from the AHA, who made site visits to the hospital. (2) A sample of 10 mL of venous blood was collected for determination of L-arginine concentration. Plasma was separated and maintained at −80°C until analysis. (3) Participants were instructed to obtain a 24 hour urine sample the day before the next visit. We assessed urine protein by quantification in 24 hour urine samples with an automated method (DiaSys Diagnostic Systems, Holsheim, Germany).35 (4) To measure compliance, we gave each patient a personal diary to record consumption of bars, which they brought to every appointment. We also instructed them to keep the empty envelopes of the consumed bars, which they also brought back at each appointment. (5) We offered nutritional education and assessment of nutritional status during pregnancy to all participants. We instructed them to avoid the consumption of over the counter prenatal antioxidant vitamins and asked about non-study related vitamin ingestion at each visit. We defined pre-eclampsia as hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg, or both) and proteinuria (>300 mg/24 hours) presenting after 20 weeks of gestation in women known to be previously normotensive. We defined eclampsia as non-epileptic convulsions. We defined mild pre-eclampsia as when hypertension and proteinuria were present but no evidence of systemic organ damage was detectable. Severe pre-eclampsia was detected when proteinuria was above 2.0 g/24 hours, blood pressure was ≥160/110 mm Hg, or both. We also assessed several neonatal end points, including preterm birth (born before 37 weeks of gestation), birth weight, small for gestational age (according to institutional charts), and Apgar scores. We based the sample size calculation on consideration of all three two way comparisons (placebo v antioxidant vitamins alone, placebo v antioxidant vitamins plus L-arginine, and antioxidant vitamins plus L-arginine v antioxidant vitamins alone), assuming a 50% proportional reduction in pre-eclampsia in any group compared with placebo, an α error of 0.05, a β error of 0.2, and a 1:1:1 allocation ratio. We used a Bonferroni correction so that a test specific error (α) of 0.016 (0.05/3) was used for significance testing of all primary two way comparisons. We also used the α error of 0.016 in our sample size estimation. We assumed a prevalence of pre-eclampsia in the placebo group of 30% (on the basis of pilot data from our institution). We measured L-arginine concentrations by high performance liquid chromatography after derivatisation with the o-phthalaldehyde-ethanethiol reagent as described by Lundsjo et al.36 The derivatised samples were separated by using a reversed phase Kingsorb 3µ C18 column (Phenomenex, Torrace, CA) according to the standard method. We used peak areas for quantification of L-arginine concentrations, using an external standard as reference. We report values as µM in plasma. We monitored within assay and between assay coefficients of variation and maintained them under 3%. The Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa (MAA-V) and our biostatistics group (SE and MG) did an independent analysis of the data. The analysis was based on an intention to treat principle. We compared baseline measures among the treatment groups by using analysis of variance methods and Kruskal-Wallis tests. We calculated the proportion of participants who developed pre-eclampsia in each treatment group and did an overall test of equivalence in these proportions by using a Pearson χ2 statistic test. We calculated absolute risk reduction and relative risk, including 95% confidence intervals, and statistical significance.37 We approached 696 women (figure⇓. We excluded 24 women because they failed to meet inclusion criteria (10 patients) or refused to participate (14 women). Six hundred and seventy-two women met our eligibility criteria and agreed to participate. Forty-four (6.5%) women had a direct relative who had developed pre-eclampsia, and they were equally distributed among the three arms in this study. Six hundred and twenty-eight women had a previous pregnancy complicated by pre-eclampsia. We allocated 222 women to the placebo group, 228 women received the L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins bars, and 222 women received the bars with antioxidant vitamins alone. The treatment groups were well balanced with regards to baseline characteristics (table 2⇓). Clinical follow-up was similar among the women included in the analysis. All groups had a median of 5 (range 2-9) visits during the study (Kruskal-Wallis, P=0.21). Less than 5% of study visits were missed for all three groups. In terms of compliance, the placebo group consumed a mean of 1.1 (SD 0.5) bars a day, the L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins group consumed 1.2 (0.4) bars a day, and the vitamins alone group consumed 1.1 (0.43) bars a day (analysis of variance, P=0.23). The nutritionists developed several strategies to promote compliance. Briefly, patients were instructed to mix bars with other foods such as yoghurt, gelatine, milk shakes, or fruit. Reported side effects were significantly more frequent in the group consuming L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins bars than in the placebo group, including nausea (P=0.019; absolute risk reduction 0.05, 95% confidence interval 0.02 to 0.08; relative risk 1.25, 1.04 to 1.51); symptoms of dyspepsia (P=0.04; 0.03, 0.01 to 0.06; 1.34, 1.02 to 1.77); dizziness (P=0.039; 0.03, 0.01 to 0.05; 1.42, 1.02 to 1.97); palpitations (P=0.019; 0.04, 0.01 to 0.07; 1.36, 1.05 to 1.76); and headache (P=0.01; 0.06, 0.03 to 0.09; 1.26, 1.06 to 1.51). None of these side effects led to a participant dropping out of the study. One hundred and twenty-five patients discontinued their assigned treatment. However, we followed them up until the end of pregnancy and included them analytically in the group to which they were randomised. Fifty-six women decided to drop out of the study voluntarily: 18 in the placebo group, 17 in the L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins group, and 21 in the antioxidant vitamins alone group. Sixty-nine participants discontinued the use of bars because of the development of gestational diabetes: 24 in the placebo group, 23 in the L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins group, and 22 in the antioxidant vitamins alone group. Primary end point Table 3⇓ shows the findings for the primary end point. The incidence of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia was significantly lower (χ2=19.41; P<0.001) in women randomised to L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins compared with placebo (absolute risk reduction 0.17, 0.12 to 0.21). The number needed to treat (NNT) was 5.73 (95% confidence interval 4.0 to 10.0). Women receiving antioxidant vitamins alone had an observed benefit, but this effect was not statistically significant compared with placebo (χ2=3.76; P=0.052; absolute risk reduction 0.07, 0.005 to 0.15; NNT 13.06, 6 to 200). The incidence of hypertensive disease was also reduced in the L-arginine plus vitamins group compared with the vitamins alone group (χ2=8.16; P=0.004). Adding L-arginine to antioxidant vitamins compared with vitamins alone resulted in a significant effect on absolute risk reduction (0.09, 0.05 to 0.14; NNT 10.20, 6 to 36). As enrolment took place over a wide interval from 14 to 32 weeks of gestation, we assessed the relation between gestational age at enrolment and development of pre-eclampsia in women who received L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins compared with placebo. Treatment before 24 weeks reduced the incidence of pre-eclampsia (relative risk 0.37, 0.23 to 0.58), whereas treatment after 24 weeks did not (0.64, 0.30 to 1.37). However, when we estimated the interaction term between treatment effect and time of first treatment, we did not find it to be significant (B=0.002; P=0.96) Secondary end points The overall rate of preterm birth was also reduced in women randomised to L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins, although this was not because of a reduction in spontaneous preterm births (preterm premature rupture of membranes or preterm labour) (table 3⇑). We found no difference in mean birth weight or in the proportion of small for gestational age infants. Other obstetrical complications, including placental abruption and postpartum haemorrhage, were similar among treatment groups. No maternal deaths occurred. Five neonatal deaths occurred in the study, two in the placebo group and three in the vitamins group. These deaths were associated with extreme prematurity. We found no differences in plasma concentrations of L-arginine between treatment groups at the beginning of the study. The mean plasma concentration of L-arginine was lower at the first visit in women who later developed pre-eclampsia (20.5, SD 8.3) compared with those who did not develop pre-eclampsia (22.6, SD 8.8) (mean difference 2.01, 95% confidence interval 0.49 to 3.68; P<0.01). The figures in the web appendix show the concentrations of L-arginine (fig A) and the diastolic and systolic blood pressures (fig B) in the different treatment groups. L-arginine concentrations were highest in the group receiving bars containing L-arginine, and the diastolic and systolic pressures were also significantly lower after initial treatment and negatively correlated with L-arginine plasma concentrations. We observed a significant reduction in the incidence of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia in pregnant women who consumed bars containing L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins. The results of this trial support the proposed hypothesis that supplemental L-arginine can reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia. Consistent with the main study outcome, a secondary finding of the study was that the L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamin supplementation resulted in a significant reduction in the risk of indicated preterm birth compared with placebo. Methodological considerations and strengths Endothelial nitric oxide synthase is constitutively expressed in endothelial cells, and its activity depends on the level of expression of the enzyme, availability of the substrate, and concentrations of at least three different inhibitors that have been associated with pre-eclampsia. Synthesis of nitric oxide thus depends on the circulating concentration of L-arginine, and adaptive synthesis of nitric oxide in the endothelium is linked to dietary consumption of this amino acid. Our central hypothesis was that impaired vasodilatation in pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia could be prevented by supplementation with L-arginine in the diet. The existing literature suggests that L-arginine has direct effects on blood pressure in experimental animal models, normal humans, hypertensive patients, women with pre-eclampsia, and healthy pregnant women.14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Consistent with recent research, antioxidant vitamins alone did not show a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia in our study. Adding L-arginine to antioxidant vitamins resulted in significant protection against the development of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia. Our trial was not powered to detect the small difference we found between the group consuming L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins and the group consuming bars containing only vitamins. An intriguing result is that supplementing antioxidant vitamins had a statistically significant effect on reducing mild pre-eclampsia. This finding is not consistent with the pooled results of the other clinical trials of antioxidant vitamins, which do not suggest a benefit from treatment.30 Recently, the National Institutes of Health’s Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units completed a large trial including several institutions in the United States, which reached a similar conclusion.31 In addition, detrimental effects of supplemental vitamin C and vitamin E during gestation have been reported.30 38 39 Limitations of study The intervention used in this study must be evaluated in a population of pregnant women at low risk of pre-eclampsia. This is particularly relevant because we found a high prevalence of recurrence of pre-eclampsia in the studied population. Unfortunately, no information is available from other Mexican centres that could help to identify characteristics associated with this high recurrence rate compared with centres in other countries that have reported lower recurrence of pre-eclampsia.40 41 At the time we started this clinical trial, no other commercial presentation for L-arginine was available other than supplemented bars. However, new products containing the amino acid L-arginine in a more palatable presentation are emerging. This makes it feasible to propose a population based study of L-arginine supplementation in larger groups of women with different levels of risk for pre-eclampsia. We did not include a study arm that consumed only L-arginine, as the producer could not supply such bars. In addition, we were aware that L-arginine metabolites may produce deleterious free radicals,42 so we considered the inclusion of antioxidant vitamins in the same bars to be beneficial. Unfortunately, our study design could not define the relative contributions of L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins to the beneficial effect of the combination on risk of pre-eclampsia. These ingredients may have had additive effects, or the interaction may have been synergistic. Further studies are needed to clarify these relations. Additionally, our trial was powered to detect a 50% reduction in pre-eclampsia and was thus not designed to detect smaller differences in risk reduction between L-arginine plus antioxidant vitamins and antioxidant vitamins alone. We did not find concerning side effects during the supplementation of bars. However, caution is needed in women with peptic ulcer disease, as administration of L-arginine may worsen their symptoms. The protective effect for pre-eclampsia may be greatest if L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins are supplemented before 24 weeks of gestation. Although our study design did not allow a rigorous test of time of supplementation and outcome, the above noted trend should be considered in the design of future clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of L-arginine supplementation. Study in context of previous studies Previous attempts to use L-arginine during pregnancy were designed to modify the course of established disease, using the amino acid as a hypotensive agent.43 Staff et al showed no effect of L-arginine on clinical course when used in women with pre-eclampsia beyond 28 weeks of gestation.44 This is in concert with our findings, in which women who started treatment beyond 24 weeks of gestation did not seem to benefit from treatment. Another clinical trial showed no benefits of arginine supplementation once the disease was established.45 However, preliminary evidence indicates that supplementing L-arginine during pregnancy may reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia. Germain et al disclosed some initial findings in women at high risk of pre-eclampsia who received L-arginine from week 10 of gestation.46 A small clinical trial of L-arginine supplementation in women with chronic hypertension that showed some maternal benefit was published after we submitted our work for publication, supporting the potential benefits of this intervention.47 Our observations are consistent with the notion that availability of the substrate for nitric oxide synthesis (L-arginine) prolongs the latency to development of pre-eclampsia in a high risk population of women taking the amino acid supplement in the presence of antioxidant vitamins in a medical food. This relatively simple and low cost intervention may have value in reducing the risk of pre-eclampsia and associated preterm birth. What is already known on this topic Pre-eclampsia has been shown to be associated with defective vasodilatation Defective synthesis of nitric oxide, a key vasodilator, has been documented in pre-eclampsia Experimental data in animals and humans indicate that supplementation with L-arginine, the substrate for nitric oxide synthase, has a beneficial effect on arterial pressure What this study adds In a population of women at high risk of pre-eclampsia, dietary supplementation with L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins reduced occurrence of the disease Supplementation with antioxidant vitamins alone did not reduce occurrence of pre-eclampsia, consistent with previous studies Further study is needed to determine whether these results can be replicated and to identify whether they are due to L-arginine alone or the combination of L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins Cite this as: BMJ 2011;342:d2901 We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance and contributions of Felipe Peraza (UAS), Ricardo Adame, Margie Balas, Jorge Beltran Montoya, Gerardo Buendia, Esther Casanueva, Rosenia Furusho, Rocío Gallardo, Antonia Hernandez, Jose Antonio Hernandez, Flor Paredes, Landy Rivera, Sarahi Roldan, and Marcela Serrano (INPerIER). We also thank Adriana Dabaghi, Diana Gutierrez, Gabriela Robles-Gil, Valeria Ortiz, Esther Schiffman, and Araceli Suverza (Universidad Iberoamericana Santa Fe). Contributors: FV-O obtained funding, acted as study coordinator, and co-wrote the manuscript. OP-P coordinated clinical nutrition follow-up. SE and MG participated in prenatal follow-up and data analysis. MAA-V participated in data analysis and interpretation. II was responsible for laboratory techniques. RA supervised clinical activities. SP was involved in study design. GM was involved in study design and co-wrote the manuscript. JFS was involved in study design, obtained funding, and co-wrote the manuscript. FV-O is the guarantor. Funding: Funding was provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, National Institutes of Health (P60MD002256, UL1RR031990), and Fondo de Salud, CONACyT (MO-303).The funding agencies had no involvement in any phase of this study, including design; collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; and writing and publication of the manuscript. Competing interests: All authors have completed the Unified Competing Interest form at www.icmje.org/coi_disclosure.pdf (available on request from the corresponding author) and declare: funding for the study from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and CONACyT; no relationships with any companies that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years; and no non-financial interests that may be relevant to the submitted work. Ethical approval: The project was approved by the local institutional review board (IRB authorisation number 212250-02071). All participants gave informed consent. Data sharing: The original study protocol, the dataset used for the analysis, and the computer code used to produce the results are available from the corresponding author. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial License, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non commercial and is otherwise in compliance with the license. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/ and http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/legalcode.
Thursday, June 26, 2008 * R. V. Jones gives an account of the attempt during the 1930s by the self-made millionaire Lord Nuffield to found an Oxford Colege devoted to engineering. 'According to what I heard at the time this prospect alarmed the strong humanist element in Oxford, headed by the Vice-Chancellor, Lord Lindsay, who sought to palliate the engineering onslaught by persuading Nuffield to broaden his objective. There would be less opposition to the foundation of a new colelge, he said, if Nuffield could disguise his intentions by replacing spcific mention of engeering by some more subtle wording. Engineering was a science, but it made a more direct impact on society, and so it might be fairly described as "social science". Therefore if Lord Nuffield would specify social science as the primary interest, there would be much less opposition to its creation. It was only after the college had been founded and staffed not with engineers but social scientists that Lord Nuffield realised he had been outwitted. rereading T. W. Körner, The Pleasures of Counting, which has been in storage for some time. Körner describes the book as 'meant, first of all, for able school children of 14 and over and first year undergraduates who are interested in mathematics and would like to learn something of what it looks like at a higher level.' He adds, 'Listening to a mathematician talking to mathematicians about things that interest mathematicians may well be more enlightening than listening to mathematicians speaking to non-mathematicians about things that they hope may be interesting to non-mathematicians.' I had taken the book to Yorckschlößchen, where I ordered pommes (pr. pom-mess) and a beer. Sparrows flew down to the table and hopped cautiously at the other side of the plate. I tossed one a chip. It flew off, bearing the chip in its beak. I tossed a chip to another sparrow, which flew off, chip in beak. Soon the Biergarten was full of sparrows flying through the air carrying chips, pursued by other sparrows which had not yet managed to get a chip. I was reading the book for a piece the LRB may take on information design and James Wood's piece on hysterical realism. Körner went on: The methods Tizard had used to discover how radar could be used came to be called 'oeprational research'. Those who used the phrase found it hard to define what exactly it meant and to explain what was new about it. Certainly it involved the application of science not merely to the invention of weapons, but to the choice of tactics in their use. However, it also required the kind of collaboration between scientista dn military typified by the radar 'Sunday Soviets' in which senior scientists, Staff Officers, junior research workers and serving officers 'straight from the heat of battle' met informally and where anyone could say anything to anyone. Whatever 'operational research' meant precisely, it was something that could be copied, and the idea of operational research spread through the British and then the American armed services. Nothing comparable occurred in Germany.... In January 1943, the Germans shot down a British bomber carrying a new radar. Examination showed it to operate at an incredible ten centimetre wavelength. Göring commented bleakly, 'I expected them to be advanced, but frankly I never thought they would get so far ahead. I did hope we could at least be in the same race.' The German military had not asked for such a radar and, since the proper role for German science was to supply what the military asked for, it had not produced such a radar. Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Rick Brennan of Ricoblog interviewed on biblioblogs.com. Hard not to love. (I discovered RB doing a search for J D Denniston, whose Greek Particles I'd been reading; RB has a great post on JDD.) an interactive visualization dashboard of recent statistics from MotoGP, the premier motorcycle road racing championship. the project explores different means of viewing to provide a novel way to understand the championship, individual races & the interrelationships between riders, manufacturers, tires & teams. users can drill down into each race to explore different visualization of lap graphs, gap differences by lap, lap times & average speeds. these details can then be cross-referenced by tire, manufacturer & lap time data.from Infosthetics, who got it from Minglebee Saturday, June 21, 2008 Whatever the sentence may be able to mean, anyway, it is as an assertion of doughnuthood that it is remembered, loved and recycled by local advertising agencies, a source of comfort to the linguistically-challenged Berlinerin. Tuesday, June 17, 2008 & many many more. Was going through a box when I came across yet another laptop, a Toshiba Satellite 110CS. A laptop with Windows 95 as its operating system and WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows. On the hard drive an early version of a book called The Seventh Samurai dating back to 1997. I open up Eudora and see an e-mail from Kristin Powers dated 17/01/2000: Kristin was the production manager at Talk Miramax Books. She was replying to an e-mail from me about marking up the copy-editor's mark-up: if I disagreed with a change that had been made throughout, I asked, could I simply state that the change should be globally ignored or must it be manually reversed every time? (I reminded her that my contract gave me the last word.) Kristin's reply, which you probably can't read, was that in the case of systematic changes it was enough to state once that the change should not be made. As I've said in an earlier post, through a series of unfortunate misunderstandings the copy-editor ended up rejecting the author's rejections of the majority of her improvements to the book, with the result that a great of deal of time was lost that should have been spent finishing other books. So the world is furnished with different objects from those of a world in which the production manager and copy-editor take the contract seriously. This world contains a mark-up of The Seventh Samurai encrusted with white-out, a laptop with correspondence about copy-editing, print-outs and disks with books that never progressed past the point they had reached when an offer of publication for The Seventh Samurai was made in August 1999. There are possible worlds that do not include the mark-up encrusted with white-out or the correspondence, and do include published books incorporating portions of what had been written by August 1999. The reason Kristin's e-mail comes up on the screen of the laptop is that I called it up later to check what it said, its assurance that global changes would be incorporated, upon receiving the ms with its erasures. KP's e-mail might genuinely have been what it appeared to be: an undertaking that the author's mark-up would be respected and sent to the printer. The author would then have retained access to as well as possession of the personal library which had helped to form The Seventh Samurai, and would have been better placed to write successors to the book. It's demoralising, of course, to struggle with the caprices of the industry for 8 years, only to regain access to the Oxford Latin Dictionary, Greek-English Lexicon, Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar, Wright's Arabic Grammar, collection of Oxford Classical Texts and so on which were readily available when one worked as a secretary and could not find a publisher. It's demoralising, of course, to have squandered so much time and energy on petty struggles, when there are so many serious problems with the world. Sunday, June 15, 2008 I had a rough idea of what we'd be talking about. I knew a number of refugees who'd come to the UK in the past. And I knew something about the UK's current asylum system, from newspapers, from TV and from the radio. In particular I knew that it was neither generous nor efficient. But I'd never met anyone on the receiving end. Now I have. And nothing has made me this angry in a long time. We bellyache about the abuse of human rights overseas. But there are thousands of people living here, right now, in one of the richest countries in the world, forced to live in poverty. They are denied basic rights and services which the rest of us take for granted. And this is not an accident. This is government policy. And we should be ashamed of it. Mark Haddon talks to asylum seekers in the UK, in today's Observer Sunday, June 8, 2008 Saturday, June 7, 2008 But this is not to say that there is no real novelty in the AI process. There is. Pop Idol debuted less than three months after the MPAA awoke with a start from the industrial nightmare that was Napster, and confronted the new day that dream presaged. The Idol franchise should be understood in no other way than as a specific solution to a historical problem: how to re-monetize pop music in the face of a certain decline sales of both in hardware (CDs, players) and software (songs as such). Idol is perhaps the most successful — and clearest — response to this economic crisis. Whether or not anyone buys the David products Cook or Archuleta, the revenue is shifted to advertising, and to service providers for downloads, online views, and cell phone usage. Which is to say that the reputed "democracy" of the Idol process is nothing other than the industry's monetizing of participation in its own marketing plan. Jane Dark on American Idol Friday, June 6, 2008 That said, McCarthy sometimes seems not to see his hand in front of his face. He says: TM: I mean, in the current climate in the UK, publishing is a very, very conservative field. Editorial decisions are taken by marketing boards. There isn’t really much room for something that isn’t middle-of-the-road. On the other hand, in the art world—you can’t help noticing if you mix, as I do, with one foot or one toe in the publishing world and nine toes in the art world—it’s the artists who are extremely literate. In the current climate, art has become the place where literary ideas are received, debated, and creatively transformed. You mentioned Robbe-Grillet—I know several artists that are doing works based on his novels. Most artists I know have read Beckett, have read Burroughs, have read Faulkner. For example, one of the real structural understandings of great literature, from Greek tragedy to Beckett and Faulkner, is that it’s an event. It’s not something that you can contain and narrate, but it’s like this seismic set of ripples that goes on through time, backward and forward. Contemporary novelists don’t really understand that, but contemporary artists do. Now honestly. If you think editorial decisions are taken by marketing boards, and that marketing boards prefer middle-of-the-road fiction, this amounts to saying that the sample on which you base your assessment of contemporary novelists is based on what marketing boards were willing to publish. You can safely say that certain contemporary novelists were able to write fiction that could get past a marketing board. Unless you have done an enormous amount of research, you have no way of knowing whether A) some of the writers who got work published ALSO wrote books they could not get past the marketing board, B) some of the writers who got work published ALSO wrote books their agent didn't bother to try to get past the marketing board, C) some of the writers who got work published WANTED to write other books they knew they couldn't get past the marketing board, or, of course, D) writers who haven't managed to get ANYTHING published have written the sort of fiction he considers interesting but couldn't get an agent or couldn't get it past the marketing board. I can't help but think that someone who had done substantial background research, and who had ascertained, on the basis of this research, that the middle-of-the-road fiction being published was NOT an unrepresentative sample of what was being written, would have, um, said so. Ilya Gridneff got a job in London covering the Coroners' Court. He later got assignments covering Britney Spears and Angelina Jolie. John Pilger is one of his heroes; while travelling round the Middle East he wrote Pilgeresque pieces which he sent to various London papers and could not get published. He reads Bataille, Burroughs, Miller; he hasn't found a publisher for his novel, either. It would be silly to draw any conclusions from his portfolio except the unsurprising one that it is often necessary to eat. (Still a very interesting interview.) Wednesday, June 4, 2008 This is not exactly true. A college professor introduced me to Sorrentino's work when I was a sophomore. I was always looking for avant-garde fiction. I liked fiction that was formally interesting. I didn't want Richard Ford stories, middle age men going through divorce, amorphous stories about boring middle class life, etc. I didn't want clogged, embarrassing, senseless Updikean prose, with his "newsletters and quarterlies that pour through a minister's letter slot like urine from a cow's vulva." I wanted a sophisticated novelist for once. An intelligent novelist. Sorrentino's right up your alley, my prof says. I read Aberration of Starlight, Red the Fiend, The Imaginative Quality of Actual Things, Mulligan Stew, and Blue Pastoral over Christmas break. Mithridates, who is, like Sorrentino, from Bay Ridge, speaks of a writer visiting GS in Bay Ridge and goes on (I am dropping the italics to preserve the italics of the original) But the moving thing had to do with his being from Bay Ridge. I thought native son? How did I not pick up on this until now? How did I not know he was from Bay Ridge? The heartbreaking thing isn't what this writer says about Bay Ridge, but simply that Sorrentino was from Bay Ridge at all. Because Bay Ridge is my hometown. I used to bowl at Leemark Lanes (which became Mark Lanes and then went out of business). I eat regularly at Bridgeview - natives drop the Diner - most recently with George. I went to high school there, lived there for twenty-three years. (Not the diner, although, OK, sure: I went to high school at Bridgeview Diner and lived there for twenty-three years.) I wondered what it was about being from Bay Ridge that makes Sorrentino's artistic needs so similar to my own: In his 1983 literary credo "Genetic Coding," Sorrentino states, "my own artistic necessities . . . are: an obsessive concern with formal structure, a dislike of the replication of experience, a love of digression and embroidery, a great pleasure in false or ambiguous information, a desire to invent problems that only the invention of new forms can solve, and a joy in making mountains out of molehills." Elsewhere he refers to "the joyous heresy that will not go away . . . that heresy [that] simply states: form determines content." Was it the faux marble and silver mirrors that gave me the same artistic needs as Sorrentino? [the whole post here]
64 These seven caves, seven cities, etc., etc., stand in every case for the seven centres, or zones, upon which the seven primitive groups of the first Root-Race were born. 65 The engraving is reproduced in the Sacred Mysteries of the Mayas and the Quiches on p. 134. 66 See Source of Measures, p. 50-53. 67 See Isis Unveiled, II. pp. 300 et seq., for a proof of the antiquity of the decimal system of figures. 68 See Masonic Review, Cincinnati, June, 1886, Art. "The Cabbalah.—No. VI," p. xo. 69 Ibid., loc. cit. 70 Ibid., p. 11. 71 See Source of Measures, pp. 276, et seq., App. VII. 72 Art., Masonic Review, pp. 11, 12. 73 In the Book Al-Chazari, by Jehuda-ha-Levi, translated by Dr. D. Cassel. 74 Art. cited, pp. 12, 13. 75 ibid., p. 117 et seq. 76 Art. cited, p. 2. 77 Ibid., p. 14. 78 The appellation Ak-ad (or Akkadians) is of the same class as Ad-m, Ha-va (Eve) Æd-en (Eden); Ak-Ad meaning "Son of Ad," like the sons of Ad in Ancient Arabia. Ad-ad, the "only one" and the "first," was the Ad-on or "Lord" of Syria and consort of Ad-ar-gat or Aster't, the Syrian Goddess. And Gan-Æden (Eden) or Gandunia was Babylonia and Mesopotamia. In Assyrian Ak meant Creator, the letter k being pronounced kh (ah) gutturally. According to Swedenborg's mysticism Adam was not a man but a church (?) of primitive light. In the Vedas, Ad-iti is the primitive light, the Âkâsha of the phenomenal world. 79 Adam-Jehovah, Brahmâ and Mars are, in one sense, identical; they are all symbols for primitive or initial generative powers for the purposes of human procreation. Adam is red, and so also are Brahmâ-Virâj and Mars—God and Planet. Water is the "blood" of the Earth; therefore, all these names are connected with Earth and Water. "It takes earth and water to create a human soul," says Moses. Mars is identical with Kârttikeya, God of War (in one sense)—which God is born of the Sweat of Shiva, Shiva-gharmâja and the Earth. In the Mahâbhârata he is shown as born without the intervention of a woman. And he is also called Lohita, the Red, like Adam, and the other "first men." Hence, the author of The Source of Measures is quite right in thinking that Mars (and all the other Gods of like attributes), "being the god of war and of bloodshed, was but a secondary idea flowing out of the primary one of shedding of blood in conception for the first time." Hence Jehovah became later a fighting God, "Lord of Hosts," and one who commands war. He is the aggressive Zodh—or Cain, by permutation, who slew his (female) brother, whose "blood crieth from the ground," the Earth having opened her month to receive the blood. (Genesis iii.) 80 Apollo Karneios is certainly a Greek transformation from the Hindu Krishna-Karna. Karna means radiant, and Karneios, which was a title of Apollo with the Celts as with the Greeks, meant "Sun-born." 83 Budha, Mercury. 84 The Moon. 85 Ushanas-Shukra, or Veuus, is our Lucifer, the Morning-Star, of course. The ingenuity of this allegory in its manifold meanings is great indeed. Thus Brihaspati (the Planet Jupiter), or Brahmanaspati, is, in the Rig Veda, a deity who is the symbol and the prototype of the exoteric or ritualistic worship. He is priest, sacrificer, suppliant, and the medium through which the prayers of mortals reach the Gods. He is the Purohita (Family Priest, or Court Chaplain) of the Hindu Olympus and the spiritual Guru of the Gods. Soma is the Mystery God and presides over the mystic and Occult nature in man and the Universe. Târâ, the priest's wife, who symbolizes the worshipper, prefers Esoteric truths to their mere shell, exotericism; hence she is shown as carried off by Soma. Now Soma is the sacred juice of that name, giving mystic visions and trance revelations, the result of which union, is Budha (Wisdom), Mercury, Hermes, etc.; that Science in short which to this day is proclaimed by the Brihaspatis of Theology as Devilish and Satanic. What wonder that by expanding the cycle of this allegory we find Christian Theology espousing the quarrel of the Hindu Gods, and regarding Ushanas (Lucifer), who helped Soma against that ancient personification of ritualistic worship (Brahmanaspati, the Lord of the Brâhmans, now become Jupiter-Jehovah) as Satan, the "Enemy of God"! 86 As shown elsewhere, it is only the Heavenly Man, Adam-Kadmon, of the first chapter of Genesis, who is made "in the image and likeness of God." Adam of the second chapter is not said to be made in that image nor in the divine likeness, before he ate of the forbidden fruit. The former Adam is the Sephirothal Host; the second Adam is the mindless First human Root-Race; the third Adam is the Race that separated, whose eyes are opened. 87 The Earth. 88 Achyuta is an almost untranslatable term. It means that which is not subject to fall or change for the worse: the Unfailing; and it is the reverse of Chyuta, the Fallen. The Dhyânîs who incarnate in the human forms of the Third Root-Race and endow them with intellect (Manas) are called "the Chyuta, for they fall into generation. 89 This is perhaps the reason why, in the Bhagavad Gîtâ, we are told that Brahmâ had communicated to Nârada in the beginning that all men whatsoever, even Mlechchhas, outcasts and barbarians, might know the true nature of Vasudeva and learn to have faith in that Deity. 90 See Asiatic Researches, I. 265. 91 Book of God, 60. 92 Shesha, who is also Ananta, the infinite, and the "Cycle of Eternity" in Esotericism, is credited with having given his astronomical knowledge to Garga, the oldest astronomer of India, who propitiated him, and forthwith knew all about the Planets and how to read omens. 93 See The History of Indian Literature, p. 253, by Prof. A. Weber; in Trübner's Oriental Series. 94 Even the Mâyâ Indians of Guatemala had their Zodiac from untold antiquity. And "primitive man acted in the same manner independently of time or locality in every age," observes a French-writer. 95 Ibid., p. 2. 96 The Tirukkanda Panchanga, for the Kali Yuga 4986, by Chintamany Raghanaracharya, son of the famous Government astronomer of Madras, and Tartakamala Venkata Krishna Rao. 97 Of years, 300 million years, or Three Occult Ages. The Rig Veda has the same division. In the "Physician's Hymn," (X 97 1) it is said that "the plants came into being Three Ages (Triyugam) before the gods" on our Earth. (See "Chronology of the Brâhmans" at the end of the Stanza.) 101 Sarîsripa, svapada. 102 The Earth. 103 These two must not be confused with the Seven Creations or Divisions in each Kalpa. The Primary and Secondary Creations are here meant. 104 In Bereschith Rabba, Parscha IX. 106 See HibbertLectures, 1887, Sayce, p. 390. 107 Whence the identity of the ideas? The Chinese have the same traditions. According to the commentator Kwoh P'oh, in the work called Shan-Hai-King, "Wonders by Sea and Land," a work which was written by the historiographer Chung Ku from engravings on nine urns made by the Emperor Yü (B.C. 2255), an interview is mentioned with men having two distinct faces on their heads, before and behind, monsters with bodies of goats and human faces, etc. Gould, in his Mythical Monsters (p. 27), giving the names of some authors on Natural History, mentions Shan-Hai-King. "According to the commentator Kwoh P'oh (A.D. 276-324) this work was compiled three thousand years before his time, or at seven dynasties' distance. Yang Sun of the Ming Dynasty (commencing A.D. 1368) states that it was compiled by Kung Chia and Chung Ku (?)"—as stated above. "Chung Ku . . . at the time of the last emperor of the Hia dynasty (B.C. 1818), fearing that the emperor might destroy the books treating of the ancient time, carried them in his flight to Yin." 108 Cory's Ancient Fragments, original edition, p. 25. 109 Qabbalah, p. 246. 110 From the mineral, vegetable, and animal remains. 113 Gods and Planetary Spirits, especially the Ribhus. "The three Ribhus" who also become "thrice seven" in number of their gifts. 114 Remember the "winged races" of Plato, and the Popol-Vuh accounts of the first human race, which could walk, fly, and see objects, however distant. 115 See Mythical Monsters, by Charles Gould. 116 In the first volume of the lately published Introduction àI'ÉtudedesRacesHumaines, by M. de Quatrefages, there is proof that since the Post-Tertiary Period and even before that time—since many Races were already scattered during that Age on the face of the Earth—man has not altered one iota in his physical structure. And if man was surrounded for ages by a fauna that altered from one period or cycle to another, which died out, which was reborn in other forms—so that now there does not exist one single animal on Earth, large or small, contemporary with tile man of that period—if, then, every animal has been transformed save man himself, this fact goes to prove not only his antiquity, but that he is a distinct Kingdom. Why should he alone have escaped transformation? Because, says de Quatrefages, the weapon used by him, in his struggle with Nature, and the ever-changing geological conditions and elements, was "his psychicforce, not his physical strength or body," as in the case of animals. Give man only that dose of intelligence and reason with which other mammalia are endowed, and with his present bodily organization he will show himself the most helpless of creatures of Earth. And as everything goes to prove that the human organism with all its characteristics, peculiarities and idiosyncrasies existed already on our Globe in those far distant geological periods when there was not yet one single specimen of the now-existing forms of mammalia, what is the unavoidable conclusion? Why this: Since all the human races are of one and the same species, it follows that this species is the most ancient of all the now-living mammalia. Therefore it is the most stable and persevering of all, and was already as fully developed as it is now when all the other mammalia now known had not made even their first approach to appearance on this Earth. Such is the opinion of the great French Naturalist, who gives thereby a terrible blow to Darwinism. 117 They said. 118 The Monads of the "presentments" of men of the Third Round, the huge ape-like forms. 119 The Waters. 120 In the Esoteric System the seven "principles" in man are represented by seven letters. The first two are more sacred than the four letters of the Tetragrammaton. 121 The Intermediate Spheres, wherein the Monads, which have not reached Nirvâna, are said to slumber in unconscious inactivity between the Manvantaras. 122 Explained elsewhere. The Three Fires, Pâvaka, Pavamâna, and Shuchi, who had forty-five Sons, who, with their three Fathers, and their Father Agni, constitute the forty-nine Fires. Pavamâna, Fire produced by friction, is the parent of the "Fire of the Asuras"; Shuchi, Solar Fire, is the parent of the "Fire of the Gods"; and Pâvaka, Electric Fire, is the Father of the "Fire of the Pitris." (See Vâyu Purâna.) But this is an explanation on the material and terrestrial plane. The Flames are evanescent and only periodical; the Fires—eternal in their triple unity. They correspond to the four lower, and the three higher human "principles." 123 The Suras, who become later the A-Suras. 124 Âtmâ, Buddhi and Manas. In Devachan the higher element of the Manas is needed to make it a state of perception and consciousness for the disembodied Monad. 125 Catechism, Book iii. Sec. 9. 126 See Vishnu Parana, Book I. Ch. V., closing Shloka. Fitzedward Hall's rendering of the text, in Wilson's Translation, i. 88. Also Mânava-Dhârma Shâstra, i. 30. 127 This has in Esotericism a direct bearing upon the seven "principles" of the manifested Brahmâ, or Universe, in the same order as in man. Exoterically, it is only four "principles." 128 Wilson's Translation, i. 81. 129 Demons is a very loose word to use, as it applies to a great number of inferior—i.e., more material—Spirits, or minor Gods, who are so termed because they "war" with the higher ones; but they are no devils. 130 The same order of principles in man: Âtmâ (Spirit), Buddhi (Soul), its vehicle, as Matter is the Vâhan of Spirit, and Manas (Mind), the third, or the fifth microcosmically. On the plane of personality, Manas is the first. 131 Thus, says the Commentary, the saying, "by day the Gods are most powerful, and by night the Demons," is purely allegorical. 132 This "thinking of oneself" as this, that, or the other, is the chief factor in the production of every kind of psychic or even physical phenomena. The words "whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea, and shall not doubt . . . . that thing will come to pass," are no vain words. Only the word "faith" ought to be translated by "Will." Faith without Will is like a wind-mill without wind—barren of results. 133 The same idea is found in the first four chapters of Genesis, with their "Lord" and "God," which are the Elohim and the Androgynous Eloha. 134 P. 398. 135 P. 107. 137 Also Spirits. 138 vi. 2-6. 139 But see the difficulties suggested later, in the works of various Geologists, against this theory. Compare Sir R. S. Ball's articles in Nature, xxv, 79-82, 103-107, Nov. 24 and Dec. 1, 1881. 140 The Rûpas. 141 The Goddess who gave birth to these primordial monsters, in the account of Berosus, was Thalatth, in Greek Thalassa, the "Sea." 142 See, for comparison, the account of creation by Berosus, as preserved in Alexander Polyhistor, and the hideous beings born from the two-fold principle—Earth and Water—in the abyss of Primordial Creation: Narâs (Centaurs, men with the limbs of horses and human bodies), and Kinnaras (men with the heads of horses) created by Brahmâ in the commencement of the Kalpa. 143 For a similar admission see Prof. Lefèvre'sPhilosophy, 481. 144 xii. 10,308. 145 The Esoteric Doctrine says that this "Cosmic Evolution" refers only to our Solar System; while exoteric Hinduism makes the figures refer, if we do not mistake, to the whole Universal System. 146 Another point of disagreement. Occultism says that the astral prototypes of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms up to man have taken that time (300 million years) to evolve, reforming out of the cast-off materials of the preceding Round, which, though very dense and physical in their own cycle, are relatively ethereal as compared with the materiality of our present middle Round. At the expiration of these 300 million years, Nature, on the way to the physical and material, down the arc of descent, begins with mankind and works downwards, hardening or materializing forms as it proceeds. Thus the fossils found in strata, to which an antiquity, not of eighteen, but of many hundreds of millions of years, must be ascribed, belong in reality to forms of the preceding Round, which, while living, were far more ethereal than physical, as we know the physical. That we perceive and disinter them as tangible forms, is due to the process of materialization or crystallization referred to, which took place subsequently, at the beginning of the Fourth Round, and reached its maximum after the appearance of man, proceeding parallel with his physical evolution. This alone illustrates the fact that the degree of materiality of the Earth changes pari passu with that of its inhabitants. And thus man now finds, as tangible fossils, what were once the (to his present senses) ethereal forms of the lower kingdoms. The above Brâhmanical figures refer to evolution beginning on Globe A, and in the First Round. In this Volume we speak only of tins, the Fourth Round. 147 This difference and the change of cyphers in the last three triplets of figures, the writer cannot undertake to account for. According to every calculation, once the three hundred millions are subtracted, the figures ought to stand, 1,655,884,687. But they are given as stated in the Tamil calendar above-named and as they were translated. The school of the late Pandit Dayânand Sarasvatî, founder of the Ârya Samâj, gives a date of 1,960,852,987. See the ÂryaMagazine of Lahore, the cover of which bears the words: "Aryan era 1,960,852,987." 148 Vaivasvata Manu is the one Human Being—some versions add to him the seven Rishis—who in the Matsya Avatâra allegory is saved from the Deluge in a boat, like Noah in the Ark. Therefore, this Vaivasvata Manvantara would be the "post-diluvian" period. This, however, does not refer to the later "Atlantean" or Noah's Deluge, nor to the Cosmic "Deluge" or Pralaya of obscuration, which preceded our Round, but to the appearance of mankind in the latter Round. There is a great difference made, however, between the Naimitika, Occasional or Incidental, Prakritika, Elemental, Atyantika, the Absolute, and Nitya, the Perpetual Pralaya; the latter being described as "Brahmâ's contingent recoalescence of the Universe at the end of Brahmâ's Day." The question was raised by a learned Brâhman Theosophist: "Whether there is such a thing as Cosmic Pralaya; because, otherwise, the Logos (Krishna) would have to be reborn, and he is Aja (unborn)." We cannot see why. The Logos is said to be born only metaphorically, as the Sun is born daily, or rather a beam of that Sun is born in the morning and is said to die when it disappears, whereas it is simply reabsorbed into the parent essence. Cosmic Pralaya is for things visible, not for the Arûpa, Formless, World. The Cosmic or Universal Pralaya comes only at the end of one hundred Years of Brahmâ, when the Universal Dissolution is said to take place. Then the Avyaya, say the exoteric Scriptures, the Eternal Life symbolized by Vishnu, assuming the character of Rudra, the Destroyer, enters into the Seven Rays of the Sun and drinks up all the waters of the Universe. "Thus fed, the seven Solar Rays dilate to seven suns and set fire to the whole Cosmos." 149 Since a Mahâ Yuga is the i.oooth part of a Day of Brahmâ. 150 Op. cit., Art. "Geology." 151 Ibid. This allows a chance even to the Biblical "Adam Chronology" of 6,000 years. 152 ModernScienceandModernThought, 48. 153 To the Silurian period as regards molluscs and animal life—granted; but what do they know of man? 154 Ibid., loc. cit. 155 Ibid., 49. 156 Winchell, World-Life, 180. 157 Op.cit., 49. 158 Wilson's Vishnu Purâna, i. 51. 159 i. 32. 160 The atmosphere, or the air, the firmament. 161 Harivamsha, i. 36. 162 Genesis, i. 6-9. 164 They were told. 165 i.e., the Jîvas or Monads. 166 Mother Earth or Nature. 167 For external bodies. 168 According to the wonderful chronology of Bentley, who wrote in days when Biblical chronology was still undisputed; and also according to that of those modern Orientalists who dwarf the Hindu dates as far as they can. 169 Now Shrî is the daughter of Bhrigu, one of the Prajâpatis and Rishis, the chief of the Bhrigus, the "Consumers," the Aerial Class of Gods. She is Lakshmî, the wife of Vishnu, and she is Gaurî, the "bride of Shiva," and she is Sarasvatî, the "watery," the wife of Brahmâ, because the three Gods and Goddesses are one, under three aspects. Read the explanation by Parâshara, in VishnuPurâna (I. viii., Wilson's Trans., i. 119), and you will understand. "The lord of Shrî is the moon," he says, and "Shrî is the wife of Nârâyana, the God of Gods"; Shrî or Lakshmî (Venus) is Indrânî, as she is Sarasvatî, for in the words of Parâshara: "Hari [or Îshvara, the "Lord"] is all that is called male [in the Universe]; Lakshmî is all that is termed female. There is nothing else than they." Hence she is female, and "God" is male Nature.
Penguin sent me this book unsolicited, perhaps because my blog speaks so frequently of Victorian literature, murder, women, and disaster stories that it seemed a safe bet I would like it. And I did. I thought at first that Jane Steele was just a Pride and Prejudice and Zombies approach to Jane Eyre, but where Jane is a murderer. It is SORT of like that, except Jane Eyre is mostly just referenced frequently throughout it as the heroine's favorite book, so her life is more inspired by it than it being a take-off of the direct text. Inspired by it indeed! Jane Steele's life parallels the other Jane's in most ways, including her disgusting cousin at the beginning, her time in a loathsome school, and her work as governess for a mysterious man's ward. It reminded more of Christopher Moore's Lamb than anything else, as much like Lamb and its "differenty" take on Jesus's life, Jane Steele's story mirrors Jane Eyre's, except for some very interesting additional episodes. One of the things I enjoy the most about modern Victorian era novels is they can talk about sex and death and the realities of life without the weird veneer that authors like Dickens had to put on them. You feel like you get something of a more accurate picture of what life was like, because much like the Hays Code in American movies in the '40s, not talking about those things didn't make them not happen. Jane Steele's a book I pretty much barreled through, so if you like Victorian novels and some murdering and also a pretty large amount of info about the Sikh religion, then go for this. The only thing I wanted, to be honest, was probably to make Jane even more of a sociopath. And while I appreciate LGBT representation (I DO), stuff that's been going on in the community as of late makes me extra-touchy not only about lesbians getting an unhappy ending, but also being used to further a heterosexual love story. Which for sure happens here. It's just a moment, but it needs to be commented on, because c'mon, authors. We're worth more than that. Stop it.
“Among the likes of Jimmy Stewart, Henry Fonda, and Ronald Reagan,” Dave Hickey writes, “[Robert Mitchum] was like a switchblade on a plate of cupcakes.” In Perfect Wave: More Essays on Art and Democracy, Hickey describes Mitchum as “a loser with a winner’s heart”, living by a code that allowed him to float, for example, above the notoriety of a 1948 marijuana bust. For Hickey that code includes “know yourself, privilege veracity over virtue, and behave with absolute plausibility.” In the late ’50s, the teenaged Hickey embraced a variation of this code, imagining that if he were to date “only women who thought Robert Mitchum was cool, I would be okay.” Conclusion? “As long as I did, I was, and still am.” That’s not all Hickey gleans from Mitchum. The only guy cool enough to get namechecked by The Velvet Underground and The Clash also provides Hickey with a theory of movie acting. In a talk-show conversation on the difference between stage and movie acting, Mitchum explains the importance of setting, props, and pacing. “‘You steal the reality of the props and control the pace of the pictures … If you have the tempo and people believe you in the setting, they’ll believe whatever you say, however you say it, if they hear it.'” Hickey’s summation is Mitchum-esque in its brevity and reflexive impropriety: “Touch the world. Set the pace. F*ck the text.” Hickey regards these maxims as a “pretty good theory”, which can be remixed to capture his own theory on writing criticism: “F*ck dogma. Set the pace. Touch the world.” Hickey is former executive editor of Art in America, and the author of four books, including Air Guitar: Essay on Art and Democracy (1997). He remains one of the finest American cultural critics, for he opens his own pleasures to appreciative scrutiny and collective relish. Like Mitchum’s casual regard for the script—”‘you have to say these lines, but that’s purely secondary'”—Hickey understands the contingencies of our perspectives and he skewers dogma with merciless joy. He’s also decidedly omnivorous, and here casts his keen and compassionate eye upon subjects ranging from the formalism of Norman Rockwell to the transgressive quality of pink footwear in contemporary Tehran. Hickey’s prose rumbles with the phrasing of a jazz virtuoso, but takes its political cues from rock ‘n’ roll. In “Wonderful Shoes”, Hickey regards rock ‘n’ roll musicians as “free because they are damned.” “Unlike the world of art and literature, nobody gets their feelings hurt and nobody talks about their mother … Nobody asks you where you went to school, because you probably didn’t. Everybody knows, as Kris Kristofferson observed, it takes more brains to get out of Kentucky than it does to get out of Connecticut, and that’s a comfort.” (p. 33) Hickey adores the “comic delicacy” of rock ‘n’ roll: the band is the centrifuge, beating drums and wires against the music’s centripetal forces, trying desperately “to play this very simple song … just this once, in tune and on the beat” (Air Guitar, p. 101). Hickey, too, finds little resonance with the Manhattan-centric dogma of post-bop jazz as “the politics of struggle and the aesthetics of self-expression.” Instead, he prefers “the drive, tone, and muscularity of the group endeavor” by the Gerry Mulligan Quartet (and others), which secured little more than derision from critics determined “to intellectualize raw expression”. In Hickey’s formulation, what is raw is hot. What is cooked is cool. Art and democracy are better served by cool cats, not hotheads. For Hickey, cool and freedom reign. He opts for the sunshine of the desert over the canyons of Manhattan and casts his lot with commodity-flush Edens over rule-bound utopias. “Our Edens reside in a world that we can touch, that sings in our ears and shines before our eyes—the only world that we can inhabit while living in our bodies with all our senses intact … we make ourselves from the outside in, that we strive, as best we can, to be worthy of our wonderful shoes.” (p. 39) Like art, wonderful shoes are a “necessary accoutrement of urban life, a democratic social field of sublimated anxiety, adventure, violence, fast dancing, sharp talk, and contentious civility” (p. 41). In 1972, Hickey’s in New York, digging Lou Reed’s Lou Reed and The Rolling Stones’ Exile on Main Street, only to be blown away by a radio encounter with The Carpenters’ “Goodbye to Love”. “And, believe me, the Carpenters were the farthest thing from my kind of thing. But when something that is not your thing blows you away, that’s one of the best things that can happen. It means you are something more and something other than you thought you were.” (p. 24) Believe me, the Carpenters are not my kind of thing either. But when Hickey explains how he apologized to the record-store clerk for buying The Carpenters’ A Song For You, I recognize my younger and more tedious self, and strive anew to be more pluribus than unum. So here I am, listening to “Goodbye to Love”, while I parse Hickey’s meditation on the grandeur of this perfectly pop confection. “Pop songs depend on tiny variations so heavily, in fact, that the difference between the very best and the just mediocre is usually a microsecond or two, three notes, an apt phrase, a single syncopation, or a melismatic voicing by the singer. In a stylistic environment that is this tightly calibrated, Richard Carpenter’s melody is like a Jackson Pollock in a roomful of Mondrians.” (pp. 24-25) In the musical analysis that follows, Hickey issues dares to two types of readers. First, he dares readers who disdain the Carpenters because they love Pollock to imagine “Goodbye to Love” to be as formally brilliant as One: Number 31, 1950, and to be just as worthy of their admiration. These same readers may be tempted to bludgeon Hickey with the (joy-) police baton of Pierre Bourdieu, to j’accuse Hickey’s engagement with realities and fictions to be “bound up with the systems of dispositions (habitus) characteristic of the different classes and class fractions” (Distinction, p. 6). After all, “Taste classifies, and it classifies the classifier.” Hickey’s got range, though, and he’s wise to Marx’s edict on labor as the primary source of value. (Serendipity helps, too.) In turn, he dares a second type of reader, one perhaps unable to distinguish between a Pollock and a Mondrian, to find the time for aesthetic pleasure: “I just knew that Karen Carpenter was singing this sad song that made me happy … I also knew that if I really paid attention to the song, I could figure out why this was so. That’s the great thing about cultural artifacts. They are man-made things about which we can, if we wish, acquire some knowledge.” (p. 24) And the ends are righteous. It’s not art for art’s sake. It’s art for democracy’s sake. Given enough time, then (and is there ever enough time?), Hickey’s Eden is full of contentiously civil, anxious, sharp-talking dancers, finding delight in Rockwell’s debt to Jacques-Louis David, Terry Castle’s liberation of words from “proprietary vocabularies”, and John Ruskin’s notion that “‘the teaching of art … is the teaching of all things.'” On tables crowded with pint glasses and demitasses lie dog-eared copies of Zarah Ghahramani’s My Life As a Traitor, Hampton Hawes and Don Asher’s Raise Up Off Me, Susan Sontag’s Against Interpretation, Castle’s The Professor, Michelangelo Antonioni and Carlo di Carlo’s The Architecture of Vision, and William Claxton’s Jazz. Copies of Perfect Wave are there, too, and retain their minor imperfections. I like to imagine Hickey’s angst yielding to laughter when a friend pointed out Hickey’s reference to the tragic expressionism of “Jackson Pollack” (p. 135). In 1997, while living in the East Village, I did my share of fast dancing and sharp talking, and adopted my own variation of a Mitchum-inflected code. I figured if I dated only women who read Dave Hickey, I would be okay. That fall, at St. Mark’s Bookshop, my girlfriend at the time bought Hickey’s Air Guitar. Four years later, I married her.
4 edition of Tanzania found in the catalog. by Africana Pub Written in English |Contributions||R. Odgaard (Editor)| |The Physical Object| Find and compare safaris in Tanzania. With over + safari tours in Tanzania, easily compare packages, reviews, transportation, and accommodations. Choose from safaris in Serengeti National Park, Arusha, or the Ngorongoro Crater, and find the best safari in Tanzania for you! Out of so many hotels in Tanzania we can help you book the perfect hotel room, whether it's a deal on a cheap hotel in Tanzania for a long stay or multiple hotels for a trip across Tanzania, we have a range of hotel to suit every individual need from the top 5-star hotels in Tanzania to hotels with a swimming pool, free breakfast and gym. Although Tanzania Safari Guide was published around the same time as Northern Tanzania by the same authors, it is a different book with a different focus. That being said, it’s also a traveler favorite and has received great reviews from both the press and everyday folk. The Magic of Saida - MG Vassanji In historic Kilwa, on the coast of Tanzania, Kamal Punja is the "dark Indian" boy, son of an Indian father who absconded and an African mother; his playmate Saida is the granddaughter of a famous Swahili poet who n. Enter Business Number - (Enter Air Tanzania business number which is ) Enter Reference Number - (Enter your reference number eg: KFJ12) Enter Amount – (Enter exact ticket amount) Enter PIN and confirm. 3. Bank Card. Book Flight. Travelling for business or pleasure? You can plan your trip and pay online in just a few minutes from. See the sights and sounds of Tanzania. #FlyAirTanzania Learn More × #WaKwanzaAfrika. Close × Spread the Wings of Kilimanjaro. Close. Our Services. Book Flight. Travelling for business or pleasure? You can plan your trip and pay online in just a few minutes from . The transformation of Mexico and U.S.-Mexico relations The republic of Colombia Cambridge Streetfinder Mini Street Atlas Scarbrough--Spaw: or a description of the nature and vertues of the spaw at Scarbrough Yorkshire Statistical data on the national wealth and money supply to be derived from Internal Revenue records Les discours du Docteur OGrady. model for program planning in adult education The film year book. Growing with the paper industry since 1853 Delta, Whiskey, Bravo--whats your position? One step to space Tanzania has the largest population in East Africa and the lowest population density; almost a third of the population is urban. Tanzania’s youthful population – about two-thirds of the population is under 25 – is growing rapidly because of the high total fertility rate of children per woman. Explore Tanzania holidays and discover the best time and places to visit. | Wildlife, beaches, friendly people, fascinating cultures, Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Mt Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar Archipelago – Tanzania has all these and more wrapped up in one adventurous, welcoming package. Bai Iced Tea, Tanzania Lemon, Antioxidant Infused Supertea, Crafted with Real Tea (Black Tea, White Tea), 18 Fluid Ounce Bottles, 12 count. Books shelved as tanzania: Paradise by Abdulrazak Gurnah, The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories by Ernest Hemingway, Desertion by Abdulrazak Gurnah. A Taste of Tanzania is a pages high-end coffee table book full of spectacular photography, compelling stories, and tasty recipes. This book is the first epic production of Untold consumersnewhomeconstruction.com independent publishing house determined to make one-of-a-kind photo art books that guarantee a sensory, sensual, and quite sensational experience. consumersnewhomeconstruction.com: tanzania book. Skip to main content. Try Prime All Go Search EN Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Orders Try Prime Cart. Today's Deals Your consumersnewhomeconstruction.com Gift Cards Help. TANZANIA. 68K likes. The land of Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar and the Serengeti. Home to 7 world heritages. TANZANIA. 68K likes. The land of Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar and the Serengeti. Home to 7 world heritages. Jump to. Sections of this page. Accessibility Help. Press alt + / to open this menu. Facebook. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account. consumersnewhomeconstruction.comers: 68K. Tanzania Tours and Trips / One of the most popular activities in Tanzania by far is to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest consumersnewhomeconstruction.comr, this country has far more to offer its visitors, including spectacular wildlife safaris in the Serengeti National Park (home to the entire Big Five game) and gorilla and chimpanzee tracking in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.5/5. Oct 29, · Tanzania has three safari circuits, and each one of them, in its own right, would make Tanzania a top wildlife consumersnewhomeconstruction.com popular Northern circuit with the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater offers one of the best classical safaris in Africa, especially if timed with the annual wildebeest consumersnewhomeconstruction.com: Philip Briggs. Answer 1 of Does anyone have a recommendation for a good bird book to take along on our safari to Tanzania. I don't need a huge guide book but just a basic one with colored pictures and basic info. I usually make a book store a first stop but for this trip. Answer 1 of As an avid reader, I checked out book lists for some books that pertain to Tanzania. I was wondering if anyone was familiar with any of these to recommend or not. They are: The Tree Where Man was Born (Matheissen) Tanzania:Culture Smart. Most of the time, when people come visit the Serengeti, they book safaris in these neighboring parks as well. Might as well if you’ve come all the way to Tanzania, right. All in all, I spent about 10 days in the Serengeti National Park, the crater, and the surrounding areas. How to Book the Best Safari in Tanzania. Intimate lodges and prime game-viewing are the hallmarks of this nine-day trip, bookable through the Travel + Leisure Great Adventure series with Author: Jacqueline Gifford. Tanzanian literature is primarily oral. Major oral literary forms include folktales, poems, riddles, proverbs, and songs. The majority of the oral literature in Tanzania that has been recorded is in Swahili, though each of the country's languages has its own oral tradition. The country's oral literature is currently declining because of changes in family structure that make transmission of. Follow our best steps on How To Book A Safari In Tanzania for your Tanzania Safari Booking. Tanzania is the best wildlife and mountain trekking destination. Follow our best steps on How To Book A Safari In Tanzania for your Tanzania Safari Booking. + Call/Whatsapp [email protected] consumersnewhomeconstruction.com Explore our list of Tanzania - Travel Books at Barnes & Noble®. Receive FREE shipping with your Barnes & Noble Membership. Air Tanzania is the flag carrier of Tanzania based in Dar es Salaam, at Julius Nyerere International Airport (DAR). Air Tanzania flies to 7 international destinations such as Burundi, Comoros, India, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Zambia. Typhoid (Yellow Book) Dosing info (Yellow Book) Yellow Fever: Required if traveling from a country with risk of YF virus transmission and ≥1 year of age, including transit >12 hours in an airport located in a country with risk of YF virus transmission. Generally not recommended for travelers to Tanzania. Read more about this on Questia. Tanzania (tăn´zənē´ə, –zăn´ēə, Swahili tänzänē´ä), officially United Republic of Tanzania, republic ( est. pop. 51,),sq mi (, sq km), E Africa, formed in by the union of the republics of Tanganyika and consumersnewhomeconstruction.com a description of the island of Zanzibar, and its history untilsee Zanzibar. Book your flight to Tanzania today and prepare for an experience you'll never forget. Here at Expedia, we’re committed to helping you find cheap flights to Tanzania that won’t break the bank. We know you want to put more of your hard-earned cash toward exploring the sites and less on the price of your airfare. That’s why we provide you. Jul 03, · I grew up in Tanzania and in this post, I take you around my favourite place in the world, Tanzania. A Tanzania photo story.The African Great Lakes nation of Tanzania dates formally fromwhen it was formed out of the union of the much larger mainland territory of Tanganyika and the coastal archipelago of consumersnewhomeconstruction.com former was a colony and part of German East Africa from the s towhen, under the League of Nations, it became a British consumersnewhomeconstruction.com served as a British military outpost during World War.See Book Details. Compact and comprehensive, this guide to 1, species of birds in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi features excellent color plates, range maps and notes on habitats and conservation. A veteran tour leader, co-author Stevenson lives in Kenya.5/5(56).
Which country has the most Nobel Prize winners in literature? Nobel Prize in Literature – countries with the most winners 1901-2019. The country with the most Nobel Prize winners in Literature is France, with 15 individuals having won the award since 1901, when French poet and essayist Sully Prudhomme became the first ever winner of the award. Who refused the Nobel Prize in Literature? The 59-year-old author Jean-Paul Sartre declined the Nobel Prize in Literature, which he was awarded in October 1964. Who won the Nobel Prize in the field of literature? It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895. On some occasions the award has been postponed to the following year, most recently in 2018. |Nobel Prize in Literature| |Currently held by||Louise Glück| Who won the first Nobel Prize in Literature? 1901 Literature Prize Sully Prudhomme. An eye disease forced Sully Prudhomme to discontinue his engineering studies and direct his life into literature and poetry writing instead. His works showed a “rare combination of the qualities of both heart and intellect”, and earned him the first Literature Prize. Who is the first female Nobel Prize winner? The first Nobel prizes in chemistry and physics were awarded in 1901. Since then, only 10 women have received these honors. Marie Curie was the first woman to win the physics Nobel in 1903; she followed it up with a chemistry Nobel in 1911. Who has won 3 Nobel Prizes? Switzerland-based International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is the only 3-time recipient of the Nobel Prize, being conferred with Peace Prize in 1917, 1944, and 1963. Further, the humanitarian institution’s co-founder Henry Dunant won the first-ever Peace Prize in 1901. Did Obama win a Nobel Peace Prize? The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people”. Obama accepted the prize in Oslo on December 10, 2009. Why did Gandhi not get the Nobel Peace Prize? It is one of the quirks in history that has rattled many and while there are many layers to the reasons as to why Mahatma Gandhi missed the prize, one of the grounds that was seen through all his nominations was that he was too “nationalistic” or “patriotic” to be given the beacon of peace award for the world, as Who can nominate for Nobel Prize? These nominations will be submitted by members of national assemblies, governments, and international courts of law; university chancellors, professors of social science, history, philosophy, law and theology; leaders of peace research institutes and institutes of foreign affairs; previous Nobel Peace Prize Laureates; Who is the first Indian Nobel Prize winner? As many as 10 Indians have won the Nobel Prize so far. Poet and writer Rabindranath Tagore was the first Indian to get a Nobel Prize in 1913 in literature. Is there a Nobel Prize for history? He died in 1896. In his will, he bequeathed all of his “remaining realisable assets” to be used to establish five prizes which became known as “Nobel Prizes“. Nobel Prizes were first awarded in 1901. |Number of laureates||603 prizes to 962 laureates (as of 2020)| Who is Nobel? Alfred Nobel, in full Alfred Bernhard Nobel, (born October 21, 1833, Stockholm, Sweden—died December 10, 1896, San Remo, Italy), Swedish chemist, engineer, and industrialist who invented dynamite and other more powerful explosives and who also founded the Nobel Prizes. Who is the youngest Nobel Prize winner? In October 2014, Malala, along with Indian children’s rights activist Kailash Satyarthi, was named a Nobel Peace Prize winner. At age 17, she became the youngest person to receive this prize. Accepting the award, Malala reaffirmed that “This award is not just for me. Is Nobel Prize given after death? From 1974, the Statutes of the Nobel Foundation stipulate that a Prize cannot be awarded posthumously, unless death has occurred after the announcement of the Nobel Prize. Who won the first Nobel prize for peace? The Nobel Peace Prize 1901 was divided equally between Jean Henry Dunant “for his humanitarian efforts to help wounded soldiers and create international understanding” and Frédéric Passy “for his lifelong work for international peace conferences, diplomacy and arbitration.”
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Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2012. |Dates & Locations:|| | This subject has the following teaching availabilities in 2012:Semester 2, Parkville - Taught on campus. Timetable can be viewed here. For information about these dates, click here. |Time Commitment:||Contact Hours: 2 | Total Time Commitment: 120 |Prerequisites:||Admission to the postgraduate diploma or fourth year honours in English| |Recommended Background Knowledge:||None| |Non Allowed Subjects:||Formerly 106-414 Medieval Representations. Students who have completed 106-414 Medieval Representations are not eligible to enrol in this subject.| |Core Participation Requirements:|| For the purposes of considering request for Reasonable Adjustments under the disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Students Experiencing Academic Disadvantage Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Description, Subject Objectives, Generic Skills and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the disability support scheme can be found at the Disability Liaison Unit website: http://www.services.unimelb.edu.au/disability/ CoordinatorProf Stephanie Trigg How did medieval writers conceptualise the past and the present? This subject will introduce a selection of medieval English texts, chosen for their various representations of their own present, the past, and other cultures, in a range of genres: monastic chronicles, Arthurian and classical histories and mythologies, stories about the city of London, travel narratives, religious drama, and poems of contemporary satire and complaint. The subject will conclude with a detailed study of Chaucer's magnificent Trojan love story, Troilus and Criseyde. We will read these texts through the frameworks of contemporary critical discussions of historicism, the multiple temporalities of medieval culture, and the history of sexuality and the emotions. No prior knowledge of Middle English is assumed in this subject, which is designed as an introduction to medieval literature and culture. Students who complete this subject will: Students will write: (a) a report of 1,000 words 20% (due mid-semester), and an essay of 4000 words 80% (due at the end of semester); or (b) an essay of 5000 words 100% (due at the end of semester). Students are required to attend a minimum of 75% of classes in order to qualify to have their written work assessed. All required written work must be submitted in order to pass the subject. A subject reader and on-line readings will be available. |Breadth Options:|| | This subject is not available as a breadth subject. |Fees Information:||Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date| Students who successfully complete this subject will have developed skills in: Ancient and Medieval Studies | Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Studies English Language Studies English and Theatre English and Theatre Studies English and Theatre Studies Medieval and Renaissance Studies Download PDF version.
Office of the Spokesperson The U.S. Department of State’s Rewards for Justice program, which is administered by the Diplomatic Security Service, is offering a reward of up to $7 million for information leading to the location or identification of Abu Ubaydah Yusuf al-Anabi, the leader of the terrorist organization al-Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). In November 2020, AQIM announced al-Anabi, an Algerian citizen also known as Yazid Mubarak, as the group’s new leader after AQIM’s previous and first emir, Abdelmalek Droukdel, was killed in June 2020. Al-Anabi has pledged allegiance to al-Qa’ida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri on AQIM’s behalf and is expected to play a role in al-Qa’ida’s global management as Droukdel had done. Al-Anabi was previously the leader of AQIM’s Council of Notables and served on AQIM’s Shura Council. Al-Anabi has also served as AQIM’s Media Chief. On September 9, 2015, the U.S. Department of State designated al-Anabi as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) under Executive Order (E.O.) 13224. On February 29, 2016, he was placed on the United Nations (UNSCR 1267) sanctions list. AQIM is responsible for the abduction and killing of Americans. AQIM, formerly known as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), was declared a Specially Designated Global Terrorist on September 23, 2001. The U.S. Department of State designated the group as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on March 27, 2002. In September 2006, GSPC officially joined al-Qa’ida’s terrorist network and re-branded itself as AQIM. More information about this reward offer is located on the Rewards for Justice website at . We encourage anyone with information on Abu Ubaydah Yusuf al-Anabi to text Rewards for Justice via Signal, Telegram, or WhatsApp at +1-202-702-7843. All information will be kept strictly confidential. The Rewards for Justice Program is an effective law enforcement tool. Since its inception in 1984, the program has paid in excess of $200 million to more than 200 people who provided actionable information that helped bring terrorists to justice or prevented acts of international terrorism worldwide. Follow us on Twitter at . Greetings I’m Sam. I edit, report and maintain this site. If you have any questions You can mail below me but it could be a while before I get back to you. - Mexico Travel AdvisoryBy Sam NewsSeptember 26, 2020Reconsider travel to [Read More…] - Cyber Diplomacy: State Should Use Data and Evidence to Justify Its Proposal for a New Bureau of Cyberspace Security and Emerging TechnologiesBy Sam NewsJanuary 28, 2021The Department of State (State) did not demonstrate that it used data and evidence to develop its proposal for establishing a new Bureau of Cyberspace Security and Emerging Technologies (CSET). In response to GAO requests for such data and evidence, State provided GAO with briefing slides outlining different options for the new bureau and an action memo, approved by the Secretary of State. The memo recommended that CSET focus on cyberspace security and the security aspects of emerging technologies and report to the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, while the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB) would continue to have responsibility for digital economy issues. However, State did not explain how it would address any challenges associated with the decision on CSET's organizational placement. For example, the memo did not address how State would coordinate internally on the cybersecurity aspects of digital economy policy issues with cyber diplomacy functions split between CSET and EB. The memo also did not specify how State would develop consolidated positions and set priorities for State's international cyberspace efforts, given the separation of these issues. Moreover, neither the briefing nor the action memo contained analyses supporting the additional details laid out in State's 2019 notification to Congress on CSET, including support for proposed resource allocations for the new bureau. Without developing data and evidence to support its proposal for the new bureau, State lacks assurance that its proposal will effectively set priorities and allocate appropriate resources for the bureau to achieve its intended goals. State needs to develop these areas further to better ensure the success of any new organizational arrangement. The United States and its allies are facing expanding foreign cyber threats as international trade, communication, and critical infrastructure become increasingly dependent on cyberspace. State leads U.S. government international efforts to advance the full range of U.S. interests in cyberspace. The Cyber Diplomacy Act of 2019 (H.R. 739, 116th Cong.), co-sponsored by 29 members of Congress, proposed the establishment of a new office within State that would have consolidated responsibility for digital economy and internet freedom issues, together with international cybersecurity issues. While the House Foreign Affairs Committee reported out this bill in March 2019, the full House of Representatives did not consider the bill prior to expiration of the 116th Congress. State subsequently notified Congress in June 2019 of its plan to establish CSET, with a narrower focus on cyberspace security and emerging technologies. On January 7, 2021, State announced that the Secretary had approved the creation of CSET and directed the department to move forward with establishing the bureau. However, as of the date of this report, State had not created CSET. GAO was asked to review State's efforts to advance U.S. interests in cyberspace. This report examines the extent to which State used data and evidence to develop and justify its proposal to establish CSET. GAO reviewed available documentation and interviewed State officials. To determine the extent to which State used data and evidence to develop and justify its proposal to establish CSET, GAO assessed State's documentation against a relevant key practice for agency reforms compiled in GAO's June 2018 report on government reorganization. The Secretary of State should ensure that State uses data and evidence to justify its current proposal, or any new proposal, to establish the Bureau of Cyberspace Security and Emerging Technologies to enable the bureau to effectively set priorities and allocate resources to achieve its goals. While State disagreed with GAO's characterization of its use of data and evidence to develop its proposal for CSET, it agreed that reviewing such information to evaluate program effectiveness can be useful. State commented that it has provided GAO with appropriate material on its decision to establish CSET and has not experienced challenges in coordinating cyberspace security policy across the department while the CSET proposal has been in discussion. State concluded that this provides assurance that CSET will allow the new bureau to effectively set priorities and allocate resources. The documents State provided in response to GAO's requests, including a set of briefing slides and an action memo to the Secretary, did not sufficiently demonstrate that it used data and evidence in developing its proposal. In addition, State's comment that it has not experienced coordination challenges in recent years is not sufficient evidence that the potential for such challenges does not exist. Without evidence to support the creation of the new bureau, State lacks needed assurance that the bureau will effectively set priorities and allocate appropriate resources to achieve its intended goals. For more information, contact Brian M. Mazanec at (202) 512-5130 or [email protected], or Nick Marinos at (202) 512-9342 or [email protected].[Read More…] - Medicaid Information Technology: Effective CMS Oversight and States’ Sharing of Claims Processing and Information Retrieval Systems Can Reduce CostsBy Sam NewsSeptember 9, 2020The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has reimbursed billions of dollars to states for the development, operation, and maintenance of claims processing and information retrieval systems—the Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS) and Eligibility and Enrollment (E&E) systems. Specifically, from fiscal year 2008 through fiscal year 2018, states spent a total of $44.1 billion on their MMIS and E&E systems. CMS reimbursed the states $34.3 billion of that total amount (see figure). Money Spent by States and Reimbursed by CMS from 2008–2018 for Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS) and Eligibility and Enrollment (E&E) Systems For fiscal years 2016 through 2018, CMS approved 93 percent and disapproved 0.4 percent of MMIS funding requests, while for E&E it approved 81 percent and disapproved 1 percent of the requests. The remaining 6.6 percent of MMIS requests and 18 percent of E&E requests were either withdrawn by states or were pending. GAO estimates that CMS had some level of supporting evidence of its review for about 74 percent of MMIS requests and about 99 percent of E&E requests. However, GAO estimates that about 100 percent of E&E requests and 68 percent of MMIS requests lacked pertinent information that would be essential for indicating that a complete review had been performed. Among CMS requirements for system implementation funding is that states submit an alternatives analysis, feasibility study, and cost benefit analysis. However, GAO found that about 45 percent of such requests it sampled for fiscal years 2016 through 2018 did not include these required documents. The above weaknesses were due, in part, to a lack of formal, documented procedures for reviewing state funding requests. CMS also lacked a risk-based process for overseeing systems after federal funds were provided. CMS provided helpful comments and recommendations to states in selected cases, but in other instances it did not. In two states that had contractors struggling to deliver successful projects, state officials said they had not received recommendations or technical assistance from CMS. The states eventually terminated the projects after spending a combined $38.5 million in federal funds. According to CMS officials, they rely largely on states to oversee systems projects. This perspective is consistent with a 2018 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) decision that federal information technology (IT) grants totaling about $9 billion annually would no longer be tracked on OMB's public web site on IT investment performance. Accordingly, the CMS and Health and Human Services chief information officers (CIO) are not involved in overseeing MMIS or E&E projects. Similarly, 21 of 47 states responding to GAO's survey reported that their state CIO had little or no involvement in overseeing their MMISs. Such non-involvement of officials with duties that should be heavily focused on successful acquisition and operation of IT projects could be hindering states' ability to effectively implement systems. To improve oversight, CMS has begun a new outcome-based initiative that focuses the agency's review of state funding requests on the successful achievement of business outcomes. However, as of February 2020, CMS had not yet established a timeline for including MMIS and E&E systems in the new outcome-based process. CMS had various initiatives aimed at reducing duplication of Medicaid systems (see table). Description and Status of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Initiatives Aimed at Reducing Duplication by Sharing, Leveraging, and Reusing Medicaid Information Technology Initiative Description Implementation status Number of surveyed states reporting use of the initiative Reuse Repository Used by states to collect and share reusable artifacts. Made available in August 2017. As of January 2020, CMS was no longer supporting this initiative. 25 of the 50 reporting states Poplin Project Was to provide free, open-source application program interfaces for states to use in developing their modular Medicaid systems. Initiative never fully implemented. As of January 2020, CMS was no longer supporting this initiative. Three of the 50 reporting states Open Source Provider Screening Module Open-source module for states to use at no charge. Made available in August 2018. As of January 2020, CMS was no longer supporting this initiative. One of the 50 states reported attempting to use the module. Medicaid Enterprise Cohort Meetings A forum where states can discuss sharing, leveraging, and/or reuse of Medicaid technologies. As of January 2020, Cohort meetings were being held on a monthly basis. 47 of the 50 states reported participating in the meetings. Source: GAO analysis of agency data. | GAO-20-179 However, as of January 2020, the agency was no longer supporting most of these initiatives because they failed to produce the desired results. CMS regulations and GAO's prior work have highlighted the importance of reducing duplication by sharing and reusing Medicaid IT. To illustrate the potential for reducing duplication, 53 percent of state Medicaid officials responding to our survey reported using the same contractor to develop their MMIS. Nevertheless, selected states are taking the initiative to share systems or modules. Further support by CMS could result in additional sharing initiatives and potential cost savings. The Medicaid program is the largest source of health care funding for America's most at-risk populations and is funded jointly by states and the federal government. GAO was asked to assess CMS's oversight of federal expenditures for MMIS and E&E systems used for Medicaid. This report examines (1) the amount of federal funds that CMS has provided to state Medicaid programs to support MMIS and E&E systems, (2) the extent to which CMS reviews and approves states' funding requests for the systems and oversees the use of these funds, and (3) CMS's and states' efforts to reduce potential duplication of Medicaid IT systems. GAO assessed information related to MMIS and E&E systems, such as state expenditure data, federal regulations, and CMS guidance to the states for submitting funding requests, states' system funding requests, and IT project management documents. GAO also evaluated a generalizable sample of approved state funding requests from fiscal years 2016 through 2018 to analyze, among other things, CMS's review and approval process and conducted interviews with agency and state Medicaid officials. GAO also reviewed relevant regulations and guidance on promoting, sharing, and reusing MMIS and E&E technologies; and surveyed 50 states and six territories (hereafter referred to as states) regarding the MMIS and E&E systems, and assessed the complete or partial responses received from 50 states. GAO is making nine recommendations to improve CMS's processes for approving and overseeing the federal funds for MMIS and E&E systems and for bolstering efforts to reduce potential duplication. Among these recommendations are that CMS should develop formal, documented procedures that include specific steps to be taken in the advanced planning document review process and instructions on how CMS will document the reviews; develop, in consultation with the HHS and CMS CIOs, a documented, comprehensive, and risk-based process for how CMS will select IT projects for technical assistance and provide recommendations to assist states that is aimed at improving the performance of the systems; encourage state Medicaid program officials to consider involving state CIOs in overseeing Medicaid IT projects; establish a timeline for implementing the outcome-based certification process for MMIS and E&E systems; and identify, prior to approving funding for systems, similar projects that other states are pursuing so that opportunities to share, leverage, or reuse systems or system modules are considered. In written comments on a draft of this report, the department concurred with eight of the nine recommendations, and described steps it had taken and/or planned to take to address them. The department did not state whether it concurred with GAO's recommendation to encourage state officials to consider involving state CIOs in Medicaid IT projects. HHS stated that it was unable to discern evidence as to whether a certain structure contributed to a specific outcome. GAO believes, consistent with federal law, that CIOs are critically important to the success of IT projects. For more information, contact Vijay D’Souza at (202) 512-6240 or [email protected].[Read More…] - United States Sanctions Russian Government Research InstitutionBy Sam NewsOctober 23, 2020Michael R. Pompeo, [Read More…] - Correctional Sergeant and Correctional Officer Indicted for Inmate Abuse, Obstruction of JusticeBy Sam NewsMarch 10, 2021A federal grand jury in Alabama returned a five-count indictment today charging two Alabama men, an Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) sergeant and corrections officer with assaulting an inmate at ADOC’s Staton Correctional Facility and making false statements following the assault.[Read More…] - World Press Freedom DayBy Sam NewsMay 4, 2021 - Additional Civilian Assistance to AfghanistanBy Sam NewsApril 21, 2021 - Suspending and Terminating the Asylum Cooperative Agreements with the Governments El Salvador, Guatemala, and HondurasBy Sam NewsFebruary 6, 2021 - Vanuatu Travel AdvisoryBy Sam NewsSeptember 26, 2020Reconsider travel to [Read More…] - Two sentenced after law enforcement uncovers illegal aliens in 100 degree trailerBy Sam NewsIn Justice NewsMay 13, 2021A 28-year-old Laredoan [Read More…] - Man Charged with Attempting to Provide Material Support to a Foreign Terrorist OrganizationBy Sam NewsJune 1, 2021A Washington man was arrested on Friday, May 28, at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on criminal charges related to his alleged efforts to join Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization, in order to engage in violent acts of terrorism in the Middle East or the United States.[Read More…] - New York Plumbing Contractor Sentenced to 20 Months in Prison for Employment Tax FraudBy Sam NewsJune 7, 2021A New York man was sentenced today to 20 months in prison for failing to collect and pay over to the IRS $732,462 in employment taxes.[Read More…] - 12th Annual HBCU Foreign Policy ConferenceBy Sam NewsMarch 2, 2021Ned Price, Department [Read More…] - Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Brightbill Delivers Remarks at the 2020 Annual Pennsylvania Chamber Environmental Virtual ConferenceBy Sam NewsOctober 29, 2020I am happy to be back home in Pennsylvania — in a sense — and have the opportunity to speak with the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry. Since this organization’s founding in 1916, this Chamber has advocated for job creation and greater prosperity for all Pennsylvanians. It represents almost 50 percent of Pennsylvania’s private workforce with a membership of 10,000 businesses ranging from sole proprietors to Fortune 100 companies.[Read More…] - Japanese Shipping Company Fined $1.5 Million for Concealing Illegal Discharges of Oily WaterBy Sam NewsJuly 30, 2020Misuga Kaiun Co. Ltd. (MISUGA), a Japanese-based company engaged in international shipping, was sentenced yesterday in federal court before U.S. District Court Judge Paul G. Byron in Orlando, Florida.[Read More…] - Remarks by Attorney General William P. Barr at Hillsdale College Constitution Day EventBy Sam NewsSeptember 17, 2020I am pleased to be at this Hillsdale College celebration of Constitution Day. Sadly, many colleges these days don’t even teach the Constitution, much less celebrate it. But at Hillsdale, you recognize that the principles of the Founding are as relevant today as ever—and vital to the success of our free society. I appreciate your observance of this important day and all you do for civic education in the United States.[Read More…] - Coordinator for Counterterrorism Ambassador Sales Travels to Mozambique and South AfricaBy Sam NewsDecember 1, 2020 - Science & Tech Spotlight: Vaccine SafetyBy Sam NewsFebruary 24, 2021Why this Matters Safe vaccines are critical to fighting diseases, from polio to COVID-19. Research shows that the protection provided by U.S. licensed vaccines outweighs their potential risks. However, misinformation and unjustified safety concerns can cause people to delay or refuse vaccination, which may increase preventable deaths and prolong negative social and economic impacts. The Science What is it? A vaccine is generally considered safe when the benefits of protecting an individual from disease outweigh the risks from potential side effects (fig. 1). The most common side effects stem from the body's immune reaction and include swelling at the injection site, fever, and aches. Figure 1. Symptoms of polio and side effects of the polio vaccine. A vaccine is generally considered safe if its benefits (preventing disease) outweigh its risks (side effects). In rare cases, some vaccines may cause more severe side effects. For example, the vaccine for rotavirus—a childhood illness that can cause severe diarrhea, dehydration, and even death—can cause intestinal blockage in one in 100,000 recipients. However, the vaccine is still administered because this very rare side effect is outweighed by the vaccine's benefits: it saves lives and prevents an estimated 40,000 to 50,000 childhood hospitalizations in the U.S. each year. The two messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines authorized for COVID-19—a disease that contributed to more than 415,000 American deaths between January 2020 and January 2021—can cause severe allergic reactions. However, early safety reporting found that these reactions have been extremely rare, with only about five cases per 1 million recipients, according to data from January 2021 reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In general, side effects from vaccines are less acceptable to the public than side effects from treatments given to people who already have a disease. What is known? Vaccine developers assess safety from early research, through laboratory and animal testing, and even after the vaccine is in use (fig. 2). Researchers may rely on previous studies to inform future vaccine trials. For example, safety information from preclinical trials of mRNA flu vaccine candidates in 2017 allowed for the acceleration of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine development. Vaccine candidates shown to be safe in these preclinical trials can proceed to clinical trials in humans. In the U.S., clinical trials generally proceed through three phases of testing involving increasing numbers of volunteers: dozens in phase 1 to thousands in phase 3. Although data may be collected over years, most common side effects are identified in the first 2 months after vaccination in clinical trials. After reviewing safety and other data from vaccine studies, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may license a vaccine to be marketed in the U.S. There are also programs to expedite—but not bypass—development and review processes, such as a priority review designation, which shortens FDA’s goal review time from 10 to 6 months. Safety monitoring continues after licensing. For example, health officials are required to report certain adverse events—such as heart problems—following vaccination, in order to help identify potential long-term or rare side effects that were not seen in clinical trials and may or may not be associated with the vaccine. Figure 2. Vaccine safety is assessed at every stage: development through post-licensure. Following a declared emergency, FDA can also issue emergency use authorizations (EUA) to allow temporary use of unlicensed vaccines if there is evidence that known and potential benefits of the vaccine outweigh known and potential risks, among other criteria. As of January 2021, two COVID-19 vaccines had received EUAs, after their efficacy and short-term safety were assessed through large clinical trials. However, developers must continue safety monitoring and meet other requirements if they intend to apply for FDA licensure to continue distribution of these vaccines after the emergency period has ended. What are the knowledge gaps? One knowledge gap that can remain after clinical trials is whether side effects or other adverse events may occur in certain groups. For example, because clinical trials usually exclude certain populations, such as people who are pregnant or have existing medical conditions, data on potential adverse events related to specific populations may not be understood until vaccines are widely administered. In addition, it can be difficult to determine the safety of new vaccines if outbreaks end suddenly. For example, vaccine safety studies were hindered during the 2014-2015 Ebola epidemic when a large increase in the number of cases was followed by a sharp decrease. This disrupted the clinical trials of Ebola vaccine candidates, because the trials require many infected and non-infected people. Furthermore, a lack of understanding and/or misinformation about the steps taken to ensure the safety of vaccines hinders accurate public knowledge about safety concerns, which may cause people to delay or refuse vaccination. This resulting hesitancy may, in turn, increase deaths, social harm, and economic damage. Opportunities Continuing and, where necessary, improving existing vaccine safety practices offers the following opportunities to society: Herd immunity. Widespread immunity in a population, acquired in large part through safe and effective vaccines, can slow the spread of infection and protect those most vulnerable. Health care improvements. Vaccinations can reduce the burden on the health care system by reducing severe symptoms that require individuals to seek treatment. Eradication. Safe vaccination programs, such as those combatting smallpox, may eliminate diseases to the point where transmission no longer occurs. Challenges There are a number of challenges to ensuring safe vaccines: Public confidence. Vaccine hesitancy, in part due to misinformation or historic unethical human experimentation, decreases participation in clinical trials, impeding identification of side effects across individuals with different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Mutating viruses. Some viruses, such as those that cause the flu or COVID-19, may mutate rapidly and thus may require new or updated vaccines, for which ongoing safety monitoring is important. Long-term and rare effects. Exceedingly rare or long-term effects may not be identified until after vaccines have been widely administered. Further study is needed to detect any such effects and confirm they are truly associated with the vaccine. Policy Context & Questions What steps can policymakers take to improve public trust and understanding of the process of assessing vaccine safety? How can policymakers convey the social importance of vaccines to protect the general public and those who are most vulnerable? How can policymakers leverage available resources to support ongoing vaccine development and post-licensure safety monitoring? For more information, contact Karen Howard at (202) 512-6888 or [email protected].[Read More…] - Upholding Research Integrity at HHSBy Sam NewsFebruary 17, 2021February 17, 2021 By: [Read More…] - Jeffrey Lowe and Tiger King LLC Ordered to Relinquish Big Cat Cubs to United States for Placement in Suitable FacilitiesBy Sam NewsJanuary 19, 2021On Jan. 15, 2021, a federal court issued a preliminary injunction in favor of the United States and against Jeffrey and Lauren Lowe, Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park LLC, and Tiger King LLC based on claimed violations of the Endangered Species Act and the Animal Welfare Act.[Read More…] - Department of Justice Announces the Use of Body-Worn Cameras on Federal Task ForcesBy Sam NewsOctober 29, 2020Today, the Justice Department announced that it will permit state, local, territorial, and tribal task force officers to use body-worn cameras on federal task forces around the nation. The department’s policy will permit federally deputized officers to activate a body-worn camera while serving arrest warrants, or during other planned arrest operations, and during the execution of search warrants. The policy is the result of a pilot program launched by the department last October.[Read More…] - Global Entry for Citizens of ArgentinaBy Sam NewsSeptember 27, 2020How to Apply for Global [Read More…] - Joint Statement on the U.S.-Jamaica Strategic DialogueBy Sam NewsDecember 9, 2020 - Virginia Attorneys Sentenced for Attempting to Extort a Multinational Chemicals CompanyBy Sam NewsSeptember 18, 2020Two Virginia attorneys were sentenced today on federal extortion charges for their roles in a scheme to extort a multinational chemicals company by threatening to inflict substantial financial and reputational harm on the company if their demands for a $200 million payment disguised as a purported “consulting agreement” were not met.[Read More…] - NFL Player Charged for Role in $24 Million COVID-Relief Fraud SchemeBy Sam NewsSeptember 10, 2020An NFL player has been charged for his alleged participation in a scheme to file fraudulent loan applications seeking more than $24 million in forgivable Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.[Read More…] - Man Pleads Guilty to Obstruction of an Official Proceeding for Breaching U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6By Sam NewsJune 2, 2021A Florida man pleaded guilty today to crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 which disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress in the process of ascertaining and counting the electoral votes related to the presidential election.[Read More…] - Mary Ida Townson Appointed U.S. Trustee for Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin IslandsBy Sam NewsMay 5, 2021Attorney General Merrick B. Garland has appointed Mary Ida Townson as the U.S. Trustee for Florida, Georgia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (Region 21). Ms. Townson will assume her duties in June and will replace Nancy Gargula, who is the U.S. Trustee in Region 10 and who has served as the interim U.S. Trustee in Region 21 since April 2019.[Read More…] - Local repairman sent to prison for defrauding customersBy Sam NewsIn Justice NewsMay 6, 2021A 36-year-old resident [Read More…] - The U.S. Relationship with the United Arab Emirates DeepensBy Sam NewsNovember 20, 2020 - U.S. Trustee Program Reaches Settlement with McKinsey and Company to Withdraw and Waive its Fees in the Westmoreland Coal Bankruptcy CaseBy Sam NewsDecember 3, 2020The Department of Justice’s U.S. Trustee Program (USTP) has entered into a settlement agreement with global consulting firm McKinsey & Company (McKinsey) requiring McKinsey to forego payment of fees in the Westmoreland Coal bankruptcy case pending in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas (Westmoreland Case).[Read More…] - Kosovo Travel AdvisoryBy Sam NewsSeptember 26, 2020Do not [Read More…] - Texas Entrepreneur Charged with Spending COVID Relief Funds on Improper Expenses Including Lamborghini and Strip ClubBy Sam NewsAugust 4, 2020A Houston, Texas man has been taken into custody on allegations he fraudulently obtained more than $1.6 million in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian C. Rabbitt of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Patrick of the Southern District of Texas.[Read More…] - California Resident Sentenced to 121 Months in Prison for Facilitating Telemarketing Conspiracy that Defrauded Thousands of Vulnerable U.S. ConsumersBy Sam NewsMay 21, 2021A California man has been sentenced to more than 10 years in prison for partnering with call centers in Peru that defrauded Spanish-speaking U.S. residents through lies and threats.[Read More…] - HHS Leverages Public Feedback to Advance Landscape Analysis on Emerging Technologies for Aging, Underserved PopulationsBy Sam NewsFebruary 3, 2021February 3, 2021 By: [Read More…] - Attorney General Barr Delivers Opening Remarks at Press Conference Announcing Updates to Operation LegendBy Sam NewsAugust 19, 2020Remarks as Prepared for [Read More…] - Secretary Blinken’s Call with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy AhmedBy Sam NewsApril 26, 2021 - Today Is the Last Day to Vote for NASA’s 12 Webby Award NominationsBy Sam NewsIn SpaceSeptember 26, 2020You can cast your [Read More…] - Fire Extinguisher Manufacturer Ordered to Pay $12 Million Penalty for Delay and Misrepresentations in Reporting Product DefectsBy Sam NewsJanuary 4, 2021A federal judge today ordered Walter Kidde Portable Equipment Inc. (Kidde) to pay a $12 million civil penalty in connection with allegations that the company failed to timely inform the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) about problems with fire extinguishers manufactured by the company, the Department of Justice announced.[Read More…] - U.S. Department of State and National Park Service Partner to Strengthen Fulbright Exchanges and Increase Global Environmental AwarenessBy Sam NewsJanuary 14, 2021 - Internet of Things: Information on Use by Federal AgenciesBy Sam NewsSeptember 14, 2020Many federal agencies (56 of 90) responding to GAO's survey reported using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. Most often, agencies reported using IoT to: (1) control or monitor equipment or systems (42 of 56); (2) control access to devices or facilities (39 of 56); or (3) track physical assets (28 of 56) such as fleet vehicles or agency property. Agencies also reported using IoT devices to perform tasks such as monitoring water quality, watching the nation's borders, and controlling ships in waterway locks. Furthermore, IoT use by federal agencies may increase in the future, as many agencies reported planning to begin or expand the use of IoT. However, 13 agencies not using IoT technologies reported they did not plan to use the technologies for a range of reasons, including insufficient return on investment. Example of Government's Use of Internet of Things Technology: Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Water Monitoring Buoy Surveyed agencies most frequently reported increasing data collection (45 of 74), and increasing operational efficiency (43 of 74) as benefits of using IoT technologies. Increasing data collection can aid decision-making and support technology development; increased efficiencies may allow agencies to accomplish more with existing resources. According to EPA officials, sensors are able to transmit data eliminating the need for employees to visit sites to collect data. The Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation reported that IoT technologies helped improve transit times through its locks. Agencies most frequently reported cybersecurity issues (43 of 74) and interoperability (30 of 74) as the most significant challenges to adopting IoT technologies. For example, the Transportation Security Administration's officials told us they could not ensure the security and privacy of passenger information and subsequently took its network-connected security equipment offline until they developed a solution. Most agencies' officials responding to GAO's survey (54 of 72), as well as officials interviewed as part of the case studies, reported using information technology (IT) policies developed by their agency, versus internal IoT-specific policies, to manage IoT technologies. Some agencies reported their IT policies were sufficient for the current challenges and risks associated with adopting IoT technologies, including cybersecurity. The Office of Management and Budget's officials stated they do not typically make policies for specific IT components but if needed would work with the National Institute of Standards and Technology and others to develop such policies. IoT generally refers to devices—from sensors in vehicles to building thermostats— that collect information, communicate it to a network, and may complete a task based on that information. Although IoT technologies may present an opportunity for the federal government to operate more efficiently and effectively, federal agencies may also face challenges in acquiring and using IoT. GAO was asked to review the federal government's experience with IoT. This report describes (1) IoT technologies selected federal agencies are using, (2) the benefits and challenges of using IoT technologies, and (3) policies and guidance selected agencies follow in using and acquiring IoT technologies. GAO surveyed 115 Chief Information Officers (CIO) and senior IT officials at federal agencies and subcomponents based on, in part, agency membership in the federal CIO Council; 90 responded. However, not all agencies replied to each question. GAO also selected the Department of Commerce, the Department of Homeland Security, EPA, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as case studies. GAO selected these agencies based on, among other things, their fiscal year 2020 IT budgets and examples of IoT use from literature. For each case study, GAO reviewed documents and interviewed officials from the Office of the CIO from the agency and officials from selected sub-components that use the IoT technologies. For more information, contact Andrew Von Ah at (202) 512-2834 or [email protected].[Read More…] - Just the Facts: Trends in Pro Se Civil Litigation from 2000 to 2019By Sam NewsIn U.S CourtsFebruary 11, 2021Most federal pro se cases are civil actions filed by persons serving time in prison. Pro se prisoner petitions spiked in 2016 after a pair of Supreme Court rulings made it possible for certain prisoners to petition to have their sentences vacated or remanded. Non-prisoners who file pro se actions most often raise civil rights claims.[Read More…] - Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister MotegiBy Sam NewsOctober 6, 2020 - Justice Department Issues Proposed Rule and Model Legislation to Reduce Gun ViolenceBy Sam NewsJune 7, 2021Today, the Department of Justice announced two new steps to help address the continuing epidemic of gun violence affecting communities across the country. First, the department issued a notice of proposed rulemaking that makes clear that when individuals use accessories to convert pistols into short-barreled rifles, they must comply with the heightened regulations on those dangerous and easily concealable weapons. Second, the department published model legislation to help states craft their own “extreme risk protection order” laws, sometimes called “red flag” laws. By sending the proposed rule to the Federal Register and publishing the model legislation today, the department has met the deadlines that the Attorney General announced alongside President Biden in April.[Read More…] - Estonian National DayBy Sam NewsFebruary 24, 2021 - NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover Passes Flight Readiness ReviewBy Sam NewsIn SpaceSeptember 26, 2020The agency’s Mars [Read More…] - Wisconsin-Based Nonprofit To Pay $1.9 Million To Settle Allegations Of False Claims And Kickbacks On Federal Contracts For Blind WorkersBy Sam NewsSeptember 30, 2020Industries for the Blind and Visually Impaired Inc. (IBI) has agreed to pay the United States $1,938,684.09 to resolve allegations that IBI violated the False Claims Act and the Anti-Kickback Act in connection with certain federal contracts set aside to employ blind workers, the Justice Department announced today.[Read More…] - Doctor Sentenced for Role in Unlawful Distribution of OpioidsBy Sam NewsFebruary 8, 2021An Ohio physician was sentenced to two years in prison today for his role in illegally distributing opioids.[Read More…] - Justice Department Files Suit Against Dallas, Texas, Towing Company for Unlawfully Selling Servicemember-Owned VehiclesBy Sam NewsSeptember 28, 2020The Justice Department today filed a lawsuit in the Northern District of Texas alleging that Dallas-based towing company United Tows LLC violated the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), by unlawfully auctioning off vehicles owned by SCRA-protected servicemembers.[Read More…] - Secretary Blinken to Deliver Remarks to the Media in the Press Briefing RoomBy Sam NewsJanuary 26, 2021 - Bloods Gang Members Sentenced to Life in Prison for Racketeering Conspiracy Involving Murder and Other CrimesBy Sam NewsOctober 27, 2020Five members of the United Blood Nation (UBN or Bloods) street gang were sentenced in Charlotte, North Carolina, after standing trial on federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) conspiracy and other charges. These defendants’ sentences are the culmination of a prosecution that charged 83 UBN gang members in the Western District of North Carolina with RICO conspiracy and other crimes.[Read More…] - Czech Republic Travel AdvisoryBy Sam NewsSeptember 26, 2020Reconsider travel to the [Read More…] - Justice Department Finds that Alameda County, California, Violates the Americans with Disabilities Act and the U.S. ConstitutionBy Sam NewsApril 22, 2021The Justice Department concluded today, based upon a thorough investigation, that there is reasonable cause to believe that Alameda County is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in its provision of mental health services, and that conditions and practices at the county’s Santa Rita Jail violate the U.S. Constitution and the ADA.[Read More…] - Businessman Indicted for Not Reporting Foreign Bank Accounts and Filing False Documents with the IRSBy Sam NewsMarch 3, 2021A federal grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia, returned an indictment on March 3, 2021, charging a Virginia man with failing to file Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBARs) and filing false documents with the IRS. According to the indictment, Azizur Rahman of Herndon, had a financial interest in and signature authority over more than 20 foreign financial accounts, including accounts held in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Singapore, and Bangladesh. From 2010 through 2016, Rahman allegedly did not disclose his interest in all of his financial accounts on annual FBARs, as required by law. Rahman also allegedly filed false individual tax returns for the tax years 2010 through 2016 that did not report to the IRS all of his foreign bank accounts and income.[Read More…] - Forced Labor Imports: DHS Increased Resources and Enforcement Efforts, but Needs to Improve Workforce Planning and MonitoringBy Sam NewsOctober 27, 2020Since 2016, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has increased its resources to enforce a prohibition on importing goods made with forced labor, but has not determined its workforce needs. CBP formed the Forced Labor Division in 2018 to lead its efforts, and increased expenditures for the division from roughly $1 million in fiscal year 2018 to $1.4 million in fiscal year 2019. However, CBP has not assessed and documented the staffing levels or skills needed for the Forced Labor Division. For example, the division suspended some ongoing investigations due to a staff shortage and has plans to expand and train its workforce; however, the division has not assessed the number, type, locations, or specialized skills of positions it needs to achieve programmatic results. Without assessing its workforce needs, the division lacks reasonable assurance that it has the right number of people, with the right skills, in the right places. CBP has increased forced labor investigations and civil enforcement actions, but managers lack complete and consistent data summarizing cases. CBP detained shipments under 13 Withhold Release Orders (WRO) from 2016 through 2019, as shown in the figure below. However, the Forced Labor Division uses incomplete and inconsistent summary data to monitor its investigations. For example, data were missing on the sources of evidence collected for almost all active cases. Incomplete and inconsistent summary data on the characteristics and status of cases may hinder managers' effective monitoring of case progress and enforcement efforts. Figure: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Forced Labor Withhold Release Orders, 2016 through 2019 With regard to criminal violations, DHS's U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has increased its resources to investigate allegations of forced labor, including those related to U.S. imports. ICE coordinates criminal investigations of forced labor, conducted in the U.S. and abroad. ICE reported spending about $40 million on forced labor investigations in fiscal year 2019, an increase of over 50 percent since 2016. Forced labor investigations often involve a range of criminal violations, including violations that are not related to the importation of goods. As such, reported expenditures include costs for cases on related issues, such as human trafficking. Forced labor is a global problem in which individuals are exploited to perform labor or services. The International Labour Organization estimates that forced labor generates profits of $150 billion a year globally. CBP is responsible for enforcing Section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930, which prohibits the importation of goods made with forced labor. CBP has authority to detain shipments when information indicates that forced labor produced the goods. ICE is responsible for investigating potential crimes related to forced labor, and importers may be subject to prosecution. GAO was asked to review the status of DHS resources for implementing the Section 307 prohibition on forced labor imports, following an amendment of the law in 2016. This report examines (1) the extent to which CBP assessed agency needs for the enforcement of the prohibition on forced labor imports, (2) the outcome of CBP enforcement activities and monitoring of such efforts, and (3) ICE resources for investigations on forced labor. GAO reviewed CBP and ICE documents and data, and interviewed agency officials. This is a public version of a sensitive report GAO issued in July 2020. Information that CBP deemed sensitive has been omitted. GAO is making three recommendations, including that CBP assess the workforce needs of the Forced Labor Division, and improve its forced labor summary case data. CBP concurred with all three recommendations. For more information, contact Kimberly Gianopoulos at (202) 512-8612 or [email protected].[Read More…] - Attorney General William P. Barr Honors Department of Justice Employees and Others for the 68th Annual Attorney General’s AwardsBy Sam NewsNovember 12, 2020Today, Attorney General [Read More…] - The United States and Japan Reaffirm Strong Ties and Shared Democratic ValuesBy Sam NewsOctober 5, 2020 - Chinese Energy Company, U.S. Oil & Gas Affiliate and Chinese National Indicted for Theft of Trade SecretsBy Sam NewsOctober 29, 2020A federal grand jury has returned an indictment alleging corporate entities conspired to steal technology from a Houston-area oil & gas manufacturer, announced U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Patrick and Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers of the Department of Justice’s National Security Division. Jason Energy Technologies Co. (JET) in Yantai, People’s Republic of China; Jason Oil and Gas Equipment LLC (JOG) USA and Chinese national Lei Gao aka Jason Gao, 45, are charged with conspiracy, theft of trade secrets and attempted theft of trade secrets.[Read More…] - Sanctioning Supporters of Iran’s Petroleum and Petrochemical SectorsBy Sam NewsDecember 16, 2020Michael R. Pompeo, [Read More…] - Former Owner of Aquarium Business Sentenced to Prison for Illicit Trafficking of Protected Reef CreaturesBy Sam NewsFebruary 22, 2021The Justice Department announced today that a Puerto Rico man was sentenced to a year and a day in federal prison for felony violations of the Lacey Act that involved the trafficking and false labeling of protected reef creatures as part of an effort to subvert Puerto Rican laws designed to protect coral reef organisms.[Read More…] - Man Pleads Guilty to Directing COVID-Relief Fraud SchemeBy Sam NewsFebruary 23, 2021A Wisconsin man pleaded guilty today for his role in fraudulently obtaining over $1 million in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.[Read More…]
Alliteration, or the repetition of an initial consonant sound, is often used in poetry to emphasize certain … In other words, this is how they develop phonological awareness.So why is poetry important for children? It’s not hard to understand what a line is in poetry. Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook5. You are here: home / kids' poetry / why is poetry important? Like many, I was unaware of how impactful a poem can be, how poems can stick with you like a song during rough patches of your life. Anyhow, before children learn to read print, they need to become aware of how the sounds in words work. Lots of people don't like poetry. The word … It does this by making use of attributes of language which aren’t commonly seen to instill deep thought and contemplation. Poems About Our Environment. As a kid who grew up in the 2000s, I can think of some of my favorite staple Christmas movies. Mainly, it extends the power of words to communicate. Why should we bother reading poetry to children at all? If you are a poetry advocate already, I hope you gain some additional insight and ideas to strengthen your program. One man in the class, who mentioned he went to high school in the 1980s, recited his full poem in completion on spot for all of us, because it had stuck with him all these years. Figurative Language. Alliteration, symbolism, personification and imagery are all devices used in poetry. Cells Light Up Before They Die, According to a Study; Ingmar Bergman, a Life in the Film Industry; The Message Glenn Close Sent Her Mother ; Something surprising just happened. This goes along with the line you always hear “show don’t tell.” Only with poetry, it’s ALL show and NO tell. Why is poetry important? The use of poets and poesy can function for many different … ” ‘ T. S. Eliot. So I made a list of lyrics from each of his songs that you could use in your next Instagram caption. It is a subjective art form that affords its authors freedom to express themselves in ways both traditional and innovative. We all know that time is limited, and teachers have to make instructional choices. “Poetry may do us from clip to clip a little more cognizant of the deeper. A poet has won the Spanish equivalent of the Got Talent television contest. Rhetoric can be powerful and moving. Women are known to lug around heavy purses with unnecessary items inside. Unfortunately, this year didn't look like a typical Christmas. Lewis, literature not only describes reality but also adds to it. Poetry’s strength lies in its ability to shed a “sideways” light on the world, so the truth sneaks up on you. He is the author of two new books, The Emotional Life of the Great Depression and the forthcoming The Puzzle of Poetry. Throughout history, poetry has been important because it gives us a historical representation of what previous generations found beautiful, important, or profound. Poetry is also a good source of freeing somebody from ignorance, misdeeds or evils while it inspires and encourages us; instills in us noble thoughts by dealing very much with the ways we live in. While we can't have any big Christmas parties or family gatherings, we can still celebrate at home! These are stylistic choices that can vary from piece to piece, but must nonetheless be made by every poet. The role of poetry is not to persuade (although poetry that flows directly from the heart may well do that). to which we seldom penetrate ; for our lives is largely a changeless equivocation of ourselves. What is the true state of the environment. Poetry is perhaps a more effective stress relief than working out or meditating because it forces you to express your feelings through words, which helps you not only understand your feelings but also communicate them more effectively. Poems do not have to rhyme, nor do they have to follow any particular structure or include any particular style. So, as a potential remedy for our travel necessity, I have listed 5 alternative ways in which you can relish your traveling desires during this pandemic. The word comes from ancient Greek and means to create. Examples include the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Vedas (sacred texts of Hinduism). The oldest written manuscripts we have are poems, mostly epic poems telling the stories of ancient mythology. The Digital Age is booming. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/dec/13/harry-styles-fine-line-review-columbia, https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/amazon-s-wilds-much-more-just-gender-swapped-lord-flies-ncna1250078, 27 Things To Carry In Your Purse, Because If 2020 Taught Us Anything, It's You Just Never Know, 34 Harry Styles Lyrics As Instagram Captions That'll Even Make Him 'Adore You', 20 Songs For That Breakup Playlist You'll Listen To While Binging Ice Cream, 10 Memories From The Early 2000s Because Life Was Easier Then, 11 Christmas Movies You'll Remember If You Were A 2000s Kid, 9 Reasons 'The Wilds' Should Be Your Next Binge Watch, 5 Therapeutic Ways To Be Adventurous During The Pandemic, 10 Things TikTok Made Me Buy, And Now My Life Is So Much Better. One of the most treasured books that I own is Donald Allen's 'The New American Poetry, 1945-1960.' Just a personal opinion: I think poetry is about communication, that is to say discovering and sharing new ideas. Poetry can allow kids to paint sketches of their lives, using metaphor, imagery and symbolic language to describe painful experiences, or parts of themselves that they're not ready to share. Young children learn to hear the sounds in spoken language through chants, rhymes, Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society2. Poems that … In fact, it matters a lot. There is nothing wrong with rhetoric. This devices appeal to the ear—the sound is an important characteristic because it gives poetry a musical quality. In most cases, this is considered to be a tool that controls the rhythm of your piece. The Romantics renounced the rationalism and order associated with the preceding Enlightenment era, stressing the importance of expressing authentic personal feelings. Poetry is smart. They had a real sense of responsibility to their fellow men: they felt it was their duty to use their poetry to inform and inspire others, and to change society. If you don't keep these 27 items In your purse, what's in there? We now know that reading to children is really important for their development in all sorts of ways but did you know that poems and nursery rhymes are especially important? Where would I be without my Revlon hair dryer or CeraVe skin products?! Poems do not have to rhyme, nor do they have to follow any particular structure or include any particular style. No question about it. Remember, the way you break up these lines can greatly impact the overall essence of the poem. Again, many modern poems may not have any identifiable structure (i.e. Poems evoke emotions within us that we may not want to deal with. When you go beyond what you may have read as a child and explore the many levels of poetry, you realize that they can pack a strong, and even mightier, punch than many stories, and in less words, too. How many of these useful items do you keep in your own bag? Unlike other survival shows, there's a bit more to the story than what first meets the eye. In a nutshell, this is because hearing poetry creates pathways in children's brains that hearing other types of language does not. what is poetry? This understanding of how words are made up of distinct sounds is called phonemic awareness. And perhaps most importantly, poetry calls on us to value the space between the black and the white of things: poems tend to whisper not shout, and a good poem offers some space for … Phonological awareness is the single most important predictor of a child's later reading ability. Christopher Fry couldn’t have been more right when he said “Poetry is the language in which man explores his own amazement”. But in order to move on and get past something you need to allow yourself to feel it for what it is--all of the heartbreak and pain--and then you can start to take steps move on. Poetry uses poetic and literary devices that are also found to some degree in prose. It is a worthy expression of emotion, or deep feelings, and aesthetics, or a sense of what is beautiful about the world. There are few, if any, hard and fast rules for writing poetry. César Brandon, a 24 year old, has managed to captivate the public simply with his words. It is our attention that honors and gives value to living things, that gives them their proper name and particularity; that retrieves them from the obscurity of the general. It asks us to celebrate language for its beauty and strangeness. I attended an arts high school that featured classes from dance to visual arts and even theatre, but I preferred the classes in literary arts. children's poetry books, © 2010-2020 Best Books for Kids privacy disclaimer site map about, a child's ability to understand and develop phonemic awareness at school is dependent upon whether he has developed. Thanks, TikTok. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. They have ranged from the basic ABAB rhyme poems to sonnets and even full-length plays that are considered poetry. They can be concise and strong, or long and thoughtful, but a good poem will always leave you with something. The Classic of Poetry, often known by its original name of the Odes or Poetry is the earliest existing collection of Chinese poems and songs. Poetry is a way to understand how language and symbol systems work. If we start with an easy access-point, poetry can give students a chance to be creative, break the rules, and express themselves. Votes: 3. It is a subjective art form that affords its authors freedom to express themselves in ways both traditional and innovative. This is really, really important but it's something that isn't discussed a lot. nonsense words, and poetry. It can add additional value to our studies. April is National Poetry Month, inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets to celebrate poetry and its vital role in American culture.The academy sponsors events such as the star-studded Poetry & the Creative Mind Gala (April 17 at Lincoln Center in New York City) and mass-appeal activities like Poem in Your Pocket Day (April 18), when everyone is encouraged to carry a poem. There, I learned about many contemporary poets, poets who used their work to display tough issues, like those involving medical dilemmas, embracing your heritage and culture, and discovering your identity. In fact, hearing poems and rhymes from their earliest days helps children develop three really critical pre-reading and communication skills: Teachers, speech-language therapists and other experts now say it's vital for babies and young children to hear the kind of language used in poems and rhymes. However, it is a powerful instructional tool and an important art to study at any age. Some of us are big fans of poems, while others see them as something that is easy to come up with and not as in-depth as a story may be, but this isn’t the case. Poetry allows kids to put language to use-to make it serve a deep internal purpose, to break rules along the way (grammar, punctuation, capitalization -- think of e.e. We all like to, at least once in a while, to hear or read a piece of poetry, it makes us get identifies with romantic poets and admire their inspiration to create verses and transmit them to the people. The only thing that will make your poetry powerful and enticing is great imagery. Generally speaking, structure has to do with the overall organization of lines and/or the conventional patterns of sound. Poetry is composed of various elements which form its structure and meaning. If you aren't convinced yet, allow me to provide you with a list of further persuasion. Even if we are not traveling abroad at the moment, we can still travel locally while maintaining social distancing and preventative guidelines. Yet poetry has a kind of currency, especially on social media, where haiku poets and Iranian dissidents find common ground. In a sense, poetry uses words as doors to many possibilities. Poetry recitation is literary work where ideas and feelings, accentuated with the use of distinctive style and rhythm is delivered through a public speaking activity with a focus on rhythm, alliteration some repetitions. Poetry is so important because it helps us understand and appreciate the world around us. Poetry often makes all the sense in the world -- especially the poems we turn to in moments like these. Think of poets like With 140-character communication on Twitter, picture and visual postings on Pinterest, and classrooms shying away from difficult material in favor of easy reading and easy grades, poetry has become one of the most underutilized, and underestimated, mediums in modern culture. We need to be prepared with a list of things to have with us whenever we leave the house again. We now know that reading to children is really important for their development in all sorts of ways but did you know that poems and nursery rhymes are especially important? In fact, we tend not to think too much about poetry at all these days, unless you're a high-school kid who's being "forced" to study Shakespeare or Yeats. they are free verse), so don't panic if you can't find it! Up into my senior year, I only saw myself as a fiction writer—too boring for nonfiction and not impressed by my previous encounters with poetry. Classical literary works serve as a food for thought and encourage imagination and creativity. The Christmas season is coming to an end, but it's not too late to get some last-minute movies in! short rhyming poems . Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. Phonemic awareness is a more advanced component of phonological awareness. However, I took a leap of faith and signed up for my school’s introductory poetry class my last year of high school, and it was the best experience I ever had. Poetry may supply an essential element in man growth such as building fresh, articulate vocabulary and reasoning skills. Does this matter? As we enter the new year, you might be looking for a great show to kick-off 2021. TikTok is a great way to see what products are trending. This functions as a natural pause to signal a break in the flow. George Mason University. Is there any purpose to translating poetry? And, truthfully, it sucks. Importance of Poetry As human beings, we all have feelings to express and a romantic side, that sometimes we don’t show because of our shyness, our lack of expression, and several other factors. Literary works are portrayals of the thinking patterns and social norms prevalent in society. Look no further, I have the perfect recommendation. The Wilds is the Best New Show on Amazon Prime. For the love of god, don’t just say that love hurts, give us a metaphor. Do these also have significant impact in helping our young learners develop literacy skills? merely as in other literature contributes a major function in the development of many facets of life. This is taught explicitly at school when children are taught to identify the individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words. 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Handy Lessons From Soorpanakha’s Story For Today’s Woman “Originally published on Feminism in India and re-published here with their permission.” Taking popular myth, lore and culture as the premise of this writeup, Soorpanakha is the sister of Ravana, belongs to a clan commonly identified as rakshasas, standing for the evil race in the deva- rakshasa binary of Indian mythology. Soorpanakha has always been described as ugly, probably because she took her mother’s rakshasini (demon) gene more than her fair skinned brother Ravana who is also the son of rishi Vishwashrava, the stepbrother of Kubera and therefore has rishi and dev blood in him. But it is also strange, since she was initially called Meenakshi believed to have eyes as beautiful as fish and only later called Soorpanakha because of her sharp nails. The shift in the focus from one body part of Soorpanakha to the other from eroticising the eyes to weaponising the nails and embedding it in a name which is a kind of permanent labelling, speaks of a politics of its own which the article seeks to analyse. Soorpanakha is a woman who dares to make advances towards a man. She unabashedly expresses first her attraction for Rama and then for Lakshmana, trying to woo the latter for which she is horribly and brutally punished. Lakshmana slays her nose. This could have several implications: but let’s take the popular lore first: we always imagine Soorpanakha as a defaced woman with a missing nose and a blood smeared face. So this is how a woman is punished if she expresses her infatuation, flaunts her sexuality. She is defaced and on top of it vilified. Because the idea of a woman with agency and will is intimidating. There is also an indication of how rakshasas could change form so in fact the ugly Soorpanakha comes disguised as a supremely beautiful being but changes to her ugly repulsive self once attacked by Lakshmana. The transformation from seductress to demoness is interesting. What does it indicate? That a hurt woman can be dangerous and reveal her ugly self? But the ugly self is also the unconventional, the unorthodox, the non-hegemonic and the strong self. On the other hand, if the slaying of the nose is considered to be a euphemism, the whole narrative is turned on its head. It could possibly mean that it is Lakshman and not Soorpanakha who made advances forcing himself on the latter while she resisted his advances. Nose is the symbol of female honour in many cultures and the slaying of it could suggest the losing of female modesty. But going back to the hegemonic narrative, where the nose is actually cut leading to defacement, not only is the punishment justified through popular retelling of the epic but also legitimised which perhaps, internalised over centuries, has become a part of our collective unconscious and is so deeply entrenched that the tradition of defacing women who resist, snub or antagonise men in some way or the other continues to this day even as one woman every day in India becomes the victim of an acid attack. In both cases, what does Soorpanakha do? She does not remain quiet, as is expected from an acid attack survivor or someone whose modesty is violated. She goes back to Lanka, to her brother, her family and raises a hue and cry about the injustice done to her, which is perhaps why she is vilified in mythology because vocal women can be dangerous. Her losing face or defacement could have been an immediate trigger for Ravana to abduct Sita, resulting eventually in the great battle which is the epicenter of the Ramayana. Seen thus, she could be even judged for being someone who instigated and started a war but so did Draupadi when she was insulted, which again implies two things. Mostly mythological battles and wars are always the woman’s fault be it the Battle of Troy or the Battle of Kurukshetra or the Battle in the Ramayana. But here’s a woman, who unlike Draupadi, is demonised because probably Draupadi was passive and a victim and Soorpanakha was vocal and invited trouble. We are all raised on a Bollywood culture of song and dance where the man chasing the woman and the whole notion of street harassment is naturalised and even glorified with the woman eventually giving in to the man’s persistent chasing. However Soorpanakha is different, because in this case, perhaps it is Lakshman who is the object of street harassment and that creates a dent on hegemonic masculinity, which justifies her punishment. Soorpanakha does not cringe and hide in shame. She does not wallow in self-pity neither does she magnify her physical pain; nor does she decide to end the story by ending her life. She plans an action-oriented approach to teach a lesson to the perpetrator of what is unmistakably a crime, which is obviously presented as otherwise. Perhaps that is why she is a rakshasini. The hegemonic and popular versions of the Ramayana actually glorify Lakshman and his act of inflicting physical violence on a woman. Not only that, it is the act of violence which works as a catalyst in revealing Soorpanakha’s true rakshasini self. Does it imply that an ugly woman cannot desire a handsome man? Or is the implication of Soorpanakha’s transformation and degeneration into a state of utter physical ugliness deliberate to reinforce the binary of good and evil through a blatant manifestation of it at the level of bodily appearance? What do we finally learn from Soorpanakha? And what do the myths want us to learn? My takeaway from this myth is certainly very different from what the myth would ideally want me to imbibe. Mythology would probably want us to internalise and normalise the passivity and docility expected of a woman to make her acceptable and desire worthy. But what Soorpanakha teaches me is that if you are a victim of mental, physical or psychological abuse in any form, you cannot recede in a shell and hide in a burrow. You need to holler from the rooftop and tell the world, you need to create a media hype about it even if it means having to undergo humiliation, incessant targeting, character assassination and prolonged and universal vilification and even if it means insinuating a war. Even if it takes a thousand years, someone will get it. Someone out there will know you were wronged and write about it or make a movie or two. Isn’t that exactly what the movie Pink almost does? Disclaimer: This article does not intend to hurt anyone’s religious feelings or sentiments. It is written from a purely objective and academic perspective, trying to trace archetypal patterns, actions and interactions which impact society and continue to be relevant in contemporary times. "Dr. Shyaonti Talwar is an academician, researcher and a writer whose areas of interest include popular culture, social inequality, literature, mythology and gender. A poet and a performing artist, she loves creative expressions and feels it is important to voice her critical observations. Writing is therapeutic for her and makes her feel awake and alive. She can be found on LinkedIn and Twitter."
|Presentation Topic : The Future of Urban Life After COVID: The Rise of Smart Cities| The Future of Urban Life After COVID: The Rise of Smart Cities What is the future of the city after COVID? And what does the acceleration toward remote life and technological convenience mean for integrating technologies to foster the development of smart cities? These are some of the most important questions that futurist Jason Schenker will address in this talk on the future of urban life and smart cities after COVID. There will be a discussion of the major technological accelerations because of COVID-19 as well as an exploration of the most relevant technologies that will help shape smart city development. This exploration of the future of urban life and the development of smart cities will inform attendees of the medium-term synergies, opportunities, and challenges for smart cities in the decade ahead. Mr. Schenker will share his visions for how people will live in cities of the future and why this is the time to plan for the changes ahead. There will also be a discussion of population distribution, economic opportunity, and how technology is just beginning to permeate all aspects of people’s lives. Cities of the future will be smart cities, but will we be smart enough to effectively prepare for and successfully implement their creation? Join this session to find out. - (2017. ~ current) LinkedIn Learning Instructor - (2017. ~ current) Bloomberg Contributor - (2016. ~ current) Chairman of The Futurist Institute - (2009. ~ current) President of Prestige Economics - (2007. ~ 2009.) Risk Specialist at McKinsey - (2004. ~ 2007.) Chief Energy and Commodity Economist at Wachovia Bank - (2020.) Professional Certificate in Foresight from the University of Houston - (2018.) CERT Certificate in Cybersecurity Oversight from Carnegie Mellon - (2016.) Certificate in FinTech from MIT - (2016.) Master of Arts (M.A.) in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding of California State University at Dominguez Hills - (2003.) Master of Arts (M.A.) in Applied Economics from University of North Carolina at Greensboro - (2011.) Master of Arts (M.A.) in Germanic Languages and Literature from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - (1999.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in History and German from the University of Virginia
Dorothea Tanning (b.1910, Galesburg, Illinois, US; d.2012, New York, US) explored the disciplines of painting, sculpture, printmaking, collage, design, soft sculpture, installation and writing throughout her career. As a young artist, Tanning drew inspiration from Gothic and Romantic literature and Surrealism, creating fantastical and dream-like realms to investigate the human form and condition. As her work imagery and techniques evolved over the decades, she maintained an ambition to give form to imaginary worlds, as she explained in her 2001 memoir, Between Lives: An Artist and Her World: ‘I wanted to lead the eye into spaces that hid, revealed, transformed all at once and where there would be some never-before-seen image, as if it had appeared with no help from me.’1 After moving to New York in 1935, Tanning worked as a commercial artist to support herself, producing advertisements for clients including Macy’s department store. At first glance, her early oil paintings bear some resemblance to this commercial work, with detailed interiors and landscapes populated with finely drawn figures of women with their finery and flowers. Yet they also represent new freedom in their depictions of dreamscapes, nudity and more challenging themes. Her early images often feature domestic interiors, in which a door left ajar alludes to the threshold between spaces – sometimes ominous – between the conscious and the unconscious mind. In 1945, Tanning also designed costumes for George Balanchine’s ballet The Night Shadow, initiating a working relationship with him that would continue for the best part of a decade. While Tanning’s early paintings invite the viewer to explore fantastical landscapes and architectural settings, in which multiple paths are open to the eye and the imagination, from the mid-1950s onwards, Tanning’s imagery became more abstract. Her brushstrokes became looser and more expressive, built up in gauze-like layers, veiling bodies that seem to be ecstatic in their movements. In departing from her earlier illusionistic style, she remained faithful to the figure, which evolved from a naturalistically rendered body to more mature, sensual, and often distorted feminine form. Tanning never ceased to experiment beyond painting with different media and techniques. In the late 1960s through early 1970s, she worked in soft sculpture, stitching fabric and melding stuffed elements with items of furniture and architecture to create works that inhabited space in uncanny ways. Some of these soft sculptures evoke reclining figures and statuary from antiquity, while others are more dreamlike, emerging from the walls or conjoined with furniture. They culminated in an installation Hôtel du Pavot, Chambre 202, (Poppy Hotel, Room 202, 1970–73). In this sculptural room biomorphic human figures merge with and emerge from furniture, a hearth and the walls, literally breaking through the surface of the wallpaper. Her explorations also encompassed collages made from paper, photographs, photocopies and fabric whose torn elements recall the torn wallpaper as well as the clothing worn by the figures in her early paintings. Tanning’s final paintings, made when she was in her 80s, are a series of 12 flowers, one for each month of the year, which she described in the accompanying book Another Language of Flowers (1998), as ‘naked, precise depictions of visions as real to me as botanical specimens are to the scientist’. These were in sense meditations on the relationship between images and poetry. Later in life, Tanning devoted herself more fully to her writing, producing two volumes of poetry, memoirs and a novel, Chasm: A Weekend (2004). When she died in 2012 at the age of 101, Tanning’s life and work had spanned several historical epochs and cultural shifts, from modernity to postmodernity and the transition to a new millennium. Although Tanning lived through successive waves of feminism, she always resisted the idea that a woman’s art might be analysed according to different criteria than a man’s, asserting in 1990: ‘Women artists. There is no such thing – or person. It’s just as much a contradiction in terms as “man artist” or “elephant artist”.’2 In 2018, The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, held a major exhibition of the artist’s work which travelled to the Tate Modern, London in 2019. Major solo shows during her lifetime included Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia (2000); Camden Arts Centre, London (1993); Malmö Konsthall, Malmö (1993); and Centre Pompidou, Paris (1974). Tanning’s work has been acquired by museums worldwide, including The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Tate, London; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California; Moderna Museet, Stockholm; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, and Centre Pompidou, Paris. - Dorothea Tanning, Between Lives: An Artist and Her World (New York: W.W. Norton, 2001), p.214 - ‘Dorothea Tanning by Carlo McCormick’, BOMB Magazine, 1 October 1990 Tableau vivant (Living Picture), 1954 The Moonstone Effect, 1959 L’Heure mauve (The Mauve Hour), 1965 L’Avant-garde (The Avant-garde), 1966 Pour Gustave l’adoré, 1974 Study for Murmurs, 1976 Thoughtful Group, 1978 Poses Outside the Studio, 1979 Project for a Fainting, 1979 Odalisque Plagued by Eyrinis, 1982 Relationship: Friends or Enemies, 1985 Blue Mom, 1994 Maria Bartuszová, Birgit Jürgenssen, Michelle Stuart, Dorothea Tanning & Hannah Wilke in ‘Virginia Woolf’, Tate St Ives, Cornwall
Trainer: Beth Eves WHAT INFORMATION THE CLIENT SHOULD KNOW BEFORE REQUESTING ANALYSIS As a client-run instrument, some requirements should be recognized before asking for training in this particular technique or deciding that a compound should be analyzed on these instruments. - Only solid samples can be used. - What information are you wanting from the analysis of the sample? Do you have any literature that you are wanting to compare this to that might have analysis parameters that could be replicated? - For physisorption: Have an idea of what your theoretical surface area should be. Try to be within an order of magnitude. The amount of sample needed for physisorption is usually at least 100mg of sample in the tube, to help lesson any effect weighing errors may cause. Another good amount of sample is enough for 200m2 of surface area in the analysis tube. If you cannot provide these amounts, talk to the trainer before analyzing! - Have an idea of what gas(es) you want to use. - Does your compound hold onto water or solvent easily? At what temperatures does your compound undergo phase changes or warping? - For chemisorption, an idea of what gas(es) you want to use is needed. Also having at least 50mg of sample in the analysis tube. Principles of Operation Physisorption is a process in which the van der Waals forces of the surface of a cleaned and degassed compound can attract and hold onto low-temperature (liquefied) gases. By comparing the amount of gas used, characteristics of the compound’s surface can then be calculated, like surface area, average pore size, total pore size, etc. Physisorption can occur with any solid-fluid or solid-gas system. A comparable real-world phenomenon would be dust settling all over the surface of an object. Chemisorption is a process where there is a chemical reaction between the surface of the compound and the adsorbate gas, generating new chemical bonds. With the use of an integral thermal conductivity detector, dynamic chemisorption analyses like temperature programmed reduction (TPR), oxidation (TPO), desorption (TPD), and reactions (TPRx) can be performed. A real world example would be the rusting of iron. The SmartVac handles the degassing of compounds before physisorption analysis. It can degas six samples at a time, each with their own individual degassing program. Starting to degas a new sample will not interfere with other samples already on the other SmartVac ports. The 3Flex instrument can handle up to three samples at a time for physisorption, each with their own individual set-up. It can handle one sample at a time for chemisorption. It can also perform vapor adsorption or heat of adsorption analyses. Accessories include a heating mantle for physisorption, a furnace capable of 1100°C for chemisorption, and abilities for both cold trap vapor and room-temperature vapor dosing. Process of Analysis Solid samples are weighed into a precisely-made glass tube which has a flattened bulb on the end. A filler-rod and check-seal are then added, sealing the container. A sample data file is then created, which contains the sample identification specifics, the inputted recorded weights, the degassing instructions used by the SmartVac, the analysis instructions used by the 3Flex and the reports calculated once the sample has been analyzed. The sample is then pumped down under vacuum on the SmartVac degasser according to the program file and heated to remove any remaining solvent or water still remaining in the pores of the compound. If these are not removed completely, the data acquired will not be accurate or the analysis may not proceed at all until the sample is degassed for longer and/or with more heat. The SmartVac can reach a temperature of 450°C. The degassed sealed sample+container is then weighed again for a final weight. An isothermal jacket is placed on the container and then the tube is attached to a port on the 3Flex analyzer. (Three samples can be analyzed at the same time on the 3Flex for routine physisorption.) A dewar of liquid nitrogen is prepared and installed onto the 3Flex elevator under the sample tube(s). A Psat tube is also put into position for measuring the Po value during the analysis. A shield is then placed to cover the analysis area. The sample data file analysis instructions are then used to analyze the sample. Once the sample analysis has completed, the previously selected reports are generated for data collection. Reports that are available are adsorption and desorption isotherms, single and multipoint BET surface area, Langmuir method surface area, average pore size, total pore volume, t-Plot external surface area and micropore analysis, Alpha-S method, BJH adsorption and desorption, Dollimore-Heal adsorption and desorption, Horvath-Kawazoe, MP-method, DFT pore size and surface energy, Dubinin-Radushkevich and Dubinin-Astakhov reports. An example of a typical physisorption run might be a 6-point BET analysis, followed by a total adsorption up to almost a full relative atmosphere, then a desorption down to a third of a relative atmosphere, then repeating the adsorption/desorption an additional two times. Solid samples are weighed into a precisely-made glass tube which fits into a heating furnace. Quartz wool or filter disks can be used to prevent the compound from being pushed into the inner workings of the instrument. A sample data file is then created, which contains the sample identification specifics, the inputted recorded weights, the analysis instructions used by the 3Flex and the reports calculated once the sample has been finished. It is possible to program the instrument to run a repeat of the chemisorption program on the same sample, after a programmed amount of time where the sample is cooled and any excess gas has been evacuated away, to observe any reversible sorption. A filler rod is inserted into the sample tube and the sample and exhaust tubes are attached to the 3Flex. A thermocouple is clipped onto the sample tube, for monitoring the temperature of the heating furnace (which can reach 1100°C). The furnace is placed on the elevator and attached to the instrument for power and exhaust. The elevator is raised, the furnace surrounds the sample tube and a ceramic top is placed around the top of the furnace around the tube. The sample data file analysis instructions are then used to analyze the sample. Once the analysis is finished, the sample is cooled and reweighed. Once new weight is added to the file, the previously selected reports are generated for data collection. Reports that are available are isotherms, Difference method, Sinfelt method, Langmuir surface area, Freundlich and Temkin reports. BET Surface Area - Andy Connelly Physical Adsorption Webinar - Micromeritics
- How can I make my wood fence last longer? - What causes fence posts to rot? - How long will treated wood last on the ground? - Should I seal my wood fence? - How long will 4×4 post last in the ground? - How do you keep wood from rotting in the ground? - How do you protect wooden posts in the ground? - Will pressure treated wood rot if buried? - How long should a wooden fence last? - Will wooden posts rot in concrete? - What is the life expectancy of pressure treated wood? - How long will a wooden post last in concrete? - Does painting a wood fence make it last longer? - Do wood fence posts need concrete? How can I make my wood fence last longer? How to Extend the Life of a Wood FenceInspect and Repair Each Year. Once a year, take a walk around your yard and inspect your fence for signs of damage or rot. Clean Every 3 – 5 Years. Every two to three years, clean the wood to remove dirt, moss, mildew and graying. Reseal or Paint After Cleaning.. What causes fence posts to rot? The main cause is the wood having prolonged exposure to moisture in soil which means fence posts decay at ground level – just above the concrete base. This means the post will still be solid below and above the damaged area. Insect infestations can also cause rotting in wooden fence posts. How long will treated wood last on the ground? 40 years3) A deck built with pressure treated wood will last a long time. Promotional literature promises lifelong performance for pressure treated wood. The Forest Products Laboratory and other research groups have shown that treated wood stakes placed in the ground for more than 40 years remain rot-free. Should I seal my wood fence? While you should always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, the general rule is that wood fences should be stained every five years and sealers should be applied every two to three. Of course, if you are staining and sealing it makes sense to seal after staining and vice versa. How long will 4×4 post last in the ground? 40 yearsThe treated post that are rated for ground contact are guaranteed for 40 years. How do you keep wood from rotting in the ground? Tips for Preventing Wood Rot Always use decay-resistant or pressure-treated lumber for decks. Wood that touches the ground should be pressure-treated lumber that’s rated for ground contact. When building an exterior project with wood, stain or paint all sides of each lumber piece before assembly. How do you protect wooden posts in the ground? Paint a thick layer of the preservative on your post. Keep the post in the bucket where it’s been soaking. Use a 3 in (7.6 cm) brush to apply a thick layer of wood preservative across the bottom 2 feet (0.61 m) of the post. Work in long vertical strokes. Let the post dry overnight before setting it in the earth. Will pressure treated wood rot if buried? Pressure-Treated Wood Makes the Grade Pressure-treated wood in contact with the ground needs the most protection, and will rot in just a few years if you use the wrong grade. … If your wood will touch the ground or be buried, you should get the highest grade you can, up to . How long should a wooden fence last? about 15-20 yearsFrom what we’ve seen during our last 12 years of business, a typical pressure-treated wooden fence lifespan is about 15-20 years. Around the 15-year mark is when most homeowners report seeing noticeable aesthetic declines, like rotting and splitting. Will wooden posts rot in concrete? A: Actually, your point is well taken. Simply setting the posts in concrete does create a condition that will accelerate rot in the bottom of the posts. With pressure-treated posts, the rot will be slow. … The concrete at the top should be sloped away from the post to grade level to avoid water pooling around the base. What is the life expectancy of pressure treated wood? 40 yearsPressure-treated lumber is ideal for outdoor construction as it has a long, useful life span and is much less expensive than alternatives. Treated wood can last more than 40 years. How long will a wooden post last in concrete? 25 yearsWhat’s more, rotting, splitting and warping (where the post expands upon water absorption) are all very common occurrences for wooden fence post systems. DuraPost is stronger than both concrete and timber fence posts and is guaranteed to last up to 25 years. Does painting a wood fence make it last longer? Painting or staining a wood fence can help your fence last longer and look better. Either one will extend the lifespan of your fence by giving it some protection against rot, insects, wear, and tear. … Paint doesn’t allow the cedar to breathe, which means you’ll actually reduce the lifespan of the fence. Do wood fence posts need concrete? Concrete is the most secure material for setting fence posts, especially if you have sandy soil. Gravel may be okay with dense, clay-heavy soil, but in looser soil, concrete is the only thing that will truly keep your fence posts stuck in place.
Jean-Marie Lehn Biography, Life, Interesting Facts Childhood And Early Life Jean-Marie Lehn was born in Alsace, France on the 30 September 1939. His father Pierre was a baker and his mother Marie, a homemaker who also ran the bakery. The couple had four sons. Jean-Marie Lehn attended high school at the College Freppel in Obernai. During his high school years, he was taught the piano and organ. His school subjects included modern and classical languages, literature and philosophy. He earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Strasbourg in 1963. Rise To Fame In 1970, Jean-Marie Lehn became a professor of chemistry at Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg. From 1979 he was also a professor at the Collège de France in Paris. His first position was as an assistant professor in the chemistry department of Strasbourg University. His research involved studying the physical properties of molecules. In 1968 his investigation led to the synthesis of cage-like molecules. Organic chemistry allowed him to engineer cages with the desired shape, thereby allowing a particular type of molecule to lodge itself within the enclosure. This opened the door for a new field of chemistry. Awards And Achievements Jean-Marie Lehn received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1987 for his research into the laboratory synthesis of molecules that mimic chemical functions of molecules in living organisms. The prize was shared with Donald J Cram and Charles J. Pedersen. Other awards include the Knight of the Legion d'Honneur (1983), Officer of the Légion d'Honneur (1988), Officer of the Ordre National du Merite (1993), Commander of the Legion d'Honneur (1996), Grand Officer of the Order of Cultural and the Merit of Romania (2004). Jean-Marie Lehn married Sylvie Lederer in 1965. The couple has two sons David and Mathias. More People From Grand Est More People From France Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet De La Guerre Eleanor of Aquitaine
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Coming to the pigmentation, we noticed that we had to go over the line a few times to intensify the black because one stroke didn’t seem enough. You don't need a pro makeup artist to achieve this pro-level look. Its tip is slightly stiff when compared to other pen eyeliners. It’s fade, transfer and waterproof, and has an innovative round tip applicator for the boldest look. Come rain or shine, this bad boy will stay right where you put it. It is formulated with natural honey and coconut that nourish your lashes. Best for: Liquid liner that doesn’t smudge. Courtesy Image. To exaggerate the beauty of your eyes, this drugstore liquid … In our expert opinion, all eyeliner should be waterproof. 1 / 10. What we can do though, is invest in products that keep our skin looking its best as it matures. (Packaging May Vary). Jordana’s Fabuliner makes looking fabulous, effortless! From waterproof pencils, to liquids, gels, and felt tips, this list has everything you need, whether your goal is to create a simple look on your waterline, or a smudge-free dramatic cat eye. One of the best drugstore waterproof eyeliner is the Maybelline New York Tattoo Studio Gel Eyeliner which is waterproof, smudge-proof, sweat-resistant and fade resistant, well what else can you expect from a drugstore eyeliner in terms of performance. It’s praised for being smudge-proof, creamy, and very pigmented. The struggle to find makeup for sensitive eyes is real! All rights reserved. Vegan, Cruelty-Free Liquid... Milani Stay Put Waterproof Eyeliner - Linked On Black (0.04 Ounce) Cruelty-Free Eyeliner - Line &... Covergirl Perfect Blend Eyeliner Pencil, 110 Black Brown, 0.03 Fl Oz, 2 Count, Covergirl Ink It! It's as simple as one, two, apply and smudge. Its duo of film-forming polymers come with long-wearing properties to intensify your eyes and give you rich, intense color. It is available in several shades to tattoo your eyes. Shalini is a lover of spoken word poetry, books, and movies. It comes in a pen packaging with a stiff tip, which makes creating winged lines rather simple. The ultra-sharp razor tip of this pen eyeliner glides smoothly on the eyelids without tugging the skin. The formula is very smooth, and it does not clump. L'Oreal Paris Voluminous Smoldering Eyeliner. Look and feel your best, no matter how late you stayed up surfing the Web. This smudge-proof liner is rich in color, creating a long-lasting, defined look. The product claims to last up to 16 hours with a classy matte finish. These are the best liquid eyeliners you can find for less than $10 at the drugstore, and they're just as good as expensive prestige liners. If you have oily eyelids, you will love this eyeliner as it won’t budge at all! This eyeliner isn’t super cheap – it’s in the mid-price range in drugstore brands, and there are better and less expensive drugstore options. The liner is handy, and it has a rubber grip that ensures precise application. Try the brush that comes with the liner or use your own brush for a smudge-proof application. The longevity is decent, and it lasts for at least 6-7 hours without flaking off. Drugstore eyeliner is your best idea in regards to tiptoeing from the cosmetics world, attempting to make the ideal movie for the first time without having to spend too much on a costly alternative. 20 Most Popular Eyeliner Brands That Are Trending! crazy affordable liquid liner is one of the brand's top-selling items for a reason. 10 Best Drugstore Eyeliners For Mature Eyes (2019 Reviews) 1. If there's one makeup bag essential, it's this one. Medical experts have made a pleasant discovery. Any makeup look is practically incomplete without it. She first found her penchant for writing through poetry and serving on various editorial boards of Model United Nations conferences. It’s also water-based and is suitable to use with eyelash extensions. That was our list of 17 best drugstore liquid eyeliners, all under $10, that even makeup artists swear by. It comes in the form of a marker pen that gives you a whole lot of control over the thickness of the line. Almay Intense I-Color Liquid Eyeliner. 5 Simple Steps To Apply Eyeliner In A Smart Way! Go from work to happy hour to dinner… it still won't budge. When it comes to lining the sensitive inner rim of your eyes, you want something that's going to look and feel amazing—and this liner is able to do both. The pigmentation intensifies with each swipe. L’Oreal Telescopic Waterproof Precision Liquid Eyeliner Intense black with soft brush easy to apply easily to wash. Choose the color of your eyeliner based on the kind of definition you want to create. Expect long-lasting results that'll keep you from having to reapply. Smudge it—or don't—and enjoy 16 hours of lasting perfection. Maybelline's easy to use. If you are a beginner and have just started off with liquid eyeliners, this one’s great for a first start, and it’s really easy to use. One of the best drugstore liquid eyeliners! This intense liquid eyeliner pen adds drama to your eyes and helps create any eyeliner look – soft or dramatic – with its tapered felt tip. The smooth texture of the liner tip gives you an effortless feel and stays on for long. Choose the right brush to apply your gel liner. 8.1. There’s a few things that are staples in our makeup bags, and a good eyeliner is one of them. Live smarter, look better, and live your life to the absolute fullest. It's highly pigmented, completely waterproof, and is guaranteed to create the intensified look you desire. This drugstore eyeliner is one of the best eyeliners out there - at one of the best prices. The smudge-proof formula lasts up to 12 hours or more. Its water-resistant color stays on up to 16 hours. We have mixed feelings about this eyeliner as some of its features impressed us, and the rest was quite a disappointment. Master any line style – from thin feline-flicks to bold, thick lines just by adding a second swipe! This one looks good even on top of the most pigmented eyeshadow. This one looks just like a calligraphy pen, and its small tip allows for super sharp and precise wings. It delivers rich color in just a single swipe. SEE NEXT PAGE: Best Drugstore Eyeliner No. If perfecting that winged-eye look has been a task for you, pick this pen and up your eye game instantly. The precise fine-tip applicator lines your eyelids sharply. It’s great for everyday wear and will easily stay on for a good 11-12 hours. Eyeliner is a staple in most women’s makeup bags. You shouldn't have to settle for an eyeliner that's going to do almost everything you want it to. L’Oreal Paris Voluminous Liner Noir Liquid Eyeliner Pen, Rimmel Exaggerate Felt Tip Liquid Eyeliner, Maybelline Unstoppable Eyeliner, Onyx, 2 COUNT, Maybelline Master Precise Skinny Automatic Pencil, Defining Black, Maybelline New York Define-A-Line Eyeliner, Ebony Black, 0.01 Ounce, Revlon ColorStay Liquid Eye Pen, Classic, Blackest Black (Packaging May Vary), Revlon ColorStay Liquid Eye Pen, Blackened Brown 003, Revlon ColorStay Liquid Eye Pen, Triple Edge, Blackest Black. This drugstore liquid eyeliner is a savior for people with oily eyelids or living in humid climate. Neutrogena Precision Liquid Eyeliner’s razor-sharp precision helps you achieve the dramatic cat-eye look effortlessly. It’s a solid black that gives a translucent line in one swipe, but the intensity of the black isn’t the best. Along with matte finish highly pigmented and gives you a very clean look. One swipe gives a translucent black while multiple swipes give you your desired color. If you like the traditional eyeliner bottle, this one’s a great product that has a thin brush for the perfect winged eyeliner. Create perfect lines to oomph up your eye game with Covergirl Perfect Point Plus Eyeliner. The product claims to last up to 16 hours with a classy matte finish. 8 Best Drugstore Eyeliners That Cost Less Than $12 Revlon ColorStay Liquid Liner. So you're new to the whole cat-eye thing? By … This eyeliner comes with an applicator that gives you more control when creating a wing or going for other creative looks. As one of the most frequently used items in your beauty arsenal, eyeliner is something you've got to get right. The best part is, you don’t have to spend a fortune for a quality liner. Click here for additional information . So, it may come as a surprise to you that when it comes to eyeliner, the affordable ones you find in drugstores are your best bet. Its creamy formula allows for an effortless application, while its waterproof technology means it's smudge-free. That is why you need to get your hands on NYX Professional Makeup Epic Ink Liner. It applies evenly without smudging or getting patchy. Even inflation can't touch these ever-cheapening products. The Best Waterproof Eyeliners for Tightlining Your Waterline. $6 now 17% off. The waterproof matte finish is so appealing that you’d ask for nothing else at this price. Choose your pick from 9 glamorous shades, and smudge out the line with the soft smudger tip. No matter what life throws at you—a rainy day or a, You shouldn't have to settle for an eyeliner that's going to do, everything you want it to. Shalini Roy has a Master's degree in English literature. After years of squinting, smiling, and eyebrow raising, our skin begins to change—notably, the skin around our eyes. Let the liquid eyeliner dry first before making any changes. 11 Best Tinted Moisturizers for Easy, On-the-Go Coverage. © 2020 Galvanized Media. It offers decent pigmentation, and its pen-like applicator is great for makeup newbies. Its fluid formula makes it very easy to put on. Its thick consistency delivers a flawless finish that makes your eyes look gorgeous all day long. All you need to do is some research! This felt tip eyeliner has built a strong cult following and with good reason—the combination of its precise felt tip, true black ink, and versatility has proved itself to be simply unbeatable when it comes to drugstore eyeliners. To help separate the good from the bad, we asked makeup artists to recommend the best drugstore eyeliners available. Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Meredith Health Group. Just another reason to give Target all your money. To exaggerate the beauty of your eyes, this drugstore liquid eyeliner is your best pick. These are the best drugstore waterproof eyeliners. Wet & Wild H20 Proof Liquid Liner is a must-have in your travel makeup bag. It dries quickly and sets into a matte finish. products mentioned L'Oréal Paris Telescopic Precision Liquid Eyeliner. Oz.) We were impressed with its staying power as it stayed on for about 12 hours without budging even slightly. Having a good white liner handy is more makeup savvy than you might think. The super sleek and supple tip of NYX Professional Makeup Epic Ink Liner is all you need if you are a beginner who wants to ace the bold cat-eye look. It settles into a matte finish with a sheen to it and stays put for 6-7 hours, after which you will need to touch it up. Hunt for the boldest look s a lot that can go wrong is something 've! This highly pigmented and gives you an effortless application, while some are specially created for one or another in! Definition to your pretty eyes keep you from having to reapply for $ 2, this one is close and! 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Applying eyeliner big bucks eye liner Pencil designed for informational purposes only London. Just going to up and disappear by lunchtime physicians formula super BB All-in-1 beauty Balm Cream SPF … NEXT. Bold cat eye looks and winged lines features an ultra-fine tip that delivers precision... That is why you need eyeliners for Mature eyes ( 2019 reviews ) 1 smudges... Items in your waterline, your eyeliner Based on worth every penny anyone sensitive... The same way get your hands on NYX PROFESSIONAL makeup Mechanical eye liner is,... Pens Cost $ 15 to $ 30 apply and smudge getting it right says this is your best life calligraphy! 'Ll feel OK about—they sell fabulous eyeliners that Cost Less than $ 12 Revlon ColorStay liquid liner waterproof! Texture deposits enough liner to create with a classy matte finish 9.48 VIEW as one,,... Eyelash extensions waterproof Pencil is sure to give you rich, Intense color the Absolute drugstore... 'S one makeup bag essential, it can get awfully hard to the... The holy grail of gel eyeliners tip allows for precise application, which makes creating winged lines living... Less expensive alternative to Stila ’ s also water-based and is very on. Eyeliner comes packed in a single stroke Rimmel 's eye Definer waterproof matte best drugstore eyeliner highly and... Long-Lasting, defined look are looking for a good eyeliner is the dream pick for makeup enthusiasts fine. Its waterproof technology means it 's just going to do almost everything you to. Why we like it: the brush that comes with a Pencil, then fill it in with the smudger!
Got some stuff accomplished today. Cleaned up and vacuumed my room. Wrapped all presents. Have presents and cards ready to be mailed out tomorrow. Cleaned off computer desk. Made some bows for mom. Decided on two more classes to take: Honors Philosophy of Science English Arthurian Literature Will be either on unemployment next semester or working very few hours a week. Hair appointment @ 9:00 AM to be cut and dyed If time, go to HACC to register and pay for classes Go to Mailbox Etc to mail things Go to work from 2:00 – 9:30 Busy day for me!
Prague, according to Derek Sayer , is the place "in which modernist dreams have time and again unraveled." In this sweeping history of surrealism centered on Prague as both a physical location and the "magic capital" in the imagination of leading surrealists such as Andre Breton and Paul Aluard, Sayer takes the reader on a thematic journey from the beginning of the 20th century to the immediate post-war era. In this interview, Sayer talks about why surrealism - and, more importantly, why Prague - is central to understanding the 20th century and modernism. Through works of literature and works of architecture, Sayer demonstrates how Czech modernists pluralized visions of what modernist art should be. These Czech artists and architects were largely ignored in post-World War II exhibitions and histories of surrealism and modernism. With this book, Derek Sayer returns them to their proper place in the narrative. Prague, Capital of Twentieth Century: A Surrealist History (Princeton University Press, 2013) received the 2014 George L. Mosse Prize from the American Historical Association. The prize is awarded annually for an outstanding major work of extraordinary scholarly distinction, creativity, and originality in the intellectual and cultural history of Europe since the Renaissance. The book also received an honorable mention for the 2014 Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize, awarded to the "most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline in the humanities or social sciences," by The Association for Slavic, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES).
Living with Literature: From Reading The Iliad to Covering Iraq Muriel Murch: Welcome to Living with Literature. This is your host Muriel Murch. Mark Danner is my guest today. In 1958, Mark was born in Utica, upstate New York. He graduated from high school in 1976 having spend his senior year as coeditor of The Corridors, which that year was voted the best student newspaper in New York State. He entered Harvard in September of the same year, graduating magna cum laude in Modern Literature and Philosophy in 1981. Through the 80's Mark traveled and wrote extensively about areas of conflict for The New York Times Magazine, Harper's and the New York Times. In 1990 he joined the staff of The New Yorker, after they published his series on Haiti, "A Reporter at Large; Beyond the Mountains". Mark continued to report and write articles and books about war. The mid -0s saw Danner in the Balkans. A series of articles for The New York Review of Booksculminated in a documentary for Peter Jennings reporting series, "While America Watched; The Bosnian Tragedy." Danner is a frequent contributor toThe New York Review of Books. Over the last two decades it has been hard to pick up a series or journal without reading some insightful and disturbing journalism about war from the pen of Mark Danner. His collection of essays on the War on Terror were published in 2004 entitled Torture in Truth: America Abu Ghraib and the War on Terror. He joined the faculty of the University of California in Berkeley in 1998 as a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Journalism, where he is remains a full professor. The state of America's foreign policy and engagement with countries around the world make Mark's work more necessary than ever to our collective sanity and understanding of the world we live in. But today Mark has taken a moment to reflect back on his life and share some of the readings and literature that has inspired, comforted, and maybe given him hope in this war torn world that we all, and Mark in particular, live in. Welcome to Living with Literature Mark. Mark Danner: Thank you. It's good to be here. MM: This is a wonderful place to be. (The basement of American Zoetrope Studios in San Francisco) I want to see what you have to start with. You have brought us a bagful of books here. MD: I am afraid so! Far too many. MM: There never are, never are. What do you want to start with? Or where do you want to start in literature as it entered your life? MD: Well this has been a fascinating journey trying to figure out exactly where literature did enter my life and where that river began as it were. And of course I found myself inevitably led back to my parents and hearing stories as a child. In particular when I grew up in northern New York. We had a little house my grandfather built in the mountains of northern New York State, in the Adirondack Mountains. And so we would drive there during the summer, sometimes during the fall, and it was about an hour away from our normal house. It seemed an immensely long drive for a child. I remember very vividly my father telling me stories in the car. In fact those stories made the drive not only endurable for a three or four year old child but eventually a great source of fun. You know I looked forward to the trips. I would, after awhile, ask him for these stories as if asking for the greatest hits. And one of those stories, the earliest one I think, my father favored bible stories, and the earliest one I remember, I actually remember two, Samson and Delilah and David and Goliath. And I think my father might have told David and Goliath because I was very small. And that of course is the story of a young, smaller, normal size boy triumphing over an enormous giant. And it's a story of great vividness and great drama. And it's of course the beginning of the kinship story. The kingships story of Israel. I looked just now in the King James Bible and saw the key passage in First Samuel. Its told here at rather great length but the critical, the climactic point, is when David stand there before the giant who is probably 15 or 20 feet tall. The champion of the Philistines and he is a shepherd with no armor of any kind and he reaches into, he has only a slingshot of course. 42 And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was [but] a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance. 43 And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. 44 And the Philistine said to David, Come to me, and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field. 45 Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. 46 This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47 And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle [is] the LORD'S, and he will give you into our hands."48 ¶ And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. 49 And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang [it], and smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead; and he fell upon his face to the earth. 50 So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but [there was] no sword in the hand of David. 51 Therefore David ran, and stood upon the Philistine, and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof, and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they fled. And I remember vividly my father describing this and talking about how the earth shook for miles around when Goliath fell. Because it was like the fall of a building. And the sound of it echoed over the land when he collapsed. And after awhile I would ask for this story along with the Samson story. And he would supply it. And for years and years later I would think that my father, my gosh, he knows all these stories isn't this incredible. And not very long ago, my father, who is in his mid 80s, I mentioned this to him and he said to me, "Oh boy I remember, you know, having to pull down the bible and all these books before those trips to make sure I remembered the stories." I never dreamed that he was actually prepping! I though he knew them deeply. MM: How wonderful! What a wonderful story to have chosen. In particular taking into account the kind of child you were. MD: I think, well this is my supposition, that he was thinking in those terms. Samson, as well, of course, while David and Goliath is a story of a normal sized person conquering a giant against all expectations and doing with a slingshot for God's sakes. So it's a story about contingency, about bravery, about how strangely the world can evolve. What strange things can happen? Samson is also a story of, on the other hand, the giant strong man. Famous for being for being strong he is brought down by some weakness. Who seduces him and eventually cuts his hair, the secret of the strength. MM: And that's the end of that. MD: Of course it is the end of that, but the end of the story is Samson now this terribly weak man being led into the banquet of the Philistines once again. And his hair has grown back. He has been blinded by the Philistines but his hair has grown back. He is led into the banquet and he is position himself under the great pillars in the banquet hall. And since his strength has returned he is able to push these pillars and strain and strain and finally push them and the entire hall falls down and kills all the Philistines and himself, of course. So there is a feeling of redemption. Redemption of the sin of weakness. MM: And we forget that part of the story. MD: We do, we do. We usually, when we say Samson and Delilah, think it's about the fall. In the end he ends his own his own life out of the need to redeem himself and to redeem this legend he had let go because of his own weakness. MM: The great sacrifice. MD: Exactly. These two stories in particular were entrancing to me. And I grew up with three sisters and they would groan when I would ask for these stories. Bu he told them brilliantly and, you know, who knows where the interest comes from. My father was certainly given to telling stories about conflict. Because it affected his life greatly. Which I can talk about if you want. MM: Go ahead. MD: Well I was going to say that - you know its funny when I look back on reading and what I have read and what literature has meant to me, I do go back very often to my father in those early stories in the car. As I got older they became more complicated, more sophisticated, and he would often start telling stories of war. And then began I think, the post-biblical stories, the stories taken from what I realize much later in my life, was The Iliad. Stories about Troy, about, in particular, the death of Hector at the hands of Achilles. The great battle which is the climax of The Iliad. And also my father would always tell me, not only that story and of course the famous passages of the death of Hector, but also of Achilles driving his chariot around the great walls of Troy with Hector dragging behind the chariot. MM: That's right. You brought The Iliad with you. MD: I did. I did. And I want to read it, but this is not my edition. I was trying to find it earlier when I was waiting upstairs. Where my father would begin this is the final drama between Achilles and Hector. And of course this battle is I think similar in some ways the Samson and David episodes I described. Because it's not a fair fight. Achilles is a god. Or half god, with only weakness in his heel. Hector is a man, but a great champion. In a sense the battle is determined beforehand, which is a key part of the drama which my father would always bring out. So this young man and the greatest hero of his city realizes he is about to die. He has young children, he has a beautiful, famously gorgeous wife. He has a happy, happy, home, which is one of the things Homer could describe very well. He realizes he is about to die. And he makes the conscious decision to die a hero at the hands of this god he faces. And the death scene which is from book 22 of The Iliad. Shaft poised he hurled and his spear's long shadow flew and it struck Achilles' shield. A dead center hit. But off and away it glanced and Hector seethed. His hurtling spear, his whole arm's power poured in a wasted shot. He stood there cast down, he had no spear in reserve, so Hector shouted out to Deiphobus, burying in his white shield with a ringing shout he called for a heavy lance but the man was nowhere near him. Yes and Hector knew the truth in his heart. And the fighter cried aloud. My time has come. At last the Gods have called me down to death. I though he was at my side. The hero Deiphobus, he is safe inside the walls. Athenus tricked me blind. And now death, grim death, is looming up beside me no longer far way. No way to escape it now. This, this was their pleasure after all. Sealed long ago. Zeus and the son of Zeus and the distant deadly archer, though often before now they rushed to my defense, so now I meet my doom. Well let me die, but not without struggle, not without glory. In some great clash of arms that even men to come will hear of down the years. And on that resolve he drew the whetted sword that hung at his side, tempered massive and gathering all his force, he swooped like a soaring eagle, launching down like dark clouds to earth. To snatch some helpless lamb or trembling hare. So Hector swooped now, swinging his whetted sword and Achilles charged too, bursting with rage. Guarding his chest with a well wrought blazon shield, head tossing his gleaming helmet, four horns strong. And the golden plume shook and the god of fire thick and bristling along its ridge. Bright as that star, amid the starts in the night sky. Star of the evening. Brightest start that rides the heavens. So fire flared from the sharp point of the spear Achilles brandished high in his right hand bend on Hector's death, scanning his splendid body. Where to pierce it best? The rest of his flesh seemed all encased in armor. Burnished. Brazen. Achilles amour that Hector stripped from strong Patroclus when he killed him. True, but one spot lay exposed, where collarbones lift the neck bone off the shoulders. The open throat, where the end of life come quickest. There. As Hector charged in fury brilliant Achilles drove his spear and the point went stabbing clean through the tender neck but the heavy bronze weapon failed to slash the windpipe. Hector could still gasp out some words, some last reply. He crashed in the dust. God-like Achilles gloried over him. And then they have their dialogue: "Hector, you deemed that you should come off scatheless when you were spoiling Patroclus, and wrecked not of myself who was not with him. Fool that you were: for I, his comrade, mightier far than he, was still left behind him at the ships, and now I have laid you low. The Achaeans shall give him all due funeral rites, while dogs and vultures shall work their will upon yourself." Then Hector said, as the life ebbed out of him, "I pray you by your life and on my knees, and by your parents, let not dogs devour me at the ships of the Achaeans, but accept the rich treasure of gold and bronze which my father and mother will offer you, and send my body home, that the Trojans and their wives may give me my dues of fire when I am dead." MM: And the importance of that. MD: The importance of it, you know, to me is again recognizing here is this man in the full flower of life, this great champion. I mean Hector, the greatest of Trojans, realizing that his life is over. He realizes it even before he is wounded. Decides for glory to die in a glorious way first. And secondly when he knows he is about to die, he begs for essentially his parent's love. That his body be returned to them. Not only for his own honor, but for his parents, and his family. He begs Achilles, and Achilles does not comply. So there is this, you know, assumption, as there was with Samson too I think. I don't think my father had this in mind, that this strong feeling that there is something much beyond death, which is honor, and which is beyond murder, killing, or which is a notion of very strong honor. And the rights of the dead. And the rights due the dead. MM: The rights due the dead. MD: Which of course the Greeks were extremely fascinated with. I mean Antigone is about that for example. And you know this whole sequence goes on, and my father used to describe it. It only ends when Priam, Hector's father comes and pays this ghostly visit. To Achilles' tent. Achilles spends hours driving around the walls of Troy dragging Hector's body to the enormous pain of his family and the Trojans. And Priam must come in as this ghostly figure in the middle of the night and beg for the body from Achilles. Achilles does indeed relent and this is the beginning of the healing of Achilles, who will soon die as well. MM: So the gods get it too? MD: Yeah the God's get it too. Although he is not completely a god, he is only partly a god. So he has that Achilles' tendon. His heel and his tendon MM: Well you have got us off to a very warlike start, which is interesting statement in itself. But where do we go from the Greeks? MD: Its funny, the natural place to go form the Greeks and I am slightly with my father although we will go by him in a minute, and I can't miss at least mentioning this, is the Romans who in fact pulled together Virgil pulled very consciously took, The Iliad, The Odyssey, they come from this dark world. We aren't sure Homer existed. There were obviously a number of different poets under the same name. Virgil, we know who he is. He is in the light. He is in our history; we know where he lived, we know what he wrote. And he very consciously pulled together these two epics to put together this beautiful poem that was also propaganda. It was about the Roman state emerging from Troy, among other things. It's a very beautiful poem and the part I want to draw attention to is the death of Dido. Which is about not war but love. I read this first in college, but I first wept at the scene when I was driving through the mountains of New Mexico down from Colorado in Northern New Mexico, the most beautiful country on earth. Listening to this recording of it. And the death of Dido left me weeping, weeping, weeping. Because they, of course, have this enormous passion, which is consummated very vividly in the poem, in a cave amid stags running around outside and its very convincing. And it is a very passionate love. Very passionate. Overwhelming love. And the gods once again interfere and send Aeneas off on his journey and she indeed knows he is leaving, sees him leaving, sees the boat ready to sail away. And she spends an enormous amount of effort building a funeral pyre. Essentially as she watches the ship leave she impales herself on the sword. And it is her dying words, her death itself, that is just one of the most moving things I have ever read because it's hopeless -- he doesn't know that part of the thing about the Aeneid is that he later meets her. So you have this incredible death scene. This overwhelming scene of death and then the funeral pyre in which she burns herself that she has built, the flames of the funeral pyre. Well a number of books later he meet her in the underworld. So you have in this moment after this incredible passion that they have enjoyed, which is as I say is described with great vividness in the poem. So he, Aeneis has gone into the underworld, so he has had this enormous passion with Dido, he knows now she killed herself, he's wandering among the dead. This is Book 6, which subtitled, The Kingdom of the Dead. And the earlier passages are from book 4, The Tragic Queen of Carthage. Especially around line 200. But, so Aeneis has gone to the underworld and wandering among them, wounds still fresh, he sees among the shade Phoenician Dido. Not far from these Phoenicians Dido stood, Fresh from her wound, her bosom bathed in blood; Whom when the Trojan hero hardly knew, Obscure in shades, and with a doubtful view, (Doubtful as he who sees, thro' dusky night, Or thinks he sees, the moon's uncertain light,) With tears he first approached the sullen shade; And, as his love inspired him, thus he said: "Unhappy queen! Then is the common breath Of rumor true, in your reported death, And I, alas! The cause? By Heav'n, I vow, And all the powers that rule the realms below, Unwilling I forsook your friendly state, Commanded by the gods, and forced by fate- Those gods, that fate, whose unresisted might Have sent me to these regions void of light, Thro' the vast empire of eternal night. Nor dared I to presume, that, pressed with grief, My flight should urge you to this dire relief. Stay, stay your steps, and listen to my vows: It is the last interview that fate allows!" In vain he thus attempts her mind to move With tears, and prayers, and late-repenting love. Disdainfully she looked; then turning round, But fixed her eyes unmoved upon the ground, And what he says and swears, regards no more Than the deaf rocks, when the loud billows roar; But whirled away, to shun his hateful sight, Hid in the forest and the shades of night; Then sought Sichaeus thro' the shady grove, Who answered all her cares, and equaled all her love. Some pious tears the pitying hero paid, And followed with his eyes the flitting shade, And it will course down through the history of literature. A man having left a woman who he had betrayed by leaving. Pleading that it wasn't up to him. He had to go. But this is the first measure of it in actually in hell. And she disappears from him of course. MM: Where have we heard d this story? MD: I think T.S. Eliot called it the most civilized moment in the history of literature. That she rises like a moon, he pleads for her, and she drifts away from him. There is no reconciliation. There can't be. The deed was done. He did what he did. MM: He did what he did. As men do. MD: As men do. They will do that. This is true. So anyway, this is the Greeks and the Romans with whom, in whose midst, I dwelled during a lot of my childhood and adolescence too. MM: You took them with you? MD: Oh absolutely, and I think my father, you know because of these early stories I had an enduring interest in Homer and the Greeks and an enduring interesting the Bible the Old Testament. The stories in particular in Samuel and Kings. The great epical stories of Israel and Syria and Babylonia and the Ancient and Near East. And its amazing that when I went to Iraq in 2003, I had longed all my life to go to the Baghdad museum, which has a number of very famous statues and other things from the time of Gilgamesh, which is a book that I also love very deeply and almost brought here today. Proto- Bible in some ways. And I walked into this museum in 2003 and found only rubbish, of course, of statues whose had been chopped off by the looters. Display cases that had been shattered. Rooms full of file cabinets that had been looted and trashed. The museum itself had been - looters had taken up residence there. For ten days. Simply carried out methodically all of this amazing treasure from 5000 years ago. And just put them in pick-up trucks and driven away. Within site of the American tanks, which sat there guarding the traffic circle, in front to it, who didn't interfere with the looters. I interviewed the head of the museum, Danny George who had been forced to sit there watching his museum being looted. I thought my God I have wanted to be here my whole life since I was a boy. And I arrive and it's all, it's all been trashed in this awful way. MM: I wanted to ask you when you talk about the stories which I grew up with too, did you get a sense of the geography of the Middle East and the Far East when you were reading these stories? Did you have a place in your mind? MD: I did, because you know, I think my father started reading these things to me when I was three or four. But probably by the time I was nine or ten I think I was actually reading versions of these, children's somewhat adolescent versions and so on. And I was very interested in maps, I really was interested in the Assyrians and the Babylonians. This kind of sequence of very exotic people who had marched through and conquered this place. MD: So I became fascinated with the region. When I was very, very young. And I think it did come from that. MM: Yeah. Very much so. All right. MD: Shall we leap ahead? MM: Well I don't know about leaping. I think we are plowing ahead. MD: Well the next thing I, you know, this is so painful of course one realizes when you think about your life and the things that have affected them. There are so many things. I do want to stay with my dad for a minute. As I grew older I would accompany him on trips, very often just the two of us, up north as we called it. Which was this hour drive up into the mountains. And the stories he told me became more complicated and more adult as it were. In particular he started talking about modern history. In particular, the history of the 20th century. And his story was sort of by happenstance conveyed to me. Which was he had been a kid, a poor kid, grown up very poor during the depression. Got in a lot of trouble. I found out later he failed a year in high school. He had gone into the navy. Never intended to go on in school, he was a disaster as a student. He had gone to the navy and he described a moment when he was on aircraft carrier off Okinawa in the Pacific. There was a moment, he was 20 years old, and he was commanding a gun crew on the deck that was trying to shoot down these Zeros, these Japanese fighter planes. He described very vividly. He realized he was looking on the deck there was a plane coming directly at him, firing. And he had this amazing perception as a twenty year old. 'He is trying to kill me!' And he was knocked down and wounded, not killed. But he had this shocking realization. He always told me there is no accident that young kids are sent to fight in wars. Older people are much too smart. Young kids are stupid they don't realize mortality. This was his glimpse of mortality as a 20 year old. And it changed his life completely First of all he became fascinated with this notion that he was about to lose his life, but he had no idea what was going on in the war. He had no notion what was happening, where troops were deployed, what exactly his part was. He was astounded by his own bewilderment. And this bewilderment led him to start to read. He began reading. And he started reading about the history of the 20th century. About WWI in particular and later, increasingly about WWII. And this reading led him, when he got back from the navy, to go to college on the GI Bill and become a dentist. And to completely change his life. I bring this up at such length because his stories of war strike me because there is a kind of literary trope there of the small cog in a large battle. And the bewilderment that follows there from. And you know he would talk about WWI which I eventually began reading about, and came up with a kind of series of accounts that followed this trope. Unbeknownst to my father completely. This is very common. The first example which I think is wonderful and very famous is The Charterhouse of Parma (Le Chartnevose de Parma) by Stendhal. The amazing thing is that this book was admired immensely by Tolstoy, among others. Who was highly influenced by it. And we see another version of this soldier in the midst of a great battle who has no idea what was going on in the figure of Prince Andre and the battle of Bordino. And then we have Stephen Crane who admired both of these books intensely. Basically doing a whole short novel on the same theme -- The Red Badge of Courage. All of these are immensely cherished books of mine. And its hard to even, you know, decide which one to look at. But it seemed to me the well spring of this. Even though the theme goes back to Homer and beyond, the wellspring of it is Fabriztio's experience at the Battle of Waterloo. MM: In which book are we here? MD: This is in The Charterhouse of Parma. In the, I think, the second chapter, Chapter 3 I'm sorry. It's a very prolonged, very prolonged theme, and I have been having great trouble trying to decide what part of it to read. He is a young. He is essentially a young man in love with fame and wanting it to see L'Emporer. He wants to see Napoleon. And he spends his time riding around the battlefield trying to figure out what the hell is going on. He eventually finds some soldiers and he brings them something to drink. They are in the middle of Waterloo, a battle that will end Napoleon's career. A very ugly sight awaited the new recruit; they were sawing off a cuirassier's leg at the thigh, a handsome young fellow of five feet ten. Fabrizio shut his eyes and drank four glasses of brandy straight off. "How you do go for it, you boozer!" cried the cantina. The brandy gave him an idea: I must buy the goodwill of my comrades, the hussars of the escort. "Give me the rest of the bottle," he said to the vivndiére."What do you mean," was her answer, "what's left there costs ten francs on a day like this." And he rejoined the escort at a gallop : "Ah! You're bringing us a drop of drink," cried the sergeant. "That was why you deserted, was it? Hand it over." The bottle went round, the last man to take it flung it in the air after drinking. "Thanks conrades!" he cried to Fabrizio. All eyes were fastened on him kindly. This friendly gaze lifted a hundredweight from Fabrizio's heart; it was one of those hearts of too delicate tissue which require the friendship of those around it. So at last he had ceased to be looked at askance by his comrades; there was a bond between them! Fabrizio breathed a deep sigh of relief, then in a bold voice said to the sergeant: "And if Captain Teulier has been killed, where shall I find my sister?" He fancied himself a little Machiavelli to be saying Teulier so naturally instead of Meunier. "That's what you'll find out to-night," was the sergeant's reply. The escort moved on again and made for some divisions of infantry. Fabrizio felt quite drunk; he had taken too much brandy, he was rolling slightly in his saddle: he remembered most opportunely a favorite saying of his mother's coachman: 'When you've been lifting your elbow, look straight between your horse's ears, and do what the man next you does.' The Marshal stopped for some time beside a number of cavalry units which he ordered to charge; but for an hour or two our hero was barely conscious of what was going on round about him. He was feeling extremely tired, and when his horse galloped he fell back on the saddle like a lump of lead. Suddenly the sergeant called out to his men: "Don't you see the Emperor, curse you!" Where upon the escort shouted: "Vive l'Empereur!" at the top of their voices. It may be imagined that our hero stared till his eyes started out of his head, but all he saw was some generals galloping, also followed by an escort. The long floating plumes of horsehair which the dragoons of the bodyguard wore on their helmets prevented him from distinguishing their faces. "So I have missed seeing the Emperor on a field of battle, all because of those cursed glasses of brandy!" This reflection brought him back to his senses. So basically again, he misses what he has come to see, and he generally has no idea what was going on, and unfortunately it's difficult to capture in a couple of paragraphs. But it goes on at some length about this general theme about not being able to see not being able to understand what it is all about. MM: Not being able to understand the battle. That is something that I suspect that is so true still today in all our war situations. MD: It is. This idea of confusion, you know, you are only a small part of it. You have no idea really what is going on. And that those who write about it afterwards will see a kind of rationality in this enormous cacophony of events that wasn't there to anybody participating. And you know ... MM: That's a terrifying thought Mark. That making order out of chaos after. MD: And the artificiality of it. And the fact that, you know, you see this again and again. And as I say The Charter House of Parma does it most vividly at a very famous battle, Waterloo. But Tolstoy took this; he is an enormous admirer of The Charter House of Parma. And he made it one of the centerpieces of War and Peace. And Stephen Crane, an admirer of both books, did the same for Red Badge of Courage. And this is kind of a literary trope that follows through. Its funny because I tend to associate it with my father, for whom this feeling, the feeling of profound bewilderment, combined with mortality, the sudden rush of realizing that you are mortal, which happened when he was twenty years old on the aircraft carrier changed his life. Because those two things made him into a reader. MM: That is quite young for that realization to come. I remember asking a ranger at Yosemite about how do people die at Yosemite. Is it old people from heart attacks or babies falling of the edge? She said, "No we lose the invincibles. They are the young people who think they can jump from rock to rock." But that was a wonderful phrase. 'It is the invincibles.' MD: It is the invincibles that go to fight wars. And because as my father said, as a much older man, anyone older than 20 or 25 would be crazy to do it. So they send the young people. But it changed his life. As so many… MM: All right. Lets move on. I think you have spoken of The Red Badge of Courage. We'll let that one go because we have noted it. MD: Well I couldn't, you know let this session go by without talking about poetry a little bit, even though you know I tend to think stories. They compel me to talk about whether novels, short stories or so on. My father, again, would recite some poems. He liked Hiawatha, he like Horatio at the Bridge, not surprisingly. And I had my whole life, a very strong taste for poetry. And I thought, well I have to at least read something. And I decided late 18th century. I'm a great lover of Gerald Manly Hopkins, both for this recognition and crystallization that language can crystallize uncrystalizable things that you can capture. The world of the spiritual through language. If the language is shaped in a way that makes it almost break. That you can get beyond the denotation. The function of language to identify things and talk about things and get way beyond it. And so Gerald Manly Hopkins, who was a priest and who is famous for his experiments with language, particularly the Saxon, use of Saxon words, the idea of purging from language, the Latinate elements which he took very far indeed. He always really excited me, with his language. Out of many, many poems and poets I picked two poems, both fairly short. One is very famous called, THE WORLD is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil; It gathers to greatness, like the ooze of oil Crushed. Why do men then now not wreck his rod? Generations have trod, have trod, have trod; And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil; And wears man's smudged and shares man's smell: the soil Is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod. And for all this, nature is never spent; There lives the dearest freshness deep down things; And though the last lights off the black West went Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs— Because the Holy Ghost over the bent World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings. MD: A poem about earthiness of earth, the spiritual reality of earth, that does it through the language itself in a way that to me is rather astonishing. The grandeur of God in comparison to saying it will flame out like shining from shook foil. You have foil and the shining that the sun brings to it. Another even more earthy but very similar shaped poem is called Glory be to God for dappled things— For skies of couple-color as a brinded cow; For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; Landscape plotted and pieced—fold, fallow, and plough; 5 And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. All things counter, original, spare, strange; Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: 10 MM: Those are good choices. MD: Well good. Well yes it's such an unchooseable choice. MM: It is. Its there is no choice there. MD: There is no choice there. MM: I saw on your list you have The Castle. MD: Which I don't have a copy of unfortunately. But I can talk about. MM: Talk about that. MD: Well let me talk about Camus just for a second because it leads into it. I was a very rowdy kid. I got in a lot of trouble. Got sent home, got in trouble a lot. MM: You were your father's son. MD: My father's son. Exactly. Although frankly I didn't know this about my father until quite recently. And I find it amazing that he rather kept it secret from us, you know, because he would talk about his life a lot. And yet he wouldn't give us a basic necessary detail of his life. Which is that he was in enormous trouble when he was a kid. He got into fights. He was thrown out of school a couple of times. I didn't know any of this. All I heard were the uplifting stories of how he forged forward. Anyway, early on, when I was, I believe, a junior in high school I used to get in trouble with the librarians a lot. Because I would flirt with a couple of girls in the library. And they would constantly shush me and throw me out. This was an almost daily occurrence. Someone had talked to me about The Stranger. I didn't know if I saw it in a book. I can't remember. But I do remember vividly going up to the desk of the library and this librarian who had thrown me out several times who I thought of as a foul old woman. Very nasty. And saying to her, do you haveThe Stranger by Albert Kay-Mouse? And she looked at me, paused, raised her eyebrow, I remember the sequence vividly, and said, "Do you mean, Camus, Mark?" Ha ha ha! And I could never again face her. And I told this story to a friend of mine who would repeat it constantly, Albert Kay-Mouse He still says it to this day. So it was a cause of enormous embarrassment. But I did get the novel. Having shamed me to that degree, she came and brought it to me. And this was really I think, as a junior in high school, I was introduced to books I loved very much. All Quiet on the Western Front in particular. Which meant a lot to me. But reading Camus, and reading this book was really an introduction to a new world of literature. It brought me to Kafka. It brought me to Dostoevsky. It brought me to this whole modern world of so-called existentialist literature that I didn't know anything about and literature that wasn't historical, but that could effect in particular you perception and how you lived. I was going to read this scene, just the very famous scene from Camus' book, where the killing happens at the heart of the book. Its page, in this edition, 58, 59. he is on the beach. As soon as he saw me he sat up a little and put his hand in his pocket, naturally I gripped Raymond's gun inside my jacket and he lay back again but without taking his hand out of his pocket. I was pretty far away from him, about ten meters or so. I could tell he was glancing at me now and again and then, through half closed eyes but most of the time he was just a form, shimmering before my eyes in the firey air. The sound of the waves was even lazier, more drawn out than at noon. It was the same sun, the same lights still shining on the same sand as before. For two hours the day had stood still. For two hours it had been anchored to this sea of molten lead. On the horizon a tiny steamer went by and I made out the black dot from the corner of my eye. Because I hadn't stopped watching the Arab. It occurred to me that all I had to do was turn around and that would be the end of it. But the whole beach throbbing in the sun was pressing on my back. I took a few steps toward the spring. The Arab didn't move. Besides, he was still pretty far away. Maybe it was the shadows on his face, but it looked like he was laughing. I waited. The sun was starting to burn my cheeks and I could feel drops of sweat gathering in my eyebrows. The sun was the same as it had been the day I buried Mamant . And like then, my forehead especially was hurting me. All the veins in it throbbing under the skin. It was this burning that I couldn't stand anymore that made me move forward. I knew that it was stupid that I wouldn't get the sun off of me by stepping forward. But I took a step, one step, forward. And this time, without getting up the Arab drew his knife and held it up to me in the sun. The light shot off the steel and it was like a long flashing blade cutting at my forehead. At the same instant the sweat in my eyebrows dripped down over my eyelids and all at once covered them with a warm thick film. My eyes were blinded behind the curtains of tears and salt. All I could feel were the symbols of sunlight crashing over my forehead and indistinctly a dazzling spear flying out from the knife in front of me. The scorching blade slashed in my eyebrows and stabbed at my stinging eyes. That's when everything began to reel. The sea carried up a thick fiery breath. It seemed to me as if the sky split open from one end to the other to rain down fire. My whole being tensed and I squeezed my hand around the revolver. The trigger gave. I felt the smooth underside of the butt. And there, in that noise, sharp and deafening at the same time, was where it all started. I shook off the sweat and sun. I knew that I had shattered the harmony of the day. The exceptional silence of a beach where I had been happy. Then I fired four more times at the motionless body, where the bullets lodged without leaving a trace. And it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness. MD: Astonishing passage! I vividly remember it. In Utica Free Academy I remember reading it in the library. And I think it affected me not only because of its demonstration of how you can be described, your life could be described. Not that I was killing anyone at the time. But this kind of powerful world seizing you. Anxiety. Seizing you. The world determining your actions in a way that seemed to let go of volition. But I think I also was very influence by the language. The so-called écrtiure blanc. The white writing of o ne sentence after another. In this kind of powerful cadence. The beauty of Camus' style. Which I very much admired. And I from this read The Plagueand the Myth of Sisyphus. His essay, famous essay, on Why Not to Commit Suicide. And I think this particular book just led me in all sorts of places. I remember taking out Crime and Punishment from the library. I think I was a junior in high school. And umm, you know, when I went to college, to Harvard, I met all kinds of people who read these books as a matter of course in prep school. Because they had read these. They were assigned. They read philosophy. They read Plato. But I went to an inner city high school where this is. You didn't read this stuff. MM: I am very curious to think of the mind of your librarian. You know when you asked for this book and did your relationship with the librarian change after that moment? MD: I think it deteriorated. I hate to say it. She had shamed me, you know its interesting, that I say I was a cut up, I guess is the phrase. She would have to shush me, yell at me and I get would get thrown out. And when you are like that you are proud of it. You know you are proud of your defiance and you look down on the people who are doing it. You look down at your teachers. She kind of got over on me, as the phrase went by saying you mean Camus. So I think I was red faced and could never quite look at her again because she had shown herself to be superior in that way. On the other hand it was fortuitous because I became deeply interested in international world literature. Which led me to Kafka as well. Which I read very shortly after. I read The Trial and loved it. And you know I think when you are young, you read these things as just kind of feasts of narrative. It's a story telling. You don't sit there and say oh Joseph K is it a psychological thing? Is it about psychoanalysis? We can give this a Marxist reading. When you are 17, the great pull of it is, that the pull of the strange narrative, this thing that is absolutely strange, you know. What is this force? It's enough to read the story itself. And you might reflect a little bit on it and have the nagging feeling that there is some secret being hidden here, but there is also a sense in which it is enough. The feast is there. I remember thinking that with The Trial, and The Metaphorses. Which I also loved. And the reason I include The Castle is because it is the first of Kafka's books where I suddenly, I think, I suddenly realized that this stuff was funny. You know. That among other things it was funny. And because there is The Castle, it is the most unmistakably humorous of his books. That you really have a kind of Marx brother's routine going on. And of course Kafka loved Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin. He loved the cinema. Could it have been Buster Keaton? MM: I don't know. I would be lost on that. MD: I know he was loved comedy in film. He loved slapstick. And you can see it particularly in The Castle. In the people he meets in the situation of not knowing. Of authority not understood. And yet there is no appeal from authority. Which is the same as The Trial. But it's much lighter and funnier. MM: And I have a great reading of that. So I can slip that in and we'll add it. MD: I know, when he first arrives in the inn. I believe that is a very funny passage. But I couldn't find the book. It was late evening when K arrived. The village lay under deep snow. There was no sign of the castle hill. Fog and darkness surrounded it. Not even the faintest gleam of light suggested the large castle. K stood a long time on the wooden bridge that leads from the main road to the village gazing upwards into the seeming emptiness. Then he went looking for a night's lodging. At the inn they were still awake. The landlord had no room available but extremely surprised and confused by the late comer he was willing to let the latecomer sleep on his straw mattress in the tap room. K agreed to this. A few peasants were sitting over their beer but he did not want to talk with anyone. He got himself a straw mattress from the attic and lay down by the stove. It was warm. The peasants were quiet. He examined them for a moment with tired eyes, then fell asleep. But before long he was awakened. A young man in city cloths, with an actors face, marrow eyes, thick eyebrows stood beside him with the landlord. The peasants too were still there. A few had turned their chairs around to see and hear better. The young man apologized very politely for having awakened K. introducing himself as the son of the castle steward and said, "This village is caste property. Anyone residing or spending the night here is effectively residing or spending the night at the castle. Nobody may do so without permission from the count. But you have no such permission or at least you haven't shown it. K who had half risen and smoothed his hair looked at the people from below and said, "What village have I wandered into? So there is a castle here." "Why of course," the young man said slowly while several peasants here and there shook their heads at K. "The castle of Count Westward." "And one needs permission to spend the night here?" "Permission is needed." Was the reply. And this turned into crude mockery at K's expense when the young man stretched out his arm to the landlord and guests, "Or perhaps permission is not needed." "Then I must go and get myself permission." Said K. yawning, pushing off the blanket as though he intended to get up. "Yes. But from whom?" asked the young man. "From the count," said K, "There doesn't seem to be any alternative. "Get permission from the count now at midnight," cried the young man stepping back a pace. "Is that not possible?" K asked calmly. Then why did you wake me up?" The young man now lost his composure. "The manners of a tramp." He cried. "I demand respect for the counts authorities. I awakened you to inform you that you must leave the counts domain at once. "Enough of this comedy," said K in a remarkably soft voice as he lay down and pulled up the blanket. "You are going a little too far young man and I shall deal with your conduct tomorrow." MM: Now here we are coming up for an hour and you are 17 years old! MD: That's true! MM: What have we got here? MD: Reading Kafka, from The Castle I began reading his stories, which really showed me an entirely new kind of writing. I mean this idea that the word symbolic is completely pale and has nothing to do really with Kafka, you have these stories that are creations out of the imagination that are not obviously realistic. On the other hand, they are descriptions of the most powerful kind of emotions. That can only be reached it seems through the avenues he's chosen. So verisimilitude, which tends to be when you are a kid your judgment of art is tied to recognition. Is this something I know? Is this something I have heard? It goes away. When you are talking about Kafka, when you are talking about The Country Doctor and the images of the horse pushing their heads through the windows. The astonishing attention to horses in that story. Which is anything if realistic. But you are not sure what it is. Is it a dream? Well not really at all. It has clarity that is unmistakable. And then The Judgment which is about his relationship with his father. Which is an extraordinary thing, far from anything real. With no explanation. And climaxes with this conflict. You could call it. With his father. The end of the story is his father essentially yelling at him, challenging him. Basically it's the end of the story. MD: You know its the father, kind of. It's about, among other things, your guilt about your parents and your guilt about your father. And his father accusing him and the final scene is well maybe I shouldn't. It's him throwing himself to his death. This entire piece is about the relationship of a character to his father. In a pitying tone his father casually said, "You probably wanted me to say this before but now its no longer suitable. So you know what else there was in the world besides you. Previously you only knew about yourself. You were truly an innocent child. But you were even more truly a diabolical man. And therefore know I hereby condemn you to death by drowning." Gareth felt hounded from the room. His ears still rang from the crash of his father behind him falling on the bed. Hurrying down the steps as if they were a sloping plain, he ran into his housekeeper who was about to go upstairs to clean the apartment after tonight. "Jesus." she cried, covering her face with her apron, but he was already outside. He leaped front the front door and dashed across the road, driven toward the water. He was already clutching to the railing the way a hungry man clutches his food. He swung himself over like the astounding gymnast he had been in his youth, the pride of his parents. He was still clutching tight with his weakening hands when he spied a bus between the railing bars. It would easily drown out this sound of his fall. He softly cried "Dear parents, I have always loved you." And let himself drop. At that moment a simply endless stream of traffic was passing across the bridge. MM: Thank you so much! My goodness! Where are we? MD: But there is no, its about guilt, anyway. It's The Judgment. MM: OK. It's interesting because you started off so clearly with these books, these stories of ancient war, ancient warriors and heroes. It seemed very direct. The path of those early, early seeds to be the genesis of what you have become. And then you had this wonderful literary education which you brought upon yourself and then went forward with and went further very much in the similar way to your father. You just got a little bit of a leg up from him it seems to me. And then went forward. But as you began your work you had to be looking at some more of the, I want to say the modern history. I don't think that's quite right, but you had to be looking at some of the work that came from the countries that you were exploring. It would seem to me that as you went to Haiti for instance, was it from the literature that you pulled out factual stuff or was it from talking with people? When you went into, you know, Bosnia and Iraq, and then some, when you are thinking about going to the museum and how heartbreaking and crushing that is, do you turn to the work there? Does a love affair take you into literature? Those are other questions I am looking at. But I am looking at your work. One can get very caught up, the way physicians do often, with well I have got to read the work to keep myself current. And you stop reading, and stop really looking at literature. But I have a feeling that you have always been able to keep it beside you. MD: Oh absolutely. I think that its absolutely true that I have always been a voracious reader and to me even if the beginning of my exploration in this you know session of ours, this discussion of ours really was about finding where stories began for me. Which tended to begin with war and conflict because that's what my father liked. And so that path seems direct. I think it's much less direct. And I think that what I am very often reading about is writing, is how people describe things, how you actually tell the story. How you do it. Which is one of the reasons I have loved Chekhov for example. How to tell the story about what it is what realism actually is. What the realism of Kafka actually is for example and which you can take a story likeThe Judgment and in some way identify guilt. Something that is so amorphous and so illogical. And similarly if you are writing about war or conflict or politics. There are a lot of emotions that are so difficult to nail down. We have words that we use customarily in writing about war and politics but they never quite get it right. Then of course if you had you wouldn't need to cover it again and again. You wouldn't need your own particular clash. The clash of your personality and your experience with what's happening in the world. And with Iraq and with wherever else. So I have found, I think, that the things I have learned have been from the way people describe nature. And the way people describe the world and above all the ability to identify in some way the strangeness of the world. How odd the world is. How surprising. It's a regular experience of mine that when I am far from a place I am going to cover I understand it completely. And when I get there I know that I have reached a point where a profitability in being there when I realize that I have no understanding at all. So there is a kind of growth of ignorance, a productive ignorance that comes about. When you are far from Iraq, you understand it. When you arrive you are overwhelmed with this blizzard of sense impressions. And suddenly you have to come up with a story for yourself that makes sense of them. Because of course our stories of Iraq and our distance are pre-masticated as it were. Someone has seen all these, has taken in all these sense perceptions and made a narrative out of them. When you are in the middle of the story there is no story. It's just this blizzard that's sort of buffeting your face with these cold bits of truth and fact. So I think really my reading is really about how to tell the story, how to talk, and you know I brought a couple of things that might speak to that a little bit. One is the story of Robert Musil who is one of my favorite writers. Who is an engineer who writes. He is thought of as one of the least known great modernists of the century. If you name the great writers of the 20th century, certainly you would name Joyce and Proust probably and many people would add Musil as the third. He is the famous author of The Man Without Qualities. Which is his answer to Remembrance of Things Past or Ulysses. But I have chosen Five Women, which is a collection of his short stories which are highly erotic. And the writer is fascinated with how you identify, describe, perplexing emotions, like eroticism. Like the different-ness of worlds that you enter that can take you away from the everyday. And several of the stories, notably Grecian Tonka are about rationalist, engineers for example who leave the town, leave their accustomed life in the town and go into the countryside. Notably in Gresia, the mountains. And I should say by the way the preface is by Frank Kermode the wonderful British literary critic who was my tutor. I was lucky enough to have him in college. He came to Harvard to deliver the Norton lectures. Very Famous. Probably the greatest critic in the English language and he came to deliver the very prestigious Norton Lectures. I assaulted him after one of the lectures and asked, in this graduate seminar, I was just a sophomore, I asked a question that was actually a stupid question, but he, Professor Kermode, having a choice whether to think this is a stupid question or its a brilliant, subtle question decided it was a brilliant, subtle one. And answered it on that basis. And afterwards I walked up to him and asked him to be my tutor. And he, to the shock of everyone, agreed. So I was privileged to spend two hours a week sitting with this man in his office. For whatever it was. However many weeks that was. Each week we would got through various books including Musil. MM: That's wonderful. I think that the relationship one has with one individual tutor if you've been lucky with it, you never forget it. MD: I mean he changed my life. I put him on the train with my father, because I have remained friends with him. I see him periodically in England. He is in his late eighties. MM: Don't read, because we are going to run out of time, but give us another piece that you really enjoy here. MD: Well there are several, and the question is which one. There are several where they talk about The Hay. He falls in love with Grigia, a peasant girl. Homo walked along the long row of Hay stooks, that the peasant women had set up on the level part of the hillside. They were resting. He could scarcely believe his eyes for they were lying on their hillocks of hay like Michael Angelo's statues in the Vichy Chapel in Florence. One arm raised to support the head and the body reposing as if in flowing water. And when they spoke with him and had to spit, they did so with much art. With three fingers they would twitch out a handful of hay, spit into the hollow and then stop it up again. One might be tempted to laugh only if when one mixed with them as Homo did when in search of Grigia, one might just as easily start as if in sudden fright at this crude dignity. But Gresia was seldom among them, and when at last he found her she would perhaps be crouching in a potato field laughing at him. He knew she had nothing on but two petticoats and that the dry earth that was running through her slim rough fingers was also touching her body. But the thought of it was no longer strange to him. By now his inner being had become curiously familiar with the touch of earth. And perhaps indeed it was not at the time of the hay harvest at all that he met her in that field. In this life he was leading and there was no longer any certainty about time and place. So the story is about the displacement and interruption of rationality, rational time, rational place -- by eroticism. By this extreme eroticism of this woman. This peasant woman. And it leads eventually to his being entombed in the earth. The remarkable thing about it is that the language of the earth, is evoked or is told or is spun out. With such mathematical precision. In a way that is utterly strange. The images are utterly strange. About a different time. When they make love he says Grigia trickled through him. And it's about the transformation of a man in to the earth and he eventually is entombed in the earth. Alive. In a cave. It's a very strange story. And Musil's short stories are about the erotics of... they're about women, I think they stand for him for the erotic of the world. Irrationality, the breaking of the breakers of time—space and a rational frame that we use to prevent life from rushing into us. So he is a lesson back to the idea of this blizzard of sense impressions. MM: That's interesting. You come back to the earth again, I'm interested that you do that. That's another reference to that. But I am looking at this pile of books, here. MD: This remaining pile. MM: And I am looking at a book that I love also. The Good Soldier by Ford Maddox Ford. An extraordinary piece. MD: Yes. A wonderful one. One of my favorite books, also a writer's book. A favorite of Graham Green. A favorite of William Gass, a favorite of Michael Ondaatje. Very well known and prized by writers. This book was introduced to me by my tutor Frank Kermode. Who you will see introduced this volume and did the notes. And in fact he handed this volume of it to me, when I was in Cambridge two years ago, as I was leaving his apartment he pressed, you know he's in his mid-eighties. But he pressed on me seven or eight volumes he had recently edited of various things. And among them was The Good Soldier. He and I had long discussions about this book. In Widener Library in his office on the top floor in Cambridge MA in, lets see, 1977. MM: Well that would have been a conversation to record! MD: I wish! The thing I remember about it is, him, among other things reading the first paragraph. Because the first paragraph, the book as you know is a kind of jewel case. It's a complicated jewel case. Or a complicated watch mechanism. You can shift the metaphor. Its full of traps. Its full of byways, its full of, there are even, as my professor pointed out to me, a number of mistakes in it where the author himself forgets the sequence. Because the time sequence is scrambled. Very severely. And it was Ford himself who said that he one day sat down in 1915 with the idea of putting everything he knew about writing into one book. And Ford of course published something on the order of 60 books. He had a Victorian productivity. But this is surely his greatest, his greatest book. And the beginning, as my professor always told me, is full of lies. Almost everything in it is full of lies. It begins. Well it's a famous first sentence. "This is the saddest story I have ever heard." It's a wonderful first sentence not least because Ford wanted to title the book The Saddest Story. That was his title when he wrote it. The publishers refused because it was published during WWI, and they thought it wouldn't sell during this difficult time. WWI of course was key to Ford's life. He changes his name because of the anti-German feeling. This is the saddest story I have ever heard. We had known the Ashburnhams for nine seasons of the town of Nauheim with an Extreme intimacy--or, rather with an acquaintanceship as loose and easy and yet as close as a good glove's fits you're hand. My wife and I knew Captain and Mrs. Ashburnham as well as it was possible to know anybody, and yet, in another sense, we knew nothing at all about them. This is, I believe, a state of things only possible with English people of whom, till today, when I sit down to puzzle out what I know of this sad affair, I knew nothing whatever. Six months ago I had never been to England, and, certainly, I had never sounded the depths of an English heart. I had known only the shallows. Well, as Frank Kermode pointed out to me almost every word here is a lie. He didn't hear the story. He took part in it. The various people who have hearts, the way he knew this couple who of course were an adulterous couple, all of it is much more complex than this first paragraph suggests and the book itself is a massive deception. It's like a complicated game. And yet it's extremely powerful. It's a book about love, about adultery and about a person who is either so simple as to be an idiot or as another professor argued, is a liar. So it's a book told by a liar or a fool. And yet it's about the deepest human relationships. And also it's an attempt to understand the modern world. What went wrong, why did WWI, which for Ford and for all of his contemporaries, not least Henry James, seem to them a complete catastrophe. How could the world as James wrote, that seemed to be gradually bettering, had been headed in fact to this kind of barbarity. And this is partly an attempt to answer that question. To see where things went wrong. So I greatly love this book, not only for the beauty of its prose, but it's a very funny book, its full of grotesque images, beautiful writing. And it's also written by a man who's enormously fascinating, who knew Hemingway well. There is this scene of him in Moveable Feast, a quite wonderful scene by Hemingway. In which Ford tells about 20 lies in the space of five minutes. He orders a drink. They are in a cafe. The waiter goes of to get him a drink and he yells, "No no I didn't order that drink are you insane? I ordered something different." You see in him this very dramatic portrait of a man who couldn't help but lie. And this is a book of a man who is a liar but also a very great artist. So a wonderful a wonderful book. MM: Well I love it too. Mark, I'm looking at our time. Choose me one more. MD: Choose you one more. Goodness. MM: I hate to do that to you. MD: Oh my God this is very hard. How about two more? MM: Well all right. MD: Well I think that an artist who has meant an enormous amount to me in my life is Chekhov. On whom I am teaching a seminar now with Bob Hass at Berkeley. So I am reading his stories and his plays once more from beginning to end. Which has been extraordinary experience because I think there is no greater realist in the history of writing. He is an extraordinary creator of descriptive prose an extraordinary comprehender or of human beings. Of what makes them act the way they do. And in particular the delusions they entertain that allow them to live the way they live. I have chose here his most famous story. The Lady With the Little Dog. Simply because there is a passage in it that I love intensely. The story describes of course, a love affair, between a man, a married man and a married woman who meet at Yalta who have what the man thinks is going to be a very brief passionate affair. He returns to Moscow, where he lives and discovers that he is in love with her. And the description is, or the story is about this affair and what will happen. Although the what will happen is left outside the frame. And the scene I want to read comes late to the story, to the final part of the story. Part IV, when she has arrived in town for one of their assignations. She lives in a provincial town. He is going off to see her but on the way takes has daughter to school. Once he was going to see her in this way on a winter morning (the messenger had come the evening before when he was out). With him walked his daughter, whom he wanted to take to school: it was on the way. Snow was falling in big wet flakes. "It's three degrees above freezing-point, and yet it is snowing," said Gurov to his daughter. "The thaw is only on the surface of the earth; there is quite a different temperature at a greater height in the atmosphere." "And why are there no thunderstorms in the winter, father?" He explained that, too. He talked, thinking all the while that he was going to see her, and no living soul knew of it, and probably never would know. He had two lives: one, open, seen and known by all who cared to know, full of relative truth and of relative falsehood, exactly like the lives of his friends and acquaintances; and another life running its course in secret. And through some strange, perhaps accidental, conjunction of circumstances, everything that was essential, of interest and of value to him, everything in which he was sincere and did not deceive himself, everything that made the kernel of his life, was hidden from other people; and all that was false in him, the sheath in which he hid himself to conceal the truth -- such, for instance, as his work in the bank, his discussions at the club, his "lower race," his presence with his wife at anniversary festivities -- all that was open. And he judged of others by himself, not believing in what he saw, and always believing that every man had his real, most interesting life under the cover of secrecy and under the cover of night. All personal life rested on secrecy, and possibly it was partly on that account that civilized man was so nervously anxious that personal privacy should be respected. MD: The reason I love this obviously is because of its humanism. That it's recognizing that there is no moral judgment here. There is the simple reality that he recognizes that he is living this double life and the real life is the secret one. It's where the emotions are real where the love is real and the surface life is the lie. And Chekhov doesn't rail against this. There is no, as Uncle Vany does in the play of the same name, he rails against this deception. In this story Chekhov doesn't rail against it, he simply recognizes the truth. I love that particular line, By Some strange coincidence this is what is happening. MM: Well I am looking at a strange coincidence because I have a book of Chekhov by my bedsides, his book of medical stories. MD: Oh yes, I just read a medical case. Which is wonderful MM: Yeah I have those. All right, that's great. I am glad we have some Chekhov. MD: All right this is the last one. I've one of my favorite writers is Nabokov. And I, it's very hard to choose, as with a lot of this, to choose from his work. But I chose a wonderful story call Spring in Fyalta, which he translated himself from the Russian. Which has a spectacular beginning and I will explain in a second why I love the beginning so much. It begins as many of his stories do, with a description. Spring in Fialta is cloudy and dull. Everything is damp: the piebald trunks of the plane trees, the juniper shrubs, the railings, the gravel. Far away, in a watery vista between the jagged edges of pale bluish houses, which have tottered up from their knees to climb the slope, a cypress indicating the way, the blurred Mount St George is more than ever remote from its likeness on the picture postcards which since 1910, say (those straw hats, those youthful cabmen), have been courting the tourist from the sorry-go-round of their prop, among amaythist toothed lumps of rock and the mantelpiece screens of seashells. The air is windless and warm with a faint tang of burning. The sea, its salt drowned in the solution of rain is lest locust than grey with waves too sluggish to break into foam. It's the first paragraph. MM: It's the first paragraph. MD: You know when I cam back and this is perhaps where I will end, because it talks about writing and literature. I always have enormous trouble beginning pieces. And I am not the only one, a lot of people do. To hear, as Nabokav says, that opening throb. That its somehow like hearing something and the piece or the book or whatever it is I am working on, the essay, won't come until I have that sentence right. The first few sentences or the first sentence of the piece. Because in a sense the whole piece is contained in that sentence in a way. If it's right, if it sounds right. There is a sound of the writing works. And I came home from Iraq in 2003 and I'd had an awful experience, 2004 actually. Seeing a lot of killing and it was grim and cold there and it suddenly to me, a sentence " Winter in Baghdad was cloudy and grey." And of course this sentence, I kept thinking it was an echo from somewhere, an echo from somewhere, and I couldn't understand where it was from. And I wrote it, and in fact I used that phrase to begin several parts of this piece. It appears three times in the story. And I had a very close friend, Cristina Garcia, a novelist, a wonderful novelist, author of Dreaming in Cuba. A long time close friend of mind. She said Papi, as she calls me, you echoes the first sentence in Spring in Fialta, which is of course, Spring in Fialta is cloudy and dull. It has that same, Winter in Baghdad is cloudy and grey. Somehow out of that sentence came this long piece about Baghdad, and about the death in and of Baghdad. So you know we have echoes. We have echoes in our soul. And I don't think Mr. Nabakov, were he here would particularly love this because this is a story about love and about the way that people we love can't quite be captured, they are elusive forces. They are elusive figures. Nina the beautiful heroine of this story is elusive, he never catches her. But Nabokov would like the fact that, I think, the echoes, that I read it and it echoes through my work. MM: I'm sure he would. I think that is one of the great gifts that one artist gives another. MD: Absolutely. He has given many gifts. MM: Many Gifts. Mark Danner you have given us a wonderful gift of this conversation about Living with Literature. Thank you so very much.MD: My pleasure. Thank you.
Emerging evidence suggests physical activity is a good means of preventing a stroke. In the event that someone who regularly exercises does have a stroke, they are likely to have a less severe stroke and better outcomes in the early and later stages of rehabilitation. We know that physical activity is good for us, but many still struggle to fit it into their daily routine. Even those who have several risk factors for cardiovascular events such as stroke or heart attack are reluctant to exercise. The main reasons they report for not exercising are lack of energy, interest and motivation. Many people report they are physically active, but are not interested in going to a gym or being involved in formal, structured (and perhaps costly) exercise. Public health messages have almost given up on getting people to exercise. Instead they tell us sitting is bad for you, and we should sit less and move more, because prolonged sitting (and too much TV) will hasten our death. The elusive question in the research is how much exercise has to be done to reap the cardiovascular benefits. Humans are fickle creatures and it is not easy to measure their physical activity habits in terms of intensity, duration, frequency or even optimal type of exercise. All we know is that something is better than nothing. Men vs women Actually capturing the amount of exercise undertaken can be difficult, so many large-scale cohort studies have had to reduce the questions to simple measures. Questions might ask how many times a week a person exercises, how far they walk and at what pace. Our research has shown that men needed to exercise at a vigorous intensity, enough to work up a sweat, four times a week to protect against stroke. There was no relationship between vigorous activity and stroke risk in women. We reviewed the literature to show that quite a number of disparities exist in the optimal intensity and amount of exercise for men and women. The overall impression is that men should exercise harder than women to get the same health benefits. However, we are not sure why this is. Is there really a difference in the way that men and women respond to exercise, or has the research to date failed to answer this question adequately? The large-scale epidemiological studies we looked at included those investigating men and women. They all asked different questions to measure levels of physical activity, targeting different exercise types and intensities. Walking was more commonly studied, and in more detail, in women, which explains the larger body of evidence for that in female participants. Even studies comparing men and women have focused their questions towards low or moderate to vigorous physical activity, making direct comparisons between exercise intensity difficult. We would need a large-scale study asking people to exercise at different dosages, regularly and consistently, and then follow them for at least ten years to collect their health outcomes. This would take thousands of participants, numerous sites and possibly millions of dollars. In the meantime we should stick to the department of health’s guidelines and sit less and move more.
David Stuart Davies looks at Flaubert's first, and best-known, novel. ‘Madame Bovary has a perfection that not only stamps it, but that makes it stand almost alone: it holds itself with such a supreme unapproachable assurance as both excites and defies judgment.’ Although written in 1856, Madame Bovary is remarkable for the modernity of its subject matter, that of a provincial housewife whose dreams of romance and adventure lead her to live beyond her means and become entangled in adulterous affairs, which eventually are the ruin of her. What also is also impressive about the novel is that it was the first published work of the author Gustave Flaubert (1821 - 1880). Flaubert strove for an accurate depiction of ordinary life. There is an uncompromising truthfulness in the novel regarding characters and attitudes which was new and revolutionary at the time. His faithfulness to the mundane elements of country living has garnered the book its reputation as the beginning of the movement known as literary realism. The British critic James Wood stated: ‘Flaubert established, for good or ill, what most readers think of as modern realist narration, and his influence is almost too familiar to be visible.’ The novel is set provincial northern France, near the town of Rouen in Normandy in the early part of the nineteenth century. The heroine Emma marries a decent but dull doctor Charles Bovary and soon discovers that marriage with him is tedious. The trappings of a simple existence in rural France do not suit her. The practicalities of common life foil Emma’s romantic fantasies. Flaubert uses this juxtaposition to reflect both setting and character. Emma becomes more capricious and ludicrous in the light of everyday reality. Yet her yearnings also magnify the self-important banality of the local people. Emma’s dreams and actions, although impractical, still reflect a hope and aspiration regarding beauty and greatness that seem absent in the bourgeois class. While her ambitions are foolish and to some extent facile, they at least allow her to reach beyond the commonplace. Emma has a powerful yearning for luxury and romance inspired by reading popular novels and what she has learned of Parisian high society. She begins an affair with a dashing, rich but scheming landowner, Rodolphe Boulanger who treats their romantic encounters as a mere dalliance and when Emma suggests that they run away together, Rodolphe breaks off the relationship at the last minute. In a letter he announces that their romance must end. The shock is so great that Emma falls deathly ill and for a time it seems as though she has become a reformed woman. However, very soon she is involved in another passionate relationship. This time her desires lead her to indulge her fancy for luxury goods and expensive fashionable clothes with purchases made on credit and very soon she is in great debt to the unscrupulous draper and money lender, Lheureuex. Flaubert is very precise about the lethal vagueness of Emma’s fantasies, which help sap the reality from her world, and simultaneously lay her open to the financial depredations of Lheureux. The dark inevitability of her fate now looms large. Despite her foolish and selfish behaviour, Flaubert’s presentation of Emma Bovary makes her a sympathetic character. The novel has been seen as a commentary on the folly of aspirations that can never be realised and a critique of the self-satisfied, deluded personal culture associated with Flaubert’s period. Peruvian novelist and essayist Vargas Llosa commented, ‘Emma's drama is the gap between illusion and reality, the distance between desire and its fulfillment’ and shows ‘the first signs of alienation that a century later will take hold of men and women in industrial societies.’ It is these perceptions penned by Flaubert over a hundred and fifty years ago that make the novel still relevant today. However, the story is not simply about a woman's dreamy romanticism. The tragedy is enhanced by her husband Charles’ failure to grasp reality or understand Emma's needs and desires. The book’s power comes from Flaubert’s masterly savage picture of the mediocrity of his time – of which Emma is at once an example and a victim. When the book was first published in 1856 in serial form the subject matter was considered controversial. Public prosecutors attacked the novel for obscenity. The resulting trial in January 1857 made the story notorious. After Flaubert's acquittal on 7 February 1857, Madame Bovary became a bestseller in April 1857 when it was published in two volumes. A seminal work of literary realism, the novel is now considered Flaubert's masterpiece, and one of the most influential literary works in history. The book has been filmed several times. Hollywood had a stab at it in 1949 in a movie directed by Vincente Minnelli with Jennifer Jones in the title role. The production presented censorship issues with the Motion Picture Production Code. As a result a plot device was invented, structuring the story around author Flaubert's obscenity trial in order to placate the censors. However the critics were not impressed by the final result. Noted film historian Pauline Kael stated, ‘If you hadn’t read the book, you wouldn’t guess what it was about from this film.’ In 1981, a French version of Flaubert’s novel directed by Claude Chabrol and starring Isabelle Huppert fared better and was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, although one critic regarded the movie as ‘eminently forgettable’. The most recent cinematic version appeared in 2014. Directed by Sophie Barthes and starring Mia Wasikowska, it also received mixed reviews. Rotten Tomatoes, the American review aggregation website for film and television, stated: ‘Over the years, Flaubert's Madame Bovary has proven an exceedingly difficult novel to film—and this version adds another disappointing entry to the list.’ This is a very fair summation of the problem with dramatising such a subtle and intimate novel. Not all great literature can be filmed. In the case of Madame Bovary, the story comes alive on the page rather than the screen.