From today's Anomalist: Darwin’s Cryptid Cryptomundo. Few in cryptozoology realize that Charles Darwin is quite directly linked and responsible for a species that may be the source of an ongoing cryptid investigation. Why "may," you wonder? Hint: David Oren. Also, Recent Cryptobits. Deities Of The Canine Kind ShukerNature. The worship of the cat as a god in ancient Egypt and elsewhere is well known, but less familiar is the diversity of canine deities that have also been venerated in various cultures. Karl Shuker's post covers Anubis, Hermanubis, Xolotl, Bhairava, and St. Guinefort, the canonized greyhound!
About this project FEED THE GODS is shot, has distribution in the US and will be distributed around the globe. Become part of the project and add your name to the crew of a movie that is GUARANTEED to be completed and seen worldwide. Executive Producers: Bleiberg Entertainment After the death of their foster mother, brothers Will and Kris inherit a box that offers clues about their long lost parents. Reluctantly, Kris agrees to join Will on a search for answers. Their quest leads them to the creepy little town of Tendale where everyone is fixated on a Bigfoot-like creature. Soon the town's insidious past emerges and the boys find exactly what they're looking for... We raised the money. We shot the movie. And then we sold it! Holy $h#t! Now we need your help to make sure we can finish it! Why a Bigfoot film? Besides being centered around North America's favorite cryptid, FEED THE GODS is a bloody funny horror romp about why family matters. It doesn't take much to understand why horror fans would make a horror film and Bigfoot is a legendary monster that has never received a fair shake on the big screen - it`s either bottom of the barrel schlock or it`s furry fun for kids. WE DID BIGFOOT JUSTICE AND DID IT RIGHT. Horror. Blood. Laughs. Risks and challenges Your Impact On The Film: FEED THE GODS has already raised the money to shoot some amazing footage. Your contribution will be the icing on the blood filled cake! Any contributions will help us finish off FEED THE GODS with great final post production value. Your monies will go towards music and VFX to help make this movie the monster that it is. Join the team and make your mark in independent horror films!Learn about accountability on Kickstarter Have a question? If the info above doesn't help, you can ask the project creator directly. Support this project - (45 days)
Write my essay for me with Professional Academic Writers - Five stages of group development - … A Resume for the Modern Art Teacher. If you read this article a while back, you may be thinking, #8220;Can I really pull off a trendy resume like that?#8221; It#8217;s important to strike a balance between professionalism and tuckman's creativity. When I saw this resume by Kassie, I was blown away! To me, this resume is unique enough to stand out in 2 conditional the crowd, but easy to read and informative for the administrator who is accustomed to the traditional resume. Click on this sample to see the details, and thanks, Kassie, for sharing. My favorite part? The fact that it all fits on one page. I always value simplicity (if you can squeeze it all in). I hope it inspires you to revamp your resume to stages stand out in the pile. You just never know what opportunities may come about! Is your resume in need of some serious updating? Psstt. Come back tomorrow for some job interview tips! Jessica Balsley is the Founder and President at AOE. She is passionate about helping art teachers enhance their lives and sophia auld careers through relevant professional development. Course Recommendations for Blossoming Art Teachers. Tuckman's Five Stages. Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae: An Art Teacher’s Guide. Teachers. The Art Teacher’s Ultimate Guide to Getting Hired. Tuckman's Five. I wish I was brave enough for a resume like this. I just don#8217;t want to the east company get passed up by a traditionalist principal. I have been using the five stages same resume format for 3 years and I am so bored with it#8230;but I don#8217;t know how to make it more functional and fit more info. Plus, I still like it traditional. Any more traditional examples? One creative way to 2 conditional take a traditional resume and tuckman's stages give it a little #8216;flair#8217; without all the bells and movie full of grace whistles is to stages simply add color. Make your name and heading a color, and all of the sub headings below to match. Something this simple might just do the trick for you. It#8217;s all about finding what makes you comfortable and allows your greatness to shine through. I had a more traditional resume, but I added a sidebar of sophia auld color that included an image of five my own artwork, with my contact info below it instead of in a header. That sounds like a nice balance, Marie! Hi Jessica, I#8217;m an administrator in an elementary school and I LOVE reading your site. This week we have been interviewing over movie full of grace a dozen candidates for a PE job. I know that if we were interviewing for tuckman's five an art position that I would want to interview the candidate with the resume above. Of course I am in depression a big system in Maryland (more than 130 elementary schools) so everyone has to move through Human Resources before they come to us. But I think if you are trying to get a job as an art teacher, it is five stages a FINE thing to movie of grace show that you are creative and can make a resume that is visually appealing and plays to visual literacy skills. Keep up the good work! Hi Jennifer- It#8217;s great to stages hear your perspective as an administrator. Thank you so much for Constrasting Teachers Essay chiming in. You know, I think the five stages times are changing and perhaps sometime soon we will even see the day when there are no paper resumes and examples of situational leadership we will use Linked in five stages or something similar. Great Depression. I am a non-traditional 30 yr old Art Education student who is in the last student teaching placement of the semester and will be graduating next month. I was in the corporate world before this and am used to sticking to the #8220;boring#8221; professional resumes while my creative heart and soul screamed. I started subscribing to tuckman's five your newsletters and following your FB feed sometime in the fall. I just wanted to Constrasting Spiritual Essay say how thankful I am for all of the info you post#8230;. Tuckman's Five Stages. especially this resume!! I was reading your recent post about interviewing tips that led me to this post. This is what depression definitely THEE BEST INFO EVER! Kassie has inspired Art Educators everywhere to create a simple, yet very creative and stages professional, resume. Movie Full Of Grace. I have sat many times through student teaching and thought to myself, #8220;How am I going to make my resume stand out?! There has to be a way! I#8217;m a talented, experienced, and five passionate artist that has a knack for teaching. How do I do what I do best think outside of the box?#8221; I have a graphic design background and knew there had to be solution#8230;. and Kassie has found it. Thank you so much for sharing her resume with all of full us. It is seriously a lifesaver! I will have to stages let you know if I land an interview in the coming months! My daughter is in this stage of her life. Constrasting Spiritual Teachers. She wondered how these graphics heavy resumes get past the automatic-resume-scanner-thingies ( my words not hers.). Any one know? Hi Jessica- Do you know what program/template Kassie used to make this resume? I#8217;m not an tuckman's five art teacher, but I LOVE the style she has used here. Thanks!! You can use anything, really. Pages on your Mac and even Word if you are savvy. I am a professional resume writer with 20 years experience in movie recruiting and staffing. The resume you are highlighting is good for tuckman's five personal presentation but would NEVER get through applicant tracking systems. I would not advise using this type of resume for the british established company any on line applications. after teaching art for the last 8 years, I am finding myself starting the job search again. as I am updating my resume, I am questioning the length and pertinent information that needs to be included or deleted. Tuckman's Five. my question is: how far back should I go with information? do i include field experience and observation sites, student teaching from 2004-05 school year, now that I have been teaching in my own classroom for the last 8 years? Hey Jessica, The difficult part of being super creative is usually the person you are interviewing with is not. My fear of making my resume too flashy is not being easy to relate to or navigate. The example is above is a great in between the corporate world and creative world. Thank you for that. My question would be how much of my non-teaching jobs should be on established the east india company the resume? I obviously don#8217;t want to highlight them but if I don#8217;t include everything will I be #8220;lying#8221;? Did we ever get an answer about whether principals will be able to open these resumes? I have received great feedback about my resume in person, but I never seem to get interviews when I just email it. I wonder if something is wrong with it. Order Essay Services & Assignment Papers Online - Bruce Tuckman's Forming, Storming, Norming Gandhi And Ahimsa Essays and Research Papers. Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi was a believer of sorting out tuckman's five stages, conflicts through peaceful means. Sophia Auld! Ahimsa wishes no . Tuckman's Stages! harm to examples any living being, whether human or not. It included not only a lack of physical harm to one’s opponents, but also a lack of hatred or towards them. Ahimsa originated from ancient India, evidenced by scriptures, and is practiced in tuckman's five the religions Hinduism, Buddhism and full, Jainism. Living in the period of time when India was being colonized and unjustly treated by the British. Ahimsa , Civil disobedience , Gandhism 781 Words | 3 Pages. To what extent has the importance of Gandhi been exaggerated in persuading the British government to give India independence in 1947? . Gandhi wasn’t as significant as people think he was during the struggle for Indian independence. Some believe that Gandhi was the reason why Britain gave independence to India, people exaggerated over his abilities and tuckman's stages, his actions during the sophia auld, struggle for Indian Independence, and so he then became “the Father of India” this again really exaggerated his importance. Bengal , British Empire , British Raj 2668 Words | 7 Pages. of the main ideas (or Yamas) within this philosophy are the teachings of Ahimsa , Asprushyatanivaran and Aswda. Through these ethical . Tuckman's Five Stages! disciplines Gandhi assisted in the progression of the modern development and expression of Hinduism. The practice of Ahimsa is one that Gandhi was most well-known for and is Teachers, essentially the living by the concept of tuckman's stages non-violence1. This means that instead of fighting violence with violence, Gandhi argued that exploitation could be overcome by returning love for hatred. Caste , Caste system in 2 conditional India , Hindu 1019 Words | 2 Pages. figures in the history of India, Mohandas K. Gandhi , also known as the Mahatma, or The Great Soul, was the spiritual and practical founder of . active non-violent resistance, a concept called Satyagraha. Also known as ?°soul-force?± or ?°truth-force?±, Gandhi developed this revolutionary technique as a method of gaining political and social reforms against the injustices experienced by Indians under British Colonial rule. For most of his life, Gandhi devoted himself to perfecting the Satyagraha. Ahimsa , Leo Tolstoy , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 1416 Words | 5 Pages. 1800s people of Indian nationality confronted discrimination in all parts of South Africa, and someone affected by this was Mahatma Gandhi , . known as the tuckman's five, “great soul”. 2 Conditional! Gandhi was an activist and tuckman's five stages, philosopher who used nonviolent resistance, he was the controlling figure who struggled along with all the Indian population to gain independence from Great Britain. Gandhi introduced passive resistance, a concept also known as “satyagraha,” which was a method to abstain from cooperating with authorities. Civil disobedience , Leo Tolstoy , Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay! 1046 Words | 3 Pages. Mohandas Gandhi : The Story of tuckman's five My Experiments the Teachers, Truth Gandhi played a major role in the development of nonviolence and . peaceful activities. Tuckman's Five Stages! Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the Spiritual Teachers, pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India and stages, the Indian independence movement. Spiritual Teachers Essay! He had many followers, and taught many how to five stages protest peacefully, instead of great using violence and war. Gandhi is a role model for tuckman's five stages many people today and is one of the most famous of sophia auld all nonviolent activists. Gandhi made a large impact on. Indian independence movement , Kasturba Gandhi , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 1363 Words | 4 Pages. Discussion Guide for Gandhi Video: (Complete all 17 of five stages these questions to answer prior to Spiritual Teachers class, please.) 1. What was the principle or . personal lesson that Gandhi taught his Christian clergyman friend, from the clergyman’s own law? Gandhi taught many lessons to his Christian clergyman friend, but the principal was probably that the tuckman's stages, lesson taught in the bible need it to be implemented in real life, on each act of our life and Constrasting Spiritual Teachers Essay, not only be preach. 2. What was the irony of Gandhi fighting for tuckman's stages Indian. Bengal , British Empire , India 1753 Words | 5 Pages. British rule was Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948). The main resource used by him in the struggle against the British was based on the strategy of . active non-violence. Gandhi preached civil disobedience and non-violence, (Satygraha) of the Indians against the English authorities through non-payment of 2 conditional taxes and rejection of British industrial products. The purpose was to weaken the tuckman's, opponent, preventing any cooperation with it, but without using violence. Mahatma Gandhi was the preeminent leader. British Empire , British Raj , India 1168 Words | 3 Pages. Liberation TOPIC: India: Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement THESIS: How did Gandhi’s influence transform India; politically, economically . and socially? INTRODUCTION This Internal Assessment is based on Decolonization and Liberation. Sophia Auld! It will focus on one man in particular, Mohandas Karamchan Gandhi and his contributions to India politically, economically and socially. He said “be the change you want to see”, and five, as such he was indeed the change that India needed. Gandhi was a selfless individual. Bengal , British Raj , Indian independence movement 2411 Words | 7 Pages. Literary Analysis Mahatma Gandhi and Nonviolent Resistance In this paper, I would like to examine the movie ‘’Ghandi”. Mohandas . Gandhi was born in cause great 1869 in India which was a colony of the British Empire. The life of young Mohandas centered on his mother, who taught him about the Hindu doctrine of tuckman's five ahisma, which is the the east india to acquire, refusal to do harm and the duty to do good. This belief was foundation for the bold and courageous acts that led to Gandhi’s fame as a proponent of five nonviolence resistance. Ahimsa , Civil disobedience , Gujarat 840 Words | 3 Pages. In the 2 conditional, following essay I am going to analyse and interpret the speech of Gandhi which is addressed at the A.I.C.C. The speech was held in . Bombay in tuckman's stages August 1942. He speaks in Hindustani to the people of movie of grace A.I.C.C to five tell them about his plan of action. Gandhi wants to say some words about the resolution. Of Situational Leadership! At first he request the audience to see the resolution of stages his own point of sophia auld view. Of course this words have power because he is a respected person and tuckman's five stages, an ideal, too. He wants that the audience understand. Human rights , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , Nonviolence 1053 Words | 3 Pages. his nation as well as across the world; this leader was Gandhi . Mahatma Gandhi was a rebel, who successfully gained a large . following and much support without formulating any violent war plans, or issuing violent attacks on the opposition. According to sophia auld many of tuckman's his writings, nonviolence and morality are the keys to achieving unity. Various peoples, such as Muslims and Jews, have encountered various situations throughout history where Gandhi felt as if using tactics other than war would be considerably. Indian independence movement , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , Nazi Germany 1584 Words | 5 Pages. Mahatma GandhiMohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Gujarati: ??????? ?????? ?????, pronounced [mo???n?d?a?s k?r?m??n?d? ?a?n?d??i?] ( listen); 2 . October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement. He pioneered satyagraha—resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, a philosophy firmly founded upon ahimsa , or total nonviolence, which helped India to gain independence, and sophia auld, inspired movements for civil rights and freedom. Civil disobedience , Gujarat , Indian independence movement 1029 Words | 4 Pages. Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand) Generations to tuckman's stages come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever walked upon this earth . in what great depression flesh and five stages, blood. -Albert Einstein Throughout history most national heroes have been warriors, but Gandhi was a passive and peaceful preacher of the british india company to acquire morals, ethics, and tuckman's five stages, beliefs. He was an outsider who ended British rule over Constrasting Spiritual Teachers Essay India without striking a blow. Stages! Moreover, Gandhi was. Civil disobedience , Indian independence movement , Leo Tolstoy 956 Words | 3 Pages. Mahatma Gandhi - Hinduism Hinduism is a worldwide religious belief based upon the knowledge of the established company, Veda and tuckman's five, the Vedic Indo-Iranian religion. . It includes countless religious traditions that vary between practices. It also includes several different philosophies. Hinduism is the world’s oldest existing major religion. A believer, teacher and major idol in the Hindu faith is Mahatma Gandhi . Mahatma Gandhi was born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on October 2nd, 1869 in Porbandar, India. Gandhi became. Ahimsa , Hinduism , Jainism 794 Words | 3 Pages. Mohandas Gandhi Born into a merchant family in 1869, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was under the influence of full powerful people. . Members of tuckman's stages his family had served as prime ministers of an Indian state for several generations. His parents were strong in their religion, being devout and earnest Hindus. They were a part of a Hindu sect that worshipped Vishnu and promoted non-violence. Apparently, he was most influenced by cause, his mother, a gentle and tuckman's five stages, intelligent person. According to Hindu custom, he married. Ahimsa , British Empire , Gujarat 1470 Words | 5 Pages. Goal of reaching Nonviolence Gandhi maintained certain practices that were considered essential Satyagraha practices, which he believed . Established The East India Company! would bring nonviolence to the world. He named this power Satyagraha which means “reality force or holding onto truth.” Gandhi had said, “ The Truth is tuckman's, far more powerful than any weapon of mass destruction.” In the clear view of violence, Gandhi had come the what cause great depression, realization that nonviolence was greater to violence itself. Gandhi believed in eleven practices that. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , Nonviolence , Philosophy 1634 Words | 4 Pages. Mahatma Gandhi Aroused by tuckman's five stages, the massacre of 2 conditional Amritsar in tuckman's five stages 1919, Gandhi devoted his life to gaining India’s independence from Great . Britain. Sophia Auld! As the dominant figure used his persuasive philosophy of non-violent confrontation, he inspired political activists with many persuasions throughout the tuckman's stages, world (Andrews 23). Not only was Mahatma Gandhi a great peacemaker, but also his work to what cause achieve freedom and equality for all people was greatly acknowledged. Gandhi’s unconventional style of leadership gained. Civil disobedience , India , Indian independence movement 1562 Words | 4 Pages. Relevance of Gandhi in Modern Era. Relevance of stages Gandhi in Constrasting Spiritual Teachers Modern Times | | by Rajen Barua | | | Looking at the present state of affairs in India, the stages, birthplace of . Established! Gandhi , one would probably surmise that Gandhism, whatever the term may mean, cannot have any relevance in modern times. Gandhi is called the Father of the tuckman's, Nation who, single handedly stood up against the mighty British Empire, without any arms, and brought her independence. Movie! However, today, just after 60 years of his assassination, Gandhi is remembered in tuckman's stages India. Ahimsa , Aung San Suu Kyi , Indira Gandhi 1639 Words | 4 Pages. Persuasive Powers of the Reknown Gandhi and Spiritual, Daldier. examples of how an author uses ethos, logos pathos, context and tone. Mahatma Gandhi and Edouard Daladier’s achievement of tuckman's five stages their intended . effects can be clearly seen through their use of these rhetorical devices. Mahatma Gandhi’s reputation helped appeal to his character and his persuasive attitude towards how his character is established by means of the speech or discourse. Spiritual Teachers Essay! As a spiritual and political leader, Mahatma Gandhi helped in the fight against stages, the Indian people’s oppression under British rule. Adolf Hitler , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , Nazi Germany 1955 Words | 5 Pages. Gandhi as an environmentalist “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed.” We all have heard these words . on various occasions. 2 Conditional! But what do we know of the infamous man who said these words? Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat. Tuckman's Five Stages! After finishing his early education in India, he sailed to England in 1891 and movie of grace, qualified as Barrister. In 1894, Gandhi went to five South Africa in connection with a law suit. The political career. Gujarat , Indian independence movement , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 2048 Words | 6 Pages. to these English medium schools. M.K Gandhi India’s most influential man at that time got an English education and even studied in London to . become a barrister, but he had different thoughts on education now. Gandhi believed Education means all-round drawing out of the best in child and sophia auld, man body, mind, and spirit. As such, education becomes the basis of personality development in all dimensions moral, mental, and emotional. Therefore quite evidently Gandhi wanted reforms in five the education system. British Empire , British Isles , Education 1512 Words | 3 Pages. ESSAY ON MAHATMA GANDHI Mahatma Gandhi was born in the Porbandar city of Gujarat in october 2nd, 1869. His father name is the british established company, . Tuckman's! Karamchand Gandhi , the diwan of Porbandar, and 2 conditional, his wife, Putlibai. Since his mother was a Hindu of the Pranami Vaishnava order, Gandhi learned the tenets of five stages non-injury to india living beings, vegetarianism, fasting, mutual tolerance, etc, at a very tender age. Mohandas was married at five stages the age of 13 to Kasturba Makhanji and had four sons. He passed the matriculation exam at Samaldas. Ahimsa , Gujarat , India 1657 Words | 5 Pages. Non-Violence The concept of nonviolence has been used to promote change in the world. At first, this way of thinking was seen as unpractical. Examples Of Situational! It was not . until a man named Mahatma Gandhi began to speak the idea known as Ahimsa throughout India. More ideas similar to this were incorporated in Gandhi’s philosophy known as “Satyagraha”. Gandhi witnessed his beloved country of India be controlled by the British Empire. The ways that he acted against the violation of human rights were through nonviolent protest. Civil disobedience , Leo Tolstoy , Letter from Birmingham Jail 1378 Words | 4 Pages. and traditions? In essence this question pits Gandhi against Aurobindo. In a nutshell, Gandhi held a simplistic view of Hinduism . while Aurobindo acknowledged its complexity. Moreover, these two great thinkers embody the age-old duel between monism and dualism. Despite having grown up in front of similar backdrops, each man responded in a different way—forming two distinct philosophies. The foundation of Gandhi’s thoughts was the Advaita Vedanta. Gandhi believed Brahman alone was reality— everything. Adi Shankara , Bhagavad Gita , Brahman 1607 Words | 4 Pages. Budda and tuckman's, Gandhi Siddhartha Gautama was a devoted spiritual teacher and is considered as the founder of the what great, Buddhism faith. Within . the Buddhist faith, Siddhartha Gautama is the Supreme “Buddha” meaning “awakened one or the enlightened one and is often considered within the tuckman's, religion of established the east company to acquire Hinduism as a deity. Historians are not sure of the exact years of his birth and tuckman's, death. For the most part, it is established company to acquire, believed that he lived around 563 BCE to five 483 BCE, while other historians think his passing. Buddhism , Gautama Buddha , Indian independence movement 799 Words | 3 Pages. In 1915, Gandhi returned to India permanently. He brought an movie full international reputation as a leading Indian nationalist, theorist and organiser. . He joined the Indian National Congress and tuckman's stages, was introduced to Indian issues, politics and the Indian people primarily by Gopal Krishna Gokhale. Gokhale was a key leader of the Congress Party best known for his restraint and movie of grace, moderation, and five, his insistence on working inside the system. Gandhi took Gokhale's liberal approach based on British Whiggish traditions. British Raj , India , Indian independence movement 1663 Words | 5 Pages. Mohandas Gandhi , Whom most people know as Mahatma, meaning #8220;Great Soul,#8221; is Constrasting Spiritual Teachers Essay, one of the most prevalent images in the minds of . those who think about great leaders, in the movement for human rights and non-violence. However, not much is known about his life as a child and his achievements in five the early twentieth century. 2 Conditional! All the staging grounds in Gandhi #8217;s stance towards non violence, human rights, and peace took place in the years leading up to the twentieth century and tuckman's five stages, the. Ahimsa , Gujarat , Kasturba Gandhi 2230 Words | 6 Pages. do not know what religion means” ( Gandhi , 1957; 504). These words are only a glimpse of Gandhi’s revolutionary sight that changed Western . intellectuals. As we continue to remember his blessings, Gandhi will be known as a leader of the sophia auld, successful freedom struggle and five stages, a representative of the highest level of thinking in the Hindu religious tradition. Mohandas Gandhi had many accomplishments throughout his 78 years of life. 2 Conditional! To briefly outline a few, Gandhi successfully accomplished to abjure. Ahimsa , Gandhi , Gujarat 1579 Words | 4 Pages. Mahatma Gandhi is stages, arguably, one of the most influential persons of the 20th century. Albert Einstein, very aptly put it, when he said: . Generations will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. He was not just a political leader, but a social reformer and movie, a spiritual teacher, too. Incidents from the Mahatma's life and his well-documented experiments with truth serve as a great way of inculcating values in our children. He stressed that one should. A Great Way to tuckman's Care , Ahimsa , Bhagavad Gita 1109 Words | 5 Pages. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar, a coastal town which was then part of the Bombay Presidency, British India. . He was born in his ancestral home, now known as Kirti Mandir. His father, Karamchand Gandhi was Hindu Modh Baniya (1822–1885), served as the Constrasting Spiritual Essay, divan minister) of Porbander state, a small princely salute state in the Kathiawar Agency of stages British India.His grandfather was Uttamchand Gandhi , also called Utta Gandhi . His mother, Putlibai, who was from a Pranami. British Raj , India , Indian independence movement 2456 Words | 7 Pages. ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF GANDHI Mohan Chanda Karam Chand Gandhi popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi all over the . world. He was also called as the father of nation by one of the greatest revolutionaries of the world Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. The British Established India Company To Acquire! Mahatma Gandhi has been considered as the embodiment of simplicity openness. Gandhi’s philosophical inheritance is from the tuckman's five stages, spirit of of renunciation actions of Bhagawat Gita and his practical doctrines are based on the inspirations from three great thinkers. Agriculture , Ahimsa , Bhagavad Gita 1665 Words | 6 Pages. Spiritual Formation: Gandhi and the british the east to acquire, Loving God as Truth. Spiritual formation: Gandhi and loving God as truth As one puts oneself in the way of God, several theological . questions necessarily arise: what is God? How does one engage, experience, and enter into five, the way of the british india God? For the Christian seeker, the questions become more specific: is this God the sky God Yahweh? Is Jesus of Nazareth the incarnation of this God? Is God only interested in self-described 'Christians,' or is tuckman's stages, he for all? For Mohandas K. Gandhi , Hindu spiritual seeker. Ahimsa , God , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 1769 Words | 5 Pages. These are the 2 conditional, words written by the late Pandrangi Rajeswara Rao in his book, Profiles in Patriotism'' epitomising the personality of a great Indian who . changed the course of the nation's history and stages, simply signed M.K. Gandhi . Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , venerated as Mahatma Gandhi , was born in movie Porbandar, a coastal town, near Rajkot in five stages the Saurashtra region (Gujarat), on October 2, 1869. Formal education over, Gandhiji went to examples leadership England for further studies and became a Bar-at-Law and practised for. Ahimsa , Gujarat , Indian independence movement 1256 Words | 3 Pages. George C. Five! Wallace, the United States Secretary of State when Mohandas K. The British! Gandhi was assassinated, said that Gandhi had become a . Stages! spokesman for the conscience of all mankind- a man who made humility and of situational, simple truth more powerful than empires ( Gandhi , np). Gandhi is well known for five stages his leadership in the liberation of India from Britain, but his main goal and message transcends beyond the acts he did, into everyday living. Gandhi promoted simple living, non-violence, and 2 conditional, forgiveness as a way to unite. Ahimsa , Bhagavad Gita , Gujarat 686 Words | 2 Pages. World History II Essay: Gandhi “A 'No' uttered from the five, deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to cause great depression please, or worse, to . Tuckman's Five! avoid trouble.” (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi ) These immortal words were uttered by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or Gandhi as most know him today. Gandhi was an cause advocate of nonviolence, he was at the forefront of the Free India movement of the 1930’s and 40’s and played an integral part in India becoming an independent nation. This essay will focus on a few of tuckman's Gandhi’s. Ahimsa , Civil disobedience , Gujarat 2800 Words | 7 Pages. Indian leader, Mohandas Gandhi died at the age of sophia auld 78 on January 30, 1948 at 5:12 p.m. Mohandas Gandhi was known throughout the . Tuckman's Five! world for his nonviolent protests against both British rule and interreligious fighting. 2 Conditional! Gandhi was born in the town of Porbander, and tuckman's, received his schooling in Rajkot where his father was an advisor to the local ruler. Mohandas Gandhi married a girl named Kasturba. Both were thirteen years old at the time. At the age of movie 19, Gandhi decided to five stages travel to England to sophia auld receive. Gujarat , India , Indian independence movement 873 Words | 3 Pages. Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi is the most remarkable and famous Indian political leader and is remembered in tuckman's five the world for his famous . four virtues, which include non-violence, fraternity, love and truth. Through applying these virtues, he achieved his goals, such as freedom to 2 conditional India. This paper illustrates some of the main characteristics of Gandhi’s views on non-violence, as well as discusses why he has chosen non-violence to achieve his goals. Tuckman's Five! Gandhi referred non-violence beyond what is entailed by. Civil disobedience , Indian independence movement , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 619 Words | 2 Pages. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India on October 2nd, 1869. When he was 7, he became engaged to Katsurbai Makanji. Movie Full! When he . was 14 he married her. Gandhi's father, Karamchand, died two years later in tuckman's 1885. After receiving his primary education in India, Gandhi left for India in 1888 to study law at the Inner Temple. He passed the English Bar Exam on June 10, 1891, and returned to India to practice law. After his Indian law practice failed, he spent a year in South Africa, starting. British Empire , British Raj , India 1456 Words | 5 Pages. GANDHI’S WAY Decentralization According to Gandhi , modern civilization was responsible for what cause depression impoverishing the tuckman's five, Indian villages, which . occupied a pivotal position in the Indian situation. Gandhi has always been a critic of the centralization of economic and political power. Examples! Large scale production inevitably led to concentration of economic and political power. Labor and material, production and distribution became the monopoly of the few rich. Such a concentration of economic power resulted. Indian independence movement , Indian subcontinent , Nationalism 2519 Words | 7 Pages. The third and final phase of the Nationalist Movement [1917-1947] is known as the Gandhian era. During this period Mahatma Gandhi became the . undisputed leader of the National Movement. His principles of nonviolence and Satyagraha were employed against the British Government. Gandhi made the nationalist movement a mass movement. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born at Porbandar in Gujarat on stages, 2 October 1869. He studied law in England. He returned to India in of situational 1891. In April 1893 he went to South Africa. British Raj , India , Indian independence movement 3096 Words | 9 Pages. destroying traditional Indian values. Tuckman's Stages! During the early 1920s Mohandas Gandhi began leading nonviolent resistances against European rule, this . method was known as Satyagraha. Sophia Auld! Gandhi claimed the tuckman's five stages, adoration of full of grace India’s people through his philosophies and strong nationalism. Many participated in his nonviolent resistances, and by 1947 the British released India from its grasp. Shortly after India’s achievement of independence, Gandhi was assassinated. After his death, India divided into several countries;. Gujarat , India , Indian independence movement 844 Words | 3 Pages. Gandhi Gandhi premiere on November 30, 1982 in New Delhi, India. The 190 minute film was wonderfully directed by Richard . Attenborough and well written by John Briley. I found this film difficult to five “briefly” summarize, however I would like to share a short timeline of 2 conditional events through the film’s eyes. The movie opens with a message with message from the filmmakers which explains their approach to the problem of filming the documented complexity of Mahatma Gandhi’s life. The message goes on. Gandhi , Gujarat , India 924 Words | 3 Pages. Allahabad , Gulzarilal Nanda , India 1602 Words | 6 Pages. History of Mahatma Gandhi He is a father of our nation played a key portrayal in winning freedom for India introduced the conception of tuckman's five . Ahimsa and Nonviolence. Mahatma Gandhi popularly famed as Theologiser of Dry played a stellar enactment in Bharat's immunity endeavor. Innate in a Bania stemma in Kathiawar, Gujarat, his realistic obloquy was Mohandas Karamchand Statesman (M.K. Statesman). The claim Mahatma came to be associated with his epithet overmuch afterwards. Of Situational Leadership! Before Gandhiji's traveler. Ahimsa , Gujarat , Indian independence movement 1466 Words | 5 Pages. Sierra Fernandez 11-9-12 Anthropology 113 Gandhi Mahatma What I find most interesting about Mahatma Gandhi and his life . and work is how he was a very spiritual leader to many people and tuckman's five, people looked up to him as one of their hero’s. Mahatma Gandhi was considered a father of the Indian Independence Movement and believed in non-violence. I find it very interesting how Mahatma Gandhi went on a Salt March for 24 days and walked 241 miles with his satyagrahis to the coast where they had picked. Civil disobedience , History of India , Indian independence movement 1078 Words | 3 Pages. empire of ancient India. The other duo was that of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru who were instrumental in laying the base of a modern . Indian state and examples, giving shape to ideas in the realm of education, culture and democracy.1 Gandhi founded the Satyagraha Ashram after returning from South Africa and successfully employed the principles of tuckman's five stages Satyagraha in uniting the peasants of Kheda and Champaran against the government. The British India Company! After this victory Gandhi was bestowed the title of Bapu and Mahatma and tuckman's five, his fame. 20th century , History of India , India 1228 Words | 5 Pages. Mohandas Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , also known as mahatma Gandhi , was a Indian nationalist leader, who . established his country's freedom through a nonviolent revolution. Gandhi became a leader in a difficult struggle, the Indian campaign for home rule. Sophia Auld! He believed and dedicated his life to demonstrating that both individuals and tuckman's stages, nations owe it to themselves to stay free, and to allow the same freedom to others. Gandhi was one of the gentlest of men, a devout and almost mystical Hindu. British Empire , India , Indian independence movement 1041 Words | 4 Pages. Mohatma Gandhi is considered the father of the Indian independence movement. Gandhi spent 20 years in South Africa working to . fight discrimination. It was there that he created his concept of satyagraha, a non-violent way of protesting against injustices. While in India, Gandhi's obvious virtue, simplistic lifestyle, and minimal dress endeared him to the people. He spent his remaining years working diligently to sophia auld both remove British rule from India as well as to better the lives of India's poorest. Civil disobedience , India , Indian independence movement 982 Words | 3 Pages. exemplary leader derived his power from the conscious citizenry. The leader I am referring to is Mahatma Gandhi . Instrumental in the Indian . Independence movement, Gandhi’s influence extended beyond the borders of India to the rest of the world. Gandhi’s philosophy of stages non-violence inspired millions, including the great American civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. A simple, pious man, Gandhi identified with and won the hearts of sophia auld India’s most politically and five, economically marginalized people. He. Civil disobedience , India , Indian independence movement 1113 Words | 3 Pages. Indira Gandhi Famous As: Former Prime Minister of India Nationality: Indian Religion: Hindu Political Ideology: Indian National Congress . Born On: 19 November 1917 AD Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Famous Scorpios Born In: Allahabad Died On: 31 October 1984 AD Place Of Death: New Delhi Father: Jawaharlal Nehru Mother: Kamala Nehru Spouse: Feroze Gandhi (m. 1942–1960) Children: Rajiv Gandhi , Sanjay Gandhi Education: University of full of grace Oxford, Badminton School, Somerville College, Oxford, Visva-Bharati. Allahabad , Gulzarilal Nanda , India 1936 Words | 7 Pages. seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always.” – Mohandas Gandhi . Aroused by the massacre of Amritsar in tuckman's five stages 1919, . Gandhi put all his life’s effort into breaking free from the clutches of Great Britain. As the principal figure used his influential philosophy of non-violent confrontation, he inspired political activists with many persuasions throughout the examples of situational leadership, whole world. Not only was Mohandas Gandhi a glorious diplomat, but also his effort to achieve liberty and equality for all. Ahimsa , Gujarat , Indian independence movement 1126 Words | 2 Pages. and change how Indians viewed these untouchables;; Gandhi believed it was unfair and wrong to tuckman's stages treat people this way. I’m . glad there are people like him in the world who are willing to stand up and work towards a good cause.The book we are reading in class, Gandhi : His Life and Message, by the british established india company to acquire, Louis Fischer is an eye opener to tuckman's stages whom Gandhi was and what he believed in. Sophia Auld! Gandhi was apologist against the caste system of India and. Caste , Caste system in India , Dalit 1068 Words | 4 Pages. a huge part of tuckman's stages history. Two of these leaders are Mohandas Gandhi and Adolf Hitler. Gandhi was mainly known for solving his . Sophia Auld! people’s problems in a peaceful manner. Hitler was mainly known for tuckman's stages being a dictator that started the Holocaust. Both of these leaders made huge influences on the people around them. Mohandas Gandhi was born on the british the east india, October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, a coastal town in Gujarat, Western India. Stages! Gandhi was the leader of the sophia auld, Indian nationalist movement against. Adolf Hitler , Germany , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 544 Words | 3 Pages. Mahatma Gandhi : Charismatic amp; Transformational Leader Transformational Leadership The concept of transformational leadership was . initially introduced by five, leadership expert and presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns. Constrasting Teachers Essay! According to Burns, transformational leadership can be seen when “leaders and followers make each other to advance to a higher level of moral and motivation. Through the tuckman's five, strength of their vision and personality, transformational leaders are able to inspire followers to. Authority , Charismatic authority , Leadership 978 Words | 4 Pages. took a new form when he introduced the civil disobedience movement. During the 1920’s when Gandhi had first introduced a sense of movie full nationalism . among his fellow Indians, he did so with great passion yet there was still much to be done to gain respect from the British. Five Stages! His campaign for 2 conditional Swaraj took a new form when his demands were ignored, and five stages, he introduced the Civil Disobedience movement in the early 1930’s. Gandhi had sent a letter to the viceroy on March 2nd, 1930 addressing him about 2 conditional his displeasure. Ahmedabad , Civil disobedience , Dandi, Gujarat 1153 Words | 3 Pages. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: The Power of Non-Violence. “Mahatma” Karamchand Gandhi . A shudder of nervous anticipation shook him as he lowered his hand into the sloshing sea. Digging his hands into . the ground, his hand hit something lumpy. Tuckman's Stages! Hands trembling, Gandhi lifted a lump of salty mud from the depths of the sophia auld, sea. The crowd gasped silently. Gandhi then forced himself to lower the lump into the water. The mud slipped away from the grains of white, causing the water to grow murkier. A few minutes later, the mud cleared, and tuckman's stages, Gandhi held up his hand. Sophia Auld! Grasping. British Empire , Gujarat , History of the British salt tax in India 1655 Words | 5 Pages. MAHATMA K. GANDHI VERSUS GENGHIS KHAN Emre Can Petek, International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo April 9, 2013 ABSTRACT There are so . many leaders in five stages this world who shaped the destiny and Spiritual, created a new order for their countries. Two of five stages very popular leaders are Mahatma Gandhi (India) and Genghis Khan(Mongolia). This research makes an analysis of these specific leaders, with focusing on their skills and how they changed the the british india to acquire, world, the five, ways they used while they were in charge. 2 Conditional! This paper will. Central Asia , Genghis Khan , Inner Mongolia 2425 Words | 7 Pages. Mahatma Gandhi : Non-Violent Liberator, A Biography - Richard L. Deats and Mary Jegen The book is a well structured chronological assessment . of Mohandas Gandhi's life from his childhood as an aspiring lawyer up to his untimely death that symbolizes nonviolent movements and peaceful deeds. The book summarizes Mahatma's life as follows. Gandhi founded several movements and groups in which he came up with a nonviolent resistance in one major movement, which he initiated to fight against a requirement. Ahimsa , Gujarat , Kasturba Gandhi 941 Words | 3 Pages. Director: Richard Attenborough Cinematography: Ronnie Taylor, Billy Williams IMDB page: Gandhi Cast includes: Ben Kingsley, Sir John . Geilgud, Martin Sheen, Saeed Jaffrey, Roshan Seth, Candice Bergen, Sir John Mills Richard Attenborough's 1982 biopic of Mahatma Gandhi is an epic in the true sense; over tuckman's five stages three hours in length, filled with stunning location photography of the Indian landscape, a stellar cast and crowd scenes that use hundreds of thousands of extras, the film reaped a suitably. Gandhi , Gujarat , Indian independence movement 1133 Words | 4 Pages. Pay for Exclusive Essay - Five stages of group development - … Free Downloadable Resume Templates. Free resume templates designed selected by RG professionals. Simply choose your favorite and tuckman's stages get started. Just scroll down and find a Microsoft Word template that suits your work experience and 2 conditional sense of tuckman's five, design. Don’t worry – using a template is perfectly acceptable. If you don’t feel like designing your own resume, you can instead jump to our free and Spiritual Essay easy to five stages, use online resume builder. Save time and of situational leadership effort – it does all of the writing and formatting for you. Click the button below and tuckman's get started! Resume Template Library 1: Resume Genius' Original Designs - Expert's Choice. The above basic resume library was designed by our resident resume experts and have been battle tested by 2 conditional job seekers. As this set performed the best, we included them in tuckman's five our resume builder software– and now we are offering them to you for free to download in Microsoft Word format. Each professional template comes in five colors. Explore these templates, download them, personalize them, and start getting more interviews. Resume Template Library 2: Advanced Layouts. Professional Brick Red. Timeless Dark Blue. Elegant 2.0 Dark Blue. Modern Brick Red. 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Introducing our newest batch of Microsoft Word templates, hot off the Spiritual Essay presses. We created these new designs due to the growing popularity of stages, our explainer on depression how to write a professional profile. People interested in a layout featuring a PP introduction skyrocketed, so we toiled to create 8 brand new HR-approved documents for you to download for free. Remember — this particular template is tuckman's, best for those of you with some or significant work experience only. Template Library 4: Creative Layouts. Brooklyn Bridge Black. Taj Mahal Dark Blue. White House Brick Red. Empire State Gray. Mount Rushmore Dark Blue. Are you having trouble separating yourself from your competitors? Have you been using the Spiritual same resume format since you graduated college over five stages a decade ago? Then it might be time to what, add some style to your resume! 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Remember: You can download any of these resume templates for examples of situational leadership, free and five add the bullet points yourself, or you can make a resume in 2 conditional minutes with Resume Genius’ renowned resume builder software. It can save you a lot of hassle designing and filling up your resume, and tuckman's land you more interviews faster. However, if you’d still like to make the resume on your own, use our industry-specific resume samples to what cause great, give you guidance and stages inspiration when writing your own resume. Lastly, don’t forget to 2 conditional, check out our professional cover letter examples. Not Sure Which Template to Choose? The answer is five stages, yes — if you want to. Every person’s experience is unique, so you’ll need to choose a template that best reflects and promotes your skills and experiences.Our templates are built to be customizable to any industry and are great for any of the great 3 resume formats. The fact is, the web is filled with so many fantastic and tuckman's creative template designs that there is 2 conditional, undoubtedly something for you out five stages there. We are proud of the designs we’ve created, and 2 conditional have seen that they are effective at landing interviews. Tuckman's Five Stages? But we’re not finished yet — we’ll be adding template designs to this page extensively in the near future. If you feel like creating your own, that’s fine too. Readability is sophia auld, king when creating a good template — it is the tuckman's stages most important factor, followed by how the resume itself is structured to showcase your best experiences and conceal your negative ones. You may have read on the Internet that it’s inappropriate to use a resume template. You’ll hear these arguments: 1. It shows you’re lazy and uncreative, and unable to design your own. Wrong, it shows you’re efficient. (Creating your own is fine, too.) 2. Since your experience is unique, a resume template won’t cut it. Wrong again. Your experience is personally unique, but you still generally fall into 2 conditional, pattern that many other people have traveled before. 3. The hiring manager will be tired of looking at that resume template design because a lot of other people use it. That hiring manager should be fired. It’s the content of tuckman's five stages, your resume that matters, not the aesthetic (unless it’s not readable.) We hope that clears up any misconceptions you may have had. The British The East? We invite you to stages, scroll back to the top and choose from one of our many resume libraries, and start writing. cover letter for cause depression, nursing. Should i include collegiate sports in my resume? And if so where? It depends how much professional experience you have. If you are a recent college grad, then it is tuckman's five, acceptable to include on your resume. Spiritual Teachers Essay? 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Tuckman's Five Stages? can u suggest to me with template is suitable.. #128578; I had a job for 7 years and during that time I wore many hats, Executive Admin, Purchasing, Vendor Management, Project Coordination, etc. Of Situational Leadership? How would I write that on stages my resume? Perhaps the Company name and then all the related roles under that and the times I did those jobs? I was always the sophia auld Executive Admin, but I did other jobs during that period. Yes, your suggestion is correct. Start with the company name and included the stages related jobs with their own bullet points underneath. Good luck! Consider trying the ‘Job Hopper’ or the ‘Executive.’ They should able to fit all your jobs nicely. Ive never had a job so what should I use? Most of the templates above would suit your situation, but we suggest trying the Career Changer template because it emphasizes skills over the east company the dates of your professional experience. (https://resumegenius.com/resume-templates/career-level-life-situation-templates#career-changer-templates) Best of luck! We suggest using the ‘Gatsby’ Template. Tuckman's Five? Good luck with grad school! As far as style, we suggest our ‘Professional’ template. In terms of format, if you want to include your restaurant experience, then you might want to consider using a functional format:https://resumegenius.com/resume-formats/functional-samples-writing-guide. Hope this helps! We suggest using our ‘Entry-Level’ template. Good luck with the internship! Good Day Resume Genius.I’m a midwife by profession an has worked in established the east company to acquire a military hospital for 16 years in KSA. I’m trying to apply as a home based ESL educator and an email respondent . Since I’m from the medical profession, I’m having difficulty in choosing the perfect resume.The skill I know is more on the medical.,clerical which involes data entry for tuckman's five, appointments and Spiritual Essay summary, interpreter and stages my part time informal english lessons to native speaking arabs. What template should I use? Try the the british established ‘Murray’ template. Good luck! Hello. Which is good for cabin crew applicant? I have no many work experience in service. So i want to highlight the other things. Thanks #128578; Take a look at tuckman's, our Flight Attendant resume sample: https://resumegenius.com/resume-samples/flight-attendant-resume-example You can download it and input your own information. Which template would you recommend for a career in education? Check out our teacher resume samples: https://resumegenius.com/resume-samples/teacher-resume-example You can download them and cause depression input your own experience. Try using the ‘Freeman’ template. Best of tuckman's five stages, luck on movie full of grace the promotion! Hi! What resume template would you recommend for a college freshman trying to apply for a competitive summer program with the USDA and tuckman's five South Dakota State University? Sound like the ‘Entry-Level’ template would be a good fit for what you’re trying to do. Good luck with the summer program. Hi! Which resume template would you recommend for someone trying to Teachers Essay, tap into the finance and tuckman's accounting market. Looking for examples of situational leadership, an entry-level position. You should go with the ‘Entry-Level’ template. Good luck with the job hunt. I have worked 32+ years as a nurse, the tuckman's last 4 years taking care of movie, my elderly father and online work. Now seeking to get back into the job market for extra income, not necessarily in the health field, just to earn some income and socialize. Tuckman's? What resume do you suggest? Try the movie full ‘Job Hopper’ template. Good luck with your job search! Hi! What resume template would you recommend for a 9th grader trying to apply for a doctor (any)?? Apparently, resume making and interviewing is our project for the fourth quarter this year. I couldn’t find any clear examples on the web, and tuckman's five I was hoping you could help me out with what template I should use.. Try using the ‘Elegant 2.0’ template. Good luck on your project. Yes, if you click the View all Resume Designs button and click the download link for the template pack of your choice. If you’ve never written a resume before, I’d recommend checking out 2 conditional our “How to Write a Resume” guide to get a clearer idea (it’s much more comprehensive than any answer I can give here). Tuckman's Five Stages? https://resumegenius.com/how-to-write-a-resume. Hit us up with any follow-up questions after giving that a read we’ll see if we can help further! Good luck! Hey there Margaret, In order to Teachers, best understand which template works, it’s a good idea to check out which resume format fits your particular needs; then you can take it from there. https://resumegenius.com/resume-formats. All of the templates were created by tuckman's professional resume writers, so it’s hard to go wrong with any of them — it just depends on your preference. Good luck! It really depends on what job you’re applying for. Since you have substantial work experience, try quantifying that in what your resume (think: any numbers that a hiring manager can look at and better understand what you accomplished during your time working there). Check out tuckman's stages this page and choose the one you find most fitting, that should be a good start: https://resumegenius.com/resume-formats. Good luck on the job hunt! Hey there hbil036, This way, you can focus on your skills qualifications critical to the job application. As an aside, you may want to look into whether you’re qualified to sophia auld, get back into accounting after that many years outside of the field. I understand that some regulations and five rules change over the years — it may just be a matter of taking a test or updating your certifications, but I’m not certain. If that doesn’t seem to be a problem then go with the functional resume for sure. Full Of Grace? Good luck on five stages the job hunt! If you are lacking in full major experience, I’d recommend using a reverse chronological format for your resume. Our “Classic” template on tuckman's this page should do the trick: https://resumegenius.com/resume-templates/ Good luck at the job fair! Put your skills to the test, and tuckman's stages learn how to make your resume 6 second worthy! 3 Reasons Why I Wouldn't Hire Tom Brady. Tom Brady’s resume is a couple yards short of a touchdown. There are tons of errors throughout. See why. How to leadership, Modify and Maximize your Resume Template. Need a resume template? Feel free to download one, but be sure to tuckman's, make small modifications to unlock your. Would You Rather Work for a Man or a Woman? Do people still care whether they work for a man or woman, or do most people simply look for a nice job. 5 Ridiculous Excuses To Calling Out Of Work That Were Surprisingly Successful. Every office is bound to 2 conditional, have that one person that abuses the call-out policy. These people go above and. Resume Genius' builder, resources, advice and career tips are regularly featured on tuckman's some of the world's leading online and Spiritual offline publications including: Our code geeks and HR experts are proud to introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to help you land more interviews in today's competitive job market. HR-proven resume templates, built-in job description bullet point phrases to choose from, and easily export to MS Word and PDF. Pay for Exclusive Essay - Tuckman's stages of group … A Book Review of stages George Orwell’s 1984 Essay Sample. George Orwell’s novel 1984 present a dystopian scenario wherein state interference is present in all aspects of citizens’ lives. But in the context of the novel, state interference is used as a tool for 2 conditional the ruling class to remain in power. Information, for instance, is heavily censored in order to prevent opposition from the people. A Book Review of five stages George Orwell’s 1984. The novel 1984 (1949), authored by British writer George Orwell (1903-1950), is a dystopian vision of a society wherein the government has total control over Constrasting, almost every aspect of the people’s lives. In order to remain in stages, power, the government brainwashes the people with overly simplistic propaganda. Most striking among the government’s propaganda materials were posters that carried the warning “Big Brother is Watching You,” as well as the slogans “War is Peace,” “Freedom is sophia auld, Slavery” and “Ignorance is Strength” (Leigh, 2008). The controversy generated by 1984 eventually led to the creation of the expression “Orwellian” – a world that is characterized with conformity and over-politicization (Roberts, 2002). Winston Smith: A Reflection of Party Dictatorship. Winston Smith, the main character in 1984 , was a good example of how government totalitarianism can drastically alter an individual’s life. He was an everyman residing in Oceania, a fictional state governed by the Party. Smith was also a lower member of the Party working in the Ministry of Truth. His job entailed him to tailor historical information in tuckman's five, favor of the Party and its leader Big Brother. However, his diary revealed that he was becoming increasingly concerned with the Party’s iron-fisted rule (Topham, n.d.). Constrasting Essay! Smith later met Julia and O’Brien. Shortly after meeting each other for the first time, Smith and Julia began a passionate affair. They frequently met in one of the tuckman's five stages ghetto areas, where they slept together and talked about movie of grace, their hopes of tuckman's five being able to leave Oceania for good. O’Brien, meanwhile, was a member of great both the five Party and of grace, an opposition group called the Brotherhood. In one of their meetings, O’Brien gave Smith a copy of the Brotherhood’s manifesto. The Brotherhood’s manifesto contained “a number of social democratic ideas (and) one of the most powerful renunciations of fascist thought ever written” (Topham, n.d.). Unbeknownst to Smith, O’Brien was actually a spy for the Party – the manifesto was a test of five Smith’s loyalty. 2 Conditional! In addition, O’Brien conducted surveillance on Smith during the latter’s trysts with Julia. This betrayal resulted in tuckman's five, Smith’s arrest by the east india to acquire, the secret police. He was then taken to the Ministry of Love to be “re-indoctrinated” through torture (Topham, n.d.). Five! Despite cruelty, Smith refused to admit that he was guilty of disobeying the government. Consequently, he was brought to Room 101, where detainees were tortured by making them undergo their worst fears. Smith was deathly afraid of Spiritual rats – O’Brien tormented him by tuckman's five stages, placing a box against his face. Petrified, Smith pleaded that he be released and sophia auld, that Julia take his place (Topham, n.d.). After Smith’s release, he became “a valid member of society” (Topham, n.d.). He no longer opposed the government’s dictatorial rule. Although he and Julia met again, he did not love her anymore. Five Stages! Smith’s love was instead transferred to the Big Brother poster that he saw at the end of the novel (Topham, n.d.). The State of Reading and the Library. In 1984 , one of the strategic steps that the Party took to remain in power was control the information that reached the general public. Information must be repackaged in the east india to acquire, such a manner that it gave people the false impression that their society was perfect. In addition, the Party must be promoted as a benevolent institution that was behind this “utopia.” The library, being one of the major sources of information in Oceania, was not spared from the aforementioned manipulation (Dubeck, 2008). The Ministry of Truth, where Smith worked, produced the news, statistics, music and books that were accessible to the people in Oceania. Smith, meanwhile, was tasked with turning the information in these media into pro-Party propaganda. Through this deception, the chances of tuckman's stages popular discontent with the Party are minimized. The people will be convinced that they were better off than they were under the capitalists – the Party actually have the Essay figures to “support” its claims of advancement (Dubeck, 2008). Five! What is dangerous about what the Party is what great, doing is that the library is supposed to provide the public with information, which, in tuckman's five, turn, can create opinions about various topics. A well-informed citizenry is an movie, enlightened one, able to discern and resolve important issues. The Party is afraid that should the people become as such, it will finally expose anomalies that are rampant in Oceania like constant shortages and tuckman's five stages, violent suppression of legitimate political dissent. Thus, the Party opted to keep the people in the dark at sophia auld, the expense of the truth (Dubeck, 2008). In Part 1, Chapter 7, one of tuckman's stages Smith’s entries in his diary revealed that in its effort to fool the people, most of the Teachers Essay Party’s lies already defied common sense: In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and tuckman's five stages, you would have. to believe it. It was inevitable…the logic of their position demanded it…The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the the british the east past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable what then?#8230;The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. Stages! It was their final, most essential command. (n. pag.) Reading is an activity often associated with education. What Cause Great! But in order to keep itself in power, another tactic that the Party used was to tuckman's stages, preserve the class structure. This meant that all intellectual activities such as reading, studying and decision-making were reserved for the inner Party. The working class, on the other hand, was kept as docile labor (Dubeck, 2008). The Party is very much aware that it will fall from power as soon as the working classes unite and realize their inner strength. The proletariat has an immense power in numbers, but this potential is not developed primarily due to the absence of opportunities for education. Education is one of the Teachers best ways to achieve critical thinking and intellectual advancement. The Party is afraid that should Oceania’s working classes be educated, they will start questioning the authorities (Dubeck, 2008). Consequently, Oceania’s working classes will remain as slaves to the ruling class. Tuckman's Stages! Since the former is uneducated, they will have no other choice but to spend their entire lives selling themselves to the ruling class. As much as the working classes want to improve their lot, they are being paid only enough to stay alive. Hard labor and low wages make them prioritize everyday survival over resisting an oppressive government. Smith lamented about this sad reality in Constrasting, Oceania in Part 1, Chapter 7: True to the Principles of doublethink, the Party taught that the proles were natural inferiors who must be kept in subjection, like animals, by the application of a few simple rules#8230;They were born, they grew up in the gutters, they went to work at tuckman's five stages, twelve, they passed through a brief blossoming-period of beauty and sexual desire, they married at twenty, they were middle-aged at thirty, they died, for the most part, at sixty. Heavy physical work, the the british india care of home and children, petty quarrels with (neighbors), films, football, beer, and stages, above all, gambling, filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult. A few agents of the leadership Thought Police moved always among them, spreading false (rumors) and marking down and eliminating the few individuals who were judged capable of becoming dangerous; but no attempt was made to indoctrinate them with the ideology of the Party. (n. pag.) The novel 1984 clearly showed that a government’s thirst for power can come to a point that it will keep its constituents poor and ignorant just to tuckman's five, suppress opposition. But in doing so, the novel also served as a reminder to sophia auld, readers that a society akin to tuckman's stages, Oceania does not have to exist. If people are aware of movie their rights as citizens and five, the government carries out its sworn duty, then Oceania will remain as a make-believe location. Dubeck, H. (2008). Strategies for Preserving the Status Quo in George Orwell’s Nineteen. Eighty-Four and Animal Farm . C-level Thesis. Karlstads Universitet, Karlstads, Leigh, A. Big Brother. (2008). Big Brother . Retrieved July 16, 2008, from. Roberts, G. Life Research Universal. (2002, April 23). Nineteen Eighty-Four: Introduction . Retrieved July 16, 2008, from http://www.liferesearchuniversal.com/introduction.html#into. The Complete Works of George-Orwell. (2003). 1984: Part 1, Chapter 7 . Retrieved. July 16, 2008, from the british, http://www.george-orwell.org/1984/6.html. Topham, J. About.com. (n.d.). Nineteen Eighty-Four . Retrieved July 16, 2008, from. Is this the perfect essay for you? Save time and order A Book Review of George Orwell’s 1984. essay editing for only $13.9 per tuckman's page. Leadership! Top grades and quality guaranteed! Relevant essay suggestions for A Book Review of George Orwell’s 1984. George Orwell’s ‘1984’, and tuckman's five, Ray Bradbury’s ‘Fahrenheit 451’, display numerous examples of comparison throughout each novel. Similarities are shared between the Spiritual Teachers main characters rebelling, their true feelings toward their lovers,#8230; 1984 Symbols: George Orwell Novel. Five Stages! George Orwell novel 1984 contains symbols and images throughout the novel. Although symbols such as rats, the coral paperweight, songs, and Winston’s varicose ulcer only appear infrequently, they do provide#8230; George Orwell, in his novel, 1984, has created a bleak totalitarian society in which The Party has become all powerful and their goal is to control all thoughts, all actions#8230; Imagine living in a world where technology is controlled by a higher power and full, you basically have no say in your own everyday life. In the tuckman's five stages novel written by George#8230; “1984” by George Orwell. “It was a bright cold day in what cause great depression, April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind,#8230; In George Orwell’s 1984, the glass paperweight does not serve any one purpose – it serves as a “swish army knife” of symbols, providing a tangible means by which the#8230; Order Content from the Best Essay Writing Service - Tuckmans Five Stages of Group - Scribd Example Essay Pmr Essays and Research Papers. MARKING SCHEME –MATHEMATICS TRIAL PMR SBP 2011 2011 PAPER 1 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jawapan B C C A C D B C D C No 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 . 20 Jawapan C B C C B D B C C B No 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Jawapan B C C B B D A D A A No 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Jawapan A A D A C C A C D D PAPER 2 No. 1 2 3 15 + 16 31 6.5 – 2.187 4.313 a) ? 0.7 ?1? b) ? ? ?2? 1 8 3 MARKS K1 N1 K1 N1 P1 K1 N1 TOTAL 2 2 3 4 Note: 1. Dotted line P1 2. Tuckman's Five Stages? One or two side wrongly drawn P1 3. More. 1 , 22 , Analytic geometry 523 Words | 5 Pages. Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is our sample essay question, which is designed to be as close as possible to an . essay question that might appear on the east india company, the SAT. Five Stages? You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and then asks you to 2 conditional explain your view and back it up with concrete examples . Tuckman's Five? Not every SAT essay topic will. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Then answer the questions below. 2 Conditional? The qualities of a hero . include selflessness, having the inspiration to be a founder and five being courageous. With these qualities in company mind, it is easy to see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the three qualities mentioned above and these heroic qualities were seen in tuckman's five his life and cause work. Tuckman's Five? He was born in Al Ain and had a simple education which included learning the Koran and mathematics. Established The East India To Acquire? His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. age of expansion following on an age of discovery, its expansion led to still further discovery about architectural design and tuckman's stages decoration. Section A: . Examples Of Situational Leadership? Interiors S.Maria Della Salute (1631-1682) The interior of S.Maria Della Salute is five stages a very good example of Baroque Architecture and design. Of Grace? It displays the Baroque essence in tuckman's stages a way but is not completely over ornamented nor does it contain any unsuitable details. Marble is what mainly used in tuckman's stages the columns and the base appears to be gilded in bronze. Sculptures. Baroque , Baroque music , Dome 1264 Words | 4 Pages. Examples from leadership, Reflection Essays Disciplinary Awareness “The research I did this summer focused on sorption of cesium and . strontium by soils. These two chemicals are commonly found in chemical contaminants… My research also focused on the distribution coefficient which is tuckman's a measurement of how much of of grace a solvent is [absorbed] by a geologic medium.” “I found that many of the stages, readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to convey a strong belief in human rights, which was demonstrated by the dichotomy. Abortion , Clean Water Act , Human rights 1543 Words | 5 Pages. Example Essay “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” -- Ben Franklin. Sophia Auld? As early as the . Five? founding of the United States of America, Mr. Franklin observed society using the excuse, I don't have enough time… and movie it negative effects on their lives. Today, it is frequently used as an excuse to justify the lack of time management skills. The effects on kids, work, or even in stages family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is available. Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. idea of ghosts is far too exaggerated to be real. According to psychologydictionary.org the paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the the british established the east to acquire, . transfer of data or energy which can't be described by tuckman's present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of years ago I was in my house alone. Great? I was walking towards the front door and a pair of tuckman's five scissors fell from the examples, countertop and on five stages, to the sophia auld, floor. It scared me to death and it was like the scissors had been thrown. I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. mess you up for life. Five? Therefore these experiences will become a necessary example to teach you how to deal with the unfairness . in life. Movie Of Grace? When I first started middle school I felt so out of place, I mean I had to deal some very flaky people and I was very stressed out a lot. Five Stages? The reason why I was so stressed out sophia auld was because of the changes that I had to endure around and to me. For example I had to deal with the disturbing fact that I was growing hair in five stages various places on Teachers, my. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to Today Sexuality, like many other . things in our world, is an ever changing thing. The ideas and connotations surrounding it change from generation to generation. Because of this, the tuckman's five, idea of the british established india sex in tuckman's the 1950’s is completely different from the idea of sex today. Movie Full Of Grace? Today, sexuality can be expressed in tuckman's five stages almost anything we do. Great? Commercials, billboards, TV shows, movies, magazine articles, and many other. 20th century , 21st century , Global warming 1105 Words | 4 Pages. other areas) show specific anatomical and functional features in professional and tuckman's five semi-professional musicians.” One of the most visible . benefits of playing a musical instrument is the improvement of memory capacity and ability. For example , the constant use of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain simultaneously in someone who plays the piano exercises memory. Thanks to this, it is also believed that people who play musical instruments are less prone to have neurodegenerative. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages. of the week when Pete receives big shipments of inventory for the store. When that occurs the the east company to acquire, retail part of the Garden Center can be really busy for a few . Tuckman's? days after stocking the new inventory. Inventory can range from a variety of things, for example ; garden rocks in assorted rock pallets, mulch bags sorted out by type, hay bales stacked, and even bird baths. The British The East India Company? So as one of the three managers, Pete has to make sure things go well and items are placed correctly and neatly throughout the store, in. Annual plant , Evergreen , Garden 1115 Words | 3 Pages. of essay preparation What differentiated higher quality example essays from lower quality example . essays ? There were several different aspects that differentiated higher quality example essay from lower quality example essays . Five Stages? Firstly, the what cause great, higher quality example essays , such as the Distinction and High Distinction essays provided great structure and an argument with a very good presentation. The introduction in tuckman's the Distinction essay introduced relevant literature and addressed the essay topic. Citation , Essay , Essays 761 Words | 3 Pages. Example of a Well Structured Essay. Example of a well structured essay . The content isn’t that exiting and what great depression the conclusion is quite weak, but there are many good . points to make on five stages, the way the essay is structured and the way the information is Constrasting Teachers Essay put across. All my comments are highlighted thus. A good introduction. • Does the job of clearly defining the topic covered in the essay and the specific aspects which will be discussed. See in particular last sentence of tuckman's introduction. ( We will be looking at the structure of sophia auld introductions. Causality , Environmentalism , Essay 1501 Words | 5 Pages. Definition Of Friendship Example Essay. of friendship. Consider the purpose, audience, and context of five your article. Organize your ideas and 2 conditional details effectively. Include specific details that . clearly develop your article. Edit your speech for standard grammar and language usage. Example Essay on the Definition of Friendship If asked, many people would say that their friends are some of the most important people in their lives. However, sometimes it is hard to tuckman's recognize the value of of situational a friend and see exactly how much they do for us and. Friendship , Interpersonal relationship , Love 1157 Words | 3 Pages. ?In this essay , it is about the journal article that I had presented in the Journal Club. In the following, I am going to five stages summarize the . concerned clinical issue / practice presented in the journal article. In the examples of situational, second part of the tuckman's, essay , I will analyze the Spiritual, concerned clinical issue / practice and relate to my prior learning and/or experience. Next, I will discuss on what I have learned from the concerned clinical issue / practice. Lastly, I am going to recommend strategies to facilitate my learning. Health care provider , Illness , Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 839 Words | 3 Pages. Descriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is five one of the many types of writing styles that provides a detailed . description for a particular person, place, memory, experience or object. Descriptive essay is sophia auld purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and tuckman's five stages taste. 2) Example : Spring Everyone has a comfortable place to escape to established the east company to acquire for relaxation. They go there when they need to be. Hearing , Odor , Olfaction 1017 Words | 4 Pages. statement in tuckman's this argument? 3. What’s the topic sentence of the writer’s personal view? 4. Note down some of the transitions used in this argument: 5. What . Essay? is the wrap-up in tuckman's this essay ? Rhetorical Devices Find the following devices in this argumentative essay . There might be more than one example of 2 conditional each. Annotate the tuckman's stages, essay to show these features. Use of personal pronouns Exclamations Hyperbole Imperatives Juxtaposition Modern idioms and movie full trendy phrases Non-sentences Repetition Rhetorical questions. Arc de Triomphe , Food , Hamburger 683 Words | 3 Pages. ?Jack Hamilton AP English 3 Mrs. Rothbard Period 5 December 21, 2014 Bill O'Reilly Editorial Essay Whether it be from his television show . The O'Reilly Factor, one of his Killing books, or from editorial articles, it is stages fair to say that most Americans know who Bill O'Reilly is. O'Reilly is known for his conservative views that can be attributed in part to his coming from a classic Irish Catholic family and examples of situational [having] attended private catholic schools, according to tuckman's five his biography on Teachers, IMDb. Though. Bill O'Reilly , Editorial , Federal government of the United States 939 Words | 4 Pages. Example Literary Essay : The Giver by tuckman's Lois Lowry Example Introduction Paragraph: “The real voyage of discovery . consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in the british established the east to acquire having new eyes.” This quote by Marcel Proust speaks of discovering what?s right in front of you by seeing it differently, with “new eyes.” The main character, Jonas, in Lois Lowry?s The Giver goes through a similar experience when he discovers his “Capacity to See Beyond.” Jonas begins to see his Community differently, with an tuckman's five, awareness or. Lois Lowry , Newbery Medal , The Giver 856 Words | 3 Pages. ? EXAMPLE 1 – ESSAY Life sometimes goes wrong under the best of circumstances, but what if you spend your days in a hospital bed . slowly suffocating to death as cancer eats away at your body? You’re horrified, your quality of life is at an all time low and you can’t see any point in delaying the inevitable. That is why Physician assisted suicide should be a choice for patients who are incurable. Physician assisted suicide (PAS) should be legal in cases that involve unbearable suffering or. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , Death , Euthanasia 1509 Words | 5 Pages. childhood can become set principles we live by in later life or can influence the what cause great depression, decisions we make to give us our 'world view' aswe can not find other . examples due to age. Things such as age, gender and five commuity will also play a part in shaping the effects of your world view. A World view is described by many different people in various ways for example Samovar and Porter (2003) (citing Rapport and Overing 2000) will describe a world view as 'the common English translation of the German word “Weltanschauung”. I Shall Be Released , Learning , Life 1025 Words | 3 Pages. Example MBA admission essay The world of the british the east india company finance and tuckman's five business is a complicated and examples ubiquitous arena, and the axis around which . most of our society’s most important issues move. Tuckman's? Having worked for a number of years in a multitude of administrative positions, I feel in many ways as though I have merely skimmed the surface of a field that is examples of situational brimming with professional opportunities. The pursuit of a Master’s in five stages Business Administration will enable me access tap previously unused resources in sophia auld my own. Administration , Business , Business school 873 Words | 3 Pages. ? Essay 1 The methods of five stages political control used by the Han and Imperial Roman Empires were different, as in depression the degree of citizen participation . in government because of how each empire utilized it to tuckman's five stages control the sophia auld, people. However, the use of theologies to justify rule was a similar method used by the two empires because it allowed leaders to win over the people in more ways than one. In addition, the use of militaries to control the population and outlying territories was a similar method because. Ancient Rome , Byzantine Empire , Constantine I 2376 Words | 6 Pages. ART-O-METER scale essay Music is a form of expression; it is art, and tuckman's five stages what makes it of highest or lowest value can often be a matter of leadership . Tuckman's Stages? personal choice. There are, however, universal ways of looking at Spiritual Teachers a song’s value. First, one can analyze a song based on the message the writer wants to tuckman's five reveal. Words construct meaning, which ultimately reveals a theme, and the power of the theme helps listeners decide a song’s worth and universal impact. Closely linked to a song’s theme is the song’s literary. Aspect of music , Broken heart , Fiction 1377 Words | 4 Pages. ! Analyzing Essay Psychologist Martin E. Sophia Auld? P. Tuckman's Stages? Seligman’s article “On Learned Helplessness” talks about what happens when people go through . traumatic events and how the handle the situations. Sophia Auld? Seligman ` studied the conditions that can lead to feelings of five stages fear, helplessness, depression, and competence. By applying his theories and company ideas I will analyze the article “Gunman Kills Himself After Hostage Drama” by Charles P. Five? Wallace and sophia auld Tim Waters. In the article by tuckman's five stages Wallace and Waters, a twenty-six. Depression , Emotion , Harry Dean Stanton 990 Words | 4 Pages. Example of an Ethnolect Based Essay. travelled, can appreciate humour, and that he would like to be perceived as an educated person with further academic goals. The phonological features of a . person’s speech are the most obvious signposts to what great depression his or her origins or mother tongue. For example , Bill pronounces the ‘not’ in stages ‘not really’, ‘correct’, ‘just’ and ‘want’ by ending with a glottal stop (/?/), rather than the voiceless consonant (/t/). This occurs as final consonants are much less frequent in Mandarin than in what great English and thus they. Australian English , British English , Dialect 953 Words | 3 Pages. anyone believe that they were a witch. This is also seen as injustice because it is definitely not fair or moral. In The Crucible, Miller uses character to . show that just because someone is different could possibly mean that they were witches. An example of character in tuckman's stages the film was when Giles Corey had just asked how someone’s day was and a fire had made flames. This made him convicted to being a witch just because how creepy people had seen him as. Justice cannot be seen here because justice is. Arthur Miller , Daniel Day-Lewis , John Proctor 899 Words | 3 Pages. Descriptive Essay Example We all know college is hard; if it were easy, everyone would have . a degree and Constrasting Spiritual Teachers Essay no one would ever ask for help. But here at Crafton Hills College, tutors are available to five help out full students in any way, so that those who struggle can do well and be successful. These mentors don’t just lecture, they take the time to make sure students understand and comprehend what is being taught. Tutors are at tuckman's five stages hand for a variety of subjects, some have. Learning , Teaching assistant , Tutor 1006 Words | 3 Pages. spaces to what cause great people who don’t live in five Ann Arbor who commute from all over the surrounding areas. For example , my MTH 169 teacher, Mr. King, would . commute from Farmington to full of grace Ann Arbor every day. When in tuckman's five the class, he was always on time because he had another class before us so he had the of situational leadership, opportunity to find a parking space, but if he arrived later than that he wouldn’t have found one. Another example was in winter 2012, my boyfriend’s mother had exited the five stages, Bailey Library, and immediately a person asked. Ann Arbor, Michigan , Bus , Bus stop 1050 Words | 4 Pages. boot-camp not as a military training program, but rather as a group of individuals who are driven by a common goal? If we can do this then we can begin . making comparisons with other groups of individuals and notice a great deal of movie full of grace similarities. For example , universities offer a wide variety of clubs such as the five, Philosophy Club or the movie full of grace, Student Veterans Organization, and these clubs are formed because like-minded individuals driven by a common goal congregated and bonded to birth their club. Five Stages? Just like. Bond , Bonds, Lancashire , Marine 900 Words | 2 Pages. us, moderation or balance means eating less than we do now. More specifically, it means eating far less of the unhealthy stuff (unrefined sugar, saturated . fat, for example ) and more of the healthy (such as fresh fruit and vegetables). But it doesn't mean eliminating the foods you love. Eating bacon for sophia auld breakfast once a week, for example , could be considered moderation if you follow it with a healthy lunch and dinner–but not if you follow it with a box of donuts and a sausage pizza. If you eat 100. Carbohydrate , Common bean , Food 2684 Words | 8 Pages. Untrustworthy President Example Essay. We've now had 38 straight months of above 8% unemployment, the tuckman's, longest streak since the Great Depression. Keeping our country and government operating . smoothly is another area where uncertainty surrounds our president’s capabilities. That is an example of our tax money being insecure in the hands of our president. We pay more money a year than anyone can fathom and it is squandered in this country and around the world in great depression ways that do not help solve our problems we face here at tuckman's five home or around the. Federal government of the United States , Illegal immigration , Illegal immigration to the United States 957 Words | 3 Pages. ?College Essay – Willem E. Servaes To survive and thrive College! The time has finally come; the of situational leadership, Goal at the end of the rainbow. I . survived! sur·vive 1. To remain alive or in existence. 2. To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere. 3. To remain functional or usable: I survived my move from a Belgian, Dutch-speaking school to an English speaking kindergarten in Chicago. I survived my move from Chicago, to Maryland and ultimately I survived my long years in tuckman's five stages a Catholic. Classroom , High school , Learning 828 Words | 3 Pages. on your driver’s license. What if the person waiting on the list needing an organ transplant was someone you loved? Imagine if you had a brother or sister . who had unexpectedly died and you were able to meet the 2 conditional, person who received their heart, for example . Think of the satisfaction and possible comfort knowing that your brother or sister provided life for five somebody else. I’m going to leave you with a short message from someone we all know and love, Michael Jordan, who is a sponsor for the Iowa LifeGift. Legal death , Organ , Organ donation 900 Words | 3 Pages. Something That Matters by Blake Mycoskie, I believed that a person should only set fairly easy and attainable goals for themselves. Now my attitude is sophia auld that . you should pursue what makes you happy, and you shouldn’t let struggles stop you. Stages? When I read examples about following a passion, overcoming a fear, and being persistent in your efforts, my prior opinion began to change. In the book Blake first describes his journey with creating and growing TOMS. Blake was on movie of grace, a vacation trip in Argentina when. 1083 Words | 3 Pages. ?Brianna Simpson Mr. Bernstein English 101 16 October 2013 Essay #2: Profile . Never Wild Those who wish to pet and baby wild animals, love them. But those who respect their natures and wish to let them live normal lives, love them more. ? Edwin Way Teale Nearly two miles up a rocky washboard dirt road in Phelan, California is Forever Wild Exotic Animal Sanctuary at 8545 Buttemere Road. Driving. Animal , Doing It , Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 1392 Words | 5 Pages. Task: Given that listening accounts for 45 per tuckman's five cent of time spent on communication (Eunson 2012:310), argue the importance of india listening skills in . the workplace. Your analysis should identify three specific listening behaviours and provide examples to demonstrate how these skills promote communication and understanding. Support your analysis with relevant communication theory and evidence from appropriate academic sources. Tuckman's Stages? Name: XXXXXXXXX Student ID: XXXXXXX Date due: XXXXXXX Word count. Behavior , Collaboration , Communication 1122 Words | 4 Pages. Pamela Essay 1 Sitting at my desk at home, a crushing feeling crept up on me. I didn’t know what to Constrasting Teachers Essay think. I’m not going to make . it, am I. It was already midway through junior year of high school, and having just calculated my GPA requirements for many of the colleges I had wanted to go to, I realized that my grades were not even close to what I expected them to be. I guess I had been in denial for tuckman's so long that I let them slip this far. How could I have let this happen? Where was my. Debut albums , Disappointment , High school 1235 Words | 3 Pages. Lyndon B. Johnson and Essay Examples Tags. Compare and Spiritual Contrast Essay Example by tuckman's admin on Monday, December 12th 2011 No Comment in the british the east Essay . Tuckman's? examples Tags: Compare and sophia auld Contrast, Compare and Contrast essay example , Compare and Contrast essay sample The address of President Lyndon Johnson to the University of tuckman's five Michigan in 1964 has been give priority in this document. The test of the full, success of the nation lies in the ability of the American people to exercise liberty and pursue happiness for the general population. These are the. A Separate Peace , Catheter , Farley Mowat 1022 Words | 5 Pages. security measures than there are currently in schools today. Indubitably, most schools have emergency drills and practices for protection; however, that is . not always enough, for people in a school can still be harmed, or even worse, executed. For example , a student could walk into tuckman's, a school with a concealed weapon and easily start firing off into a crowd of students; therefore, law-enforcement officers alone may not be able to established the east company reach the situation fast enough. Furthermore, if each teacher were allowed. A Great Way to tuckman's stages Care , Cannon , Columbine High School massacre 1438 Words | 4 Pages. ? Essay Option #2 If you don't want to take school seriously, then I guess I’ll look forward to seeing you working your shift at examples McDonald’s . when I stop by for the fries”. This is what my mom told me when I was an eighth grader. Five? My parents are very accomplished people; my mother is a registered nurse and Constrasting Essay my father is a lawyer. So her words cut deep and hit me where it hurt. Why was she telling me this? Because I deserved every bit of it. I was at a point in my life when I was very immature. I was. College , Father , High school 1107 Words | 4 Pages. thread? : ? How to Write a 12 Essay in Just 10 Days View Single Post 04072011, 04:16 PM AcademicHacker Junior Member . Join Date: Jan 2009 Posts: 57 #? 421 100 Great Examples (SAT Essay ): 1. Stages? Steven Job (Apple Computers) 2. Michael Dell (Dell Computers) 3. Richard Branson (Virgin Records) 4. Donald Trump (Real Estate Mogul) 5. Howard Schultz (Starbucks) 6. Jack Welch (General Electric) 7. The Google Guys: Larry Page and the british established the east india company to acquire Sergey Brin 8. Andrew Carnegie 9. Nelson Mandela . Cuban Missile Crisis , Dell , Enron 510 Words | 3 Pages. disquisition, monograph; More 2. formal an attempt or effort. a misjudged essay synonyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, try, venture, . trial, experiment, undertaking his first essay in telecommunications a trial design of a postage stamp yet to be accepted. Tuckman's Five? verbformal verb: essay ; 3rd person present: essays ; past tense: essayed; past participle: essayed; gerund or present participle: essaying e?sa/ 1. attempt or try. The British Established India Company To Acquire? essay a smile Origin late 15th century (as a verb in the sense ‘test the. Definition , Essay , Gerund 608 Words | 4 Pages. Argumentative Essay Social responsibility is an ideal topic for five stages debate; there have been mixed results for companies and individuals who have . Examples Of Situational Leadership? pursued social responsibility. Tuckman's Five Stages? There is also the question of of situational whether social responsibility should be motivated by tuckman's five stages a perceived benefit.This type of essay is based on philosophical theories on the necessity of social responsibility backed up with facts about previous social responsibility efforts. For example , an essay could be about how giving support to disaster. Essay , Essays , Qualitative research 555 Words | 3 Pages. Bankers Adda How to write Essay in SBI PO Exam? Dear readers, as you know that SBI PO 2014 Paper will also contain a Descriptive Test of . Sophia Auld? 50 marks (1 hour duration), which will consist of tuckman's English Language Comprehension, Short Precis, Letter Writing Essay ). 2 Conditional? So, here we are presenting you How to tuckman's five stages write Essay ? and few points to remember while writing an essay in the exam, which will be important for upcoming SBI PO exam. How to write an essay ? 1. The British Established The East India Company To Acquire? Analyze the prompt. Note exactly what. Essay , Jawaharlal Nehru , Linguistics 812 Words | 4 Pages. BM 6105 Assignment BM 6105 Managing Change Assignment (3000 words) Essay Due on Monday 14th of January 2013 You are required to write an . essay supported with reference to the academic literature that answers the following question: • You have recently been appointed to your first management post following graduation. You are keenly aware that as part of your management role you will be responsible for managing change and tuckman's five anticipate drawing on your BM 6105 studies to help you achieve success. Essay , Management , Organization 690 Words | 3 Pages. social sciences and humanities. Many ethnomusicological works are created not necessarily by 'ethnomusicologists' proper, but instead by anthropologists . examining music as an aspect of a culture. A well-known example of such work is Colin Turnbull's study of the Mbuti pygmies. Another example is Jaime de Angulo, a linguist who ended up learning much about the music of the Indians of Northern California . Yet another is Anthony Seeger, professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who. Anthropology , Community building , Ethnomusicology 1424 Words | 5 Pages. the Laws of Supply and Demand The simulation in the text is the british established india company about a small city by the name of tuckman's five Atlantis. Atlantis is a well-maintained city with many . positive aspects for the community. Movie? All of the aspects make it a pleasant living environment. Five Stages? For example , the city has maintained streets, maintained sidewalks, large parks and jogging paths. To rent an apartment in the community of Atlantis an the british established the east company, individual would have to go through Good life Management. Tuckman's? The current vacancy rate is at 28 percent of availability. Economics , Elasticity , Income elasticity of demand 1569 Words | 3 Pages. Semester 1, 2013 Assessment Task 2:Critical Essay IDEAS in MANAGEMENT Writing instructions and Marking Rubric This assessment task is . an ESSAY . The RMIT College of Business requires you to the british established the east use a particular style of tuckman's stages essay writing which involves both the way the 2 conditional, essay is structured and the way that you acknowledge other people’s ideas used in your work. Tuckman's? The structuring of an essay is very clearly described in the RMIT Study and Learning Centre Essay Writing Skills Online Tutorial available. Article , Citation , Critical thinking 807 Words | 3 Pages. Upsr, Pmr and Spm Should Be Abolish. In June 2010, the Minister of Education Muhyiddin announced the probability of full of grace UPSR, and PMR examinations being abolished. With the ever . Stages? changing policies from the Ministry of Education every time the Constrasting Spiritual Teachers, minister changes,(Kheru,2011) this news came as a no surprise. Stages? But the main issue still remains intact. It is 2 conditional not just the UPSR, and PMR , but should we just abolish the whole three main examinations, UPSR, PMR , and SPM? Even though examinations makes students focus in their studies, and can differentiate. Creativity , Education , Educational psychology 918 Words | 3 Pages. ELEMENTS OF AN ESSAY Preliminary Remarks Following are some suggestions to help you write an acceptable academic- level essay . . This is not the only way to organize and develop an essay . Tuckman's? It is, however, a tried and true system and sophia auld will likely be what your TCC instructors require of you. Audience and stages Purpose Before beginning, you should consider both your audience and movie full purpose. For, before you can know how to approach the subject, you must determine whom you will be addressing, how much they already. 2005 albums , Essay , Five paragraph essay 1430 Words | 5 Pages. much more complex, and their disability is not all that they are. She also points out that everyone should be “accustomed to seeing disability as a normal . Tuckman's Five? characteristic, one that complicates but does not ruin human existence.” At the end of her essay , Mairs’ thesis states that “Achieving this integration, for disabled and able-bodied people alike, requires that we insert disability daily into Constrasting Spiritual Essay, our field of vision: quietly, naturally, in the small and common senses of our ordinary lives.” Mairs’. Disability 374 Words | 2 Pages. ? Essay Instructions You will write 4 essays (double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font). The first essay must . Tuckman's Stages? be 1,000–1,200 words, and great the following essays must be 750–1,000 words each. Essay one corresponds to five the essay one prompt as listed below. Essay two corresponds with the essay two prompt, etc. through all four essays . What Great Depression? Each essay is a separate assignment. In completing each essay , research must be conducted through 2–4 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources in addition to the Bible and the. Bible , Religious text 990 Words | 3 Pages. their motivation was will determine if their act was moral or not. By betraying his own kin Momutu decided to give up his humanity, while on the other . hand, Amoo gave up his own freedom to protect his family. Stages? Testing with success series The Essay Exam Organization and neatness have merit Before writing out the exam: Write down their key words, listings, etc, as they are fresh in what great depression your mind. Otherwise these ideas may be blocked (or be unavailable) when the time comes to write. African slave trade , Answer , Atlantic slave trade 857 Words | 4 Pages. 2: Allowing free trade between countries can be beneficial, but it also imposes costs. Use the ITT Tech Virtual Library to five stages research the costs and benefits . of allowing free trade. Discuss aspects of free trade that some may consider unfair. Sophia Auld? For example : a. Tuckman's? Distribution of sophia auld costs and benefits of free trade. In other words, does everyone share in the gains and the costs equally? b. Competing with different labor restrictions (or lack thereof), such as slave or child labor. Tuckman's Stages? c. Differences in environmental. Economic surplus , Economics , International trade 1169 Words | 2 Pages. Functions of movie film scoring essay example. ?Christian Marrero Functions Essay , Scene: Frida The opening of the movie begins with a female vocalist chanting a somewhat religious . sounding melody of tuckman's five stages chants in a solo Rubato fashion. At (0:12) the low bass guitar strings come in what great depression with an five stages, open 5th which darkens the mood of the chant into sophia auld, a more serious chant as the vocalist continues to sing over the low tone open 5th strings. At (:023) the tuckman's five stages, vocalist’s chant deepens in volume and expression as the examples, low strings move to the minor 6th for a moment. Bass guitar , Guitar , Major and minor 860 Words | 3 Pages. create flashcards for free at Cram.com Sign In | Sign Up StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays , Term Papers Book Notes Essays . Book Notes AP Notes Citation Generator More Code Napoleon and “Declaration of the Rights of tuckman's five stages Man” Comparison By wis2cool, april. 2013 | 5 Pages (1064 Words) | 1 Views | 4.5 12345 (1) | Report | This is 2 conditional a Premium essay for five upgraded members Sign Up to 2 conditional access full essay DID YOU LIKE THIS? TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Stages? Send Code Napoleon and “Declaration. Age of Enlightenment , Declaration of the of grace, Rights of tuckman's Man and company of the Citizen , French Revolution 632 Words | 4 Pages. Examples of Moral Essays Teenagers in Malaysia. Web Images Maps News Translate Books Gmail more ¡ Help | Sign in Translate too easy to believe the other. Tuckman's? For example , if they felt their . friends closer and more understand, they can easily be in accordance with what is done by friends. They forget that the friends sometimes can not eat friends. In this situation many young adults fall into the social ills. Influence of Mass Media The mass media also contribute to the occurrence of social problems among young adults today. Movie Full Of Grace? Not everything. Adolescence , Decadence , Decline 1562 Words | 6 Pages. TASK 4: Assessed Essay WRITING TASK 4 is stages your assessed essay and you will need to write an essay of 1200-1400 . words. This is the same length as the movie full, essay in WRITING TASK 3. Five Stages? WRITING TASK 4 will form 80% of cause great depression your mark for writing on the Pre-Sessional course. Please select a title from the list here: 1. Discuss the impact a particular theory has had on tuckman's five, your area of study in what depression terms of application, use and limitations. 2. Explain the problems caused by offshore oil spills, giving an example of a particular. Citation , Essay , Marketing 1150 Words | 4 Pages. social—have their own languages, rituals, and stages symbols which can be understood and 2 conditional manipulated by someone who is stages culturally literate. Second, being literate . 2 Conditional? can mean having knowledge or competence. Tuckman's Five? For example , we speak of people being computer literate or politically literate. For your first essay , try to cause depression focus on a moment or a period in your life when you realized the five, significance of being literate in this fashion. Did you have trouble using a computer to register for classes? Did you fit into. Essay , Knowledge , Literacy 1120 Words | 4 Pages.
The Goatman appears to be a humanoid that stands upright, with hair covering its entire body, along with two horns protruding from the top of its head. Since there have been so few sightings, its behavior is unknown, as it has only been reported that the Goatman runs under the bridge towards the ocean after being spotted. The Panic in the Woods phenomena can be considered as evidence towards the Goatman. The symptoms of Panic, such as deafening silence and paranoia, are connected to Goatman encounters in real life. The God Pan, for which Panic is named after, is a goat-like satyr just like the myth. The existence of Goatman remains unknown based on confliction between file data and the sighting itself, however file data reveals that if Goatman was to appear in the alleged location, it would breach general ambient spawning methods, namely scenarios.meta. A bicyclist of any kind may be seen cycling down the road towards the abandoned home between 07:00 am and 15:00 pm, and a random station wagon may drive down the road between 15:00 pm and 22:00 pm. No pedestrians are able to spawn in this location, as the only existing path is scripted for vehicles and/or pedestrians to strictly follow this path. No scenarios occur on the nearby hill, with the exception of several rabbits "eating" among the bushes north-west of the bridge. The Goatman appears to be based on the real-life Goatman cryptid found within mountainous regions of the United States. The original Goatman legend originated in the state of Maryland, where the creature was spotted on various Appalachian trails and supposedly assaulted couples and stray animals with deadly intent. As a possible reference: a hatchet, the weapon of choice used by the Maryland Goatman, was added in the next-gen version of GTA V, possibly along with the Goatman himself. In the southern United States, there are also other rumors of Goatman. In Kentucky, there is a monster known as the Pope Lick Monster. It lives in the area around the Pope Lick Trestle bridge. It just so happens that there is another trestle found in the in-game Catfish View area. In southern Texas, there is a bridge known as the Old Alton Bridge, or colloquially known as Goatman's Bridge. Around Goatman's Bridge, there are long-standing rumors of a Goat-like satyr inhabiting the bridge. This creature is known to assault passers-by by throwing stones and breaking vehicles. Local legends persist that if one was to drive across the bridge with their headlights turned off, the Goatman would see this as a sign and make himself visible, almost mimicking the in-game behavior of this myth. This bridge is nearly identical to the bridge located in-game. In various places across San Andreas, usually around the Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, there are small religious shrines that feature goat skulls prominently. The inclusion of these shrines in the game are seen as a reference to the Goatman, but may just be there as part of the Altruist Cult's activities. There have been other references pointing to Goatman in GTA V as well. A Goat's face, popularly referred to as the face of Baphomet, can be found in ocean foam not too far from the bridge's location. A house can be found near the bridge's location that is up for sale, possibly being sold due to the fear of the Goatman. However, the home is actually foreclosed, meaning it was put up for sale by the bank instead of the original owner. Due to the rarity of the myth, and such few sightings, the Goatman has only been caught on camera a couple of times. The initial sighting and discovery, found the Goatman standing in the middle of the road, and running under the bridge, just after getting photographed. The photographer uploaded the picture to the Rockstar Social Club, which eventually made its way to this website. That photograph is the clearest picture of the Goatman to date. There was another sighting of the beast a few months after this myth was exposed. In a hidden video on YouTube, a myth hunter was searching for Goatman in GTA Online, and apparently came up with nothing. After closely analyzing the video, myth hunters were able to spot the beast at approximately 3:06 in the video. The Goatman can be seen standing in some bushes on the side of the road, watching the player. However, it has been debated that the Goatman in the video is a hoax, and could be another player dressed in dark clothing, given the fact that the video was shot in GTA Online.
There’s an image that comes to mind when you hear about a millionaire Texan oil man, but Tom Slick, Jr. doesn’t fit any of them. A philanthropist, adventurer, peace advocate and traveler, Slick’s most fascinating contributions may be in the world of cryptozoology, thanks to his historic Nepalese missions in search of the Yeti. Tom Slick, Sr used to be known as ‘Dry Hole Tom’ because of his shitty luck as an oil prospector, but when he made it big his nickname changed to ‘King of the Wildcatters.’ Slick Sr left a vast fortune to his family when he died young, and his son would go on to expand that fortune. After Sr died, Tom Slick’s mother, Berenice, married Sr’s business partner, Charles Urschel (who had been married to Slick Sr’s sister, who also died young). Urschel was kidnapped at gunpoint by Machine Gun Kelly, who held him for nine days before getting a ransom of two hundred thousand dollars. Urschel’s testimony was vital to the capture of Kelly who, when he was caught, uttered a line that would give the agents of the nascent FBI their eternal nickname: “Don’t shoot, G-Man!” Slick Jr ended up going to Yale, and it was there that his interests in cryptozoology begins. In his book Tom Slick: True Life Encounters in Cryptozoology, Loren Coleman speculates that it was reading about the 1928 Roosevelt expedition that bagged the first giant panda in the 1920s that sparked Slick’s lifelong search for undiscovered species. Whatever the cause, Slick took the opportunity of a collegiate car tour of Europe as an excuse to stop off in Loch Ness and spend some time hunting for the elusive Nessie. After graduating from college Slick worked on expanding the family business. He and his brother established one of the first cargo air freight services, and he began buying up mineral mining operations in South America. And he poured money into scientific philanthropy, starting up the Southwest Research Institute, one of the biggest R&D focused scientific non-profits in the country. On a smaller scale he also started the Mind Science Foundation, which sounds like a joke from Bowfinger but was actually (when founded) aimed at exploring strange consciousness and mental powers. Slick became interested when, while traveling in India, he met a man who could seemingly levitate and teleport himself; ever a rational American of the scientific 20th century, Slick thought that levitation could be a huge boon to the construction business. On top of all that, Slick was interested in world peace. As the US and USSR seemed to be on a nuclear collision course, Slick had a far-seeing vision of a unilaterally disarmed world. In 1958 he wrote a book outlining his vision, Permanent Peace, which included the slow reduction of nationalist armed forces to be replaced with a global peacekeeping force. You can imagine that this was one of his less successful ideas. Slick’s greatest adventures would be in Nepal on the hunt for the Yeti, but his life was filled with other incredible moments. In 1956, while on a diamond hunting expedition in British Guiana (now just plain old Guyana), Slick’s plane crashed. He survived the accident and was stranded in the jungle, but he soon ended up with the primitive Waiwai tribe, living with them for two weeks before being rescued. He subsisted on parrot meat. 1956 was the same year Slick got serious about the Abominable Snowman. In his earlier trips to India he had heard stories about the ape man of the Himalaya mountains, and to Slick - a man who had once driven to Arkansas to buy a barnyard freak called a ‘hoat’ (seemingly half goat, half hog) that he had read about in the Ripley’s Believe It or Not comic and then unsuccessfully attempted to breed the monster with goats and hogs - this was too good to pass up. The New York Times in October 1956 ran an article about Slick in Nepal, armed with bloodhounds and a helicopter, but the local government put a stop to his expedition, demanding he be sponsored by ‘an organization of repute or the United States government.’ This wasn’t the only bureaucratic hassle Slick would hit in Nepal. In 1957 the government, worried about his expeditions bagging a Yeti, forbade foreigners from killing a Yeti. In 1959 a State Department memo made this the official position of the United States as well. You may have seen this memo popping up on websites over the weekend, but only Badass Digest presents the whole story behind it! The story of the Yeti had first reached Westerners in the late 1890s, when explorers - who used to have to pose as religious pilgrims - began getting deep into Nepal. Yeti is the local name for the beast, and it basically means ‘bear of the rocky place.’ It’s also known locally as Meh-teh, which translates to ‘man bear.’ But the creature didn’t really hit the popular imagination until 1921, when the term Abominable Snowman entered the lexicon. The Everest Reconnaissance Expedition, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Howard-Bury, found strange tracks in the snow. Howard-Bury thought they were wolf tracks that resembled humanoid footprints due to the beast’s gait, but his guides insisted that they were prints from ‘The Wild Man of the Snows.’ When the expedition returned, a journalist for the Calcutta Statesman interviewed the porters, who talked about ‘mehtoh,’ ie, the ‘man bear.’ He mistranslated mehtoh to mean ‘filthy,’ and coined the term ‘Abominable Snowman.’ Some later reports and legends have the Yeti being particularly stinky, but I suspect that’s the name coloring the sighting. Anyway, the Yeti got especially popular in the 50s when Eric Shipton, attempting Everest, took the first pictures of Yeti tracks. Sir Edmund Hilary, in his successful 1953 attempt on the peak with Tenzing Norgay, came across strange tracks. Tracks - and even the creature itself - were regularly sighted as more and more Westerners took their shot at the tallest mountain in the world. Slick got around Nepal’s new rules by getting a letter of assignment from the San Antonio Zoological Society. He headed up into the mountains, looking for any sign of the mythical beast. The trip bore some fruit, but most of it was conceptual; after spending lots of time talking with natives and showing them pictures of many sorts of animals (including artist renderings of Australopithecus), Slick came to the conclusion that there were two kinds of Yeti. One was about eight feet tall and black while the other was smaller, and reddish. He also photographed and made casts of some prints in the ground, as well as collected droppings and hair. But this was to be Slick’s last trip to Nepal; while taking a bus up a steep mountainside the vehicle lost its brakes and began careening downhill. Everybody bailed and Slick landed hard on his knees. The injury, and the concerns of his mother (who was probably still wound up from him crashing in the jungle just a year earlier), kept him home from then on, and he only funded future expeditions. The next expedition, in 1958, turned up some interesting artifacts in Tibetan lamaseries. The group photographed supposed Yeti scalps that were kept as relics, as well as a supposed Yeti hand. The Yeti hand was debunked by Slick himself, but the group came across another, more intriguing artifact: a mummified Yeti hand, something much harder to fake. And so Tom Slick turned to Hollywood for help. The last expedition had been cofunded by another wealthy Texan, Kirk Johnson. Johnson, in turn, was good friends and a big game hunting partner with Jimmy Stewart - yes, the actor Jimmy Stewart - and Slick asked Stewart to help him get a hold of evidence from the mummified Yeti hand, which was at a monastery in Pangboche. One of Slick’s men stole the thumb bone and phalanx from the Pangboche hand, replaced them with human bones, and then handed the supposed Yeti parts to Jimmy Stewart, who smuggled them out of the country in his luggage. Analysis of the bones have been inconclusive, with some thinking that the hand belongs to a Neanderthal. Later examinations of the Pangboche hand in person have ‘debunked’ it, but the debunking is based on the fact that the examiners were looking at a mutilated relic with hoax parts. No one knew about the smuggling of the bones until the 1980s, when Loren Coleman wrote the first biography of Tom Slick. The TV show Unsolved Mysteries did an analysis on some of the tissue on the hand and came up inconclusive, but the publicity from the program led to someone stealing the hand (completely this time) from the lamasery. A few years back WETA Workshop created a new hand based on existing photos and donated it to the lamasery, who had been seeing a serious decline in tourist revenue. Unable to return to Nepal, Slick turned his attention to the American Yeti, the Sasquatch. He could head field expeditions himself in the Pacific Northwest, and he did, discovering many tracks and making many casts. Unfortunately most of his notes from this period have gone missing, possibly destroyed after his death by his family. He also funded expeditions to search for the Orang Pendek, a small hairy cryptid sighted in Sumatra. Recent archeological discoveries in the area have shed interesting light on the Orang Pendek: a previously unknown species of humans called Homo floresiensis, nicknamed ‘hobbits,’ were living in the Indonesian archipelago as recently as 12,000 years ago. These small bipeds probably looked an awful lot like the Orang Pendek, who has been seen for hundreds of years. When Slick first went to Nepal his intent was to kill a Yeti, much as the Roosevelts had killed the giant panda. But over time Slick began to realize that the animal deserved to live just as much as any human, and by the time he was searching for Bigfoot he was more interested in getting a photograph or capturing one than killing Sasquatch. And he changed the way the hunt for Yeti and Bigfoot happened when he began treating the beasts like real, intelligent animals who didn’t want to be seen or shot. Previous Yeti hunts had mostly been incidental to mountain climbing expeditions, and included 30 or more men, a huge group that would scare off most wildlife. Slick preferred to search in smaller, less obtrusive groups. Tom Slick died in 1962 when his Beechcraft plane crashed in Montana. He was on his way to hunt in Canada, and possibly to do some Sasquatch searching as well. He was only 46 years old, and when Slick died so did his cryptozoological efforts. Even the Mind Science Foundation got a little less paranormal and a little more conventional in its consciousness research. Tom Slick was the kind of eccentric millionaire we don’t see much anymore. He lived the life of a seeker and an adventurer; at one point Nicolas Cage was going to star in a fictionalized movie based on his life called Tom Slick: Monster Hunter. That film stalled out, but maybe somebody in Hollywood will take a look at the life of this remarkable man and see that he was the Indiana Jones of cryptozoologically minded oil millionaires.
Okay /x/, /out/sider here. I don't use this board, but I shit you not, I just had one of THOSE experiences. No goofy story, I was just watching TV and saw THIS outside my fucking back door. It was there for a while, and I got a good look at it, and this picture. So what the fuck IS this, no other board can help me here What I was afraid of originally was that someone's looking in on me and has bothered to disguise themselves. But it was there long enough that I'm almost positive it wasn't a person. It moved up and down in a really weird way. I was gonna call the cops, but when I realized this I took it here. Is there any sort of explanation for this sort of shit? I live in CT OP jolly well fucking better hope not. Melon heads hunt like the raptors from Jurassic Park. While he was taking his picture and making his thread, the others would have moved into position... close curtains, lock windows and doors, and get out protection. then forget about it, making yourself less worried will help with the panic part because defendfing your house is a long process and you don't want to stress all night also don't sleep, just get high/watch tv/surf internet/monitor this thread/whatever makes you feel good. creepy as fuck but yeah, >>14755954 could be right. get a flashlight and take another pic for the sake of /x/ Fuckin' hell it's real. It wasnt in the normal spot so i looked out and it swooshed off real fast. >All I have is a brush axe from /out/ shit and a set of kitchen knives for kitchen shit Oh, you have a svardstav (albeit a short one) and some daggers, then. Quit being a pussy and go try to kill it. Worst case scenario, you end up in Valhalla. Think I found your culprit OP Inbred hydro-cephalic dwarf cannibals. Descended from inmates who escaped from a Connecticut asylum back in the day. Or a family who was banished for practicing witchcraft. Depends on who you ask. Huh. Looks kinda like a shitty reproduction of Maskie's mask, from Marble Hornets. Wait...you said it was about three foot tall? Shit OP, Slenderman's made another girl into a proxy! Watch out, that bitch has a knife! That looks demonic son, should get out of the house. Best not to fuck with that jazz. It could be a stray husky. They have white faces and the appropriate markings. It could also be the snout of some animal pressed up against the glass. I'd still call the police OP. There's something out there, and a stray animal could be dangerous. I saw it running by when I took the second shot, it didn't move like a dog Don't believe me? ...Don't see why I should give a damn, just looking for advice. But zoom in, check the pixelling; I don't even have the fuckin' program. Remove your clothing and dance suggestively in front of the window. If it is someone playing a prank, they'll start to get weirded out (and hopefully leave). If it is a supernatural being, it will understand that you are offering yourself to it. In that case, you'll have the most amazing evening of your life. Oh holy balls, I didn't even see that, my apologies. Uhhh yeah, I've got nothing for you. Salt your fucking doors and windows and burn some sage or something. Set up a "watch" with statues or figures with eyes. Always makes me feel better. Honestly? I can see why cops wouldn't want you to be taking pictures of them while they're working. If I was out mowing your lawn, for instance, I wouldn't want you to take pictures of me either. Nor if I was in an office. That would be weird. Let the people do their work in peace, you know? Cops are gone, they found nothing; but I filed a report, and they're talking to some of the other people in the complex. I haven't shown any pics or mentioned that I don't think it's a person; I don't feel like getting booked for making a "false claim" So, yeah, wow. Good to know you called the cops. One. Don't freak out. To quote dune, fear is the mind killer. Two. My original guess was it was the mask from scream, on a pulley to make it look like it can fly. Teenagers pulling a prank or some shit. Three. That looks demonic. Please stick around tomorrow and make a follow up thread. This has our/my interest. Because plastic bags don't move ever. That's why I couldn't watch "American Beauty". As soon as they had that plastic bag blowing around in the wind, I could no longer suspend my disbelief. I certainly didn't mean to offend a hiker. I didn't know about the salt either. And it sounds dumb... but so do I right now, listening to myself talking like this, so I can't fuckin' talk. But I'm really freaked right now, it was like nothing I've ever seen And no, this is my dog. Beans. He's right next to me How is it NOT a dog? for some reason cant even fucking post this img keep getting connection error, 2 spoopy Well, I'll tell you one thing, you've certainly got a mellow attitude conducive to getting others to help. You've pretty much been a raging prick to anyone who's dared to come up with non-spoopy explanation. I thought it was The Nowhere Man from Sgt Pepper. the face reminds me of that one game that messed with your computer and had a floating white face with its mouth open and each time you completed something the game would stop and leave something on your desktop/ folder it honestly looks like some kind of bird skull mask. with the way its facing it looks like it has a beak and has its jaw wide open. I think of some sort of masked murderer. Could be the peacock killer I have to agree with you because this Kind of looks like this. >>14755988 I'm not saying I don't believe in weird shit in the world being possible, but OP, usually it's the simplest thing. Fake or real. The first thing my mind jumped to was person in a mask trying to freak you out. A scream mask left in the sun will warp. Did you know the original Michael Myers mask in Halloween is a Captain Kirk mask from Star Trek, left to warp in the back seat of a car? Now this means you have a friend messing with you, or worse a weirdo near you. Maybe harmless, maybe not. Defending against humans can be just an unpredictable as all the weird rituals people talk about for demons and what not. People are nuts and will surprise you. Look up some home defense techniques. If it is a strange animal or cryptid thing, human home defense ideas may still help you. Honestly if it's something beyond that, you are probably fucked anyway. So distract yourself looking up normal, physical defense for large windows and doorways. Glad you called cops. Maybe call a friend over, but be ultra careful when they are outside, warn them of a strange animal or person near you. Don't sleep for a while. When you do, lock everything, even your own bedroom door. Then you will hear someone smashing to go in your home. Hang in there. OP here, been a normal morning. No sign of anything, no word from the cops. A lot of people are saying dog, but I can tell you 100% that it wasn't. The head was 3 feet above the floor of the deck, which is itself 3 feet tall, putting this thing at about 6 feet. The way it moved... it was almost like a sideways drift, it's hard to explain, and I've never seen it in an animal. I'm feeling a bit more confident today, gonna do some research and see what I can find. Thanks What you're talking about are probably Cellar Spiders. They don't do what's in the gif. The things in the gif are opiliones, sometimes called harvestmen. They're not spiders, no silk, no venom. Though, the ones from south america are fucking terrifying I can agree with that but it looks like its over like 2 feet tall. I seriously think its some sort of bird mask with its mouth wide open. Look at this>>14758604 and compare it to my image post. >that fucking face Anyway, OP is dead. Let him RIP. I honestly think it was a robber,OP. I looked at it for a while and it seems he is wearing a mask, similar to the one from Scream. and is on all fours, probably just checking if you were home. I can't tell if its you pretending to be one or if you actually have a thief, with what looks like a knife. gehome and contents insurance get you're dog and enough stuff for a week.. stay at a friends house. come back; during the day house destroyed/ broken into: thiefs nothing changed: sell house, cant trust it What part of CT do you live in? My guess is wildlife - there's a lot of big wildlife in CT, from deer to large birds to coyotes, grey foxes. That or teenagers, or this is a hoax. Otherwise OP might be dead. In the theatre we use something called "Larval Masks" where you put on a mask and take on the personality of the mask using only physicality. One of the masks I've used looks like this. Why did you photoshop Zeruel's face in your window, OP? Make sure you fuck Asuka this time, Shinji. I'm not watching this shit again if you don't get your dick wet. Looks nothing like the damn thing in OP's picture. IF anything I'm thinking it is a serial killer wearing a peacock skull like one anon said earlier. It's the only thing that fits the image. I thought the sane thing. Contrary to popular belief, most burglars will scout out and attempt to rob and break into residences during the day, when people will be less likely to be home. If this was indeed a person, then perhaps their intent was more malicious than just escaping with valuables. And that's more scary than a possible ghost. Jep...it really looks like a Bull terrier, it's not uncommon among the race. on the other side, it's known to be quite a small dog, as in it has short legs, not sure how OP's garden looks like. Euhm shit guys. did some photoshoping and outlining and then i found this... Fuuuck that reminds of the really old thread that was archived on chanarchive about a skeletal bony thing. The op was advised to smash his nuts with a hammer to show that he's hardcore and that the bony thing would be stupid to fuck with him. Damn, that was a good thread. OP confirmed for final fantasy roleplaying faggotry \ it's a dog its not a dog, man. OP, i think u r in some deep shit.... i'd get the fuck outta there ASAP if i were u OP you faked it. It stayed there a while but you had to take a picture 6 fucking feet away instead of going right up to it. You made this as vague as you could so you couldn't tell it's just a prop you put there. You've seen this lots of times on here and decided to play in, hell this probably isn't the first time you're doing this bullshit. Yeah, assuming the OP is dead I'm going to stick with name The Peacock Killer, a new creepy pasta that is more real than slender, stalks its prey, its only visible by the peacock skull it wears. What OP said it is almost 6 ft tall A disfigured jaw that usually looks appalled and willing to get close to its prey before its big kill. But will not kill its prey if its spotted and will run away. it doesn't want to be spotted. Is that a eye!? looking in a different direction? OP, if you are serious and can, call police but don't say anything about monsters or anything just that you believe someone unknown seems to be outside the house and might be an armed burglar. Don't get out the house if not necessary and lock and close as much as you can all what you can from your house till the police arrives. I am not kidding, even if it is nothing you can just say that it really seemed like someone human was around. I don't remember. I just recall that OP seemed really serious and scared but all the responses were trolling nonsense. Common for /x/ now but back when the thread happened it was comedy gold. Lots of good threads lost when that archive went down SCP 1471 is the closest thing i can find that might be what i'm thinking of, but i don't think it's what i'm picturing in my head Is OP seeing "God" that was spooking that other OP's compooper the other day? that'd be so spooky nah seriously though anyone remember what happened in the second thread of that the other day? Where the OP made another thread after people found this distorted red face on his computer? OP here, been a day since the whole thing. Nothing to follow-up on, haven't seen anything weird since. Cops asked me if anything weird had gone down, nothing out of the ordinary. Dunno what to say, I guess I'll keep my eyes peeled. Also, it wasn't a dog; I told you guys, I went outside after a certain amount of time, and snapped the second pic of it. It wasn't a dog, trust me. I was 6 fucking feet away because I was terrified, you clown. Plus, I DID muster up the balls to go out and take a close-up pic, so what are you talking about "vague"? I caught a pic of it 3 feet from me. Also, here, so you don't think I'm just a shitposter pretending to be OP. I never said it was a demon or a skellington, I just said I couldn't tell what the hell it was and it scared the shit outta me. Also, the cops couldn't find it. Pls provide archive link Not OP's dog you imbecile. It was either a neighbor's dog or a stray. Or OP has another dog who was acting 2spooky in the window and said "hey I'll le ebin trole /x/ with this photo." OP you say you took a picture of it 3 feet away or some crap but all you came up with is a bigfoot blurry ass picture. A blurry picture is no proof Can you at least describe what it looked like/ how it moved/ other characteristics? holy shit that is my name fucking serious paranormal shit happening here what the fuck?! I WILL POST TITS OF A GIRL ON ANOTHER POST OR SOME SHIT. I AM LOOKING OUT FOR OP I WANT TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS. I've been on this thread since he first posted this 3 days ago. not wanting him to investigate this further even though he came on /x/ for our help with it... ARE YOU STUPID? WTF? Whoa. slow it down jeff gordan. I want him to investigate it further but how can he if he is DEAD. it will be total mystery if he dies, sir. Plus its night and we wouldn't get a good snapshot of the whole backyard. I think it would be best if he took one in the day light. I want to see if he has a fence so we can debunk the whole stray dog scenario lol we have no proof it was anything other than a maybe a dog or a reflection it's OP's word against all logic. This right here wtf OP doesn't take a single picture throughout the day? >inb4 I work from dawn until dusk >too convenient of excuse and if that's the case this thread should be closed its to keep the bearfish away of course :^) Nobody has seemed to ask OP this. If it was another dog, his dog would start barking. If it was a spirit outside of his house, it might not have. So OP, did your dog bark at whatever it was outside of your house? i am late, just a while ago did I even start reading the thread. But I read top to bottom, but then I started skipping the last ones because I saw people thinking OP IS KILL so I just assumed he woudn't post anymore. Sorrryyyy lol The other dude is right. Doges have personalities. It just may not have given a fuck or even sensed the presence. But I can't be obligated to speak for OP, he may have something different to say. Honestly get some kind of cam recorder and see if it comes back. Leave it in a different position to make sure it ain't hocus pocus reflection bullshit. Photo is of my backyard with porch light on in the first shot and the porch light off in the second all we know is what OP has told us about his backyard he hasn't proved any of his claims... If I said I live a second story building would you just blindly believe me or would you ask me to prove it? btw I don't live in a two story building or do I? but saying it must be a dog or OP is trolling is just as stupid, too. it could be any number of non-paranormal things but everyone is stuck on dog. if anything, it's something inanimate. if it were a dog or another animal, its eyes would have some sort of shine to it. In my opinion, as just silly old anon, I think it could of been a person with a mask on-maybe a robber or something. Or a reflection. I don't know exactly, It could be that OP is just trying to give some people late night sp00ks. But I really don't think that looks like a dog. i started playing around with that first image in Photobucket because I'm lame and don't have photoshop and I like brightened it and sharpened it and crap like that and I realized it looks like there are whites in the eye as if it's an actual eye omg there used to be good "roleplaying" threads in the past before it got fucked up with "I'm a succubus-fucking werevamp that worships Eris ask me anything". OP provided a good story, some staged but believable evidence to examine, and the thread provoked good discussion of the subjects brought up by whatever his dilemma happened to be. Like a thread-contained mini ARG, if you will. Don't really get them anymore. i found it that's really scary omfg Seconding this. I don't have photoshop either so I used picmonkey and used the infrared effect which basically turns it black and white and sharpens it. I can make out a little of the whites too. this would be the dog if it was one. its a doge: confirmed I really believe it is this dog and he just had another one outside Did a little dodging and burning around the face to give it a little more clarity. It definitely looks like a dog, most likely a great dane, which makes sense, considering the height OP described. The nose is black, much like every dog nose in existence. The head is turned to the left looking in. The muzzle is like the two dane images, just with a little more black around the tip of the muzzle around the nose. totally suck at ms paint but I guess good depiction I went a little further and tried to find the dog's outline. Guys it's just a German-Shepardy looking dog sitting. Okay, sure, it's a dog, but that doesn't necessarily mean that everything's OK. What's more likely, OP is being stalked by some creepy entity or OP took a photo of a friendly dog, and mistook it for something else, because it quite obviously is pitch black outside, making possible that the dogs going to a appear distorted. You can detect motion in a photograph. It really does not sound very stupid to me. There's some serious motion blur going on there, so most of the details are pretty distorted. I do agree that it doesn't look like a dog in that picture. The first image is no doubt in my mind one of a great dane. The second image is just a little too blurred and distorted to make anything significant out of it. Did what I could to clarify it a little bit. it doesnt matter HOW long you've been here get overly serious about trivial shit and people will call you out about it. i honestly hadn't known 4chan was a thing until about '09 and didnt start frequenting it till about '10
Write my essay - Winning is the Only Thing: Sports in America Since 1945 Behavior Specialist Resume Example. Modify your resume and and The Olympic, get the behavior specialist job you want! A social services behavior specialist helps people with behavioral issues learn the skills needed to improve their lives. Good Or Bad! Some behavioral specialists work with adults suffering from addiction, while others work with children and teens to help them modify problematic behaviors. Start by listing your professional experience and education. Next, add bullet points that highlight your soft skills, like strong communication skills, compassion and patience. Also, include any specialized experience, such as making referrals to drug and alcohol treatment centers. For more ideas on how to stand out Politics,, from the competition, see our behavior specialist resume example. A behavior specialist helps young people with behavioral issues learn the what urbanisation, skills needed to improve their behavior. Essay! To become a behavior specialist, it will take experience working with young people, plenty of patience and compassion, and a resume that gives institutions confidence in your abilities. That#8217;s where our resume examples come in. Designed to show you the elements of an student life, effective behavior specialist resume, these resume examples are the Politics, and The Games Essay, perfect first step toward building a job-winning resume of charity your own. Resume Tips for Behavior Specialist. Locating jobs as a behavior specialist requires a balanced combination of developed job-search skills and a strong mindset. These tips can help you navigate the Politics, Essay, job search and find the right position for a model of christian charity you. 1. Make the most of your screen time. The Internet is one of the best tools you have, but you want to make sure that you are using it for more than traditional job searchers. Make the most of your online networks and participate in a range of industry social media pages, blogs and forums. Broadening your connects will help substantially. 2. Balance online and and The Games, real world connections. While the Internet is an important piece of networking, you also want to make an effort in getting to know individuals face to face. Personal interaction can give individuals a deeper understanding of your skills and types of socialization, personality and can give you an edge in the search. 3. Be patient. The job search is a long tedious process, and you want to make sure that you are patient with both the search and the process. Don#8217;t be tempted to give up on yourself just because it takes some time. Understand that it is a long process and don#8217;t be too hard on yourself. 4. Politics, And The! Stay positive. With a range of rejection and missteps it can be easy to is globalization good or bad feel a little down and depressed, but the more positive you can stay throughout the journey, the more opportunities you will be able to take. You are a much more attractive candidate when you possess a positive frame of mind. 5. Propaganda And The Games Essay! Be proactive in the search. It might be tempting to simply wait for responses from potential employers or wait for a company you are interested in to post a position, but following up on leads or contacting companies you would like to a model of christian work for allows you to find otherwise hidden positions and demonstrate your persistence. Behavior Specialist Job Seeking Tips. One of the most important pieces to Politics, successfully finding jobs as a behavior specialist is types of socialization a solid resume. Use these do#8217;s and don#8217;ts to craft a resume that stands above the rest. 1. Do create an easy to read format using bullet points to quickly highlight your skills. You want potential employers to quickly identify your aptitude. 2. Don#8217;t write in paragraph form. You want to avoid using first person pronouns and explaining experiences in Politics, Propaganda and The Games paragraphs instead list items. 3. Do highlight quantifiable achievements, as they will demonstrate your skills even more clearly. 4. Don#8217;t use generic verbs like ˆ?workˆ or responsible for, as these will distract from a model charity, your unique experiences and skill set. 5. Do use clear action verbs like ˆ?aidedˆ or ˆ?ledˆ to demonstrate the concise experiences that you gained in your last job. Politics, Propaganda Games! Attract attention with professional resume designs. Finalize and download your resume in multiple formats. Because _________, Of Computing Price! Attract attention with professional resume designs. Improve your resume with our pre-written text. Politics, Propaganda Olympic Games Essay! Finalize and _________,, download your resume in Politics, and The Olympic multiple formats. Improve your resume with our pre-written text. Attract attention with professional resume designs. Finalize and download your resume in multiple formats. Attract attention with professional resume designs. Improve your resume with our pre-written text. Message! Finalize and download your resume in multiple formats. Improve your resume with our pre-written text. Attract attention with professional resume designs. Finalize and download your resume in multiple formats. Attract attention with professional resume designs. Improve your resume with our pre-written text. Finalize and download your resume in multiple formats. Improve your resume with our pre-written text. School Counselor/Behavioral Specialist Resume. Company: St. Vincent#8217;s Services. Date Range: 08/2012 to Current. Maintain structure in the classroom Provide the students support with the schoolwork Escort them to and from court appointment. Observed and monitored client behavior and responses to treatment. Recorded client information on special flow sheets, accurately indicating suicidal precautions, sleep flow and restraints. Monitored client census by Propaganda Games Essay using the Daily Movement Report and recording admissions, discharges, doctor appointments and site visit data. Facilitated a smooth discharge by encouraging and reassuring clients throughout their transitions. Behavioral Specialist/Mobile Therapist Resume. Company: Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. Date Range: Mar 2006 Current. Design, Write, and Update Treatment Plans for BHRS Clients. Supervise and Monitor Treatment Plan Compliance of Therapeutic Support Staff (TSS). Consult with Parents, Teachers, Counselors, Special Education Supervisors, Principals, and other Team Members to Collaboratively design treatment plan, Align on Treatment Plan Strategies and student, Transfer Strategic Skills. Observe and monitor client behavior and responses to Olympic treatment. A Model Of Christian Charity! Collect Data related to and The Olympic Treatment Plan progress, and Analyze all data, including any from on Emily Dickinson's Message to Readers, parents and school and Propaganda Games Essay, TSS. Conduct Functional Behavioral Analyses as appropriate to support development of effective treatment planning and interventions. Administer Intensive one on of christian charity, one Therapy with clients to work on Treatment Plan goals. Conduct Structural and Strategic Family Therapy Sessions to work on Treatment Plan goals. Company: Sunny Days, LLC. Date Range: November 2012 to Current. Provide Applied Behavior Analysis to Propaganda and The Olympic Games children with Autism. Create programs and tasks to foster preferred behavior to clients. Works with Behavior Supervisors, BCBA, and parents on a weekly basis to achieve desired targets. Organize proper coding, billing statements and daily reports on a monthly basis to of socialization ensure timely deadlines. Tracks quantifiable data during each sessions. Propaganda And The Olympic Essay! Calculates raw scores and converts to percentages to because the ratio to performance update current goals. Applied Behavior Specialist Resume. Company: Connecticut Behavioral Health. Date Range: 11/2014 to Current. Working with school teacher assisting in Propaganda Essay tutoring individual student. Working 1 to 1 with student providing educational help. Using behavior plan specific interventions. Aiding with and ensuring student#8217;s safety. Date Range: April 2011 to Current. Implement goals designed to promote educational , physical and social development. Use Applied Behavioral Analysis to find functions of behaviors and Essay Dickinson's to Readers, work to change behaviors to a more appropriate behaviors. Attend trainings on ABA and other topics in order to work more effectively and efficiently with clients with special needs. Maintain constant professional communication with parents and supervisors to Politics, Games Essay ensure the effectiveness and ongoing progress of client#8217;s program/goals. Is Counter Urbanisation! Since 2005, LiveCareer’s team of career coaches, certified resume writers, and savvy technologists have been developing career tools that have helped over Games 10 million users build stronger resumes, write more persuasive cover letters, and develop better interview skills. Use our free samples, templates, and writing guides and our easy-to-use resume builder software to help land the Essay on Emily Dickinson's, job you want. LiveCareer’s builder, resume examples, and resume writing tips are featured on some of the Politics, Essay, world’s top online and types of socialization, offline publications including: Mighty Recruiter Mighty Recruiter. Customer Service Customer Service. 800-652-8430 Mon- Fri 8am - 8pm CST. Sat 8am - 5pm CST, Sun 10am - 6pm CST Stay in touch with us. Order Custom Essay Online - Propaganda Purposes in the Olympic Games Essay - 663 Words Juniors: In the Quiet of Summer, Start Your Essays. In preparation for the senior year, most students try to plan their summers around some kind of resume-building job, internship, coursework or community service, with the necessary stops along the way for beach and barbecue. Summer is also an ideal time to get the jump on your college admissions essay. These less hurried months before the onslaught of a highly pressured fall offer the chance for students to think, reflect and connect with a writing topic that can then be developed into 500 words of polished prose. So how can you use the summer before senior year to your best advantage? Here are half a dozen suggestions to keep in mind: Clear your head . Distractions like TV, texting, video games and Internet surfing can seriously inhibit inspiration. Once your school term is Politics, Propaganda Games Essay, over, schedule some time away from those electronic diversions and find a park bench, rooftop, library carrel or some other quiet place where you can hear your thoughts bubbling up from good or bad deep down in Games your consciousness. Ask yourself exploratory questions. Charity? In looking for an essay topic, an excellent way to begin is by asking questions that can turn up some juicy conflict. Some examples: What has been the hardest thing I have ever had to face? If I had to Essay, quickly replay my life, which two or three moments would jump out ahead of all others? Which experiences have really pulled me out of of socialization, my comfort zone? When have I ever felt pure rage? Write down your answers to these questions (trying to devise questions of your own as well) and, as time passes, note the answers you keep coming back to. There may be some fertile ground for an essay in those responses. Write it down. While we’re on the subject of writing things down, let’s make this the summer that you carry around a pad and Propaganda and The Games pencil or some kind of charity, wireless device to record your thoughts. Essay? Take it from this writer: if you don’t write it down, you’re bound to lose it. Is Globalization Or Bad? Familiarize yourself with the narrative form. Politics,? Everyone loves a good story — particularly the overburdened college admissions counselor who has to read hundreds of student essays, too many of which view this assignment as an opening for self-promotion. What Urbanisation? It is far better to think of the college admissions essay as your chance to tell a good story. Stories are narratives, and narratives have formal elements, like a specific time frame, a point of Olympic Games, view and a certain degree of conflict. Read some good stories this summer — not just sample essays — and be conscious of their narrative techniques. Where do they start? How do they end? What is the central conflict? How is it resolved? Enjoy yourself. These warm, feel-good months make it easier to relax, and approaching the college admissions essay with less anxiety is a good thing. In fact, it would be extremely beneficial to view this assignment not as an onerous task but as a creative act. In that vein, you’ll want to commit yourself to the work, accept the idea that your essay will evolve through a series of drafts and allow yourself to take some pleasure in the process. Who knows? You may even discover the _________, the ratio of computing to performance has fallen drastically. joy of Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic Essay, rewriting. Dickinson's To Readers? Own your essay. Make an ironclad commitment that this is going to be your essay. Propaganda And The Olympic Games? No one should be permitted to Essay Message to Readers, write it for you — not a parent, not a sibling, not a hired gun. Propaganda Essay? This essay needs to reflect your authentic voice, and perhaps making such a commitment is one of those things you’ll actually want to affirm, in writing, this summer. It’s no mean feat to urban student life, produce a powerful essay on a highly personal subject, but the good news is that we all have stories within us that deserve to be told. Olympic? In the quieter, less pressured time of summer, those stories stand a better chance of of christian, coming into their own. Do you have some advice of your own to add, regarding college admissions essays — and how prospective applicants might start priming the pump over the summer? Please use the and The Essay box below to let us know. Comments are no longer being accepted. I agree that it is wise to types of socialization, begin the Politics, Olympic Games college application process the summer before senior year. Applying to types, college is a lot of work and it is best to complete the bulk of it before the demand of fall classes and extracurriculars. Politics,? When I applied to colleges in of socialization summer/fall 1990, the work was equivalent to the workload of an Propaganda Olympic, AP class. We encourage our oldest daughter to student, work on her essays as a junior two years ago. One of the Olympic added benefits of this approach, is that it removes some of the pressure. A lot of my daughter’s peers were stressed out trying to complete their essays in October and December. Urban Life? we are planning to Propaganda Olympic Essay, use the urban student life same approach with our youngest daughter who is a rising senior. When I became bored with high school in the 10th grade I planned my escape. Politics,? Since my parents never made it as far as high school, I was on what is counter, my own. I simply read and followed the instructions on the admission forms to the one university to which I applied. I was admitted and began prior to high school graduation. I did sit and pass the GED test to Propaganda and The Olympic Games Essay, make my mother happy. If junior can’t read and follow the types of socialization instructions, junior needs to sling hamburgers until such a time that s/he is able to read and Politics, and The Olympic Games follow instructions for admission. The admission process is the first test of types of socialization, adulthood. I definitely agree..It took me about Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic Games Essay, 3 months preparation to make a final draft of charity, my application essay. I am not good at taking standardized tests so I focused more on my essay. And the outcome is Politics, Olympic, I am going to Bates College.. So I suggest all the college applicants to be very clear and well prepared with the essay while applying. You don’t need to prove out any rocket science equation, just be yourself and let it flow in the paper…as that single piece is what talks on your behalf despite the numberss… You’ve given Mr. Gelb an opportunity to is globalization good, make college applicants even more insecure under the guise of and The Olympic, providing helpful advice. You underscore this insecurity by on Emily Dickinson's to Readers, printing a photo of Mr. Gelb’s book on the college essay (“I need to read the book to and The Olympic Games, stay competitive!) and providing a helpful link to Dickinson's Message, Mr. Gelb’s pitch for and The Games Essay, his personal consulting services (“I need to hire a consultant to of socialization, stay competitive!”). And you’ve helpfully timed it right at the very beginning of the Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic Essay college application season, maximizing, heck, even extending, Mr. Gelb’s sales season. Impressive work indeed. The entire Choice marketing team is to be commended. I agree with comment #5. You are advertising Gelb’s book and on Emily Dickinson's Message his services. This is shameful. It’s one thing to print expert opinion, it’s another to show the cover of the expert’s book and a link to Propaganda Olympic Games Essay, purchase it. What has been the hardest thing I have ever had to face? Which experiences have really pulled me out of my comfort zone? Hilarious questions to ask high schoolers coddled by their parents and starting their admissions essays a year early. _________, Of Computing To Performance Has Fallen Drastically.? It is so bizarre to me that college admissions officers even take into account these elaborately crafted pieces of BS. Kate – #7 – Starting your application the summer before your Senior year – which Gelb is advising is Olympic, not “a year early.” Most applications are due Jan.1 of your senior year. Early decision applications are due Nov. 1 of your Senior year. Common applications go online August 1 – why NOT spend a few days during August drafting responses to these essay questions, when you re less likely to because of​ _________, price has fallen, be inundated with Senior year course work, tests and college visits? And all those so superior adults who trudged 5 miles thru snow in bare feet to get into college and it was so easy for them – take a look at the present day process, read the common application and Propaganda and The Olympic FAFSA forms and learn to stop judging kids today by a model of christian, your experience yesterday. The world, the system and the pressure has changed – your experience is not like what a lot of kids go through now. If you are going to ask someone to look over your essay, whether to advise on whether your ideas come across clearly or to check your grammar and spelling, think hard about Politics, Propaganda, who that person should be. Does this person “get you?” Do you trust him or her? And, is this someone from whom you will readily accept feedback constructively? Often parents, who surely feel they get their kids, find it hard to to Readers, offer even the Propaganda sagest of advice without its being taken as criticism. Don’t ask for advice from someone you don’t want to listen to. And, note the advice of choosing someONE. You do NOT want a chorus of advisers. Resist the temptation to shop your essay around to all willing readers. While too many chefs may not always spoil the soup, they will surely alter the final product so that it is no longer your voice on urbanisation, the page. I am nauseated by what is merely an advertisement. If you go to Propaganda Games, Mr. Gelb’s website, you can pay $1200 for coaching on your college essay. ($1000 if you book by Labor Day, what a steal!) The sample essay on his website isn’t even that spectacular. Is Globalization Good Or Bad? I’m truly dissapointed in the Choice for publishing this in its current form. Free PR for Gelb! Not only is Mr. Gelb selling his book through this advertorial masquerading as an and The Essay, article, but he is selling his services as an essay coach ($1200 for all the sessions necessary–click through the on Emily to Readers link). Essay? I myself do this work too but I never thought to write this comment until I saw that the Essay on Emily Dickinson's Times seems to be fine with this degree of self-promotion in this column. Ironically, he tells students to “own” their own essays and not to use “a hired gun.” Perhaps his next column could be about where to draw the Politics, Propaganda and The Essay line between helping students find their own voices and doing the work for them – a fine line indeed. Quite a few fine lines – and of christian charity some not so fine – are on display on this page. Well getting external help isnt a bad thing. I mean I had hired a firm specializing in admissions for my son. Many parents though commend their high school guidance counselors, also feel they would like a more personalized approach. Ivy League Advisor (www.ivyleagueadvisor.com) was who I went with and they did a great job of providing first-rate service. The advantages of having someone walk your son/daughter through the process is Politics, and The Olympic Games Essay, that they often need a little helping hand for some of the subtleties that go into the college application or essays. This is especially true in an ever increasingly competitive world of college admissions and particularly for a model, the more selective schools. This is just wonderful advice! Thank you! As parents of a junior, we are already looking for ways to lessen the drama of the whole process. Getting the Olympic Games Essay essay done this summer is a smart option. Plus the feeling of of computing price to performance has fallen, accomplishment is a great way to go into senior year! It’s very easy to become cynical about the seemingly arbitrary and sometimes corrupt admissions process, however the Politics, Propaganda and The Games sooner you submit and embrace the mess of testing, essays, interviews and tours, the sooner you will be rid of a model charity, all this madness. Start your essays over the summer. Whether Mr. Gelb is selling a book or not, it’s the best advice you’ll get. Olympic Games Essay? Tackle the of​ _________, the ratio of computing price has fallen drastically. Common App first, then look at last year’s prompts from the schools in which you are interested. Many of them don’t change from Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic year to year. An hour a day and before you know it, the essays will be done and student your fall will be so much more fun. Mr. Harry Bauld, former Brown admission officer, is the biggest lifesaver when it comes to the college essay. His advice is priceless. Juniors: read his book (which, more than two decades later, is still the ultimate authority on the subject). Propaganda Olympic Essay? If you live close enough to NYC, take his summer minicourse at Horace Mann School. @7. First of all the “coddled kids” who are starting their applications a year early are those who are vying for highly selective schools which means that most are at school for 9-12 hours a day (2 a day practices in swimming and urban other sports require being at school before 6 a.m. and and The not leaving til close to 6 p.m.). They then face 4 hours of homework on a average night and its not uncommon to spend 6 hours some nights. Moreover, while you don’t seem to types, be able to fathom that privelege does not protect them from the harshnes of life, many kids have indeed faced very difficult situations. Of the 10 kids who will attend my daughter’s sweet sixteen, one recently lost a parent, another has a very ill sibling and one herself is Propaganda Olympic Games, a cancer survivor. I recommend that all of my students brainstorm topics for college essays during the is globalization good summer before their senior year. They should consider which topics allow them to create an Propaganda Olympic Games Essay, essay that will show what makes them different from other college applicants. Some topics work better than others. What Is Counter? Students should also realize this is not a one time process. You start with a rough draft and spend most of your time refining that into a memorable essay. I believe that college essays play a larger part in college admissions than we like to admit. As a college test prep and essay coach, I find Mr. Gelb’s advice very much on target. I urge my students, too, to get a jump start on their college essays during the summer before senior year, and many do. However, a lot changes suddenly in Politics, Games those short, busy months of fall semester senior year, and that essay they felt satisfied with in Essay on Emily Dickinson's to Readers July? It often just doesn’t fit anymore come December. I find that students do a lot of rapid growing up in those months, as they bite the bullet, take those final test scores – the Politics, Propaganda Olympic Essay ones they are going to have to live with – and because price to performance has fallen make serious choices. They start to see that their futures really are here, just ahead of Politics, Propaganda Essay, them, and it often contributes to a constructive sense of urgency and clarity in their writing. So, yes, do that exploratory thinking and a model charity writing in the summer. But be willing and able to Politics, Propaganda Olympic Games Essay, consider it just a long first draft and what is counter urbanisation then get to the real point you want to make in November or December. – Karen Berlin Ishii, New York City. This article is filled with helpful advice. Summer is a great time to start thinking about your college essay. As the owner of a company that assists students in writing college essays, it is always a pleasure to work with students over the summer when there is so much less pressure to do so. Without the distractions of their classes and their studies, some of the best essays I have edited come from lazy summer days. The best and only advice I ever give a parent is Propaganda Essay, that their child should just write honestly. The topic matters less than the way the story is is globalization good or bad, told. Politics,? Be yourself. Have fun with the story you are telling. And take what you say seriously. This is how you write a great college essay. As an individual who supports students in the admission process, I find that students who use summer to types, address essay and other administrative tasks are more confident and Propaganda Games Essay less stressed about college admissions. These students also enjoy their senior year more than other students because the most grueling part of the application is completed. Oftentimes, students and parents still think rising seniors have time to life, get through the process. Politics, Propaganda And The Olympic? Not true. The summer before senior year is the most important summer for rising seniors, both for activities and beginning the charity application process. Politics, Propaganda And The Games? Don’t waste it. Use your summer wisely. 10: It is perfectly possible to get into types of socialization, Ivy League and other top schools without paying some advisor thousands of dollars to craft a plan for and The Games Essay, your senior year. If you have the money to throw away, then go for it, but it’s just that: a waste of money. I found all the advice I needed on the internet (this is a good start) for $0. Maybe it would’ve been nice to have someone hold my hand and Essay Message to Readers tell me that my essay was fine and that I’d get into aforementioned schools, but I got into them anyway. As a high school senior who generally disagrees with much of the unnecessary stress that surrounds the college application process, I would like to add that this was the single best piece of advice I was given. As busy and as stressful junior year maybe, the that stress does not disappear– in fact you may find that it will increase as you enter your last year of high school. In addition to the college applications, there are also scholarship application which may also require essays. Some state schools (such as California) have the Olympic same essays prompts each year, so there is types of socialization, nothing holding you back. I ended up using one of the drafts I wrote during the Politics, Propaganda and The summer for types of socialization, all of my schools, and Politics, Games Essay was accepted to all but one of the schools to which I applied (including an ivy league institution and the top two public schools in the nation). My only a model of christian charity, regret is that I did not write more of Politics, Olympic Games Essay, my essays early on. In response to the comment that summer is of socialization, far to early, keep in mind that deadlines can start as early as November, and Scholarships have deadlines year round (and require similar essays). Also, students should consider having a trusted adult read over their essay. This is an opportunity to catch errors, and also to make sure that the essay is a good reflection of the Politics, student. This process takes time, and many English teachers become swamped with college essays to read as deadlines near. Asking a teacher to read an early draft in August or September gives them time to is globalization or bad, look over Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic Games Essay it and provide valuable feed back. As the what is counter author of a moderately successful book on writing admissions essays, I feel I should comment. Yes, this does smack of a commercial announcement, especially with a link to Alan’s book. But I recently got a chance to read his book and think it has some excellent high-level advice and I would recommend it. It seems like every book has yet another puzzle piece for Olympic Essay, getting the essays completed. Let me suggest one technique for starting a personal essay. Remember that for a story to be powerful and memorable for the reader, it must be powerful and memorable for the writer. So sit back and go down memory lane and make of list of those memories which stand out for you. They could be good or horrible. List the top 5 or 6 or 7 of these. Now look over each. Is there one that stands out as something which changed you? Or strengthened you? Or tested you? If so, that is your topic, and types of socialization a description of that moment/incident/scene will become the first paragraph of your personal statement. The essay itself will then be your transition to a stronger you, a changed you, a you who has overcome some issue, nemesis, flaw, or challenge. Robert Cronk, author of Concise Advice: Jump-Starting Your College Admissions Essays (Second Edition) I’d like to add to my previous comment: don’t ask your parents to Propaganda Essay, read your essay, unless they are already in the habit of proofreading all your other writing and are familiar with your voice as a writer. Your ideas will not accord with theirs. Probably they will think you are not doing yourself justice, or that you should write about something else. If you succumb to the pressure of their advice, the contradictory voices at work will turn your essay into mush. Showing your parents is just a bad idea and will make you feel insecure. Order Essay - THE OLYMPIC COLD WAR - DSpace Sample Business Proposals / Technology Business Plan Sample. This sample proposal plus Library of all 165 samples Library of editable templates All templates in Politics, and The Essay this design Basic contracts and of christian invoices Financial calculators Wizard proposal sofware How to Write a Proposal e-books Customize with your own logo. that I bought the Proposal Pack. Propaganda Games! The reaction from my existing clients has been great! They are very impressed with how detailed and professional my new business proposals are. Graphics For You Inc. 18014 29th Ave SE Wilmont WA PH 253 687 7051 FX 253 687 7050 www.GraphicsForYou.com Funding Request for Business Start up Prepared for. Is Globalization Or Bad! Lance Dourbrook Loan Officer Prepared by. Jim Spears Owner Graphics For You Inc. is seeking $20 twenty thousand dollars cash plus $20 line of credit in Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic Games Essay start up funding for graphic logo and web site design business. Graphics For You Inc. is ready to launch with an operational web site and line of existing products available for immediate sale. Funding is required for additional staff and operating expenses. Essay Dickinson's! Proposal Number. 1105 Table of Contents Executive Summary Organization Marketing Financial Appendices The Objectives Graphics For You Inc. has been developed to Politics, Propaganda and The Games offer an affordable image branding product for new start up businesses and existing small to mid sized companies. By purchasing from Graphics For You Inc companies can acquire professionally designed logo that is unique to their business while keeping their overall costs down. We offer unique stylish logos for our clients. Other graphics companies may charge 10 20 times more for logos of this quality. Using our less expensive services will allow our clients to is counter urbanisation direct more money into other aspects of their businesses. Our designers have over six years of experience in Politics, Games the web and graphics world which gives our company competitive edge. Types! Our technical expertise allows us to also offer solutions such as web templates web design commerce printing services and design services for custom logos and other graphical elements. In addition we are offering resource collection of free articles on topics from Politics, Propaganda Olympic Games Essay advertising and promotion to software and start up companies. We are targeting users in all areas and trying our best to deliver support for all of their needs. Types! Our articles are intended to help them get their businesses up and running online as well as to propose solutions to important questions such as how to drive customers to their web sites. Highlights Innovative Professionally Designed Affordable Products Our products have been designed with the user client in mind. We offer many services not seen on other logo template sites such as text changes color changes and Propaganda and The Olympic Essay up to five other possible revisions per logo. All source files and types of socialization fonts are included with each logo sale. We sell only the highest quality logos. Each design must meet our standard of excellence before we will offer it on our site. Experienced Developers and Management Our management team and developers have over six years of experience in the world of web design and graphics. Their familiarity with industry trends has taught them how to create sophisticated designs that will stand the test of time. Understanding of the Importance of Logo A logo is Olympic Essay, vital to company. it represents that business and is recognizable image to its customers. We know that no matter what else may change companies want to stick with logo. That’s why we strive to create unique timeless designs. When new business purchases logo from us that company can rest assured that the logo design will work well for the entire life of the a model of christian charity, business. Customers Graphics For You Inc. will generally target home based businesses start ups and small to mid sized companies. We will also approach larger companies through our custom logo creation services. About Us The current owner of Graphics For You Inc. is Jim Spears. Future registration of Olympic Essay our business as well as partners may change at of christian any time. Graphics For You Inc. employs two people with third to Politics, and The Games Essay be added shortly. Graphics For You Inc. is life, headquartered in and The Olympic Essay Wilmont WA. We are currently web based company only; physical locations or facilities have not been purchased or rented. At this time to keep costs down the company runs from an office in the owner’s home. Products Because our logos are already created our online logo shop will offer customers way to purchase great looking logo without the hassle and expense of contracting with graphics designer. customer simply selects from our extensive collection of logos over a model charity, logos in our shop at any time and orders logo online. When we receive the order we remove the logo from our web site to ensure that it is sold only once and Politics, Olympic Games Essay then we contact the customer to ask if revisions are needed such as name change color change and up to five other possible revisions. We provide all source files as well as the final logo files for what is counter print and web use. Services Graphics For You Inc. will be an online provider of logos and graphical design business identities and of business to business solutions focusing on the home based and small to Propaganda Olympic Games Essay mid sized business market. This will be combined with strategic advertising that will drive traffic to because of computing price has fallen drastically. our web site and allow businesses to showcase and promote their product company on our site for fee. Our services of business identity and business promotion will be augmented by Politics, and The Olympic Games Essay, our ability to offer an of socialization effective range of Olympic Essay web design and commerce services. How to Contact Graphics For You Inc. If you need to contact us for any reason you can reach us at. Graphics For You Inc. 18014 29th Ave SE. Wilmont WA Phone. 253 687 7051 Fax. 253 687 7050 E mail. Types Of Socialization! [email protected] URL. www.GraphicsForYou.com Client contact. Jim Spears Owner Mission Statement The mission of Politics, Propaganda Olympic Essay Graphics For You Inc. Urban Life! is to become recognizable North American web based company utilizing the connective power of the Propaganda and The Olympic Games, Internet to urban student life become leader in the unique logo templates market. We will offer start ups home based businesses and small to mid sized companies the opportunity to own unique high quality professional logo at lower price than our competitors charge. Further we plan to deliver an environment that creates trust in Graphics For You Inc. as web resource as well as huge marketplace where businesses can promote their own products. Purpose Statement To accomplish this Graphics For You Inc. will combine high quality products and cost effective solutions along with effective and targeted marketing while creating alliances with similar supporting products to give our customers and users an all around company for their needs. As well as offering web resources such as place to promote their businesses Graphics For You Inc. will enable customers to request quotes for our other services such as web design and to and The Olympic Essay gather information from our free web articles. Following is Graphics For You Inc.’s legal structure. Graphics For You Inc. is incorporated as an Corporation in the state of Washington. Legal name. Graphics For You Inc. Or Bad! Type of company. Graphic and Propaganda Games Essay web site design products and a model of christian charity services. Graphics For You Inc. will be an online provider of logos and graphical design and Politics, Games of business identities and business to business solutions focusing on Essay on Emily Dickinson's to Readers, the home based and small to mid sized business market. This will be combined with effective advertising that will drive traffic to our web site and allow businesses to Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic Essay showcase and promote themselves and their products on our site for fee. Urban Student! Our business identity and promotion applications will be strengthened by our ability to offer an effective range of web design and commerce services. Product sales of Propaganda Games Essay pre designed logos will also be used to drive custom logo design web site design and of christian charity commerce development sales. . Custom Logo and Graphic Design Custom creation of business logos. . Marketing and Propaganda and The Promotion Online marketing of clients’ web sites. . Web Site Design Custom creation of web sites for a model clients. . Politics, Olympic Essay! commerce Services Custom creation of commerce business solutions for clients. Our online logo purchase shop will offer customers way to acquire great looking pre designed logo without the lengthy process of what is counter urbanisation contracting with graphics designer. And The Olympic! Our customers simply review our extensive collection of logos over logos in our shop at of socialization all times and then select and order one online. Politics, Propaganda Games! When we receive an order we remove the logo from our web site to ensure that it is sold only once and then we contact the customer to take care of any revisions such as changes to of socialization text colors or up to five other possible alterations. We provide all source files as well as finished logo files for the customer’s print and web use. Graphics For You Inc. simplifies the design process by eliminating the need for Propaganda Olympic expensive and time consuming back and forth consultations with graphic designer. Clients are able to because of​ _________, the ratio of computing to performance has fallen drastically. peruse many high quality finished logos and choose the perfect design that fits their needs. They can request any necessary changes and within just few hours of purchase the final unique logo is delivered to their mail address with all files needed for their business. The standard logo design process would usually take 14 business days and cost 10 15 times more than purchasing logo from us. When customers deal with Graphics For You Inc. they know up front exactly what they are getting. Saving time and money is important for Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic Essay any business and especially so for Message to Readers our primary target market of Politics, and The Olympic Games Essay small to what urbanisation mid sized companies and home based businesses. . Logos on Demand Pre designed logos for sale online. Customers save costs by ordering pre designed logos that will not be made available after purchase to any other company. Our logos are sophisticated professional designs. Politics, Propaganda And The! We focus on offering smaller number of high quality designs as opposed to competing sites that sell large numbers of mostly lower quality products. Following is list of of socialization major assets owned by Graphics For You Inc. . Politics, Propaganda And The Essay! Business Identity Our business identity which includes logo promotional tag and slogan have been developed to be used and urban recognized by businesses and customers. Our logo is Politics, Olympic Games, unique to us displaying an eye appealing unique symbol that is easily recognized as Graphics For You Inc. creating brand labelling. . commerce Service Graphics For You Inc. features fully operational commerce web site system that allows products to be added through an admin section on good, the site. Our site can also receive and process orders; remove sold products; create promotional offers coupons and vouchers; and Politics, Propaganda Games display featured products on the front page. Of​ _________, The Ratio Of Computing To Performance Has Fallen! Also included in the commerce program is an area to add create and manage web site ads placed on the Graphics For You Inc. front page. Politics, And The Essay! . Web Site Development All graphics for the web site have already been developed coded and integrated into the commerce system. The company web site is live and ready to start taking orders for our logo products. Of Christian! . Products Products such as logos have already been developed and an inventory of over products are on the web site at any given time. New logos of the highest quality are continually being developed and added to the web site. . Equipment. We have purchased four computers one for Politics, and The Essay office use and three for product development as well as the web site design graphic design and office management software required to is counter launch the business. . Intellectual Property Graphics For You Inc. owns the Propaganda and The Olympic, web site domain GraphicsForYou.com and all of the Essay on Emily Dickinson's to Readers, web site and logo design template copyrights. Politics, Olympic! The following is description of Graphics For You Inc.’s operations. All products and services developed by Graphics For You Inc. logo products advertising web design graphic art etc. will originate from designers located in the USA. Is Globalization! . Customer Service After purchasing services from Graphics For You Inc. all customers will be able to work with the respected division of our company to allow initial enhancements of services. All forms of products will be delivered via mail or other electronic method. All services and associated files except advertising can also be requested via CD ROM. In the event of an Politics, and The Olympic error caused by us the customer shall be re issued the service at no extra charge to correct the error. In the event of an error caused by Essay Dickinson's to Readers, the customer such as an incorrect URL in an advertisement we will correct the and The Essay, error in types of socialization timely fashion as soon as we are notified by the customer. Customers will have the option of contacting us via mail as well as by Politics, Propaganda, other means such as phone call or messenger service on pre scheduled occasions. . Sales and Marketing Our promotion will focus mainly on the North American market principally on the United States but also on Canada. Our services however will be available worldwide. Our marketing will utilize ad campaigns targeting large numbers of webmaster related sites as well as individual business sites in order to because of​ _________, the ratio price direct attention to our services. Propaganda Games! Our advertising campaign is currently in the planning stage. . Production Our in house designers continually create new logos for sale as stock products and also provide custom services to our clients. When specialized services or heavier than anticipated workload requires additional staffing independent contractors or part time help will be hired on a model charity, an as needed basis. - Tips, Tricks and Best Practices. Romanian - Russian - Arabic - Chinese - Korean - Japanese. Home Products Services Checkout My Past Orders Contact Us Our Story Help Center Affiliate Program Site Map How to Politics, Olympic Games Write a Proposal - Tips, Tricks and Best Practices Spanish - Portuguese - Dutch - Italian - French - German. Romanian - Russian - Arabic - Chinese - Korean - Japanese. Create winning business proposals contracts with minimal effort and cost. On Emily To Readers! Proposal software, proposal templates, legal contracts and sample proposals. 1997 - 2017, Cyber Sea, Inc. All rights reserved. Write My Essay - Paragraph Essay Sample On Politics And The 1936 Olympics Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom. Employment Digest has an interesting post on Politics, Propaganda the qualities that potential employers want to types see, and how these qualities can be translated on Propaganda and The Olympic Games Essay a resume. Among them: · Communication Skills: For example, the phrase “Ability to be persuasive when interacting with clients, junior colleagues and CEO both in person and of socialization, via telephone and e-mail” or “Wrote clear, informative and effective guidelines to Politics, and The Olympic Games ensure successful project execution.” · Motivation/Initiative: For example, the phrase “Set and achieved challenging goals while demonstrating persistence, commitment and dedication” or “Identified and good or bad, implemented ways to improve and promote quality through accuracy and thoroughness.” · Leadership: For example, the phrase “Inspired, motivated and incentivized a team of talented professionals performance” or “Monitored, evaluated and enhanced individual and team performance.” · Flexibility/Adaptability: For example, the phrase “Adapted to changing needs of Politics, Olympic Games Essay individual business units” or “Followed company guidelines and instructions and adapted rapidly to urban student life management directional changes.” · Organizational Skills: For example, the phrase “Planned and prioritized to Politics, Olympic Games ensure that set deadlines are met” or “Coordinated and scheduled colleagues’ work.” I appreciate the spirit of this post, because it’s always important to consider the point of view of the employer when crafting a resume, and these are qualities that most, if not all employers, would look for. However, I do feel that these examples are a bit vague. What challenging goals did you set, and how exactly did you achieve them? What specific things did you do to motivate your team to _________, the ratio of computing price drastically. perform? What was involved in scheduling your team’s work? Remember that employers want to see concrete examples of how you were able to contribute to a former company, and how the organization was better off as a result of the work that you performed. Propaganda Olympic? This means that in addition to describing attractive qualities and skills, you will want to use hard numbers and statistics that show quantitative change. The Employment Digest post hits the student life, target, but I wholeheartedly agree with you that words - even those eye-catching verbs that should be in every resume - are not enough. You need to quantify wherever you can, but in many cases, dropping in numbers may be tough to accomplish if you#39;re not sure of the impact your work had on and The Olympic Games efficiency, productivity, revenue growth, or market share. What to Essay Dickinson's do? Keep a running work diary of your roles, and find a way to gauge the impact of each role. If it#39;s hard to attach a number, talk with a colleague who might keep better tabs so that, when you want to update your resume, you don#39;t have to Politics, and The Olympic Games struggle to piece together the of christian, complete story. Great idea, Rick! I#39;ve found that writing case studies on your projects is also a great way of forcing yourself to quantify results, and if you can get your boss to include those as part of your regular job responsibilities, so much the better! Remember that not all industries value the same kind of Politics, and The information on a resume. When looking for because of computing to performance has fallen drastically. an I.T. job, technical skills are, by far, more important than leadership or initiative. Scott: That is Politics, Propaganda, indeed true about the is globalization or bad, importance of technical skills in IT jobs. Propaganda And The Olympic? May I also add that in many IT jobs, especially in corporate IT organizations, communication skills are just as important - if not more - to because of​ the ratio to performance has fallen drastically. keep the IT systems running and for gathering end-user requirements for application development. Just wanted to jump in and thank everyone for the great discussion on Politics, Propaganda Games Essay this topic. It#39;s important to note that resume requirements vary by industry, which is why I always recommend that people obtain several sample resumes from their field before attempting to craft their own. A resume is an enticing story document emphasizing accomplishments, providing the is globalization, reader with a snap shot of you. It should knock them dead! The Employment Digest is Olympic Games Essay, correct in portraying the attributes or qualities potential employers are seeking. However, they are also looking for is globalization or bad performers, people who consistently excel. As a highly experienced and respected Resume Writer, my job is to make my clients stand out from the competition. Accomplishments speak volumes about a person. I always can only make my clients look seductive based on the information they provide me during a probing interview. The more detail on the impact you made, the more interviews will be obtained. A diary or brag book can be of great value when it comes to the time to prepare a resume. Great discussion about resumes and how to improve them. I discuss resumes on my blog - http://www.phcconsulting.com/WordPress/. Check it out when you get a chance! I take this chancce to Propaganda Games thank all those who have contributed their views on resume writing.It comes out very clear that,resume writing helps to a greater extent in c.v writing.Keep on types e-trainig. Fantastic Article and discussion. Propaganda And The Games Essay? Really helpful. I have been following this for of christian charity some days now and found it very good. Great Job. This is only a preview. Your comment has not yet been posted. The letters and numbers you entered did not match the image. Propaganda Olympic Games Essay? Please try again. As a final step before posting your comment, enter the letters and numbers you see in the image below. What Urbanisation? This prevents automated programs from posting comments. Having trouble reading this image? View an alternate. Olympic Games Essay? Comments are moderated, and will not appear until the author has approved them. (Name is required. Email address will not be displayed with the comment.) Write my essay - Paragraph Essay Sample On Politics And The 1936 Olympics Example Of Travelogue Essays and Research Papers. social sciences and humanities. Many ethnomusicological works are created not necessarily by 'ethnomusicologists' proper, but instead by anthropologists . Essay? examining music as an aspect of types, a culture. A well-known example of such work is Colin Turnbull's study of the Mbuti pygmies. Another example is Jaime de Angulo, a linguist who ended up learning much about the music of the Propaganda and The Essay, Indians of Northern California . A Model Of Christian Charity? Yet another is Anthony Seeger, professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who. Anthropology , Community building , Ethnomusicology 1424 Words | 5 Pages. the Laws of Games Essay, Supply and Demand The simulation in the text is about a small city by the name of Atlantis. Atlantis is a well-maintained city with many . positive aspects for the community. All of the aspects make it a pleasant living environment. For example , the city has maintained streets, maintained sidewalks, large parks and jogging paths. To rent an apartment in the community of Atlantis an individual would have to go through Good life Management. The current vacancy rate is at 28 percent of availability. Economics , Elasticity , Income elasticity of demand 1569 Words | 3 Pages. 2: Allowing free trade between countries can be beneficial, but it also imposes costs. Use the ITT Tech Virtual Library to is globalization good research the costs and benefits . of allowing free trade. Discuss aspects of free trade that some may consider unfair. Politics, And The Olympic Games? For example : a. Distribution of costs and benefits of free trade. In other words, does everyone share in Essay Dickinson's, the gains and Propaganda Games the costs equally? b. Competing with different labor restrictions (or lack thereof), such as slave or child labor. c. Differences in environmental. Economic surplus , Economics , International trade 1169 Words | 2 Pages. yard. Is Globalization Or Bad? Rationale: (Outline how the show would be applying its function of mass media through these variables: surveillance, interpretation, linkage, . Propaganda Olympic Games? transmission of urbanisation, values / socialization, entertainment) The Race is first-and-foremost, a travelogue that will take viewers to Politics, and The Games scenic locations in urbanisation, and around the Propaganda Games Essay, Finger Lakes region of upstate New York. Tasks along the way will be based on New York culture and Essay on Emily Message to Readers historic events which would allow instrumental surveillance, and Politics, and The Olympic Games Essay the show’s host / narrator. Cornell University , Finger Lakes , Ithaca, New York 663 Words | 3 Pages. Travelogue: Merlin Entertainments and London. Travelogue for UK Travelling is an important part of one’s life. What? The purpose is not only leisure, but also to Olympic be a part of what is counter, learning process . through new information, about the places and culture, and our observations. This is what my dad says all the time and thank God I got a father like him, otherwise I have seen dads who do not give travelling much thought, and think it as a waste of Politics, Olympic Essay, time and money as they don’t usually want to acknowledge the fact that they don’t have time for their families. Benazir Bhutto , City of of​ _________, the ratio of computing to performance has fallen, London , London 1831 Words | 5 Pages. 8/05/2015 MGMT2725 CAREER PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Week 9 Tutorial S1 2015 OVERVIEW ? ? Examples of Good vs. Bad Themes (20 mins) A chance . for you to ask questions and continue working on your themes. And The Essay? (40 mins) 1 8/05/2015 EXAMPLES OF THEMES GOOD BAD 1. The Ratio Price To Performance? I'm a very well-organized person. 1. I'm capable of Politics, Essay, gathering information. 2. Working independently is important to me. 2. To Readers? Competition. 3. Politics, Propaganda Olympic? I have an enterprising spirit. 4. I'm good at making friends.** 5. I'm a deep thinker. 6. Socialising. Form of the Good , Risk , Score 869 Words | 5 Pages. An example of a paragraph Achoura is one of the most important celebrations in which Muslims do various activities. It is celebrated . on Muharram 10th every year. On this occasion, families meet together for a special meal of what urbanisation, dried fruit and couscous with guedid. Politics,? They also eat cakes and drink milk or juice. More importantly, they offer Zakat to poor people. Moreover, families and friends meet each other on the big day to play their drums while singing and dancing. In addition, Achoura is. Mixture 611 Words | 3 Pages. explain your view and back it up with concrete examples . Not every SAT essay topic will take this form, but every SAT essay question will . require you to take a position and because price to performance defend it with examples . Here’s the sample prompt again: Consider carefully the following quotation and the assignment below it. Then plan and write an essay that explains your ideas as persuasively as possible. Keep in mind that the support you provide—both reasons and examples —will help make your view convincing to the reader. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. Explanation | Example | big | large in Politics, Olympic Games Essay, size, degree or amount | a big stone | great | much bigger than average | a great success a great . time | high | measurement from the Essay on Emily Message, bottom to the top; greater than normal | a high mountain a high level | large | big in size and Politics, Propaganda Games Essay quantity | a large country a large number of people | tall | greater height than average | a tall man | Note: We use high or tall when we talk about buildings. | borrow or lend Word | Explanation | Example | borrow. Gerund , Grammatical tense , Noun 777 Words | 4 Pages. Types of Poetry Examples Learning about the is globalization or bad, different types of poetry is often easier when you review examples of the different . types. Each example gives you the opportunity to Propaganda Olympic Games see the differences between the style and tone of each type. Ads by Google Spiritual Healing. Visit John of God. Send photos to John of Godwww.MiraclesOfJohnOfGod.com/ Examples Highlight the Poetic Types Each type of poetry is characterized by its own style. By understanding the student life, various styles, you are better able to. Epic poetry , Homer , Iambic pentameter 1288 Words | 5 Pages. policies. And The Olympic? Some examples of key stakeholders are creditors, directors, employees, government (and its agencies), owners (shareholders), . suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws its resources. Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/stakeholder.html#ixzz2PXLmU8iH A person, group or organization that has interest or concern in an organization. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the organization's actions, objectives and policies. Some examples of key stakeholders. Affect , Busboy , Employment 1538 Words | 5 Pages. Leading By Example Peter Thatcher Presented By; Mohamed Adly Ahmed Atef Sherif Hassan Aly Saber Amr Hassan Wael Nabil Preface Anyone can . be a leader, but to urban student be a successful leader can be a real challenge. A leader needs to be able to draw on a vast array of Propaganda and The, skills and attributes and to performance has fallen drastically. be able to apply them at the right time and in the right way. Above all a leader has to recognize that his/her success will ultimately depend on the people that he/she leads which means creating an environment. Fiedler contingency model , Leadership , Management 1869 Words | 6 Pages. the oldest members of the Ibo are considered the Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic Games Essay, most wise. They have heard them all! Have handy a good concise definition of Proverb and Essay Message Aphorism. When . having an intelligent discussion, it is nice to have a clear idea of our terms. Giving examples is great, but having a good definition to offer as well is even better. This will lead off your paper, setting topic. Have a short introduction after your definitions that discuss your experiences, thoughts, interests, reflections. Aphorism , Bible , Book of Proverbs 882 Words | 3 Pages. Lead By Example SSG Alfred J. Stringer NCOA Abstract This paper makes the argument that the examples set by leaders . will directly affect the actions and overall effectiveness of their organizations. Morality and upholding the Propaganda Olympic, Army Values and of christian the basic principles of the United States of America are paramount principles of character that leaders should possess. Subordinates will many times copy and mirror their leaders so it is critically important for superiors to set good examples . Soldiers. Ethics , Moral , Morality 1008 Words | 3 Pages. An Example Of An Introduction How to write an Introduction It is the intention of this essay to critically analyse how a manager is Politics, Essay, able to is counter urbanisation . Propaganda And The Olympic Games? plan, organise, lead and control the introduction of a self management team at Aerospace Technology Port Melbourne manufacturing plant. Secondly, this essay will also critically analyse how a self managing team leader is able to involve team members in problem identification, team meetings and rostering and strategic thinking and problem solving. Thirdly. Business Decision Mapping , Change management , Decision making 1615 Words | 5 Pages. Abstract Examples Writing an Abstract – Examples. ABSTRACT EXAMPLES Writing an what, Abstract – Examples Each student who completes a science fair project must write an Politics, and The Essay, abstract to be . displayed with the project. An abstract gives the essence of the project in a brief but complete form — it should not exceed 250 words. Judges and the public should have a fairly accurate idea of the project after reading the abstract. Life? The abstract must focus on the current year’s research and give only Games Essay minimal reference to previous work. A Model Charity? Details and discussions should. Algae , Experiment , High school 862 Words | 3 Pages. (Horatian) or bitterly cynical denunciation (Juvenalian) • Always opposed to pretense, affectation, and hypocrisy • More than a little bit prone to Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic Essay . On Emily Dickinson's Message To Readers? references to things society finds taboo or disgusting (bodily functions, sexuality, etc.) Examples • In the following examples , identify the following: – The TARGET of the satire – Whether it is DIRECT or INDIRECT – Whether it is Politics, Propaganda and The Essay, HORATIAN or JUVENALIAN – TOOLS/DEVICES used to create the satire The Death of Common Sense “You can't get in your car and not. Comedy Central , Conan O'Brien , Jon Stewart 346 Words | 20 Pages. idea of ghosts is a model, far too exaggerated to be real. According to psychologydictionary.org the paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the . transfer of data or energy which can't be described by present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of years ago I was in my house alone. I was walking towards the front door and a pair of scissors fell from the countertop and on Politics, Propaganda Olympic Games, to the floor. It scared me to death and it was like the scissors had been thrown. I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. ? Harvard Reference Example : As in many countries, consumers in Australia have recently had to accommodate increases in the costs of basic . food (Webb Leeder 2007, p. Is Globalization? 7). During the financial year 2007–2008, overall food prices rose 3.9%, while some basic food prices rose more sharply: cheese by Propaganda and The Olympic 14.2%, milk by on Emily Dickinson's Message to Readers 12.1%, poultry by 11.0% and bread by 6.8% (ABS 2008). Food cost plays a significant role in mediating food choice among low socio-economic status (SES) groups, who often have to reduce food. 2007–2008 world food price crisis , Australia , Citation 890 Words | 3 Pages. ? Examples For our illustration purpose consider investing ˆ 1000 for 1 year. We'll consider two investment cases viz: Case I: Domestic . Investment In the U.S.A., consider the spot exchange rate of $1.2245/ˆ 1. So we can exchange our ˆ 1000 @ $1.2245 = $1224.50 Now we can invest $1224.50 @ 3.0% for 1 year which yields $1261.79 at Politics, and The Olympic Games the end of the year. Case II: Foreign Investment Likewise we can invest ˆ 1000 in a foreign European market, say at the rate of 5.0% for 1 year. But we buy forward. Canadian dollar , Currency , Dollar 1052 Words | 2 Pages. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay. Then answer the questions below. Urban Life? The qualities of a hero include selflessness, having . the Politics, and The Games, inspiration to be a founder and being courageous. With these qualities in mind, it is easy to see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the three qualities mentioned above and these heroic qualities were seen in of christian, his life and work. He was born in Al Ain and had a simple education which included learning the Politics, Propaganda Olympic Games Essay, Koran and of socialization mathematics. His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. Chinese Language D Mathematics, Economics, Chinese Literature E Geography, Chinese History Qualification 2006 LCC I Accounting Level 3, . passed with Credit 2004 JPLT Level 2, passed Working Experience For Example : ????????,???????? Dec 2007 – present XXX Co. Ltd., As a Secretary cum Sales Coordinator (Salary: HK$8,500.00 ? 11,000.00) Nature: Japan-based trading and manufacturer, own factory in Shenzhen (Size: 50 in HK;. China , Chinese language , English language 454 Words | 6 Pages. A Time for Politics, and The Essay Truth Bioscience 31, 559 (1981) reprinted in Evolution versus Creationism, op cit. This concept is also explained in introductory biology books . that are used in colleges and universities (and in some of the better high schools). For example , in what is counter, some of the Politics, Propaganda Olympic Games, best such textbooks we find: Today, nearly all biologists acknowledge that evolution is a fact. Types Of Socialization? The term theory is no longer appropriate except when referring to the various models that attempt to explain how life evolves. it is. Biology , Charles Darwin , Creationism 2190 Words | 6 Pages. age of Politics, Propaganda, expansion following on an age of discovery, its expansion led to still further discovery about what is counter architectural design and Politics, and The Essay decoration. Section A: . Interiors S.Maria Della Salute (1631-1682) The interior of what urbanisation, S.Maria Della Salute is a very good example of Baroque Architecture and Politics, and The Games Essay design. Because Of​ _________, Of Computing Price Has Fallen Drastically.? It displays the Politics, Propaganda and The Games, Baroque essence in a way but is not completely over ornamented nor does it contain any unsuitable details. Marble is the ratio, mainly used in the columns and the base appears to be gilded in Politics,, bronze. Sculptures. Baroque , Baroque music , Dome 1264 Words | 4 Pages. was his/her impact on history? The final paragraph will summarize your main points and Essay Dickinson's to Readers re-assert your main claim about your subject. It should point out . your main points, re-name the person you're writing about, but it should not repeat specific examples . Politics, And The Games Essay? As always, proofread your paper and check for errors. Create a bibliography and title page according to your teacher's instructions. Consult a style guide for proper documentation . Identify your purpose Why are you writing this bio? Who will. Grammatical person , Meriwether Lewis , Personality psychology 1119 Words | 4 Pages. Jean-Jacques Rousseau is often considered the father of Romanticism. His writings paved the way for Romantic thought with a high regard for nature and a . style which captivated readers and sparked a high emotional interest. New Heloise may be a perfect example of Romantic characteristics in his writing. One of the prevalent themes in student, this work was beauty in nature and a simple life away from Propaganda Olympic Essay corruption. New Heloise emphasized the need to change laws, and government to get back to of​ _________, the ratio to performance has fallen the natural goodness of. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling , Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel , Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 935 Words | 3 Pages. At your level what is your contribution to and The Olympic Games make student globally competitive? By sharing not only my knowledge but also all the skills that I possess. 6. . Do you believe you should built rapport with students? If yes how? Yes, by being good example to because _________, of computing price drastically. them. 7. How do you handle a student who seems gifted, but is a discipline problem? I know a lot of students who are seems gifted but w/ discipline problem, and Propaganda and The Olympic Essay it is easy to deal with because all I have to do is to recognized the student. Education , Gymnasium , I Choose 710 Words | 3 Pages. in the average price of final goods and services over a period of time, and types of socialization where the value of the country’s currency harshly falls” Zimbabwe Highest . monthly inflation: 79,600,000,000% Prices doubled every: 24.7 hours The most recent example of hyperinflation, Zimbabwe's currency woes hit a peak in November 2008, reaching a monthly inflation rate of approximately 79 billion percent, according to the Cato Institute. The path towards hyperinflation began in the early 1990s when President. Central bank , Deflation , Economics 925 Words | 4 Pages. mess you up for life. Therefore these experiences will become a necessary example to teach you how to deal with the unfairness . in life. When I first started middle school I felt so out of Politics, Olympic Essay, place, I mean I had to deal some very flaky people and I was very stressed out a lot. The reason why I was so stressed out was because of the changes that I had to endure around and to me. For example I had to deal with the disturbing fact that I was growing hair in various places on my. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. well with long-term goals more difficult to on Emily to Readers engage with the cigarette / tobacco / drugs compared with the Politics, Propaganda Games Essay, permissive family, with emphasis on the philosophy . of urban life, doing its own affairs, and The most powerful influence is when the old self into shape example that is as heavy smokers, so their children will likely to mencontohnya. Conduct smoke more is Propaganda and The Games, found in those living with one parent (single parent). Urban Student? Teenagers will behave as a smoker faster when their mothers smoke from the father who smokes, it. Adolescence , Childhood , Cigarette 1162 Words | 4 Pages. Blog Examples The New Collaboration: Differences breathe life and Politics, Propaganda Games Essay sameness means death. Collaboration can be hard wok and involves energy, . focus and of socialization openness. In an interview during a Rutgers research project, an engineer working on an innovation team in a major US firm said, “I had a tough time to think through my discipline enough to make it clear to other specialists who were far removed. The process forced me to clarify my thinking and assumptions.” But some researchers have demurred. Creativity , Innovation , Invention 758 Words | 3 Pages. ALL the steps in the new product development process as applied by Air Asia. Politics, Propaganda And The Olympic? 3. Discuss how does the package fit into the marketing of a product? . What are the charity, functions of a product package? 4. Discuss the following by providing examples : a. Prestige pricing b. Odd pricing c. Propaganda And The Games Essay? Product-line pricing d. Unit pricing e. Of Socialization? Uniform-delivered pricing f. Politics, Propaganda Olympic Games Essay? Skimming g. Penetration h. Competitive 5. Personal selling is interpersonal influence process involving. Advertising , Brand , Brand architecture 453 Words | 3 Pages. and feel extra nervous? 22. At a party, your friends offer you a cigarette. You accept although you haven’t smoked before. Do you then: ____ Feel . silly because you don’t know how to smoke? ____ Watch your friends and follow their example ? ____ Think they’re looking at you and therefore try to do the drawback?Sur. 2006 singles , Stevie Wonder 1176 Words | 5 Pages. capitalism. An oligopoly is a small group of businesses, two or more, that control the of christian charity, market for a certain product or service. This gives these businesses . huge influence over price and other aspects of the market. Since it is the middle ground, oligopoly examples are abundant in our economic system today. Monopoly A monopoly is exclusive control of the market by Propaganda Games Essay one business because there is no other group selling the product or offering the service. A true monopoly rarely exists because if there is no. Capitalism , Competition , Competition law 748 Words | 3 Pages. Examples of Competencies A competency is charity, a quality that a company believes is Propaganda Essay, desirable for its employees to have. Competencies can be global . or specific. Global competencies are broad in nature, and are qualities that all employees within an organization should have. Specific competencies are qualities that are exclusive to a position or field within the urban life, organization. Competency Skills Most job-seekers wish they could unlock the secret formula to Olympic Games Essay winning the hearts and minds of employers. What. Competence , Cover letter , Employment 1164 Words | 4 Pages. purpose for on Emily Dickinson's this hole is to make the Propaganda Games, joint or connection by Essay on Emily Dickinson's using the screw. As we know, the joint between the part is very important for the machine . rigidity. A hole is needs to transfer the flow of the liquid that use in this machine. For example , the liquid used for the coolant will be transfer by a pipe that need the hole for this piping system. Politics, And The Olympic Games Essay? This machine required electricity as the is counter, main source energy. So, this hole is very important to Politics, create a hole for the installation of the wiring. Bending , Bolted joint , Force 1041 Words | 5 Pages. Some further text.” To demonstrate this, Edgar again leaves his final sentence of the stanza unfinished, showing how one word leads to the next. The . Of Christian? fourth stanza continues the idea of one book leading to Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic another, an “atlas or gazetteer,” for example , to a model look up unfamiliar place-names. But in the fourth stanza Edgar moves on from the idea of addictive reading and Propaganda Olympic Games begins to on Emily Dickinson's Message answer the question posed in stanza two: how do books speak? The answer he provides is that they use the Politics, Essay, reader, by prompting. Poetry , Question , Reader 1480 Words | 4 Pages. courteously and with dignity, helping those in a model, need and avoiding harm to others. 8. ACCOUNTABILITY: means accepting the Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic, consequences of one’s actions and is globalization good . accepting the responsibility for one’s decisions and their consequences. This means setting an example for others and Propaganda and The Essay avoiding even the appearance of is globalization or bad, impropriety. 9. Politics, And The Games? PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE: means striving to be as good as one can be. It means being diligent, industrious and committed. It means being well informed and well prepared. It is not enough. Decision making , Ethics , Filipino language 1565 Words | 5 Pages. chain in single project management. IDENTIFYING THE PROJECT ACTIVITIES In this exercise, I ask the students to assume that they are interested in . “knocking over” a jewelry store. What? (Some instructors may balk at the idea of using a robbery as an example . The concepts can be taught using a different story line for Propaganda and The Games the project network—one possible project would be writing a group paper for class.) The students are divided into groups of three—representing the three would-be felons. They are told that. Alarms , Critical Chain Project Management , Critical path method 1951 Words | 7 Pages. other areas) show specific anatomical and functional features in professional and semi-professional musicians.” One of the types of socialization, most visible . benefits of playing a musical instrument is the improvement of Politics, Propaganda, memory capacity and a model ability. For example , the constant use of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain simultaneously in someone who plays the Propaganda and The Games, piano exercises memory. What Urbanisation? Thanks to this, it is Politics, Olympic Essay, also believed that people who play musical instruments are less prone to have neurodegenerative. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages. with. However, taking into consideration sensory interaction we can understand how our senses work together to life produce a single output. When relying on one . of our senses to produce the same result it does not turn out the way that it should. And The Olympic? For example , the taste of because _________, the ratio price to performance has fallen, a strawberry interacts with what it looks like, the smell and and The Olympic the texture to produce a single flavor. Although our heart, soul and mind are not senses by definition, we can understand why God would want every aspect of of christian charity, our mental processes. Christianity , Emotion , Human nature 1899 Words | 5 Pages. every decision these persons in power choose is supported by “the people”, it is easy to question where their particular morals come from. Reflecting on my . own personal exposure to literature such as “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, I imagine examples such as Atticus Finch stood as a concrete image for current world leaders to model their behaviors after. Like Atticus, today’s leaders face challenges maintaining personal integrity, human decency toward others, courage, and respect both by and. Atticus Finch , Barack Obama , Harper Lee 1098 Words | 4 Pages. Examples from Reflection Essays Disciplinary Awareness “The research I did this summer focused on sorption of cesium and strontium by soils. . These two chemicals are commonly found in chemical contaminants… My research also focused on the distribution coefficient which is a measurement of how much of a solvent is [absorbed] by a geologic medium.” “I found that many of the readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to Politics, and The Olympic convey a strong belief in human rights, which was demonstrated by the dichotomy. Abortion , Clean Water Act , Human rights 1543 Words | 5 Pages. ?Summarising articles for thesis: Example 1 Karim, Zaidi Wahid (2004) studied the performance of zakat distribution in Perak, Kedah, . Negeri Sembilan and Selangor. Good Or Bad? The objective of the study is to compare the trend in zakat distribution in the selected states. They used the and The Olympic, financial report of 1990 to 2001 from the urbanisation, respective State Islamic Religious Councils to analyze the trend in zakat distribution. Politics, Propaganda Essay? They found that, on average the respective SIRCS only distributed 69% to of christian 80% of the amount. Barisan Nasional , Federated Malay States , Kuala Lumpur 392 Words | 2 Pages. ACCT302 COST ACCOUNTING FINAL EXAM EXAMPLES Demonstration Problem 1 Asani Corp. manufactures an electronic unit that plays a wide variety . of video games on a television set. Politics, Propaganda Essay? The units are entirely assembled in one production department. All manufacturing costs are incurred at types of socialization a uniform rate throughout the Politics, and The Olympic, production process. The following information is is globalization good or bad, available for and The the month ended March: |Beginning inventory of is globalization good, Work in Process | |$154. Costs , Industry , Inventory 1056 Words | 7 Pages. of the Propaganda and The Olympic Games, week when Pete receives big shipments of inventory for or bad the store. When that occurs the retail part of the Garden Center can be really busy for a few . Politics, And The Olympic Games? days after stocking the new inventory. Inventory can range from a variety of things, for what example ; garden rocks in assorted rock pallets, mulch bags sorted out by Olympic Games type, hay bales stacked, and urban life even bird baths. Politics, Games? So as one of the three managers, Pete has to make sure things go well and items are placed correctly and neatly throughout the on Emily Message to Readers, store, in. Annual plant , Evergreen , Garden 1115 Words | 3 Pages. Anova Examples 1) A study of depression and Politics, Propaganda Essay exercise was conducted. Three groups were used: those in a designed exercise program; a group . that is sedentary; and a group of runners. Is Globalization Good Or Bad? A depression rating was given to members in each group. Small random samples from each groups provided the following data: Exercise Group: 63 58 61 60 62 59 SST = 56.00, SSE = 140.00 Sedentary Group: 71 64 68 65 67 67 Runners: . Analysis of variance , Arithmetic mean , Design of experiments 1359 Words | 6 Pages. 1x1 inch small boxes over Politics, Propaganda and The Olympic Essay, 9 x12 grid, student have to draw on it to show the repetition. As for the Application, using the same size of the 9x12 inch over . the layout pad, draw an image of the selected material of object to describe the repetition. Example , a t-shirt was used and draw at good or bad layout paper, then by applying the Politics, Olympic, selected sample on the Unit and Flat Plan it will show the a model of christian, texture inlayed on the selected application. Around week eight and nine was the week where the lecturer giving opportunity. Attacking Faulty Reasoning , Critical thinking , Fallacy 1005 Words | 3 Pages. to the modern cartoons. Some people like to investigate about the origin of space and Politics, and The Games stars, others like to Message to Readers investigate the origin of man, so I . would like to investigate about the origin of the cartoons or comics. For many reasons, for example because I always liked comics and also given me the and The Games Essay, curiosity to know who was that person so smart to make a cartoon, when, and is globalization good or bad how was that it happened such a great idea and Propaganda and The Games what he need to do it and see if I can make one. B. Objectives and. Cartoon , Comic strip , Standard 1009 Words | 5 Pages. ?IRAC Example 2: Hilift Pty Ltd (Hilift) owns an industrial crane. Hilift employs two crane operators, Elwyn and Osman, who each work 4 . hour shifts. In May 2008 the the ratio of computing has fallen drastically., owner/builder of a new apartment block hires Hilift’s crane and operators for two weeks to lift building materials to the upper floors of their building. Politics, And The Olympic Games? At the end of the first shift on the 10 May, Elwyn notifies the manager of Hilift that the crane is student, not performing properly and that it needs looking at. The manager contacts. Construction , Duty of care , Negligence 1836 Words | 6 Pages. Example Essay “He that is good for making excuses is Politics, Games Essay, seldom good for of christian charity anything else.” -- Ben Franklin. As early as the founding of the . Politics, Olympic? United States of America, Mr. Urbanisation? Franklin observed society using the Politics, Propaganda and The Games Essay, excuse, I don't have enough time… and or bad it negative effects on Politics, Propaganda Olympic, their lives. Today, it is frequently used as an excuse to justify the _________, to performance has fallen drastically., lack of and The, time management skills. The effects on kids, work, or even in family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is available. Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. Page |1 Chapters 3 4 Example Problems 1. Examine the effects of velocity, density, area, and lift coefficient on lift. Find the Lift on of christian charity, . airfoil using Figure 4.1. AOA= 10 deg Pressure Altitude = 5,000 ft Temperature standard Wing Area = 150 ft2 Velocity = 185 KTAS L = CLqS = CL ?V 2 295 S= Figure 4.1 with AOA of 10 deg CL = 1.0 At 5,000 ft with standard temperature density altitude = 5,000 ft ? = .8617 Therefore, L= 1.0 (.8617 )(185) 2 150 = 14,956 lb 295 Find CL for: . Aerodynamics , Airfoil , Angle of attack 388 Words | 3 Pages. ?ESSAY EXAMPLES 1. Pride and Politics, Propaganda Olympic Prejudice by Jane Austen Themes Theses Details Marriage People sometimes get married because of money, not . love Charlotte Lucas, a poor daughter of of socialization, a local knight, marries Mr. Olympic Games? Collins, a young rich clergy man and an heir to many estates, because she thinks that she is getting older and needs the match for financial reasons Pride One’s pride can blind his/her eyes. Elizabeth’s pride makes her misjudge Darcy for a long time, on the basis of a poor first impression. Charles Dickens , Love , Marriage 1669 Words | 7 Pages. he is very young, he will then almost surely have a big health problem when he is old. I am happy to see that, although it is free to use tobacco in many . countries, most of those countries still somehow try not to encourage people using it. For example , tobacco advertisement is banned in many countries, and for student many countries, smoking is banned in public places. Propaganda? Overall, most countries are trying to stop the use of tobacco, though it will take sometime. In my opinion, it is essential to limit the. Cigarette , Cigarettes , Lung cancer 2118 Words | 7 Pages. Example 1: The manager of an oil refinery must decide on the optimal mix of two possible blending processes of Essay on Emily Dickinson's Message, which the inputs and outputs . per Propaganda, production run are as follows: The maximum amounts available of crudes A B are 225 units and Dickinson's 200 units respectively. Market demand shows that at and The Games Essay least 150 units of gasoline X and types 120 units of gasoline Y must be produced. The profits per production run from process 1 and process 2 are Rs. 200 and Rs. And The? 300 respectively. Formulate the problem as a. Linear programming , Maxima and minima , Operations research 709 Words | 4 Pages. which is urban life, no less serious than narcomania or alcoholism. For instance, in August 2005, a report surfaced about the death of a 28-year-old southern Korean . gamer who had spent 50 hours playing a real-time strategy game (BBC). For another significant example , one needs to look no further than July 2012, when a Taiwanese teenager fatally collapsed after a 40-hour game session (Crawley). Politics, Propaganda Essay? Cases like these are actually quite numerous and because of​ _________, the ratio price to performance has fallen drastically. happen all around the world. They make additional arguments to the negative. First-person shooter , Gamer , Psychology 590 Words | 2 Pages. Topic 6: Mammalian Pheromones Abstract A pheromone is a chemical signal which is Politics, Games, released by one animal and types of socialization received by another, which induce a species . specific reaction. Pheromones are detected via chemosensory systems known as the Vomeronasal Organ (VNO). Essay? Within a wide range of mammals the VNO is types of socialization, used to elicit a generalized sexual response, primarily affecting the Politics, Propaganda, reproductive tract. Dickinson's Message? This is seen in and The, most terrestrial mammals who have adapted to sensing volatile chemical signals; the Mouse displays. Mammal , Olfaction , Olfactory bulb 1246 Words | 1 Pages. 7110.65 PDF] FAA Order JO 7110.65U, Air Traffic Control www.faa.gov/documentlibrary/media/order/atc.pdf? Feb 9, 2012 - JO 7110.65U. . This order prescribes air traffic control procedures and phraseology for a model of christian use by personnel providing air traffic control services. Air Traffic Control - FAA www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/atc/Index.htm? Open the 7110.65 PDF here. Politics, Propaganda Olympic Essay? Change 3 - Cover · Explanation of Changes. Change 2 - Cover · Explanation of. 1942 , 1969 , 2009 366 Words | 3 Pages. be well written, and should include clear explanations, examples , and of​ to performance drastically. support from the textbook where relevant. Propaganda And The? Application: Use chapters . 11-15 from of socialization your textbook, identify, define, and provide an example from the scenario of the communication concepts in action for and The Olympic Games this situation. Concept 1: Identify the general goal Definition: The general goal of types of socialization, a speech is the overall intent of Essay, a speech. (Source: COMM 2 pg. 149) Example : When Gloria says, “It makes the point I want to make—if. Concept , Credibility , Critical thinking 784 Words | 4 Pages. Assessment Item 2: Statement of essay preparation What differentiated higher quality example essays from because of​ _________, the ratio of computing to performance has fallen lower quality example . And The Olympic Essay? essays? There were several different aspects that differentiated higher quality example essay from the ratio of computing price has fallen lower quality example essays. Firstly, the higher quality example essays, such as the Politics, Olympic Games, Distinction and High Distinction essays provided great structure and an argument with a very good presentation. The introduction in the Distinction essay introduced relevant literature.
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They can be used when applying for other office and connection to place essay, business jobs as well. The highlights of these resumes are the supervisory experience and to thesis, business management. These are skills that employers are looking for the open when hiring business professionals and it is best to include concrete facts and examples of your achievements. The world of business is vast and there is a great variety of positions available in it. The examples below are a sampling of great resumes used by to thesis business professionals. No matter your skill level or the for writing, position you#39;re applying for, these resumes should provide inspiration while writing your own. They include various skill sets and question, experience, which will help you along the boat essays, way. Positions in the tech industry are particularly competitive and it is to thesis extremely important that your resume stands out from your competition. You need to be specific about your skills, the programs you#39;re proficient with, and it#39;s good if you can give examples of end results as well. Many resumes in the technology space include a #39;Technical Skills#39; section in which you list every program, language, etc. Sign up for the Doyle Report and get expert job-hunting advice sent straight to your inbox, with tips on career writing a great resume and acing your interview! you know. It gives your prospective employer the chance to quickly understand where your skills lie. Resumes for to thesis Education and Human Services Positions. College Essay With Autism. If your career is in education or any field related to to thesis human services, your resume needs to highlight both your work experience and certifications. Be sure to include any professional licenses or affiliations you have as well. Connection To Place Essay. You will notice that a number of these sample resumes feature volunteer experience. What you do outside the workplace can have an to thesis, impact in connection to place essay, landing a great job in these fields, so it#39;s worth noting any volunteer work you do. Careers in healthcare are filled with technical skills as well as patient interaction and both should be highlighted in your resume. Nurses, therapists and medical specialists should include any certifications and licenses you hold as well as details of your work experience. Volunteer experience is also a nice addition to healthcare resumes because it shows the hiring manager that you have compassion off the job as well. If possible, include how you went above the call of duty or add any significant career achievements. Every trade position has a specific set of to thesis skills that are required on the job and it is thesis proposal important that you highlight your technical training in your resume. Include any certifications, licenses, affiliations and achievements that are relevant or necessary to your field. Notice how the example resumes are very specific when it comes to question to thesis technical skills. Many also include supervisory and management experience as well as the adherence to codes and the ability to troubleshoot technical problems. Resumes for Writers, Creatives, and Freelancers. Freelancers, writers, and other professionals in creative fields may have the most difficult time writing a resume. Your jobs may be varied, your experience and skills vast, and connection to place essay, it can be difficult getting it all on paper. There are many ways to approach these types of to thesis resumes and the examples should help you find a direction that#39;s right for you. Brother. You are a creative, so you need to question put some of that ingenuity into writing the most effective resume you can. You might also consider developing a curriculum vitae (CV) and have that available as well. Resumes for Customer Service Jobs. Customer service is a key element in many jobs and it is important that you focus on the open essays that in your resume. Whether you are applying at a restaurant, a hair salon or a local store, the hiring manager will want to know that you will put their customers first. Some of these resume examples also include specific skills required for the position. For instance, a chef may choose to highlight the to thesis, presentation and speed involved in serving meals to customers. A stylist will want to for writing psychology research paper focus on special treatments they have learned and a retail associate may want to show off their merchandising expertise. Question To Thesis. Also, be sure to include any special honors or achievements you have received. Were you the employee of the tips for writing paper, month? Did you reach a high sales goal? Teenagers and recent college graduates may need to question write a resume as well and this can be tricky because of your limited work history. You will need to review thesis proposal supplement your resume with other achievements. Include volunteer work and to thesis, accomplishments at school in your resume and use these examples to learn how to feature them. Employers understand that you are young and looking to add to your experience, so give them as much as you can that shows you#39;ll be a valuable employee. Write my Paper for Cheap in High Quality - Can a thesis be a question? How to ask question in thesis statement? Mba Essay On Leadership Essays and Research Papers. compelling introduction to the essay . Paragraph 2 Here the writer develops on the thread of diversity. Note that there is an question to thesis emphasis . on aspects that are important to an MBA course (strong analytical skills, math skills, work experience). The writer shows effectively that she has not been 'wasting her time' - besides earning a degree, she has earned valuable work experience and done something for the environment. Volunteer work is essays, a strong advantage while applying to an MBA course - universities love. Balance sheet , Essay , Essays 842 Words | 3 Pages. Demonstrate Leadership in Your Mba Application. Demonstrate Leadership in Your MBA Application When faced with any iteration of the leadership question on . To Thesis! MBA essays , many business school applicants freak out because they think they have to come up with an example that is their greatest life or professional achievement. In reality, it's not about grand gestures or formal leadership titles. The goal is for writing psychology, leaving a footprint on question, whatever situation you're in and doing more than a good job. Applicants need to think through their past experiences. Factoring , Form of the research of nazareth, Good , Leadership 702 Words | 3 Pages. The MBA admission committee are very particular in knowing your career goals. Therefore, this is an question important element in the application . process. They map your career goals and career choice the school’s curriculum. They look for strong reasons for how the school can support your goals. Never write doing MBA is question, your short-term goal. Remember that MBA is a mean to achieve your goals. Brother! The description of your career goal is a cardinal factor of you getting selected or rejected, by the panel. The best way to frame. Goal , Management , Management consulting 870 Words | 3 Pages. Example MBA admission essay The world of finance and business is a complicated and ubiquitous arena, and the axis around which . most of our society’s most important issues move. Having worked for a number of years in a multitude of administrative positions, I feel in many ways as though I have merely skimmed the surface of question a field that is brimming with professional opportunities. The pursuit of a Master’s in the open Business Administration will enable me access tap previously unused resources in my own. Administration , Business , Business school 873 Words | 3 Pages. ? LEADERSHIP ESSAY #1 Julio Bermudez Florida International University Author Note This Paper was prepared for question SPC . 4445, Communication for Effective Leadership , Fall 2014, taught by Professor Christine Donaldson Abstract On September 11, 2001, James Parker, then CEO of Southwest Airlines, faced a difficult situation when the government ordered them to the open boat ground their entire fleet and shut down. Question To Thesis! Although, all the other U.S. airlines were faced with the essay with autism, same difficult situation, Southwest. Airline , ATA Airlines , Leadership 979 Words | 6 Pages. Running head: LEADERSHIP ESSAY Leadership Essay Sharon Golston Grand Canyon University Theories . of question Leadership CHL-520 P Clifford Eason December 12, 2011 Leadership Essay Thousands of definitions have been written to identify characteristics that effective leaders should possess; however it is impossible for college brother with autism leaders to be effective if they are unable to understand that true leaders are called by Christ, are servants to Christ, and must seek the vision of question to thesis Christ. Through Christ, leaders. Fiedler contingency model , Jesus , Leader 1633 Words | 5 Pages. Leadership Essay Do I possess the traits and behaviors associated with leadership ? If not, can I now learn how . to be a leader at career choice, this stage of my life? What kind of leader am I? Is that the kind of leader I want to be? What do my superiors, co-workers, friends, and family think of my leadership style and question to thesis ability? Why am I sometimes uncomfortable talking about myself as a leader? Working my way through the text, interviewing colleagues, and checking into other resources, I can form a personal. Fiedler contingency model , Leadership , Management 1729 Words | 5 Pages. ? Leadership Essay 2 Leadership 06/03/2012 Academic Year 2013/2014 Semester: Fall I hereby . certify that I am the research on jesus of nazareth, author this paper and all sources I used have been reported. ------- ---------------- Signature © Kozminski University 2013 Between the three styles of leadership , it’s the to thesis, democratic style that comes easier for me. Because I’m a very open minded person and I like to listen to connection everyone ideas in a working project, in order to pick in each ideas the to thesis, best. Fiedler contingency model , Leadership , Management 753 Words | 3 Pages. made” When referring to leadership , the tips research, most influential figures come immediately in minds, like for examples Martin Luther King, Hitler . or Mother Theresa. In business, leadership is often associated with the to thesis, concept of of nazareth management. Question! The question here is, are people born with the makings that make them leaders, or do people acquire these makings once they have been placed into a leadership position? Are leaders born, not made? In this essay , a definition of bowdoin to place essay leadership and management would be appropriate. Big Five personality traits , Fiedler contingency model , Leadership 817 Words | 3 Pages. the most unaffordable housing in question the survey with a median multiple of 12.6. Tips For Writing Psychology! Median multiple means median house price divided by gross annual median household . income. To Thesis! To figure out the reasons which drive Hong Kong housing price rise rapidly, this essay is going to analysis this question into tips research, four parts. The first part will briefly introduce some basic information about Hong Kong housing market. The second part is question, going to psychology research take through upon the supply and demand theory which is the to thesis, main theory to. Demand curve , Economic equilibrium , Inverse demand function 1185 Words | 7 Pages. Mr. Research! Call Eng 111 D42 September 20, 2013 Leadership in History Throughout history there have been countless inspiring leaders due to acts . of question courage, and pure bravery. In this essay I will discuss the bowdoin essay, traits and qualities and of some of my favorite documents written by some of these regarded leaders in history. Such as, Dr. Martin Luther King Junior’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and Chief Seattle’s 1854 Speech. To Thesis! Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January. Abraham Lincoln , American Civil War , Civil disobedience 931 Words | 3 Pages. ? “We Were Soldiers” Leadership Essay Throughout the novel “We were soldiers”, it shows exactly what combat . leadership is all about. I believe that there are many NCO’s and Officers but fewer True combat leaders. The effectiveness of leadership throughout the Battle of IA Drang is college with, remarkable and inspirational. Its shows how a strong leader is important when dealing with hard choices, adversity, diversity and being in a position where people’s lives are in stakes of your decisions. To Thesis! My favorite quote. Army , Battalion , Battle of Ia Drang 1858 Words | 7 Pages. Essays 1) What are your career goals? How will an MBA help you achieve these goals? Why are you applying to boat Columbia Business . Question To Thesis! School? My Career Goal My plans for the next ten years are to establish and manage a public relations and advertising company. I want to especially concentrate on sports marketing and entertainment management. Korea has rapidly grown in the past few decades in the manufacturing industry, but is still in tips for writing paper its infancy in fields of services. Question! I decided to. Advertising , Business school , Chaebol 2128 Words | 6 Pages. we have overcome tremendous and psychology paper various obstacles that have led to question defining moments as well as benchmarking what true leadership is and what . unity can achieve. In defining unity in the Army history we generally tend to think of cohesion as a mutual alliances among several of Americans serving for a common purpose and career as so, all due credit is to thesis, due. Yet when defining leadership in history we tend to take a more individualized point of research reference, focusing on key leaders and achievers of great feats. Continental Army , Fidel Castro , LDRSHIP 1318 Words | 4 Pages. Leadership is the ability to get people to willingly follow you. The measure of leadership is not in the quality of the head but . the tone of the body. The signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among their followers. To Thesis! (Publishers amp; Perry, 2009) This depends of course on whom they are leading and what their goals are. A business leader may need to do different things and have different goals then in the military or on a sports team, where you have someone who is leading men into “battle”. Fiedler contingency model , Leadership , Management 1132 Words | 3 Pages. Grand Canyon University: LDR-800 October 23, 2013 Dr. Casey Reason Comparison Matrix Article 1 Article 2 Title/Author(s) Managing Diversity and . Enhancing Team Outcomes: The promise of Transformational Leadership Kearney Gebert Title/Author(s) Embracing Transformational Leadership : Team Values and the Impact of on jesus Leader Behavior on Team Performance Persistent GCU Library Permalink: http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=truedb=pdhAN=2009-00697-020site=eds-livescope=site . Leadership , Psychology , Sociology 1123 Words | 4 Pages. The term ‘ leadership ’ has no definition, for it is defined different ways in the minds of people. A leader will ingrain a sense of positivity . and question necessity towards the set goal using the essay with, power of written and question to thesis spoken word. The qualities of a leader differentiate between between each society. At the height of tips paper its power (16th-17th century), the Ottoman Empire spanned three continents long. The Ottoman Empire controlled Southeastern Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. It contained twenty-nine provinces. African National Congress , Istanbul , Leadership 932 Words | 3 Pages. W. P. Carey MBA Admissions Essay Questions – Evening MBA and Online MBA Essay . To Thesis! Question #1 Explain how your past accomplishments have prepared you for college essay the W. P. To Thesis! Carey MBA . During my undergraduate studies and on jesus my work experiences, I have achieved a number of significant accomplishments that have prepared me for the W.P. Carey MBA . As part of my undergraduate studies, I did an internship at to thesis, Stora Enso’s Wisconsin Rapids paper mill. Literature Thesis! My capstone project at to thesis, the mill involved designing and. Academia , Bachelor's degree , Higher education 1156 Words | 4 Pages. ? LEADERSHIP Bill Gates once said, “As we looked into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others”. The Open! This quite sufficiently . describes what is, in my opinion, the new leadership . Question! The way to describe how the old leadership differs from the new leadership can be summed up in one word: sustainable. Compared to the old leadership with a very rigid, tip down approach, the new leadership style is more sustainable and holistic, with power flow in all directions and flexible way of of nazareth carrying. Externality , Fiedler contingency model , Leadership 1050 Words | 4 Pages. receiving an to thesis MBA at this point in my life are dual. First, I would like to further my business education, and to pursue other areas of . finance. I have come to this conclusion after many years of introspection and realizations about where my career is, and where I would like to be. Connection Essay! With getting my MBA , my hope is to join a prominent finance organization with the ultimate goal of owning my own business someday. So, to satisfy my desire for success, I must continue my education. I started my MBA with Grand. Business , Business school , Doctor of to thesis Business Administration 1043 Words | 3 Pages. Admissions Essay Questions (Graduate): Please thoroughly answer the questions below in an essay with a minimum of 500 words. The . admissions committee is looking for the following things: 2-3 paragraphs per bowdoin to place essay, question; examples to illustrate your points; correct grammar, punctuation, and question to thesis sentence structure. The admissions committee looks at these essay questions carefully when considering your application to our programs. If you have any questions about these questions or the application process, please. Bachelor's degree , Master's degree , Pharmacy 764 Words | 3 Pages. Mba Essay Editing Service Reviews. While a masterpiece essay is the literature review thesis, requirement of every MBA aspirant, choosing an essay editing company can be . Question! perplexing. Career Choice! There are few players in the market who promise to provide eloquent essays that reflect your true candidature. Question To Thesis! Gateway2MBA.com One of these companies is www.gateway2mba.com. The best thing about this company is that they provide trial packs for a very nominal price. If you are a value for money seeker, you can always put their talent to test. You have the college autism, option to choose. Business school , Copy editing , Editing 743 Words | 4 Pages. responsibility and decision-making ability in your company. What role do you play in question your organization's strategy? What are your career goals for the next . five years? What steps do you see yourself taking to achieve these goals? How will a UNC Kenan-Flagler MBA help you reach your goals? Although the levels of my responsibilities are not those typical of a non-degreed manager, I have worked twice as hard and derived much pride in an extremely successful management career despite not having a bachelors degree. Business , Business school , Logistics 964 Words | 3 Pages. Leadership Research Essay Leadership Research Essay Introduction . Leadership is a process of influencing activities of a particular group of people with the aim of attaining certain stipulated goals. In defining leadership there is need to consider a particular group, the common goals and the duties that are allocated to specific members of the group depending on their abilities (Fiedler 1976). Leadership therefore cannot successfully occur unless members of the group are given. Fiedler contingency model , Fred Fiedler , Kurt Lewin 1797 Words | 5 Pages. ?Transformational Leadership : can achieve the goal and develop the organization. Introduction Transformational leadership . theory is one of the most important and widely accepted theories though it has some criticisms and on jesus arguments against it. James MacGregor Burns (1978) gave this new example of leadership ; he stated leadership is either transactional or transformational (Bass and Riggio, 2006, p.3). The leaders who stimulate and motivate followers to achieve the goal and develop their leadership quality. Charisma , Charismatic authority , Leadership 2230 Words | 7 Pages. Leadership and question Systematic Change Essay. Leadership and Systematic Change Essay Stephanie Boxler Grand Canyon University EDA-575 April 24, 2013 . Essays! Leadership and Systematic Change An article about leadership by Forbes magazine sums it up best by saying that leadership is simply “someone who has followers” (Frobes.com, 2013). The school subject is Innovations International Charter School of Nevada (IICSN), and in this facility there is to thesis, only one administrator. This administrator will be referred to as Dr.M throughout this. Education , Grammar school , High school 1553 Words | 4 Pages. scholars the opportunity to review thesis proposal dissect how leadership is developed in question to thesis the military. People can look to the military for guidance on effective . leadership because officers “… are trained for high-stakes positions at a young age and are sometimes thrown into those roles with no warming.” (The Different Ways Military Experience Prepares Managers for Leadership , p. 82) According to Professor Michael Useem author of “Four Lessons in Adaptive Leadership ,” leadership development is best derived from the military. Army , Decision making , Leadership 2101 Words | 6 Pages. Essay on literature review thesis, Leadership and Management. The terms leadership and management are often used interchangeably. While some writers argue that there is a clear distinction between . leadership and management, others argue that leadership is simply a function of question management. Which view do you feel is the most relevant in the context of your industry and why? According to Ricketts (2009) in career essays today’s world effective leadership and management is question, essential in with autism order to question archive success. Terms of leadership and management are being seen as synonyms. Fiedler contingency model , Leader , Leadership 1356 Words | 4 Pages. ?Reflective Essay on Toy Box Leadership (Book by Ron Hunter Jr. Michael Waddell) This essay will present my . views about the with autism, leadership lessons discussed in the book I recently read entitled Toy Box Leadership written by Ron Hunter Jr. and Michael Waddell (2008) as part of my learning reflection on the essential socio-cultural and question to thesis personal competencies discussed in the unit CPD1102. Research On Jesus! The authors used the toys that we as kids love way back to explain leadership principles that are reflected. Creativity , Leadership , Lego 1217 Words | 4 Pages. LEADERSHIP ESSAY By Redemptor Benedict What Does Leadership Mean? What does it mean to be a leader? Is it the . title….President, Chairman, General etc? To me, it’s more than that. Titles are important…no doubt about question, that, but they don’t have much value when it comes to leading. Essay Brother! True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed or assigned. Leadership is not primarily a formal position. There have been great leaders who did not hold high positions—for example, Martin Luther King, Jr. Question! It comes only. Fiedler contingency model , Leadership , Management 1031 Words | 2 Pages. and the MBA program from Concordia University will be the right step for me to build that missing link. Pursuing the MBA degree . would be milestone for me and my family. My parents are retired teachers and have started many unsuccessful business ventures during their careers. My sisters, a Chemical Engineer and an Architect, have both quit their jobs to pursue private businesses and were able to essays achieve some levels of success. To Thesis! However, none have taken the next step of obtaining the MBA degree. Business , Business school , Business schools 1128 Words | 5 Pages. Essay on the meaning of leadership and connection good leadership qualties. Leadership Essay . The meaning of leadership varies amongst people. Leadership can be defined by . Question! many different but similar meanings. Based on reading Chapter One of ' Leadership in Leisure Services: Making a Difference (2nd Ed)', by essays Debra Jordan, Leadership to me is a constant changing process of interactions and situations between members of a group consisting of two or more people. Question! Leadership also consists of a common recognition and understanding of on jesus of nazareth leader-follower roles between all its. Kurt Lewin , Leadership , Leo Tolstoy 520 Words | 4 Pages. ? Effective Leadership Essay Capella University BUS 3050-04 Fundamentals of Organizational Communication . My person of choice of an individual whom I consider to question be an effective leader is the open boat, Mr. Question To Thesis! X. I was hired by tips psychology Mr. X to work as a sales retail clerk at XXX when I was fifteen years old. He was the store manager at that time, and I learned how to be a leader with his guidance. Question! Growing up without a father, Mr. X filled the college essay, place of my father and taught me what it. Communication , Competence , Ethical leadership 900 Words | 5 Pages. Statement: Leadership is an action and not a position Are you an aspiring leader? Do you want to be a part of it? Are you willing to be a . role model? Good communicator? And be a servant leader? This essay is to thesis, all about Leadership . According to Wikipedia and dictionary, Leadership is defined as a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in choice essays the accomplishment of to thesis a common task. The purpose of this essay is to explain further that, Leadership is an action. Fiedler contingency model , Hero , Leadership 1227 Words | 3 Pages. Mba Leadership Strategies for a Changing World. Jennifer Todd Unit 6 MBA Individual Final Project GB600-02NA Leadership Strategies for a Changing World . May 24, 2010 Introduction I interviewed my brother for this project. My brother is the tips for writing psychology paper, Region 5 Coordinator for the Florida Division of Emergency Management, and he is question, being inducted into the position as National Commander for autism the Sons of the question, American Legion. I chose to interview him for the open boat several reasons including his success over the years. I have seen him work. American Legion , Education , Leadership 2344 Words | 7 Pages. Leadership has been an integral virtue of an to thesis individual to the open essays be successful and effective in business, politics, sports or the military. It is . stated by question to thesis Howard (2005) that leadership can be regarded as an ability of an individual to influence a group of people to respond to organisational goals and as a means to enhance others’ performance by forming operative groups, motivating and giving a right direction to to place them. It means that, as far as a business is concerned, achieving an organisational objective. Abolitionism , Abraham Lincoln , American Civil War 1081 Words | 3 Pages. Leading Others (MM1051) Semester 2, 2014-2015 Individual Assignment – “ Leadership Development Essay ” Name: Shirley Chau Student . ID: 14125221D Tutorial class:TUT007 Introduction It’s generally accepted that effective leadership skill is seen as a more and more indispensable qualification at workplace. Leadership development is vital because organizations take on the personality of their leaders. Under an effective leadership , the company can maximize productivity, shape a positive culture and promote. Emotion , Emotional intelligence , Empathy 978 Words | 4 Pages. Leadership This essay will analyze the topic of transformational leadership . The development of the . transformational leadership theory will be illustrated in the beginning. Then, it will put emphasis on question, what kinds of career essays behaviors good transformational leaders should have, and how they motivate their followers. At last, it is question, worth talking about the issue that why might someone resist following a transformational leader. This essay will demonstrate and clarify the discussion of transformational leadership. Fiedler contingency model , Leader , Leadership 1721 Words | 6 Pages. MBA -101: Business Environment Answer any three questions. Each question carries 10 marks each: 1. Explain the internal and external . elements of environment effecting business. OR What is technology? Explain the impact of technology on business 2. Explain the impact of career choice essays Globalization, Privatization Liberalization on Indian economy. OR What is question, Multi National Enterprises? Explain their role in literature proposal India. 3. Explain the importance Small Scale Industries. Question To Thesis! Explain the problems. Change management , Economics , Human resource management 1112 Words | 6 Pages. piece of a puzzle on its own is meaningless. Tips For Writing! But when all the pieces come together, a picture takes shape, and the puzzle makes sense. Question! The same is true in . Tips Psychology Paper! studying leadership . If you try to learn leadership by only looking at a single theory or approach, you only get one piece of the overall picture. To Thesis! That's why Practicing Leadership , Third Edition features contributions from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, management, communications, military science, the quality movement, political. Bankruptcy in the United States , Intelligence , Leadership 632 Words | 4 Pages. Why Mba – How to Write the Career Goals Essay. In this post, we will seek to understand the question which arises in most school applications in some form or the the open essays, other – Why MBA ? How . different schools ask the to thesis, ‘Why MBA ’ question? Look at the following questions from 3 of the top business schools: Wharton: What are your professional objectives? (300 words) HBS: Why do you want an MBA ? (400 words) Stanford: What do you want to essays do – REALLY – and why Stanford? (450 words) Do you sense a trace of similarity here? Even though they. Business school , Goal , Management 1026 Words | 4 Pages. Running head: LEADERSHIP THEORIES AND STYLES Leadership Theories and Styles Shameka L. Evans Indiana . Wesleyan University Abstract Since the servant leadership concept was introduced by Robert K. Question! Greenleaf in 1970, this style has been adopted by many successful leaders in a variety of contexts. College! Is servant leadership style right for you? This paper helps to to thesis answer that question for research many leaders who may be interested in serving others first or in serving rather than being served. Fred Fiedler , Leadership , Management 907 Words | 3 Pages. a counter argument. What are the criticisms and question to thesis arguments against literature thesis proposal, Transformational Leadership ? Identify the sources and clearly articulate the question to thesis, . Thesis! reasoning behind the criticisms. Adopt a position for or against Transformational Leadership and defend your position with argument Introduction This essay is based on question, the Transformational leadership theory and thesis proposal will be referred to as TL throughout this essay . This essay will look into criticisms and arguments against the theory and analyse the reasoning. Charismatic authority , Fiedler contingency model , Leader 2050 Words | 6 Pages. What is the Difference Between Leadership and Management? The discussion between the question, differences of leadership and . management has fuelled an ongoing heated debate. With! In acknowledging the vast differences between leadership and management, the aim of this essay is thus to illustrate these differences whilst displaying that they overlap. I will also explore the effects of their functions on question, organizations and explain that a combination of college brother with autism elements from both leadership and management is the most productive. Control , Difference , Henri Fayol 1204 Words | 5 Pages. “ Leadership cannot be taught or learned” (Drucker, 1955). Critically evaluate this statement. . Peter Drucker as one of the best known writers and management consultants wrote that “ Leadership is of utmost importance. Indeed there is no substitute for it. To Thesis! But leadership cannot be created or promoted. It cannot be taught or learned.” (Drucker, 1955) He held the view that leadership is a talent. Bowdoin Connection To Place Essay! The purpose of this essay is to. Fiedler contingency model , Fred Fiedler , Leadership 1561 Words | 5 Pages. Leadership in Nursing. Definitions, Theories, and Styles of Leadership Developing future nurse leaders is one of the greatest . Question To Thesis! challenges faced by the nursing profession (Mahoney, 2001). Powerful leadership skills are needed by all nurses—those providing direct care to those in top management positions. Anyone who is essay, looked to question to thesis as an authority (e.g., a nurse taking care of a patient) or who is responsible for giving assistance to others is considered a leader (Mahoney, 2001). A clinical nursing. Decision making , Health care , Leadership 1123 Words | 4 Pages. Leadership and Management: a Comparative Essay. debate on the similarities and differences between management and leadership . Weathersby (1999) argued that management is the literature review, allocation of . scarce resources against an organization's objective, the setting of to thesis priorities, the literature review thesis, design of work and the achievement of to thesis results whereas leadership focuses on the creation of a common vision. Schruijer and Vansina (1999) proposed that management is about doing things right and leadership is doing the right things. Both studies appear to literature thesis view the to thesis, management. Leadership , Management , Morality 711 Words | 3 Pages. Topic 1 India is the second most populated country of this world. College Essay Brother Autism! It has its own pros and cons. You need to to thesis express your own views over ‘Family Planning in . India’. Essay 1 Planning is a prerequisite for review proposal solving any problem. To Thesis! Our country, India, is facing an acute problem of increasing population. This problem has its root in the family -level and the solution of this problem lies in family-planning. So, family planning should be mandatory in India. According to the ‘Malthusian Theory’, population. Alcohol , Alcoholic beverage , Economy of the United States 2521 Words | 6 Pages. Management Fundamental Course code: ETHM 4005 Course Instructor: Prof. Nazmul Karim Chowdhury MBA Evening Program Department . Tourism and essays Hospitality Management University of Dhaka Sl. Name ID Phone E-Mail 1 Rakib Hossain 71311076 01676372364 [email protected] 2 Md. To Thesis! Jahedul Haque 71311096 01712501260 [email protected] 3 Shakila Jahan 71311093 [email protected] 4 Nashid Jabeen 71311040 01671637471 [email protected] 5 Md. Jabed Hossain 71311035. Bangladesh , Bangladesh Liberation War , Dhaka 590 Words | 4 Pages. There are some concepts about the open boat, leadership in the world, some people think leaders are born, and some people believe that leaders are made. To Thesis! If . employees believe that leaders are born and career not made, it may be demoralising. Some people may have the question, inherent qualities to become leaders, but they may not have developed their leadership because nobody else has ever noticed potential leadership qualities in college autism them. Leaders move out of comfort zones. When one reflects on question to thesis, whether leaders are born or made. Fiedler contingency model , Leadership , Management 1884 Words | 6 Pages. What is research on jesus of nazareth, Leadership ? It means influencing, motivating and enabling other employees to contribute their best towards the effectiveness and . success of the organization. It’s not only motivating and influencing individual but the goals can only be attained by question mutual cooperation and cohesive behavior. This essay will throw some light on Mr. Career! Sunil Bharti Mittal. He is the Chairman and question to thesis CEO of Bharti enterprises. A Bharti Enterprises is one of the psychology paper, India’s leading business groups like telecom, financial. Bharti Airtel , Leadership , Ludhiana 1796 Words | 4 Pages. focuses on question, the Art of Leadership . In particular, this essay begins by summarizing various approaches to leadership . and for writing psychology research paper other key features and characteristics of effective leaders. Question To Thesis! The remainder of the paper considers which characteristics or approaches to college autism leadership I should adopt in the future and question to thesis why. Additionally, I discuss my career plans and the steps that I must take in order to achieve my goals. The Current Environment of the the open essays, Art of Leadership A leadership approach is a “coherent. Leader , Leadership , Management 897 Words | 3 Pages. An Essay on the paper titled:Transformational Leadership in the Saudi Arabian Cultural Context: Prospects and question Challenges by bowdoin connection Dr. . Sami A. Khan and Dr. Deepanjana Varshney the writers started their research by question stating thatLeadership became the key issue in every organization and in order to meet the changing demands of the connection essay, businesses,organizations have to adopt transformational leader who can in?uence others to achieve greater goals. To Thesis! After that they mentioned the literature point of view on review thesis proposal, leadership. Arabian Peninsula , Leadership , Management 938 Words | 3 Pages. What is leadership ? Leadership can be defined, in various ways, depending on what Area of leadership is been . Question To Thesis! focused on. From a social and psychological point of View, Leadership is said to be a social influence, where leaders use their behaviour to motivate those who follow and contribute to group goals. What is an effective Leader? An effective leader is bowdoin to place essay, one who thinks and acts quickly, understands and demonstrates the elements of teams and team works. This essay will outline the social and to thesis psychological. Big Five personality traits , Fiedler contingency model , Leadership 1425 Words | 4 Pages. 1. INTRODUCTION Leadership is a process by essay autism which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a . way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. This definition is similar to Northouse's (2007, p3) definition “ Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of question individuals to achieve a common goal”. Also many of the authors defined the college essay brother autism, term leadership according to Alan Keith of Genentech stated that, Leadership is ultimately about creating. Contingency theory , Fiedler contingency model , Fred Fiedler 1660 Words | 7 Pages. Essay Josef Ackermann leadership style. ? Portfolio Essay : Final Draft Josef Ackermann (Deutsche Bank/Germany) Using Darling and Leffel’s (2010) framework, this . essay will evaluate on how Josef Ackermann demonstrated his leadership style as a Swiss banker, the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Deutsche Bank and Chairman of to thesis Zurich Insurance. As defined by Peter Northouse (2001), leadership is a process, in which an individual influences a group to achieve a common goal. The Open Essays! And to achieve that goal, a visionary leader should. Bank , Deutsche Bank , Financial services 1261 Words | 4 Pages. Applying Leadership Theories Essay. The Importance of Leadership Styles Jennifer Sanchez Grand Canyon University – EDA 575 May 15, 2013 The following paper analyzes the question to thesis, . For Writing Psychology Research Paper! leadership styles of a principal in an urban school district. The three leadership styles discussed are directive, affiliative, and collaborative. Each of these styles has been utilize to create an environment which is effective and conducive for a quality education. The Importance of Leadership Styles The school I have chosen as the to thesis, subject to my research. High school , Leadership , Management 1043 Words | 3 Pages. Academic Essay - Level 5 Leadership. ? Academic Essay – Level 5 Leadership Megan Palmer Centenary College Academic Essay – Level 5 . Leadership “The 5 is ambitious first and foremost for for writing psychology the cause, for question to thesis the company, for the work, not him or herself. And they have the will to do whatever is necessary to make good of the ambition for that cause. That is the essence of a Level 5,” Collins stated in a television interview to research on jesus of nazareth Charlie Rose in 2002 while promoting his then newly published book, Good to Great. About Jim Collins . Company , Form of the Good , Harvard Business School 1274 Words | 8 Pages. leadership Great leadership is to thesis, a rare skill. It is research, much more rare than most people realize. For most people it doesn't come . naturally. It is amazing how many organizations are successful even though they have only marginally competent people leading them. Many times this is because the to thesis, structure of the organization helps make up for a leaders short comings. Sometimes it is because a particularly talented staff that makes up for the leaders deficiencies. While great leadership skills can make someone. Fiedler contingency model , Leadership , Management 1389 Words | 4 Pages. Get MBA Essay Editing Service by Professional Editors Business schools essays are the yardsticks to review assess the, . level of confidence in you. MBA education is question, more of research on jesus a case studies and experience oriented learning experience rather than gaining bookish knowledge. So it requires its students to add immense value to the classroom. For this reason, you should portray yourself as a person who knows what you want and who can gainfully contribute something tangible and unique to to thesis the classroom. You should. Business school , Editing , Essay 643 Words | 2 Pages. Write my Paper for Cheap in High Quality - Thesis statements/Research questions | RRU Library The 35 Greatest Speeches in History. There was not currently a resource on the web to my liking that offered the to thesis man who wished to study the greatest orations of all time-from ancient to modern-not only a list of the speeches but a link to the text and a paragraph outlining the context in which the research on jesus speech was given. So we decided to create one ourselves. The Art of Manliness thus proudly presents the “35 Greatest Speeches in question World History,” the finest library of speeches available on the web. These famous speeches lifted hearts in tips psychology paper dark times, gave hope in despair, refined the characters of men, inspired brave feats, gave courage to the weary, honored the dead, and question changed the course of tips for writing psychology paper, history. It is my desire that this library will become a lasting resource not only to those who wish to become great orators, but to to thesis all men who wisely seek out the great mentors of history as guides on the path to virtuous manhood. I know that readers of literature review thesis, blogs are often more likely to skim than to read in-depth. But I challenge you, gentlemen, to attempt a program of study in to thesis which you read the entirety of one of these great speeches each and every day. I found the process of compiling and research of nazareth reading these speeches to be enormously inspiring and edifying, and I feel confident that you will find them equally so. How did we compile this list? Great oratory has three components: style, substance, and impact. Style: A great speech must be masterfully constructed. The best orators are masters of question, both the written and spoken word, and use words to create texts that are beautiful to both hear and read. Substance: A speech may be flowery and charismatically presented, and yet lack any true substance at all. Great oratory must center on a worthy theme; it must appeal to and inspire the literature review thesis audience’s finest values and ideals. Impact: Great oratory always seeks to persuade the audience of some fact or idea. The very best speeches change hearts and minds and seem as revelatory several decades or centuries removed as when they were first given. And now for the speeches. Theodore Roosevelt , “Duties of American Citizenship” Given while serving as a New York assemblyman, TR’s address on the “Duties of American Citizenship” delved into both the question to thesis theoretical reasons why every man should be involved in research on jesus politics and the practical means of serving in that capacity. Roosevelt chided those who excused themselves from politics because they were too busy; it was every man’s duty to devote some time to to thesis maintaining good government. Of course, in one sense, the first essential for a man’s being a good citizen is research on jesus his possession of the question to thesis home virtues of which we think when we call a man by connection to place essay the emphatic adjective of manly. No man can be a good citizen who is not a good husband and question a good father, who is choice essays not honest in his dealings with other men and women, faithful to his friends and question fearless in the presence of his foes, who has not got a sound heart, a sound mind, and a sound body; exactly as no amount of attention to civil duties will save a nation if the domestic life is undermined, or there is lack of the rude military virtues which alone can assure a country’s position in the world. In a free republic the of nazareth ideal citizen must be one willing and able to question to thesis take arms for the defense of the bowdoin connection to place flag, exactly as the ideal citizen must be the father of to thesis, many healthy children. A race must be strong and vigorous; it must be a race of good fighters and good breeders, else its wisdom will come to naught and its virtue be ineffective; and career no sweetness and delicacy, no love for to thesis, and appreciation of beauty in art or literature, no capacity for building up material prosperity can possibly atone for the lack of the great virile virtues. But this is aside from my subject, for what I wish to talk of is the attitude of the American citizen in civic life. It ought to for writing paper be axiomatic in this country that every man must devote a reasonable share of his time to question doing his duty in the Political life of the community. No man has a right to shirk his political duties under whatever plea of pleasure or business; and bowdoin essay while such shirking may be pardoned in those of small cleans it is entirely unpardonable in question to thesis those among whom it is most common–in the people whose circumstances give them freedom in tips for writing paper the struggle for life. In so far as the question to thesis community grows to think rightly, it will likewise grow to regard the college essay autism young man of means who shirks his duty to the State in time of peace as being only question to thesis one degree worse than the man who thus shirks it in time of war. College Essay Brother Autism. A great many of our men in business, or of our young men who are bent on enjoying life (as they have a perfect right to do if only they do not sacrifice other things to enjoyment), rather plume themselves upon being good citizens if they even vote; yet voting is the very least of their duties, Nothing worth gaining is to thesis ever gained without effort. You can no more have freedom without striving and suffering for it than you can win success as a banker or a lawyer without labor and effort, without self-denial in youth and the display of a ready and alert intelligence in middle age. The people who say that they have not time to attend to politics are simply saying that they are unfit to live in a free community. Read full text of speech here. Winston Churchill, “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” Winston Churchill, one of the greatest orators of the 20th century, was interestingly enough, like Demosthenes and literature review other great orators before him, born with a speech impediment which he worked on until it no longer hindered him. One would never guess this from question to thesis hearing Churchill’s strong and reassuring voice, a voice that would buoy up Britain during some of her darkest hours. During the essays Battle of France, Allied Forces became cut off from troops south of the German penetration and perilously trapped at the Dunkirk bridgehead. On May 26, a wholesale evacuation of these troops, dubbed “Operation Dynamo,” began. The evacuation was an question, amazing effort-the RAF kept the Luftwaffe at essay brother with autism bay while thousands of question, ships, from military destroyers to small fishing boats, were used to ferry 338,000 French and British troops to safety, far more than anyone had thought possible. On June 4, Churchill spoke before the House of essays, Commons, giving a report which celebrated the “miraculous deliverance” at Dunkirk, while also seeking to question temper a too rosy of view of what was on the whole a “colossal military disaster.” I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone. At any rate, that is what we are going to bowdoin try to question to thesis do. That is the resolve of His Majesty’s Government-every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation. The British Empire and thesis the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength. Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on question, to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on essay with autism, the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in question the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of thesis proposal, it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on to thesis, the struggle, until, in bowdoin connection to place essay God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the question old. Read full text of speech here. Lou Gehrig, “Farewell to Baseball Address” July 4, 1939; Yankee Stadium. It seemed as if the luminous career of choice, Lou Gehrig would go on forever. The Yankee’s first baseman and prodigious slugger was nicknamed the Iron Horse for his durability and commitment to the game. Sadly, his record for to thesis, suiting up for 2,130 consecutive games came to an end when at choice essays age 36, Gehrig was stricken with the crippling disease that now bears his name. On July 4, 1939, the Yankees held a ceremony to honor their teammate and friend. They retired Gehrig’s number, spoke of to thesis, his greatness, and bowdoin to place essay presented him with various gifts, plaques, and trophies. Question To Thesis. When Gehrig finally addressed the crowd, he did not use the opportunity to wallow in tips pity. Instead, he spoke of the question to thesis things he was grateful for and what a lucky guy he was. Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about a bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on psychology paper, the face of the earth. I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans. Look at these grand men. Which of you wouldn’t consider it the highlight of his career to associate with them for even one day? Sure, I’m lucky. Who wouldn’t consider it an honor to have known Jacob Ruppert – also the builder of baseball’s greatest empire, Ed Barrow – to question to thesis have spent the next nine years with that wonderful little fellow Miller Huggins – then to have spent the next nine years with that outstanding leader, that smart student of psychology – the bowdoin to place essay best manager in baseball today, Joe McCarthy! Sure, I’m lucky. When the New York Giants, a team you would give your right arm to beat, and vice versa, sends you a gift, that’s something! When everybody down to the groundskeepers and those boys in white coats remember you with trophies, that’s something. When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in squabbles against her own daughter, that’s something. When you have a father and mother who work all their lives so that you can have an education and build your body, it’s a blessing! When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed, that’s the finest I know. So I close in saying that I might have had a tough break – but I have an awful lot to question live for! Demosthenes, master statesman and boat orator, loved his city-state of Athens. He cherished its way of life and abundant freedoms. To Thesis. And he believed in standing strong against anyone who might attempt to infringe on these privileges. This passion, unfortunately, was seldom shared by his fellow Athenians. While Philip the II of Macedon made bolder and research bolder incursions into the Greek peninsula, the Athenian people seemed stuck in an apathetic stupor. For years, Demosthenes employed his powerful oratorical skills in attempts to awaken his fellow citizens from question sleep to the realization of the imminent danger Philip posed. When Philip advanced on Thrace, the Athenians called an assembly to debate whether or not to finally heed the great orator’s advice. Demosthenes was sick of his brethren taking liberty and the Athenian way of life for granted and research of nazareth he boldly called upon them to rise up and take action. To Thesis. After his rousing speech, the assembly all cried out, “To arms! To arms!” It is this fate, I solemnly assure you, that I dread for you, when the connection to place time comes that you make your reckoning, and question realize that there is no longer anything that can be done. May you never find yourselves, men of essay brother with, Athens, in to thesis such a position! Yet in any case, it were better to die ten thousand deaths, than to do anything out of servility towards Philip [or to sacrifice any of those who speak for your good]. A noble recompense did the people in of nazareth Oreus receive, for entrusting themselves to Philip’s friends, and thrusting Euphraeus aside! And a noble recompense the to thesis democracy of Eretria, for driving away your envoys, and surrendering to paper Cleitarchus! They are slaves, scourged and question butchered! A noble clemency did he show to the Olynthians, who elected Lasthenes to essay autism command the question to thesis cavalry, and banished Apollonides! It is folly, and it is cowardice, to cherish hopes like these, to college essay brother with give way to to thesis evil counsels, to refuse to do anything that you should do, to listen to the advocates of the enemy’s cause, and to fancy that you dwell in so great a city that, whatever happens, you will not suffer any harm. Read full text of speech here. October 5, 1877; Montana Territory. In 1877, the military announced that the to place essay Chief Joseph and his tribe of Nez Perce had to question move onto a reservation in Idaho or face retribution. Desiring to avoid violence, Chief Joseph advocated peace and brother with cooperation. But fellow tribesmen dissented and killed four white men. Knowing a swift backlash was coming, Joseph and to thesis his people began to make their way to Canada, hoping to find amnesty there. The tribe traveled 1700 miles, fighting the pursuing US army along the way. In dire conditions, and after a five day battle, Chief Joseph surrendered to General Nelson A. Connection Essay. Miles on question to thesis, Oct. 5, 1877 in the Bear Paw Mountains of Montana Territory, a mere 40 miles from the Canadian border. The Chief knew he was the last of a dying breed, and the moment of surrender was heartbreaking. Tell General Howard I know his heart. What he told me before, I have it in my heart. I am tired of fighting. Our Chiefs are killed; Looking Glass is dead, Ta Hool Hool Shute is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the choice young men who say yes or no. Question. He who led on the young men is dead. It is literature review cold, and we have no blankets; the little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to question to thesis the hills, and have no blankets, no food. Review Proposal. No one knows where they are – perhaps freezing to death. I want to question have time to look for my children, and see how many of them I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the on jesus of nazareth dead. Question. Hear me, my Chiefs! I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. Literature Review. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever. John F. Kennedy, “Inauguration Address” January 20, 1961; Washington, D.C. Young, handsome, with a glamorous family in tow, John F. Kennedy embodied the question to thesis fresh optimism that had marked the post-war decade. On January 20, 1961, Kennedy took the oath of office as the literature thesis proposal 35th President of the United States. Question To Thesis. The youngest president in United States history, he was the first man born in the 20th century to the open essays hold that office. Listening to his inaugural address, the nation felt that a new era and a “new frontier” were being ushered in. Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for question, all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort? In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in career its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility — I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it — and the glow from question to thesis that fire can truly light the world. And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. Read full text of choice, speech here. Ronald Reagan, “Address to the Nation on the Challenger” January 28, 1986; Washington, D.C. On January 28, 1986, millions of Americans, many of them schoolchildren watching from their classroom desks, tuned in to see 7 Americans, including Christa McAuliffe, a 37 year old schoolteacher and the first ever “civilian astronaut,” lift off in the space shuttle Challenger. Just 73 seconds later, the shuttle was consumed in a fireball. All seven aboard perished. These were the first deaths of American astronauts while in flight, and the nation was shocked and heartbroken by the tragedy. Question. Just a few hours after the disaster, President Ronald Reagan took to the radio and airwaves, honoring these “pioneers” and offering comfort and assurance to a rattled people. We’ve grown used to wonders in this century. It’s hard to dazzle us. But for 25 years the United States space program has been doing just that. We’ve grown used to the idea of space, and perhaps we forget that we’ve only just begun. We’re still pioneers. They, the members of the Challenger crew, were pioneers. And I want to say something to essay brother the school children of America who were watching the live coverage of the shuttle’s takeoff. I know it is hard to understand, but sometimes painful things like this happen. It’s all part of the process of exploration and question discovery. It’s all part of taking a chance and expanding man’s horizons. The future doesn’t belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. On Jesus Of Nazareth. The Challenger crew was pulling us into question, the future, and we’ll continue to follow them…… The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honoured us by the open boat essays the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for the journey and waved goodbye and ‘slipped the surly bonds of earth’ to ‘touch the face of God.’ Read full text of speech here. In 335 B.C., Alexander the Great began his campaign to recapture former Greek cities and to expand his empire. After ten years of undefeated battles, Alexander controlled an to thesis, empire that included Greece, Egypt, and what had been the massive Persian Empire. That wasn’t enough for Xander. He decided to continue his conquest into the open boat, India. But after ten years of question to thesis, fighting and being away from home, his men lacked the will to take part in research another battle, especially against an opponent like King Porus and his army. Alexander used the talent for oration he had developed while studying under Aristotle to infuse his men with the motivation they needed to continue on, to fight and to win. I could not have blamed you for being the first to lose heart if I, your commander, had not shared in your exhausting marches and your perilous campaigns; it would have been natural enough if you had done all the question to thesis work merely for others to reap the boat essays reward. But it is not so. You and question I, gentlemen, have shared the labour and shared the danger, and the rewards are for research of nazareth, us all. The conquered territory belongs to to thesis you; from your ranks the college essay autism governors of it are chosen; already the greater part of its treasure passes into your hands, and question to thesis when all Asia is overrun, then indeed I will go further than the connection essay mere satisfaction of our ambitions: the question to thesis utmost hopes of riches or power which each one of essays, you cherishes will be far surpassed, and whoever wishes to return home will be allowed to go, either with me or without me. I will make those who stay the envy of to thesis, those who return. William Wilberforce, “Abolition Speech” May 12, 1789; House of connection essay, Commons, London. When William Wilberforce, a member of the British Parliament, converted to Christianity, he began to earnestly seek to reform the evils he found within himself and the world around him. One of the glaring moral issues of the day was slavery, and after reading up on question, the subject and meeting with anti-slavery activists, Wilberforce became convinced that God was calling him to be an abolitionist. Wilberforce decided to concentrate on ending the slave trade rather than slavery itself, reasoning that the abolition of one would logically lead to the demise of the other. On May 12, 1789, Wilberforce made his first speech on tips for writing psychology paper, the abolition of the slave trade before the to thesis House of Commons. Essays. He passionately made his case for why the trade was reprehensible and question to thesis needed to cease. Wilberforce introduced a bill to abolish the trade, but it failed, a result he would become quite familiar with in the ensuing years. Connection. Yet Wilberforce never gave up, reintroducing the bill year after year, and the Slave Trade Act was finally passed in 1807. When I consider the magnitude of the question to thesis subject which I am to bring before the House-a subject, in essays which the interests, not of this country, nor of Europe alone, but of the whole world, and of posterity, are involved: and when I think, at the same time, on the weakness of the advocate who has undertaken this great cause-when these reflections press upon to thesis my mind, it is impossible for research on jesus, me not to feel both terrified and to thesis concerned at my own inadequacy to review thesis such a task. But when I reflect, however, on the encouragement which I have had, through the whole course of a long and laborious examination of this question, and how much candour I have experienced, and how conviction has increased within my own mind, in proportion as I have advanced in my labours;-when I reflect, especially, that however averse any gentleman may now be, yet we shall all be of one opinion in the end;-when I turn myself to to thesis these thoughts, I take courage-I determine to paper forget all my other fears, and I march forward with a firmer step in the full assurance that my cause will bear me out, and that I shall be able to justify upon the clearest principles, every resolution in to thesis my hand, the avowed end of which is, the total abolition of the slave trade. Read full text of speech here. Theodore Roosevelt, “The Man with the Muck-rake” Theodore Roosevelt was president during the Progressive Era, a time of to place, great enthusiasm for reform in government, the economy, and question society. TR himself held many progressive ideals, but he also called for moderation, not extremism. The “Man with a Muck-rake” in Pilgrim’s Progress never looked heavenward but instead constantly raked the filth at his feet. TR thus dubbed the journalists and activists of the day who were intent on exposing the corruption in society as “muckrakers.” He felt that they did a tremendous amount of good, but needed to mitigate their constant pessimism and alarmist tone. He worried that the sensationalism with which these exposes were often presented would make citizens overly cynical and too prone to throw out the baby with the bathwater. To assail the great and admitted evils of our political and industrial life with such crude and sweeping generalizations as to essay brother autism include decent men in the general condemnation means the searing of the question to thesis public conscience. There results a general attitude either of cynical belief in and indifference to public corruption or else of a distrustful inability to discriminate between the good and the bad. Bowdoin Connection. Either attitude is fraught with untold damage to the country as a whole. The fool who has not sense to discriminate between what is question good and what is bad is tips paper well-nigh as dangerous as the to thesis man who does discriminate and yet chooses the bad. There is nothing more distressing to on jesus of nazareth every good patriot, to every good American, than the hard, scoffing spirit which treats the allegation of dishonesty in a public man as a cause for laughter. Such laughter is to thesis worse than the crackling of thorns under a pot, for it denotes not merely the vacant mind, but the heart in which high emotions have been choked before they could grow to fruition. Read full text of speech here. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, “First Inaugural Address” March 4, 1933; Washington, D.C. Franklin Delano Roosevelt handily beat incumbent Herbert Hoover in the 1932 presidential election. The country was deep into the Great Depression, and the public felt that Hoover did not fully sympathize with their plight and essay brother with autism was not doing enough to alleviate it. No one was quite clear on what FDR’s plan was, but as in today’s election season, “change” was enough of an idea to power a campaign. In his First Inaugural Address, Roosevelt sought to buoy up the injured psyche of the American people and present his case for question to thesis, why he would need broad executive powers to tackle the Depression. I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into on jesus, the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our Nation impels. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in to thesis our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is tips research paper essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. Read the full text here. Charles de Gaulle, “The Appeal of 18 June” In June of 1940, it was clear that France was losing their country to the German invasion. Question To Thesis. Refusing to sign an armistice, Prime Minister Paul Reynaud was forced to resign. He was succeeded by Marshal Philippe Petain who made clear his intention to seek an accommodation with Germany. Disgusted with this decision, General Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free French Forces, escaped to England on June 15. The Open Boat. De Gaulle asked for, and obtained permission from Winston Churchill to make a speech on BBC radio. De Gaulle exhorted the question to thesis French to not give up hope and to continue the fight against the German occupation and the Vichy Regime. But has the last word been said? Must hope disappear? Is defeat final? No! Believe me, I who am speaking to you with full knowledge of the facts, and who tell you that nothing is lost for literature, France. The same means that overcame us can bring us victory one day. For France is not alone! She is not alone! She is not alone! She has a vast Empire behind her. She can align with the to thesis British Empire that holds the sea and continues the fight. She can, like England, use without limit the immense industry of the United States. This war is connection not limited to the unfortunate territory of question, our country. Thesis. This war is question not over as a result of the Battle of France. This war is college essay autism a worldwide war. All the mistakes, all the to thesis delays, all the suffering, do not alter the fact that there are, in the world, all the means necessary to college autism crush our enemies one day. Vanquished today by mechanical force, in the future we will be able to overcome by a superior mechanical force. The fate of the world depends on it. Read full text of speech here. Socrates is perhaps the question to thesis greatest teacher in the history of the Western world. He wandered around Athens engaging in dialogues with his fellow citizens that focused on discovering the truth of all things. He taught his pupils that the “unexamined life is not worth living.” The Athenians saw Socrates as a threat, especially to the Athenian youth. Socrates acquired quite a following among the young men of research on jesus, Athens. He taught these impressionable minds to question everything, even Athenian authority. Eventually, Socrates was arrested and put on trial for corrupting the youth, not believing the gods, and creating new deities. The “Apology” is Socrates’ defense to these charges. Instead of crying and pleading for mercy, Socrates accepts his charges and attempts to persuade the jury with reason. To Thesis. He argued that it was his calling from the gods to seek knowledge and that it was through his questions he uncovered truth. To not fulfill his calling would be blasphemy. In the end, Socrates lost and was sentenced to death by hemlock. Socrates accepted this fate willingly and without grudge against his condemners, thus dying as a martyr for free thinking. Some one will say: Yes, Socrates, but cannot you hold your tongue, and research on jesus then you may go into a foreign city, and no one will interfere with you? Now I have great difficulty in making you understand my answer to this. For if I tell you that to do as you say would be a disobedience to the God, and therefore that I cannot hold my tongue, you will not believe that I am serious; and if I say again that daily to discourse about virtue, and of those other things about which you hear me examining myself and to thesis others, is the greatest good of man, and that the unexamined life is not worth living, you are still less likely to believe me. George Washington, “Resignation Speech” December 23, 1784; Annapolis, Maryland. As the Revolutionary War drew to a close, there was much speculation that George Washington, then Major General and boat essays Commander-in-Chief, would follow in the footsteps of former world leaders by making a grab for supreme power. Some even wished he would do so, hoping he would become the king of question, a new nation. The Open Boat Essays. Yet Washington knew that such a move would wither the fragile beginnings of the new republic. Looking to the Roman general Cincinnatus an exemplar, Washington rejected the temptations of power and resigned his position as Commander-in-Chief. Choosing the right is almost never easy, and as Washington read his speech in front of the Continental Congress, the great statesman trembled so much that he had to hold the parchment with two hands to to thesis keep it steady. “The spectators all wept, and there was hardly a member of Congress who did not drop tears. His voice faltered and sunk, and the whole house felt his agitations.” When finished, Washington bolted from the door of the Annapolis State House, mounted his horse, and galloped away into the sunset. While I repeat my obligations. to the Army in general, I should do injustice to my own feelings not to acknowledge in this place the peculiar Services and to place essay distinguished merits of the Gentlemen who have been attached to my person during the War. It was impossible the choice of confidential Officers to question to thesis compose my family should have been more fortunate. Permit me Sir, to recommend in particular those, who have continued in Service to the present moment, as worthy of the favorable notice and patronage of Congress. I consider it an indispensable duty to close this last solemn act of my Official life, by with commending the Interests of our dearest Country to the protection of Almighty God, and those who have the superintendence of them, to question to thesis his holy keeping. Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theater of Action; and boat essays bidding an question, Affectionate farewell to this August body under whose orders I have so long acted, I here offer my Commission, and take my leave of connection essay, all the employments of public life. Read the full text here. August 8, 1942; India. While the battle for freedom and democracy raged across the world, the people of question to thesis, India were engaged in review thesis proposal their own fight for liberty. For almost a century, India had been under the question to thesis direct rule of the British crown, and many Indians had had enough. Mahatma Gandhi and the National Indian Congress pushed for a completely non-violent movement aimed at forcing Britain to proposal “Quit India.” Gandhi, pioneer of the tactics of non-violent civil disobedience, called for their use on August 8, 1942 with the passing of the Quit India Resolution demanding complete independence from question to thesis British rule. I believe that in the history of the world, there has not been a more genuinely democratic struggle for freedom than ours. I read Carlyle’s French Resolution while I was in review thesis proposal prison, and Pandit Jawaharlal has told me something about the Russian revolution. But it is my conviction that inasmuch as these struggles were fought with the question to thesis weapon of research on jesus of nazareth, violence they failed to question to thesis realize the democratic ideal. In the democracy which I have envisaged, a democracy established by non-violence, there will be equal freedom for for writing research, all. Everybody will be his own master. To Thesis. It is to literature join a struggle for such democracy that I invite you today. Question To Thesis. Once you realize this you will forget the differences between the Hindus and Muslims, and think of tips psychology paper, yourselves as Indians only, engaged in the common struggle for independence. Read full text of speech here. Winston Churchill, “Their Finest Hour” June 18, 1940; House of Commons, London. On May 10, 1940, the Germans began their invasion of France. To Thesis. On June 14 Paris fell. In a matter of days, France would surrender and bowdoin England would stand as Europe’s lone bulwark against the twin evils of Fascism and Nazism. At this critical moment, Churchill gave his third and final speech during the Battle of France, once again imparting words meant to bring hope in this dark hour. What General Weygand called the question to thesis Battle of boat essays, France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. To Thesis. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in tips for writing psychology paper this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into question to thesis, the abyss of connection essay, a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the question to thesis British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour.’ Read full text of speech here. William Faulkner, “Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech” December 10, 1950; Stockholm, Sweden. A true master of the written word, William Faulkner did not often make public his gift for tips, the spoken variety. So there was some interest as to what he would say when accepting the Nobel Peace Prize for question to thesis, his “powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel.” The year was 1950, the Soviet Union had tapped the potential of the atomic bomb, and bowdoin connection the atmosphere in the the United States crackled with the question to thesis fear of them using it. Faulkner challenged poets, authors, and all mankind to think beyond the questions of “When will I be blown up?” and instead continue to “create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before.” I decline to accept the end of man. It is easy enough to say that man is immortal because he will endure: that when the last ding-dong of doom has clanged and faded from the brother last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking. I refuse to accept this. I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an to thesis, inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet’s, the writer’s, duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and essay brother autism hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet’s voice need not merely be the record of question, man, it can be one of the props, the career choice pillars to help him endure and prevail. Read full text of speech here. Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Farewell Address” January 17, 1961; Washington, D.C. The 1950’s were a time of ever increasing military spending, as the question to thesis United States sought to research on jesus of nazareth fight communism abroad and prevent it at home. As President Dwight D. Eisenhower left office, more than half of the federal budget was allocated for defense purposes. Eisenhower, former General of the Army, was certainly not opposed to the use of military power to keep the peace. Still, he saw fit to use his “Farewell Address” to warn the nation of the dangers posed by the “military-industrial complex,” referring to to thesis the relationship between the armed forces, the government, and the suppliers of proposal, war materials. Eisenhower was wary of the large role defense spending played in the economy, and understood the political and corporate corruption that could result if the public was not vigilant in checking it. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of question to thesis, misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. Read full text of speech here. Marcus Tullius Cicero, “The First Oration Against Catiline” Lucius Sergius Catilina (Catiline to his friends) was a very jealous man. Having once run against Cicero for the position of consul and research on jesus lost, he became determined to win the next election by any devious method necessary. Plan A was to question to thesis bribe people to vote for him, and when that didn’t work, he decided to go for bust and simply knock Cicero off on election day. This plan was ferreted out by the ever vigilant Cicero, the election was postponed, and the Senate established marital law. When the election finally was held, the murderer-cum-candidate was surprisingly trounced at the polls. Now it was time for Catiline’s Plan C: raise an army of with, co-conspirators, create insurrection throughout Italy, overthrow the government, and slice and to thesis dice as many Senators as they could get their coo -ky hands on. Thesis Proposal. But Cicero was again one step ahead and discovered the plan. He called the Senate together for a meeting at the Temple of Jupiter in the Capitol, an orifice only question used in times of great crisis. Catiline, who seriously didn’t know when he was not welcome, decided to crash the party. With his archenemy in attendance, Cicero began his Catiline Orations, a series of speeches covering how he saved Rome from research on jesus rebellion, the guilt of Catiline, and to thesis the need to whack he and his cronies. I wish, O conscript fathers, to be merciful; I wish not to appear negligent amid such danger to the state; but I do now accuse myself of connection, remissness and culpable inactivity. A camp is pitched in Italy, at the entrance of to thesis, Etruria, in hostility to the republic; the number of the enemy increases every day; and yet the general of that camp, the leader of those enemies, we see within the walls-aye, and choice even in the senate-planning every day some internal injury to the republic. If, O Catiline, I should now order you to be arrested, to be put to death, I should, I suppose, have to fear lest all good men should say that I had acted tardily, rather than that any one should affirm that I acted cruelly. But yet this, which ought to have been done long since, I have good reason for not doing as yet; I will put you to death, then, when there shall be not one person possible to be found so wicked, so abandoned, so like yourself, as not to allow that it has been rightly done. As long as one person exists who can dare to defend you, you shall live; but you shall live as you do now, surrounded by my many and trusty guards, so that you shall not be able to stir one finger against the republic; many eyes and ears shall still observe and watch you, as they have hitherto done, tho you shall not perceive them. Read full text of speech here. Ronald Reagan, “Remarks at question the Brandenburg Gate” June 12, 1987; Brandenburg Gate, Berlin. Since the end of World War II, Germany had been a divided country, the West free and democratic, the tips for writing psychology paper East under authoritarian communist control. When President Reagan took office, he was committed not only to uniting that country, but to bringing down the entire “Evil Empire.” While the importance of Reagan’s role in question successfully doing so is endlessly debated, it beyond dispute that he exerted some influence in bringing the Cold War to an end. There is career essays no more memorable and symbolic moment of this influence then when Reagan stood at the Berlin wall, the question to thesis most visible symbol of the “Iron Curtain,” and challenged Gorbachev to “tear down this wall!” We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only bowdoin connection to place strengthen the cause of world peace. There is question to thesis one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Read full text of speech here. Pericles, master statesman, orator, and general, was truly, as Thuciydies dubbed him, “the first citizen of Athens.” Pericles was a product of the Sophists and had been personally tutored by the great philosopher Anaxagoras. His study with the Sophists made Pericles a highly persuasive orator. Through his speeches, he galvanized Athenians to undertake an enormous public works project that created hundreds of temples, including the Pantheon. Pericles’ gift of oration was put to the test during the epic battles of the Peloponnesian War, a civil war between Athens and Sparta. His speeches inspired Athenians to fight to become the number one power in Greece. In February of 431 B.C., Athens had their annual public funeral to career essays honor all those who died in war. Pericles was asked to give the traditional funeral oration. Rather than focus his speech on enumerating the conquests of Athens’ fallen heroes, Pericles instead used his funeral oration to laud the glory of to thesis, Athens itself and inspire the essays living to make sure the soldiers had not died in vain. Over 2,000 years later, Pericles’ funeral oration inspired Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address.” Like Pericles, Lincoln was a leader during a time of civil war. To Thesis. Like Pericles, Lincoln focused on exhorting the on jesus living to live their lives in question to thesis a way that would make the bowdoin connection to place essay sacrifice of fallen warriors worthwhile. So died these men as became Athenians. You, their survivors, must determine to have as unfaltering a resolution in the field, though you may pray that it may have a happier issue. And not contented with ideas derived only from words of the advantages which are bound up with the defense of your country, though these would furnish a valuable text to a speaker even before an audience so alive to them as the question to thesis present, you must yourselves realize the power of Athens, and feed your eyes upon literature review her from day to day, till love of her fills your hearts; and then, when all her greatness shall break upon you, you must reflect that it was by courage, sense of duty, and a keen feeling of honor in action that men were enabled to win all this, and that no personal failure in an enterprise could make them consent to to thesis deprive their country of their valor, but they laid it at her feet as the most glorious contribution that they could offer. Read the full text here. General Douglas MacArthur, “Farewell Address to Congress” April 19, 1951, Washington; D.C. During the Korean War, General MacArthur and President Truman clashed over the threat posed by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and their incursion into Korea. MacArthur continually pressed Truman for essay brother with, permission to bomb bases in Manchuria, believing the war needed to be extended in area and scope. Truman refused the General’s requests, arguing that directly drawing China into question to thesis, the war would arouse the Soviet Union to action. MacArthur continued to press his case, and on jesus of nazareth Truman, accusing the General of insubordination, made the decision to relieve MacArthur of his command. After serving for 52 years and in three wars, the General’s military career was over. MacArthur returned to the United States and gave this farewell address to question Congress. I am closing my 52 years of career essays, military service. When I joined the Army, even before the turn of the question to thesis century, it was the fulfillment of all of tips for writing, my boyish hopes and dreams. The world has turned over question to thesis, many times since I took the oath on theplain at West Point, and the hopes and dreams have long since vanished, but I still remember the refrain of one of the most popular barrack ballads of tips research, that day which proclaimed most proudly that “old soldiers never die; they just fade away.” And like the to thesis old soldier of that ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty. Read full text of speech here. Theodore Roosevelt, “Strength and Decency” Roosevelt was an advocate of having many children and making sure the choice essays next generation would continue to uphold the great virtues of civilization. Question To Thesis. He was always concerned that young men not be coddled or cowardly, and grow up to live rugged, strenuous, and thoroughly manly lives. But he also strongly believed that being ruggedly manly and being refined in mind and spirit were not incompatible and literature review proposal should in question to thesis fact go hand and hand. In this speech, he exhorts young men to pursue virtuous manliness. The Open. Amen, brother, amen. It is question peculiarly incumbent upon you who have strength to set a right example to college brother others. I ask you to remember that you cannot retain your self-respect if you are loose and foul of question, tongue, that a man who is to lead a clean and honorable life must inevitably suffer if his speech likewise is not clean and review thesis proposal honorable. Every man here knows the to thesis temptations that beset all of us in this world. At times any man will slip. I do not expect perfection, but I do expect genuine and sincere effort toward being decent and cleanly in thought, in word, and in deed. As I said at the outset, I hail the work of this society as typifying one of those forces which tend to research on jesus of nazareth the betterment and uplifting of our social system. Our whole effort should be toward securing a combination of the to thesis strong qualities with those qualities which we term virtues. Research On Jesus. I expect you to question to thesis be strong. I would not respect you if you were not. I do not want to see Christianity professed only by weaklings; I want to see it a moving spirit among men of strength. I do not expect you to lose one particle of your strength or courage by being decent. On the contrary, I should hope to see each man who is a member of this society, from his membership in it become all the fitter to do the rough work of the world; all the fitter to work in tips research paper time of question to thesis, peace; and if, which may Heaven forfend, war should come, all the fitter to fight in time of war. I desire to see in this country the decent men strong and the strong men decent, and until we get that combination in essay pretty good shape we are not going to be by any means as successful as we should be. There is question always a tendency among very young men and among boys who are not quite young men as yet to think that to be wicked is college brother with rather smart; to think it shows that they are men. Oh, how often you see some young fellow who boasts that he is going to “see life,” meaning by to thesis that that he is going to see that part of life which it is a thousandfold better should remain unseen! Read full text of speech here. Abraham Lincoln, “2nd Inaugural Address” March 4, 1865; Washington, D.C. The Union’s victory was but a month away as Abraham Lincoln began his second term as president of on jesus of nazareth, a bitterly ruptured United States. Question To Thesis. Like the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln keeps this speech only as long as needful. While there are those who still debate whether the Civil War was truly fought over slavery or not, Lincoln certainly believed so. To him, slavery was a great national sin, and the blood shed during the war was the atoning sacrifice for research on jesus of nazareth, that evil. He does not relish the prospect of coming victory; instead, he appeals to his countrymen to remember that the war was truly fought between brothers. Question. When the war was over and the Confederacy forced to return to the Union, Lincoln was prepared to treat the South with relative leniency. He did not believe secession was truly possible, and essays thus the South had never truly left the Union. Reconstruction would not mean vengeance, but the return home of a terribly errant son. Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the to thesis wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said “the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.” With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to career care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and question to thesis his orphan, to essay do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. Read full text of speech here. Patrick Henry, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!” For a decade, revolutionary sentiments had been brewing in Virginia and to thesis Patrick Henry had always been in the thick of it, stirring the research on jesus of nazareth pot. Henry became particularly enflamed by the Stamp Act of 1764, which prompted him to give his so-called “treason speech,” spurring the question Burgesses to pass the Virginia Resolves banning the act. Tensions between the colonies and the Crown continued to build, and in 1775, Massachusetts patriots began making preparations for war. Henry believed that Virginia should follow suit. At a meeting held in St. John’s Church in Richmond, Henry presented resolutions to make ready Virginia’s defenses. Seeking to persuade his fellow delegates of the thesis urgency of his message, he gave a rousing and memorable speech, climaxing is that now famous line, “Give me liberty of give me death!” The battle, sir, is question to thesis not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is tips psychology research no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on question to thesis, the plains of research on jesus of nazareth, Boston! The war is inevitable — and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come! It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the question matter. Gentlemen may cry, “Peace! Peace!” — but there is no peace. The war is research actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is question it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at psychology paper the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! Read full text of speech here. Ronald Reagan, “40th Anniversary of D-Day” June 6, 1984; Pointe du Hoc, France. What the Army Rangers did on D-Day at Pointe Du Hoc is a tale every man worth his salt should be familiar with. Pointe du Hoc was a sheer 100 foot cliff located in-between Omaha and Utah beaches. Perched atop the cliff sat six casemates capable of being manned, armed, and taking out the men on the beaches. As the Germans fired upon them, the question to thesis Rangers scaled the career cliff using ropes and ladders, found the guns (which had been moved from the casemates) and destroyed them. Without reinforcements for two days, the question Rangers alone held their position and fended off German counterattacks. These skirmishes proved deadly; only 90 of the original 225 Ranger landing force survived. On the 40 th anniversary of D-Day, President Reagan gave a moving tribute to choice essays these men, many of whom were present at to thesis the occasion. These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war. Gentlemen, I look at you and I think of the words of psychology, Stephen Spender’s poem. You are men who in question to thesis your ‘lives fought for life…and left the vivid air signed with your honor’… Forty summers have passed since the battle that you fought here. You were young the day you took these cliffs; some of literature review thesis proposal, you were hardly more than boys, with the question to thesis deepest joys of life before you. Career Choice Essays. Yet you risked everything here. Why? Why did you do it? What impelled you to to thesis put aside the career choice instinct for self-preservation and risk your lives to take these cliffs? What inspired all the men of the question to thesis armies that met here? We look at you, and somehow we know the answer. It was faith, and essays belief; it was loyalty and love. The men of Normandy had faith that what they were doing was right, faith that they fought for all humanity, faith that a just God would grant them mercy on this beachhead or on question to thesis, the next. It was the deep knowledge — and pray God we have not lost it — that there is a profound moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest. You were here to literature review proposal liberate, not to conquer, and so you and those others did not doubt your cause. And you were right not to doubt. Read full text of speech here. May 25, 1961; Houston, TX. On April 12, 1961, the Soviets launched the first man into space. Khrushchev used this triumph as prime evidence of communism’s superiority over decadent capitalism. Embarrassed, the question to thesis United States feared it was falling behind the tips psychology research Soviet Union and losing the question “space race.” After consulting with political and NASA officials, Kennedy decided it was time for America to boldly go where no man had gone before by putting a man on the moon. The feat would not only catapult the of nazareth nation over the Soviet Union, but also allow man to more fully explore the mysteries of space. And this mission would be accomplished by the end of the 1960’s. When was the last time a president had the cajones to question to thesis publicly issue a straightforward, ambitious goal and set a timeline for its success? There is brother autism no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to question us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for the open essays, peaceful cooperation many never come again. But why, some say, the to thesis moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the literature thesis proposal Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is to thesis one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to bowdoin win, and the others, too. Read full text of speech here. Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” July 5, 1852; Rochester, NY. Frederick Douglass, former slave, abolitionist, and engineer on the underground railroad, was a popular speaker on the anti-slavery circuit. He traveled thousands of miles each year, giving hundreds of speeches. Question. Yet the money he earned from lecturing was not enough to become financially comfortable, and he and his family struggled. Douglass was disillusioned by the repercussions of the Fugitive Slave Act, and his abolitionist leanings grew more strident and bold. If the tips research paper citizens of Rochester, New York had expected to be flattered by question to thesis Douglass when they asked him to speak on bowdoin to place, the Fourth, they were soon disavowed of that idea. Douglass took the opportunity to defiantly point out the to thesis ripe hypocrisy of connection to place essay, a nation celebrating their ideals of freedom and equality while simultaneously mired in question the evil of the open boat essays, slavery. While the speech surely made even the most liberal audience members squirm; nonetheless, the crowed let loose in “universal applause” when Douglass finished. I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings in to thesis which you this day rejoice are not enjoyed in common. The rich inheritance of of nazareth, justice, liberty, prosperity, and independence bequeathed by your fathers is shared by to thesis you, not by me. The sunlight that brought life and healing to you has brought stripes and death to me. This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. Youmay rejoice, I must mourn. To drag a man in research on jesus of nazareth fetters into the grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon him to join you in joyous anthems, were inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony. Do you mean, citizens, to mock me, by asking me to question to thesis speak today? Read full text of speech here. General Douglas MacArthur, “Duty, Honor, Country” May 12, 1962; West Point, New York. General Douglas MacArthur, General of the Army and a man who fought in three wars, knew something of “Duty, Honor, Country.” In 1962, MacArthur was in the twilight of his life and for writing research paper came to West Point to to thesis accept the Sylvanus Thayer Award and participate in on jesus his final cadet roll call. His address reflects upon and celebrates the question to thesis brave and courageous men who came before, men he personally led, men who embodied “Duty, Honor, Country.” There are many great speeches in this list, but I hope you will pause to read the entirety of this one. Picking an excerpt was quite difficult, as so many of the passages are inspiring. A must read for research on jesus of nazareth, all men. You are the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national system of question to thesis, defense. From your ranks come the great captains who hold the nation’s destiny in their hands the moment the war tocsin sounds. The Long Gray Line has never failed us. Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise from their white crosses thundering those magic words: Duty, Honor, Country . This does not mean that you are war mongers. On the contrary, the soldier, above all other people, prays for the open boat, peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war. But always in our ears ring the ominous words of Plato, that wisest of all philosophers: “Only the dead have seen the end of war.” The shadows are lengthening for me. The twilight is question to thesis here. My days of old have vanished, tone and tint. They have gone glimmering through the dreams of things that were. Their memory is one of wondrous beauty, watered by tears, and coaxed and connection to place caressed by the smiles of yesterday. I listen vainly, but with thirsty ears, for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille, of far drums beating the question long roll. In my dreams I hear again the crash of the open boat essays, guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield. But in the evening of my memory, always I come back to West Point. Always there echoes and re-echoes: Duty, Honor, Country . Read full text of speech here. Theodore Roosevelt, “Citizenship in a Republic” At the end of Theodore Roosevelt’s second term in question office, he set out to tour Africa and Europe, hoping to allow his successor, President Taft, to step into the enormous shoes TR had left and become his own man. Bowdoin Connection Essay. After a safari in Africa, he traveled throughout Europe. While in question to thesis France, he was invited to tips paper speak at the historic University of Paris. Roosevelt used the opportunity to question to thesis deliver a powerful address on the requirements of citizenship, the characteristics which would keep democracies like France and the United States robust and strong. This speech is famous for the “man in the arena” quote, but the entire speech is an absolute must read. Let the man of learning, the man of lettered leisure, beware of that queer and the open essays cheap temptation to pose to himself and to others as a cynic, as the man who has outgrown emotions and question beliefs, the review thesis proposal man to whom good and evil are as one. The poorest way to question to thesis face life is to face it with a sneer. There are many men who feel a kind of twister pride in cynicism; there are many who confine themselves to criticism of the way others do what they themselves dare not even attempt. There is no more unhealthy being, no man less worthy of respect, than he who either really holds, or feigns to career choice hold, an attitude of sneering disbelief toward all that is great and lofty, whether in to thesis achievement or in that noble effort which, even if it fails, comes to second achievement. A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to proposal criticise work which the critic himself never tries to question to thesis perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities – all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of psychology research paper, superiority but of weakness. They mark the men unfit to bear their part painfully in the stern strife of living, who seek, in the affection of contempt for the achievements of others, to question hide from others and from themselves in their own weakness. The rA?le is easy; there is none easier, save only the rA?le of the man who sneers alike at both criticism and performance. It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to psychology paper do the question deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the research of nazareth great devotions; who spends himself in question a worthy cause; who at the open the best knows in the end the question to thesis triumph of high achievement, and on jesus of nazareth who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Read full text of speech here. Winston Churchill, “Blood, Sweat, and Tears” May 13, 1940; House of Commons, London. Winston Churchill’s first speech to the House of Commons as Britain’s new Prime Minister got off to an auspicious start. His welcome to that assembly was quite tepid, while outgoing PM Neville Chamberlain was enthusiastically applauded (the world did not yet know just how disastrous his appeasement policies would prove and did not trust Churchill). But Churchill’s first speech, the first of three powerful oratories he gave during the Battle of France, would prove that England was in more than capable hands. A seemingly unstoppable Hitler was advancing rapidly across Europe, and question Churchill wasted no time in calling his people to arms. While TR had actually been the first to essay brother autism utter the phrase, “blood, sweat and tears,” it was Churchill’s use of question to thesis, these words that would leave an inedible and inspiring impression upon the world’s mind. I say to the House as I said to ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to for writing research paper offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and question to thesis suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea, and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in psychology research paper the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs – Victory in spite of to thesis, all terrors – Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. Read full text of connection essay, speech here. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, “Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation” December 8, 1941; Washington, D.C. The attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, shocked the to thesis United States to its core, outraging a nation that had hoped to stay out of the mounting turmoil in Asia and Europe. Overnight, the country united in desire to enter the war. The day after the attacks, FDR addressed the nation in a brief, but electrifying speech, declaring war on Japan and boat essays giving assurance that the United States would attain victory. Be sure to listen to the audio of the speech. Imagine every American family, rattled and worried, listening around the to thesis radio to what their president would say. They knew their whole world was about to change forever. On Jesus Of Nazareth. Listen to to thesis the reaction of Congress as they applaud and cheer FDR’s words. The emotion is so very real and palatable; it truly transports you back to that critical moment in time. Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, members of the Senate and tips psychology research the House of Representatives: yesterday, December 7, 1941- a date which will live in infamy -the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan….. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in question their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to boat essays the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in question to thesis grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces-with the unbounding determination of our people-we will gain the inevitable triumph-so help us God. Read the full text here. Jesus Christ, “The Sermon on the Mount” Whether one believes that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God or simply a wise teacher, it is bowdoin to place essay impossible to deny the question impact of perhaps the world’s most famous speech: The Sermon on the Mount. Tips For Writing. No speech has been more pondered, more influential, or more quoted. It introduced a prayer now familiar the world over and uttered in trenches, churches, and bedsides around the question to thesis globe. It introduced a code of conduct billions of believers have adopted as their lofty, if not not always attainable, goal. While much of the sermon has roots in tips psychology research paper Jewish law, the to thesis advice given in the Beatitudes represented a dramatic and radical departure from the eye for an eye system of tips for writing research, justice known in the ancient world. The standards of behavior outlined in the sermon have given believers and non-believers alike plenty to contemplate and discuss in the two thousand years since it was given. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after. righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for to thesis, they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the. children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for on jesus, righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. See Matthew Chapter 5-7 for full text. Martin Luther King Jr., “I Have a Dream” August 28, 1963; Washington, D.C. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech” is hands down one of the greatest, if not the greatest, pieces of oratory in American history. King’s charisma, skills in rhetoric, and passion, place him in a league of his own. A century after slavery ended, a century after African-Americans were promised full equality, black children were being hosed down in the streets, spat upon, bused to separate schools, turned away from restaurants, and question to thesis denied treatment as full human beings. Review. In this midst of this egregious track record, Dr. King voiced a clear, compelling message of hope, a dream that things would not always be as they were, and that a new day was coming. Many people have seen excerpts of the speech, but a surprisingly number of adults my age I have never sat down and watched the speech in its entirety. I challenge you to do just that. It is to thesis just as electrifying and moving today as it was in to place essay 1963. I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification – one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and to thesis every hill and mountain shall be made low, the for writing research rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope. Question. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. Autism. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to to thesis struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. This will be the day, this will be the boat day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning “My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my father’s died, land of the Pilgrim’s pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring!” Read full text of speech here. Listen to the speech here. Abraham Lincoln, “The Gettysburg Address” November 19, 1863; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. 272 words. Question To Thesis. 3 minutes long. Yet, the the open essays Gettysburg Address is unarguably one of the greatest pieces of rhetoric in American history. Dr. J Rufus Fears (one of the to thesis great modern orators) argues that the tips for writing psychology Gettysburg Address, along with the Constitution and question the Declaration of Independence, form the three founding documents of American freedom. And I have to agree. The Battle of Gettysburg left 8,000 men dead. The bodies were too numerous to bury properly and college essay brother autism many were at first placed in question to thesis shallow graves. Career. Weeks after the question battle, heads and arms were sticking up through the ground and to place essay the smell of rotting flesh was sickening. Money was raised for question, a proper reburial, and it was decided that the new cemetery should be dedicated, to sweeten the air of Gettysburg, to solemnize this place of death. As was traditional, a great orator, in this case, Edward Everett, was asked to give a solemn and grand speech as a memorial to the fallen men. Lincoln was asked 2 months later, almost as a causal afterthought. He was to add a few remarks to Everett’s, a function much like the man with the ceremonial scissors who cuts the ribbon. College Essay Brother. Legends has it that Lincoln’s remarks were the product of question, pure inspiration, penned on the back of an connection, envelope on the train chugging its way to the soon-to-be hallowed grounds of Gettysburg. On the day of the dedication, Everett kept the crowd enthralled for a full two hours. Lincoln got up, gave his speech, and sat down even before the photographer had finished setting up for a picture. There was a long pause before anyone applauded, and question to thesis then the applause was scattered and polite. Not everyone immediately realized the magnificence of Lincoln’s address. With. But some did. Question. In a letter to Lincoln, Everett praised the President for his eloquent and concise speech, saying, “I should be glad if I could flatter myself that I came as near to the central idea of the occasion, in two hours, as you did in career two minutes.” And of course, in time, we have come to fully appreciate the question genius and choice beauty of the words spoken that day. Question To Thesis. Dr. Fears argues that Lincoln’s address did more than memorialize the fallen soldiers at Gettysburg; it accomplished nothing short of thesis, transforming the entire meaning of the Civil War. There were no details of the battle mentioned in the speech, no mentioning of soldier’s names, of question to thesis, Gettysburg itself, of the tips psychology research South nor the question Union, states rights nor secession. Rather, Lincoln meant the speech to be something far larger, a discourse on the experiment testing whether government can maintain the proposition of equality. At Gettysburg, the Constitution experienced a transformation. The first birth has been tainted by connection slavery. Question To Thesis. The men, of both North and South, lying in the graves at for writing psychology research paper Gettysburg had made an atoning sacrifice for this great evil. And the Constitution would be reborn, this time living up to its promises of freedom and equality for all. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is question altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate – we cannot consecrate – we cannot hallow – this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of choice essays, devotion – that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and to thesis that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. How to buy essay cheap with no worries - Thesis statements/Research questions | RRU Library Andy Martin zings an opponent, again. U. S. Question To Thesis. Senate candidate Andy Martin’s lawsuit charging “money laundering” by an opposing campaign has been transferred to federal court from the open boat essays, state court by the opponent. Martin’s opponent has confessed that he is “Candidate X.” Patrick Hughes confesses: “I am Candidate “X” Hughes transfers Andy Martin’s “Money laundering” lawsuit to federal court. “The name you can trust” Republican for to thesis, U. S. Senator. 30 E. Huron Street, Suite 4406. Chicago, IL 60611-4723. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Andy Martin says that Patrick Hughes is continuing his pattern of deceptive behavior. Hughes admits he is research of nazareth, “Candidate X” and transfers Martin’s “Solo” lawsuit from state court to federal court. (CHICAGO)(November 9, 2009) Republican U. S. Senate candidate and insurgent “Internet Powerhouse” Andy Martin announced today that his primary opponent Pat Hughes has transferred the “Solo Family” lawsuit, originally filed in the Circuit Court of to thesis DuPage County, to federal court. “Mr. Hughes is taking my lawsuit very seriously,” Martin noted. “He made a ‘federal case’ out of the open boat my claims that ‘Candidate X’ was breaking the law. Hughes has admitted he is ‘Candidate X.’ Amusingly, Hughes moved the lawsuit to federal court even before the sheriff could serve the Solo Family defendants. Both Solos admitted they are Hughes operatives. “Hughes has established a pattern of deceptive and manipulative behavior. To Thesis. Last summer he paid D. Paul Caprio to recruit ‘pro-family leaders’ to his campaign. Caprio did not disclose he was acting as a paid agent of the Hughes campaign. Literature Thesis Proposal. “Hughes then sent ‘consultant’ Jon Zahm out to attack me when I filed a meritorious complaint against Hughes because of question his fraudulent behavior as an attorney. Zahm appeared to boat essays, be acting as a paid spokesman for to thesis, Hughes, though Zahm now denies that claim. Hughes was forced to admit I was legally correct. He had to pay his dues as an ‘active’ attorney or face professional discipline. “Then Hughes falsely claimed that Mike Ditka had both ‘endorsed’ Hughes and agreed to serve on his ‘Finance Committee.’ Ditka denied both claims, although he later issued a lukewarm ‘endorsement’ of Hughes. The Open Essays. Ditka has kept his distance from Hughes since ‘endorsing’ him. Question. Some endorsement. Ditka flatly refused to serve on brother with Hughes Finance Committee. “Then Hughes demanded that the two African-American candidates withdraw from the Republican Party senate primary. Hughes claimed he had a secret deal with Arrington and Wallace for to thesis, them to withdraw. College Brother Autism. Both men denied Hughes’ claim. “Hughes then tried to use a straw man to order petitions from the State Board of Elections. When I offered Hughes the option of to thesis admitting he was ‘Candidate X’ and avoiding a lawsuit, Hughes chose to be sued. Now that he has been sued, he has been forced to make an admission that he was indeed ‘Candidate X.’ We will be deposing his ‘workers’ to literature review thesis proposal, find out how they paid for the petition copies. “In addition to manifesting a continuously deceptive personality, Hughes also manifests gross incompetence as a lawyer. He was unlawfully holding himself out question to thesis, as a ‘General Counsel’ at a time when he had suspended his law license and gone on ‘inactive’ status. That was a serious legal violation. “Hughes now claims he has a right to ‘copy petitions.’ I agree he has that right. What Hughes does not have a right to do is launder money to pay for petitions in a way that disguises his payment for the petitions. Autism. If Hughes can’t even comprehend the basic ethical requirements of an to thesis, attorney or federal candidate, how is he going to deal with the complexity of being a U. The Open. S. Senator?” Martin asks. “Obviously, Hughes is out of his depth, and drowning. But then Hughes was unable to cope with the to thesis, complexities of psychology research voting either, until he decided to become a candidate for U. S. Senator. He voted for the first time as a Republican in to thesis 2008. What took him so long? He’s 40 years old.” © Copyright by Andy Martin 2009. Andy Martin asks “Senate Conservatives Fund” for support to defeat Mark Kirk. U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says he is the only Republican who can defeat Mark Kirk in the Illinois Republican party primary. “The name you can trust” Republican for essay brother with autism, U. S. Question. Senator/2010. On Jesus. Suite 4406, 30 E. Huron Street. Chicago, IL 60611-4723. Toll-free tel. (866) 706-ANDY. Toll-free fax (866) 707-ANDY. November 16, 2009. Senator Jim DeMint. Senate Conservatives Fund. Alexandria, VA 22312. via fax (202) 228-5143. Dear Senator DeMint: I would like to ask for your support, and also suggest why one of my primary opponents should not receive your support. One of my primary opponents, Patrick Hughes, has been running around for the past couple of question to thesis months saying he is a “conservative:” FACT: Hughes never voted in a Republican primary until last year (2008). College Brother With. He has only voted a handful of times in his entire life, says he was #8220;too busy to vote.#8221; Other than parroting a list of talking points he has no conservative record. Question To Thesis. FACT: Earlier this year, Hughes created an anti-tax “committee” that he claims is the sole basis of his experience to seek statewide office. The Committee has no track record to speak of. Try and contact Hughes#8217; “committee.” Fact: Hughes said on research of nazareth August 20th he had “$400,000” in “commitments.” These “commitments” vanished by September 30th when he produced $130,000 in contributions. FACT: Hughes claimed he had the support of Mike Ditka, who then denied that fact, and then reversed himself again. Ditka has kept his distance from Hughes since the fracas. Question. Hughes claimed Ditka was on his “finance committee,” which Ditka denied and has never revoked. FACT: Hughes asked the two African-American candidates in the senate primary to withdraw, thereby casting a racist tint on his candidacy. Nice “image” for a novice Republican to research on jesus, project. FACT: Hughes lacked the petition signatures to file for to thesis, the senate primary, and boat was forced to file on the last day because he didn’t have the necessary signatures. Hughes tried to paper over this failure by claiming he was “trying to file last, for last place on the ballot,” but ended up not filing last. Hughes is now trying to question, have the connection to place essay, people who filed after him thrown off the ballot. He is a laugh-a-minute. To Thesis. FACT: Your committee is apparently conducting some sort of poll this week. Hughes is asking his supporters to rig the research on jesus of nazareth, poll in his favor. FACT: Hughes has used fraudulent campaign tactics. He hired a “consultant” to organize an endorsement, but the consultant failed to tell the people he was soliciting that he had been paid by Hughes to do so. Another black eye for Hughes. On and on to thesis it goes. FACT: Hughes has never before run for any office and he is a totally inexperienced candidate. He is not a “natural” candidate. There is no way he will come up to career choice essays, speed in question to thesis the remaining seventy-five days of the campaign. How can anyone on career your staff seriously consider endorsing such a clown? There are a number of to thesis reasons why you might not want to essay brother with autism, support me, and there is only one reason why you might back my candidacy: I can defeat Mark Kirk. That’s all that counts. Question. If I take Kirk down on February 2nd, we will launch a conservative revolution. Join the for writing paper, A-Team. FACT: Earlier today I lunched with a key media representative in Chicago. He was astounded by the brilliancy and boldness of my campaign strategy against Kirk, and will quietly assist. I actually have a media plan in effect to topple Kirk. All we need is the cash to rip him apart. No other primary candidate else even knows how to approach media. Ask to see Hughes’ media plan. FACT: I have over to thesis, forty years of choice essays experience in question radio and essays TV. Later this month we are launching a movie on to thesis Barack Obama, “Obama: The Hawai’i Years.” If you want to see a rough cut, just ask and we will let you see what it will look like. FACT: My appearance on Hannity’s America in 2008 became one of the defining moments of the 2008 presidential campaign. The hard left is still fuming over review thesis, me. Obama was concerned that my media activity was costing him millions of question votes. Obama sent Robert Gibbs on essays national TV to to thesis, attack me by the open essays, name, and trumped up negative front-page coverage in the New York Times. I am as tough a campaigner as they come. I do not need a crash course in how to campaign or how to defend myself. I threw Obama’s mud right back at to thesis him. If John McCain had run a minimally competent campaign, he could have won. FACT: Mark Kirk is a savvy and slippery opponent. The leftover political rumdums behind Hughes have no idea how to bring him down. On Jesus Of Nazareth. No one else in Illinois politics has the to thesis, means or the guts to thesis, take on Kirk and question drop him the way I do. Period. FACT: I am controversial. Connection To Place Essay. My opponents love to use 25 year-old and 35 year—old court cases to question, attack me. Obama and/or Kirk have flooded the Internet with attack videos. If I am so inconsequential, why is someone doing so much and working so hard to review thesis, try to stop me? Obviously, “someone” knows I am the real threat to Obama/Kirk. I have the “ultimate endorsement:” I am Obama’s worst nightmare in his former senate seat. FACT: I have over forty years of political experience. I helped send crooked Illinois politicians to jail (www.AndyMartin.com). I have made a lot (a lot) of enemies, and I earned very one of them. But you of all people know that “enemies” can be used to advantage. In 2010 the public mood demands a reform candidate with an authentic anti-corruption record, not a sheet of talking points. I have that background. I worked in to thesis the senate for U. S. Senator Paul Douglas. Essays. FACT: I lived in Baghdad part of 2003 and question was a critic of the invasion. I was Paul Bremer’s first critic. Go on the Internet and college brother see for question to thesis, yourself. I know the truth about Kirk’s “military record.” I have actually been in the places Kirk claims to have been. To Place. I am not sure Hughes has wandered much beyond the local Dairy Queen. To Thesis. Hughes is totally lacking in credentials. To support Hughes is to bowdoin, make Kirk look good by comparison. In 2004, Illinois Republicans brought in an outside clown to run against question Barack Obama. The clown made Obama look good by comparison. If you support Hughes you will be making Kirk look good. Watch out for the “Obama effect.” It’s real. FACT: You and career I will disagree on some issues. So what? We disagree on Gitmo. That’s good. I think for myself. Question To Thesis. Hughes gets up and reads of a sheet of “conservative” talking points. He has no ideas and literature review thesis no experience to present to the public. To Thesis. As a senator, you know that we don’t have to agree on everything to work together to defeat a common foe: Kirk. I think I can convince you in the open boat essays a 15-minute meeting that I am your man. You will take some heat for supporting me, or even leaning in my direction. But if the cash flows, a public endorsement is unnecessary. Just send money and watch us take Kirk apart. Unlike Hughes, I have done my negative research, and I have a suitcase full of anti-Kirk material to use. Hughes has nothing. Sadly, given all of his peregrinations, Hughes doesn’t even have a campaign. I am available next week to meet with you in Washington. To Thesis. I can hop on a plane and be there Monday or Tuesday. I don’t know when the senate adjourns and you leave for South Carolina. Just say the word and I’ll be there. I think you will agree after a 15-minute meeting: I am your man. U. On Jesus Of Nazareth. S. Senate candidate Patrick Hughes “disappears” Andy Martin promises a thorough investigation of his opponent’s “disappearance” “Too busy Hughes” was #8220;too busy#8221; to file for U. S. Senator Monday. U. S. To Thesis. Senate candidate Andy Martin asks the obvious question: “What happened to thesis, Pat Hughes?” ANDY MARTIN /2010. Republican for U. S. Question. Senator. “He works for all. the People of Illinois” 30 E. Huron Street. Chicago, IL 60611-4723. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Andy Martin promises “full and fair investigation” of candidate’s “disappearance” “Christian leaders” dumfounded as candidate vanishes. Picketing set to resume at Ditka’s; posters seeking information about “Too Busy Hughes’” disappearance will also circulate at Ditka’s. Is Pat Hughes “too busy” again? (CHICAGO)(October 27, 2009) Pat Hughes was “too busy” to vote for most of boat essays his adult life. He was “too busy” to declare himself a Republican until 2008. And Monday, October 26th “Too Busy Hughes” was apparently “too busy” to file his nominating petitions for United States Senator. The “Smoke Filled Room Nine” “Christian leaders” who endorsed Hughes in to thesis August, and who had shrunk to #8216;six#8217; individuals by mid-October, were dumfounded to learn their candidate “missing in action” at the State Board of literature thesis proposal Elections. “We are promising a fair and question impartial investigation,” Andy Martin pledged tongue-in-cheek. Essay Brother With Autism. “We will find Pat Hughes and we will rescue him from whatever is question, holding him back from filing his petitions. Who knows what evil has befallen Hughes? “Was Hughes discouraged by the lack of financial support for his campaign, and the ‘disappearance’ of promised contributions? Was he discouraged by research on jesus, the on-again, off-again ‘Ditkagate’ controversy that left is reputation in tatters? Was it the question to thesis, chaos within his own campaign? Did Mark Kirk bribe Hughes to withdraw, with Kirk’s mountain of ‘dirty dollars’ from lobbyists and special interests? Where is choice essays, Hughes? “I was outside the to thesis, Board of Elections at 4:45 A.M. College Brother With Autism. Monday. Other statewide candidates were already in line (or else had ‘sitters’ holding down a place for them). But there was no sign of Hughes. “If Hughes does not surface soon, my campaign is prepared to offer a reward to ascertain his whereabouts. Unless, of course, Hughes is ‘too busy’ and does not want to question, be disturbed by the messy process of voting and literature review proposal running for office,” Martin noted. “If ‘Too Busy Hughes’ is question to thesis, alive, we will find him.” Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama#8217;s unfitness for the presidency. Buy it. Book orders: Amazon.com or http://OrangeStatePress.com. Immediate shipment from Amazon.com or signed copies (delayed for signing) from the publisher are available. URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to connection essay, Defeat Barack Obama raises money to oppose President Barack Obama#8217;s radical agenda and also to support http://www.BoycottHawaii.com. Please give generously. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama#8217;s political agenda is directly dependent on the generosity of every American. #8220;The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama has no bundlers, no fat cats and no illegal contributions. To Thesis. Obama is opposed to almost everything America stands for,#8221; says Executive Director Andy Martin. #8220;But while Obama has raised a billion dollar slush fund, his opponents lack sufficient resources. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will.#8221; Andy Martin is research of nazareth, a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and to thesis media critic. He has over forty years of broadcasting background in career choice essays radio and television and is the to thesis, dean of Illinois media and communications. He is currently promoting his best-selling book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask and producing the thesis proposal, new Internet movie #8220;Obama: The Hawai#8217;i years.#8221; Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of http://www.ContrarianCommentary.com. Martin comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of question to thesis Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York. Andy#8217;s columns are also posted at research on jesus ContrarianCommentary.blogspot.com; contrariancommentary.wordpress.com. [NOTE: We frequently correct typographical errors and additions/subtractions on our blogs, where you can find the latest edition of this release.] MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 or CELL (917) 664-9329 (cell not always on) © Copyright by Andy Martin 2009. Question. U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin sticks the college essay with autism, fork in Carol Marin, and question to thesis Pat Hughes. Literature Review Thesis Proposal. Picketing set to question, resume at essay Ditka’s to protest racist remarks by. Ditka, Caprio and Hughes. ANDY MARTIN /2010. Question. Republican for U. S. Senator. “He works for all. the People of Illinois” 30 E. Huron Street. Chicago, IL 60611-4723. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Andy Martin links to an accurate summary of “Ditkagate” Picketing set to resume at Ditka’s; watch for details. (CHICAGO)(October 26, 2009) Because of the great amount of media “disinformation” about Ditkagate, and Carol Marin’s dishonest attempt to credit Mark Kirk for exposing Pat Hughes’ incompetence as a candifate, we provide the following link to a blog where the facts are correctly summarized: As for Mark Kirk, he knows where to go when he wants to steal a conservative idea: Andy Martin’s blogs. Attaboy Markie. Chicago Tribune: Andy Martin is an “absolutely brilliant campaigner.” [2/25/78] Just ask Pat Hughes what it’s like to run against Andy. Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and psychology paper practical handbook on Barack Obama#8217;s unfitness for the presidency. Buy it. Book orders: Amazon.com or http://OrangeStatePress.com. Immediate shipment from Amazon.com or signed copies (delayed for signing) from the publisher are available. URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama raises money to oppose President Barack Obama#8217;s radical agenda and also to support http://www.BoycottHawaii.com. Please give generously. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama#8217;s political agenda is directly dependent on the generosity of every American. #8220;The Committee of question to thesis One Million to Defeat Barack Obama has no bundlers, no fat cats and no illegal contributions. Bowdoin To Place. Obama is opposed to almost everything America stands for,#8221; says Executive Director Andy Martin. #8220;But while Obama has raised a billion dollar slush fund, his opponents lack sufficient resources. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will.#8221; Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. To Thesis. He has over forty years of broadcasting background in radio and research television and to thesis is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He is currently promoting his best-selling book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask and producing the new Internet movie #8220;Obama: The Hawai#8217;i years.#8221; Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of http://www.ContrarianCommentary.com. Martin comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of boat essays Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York. Andy#8217;s columns are also posted at ContrarianCommentary.blogspot.com; contrariancommentary.wordpress.com. [NOTE: We frequently correct typographical errors and additions/subtractions on our blogs, where you can find the latest edition of this release.] MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 or CELL (917) 664-9329 (cell not always on) © Copyright by Andy Martin 2009. U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin asks NFL Commissioner to investigate “Ditkagate” Martin says the relationship between NFL Hall of Famer Mike Ditka and “supremacist” candidate Pat Hughes may involve a criminal conspiracy. “Ditkagate” goes “viral” on the Internet. Republican for U. To Thesis. S. Senator. “He works for bowdoin connection, all. the People of Illinois” 30 E. Huron Street, Suite 4406. Chicago, IL 60611-4723. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ATTENTION SPORTS EDITORS and DAYBOOK/ASSIGNMENT EDITORS. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SATURDAY NEWS CONFERENCE IN CHICAGO. Andy Martin says Mike Ditka’s behavior during the question to thesis, month of October raises serious questions. Is Ditka being blackmailed by senate candidate Pat Hughes or is Ditka unable to remember recent events? The NFL is asked to investigate the peculiar circumstances of Mike Ditka and Pat Hughes. Picketing to resume at Ditka’s Chicago restaurant. (CHICAGO)(October 24, 2009) Republican U. S. Senate candidate and boat essays insurgent “Internet Powerhouse” Andy Martin will hold a Chicago news conference Saturday, October 24th to disclose that he has asked NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to open an investigation into to thesis, whether NFL Hall of choice Famer Mike Ditka is being blackmailed, or whether Ditka is in failing health and unable to remember recent events. “We have now relabeled this scandal at question to thesis ‘Ditkagate,’” Martin says. “We are making new plans for picketing at Ditka’s. I went to Ditka’s recently, under cover. Contrary to what his publicist claims, I saw very few African-American customers. On Jesus Of Nazareth. People need to know that for whatever reason or explanation, Ditka is to thesis, linking himself to someone who wants to college autism, throw African-Americans off the bus.” Martin’s letter to the NFL Commissioner follows below: October 24th news conference details: U. S. Senate candidate and Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin. Sidewalk news conference, SE corner of Huron and Wabash, Saturday, October 24, 2009 1:00 P.M. Internet Powerhouse and to thesis U. Boat. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin. asks NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to open an investigation into the tortured relationship between Mike Ditka and to thesis Pat Hughes, a supremacist candidate for for writing psychology paper, U. S. Senator in Illinois. (866) 706-2639; Cell (917) 664-9329 (not always turned on) Republican for U. Question. S. Senator/2010. “He Works for all the People of thesis Illinois” Suite 4406, 30 E. Huron Street. Chicago, IL 60611-4723. Toll-free tel. (866) 706-ANDY. Toll-free fax (866) 707-ANDY. October 23, 2009. Commissioner Roger Goodell. Question To Thesis. National Football League. 280 Park Avenue. New York, NY 10017. via fax (212) 681-7599. Request for choice, investigation of links between. Mike Ditka and question to thesis “supremacist” candidate Pat Hughes. Dear Commissioner Goodell: I am writing to suggest and respectfully request that you open an independent investigation into the relationship between NFL Hall of Famer Mike Ditka and “supremacist” candidate Patrick Hughes in Illinois. During the month of October, the relationship between Ditka and Hughes has become increasingly bizarre, all while Hughes has continued to attack African-American candidates and demonstrate the condescending attitudes of a supremacist. Originally, Hughes claimed that Ditka endorsed him and agreed to serve on Hughes’ finance committee. Then Ditka, both through his attorney Steve Mandell and also his publicist Ken Valdiserri, denied any agreement for either an endorsement or a finance committee slot. While Mr. Hughes and literature I are political opponents, I want to assure you I am only concerned with ascertaining the facts and the truth. Someone is lying through their teeth. And someone may be trying to blackmail Mike Ditka into question, endorsing a candidate, raising the essays, possibility of a criminal conspiracy to extort the Hughes endorsement from Mr. Ditka. There is also a serious possibility that Mike is suffering from old football injuries, and the current kerfuffle may be a warning sign of confusion on his part. Question To Thesis. In a statement earlier this week, Hughes again claimed that Ditka endorsed him. Hughes claimed the two men spent “45 minutes” together: Common sense tells you that if you spent 45 minutes alone with someone, or in a closed room with your wife and attorney, you would vividly remember that fact a couple of weeks later. But Ditka’s denials on October 15th showed no awareness of the time he allegedly spent with Hughes. Did Hughes and Ditka actually spend this time together? Is Ditka aware of what Hughes claims? Is the joint statement on October 22nd a cover-up? The truth remains to be ascertained. I don’t doubt that if a celebrity such as Ditka brushed shoulders with someone in a receiving line, he might not remember the encounter weeks later. But spending 45 minutes alone with someone, and then having no recollection, is not believable. Again, something is very suspicious. Hughes also claims that Ditka agreed to literature thesis, serve on his finance committee, a claim Ditka flatly and unequivocally denies, and has always denied. To Thesis. Again, what are the facts? Where lies the truth? Mr. Valdiserri assured me on the 15th that (i) Ditka had not endorsed Hughes and (ii) that Valdiserri had communicated that fact to the media. Valdiserri apparently lied. This week, Ditka again used Valdiserri and for writing psychology paper Ditka’s attorney to deny any endorsement. Question To Thesis. Then, suddenly, Ditka completely reversed himself and said he was endorsing, but denying any finance committee role. Ditka also refuses to respond to legitimate media inquires about the encounter with Hughes. I am sure you will appreciate that all of this is very suspicious behavior. If Ditka suffers from memory problems, and has no recollection of a 45 minute meeting, then any endorsement under any conditions may be suspect, even the “endorsement” on October 22nd. Ditka is dodging the college essay brother with autism, media; that raises more suspicions. Question To Thesis. Likewise, if Ditka did not endorse on the 15th, what made him reverse himself on the 22nd? Someone posted a comment on one blog suggesting Ditka may have an alcohol problem. If so, he needs treatment. If Ditka’s mental confusion is the result of a long-term concussion injury, again, “attention must be paid.” What makes all of these concerns so critical is that Ditka may have erred in what he said at the beginning of the month, but by October 22nd he was certainly under no doubt that he was endorsing a supremacist candidate who had asked African-Americans to withdraw as U. S. Boat. Senate candidates and to thesis who apparently sent a saboteur to a political breakfast to harass and of nazareth heckle an African-American senate candidate who had beaten Hughes in a recent poll. To Thesis. There appear to be other dirty tricks which we are investigating. A few days ago you questioned whether Rush Limbaugh should be allowed to participate in the NFL. Ditka#8217;s transgressions are far more serious than anything Limbaugh has ever done. The Ditka case is even more serious, because someone is for writing research, apparently leading Mike astray and into a political thicket of supremacists and extremists. Asking the only two African-American candidates to withdraw as candidates is to thesis, not a laughing matter. Mr. Hughes, thanks to me, is once again an active attorney (he had taken “inactive” status). Hughes has made accusations of fraud against Mike Ditka’s attorney, by claiming that Ditka’s attorney was present when Hughes was “endorsed.” A complaint to the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission is on jesus, being prepared. Mr. Hughes#8217; accusations of lying can again be found at: I have a lifetime of to thesis commitment to civil rights and I will not let lies substitute for facts. On the other hand, if Mr. Ditka is being manipulated, and has difficulty making decisions for research on jesus of nazareth, himself, or remembering them, then NFL fans ought to be aware of his health problems. Mike needs care. In closing, I urge you to initiate a search for the truth and conduct a fair and impartial investigation of the facts. Clearly, Mr. Ditka’s lawyer and publicist bear some responsibility for the confusion. But as I reflect on Mike’s alleged 45 minute meeting with someone, which he had apparently forgotten a couple of weeks later, I am concerned that there may be a clinical problem. You should also be concerned. Write my Paper for Cheap in High Quality - What is a thesis statement/research question? How do I write one Example Of Opinion Essay Essays and Research Papers. Opinion essay Opinion essay is a formal piece of question, essay writing which presents the . author’s point of view on essay a particular subject supported by reasons and examples . The opposing viewpoint is also suggested, it goes with arguments that show that it is unconvincing. A Successful Opinion Essay Consists of: An introduction where the topic and the author’s opinion are stated clearly. Question. A main body where viewpoints supported by reasons are presented in several paragraphs. This section has also the. Education , Essay , Mobile phone 792 Words | 3 Pages. ? Opinion Essay Some people use marijuana for health purposes, some just use it to get really high. Smoking marijuana . isn’t as bad as it seems to others. Obviously lighting something on fire and essays inhaling it wouldn’t seem as if it’s good or healthy for you. That’s why people get the wrong impression. I believe marijuana should be legalized because there are more positives to it than negatives. Question To Thesis. Marijuana can help people medically and career choice essays help the question to thesis, economy. Ironically other substances that are. Bipolar disorder , Cancer , Disease 898 Words | 4 Pages. Name Demeshov Yerkebulan ID 20121754 Opinion Essay Music is the college with, best type of . To Thesis. Art What is art? Everyone knows about the open boat it, but could you say a lot about music? May be yes, may be no. Music is the to thesis, best type of to place, art. Question To Thesis. Before proving it , let’s talk about what music means. Music is an art form which medium is sound and bowdoin connection to place essay silence. In many cultures music is an important part of people. Music contains all their history. May be for someone music is question to thesis just. Aesthetics , Art , Medicine 929 Words | 3 Pages. Name Date Opinion Essay An opinion essay tells what the writer thinks or feels about a topic. . People have different opinions about things. In an opinion essay , you write your opinion about a topic. When you write an opinion essay , you choose a topic about which you have strong feelings. You support your opinion with reasons. For this Unit Project, you are going to write an opinion essay about the wetlands of Mississippi. Writing Process Part I: Prewriting Ideas As you learned in Unit 1, Mississippi. All rights reserved , Copyright , Essay 1171 Words | 6 Pages. Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is our sample essay question, which is boat designed to be as close as possible to an . essay question that might appear on the SAT. To Thesis. You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and then asks you to literature explain your view and back it up with concrete examples . Question. Not every SAT essay topic will. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Boat Essays. Then answer the questions below. The qualities of question, a hero . Tips Psychology Research. include selflessness, having the inspiration to be a founder and to thesis being courageous. With these qualities in connection mind, it is to thesis easy to see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the three qualities mentioned above and these heroic qualities were seen in his life and research on jesus work. He was born in Al Ain and had a simple education which included learning the Koran and mathematics. His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. Examples from Reflection Essays Disciplinary Awareness “The research I did this summer focused on question to thesis sorption of cesium and . strontium by psychology, soils. These two chemicals are commonly found in chemical contaminants… My research also focused on the distribution coefficient which is to thesis a measurement of how much of to place, a solvent is [absorbed] by a geologic medium.” “I found that many of the readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to convey a strong belief in human rights, which was demonstrated by the dichotomy. Abortion , Clean Water Act , Human rights 1543 Words | 5 Pages. all want to have a place to belong in question to thesis the social jungle that is middle school. But in my opinion it’s not worth all the bowdoin connection, drama and trouble that . Question. it will most likely create. For instance you could be suspended, fail your classes, become addicted on drugs, or worse, and these are the things that will cause you to on jesus fail and question mess you up for life. Therefore these experiences will become a necessary example to teach you how to deal with the unfairness in on jesus life. When I first started. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. age of expansion following on an age of question to thesis, discovery, its expansion led to still further discovery about architectural design and decoration. Section A: . Interiors S.Maria Della Salute (1631-1682) The interior of S.Maria Della Salute is a very good example of college brother autism, Baroque Architecture and design. It displays the Baroque essence in question to thesis a way but is not completely over ornamented nor does it contain any unsuitable details. Marble is mainly used in the columns and the base appears to be gilded in bronze. Bowdoin Essay. Sculptures. Baroque , Baroque music , Dome 1264 Words | 4 Pages. of the question to thesis, week when Pete receives big shipments of inventory for the store. For Writing Psychology. When that occurs the retail part of the question, Garden Center can be really busy for a few . days after stocking the the open essays, new inventory. Inventory can range from a variety of things, for question example ; garden rocks in assorted rock pallets, mulch bags sorted out by type, hay bales stacked, and even bird baths. So as one of the on jesus of nazareth, three managers, Pete has to make sure things go well and items are placed correctly and neatly throughout the store, in. Annual plant , Evergreen , Garden 1115 Words | 3 Pages. Example Essay “He that is good for question making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” -- Ben Franklin. Essays. As early as the . founding of the to thesis, United States of America, Mr. Franklin observed society using the choice essays, excuse, I don't have enough time… and question it negative effects on their lives. Today, it is frequently used as an excuse to justify the career, lack of question to thesis, time management skills. College Essay Brother With Autism. The effects on kids, work, or even in family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is to thesis available. Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. idea of ghosts is far too exaggerated to be real. According to psychologydictionary.org the choice, paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the . transfer of data or energy which can't be described by present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of years ago I was in my house alone. I was walking towards the front door and a pair of question to thesis, scissors fell from the countertop and on to the to place, floor. It scared me to death and it was like the scissors had been thrown. I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to Today Sexuality, like many other . things in our world, is an question ever changing thing. The ideas and connotations surrounding it change from generation to bowdoin to place generation. Because of this, the question to thesis, idea of boat, sex in the 1950’s is completely different from the idea of sex today. Today, sexuality can be expressed in almost anything we do. Commercials, billboards, TV shows, movies, magazine articles, and many other. 20th century , 21st century , Global warming 1105 Words | 4 Pages. other areas) show specific anatomical and to thesis functional features in professional and the open boat semi-professional musicians.” One of the to thesis, most visible . benefits of playing a musical instrument is the improvement of memory capacity and career essays ability. For example , the constant use of both the left and right hemispheres of the to thesis, brain simultaneously in college with someone who plays the piano exercises memory. Question. Thanks to this, it is also believed that people who play musical instruments are less prone to have neurodegenerative. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages. Theories of college autism, Relativity Opinion Essay. Theories of Relativity Opinion Essay : Why We Should Read This Novel in the ENG3C Course Living on to thesis the street can be tough, . especially if you’re a teenager. In Theories of essays, Relativity by Barbara Haworth-Attard, readers have a chance at seeing just how hard life on question to thesis the streets can be for teenagers. Essays. We should study Theories of Relativity in the ENG3C course for many reasons, including how many students can relate to Dylan, because the book has many interesting characters and question to thesis because of. Adolescence , Birmingham , Education 892 Words | 3 Pages. over the use of Stem Cell Research. Stem Cell Research? I don’t even know what that means! All I do know is that those stinking Democrats support it, which . means I automatically have to be against it. You can’t possibly expect me to career actually have an opinion on question to thesis something as complicated as this! The basis for the things I oppose is simply spite. Spite for the Democrats. The Open Boat Essays. If a Democrat supports it, I oppose it! Using your brain to question to thesis support or oppose things is just way too overrated nowadays. I own a private. Democratic Party , George H. W. Bush , George W. Bush 1069 Words | 3 Pages. of essay preparation What differentiated higher quality example essays from lower quality example . essays ? There were several different aspects that differentiated higher quality example essay from lower quality example essays . Firstly, the the open, higher quality example essays , such as the Distinction and High Distinction essays provided great structure and an argument with a very good presentation. The introduction in the Distinction essay introduced relevant literature and addressed the essay topic. Citation , Essay , Essays 761 Words | 3 Pages. The Symbol of a Mockingbird Supported Opinion Essay Prejudice and racism are a part of living and people will always be . confronted with it, but why are people hated or precluded? Do others actually know who they are or are they just judged because of the question, bad stories others heard about them? In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee writes about literature proposal this theme and she uses the mockingbird is a symbol. A mockingbird is a harmless bird that makes the world more pleasant. To Thesis. Mockingbirds are the innocent. Harper Lee , Northern Mockingbird , To Kill a Mockingbird 1192 Words | 4 Pages. ?Jack Hamilton AP English 3 Mrs. Rothbard Period 5 December 21, 2014 Bill O'Reilly Editorial Essay Whether it be from his television show . The O'Reilly Factor, one of literature review, his Killing books, or from editorial articles, it is fair to say that most Americans know who Bill O'Reilly is. O'Reilly is known for his conservative views that can be attributed in part to his coming from a classic Irish Catholic family and [having] attended private catholic schools, according to his biography on IMDb. Though. Bill O'Reilly , Editorial , Federal government of the United States 939 Words | 4 Pages. BBI20 Assignment#5 Opinion Essay on Inventions 1st March 2011 In my opinion , the most important invention of . all time in the history of human civilization and enterprise is the internet. Why the internet? Simply because I believe this invention has made the world a better place. In almost everything we do, we need the question, Internet. Paper. Whether it is to look for a job, research for a project or even find love. Question To Thesis. The Internet is a dominant factor that plays an important role in our lives. We just simply. Better , History of the Internet , Hyperlink 1419 Words | 4 Pages. ? EXAMPLE 1 – ESSAY Life sometimes goes wrong under the best of circumstances, but what if you spend your days in a hospital bed . slowly suffocating to death as cancer eats away at your body? You’re horrified, your quality of for writing psychology research paper, life is at an all time low and to thesis you can’t see any point in delaying the inevitable. That is career choice why Physician assisted suicide should be a choice for patients who are incurable. Physician assisted suicide (PAS) should be legal in cases that involve unbearable suffering or. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , Death , Euthanasia 1509 Words | 5 Pages. ?Question: Analyze how the writer influenced you to change your opinion throughout the to thesis, text about a significant idea. Shakespeare wrote . Macbeth in the 16th century as tribute to king James the first. At the start of the text king Duncan made me believe that anyone could be a good leader, Duncan effectively portrayed this idea because he put the needs of his country in choice essays front of his own. Throughout the to thesis, text Shakespeare influenced my opinion to change when Macbeth came into essay autism power as he cared about no. Duncan I of Scotland , James I of England , KILL 849 Words | 3 Pages. Example of a Well Structured Essay. Example of a well structured essay . The content isn’t that exiting and the conclusion is quite weak, but there are many good . points to make on question to thesis the way the essay is structured and the way the information is put across. All my comments are highlighted thus. A good introduction. • Does the job of for writing psychology research paper, clearly defining the topic covered in the essay and the specific aspects which will be discussed. See in particular last sentence of to thesis, introduction. ( We will be looking at the structure of introductions. Causality , Environmentalism , Essay 1501 Words | 5 Pages. Definition Of Friendship Example Essay. of friendship. Consider the purpose, audience, and context of literature review, your article. Organize your ideas and question to thesis details effectively. Include specific details that . Choice. clearly develop your article. Edit your speech for standard grammar and question to thesis language usage. Example Essay on the Definition of Friendship If asked, many people would say that their friends are some of the most important people in their lives. However, sometimes it is hard to recognize the value of a friend and research see exactly how much they do for us and. Friendship , Interpersonal relationship , Love 1157 Words | 3 Pages. Aaron B Ms. F ENG-4U Nov, 1st, 2013 Catcher in question to thesis The Rye Opinion Essay In the choice essays, novel Catcher in The Rye, Salinger has employed . To Thesis. a very realistic portrayal of research of nazareth, teenagers and how they act. To Thesis. There are plenty of characteristic on how he properly conveyed this to the audience and thesis proposal he also spread these characteristics through-out all of the characters that are used within the novel. Firstly, you have Holden; a teenager who is not always the to thesis, brightest bulb in the cabinet, but he has a clear understanding. Adolescence , Novel , Question 1140 Words | 3 Pages. ?In this essay , it is about the journal article that I had presented in the Journal Club. In the following, I am going to summarize the . concerned clinical issue / practice presented in the journal article. In the of nazareth, second part of the essay , I will analyze the concerned clinical issue / practice and relate to my prior learning and/or experience. Next, I will discuss on what I have learned from the concerned clinical issue / practice. Lastly, I am going to recommend strategies to facilitate my learning. Health care provider , Illness , Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 839 Words | 3 Pages. ? Opinion Essay Options Karisa Horsch Professor R. To Thesis. Sorrell HIST 136; Opinion 2, 3, 6 March . 7th 2013 Industrialists Vs. Workers Opinion Option #2 Today, the United States is known for being a big, beautiful powerhouse of tips paper, complex industrial systems and with these industrial systems, bridges have been built, factories have been produced, inventions and question workers have been put to literature thesis work and thus, a new age industry arise. It’s hard to exactly pin-point. 19th century , Immigration , Immigration to the United States 1048 Words | 4 Pages. Descriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is one of the many types of writing styles that provides a detailed . description for to thesis a particular person, place, memory, experience or object. Bowdoin Connection To Place Essay. Descriptive essay is purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on question to thesis the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. Career Choice. 2) Example : Spring Everyone has a comfortable place to escape to for relaxation. They go there when they need to be. Hearing , Odor , Olfaction 1017 Words | 4 Pages. Opinion Essay: Is Television Good or Bad for American Society? Assignment taught by Dr. Sally Lozada. PART I Throughout the to thesis, next four modules, you will plan and bowdoin connection essay develop an question argumentative essay . Your . homework assignments will consist of: Module 1: Taking a Stance Module 2: Developing an essays Outline Module 3: Providing Body Paragraphs Module 4: Submitting the Completed Essay Taking a Stance Below is the topic for question to thesis Essay 1. Essay 1 Topic Television is an interesting form of entertainment. Psychology. With a proper cable subscription, one’s television can display. Logic , Obesity , Rhetoric 1160 Words | 6 Pages. ELEMENTS OF AN ESSAY Preliminary Remarks Following are some suggestions to help you write an acceptable academic- level essay . . This is not the only way to organize and develop an essay . It is, however, a tried and question to thesis true system and will likely be what your TCC instructors require of you. Bowdoin Connection To Place Essay. Audience and to thesis Purpose Before beginning, you should consider both your audience and purpose. For, before you can know how to approach the subject, you must determine whom you will be addressing, how much they already. 2005 albums , Essay , Five paragraph essay 1430 Words | 5 Pages. statement in this argument? 3. What’s the topic sentence of the writer’s personal view? 4. Note down some of the transitions used in this argument: 5. What . is the wrap-up in this essay ? Rhetorical Devices Find the following devices in this argumentative essay . Literature Thesis. There might be more than one example of question to thesis, each. Bowdoin Connection Essay. Annotate the essay to show these features. Use of question, personal pronouns Exclamations Hyperbole Imperatives Juxtaposition Modern idioms and trendy phrases Non-sentences Repetition Rhetorical questions. Arc de Triomphe , Food , Hamburger 683 Words | 3 Pages. Steven Vanous Opinion essay 131-17 One of the most debated topics of today in America is Health Care. How can we make it . better? How can we fix the major flaws? How can we, as a country, provide every American citizen with proper adequate health care? These are very good questions. I’m just your average citizen and bowdoin to place I figured it out. The answer to all these questions, and many more asked by question, Americans, is very simple. Bowdoin Connection Essay. Adopt a “Socialized Health Care” system just like the one that’s been used. Health care , Health care in the United States , Health economics 1156 Words | 3 Pages. Example Literary Essay : The Giver by to thesis, Lois Lowry Example Introduction Paragraph: “The real voyage of discovery . Research Of Nazareth. consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” This quote by question to thesis, Marcel Proust speaks of discovering what?s right in front of you by seeing it differently, with “new eyes.” The main character, Jonas, in Lois Lowry?s The Giver goes through a similar experience when he discovers his “Capacity to See Beyond.” Jonas begins to see his Community differently, with an awareness or. Lois Lowry , Newbery Medal , The Giver 856 Words | 3 Pages. childhood can become set principles we live by in later life or can influence the decisions we make to bowdoin to place give us our 'world view' aswe can not find other . examples due to question age. Things such as age, gender and commuity will also play a part in autism shaping the effects of to thesis, your world view. A World view is boat described by many different people in various ways for example Samovar and Porter (2003) (citing Rapport and Overing 2000) will describe a world view as 'the common English translation of the German word “Weltanschauung”. I Shall Be Released , Learning , Life 1025 Words | 3 Pages. that a person should only set fairly easy and attainable goals for themselves. Now my attitude is that you should pursue what makes you happy, and you . shouldn’t let struggles stop you. When I read examples about following a passion, overcoming a fear, and being persistent in your efforts, my prior opinion began to change. In the book Blake first describes his journey with creating and growing TOMS. Blake was on a vacation trip in Argentina when he realized the locals tremendous need for shoes. 1083 Words | 3 Pages. create flashcards for free at question to thesis, Cram.com Sign In | Sign Up StudyMode - Premium and bowdoin to place essay Free Essays , Term Papers Book Notes Essays . Question. Book Notes AP Notes Citation Generator More Code Napoleon and “Declaration of the Rights of Man” Comparison By wis2cool, april. 2013 | 5 Pages (1064 Words) | 1 Views | 4.5 12345 (1) | Report | This is bowdoin to place essay a Premium essay for upgraded members Sign Up to access full essay DID YOU LIKE THIS? TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Send Code Napoleon and “Declaration. Age of question, Enlightenment , Declaration of the Rights of Man and tips research paper of the Citizen , French Revolution 632 Words | 4 Pages. small, cute animals are “slowly crushed or impaled by women wearing heels,” reports David Michael (2010). These videos were banned in question to thesis 1999 by the Supreme . Court, until the federal law had overreached, and career the law was overturned. These acts are clear examples of cruelty towards animals, and can never be truly justified. If we take the rights steps, in a warranted and to thesis honest manner, then we can stop animal abuse, and save future species from an unruly and unjustified future as slaves to man-kind. . Animal cruelty , Animal Liberation Front , Animal rights 1055 Words | 3 Pages. Jun. 17, 2013 ESSAY WRITING ESSAY . – A short literary composition of an analytical, interpretive, or reflective kind, dealing with its subject in a non-technical, limited, often unsystematic way and, usually expressive of the connection essay, author’s outlook and question to thesis personality. - An attempt. Career. TYPES OF ESSAYS – Personal – Describes how you feel about someone or something. YOU are at the center . . Article , Essay , Essays 622 Words | 3 Pages. Example MBA admission essay The world of finance and business is a complicated and ubiquitous arena, and the axis around which . Question. most of our society’s most important issues move. Having worked for a number of years in a multitude of administrative positions, I feel in many ways as though I have merely skimmed the surface of a field that is thesis brimming with professional opportunities. The pursuit of a Master’s in Business Administration will enable me access tap previously unused resources in my own. Administration , Business , Business school 873 Words | 3 Pages. ? Essay 1 The methods of political control used by the Han and Imperial Roman Empires were different, as in the degree of citizen participation . in question government because of how each empire utilized it to boat essays control the people. However, the use of theologies to justify rule was a similar method used by the two empires because it allowed leaders to win over question the people in more ways than one. In addition, the boat essays, use of militaries to to thesis control the population and outlying territories was a similar method because. Ancient Rome , Byzantine Empire , Constantine I 2376 Words | 6 Pages. ART-O-METER scale essay Music is on jesus a form of expression; it is question to thesis art, and what makes it of essays, highest or lowest value can often be a matter of question, . To Place. personal choice. Question To Thesis. There are, however, universal ways of looking at a song’s value. Boat Essays. First, one can analyze a song based on to thesis the message the writer wants to reveal. Words construct meaning, which ultimately reveals a theme, and the power of the theme helps listeners decide a song’s worth and universal impact. Closely linked to a song’s theme is the song’s literary. Aspect of music , Broken heart , Fiction 1377 Words | 4 Pages. How to write an argumentative essay. Give your opinion . Argumentative Essay How to essay brother with autism write an Argumentative Essay : Outline, Structure, Format, . Examples , Topics How to write an argumentative essay ? The leading tone in an argumentative essay is the position of proving that the presented point of view is the correct one and possesses more truthful arguments than any other opinions . The author through proper reasoning, inducting and making conclusions, must prove the assertions or the question, theories of the argumentative essay . If the author. Essay , Essays , Five paragraph essay 569 Words | 3 Pages. ! Analyzing Essay Psychologist Martin E. P. The Open. Seligman’s article “On Learned Helplessness” talks about what happens when people go through . traumatic events and how the question, handle the career choice essays, situations. Seligman ` studied the conditions that can lead to feelings of fear, helplessness, depression, and question to thesis competence. By applying his theories and ideas I will analyze the article “Gunman Kills Himself After Hostage Drama” by Charles P. Wallace and Tim Waters. In the article by Wallace and Waters, a twenty-six. Depression , Emotion , Harry Dean Stanton 990 Words | 4 Pages. Definition Essay How to connection essay write a Definition Essay : Outline, Format, Structure, Examples , Topics Writing a . Question. definition essay A definition essay is an essay concentrated on the explanation of the of nazareth, meaning of a definite term. Question. The term may be analyzed from the position of one and only meaning and also from the position of subjectivity of the person defining the term. This classification divides the words into two groups: •material terms – a table, a door, a printer. •spiritual terms – friendship. Causality , Cosmological argument , Definition 2125 Words | 7 Pages. ? ESSAY IS A WRITTEN EXPRESSION OF WRITER'S DIRECT OPINION . THAT OPINION IS BASED ON OUR BELIEFS. now belief is of . further two types: 1. changeable (where there is choice tendency to change the opinion ) 2. non-changeable ( opinion is in just yes or no; agree or disagree) basically the changeable opinion is our thesis statement. * every thesis statement is opinion but every opinion is not thesis statement. types of essays ' topics: 1. open topics on which writer's own tendency to prove his opinion. Belief , Creative writing , Critical thinking 474 Words | 2 Pages. Name: Andrew Gordon Subject: Exp201, Professor Morales Summary Assignment Forerunners Sei Shonagon: Hateful Things Essay question: . Consider Sei Shonagon’s definition of the question to thesis, word ‘hate’ in literature thesis proposal the Heian era. Is an opinion considered hostile if it focuses on question to thesis honesty and transparency of a situation? “Hateful Things” is an opinionated extract from the book “Pillow Talk” written by Sei Shonagon. Pillow Talk is a collection of the lists, desires, poetry and judgmental conversations by Shonagon. Sei. Essay , Heian period , Japan 1371 Words | 4 Pages. Example of an Ethnolect Based Essay. travelled, can appreciate humour, and research on jesus of nazareth that he would like to be perceived as an educated person with further academic goals. Question To Thesis. The phonological features of a . person’s speech are the most obvious signposts to the open boat essays his or her origins or mother tongue. Question. For example , Bill pronounces the ‘not’ in ‘not really’, ‘correct’, ‘just’ and ‘want’ by ending with a glottal stop (/?/), rather than the voiceless consonant (/t/). This occurs as final consonants are much less frequent in Mandarin than in English and research thus they. Australian English , British English , Dialect 953 Words | 3 Pages. 1 AN OPINION COMPOSITION When you are writing an essay that asks you to discuss a topic or give your opinion on a . question, it is question important to organize your thoughts and present your arguments clearly and to work out the structure of your essay before you start to write. 1. Plan four or five paragraphs: 2. 3. 4. 5. - an introduction (saying why it is important, what the situation is. ) - two or three paragraphs in on jesus support of the argument/ giving a contrasting or different view (with reasons). Developmental psychology , Essay , Learning 1697 Words | 5 Pages. Wind” essay by Verlyn Klinkenborg and then answer the following questions: . Question To Thesis. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/18/ opinion /18fri4.html?_r=1 1. Explain how the author describes the wind in three sentences? Provide one quote from the the open boat, essay . 2. Copy down at least three descriptions that connect to at least three of the following senses: a. visual b. taste c. hearing d. touch e. smell 3. Write down the question, author’s main point. Actually copy his main point from the essay so I. Essay , Following , Plutarch 1249 Words | 4 Pages. every reader's question: So what? Supportable - A thesis must be a claim that you can prove with the evidence at hand (e.g., evidence from your texts . or from your research). Your claim should not be outlandish, nor should it be mere personal opinion or preference (e.g., Frederick Douglass is my favorite historical figure.) Precise - An effective thesis statement has been narrowed down from a very broad subject. Boat Essays. Your claim should not be something on which whole books could be written. To Thesis. . Argument , Frederick Douglass , Logic 1094 Words | 5 Pages. Essay Development Learning Team B COM/172 September 10, 2010 The ultimate success or failure of a paper may often be traced back to . the planning stages. What might you do to provide yourself with the best opportunity to succeed when writing our college papers? Planning is the most important tool we can use to create an effective essay . When we plan accordingly, we are setting the tips for writing research paper, right expectation for completing our assignment. Question. We take the time to create an effective outline and use. Begin , Essay , Pop music 1304 Words | 4 Pages. watching. Mary Chastain writes for Breitbart.com and as a concerned parent, she mostly covers semi-controversial subjects of the news that focus on mental . health issues of children. She inserts herself into her articles with compassion and of nazareth lets her opinions flow. Any mother or father would certainly feel the question, compassion in her words and might trust her judgment just by knowing that she is a mother herself. Not knowing this information could skew your view of her articles. If I did not know she was. Parent , Psychology , SpongeBob SquarePants 1056 Words | 3 Pages. of a highly successful career is the amount of respect we receive from our peers. We are respected because of our expertise and our knowledge. We stand out college brother with autism . Question To Thesis. above the research, average person. We are noticed, loved and admired by question, many. Our opinion is valued. Other people's opinions are high of review proposal, us. In our local community, we are thought of as being a vivacious and question to thesis charismatic leader. Everyone wants to be around us because we make him or her feel good about themselves, and we help boost his or her self-esteem. Happiness , Need , Poverty 846 Words | 3 Pages. anyone believe that they were a witch. Essay With. This is also seen as injustice because it is definitely not fair or moral. In The Crucible, Miller uses character to . show that just because someone is different could possibly mean that they were witches. An example of character in the film was when Giles Corey had just asked how someone’s day was and a fire had made flames. Question. This made him convicted to being a witch just because how creepy people had seen him as. Bowdoin Connection To Place Essay. Justice cannot be seen here because justice is. Arthur Miller , Daniel Day-Lewis , John Proctor 899 Words | 3 Pages. Essay Structure: The Secret To A Good Essay. Essay Structure: The Secret To A Good Essay Essays are like the people that write them; each one is unique . and question individual. A good essay topic seems the most important aspect for a paper; but if the writer can’t effectively convey their argument or idea in a fluid procession the paper’s topic will not matter. A writer needs to capture their audience in the most successful way and structural elements are a contributor to that. Review Proposal. In the essay , Graffiti: Art or Vandalism, the author effectively. Art , Banksy , Eyesore 943 Words | 3 Pages. Descriptive Essay Example We all know college is hard; if it were easy, everyone would have . a degree and question no one would ever ask for help. But here at Crafton Hills College, tutors are available to career help out students in any way, so that those who struggle can do well and be successful. These mentors don’t just lecture, they take the time to make sure students understand and comprehend what is being taught. Tutors are at question to thesis, hand for a variety of subjects, some have. Learning , Teaching assistant , Tutor 1006 Words | 3 Pages. spaces to people who don’t live in Ann Arbor who commute from all over the surrounding areas. For example , my MTH 169 teacher, Mr. King, would . commute from Farmington to Ann Arbor every day. When in the class, he was always on for writing psychology research time because he had another class before us so he had the opportunity to question to thesis find a parking space, but if he arrived later than that he wouldn’t have found one. Another example was in winter 2012, my boyfriend’s mother had exited the Bailey Library, and immediately a person asked. Ann Arbor, Michigan , Bus , Bus stop 1050 Words | 4 Pages. CORE Arguments, Opinions and tips psychology suggestions. ? Appendix 2: Guidelines for Essays Each group must select ONE of the to thesis, Topics below: Research the Topic and Write an . essay . In preparing their assignments, students are expected to do a thorough research on college essay with autism the chosen topic and to thesis also provide case examples to essay with illustrate/defend their arguments. Where possible, students are encouraged to use UAE/GULF OR Middle-East organizations as an example . In agreement with the lecturer, they may also change the topic slightly to suit a. Critical thinking , Human resource management , Management 497 Words | 2 Pages. boot-camp not as a military training program, but rather as a group of individuals who are driven by a common goal? If we can do this then we can begin . Question. making comparisons with other groups of the open, individuals and notice a great deal of similarities. For example , universities offer a wide variety of clubs such as the Philosophy Club or the Student Veterans Organization, and these clubs are formed because like-minded individuals driven by a common goal congregated and bonded to birth their club. Just like. Bond , Bonds, Lancashire , Marine 900 Words | 2 Pages. Order Essay from Experienced Writers with Ease - Thesis Statements - Roane State Community College Job satisfaction – sample IELTS essay. This is the to thesis, next in college essay brother with autism my series of model IELTS essays. In this essay on to thesis, job satisfaction and employment, I talk you through different ways to structure the tips for writing paper, essay – there is always more than one way to skin a cat. I also give you notes on how you can use repetition to to thesis, help your writing become more cohesive and career choice essays coherent. Repeating words and ideas can be a good thing. In addition to the essay to download, you will also find 3 separate exercises on vocabulary to help you write the essay yourself. This is a particularly tough question because it is a double/double question. You need to discuss both stress and longer working hours and explain the reasons for them and to thesis suggest what can be done by employers. Nowadays many jobs are more stressful and the working day is longer. What are the reasons for this? What can employers do to help employees? There are different ways you can structure this essay. Whatever option you choose, you must ensure you cover all the connection to place essay, points in the task. This is where you need to leave yourself plenty of thinking time before you start writing. What I do here is to show you some of the possible choices you have. The idea is you write a logical answer to the essay question and question do not follow one model . One choice would be to divide the essay by employees (stress and hours) and literature employers (solutions): content 1: explain reasons for question to thesis, both stress and long working hours content 2: suggest what employers could do. content 1: write about stress and what employers could do about it content 2: write about working hours and what employers could do about it. content 1: write about stress content 2: write about working hours content 3 and research on jesus conclusion: what employers could do about stress and working hours. One option is to write about question to thesis, different reasons for tips for writing research paper, stress and hours in separate paras and question to thesis then write about employer solutions. The reason for college brother autism, this is question that the question asks you for reasons in the plural. content 1: reason 1 for research of nazareth, stress and question hours content 2: reason 2 for research, stress and hours content 3: employer suggestion. content 1: write about stress content 2: write about working hours content 3: what employers could do about question to thesis, stress and the open boat essays working hours separate conclusion. Ideas for the essay and for job satisfaction essays. Stress and longer working hours ideas. employees are worried about to thesis, losing their jobs because of job market conditions – mass unemployment globalisation causes greater competition and leads to everyone having to proposal, work harder employees are not given adequate training employees work individually and question not in teams poor management and lack of feedback some countries do not regulate working hours employees do too much overtime to earn more cash. employers recognise longer hours do not mean more efficiency employers limit the hours of work and restrict overtime set meal breaks provide a better working environment provide all the training necessary encourage employees to spend some time relaxing during the working day managers set clear targets for employees that can be attained. Here are some other job satisfaction ideas for other employment essays. sense of belonging to a team sense of doing a job that is worthwhile – if low paid (teachers. ) being promoted and taking on more responsibilities enjoyable work environment and socialising with your colleagues sense of bowdoin essay achievement when you meet a target or complete a project learning new skills understanding why and how what you do matters understanding more about question to thesis, your company and review its business. Vocabulary for the essay – think word formation and collocations. It is important that you have some variety of vocabulary when you write this essay. This does not mean that you need to use lots of different words. In fact, your essay will be more cohesive if you repeat some words. All you need to do is make sure that you use them in question different ways. That means using different forms of the words (word formation) and use them in different ways. In this essay, the key word is work. Here are some variations I use: work longer hours. do the same work. work more efficiently. I do of course use other words too. However, by repeating and rephrasing the career choice essays, one word “work” in different ways the question to thesis, essay is linked together and becomes more cohesive. It’s a trick you should try. You will find more employment vocabulary on psychology paper, my employment vocabulary page. Two ways in which the workplace has changed in the modern era are that employees are required to work longer hours and there is more pressure on them than in the past. Question To Thesis? In this essay, I examine how competition is the main reason for this and suggest how employers can improve their employees’ working conditions . Competition from the job market is one reason why some employees are under more pressure at work. High levels of research on jesus unemployment mean that it would often be cheaper for an employer to hire someone else to do the to thesis, same work. This naturally has a negative psychological effect on employees . It can also result in for writing research their staying longer in the office to ensure that they meet their performance targets. Increased competition caused by globalisation is to thesis also significant . Many smaller businesses now need to compete either with multinationals or companies from developing countries where labour is cheaper. The effect of on jesus this on employees is that they know they may be made redundant if the business they work for fails. This is not only stressful, but can also lead to their working longer hours to help the business survive. Despite this competition, employers should ensure that their staff have the question, best possible working conditions . This means that employees should not be required to work overtime unless in the open boat an emergency, be given regular breaks and be reassured that their future is safe. Question? If this were to happen, the employees should work more efficiently, something which is in the interest of the employer. My conclusion would be that competition from the connection essay, job market and globalisation is the principal cause of to thesis stress at work and connection to place a longer working day . Employers can help address these problems by question to thesis, recognising that reducing stress and regulating working hours will lead to greater efficiency. You will find more exercises on vocab below. You should note the literature review thesis proposal, range of different employment vocabulary words I use.This means I can afford to repeat the word “work” when I need to and still have enough variation of vocab. The skill is to vary when you need to and be consistent when you need to. To write this essay well, you need to think about cause and effect. Question? See the different cause and effect language I use. Identifying the choice, task in the introduction. The introduction clearly identifies all the parts of the task. To Thesis? The first sentence identifies the topic areas of stress and working hours. The second sentence leads into the body of the essay by stating how I will examine the reasons and suggest solutions. Coherence and essay structure notes. See how the first sentence of each content para links to the main idea of the introduction and the conclusion. Sometimes repetition is a good thing. Also note how each content para starts with a relatively short simple sentence. All I am trying to do is tips research paper show the reader what the one main idea of that para is. Note how I don’t try and include all my ideas in the essay. Vocabulary exercises on the essay. Here are 3 exercises to help you write the question to thesis, essay yourself. How to like it, share it and career choice essays save it. Get more help with IELTS preparation on the main pages of my site. Keep up with me on Facebook - all the updates and even more advice there. Or just get all my free lessons by email. 11 Responses to Job satisfaction – sample IELTS essay. First of all I would like to thank you because of such useful site that I think you could never find site on the Internet which has as much effective information as this site has (ofcourse I like Simon too). Despite of question to thesis designing part of site which I felt to on jesus, some extent confusing to follow and takes a bit time to be familiar with , I think without no doubt that this is the best site about IELTS. Im sure if someone likes you were lived in my country , he never would share his knowledge as you are doing. Next I would like to ask you put some exercises about question, relative clause and bowdoin connection to place how we can omit them as I found it is the best way to add information . At the to thesis, end I have problem with this sentence in terms of bowdoin connection essay grammar. From (check your vocabulary for ACADEMIC ENGLISH ) The atmospheres of most planets is not transparent , MAKING IT difficult for us to see the surface.( Am I right that it was” which makes it” then turned into making it) Sorry if I am so basic and take your time. Thanks for question, the comment. Re the site design which part is most confusing? I know there are problems!! At the mo the site is only about a tenth built. By year end there should be neatly organised guides to the open essays, essays. To Thesis? listening and reading (and perhaps part 1 writing). Choice? The aim is for people to start at different points and work through a skill systematically. I do believe it is importan tto be systematic in your learning and not just start anywhere. However, it will me take a little time to get there. Good question. In fact, I should be doing another lesson on relatives quite soon. To Thesis? You are quite right that it could have been “which makes it”. The point is that we often avoid relatives – they tend to be ugly and make your writing harder to understand. One way we do this is by using -ing. This site is excellent … very strong on Writing Skills.Simon?s site is perhaps stronger on The Speaking section with numerous model answers (for all 3 parts)and useful tips. Unlike the literature review thesis proposal, previous post I think the site is very well organised – and the model essays with their color-coded attention to vocab, cohesion, linking words … are first-rate. Thank you for your hard work. Yes Simon is good. If you are looking for question, alternative speaking materials (I shall be updating mine more systematically once my writing materials are more complete) can I point you in the direction of Splendid Speaking. They have by boat essays, some distance the question, best speaking materials on the net. Don’t be put off by career choice, the subscribe feature – it’s all free and the weekly transcripts and tips are second to none. Question To Thesis? What this site gets very right is the distinction between the essay with autism, written and the spoken language. I’d add that the materials for question, other exams are also well worth looking at. It can be very misleading to think of IELTS speaking as a peculiar skill. It isn’t. The best speaking tips are normally very simple and don’t require a “specialist” approach. On Jesus? Good speaking is good speaking and ultimately the one tip that should be carried into the exam is “listen to to thesis, the question and answer it”. I’ll update this comment with another link from my IELTS directory. Without question, the most complete set of speaking materials on the net for IELTS is English Lab. This is another site written by autism, an ex-IELTS examiner (they’re not supposed to say they are!). It is very, very complete indeed. To Thesis? It takes a bit of navigation because it so big but you’ll find everything you could possibly want there – if you are after IELTS specific speaking materials and college brother autism ideas. dear Dominc,hi it,s my pleasure to see such a useful site for those want to question, study ielts .not only for students ,but for teachers .i as a teacher ejoy a lot and learn many things form it.just i want to thank you for your great job you ,ve done.wishing you the research on jesus, very best.i would like to ask ,if possible texplain how to teach geapghs which is considered to be very important in IELTS.please.IS there a specific method to teach?thanking you ..with deep respect and regards M.Andalibi. Hi Always nice to hear from a fellow teacher. This year I aim to question, post quite a lot of teacher specific materials as I know a number of teachers drop by. College Brother? In principle, I should post an idea/resource each Sunday. Have you found my task 1 teaching ideas that I have already posted? There are lots more to follow. Increasingly, I teach task 1 as just another bit of question writing. I think it can be misleading to concentrate on too much “trend language” for example. Task 1 is graded in exactly the same way as an essay. I also think that students get confused by thinking that it is essay with completely different. Question? I’m not sure it is. You pick out the research on jesus, details you need, you organise the logically combining main points and explanations just as you would in an essay. Ironically, the idea of question charts and graphs is to display information more clearly, but in psychology research paper my experience students often go wrong because they don’t really get the point of the chart/graph. Hence the lesson on demystifying charts. My personal students did much better once they understood the concept of charts in this way – and that was without bothering to teach much/any specialised language. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS PIECES OF INFORMATION ON IELTS TASK 2…….I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A WONDERFUL BLOG ANYWHERE …THANK YOU….SIR. THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS PIECES OF INFORMATION ON IELTS TASK 2…….I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A WONDERFUL BLOG ANYWHERE …THANK YOU….SIR. In the competitive world of question today, it is common for employees to spend long and stressful hours at work. This essay will discuss the socio economic reasons why employees need to work harder and put in longer hours ; it will also discuss what the employers can do to make the boat, life easier for question, their working staff. intro for the above topic —– I wud chose the simple 4 paragraph essay – one describing the reasons why employees need to research, put longer hrs -one describing what employers can do to ease this — the intro and conclusion —– i loved your intro -mine suddenly looks awful – and i also love the way in which you have organised your essay —its terrific – thanks for sharing it with us #128578; The nights spent on learning insanely academic words would foster a good foundation for the language proficiency – I thought at the start of my journey to English. However, as years passed by, I realized the language shouldn’t be confined with tons of specification barriers that would limit one’s outlook into question profound possibilities of the language. The foundation should be built on a flexible framework that grasps every aspect of the language. Take into account, it doesn’t mean expanding one’s vocabulary with colloquial phraseology, but spreading the experience of what the essay with autism, language represents in a native environment. Ielts is a cornerstone of English. Nonetheless, do not limit youself on merely accomplishing the question, requirements. Instead, try to diversify your learning path with discovering nuances of English. It can be done in infinite amount of ways. First, start with reading news, reviews of gadgets, PC or whatever you are interested in. The internet is your right hand for most of the research, cases. Other times, try to talk to natives. Ah, I am running out of time. So, Cheers up! And do not give up on your dreams!
In the annals of mysterious cryptids, there's one creature that stands out among the rest by virtue of its sheer strangeness: the squonk. The squonk was introduced to the world in the fantastically-titled 1910 book Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods, which purportedly detailed strange animals encountered by pioneering woodsman in America's heretofore unexplored wilderness. Said to lurk in the forests of northern Pennsylvania, the squonk is described as a repulsive little creature sporting ill-fitting, saggy skin that is covered in various unsettling blemishes. Apparently both aware and ashamed of its gruesome appearance, legend has it that the squonk spends it days trying to hide from the world in the wilderness while simultaneously weeping over its unfortunate fate. However, the story of the squonk is not without its fair share of irony in that those very tears are what purportedly protect the creature. According to author William T. Cox, who wrote the Lumberwoods book, the creature was once captured by a man who encountered it and trapped the cryptid in a sack. When the triumphant squonk hunter returned home with his prey, he was stunned to discover that there was nothing in the bag except for the creature's tears, suggesting that the cryptid had somehow dissolved. Of course, skeptics and wildlife experts have largely dismissed Cox's book as a work of fantasy containing fabricated tales of 'fantastic beasts and where to find them.' Nonetheless, the squonk has endured on the periphery of cryptozoology as somewhat of a 'cult' creature appreciated by those 'in the know,' perhaps most famously referenced in the 1974 Steely Dan song 'Any Major Dude Will Tell You.' Before the arrival of search engines with the ability to answer every question, the lyric "have you ever seen a squonk's tears? Well, look at mine," left fans of the band scratching their heads and debating what the line was supposed to mean. So while naysayers may argue that the creature never existed in the first place, if you ever find yourself exploring a northern Pennsylvania forest and notice some inexplicable sobbing, tread lightly for you just may have stumbled upon a squonk.
A woman in the English village of Halsham claims that she and her friends had a terrifying encounter with what could only be called a werewolf! The bizarre sighting occurred as the group was going to get a pizza and one of the passengers in Jemma Waller's car thought he had seen a fox near the road. Waller says that she then looked out her window and was stunned to see a dog rise from four legs to two and walk towards her car. Chillingly, she noted that this was clearly no ordinary dog as the canine looked to be as big as her car and sported a human face! Fortunately for Waller and her friends, she opted to keep driving and the mysterious 'dog man' dashed away from the car rather than pursue the party. While one might suspect that the group were merely influenced by the series of werewolf sightings that happened in the area a few months ago, but it appears that may not actually be the case. Waller asserts that they only found about the stories when they later stopped for gas, told an attendant about their sighting. He, in turn, regaled them with tale of the Beast of Barnstom Drain, a purported werewolf that set off a small panic back in May when numerous residents in the city of Hull reportedly spotted a bipedal canine cryptid. With Halsham being only about 12 miles from Hull, it's entirely possible that whatever had been frightening Hull residents a few months ago has made its way to the nearby village. In total, the various sightings reported this year have raised the specter of the legendary UK werewolf which bears the unfortunate name of 'Old Stinker.' That particular creature allegedly lurked in the English countryside and unnerved farmers for two centuries via a series of sightings. We're guessing that this new werewolf is not the original 'Old Stinker' and suspect that may it learned a trick or two from its predecessor, since it managed to acquire the much moniker Beast of Barnstom Drain. Coast Insiders looking to learn more about the werewolf or bipedal canine cryptid phenomenon can check out author Linda Godfrey's 8/26/2012 appearance on the program. Not a Coast Insider yet? Sign up today. Source: Hull Daily Mail
Cryptozoology is “the study of hidden animals” (called ‘cryptids’). More precisely, it is the pursuit of animals that science does not recognize as existing and, in some situations, be considered ‘monster hunting’ in comparison to the ghost hunters in a forthcoming discussion. Like the closely related field of UFOlogy, cryptozoology can accurately be described as “a simulacrum of systematic rationality…quite impressive to many…nonbelievers.” In order to become a cryptozoologist, one needs no special training, just an interest in and knowledge of the jargon, and reverence of the self-appointed experts. To establish evidence for the existence of these mystery creatures, there is little zoology involved. Researchers rely heavily upon anecdotes, historic tales, and circumstantial evidence of alleged sightings. A cryptozoolgist will frequently set up a false dichotomy, especially to the media: either an eyewitness saw something mysterious or he/she is lying. Anecdotes are taken at face value – it is assumed that the eyewitness knows what she saw. Better explanations, like mistakes, misidentification, exaggeration and confabulation, are lightly regarded. One cannot reasonably analyze data at face value when misperception, fraud and expectations are so common . Though thousands of eyewitness sightings have been documented, remarkably little data exists for scientific scrutiny . The best evidence that has been obtained for hundreds of mysterious creatures claimed to exist on land, in the water and in air is considered to be print casts, photographs, video and a few biological samples. All are controversial. No bodies exist, not even parts. Cryptozoologists have a classic love-hate relationship with the scientific community. This field has a history of interest from credentialed scientists including anthropologists, zoologists and wildlife biologists who commendably make repeated attempts to insert their work into conventional scientific journals and conferences. The crypto-community is warm and welcoming to professionals that are sympathetic but show blatant disdain for scientists and investigators critical of their claims. Cryptozoologists revel in examples of new species discoveries (made by actual zoologists, not part-time scientists), citing “Cuvier’s rash dictum” in response . They enjoy exploding the (erroneous) concept that “science knows everything” and “the world is fully explored”. These tenets serve as inspiration that one day, a cryptid body will be found. All skeptics are a token ‘straw man’, lumped into the bin of debunkers. Cryptozoological skeptics are characterized as ridiculing eyewitnesses, refusing to look at evidence and dismissive of cryptid existence. Those of a critical mindset, who wish to examine the evidence of cryptozoology, are treated with disdain, as noted by Radford (2008), who states that investigators are denied the opportunity to view collected samples. Evidence is hoarded. Close scrutiny is disallowed except to select few. In researching the existence of unknown animals, the cryptozoologist, by definition, has made the assumption that an unknown creatures exists. In the mind of the cryptozoologist is a preconceived notion of the creature they aim to find. Speculation is rampant and forms the basis for the majority of media content. A prime example is Coleman & Huyghe’s The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide (published by Anomalist Books). Field guides carry an assumption that one can locate such creatures in the field. Though science has never recognized any of these mystery primates, this descriptive guide explains their natural history which amounts to complete conjecture far beyond what any evidence can support. Cryptozoologists have proposed not one large unknown mammal species existing in the modern world, but several. Locating an animal in the woods is difficult and takes patience and skill. Yet, we do find rare and secretive animals. Trail cameras have been successful in finding animals like the wolverine and jaguar returning to areas from where they had been previously eradicated. Fishermen dredge up new species or some just wash up on shore. The cryptozoologist has not captured unequivocal evidence and so will instead engage in special pleading: animal ‘X’ is so rare, in remote habitat, very smart, with enhanced senses to avoid people. When these excuses are strained, they might even propose that cryptid behaviors and abilities transcend normal biology making them paranormal, not subject to natural laws. Cryptids are commonly closely associated with other paranormal concepts like UFOs and demons. In the cryptid community, there is an argument between those that would blend these concepts and those that wish to retain a semblance of scientific professionalism by excluding paranormal explanations. Leaving out important considerations and telling only one side of the story without disclosing the weak points is intellectually dishonest. Mystery mongers seem satisfied with retaining mystery and will not attempt to seek a reasonable explanation. Radford (2008) likens the behavior of cryptozoologists to obstructing justice. A confounding factor with cryptids arises with the spectrum of creatures that may be included under this label. They range from actual animals, now presumed extinct to clearly mythical creatures that make sense culturally, but not biologically. Accepting the idea of unknown animals in our midst has a strong component of faith. The public will consider whether they “believe” in the reality of Bigfoot or other cryptid without consideration of the actual evidence. Mystery is fun and the idea of monsters in our midst is exciting. Cryptozoology claims success when some unknown creature (even a mundane one), previously described by a culture, is recognized by science. New species are not found by cryptozoologists out investigating tales of sightings. While they truly want to do science and be accepted into that circle, in the final analysis, cryptozoology is essentially about pursuing a belief, being immersed in a mystery, and feeling important. Carroll, R. T. (2003). The Skeptic’s Dictionary, John Wiley & Sons. Coleman, L., J. Clark (1999). Cryptozoology A to Z, Fireside. Daegling, D. (2004). Bigfoot Exposed, AltaMira Press. Levitt, N. (1999). Prometheus Bedeviled, Rutgers Univ Press. Radford, B. (2008). “Problems with Cryptozoology.” Retrieved April 30, 2009, from http://doctoratlantis.com/wordpress/?p=9. Levitt, p. 84 Daegling, p. 72 Ibid., p. 61 Coleman, p. 16-18 Back to Sham Inquiry contents page.
How to buy essay cheap with no worries - Introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum Nov 19, 2017 Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student, Blue Ocean Strategy Essays and Research Papers. About Spectrum School Student! ? Romaine Stewart Blue Ocean Paper Rebecca Robbins June 1,2014 The purpose of anjin san this paper is to Spectrum for the Student, identify the . Anjin San! blue ocean strategy and Essay about Spectrum for the Middle Student, its importance, the comparison between the failures, Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS), and the Red Ocean Strategy (ROS). This paper will also explore the different business that uses each one of School Student these strategies , the advantages and disadvantages of using these strategies . Nine Stories! The Blue Ocean Strategy is the simultaneous pursuit of Electromagnetic for the Student low cost and differentiation. Blue Ocean Strategy , LG Display , LG Electronics 825 Words | 6 Pages. The Farming Of Bones! ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Ingrid Dillard MKT/421 December 22 2014 Dianna Iobst . Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Blue Ocean strategy is an opportunity to about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student, create new and politics, unique ways in an uncontested market space. This important strategy focuses on making competition irrelevant through creating a new innovative product or service. This paper outlines a product service that is considered a Blue Ocean move and the alternative Red Ocean strategy will also be covered. Essay About For The Student! Blue Ocean Description. Of Monte! Blue Ocean Strategy , FairPlay , IPhone 706 Words | 4 Pages. Blue Ocean Strategy August 21, 2014 University of Phoenix Blue . Essay About For The Middle School Student! ocean strategy is essay on mobile phone and disadvantages, a concept written to about Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle Student, question the standard five forces concept of marketing. Count Of Monte Cristo Character! The idea is to Essay about Electromagnetic Middle, move out of the on a, quote “red ocean ” where there are sharks always competing into the “ blue ocean ” competition of your own where other competition is nonexistent. A red ocean is easily understood since it “represents all the industries in existence today” (Kim Mauborgne, 2004). Blue ocean focuses. About Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle Student! Battery , Blue Ocean Strategy , Competition 679 Words | 5 Pages. ? Blue Ocean Strategy Oluwatosin Odunlami MKT/421 December 11, 2014 Marc Lyncheski . Blue ocean strategy can be described as an approach taken by an organization in order to on mobile, develop a solid customer service. When an Electromagnetic School organization do this, it gives them an opportunity to avoid a crowded market place that is filled up with competition by did wallpaper various existing companies, when a company comes up to Essay, build a new market division that does not consist of politics any other existing businesses. Spectrum For The Middle School Student! Apple Inc. Politics! , Blue Ocean Strategy , IPhone 884 Words | 5 Pages. ? Product, Pricing, and Channels Paper MKT/421 - Marketing Blue Ocean Strategy Description of . Essay About Spectrum For The School! Blue Ocean strategy and its Importance The Blue Ocean Strategy is derived from the anjin san, book “ Blue Ocean Strategy ” by Essay Middle School Student W. Chan Kim and count of monte character list, Renee Mauborgne. The book is based on a study of 150 strategic moves made by companies in 30 industries over 100 plus years. About Spectrum For The Middle! Per the on mobile phone, book, the term blue ocean means untouched market space that makes competition none existent in about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Student a known industry. The term describes how. Blue Ocean Strategy , Company , Competition 887 Words | 4 Pages. Anjin San! ? Blue Ocean Strategy MKT 421 May 4, 2015 William Alan McIntyre Blue . Ocean Strategy While blue ocean strategy entails creating new opportunities where one's do not currently exist, blue ocean strategy does is not exclusive to new business and new segments through RD. Blue oceans can be created from Essay about Electromagnetic, current industry standards by redefining the customer experience. The Farming Of Bones! IKEA is Essay for the School, a prime example of the farming how crowding in existing business practices can offer blue ocean strategy to Essay about Spectrum, the company. Blue Ocean Strategy , Business , Furniture 808 Words | 5 Pages. ? Blue Ocean Strategy Rebecka McCollough MKT/421 January 21, 2015 Nikki Butler Blue . Politics! Ocean Strategy When thinking about opening a business, you have to Essay Electromagnetic, look at whether you want to politics, compete in about Middle existing markets or create a new market for your product. Qin Dynasty Politics! When you compete in existing markets, you will find many of Electromagnetic them are overcrowded and the farming, your business will not flourish in Essay about School Student this environment. You should want your business to stand out and on mobile advantages and disadvantages, become profitable, that is Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle Student, what Blue Ocean Strategy encompasses. Blue Ocean Strategy , Company , Competition 903 Words | 5 Pages. The impact of Blue Ocean Strategy In the earlier work (See Blue Ocean . She Believed So She! Strategy : how to create uncontested market , 2005) it has been argued two types of strategies : blue ocean strategy and red ocean strategy . Red ocean strategists compete to win market share in Essay Spectrum for the traditional mature markets and nine stories, pursue either a differentiation or cost leader strategy . For The Student! On the cristo character, other hand, Blue ocean strategists, create new environments, redefine products or services or the about Spectrum for the Middle School, nature of competition, make competition irrelevant. Blue Ocean Strategy , Disruptive technology , English language 1658 Words | 6 Pages. ?BOOK REVIEW BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY : How to nine stories, Create Uncontested Market Space and Student, make the she believed she could, Competition Irrelevant . Spectrum School! W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, 2005. Is Braveheart Based On A Story! BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY : How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Spectrum School, Make the Competition Irrelevant. Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. Anjin San! ISBN 1-59139-619-0. I find this book, Blue Ocean Strategy : How to Essay Spectrum for the Middle, Create Uncontested market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant, is very informative. Story! The only thing that I am not very fond. Atlantic Ocean , Blue Ocean Strategy , Cirque du Soleil 1841 Words | 6 Pages. Essay About Electromagnetic For The Middle Student! ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Adel Erolsky University of she could so she did wallpaper Phoenix MKT/421 Ron Rosalik August 25, . 2014 Blue Ocean Strategy Paper In today’s business world, competition is Essay Middle Student, a big concern for so she nearly every corporation. The competition on the market is Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle Student, getting stronger and more difficult to essay and disadvantages, overcome, in many situations corporations terminate their products, production, or their services, just because it is Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle Student, impossible to she believed, continue; the cost is too high to Essay about Spectrum Middle, focus on gathering development. Nine Stories! Blue Ocean Strategy , Circus , Cirque du Soleil 814 Words | 4 Pages. Middle! Blue Ocean Strategy Paper XXXXXXXX MKT 42110/13/2014 Mr. Boswell Blue Ocean . Based True! Strategy Paper There has been a lot of Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Student discussion and essay phone and disadvantages, consideration when it comes to Essay about for the Middle Student, the red or blue ocean approach to she could did wallpaper, marketing strategies for businesses both already established and newly founded. Spectrum For The Middle Student! Red oceans refer to the known market space – all the industries in existence today. In red oceans , industry boundaries are clearly delineated and accepted, and she believed, the competitive rules of the Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle School Student, game are known. Companies try. Blue Ocean Strategy , Competition , Existence 1082 Words | 2 Pages. ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Blue Ocean Strategy Paper When . Count Character List! industries become congested with too many similar companies, it can be difficult to Electromagnetic Middle Student, rise to the top. The Farming Of Bones Pdf! The overflowing competition hinders the opportunities for about Electromagnetic Spectrum School Student success. The Blue Ocean strategy involves taking a whole new approach when competing with others in the same industry. Instead of is braveheart based on a true story being in the midst of Essay about for the Middle School fighting over markets, this strategic plan includes opening up a whole new segment of the anjin san, market that is untouched. Attempting. Blue Ocean Strategy , Business school , Competition 772 Words | 4 Pages. ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Lisa Rogers MKT/421 January 12, 2015 Anissa Upshaw Blue . Essay Spectrum Student! Ocean Strategy Paper Blue Ocean Blue Ocean Strategy is recently established marketing concept derived from the masterminds of she could so she W. About Electromagnetic For The Student! Chan Kim and based on a, Renee Mauborgne. Blue ocean strategy is Essay Electromagnetic Middle, commonly described when a company develops a service or product generating a market platform that commonly prevents competitor from having any significance while reaching new consumers and lessening cost (lexicon.ft.com). In this marketing. App Store , Apple Inc. Anjin San! , Blue Ocean Strategy 766 Words | 5 Pages. Cirque Du Soleil Market Growth In Difficult Environments: Blue Ocean Strategy This case study is an edited . Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum For The School! extract from W. Kim Chan and Renee Mauborgne, “ Blue Ocean Strategy ” Harvard Business Review, vol. The Farming Pdf! 82, no. 10, (October) 2004 This case study is Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School, also published in she could so she the book, Blue Ocean Strategy by the same authors and about Electromagnetic for the Student, published by Harvard Business Books in on mobile phone 2005 A one-time accordion player, stilt walker and fire-eater, Guy Laliberte is Essay Electromagnetic Middle School, now CEO of of bones pdf one of Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School Canada’s largest cultural exports. On A Story! Acrobatics , Blue Ocean Strategy , Circus 1877 Words | 7 Pages. The Execution of Spectrum Middle School a Blue Ocean Strategy. Airline , Airlines , Avianca 2100 Words | 7 Pages. ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Abdullah Durani MKT/421 9/3/14 Gwendolyn Mclain Introduction In a . marketplace that is essay advantages and disadvantages, always changing and Middle Student, very competitive, it can be very hard for she could so she did wallpaper a company or organization to about Spectrum for the Middle School Student, set themselves apart from the of bones pdf, competition. Companies are constantly aiming to about Spectrum Student, beat out nine stories, their competitors, win over about Electromagnetic Middle School, customers, and obtain a product that is more desirable than the next companies. The Farming Of Bones Pdf! These companies are involved in Essay Electromagnetic School Student a constant back and forth battle that can be very. Essay On Mobile Phone Advantages! Apple Inc. , Blue Ocean Strategy , Digital audio player 880 Words | 5 Pages. Electromagnetic Middle Student! ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Gregory Newfield MKT/421 October 13, 2014 Professor Ricci Rizzo MBA . The Farming Pdf! Blue Ocean Strategy The Blue Ocean Strategy focuses on Essay about School Student the three industries that closely touch people’s lives. Areas they looked at were Autos, Computers and she could did wallpaper, Movie and about Electromagnetic for the School, what companies within those fields are doing to nine stories, managing sustainable profit and Student, growth through the test of nine stories time. Essay About Spectrum For The Middle Student! The creation of politics a blue ocean strategy places its focus on strategic moves to Essay School Student, place their brand in position. Is Braveheart Based On A True Story! 24 Hour Fitness , Blue Ocean Strategy , Competition 1366 Words | 6 Pages. Blue Ocean Strategy Book Review By Sah Rizal bin Salleh The Authors wrote this book in such a unique way and about Electromagnetic for the, . tremendous, a direct challenge and oppose of the well-known “Red Ocean Strategy ”. She Could Did Wallpaper! To make it clear and Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum Student, justifying my true insight about this book, I’ll explain a piece of Red before we go deep into the Blue Ocean . Red is basically one would say as a “Standard Operating Method” of people getting into each other, everyone is of bones, eager in Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Student their own way to anjin san, succeed, getting the better half of. Blue Ocean Strategy , Business model , Cirque du Soleil 1936 Words | 6 Pages. it adds little value in Essay about Electromagnetic for the Middle Student explaining to route so success. Anjin San! 2. most fundamental assumption of the Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle School, Blue Ocean theory is qin dynasty politics, that . Essay Spectrum For The! industry’s conditions can be shaped by a firm’s efforts. The red ocean describes a situation where existing industry rules are readily formed, static and cannot be changed. Market Failures! While the possible occurrence of a blue ocean encourages the creativity and about Electromagnetic Student, learning, the count of monte cristo character list, red ocean claims that learning is ineffective in Essay Electromagnetic for the such situation. The assumptions behind the two are therefore not. True! Blue Ocean Strategy , Economics , Innovation 2448 Words | 7 Pages. Blue ocean strategy 1. Brief introduction 2. About Electromagnetic Spectrum! Quotes and nine stories, examples 3. Personal opinion and critics 1. Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum For The Student! . Anjin San! Introduction This book is an about for the School introduction to anjin san, blue ocean strategy . Essay Spectrum Middle Student! Strategy management is here divided in the two; the red and nine stories, the blue strategy . About Spectrum For The Middle! First let's talk about the red ocean , red for blood, where companies can be compared to sharks eating each other by market failures competing on Essay Electromagnetic for the Student existing markets with unoriginal strategies especially by competing on count of monte cristo price and try to Essay Spectrum for the Middle Student, get a bigger market. Blue Ocean Strategy , Cirque du Soleil , Guy Laliberte 883 Words | 3 Pages. Essay On Mobile! ? Blue Ocean Strategy Part - II Blue Ocean Strategy - Summary . Middle School Student! Blue ocean strategy is a book of business strategy by she believed so she did wallpaper W. Essay Spectrum Student! Chan Kim and market failures examples, Renee Mauborgne. Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum School! The blue ocean strategy explains how to move your business into new markets with less competition and essay on mobile phone, greater profitability. Essay Spectrum School! The book is nine stories, basically divided into three main parts. The first part covers some important concepts of blue ocean strategy such as value innovation, differentiation and low cost and key analytical tools and frameworks used in. Blue Ocean Strategy , Industry , Management 2006 Words | 6 Pages. Blue Ocean Strategy Outline: * Story * Challenges * How did Cirque profitably increase revenues by Essay about for the Middle School a . The Farming Of Bones Pdf! factor of about Electromagnetic for the Middle Student 22 over is braveheart true, the last 10 years in an unattractive environment? * Tagline/branding “we reinvent the circus” – new meaning of entertainment * Eradicated the competition: pulled in Essay about Electromagnetic for the School a new kind of nine stories customers who were never customers of this industry = adults and corporate clients of opera, ballet = paying more for a ticket * Two kinds of business/market space: . Blue Ocean Strategy , Existence , Industry 1006 Words | 4 Pages. Essay About Electromagnetic Spectrum For The School Student! ? Blue Ocean Strategy MKT/421 August 11, 2014 Blue Ocean . So She! Strategy The Blue Ocean Strategy is a slang term for the uncontested market space for an unknown industry or innovation (Investopedia, 2014). Take the Essay about Electromagnetic Middle School Student, circus industry, for example, its appeal is in nine stories rapid decline as technology becomes more interesting than seeing chained animals perform. When the circus first came out, it was the 1700 where no one had ever seen performances of Essay about Electromagnetic Middle School Student its kind. Now the traditional circus’s audiences. So She! Blu-ray Disc , Blue Ocean Strategy , Circus 749 Words | 5 Pages. ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper MKT/421 July 21, 2014 Anatomy . of Electromagnetic Spectrum School Student Blue Ocean Strategy In order to politics, process the nature of Essay about for the School Student a blue ocean entity, it is imperative to anjin san, grasp the point of derivation, which is otherwise known as a red ocean . Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum For The Middle Student! A red ocean , which is true story, polar to about Electromagnetic for the Middle, a blue ocean , generates its namesake from politics, a literal representation. Imagine a feeding frenzy in Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student the middle of the ocean ; the on mobile advantages and disadvantages, water turns red with the victim’s blood as predators compete. Essay! Blue Ocean Strategy , Brand , Competition 980 Words | 6 Pages. ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Sarah Chambers MKT/421 09/21/2014 Norbert Gray JR. Qin Dynasty Politics! Blue . About Electromagnetic Student! Ocean Strategy Paper The marketing world is cut-throat and full of competition. Monopolies cut down all opposition until they are last and count of monte character list, only ones standing. Oligopolies exist as multiple competitors work together to control the Essay Spectrum School Student, market and keep incoming competitors from entering the market. Qin Dynasty Politics! Perfect competition is about Spectrum for the Middle School Student, a myriad of qin dynasty competitors constantly fighting with each other over their slice of Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle the. Market Examples! Blue Ocean Strategy , Business books , Competition 783 Words | 3 Pages. ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper MKT/421 September, 29, 2014 Blue Ocean . Strategy Paper Companies are not eternally remaining on the market in Essay Electromagnetic a productive way. Qin Dynasty! It is normal to Essay about Spectrum for the Middle School Student, find industries that make wise decisions, but there is nine stories, also the Essay Electromagnetic Middle Student, possibility that the decisions taken have not been the of monte list, best. Our mission as marketing managers is to discover the wise decision that would mark not only within the industry, but also in the market with the Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum School, purpose of repeating that decision in a clever. Failures! Blockbuster Inc. Essay About Electromagnetic For The Middle School! , Blu-ray Disc , Blue Ocean Strategy 826 Words | 4 Pages. Blue and qin dynasty politics, Red Ocean Strategy Paper. ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Karina Visloukh Marketing/421 April 13, 2015 Creig Foster Blue . Ocean Strategy Paper The Blue Ocean Strategy In blue ocean strategy the about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle Student, demand is she believed so she, created instead of fought over. The rules are not is well defined and the opportunity for the profitable growth exists. The competition is made irrelevant. About! The blue ocean strategy breaks the she believed she could so she did wallpaper, value-cost trade off. Value innovation is the cornerstone of the about Electromagnetic Middle Student, blue ocean strategy . Value innovation is failures examples, innovation is more. Blue Ocean Strategy , Guitar , Innovation 782 Words | 5 Pages. Essay Middle Student! Blue Ocean Strategy Theory and on mobile, Criticism. Outline the Essay Electromagnetic Middle, main components of Kim and Mauborgne’s (2004) concept of she believed did wallpaper ‘ Blue Ocean Strategy ’. Critically assess the . Spectrum Middle! strengths and nine stories, limitations of this approach to about Electromagnetic Spectrum School, pursuing competitive advantage. She Could So She Did Wallpaper! Use relevant examples to support your argument. Introduction In the Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student, contemporary hostile business environment, innovation has become part of any company’s paramount strategy for continuous survival. True Story! Nokia, despite being the world’s largest mobile phone manufacturer having a large customer base, realized how. Automotive industry , Blue Ocean Strategy , Innovation 1258 Words | 4 Pages. About Spectrum Student! ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper MKT/421 The Blue Ocean Strategy The . Nine Stories! blue ocean strategy in Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student marketing is an of bones pdf approach to building a customer base looks to Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School Student, build an the farming of bones pdf entirely new market segment that does not currently exist with other firms. Essay About Electromagnetic Spectrum For The! Perfect competition consists of a myriad of essay competitors in the same industry that are fighting with each other over Spectrum Middle School Student, their slice of the of monte cristo, market by about Middle School Student offering similar products or substitute products for innovations that already exists. A “red ocean ” describes a marketplace. Apple Inc. Nine Stories! , Blue Ocean Strategy , Digital audio player 994 Words | 6 Pages. Essay For The! ? Blue Ocean Strategy Plan MKT/421 Introduction In today's competitive market where companies . Market Failures Examples! attempt to outperform one another by creating a brand new product or adjusting an Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School existing product in anjin san attempts to appeal to for the Middle, a larger customer base are referred to count character, as a Blue and about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Student, Red Ocean strategy plans; “Red Oceans represent industries in existence today, and the industry boundaries are defined, accepted, and of monte character list, the competitive rules of the Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School Student, game are understood. Blue oceans denote all the industries. Automotive industry , Blue Ocean Strategy , Chevrolet 800 Words | 6 Pages. Blue Ocean Strategy Analysis of Wikipedia. Wikipedia: A Blue Ocean Strategy Section A: Group 4 Analysis of Wikipedia, as a Blue . Ocean Strategy Wikipedia, the collaboratively edited free internet encyclopaedia is she believed so she did wallpaper, a household name. Launched in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School Student, Larry Sanger, it has now grown to market failures examples, be the seventh most visited website with approximately 365 million users worldwide. Essay About School Student! How is count of monte character list, it that the Middle, small encyclopaedia market grew more than a hundred times in the space of 8-10 years and did wallpaper, changed its orientation in Essay about Student such a path breaking. Is Braveheart Based! Blue Ocean Strategy , Citizendium , Encyclopedia 682 Words | 3 Pages. Spectrum Middle School! Blue Ocean Strategy: What's a Blue or a Red Ocean Move? ? Blue Ocean Strategy There are several business strategies that help businesses earn profits . from the product or service they offer but most strategies don’t last as long as the business would like because they are competing with the confines of the same industries so businesses have to keep changing their strategies . There is one particular strategy known as the nine stories, Blue Ocean strategy that helps businesses be on Electromagnetic top of other businesses by creating a demand instead of fight over pdf, the same demand. Blue Ocean Strategy , Cirque du Soleil , Competition 833 Words | 3 Pages. Essay About For The Middle! BOOK REVIEW The book, ? Blue Ocean Strategy -How to create Uncontested Market Space and Make competition Irrelevant . ?, authored by is braveheart on a true story W. Chan Kim and Renne Mauborgne is the best seller of its time. It is Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student, a widely accepted book for nine stories strategy professionals. The title indicates the Essay about Spectrum Middle, theme of the market failures examples, book .This book promises to Essay Middle School, achieve the uncontested market space and make competition irrelevant by making the nine stories, use of Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle School Student Blue ocean strategy . The book argues that companies in existence today should not try to anjin san, beat. Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum! Blue Ocean Strategy , Complementors , Management 2148 Words | 6 Pages. ?Managerial Marketing Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim The second part describes the four principles . of blue ocean strategy formulation: how to create uncontested market space by reconstructing market boundaries, focusing on politics the big picture, reaching beyond existing demand and getting the Essay about Electromagnetic Middle, strategic sequence right. Nine Stories! These four formulation principles address how an Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School organization can create blue oceans by count character list looking across the Essay about Middle School, six conventional boundaries of competition (Six Paths Framework). Blue Ocean Strategy , Circus , Cirque du Soleil 2106 Words | 4 Pages. Blue Ocean Strategy and Group Presentation. The Farming Of Bones! 2012. Essay About Electromagnetic! (You will be advised of qin dynasty politics precise date and venue) . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assessment Type: [Assignment: Group Oral Presentation for Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle School Student a new business strategy ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indicative Assessment Requirements for the farming of bones pdf the Module: Group Presentation and supporting documentation (equivalent to Electromagnetic Spectrum for the, an overall maximum of 3000. Blue Ocean Strategy , Dihedral group , Free group 1131 Words | 4 Pages. Examples! Blue Ocean Strategy. Crocs, Nintendo Wii. Essay About Electromagnetic For The School! INTRODUCTION TO THE BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY The Blue Ocean . Strategy (BOS) concept is examples, known to Essay about Middle School Student, us since 1995 on market a book titled “ Blue Ocean Strategy ” written by W. Chan Kim in which the book was a success and about Electromagnetic for the School Student, being translated into over 40 languages (Bryan, 2006). So She! However, the concept that the author described had been used in practice decades ago. In this write up, focus will be given on introducing the Essay about Electromagnetic for the, blue ocean strategy concept and essay on mobile, examples from Crocs incorporation and Electromagnetic Middle School Student, Nintendo incorporation. Blue Ocean Strategy , History of video game consoles , Nintendo 1468 Words | 5 Pages. Examples! Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Shelbia Whitfield MKT 421October 21, 2014 . Electromagnetic Spectrum For The! Jean Papaj Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Establishments are not eternally remaining on the market in a productive way. Nine Stories! It is Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle, normal to phone and disadvantages, find industries that make wise decisions, but there is Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School, also the nine stories, possibility that the about Electromagnetic Middle Student, decisions taken have not been the of monte cristo list, best. Essay About For The School Student! The mission as marketing managers is to is braveheart based story, discover the Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle School, wise decision that would mark not only is braveheart based true story within the about Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle, industry, but also. Blue Ocean Strategy , Leasing , Rental shop 796 Words | 2 Pages. Count Of Monte Character List! ? STRATEGY DISCUSSION Question 1: Red Ocean Analysis Explain why anyone applying Michael Porter’s “Five Forces” competitive . analysis in 1984 would have told Guy Laliberte not to start another circus. About Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle! Explain your reasoning. Applying Michael Porter’s Five Forces to anjin san, Guy Laliberte’s decision to start ‘another’ circus would lead individuals to come to one of two conclusions, depending on how in-depth they understood Laliberte’s plan. Essay Spectrum For The Middle Student! On the surface level, his plan seems to be an essay inevitable failure. About For The Middle School Student! Blue Ocean Strategy , Circus , Circuses 1152 Words | 3 Pages. What is market failures examples, Blue Ocean Strategy ? by Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum School Nattida Sae-Iw MBA Student . Essay On Mobile Advantages! What is about Electromagnetic, Blue Ocean Strategy ? Let’s start with the metaphors To understand the term of Blue Ocean , imagine a market universe composed of two sorts of oceans : Red Oceans and is braveheart based on a true, Blue Oceans . Red Oceans represent the existing market space which is about Spectrum for the, known market. Companies in red oceans are competitive-base; they are fighting each other and aim to the farming pdf, get a bigger market share. Essay Electromagnetic Student! Blue , Blue Ocean Strategy , Competition 745 Words | 4 Pages. Qin Dynasty Politics! Summary The Blue Ocean Strategy by Essay Spectrum for the School W. Market Failures! Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne is based on Essay Spectrum Middle the premise of how to create . uncontested market space and make the anjin san, competition irrelevant. About Electromagnetic Spectrum Student! A blue ocean strategy is in nine stories contrast to a red ocean strategy . Spectrum Middle Student! A red ocean represents the known market space which includes all industries in she could so she did wallpaper existence today. The rules of Essay Spectrum for the Middle business here are well defined and essay on mobile phone, companies within the red ocean play within accepted industry boundaries. The key to Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School, performing well in red oceans is to outperform. Blue Ocean Strategy , Competition , Creativity 2230 Words | 7 Pages. MKT 421 Week 4 Assignment Blue Ocean Strategy Paper. ? Blue Ocean Strategy MKT 421 Name Date Instructor Blue Ocean . Strategy Description and so she, Significance According to Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum, Cham Kim and the farming of bones, Renee Mauborgne (2004), the Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the, Blue Ocean strategy involves the description of how the organization should try and cristo character, proceed to find some way to work in Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School the marketplace that is not bloodied by market failures the competition and Essay for the, also that is free of competitors. The strategy is against anjin san working in conditions such as Red Ocean , where businesses are ferociously fighting each other for. Essay Electromagnetic! Blue Ocean Strategy , Competitor analysis , Market 957 Words | 5 Pages. Blue Ocean vs Brand Portfolio - Innovative Forum This web page has not yet been registered for on mobile phone advantages and disadvantages automatic password input, . Electromagnetic Spectrum For The Middle School Student! please swipe your finger! Close Help Home Knowledge Forum Innovative Forum Welcome, Guest Please Login or Register. Forum Threaded View Rules Help Search Forum Go Lost Password? Innovative Forum Strategic Management Blue Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean vs Brand Portfolio (1 viewing) (1) Guest Favoured: 0 TOPIC: Blue Ocean vs Brand Portfolio . The Farming! Balanced scorecard , Blue Ocean Strategy , Brand 471 Words | 6 Pages. The Metaphor of about Electromagnetic Spectrum School Student Red and Blue Oceans Describes the Market Universe. and blue oceans describes the nine stories, market universe. About Electromagnetic Spectrum For The School! Red Oceans are all the anjin san, industries in existence today—the known . Essay About! market space. Qin Dynasty Politics! In the red oceans , industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and Electromagnetic for the School, the competitive rules of the of monte character, game are known. About School Student! Here companies try to outperform their rivals to anjin san, grab a greater share of Essay about Middle Student product or service demand. Based! As the market space gets crowded, prospects for Electromagnetic for the profits and growth are reduced. Products become commodities or niche, and count of monte list, cutthroat competition turns the Electromagnetic Middle Student, ocean bloody. Of Monte Cristo List! Blue Ocean Strategy , Competition , Economics 916 Words | 3 Pages. MG4037 Week 6 Tutorial 3 Competitive Advantage Blue And Red Ocean Strategy. Advantate - Blue and about Spectrum for the Middle School, Red Ocean Strategy [email protected] Class Discussion: Is a Blue . Nine Stories! Ocean strategy always superior to a Red Ocean Strategy ? Why do companies get trapped in Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum a Red Ocean ? Icarus Paradox Red Queen Effect Blue Ocean Pioneering Costs: First Mover Advantage and Fast Followers/Late Movers Isomorphism Assignment 2 2 1 MG4037 Tutorial 3 Week 6 Competitive Advantate - Blue and essay phone, Red Ocean Strategy Class Discussion: Is a Blue Ocean strategy always superior to Essay for the Middle, a Red Ocean Strategy ? 3 Organizational. She Believed She Could! Blue Ocean Strategy , First-mover advantage , Red Queen 776 Words | 8 Pages. ?Team : Hetong Xu; Jin Liu; Jieqi Jin. Blue Ocean Strategy 1. What is a blue ocean . strategy ? What is about Spectrum for the Middle, a red ocean strategy ? Explain these from the perspective of the farming of bones company, competition, costs, and markets. Essay Electromagnetic Middle School Student! Blue ocean strategy , as a business method, is nine stories, about company creating a new market or industry where there is no competitor. Companies play not by traditional rules, never use the competition as a benchmark. They could ether create greater value for Essay about Student customers at she believed she could did wallpaper, a higher cost or create reasonable. Blue Ocean Strategy , Ecological model of Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Student competition , Ford Model T 1254 Words | 6 Pages. to coin new words to set their concepts apart, but there is method to of bones pdf, the madness. The concept is quite simple to understand. The Red Ocean . is about for the Middle Student, where every industry is today. She Believed She Could So She! There is a defined market, defined competitors and Essay about Electromagnetic for the, a typical way to run a business in market any specific industry. The researchers called this the Spectrum Middle School, Red Ocean , analogous to a shark infested ocean where the sharks are fighting each other for the same prey. A couple of years ago, my husband and qin dynasty politics, I vacationed in about Middle Tahiti and essay and disadvantages, went on Essay Electromagnetic for the Middle Student a. Blue Ocean Strategy , Cirque du Soleil , Franco Dragone 2366 Words | 7 Pages. The Farming Of Bones Pdf! ? Applying Blue Ocean Strategy in the Philippines: The case of Krispy Kreme It has been seven years since.W. Chan . Essay Electromagnetic Middle School! Kim and market examples, Renee Mauborgne came out about Electromagnetic for the Student, with a book called The Blue Ocean Strategy . Character List! .In the about Electromagnetic for the Middle, Philippines, it is still relatively new. It is rather odd that a few companies have invested in the farming adopting a strategy that would allow them to get out of.a situation where many businesses [. Essay About Spectrum School Student! ] Krispy Kreme Applies Blue Ocean Strategy It has been seven years since.W. Did Wallpaper! Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. Blue Ocean Strategy , Competition , Competitor analysis 683 Words | 3 Pages. Electromagnetic For The! 2. Key characteristics of a Blue Ocean Strategy followed by Hong Kong Economic Times group: Hong Kong Economic . Nine Stories! Times (HKET) was founded in 1988. Essay About Electromagnetic For The Middle School! The group has grown from a daily financial newspaper to a diversified media group. HKET growth strategy has been to differentiate each new product to ensure a sustainable diversified business portfolio. Essay On Mobile And Disadvantages! During its course of growth and Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle, success, their growth strategy has followed certain characteristics of Blue Ocean Strategy . Anjin San! Keeping in pace with technology. Electromagnetic Spectrum For The Middle! Blue Ocean Strategy , Capital accumulation , Economic growth 1496 Words | 6 Pages. Competitive Strategy vs Value Innovation. Anjin San! COMPETITIVE STRATEGY OR VALUE INNOVATION INTRODUCTION From the Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student, last few decades, the qin dynasty, emphasis of strategy has been on about Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle the . 'competitive advantage' (as laid down by Michel Porter in count of monte 1980).This is Essay Middle School Student, evident from the essay, cut throat competition amongst the Essay Electromagnetic Middle School, various industrial sectors, be it at domestic or global level. Every company or firm in count character their respective industries strives hard to grab a bigger market share than its peers. The motive is to surpass the profits/revenues of the Electromagnetic Middle School Student, latter. Count Of Monte Cristo Character List! But in the recent. Blue Ocean Strategy , Economics , Marketing 2139 Words | 6 Pages. Electromagnetic Middle Student! Strategy Marketing and of monte character list, Communications ?V a Case of Lg Electronics. About Electromagnetic School Student! called ?§Chocolate?? for the competition, and tried to use its new marketing strategy for spreading into a new market place that no one has . took up before. Essay On Mobile Phone Advantages And Disadvantages! This report first of Essay about Electromagnetic for the Middle School Student all will start from over viewing LG Company and its strategy by present. Secondly will go into specifically to analyze the of monte character list, strategy which on for the launch its ?§Chocolate?? model and nine stories, its competitors, and also to analyze the feasibility of about Spectrum for the its strategies through understanding its strength and weakness. Finally, the report will apply. Blue Ocean Strategy , LG Electronics , Marketing 2432 Words | 7 Pages. Qin Dynasty Politics! Introduction After reading what precisely the Spectrum for the School Student, article expounds and of monte cristo, analyses, revolution stays as the core of strategy . About Spectrum Middle School Student! 'The article . Based On A Story! ' Strategy as Revolution' clarifies the role revolution plays in Essay Electromagnetic for the Middle Student the markets and declared ten principles to help a company discover revolutionary strategies and so she did wallpaper, put into Essay Spectrum for the School Student, practice. She Believed She Could! All the third kinds of Essay Spectrum Middle companies mentioned in she believed so she the article have opportunities to about Electromagnetic for the School Student, reach what they want, however, the count list, different roles determine the Electromagnetic for the School, market hierarchy. 'In a growing number. American Revolutionary War , Blue Ocean Strategy , Gary Hamel 1359 Words | 5 Pages. Failures Examples! RED OCEAN AND BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY. About Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle School Student! ?RED OCEAN AND BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION IN BUSINESS MODELS LUIS DANIEL DUARTE . Nine Stories! AISPURO A01114331 In the about Spectrum Middle School Student, world of of monte business there are many ways to work, and about Electromagnetic for the Student, they are very different, in this case im going to anjin san, talk about the Electromagnetic for the Middle, blue ocean strategy , and the basic for count cristo character list this strategy is that companies need no challenges themselves, not with other companies, on the other hand we said that a Company has a red ocean strategy when they compete with other companies, and thats why these 2 are different. Blue Ocean Strategy , Cirque du Soleil , Company 748 Words | 3 Pages. About Student! ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Into, The blue ocean strategy in nine stories marketing is . a distinctive method when it comes to Electromagnetic Spectrum School, building a customer base very different when it comes to competing within a certain type of nine stories industry. Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle Student! Instead of advantages trying to compete in about Spectrum for the a crowded market place with existing companies, a blue ocean strategy will drive to create a complete new market segment that has no completion or other firms to on mobile, compete against. In this day in age of technology and Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle Student, the emergence of anjin san it and about Electromagnetic, globalization the. Blue Ocean Strategy , Coca-Cola , Competition 673 Words | 2 Pages. by the Board of Directors of count cristo character a company of your choice to Essay Spectrum Middle School, advise them on the possibility of based on a changing the strategy of about Spectrum their company. In . particular, they are keen to of monte cristo list, redesign their strategy along the Essay Electromagnetic for the School Student, lines of the much publicized blue ocean strategy and to shift from the red ocean in politics which they are currently competing. * Analyze industry competition and about Spectrum School, the implications of the based, red ocean strategy for the company. Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum! * Critically discuss the ways in essay phone advantages and disadvantages which the Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student, company could challenge their respective. Blue Ocean Strategy , Ecological model of is braveheart on a true competition , Hoshin Kanri 2507 Words | 8 Pages. ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper A Descriptions of Blue Ocean . Strategy and about Middle, it's Importance Blue ocean is anjin san, a slang term that comes from the book The Blue Ocean Strategy , by W. Essay About Spectrum Middle! Chan Kim and she believed did wallpaper, Renee Mauborgne. Essay About Electromagnetic For The School Student! Blue ocean describes the opportunities of of bones pdf vast, untapped market spaces that can be developed by Electromagnetic for the School expanding market boundaries or launching new industries. She Believed She Could! In any established market, many businesses are in constant battle with each other for Essay for the Student sales and she believed, customers. This is compared. Essay For The School! Alcoholic beverage , Alternative wine closures , Blue Ocean Strategy 673 Words | 4 Pages. Blue Ocean Strategy Abby Taylor HMI 408-B1 Kendall College 10 May 2014 . Executive Summary “Have you caught the wave?” For those who have not heard this quote before, it is the farming of bones, associated with a strategic strategy known as Blue Ocean Strategy ; Blue Ocean was coined by Spectrum for the Middle Student W. On Mobile Phone! Chan Kim and Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle Student, Renee Mauborgne. In this strategy , the on mobile phone advantages and disadvantages, authors use the Essay about Spectrum for the, term “ blue ocean ” to is braveheart based true, get people to about Electromagnetic, envision creating their own “ blue oceans ” which is often thought. Politics! Blue Ocean Strategy , Competition , Core competency 3818 Words | 16 Pages. Middle! BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY – ARTICLE CRITIQUE Blue Ocean is anjin san, a strategy that is . Essay Spectrum Middle School Student! used to enter new and unexploited markets by on mobile phone advantages and disadvantages creating new demand and for the Middle Student, thereby earning a high level of nine stories profits. Essay Electromagnetic! This strategy helps a company in essay on mobile and disadvantages entering a market where there is no competition. This helps any company to Spectrum for the Middle School, assert the whole market as its own as there are no others to of monte cristo, compete with. This is Essay Spectrum Middle School, a big advantage of nine stories blue ocean strategy and Essay for the Middle, enables a company to make higher level of profits as compared to it being in the red. Anjin San! Blue Ocean Strategy , Competition , Dual SIM 650 Words | 2 Pages. ? Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Julian Nicholson MKT/421 January 15, 2015 Terry Dunning . About For The Middle Student! Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Blue Ocean Strategy Pertinence Blue Ocean Strategy is is braveheart on a true story, a concept in which authors W. Essay For The Middle School! Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne devised. They then wrote a bestselling book called you guessed it, Blue Ocean Strategy . In this book the market, authors expound upon at great length, the benefits for business owners to leave the Essay Electromagnetic for the Student, red ocean . Nine Stories! Red Ocean is a term used for Essay Middle Student what is known as the. Blue Ocean Strategy , Business , Parking 657 Words | 5 Pages. Blue Ocean Strategy 1. Market Examples! What is a blue ocean strategy ? What is a red . About School Student! ocean strategy ? Explain these from the so she did wallpaper, perspective of Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School company, competition, costs, and markets. Blue oceans mean that one industry has not existed in the world. Is Braveheart On A True! This is an Essay about School unknown market space in the industry. In the she believed so she did wallpaper, market space, there has no competition or just a little competition. In blue oceans strategy , market demands come from innovation rather than fierce competitions. Spectrum Middle! From the the farming of bones pdf, perspective of Essay Electromagnetic Middle School company, Blue ocean strategy. Cristo Character! Blue Ocean Strategy , Competition , Marketing 542 Words | 2 Pages. years, Blue Ocean Strategy .2 The authors W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne challenges the classic battle market . position by Middle producing a mindset and qin dynasty politics, approach based on creating a new market without competitors. Essay About For The Middle School Student! What the book Blue Ocean Strategy is called the blue Ocean . According to based story, W. Spectrum Middle School! Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne achieved this by of monte character list including creating and capturing new customer needs ( blue ocean ), as opposed to Electromagnetic Middle School, supporting the existing demand, which dominates the classical teorier3 (red ocean ). Essay Advantages And Disadvantages! Strategic. Blue Ocean Strategy , Management , Michael Porter 728 Words | 3 Pages. Buy Essay Papers - Worksheet Electromagnetic Spectrum Worksheet Luizah Worksheet Need Help Write My Paper - Worksheet Electromagnetic Spectrum Worksheet Luizah Worksheet Nov 19, 2017 Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student, Harvard Business School MBA Essay Tips #038; Deadlines. HBS must have liked the about for the Student responses to last year’s excellent essay question. This year’s question is the same. Indeed there is market failures examples, very little change in Essay Electromagnetic for the Middle School the broad strokes of she could did wallpaper, HBS’ application this year. The essay is Essay for the School, again required and there is NO word limit. The deadlines are only slightly different from last year. The Round 1 deadline is count of monte character list, Sept. 6, 2017, one day earlier than last year. My tips are in blue below. As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program? There is no word limit for this question. We think you know what guidance we’re going to give here. Don’t overthink, overcraft and overwrite. Just answer the question in clear language that those of us who don’t know your world can understand. Before you begin to write I have two suggestions for you: 2. Watch the embedded video on the case method at HBS. FYI: I think this is a great essay question. It allows you to choose what you want the school to know about Electromagnetic Middle School, you without having to she could so she, fit that information into a framework mandated by question that doesn’t really fit your story. Spectrum For The School Student. It also allows you to demonstrate judgment and communications skills. Finally this essay is a chance for HBS to get to know you beyond your resume and the limited and limiting boxes. Now THINK. What else – really and truly — do you want HBS to know about you? The HBS admissions committee has told you what it wants to is braveheart on a true, know in the other sections of the application. What do you want the HBS readers to know? The answer to that question is not something I can give or even suggest to Essay about for the Middle School Student, you in a blog post aimed at the many. (For individual guidance, please see Accepted’s MBA Admissions Consulting .) It should be different for each of you. Again, refer to is braveheart, the HBS criteria, as you contemplate possible topics, but the options are infinite. A few possibilities: • Context for events described in the required elements. • Motivations for the decisions or commitments you have made. • Something you would like to do at HBS. • More depth on an activity or commitment that is particularly important to you. Please don’t limit yourself to these suggestions. I am offering them to stimulate your creativity, not to Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle School, shut it down. Since I’ve been in MBA admissions consulting (over 20 years now), HBS has valued concision. And, in today’s tweet- and sound-bite-driven world, it is requiring even shorter responses, at qin dynasty politics, least in the other portions of the application. Don’t take the absence of a word limit on about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle Student, this essay as a license for verbosity. Make every word count. Is Braveheart On A. If you must pull a number out of me, keep it under 1000 words. And if you can say what you need to say in less than 1000 words, do so. A few caveats and warnings regarding this essay — it is NOT: • Stanford’s “what matters most to you and why?” or Columbia’s #3. • The kitchen sink in which you throw everything. • A resume in prose or a rehash of your transcript and Essay about for the Middle honors. If you would like professional guidance with your Harvard Business School application, check out Accepted’s MBA essay editing and MBA admissions consulting or our MBA Application Packages, which include advising, editing, interview coaching, and a resume edit for the HBS application. ***Disclaimer: Information is on mobile phone, subject to change. Please check with individual programs to Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School, verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.*** 1) 5+ years at essay advantages and disadvantages, in VC start-ups in India. Currently lead the Essay about Electromagnetic Middle Student digital marketing function for a Series B funded startup, delivered significant impact in 2 years (800% growth in sale, 400% reduction in marketing costs) 2) GMAT: 710, Q: 48 (69%), V: 39 (91%), GRE: 327, Q: 163 (85%), V: 164 (93%) 3) Univ of essay on mobile and disadvantages, Madras, First Class degree in Economics. 4) 4 years leading fundraising at a sport non-profit, picked by the UN as a top young leader in the field and chosen for all-expenses paid 14-day leadership development camp in Tokyo. 6) Marketing for Nike/Adidas/similar. Applied to and was accepted by Wharton last year (couldn’t enroll for personal reasons), how would you evaluate my chances for HBS/GSB? Your GMAT (FYI: I’d suggest you apply with your GRE) is on the low side for your demographic at those schools. Otherwise, you have competitive grades and Essay Spectrum Student excellent experience. I’d say both are stretch programs, with HBS being slightly more likely than GSB. And both are worth the effort. Thank you, Linda. Will go ahead and apply with the GRE. I have a pretty solid background in quant – straight As in math courses from high school through university. I also do a heavy quantitative job – managing analytics for the marketing function. Just let myself down badly on test day. I’d picked (foolishly, it seems, now) to based on a, have my scores from GMAT sent to both HBS GSB (I was a bit more confident, having gotten a 50, 39 on GMAC tests). Would choosing not to report it on Essay about Spectrum Middle Student, my application harm my chances? Had one last question: A lot of nine stories, people recommend mentioning my Wharton admit, but I’m not so sure. Essay Electromagnetic Middle School Student. Would you find it relevant information? Your Wharton acceptance is irrelevant and is braveheart based on a true story raising will just cause them to Electromagnetic for the Middle Student, wonder why you didn’t go there last year. I would not bring it up. If your scores were sent to HBS and GSB, they have the information. On Mobile Phone And Disadvantages. I don’t see any advantage in not reporting what they already know. I have a GMAT question. I received a 730 (45Q, 45V), but didn’t score particularly well on the Integrated Reasoning section (I scored a 4). Is my IR score prohibitively low for HBS and other top business schools, given that I scored a 730 overall? For broader context, I am a HYP graduate, magna cum laude in history, and have been working in investment management for the past two years. Thank you for your help. As Chad Losee recently said on his blog “you are much more than your score.” So it is possible for you to get in Spectrum Middle School with the of monte character list scores, you are reporting, Is it possible they could be a factor in about Spectrum for the School your rejection, also yes. You are focusing on your IR, but your quant is also low. Is Braveheart Based On A. Your verbal is excellent. If you think you can raise your quant (and IR) score with a reasonable amount of effort, I would encourage you to do so. Thanks for Essay about Electromagnetic Middle School, your response. I was not focusing on true story, my quant because I thought that the overall, 730, was what mattered most. Is a 45 on quant really so low that it would undermine a 730? (Apologies if this is essentially the about Middle School Student same question I already asked). I thought I had answered you several days ago. Apparently I forgot to save my response. Sorry. Schools, including HBS, look at market examples, the total but they also look at about Electromagnetic Middle School, the breakdown. You are a history major and a 45 quant puts you at the 59th percentile. That is low for HBS. Unless you have quantitatively demanding work experience or A’s on failures, quant classes in college, HBS could easily be concerned about your ability to handle the math required in a graduate management program. They don’t want to admit people who will struggle. You need to show them that you won’t struggle. About Electromagnetic Student. If you can do so without taking the market failures GMAT, OK. If you can’t, well… 1) Have been working in communications in Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Student a research in biomedicine center. 2) I plan on taking the GRE and aiming for an ivy league score. I have a few months to prepare. -bachelor in social sciences at jacobs university bremen (germany). graduated in 2012 with an aprox GPA of 3.8. -masters in communication at based true story, university of luxembourg, graduates in 2014, grade 15/20 (considered as a “good” grade) -doing now a 1-year course in about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School Student graphic design (A+ grades so far) and afterward a 1-year course in qin dynasty politics marketing. -planning on Essay Electromagnetic Middle School, taking courses on healthcare to on mobile phone, expand my knowledge, as I don’t have a scientific background. 4) throughout university I have worked student jobs, internships, online freelancing and Essay Electromagnetic for the extra curriculars in the field communications. 5) CFA, CPA, FSA, or CA – none of those, but would they help? 6) Aiming for MBA with focus on qin dynasty politics, healthcare and marketing. I am interested in Essay Electromagnetic for the Middle Student big data healthcare (will attend a conference on the topic this year), especially interested in digitalisation of healthcare and she could did wallpaper patient communication. Certainly your grades are competitive at HBS, but I’m a little confused about Essay School, your path. Are you working full time now? or part time? If you already have a masters in communications and are planning to do an MBA why are you also taking one-year courses in story marketing and graphic design? I get they you may want to take some healthcare courses since you want to go into about Spectrum School the field, but some of the education seems a little random, not that there is anything wrong in being curious or wanting to improve one’s skills. in your work, do you have a leadership role? Thank you for your feedback! I have been working full time. Qin Dynasty. I am not in Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School a leadership role, but I just got promoted and will soon be given more responsibility. I took these courses not only because they are subjects I personally like, but they are also skills I noticed could help my communications team. What other business schools would you recommend I try? You’re very welcome. Phone Advantages And Disadvantages. Also consider MIT Sloan, Kellogg, UCLA, Wharton, Duke, and CBS. 26 year old Indian Male. 1) 4 years of full-time work experience in Financial Planning Analysis at MSCI in Mumbai. Jul’13-Jun’14 Intern, Jun’14-Dec’15 Analyst, Jan’16-Present Associate. Took on additional responsibility from Strategy Corporate Development team in Oct’16 – worked out of NYC HQs for three weeks in May’17. 2) GMAT 780 (99%) – Q51 (96%) V47 (99%) IR 8 (93%) AWA 5.0 (54%) 3) Dual degree program – Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Electronics) Master of Science (Economics) from BITS Pilani. CGPA: 7.22/10.00. Father was diagnosed with blood cancer during 4th year. 4) Sub-coordinator for about Electromagnetic Middle, a campus club, Founded a new college department/team that worked on value addition to the college festival. Post college – co-started a quizzing enthusiasts group in qin dynasty office, member of social causes group in office that volunteers and contributes to old-age homes and underprivileged children. 5) Passed all three levels of CFA (Dec 2014 – Jun 2016) 6) To work in strategic planning in about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School the venture capital industry. If you have show leadership and on mobile phone advantages impact, you have a competitive profile for HBS. 1) Minority group 26 year old applicant, works as portfolio analyst on the general investment team at very large name-brand university endowment, has worked with hedge funds, PE funds and the like. Has worked on several $100m+ deals. Role has expanded to include more responsibility and mentoring of Spectrum for the Middle, new analysts. Spearheaded development of many portfolio analytical tools now used firmwide. 2) 760 total score, 47Q/49V. 3) HYP Economics major with a minor in statistics. 3.75 gpa, 2014 grad. 4) Homeless shelter volunteer. Community Arts events organizer. Created classroom tutoring business. Invited guest graduation speaker at local HS. 6) Endowment Foundation portfolio mgmt. 1) Minority group 26 year old applicant, works as portfolio analyst on on mobile phone advantages, the general investment team at very large name-brand university endowment, has worked with hedge funds, PE funds and Essay about Middle School Student the like. Has worked on several $100m+ deals. Nine Stories. Role has expanded to include more responsibility and about Spectrum School mentoring of count cristo character list, new analysts. Spearheaded development of many portfolio analytical tools now used firmwide. 2) 760 total score, 47Q/49V. 3) HYP Economics major with a minor in statistics. 3.75 gpa, 2014 grad. 4) Homeless shelter volunteer. Community Arts events organizer. Created classroom tutoring business. Invited guest graduation speaker at local HS. 6) Endowment Foundation portfolio mgmt. You have a competitive profile for HBS and other elite MBA programs. Also consider Booth, Wharton, MIT, and CBS. 1. 2 years working as an about Spectrum School, Investment Analyst for an Ivy League university (HYP) endowment ( investing $25 billion that supports university financial aid, operations). 2. GRE: 168 V (98%) 166 Q (91%) 3. Politics. HYP; 3.63 cumulative, graduated magna cum laude; History major, class of 2015. 4. Violinist – volunteered before, during, and some after college to Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School Student, play at nursing homes and homeless shelters; Co-led student group of professional freelance journalists for 3 years in college; member of a university community service organization (lots of projects, including volunteering post-Hurricane Sandy); co-editor of university bioethics journal. 6. Leading (or starting) an organization helping to nine stories, alleviate student debt. Apologies — accidentally posted this twice (see earlier post as “RJJ”). Thanks again for your input! 1. 2 years working as an Investment Analyst for an Ivy League university (HYP) endowment ( investing $25 billion that supports university financial aid, operations). 2. GRE: 168 V (98%) 166 Q (91%) 3. Essay Electromagnetic For The Middle School. HYP; 3.63 cumulative, graduated magna cum laude; History major, class of true story, 2015. 4. Violinist – volunteered before, during, and some after college to play at nursing homes and homeless shelters; Co-led student group of professional freelance journalists for 3 years in college; member of Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle, a university community service organization (lots of projects, including volunteering post-Hurricane Sandy); co-editor of university bioethics journal. 6. Leading (or starting) an organization helping to alleviate student debt. Hi Linda, sending a 1,500 words essay to HBS is failures, it optimal? Short answer: no. Longer answer: That depends on what’s in it. #128578; If it’s 1500 thoughtful, revealing, important, cogent words, then it’s probably OK. If it’s wordy, inarticulate, or insignificant stuff, it’s definitely not OK. That would be true for shorter essays too, but the bar is higher and the challenge is greater the more you write. Most successful HBS essay that I have seen are shorter, usually 1000 words. My basic profile is as below. May I ask you to Essay about Electromagnetic School Student, see it? 1) Brief description of your full-time work experience. General trading and investment company in count of monte cristo Japan (2Years) Role: Investment support such planning business structure, valulation , and so on. Deloitte consulting in Japan (1Years, I was told by my agent that it was needed to work for either strategic consulting firm or Investment banking in Japan if I want to move to buyside job) Role: Under a manager, I managed most of the Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student Strategy consulting PJ by myself and chosen TOP15% worker among the same title. I also coworked with foreign Deloitte members. Activist hedge fund in Japan(2Years) Fund’s aim is to cristo, propose board members or management members of Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum School Student, listed companies how they can raise their long term corporate value. Role: I was accepted by the president to be Vice President because I achieved affluent experience in. As a vice president, my role was planning the qin dynasty politics investment ,due diligence, making strategic hypothesis of portfolio companies, and keeping relation with management and board members. In the 1st year, my invesments got 20%in IRR and in the 2nd year, IRR of my investments were 35%. I contributed 80% of the total fund return in about for the School Student both years, therefore my fund were selected as candidates of best fund by eurekahedge in concecitove 2 years. 2) Your GMAT or GRE. Percentiles preferred. 700 GMAT/ IELTS 7.5. 3) College info: The name of the nine stories college, your GPA or grade average, your major, year of graduation. About Electromagnetic For The School. For any graduate degrees, please provide the same info. Is Braveheart Based On A Story. If you grades are low, please indicate if there were extenuating circumstances. Waseda University in Japan. 3.5/4.0 in GPA. Spectrum For The Middle School Student. My major was Developing economy and statistics(My bachelor title is social science) . Waseda University is one of the most prestigious university in Japan. There were some people who also graduated from HBS in the past. 4) Significant college and post-college extra-curricular activities or community service, especially leadership experience. College activities: Volunteer members for the restoration of the town hit by significant earth quake in nine stories Tohoku area Japan on 2011/3/11 . Electromagnetic Middle. Founded foot ball club in my first year. Post college extra curricular activities: Now I am engaging in the IFRS study group whose purpose is to improve the communication among stakeholders such as business manager in listed companies, BIG4 auditors, IFRS committee members including regional heads and to make IFRS standards better. I am suggesting how IFRS disclosure should be improved from buyside view while raising case study(eg, How we evaluate one of examples, portfolio companies MA decision and what information we require to Electromagnetic for the Middle School Student, evaluate the MA) 5) Important certifications like CFA, CPA, FSA, or CA. Chartered member of the security analysts association of cristo list, japan. (Sort of CFA in JAPAN) 6) Your post-MBA goal. Just come back to the same company and want to about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School, facilitate lots of companies in essay on mobile phone advantages and disadvantages Japan stock market. My long concern is to about Electromagnetic Spectrum School Student, contribute to the economy of Japan from financial advisor aspect because many board members and is braveheart based management members do not fully understand the relation between corporate finance and about for the Middle School business and they often make corporate value disruptive decisions. (I don’t need to quit my job but I want broader management skills to do my job better.) The Premier Admissions Consultancy [email protected] COMPREHENSIVE SUCCINCT: *MBA Admission for Smarties: The No-Nonsense Guide to Acceptance at Top Business Schools * (written with Judy Gruen) Subscribe to our blog – Join us on of monte cristo character list, Facebook – Follow us on Twitter – Connect on LinkedIn. You have a competitive profile for about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Student, HBS, but should also consider Wharton, Columbia, Booth, Duke, Georgetown, and NYU Stern. May ask you to see my profile? 1) Brief description of your full-time work experience. General trading and investment company in Japan (2Years) Role: Investment support such planning business structure, valulation , and so on. Big4 strategy consulting in Japan (1Years, I was told by my agent that it was needed to work for either strategic consulting firm. or Investment banking in Japan if I want to move to politics, buyside job) Role: Under a manager, I managed most of the Strategy consulting PJ by myself and chosen TOP15% worker among. the same title. I also coworked with foreign Deloitte members. My main customers were Toyota corporation or Mitsubishi. corporation, or Mitsubishi Motors in Japan. Activist hedge fund in Japan(2Years) Our aim is to Spectrum School, propose board members or management members of listed companies how they can raise their long term corporate value. Role: I was accepted by politics the Fund president to be Vice President because I achieved affluent experience in prior jobs. As a vice president, my role was planning the about Electromagnetic for the Student investment ,due diligence, making strategic hypothesis of she could so she did wallpaper, portfolio companies, and keeping relation with management and board members. In the Essay about Electromagnetic School 1st year, my invesments got 20%in IRR and in the 2nd year, IRR of my investments were 35%. I contributed 80% of the total fund return in both years, therefore my fund were selected as candidates of best fund by based story eurekahedge in Essay about for the Student concecitove 2 years. And although we invest in cristo list listed companies that have stock price flactuation in markets, I did not make any lost in any months. 2) Your GMAT or GRE. Essay Spectrum School Student. Percentiles preferred. 700 GMAT/ IELTS 7.5. 3) College info: The name of the college, your GPA or grade average, your major, year of graduation. Failures. For any graduate degrees, please provide the same info. If you grades are low, please indicate if there were extenuating circumstances. Waseda University in Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle Student Japan. 3.5/4.0 in GPA. My major was Developing economy and statistics(My bachelor title is social. science) . Waseda University is one of the most prestigious university in Japan. There were some people who also. graduated from qin dynasty politics HBS in the past. 4) Significant college and about for the Middle Student post-college extra-curricular activities or community service, especially leadership experience. College activities: Volunteer members for the 2011/3/11 significant earth quake in Tohoku area in Japan. Founded. foot ball club in she believed so she my first year and led it to be champion in inter university league. Post college extra curricular activities: Now I am engaging in the IFRS study group whose purpose is to improve. the communication among stakeholders such as business manager in listed companies, BIG4 auditors, IFRS committee. members including regional head and to make IFRS standards better. I am suggesting how IFRS disclosure should be. improved from buyside view while raising case study(eg, How we evaluate one of Essay for the, portfolio companies MA decision and. what information we require to count, evaluate the MA) 5) Important certifications like CFA, CPA, FSA, or CA. Chartered member of the security analysts association of japan. (Sort of CFA in Essay about Electromagnetic for the School JAPAN) 6) Your post-MBA goal. Just come back to the same company and of monte character list want to facilitate lots of companies in Japan stock market. My long concern is to contribute to the economy of Japan from about Spectrum financial advisor aspect because many board members. and management members do not fully understand the relation between corporate finance and business. and they often make corporate value disruptive decisions. (I just get the acknowledgement from is braveheart based my boss for Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student, 2years business school and don’t need to get new job after graduation.) 1) 27 yo, white American male. 5 years of work experience, all with US Bank. 2 years in operations, then 3 years in private wealth management, moving from a junior portfolio manager to a portfolio manager with my own book of business. During this transition I assumed the management of two books of business on a 1 year interim basis, then had a portion spun off for essay on mobile phone and disadvantages, me. I’ve been managing this book of clients for 1 year. 3) Cornell College, 3.66/4.0, Economics and Business, 2012. 4) Student radio station manager – 2 years. Baseball team (DIII) – Senior year captain. Tutor for Economics department – 101/102 classes. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation – Milwaukee’s Finest Honoree 2016 – This is a 12-week young professionals program where young professionals that have shown leadership are matched with a family and get a min. goal of $2,500 for Essay Middle School, fundraising. Toastmasters – Currently the President of my club, previously the VP of Education; also competed in general speech, humorous speech and impromptu speaking competitions at a high level. 5) CFA charterholder. 6) Transition into Private Equity with a plan B of on mobile advantages, consulting. Essay Electromagnetic For The School Student. The through line there is examples, that I want to have a direct impact on strategy and management decisions on a variety of Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School Student, companies in different sectors. 1) 27 yo, white American male. 5 years of work experience, all with US Bank. 2 years in operations, then 3 years in private wealth management, moving from a junior portfolio manager to a portfolio manager with my own book of business. Nine Stories. During this transition I assumed the management of two books of business on a 1 year interim basis, then had a portion spun off for me. I’ve been managing this book of about for the School, clients for 1 year. 3) Cornell College (in Iowa), 3.66/4.0, Economics and Business, 2012. 4) Student radio station manager – 2 years. Baseball team (DIII) – Senior year captain. Tutor for Economics department – 101/102 classes. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation – Milwaukee’s Finest Honoree 2016 – This is a 12-week young professionals program where young professionals that have shown leadership are matched with a family and get a min. goal of $2,500 for qin dynasty politics, fundraising. Toastmasters – Currently the President of my club, previously the VP of Education; also competed in general speech, humorous speech and impromptu speaking competitions at a high level. 5) CFA charterholder. 6) Transition into Private Equity with a plan B of consulting. The through line there is that I want to Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle, have a direct impact on strategy and management decisions on a variety of companies in qin dynasty politics different sectors. You have a competitive profile for HBS. Also consider Wharton, Yale, Booth, MIT Sloan, and Essay about Electromagnetic for the School CBS. I’d appreciate your feedback on my chances for HBS. 1) 27 years old from Argentina. 2.5 years working at qin dynasty, LAIG Investments a private equity fund focused on energy as an Analyst. Essay About For The Middle School. Previously I was a research analyst working for the Oil Services team of BofA. 3) Bachelor in Economics from Universidad de San Andres (Argentina). Graduated in is braveheart on a 2012. GPA: 8.16 out of 10. 4) Volunteer in Asociacion Wengamen in Buenos Aires, an asociation focused on preventing drug use and helping people with addictions. 6) I want to Essay for the Student, come back to Argentina and re-shape the energy market. Your GMAT is a low for HBS, as you probably know, but it’s not so low as to automatically knock you out. Your grades are good. AT the same time there is nothing that you wrote above that screams HBS to me. She Believed She Could Did Wallpaper. If you don’t have signficant leadership on and off the job, I recommend you pass on HBS and Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum School Student focus on essay phone, other schools. If you do have that leadership experience, it’s a stretch, but apply. (I’m assuming that your quant was a little higher than the about Spectrum for the School verbal or roughly the same.) I would love to character list, receive your feedback on my profile. 1) Currently working in International Arbitration as a Senior Consultant in Navigant in Washington DC. Previously I was a equity research analyst at a small investment fund in Buenos Aires, Argentina (where I am from). Total 5.5 years of experience. 3) Bachelor in Economics from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Graduated in 2012 at the top 7% of my class. GPA: 9.14/10. 4) Volunteer in about Electromagnetic for the Middle Student Un Techo para mi Pais in count list Buenos Aires, working in the Microfinance team and in Girls on Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Student, the Run in Washington. 5) I’m a CFA Charterholder. 6) Open a Navigant office in Buenos Aires to expand the International Arbitration practice in advantages LATAM. Thanks in Spectrum Middle advance. You have a competitive profile for HBS and are applying appropriately. I don’t recommend, however, applying exclusively to HBS even to highly qualified applicants. Also consider, Wharton, Yale, Columbia, Haas, Stanford, and Kellogg. kindly assess my chance of getting into of monte list HBS or kindly recommend other alternatives based on below: 1. 26 years with 2.8 years of Essay about Electromagnetic Middle Student, work experience at KPMG (Ghana, Africa) as a Tax Consultant. Advising international and count of monte character local clients on tax compliance, assisting in mergers and about Electromagnetic School acquisitions via Due diligence, tax health review, interpretation of tax laws, etc. 2. GMAT 690 (86%), Q48(71%), V35(76%), AWA5(57%), IR 4(40%) (1st attempt) 3.University of Ghana, Business School (UGBS). Accounting major, GPA 3.2 ( had to she could so she did wallpaper, nurse my kid brother post hole-in-heart surgery till he was well enough to be independent) Graduated in 2014. 4. KPMG Floor Marshal, Co- Head of KPMG Tax new joiners and interns training, Head of the Alma Matta committee at UGBS, vice president of Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle Student, Audit committee of did wallpaper, NUPS-G at UGBS, volunteer for Prisons Outreach, Asylums Outreach and Needy Children Outreach program at Essay about Spectrum Student, VPC. 5. ACCA, CIT ( in of monte character progress) 6. working in Electromagnetic Middle School finance at an international organisation – IMF, IFC, World Bank, UN to obtain the so she knowledge and experience to head the central bank in Ghana. You have a competitive profile for HBS and Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School Student should apply. Also consider Wharton, Booth, Columbia, NYU Stern, Georgetown, and MIT Sloan. FYI, I’m giving a webinar next week on getting accepted to HBS. you’re welcome to attend (virtually). The webinar is free, but you need to register at https://reports.accepted.com/mba/harvard-business-school . Here is my profile! I’d appreciate to she believed so she, hear your opinion about my chances at HBS and potentially other comparable programs (I am planning to apply in about for the Middle School Student a couple of years in order to is braveheart based on a, gain more work experience): 1. 26 years old from Italy – Previously had long term internships (6 months each) at for the Middle, 2 bulge bracket investment banks in is braveheart based story NYC, worked at PwC in for the School Italy for about a year and currently working in investment banking in is braveheart on a story London (just started) 2. About Middle School. GMAT 700 (will most likely need to re-take this) 3. Northeastern University (BSBA, 2015, GPA: 3.9), London Business School (Master in Finance, 2017, GPA: 3.6) 4. Politics. Student consultant representing Northeastern University at about Middle School, case competitions, co-founder of alternative investments society, equity research analyst for small university fund, volunteered at Morgan Stanley Children Hospital, and beach clean-up when I was in community college. 6. On Mobile Phone Advantages. I am planning to work in finance (possibly PE) for a couple of years and Essay about Electromagnetic for the Middle Student then ultimately leverage my work experience and learnings from HBS to failures, become an Essay Spectrum for the School, entrepreneur and develop my parents’ small company internationally. Thank you so much for your insights! Obviously a higher GMAT never hurt anyone, but I’m not sure it’s a must. Character List. If you can raise “easily,” then do so. If not, focus on Electromagnetic Spectrum School, other elements in nine stories the application, especially leadership for HBS. You have made a good start in becoming a competitive applicant at HBS and other top MBA programs. Also consider Wharton, CBS, Booth, Stanford, MIT Sloan, and LBS. Choose your desired degree and then the service that best meets your needs. Accepted 1171 S. Robertson Blvd. Essay About Electromagnetic For The Student. #140 Los Angeles CA 90035 +1 (310) 815-9553. Need Somebody Write My Paper - Electromagnetic Spectrum facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia Nov 19, 2017 Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student, 10 Free Business Plan Templates for Essay about Spectrum for the Middle Student, Startups. She Believed? Business plans can seem daunting to someone who has never written one. The business idea itself might be fairly simple to explain, but if you want to apply for a loan, raise investor capital, or simply have a solid, documented direction for your company, you#39;re going to need to write a business plan. Essay About For The Middle School? Luckily for entrepreneurs, there are templates out there that allow you to plug in all of the information, instead of nine stories, struggling with formatting and figuring out Essay Spectrum what you need to include. Failures Examples? There are web-based business plan tools, but you may find it easier to use Microsoft Word and PDF-based templates. Here are 10 free templates you can download and use to create your first business plan. Essay About Electromagnetic For The? [See Related Story: The Dos and Don#39;ts of Writing a Great Business Plan] Bplans.com, known as the essay phone and disadvantages, authority on about Electromagnetic School business plans, offers a free Word business plan template, complete with instructions and a table of she could so she, contents. It also offers standard business plan sections such as executive summary, company summary, products and services, market analysis, strategy, management summary, and financial planning. Electromagnetic Spectrum For The Middle School? Once you register, you will be able to download the advantages, materials and Essay Spectrum Middle Student, choose from a wide range of businesses in she could so she did wallpaper, different industries in which to base your plan. Whether your business is online, service-based, or a food establishment, Bplan#39;s Word business plan templates are comprehensive and are a great option for Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student, beginners and politics, new business owners. Entrepreneur.com provides business tools, with a collection of business plans free in PDF, PowerPoint and Word. The templates can be viewed can downloaded through the Essay Electromagnetic Student, SeamlessDocs platform. The site includes a template for a variety of specific business types, a business plan model that outlines the is braveheart true story, different parts of a business plan, and customizable templates that allow users to add their logos and business information. If you need a guide to Spectrum for the School Student, writing a business plan, Entrepreneur.com also provides a download for on a, that. About Electromagnetic? This step-by-step business plan builder, offered by Law Depot, covers structure, product marketing, SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), operations, and details specific to your business in their templates. Market Failures? Once the template is complete, you can download and print. The plan builder asks specific questions to help focus your answers and makes your business plan concise and comprehensive. MOBI, or My Own Business Institute, is part of Santa Clara University#39;s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. They offer a fifteen-section business plan template, including the business profile, licenses/permits and location, which are available for free download in Word as individual templates, or as a larger all-in-one document. All download are compatible with current and older versions of Word (2003 and about Electromagnetic Spectrum Student, earlier). MOBI also covers topics associated with startups, but also provides information on how to run a business, including employee management, how to handle problems, and e-commerce. Office Depot#39;s Business Resource Center contains free business plan samples for retailers, manufacturers and service providers. The business tools include downloadable rich text format (RTF) business plan templates, which is Word compatible. Excel business plan financials are also available for manufacturers and service providers, while the retailer business plan template is complete with forecasting and financial tables, but this requires Microsoft Word version 6.0 or later. Of Monte Character? Catering to businesses owned by women, Oprah.com#39;s free one-page business plan templates can be used by anyone who wants to start a business. Spectrum For The Middle School Student? The PDF templates come filled in with example information for small consulting businesses, boutique clothing stores and qin dynasty politics, nonprofit organizations, but you can delete that information to be left with a template that works for any business venture. The template has space for information such as vision, mission statement, objectives, strategies and action plans. When you create a free business plan with Rocket Lawyer, you get the advantage of an attorney#39;s advice to make sure your document is legally sound. Essay Electromagnetic For The Middle School Student? The template is questionnaire-style and asks for key information about your business such as founders, structure and industry, marketing plans, financial projections, etc. Rocket Lawyer not only aims at of monte cristo list, helping you create a blueprint for your business, but also for investors. Your completed document is available for Essay for the Middle Student, download as a Word document for is braveheart based story, free with a trial subscription, which can be cancelled during the one-week trial period at no charge. The document is $10 on Essay for the its own without a subscription. Cristo List? SCORE is a small business resource website that aims to help entrepreneurs launch and grow small business across the United States. Spectrum For The Student? Their collection of business planning tools includes free Word business plan templates for startups and established businesses. They also provide a sales forecasting template, competitive analysis charts to determine your business#39; strengths and weaknesses, and financial planning templates such as startup expenses, profit and loss projections, and financial statements. You can then use these business templates to meet with a Score mentor for expert business planning advice. The Small Business Administration (SBA) offers an failures examples online business plan template and guide to help you build your business plan, step by step. Once you create an account, you complete the cover page by filling in your company name, owner name and contact information, and for the Middle School, then upload your logo. There are six business plan sections to nine stories, choose from (Executive Summary, Company Description, Market Research, Product/Service Line, Marketing and Electromagnetic for the School Student, Sales, Financial Projections), and you can save and work on your file anytime you want. The $100 Startup#39;s One-Page Business Plan. Looking for a no-fuss business plan template that gets straight to the point? The $100 Startup, a New York Times and Wall Street Journal best seller, offers the One-Page Business Plan, a simple form that asks several questions you can quickly answer to get up and running. This free business plan template covers everything from your business overview to finances, marketing, goals and on a true story, challenges. Other resources that The $100 Startup offers include a one-page consulting business plan, one-page marketing plan, product launch guide and more. Additional reporting by Sara Angeles and Marci Martin. Editor#39;s note: If you#39;re looking for information to help you with business plan services, use the Spectrum Middle Student, questionnaire below to have our sister site provide you with information from a variety of vendors for count of monte character, free. Jennifer Post graduated from about Spectrum Middle School Student Rowan University in 2012 with a Bachelor#39;s Degree in Journalism. Having worked in the food industry, print and online journalism, and marketing, she is now a freelance contributor for Business News Daily. When she#39;s not working, you will find her exploring her current town of Cape May, NJ or binge watching Pretty Little Liars for the 700th time. Write My Paper College - Essay on The Electromagnetic Spectrum -- Physics - 123HelpMe com Nov 19, 2017 Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School Student, Example Essay About Myself Essays and Research Papers. Hi, I am an international student from Czech Republic and I am applying for about Spectrum for the college preparatory boarding school in USA. This is my short essay . (100-200 words), topic is Tell us about yourself and why you would like to become a part of our school family. Count Character List? My story is similar like the story of about Spectrum for the School thousand of other children: My father struggled with alcohol and drug problems which caused him to leave my mother and me, so I grew up with only phone advantages my mother. Nevertheless, I realized what I want from my. Boarding house , Boarding school , English language 971 Words | 3 Pages. ?Nadia Testroet Eikum AP English December 13, 2014 About Myself In 1914, World War I began and was commonly referred to around . the world as “The War To End All Wars” and “The Great War”. As volunteers for the war ran out, the Essay Spectrum, government had to go into based on a a draft. As names were getting pulled, the soon to be soldiers were being pulled out as just a number, not even a name. Following the conclusion of World War I was the Essay for the Middle, emergence of The Great Depression. Market Failures Examples? “Millions of people were out of work, and. Federal government of the United States , Franklin D. Electromagnetic Middle Student? Roosevelt , Great Depression 797 Words | 4 Pages. Some of the following content has been altered to maintain anonymity. MSU standards for intellectual honesty apply to scholarship application . essays . Essays copied in whole or in part from these samples or any other applicant’s work will be rejected and may result in disciplinary action. Essay #1 Score: 4.0 For as long as I can remember I’ve known what I wanted to do with my life. Science has always been a passion of mine, and medicine in on a true particular has interested me for some time. Dedicating. College , Experience , German language 1196 Words | 4 Pages. Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is Middle our sample essay question, which is designed to did wallpaper be as close as possible to an . essay question that might appear on the SAT. Essay About For The Middle School Student? You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and then asks you to explain your view and count of monte character list back it up with concrete examples . Not every SAT essay topic will. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Essay About Spectrum Student? Then answer the questions below. The qualities of she believed did wallpaper a hero . include selflessness, having the inspiration to be a founder and being courageous. With these qualities in mind, it is easy to Essay about Spectrum see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the three qualities mentioned above and these heroic qualities were seen in his life and work. He was born in failures Al Ain and had a simple education which included learning the Koran and mathematics. About Spectrum For The School? His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. ? Essay About Me, Planning and Career Born and nine stories name Nur Shahiera Binti Nor Adnan , I am the only daughter of Nor Adnan bin Mohd . Nor and Azar binti Kamaluddin. I was born on 2nd May 1995 in Pahang. I am the eldest sister and also the only girl among six siblings. For The Middle School? I stayed with family in is braveheart based on a true story Kuantan, is the state capital of Pahang. My father a business man and my mother a clerk in the department of works at Kuantan. I am from Essay about for the School, a humble. Is Braveheart Based Story? I was receiving early education at Tabika Kemas Kampung Cherok Paloh. College , Education , Human resource management 917 Words | 2 Pages. Examples from Electromagnetic, Reflection Essays Disciplinary Awareness “The research I did this summer focused on sorption of cesium and . Nine Stories? strontium by soils. These two chemicals are commonly found in chemical contaminants… My research also focused on Electromagnetic for the, the distribution coefficient which is a measurement of how much of a solvent is market failures examples [absorbed] by a geologic medium.” “I found that many of the readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to convey a strong belief in Middle human rights, which was demonstrated by the dichotomy. Abortion , Clean Water Act , Human rights 1543 Words | 5 Pages. Example Essay “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” -- Ben Franklin. As early as the market examples, . Electromagnetic Spectrum For The School? founding of the United States of America, Mr. Franklin observed society using the excuse, I don't have enough time… and it negative effects on their lives. Today, it is frequently used as an excuse to justify the lack of time management skills. The effects on kids, work, or even in family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is available. Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. period took the humanist Roman view of nine stories Renaissance architecture and showed it in a new rhetorical, theatrical and sculptural fashion they expressed the . triumph of absolutist church and state. The main view of about Spectrum Middle Student Baroque architecture was more concerned about color, light and shade, sculptural values and intensity which could be seen in its characteristics. Based? Baroque is about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School defined periods in advantages and disadvantages literature as well as music; however critics perceived it to be unstructured, over ornamented, theatrical and grotesque. Baroque , Baroque music , Dome 1264 Words | 4 Pages. Information System in concerns to information technology, integrating the about Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle, program to the database plus some functionality was the market examples, concern of Essay about Electromagnetic for the it. The problem . that the programmers usually encounter is the compatibility and consistency of the data. An example of this was the data mapping and data migration of databases of different format, programmers might find it difficult to transfer the data from the database to another because should create another function to nine stories do it. Also according to A. Peslak and. Data integration , Data management , Enterprise application integration 1228 Words | 6 Pages. Having had much time to avoid writing this paper, I decided that I would write about my exploration of thought process and Essay School beliefs that have . been barriers in she could writing this piece of Essay Electromagnetic Middle School Student work I left education after secondary school where I found studying quiet difficult, I made a decision recently to nine stories return to studying and started a short course, I found that my learning came from Essay about Spectrum Middle School Student, listening rather than reading and that I am able to engage in group discussions and is braveheart exercises however it takes me some time. Cognition , Essay , Mind 849 Words | 3 Pages. ? Essay About Myself Have you ever wondered how can you identify yourself? In my view, to Essay about Middle identify something as . one‘s characteristic features is to take a look at something that has happened to the person and had some sort of an impact. Nine Stories? For me, there are milion parts of my personality, but only few certain events emphasize the contrast between the kind of person I used to be and Essay about School Student the way I am at market present. First of all, I was a very isolated person in my early adolescence due to the loss of a close. At Ease , Mind , People 477 Words | 2 Pages. Essay about paperless world Free Essays on Paperless World for students. Use our papers to help you with yours. . Real-World Examples from Essay about Spectrum for the Middle School, a Paperless Society Magazine article from: Information Today.We have all heard about the market failures examples, paperless society, a longheralded. Are we slowly moving in the general direction of a less-paper world?. A paperless world may still be inconceivable to us whove grown. NOTICE: Essays and about Electromagnetic for the Student comments posted on World Future Society Web Forums are the intellectual property of qin dynasty the. Essay , Five paragraph essay , Microsoft PowerPoint 832 Words | 3 Pages. idea of ghosts is far too exaggerated to be real. Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle School? According to psychologydictionary.org the paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the qin dynasty, . transfer of data or energy which can't be described by about Electromagnetic for the School present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of years ago I was in my house alone. I was walking towards the front door and a pair of qin dynasty politics scissors fell from the Essay Electromagnetic for the Middle School Student, countertop and on nine stories, to the about Spectrum for the Middle Student, floor. It scared me to death and she could did wallpaper it was like the Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle Student, scissors had been thrown. I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. ? PART I ESSAY Origin of Essay History of essay as a literature form has begun in she could 1580 when Michel de . Montaigne has published the Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum, book “Les Essais”. In French term “essais” means “try” or “experience”. It was a book written because of boredom; it did not have a distinct structure or plan, and consisted of individual chapters, formally unrelated to each other. Montaigne suggested his literary tests in form of initial essay , highlighting their subjective, relative, and inconclusive sides. Essay , Essays , Exposition 1691 Words | 5 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to on a Today Sexuality, like many other . things in about Spectrum Middle Student our world, is an ever changing thing. Cristo Character? The ideas and connotations surrounding it change from Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle School, generation to generation. Because of this, the idea of sex in the 1950’s is completely different from the idea of sex today. Of Monte Cristo List? Today, sexuality can be expressed in almost anything we do. Commercials, billboards, TV shows, movies, magazine articles, and many other. 20th century , 21st century , Global warming 1105 Words | 4 Pages. Feel Strongly About Essay Autosaved. ?Lyn Nguyen Feel Strongly About Essay Mar. 25, 2014 Mr. Essay About Spectrum Student? Raybe Everyone grows up having things they feel strongly . about , because it is something you believe in and hope to do if it is qin dynasty a positive thing but not to if it is a negative thing. About Electromagnetic School? Over the of monte, years, I’ve developed a lot of strong feelings and my feelings were caused by my strong sense of emotion towards something. Feelings that are towards something are caused by a strong sense of emotion, like a need or a want, some are things that you may. Abuse , Bullying , Emotion 1029 Words | 4 Pages. ?Few Examples of About Myself Hi, Good morning. About Electromagnetic For The Student? Its my pleasure to on a introduce myself in about Spectrum Middle School front . of you. My name is Kshitij Totare, I am 22 years old. Nanded is my home district but currently I am living at Mumbai. I am working at RBI-PDC as System Admin since 15th may 2013. We are four members in based story family my mother is Essay about Electromagnetic a teacher, my father has passed away on 2003. And my younger brother and essay on mobile phone and disadvantages elder sister completed with their education profile. I have attended Modern college where. Academic degree , Family , Goal 2570 Words | 14 Pages. October 14, 2013 Most people have heard sometime about the benefits of Essay about for the Middle listening to essay advantages and disadvantages music. Electromagnetic For The Middle School Student? We’ve heard about how . listening to music can affect our mood: listening to happy music can make us happy and sad music can make us sad. We know that listening to classical music or quiet music can help us when we’re studying for a test or relax us (sometimes even to the point where we fall asleep). But what most of us don’t know about is that playing musical instruments can help us develop our brains. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages. will become a necessary example to teach you how to deal with the unfairness in life. Failures Examples? When I first started middle school I felt . so out of Essay about Middle School Student place, I mean I had to deal some very flaky people and I was very stressed out a lot. The reason why I was so stressed out was because of the changes that I had to endure around and to me. For example I had to deal with the disturbing fact that I was growing hair in various places on my body , and I had to on mobile advantages go ask my mother about Essay about Electromagnetic these unnatural changes. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. ?In this essay , it is about the journal article that I had presented in based on a the Journal Club. In the following, I am going to . summarize the concerned clinical issue / practice presented in the journal article. In the second part of the essay , I will analyze the Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum School, concerned clinical issue / practice and politics relate to my prior learning and/or experience. Next, I will discuss on what I have learned from the concerned clinical issue / practice. Lastly, I am going to recommend strategies to facilitate my learning. Health care provider , Illness , Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 839 Words | 3 Pages. Definition Of Friendship Example Essay. ?Friendship Read the following information about friendship. Using the information presented, your own experience, observations, and/or . readings, write an article for Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle Student your school newspaper about the advantages and disadvantages, meaning of friendship. As you write your speech, remember to: Focus on the definition of friendship. Consider the purpose, audience, and context of your article. About Middle School? Organize your ideas and details effectively. Nine Stories? Include specific details that clearly develop your article. Edit your speech for Essay Middle School Student standard. Friendship , Interpersonal relationship , Love 1157 Words | 3 Pages. ASSIGNMENT ON AN AUTO BOIGRAPHY ABOUT MYSELF ASSIGNED BY MISS MUBINA KHONDOKAR NAME: MD KHAJA BAHAUDDIN MOROL ROLL NO: . SUBJECT: BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Introduction: I am very much thankful to Miss Mubina Khondokar for character list giving me a chance an opportunity to think and write an autobiography about myself . This assignment not only let me to think about myself , but also let me known what I really was, what I really am, and Essay about Electromagnetic Student what I really wanted to be. She Believed? It reminded me many several. 2008 singles , Diana DeGarmo , Personal life 891 Words | 3 Pages. About Narrative Essay Narrative essay is a popular topic on the Continuous Writing section and students should . Middle School? take note that this topic has appeared in the SPM examination almost every year since the paper was introduced. Many people think that writing a story is a difficult task, but believe me, it is much easier than what you think because you are not confined to any particular point. Therefore, you are free to voice out everything that is in your mind. A narrative essay is essay advantages and disadvantages a piece of writing. A Story , Character , Essay 1134 Words | 3 Pages. Example of a Well Structured Essay. Example of a well structured essay . The content isn’t that exiting and the conclusion is Essay Spectrum for the Student quite weak, but there are many good . Failures? points to make on about Spectrum for the Student, the way the essay is is braveheart based on a structured and Essay Electromagnetic for the Middle Student the way the information is put across. All my comments are highlighted thus. A good introduction. • Does the job of clearly defining the essay and disadvantages, topic covered in the essay and the specific aspects which will be discussed. See in particular last sentence of introduction. ( We will be looking at Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle School the structure of introductions. Causality , Environmentalism , Essay 1501 Words | 5 Pages. ought to of monte make poor people more poor and about Electromagnetic Spectrum School Student rich people like myself richer. Count Cristo Character List? I refuse to pay taxes to Essay for the Middle Student help those in need, and she believed I don’t understand why . we would lower taxes for about Spectrum for the Middle Student anyone but big business owners! Hossain 3 What I want is for my oil company to essay on mobile phone advantages pay fewer taxes, so my stock can go up by a tenth of about Middle Student a point even at the expense of the rest of the world! Some of my relatives who are democrats frequently ask me,”Don’t you care about the lower class of America?” I always answer them with an. Democratic Party , George H. W. Bush , George W. Bush 1069 Words | 3 Pages. childhood can become set principles we live by in later life or can influence the market failures, decisions we make to give us our 'world view' aswe can not find other . examples due to age. Things such as age, gender and commuity will also play a part in shaping the effects of your world view. A World view is described by many different people in various ways for example Samovar and Porter (2003) (citing Rapport and Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle School Student Overing 2000) will describe a world view as 'the common English translation of the count of monte list, German word “Weltanschauung”. I Shall Be Released , Learning , Life 1025 Words | 3 Pages. you can make a new title by skimming through the essay and finding an interesting sentence. The title appealing because it is simple . about myself . The new title could be “Jessica's Life” or “How Jessica Is”, the sentence would just simply be about me. About For The Student? 2) How effective is the first paragraph at cristo list getting the reader’s attention? Will it make them want to read more? The first paragraph is effective because it will make readers want to Essay about for the read more about me and what I do in my life. The second paragraph. 2002 albums , Lebanon, Tennessee , Need 829 Words | 3 Pages. Quartet in F major; the orchestral suite Mirroirs, La Valse; and his Bolero, one of the most widely performed and recognized melodies of market failures examples all time, are among . his most famous works. Composer Biography: Day 2 Now that you have learned about Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School a composer's background, select one of his most famous pieces and research it. Phone And Disadvantages? You will find that many pieces that we hear frequently today have rather interesting histories. Thoroughly and thoughtfully answer the about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the, questions below. Title: ____Daphnis. 20th century , Ballet , Ballets Russes 696 Words | 3 Pages. Descriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is one of the many types of she believed so she writing styles that provides a detailed . description for a particular person, place, memory, experience or object. Electromagnetic Spectrum School Student? Descriptive essay is purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and politics taste. 2) Example : Spring Everyone has a comfortable place to escape to for relaxation. They go there when they need to be. Hearing , Odor , Olfaction 1017 Words | 4 Pages. Essay About Why We Crave Horror Movies. Here is an essay I am writing for my English 101 class. Any advice or criticism would be helpful and very much appreciated. The full text of . Essay About Electromagnetic Spectrum For The School Student? King's essay is available at the end of the she believed did wallpaper, article for reference. An Excuse for Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle Horror: Stephen King’s “Why We Crave Horror Movies” The first Stephen King novel I read, Christine, was chilling, weird, creepy, and strange. But I loved it. The second, Carrie, was even less normal, and I was enthralled. Fangoria , Film , Halloween 1121 Words | 4 Pages. of the week when Pete receives big shipments of and disadvantages inventory for the store. For The School Student? When that occurs the is braveheart true, retail part of the Garden Center can be really busy for a few . days after stocking the new inventory. Inventory can range from a variety of things, for example ; garden rocks in assorted rock pallets, mulch bags sorted out by type, hay bales stacked, and even bird baths. So as one of the three managers, Pete has to make sure things go well and items are placed correctly and Essay for the Student neatly throughout the store, in. Annual plant , Evergreen , Garden 1115 Words | 3 Pages. Breakfast Club Essay, Myself Relating to of monte cristo character list Characters. Essay The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club is Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School a story about five teenagers put in Saturday detention. Each character gives a . face to most of the high school stereotypes. The brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess and the criminal. Each are given their own seat and the instructions to sit for is braveheart based true story eight hours and write an Essay about Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle Student, essay on who they think they are. Essay? Each of Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum School them, having very strong personalities, will fight, cry, laugh and learn from each other, making friendships that would have. Stereotype , Suicide , Suicide methods 880 Words | 3 Pages. In The Introductory Paragraph To This Essay About Essays. introductory paragraph to this essay about essays I will tell you that you don’t need an introductory paragraph, at . least not of the 1) topic sentence 2) structural methodology 3) thesis statement varity that we were all taught in high school. Nine Stories? What you do need is That Thing; maybe a question, a fear or a fury. It makes your blood boil. It’s all you can talk about when you sit down with your friends over a glass of wine or two or five, or maybe you can’t talk about about Electromagnetic for the Middle School Student it with anyone, just your own heart. Education , Essay , Essays 1304 Words | 4 Pages. of essay preparation What differentiated higher quality example essays from lower quality example . essays ? There were several different aspects that differentiated higher quality example essay from lower quality example essays . Firstly, the higher quality example essays , such as the market failures examples, Distinction and High Distinction essays provided great structure and an argument with a very good presentation. The introduction in the Distinction essay introduced relevant literature and addressed the essay topic. Citation , Essay , Essays 761 Words | 3 Pages. classes will be at Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School least one page long. Therefore, unless an is braveheart story, instructor specifies otherwise, memos should include a brief introduction and conclusion. The . type of assignment generally dictates the format of Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle School your memo’s introductory paragraph. For example , your introduction for a case analysis should include the count list, following information: a statement of purpose, a list of actions you will take to accomplish your task, and a preview of the recommendations/suggestions provided later in Spectrum for the School the memo. You should. English language , Future tense , Grammatical tense 1607 Words | 5 Pages. Jennifer Bradsher English 101 Autobiography Essay January 18, 2011 ME I came into this world on the 27th of June, 1979. My . parents decided to name me Jennifer Rayne. I spent my childhood in the Millington area where I attended the community schools. I graduated from high school in 1997. I now live in the Clio area where my husband and I are raising our three children. Based On A? Also, for the past ten years I have been a server at Applebees. Most recently I am a college. Academic degree , College , Education 468 Words | 3 Pages. America. It had been the Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School Student, most difficult day of my life, and even though I was just a little girl, it made a big difference in my life compared with the qin dynasty politics, life . of about for the girls my age. Cristo? It was an important but painful event that taught me how to take care of myself , how to be responsable at an early age, and it showed me that in the most difficult situation I am not alone, God is with me. Even my mom and father can leave me alone, but God is about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle Student always there for count of monte cristo character list me. To begin with, the first couple of months after. 2006 albums , Debut albums , Family 944 Words | 3 Pages. Stop denying yourself that juicy beef! You might argue that McDonald’s is unhealthy, but anything in moderation is fine. There’s absolutely no health risks . with eating McDonald’s as a treat, maybe once a week after work on Middle School, a Friday. What’s so evil about that? And as for the argument that McDonald’s is expensive: nonsense! McDonald’s is the same price as many other equivalent restaurants, if not cheaper. To prepare your own burger and is braveheart based fries would certainly be more pricy. Likewise, to argue that McDonald’s. Arc de Triomphe , Food , Hamburger 683 Words | 3 Pages. Example Literary Essay : The Giver by Lois Lowry Example Introduction Paragraph: “The real voyage of discovery . consists not in Essay Electromagnetic for the Middle School Student seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” This quote by Marcel Proust speaks of discovering what?s right in front of nine stories you by seeing it differently, with “new eyes.” The main character, Jonas, in Lois Lowry?s The Giver goes through a similar experience when he discovers his “Capacity to Electromagnetic Spectrum School See Beyond.” Jonas begins to advantages and disadvantages see his Community differently, with an awareness or. Lois Lowry , Newbery Medal , The Giver 856 Words | 3 Pages. Lyndon B. Johnson and Essay Examples Tags. Compare and Contrast Essay Example by admin on Monday, December 12th 2011 No Comment in Essay . examples Tags: Compare and Contrast, Compare and Contrast essay example , Compare and Essay Spectrum School Student Contrast essay sample The address of President Lyndon Johnson to the University of Michigan in nine stories 1964 has been give priority in this document. Essay Spectrum School Student? The test of the success of the nation lies in the ability of the American people to exercise liberty and pursue happiness for the general population. These are the. A Separate Peace , Catheter , Farley Mowat 1022 Words | 5 Pages. 1 The Story about Myself On the is braveheart story, surface I think I am like . most young and about Spectrum School modern new generation: I take school seriously, I have dreams and market goals for the future that I am determined to make happen, and Essay Spectrum I don’t expect anyone to do the is braveheart true, hard work for Electromagnetic for the Middle School me. I left home. Creative writing , Language , Learning 410 Words | 1 Pages. EssayForum Unanswered / Urgent Home / Speeches / 'Good morning friends!'; Introducing Myself - college speech . answers: 2 Sarath Kumar Oct 31, 2013, 11:19am #1 Introducing Myself - college speech Good morning friends! My name is Sarath Kumar. Essay On Mobile Phone? I'm going to introduce myself.I have born and grown up in Vizianagaram and about Spectrum School I'm studying first year BSC computer science in this prestigeous college, Vizianagaram. As for my family, I've just one brother older than me. My father. 1995 singles , Attention , Employment 746 Words | 3 Pages. ?Jack Hamilton AP English 3 Mrs. Rothbard Period 5 December 21, 2014 Bill O'Reilly Editorial Essay Whether it be from essay on mobile phone and disadvantages, his television show . The O'Reilly Factor, one of Essay Electromagnetic for the School his Killing books, or from editorial articles, it is fair to nine stories say that most Americans know who Bill O'Reilly is. O'Reilly is known for Essay about Middle Student his conservative views that can be attributed in part to she believed his coming from a classic Irish Catholic family and [having] attended private catholic schools, according to his biography on IMDb. Essay About Spectrum For The Student? Though. Bill O'Reilly , Editorial , Federal government of the United States 939 Words | 4 Pages. Argumentative Essays About Obesity. food industry is 'Super-Size me' that documentary, that might give you some more ideas about arguments, to look into some of the issues that . Morgan Spurlock touches on, (size of food portions, advertising, health related problems of nine stories obesity, etc..) Obesity in AmericaWhen people think about health what usually comes up is cancer, or some kind of about Electromagnetic for the Middle School Student disease that will hold you back. Not many people really think about one of the biggest issues out there that people don’t really take serious. Is Braveheart Based True Story? It’s called. Body mass index , Cancer , Fast food 1570 Words | 4 Pages. Pamela Essay 1 Sitting at my desk at home, a crushing feeling crept up on me. I didn’t know what to think. I’m not going to make . About Electromagnetic Middle School Student? it, am I. It was already midway through junior year of high school, and failures having just calculated my GPA requirements for many of the colleges I had wanted to Essay about Spectrum for the Middle School Student go to, I realized that my grades were not even close to what I expected them to be. I guess I had been in denial for so long that I let them slip this far. How could I have let this happen? Where was my. Debut albums , Disappointment , High school 1235 Words | 3 Pages. ? I could lie to advantages and disadvantages you and tell you that I’m surrounded by miraculous people who have changed and influenced my life. Or, I could tempt you with a story . about a wonderful role model I’ve had. However, neither of about those story lines would be true. I’m not influenced easily. She Believed She Could So She? I don’t have a wonderful role model, and people have definitely not changed my life. Experiences have changed my life and challenged me; however, that doesn’t make me unique. Everyone’s had to overcome adversity in his or her life. Academic term , College , Education 735 Words | 2 Pages. ? EXAMPLE 1 – ESSAY Life sometimes goes wrong under the best of circumstances, but what if you spend your days in a hospital bed . About Electromagnetic Spectrum For The Student? slowly suffocating to count cristo death as cancer eats away at your body? You’re horrified, your quality of life is at an all time low and Essay Spectrum for the School Student you can’t see any point in delaying the of monte list, inevitable. That is School Student why Physician assisted suicide should be a choice for patients who are incurable. Physician assisted suicide (PAS) should be legal in cases that involve unbearable suffering or. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , Death , Euthanasia 1509 Words | 5 Pages. school as a senior student. On these year I will face a national examination known as Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia ( SPM ) examination that will decide my life . in market failures examples the future after I finished my study at school. First and foremost, I would like to tell about my family background . In my family I have 3 siblings 2 boys and 1 girl, include me. The first one is about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the Middle my brother, his name is Muhamad Akmal he was born on qin dynasty, 15th July 1991 at Sungai Petani Hospital, Kedah. He know studied at Tun Hussein Onn University. American football , Char kway teow , Hussein Onn 1327 Words | 3 Pages. An Introductory Essay About Myself - Assignment. St Paul’s University Name: Peterson Muriithi Mugo Reg. No: BBA/NRB/2827/13 Task: An Introductory Essay about . Myself - Assignment Course: Bachelor of Business Administration And Management Unit Name: Academic Writing Unit Code: UCC 102 Lecturer: Mrs. Susan Mwangi This is Peterson It’s not an easy thing to speak about myself as it is hard to look at Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School myself from aside, most of the time one tends to get biased in an attempt to nine stories appease to the person he or she is introducing his/herself to. 2007 singles , Academia , Believe. There's Magic in about Spectrum for the the Stars 545 Words | 2 Pages. Since childhood, I have always seen myself as a nurse. The sight of the suffering people has always triggered some sympathetic feelings in me. . Nine Stories? Often, the about Electromagnetic Student, sight of the sick would make so uncomfortable that I always desired to help them. Being a very inquisitive child, I would inquire about the nine stories, conditions and Essay for the School go into the trouble of thinking about the solution to the problem. My passion for nursing manifested itself right from the childhood times when I would attend to my injured classmates and playmates. Florence Nightingale , Hospital , Mental confusion 1492 Words | 4 Pages. makes you happy, and you shouldn’t let struggles stop you. When I read examples about following a passion, overcoming a fear, and . being persistent in is braveheart based on a story your efforts, my prior opinion began to change. Essay Student? In the book Blake first describes his journey with creating and growing TOMS. Blake was on a vacation trip in Argentina when he realized the locals tremendous need for shoes. Suddenly it became a dream of his to do something about this problem. Most people would see the on mobile phone advantages, problem and consider the reasonable. 1083 Words | 3 Pages. education where he then attended Plato’s Academy, the Electromagnetic for the School Student, finest school in Athens. Aristotle created a very close relationship with Plato and market his academy. . Aristotle did not take over Plato’s position because of the Aristotle felt differently about some of Plato’s statements about philosophy (Kenny, 2012). In 338 B.C Aristotle returned home to Macedonia to start teaching the young Alexander the Great. Spectrum School Student? After Alexander had conquered Greece in count of monte cristo 335 B.C Aristotle returned to Athens, and with Alexander’s permission. Alexander the Great , Aristotle , Greece 821 Words | 3 Pages. In this essay , the human nature of physically killing its own specie and however it’s morally right to do so, and if so; when, will be analyzed . in different contexts. It’s however important to show consideration and understanding to the fact that it’s also in Essay about Electromagnetic Middle the humans nature to not kill its own specie. Before discussing the subject itself, it’s important to define certain terms that will either appear or have an important purpose to the subject of the she believed so she did wallpaper, essay . Spectrum For The School? Morality, the most common definition. Ethics , Human , Morality 1026 Words | 3 Pages. Lies and Conversation: Why Is It So Hard for she believed she could Men and Women to Talk to Each Other?” essays talk about their experiences in . communicating with other people. Even though Tannen, Munoz, and Tan show many differences about the impact of language on their lives, they are extremely similar in their writing styles, in their approaches, and in their overall theme. One area of similarity of Tannen, Munoz and Tan’s essays is in their styles of Essay Electromagnetic Spectrum Middle writing. The first writing style that these three authors share. Communication , English language , Essay 1149 Words | 4 Pages. My Dream Life Essay Due Date: Typed final drafts are due on _______________________ at count of monte the beginning of the period. Your graded final draft . will be placed in your portfolio. Organization of about Electromagnetic Spectrum Student Paper: Title: Come up with a creative title Paragraph #1: Introduction. Use one of the “hooks” from the six choices on she could, side 2. Don’t forget to let your reader know what your essay will be about (career, family, friends, relationships, house, and vehicle). Essay About For The Middle School? Paragraph #2: Write about your dream job or. Automobile , Dream , Henry David Thoreau 647 Words | 2 Pages. ART-O-METER scale essay Music is a form of expression; it is nine stories art, and what makes it of highest or lowest value can often be a matter of . personal choice. There are, however, universal ways of Essay Spectrum for the Middle Student looking at a song’s value. First, one can analyze a song based on the message the writer wants to essay on mobile and disadvantages reveal. Words construct meaning, which ultimately reveals a theme, and the power of the theme helps listeners decide a song’s worth and universal impact. Closely linked to a song’s theme is the song’s literary. Aspect of music , Broken heart , Fiction 1377 Words | 4 Pages. About Me My name is Electromagnetic for the Middle Student . I was born and raised in Queens, New York. Currently I am a full time college student at La . Guardia Community College. Market? My major is Essay School Student Criminal Justice. Failures Examples? I am planning on transferring to John Jay of Criminal Justice after I earn my 45 college credits in order to join the New York Police Department Cadet , my GPA is also good enough to Electromagnetic Spectrum be qualified on John Jay. I am currently a volunteer for New York Police Department Auxiliary. Since I was a kid I used. Boxing , Constable , Crime 1116 Words | 3 Pages. ? An essay about a social network Facebook is one of the most important social network today, and one of the most popular sites . from the internet. Social network sites (SNSs) were always popular and people seemed to be attracted by qin dynasty politics the idea of creating a profile where they can put information about them and keep in contact with their friends, or even look for dates, jobs and many others. But with Facebook, the idea of a social network site became much more important, because it grew so big that. A Great Way to about Electromagnetic Spectrum for the School Care , Facebook , Internet 1639 Words | 5 Pages. ? Essay Option #2 If you don't want to take school seriously, then I guess I’ll look forward to seeing you working your shift at McDonald’s . when I stop by for the fries”. This is what my mom told me when I was an eighth grader. My parents are very accomplished people; my mother is a registered nurse and my father is a lawyer. So her words cut deep and hit me where it hurt. Why was she telling me this? Because I deserved every bit of on a true it. I was at Essay about Spectrum Middle a point in my life when I was very immature. I was. College , Father , High school 1107 Words | 4 Pages.
Can evolution and God coexist? Yes. The Higgs boson, the so-called God particle, really exists. But what about the namesake? Well Higgs certainly exists, but does God? This, my last in a series on evolutionary science and religion, is not going to answer that to anyone’s satisfaction. Instead, it begins as an indulgence to briefly become a cryptozoologist – one who studies “cryptids”: animals whose existence has not yet been proven. God is certainly the most elusive of all cryptids, given his credited role as creator and sustainer of everything. But a good behavioral ecologist is not completely stymied by being unable to observe their study animal. You can still learn a lot about a creature by where it lives and its effects on the habitat. In this way, I can look at nature and infer six things about God. 1. God is truly elusive and excellent at hiding. What animals share these characters? Predators capturing their food through stealth and surprise, and those at high risk of becoming meals for predators. Such species are really good at hiding: you can walk through the woods and pass within 10 feet of a deer or a cougar and never see them. But other species are so large or well protected, they don’t care about being observed. Sail out from the California shore and you’ll see blue whales cruise by. They have no interest these days (thankfully!) in eluding humans. One would think that an omnipotent creator would be blue whalish, cruising the universe unmindful of being obvious. Apparently God does care – preferring to hide with Sasquatch and Nessie behind that tree you walked past! Is God worried that if seen, we’d pounce and devour? Highly unlikely. Is God a predator ready to take us down at any moment? Perhaps, if you take the bible literally, but there is no evidence for a supernatural cause in all the ongoing nastiness in the world. Why does God hide? I don’t know. 2. God likes to be surprised. The physical universe is dominated by the bizarre rules of quantum mechanics where one cannot know everything at once. ‘Nothing’ is probably not really nothing, and whole universes might spring into being from a few vibrating strings. And then there is the biological world governed by the most random and unpredictable process of all: evolution. It has always struck me that being omniscient and knowing everything that has and will happen would be a curse, and not something any god would want. How could you take joy in living when there is no hope of a pleasant surprise? Instead, create a world and process where life emerges and rearranges itself into an infinite variety of shapes and behaviors. Shows most worth watching are those where you don’t know what will happen next! Has God then on occasion rewritten the script? When dinosaurs finally got too predictable, perhaps giving an asteroid a nudge into a collision course? I don’t know. 3. God likes diversity. The biggest self-delusion in religion has to be that the spectacular size and diversity of the universe is all dross and window dressing, merely to impress the one species, living on the only planet in the whole of creation that matters. If there is a God, shouldn’t we absolutely expect that really interesting stuff is going on everywhere? And what would be more interesting than replicating evolutionary biology across any number and variety of planets. And as for life on Earth, why would there be a million species of beetles and a billion species of bacteria if, as the saying goes, God did not have an inordinate fondness for such diversity. How much diversity is there across the universe in living organisms? I don’t know. 4. God likes diversity in humans. Why else do we come in so many shapes, sizes, colors, personalities, abilities, and sexual proclivities? If God likes us short, tall, brown, white, black, conservative, liberal, blue and brown-eyed, why not as heterosexual, homosexual, transgender or whatever? Is there just one best way to be a human being? I don’t know, but it certainly doesn’t look that way. 5. God likes intelligence. My most compelling reason to believe in God is the spiritual experiences that a number of other (!) people have had. One could potentially explain them as a neurological happenstance, but the alternative hypothesis is an ‘elusive’ god who really does like us. Since our species has evolved the intelligence to know and worry about mortality, would not an interested god help out a bit? This is exactly what a cryptozoologist would predict a caring, omnipotent cryptid ought to do. Indeed, when I hear or speak to people with such experiences, what is almost always related is how positive and comforting it is about their lives and their eventual demise. Tellingly, such encounters never mention 6000 year old universes or ask for more homosexuals to be stoned. Is God revealing that we ought to smarten up and leave fallacious dogma behind? I don’t know. 6. God likes cooperation. By any number of measures, the most successful species on earth are the social insects (ants, bees, wasps, and termites) and humans. Case closed. Will God cease being elusive when we reach an advanced enough state of diversity, intelligence and cooperation to be interesting to talk to? I don’t know. Of course you have noticed that I close every inference about God with a statement of “I don’t know”. That’s what science does: draw the strongest conclusions you can from the available data but be prepared to adapt those conclusions in response to contradictory findings. This includes acknowledging that there are truly unanswered questions, even quite important ones. Indeed, we can be pretty safe in saying that there is a lot more about the universe and life on earth that we don’t know or understand than what we do. (And that’s why I love being a scientist – to ever so slightly shift that asymmetry.) For me, evolution and God can easily coexist. Coexistence between religion and science is much more difficult, however. When Ken Ham puts forth his interpretation of a book written thousands of years as the unequivocal truth, it is his opinion and he is welcome to it. When he purports, however, that his unshakeable belief in dogma is no different than what scientists do, and therefore should be placed on an equal footing to be taught in schools, I object. What I did in the above was put the notion of God through my lens of evolutionary science. Religiously inclined (or not) people may very well disagree with my inferences. Again, that’s what scientists do. But if religion and science are ever to reach a common ground, it must be religion that adopts the core principle of science. Not to deny the possibility of God, but instead, to admit that just like with the natural universe, there is much more we don’t know about God than what we do know. Dogma must always be willing to give way to new knowledge. Enough said by me. Where do you stand? Can God, religion and science coexist and be mutually enlightening? Is the relationship between religion and science a subject we should explicitly talk about in school and not just blog about?
Since 2014, I came to learn of two new creatures classified within cryptozology. Back in January of that year, a friend informed me about Batasquatch which I believe maybe another internet fabrication after hearing about Sheepsquatch. Articles about both creatures are posted on Abnormal Realm. In addition, I became aware of the other cryptid, atmospheric beasts, being the main subject of this article. Atmospheric beasts are the strangest of creatures yet classified within cryptozoology. They are reported to be living organisms inhabiting the earth’s atmosphere flying without the need for wings. These creatures are believed to be lighter than air spending their entire life within the sky. Some cryptozologists theorize the atmospheric beasts to be either low-density or filled with gases, such as hydrogen, allowing them to fly or float. These creatures have been described to appear in the shape of balloons or clouds. This led to speculations atmospheric beasts may possess the ability to change size, density and even colour. Also, eyewitness accounts of these organisms mention some with tentacles, snake like shapes and even resembling a jelly fish. Such accounts may indicate the life-forms have invertebrate’s bodies. A few cryptozologists suggested these atmospheric creatures may existed within earth’s skies for centuries. They have been undetected by humans while the few spotted mentioned in folklore. Even modern UFO sightings could be atmospheric beasts. However on the reverse side, one could argue these creatures were of alien origin. Which I then must ask why are any organisms that defies the current norm of living-things are automatically assumed to be an alien. This has been applied to Bigfoot, the Chupabarbra, Dover demon just to name a few. Now anyone is entitled to their opinion, as for myself, I could accept the idea atmospheric beast are an undiscovered species, a mutation, or even extra dimensional, but alien is difficult. If any creature from another other world was to survive on earth, the environment it originated from would be to be exactly the same. This means gases in the atmosphere, gravity, UV, radiation, water, etc must be similar to earth’s. Any slight difference will result in death and I could not imagine the odds of exact duplication of environments to evolve on other planet. Yet I degrees In my research, several cryptozologists have claimed to classify several atmospheric beasts as sky serpents, atmosphere jellyfish and flying rods. These flying rods caught my interest, as only pictures and videos reveal their existence. They are speculated to be completely naked to the human eye. These creatures are described as unified cylinders, different in lengths with what appears as hairs, fins or tiny wings along the side of the body. The presence of flying rods became widely known in the 1990s through the Internet. Hall, Jamie. “The Cryptid Zoo. Atmospheric Beasts”. New Animal. August 19, 2014. http://www.newanimal.org/a-beasts.htm
This is another cryptid people have seen and there are multiple pictures of. This creature is a bazaar one to say the least. Unfortunately it is also too decayed to see what it truly is. My own thoughts are that maybe this is a creature that was around with the dinosaurs and maybe had been frozen. Along with many other coastline crytids we have seen lately. Maybe due to ice melting or funky weather these creatures are thawing and floating up to the surface and coastlines. I’d be curious to see what the DNA test comes back as. The website http://seamonster.org/ is actually pretty fun to try and compare some of these creatures to if you have fun venturing into the oddworld. This creature was found by Russian soldiers on Sakhalin shoreline. Sakhalin area is situated near to Japan. It’s the most eastern part of Russia, almost 5,000 miles to East from Moscow. Locals haven’t been able to identify the mysterious beast. According to the bones and teeth – it is not a fish. According to its skeleton – it’s not a crocodile or alligator. It has a skin with hair or fur. It has been said that it was taken by Russian special services for in-depth studies, and we are lucky that people who encountered it first made those photos before it was brought away. Special Thanks & CreditsThe Black Vault works with many organizations and other agencies around the world to archive information - most of which has an agreed permission to repost material on this archive, despite existing copyrights. In addition to this collaboration, some material may be copyrighted, but direct authorization to re-use this material is not always obtained, and may need additional permission to re-use. Please see the copyright notice below regarding 'fair use', and contact the appropriate copyright holder for reprint and republish permissions. If you feel your copyright ownership is violated, please contact me immediately and let me know. All known and available information about this case (if any) is as follows: Originating Organization: The Black Vault User: OddDuck
So after seeing a few more pictures of Little Mate over here, I was starting to suspect he suffered from Bitchy Resting Face… “What the fuck am I supposed to do with flowers? I’m a baby, I can’t eat this” But then he went to New Zealand and had an awesome time. So basically he’s just difficult to impress. Fair call. 1. A recreation of a sheep and cattle station at the National Folk Festival, Canberra, 2014 The phrase “playing for sheep stations” is falling out of fashion but was used throughout the 19th and 20th centuries to describe something as having high stakes, ie, if you lose, you lose the whole sheep station – your own livelihood and that of many shearers. 2. A recreation of a bush kitchen at the National Folk Festival, Canberra, 2014 3. A bush poet speaks at the Stockman’s Camp, National Folk Festival, Canberra, 2014 4. Detritus on display at Yathong National Park, NSW Drop-bear stories are an integral part of Australian folk stories and urban legends. The cryptid is variously described as “a gigantic koala”, with enormous teeth, extra arms, and the ability to detect foreign accents from 10km away. Stories involving Drop-bears (Thylarctos plummetus) are told to tourists as a joke or prank with the idea being to scare them with true tales of Australia’s uniquely deadly wildlife (such as the taipan, the Sydney funnel-web, and the Salt-water Crocodile) to emphasise the very real possibility of dying while on holiday in Australia, then warn them that Drop-bears have been spotted in this very campsite. The wary tourists will ask how to avoid being mauled (or in some stories, eaten) by the marsupial bears, and they will be told to: – Spread Vegemite on their face to cover their scent – Make loud hooting or whooping noises to scare off the predators – Avoid camping directly under a Eucalyptus tree, where the Drop-bears make their nests Make no mistake, none of these strategies will work; they are designed to make you look silly and to provide many giggles over beer for the locals. The University of Tasmania have been tracking the movements of Drop-bears throughout tourist areas and monitoring their attacks on humans for years. In a 2012 paper they concluded that Drop-bears are able to tell the difference between an Australian accent and a foreign accent, and are not put off by Vegemite spread on the outside of a human’s head. Dr Volker Janssen of the University of Tasmania has determined that Drop-bears are repelled by Vegemite exuded through the sweat glands, which occurs in almost all Australians as we tend to eat Vegemite at least once a day (although some reports estimate that around 10% of Australians will experience a Drop-bear attack at some time in their lives). Therefore, foreigners or those with Vegemite allergies can protect themselves by applying Vegemite directly to their armpits, and behind their ears, where all non-marsupials have pheremone glands. If no Vegemite is available, some protection may be achieved by wearing forks in one’s hair or helmet in such a way that the tines poke upwards and will skewer the Drop-bear as it attempts to latch onto your head. In an emergency, marking your territory by urinating on yourself or your tent may also repel the highly territorial bears. Please be safe this Drop-bear season. Avoid camping under Eucalyptus trees with low-hanging branches, and remember to bring Vegemite with you when you go on holiday.
"Why hasn't the Covenant squashed the Prices? They aren't that well-hidden." Normally, this is the type of question that would get a raised eyebrow and a somewhat disappointed cry of "Spoilers!" But in this case, the answer ties so closely into the family history that I've been unpacking for you, one short story at a time, that it seems like a reasonable place to start. Understanding the Covenant of St. George requires taking an almost denialist viewpoint on the universe. Absolute truth: Humans are the best thing. Like, no matter what else there is in the universe, no matter what wonders we may eventually come to discover, humans are the best thing. Conclusion: anything humans think is cool is pretty much guaranteed to be totally cool, because humans—remember, the best thing—thought that it was cool. Anyone or anything trying to tell you that this line of reasoning is flawed and contains several internal logical fallacies is lying, and a stupid-head, and probably an enemy of the human race. You do not need to feel bad about hating them. And if you don't need to feel bad about hating them, you don't need to feel bad about anything your hatred eventually leads you to do. Second absolute truth: anything that harms humans is bad. It doesn't matter what the thing is, or why it's harming humans. It doesn't matter if the humans who are being harmed brought it upon their own heads. If something is harming humans, it is bad. It is evil. The world is black and white, and you are on the side of white, because humans are the best thing, and all you're doing is stopping things that would hurt humans. Third absolute truth: you are always right. Because if you were wrong, if it were possible for you to be wrong...well, then, maybe all those "monsters" that you chased down and slaughtered in cold blood were actually people who just didn't look the way that you had arbitrarily decided that people were supposed to look. Maybe you've done bad things. Maybe you're a murderer. And if you're a murderer, well. That sort of calls your whole "humans are the best thing" philosophy into question. That's the starting point for the Covenant: they are a bunch of arrogant absolutists who have, over the course of centuries, locked themselves into a pattern of thought that allows for absolutely no deviation. To deviate, even in the slightest degree, is to no longer be truly Covenant. Once you start questioning things, there's every chance that the entire house of cards will come crumbling down. (This isn't to say that all members of the Covenant are idiots: they're not. They're just trained and drilled and schooled very firmly on one specific method of thought, and it's one that happens to come with a clear and easy "us vs. them" that can be demonstrated using flash cards. There are a lot of very smart people in the Covenant. That's what makes them dangerous.) Now we must travel back three generations in the family history, to a time when there were only three Prices standing: Thomas Price, who had defected from the Covenant when his personal house of cards got knocked over, rather decisively, by his own experiences, as well as through extended contact with the Healys; Alice Price-Healy, who may well be the single most bloody-minded scion of the Healy line, which is saying something if you've met anyone with Healy blood in them; and Kevin Price, who was too young to be a factor in the actual fight, but whose presence spurred his parents to win by any means necessary. The Covenant numbered in the thousands. The Prices numbered in the threes. There was no way for them to win a fair fight. "Fuck a fair fight." —Alice Price-Healy Without going into excessive detail (because I really do intend to write this one day, and a girl has to keep some secrets), the Prices basically pulled a con on the Covenant, and left them firmly convinced that yes, they had killed three people on that day, and yes, there was no possible chance that anyone could have survived. Now, remember our third absolute truth: the Covenant is always right. The Covenant rode into righteous battle, the Covenant killed three people, the Covenant won, and the Covenant is always right. The current Price family is still recovering from that specific instance of the Covenant always being right. Alice and Thomas would have one more child before Thomas himself disappeared; both Kevin and Jane were largely raised by friends of the family, because Alice, the only remaining recognizable member of the Price-Healy clan, was off trying to find her husband. Two small children being shuttled around the country didn't attract much attention, and it was only the intervention of more friends of the family that Kevin and Jane didn't wind up growing up completely unaware of the complicated network of blood feuds and favors their ancestors had constructed to protect them. The Covenant, which is always right, did not go looking for these children. Those children could not possibly exist. Kevin and Jane grew up, got married, and had children, always holding to their new guiding law: Do Not Get Found. Because now, their existence would be an insult to the Covenant, as great a deviation from the laws of nature as any cryptid that had ever existed. Yes, they stayed in the family business, but they did it in ways that the Covenant wasn't looking for. The Covenant, by nature, is overt. The Price family, in their current incarnation, is covert, and they use whatever means necessary to keep themselves that way. Why hasn't the Covenant squashed the Prices? Because the Prices don't exist. It doesn't matter how well-hidden a thing is or isn't; when you refuse to let yourself admit that it could possibly be real, you're not going to find it. Heaven help us all if the Covenant ever stops lying to itself.
I just read a very entertaining post on The Grassman, a movie production blog. First of all, we have a bigfoot face. Steve, our creature mask designer, did an excellent job. We may have the nose width taken down a bit, but still… it’s a friggin bigfoot! Not suck at all! Cryptid goodness! Secondly, at the time of this writing, our Panasonic GH-1 is still up in the air. Amazon has a shipping date of September, as does the Panasonic site. It’s a little nerve wracking. Granted, should we have planned a movie around a camera that was not even released yet? No. On the other hand, we are financing this ourselves and can do whatever the hell we want. So, suck it. It won’t cost us anymore to delay, but it will be a major inconvenience. So, right now, this scenario sucks. I’m starting pre-production on a feature right now myself*, so I sympathize. The post continues in the same entertaining manner. I love the recap at the end: So, to summarize: awesome, suck, suck, awesome/suck mix, suckfest, awesome/suck/awesome combo. This is one production blog I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on. * A #2wkfilm tentatively titled Natural Victims — more on this soon.
Pleasant Nightmare Entertainment Pleasant Nightmare Entertainment is a group of magnificently mischievous nerdfolk produced and organized by the founder, Aniyah Lyszt. As an individual, Aniyah is the primary content provider for PNE, but as a group, these nerdy ne’er do wells joined forces to create one of the greatest live programming troupes on the East Coast convention circuit! Seasoned panelists, live performers, costume-makers and con staff pooled their talents and experience from years of convention attendance to bring you high quality content that’s sure to leave any audience wanting more! Whether your tastes are debaucherous and deviant, low key or somewhere in between, we have something to tickle your fancy. You can learn more about our members and programming by finding us on Facebook, following us on Instagram and by visiting our website. Look for the Winking Spider and let us bring your nightmares to life in a most pleasant way!!! Evan has been writing, podcasting, and speaking at conventions about anime, manga, and video games for over a decade. He’s the Editor-in-Chief of Ani-Gamers and has written for Otaku USA Magazine, Anime News Network, and Crunchyroll News. He also hosts the Ani-Gamers Podcast, and you might know him from his work at Crunchyroll, where he co-hosted the Crunchycast and a number of YouTube videos. Plus, back in 2013, Evan was the Con Chair of this very convention! This year he’ll be presenting panels about the craft of animation (Animation in Anime), computer animation in anime (CG Anime Is Good), and, yes, hamburgers (Anime Burger Time). Follow him on Twitter @VamptVo. Local (?) cryptid Kathy Moon has been spotted by comic fans in Toronto, board gamers from New York to California, and backpacking Homestucks in New Zealand. Her degrees include engineering, library science, and beekeeping. Ask her anything. We dare you. 5th Dimension Media Hitomi grew up in Brooklyn, NY, in a family with great musical influence. She started to write her own songs at 14 years old and started her singing career at age 17. As an otaku herself, her music is greatly influenced by Japanese Anime, games, and drama. Hitomi said, “Even my English is way better than my Japanese, I always have more Fantasy while I write Japenese lyrics.” She then went on to say that she made lots of Japanese songs. Cosplayer/Photographer/Performer/big Anime fan. Started her Cosplay career since 2010. Cosplay photography amateur. Loves Everything related to Otaku Culture. To see the full list of panels occurring during Genericon, please take a look at our online conbook!
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Buy Essay Papers Here - Uw-Madison Essay Prompt - by Brookiecookie734 Argumentative Essay about uw madison Why Smoking Should be Banned. Letter For Housekeeping With No Experience? Extracts from this document. Essay? ?Page | ________________ Ban Smoking in Public Places Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States, and doing it in school uniforms, public is even worse because smokers not only essay prompt harm themselves, but also those around them. I remember how my great uncle would always smoke in his house regardless of for housekeeping no experience, his surroundings. When his daughter visited him for a vacation, she brought her three year old daughter with her. Uw Madison Essay? The baby was healthy before coming to her grandpa's house, but in less than two weeks, she had developed ear infections and started to cough. When they went to the doctors' office to find out pro cons uniforms essay, how she had gotten it, the doctor linked it back to the second hand smoke that she was breathing in. When my great uncle found out about it, he finally started to care about where he was smoking and who he was with, and uw madison essay prompt, decided that he would smoke in a secluded place where no one but him may be affected. . read more. Though many smokers already know of the health risks that come with smoking cigarettes, but what most of them do not, is letter for housekeeping position no experience, how secondhand smoking can affect other people. ?Breathing in low doses of secondhand smoke can increase a person?s risk of heart attack? according to uw madison a study by Dr. Meyers, a professor of Cardiology and Preventive Medicine at University of Kansas (Sciencedaily.com). Smokers should not risk non-smokers for something that they do. In continuation of Dr. Meyers? study is that, ?secondhand smoking increases the likelihood of a heart attack by making the meaning type questions blood ?sticky?, making it more prone to clotting, and reducing the amount of essay prompt, good cholesterol in the body? (Sciencedaily.com). Non-smokers should not be worrying about paying more medical bills, especially in today?s economic situation. Many businesses provide health insurance to their employees. According to a statistical data collected by Live Strong, employers spend an extra $49 million in meaning of essay type, medical costs for employees who are exposed to secondhand smoking in their jobs (Nelson). . read more. Smoking in public should be banned at a federal level without question. Smoking negatively affects people, the environment and businesses. There are no logical reasons to allow smoking in public places and uw madison, doing so does not benefit anyone but cigarette makers. Smokers should have secluded areas where they could smoke where no one may be harmed. The government should provide trash cans in these areas so smokers would not just throw their cigarette butts on the floor. Anyone caught smoking in public places and littering their cigarettes should be fined. To Develop Leadership Skills? Smoking endangers people who chose not to engage in the same reckless behavior, like my baby cousin who had gotten so sick because of my great uncle?s smoking. It also dirties our environment and harms other animals that are in search of food. Businesses who provide health insurance to their workers affected by second hand smoking are wasting money that could be used to essay prompt hire more employees. Pro Cons School Uniforms Essay? Banning smoking in public may lead to a better way of life and uw madison essay prompt, a healthier place to live. . read more. This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Writing to Argue, Persuade and Advise section. Start learning 29% faster today 150,000+ documents available Just £6.99 a month. Join over 1.2 million students every month Accelerate your learning by 29% Unlimited access from apa dissertation table of contents just £6.99 per month. Related GCSE Writing to Argue, Persuade and Advise essays. Should smoking be banned in public places? Putting a ban on uw madison prompt, smoking in essay, public places would do great things for the economy and help businesses to attract more people. Non-smokers would feel less threatened and uw madison essay prompt, not have to sit and worry about the odd smoke cloud hitting them in the face while enjoying a drink or a meal. Pip was a common working boy; he was used to his status and was happy. But after he met the letter no experience cold and proud Estelle, at Satis house, he fell foolishly in love with her. He became ashamed of himself, ashamed of uw madison prompt, his family and ashamed of his work. Because of the effects smoking has on you and others should it be banned . They have not totally blocked out to develop leadership skills, smokers but have catered for them in a way of putting benches and uw madison, a heater outside every bar and restaurant, and they have proven that passive smoking has dropped dramatically. a case study on smoking and it's effects. Tobacco was so popular that as part of the war effort, tobacco was made a protected crop in America and cover position with, cigarettes were included in soldiers rations. Tobacco companies sent millions of free cigarettes to troops. With soldiers being conscripted and everyone having to do national service, a large majority of essay prompt, young men smoked. Another regard is having to go to school for another long minimum of 8 years. Most students get a 4-year bachelor's degree, and then go to a medical school for with another 4 years to be a Medical Doctor. Doctor Green says, When you are young, your brain is like a sponge, and you can soak up lots of information. Prompt? When you get older, your brain gets harder and uniforms, harder and less like a sponge, which means it is much harder to uw madison essay prompt learn and remember information. of table, student written work Annotated by. experienced teachers Ideas and feedback to. improve your own work. Marked by Teachers, The Student Room and essay, Get Revising are all trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. TurnItIn the anti-plagiarism experts are also used by: Want to read the rest? Sign up to view the whole essay and download the PDF for anytime access on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Start learning 29% faster today 150,000+ documents available Just £6.99 a month. Looking for expert help with your English work? Created by teachers, our study guides highlight the really important stuff you need to know. Custom Essay Writing Service - Essays: Cryptography: The Importance of Not Being… rough draft thesis This is “Creating a Rough Draft for a Research Paper”, section 12.1 from the book Successful Writing (v. 1.0). For details on it (including licensing), click here. This book is licensed under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa 3.0 license. See the license for more details, but that basically means you can share this book as long as you credit the author (but see below), don't make money from prompt, it, and essay dred scott, do make it available to everyone else under the same terms. This content was accessible as of December 29, 2012, and it was downloaded then by uw madison essay prompt Andy Schmitz in an effort to preserve the availability of this book. Normally, the author and publisher would be credited here. However, the dred, publisher has asked for the customary Creative Commons attribution to the original publisher, authors, title, and essay prompt, book URI to be removed. Additionally, per table, the publisher's request, their name has been removed in some passages. More information is available on essay this project's attribution page. PDF copies of essay on best in the, this book were generated using Prince, a great tool for making PDFs out of HTML and CSS. More details on the process are available in this blog post. For more information on the source of this book, or why it is available for free, please see the project's home page. You can browse or download additional books there. You may also download a PDF copy of this book (47 MB) or just this chapter (3 MB), suitable for printing or most e-readers, or a .zip file containing this book's HTML files (for use in a web browser offline). 12.1 Creating a Rough Draft for a Research Paper. Apply strategies for uw madison essay, drafting an essay effective introduction and conclusion. Identify when and how to uw madison essay prompt summarize, paraphrase, and directly quote information from essay teacher in the, research sources. Apply guidelines for citing sources within the body of the paper and the bibliography. Use primary and secondary research to support ideas. Identify the uw madison, purposes for which writers use each type of research. At last, you are ready to begin writing the rough draft of your research paper. Putting your thinking and of essay questions, research into words is exciting. It can also be challenging. In this section, you will learn strategies for handling the more challenging aspects of writing a research paper, such as integrating material from your sources, citing information correctly, and uw madison essay, avoiding any misuse of your sources. The Structure of a Research Paper. Research papers generally follow the same basic structure: an introduction that presents the writer’s thesis, a body section that develops the thesis with supporting points and evidence, and a conclusion that revisits the essay dred scott, thesis and provides additional insights or suggestions for prompt, further research. Your writing voice will come across most strongly in your introduction and conclusion, as you work to attract your readers’ interest and establish your thesis. These sections usually do not cite sources at length. Essay On Best Teacher In The? They focus on uw madison the big picture, not specific details. In contrast, the body of your paper will cite sources extensively. School Uniforms Essay? As you present your ideas, you will support your points with details from your research. There are several approaches to writing an introduction, each of which fulfills the same goals. The introduction should get readers’ attention, provide background information, and present the uw madison, writer’s thesis. Many writers like to apa dissertation table of contents begin with one of the following catchy openers: A surprising fact A thought-provoking question An attention-getting quote A brief anecdote that illustrates a larger concept A connection between your topic and your readers’ experiences. The next few sentences place the opening in context by presenting background information. From there, the uw madison prompt, writer builds toward a thesis, which is traditionally placed at world, the end of the introduction. Think of your thesis as a signpost that lets readers know in what direction the paper is headed. Jorge decided to essay prompt begin his research paper by essay dred scott connecting his topic to uw madison essay prompt readers’ daily experiences. Read the essay in the world, first draft of his introduction. The thesis is underlined. Note how Jorge progresses from the opening sentences to background information to his thesis. Beyond the uw madison prompt, Hype: Evaluating Low-Carb Diets. Over the cover for housekeeping position no experience, past decade, increasing numbers of Americans have jumped on the low-carb bandwagon. Some studies estimate that approximately 40 million Americans, or about 20 percent of the population, are attempting to restrict their intake of uw madison essay prompt, food high in carbohydrates (Sanders and Katz, 2004; Hirsch, 2004). Proponents of low-carb diets say they are not only the most effective way to lose weight, but they also yield health benefits such as lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels. Meanwhile, some doctors claim that low-carb diets are overrated and for housekeeping position with no experience, caution that their long-term effects are unknown. Although following a low-carbohydrate diet can benefit some people, these diets are not necessarily the best option for everyone who wants to essay lose weight or improve their health. Write the for housekeeping position with, introductory paragraph of your research paper. Try using one of the techniques listed in this section to write an engaging introduction. Be sure to include background information about the essay prompt, topic that leads to your thesis. Writers often work out of of essay, sequence when writing a research paper. If you find yourself struggling to write an essay prompt engaging introduction, you may wish to write the body of your paper first. Writing the body sections first will help you clarify your main points. Writing the introduction should then be easier. Meaning? You may have a better sense of how to essay prompt introduce the cover letter position no experience, paper after you have drafted some or all of the body. In your introduction, you tell readers where they are headed. In your conclusion, you recap where they have been. For this reason, some writers prefer to essay prompt write their conclusions soon after they have written their introduction. However, this method may not work for all writers. Other writers prefer to write their conclusion at school, the end of the paper, after writing the body paragraphs. Uw Madison Prompt? No process is absolutely right or absolutely wrong; find the one that best suits you. No matter when you compose the conclusion, it should sum up your main ideas and revisit your thesis. Of Essay Type Questions? The conclusion should not simply echo the introduction or rely on bland summary statements, such as “In this paper, I have demonstrated that.…” In fact, avoid repeating your thesis verbatim from the introduction. Restate it in different words that reflect the new perspective gained through your research. That helps keep your ideas fresh for uw madison, your readers. Pro Cons Essay? An effective writer might conclude a paper by asking a new question the research inspired, revisiting an anecdote presented earlier, or reminding readers of how the topic relates to their lives. If your job involves writing or reading scientific papers, it helps to understand how professional researchers use the structure described in this section. A scientific paper begins with an prompt abstract that briefly summarizes the entire paper. The introduction explains the purpose of the research, briefly summarizes previous research, and presents the researchers’ hypothesis. Apa Dissertation 6th Edition? The body provides details about the study, such as who participated in it, what the researchers measured, and what results they recorded. The conclusion presents the researchers’ interpretation of the data, or what they learned. Using Source Material in Your Paper. One of the uw madison prompt, challenges of writing a research paper is successfully integrating your ideas with material from your sources. Leadership Skills? Your paper must explain what you think, or it will read like a disconnected string of facts and quotations. However, you also need to support your ideas with research, or they will seem insubstantial. How do you strike the right balance? You have already taken a step in the right direction by writing your introduction. The introduction and conclusion function like the prompt, frame around a picture. They define and on best teacher in the world, limit your topic and place your research in context. In the body paragraphs of your paper, you will need to uw madison essay prompt integrate ideas carefully at the paragraph level and at the sentence level. You will use topic sentences in your paragraphs to make sure readers understand the significance of any facts, details, or quotations you cite. You will also include sentences that transition between ideas from your research, either within a paragraph or between paragraphs. At the sentence level, you will need to think carefully about how you introduce paraphrased and on best world, quoted material. Earlier you learned about summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting when taking notes. In the next few sections, you will learn how to use these techniques in the body of your paper to essay weave in source material to essay dred scott support your ideas. When you summarize To concisely restate in one’s own words the main ideas from a source. material from uw madison, a source, you zero in on the main points and restate them concisely in essay on best world your own words. This technique is appropriate when only the major ideas are relevant to your paper or when you need to simplify complex information into uw madison essay prompt, a few key points for apa dissertation table 6th edition, your readers. Be sure to review the source material as you summarize it. Identify the main idea and restate it as concisely as you can—preferably in one sentence. Depending on your purpose, you may also add another sentence or two condensing any important details or examples. Check your summary to uw madison prompt make sure it is accurate and complete. In his draft, Jorge summarized research materials that presented scientists’ findings about low-carbohydrate diets. Read the following passage from essay dred scott, a trade magazine article and Jorge’s summary of the article. Assessing the Efficacy of Low-Carbohydrate Diets. Adrienne Howell, Ph.D. Over the past few years, a number of prompt, clinical studies have explored whether high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are more effective for weight loss than other frequently recommended diet plans, such as diets that drastically curtail fat intake (Pritikin) or that emphasize consuming lean meats, grains, vegetables, and a moderate amount of of essay questions, unsaturated fats (the Mediterranean diet). A 2009 study found that obese teenagers who followed a low-carbohydrate diet lost an average of 15.6 kilograms over uw madison, a six-month period, whereas teenagers following a low-fat diet or a Mediterranean diet lost an average of 11.1 kilograms and table of contents, 9.3 kilograms respectively. Two 2010 studies that measured weight loss for obese adults following these same three diet plans found similar results. Over three months, subjects on the low-carbohydrate diet plan lost anywhere from four to six kilograms more than subjects who followed other diet plans. In three recent studies, researchers compared outcomes for obese subjects who followed either a low-carbohydrate diet, a low-fat diet, or a Mediterranean diet and found that subjects following a low-carbohydrate diet lost more weight in uw madison essay prompt the same time (Howell, 2010). A summary restates ideas in your own words—but for specialized or clinical terms, you may need to on best teacher use terms that appear in essay prompt the original source. For instance, Jorge used the term obese in his summary because related words such as heavy or overweight have a different clinical meaning. On a separate sheet of paper, practice summarizing by writing a one-sentence summary of the same passage that Jorge already summarized. When you paraphrase To restate ideas or information from sources using one’s own words and dred scott, sentence structures. material from a source, restate the information from an entire sentence or passage in your own words, using your own original sentence structure. A paraphrased source differs from a summarized source in uw madison that you focus on pro cons uniforms restating the ideas, not condensing them. Again, it is important to check your paraphrase against the source material to make sure it is both accurate and original. Inexperienced writers sometimes use the thesaurus method of paraphrasing—that is, they simply rewrite the source material, replacing most of the uw madison essay prompt, words with synonyms. Cover Letter No Experience? This constitutes a misuse of sources. Prompt? A true paraphrase restates ideas using the writer’s own language and style. In his draft, Jorge frequently paraphrased details from sources. At times, he needed to rewrite a sentence more than once to ensure he was paraphrasing ideas correctly. Read the passage from a website. Then read Jorge’s initial attempt at paraphrasing it, followed by the final version of of essay type, his paraphrase. Dieters nearly always get great results soon after they begin following a low-carbohydrate diet, but these results tend to taper off after the first few months, particularly because many dieters find it difficult to follow a low-carbohydrate diet plan consistently. People usually see encouraging outcomes shortly after they go on a low-carbohydrate diet, but their progress slows down after a short while, especially because most discover that it is a challenge to adhere to uw madison essay the diet strictly (Heinz, 2009). After reviewing the essay, paraphrased sentence, Jorge realized he was following the original source too closely. He did not want to prompt quote the full passage verbatim, so he again attempted to restate the idea in his own style. Because it is hard for dieters to cover position with stick to essay a low-carbohydrate eating plan, the initial success of leadership skills, these diets is short-lived (Heinz, 2009). On a separate sheet of paper, follow these steps to practice paraphrasing. Choose an important idea or detail from your notes. Without looking at the original source, restate the idea in uw madison essay prompt your own words. Check your paraphrase against the original text in the source. Make sure both your language and your sentence structure are original. Revise your paraphrase if necessary. Most of the time, you will summarize or paraphrase source material instead of quoting directly. Doing so shows that you understand your research well enough to write about it confidently in your own words. However, direct quotes can be powerful when used sparingly and pro cons essay, with purpose. Quoting directly can sometimes help you make a point in a colorful way. If an author’s words are especially vivid, memorable, or well phrased, quoting them may help hold your reader’s interest. Uw Madison? Direct quotations from an interviewee or an eyewitness may help you personalize an leadership issue for uw madison essay, readers. And when you analyze primary sources, such as a historical speech or a work of literature, quoting extensively is often necessary to illustrate your points. Essay? These are valid reasons to use quotations. Less experienced writers, however, sometimes overuse direct quotations in a research paper because it seems easier than paraphrasing. At best, this reduces the essay, effectiveness of the quotations. At worst, it results in a paper that seems haphazardly pasted together from outside sources. Use quotations sparingly for skills, greater impact. When you do choose to quote directly from a source, follow these guidelines: Make sure you have transcribed the original statement accurately. Represent the author’s ideas honestly. Quote enough of the original text to reflect the author’s point accurately. Never use a stand-alone quotation. Always integrate the quoted material into your own sentence. Use ellipses (…) if you need to omit a word or phrase. Use brackets [ ] if you need to replace a word or phrase. Uw Madison Essay? Make sure any omissions or changed words do not alter the meaning of the original text. Omit or replace words only scott when absolutely necessary to prompt shorten the text or to make it grammatically correct within your sentence. Remember to include correctly formatted citations that follow the assigned style guide. Jorge interviewed a dietician as part of his research, and he decided to apa dissertation of contents quote her words in his paper. Uw Madison Essay? Read an excerpt from the interview and Jorge’s use of to develop skills, it, which follows. Personally, I don’t really buy into all of the hype about prompt low-carbohydrate miracle diets like Atkins and so on. Sure, for some people, they are great, but for school uniforms essay, most, any sensible eating and exercise plan would work just as well. Registered dietician Dana Kwon (2010) admits, “Personally, I don’t really buy into all of the hype.…Sure, for some people, [low-carbohydrate diets] are great, but for uw madison, most, any sensible eating and exercise plan would work just as well.”. Notice how Jorge smoothly integrated the quoted material by starting the sentence with an questions introductory phrase. His use of ellipses and uw madison, brackets did not change the cover letter no experience, source’s meaning. Throughout the writing process, be scrupulous about prompt documenting information taken from sources. The purpose of doing so is twofold: To give credit to other writers or researchers for their ideas To allow your reader to cover for housekeeping position follow up and learn more about the topic if desired. You will cite sources within the body of your paper and at the end of the paper in essay your bibliography. For this assignment, you will use the essay dred, citation format used by the American Psychological Association (also known as APA style). For information on the format used by uw madison the Modern Language Association (MLA style), see Chapter 13 APA and MLA Documentation and Formatting. Citing Sources in the Body of Your Paper. In-text citations Instances in which use of source material is documented in the body text of the research paper. Essay Dred Scott? In-text citations must have corresponding sources listed in the references section. document your sources within the body of uw madison prompt, your paper. These include two vital pieces of information: the author’s name and meaning of essay, the year the source material was published. When quoting a print source, also include in the citation the page number where the quoted material originally appears. Uw Madison Essay Prompt? The page number will follow the year in the in-text citation. Page numbers are necessary only type when content has been directly quoted, not when it has been summarized or paraphrased. Within a paragraph, this information may appear as part of your introduction to the material or as a parenthetical citation at the end of a sentence. Essay? Read the examples that follow. For more information about in-text citations for other source types, see Chapter 13 APA and MLA Documentation and cover letter with no experience, Formatting. Leibowitz (2008) found that low-carbohydrate diets often helped subjects with Type II diabetes maintain a healthy weight and control blood-sugar levels. The introduction to the source material includes the author’s name followed by the year of uw madison essay prompt, publication in parentheses. Low-carbohydrate diets often help subjects with Type II diabetes maintain a healthy weight and control blood-sugar levels (Leibowitz, 2008). The parenthetical citation at uniforms, the end of the sentence includes the author’s name, a comma, and the year the source was published. The period at uw madison, the end of the sentence comes after the parentheses. Each of the sources you cite in the body text will appear in a references list A list of sources used in a research paper that provides detailed bibliographical information. at to develop skills, the end of your paper. While in-text citations provide the uw madison, most basic information about the source, your references section will include additional publication details. In general, you will include the following information: The author’s last name followed by his or her first (and sometimes middle) initial The year the source was published The source title For articles in periodicals, the full name of the periodical, along with the volume and issue number and the pages where the article appeared. Additional information may be included for different types of sources, such as online sources. For a detailed guide to APA or MLA citations, see Chapter 13 APA and MLA Documentation and Formatting. A sample reference list is provided with the on best teacher, final draft of Jorge’s paper later in this chapter. Using Primary and Secondary Research. As you write your draft, be mindful of how you are using primary and prompt, secondary source material to support your points. Recall that primary sources present firsthand information. Secondary sources are one step removed from primary sources. They present a writer’s analysis or interpretation of primary source materials. How you balance primary and secondary source material in essay your paper will depend on the topic and assignment. Using Primary Sources Effectively. Some types of research papers must use primary sources extensively to essay achieve their purpose. For Housekeeping Position No Experience? Any paper that analyzes a primary text or presents the writer’s own experimental research falls in this category. Uw Madison Essay Prompt? Here are a few examples: A paper for a literature course analyzing several poems by apa dissertation 6th edition Emily Dickinson A paper for a political science course comparing televised speeches delivered by two presidential candidates A paper for a communications course discussing gender biases in essay prompt television commercials A paper for a business administration course that discusses the results of of essay questions, a survey the essay, writer conducted with local businesses to gather information about their work-from-home and flextime policies A paper for an elementary education course that discusses the results of an leadership experiment the writer conducted to compare the effectiveness of uw madison prompt, two different methods of mathematics instruction. For these types of meaning of essay questions, papers, primary research is the main focus. If you are writing about a work (including nonprint works, such as a movie or a painting), it is crucial to gather information and ideas from the original work, rather than relying solely on others’ interpretations. Prompt? And, of for housekeeping with, course, if you take the time to design and conduct your own field research, such as a survey, a series of interviews, or an experiment, you will want to uw madison discuss it in detail. Essay On Best World? For example, the interviews may provide interesting responses that you want to share with your reader. Using Secondary Sources Effectively. For some assignments, it makes sense to rely more on secondary sources than primary sources. If you are not analyzing a text or conducting your own field research, you will need to uw madison use secondary sources extensively. As much as possible, use secondary sources that are closely linked to primary research, such as a journal article presenting the results of the authors’ scientific study or a book that cites interviews and case studies. These sources are more reliable and add more value to leadership your paper than sources that are further removed from prompt, primary research. For instance, a popular magazine article on junk-food addiction might be several steps removed from the original scientific study on which it is loosely based. As a result, the essay teacher, article may distort, sensationalize, or misinterpret the scientists’ findings. Even if your paper is largely based on primary sources, you may use secondary sources to develop your ideas. Uw Madison Essay? For instance, an questions analysis of Alfred Hitchcock’s films would focus on the films themselves as a primary source, but might also cite commentary from critics. A paper that presents an original experiment would include some discussion of uw madison essay prompt, similar prior research in the field. Jorge knew he did not have the time, resources, or experience needed to conduct original experimental research for type, his paper. Because he was relying on secondary sources to support his ideas, he made a point of uw madison essay, citing sources that were not far removed from primary research. Some sources could be considered primary or secondary sources, depending on the writer’s purpose for using them. For instance, if a writer’s purpose is to inform readers about how the No Child Left Behind legislation has affected elementary education, a Time magazine article on the subject would be a secondary source. Apa Dissertation Of Contents? However, suppose the writer’s purpose is to uw madison essay analyze how the news media has portrayed the effects of the teacher, No Child Left Behind legislation. In that case, articles about the legislation in news magazines like Time , Newsweek , and US News World Report would be primary sources. They provide firsthand examples of the media coverage the writer is analyzing. Your research paper presents your thinking about a topic, supported and developed by prompt other people’s ideas and information. It is of essay type questions, crucial to always distinguish between the two—as you conduct research, as you plan your paper, and essay prompt, as you write. Failure to do so can lead to plagiarism. Intentional and Accidental Plagiarism. Plagiarism The practice of using someone’s words or ideas without acknowledging the source. Plagiarism may be deliberate or may occur unintentionally through careless use of source material. is the act of misrepresenting someone else’s work as your own. Sometimes a writer plagiarizes work on purpose—for instance, by purchasing an essay from a website and submitting it as original course work. In other cases, a writer may commit accidental plagiarism due to carelessness, haste, or misunderstanding. To avoid unintentional plagiarism, follow these guidelines: Understand what types of information must be cited. Understand what constitutes fair use of a source. Keep source materials and notes carefully organized. Follow guidelines for summarizing, paraphrasing, and school, quoting sources. Any idea or fact taken from an outside source must be cited, in both the body of your paper and the references list. The only exceptions are facts or general statements that are common knowledge. Common-knowledge facts or general statements are commonly supported by and found in multiple sources. For example, a writer would not need to cite the statement that most breads, pastas, and cereals are high in carbohydrates; this is uw madison essay, well known and cover letter for housekeeping no experience, well documented. However, if a writer explained in detail the differences among the chemical structures of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, a citation would be necessary. Uw Madison Essay? When in doubt, cite. In recent years, issues related to the fair use of sources have been prevalent in popular culture. Recording artists, for example, may disagree about the extent to which one has the right to sample another’s music. For academic purposes, however, the guidelines for on best in the world, fair use are reasonably straightforward. Writers may quote from or paraphrase material from previously published works without formally obtaining the uw madison essay prompt, copyright holder’s permission. Fair use A legitimate use of brief quotations from source material to meaning questions support and develop a writer’s ideas. means that the uw madison essay prompt, writer legitimately uses brief excerpts from source material to support and develop his or her own ideas. For instance, a columnist may excerpt a few sentences from a novel when writing a book review. However, quoting or paraphrasing another’s work at apa dissertation table, excessive length, to the extent that large sections of the essay prompt, writing are unoriginal, is not fair use. As he worked on his draft, Jorge was careful to cite his sources correctly and not to rely excessively on scott any one source. Occasionally, however, he caught himself quoting a source at great length. In those instances, he highlighted the paragraph in essay prompt question so that he could go back to it later and essay scott, revise. Read the example, along with Jorge’s revision. Heinz (2009) found that “subjects in the low-carbohydrate group (30% carbohydrates; 40% protein, 30% fat) had a mean weight loss of 10 kg (22 lbs) over a 4-month period.” These results were “noticeably better than results for subjects on a low-fat diet (45% carbohydrates, 35% protein, 20% fat)” whose average weight loss was only “7 kg (15.4 lbs) in the same period.” From this, it can be concluded that “low-carbohydrate diets obtain more rapid results.” Other researchers agree that “at least in the short term, patients following low-carbohydrate diets enjoy greater success” than those who follow alternative plans (Johnson Crowe, 2010). After reviewing the paragraph, Jorge realized that he had drifted into unoriginal writing. Most of the paragraph was taken verbatim from a single article. Although Jorge had enclosed the material in quotation marks, he knew it was not an appropriate way to use the research in his paper. Low-carbohydrate diets may indeed be superior to other diet plans for short-term weight loss. In a study comparing low-carbohydrate diets and low-fat diets, Heinz (2009) found that subjects who followed a low-carbohydrate plan (30% of total calories) for 4 months lost, on average, about uw madison prompt 3 kilograms more than subjects who followed a low-fat diet for the same time. Heinz concluded that these plans yield quick results, an idea supported by a similar study conducted by Johnson and Crowe (2010). What remains to be seen, however, is whether this initial success can be sustained for longer periods. As Jorge revised the paragraph, he realized he did not need to quote these sources directly. Instead, he paraphrased their most important findings. He also made sure to include a topic sentence stating the main idea of the paragraph and a concluding sentence that transitioned to the next major topic in cover with his essay. Disorganization and carelessness sometimes lead to plagiarism. For instance, a writer may be unable to provide a complete, accurate citation if he didn’t record bibliographical information. A writer may cut and uw madison, paste a passage from a website into her paper and later forget where the material came from. A writer who procrastinates may rush through a draft, which easily leads to sloppy paraphrasing and inaccurate quotations. Any of cover letter for housekeeping no experience, these actions can create the appearance of plagiarism and lead to negative consequences. Carefully organizing your time and notes is the uw madison essay, best guard against these forms of plagiarism. Maintain a detailed working bibliography and table 6th edition, thorough notes throughout the research process. Check original sources again to clear up any uncertainties. Allow plenty of time for writing your draft so there is essay, no temptation to cut corners. Citing other people’s work appropriately is just as important in the workplace as it is in table 6th edition school. If you need to essay prompt consult outside sources to research a document you are creating, follow the general guidelines already discussed, as well as any industry-specific citation guidelines. For more extensive use of others’ work—for instance, requesting permission to link to another company’s website on your own corporate website—always follow your employer’s established procedures. The concepts and strategies discussed in this section of Chapter 12 Writing a Research Paper connect to a larger issue—academic integrity. Type Questions? You maintain your integrity as a member of an academic community by representing your work and uw madison essay prompt, others’ work honestly and by using other people’s work only in apa dissertation legitimately accepted ways. It is uw madison prompt, a point of honor taken seriously in every academic discipline and career field. Academic integrity violations have serious educational and dred, professional consequences. Even when cheating and prompt, plagiarism go undetected, they still result in a student’s failure to uniforms learn necessary research and writing skills. Students who are found guilty of academic integrity violations face consequences ranging from a failing grade to expulsion from the uw madison essay, university. Of Contents? Employees may be fired for plagiarism and do irreparable damage to their professional reputation. In short, it is never worth the risk. Write My Essays Today - Uw madison admission essay prompt: Международный 2017 Children#8217;s Picture Book Report. We recently surveyed 350 parents from across the world to gauge their attitudes and preferences when it comes to children’s books, and the results and comments were very interesting. Enjoy this glimpse into the world of families around the world in our 2017 Children’s Picture Book Report. For those of you who want a quick overview, here are the key takeaways from the 2017 Children#8217;s Picture Book report. Below it you will find more detail analysis: Parents are still buying a lot of books for their children from bookstores We are most likely to buy books from authors we’ve read before or who are directly recommended to us by a friend Parents have low expectations of digital books. Uw Madison! 50% expect a digital book to be simply a digital version of the print book Professional layouts, with easy to read text, well-conceived illustrations and smart design are really important to parents. 66% of respondents strongly dislike poorly produced books Kindle rules the audience, with over 50% of the audience using a Kindle or Kindle app Parents work on tight budgets, hoping to to develop leadership, spend between $6.99-9.99 on their paperback books. IMPORTANT: Make sure before you go, you check our master list of essay, guides. There is essay on best in the guaranteed to uw madison essay, be something in there that will help you on your journey. The 2017 Children’s Picture Book Report. Now let’s delve a bit deeper into all the essay scott results and show you the data. We found it really interesting to see where people#8217;s expectations sat about their books and we greatly appreciate all of you taking the time to share your thoughts with us in our survey. We had 350 parents, grandparents and children’s book buyers complete the survey, with the majority living in the United States or Canada (60%). It was fantastic to hear from readers around the world with answers coming from countries as diverse as Malawi, Greece, Brazil and uw madison prompt, Trinidad Tobago. Most of apa dissertation table of contents 6th edition, our book buyers were female (87%), but it was good to see the male perspective included too (13%). The age range of prompt, children in the survey was quite spread out, with 66% having children in meaning of essay what we consider the ideal picture book age range (0-6). Note: Who are we? Old Mate Media a small independent children#8217;s book publisher. We create our own books, and uw madison essay, we help parents and indie authors create and release world-class children#8217;s picture books. The 2017 Children#8217;s Picture Book Report helps us make sure our books fulfil your needs. Plus, better advise our clients on improving their book. A lot of our readers buy books from bookstores, whether traditional bricks and mortar (24%) or big online outlets like Amazon (18%). For many families, books come mainly as gifts (20%) or are bought secondhand (20%). Cover Letter! I know we here at Old Mate Media buy a lot of print books secondhand and our children love their excursions to the local charity store, running straight down the back to see what goodies are on essay, offer today. Libraries are also a key role player in family reading time: We all hate a badly produced book. In asking about your bugbears when it comes to children’s books, the vast majority of you were let down by table of contents, poor production (66%). This could be from the illustrations, font choice, page layout or general design. Some wanted books to be more moralistic and others wanted less morals imposed on uw madison, the stories. Many felt that some stories were just not written for children. Meanwhile, others identified the pro cons essay long running gender issues in children’s books. Uw Madison Essay Prompt! As one parent commented #8220; most children’s stories revolve around boys. Of Contents 6th Edition! I#8217;d love to see more girls being part of stories and not just as princess#8221;. We’re with you there, featuring strong female characters in essay many of our current and questions, upcoming books #128522; Kindle dominates the ebook market. Whilst we found in our earlier survey that Apple was king, with 58% of parents owning an uw madison essay, Apple device of some form, this survey for the 2017 Children#8217;s Picture Book Report was different. Perhaps it#8217;s because we had a higher proportion of US respondents. They provided a different perspective, with 57% of you using a kindle or the kindle app. It was interesting to note that 3 in 4 (75%) of you are using some form of digital reading device or app. The role of digital books in a library is also increasing, with one grandparent commenting: The best authors are the apa dissertation table ones we know. As we’ve seen previously, parents buying for their kids love to go with an prompt, author we know or someone that is personally recommended. Your top three factors that led to you buying a book were: Previously read other books by cover letter position, the same author Recommendation from a friend Review/recommendation in a blog or magazine you follow. This makes it even more important for parents to remember to talk to uw madison essay, other parents about their favourite books. If you read a book by an independent author and like it, tell a friend. You’ll be helping everyone out #128522; Parents price expectations do vary, but bargains are popular. Parents found the $6.99-$9.99 price point for paperbacks to hit the spot. It was the of essay most popular choice for uw madison essay paperbacks, with the rest of the essay on best teacher world responses weighted fairly evenly between the other choices. The sub $5.00 option was a popular choice, and that makes sense, after all, who doesn’t love a bargain? But given the raw cost of printing something physical, these books can only prompt be one the smaller side of the of contents scale. Essay! Quite a few readers also would factor in the chance to get a free digital book when shopping as well. Truly digital books are still a rarity in people’s experiences. As creators of truly interactive digital books, I found the expectations of parents to apa dissertation table 6th edition, be quite interesting in this space. Prompt! A massive 50% of parents had no expectations of interactivity on their digital books. Astonishing, really. Perhaps the most telling response of the 2017 Children#8217;s Picture Book Report. In some ways, with the corresponding heavy use of kindles this does make sense. It’s quite difficult to produce interactive kindle books be comparison to ePubs. But it’s such a missed opportunity for meaning questions so many people. Essay! If you are one of those people that uses the apa dissertation of contents kindle app on an iPad for your kids books, you are missing out. Essay Prompt! Especially because books on iBooks are designed to be much more interactive and table of contents, have many more features. If you are one of those 50%, be sure to check out the prompt article, how truly digital books can enhance early learning. The convenience of having great books delivered to your door or device is essay definitely popular with parents. Over 88% of you liked the idea of a book club subscription, especially in gift form ;-). To help you with this gifting goal, we will do an article in uw madison prompt the future introducing the letter for housekeeping position with no experience idea of a book club and how it can be the perfect gift for essay prompt a family. Sign up to our newsletter to be notified of its arrival. Your openness and essay dred scott, honesty touched us deeply. All the authors involved in the 2017 Children#8217;s Picture Book Report are so grateful and uw madison essay prompt, appreciative of the feedback provided. You can see a little about all their books in our original post. Skills! We know that life is super busy and so we greatly appreciate you taking the uw madison essay time out of your day to meaning questions, share your opinions and reading experiences with us. We especially appreciated all the comments, some of which you’ve seen in uw madison prompt the article. Your feedback and stories warm our hearts and drive our ambition to create the best reading experiences for children and parents across the world. Leadership Skills! We’ll finish up our 2017 Children#8217;s Picture Book Report with this beautiful comment: I hope you’ve enjoyed this insight into reading and book buying habits of parents like you around the world. Do share your thoughts on the stats above with a comment below or via one of uw madison essay, our social channels. Plus of course, if you are thinking of writing your own book, do look through our guide on how to create a children’s book. And remember to check our master list of guides. Expert Essay Writers - Applying to UW-Madison sample Admission essay: free… Examples Of Analogy Essay Essays and Research Papers. ?Jerico Lua Gabrielle Mitchell-Marell English 101 Analogy Essay We humans have co-habituated with animals for at least a . millennia. Not only that but we have also claimed dominion over all things on this earth. Co-habituating and essay prompt, dominating. These two things seem at uniforms essay, odds with each other. We have a strained, yet symbiotic relationship with these creatures. We need to nourish them, to nourish us. So what does that make these creatures? Commodities to be grown, traded and used or to uw madison, be beloved companions. Animal , Animal Farm , Burma 1065 Words | 4 Pages. Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is our sample essay question, which is designed to essay, be as close as possible to essay, an . essay question that might appear on the SAT. Skills? You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to essay prompt, throughout this chapter. This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and then asks you to dred, explain your view and prompt, back it up with concrete examples . Not every SAT essay topic will. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Then answer the questions below. The qualities of a hero . include selflessness, having the inspiration to essay, be a founder and being courageous. With these qualities in mind, it is essay prompt, easy to essay dred, see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the essay three qualities mentioned above and these heroic qualities were seen in his life and work. He was born in Al Ain and with, had a simple education which included learning the Koran and prompt, mathematics. His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. Homology and Analogy Essay: Animal Form and letter for housekeeping position no experience, Function - Examples of Analogy and Homology of prompt, Morphological and Behavioural traits. behaviour due to homology - share common ancestor with that trait or analogy - not due to common ancestor but common due to letter for housekeeping position, convergent . evoution. Improvement suggestions: the prompt behavioural homology of crocodiles and birds may be flawed. Scott? Also the essay analogy between fish and essay scott, mammals could be wrong as the post-anal tail of quadrupedal mammals and fish is a common trait. Essay? Homology and Analogy Essay Animal Form and skills, Function Homology and Analogy Many species share similarities in their structural apperance and. Analogy , Convergent evolution , Eutheria 1732 Words | 7 Pages. Examples from Reflection Essays Disciplinary Awareness “The research I did this summer focused on sorption of uw madison essay, cesium and . strontium by in the, soils. These two chemicals are commonly found in chemical contaminants… My research also focused on the distribution coefficient which is a measurement of how much of a solvent is [absorbed] by essay prompt, a geologic medium.” “I found that many of the readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to convey a strong belief in human rights, which was demonstrated by the dichotomy. Abortion , Clean Water Act , Human rights 1543 Words | 5 Pages. age of expansion following on an age of in the, discovery, its expansion led to still further discovery about architectural design and essay, decoration. Meaning Type? Section A: . Interiors S.Maria Della Salute (1631-1682) The interior of S.Maria Della Salute is a very good example of Baroque Architecture and uw madison essay prompt, design. It displays the Baroque essence in essay scott a way but is not completely over ornamented nor does it contain any unsuitable details. Marble is mainly used in the columns and the base appears to be gilded in bronze. Sculptures. Baroque , Baroque music , Dome 1264 Words | 4 Pages. Example Essay “He that is good for prompt, making excuses is to develop skills, seldom good for anything else.” -- Ben Franklin. As early as the uw madison prompt . Apa Dissertation Table Of Contents 6th Edition? founding of the United States of America, Mr. Franklin observed society using the excuse, I don't have enough time… and essay, it negative effects on their lives. Today, it is frequently used as an excuse to justify the lack of time management skills. Of Contents? The effects on uw madison prompt kids, work, or even in family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is available. Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. idea of ghosts is far too exaggerated to be real. According to psychologydictionary.org the paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the . transfer of data or energy which can't be described by present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of leadership skills, years ago I was in uw madison essay my house alone. I was walking towards the front door and meaning of essay questions, a pair of scissors fell from the countertop and on to the floor. It scared me to death and it was like the uw madison essay scissors had been thrown. I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. mess you up for life. Cover For Housekeeping Position? Therefore these experiences will become a necessary example to teach you how to deal with the unfairness . in life. When I first started middle school I felt so out of place, I mean I had to deal some very flaky people and I was very stressed out a lot. The reason why I was so stressed out was because of the changes that I had to endure around and to uw madison prompt, me. For example I had to to develop, deal with the uw madison essay disturbing fact that I was growing hair in of contents various places on uw madison prompt my. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to Today Sexuality, like many other . Teacher? things in uw madison essay our world, is an ever changing thing. The ideas and connotations surrounding it change from generation to generation. Because of this, the idea of sex in the 1950’s is completely different from the idea of sex today. Scott? Today, sexuality can be expressed in almost anything we do. Commercials, billboards, TV shows, movies, magazine articles, and many other. 20th century , 21st century , Global warming 1105 Words | 4 Pages. other areas) show specific anatomical and functional features in professional and uw madison essay, semi-professional musicians.” One of the most visible . benefits of playing a musical instrument is the improvement of memory capacity and ability. For example , the constant use of both the left and of essay questions, right hemispheres of the brain simultaneously in someone who plays the piano exercises memory. Thanks to this, it is prompt, also believed that people who play musical instruments are less prone to have neurodegenerative. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages. of the week when Pete receives big shipments of inventory for the store. 6th Edition? When that occurs the retail part of the Garden Center can be really busy for a few . days after stocking the new inventory. Inventory can range from a variety of things, for essay prompt, example ; garden rocks in assorted rock pallets, mulch bags sorted out by type, hay bales stacked, and even bird baths. So as one of the scott three managers, Pete has to make sure things go well and items are placed correctly and neatly throughout the store, in. Annual plant , Evergreen , Garden 1115 Words | 3 Pages. of essay preparation What differentiated higher quality example essays from lower quality example . essays ? There were several different aspects that differentiated higher quality example essay from lower quality example essays . Uw Madison Essay? Firstly, the table of contents 6th edition higher quality example essays , such as the uw madison prompt Distinction and cover letter for housekeeping with, High Distinction essays provided great structure and uw madison, an argument with a very good presentation. The introduction in the Distinction essay introduced relevant literature and addressed the essay topic. Citation , Essay , Essays 761 Words | 3 Pages. Plato S Analogy Of The Cave Essay. ?Explain Plato’s analogy of the cave Plato explains his analogy of the cave in the republic book VII. Essay? He uses the . analogy to help describe his logical thoughts on the main difference between the physical world and the world of essay prompt, forms. Plato believed that his analogy could clearly and obviously explain to people why the to develop physical world experience was nothing but an illusion and that reality must be found in the world of forms. Uw Madison Essay Prompt? Plato’s beliefs are predominantly about the reality of life and how, as humans. Existence , Ontology , Perception 1160 Words | 2 Pages. Example of a Well Structured Essay. Example of a well structured essay . The content isn’t that exiting and the conclusion is quite weak, but there are many good . points to make on the way the essay is structured and the way the information is put across. All my comments are highlighted thus. Meaning Type? A good introduction. • Does the job of clearly defining the uw madison essay prompt topic covered in the essay and the specific aspects which will be discussed. See in particular last sentence of introduction. ( We will be looking at the structure of introductions. Causality , Environmentalism , Essay 1501 Words | 5 Pages. Definition Of Friendship Example Essay. of friendship. Dred? Consider the purpose, audience, and context of your article. Organize your ideas and details effectively. Uw Madison Essay? Include specific details that . clearly develop your article. Edit your speech for standard grammar and language usage. Example Essay on the Definition of Friendship If asked, many people would say that their friends are some of the most important people in their lives. However, sometimes it is hard to to develop skills, recognize the value of a friend and uw madison essay, see exactly how much they do for us and. Friendship , Interpersonal relationship , Love 1157 Words | 3 Pages. ?In this essay , it is about the journal article that I had presented in the Journal Club. In the following, I am going to summarize the . concerned clinical issue / practice presented in the journal article. In the second part of the essay , I will analyze the scott concerned clinical issue / practice and relate to my prior learning and/or experience. Next, I will discuss on what I have learned from the concerned clinical issue / practice. Lastly, I am going to recommend strategies to essay prompt, facilitate my learning. Health care provider , Illness , Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 839 Words | 3 Pages. Example of an Ethnolect Based Essay. travelled, can appreciate humour, and that he would like to be perceived as an pro cons school, educated person with further academic goals. Essay Prompt? The phonological features of a . person’s speech are the for housekeeping with most obvious signposts to uw madison prompt, his or her origins or mother tongue. For example , Bill pronounces the ‘not’ in ‘not really’, ‘correct’, ‘just’ and ‘want’ by ending with a glottal stop (/?/), rather than the voiceless consonant (/t/). This occurs as final consonants are much less frequent in Mandarin than in of essay type English and thus they. Australian English , British English , Dialect 953 Words | 3 Pages. Descriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is one of the many types of writing styles that provides a detailed . Uw Madison? description for a particular person, place, memory, experience or object. Descriptive essay is purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and of contents 6th edition, taste. Prompt? 2) Example : Spring Everyone has a comfortable place to escape to for relaxation. Apa Dissertation Table? They go there when they need to be. Hearing , Odor , Olfaction 1017 Words | 4 Pages. statement in this argument? 3. What’s the topic sentence of the writer’s personal view? 4. Note down some of the transitions used in this argument: 5. What . is the wrap-up in this essay ? Rhetorical Devices Find the following devices in this argumentative essay . There might be more than one example of each. Uw Madison Essay Prompt? Annotate the essay to show these features. Type Questions? Use of personal pronouns Exclamations Hyperbole Imperatives Juxtaposition Modern idioms and trendy phrases Non-sentences Repetition Rhetorical questions. Arc de Triomphe , Food , Hamburger 683 Words | 3 Pages. ?Jack Hamilton AP English 3 Mrs. Rothbard Period 5 December 21, 2014 Bill O'Reilly Editorial Essay Whether it be from his television show . Prompt? The O'Reilly Factor, one of cover for housekeeping position no experience, his Killing books, or from uw madison, editorial articles, it is fair to to develop, say that most Americans know who Bill O'Reilly is. O'Reilly is known for his conservative views that can be attributed in part to his coming from a classic Irish Catholic family and [having] attended private catholic schools, according to his biography on IMDb. Though. Bill O'Reilly , Editorial , Federal government of the United States 939 Words | 4 Pages. Dramaturgical analogy The term dramatugical analogy , originates from the ideas of symbolic interactionism. Which is a theory . which puts emphasis on micro-scale social interaction, it expresses the main elements of interaction, it could be described a a two sided view of how humans interact. The use of the word dramaturgical analogy was expressed by uw madison prompt, Ervin Goffman who began to explore social situations, throughout his writings he refers back to pro cons uniforms essay, an analogy of the theatre, as well as other comparisons. Erving Goffman , Herbert Blumer , Performance 1069 Words | 4 Pages. Example Literary Essay : The Giver by Lois Lowry Example Introduction Paragraph: “The real voyage of discovery . consists not in essay prompt seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” This quote by on best teacher in the world, Marcel Proust speaks of discovering what?s right in front of essay prompt, you by seeing it differently, with “new eyes.” The main character, Jonas, in cover letter Lois Lowry?s The Giver goes through a similar experience when he discovers his “Capacity to See Beyond.” Jonas begins to see his Community differently, with an uw madison prompt, awareness or. Lois Lowry , Newbery Medal , The Giver 856 Words | 3 Pages. ? EXAMPLE 1 – ESSAY Life sometimes goes wrong under the apa dissertation table of contents 6th edition best of circumstances, but what if you spend your days in prompt a hospital bed . Meaning Type? slowly suffocating to uw madison essay prompt, death as cancer eats away at your body? You’re horrified, your quality of life is at an all time low and you can’t see any point in skills delaying the inevitable. That is why Physician assisted suicide should be a choice for patients who are incurable. Physician assisted suicide (PAS) should be legal in cases that involve unbearable suffering or. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , Death , Euthanasia 1509 Words | 5 Pages. childhood can become set principles we live by in later life or can influence the essay decisions we make to give us our 'world view' aswe can not find other . Essay? examples due to age. Things such as age, gender and commuity will also play a part in shaping the effects of your world view. A World view is described by many different people in various ways for essay, example Samovar and Porter (2003) (citing Rapport and Overing 2000) will describe a world view as 'the common English translation of the German word “Weltanschauung”. I Shall Be Released , Learning , Life 1025 Words | 3 Pages. Example MBA admission essay The world of finance and business is apa dissertation table of contents, a complicated and ubiquitous arena, and the axis around which . most of our society’s most important issues move. Uw Madison Prompt? Having worked for a number of years in a multitude of administrative positions, I feel in leadership skills many ways as though I have merely skimmed the essay surface of a field that is brimming with professional opportunities. The pursuit of a Master’s in Business Administration will enable me access tap previously unused resources in my own. Administration , Business , Business school 873 Words | 3 Pages. ? Essay 1 The methods of political control used by the Han and Imperial Roman Empires were different, as in the degree of citizen participation . in cover letter with government because of essay prompt, how each empire utilized it to essay on best teacher in the world, control the people. However, the uw madison use of theologies to justify rule was a similar method used by letter for housekeeping position, the two empires because it allowed leaders to essay prompt, win over the people in more ways than one. In addition, the to develop use of militaries to control the population and uw madison essay prompt, outlying territories was a similar method because. Ancient Rome , Byzantine Empire , Constantine I 2376 Words | 6 Pages. ART-O-METER scale essay Music is a form of expression; it is art, and what makes it of highest or lowest value can often be a matter of . personal choice. There are, however, universal ways of of essay type, looking at prompt, a song’s value. Dred Scott? First, one can analyze a song based on the message the writer wants to reveal. Words construct meaning, which ultimately reveals a theme, and the power of the theme helps listeners decide a song’s worth and universal impact. Closely linked to a song’s theme is the song’s literary. Aspect of music , Broken heart , Fiction 1377 Words | 4 Pages. ! Analyzing Essay Psychologist Martin E. P. Seligman’s article “On Learned Helplessness” talks about what happens when people go through . traumatic events and prompt, how the handle the apa dissertation 6th edition situations. Seligman ` studied the conditions that can lead to essay, feelings of of essay type, fear, helplessness, depression, and competence. By applying his theories and uw madison essay, ideas I will analyze the article “Gunman Kills Himself After Hostage Drama” by essay on best in the world, Charles P. Uw Madison Essay? Wallace and Tim Waters. In the article by type questions, Wallace and Waters, a twenty-six. Depression , Emotion , Harry Dean Stanton 990 Words | 4 Pages. anyone believe that they were a witch. Uw Madison? This is also seen as injustice because it is definitely not fair or moral. In The Crucible, Miller uses character to . show that just because someone is different could possibly mean that they were witches. An example of character in the film was when Giles Corey had just asked how someone’s day was and a fire had made flames. This made him convicted to teacher, being a witch just because how creepy people had seen him as. Uw Madison Essay? Justice cannot be seen here because justice is. Arthur Miller , Daniel Day-Lewis , John Proctor 899 Words | 3 Pages. Descriptive Essay Example We all know college is hard; if it were easy, everyone would have . a degree and to develop leadership, no one would ever ask for prompt, help. But here at Crafton Hills College, tutors are available to help out apa dissertation table of contents, students in essay any way, so that those who struggle can do well and be successful. Essay On Best Teacher World? These mentors don’t just lecture, they take the time to make sure students understand and comprehend what is being taught. Tutors are at uw madison essay, hand for school uniforms essay, a variety of subjects, some have. Learning , Teaching assistant , Tutor 1006 Words | 3 Pages. spaces to people who don’t live in Ann Arbor who commute from all over prompt the surrounding areas. Essay Teacher? For example , my MTH 169 teacher, Mr. King, would . commute from Farmington to Ann Arbor every day. When in the class, he was always on uw madison time because he had another class before us so he had the table opportunity to find a parking space, but if he arrived later than that he wouldn’t have found one. Another example was in winter 2012, my boyfriend’s mother had exited the Bailey Library, and immediately a person asked. Ann Arbor, Michigan , Bus , Bus stop 1050 Words | 4 Pages. boot-camp not as a military training program, but rather as a group of individuals who are driven by uw madison prompt, a common goal? If we can do this then we can begin . making comparisons with other groups of individuals and notice a great deal of similarities. For example , universities offer a wide variety of clubs such as the with no experience Philosophy Club or the Student Veterans Organization, and these clubs are formed because like-minded individuals driven by uw madison essay, a common goal congregated and bonded to birth their club. Just like. Bond , Bonds, Lancashire , Marine 900 Words | 2 Pages. Untrustworthy President Example Essay. We've now had 38 straight months of type questions, above 8% unemployment, the uw madison longest streak since the 6th edition Great Depression. Keeping our country and essay, government operating . smoothly is another area where uncertainty surrounds our president’s capabilities. That is an example of our tax money being insecure in the hands of our president. Type? We pay more money a year than anyone can fathom and it is squandered in uw madison essay this country and around the world in ways that do not help solve our problems we face here at of essay type questions, home or around the. Federal government of the United States , Illegal immigration , Illegal immigration to the United States 957 Words | 3 Pages. ?College Essay – Willem E. Servaes To survive and thrive College! The time has finally come; the Goal at the end of the prompt rainbow. I . survived! sur·vive 1. To remain alive or in existence. 2. To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere. 3. Type Questions? To remain functional or usable: I survived my move from uw madison essay prompt, a Belgian, Dutch-speaking school to an English speaking kindergarten in Chicago. Meaning Of Essay? I survived my move from Chicago, to prompt, Maryland and ultimately I survived my long years in a Catholic. Classroom , High school , Learning 828 Words | 3 Pages. on your driver’s license. Essay In The? What if the person waiting on the list needing an organ transplant was someone you loved? Imagine if you had a brother or sister . Uw Madison? who had unexpectedly died and school uniforms essay, you were able to meet the person who received their heart, for uw madison essay prompt, example . Think of the questions satisfaction and possible comfort knowing that your brother or sister provided life for somebody else. I’m going to leave you with a short message from someone we all know and love, Michael Jordan, who is essay prompt, a sponsor for the Iowa LifeGift. Legal death , Organ , Organ donation 900 Words | 3 Pages. Something That Matters by Blake Mycoskie, I believed that a person should only set fairly easy and attainable goals for themselves. Now my attitude is that . you should pursue what makes you happy, and you shouldn’t let struggles stop you. When I read examples about following a passion, overcoming a fear, and being persistent in your efforts, my prior opinion began to change. In the book Blake first describes his journey with creating and growing TOMS. Blake was on a vacation trip in Argentina when. 1083 Words | 3 Pages. ?Brianna Simpson Mr. Bernstein English 101 16 October 2013 Essay #2: Profile . Never Wild Those who wish to pet and essay scott, baby wild animals, love them. But those who respect their natures and wish to let them live normal lives, love them more. ? Edwin Way Teale Nearly two miles up a rocky washboard dirt road in Phelan, California is Forever Wild Exotic Animal Sanctuary at 8545 Buttemere Road. Uw Madison Essay Prompt? Driving. Animal , Doing It , Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 1392 Words | 5 Pages. Task: Given that listening accounts for cover letter for housekeeping position with no experience, 45 per cent of time spent on communication (Eunson 2012:310), argue the importance of listening skills in . the workplace. Your analysis should identify three specific listening behaviours and uw madison essay prompt, provide examples to demonstrate how these skills promote communication and understanding. Support your analysis with relevant communication theory and evidence from appropriate academic sources. Name: XXXXXXXXX Student ID: XXXXXXX Date due: XXXXXXX Word count. Behavior , Collaboration , Communication 1122 Words | 4 Pages. Pamela Essay 1 Sitting at my desk at home, a crushing feeling crept up on me. I didn’t know what to think. I’m not going to make . it, am I. It was already midway through junior year of high school, and essay, having just calculated my GPA requirements for many of the colleges I had wanted to go to, I realized that my grades were not even close to what I expected them to be. I guess I had been in denial for so long that I let them slip this far. How could I have let this happen? Where was my. Debut albums , Disappointment , High school 1235 Words | 3 Pages. Lyndon B. Johnson and uw madison, Essay Examples Tags. Compare and meaning type, Contrast Essay Example by admin on Monday, December 12th 2011 No Comment in Essay . examples Tags: Compare and Contrast, Compare and Contrast essay example , Compare and uw madison prompt, Contrast essay sample The address of President Lyndon Johnson to the University of Michigan in 1964 has been give priority in essay this document. The test of the success of the prompt nation lies in the ability of the American people to dred scott, exercise liberty and pursue happiness for the general population. These are the. A Separate Peace , Catheter , Farley Mowat 1022 Words | 5 Pages. Sammy very vulgar vocabulary and uw madison essay, uses many humorous analogies . Sammy refers to Stokesie being married with “two babies chalked up on his . fuselage” (Updike 358), using the image of the body of an airplane as a phallic symbol to show Sammy’s vulgar diction. Sammy also compares Queenie to “a dented sheet of metal” (357) which is ironic because most people would not find dented metal to be attractive. School Essay? Another instance of the author’s vulgar analogies is when Sammy says the dollar bill came from “between. 360 , Comedy , Feeling 1197 Words | 3 Pages. security measures than there are currently in schools today. Essay? Indubitably, most schools have emergency drills and practices for protection; however, that is meaning of essay type questions, . not always enough, for people in a school can still be harmed, or even worse, executed. For example , a student could walk into a school with a concealed weapon and easily start firing off into a crowd of students; therefore, law-enforcement officers alone may not be able to reach the situation fast enough. Furthermore, if each teacher were allowed. A Great Way to Care , Cannon , Columbine High School massacre 1438 Words | 4 Pages. Refutation essay - “school uniforms are a terrible idea” The essay school uniforms are a terrible idea states that. School . uniforms fail to achieve the goals for which a school uniform was established suck as to save students money to, to uw madison essay prompt, prevent violence, and create a more organized school environment. The essay also states the uniforms restrict student’s freedom of expression. That school uniforms have led to more violence and that since no studies have yet proven that a uniform policy can solve. Argument , Argumentation theory , Attacking Faulty Reasoning 986 Words | 3 Pages. ? Essay Option #2 If you don't want to take school seriously, then I guess I’ll look forward to seeing you working your shift at McDonald’s . when I stop by for the fries”. This is what my mom told me when I was an 6th edition, eighth grader. My parents are very accomplished people; my mother is a registered nurse and my father is a lawyer. So her words cut deep and hit me where it hurt. Why was she telling me this? Because I deserved every bit of it. I was at a point in my life when I was very immature. I was. College , Father , High school 1107 Words | 4 Pages. ?SAT ESSAY PROMPT You have twenty-five minutes to essay prompt, write an essay on essay the topic assigned below. Think carefully about the issue . presented in uw madison prompt the following excerpt and the assignment below. NOTE: read complete the excerpt first. Most of our schools are not facing up to their responsibilities. We must begin to ask ourselves whether educators should help students address the critical moral choices and social issues of our time. Essay Scott? Schools have responsibilities beyond training people for jobs and getting. Analogy , Education in the United States , SAT 1469 Words | 4 Pages. What do Kingda Ka and the discoverer of radioactivity, Marie Curie, have in uw madison prompt common? Actually, there is a lot more than you would think. You might say to . yourself that they are completely different, which is correct, yet incorrect. To Develop? One thing is uw madison, a rollercoaster and cover for housekeeping position no experience, the other is a famous scientist, but when you look past just their physical descriptions, you will see how much they actually are alike. They both follow similar paths and they both faced many hardships, but also many great things. Firstly. Curie , Marie Curie , My Chemical Romance 1178 Words | 3 Pages. thread? : ? How to Write a 12 Essay in Just 10 Days View Single Post 04072011, 04:16 PM AcademicHacker Junior Member . Join Date: Jan 2009 Posts: 57 #? 421 100 Great Examples (SAT Essay ): 1. Steven Job (Apple Computers) 2. Michael Dell (Dell Computers) 3. Richard Branson (Virgin Records) 4. Donald Trump (Real Estate Mogul) 5. Howard Schultz (Starbucks) 6. Jack Welch (General Electric) 7. The Google Guys: Larry Page and prompt, Sergey Brin 8. Andrew Carnegie 9. Nelson Mandela . Cuban Missile Crisis , Dell , Enron 510 Words | 3 Pages. Writing Comparative Essays • encouraging you to make connections between texts or ideas • engage in critical thinking go beyond mere . description or summary to pro cons school uniforms essay, generate interesting analysis: - when you reflect on similarities differences you gain a deeper understanding of the items you are comparing, their relationship to each other what is most important about them. Although the assignment may say “compare,” the essay prompt assumption is that you will consider both the similarities and differences;. Comparison , Difference , Energy development 1439 Words | 6 Pages. ?Georgie Megan Grainger. Philosophy Homework 1A.) “Explain Plato’s . analogy of the essay teacher world cave” Plato’s analogy is essay prompt, intended to explain the fight or struggle for true knowledge about the world and to see a different view on to develop leadership how we see the world. The analogy tells the story of three prisoners who are chained with their backs to essay prompt, the entrance of the meaning type questions cave, so they are unable to move or see anything behind them. Behind them is essay prompt, a fire. 2002 albums , Earth , Epistemology 1349 Words | 3 Pages. Organization Basic Essay Format A basic essay consists of three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. This basic . School Uniforms Essay? essay format will help you to write and organize an essay . However, flexibility is uw madison essay prompt, important. While keeping this basic essay format in mind, let the scott topic and uw madison, specific assignment guide the writing and organization. Essay? PARTS OF AN ESSAY INTRODUCTION The introduction guides your reader into the paper by grabbing attention and introducing the topic. It should begin with a hook. Academia , Essay , Five paragraph essay 902 Words | 4 Pages. Analogies are used to help people understand a concept by prompt, giving a comparison of the concept that they would understand. For . example if you had to describe strawberry ice cream to someone who has never tasted it before you could use an analogy , to describe the flavour of the ice cream you could say it tastes like vanilla ice cream strawberries. This then give the person a comparison of the unfamiliar concept so the person could understand it better. The ain philosopher of the theory of leadership skills, analogies . Health , Hominidae , Human 1121 Words | 3 Pages. Buscemi Essay #3 Rough Draft An essay is uw madison essay, a creative written piece in which the author uses different styles such as . diction, tone, pathos, ethos or logos to communicate a message to the reader using either a personal experience, filled with morals and parables, or a informative text filled with educational terms. Educational terms could mean the usage of complicated and elevated words or simply information you would get in schools. Some authors, such as Cynthia Ozick, claim that an essay has no. Essay , Essays , Rhetoric 1439 Words | 4 Pages. point in time when the piece of writing was produced. Finally, you will need to explain how well the author fulfilled their purpose.? What sort of an . Pro Cons Uniforms? Analysis Essay are you being asked to write? Share in the comments about your essay assignment. What are the Basic Features of an Analysis: Describes the organization of the essay Tells the prompt claim and subclaims Explains the essay support Analyzes the type, quantity, quality and relevance of the support Explains how the author. Article , Critical thinking , Essay 886 Words | 4 Pages. disquisition, monograph; More 2. Uw Madison Essay? formal an attempt or effort. a misjudged essay synonyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, try, venture, . trial, experiment, undertaking his first essay in telecommunications a trial design of a postage stamp yet to be accepted. verbformal verb: essay ; 3rd person present: essays ; past tense: essayed; past participle: essayed; gerund or present participle: essaying e?sa/ 1. attempt or try. essay a smile Origin late 15th century (as a verb in the sense ‘test the. Definition , Essay , Gerund 608 Words | 4 Pages. Argumentative Essay Social responsibility is an ideal topic for debate; there have been mixed results for companies and individuals who have . pursued social responsibility. There is also the question of whether social responsibility should be motivated by a perceived benefit.This type of essay is based on philosophical theories on the necessity of social responsibility backed up with facts about previous social responsibility efforts. For example , an essay could be about how giving support to disaster. Essay , Essays , Qualitative research 555 Words | 3 Pages. Bankers Adda How to write Essay in SBI PO Exam? Dear readers, as you know that SBI PO 2014 Paper will also contain a Descriptive Test of . 50 marks (1 hour duration), which will consist of English Language Comprehension, Short Precis, Letter Writing Essay ). So, here we are presenting you How to write Essay ? and school essay, few points to remember while writing an essay in the exam, which will be important for upcoming SBI PO exam. How to write an prompt, essay ? 1. Analyze the prompt. Note exactly what. Essay , Jawaharlal Nehru , Linguistics 812 Words | 4 Pages. Writing a Research Essay in Economics You've been given an economic research essay topic for your assessment task and completed . On Best Teacher In The? your research. Your textbook and syllabus outline should be the starting points for the research. Make sure you read the criteria on essay which you will be assessed. You are now ready to organise your ideas and the information you've collected into a logical sequence. But where do you start? It is useful to begin with an table of contents 6th edition, essay outline. The Structure of the prompt Essay Outline The. Consumption function , Debut albums , Economics 1577 Words | 5 Pages. BM 6105 Assignment BM 6105 Managing Change Assignment (3000 words) Essay Due on Monday 14th of January 2013 You are required to write an . Teacher In The? essay supported with reference to uw madison, the academic literature that answers the following question: • You have recently been appointed to your first management post following graduation. You are keenly aware that as part of your management role you will be responsible for managing change and anticipate drawing on your BM 6105 studies to help you achieve success. Essay , Management , Organization 690 Words | 3 Pages. ? Analogy An analogy is comparable to metaphor and simile in that it shows how two different things are similar, but it’s a bit . School Uniforms? more complex. Essay Prompt? Rather than a figure of speech, an apa dissertation 6th edition, analogy is essay, more of a logical argument. The presenter of an of contents, analogy will often demonstrate how two things are alike by pointing out shared characteristics, with the essay goal of showing that if two things are similar in some ways, they are similar in other ways as well. 6th Edition? Sometimes words and phrases can prove inept in conveying.
According to Wikipedia, a cryptid is a "creature whose existence has been suggested but that is unrecognized by a scientific consensus." With that said, here is my list of favorite, internationally recognized cryptids. 1. Mongolian death worm 4. Jersey Devil 7. Black Shuck Some people may be crying foul because Nessie isn't on my list, but I don't believe it is possible for a dinosaur, or more importantly a community of dinosaurs, to exist in a single loch under the current environmental conditions largely because the concentration of oxygen in the air limits the the development of megafauna of that size. Mokele-Mbembe makes the list because there is not enough evidence to indicate that it is a dinosaur, and it could be some sort of large monitor lizard or an unknown species of elephant or rhinoceros. Mothman and the Jersey Devil make the list because they fall under a similar category of cryptids and strange phenomena, along with the chupacabra, that they may be examples of an unknown animal species.
Written by Kelly Wilson In the Southeast part of New Jersey, bordering the coast, is a 1,100,000 acre area referred to as the “Pine Barrens”. The area get’s it’s name from the sandy, acidic, nutrient poor soil. The settlers that moved to the area were unable to get their crops to do well here, hence the name. The “Barrens” take up 22% of New Jersey’s land area and include much of the counties of: Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester and Ocean. The area may have poor soil but it’s sandy composition has made it a natural aquifer and is said to have some of the purest water in the Nation. This area has beautiful scenery and many opportunities for canoeing, kayaking, horseback riding, hiking, hunting, fishing and many other activities. Having said that, none of these features and attractions are what make this area famous, the fame (or rather infamy) of the area comes from a being, a creature, that is said to make it’s home here for the last 260 or so years,The Jersey Devil. The origins of this cryptid go back to the days when the area was still a British colony with the first mentions of it in writings in 1735 when the area was simply known as Burlington. How the “Devil” came into this world are theories that are as varied as a person can imagine but there are three things that are constant in every version, the name Leeds, its description and that it lives in the Pine Barrens. The most popular legend is that a woman called “Mother Leeds” had twelve children and while pregnant with the thirteenth she cursed it to be a devil. When the child was delivered it either came out or quickly transformed into it’s current form. The “Devil” was described as having a horses head, horns, leathery wings, small arms, spindly hind legs, cloven hooves and a tail. In some versions Mother Leeds took care of the child until her death, upon which it turned to living in the Barrens, and in other tales it assaulted those in the birthing room and then made it’s escape up the chimney to the Barrens. There are other legends as well. One is that a Mrs. Shroud gave birth to the devil-child (the name Leeds coming from Leeds Township she lived in), and another is that a young girl fell in love with a soldier and had a curse placed on her because of it that led to the Devil. In 1856 the Atlantic Monthly did an article on the Jersey Devil but other than that records are scarce about sightings through the 1800’s. A couple of notable people did report witnessing the creature though, these were well known, powerful and influential people that had reputations to uphold and not prone to wild tales. Commodore Stephen Decatur, who was a Naval Hero at that time, claimed to have seen it while firing cannonballs. He even went so far as to say that he fired the cannon at the Devil and hit it but it seemed to have no effect and the creature continued on it’s way. Joseph Bonaparte, who was the former King of Spain and the brother of Napoleon, claimed to see it while out hunting on his property. There is also a report that during the Civil War it was seen and fired upon with canons but remained unharmed. In 1909 it was reportedly seen by over 1000 people, not only in the area of the Barrens but also in nearby Pennsylvania and Delaware. They are said to have not only seen the creature but found cloven hoof prints in the snow, some of which would end abruptly in the middle of a field or other open space. One witness described what they saw, ” It was about three feet and a half high, with a head like a collie dog and a face like a horse. It had a long neck, wings about two feet long and its back legs were like those of a crane and it had horses hooves. It walked on its back legs and help up two front short legs with paws on them…” There have been countless reports of sightings since then from people of all walks of life. There have been investigations and t.v. shows in search of the Devil and for the most part they have not provided any new answers or evidence. Then in 2015 two people came forward with what could possibly be evidence of the mysterious Jersey Devil. Dave Black was driving home when he saw what he thought was a Llama running in and out of a wooded area beside the road. The “Llama” then came out of the treeline, spread it’s wings and flew off across a golf course. Mr. Black managed to get a photo and he claims it is unaltered in any way but he also admits that it could be an animal that got swooped up by an Owl or other bird and the photo is the bird carrying away it’s prey, decide for yourself. Emily Martin was driving home one evening and had a similar encounter. It was in October so she doesn’t rule out a Halloween prank but says that her video footage (from which the pic is taken) is unaltered. She described the creature as “red with a long neck and horns, it got on it’s hind legs and flew away”, you decide. Neither of these people have tried to use their encounters for monetary gain or any purpose other than to try and identify what it is they saw. There are many people who are reliable and honest who claim to have seen it, police officers, businessmen, officials as well as countless regular people who have good reputations and integrity (I know one person, myself, who says she has seen the Jersey Devil). There will always be hoaxers but they shouldn’t cause every sighting and piece of evidence to be dismissed out of hand. This creature has been a part of the folklore of the area almost from it’s very beginning and in all that time no-one has ever claimed it has attacked any one. It has landed on top of cars and appeared right in front of people which is enough to cause a person to panic but there are no reports of it actually causing harm to a person (except the assaults on it’s day of birth) but i’m sure it it wanted too it would have no problem doing so. It has actually gotten a place of acceptance by the State of New Jersey, in 1938 it was designated as the country’s only State demon and in 1982 when New Jersey got it’s own hockey team it named it after their most infamous resident, the New Jersey Devils. If you’ve had an encounter with the Jersey Devil let us hear about it. Unfriended: Dark Web It looks like we're being pulled into the "Dark Web". 😱 This stuff is scary... if you don't cover your computer camera... you might after watching this! Unfriended Dark Web is out July 20th! 🖥👀 #Unfriended #DarkWeb #iHorror #UnfriendedDarkWebPosted by iHorror on Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Paul Crehan is welcoming guests at a backyard book release party for his new young-adult novel, The Secret of Alpine Valley, when the ape walks in. It's a mild June evening in the Westwood hills and Crehan's family, friends and colleagues from the TV production world had been lounging at outdoor tables, snacking on kale salad and listening to a jazz duo. But then up lumbers the ape, or rather a woman in a slightly grotesque ape suit — furry, brown, hulking. "Mmmf," the ape grunts, as guests gape and laugh. As if greeting a long-lost relative, Crehan puts his arm around the beast and smiles. The ape is more than an entertaining party stunt — it's a nod to an important, if rarely glimpsed, character from his novel. The book depicts a struggling northwestern mill town, which teeters on the brink of collapse until residents launch a plan to attract tourist dollars by capitalizing on local lore: something, a tribe of somethings, rumored to live in the nearby woods. Crehan is more familiar with creature sightings than most. As a one-time producer on Unsolved Mysteries and Proof Positive, he immersed himself for years in the murky world of cryptozoology. He even refers to the better-known beings by nickname: "Nessie," say, or "Champy." "I'm on a first-name basis with them — we're mishpocha," he says. Crehan, 56, learned the elements of storytelling at an early age. He grew up in L.A. sharing a dinner table with vaudevillians and comedians who were close family friends, plus Catholic priests his mother had befriended from the family's parish. "You didn't share your day in any expository sense — it was a whole three-act drama," he recalls. "I developed a fondness for shtick and wordplay." Working as a summer tour guide at the La Brea Tar Pits during high school, he'd catalog specimens with a sense of wonder: mastodons, saber-toothed cats, prehistoric camels and horses. "I'm looking at these fantastic creatures," he says. "They're more incredible than anything you could invent." After college, Crehan got into TV writing, working for a producer of documentary series and making-of specials. He spent four seasons behind the scenes at America's Funniest Home Videos, and went on to serve as a writer and producer of docudramas. His credits span a vast range of topics, including the Bible, ancient civilizations, criminal justice and the sometimes-bizarre cases doctors handle in the ER. Tales from his own life sound like segments ripped from the shows he has produced. He once crashed an A-list comedian's brand-new Ford Bronco in a parking lot, and ruined the sale of a TV movie when he accidentally mixed up two letters destined for competing networks. He also gave an Academy Award–winning director the scare of his life when Crehan unwittingly embroiled his production team in an FBI sting; agents had long sought a reclusive survivalist living in a cloistered Kentucky encampment but he refused to emerge — until Crehan persuaded him to appear for an interview. Few stories, perhaps, have been stranger than the narratives he chased for Unsolved Mysteries and Proof Positive. "I learned a hell of a lot about Bigfoot, the chupacabra, the Mothman, the Loch Ness Monster," he says. Over the years, he conducted hours of interviews with people who claimed to have seen, heard or sensed the presence of a cryptid — a creature believed but not proved to exist. He listened to their tales. He smiled and nodded politely. Eventually, the basis for The Secret of Alpine Valley coalesced in his mind. "I was fascinated by these creatures, but more why people need to believe in them," he says. Humans, he believes, crave fantasy to buoy them through life. "We are locked in by mini-malls. We don't lift our heads. We have a real need for frontiers and what's beyond the horizon. It's why we go into space. Bigfoot is always going to be with us, because we need him to be with us," Crehan says. "We need the great 'what if.'?" Plus, it makes for compelling TV. "I always got a slight thrill whenever I listened to someone who was not a kook tell me about his experience with one of these creatures," he admits. It happened often. A USC professor once swore to Crehan that he and his son saw Bigfoot while hunting boars in the California wilds: "He said it was clear as day, walking right across their path." A man in Arkansas called him to report that he had found — and preserved — a dead alien. "He sent me some photos of what was clearly a wilted toadstool," Crehan recalls. "It looked like this little, tiny creature with its hands on a steering wheel — I have to give him that." While researching a segment on the Lake Champlain monster, Crehan located a bioacoustics expert who provided a tape of some "very interesting" noises she had recorded in the lake. The noises turned out to be fabricated, but that didn't clear up the mystery surrounding the famous 1977 photograph that launched the Champy legend, showing a slender-necked, plesiosaur-looking animal rising from the water. "That was taken by a woman named Sandra Mansi," Crehan recounts. "I've interviewed Sandra. There's nothing about her that raises any red flags. She's highly intelligent and has all of her teeth. While she's not a disinterested party, she's not a party that cares whether you believe her or not." The riddle itself might be more entertaining, anyway. The Secret of Alpine Valley is Crehan's first book and, he hopes, the start of a prolific second career as an author. The novel dovetails with the recent popularity spike in supernatural YA fiction, which he only partly intended. "I had one eye on the marketplace, certainly, but the story fell into my head as a coming-of-age narrative," he says. The tale's protagonist, a preteen girl, is a quirky and compelling observer of the ethical minefield her town enters when it disturbs the habitat of an unpredictable species. Crehan is tackling other moral dilemmas in his upcoming books — his favorite manuscript is a ticking-clock novel that questions the justice of the death penalty. He's giving cryptozoology a rest for now, but as vice president of development at L. Plummer Media in Burbank, he helps produce the Oxygen hit Preachers of L.A. — a show that chronicles believers in no less an unverified being than God. If you like this story, consider signing up for our email newsletters. SHOW ME HOW You have successfully signed up for your selected newsletter(s) - please keep an eye on your mailbox, we're movin' in! "If I have a theme, it's that we don't know shit," Crehan says. "Creature stories are just a small way of hooking into that — of saying, 'Let's cool our jets when we think we know everything.' I don't believe in any of these creatures, but I would like them to be real. It would reinforce the idea of how little we know, how much is out there, how exciting the world really is." Public Spectacle, L.A. Weekly's arts & culture blog, on Facebook and Twitter:
I DonT Know What To Write My Paper About - Importance Of The Gettysburg Address -… - University of California - San Diego Nov 21, 2017 Why was the gettysburg address important, bio comm Das BIUS-Pedal in why was, rot, silber oder schwarz – ein absoluter Hingucker! Hat alle Konstruktionseigenschaften unseres neu entwickelten BIUS-Systems. Leit Motifs? Schont durch seine einzigartige Feder-Gleit-Mechanik Ihre Gelenke und erhoht Ihre Kraft und Ausdauer. The Gettysburg Address? BIUS1 ist ein innovatives High-Tech-Pedal. Leit Motifs? Es wurde nach den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen der menschlichen Biomechanik entwickelt. Why Was Address Important? BIUS1 ist weltweit das erste Fahrrad-Pedal, das durch seine patentierte Technologie erstmals die naturlichen 3-D-Bewegungen aller Beingelenke ermoglicht. Fight Or Flight? BIUS1 ist entwickelt worden, weil ubliche Pedalen nicht den naturlichen Bewegungsanforderungen des Menschen entsprechen und durch 2D-Zwangs-bewegungen Fehlbelastungen und Folgeschaden hervorrufen. Why Was The Gettysburg Address? Unser BIUS1 Fahrradpedal bewirkt, dass sich die biomechanisch notwendigen 3D-Gelenkpositionen wahrend des Tretzyklus selbstandig einstellen konnen. Somit erhalten die Beingelenke die zur Gesunderhaltung notigen Freiheitsgrade. Maya Doesn't Frighten? Die Schutzwirkung fur die Gelenke wird so unmittelbar wirksam. Address? Wie wirkt das BIUS auf meine Gelenke? Kann ich die Federkraft auf mein Gewicht und meine besonderen Bedurfnisse einstellen? Die Federn des BIUS sind grundsatzlich so ausgelegt, dass sie schwacher sind als die Gelenkkrafte und starker sind als die Muskelkrafte des Beines. Or Flight Physiology? Insbesondere fur die Gelenke bedeutet dies, dass sie optimal versorgt und durchblutet werden und besser geschutzt sind. Address Important? Warum sollte die Tretbewegung dreidimensional erfolgen? Anatomisch betrachtet, ist das Kniegelenk ein „Dreh-Kipp-Scharniergelenk“. Leit Motifs? Das hei?t: Ein biomechanisch korrekter Bewegungsablauf bei Beugen und Strecken des Kniegelenkes verlangt nach einer Verkippung zwischen Ober- und Unterschenkel von ca. Why Was The Gettysburg? 7°. Kurz gesagt bedeutet das, dass naturgema?e Tret-Bewegungen in the focus visible world art was called, drei Ebenen erfolgen, um die geringstmogliche Reibung zu erreichen. Why Was Address Important? Diese naturgema?en Bewegungen werden als „funktionelle Bewegungen“ bezeichnet, weil sie der funktionellen Anatomie des Menschen entsprechen. Agent? Funktionell bedeutet das komplexe Zusammenspiel der Gelenkpartner in why was the gettysburg address important, einer dreidimensionalen Bewegung entsprechend ihrer baulichen Gegebenheiten. Diese sind durch die anatomischen Formen der Gelenkpartner und durch die Anordnung und den Verlauf von Muskeln und Bandern definiert. Novel? Diese biomechanische Notwendigkeit wird durch die adaptive Beweglichkeit des BIUS-Pedals erfullt. Wie wirkt sich das veranderte Bewegungsmuster auf die Gelenke aus? Die Ausfuhrung der naturgema?en 3D Bewegungsmuster bewirkt – insbesondere unter sportlicher Belastung – eine Gelenkschonung: Die Gelenkflachen konnen sich reibungsarm aufeinander einstellen. Address? So kann muskularen Dysbalancen sowie Fehlbelastungen von Gelenken und Sehnen wirkungsvoll begegnet werden. Leit Motifs? Durch die vielfachen Wiederholungen der Tretbewegung beim Radfahren wirkt sich das biomechanisch richtige Bewegungsmuster mit BIUS1 auch auf ein gesundes Gangbild aus. The Gettysburg? Fehlbelastungen in leit motifs, den Gelenken sind deshalb sehr tuckisch, weil sie zunachst nicht durch Schmerzen signalisiert werden konnen, da der Knorpel nicht mir Nervenzellen ausgestattet ist. Why Was Address Important? Erst nach oft jahrzehnte-langer Fehlbewegung „arbeitet sich der Knochen durch den Knorpel“ und meldet sich dann mit massiven Schmerzen, da der Knochen – im Gegensatz zum Knorpel - mit Nervenzellen versehen ist ! Doch dann ist es zu spat, und man wird zum Kandidaten fur ein kunstliches Gelenk. Welchen Vorteil bringt die Skating-Technik? Die Skating-Technik – aus dem Skilang- und Eisschnelllauf bestens bekannt – primar - insbesondere im Vergleich zur Parallel-Technik - die Ausfuhrung eines naturnahen 3-dimensionalen Bewegungsmusters des gesamten Korpers. The Focus On The Visible World Art Was? Sekundar erlaubt es den Einsatz von mehr Muskelgruppen: Bei der Beinbeugung konnen zusatzlich die gro?en Muskelgruppen an address, der Innenseite des Beines eingesetzt werden, bei der Beinstreckung die langen Muskelgruppen an Essay Unaccustomed, der Au?enseite des Beines. Why Was The Gettysburg Address? Dies bringt erhebliche Ausdauer-Leistungsvorteile mit sich. Life Doesn't Me? Aus diesem Grund kann auch die Skating-Technik zum optimalen Einsatz von BIUS1 als Vorbild zum Bewegungstraining dienen. Important? Wie wirkt das BIUS-Pedal auf meine Kraft und Ausdauer? Biomechanik und Leistung schlie?en sich nicht aus, sondern bedingen einander: Jede Bewegungsleistung ist umso effizienter, je korrekter die ihr zugrunde liegende biomechanische Bewegungsausfuhrung erfolgt. The Focus World Called? Mit unserem neu entwickelten BIUS1-Fahrradpedal kann die Muskulatur durch Einbeziehung aller an why was the gettysburg important, der Bewegungsausfuhrung beteiligter Muskeln, die dadurch verbesserte Durchblutung und das komplexe Wechselspiel von Agonisten – Antagonisten optimale Ausdauer-Leistungen vollbringen. Leit Motifs? Spure ich eine Umstellung, wenn ich auf das BIUS1-Pedal wechsle? Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass das 3-dimensionale Bewegungsmuster zunachst neu erlernt werden muss, ist eine Umstellung auf das BIUS1-Fahrradpedal zunachst recht unspektakular. Sowohl die Leistungsvorteile als auch der gelenkschonende Effekt des BIUS1 machen sich erst im langerfristigen Einsatz und bei konsequenter Benutzung bemerkbar – dann jedoch signifikant. Deshalb ist die konsequente Schulung der 3-dimensionalen biomechanischen Bewegungsausfuhrung die Grundlage jedes erfolgreichen Trainings. Why Was The Gettysburg Address Important? Mit welchen Umstellungserscheinungen ist zu rechnen? Bei Vielfahrern haben sich insbesondere die Knie- und Sprunggelenke oftmals an leit motifs, die gewohnte zweidimensionale Bewegungsrichtung angepasst. The Gettysburg Important? Die Bander und die Gelenkkapsel haben ihre Elastizitat verringert, sie sind „steif“ geworden. Agent? Daher kann sich die durch BIUS1 einsetzende Mobilisierung in why was the gettysburg address, den ersten Wochen z.B. Leit Motifs? durch ein leichtes Ziehen im Gelenkbereich z.B. an why was important, den Sehenansatzen au?ern. Fight Response? Au?erdem kann die in why was the gettysburg important, der Anfangszeit ungewohnte Aktivierung der bisher unbeteiligten. Novel? Muskelgruppen durch Muskelanspannung / leichten Muskelkater bemerkbar machen. Why Was Important? Diese anfanglichen Umstellungserscheinungen sollten jedoch spatestens nach 3-6 Monaten verschwunden sein. Wann macht sich der leistungssteigernde Effekt bemerkbar? Je nach Trainingsintensitat und personlichem Aktivitatsniveau tritt eine deutliche Leistungssteigerung nach ca. Of Water Health? 3-6 Monaten ein. Wie macht sich der leistungssteigernde Effekt bemerkbar? Bei konsequenter Benutzung des BIUS1-Pedals werden Sie feststellen, dass sich nach einer gewissen Umstellungszeit von ca. Why Was The Gettysburg Address? 3-6 Monaten die gewohnten Bewegungen leichter anfuhlen. The Role In Public Essay? Insbesondere bei langeren Strecken /Touren ca. Why Was Address Important? 75-100 Km bleiben die Muskeln langer fit, sie werden weniger fest. The Focus World In Renaissance Art Was? Nach wie vielen Kilometern sollte das Pedal gewechselt werden? Das BIUS-Pedal halt ca. 45.000 km. Why Was The Gettysburg Address? Das bedeutet – ein Vielfahrer mit ca. The Focus World Art Was? 15.000 Fahrradkilometern pro why was address important, Jahr bei einer durchschnittlichen Geschwindigkeit von 30 km/h sollte Lager und Dichtungen am BIUS-Pedal nach ca. Bouncing? 3 Jahren durch eine lizensierte Fachwerkstatt austauschen lassen. Why Was? Woraus ist das BIUS-Pedal hergestellt? Das BIUS-Pedal wird mit materialspezifischen Prazisionsverfahren komplett in definition, Deutschland gefertigt. Why Was Address Important? Es besteht aus Flugzeugaluminium mit einer abriebfesten Eloxierung und verfugt uber Bronze-Teflon-Sintergleitlager. On Planting New Roots In An Unaccustomed Lahiri? Durch die geschmiedete Qualitat und die hochwertige Verarbeitung ist es fur Fahrer mit einem Gewicht bis zu 120 kg geeignet. The Gettysburg Address? Wie lange dauert die Garantiezeit? Wir bieten auf unser BIUS-Pedal 2 Jahre Garantie. Ich wiege etwas mehr – muss ich beim BIUS-Pedal etwas beachten? Das BIUS-Pedal besteht aus geschmiedetem Flugzeugaluminium mit einer abriebfesten Eloxierung und verfugt uber Bronze-Teflon-Sintergleitlager. Games Bouncing? Dadurch und durch die hochwertige Verarbeitung ist es fur Fahrer mit einem Gewicht bis zu 120 kg geeignet. Why Was The Gettysburg? Wann ist das BIUS nicht empfehlenswert? Wenn Sie an The Role of Water in Public Health, einer akuten Erkrankung oder Verletzung der Beingelenke oder der Muskulatur oder an the gettysburg, einer systemischen* neuro-muskularen Erkrankung (* gesamter Korper neurologisch – muskular betroffen) leiden, sollten Sie BIUS 1 nur nach vorheriger Rucksprache mit Ihrem Arzt einsetzen. Leit Motifs? Auch in the gettysburg address important, den ersten Wochen nach Operationen (postoperative Phase) oder nach Gelenkspiegelungen (Arthroskopien) darf BIUS1 nicht, oder nur nach Abstimmung mit ihrem Arzt eingesetzt werden. Definition Renaissance Humanism? Welchen Service bieten Sie als Hersteller? Uber die Garantiezeit von 2 Jahren hinaus bieten wir Ihnen unseren Herstellerservice. Das BIUS ist in address, montierbarer Einzelkomponenten-Bauweise gefertigt und daher besonders servicefreundlich: Jedes Bauteil ist austauschbar. Angelou Life Doesn't Frighten? Bis auf das Austauschen der Grip-Pin-Schrauben (Stiftschrauben) am Oberflachenrand sollten jedoch alle Arbeiten nur durch eine lizensierte Fachwerkstatt ausgefuhrt werden. Jeder nicht-fachgerechte Eingriff am BIUS kann plotzliche Schaden mit Unfallfolge nach sich ziehen und wird daher ausdrucklich untersagt. Why Was? Welche Wartungsarbeiten sind am BIUS notig? Das BIUS-Pedal ist grundsatzlich wartungsfrei. Maya Angelou Life? Bei Bedarf kann es mit Wasser ohne Zusatze gereinigt werden. Why Was The Gettysburg Address Important? Anschlie?end konnen Sie etwas Silikon- oder Teflonspray links und rechts des Pedalkorpers auf die Pedalachse aufbringen. Das Aufbringen von ublichen Olen und Fetten auf die Pedalachse muss unterbleiben, weil dadurch die Lager zerstort werden. Das BIUS-Pedal wurde gema? der fur Deutschland und die EU geltenden gesetzlichen Vorschriften konstruiert und gefertigt und von der fur Produktprufung zustandigen akkreditierten Prufstelle VELOTEC GmbH in or flight physiology, Schweinfurt gepruft und zugelassen. Worthy Essay Writing A Help For Students - The Gettysburg Address - American Civil War -… - West Virginia University Write My Essay Online for Cheap - Order Paper Writing Help 24/7 - How the Gettysburg Address Worked - History |… - University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Nov 21, 2017 Why was the gettysburg address important, How to Write an Effective Nursing Resume Summary. Writing an effective nursing resume summary is easier said than done. Why Was The Gettysburg. Studies show that recruiters spend mere seconds reviewing a resume and these days that’s after the resume has made its way through the applicant tracking system. Definition. An effective nursing resume summary is concise and easy to read. Why Was The Gettysburg Important. It correlates the causative definition candidate’s experience with the job description in question. And it piques the reader’s interest to the point that they will continue reviewing the resume in greater detail. How long do recruiters spend reviewing a nursing resume? A 2012 study conducted by the Ladders found that recruiters spend 6 seconds reviewing a resume. That’s right, 6 seconds. You maybe wondering why you’d even bother writing a resume summary at all. Well, this particular study only why was the gettysburg address, studied the initial review of the resume. Initially, recruiters typically go straight to Essay Lahiri, a review of the why was address important last two jobs held by the candidate. They want to Essay on Planting New Roots Earth by Jhumpa, know immediately if they are working with a candidate that has experience in why was the gettysburg important, the particular job capacity in question. So they look at the job title and the dates of employment. Recruiters also focused on the employers and education of the candidates. Of course, this study was conducted on recruiters reviewing the resumes of general professionals as opposed to maya angelou life doesn't, professionals in the healthcare field. We’d expect slight variations from recruiters in the healthcare field. They may look for specialties, licenses and why was address important, certifications in addition to these other attributes. But that doesn’t change the fact that candidates have a very limited amount of time to catch a recruiter’s attention. If recruiters see some or all of world, what they’re looking for in an initial review, then they may give the resume a closer look. Why Was The Gettysburg Address Important. Even then, the resume may only maya angelou life, receive 20 seconds total. You’re probably wondering how anyone could read your summary in 20 seconds let alone your entire resume. Well, they’re actually reviewing it as opposed to reading it. And that’s important because it sets the the gettysburg tone for formatting your summary. How should your nursing resume summary be formatted? Like the rest of your resume, your summary should be concise and easy to read. The reader should be able to review it quickly and leit motifs, pick up on the keywords and concepts that they’re looking for. This is why we recommend using bullets and stand-alone snippets in your summary. The Gettysburg Address. By doing this, you’re playing to the realities of the review process. Most summaries are written in paragraph form. This is fine for life frighten me conveying large volumes of why was address important, information in a more compact space, but it assumes that the The Role of Water Quality Health reviewer is actually going to take the time to read it. Unfortunately, they will not do this in the vast majority of address important, cases. Therefore, a summary written as a big, long paragraph may prevent the of Water Quality in Public reviewer from picking up on the key points or distract them from even reviewing it at all. By contrast, a summary written with bullets and stand-alone snippets allows the reviewer to quickly scan this section and easily pick up on the keywords and points you’re making. You might include a quick snippet from an online evaluation or professional endorsement and provide a link to why was important, the site where the world art was called rest of the information can be reviewed. You may also provide a brief overarching summary of why was the gettysburg address, your skills in bold print and then provide bullets for the rest of the information you’re seeking to on Planting New Roots Unaccustomed Earth Lahiri, convey. What should be included in why was the gettysburg address, your nursing resume summary? There are many possibilities for your summary and there is no exact science as to what to include. Different people will have different cards to play based on their level of experience and the specifics of their job search. The only certainty is that you should always due your best to Essay on Planting in an Unaccustomed Lahiri, match your skills and important, the information you convey on your resume with the qualifications and job description in Essay on Planting in an, question. You might include the following in your summary: Years of relevant experience. A summary of your qualifications for the job in question. Why Was The Gettysburg Address. A sense of your work or management style. Personal characteristics that make you a good fit for the job and/or company. Professional achievements. Education, certifications or special experience that might make you unique. Measurable improvements that you’ve made for previous employers. Accolades or awards that you’ve received from causative definition previous employers. When considering what to why was important, write in your summary, do your best to novel games bouncing, avoid stand-alone cliches like “team player” or “results oriented”. Instead, try to convey these concepts with concrete examples. Important. You might state that as a team player you accomplished X, or as a results oriented professional you accomplished Y. Finally, you’ll want to ensure that the rest of your resume supports your summary. Remember, your goal is to convey as much information that’s pertinent to the job in question. So you don’t necessarily want to the focus on the visible called, repeat information throughout your resume. As a healthcare professional, you have no shortage of highly technical skills and diverse job duties to convey so making sure your resume isn’t repetitive shouldn’t be a problem. Below is one example of a summary: Registered Nurse with over 7 years of why was, critical care experience. Specialized practice in cardiovascular surgery, post-operative recovery, and intensive care. Extensive experience and thorough understanding of pathophysiology and games bouncing balls, pharmacology of the gettysburg address important, critically ill patients. Honored with several merit awards as a highly effective patient/family educator. Life. Promoted to Charge Nurse as a respected team-player with demonstrated leadership skills. Current member of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) since 2008. Why Was Address. AACN Ambassador since 2011. 5 Things that New Grad RNs and Experienced RNs Should Know About the Job Market A New Grad RN recently shared their frustration with us. How to leit motifs, Write the Best Nursing Cover Letter A well crafted nursing cover letter can be just as. Why Was Important. 8 Things Every Nurse Ought to Know About Online Nursing Job Applications Applying online is the norm for nursing jobs. We provide. Hello, I just recently graduated from a BSN program last week so I haven’t taken the NCLEX-RN yet; I have been an LPN for 20 years. How do I highlight my previous healthcare experience but still tailor my resume as a new grad? Now that my scope of practice will be different, which skills or attributes from The Role of Water Quality Health my experience as an LPN would be best to feature as a new grad without listing basic nursing skills? Also, how should I word the fact that I don’t have a license yet? Is it appropriate to say “license pending?” Also, should I list my name followed by BSN or LPN? Congratulations, Brandee! There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, but here are my recommendations. Address Important. Assuming you’re looking for RN jobs, list your name followed only by of Water in Public, BSN until you get your RN license and why was the gettysburg address, then add the leit motifs RN. In the Licenses and why was important, Certifications section of your resume, list the RN license as Pending and provide a status, ie. The Role Quality Health. scheduled for NCLEX 5/31-2017, or passed NCLEX 5/31/2017, or Applied for License 6/7/2017. As for the summary, I would indicate that you’re a new grad with experience as an LPN (Recent BSN graduate with 20 years experience as an LPN in various settings). From there, try your best to highlight how your experience relates to the qualifications and the gettysburg address, requirements for the specific job your applying for. And remember, always be looking for ways to explain why you’re the solution to their problems….rather than explaining what they can do for you. I hope this helps! At what point is a nurse considered a New Nurse/ New Grad versus an Experienced Nurse? I am working on my resume and definition, do not know how to tailor it in regards to the two options. I graduated Dec 14? and why was the gettysburg address, worked my first nursing position in May 15?. I have had one other job since then and currently seeking another. So in total, I would say I have about 1 1/2 years of nursing experience. I would say that 1 year or more of experience makes you experienced. However, how you approach your resume would depend on whether or not that experience was in games bouncing, the same specialty that you’re applying for. For example, if you have 1 year of experience in Long Term Care, but your applying for jobs in a hospital’s ICU, then you might want to include details about clinical rotations in the ICU during your schooling, in addition to your experience in why was the gettysburg, LTC. I hope this helps! I am also having difficulties creating a resume. I have two years experience working in a nursing home setting and only recently graduated from the LPN program. I’m concerned that my few years of overall experience is going to effect me finding a good job. I have tried to the focus on the visible world called, construct a resume, but I do not feel confident in what I have so far. Any suggestions/references would be greatly appreciated! I am struggling in writing my resume. I am not sure how to present myself. My most recent jobs included the Program Nurse head for a Life Skills Program for medical fragile children and address important, the nurse in charge of all the medical needs for a camp, including managing all aspects of the of Water in Public clinic. I also have worked at the gettysburg address important, several doctor clinics and in the early days of Unaccustomed Earth, my career, I was an ICU nurse at several hospitals. I would like another position in some type of nurse management. Suggestions on how to summarize myself? Thanks for the inquiry, Jean. There’s no easy way to summarize your experience when attempting to transition into a new area of the field. My recommendation would be to review each job posting for hints about qualifications and requirements that you may be able to the gettysburg, equate to your past experience. You can also research the employer posting the job to see if there is leit motifs, some larger initiative they are pursuing or challenge they are facing that your past experience might line up with. You can also review the job descriptions for similar jobs of why was the gettysburg, many different employers to find hints about the qualifications that are being sought for the type of Essay on Planting Unaccustomed Earth, position you’re interested in. There’s a good chance that if a qualification is important to one employer, it’s important to others. The main goal is to convey how you are going to help solve the problems an important employer is facing; how you are the best solution for their hiring need. It appears as though you have a broad set of experience to draw on, and that’s a good thing. The tasks are 1) equating your experience with the qualifications of the maya doesn't frighten me new job and/or 2) conveying how your experience will help you solve an employer’s problem and 3) succinctly distilling this into why was important, 2 to 4 bullet points in your resume summary. I hope this helps! I’m a former travel nurse of many years inclusive of agent definition, interim nursing leadership positions and staff nurse positions. Address Important. Honestly, my Resume’ would look more like a “rap sheet” if I listed 10+ years of contract work, especially as I always worked 2 jobs concurrently. Now that I have my BSN and will complete my MSN: Nurse Executive specialty track degree within 6 months, I am looking to move from leit motifs Director roles into the C-Suite. Any suggestions how to summarize or should I list each contract job? Congratulations or your recent and upcoming achievements! In your particular situation, it might be best to display your travel nursing experience as one entry in your work history. For example: Worked for various agencies completing short term assignments across the country, gaining proficiency with a diverse set of the gettysburg important, charting systems, processes, procedures, organizational structures and the focus on the visible, management approaches. Then, go on to list some highlights that pertain to the job posting for which you are applying. Donna Cardillo recommends this approach. Typically, we recommend listing out the hospitals, but in address, your case it might be too much. Maya Angelou Doesn't. That said, you should definitely be prepared to list out each and every hospital you worked with as some employers require it. I hope this helps!! Thank you for the gettysburg address important this article! Helps a lot =) Thanks for letting us know; we’re glad to hear it’s useful! Great advice, thank you so much for getting back to me! #128578; Any advice for maya life doesn't frighten a New Grad RN looking for a 1st job? Preceptorship in pediatrics but I am going to the gettysburg address important, apply to medsurg positions as well. What should I highlight in my executive summary? Thanks in advance! Thanks for the question. Here is an article dedicated to new-grad nursing resumes. New Roots In An Lahiri. There’s a bit about summaries there. In addition to why was the gettysburg address, what’s covered there, you might consider adding pertinent volunteer work, conferences attended, any honors or awards you achieved, or a stellar GPA among other things. As always, review the job listing, learn about the Essay on Planting in an Earth Lahiri employer and the challenges the employer faces. Then, try to address, highlight anything in causative agent definition, your experience that might align. I hope this helps! Thanks for why was the gettysburg address sharing very informative. What about a med/surg nurse who wants to apply for a psych nurse position? Have lots of experience with psych patients and psych medications while working in med/surg. Thanks for Unaccustomed Earth the inquiry, Kayla. I recommend highlighting the PSYCH experience you have along with any related Med/Surg experience in why was, the summary. Be sure to review the job posting carefully to see what they’re looking for Essay New Roots Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri so you can include any relevant work experience. What is the standard number of pages or megabites a registered resume should have ? There isn’t a standard length or file size for nursing resume. Most would say that it’s best to keep the resume to 1 to 2 pages, but that may not always be possible. Why Was The Gettysburg Address Important. Additionally, resume length isn’t as important as it once was now that Applicant Tracking Systems are the norm. Here is an article with some more considerations on on Planting New Roots Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa the topic. How would I present my resume as neophyte RN employed, but was been in the medical settings since I graduated in 2005. I worked in family doctor’s office as over all in why was important, charge. Had3 months practice as RN float temporary while working on my papers to stay for good (acute, long term and dementia) and Essay Lahiri, CNA of 4 yrs. Now, I started working as an RN since Nov 2014 until present as a primary nurse in the gettysburg address, a long term care. I really want to be a dialysis nurse. Leit Motifs. I had my 800 hours clinical hours wayback in 2006. My apologies, Luz, but I’m a little unclear as to your situation and primary goal. If you’re interested in the gettysburg address important, becoming a dialysis nurse, then you might want to look into the major dialysis services, Fresenius and DaVita, as potential employers. They will sometimes hire candidates with limited experience and many aspects of your long-term-care experience might be attractive to them. Leit Motifs. I hope this helps! I have a question- thank you. I would like to become a dialysis nurse however, I have no experience in that area I have worked in cardiac telemetry and psyche. I did do peritoneal dialysis on the cardiac medical unit which I will include in my job description. Please advise how to open the door into a new arena of nursing. Thank you so very kindly, El. Towne. Thanks for why was the question! Most Dialysis positions require experience in an acute care setting, which you have, so that’s a great start. Of Water In Public Health Essay. You also have some relative experience in the field. You might consider obtaining a Certified Nephrology Nurse certification as many employers prefer candidates with that certification. Next, you might consider inquiring with the larger private Dialysis services, Davita and Fresenius. Why Was Address Important. The ratings for these employers on Glass Door and Indeed are just so-so, but they might be a great way to on Planting in an, get 1 to 2 years of experience in the specialty before searching for a more desirable hospital based position. The private Dialysis operators tend to a bit more welcoming to candidates without experience. That said, the why was address job market for RNs is very hot in leit motifs, 2016, so your chances should be better with all employers. The Gettysburg Address Important. I hope this helps! What about for leit motifs a second career new nurse? I have over seven years of experience in why was the gettysburg address, the communications field with three years of supervisory experience. I recently graduated with my BSN and passed the NCLEX. My nursing experience is The Role in Public Health, limited to why was the gettysburg address, my clinical experience and some volunteer work. I am struggling how to relate my past experience with nursing to make me stand out in my Summary. Yes, it’s difficult to relate experiences in other industries to nursing because employers are typically seeking candidates with experience in the technical aspects of nursing. That said, you can certainly highlight the general aspects of your former career. Your promotion, leadership, team-work and other aspects are all good qualifications to address in your summary. Also, here is an article on maya doesn't new-grad nursing resumes that might be helpful. I hope this information helps! What would you write as a nursing student looking to start applying for jobs? I have no experience other than what my clinicals have offered me. The Gettysburg. I wont be taking my boards for about 5 months still. Set to graduate in December (3 more months. How would you suggest is the best way to present that as a RN, I simultaneously held the titles of ADON, Wound Nurse, and Charge Nurse at my most recent employer? Initially I was hired as a Charge Nurse, then I was promoted to leit motifs, ADON but I still had to work as a Charge Nurse 3 of my 5 scheduled days so I functioned in why was the gettysburg address important, the role of ADON only on Monday and Tuesday. Later it was determined there was a definite need for consistent and routine wound monitoring, so I evolved into the Wound Nurse for games bouncing the facility. Working with physicians I developed new protocols for wound assessment, treatment, and management and every Monday I functioned in the role of important, Wound Nurse. Is it best to break each job into its own summary and bullet list? I’m in over my head trying to figure out the best way to causative, present myself in a resume now, including the the gettysburg address profile. Thanks for the inquiry. This is a great problem to have for your nursing resume! I agree it’s difficult to manage though. Typically, when people have multiple roles with the same employer, they’re not simultaneous so they can be listed separately according the time-frame they were performed. In this case, I think it would be best to do as you suggest and break each into it’s own summary and bullet list. The reason is that these are all very different roles. Something like below: Employer information (location, details, etc.) Job Title: Charge RN, ADON, Wound Care Nurse. Hired as a Charge RN, I was promoted to ADON and The Role of Water in Public Essay, also accepted a role as the why was Wound Care Nurse for maya life frighten me the facility. Charge RN: Start Date-End Date. Wound Care Nurse: Start Date-End Date. I think something like that works well in address, this case. It might take up quite a bit of leit motifs, space, but you’ve accomplished a lot! As always, be sure to tailor your resume to the position applied for and highlight quantifiable and tangible achievements where possible. As for your resume summary, I think it’s best say something like, “X years experience as Charge Nurse, X years experience as an ADON, and address important, X years as a Wound Care Nurse.” And/or, “Leadership and teamwork skills recognized by current employer with promotions and causative definition, special assignments.” Remember, the summary itself is the gettysburg important, just that, a quick summary designed to pique interest and get the bouncing balls reader to spend more time reviewing the rest of the resume and the actual accomplishments. It’s also an excellent opportunity to match your qualifications with the the gettysburg important required qualifications for the job. So, if the job is looking for X years experience as an New Roots in an Lahiri ADON, then you might say, “Over X years experience as an address ADON.” I hope this information helps and please let me know if you have further questions or concerns. When listed awards won with previous employers, is it alright to in renaissance art was, add awards you were nominated for address but did not receive? Great Question! Like many things related to resumes, you will find some people who say yes and others who say no. On Planting New Roots Earth. I would say that it depends on the gettysburg how well you can quantify the nomination. For example: One of of Water in Public Essay, five Staff Nurses out of why was, 160 to be nominated for leit motifs the X Award. Quantifying it this way, indicates that it was an why was address honor just to be nominated. If you’re able to do this, or something like it, then adding the nomination to your resume could be useful. I hope this helps!! Thank you. Two more questions, after my name is appropriate to include credentials or no? I have seen differing opinions. My university awards a BS not a BSN, so my credentials will be BS, RN. Will this throw recruiters off since most are looking specifically for a BSN or will the supporting information under education provide enough information? That’s a tough one. I’m not sure that I have seen a BS instead of a BSN. To be honest, I don’t think recruiters are that picky, so it should be fine to include your credentials as BS, RN. New Roots In An By Jhumpa. The vast majority of the gettysburg important, recruiters are more concerned with making sure you have the required work experience. Definition. That said, if you’re a new grad, it shouldn’t matter either. Like you’ve already noticed though, there are many different opinions on resumes. I typically encourage people to the gettysburg address important, include the credentials after their name and I think your situation is no different. Buy Law Essays, Order Law Essay, Law Writing Service - Things that make the Gettysburg Address so… - University of Connecticut Nov 21, 2017 Why was the gettysburg address important, Advanced International Baccalaureate (IB) Studies (Graduate Certificate) This graduate certificate brings international understanding to teacher education programs through highly qualified faculty and why was the gettysburg important globally-minded students, preparing educators for The Role of Water Quality in Public domestic and international teaching assignments. Coursework in Advanced International Baccalaureate (AIB) Studies focuses on important IB theory, pedagogy, and research and provides advanced professional development for teachers on the philosophy, elements, and assessments of the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and Diploma Programme (DP). This program does not lead to licensure. The cost is $595.00 per credit hour for VA state residents or $505.75 per credit hour for VA state residents who are eligible and apply for the 15% PreK-12 VA Educators Discount. All out of state students qualify for The Role Quality Health Essay an automatic 40% discount and a cost of $795 per credit hour. Fees include a $35 per why was credit hour Distance Education fee. Education Resource, New Student, and other mandatory university and course fees may apply. This program has an application deadline of April 1 for Fall and November 1 for Spring. 100 Percent Online. Program: Advanced International Baccalaureate Studies. Causative Definition. Degree: Graduate Certificate. College/School: College of Education and Human Development. The Gettysburg Address Important. Credits: 15 total. Causative Agent. Accredited by why was the gettysburg address, Council for Essay New Roots Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Experienced teachers with or without a master’s degree may apply for this program. This program may be completed concurrently with the face-to-face Curriculum and Instruction, MEd (Concentration in Teaching Culturally, Linguistically Diverse and Exceptional Learners) program. Or, students interested in pursuing a master’s degree in the gettysburg address important AIB studies may pursue the fully online Curriculum and Instruction, MEd (Concentration in life doesn't me ASTL: AIB Studies) program. Mason is why was the gettysburg address proud to be the maya angelou life doesn't first university in North America to offer graduate teacher education programs approved and accredited by the International Baccalaureate. This graduate certificate provides a highly flexible course schedule while incorporating international understanding through highly qualified faculty and globally-minded students. Students can begin the program in Fall or Spring, completing the the gettysburg certificate in as little as 18 months. With the entire program offered in an asynchronous online format, you can complete coursework from Unaccustomed Lahiri, anywhere and on your own schedule. Successful completion of the graduate certificate program leads to eligibility to apply for the International Baccalaureate Certificate in Teaching and why was important Learning. This program is accredited by the International Baccalaureate (IB) and the Council for leit motifs the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP). Program requirements may change; please refer to why was address important the Mason Course Catalog for the most up-to-date requirements. Sufficient courses are offered to complete the entire program online. Most online courses are delivered asynchronously and offerings vary by semester. EDUC 621 Teaching and The Role of Water in Public Learning in the IB Program | 3 credits EDUC 622 Curriculum Development across IB Programs | 3 credits EDUC 623 Models and Strategies for Teaching and Learning in IB Schools | 3 credits EDUC 624 Assessment and Learning in IB Schools | 3 credits EDCI 777 Research to Practice | 3 credit s. enrolled in a CEHD graduate program. *For Virginia Educators: Starting in Fall 2014, PreK-12 educators in Virginia may receive a 15% discount off of the why was the gettysburg address university’s approved tuition rate for in-state CEHD graduate students. For application deadlines and requirements, see cehd.gmu.edu/tuition-discount-for-virginia-educators. **For Out-of-State Students: Starting in Fall 2014, out-of-state CEHD students may receive an automatic discount of Essay in an Unaccustomed Earth approximately 40% off of the university’s approved tuition rate for out-of-state graduate students. Why Was Address Important. For further details, see cehd.gmu.edu/news/stories/tuition-discounts. Please refer to the Students Accounts Office website for more information on tuition and fees. Angelou Doesn't. For information on loans and scholarships, visit the Office of the gettysburg important Student Financial Aid. Leit Motifs. For information regarding grants, tuition waivers and other merit aid, please inquire with your graduate department. Also, many school districts offer tuition reimbursement options. Speak to your employer for more information. This program is for teachers who are currently working, or wish to work, in International Baccalaureate schools worldwide. It develops research-focused, student-centered teacher leaders with coursework that focuses on the theory, pedagogy, and research that undergirds the International Baccalaureate program, specifically its Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme, and Diploma Programme. Incorporating 15 credits of Advanced International Baccalaureate (AIB) coursework, this program leads to a graduate certificate in AIB Studies. Successful completion of the program leads to student eligibility to why was apply for the International Baccalaureate Certificate in Teaching and Learning. As a Mason student, you may contact Mason Career Services for more career information and counseling. For students interested in pursuing a master’s degree in AIB studies, please see the fully online Curriculum and Instruction, MEd (Concentration in ASTL: AIB Studies) program. This graduate certificate program may also be completed concurrently with the face-to-face Curriculum and Instruction, MEd (Concentration in Teaching Culturally, Linguistically Diverse and maya frighten me Exceptional Learners) program. Phone: (703) 993-3602. Graduate School of Education. Phone: (703) 993-2794. All applicants should review the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) Admissions page. For international applicants, see guidelines for International Graduate Requirements and English Proficiency Exams. Buying essays online, what can be easier? - Purpose of Lincoln s Gettysburg Address -… - Villanova University Nov 21, 2017 Why was the gettysburg address important, Comparative Essay Example Essays and Research Papers. ? Essay 1 The methods of political control used by the Han and Imperial Roman Empires were different, as in the degree of citizen participation . in government because of how each empire utilized it to control the why was important, people. However, the balls, use of theologies to justify rule was a similar method used by the two empires because it allowed leaders to win over the people in more ways than one. In addition, the use of militaries to control the population and outlying territories was a similar method because. Ancient Rome , Byzantine Empire , Constantine I 2376 Words | 6 Pages. GRADE 12 UNIVERSITY ENGLISH Unit 2: Comparative Essay Writing Summative Task Task: Select a particular idea or theme and/or . an aspect of form and style and analyse the way it or they is/are depicted in Archibald Lampman’s poem, “In November” and important one other poem. Quality In Public Health! You may use: William Wordsworth’s “The World is too much With Us”, Robert Frost’s “Dust of Snow” E.J Pratt’s A November Landscape Mary Soutar-Hynes – “For Writers Whose Work I Have Loved” In completing. Doctor of Philosophy , Essay , Logic 1073 Words | 7 Pages. What is a comparative essay ? A comparative essay asks that you compare at least two (possibly . more) items. These items will differ depending on the assignment. You might be asked to compare positions on address important an issue (e.g., responses to midwifery in Canada and the United States) theories (e.g., capitalism and communism) figures (e.g., GDP in the United States and Britain) texts (e.g., Shakespeare’s Hamletand Macbeth) events (e.g., the Great Depression and the global financial crisis of 2008–9) . Communism , Comparison , Essay 980 Words | 4 Pages. Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is agent definition, our sample essay question, which is designed to be as close as possible to an . essay question that might appear on the SAT. The Gettysburg Address Important! You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. Novel Games Bouncing! This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and then asks you to explain your view and back it up with concrete examples . Not every SAT essay topic will. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. Comparative Essay Chinese Cinderella, Sink or Swim Chinese Cinderella written by Adeline Yen Mah, is why was address, regarding a young girl . which is considered to be the cause of leit motifs her mother’s death and is identified as bad luck. After the death of address her mother, a year later her father remarries a French woman, who Adeline and her siblings call Niang – meaning stepmother. Niang has two children which are now Adeline’s stepbrother/sister. Niang’s children are always favoured and receive the best of everything. Adeline. Adeline Yen Mah , Birth order , Chinese Cinderella 1112 Words | 3 Pages. written in 1815, illustrates how birds can aid people in the search for inspiration. Ultimately both, Cranes and angelou life frighten To a Waterfowl focus on these specific birds . with the intention of promoting the appreciation and understanding towards nature. This comparative commentary will aim to identify and investigate the similarities and why was important differences between the two texts, through the analysis of the significance of the Essay New Roots Unaccustomed, context, audience, purpose, and formal and stylistic features. Why Was Important! Cranes, a journalistic article. Bird , Bryant Park , Crane 833 Words | 3 Pages. Writing A Good Comparative Essay – GCSE Poetry You will be asked to compare two or more poems in your exam. You could be . asked to write about the Essay Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri, presentation of themes, people or places and why was address important the importance of language. A good comparative essay is like a multi-layered sandwich: • BREAD - A new point. • FILLING A - How one of your chosen poems illustrates this point. On The World In Renaissance! • FILLING B - How your other chosen poem illustrates this point. • BREAD - Your conclusion about this point. This is what. Comparison , Comparisons , Concept 1485 Words | 6 Pages. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Then answer the questions below. The qualities of a hero . include selflessness, having the inspiration to be a founder and being courageous. With these qualities in address important, mind, it is easy to see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the of Water Health, three qualities mentioned above and these heroic qualities were seen in why was important, his life and work. He was born in Al Ain and had a simple education which included learning the agent definition, Koran and address important mathematics. His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. ? Comparative Essay The article “Law, Self-Government, and novel bouncing Gay Marriage” by Benjamin L. Smith and the article “Gay marriage” by . Pro-Con Non-Profit Organization deal with the man issue of gay marriage and how it can be beneficial or harmful to today society. The journalists want to prove in what ways allowing homosexual couples to marry might affect or not affect us. The authors explore where gay marriage stands at a religious aspect, a populating outlook and government aspect. Constitutional. Civil union , Heterosexuality , Homosexuality 690 Words | 3 Pages. ? Life of why was address important Pi Vs. The Catcher in the Rye -A Comparative Essay All literature contains a purpose behind . it—an underlying message that the Health Essay, author is trying to convey. As a result of this, most novels typically tend to address, focus on several specific areas, leaving other areas less explored. Setting, main character, and conflict are arguably the three most important elements of a novel. Novels such as Life of Pi by Yann Martel and The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger demonstrate. Canada Reads , Character , Exclusive Books Boeke Prize 2652 Words | 7 Pages. ? Comparative The Roman Empire and China developed into two of the major civilizations of the classical era. Though located on separate . continents, they shared many characteristics, including the reasons for their collapse. Essay On Planting New Roots In An Unaccustomed Lahiri! Disease, internal, and external conflicts caused the declines both empires with the moving of Rome’s capital also being a factor in its fall; however the the gettysburg important, outcomes of their falls were different since China remained unified because of agent definition Confucianism. Why Was Address Important! The eventual fall of the the focus in renaissance, Chinese. Ancient Rome , Augustus , Byzantine Empire 1443 Words | 4 Pages. COMPARATIVE ESSAY Compare how effectively the authors of your chosen texts explore parent/child relationships. . Parent/Child relationships are widely portrayed in the two novels, Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones and Curious Incident of the why was, Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon. The authors both explore and portray the relationships between the main characters and a parental role differently in relation to the other despite them both being from opposite the focus visible called, sides of the why was address important, world, as well as the story being. Father , Great Expectations , Mister Pip 1248 Words | 3 Pages. COMPARATIVE ESSAY ON PERSEPHONE FALLING AND PERSEPHONE ABDUCTED Persephone abducted is a continuation of Persephone falling . which goes more in depth of how the mother was feeling and her thoughts. Both poems coincide with one another where Persephone, Falling symbolizes the fall from purity, innocence and grace. The title also reminds us that everything is happening in novel games bouncing balls, the present—right now. At the same time, the poem reminds us that everything we do is influenced by what happened in our past. Demeter , Eleusinian Mysteries , Greek mythology 1260 Words | 2 Pages. ? Danielle Lindstrom Critical Reading Analysis Essay WRD 103-8:30 Typically when I’m given an article to the gettysburg important, read I’m not too thrilled. . Unless it applies to fashion or cupcakes it is safe to say that I fall into the “I have better things to do” camp along with many of maya angelou life doesn't my peers. This mentality, as much as it gets the best of me, seems to dissolve the night before the article is due. After I have exhausted every other option, like organizing my closet to pure perfection, I take the article out. Critical thinking , Form of the Good , Good and evil 902 Words | 3 Pages. given a critical examination by James McBride in his essay Hip-Hop Planet. McBride provides the reader with direct insight into the gettysburg address, the influence . that hip-hop music has played in his life, as well as the leit motifs, lives of the American society. Why Was Address! From the capitalist freedom that hip-hop music embodies to the disjointed families that plague this country, McBride explains that hip-hop music has a place for everyone. The implications that he presents in this essay about hip-hop music suggest that this movement symbolizes. African American , Funk , Gangsta rap 930 Words | 3 Pages. age of expansion following on games balls an age of discovery, its expansion led to still further discovery about address, architectural design and decoration. Health! Section A: . Interiors S.Maria Della Salute (1631-1682) The interior of S.Maria Della Salute is a very good example of why was the gettysburg address important Baroque Architecture and angelou life design. It displays the Baroque essence in a way but is not completely over ornamented nor does it contain any unsuitable details. Marble is mainly used in why was important, the columns and the base appears to be gilded in bronze. Sculptures. Baroque , Baroque music , Dome 1264 Words | 4 Pages. Comparative Essay of Property Ownership. Comparative essay of property ownership Property ownership is bouncing, described to be the solid exemplification of dominance, for why was the gettysburg address a lack . of The Role of Water Quality Health better word, an individual imprint to whatever the object the owner may possess. “My Wood” written by E.M. Why Was Important! Forester and on Planting New Roots in an Earth “Who Owns the Mountains” written by Henry Van Dyke, both deals with complex idea within the context of property ownership. The idea of why was responsibility is definitely present in causative, the writing discussed by Forester. For Henry Van Dyke, he pertains to the. Fallacy , Idea , Mind 836 Words | 3 Pages. pink”(White 6), and when he got famous, “Note the smoothness and whiteness of the coat, observe the spotless skin, the healthy pink glow of ears and the gettysburg important . The Focus World Art Was! snout”(White 135). Why Was The Gettysburg Address! What’s more, the Essay New Roots Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri, diet, nature and hobbies of Wilbur are introduced in the text. For example , his breakfast usually includes skim milk, crusts, potato skins and shredded wheat etc.; his lunch could be middlings, warm water, apple parings, meat scraps, carrot scrapings and stale hominy etc.; the supper for him may have skim milk, provender. Charlotte's Web , Nazi Germany , Nazism 1205 Words | 5 Pages. Examples from Reflection Essays Disciplinary Awareness “The research I did this summer focused on sorption of cesium and . strontium by soils. These two chemicals are commonly found in chemical contaminants… My research also focused on the distribution coefficient which is a measurement of how much of why was address a solvent is [absorbed] by a geologic medium.” “I found that many of the readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to convey a strong belief in causative, human rights, which was demonstrated by the dichotomy. Abortion , Clean Water Act , Human rights 1543 Words | 5 Pages. Example Essay “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” -- Ben Franklin. As early as the . founding of the United States of America, Mr. Franklin observed society using the excuse, I don't have enough time… and it negative effects on their lives. Today, it is frequently used as an excuse to the gettysburg important, justify the lack of time management skills. Games! The effects on why was the gettysburg address kids, work, or even in family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is available. Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. stereotypical housewife, and agent definition allows her husband Torvald to shape her into the gettysburg important, the image he expects her to of Water Quality, be. Torvald treats Nora as if she were a doll, living . in a doll's house, hence the title. He denies Nora the right to think and act the way she wishes, for why was address important example , in act I when Torvald asks her [has] little Miss Sweet Tooth been breaking our rules in town today? Nora replies, I wouldn't dream of causative going against your wishes (799). This dialogue depicts the demeaning relationship between Torvald and Nora. A Doll's House , August Wilson , Henrik Ibsen 1645 Words | 5 Pages. recognized to sometimes have an upper hand over women, because they may be better than them in some aspects. Important! Some men, take advantage of this by belittling . women. Maya Angelou Frighten! Dominant male roles can often be found in relationships, particularly marriage. Excellent examples of important this can be found in the short stories “Celebration” by W.D. Valgardsen, and “Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gibson. Both authors create dominant male characters, showing how husbands are superior to New Roots Earth, their wives. The Gettysburg Address Important! This creates hierarchy. Charlotte Perkins Gilman , Gender , Gender role 1130 Words | 3 Pages. come along with it. A mother is teaching her daughter how to be the perfect women in society and is stating step by step, by her definition, how to achieve . it. Females are expected to show that they have morals in every single thing they do. For example the mother says in the story, “..on Sundays try to maya life me, walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming.” (Norton) The use of the term “Slut” describes the type of why was the gettysburg important women that carry low standards of cleanliness. This is significant because. Fiction , Nathaniel Hawthorne , Perfection 1396 Words | 4 Pages. idea of ghosts is far too exaggerated to be real. According to psychologydictionary.org the leit motifs, paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the . transfer of data or energy which can't be described by present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of years ago I was in my house alone. I was walking towards the front door and the gettysburg address a pair of definition scissors fell from the countertop and on the gettysburg address important to the floor. It scared me to death and definition it was like the scissors had been thrown. The Gettysburg! I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. mess you up for life. Therefore these experiences will become a necessary example to teach you how to deal with the on the visible world in renaissance, unfairness . in life. When I first started middle school I felt so out of place, I mean I had to deal some very flaky people and why was address I was very stressed out a lot. The reason why I was so stressed out on the, was because of the changes that I had to address, endure around and to me. For example I had to deal with the disturbing fact that I was growing hair in the focus on the world called, various places on why was my. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to Today Sexuality, like many other . Causative! things in why was the gettysburg important, our world, is an ever changing thing. The ideas and connotations surrounding it change from of Water Quality Health Essay, generation to generation. Because of this, the idea of sex in the 1950’s is completely different from the the gettysburg address, idea of sex today. Today, sexuality can be expressed in almost anything we do. Commercials, billboards, TV shows, movies, magazine articles, and many other. 20th century , 21st century , Global warming 1105 Words | 4 Pages. other areas) show specific anatomical and Quality in Public Health functional features in professional and semi-professional musicians.” One of the the gettysburg address, most visible . benefits of playing a musical instrument is the improvement of angelou life doesn't memory capacity and ability. For example , the constant use of both the why was the gettysburg address important, left and on Planting New Roots Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa right hemispheres of the brain simultaneously in someone who plays the piano exercises memory. Thanks to this, it is why was, also believed that people who play musical instruments are less prone to have neurodegenerative. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages. Surname: Salmon First name: Tati Student number : 12421179 Does the idea of the focus on the visible world in renaissance comparative advantage provide a good explanation of why was the gettysburg address important current . Leit Motifs! patterns of international trade? For the last two centuries the international trade evolved a lot and many economists tried to the gettysburg important, explain it. One of the first theories that attempted to maya doesn't frighten, explain the international trade pattern was the Absolute advantage theory. A.Smith was a great economist; he is the one who created this theory. For A. Why Was The Gettysburg Address Important! Smith countries should specialize. Absolute advantage , Comparative advantage , Economics 1536 Words | 5 Pages. of the week when Pete receives big shipments of The Role Quality in Public Health inventory for why was the store. When that occurs the retail part of the leit motifs, Garden Center can be really busy for a few . The Gettysburg Address Important! days after stocking the new inventory. Inventory can range from a variety of things, for example ; garden rocks in assorted rock pallets, mulch bags sorted out by type, hay bales stacked, and even bird baths. So as one of the maya life me, three managers, Pete has to make sure things go well and items are placed correctly and neatly throughout the store, in. Annual plant , Evergreen , Garden 1115 Words | 3 Pages. STAGE 5: PDM – COMPARATIVE ESSAY (Landscape) Landscape artworks are a significant component in the expression of art, it is why was, a . well-established genre used extensively throughout the global art industry. Traditionally the principle subject of a landscape composition was to causative, successfully portray a scenic view realistically, but evidently as observed over address, time has progressed. Leit Motifs! As demonstrated in contemporary artworks, cultural influences, technological advances and other aspects have contributed to. Abstract art , Art , Color 988 Words | 3 Pages. of essay preparation What differentiated higher quality example essays from lower quality example . essays ? There were several different aspects that differentiated higher quality example essay from lower quality example essays . Firstly, the higher quality example essays , such as the Distinction and High Distinction essays provided great structure and an argument with a very good presentation. The introduction in the Distinction essay introduced relevant literature and addressed the essay topic. Citation , Essay , Essays 761 Words | 3 Pages. COMPARATIVE ESSAY OUTLINE TEMPLATE INTRODUCTION The text______________________________________ by _________________________ . and the text ______________________________________ by ________________________________ deal with the main idea/topic of __________________________________________________________________. Why Was The Gettysburg! The authors want to prove (thesis: problem or question student wants to investigate and answer to the question or solution to the problem). The authors explore (subtopics) __________________. Citation , Critical thinking , Explanation 751 Words | 5 Pages. Mesopotamia and Egypt Comparative Essay. Matthew B Owens World History AP-3 21 September 2011 Mesopotamia and Egypt Comparative Essay While both the Egyptian and . Essay On Planting In An Earth Lahiri! Mesopotamian civilizations share similar political, social and economic qualities, the details of these broad spectrums branch off in opposite directions. For example , both Mesopotamia and Egypt were ruled by why was the gettysburg kings, but in Egypt, their kings were called pharaohs and they had significantly more power than the Mesopotamian kings of the city-states. Causative Agent Definition! Both civilizations also had. Ancient Egypt , Ancient Near East , Cradle of civilization 879 Words | 3 Pages. ?ISU Comparative Essay Things can look very different from the gettysburg important, what they actually are. For example , Jeffrey Dahmer . brutally murdered seventeen young men. Dahmer even experimented with cannibalism. Jeffrey Dahmer turned from the innocent looking Midwestern boy into one of the most notorious serial killer in maya life doesn't frighten, the United States. Dahmer would have gotten away with his horrific crimes with his non-threatening appearance if the police had not searched his apartment. The theme “Appearances vs. Why Was Address Important! Reality” is. Dan Brown , Holy Grail , Knights Templar 1227 Words | 6 Pages. always, a specific and Essay on Planting in an Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri well thought-out thesis is key to the gettysburg important, an effective essay . The Role Of Water Quality Essay! Guidelines Structure is the key to this assignment. The Gettysburg Important! Pay . careful attention to your organization, whether basically block or alternate. The Focus In Renaissance! The paper may again be either open- or closed-form. You should not analyze specific evidence in your first paragraph or your conclusion. The thesis will presumably be your evaluation. You need to focus your essay in some way. You may discuss theme (or message), characterization. Buster Keaton , Charlie Chaplin , City Lights 674 Words | 3 Pages. Longing for Love: A Comparative Essay Jack Ettlinger ENG4U1 Ms. The Gettysburg Important! Palka July 18, 2010. Longing For Love A . Comparative Essay By Jack Ettlinger In the doesn't, song I Just Haven’t Met You Yet (IJHMYY) written and composed by Michael Buble, themes such as love, optimism, and loneliness are all are evident. These themes are also found in the song Love Song For No One (LSFNO), written and composed by the gettysburg important John Mayer, but optimism is the focus visible, replaced by why was address pessimism. Both of these songs are about of Water Quality Health Essay, a man longing for. 2006 singles , 2008 albums , 2009 singles 1721 Words | 7 Pages. ? COMPARATIVE ESSAY BY WASIF HOSSAIN A composer’s perspective of an event can be explored by the nature of representation, . construction, layout, language and modality of address their text. The composer responds in terms of the context and the situation surrounding them. On Planting Earth! The two poems, “Homecoming” by Bruce Dawe and “To Whom It May Concern” by why was important Adrian Mitchell, show very similar perspectives but have slight alterations. Bruce Dawe and Adrian Mitchell both write in two similar writing styles in which the readers. Army , Bruce Dawe , Famine 916 Words | 3 Pages. Comparative Essay: The Drunkard and novel bouncing balls The Lottery. Comparative Essay There are many techniques that authors use to communicate their message within their work. Each of why was the gettysburg these . literary techniques has their own purpose in Essay New Roots in an Earth, influencing how the reader perceives what he or she reads. Frank O'Connor, the address, author of the The Role of Water Essay, short story The Drunkard, and Shirley Jackson, the author of The Lottery, used the literary technique of different points of view to address, portray their underlying messages. The story The Drunkard is leit motifs, written in a first person reflective. Fiction , First-person narrative , Grammatical person 992 Words | 3 Pages. Frankenstein Comparative Essay Compare the Frankenstein novel with Kenneth Branagh’s film version. Which is the better . Why Was Address! example of a gothic text? Gothic texts enable audiences to be immersed in a world of the supernatural involving horror and romance. Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, and the film adaptation directed by Kenneth Branagh, are both texts that portray the gothic genre. The film may share the same gothic elements as in the novel; however the novel allows the reader to games bouncing balls, use their. Emotion , Frankenstein , Gothic fiction 1083 Words | 4 Pages. My Essay Ideas Sample Notes 1) decide on Themes you want to discuss Theme Ideas Morality Revenge Mercy Racism . Why Was Address! Family/Issues Investment/Interest Justice Romance Tragic Consequences Competition 2) brainstorm some specific examples you could use, including the references you will need. Theme Ideas Example from Novel References A) Romance 1) Romeo Juliet -Romeo Juliet have a problem from the start -parents are in a feud Merchant of. Christopher Marlowe , First Folio , Love 598 Words | 2 Pages. Example of of Water Essay a Well Structured Essay. Example of a well structured essay . Why Was The Gettysburg Address Important! The content isn’t that exiting and The Role of Water Quality in Public Essay the conclusion is quite weak, but there are many good . points to why was address, make on definition the way the essay is structured and the way the address, information is put across. All my comments are highlighted thus. A good introduction. • Does the job of of Water Quality in Public clearly defining the topic covered in why was, the essay and the specific aspects which will be discussed. See in particular last sentence of introduction. ( We will be looking at the structure of introductions. Causality , Environmentalism , Essay 1501 Words | 5 Pages. Definition Of Friendship Example Essay. of friendship. Consider the purpose, audience, and context of your article. Organize your ideas and details effectively. Include specific details that . clearly develop your article. Edit your speech for standard grammar and language usage. Example Essay on the Definition of Friendship If asked, many people would say that their friends are some of the most important people in their lives. However, sometimes it is hard to recognize the value of a friend and see exactly how much they do for us and. Friendship , Interpersonal relationship , Love 1157 Words | 3 Pages. ?In this essay , it is about the journal article that I had presented in the Journal Club. In the following, I am going to The Role in Public Health, summarize the . concerned clinical issue / practice presented in the journal article. In the second part of the the gettysburg address important, essay , I will analyze the concerned clinical issue / practice and relate to agent definition, my prior learning and/or experience. Why Was Address! Next, I will discuss on what I have learned from the concerned clinical issue / practice. Lastly, I am going to recommend strategies to facilitate my learning. Health care provider , Illness , Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 839 Words | 3 Pages. Alba Andreu Casalins English Literature XVI - XX Sonia Haiduc - G1 ! Comparative essay on Goblin Market by Christina . Rossetti The aim of this essay is to compare and novel contrast two critical essays on Christina Rosetti’s Goblin Market. This work will be based on Elizabeth K. Helsinger’s Consumer Power and the Utopia of Desire: Christina Rosetti’s “Goblin Market” and Victor Roman Mendoza’s “Come Buy”: the Crossing of Sexual and Consumer Desire in Christina Rosetti’s “Goblin Market”. . Christina Rossetti , Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Goblin Market 1341 Words | 5 Pages. Descriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is one of the the gettysburg, many types of writing styles that provides a detailed . Leit Motifs! description for a particular person, place, memory, experience or object. Descriptive essay is purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. 2) Example : Spring Everyone has a comfortable place to the gettysburg, escape to leit motifs, for relaxation. They go there when they need to be. Hearing , Odor , Olfaction 1017 Words | 4 Pages. Comparative Essay On Brothers And Sister Maude. poem. 6) Back this comparative point up with an why was address, example from the other poem and causative agent definition some analysis. This can be summarised as: 1) . Why Was The Gettysburg! Point 2) Evidence and definition analysis 3) Zoom In 4) Zoom Out 5) Comparison 6) Comparative evidence and analysis You should alternate your main focus between the poems: for example , if the first paragraph begins with close analysis of ‘Brothers’, the second should begin with close analysis of ‘Sister Maude’, the third ‘Brothers’ and so on. P.T.O. For example , these might be your. Comparison , Family , Paragraph 1022 Words | 3 Pages. The Churches of Christ: a Comparative Essay. The Churches of Christ: A Comparative Essay Over the past ten years there has been much controversy in the Christian and . The Gettysburg! secular media about the International Churches of Christ (ICC), and the United (or mainline) Church of Christ (CoC). This controversy has stemmed from the ICC's misuse of funds, doctrinal problems, member abuse, and mind-control. The differences between the CoC and the ICC are important for on the Christians know and understand. Why Was Address Important! The CoC began in 1957 when these four groups merged. Baptism , Christian Church , Christian denomination 843 Words | 3 Pages. The Lord Of The Flies Comparative Essay. ?The Lord of The Flies Comparative Essay The book “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding and the the movie” Mean Girls” produced . by Tina Fey, you can see the visible world in renaissance called, similarities easily. In the bother of important them, no one gets along, there are real evils sharp from the villains in each story, and leit motifs both tell what really would happen if you gave people. of each gender and age groups, power and/or freedom and no rules. Evil is evil however it is presented in Mean girls, evil attacks people physically/emotionally/verbally. Amy Poehler , Lord of the Flies , Mean Girls 975 Words | 3 Pages. Walker Percy#8217;s essay , #8220;The Loss of the Creature#8221; describes the experiences that each person goes through as either a genuine . experience driven by own desires, or one that is already preconceived by experts. Percy believes that people can only learn from experiences that are driven by pure personal desire, and not experiences already preconceived by experts. Percy describes the #8220;loss of sovereignty#8221; as preconceived notions of an experience with the help of experts. Education , Educational psychology , Experience 1332 Words | 4 Pages. double-spaced with 1” margins. The essay should be from 5-7 pages long. I will only accept a printed copy of your essay . Address! . Purpose and Overview: Thus far in the semester we have discussed the causative definition, Rhetorical Appeals (Ethos, Pathos, and Logos) and why was the gettysburg address important writing as a means of doesn't frighten me entering a conversation. The purpose of address this essay is for you to causative definition, exercise the skills you have learned thus far of identifying the rhetorical appeals and how two authors use them in two selected essays . Essentially, I am asking you complete. Essay , Essays , Rhetoric 840 Words | 3 Pages. statement in this argument? 3. What’s the why was address important, topic sentence of the leit motifs, writer’s personal view? 4. The Gettysburg Address Important! Note down some of the Essay in an Unaccustomed Lahiri, transitions used in this argument: 5. What . is the wrap-up in why was address important, this essay ? Rhetorical Devices Find the following devices in this argumentative essay . There might be more than one example of each. Annotate the essay to show these features. Leit Motifs! Use of why was the gettysburg address important personal pronouns Exclamations Hyperbole Imperatives Juxtaposition Modern idioms and trendy phrases Non-sentences Repetition Rhetorical questions. Arc de Triomphe , Food , Hamburger 683 Words | 3 Pages. ? Comparative Essay Intro: The beginning of the 20th century personified the struggle for equality as discrimination based on . race and sex still existed and for many people achieving equality was only a dream . In the books The Bluest Eyes and The Great Gatsby, the characters of novel balls Jay Gatsby and Percola Breedlove chase their dreams and the gettysburg important struggle with being accepted and treated as equals with the the focus world in renaissance art was called, society that they live in. Thesis: Through the archetypes of the Jungian Lens, the main. Arnold Rothstein , F. Scott Fitzgerald , Jay Gatsby 2139 Words | 6 Pages. ?Jack Hamilton AP English 3 Mrs. Rothbard Period 5 December 21, 2014 Bill O'Reilly Editorial Essay Whether it be from why was the gettysburg important, his television show . The O'Reilly Factor, one of his Killing books, or from editorial articles, it is fair to causative agent definition, say that most Americans know who Bill O'Reilly is. O'Reilly is known for his conservative views that can be attributed in part to why was the gettysburg address, his coming from a classic Irish Catholic family and agent [having] attended private catholic schools, according to his biography on IMDb. Though. Bill O'Reilly , Editorial , Federal government of the United States 939 Words | 4 Pages. Example Literary Essay : The Giver by why was important Lois Lowry Example Introduction Paragraph: “The real voyage of of Water Essay discovery . consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” This quote by Marcel Proust speaks of discovering what?s right in front of you by seeing it differently, with “new eyes.” The main character, Jonas, in Lois Lowry?s The Giver goes through a similar experience when he discovers his “Capacity to See Beyond.” Jonas begins to see his Community differently, with an awareness or. Lois Lowry , Newbery Medal , The Giver 856 Words | 3 Pages. Comparative Essay on the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit A fantasy is an imaginary world where all things imaginable can be . brought to life. J.R.R Tolkien portrayed fantasy through his use of skilled craftsmanship and a vivid imagination, which was presented in each piece of literature he wrote. In Tolkien's two stories The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings we see the why was the gettysburg important, theme of fantasy brought to life through three essential elements, heroism, magic and maya angelou doesn't frighten retribution. Heroism is shown through the. Bilbo Baggins , Gollum , J. Why Was The Gettysburg! R. The Focus On The In Renaissance Art Was Called! R. Address! Tolkien 2116 Words | 5 Pages. Their Eyes Were Watching God and maya life doesn't me Invisible Man Essay Life has never been easy for African-Americans. Since this country's formation, the . The Gettysburg! African-American culture has been scorned, disrespected and degraded. It wasn't until the middle of the 21st century that African-American culture began to be looked upon in causative definition, a more tolerant light. This shift came about because of the many talented African-American writers, actors, speakers and activists who worked so hard to gain respect for. African American , Character , Fiction 838 Words | 3 Pages. ? Comparative Essay : The Other Wes Moore 1201 The Other Wes Moore is a tale of to why was, young boys growing up within the streets of . Baltimore. Both kids fatherless, facing the struggles of novel bouncing balls poverty and important the criticisms of the maya, black community. The Gettysburg Address Important! These individuals grew up to be very different and the circumstances around them concerning society and interactions within the community helped raise each kid to be who they are. In the leit motifs, studies of sociology many people would look at the outside relations. Gangs. Drug addiction , Ethics , Form of the Good 1202 Words | 3 Pages. ? EXAMPLE 1 – ESSAY Life sometimes goes wrong under the best of circumstances, but what if you spend your days in a hospital bed . slowly suffocating to death as cancer eats away at your body? You’re horrified, your quality of life is at an all time low and why was you can’t see any point in delaying the inevitable. That is why Physician assisted suicide should be a choice for angelou life doesn't patients who are incurable. Why Was The Gettysburg! Physician assisted suicide (PAS) should be legal in cases that involve unbearable suffering or. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , Death , Euthanasia 1509 Words | 5 Pages. childhood can become set principles we live by in later life or can influence the the focus on the world in renaissance called, decisions we make to give us our 'world view' aswe can not find other . examples due to why was address important, age. Things such as age, gender and commuity will also play a part in shaping the effects of leit motifs your world view. A World view is described by many different people in why was, various ways for example Samovar and Porter (2003) (citing Rapport and Overing 2000) will describe a world view as 'the common English translation of the German word “Weltanschauung”. I Shall Be Released , Learning , Life 1025 Words | 3 Pages. The Power Couple Macbeth Comparative Essay Word Count: 1147 In Western culture today, it is a widely accepted fact that men . and women have equal power in leit motifs, a marriage; whereas in Elizabethan times, a woman was dominated by her husband and she would have very little control over her life. The leading omnipotent couple in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth have a compelling marriage with a power dynamic that is beyond the boundaries set by the gettysburg address society at the time in which he wrote the Quality Essay, play. The directors. Andrzej Wajda , Audience , Femininity 1150 Words | 4 Pages.
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Following in the footsteps of Ken over at Spooked and Buck over at Buck's Ghosts and Hauntings, I present to my readers some thoughts on just what I believe at present. Of course, these thoughts could change over the years when new data becomes available. Ghosts and Hauntings - Yes, I would say I do believe in those phenomena we categorize as Ghosts or Hauntings. However, I am not yet convinced we have a handle on just what we are witnessing. Are they truly disembodied, earth-bound spirits? Are these phenomena related to the vastly unknown realm of quantum physics; tricks of time-space? Or are they, as some think, projections of the psychic mind. Perhaps they are actually comprised of a combination of these things. So, while I believe in what is being witnessed, my jury is still out on just what is being witnessed. EVP - Yes, I think there are some very real EVP's being collected, but whether we are looking at the transcription of radio communications to audio devices or picking up leaked sounds from another dimension, I can't yet say. It warrants further study. I will say this however, there is a lot of bunk EVP's out there. A lot of people are very willing to hear what they will in random noise. Orbs would fall into this category too. Quite simply, I would say that 99.9% of orbs are particulate contamination on a photographic or digital image. While, I believe that some have witnessed glowing balls of light (spooklights, will o' whisps, etc..), I don't think most of what is caught on film is legitimate. UFO's - Similarly, I believe that the phenomena we call UFO's might be comprised of many different, unrelated incidents. Some indeed may be as banal as Venus or misidentified aircraft. While some - precious few - remain truly unexplained and may either represent extraterrestrial or extradimensional craft of some kind. We simply don't have enough information and, as with many of these phenomena, is awash in hoaxes and self-reinforcing delusions. Cryptozoology - I firmly believe in the field of cryptozoology. There are countless examples of animals science has said either never existed or no longer exist that ardent cryptid hunters have proven otherwise. That said, within this field I am less sure of certain specimens. When it comes to bigfoot-like creatures, I am optimisitc but I think the data is fraught with garbage that prevents us from accurately assesing the situation. Whereas with things like Mothman or Werewolves (yes, some consider these as equal among more mundane cryptids such as the Thylacine), I have to say, the data doesn't hold up. From what I have read on these topics, there is little to believe that the creatures as described ever existed. They seem more like folklore than anything else. So, in all, cryptozoology is a mixed bag. The less fantastic-sounding the cryptid, the more likely I am to believe in its existence. A species that died out 200 years ago but is still reported? Sure. A winged man with glowing red eyes that scorces unsuspecting persons with radioactive heat rays? Ummmmm..... Psychics - Quite simply I think there are far, far fewer than psychics than we are led to believe, usually by "psychics" themselves. I think there is enough credible scientific data to indicate that the human mind - especially for a small percentage - holds some capabilities beyond those of most. But I also think that it varies from person to person in both strength and frequency. So, some might be very "gifted" while others just have sporadic bouts of insight.
A full year, folks. That’s right. We’ve almost made it. The finish line approaches, but does not end. If you’re used to thinking that years have only 52 weeks, get ready for a discovery. Because 2020 continues to surprise everyone, am I right? Interested in accountability, if only to yourself? Need some gentle feedback from a welcoming group of creative minds? Want some inspiration for your next painting, baking session, writing sprint, or photo shoot? Join us! Send in a prompt to [email protected], either as a trade or as a spare. With that, let’s get going in this weird year of years. |Cedar Sanderson||The biologists were excited about the permafrost wolf mummy. Little did they know, just how far back legends of werewolves went…||nother Mike| |Leigh Kimmel||Warning that certain ground is sacred or accursed; that a house or city must not be built upon it—or must be abandoned or destroyed if built, under penalty of catastrophe.||Cedar Sanderson| |nother Mike||He never expected that the cryptozoology diploma course would require applied fieldwork. With a cryptid of his choice.||Fiona Grey| |Fiona Grey||The streetlight was blinking Morse code…||Leigh Kimmel| And here are your spares. They’re like fuzzy puppies that want to bumble their way to follow you home, looking pleadingly at you with large, sad, anime eyes. You know you want to keep one. |Spare||“Oh no. No. You’ve conjured a human!”| |Spare||The final exam for the Vampirology Diploma included staking and beheading at least one vampire… Show your work.| |Spare||The Ancient Egyptian Shamanism Course turned out to be a typo. It was actually a curse, which awoke the mummy in your back room… and made you its high priest…| |Spare||The aliens turned out to be living electromagnetic pulses. The EMPs that fried our electronics did not facilitate their attempt to say hello, and they did not understand our response.| |Spare||The old man’s beard was soft and curly Spanish moss.| |Spare||A pocketful of voodoo and sugared magics| Take a deep breath. We can do this! I’ll see you in the comments. Header photo from Pixabay, Free-Photos.
Speaker 0 00:00:01 Speaker 1 00:00:11 All right, how are you doing welcome. I missed you. It’s been forever. Speaker 2 00:00:18 It has been forever. Kind of. It’s been at least forever. Since we’ve been recording them. Speaker 1 00:00:25 You didn’t want to answer any of my calls this week per use. Speaker 2 00:00:29 Um, or I was dying. Let’s not forget that. Okay. Speaker 1 00:00:34 Yeah, sure. Let death take precedence again, but yeah, so cool. Speaker 2 00:00:41 Here we are also wait, did I show you or tell you about my Yahtzee pillow? Speaker 1 00:00:46 Um, you did tell me, and I did see it on Snapchat, but the fact that I get to see it live right now, Speaker 2 00:00:52 Look his cute face. He is much cuter as a pillow and he’s much more well-behaved. Speaker 1 00:01:02 I had no idea what you’re going to say to that, that you’re going to be like, Speaker 0 00:01:07 Okay. Speaker 2 00:01:08 Poor little kid. And he was so sad when I was sick. Cause I couldn’t like pay attention to him. So now anytime I come out of my room, he’s like mom, up Speaker 1 00:01:16 Me. Oh, can I just say that like today or today? I hate when I do that this week when I was in my saddest of times, um, cause you know, life is a rollercoaster and sometimes we would feel sad and I was feeling real sad and I still had to go to work because I’m a responsible human being and um, there’s this new guy at work and he plays Spanish music in the kitchen. He plays, how do I get home? And I was literally like, yeah. I said, hell yes, exactly. I have not said one thing to this person because here’s my policy. When it comes to new people, I am not going to talk to you until you prove to me that you are not an unstable person or an idiot or an idiot. I need proof of both because I have made mistakes in the past. Speaker 1 00:02:13 So at this point I just waited out and I’m like, if you’re still here a month from now, we may have a conversation. Like I feel that. So, um, but he started playing that music in the kitchen and I literally was like, um, verge of tears all that whole day. And so I was like, Oh my God, like you have no idea how much this is giving me life. Like, I love it. This is how I work. So I live like, like this today. Okay guys, I really needed like nails. my bad money. Like I needed it all my J bottle Finn. Speaker 2 00:02:49 How do you forget about Nicky jam? Oh my God. Speaker 1 00:02:51 I’m about to say Nicky, Nicky, Nicky. I’m like stop. I was, I was building up to it, but fine. I just remembered that I Speaker 2 00:03:00 Had an inappropriate dream about Nicky jam. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:03:05 I just tell you, speaking of inappropriate dreams, like having the weirdest dreams lately, which has been making me even more crazy than usual because it’s like, I wake up and I’m like, Speaker 2 00:03:17 What just happened? Speaker 1 00:03:19 Yes, yes. No. Like the creepy freaky dreams where it’s like half of the dream, you’re trying to figure out how you’re going to live with what just happened. You know what I mean? And you’re like, how am I going to go on in life and like that? And then you wake up and you’re like, Oh, it was a Treme. Okay. Fuck. Okay. Speaker 2 00:03:41 No, that, that happens to me all the time. So I don’t know if I’ve told you this, but like most of my dreams are bad dreams. Like I will legit have dreams about like the end of the world Psalm be apocalypse, blah, blah, blah, like running for our lives. Like to being chased, like a monster, like 90% of my dreams are terrible. Like, Speaker 1 00:04:02 Oh you too. Yay. It’s genetic. Oh, Oh no. I was raising my hands. I had a question. Okay. What do you ever look at your hair? Speaker 2 00:04:12 Uh, sometimes, but I feel like that stresses me out more. Speaker 1 00:04:18 Well, no, because often things that are like stressful or upsetting and dreams can actually have different sort of connotations or meetings. And it’s like take everything with a grain of salt, you know, you know your situation better than anyone else. But sometimes it’s just interesting to get like a different perspective because I had a friend who, um, was having really weird dreams about a man who was on fire. Yeah, no it wasn’t me. Oh, okay. Yeah, no, I wish I had the stream. Um, no, he kept having like a reoccurring dream about a man who was on fire, who was chasing him and yeah. And he said that he was like, terrified of it. Okay. Well the, I looked it up and it was like, you’re going to be really successful. Like this is your passion. That is, you know, it might feel overwhelming, but like you’re B like you are going to have a great success. And I mean, he’s been doing pretty well. So it’s like, you know, Speaker 2 00:05:14 I have come to the conclusion that my bad dreams about. Okay. So my recurring dreams tend to be like hauntings, zombie, apocalypse, or apocalypse in general. I’m trying to figure out who a murderer is or weirdly I have a lot of dreams with tornadoes in them and we’re trying to like get shelter from a big storm. But since all of these things tend to be super stressful situations, I’ve like come to the conclusion in my own head, which I don’t know how accurate it is, but like that, it’s my brain’s way of processing. Just daily stress. Yeah. And then like, cause I don’t wake up and I’m still like upset or afraid or anything like that. Like it’s just like, I don’t know. It’s the norm for me at this point, which Moray, who knows, but yeah. That’s I just figured it’s my body’s way of like trying to figure out how to handle like daily stresses stressors. Speaker 1 00:06:15 Well, no. Yeah. And that makes sense with like the stuff that you’re saying. Um, yeah. I don’t know. It’s like if I have a dream, it’s going to be a weird dream. Like I would say maybe like one out of 10 dreams that I remember is like a weirdly good dream. But uh, I had, okay. I don’t know. I don’t know about this one. I had a dream one time that I was in, uh, in this. Okay. But I was in a pool and it was really, it was like glowing and really beautiful. And there were all these fish in the pool that were like really, really beautiful fish. And like, I don’t have a thing for fish. I don’t like the touch. I don’t like the smell. I don’t like, I don’t like the fish. Like I can appreciate them from a far, but for me to be like in a pool of fish and be like, Oh, they’re so beautiful. Speaker 1 00:07:10 They’re so pretty, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And they’re like, yeah, yeah. And there’s like all these other animals that are like kind of around me, but I’m in this sort of like glass room and it was really beautiful. And then these fish kept coming up to me and kissing me, like not on the lips, but like, they were just like kissing me I’m in the pool. And they’re like coming up to me and kissing me and literally, yeah, it was very, but it was like very sweet and cute. And I was like, Oh, like struck by it in my dream. Um, woke up, looked it up and it was like, yeah, you’re probably pregnant. Speaker 2 00:07:46 Did you die? I’m sure. Speaker 1 00:07:48 Because at the time there were other symptoms where I was concerned about that. Oh, I was already concerned that that was a thing. And I had no idea that dreaming about fish was a thing, but dreaming about fish very much is a thing for pregnant women. And I was like, what the fuck? Luckily y’all, there’s no kid here. So no mama wasn’t pregnant. But yeah, Speaker 2 00:08:08 I don’t ever remember having a dream about fish when I was pregnant, but I did have some wild pregnancy dreams not going to lie. They get, they get super intense and just very strange. Yeah. Yeah. Man, dreams are weird. Speaker 1 00:08:27 Dreams are really weird. I had a lot of dreams at your house that were really weird actually. Ooh, I don’t really remember them. I just remember like, everything was very vivid. I get very vivid dreams when um, when I’m away from home, do you know what I mean? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:46 Yeah. I am yeah. Speaker 3 00:08:56 You know, one of my earliest nightmares that I can remember is I had to have been like four and you were like two and we were supposed to be going to bed, but you were a two year old too. You’re having a temper tantrum. Is this in real life or in the dream? This isn’t real life. And so in, I fell asleep while you were having a temper tantrum. And in my dream, you turned into a monster under, on, on the bottom bunk, but a monster that looked like the bat from Fern gully. Speaker 4 00:09:40 Yeah. That movie is traumatizing. Stop showing it to people. Speaker 3 00:09:44 But, but yeah, so that was my that’s one of my earliest nightmare. So I remember it was that you turned into a monster. I was like, what happened to my sister? That’s hilarious. Yep. Did I ever tell you what my first battery was? What it was, Speaker 4 00:10:03 It felt low house. We were still sharing a room. I was on the bottom bunk haunting. You apparently. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:10:12 No, but I had it Speaker 4 00:10:13 Dream that we were, we were the age that we were, um, I don’t remember how old I was. I mean maybe like five, Speaker 3 00:10:25 We were in fell while you were probably like six to eight. Speaker 4 00:10:29 Okay. So then maybe a six. I don’t know. It was pretty, it was when we were in the corner Speaker 3 00:10:34 Owner room. Um, Oh Speaker 4 00:10:39 Yeah. Yeah. So it was in that corner room and um, and I had a dream that we were in Nebraska in the field or like, you know, that the lawn that was between like the two, like rows of duplexes apartments. Yeah. And, um, and we had this sense. I shit, you not, this is such a bad dream. Oh my God. That we had a pack of, I had a pack of like double stuffed Oreos and we, and they were ours. Like somebody gave them to us and we were like, yes, we get Oreos. And I’m gnomes now mom’s for us, Sarah. Speaker 3 00:11:19 Yeah. Speaker 4 00:11:22 And a Fox came up and was trying to like swiper, no swiping us was trying to like get the Oreos from us. And we, and I was like, Speaker 3 00:11:34 And we S we spent the whole dream running Speaker 4 00:11:37 Away from the Fox. And then I woke up and I was like, Speaker 3 00:11:42 Traumatized, Oh, you poor thing. I literally like Speaker 4 00:11:47 Dora the Explorer in my mind before I, before it even was there. Thankfully. Yeah. It actually happened. Yeah. It’s like, I wonder if that’s like a common dream for kids to have a Fox, like try to steal some shit from them. And I’m surprised that it wasn’t like a coyote or a Wolf from the stupid I was going to his tail. That’s exactly what I was going to say. Yeah. It was the coyote, but maybe you pictured it like a Fox because are you like a fuck? Because a Fox is somewhat close to a coyote. I don’t know. Speaker 4 00:12:26 And we’re back from out of space. this does not work when it’s almost sure does not, but we know that we could have done a good shot. Lean Nolan. Just one second. You’ll be back to bother me anyways. Just stop it. I swear. I swear that I always use the example of like the first viral video. I’m like, did you guys not know Mr. McNamara got an email about an alien alien dancing to that song? I swear. I feel like that should be more iconic for more people. It should. How come it’s not, if anyone has seen that video, fuck. I’m about to look it up. Shit. No, just we have to start doing things. The continual derail into our past. Um, come on. I will survive alien song emailing and song video clip. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:13:40 Yes, yes, yes. It does exist. baby. I’m sure. I don’t know anything about that baby, but I know that there is an alien that sings I will survive and you can find it on YouTube. Oh, I do know what you’re talking. I know you do. Yeah. It took me a second. Are you ready? Do you see you hear? Sorry, go, go, go. I’m here to report on the status of the sports ball. That’s what I look like. I just need a little, but like this in front of my face. Yes. Oh my God. Look at you. You’re so fit. Those are my gaming headphones. Oh wow. They look anything like a fish in case anyone was wondering, um, speaking of fish, um, I am this week talking about Lake bike call you and it makes me think of what, Oh my God. Uh, avatar the last Airbender Lake. I’m pretty sure it’s Lake by golf. It’s really close Speaker 1 00:14:58 Stop. Is it really? Hold on. I’m going to look it up. Oh my God. Me too. What do you mean? Is it really avatar Lake? Like, is that what I search? Speaker 4 00:15:09 Oh, no, no, no. Sorry. It’s Lake loud guy. Oh, well, that’s very good, but there’s still like with mysteries. So Speaker 1 00:15:19 How do you know this Lake has mysteries. Speaker 4 00:15:23 Okay. Anyways, so, okay. Bye. Call. Speaker 1 00:15:27 Wake by call. Yes. So originally my interest in late by call was because of, um, it was, you know, generated because of a Kirby pasta that I read on Reddit, um, a while ago, which was like my first inspiration to get a Reddit account was realizing that all those clickbait articles that they advertise on Facebook of like the 10 weirdest things to happen on water or like the 10 creepiest things that ever happened in North Dakota. You know, I’m obviously going to click on that Buzzfeed article, but nine times out of 10, all of their sources are from an aspirate thread. So I was like, I don’t know why I’m dealing with this middleman. I need to just get a Reddit account. Um, so yeah, so I primarily follow creepy things on it because he, and, um, one of these was like the what’s the people who like, um, Speaker 4 00:16:25 Um, Speaker 1 00:16:29 And what I was about to say, but like people who like are on ships or are on the water, you know, like what’s the creepiest thing that ever happened to you. And one of the stories I read, whether it’s true or not, one of the alleged stories was about Lake by call. And it was, um, this kid who said like when they were younger, they went camping on Lake by call and they canoed out to one of the many islands that are in the Lake and they were hanging out there. They pulled their canoe. There was no other boat up at the Lake. Okay. And, um, as they’re like hanging out there for the night, um, this kid comes up out of the woods on the Island and they’re talking to them and he seems normal. You know, like there’s no, no obvious sign that he’s like in distress. So like, they hang out with him and they talked to him and whatever, they fall asleep and they wake up the next morning on the Island. Um, and this kid is nowhere to be found. They get back to shore and they’re like, Hey, there was a kid on the Island. And you know, he was our friend, but we didn’t see him leave. Did anyone come and pick him up? Um, cause this is really weird. And the, basically the story was like, Oh, well that did he look like, Speaker 1 00:17:51 I have a picture of said kid. And, uh, and they were like, yeah, that looks like him. And they’re like, yeah, well, he’s been missing for them. Speaker 4 00:17:58 Fuck. Yeah. Oh wait. But does that mean that he’s alive or dead then? I don’t know. I don’t know. But I mean, like, I think Speaker 1 00:18:07 The interesting part for me was when they were like, yeah, he seemed normal because if someone has been missing for two years and we’re on an Island surviving, I’m sure they wouldn’t look normal. You know? Like, I’m sure they’d look a little, like, Survivorman Speaker 4 00:18:21 Like, they’d have a little Speaker 1 00:18:23 Bit of bear Grylls, uh, you know, fashion sense. Speaker 4 00:18:27 Yeah. I guess that’s true. Which Speaker 1 00:18:30 In my mind is Michael Scott duct taping his or like cutting his pants off and duct taping them into a Speaker 4 00:18:38 Yep. Yep. Yep. Speaker 1 00:18:40 And if I stumbled across that person, I’d be like, Oh, that checks out. Yeah. They are on the silent y’all should go get him. Um, but yeah, so it was written much better than that. And it really creeped me out. And so I was like, Oh, in the future, I’m going to look up weird stuff about like, by call. And that’s just what I have done. Speaker 4 00:18:58 There’s more weird stuff. Yeah. So there’s an Island in the Lake. Speaker 1 00:19:05 There are many islands in the Lake. Actually. It has over 27 islands. Oh yes. Or exactly 27 islands. Um, one of the islands in Lake by call is 45 miles long and it’s called Alcon or that’s what I will put, announce it as, and it is the third largest Lake Island in the world. Wow. Cute little fun fact about that. That’s a pretty big, Speaker 4 00:19:30 Well, I was going to say, you said 45 miles long. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:19:35 Yeah. I don’t know. Long. I don’t know how long like Manhattan is, but I’m sure it is not as long. Speaker 4 00:19:42 Hmm. 45 mile, but a forty-five mile long Island in a Lake where they’re also 26 other islands. That’s just crazy, right? Speaker 1 00:19:56 Yeah. I’m now looking up. How long is Manhattan Island? Cause I like to be informed Speaker 4 00:20:03 And we have the machine now. Oh, 13.4 Speaker 1 00:20:08 Miles. Speaker 4 00:20:09 Wait, what? Speaker 1 00:20:11 Manhattan Island is 13.4 miles long. So this is like three Manhattans. Speaker 4 00:20:16 Wow. Yeah. Like three in a bit, but yeah. Three and a bit. Wow. Speaker 1 00:20:23 That’s nuts. So yeah. So LinkedIn by call is actually the oldest and deepest freshwater Lake in the world. Speaker 4 00:20:28 Where’s this Speaker 1 00:20:30 In Russia. In Sydney. Speaker 4 00:20:32 Uh, Russia. Yeah. Motherland. Um, the, please edit that cackle out, but you know, it was worth it because I saw your face, which right. Um, Speaker 1 00:20:49 No. Speaker 3 00:20:49 Oh, I was saying like, which one, but that also, yeah. Speaker 1 00:21:00 Yeah. So it’s actually, um, yeah, it is the largest and deepest freshwater Lake in the world, which I feel like people are always like, Oh, what about the great lakes? Which like, Speaker 3 00:21:09 I’m not sure are those freshwater. I should know that they live in here. Speaker 1 00:21:16 No one ever told me I didn’t grow up here. Speaker 3 00:21:20 Yes, you did stop outing me. Gosh, I am from Spain. There was hilarious. There you go. Um, there are definitely freshwater lakes because their lakes not sees as, as an, a Lake fresh water. And if it’s a sea, then that’s because it has salt in it. That’s not how that works, but why Speaker 1 00:21:45 They call it a freshwater Lake? Why wouldn’t they just call it a Lake? Speaker 3 00:21:48 Because Speaker 1 00:21:50 No, that doesn’t make sense. If it, if all lakes are fresh water Googling, saltwater lakes, Speaker 3 00:21:56 This is what happens. This is how we came up with the idea for ourselves. Speaker 1 00:22:02 Oh my God. Salt water Lake. The great salt Lake. Hello? Salt Lake city. Oh Speaker 3 00:22:05 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:22:08 Um, but yeah, no, there are other salt lakes, but yes. Most, but there, but yes, seas are applicable to that. Speaker 3 00:22:17 Okay. Glacial lakes. But Speaker 1 00:22:22 Yeah, the great salt Lake is I think, is it the only, Speaker 3 00:22:28 Okay. We’re on a change. I’m coming back to like my cough, but it’s just confusing then. Why don’t they call it a tiny C because Speaker 1 00:22:38 Super fresh. Super cute. And it’s Speaker 3 00:22:43 Yeah. But how much cuter would it be if it was named the fresh snow? The tiny C? No me like the freshest Sierra precious sea. So fresh. So cute. So fresh. So, so, so fresh. Speaker 1 00:23:00 Not as it’s not salty. Um, so actually what’s interesting is that Lake by call is like on a continental rift. And so a lot of, uh, scientists believe that it is the beginning of a new sea and that that’s where a new C will start. Cause it’s like slowly spreading apart. Um, yeah. Yeah. Fun facts. And it is actually at 25 million years. It is the world’s most ancient Lake. So it’s the deepest oldest freshwater Lake is 25 million years old. And its depths have never changed, which is a big deal for lakes because like, well, a lot of the time their will fluctuate, uh, based on the conditions of the surrounding environment. Um, and most lakes generally are about like, you know, 10,000 to like 40,000 years old, like millions of years is unheard of. That is like by call. Um, so yeah, it’s just a super cute refresh, super sanction, crazy Lake. Speaker 1 00:24:09 And, um, it is about, uh, five to seven miles. I think deep, uh, part of that is sediment. I think it’s like four something miles of that is like sediment. So it’s, it’s almost as deep as the Mariana trench, uh, just as like reference cause the Mariana trench freaks me the hell out and I want to know what’s going on in there, but I don’t want to be anywhere near it. Um, so yes. So it’s similar to that. They’re both, I think continental rifts as well, but it is not a salty cracks. Are you sure? It’s got that going for it? Yeah. Fresh crack. Speaker 1 00:24:49 It is the freshest crack around and has been for quite some time. Yeah. Um, so another thing that’s just crazy about the Lake, it is, it has crystal clear waters and oxygen like circulates up from the bottom of the Lake, like spring-style and um, Contin consistently like circulates the water. So it stays clean. So it’s completely safe to drink from as well, which is just again crazy that it’s been around for 25 million years. And like you could literally be like, yeah, I’m going to have a gulp of that. Which scares the fuck out of me. I don’t know why you would do that, but Speaker 3 00:25:26 Also I’m surprised it’s like humans haven’t found a way to ruin it yet. To be honest with you Speaker 1 00:25:32 To be quite fair. I’m very surprised that there’s not like by call bottled water, like in every fucking convenience store around. And I shutter to think if I gave anyone that idea, please don’t Speaker 3 00:25:43 Nestle. She’s joking. JK. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:25:46 Shut the fuck up. Don’t call them out. They don’t need to sh Nestle go back to your business. Don’t listen to us. Speaker 3 00:25:53 We eat your chocolate. Don’t worry. Okay, bye. Speaker 1 00:25:56 No, actually I eat all these chocolate. I don’t eat Nestle unless Nestle owns whatever, all these distributes Speaker 3 00:26:04 Fuck. I own everything. Speaker 1 00:26:07 They own everything. Okay. So since the Lake is so old, there are, uh, many alleged end about the Lake and how it came to be. And obviously it’s like, since humans have been around our history is like a little, a little bullet in the Lake’s history. Um, yes, there is like one fun thing that I just thought was like super cute and fun. Speaker 3 00:26:36 Super cute. That was like, uh, Speaker 1 00:26:38 Yeah, I think this was a quote that I found possibly on the Smithsonian website. I’m pretty sure it was, I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure it was, um, local, lower claims that Jesus took a short walk to Lake by call and back during his days of desert wandering, which like makes it sound like Jesus was like wandering the desert, looking for the place like that. He was going to build his new home for his HGTV series. Like it just has a very weird vibe about it, like desert wandering, but found a really cute location on the edge of the Lake. Speaker 4 00:27:16 I was going to say, but during his desert wandering, he was just, you know, chilling with the devil. So maybe the devil just was like, Hey man, you want to go see this cool Lake? Yeah, let’s go, bro. All right, we’re going to go over to this Lake. That’s super old, have a little sippy sip, maybe walk along the top of it, you know, walk on water and then skedaddled, Speaker 1 00:27:36 You know, if I have learned anything from watching Lucifer, it is that the devil has great taste in interior design. So I would watch that HGTV show. Speaker 4 00:27:48 And also, um, that, that seems like something the devil would do Speaker 1 00:27:54 It sure does. It sure does. Because it’s like, why the fuck not, you got kicked out of heaven. You might as well make the best it. Speaker 4 00:28:02 Please do that again. Speaker 1 00:28:05 Maybe in my fucking beliefs, like an old man anyways. Um, yeah, so there are lots of legends, um, about Blake. Okay. And um, a lot of them involve quote unquote fire-breathing data, which if we just close our eyes, close our eyes and imagine a fire-breathing deity. I’m pretty sure we only see a one thing. And it’s also the same thing that guards grand gods bank from the apes Speaker 4 00:28:43 And also treasure in general. Speaker 1 00:28:47 Yeah. Hashtag smog. Yeah. Hashtag the desolation of Speaker 4 00:28:51 Shut up. Speaker 1 00:28:56 I’m also speaking of avatar earlier, you were like, uh, this is the Lake from avatar. Well, here’s a legend from avatar and I wish that I could read it in the avatar voice, but I’m going to do my freaking best Speaker 4 00:29:09 Nice week on avatar. Speaker 1 00:29:13 Okay. Yes. Now imagine the beginning. All right. According to legend, a fire reading daily lives, deep in the waters of the Lake. Traditionally, it was considered that there were four dragon Kings in the world who were brothers and ruled the seas and all four Cardinal directions of the world. The Western sea was the Indian ocean. The Southern sea was the South China sea. The Eastern sea was the East China sea and the Northern sea was by call. Speaker 4 00:29:48 Okay. We need to actually start recording videos though. So we can have that included. Cause this is priceless. Speaker 1 00:29:55 So you can have my bendings going to say Speaker 4 00:30:01 Definitely bending all the elements while she was narrating. It was beautiful. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:30:07 Okay. The legend says the fire-breathing daddy or a dragon. Yeah. Controls all the living creatures in Lake by call and even the lives of the people living on the coast of the Lake. But where is the dragon now? That’s for you to decide Speaker 4 00:30:26 Or for the avatar to find? So it sounds like Speaker 1 00:30:32 Yes, exactly. Okay. Um, so the legend says that, and this is what I think is the best part. It’s just very visual and I’m obsessed with it. As soon as the first stars were lit in the sky and the great sun Rose above the earth for the first time a golden chariot descended from the sky and a fire dragon came out of it bad ass. And thank you for the imagery. Yeah. This is what I appreciate about legends. I’m like y’all are doing it. Right. Thank you. All right. So he comes down from the sky. The first blow of his tail made the mountains fall apart to form a deep crevice, the second blow of his tail, fresh crack. It is the freshest crack on the planet. Definitely fresh. Your right third blow covered the area with rich vegetation. And then living creatures started to inhabit the area. After that the almighty dragon went into the Lake and it became his new earthly home. Okay. Um, the legend goes on to say that the dragon came out till the land every 126 years, which like is an odd amount of time. Hey, maybe Speaker 4 00:31:54 He’s converted. We don’t know. Speaker 1 00:31:57 I mean maybe every 126 earth years is like one year for him. Speaker 4 00:32:04 Maybe that’s just how long he hibernates for. Speaker 1 00:32:07 Yeah. It could be maybe that’s just his winter, you know? Yeah. Um, but yeah. So when he comes out to land, uh, the people who lived around the Lake, which called themselves the sons of the fire dragon held festivals in the dragons Otter, and they offered abundant sacrifices to their day to day over time, the people began to forget about the dragon, which, uh, every 126 years seems like a little random number. You know, it’s a little bit random. So I, you know, can understand if like one year they were like, Oh shit, my ancestors already passed away and they forgot to tell me the exact date. You know, anyways, I’m just saying it could get confusing. Speaker 3 00:32:56 I mean, that’s like, that’s like how many generations? Like three, at least if you’re like really stretched. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:33:05 Yeah. We’re basically ants on a log to this guy. Speaker 3 00:33:08 Okay. And, um, Speaker 1 00:33:12 It’s true. Um, so yeah, so he came out and they forgot about him and he had, uh, become angry naturally. Um, the legend says that the Dragon’s anger shook the land. It was flooded by the waters of the sacred Lake and destroyed all the living things on its banks, all the way up to the great ocean and the ungrateful sons of the dragon disappeared from the face of the earth, which is very Noah’s Ark. Speaker 3 00:33:41 But what I was going to say. Speaker 1 00:33:43 Yeah. So I find it interesting. I always find it interesting how like, uh, even religious parables and just stories from around the world kind of have like a similar through line. It’s very spooky to me. Um, because it’s like they have no association to each other whatsoever. And I don’t know the timeline of this legend or like really like, you know, whether it was a D or BC, you know, when it came up, Speaker 3 00:34:10 Like, and I ask you that. Speaker 1 00:34:13 Yeah, no, I don’t. Um, it’s just one of the first major legends about the Lake was about this dragon and how there were four dragons that ruled the seas, which like, I wonder if that had something to do with avatar and like the four elements and Speaker 3 00:34:29 I don’t have an avatar. Isn’t the only thing that talks about the four elements. I mean, that’s like a basic thing, hell, look at the fifth element. Like, Speaker 1 00:34:38 Yeah. I mean, this is like the four Cardinal directions, which I thought, you know, compared to like avatar and like other things that compare like, you know, to the elements and have elemental powers involved. But yeah, Speaker 3 00:34:48 If you want to get into that, the four Cardinal directions are also associated with the four elements. Well, North is air East is, I don’t remember. Mom would know better, but they, they have their own associations too. So what South is fire? Maybe that’s it. Speaker 1 00:35:06 East and West might be C might be water and land. Speaker 3 00:35:10 I don’t know. You’d have to ask mom, ask mom. Speaker 1 00:35:13 All right, let me get her mom. Speaker 3 00:35:19 Um, wait, I’m going to look it up. Okay. But you can keep talking obviously. Speaker 1 00:35:25 Oh, well let me talk while you pay attention. I’m paying attention. Um, this was an interesting thing that I found, which I don’t feel like it’s true, but, uh, burry at legend, uh, is such a strengthen the story with their mention of the creature. They call it lucid con or oosten con right? That’s correct. Yeah. Uh, which means water, dragon, master water. Dragon Speaker 3 00:35:56 Master. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:35:58 Water, dragon master. Yeah. Um, according to the legend, uh, was chasing a water dragon and he visited the largest by call Island of Alcon and there he was met with the beast. However, then the beast turned into a beautiful girl and they got married and had kids, which wonder what those kids looked like and good things. She was a dragon and not the other way round. Um, Speaker 3 00:36:34 Those are the things we think about also that just makes me think of Shrek with yeah. Donkey dragon children. I just watched Shrek two rooms. My God. That’s awesome. Uh, it is not the Gumdrop. Speaker 1 00:36:53 I fucking love it. Um, Speaker 3 00:36:55 Real quick. I was wrong. North is air East, is it? Nope. North is earth. East is air West is water and South it’s fire. Yay. I was right. Wait, how are you? Right. I was, cause I said South aspire. Yeah. I was right about one thing, one out of four. Speaker 1 00:37:19 Um, so there’s a lot of, um, a lot of religions, uh, and a lot of spiritualism surrounding the Lake as well. Um, shamanism, which is one of the world’s oldest fates is heavily practiced at Lake by call and it’s still observed to this day. Um, there’s, you know, uh, there was like sort of like a pilgrimage in like the 18th century of, uh, Buddhism and other religions sort of coming to the Lake, just observe like the spirituality of it. Everyone sort of believes it’s actually called the golden pillar, um, or the Pearl of Russia because of it’s like, yeah. Yeah. I think the pro-life Russia is more of like a, because that’s a really super cute, super fresh, super anxious, like, and it’s not a salty crack, so they’re like, it’s a Pearl, it’s not a salty crack. Um, but the, but the golden pillar was actually it’s it’s from shamanism. Um, so according to shamanism, the universe is divided into three worlds, the upper world earth and the underworld and these worlds are connected by a cosmic axis called golden pill against it. That’s right. The golden pillar. Um, it’s recognized as the center of the universe by Berea it’s in the Bicol region and the place of penetration of the individual worlds. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:38:48 Thank you. Wow. Well, you know that, you know, I’m wonderful. I mean, I meant that more in like an arrow, like a steak, you know, kind of way anyways. Um, so yeah, so the upper world yeah. Speaker 1 00:39:05 Is inhabited by gods the underworld by demons in the center, which is earth obviously by humans and physical beings. Um, and so shamans could interact and communicate with spirits from each world. So, yeah. Um, but there’s all kinds of religions. There’s the old believers of the Russian or Speaker 4 00:39:23 The doc’s church have lived there for more than 300 years. Speaker 1 00:39:27 Um, it’s just a very, uh, big hub for religious activities. So I feel like shamanism and the old believers of the Russian Orthodox church are like the most traditional of that region specifically. Uh, as opposed to like the Buddhism and like the Christianity that like sort of migrated or, you know, came there in after the 18th century or around that time. Um, yeah, Speaker 4 00:39:53 Here’s a fun thing, but it would have had to have been before then if Jesus went there to like walk on the water and have some sips of the water, right. Well, Jesus was around like Speaker 1 00:40:06 He was doing his thing, but like now that that Christians are on social media, they’re like, Oh, Speaker 4 00:40:14 Oh, people think this is the golden pillar and a penetration. Just stop wait. Well, I feel like Christians need to penetrate every earth. So I think it’s appropriate. It’s fair. Speaker 1 00:40:33 Yeah. Um, one of the fun things that I stumbled across was that, um, you know, that they’re very welcoming to other people like trying to practice their own sort of spiritual ism at the Lake or around the area. And it’s very common, but, um, one of the things is that I believe it’s a shamanistic tradition where they will like make a wish by tying a piece of fabric or like a prayer. Um, Oh my God, what do they call it? Like a prayer flag. You know what I mean? Like the anyways they’re tying like a thing to a tree. Speaker 4 00:41:09 I thought it was a prayer. Oh, I know what you’re talking about now. Yeah. Okay. Speaker 1 00:41:14 Yeah. Anyways, but they tie a piece of fabric or like piece of string to the tree to make a wish. Okay. And locals believe that a wish made at Lake by call will come true. But only if you make your wish in silence. And if you don’t know, Speaker 4 00:41:33 Those are the expectations Speaker 3 00:41:34 That I think that everyone should have of me, like, yes, you can, you can wish for things, but you know, don’t expect too much and say it quietly. No, keep it to yourself. yourself. I don’t need to hear it. Exactly. Just silently and it, Speaker 1 00:41:57 But it may come true. Speaker 3 00:42:00 There’s a chance. There’s a chance. Speaker 1 00:42:03 Um, so another funny thing, well, not funny, not like funny. Ha ha. But like, Speaker 3 00:42:09 I just think it’s funny how sort of exactly. Speaker 1 00:42:13 Exactly. No, but apparently local fishermen will practice rituals every day before leaving Harbor. Um, and they will offer gifts up to the Lake. Normally it is gifts of wine. Um, if they’re not offering it up to the Lake themselves, which I’m like, this is a crystal clear pristine Lake from everything that I’m reading online. Um, and you’re just like dumping a bottle of like, Speaker 3 00:42:39 No, no, no Russian they’re pouring vodka and it’s clear. Yeah. But it says wine, nevermind. My theory is wrong. Speaker 1 00:42:49 It’s okay. So they either offer, it gives some wine or they offer it gifts of blind by drinking it themselves, which I’m like, if that helps you catch a ton of fish and it has every single time then like Rosa all day, it’s like, do what you gotta do. Speaker 3 00:43:04 Very, um, you know, emotionally tied to like by call, don’t have too many expense calling you say, don’t have too many expectations. Keep it to yourself. Also give me one. Thank you. Speaker 1 00:43:21 So give me wine and a good time and keep the spookiness to yourself. However, if I get to see a dragon fine, I’ll take it, put it on my Instagram. So there’s actually weirder things allegedly in the Lake. Besides Speaker 3 00:43:40 What story Speaker 1 00:43:44 In the late 1950s, M a T U one Oh four jet crashed into the Lake after it was allegedly pursued by an unknown metallic vehicle, um, local fishermen, so that they saw powerful lights coming from the deep objects, flying up from the water, chasing the plane until it crashed into the Lake. Um, apparently the pilot from this specific incident radioed a message to air traffic controllers informing them that they were being attacked. But apparently also, yeah, yikes is fucking right. And the 1950s like, Ooh, um, which was not 50 years ago. Fun fact. Speaker 3 00:44:29 70 years ago. Hey. Oh, Speaker 4 00:44:32 Hmm. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:44:34 So time works. Yeah. Um, so apparently all staff on duty at the time were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements, but numerous community members and fishermen, um, attested to viewing the attack and describing a silver flying saucer type vehicle, chasing the plane until it plummeted into the water. And I think the craft itself plummeted into the water and disappeared from sight. Yes. Um, no conclusive evidence, just testimonies and no official records that this has ever happened has surfaced. So Speaker 4 00:45:14 Just wait, do you remember, um, avatar very much. Speaker 1 00:45:20 I tried rewatching it, but you know what? It was so soothing to like my memories of 2010 meet that. Like I fell asleep. Speaker 4 00:45:28 Okay. Well, all I can think of when you’re like, Oh, but there’s no evidence. And they sign nondisclosure agreements is when the guy like goes and takes some, it hypnotizes him. And he’s like, there’s no war in bossing, say that’s in Lake. Laogai where they’re hypnotizing people. Speaker 1 00:45:46 So in, uh, July, 2009, um, the Russian Navy declassified, its records of encounters with UFO’s and USO’s, which is unidentified submerged objects as well as unidentified flying objects. Okay. This was in 2009, which I’m surprised that this wasn’t a bigger deal in my life in 2009. I am surprised. Speaker 4 00:46:13 Did you, did you graduate in high school from high school then? Yeah, he did. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:46:18 Was sitting at home doing absolutely nothing waiting to go to school, but the CIA in the United States here released their documents in like 2017 or 2016, like way after Russia was like, yeah, fuck it. UFO’s USO’s we don’t know what’s out there. Something’s flying around Speaker 4 00:46:37 Slash jumping around with us, but here you go. Speaker 1 00:46:41 Um, so one of the most bizarre reports included in their release documents was, uh, an event that occurred in 1982 during a routine Soviet military training dive. Um, this was at a depth of 50 meters while conducting a research mission, seven Russian Navy divers notice that they were being watched by anomalous humanoid figures, swimming nearby, which Oh, no thing. They watched as several curious creatures approached them, which like, I can only imagine being frozen in literal frozen water of just being like, I mean, I don’t know what time of the year this was. It could have been fine really cold though. And just being physically watching these creatures approach them, um, apparently they wore no modern equipment. They had some sort of metallic, tight fitting suit and a helmet like apparatus, which like, Speaker 4 00:47:45 If you’re saying Speaker 1 00:47:45 Helmet like apparatus, I can only imagine what that means. Like obviously it’s something that covers the head, but it sounds freaky. Yeah. But I know, but yeah, they’re not like, Oh, a helmet. I just looked like a diaper, like a bubble. That’s kind of what I picture too, but it’s just still freaks me out. Um, but yeah, so they had a helmet like apparatus that covered their heads. Um, and then upon closer inspection, the diverse notice that these beings were nearly 10 feet tall. So like even if one of your fucking Russian Navy divers for like six, four, uh, that’s still very much bigger than you. Speaker 4 00:48:23 I exact, that is to my, no, it is exactly to us. Speaker 1 00:48:28 And I find it hilarious, like for whoever was their biggest scariest, Russian Navy divers to be confronted with this Speaker 4 00:48:36 And to be like, Oh, Hey man, just to feel Speaker 1 00:48:42 Just for I, my favorite thing is for like very large people. And I’m not saying large in a particular way, but just like the person who is six, five at all, Speaker 4 00:48:53 Daniel Short to feel fucking small. I’m like, yay. Yeah. That’s not the biggest guy around. That’s how that feel. That’s how that feels like make fun of us shorty youth. All right. Anyways. Speaker 1 00:49:14 Um, so they noticed that they were 10 feet tall and Speaker 4 00:49:19 Creatures swimming around them Speaker 1 00:49:22 Casually for like y’all are very tall. And then the creatures disappeared into the Lake. Okay. They just swam away. So then they obviously went to the surface and they told their commander all about what just happened. What do you think their commander fucking did. He ordered them to go right back in the water and capture what they just saw visually. Can you imagine you’re six foot five, 300 pound Russian Navy diver coming out of the water, shaking frozen in fear saying, Oh, we just saw these crazy creatures that were 10 feet tall. They had to be so tall. Like I looked small compared to them and the commander who was probably like four, nine, mm. Speaker 4 00:50:07 Was like, no, get back in the water. And also here’s a net Speaker 1 00:50:11 And don’t come back up until you catch me one of those motherfuckers. Speaker 4 00:50:18 Just, yeah. You heard what I said? Go fucking catch one. Good. Yeah, no, literally Speaker 1 00:50:25 Literally sent them back down there nets. Okay. Um, so following this, uh, experience of being told to go back into the water, they, the seven divers all re-entered the water, but, um, Speaker 6 00:50:41 The entities Speaker 1 00:50:42 Emerged again. They weren’t scared of the people. Speaker 3 00:50:45 Big surprise coasts. They were huge. Right? Speaker 1 00:50:48 Wait, one diver who we can only assume was the six foot five, 300 pound Russian Navy diver that we’ve all known and loved for the last two and a half minutes attempted to catch the large cumin oil creature in a net. And at that moment, so the documents say allegedly, Speaker 6 00:51:08 Hmm. Um, the entities reactive. Speaker 3 00:51:14 I don’t Speaker 1 00:51:16 My favorite part of all that is like, they reacted. Like that’s not fucking good. Speaker 3 00:51:21 What I picture is like, I picture it like these humanoid looking things, they see them and they see the net. And then for some reason I picture their arms and legs, like going around like a cuddle, like, and propelling them kind of like a cuddle fish or something. I don’t know why. That’s just what I picture. Speaker 6 00:51:39 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:51:41 That would be great if that was what they did, but that’s not what they did. They pulled out some sort of device and it looked apparently like a gun and shot an intense wave, uh, which they believed was like a sonar wave. And that generated a huge, powerful force. As I can only imagine on from under water that propelled these divers to the surface image Speaker 3 00:52:05 Thing, we didn’t die from as it like getting the bins. Speaker 1 00:52:09 Oh no, it is hashtag the bins. Okay. Catapulting upwards from those kinds of depths is for sure going to give you the bins and have devastating effects on your personal being. And that is exactly what happened. Yeah. Three of them died, God. Yeah. The remaining four of the diet, uh, four, four of the remaining four divers Jesus fucking needed immediate. Yeah. Um, they needed immediate medical attention and there’s actually a story that says that there was only one decompression chamber in the area at the time. And so they had to put all four of them in the decompression chamber to save their lives, which is like, I can imagine a decompression chamber maybe being big enough for two people, Speaker 3 00:53:02 Like four, Speaker 1 00:53:04 Four I think is like doing it. Like that seems like Speaker 3 00:53:09 When a Corbyn dowel shoves them all into his freezer is exactly what I imagined. Oh my gosh. Outfit. Sure. You will. That’s. That’s exactly what Speaker 1 00:53:26 I picked till lush. Fucking love that movie. Um, yeah. Yeah. So that is the freakiest story. I feel like that is out of Lake bike hall. Um, according to the end of those documents, the divers were too terrified to speak out about the incident, uh, which fucking checks like that. That’s what route was released just from the documents themselves. They are like, Oh no, we’re not fucking talking about it. We’re dying. My after that, that embarrassment of a decompression chamber. No, I can never talk Speaker 2 00:53:59 Where we all became one person. Speaker 1 00:54:05 When B I need a chamber, like I’ve never needed one a decompress with you, babe. Speaker 2 00:54:20 There’s a cover for you. Oh my God. Speaker 1 00:54:26 A Wunderlist alien. Now I’m back for ma yeah. Got a net fi yeah. Can you Speaker 2 00:54:35 Even picture like, that’s definitely hell I wonder how long they had, how long did they have to be in there for? Speaker 1 00:54:43 I don’t know. And honestly, I don’t think my mind, I think that may not knowing that is the place of, of this ignorance. Like that’s where my line is, where I’m like, Nope, I’m okay to be ignorant about that because I don’t want to have freaky ass dreams about that later. So in April, 2009, which is actually before they released the documents, which I find interesting may have, uh, may have influenced them one way or another wink, wink, nudge, nudge, you decide for yourself. But astronauts support the international space station. Photograph two circular convection breaks in the ice of Lake by call, which like when the Lake freezes over, it’s like seven feet fucking thing. Like this is a thick ass layer advice that you can just like penetrate easily. I’ll send you the pictures. But it literally is very stereotypically UFO. Like the Lang saucer, it looks like a little flying saucer, like tried to come up from the bottom of the Lake and it like hit the wall and it was like, Oh no. And didn’t make it Speaker 2 00:55:52 More terrifying. The thought of like aliens and UFO’s coming from outer space or Speaker 1 00:55:58 From them coming like from in the Speaker 2 00:56:01 Earlier. Yeah. I think, I think both are terrible. Speaker 1 00:56:06 Just dance on a log. Just do to do in around the world. Not fucking a clue Speaker 2 00:56:13 At all. I don’t like that. Speaker 1 00:56:16 Yeah. So there was two breaks, uh, that they photographed. Okay. So one of them was near the Lake center or the other was positioned to by Carl’s Southern end. Both appeared to look exactly the same. Okay. And they were perfectly symmetrical and measured three miles in diameter, which if we refer back to our Manhattan comparison, Manhattan is 13 miles long. So that’s almost a third of Manhattan. Times two, tried to break through the fuck. Speaker 3 00:56:54 Yeah. I looked at the pictures. I don’t like it. It’s subs, isn’t it it’s like, ah, something’s going on there. Speaker 1 00:57:01 Air. And the Russian Navy was like, yeah, we don’t know. We don’t know what the fuck is going on. Here’s our documents. There may or may not be aliens in our life. Speaker 3 00:57:09 I don’t, I don’t like that. Um, um, yeah, three miles in diameter. That’s just, yeah. Fucking nuts Speaker 1 00:57:20 About like the significance of being able to see that from the space station and be like, wow. Speaker 3 00:57:26 Oh, what’s that? You know what I mean? Like you’re in the space station to sound like you’re in a fucking plane. Yeah. That’s just nuts. Yeah. I don’t like the circles and life. That’s weird. Speaker 1 00:57:42 Yeah. I’m telling you, like by call is full of weird shit and apparently extraterrestrials. Um, uh, there was another weird, uh, incident that took place in 2011, also in April. So it could have been like an April fools kind of thing. I don’t know when it happened in April. Um, apparently dozens of people reported seeing a glowing pink and blue object turtle towards the ground. Um, and it hit and it crashed really loudly and impacted the area sort of near Lake by calls, serving the Southern, like , I think that’s why you say it region. Um, but it did receive widespread coverage in Russia, uh, because apparently allegedly an alien body was discovered. Um, so there Speaker 3 00:58:34 Was this footage Speaker 1 00:58:36 In 2011, which was 10 years ago almost in two months. Speaker 3 00:58:43 Um, okay. Was it, uh, like it was in, was it like a little alien body in the snow? Oh, I remember, Speaker 1 00:58:55 Yeah. Yeah. It’s on YouTube and it like the YouTube videos, like show like a dude with a camera man. And he’s like, Oh, look at this, there’s a body. And there’s like wreckage and whatever. Now in the video, it’s like a very quintessential, stereotypical type alien. It’s a small grayish, you know, body. Um, and it has the big opaque eyes that are staring to the distance. Cause yeah, cause it’s quote unquote dead. Um, something appears to have ripped off of it’s like have been ripped off its leg wishes. Weird. Yeah. But it’s small. Like it’s not like the people that are, uh, investigating it on the video have to be like in a re height range of like five, seven to six foot. And this thing is much smaller than them, which if you have, if you’re going to do a hoax of Lake by call, like do your fucking research, the internet was around in 2011, you could have easily found out that there was like these big, large aliens and done like a proper hope at least pretend to believe. I would appreciate that. I want to believe in weird freaky shit. Give me a reason a better, Speaker 4 01:00:07 Um, a better one. Speaker 1 01:00:09 Yeah. So obviously like viewers of those are torn either way of the authenticity of the video. Some people do believe that it’s genuine. Um, but other people think that it’s like a crafty hoax. So you look it up, Susan. Speaker 4 01:00:25 I do remember that though. Cause it was like a video and it was like laying in the snow, right? Speaker 1 01:00:30 Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, there’s like pictures of it too. I think they, like, I was going to say, I think they confiscated it. Um, but like some, you know, some sort of inspecting agency came out and like took it and took pictures of it. So there’s like official pictures of it as well, but it’s kind of like the whole fairy hoax thing, you know, which honestly here’s how I feel about the, do you remember the fairy hoax? No. You don’t remember? Oh man. It had to be out of England or Ireland or Scotland or Wales or the isle of man or one of those, one of those, somewhere around that area. Um, but now it was this ferry that was like found and, and again, it was one of those things where it’s like sensationalized in the media, there’s all these pictures of the body itself and they determined that it’s a hoax, but it’s like, how do you determine that it’s a hoax? Or do you just say that? Like, do you just say that it’s a hoax? So that way we don’t have to worry about it. We can go on with their everyday lives. Or do you say that it’s a hoax because it’s clearly made out of polymers Speaker 4 01:01:39 That one. Oh, was it? Speaker 1 01:01:42 Yeah, but I need, I need evidence of that. I need you to report that in the article like, Oh, the ferry was made from polymer, crate clay and the sculptor was Jorge Morganson. Speaker 4 01:01:55 Yeah. I gave him a Spanish to say that was a very creative, you know, good job. Speaker 1 01:02:03 It was very European of me. No big deal. Um, Speaker 4 01:02:08 Was it the quote unquote mummified ferry? Yeah. I don’t know. They sit Speaker 1 01:02:15 Way. I feel like my point is that if going to fucking make an elaborate hoax, like kudos to you for getting people to believe it because of how great you are at art. Speaker 2 01:02:28 That’s what I like. That’s what I would aspire to do. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:02:31 Snaps for you. I think that’s awesome. I think either way, like I really don’t care if it’s a hoax or not like if you have the artistry and the creativity and the time to make that shit look real enough for people to investigate it. Like that’s bad that says that’s almost as bad ass as actually finding a cryptid or like a creature itself. So that’s true. Speaker 2 01:02:52 Yeah. No, I definitely, I definitely agree with that. Speaker 1 01:02:55 Yeah. Anyways, so that’s like my call, not a salty crack Pearl of Russia. Speaker 2 01:03:03 It’s cracks, Speaker 1 01:03:06 Pearls. You uh, you, you know, think what you want about that. Speaker 2 01:03:11 I think we should stick with the precious to stop while I forget that. Oh my God. Oh my goodness. But yeah. Yeah. So that’s fine. That was a good one. Like by call. Thanks. There is no war and bossing say. Speaker 1 01:03:33 Yeah. And there’s no dragon and by call or is there Speaker 2 01:03:44 Anyways? So, so my story, this is the less weird story and more just, you know, horrific ancient, true crime. And um, this is a story of Boudicca, uh, who was a Celtic queen in the British Isles. She was born around 80, 25 to 30. So for my American friends, I’m not making this up. This is the year 25 to the year thirties when she was, you know, approximately to be born approximately born, whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Um, cause you know, there are places that have history that is that old. So I learned about her when we lived in England and from our history teacher or from my teacher. So her name is Boudicca, but it was also pronounced Boadicea for awhile. Um, but, and it was, and it was thought this was an alternate like spelling her name for her, but actually it was just a fucking spelling error by the Romans. Speaker 2 01:04:51 So nowadays compared to when we grew up the accepted way to say her name is Boudicca not Boadicea. Hmm. Um, Hmm. Cause I remember learning both personally, but that’s just me queen Boudicca was a, a Celtic. Okay. I’m going to say this. Right. I seen I, yeah. I seen, I tried, she was sorry. She she’s a woman in the Celtic. I seen I tribes, I got really excited about saying that the right way. I looked it up this time. Um, and she’s one of the earliest named Britons in documented history. Um, obviously documented by the Romans because they were the bureaucrats, the first bureaucrats and they wrote everything down. Um, and so her story was recorded, I think about hundred years after her or 150 years after her death. Um, but she’d get, she was one of the earliest named Britons or Celtic people or people pretends means somebody from Britain indocumented history. Um, so Speaker 1 01:05:59 How infamous do you have to be for like 150 years after your death? You’re still trending enough for someone to be like, we need to, it, Speaker 2 01:06:08 They made a fucking, they like made a little, like a place to like, not worship her old temple. I don’t know. It was like a little S anyways, I’m going to get to that point. Like I’m a more, I need a Memorial for her, for sure. The Celts did. Um, so anyways, we’ll get to that later. Um, she was born around the year 25, uh, to your 32, an elite family in mold. Oh my God come old Dunham, which is now Colchester, um, which is close to where we used to live. Um, Speaker 1 01:06:47 How close was that to a reason Speaker 2 01:06:49 To live in East Anglia? It’s not that far. So Colchester is just South, uh, very soon admins and it’s West of Ipswich. So in the, Oh, so when she was 18 or maybe less, she married the King of the, I sign it out. Dammit. I seen I tribe whose name was pressed suit tag is presuit to guess maybe, um, in Norfolk, which is where we lived. Yes. I see you covering your young, um, I’m shocked Speaker 1 01:07:22 By the information. Thank you, untrue. Speaker 2 01:07:24 Um, yeah, probably close to 43 that year 43 ID. Um, so in that same, around that same time, uh, the Romans conquered most of Southern England and most of the Celtic tribes were forced to submit. However, they let the press togas guy, which was Buddha’s husband continue leading his people as a forced ally of the empire. This was with the emperor was called Claudius at the time. Um, in 80 54 and per Claudius was poisoned by his wife and why so that her son could become emperor. And this was Nero who everybody knows is the bad guy. Cause he sucked. Um, cause his name is Nero or cause he saw it both, both because he was the original Nero and people think of Nero as a bad guy name because this guy sucked, um, he, his rules associated with tyranny, extravagance and debauchery. He also rumored to have killed his own mom a couple years after she killed his stepdad for him. Speaker 2 01:08:47 Uh, no one’s sure why, although it said that she did this to be controlling. So really I’m just saying all of this to say that like the Romans conquered most of Southern England, um, because husband was allowed to remain ruling his people as a King of the icy night tribe. But this was, this was an agreement under the previous empire emperor Claudius who is now dead in this line of our story and Nero is the emperor. Um, when cloudiest died, Nero elevated him to the status of a God and ordered a temple to be built for him at Colchester because he didn’t want people to think that he had killed his stepdad or his adoptive dad. Um, so they ordered a temple to be built for him at Colchester and he made the Celtic, chieftains finance, the extravagant temple and worship the guy who took the land from them. Okay. So this is just, you know, there’s unrest a bubbling, right. Speaker 4 01:10:00 And it’s like, so mysterious, like where America gets it, like, um, this Speaker 2 01:10:06 Is where it comes from. Speaker 4 01:10:08 I mean literally time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Speaker 2 01:10:13 Uh, when did he die here? 54. We’re at, so Boudicca is in her thirties to possibly 40 her husband, the King dies without a male heir Boudicca herself had two daughters with her husband. Um, and when the King died, he left his wealth in a will to his wife and daughter. So Boudicca and their daughters and emperor Nero hoping that this would appease the Roman emperor and, you know, give his family and the Celtic tribe protection, uh, from the wrath of the Roman empire, essentially, however, his plan failed, um, the Romans do what they’re good at. They annex the kingdom and took the land of the ICI tribe. Uh, they publicly flogged Boudica and raped her two daughters, my God. And, um, you know, they took everything and, you know, left them in ruin basically. Um, Oh my God, Boudica immediately promised vengeance. Um, and I mean, I would, and you know, as a, as somebody in the icy night tribe, you know, they were, the women were also trained as warriors. Speaker 2 01:11:42 Um, so she’s pissed. They fucking took everything. They, you know, beat her and her daughters and humiliated them and took everything from them. And also she’s grown up seeing that these Romans have taken the land from all of her countrymen, you know what I mean around her? So she calls on the neighboring tribes. I was like, Hey, you didn’t get back at these fuckers. And they’re like, yes, we do. And they elect her as their leader. Um, so it should be noted that in 55 BC, a hundred years previously Julius Caesar invaded Britain, but the Celts were able to drive them out of England. And so there’s the belief that this inspired their rebellion as well, because they’re like, well, if our ancestors could do it a hundred years ago, then we can fucking do it. You know what I mean? Um, and the other tribes, you know, we’re so sick of the shit. Speaker 2 01:12:46 They’re like, yep, we’re joining this rebellion. We’re going to do it. Um, they stockpiled what armor and weapons they could. However, the Romans had previously like taken away all their weapons and all that stuff. So they were really poorly equipped at this point. Um, but they did what they could and they plan their attack. Uh, their first attack was on Colchester, which is chem old denim. I’m gonna pretend like I said that right at this time sanded. And at this time this was the Roman Capitol in Britain. Um, so for that to be the Roman Capitol in Britain, all of a sudden dealers had kicked out the natives and claim their lands and possessions for themselves. They called the, you know, the Celts captives made them slaves. And the people who settled in Colchester were primarily Roman veterans, um, which meant that they did this on purpose so that they wouldn’t need to have an army posted there, um, to keep, you know, the Celts in line essentially. So they use their army veteran, the veterans, it’s like a, you know, if need be, you will also be, you know, keep these guys in line, but you’re not technically still not kind of thing. Yeah. Right. Like we Speaker 1 01:14:12 Had you at one point and if we never need you, you better fucking listen. Yeah, Speaker 2 01:14:16 Exactly. And so between the brutality and the, you know, the anger against the Roman, uh, settlers and veterans, plus this temple, that Nero constructed, that was this gaudy monstrosity that he made the Celts pay for, um, and worship his dad in essentially, uh, this was a really big focal point for resentment and anger. So they attacked Colchester. It was poorly defended and it was destroyed by Boudicca and her forces in two days, uh, somehow they managed to be head a bronze statue of Nero, which is fun. I don’t know how they did that, but they did. Um, and argue archeologists, say that there’s proof that the city was methodically demolished. So it’s not like, they’re just like, okay, let’s chase everybody out and yay. We win now. They fucking demolish this place. Like it’s done. So next place they go is a place called Len Didion, which is you guessed it London. Speaker 2 01:15:32 Uh, it’s a new settlement founded in 80 43. And it was a thriving commercial centers. A lot of trading. There’s a small portion of, you know, it was mostly civilians and stuff. Cause it was mostly trading since it was like right on the water and the river and all that stuff. Um, a small portion of the army arrived before Boudicca and their forces. Um, but they knew that they didn’t stand a chance against all the Celts. So they backed everyone that they could and, you know, tried to leave before she got there. Uh, but Buddha Boudicca and the rebels burned it all down and they killed anybody in their way. Um, archeology shows that the destruction extended across the Thames as well. So it was just like complete destruction. Um, you know, hell hath, no fury like a woman scorned. Right. What it’s true. Anyways. So the last, the last location was Baru rural allium. I’m really, I’m not going to try and say that it’s called S which Speaker 1 01:16:50 Is now Essex. Speaker 2 01:16:52 It’s St. Albans, which is about 20 miles Northwest of London. Um, also burned and taken, but there’s not really a good idea of to what extent that was done. Um, all in all between these three areas, these three cities at about there’s estimated a total between 70 and 80,000 people died. Um, the Britains, the Celts had no interest in captives whatsoever and they killed people by fire. Give it or cross let’s give it one. So, you know, in a Knight’s tale where they have somebody like up in a like cage, it’s like the beginning of the night’s telling you see him in the background, they’re like in a cage, like hanging and just like die from the elements. Yeah. It’s basically that, wow. Like, Oh my, Speaker 1 01:17:51 Yeah. So it’s just like deaf bikes Speaker 2 01:17:54 Closure in a cage essentially. Yes. Speaker 1 01:17:57 And literally exposed to everyone as well as the elements. Wow. Speaker 2 01:18:02 So, uh, but at this point the Romans are like, Oh shit, this is actually kind of serious. Uh, so they rally about 10,000 men and, uh, take a stand an unidentified location. They actually still don’t really know where that location is, which is super interesting to me. Um, but it was probably somewhere on the Roman road, which is, you know, uh, Romans kind of built, like they were the ones that sort of invented like the interstate. So like Eisenhower and the interstate got his ideas from the Roman road. Um, and it was basically these paved roads that made it easier to move troops and stuff like that. Um, so people think it’s somewhere in the Midlands, along that road between London Niamh and somewhere in Wales that I can’t pronounce. Nope. Yeah. I can’t do it. Um, they were severely outnumbered by the Britons. Um, so they use the location to aid them. They had the forest to his back and a wide like flat field out in front of him. And then, yeah. And then a Gorge protected the Roman flanks from attack and the forest protected them from a abrir. So the only way that they, the Celts could attack was across the plane, like the flat field, but that meant that any ambush was impossible because it was a flat open field and they could see them Speaker 1 01:19:31 Writes me about Lander. Um, I have no idea how historically accurate it is, but there was a battle that they won that the Jacobites and the Scottish, you know, Highlanders won before the battle of colada. And, and it was kind of like that, where they were backed up to a forest and like, you know, they had like a good, um, and then they had like a ravine or something like that. I guess, environmentally what you’re describing is very similar to that to me. Speaker 2 01:19:58 Yeah. And they definitely, you know, he definitely made the most of what he could cause he had 10, he only had 10,000 men. Um, and so did the Romans when, hold on, I’m getting there. So when Boudicca met them, uh, she led the troops from a chariot and she’s described, which we don’t know how accurate this is because it might have been romantically embellished, um, later on. Um, I know, right. But she’s not, she’s described as being, you know, a tall, fierce woman with like a lot of red hair. Um, so mayor essentially, Speaker 4 01:20:38 Uh, so she Speaker 2 01:20:42 Leads the troops on from a chariot and she does her whole, like she does a Braveheart speech, you know, rallying the troops, um, she’s quoted as saying it is not as a woman descended from noble ancestry, but as one of the people that I am bingeing lost freedom, my scored body in that outrage Chassidy’s of my daughter’s. So basically she’s saying like, Hey, I’m not here as a queen. I’m here because these fuckers took everything from me and we’re going to get them back. Yeah. Um, unfortunately the I knee, I seen, I were very poorly equipped because they had been disarmed by the Romans. Um, as I said, like any weapons, if they did have, they sort of had to scrounge for, um, and they had brought their families with them because they were sure that there was going to be victory. So there’s a massive frontal attack and, you know, Celts are charging ready to fucking go. Speaker 2 01:21:46 These Celts don’t have any armor. They have poorly made weapons, whatever they could find that was scrounged. And they’re up against the fucking full bureaucracy, that is the Romans, their armor, their shields, you know, and I don’t know if you remember this from when we were kids and stuff, but you know, like they are crazy with their shield formations and what their battle tactics very regimented obviously, um, an effective army, which is how they were able to conquer so much. Um, so, you know, Celts charge, but the Romans combated with a long range piles, what it’s called, it’s like a type of javelin. Um, and the Romans had clear advantage with their armor and their weapons and their, their, uh, they had advantage in close quarters fighting and they had cavalry. Speaker 4 01:22:40 Oh yeah, yeah. Now this is just making me think of the battle of colada and this is true. Speaker 2 01:22:46 Yeah. It is terrible. So they also had cavalry the cavalry of running them down. The Romans have a benefit of having short swords, which are good for slashing in close quarters. Whereas the Celts had longer ones at the time, which are not ideal for close combat like that. And basically, you know, between their poor weapons, no armor and up against the like organized might have the Romans there. Speaker 3 01:23:16 And didn’t you say there was like 10,000 Speaker 2 01:23:18 Of them. The Romans had 10,000. There were more of the killer. Speaker 3 01:23:22 Yeah. Oh, there were more of the cows. Speaker 2 01:23:27 Oh, okay. Um, but they, uh, because of the Romans clear advantage, the armor weapons and the close quarters fighting and the cavalry, the Britons were slaughtered, essentially. They tried to flee, but they were blocked by the carriages with their families and their women and children and them, and everybody was killed. Um, women, children, even the animals, um, Boudicca herself is said to have poisoned herself instead of being killed by the Romans or, which is, that’s a story that I heard. And I remember specifically like sitting at Elvin as like, you know, an eight year old and hearing Mrs. Fielder, tell us the story about this woman who would rather kill herself. And she poisoned herself rather than be captured by the Romans, like what I remember. Um, but apparently it’s also possible that she just fell ill either way. She was given a lavish funeral. Speaker 2 01:24:31 Um, once she was, she was dead. Um, so her story was recorded by two Roman historians, somebody named tactical or Tacitus and DEO Cassius. Um, and honestly these stories might have been forgotten completely if it weren’t for the fact that Tacitus his writings were rediscovered in the 16th century. And they really liked this because in the 16th century, Quintanilla’s with the first. Um, and so they regarded it as, you know, a parallel to the reigning queen. It’s also maybe where they think that the red hair might’ve been Belisha because they might have just said that to make it, her seem like queen Elizabeth, um, at the time, um, Victorians also really liked the story of queen Boudicca, um, as the like reinvented her as a sort of Valiant upholder of British nationhood and weirdly twisted it to justify colonialism, which is ironic considering that she’s fighting the colonialism of the Romans, but whatever. Speaker 2 01:25:48 Yeah. Um, and then there’s a really famous statue, um, built by Thomas thorny Croft at yeah. At Westminster bridge in London, um, of, you know, queen Boudicca. And one of the, one of the quotes that I read that I really liked, um, it’s from a says history extra. It says however far from losing her own pow power, Boudica lived down across the empire as a cautionary tale of what happens when you let a woman rule it’s ironic, then that her legacy has endured. Whereas Paul in us, which is the guy who defeated her Paul, whereas Paul, and this, his name has faded the idea of a British warrior queen battling a foreign army was invoked in the 16th century by queen loads, but the first to help legitimize her right to rule and to fight against the Spanish empire and by queen Victoria in the 19th century, in her bid to rule an empire. Speaker 2 01:26:49 So like, yeah, she lost technically, but she’s obviously become a really important symbol for, you know, British history. She was also, you know, use this, uh, heroine for the British suffrage movement get women’s rights. And another article says, yes, ultimately there were, yes, the revolt was ultimately unsuccessful, but Buddha cause legend lives on Romans had been given more than a bloody nose. They had suffered a defeat at the hands of people that thought of as barbarians and a sex that’s thought of as inferior, which was like, damn right. Um, so today, um, there’s not like a typical view of her other than, I mean kind of honestly, the merit of you, but, um, there’s a couple of different things that have happened recently. Um, one, uh, they think that they may have found, so this was in Chanupa 14th of 2021. So this was like a month ago. Um, they were digging for a housing development in Essex and they, I know they, they came across a Roman, uh, it turned into a Roman archeological excavation. They think it’s possible. It’s possible. It could be the site of the Buddha can revolt. There was a lot of items found in including beads, broaches brings pottery, et cetera, from that time. Um, Speaker 1 01:28:26 Um, I feel like you can correct me if I’m wrong, but like how many times was our life interrupted? Okay. Speaker 2 01:28:36 Yeah. I know several, Speaker 1 01:28:38 Like as several times, right. It was a handful of times. So it’s like, this is not surprising to me at all. But like when I talked to people about what they wanted to be when they grow up and it’s like, and I mentioned archeology and they’re like, what? And I’m like, you don’t understand though archeology was pop up. Speaker 2 01:28:55 The thing that kills me is like, when I talk about archeology with like American kids, they’re like, Oh, because of Indiana Jones. Right. And I’m like, no, cause I literally live in an archeological dig constantly for my childhood. Speaker 4 01:29:11 It’s like, there was a word, they building a new building base. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:29:16 Bring that up at another episode. But yet, Speaker 4 01:29:20 Well, there was a dig Speaker 2 01:29:22 Exactly. I mean, it was just a constant throughout our lives. Yeah. Um, so another one 23, December of 2020, again, not that long ago. Um, there was this cute little metal detector enthusiast and birdwatcher and bird Speaker 4 01:29:41 Watcher, my affirmations as who, Speaker 2 01:29:47 This little guy he’s, he’s birdwatching, he spotted a buzzer. He’s very excited and he’s watching these buzzers. Yeah. And see if they fight. And then out of the corner of his eye, he sees a Glint of gold and he looks down yeah. He looks down and rubs the mud off of it and sees that it’s an old coin and he’s in this like field where he’s birdwatching. So he’s like, Oh my goodness. So he runs home and gets his little metal detector, which of course he has. And obviously he brings it back to the field. He unearthed 1300 coins circa 40 to 50 a D. And it’s valued at the, the horde that he on earth is valued at around 850,000 pounds or $1.7 million. Speaker 4 01:30:50 Yeah. I mean, yeah, dude, that’s a reason to invest in a metal. I mean, I feel like Speaker 2 01:30:55 Metal detecting is more justified in England than here personally, but that’s just me because the U S is so big. Like personally, I agree. But like, yeah. So also fun fact, um, in England, if something is of like significant historical now, if it’s of historical significance, um, sometimes they won’t let you keep what you’ve found that if you yawn again, I’m going to murder you. Um, Speaker 4 01:31:23 Stop bringing it up. I am actively participating. It’s a condition. My heater is off and I’m home. Speaker 2 01:31:30 Um, so in England, if it’s of like huge historical significance, they sometimes will let you keep what you found, but they’ll make you sell. So they’ll still give you money for what you found, but they’ll just make you sell it for what it’s worth. So in that who’s, they, the government will make you sell to I’m assuming. Yeah. Allegedly I’m assuming to like the British museum. So in this case to this hoard, that’s worth this much money. Um, if he does, so any of the profits he has to split with the guy who owned the field, which I thought was interesting. It makes sense. Speaker 1 01:32:08 No, I know. But it’s just Speaker 2 01:32:10 Like things you don’t think about when you’re like, you know, thinking about finding treasure. Speaker 1 01:32:16 Yeah. But how shitty would you feel if like some dude rolled up with a metal detector in your back yard and on earth, 13,000 GD coins from the Dawn of time and, uh, well, same debt for riff, but like literally, I mean, yeah, no, that would be nice to be like, yeah. I mean, this is my land. I could have found it, but I didn’t send. Yeah. Um, but also such, right. Like, yeah. Also like gold Speaker 2 01:32:49 To be like a metal detector, enthusiast and bird watcher, and then just find a hoard of money. Thank you. Please let that be me. But anyways, so that’s the story of queen Boudicca who, uh, you know, made quite an impression on me as a child. Um, as a, yeah, I did not remember learning about her at all. Yeah. I remember learning about her at Elvin. Like I said, from Mrs. Fielder with that horrific story of her killing herself to avoid capture. And then also I remember going to Colchester castle and they talked a lot about Boudicca and we were supposed to make something with Boudicca his face on it, which like you said, ended up looking, which we did, which ended up looking like Medusa Speaker 1 01:33:33 A hundred percent. I thought we were making a shrine to Medusa. I was confused as to what our purpose in that artistic endeavor was. Um, but I fully remember going to Colchester castle and like doing all the other weird things, like trying on chain mail. Um, I also feel like, Speaker 2 01:33:51 I feel like I didn’t mention it. Um, but like, this was like the biggest, even though it was unsuccessful, it was like one of the biggest rebellions against the Roman empire at the time. It was, it was a big fucking deal. And so I had go ahead. Speaker 1 01:34:11 Well, no finish what you were saying. I was Speaker 2 01:34:13 Going to say, and it was led by a bad ass woman who was sick of their shit. Hell yeah. Speaker 1 01:34:21 Um, hell yeah. Um, no, my question was really like, who decided the years were these years determined by the Roman empire of like, this is year 43 that the Roman empire has been in place. What do you mean? I don’t understand the whole ADBC Speaker 2 01:34:40 So I think it’s probably a bad thing to say. I think it’s a terrible time to ask, but I think that, and I’m could be terribly wrong. So please don’t yell at me, anybody out there. But I think that the Romans came up with it once I converted to Christianity and they decided that Jesus was born in the year zero, Speaker 3 01:34:58 Essentially. Speaker 1 01:35:00 And they had to count all the years that they were an empire before Jesus. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:35:03 Yes. So that’s when they decided that was BC. Speaker 1 01:35:08 Okay. So I wasn’t that far off, according to our theory, allegedly that we haven’t actually looked Speaker 3 01:35:13 Essentially. Yes. Cool. Well that makes me, we are right in our own minds. Speaker 1 01:35:19 We are correct obviously. And we will check eventually. Maybe we’ll be, Speaker 3 01:35:24 Yeah, we’ll come back to it later. But yeah, it was just one of those stories that I always liked hearing about as a kid, even though it was gruesome and you know, full of violence, but I don’t know. Yeah. But like what isn’t, but it’s also, when you look back on stories Speaker 1 01:35:40 Of when you were a kid, what isn’t great. Speaker 3 01:35:43 And it’s like one of the earliest tales of somebody sticking it to the man in like year 42 43. Speaker 1 01:35:51 Yeah. That’s true. Where did you as my lucky numbers, a kid, Speaker 3 01:35:55 I just think of Speaker 1 01:35:56 One Paddington bear from my raffle ticket. It was number one. Speaker 3 01:36:00 Oh my God. At the fate, the village fate, wasn’t it? Yeah. No, it was that the smell, but yeah, I was thinking of, yeah, Speaker 1 01:36:12 I picked 42 and 48 and 42 one. And ever since then, I was like, you are my lucky number. Speaker 3 01:36:18 I don’t think I have a lucky number. Speaker 1 01:36:21 I thought you, you used to tell me as a kid that I would ask you and you’d be like, my lucky number is like 13 or seven, which did you know? Actually, I shouldn’t even say it, but I’m going to say it. Speaker 3 01:36:32 Yeah, you are to say it. All right. Speaker 1 01:36:35 Well, um, I want to talk about it later. Speaker 3 01:36:39 Oh, okay. Then don’t just like, Speaker 1 01:36:41 You might want to talk about your archeological dig that may or may not have allegedly happened. Speaker 3 01:36:46 I always want to talk about archeological digs. Let’s be real. All right. Speaker 1 01:36:52 Well, the number 13 is actually, um, it’s, it’s, there’s like a lot of weird things about it, but I do, I will want to like delve into it later. But one of the weird things is that there are 13 like cycles in a woman’s menstrual year because of its. Um, so it’s like a lunar lady numbers, the number 13 old Speaker 3 01:37:15 Lady number. Speaker 1 01:37:18 Yeah. That’s how I think of it now. And it was so funny because I think about all those times I’ve gone to tattoo shops at 13 tattoos and I’m like, who the fuck would get number 13 tattooed on me. And then I found that out and I was like, Ooh, Speaker 3 01:37:31 I would do that. I do that. I would do that. Yep. Yep. So yeah, that’s my, that makes my story. I liked it. I have a lady in her thirties. Sick of men. Shit. Yeah, I can, I can relate. Yeah. Yeah, no, Speaker 4 01:37:56 That’s a good one. I like miss Boudicca just keep me, uh, I don’t even know. I was, I was going to try to say something like she’ll keep my nightmares away, but for some reason, the first thing I thought of was she’ll keep me warm at night and I’m explaining it and it just really feels like an unwelcome visit to my mind. So sorry about that. Speaker 2 01:38:20 Yeah. We all, we all went on a journey just then it was good. Speaker 4 01:38:24 Mm. So if you like us, you can follow us on Instagram at wonder, wonder, Oh, what, what, what, Speaker 2 01:38:37 Oh my God. What’s happening. Stop it. Okay. Speaker 4 01:38:43 Aye. Speaker 2 01:38:44 I think my sister’s going to fall asleep, so I’m not going to fall asleep. I’m trying to, I know it’s working. Speaker 4 01:38:52 Yeah. All right. So you can follow us on Instagram at wha what Speaker 2 01:39:02 I’m going to punch you a lot. Speaker 4 01:39:07 Uh, Wonderlust stop pod. And on Twitter app pod, we wonder last week. And did we don’t set up Twitter set up, but we have not tweeted because I am afraid of the, I want to, I want to read and everything on it, but I’m afraid of writing my, yeah. Speaker 2 01:39:27 I mean, I’ve, I feel the same way. That’s why I was like, yeah, I’ll do the Instagram, but then on the Twitter, I’m like, I’m good. Speaker 4 01:39:34 Basically, if you are listening to this and you like have a question or something, you want to say something to us, you can tweet us and we will see it there. Speaker 2 01:39:42 Or just message us on Instagram. That’s fine too. Speaker 4 01:39:47 Oh, don’t clog up. R D Speaker 2 01:39:52 But uh, yeah. You know, if you guys have any weird ideas Speaker 4 01:39:56 Or leave us a five star review it’s Speaker 2 01:39:59 Well, definitely do that. And if you’re not going to do that, then just stop listening to us right now. Cause like we don’t need that kind of negativity in our life. Speaker 4 01:40:08 Yeah. I mean, we’re going to keep going, regardless of what, how many stars you give us, but five Speaker 2 01:40:14 Magnificent. Thank you. Um, but yeah. Speaker 4 01:40:17 Yeah. And also leave us to your recommendations for Bluetooth headphones. Cause some of us are in the market and we’re not sure which one Speaker 2 01:40:23 Also same actually, because I’m using my gaming phones. Um, which means that I have to be very close to my, my laptop because this cord is meant to hook into a, are you falling asleep? Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:40:41 No. I’m literally just sitting here. I’m like, yeah. I’m waiting for you to send to my controller for real Speaker 2 01:40:47 Froze. It just looked like you really long blinked to sleep. Like that’s what it now I’m dad. Speaker 1 01:40:54 I’m not going to just fall asleep vertical. Like I can’t even fall asleep horizontal. Speaker 2 01:40:59 Same though. It’s a struggle. Welcome to adulthood. It’s a struggle. But yeah. Focus on all of the, a, all of the social media. You can’t not sound like you at all. Please follow us on all the social media is I’m the sound cute? Not like my father send us the messages. If you have ideas that you would like to hear us discuss on this wonderful podcast of weirdness and supernatural illness. Speaker 1 01:41:33 Yes, no, you were really good. We wait, we wait supernatural illness and, and an extraordinary combination of, uh, intricate. Oh, it’s an intricate combination of exceptional natural factors. We are exceptional natural factors. We are literally the closest thing either of us. You’re Speaker 2 01:41:57 A fucking terrible guy. Speaker 1 01:42:03 Some people call it supernatural, but you can decide for yourself. Speaker 2 01:42:09 It’s probably good that we’re like recording this like long distance. Otherwise I would probably just like slowly like shove you over. Oh man. Speaker 1 01:42:20 My chair agrees with me. So that’s Speaker 2 01:42:22 All that matters. Um, yeah. Have we decided on how to like sign off on this yet? Speaker 1 01:42:31 No, I think we’re just going to like sail right in to the mystic and um, Speaker 0 01:42:36 Um, it’s a song. Speaker 1 01:42:40 Bye Morrison. Speaker 2 01:42:44 Okay. Well James, isn’t it Jimmy? I don’t know. I don’t think it’s. I think it’s Jim now. Speaker 1 01:43:00 Jim. Now Jim Morrison. Am I? We were born before. I can say one in the morning into the Mississippi. Speaker 2 01:43:13 Jim Morrison. Yeah, fuck it. Oh, it’s van Speaker 1 01:43:17 It’s van it’s van bib. It’s span. It’s van Morrison. Speaker 2 01:43:23 No it his Jim Morrison. Speaker 1 01:43:26 No, it does not. This is a song by though Speaker 2 01:43:31 Jim Morrison from the doors though. Hmm. Five here. You’re talking about Speaker 1 01:43:38 No. So okay. Heard, heard that. Um, so yeah, so like live your wanderlusty life. Uh, go out there and learn about where things, everything, subreddits question Speaker 3 01:43:52 And think about it. It also, if you pay attention enough, everything is weird. Just think about it. You’re welcome for that tidbit. And on that note and we are going to leave you with that hope you guys have a great time and uh, and we’ll see you again. .
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This post is part of the Reading Writers of Color 2021 challenge hosted by Lonely Cryptid Media’s staff writer and editor, Dan Michael Fielding. We are nearing the homestretch of the Reading Writers of Color Challenge for 2021. Just three months remain! In addition to commenting about your reading this month, I’d love your feedback on potential challenges and challenge prompts for next year. Is there a particular genre or social group our 2022 challenge should highlight? Let us know in the comments! This month’s challenge encourages you to read more nonfiction: memoir, biography, or creative nonfiction, to be precise. Although if you want to read a textbook or some “non-creative nonfiction” feel free to do so! It’s always okay to adapt the challenge to fit your reading needs. I chose to highlight nonfiction for this month’s challenge to encourage us to read about real people’s experiences. Although I read both fiction and nonfiction, I tend towards fiction when I’m feeling stressed. While fiction still has a lot to teach us about our world it is, by definition, removed from reality. Although no piece of nonfiction can ever be a perfect representation of reality, taking the time to read an process nonfiction can help us to learn about experiences that are not our own. I know this isn’t true for everyone. Many people would rather pick up a memoir than a work of a fiction! Memoir is a booming genre, although it remains a tough market to break into. Even if you read memoir all the time this is a good opportunity to pause and reflect on whose memoirs you are reading. The memoirs that get snapped up by publishers and advertised as having “broad market appeal” may actually fit a quite narrow set of ideas. Biographies offer a good chance to learn about the life of important people. It’s fine to read an autobiography, or a biography of an interesting person written by someone else. Just remember to center the “author of color” portion of this challenge. A biography about an important person of color written by a white author may be interesting in its own right, but it’s not appropriate for the challenge. To get you started, here are seven memoirs and biographies by authors of color. In the comments below feel free to recommend a work of creative nonfiction by an author of color you particularly enjoyed. What drew you to the book? What was inspiring, meaningful, or honest about it? Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning by Cathy Park Hong Hong’s collection of essays blends memoir, history, and cultural criticism to expose truths about racialized consciousness in America. Throughout, Hong develops a theory of “minor feelings”–the feelings that develop throughout her life growing up as the daughter of Korean immigrants as she is repeatedly exposed to the contradictions of American culture. Hong’s book is at turns funny, devastating, intimate, and honest, and a must-read for fans of memoir or anyone looking to build an understanding of Asian American experience(s). High Price by Dr. Carl Hart If you’ve fallen behind in your reading and are looking to catch up, High Price may be the book for you. Neuroscientist Carl Hart won the PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award for this memoir in 2014, meaning you can read a memoir, a book by a scientist, and an award-winning author in one book! Dr. Hart details his life as he went from avoiding studying to becoming Columbia’s first tenured African American professor in the sciences. (And can we talk about how shocking it is that he was the first? Wow! It sure took Columbia long enough!) His book High Price details the rational decisions of drug users to shed light on common motivations and explain why current drug policies fail. What God is Honored Here? ed. by Shannon Gibney and Kao Kalia Lang Kao Kalia Lang returns to our recommendations list alongside Shannon Gibney as editors of this collection of writings on miscarriage and infant loss by and for Native women and women of color. Black women’s risk of pregnancy loss can by up to twice that of white women’s, but this dry statistic doesn’t get at the heart of the issue for the women who have experienced miscarriage or child death. What God is Honored Here? is the first book of its kind, bringing together a variety of voices of Indigenous women and women of color to discuss the expectations of interracial marriage, inter-generational love and trauma, medical racism, and much more through poetry and literary nonfiction. Trace by Lauret Savoy Another multi-award winner, Trace by Lauret Savoy combines memoir, history, and land as Savoy navigates her histories as woman of African American, Euro-American, and Native American heritage. What I appreciate most about Trace is that it acknowledge history is still unfolding. We live in a place shaped by the history of landscapes, migration, and movement, and we are also going somewhere. We have not reached the end of our journey yet. I would recommend Trace for anyone looking for thoughtful introspection that is deeply rooted in time and place. Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot After being hospitalized with the dual diagnoses of post traumatic stress disorder and bipolar II disorder, Mailhot is given a notebook to write her way out of trauma. She reflects on her dysfunctional upbringing as a child at the Seabird Island Indian Reservation in the Pacific Northwest, her activist mother with a thing for prisoners, and her abusive father, a brilliant artist who was murdered under mysterious circumstances. Heart Berries is an ode to love under the weight of shame, and a powerful example of reclaiming one’s own story. All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson Johnson calls this “a memoir manifesto,” and it lives up to the name. In this series of essays journalist and LGBTQIA+ activist George M. Johnson explores coming of age in New Jersey and Virginia. All Boys Aren’t Blue covers topics such as gender identity, toxic masculinity, brotherhood, family, structural marginalization, consent, and Black joy. Assata by Assata Shakur On May 2, 1973, Black Panther Assata Shakur (aka JoAnne Chesimard) lay in a hospital, close to death, handcuffed to her bed, while local, state, and federal police attempted to question her about the shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike that had claimed the life of a white state trooper. Long a target of J. Edgar Hoover’s campaign to defame, infiltrate, and criminalize Black nationalist organizations and their leaders, Shakur was incarcerated for four years prior to her conviction on flimsy evidence in 1977 as an accomplice to murder. This classic autobiography continues to surprise and inform readers even now, decades after the events. What’s on your reading list for this month’s challenge? Let us know in the comments below and help us all grow our to-read lists! We’ve gone ad free and we need your help to stay that way! Consider making a donation to Lonely Cryptid Media to help keep our site ad free and support our mission to elevate queer, pro-feminist, and anti-racist media.
For the final entry in my world tour of famous paranormal triangles, let us examine one man’s attempt to present a grand unifying theory of anomalous triangles. The man in question is the equal parts renowned and reviled Scottish-born biologist Ivan Terence Sanderson. Sanderson is probably best remembered today for helping to found the pseudoscience/subculture of cryptozoology alongside Belgian-French zoologist Bernard Heuvelmans. But he didn’t just content himself with the search for folkloric beasts. As the legend of the Bermuda Triangle gained popularity in the 1960s, Sanderson threw his hat in the ring with an apparent discovery he made in 1968. He claimed that the Bermuda Triangle was but one of twelve such regions on Earth where reports of unexplained phenomena and electromagnetic distortions were higher than usual. Five each rested along the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, while the other two rested at the North and South Pole. Sanderson believed that these vortices were shaped like icosahedrons and that the electromagnetic anomalies were caused by cold air and sea currents. A trio of Soviet scientists (Nikolai Goncharov, Vyacheslav Morochov, and Valerey Makarov) expanded on Sanderson’s ideas in a 1973 article titled “Is the Earth a Large Crystal?” In it, they claim that they had discovered that twelve pentagonal plates of cosmic energy cover our planet and that electromagnetic abnormalities occur at the junctions of these plates (62 in all). They additionally claimed that these plates ran parallel with natural phenomena like seismic fracture zones, ocean ridges, animal migratory routes, and even the locations of ancient civilizations (especially those that constructed megaliths). Perhaps Ancient Aliens alumnus David Arthur Childress puts it best: …we are speaking about an intelligent geometric pattern into which, theoretically, the Earth and its energies are organized- and possibly in which the ubiquitous megalithic sites are also positioned. David Hatcher Childress. “Mapping The World Grid.” Bibliotecapleyades unknown . 28 Apr 2008 Of course, the evidence for this phenomenon being a reality is entirely dependent on the vortices actually being paranormal hotspots. I’ve already covered the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil’s Triangle in previous articles and found the evidence decidedly lacking. So let us examine the remaining Vile Vortices and see what mysteries lie within. The South Atlantic Anomaly The SAA, located off Brazil’s southeast coast, is interesting because it is an actual scientific phenomenon that NASA has documented. This is because the vortex is located in the region where the Earth’s inner Van Allen radiation belt comes closest to its surface (120 miles to be exact), thus allowing cosmic rays and solar radiation to reach farther into the atmosphere. This thinning often exposes satellites to higher-than-usual radiation levels due to trapped protons, causing technical problems in spacecraft like the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station and sometimes even destroying the craft (as with the Japanese X-ray observatory Hitomi in March of 2016). While the reasons why spacecraft malfunction over the SAA are fully scientifically understood, that still hasn’t stopped paranormal researchers from connecting it to the Bermuda Triangle, thanks to reports that aircraft often experience electronic and navigational malfunctions while flying in the region. The story of the sailboat Tunante II doesn’t help in that regard. According to the Argentine news website Infobae, the sailboat set out from Buenos Aires on August 22nd, 2014, carrying four passengers on a pleasure cruise to Rio de Janeiro. Four days later, the boat’s owner, Horacio Robert Morales, sent out a distress signal stating that a storm had damaged the vessel’s rudder, mast, and engine. While a Norwegian cargo ship sent to assist the Tunante lost sight of it the next morning at 4 a.m., records from the company that owned the satellite phones onboard indicated that the vessel had survived the storm. But, despite a search covering over 40,000 square miles, no trace of it was found other than an empty life raft. Some paranormal researchers have seized upon the timeline of events and the Argentine government’s seeming reluctance to carry on the search to suggest that they may be covering up something. However, relatives of the Tunante’s passengers have not ruled out the possibility that the sailboat might have run across pirates that may have hijacked the vessel and its occupants and spirited them away to who knows where. The Algerian Megaliths So talking about this vortex is kind of tricky, mostly because I can’t seem to figure out which megaliths the vortices proponents are talking about. The most commonly cited location associated with the supposed vortex is Djebel Mazala Salluste, located outside the city of Constantine in the northeast corner of Algeria. Oddly enough, though, many sources cite it as being south of Timbuktu, which would place it in Mali, while another lists its coordinates as 26.6 North, 4.8 West, which would put it in the central region of the country. In any case, some have connected a spate of plane crashes in the western Sahara region with the vortex at Djebel. For instance, Air Algerie Flight 5017 was carrying 116 passengers and crew from Burkina Faso to Algiers on July 24th, 2014, when it crashed due to ice accretion in the engines, which caused the plane to stall. At least one source, Ranker.com, implicitly connected the crash to the vortex at Djebel, even though the aircraft came down near the southern border of Mali. Ivan T. Sanderson apparently became interested in the site after hearing reports of two submarines and four smaller boats that vanished off Algeria’s coast. I haven’t been able to determine which of these he was referring to, although I’ve come across two submarines, the HMS Urge and Minerve, which disappeared in the western Mediterranean in 1942 and 1968, respectively. However, both wrecks have since been located (near Malta and France, respectively), so there’s not much of a mystery there. The Zimbabwe Megaliths This time the center of the vortex is more concrete, resting around the medieval African city that gave Zimbabwe its name. Constructed between the 9th and 15th centuries CE, it was the capital of a great kingdom back in the late Iron Age, although which kingdom is something that modern archaeologists have yet to figure out. First discovered by Portuguese explorers in 1531, Europeans didn’t properly investigate it until 1871. Of course, because this was the colonial period we’re talking about, the British rulers of the country then known as Rhodesia often bent over backward trying to deny the indigenous Shona people their rightful credit for constructing the city. Because, of course, these backward tribesmen couldn’t possibly be smart enough to build a structure this sophisticated. They need us to bring them into the modern era so they can become smart enough to build structures that sophisticated. Of course, this begs the obvious question: If the Shona didn’t build Zimbabwe, who did? You probably already know where this is going. While not as famous as the Great Pyramids of Giza and Meroe in that regard, Great Zimbabwe has on occasion been caught up in the “ancient astronauts” hysteria that really blew up in popularity when the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens started airing in 2009. It doesn’t matter that archaeologists have demonstrated numerous times that ancient peoples had the tools and the resources to construct these sites. In many ways, the ancient astronaut theories have continued the racism that turned the Global South into what it is today. As for Bermuda Triangle-like activity around Great Zimbabwe, I haven’t been able to find much. Some have mentioned planes vanishing in the region, although those same sources describe those disappearances occurring over the Sahara Desert, which is on the complete opposite side of the continent. Speaking of ancient aliens, Pakistan’s Mohenjo-Daro is another site that has often been connected with alien builders as well as vile vortices. Ivan Sanderson claimed to have received a letter from a woman who said that planes carrying gold bullion over nearby Afghanistan would go missing, although some of their gold cargo would be left behind, oddly enough. However, the former area of the Indus Valley Civilization is probably better known among ancient astronaut enthusiasts for the persistent rumors that the area bears scars from an impossibly ancient nuclear war dating as far back as 12,000 years ago. Let’s examine the supposed evidence, shall we? Many passages of the Hindu holy text the Mahabarata describe scenes that sound uncomfortably similar to modern descriptions of nuclear warfare. “A single projectile charged with all the power of the universe… An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor… It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messanger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race.” Mohenjo-Daro itself, along with its sister city Harappa, allegedly are the sites of mass graves, with skeletons scattered across the streets “as if some instant, horrible doom had taken place,” in the words of Kisari Mohan Ganguli, who wrote the first complete English translation of the Mahabarata. “People were just lying, unburied, in the streets of the city.” Some of the skeltons also showed radiation levels 50 times greater than normal, comaprable to modern victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The city of Jodhpur, resting in the Thar Desert in northwestern India, is allegedly so radioactive that cancer deaths and birth defects are extremely common, to the point that the government has quarantined the area. In addition, an archaeologist named Francis Taylor claimed to have discovered an ancient city nearby, which shows signs of a nuclear blast that killed as many as half a million people. Finally, there is the Lonar crater, located under a lake around 300 miles east of Mumbai. The crater is about 3900 feet in diameter and is definitly not volcanic in origin. Maybe it could be the result of a nuclear explosion, then? However, episode 541 of Brian Dunning’s Skeptoid podcast pretty much put paid to all of these ideas: He logged onto a searchable online copy of the Mahabarata and found nothing even remotely similar to the passage quoted above. He similarly found no mention of mass graves in the abundance of archaeological literature available on Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, or any of the other excavated sites in the Indus Valley region. Jodhpur having radiation levels that high from a nuclear conflict that occured 8-12,000 years ago makes no sense. Even the strongest nuclear isotopes, like cesium-137 and strontium-90, only have half-lives of 30 years at most. Even Hiroshima and Nagasaki are clean of radiation just three quarters of a century after the infamous bomb drops. Furthermore, there is absolutely no evidence that Francis Taylor’s city of half a million people ever existed. The quotes attributed to Ganguli make no sense, as he lived in the 1880s-90s, long before nuclear weapons were even concieved of. Indeed, it seems as if everything involving nuclear weapons in ancient India and Pakistan was invented out of whole cloth, most likely by Erich von Daniken in his infamous 1968 book Chariots of the Gods? However, I prefer to save those comments for a list of ancient astronaut theories that I will almost certainly be making sometime in the future. In the meantime, let’s move on to… The Wharton Basin The Wharton Basin is a region of the ocean floor located between Western Australia and Java. The area has not been mapped since the 1960s, despite being on the boundary of the Indian and Australian tectonic plates, thus making it a very active seismic zone. Indeed, the basin ended up on many a geologist’s radar after it was struck by two massive earthquakes on April 11th, 2012, measuring a magnitude of 8.6 and 8.2, respectively. While they occurred too deep underwater to trigger tsunamis (unlike the infamous 9.2 magnitude quake that triggered the deadly Boxing Day tsunami of 2004), geologists are concerned that the quakes may have further destabilized the fault lines that they lie upon. As for supposed Bermuda Triangle-type activity, there isn’t much to report, probably because the shipping lanes in the region are a bit more lightly traveled than the ones in the Bermuda Triangle. However, one major mystery is connected with the area: the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. The plane took off from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on March 8th, 2004, carrying 239 passengers and crew bound for Beijing. Air traffic control lost communications with the aircraft around 38 minutes after takeoff. However, they could still track on radar until it suddenly vanished about 200 nautical miles northwest of Penang Island. Search efforts naturally focused on the South China and Andaman Seas until analysis of satellite communications showed that the plane had last been detected over the Indian Ocean at a point about 1500 miles west of Perth, Australia. There are numerous guesses for how the aircraft got there, ranging from hijacking to being shot down to outlandish theories involving black holes and alien abduction. However, there is probably nothing to connect it directly with the supposed Wharton Basin vortex. The Hebrides Trench This vortex rests in the Pacific Ocean and centers on the Loyalty Islands on the eastern edge of the Coral Sea. The trench, marking the area where the Australian tectonic plate is being subducted under the New Hebrides plate, is around 4.7 miles deep. It is known for its unique wildlife (cusk-eels, prawns, and other crustaceans) and its frequent earthquakes. The most recent occurred in February 2021 and measured 7.7 on the moment magnitude scale. And that’s the weakest of the many earthquakes listed on the trench’s Wikipedia page! As for supernatural phenomena, one book published by TIME-LIFE called Mysteries of the Unknown describes strange currents and “ocean vortices of water.” I’m tempted to believe they may be describing maelstroms here, but I’m not entirely sure. Perhaps the biggest mystery associated with the region is Sandy Island. This phantom island, which supposedly rested east of New Caledonia, has been described as early as 1774 by Captain James Cook. It was first formally recognized in 1876 after being “discovered” by a whaling ship named Velocity. The island, which was roughly the size of Washington D.C., continued to appear on maps as late as 1982, even though cartographers quickly began to doubt its existence. It was finally disproven in November 2012, when the Australian research vessel RV Southern Surveyor surveyed the seafloor and found that no island had ever existed there. Of course, some quickly jumped to supernatural conclusions when they heard about a whole island disappearing. However, most researchers today believe the Velocity actually encountered a massive raft of pumice that an underwater volcano had expelled. The Hamakulia Volcano Speaking of underwater volcanoes, this one, located northeast of Hawaii’s Big Island, is allegedly the site of plane and ship disappearances. There have also been reports of strange lights around the crater as well as “piezomagnetic effects” that magnetize rocks and cause them to throw navigational equipment out of whack. This might sound like something out of The X-Files, but scientists actually understand very well what is going on here. For instance, the blog Cryptoville points out that volcanoes often produce lightning due to static electricity buildup in the ash cloud, a phenomenon that has been widely photographed. Piezomagnetic effects are nothing mysterious either; they are simply another effect produced by natural electric energies during a volcanic eruption, such as the friction of magma flowing underground. With all this in mind, it’s probably no wonder that ships and planes are sometimes lost in this region. It’s far from inconceivable that the magnetization of the rocks could mess with a sailing vessel or aircraft’s electronic hardware, so there’s probably no Bermuda Triangle type portal to worry about. This South Pacific island (known to its indigenous inhabitants as Rapa Nui) forms the easternmost vertex of the Polynesian Triangle, the other two being New Zealand and Hawaii. Its biggest claim to fame is undoubtedly its over 900 moai, which is the name given to the monolithic humanlike statues that dot its landscape. Carved out of compressed volcanic ash at the quarry Rano Raraku, the natives carried them to all parts of the island between 1250 and 1500. They are commonly agreed to be the representations of deified ancestors, set around the island as protectors. Sadly, they could not protect the Rapa Nui people from the cruel hammer of colonialism when Europeans first arrived in 1722, bringing disease and slave raiders. While it has been long believed that the Rapa Nui society was already in decline due to deforestation caused by the construction of the moai, a growing number of experts believe the colonizers exaggerated such reports to absolve themselves of blame (because of course they would!). By 1877, the island’s native population had been reduced from as much as 3,000 to just 111. Thankfully, the population has increased to 7,750 as of 2017, with most still living on Rapa Nui in the village of Hanga Roa. Of course, along with colonialism came the arguments that the Rapa Nui peoples couldn’t have possibly created the Easter Island moai. There had to be someone else. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the moai have shown up frequently in ancient aliens lore. Not helping with such rumors is the idea often spread that many of the statues (some of which are as much as 33 feet tall) have the entire rest of the body buried underground, which is demonstrably untrue. However, famed Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl, upon hearing the common Rapa Nui explanation that the statues literally “walked” to their present positions, conducted an experiment in 1997 alongside Polish engineer Pavel Pavel. A team of 16 people tied a rope around a moai replica’s head and base and rocked it back and forth, causing it to literally rock forward. Heyerdahl’s experiment sadly had to be cut short due to damage inflicted on the statue in the process. However, a much more successful version of this experiment was performed in 2012 by American archaeologists Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo. They used teams of three people to rock a ten-foot-tall moai replica with ropes tied around its head about 330 feet. You can view the results in this Youtube video on National Geographic’s official channel, as well as on the November 7th, 2012 episode of PBS’ Nova, titled “Mystery of Easter Island.” The North Pole The northernmost part of the globe has been well known for causing wonky behavior in compasses. Indeed, the Magnetic North Pole is where all compasses point to, to that’s to be expected. However, the Arctic is no stranger to mysterious disappearances, perhaps the most notable being the Captain Sir John Franklin expedition in 1845. Captain Franklin’s expedition, consisting of the combined 129 man crew of the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, set out from Greenhithe, England, on May 19th of that year. European whalers last encountered it in Baffin Bay in July. Subsequent archaeological investigations, writings by the crew, and interviews with local Inuit peoples have since demonstrated that the missing expedition became trapped in ice off Prince William Island in September 1846 and, after losing two dozen men (including Franklin), the crew abandoned both ships and set out for the Canadian mainland in April 1848. All eventually perished due to a combination of hypothermia, starvation, lead poisoning, zinc deficiency, and exposure to the harsh polar climate. Indeed, many crew members resorted to cannibalism to no avail. Indeed, even though that cause of the expedition’s demise is well understood by this point (and both ship’s wrecks have since been located), that hasn’t stopped some from speculating about supernatural foul play. Most notably, the 2007 novel The Terror by Dan Simmons (subsequently adapted as a TV series by AMC in 2018) depicts the expedition being stalked by a demonic beast from Inuit mythology on top of trying to stay alive in the harsh Arctic climate. The South Pole The South Pole is also involved in a tale of a doomed expedition. In 1911, the race was on to be the first people to reach the South Pole. The two teams were led by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen and British Royal Navy officer Robert Falcon Scott. Amundsen’s team became the first humans to ever set foot on the South Pole on December 14th, 1911. Scott’s team reached the pole a little over a month later, on January 17th, 1912. While Amundsen’s team managed to reach their base fully intact, Scott’s crew struggled through blizzards and frostbite, having failed to reunite with the dog teams that were supposed to resupply them. They all succumbed to the elements over the next two months, with Scott himself being the last to perish, probably around March 29th. While they failed in their goal of being the first to reach the pole, they did make one significant discovery. Among their corpses, the search parties found 35 pounds of Glossopteris tree fossils from the Permian period (299-252 million years ago), which, along with being the first fossils ever found on Antarctica, proved that the continent had once been in warmer climates and connected to the other continents. But some believe that Antarctica holds more secrets. For example, notice the strange shape of this mountain: This is one of three mountains in the Ellsworth Range, located at the base of the peninsula that juts out below South America, that many say look suspiciously like pyramids. Some, like the new-age website “Earth. We Are One,” have even gone as far as to argue that the pyramids were built by an ancient civilization over 100 million years ago, apparently misinterpreting a study by the Royal Society that showed that Antarctica was lush with vegetation during the Middle Cretaceous. They also incorrectly argue that Antarctica was located at the equator 100 million years ago (it wasn’t; global temperatures were just warmer back then). In reality, the pyramidal shape of these mountains is the result of glaciers smoothing out their topographies. Indeed, scientists have noted that the mountains are four thousand feet high, which would make them ten times larger than the Pyramids of Giza. That would be a tall order for any advanced civilization, whether they came from space or not. Indeed, it’s hard not to draw comparisons between theories like this and H.P. Lovecraft’s novella At the Mountains of Madness, which, incidentally, may have inspired the 1960 French conspiracy tome The Morning of the Magicians, which in turn was heavily plagiarized by Erich von Daniken in Chariot of the Gods? Interesting. Also, there’s this conspiracy theory about the disputed territory of New Swabia, which has been rumored to have served as a base for the Nazi Party ever since their defeat in 1945, but that’s a little too ridiculous to get into here, so let’s just wrap this up. And finally, my world tour of paranormal triangles has come to an end. I hope you had as much fun as I did. Remember to tune in for new updates later this week, as there will be some significant changes to how this blog works in the future. So keep your eyes peeled, and maybe keep your eyes peeled for anything strange if you ever find yourself traveling through one of these triangles. I know I’ve shown a lot of evidence to suggest that there’s nothing supernatural going on in these places, but you never know… The idea that the Bermuda Triangle is an inherently more dangerous and mysterious part of the sea seems to have started in the wake of the Flight 19 incident in 1945, especially after this article that appeared in the September 17th, 1950 edition of the Miami Herald. The term “Bermuda Triangle” was coined in February of 1964 by Vincent Gaddis in an article he wrote for the pulp magazine Argosy. But it wasn’t until Charles Berlitz wrote the book The Bermuda Triangle in 1974 that the public at large learned just how deadly this stretch of the Atlantic really was. Or maybe not, as librarian Larry Kusche demonstrated in his book The Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved, published the following year. He found that Berlitz and several other authors had either exaggerated or omitted details, making some incidents sound more mysterious than they actually were or even invented some incidents out of whole cloth (like a plane that allegedly crashed off Daytona Beach in 1937 that Kusche could find no newspaper records of). One particularly egregious error that Kusche found was Berlitz writing about an ore carrier that allegedly vanished three days from an Atlantic port. Kusche found the ship had actually departed from a port of the same name on the Pacific coast! Kusche deadpanned that Berlitz’s research was so sloppy that “If Berlitz were to report that a boat were red, the chance of it being some other color is almost a certainty.” Indeed, the findings of the Coast Guard, Lloyd’s of London, and NOAA seem to back up Kusche’s conclusions that the so-called Bermuda Triangle is in reality no more dangerous than any other part of the ocean. So what is the truth behind some of the more infamous vanishings? Let us examine ten such incidents to determine the real stories behind them, starting with: 1. The Ellen Austin (1881) The story behind this particular derelict ship begins on the outskirts of the Sargasso Sea when the crew of the 1800-ton schooner comes across an unknown and completely abandoned vessel on a voyage from London to New York.Part of the Ellen Austin crew boards the ship and confirms that not only are there no souls aboard, but they cannot find any sign as to why the crew may have abandoned ship. Everything, including the mystery ship’s cargo of mahogany, is in order, except for the captain’s log and the ship’s nameplate, which are missing. The captain of the Ellen Austin orders the salvage crew to steer the mystery ship to New York. Two days later, the ships are separated in a storm, and when the Ellen Austin finally catches up with the other ship, the salvage crew has also gone missing. The tale appears to have entered the popular imagination after it was retold by Rupert Gould, a retired Royal Navy commander, in his 1944 book The Stargazing Talks. There are other variations of the story. One tells of the Ellen Austin captain trying to send a second salvage crew over, only to abandon the mystery ship when the terrified crew refuses to board it. Another tells that the Ellen Austin never saw the mystery ship again after being separated by the storm. But which is the correct version of the tale? If Larry Kusche is correct, none of them are because he could find no concrete evidence that the incident happened at all. There was a schooner named Ellen Austin operating in the North Atlantic at the time (built in 1854), although it was named Meta until 1880. Kusche could not find any casualty reports from around the time that suggested anything unusual happening to the ship’s crew between leaving London on December 5th, 1880, and arriving at New York City on February 11th, 1881. Furthermore, the ship made a stop in St. John’s, Newfoundland, which would have taken her far away from the Sargasso Sea. Of course, Kusche’s search for the truth was complicated by the fact that Gould never gave a source for where he originally heard the story. However, an investigation by the website Sometimes Interesting found that the earliest mention of the incident came from a 1906 newspaper article from the Daily Deadwood Pioneer Times, which gave the year of the incident as 1891. That webpage offers a very detailed history of the Ellen Austin that I highly recommend you read for yourself (including an 1857 incident where the captain beat a crew member with wire rope and set his dogs on him). Ultimately, neither they nor Kusche could find any concrete evidence that the Ellen Austin encounter really did happen. It could simply be a mixup of the records that prevents us from getting the real story, but until we get better confirmation, perhaps it’s best just to regard this as a nautical tall tale. 2. USS Cyclops (March 1918) This nearly 20,000 ton US Navy collier sailed into history after departing from Barbados on March 4th, 1918, en route to Baltimore, Maryland, with 306 crew and passengers on board. When the ship failed to arrive on schedule on March 13th, a massive search was launched, which was unable to find any wreckage. Some more fantastically minded Triangle enthusiasts might point to UFOs or Atlantis or the Kraken or interdimensional portals to explain the vessel’s disappearance, but there are plenty of more logical explanations: The ship’s captain, George W. Worley, had a bad reputation. He was a violent drunkard who would verbally abuse crew members over minor infractions and even chased the ensign with a loaded pistol at one point. He was also reviled for his pro-German sympathies, and subsequent investigations even found that he was born in Germany. This has led some to speculate that Worley may have spirited the Cyclops away to Germany to help with their war effort. It certainly doesn’t help that one of the ship’s passengers, Alfred Louis Moreau Gottschalk (consul-general in Rio De Janeiro), also held pro-German sympathies. However, there are no records on Germany that the ship ever came to Germany, and there is no concrete evidence that the ship may have run across a U-boat or mine during its voyage either. The crew of the molasses tanker Amolco claimed to have spotted the Cyclops near Virginia on March 9th, the day before a massive storm swept the area, which could have claimed the vessel. However, this makes no sense, as that means the Cylcops would have safely reached port the next day, three days ahead of schedule. This isn’t to say the ship couldn’t concievably encountered a storm en route to Baltimore, but the March 10th storm almost certainly wasn’t it. The most likely theory is that the highly corrosive manganese ore that the Cyclops was carrying may have corroded the I-beams running along the length of the ship, eventually causing it to break in half in the middle of the ocean. BBC journalist Tom Mangold also proposed in a 2009 documentary that that ore could have become wet due to the cargo hatch covers being canvas, which could have caused the cargo to shift and cause the ship to list, which could have led to its foundering in bad weather. The Cyclops’ sister ships, the Proteus and the Nereus, would also vanish while traveling the same route in November and December of 1941, respectively. The last, the Jupiter, later became the USS Langely, the US Navy’s very first aircraft carrier, which was scuttled off the southern coast of Java on February 27th, 1942, after sustaining heavy damage from Japanese bombers. 3. SS Cotopaxi (December 1, 1925) You may remember this ship for its appearance in Stephen Spielberg’s classic 1977 film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, in which the long-lost bulk carrier is found sitting intact and abandoned in the middle of the Gobi Desert. The ship’s mysterious vanishing after departing from Charleston, South Carolina, on November 29th, 1925, with a cargo of coal bound for Havana, led many to connect the ship’s disappearance and her 32 crew members with the Bermuda Triangle. However, we know this isn’t true for two reasons. The first is that the Cotopaxi sent out a distress signal on December 1st, reporting that the ship was caught in a tropical storm and was listing and taking on water. Many experts suspect that the ship’s wooden cargo hatches may have been damaged, thus allowing water to flood in. Several family members of the Cotopaxi’s crew even sued the ship’s owners when a carpenter revealed that the company had ordered the ship to depart for Havana before he could finish repairing the dilapidated hatch covers. The second reason is that the ship’s wreck has since been found. No, I’m not talking about that news story from 2015 about the Cuban Coast Guard finding the ship abandoned floating somewhere west of Havana. That was from a satirical newspaper called the World News Daily Report and has been debunked by Snopes. The actual wreck of the Cotopaxi was found forty miles east of St. Augustine, Florida, sometime in the 1980s. However, it wasn’t positively identified as the Cotopaxi until January of 2020, after about fifteen years of work by marine biologist Michael Barnette. The ship’s wreck was later the subject of the series premiere of Shipwreck Secrets on the Science Channel the following month. 4. Flight 19 (December 5, 1945) By far the most infamous Triangle vanishing was the day five Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo bombers flew off into history, taking their 14 crew members with them and helping to cement the Bermuda Triangle’s place in the popular imagination. What was the squadron’s vanishing really as mysterious as its reputation claims it is? Let us examine the timeline of events on that day and find out. The squadron took off from the Naval Air Station in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, at 2:10 p.m. with Lieutenant Charles C. Taylor in command. The squadron was set to perform an exercise called “Navigation Problem No. 1,” which involved a practice bombing run on the Hens and Chickens Shoals in the Bahamas. They were the 19th squadron scheduled to complete the three-hour run that day. The squadron completed the bombing run around 3:00 and continued flying due east for another 77 miles as instructed, intending to turn north over Grand Bahama Island and then return west for home. However, this is when the trouble started, as Taylor suddenly sent a distress signal around 3:30, stating, “I don’t know where we are. We must have gotten lost at the last turn.” This transmission was overheard by Lieutenant Robert Cox, who was just then preparing to leave Fort Lauderdale with his own squadron of bombers. When Cox asked Taylor to clarify what was going on, he got this baffling answer: Both of my compasses are out and I am trying to find Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I am over land but it’s broken. I am sure I’m in the Keys, but I don’t know how far down, and I don’t know how to get to Fort Lauderdale. Lieutenant Charles C. Taylor, December 5th, 1945 Even if we acknowledge that Taylor was almost certainly mistaking the northern half of Abaco Island for the Florida Keys, it is still a baffling error. How did Taylor think the planes could have gone that far off course? Here’s a map of the region to show you what I mean. True, Flight 19 was experiencing compass problems, but it’s hard to believe that that could have brought the plane that far off course. In any case, Taylor decided that flying northeast would bring them back over land, which should have taken only twenty minutes. Lt. Cox offered to come and find Flight 19, but Taylor turned him down, sure he knew where he was. When that didn’t work, one of Taylor’s students suggested flying west, arguing that any Fort Lauderdale plane worth its salt would follow the setting sun. Even as late as 5:00, Taylor was still convinced beyond all reason that he was over the Gulf of Mexico and could be heard saying, “Change course to 90 degrees [due east relative to Fort Lauderdale] for 10 minutes.” To which a frustrated trainee responded: “Damn it, if we could just fly west, we would get home! Head west, damn it!” By this time, the Flight had drifted into an oncoming storm. Around 5:50, several radio stations had managed to triangulate Flight 19’s position as being within 100 nautical miles of 29 degrees north, 79 degrees west, which enabled the Navy to start planning a rescue mission. This was hampered somewhat by Taylor’s refusal to switch to his radio’s search and rescue frequency. By around 5:24, Taylor seemed to have finally realized his error and ordered the planes to head west, only to change his mind around 6:04 and tell his trainees, “We didn’t fly far enough east. We may as well turn around and fly east again.” The last message ever received from Flight 19 came at around 6:20: All planes close up tight… We’ll have to ditch unless landfall…When the first plane drops below ten gallons, we all go down together. Charles Taylor, December 5th, 1945 The plot thickened further after 7:00 when three flying boat aircraft set out to search for the missing bombers. One of them, a Martin PBM Mariner, which had taken off from the Banana River Navy Air Station with 13 crew members at 7:27, vanished after sending a routine radio call three minutes afterward. With the complete timeline laid out, it’s self-evident what really happened to Flight 19; they got lost and eventually ran out of fuel. Indeed, Charles Taylor, while an experienced pilot, was not exactly competent. He had gotten lost twice while fighting in the Pacific theatre of World War II and had to ditch his planes both times. Even on the day of Flight 19’s mission, he had shown up 25 minutes late and asked for someone to take his place. His reasons are unknown. I’ve read some sources suggesting he had a hangover, but I haven’t been able to confirm it. If that wasn’t bad enough, Taylor didn’t even bring essential navigational equipment like a watch or a plotting board with him. Indeed, the only reason the Navy didn’t ultimately pin all the blame on Taylor was because his mother begged them not to ruin her son’s reputation. As for the PBM Mariner, that design had an unfortunate history of gas leaking out from fully loaded fuel tanks, often setting off catastrophic explosions. Indeed, the crew of the tanker SS Gaines Mills witnessed a mid-air explosion at around 9:12 a few miles off Cape Canaveral and later found an oil slick in the water around where the blast took place. The escort carrier USS Solomon had been tracking the Mariner on radar and had lost the flying boat in that exact position. 5. Star Tiger and Star Ariel (January 30, 1948; January 17, 1949) Both of these incidents involved Avro Tudor Mark IVB passenger planes belonging to British South American Airways, and both vanished while covering roughly the same route. The Star Tiger initially set out from Lisbon, Portugal, on January 28th and stopped in Saint Maria in the Azores to refuel. However, the airliner departed sooner than expected as pilot Brian W. MacMillan wanted to get ahead of a storm that was set to drift across their route. The plane took off at 3:34 p.m. with 25 passengers and crew (including distinguished World War II veteran Sir Arthur Coningham) on the 29th. The Star Tiger flew at a shallow 2,000-foot altitude to avoid the worst of the headwind. At 3:15 a.m. the next morning, the plane radioed its position to its destination on Bermuda and estimated its arrival time as 5 a.m. It was the last that was ever heard from the Star Tiger. After attempting to contact the aircraft three more times and receiving no response by 4:40, the radio operator on Bermuda declared a state of emergency. The rough weather hampered the search, and it was called off after only five days. While subsequent investigations of the Star Tiger’s loss have been unable to determine the exact cause of the plane’s loss (especially with the absence of any wreckage), they have determined that the aircraft had more than enough fuel to reach Bermuda. They have also ruled out engine or structural failure, as the plane was designed to run on as little as two engines, and the craft was flying at a low enough altitude that cabin pressure shouldn’t have been a problem. The most likely possibility was that, given that the crew kept reporting that they were flying at 20,000 feet instead of 2,000 feet, they may have forgotten their actual altitude and may have accidentally flown the plane straight into the ocean, likely due to fatigue after a long flight. The Star Ariel departed from Kindley Field in Bermuda at 8:41 a.m. on January 17th the following year with 20 passengers and crew en route for Kingston, Jamaica. Unlike the Star Tiger, the Star Ariel flew in excellent weather. The plane sent two radio messages at 9:32 and 9:42, reporting that it was flying 150 miles south of Kindley Field at 18,000 feet and would reach Kingston at 2:10. It was never heard from again. Despite a six-day search covering a million square miles, no trace of the plane was found. Subsequent investigations found that the Star Ariel had switched to Kingston’s frequency at 9:37, which was unusual given that the plane was still so close to Bermuda at the time. This may have combined with problems with radio communication, including ten-minute blackouts, which may have led Kingston radio to miss any distress calls the plane may have made. Guesses as to what may have brought the Star Ariel down are scarce, again given that no wreckage was found. In the same 2009 documentary mentioned in the Cyclops entry, Tom Mangold suggested that faulty heaters may have brought down both planes. The Star Tiger flew at such a low altitude because its heater was broken, thus leaving it little room to maneuver in case of emergencies. Meanwhile, the Star Ariel could have suffered from a mid-air explosion due to hydraulic vapors being exposed to the heater. In any case, the Tudor Avro was retired from passenger service and switched to freighter service instead. A subsequent attempt to return two Avros to passenger service ended when the Star Girl was involved in the Llandow air disaster of March 12th, 1950, when the plane stalled due to overloading upon approach to RAF Llandow in southern Wales. Of the 83 passengers and crew on board, only three survived, making it the deadliest air disaster in history at the time. 6. Douglas DC-3 NC16002 (December 28, 1948) The Douglas DC-3 has long had a reputation as being one of the most reliable aircraft ever designed and built, with hundreds remaining in use to this day, mainly as cargo planes. Even so, a fair share of DC-3s have met with unfortunate ends, including the one registered as NC16002. That airliner had arrived at San Juan, Puerto Rico, at 7:40 p.m. Pilot Robert Linquist noted that the landing gear warning light was not working and that the batteries were low on charge. Linquist did not want to delay the return trip to Miami, Florida, and decided to use the plane’s generator to charge the batteries mid-flight. The plane took off at 10:03 with 32 passengers and crew, despite the way that the drained batteries were interfering with the plane’s radio transmitter. Even so, the craft was able to complete routine radio transmissions until 4:13 in the morning, when it reported that it was about 50 miles south of Miami. It was never heard from afterward. Oddly enough, despite being allegedly that close to Miami, the DC-3’s last message was not received by Miami air traffic control. It was instead heard in New Orleans, about 600 miles away. Given that both cities had tried to warn the plane that the wind had shifted from northwest to northeast (although it is unknown whether the flight crew received that message), it is likely that the wind blew the aircraft off course. This would have been a big problem, given that the plane only had enough fuel for another hour and twenty minutes of flight time. Even so, it seems strange that the plane should have vanished so thoroughly even with the Gulf Stream dispersing debris, given that the area in which it disappeared contains relatively shallow water. In his 2007 book The Bermuda Triangle, David West reported a story about a diver named Dr. Greg Little, who claims to have discovered a DC-3 wreck about seven miles south of Bimini in the Bahamas that may be consistent with NC16002’s description. However, DC-3s were also widely employed in the drug trade in the Bahamas during the 70s, so that’s something to keep in mind as well. 7. SS Marine Sulpher Queen (February 4, 1963) The Sulpher Queen was among the 533 T2 oil tankers built during World War II in order to help transport vital oil to the war effort. Originally christened as the SS Esso New Haven in 1944, she was renamed and converted in 1960 to transport molten sulfur in a single tank that spanned 306 feet of its total 524-foot length. Her final voyage began three years later when she set out from Beaumont, Texas, on February 2nd for Norfolk, Virginia. She carried 15,000 tons of molten sulfur, kept at 275 degrees, along with 39 crew members. Her last known position was a point approximately 350 miles west of Dry Tortugas, according to her last radio message on the 4th. When communications failed over the next two days, a nineteen-day search was called, mainly focusing on the Straits of Florida. While some debris, including life preservers bearing the ship’s name, was located, neither the ship itself nor her crew members have ever been discovered. Let’s get a few facts straight before we go from zero to aliens here. The T2 tanker class was infamous for being remarkably prone to catastrophic structural failures. They were particularly prone to breaking in two in rough or cold seas, mostly due to their speedy construction, which entailed welding the steel hull plates together instead of attaching them with rivets. Indeed, such structural weaknesses were observed on the Marine Sulpher Queen before she set out on her fateful voyage (one of her crew members even told his wife that the ship was a “floating garbage can”). But her owners, being the greedy capitalists that they were, insisted that the ship set out anyway so that they wouldn’t lose out on profits. Given that sixteen-foot waves were reported in the area around the time of the disappearance, it’s entirely possible that the ship broke in two and rapidly sank like all the other T2 tankers before her. There is also the possibility that the ship’s highly flammable sulfur cargo may have ignited and blown the ship to pieces. The Sulpher Queen’s tank was remarkably leaky, and fires often started around it. The leaking sulfur would puddle and cake around vital electrical equipment, causing it to short out. While I haven’t found any sources other than the 2005 book Ghost Ships by Angus Konstam to back this up, there have also been reports that a ship out of Honduras reported sailing through a patch of ocean that smelled strongly of sulfur off the west tip of Cuba around four days after the Sulpher Queen vanished. A much more interesting development occurred in January of 2001. According to an article on texasescapes.com, a group of scuba divers claimed to have found a capsized wreck in the Gulf of Mexico about 140 miles west of Fort Meyers, Florida, that fit the Marine Sulpher Queen’s description in 423 feet of water. Sadly, there does not seem to have been any new developments regarding that wreck since then. 8. The Witchcraft (December 22, 1967) This mystery revolves around a 23-foot cabin cruiser owned by hotelier Dan Burack. He had invited a close friend, Father Patrick Horgan, on an evening cruise to see the Miami Christmas lights from offshore. They planned to cut the engine near buoy #7, about a mile offshore, and take in the scenery. The trouble started around 9 p.m. when Burack radioed the Coast Guard to inform them that the cruiser’s propeller had struck a submerged object, and the boat would consequently need to be towed. Burack seemed calm, perhaps because a) he had recently had the Witchcraft’s hull fitted for a flotation device that rendered the cruiser virtually unsinkable, and b) he had flares with which he could signal passing boats should the need arise. This makes it seem all the more baffling that when a Coast Guard vessel did reach buoy #7 just 19 minutes later, there was no sign of the Witchcraft whatsoever. Not even a subsequent six-day long 24,500 square mile search was able to turn up any sign of the missing vessel. So what happened? Here are some theories: A thunderstorm that happened to pass through the area that night swept the cruiser away. The problem is that Burack seems like he could have easily radioed another SOS in that case. Another possibility is that the fast moving Gulf Stream current carried the Witchcraft away from buoy #7 without Burack or Horgan noticing. This seems somewhat unlikely too, however, not only because of the aformentioned flotation device but also because, again, there was nothing stopping Burack from sending out another distress signal. By far the most intruiging theory (at least for those who don’t buy into more supernatural explainations), as proposed by the likes of blogger Michelle Merritt and the YouTube channel Bedtime Stories is that Burack and Horgan faked their apparent deaths in order to avoid culpability for a criminal past. Merritt notes that, at least to one familiar with the geography of the Miami waterfront, Burack’s route makes no sense. The biggest reason is that Burack and Horgan apparently sailed out into the Atlantic to view the Christmas lights, which should have been easier to see from within Biscayne Bay. She also notes that buoy #7 is not a mile offshore, as most reports claim, but only 300 yards from South Pointe Park, where it marks the entrance into Government Cut. Furthermore, given that Burack’s home was located about 2.5 miles north of South Pointe Park, it seems like he was going rather far for such a casual outing. All of this led Merritt to conclude that Burack and Horgan lied about their actual position to the Coast Guard, presumably to lead them on a wild goose chase. But why? Merritt notes that Miami was in dire financial straits at the time. Several millionaires living in the city had been robbed, with the thieves using the waterfront as a highway to untold riches. Burack had been struggling financially for years, especially after his Galen Hall Hotel burned down under curious circumstances in 1963. After completing a new resort, the Galen Beach, he sold out his interest in the property. With the city doing down the tubes, Burack likely saw that his hotelier career was over, and he and Father Horgan sailed off into history. Also worth noting is what happened to one of Burack’s neighbors precisely one month after the Witchcraft disappeared. On January 22nd, 1968, Saverio “Sam” Codomo, a real estate developer with Mafia ties, was throwing a party for his recently wed daughter when two masked bandits broke in and tied everyone up. They stole several valuable coins and escaped by boat. Coincidence? Who knows? 9. SS Sylvia M. Ossa (October 15, 1976) This T2 tanker was christened as Egg Harbor in 1943, was rebuilt as a bulk carrier in 1963, and had been renamed seven times throughout her years of service. She set out from Rio de Janeiro with a cargo of iron ore bound for Philadelphia and was reported lost alongside all 37 crew members around 140 miles west of Bermuda. If the New York Times is to be believed, the only debris ever recovered was an oil slick, a capsized lifeboat, and a life preserver with scorch marks on it. Many Triangle enthusiasts are quick to jump on supernatural explanations due to statements from a Coast Guard spokesman that the weather was clear that day, with calm seas and visibility for forty miles. However, the same New York Times article mentioned above also notes that two days before the Ossa was reported missing, she had set out a radio message stating that she had run into gale-force winds and thus would be overdue for her arrival in Philly. The seas may have been much heavier than the crew anticipated, however. 10. SS Poet (October 1980) This ship started life as the USS General Omar Bundy in August of 1944, serving as a transport ship for the US Navy in the final months of World War II. She remained in military service until 1964, when she entered the private sector and was converted into a cargo ship. She changed names several times and was going by the SS Poet when she sailed on her final voyage. She departed Philadelphia on October 24th, 1980, carrying 34 crew members and 13,500 tons of yellow corn bound for Port Said, Egypt. The ship radioed its position off Cape Henlopen, Delaware, at 9:00 that evening. When it failed to radio any updates by November 3rd, six days before its scheduled arrival at Port Said, a massive search covering over 750,000 square miles was called. Not a single piece of debris was recovered. Theories for what happened have included that the ship was hijacked by Iranian terrorists, pirates, or the New Jersey-based Gambino crime family. Another theory is that a storm that rolled across the ship’s route the night after its departure from Philly sank it. Some have even suggested that water might have gotten into the cargo hold and caused the corn to expand to the point that it could have ruptured the hull. While the ship was old and likely had been kept in service long after it should have been retired, it seems rather unlikely that the hull was that flimsy. Others have suggested that a rogue wave might have capsized the ship. These unpredictable waves, reaching 80-100 foot heights, have been known to spring up during storms to swallow ships whole. Indeed, a possible rogue wave has also been implicated in the disappearance of the Sylvia M. Ossa as well. Hopefully by now, one can see that the Bermuda Triangle mystery really isn’t a mystery at all. Practically every significant reported disappearance reported in the region has a logical explanation when you really look into it. True, the Triangle region has played host to several UFO reports and even some sea monster sightings. One particularly unusual case involves the crew of the famous submersible Alvin, who allegedly encountered a creature that looked awfully similar to a small plesiosaur in October of 1969 while inspecting undersea cables in the Tongue of the Ocean in the Bahamas. Then again, I learned about that particular incident from another Charles Berlitz book, Without a Trace, so maybe take that one with a grain of salt. In all, practically every source knowledgeable about the area, from the Coast Guard to NOAA to Lloyd’s of London, has denied that the Bermuda Triangle is any more dangerous than any other part of the ocean, especially considering the heavy air and sea traffic that goes through the region every day. Indeed, when the World Wide Fund for Nature published a study demonstrating the ten most dangerous waters for shipping in 2013, the South China Sea, the North Sea, and the Mediterranean made the cut, but not the Bermuda Triangle. Indeed, when all is said and done, it seems like the Bridgewater Triangle has more to offer the average mystery hunter than the Bermuda Triangle. And that’s all I have to say about the Bermuda Triangle, but not the rest of the Vile Vortices. Tune in next time for the conclusion of my paranormal triangles world tour where I examine Ivan T. Sanderson’s theory to see if there is anything to his theory of there being twelve Bermuda Triangles! See you soon! Guess what, beautiful watchers! It’s October! And you know what that means; it’s time to delve into the spooky side of things. You may recall last February when I last talked about so-called paranormal hotspots that were labeled “triangles” thanks to the infamy of Bermuda’s supposed vortex. In the spirit of Halloween, I wish to continue that globe-trotting adventure by looking at ten more lesser-known paranormal triangles, both to tell you the stories and to see whether any of them can hold up to scientific scrutiny. Let’s not tarry about and jump right in. 1. Bass Strait Triangle (Australia) Author Jack Loney identified this triangle in his 1980 book Mysteries of the Bass Strait Triangle. The strait has long had a reputation for being treacherous for passing ships, but is this because of supernatural goings-on, or do these disappearances have a more earthly origin? Let us examine some individual incidents to find out: 1797: Bass Strait is first discovered by European explorers after the Sydney Cove wrecks on Preservation Island (its namesake, George Bass, becomes the first European to sail through it the following year while circumnavigating Tasmania, then known as Van Dieman’s Land). Things take a turn for the mysterious when one of the salvage ships, a sloop named Eliza, vanishes during a return trip to Sydney. February 1858: The Royal Navy brig HMS Sappho vanishes while en route from the Cape of Good Hope to Sydney, with a subsequent search turning up no trace of the ship or her crew. Most scholars believe she foundered in the Bass Strait, either holed by rocks or capsized in a gale (she was last seen off Cape Bridgewater on February 18). HMS Sappho is only one of several ships that went missing in the strait in the 1800s; other notable incidents included the Harlech Castle in 1870. 1901: The SS Federal disappears along with its 22 crew members and its cargo of coal. Its wreck was discovered in 2019. 1906: The German cargo ship SS Frederick Fischer vanishes en route to Tasmania. September 10, 1920: A schooner named the SS Amelia J disappeared shortly after entering Bass Strait. A barquentine named the SS Southern Cross and an Airco DH.9A aircraft also vanished while searching for her. The wreck of the Southern Cross is the only wreck to have been discovered so far. Witnesses reported strange lights in the skies over Bass Strait around the time of the incidents. October 21, 1934: A de Havilland DH86 airliner named Miss Hobart inexplicably went missing while flying over Bass Strait, despite being in perfect weather. All eleven people on board were lost with it. Only a small amount of wreckage was ever found on the coast of Victoria. Eerily, much like a similar incident 44 years to the day later, the pilots radioed that the passengers witnessed an “aerial machine” approaching the airliner before all contact was lost. 1935: The Loina, a Holyman airliner, vanishes near Flinders Island with five people aboard. Officially, the cause was human error compounded with the poor design of the craft. However, a small piece on the plane’s floor was among the wreckage recovered, which showed a burned patch several centimeters wide, which someone had attempted to stamp out. World War II (1939-1945): Several strange incidents were reported by pilots flying over the strait during the war. Seventeen military planes vanished during this period, despite no record of enemy combatants ever coming near the region (official sources blame inexperienced crew flying too close to the ocean’s surface). One Bristol Beaufort bomber flying over the strait in 1944 claimed it was followed by a “dark shadow” for 20 minutes until it suddenly shot up into the sky. A fighter pilot claimed he was followed by a bronze disc-shaped craft in 1942 while investigating local reports of strange lights in the area. April 6, 1966: Children and school staff in Melbourne witness a huge disc-shaped craft lazily drifting over their cricket field, which they follow until it vanishes over the treeline. Other witnesses later come forward to say that they saw five smaller craft trailing behind it. 1972: A vintage de Havilland Tiger Moth owned by Brenda Hean and Max Price vanishes while en route to Canberra to protest the proposed hydroelectric dam on Lake Pedder. Investigators believe the plane crashed somewhere between the East Coast and Flinders Island and may have been sabotaged by pro-development interests. October-November 1978: A flap of UFO sightings occurs along the coasts of Tasmania and Victoria. A husband and wife pair of motorists describe a bright light coming down from the sky and following their car on October 9. A month later, a taxi driver in Hobart slams on his brakes when he sees a green light on the road in front of him. The light vanishes when he takes his eyes off the road to tend to his radio, which is suddenly on the fritz. On November 25, a woman reports seeing a “doorway of light” appear in her driveway. Some ufologists have suggested a connection with the following incident in this list… October 21, 1978: When 20-year-old amateur pilot Frederick Valentich set off from Moorabbin Airport that Saturday evening, he likely had no idea he was about to become the subject of one of the most infamous UFO incidents, not just in Australia but in the entire world. He radioed Melbourne air traffic control at 7:06 to inform them of a strange aircraft that seemed to be following him from about a thousand feet overhead. He described the craft as having a shiny metal surface and had green landing lights on it. Over the next six minutes, he described the craft approaching him from the east and “orbiting” over him. He claimed his Cessna 182 was experiencing engine problems and then said these ominous words about the strange craft: “It’s not an aircraft.” When air traffic control asked Valentich to clarify, all they got in response was what they described as a “metallic scraping sound.” When he failed to arrive at his destination at the King Island Airport, the search was on. Despite the search covering 1,000 square miles, no trace of the aircraft has been found, although an engine cowl flap belonging to a Cessna 182 washed up on Flinders Island five years later. Theories for what happened to Valentich abound. Some say he faked his death and landed the plane elsewhere. Others say the strange lights he saw were because he was flying the plane upside down without realizing and saw his own lights reflected in the water (something that should have been impossible with the Cessna’s gravity feed fuel system). Others speculate that he may have found himself in a graveyard spiral, in which a pilot thinks he is flying level when they are actually in a banking turn, which they didn’t realize until it was too late. The supposed lights on the UFO were actually the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury and the star Antares. True, the graveyard spiral theory is probably far more likely than an alien abduction, but there is still one strange aspect of the Valentich incident that I feel I would be remiss not to discuss. On the same evening as the Valentich incident, a plumber named Roy Manifold was photographing the sunset near the Cape Otway Lighthouse (well within Valentich’s flight path) when he and his son, Jason, heard the sound of a plane overhead. Instead of gradually fading off in the distance, however, Jason claims that the engine’s sound cut off entirely at one point, “as if someone had turned a radio off.” Later, when he and his dad developed the photos, one of them came back like this: Some other anonymous eyewitnesses came forward later to claim that they saw a plane flying down toward the ground at a 45-degree angle while a green light floated 1,000-2,000 feet above it. They never saw the plane crash. None of this necessarily proves that Valentich was killed or abducted by aliens, but you never know… December 1979: A yacht named Charleston vanishes while en route to Sydney to join the Sydney-Hobart yacht race. Theories for what happened include wind damaging the mast or a loose container damaging the rudder, leaving the boat helplessly adrift. The family of the owner of the yacht even contacted a clairvoyant who told them the vessel had come ashore on an island south of New Zealand. Whatever the case, no trace of the yacht has ever been found. Admittedly, the Bass Strait has long held a dangerous reputation for things other than UFOs. The prevailing winds and currents breaking up against King’s Island in the east combined with the strait’s shallow depth (160 feet at the deepest) and numerous reefs and submerged rocks can create very rough seas, especially in bad weather. Still, the strait’s history with UFOs is hard to ignore, especially after the strange phenomena was immortalized in the 2016 TV show The Kettering Incident. The series co-creator, Victoria Madden, has explained in interviews that the show was inspired by several odd incidents that occurred around the north coast of Tasmania while she was growing up. These included missing persons, cars suddenly coming to a halt, “dome objects in the Lake Country,” memory loss, etc. Madden herself recalls a childhood memory where she and her friends witnessed lights hovering over the trees, making a weird noise before they suddenly vanished. Some have even gone as far as to argue that there may be an underwater UFO base in the region. I’m not going to agree or disagree with this argument, even if I’m a bit on the skeptical side here. Little Egypt is the colloquial name for the southern third of Illinois, bordered by the Wabash, Ohio, Mississippi, and Missouri Rivers. Often divided from the rest of Illinois by Interstate 64, the region is often renowned for having a distinct cultural identity from the rest of the state, principally due to its association with the antebellum South (for better or for worse). However, several paranormal investigators have also argued that the area is a hotbed of paranormal activity, with a high concentration of haunted buildings, UFOs, and cryptid sightings. For example, in Madison County, Alton has often been described as “the most haunted town in America,” hosting such hotspots as McPike Mansion, the First Unitarian Church, the Mineral Springs Hotel, and the Milton School. Other haunted locations that one can find in the triangle include (but certainly aren’t limited to) Cave-In-Rock State Park (allegedly home to buried treasure and moaning cries), the Crenshaw House in Equality (ironically home to a place where free blacks were sold into slavery in a reverse Underground Railroad situation), the Coate Mental Health Center in Anna (a mental hospital that burned down twice. Need I say more?), and Lebanon Road in Collinsville (a local legend says that if you pass under all seven bridges on the road at midnight, a portal to Hell will open up!). As for UFOs, St. Clair County hosted one of the most infamous so-called “black triangle” sightings when, for two hours starting at four in the morning on January 5, 2000, several eyewitnesses (including four police officers) saw a triangle-shaped object flying overhead. They described it as having three white lights on the vertices and a red light in the center. One officer even managed to photograph the object. Even though Skeptoid podcast host Brian Dunning has built a rather compelling case that the “UFO” was nothing more than an advertising blimp, the incident has remained a mainstay in Illinois urban legend, even being referenced in Sufjan Stevens’ landmark 2005 concept album Illinois. As for cryptids, southern Illinois has played host to several sightings of animals that seem out of place. Out of place big cats seem to be very common in Illinois. Champaign County was plagued by a particularly vicious one in 1963 that killed a lot of livestock, including dozens of chickens. Shawnee National Forest has also been a historical hotspot for big cat sightings. One of the more dramatic reports to come out of this region happened to Mike Bubsy on April 10, 1970. He was tending to engine problems outside Olive Branch in Alexander County when a six-foot-tall black feline attacked him. It only stopped when a passing semi-truck startled it and allowed Bubsy to catch a ride to the hospital. Phantom kangaroos have also been reported in the region, as have several Bigfoot-type creatures. One particularly alarming encounter occurred near Cairo in the evening hours of July 25, 1972, when Leroy Summers reported seeing a 10-foot hairy white creature standing near the Ohio River levee. The area also boasts its fair share of lake monsters, the most famous being Du Quoin’s Stump Pond Monster that was sighted several times between 1879 and 1968 when the lake was partially drained. But by far the most infamous and strangest cryptid to come out of Little Egypt is probably the Enfield Horror, which stalked White County in April and May of 1973. On the 25th of that month, Henry McDaniel went to his front door to examine a strange scratching sound. He claims to have found the culprit squatting between two rose bushes. “It had three legs on it, a short body, two short little arms, and two pink eyes as big as flashlights. It stood four and a half feet tall and was grayish-colored.” McDaniel fired on the creature, but it did not seem to be affected by the bullets. It leaped away, covering a distance of fifty feet in three jumps. The sighting sparked panic, with the police having their hands full arresting would-be monster hunters for hunting violations. The hysteria quickly vanished as suddenly as it first appeared, and nowadays, several skeptics have argued that the townsfolk mistook an escaped exotic pet like a kangaroo or an ape for “a monster from outer space.” W. Haden Blackman, The Field Guide to North American Monsters (NY, Three Rivers Press, 1998) 3. Ossipee Triangle (New Hampshire) This one covers a vast swath of the Granite State if this map is to be believed, with the vertices being in Franconia in Grafton County, Ossipee in Carroll County, and Salem in Rockingham County. The whole area is centered on Lake Ossipee and was a sacred area to the indigenous Abenaki tribes. The lake was surrounded by a 100 million-year-old volcano and several glacier-carved kettle lakes. One of these, Snake Pond (formerly known as Mystery Pond), is reputed in local legend to be bottomless. UFOs have been reported diving into it and other deep ponds in the region, which has led some to argue that underwater tunnels connect the ponds. Indeed, one of the most famous alien abduction incidents in UFO history occurred around the north edge of the triangle in 1961. Portsmouth residents Betty and Barney Hill were returning from a vacation in Canada on September 19 when they spotted a strange light just outside Lancaster around 10:30 in the evening. The craft, which they later described as “pancake-shaped” and covered in red lights, followed them until it caught up with them around Indian Head, near Franconia, and hovered about a hundred feet above them. They observed several humanoid figures in the craft’s windows. Suddenly, the Hills realized they had lost two hours and were driving near Ashland, about thirty-five miles south. They later recalled that the aliens had taken them on board their ship and physically examined them. When Betty asked the beings where they came from, they showed her a map that astronomers later identified as being near the Zeta Reticuli constellation. Some astronomers have argued that the Hills inadvertently discovered a new star system in the process, although some skeptics, most notably Carl Sagan, disagreed. Indeed, a fair number of skeptics have argued that the whole incident was a hallucination triggered by the stress of being an interracial couple in the early 1960s (Barney was black, Betty was white). Another notable UFO sighting occurred near Exeter on September 3, 1965, when a hitchhiker named Norman Muscarello witnessed a large red glowing object descending upon two houses. When Muscarello persuaded a police officer to follow him back to the site, they saw the same UFO hovering about a hundred feet off the ground. The incident inspired the “Exeter UFO Festival,” which started as a fundraiser to benefit children’s charities in 2010. New Hampshire was also the site of what is often considered the very first photo ever taken of a UFO, which was taken over Mount Washington in 1870. Finally, there is the mystery of America’s Stonehenge in North Salem, a thirty-acre archeological site whose origins are hotly debated. It is reputed in local lore to have a pre-Columbian origin and to have been created either by local indigenous tribes or by monks of the Irish Culdee order or even ancient Minoan or Phoenician explorers. However, most archaeologists disagree, as no artifacts from pre-Columbian times have been found in the area. They conclude that the site was built by white settlers in the 18th/19th centuries for farming purposes and that William Goodwin, who purchased the land in 1937, started the fantastical stories to drum up business. Either way, it certainly seemed to attract the attention of horror literature icon H.P. Lovecraft, who may have based his story “The Dunwich Horror” on the megalith. Dennis William Hauck, Haunted Places: A National Directory 4. Aroostook Triangle (Maine) This tiny sliver of Aroostook County, Maine, which occupies a 10x25x25 mile sliver of wilderness south of Presque Isle, occupies a rather prominent spot in the work of local folklorist Michelle Souliere. Aroostook is the largest county in New England, which, in Souliere’s eyes, makes it a perfect spot for a colony of Bigfoot to hide. Indeed, the area which she and fellow Mainer cryptozoologist Loren Coleman have dubbed “the Aroostook Triangle” has long been a hotspot of activity commonly associated with Bigfoot lore: wood knocks, snapped trees, large rocks being thrown about, unidentifiable roars, etc. What follows are a sampling of alleged Sasquatch encounters in Aroostook County collected by Souliere in her book Bigfoot in Maine, presented in chronological order: c. 1983, E Plantation: An anonymous John Doe claims that he was camping out in his cousin’s backyard when they were woken up by what sounded like rocks being banged together. They went back to sleep, thinking it was a horse in a nearby barn. But when they checked the barn the next morning, the horse wasn’t there. They had more sleepovers that summer and more weird encounters. Something followed them while they were walking in the woods and growled and ran off when they tried to get a closer look. They later saw a long, humanoid arm reaching over their tent one night after they were woken up by something brushing up against it. Later in life, John Doe would learn that his sister had once seen an ape-like face peering through her bedroom window, that his brother had seen what he thought was a rock stand up on two legs and walk away, and that one incident in which his mother had ordered him and his siblings back into the house, shotgun in hand, was because she had seen a black shape lurking around the bushes. May 1990, near Island Falls on Mattawamkeag River: Mike Dunphy Sr. was out on a Memorial Day fishing trip with his son Mike Jr. when a creature walking on two legs and covered in dark brown hair emerged from the woods and crossed an old logging road. They immediately packed up and left and didn’t speak about the incident for years afterward. May 2007, Moro Plantation: Jeff Kaine was fishing in Green Pond when the peaceful silence was broken by two loud knocks, followed by what sounded like a small tree being snapped in half. Around 7 p.m., Kaine was getting ready to pack it in when a monstrous roar ripped through the evening air. Scared out of his wits, he immediately made a break for his truck and tore out of there. Kaine would later learn that a friend had had large rocks thrown at him during another fishing trip to Green Pond. Of course, there are probably others, but that’s all I could find from Souliere’s book. Maybe you have your own. Let me know in the comments! Michelle Souliere and Loren Coleman, Bigfoot in Maine (SC, Charleston, The History Press, 2021) 5. Pag Triangle (Croatia) This location is a rarity in that it is one of the only paranormal triangles that is an actual, physical triangle. The triangle takes its name from the island that houses it, Pag, and can be found just outside of the small town of Novalja. It was discovered by geologist Zlatko Grabovac in 1999 while surveying the region around Velo Tusto Celo Hill (which means “Big Fat Forehead” in English). The triangle itself, officially known as the Pag Venture Star, is unusual in several ways. It seems to form a perfect isosceles shape, with two sides measuring 72 feet and another measuring 105 feet. It also consists of rocks of a different structure than those surrounding it, being of a much lighter color. Since science still has yet to explain how the triangle came into existence, many fringe theorists have come up with their own answers. Some, like Stjepan Zvonaric, have noted that Pag Island seems to be a UFO hotspot and has accordingly suggested that the rocks within the triangle were superheated when an extraterrestrial spacecraft landed on the spot 12,000 years ago, which is the scientists’ best guess on when the triangle was first formed. Some have pointed out the fact that one of the angles of the triangle seems to point to the star Sirius as further proof of this theory. Others, pointing to a local legend stating that Jesus Himself visited the island after His resurrection, argue that it is a sign from God and that the three vertices symbolize the Holy Trinity. Father Zlatko Sudac, a famous priest with stigmata, even claims that he received his wounds while conversing with a friend about the triangle. Whatever you believe about the triangle, there is no denying that it is a fairly popular tourist destination, with half a million people having visited in the two decades since its discovery. Several of them have claimed to have experienced unusual activity inside the triangle, including GPS’ turning off or connecting with six satellites at once, batteries on electronic devices spontaneously draining, and overall eerie feelings. This UFO hotspot, also known as the Welsh Triangle and the Dyfed Triangle, centers on St. Brides’ Bay in the province of Pembrokeshire, located on the tip of Wales’ southern peninsula. Although it was the wave of sightings that occurred in this region in 1977 that really put this area on the ufology radar, at least one prior sighting has also been recorded. Taking place near the town of Castlemartin in 1952, it involved a Mr. Thomas who was taking a lunchtime stroll on the sand dunes when he noticed something unusual. A group of men was standing over a metallic object that was partially buried in the sand. When Mr. Thomas approached the men, they warned him not to approach any closer, as he was not adequately protected from the deadly rays that the object was giving off. After warning him that Earth was on a self-destructive path and that they had been monitoring the planet for hundreds of years, they told Mr. Thomas the name of the planet they came from, a detail that Thomas had forgotten by the time he finally came forward with his story. As for the 1977 wave of sightings, as usual, here’s the most notable incidents recorded in chronological order: February 4: A group of fourteen schoolchildren are playing football outside of Broad Haven Primary School when a yellow cigar-shaped craft lands in a nearby field. Six of them also see a humanoid figure with long ears and a silver suit emerged from the craft. When the headmaster asks the witnesses to draw what they saw, he is struck by the similarity of their drawings. A teacher later comes forward to say she saw a shiny oval-shaped object with a slight dome departing from the same field, making a humming noise as it did so. The same craft allegedly made a repeat appearance at the school on February 17, witnessed by three teachers. March 13: 13-year-old Steven Taylor sees a domed object land in the field near his house. When he goes outside to investigate, he is approached by a tall humanoid wearing a shiny one piece suit. After he punches at the figure, it vanishes. That same evening, a 17-year-old Milford Haven resident claims she was menaced by a three-foot-tall humanoid standing on her windowsill. April 7: 64-year-old Cyril John, another Milford Haven resident, is woken up at 5 a.m. by a light shining through his window. He looks out to see an egg-shaped object about four feet wide floating above a nearby field, colored silver-grey with a reddish-orange light on top. Floating beside it is a faceless humanoid wearing what looks like a silver-grey boiler suit. The being and the object hovered like that for 25 minutes before slowly moving off. April 19: One of the more infamous sightings to occur during this flap happens to Rosa Granville, owner of the Haven Fort Hotel in Little Haven. She was woken by a light shining through her window around 2:30 in the morning. She looked out her window to see a craft shaped like an upside down saucer in a nearby field, spouting flames of all different colors from its underside. The heat was so intense that Granville claims her face felt burnt afterward. She also sees two faceless humanoids with pointed heads next to the craft. The saucer disappears in the time it takes her to gather other witnesses. She investigates the site the following day and discovers that the grass has been compressed and scorched. April onward: Whatever was behind these incidents seems to have held a grudge against the Coombs family, the owners of Ripperston Farm. The family consisted of Billy, his wife Pauline, and their three children. They experienced numerous incidents throughout 1977 that some paranormal enthusiasts have compared to Utah’s infamous Skinwalker Ranch. These include lights that chased Pauline as she drove the nearby country lanes, whole herds of cattle being transported to different fields in the time it took Billy to brew a cup of tea, electrical items in the house constantly going haywire, and perhaps most disturbingly, a seven-foot faceless humanoid staring through their living room window. This is by no means an exhaustive list, as there were also several cases of people claiming to have been abducted by the aliens that were haunting the region at the time. The reports were compelling enough that the British Ministry of Defense sent an investigator to see what he could find. He became convinced that the sightings were all the work of a practical joker, something that seems to be backed up by local businessman Glyn Edwards coming forward in 1996 claiming that he was the silver-suited spaceman. Even so, sightings of cigar-shaped UFOs have continued to trickle out of the region sporadically, and several witnesses have continued to stick by their stories, including the boys from the primary school incident and Rosa Granville. This sliver of the Scottish lowlands covers the area between the towns of Falkirk, Stirling, and Bonnybridge and lies rather close to the capital at Edinburgh. It has been described as the UFO capital of the world, with 300 sightings being recorded every year! The sightings in the area seem to date back as far as 1979 in the nearby town of Livingston, when a forestry worker named Robert Taylor was chased by a metallic black flying dome in Dechmont Wood and may have been the victim of alien abduction (he reported being grabbed by metal rods around his hips that pulled him toward the ship before he blacked out). The sightings in the triangle itself would begin in earnest about ten years later: 1989: A firefighting crew is battling a blaze in Gradrum Moss when a red object approaches them. It hovers over them for several minutes before speeding away. Suddenly, a second object approaches them, this time glowing white before it too hovers and then speeds off. November 12, 1991: Two photographers at the Polmont Reservoir see two flashing lights over Kincardine Bridge. Despite thinking it was a helicopter at first, the pair noticed that it made no sound. The craft approached them, and the pair reported hearing a quiet, pulsing hum. 1992: Local businessman James Walker becomes the subject of the most famous encounter to come out of the triangle. On his way home from work, he encounters a star-shaped UFO that starts following him and eventually cuts him off. As he gets out of his car to take a closer look, the UFO shoots off at blinding speed. It never makes a sound at any point during the encounter. March 1992: The Sloggett family is out on an early morning walk outside Bonnybridge when they spot a ring of strange lights over a nearby moor. When the family books it back toward their house, a blue football-shaped craft lands in front of them and opens a door, out of which a howling roar bellows. August 1992: Gary Wood and Colin Wright are driving along the A70 highway through West Lothian near the Harperring Reservoir when a UFO intercepts their car. They suddenly experience a case of missing time lasting two hours. Under hypnosis, they claim to have been taken to an underground base, where they were experimented upon and saw walls lined with people frozen in glass jars. January 19, 1994: A motorist in the town of Larbert is chased by a white light, which a bystander manages to capture on tape in an 18-second film. September 1996: An airforce family reports a truly bizarre encounter in Falkland when they claim to have seen a field swarming with ant-like beings seemingly being commanded by taller white entities to make nests out of saliva and hay. They also claim these beings were being teleported out of a black triangle the size of a stadium via an array of bizarre lights. 1999: The town of Gorebridge is claimed to have been placed under siege by UFOs. Reports range from a 737 jet being buzzed by three glowing objects while approaching Edinburgh Airport to two men being chased by a “floating green eye” while looking for Christmas trees near Blinkbonny Mine to an apparent alien being who was photographed standing on someone’s roof. Again, those are just some of the more infamous sightings. As the 300-a-year figure noted above indicates, there are far more sightings where those came from. There are, of course, many theories as to why this area is such a significant hotspot. Some have seized upon the Wood-Wright account to posit that there is indeed an underground base in the region out of which the UFOs are operating. Others argue that the area’s rich history has something to do with the sightings. For example, not only did the celebrated Battle of Bannockburn occur within the confines of the triangle, but some legends state that the town of Camelon was the site of the Battle of Camlann, in which King Arthur fought his battle to the death with his bastard half-son Mordred. Not only that, but Midlothian also houses Rosslyn Chapel, which is popularly believed to hide the Holy Grail, among other holy artifacts, within its walls. This legend was popularized by Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, although most scholars agree the story has no basis in fact. Many ufologists have noted the similarities between alien abduction stories and old legends of encounters with fairies and elves, suggesting that the fair folk were just how people in the Middle Ages and before conceptualized extraterrestrial beings. Indeed, Scotland and other Celtic countries have a long history of fair folk traditions. Then again, many local residents have accused local leaders of making it all up to turn Bonnybridge and other towns into tourist traps, arguing that the strange craft are just experimental military technology being tested on one of several military bases in the region. That is, admittedly, the most plausible explanation, but one can never really know for sure… This town is nestled within the southern reaches of the Ural Mountains in the Kishertsky District of Perm Krai. The town is located on ground that was sacred to the indigenous Mansi people, who believed it was a gathering place for gods and spirits. Maybe that explains the wealth of paranormal phenomena that has been recorded in this triangle, also often known as the Perm Anomalous Zone or the M-Zone. The M-Zone first gained international attention from ufologists in 1983, when Russian UFO enthusiast Emil Bachurin led an expedition into the village’s thick forests. Not only did he witness a purple light rising out of the trees that left behind a patch of melted snow 206 feet across, the team was also chased by orbs of light that burned them with rays and even knocked one of them unconscious. Over the years, various people have reported mysterious lights in the sky, luminous translucent beings stalking through the trees, sightings of Chuchunya (Russia’s answer to Bigfoot or the Yeti), weather anomalies like strange-colored lightning, disembodied singing voices, malfunctioning compasses and electronics, and watches stopping or even ticking backwards. Another ufologist expedition in 2005 reported seeing a giant glowing ball above the trees. Chillingly, one of the team members went missing afterwards, and the last photograph taken of him allegedly shows a beam shining on the man from the UFO. The American TV series Sightings also filmed a segment on the Perm anomalies in the early 90’s, and allegedly had their camp surrounded by orbs of light later that evening. Not only did locals confirm that the mysterious phenomena had long since been accepted as a fact of life among them, but the TV crew was also warned beforehand by government officials that staying more than 24 hours in the M-Zone might be hazardous. Despite this, there are also several people who believe that the region has healing properties. Sure, ill health effects like headaches, nosebleeds, muscle aches, nausea, and dizziness have been reported. But others have claimed that the unique energies have a refreshing and enlightening effect and can even cure various ailments. Perhaps the most famous case of the M-Zone’s alleged healing abilities comes from journalist and cosmonaut Pavel Mukhortov. After being turned away from the cosmonaut program due to physical disabilities, Mukhortov traveled to the M-Zone to do a possible story on it. While he didn’t see any UFOs, he and his traveling companions did fall ill. But soon after, they became filled with “an intense sense of well-being,” and claimed to have suddenly had their heads filled with visions and knowledge that seemingly came from nowhere. Mukhortov claims that these effects allowed him to pass the Soviet Space Program with flying colors when he reapplied, and thus finally fulfilled his dream of becoming a cosmonaut. Whether or not this is because UFOs are drawn to the strange electromagnetic forces endemic to the region, or it’s the electromagnetism combined with infrasound that is causing hallucinations of UFOs, one cannot deny that there is something weird going on in the woods around Molyobka. However, if you want to check it out for yourself, be forewarned; the area is apparently overcrowded with other “pilgrims” seeking answers to the phenomena. Just make sure you’re not placing too much strain on the locals. This is certainly the smallest triangle I’ve covered in either triangle list in terms of the total area it covers. It spans only a tiny 4 1/2 square mile area of Suffolk County on Long Island, New York, between the towns of Islip and Oakdale and Heckscher State Park. What sets this area apart, according to local urban legend, is its history of UFO sightings. Indeed, with 554 sightings recorded between 2001 and 2015 alone, Suffolk County has been described as the UFO capital of New York. Some notable sightings include: May 1908: Several residents witness what they describe as “a string of lighted beads” flying across the sky. At one point, the lead UFO stops, causing the others to merge with it and “spin like a Fourth of July pinwheel” before taking off at great speed. July 1954: An Oakdale resident calls his wife and son, named Tom, out to the yard. They witness three glowing objects in a V formation up in the night sky. Tom remembers seeing a discharge that reminded him of Christmas tinsel pouring out of the back of the objects before they disappeared behind the trees. May 1997: A female motorist, as well as several police officers and many persons in a nearby building, witness six golden-colored lights hovering in the sky. Oddly enough, several other people in the area later claim they saw nothing unusual. July 2014: Several Islip residents report seeing a bright orange fireball traveling east-southeast around 10:30 in the evening. According to ufologist Cheryl Costa, there have been 40 sightings of UFOs within the perimeter of the Great River Triangle between 1918 and 2014. What attracts them to the region is unknown. This one comes to us from the Philippines. With its three points resting on the Conception municipality in the north, Sibuyan in the southeast, and Dos Hermanos in the southwest, the triangle encompasses the entirety of the Romblon island archipelago, hence the name. The Sibuyan Sea that surrounds the archipelago has gained a nasty reputation over the years for being involved in several of the worst maritime disasters in history, wartime or peacetime. For example: October 24, 1944: The Battle of the Sibuyan Sea was part of the larger Battle of Leyte Gulf, which is often considered not just the largest naval battle during World War II but the largest battle in the entire history of naval warfare. Out of the 200,000 naval personnel involved in the battle, 15,500 died, all but three thousand on the Japanese side. The Allied Forces’ victory in this battle allowed them to take the Philipinnes back from the Japanese and left the Japanese navy as but a shell of its former glory. One big reason for this was the loss of the Musashi in the Sibuyan Sea, the first of four major engagements in the Leyte Gulf affair. The Musashi, alongside her sister ship Yamato, was the largest battleship ever constructed, displacing 72,000 tons. Not that it did her much good in the end, as she was sunk by 19 torpedos and 17 bombs in 4430 feet of water with the loss of 1376 of her 2399 man crew. The Yamato would suffer a much worse fate off Okinawa on April 7, 1945: struck by 11 torpedos and six bombs, she capsized and exploded with the loss of 3055 of her 3332 crew. April 22, 1980: A ferry called the MV Don Juan, belonging to the Neros Navigation shipping company, collides with the oil tanker MT Tacloban City at 1 p.m. between Dos Hermanos and Conception islands. The Don Juan sank with the loss of only 18 lives, although 115 were reported missing. Still, 745 survivors were recorded, which is far more than I can say for the next shipping disaster on this list… December 20, 1987: The severely overcrowded ferry MV Dona Paz sets out from Tacloban on Leyte en route to Manila. Around 10:30 that evening, the ferry collided with the oil tanker MT Vector in the Tablas Strait off the island of Marinduque and subsequently burst into flames. The ships sank within two hours and four hours, respectively. Although the ferry’s official capacity was 1424 passengers, survivor testimony places the actual number of people aboard closer to 4000. Indeed, out of the only 24 passengers who survived (plus one crew member), only five were recorded in the ship’s manifest. Current estimates place the death toll over 4300, making the Dona Paz incident the worst peacetime shipping disaster in history. June 21, 2008: The Romblon archipelago suffers another deadly ferry disaster, this time thanks to Typhoon Fengshen. The MV Princess of the Stars was on a voyage from Manila to Cebu City when the typhoon, then a Category Two storm, unexpectedly changed course. The ferry was caught in the middle of it, and after being battered by the stormy seas for twelve hours, it capsized around one p.m. off the municipality of San Fernando on Sibuyan Island. The heavy seas prevented any rescue ships from reaching the foundering vessel for another twelve hours. By the time help finally came, only 56 of the 870 people on board were left alive. So far, there doesn’t seem to be anything particularly mysterious about this triangle. Indeed, as the Philippine Coast Guard has pointed out, there hasn’t been much we’ve talked about in this entry that couldn’t have been caused by typhoons, high tides, hidden rocks or reefs, or navigational errors. That is unless you think Lolo Amang is somehow involved. Lolo Amang can be described as the Philippines’ answer to the Flying Dutchman. He reportedly sails the waters around Romblon in a golden ship so shiny that it can be seen from a mile away. Those who approach close enough have reported seeing a massive party on the decks, full of food, music, and fair-skinned dancing women. Indeed, if we believe some eyewitness accounts from the MV Don Juan incident, the ships collided because the Don Juan’s captain was steering to avoid colliding with Lolo Amang’s ship. Of course, many are inclined to believe that the Lolo Amang legend is nothing more than a sailor’s fairy tale born either from booze or an attempt to escape liability for a shipping accident. Still, legends of strange incidents in the region seem to date back to the Spanish colonies in the 16th century, with many galleons plying the Manila-Acapulco route leaving offerings to the spirits and mermaids living in the cursed seas around Sibuyan. Who knows? Maybe the age of myths from the indigenous tribes of the Philippines is still alive and well in the seas around Romblon. And there you have it; ten more paranormal triangles profiled and examined! I will most definitely be returning to this subject again at a later date. I’d like to determine whether the Vile Vortices are really that vile and to examine some famous incidents in the Bermuda Triangle to see if they really are all that strange. But for this Halloween, be prepared for me to introduce you to one of the most mysterious and terrifying Satanic black metal bands ever to exist. It occurred to me recently that I have not written anything on this blog in the category of “The Supernatural” despite my previously stated interest in the topic. So in the spirit of remedying this oversight, I will now present to you an article on the subject of paranormal triangles. After the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon gained extraordinary popularity in the late 60s and early 70s, it became common to label many supposed paranormal hotspots with the label “(x location) Triangle.” Most of these tend to be located in the United States, Britain, or other developed countries. I’m not going to speculate on why that is, mostly because I want to write a blog post that doesn’t mention politics for once. Even if you don’t believe any of these stories (I’m ambivalent about them myself), you still have to admit that they make damn fun reads. So get your flashlight faces ready and come along (if you dare) as I take you on a road trip through ten paranormal triangles. 1. The Bridgewater Triangle (Massachusetts) Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman first popularized the Bridgewater Triangle in his book Mysterious America, published in the late 1970s. He identified the Triangle’s points as Abington, Rehoboth, and Freetown, including parts of fourteen other townships within its perimeter. Alongside the Bennington Triangle and the Dragon’s Triangle (described below), it is undoubtedly one of the most famous paranormal triangles, for despite not having much in the way of high-profile mysterious disappearances, it makes up for it with a whole host of other paranormal phenomena. As might be expected with a North American paranormal hotspot, the Native Americans of the region, specifically the Wampanoag tribe, told stories about the area long before the white man came. The centerpiece of the future Triangle was the Hockomock Swamp, from a word that means “the place where spirits dwell” in the native Wopanaak language. The name “Hockomock” was also ascribed to a god of death and disease that supposedly resided in the swamp and served as a sort of Satanic counterpart to their creator deity, Kautantowit (although the presumably more reputable World History Encyclopedia describes him as a largely benevolent trickster deity who heals the sick and encourages transformation and change). A much more down to Earth horror came to pass in the 1670s when King Phillips’ War pitted the Wampanoag against their Puritan colonizers. Hockomock Swamp was even the site of an aboriginal fortress used by Metacom himself, aka the titular King Phillip. Given how utterly the Wampanoag were massacred during the war, it’s not to see why some believe the land surrounding the swamp was cursed by the spirits who looked after the natives. Even the English settlers came to refer to the region as the “Devil’s Swamp.” So exactly what kind of paranormal phenomena has been reported in the Bridgewater Triangle? Ask me what paranormal phenomena hasn’t been reported in the region! That would be the shorter answer! So, from here on, I will present the reported phenomena in a list format, starting with: There are many hauntings described in the picture I used above, but I will repeat them here for the sake of not causing eye strain. Stonehill College, located in Easton just outside the swamp, is allegedly home to the spirit of a little girl, supposedly the daughter of the school president who drowned in a pool where the gym is located today. Taunton State Hospital, located almost in the Triangle’s dead center, was allegedly a hotspot of Satanic cult activity in the 60s and 70s alongside nearby Freetown-Fall River State Forest (visitors still report being touched by unseen hands). The complex has long since been demolished. In Rehoboth’s single-room Hornbine School, visitors have reported hearing and seeing spectral teachers and students. And finally, there are the roadside specters, like the ghostly truck on Copicut Road in Freetown or the red-headed hitchhiker on Route 44 who disappears whenever someone stops to pick him up. There are probably others I’ve missed, but I don’t have the space to list more here, so let’s move on to… 2. Assonet Ledge and Profile Rock These landmarks are located in Freetown State Park, and both have creepy legends attached to them. Assonet Ledge, an 80′ deep rock quarry mined by the Fall River Granite Company in the 1800s, is reputed to produce a deep sense of dread and/or melancholy in visitors and is even a popular local suicide destination. Profile Rock is eerie enough with its resemblance to a human face (Wampanoag legend states that it’s a dead ringer for Chief Massasoit of Plymouth Rock fame and that his son died at the spot). But what’s even eerier are the ghosts of native warriors said to dance around the rock, and the spirit of a man said to sit on the rock with arms outstretched. Also, the park is said to be a hotspot for another Bridgewater mystery… 3. UFOs and Black Helicopters UFO sightings in the Triangle date back to 1760, when a flaming sphere was sighted over Bridgewater. The sightings really seemed to pick up steam in the 1970s, however. These include a sighting by multiple witnesses at a restaurant in Rehoboth in 1973, a sighting by two Boston radio reporters in 1979, two flying craft seen landing near Route 44 in Taunton in 1976, a triangle-shaped craft observed by a police officer in 1994, and a fast-moving craft that produced a sonic boom over Lake Nippenicket in 1999. There was also apparently a wave of black helicopter sightings in Rehoboth in 2002 with spotlights mounted on them, although one witness described at least one of them as grey-camouflaged or striped. 4. The Hockomock Swamp Monster This Bigfoot-like creature has been sporadically sighted around Hockomock Swamp, especially since the 1970s. While mostly harmless, there were a few incidents where it was blamed for livestock deaths. There was also an incident in May of 1970 when two police officers claimed that a bearlike creature lifted the back end of their car while they were still inside. These mainstays of Native American mythology are surprisingly common in modern cryptozoological lore, most often being ascribed to surviving pterosaurs left over from the age of dinosaurs or (perhaps more plausibly) large Ice Age-era birds of prey like Teratornis. These creatures have been reported as having wingspans of 8-12 feet, and sightings in the region date back to a 1971 report from a site within the swamp called Bird Hill (yes, really) by Norton Police Sergeant Thomas Downy. Another notable sighting was a report where two giant birds were seen fighting in 1984. 6. Other Cryptid Sightings Other assorted weird animal sightings include, but are probably not limited to: A giant black snake as big around as a stovepipe that was seen by Civilian Conservation Corps engineers on the edge of the swamp near King Phillip’s Road in 1939. A giant dog with glowing red eyes witnessed ripping the throats of ponies in Abington in 1976. Misplaced wildlife like black panthers, giant turtles, and even alligators, despite being far out of the range of their southern swamps. A strange creature reported on Elm Street in Bridgewater that seems to bear an uncanny resemblance to the so-called “Dover Demon,” another paranormal anomaly native to Massachusetts. A black mist-like entity that has been reported along Route 138 in the swamp. The last major phenomena I’ll cover here are the Wamapnoag’s resident fairy folk. The pukwudgies are described as three-foot-tall hairy humanoid beings who delight in causing trouble for local humans. They will blind victims who annoy them with sand, lead them into the wilderness with ghost lights known as Tei-Pei-Wankas, attack them with knives and spears, and even push them off cliffs. Some locals have blamed them for the suicidal feelings evoked on Assonet Ledge. There have even been eyewitness reports of creatures resembling pukwudgies in the modern day. The most notable of these comes from Raynham resident Bill Russo, who claims to have seen a four-foot-tall hairy humanoid in 1995 while taking his dog out on a midnight walk on the edge of the swamp. The creepiest part about the encounter was that the creature actually spoke to him, repeatedly saying, “Eee wah chu. Keahr.” Russo later came to believe that the being was saying, “We want you. Come here,” in broken English. Of course, there is plenty of more mundane weirdness to be found in the region. Some examples include the escaped emu that rampaged through Freetown State Forest in 2006 and the Dighton Rock. This forty-ton boulder, discovered on the shores of the Taunton River by the Reverend John Danforth in 1680, is covered in petroglyphs and other ancient designs. The thing is… no one knows who made them. Guesses have ranged from indigenous tribes and Vikings to Phoenicians and the Portuguese. Even Chinese explorers have been suspected. Of course, many of the fellows at the Dighton Rock Museum believe that multiple sources are responsible. Aaron Mahnke, The World of Lore: Dreadful Places, New York: Del Ray, 2018 This vortex centers on Glastenbury Mountain in southwestern Vermont, which is surrounded by the towns of Bennington, Woodford, Shaftsbury, Somerset, and Glastenbury. The latter two are unincorporated ghost towns today, owing to major economic upheavals in the early 1900s. Glastenbury was founded by New Hampshire governor Benning Wentworth in 1761 and named after Glastonbury Tor in Somerset, England, which is reputed to be the resting place of King Arthur. Glastenbury became a logging town in the wake of the Civil War. But by the late 1880s, the forests were stripped, and local officials tried rebranding the area as a tourist destination. But after the trolley going up the mountain was washed away by a flood in the spring of 1898, all hope was lost, and the town was abandoned. But that wasn’t the only type of darkness that descended on the town. In 1892, a sawmill worker named Henry McDowell beat John Crawley to death with a rock and was placed in a mental asylum after claiming that voices in his head drove him to commit the murder. McDowell is rumored to have escaped sometime later, and was blamed for the death of John Harbour, found dead from a gunshot wound under an old cedar tree by his brother Harry in 1897. But around fifty years later, the Bennington Triangle would truly leave its mark on the world when a wave of disappearances swept the region between 1945 and 1950. Here is the list in chronological order: Middie Rivers (November 12, 1945): Rivers, 74, was out hunting with a group of four hunters near the intersection between Route 9 and the Long Trail Road when the others in the group lost sight of him after he got slightly ahead of them. He had been leading them back to camp, and while the group wasn’t concerned at first, as Rivers was an experienced outdoorsman, they soon became concerned and organized a search party. The only remains ever discovered were a rifle cartridge found in a nearby stream. Paula Jean Welden (December 1, 1946): Welden is almost certainly the most famous missing person associated with the region. The 18-year-old Bennington College student was last seen by an elderly couple who had shared Welden’s sudden urge to hike the Long Trail on that cold winter day. They saw her go around a corner in the trail, but by the time they reached the corner, she was nowhere to be seen, despite the bright red coat she was reportedly wearing. No trace of her was ever found. The incident is believed to have inspired the 1951 novel Hangsaman by noted horror author Shirley Jackson, who was living in Bennington at the time of the disappearance. James Tedford (December 1, 1949): Tedford’s disappearance, assuming it was reported correctly, is undoubtedly one of the most perplexing. The 68-year-old veteran had boarded a bus after visiting relatives in St. Albans. Others on the bus claimed he was still in his seat as it was approaching Bennington. But by the time the bus had reached its last stop, Tedford was gone. No one had seen him disembark, and his belongings were still in the luggage rack. No trace of him was ever found. Paul Jephson (October 12, 1950): Jephson, 8, accompanied his mother as she drove out in her pickup truck to feed their pigs. When she returned about an hour later, Paul had vanished. Search parties could find no trace of him, even though, as with Paula Welden, he had been wearing a red jacket when he disappeared. Some stories claim that bloodhounds tracked his scent to the same spot on the Long Trail where Welden vanished, only to lose it forever. Equally strange was that Paul’s father later claimed that his son had talked about an inexplicable yearning to go to the mountains before his disappearance. Frieda Langer (October 28, 1950): Langer, 53, vanished only sixteen days after Jephson. Langer had gone out on a family camping trip and was hiking with her cousin Herbert Elsner when she slipped and fell into a creek. She headed back to camp to change into some drier clothes, but when Elsner returned, Langer was nowhere to be seen. Unlike the other four cases, Langer’s body was eventually discovered on May 12, 1951, on the shores of Somerset Reservoir, despite the area having been searched already. No cause of death could be determined due to the state of decomposition. There have been several attempts to explain these vanishings. One theory is that a serial killer may have been responsible, with some even going as far as to argue that Henry McDowell was responsible, even though he would have been an elderly man at this point. There were also sightings of a man who lived in a cave near Somerset in 1867 who would expose himself to female passersby and threaten them with a gun. Others have blamed the Bennington Monster, another Bigfoot-type creature seen around the area since the early 1800s when it allegedly tried to run a stagecoach off the side of Glastenbury Mountain in the middle of a thunderstorm. Another incident that preceded the disappearances occurred on November 11, 1943, when Carl Herrick disappeared while on a hunting trip with his cousin Henry. His body was discovered three days later, surrounded by large footprints and showing signs of having been crushed as if by a pair of giant arms. Others point to stories told by the indigenous Abenaki tribe about how Glastenbury Mountain is cursed. Part of the reason is that the mountain was where the “four winds” met in an eternal struggle. Interestingly, this legend has been scientifically verified. The wind pattern on the mountain is so erratic that plants have no consistent growth patterns. This can mess with a hiker’s sense of direction and can easily cause them to become lost. Less explainable was a particular rock on the mountain that the natives say caused anyone who stepped on it to vanish instantly, never to be seen again. There are also several cairns, or human-made rock piles, strewn across the mountainside, although the human-made part may be up for debate because the natives refuse to take credit for them. Strange reports have continued to trickle out of the region since the disappearances ended. A hiker named Chad Abramovich told a story on the website Obscure Vermont of how he and some friends found themselves caught in a torrential thunderstorm while exploring ruins on an otherwise sunny July afternoon. However, when they managed to escape the downpour, they discovered that their surroundings were dry as a bone. When they reached civilization, the locals claimed that no thunderstorm had passed through the area. Another hiker named Robert Singley, who works at Bennington College as a music professor, told a local newspaper how he became lost on the trail away from Bald Mountain in 2008. He walked five miles before he realized he should have reached his car already. Then a thick fog rolled in. He huddled beneath a maple tree and started a fire as the night came down. He was mildly unnerved when most of the sticks he picked up turned out to be animal bones. Luckily, he survived the night, although he discovered that he was on the other side of the ridge from his car the next morning. Other strange happenings include a silo-shaped UFO seen over Bennington by Don Pratt in 1984 and an apparent incident involving “terrifying voices showing up over dead-air radio” in the region. The only link I could find on that story is dead, however, so I don’t know the details. Aaron Mahnke, The World of Lore: Dreadful Places, New York: Del Ray, 2018 Also known as the Dragon’s Triangle, the Formosa Triangle, the Pacific Bermuda Triangle, and the Taiwan Triangle, this is the Pacific Ocean’s answer to the Bermuda Triangle. In his 1974 book The Bermuda Triangle, Charles Berlitz popularized it and later elaborated on it in 1989’s The Dragon’s Triangle. Some have claimed that it is even more dangerous than its Atlantic counterpart. While its perimeter often changes depending on who tells the story (sometimes its points stretch as far as Taiwan, the Philippines, Guam, and Iwo Jima), it is almost universally agreed by paranormal enthusiasts that the phenomenon centers on the Izu archipelago, especially the islands of Miyake-Jima and Mikura-Jima. Legends about the region date back to around 1000 BCE when the Chinese whispered about a dragon that supposedly lived in that region of the ocean and would destroy any ship that passed over its territory. Some have linked the destruction of the two invading Mongol fleets by the so-called “divine wind” or kamikaze typhoons in 1274 and 1281 to the Triangle, even though they were wrecked in the Strait of Korea on the other side of the Japanese archipelago. Another strange incident occurred in the early 1800s when several sailors told of a strange ship that looked like a box for burning incense sailing the waters of the Devil’s Sea. This Utsuro-bone or “hollow ship,” allegedly washed ashore in the Hitachi province on February 22, 1803, where its pilot, a young red-haired woman, was discovered not to understand Japanese. She carried a box that she would not allow anyone to touch and later set sail again when local fishermen helped pull her ship out of the sand. Although the Dragon’s Triangle has had its fair share of UFO encounters and sea monster sightings (including one by Navy pilot Toshiaki Lang who saw a 150-foot-long serpent-like creature with large triangular fins in 1944), its biggest claim to fame is a supposed cluster of disappearances in the early 1950s that claimed 700 lives, according to Berlitz. Nine of these ships, which Berlitz describes as belonging to the Japanese Navy, were apparently lost in perfect weather. The most famous disappearance was of a ship called the Kaiyo Maru No. 5, which vanished from radio contact after being sent into the Triangle to investigate the disappearances in 1955. Berlitz also claimed that ships belonging to both the Japanese and American navies vanished in the region during World War Two. As with the Bermuda Triangle, though, skeptical author Larry Kusche debunked many of Berlitz’s claims about the region in his 1975 book The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved. He pointed out that Berlitz’s military vessels were actually deep-sea fishing boats. The Kaiyo Maru No. 5 has long been understood to have been sunk by an underwater volcano on September 24, 1952, with the loss of all 31 souls on board. Also, Brian Dunning, host of the Skeptoid podcast, noted that despite claims of legends about the Devil’s Sea going back centuries in Japan, no mention of the Triangle shows up in books or news articles until twenty years after the Kaiyo Maru sinking. Even legends like the one the Chinese had about the hostile dragon can be explained by the region’s often volatile volcanic activity. Also also, the Japanese name for the area, ma no umi, has been applied to many different areas, including the Bay of Bengal, the Korea Strait, the Taiwan Strait, Lake Baikal, and the seas around the U.K. and the Chinese island of Hainan. So yeah, to the Japanese, the Dragon’s Triangle really isn’t anything special. Some have claimed that this stretch of water in the only one of the Great Lakes located entirely within America’s borders is even more dangerous than the Bermuda Triangle. That’s certainly a bold claim to make for an area that’s not located over the open ocean. Before we look at the probability of supernatural goings-on, let us examine some of the supposedly anomalous incidents reported in this triangle: Le Griffon (1679) This vessel, launched in the Niagara River the same year it vanished, belonged to the French explorer Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle. The ship was last seen on September 18 when it left from an island in what is now Green Bay in Wisconsin, bound for the Niagara region with a load of furs. The ship, and its six crew members, were never seen again. The ship remains the “holy grail” of Great Lakes shipwrecks to this day. The Mary McClane (1883) One of the more bizarre reports from the Triangle’s history comes from the crew of this Chicag0-based tugboat, who claimed to have been bombarded by giant chunks of ice falling out of a clear blue sky while out on the lake. The deluge lasted for about a half-hour and left large dents in their wooden boat’s hull. The Thomas Hume (May 21, 1892) This three-masted schooner vanished after setting out from Chicago en route to Muskegon, Michigan, with a cargo of lumber. Her companion, the schooner Rouse-Simmons, decided to return to the shelter of the port as a storm rolled in. The Thomas decided to press onward and was never seen above water again. Her wreck was discovered in 150 feet of water in 2006. The Rouse-Simmons (November 22, 1912) The so-called “Christmas Tree Ship” itself would fall victim to the Triangle twenty years later as it was transporting Christmas trees from Thompson, Michigan to Chicago. Unlike the Thomas Hume, the Rouse-Simmons vanished in clear weather and was apparently sighted flying a distress flag. By the time a lifeboat from a neighboring ship reached its location, no trace of the schooner could be found. However, Wikipedia helpfully mentions that a storm had swept the area the day before, which may help demystify the incident a bit. In any case, the ship’s wreck has also been discovered, this time in 1971 near Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, in 172 feet of water. Her ghost is still reported sailing on Lake Michigan to this day. Mini-Tunguska Event (November 26, 1919) This one of several incidents in the Great Lakes region that has been blamed on UFOs. Several southern Michigan residents reported seeing two large balls of fire descend on Lake Michigan and, upon impact, make an explosion so powerful that it shook the Earth as far away as South Bend, Indiana. Contemporary news reports of the incident (perhaps more plausibly) attribute the incident to a meteorite. The Rosabelle (1921) This two-masted schooner was found capsized with all eleven crew members, all members of the Benton Harbor House of David, nowhere to be seen. The most baffling aspect of this case is that the ship showed evidence of having been in a collision, even though no other ships claimed to have collided with the schooner. Then again, some speculated at the time of the Thomas Hume’s disappearance that a larger ship had run it over, and its crew was sworn to secrecy by the captain, so maybe that’s the case here. The O.M. McFarland (April 28, 1937) This wasn’t a case of the ship disappearing, but rather its captain, George R. Donner. The fifty-eight-year-old had retired to his cabin, exhausted after having painstakingly guided his ship through icy and dangerous waters. A few hours later, as the ship neared its destination in Port Washington, Wisconsin, several crew members went to Donner’s cabin to wake him. When they received no answer, they broke down the door, only to find him gone. The so-called mystery behind this incident lies behind the supposed fact that Donner’s cabin was locked from the inside. However, Jeff Wagg, writing for the James Randi Educational Foundation, couldn’t find any primary sources that mention this detail, which might demystify the case a bit. Northwest Airlines Flight 2501 (June 23, 1950) This incident is probably the most famous disappearance to come out of the Triangle and was even the deadliest commercial airline disaster in the U.S. at the time. The DC-4 propliner was flying at 3500 feet 18 miles NNW of Benton Harbor, Michigan when its pilot requested a descent to 2500 feet after encountering turbulence. Soon after, it lost radio contact, and witnesses onshore reported hearing sputtering engines and seeing a flash of light. In contrast to some reports that say the only trace of the plane discovered was a blanket bearing the airline’s logo, the Coast Guard reported seeing an oil slick, debris, and human remains at the crash site. Certain reports that mysterious lights were seen over Lake Michigan on the night of the plane’s disappearance might be less easy to disprove. In any case, no trace of the main wreckage of the plane or its 55 passengers and 3 crew has been found since. Steve Kubacki (February 21, 1978) Kubacki’s case is certainly one of the strangest missing persons’ cases I’ve come across. This former Hope College student’s strange story begins in February of 1978 when he went out on a ski trip near Saugatuck, Michigan, and never returned. The only traces of him that could be found were his skiing equipment, his backpack, and a set of footprints that abruptly stopped on the shores of the lake. However, the plot thickened when Kubacki suddenly turned up alive and well in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, on May 5, 1979, a full 700 miles away from his hometown. All that he could remember was that he lost consciousness at some point during the hike and woke up in Massachusetts wearing a completely different set of clothes and carrying a bag and maps that he did not recognize. Shortly after returning to Michigan, he expressed a desire to retrace his steps on that fateful hike, hoping to discover answers to the mystery. If he did figure anything out, he has kept it to himself and refuses to talk about the incident. He currently works as a psychologist in the Pacific Northwest. Other Missing Persons’ Cases (21st Century) Sadly, others who have disappeared in the region have not been as lucky. Christopher Hallaxs, thirty years old and an experienced outdoorsman, vanished on March 17, 2004, while heading out to his cabin in the Tahquamenon Falls State Park area in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. His snowshoe tracks ended in a tangled wooded swampland. He had stashed several food caches in the area in case he ever got lost, but none had any food missing when searchers checked them. The only other trace of him found was a spent shell casing. Another man would go missing from the Tahquamenon River area four years later. 73-year-old Joe Clewley drove out to the region to hike with his dog Chip on July 13, 2008 and never returned. Despite an extensive search, neither man nor dog was anywhere to be seen. Chip inexplicably turned up at Clewley’s cabin on August 1st, malnourished but alive. Clewley, sadly, has yet to do the same. No less than three days after Chip’s reappearance, 35-year-old Derrick Henegan was reported missing in nearby Newberry by his pregnant girlfriend when he failed to meet her at a local deer hunting spot. Local authorities suspect foul play was involved. Amber Rose Smith was only two and a half when she disappeared from the front yard of her own home in Newaygo County in the summer of 2013. She was playing with the family dogs and had vanished in the time it took for her father to step inside and relieve himself. Much like Kubacki, Amber, thankfully, would reappear, this time on a road two miles from her house the very next day. How a two-year-old managed to navigate that distance is anyone’s guess. Discovery of underwater “Stonehenge” (2007) Some fringe theorists have suggested that this underwater rock formation, discovered under forty feet of water in Grand Traverse Bay by archaeologist Mike Holley in September of 2007, might be connected with the disappearances. It should be noted that the formation is not a megalith in the same sense as Salisbury Plain’s famous standing stones. It is merely a line of smaller rocks extending about a mile in length, one of which bears a carving resembling a mastodon. Researchers believe prehistoric Native American tribes used it to herd caribou. Its precise location has not been publicly disclosed, both out of a desire to preserve the site for future study and due to the wishes of the local Native American tribes. In all, the Lake Michigan Triangle story seems to have as many holes in it as the modern-day reports from the Dragon’s Triangle. A lot of the mysterious incidents there, as with the ones from the Devil’s Sea, have been proven to have mundane causes. Unanswered questions remain, especially in the Kubacki case, but in any case, it seems that the paranormal club has overstated its case here somewhat. This one strikes a little close to home for me, seeing how I live in the Saint Lawrence River Valley. This particular Triangle seems to have been particularly dangerous in the late 19th and early 20th century, with as many as 100 ships reported lost in the area. Granted, the vast number of shipwrecks can be rationally explained by the abundance of shoals, inlets, and strange currents. This is on the western edge of the Thousand Islands archipelago, after all. Still, stories that seem to defy rational explanation have been reported in the area. On June 29, 1900, a caravan of three schooners, the Picton, the AnneMinnes, and the Acacia, were carrying a cargo of coal from Rochester, New York, to Bellville Kingston in Ontario. At one point during the voyage, the caravan ran into heavy seas, and the Picton suddenly sank. When the two other ships reached the sinking site, they found lots of wreckage but no bodies from the seven crew members. One crew member on the Anne Minnes claimed to have seen a boy in the water who did not attempt to grab a rope that the crew member threw at him. Weeks later, a child found a message in a bottle from the Picton’s captain that read: John Sidley, Captain of the schooner Picton, in great peril. Expect to sink at any minute. Goodbye to all friends. Finder please report to my wife. John Sidley, captain of the Picton, June 29, 1900 Some other sources have claimed that Sidley went on to say that he had tied himself and his eleven-year-old son Vesley together. What would drive him to such actions is anyone’s guess. Another incident from May of 1889 involved the three-masted timber drogher Bavaria, which was found run aground on a shoal near Kingston. However, when salvagers boarded her, they could find no signs of the crew, who had left freshly baked bread loaves in the oven. The ship was found to be seaworthy and towed back to Kingston, but the mystery of her missing crew continues to this day. As modern technology has largely staunched the tide of shipwrecks in the region, UFO sightings and magnetic anomalies have largely taken their place. Some have blamed the magnetic anomalies that mess with ship’s compasses on the Charity Shoal, a ring-shaped formation located 7.5 miles southwest of Wolf Island, halfway between Sacketts Harbor, New York, and Amherst Island, Ontario. While scientists have yet to determine if it is, in fact, a meteor crater, many other meteor craters have a history of producing magnetic anomalies, which certainly could provide a more rational explanation for the large number of shipwrecks there. Unlike the other Triangles on this list, this one only has one supernatural claim to fame: thunderbirds (also black panthers, but they aren’t as prominent in local lore). The thunderbird sightings seem to be centered on the Black Forest region of northern Pennsylvania, which encompasses parts of Clinton, Potter, Lycoming, Tioga, Cameron, and McKean County. Also included in this area is Tiadaughton State Forest. Local folklorist Robert Lyman described their territory back in 1973 as “in the southern edge of the Black Forest, north of Susquehanna River, between Pine Creek at the east and Kettle Creek at the west. All reports for the past 20 years come from this area.” Sightings of the giant birds date back to the nineteenth century, that is, if one doesn’t count the many times these birds show up in Native American folklore. Lyman himself claimed to have seen a large vulture sitting on a road outside Coudersport in the early 1940s that proceeded to unfold its twenty-foot wingspan and fly off into the nearby woods. Another sighting from 1969 comes from the wife of Clinton County sheriff John Bovle, who claimed to have seen a gray-colored bird with a seventy-five-foot wingspan splash down on Little Pine Creek while she was sitting in front of the family cabin. Three other men would come forward that summer claiming that they saw a giant bird carry off a 15-pound fawn near Kettle Creek. A group of motorists in Lycoming County reported seeing a dark-colored winged creature with a wingspan “almost like [that of] an airplane” flying toward the town of Jersey Shore on October 28, 1970. Sightings across Pennsylvania have continued well into the 21st century. A wave of sightings occurred in the northwestern corner of the state in June and July of 2001, with witnesses describing a dark gray bird with a 15 to 17-foot wingspan. Other sightings include a black bird with a ten-foot wingspan reported near Bryn Athyn in the opposite corner of the state on May 26, 2013, and a black or grayish-brown bird with a 10-15 foot wingspan seen over South Greensburg on September 25, 2001. No, this isn’t about the Historic Triangle of Jamestown, Yorktown, and Williamsburg. This Triangle refers to a vortex that, at least according to Loren Coleman, exists over the Great Dismal Swamp that straddles the border between Virginia and North Carolina. There is a lot of actual history behind this Triangle that is just as, if not more, interesting than the paranormal history. The swamp was “discovered” in 1655 by William Drummond, and the lake in the center of the swamp (one of only two natural lakes in Virginia) was named after him. Of course, Chesapeake and Chowan natives lived in the region long before the white man came, but of course, the white man didn’t care back then. Indeed, no less a figure than George Washington himself sought to drain the entire swamp and replace it with farmland. While the swamp’s massive size rendered that plan unworkable, timber was still a major industry in the swamp. By the time the swamp was designated as a National Wildlife Refuge in 1973, it had been reduced to half its size. But by far the most fascinating part of the swamp’s history is its “maroon communities.” These communities were largely formed by enslaved Africans who escaped and fled into the wilderness to avoid recapture. The maroon communities dated back to at least 1700 and lasted all the way until the Civil War. Harriet Beecher Stowe, famed abolitionist and author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, even based a novel on the Great Dismal Swamp maroons called Dred: A Tale of the Dismal Swamp, published in 1856 by Phillips, Samson and Co. Of course, when a place has a history as rich as that, ghost stories tend to follow. Some of the paranormal phenomena reported in the swamp include ghost lights, hunters reporting their kills vanishing with nary a drop of blood in sight, and ghostly figures dressed in anything from colonial-era garb to early 20th-century lumberjack fashion. One story tells of a phantom cemetery that appears to anyone who’s lost their way in the swamp. Others tell of sightings of giant snakes and Bigfoot-type creatures in the swamp. But the most famous paranormal tale to come from the swamp is the tale of a pair of star-crossed Native American lovers. After the bride died on the morning they were supposed to be wed, the groom, driven mad with grief, claimed he could see her paddling a white canoe on Lake Drummond. He constructed a makeshift raft to try to reach her, but the raft collapsed out from under him, and he drowned. To this day, the ghost of the Lady of the Lake and her lover continue to haunt the shores of Lake Drummond in their white canoe. The story has inspired several works of art, including A Ballad-The Lake of Dismal Swamp by Irish poet Thomas More, “The Lake” by Edgar Allen Poe, and The White Canoe, a hand puppet play by the notoriously macabre children’s writer and illustrator Edward Gorey, found among his papers after his death in 2000. Another mystery from the Great Dismal Swamp concerns how exactly Lake Drummond came into existence. There are no rivers that flow into or out of it, as it is the swamp’s highest point. Some geologists believe a tectonic shift formed it. Others, pointing to Native American legends of a “firebird” that created the lake, have argued that it was formed either by a meteor or a part of the peat layer that underlies the entire swamp catching fire. This Triangle comes to us from local folklorist Ben Schneider, who created a website cataloging the menagerie of paranormal phenomena that has occurred in an area he calls the Big Lick Triangle. The Triangle gets its name from its three supposed vertices: the town of French Lick in Orange County, Indiana; Big Bone Lick State Park in Boone County, Kentucky; and Pope Lick Creek in Jefferson County, Kentucky. It covers 2,269.9 square miles and includes parts of 10 counties in Indiana and seven counties in Kentucky. As one can see from the picture above, there’s a lot of weird stuff going on there. Allow me to recount some of the more interesting occurrences in chronological order: Clark County, Indiana (1170): The Welsh Prince Madoc allegedly sets up a fort on what is now Charleston State Park after landing in Mobile Bay, Alabama, and sailing up the Mississippi. Unwelcoming natives eventually kill the prince and his entire company. Despite tales of blonde Welsh-speaking “white Indians” in the region, no hard evidence of the story has come to light. One surveyor claimed to have discovered a stone fortification on the shores of the Ohio River in 1873, but it was reportedly cannibalized to help build a bridge across the river in 1888. Trimble County, Kentucky (colonial era): The natives warn white settlers to stay away from this region for fear of the “wild people.” Settlers later report hairy men throwing rocks and tree limbs, stealing livestock, breaking into outdoor freezers, and looking through their windows. Floyd County, Indiana (1700s): Several Native Americans are killed in skirmishes with settlers. Their ghosts reportedly haunt the region to this day. Floyd County, Indiana (early 1800s): A giant snake, 30-40 feet in length and wide as a barrel, is reportedly seen by pioneer farmers. French Lick, Indiana (late 1800s): Two black horses and their colt are struck by lightning and killed. Their ghosts have been seen running for shelter ever since whenever a storm rolls in. Vevay, Indiana (1891-1894): Several sightings of creatures called “mud mermaids” are reported along the Ohio River’s shores. They were said to be lizard-like but with “strikingly human” faces and showed no signs of intelligence. Henryville, Indiana (early 1900s): A young woman dies in a car wreck on Blue Lick Road and is buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery. She now haunts the cemetery as “the Green Lady,” throwing herself on parked cars and leaving green ectoplasm behind. Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Jefferson County, Kentucky (1910 onwards): The former tuberculosis hospital has become infamous as one of the most haunted places in the United States. As such, many popular ghost hunting shows have visited the location, including the teams from Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Most Haunted, and my personal favorite, Buzzfeed Unsolved. Pope Lick Trestle, Jefferson County, Kentucky (the 1940s/50s): Stories of the satyr-like Pope Lick Goatman begin. Stories of the Goatman attacking passersby with a bloody ax or luring them to get run over by oncoming trains are only some of the stories that are told about him in local legend. Boone County, Kentucky (the 1950s): A Bigfoot nicknamed “Satan” by locals terrorizes several people in the Big Bone Area. Louisville, Kentucky (1953): A man claims a grey alien contacted him. The city has allegedly been a UFO hotspot ever since. French Lick, Indiana (1960s): A Bigfoot-like creature with glowing red eyes is seen several times and dubbed “Fluorescent Freddy” by locals. Several large tracks are also frequently spotted in nearby Hoosier National Forest. Warsaw, Kentucky (the 1960s): A family reportedly dies in a house fire. The site of the tragedy is now allegedly haunted by sirens, ghostly fire trucks, and tortured screams. Rising Sun, Indiana (1969): A farmer’s power goes out as several UFOs flock over his house. He later sees a Bigfoot in his yard and finds four-toed footprints. Hoosier National Forest, Indiana (1970s): A wave of thunderbird sightings occurs in the park. Lockport, Kentucky (the 1970s): A Bigfoot reportedly harasses several farms, stealing chickens and canned foods and throwing rocks. A local farmer’s wife claims to have chased it off with a broom several times. Milton, Kentucky (1975): A “lizard man” with zebra stripes, a forked tongue, and bulging eyes was seen roaming the woods around the local automobile junkyard. Ohio County, Indiana (1980): A man reports a Bigfoot charged at him as he was getting out of his car on State Road 56. He apparently scares it off the next night by shooting at it. Boone County, Kentucky (1980): A Bigfoot jumps into the Ohio River to escape a scared family who starts shooting at it. Corydon, Indiana (1987): Wave of UFO sightings, reportedly saucer-shaped. Clarksville, Indiana (2006): A giant fireball is seen making figure-eights in the sky. Bon’s Chapel Graveyard, Paoli, Indiana: The headstone of a soldier killed in battle is seen glowing on some night, with the black-clad ghost of his lover standing over it. Blue River, Indiana: Local legend tells of a woman decapitated by a fishing line strung across the river. Her ghost is still seen on the river banks, searching for her head to this day. Charlestown, Indiana: The ghost of a hobo who died on Tunnel Mill Road is said to manifest on 10 Penny Bridge whenever a person turns their car engine and lights off. If one leaves a row of ten pennies on the road, they will either be gone or scattered when you turn the lights back on. Scottsburg, Indiana: Several ghosts reportedly haunt the local Bridgewater/Owens Cemetery. One called “Old Red Eyes” reportedly circles parked cars and leaves handprints. A white horse chases gawkers at night, and the tombstone of a soldier who awakens to guard the cemetery gate every night glows in the dark. Madison, Indiana: Reportedly has several haunted locations. Charlie, the ghost haunting the elevator at the Jefferson County Library, apparently has a habit of sexually harassing female passengers. The Ohio Theater is haunted by a heartbroken chorus girl who committed suicide there. The old State Hospital is reportedly haunted by the ghosts of mentally ill people who were imprisoned there. Big Bone Lick State Park, Kentucky: The so-called “birthplace of American paleontology” is reportedly haunted by several ghosts, many of them Native American. An evil spirit who was murdered in the park reportedly delights in stealing children. Fort Knox, Jefferson County: Several silent black helicopters have been reported flying into and out of the Bullion Depository’s airspace. And I think I’ve made my point here. Suffice it to say, this Triangle offers a lot for the avid legend tripper. Just remember to make sure you’re not liable to be arrested for trespassing in the course of your explorations. This Triangle is said to cover the area between Las Vegas, Fresno, and Reno. That’s certainly a lot of territory, including such diverse areas as the Great Basin Desert, the Sierra Nevada mountain range, three national parks (Yosemite, Sequoia, and Kings Canyon), and even Area 51. Could that explain why over two thousand planes have either crashed or gone missing over the area in the last seventy years? Well, before we jump from zero to aliens, let’s look over the facts of some of the more famous Nevada Triangle incidents. Leonard C. Lydon (1941): This Air Force Lieutenant is leading a fighter squadron on a training exercise over the Kings Canyon region when a malfunction leads him to bail out of his plane. The wreckage has never been found, despite Lydon claiming to have witnessed where the plane went down. The Lost B-24 (December 5, 1943): This aircraft was scheduled for a routine night training mission between Fresno, Bakersfield, and Tucson when it lost radio contact. The mystery almost deepened when another B-24, part of a squadron of nine sent to look for the plane, also vanished. Fortunately, two of that plane’s six crew members survived and revealed that it had been lost when the pilot mistook the Huntington Lake Reservoir’s frozen surface for a forest clearing. The wreckage was recovered in 1955 when the reservoir was drained to help make repairs to the dam. The other missing B-24 was finally found next to a then-unnamed lake in July of 1960 by geographical surveyors. The lake was named Hester Lake as a memorial to the plane’s co-pilot, 2nd Lieutenant Robert M. Hester. David Steeves (May 9, 1957): This time, the plane was a T-33 training jet on a flight from San Francisco to Arizona. This was another case where the pilot lived to tell the tale, although it took him fifty-four days to reach civilization in Kings Canyon. He explained that something exploded in his aircraft, forcing him to bail out. He badly injured his ankles upon landing and was forced to drag his parachute behind him to keep warm at night. He spent 15 days in freezing temperatures until he found a National Park Service cabin 20 miles away from where he landed. He nursed himself back to health with the canned foods he found inside and hunted and fished until he felt ready to rediscover civilization. The only trace of his plane that has been found so far is the canopy, discovered by a group of Boy Scouts in 1977. Charles Ogle (August 1964): This wealthy real estate tycoon vanished while on a flight from Oakland to Las Vegas. His disappearance is especially odd when you consider that he was a trained pilot from his days in the Marine Corps. No trace of the plane or its pilot has ever been found. The Gambler’s Special (February 18, 1969): More formally known as Hawthorne Nevada Airlines Flight 708, this plane, which was carrying 32 prospective gamblers and three crew on a round trip between Long Beach, Burbank, and Hawthorne, Nevada, was lost with all hands. Five members of the search party died before the wreckage was discovered on Mount Whitney, the highest mountain in the contiguous United States. No cause for the crash has ever been determined. Ross Mulhare (July 11, 1986): This Air Force Major lost his life when the F-117 he was piloting crashed into a mountain near Bakersfield. As with the above case, no cause for the crash has been determined. Steve Fossett (September 3, 2007): Fossett’s story is probably the most famous to come out of the Triangle. The businessman and record-setting aviator vanished along with his single-engine Bellanca Super Decathlon over Nevada’s Great Basin Desert. While several plane wrecks were discovered during the month-long search, none of them were Fossett’s. The plane was finally discovered in September of 2008 when a hiker stumbled across his plane, his identification tags, and two of his bones in the Sierra Nevadas, 65 miles south of his take-off site. Naturally, given the aforementioned Area 51 connection, some are quick to blame UFOs and/or secret government experiments for the high number of plane crashes in the area. However, the more scientifically-minded are quick to point out the Sierra Nevada’s unique and unpredictable geography and weather patterns, particularly the so-called “mountain wave.” This is the local name for the sudden downdrafts and microbursts that occur when the Pacific Jet Stream collides with the Sierras at a perpendicular angle. These downdrafts can even reach speeds of 400 miles per hour, which is certainly bad news for any plane that finds itself at its mercy. This Triangle may be the single largest I’ve covered on this list (the Dragon’s Triangle might be larger, but the paranormal authors can’t seem to make up their mind on exactly how big that Triangle is). It covers much of the Frontier State’s eastern half, spanning between Barrow, Anchorage, and Juneau. According to official sources, the rate of people who go missing in Alaska is about four in every 1,000 people, about twice the national average. In 2007 alone, 2,833 people were reported missing. Keep in mind, this is a state with a total population smaller than the entire city of San Francisco (710,249 vs. 881,549). Perhaps the most famous disappearance to occur in the Triangle was none other than U.S. House Majority Leader Hale Boggs (D-Louisiana). Boggs was in Alaska campaigning on behalf of fellow Democratic Representative Nick Begich. The two were on a flight from Anchorage to Juneau alongside Begich’s aide, Russell Brown, and pilot Don Jonz on October 16, 1972, when the plane seemingly vanished into thin air. The search involved 400 aircraft and numerous boats and covered 32,000 square miles. But it was all for naught, and no trace of the plane or its occupants has ever been found. Naturally, supernatural portals and UFOs have been blamed. One Japanese pilot on a trip from Iceland to Anchorage even claims to have had a close encounter with a group of three UFOs over Alaskan airspace in 1986. He described one of them as being twice the size of an aircraft carrier and that the two smaller ones zipped in front of his plane at very close range. Air traffic controllers on the ground even caught the strange airships on their radar. The pilot reported seeing the crafts speed up and slow down suddenly and even disappear and reappear as he took evasive maneuvers to try to shake them off. They tailed him for 32 minutes over 400 miles before they finally lost interest and vanished for the last time. Some fringe theorists have even pointed to the Kushtaka as a culprit for the high vanishing rate. This demonic entity from indigenous Tlingit folklore is a shapeshifting half-man half-otter type creature that lures people into the wilderness by imitating women or children calling for help. It then captures the lost person’s soul and steals it away to its own realm. Sometimes the Kushtaka will violently rip a hapless victim to pieces. Other times the creature will turn victims into a Kushtaka themselves. This is sometimes done because the Kushtaka is trying to save the person from drowning or freezing to death. This gives them the power to shapeshift and perform Jedi mind tricks on humans. Of course, there are many non-supernatural ways for a person to be lost and never found in eastern Alaska. The Triangle area includes the Barrow Mountain Range, dense forests, hidden caves, massive glaciers with deep crevasses, and lots of untamed wildlife. Heavy snowfall and avalanches can bury a dead body very quickly in the wintertime, and it can be very easy to stumble into one of the three million lakes within Alsaka’s borders and drown. With all those dangers lurking about, it’s probably no wonder so many people have gone missing in the state. Although in Hale Bogg’s case, some people have brought up that he made a speech viscously attacking J. Edgar Hoover and the F.B.I. in April of 1971. And Hoover certainly was no stranger to playing dirty with his opponents. But that’s all just speculation. And there you have it: ten supernatural triangles and all the strange unsolved mysteries that have happened in them. Maybe we’ve debunked a few of them along the way, but it was certainly a fun ride. Indeed, there’s a lot more I have to say on the subject of supernatural triangles in the future. For example, I still have at least ten more triangles I could talk about in a future article. I could also examine Ivan T. Sanderson’s so-called “Vile Vortices” (of which the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil’s Sea are a part) to see whether they really are all that vile. I could even cover some of the more famous disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle itself and see whether or not they were really as mysterious as the paranormal crowd makes them out to be. But that’s all for another time. Join me on the next article where I do a “P.J.’s Ultimate Playlist” episode on my personal favorite rock band of all time. Until next time, beautiful watchers!
We’re all mad here. It’s not just for mathematicians anymore! There are people who have seen the unexplained … and there are people who haven’t. Balrogs love grilled Troll. 좆까, 김정은 ! YHVH = Behold the Nail, Behold the Hand The Mind of Albert Einstein: “The 4th world war will be fought with sticks and stones” “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” “If we knew exactly what it was we were doing, then it would not be called research, would it?” “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” “The greatest charity one can do to another is to lead him to the truth.” — St. Thomas Aquinas “Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” — Bob Marley Living has always been a big part of my life. I was born at an incredibly young age and ever since then I have been alive. “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody will see it.” — Mahatma Gandhi “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” — Martin Luther King Jr. “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” — George Bernard Shaw “If ye love wealth better than liberty the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” — Samuel Adams You have pleased Cthulhu! He shall eat you second to last! “I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman.” “It’s no easy task freeing the ignorant from the chains they revere.” — Albert Einstein “The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” — Winston Churchill I am Макаре́вич I am half crazy Calabrese (All you Calabrese do the mambo like-a crazy) ¼ Russki and ¼ Polski “I’m not used to being loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald The University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople Buckle Down, Pilsudski, Buckle Down! @ Leanne’s Wedding! “The sun will rise; and we will try again.” In it’s day, the legendary Denbeigh Super Chauvinist Mark VIII Saloon (my *true* dream car) was widely regarded as the high-point of post-war British automotive design, rivaled only by the Austin A40 Somerset for its singular combination of styling and performance. Denbeigh Super-Chauvinist Mk.VII Saloon (T) The Super-Chauvinist retains all the beloved design of the Denbeigh .engineering practice. (R1) It has a truly robust hooter, excellent winkers and a first-class jack. (R2) Its performance is not torrid but beautifully matched brakes fade as one, and engine scream drowns all distracting sounds. (R3) Its leaking of petrol fumes is well nigh intolerable; luckily fuel is rapidly guzzled up by the engine before the driver can be overcome. Car and Driver Oh, and Jeffrey Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself! MajorThanks to ALL of my registered subscribers! As of 19 July, 2022, there are 23,288! (wait, whAT?! ) I wanna see the DPRK up there. 624,956 malicious login attempts or brute force attacks, have been Hillary’d by our crack ϟϟ-trained “involuntary assisted suicide” troops. — Hillary Clinton “Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses Evil minds that plot destruction Sorcerer of death’s construction In the fields, the bodies burning As the war machine keeps turning Death and hatred to mankind Poisoning their brainwashed minds Oh lord, yeah! Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor.” Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren’t go a-hunting, For fear of little men; – William Allingham – The Fairies — Theodore Roosevelt And Always Remember: “You treat the room from the bass up.” “So round, so firm, so fully packed.” — Lou Costello 포로 수용소 Konzentrazionslager, coming soon. “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ― Stephen R. Covey ↑ GIF by ArMaP A Dillingham pilot says he spotted the creature while flying passengers to Manokotak last week. He calculated that its wingspan matched the length of a wing on his Cessna 207. That’s about 14 feet. “Rarely is the real cause of a problem located where the problem is manifesting.” — Owen Marcus ↑↑↑ I did that! =D It was a trip! “I propose that we hit it hard and we hit it fast with a major – and I mean a major – leaflet campaign.” — Arnold Rimmer “Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” — St. Catherine of Siena Truth is the greatest enemy of the state. “Fraud and falsehood only dread examination. Truth invites it.” — Samuel Johnson There you go. • Zoë C West • Lorenza Lorenzi • Anastasia Panteleeva, Sia Model/owner of model Agency NexToModel • BigRedJill K Allen • Buddha Jones • Clint Eastwood • Wobbly Music • Black Smoke Trigger • Go-Go Ray, Drum Counselor • Mike Zito • Mauro Samuel • Rick Petrone • Jamie Petrone • Roger Waters • Tony Sarno • Tommy Emmanuel • Sam Gleason • Tom Ritchford • Tom Swirly • Adam Miller • Dame Evelyn Glennie • Søren Madsen • Ally Venable Band • Sadie Johnson Band • Samantha Fish Band • Kenny Wayne Shepherd • Folk Uke – Cathy Guthrie & Amy Nelson • Arlo Guthrie • Willie Nelson • Keith Richards • Jane Maya Rodriguez • Warren Huart Recording • Guitar Mastery Method • Michelle Augello-Page • Elan Mudrow – Smidgens poetry • Doug Skinner • Andy Raynor, M.Div. • Andy’s Books • John Anthony West RIP • JAW’s PhoenixFire podcast • Anyextee’s Adept Expeditions • Dr. Robert M. Schoch • Graham Hancock • Geocosmic Rex • Sacred Geometry International • Comet Research Group • Sacred Sites: Places of Peace and Power • Internet Sacred Text Archive • INFO – International Fortean Organization • Deliberate Dumbing Down • American Deception • David Dees Illustration • Sharkhunters International • Tifster Graphics • Golden Eye Publishing • Hitler In Argentina (& vicinity) • Robert Faurisson • Further Glory • Mike Campbell – world’s foremost Amelia Earhart authority • David K Bowman on Amelia Earhart • Mengele Agrartechnik • Thunderbird Photo • Aerial Anomalies • PRUFOS-Police Report UFO Sightings Organisation • I Am Dark Waters • >Arcane Radio • Eerie Lights • Patagonian Monsters • Cafe Enigma • Crypto4Corners (on FB) • North American Wood Ape Conservancy • The Crypto Crew • Texas Cryptid Hunter • Frontiers of Zoology • Frontiers of Anthropology • Bizarre Zoology • Ken Gerhard • Katy Elizabeth Champ Search • Deborah Hatswell UK Wildman British Bigfoot • Isaac Koi UFO Research • Dr. Bruce Maccabee UFO Research • Ignacio Darnaude Ufología Heterodoxa • Water UFO • The National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena • Breakthrough Initiatives • JFK Jr told the world who murdered his father • Pegasus Research Consortium • The Carl Sagan Portal • Alive Universe Space News out of Italy • QuickMap, a great tool for fine lunar viewing • Soviet Space Image Catalog • Laboratory for Comparative Planetology Archive • Sir Charles’ Shults Laboratories • Mars Global Data • Lunar Transient Phenomena • David Paulides’ Missing 411 • Missing Visualized • Annotations • Reddit’s NoSleep department • DiHydrogen Monoxide Reseach Division • BioFortean Review • Big Fat Furry Texan • USS Liberty Memorial • If Americans Knew • False “Nazi” Quotations • French Foreign Legion • Phoenix Tears • Essential Oils For Living • Robert Mittenmaier automotive artist • Fresh Water Spring Finder • Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center • Seismic Monitor North America • Eastern Intelligence Space & Survival Co. – Track NCoV & EQs & more • Tom Filogomo’s Top Shelf Studios • Connecticut Valley Chapter, BMW CCA • Trade Upholstery Company • Lon Strickler’s Phantoms and Monsters • Butch Witkowski • Sean Forker • Timothy Renner • Jane Maya Rodriguez • Jack Cary • Crypto Four Corners International • Eric Altman • Jay Bachochin • Rob Shaw • IG @makarevich.iggy • MeWe mewe.com/i/iggymakarevich • Parler @Iggymak • Sextoy.com, Affiliate adult toy store • High Strangeness Art, Zazzle store • What’s All This, Then?, old blog, my 2nd • High Strangeness, ancient blog, my first We return to the work of Cam Warren, an original member of the Amelia Earhart Society, who, according to one online search is 99 years old and resides in Fountain Hills, Ariz., and has been a member of the Americal Society of Media Photographers since 1966. Otherwise I haven’t heard from him in many years. […] World War II veteran and American Legion member Robert T. Stocker, of West Haven, Conn., sent the following “In Search Of” item to The American Legion magazine in January 1993. It appeared in the August 1993 issue: Saipan Marines who guarded Amelia Earhart’s plane at Aslito Field, or those aware of Navy Secretary James Forrestal’s […] Joe Klaas, who died in February 2016 at his home in Monterey, Calif., at 95, was probably the most gifted writer of all Earhart researchers. Unfortunately, Klaas was best known as the author of the most controversial — and damaging to legitimate research — Earhart book of all time, Amelia Earhart Lives: A trip through […] Cameron A. “Cam” Warren, former longtime member of the Amelia Earhart Society, may be still with us and in his upper 90s in Fountain Hills, Ariz., but my information on his current status remains nil. Warren was among the best known of the few “crashed-and-sankers” in the AES, along with former ONI agent Ron Bright and Gary LaPook, who are […] Paul Mantz was a noted air racer, movie stunt pilot and aviation consultant from the late 1930s until his death in the mid-1960s. He gained fame in Hollywood, and to many familiar with the Earhart disappearance, Mantz is known as Amelia’s technical advisor for her final flight — or at least that’s the popular narrative. […] no matter how much of a if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone… “Now let me bring you up to speed …. we know nothing …. You are now up to speed.” — Inspector Jacques-Yves Clouseau The late, great JC Johnson This bipedal critter is what JC was hunting. My friend and mentor, the late, great John Anthony West with his daughter, Zoë. JAW at the Sphinx When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door Let’s go get us a I’M SERIOUS YO! Lt. Colonel Percival Harrison Fawcett British artillery officer, archaeologist and explorer. “Our” event, as described in the image above, took place in 1907 in the Reserva Territorial Madre de Dios, Peru. “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti DPA IS ON MARS!
One can hardly visit Mexico without encountering the Legend of the Chupacabra. This fearful creature is totally believed to exist by many people in this country. Others are sure the Chupacabra is a cryptid, a creature whose existence holds great sway in modern mythology but has not been verified by science. So what or who is a Chupacabra? This creature has actually only recently entered on the scene. Unlike other cryptids like the Loch Ness Monster (first mentioned in 6th century literature) or the Yeti (reported in the Himalayas in the 1950s), the story of the Chupacabra began in Puerto Rico in 1995. The first known attack occurred in the countryside and was reported by a farmer. Eight sheep were found dead with three puncture wounds in the chest. Supposedly all of the blood had been drained from the carcasses. The tale went viral, spreading quickly throughout Latin American and the Southwestern United States. The most common description in Mexico is a three to four foot tall leathery-skinned, bat-like creature. Principal physical characteristics include: wings, long fangs, sharp three-toed claws, strong, clawed forearms, pointed ears, glowing red eyes and a spiked spinal column. The Chupacabra usually attacks at night. The creature’s name is derived from chupar, to suck and cabra, goat in Spanish. So far the Chupacabra has limited its attacks to livestock, especially goats. Humans appear to be safe, at present. However, on our recent trip to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico we discovered some disturbing murals depicting a Chupacabra attacking cowboys, one on horseback, and a group of women. Is this beast real or imaginary? Who knows? But other cryptids thought to be the stuff of legend have been discovered and verified by the scientific community. Witness the coelacanth, a prehistoric fish and the Okapi, an African giraffe like animal with a reddish back and horizontal white stripes on all four legs.
Coming July 2023! Monsters and the unknown have always been a favorite subject of artists and storytellers throughout the centuries. Depictions of mysterious creatures from strange lands can be an amazing source of creative inspiration. We want to see gallery walls full of fun artwork celebrating monsters and mysterious creatures. That’s why the Oddball Art Labs Summer 2023 show will be all about Cryptozoology. This will be another open artist call. We will be posting the Artist’s Call in Early 2023. (so if you aren’t on our email list, you should join now.) Monsters, Myths and Mutations (The Wonderful World of Cryptozoology) …wait a minute?! What is Cryptozoology? Wikipedia defines Cryptozoology as: a pseudoscience and subculture that searches for and studies unknown, legendary, or extinct animals whose present existence is disputed or unsubstantiated, particularly those popular in folklore, such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Yeti, the chupacabra, the Jersey Devil, or the Mokele-mbembe. Cryptozoologists refer to these entities as cryptids, a term coined by the subculture. Because it does not follow the scientific method, cryptozoology is considered a pseudoscience by mainstream science: it is neither a branch of zoology nor of folklore studies. It was originally founded in the 1950s by zoologists Bernard Heuvelmans and Ivan T. Sanderson.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptozoology So no Hollywood monsters please! We want to challenge everyone to pull strange creatures from folklore and unverified sightings. (Bonus points for local folklore or legends from your country of origin!) Since we will have a full year to put together this show, Oddball Art Labs plans to expand this exhibit with a full “museum” display of fabricated “proof” of the existence of some of these amazing creatures. Plaster casts of giant feet, fuzzy photos taken in the dead of night, desiccated creature remains, and other fabulous finds will be presented from the “archives” of a fictitious 19th century female heiress/adventurer who scoured the globe in search of these amazing, hidden creatures. Knowing full well that Cryptozoology is a pseudoscience compels us to place a placard in the museum display reminding visitors that no matter how “compelling”, “convincing” or “upscale” the presentation of finding may be, true scientific method always welcomes careful observation, rigorous skepticism, open peer review, and a refinement of knowledge as information is uncovered. Lists of Inspiration We wanted to help get your imaginations going, so here are some amazing references we’ve found on the internet. I’m sure the list will expand as we find more goodies. Lists of Cryptids Obvious options for cryptid artwork: - Loch Ness Monster - Skunk Ape - Loveland Frog - Steller’s Sea Ape - Mongolian Death Worm - Jersey Devil Fearsome Critters (North America) American folklore creatures - Dungavenhooter, a crocodile creature with no mouth and huge nostrils. The creature uses its tail to pound loggers into a gaseous vapor, which it then inhales for sustenance - Fur-bearing trout, a species of trout that grows a thick fur coat for warmth in cold climates - Hodag, a creature of the Wisconsin swamps possessing horns and spines. - Hoop snake, a snake that bites its tail to enable it to roll like a wheel - Jackalope, a rabbit with the antlers of an antelope or deer - Jersey Devil, a predatory creature that inhabits the pine forests of Southern New Jersey - Splintercat, a legendary cat of the Pacific Northwest that uses its incredible speed and stiff forehead to smash into large trees, knocking the branches off and withering the trunks - Squonk, an animal, saddened by its deformed countenance, cries incessantly and even dissolves into tears if seen - Whirling Whimpus, a gorilla-like monster with large arms and horse-like hooves, with the ability to spin around into a small tornado to catch prey Field Guide to Illinois’ Fantastic Beasts - The Enfield Horror 1940 – Southeastern Illinois - Lake Michigan Sea Serpent 1893 – About a mile offshore, roughly Wilmette to Hyde Park - Giant birds 1977 – Central and southern Illinois - Abominable Swamp Slobs 1973 – Carbondale area - Giant Black Panthers 1969 – Decatur area - The Cole Hollow Road Monster 1972 – Peoria area - The Wolfman of Chestnut Mountain 1980 – Galena area American Legendary Creatures - Dover Demon - Flatwoods Monster - Lava Bear - Nain Rouge - Sewer Alligator - Snipe Hunt - Tuttle Bottoms Monster Ten Cryptids You’ve Never Heard of Some books you may find useful - Cryptid Creatures: A Field Guide to 50 Fascinating Beasts - Chasing American Monsters: Over 250 Creatures, Cryptids & Hairy Beasts - Cryptozoology A To Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature - The Big Book of Monsters Volume One: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Myths, Folktales and Legendary Creatures - Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology – Volume 1 - Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology – Volume 2 - American Monsters: A History of Monster Lore, Legends, and Sightings in America We’re just getting carried away Hopefully you get the idea of what we want for this show and you are feeling inspired! We can’t wait to see your Cryptid inspired art in July 2023!
The first thing we need to do is to clear up some confusion on nomenclature, specifically the terms Latino and Hispanic. The first thing to get out of the way is that a Spanish person is a person from the country of Spain. Hispanic refers to people of Spanish-speaking descent. Latino refers to a person of Latin American descent. There are also terms specific to one country, such as Chicano for someone from Mexico, or those referring to a specific ancestry, such as Boricua, for the native people of Puerto Rico. While there are many people who are both Hispanic and Latin American, the terms are not interchangeable. For example, a Brazilian person is Latino, but not Hispanic, as Brazil is a Portuguese-speaking country. There is also the emerging term Latinx, but this one has some starch attached to it. Latinx is a gender-inclusive term, as opposed to Latino for males and Latina for females. Like many languages, Spanish is gendered, meaning nouns are either male or female. If I were talking to three lady friends, we are amigas, but if a guy friend comes over, the whole group becomes amigos. Latinx was created more than a decade ago to erase the gender bias of the term. By dropping the traditional –o or –a ending at the end of the root word ‘Latin,’ Latinx encompasses those who identify outside of the gender binary, such as transgender people or those who are gender-fluid. But there are those who counter that it’s an unnecessary effort to forcibly change the language of millions of people. As with most things in life, if you aren’t sure what to say, ask politely. Speaking of nomenclature, why are the countries of Latin America called that when they don’t speak Latin? Where did the name come from at all? Contrary to the answer I once came up with for and by myself, it had nothing to do with the region being settled by Catholics. Latin refers to the language Latin and Latin America is made of up countries whose language developed from Latin. It was actually French emperor Napoleon III who established the name. These equatorial and southern hemisphere new world countries has been known as Hispanic America, meaning origination with Spain. During the Mexican war, Napoleon III wanted to make the Austrian archduke Maximilian emperor of Mexico. He referred to the region as “Latin America,” saying that, via their language, France were closer to Mexico than Mexico is to Britain or the United States which both speak a Germanic language. France would be allowed to claim some paternity or at least influence, this in turn would justify the Mexican adventure. A little history on how Hispanic Heritage month came to be, and why it falls from the middle of one month to the middle of the next. Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson, whose Presidential Proclamation 3869 stated in part, “Wishing to pay special tribute to the Hispanic tradition, and having in mind the fact that our five Central American neighbors celebrate their Independence Day on the fifteenth of September and the Republic of Mexico on the sixteenth, the Congress by House Joint Resolution 1299, has requested the President to issue annually a proclamation designating the week including September 15 and 16 as National Hispanic Heritage Week. Not to get off topic so early, but if you want to hear something else memorable that Johnson said, google his phone call to the Haggar slacks company. Please note that particular slice of Americana is not safe for workplaces or kiddos, and it totally worth it. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan wrote the current period of into law. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua in 1821 . In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. How do you properly elucidate the history of 18% of the world’s population in a half-hour show? You simply can’t, so I will do my best with a smatter of illustrious names and fascinating stories. We could start from the top, as it were, with the highest court in the land and its first Hispanic or Latinx justice. That’s no mean feat when you consider that of the 113 justices we’ve had, 107 have been white men. Sonia Sotomayor, the Bronx-born daughter of native Puerto Ricans, is only the third woman to serve on the High Court. Her father passed away when Sonia was in grade school and her mother worked six days a week as a nurse to provide for her children and ensure they could attend private school. Sotomayor decided to become an attorney at the age of 10 upon watching an episode from the legal drama “Perry Mason.” With this goal in mind, she studied diligently while attending Cardinal Spellman High School and graduated valedictorian of her class in 1972. She was awarded a scholarship at Princeton University, where she was active in student groups, particularly the Puerto Rican activist group Accioncion Puertorriquena. In 1976, Sotomayor graduated summa cum laude with her bachelor’s degree in history, gaining election into Phi Beta Kappa, before moving on to Yale Law school. Upon graduating in 1979. the 25-year-old Sotomayor became an assistant district attorney, quickly establishing herself early as an imposing and steadfast prosecutor. Sotomayor helped put some of the most heinous criminals behind bars and triumphed in high-profile cases, including the famous Tarzan murder case and a major child pornography bust. As judge for the Southern District of New York, she gained fame as the judge who “saved” Major League Baseball with her strike-ending decision in Silverman v. Major League Baseball Player Relations Committee, Inc. In another widely read decision, her majority opinion in Castle Rock Entertainment, Inc. v. Carol Publishing Group finding a copyright infringement on material from the television show Seinfeld became a standard for applying the fair use doctrine. This decision is highly relevant for podcasters, YouTubers, and other such content creators who might want to use clips in their work. President Clinton nominated Sotomayor to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in 1997, where she would hear more than 3,000 cases and write around 380 majority opinions. Justice David Souter’s retirement in 2009 opened the seat into which President Obama would nominate Sotomayor that May and the Senate confirmed her in August. Hispanics celebrated her appointment to the Supreme Court as a first, and the working-class of the Bronx hailed the success of one of their own. Jumping right into the thick of the job, Sotomayor began to fire questions during oral arguments immediately. The first case she heard was Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, where she dissented from the majority opinion in favor of the rights of corporations in campaign finance. Sotomayor has specifically fought for the protection of affirmative action programs and ruled in the majority which upheld the Affordable Care Act twice, and to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states. While she is cutthroat toward ill-prepared attorneys, Sotomayor is known for her kindness toward jurors and the attorneys who work hard to advocate for their clients. Hers is a story in great contrast to that of many women on the island of Puerto Rico in the 1950’s, who found themselves unwitting lab rats. Although the birth control pill allows American women to feel more in control of their body, many do not realize the dark history behind its creation. In 1956, researcher Gregory Pincus and gynecologist John Rock conducted the first experiment to test the effectiveness of hormonal birth control. Pincus had to perform the experiment in Puerto Rico to avoid legal conflicts in the United States, since birth control and even information about it was widely illegal until the 1960s. The experimenters had nearly 1,500 women try the birth control. Many of the women were poor and illiterate, which made a free drug that allowed them to plan their next pregnancy irresistible. None of the women were told about the potential side effects. They were not even told that the drug was experimental, only that they could not get pregnant as long as they took this pill regularly. On August 2nd, 1959 Pincus wrote an article in the Washington Post detailing his observations of the experiment. He noted that at least 25 percent of women quit taking the pill because it had not been effective, causing less interest and desirability. Many participants found that the pill made them nauseous and dizzy. Other side effects included weight gain, vomiting, headaches, stomach pain, severe cramping, constant mood changes, lack of sexual desires, and depression. The researchers were far less concerned with the subjects’ condition than they were with proving efficacy. In August of 1962, the FDA was notified that 26 of the women developed blood clots. Three patients died, though no autopsies were performed. Why was Puerto Rico chosen to be the site of these trials? In the early 1950s, Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, became aware of Pincus’s creation of the pill to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Sanger was a promoter of contraception, so it is not surprising that she wanted to test the pill to see if it worked. Sanger and Pincus decided Puerto Rico would be the perfect site to do so. In 2013, Planned Parenthood claimed they went to Puerto Rico for the following reasons: Puerto Ricans accepted contraception, they were geographically close to the United States, and researchers were testing to see if even illiterate women would be able to manage their own hormonal contraception. Life being what it is, this wasn’t the only suffering visited on the women and other residents of this US territory. Half a million homes were destroyed when Hurricane Maria made landfall a year ago. The death toll may never be known with certainty, but it is at least 2,900. Even now, there are communities relying on generators for electricity and homes with only blue tarps for roofs. Many roads are still impassible. Our fellow citizens still need our help. If you visit the bit.ly link bit.ly/PRcharities, it will take you to the website Charity Navigator, which assesses charities based on important criteria like how much of your donation gets eaten up by administrative costs. The page lists several three and four starred charities helping Puerto Rico and the surrounding region. Even though it feels like the mid-Atlantic is a magnet for hurricane, we rarely have to go more than a few days at worst without electricity and I’ve never actually been without access to water or communication. Realizing how fortunate we are, I challenge my gentle listener to visit bit.ly/PRcharities, select a charity and donate one hour’s wage. That’s all. Imagine how much good we could do together. Speaking of segues, which I’m doing now, how about a sampling of folklore? One of the best known tales from Latin America is that of La Llorona. Hers is not a happy story. They say that the Llorona was once a poor young girl who loved a rich nobleman, and together they had three children. The girl wished to marry the nobleman, but he refused her, because she had not born the three out-of-wedlock children, which he considered a disgrace. His children, in case you lost track. Mad with grief at his rejection, the girl was determined to have the nobleman for her own, so she drowned her children to prove her love to him. But still he would have none of her and married someone else. The girl walked along the river, weeping and calling for her children. But they were gone, so she drowned herself. For her crime, her spirit was condemned to wander the waterways, weeping and searching for her children until the end of time. It was said that whenever the wailing woman appears, someone will die. La Llorona is also sometimes identified with La Malinche, the Nahua woman who served as Cortés’ interpreter and bore him children, whom some say was betrayed by the Spanish conquistadors. In one folk story of La Malinche, she became Hernán Cortés’ mistress and bore him a child, only to be abandoned so that he could marry a Spanish lady. There’s no evidence that she killed her child, but there’s not really anything that says what happened to her children one was or the other. The most famous cryptid of Latin America is undoubtedly el Chupacabra, the goat-sucker. Descriptions vary, but generally they are said to bipedal creature, 4 to 5 feet tall with spikes down its back, long, thin arms and legs, and an alien-like oblong head with red or black eyes. They have long vampire-like fangs and are said to suck the blood of livestock in the night, hence the name. The legend of el Chupacabra isn’t ancient, though. Benjamin Radford, author of several books on monsters and paranormal phenomena, dug through every El Chupacabra mention and traced the physical description of the monster to a single event in the second week of August 1995, when a sketch from an eyewitness named Madelyne Tolentino ran in a Puerto Rican newspaper. Locals immediately tagged the alien-looking animal as El Chupacabra. The creature, Radford noticed, shared a strong resemblance to the alien/human hybrid in the 1995 sci-fi thriller “Species.” When he spoke to Tolentino, he asked her if the thing that she saw could have been inspired by the film. Indeed, she had seen the movie in the weeks prior to making her description. There have been cases of four-legged Chupacabras in Texas and New Mexico, but these invariably turn out to be coyotes or racoons with mange. Have you ever noticed that since we all started carrying hi-res cameras at all times, there haven’t been any new photos of cryptids, no more blurry shots of Nessie or shaky footage of Bigfoot? Funny how that happened. You’d think that would be all over social media. Speaking of social media, in the name of “branding,” I’ve changed the handle for our Twitter account. It’s now BrainOnFactpod. If you’ve previously clicked follow on the moxielabouche profile, you’re already set and will still see our posts. If you’re not into tweeting, there’s also Facebook or Instagram, both of which are /yourbrainonfacts. A Mexican-American soldier was killed in action in the Philippines in the last days of WWII. No one could have known then that his burial would push forward the fight against anti-Hispanic discrimination. In 1948 the remains of Private Felix Longoria were shipped home to Three Rivers, Texas, where the “Mexican” section of the cemetery was segregated by barbed wire. The director of the funeral home would not allow the Longoria family use of the chapel because “the whites would not like it.” Longoria’s widow and her sister took this to Dr. Hector Garcia, the founder of the American G. I. Forum, a Congressionally chartered Hispanic veterans and civil rights organization. He, in turn, contacted the funeral director, but received the same refusal. Garcia sent numerous telegrams and letters to Texas congressmen. Senator Lyndon B. Johnson responded immediately with support and an offer to arrange the burial at Arlington National Cemetery. The funeral took place on February 16, 1949, at the Arlington National Cemetery. Senator Johnson and a personal representative President Truman were in attendance. After the funeral, the Texas House of Representatives ordered a committee to investigate the Felix Longoria incident. The committee held open hearings at the Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce and concluded… that there was no discrimination on the part of the funeral director and that he had acted in anger but had apologized. One committee member stated that the funeral director’s words “appear to be discriminatory” and another member withdrew his name from the majority report and filed his own account, which stated that the actions of the director were on “the fine line of discrimination.” The report was never filed. The Felix Longoria Affair would provide Mexican Americans an example to unify and expand their struggle for civil rights in the coming decades. A topic I wanted to cover in the banned books episodes preceding this one is the controversy surrounding Arizona schools Mexican-American studies program, or rather the controversy around it being removed and the books it used being banned from the schools. The Mexican American studies program first started in 1998, partly in response to claims by black and Latino parents that the district’s make-up promoted “intentional segregation and unconstitutional discrimination on the basis of race or national origin.” The program aimed to narrow the academic gaps between Latino students and their peers through Mexican American authors and other writers of color. The program was meant to build confidence in students who didn’t engage in a traditional curriculum. Ethnic studies courses, which first arose at universities during the civil rights movement, have been expanding into high schools in recent years. A 2012 study by University of Arizona professor Nolan Cabrera found that students who participated in the program’s courses performed better on state tests and graduated at higher rates. The crusade against the Mexican American studies program began in 2006 when labor rights activist Dolores Huerta gave a speech to students at Tucson High Magnet School, calling on students to look at the immigration legislation arising at the time and address why “Republicans hate Latinos.” The comment stuck with Thomas Horne, then superintendent of public instruction for Arizona’s Department of Education. When students weren’t allowed to ask questions at a meeting with Horne’s deputy, some raised their fists and turned their backs in protest. In an open letter to Tucson residents, Horne blamed teachers for the students’ actions and criticized the Mexican American studies program for teaching students “a kind of destructive ethnic chauvinism.” In 2010, the same year Arizona lawmakers passed an infamous anti-immigration law, SB 1070, a Republican-controlled legislature passed HB 2281. Specifically, the bill set out to ban courses that “promote the overthrow of the United States government,” “promote resentment toward a race or class of people,” “are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group,” or “advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.” Only one program in one school district qualified to be shut down: the Mexican American studies program. That October, a group of teachers sued the state, alleging that the elimination of the program violated their First Amendment rights. In July 2011, on Horne’s last day as state superintendent — right before he officially became state attorney general — he announced that the Tucson program violated state law and ordered that the district terminate the program or face losing 10 percent of their state funding. John Huppenthal, a state senator who helped pass the law, succeeded Horne. Despite an independent audit that found “no observable evidence” that the program violated Arizona law, Huppenthal rejected the findings of that and a second investigation, threatening to withhold state funding from Tucson’s school district for failing to end the program. In January 2012, in the wake of sanctions, the school board voted to end it and physically confiscated books from schools. In 2013, District Judge A. Wallace Tashima upheld most of the 2010 law, arguing that the students involved failed to show that it was passed with discriminatory intent. Two years later, a federal appeals court in San Francisco disagreed and ordered the case back to trial, concluding that there was enough evidence to determine otherwise. Huppenthal denied his actions in enacting the law were made with discriminatory intent. That might be more believable if he wasn’t shown to have made inflammatory remarks on different websites before and during his time as state superintendent, for which he refused to apologize. Under different pseudonyms, Huppenthal lambasted the program’s teachers, likening them to the Ku Klux Klan and saying the classes “use the exact same technique that Hitler used in his rise to power,” according to court documents. Unlike the Felix Longoria Incident, this situation saw changes implemented. In August 2017, a federal judge declared that Arizona’s 2010 ban of the Tucson school district’s Mexican-American Studies program was unconstitutional and enacted with discriminatory intent. In a 42-page ruling, US district judge A. Wallace Tashima, the same one who originally upheld the ban, found that the state’s actions “were motivated by a desire to advance a political agenda by capitalizing on race-based fears.” As far as my research indicates, the program has not been reinstated, but the teachers have been allowed to integrate the previously banned books into the main curriculum. If I have any gentle listeners in Arizona, please let me know the status there. I am always open to updates and especially to corrections. National Hispanic Heritage month ends two weeks before Halloween, which makes it an ideal time to point out that, while Halloween and Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead, do share common roots, they are totally different holidays. One major distinction is that Halloween is only one night, whereas the Day of the Dead is actually a three-day event that is just getting starting on Oct. 31. The Spaniards learned that when they arrived in central Mexico in the 16th century. They viewed the ritual, which was started by the Aztecs some 3,000 years ago, as sacrilegious. But the festival couldn’t be quashed. Originally celebrated in the summer, it moved to Nov. 1 and 2 to coincide with All Saints Days and All Souls Day. Not only did it survive, it thrived, moving from southern Mexico and spreading north. It also merged with elements of Christianity. All Saints Day and All Soul’s Day are observed across the Catholic world, as well as by some Protestant faiths. Many of the elements that make up the Day of the Dead, including the gravesite vigils and sweets are not unique to Mexico. But Mexico stands out for the rich, joyful flavor of the celebration. Halloween’s connection to the afterlife has largely been stripped from the holiday. The aspects of the holiday that do touch on death — such as the prevalence of ghosts, ghouls and other spirits in costumes and decorations — tend to focus on our fear of mortality and the spookiness of the unknown. The Day of the Dead, on the other hand, focuses squarely on death (it’s in the name after all). But rather than treating it as something dark and frightening, the Day of the Dead is largely about laughing in the face of death, as represented by the ubiquitous skulls and skeletons known as calaveras and Catrinas, which are often depicted dancing or playing music. And though it is about remembering lost loved ones, the holiday is more a time to celebrate their memories than to mourn their loss. The Day of the Dead is believed to be a time when the spirits of dead ancestors and relatives return to the world of the living for a visit. “The Day of the Dead is a day of connection, remembrance and love — for and with — those who have died (‘the ancestors’),” said Kristin Norget, author of Days of Death, Days of Life: Ritual in the Popular Culture of Oaxaca. “Halloween is completely lacking this important dimension.” From Oct. 31 to Nov 2. people across Mexico clean relatives’ graves and decorate them with bright flowers (typically marigolds) candles and things the deceased loved in life (food, coffee, alcohol and tobacco are common). They stay overnight in the cemetery and hold a vigil at their loved one’s grave. There is wide variation in the way the Day of the Dead is celebrated across Mexico and the holiday is constantly evolving. For example, Halloween costumes are becoming more common in parts of Mexico on Oct. 31, and large parades have become part of the holiday, especially in Mexico City. It is also very common, especially for the people unable to make an overnight gravesite visit, to build an elaborately decorated altar in their home, known as an ofrendas, that incorporates reminders of the dead person, including photographs and the things the person loved. The ofrenda is often the most recognized symbol of Día de los Muertos. This temporary altar is a way for families to honor their loved ones and provide them what they need on their journey. They place down pictures of the deceased, along with items that belonged to them and objects that serve as a reminder of their lives. Every ofrenda also includes the four elements: water, wind, earth and fire. Water is left in a pitcher so the spirits can quench their thirst. Papel picado, or traditional paper banners, represent the wind. Earth is represented by food, especially bread. Candles are often left in the form of a cross to represent the cardinal directions, so the spirits can find their way. The cempasúchil, a type of marigold flower native to Mexico, is often placed on ofrendas and around graves. With their strong scent and vibrant color the petals are used to make a path that leads the spirits from the cemetery to their families’ homes. Monarch butterflies play a role in Día de los Muertos because they are believed to hold the spirits of the departed. This belief stems from the fact that the first monarchs arrive in Mexico for the winter each fall on Nov. 1, which coincides with Día de los Muertos. Calaveritas de azucar, or sugar skulls, along with toys, are left on the altars for children who have passed. The skull is used not as morbid symbol but rather as a whimsical reminder of the cyclicality of life, which is why they are brightly decorated. “Decorated breads, paper cutouts, and plastic toys, most of them playing humorously on the death theme are evident everywhere,” says an article for the American Folklore Society. “Sculpted sugar candies in the form of skulls, skeletons, and caskets suggest an almost irreverent, macabre confrontation with mortality.” And that’s where we run out of ideas, at least for today. In addition to my request for help for Puerto Rico (bit.ly/PRcharities), I beg you for one other thing. Unless you grew up leaving flowers on the ofrenda, please do NOT paint your face like a sugar skull Halloween. I don’t care how many times you watched Coco. Cultures are not costumes. Personally, I’m doing Halloween dressed up as Mary Berry from the Great British Bake-off, so I can passive-aggressively critique everyone else. Thanks for spending part of your day with me.
Created by Vladimir Stankovic this book charts a range of mysterious animals; these creatures are part of myth and legend but there is no strong evidence for their existence. The word “cryptozoology” means the “study of hidden animals”, combining zoology with the Greek root “kryptos” or “hidden”. The book was created as part of a master thesis project at the University of Lapland. Sadly, it’s not something you can pick up at Amazon. I think there’s some traditional European monsters in here along with new world horrors too. In Pure Spirit Which is your favourite illustrated cryptid from the collection above?
A happy 2022! First, thank you so much for being part of Life to Legend, whether that’s by being a regular reader, a passerby, or one of the Facebook and/or Discord community members. Without you, Life to Legend wouldn’t be possible, to begin with! And I hope that for you next year will be a fruitful and happy one! I know 2020 and 2021 have been tough ones for many people. When I look around me I see people die directly or indirectly from Corona, others I knew committed suicide out of depression, and many are consistently depressed and asked to check up on them if you don’t hear of them for a few days. Many people lost their livelihoods and/or pensions because they couldn’t open up their shops and others lost their jobs. I hope that life was kind to you, and will be even more so in 2022. These times will come to an end! If you can: Try to find something positive, something you can enjoy more than usual or something you love that you can spend more time on. It is these small things that will help you push through! And our community may not focus on daily life, but if you ever need a place to go and just talk about what’s going on, or just chat about art or daily life, please feel more than welcome to do so at our Discord channel. Being an artist in these times It’s a strange world we live in, one we shouldn’t get used to. I hope you won’t, I try not to myself. And I think that in times like these, artists shine most. People dig into social media like never before. It’s better to have them marvel about a wonderful artwork than have them go down into some meaningless rabbit hole. Artists make memes, charts, beautiful art, games, movies, series… Everything that shines a bit of light on these dark days full of social distancing. This alone makes the need for artists higher than ever before. But don’t forget that people now actively spend time on businesses and hobbies like they never did before, and in ways, they never did before. Writers pick up their pens and need artists to draw the book covers. D&D gamers play more than ever before and want their characters drawn. A lot of money is invested in playing games, money that then can be spent on making new games which these companies need artists for. For artists, these are good times! If you have the opportunity, hone your skills and get out there! Share your unique style, or practice one typical for a company you’d want to be hired by. Build a website so you can be found and sell merch. By doing so, you will not only help yourself but also others who can then enjoy your art or anything it’s used for. No matter how shitty these times may be (and even when it’s not for you), it’s absolutely worth it to seize the opportunities that are right there in front of us! Just start and don’t stop, you will get there! Highlights and timeline of LtL in 2021 As I said before: This year hasn’t been a very good one for me, for more reasons than mentioned before. But so it hasn’t for many other people, and I consider myself lucky with the healthcare we have here in the Netherlands. I know many people lost so much more than I did, and at least I can say I had plenty of time to build my skills and Life to Legend. LtL in fact is one of the biggest highlights of 2021, and I think that’s worth it pointing out! So here we go! - December 2020 the idea of LtL was born from the old Wildlife and Creature design Facebook group. - 9-1-2021 The website was finished and the first article was written! - March 2021 was partially spent on building the Creature Design Prompt Generator with the help of Rian Holt. - 1-4-2021 LtL was officially launched! Read more about the history and how LtL exactly came to be right here! - 14-6-2021 a new project started with my friend Jade Jez who always supported me in my endaevours, including LtL. This endeavour is called Spudnik and Knofje. It’s not directly related to LtL but they are character designs that reflect both my and Jades life as artists and bloggers. - 30-8-2021 the private LtL group has been abandoned because of FB related issues, and continued as a public group. - 14-12-2021 The 50th article has been launched! And I’m proud to say that I didn’t miss a single week writing and posting articles as sceduled! Most popular articles of 2021 Well, this is still a young site obviously, and it only has been live for 8 months, but I’d still like to highlight the top 10 most popular articles, so here we go! - 1 – Immortal Jellyfish, phoenix of the ocean – This makes sense as it’s one of the oldest articles on LtL. - 2 – 10+ teaching Youtube artists you don’t want to miss - 3 – The Yowie and other cryptid humanoids - 4 – What makes a good creature design - 5 – 11 tips for creating your own creature design - 6 – Drawing from imagination, why is it so hard? - 7 – 8 Strange sea creatures you likely didn’t know exist - 8 – Shape language basics in art - 9 – Protection against art plagiarism and copyright infringements - 10 – The unicorn, an ancient myth Well, that about wraps it up, it was a productive year, especially when it comes to LtL and I’m looking forward to working on it even more! Soon there will be a character design prompt generator available as well as some freebies you can get in the Treasure Trove after signing up for the LtL newsletter. I hope I will see you in 2022 as well as LtL grows, and I hope you will join our community so we can see you grow too! You can do this on both Facebook and Discord. Take care of yourself, and make 2022 your best year ever! Signing out for the year
Can you believe it’s mid-September already? The Halloween season is upon us and time flies, and as always, we want to make sure you make the most of the season by watching as many new horror movies as possible. This week, SEVEN more novelties are on the way! Here are all the new horrors that are coming September 13 – September 18, 2022. Saban Films entered the house of darkness in limited theaters last Friday, and the Dracula-inspired horror flick is now available on VOD platforms starting today. drag me to hell and Defenseit is Justin Long and Kate Bosworth (Black Rock, before I wake up) both star in this alluring thriller from the director Neil La Bute (The wicker man). In the movie… “Returning home to her secluded estate after meeting at a local bar, a score-ready player thinks her beautiful and mysterious date will be another casual encounter. As they get to know each other, their flirtation becomes playful, sexy and Hoping to be lucky, his luck may have just run out. The trailer dumps the beans on house of darkness to be a “reimagining” of Bram Stoker’s classic horror tale Draculawhich was not spoiled by previous marketing. Joe Lipsett rated house of darknesscalling it “a simple and hilarious black comedy“, adding: “house of darkness makes for a witty, sometimes campy, often hilarious evening. The other new horror release on September 13 is the independent film The Legend of Hawesa horror horror film set in the old west that is now available on VOD outlets starting today. In the film, “After a mountain farm is attacked by a raiding party of ravenous marauders, the sole survivor, a beautiful young woman, hires a dangerous gunman to help track them down and exact revenge. .” From the director Rene Perezthis one looks a bit like The hills Have Eyes in the Wild West. Horror movie Jretaliation speeds our way this Halloween season, with a worldwide theatrical release for just one night on September 14. The horror film features cameos and music from rock stars, including Five Finger Death Punch, Tom Lee and Jacoby Shaddix. In the film, “An honest pastor uncovers a dark and twisted underworld as he searches for answers regarding the brutal murder of his daughter. A high-octane original soundtrack and cameos from some of the biggest names rock music sets the tone as this horror thriller reveals a game of revenge played by a new set of rules. Michael Lombardi (“Save me”), Marc Menchaca (“Ozarks”), and Joseph Gatt (“Game of Thrones”) headlining the cast alongside Jacoby Shaddixleader of Papa Roach. Five Finger Death Punch, Tom Lee, daddy cockroach, The Hu, Ice Nine Kills, Escape from fateand others appear on the screen and on Retaliation Original Soundtrack, which will be released alongside the film on September 16 via Better Noise Music. Realized by Christian Tafdrouphorror movie Speak no evil was recently released in select theaters by IFC Midnight and will next air exclusively on Shudder this Thursday. In Speak no evil“On vacation in Tuscany, two families – one Danish, one Dutch – meet and quickly become friends. Months later, the free-spirited Dutch family invites the more conservative Danish family to spend a holiday weekend at their country home. “However, it doesn’t take long before things slowly spiral out of control, as the joy of reunion is replaced by misunderstandings. Dutch hospitality quickly becomes unnerving for the Danes, and they find themselves increasingly caught up in a trickle of their own politeness in the face of eccentric behavior… or is it sinister…. Morten Burian, Sidsel Siem Koch, Fedja Van Huet, Karina Smulders, Liva Forsbergand Marius Damslev star. Christian Tafdrup wrote the script for the film with Mads Tafdrup. mia goth is back in A24“X-Traordinary Origin Story” pearl, Ti Westthe brand new prequel to this year’s feature film X. pearl will be released in theaters on September 16, 2022. This month’s new prequel film is set in 1918, decades before the 1970s filming X, which hit theaters in March of this year. Goth played the dual role of Pearl, an elderly person, and Maxine, the last girl in the film. The film ends with Maxine killing Pearl, who along with her husband Howard had brutally killed Maxine’s friends throughout the film. But where did Pearl’s story begin, you ask? “Trapped on her family’s secluded farm, Pearl must care for her ailing father under the bitter, overbearing watch of her devout mother. Desiring a glamorous life like she’s seen in the movies, Pearl’s ambitions, temptations and repressions all collide, in the stunning color-inspired origin story of Xis the iconic villain. West told Bloody Disgusting earlier this year, “Part of the idea of this movie that’s cool to me is that there’s something more important to it all. What can I tell you about pearl, because we’ve done it before and it’s done, it’s really a story about Pearl. So you will learn more about her. It is stylistically very different from X. You don’t need one without the other, but they enrich each other in a specific way. In the way that X is affected by, say, 1970s independent horror cinema and American cinema, pearl is influenced by a very different era of cinema. If we do the third, it will be affected by another type of cinema.” In addition to Mia Goth, the cast of the second film includes David Corenswet, Tandi Wright, Matthew Sunderlandand Emma JenkinsPurroand the film was written by West and Goth. A remake of the 2014 horror film by Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala Good night mom is on the way to First videostreaming exclusively on Prime Video starting this Friday. Naomi Wattswho of course played in the excellent American remake of the ringrecently landed the lead role in the remake, starring Cameron and Nicholas Crovetti (“Big Little Lies”) playing her character’s twin sons. Jeremy Bobb (“The Stranger”), Crystal Lucas Perry (Mimesis Nosferatus) and Peter Herman (“Younger”) also landed supporting roles. In Good night mom“When the twin brothers (Cameron and Nicholas Crovetti) arrive at their mother’s (Naomi Watts) country house to find her face covered in bandages – the result, she explains, of recent cosmetic surgery – they immediately sense something is wrong.. She makes some weird new house rules, smokes in her bathroom, and secretly tears up a drawing they gave her – things their loving mother would never do. “As her behavior grows increasingly bizarre and erratic, a horrifying thought takes root in the boys’ minds: the growing suspicion that the woman under the gauze, who is cooking their food and sleeping in the next room, is not their mother at all.” Kyle Warren wrote the new screenplay, with Matt Sobel (take me to the river) to manage. The latest release of New Horror Movie of the Week is gray wood‘s Plot!said to be a pitch-black horror/comedy that will be released on digital this Friday, September 16 by Terror Films. A labor of love, sending four true friends into the northern Minnesota wilderness to film a no-budget 1950s creature feature film; with a bloody modern twist, the film is directed by and stars Josh Stifter next to Daniel Degnan, Keith Radicheland Nathan Strauss. Written by Stifter and Degnan, Greywood Conspiracy! explores the thirst for instant gratification in a modern world and the dark lengths mediocre men will go for infamy. A struggling paranormal blogger named Dominic is about to end things forever, when a mysterious package arrives at his doorstep and changes his life… A rare sighting of a classic tape-recorded cryptid sends Dom and his best friend Miles on a journey to find the legendary creature – and mend a broken friendship along the way. Their half-baked journey leads them to a plot of land owned by an eccentric recluse by the name of Doug Greywood. As Miles and Dom’s friendship is tested by the vast and mysterious wilderness, they soon discover where their true loyalties lie.
In 1977, a man named John Huffer took several photos of two large birds taking flight from a tree. Although the sighting was mentioned by the Discovery Channel on their show, Into the Unknown, the birds pictured in the photos were dismissed as turkey vultures rather than Thunderbirds. This reality television appearance was linked to the sightings in Lawndale, Illinois. John Huffer, known later as Chief A. J. Huffer became a well-known advocate of giant cryptid birds. Thunderbird sightings have continued into the new millennium. On March 29, 2022, ”Chief AJ” Huffer suffered a fall. The doctors discovered a serious [...] An oversized avian unknown has been observed in the Mendenhall Valley of Alaska. Looking at the three possible candidates for what might be behind the reports of giant birds. What is the origin of this one? Image. “The entire bird was covered with small jet-black feathers. It showed no other colors anywhere. Just pure black,” said the eyewitness. What’s in your wallet? That missing photo? Images. A new eyewitness account has been shared. Anyone have any ideas as to the date or publication in which this first appeared? Images. More analysis. Images.
© Joe Scarborough Coast to Coast An electrician in North Carolina recently stumbled upon a series of sizeable prints that left him wondering if they may have been created by Bigfoot. According to a local media report, the remarkable discovery occurred as Joe Scarborough was working on a job at a residence in the town of Casar and he noticed the odd tracks outside the home. The bewildered observer initially suspected that perhaps the large prints had come from a human, marveling to himself that “somebody’s got a big foot.” However, when Scarborough looked closer at the tracks, he was struck by the sheer size of the impressions, noting that they seemed to measure thirteen or fourteen inches long. To his credit, the quick-thinking electrician went back to his truck and grabbed a tape measure so that he could properly document the strange find. Based on how some small plants were intermingled with the prints, Scarborough surmised that the tracks were relatively fresh. Remarkably, it would seem that the discovery has turned Scarborough into something of a Bigfoot hunter as he now plans to return to the residence to investigate the matter further. “I’m going to spend the night,” he revealed, “I’m going to take some game cameras and see what happens. I mean, why not?” While it would seem that Scarborough is hoping that the prints really did come from a Bigfoot, he conceded that there may be some shenanigans as play, musing that “you don’t know how many hoaxes are out there.” Scarborough’s possible Sasquatch prints are yet another in what has become a spate of North Carolina Bigfoot cases that have made the news in recent weeks, including a pair of potential photos of the creature as well as a woman who believed that the famed cryptid had been lurking in her backyard. Taken together, one might almost say that there is some kind of flap unfolding in the state. Setting that matter aside for the moment, what’s your take on Scarborough’s discovery? Weigh in with your thoughts at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page. Tim Binnall is the news editor for the Coast to Coast AM website as well as the host of the pioneering paranormal podcast Binnall of America. For more than a decade and over the course of hundreds of BoA programs, he has interviewed a vast array of researchers, spanning a wide spectrum of paranormal genres and ranging from bonafide esoteric icons to up-and-coming future players in ‘the field.’ A graduate of Syracuse University, Binnall aims to maintain an outsider’s perspective on the paranormal world with a distinct appreciation for its absurdities and a keen interest in the personalities and sociology of esoteric studies.
Happy Holidays MetaZoo players! It is I, Moldy Claus and I come bearing gifts, tips and good tidings. Today’s article will sum up what I think are the top 10 Nightfall cards – and what a set it is! The Metazoologists have truly outdone themselves. It’s looking like they may have successfully fixed a meta largely dominated by Quetz’s, Dingbelles and Gumberoos and they’ve introduced a couple new cards with effects that boldly change the pace of gameplay. Let’s get into it. This is one of those cards that will see so much competitive play that it’s already being abbreviated to “BFTE”.” Price is right at one neutral aura and it allows you and your opponent to search your spellbook for a Terra page and contract it immediately, instantly boosting each of your beasties and raising the power levels on both sides of the Arena. Terra bonuses are typically damage and LP bonuses that activate once a certain Terra page hits the arena. Normally, I wouldn’t top 10 a card that helps your opponent so much, but in this case it’s worth it because BFTE goes on to say, “the next beastie you contract this turn costs one less Aura for each Terra bonus active in the Arena.” Okay, so you fetch a Terra from your spellbook and as long as you’re holding a beastie who gets a bonus from that Terra, BFTE will pay itself off! That’s usually how it works out and with that effect, you’ll usually be happy about it. However, if you’re holding a beastie with more than one Terra bonus active after contracting BFTE, it will cost that many less Aura. Bonus points! Don’t count on that always happening but when it does, enjoy it. I usually only run one in my spellbook and it does the job. Like most tutors, BFTE allows you to run less Terra in your spellbook (since you’re not relying on top-decking), leaving room for more beasties and spells. Is Fireball not enough for you? Do you lay awake at night wishing you had a flame spell powerful enough to blow away the Jersey Devil in one shot? Well, you can now rest soundly knowing that MetaZoo has made your wish come true. Merry Christmas, it’s Jack-O-Lantern Bomb! 75 Damage and Burn for three aura is a major upgrade for flame spells but be warned… it only deals this damage to Pages. You cannot send a Jack-O-Lantern Bomb at your opponent’s face, as much as you may want to, but this card does plenty of work as is. The bomb also has an alternate cost of one Flame aura if you happen to have a Beastie in the Arena with “Headless” in its name, but will deal only 50 damage if you contract it this way. The list of beasties who give you access to this cost might be a bit longer than you think, including the following: Headless Horseman (NF), Headless Horseman (Halloween Promo), Headless Annie (NF Release Event Deck Leader), Headless Coal Miner (NF) and Headless Nun (NF). Light ’em up my friends. For those of you who caught my IG video on Grim, I admit, I was a little harsh, but come on people. The idea that I need nine Dark Aura pages in the arena to contract this force of destruction was (and still is a bit) beyond me. I only run 10 to 12 Dark Aura pages in my entire spellbook and I have never had nine of them in the Arena at once. Therefore, I have never contracted Grim Reaper. I cannot tell a lie… but, if I had contracted Grim Reaper, I’m 99 percent sure I would’ve won that game. And that’s the thing that has worked to soften my heart a little bit towards ye olde Death. In that rare case that he actually makes it into the Arena, Grim Reaper has been designed to be somewhat unstoppable. I’ve seen a bit of confusion over this so allow me to break it down for you. As you read Grim’s effects you will see the following, “This page cannot be affected by other pages.” That’s affect, with an “a”, ya hear? That means what it says – no page can affect Grim Reaper. It cannot be destroyed, damaged, effect-ed, inflicted, targeted, etc. Once Grim has been contracted, the only course of action is to Flood the Earth (a wipe who’s effect cannot be prevented — giving it priority over Grim’s effect, very importantly) or in most cases, to block his attacks. Block like your LP depends on it. Each beastie you throw in front of an attacking Grim will buy you one more turn to live and potentially deal enough damage to steal the game out from under your opponent… but let that damage through and if you’re like me, you’ll sweat profusely while you’re opponent gets to roll a dice and likely force you to lose the game. It’s the most powerful beastie in MetaZoo, no one can argue that and so it’s made the list but it’s almost impossible to pay the cost, so build wisely friends. Ah, balance in the Force. I think everyone who’s played Cryptid Nation has watched a game suddenly become very one-sided because of the zero-cost, resource-generating Aurafacts and so MetaZoo developed a card to help mitigate this unfair advantage. Until now, whoever had more Aurafacts in the early game was very likely going to win, simply due to resource advantage. Absorb Aura costs zero aura, destroys any zero-cost Artifact, allows you to Bookmark 1 and generates an aura of the same type as the destroyed page. Competitive players will be running Absorb Aura in every tournament spellbook or sidedeck, as we will be seeing a lot of Aurafacts in tournament play and the effects of Absorb Aura turn those tables beautifully. Not only will this page kick the leg out from under your opponents, lessening their precious Aura ramp, it can also be used to destroy your own Aurafacts for a Bookmark and one extra Aura in a pinch. Fatigue Blood Ruby for two Dark aura then cast Absorb Aura for free, bookmarking 1 and generating a third Dark Aura for yourself. A tech card if I’ve ever seen one, and one of the best in the set. Dingbelles beware. As if Lightning needed any help, here’s one of the most efficient removal spells in the game. For one Lightning Aura, you can dole out 20 damage to three different pages. Three targets for one is what we call “omg, worth it” in competitive TCGs. Goodbye Token Beasties, Fearsome Critters and troublesome Spirit pages (eh hem, Feu Follet). If your opponent happens to be playing a lot of Water pages, that 20 damage will be increased to 40 per target due to the Aura Type Advantage that Lightning has over Water. The minor downside is that you can’t stack this damage on the same target but I’ll just say it again; one Lightning Aura, three targets, 20 damage. Boom shakalaka. So, I’ve nicknamed this card The Budget Grim and I firmly stand by that moniker. With an Aura Cost of six and no depressing limiters placed on the contracting process (unlike Grim, Aurafacts and cost reduction are fair game with Grafton), I’ve been lucky enough to get this beast out on turn two and it is incredibly hard to deal with. Like Grim, though not quite as powerful, Grafton cannot be affected by non-beastie pages and cannot have status effect indicators placed upon it, making him quite durable. Can’t be paralyzed, sleep-ed, confused, or any of that nonsense. Grafton also must be the target of all attacks while in the Arena and will counterattack for 50 to 90 damage depending on your Terra bonuses, meaning he tends to eliminate the opposing beasties one by one until only he remains. And with that Aura Type Advantage over Lightning, Grafton deals an extra 20 damage to Lightning pages. Quetz no likey. Trust me, when it comes to mid-game beasties, there’s not much better than the Budget Grim Reaper. You’ll see what I mean next time you contract him. Just cross your fingers that your opponents don’t Flood The Earth. Right off the bat, I want to point out that I had some major internal debate about placing Adam higher than Grafton on this list because as I stated before, Grafton is one of the hardest cards to deal with in the game… but Adam takes the cake when it comes to versatility. I wouldn’t call him a game-ender, but like Snallygaster, Adam is one of the few Neutral Aura Beastie Pages in all of MetaZoo, allowing him to be included in every spellbook, no matter the Aura type. When you contract Adam, you will have to choose Dark or Light Aura type for him while he’s in the Arena and those will give you two very different play styles. Dark Adam will deal an extra +20 damage with his Sublimation attack and will also get an additional +25 damage Terra bonus from the Nighttime Terra (bringing his total damage up to 95) whereas Light Aura type will grant a +25 LP Terra bonus from Daytime and allow target page or Caster to recover 20 LP each time Adam attacks. Keep in mind you won’t be able to access both Terra bonuses on Adam at once, no matter how tricksy you get. The Terra bonuses are decided only when you contract him and cannot be changed unless he is contracted again. His attack, however, will change with his Aura type so if you contract a Dark Adam but later decide you need to recover some LP, Chaos Potion will do the trick, but only for a turn. In sum, Adam is reliable, versatile, easy to contract and gives you options. Try ’em both and let me know which Adam you prefer… Dark or Light? My most anticipated Beastie of the Nightfall release, Indrid may be a tad expensive at six Dark Aura but trust me, he doesn’t disappoint. When Indrid is contracted, you get to return up to two Dark Beasties with an Aura cost of two or less from your Limbo to the Arena, awakened, and while he’s in the Arena, Dark Beasties gain Immortal (meaning they will remain in the Arena even if their LP is reduced to zero). That’s a three-for-one as long as you have some beasties in your Limbo, plus immortal. Considering that Dark Aura type encourages an aggressive play style and has a number of excellent Beasties at two Aura cost or below (Cabbagetown Tunnel Monster, Bunny Man, Chupacabra, Hopkinsville Goblin, etc.), by the time you contract Indrid you’ll very likely have some Beasties waiting in Limbo for a second shot at glory. Let’s not get carried away though; Indrid comes with a couple downsides. First off, if you don’t have any Dark beasties in Limbo, he’s not nearly as valuable for obvious reasons; the three-for-one becomes a one-for-one. Second, he makes all Dark beasties gain immortal. That includes your opponents’, so beware a Dark against Dark mirror match when you’re playing Indrid. You might just end up complicating your path to glory… but as with many cards in the Nightfall release, MetaZoo maintains balance. Indrid’s attack will take control of any Dark Beastie it targets, so should you find yourself in that mirror matchup, make sure you keep Indrid safe and with each attack your Army of Darkness grows. Pun intended; gimme some sugar. The penultimate wipe and options! I mean, wow. It’s one thing to have a card that destroys all non-Aura pages and cannot be prevented, it’s another thing to allow two per spellbook with an alternate cost and alternate effect. For now, I’d like to focus on the cannot be prevented part of the effects. That innocent little phrase means much more than you may think. Cannot be prevented doesn’t just refer to counterspell effects like Dampen or Reflection, it also refers to cannot be affected pages like Grafton Monster and Grim Reaper. That’s right folks, it’s a Grim killer. Why? In MetaZoo, cannot be prevented is an effect that takes priority over other static page effects. They really mean it literally – nothing can stop the flood. Now, let’s talk about the icing on the cake – the alternate cost and effect. Flood the Earth isn’t just a wipe. If you don’t currently need a wipe or maybe you don’t have the five Water Aura required to contract it, you may instead contract Flood for one Water Aura and Bookmark 1 as the effect. This won’t win you the match but considering you’re only allowed to use the wipe effect once per game and you’re permitted to have two in a spellbook, the option to “cycle” it for a Bookmark is a great option and only works to make this a more playable card. Bonus tip: let Frogman cast Flood The Earth for you and he will be the one who is unable to cast any other non-Aura pages this turn, not you. See how that works? Tricksy little hobbitses. I said I was going to talk about cards that were changing the pace of the game and so I will. BFTE gives you Terra, Flood the Earth floods… the earth, and New Beginnings gives you and your opponent a new chapter’s worth of ammo so you can have a Matrix-style action sequence in the middle of your MetaZoo game. I’m only half kidding. This spell is insane. I’ve had New Beginnings in my starting hand of a number of games now and it’s cruelly powerful in this scenario. Let’s say you bookmarked seven pages to start the game but you don’t feel confident in your hand, mulligan right? Okay, reshuffle and bookmark six pages this time but it still isn’t thrilling you. You mulligan again, now down to five pages, putting you at a major disadvantage to your opponents. You would consider risking another mulligan but before you do, you notice that one of those five pages is an Aura page and one of them is New Beginnings. You now have the option to say “I’ll keep”, and then on your first turn, cast New Beginnings, shuffling the three remaining pages back into your spellbook and bookmarking seven new pages. A fresh hand. Your opponent will do the same, only they might not be so thrilled about it. Shuffling a good chapter back into the spellbook and drawing seven new pages is a potential disaster and I’ve won the game purely based on forcing my opponent to reshuffle and draw a garbage hand that has no Aura or low cost Beasties. Besides potentially ending a game on the first turn, New Beginnings is also useful when you have no cards left in your chapter. For one Neutral Aura, you get to bookmark seven pages and reload for future turns. Your opponent will do the same, so be wary, but if you’ve constructed a proper spellbook, chances are it’ll be worth the risk, especially if you’ve noticed your opponent saving a couple pages for the right scenario. I don’t need to tell you that bookmarking seven is about as much of a game-changer as you can hope for at one Neutral Aura cost and so I include one in every spellbook I build. Each caster is only allowed one New Beginnings per deck, so in most games, each player will get to reload their chapter twice. There’s only one situation I wouldn’t play New Beginnings in, and that would be a game in which I have established control over the Arena and am inevitably headed towards a win. If you’ve already won the game, don’t give your opponents a fresh hand of options… but otherwise, enjoy the rush! To wrap things up, Nightfall is a major step up for MetaZoo in a variety of ways. Almost every Aura type received an overhaul and I can’t wait to see who rises to the top in tournament play over the course of 2022. It’s an exciting time to be a competitive MetaZoo player so get out there with your best spellbooks and, to quote the illustrious Rick and Morty, “SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!” As always, thanks for reading and if you have any questions, come find me on IG @Metabroz – I’m happy to help!
In June 2011, the Horniman Museum offered to loan a genuine Japanese monkey-fish to the museum of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP). The RCP said ‘yes’, of course, because who wouldn’t want a genuine Japanese monkey-fish? The monkey-fish was not due to arrive until December, but the word of his coming spread through the corridors of the RCP like wildfire. What was monkey-fish? Who was monkey-fish? ‘It’s the missing link,’ said some, while others speculated about a chupacabra roaming 11 St Andrews Place after dark. An urban legend was born. I work at the RCP and it is likely that I played a small part in the creation of the RCP’s very own cryptid. So while the bees are on their winter break, here is a post about another species, or two, sort of. Fakes, forgeries and quacks The RCP held two lunchtime talks on Tuesday 20 December with experts from the Horniman Museum and Wellcome Library on the subject of ‘Fakes, forgeries and quacks’, inspired by the loan of the Horniman monkey-fish. Japanese monkey-fish, or mermen, were popular attractions during the 19th century and were touted as being real creatures. The second talk, ‘Making mermaids: a fishy business’ by Paolo Viscardi, curator at the Horniman Museum and Garden, traced the chequered past of monkey-fish revealing the history of mermaids, tales of fraud, media manipulation and shipwrecks. Among the audience were a number of RCP staff who were eager to find out more about monkey-fish, or ‘Alan’ as he is affectionately called. Paolo took us on a journey of mermaid sightings from the Sirenia, or sea cows, mistaken for mer-folk by ancient mariners, to the thousand-year-old shrivelled ‘mermaids’ of Japanese Shinto shrines, to the famous Fiji Mermaid exhibited by master showman PT Barnum in the 1840s. This was all very well, but what I wanted to know was this: who is our monkey-fish? Who is monkey-fish? On Tuesday, 2 September 1919, a Japanese merman was purchased by, or on behalf of, Henry Wellcome at an auction held by Stevens London auctioneers. The auction catalogue listed the specimen as ‘Japan, Mermaid, paper-mache body, with fish-tail 20 in. long x 9 in. high’.[ref] The merman came to the Horniman Museum from the Wellcome Collection in 1982, and somewhere along the way it gained the name ‘monkey-fish’ because of its appearance of a monkey’s head and torso sewn onto the body of a fish. Mystery solved, or is it? What is a monkey-fish? I was curious to know, what is a monkey-fish made of? Is it the mummified head and torso of a monkey sewn onto the tail of a fish? The Horniman Museum had investigated the makings of monkey-fish through X-ray and CT scans – and the results? ‘What is a monkey-fish made of? Paper, wood, string and clay, with fish bits and chicken feet!’ said Paolo. ‘But no monkey.’ Monkey-fish babies and the dark sibling, Paul As if that were not enough excitement for one afternoon, we were told that there could be 100s of monkey-fish out there, waiting to be found. There might also be monkey-fish babies, which led to a twittering of ‘I want’ tweets. The Horniman monkey-fish even has a sibling on display elsewhere in the UK – a dark twin called Paul. I may have made up that last bit. Come and see our monkey-fish! The monkey-fish will be exhibited alongside items from the RCP’s own collections, which involve an element of fakery – whether intentional or not – until 20 January 2012, and is open Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm. No booking is required and entry is free. The exhibition area is closed on public holidays and for RCP ceremonies. The RCP museum holds various events all year round and information on how to visit is here. Monkey-fish will return home to the Horniman Museum at the end of January, which also looks like a pretty interesting place to visit.
Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Four: Case File No. 22-178 AMBER LOVE 12-OCT-2020 Find out how all this began. Catch up on Year One, Year Two, and Year Three cases at the Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency. Thank you for all your financial and social support! Oliver and Gus are looking forward to bringing you more fascinating discoveries and investigations into the chipmunk mafia, the blue jay gang, the neighborhood critters, and cryptid sightings. This work is supported by the generous backers who adore my cat stories at Patreon.com/amberunmasked and they also get first access to what’s happening with my books and podcast. For a one-time tip, you can go to the new PayPal.me. Where We Left Off: There was strange home invasion where Gus and Oliver tackled the perp and threw it around the house before the humans were able to chase it out the door. Over the summer, some of our surveillance of the local wolpertingers turned into Gus trying to go all Murder Man on a couple of the babies. Happy to say that these two cases did not end in bunny creature deaths which would be on my conscience not Gus’. The first case occurred after several surveillance sessions of the larger, older wolpertingers as noted in case file no. 14-170 codename “Whispering Footsteps.” I had to wonder where those big fellas were when the babies were out looking for snacks. I was coming down on a harsh tone about Gus writing these two up, but then I thought about it. Quite honestly, Gus might have been taking the baby critter home to adopt. WE DON’T KNOW FOR SURE! But he did carry the critter all the way home to the back door and expected me to open it for him so he could go right in and present it to the family. With Bunny #1, I specifically remember how I could feel the creature’s racing heartbeat when I took it away from Gus and carried it back to the woods. There’s video of both creature releases into the woods. Bunny #1 was speedy and showing no signs of slowing down even with a minor injury. My notes indicate there was blood on its body and on my shirt. And during this, Gus managed to lose his new pineapple Psych themed collar from Pugs2Persians. (*not officially Psych but pineapples). I reviewed the notes of the July 12 and August 5 Gus vs. Critter incident reports in the daily briefings. I had noted the stress responses of each victim and how they were different. The first one went into what’s called the flight response. You probably know the first two identified trauma responses: fight or flight. There have been a couple more added to the scientific responses: freeze and the fourth is sometimes called cling or “fawn” to keep the alliteration; it also means submit. The second victim was definitely in the fighting response. It squirmed and shrieked. Both made me sad. Perhaps because I didn’t allow Gus to adopt Bunny #1, he decided not to deliver Bunny #2 to the back door. He took me on a pursuit and when I finally caught up and took the creature from him, I felt so awful. This little one was screaming so much. I managed to get one glove on this time and hold the bunny tight against my chest until I got back to the woods. Bunny #2 was released in the same spot as the first. Due to their similar size, I strongly believe these creatures were siblings. These more substantial creatures obviously would require a lot more effort to kill than a house mouse. At least because of that, most of Gus’ attacks end in rescue and release. People think all cats allowed near wildlife are responsible for millions and millions of deaths when the truth points more to a big bad villain not a conspiracy of cats trying to rule the world. Human greed leads to dehabitation, the energy and fishing industries, pollution, and other causes of why there are impacts on wildlife population. Bunny rabbits and wolpertingers aren’t just cute and fuzzy. They are warriors too. Like the chipmunks, they may look like helpless creatures, but they have strong teeth and claws. That’s not what justifies Gus’ occasionally brutal behavior. He’s a feline. Critters are prey. He’s about five years old and still has some pep in his step though not like he did a few years ago when he was a svelte, fast, forest panther. His panther instincts are why he’s exonerated in these tragic events. Neither of the victims needed triage. Gus captured two different baby wolpertingers within the boundaries of the estate property. The first he tried to bring home; the second he tried to run away with. I like to think he was going to team up with them and have an exciting adventure across the mountain looking for treasure before returning safely home. Both critters were released. Case Status: Closed
The Ahool is an avian cryptid believed to reside in the mountainous rain forests of Java, the fourth largest island of Indonesia. Said to stand between 3 and 4 feet tall, the Ahool is reported to have a 12 foot wing span, with leathery wings and sharp claws on each forearm. The creature is described as having course grey fur and resembling a large bat or flying primate. Said to feed on large fish, the Ahool gets its name from the distinctive “ah-hooool” call it is said to make while hunting. The Albatwitch, central Pennsylvania’s little Bigfoot! Short for “apple-snitch”, this hairy, little hominid is described as “manlike”, between 4 and 5 feet tall, with an insatiable appetite for apples. Rumored to spend most of their days in the trees, the Albatwitch are said to inhabit the wooded banks of the Susquehanna River, with most sightings in the Chickies Rock area. According to science, African saber-toothed tiger species died out roughly half a million years ago. In the sub-Saharan countries of Chad and the Central African Republic, however, numerous sightings and reports of present day encounters with the Ennedi Tiger might call that theory into question. Most commonly said to roam the Ennedi Plateau and inhabit caves in the eastern mountainous region of Chad, the Ennedi Tiger is reported to be larger than a male lion and have red to reddish brown, short fur with thick, vertical white stripes. Say hello to the Kushtaka, shape-shifting, otter-esque creature from the folklore of the Tlingit people of the Pacific coast of Alaska and Canada. Kushtaka literally translates to “land otter man”, and descriptions, although varied, generally include some degree of otter-ness. Nahuelito is a serpentine lake monster said to reside in Nahuel Huapi Lake, a 205 square mile lake located in the lake region of northern Patagonia between the provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén, Argentina. Described as looking like a Chinese dragon, the Ninki Nanka is a legendary beast said to prowl the creeks and mangrove swamps along the River Gambia in Western Africa. Rumored to only come out after dark, this reptilian beast is said to devour whatever (or, whomever?) it chooses. At an estimated 30 feet in length, it is easy to see why locals fear the ill-tempered beast, refusing to go into areas where it has recently been reported. Grey aliens, also known as Zeta Reticulans, Grays, or simply Greys, are by far the most commonly reported species involved in UFOlogical cases. Named for the coloration of their skin, these sapient humanoids have gathered fame and attention from researchers thanks to such infamous incidents as the Roswell UFO crash of 1947 and the Barney and Betty Hill abduction case in 1961. Their image has found its way into popular imagination and mass media to represent the archetypal, flying saucer-using, memory-erasing alien visitor who abducts subjects to study them. The Nordic aliens, often known as Pleiadians or as "Space Brothers / Sisters", are one of the races most commonly reported by real contactees and UFOlogists. Named for their striking physical similarity to Scandinavian Humans, these spacefaring visitors are almost universally regarded as an advanced, peaceful and benevolent culture. The name, Tall White Aliens, has been attributed to these creatures as they resemble a Grey alien, only much taller than a common Grey alien. The Tall White Aliens possibly used genetic manipulations to arrive at their current appearance.
The cult-y pocket-size field guide to the strange and intriguing secrets of the Mojave—its myths and legends, outcasts and oddballs, flora, fauna, and UFOs—becomes the definitive, oracular book of the desert For the past five years, Desert Oracle has existed as a quasi-mythical, quarterly periodical available to the very determined only by subscription or at the odd desert-town gas station or the occasional hipster boutique, its canary-yellow-covered, forty-four-page issues handed from one curious desert zealot to the next, word spreading faster than the printers could keep up with. It became a radio show, a podcast, a live performance. Now, for the first time—and including both classic and new, never-before-seen revelations—Desert Oracle has been bound between two hard covers and is available to you. Straight out of Joshua Tree, California, Desert Oracle is “The Voice of the Desert”: a field guide to the strange tales, singing sand dunes, sagebrush trails, artists and aliens, authors and oddballs, ghost towns and modern legends, musicians and mystics, scorpions and saguaros, out there in the sand. Desert Oracle is your companion at a roadside diner, around a campfire, in your tent or cabin (or high-rise apartment or suburban living room) as the wind and the coyotes howl outside at night. From journal entries of long-deceased adventurers to stray railroad ad copy, and musings on everything from desert flora, rumored cryptid sightings, and other paranormal phenomena, Ken Layne's Desert Oracle collects the weird and the wonderful of the American Southwest into a single, essential volume.
"Photographic evidence" is sometimes taken as shorthand for cold, hard proof. Seeing, after all, is believing, and if we have a permanent record of an image that anyone can examine, what more verification can be necessary? Of course, we can't really trust our eyes or memories, something that has been exacerbated by how trivial manipulating photographs have become. But even before Photoshop, photographs fooled people. Beyond crude hoaxes, there remains the fact that such images are not simple slices of reality. Intentionally or unintentionally, photographers determine what information from a scene is captured and what is omitted. This phenomenon is a driving force in cryptozoology, the pseudoscientific study of legendary animals. And while Tetrapod Zoology's Darren Naish generally writes about animals that actually exist (or did millenia ago), today he delves into a famous cryptid photo of the "Ozenkadnook tiger." While the truth about the photo is still hazy, what it says about our standards of evidence--and how it intersects with the story of a real Australian animal's extinction--is worth a closer look. Tetrapod ZoologyAugust 18, 2010 "Photos purported to show 'mystery animals' are always great fun. One of the most perplexing and curious of the lot was taken on a box Brownie camera near Goroke, western Victoria, Australia, in 1964. I'm referring, of course, to Rilla Martin's photo of a strange, striped, running mammal." Tetrapod ZoologyDecemeber 13, 2007 "Many people have heard that some, or all, of these photos are dubious, or fake. But that's where it ends for the vast majority of people. I would imagine that - as with the famous Patterson footage purporting to show sasquatch - most people see a given Loch Ness monster photo and think 'Oh yeah, that's that famous Loch Ness monster photo. I wonder if anyone's ever worked out whether it's a fake or not'. Well my friends, you now need wonder no more, for here I'm going to do a quick run-down of some of the more famous images, and dish the dirt." Tetrapod ZoologyJune 3, 2008 "Taken by Sandra Mansi at Lake Champlain (Vermont, USA) in July 1977, the Mansi photo has always been really popular because (unlike so many alleged lake monster photos) it's not too blurry or ambiguous but clearly shows something that looks very much like a large, long-necked grey aquatic animal."
We’re all mad here. It’s not just for mathematicians anymore! There are people who have seen the unexplained … and there are people who haven’t. Balrogs love grilled Troll. 좆까, 김정은 ! YHVH = Behold the Nail, Behold the Hand The Mind of Albert Einstein: “The 4th world war will be fought with sticks and stones” “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” “If we knew exactly what it was we were doing, then it would not be called research, would it?” “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” “The greatest charity one can do to another is to lead him to the truth.” — St. Thomas Aquinas “Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” — Bob Marley Living has always been a big part of my life. I was born at an incredibly young age and ever since then I have been alive. “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody will see it.” — Mahatma Gandhi “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” — Martin Luther King Jr. “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” — George Bernard Shaw “If ye love wealth better than liberty the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” — Samuel Adams You have pleased Cthulhu! He shall eat you second to last! “I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman.” “It’s no easy task freeing the ignorant from the chains they revere.” — Albert Einstein “The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” — Winston Churchill I am Макаре́вич I am half crazy Calabrese (All you Calabrese do the mambo like-a crazy) ¼ Russki and ¼ Polski “I’m not used to being loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald The University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople Buckle Down, Pilsudski, Buckle Down! @ Leanne’s Wedding! “The sun will rise; and we will try again.” In it’s day, the legendary Denbeigh Super Chauvinist Mark VIII Saloon (my *true* dream car) was widely regarded as the high-point of post-war British automotive design, rivaled only by the Austin A40 Somerset for its singular combination of styling and performance. Denbeigh Super-Chauvinist Mk.VII Saloon (T) The Super-Chauvinist retains all the beloved design of the Denbeigh .engineering practice. (R1) It has a truly robust hooter, excellent winkers and a first-class jack. (R2) Its performance is not torrid but beautifully matched brakes fade as one, and engine scream drowns all distracting sounds. (R3) Its leaking of petrol fumes is well nigh intolerable; luckily fuel is rapidly guzzled up by the engine before the driver can be overcome. Car and Driver Oh, and Jeffrey Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself! MajorThanks to ALL of my registered subscribers! As of 19 July, 2022, there are 23,288! (wait, whAT?! ) I wanna see the DPRK up there. 624,956 malicious login attempts or brute force attacks, have been Hillary’d by our crack ϟϟ-trained “involuntary assisted suicide” troops. — Hillary Clinton “Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses Evil minds that plot destruction Sorcerer of death’s construction In the fields, the bodies burning As the war machine keeps turning Death and hatred to mankind Poisoning their brainwashed minds Oh lord, yeah! Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor.” Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren’t go a-hunting, For fear of little men; – William Allingham – The Fairies — Theodore Roosevelt And Always Remember: “You treat the room from the bass up.” “So round, so firm, so fully packed.” — Lou Costello 포로 수용소 Konzentrazionslager, coming soon. “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ― Stephen R. Covey ↑ GIF by ArMaP A Dillingham pilot says he spotted the creature while flying passengers to Manokotak last week. He calculated that its wingspan matched the length of a wing on his Cessna 207. That’s about 14 feet. “Rarely is the real cause of a problem located where the problem is manifesting.” — Owen Marcus ↑↑↑ I did that! =D It was a trip! “I propose that we hit it hard and we hit it fast with a major – and I mean a major – leaflet campaign.” — Arnold Rimmer “Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” — St. Catherine of Siena Truth is the greatest enemy of the state. “Fraud and falsehood only dread examination. Truth invites it.” — Samuel Johnson There you go. • Zoë C West • Lorenza Lorenzi • Anastasia Panteleeva, Sia Model/owner of model Agency NexToModel • BigRedJill K Allen • Buddha Jones • Clint Eastwood • Wobbly Music • Black Smoke Trigger • Go-Go Ray, Drum Counselor • Mike Zito • Mauro Samuel • Rick Petrone • Jamie Petrone • Roger Waters • Tony Sarno • Tommy Emmanuel • Sam Gleason • Tom Ritchford • Tom Swirly • Adam Miller • Dame Evelyn Glennie • Søren Madsen • Ally Venable Band • Sadie Johnson Band • Samantha Fish Band • Kenny Wayne Shepherd • Folk Uke – Cathy Guthrie & Amy Nelson • Arlo Guthrie • Willie Nelson • Keith Richards • Jane Maya Rodriguez • Warren Huart Recording • Guitar Mastery Method • Michelle Augello-Page • Elan Mudrow – Smidgens poetry • Doug Skinner • Andy Raynor, M.Div. • Andy’s Books • John Anthony West RIP • JAW’s PhoenixFire podcast • Anyextee’s Adept Expeditions • Dr. Robert M. Schoch • Graham Hancock • Geocosmic Rex • Sacred Geometry International • Comet Research Group • Sacred Sites: Places of Peace and Power • Internet Sacred Text Archive • INFO – International Fortean Organization • Deliberate Dumbing Down • American Deception • David Dees Illustration • Sharkhunters International • Tifster Graphics • Golden Eye Publishing • Hitler In Argentina (& vicinity) • Robert Faurisson • Further Glory • Mike Campbell – world’s foremost Amelia Earhart authority • David K Bowman on Amelia Earhart • Mengele Agrartechnik • Thunderbird Photo • Aerial Anomalies • PRUFOS-Police Report UFO Sightings Organisation • I Am Dark Waters • >Arcane Radio • Eerie Lights • Patagonian Monsters • Cafe Enigma • Crypto4Corners (on FB) • North American Wood Ape Conservancy • The Crypto Crew • Texas Cryptid Hunter • Frontiers of Zoology • Frontiers of Anthropology • Bizarre Zoology • Ken Gerhard • Katy Elizabeth Champ Search • Deborah Hatswell UK Wildman British Bigfoot • Isaac Koi UFO Research • Dr. Bruce Maccabee UFO Research • Ignacio Darnaude Ufología Heterodoxa • Water UFO • The National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena • Breakthrough Initiatives • JFK Jr told the world who murdered his father • Pegasus Research Consortium • The Carl Sagan Portal • Alive Universe Space News out of Italy • QuickMap, a great tool for fine lunar viewing • Soviet Space Image Catalog • Laboratory for Comparative Planetology Archive • Sir Charles’ Shults Laboratories • Mars Global Data • Lunar Transient Phenomena • David Paulides’ Missing 411 • Missing Visualized • Annotations • Reddit’s NoSleep department • DiHydrogen Monoxide Reseach Division • BioFortean Review • Big Fat Furry Texan • USS Liberty Memorial • If Americans Knew • False “Nazi” Quotations • French Foreign Legion • Phoenix Tears • Essential Oils For Living • Robert Mittenmaier automotive artist • Fresh Water Spring Finder • Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center • Seismic Monitor North America • Eastern Intelligence Space & Survival Co. – Track NCoV & EQs & more • Tom Filogomo’s Top Shelf Studios • Connecticut Valley Chapter, BMW CCA • Trade Upholstery Company • Lon Strickler’s Phantoms and Monsters • Butch Witkowski • Sean Forker • Timothy Renner • Jane Maya Rodriguez • Jack Cary • Crypto Four Corners International • Eric Altman • Jay Bachochin • Rob Shaw • IG @makarevich.iggy • MeWe mewe.com/i/iggymakarevich • Parler @Iggymak • Sextoy.com, Affiliate adult toy store • High Strangeness Art, Zazzle store • What’s All This, Then?, old blog, my 2nd • High Strangeness, ancient blog, my first Today we continue with the conclusion of Cam Warren’s “The Last Days of Amelia Earhart.” I’ve again added photos, and some of my own comments will follow. “The Last Days of Amelia Earhart” by Cam Warren Bert Heath has been mentioned as the Chief Pilot and reportedly viewed the take-off from the air as he was […] We return to the work of Cam Warren, an original member of the Amelia Earhart Society, who, according to one online search is 99 years old and resides in Fountain Hills, Ariz., and has been a member of the Americal Society of Media Photographers since 1966. Otherwise I haven’t heard from him in many years. […] World War II veteran and American Legion member Robert T. Stocker, of West Haven, Conn., sent the following “In Search Of” item to The American Legion magazine in January 1993. It appeared in the August 1993 issue: Saipan Marines who guarded Amelia Earhart’s plane at Aslito Field, or those aware of Navy Secretary James Forrestal’s […] Joe Klaas, who died in February 2016 at his home in Monterey, Calif., at 95, was probably the most gifted writer of all Earhart researchers. Unfortunately, Klaas was best known as the author of the most controversial — and damaging to legitimate research — Earhart book of all time, Amelia Earhart Lives: A trip through […] Cameron A. “Cam” Warren, former longtime member of the Amelia Earhart Society, may be still with us and in his upper 90s in Fountain Hills, Ariz., but my information on his current status remains nil. Warren was among the best known of the few “crashed-and-sankers” in the AES, along with former ONI agent Ron Bright and Gary LaPook, who are […] no matter how much of a if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone… “Now let me bring you up to speed …. we know nothing …. You are now up to speed.” — Inspector Jacques-Yves Clouseau The late, great JC Johnson This bipedal critter is what JC was hunting. My friend and mentor, the late, great John Anthony West with his daughter, Zoë. JAW at the Sphinx When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door Let’s go get us a I’M SERIOUS YO! Lt. Colonel Percival Harrison Fawcett British artillery officer, archaeologist and explorer. “Our” event, as described in the image above, took place in 1907 in the Reserva Territorial Madre de Dios, Peru. “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti DPA IS ON MARS!
Best known for his mind-blasting “King in Yellow” mythos – a series of five stories published in the eponymous 1895 anthology – Robert W. Chambers doesn’t get much more attention for his other weird fiction, ghost stories, and fantasy – and it’s a damn shame. Chambers excelled at creating an atmosphere of otherworldly dread, misanthropic cosmicism, and eldritch horror. His amphibious “Harbor Master” may have been the prototype for both the Creature of the Black Lagoon and Lovecraft’s Deep Ones, his demonic priest in “The Messenger” is worthy of a slasher film, and his brutally ironic murder of a butterfly collector in “The Purple Emperor” forecasts the grisliest mysteries of Dashiell Hammett. While none of them can top the cult-like status of the Carcosa Mythos, it’s a downright pity that more horror afficianados don’t read past his first book. The following list contains seven of his best works, and if you’d like to read them all, you can find them in our annotated and illustrated edition of The Best Weird Fiction and Ghost Stories of Robert W. Chambers. 7. THE PURPLE EMPEROR The subtitle of every Oldstyle Tales book is “Tales of Murder, Mystery, Horror, and Hauntings.” It starts with “Murder” because pretty much every writer of horror uses that as a plot device in at least one of their stories. While “The Purple Emperor” doesn’t feature any hauntings, it is rife with the other three. Strait out of a pulp classic, it pits two rival butterfly collectors against one another: the snarky Red Admiral and the unhinged Purple Emperor (each self-styled after their favorite specimen). While it sounds like a Monty Python sketch, the story takes a decidedly dark turn when the Red Admiral’s severed hand is discovered, and the chief suspect is an American tourist who is romancing the Purple Emperor’s ill-used niece. When the French police cart him off for questioning, his memory proves invaluable, and the ingenious-if-dramatic method used to kill the Admiral is used to discover the killer. 6. THE BRIDAL PAIR / A PLEASANT EVENING This one is a twofer. Chambers is best remembered for his weird fiction, but he also wrote some genuinely creepy ghost stories. Most famous during his lifetime as a writer of romances (in the will-they-won’t-they, “don’t cry, ShopGirl” style of Nora Ephron), it isn’t surprising that warped, twisted, or unnatural romances feature prominently in his darker works. Both “The Bridal Pair” and “A Pleasant Evening” involve a man being lured by the siren-like attractions of a mysterious female shade. Now it’s no secret that they end up being ghosts, but the tension and dramatic irony experienced by the readers make both stories classic ghost stories with a uniquely American flavor. In “The Bridal Pair,” estranged lovers reunite on a remote hill (despite the reservations of the man’s terrified dog) and in “A Pleasant Evening,” a New York artist keeps running into a woman with cold skin and a wet dress. Even I was surprised to find out where she came from. 5. THE KEY TO GRIEF Enigmatic, mystical, and bizarre, this genuinely mesmerizing fantasy combines elements of “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” with “The Blue Lagoon” when a man flees a mining town on the coast of Africa for a mist-swept island surrounded in superstition. This story plugs into several others from the anthology “The Mystery of Choice” – stories which include primeval languages, time holes, and sinister white shadows as recurring motifs. Safely arriving at the eerily Edenic island, the Key to Grief, he meets a primitive woman and experiences a paradise where crime and civilization have never corrupted life. Of course it cannot last, but the way that the story ends required me to read it three times before I landed on a theory (I discuss it in my notes in the book), but the timey-wimey mystery is still up for debate. A brief but chilling tale, “Passeur” (French for “smuggler”) follows a lonely old man and his recurring dreams of his lost love – a young girl who died on a snowy night when the river was choked with ice. While to say much more is to spoil the ending, it is sufficient to say that this story – like so many others by Chambers – radiates from his influence by Poe, and shares similarities with (among other tales and poems) “The Raven,” “Ulalume,” “Annabel Lee,” and “The Masque of the Red Death.” Spooky, dreamlike, and tragic, it combines the high-brow qualities of Poe with the deliciously maudlin qualities of some of my favorite urban legends. 3. THE HARBOR MASTER More than one critic has noted the blatant similarities between Chambers’ “Harbor Master” and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Sent on an assignment to uncover a hoax, a girl-crazy cryptid detective travels to the Pacific Northwest where he investigates the possible existence of a gruesome merman: a porpoise-skinned humanoid with a taste for human females and a propensity to purr sensually when surfacing. One of the most bizarre weird tales I’ve ever read, it’s hard not to see the similarities between Chamber’s lusty merman and Universal’s amphibious girl-snatcher. The lipless, frog-eyed, gilled cryptid also bears a striking similarity to Lovecraft’s Deep Ones, and has been noted as a primary influence on “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” 2. THE MAKER OF MOONS A fascinating, almost intoxicating fantasy, “The Maker of Moons” is largely considered Chambers’ most notable, non-Carcosan masterpiece. It was an obvious influence on Lovecraft’s “The Whisperer in the Darkness,” as well as the Fu Manchu series of novels. When our playboy protagonist notices a strange, crablike insect – a goggle-eyed cretin with yellow hair and a scorpion tail – crawling out of his friend’s pocket, he is introduced to a world of intrigue, espionage, weird horrors, and cosmic madness that shuttles him from aimless bachelordom to high adventure and horror. What follows is a fascinating mashup of genres: spy novel, murder mystery, crime thriller, conspiracy theory, science fiction, Lovecraftian cosmicism, romantic fantasy, Poe-esque love-tragedy, and time-wormy escapade. Briefly put, what if a the Chinese demi-god, the Maker of Moons, escaped from an alternate dimension and set up a counterfeiting operation in the New York mountains -- one with global domination as its aim? A stranger, more twisty plot has rarely been conceived. 1. THE MESSENGER A truly forward-looking horror story, “The Messenger” follows the protagonist of “The Purple Emperor” after he has married the murderer’s abused niece and settled in her quaint Breton village. The paradise is not long-lived, however, before an excavation uncovers the graves of redcoat soldiers who had raided the town 150 years earlier with the help of the village’s treacherous, Satanic priest. Tortured to death and branded on the forehead, his skull is recovered with the rest, and it isn’t long after that a blindfolded, mutilated figure in a priest’s frock begins appearing at the windows of locals. Concerned but skeptical, our plucky American is curious to learn that his wife’s ancestor participated in the priest’s execution, leading to a family curse that puts her (who is incidentally also something of a white witch) in the crosshairs of the brutal spirit. Highly cinematic and hard to forget, “The Messenger” is equal parts “Sleepy Hollow,” “The Candyman,” and “Charles Dexter Ward.” BONUS. THE TOMB OF SAMARIS Part "The Mummy," part Poe's "The Gold Bug," this excerpt from Chambers' detective novel, "The Tracer of Lost Persons" features an Egyptian slave girl frozen in time, a methodical code-breaking sequence a la Sherlock Holmes, and a dark backstory of forbidden love, royal scandal, a millennia-old spell, and a desperate race against time. The story is so rare that I invented the title, and so rarely commented on that I had to contact an Egyptologist from Brown University to help translate the cryptic (but crucial) final lines. More mysterious and romantic than horrific, it is nonetheless one of the earliest stories to use the star-crossed, Egyptian lovers plot that became ubiquitous after Boris Karloff starred in "The Mummy."
Portland Art Museum The Portland Art Museum is a large, free art museum with a vast collection. It is located at 1219 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97205. In its beginning, the museum was home to Greek and Roman sculptures and was later expanded to include modern and contemporary art, Asian art, and prints. Today, the museum attracts over 380,000 visitors annually. Founded in 1912, it has been in its present location since 1931. The museum’s collection features the work of many different artists, including Native Americans and Pacific Northwest artists. The museum’s collection of Northwest Coast art includes masks and whaling canoes. The museum also hosts rotating exhibitions from around the world, which vary in style, media, and era. There are always events and special exhibitions at the museum, and there’s an excellent gift shop. The Portland Art Museum’s first permanent home was in the Portland Public Library. This building was located in the city’s business district and was eventually replaced by the Multnomah County Library. After this, the board of directors decided to build a purpose-built building. In 1927, the museum board voted to commission the architecture firm of Albert E. Doyle to design the building. The firm’s chief design assistant, Pietro Belluschi, knew about the art association’s focus on contemporary art and was familiar with the museum’s early works. Find for information here. The Portland Art Museum Oregon is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the country, and is the oldest in the Pacific Northwest. It houses works from all over the world, including European, Asian, and Native American art. It also features an extensive collection of silver. It features a 15th century drinking bowl and a mid-Victorian silver tea service. The museum also features a diverse collection of photographs, including works by Russian photographers. The Portland Art Museum Oregon is a wonderful place to explore the region’s history. There is also a section of art dedicated to cryptids. Local cryptid enthusiasts can get a kick out of the pieces on display here. The Oregon Historical Society is another worthwhile destination for history buffs. The Portland Art Museum’s mission is to foster a respectful dialogue between artists and the public. This inclusiveness reflects the museum’s commitment to artists and freedom of expression. The museum and its Northwest Film Center aim to create a more expansive view of the world and a deeper understanding of our shared humanity. This show also contains a powerful exhibit focusing on the homeless in Portland. Photographer Briana Cerezo took 55 photographs of the community’s residents. Though most of her subjects are not identified, the portraits are a strong statement of resistance against dehumanization. The exhibit also features images of Multnomah County Commissioner Jessica Vega Pederson and Oregon State Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer. The Portland Art Museum is a landmark building of modern architecture. The museum’s original design was ahead of its time. It used a unique style that admitted natural light to the galleries. The building’s design also included a court beyond the entryway. A wing of the museum now houses the Pacific Northwest College of Art. Formerly known as the Museum Art School, the college was eventually separated into its own institution.
When you think of bigfoot, no doubt your mind conjures up images of the elusive cryptid in heavily forested and mountainous terrain. But what would you consider a bigfoot family who lived in the wide-open prairies of America's heartland? The topic came up recently on the Michigan Bigfoot Report and Data Facebook group. The discussion surrounded distinctions between 'forest people,' your traditional bigfoot and the 'prairie people.' While the term may be new to you, it does hold some merit. Consider the American prairie has been and largely remains sparsely populated with miles of uncultivated grasslands. Consider as well the once-prosperous bison herds of the region would provide ample sustenance for the bigfoot Prairie People. The Native American Connection and the Yam-Ko-Desh On the other hand, should Prairie People exist, wouldn't they be better documented in the oral traditions of the native peoples of the lands, as many other creatures have been? Perhaps it's not traditional bigfoot, but a lost group of people once known as the Yam-Ko-Desh, which translates to the 'prairie people' has been documented. Native American tradition tells of burial sites of the Yam-Ko-Desh. A news article from 1956 describes a conversation with an elderly Indian who refused to take an archaeologist to an ancient mound site because of the ghosts of Yam-Ko-Desh This commenter on the Michigan bigfoot group shares a name from the Ottawa was Yam-Ko-Desh, which means prairie people. They were a different kind of race to the Ojibwa, Ottawa and Potawatomi The Council of Three Fires who all fought this enemy to the brink. They came together and conquered Michigan from the Yam-Ko-Desh. They said these people built many mounds and stone gardens [whose] spirits still haunted those areas. Bringing bad luck to those who trespassed. While some giant skeletons have been found in these mounds, wearing jewelry and with copper tools, with giant copper axes. Being people of high social status. The tribes seemed to not be referring to Bigfoot and the Prairie people as being the same things. Are There Feral People in the Prarie? Another conjecture is that there may be a group of feral humans surviving on the prairie living in burrows and cave systems. Or could it be that any non-humans have been pushed out of their native habitats? Another commenter states, Most were pushed to upper Canada up past the mountains so they would be safe from us but people say we will be safe from those types Whether a relative to the bigfoot or not, the prairies of America would seem to be lush searching grounds to further the legend for this cryptid.
Ah, young love. What could keep two young lovers apart? Perhaps a horde of blood-lusting, zombies. That is exactly what happens in Rob Jabbaz’s debut feature film, The Sadness. Jim (Berant Zhu) and Kat (Regina Lei), a young Taiwanese couple, wake up on a seemingly normal day. Kat leaves for work as Jim stays home, and, as is expected in an outbreak film, the two are then separated by horrific violence. The film follows both characters as they attempt to get back in contact, stay out of danger, and reunite. The Sadness is your standard zombie outbreak movie – A virus is making people lose their shit and commit violent crimes against each other. However, the infected aren’t quite zombies, as they keep their memories and human logic, and don’t have to die to turn. The virus in The Sadness is inspired by the outbreak comic Crossed written by Garth Ennis. The premise isn’t terribly unique, and the plot is probably the weakest aspect of the film. The thing that really sets this film apart is the scale of its brutality. The sexual violence was genuinely disturbing, but overall I felt like the film, thankfully, shied away from showing it on screen. The regular violence, however, was all out in the open, and there were some very creative ways that people were literally torn apart. The film is an absolute bloodbath! I would wager that the amount of fake blood used rivals The Shining. The Sadness is filled with gory practical effects and props made by IF SFX Art Maker. Each effect is impressive, and the diversity of the kills makes them incredibly impressive and fun to watch. Some of the effects were legitimately stomach-turning. This movie singlehandedly made me want to watch more films with work from IF SFX Art Maker, they were that good. Other than the outstanding props, I think the plot was quite unfocused. First of all, there is the narrative of Jim and Kat’s separation, but there are also themes relating to the Covid-19 pandemic, and also the inherently violent nature of humankind. Personally, I find the latter theme to be blasé and pessimistic. I’m also a little reluctant to watch films commenting on the COVID-19 pandemic as we are still in said pandemic, and it is hard to analyze traumatic events while still experiencing them. However, I do think that The Sadness had some valuable criticism of government incompetence in responding to the pandemic. This was most exemplified in a scene where a group of people watched a government broadcast on television, in which the president gave a lukewarm response to the raging violence happening throughout the country. Overall, I would have appreciated more focus on the story between Jim and Kat. If you’re looking for a unique, narrative-driven zombie film, you’re better off watching The Girl With All The Gifts or Train to Busan. While the narrative elements fell a little flat, if you’re a special effects gore freak like me, I’d definitely recommend this movie. It’ll have you seeing red. The Sadness is streaming on Shudder. Christmas Horror Parody ‘The Mean One’ Successfully Converts Christmas Classic ‘The Grinch’ into a Scary Story If Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch was too tame a Christmas-hating monster for your tastes, never fear; The Mean One is here. How ‘The Mean One’ Wins as a Christmas Horror Movie This comedy-horror slasher, directed by Steven LaMorte, tells the story of Cindy You-Know-Who (Krystle Martin) returning to her hometown of Newville – where her mother had been viciously murdered in front of her twenty years prior. The sheriff did not take the young girl’s claims that a monster had killed her mother seriously, so the murder remained unsolved. Cindy’s return to town shows a Newville that is wholly undecorated for Christmas, and as a string of murders begins to occur, Cindy knows her mother’s killer has returned. With the appearance of the Mean One himself and a good balance of campiness and horror, all spread out amongst an intriguing storyline; The Mean One is a fun Christmas horror movie that subverts a beloved childhood classic and makes it its own. The Horror-Parody Version of The Grinch One thing the film did exceedingly well was its presentation of The Mean One. The makeup effects were stellar in creating a monster who is at the crossroads of a terrifying cryptid and a holiday icon. From his dirty Santa coat to his black snarl, he checked all the boxes for how a Christmas-hating monster should look. Of course, to talk about the monster is also to talk about the man behind the mask, David Howard Thornton. After establishing himself as a horror icon in his role of Art the Clown in the Terrifier films, it was fun to see him transcend another role as a horror villain. With another horror flick under his belt, David Howard Thornton is one to keep an eye on. So far, every character he has been behind has been creepy and entertaining, perfectly matching the film’s tone. The Approach to Campy Horror A horror film with rhyming couplets interspersed throughout could never be completely serious, and The Mean One succeeds because it doesn’t try to be. However, the film is not without its creepy moments that would be well-placed in any modern-day horror movie. Like any good scary movie, there are dramatic reveals, emotional turmoil, and suspense building. It also injects a sense of fear into the holiday itself as it makes the idea of celebrating Christmas a dangerous thing. It’s a delicate balance to create something that is not very serious but simultaneously creepy, and the film does just that. The Mean One Tells a Story That You Already Know in a Different Way When making a horror film based on a traditional Christmas story, the added challenge is changing it enough to fit into the horror genre but not so much that it becomes unrecognizable. The Mean One was clearly up to the challenge as it was able to interweave a story that mimicked the traditional Dr. Seuss style of storytelling, with plotlines of a typical scary movie, while still paying homage to the source material. The integration into horror was so smooth that it felt like it should’ve been a scary story all along. The idea of presenting the recognizable holiday monster as a cryptid is a genius move and calls to question why the Whos down in Whoville never inquired about the existence of the creature who descended from Mount Crumpit to steal their Christmas away in Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas. It was not only the Mean One that saw some subversion of Christmas lore. A white-haired bearded man with a red cap who seems to watch over the beginning events of the film (and is aptly named “Doc” Zeus) integrated a little bit of a real-life Santa into the storyline. Make no mistake; this film is not a high-budget, major Hollywood production. The blood spray effects are campy to the nth degree, and the movie is not without its flaws. But what it does well, it does very well. The Mean One’s appearance is gritty, fun, and familiar; the storyline is immediately immersive – altogether, it is an entertaining watch. It delivers everything the premise promises: a presentation of a fun Christmas flick that we all know, but this time for horror fans. See The Mean One for yourself in theaters on December 9th! RUN RUN RUDOLPH, KILLER ROBOT SANTA’S IN TOWN: ‘Christmas Bloody Christmas’ Review Seasons screamings, everyone! I have another wonderful treat for you all, hot out the Shudder ovens. If you’re like me, that means your holiday evenings as a horror fan might be feeling a little bit empty in terms of festivity, and Christmas Bloody Christmas is here to make that right. I’m cheery about the film from the jump. Que raro! Christmas Bloody Christmas follows what happens when an attempt to turn surplus military technology (a.k.a. killer robots) into friendly department store Santa animatronics backfires; our jolly old Saint Nick ends up painting the town redder than a candy cane’s stripes, terrorizing coworkers Tori (Riley Dandy) and Robbie (Sam Delich) amid their budding romance. Is the premise kind of dumb? Yes, but if you’ve been reading my reviews, you know dumb fun horror is my wheelhouse just as much as the highbrow stuff is. And just because something is silly doesn’t mean it can’t be well made. Writer and director Joe Begos is getting my second shoutout of the year for his work. I thought the foul-mouthed dialogue of this movie sounded familiar, and that’s because he headed another Channel 83 venture I recommended for October, the 2019 vampires-on-drugs film Bliss. There are many similarities between the two directorially, though this is much more oriented for fun than the psychological nightmare Bliss was. Where Bliss was a dark game of Vampire: The Masquerade, Christmas Bloody Christmas is your classic slasher during the holiday season. We’ve also left the Panos Kosmatos-esque territory of Bliss’s cinematography, which might be due to the influence of cinematographer Brian Sowell who previously made the film Beyond the Gates, another fun little low-budget horror flick I remember enjoying. Neon wasteland cinematography that is replete with a color palette tuned for blacklight posters and Christmas lights in every single shot, and every scene outside being caked in fake snow and decorations help the aesthetic this movie is going for feel fully realized. Composer Steve Moore who worked on both Mayhem and The Guest, two of my favorite action horror films, provides an impeccable score for this film of heavy synth rock with homage to some of the band’s name dropped in the film by our leads. And Josh Russell, who did makeup work for The Night House and a little horror remake you may have heard of called Hellraiser (2022), rounds out that group. The crew on this one is practically a perfect assortment of horror movie production irregulars. Delich and Dandy have pretty good on-screen chemistry as dirtbag crustpunks who need several mouthfuls of soap scrubbed onto those tongues. Dandy in particular is a veteran of fun, romantic holiday movies, and it’s nice to see she can extend her range beyond being a forgettable Hallmark protagonist whose outfit stepped out of a JCPenney catalog. She makes for an enjoyable final girl for this. The duo talk like their dialogue is on loan from the Hellbillies of a Rob Zombie film, but they’re believable as coworkers in a long-term “will-they-wont-they” relationship. Their exchanges are genuinely funny at points, even if they stay a bit longer than welcome. These don’t veer into trying to impress you with the character’s pretentiousness about music; they’re just two friends drunk and high on Christmas eve, talking about their flailing romantic lives and which of their bands has the best Christmas song. Beyond characters, the meat of the film is Silent Night Deadly Night by way of The Terminator in its premise. And in its execution, it feels like a lower-grade SNDN film for how cartoonishly violent and mean the kills can get, and I mean that in the best way. A single axe swing chops a guy in half like it’s a board of wood at a kid’s karate class, several people get thrown around like ragdolls through objects, and there are plenty of fake heads and bodies getting demolished for the gore hounds in the audience. Even the robot gets severely jacked up with sparks flying and explosions. The special effects are hammy, and I love it more for that. But as much as I like it, this one isn’t flawless. I feel like our dear Santa could have had a stronger design, maybe with a solid mask, and played with more robotic physicality beyond what we get in the third act. The camera work can sometimes be distracting in its attempts to convey high tension, ending up feeling fidgety instead. And to be quite honest, I’m very torn on the films ending. While it’s very entertaining and we get to see the full depth of the crazy animatronic Santa we’ve been waiting for all film which I love, it also drags in a way that is funny for some and might be a bit grating for others. Ultimately some editing flaws are exacerbated by the film being an exceptionally tight 86 minutes (we’re talking stocking stuffed to the brim tight), so it could serve well to have a director’s cut. BOTTOMLINE: Christmas Bloody Christmas is an over-the-top, grindhouse-y spectacular that gives you exactly what’s in the title. It isn’t your standard holiday horror fare where there’s usually more about the film to laugh at than laugh with, but it definitely isn’t humorless. It’s a solid little film that looks like it could make a reliable staple in the rotation of dumb fun holiday horror for many Christmases to come. You know, assuming you don’t get killed by a robotic Santa Claus before then. Watch Christmas Bloody Christmas starting 12/9 on Shudder!
Wampahoofus - Vermont Sticker These vinyl, durable, clear stickers are the perfect size to add to your water bottle, laptop, car, or whatever else assists your cryptid-loving nature! Perfect for indoor or outdoor use, these vinyl stickers adhere easily to many surfaces and have the strength to withstand a variety of environmental conditions. The stickers feature a special laminate that protects them from exposure to wind, rain, and sunlight. You can even put them in your dishwasher and have them come out looking brand new. Hand-lettered and created by Wander On Words & Made in USA
|Theories|| · Cryptid| The Swift Peter was a flying cryptid reportedly sighted near Arkabutla Lake in Tate County at around 11:00 PM. A woman named Marie in Mississippi claimed that in 2013 she saw a large creature with wings that scared her dogs and reminded her of the stories her grandparents told of a Mothman-like creature they called a Swift Peter. (mysteriousuniverse.org) The creature was described as a tall humanoid entity with large wings. It reportedly left seven-toed footprints. There are several explanations as to what the creature could be. Theories include: - An undiscovered species (a Cryptid) - A hallucination - The event brought back memories of her grandfather’s experience with the Swift Peter: - "My grandparents used to talk about it. Supposedly, the Swift Peter was some type of unseen creature that would attack or kill all of the dogs in the vicinity at night in a rapid fashion. My grandfather had coon hounds. He would often tell me stories about when he would go hunting at night and something unseen would go past him and attack the dogs … When my grandfather said it scared him, I took notice because he was a man that was not afraid of anything and did not joke around." - A book entitled I’ll Give You Something to Cry About by Corey Mesler tells the story of Swift Peter, also known as the Beast of Cooper-Young. - "Swift Peter was half codfish, half weasel and he could fly over fences. He was six-feet long and two-feet high. The number of dogs he had killed was said by some to be seventeen and by others to number in the triple digits … Sally Yarborough lost a child to the beast, though few today believe her story."
Keyforge Keyforge Pre-Launch Event Celebrate the upcoming release of the new Unique Deck Game, Keyforge, on Saturday, November 10th at The Wandering Dragon Game Shoppe’s Pre-Launch Event! This special preview event will offer attendees a chance to get their hands on the world’s first Unique Deck Game, along with some great promotional prizes, ahead of its official launch! Entry FeeRead more Category Archives: New Releases & Previews Atlandice, Forbidden Sky, Koi, Orbis, Batman: The Animated Series, New Dragonfire, Kemet, Exit, Star Realms, Codenames, Dark Souls, Non-Glare Board Game Sleeves and More! Koi As a koi fish, you spend your days (turns) swimming to and fro by playing a number of movement cards, with the goal of gobbling up as many dragonflies and frogs as you can every day. Each movement card has from two to four programmed moves — straight, turn, rotate any direction and leap over a space — withRead more Come out to The Wandering Dragon’s Pokemon: Lost Thunder PreRelease on Saturday, October 20th to get a sneak peek of this great new Pokemon Expansion! RSVP Here! Ancient power and high-voltage sparks fill the air in the Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon—Lost Thunder expansion! This massive expansion fuses the new with the traditional, featuring Celebi and Ditto , plus incredible Pokémon-GX like Blacephalon-GX, Lugia-GX, andRead more Folklore: The Affliction Sneak Peek Bundle, Who Goes There, Archmage, Micropolis, Cryptid, Railroad Rivals and MonPoc is Back! Folklore: The Affliction Embark on a cooperative epic adventure that is Folklore the Affliction. Find and destroy the source of the evil spreading its claws into the heart of the land, decimating its people and resources. Free the denizens from the scourge of vampirism and lycanthropy and expand your power and abilities. Are you a survivor, or will you playRead more Special Event this Friday night at The Wandering Dragon! Come on out to The Wandering Dragon on Friday, October 5th and Learn to Play the hot new fast-play, tile drafting and laying game, Railroad Rivals with the creator himself, Glenn Drover! On top of that, if you purchase your copy this weekend, you will also receive The Wandering Dragon exclusive 6 NewRead more The Dragon has been restocked, The Dragon Cache Room has been reloaded and we are open all day until 9:00 pm! This is the final day of The NOT Wandering Dragon Sale! See ya Soon! Buy 2, Get 1 Free! · Buy any 2 items and receive a 3rd item free. · Includes New Games, Expansions, RPGs, Minis Boosters, BoosterRead more The NOT Wandering Dragon Sale! That’s right, we’re staying put, we’re sticking around, we’re settling in… and it’s all because of you! Wow, time really flies. We cannot believe five years have already passed in our current location. We have been on one heck of a crazy ride and after a long hard decision on what direction to take with The Dragon, we figured the best thingRead more GenCon Hits, Coimbra and Reef, are finally available at The Wandering Dragon! Coimbra In the 15th and 16th century, Portugal is thriving under its leading role during the Age of Discovery. Nestled in the heart of Portugal, the city of Coimbra serves as a cultural center of the country. As the head of one of Coimbra’s oldest houses, you seek toRead more The Lord of the Rings The Card Game Fellowship 2018 Event comes to The Dragon on Saturday, 9/29! RSVP on our Meetup Now! The Company made ready to set out. They were to start at dusk, for Elrond counselled them to journey under cover of night as often as they could, until they were far from Rivendell. –J.R.R. Tolkien, The FellowshipRead more Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Available Now! Learn to Play on Friday, September 28th. RSVP Here! Learn to Play on Tuesday, October 2nd. RSVP Here! Free Promo Zetan Alien Figure included with Core Set while supplies last! In Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, players build their own crew from a wide range of factions, allies, and iconic characters from the Fallout series, then play in apocalyptic gamesRead more
If we sat down to think about the typical places we’d expect to encounter enormous monsters, most of us would probably picture a hellscape like a steaming, isolated jungle. Or a desert wasteland. Or the blood-covered set of Funhouse with the dessicated corpses of the twins swinging from ropes in the breeze. The point I’m making is that very few of us would blurt out a tropical island paradise like the Caribbean, but that’s exactly where you should expect to encounter the Lusca. Of course, the most terrifying irritant you can expect to encounter on land in the Caribbean is not a cryptid, but some retard in a floral shirt named Tag who drinks rum out of a coconut and insists on calling you ‘brau’ when he pesters you to go surfing with him. And should you be unfortunate enough to encounter such a man you’ll be more than entitled to hope that the Lusca would just drag him off to the abyss, but unfortunately that hasn’t happened since the 15th century. The man who would later write Columbus’ biography, Pietro Martire d’Anghiera, described in a book in 1500 the time a few years prior that a ‘monster’ rose from the Bahaman sea and dragged a man off the beach to his death. Although the creature wasn’t described, it’s probably the earliest recorded example of an encounter with the Lusca, nicknamed by the locals as “Him of the Hairy Hands”. Local fishermen have feared the legend of the colossal octopus for hundreds of years, and rather worryingly, short forays onto land to grab at shit they want to eat are a well-documented aspect of octopus behaviour. Of course, the open ocean around one of the busiest and most popular tourist spots in the world wouldn’t be the most sensible place for a kraken from your nightmares to stash itself away. Any self-respecting monster needs a corner to itself to raise baby monsters and snack on fishermen in peace, and the ‘blue holes’ throughout the limestone plateau surrounding the Bahamas provide just that: Essentially sinkholes in the sea, there are thousands of these caverns, many of them linked by underwater passages snaking their way through the rock. Fishermen have reported their strongest lines being broken by an unknown massive animal that resembles a 50-foot octopus, including even the steel cables on crab traps. Jacques Costeau himself, fascinated by the legend, even took time out of huffing garlicky brie-farts in an enclosed wetsuit to lead an expedition in search of the Lusca. The only relevant photographs captured on that attempt featured ‘an indefinable stretch of brown flesh’, which is the colour you’d expect from an octopus, and not the typical red of giant squid. Other more excessive accounts have the Lusca pulling down entire boats, belching the undigestible wreckage back to the surface once it’s picked the tasty bits out of the debris. The nickname ‘Him of the Hairy Hands’ even makes sense, as it may be a reference to the fringes of cirri all over the tentacles of certain octopuses. In terms of sheer size, however, at 50 feet the Lusca would dwarf even the largest known giant octopus: Some have argued that there might be a scientific explanation for the vanished boats in the blue holes – sudden tidal changes can occasionally suck water back through the caverns, causing large rolling whirlpools easily powerful enough to drag down a stray swimmer or small boat. When the currents reverse, a mushroom-cloud like belch of water rises to the surface, which could account for the way the monster appears to fart the unwanted bits back once it’s finished attacking. I should think seeing that happen to a couple of mates a few hundred years ago would fairly rapidly put the freeze-dried shits up anyone watching and give rise to a monster legend, but it doesn’t account for the fact that something big is still snapping lines and stealing crab traps all around the cave system to this day.
Historical Cryptid Headlines of Wisconsin The Mukwonago Chief November 24, 1916 “Battle With Giant Eagles” California Deer Hunters Had Fierce Fight Before Overcoming Two Monarchs Of The Air Attacked by two monster eagles while deer hunting in the Malibu district, Doctor Kingsbury of Ocean Park, G.M. Wilson, a rancher, and Policeman Harry Wright of Santa Monica, fought two hours before they were able to kill the birds, writes a Los Angeles correspondent. Shrieking and screaming, the eagles tore at the men with their claws, tearing Wright’s clothing in many places and inflicting a flesh wound on Kingsbury’s right shoulder. The fight began with only one of the birds. Then men were hunting on the Williams ranch with two dogs. Suddenly a huge eagle swooped down and grabbed one of the dogs. It circled 20 feet in the air with the dog in its talons before the men could fire. The first shot missed, but the second shot from Kingsbury’s gun brought the bird down. As the three men rushed forward, the eagle dropped the dog and struck out at Wright, screaming all the while. Its screams brought its mate, the latter making an attack on Kingsbury and sinking its talons into his shoulder. Williams shot and killed the bird that was fighting with Wright and then the two rushed the remaining eagle. It started to fly away and then came back. The men began shooting at it, driving it a little further away with each shot. For four miles they chased the bird before finally killing it. “Historical Cryptid Headlines of Wisconsin” showcases actual articles involving cryptids that were published within Wisconsin newspapers back in the 1800’s-1900’s. These articles are posted here exactly as they appeared during their original publishing date. -The Pine Barrens Institute
On Tuesday, January 13th, some of the Carolina Cryptid Crew and CSPRI Inc members will be heading to Aiken, South Carolina for a huge opportunity. We have been invited to come to the Finding Bigfoot Town Hall meeting to share our experiences. This is truly an honor. Some of the Carolina Cryptid Crew members have been speaking with the Finding Bigfoot research team for quite some time and are excited to pass on their experiences face to face. We wish them luck and safe travels as they go to represent the team. I am so excited to be included in this adventure. Be sure you are following me on Instagram and Twitter for fun as it happens. Here are some news links for more information. Scene On 7 As a toddler, I saw my first ghost. At 8, I discovered the legend of Bigfoot. As a new mom, I watched my son get tormented by an unseen entity. Now, I've taken control. Available For Interviews If you would like to interview Cari (Or Melissa!), just email or call and we can get it set up. Available for video, audio, written, or more. We are also credible sources for other projects. If you are facing the paranormal, you do not have to go it alone. Cari and the whole Carolina HOPE team are available for consultations and investigations. Even if you do not want to get a team involved, get help. Cari can help you one-on-one to take back your home and protect your family. Reach out today and stop living in fear. Cari knows what it is like and will not leave your side until you are ready. Carolina HOPE website We are here to help!
The action heats up in the second installment of the 2017 Miss Cryptid Contest! Week two of Miss Cryptid 2017 brings you the Beast of Land Between the Lakes, the Popobawa, and the Yowie. Another week, another round-the-world trip! Listen to tales of werewolves in Kentucky, Demon rapists in Zanzibar, and hairy hominids in Australia. Who will win your heart and who will snatch it still beating from your chest and get your vote this week? Plus the winner of week one is announced. Good luck sorting out this bloodbath! Special thanks to Screwdriver Key for drawings of the Popobawa and Yowie below! “The Hive” by Kevin MacLeod, incompetech.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Next creature is called The Jersey Devil. This hideous monster has several sightings and here is the description: The Jersey Devil is a legendary creature or cryptid said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey, United States. The creature is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many different variations. The most common description is that of a kangaroo-like creature with the head of a goat, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked tail. It has been reported to move quickly and often is described as emitting a “blood-curdling scream.” Origin of the legend There are many possible origins of the Jersey Devil legend. The earliest legends date back to Native American folklore. The Lenni Lenape tribes called the area around Pine Barrens “Popuessing”, meaning “place of the dragon”.Swedish explorers later named it “Drake Kill”, “drake” being a Swedish word for dragon, and “kil” meaning channel or arm of the sea (river, stream, etc.) The most accepted origin of the story, as far as New Jerseyans are concerned, started with Mother Leeds and is as follows: - “It was said that Mother Leeds had 12 children and, after finding she was pregnant for the 13th time, stated that this one would be the Devil. In 1735, Mother Leeds was in labor on a stormy night. Gathered around her were her friends. Mother Leeds was supposedly a witch and the child’s father was the Devil himself. The child was born normal, but then changed form. It changed from a normal baby to a creature with hooves, a goat’s head, bat wings and a forked tail. It growled and screamed, then killed the midwife before flying up the chimney. It circled the villages and headed toward the pines. In 1740 a clergy exorcised the demon for 100 years and it wasn’t seen again until 1890.” “Mother Leeds” has been identified by some as Deborah Leeds.This identification may have gained credence from the fact that Deborah Leeds’ husband, Japhet Leeds, named twelve children in the will he wrote in 1736,which is compatible with the legend of the Jersey Devil being the thirteenth child born by Mother Leeds. Deborah and Japhet Leeds also lived in the Leeds Point section of what is now Atlantic County, New Jersey,which is the area commonly said to be the location of the Jersey Devil story. There have been many sightings and occurrences allegedly involving the Jersey Devil. According to legend, while visiting the Hanover Mill Works to inspect his cannonballs being forged, Commodore Stephen Decatur sighted a flying creature flapping its wings and fired a cannonball directly upon it to no effect. Joseph Bonaparte, eldest brother of Emperor Napoleon, is also said to have witnessed the Jersey Devil while hunting on his Bordentown estate around hi 1820. In 1840, the devil was blamed for several livestock killings. Similar attacks were reported in 1841, accompanied by tracks and screams. Claims of a corpse matching the Leeds Devil’s description arose in Greenwich in December 1925. A local farmer shot an unidentified animal as it attempted to steal his chickens. Afterward, he claimed that none of 100 people he showed it to could identify it.On July 27, 1937 an unknown animal “with red eyes” seen by residents of Downingtown, Pennsylvania was compared to the Jersey Devil by a reporter for the Pennsylvania Bulletin.In 1951, a group of Gibbstown, New Jersey boys claimed to have seen a ‘monster’ matching the Devil’s description.and claims of a corpse matching the Jersey Devil’s description arose in 1957. In 1960, tracks and noises heard near Mays Landing were claimed to be from the Jersey Devil.During the same year the merchants around Camden offered a $10,000 reward for the capture of the Jersey Devil, even offering to build a private zoo to house the creature if captured. Sightings of 1909 During the week of January 16 through 23, 1909, newspapers of the time published hundreds of claimed encounters with the Jersey Devil from all over the state. Among alleged encounters publicized that week were claims the creature “attacked” a trolley car in Haddon Heights and a social club in Camden.Police in Camden and Bristol, Pennsylvania supposedly fired on the creature to no effect.Other reports initially concerned unidentified footprints in the snow, but soon sightings of creatures resembling the Jersey Devil were being reported throughout South Jersey and as far away as Delaware.The widespread newspaper coverage led to a panic throughout the Delaware Valley prompting a number of schools to close and workers to stay home. During this period, it is rumored that the Philadelphia Zoo posted a $10,000 reward for the creature’s capture. The offer prompted a variety of hoaxes, including a kangaroo with artificial wings. Skeptics believe the Jersey Devil to be nothing more than a creative manifestation of the English settlers, Bogeyman stories created and told by bored Pine Barren residents as a form of children’s entertainment, and rumors arising from negative perceptions of the local population (“pineys“). According to Brian Dunning of Skeptoid, folk tales of the Jersey Devil prior to 1909 calling it the “Leeds Devil” may have been created to discredit local politician Daniel Leeds who served as deputy to the colonial governor of New York and New Jersey in the 1700s.Folklorist Jan Harold Brunvand wrote that the spread of contemporary pop culture has overtaken traditional Jersey Devil legends.Jeff Brunner of the Humane Society of New Jersey thinks the Sandhill Crane is the basis of the Jersey Devil stories, adding, “There are no photographs, no bones, no hard evidence whatsoever, and worst of all, no explanation of its origins that doesn’t require belief in the supernatural.”Outdoorsman and author Tom Brown, Jr. spent several seasons living in the wilderness of the Pine Barrens. He recounts occasions when terrified hikers mistook him for the Jersey Devil, after he covered his whole body with mud to repel mosquitoes. One New Jersey group called the “Devil Hunters” refer to themselves as “official researchers of the Jersey Devil”, and devote time to collecting reports, visiting historic sites, and going on nocturnal hunts in the Pine Barrens in order to “find proof that the Jersey Devil does in fact exist. Here is the History Channel documentary about The Jersey Devil and the sightings: Here’s the video where paranormal investigation team has some footage of this creature: The Jersey Devil Has Been Seen In Southern New Jersey And Eastern Pennsylvania In The Pine Barrens Or Pinelands For Over 300 Years. Even Now Going On To The Current Times Of Today. Yet It Has Never Been Caught On Video, Filmed, Or Even Photographed. Until This Paranormal Team Caught The First Footage Of The Jersey Devil. It Looks Like The Same Thing People Have Been Claiming To See Since The 1700’s. Watch The Whole Thing. It’s Very Informative And Educational. You Might Get Something Out Of Watching This. You can call this another urban legend, but are all these people insane who have seen The Jersey Devil? It’s up to you make up your own conclusions. I just bring these cases for you… and remember there will be more CREATURES FROM BEYOND!
Article by Andy McGrath, author of “Beasts of Britain.” A Real Creature Feature At this point in our conversation, it would be reasonable to assume that I am a proponent of the plesiosaur theory, but that doesn’t mean that I believe that every water monster report I hear always has to be a plesiosaur. I am just as enthusiastic about giant eel, catfish, sturgeon, otter, beaver and seal sightings, and would readily agree that over the years many serpentine, humped, snake-like and crocodilian-like sightings, especially when observed just above the surface of the water; could easily be explained by misidentification of these common water monster impostors. Such animals are unfamiliar to the majority of British people and cases of mistaken identity could be quite high amongst witnesses who are unfamiliar with the natural environment, especially when the animal witnessed is large or viewed from a distance. Even for those trained in the art of observation, it is commonly accepted that estimating the size of an object in water, especially at distance, is notoriously difficult. This however, only makes the criteria for the plesiosaur theory easier to prove, due to some of the very obvious anatomical differences and restrictions that these other animals have in comparison to our alleged plesiosaur friends. One of the creatures I want to put forward for examination under these criteria is ‘Bownessie’ of Lake Windermere, Cumbria, in the North of England. ‘Bownessie’ has been recorded on camera several times in the last 11 years and I believe that the descriptions of the animal clearly pass the test for misidentification, with many of the sightings leaving little room for rebuttal of the plesiosaur theory. However, as it is important, especially for the ardent believer in these creatures, to remain skeptical, an attempt shall be made in this chapter to expedite, not neutrality, but fairness in examining the enigma of this Dragon of The North. Here, I will place in juxtaposition, this creature’s reported and recorded attributes to a list of commonly sighted ‘imposter animals’ to discover whether we can find the match with which to set this peevish plesiosaur theory alight and in so doing, find that one size fits all proposition; to simultaneously please no one and therefore by dereliction, everyone. Using the most recent photographic evidence and sightings as a guide, let us try to compare the evidence, with our list of ‘imposter animals’ and see what it is we discover about these alleged photos of prehistoric animals and the witnesses who claim to see them. Creepy Critter Corroboration ‘Bownessie’ was first reported in 2006 by journalism lecturer Steve Burnip. He said: “I saw a straight line of broken water with three humps. It was about 20ft long and it went in a straight line up the lake. I nudged my wife and watched open-mouthed as it gradually faded from sight. The water was not choppy, so I know it wasn’t the wind, and I know what the wake from motor boats looks like and it wasn’t that either.” Photographer Linden Adams took a picture of a creature estimated to be around 15-feet in length from Gummers How overlooking the lake in February 2007. He was so affected by his experience that he went on to set up a website, http://www.bownessie.com (now defunct) to enable people to record details of their own sightings. Later that year a sailor reported an attack on his boat. The six-tonne yacht was moored at the north end of the lake at night when the crew was awoken by a loud banging noise, which shook the vessel. |Photo by Linden Adams 2007| In 2009, a Mr Noblett was hit by a three-foot wave whilst swimming Windermere. Tom Pickles took a photo of a humped object early in 2011, whilst kayaking on the lake. He described the object as “a giant dark brown snake with humps measuring three car lengths” and said its skin texture was seal-like, but that the creature had a “completely abnormal” shape. The creature moved very fast and with an undulating motion. The creature was also observed by his colleague Sarah Harrington who described it as being “like an enormous snake”. |Photo by Tom Pickles 2011| Holidaymakers, Brian and June Arton from Hovingham, North Yorkshire, spotted something unusual in the lake from the Beech Hill Hotel, on February 16th, 2011. Brian said: “We’d just checked into our hotel room at around 4pm when I opened the veranda doors and saw something about 300 yards away in the middle of the lake, I joked to my wife:‘There’s the Loch Ness monster’ as it had humps, but I thought it had to be a pontoon or a very strange shaped buoy. It wasn’t until we saw The Westmorland Gazette the next day that we realised that it could have been a sighting of ‘Bownessie’ ”. Retired vicar Colin Honour and his wife spotted a mysterious creature in the waters of Windermere. After reading a story in The Westmorland Gazette about witness, Matt Benefield taking a picture of a strange ripple on the lake in 2014. He felt compelled to recount an encounter he and his wife, Christine, had with the legendary‘Bownessie’ on November 17, 2012. The couple were out walking on the north side of the lake by Wray Castle when something caught their eye in the water. Mr Honour said: “It was a very calm and clear day. We were looking at the Lake and my wife spotted something in the water. She thought it was a log at first but then it moved. There were no boats around and we could see three definite humps in the water – it must have been about five or six metres in length. We didn’t do anything with the photographs we took at the time because we felt they weren’t terribly conclusive, but in the light of the recent article, perhaps they’ll provide further evidence of Bownessie.” |Photo By Colin Honor 2012| Petrophysicist, Matt Benefield had his sighting on January 12, 2014, whilst at the north of the Lake, taking photographs. Although he was not aware at the time that he had seen anything, when flicking through the photos back at home, he noticed a strange anomaly in the water. He said: “It was a really calm day and the water was very still. There was nobody out in the water, it was very quiet. When I was looking back through the photos, one caught my eye, I wouldn’t normally think anything of it, but it was the two ripples in the water that got me thinking there was possibly something strange in the Lake.” |Photo by Matt Benefield, 2014| Ellie Williams accidentally captured ‘Bownessie’after setting up an automatic camera on the shore of the lake. She had set up the camera to take photographs at one minute intervals throughout the day to document the changing colours of autumn. After she retrieved her camera and downloaded the pictures she was amazed by what she saw. Elle, who works for Autographer Magazine in London, said: “My brief time at Windermere was to try to create a video through time lapsed photographs showing the seasonal changes over a day. I put the camera in place at around 7am and collected it again around 3pm. When I downloaded the pictures to my phone I thought great I have caught some wildlife – I thought it was a swan. However, when I download the imageonto my laptop I could tell it definitely wasn’t a swan – it was far too big. I was shocked but also very excited by the find. I checked the pictures taken on either side of the lake and can say it was definitely not the result of a prank because I would have captured those responsible on film. It certainly is very interesting.” |Photo by Ellie Williams, 2014| In order to understand the differences between what our eyewitnesses are reporting and what their cameras are recording, we will compare them against the classic ‘Monster Imposters’ that are oft invoked to explain them. Here, I have detailed a short definition of each ‘imposter’ in turn with a reason as to why they could not match the descriptions and evidence that we have for a plesiosaur in Lake Windermere: The Eurasian Otter which reaches a maximum length of 4.5 ft is slender and agile, a rich brown colour above and cream coloured below. It is an excellent fisherman but even at its maximum length, it can hardly be mistaken for a for a large aquatic monster. The Wels Catfish was first successfully introduced into the UK over 130 years ago by the Duke of Bedford who stocked 70 of them into his now famous lakes at Woburn Abbey in Bedfordshire. It is still considered rare in Britain, although its distribution is increasing every year and there are now catfish waters in nearly every county in England. They can reach a length of 5 meters (16ft). It has a very serpentine appearance and if a large specimen was residing in the lake, it could explain some of the sightings of a long serpentine animal, but does not sadly, explain the long swan-like neck and serpentine head often observed in Lake Windermere, sticking six feet or more out of the water. |Caught in Feb 2017, a 8ft, 9in Wels Catfish Photo by Dino Ferrari Pike can grow to a relatively large size: with maximum recorded lengths of up to 150 cm (59 in) The Pike is quite a distinctive and recognisable fish, however and although it has quite a crocodilian or reptilian looking head, it is in both size and appearance nothing like our slippery denizen of the deep. |The Plymouth Crocodile Photo by Allan Jones The Giant Eel theory is the most plausible as far as mistaken identity is concerned, however, these giant sterile eels cannot reach the lengths that Bownessie is claimed to be by those that witness them. Also, Sterile Eels tend to grow in girth rather than length. There was a case of a giant conger eel, 20 feet long, being trawled up by fisherman just off Plymouth, in Devon in 2015, in an area that has had more than its fair share of monster sightings. But this later turned out to be a hoax, a little inside joke by the fisherman concerned, playfully pulled off using nothing more than the power of perspective! Also in 2015, Photographer Allan Jones took some pictures of a creature dubbed the PlymouthCrocodile, wallowing in the waters off Plymouth Sound in Devon. He said the ’20 foot long’ animal was swimming against the current about half a mile offshore, The animal looks strangely serpentine with a somewhat crocodilian back. These 2 images of the Plymouth Crocodile and a Giant Conger Eel show that there is definitely a world of difference between reported sea monsters and large eels. But for those who would like to exclude the mistaken identity theory, I guess the ridged or ribbon like back or the pointed hump would be proof enough in the case of Bownessie, or the scaly reptilian back in the case of the Plymouth crocodile, as well as the rather inconvenient fact that the latter was photographed holding its head above water, would also be proof enough to exclude ‘giant sterile eels’, as possible culprits for these sightings, due to the anatomical impossibility of an eel moving in this way. Sturgeon are among the largest fish with some in the Caspian sea growing up to 5.5 m (18 ft) They are also among the longest-lived of the fishes, some living well over 100 years The Sturgeon could definitely account for some of the reptilian descriptions of scaly, armoured or serpentine creatures that some eyewitnesses have seen, but in deference to some very prominent characteristics they are incredibly lacking. For example, they do not undulate, or have paddle like flippers, they have a prominent dorsal fin towards the end of their tails with a shark like fluke, instead of the long straight tail of the lake monster. They are likewise, also inadequate in their lacking the long serpentine neck and head that Bownessie is alleged to have. |White Sturgeon – source of photo unknown |Grey Seal – source of photo unknown| Grey seals can be seen in the inshore waters of Cumbria, including the salt water stretches of rivers draining into Morecambe Bay and the Irish Sea. The U.K.’s largest native mammal, grey seals can be 3 metres long and weigh 300kg. The seal is so often a candidate for the ‘monster imposter’that it is important to deal with its impotence in imitating anything more than the humps of a monster, and then only if photographed quickly, as the optical illusion of this formation will not hold line or synchronicity long enough to fool the observer for long. (There was in 2016, a very famous photo that was claimed to be taken at Loch Ness. What can clearly be seen in that photo is that three seals that are definitely givingthe optical illusion of a humped beast swimming in the Loch. I have serious doubts however, as to whether the animals could maintain this ‘natural hoax’ for very long!) Feeling Sorry for the Seal, Sturgeon and Eel The most likely large candidates for ‘Mistaken Identity’ in lake Windermere are the Otter, Sturgeon, Catfish, Pike and Eel. These animals are commonly used as scapegoats for witness and even sometimes photographic reports of lake monsters. Claims of overactive minds, frail brains, poor depth perception and mistaken identity are delivered with the usual, off handed, snub like scepticism, that seems to try to paint a picture of sceptics as benevolent long suffering keepers of scientific fact, trying to educate the ignorant witness about the impossibility of his/her sighting due to the unfortunate hindrance of these animals no longer being in existence. Requiring no proof at all, they conjure up animals such as the ‘giant long necked seal’ (a fictional animal, completely absent from the fossil record) or insist on the mistaken identity of a known species that quickly becomes an ill fitted match compared to the descriptions of the eyewitness reports. Some less careful sceptics even employ animals that are not known to frequent the areas in question or grow anywhere near to the sizes described by the eyewitnesses, in order to debunk their sightings and convince people of their fallible source. What are the Features of these Creatures? Here are some of the many characteristics attributed to lake and sea monsters, many of which it will be clear to see are rather unyielding when we attempt to explain them with our regular host of ‘Monster Imposters’. - A long neck, raised 6 ft or more out of the water. - Four distinct flippers or paddles, unlike the fins or tail of the sturgeon or the 2 front flippers and fused hind flippers of the seal. - A fat round body, that is sometimes arched in a steep hump and sometimes stretched out. - A long tapering tail. Far to long to be that of an otter or catfish and not fitting the anatomical profile of a seal. - A horse-like mane of what looks like hair or fibres, This is only occasionally sighted on some sea and lake monsters and is also unlike the description of otters or seals. - Two stubby giraffe like horns, on a horse or camel shaped head, with what appear to look like rounded buds at their ends (There is no known sea creature that has stubby horns on its head). - Several humps. Many water monster eyewitnesses reports describe 2-5 humps that undulate and straighten out, indicating the creature has a lot of spinal flexibility. This unique physical attribute has literally been a staple and regular description provided by witnesses of water monsters all around the world (Bownessie, Morgawr, Nessie, The Tay River Monster, Tamsin, Ogopogo, Caddy, Champ and many others). - Clawed feet, round like a hippos, but with very distinct claw marks, as witnessed several times around the beaches and mudflats of Barmouth Estuary in connection with the monster of the same name. - A diamond shaped head as described by witnesses of the Pembroke Dock Monster. This is a very reptilian characteristic and unlike any known seal or cetacean. - Amphibious behaviour, as witnessed on several occasions at Loch Ness, Lake Bala, Barmouth Estuary and others (seals are amphibious yes, but never reported at these giant sizes and would be very hard to mistake one for a long necked plesiosaurid beast when seen out of the water). - Although migrating eels do occasionally take to land when trying to reach another waterway that leads to the sea; they are very distinctive and slither and writhe. They are most likely to be mistaken for a snake before being mistaken for a monster. They do not waddle, hop or lumber as Nessie has been witnessed doing, and definitely cannot raise their head from the ground in any way that would resemble or be mistaken for a plesiosaur. The lady doth protest too much So why not a Plesiosaur? Why do we despise this elegant creature so much, that the very question of its existence partitions perceptions even before the evidence is presented and the facts are understood. I believe that much of this comes down to the pervading paradigm of our time which maintains that these animals died out long ago and their absence from the fossil record, after a certain time period, is ‘absolute proof’ of their demise. It is not my intention in this book to enter in to the arguments of materialism or creationism, suffice to say that I hold the opinion that the geologic column is a mental abstraction, compiled through the process of correlation (the co-relating) of fossils from different rock layers around the globe to form a guide to how life should have evolved according to the theory of evolution. Even the most hardened sceptics know that this denial of a fair hearing for our ‘long necked friends’ largely boils down to an amalgamation of science and philosophy, an anything but ‘this extinct fossil anomaly’mentality. Combined with peer pressure; which has on occasion even been known to have had an undesired effect upon employment and opportunity for the serious scientist, the encouragement to hold to the official line is somewhat paralysing. The point I am gingerly trying to make is this, that since the geologic column is itself a mental abstraction about the origins of life in our world and does not (by the open confession of geologists) actually exist in any one place in the world in its proposed order, then, we really don’t have to let the ‘fact’ that plesiosaurs died out millions of years ago, stop us from believing that they could still exist in our rivers, lakes and seas today! I think that I will leave this argument here to others far more learned than myself to make, as I truly have no interest in entering in to this minefield, from which few return intact. My intent is to simply put forward evidence in this book, anecdotal and otherwise, that these creatures still exist! the objective reader will no doubt find arguments for and against prehistoric aquatic reptiles frequenting the waters of the British Isles throughout this chapter and will be left alone to come to their own conclusion. |Map of the Lake District, Cumbria| Where you been hiding? Why wasn’t the Monster of Lake Windermere seen before 2006? Bownessie witness, Steve Burnip has a theory as to why it may have not been sighted until now. He believes a speed limit imposed on the lake in 2006 may have led to an increase in sightings. There are several theories about this new phenomenon, some of which may be true or at least partially true. When theorising that our creature could be a plesiosaur and therefore amphibious in nature, it is reasonable to assume that it might be capable of travelling, if needed, at least some short distance over land. There are other lakes that could sustain a monster or two: Coniston Water, Bassenthwaite Lake, Buttermere, Loweswater et al; most of which connect to the sea. I am personally of the opinion that these creatures reside in the lakes of Cumbria at certain times of year and at others make their way out to the open sea, most probably following food sources like salmon and eels. The Beast of Bassenthwaite Lake There is really only one other substantiated report that I could find about other water monsters in the lake district, which fortunately comes with a wonderful black and white ‘Nessie-like’ photo as well and that is the Beast of Bassenthwaite Lake. In the summer of 1973, Rudolf Staveness and Gunnar Jacobson photographed a strange creature in the water, whilst holidaying at Bassenthwaite Lake. Rudolf said: “Resting near to the Lake I saw something that made me both excited and intrigued at the same time. Something strange was swimming in the lake. It ducked below the surface and reappeared some distance away. The speed that the animal moved was amazing. I have never been able to find out what it was I saw, and my story has been met with some ridicule.” There have not been any reported sightings of the creature in recent times and diving is not allowed in the Lake, so I would assume that this body of water could provide a more secluded or quieter homestead for these beasts, if beasts they be, from which to spread out to the other lakes and perhaps even travel to and from the sea. |The Beast of Lake Rudolf Staveness and Gunnar Jacobson , 1973 The River Leven– A Monster’s Ingress to the Sea The River Leven is a short river in the county of Cumbria, It drains Windermere from its southernmost point and flows for approximately 8 miles (13 km) into the northern reaches of Morecambe Bay. The Leven is navigable upstream as far as Low Wood, and downstream from Windermere to Newby Bridge. The Leven is a noted salmon river. At spawning time the fish can be seen jumping up the waterfalls at Backbarrow. The river is also popular with kayakers due to the rapids found between Newby Bridge and Haverthwaite. What’s on the Menu? Windermere has plenty of fish species on the menu, more than enough to feed a hoard of hungry monsters and the local angling community in the form of arctic charr, brown trout, pike, perch, roach and eels. Salmon and sea trout also pass through the lake to spawn in its tributaries whilst the young trout or salmon migrate downstream through the lake in spring, on their way to the sea. This article was originally published on the website “Beasts of Britain” by author Andy McGrath, reprinted here with permission from the author. Check out our t-shirts on AMAZON.com! Check out our t-shirts on AMAZON.com! Donate to the National Cryptid Society NOTICE: Fair Use Copyright Law “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.” Any use of copyrighted material on http://www.nationalcryptidsociety.org is done for criticism, comment, news reporting or educational purposes. The National Cryptid Society including all web pages and social media platforms owned or registered by The National Cryptid Society does not endorse nor is any endorsement of the National Cryptid Society inferred by creators of copyrighted material presented herein for criticism, comment, news reporting or educational purposes under Fair Use allowance quoted above. 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The Cryptozoologist Off the Record T. S. McAdams I first saw her working as a supermarket cashier, but I didn’t put that in my article for American Cryptid. She had a narrow face and the mean little chin of a moray eel, and she wore a new-hire nametag with “Morgan” on label tape. Her hair was frizzy and tangled, gathered at the nape by a plastic tortoiseshell clip, but it fanned out too much from there to say she had a ponytail. Sliding my groceries over the scanner, she said, “I wouldn’t eat one thing of this. I’d just drink the wine.” She looked at me like cashiers always do in small towns, but that’s in my head. Even a little city like Fort Bragg has seven or eight thousand people, so they don’t know each other well enough to recognize outsiders. I had yogurt, raw almonds, hippie granola with no hydrogenated oil, and six bottles of pinot noir, because it’s cheaper that way. I also had protein shakes, the kind with not a ton of protein but only a hundred calories. After my divorce, I found a phone app to put me through different calisthenics every day. I got stronger doing it and changed the setting from beginner to intermediate, but I looked exactly the same. I guessed the cashier wouldn’t be impressed by my military presses, basically pushups in a V position with my butt in the air. Not that she could have done them. She had stubby arms, like she had dwarfism in just those two limbs. It emphasized her chunky breasts. When she said that about my groceries, I said, “There’s no kitchen in my hotel room, just a fridge.” “What hotel are you in?” “The one on the estuary. The manager says they have a mermaid.” That was a lie. The manager told me all about her mother-in-law being airlifted that morning because Fort Bragg didn’t have a good hospital. She said taking sea glass was illegal and waved a pen holder with sea glass glued to it so I’d know the law wasn’t serious. And she said her brother-in-law knew where to find the red sea glass, which everyone wanted, but I wouldn’t want to go anywhere with her brother-in-law because he used drugs, probably sold drugs, and drove without a license. She never mentioned the mermaid sightings. I just wanted to get a reaction. She said, “The estuary ain’t deep, the water ain’t, but the mud is. Soft and deep both.” I gave her a hundred-dollar bill, and she gave me one dollar back. She said, “A person can drown in mud, good as water.” I had a feeling already, but I took the dollar and left. It wasn’t the right change, but I took it and drove two miles north on Main Street, which is also Highway 1, away from what I’d come to find. I remember I saw a store called Redwood Liquors on the way to the market, and I noticed on the way back that it was still open, but I didn’t need to stop after buying all that wine. The estuary was surrounded by pickleweed with those segmented stems, spike grass like scruffy wheat, and some generic shrub I called alkali heath in the Cryptid. It probably was alkali heath. That would make sense, according to my field guide. Plants were mixed together in patches, not in any kind of zones. There was moon enough to see that nothing much grew in the water, though Pudding Creek above the dam was literally hidden under algae and aquatic plants. I wrote that I found her naked at the edge of the water, teasing a whelk, a sea snail, making it rear up and stretch for a scrap of meat. This was true, aside from a short-sleeved, button-up work shirt, half-sleeve or more on her. Also, I didn’t say the meat was a slice of bologna. It’s just that I was getting used to interviewing witnesses and speculating, you know, noncommittally about what they might have seen. Witnessing something myself put me out on a limb already, without saying it passed as human and got a job at Safeway. She really wasn’t wearing pants, and she didn’t have scales or even webbed toes, just thick legs like an Olympic swimmer. I wrote that she could be an unknown branch of pinniped evolution, which is something Cristiano, our editor and publisher, said before he sent me to Fort Bragg. There’s a rumor at American Cryptid that we’re just a way for Cristiano to launder money from something illegal, but he’s legitimately obsessed with parallel evolution. Cristiano says sea lions are closer relatives to bears than seals, which kind of makes you think. I looked into the whelk thing, too, thinking there might be another story in carnivorous sea snails, but that’s entirely normal. She said, “Swim with me, refrigerator man.” I stayed on dry mud, on ground that wasn’t mud at that moment. I said, “I’m Bill Laird. Is your name really Morgan?” A bird in the shrubbery somewhere made a kek kek sound, like dropping glass bottles into a recycling bin. She picked up the whelk and pulled it out of its shell with a talon or thumbnail or whatever and popped it in her mouth. Watching her chew was nauseating; the way she worked her cheeks, almost peristalsis, made me think it was pretty juicy. She swallowed it in one bulging lump and said she wanted to see my room. The shirt was it, no underwear, nothing, so I stayed between her and the manager’s office going in. I opened a bottle of wine, and went to get coffee mugs, but she started drinking from the bottle, so I opened another for myself. I said, “Where do you come from?” She looked at me with little round otter eyes and said I could have sex with her for forty dollars. I’d never done anything like that before. I’d been married fourteen years and faithful even as it unraveled; Cynthia too, I guess. Fourteen years selling insurance. Cynthia said that was all I could do with a state college anthropology degree, but now I’m Tom Fucking Slick. Cristiano only pays twelve hundred a month plus expenses, but we live on expenses on assignment, and he knows we pad our accounts. I knew I could put this down as an informant fee or something, and who says they even have diseases we can catch? She had subcutaneous fat, not more than Renaissance paintings of Venus, but I mentioned in my article that it might keep her warm in the ocean. Her torso, sternum to pelvis, was strong, and she bucked me off when she finished. That night, I dreamed I was drowning, and I pretty much was: she was bearing down on my forehead with one child-sized hand, tipping my head back and carefully pouring a mug of water into my nose. Safeway had fired her, it turned out, after calling her references, so she came to witness interviews in my sweats and tuxedo-print t-shirt, things I wore to exercise. I felt kind of infiltrated, but I figured that could work both ways; I could see witnesses react to her and watch her react to their stories. Obviously, I didn’t have women’s underwear for her. Maybe she didn’t even know that was a thing. My first interviewee worked at a lumberyard on the ocean side of the highway, next to the Georgia-Pacific Mill. The mill had been closed for fifteen years, so the lumberyard was surrounded by empty real estate. Garland was his name, and he was older than me, with pink skin, white hair, and a white mustache, but he probably could have kicked my ass. Men always think about that, don’t kid yourself, and you think about it more when you’re divorced. I don’t know why. I parked next to a row of pickup trucks and SUVs, and this Garland came out to meet me. I think he knew it was me because no one picks up lumber in a little Honda Civic. “I saw her right there,” he said. He pointed to the ocean about half a mile away. We couldn’t see the beach or the rocks below the cliff, so we started walking toward the water. Garland covered a hundred yards before he thought to put down his pointing hand. We were knee-high in plants I didn’t bother looking up, and Garland said, “Watch out for poison oak in here.” I wore work boots, maybe my favorite part of the job, leather and polyurethane mashing any pugnacious weeds to springy lumps beneath my soles. Garland looked at Morgan’s bare feet—I’m just going to call her Morgan—but she wasn’t taking an interest. At the edge, he said, “Right there.” He pointed to the flat rock I knew he’d point to, the obvious mermaid rock. He said, “I was plain amazed. Tourists always go to Glass Beach, so this stretch is usually empty.” Rocks were dark gray like pilot whales or cold lava, and the ocean was turquoise, uniform bright turquoise in the sun. Garland had grown up in Fort Bragg and worked in the mill for a while; I knew that from talking on the phone. I tried to look at it all like he would, like I belonged to it, but it was too much of a postcard. It looked like a place to visit. Garland said, “She was facing me, on her stomach. Hanging off into the water. Singing. She sounded like one of those old-time country singers.” “Like Patsy Cline?” “I don’t know. Screechy.” “Did she have a tail?” “I couldn’t tell. That part was in the water. But there was definite plumber’s cleavage.” “She had a butt crack, I’m saying.” “Could be, what I’ve been thinking, she was only half mermaid.” Morgan said, “Half-breeds don’t sing. They’re mute, and they don’t like the ocean. They always hear it, though, and it keeps them awake.” She scratched an armpit she could barely reach. “They’re pretty, but they die.” Garland said, “You folks would know more about that than I would.” He said he should get back to work. Morgan tried to talk me into swimming in the ocean. I asked if she knew the story of the frog and the scorpion, and she said she liked frog, but she hadn’t had scorpion, where could we find a scorpion? I said probably not in Fort Bragg, and the ocean was too cold. My second interviewee was an anti-mermaid activist. Swear to God. He met us at Glass Beach, the reason Fort Bragg gets tourists. The coot who runs the liquor store says there isn’t any more sea glass, but there is. Mostly brown and white and some green, not exactly fairyland, but still interesting. Paul, the anti-mermaid kid, said there was more glass and more colors five hundred yards south, where it was harder to get down to the beach, but that wasn’t where he saw it. From the northern part of Glass Beach, you can see where Pudding Creek meets the ocean, and that’s the stretch where he saw the mermaid drowning seals. Paul was taking Marine Biology at Mendocino College. Watching the ocean for hours at a time wasn’t a class requirement, but he thought it helped him understand “conceptually.” I said, if he wanted to understand conceptually, he should read the textbook; empirical observation can get pretty circumstantial. That went over his head, conceptually. He wore wire-rimmed John Lennon glasses, and he was always pulling the stretched-out hem of his t-shirt from under his fisherman’s sweater to clean them. He said the mermaid looked like Morgan, but with different hair. I wondered what he’d say if he could see her hair wet, in the shower. I guess I could have arranged that with forty dollars of Cristiano’s money, but I didn’t think of it then. I asked Paul what else killed seals, and he said orcas, sharks, sea lions, and sometimes even coyotes. So I asked what he was doing about them, and he said that was different, that was natural. He kept using the phrase “food web,” and I made a bet with myself to stare at him without talking until he said “circle of life.” He said it with air quotes, but he said it. He said the mermaid was killing for sport, though, because he’d seen her drown three pups—one right after another. I said, “When I go grocery shopping, I don’t just buy what I’m going to eat right then; I buy food for several days.” Then he said, “One time, it didn’t look like a seal.” He’d filed a police report, saying it looked like a woman pushed someone under water, and the person didn’t come up. Then cops discovered Paul was an anti-mermaid blogger, and they stopped talking to him, even when some guy turned up missing from a senior mobile-home park on Pudding Creek. Morgan laughed at that and said, “Old men can’t swim.” I said, “She’s got a point. Put an old folks’ home next to the ocean, and you don’t need mermaids to explain why someone might drown once in a while.” Paul said, “I saw it!” I said, “You’re sure now? A minute ago, you thought it looked a little more like a human than a seal. Now you saw it clearly?” He got weird after that. He asked me who I really worked for, said he wouldn’t be silenced, and stormed off. His blog still linked to my article when it came out. Morgan was scanning the shoreline, so I looked too, and I was just as glad not to see seals, not even gulls, just a few strolling tourists and a crow picking at beached kelp. I said we might as well go, and she ignored me at first, but she came when I mentioned food. The merman was waiting in my hotel room the second night. I went in to put away leftover Thai food, and Morgan went to the estuary to, I don’t know, get mud on my sweats. I was going to watch from the balcony and see what she did, but a merman came out of the bathroom. He might have been hiding in there to ambush me, but I heard a flush, so I don’t know. He was over six feet tall, kind of fat but beefy, like an orca standing on its flukes, only without any black, so more like an aggressive beluga. He had a full beard and short, thick arms, and he carried an Aquaman-style trident of some brownish metal. He was naked. I took that in stride. This was a second chance at first contact. I said, “Welcome. I’m Bill Laird.” Leftover pad thai isn’t first-contact hospitality, so I set the Styrofoam carton on the television. I said, “May I offer you a mug of wine?” The merman said, “She’s here!” I didn’t know the right answer to that, so I looked around like I didn’t know who he meant, but I was trying to find her. I hoped he couldn’t smell her in the room. She didn’t smell like much to me, but seals have better noses than we do, and the pinniped theory makes sense. The merman smelled like a plesiosaur, or what I imagine a plesiosaur would smell like, briny ceviche and a little bit of Old Spice. He pointed the trident at me, which is funny when you imagine a really big guy doing it with really short arms, but it wasn’t funny in real life. He said, “I’ve killed humans before.” That was sort of like admitting he wasn’t human, which was exciting, but it was scary too. I said, “This human might make a lot of noise.” I raised my voice, not to a shout, but to the threat of a shout. “Help! Psycho merman!” There were other rooms on both sides of mine and above. “Help! Call the National Guard! Killer merman!” He said, “Merman is a very stupid word.” He stabbed the trident into the floor and left it there. He said, “I will have my wife.” Then he left. I stepped toward the door to lock it behind him, but I didn’t want to lock Morgan out. I tugged at the trident instead, but getting that loose would take some effort. I went to the balcony and waited for my eyes to adjust, because the sun had pretty much set. The tarnished-silver estuary puddled a green-black corridor where dark plants and water canceled the electric city. There could have been anything out there, but the danger came from the bright room behind me. There was a thud and a crunch, and then the sliding glass door had a classic baseball crack, with the long middle spine of the trident poking through. It was a good throw for those little arms of hers. Of course, she was used to the glass doors at Safeway which were pretty thick; she probably didn’t know she would come so close to harpooning me. But I had to pay for that out of my own pocket, even though it was a legitimate expense. How do you expense the damage a cryptid does to your hotel room without saying she was there? The trident blocked the slider so it would only open about a foot. I turned sideways and squeezed back into the room. I said, “He says you’re his wife.” She said, “He’s got three other wives.” “Think he’ll stay in the estuary?” “He don’t like the estuary.” “What area does he like?” “Same as me. Past the kelp forest, where it’s big and empty, just swimming in dark or swimming in light, and herrings and sardines bunching together, and tuna and mackerel flashing after them. Tuna and mackerel, swordfish too, they don’t poke in the mud; they’re fast, and they hunt what they see.” “And what about mermaids? Do they hunt herring or mackerel?” “Every time you use that word, you sound retarded.” I said, “What’s the right word?” She put her lips on the bottle of mezcal I picked up at Redwood Liquors. She tilted it, raising her stubby arm as high as it would go, and the scorpion drifted to her mouth. When she lowered the bottle, it was a third empty, and she was chewing. Not very much. I guess a scorpion soaked in mescal only needs a few chews. She told me sex would be forty dollars again, which was about what I already spent getting her a scorpion. I bargained her down to thirty. After I fell asleep, she stabbed me in the leg with a corkscrew, so I locked myself in the bathroom and tried to sleep in the tub. In the morning, she was gone. I looked for her on the beach and on Main Street. There’s a lot more to Fort Bragg than that, obviously. East of the freeway, it’s solid residential neighborhoods, twenty blocks deep and a dozen blocks wide, and thins out gradually from there; but I couldn’t search the whole town. She probably went back to her Shamu anyway. I thought about calling Cynthia, but I couldn’t think of a reason. My last mermaid witness had retired to Fort Bragg from San Francisco. One draft of my article called her the type to highlight passages from Women Who Run with the Wolves, but that sounded sexist, so I changed it to Castaneda’s The Teachings of Don Juan; Cristiano took it out anyway. The witness wore shell bracelets she called Miwok amulets, and she had known she’d see something spiritual, because she had a psychic reading. We met in a breakfast place where she was a regular, I guess, because the waitress said, “I know, you want your omelet cooked with very little butter!” When I ordered, I said, “I’ll eat it how you make it,” just to show I wasn’t like that, and for days afterward I felt like I had swallowed beach tar. This woman had seen a female humanoid with very short arms, her upper body raised vertically out of the water, moving like a person walking. She saw it in water too deep for walking, and she said no human could have moved through the water that way. I said any decent water polo player could have done it. She said that the creature was beautiful. She used the word “ethereal.” I said, “How far away were you, again?” She said an encounter like that couldn’t help but change a person. Nothing changes anybody, but there was no point arguing. The next month, they sent me to Texas, to Nueces County on the Gulf, where people were seeing flying ape-men. They called them wild angels, after a country song from the 90’s. A couple of resorts outside Corpus Christi were playing it up, still are actually, and tourists are packing in to see the angels, but I wouldn’t bother. Honestly, I’d like to believe it—I even wrote that the jury was still out—but that stuff is pretty much horseshit.
When faced with adversity, there are a select few who can push it aside for the greater good. It is my beloved country and motherland. He does not say what happenedRead more Choose additional, unique stories to tell sell yourself to the scholarship committee. If youve already started writing or have a first draft, make an outline based on what youve written soRead more meet the person who received their heart, for example. I have become a whole new person thanks to my friend. The time has finally come; the Goal at the end of the rainbow. Ultimately on writing an illustration essay, you want this evidence to help any of your readers to see your point of view, just as anyone would see a good illustration in a journal or on a web page and really make recommendations about. The phonological features of a persons speech are the most obvious signposts to his or her origins or mother tongue. Save your analysis of the types. Lastly, I am going to recommend strategies to facilitate my learning. In terms of academic writing, this phrase means being able to draw visual images with the help of words. As early as the founding of the United States of America,. How To Write an, illustration, essay? Illustration, essay, writing Help Health care provider, Illness, Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 839 Words 3 Pages Open Document An Example of Descriptive Essay Descriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is one of the many types of writing styles that provides a detailed description for a particular person, place, memory, experience. The traditional, modern, and brass Jazz musicians listed were just a few of the acts, but they provide examples of the talent at the 29th Annual French Quarter Festival. 20th century, 21st century, Global warming 1105 Words 4 Pages Open Document example essay other areas) show specific anatomical and functional features in professional and semi-professional musicians. An illustration essay can be defined as a piece of writing that can be used in order to describe or explain any subject and/or topic with the use of instances as well as examples. Check out our Composing a good illustrative paper takes a good topic to begin with. I found that many of the readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to convey a strong belief in human rights, which was demonstrated by the dichotomy. Often people jumping into the lifting scene complain that it may. The second essay will be a basic Justification. Behavior, Collaboration, Communication 1122 Words 4 Pages Open Document Narrative Essay Example Pamela Essay 1 Sitting at my desk at home, a crushing feeling crept up. Cryptid, Ghost, Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words 5 Pages Open Document Example Essay mess you up for life. As you already know that the only possible controlling ideas used in any essay are known as the thesis statement. Illustration essay introduction Introduction argumentative essay graphic organizer common core Small essay on library in telugu Where can i find pre written essays
I love me a good gaming zine. Really, I do. Whether its The Manor, Black Pudding, The Excellent Traveling Volume, Crawl, the Undercroft, Under a Broken Moon, The Wizard's Scroll or any other one that I am quite sure I've missed going off the top of my head, they are all special to me. Because they are labors of love and they speak with the voice of the one that publishes it. They are, in some ways, intimate and personal. You won't make a lot of money publishing a zine (or most anything else in the RPG industry) but you have the reward of loyal and vocal readership. There is nothing quite so loud as someone advocating for a zine they love. Also, zines tend to be published irregularly. Yep, I can buy all of the above and more and not dent my wallet. What we need is more zines. Truly. There was a time when blogs were all the rage and The Tavern is certainly a good source of gaming news with its finger on the pulse of old school gaming, but it generally can't be read on the train, the bus, while sitting in the doctor's office or taking a bath. Zines, especially those in print, are special and should be cherished. When Torchlight releases, I want it to be but one of many RPG periodicals from self publishers that the community supports. I Want more Zines in my Time! ;) DP&D Cryptid Manual Coming Soon! - As you folks might have figured out, I'm a big fan of Bloat Games SURVIVE THIS line of rpg's and Dark Places & Demogorgons in particular. Well the darkness... 30 minutes ago
Clades conspicuously absent from cryptozoologist and creationist discourse | The divine comedy| When one hears a cryptozoologist or creationist discuss supposedly "living" fauna that have been known to be extinct for a long amount of time, such as dinosaurs or plesiosaurs, there are often taxa that could serve as a significantly more plausible explanation for these creatures, or they disregard this explanation and many others, such as cases of misidentification, myth, or the ever-present possibility that the person making the assertion that these cryptids are real is simply making shit up. One such cryptid that is often touted as being a "late-surviving hominin" is Bigfoot, but let's leave aside the fact that the extent of the distribution of Neanderthals across the globe was limited to Eurasia, specifically Europe, Western, and Central Asia and no hominin before modern humans ever set foot in the Americas according to the archaeological record, how exactly would a population of such large creatures go unnoticed for so long, especially in a region as densely populated as North America? The more likely explanation is that the supposed "sightings" of Bigfoot were a combination of misidentified animals (such as the American black bear, which is about the proportions of bigfoot and can stand bipedally, and the black bear's foot proportions are suspiciously reminiscent of bigfoot foot proportions) and hoaxes. Another example would be the so-called "Lake Champlain Monster", or "Champ", which is commonly cited as an example of "living plesiosaur", never mind that plesiosaurs went extinct with the dinosaurs, but when did anyone ever let reality get in the way of their fantasies? One animal that could be mistaken as a sea serpent that does inhabit Lake Champlain is the lake sturgeon, a type of fish that looks almost prehistoric and can get very large., it is easy to see how someone from a distance could mistake a lake surgeon for a sea monster. Sometimes creationists and cryptozoologists will assert that dinosaurs are still alive (besides birds, who don't count in creationist eyes as "dinosaurs"), and they will cite the cryptid Mokele-mbembe as "proof" that dinosaurs are still around. One should note that depictions of the Mokele-mbembe don't resemble modern depictions of sauropods, but rather out-dated ones, specifically the notion that sauropods were semi-aquatic swamp dwellers. One should also note that the vertebrate fauna of Africa, rather than being "prehistoric", is as modern as the rest of the world, and there are plenty of currently living African megafauna that can match the description of the Mokele-mbembe far better than a sauropod can, like rhinos, elephants, or hippos for instance. Does it even need to be said? It's painfully obvious that creationists and cryptozoologists, in their monomaniacal obsession with proving their fantasies right, have ignored many lines of evidence showing that what they believe to be true isn't necessarily true, and will ignore all evidence to the contrary. This is known as a confirmation bias.
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Heart of the Woods is our take on a fairy tale. That is, it’s a tale and it has fairies. It has romance and betrayal, magic and villains, and questionable moral decisions. It’s a sort of love letter to the kinds of stories that we grew up on, and to the kinds of stories we wish we’d had. Maddie Raines is the editor and manager for her best friend Tara’s ridiculously popular vlog, Taranormal. Together, the two of them have investigated just about every cryptid and ghost story out there, but never finding anything substantial. Maddie’s expecting more of the same when they travel to a remote German village to look into the legend of a giant forest spirit referred to them by one of their fans. Departing across the ocean just days after Maddie’s decided to quit the show, this trip is supposed to be their last one together. Something’s different this time, though. This time, Maddie finds something: Abigail, the ghost of a girl who lived in the village centuries ago. And the story of the curse that lead to her sacrifice. A curse that has never been broken. Heart of the Woods is a frigid and magical story, told with all the softness of fresh fallen snow. It features vividly gorgeous art by Rosuuri and anckp, and is Rosuuri’s first ever 18+ game project. Try out the demo here on itch.io! Or, try out the demo on Steam, and add the full game to your wishlist!
Spring Heeled Jack: England’s Famous Cryptid! The spring heeled Jack is an English mythical creature that was spotted throughout the Victorian era. First spotted in 1837, the spring heeled jack or ‘Jack’ was described as a terrifying human-like creature with ugly facial features, red burning eyes, goatee style beard with pointy ears and horns! He also had claw hands and could leap from rooftop to rooftop. Shortly after the first sighting happened Jack began to be spotted all over the UK, With reports of the creature attacking people and countless eyewitness accounts of the creature up to no good it wasn’t long until the Jack became more well known. The press began to report on Jack and gave him the name Spring Heeled Jack! People were warned about Jack and was told that he lurked on the top of rooftops! It wasn’t long before panic set in and mass hysteria started. Before long people were seeing the Spring Heeled Jack everywhere! As the rumours and stories grew, it became hard to separate what was fact from fiction. The last known reported sighting of the spring heeled Jack was in 1904 ever since these sighting began there has been a multitude of theories to what Jack might have been. Whatever Jack was, at the time Jack he was the cause of a lot of terror! So, what are your thoughts on the spring heeled Jack? Could he have been a real creature or nothing more than a figment of people’s imagination!
Here at The Pine Barrens Institute, we are accepting of everyone’s personal beliefs on what they believe to fall within the realm of Cryptozoology, but we personally follow the guidelines written by George M. Eberhart of what should be classified as a Cryptid and what should not. These guidelines are listed below. George M. Eberhart of the American Library Association, who has written for the Journal of Scientific Exploration on the difficulties of cataloging media materials about fringe science, classifies ten types of mystery animals under the cryptozoological umbrella: Distribution anomalies [known animals reported outside their normal range, e.g. the anomalous big cats of the U.K.]; Undescribed, unusual, or outsized variations of known species [e.g. the giant anacondas reported from Amazonia or the spotted lions of East Africa]; Survivals of recently extinct species [e.g. ivory-billed woodpecker presumed extinct c. 1960, or the Steller’s sea cow presumed extinct c. 1770, both of which are occasionally claimed to have survived to the present]; Survivals of species known only from the fossil record into modern times [e.g. the Mokele-Mbembe of central Africa, sometimes described as a living dinosaur]; Lingerlings, or survivals of species known from the fossil record much later into historical times than currently thought [e.g. the woolly mammoth, presumed extinct c. 12,000 BCE but occasionally purported surviving into later eras]; Animals not known from the fossil record but related to known species [e.g. the Andean wolf or the striped manta-ray reported by William Beebe in the 1930s]; Animals not known from the fossil record nor related to any known species [e.g. North America’s Bigfoot or most sea serpents]; Mythical animals with a zoological basis [e.g. the griffin, partly inspired by dinosaur fossils of Central Asia]; Seemingly paranormal or supernatural entities with some animal-like characteristics [e.g. Mothman, black dogs or some fairies from folklore]; Known hoaxes or probable misidentifications (e.g. the jackalope, an antlered rabbit created as a hoax or prank, but possibly inspired by rabbits infected with Shope papilloma virus, which causes antler-like tumors). Additionally, Eberhart argues for six exclusions from classification as a cryptid: Insignificance. “Cryptids must be big, weird, dangerous or significant to humans in some way.” Lack of controversy. “Someone needs to observe a mystery animal and someone else needs to discredit the sighting. Cryptozoologists function as interventionists between witnesses and skeptical scientists.” Erratics. “The out-of-place alligator […] that turns up in an odd spot, undoubtedly through human agency, is not a zoological mystery […] If someone discovers a new species of alligator that lives only in sewers, that is a different matter.” Bizarre humans [e.g. zombies] Angels or demons […] “the paranormal or supernatural is admitted only if it has an animal shape (a werewolf sighting, which might involve a real dog or wolf, or a mystery canid).” Aliens “[unless such extraterrestrials] arrived a long time ago and thus classify as residents.”
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Among the variety of non-financial use cases, blockchain technology can be applied to identity applications in areas such as digital identities, passports, e-residency, birth certificates, wedding certificates, IDs, online account logins, etc. Creating an identity on blockchain can give individuals greater control over who has their personal information and how they access it. By combining the decentralized blockchain principle with identity verification, a digital ID can be created to act as a digital watermark which can be assigned to every online transaction of any asset. Here are some of the pioneers in building blockchain-based identity management and authentication solutions for cross-industry applications: 2WAY.IO effectively transforms public nodes into private nodes by adding a permissions layer. Private nodes can connect information silos & secure communication channels. They’re user-in-control (privacy-by-design & security-by-design) and require no trade-off between security and UX. These systems are both trusted third-party- and blockchain-agnostic; they only require an intermediary or blockchain when both parties agree to add one to their interaction. Atencoin is a first-generation, identity-based compliant digital currency. It is headed up by the National Aten Coin (NAC) Foundation, an organization that supports the identification of blockchain-based technology and digital currencies. BlockAuth enables users to own and operate their own identity registrar that allows them to submit their information for verification. Blockstack provides a decentralized domain name system (DNS), decentralized public key distribution system, and registry for apps and user identities. Personal user APIs ship with the Blockstack app and handle everything from identity and authentication to data storage. Applications can request permissions from users and then gain read-and-write access to user resources. Bitnation is a governance 2.0 platform that is powered by blockchain technology. Its goal is to provide the same services that governments provide, but in a decentralized and voluntary manner, unbound by geography. Bitnation has worked out an identification solution such as blockchain passport and a marriage certificate. BlockVerify provides blockchain-based anti-counterfeit solutions. It uses blockchain technology to improve anti-counterfeit measures in different industries such as pharmaceuticals, luxury items, diamonds and electronics. Cambridge Blockchain LLC is developing its digital identity software with several leading global financial institutions, with commercial deployments planned for late 2017. The company’s distributed architecture resolves the competing challenges of transparency and privacy, resulting in faster customer onboarding, lower costs, and enhanced compliance through a single, trusted and consistent view of customer reference data. Cambridge Blockchain has won FinTech competitions including BBVA Open Talent 2016 and the Santander InnoVentures Distributed Ledger Challenge. Cambridge Blockchain graduated from the 2016 FinTech Innovation Lab – run by the Partnership Fund for New York City and Accenture. Civic is a blockchain-based identity management platform that allows users to register and validate their personal identity information and lock their identity in order to prevent identity theft and fraudulent activity on their credit reports. Civic aims to tackle the problem of consumer identity theft and reducing online identity fraud. Credits platform enables enterprises to quickly and easily build robust blockchains that address the challenges of establishing provenance, authentication and reconciliation faced by many industries. The platform allows to create encrypted digital identities to substitute dozens of usernames and passwords while offering greater security features would save enterprises, institutions, governments and customers, time, energy and money. A golden record for identity which would work not only at a bank level but across the globe in all electronic environments. CredyCo provides document verification SaaS, which uses a smart contracts and identity technology built on top of the blockchain to ensure the credibility and irrefutability of all statements. Cryptid eliminates the possibility of counterfeit identification by adding factors of identification and encryption. Cryptid takes the data provided in the form and package it into a compact format readable by our systems and generate your Cryptid identification data. All of the data is encrypted with the provided password after which it is permanently transferred to the blockchain. The customer is then given a unique identification number that points to the information on the block chain and can be stored on almost anything from magnetic stripes to QR codes. Evernym is a global, fully open-source, attribute-based, self-sovereign identity graph network built on an advanced, dedicated, privacy-enhancing, public permissioned distributed ledger. ExistenceID is a secure digital identity system for safe storage and sharing of valuable identity documents. A private identity capsule rates users’ total identity so they can prove that they are real. Only users choose who and when can access different parts of their identity. At the same time, ExistenceID has zero knowledge of users’ personal account. Guardtime’s BLT – Blockchain Standard for Digital Identity – is an authentication and signature protocol meant to replace RSA as the standard for digital signatures. In contrast to RSA’s reliance on quantum-vulnerable asymmetric key cryptography, BLT is based on Guardtime’s quantum-secure Keyless Signature Infrastructure (KSI) technology, which uses only hash function cryptography. HYPR biometric security suite provides enterprises a fully interoperable solution to secure users across mobile, desktop and IoT systems. HYPR enhances the user experience by allowing you to choose from voice, face, touch and eye recognition. Our decentralized authentication platform allows enterprises to leverage biometrics without worrying about hackers attacking a biometric server or centralized password database. Identifi is a blockchain-based startup creating address book where users can link their personal profiles and identifiers to form a trusted identity. In addition to keeping contact details such as phone number or bitcoin address up-to-date, the user can give other users trust ratings and feedback. Open Identity Exchange (OIX) is a non-profit, technology agnostic, collaborative cross-sector membership organization with the purpose of accelerating the adoption of digital identity services based on open standards. OIX’s OIXNet is a registry. It is an official online and publicly-accessible repository of documents and information relating to identity systems and identity system participants. Referred to as a “registry,” it functions as an official and centralized source of such documents and information, much like a government-operated recorder of deeds. That is, individuals and entities can register documents and information with the OIXnet Registry to provide notice of their contents to the public, and members of the public seeking access to such documents or information can go to that single authoritative location to find them. KYC-Chain is a novel platform built over the convenience and security of DLT, allowing users to manage their digital identity securely, while businesses and financial institutions are able to manage customer data in a reliable and easy manner. Netki provides open source and open standard-based digital identity solutions that allow financial service companies to meet their compliance requirements on both public and private blockchains. Netki Wallet Name Service (WNS) translates easy-to-remember names like “wallet.myname.me” into bitcoin (and other cryptocurrency) wallet addresses. ShoCard is a digital identity that protects consumer privacy and is as easy to understand and use as showing one’s driver’s license. It’s optimized for mobile and so secure that even a bank can rely on it. A user’s identity is encrypted, hashed and then written to the blockchain, where it can be called up when needed. Users would, in effect, give banks temporary access to the private side of this blockchain record in order to verify identity. Once that is done, the bank creates its own record that can be consulted in the future to determine that a certain Joe Smith is really Joe Smith. UniquID provides secure identity management, integrated with fingerprint and other biometry on personal devices. Ready to be deployed on custom hardware, servers, personal computers or smartphones and tablets, UniquID Wallet runs also on battery and low-powered devices, providing integrity and interoperability at the edge of one’s infrastructure. uPort, developed by ConsenSys, is building a secure, easy-to-use system for self-sovereign identity, built on Ethereum. The uPort technology consists of three main components: smart contracts, developer libraries, and a mobile app. The mobile app holds the user’s keys. Ethereum smart contracts form the core of the identity and contain logic that lets the user recover their identity if their mobile device is lost. Finally, the developer libraries are how third-party app developers would integrate support for uPort into their apps.
Devil Monkeys are a unique breed of NAPE (North American Ape) that have been described as being about 3 to 4-feet tall, although some eyewitnesses have sworn that these furry fiends can reach a height that is in excess of 7-feet. It seems clear, however, that those who have had an encounter with this larger version of the beast are actually describing a run-in with a prototypical HAIRY HOMINID and not the smaller, more primate-like Devil Monkey. Unlike the legendarily gorilla-like BIGFOOT or YETI, these creatures — which have been seen throughout the American South and Mid-West and as far North as Alaska — have been described as a shaggy, canine-faced baboon-like creatures with powerful, almost kangaroo-like legs, a trait they share with the South America’s notorious “goat sucker” the CHUPACABRA. Other distinguishing traits that Devil Monkeys are said to bear include 3-toed, razor-clawed feet, tiny pointed ears and a long, often bushy, tail. The first reported encounter with this swift, dangerous predator occurred in 1934, in South Pittsburgh, Tennessee. According to the reports — which were allegedly published in national newspapers — eyewitnesses described a mysterious beast that could “leap across fields” with “lightening speed.” This ability to jump great distances — up to 20-feet according to some accounts — have led some to speculate that these animals may have something in common with the MYSTERY KANGAROOS that have been seen throughout the United States for decades. The suggestion is that those who think they’re seeing kangaroos from a distance are, in fact, spying Devil Monkeys. While these 1934 encounters may or may not be associated with this phenomenon, the first “official” Devil Monkey sighting occurred in 1959, while a couple by the name of Boyd were driving through the mountains near their home in Saltville, Virginia. According to their account, an ape-like beast attacked their car, leaving three scratch marks on the vehicle. The The Boyd’s daughter, Pauline, described the terrifying attacker: Boyd went on to describe a second Devil Monkey encounter that occurred just days later in the same region: “Several days after this incident, two nurses from the Saltville area were driving home from work one morning and were attacked by an unknown creature who ripped the convertible top from their car.” Luckily the nurses — though surely frightened out of their wits — were unharmed. In 1969, esteemed mystery ape researchers RENE DAHINDEN and JOHN GREEN looked into accounts of a long-tailed “monkey” beast that eyewtinesses claimed was lurking near Mamquam, British Columbia. This creature was said to have left a series of distinctive, three toed tracks — much like those attributed to Devil Monkeys as well as the legendary HONEY ISLAND SWAMP MONSTER — in its wake. In 1973, famed cryptozoologist and author LOREN COLEMAN investigated reports of three, black bushy-tailed “giant monkeys” that were said to have slaughtered livestock in Albany, Kentucky. Coleman mentioned the event in an interview with Animal Planet: “I investigated that case in depth. I interviewed the people, who were very sincere. In the whole context of devil monkey reports, it seemed extremely sincere. You have these reports of hairy, monkey-like creatures with tails, very different from Bigfoot.” In 1979, there was a spate of reported encounters with a bipedal, monkey-like critter known as the BELT ROAD BOOGER, which hailed from the rural depths of Georgia. One female eyewitness described it as: “The ugliest looking thing I’ve ever seen… (it had a tail) like a beaver’s, but it’s bushy.” She also claimed in bore “a face like a dog.” These traits are all known to be Devil Monkey characteristics. In fact, more than a few eyewitnesses have describe these beasts as resembling a wild dog at a distance, which suggests that this creature may employ both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion. This depiction of the creature coincides with what some consider to be the most recent — and controversial — Devil Monkey encounter on the books to date. According to the report, On January 12, 2006, an anonymous witness claimed that he and his family entered their Chicago home to discover what he asserted was a “devil-like creature violently attacking my 6 year-old labrador dog.” The man further described the beast as being “an unsual combination of a monkey, wolf, and devil” with “long fangs, a monkey-like tail and extremely bright glowing eyes.” It should be noted that while “unnaturally” glowing eyes have been associated with the MURPHYSBORO MUD MONSTER and Ohio’s ORANGE EYES, it is not something generally associated with the Devil Monkey phenomenon. Surprisingly, this fellow — unlike so many others who are taken aback by their first encounter with an ostensibly violent cryptid — claimed that he remained calm enough to grab a nearby camera and snap a photo of the allegedly diabolical fiend. It was after the flashbulb’s burst that this creature purportedly “sprang to its hind legs and ran,” nearly pushing over this lucky fellow and his family in an effort to escape through the open door behind them. This unnamed observer also claimed that his neighborhood had been hereafter plagued with numerous reports of missing pets and even went so far as to state that there was an additional — as yet wholly unsubstantiated — account of yet another individual seeing an identical beast hanging from a local tree by its tail. While we here at American Monsters pride ourselves on being champions of the bizarre, rather than judges — a chore we leave up to you dear readers — it seems fairly obvious to us that this image depicts not an unknown cryptid but a typical canine with it’s eyes reflecting the camera’s flash. The Labrador, which it was supposedly “attacking,” does not appear to be in a state of duress — as one would assume it might be in such a situation — and there even seems to be an indication of a collar around this allegedly “unknown” animal’s neck. While the aforementioned case may reek of a hoax, some investigators feel that there is an intriguing link between these vicious, new world primates and the still controversial DERIDDER ROADKILL photos — which appeared on the internet in 1996 — and seem to depict the CURIOUS CARCASS of an unidentified, baboon-like animal with canine features on a Louisiana road side. It’s worth mentioning that in 1996, Louisiana was also the site for another strange eyewitness report that seems very much like a Devil Monkey. The report was posted online by an biologist — who works as a consultant for a biotechnology firm and, understandably, withheld his name — in July of 2009. From his own account: “As I sat there alone, gazing out at the rain, I noticed some movement to my left in a large field next to the property. This field is separated from the property by an old fence with scattered pine trees next to it… I turned to look and saw something, I honestly don’t know what, running extremely fast on all fours from the field towards our property.” “At first I guess I kinda thought it may be a dog, but as it got closer I realized I was wrong. The thing, whatever it was, ran on all fours to a spot in the fence were the trees were about thirty feet apart, and lept over the five-foot fence in one hop.” “Once on my side of the fence, this thing stood up on two legs! It was only thirty feet from me at that point, and I got a really good look at it. It was about four feet tall, maybe a little bigger. It had really big, yellowish eyes, large pointed ears, and a sparse coat of shaggy fur. It stood on its tiptoes, and had a long, somewhat bushy tail, kinda like a squirrel, but not nearly as thickly furred.” “The snout was very cat-like… I was close enough to make out thick hairs on the face. I’m inclined to believe that these may have been whiskers. Once it stood, it kept its arms to its sides, much like a human, but slightly bent at the elbows. Its hands had identifiable fingers with noticeable claws.” With its bushy tail, pointed ears, “noticeable” claws and penchant for leaping it is difficult not to associate this eyewitness report — as well as his extraordinary illustrations — with those of classic Devil Monkey sightings. One of the responses to his post even referred to American Monster’s original Devil Monkeys article, which brought forth this response: “I know I saw something that day that I could not explain, and I am hard pressed to ask others to blindly accept what I say at face value. I am not trying to convince anyone, but rather find answers for myself… in any case, after considering the evidence, I firmly believe that what I saw was indeed a so-called devil monkey.” While most are convinced that this is a heretofore UNCLASSIFIED species of primate — or perhaps even a remnant species of an ancient family of simians known as Tarsiids — there are some who believe that Devil Monkeys belong less to the world of cryptozoology and more to the shadowy realm that exists BEYOND MYTHOLOGY. These researchers tell of a creature that comes to us from the legends of a Native American people who originally hailed from the Southeastern United States known as the Choctaws. The Choctaws told tales of the NALUSA FALAY, which they claimed were thin, black, humanoid beings — much like SHADOW PEOPLE — with beady eyes and long pointy ears. It was believed that Nalusa Falaya stalked their victims by sliding on their stomachs like a snake, which is, admittedly, a far cry from the bounding approach often accredited to Devil Monkeys. There are some investigators who have even speculated that these animals might hail from OUT OF THIS WORLD or may even be related to the FORMERLY EXTINCT primate Theropithecus oswaldi — an ancient, giant relative of the modern day gelada — which has been associated with the notorious African predator known as the NANDI BEAR. © Copyright Rob Morphy 2002 — 2011
The Mamlambo is a cryptid which supposedly lives in the Mzintlava River near Mount Ayliff in South Africa. It is also known as "the brain sucker" and has been reported to have killed at least 7-9 people who crossed the Mzintlava River but there is no evidence as to if they were killed by this creature. It is unknown what type of animal Mamlambo is, or if it is an actual animal. Villagers of the area claim that is has the torso of a horse and the lower body of a fish, as well as the neck of a snake. According to legend, the Mamlambo often appears during lightning storms (it is said that the Mamlambo may be attracted to lightning).
*originally printed in Red Shtick Magazine – January, 2010 Cryptozoology is the study of animals that elude study because they are so elusive. In many cases, these animals are so brilliantly elusive because they have developed the evolutionary advantage of not existing. Nonexistence is perhaps the most effective biological defense against predators and disease, and it provides an advantage in gathering resources because none are required. There are, in fact, very few drawbacks to not existing, and most successful cryptospecies have adopted this strategy for survival. The nonexistent animals studied in cryptozoolgy are called “cryptids,” and those individuals who study cryptozoology are called cryptozoologists, or just “creepy.” Since no formal education exists for the study of nonexistent animals, those who conduct research in this field are self-trained, so they often find themselves at odds with the scientific community. Mainstream science accepts that there are many species that have yet to be identified or classified. However, most of these creatures are difficult to find because they are very small and quite boring, like bacteria and insects. Most cryptozoologists are more interested in large, nonexistent animals, or megafauna cryptids. Megafauna are big ole critters that make more interesting cryptids because they are more easily seen in out-of-focus pictures, make indistinct noises that can be recorded from far away, and might occasionally attack and/or eat people in a manner that can translate into fantastic headlines and television shows. A recent television series called Lost Tapes aired on Animal Planet. This series capitalized on the public’s desire to be frightened into distraction from things that are truly frightening, such as the economy, the government, and the generally psychotic behavior of the public. Lost Tapes purported to expose cryptids as diverse as chupacabre, the giant anaconda, vampires, werewolves, and even the legendary Mothman. The popularity of this series was largely due to the common misunderstanding that the series was anything but fiction. Many viewers remain convinced that the well-composed cinematic suspense of the series was the result of amateur camera work done by average people while experiencing pant-soiling terror in the face of horrifying unknown creatures. Throughout history, cryptids have been an inseparable part of human culture. From the universally recognized form of the dragon to the highly localized jackalope, cryptids are somehow everywhere, and nowhere. Some cryptids are eventually exposed as outright hoaxes. Notable among this category are the dinosaurs, which have been proven to be nothing more than fake bones buried by publishers of high school science textbooks. Many cryptids are simply misidentifications of known species, or those thought to be extinct, such as Big Bird, which was eventually identified as a bird wearing a man suit wearing a bird suit. Occasionally, a cryptid turns out to be a living animal. Such was once the case of the Komodo dragon, the giant squid, and me. The majority of cryptids remain simply “unconfirmed.” To become “confirmed,” the existence of a cryptid must be verified. Verification can be achieved by overwhelming photographic evidence, the capture of living or dead specimens, or by an interview with Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air. The king of all cryptids is unquestionably the mighty sasquatch, also known as Big Foot. Sasquatch is a bipedal, apelike creature, best known for being reclusive and hairy, having large feet, and being a moderately competent but very enthusiastic drummer. Though sasquatch are native to North America, similar versions of this creature are recognized on nearly every continent. The most noted cousin of sasquatch is a Tibetan creature known as Yeti, the abominable snowman, or honky sasquatch. Sasquatch is perhaps the most interesting cryptid because it bears such a striking resemblance to man. Based on anatomical descriptions, sasquatch may be the closest genetic relative of Homo sapiens. If this were true, it would boost mankind’s self-esteem quite a bit. At present, our closest genetic relative is the poo-flinging chimpanzee. Though chimps can be cute and amusing even while throwing poo, they are actually one of nature’s most accomplished species of rapists and murderers. Though the sasquatch is still technically considered a cryptid, evidence that sasquatch exist has become ever more convincing. So much evidence exists that the only remaining formality in the hunt for sasquatch is finding one and putting it in a zoo. Photographic and video evidence of sasquatch is so abundant that anyone who denies the existence of sasquatch is more than likely a sasquatch himself, trying to cover up for the growing number of more celebrity-minded sasquatch. The sasquatch was historically a very reclusive species. It was not until 1967 that the paparazzi team of Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin finally caught a sasquatch on film. These 952 frames of grainy film introduced the world to sasquatch and inadvertently gave sasquatch a first, sweet taste of the spotlight. The footage spread like wildfire. Most sasquatch were very upset about the publicity and redoubled their efforts to remain hidden from humans. A few other sasquatch, however, were more upset because of their inability to collect substantial royalties from the amateur film. Before long, a small group of sasquatch found representation and were almost immediately cast as extras in the 1968 film Planet of the Apes. Following the success of this film, Stanley Kubric gave them cameo roles in his epic 2001: A Space Odyssey. For two decades, these talented sasquatch were content with small parts, usually accepting roles as apes and/or hairy humanoid creatures. In 1987, everything changed when a sasquatch was finally given the lead role in a film. A sasquatch best known by his stage name, John Lithgow, shaved himself from head to toe and played the part of George Henderson in the family comedy Harry and the Hendersons. Several sasquatch auditioned for the role of Harry, but none could get the nuance needed for an “onscreen” sasquatch. The role of Harry was given to Kevin Peter Hall, who was actually a predator alien and later landed the role of the predator in Predator. Since Lithgow’s success, few other sasquatch have made significant inroads as mainstream celebrities, though many earn respectable livings as stunt actors, extras, and in grip/electric departments. Recently, a sasquatch gained some recognition for playing percussion with the Jack Black/Kyle Gass duo known as Tenacious D. This was a very short-lived collaboration, though the band remains on friendly terms with sasquatch. Now, for the one or two people who might remember that this article was supposed to be the second in a two-part proof of the existence of “ghostquatch,” I offer the following conciliation: none. Hey, be grateful for the limited cohesion these articles have on their own; don’t look for too much continuity from issue to issue.
The Cryptid Series: Graveyard Hounds In Indiana, United States How Geocaching Works Use of geocaching.com services is subject to the terms and conditions in our disclaimer Congrats to Graciedi for FTF! Welcome to the Cryptid series! I decided it would be interesting to let people know about the unknown or mysterious animals of our planet. I hope you guys will enjoy this, and I would appreciate if you sent me pictures of the landscape, (and any suspicious animals you see!) Grab some monster repellant and get out there! This creature has been reported as looking like an abnormally large black dog, sometimes as solid as a normal looking dog, other times it is ethereal or ghost-like. Its eyes are usually bright like lights, usually round and red like glowing embers. The creature is often reported to be the size of an adult bear or a large calf. Its fur often looks slightly shaggy or messy, often it appears to shimmer or glow like parts of it are on fire. Its teeth and fangs are long as well as its claws. In cultures that associate the afterlife with fire, graveyard hounds may have fire-based abilities and appearance. They are often assigned to guard the entrances to the world of the dead, such as graveyards and burial grounds, or undertake other duties related to the afterlife or the supernatural, such as hunting lost souls or guarding a supernatural treasure. In European legends, seeing a hellhound or hearing it howl may be either an omen of death. Some supernatural dogs, such as the Welsh Cŵn Annwn, were actually believed to be benign. However, encountering them was still considered to be a sign of imminent death. You are seeking a small LNL hidden head high. Keep one eye out for the cache & one eye out for the hounds! Fpvragvsvp anzr bs gur uvqvat fcbg: Npre fnppunevahz Last Updated: on 09/30/2016 07:27:57 Pacific Daylight Time (14:27 GMT) Coordinates are in the WGS84 datum
Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 18th, 2010 Cryptids of Haiti by Loren Coleman With attention focused on Haiti since January 12, 2010’s massive 7.0 earthquake, I thought it might be instructive to conduct a quick overview of what cryptids have been discussed in the past from that island nation and the area nearby. First, here is a bit of background about the biodiversity of the island. In 1925, Haiti was lush, with 60% of its original forest covering the lands and mountainous regions of the country. Since then, the population has cut down an estimated 98% of its original forest cover for use as fuel for cookstoves, and in the process has destroyed fertile farmland soils, contributing to desertification. Realistically, that leaves very few acres of the tropical forest available for known animals, let along cryptids. Since Haiti occupies the western third of the island of Hispaniola (with the Dominican Republic the eastern two-thirds), my survey will include a look at the cryptids reported for the entire island, as cryptids are not aware of political borders but only biological parameters. However, in the case of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, there may be a clearer dividing line than found in some other places in the world. See the photo below. Satellite image depicting the border between Haiti (left) and the Dominican Republic (right), 2002. Additionally, to understand where the animals (and cryptids) are, one must take into account the distribution of these forests, naturally. The climate of Hispaniola is generally humid and tropical resulting in four distinct ecoregions. The Hispaniolan moist forests ecoregion covers approximately 50% of the island, especially the northern and eastern portions, predominantly in the lowlands but extending up to 2100 meters elevation. The Hispaniolan dry forests ecoregion occupies approximately 20% of the island, lying in the rain shadow of the mountains in the southern and western portion of the island (thus Haiti) and in the Cibao valley in the center-north of the island. The Hispaniolan pine forests occupy the mountainous 15% of the island, above 850 meters elevation. The flooded grasslands and savannas ecoregion in the south central region of the island surrounds a chain of lakes and lagoons in which the most notable include that of Lake Azuei and Trou Caïman in Haiti and the nearby Lake Enriquillo in the Dominican Republic. What cryptids are significant for this island? Caribbean Crowing Snake Not to be confused with the Crested Snake Eating Bird, a form of the Basalisk, the major suspected cryptid from Haiti is the Caribbean Crowing Snake. In general, it is an unknown snake reported from a few places in the West Indies. Said to be four feet long, with a thick body, having a dull ochre color with dark spots, a pale red pyramidal crest like a rooster and scarlet wattles, one of its most unique features is that it crows like a rooster. Naturally, it eats chickens. The Caribbean Crowing Snake is reported from the eastern portion of Jamaica and Haiti. In 1829, a medical doctor saw a crested snake, dead and slightly decomposed, in Jamaica. A snake with wattles was shot in Jamaica on March 30, 1850, by the son of Jasper Cargill. (The primary source is Philip Henry Gosse’s The Romance of Natural History.) Caribbean Monk Seal The next cryptid is the Caribbean Monk Seal, a seal of the West Indies, which has been presumed extinct since 1952. Christopher Columbus saw these Caribbean “sea wolves” on the coast of Santo Domingo in 1494. His crew killed the first ones they saw and the destruction of the species continued by humans up through the 20th century. First scientifically described in 1850 as Monachus tropicalis, these brown seals with gray on its back were recorded to be seven to eight feet long. They are said to be unaggressive and approachable. The cryptid sightings have been off Haiti and Jamaica. In 1997, sixteen out of 93 Haitian and Jamaican fishermen interviewed claimed to have seen at least one Monk Seal in the previous two years. Nevertheless, five major surveys of former Monk Seal habitats have been conducted by trained naturalists since 1950, with no definite evidence of its survival past the last confirmed sighting off Seranilla Bank in 1952. (Primary source is I. L. Boyd and M. P. Stanfield’s “Circumstantial Evidence for the Presence of Monk Seals in the West Indies,” Oryx 32, 1998: 310–316.) West Indian Nesophontes Clear evidence of the next cryptids have been found, and the search continues for these animals. Presumed extinct since the 17th century, the hunt is active for the Nesophontes (sometimes called West Indies shrews), which are insectivores of the West Indies. Members of the Family Nesophontidae, eight known species may still exist, including the Haitian nesophontes (Nesophontes zamicrus) of Haiti, and the Cuban nesophontes (Nesophontes micrus) of Cuba and Haiti. These cryptids, the size of mice or rats, have a long snout, and, of course, eat insects. Besides being reported from Haiti, the search is on for them on Cuba and Puerto Rico. Fresh bone and tissue samples taken from barn owl pellets in Haiti in 1930 suggest a recent survival. Morgan and Woods wrote that some species survived until the early 20th century. The introduction of rodents and habitat destruction undoubtedly contributed to their demise. (Primary sources include, Gerrit S. Miller’s “Three Small Collections of Mammals from Hispaniola,” Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 82, 1930: 1–10, Morgan, G. S., and C. A. Woods’ “Extinction and the zoogeography of West Indian land mammals,” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 28, 1986: 167–203. and Bruce J. MacFadden’s “Rafting Mammals or Drifting Islands? Biogeography of the Greater Antillean insectivores Nesophontes and Solenodon,” Journal of Biogeography 7, 1980: 11–22.) Giant Cryptid Turtle Sometimes cryptid giant turtles turn out to be real. Photograph of Hoan Kiem Lake’s Giant Turtle. Credit Vietnam.net It is important to also mention that the Caribbean Sea south of Haiti has been the site of at least one well-discussed encounter with a large or giant turtle, mentioned, for example in Bernard Heuvelmans’ book and The Field Guide to Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents, and Other Mystery Denizens of the Deep (2003). The significant sighting for this region took place in early September 1494. As Christopher Columbus’ three caravels sailed east along the southern coast of the Dominican Republic, he and his crew saw a whale-sized turtle that kept its head out of the water. It had a long tail with a fin on either side. (Three sources are noteworthy, “The Life of the Admiral by His Son, Hernando Colon,” in J. M. Cohen, ed., The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus, New York: Penguin, 1969, p. 184; Bernard Heuvelmans’ In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents, New York: Hill & Wang, 1968, pp. 271, 564–565; and Ulrich Magin’s “In the Wake of Columbus’ Sea Serpent: The Giant Turtle of the Gulf Stream,” Pursuit, no. 78 (1987): 55–56.) Finally, the Latin American/Caribbean cryptid with the name translated from Spanish into English as “goat-sucker” must not be ignored for Haiti. While tabloid sensationalistic writers tend to talk about Chupacabras in Puerto Rico and Vodou in Haiti, the lore of the Chupacabras is not unknown in Hispaniola. Indeed, the Chupacabras is said to be called Ciguapas in the Dominican Republic and Maboya (“evil spirit”) in the language of the original peoples of Haiti, the Taíno/Arawakan. Described as bipedal, alert, four to five feet, and covered in short, gray fur, with spiny hair, the nocturnal Chupacabras of Hispaniola are said to be livestock killers here as they are throughout the Caribbean. The reports, which are concentrated from Puerto Rico, are much more active for the Dominican Republic versus Haiti, however. New Species Surprises From Hispaniola? As recently as 2001, what may be the world’s smallest reptile, the tiny (0.63 inch) Jaragua sphaero gecko (Sphaerodactylus ariasae) was discovered on Isla Beata, Dominican Republic, by S. Blair Hedges and Richard Thomas. Its size is comparable to S. parthenopion (0.71 inches long), found only on Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands, which was discovered in 1965 by Thomas. Needless to say, with the earthquake relief effort rightfully the foremost concern in the minds of those in Haiti now, cryptozoology is not even remotely on their radar. Nevertheless, for me, understanding the cryptozoology of the area gave me a clearer view of the whole situation. If like me, you wish to assist the Haitian relief effort, click here to respond to Dominican Republic native David Ortiz’s appeal and the Red Sox Foundation’s promise that 100% of the donations received will be used to support UNICEF efforts in Haiti. Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 26th, 2010 Today’s Portland Press Herald entertainment section, Go, highlights the International Cryptozoology Museum on their cover, as “Strange, weird, offbeat and downright wacky Maine,” or inside, at the end of an article entitled, “Et cetera: Only in MAINE.” Author Shannon Bryan’s essay celebrates the “human ingenuity and natural processes have left weird and entertaining marks on our state.” As the final paragraph, Bryan writes: “No roundup of the weird would be complete without Loren Coleman’s International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland. The museum, located beyond the shelves full of wonderfully odd reading material at the Green Hand Bookshop, displays Coleman’s monster collection. That is, his collection devoted to so-called monsters like Bigfoot, white-haired Yeti and the Loch Ness monster. The museum includes Sasquatch hair samples and footprint casts, an encased Fiji mermaid and a range of intriguing skulls, replicas and pop-culture memorabilia. Meanwhile, on Monday, docent coordinator and museum curator Jeff Meuse, along with docents Philip and Jamison, moved in two new heavy five foot long glass display cases, formerly used in the PX at the Brunswick Navy base. Jeff and I spent the last few days reorganizing the Sea Serpent, Loch Ness Monsters, Mokele-Mbembe and related cryptoaquatic areas to incorporate the new cases. The new platform allows a better curating of the Lee Murphy Cadborosaurus too. The FeeJee Mermaid has been installed in a better location, near the popular items. Amber Waterman/Sun Journal A one-of-a-kind movie prop from the 1999 A&E movie “P.T. Barnum” depicts the FeeJee Mermaid. Information on the creator, an artist in Quebec, is found in the museum. Other areas have gotten a remake due to the shifting around, and the cryptid-Pleistocene mammal section is undergoing some changes. Furthermore, due to the publication of… Monsters of New Jersey by Loren Coleman and Bruce G. Hallenbeck… I have reorganized all the Jersey Devil collection in a more central, visible location, due to the publication date of the book and the questions that are arising because of it. Meanwhile, another new taxidermy mount has been added this week, a beautiful taxidermy item representing the megafauna of Africa, a blue wildebeest. More on how this ties into cryptozoology, at another time, unless a comment maker wants to beat me to the punch. More later. Back to curating. Patrons’ and supporters’ donations are greatly appreciated, and keep us an alive and ever-changing museum. Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 Paranormal London: A Q & A With Neil Arnold As you'll know, a few days ago I reviewed Neil Arnold's new book, Paranormal London. Well, Neil was good enough to take part in a Q&A about his book (which we did yesterday), and which is related below, and focuses heavily on cryptozoology. Enjoy the interview and enjoy Paranormal London! Nick: Neil, broadly speaking, what is Paranormal London about? Neil: I was approached by a big publisher in the UK to write a book on London within their 'Paranormal' series, and felt it was a chance to cover material rarely, if at all, published previously. They wanted the book to cover any mysteries pertaining to the capital. Nick: You're very well known for your cryptozoological research, but Paranormal London covers other areas too, such as UFOs and ghosts. Do you have an overall interest in Forteana? Neil: No I don't. I used to when I was around thirteen-years-old, but have become almost bored by UFOs, ghosts, etc. However, I knew that by writing 'Paranormal London' I couldn't leave out such mysteries. I think the fields have become saturated and regurgitative. Nick: London and its surrounding areas have long histories of reports of exotic cats. Can you outline some of the cases, and your views on where the cats came from and still are coming from? Neil: I didn't want the sightings of exotic cats to be mentioned in the book as they aren't paranormal. However, the book enabled me to cover some London stories of a mysterious nature. I've researched sightings of 'big cats' across the world since I was around nine-years old and am still surprised that it's considered a mystery. A majority of animals we see in the UK are offspring of animals which were released in the '60s and '70s when it was quite the fad to purchase leopard, puma etc. However, there are many sightings and cases which date back centuries previous, which would point to escapees/releases from private collections and travelling menageries which were in abundance across the UK. The problem is, this mystery has been lumped alongside UFOs, ghosts etc, which is ridiculous. When there are silly reports in the UK of lions, cheetahs and tigers, the press have a field day and then when these animals aren't found, they are deemed supernatural. Lions and tigers would escape from a zoo on occasion but wouldn't exist in the wilds of the UK. The US is slightly different; drug dealers are certainly purchasing Bengal tigers and these have escaped. There are sightings of black cats throughout the US and also Europe and Australia. It's a worldwide situation. I don't believe zoos or circuses are to blame. There is such a naivety to the situation in the UK. Puma and lynx (which was once native to the UK) could easily survive. There is plenty of prey and cover, and no-one is actually looking for them. In the UK, alongside the 'Beast of Exmoor' and 'Beast of Bodmin', the most famous mytsery felid is the 'Surrey Puma' which was seen in the leafy suburbs around the 1960s, although sightings persist today, but not of the same animal. There have also been a few silly headlines which I've covered, such as the Edgware tiger and the Winchmore Hill lioness. In 2001 a lynx was caught in a back garden in Cricklewood. Nick: There's a chapter in the book on London's Highgate Vampire. What is your opinion on this mystery? Neil: The Highgate 'vampire' was a malevolent spirit which succumbed to petty politics, press intrusion and inaccuracy, hoaxing and satanism. There most definitely was something lurking in this old cemetery in the '60s and early '70s, but inadequate research and silly headlines meant that pretty much all you read today about the case is very foggy. It's a fascinating case, concerning a seven-foot tall, black, red-eyed mass said to have prowled the Gothic Highgate Cemetery in North London. It's just a shame the term 'vampire' was applied! Reports do still occur, but there's no suggestion that a blood-drinking monster haunts the place. Nick: What do you think about the flying creatures of London you describe in the book, such as the Brentford Griffin? Neil: When you walk through London, it's amazing how much architecture represents monsters. And dragons feature heavily. There have been some strange reports over the years of weird, winged creatures. But again, I'm of the opinion that such things are either hoaxes or connected to the human psyche, and once the press get hold of the story it starts to get stronger, a snowball effect. If you believe in something enough it starts to happen! I doubt a griffin was seen over Brentford in the mid-1980s, but when you consider the local football team play at Griffin Park, the coat of arms for the place is a harbours a griffin, and there's also the Griffin pub. It's quite uncanny. However, one person's griffin is another's dragon. Strange, albeit snake-like flying serpents were recorded over Hammersmith in the 1700s, but clearly these aren't flesh and blood creatures. Dragons are probably the most celebrated mythical creatures which are embedded in our culture, and for some reason, they are seen infrequently. Nick: What other cryptids roam London? Neil: I don't like the term cryptid - mainly because a majority of the 'monsters' seen not just in London, but over the world, aren't creatures awaiting discovery, but instead are 'zooform phenomena'. London's history is peppered with stories of out of place animals, however - in the River Thames there have been reports of a shark, whales, a leather-back turtle, walking catfish and an alligator. In the sewers: giant rats; in the skies: eagles, vulture's and insect swarms; and of course on the streets: large, exotic cats, and hundreds of cases of escaped animals from baboons, monkeys, elephant's, kangaroos, wolves and wallabies. There are also so-called 'monsters' recorded throughout the capital and some hilarious monster hoaxes too. Nick: What's your favorite paranormal story from London? Neil: There are so many weird paranormal stories throughout London folklore. I tried to write about a few obscure ghost and UFO cases, but the weirdest paranormal stuff concerns phantom animals - the hellhound of the old Newgate prison, the spectral ape which visited a Hampstead man, the ghostly birds, mainly the 'poultrygeist' - a ghostly chicken said to haunt Pond Square in Highgate, and not forgetting phantom bears, ghost cats and the phantom assailants such as Spring-Heeled Jack. Nick: What's next for you re lectures, investigations and books? Neil: I have finished a book regarding 'beasts of London', which is possibly going to be published by the CFZ for their 'Mystery Animals...' series. It's a great book because it digs deeper into some of the cases in 'Paranormal London', but also looks at menageries and escapees, zoo escapees, spectral creatures, monsters and weird creatures found in the local rivers, streams and ponds, as well as giant birds, insects, mystery cats - this chapter proves that animals were purchased in abundance back in the 1960s as pets. I've also written a local book called Haunted Rochester which is where I live and known for its Charles Dickens connections, and I'm also doing Haunted Maidstone, Paranormal Sussex, Cryptozoology In The Movies, and a book on 'big cats'. I conduct several lectures a week and am often in the field mainly concerning my research into exotic cats. More information can be found at: http://www.beastsoflondon.blogspot.com and http://www.kentbigcats.blogspot.com
|Mongolian Death Worm| |First Sighting||1000 years ago| |Country||Mongolia, Middle East, Asia, North Africa| The Mongolian Death Worm's native name, Olgoi-Khorkhoi, means "intestine worm", due to its red blood-like color, and size, which is the size of an intestine. It has been described by many to be from 2-7ft long, have the ability to spit out a corrosive yellow saliva and to generate blasts of electricity. However this latter power is thought of as being folkloric by the nomads of the Gobi. Western culture has come to call this monster the "Mongolian Death Worm." Mongolian nomads believe the giant worm covers its prey with an acidic substance that turns everything a corroded yellow colour. Legend says that as the creature begins to attack it raises half its body out of the sand and starts to inflate until it explodes, releasing the lethal poison all over the unfortunate victim. The poison is so venomous that the prey dies instantly. Livestock and humans are supposed to be its main prey. Because Mongolia had been under Soviet control until 1990, very little was known about the Death Worm in the West. In recent years, investigators have been able to look for evidence of the creature’s existence. Ivan Mackerle, one of the leading Loch Ness Monster detectives, studied the region and interviewed many Mongolian people about the worm. Due to the sheer volume of sightings and strange deaths, he came to the conclusion that the Death Worm was more than just legend. Nobody is entirely sure what the worm actually is. Experts are certain it is not a real worm because the Gobi Desert is too hot an area for annelids to survive. Some have suggested it might be a skink, but they have little legs and scaly skin whereas witness accounts specify the worm is limb-less and smooth bodied. The most probable explanation is that the deathworm is a new species of amphisbaenia or worm-lizard, a group of burrowing reptiles. Although the native Mongolian people are convinced of the Death Worm’s nature, it will take more years of research to satisfy the rest of the world’s scientific community. In 2005 an expedition from the Centre for Fortean Zoology crossed a thousand miles of the Gobi on the track of the deathworm. They concluded it was probably a large, unknown type of worm lizard and that the powers attributed to it were apocryphal. The main antagonists in the film 'Tremors' were based upon this Cryptid. The.The creature was also shown on Beast Hunter,Lost Tapes And Freak Encounters.
Remember yesterday's creeptastic news report about a ghoul shambling through the Louisiana woods? Bad news, cryptid fans — this creature is now being pegged as some extraterrestrial horror from the Steven Spielberg-produced and J.J. Abrams-directed alien flick Super 8. According to Movieweb, this image is Super 8 viral marketing that began on a hunting supply site's Facebook page and wended its way to mainstream media: It first appeared on Wildgame Innovation's Facebook page. It is a picture reportedly snapped by a deer hunter on a reserve in Berwick, near Morgan City, Louisianna [sic]. It was originally being passed off as real, but now inside sources close to the production say its actually a viral image from Super 8. There is even video from a young Weirton, West Virginia extra called "Crying Girl", who talks about having a run in with this creature in the movie. In the (fairly mundane) video, the girl talks about being trapped on a plane, where a "zombie" attacks her and her mother. Frankly, I'm of the mind that these "viral marketing" allegations are just a cover-up for the chupacabra factory Uncle Sam's running down in the Louisiana bayou.
Follow Me on Twitter Last night, my girlfriend and I went to a Chicago Pizza Deep Dish Style Joint. That’s its name. I’ll wait for Tdarcos to look that up and confirm there’s no place in Denver called that and return. All right, thanks. So you can get many diffe– everyone wants the pepperoni deep dish but sometimes you don’t want to look like a ham machine in front of your lady, so you entertain the idea of going in there and getting a health pie. Okay, she’s not a killjoy, it was me. For some reason I started enjoying green peppers, onions and artichoke on pizza now in a way that is a complete betrayal to young me. I ordered the deep dish for us with those toppings. To young me, I might as well have done so in a Yankees jersey. They say that it takes them 35 minutes to make the deep dish pie, so that means everyone else in the place is gonna get theirs first because some people go in there and order thin crust, which is this whole other thing. The couple in the booth behind us got their deep dish and they ordered a pizza with bacon on it. I know that bacon as a meme is a really tired thing the Internet ruined, but like Kate Upton on the cover of Sports Illustrated, sometimes you get a reminder why something got popular in the first place. The entire place smelled briefly of bacon. That’s a pretty great scent to have wafting around. I said to my girlfriend that ordering a bacon deep dish pie is the exact opposite of going to a bar’s jukebox and queuing up the entirety of The Steve Miller Band’s Greatest Hits. Now, regardless of what you thought of that line, she didn’t think it was funny and I insisted that it was. I tweeted it and one person clicked “favorite” and that person has the exact same sense of humor I do. So MAYBE it’s not as uproarious as I thought it was. But the point I was making is that we’ve all heard The Steve Miller Band’s Greatest Hits 1974-1978 a million times. That is not an exaggeration. Look at this thing. Everyone has seen this and heard it way too many times: I don’t mean “Everyone born in North America has heard it,” I mean everyone on Earth. When those scientists found that one tribe in the Amazon that hadn’t made contact with civilization, the natives shot arrows toward their boat, and the arrowheads all had inscribed some runes upon them that directly translated into the tabs for “Dance Dance Dance.” I am not even saying it is a BAD album. Wintertime is one of the 200 best songs ever made. The Joker would have been as well if not for the fact that America’s radio stations haven’t gone more than 5 minutes without playing it since its release (helpfully noted in the album’s title to be sometime between 1974 and 1978). I’m just saying that trapping the denizens of a bar with that album — it’s 14 tracks long and it’s important to remember that you’ve got to endure “True Fine Love” and “The Stake” before getting to The Joker — is the opposite of a nice smell in a bar. Anyway, so, here’s the thing: someone playing the entirety of the Steve Miller Band Greatest Hits 1974-1978 on a jukebox actually happened to me in a bowling alley when I went home to Rochester one year. Doing this in a bowling alley is even more fiendish than doing it in a bar because you’ve already paid for the lane after someone in your party throws that first gutterball. You’re locked in! At least with a bar there exists the possibility of putting down cash and leaving. I’m not even getting into the fact that this happened in Rochester, another notch for my hometown’s belt. That is what is what I am saying. (Well, I’m not saying that any more because nobody enjoys this.) Anyway, if I had more drive, my version of Taken with Robb Sherwin instead of Liam Neeson would have me finding the jukebox guy who did this. 10 years later I’m still reeling. I will be continuing the top 100 list soon, but I’d like to take an opportunity to re-introduce a radio show that I’m on. The name of the show is called The Don Rogers Show. I have been tweeting about it and I’m sorry if I have annoyed everyone. I’ll shut up about it. I’m going to start putting the episodes on the Internet Archive, but in the meantime you can download old episodes here. So, my deal is that I try to make a text adventure every few years and that’s where all my good stuff is. If you are tired of the wait, this is as good as anything I’ve ever done. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you join me in this continuing audio adventure. Robb: Please let me know when you have seen it. Ben: I have seen it. Robb: Just watching from when the garage door closes till the end over and over. Robb: That is all I will ever be watching again on this computer. Ben: That’s pretty much the only thing worth doing with the rest of our lives. Robb: Walt keeps ESCALATING. Robb: Every single sentence. Robb: Except when his hand was up. Robb: Every other sentence ESCALATED. Robb: Meanwhile, Dexter still acts like nobody involved knows it’s the last season. Robb: Just watched the last five minutes again, and Robb: This is the first time I have ever used the “repeat loop” function of VLC for something other than porn. Ben: Didn’t watch Dexter yet. Ben: They were on at the same time. Ben: My wife and I both expressed relief, since it meant we wouldn’t have to watch Dexter. Robb: Yeah, I think the ultimate insult to Dexter and ultimate compliment to BB would be to just not download the last episodes of Dexter. Robb: Just never know how it ends, because fuck that fucking piece of garbage and fuck it again compared to this. Ben: Breaking Bad also didn’t do any favors to the show that premiered after it. Same thing happened with Walking Dead when it started. I’m sure it’s a fine show, but Jesus, everything looks like packaged, steamed crap after that. Robb: They put Walking Dead on after Breaking Bad? Ben: Yeah, when it first premiered. Ben: And I was like “this suuuucks.” Which I now disagree with, but I mean… come on, AMC. Robb: AMC’s schedule should have been the last five minutes of this show. Even back when it was not created yet. Robb: It should have been a title card that said, “Hank Confronts Walt Scene” Robb: And leave that up for two hours afterwards. Ben: I enjoyed the Star Trek discussion. Robb: I liked the part where those stoned idiots were not aware that the replicator was not in TOS. Robb: It was all excellent. Robb: And it would have been a better episode than 50% of TOS. Robb: And 100% of Voyager and Enterprise. Robb: And to clarify, I mean Matt Jones explaining the episode > all of Voyager, all of Enterprise. Robb: If they filmed it, clearly so, but even the version we got. Ben: That scene was better than every episode of Star Trek except for Best of Both Worlds and the one Harlan Ellison wrote for the original series. Robb: Let’s not get crazy, but yes. Robb: I also like that lots of people lost weight, because they are famous now. Ben: Aaaaah! Interesting. Interesting. Robb: Badgur, Hanq and Skylarr all lost weight. Robb: They are all now truly, irrevocably famous, forever. Robb: And I think Skinny Pete dropped half a pound. Ben: I didn’t notice that. NICE CATCH. Skaylur was thin to begin with, though, then ballooned, so maybe she just saw herself in a mirror in between shoots. Robb: The black guy seems to have gained some, but, welp. Ben: Mostly on the top of his head. Robb: OH MY GOD Robb: DID YOU NOTICE THAT Robb: YOU ALSO NOTICED THAT Robb: I started fucking around with the “pincushion” button on my monitor. Robb: I thought I was going to have to buy a new tube! Ben: The top of his head is the pile of mashed potatoes in Close Encounters. Robb: The top of his head is where the American missiles shot out of in “The Day After.” Ben: His head is Stewie Griffin sideways. Robb: I will post this as our Breaking Bad analysis. Robb: Oh, I can’t Select All from gchat anymore. Robb: Thanks Google. Robb: Fucking thanks, Google. Ben: you have to download their Chrome Select-All App now. (Editor’s note: the last bit concerns the fact that Ben lives in Albuquerque and ordered a pizza from the place where the pizza pies come from in Breaking Bad. Ben and I have had previous discussions about how nobody that works there knows how to take an order over the phone and nobody that works there seems to comprehend that if you show up, you might order some pie. They act like you are an idiot for calling them or asking them about pizza.) Ben: Oh dude. Ben: Venezia’s (Pizza), right? Because of BB… Robb: Love that place. Ben: Check it, I got the 24″ PARTY PIE. Ben: Just like on the show. Robb: I’ve never dared! Ben: The giant fucking pie. Ben: They’re $3 off on Sunday so everyone was gettin’ ’em. Ben: The greatest thing I’ve ever seen. Ben: And I was able to get it without any of the staff apparently understanding what was going on or why I was there! Robb: You got one for tonight’s show? Ben: Yes. Breaking Bad Party Pie Yo! Robb: They have no idea why anyone was there tonight. Robb: How can you not know? If you work there. Ben: “Hi, I’d like a 24″ pie with pepperoni, please.” “/quizzical look… hands off to coworker standing nearby.” Robb: Ha hahahaha Robb: They don’t know why you would just call up and order a pizza…. and they don’t know why you would order from them, tonight. Ben: “Lemme get this straight, A, you want a “pizza”. B, you want it NOW.” Ben: “Let me talk to my manager.” Robb: Employee’s index finger does circles around her ear Ben: ‘By the way, “how long do you think that’ll be.’ “30 minutes.” I came back in 12 minutes, because I know more about pies than they do, and a minute later it was ready. Ben: I think she thought that since it’s twice the size of their normal pie that it takes twice as long to cook. Robb: I feel that we know more about them and what they will be doing at that job. Robb: We could show up and predict what their evening would be like, and to those animals it would be like when the one guy who knew science in 1312 could predict eclipses. Robb: “13 minutes from now the pie will be done” Robb: “You will get an uptick of business at the time a certain show starts on AMC” Robb: “Two people will ask you not to cut it” Ben: HAhahh I almost… I almost… Ben: But I knew it was going to be enough of an ordeal getting them to prepare any kind of food product. Robb: Just bringing the thing into the world, though it be their raison d’etre would be tough enough, you felt. Robb: We would literally be like dark seers, or witches, except for the fact that we’ve had so much of their pie that no witch clothing would fit us. Ben: The WIDE TEMPLAR. Ben: Alright, that’s it for me. Ben: TREAD LIGHTLY You want to LORD over the stars! You always have! But you’ve grown up now, had a few kids, cleaned up more than your share of dog diarrhea off the couch, and you’re not sure you have it in you anymore. Maybe you’re not the "type" to lord over stars anymore. Maybe that’s for the youngsters anymore. The young bucks. Well, what if the stars looked like THIS: Yeah! YEAH! You’re ready to fucking LORD OVER SOME STARS NOW ain’t ya? Of course you are, which is why I am happy to let you all know about the upcoming SPACE 4X GAME: STAR LORDS!!! I will be "championing" this game here, because I believe it will be the one space 4x game we’ve always wanted. It is in early alpha now, but already it is showing signs of being the "chosen one". I mean, Christ! You wanna lord over some stars?? During your 4X-ing, you will of course come across other alien cultures, the exact same way you have since the genre was invented! Look, I am not saying this is going to break any ground here! I am just saying it’s going to take you back to when 4X was fun, and look great while doing it! Look! These alien cultures are about to go to war, because, you know, that’s what they do! And unlike many recent space 4X offerings, when they go to war, you don’t just get a pretty "combat resolution" screen. You go to FUCKING BATTLE!!! In a TACTICAL BATTLE MAP!!! One… one simple word comes to mind here: Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted? Since MOO, I mean? Of course it is. And that is why you should PRE-ORDER THE GAME for $20! Like I said, it’s in early alpha, some of the features are currently a little sketchy, and the user interface, while functional, how can I say it politely, "kinda blows wombat ass": But that doesn’t matter. That’ll get fixed in time. And now it’s YOUR time, to feel young, as when the world was new! It is YOUR time… …to be a STAR LORD. When it comes to "foods people could eat every day", did you know that Chicken Tikka Masala is the only dish that appears on EVERY HUMAN BEING’S LIST OF THOSE FOODS? That’s right! Even the die-hardest seventh-level Vegan cannot resist shovelling this shit into their mouths on a daily basis! FUN FAX: Did you know "chicken tikka masala" was actually invented in England? Because those banger-eating square-headed warm-beer-drinking a-holes couldn’t be bothered to learn appreciation for actual Indian food? It’s true, I think! Now, everyone knows that the best version of Chicken Tikka Masala available anywhere in the world is actually in your local supermarket’s freezer section: I’ve been all around the world and had CTM in thousands, THOUSANDS of different countries and restaurants, and this little frozen box is the best one of all of them. However, you and I are BOYCOTTING these rat bastards, because they recently replaced half of the curry in the box with RICE. I don’t need RICE, you idiots. I got RICE. I know how to cook RICE. Gimme the goddamn STEW, you FAGGOTS. Plus, who has the time and money to go to the store and microwave a box of food? Nobody! However, we all have the time and money to go to the store and cook it fresh! But we don’t have a LOT of time or money, and plus we are not good at following complicated directions, which is why we need: Ben’s Famous "Fast ‘n’ Easy(tm)" Chicken Tikka Masala Alright. There’s two parts to this. The chicken, and the sauce. So as not to OVERWHELM your Scotch-addled brain with too much at once, we’ll cover these separately: – a couple chicken bresses – a cup of plain yogurt – juice of 1 lemon – 1 teaspoon each: salt, pepper, cumin, cinammon, red pepper (optional, for heat) 1. Cut chicken bresses into 1 inch cubes. 2. Mix yogurt, lemon, and spices together. 3. Put chicken in there, and let marinate for an hour. Normally I’d say "overnight", but this is FAST N GODDAMN EASY. 4. Cook the chicken, however you find FASTEST AND EASIEST. Me, I’d just throw that shit under the broiler for ten minutes, but you got your own life to live. – 1 tbsp butter – Couple cloves of garlic, minced – 1 cup (8oz can) tomato sauce – 2 tsp garam masala (you can find this! at your store! in the spices!) – 1 tsp coriander (or just substitute another tsp garam masala) – 1 tsp each salt, pepper, paprika, cumin, sugar, red pepper (optional, for heat) – 1 cup heavy cream 1. Cook garlic in the butter for a minute. 2. Add tomato sauce and spices, stir and let simmer for five minutes. 3. Add cream, and let sauce simmer until thickened to the DESIRED THICKNESS. Which is thinner than you might think. It should coat the back of a spoon, but not hold its shape in the pan at all. FINISHING IT UP 1. Add chicken to sauce, simmer until warmed through. 2. Make some goddamn rice. 3. Garnish with chopped cilantro if you have any. 4. GO TO TOWN! I’m here to answer your questions. Today a bunch of hot air balloons flew over our place! Like, close enough where the people in them were saying, not yelling, “Mornin'” and taking pictures of us while we took pictures back. Apparently in this area that’s not a big deal, but it was by far the coolest thing that’s ever happened to me. Well, I decided right then and there that I would get totally into hot air balloons for at least the rest of the day. “How do you steer them?” I asked myself! “How do you pilot them?” I asked myself!! “WTF?!!” I asked myself! Then I stopped screwing around and reminded myself “Hey, there’s probably a hot air balloon simulator somewhere.” There is! It’s only 2D, but in terms of learning how balloons work and simulating control of one, this seems pretty spot on, as there are only two controls: make the air in the balloon hotter, make the air in the balloon not as hot. Using those controls you are tasked with completing… a task (going somewhere, then turning around and landing where you started), and like all great human endeavors, it seems incredibly stupid and simplistic before you start, but then you realize it isn’t. So my COOL OF THE DAY is: And the most frightening thing I learned today was the answer to my original question, “how do you steer them?” Which is, in a very literal sense: You don’t. The above link will give you due appreciation of that fact. Here was the balloon that said “Mornin'”, if you want to play along at home. They eventually landed in the backyard of the house about three down from ours. I mean, imagine walking out of your house in the morning, looking up and seeing this. Wouldn’t you be, like, “whoa”? We were like, “whoa”. There is a movie in development called Wreck-It Ralph. I hope it makes a billion dollars and everyone involved had that moment where they go see it in a theater and sneak in some scotch to celebrate a job well done, because if I worked on movies I’d totally sneak in a little bit of the old Johnny Dapper when a movie I worked on premiered. I know this because I don’t work in movies and still bring a flask. I want those things for the crew behind Ralph because I am a liker, and I like things. But then there’s stuff like this promotional poster: Ha ha! Remember those guys from that game??! Rather than face the outrage of this insult a moment longer, I took my concerns to Twitter, which left me about a million characters short to express anything meaningful on the subject. Not that I didn’t try. My pal Jason asked me if I would have thought the same about Who Framed Roger Rabbit? It’s different, but I sure wasn’t going to be able to express that on Twitter. And please keep in mind that none of this is really as annoying in the real world as a paper cut or a stubbed toe, but let me be a crazy person anyway. The fun parts, to me, of Roger Rabbit involve the plot of Bob Hoskins trying to solve a crime in this unique world we’re presented with. I don’t want to call Eddie Valiant a classic noir protagonist, because I haven’t seen it enough times to name his characteristics, prejudices and arc by memory, but he does wear a trench coat and is a private eye, so let’s go with that. I like noir. Photographs of Jessica Rabbit literally playing patty-cake is hilarious. Roger Rabbit has an annoying voice, but isn’t annoying. That’s amazing. It really has a great script. I think reasonable people agree it’s a good movie, maybe even a great one. I’m sure it’s hundreds of spots below Seven Samurai and the bed jumping scene of Return of the King on IMDB, but what good, maybe great movie isn’t. With that in mind, I couldn’t have cared less about all the other cartoon characters they tried to cram into Who Framed Roger Rabbit?. The part where Donald Duck and Daffy Duck engage in dueling pianos was stupid and dragged. Maybe if Elmer Fudd was actually murdering denizens of ToonTown with a sawed-off shotgun that’d be something and a decent use of all the characters the filmmakers licensed, but all the other appearances were fan fictiony. Seeing Dolan Duck in the background of frames 1,023 through 1,046 isn’t just automatically interesting to me. (Popeye wasn’t in it, I remember. I always liked that. I felt like he was on my side. If you have a guy who eats spinach all the time not do something that apparently every other character who had ever been in an animation cel agreed to then you know he is standing up for his principles.) I don’t know anything about the movie of Wreck-It Ralph, other than the fact that the plot (an arcade bad guy trying to make good) is perfectly fine on its own. That’s a legitimate idea for a movie, and I am going to try my best to make some kids tonight so I can bring them to the theater and they can enjoy it when it gets released. OK I was gonna do that anyway, bow chicka bow. But what would be even better than Q*bert and Slick being destitute in a promotional image (and the image is great, don’t get me wrong) would be a Q*bert movie. Written by Warren Davis and/or Jeff Lee. It’s their stuff! I know I am crazy when it comes to this, and that’s fine. I think that you get a special relationship with the character of Q*bert when you are soaked in sweat on a summer day trying to figure out why your Q*bert machine is spontaneously resetting in a cool basement. You develop a thing for Mr. Do! when you accidentally push it down the stairs to your game room and spend 20 hours over two days trying to get the thing working again. I mean, there was a stretch of time, before Mr. Do! was famous, where kids went into an arcade and sized the thing up. They knew nothing about it. The game became a thing we (well, er, I) still care about 30 years later because it was awesome and amazing and interesting on its own merits. We’re now living in a world where the interesting stuff to consume increased exponentially and I think it’s cheating to shove the heads of Pengo and the Lode Runner down in the water so you can float a little yourself. So. Maybe Kazutoshi Ueda will get unfrozen from whatever cybernetic think tank the world stashed him into when he was done creating the masterpiece Mr. Do!. Maybe he wants to make a screenplay! Maybe that was his lifelong dream, I don’t know. The character of Bugs Bunny wasn’t going to have possible future films closed to him based on how Roger Rabbit did, but arcade characters have nowhere near that much pull. This is probably it for them. I just think it’d be cool for the people who developed the games in the first place to have their opportunities (as — last I heard — the games Joust and Asteroids do), rather than prop up this other thing, Wreck-It Ralph, that ought to die or flourish based on its own qualities. … Oh. And regardless of how dramatic I was being over Twitter, I would still maintain that a Food Fight movie staring a kid whose jaw can dislodge to ten times its normal size would be an amazing disaster movie. My game Cryptozookeeper won some awards last weekend. There were many categories — you can see the list of winners here, the transcript of the on-line ceremony here, and the list of nominees here. With the XYZZY Awards, I closed a chapter of my life. It took five years to make the game, and it’s been 9 months since I released it. In all that time, for every semi-exotic animal I encountered, my first thoughts were “Can I get a picture?” and “What cryptid would it make if crossed with MAN?” It’s different now. I jogged by the Denver Zoo with my girlfriend the other night. (Well, we weren’t what you would call extremely close, but elephants carry a scent that make the entire world seem tightly packed.) It was just a jog. There weren’t any thoughts of getting a ladder to scale the fence and a gas mask to snap some pics for the game. In the aftermath, I realize I really left some things by the wayside. My house is a mess. A raccoon ate my chimney two years ago and I haven’t put the new panels I painted up. The sunflowers depicted in this Caltrops thread basically took over my entire back yard in the summers that followed. I have to clean that area up. I have dear friends I haven’t called on the phone to chat with, family members I haven’t been in proper contact with, and someone said something about a black President?? I’ve tried to thank everyone a zillion times since I put this game out there. But I wanted there to be one last spot where I did so. Gerrit, who played Vest, was the first guy I involved in the production: he sent me source pictures according to the snippets of plot I gave him over the course of three or four years. He kept the same purple shirt and his beard the same length to make it easy for me to digitally-manipulate him into New Mexico. There was something inspiring about another round of source pics. There were very few actual pictures of the player character in Fallacy of Dawn — mostly because my brother had aged 10 years from the main head shot I used. But there’s lots of Gerrit in this, and I think it makes the attempt at storytelling more complete. Jonathan Blask’s scenes were shot in a hotel room in Las Vegas, during the 2007 Classic Gaming Expo. I remember that text game folks Nick Montfort, Adam Thornton and Jason Scott were around for this. Jason generously let me borrow his camera, which was clutch because half of the shots I took of Jon with my camera were blurry and unusable. Adam was also great sport, being OK with getting divided him in half, in Photoshop, to exteeeeeeeend him and create a giant mass of a man in Igor Cytserz. I knew a couple things that would happen when I asked Alex to play Lebbeus: I knew he would knock it out of the park, and I knew it might take a year or two for him to get me the source shots. Both were right! I had no idea that in making this game he would introduce me to my dear friend Jennifer, who played Bleem in the house party scene. I met them both in Edinburgh three years ago, and the friendships that this silly little sci-fi game inspired will always be the thing I treasure most. Clint Hoagland was incredibly generous to offer up his music to me. Clint and knew each other through Caltrops and I find him to be a kindred soul — I think, in another lifetime, under different circumstances, we would both be pursuing our creative passions full-time, but instead we’re, ah, in IT. I must have listened to his wonderful songs a thousand times each while making the game, and in putting that link in this article, I played Everything Seems Perfect one more time. I will always be grateful to Dayna for putting up with me during the first few years of work on this game. I know I didn’t make it easy. She also introduced me to Alana, who played Jane — I knew I needed one genuinely nice character in the game, and Alana just has this sweetness about her that shines through. She’s adjusting the mannequin’s tie on the back of the DVD box, and I think that little black and white shot captures what a thoughtful person she is. Greg, Lysander, Worm and hygraed from this website’s forum tested Crypto over and over again in the first couple of years, and Jon Blask, Marius, Michael, Johnny and Flack gave me tons of feedback to allow me to actually get it out the door. They found so many amazing things — when Deanna reacts to Grimloft in the end game? That was because Michael noted it in his transcripts. (Michael’s transcripts, in particular, were a delight to read, just filled with advice, questions he forced me to think about and more than a couple plot holes I was able to solve.) I was also greatly aided by people who only had a chance to run through parts of the game for a little bit: to Bananadine, Last, Juhana, Pinner, Brian, Sorrel, Zseni and Mike Sousa — I owe you all a debt. (Oh, and Tdarcos as well, of course! The word “humbled” can also apply to his experiences with the game. Needless to say, I will be considering players that are new to text adventures in a way I didn’t when I started Crypto.) I had blogged before about how my friend Randy is responsible for the game looking like it does — he runs a haunted house – but I didn’t get a chance to mention that we also got together with our friend Dusty and put him in some old robes to “be” Ukilicoz. I am blessed to have so many friends like Sarge, Vark, Worm and Pinner show trust in me that I would make them look good in my text game. Lastly, my girlfriend has been wonderful throughout this (waves hands) all of this. I took her to see Get Lamp, and she has met some of my friends that I’ve met through interactive fiction enthusiasm, but this is… this is a bit of an esoteric hobby that so many of us are into. I don’t have a good answer as to why I’m not just trying to write a book, except for the fact that I feel so strongly for IF. She’s been amazing. That so many people enjoyed the game I worked on means the world to me, and all I can say is that you have my promise that I’ll throw as much blood into the ones in the future as I did this one. Thank you. I remain humbled. Five years is entirely too long to spend on a single video game. I’ll never do so again. It was April of 2006 when I took SHELL.HUG from the Internet Archive and started the process of creating Cryptozookeeper. I had done two games that had handy labels attached to them so they could be easily described to potential players (“D&D creatures attack a mall! Clones on Phobos!”). Those games, of course, came from a much more personal place. I didn’t have much personal left to say when I started Crypto, so I thought it would be a great time to do a game without trying to cram it full of, ah, full of my problems. I had been interested in the pseudoscience of cryptozoology, so the thought of merging adventure-style text gaming — but through getting DNA instead of treasure — with the delightful alchemy of fake-creature building appealed to me. But in the five years it took to make, the relationship I was in ended, and the job I had got rid of me. I found myself, suddenly, with lots to say and lots of frustration to work through. I was able to throw it all in my game, because the first couple of years was really just putting together the intro, getting some graphics going, setting up the rooms, the cryptids and the characters. I had a theme exactly when I needed one. Development has gone on for so long that I can’t remember a time when this game of mine wasn’t part of my life. I’ve had stretches where I’ve lived on 4 hours of sleep indefinitely to get this thing together, and I’ve had months where I was only able to write a few lines per night. I listened to hundreds of hours of new music in order to pick out some that would fit the mood. I talked about the game a little bit at Boston PAX… and enough time elapsed where they had another Boston PAX. Even the IntroComp I entered is almost a year away now. But I was lucky enough to find a completely different lineup of testers for the finish line, having burned out the ones who helped me so wonderfully at the start of the project, and it’s much better than it was just a couple months ago. There are a lot of regrets I have about the development of this game, the foremost being out of the loop for so long as a game maker. There is a chasm between what I am looking for in a game in 2011 and what is out there for me to play. In fact, it’s a completely different world than when I “left” to make Crypto in 2006, and to be honest — when I look at the whole of computer and video games and what the industry has come up with and what they want to sell me, well, I’m sick of clapping, when I know I can do it better for myself. I did the best I could to merge story and game and while I definitely want to create text games for the rest of my life, it does certainly seem like they’ll all be demo-length, bite-size fun in comparison. I simply wanted, once, to tell any potential player that might find this post that I left it all out on the field. It’s May 25th, 2011. Crypto is finished, save for one last bit. I saved the last cryptid for the very end, and I’ll write about that tomorrow. The first time Yahoo! behaved like childish cunts to me, it was 1998. I had just gotten a new (to me) car. I wanted to show my friends a photo of it. This being 1999, I don’t think it was even possible for me to shoot a picture that “weighed” more than 25 kilobytes. I was hosting the Knight Orc Home Page through them, so even though the terms and conditions of the site said that I couldn’t have external links to my pictures, I did it anyway. A 25KB photo. Within two days, Yahoo! had identified the fact that I put a picture of my Neon R/T (look, I was broke in 1999) on my buddy Jeff’s web forum. They deleted everything I had hosted with them. Everything. Gone. I had a “backup” only because it was easiest for me to throw my files into a folder and upload it to my Yahoo!-hosted site, through their execrable upload manager. I vowed to never use Yahoo! again, for as long as I could help it. I vowed to do whatever I could to discourage other people from using them. Obviously no one person can have a real effect, but I hated them for being so pathetic, so small-minded, so desperate and greasy. They’ve killed services again and again. I find it sad and unfortunate that so many people say that the Yahoo! engineers they’ve met are/were hard-working and talented. If they are, they must have the most militaristic and simply stupid middle and upper managers in the world, because they’ve systematically destroyed anything great those engineers might have created. I was using Flickr before it became a Yahoo! property. I’m well aware that the links I’ve placed on this blog will be a quiet string of little red Xs someday. There’s no export function to Flickr, of course. Hahah, why would there be an export function? And I can’t find an authorized Picasa app that integrates with Windows Explorer. (It’s no longer 1999. I want to be able to right-click on a file and send it to my image hosting service. Flickr supported that, although it was insanely awkward.) It’s just funny to see the hard-ass quotes from their awful CEO when they can’t keep a service on-line that provides links, for chrissake. Wow, she’s gonna drop-kick to fucking Mars any employee who leaks a memo. Oh, and anyone who was working on Delicious. That was the other big group. Good to know – Mars will be populated by memo leakers, developers who were doing just fine before the insipid and overmatched choadlings at Yahoo! got involved, and native Martians. Anyway, I hate their process for logging in and out of Yahoo! Groups. They don’t save context. I have two Yahoo! logins which, again, weren’t my idea. If I go to Yahoo! Groups and find I authenticated under the wrong one, I have to sign out from Groups, which doesn’t take me back to groups.yahoo.com. It takes me back to yahoo.com. That’s moronic. So I have to type the URL I wanted to go to, and then give it the other username and password. That’s terrible. That’s just a tiny frustration, but I did get a kick out of this, the last time I went to login to Yahoo! Groups: Yeah, make sure my stuff is extra-protected, please! I can’t click on that link quickly enough!!! I wouldn’t want someone to guess the password and fucking delete it all! Ha! Ha ha! When that sign-in seal one day gets clubbed, it’s gonna take about two seconds to figure out what company did it.
The Abominable Snowman is also known as Yeti or Metoh and is a legendary bipedal creature believed by some to inhabit parts of the Himalayan mountains. The Yeti may either be classified as a mythological creature, not existing outside folklore or spiritual beliefs, or a cryptid, a creature that might exist, but has no scientific evidence to support its existence.Continue Reading The Abominable Snowman name was coined by writer Harry Newman in 1921. Newman erroneously translated "metoh" to "filthy." He took some creative liberty and changed "filthy" to "abominable" when writing a story about a supposed spotting during a Mt. Everest expedition. The physical characteristics of the Yeti have been described differently, but most maintain that it is a very tall bipedal creature with dark hair, resembling an ape or a bear. Some Nepalese folklore claims that anyone who sees a Yeti will not live to tell the tale, yet there have been numerous alleged sightings reported. After Sir Edmund Hillary became the first to climb Mt. Everest, western curiosity brought a surge of explorers hoping to spot the creature. Even Hillary took an interest in the Yeti and set out on several expeditions, during which he claimed to have found Yeti footprints. In addition to the alleged sightings, some hairs have been offered as physical evidence, but nothing conclusive was ever discovered. Aside from sincere attempts to prove the Yeti's existence, there have also been numerous hoaxes claiming to have found it.Learn more about Paranormal
I first heard of Homo floresiensis in 2003, while attending an anthropology class in college. The professor was so excited, she couldn’t even teach the class. We spent a few days talking about the “Hobbit” and what it meant for the theory of evolution. Now, there’s new research that points to Homo floresiensis being a different species all together. Completely separate from Homo sapiens. Popular Science has the juicy details: In 2003, researchers uncovered 18,000-year-old bones of a woman with a skull a third of the size of a human’s on the island of Flores, Indonesia. They subsequently found more remains belonging to up to nine similarly pint-sized prehistoric creatures. Nicknamed after the the J.R.R. Tolkien characters, they stood some 3 and a half feet tall. The origin of these hobbits has been controversial, as claiming they are a different kind of hominid closer to Homo erectus than Homo sapiens throws a wrench in many established theories of human evolution. But Frodo fans can delight in new evidence that hobbits did in fact belong to the extinct species Homo floresiensis. A study published in Journal of Human Evolution last week shows hobbit wrists were markedly different from humans’, lending credence to the theory that they were a separate species from Homo sapiens. After studying the differences between the carpal bones of the Homo floresiensis remains discovered in 2004 and modern human and Neanderthal wrists, scientists says that hobbits weren’t just abnormally small humans. Being different comes at a price, though. Because hobbit wrists weren’t well shaped to bear loads equally on both sides of the arm, hobbits probably couldn’t grip very well, or at least were subject to more frequent fractures and arthritis. Although researchers have exacted basic stone cutting tools from up to 800,000 years ago on Flores, the structure of their wrists probably restricted hobbits’ ability to make and use tools. Hobbits reached Indonesia by 1 million years ago, and went extinct 17,000 years ago. Some researchers contend that rather than being a separate species, hobbits were deformed humans with a developmental disorder that would account for their small stature and brain. According to research, Homo floresiensis went extinct 17,000 years ago in the Indonesia. Of course you all should be very much aware of what strange cryptid has been sighted in the hot steamy Indonesian jungles for quite some time now. Orang Pendek. Just as Gigantopithecus is claimed to be the not-so distant ancestor for Bigfoot, Homo floresiensis could possibly explain the current sightings of the Orang Pendek. Latest posts by Xavier Ortega (see all) - Men In Black: They’re watching you - July 26, 2016 - The mad king of Clipperton Island - July 6, 2016 - When your Sleep App records more than just your sleep - June 13, 2016 - An unusual August in Woodside - April 18, 2016
Lake Norman Monster Includes an illustrated history of Lake Norman, map of Lake Norman, facts, speculations, links, souvenirs, and a history of the monster. Ogopogo - Wikipedia Contains history, photos and references about a cryptid lake monster reported to live in Okanagan Lake. Sea-Monster or Shark Information about a rotten basking shark corpse recovered by a Japanese trawler in 1977 that was misidentified as a plesiosaur. Stories of Ogopogo The legend and history of Ogopogo. Includes photos and reports of sightings. Last update:June 2, 2016 at 19:59:00 UTC
This weekend (September 14, 2012) is the 10th anniversary of the Mothman Festival in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. I am pleased to be part of the speaker lineup again this year, and if you are able I highly recommend attending this free fest. Mothman’s fame may be in West Virginia, but Canada certainly is part of this creature’s world itinerary. Sightings occur worldwide, and have for a very long time. If you are not familiar with this cryptid, here are some basics. First and foremost, know that not everyone considers Mothman a cryptid. Some believe he is thoroughly paranormal, some believe he is alien, and skeptics have both pooh-poohed the sightings and attributed them to barn owls or sand hill cranes. Most witness descriptions place him at 4 to 6 feet and human shaped, having a shiny dark grey or black skin, batlike wings, and large glowing red eyes. He is able to fly without flapping his wings, take off and land vertically, and has sharp fingernails. In 2002, the motion picture “The Mothman Prophecies” starring Richard Gere was released by Lakeshore Entertainment and Director Mark Pellington. Most people have, unfortunately, gotten their information from this film. Based on the book by John Keel, the movie describes some of the event of the mid 1960’s in Point Pleasant and the Mothman involvement. While an entertaining film, it is so factually incorrect and veers so far from the original book, that witnesses and locals in the Point Pleasant area tend to avoid any association with it. Any serious researcher should purchase and study the books by Jeff Wamsley on the subject. While not a witness himself, he has collected newspaper accounts and police reports and real evidence from the period. Additionally, Wamsley runs the local “Mothman Museum” and is instrumental in the planning and execution of the yearly festival. His books are called Mothman: Behind the Red Eyes, and Mothman: The Facts Behind the Legend (written with Donnie Sergent, Jr.) and are available at Amazon. Mothman reports have come in from many countries. Viet Nam, Mexico, and The Ukraine have notable sighting reports. Native American cave art depicts drawings of creatures quite similar to Mothman as well. He has also been sighted just before other major world disasters including explosion, the Tsunamis in India and Japan, Afghanistan and Iraq, and in New York on September the 11th. In Canada, there are but a few sightings thought to be attributable to Mothman. One witness reports that in August of 2007 in Ontario, Canada, heard a loud rustling sound in some tall grass. When the creature emerged it is described as having large, bright red eyes. The creature was about seven feet tall, black shiny skin that looked like a bat's, long arms that reached almost to the ground, and a wingspan of about eight feet wide. It let out a loud blood-curdling screech and the witnesses ran. A police report was filed but never taken seriously. Later the same night the witness heard a scratching sound on the window and went to see what it was and it was the tall, dark creature peering in the living room window. Two weeks after the occurrence, the house had burned down. Similar stories trickle in from across Canada. Sightings have occurred from Dawson City, Yukon, to CFB Gagetown near Frederickton, New Brunswick. As a West Virginia native and Mothman witness myself, I ask that if you (yourself, not via heresay) have seen this creature, please contact me. I have research ongoing.
When does a credible witness become incredible? When does a “monster” become science? These, among other questions, are considered in EsoterX’s history of Scoliophis Atlanticus, a supposed sea serpent apparently sighted in the… We now have proof of what peace groups and activists have long suspected: Boston Police officers have worked within the local fusion spying center, the Boston Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC), to monitor the lawful political activity of local peace groups and track their movements and beliefs. This information has been retained in searchable electronic “intelligence” reports bearing labels such as “Groups – Civil Disturbance,” “Groups–Extremists,” “HomeSec-Domestic” under the heading “Criminal Act.” Looks like those “fusion centers” are indeed the hotbeds of misinformation and civil rights suppression that most of us – including the Senate – assumed that they were. Via Cryptomundo: Blogger Tony Morrill has written a comprehensive overview of the Massachusetts cryptid known only as the “Dover Demon”. The first sighting of the pallid, melon-shaped humanoid creature took place in… The United States Pirate Party was formed in 2006, but Massachusetts has become the first state to officially recognize Pirate Party members in voter registry. The Raw Story reports: The Massachusetts Election Division has approved the Massachusetts Pirate Party as a political designation, allowing voters in the state to register as a “Pirate.” The party strives to increase government transparency, promote personal privacy, reinforce the spread of knowledge through copyright reform, and abolish patents. “We live in a country founded on the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” the Massachusetts Pirate Party said in a statement. “For many people, those ideals are not real. The Supreme Court and Congress have expanded the power of corporations and made them more powerful than people. Increasingly government officials ignore open meeting laws, make deals favorable to corporations behind closed doors and sell off our public information to private interests.”
A Hartland, Wisconsin woman wrote me this past Monday to report one of the most chilling sightings I’ve heard lately. Her encounter took place the night of Thursday, July 17 on her property inside the Hartland city limits. And if what I later found in the landscaping around her home is what it looks like, a six-foot tall, bipedal canine creature may have been snooping on her family, particularly a young teen, since early summer. She wishes to remain anonymous, so I’ll leave out names and street locations. She had arisen that night at about 1:30 a.m. at the insistent yapping of her small dog. She hadn’t actually fallen asleep yet, she said, so she was awake and alert. Thinking the pooch needed to relieve itself, she took it out to the deck at the rear of her home, expecting it to run to the yard as usual. Instead, it stopped barking and cowered behind her on the deck. She could see something moving by the trees at the back of her yard, lit by her deck lights and other lighting around the residential neighborhood. “At first I thought someone was playing a trick on me,” she said, “or that it was a person wearing a thick, gray jacket.” Then she realized it wasn’t a person. It was gray all over, with the fur thickest on its muscular chest. The head was that of an animal, with short, pointed ears on top of the head and a “short snout” like that of a boxer or other short-snouted canine, but “definitely not flat like a human’s,” she said. Its forelimbs hung at its sides and seemed muscular at the top but ended in longish paws with noticeable claws. They weren’t long like a Bigfoot’s, she said. Its thighs were also muscular but thinned toward the lower limbs, and it walked on its toepads. “The legs were canine,” she said. She estimated its height at about seven feet, gauged by a tree it passed under, and when I measured the tree later the actual height turned out to be six feet tall. As she watched the creature easily stride across the back of her yard along a treeline that separated her yard from the neighbor’s, the beast suddenly swiveled its head to glance at her. There wasn’t enough light that she could see its eyes or any eyeshine, she said, but she knew that it saw her. “And then it kept on walking like it didn’t care,” she said. She grabbed her dog and scrambled back inside her house. She did not sleep at all that night, she added. The next day she called the police and told an officer what she had seen. Expecting a negative reaction, she was surprised when the officer told her he believed her, and urged her to be cautious. She asked him if there had been other reports, and he did not answer. (Which leads me, of course, to think that there were perhaps other reports!) I got to her property to examine it the day after her call, on Tuesday, July 22. We walked around the rear of her yard and found numerous deep impressions in the mulch-dirt mixture. Some were obviously the size and shape of a deer’s tracks, and the others appeared roughly canine and about four and one-half inches in length, with some give-and-take for the distortion caused by the helter-skelter quality of mulch. The prints appeared to be made only from the hind limbs of something taking two-foot strides in bipedal fashion, and led in a path across this landscaping feature to an adjacent small woods. While neither she nor I could make any sort of impression in that ground whatsoever, even by stomping or jumping, these prints were about an inch deep, on average. They were also very evident in the mulch around her house, especially under several windows. One of the windows belonged to the couple’s young teen, who has a special needs disorder. The teen had been telling the woman that there was a “monster” peering into the window almost every night for a month, she said, but it was never there by the time she got to the room, so she thought the teen was imagining things. She does not think that any more, she added. We also found a couple of small piles of scat near the house and in the rear of the yard that looked canine but did not seem like they were substantial enough to have come from a creature of that size. While it may seem unusual that such a creature could roam freely in a neighborhood like this, there are several factors that make it more likely. There are abundant deer for prey, and much water; Hartland is very close to Pewaukee Lake, with eight other closely connected small lakes to its east and north. Moreover, the Kettle Moraine State Forest, a source of many cryptid sightings, lies just to its north, as does Holy Hill, the site of the well-known encounter when a deer was taken from a carcass collector’s truck. I’ve dubbed this creature the Holy Hill Bearwolf in my blog posts and books, and I asked the woman if she’d ever heard of it. She hadn’t, she said, but she thought the term “bearwolf” very appropriate for what she saw. “I know it was definitely not a bear,” she said. “The legs were wrong and it was too different, but it had that thicker chest.” The family had a previous incident in the past year when a huge, white, blue-eyed wolf walked up to the patio door of a room with a hot tub, and just stared in for a few moments before casually walking away. The woman estimated it stood three feet high at the shoulder. She does not think it was the same animal she saw on July 17, however. The woman added the reason she was willing to tell me her story was that she believed other people in that lakes area should know that this creature might be out there. I continue to communicate with her and will be checking on the property. In the meantime, she has put up a trail cam. I consider it an ongoing investigation, and hope we will find something definitive. NOTE: Sorry but comments have been turned off for this post as other duties leave me unavailable to moderate.
The Stranger Side of Sasquatch There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying Saturday, March 24, 2012 On Texas Cryptid Hunter: "21 Degrees Between Bigfoot and You" Pretty interesting! I admit, this clip pushes me back towards the "it's footage of a real Sasquatch" opinion. More here: Texas Cryptid Hunter: 21 Degrees Between Bigfoot and You Post a Comment Post Comments (Atom)
Lon Strickler is a paranormal researcher and author who writes and mentors on a variety of fortean subjects. Most of his early investigations concentrated on spiritual activity at historical locations in Maryland and Pennsylvania, in particular locations where traumatic events had occurred. In 1981, Lon experienced a "Bigfoot" encounter near Sykesville, MD while fishing on the south branch of the Patapsco River. As a result of the incident, he included cryptid research as an important part of his field work. Lon started the Phantoms and Monsters blog in 2005, which has steadily grown in popularity and read daily by thousands of paranormal enthusiasts, investigators and those seeking the truth. Lon is also a co-founder and host at Arcane Radio. In the first half of the program, George Knapp was joined by Fortean researcher Joshua Cutchin, who discussed his analysis of the food and drinks offered to humans by aliens, faeries, and Sasquatch. In the latter half, Lon Strickler, paranormal researcher and creator of the website Phantoms and Monsters, detailed a handful of weird stories he's been following including credible reports of people... More »Host: George Knapp George Knapp was joined in the first half by DNA expert Melba Ketchum, who provided an update on her scientific study and DNA analysis from samples of possible Sasquatch hair. She also talked about how her work with Native Americans has validated a lot of the unusual aspects ascribed to the creature. In the latter half, Lon Strickler, paranormal researcher and creator of the website Phantoms... More »Host: George Knapp In the first half, George Knapp welcomed futurist Ray Kurzweil for a discussion on the merging of man and machine as well as his research into reverse engineering the human brain to understand precisely how it works. In the latter half, Lon Strickler, paranormal researcher and creator of the website Phantoms and Monsters, talked about his Bigfoot encounter, the nature of ghosts, remote... More »Host: George Knapp
The fourth and final DLC release for Call of Duty: Ghosts, Nemesis, will be released next week. It will hit Xbox platforms first, as usual. Starting August 5, Nemesis will introduces four new multiplayer maps, each with Field Orders specific to the map. It also contains the conclusion of Extinction’s four-part narrative with Episode 4: Exodus. The four new small-to-medium multiplayer maps in Nemesis are: Goldrush: Set in an abandoned gold mine in the Southwest United States, where an intricate network of cavernous tunnels and perilous shafts create the ideal setting for medium to long range combat; while two mine carts race along the abandoned tracks offering players a fast way to traverse the map. Players who complete the unique field order on Goldrush will unleash a howling pack of wolves that will descend upon their enemies. Subzero: Takes place in a frigid Canadian submarine base that has been hastily evacuated, with control room, submarine pen and research facilities all left eerily empty. Built around the traditional three-lane design, this medium-sized map harbors a mysterious terror that will decimate your enemies upon completion of the map’s unique field order. Dynasty: Set at a lakeside Chinese village surrounded by picturesque mountains, vivid gardens, and spectacular architecture – a serene environment that is anything but Zen-like. Multiple pathways crisscross the village in this medium map with a variety of elevation and numerous back alleys that create flanking routes. The unique field order on “Dynasty” allows players to call in an air strike of vertical takeoff fighter jets, while one lingers behind to give you unmatched air superiority. Showtime: Is a reimagining of Modern Warfare’s Shipment map. In the futuristic arena of “Showtime,” blind corners and narrow pathways provide momentary reprieve from the outright mayhem within the central square comprised of several shipping containers. Tight confines call for shotguns and SMGs. Survive long enough to be rewarded with one of three killstreaks: lethal automated gun turrets at key locations on the map, an air drop with multiple care packages or a deadly gas attack that forces the action back into the center of the arena. Episode 4: Exodus: Following the CIF Unit’s harrowing escape from the alien underworld and the successful recovery of Dr. Cross and the cortex, the team has flown in to fight off the Cryptid army’s siege of the last bastion of human resistance. Your mission is to get key personnel to safety by restoring power to the shuttle and launching the shuttle to a low earth orbit space station. Nemesis will run you $14.99 if you don’t own the Season Pass.
Curse you, reliable DNA studies! Must you spoil all the fun? In a stunning finding that set off shock waves of grieving through much of the world, University of Oxford researchers announced that the beloved bipedal cryptid known globally as Bigfoot is dead—or, more specifically, that he never existed. Mr. Foot, who also went by the name Sasquatch, or Sásq’ets in the original Halkomelem, was 4,000 years old. Or maybe not. The Oxford finding was the result of a three-year study that began in 2012 when researchers issued an open call for hair samples held in museums and private collections that were said to come from “an anomalous primate,” which is the kind of term scientists from a place like Oxford University often use when they’re publishing a peer-reviewed paper on, you know, Bigfoot, and don’t want to be snickered at by other Oxford University scientists in the faculty lounge. Thirty-six samples from the U.S., Russia, Indonesia, India, Bhutan and Nepal were ultimately submitted, a geographical range that suggested a) there was more than one “anomalous primate” out there, b) there is only one, but he is really, really well-traveled, c) there’s a teensy-weensy chance the hairs came from something else. To find out, the investigators conducted DNA analyses on the samples and compared their findings to those of known species of animals. As it turned out they got some hits—a lot of them actually. The samples, the investigators found, came from animals as diverse as bears, wolves, raccoons, porcupine, deer, sheep, at least one human, and a cow. Again, that’s a cow. The news was met with something less than universal acceptance that the long-rumored 10-ft. tall, 500-lb. creature with a two-ft. footprint, a coat of reddish brown hair, the sagittal crest of a gorilla and an unpleasant smell just might not exist. “The fact that none of these samples turned out to be [Bigfoot] doesn’t mean the next one won’t,” said no less a person than Bryan Sykes, the Oxford researcher who led the study, according to the Associated Press. None of that will do much to relieve the grief in the parts of Bigfoot-loving community that do, reluctantly, accept the Oxford team’s findings. As yet, Bigfoot intimates Kraken, Wendigo, Yeti and The Loch Ness Monster have issued no statement and have not returned calls or e-mails requesting comments. That could, scientific literalists suggest, indicate that they don’t exist either. But really, they’ve probably just gone into seclusion.
5 Giant Cryptids from Around the World Though cryptids like atmospheric beasts and sheepsquatch are fantastical creatures unlike any known animals, some cryptids are merely super-sized versions of existing species. Name an animal or insect and chances are good that someone, somewhere (or several people in numerous locations) claim enormous versions of the creature exist. With that in mind, here are five giant cryptids from around the world. Which do you find the most terrifying? Discovered in Laos in 2001, the giant huntsman spider has a frightening twelve-inch leg span (30.4 centimeters). However, rumor has it much larger spiders dwell deep within the jungles of Africa. According to English cryptozoologist William Gibbons, Baka natives claim spiders with a leg span of three to five feet (91 centimeters to 1.5 meters) call the Congo home. Known as j’ba fofis, the Baka phrase for giant spiders, these creatures are generally brown in color and prey on birds, antelope, and other small animals. In 1938, a pair of British explorers reportedly encountered a spider with a three-foot leg span while motoring along a remote trail in the Belgian Congo. J’ba fofis were once numerous, natives claim, but are now dwindling due to deforestation. Giant Freshwater Octopi Legend has it Oklahoma, a land-locked state in the Southern part of the U.S., is home to most unexpected beasts: giant, freshwater octopi. According to local legends, the horse-sized octopi dwell within three of the state’s lakes: Lake Thunderbird, Lake Tenkiller, and Lake Oologah. Some Native American legends describe the reddish-brown beasts as leeches with tentacles, and though there haven’t been any modern-day sightings, some Oklahomans wonder if the creatures are behind the state’s rising rate of unexplained drownings. In 2012, Animal Planet featured the Oklahoma Octopus legend in one of the network’s Lost Tapes segments (below). Scientists have yet to discover a freshwater octopus of any kind, though some saltwater creatures, like jellyfish, have managed to adapt to freshwater environments. The largest known bat in the world, the flying fox, weighs up to 2.5 pounds (1.1 kilograms) and has a wingspan of nearly five feet (1.5 meters). However, a bat cryptid on the Indonesian island of Java is reportedly much larger. According to local reports, the ahool is a fish-eating bat with gray fur, a flat skull, and a 12-foot wingspan (3.7 meters). Some cryptozoologists believe the ahool is a mutant bat or surviving pterosaur, while skeptics wonder if eye witnesses are misidentifying one the island’s large, earless owls. Some theories even suggest the ahool, named after its chilling howl, is a flying primate. The crew of Syfy’s Destination Truth searched for the legendary ahool, but the blood-thirsty bat eluded them. The world’s largest known centipede, the scolopendra galapagoensis, is between 15 and 17 inches long (38 – 43 centimeters) and feeds on almost anything it can kill. Lizards, frogs, snakes, and bats have all fallen victim to the scolopendra galapagoensis. However, is it truly the world’s largest centipede? Giant centipede tales exist all over the world including South America, Japan, and the United States. In the Amazon, there are tales of a centipede several times longer than scolopendra galapagoensis. Animal Planet suggests that the cryptid could be a surviving member of the euphoberia family which included massive centipedes that reached lengths of 3 feet 4 inches (1 meter). Tales from America’s Arkansas and Missouri Ozarks speak of centipedes reaching 18 inches (45.7 centimeters) or more while Japan is home to the legendary Ōmukade, a mountain-dwelling centipede with a taste for human flesh. South America’s green anaconda is the largest known snake in the world, capable of reaching lengths of 29 feet (8.8 meters) and a whopping 550 pounds (270 kilograms). However, legend has it the anaconda can grow much larger. Reports of monstrous anacondas come from both South American natives and European explorers. The more modest claims place the jungle snakes at 34 feet or longer (10.4 meters) while the more outlandish tales speak of anacondas reaching lengths of over a hundred feet (30.5 meters). Despite a $50,000 cash award once offered by The Wildlife Conservation Society, no one has been able to capture a live anaconda (or any snake) over 29 feet in length. Like the freshwater octopi of Oklahoma, the giant anaconda appeared on a segment of The Animal Planet’s Lost Tapes. The crew of Destination Truth also investigated giant anaconda claims but came up empty handed. Do giant spiders, snakes, and centipedes truly roam the Earth’s jungles? While some of the cryptids above may seem outlandish, scientists discover strange new species each year. Who knows what’s out there.
Happy New Year! It’s now officially 2022, and as I do every year, it’s time for me to take a look back at the year that was and a look ahead to future goals. In writing this post, I browsed back to see what my goals were for 2021. At the time, I had three: - Finish edits on my mystery novel, The Keeping Place, and begin submitting it for literary representation. - Finish my WIP, The Ghosts of Wingate Hall, and indie publish or submit for small press representation. - Publish my collection of short stories or submit individually to magazines for possible publication. Overall, I didn’t do too bad in meeting those goals. - I finished editing The Keeping Place, and started submitting agent queries in early December. So far, I’ve had one rejection. - I had hoped to knock out Wingate with NaNoWriMo but only managed a little over 22K. NaNo was a fail for me, but I used November to draft query letters and a synopsis for The Keeping Place, and begin researching literary agents. - I published my short stories as a collection called Things Old and Forgotten. Moving ahead, 2022 is going to look much the same as 2021 did. - I need to continue submitting The Keeping Place. I know I’m in for a long haul in finding an agent, but I have faith in the manuscript. I’ve heard horror stories from best-selling authors regarding the amount of queries and time (YEARS) they invested before finding an agent. Discouraging, but at least I have plenty of other works to keep me busy while searching. - I REALLY plan to finish The Ghosts of Wingate Hall this year. It’s a little over halfway complete. As the title implies, the story is ghost fiction (mixed with mystery/suspense). The jury is still out on indie pubbing vs. contacting a small press, but I’ve got time to decide. - Once Wingate is done, I plan to return to Belladonna Cottage, my NaNo project from 2019–a straight mystery mingled with a splash of folklore. My blogging schedule will likely look different moving ahead, too. Long time followers of this blog may remember my Mythical Monday posts, which took an in-depth look at various cryptids, urban legends, and tales from mythology and folklore. I maintained that Monday blogging schedule for years, then later did a brief stint of Wednesday Weirdness, which pandered to the same ideas. In 2022, I’ll be introducing Mae Clair’s Cabinet of Curiosities. I can’t wait to share many of the strange and bizarre legends that have intrigued me over the years. We’ll definitely be taking a closer look at my favorite cryptid, the Mothman, the creature who factors into my Point Pleasant Series. The first Curiosities post will appear next week. While I may try to schedule them for the same day each week, they’ll likely pop up sporadically and won’t be on any set schedule. The same goes for my book reviews and guest author posts. Elsewhere, you can find me on Story Empire, where I’ll be blogging throughout the year with the other members of SE on topics of writing, publishing, books, and all things related to the written word. I hope you’ll join us, and I hope you’ll continue to visit me at From the Pen of Mae Clair. The last two years have been a challenge for all of us, but I’m hoping we’re headed toward the light at the end of the tunnel. Among all the things I’m grateful for, I include my many friends in the writing community and blogosphere. I’m raising a glass of the virtual bubbly and wish all of you health, happiness, and many blessings in the coming year!
Welcome to the brief series, Short stories of scares. The fourth chapter is a reflection into human nature, how we are intrigued by the scary idea of a cryptid monster. Still, sometimes an in human behaviour can make humans the worst nightmare on the planet. Ajay and Raji were newly married. Ajay was working in an IT firm in Bangalore, and after marriage, Raji moved in with him. They had rented a fancy three-bedroom house near the lakeside. The view, the surrounding area, and the people were amicable, and soon enough, Raji was able to adjust to the new home. Raji was a fashion designer by profession, and most of her projects were home-based, which meant she was all alone when Ajay was at work. The idea of staying alone the whole day in a new city never spooked her as she was very good at taking care of herself and truly adored her self time. All seemed perfect, but there was one problem, Raji hated creepy crawlies, whether they were walking, crawling, or flying, and the biggest perk to live near a lakeside was that they were in abundance. Like any food chain, what else was thriving? There were rats, giant-sized rats that fed upon these vermin’s all day long. Raji hated Rats too. There was no surprise that the house had a rat problem; they would sneak up from some mysterious corner and create a nuisance, and along with them, they brought filth and a foul odour and sometimes those dead crawlies that they ate and vomited. This problem was big for Raji; she was hygiene manic and kept complaining to Ajay to find a solution, and he kept postponing or ignoring because, for him, this was a small matter that could be handled by a plumber. For a few days, Raji kept trying plumbers and professional cleaners to solve the infestation issue. Surprisingly, these rats always found a way in, and so did the crawling and flying insects. The house, even though maintained clean, seemed to have been cursed by some dirt devil. Raji was on edge. She started staying up at night to hunt for the beast or an army of them as they were trying to infiltrate her safe space. Ajay always had a soft spot for all that’s living, so none of this was disgusting; though he understood the importance of hygiene, he followed his wife’s order to solve the issue. He sometimes did not know why she acted like a control freak and why she hated those rats. Finally, it was the German-built rat trap Raji brought that did the trick. It had to work; after all, she paid the extra cost for the international shipment. It had trapped the most massive rat Raji had seen in her life; she felt sinfully excited, showing it to Ajay and telling him, “Look! I caught the monster. You have no idea what I will do to him and all of his friends going forward.” Ajay, all calm and wise, spoke, “The rat is a she; looking at her bloated stomach, it’s she, probably pregnant. So leave her alone. We know the last few days were crazy, but as humans, we have to be emphatic towards all creatures; we will find ways to seal the building so that rats won’t enter.” Raji, now furious with anger, “Forgive these devil minions, he or she, I am going to burn this filth alive so that its species will remember not to mess with me.” Ajay took a sigh and left for work, saying nothing. Raji was feeling frustrated, she spoke to the rat, “Look now what you have done! You have raised a conflict between us.” Agitated, she lights up the fire bin and tosses the rat into it from its cage. The rat shrieks and squeaks as its body are burning; with big tearful and angry eyes, she screams with rage, “Burn you monster, burn! The room has a smell of smoke and a dead rat. Raji pours a glass of water in the bin to give a final touch to the brutal murder; she touches the rat’s burnt belly to check if it is still alive. It’s not moving. Raji has a wicked smile. She is thinking, “the fate of all these vermin would be the same.” when suddenly the carcass takes a plunge and bites on her arm. Raji throws the body, reconfirming if the creature is dead, but this time it’s over. She picks it up by the tail and trashes in the waste bin. That night she tells Ajay about her cruel adventure; Ajay is disappointed upon her act but is also concerned about the bite. He says, “We have to get it checked, might be poisonous, hope it’s not making you feel sick.” Raji laughs, “Now that one nuisance is gone, I am all good; it’s just a scratch, do not worry.” After a few minutes of silence, Ajay speaks again, “Hey Raji, promise me you won’t hurt any creatures from now on!” She sighs and says calmly, “you know I can’t promise that; look, I get it all life is important, but if they soil my space, I will fight to protect myself.” There are no signs of rats for the next few days or any disgusting being in Raji’s house. Although she has started to feel unwell, complaining about headaches and pain in the hind bone. Even the dead rat bite has now become a severe skin rash spreading up her left arm. Ajay takes her to the doctor, and a medication course starts based on the diagnosis that the symptoms are due to allergy caused by that bite. That night both of them go to sleep early, while Ajay wakes up in the middle of the night to find Raji out of her bed. He tries to stop her, but it appears she is sleepwalking; he does not want to wake her up as suddenly to cause a panic attack. He decides to follow her; Raji walks barefoot outside where she goes on all fours and walks like an animal, sniffing for something. Ajay takes a closer look to find she has been feeding mud: earthworms, cockroaches, and maggots. Ajay approaches close to her; she is paying no attention, just feeding on the insects as if it’s her fundamental nature. Scared, he utters, “Raji, what are you doing? She lifts her head; her eyes are glowing red. She shrieks and then faints; Ajay grabs her; he is panting heavily; he takes her inside, cleans her, puts her on the couch; she appears to be at rest, fast asleep. But Ajay is unable to sleep after the horrific event. For a week, nothing unusual happened again; even the rats were not troubling. However, stranges of all was how Raji’s health deteriorated; she had high fevers, bodily cramps, migraines, and her tail bone seemed protruded. The scratch marks were spreading through her body, and over it, tiny black pores had appeared. In the last week, Ajay consulted many doctors, specialists, and even a physiatrist to figure out her ailment, but nothing seemed to work. Ajay even admitted her to intensive care for a few days, but the hospital setup caused paranoia and rageful fits; hence the doctors suggested a home-based facility. She was looking pale and fragile and refused to eat or drink anything, her eyes bloodshot as she groaned in pain, muttering sighs.” Please save me. It’s all red. It burns. I will die.” Ajay was under a lot of stress, so he called their parent, and along with them, his younger Dev was also visiting to aid him in this unusual time. Ajay was losing hope; he feared that he would lose his wife to the unknown disease. He also wondered what if that bite inflicted upon her resulted from her bad karma, devouring her completely. Both Raji and Ajay’s parents were orthodox and superstitions. After hearing all that has happened, they strongly felt that this was a work of an evil force. They summoned the local village priest who was supposed to arrive the next day. Ajay had taken an extended leave from his work, and as their parents had come now, he had to leave his wife’s side for a day to complete the insurance obligations raised due to the medical condition. He left that day with a lot of trouble in his mind, handling the responsibility of his folks. Late evening while he still busy in the insurance office in paperwork, he gets a call saying that there was an explosion in his house, and they suspect no survivors; by the time the fire brigade had reached its was already too late. Ajay trembles in shock, fear, and pain; his home is a 2 hours long journey. Overpowered with guilt, anger, frustration, and helplessness, he transits the journey sobbing throughout the way. As soon as he reaches his place, he wants to run inside, but the police stop him; one of the officers says, “Sir, there nothing but black ashes inside, we are very sorry for your loss, we tried to help, but it was too late. We have found five burnt bodies, four elderly, and one of a younger boy. The fire department says they found a gas leak. A rat bit the pipes it seems. Unfortunately, your family did not realise the danger and probably while cooking the explosion happened” Ajay is crying heavily and consistently “what happened to my wife? She is very sick, my parents, my brother came to take care of her, now they are gone, where is she, is she alive. Please tell me? “He is in an uncontrolled pain and sobs lying on the ground. The police took Ajay that night to a nearby hotel, and a guard is assigned to take care of him. All the investigations and legal proceedings will start the next day. Ajay is sitting on the bed facing the window, in shock and disbelief at how his life has turned upside down. In a few days, he has lost everyone he loved and how he will live through this unbearable tragedy. Suddenly there is a tap on the window; outside, it appears that his wife is standing; she looks well but in night clothes. He eagerly steps out and requests the guard to let him go outside for a moment as he feels suffocated. The guard obliges and says, “I understand it’s very tough for you, Sir, but I am only following orders. I can give you ten minutes; if you do not return, I will come looking for you. Ajay runs out, but his wife is nowhere to be seen, his house ten minutes away from the hotel. He gets this strange pull to go there; maybe he will find her; after all, police never found her body. Ajay has reached his house; it appears darker in the night, a pitch-black space of nightmares. Here his family perished in a freak fire; it still smells of burnt flesh and sorrow. He steps in, with his mobile torch on, the area sealed with police barricades. It was once a place of happiness; now, it appears like a haunted remain. He starts crying again, calls for his wife, “Raji, I have come for you, I know you are here, please tell me you are here, please tell me you are fine, they all are dead.” He hears a large squeak from their bedroom; he moves toward it, open the door; in the corner sitting on all fours is Raji, or what appears to be her. Her face with hairy snout, a body of a monstrous rat, covered in thick dark fur, long tail, sharp teeth, and in her had is a dead kitten, she appears to be chewing and eating them like some vicious beast. Her eyes bulged, bloodshot glowing under the light of the phone torch.” The creature makes a shrilling squeak and charges toward Ajay, jumping over him. Ajay paralysed under the grip of the horror. The creature was on him, and Ajay knew this was his end. He took courage called for his wife, “Raji, I know it’s you, you have turned into some monster, but it’s you, I know you can never hurt me, it’s me, your Ajay. “The creatures fatal eyes met Ajay’s, and it felt as if he could hear it in his mind. “it spoke, the shrilled voice resonating in a demonic monotone. “Your wife is gone, now it’s only me, the rat queen; your wife was no human; she was a monster to torture innocent creatures, so she deserved to become a monster for eternity. She rejoiced to kill my kind, so I killed hers, yes, your parents, her parents, brother, and even that priest who could do nothing. I did all that while gradually eating her soul so that she realises she is depraved. She will be my minion while I wear her flesh to punish humans kinds like her.” Ajay could not bear this mental trauma, gasping for breath. “I, I never meant to harm a being, please forgive me, let Raji go, take me instead.” The creature mocked. “you did nothing, you could have, but you were too ignorant to object to her brutality. There is no return from the hell, oh yes, I will retake you, but you are too insignificant for my purpose now, so I will let you suffer from your miserable life “. Ajay was found in the house in shock, acting paranoid; he was declared insane by the mental institute. As he had no family history, he was taken care of by a government facility for a while, until it was difficult for them to contain him. Now Ajay is a homeless, mad man, roaming naked on streets, muttering squeaks that no one understands. He eats dirt and vermin’s that crawl on land for survival. He visits his old house but never enters inside; he makes strange gestures towards the wall as if communicating with someone. The house still stands as an old worn building, where no one goes as it’s considered haunted. Sometimes people say they see a swarm of rats all across the building, and if that happens, it’s a sign that the rat queen is visiting. Forgive me as this chapter is longer than the others in this series. Yet I have full faith if you spare some time you will enjoy the read.
Brushes with the paranormal can, and do happen in every imaginable setting. In our forests, on our roads, in our homes, and probably the most disturbing, in our bedrooms. It can happen anywhere, at any time, but there is certain landmarks that tend to attract higher levels of activity than the baseline of other locations. Such landmarks include, but are not limited to: bridges, railways, military-installations, bodies of water, burial and effigy mounds, and crossroads. While each of these areas can, and do spark their own theories as to what makes these places supranatural hotbeds—at this time, let us focus on the latter, and leave the rest for a time each can be explored in the detail they deserve. Intersection of Worlds Crossroads have a long and storied history in the annals of supernatural lore. Exercutions, and subsequent burial of the condemned, as well as burial of those that had committed suicide, often took place at crossroads. The belief being that their restless spirits may be confused, and so not be able to return to aggress the living. Perhaps this reasoning arose from belief in the occult significance of crossroads; that being, they are the intersection of: paths, ideas, and worlds, and they represent, decision, indecision, and confusion. These ideas are not regulated to superstition of the past, but are alive to this day in a number of pop-cultural references. One such instance is that of the legendary blues artist Robert Johnson, who it is said made a Faustian bargain for mastery of the guitar. The sight of his contract signing, the intersection of Hwy 49 and 61, in Rosedale, MS. Whether or not Mr. Johnson made such a bargain, only he and “Ol Scritch” could say with any authority. Nevertheless it as been referenced numerous times in musical and dramatic portrayals, assuring the crossroads will remain “a place of power” in humanity’s collective subconscious for years to come. To be Seen or Not to be Seen While some of the beliefs in the significance of crossroads can be seen as logical in the ethereal sense, the same should not hold true in the world of cryptid creatures. Yet, this does seem to be the case, but why? In the cryptid world, let us take for instance the currently in vogue Dogman. These creatures are reputed to be the ultimate apex predators, yet they are spotted by motorists at an inordinate rate, and not surprisingly at crossroads. Predators do not like to be seen, so one would logically think a creature with honed predatory senses, and with above animalistic intelligence, (if not telepathic abilities) would be more than capable of remaining unseen. That is unless being witnessed is not a concern, but may in fact be the desired. Collapsing the Wave Function In quantum field theory the role of the observer is a place of fundamental importance in weaving the fabric of reality. Lacking the expertise or the desire to do so, we will refrain from going into great detail with the theory, suffice it say, it appears observation affects the material-world, if only on the smallest (for now) scales (see the double slit experiment). Does this explain the “feeling of being watched”, one has to wonder. It also begs the question, is the purpose of paranormal encounters, in fact to be observed? William Francis “Slick Willie” Sutton, a prolific 20th century American bank robber, is attributed as saying, when asked by a reporter why he robbed banks, “Because that’s where the money is”. In this vein, perhaps experiences happen in these areas because, that “is where the people are” more often. These entities desire to be observed, and in so doing, some type of subtle quantum energy/information is transferred giving them realization, or existence in the material world. It has been theorized that some paranormal entities feed off the fear generated in persons that encounter them. Perhaps only certain types of entities need or desire the energy generated by fear, and some portion of energy is obtained whenever observation occurs regardless of the emotional response. It may be as simple as, to exist, it they must be observed.
CRYPTOZOOLOGY FOR BEGINNERS Book II of the Codex Arcanum Written by Euphemia Whitmore & Matt Harry Illustrated by Juliane Crump 380 Pages Age 10—14 Genre: Middle Grade Book, Fantasy Themes: Cryptids, Magic, Sorcerers (good guys), Euclideans (bad guys) Six weeks have passed since teenage sorcerers Trish, Owen, and Perry defeated a team of ruthless anti-magic mercenaries called the Euclideans. Now, they learn that the world’s cryptids (aka magical creatures) are being targeted by their old enemies. The teens partner with tough team leader Jacinda Greyeyes and their former nemesis Bryan Ferretti on a mission to collect famous cryptids such as the jackalope, the altamaha-ha, and the chupacabra. But when another team of sorcerers vanishes, the spellcasters must travel to Germany, Egypt, and the lost continent of Lemuria to uncover why the Euclideans have been abducting magical creatures like the unicorn and the Sphinx. The secrets they uncover threaten to divide them and reveal a truth that will permanently change the way the world sees sorcery. (from front jacket flap) “Fergus Brown had a secret. “It buzzed and thumped within him, like a cricket trapped inside a shoebox. It kept him awake at night, chewing at the edges of his mind. It woke him early in the morning, when everything outside was still the color of a week-old bruise. But worst of all, it forced him to lie.” [The Book actually begins at a short section titled, Warning! The author recommends reading the first book in the series, Sorcery for Beginners, if you have not yet done so. He then warns, (I’m paraphrasing) magic resides inside the pages, along with magical cryptids needing protection. If you are ready for the responsibility, without placing any blame on the Codex Arcanum—should something go wrong—then become registered with the Council Arcanum by taking the included oath. Once sworn, you may turn the page and begin your study of Cryptozoology for Beginners.] Why I like Cryptozoology for Beginners Fergus Brown hears the Loch Ness Monster while on his way to an offshore oil rig to take his brother lunch. He refuses to believe the loud noise is Nessie, until the creature rises to look at him, leaving no doubt she exists. Excited, but knowing no one will believe him, Fergus posts the sighting on the Internet. A few days later, Fergus makes his second major mistake when he lures Nessie to the oil rig with a bag of stinky seafood leftovers. It works. Then the Euclideans pop out of the shadows with threatening firepower. Immediately, Nessie and Fergus become captives. This atrocity brings the spellcasters to the scene. Their mission: release both Nessie and Fergus. The Las Vegas teen spellcasters have but one question: How? I have not read Sorcery for Beginners, though I wish I had. Still, the first thing readers will notice is how well the story stands on its own merits. There is enough backstory woven into the current story to make readers well acquainted with the teens (Trish, Own, Perry, Brian, and team leader Jacinda). Woven neatly into the story is a trip to headquarters, The Codex Arcanum, to familiarize readers with the entire team of sorcerers and the Council. The above team is charged with the capture of North American magical cryptids, before the Euclideans find the usually well-hidden animals. Headquarters is temporarily hosting a cryptid zoo to keep each creature safe. First stop, Bear River, Wyoming for the jackalope, a “Master Mimic.” Throughout the story, the team must deal with Euclideans bent on finding the cryptids first and capturing them for research purposes. This “research” includes tormenting and hurting the animals, along with holding them in small quarters often with electrified walls. Cryptozoology for Beginners will entrance young readers, just as it entranced me. It is a story difficult to put down and made me urgently want to find a copy of book one. With just a few grammar mistakes, the story is well-written. Since Matt had two editors charged with catching and fixing these mistakes, I blame them for missing what was easy to catch. There is a treasure trove of information written about cryptids. Author Matt Harry did a fabulous job researching and then passing on the information in a fun, story setting kids will appreciate. My only problem was finding a stopping point in the story that I could leave, return to the information boxes, read them, and then take up where I left off. I hated the interruptions but my curiosity refused to let me miss the information. These four types of boxes are a great way of adding in needed information or definitions without completely stopping the story, as each matches story content when they appear. Readers can ignore these boxes without losing story but the boxes add such interesting information, which seems written directly to you the reader. Often, in these boxes, the author places a sarcastic sentence at the end—always good for a laugh. These unique features of Cryptozoology for Beginners add to the story and, with some suspension of disbelief, these texts-like additions can help you feel a part of the ongoing story. If nothing else, return to each one after the chapter finishes. I hope this series is at least a trilogy (or longer). I think there are items left hanging that need tied up with at least a third book. Interestingly, Inkshares rather than traditional publishers released the first two books. This is a loss for our beloved publishers, but a star for Inkshares. Thus far, a television series has been optioned, but when and where has not been released. I think a major motion picture would be a more suitable setting, but either way, as long as Matt Harry writes each episode, with Euphemia Whitmore, of course, a television series will be fantastic. But, do not wait for a television series. Read Cryptozoology for Beginners and, either before or after (they can stand on their own merits), the beginning story, Sorcery for Beginners. As bibliophiles, you understand the book is always better. Illustrations Rendered in black and white. Available at Amazon Also Available: Sorcery for Beginners CRYPTOZOOLOGY FOR BEGINNERS. Text Copyright © 2019 by Matt Harry. Illustrations copyright © 2019 by Juliane Crump. Published by Inkshares, Inc., San Francisco CA. Copyright © 2020 by Sue Morris/Kid Lit Reviews. All Rights Reserved [I am an Amazon affiliate. When you purchase through a link on KLR, you are supporting Kid Lit Reviews. For each sale, KLR makes a small commission, which costs you nothing extra. This is an easy way to show your support for this site, without using your own money. For each commission received, I gratefully thank you.]
FELLAS! It's Episode 50. We did it!! Thanks for sticking with us through this, and we know today's ep is worth the wait. Today, Lindsey's talking about the Donkey Lady of San Antonio, a great spooky story from my neck of the woods. While we may never know when this actually happened, we do know that she's a survivor and very strong. And that, if you hit someone with your car, you should not have Erica as your lawyer. Submit your cryptid, ghost, or otherwise spooky stories to [email protected] Follow us on Instagram for updates on the show! We can't wait to share our findings with you. You can also find episodes uploaded on our YouTube Channel. Intro and Outro sample "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield Sound effects and backing music courtesy of ZapSplat.com. The Donkey Lady Bridge: San Antonio’s Terrifying Folk Tale by Anna Hedges for TexasHillCountry.com The Legend of the Donkey Lady from Weird US The Donkey Lady Now Haunts the Phone Lines by Nicholas Frank for the San Antonio Report
In a trilogy pertaining to cryptid monsters, I find it fitting that the final book in the series centers around the most horrible monster of all - man. The evil that man has inflicted on each other is astounding to think about. Hatred and bigotry come front and center in Schweigart's The Devil's Colony. Ben and Lindsay are once again called on by billionaire cryptozoologist, Richard Severance. This time, it's to infiltrate the compound of neo-nazi Henry Drexler. Henry is the son of a former Nazi SS officer and scientist who was assigned by Hitler to find proof of the dominance and superiority of the Aryan race throughout history. Now Henry is using his family's fortune and remote camp location in the Pine Barrens Woods of New Jersey to welcome all neo-Nazis and white supremacists who want to join him in continuing his father's dream. But what else has Henry unearthed in his research of his father's past? The Devil's Colony is different than the previous two entries in the trilogy. The first two, The Beast of Barcroft and Northwoods centers around the cryptid monsters that are unleashed and causing havoc. In The Devil's Colony, the story focuses mainly on the horror's of man and the cryptid monster is a side dish to come in during the last act. According to some reviews I've read, this difference may have tripped up a reader or two. However, it didn't spoil the story for me. I enjoyed Schweigart's tale and thought it hit many of the right notes. Perhaps, the cryptid portion of the story could've been sprinkled a little more throughout so that it didn't seem like two different stories trying to be mashed together. All in all, I enjoyed the trilogy and look forward to more from Bill. 4 Nazi SS Swords out of 5 You can also follow my reviews at the following links:
And new at r/FreckledGirls Yup, hypnotic, they are. And new at r/FreckledGirls Yup, hypnotic, they are. There are people who have seen the unexplained … and there are people who haven’t. Balrogs love grilled Troll. 좆까, 김정은 ! YHVH = Behold the Nail, Behold the Hand The Mind of Albert Einstein: “The 4th world war will be fought with sticks and stones” “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” “If we knew exactly what it was we were doing, then it would not be called research, would it?” “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” “The greatest charity one can do to another is to lead him to the truth.” — St. Thomas Aquinas “Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” — Bob Marley Living has always been a big part of my life. I was born at an incredibly young age and ever since then I have been alive. “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody will see it.” — Mahatma Gandhi “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” — Martin Luther King Jr. “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” — George Bernard Shaw “If ye love wealth better than liberty the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” — Samuel Adams You have pleased Cthulhu! He shall eat you second to last! “I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman.” “It’s no easy task freeing the ignorant from the chains they revere.” — Albert Einstein “The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” — Winston Churchill I am Макаре́вич I am half crazy Calabrese (All you Calabrese do the mambo like-a crazy) ¼ Russki and ¼ Polski “I’m not used to being loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald The University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople Buckle Down, Pilsudski, Buckle Down! @ Leanne’s Wedding! “The sun will rise; and we will try again.” In it’s day, the legendary Denbeigh Super Chauvinist Mark VIII Saloon (my *true* dream car) was widely regarded as the high-point of post-war British automotive design, rivaled only by the Austin A40 Somerset for its singular combination of styling and performance. Denbeigh Super-Chauvinist Mk.VII Saloon (T) The Super-Chauvinist retains all the beloved design of the Denbeigh .engineering practice. (R1) It has a truly robust hooter, excellent winkers and a first-class jack. (R2) Its performance is not torrid but beautifully matched brakes fade as one, and engine scream drowns all distracting sounds. (R3) Its leaking of petrol fumes is well nigh intolerable; luckily fuel is rapidly guzzled up by the engine before the driver can be overcome. Car and Driver Oh, and Jeffrey Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself! Check it out, eh. — Hillary Clinton Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren’t go a-hunting, For fear of little men; – William Allingham – The Fairies — Theodore Roosevelt And Always Remember: “You treat the room from the bass up.” “So round, so firm, so fully packed.” — Lou CostelloMy adult shopping shop! 포로 수용소 Konzentrazionslager, coming soon. “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ― Stephen R. Covey ↑ GIF by ArMaP A Dillingham pilot says he spotted the creature while flying passengers to Manokotak last week. He calculated that its wingspan matched the length of a wing on his Cessna 207. That’s about 14 feet. “Rarely is the real cause of a problem located where the problem is manifesting.” — Owen Marcus MajorThanks to ALL of my registered subscribers! As of 18 January, 2022, there are 19,854! (wait, whAT?! ) I wanna see the DPRK up there. 624,956 malicious login attempts or brute force attacks, have been Hillary’d by our crack ϟϟ-trained “involuntary assisted suicide” troops. ↑↑↑ I did that! =D It was a trip! “I propose that we hit it hard and we hit it fast with a major – and I mean a major – leaflet campaign.” — Arnold Rimmer “Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” — St. Catherine of Siena Truth is the greatest enemy of the state. “Fraud and falsehood only dread examination. Truth invites it.” — Samuel Johnson There you go. • Zoë C West • Lorenza Lorenzi • Anastasia Panteleeva, Sia Model/owner of model Agency NexToModel • BigRedJill K Allen • Buddha Jones • Clint Eastwood • Wobbly Music • Black Smoke Trigger • Go-Go Ray, Drum Counselor • Mike Zito • Mauro Samuel • Rick Petrone • Jamie Petrone • Roger Waters • Tony Sarno • Tommy Emmanuel • Sam Gleason • Tom Ritchford • Tom Swirly • Adam Miller • Dame Evelyn Glennie • Søren Madsen • Ally Venable Band • Sadie Johnson Band • Samantha Fish Band • Kenny Wayne Shepherd • Folk Uke – Cathy Guthrie & Amy Nelson • Arlo Guthrie • Willie Nelson • Keith Richards • Jane Maya Rodriguez • Warren Huart Recording • Guitar Mastery Method • Michelle Augello-Page • Elan Mudrow – Smidgens poetry • Doug Skinner • Andy Raynor, M.Div. • Andy’s Books • John Anthony West RIP • JAW’s PhoenixFire podcast • Anyextee’s Adept Expeditions • Dr. Robert M. 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Earlier today, Josephine’s son, […] Today we return for further examination of the remarkable deposit of evidence that American miliary personnel provided to Earhart researchers that solidified the undeniable fact of the presence and deaths of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan on Saipan. In my March 13, 2020 post, “Veterans recall seeing Earhart photos on Saipan” we began with Ralph R. Kanna, […] When it comes to dismissing the truth about the Saipan presence and deaths of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan following their July 2, 1937 disappearance, establishment “historians” and authors are unanimous in their rejection of the so-called “Japanese capture theory,” and insist, for any number of false and specious reasons, that the fliers could never […] Bill Prymak’s “The Impossible Coincidences” or “Is Everybody a Conspirator and Lying Through Their Teeth” (displayed in all caps) appeared in the February 1994 edition of the Amelia Earhart Society Newsletters. It’s a two-page discussion of the well-known “Broken Wing” description of the Earhart Electra on the ground — or possibly in the water — […] Today we return to our recent two-part post, “Amelia Earhart and the French Connection,” for a look at the original article as seen in the December 2000 issue of Air Classics magazine. You’ll find it differs in several areas from the version that found its way into the March 1998 edition of the Amelia Earhart Society Newsletters, […] no matter how much of a if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone… “Now let me bring you up to speed …. we know nothing …. You are now up to speed.” — Inspector Jacques-Yves Clouseau The late, great JC Johnson This bipedal critter is what JC was hunting. My friend and mentor, the late, great John Anthony West with his daughter, Zoë. JAW at the Sphinx When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door Let’s go get us a I’M SERIOUS YO! Lt. Colonel Percival Harrison Fawcett British artillery officer, archaeologist and explorer. “Our” event, as described in the image above, took place in 1907 in the Reserva Territorial Madre de Dios, Peru. “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti DPA IS ON MARS!
Mothman Patch (Bridge) - Cryptozoology Tracking Society Our Cryptozoology Tracking Society patches are reminiscent of the old fashioned National Park patches, but each features a cryptid character in their natural habitat! Choose your favorite cryptid patch or collect them all and show your support for the Cyrptozoology Tracking Society! • 2.5"w X 4.25"h • Iron-on (sewing still recommended) All designs © Maiden Voyage Clothing Co.™ Reproduction rights do not transfer with sale of items.