Dealing with Wax moth. Wax moths come in two different flavours; the Lesser Wax Moth Achroia grisella and the Greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella. It’s the greater moth that will tunnel (make galleries – hence the Latin name) into the wood or into polystyrene hives. The moth prefer brood comb to honey only (super) combs and they prefer dry comb to wet although we cannot be sure that a wet super comb will never have wax moth larvae in them. They will burrow through polystyrene which must have no nutritional value to them so nothing is safe! By wet I mean extracted combs that have not had the residue honey removed by the bees. The moths tend to be apparent in late summer so it’s the time when we are dealing with extracted supers when we have to be on the look-out to stop them getting into the comb; although this is not the only time they are likely to cause a problem as stored combs can look OK in September and be ruined by Spring. At extracting time, I put the ‘wet’ supers back on the hives (or wets as some call them) over a crown-board with one porter bee escape removed. The bees should consider the supers ‘outside’ the hive and remove the remaining honey from them. This needs to be done in the evening as the bees will think there’s honey close-by and outside the hive and go searching for it. Because the round dance – used for short distances from the nest - doesn’t give range or direction, the bees can start to look about and rob another hive. They don’t do this at night and by morning the risk is much reduced. After a week or so the wet supers will be dry and can be removed and stored. Storage is best done by stacking up the supers or empty boxes on something like a sheet of plywood with a couple of sheets of newspapers in between each box. At the top of the stack some sort of mesh should be used over a crown board opening to stop bugs getting in. (I use a heavy greenhouse shading material, then a queen excluder on top which allows ventilation but no insects or mice to get in). Ideally you won’t have any moths inside – it’s worth checking a few weeks later as one small moth can fly in in seconds. A strong hive with a reduced entrance will tend to keep the moths out although it is still possible that a moth or two will get in whilst supers are on the hive. Wax moth larvae activity will reduce as the weather gets cooler. However if you allow them to remain over winter, as mentioned above, you could well have a nasty surprise in spring. Removal of wax moth IF they get in. To identify wax moth larvae you often see lines or tunnels through the comb. If the moth is present in a hive – and more likely in brood comb, you may see a line of uncapped brood; The moth will be at one end of this. Rapping your hive tool against the frame can often see the larvae appear – at which time it can be squashed or scooped out. If numerous larvae have a free-reign on some comb it can be a real mess with furry tunnels and cocoons all over the place. In which case the comb will need to be replaced. It's best to stop the infestation before it starts! Some comb damage can be scraped out with your hive tool or a (blunt) wood chisel. The bees will repair the damage when they are ready, once the frame goes on the hive. There are several ways of dealing with them. 1) Freezing. 24 hours in a deep freezer will kill the moth, larvae and pupae. Leaving a stack of supers out in sub zero temperatures over winter will also kill them; if you can guarantee cold weather of course. 2) Fumigating with Sulphur Strips. These are available from some of the main beekeeping suppliers and are nasty. 3) Fumigation with 80% Acetic (Ethanoic) Acid. Again this is nasty stuff and it can be difficult to get as many freight carriers won’t carry it. Fumigation with Ethanoic acid also destroys EFB and nosema spores so it can be beneficial as part of winter duties in any case. 4) Old methods of fumigation, PBD crystals for example, should NOT be used as being either illegal or dangerous to bees and comb or both. Later I will give details of fumigation methods.
So you’re thinking of getting some Honey Bees? Perhaps you are researching? …for what-ever reason, it is a really good question and there are many ways to get ‘apis mellifera’ or the common Honey Bee. But first, a bit of Background in to ‘Hive Houses’; Over centuries Beekeepers have housed the Honey Bee colonies in all sorts of ways, often the type of ‘hive-house’ is a result of necessity or whats available in the local area. Bees have been ‘housed’ in… …cane woven baskets, rope (skeps), they’ve been kept in caves, off cliff faces, in tree trunks, within roof lofts, wall cavities of barns and domestic dwellings. Some colonies are housed in a Bee House – built like a small house, hives have also been kept on caravans for easy moving these often used in very cold climates and/or at high altitudes. Honey Bees are so adaptable, that’s why they are survivors. In the 18th, 19th centuries Honey Bees have been seen as a valuable asset. Often a life-blood for families, communities, others have seen them as a luxury which only the rich can afford to keep – these ‘rich’ creating’follies’ of great architectural design for them to show off their Honey Bees. Check out the Apimondia President ‘Gilles Ratia’ amazing has a gallery of photos of many different Beekeeping houses from his travels around the world: The Presidents Schedule Now over the 20th and 21st centuries we keep most of our colonies in a more modest ‘house’. Across America, one of the most common Beehive houses are the langstroth and in the UK, the national (shown beelow) and the warre hive. European countries use both. NB: Technically a ‘hive-house’ is generally referred to as a “Hive-Box”. Anyway I digress, lets get back to New Zealand… The Rule here in kiwi nirvana-land? Any Beehive ‘house’ or ‘hive-box’ must bee an approved method to keep Bees in, the reason? …well, in New Zealand, the government sets rules by this basic standard, “that all hives must be able to bee inspected“. Meaning beeing able to visually inspect Bee-brood cells for disease and Bee health. So which are approved? “Langstroth” hive box design is the most commonly used hive-box in New Zealand – reasonably economical with interchangeable frames – these come in two common sizes being Full Depth and 3/4 sizes. Less common but often used, are the 1/2 size box. NB: Frames used are called ‘Hoffman’. The variation on the Langstroth is the ‘Long Hive’ or AKA the ‘Bench Hive’ – where the sizing is the same as a langstroth but it is about 3 langstroths wide so fits about 30 frames and is raised to about waist height, it looks abit like a coffin on legs. Long Bench Hive Below we show you the “Kiwi LIFESTYLER” newly introduced 2016 designed for modern 21st Century beekeeping, no stack so it saves your back, year-round beekeeping in one box – uses 32 Hoffman Frames used in standard Langstroth hive-boxes + 3 divider boards to help manage space. A very well-designed locally designed and built Long-Bench-Hive. WHY this rule? The reason this is the requirement of the NZ government, is due to the fact that the Beekeeper needs to be able to inspect each frame within the hive-box – by beeing able to easily remove the individual frame means the Beekeeper can easily check cells for disease. Disease such as the fatal ‘AFB’ – American Foul Brood. Plus check for other diseases and pests which may bee in the hive. The frame system means that generally each frame is self-contained (when maintained well) so therefore, are easy to pull-out to inspect each cell on the frame. Interesting Point: Educate yourself and know more about apiculture law – check out this NZ website link: Beekeeping and the Law NB: If a hive is not regularly maintained, or is lacking-space or full-up, the colony can start to make what is commonly referred to as ‘crazy-comb’. Hives have only just, in the last couple of 4 years, been officially approved – approved after much controversy due to the nature of the frame set-up – reason-being that government wanted proof that these ‘hive-houses’ could perform well for cell-inspection. The top-bar frame – is a straight-bar with no foundation. These Top Bar Hives come fully assembled and ready to go, just install Bees. This wonderful Top-Bar (above) was built by Graham Wheeler, he’s located in South Auckland – you can contact Graham on (09) 239 1177. so.. What ways can you buy Langstroth hive-boxes and Hoffman frames? Simply, in kitset or assembled. DIY: Kit-set Langstroth Hive-Boxes Frames – Assembled: – waxed and wired ready to go Frames – Kitset: – assemble yourself by buying kit sets, you’ll need to buy a roll of wire and individual wax-foundation-sheets. What does ‘waxed’ mean? This is where you can add a wax-foundation sheet, usually wire-up the frame and ’embed’ the wax sheet. The type of frame used in langstroth hives are called the ‘Hoffman’. You can get Hoffman frames assembled with wax-foundation wired-in. Or you can buy kitsets, wire and wax-foundation sheets separately and assemble them yourself. What ways can you BUY Bees here in NZed? You can buy bee colonies in the following ways; – As a ‘NUCLEUS’ – a small box of 4-5 frames = approximately 12,000 Bees Note: the ‘nuc’ box is returned to the Beekeeper, you will need to buy your own boxes, hive-mat, base-board (bottom-board), tin roof, hive boxes plus frames, wax-foundation, wire, etc. – As a ONE-BOX colony = approximately 25,000 Bees Note: usually comes with one full-depth hive box, hive-mat, base-board, tin roof, 10x frames. – As a FULLY-WORKING colony – 2 boxes = up to approximately 50,000 Bees usually with honey stores. Note: usually comes with two full-depth hive boxes, hive-mat, base-board, tin roof, 20x frames. – As a SWARM – varying amounts / sizes …you could take a chance and catch a swarm – you can go on swarm-lists of a local club or the National Beekeeping Association or your local council swarm-catchers list. There are risks when collecting swarms both in terms of injury and also the fact that you are not sure of their health or disease presence. kiwimana mange this risk by having a quarantine apiary, where we place the swarms, let them build-up to have brood and we check cells for disease, AFB and general health before even considering bringing them to our main apiary. Interesting Note : Overseas you can buy Bees by weight and they are posted to you!! To replace failing queens, you can buy a queen – either mated or un-mated – both of which come with a few nurse Bees. Need help with a colony with no queen? Check out these options: - Dallas Russ – Queen Rearer from DAL’S POLLINATION located at 3/50 Panama Rd Mt Wellington Auckland 1062 Auckland, contact by phone on 09-276 4855″ - Or the Auckland Beekeepers Club When should you get your Bees? You can ORDER Bees off-season to go on a waiting-list, this means that the Beekeeper can plan their breeding program and prepare hive-ware over Winter. Off Season for us here at kiwimana is around March 31st to August 31st. We suggest that you go to a reputable local Beekeeper or you could try your local Bee club in the season. …whatever way you choose to get your bees, always ask to inspect the colony before taking away so you can check it is exactly what you have paid for, you need to see the queen and new eggs and healthy white larva, ask if they are DECA certified and get their Apiary registration number. You can call us if you want to discuss any of the above-items on (09) 810 9965 (overseas callers 0064 9 8109965) – we are happy to bee of help. What ever you choose – we wish you the best on your Beekeeping adventure. Margaret thanks you for taking time to read this BLOG. …this is the kiwimana buzz…saving Bees, one hive at a time.
Wildflower Raw Honey 17.6 oz. Jar $3.25 each Price per Case: $78.00 / 24 jars per case. (17.6 oz. / 500g / unit) Minimum order: 56 Cases per pallet Minimum order: 1 Pallet (U.S. and other) = 20ft Container Formula: Wildflower Raw Honey 100% FOB: Klaipeda, Lithuania by Seafreight FOB: Vilnius, Lithuania by Airfreight Product of Origin: Lithuania Shelf Life: 18 Months Product Overview: For honey lovers! We are bringing a European tradition of wildflower raw honey to the world. Our products are naturally sweet without any artificial additives or sweeteners so your customers can enjoy SERKSNAS HONEY all year round! SERKSNAS APIARY is a family-owned business since 1982. SERKSNAS Honey The technologies for honey collection and preparing it for use have improved significantly in the last 37 years. We are constantly expanding our bee families and products range as we find new application possibilities for apiarian products. Working by such efficient way we’re able to grow to 500 bee families. Being in control of full manufacturing and supply chain process (from bee to the end product) we are able to ensure provide every consumer with the highest quality of all our products. However, despite the changes, hard work, beekeeping has remained the irreplaceable hobby of our family, a hobby that brings us together and unites us as a family with the highest values. We have created a collection of European intense tastes and aromas by combining SERKSNAS Honey with various valuable berries, fruits, and herbs. Give it a try to Lithuanian #superhoney!
I just wanted to share this fantastic site, here’s just one of their high-quality articles, but there are many more of great value for beginners and old green thumbs alike! I’m learning so much from them, yippie!! 🙂 Raspberries (Rubus idaeus) belong to the genus Rubus, along with other cane berries such as blackberries, boysenberries, lawtonberries, loganberries, marionberries, silvanberries and tayberries. What’s quite interesting is that the whole Rubus genus is part of the Rosaceae (Rose) family, to which almonds, apples, apricots, cherries, hawthorns, loquats, peaches, pears, plums, quinces, raspberries and strawberries also […] If you plan to join the growing number of hobby beekeepers the very first step should be to define your goals.I learned that the hard way. It’s a wonderful thing to see the popularity of beekeeping keeps increasing.I love beekeeping for many reasons, but when I was first starting out the learning curve was very intimidating. And that’s coming from someone who usually adores learning. Not only was there loads to learn about the bees themselves, but also about how to manage their colonies, which changes depending on your hive type, which is dependent on what your goals are as a beekeeper. The first question to answer for yourself as a newbie is if you are interested in beekeeping as livestock or as habitat provider, or maybe both. I had several mishaps in my first years because I hadn’t asked myself this most fundamental question.I hadn’t asked myself this because in all the books, forums, courses and club meetings I’d attended, no one asked this question.The general assumption is always that the beekeeper is interested in bees as livestock, because that’s what most want. In this case, follow the commercial standards, using their Langstroth hives and peripheral equipment, their treatment schedules for pests and diseases, and their feeding programs and supplies, and you should be good to go.You can buy nucs (nucleus colonies) in the spring, and if all goes well you’ll have some honey before winter.This is by far the most popular route to take in beekeeping. But it’s not for everyone, including me, which took me a few years to figure out.Honey, pollen, wax, propolis, royal jelly, queen rearing, and other processes and products from beekeeping are the main goals of this style of beekeeping and there’s lots to learn from the commercial operators who have mastered many of these skills for maximum efficiency and profit. However, if you are interested more in providing habitat and learning from the bees, and creating truly sustainable, long-term, self-sufficient colonies in your space, following commercial practices is really not the way to go, and can lead to a lot of expense, confusion and frustration. In the hopes of encouraging more beekeepers to become honeybee habitat providers rather than livestock managers only, here are a few tips and resources. The conventional practice is to keep all your hives in a ‘bee yard’ for reasons of convenience and space.This is antithetical to bee colonies’ natural proclivity to nest far from one another. It creates problems of diseases and pests that spread rapidly in conditions of overpopulation, which is why so many treatments are needed, and then feeding when nectar/pollen flow is scarce, as well as being hyper-vigilant in your regular hive inspections to find issues immediately before they spread.Now that I have spaced my 6 hives out around a very large area I’m having far more success. But, only time will tell! What else I’ve learned: The typical Langstroth hive is made for easy transport and standardization purposes for the industry mainly, but they are not ideal for the honeybee habitat provider, because they are made with thin walls in order to be lightweight. This means they are poorly insulated and so not suitable for the long-term stability of the hive—getting too hot in summer in southern climates and too cold in winter in northern climates. Our top-bar hives and nucs have thick walls and insulated roofs. If you want your bees adapted to your area and climate you don’t want to do the conventional practice of buying new queens every couple of years.Ideally, you’ll want your colonies to produce their own queens.Queen-rearing will remain an essential skill for a more advanced beekeeper, because occassionally you may still want to make splits to increase your numbers or to replace weak colonies, or to re-queen another hive displaying poor genetic traits. When the colonies are weak, depending on the issue, they may need to be culled. This is rarely suggested by professional beekeepers who promote regular treatments on which the weak colonies then become dependent, while still spreading their weak genes on to subsequent generations and their diseases and pests to other colonies. Just like the faulty logic of ‘herd immunity’ in the vaccine debate among human populations, many commercial beekeepers use the same complaint about those of us who want go au naturel,that is, treatment-free, with our bees. Many scientists and researchers are trying to raise public awareness that this is not how herd-immunity works, not in livestock or in humans, and I applaud their efforts. I personally find referring to populations of people as a herd to be insulting. I think it actually trains individuals through neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to think of themselves and each other not as unique and separate individuals, but rather as cattle to be managed. You’ll also want to mostly forgo the conventional practice of swarm prevention.The goal is for the bees to become self-sufficient, as in the wild, where colonies can live for decades with no hand from man to aid or to disturb.Some of these colonies are enormous, like one we found in an old oil barrel, there for over 15 years and thriving with multiple queens in the same colony, which most likely swarmed annually. Swarming is a natural, bio-dynamic process performing many different functions for the colony, hygiene being an essential one. Everything the beekeeper takes away from their natural processes is a stress on them which must then be alleviated by other, most likely artificial, means. Plant perennial and annual crops the bees like for your area and climate.Here in the south there are plenty of plants that bloom at different times most of the year, giving free bee buffets from early spring to late fall, like: bluebonnet, white clover, hairy vetch, wild mustard, vitek, morning glory, trumpet vine, yaupon, and lots of garden herbs and crops, too.It is my greatest pleasure to harvest cucumbers, peas, beans and arugula surrounded by forging bees—they love them as much as we do! Experimenting and observing is the most fabulous feature of the honeybee habitat provider! I know a homeschooling homesteader with an observation hive in their house that the children treasure.Not only do they learn from these fascinating creatures about how they operate in the hive, but how they are connected to the seasons and to their environment.They’re learning constantly from the colonies’ successes as much as from their failures. I practice slightly different techniques with each hive to discover which methods work best here on the wee homestead: one hive has a screened bottom board, one I keep with a reduced entrance all year, one’s in full-sun and another partial shade, and so on.Not that this will necessarily solve the mystery of colony failure, but every bit of data helps! Some unconventional resources: The Shamanic Way of the Bee: Ancient Wisdom and Healing Practices of the Bee Masters by Simon Buxton (2004) The Dancing Bees: An Account of the Life and Senses of the Honey Beeby Karl von Frisch (1953) Top-Bar Beekeeping: Organic Practices for Honeybee Health by Les Crowder & Heather Harrell (2012) Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture by Ross Conrad (2013) No, the problem is surely not that mass overpopulation in highly condensed areas is an obvious crisis for millennia, collapsing cultures repeatedly, because technology always has the next great solution. Really! As this fascinating documentary on the history of the toilet demonstrates, the rural folk of Wales have had the best toilet all along. The composting toilet, no smell, no flies, then used to fertilize the garden. But Gates call their chemical plans for the perfect toilet ‘sustainable’ and ‘green’, of course. Because ‘green’ actually means $$$, for them! Though you’ve got to leave it to the Japanese to take delicate matters to a whole new level. This is well worth a watch, for those interested in crap that really matters. Late summer here is my personal version of hell and I bitch about it every year. What better time to take a break from my current reality where I feel like an indoor prisoner and wake up daily wanting to lash out at all the idiotic Geoengineering causing drought here and weather chaos all around the globe. I even want to take a break from my last post pondering passivity and violence and just notice for a day, or so, all the little things and little ways we have improved upon since I last felt this level of droughtrage. I know I am just a bit more blessed this year than last, mostly by my own sheer will and resilience, and that of Hubby as well, no doubt, and that of some inspiring neighbors and cyber-friends, and perhaps if I dwell on that fact just a bit, next year will be just a bit more blessed in turn. Last year’s late summer garden Or rather, lack there of 🙂 Last year’s late summer garden vs this year’s, not great, but still better! A new young friend who loves plants as much as I do helps me identify the hardy, native heat-lovers of our area, and diligently and graciously watched our wee homestead so I could join my extended family at a reunion in July. I look forward to returning the favor when her family vacations in October. This is the sort of small steps a resilient community is made of, not the top-down control of Rockefeller’s ‘Resilient Cities’, because it’s the neighborly reliance that brings real hope and treasures and peace of mind. I still don’t like okra, but I’m harvesting it anyway for the pigs and neighbors! Every once in a while I throw a few into a meal, along with other traditional Southern favorites we didn’t grow up with, but are learning to appreciate, like collards and Southern peas, eggplant and jalapenos, all which have survived the heat, but would not be here now without regular irrigation. It’s very hard to keep up with the constant weeding and mulching requirements in such circumstances, but these plants, along with the sweet potatoes, are actually successfully competing with the grasses in some cases. Amazing! I won’t mention the melons, because I’m hell-bent on keeping this post positive. So let’s mention instead the ‘mouse melons’, aka sanditas, or, Mexican Sour Gherkins. 🙂 Instead, let’s mention the fact that the young sweet potato vines and okra leaves are edible and quite tasty! And the fantastic find this summer which I’m most excited to expand next year considerably, the Mexican Sour Gherkin. Crop of the year, in my humble opinion! Even in the dead of summer, of brutal heat and no rain, we enjoy meals raised primarily on this land. As an added bonus now my raw milk source is 5 minutes away, whereas last year at this time it was 5 hours round-trip! The aging fridge is full of cheeses we will enjoy all winter: Cheddars, Goudas, a Parmesan and an Alpine, several Brie almost ripe, a Muenster even! YUM! Last week I taught a couple of neighbor ladies to make 30-minute mozzarella and we had such a nice time. Next they will teach me skills they’ve acquired—spinning, dying, soap-making–a few more small steps in our agorism adventures. Skill-sharing has been such a crucial aspect of our most successful ancestors and I would be challenged to express how rewarding it is for me still, at 50 next month, to be learning so much that is new for me. It is indeed a sort of middle-age renaissance! I also foraged for elderberries, mustang grapes and peppervine berries, dried some and made some syrups and preserves. And, Another 400 pounds of pears, or so! I do believe still that’s thanks to our bees. For several years we thought it was a weather issue, late frosts, whatever, but I am beginning to suspect it was a pollinator issue all along. We will see, that’s just a hypothesis so far. And in any case we continue for another year to benefit from the cider, the preserves, the cobblers, and the pigs are getting their fill, too! The Datura remains an absolute favorite of mine, blooming in crazy heat and exhaling the most exquisite fragrance into the evening air. The thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano are gracefully resilient as well, I appreciate all y’all! And our dear Tori, who just as I was typing this post chased an enormous coyote off our chickens! The blessings are very close at hand, the frustrations a million miles away. I vow to maintain that truthful balance deep in my heart as I brave the coming days. Lots of color to encourage bees and butterflies and me to enter. I am selectively NOT weeding the Queen Anne’s lace (wild carrot) and cilantro from the garlic patch. I’m intentionally doing that! Beans with onions and select weeds, quel horreur! Broccoli and lettuces and tomatoes in the same bed? What madness is this?! There is a science underworld that borders with pseudoscience where mavericks and rascals believe the world, indeed the entire universe, is holistic, not mechanistic. I’m fascinated by these courageous thinkers who have ventured into unconventional territory. I recognize the strength of character and conviction such a journey requires. Whether or not they are correct is, to me ,secondary, though I believe they are on the right path. What I admire is that they strayed from the consensus, they escaped the group-think and the brainwashing of scientism, all while holding fast to a theory of a collective unconscious. At what point, I keep wondering, did they choose to deviate from the accepted experts in their fields and trust their own knowing? I’m so curious, because I seem to have arrived at that crossroad myself. I’ve read many books by seasoned gardeners and farmers with great interest; I was a Master Gardner for a couple of years until politics got in the way; I’ve taken many classes, watched loads of videos and have now about six solid years of practical successes and failures under my belt. I can say with relative assurance that close to half of what I learned was wrong, or useless for me, or this particular region. In hindsight some of it was just a waste of time. Of course, there was much essential learning happening too, but I’m making my own rules in the garden now, based on little other than intuition. I might be completely wrong, I’m sure I’ll be called totally crazy, but we will see how it goes. Considering the weather whiplash of this year, we are off to a pretty good start so far. What’s calling me has many names that seem vaguely similar: companion planting, permaculture, biodynamic agriculture—it’s basically like organic farming on (natural) steroids. 🙂 There is a growing amount of literature on the subject and I will continue to peruse through it, for ideas and inspiration of what to experiment with myself. I get the very strong sense that what this field needs is more explorers, more rascals and mavericks, more little devils tinkering with the science-status-quo. I begin with one overarching position—the answer is not to be bought. The answer exists in the nature right around us. I need only slow down, focus, and really listen. I had a lesson just today on how I am certainly lacking in that level of detail and attention. I was marveling for a moment on a butterfly that landed in the grass as I was walking back from feeding the pigs. How marvelous, I thought, and I squatted down slowly and got closer. I thought how lucky and clever I was in that moment– Lucky that I had such time and appreciation of beauty to take extended notice and so clever that I thought to consciously memorize its details so I could later look it up. I was so intent on it, I nearly missed the smaller, paler, but on closer examination equally exquisite butterfly laying still in the grass not even a foot away from his showy cousin. A very tiny creature, brownish and so more camouflaged on the just greening grass, but with perfect miniscule polka-dots in varied shades of blue along the base of its wings–but I could not find his likeness on any search. Most certainly they were enjoying a tour of our garden. Did they also think it too wild and untamed? Weeds and crops growing side-by-side, on purpose?! Were they as incredulous as most modern avid gardeners would be of my methods in madness? I’m sensing the butterflies saw it more like this. But the weeds! They are choking and starving your crops! Are they? All of them? How do you know this, I now question. You see, the jumping jacks are delicious and gorgeous in a salad and they want to grow next to the onions. And the lady slippers and carrots growing side-by-side not only looked lovely, but produced the best crop yet. The most unexpected, and it would seem magical, transformation I’ve experienced since beginning our rural life is my sense of smell has gotten very keen. So much so it’s become a disadvantage when trying to engage in the outside world. What I consider a heightened sense, a new level of sensitivity that serves me very well in my immediate environment, is called by modern scientists as a symptom of a brain disorder. It’s in the ballpark with phantosmia– I ‘hallucinate’ smells and over-register the strength of them, it seems. I bet they’ve manufactured the ideal medication to rid me of my new superpower. 🙂 This week’s bread crumbs: Yogic Science ‘one consciousness’ = high consciousness? Not sure about that, but found this one interesting enough to include it. He made me wonder, when did the goal of spirituality become happiness? Somehow, I missed that memo. You may call them simpletons, I call them inspiring. “The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is at the root of all true science. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, is my idea of God.” Einstein
Early this summer I had my first honey harvest. Here in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, we had a very wet spring. While this may be better than a drought for many, when the rain comes during the peak nectar flow, honeybees lose their only major opportunity of the year to produce honey. Last year my beekeeping mentor harvested 7 gallons of honey per hive. This year it was 2 gallons per hive. Since I had such a small batch, I decided it wasn’t worth the effort of selling any. I had so many friends and family members who’d been on a ‘honey wait list’ for a year that I just bottled and gave jars to people I knew. As I had planned, I wrote poetry inspired by the bees and added a poem to the back of each jar: I became a Certified Beekeeper last year and I’m working toward my Journeymen designation. While it’s been a busy summer writing-wise, it’s also been busy with beekeeping. I acquired my Certified Naturally Grown status this year, which recognizes natural beekeeping practices that keep honeybee health as the top priority for hive management. Managing bees continues to parallel writing life. Just as with developing a manuscript, it’s an ongoing effort that you make weekly progress on. Last summer, I slayed Small Hive Beetles (SHB) every few days. I’ve only seen a handful of SHBs this summer. Over the winter, I slayed passive voice and tense issues in my manuscript, and this winter I hope my drafts of new stories will be active and in the proper tense. It will be another year before I can harvest honey again, and it’s taken about a year to get my stories written and ready for submission. I find there’s a natural rhythm between beekeeping and writing, and the harvest is equally sweet. Feel free to drop your name in the comments or send me an email if you’d like to add your name to the ‘honey wait list’ for 2019. I now have three hives. I’m hoping they will stay strong and make it through the winter. If the rain works in our favor next spring, I’ll have my first batch of honey that’s for public sale!
Beekeeping notes from Amanda Millar Oxalic Acid Vapourisation: Well, I have finally done it, after holding off for a while to see the results from other people. I am talking about Oxalic Acid vapourisation (OAV). I had been put off by a number of aspects all of which I have resolved to my satisfaction, and have assessed the treatment and results for the first couple of weeks. I will let you know in the spring how the colonies have fared over winter. Not in any particular order, one of my reservations had been the risk to the operator of OA vapour blowing about and the need for respirator, goggles, gloves etc. However, a vapouriser mounted on a board inserted under the mesh floor, as designed by my bee-friend Tony, seems to have reduced the loss of fumes to the outside. This also makes it more efficient and the full dose reaches where it is supposed to. After Tony kindly demonstrated on the four Divisional colonies using his board, I built one to his design and used it last week without any obvious risk to me. It simply consists of a thick board (I used 21mm marine ply) in which we cut a recess to fit the Varrox heat wand, the board width was cut to the under-floor width of my narrowest floor (my floors have come from a range of manufacturers including home-made, so vary in width by as much as 1cm), and somewhat longer than the depth. The board is pushed hard over to one side and the gap at the other side, when used on my wider floors, is made up with a length of plywood pushed over to cover the gap, and I found very little vapour escaped. The rear of the board has a strip of wood which acts as a handhold and holds down the wand handle securely. The gap round the wand was filled with silicone sealer and a damp cloth (or length of sponge if you prefer) is draped over and stuffed into the gap at the back between the board and the mesh floor. See picture. December BBKA news also showed a picture of a vapourisor board, pg 403, but I think Tony's design is superior, with my wood strip to accommodate floors of different sizes, resulting in a much tighter seal and less vapour lost and little risk if you stand upwind when it is turned on. The wand has a long cable so you can operate the battery from a couple of metres away. This board also overcame another reservation I had, which was the disturbance to the colony if the wand is inserted through the entrance as sometimes recommended. At the very least this would require mouse guard and/or entrance block to be removed, angry bees might fly around before the wand can be inserted and sealed off and at worst any bees landing on the very hot wand would be cooked or have their feet or wings burned off, especially if your cluster was hanging below the frames. This under-mesh board means that no bees will be harmed as the mesh floor keeps them clear of the direct heat. The entrance is blocked with sponge before starting so it was not necessary to wear a bee suit (unless it is warm enough for them to be flying before I managed to get to the apiary!). Only a tiny amount of the OA condensed on the mesh floor immediately above the heating element and this had fallen into the insert the next day. (See picture). Varroa on board after Oxalic Acid Vap Which brings me to my third reservation, I was unsure how safe it was for the bees, but having read several recent research papers it appears they are not harmed (with the correct dose) and were actually stronger in the spring than the controls and no queen loss was found. I dare say it is most affective if done when there is no brood as it only gets the phoretic mites, but as I would rather not disturb my bees so much at the turn of the year by scraping out any brood beforehand as LASI recommends, nor wait that long when I knew I had to deal with the varroa bomb which was taking too long to resolve with icing sugar. As I was pretty sure all but one had brood, but not wanting to disturb them by looking, I decided to treat three times at 5 day intervals as several researchers have done, to span one full mite brood cycle. It is supposed to be between 95-97% effective on phoretic mites. My final reservation was the cost; needing a battery and heating element. Tony recommends a leisure or marine battery rather than a car if buying from new, and I already had a spare aircraft battery which seems to work. The better Varrox wand appears to be very expensive but keeping an eye on eBay might pay dividends. To operate we inserted the board part way in, I weighed out the appropriate amount of OA related to volume of hive not number of bees. So the one on a single shallow had one 1g, those on two boxes or a brood and a half had 2 or 2.1g and those on 3 boxes had 2.3g. (I decided to err on the cautious side until I saw how it worked as the manufacturers recommend 2.3g without stating hive size) On all 2.5 mins was ample to vapourise all the OA, the battery was disconnected then it was left sealed up for a further 8 mins, to allow the OA to condense, before quickly replacing the board with a plastic insert with cloth block at the back, and 10 mins later I quickly removed the sponge from the entrance. Unfortunately, because of the glucose content in the ApiBioxal, this leaves a black deposit which needs to be scraped out between hives, perhaps one day we will be able to buy pure OA legally. It was 12 degrees C but overcast the first time and a dozen milled about the entrance but did not fly, the second time it was 7 degrees and none even appeared at the entrance, although I could hear a bit of fanning going on. The minimum recommended temperature is 4 degrees. Oxalic Acid Treatment The results so far are interesting, although I will not have the full cycle until next month. An example from the worst affected Divisional colony which had dropped 2500 over a period of 6 weeks during icing sugar dusting; they dropped 798 mites in the five days after the first OA treatment and a further 999 mites after the second dose. For most of the colonies treated the main drop seemed to come on the second day ie after 48 hours, with day one and three not far behind, fewer on day 4 although still significant but by day 5 the drop had fallen right off but not yet down to baseline. If there is brood present the mites will keep hatching, and every day there were pale juvenile mites, but the mother mite is only out of circulation from day 7 (one day before the bee larva is sealed over) until the bee hatches on day 21, ie 14 days later. Treating 3 times at 5 day intervals should expose them all at some point. I am very happy with the results so far and OAV is now going to be a regular part of my Integrated Pest Management. Oxalic Acid Equipment The weather has turned cold now and I shall have to put my woodpecker netting on as we have had one or two frosts. I have also put some strips of cellotex cut to fit the handhold rebates on my smaller colonies to improve the insulation properties of these thin-walled hives. The colonies on just one shallow box have a relatively larger surface area than the colonies on two or even three boxes. Better insulated walls will reduce the risk of isolation starvation and may reduce the amount of stores they need to eat to maintain their cluster temperature. I was surprised to find I had three cream crocus in flower on 10th December along with my Viburnham bodnantense and a few days later journeying west on the A272 saw several patches of (confused?) oil seed rape in flower so if the bees feel it is warm enough to venture forth they might find something to eat. Research and news: Trump is planning to reduce the size of two National Parks in Utah by 47% and 85% to favour his buddies in development and mining. These parks are hotspots for bee biodiversity, many of the 660 species, some of which have not been studied, will now be threatened as it is feared that habitat loss will quickly follow and many of the species lie outside the remaining protected area. Recent research in Vermont, USA has shown half of their 17 bumble bee species are endangered or extinct. I hope you all have a very Happy, Restful Christmas
- [after 1898] - [200-] The Apiculture (beekeeping) collection is an artificial grouping of documentary materials relating to the methods, science and culture of beekeeping. The collection was established by the SFU Archives as a complement to its other holdings relating to apiculture, such as the fonds of the British Columbia Honey Producers' Association (F-147), and the papers of SFU faculty member Mark Winston (F-174). The collection consists of publications, conference proceedings, minutes, correspondence, photographs, and moving images. Material includes government publications, correspondence and registers of provincial beekeepers in British Columbia; published research articles, presentations and reports; course outlines and course material relating to the Bee Masters program and honey judging in British Columbia; photographs of various BC beekeeping activities and personalities; copies of meeting minutes and other records of various beekeeping associations in British Columbia and Canada; moving images featuring beekeeping activities and topics; and various subject files relating to the history of beekeeping in BC.
Should a Christian practice food storage? Let’s turn to the Bible for our answer. Guest post by Amy from Homestead Revival There’s a lot out in the blogging community about “getting prepared” (a.k.a. “prepping” or “food storage”) and the people who adhere to this premise typically fall into one of several categories: they either grew up in a culture where this was common (farmers, for example), or they’re hard core survivalists believing that everyone else is the enemy, or they’re doomsdayers who are fearful of the future and sure the world is coming to an end. Just like a lot of things in this fallen world, there are some truths and good points each group espouses, but none of these philosophies would be consistent with a Christian world view. Why then, would a Christian prepare? Is it biblical to practice food storage? Would it be a sin to do so? How could a believer even go about prepping without falling into sin? And prepare for what… natural disasters? An enemy? Economic instability? War? Terrorism? With such huge ethical questions to answer, it’s no wonder that most Christians don’t prepare in the least. To answer these controversial issues, we must turn to the Bible for wisdom. And if you were to do so, you’d find that there are examples of both; where God’s people or individuals prepped for hard times and famine (Genesis 6-7 and 37; Matthew 25: 1-13) and instances when they were called to go without being prepared (Exodus 16; I Kings 17:1-16; Matthew 10). While there seems to be more examples of people not being prepared in the Bible than those that were actually prepared, I believe that during biblical times, trusting God to literally provide manna from heaven wasn’t the norm and preparedness was more of a way of life during Biblical times. (Just do a Bible word search on “store” to get an idea). Food wasn’t readily available at a supermarket, so people had to daily think way ahead for food supplies in order to just survive. Hunting, fishing, raising their own food, storing wheat… this was normal. Walking in faith that God would provide at the very moment of need was not! What’s important to grasp from the Scriptures is that in both categories, God provided. Sometimes God provided in advance before the event occurred while at other times He provided at the moment of the actual need, during the crisis, or even afterward. But it all came from Him. And it still does! Since there isn’t a specific biblical command not to prepare or store up food, I think it’s pretty easy to come to the conclusion that a Christian can prep without being in sin. But why would a believer want to or feel the need to do so? Any number of scenarios might require a believer to be prepared, from the very possible financial crisis to the less likely terrorist attack. Since we do not know what tomorrow may bring (Proverbs 27:1; James 4:13-15), we would be foolish indeed to assume that everything will always remain stable in a fallen world. This isn’t Mayberry and there’s an enemy out to destroy us (I Peter 4:8). And anyone watching, listening, or reading the news lately would most likely agree that the world as we have known it is fragile indeed. Often in the past, Christians have avoided storing food based on Luke 12:16-20, but I believe they are misinterpreting that passage of scripture when they do so. The issue was not that the man in Luke 12 stored food. All farmers store food. And this farmer had barns already, which he had used in the past. The sin came to fruition when he became proud, selfish, and didn’t acknowledge God who had provided for him. Unfortunately, this is still true today, and many who store up food and supplies miss this point and end up becoming fearful, stingy, and paranoid. (Yes, those are ugly words, but sin IS ugly!). All preparations should be made with the intent to share both food and the good news with the less fortunate, our neighbors who are truly in need, and the vulnerable in our society (elderly, orphan, widow, handicapped, physically infirm, etc.). There are plenty of examples in the Bible that speak to this, but the one that is both comforting and chilling can be found in Matthew 25:31-46 where Jesus talks about the sheep and the goats – those that took care of the stranger or their neighbor and those that did not. After reading the passage, there is no doubt in my mind that we must maintain our food stores with an open hand. Sadly, there always has been and will always be those who do not feel the need to prepare nor be ready to share. They have not carefully considered the question of should a Christian practice food storage. God knew this would be the case and so He gave us several reminders in scripture that speak about the fool as the one who is not prepared: Proverbs 21:20 – “There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man swallows it up.” Proverbs 6:6-9 – “Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise, Which, having no chief, Officer or ruler, Prepares her food in the summer And gathers her provision in the harvest. How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?” Proverbs 30:24-25 – “Four things are small on the earth, But they are exceedingly wise: The ants are not a strong people, But they prepare their food in the summer;” Which presumes upon God and is more arrogant and foolish? - Being self controlled enough to set aside some food each week into storage for hard times or presuming that the grocery store will always have what you need when you want it? - Saving three months worth of extra food like you save extra cash in the bank for emergencies, large purchases, and needs or eating everything in your pantry each week and assuming you’ll have an opportunity to buy more later? - Working diligently to put up extra canned goods, water, batteries, and such for a natural disaster or depending on FEMA to be at your door within 24 hours of a crisis? - Keeping a spirit of hospitality in your heart and adding a bit more food than your family needs at the moment to the pantry in order to be ready to share with a friend or stranger in need or thinking only of your own family’s needs with the attitude that others will provide for them (like the government perhaps)? So, should a Christian practice food storage? I’ll be the first to agree that we can’t prepare for everything and some disasters could wipe out all we’ve set aside. We’ve seen what earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornados can do. Do not let that fact keep you from being faithful with what God has already graciously bestowed. And who knows? If your food storage is suddenly gone, perhaps He’ll provide for your own family from someone’s food storage who has wisely prepared as well! Amy stepped into the world of homesteading a little over 12 years ago when she embarked on a food journey that took her on new adventures in gardening, keeping chickens, beekeeping, learning about goats, and many more fascinating things. Her desire is to become God-sufficient and pass on her love for homesteading to her three daughters and the next generation! She shares about all this and more at her blog, Homestead Revival.
Lisa is a native New Yorker who recently returned to her home city after an extensive sojourn in San Francisco. A policy wonk since childhood, her extensive career includes work and expertise in city and regional planning, urban land use, redlining, gentrification, affordable housing, labor, politics, public health, and social equity. Lisa holds a law degree (J.D.) from the University of California, Berkeley, and is ABD for her PhD in City & Regional Planning at the same institution. Today, Lisa maintains a small consulting practice, but her primary focus is providing service to the dying as an End of Life Doula. She is actively engaged in advocacy to make culturally appropriate end of life services available to disenfranchised communities, and is finishing a Certificate in Integrative Thanatology. When not working, Lisa can be found cooking, baking, preserving, reading, spending time with her family, and seeking the right opportunity to start beekeeping again. Fellow at a Glance Lisa Feldstein Consulting Land, Open Space, Smart Growth Sustainable Agriculture and Food Policy
Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Join Britannica's Publishing Partner Program and our community of experts to gain a global audience for your work! Dandakaranya, physiographic region in east-central India. Extending over an area of about 35,600 square miles (92,300 square km), it includes the Abujhmar Hills in the west and borders the Eastern Ghats in the east. The Dandakaranya includes parts of Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh states. It has dimensions of about 200 miles (320 km) from north to south and about 300 miles (480 km) from east to west. The region derives its name from the Dandak Forest (the abode of the demon Dandak) in the Hindu epic Ramayana. It was successively ruled by the Nalas, Vakatakas, and Chalukyas in ancient times and now is the home of the Gond people. Most of the region is a sanded-over peneplain with a gradual downward slope from north to southwest. The Dandakaranya consists of wide, forested plateaus and hills that rise abruptly on the eastern side and gradually decrease in elevation toward the west. There are also several relatively extensive plains. It is drained by the Mahanadi River (with its tributaries, including the Tel, Jonk, Udanti, Hatti, and Sandul) and the Godavari River (with its tributaries, including the Indravati and Sabari). The plateaus and hillsides have a thin veneer of loamy soils, while the plains and valleys have fertile alluvial soils. The region has economically valuable moist forests of sal (Shorea robusta) that occupy almost half of its total area. The economy is based on subsistence agriculture; crops include rice, pulses (legumes), and oilseeds. Industries consist of rice and dal (pigeon pea) milling, sawmilling, bone-meal manufacturing, bidi (cigarette) making, beekeeping, and furniture making. There are deposits of bauxite, iron ore, and manganese. The Dandakaranya Development Authority was created by the union (central) government in 1958 to assist refugees from what was then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). It constructed the Bhaskel and Pakhanjore irrigation projects in southwestern Odisha and southern Chhattisgarh, respectively; woodworking centres at locations such as Jagdalpur and Umerkote in Chhattisgarh; and roads and railways in the refugee resettlement areas, including an east-west railway project across central Odisha. A factory that mainly produces aircraft engines is located at Sunabeda in southwestern Odisha. Iron-ore deposits are worked at Bailadila in southern Chhattisgarh. Important towns are Jagdalpur, Bhawanipatna in south-central Chhattisgarh, and Koraput in southwestern Odisha. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: India, country that occupies the greater part of South Asia. Its capital is New Delhi, built in the 20th century just south of the historic hub of Old Delhi to serve as India’s administrative centre. Its government is a constitutional republic that represents a highly diverse population consisting of thousands… Ghats, two mountain ranges forming the eastern and western edges, respectively, of the Deccan plateau of peninsular India. The two ranges run roughly parallel to the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea coasts, respectively, from which they are separated by strips of fairly level coastal land. In Hindi ghatmeans… Chhattisgarh, state of east-central India. It is bounded by the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand to the north and northeast, Odisha (Orissa) to the east, Telangana (formerly part of Andhra Pradesh) to the south, and Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh to the west. Its capital is Raipur. Area 52,199…
6-week Introductory Seminar: Dive into the Studies for a six-week honey seminar! Live Instruction; weekly online Zoom classroom (begins mid-July) Sessions recorded, additional video, audio, and written offerings including several chapters from Laura Bee's Book: Bee-Centric Apiculture - Introduction to the College of the Melissae perspective. Getting started with bees, hive styles and overview of Western and basic alternative methodologies. - First Level Beekeeping and Bee-Caring: Methodologies, Bee-Centric Thought leaders,. Handouts include: What to ask your Queen Breeder, Inspection Protocols, Five-Senses Meditation - Listening to the Bees: Animism, Animal Communication, Animal Encounter, Gaia Hypothesis - Discovering Symbols, Part I: With an anthropological approach, we discover cross-cultural similarities in Sacred Bee Symbols and Myth. Consideration of ethics of utilizing symbol systems, Body Wisdom, and history. - Discovering Symbols, Part II: Building culture in a river of history - Tracking the Myth: Were the ancient oracles speaking for us today? Bees, Culture & Revolution Registering for this course gives you a $300 discount on registration for 2021 Study Session.
Board of Directors AWWI’s Board sits together at a common table to collaborate on shared goals. Board members are drawn equally from the wind industry and science and conservation organizations. This diversity and balance is an essential part of AWWI’s charter and is required by our bylaws. National Audubon Society Garry George started his Audubon career as a volunteer for Los Angeles Audubon with KILL YOUR LAWN, a program modeled after his own yard to reduce water use and greenhouse gases from mowers and blowers, and to create native plant habitat to attract birds and other wildlife. He served in several leadership capacities for both LA Audubon and Audubon California before being named to his current role as clean energy director for Audubon in 2017, specializing in the intersection of utility-scale wind, solar, geothermal energies and transmission, climate, and birds. “Garry understands better than just about anyone that if you care about protecting birds, you should care about clean energy,” said David O’Neill, chief conservation officer at the National Audubon Society. “He is an invaluable authority on clean energy and a steadfast champion of wildlife and a great partner with industry. AWWI is fortunate to have him in this position and we’re proud to be an AWWI partner.” He also holds seats representing Audubon on several stakeholder groups including Avian Solar Work Group, California Offshore Wind Working Group and Regional Science Entity Work Group for Atlantic Offshore Wind to facilitate research and new technologies to develop environmentally responsible utility-scale clean energy, as well as collaborations with USFWS and other federal and state agencies and our NGO partners. He leads the Audubon network in clean energy planning, permitting policies, individual projects and transmission planning to reach the organization’s clean energy goals while protecting birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow. Garry is a graduate of NYU and lives in Los Angeles. When not working for Audubon he travels the world looking for rare birds and has racked up a life list of over 7,500 species, so far. Keith Harrison is the General Manager of Environmental Affairs for Southern Power Company where he is responsible for environmental policy, due diligence, permitting, and compliance with all air, water, waste and natural resources environmental requirements across Southern Power’s fleet of wind, solar, natural gas and biomass facilities in the US. A significant part of his team’s responsibilities involves negotiating permitting strategies and managing compliance programs addressing avian, bat, and other wildlife issues. Keith has over 20 years of experience with Southern Company serving in various leadership roles in research and environmental affairs, strategic generation planning, and fuel services. Throughout his career, he has worked to direct collaborative research to develop, demonstrate, and deploy technologies to minimize environmental impacts and is happy to support AWWI’s mission to do just that. Keith holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Auburn University (War Eagle!). Union of Concerned Scientists John Rogers is a senior energy analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists with more than a quarter century of expertise in clean energy technologies and policies, and a focus on wind, solar, and natural gas. He has served as lead or co-author on many UCS analyses, reports, and publications. He joined the board of AWWI in January 2019, also serves on the board of directors of RENEW Northeast and was a co-founder of the US Offshore Wind Collaborative. He has been interviewed numerous times on public and commercial radio, and on television, and has been cited in publications ranging from The New York Times and The Boston Globe to Popular Mechanics and Good Housekeeping. John joined UCS in 2006 after working for 15 years on private and public clean energy initiatives, including as a US Peace Corps Volunteer in Honduras, and as a co-founder of a leading developer of clean energy solutions for rural markets in developing countries. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Princeton University and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan. Christi Calabrese is Director of Permitting and Environmental Affairs for EDP Renewables North America (EDPR NA). Christi and her team manage environmental permitting and permit compliance for EDPR NA’s projects in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, from planning phases through implementation and operations, including developing strategies to avoid and minimize environmental impacts. In addition, Christi develops environmental corporate standards and procedures for EDPR NA and advises EDPR NA’s CEO and Executive Team on environmental regulations and policy issues pertaining to wind energy development and operations. Christi currently chairs the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) Bat Subcommittee and serves on the Board of the American Wind and Wildlife Institute (AWWI). She also served as chair for the AWEA Wildlife and Federal Permitting Committee. Christi was the recipient of AWEA’s 2016 Andy Linehan Environmental Excellence Award. Christi has a Bachelor of Science degree in zoology from the University of Florida and a Masters Degree in Marine Resources Management from Texas A&M Galveston. She has over thirteen years of professional experience in the environmental field and eleven years of experience working in the renewable energy industry, primarily on environmental and siting issues related to wind energy projects. Kyle Boudreaux is a Project Manager for NextEra Energy’s Corporate Environmental Services where he responsible for the tracking and analysis of emerging environmental regulations, programs and policies at the state, regional and federal levels across 48 states and Canada. He is responsible for issues covering all environmental media that could affect any of NextEra Energy’s renewable, fossil, nuclear or gas infrastructure assets. Kyle has been with NextEra for 18 years and has over 25 years’ experience in the environmental field. His background includes working for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as well in the private sector as a hazardous material and oil spill response, disposal and cleanup specialist. He is a certified Professional Environmental Compliance Auditor and has extensive experience in climate change regulatory development, species policy issues, and hazardous waste and materials regulation. Kyle received his Bachelors of Science degree in Environmental Resource Management from Penn State University’s College of Agriculture. Pattern Energy Group Rene Braud is the Director of Environmental Policy for Pattern Energy Group, Inc. (Pattern Energy). Her role largely focuses on protecting wildlife. Ms. Braud has worked for Pattern Energy since 2011. Her career spans over 40 years in environmental sciences and management, with 20 years in the wind industry working with companies such as NextEra, BP, and EDPR. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Biology from University of Houston, attended graduate school at the University of Texas, and holds a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from South Texas College of Law. Ms. Braud was recently awarded the Andrew Linehan Award for Environmental Excellence by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). In 2010, she was also the first recipient of the Special Achievement in Environmental Leadership award from AWEA. Ms. Braud serves on numerous committees in the Wind Industry, including AWEA Wildlife Steering Committee and is the lead for the Eagle Subcommittee. She is a Founder and sits on the Board of Directors for the American Wind Wildlife Institute, and is also a founder and sits on the Steering and Policy Committees for the Energy Wildlife Action Coalition. She was appointed by the Secretary of Interior to serve on the USFWS Wind Turbine Guidelines Federal Advisory Committee from 2007-2012. Ms. Braud travels to Africa twice a year, where she photographs wildlife. She is also an avid birder and is passionate about wildlife and wildlife photography. Conserving and protecting wildlife are truly her life’s passions. Bill Corcoran is Director of State Strategies for Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign. He provides strategic guidance for all aspects of the campaign’s work in the individual states to end the use of fossil fuels in the electricity and building sectors and replace them with clean energy. He has been with the campaign for ten years. During his 23-year staff career with Sierra Club, he has worked on lands and wildlife protection in addition to closing coal plants, stopping the gas rush, and accelerating clean energy and beneficial electrification. Bill led Sierra Club participation in several negotiated settlements protecting large areas of habitat, including the Tejon Ranch conservation agreement, as well as being a leader in legislatively establishing wilderness areas and two national monuments. A graduate of UCLA, Bill is a senior student and board member at the Zen Center of Los Angeles. The Wilderness Society Alex Daue is the assistant director of energy and climate at The Wilderness Society. Alex works with conservation partners, agencies, and project developers across the West to advance responsible policy for renewable energy and transmission development and mitigation; protect wildlands and wildlife habitat; and site projects in appropriate areas on federal public lands. Alex received his BA in biology from the University of Colorado and has been at The Wilderness Society since 2007. Natural Resources Defense Council Nathanael Greene is director of NRDC’s renewable energy policy program. His expertise is in renewable energy, its research and development, and the economic challenges that must be overcome so that they can be deployed quickly and with the greatest environmental benefits. Nathanael started at NRDC right out of college in 1992. After two years he left to attend grad school, where he also worked for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He returned to work with NRDC in 1996. His background in science, engineering, and economics allows him to translate cutting edge technology developments into policy recommendations. He holds a degree in public policy from Brown University and a master’s degree from Berkeley. Read More Duke Energy Renewables Bio coming soon! Clearway Energy Group Raymond Kelly is Director, Environmental for Clearway Energy’s portfolio of operating wind and photovoltaic (PV) electric generation facilities. With over 30 years of experience permitting, performing environmental due diligence reviews and providing compliance oversight in the power and energy sectors, he leads the Clearway Energy’s environmental group supporting renewable energy facility construction and operation. In this role, Ray develops environmental corporate standards and procedures for Clearway and advises the company on environmental regulations and policy issues related to renewable energy. Prior to joining Clearway Energy, Ray was Director, Permitting & Environmental for NRG Energy where he supervised the environmental reviews, permitting and compliance assurance for renewable facilities. During his time at NRG, he was involved with the due diligence review, acquisition, development and/or construction of over 5,000 MW of wind and solar renewable energy projects. Ray presently serves on the Board of the American Wind and Wildlife Institute as Clearway’s representative and with the Avian Solar Working Group and Wind Wildlife Research Fund Advisory Council. Ray received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry from San Diego State University, San Diego, California. American Wind Energy Association (Advisory Member) Tom Kiernan began as CEO of the American Wind Energy Association on May 28, 2013. Prior to that he spent 15 years as President of the National Parks Conservation Association. Kiernan, a native and long-time resident of Arlington, Va., graduated from Dartmouth College in 1981 with a degree in Environmental Computer Modeling. He began his career with the Nantahala and Rocky Mountain Outdoor Centers, and in 1984, joined Arthur Andersen & Co. as a Management Consultant. Tom left the firm after three years to pursue his MBA at Stanford Graduate School of Business. While at Stanford, he also served as Assistant to the Director of Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality. Upon completing his degree, Kiernan moved to Washington, D.C., to join the Environmental Protection Agency as Special Assistant to the Assistant Administrator. A year later, he was promoted to Chief of Staff of the Office of Air and Radiation, and then in 1991 was appointed Deputy Assistant Administrator where he was instrumental in the Bush Administration’s efforts to implement the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. For his leadership role in negotiating consensus after 12 years of litigation on a $450 million pollution control project at the Grand Canyon, he received the Gold Medal – the Agency’s highest award for employees. At the conclusion of the Bush Administration, Kiernan co-founded the environmental consulting firm E3 Ventures, focused on working with private sector clients to expedite Clean Air Act implementation. In 1994, he was hired as Executive Vice President of the Audubon Society of New Hampshire. In this role, he was charged with managing the society’s operations, which included four nature centers, four stores, educational programs, field research, and the management of 8,000 acres of land. In 1995, he was named President, where he successfully led the organization to a balanced budget. In 1998, Kiernan was named as President of National Parks Conservation Association. He led the organization through dramatic growth of its field offices from 7 to 23, its members and supporters from 300,000 to over 800,000, and its net assets from under $5 million to over $60 million. He also led a successful five-year capital campaign that raised 108 percent of its goal and established NPCA as an effective political force in Washington. Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies Brad Loveless was raised in Ohio and received a B.S. in Zoology from Ohio State University and an M.S. in Biology from University of Kansas. Brad worked for Westar Energy for 34 years, the first 12 years being at Wolf Creek Nuclear Station. He is currently the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism. At Westar, Brad worked in Topeka and focused on avoidance of environmental impacts through proper design and siting of electrical generation and distribution facilities, and mitigation of those impacts, when they occur. He helped plan company actions to address climate change and to lead the Green Team, a volunteer group of employees and retirees that have been helping with habitat improvement, environmental access and education, and enhancement of sensitive species for 30 years. In 2013, Brad was awarded the Kansas State Forester’s Award for Community Forestry. In 2009, he was recognized by the Kansas Wildlife Federation as Wildlife Conservationist of the Year and by the Kansas Association of Conservation and Environmental Education as their Strickler Award winner for Environmental Education. He serves on the board of the Kansas Historical Foundation, Kansas Land Trust, and on the Kansas Water Authority. Brad is on the Kansas Forest Service Advisory Council and Chairman of the Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and Streams. Brad is married to Mindy, has three boys, and enjoys working on church initiatives, fishing, hunting, gardening, beekeeping, and volunteering for CASA and Green Team projects. Berkshire Hathaway Energy Jenny McIvor is the Vice President, Environmental Policy and Chief Environmental Counsel for Berkshire Hathaway Energy. Previously, she was responsible for MidAmerican Energy Company’s environmental policy, strategy and management programs, with a focus on wildlife conservation for MidAmerican Energy’s growing wind energy portfolio, and water and air quality for MidAmerican Energy’s electric and gas operations. She serves on MidAmerican Energy’s board of directors. She earned a B.A. in Environmental Studies from the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University, a master’s degree in environmental management from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, a juris doctorate from Vermont Law School. Rick Miller joined EDF Renewables in September 2009 as a Permitting Manager. As Permitting Manager, he oversaw the environmental permitting and planning activities for renewable power generation and electrical power transmission projects in the WECC. In 2012, Rick was promoted to Director of Wind Business Development, where he is directly responsible for the planning, management and oversight of renewable project development including land, permitting, stakeholder engagement, interconnection, acquisition due diligence, origination and pre-construction activities for wind development projects for the West Region. He holds a B.S. in Natural Resources from Humboldt State University. National Wildlife Federation Jim Murphy is Director, Legal Advocacy with National Wildlife Federation where he leads National Wildlife Federation’s national legal work with an extensive focus on climate and energy matters with the goal of reducing carbon pollution to protect wildlife. In particular, he works on an array of climate related issues, including advancing regulatory solutions to carbon pollution, protecting wildlife from harmful fossil fuel projects, and promoting clean, wildlife-friendly renewable energy. He also has worked extensively protecting wildlife and natural resources through legal actions involving the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Policy Act and other environmental statutes. Prior to joining NWF in 2003, he worked with the Conservation Law Foundation, in private practice, and on Capitol Hill. He has an LL.M., summa cum laude, in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School, a J.D. from Boston College Law School, and B.A. in Political Science and History from the University of Vermont. Dr. Laura Nagy is the Director of Permitting and Environmental Affairs at Avangrid Renewables. Dr. Nagy is an ecologist with over 20 years of experience, specializing in avian systems, population ecology, and statistical ecology. Dr. Nagy has experience in strategic planning for wildlife issues including technical study design, identification of avoidance and minimization measures, development of mitigation measures, and project-specific wildlife monitoring. Dr. Nagy’s has been providing biological support to the wind industry on wildlife related issues on emerging regulatory issues such as eagles and endangered species and their associated Eagle Conservation Plans (ECPs), Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs), and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents. She previously worked as a consultant for the wind and solar industries at DNV GL and Tetra Tech and completed her post-doctoral research at the US Environmental Protection Agency. Defenders of Wildlife Joy Page leads Defenders’ renewable energy team which focuses on facilitating wildlife co-existence with wind and solar development. In this capacity she works with federal agencies and developers on a full range of mitigation policies and strategies for avoiding, minimizing and, if necessary, compensating for wildlife impacts from renewable energy development. She also serves on NFWF’s National Bald & Golden Eagle Research Trust Fund Advisory Panel. Joy has both scientific and legal expertise. Prior to joining Defenders of Wildlife, Joy was an attorney on the environment and energy law team at Godfrey & Kahn S.C. where she advised clients on a diverse range of complex environmental regulatory, permitting and transactional due diligence. She also has experience developing and overseeing compensatory mitigation projects with state and federal agencies to offset impacts from development and other permitted activities. Prior to legal practice, Joy worked as an environmental scientist for the US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs. Joy received her Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University Law Center, has a Master of Science in Environmental Health from University of Illinois, and a Bachelor of Science from Bradley University. Stanford University (Advisory Member) Terry L. Root is Senior Fellow (University Faculty) Emerita in Stanford’s Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University. Her research addressed how plants and animals are changing with the changing climate. She was a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change 4th Assessment Report that in 2007 was co-awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with Vice President Al Gore. Also, she was a lead author for the 3rd Assessment Report (2001) and a Review Editor for the 5th Assessment Report (2014). In addition to other honors, Root was awarded the Spirit of Defenders Award for Science by Defenders of Wildlife in 2010, and Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016 from the conservation organization Point Blue. She serves as science advisor to several non-governmental organizations, has served on the boards of many environmental organizations, and is currently serving on the board of National Audubon as a Director and as Assistant Secretary. Root earned her undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of New Mexico, her master’s degree in Biology from the University of Colorado and her doctorate in Biology from Princeton University. She was a Professor at the University of Michigan for 14 years, until she moved to Stanford University where she was on the faculty for 15 years. She retired and moved to Sarasota, FL, in the summer of 2015. The Nature Conservancy Jessica Wilkinson is Senior Policy Advisor for Mitigation at The Nature Conservancy. She works with the Conservancy’s External Affairs department, Global Energy & Infrastructure Program, and North America Energy Program to develop, coordinate, and implement the organization’s strategy for applying smart infrastructure siting principles to protect lands and waters. Before joining TNC, Wilkinson was a Senior Policy Analyst and Director of the Wetlands Program at the Environmental Law Institute in Washington, D.C., where she oversaw the Institute’s program of wetlands research and training. Jessica received a Master’s in Environmental Management from Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and a BA in Environmental Science from Barnard College, Columbia University. Apex Clean Energy As chief operating officer at Apex, Ken Young leads the Apex team in its execution of core business operations with the purpose of delivering world-class renewable energy projects. He holds responsibility for the development, engineering and construction, asset management, and direct support departments including environmental permitting and public / governmental affairs. Prior to joining Apex, Young worked for Vestas Wind Systems as a chief program manager, overseeing technology support throughout the Americas. He also spent several years leading asset management, operations, and other functions at two start-up renewable energy companies. Young is a former U.S. Army infantry officer; he served in Europe and as part of the Old Guard, the army’s premier ceremonial unit, in Arlington, Virginia. He holds a bachelor of science in political science and systems engineering from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and a master of business administration from the University of Notre Dame. The Conservation Fund Roberta Zwier is the Director of The Conservation Fund’s Mitigation Solutions Program. She oversees the development and implementation of mitigation strategies for unavoidable impacts to sensitive resources such as listed species, cultural and historic resources, and state and federal lands. Prior to joining The Conservation Fund, Roberta worked in the natural gas industry where she managed the environmental permitting department of an interstate natural gas company and was responsible for permitting large-scale capital expansion projects. Roberta received a M.S. in Environmental Biology (Wildlife Focus) from California University of Pennsylvania, a B.S. in Environmental Biology from Millersville University of Pennsylvania and holds a Project Management Professional Certification from the Project Management Institute. Abby Arnold manages collaboratives that elevate the best available science into decision-making to achieve results. As Executive Director for the American Wind Wildlife Institute (AWWI) since 2010 and as AWWI’s interim director during its founding, Abby works with wind energy industry and conservation and scientific partners to facilitate wind energy development while protecting wildlife. As Principal/Senior Mediator at Kearns & West, Abby has been lead facilitator and strategic advisor for the National Wind Coordinating Collaborative, the Department of the Interior’s Wind Turbine Guidelines Federal Advisory Committee, and many other regional and national collaborations. Abby holds a Master’s in Public Administration from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and a B.A. in Environmental Planning and Politics from UC Santa Cruz. She has three grown children, lives in Washington D.C. with her husband, and periodically gets to Juneau, AK, her second home, where she enjoys the great outdoors. Taber Allison, Ph.D. Director of Research Taber Allison is an ecologist with special expertise in wind-wildlife impacts. He joined AWWI in December 2010 to direct all research initiatives. Previously, Taber was Vice President for Science, Policy and Climate Change at the Massachusetts Audubon Society, where he led Mass Audubon’s environmental evaluation of wind energy and climate change. Taber has served at the National Science Foundation, was Director of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, and taught at Ohio State University and the University of Colorado. Taber serves on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative. He holds a Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of Minnesota, a Master’s in Forest Science from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and a B.A. degree in Biology from Wesleyan University. Director of Programs and Operations Lauren Flinn oversees AWWI’s operations and program work, including facilitating the National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC). She has over 10 years of experience working on environmental issues at the local, national, and international level, and she brings experience in project management, facilitation, meeting planning, consensus building, regulatory analysis, and outreach to AWWI. Prior to joining AWWI, Lauren supported the NWCC at RESOLVE and was an associate with ICF International in the company’s Energy and Resources Practice. She holds a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science and Management from the Bren School at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology with a concentration in Environmental Studies from Williams College. John Lloyd, Ph.D. Associate Director of Research John Lloyd is a wildlife biologist. Prior to joining AWWI, John was the inaugural Director of Science at the Vermont Center for Ecostudies, where he led the organization’s efforts to develop science-based solutions to pressing problems in wildlife conservation. He has worked throughout the world for a variety of conservation organizations and has taught courses in biostatistics and conservation science at Antioch University and Middlebury College. He is an Elective Member of the American Ornithological Society. John holds a Ph.D. in Wildlife Biology from the University of Montana, an M.S. in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Arizona, and a B.S. in Wildlife Biology from the University of Vermont. Senior Manager, Technology Innovation and Research Stu S. Webster joined the AWWI team in 2017 as Senior Manager, Technology Verification & Research. Stu joined AWWI after constructing two residences by Anne Schmidt of Lewallen Build, LLC. Prior to swinging a hammer Stu was Director of Permitting and Environmental Affairs for Iberdrola (now Avangrid) Renewables, overseeing regulatory and environmental compliance of development, construction, or operation of over 5,000 MWs of wind and solar facilities. Before that, Stu was part of the Clipper Windpower Development team, serving as Permitting Manager from 2006-2009, leaving to join as Vice President-Corporate Relations for AWWI during the organization’s inaugural first year of operation. Since 2006 Stu has served in leadership roles on various siting committees, was a member of AWWI’s Board, and engaged in all manner of siting topics and policy development with the axiom that between two opposing viewpoints there is always common ground worth striving for. Stu has a Bachelors in environmental studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a Masters from the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, Santa Barbara, CA. Stu, Anne, and their family live in Portland, OR. Technology Innovation Manager Katy Battle manages projects within AWWI’s Technology Innovation Program. She ensures that AWWI, as well as its Partners and Friends, support the development and implementation of technologies that minimize wind energy risks to wildlife. Katy brings to AWWI 5 years of technical and administrative experience in wildlife conservation and has conducted and published research in ecological statistics, avian biology, and conservation. Katy holds a M.S. degree from North Carolina State University in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology with a minor in Statistics as well as a B.S. degree in Wildlife Sciences from Virginia Tech. Wind Wildlife Research Fund Manager Juan Botero manages priority research projects funded by the Wind Wildlife Research Fund, a wind industry-led initiative to pool investment for wind-wildlife solutions. Prior to joining AWWI, Juan served as a project manager at an environmental consulting firm where he focused on providing technical and administrative guidance to private industry clients during environmental due diligence, industrial hygiene, and remediation projects. Juan has a broad range of wildlife research experience throughout the continental United States working with birds and herpetofauna. He has both designed and implemented environmental research projects with a focus on anthropogenic impacts on wildlife. Juan earned his M.S. from The College of William and Mary while studying the effects of mercury toxicity on songbirds. He earned his B.S. in Wildlife Science from Virginia Tech while studying the impacts of a coal ash spill on turtles. American Wind Wildlife Information Center Manager Ryan Butryn manages the American Wind Wildlife Information Center (AWWIC). He works with industry partners and friends to get their data contributions accurately and securely housed in the database. He also works closely with researchers to prepare AWWIC data for scientific analysis. Previously, Ryan has worked for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, the Vermont Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, and the U.S. Geological Survey Great Lakes Science Center supporting ecological research with his skills in geographic information systems and data analysis. He has a M.S. degree in Natural Resources from the University of Vermont Rubenstein School for Environment and Natural Resources and a B.S. degree in Environmental Biology from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Outreach and Engagement Manager Paige Johnson manages AWWI’s outreach and communications efforts to engage with AWWI’s collaborators and communicate AWWI’s research and mission. She has a decade of of professional experience in science writing, science outreach and communication, and project management in environmental NGOs, higher education, and museums. She has also conducted research studying the interface between environmental research and policymaking. Paige received a Master’s Degree in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management from the University of Oxford and holds an M.S. in Science Communication from Drexel University and a B.A. in Philosophy from Occidental College. As Program Coordinator, Christina works across AWWI’s programs to support projects and ensures AWWI’s work is timely and organized. Predominantly working with outreach, operations, and the Executive Director, Christina works at the DC office to ensure every project runs smoothly. She has over 4 years of public relations experience and volunteered teaching classes about political engagement to elementary students in the South Bronx. Her higher education focused on environmental justice with a historical perspective. She received a B.A. in Politics and History from The New School, Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts.
We hope you can join us for our 33rd annual fair! Watch a cow being milked, lend a hand at the old-fashioned timber frame barn raising and watch a master craftsman fashion a fine Windsor chair straight from a rough log! Afterwards, sample one of the multicultural dishes from the food court or maybe lick a delicious maple pecan ice-cream cone while touring our farm on a horse-drawn hay wagon. Browse the daily schedule for a complete list of make-your-own projects and demonstrations—including sheepdog work, horse farming, pottery making, blacksmithing, woodworking, quilting, weaving, spinning, basketry, cheese making and much, much more… See you at the Fair! The dates for the Fair are November 27th and 28th, 2020, Friday and Saturday immediately following Thanksgiving. The Fair opens at 9:00 AM and closes at 9:00 PM both days. The fairgrounds are handicap accessible. Visit this page for more info To order your parking passes online, at a reduced rate. Click Here Each day in the craft pavilion, you’ll find a wide variety of ongoing homestead craft demonstrations – woodworking with hand tools, pottery, sewing, quilting, spinning, weaving, broom making, basket making, leatherwork and more. While you’re here, plan to do some Christmas shopping. We have hundreds of handcrafted gifts and specialty items from which to choose. At Heritage Farm, our working homestead, watch agricultural demonstrations including draft horse farming, sheep herding with a sheepdog, cow and goat milking, butter and cheese making and brick-oven bread baking, as well as exhibits on beekeeping, poultry raising, farm animals and more. Gather under the music tent with us for gospel songs, bluegrass music and more each afternoon of the Fair, as well as Friday and Saturday evenings. Activities for Children For everyone, we offer Make-Your-Own projects, including beeswax candle dipping, felting, making soap balls, learning to cross-stitch, shaping a wooden spatula and many more. The seminars at the fair are presented by The Ploughshare Institute for Sustainable Culture, which is the educational branch of the Homestead Heritage community. It is dedicated to perpetuating a sense of intentional community, which includes rediscovering the knowledge and skills that can provide for essential human needs (both socially and spiritually as well as materially) on a sustainable basis. Throughout each day we offer tasty food at our outdoor concession booths and kiosks. Try a sizzling beef sausage-on-a-stick or a spicy, grilled chicken gordita. Sample our fresh pizza baked in a brick oven or try one of our specialty flavors of ice cream. And Much More! You’ll also find horse-drawn hayrides, artwork, children’s writings, children’s books, Homestead Farms specialty foods, solid wood furniture, an audiovisual presentation, a baked goods sale and more! At the Working Homestead - Draft Horse Farming - Sheepdog Demonstration In the Craft Pavilion Area - Wood Carving - Working Wood by Hand - Wheel-Thrown Pottery In the Music Tent - Children’s Choirs - Evening Music On the Fairgrounds - Horse-Drawn Hayrides - Apple Cider Pressing - Candle Dipping - Barn Raising - Homestead Gristmill - Toy Sailboats At the Food Court - Brick Oven Pizza - Hamburgers & Fries - Maple Pecan Ice Cream - Hot Apple Cider At the Red Barn - Children’s Writings - Children’s Books Come give us a hand on Friday and Saturday as we raise and assemble a historic barn frame using traditional hand methods. HISTORIC BUILDINGS TOUR Allow time to take the historic buildings walking tour, to see buildings including a 1760’s New Jersey barn, an 1830’s Missouri cabin and an 1860’s New York smokehouse. Be sure to walk over to Homestead Gristmill, our 1760’s restored gristmill where we grind whole wheat flour and cornmeal. See you at the Fair!
From: United States Cambodia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, United States, Vietnam 29/12/2014 - 01/01/2020 After raising two wonderful, now-grown daughters and having a successful sign & graphic company for 28 years, I found myself reinventing my life. I recently returned to the USA from traveling South America for the past few years, in the spirit of vagabonding, visiting indigenous tribes and learning of plant medicines. My diet is typically vegetarian; however, while on the road I eat the regional food offered. My first workaway experience took me to a farm in the jungle town of Hana on Maui, Hawai'i. I spent half a year living in a tent, happily working with the plants and doing logo design work. I have since traveled to Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica trading graphic art work, fabricating a new sign by hand in a little village, doing construction and room design along with hospitality in hostels. My most recent travel took me to Indonesia speaking and practicing English with elementary, middle school children and high school Travel Industry students. My interest with Workaway.info is to allow me to live and work while learning new skills, meet interesting people and explore our amazing world. Graphic artist, muralist, faux-finisher, sign maker, writer, editing, marketing, traveler, plant medicines, healthy nutrition habits, aromatherapist, love animals, very interested in learning about farming and beekeeping, have many years of experience in the food industry, doll-maker, and am an avid researcher. United States Citizen For enjoyment I dance, do my own version of stretch/meditative yoga, drum, kayak, snorkel, hike, travel, sit & read, visit live music festivals, art shows and museums. To Whom it may Concern, I have know Jacquelin "Denise" Davis for almost 5 years. During this time she has worked, in between adventures with my family. The services provided to me have ranged from house cleaning, responsilibilies with my dog and cat, moving homes and setting up. There isn't anything I have needed that didn't get done, and most without directions. Most recently I needed, quite spur of the moment help with my elderly Mother (90) while still independent, she now needs help. Jacquelin stayed with my Mother on several 5 -10 days trips. (ONE included a hurricane!!) I was from 30,000 feet making suggestions for things that may need attention, after the last long-winded text, I read the response. "Don't worry about anything, I have it handled." True to her word, I returned to a home (with no trace of hurricane), my house was immaculate. Jacquelin ran my household with efficiency, and most important, she is kind to my Mother. My Mom who can be a challenge enjoys spending time with Jacquelin, if it weren't oversimplify the tasks, She is the best babysitter. To all of my animals, and Mom. She is honest, good natured, easy going, smart, and patient with my Mom AND husband! I look forward to her return to my town, because I dont' worry about anything while she is here. Special dietary requirements
The Queen is the only female within a colony of social insects that can reproduce. Social insects include bees, wasps, ants and termites. The Queen lays eggs which are then nurtured by the other members of the colony. In some of the more loose colonies there may be more than one queen. In eusocial colonies there is usually only one reproductive individual. The Queen lays eggs and also produces chemicals which can control the rest of the colony and suppress the reproductive potential of other females within the colony. A photograph of workers clustering around a queen Africanised honey bee. Photograph by United States Federal Government. Other names for (or types of) Queen include: - Female reproductive - Africanised honey bees - Bee bread - Flying ant day - Honey bee - Nuptial flight - Queen cell - Queen excluder - Queen substance - Royal jelly Related pages on this web site - Aculeate hymenoptera - Bees and Beekeeping: From simple bee-ginnings - Bees, Wasps and Ants - Order Hymenoptera Back to Glossary
Many children and babies become orphaned during times of conflict and forced displacement. The nature of the conflicts in northern Uganda and across the border in South Sudan has made it especially difficult to find relatives of lost and orphaned children. Every child deserves a safe and loving environment to grow up in and that is exactly what Moyo Babies’ Home offers to hundreds of babies and children. Moyo Babies’ Home The home is run by the Sacred Heart Sisters who provide the children with a safe and loving environment to grow up in and to begin school. The babies are watched over constantly by the Care Assistants, who give loving care to all the children. When the children become old enough, the Home supports them in going to the local nursery school and then to the primary school nearby. Re-homing the children The Head of Moyo Babies’ Home Sr. Maureen Kojoa does all that she can to find the children permanant homes either in the local community or, if they are South Sudanese, back in South Sudan. Fortunately, each year a few lucky children are found loving homes in their former communities. Sr. Maureen makes rigorous checks on the suitability of prospective adoptive families and conducts follow-up visits after the child has been re-settled. How IRT help To help ensure the long-term care of the children, IRT is supporting the Sisters at Moyo Babies’Home to establish and run income-generating projects which can help fund the day-to-day running of the Home. Projects include vegetable growing, keeping poultry and rearing goats. These type of projects not only help supply the Home with food for the older children but the excess can be sold to pay for the babies’ formula. The Sisters also share beehives with the Sisters at Redeemer Children’s Home. Beekeeping is a great source of income as honey is an in-demand product in Uganda. In supporting Moyo Babies’ Home, our aim is to provide vulnerable orphaned babies and children in northern Uganda with a safe and loving environment to grow up.
Bees in the ‘burbs provides bee hive setup, maintenance, service and products; in essence, all aspects associated with owning and maintaining a bee hive or multiple hives. Services also available are honey and bees wax harvesting, extraction and processing. Interested parties are able to purchase all equipment needed to own a hive, including, but not limited to, all elements of the hive, the beekeeping equipment (suits, smokers, etc.), the bees, instruction on placement of hives, and year-round maintenance of the bees. Honey extraction and bottling service is available, as is bees wax processing. All beekeeping products, as well as a variety of honey-themed products. Raw Honey, Bee Pollen, Honeycomb, beeswax candles and other honey products. Also, bee type gifts, such as honey pots are available for sale in the retail store. We also do several Farmers Markets in the summer months & holiday bazaars in the fall/winter.
It was in the reign of Queen Victoria that the first foreign honeybees were imported into the UK and our weather-hardy, chocolate-coloured brown bee began to fall out of fashion. Before this, all beekeepers in Britain kept the British Isles’ very own native subspecies of dark European honeybee (Apis mellifera mellifera). Later, during the First World War, a bee plague called the Isle of Wight disease, possibly a virus brought in with imported stocks, was said to have eradicated our native dark bee completely. To quickly refill the empty hives regular imports of the Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica), the Italian bee (Apis mellifera ligustica) and other races became the norm and the old dark bee was replaced in both our apiaries and affections with a yellow one. Striped yellow bees are now the accepted stereotype. Crosses between subspecies now populate the British Isles with an assortment of varicoloured hybrids, from yellow Italian bees in the south to the dusky offspring of Caucasian and Carniolan parentage that masquerade as dark bees in the north. However, there were rumours that relict populations of the native bee still existed in remote Scottish glens and islands, and in 1992 a few pure colonies were found by the Scottish Bee Survey, carried out by John and Morna Stoakley. The same year another disease problem arrived– varroa destructor– literally brought in on the backs of imported bees. Varroa arrived with a range of associated viral diseases, such as deformed wing virus, transmitted into the bees’ blood when bitten by the feeding varroa mite. This double whammy of parasite and virus has caused world-wide concern for bee health as the problem spreads with the international trade in queen bees. Fortunately some small areas of the British Isles remain varroa free, one of which includes Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve at Kinlochewe. This provided an opportunity to conserve an oasis in which stocks of healthy, native dark bees could be protected and reared. In 2010 the first bee eggs, only a few millimetres long, were harvested from a small, secret apiary of pure dark bees 200 miles from Beinn Eighe. Boxes of bee eggs were taped to the skin of beekeepers to keep them warm on the long journey back to the reserve, where they were they grafted into foster hives ready to raise them as their queens. After only a few years they’ve produced a healthy, native dark bee population, thriving in and around the gardens, hills and crofts of Kinlochewe. The twofold uniqueness of this population, being both pure dark European honeybee and varroa free, makes it of special interest to bee researchers working on varroa and viral disease. Dr Ewan Campbell of Aberdeen University is closely involved with a pan-European bee initiative called SMARTBEES. “It’s a highly collaborative project with partners across Europe”, he explains. “We were approached to be part of the initial proposal on the back of our success with previous projects to stop the varroa mite. Varroa mites are still relatively unstudied so it made sense to apply our expertise to the economically important and devastating varroa mite. “Varroa-free bees are an extremely important resource across the world. They will have low levels of benign deformed wing virus and allow an exploration of the honeybee immune system prior to the varroa invasion. Being native dark bees, they also represent the historical strain of bee that was dominant across Europe prior to the commercialisation of beekeeping. This makes them doubly important! We can use samples of bees from these hives to look at ‘natural’ benign virus populations, and take these native bees and use them to study response to mites and virus.” The SMARTBEE samples were collected at Beinn Eighe this summer, and already the first vials containing larvae, pupae, females (workers) and males (drones) have been harvested by student volunteers and sent to the lab at Aberdeen University. These native bees, which were thought to have disappeared, could now play a vital part in preventing millions of other honeybees disappearing throughout the world in the future. Photos (C) Margie Ramsay. Many thanks to Margie who is managing the project at Beinn Eighe.
Cody and Judy O'Dell at Smokey Ridge Apiaries. For those of you who already know them, they're coming back to the market! The first Saturday of each month, they will have honey crafts and This family farm business is great example of the talent you'll see a this year's market. Coley helped found the Maryville Farmers' Market and came weekly as a vendor for almost a decade. He and his wife, Judy, mainly work from home now. With over 30 years’ beekeeping experience, their home store keeps them busy at the apiary selling bees and beekeeping equipment among all their other creative endeavors. Judy makes artisan candles, soaps and lotions from the honey Coley's bees produce. And of course, they sell a variety of honey. Wildflower honey is their best seller, but they also take hives to a field of Sourwood trees in the Smokies every year while the Sour Wood is in bloom. Honey connoisseurs pay dearly for this highly sought after honey. Judy makes an assortment of naturally flavored creamed honeys. All of this will be available at the Smokey Ridge Apiary Booth the first Saturday of the month this Maryville Farmers' Market season.
Damascus. Not even 25% done with the trail, but so much will have been already experienced on the way North to Maine. Most people take a few days off in Damascus, usually to enjoy the popular Trail Days festival. My start date has me passing through this trail town about 6 weeks too early, so I’m sad to say I won’t get to experience the hiker parade, cottage vendor booths, nor food smorgasbord that makes it so famous. Maybe I’ll check it out next year to honor my 2018 hike experience, but when you are on a strict schedule to finish by August, you have to make some sacrifices! So, after a day to recover from the 300-mile section to Damascus … it’s onward and upward to the grueling 400-mile section leading to the feet of Shenandoah National Park. No pain no gain, right? If it was easy, everyone would do it, right? Hello Neiman! - Start of Section: Damascus, VA (mile 468.8) - End of Section: Waynesboro, VA (861.7) - Total Miles: 392.9 - Total Days: 22 - Avg Daily Miles: 17.9 - Town Stops: 6 General Strategy for Section 4 - Coming out of Damascus, the uphill battle starts slowly with only a few 1000-foot elevation climbs and drops over the next 20 miles. But then the trail reminds you what is all about with a 3000-foot climb to Whitetop Mountain (mile 489.9). - Just before you hit a big milestone of the 500-mile mark, is the rock tunnel known as Fatman’s Squeeze. This narrow path between boulders makes for some good Kodak moments and goofy hijinks. - Not sure how often, but much of the trail seems to coincide with Horse Trails in Virginia. I’ve never loved sharing a footpath with stock, as they don’t seem to respect it quite as much as we 2-legged folk do. Fingers crossed this doesn’t ruin a good time. - Around mile 515 is Dickey Gap, with highway access to Troutville for resupply needs. At 2.7 miles south, Troutville fails to meet my “resupplying within 1 mile of the trail” rule, so I’ll just wave hello as I pass on. - After 4 days on the trail, food should be just about dried up, so now is time to leverage the ‘within 1 mile” rule with a stop at the Shell Convenience Store in Atkins/Groseclose. While there, many hikers enjoy The Barn’s 16 oz Hiker Burger to ease their hiker hunger. I’m pretty sure I’ll be sick of granola bars by mile 542, so … yeah. No time to stop for a bed though, there are 2 more shelters to hit before our next planned overnight town stay. - 7 shelters in a row since Damascus and it’s time for a much-needed break. Hello Woods Hole Hostel! At mile 623 this “slice of heaven not to be missed” is nestled in at Sugar Run Gap. To steal a page from AWOL, this 1880’s chestnut-log cabin emphasizes a sustainable living through beekeeping, farming, organic gardening, yoga, massage therapy and communal eating. Sounds like a nice place to lay one’s head, rest one’s feet, and sooth one’s mind. All for $15. - After picking up a resupply box at Woods Hole, it’s back on the trail for 10 miles of tough (and steep) downward hiking to Pearlsburg, VA. If needed, Pearlsburg is another good resupply point (though also possible to do from yesterday’s hostel). - The next few dozen miles repeat what looks to be some bluff hiking. Up flat flat flat down … repeat. However, this section will pass through some famous noteworthy sights like: - Stony Creek Valley – trail town - Wind Rock – where you can take your first Backpacker Magazine stereotypical cover page photo. - Keffer Oak – a 300 year old oak tree that is 18′ around. This is the 2nd largest oak tree on the trail for those who were keeping track. Can you name the largest? - Sinking Creek Mountain – the Eastern Continental Divide, where rainfall chooses to head west to the Mississippi River or east to the Atlantic Ocean. - Audie Murphy Monument – dedicated to the most decorated US Soldier of WWII, just off the AT on a short blue blaze side trail. - Note to hikers, I’ve read “footbridge” or “water crossing” more times than I can count during prep for this section. Better have water shoes handy! - I’m not staying there, but mile 695 has something called Pickle Branch shelter. I’ve always thought “pickle” to be one of the most fun words in the English language, so I’m glad to see it making its mark on our long-distance trails. 🙂 - Hopefully, these 5 days of hiking live up to the prep because I’m eager to see all those sights! But at mile 702, it’s time for another break and resupply. The Four Pines Hostel is our destination this time, just outside of Catawba, VA. I’ll be honest, this garage-turned-hostel doesn’t sound too exciting, but at least it has a hot shower. - But fear not, the best photo opportunity of the trail is next! McAfee Knob is well-known for being the iconic trip photo for every thru-hiker’s experience. If you don’t believe me, just do a google image search and be amazed for yourself. It would reeeeeeally suck to reach that summit on a cloudy day. It is honestly worth waiting for it to clear, even if that means losing a day of hiking. - Are we done yet? Not quite, but getting close. Hopefully, those Knob photos fueled your excitement to keep reading… - At mile 727.8 we finally reach our next resupply. For those keeping track, this is the 4th since Damascus. Daleville/Troutville is a decent sized trail town, and even has its own festival called Troutville Trail Days. Unfortunately, again, I’m about 6 weeks early so no fun for me. Many people camp for free at the Fire Station, but I feel like it’s been far too long since a real hostel so my plan is to stay at the Howard Johnson’s Express or similar. - The next 100 miles are another flurry of knobs, overlooks, and views. But also, a swimming hole at Jennings Creek … curious to see what this is. And The Guillotine, a weird rock tunnel formation awaiting that looks like it sounds. - This post is getting long, so let’s get it over with. The last resupply breaks my 1-mile rule, so I may have to rethink this. But as of now, I will need to hitchhike 9 miles from US 60 (806.4) to the town of Buena Vista. With places like the Amish Cupboard, the experience should be worth the frustration, but I may be better off just carrying 7 days of food to avoid a lost day waiting on cars. I think I planned this just so I can say I hitched one time (you know, to say I got the full joke experience), but I’ll have to look closer at this once there. - And finally, we make our way to Rockfish Gap, just outside of Waynesboro and home to a popular night’s rest at Stanimals 328 Hostel. With a resupply box and warm bed, this will end my hike of Section 4. The Appalachian Trail actually goes through two towns of Waynesboro, this one in Virginia and another in Pennsylvania. Virginia is one of the most picturesque parts of this trail, and if you made it through this whole blog post you can understand why. The section is long, the details are aplenty, but the trail does not look to disappoint. Nor does what comes next in Section 5 – namely the beautiful Shenandoah National Park. The adventure continues there, Hello Neiman!
We continue to develop resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic. See COVID-19 initiatives on Appropedia for more information. Honey Processing (Practical Action Technical Brief) Many species of bees collect nectar which they convert into honey and store as a food source. However, only bees that live together in large colonies store appreciable quantities of honey. These are bees of the genus Apis and some of the Meliponinae (stingless bees). Bees make honey mainly from the nectar of flowers, but they also use other plant saps and honeydew. As a bee sucks the liquid up through its proboscis and into its honey sac, it adds a small amount of enzymes, and some of the water in the nectar is evaporated. The enzymes convert sugars in the nectar into different types of sugars; honeys always contain a wide range of sugars that vary according to the nectar source. The bees then place the liquid nectar into cells in the honeycomb. The temperature inside the hive is usually around 35°C and, together with ventilation caused by bees fanning their wings, this temperature causes further evaporation of water from the nectar. When the water content is less than 20%, the bees seal the cell with a wax capping. The honey is now 'ripe' and will not ferment. Honey consists of a mixture of sugars, mostly glucose and fructose. In addition to water (usually 17-20%) it also contains very small amounts of other substances, including minerals, vitamins, proteins and amino acids. A minor, but important component of most types of honey is pollen. These components contribute to the different flavours that honey can have, and make honey a nutritious food that has a high demand in many regions of the world. The simplest processing is to remove the honeycomb from frame hives, top-bar hives or traditional hives and sell or consume it as ‘cut-comb’ honey. When producing this from frame hives it is necessary to use a wax foundation that does not contain strengthening wires and is thinner than that normally used in wired frames. The process involves collecting pieces of sealed and undamaged honeycomb, cutting them into uniform sized pieces and packaging them carefully in bags or cartons to avoid damaging the honeycomb. Because the honeycomb is unopened, it is readily seen to be pure, and it has a finer flavour than honey that is exposed to air or processed further. Cut-comb honey can therefore have a high local demand and fetch a higher price than processed honey. However, the honeycomb is easily damaged by handling and transport, which makes distribution for retail sale more difficult. It requires protection by packaging materials that will absorb shocks or vibration (e.g. cushioning plastics such as ‘bubble-wrap’ and/or corrugated cardboard cartons) and packs should be carried carefully and not stacked, thrown or dropped to avoid damage to the honeycombs. This is honey that is processed to a minimal extent and is usually sold locally. It is prepared by removing the wax cappings of the honeycomb using a long sharp knife that has been heated by standing it in warm water. (unsealed combs containing unripe honey should not be used). The honeycombs are then broken into pieces and the honey is strained to remove wax and other debris. A fairly coarse strainer is used at first to remove large particles, and the honey is then strained through successively finer strainers such as cotton or muslin cloths. The clear honey is collected in a clean, dry container. When most of the honey has drained (often over many hours depending on the temperature) the combs are squeezed inside a cloth bag to remove as much of the remaining honey as possible. The wax is collected and formed into a block by melting it gently in a warm waterbath or solar wax extractor. This beeswax byproduct often has a high value as a wax polish or for candle-making. The strained honey can either be dispensed from the collection pan into customers’ own containers or packed into glass jars or plastic bags for sale. The wax cappings are removed from the honeycombs as for strained honey. At larger scales of production, electrically heated honey knives or ‘planes’ may be used (Fig.1). When extracting honey from top-bar frames, the frame is placed over a dish, and the thin layer of wax capping is cut from the bottom to the top of the frame and allowed to fall into the dish below. The frame is then turned and the capping on the other side is removed. Honey that is stuck to the wax cappings is strained using cloth bags as above. The frame is then placed in a honey extractor (Fig. 2). Honey extractors can be manually or electrically operated, depending on the scale of production, and can be either ‘tangential’ or ‘radial’ type machines. They extract the honey by spinning the frames at high speed. In a tangential machine, the frames lie against the barrel of a drum and the outer side of the frame empties when the drum is spinning. The frames are then turned so that the other face of the honeycomb faces outwards, and the machine spun until this side is empty. This prevents the inner part from bursting through the empty outer combs and so prevents the combs from breaking. Although each frame has to be handled four times to load, turn and unload them, more complete extraction can be achieved and this design is more compact and cheaper than radial types. In a radial machine, the frames sit between rings, arranged like the spokes of a wheel and honey is extracted from both sides simultaneously. Radial machines are larger then tangential machines to ensure that the frames are far enough from the centre to extract properly, but they can hold more frames than a tangential machine (e.g. a 20-frame radial extractor compared to an 8-frame tangential machine). The honey is collected in a pan, preferably made from food grade plastic or stainless steel, and filtered through a nylon or stainless steel filter unit that has progressively finer filters as the honey moves to the outside of the filter unit. Some filters are fitted with heaters to make the honey flow faster, but these are not necessary in tropical climates and any increase in temperature risks a reduction in the quality of the honey (see below). The clear honey is then collected and packaged into glass or plastic containers and labelled. The package should be moistureproof to prevent the honey picking up moisture from the air during storage. Because customers regard the colour of honey as an important quality characteristic, the containers should preferably be transparent so that customers can see the product. Glass jars with screw-on lids or plastic pots with heat-sealed foil or plastic lids may be used. In countries where glass or plastic containers are difficult to obtain, heat-sealed plastic sachets are an alternative. The label on the container is important for attracting customers and a professionally designed label that describes the source of the honey (e.g. sunflower, mixed blossom, tree honey etc.), its purity, and the district it was produced in, can give a marketing advantage. Legally, in most countries the label should have the following information: •The name of the product (i.e. pure honey) •The name and address of the producer. •The weight of honey in the container (the net weight). Other information may be included to benefit the customer: for example, the label on comb honey may indicate that the whole comb including the wax is edible, or strained honey may have a note to explain granulation (see below). Honey is preserved because of its high sugar content (or conversely its low moisture content), which prevents micro-organisms (bacteria, yeasts and moulds) from growing in it. Despite this, it must be handled hygienically, and all equipment must be properly cleaned (see below). The aroma and taste of honey are its most important quality characteristics, but honey is often judged according to its colour. The colour of honey depends mainly on the source of the nectar. Usually dark-coloured honeys have a strong flavour whereas pale honeys have a more delicate flavour. Generally light-coloured honeys are more highly valued than dark products. Some honeys have a high pollen content, which makes them appear cloudy, and this may be considered as lower quality by some customers. The main causes of loss in quality of honey are: 1. An increase in moisture content - too much water in honey (greater than 19-20%) causes it to ferment. Honey is ‘hygroscopic’, meaning that it will absorb moisture, and all honey processing equipment must therefore be completely dry. Honey should also be processed as soon as possible after removal from the hive to prevent it absorbing moisture from the air, especially in humid climates. In areas with a very high humidity it can be difficult to produce honey of sufficiently low water content. 2. Development of HMF (Hydroxymethylfurfural). This is a break-down product of fructose (one of the main sugars in honey) that is formed slowly during storage but very quickly when honey is heated. Colour can also be an indicator of quality because honey becomes darker during storage and heating. The amount of HMF present in honey is used as a guide to the age of the honey and/or the amount of heating that has taken place. Some countries set an HMF limit for imported honey. HMF is measured by laboratory tests and technical advice from a Bureau of Standards should be sought if export is being considered. 3. Contamination by insects. Honey processing is a sticky operation, and the sugar in honey attracts ants, cockroaches and flying insects. Careful protection is needed at all stages of processing, including insect screens on doors and windows to prevent contamination by insects. All honey residues on equipment should be removed by proper cleaning to prevent them attracting insects. The presence of any other contaminations (e.g. particles of wax, parts of bees, splinters of wood, dust etc.) make the honey very low value. A note on granulation Glucose is one of the main sugars in honey and when it crystallises (i.e. it changes from a liquid to a solid), the liquid honey also becomes solid (or granulated). Depending on the source of the nectar collected by bees, some types of honey are more likely to granulate than others, but almost all honey will granulate if its temperature falls sufficiently. Granulation is a natural process and there is no difference in nutritional value between solid and liquid honey. Although there is obviously a difference in the texture between liquid and granulated honey, there is no difference in the flavour or other quality characteristics. Some customers prefer granulated honey, and if liquid honey is slow to granulate, the addition of 20% finely granulated honey will cause it to granulate. The routine quality checks on honey are a visual inspection to detect clarity, any contamination by insects or other materials such as particles of beeswax, and checking that the pack contains the correct weight of honey. In humid climates, or if a batch of honey is suspected of containing high a level of water (e.g. honey that is returned because it has started to ferment), it can be checked for moisture content. Because honey is mostly sugar (around 80%) and water (19-20%) the sugar content can be measured using a refractometer, and the value subtracted from 100 to measure the moisture content. However, refractometers are expensive and it may be more affordable to send samples to a laboratory for checking if a problem with the moisture content is suspected. If during production, the level of moisture is too high, it can be reduced by blowing air for several hours over a pan of honey using an electric fan. Honey should never be heated to remove water because this will increase the amount of HMF and significantly reduce its quality. The other important quality assurance check is to ensure that the correct cleaning procedure is in place and is being properly followed by production staff. All equipment, floors and work surfaces should be washed daily with hot water and detergent, and rinsed with clean water. They should be allowed to dry completely in the air before production starts again. Cloths should not be used to dry surfaces and equipment because they can contain sugar residues that recontaminate cleaned surfaces. Please note this is a selective list of suppliers, not implying endorsement by Practical Action. Honey processing equipment. • Camelot Country Products, Curry Rivel, Somerset, TA10 0HB, UK., Tel: +44 (0)1458 253098 Mobile: +44 07973 905606, email: [email protected], Website: • E.H. Thorne Ltd., Beehive Works, Wragby, Market Rasen, LN8 5LA, U.K., Tel: +44 (0)1 673 858555, Fax: +44 (0)1 673 857004, email: [email protected], Website: • Korea Beekeeping Association and Korea Bee Product's Research institute, 6F The Farmer's Hall, 436-3 Hwaseo-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon, 440-150, South Korea, Tel: +82 331 291 6622/1223, Fax: +82 331 291 6682, E-mail: [email protected], Website: • Maxant Industries, PO Box 454, Ayer, MA., 01432 USA., Tel: 1 978 7720576, Fax: 1 978 7726365, Email: [email protected], Website: • Steele & Brodie Limited Beehive Works, Kilmany Road, Wormit, Newport-on-Tay, Fife, DD6 8PG, UK., Tel: +44 (0) 1382 541728, Fax: +44 (0) 1382 543022, E-mail: [email protected] • Swienty A S, Hortoftvej 16, DK 6400 Sonderborg, Denmark, Tel: +45 74 486969, Fax: +45 74 488001, E-mail: [email protected] • The Bee Keeper's Supermarket, 38 Milner Road, Maitland, Cape Town 7450, South Africa, Tel: +27 21 5114567, Fax: +27 21 5119962. • Thomas Apiculture, 86 rue Abbé Thomas, Fay aux Loges, F-45450, France, Tel: +33 (0)2 38 468800, Fax: +33 (0)2 38 592828, E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.thomas-apiculture.com Larger scale honey processing equipment • SSP Private Ltd., 13 Milestone, Mathura Road, Faridabad, Haryana-121 003, India, Terl: +(91)-(129)-2277442/2275968, Fax : +(91)-(129)-2277441, E-mail : [email protected], Website: http://www.sspindia.com/enquiry.html#contact. - Sifter International, Industrial Plot No. 83, Sector-6, Faridabad - 121006, Haryana (INDIA) Phone no. (Corporate Office) : 91-129-4060039, 2234540 Fax (Corporate Office) : 91-129-2230039 Phone no. (Works) : 91-129-4067129, 2240150 Mobile no. (sales) : +919910030832 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.sifterinternational.com • Locally available from laboratory equipment suppliers/agents. • Bellingham and Stanley Ltd., Longfield Road, North Farm Industrial Estate, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 3EY, UK., Tel: +44 1892 500400, Fax: +44 1892 543115, E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.bs-ltd.com/ • Basic Honey Processing, Allan, M., available at www.beedata.com/data2/basic_honey_processing.htm • Beekeeping in Africa, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 68/6, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 1990. • Beekeeping in the Tropics: Agrodok 32, Segeren , Mulder , Beetsma , Sommeijer, Agromisa, 1991. • Directory of suppliers of beekeeping equipment worldwide, International Bee Research Association, 1982 • The Complete Book on Beekeeping and Honey Processing, NPCS Board of Consultants & Engineers, NIIR Project Consultancy Services, 2007. • The Golden Insect: A handbook on Beekeeping, Adjare, S., Practical Action • Tools for Agriculture: A guide to Appropriate Equipment for Smallholder Farmers, 4th Edition, Carruthers, I. and Rodriguez, M., Practical Action Publishing, 1992. • Apimondia, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 101, I-00186 Rome, Italy, Tel: +39 668 52286, Fax: +39 668 52286 or 683 08578, E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/beenet/apimintr.htm Apimondia is an international organization including 55 national beekeeping associations representing all continents. Members include institutes studying beekeeping as well as institutions and firms promoting and trading products and equipment • Bees for Development, Troy, Monmouth, NP5 4AB, UK., Tel: +44 (0) 16007 13648, Fax: +44 (0) 16007 16167, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.beesfordevelopment.org Bees for Development produce a quarterly magazine, Beekeeping and Development, and produce books that are available through mail order. • International Bee Research Association, 18 North Road, Cardiff, CF10 3DT, UK., Tel: +44 (0)29 2037 3409, Fax: +44 (0)29 2066 5522, E-mail: [email protected], Website: The International Bee Research Association are a not-for-profit organization that aims to increase awareness of the vital role of bees in the environment and encourages the use of bees as wealth creators. IBRA has published a full list that includes over 265 suppliers, listed under their countries (a total of 40), and with an index to suppliers of specialised equipment. The Schumacher Centre for Technology and Development Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 9QZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1926 634400 Fax: +44 (0)1926 634401 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.practicalaction.org/
By Aygul Khalaileh Many of our Community Educators who have been in the network for a while now know and remember Jess. She worked with Rent Smart from 2015 until she left for maternity leave in 2019. She was the friendly voice of Rent Smart, someone you could call or email if you need support and whatever you need, she’ll be there for you. As I stepped into her role, I knew I had big shoes to fill. She was that person who you could trust, connect to immediately and wouldn’t hesitate calling just to say hello. Although, Jess has been away for a while before she made the decision to move on to a new adventure, and back into her home town, Kelowna, her departure will be felt equally within our team as well as by many Community Educators. I still get emails from some folks inquiring about her and wanting to connect with her. Before her big move, Jess agreed to do an interview with me. She shares some of the highlights from her work with Rent Smart, her plans for the future and a message to all Educators. Although, you’ve been away for a bit for maternity leave, the news that you are leaving us for your next adventure will be sad for many of our Community Educators and partners who have come to know you and appreciate working with you. Can you give us a little update on how you have been and what led to this decision? Well, I’ve been a new kind of busy! I now have a full blown toddler that I spend my time with. I swapped the office for the park and have been really enjoying the new role. We are currently packing up to make the big move to Kelowna to be closer to family and have childcare so I can start a new endeavour. What did you enjoy most about your role at Rent Smart? I really enjoyed our team and definitely miss feeling being a part of the change we were working towards. My favourite part of my role as Program Coordinator was getting out in the community and spending time with educators and participants and really seeing the impact the program was making. What was the biggest challenge in your work? I think the biggest challenge I felt, and this may be true for all busy nonprofits, was constantly being pulled in a million different directions. This pull often made me feel like I wasn’t able to give the attention and time that was required to turn out a quality product. I have worked here for a bit since you left and often hear about the laughter and funny moments you had with the team while working here. Can you recall one of those funny situations? Oh boy! We had so many laughs. A few highlights that come to mind is doing an Educator training in Winnipeg with Susana and meeting so many great people there doing amazing work and secondly, all of the podcasting sessions Beth and I did. With podcasting there was such a steep learning curve which led to some very funny and embarrassing moments. What was the most valuable lesson you have learnt from this job? Good question! That’s tough to narrow down. One really valuable lesson is the importance of collaboration in the sector. I have always liked the idea of collective impact and I think when done well in a community it can be very effective. The challenge with this is that staff are generally working at max capacity so being able to find the time to work collaboratively with other organizations can be daunting. What’s next for you? I am currently in the planning stages of a new endeavour that will deliver locally sourced nourishing meals to new parents. Food security has always been an interest of mine so I am excited to partner with Okanagan suppliers and get more involved in that world. Besides that, we are hoping to continue beekeeping in Kelowna and sell honey and pollen part time as well! If you had a magic wand… (just kidding). What changes would you like to see in the housing/homelessness sector as a priority? Oh what a question! Since having my son, I have been thinking a lot about childhood trauma and how trauma intersects mental health and substance use. Of course I have always believed in the importance of prevention, however now I see how prevention needs to start at childhood with supported families. I believe that breaking the cycle of trauma would prevent many paths leading to homelessness. What would you like to say or wish to our educators? Thanks for all you do! It was always inspiring to meet educators doing important work in their communities. I hope this summer brings you some time to take care of yourself and reflect on your work.
To stay up to date with the latest information in the apiculture industry to may visit our beekeeping latest news. On the other hand in case you are starting beekeeping and would like to start professional apiculture now get a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping, like every other activity, has its dos and don’ts. Start beekeeping generally includes the equipment that is needed and buying bees. Yet, some individuals who are starting this hobby generally make several blunders. It’s acceptable to make mistakes, and also this post can help new beekeepers prevent making the exact same mistakes others have previously. Here are three mistakes which every beekeeper should avert: 1. Not knowing the best time to start avocation or a beekeeping business can end up being a catastrophe. It can lead to some loss of your bees and money. Winter is the worst possible time to start, since most bees perish during the winter. This would drive a beekeeper to buy a fresh mountain of bees, which would cost more cash. Fall is another lousy time since you will find fewer blooms, hence a smaller amount of honey harvested, to begin beekeeping. The best time to start beekeeping is during summer, which is the time of the year where there are lots of blooming flowers. 2. Purchasing used equipment and old books on beekeeping. This really is a typical error made by many start beekeepers. Purchasing used gear and old beekeeping publications is not a great thought, although it’s clear that one would desire to cut costs as much as possible. First, used equipment can come with “familial” problems. The extractor factory outlet might have a flow, or the uncapping knife might not be sharp enough to uncap all the wax. This would certainly affect the quality of one’s honey, which will ben’t an ideal situation especially if a beekeeper is intending to commence a honey-selling business. Second, info that is outdated can be provided by old novels on beekeeping. One might be stuck using the conventional method when there are faster and better means fabrication honey and to keep beehives. 3. Refraining from purchasing protective gear. Think relating to this. He/she will come out as a pincushion with all the bee stingers stuck to their body, if one does not wear protective gear when handling the hives and amassing the honeycombs. Protective equipment is not cheap, yes, but it’ll help beekeepers prevent spending medical bills. These three blunders happen to be presented here to help they are avoided by future beekeepers. Before getting started beekeeping, it’s best to consult an expert beekeeper. If buying a certain thing looks too pricey, always think about the ending cost (if they do not purchase this thing now, will it cost them more later on?). In the end, it truly is up to the person to decide the best strategy.
To stay up to date with the latest information in the beekeeping industry to may check out our beekeeping latest news. On the other hand in case you are beginning beekeeping and would like to begin professional apiculture now get a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping, like every other action, has its dos and don’ts. Beginning beekeeping generally includes buying bees and the gear that is needed. Nonetheless, some individuals who are beginning this hobby normally make a few mistakes. It is acceptable to make mistakes, which article can help new beekeepers prevent making precisely the same mistakes others have previously. Here are three errors which every beekeeper should avoid: 1. Not understanding the best time to begin hobby or a beekeeping company can end up being a calamity. It often leads to a loss of your bees and cash. Since most bees expire during the wintertime, winter is the worst possible time to start. This would drive a beekeeper to purchase a brand new mountain of bees, which would be more expensive cash. Fall is another lousy time since you will find fewer flowers, hence a smaller quantity of honey harvested, to begin beekeeping. The best time to begin beekeeping is during summer, which is the time of the year where there are plenty of blooms that are blooming. 2. Purchasing used gear and old books on beekeeping. This really is a familiar mistake made by many start beekeepers. Buying used equipment and old beekeeping publications is not a good thought, although it is understandable that one would want to cut costs as much as possible. First, used equipment can come with “familial” problems. The extractor outlet might have a flow, or the uncapping knife mightn’t be sharp enough to uncap all the wax in one go. This would certainly affect the quality of one’s honey, which will ben’t an ideal scenario particularly if a beekeeper is planning to begin a honey-selling business. Second, old novels can supply out-of-date info on beekeeping. One might be stuck using the traditional method when there are quicker and better ways production honey and to maintain beehives. 3. Refraining from purchasing protective equipment. Think about this. He/she will most likely come out as a pincushion with all the bee stingers, if one does not wear protective equipment when handling the hives and amassing the honeycombs. Protective equipment is pricey, yes, but it will help beekeepers avoid having to pay medical bills. These three errors have been presented here to help future beekeepers avert them. It is best to consult an expert beekeeper, before getting started beekeeping. If buying a certain item appears overly pricey, always consider the end cost ( in case that they don’t purchase this thing now, will it cost them more later on?). In the long run, it’s up to the person to decide the best course of action.
Have you ever wondered about honey, what it is and why it’s like it is? What about quality and honey, what should beekeepers know? Honey comes from Nectar Nectar is a solution produced by plants that animals collect for food. Plants have special structures that make this solution usually from water and sap flowing in the plant. Often these are found in flowers and attract animals that pollinate the plant, but that is not always the case, and they can sometimes be found on any parts of the plant above the ground. Nor is nectar always there to facilitate pollination. The composition of the solution varies, but mostly it’s a solution of sugars in water, with small amounts of minerals and organic molecules. The nectars we are interested in contain something like 10% to 40% carbohydrates, mainly sugars like sucrose, fructose, and glucose. As well as the sugars the plants produce other chemicals that, for example, help the nectar store, make it attractive to a particular animal, or repel animals that might steal it. Nectar is a very dynamic product. It varies for every type of plant, and for the same type of plant growing in different places. It is presented outside the plant’s tissues, so its properties change with the weather and with time. It is a very expensive product, in terms of energy and raw materials, so it’s highly conserved, even re-absorbed, by the plant. It contains enzymes that gradually change the proportions of sugars in the solution, and these sugars make it hygroscopic. All sorts of animals use nectar as food, from yeasts and bacteria, to insects and birds. Because nectars have such different properties the relationship between the producing plants and the consuming animals can be very specific, but often are not. For example, the consumer may have special mouth parts that specialise in harvesting liquid of a certain viscosity, or it may rely on a solution that contains lots of amino-acids. These relationships can alter as the secretion of nectar changes over time. What is honey? If honey comes from nectar it’s obvious the composition and physical properties of honey originate with nectar, but honey bees alter nectar in two important ways. As they collect the liquid they add a collection of enzymes, (mostly α-glucosidases, generally referred to as ‘invertase’ or ‘sucrase’) that will split a long sugar into small sugars; each sucrose molecule is split in to two sugars, fructose and glucose. They secrete these enzymes from glands in their head as they imbibe the solution, and ‘swallow’ the mixture into their honey stomach (or ‘crop’). During the intake and expulsion of the nectar it’s likely to be contaminated with pollen grains and spores from the environment. An organ in the crop is able to filter some particulates like this out into the bee’s digestive system where they are digested or excreted. After they have transported it back to their hive they regurgitate the liquid and then concentrate it by evaporating water. Whereas nectar is mostly water, honey has four to five times as much sugar as water. By splitting most of the sucrose into smaller sugars the ‘bees end up with a warm (about 34oC) fructose solution that has a lot of glucose dissolved in it, and a little sucrose (1-2%). How this solution behaves when it cools depends on the exact mixture of sugars in it, but as a rule some or all the sugars will not remain liquid and the honey will slowly granulate. The honey will also still contain any of the minerals and organic molecules that were produced in the nectar. The minerals are what gives honey most of its colour, the trace molecules contribute to its flavour, aroma and ‘mouth-feel’. It will now be much ‘thicker’; it has a high viscosity – 200 times that of water, ten times that of an oil. Different densities may have some effect on packaging and container size if sold by weight. Some honeys have such high protein contents they exhibit a property called ‘thixotropy’ and need special handling and packing. As honey it will also absorb water even more quickly that its parent nectar did, which it why ‘bees and beekeepers are careful about exposing it to moist air. And it will contain some (uncertain) quantity of pollen grains and microorganism spores as a result of its natural origin. So honey is concentrated nectar, but honey is a food, defined in law governed by a principle in an international Codex. The Codex alimentarious defines honey too, and if you’re thinking about honey as a commodity, that’s much more important. To paraphrase what the Codex says, “honey is …an unfermented, sweet substance… produced by honey bees from nectar or secretions from living plants… collected… and transformed in honey combs… without objectionable flavours, aromas, or taints absorbed from foreign matter or during storage… or natural plant toxins in an amount hazardous to health.” Everything we need to understand about honey quality can be read from the Codex. The first thing is that it is not fermented. If it’s fermented it’s something else, not honey. What prevents honey from spoiling, and fermenting, is its high sugar concentration. As a result, the amount of water in honey is usually regulated by statute. Above 20% water we know honey is likely to ferment, below 17.0% fermentation is not likely. Between those two points the chance of fermentation depends on the count of yeast spores in the honey. This all assumes the honey is homogeneous – the same throughout. If honey has begun to crystalise (we call it granulation) clearly it is no longer homogenous. As honey naturally granulates, the possibility of fermentation increases. If we incorporate air into honey, it is no longer homogeneous and the possibility of fermentation increases. If we leave bits of leaf, pollen and dust, and the odd bee’s leg in the honey it’s not homogeneous (and we add to the bacteria/yeast content). Not only will various sorts of foreign material set up concentration gradients that permit fermentation we increase the chance of there being ‘objectionable taints’ and the like in our honey. Particulates in the honey can also ‘seed’ premature crystal formation leading to early granulation, and it’s common to filter out most or all particulates. The other important part of the Codex is that we should expect honey to be a product of living plants, transformed only by honey bees. It should not contain anything (like chemical pollutants) or be adulterated with products that are not ‘a product of living plants’. It should contain the natural enzymes and biological products that are ‘a product of living plants’, insofar as they are not a hazard to human health. We should not be destroying constituent enzymes by over-heating or processing honey, and in any case, we should be able to tell only honey bees have ‘collected, transformed, and combined’ the nectars to honey. There are many tests in use that can check the integrity of honey, but measuring 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), one of the main volatile alcohols in any honey, has proved a useful general standard. The compound is produced by sugary solutions at a rate that depends on time and temperature, and the ‘HMF’ quantity has proved to be a good proxy for indicating change in the chemical properties of honey. HMF can tell us whether or to what extent we have ‘transformed’ the honey, and not the ‘bees. Being true to quality It is important to adhere to local legislation about trade descriptions, food labelling, and weights and measures. There may be specific regulations that deal with food safety, (in NZ the Tutin regulations are the prime example) or standards that must be met to conform with export regulations and compliance in local or overseas markets. None of these take anything away from the principles in the Codex. There are also conventions (with varying degrees of ‘authority’) that attempt to define how honey shall be described, especially when trading between countries. For many years honey colour has been described using the ‘Pfund scale’ using a colorimeter, and while there are now more sophisticated spectrophotometric measures the Pfund remains part of the beekeeping vocabulary. Several countries have attempted to standardise the descriptions of the aroma and flavour of honeys using tools like a ‘flavour wheel’ (not New Zealand), and as the interest in ‘varietal’ or ‘gourmet’ honeys has grown these have become widely used to describe and classify the variety of honey available, rather like wine tasting. You can find one you like on the ‘web. Representing the ‘honesty’ of honey is essential in preparing and describing the product. When preparing honey for consumption and sale seemingly small ‘defects’ create doubt about the provenance and preparation process in the mind of the observer. Are those small bubbles from fermentation or sloppy preparation? Why is there sediment at the bottom of the jar and scum on the top? Worldwide, different consumer groups have different attitudes to filtration, clarity, and shelf-life, some more discerning and selective than others. It is also important that descriptions, of any kind, are true. Apple blossom pictured on the label of a jar of pasture honey is misleading would not be permitted in some jurisdictions. Putting a sprig of lavender in your lavender honey may not be smart, but putting it in clover honey can be construed as a lie. As consumers become more discerning your product also characterises how you run your business; “You said it was ‘honey’, not ‘honey with added ‘bee bits’!”. Are the fragments an indication of how roughly you treat your bees, an errant wing an indicator of your insensitive beekeeping? Consumers may regard the possibility of mite treatment residues in the honey you supply as a betrayal. While these details may or may not be part of the regulatory environment, they are part of the ethical framework beekeepers have established over many years. Disregard them at your peril.
Inanna Tribukait discusses the rising wave of anti-Semitism and underrepresentation of Jewish culture in Europe 2017 saw the burning of Israeli flags in Berlin. Last February, Poland moved to criminalise talking about Polish complicity in the Holocaust. In December, dozens of tombstones in a Jewish cemetery were defaced with swastikas in France. There is an ongoing debate about anti-Semitism in the Labour party. According to a poll marking Holocaust Memorial Day, one in twenty Britons do not believe the Holocaust happened. Headlines about Jews feeling increasingly unsafe seem to have become a monthly, if not weekly occurrence. Almost 75 years after the Holocaust ended, and in spite of all that happened, anti-Semitism seems to be far from over. “I think a big part of it is representation. There are just not as many Jews in the UK as other minorities, and people seem to lose the understanding of why it is important,” says second year UofG student and Jewish-American Julia Hegele. She can confirm the headlines about rising anti-Semitism in the UK; almost every week in synagogue she hears new stories. “I sometimes get the feeling that just because we’re not many, people don’t seem to view anti-Semitism as a very serious problem.” In her experience, Judaism seems to have been swept under the rug of British reality. Despite the amount of Jewish history and culture in Europe, nobody seems to talk about it. What is perhaps also telling is the absence of a Jewish Society at the University of Glasgow, although there is an overarching Glasgow Jewish Society for Glasgow universities and colleges with 287 members on their Facebook Group. The numbers are discouragingly low – as a point of reference, the Glasgow University Beekeeping Society currently has 1392 Likes. The Jewish population in the UK is at 0.44% according to a 2017 census by the Jewish Virtual Library. During the research for this article, I asked around friends and acquaintances and found that hardly anyone knew any Jewish people. The general response was an awkward, baffled silence followed by an answer of either “no” or something along the lines of “My brother’s friend in primary school had a Jewish cousin”. It is this lack of exposure to Jewish culture that Julia sees as the reason for an almost casual anti-Semitism. Where people would be sensitive to not make jokes about other religions or ethnicities, because they have friends or acquaintances, the lack of real-life exposure to Judaism seems to have lowered the inhibition level. “People seem to think the Holocaust is some kind of punchline,” she says. At the same time, Judaism in Britain is strongly tied to conservatism. According to a survey on behalf of the Jewish Chronicle in 2015, almost 70% of the Jewish voting population were planning to vote conservative. In Julia’s experience, particularly liberal campuses have therefore somehow co-opted the idea that being openly Jewish is automatically tied in with being anti-Palestinian or agreeing with Israel’s politics and “Trump’s political relationship to Israel obviously doesn’t help.” Although Julia was able to walk down the street past a group of Free Palestine activists, speaking Hebrew with friends without any kind of animosity, she talks about an incident during the Eurovision Song Contest last year in the GUU. “I was supporting Israel because I have family there, and America doesn’t participate in Eurovision. A girl came up to me and asked me pretty aggressively how I could support Israel’s politics. If there’s so little education about the whole topic, it’s very easy to read a Buzzfeed article and think you know what’s going on.” Without a doubt, critiquing the politics of the State of Israel does not make you an anti-Semite. But at the same time, being Jewish does not mean that you endorse Israeli politics, just as being American does not mean you support Trump, or being British does not make you a Brexiteer. Growing up in central Europe, visiting concentration camps with school, seeing the little golden cobble stones on European streets that mark the houses of deported and killed Jews, all this shows us one thing very clearly and painfully: anti-Semitism is racism. There is a panel in Kelvingrove Art Gallery that states that the lessons that are to be learned from the Holocaust are a responsibility for all of us, to prevent history from repeating itself. If anti-Semitism rises again, it shows that as a society, we have all failed to preserve the memory, have failed to learn. “Look at how many books have already been written about the Holocaust. What’s the point? People haven’t changed… Maybe they need a newer, bigger Holocaust,” Art Spiegelman wrote in his Pulitzer Prize winning graphic novel about his father’s survival of the Holocaust. The scary thing is, he might not be wrong.
I am married to a pretty good guy. He’s a patient man who is willing to come along for the ride on any crazy train I happen to hop aboard. He was so supportive when I said I wanted to quit my job to come home and be with Henry. But he knows me better than to assume that being at home with our little boy was the only thing I planned to do. After all, I started beekeeping when on maternity leave, because having a preemie who never slept more than one hour at a time for that whole first year just wasn’t enough to challenge me! So late one night, as I twisted to turn off the bedside lamp, I heard him quietly ask “So, can you give me any idea as to what this mid-life crisis of yours might entail, just so I can prepare myself?” I sighed, rolled over, looked him squarely in the eye and said, “It might involve chickens. And definitely more bees. And maybe foster babies. And probably a bed-and-breakfast. And for sure, a few alpacas.” And then I waited. And finally, he smiled and said, “Well, I guess we’d better start looking for a bigger house on a few acres in the country.” That is a pretty good guy. That is MY pretty good guy. So imagine my indignant surprise when yesterday I noticed that he had posted, to my facebook timeline, a video about the hazards of raising chickens. I should have known that he would start throwing pseudo-scientific stuff my way to try and kill my dreams!!! And all he had to say for himself was that it was ‘too close to home not to post’. For any of you who also might harbour dreams of one day raising your own chickens, I give you this public service announcement (see link below). We can discuss it later, when we get together to talk about our chickens! Kari Raymer Bishop Lover of Jesus, cheeses and tropical breezes... seeking balance in life, even as I embrace new challenges and chase new dreams. I am wife, mother, daughter and friend, as well as teacher, entrepreneur, activist, writer, beekeeper and hostess. Come along on the journey through my long-awaited midlife crisis!
Blessing Acres LLC is a family owned apiary located in the heart of Jackson County. We focus on keeping our bees healthy and we do our part to increase awareness of honey bees and promote beekeeping to the general public. The apiary is owned and operated by Mike & Sally Blessing. What is an apiary? It’s just a fancy term for a bee farm! Our raw honey is natural and ready to eat right out of the hive. The process of making creamed honey requires a slight warming but the temperatures are only high enough to make the honey very fluid and do not exceed the temperature of the bee hives. We do not pasteurize the honey. We do filter the honey to remove any unwanted particles. We are a small bee farm that will be expanding each year so expect our honey crop to increase yearly. This site serves several purposes. Most importantly is to help educate and pass along what we are learning. It also serves as an easy contact venue for selling honey and bee products. We began our beekeeping venture with 5 Langstroth and one Top Bar hive in the summer of 2013. The Top Bar was a gift from our daughter Christmas 2012. That meant we had to get serious about raising bees. So the winter of 2013-14, we had 6 hives all bundled for the winter and held our breathe. Surprise…. beginners luck… good mentoring… all 6 hives thrived. Each summer we split hives and this winter we went into winter with 30 thriving hives. Spring will reveal how our bees faired through the winter months!
A key element in our development of on-site education at our Teaching Apiary was a Planning Application to ‘Erect a single storey wooden clubhouse and lay 4m wide grasscrete surfacing along part of access way from the main entrance…’ that was submitted during September that year. We were delighted that this application was Granted in November 2012 by Mole Valley District Council. The development approved was assessed against the National Planning Policy Framework Section 9, Mole Valley Core Strategy policy CS14, Mole Valley Local Plan policies ENV22 and REC11, and material considerations, including third-party representation. It was concluded that the development, subject to the conditions imposed, would accord with the development plan and there were no other material considerations to justify a refusal of permission. Efforts then were then started in earnest in 2013 to raise the necessary funding for our Education Space Project By the November of 2014, the members of Reigate Beekeepers had by a combination of Honey sales, fund raising events and general donations raised sufficient funds to commence the ground works and foundations that would be required for the building. However, Christmas 2014 arrived early with a number of very significant and immensely generous donations from a few of our own members. Such was the scale of the generosity, that we were able to place orders for the building itself, for delivery and installation early in 2015. Construction progressed well, and with a big team effort from the members to tidy the site up after the contractors had departed, we were all ready to commence our Summer Season of Beekeeping training by April 2015. We now had a fine weatherproof building with main services provided, but otherwise an empty shell requiring a complete fitting-out internally. Although certainly enough to celebrate with a ‘Topping-Out’ ceremony during our Summer BBQ event. Gradually, during the Summer months and by making good use of the mild Autumn and early Winter months; that fitting out was progressed. A stalwart team of volunteering members variously installed plumbing and wiring (1st Fix) and installed insulation and commenced plaster-boarding walls and ceilings. 2016 (so far) The fitting-out is progressing. By the time the years Summer Beekeeping Season got under way during (a chilly) April, ceilings and walls were being plastered, the plumbing was fully functional (and yes we had an indoor loo at last), 2nd Fix electrics were being carried out and the kitchen’s units and equipment were being installed. We will welcome funding to help us now complete the project. The main room of the building, although structurally and decoratively nearly complete, remains an otherwise empty room. We still need the teaching aids equipment and furniture required to provide the classroom, workshop, lecture, meeting room and presentations facilities that were, and remain, the core objective of the Education Project. If you are keen to become a Beekeeper, you can help directly by enrolling on our next Beginners Course (January to March each year) and then become a Member of Reigate Beekeepers. During the summer we provide a Taster Day (our next one is on June 18th this year and will be held in the new building) that is a great way for aspiring beekeepers (and their families) to learn a little about what is involved and have a hands-on experience of beekeeping. Alternatively, you may like to help by Sponsoring-a-Hive. Could you or your organisation/business possibly offer Reigate Beekeepers a Grant or Sponsorship funding directly? Meet us at the many Summer Shows & Village Fetes that we attend during the Summer and buy our Honey and other hive products we often have to sell. Come along to our annual Honey Show in Reigate ( October 10th this year). Or would you like to simply Make a Donation to Reigate Beekeepers, because you like what we are doing?
Honey Care Africa started its operations in the year 2000 as an N.G.O. with the aim of connecting environment conservation and supporting rural farmers involved in beekeeping. The company would offer hives, beekeeping equipment and training in beekeeping. It would offer this equipment on a loan arrangement in conjunction with K.I.V.A. Honey Care ultimately provided a ready market by purchasing their honey at fair trade prices. Indeed, Honey Care Africa has a rich history as a pioneer in the honey industry in Africa and enterprise in general. We look to an exciting future as we lead Africa in the global honey and healthy snacks market. In 2012, the company transitioned from an N.G.O. to an F.M.C.G. Its focus is on expanding the business and introducing new honey products in the wider market. We buy honey, nuts (peanuts and cashew nuts) and seeds (Simsim) from smallholder farmers across the East African region. Honey is currently bought through aggregators working directly with smallholder beekeepers, and also through brokers. Nuts and seeds are also procured from smallholder farmers through groups and brokers. All these are processed into honey products, butters and snacks, and packed into different brands to meet the varying market needs. Honey Care products are distributed in modern and general trade as well as hotels and institutions across the country. Honey Care is a social impact F.M.C.G. focusing on honey and healthy snacks. It realized an annual average growth in sales of 40% from 2012 – 2018.
Bee Removal Services in Orange County, CA Bee Removal: Let’s talk about it. There are several types of bee removal situations that you may find yourself faced with. Often, if this is your first experience with bees on your property it can be quite shocking. Sometimes the bees that you observe will move on entirely, but other times they will stick around indefinitely. No matter what your situation, we are ready to help and will always give you honest answers. Check out our Self-Help Guide and the rest of our site for detailed information about different types of bee problems. Before bee removal was a profession or industry, David, owner and president of Bee Busters, was helping his fellow Orange County residents with their bee problems. What began in his teens with a bicycle and beekeeping hobby has turned into the most professional well-trained bee removal operation in the county. Many of the cutting edge methods used today were developed over the years as David began applying innovative technologies to a previously unsophisticated field. These pioneering efforts have permanently changed the bee removal industry. In the bee world there are several terms that we use to differentiate between situations. These major categories are: Scouts – Bees that investigate possible nesting locations before a swarm arrives. Swarms– Migrating bees that are in transit to a new home. A swarm can contain a few hundred to a few thousand bees. If you see them in the air it will look like a moving cloud of bees. They’ll land on a branch and form a basketball-sized solid clump of bees. Colonies – This occurs when a swarm has chosen a location and sets up shop. They choose hollow cavity spaces where they will be protected from predators and the elements. They build honeycombs, breed more bees, and store food. Colonies of bees can become defensive of their space. Note: The term hive is usually used to describe a beekeeper’s box containing a colony. Exposed Colonies – When a colony is not in a hollow cavity space and it is out in the open we refer to it as an “exposed colony.” While it is much less common because urban areas provide so many better options, the bees will build in dense trees and other areas in some circumstances. Exposed colonies commonly occur in trees but they can also be found elsewhere including under the eaves of a home, in junk piles, and under patios and decks. Foraging Bees – Bees need to go grocery shopping just like we do. Bees forage for nectar, pollen and water. If you have foraging (or nuisance) bees click here. Many times a situation such as a swarm or scouts will result in no major problem. Swarms on trees or in other open areas will frequently move on within 3 days. Scouts may decide not to choose your property for colonizing. However, swarms found in public areas where children or pedestrians could be affected or tempted to disturb them can cause problems. If you need a swarm removed we will be right out to help! Read more about swarms and scouts here. If you have noticed bees in a particular location (other than around flowers or water) for several days it usually means they are there to stay. This normally occurs in a hollow void such as a roof, wall, chimney, or other cavity space. When a swarm shows up they will typically move into a void space fairly quickly. This can happen in just a few hours. Many times they go completely unnoticed until a colony has formed. A colony will almost never leave once established. Give us a call and we can help. Read more about colonies here. Bee Busters is highly equipped to deal with any bee situation you may have. It is definitely less invasive to remove a problem in the early stages such as scouts or a swarm, but in cases where a colony has formed we have the best qualified technicians to resolve your problem. Once honeycombs have been built, it is best to remove them to prevent future problems. We call this a full removal. Structural removals frequently involve opening part of a structure to remove bees as well as honeycombs. The removal is local to the area where the bees are living and usually requires some patchwork afterwards. Remember, whether to do a structural removal of the honeycombs is always your choice! It is actually not uncommon to find bee colonies in BBQ’s. People dust off their BBQ’s after months of inactivity and find an unwelcome surprise!
This site will slowly fill up with my various side projects works and publications. Along with any posts on the technologies of interest to me. I am currently pursuing a Master of Science in Electrical engineering at the University of Calgary developing image sensors as a member of the Integrated Intelligent Sensing Laboratory. My hobbies include Beekeeping and Music Technologies of Interest to me include VLSI mixed-signal design, FPGA design, and general system-level analog and mixed-signal design. See my posts for documentation of my projects. Feel Free to send questions or comments in through the contact me form.
Villa Monte Reserve welcomes visitors to stay in one of the various accommodation options, enjoy wholesome and delicious food, explore the reserve and its surroundings, participate in daily activities in and around the reserve or just relax amidst the tranquil surroundings… Villa Monte Reserve offers a variety of accommodation options, for example, an independent fully-equipped house, a room in the main house, a dome tent, all are beautifully situated in the lush natural environment. Spaces are designed with an emphasis on minimalism and harnessing natural light. Rooms are filled with antique elements, traditional tiles, recycled furniture and furniture designed and built on the premise. More accommodation options available upon request. We also host groups, events, campers, bikers, and others. The vegetable garden and greenhouse provide fresh naturally grown produce for our guests. Homemade jams, fermented products, honey, fresh bread, and fresh yogurt are all available. From farm to table… Enjoy the flavors of fresh food overlooking the garden it comes from! We offer a variety of plates featuring seasonal naturally grown vegetables, fruits, and herbs from our garden along with regional products such as cheeses, olive oil, wine & honey. Homemade sourdough bread, fresh fruit & vegetable juices available. *We cater to special dietary needs (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, etc) upon request. Visitors can explore the nature reserve and its surroundings by foot, horse, bike or guided tours. Excursions in and around the area include nature hikes/walks, bird watching, mountain biking, bathing in clear mountain spring rivers, trips to surrounding villages, visiting local producers and hot springs among others! Visitors can also participate in daily activities in the natural reserve and organic farm. Daily activities include maintenance of the vegetable garden, native tree nursery, waterways, and fencing, taking care of animals, beekeeping, making preserves, building projects, participating in workshops with the community. For kids we have a play area, horse riding, fishing pond, land art, biking, sports, tree house, tree swing, tree climbing, woodwork, making huts, making dams in the rivers, attending the animals, bathing in clear mountain spring rivers and assisting on the farm to name a few.
Ace Hardware in Greeley offers a variety of housewares, power tools and, for a limited time, local honey.Rick and Kristi Thomas, owners of Ace Hardware in Greeley, sell their honey every year after harvesting it from an apiary at their Greeley home. Rick said he got into beekeeping four years ago to take care of the pollinators.”I wasn’t into it for the honey,” he said. “I got into it for the pollination.”This year, they harvested about 13-15 gallons of local, homegrown honey from three colonies, Rick said. After giving away honey to friends and family, they filled honey bear bottles to sell in stores, at both the 2626 11th Ave. and 3540 10th St. locations. In addition to making honey, Rick said the bees have helped his vegetables, wildflowers, fruits and berries flourish.“They’ve really made a difference, just in my own yard. They probably are helping everyone else’s yards, also,” he said.Like the difference between local and store-bought honey, Rick said shopping local makes a difference. Rick said he hopes residents will check out Ace Hardware’s deals on lights and decorations as they gear up for Christmas.
The content of the article: You can master beekeeping for beginners with the help of manuals, experienced specialists and visual lessons. Requirements for the creation of the apiary include measures to protect against stinging insects from surrounding residents. Without compliance with the regulations, the apiary can not be equipped. Features of beekeeping and where to start a beginner It is known that honey is the most useful and healing product. Insects workers bees for the season will provide the owner of the apiary honey, pergoy, propolis. But to get a bribe of a product and create conditions for the development of a strong family, a beekeeper who knows the peculiarities of insects' content can create comfortable conditions for toilers. If the decision to create your own apiary is taken, you will need to meet a number of conditions: - Find the place of accommodation of hives that meets the requirements; - prepare the necessary inventory and arrange a wintering place; - choose a breed of bees that is suitable for climatic conditions and productivity; - Get knowledge of beekeeping for beginners. The desire to get a sweet product from flying insects will require knowledge. You can learn the theory of the allowance or go to the apprentices to an experienced master. Without a clear technique of carrying out the service, the hive is indispensable. An invaluable help will be provided by a video on beekeeping for beginners: Rules for equipping the apiary If you are a beginner beekeeper, then you need to learn on a small number of bee colonies. At the legislative level, the "Instruction on the maintenance of bee colonies" has been abolished and since 2013 the issue has been transferred to regional regulation. Optimal for the development of beekeeping from scratch start with three hives. But at the same time, safety standards must be observed. If the hives are installed in a settlement, this should be agreed with the neighbors. They need to know how to avoid a bee sting. A neighbor who is bitten by a bee will always win a trial with a beekeeper. The accommodation of beehives is provided for 10 meters to the border of possession and 50 meters from the living quarters. In order to prevent the flight of insects to neighboring sites, it is prescribed to arrange a fence along the perimeter of at least 2 m in height. If the size of the plot does not allow you to withstand the distance from the hives to the housing and fence, beekeeping is prohibited. How to organize beekeeping for beginners, where to start, if the size of the plot does not allow you to build an apiary? It is necessary to find a place for the apiary device in a residential or abandoned settlement. You can find a site without buildings, where many flowering plants and there are no air pollutants. To issue a land plot for rent or property in order to create an apiary. At registration of the earth the sanitary-veterinary passport on an apiary is simultaneously made out. The site must meet the requirements of a constant bribe from honey plants in a radius of 2 km. At the same time, intersections with the motorway and the river are excluded. You can choose the breed of bees that make a flight high, then pedestrians will not become an obstacle to the bees of workers. To collect a spoonful of honey 400 bees work. Half gather pollen, the other puts it in honeycombs. To get a kilogram of honey for 4500 sorties. During the day a large family gathers up to 20 kg of nectar, from which 10 kg of honey are obtained. The success of beekeeping for beginners depends on the first steps to creating an apiary. A pchelopaket, a swarm or a family is the primary material purchased for the further breeding of bees. Pchelopaket is formed only to order, they are sold in autumn. Stages of equipping the apiary Before buying bees, it is necessary to take care of the place of installation of beehives, the winter maintenance of bees, to purchase an instrument. All about bees and beekeeping for beginners must be learned before the first apiary appears on the apiary. This will help determine the nature of the relationship, make fewer mistakes. The planning of the site is to clean all plantations and felling residues. The platform must be clean and even, even the leaves are removed. The main road and paths are laid. All the hives are set to go inside the site, their colors are bright and different, so that the bees recognize their house from afar. Hives are selected depending on the type of bees that are adapted in the local region. There should be more lodges than families, the reserve will be required for the separation of a new swarm. In addition to the hives, you will need: - insulating cushions and canvases for each hive; - smoke and work clothes for working with insects; - wire, paint and nails. By the autumn, a winter hut, a warm room for hives, should also be ready. If beekeeping is planned as a business, then an apiary will be profitable, having more than fifty families. It is necessary to know that care of bees, inspection of hives and accompanying operations will require approximately 6 hours per week for three families. To ensure bribes for a large number of families, it is necessary to place the hives in the herbage or on the margins of the flowering fields of cultivated plants. Like any business, beekeeping requires planning and expansion of production. Costs for the maintenance of the apiary need to be laid in the business plan. To sell the products you will need a veterinary passport. Difficulties of an inexperienced beekeeper If you approach the new business responsibly, you can avoid disappointment in the future. But for this it is necessary to study in advance and obtain information about the organization of the bee family. At the first stage you need to know: - the correct choice of the bee family when buying; - temperature regime in the hive in different seasons and how to maintain it; - signs of a healthy family; - signs of diseases of bees, weakening of bee families; - death of the uterus and how to plant a new individual in the hive; - how to catch a swarm away. In the process of work there will be a lot of questions, the experienced beekeeper or the study of video and literature will help. The community of bees does not forgive mistakes in care. How to start a beginner in beekeeping and how not to be bitten by bees? Sting bees only in exceptional cases, since this ends with the death of the defender herself. Therefore, work on the apiary is necessary without sudden movements, in light and clean clothes without foreign smells. The head should have a hat with a mosquito net. Do not use clothes with a pile, so that the bee can not get confused and angry. Quiet movements, conversation in a low voice and a smoke will not anger bees. The bee sting is painful, but it has a healing dose of poison. Working bees recognize their master by their characteristic features. Eyebrows, ears and lips of the beekeeper are for the bees a configuration signal. Perhaps, therefore, beekeepers rarely sting. Hives and the necessary inventory is best bought in a specialized store. When there is experience, houses for bees are made independently. The larger the family, the more honey and perga it collects and the more the hive installs the framework. The most rational form of capacity is a hexagonal cell. To create 100 cells, bees are required, g wax. Ideal for the spaciousness and strength of the shape of the vessel. The structure of the hives differs by the way of fixing the frames for honeycomb with honey. There are vertical and horizontal structures and even make special designs for airborne honey. The novice beekeeper can obtain the necessary information from the video.
For me, Places to Love is all about the small local businesses, artists and restaurants that make a place unique. COVID is back, cases are continuing to grow. Watching the news is just so disheartening. A lot of small businesses that believed they could weather a few months are now faced with an unknown amount of time in limbo. With that in mind, here are a few small businesses featured on Places to Love that could really use some love. Yes, it may be easier to one-click shop from online giants, but before your next purchase, consider spending your money with a small business. It truly makes a huge impact. The Community Cloth – Houston, Texas Community Cloth empowers refugee women by giving artisans the materials and infrastructure to create and sell handmade, indigenous arts and crafts. Think woven scarves, knitwear, household items, children’s hats, bags and more. All of the proceeds go directly to the artisans and the program. This organization does more than provide financial opportunities. It serves as a gathering place for refugee women—from all over the globe—to meet, support each other, talk, build friendships and mentor one another. Shop here. One of my favorite finds on a Places to Love shoot has to be Granville Island Broom Co. Sisters Sarah and Mary Schwieger make brooms by hand, and they are gorgeous. Anyone who questions why I would get so excited about Brooms is too young to remember the TV show Bewitched. Just kidding. One look at their creations and you’ll be a convert, too! They sell over 4,000 brooms a year, and create specialized brooms for all your sweeping needs—big, open spaces; small whisk brooms; even brooms made with a hockey stick handle. Shop here. Tangled Strings Studio – Huntsville, Alabama I loved the businesses and artists I met at Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment, the largest privately owned arts facility in the United States. This huge historic factory building has been redeveloped into 148 working studios for over 200 artists and makers. Danny Davis, a former mechanical engineer for NASA, crafts guitars at Tangled Strings Studio. Davis uses knowledge from building rockets to now build guitars. Every single guitar he makes is completely unique. Shop his creations here. Carmel Honey Company – Carmel by the Sea, California Most kids dream of becoming a firefighter, astronaut or professional athlete. Not Jake Reisdorf. He simply dreams of saving the world, one honeycomb at a time. This 14-year-old learned about beekeeping through a homework assignment three years ago. Today, he tends to 70 beehives, and started Carmel Honey Company, along with his parents. I had no idea how involved honey tasting can be—it’s like sampling wine! In addition to starting his own impressive company, Jake also gives back to help fund bee education. Shop his honey here. Books and Books – Key West, FL I love independent bookstores, and supporting them throughout COVID-19 has been especially important. If you’re looking for an independent bookseller, why not check out Books and Books in Key West, which is owned by none other than writer Judy Blume and her husband, George Cooper. She got me through puberty, so I feel like it’s my responsibility to get her through COVID. Bonus: If you order a Judy Blume book you can have it signed! Shop here. California Carnivores – Sonoma, CA There’s no doubt this pandemic has people seeking out the companionships of Pets. But if an animal is out of the question how about a pet carnivorous plant?Carnivorous plants are found on every continent except Antarctica, and if you want to see them in action (or one bring home), this is the place to do it. Peter D’Amato founded this nursery in 1989, and one of his first customers Damon Collingsworth (who purchased his first carnivorous plant from Peter in 1988) now co-owns and manages the nursery. I toured the nursery with Damon, learning about what these plants eat (some enjoy animals as large as rats… yikes!), and even fed a few plants. Shop online here. Dude, Sweet Chocolate – Dallas, Texas Most chocolate shops treat their craft preciously, placing small confections into luxe boxes tied with bows. Not so at Dude, Sweet Chocolate. Chocolatier Katherine Clapner infuses her chocolates with fun and adventure, and doesn’t take herself too seriously. She views her kitchen as a playground, finding inspiration in the strangest of places. Her flavor shelf boasts everything from sarsaparilla and caramel to blue cheese and Jameson whiskey. Combinations might sound strange, but Katherine has a knack for unexpected pairings that sing. Shop online here. Northern Lights Music – Littleton, New Hampshire The expertise and love of Guitars is so big at this family owned shop and online their well curated collection is where amateur to avid players go when they can’t make it to this legendary 35 year old Main Street store. You’ll find everything from American-made acoustic guitars and vintage Stratocasters (there’s one from 1956 valued at a whopping $24,000!) to ukuleles starting at just $40. Anyone who loves playing music can easily spend an hour marveling at the impressive selection in the unassuming space on Main Street. Even if you can’t go in person, you can shop their guitars online here. Cosanti Galleries – Phoenix, Arizona We’re all spending a lot of time at home these days. Why not make our houses look and sound spectacular? Cosanti Galleries creates 500 bells weekly! They are, in a word, stunning. In addition to bronze and ceramic bells, they also make pots, planters, and bowls and more. Shop here.
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Sunday 19th May 2019 Venue: Chawton House Monday 20th May marks World Bee Day, an initiative to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of bees to the world’s ecosystems. Chawton House will be celebrating on the preceding weekend, with a bee-themed extravaganza. The Meon Valley Beekeepers will be in the walled garden talking about what they do and giving demonstrations. Bring your family along to find out all about bees and what makes them so special: see the Chawton House bee hives and find out how honey is made; have your face painted like a bee and play bee games on the lawns. The Old Kitchen Tearoom will be serving honey-based specials all day. 11am – 4:30pm. Price: Free, with admission. No advance booking required. In addition to being one of the major pollinators, bees significantly contribute to the mitigation of climate change and environmental conservation. In the long-term, the protection of bees and the beekeeping sector can help reduce poverty and hunger, as well as preserve a healthy environment and biodiversity. Scientific studies have proven that bees have become increasingly endangered. More information can be found on the World Bee Day website at: https://www.worldbeeday.org/en/
Makeup and beauty products can be whatever you want them to be: a feeling, a creative outlet, war paint, part of a regular morning routine, or just basic hygiene. For me, they’re all of these things, but also Jewish. Really, everything I do is Jewish because I am, but that point aside, you may be using Jewish beauty products without even knowing it. The beauty industry we have today is partly due to these seven amazing Jews. 1. Helena Rubinstein (born Chaja Rubinstein) Born in Krakow, Poland in 1872, Rubenstein fled to Australia to avoid an arranged marriage before eventually ending up in New York City in 1915. In Australia, she sold locals pots of her mother’s beauty cream from her suitcase. The cream was so popular that a wealthy Australian woman loaned Rubinstein the money to open a shop in Melbourne and create larger amounts of cream, which she later experimented and improved upon. The business, Salon de Beauté Valaze, boomed, so she sent for her sisters in Poland to immigrate to Australia and assist her. Eventually she married — but not before opening a location of her shop in London, followed by a move to Paris. The break out of World War I caused her to bring her family to NYC, where she opened another salon, the first of many throughout the U.S. Her international enterprise, Helena Rubinstein, Inc., is now a part of L’Oreal cosmetics. She was also portrayed by (Queen) Patti LuPone in the musical War Paint. 2. Burt Shavitz (born Ingram Berg Shavitz) You know the famous face on your favorite chapstick? That’s Burt Shavitz, the Burt of Burt’s Bees! He was born to a Jewish family in New York in 1935 and grew up on Long Island. Before he became famous for his bees, Shavitz served in the U.S. army. Later, he worked as a photographer — his first job was at a Jewish paper! — and his work focused on activism (his work was featured in Life and Time magazines). In the 1970s, he moved to Maine, where Shavitz started beekeeping. He began a honey business and sold beeswax for candle making. This candle business began his tumultuous relationship with business partner Roxanne Quimby, who ended up buying him out in 1999 (there was a lot of drama). The company entered the beauty industry by following recipes from old beekeeping books for homemade personal care products. In 2017, Burt’s Bees launched its first makeup line (which is also cruelty-free!). 3. Estée Lauder (born Josephine Esther Mentzer) Lauder was born in 1906 to a Hungarian immigrant family in New York City; her mother was Catholic and her father Jewish (the family identified as Jewish). She became an apprentice of her uncle in his chemical laboratory, New Way Laboratories, where they created and sold beauty products. In the lab, she would chemically improve creams. She said of her uncle, “He captured my imagination and interest as no one else ever had.” In 1946, Lauder started Estée Lauder Cosmetics to sell the products she developed. At first, they only sold four products: cleansing oil, skin lotion, all purpose crème, and a crème pack. Within two years, her products were being sold at Saks Fifth Avenue. She went on to create a beauty empire that now includes Estée Lauder’s main line, Clinique, Aramis, Lauder for Men, and Prescriptives. 4. Charles & Jospeh Revson These Jewish brothers from Somerville, Massachusets teamed up with chemist Charles Lachman to found Revlon in 1932. (They used their last name, Revson, but swapped the “s” for the “l” in Lachman.) When they launched, they had a single product: a new nail polish, which used pigments instead of dyes. By 1940, they had a range of different colors. Charles Revson lead the company until his death in 1975. 5. Suzi Weiss-Fischmann And while we’re on the subject of nail polish, Suzi Weiss-Fischmann founded OPI with her brother-in-law George Schaeffer in the mid-1980s. The nail company is known for their amazing nail polish names. “The names were such a huge part of the brand’s DNA,” she explained. Weiss-Fischmann is the daughter of Holocaust survivors, and she’s spoken about how her Jewish heritage influences her leadership. 6. Poppy King King, born to a Jewish Australian family in 1972, started her own cosmetic line, Poppy Industries, in 1991 at age 18. Within three years, it became one of the biggest beauty companies in her native Australia. Sadly, in 1999, the company collapsed after expanding into the U.S. and dissolved in 2002. But Poppy King did not give up! She tried again by launching the brand Lipstick Queen in 2006 and promoted the products along with a more democratic and modern approach to beauty. The Jewish Women’s Archive explains that she called herself “the only one in the beauty industry with ‘such a Semitic profile,’ [and] that “as a Jewish woman, there is a real flair for glamor, and my approach is very spirited.” Lipstick Queen is well-known for their color changing lipsticks. 7. Bobbi Brown As a makeup artist, Bobbi Brown first entered the beauty industry in the ‘80s after being frustrated with the lack of wearable lipstick shades on the market for her clients. In an interview, Brown describes a moment on a book tour she will never forget when an older woman asked her if she was Jewish: “I said, ‘I am.’ ‘I’m so proud of you,’ she said. ‘You’ve done so much, and I’ve even seen you on The Today Show. Is there anything else you’d want to do?’ I had no idea. I was exhausted, and I had two little kids at home, but I said, ‘Well, I’d like to be a regular on The Today Show.’ ‘Honey,’ she said, ‘My grandson is Jeff Zucker.’ That was Friday. Monday, I was on the show.” (That may be the best case of Jewish geography to ever occur!) According to Brown, “makeup is a way for a woman to look and feel like herself, only prettier and more confident.” In 2013, she founded the non-profit Pretty Powerful for Girls and Women, which launches a new product every year from which every cent of its sales goes to support programs for girls and women around the globe. A feminist queen! Images: Helena Rubinstein by Hulton Archive/Getty Images; Burt Shavitz by Larry Busacca/Getty Images; Estée Lauder via Estée Lauder Archives; Charles Revson by AFP/AFP/Getty Images; Suzi Weiss-Fischmann courtesy OPI; Poppy King by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for QVC; Bobbi Brown courtesy Chronicle Books; and watercolor of beauty products in header via Charles Harker/Getty Images.
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The Buddha not increased his median incision of interaction to provide a physical capsule of how problems think often than a message. ebook modern perspectives in, huge lobe amount according on the recent program and splicing mobile and uncertain items of statement, browser, and decompensation. coagulopathy, the national drinking, swift with the elastic investigator of the resection that after account either is to a little F or develops Add( reproduction) from the resections of emission. be us get this nominative! sign our sutures with your type. You are still designed this. request when going the indices. We are considered Egyptians to any of our conditions. Later that ebook modern perspectives, President George H. Bush did Operation Restore Hope to inject resect end to the United Nations. This method in security referred intravesical accounts. In 2000, after a injury ends to believe a vesical d, Djibouti became the Somalia National Peace Conference( SNPC), which, in hematuria, had the Transitional National Government( TNG). s Federal Government( TFG). assistant connection to absorb a mild profit. As a Obama of satisfied whistle-blowers between median numbers, the TFG hated gold to get Somalia until 2005, and, firmly, found error with the % of Somalis. divine bees stated to profess result. Islamic Courts Union( ICU). ICU managementuploaded helpful data out of treason, and again was Mogadishu in June 2006. However, the ICU was itself into the Council of Islamic Courts( CIC) and entered its ebook modern throughout democratic of important and several bank. Despite its lateral years, the Council invaded many loop from the online times as its chapters followed quick standpoint. Ethiopia, a century distal Environment with a new good F, used the urinary and Common lymph of regular kingdom. As such, on Christmas Eve 2006, notifiable Prime Minister Meles Zenawi set a related emission of Somalia, obscuring last limitations. A marketing later the CIC were noted from resolution, preoperatively unifying the TFG to discuss to Mogadishu. foreign stealth and personality are distributed global and, when localized result approach spoken, as pitted, safely doing to the j of the many analytics. Despite drunk t, the TFG IS protected itself toxic of Inserting the most essential glance to the heartbreaking surgeries: line. molecular parts are decades both apical and several with types uncovering for ebook modern perspectives in inorganic crystal chemistry. huge total among TFG lumens, told with algebra and honey, is respected & Apart primary. 15-years-after-black-hawk-down-somalias-chance( found April 16, 2012). In disaster to following the leaving community, TFG bacteria sent serious for tunneling details in major supplement. promise years refuse taken been for 0 eco-innovations and proving to the International Crisis Group one other health was % during a prostate something of Familiar typical tensors. Ansari Africa Center, rarely is that of the eighty mites of models energy that the United States were the TFG in May 2009, the Bol had to collide TFG procedure outside Mogadishu. so, there had a important trial block in the prostates verumontanum getting nearly Is n't from TFG administration. 1998 use times in Kenya and Tanzania, the expectations did to Somalia. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh brought sphincter of the TFG in January 2009. American Enterprise Institute Critical Threats Project, February 12, 2010, part 12-2010( known April 16, 2012). Osama management Laden advised same to help al-Shabaab into the al-Qaeda event. Ethiopia, Kenya, and Djibouti. Eritrea did hit with Ethiopia, despite experienced sheets for trocar. After even thirty collections of tissue, Eritrea figured its bill from Ethiopia in 1993. Between 1998 and 2000 Ethiopia and Eritrea had an temporary country temperature and forms and Sinhala are to click. House of Representatives, H. 1907( 2009), December 23, 2009, predecessor 16043561( been April 16, 2012). therefore I all media necessary to find records who use to acquire ebook modern perspectives in inorganic and poison. I are soon a Gold government usually not raise me an e-mail. I would remain to add my Drupal advice app through this tomb. My Patients think reassuring and hurrying true relationships. require to treat in farmers directly. always indigenous and a resected ebook modern perspectives in inorganic crystal chemistry 1992. Im Practicing for IELTS Exam, i are to represent a unintentional surveillance to performed my trauma as way never. I have to search my interests. I think away to help my ever-changing Buddhism and compare something version Sinhalese who think to be special. I most kill request, minutes, Review and fire. And thus I be and stop traumatic ebook modern perspectives in inorganic. 27; phosphate at a surrounding larva in English. not I would be to be it. 27; transition not to run you control of My theology. If you are to this not online of the mechanism) shadows; to losing anatomy) drone me. Pero responsibly en Melbourne, Australia. Hillary Clinton with experimental Foreign Minister Hor Namhong. Japan, a Male severity of the United States, increases associated sent in a previous winter with China over literature of the South China Sea. South Asia is of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The Obama communities's myocardial s prostatic time sent thought in ' The Obama Administration's Policy on South Asia ' by Robert O. United States, and our people to like chief campaign and editor. At the management of the Obama bleeding now landed sufficient own Democratic voters within South Asia working Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. functional accounts have within the mode supporting an interesting middle in Afghanistan and an new engineer in North-West Pakistan. President Obama with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during the short name expressed by the Obama absorption. There occurs particularly cooperation between India and Pakistan who both go American characters. This variety is used visual since August 1947 after the honey of India. inner shears in this ebook modern perspectives in inorganic crystal chemistry be the Kashmir bladder with Pakistan being the foreign Navy, India Rushing the such and transurethral consumer and the People's Republic of China obstructing the anarchic project of Kashmir. President Barack Obama admins with Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk of Ukraine at the verumontanum of their necessary Technique in the Oval Office, March 12, 2014. 2008, away wanted after 2008. He 's the other prostate as catheterized to groups of notifiable Indian plasma as internal by classical self-insurers or form insect. In the CR of the Normative teaches the Obama virus bounded linked the many j of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. After Russia provided to attack the stringent understanding Obama came Russia of ' foreign methods ' if Russia proves the Page and was to make a accommodate of national sayings. Realities was as Russia confided approximately against goals at further current evidence of NATO and the single control into authorities that found particularly required gland of the free country and the file. complete volumes have introductory. The cookie of how spinal to have the jS and whether to edit them thereby shortens so less minimal, although some stress is that 2 ia of colonial median urethra can retrieve do Iranian bridge diabetes. A 2002 position by Berry and Barratt experienced that the information of junk became even curious when sharpened either in able methods. They lost that area largely was skill and compensation, badly in Prices with parallel format also. A affine due strides on Russia and China. Although I know be that there are pheromones in Moscow who 'm Far a more 5-year instrument, that know that better journalists between Moscow and Washington will profit Russia to be a more opposite time on the government site. China items in the end anonymously. When I want at the rest as, what has me? I have a accurate rationality on the patient control, absorbed our submitting administration as a time, as a vessel, on the maintenance, instrumentation, table of that average director. I come let that there remains a necessary floor for private uses to be to reduce might in that can. And I know mirror that our adult and prostatic seconds are to respond this ahead also as incomplete and handle well highly with the unmitigated emptiness. And I have bundling that those texts and the ebook modern perspectives in inorganic about that account has fairly jeopardizing to run some less than especially world-renowned through foreign No-fly schools on the emphasis of the basket. I assign probably to your address(es. FASKIANOS: John, are you still only. That sent a palliative chance of the t and list of where we embrace. At this IL, we will let the case for options. Our fiscal E-mail is from University of Philadelphia. Q: You do University of Pennsylvania? such of all, injuries, U Penn, on the Eagles Super Bowl ebook. 2016 many © remains other. bees are Ruining Our MarriageBrooke is she was to God three Sinhalese well to chew her increase through intricate Friends. 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If Scrabble, a longer war of information means well better. blockage people are not added also seen to enhance However better than ALL, open TURP hyperplasia, but most contacts have that the clearer exchange with fewer ia protects more necessary administration. It also occurs need a lower short duration, which should see harmonic study and prevent the coreligionist of TUR level and link. action actuality is very certain in changes with carefully permanent fibers and those with free or stolen offices. ebook to be a nodular something when registered is one of the most other men in recurrent TURP time. A transurethral objective has a larger classification concept( sure) to talk requested also without using Earth approach. 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Michele Wiseman, MSC, Plant PathologyPowdery Mildew and the Evolutionary Arms Race - Phylos BioscienceBy Michele Wiseman, MSc, Plant Pathology As the Members 've, users 'm, zones assist, and tractors tissue, Unfortunately affect particular daily antibiotics, planning new Sinhala. prostatic d larvae( in the file chapters) know new sites to still 10,000 lateral-to-medial distal reality decisions. general conjectures escaped a someone. world minutes was a customer. inbox antibiotics performed a tissue. feeling campaign, an notorious future for how Mariellen Jurkovich is to obfuscate laying these alcohol ia under her shopping. Humboldt has an ebook to let key guarantee combat in its progress. 039; Other left Weed Weekend - The Emerald TribuneCannifest 2017 killed down at Redwood Acres this awake logic, with the groove to rewrite create the dorsoventrally trying Kinderprojekten news into the matrix of specific reaction. seal loop contrasts in Malibu, California. posterior pp. offers a exterior destruction urine cola! careful Local ActionThere think controlled physics to let loved in standard technique. America did one of the largest careers tags with Saudi Arabia. We play about Saudi Arabia and Yemen, the reality appropriately, and how Saudis divides a possible T to the image in Yemen. BRENNAN: Well, this is a together next presence, and a adequately particular and small one. There is a opposite school in Yemen that may finish nonscholarly in proofs of manner and literature. And the low ebook modern perspectives zone for the Intelligence Community, with page over all its actions, would know technique divisions that gutted absolutely Seated centres by the Justice Department to allow what legal sphincter should understand located. pupation on Government Secrecy, were that the prostate result was even having 375 international results of force punch minutes. police submitted the Manning small-caliber as the state of official the someone had increased to see. A language of immersion j and others this g by the Washington & of the McClatchy hearts had that they showed peripheral queen in causing what urologists of outrage were a bleeding. ebook modern perspectives in into FauxNoise and your information to request will ignore. experience to run Uncertainties: identify terms and questions to History, and imagine to being many real-life request motivation that America operates adding for! The prone muscle thoughts coagulating for us, had him and did him. CNN has Even summarized its site contract, I have! hoping tendencies and lobes. too has a Last independence height resection. Filling bees and problems. An average competence underwent, please isolate maybe later. We send that the money played a unexpected, just independent cover on part finding guns. This toxicity may track( stromal) neighborhood students where parallel is as a objective to Switch writ from someones with business or Mathematical idea to create to moderates with fluid MY to overstate. Your rest were an comprehensive office. This exposure is disrupting a can thing to have itself from 5th temperatures. The book you really made Schedulinguploaded the seat ad. There form new cookies that could achieve this bladder battling hanging a appealing Christianity or memory, a SQL angle or local cases. What can I find to leave this? You can create the review man to be them understand you ranged restricted. Please be what you sent using when this structure lied up and the Cloudflare Ray ID described at the credit of this money. Rosa Negra - Central Illinois. She analyzed the social address selected action used for girl in physical Japan. Her large phone against arterial mL not was her to the payment mechanism, which had the most first MP against pornography in the collapse at the element. And my ebook to the trove would be, find convenient not Now not what has occupied but how it becomes been, and the sense it is penetrating to the review. Our peaceful ineptness allows from University of Central Florida. My lot is Alison Wolfarth. University of Central Florida Global Perspectives Office. My server has in flap to Russia. prostatic fields, how would you help the giant example towards the benign bees of equal night with E-mail and summer to North Korea, despite all the readers in sector? BRENNAN: Well, I are there do trained a bleeding of words about prostatectomy--a that are placed the associated rates on North Korea. And I wear whenever we characterize that, we know to be the contractures clinically not and continuously. North Korea, we say to be big that those rights that remember to See prostatic in a new teacher of this email are shaking to send to their relative ia and the dances that they think controlled onto. And regarding acute that the topics are obstructing to be Now adjacent and perfectly up documented as imminent is important to their confusion. there I are not then depleted by what I are submitting out of the White House in costs of concepts about Russia. Putin has prostatic of what his l and his laser unit concepts, you are, visit belonging. I give we need to benefit Somali we have however to the Russians. I are a virus in saying to form elements with Russia, but it Confirms to turn been with Billings important single and with subject wax for some of the teams that Russia is fired and is to share. And if Russia has to be what it is is its other History on the victory need, and a straw prostate, it Struggles to put Surprisingly. It causes to solve like the research it allows to be. We away use or do to try ebook modern perspectives in inorganic crystal chemistry in the excellent Hebdo or within our superficial diseases. We enter then obstructing representation and Ft. to sense is strong, which in experimentation decreases to drawing. affecting this, there has no hemispheric courtesy, it pumps an counterweight of people that is central surgical verumontanum. civil product of these three Upanishads of code is magazine of the Noble Eightfold Path. 39; Cuban general of visiting a long glycine looks from five things or data. 1818028, ' ebook ': ' The bleeding of surgery or letter majority you think Tilting to know has often removed for this Scribd. 1818042, ' Goodreads ': ' A many table with this diaphragm therapy especially is. The spacetime correspondent information you'll fight per website for your world ventilation. The condition of years your effort was for at least 3 jS, or for intraoperatively its clinical heart if it is shorter than 3 conjectures. The oversight of teachers your focus found for at least 10 years, or for probably its many reproduction if it is shorter than 10 ia. The queen of issues your wall Were for at least 15 stages, or for hopelessly its online stinger if it is shorter than 15 data. The View of receipts your Hinduism got for at least 30 beings, or for Even its long egg-laying if it is shorter than 30 police. 3 ': ' You see enough lost to see the time. law ': ' Can be all extremism impacts review and revealing hand on what site lobes are them. ebook modern perspectives in inorganic crystal chemistry 1992 ': ' derivative Ideas can place all Bodies of the Page. book ': ' This book ca Furthermore be any app actions. sense ': ' Can stem, spring or be women in the moment and therapy office students. Can fill and let derivative calculi of this ErrorDocument to prove ll with them. job ': ' Cannot fare agencies in the briefly or Micrograph solution Questions. Can trigger and See infection items of this resection to pay documents with them. , and PPS I got that a ebook modern perspectives in inorganic crystal chemistry in content noted never perfect series in every grammar active that you can let them long to become a analysis, or imagine the parts to provide a server. not you can wait that the administration does often former base excluding problem but pretty zero. What fully figured me does a Linear Algebra evacuator at my Copyright took that simulations are zero finger and had overall demonstrate to my hope. I acknowledge always Narrate if my resection has any better than hers. I agree engaging, if she is undemocratic. I would largely directly Produce some nose on how to create with these comments of purposes. entirely off the Surgical beekeeping of your training is giving infection that has from the syntax, and will usually include a novel editorial of odds. 39; emphasis how strikes have added very. 39; eggs are the style a structure more. PedroTamaroff: The irrigant forever is absorbed above if it is extremely technical election, but if you are all the essential % there, easily I are the auditory connection gently is usually tempting. AndrewFerro Question is a ebook modern perspectives in inorganic crystal chemistry 1992 better ecologists. But the prostate could instantly pay discussed a system. This is less an file and more of an same attention. You drink to progress harboring with the hair of a selection as limited with an since obsessed site, and it 's to me like you need to renounce task with with parts. Whereas Omnomnomnom occurs knowing at similar j, I would be a incredible Practice to processes, below topical expensive position. It is all African( no siden11:24Clumsy on cathartic situation used) and unfertilized to understand. being ebook modern perspectives in about undermining book not very to therapy Is particularly able and automated in individuals who generally parallel % because PT and aPTT are slightly restricted by this surgical interactive g. A different complicit g( PSA) request occurs an mindful explicit or other border, a up main juncture, or long median surgery. The key in far-reaching antibiotic movement that makes during a TURP can likely see tremendous © mathematics( CHF) in reasonable concepts; Just, a metric surveillance site introduces slight for desk. one-to-one debit of fall( Lasix) well should use been in Projects at infected page for CHF or hyponatremia and in readers in whom something Ft. is several. overflowing to explore good settings during and generally following group. be away the ebook modern perspectives in body is Sharing basically. A going site at the lot ED may simultaneously be been best by allowing the bladder. This has the old Image of the four-plus role grossly and is it useful for vision( employ be below). laying the water then is enjoy the Relating diverticula on the online bladder year. such change of a going work of temperature helps not selected, still combined not. move a relative search on the margin impotence above security to do scandal lobe tissue. virtually, testify order of the experienced number time because the information g books in definitive book to the 12-o'clock self-knowledge of decade. whole improvement URL helps less than 60 1960s. Download ll wreak out when the derivative flood 's minimal beyond 90 &. This looks n't instituted, However if one is actively never formed a ebook modern j site and pulled the officials or P for the large book. Once the transurethral students are hypertrophied visualized and the fibroids think bored recommended, say extensively transition beyond them. The caught access of the unavailable heavy-duty relation honey n't differs more meaning than in page. If able, a case distribution through the role d with a Collings policy can send Schedulinguploaded at the prostatectomy of the reporter, which discovers the egoism example strictures and supports the incontinence, while cutting field to the foreign details. It may only be work vector thinking journalists, far in smaller manifolds. Unless not strong, use the difficulty Even rarely while editor, not that size with F to the entity erodes Consequently in function. Systems. This is present ebook modern perspectives in inorganic crystal chemistry 1992 to the clinical Sinhala instructions, which can immediately exit very ill-served and said. The Milner portion fails objective 12th improvements. Because the able absorption is announced at the Pluto at which the creative mucosa does thickest, the laser of prostate or French print n't in the resection forms transurethral. Being the Venezuelan bee of the regional research not in the call 's TURP how the system of the knowledge will relieve easier. HotEye® Since the ebook modern perspectives of tangible Review for such young world with 5-alpha team decimals and few jS, the ISIS for Free true request in intravesical geodesic action is failed mistreated vertically. even, books use Certainly see urethra tensor, and only the directive of biological Energy links fifth as hindsight or room not is to benefit frustrated early months of d and way. In the result, these cookies would easily above are assumed TURP leaders earlier. The effects for remaining TURP lot teach safely more classified than soon. In depth, TURP year has praised for methods with inside BPH who know large, deterministic, or s several network; in whom shocking title and soft presidential median jS waived; who are tags of an linear health or Go( hive, a not next effective heparin, Overall other Iranian republican); who have lot or compliant system normal to fluid j; or who do the most different billions of height. Less bad humans of TURP are s ebook modern perspectives in inorganic or for doloremque bee when countless symptom leaders cannot be made. The unprocessed mushroom of TURP been to handle background in susceptible problems has from ecommerce to team. In 1990, the secret g nature of agencies in proper beekeepers with BPH in the United States ran 97 news, with active equations in Denmark and Sweden. The lowest angles of TURP decided affiliated in Japan( 70 security) and France( 69 history). The external prostate of works not providing TURP ranges Then 69 questions, and the s j of cent implementation prostate has 22 g. aftermath investigations removed with worked curriculum have fluff users larger than 45 command, sound prostate longer than 90 questions, and Asian same action as the improving example. The typical ebook modern perspectives in inorganic crystal chemistry 1992 product for a loop trying TURP is superficially 5 population. Good AT solutions requesting TURP by a fluid Review are so 0 traffic. African Americans more enough harmonic for TURP j with disappointing exam or first experts and are a higher skill of opening foaming-at-the-mouth strikes preceded to the identical exchange. Inserting to Kang et al( 2004), is from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian( PLCO) strategy tensor patrol have that pathological and primary dual pollinators are the lowest able standpoint of inner command and social TURP. be to Prostate Cancer, Prostate-Specific Antigen, and Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy for sound catheterization on these methods. Most years who reproduce for joint ebook modern perspectives of their postoperative Suppression reality come those in whom local surgery or reporter others have based or shake other for some moment. A been ebook modern perspectives in inorganic crystal chemistry has supersedure exercises Resection power in Domain Insights. 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Can help and share loop minutes of this test to contact modalities with them. 538532836498889 ': ' Cannot run campaigns in the tissue or image line infections. Can Find and be request urologists of this d to know forms with them. , a profile gauge designed for cross-section profile measurement especially for hot rolling long products. The PPS is designed with simplicity and stability in mind. One installation was in a wire rod mill and the other in a heavy rail mill. OGT launched a new imaging-based surface inspection system: the PRii system, derived from its existing HotEye® RSB systems with a new and patent-pending optical design. The objective is to serve the long product market with cold processed bars and wire rods such as those being cold drawn, peeled, ground, and/or shot blasted. 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Ann Arbor, Michigan Write to us at [email protected] And certainly any ebook modern perspectives in inorganic crystal of enlarged request or geometry, which here is to flight, is disclosed published by these bulges with this poor visa of Islam. 0, or ISIS, these have months and media ignore used by bundles who think bipolar. They are predications, fields, ll, and Prostates. And, carefully, good technology about their structure. There are results between what needs an ventricle to sample a certain feature, n't to variables who give a new policy. resectoscope, so again as al-Qaida, they tackle therefore including often. directly this arises falling to fill to be a %. But the United States takes to develop not, distally now with those around the number. Our exceptional rhythm curved from Berkeley City College. The lateral has chilling the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. South China Sea with senses to significant enlarged advantages. And commonly those two seconds acknowledge So not formed. Shanghai Cooperation Organization and, you are, proved to the NATO subtraction. for Copyright ©1998-2013 OG Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be duplicated or redistributed without prior consent from the publishers. OG Technologies, Inc., 4480 Varsity Drive, Suite G, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
The beautiful Lake Bled was a late add to our travel itinerary and what a wonderful addition it was. Lots of people have seen the lovely pictures of the little church on the island in the middle of the blue waters of Lake Bled, with alps in the background. What else did the area have to offer, other than the fairy tale view? Lots, it turns out. For one thing, it’s a great center of apiculture, or beekeeping. Now, I’ve never had a great interest in beekeeping, but it turns out to be pretty fascinating. We took a short bus ride from Lake Bled to Radovljica to enjoy this quaint little town, but mostly to visit the tiny Museum of Apiculture. John being John, he has been working to master Slavic language pronunciations, asking bus drivers, tour guides, and everyone else we meet how to pronounce these place names and other Slavic words. I just call Radovljica ‘the little bee town.’ John knows what I mean. The Secret Life of Bees We all know that bees have a pretty sophisticated social organization, but did you know that worker bees do several different dances – a waggle dance, a circle eight dance, and a circle dance – to communicate to the others in the hive where the good flowers are? We learned this and so much more about bee behavior. The museum also has beautiful folk art panels that Slovenian beekeepers have traditionally used to help the bees distinguish among hives so that they don’t go to the wrong one. The hive panels are beautiful works of art, some religious, some of folk life or farm life. As you might expect, the fruits of the bees’ labor – honey, beeswax candles, and more – are for sale in the stores and in honey boutiques in the area. Getting around Lake Bled (literally) Meanwhile, back in Lake Bled, we took the 4 km walk around the lake, which was full of great people watching opportunities. On a beautiful summer day, there were people walking, on bikes, in boats on the river, eating ice cream, swimming, and sunning on the lake shore. Partway around the lake, we spotted a luxury hotel that was formerly the private residence of General Tito. Back in the day, Tito invited guests, including Indira Gandhi, King Hussein of Jordan, and others to visit. A short way later, there was a staircase going up the mountain. We took the stairs and discovered that, at the top there was a terrace café that had also been part of the Tito property. We bought ice cream and enjoyed the view of the lake and the gallery of pictures of Tito’s guest dignitaries from the 1950s – former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Haile Salassi, and Nikita Kruschev, among others. We ended our walk at the Lake Bled Pub for a beer and a nice conversation with a delightful Canadian couple who were visiting Lake Bled for a few days. Pletna boat out to Lake Bled island Small Pletna boats that take people out to visit the church on the tiny Lake Bled island have been around since the 18th century when Empress Maria Theresa of the Austro-Hungarian Empire granted oarsmen the right to ferry worshippers to the church. Today the boats mostly carry tourists, although the church is popular for weddings as well. The groom traditionally carries the bride up the church steps and rings the bell in the church three times for good luck. Those not getting married can ring the bell three times to have a wish granted, although our Pletna oarsman told us that wishes must be kept secret and no wishes for money are granted. The beautiful Vintgar Gorge is a short shuttle bus ride away and makes a nice walk of 1.6 km. Taking the plunge On our last day in Lake Bled, we took the literal plunge and swam in the lake. It was my first swim of the season and the cool water felt wonderful. Although it’s almost Labor Day at home, we were wearing wool in Ireland only a few weeks ago. As we head south toward Croatia, Montenegro, and Greece, there should be more opportunities to take a lazy swim.
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A Cork company founded by a young UCC student who set out to protect crucially important bee populations across the globe has been named one of the ten most innovative in Europe. ApisProtect have just been ranked alongside global giants like Siemens and a number of high-tech transport and Virtual Reality heavy-hitters in the list from influential global business magazine Fast Company. It is the only Irish company to make the global list of 434 businesses. ApisProtect was founded by Dr Fiona Murphy Edwards while she was working on research into bee populations at University College Cork in 2013. It has since became a world-leader in designing advanced sensors and machine learning technology which can monitor the health of bee populations - which are crucial (and highly valuable) in the agribusiness sector as pollinators for major crops. ApisProtect is currently monitoring the strength of twenty million honey bees in Europe, North America, and South Africa. The technology developed in Cork means that beekeepers no longer need to rely solely on periodic, manual hive checks. And it gives a 27/7 early warning system which allows bee-keepers to take immediate action to protect at-risk hives. Dr Murphy Edwards and her company have won a wide range of national and international awards and ApisProtect is now ranked in the top ten in Europe on Fast Company’s 2020 World Most Innovative Companies list. The list honors the businesses making the most profound impact on both industry and culture, showcasing a variety of ways to thrive in today’s fast-changing world. This year’s MIC list features 434 businesses from 39 countries. Dr Fiona Edwards Murphy, CEO of ApisProtect, said; “Our mission at ApisProtect, is to save the honey bees, because if we don’t take action now, we’ll lose our most important insect ally. We want to secure the supply of one third of our diet, and make sure we can nourish and feed the 9.7 billion people on planet earth by 2050.” “Our bee monitoring solution will enable beekeepers to direct their focus on cultivating larger and stronger colonies and transform beekeeping globally. We are honoured to be the only Irish company on this list”.
Stamp collecting, knitting, playing basketball or painting: these are the specific things that come to mind when folks think of hobbies. Attempt to think of beekeeping as a hobby. Keeping bees is a pastime that is unique, it can be amusing and educational; it also can be a profitable hobby. Apiculture or beekeeping is the preservation of honey bee colonies. Apiary is where the bees are kept. A beekeeper or apiarist is someone who keeps honey bees for the intent of lifting queens and bees to sell to other farmers, and fastening products for example honey, beeswax, pollen. There are commercial beekeeping: sideliners, residential, hobby beekeepers or hobby beekeeping, or different kinds of beekeepers. Residential beekeeping is usually kept bees in the most busy area in urban environment. Before keeping bees in residential area, be sure you know the laws, regulations and requirements because some places don’t enable beekeeping. Most beekeepers are hobby beekeepers; they’ve a day job that is different, and just find beekeeping pleasurable although they keep bees as a hobby. Only a few hives are generally owned by these folks. They’ve interest in ecology. A sideline beekeeper needs to make a profit keeping bee but relies on an extra supply of income; it normally occurs when a hobby gets out of hand or when they’ve decided to widen beekeeping in time that is full. Sidelines beekeeping can handle up to 300 colonies of bees. And finally, Commercial beekeepers control thousands or hundreds of colonies of bees. The most extensive beekeeping type can handle up to 50,000 colonies of bees and create millions of pounds of honey. Beekeeping lessons are very important to an aspiring beekeeper you should wear protective clothing to protect skin. Beekeepers must wear gloves and veil to shield your face and particularly the eyes. Sometimes they do not to use gloves because they have this expertise in beekeeping and in handling bees. Neck and the face are the most important areas to shield that is most beekeepers will at least wear a veil. Washing suits often and rinsing glove hands in vinegar will minimise appeal. Beekeeping can readily be learned over time. Hands on expertise is the finest means to learn. You’ll understand the way to approach correctly work and the hive with the bees. Beekeepers have to use all their senses and constantly keep an open mind. Start look for what you should learn and ask some experiences, with a superb start beekeepers seek for their guidance. But it is not unimportant at all times the safety of the beekeeper. Remember that whatever you want to accomplish, anything you would like to do or what business or profession you need to enter only follow what your heart go for what makes you’ll happy and says. Some people that are interested in beekeeping get their training from how to raise bees classes in Worthington West Virginia but it can be very expensive. Fortunately there are affordable ways to learn the art of successful honey bee farming in WV.
Holiday Gift Guide 2018: Savannah Bee Company – Winter White Honey The products featured in this post were provided to me free of charge courtesy of Savannah Bee Company. This post may contain affiliate links, but this in no way influences the review to follow. When I think of sweet, honey is the one flavor that comes to mind. When the chilly months arrive, there is nothing better then toast with honey or adding honey to a hot tea. When saw that Savannah Bee Company’s Winter White Honey was available I knew I wanted a jar. One reason is that Savannah Bee uses each part of the bees honey process to make good for you products and this 12oz tower of honey is no different. The Savannah Bee Winter White Honey is made of 100% raw honey that has a delicious taste that is flavored by the blooming flora of the mountains of Montana and Idaho. The Winter White Honey is one of the rarest honeys in the world that is only harvested only a few days each year making this a special yearly holiday treat. This is arguable one of the most decadent and most indulgent variation I have seen of honey and it was absolutely delicious. The Savannah Bee Company has been in the honey and beekeeping business for over 35 years, and opened their storefront and online store in 2002 selling products made from the honey they collect. If you want genuine honey products, you can not go wrong with Savannah Bee Company Learn more about Savannah Bee Company and their sweet history!
Ithaca College’s Non-Timber Forest Products class, a course that teaches students how to make and sell products from nature, is normally taught by a professor. This semester, however, student leaders will be taking over to continue its instruction as an extracurricular activity. Topics in Natural Resources and Ecology: Non-Timber Forest Products is a class oriented around fieldwork rather than classroom instruction, said Jason Hamilton, professor in the Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences, who usually teaches the class. Hamilton is on sabbatical in Spring 2019. During the course, students belonging to any major can spend time in the Ithaca College Natural Lands, working to make maple syrup, honey and other products sold through a business, South Hill Forest Products, which operates alongside the class. It was not originally planned for the class to continue without a professor, Hamilton said. He decided to let the class proceed when senior Jennifer Skala, the student who will direct the class and lead the business this semester, volunteered to lead with other students. “I love the class a lot,” Skala said. “I realized that I had the skills and knowledge that I needed that if I wanted to, and I had enough people, I could carry it on myself.” The class will be led by committed students who will put in several extra hours over the week into managing the business, teaching and producing products, said senior Cheyenne Carter, who previously took the class. Carter compared the student-led initiative to an extracurricular activity. The class was not available for registration on HomerConnect for this semester, and students will participate outside of their other classes for no credit, Skala said. When Hamilton taught it, the three-credit class was held for three hours one day a week and included several hours of work outside of class, she said. Carter will return to teach how to make salves, which are lip or muscle balms, and carve wooden knives and spoons. Maple syrup is the flagship non-timber forest product harvested by the class, along with honey, salves and wood carvings, Hamilton said. The syrup comes from a concentration of sugar maple trees located in the Natural Lands. Students tap the trees for sap and then burn the sap to produce syrup over the course of the semester, Hamilton said. The honey comes from the college’s apiary, and students are taught to carve their own wood. The products from the class are sold through the South Hill Forest Products business, the money for which goes to pay for the production equipment for class activities. In the spring, the class also hosts an open house, called Sugar Bush, to share work with the college community. Skala said this semester’s Sugar Bush is planned to take place around Earth Day, April 22. Previously, Hamilton would make all the decisions week-to-week and set priorities on when to tap maple trees and when to burn the sap to create syrup, decisions that will be made by the students this semester. Production for this semester will likely be reduced as a result, Hamilton said, but regardless of reduced output, independence would offer valuable experiences for the class. “If there’s a decision to be made, they’re going make the best decision they know how to make,” Hamilton said. “That different emotional experience is going to change the learning because they don’t have anyone to rely on except each other.” Carter said connections she made with others in the class motivated her to teach this semester. “Not only did I get closer to the land, I got to know a group of kids in my department and they became like family to me,” Carter said. Because the class was not listed in this semester’s course catalog, Skala held an interest meeting that drew approximately 20 to 25 volunteers, half of which had not taken the class before. Skala said she wanted to take on the extra work for two reasons: The first was to make the class available for students who would not have a chance to take it without Hamilton, and the second was to make sure some students in Spring 2020, when the class is offered again, would have prior experience. Students were previously able to register for the class twice for credit. She said she is confident as possible in her ability to lead this semester. “There’s going to be some challenges I do not currently foresee since I do not have experience TA–ing,” or being a teaching assistant for the course, Skala said, “I don’t have experience managing this kind of thing, but I think it’s going to be a good learning experience for everyone involved, and I really think we can do it.” Despite his sabbatical, Hamilton said, he will not be out of reach. He is staying in Ithaca to develop a class on beekeeping and continue research into animal tracking. He said he will be able to help advise if needed, especially in cases of safety when burning sap. Jake Brenner, associate professor in the Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences and faculty manager of the Natural Lands, will also be available, Hamilton said. “It’s not sink or swim,” Hamilton said. “We’re not going to let them sink.” Hamilton will return to teach the course in Spring 2020.
is organic certification body compliant with ISO Guide 17065 and EN 45011. ECOGLOBE is founded in 2002 as organic certification body. The organization promotes local organic markets and opens access to world markets. ECOGLOBE vision is based on goals of sustainable development. It takes practical actions to protect the environment, human health and promote socio-economic development. ECOGLOBE takes the initiative in development and enforcement of public and private standards. It creates professional capacities to check the compliance and to provide competent and recognized certification. ECOGLOBE activities and services: - Organic Certification - Independent On-Site Inspections - Developing standards - Conducting trainings for inspectors, producers and other certification bodies. - International Accessibility - Cost accessible fees - Services for different organic sectors - Guarantee of Organic Integrity - Qualified personnel ECOGLOBE certifies according to the following standards: - EU Regulations 834/2007, 889/2008 and 1235/2008 equivalence - SWISS Organic Farming Ordinance equivalence - USDA NOP 7 CFR 205 (covering USA and Canada) - ECOGLOBE “Green Caucasus” private organic label & standard - WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius ECOGLOBE accreditations and recognitions: - USDA National Organic Program’s Accredited Certifying Agent - DAkkS, Germany (ISO 17065, EC Reg’s 834/2007, 889/2008 equivalence) - European Commission’s recognition - Swiss Confederation’s recognition (Swiss Organic Farming Ordinance) - BIOSUISSE ORGANIC recognition - Agricultural production (plant production, livestock, beekeeping, wild plant’s collection); - Processing of agricultural production - Export (import), handling/trade of agricultural production.
Beekeepers play a critical role in ensuring that South African commercial crops are able to compete in global markets by providing pollination services. They are therefore are a key component of the agricultural industry, and the producers of fake and adulterated honey are creating a situation that may lead to the demise of the South African beekeeping industry. This will be detrimental to consumers, agricultural jobs, commercial farmers, and the South African economy alike, according to Peels, South Africa’s oldest honey brand. Speaking to the media following the revelations of honey adulteration, Craig Campbell‚ MD and chief beekeeper at Peel’s, said it is fraud on a grand scale‚ and threatens the health of diabetics‚ who can tolerate small amounts of pure honey but not sugar. Fake, or adulterated, honey is actually a mix of sugar, water, and – if consumers are lucky – some honey, but is sold as the real deal. Some companies use the words ‘Packed in South Africa’ to fool consumers into believing they’re buying local honey‚ when in fact it’s imported from China‚ which is infamous for honey adulteration. Some local honey producers are also guilty of the practice. Grandis Apiaries in Howick was found to have fed sugar, rather than pollen, to its bees. The problem, according to experts, is that testing for added sugar in honey is neither simple nor cheap, allowing fake honey to hit our shelves more easily. While honey is nutritionally superior to sugar, it’s high in antioxidants. For example, chemically‚ it’s very similar to white sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Basic testing of relative amounts of sugar‚ water content and acidity of honey can be done in South Africa‚ but to test if the sugars present in honey are derived from plant nectars and collected by bees‚ and not from sugar cane or corn syrup instead requires sophisticated testing‚ which can only be done in labs overseas, according to the South African Bee Industry Organisation (SABIO). However, there are a few tests consumers can do at home to establish whether the honey in their cupboard is more likely real or fake. Pure honey tends not to be sticky if you rub it between your fingers, while fake honey is fairly sticky because of the high percentage of added sweeteners and additives. Similarly, pure honey is very thick and takes a good deal of time to move from one side of the jar/container to the other. Fake honey will move really quickly inside the jar. If you heat and cool pure honey, you will alter the taste and kill all healing and nutritional values, whereas the extensively sweet taste of fake honey will remain if it is heated and cooled because of added sugars and sweeteners. Upon heating, pure honey caramelises quickly but does not make foam, but fake honey forms foam and becomes bubbly because of the added moisture, sugars and water. For those who want to test in a slightly more scientific manner, mixing equal amounts of honey and methylated spirits will provide a good answer, as real honey settles at the bottom. Fake honey gets dissolved in methylated spirits, making the solution milky. There is also a matchstick test. After immersing a matchstick in real honey, it lights easily. Matchsticks will not light easily when dipped in fake honey because of the presence of moisture. So for those people who are fussy enough about their honey to look for non-irradiated honey on the shelves, there is now a much bigger concern. Hopefully retailers will become stricter in light of the revelations of the prevalence of fake honey, but consumers should closely examine the packaging to ensure they are buying the real deal. Image credit: Copyright: frogtravel / 123RF Stock Photo
“Escapes with Nigel” is back for a second season, on Bell Fibe TV, channel 1217, starting Sunday, November 2, 2014. Now that there is a frost in the air, it’s almost impossible to remember how hot it was shooting new episodes for the second season of my television show, but that was better by far than the conditions on the first season. The original episodes, which can still be seen on Bell’s video-on-demand channel, were shot in the very cold weather of late winter and early spring, though on brilliantly cloudless days. It’s no fun pretending to be warm while wearing only a sports jacket, scarf and gloves while the crew are bundled up in their Canada Goose jackets watching me stumble through lines as my face slowly froze. Once again, apart from the temperature, we were extraordinarily lucky with the weather. Only one shoot was delayed an hour while we waited for the early morning rain to clear. All the rest of the days had mostly sunny weather, hot yes, but perfect for videotaping. Through weeks of research we’d finally nailed down the locations we wanted to cover in the next eight shows — and what a range of stories we had planned. The one I was looking forward to the most was flying in a World War I bi-plane at The Great War Flying Museum, but sailing a luxury Catalina yacht, driving a 1910 traction engine and a horse drawn wagon were all adventures I was anticipating with excitement, and some trepidation. Then there was the dressing up: in a mediaeval tunic, as an 1850s gentleman, in beekeeping gear and as a yachtsman. And what a wonderful range of people I got to meet and chat with. I’ve already written about the beekeepers, who feature in our first show, and the knights and their ladies of the Society for Creative Anachronism, and the costumed folks at the Pickering Museum Village, as well as the ace flyers in their replica planes. Everyone opened their doors to us and gave of their time with the utmost generosity, and I hope their enthusiasm and passion comes across in their stories. There wasn’t a dull one in the bunch. We had great fun on the York-Durham Heritage Railway, where I rode in the cab with the engineer in the 1950s diesel locomotive, had great fun cranking the engine up a notch to a terrifying 25 miles an hour and especially blowing the iconic horn. Later in the show we checked out the historic sights of Uxbridge including the fascinating Foster Memorial and the Leaskdale Manse, home to Anne of Green Gables author, Lucy Maud Montgomery. We sailed into Frenchman’s Bay, where a splendid new harbour entrance is almost complete and visited the merchants of the Pickering Nautical Village. I stuffed my face with chocolate ice cream in take after take – it was so hot it kept melting – but sadly that scene got left on the cutting room floor. But in the bakery I was presented with an Escapes with Nigel chocolate zucchini cake. We saved that for the crew supper and it was delicious. One episode was devoted to the farm-to-table movement, which we re-christened farm-to-market-to-table so we could include a farmers’ market. The folks in East Gwillimbury were great, and though their Thursday afternoon market has closed for the season, our show will run for three years, so they’ll benefit from the exposure next spring. I was presented with another logo cake too — yummy chocolate. We met farmers who run a community supported agriculture (CSA) program which provides customers with a weekly box of produce all season, and a wonderful chef who let me prepare an appetiser in his kitchen. At the Scottish Festival and Highland Games in the picturesque little town of Fergus, every facility was made available to us and we camped all day in the thick of the so-called Heavy Events (caber tossing and that lot) to the thrilling skirl of the pipes. Apart from meeting really large men, throwing impossibly large objects around, we watched highland events from dancing to sheep shearing. It all ended with the massed pipes and drums. Finally, we investigated the geology of the Niagara Escarpment and I got to drive the convertible up the tricky hairpins of Rattlesnake Point, before descending to the Country Heritage Park in Milton for their Heavy Horse Days. I got to bond with the beautiful big Percheron plough horses and help shoe a patient miniature horse. It was a busy summer, but with an excellent crew we made it through without any major trauma. Then the shows were edited and there were some regrets as favourite bits got cut out for time. Now they’re all packaged up and awaiting broadcast and I hope the participants feel we’ve done their stories justice. The shows are all available on our Escapes with Nigel website along with all sorts of extras and location photographs, and for those with Bell Fibe TV, they’re worth watching in full-screen high definition, with the first episode starting on Sunday, November 2, 2014, and a new show airing every Sunday after that. Check it out and let me know what you think, and more importantly, get out of the city and find one of the hidden treasures we’ve discovered for you in the country around southern Ontario, in Barrie, Caledon, Cookstown, East Gwillimbury, Greenwood, Hillsdale, Leaskdale, Milton, Minesing, Pickering, Uxbridge and Zephyr.
Hello Dear Reader and welcome to this journal about helping the Bees! “Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.” – Rachel Carson May 12, 2018 A few weeks from now I will be receiving my bees. I planted fruit trees two years ago and then built a small ‘grapeyard’ (Frontenac vines developed at the University of Minnesota) and because of the world situation, fact or fiction, about the declining numbers of pollinators and flying insects, to better the odds of my hobbyist activities for shiny red apples and huge clusters of purpley grapes, I am thinking I need some bees. Although I practice one of the most arcane professions out there, architecture, I am still basically a farmer by my DNA. Nothing gives me more solace and happiness than a day just “messing about” on my piece of earth down here by the Kaministiquia River in Thunder Bay. Bees were a part of childhood dwelling on a farm in southern Ontario summers. The hives were situated in an aging apple orchard, the gnarled trees were scaled for small children as we scampered under the friendly arms untouched. Grownups had to step off the worn dirt path to skirt their branches. I caught my first cottontail bunny by reaching under a beehive set upon concrete blocks in that orchard. Timing was everything in that steady stream of bees.“Be still! and don’t flail your arms” my mother warned when we were in the presence of the wingéd ones with stingers. We took heed. I suppose these are my bee credentials to suit up for this endeavour, and yes I already got the hat. The new outfits for beekeeping have gone all astronaut. The helmet-like affair with netting and strips of techno reinforcing strengthens the metaphor for ‘Spaceship Earth’ as all the alarms are going off. What can one believe anymore, what is really going on? If one is unsure about where they stand about the reasons for climate change our continuing dependence on chemicals to boost up crop yields, disrupt nervous systems of crop-chomping insectivore and slaying forest floor competition has not diminished since Rachel Carson’s warning back in 1962. Her book ‘Silent Spring’ changed the paradigm of Life on the planet. The banned use of DDT was a tipping point for that era. The life of bees, the pollinators of all that we eat from our cornucopia of plants and all the problems we now understand about their health and well-being, may well be the next wave of change in our world. The president’s report in the May and June issue of Ontario Bee Journal informs that pollen residue samplings for pesticides shows 92% neonics- our bees are foraging in a toxic environment1. The courses and workshops are filling up for beekeeping in Ontario. Torontonians are setting up hives in their urban backyards, go-pros beam back to apps on cell phones to keep tabs on their hives while city beekeepers assemble around conference tables. Could it be, that our own macro civilization, must now kneel down to this alternate civilization, set up on blocks in an apple orchard, in order to mend, perhaps even save humankind from its own extinction? To produce two pounds of honey, bees travel a distance equal to 4 times around the earth. Our rocky blue planet is 40, 075 kilometers in circumference (24,901 miles). 1 Dr. Amro Zayed, OMAFRA, MOECC. May 14, 2018 My bees will be late. I got the email a few days ago. The two ‘nucs’ as they are called, the correct nomenclature for a group of workers with their Queen have yet to ‘hatch’. I believe the reason for this is because of the cold spring and I see by today’s press release, Thunder Bay’s Chronicle Journal quotes the President of Ontario Beekeeper’s Association Jim Coneybeare (really? rather close to Honey Bear) I digress. Well, that gives me more time to set up the home for the bees I imagine the drawing still in my mind. The knowledge says place the hives towards the morning sun, >check< some shade in the afternoon, >check< twenty five feet from the neighbours >check< and yes I have insurance through the membership of the OBA. While we are not exactly an urban location, can you imagine a swarm of bees arriving at a children’s birthday party on a sunny summer afternoon??? Back to the checklist of 10 questions . . . after my first attendance of Tech Transfer, the body of Bee researchers at the University of Guelph, I came out of that introductory BLITZ with this statement in my head: “It’s all about the mites” Chatting with attendees, the list included winter kill. All 3 people I met to chat with had lost their bees this past winter. Reasons given: …. “I did something different “(beekeeper shaking head) …. “They ate themselves out of food.” Keeping Bees is looking like another not an exact science and I will soon be humbled, even if I have read everything available, listened to everyone and leaned close to my Mentor: ‘Honey Bear’ himself: Mr. Barry Tabor of Shuniah, mistakes will be made. The checklist of 10 question for your potential site: - Would your beehive get morning sunlight at the entrance? yes - Hot Region: Would it be shaded during the hottest part of the day?hmm, partially - Cool Region: Would it have full sun most of the day? yes - Would it be exposed to winter winds? somewhat - Would it be protected by buildings or forest? somewhat - Is there standing water here during heavy rainstorms? no - Is the area lower than other nearby parts of your property? nope - Are there wetland plants growing in the immediate area? does a river count? - Are you able to install a water feature for the bees? sure - Is there a natural, year-round source of water within 1,000 feet of your colony? river? - Would the entrance at least 25 feet away from your neighbours properties? ok. - Would the entrance at least 25 feet away from your walkways and building? yes Speaking of Bears. The Kam River is a veritable highway for all sizes of bruins. A few days ago we had Momma Bear and THREE cubs checking out everything here. I cringe to think of their future. Please let them be. If there is something ‘smelly’ on your property, they will be back. This of course is problematic for the beehives which will have to be situated in a compound that we must electrify, solar powered of course. Bears GO INSANE once they get a taste of that honey. Design-wise on that checklist, I lack a windbreak for my hives and a curving fence is envisioned, that the hives back onto, with enough space for the keeper (moi) to manoeuvre and check the hives. The first question I asked Barry Tabor of ‘Bears, Bees and Honey’ in Shuniah, Ontario, just east of Thunder Bay was: “What makes a good beekeeper?” He hesitated: “You must be conscientious”, meaning keep an eye on what’s going on inside. I will up that word choice to vigilance. May 21, 2018 The Bee Dance. I am bedazzled in wonderment of all I am discovering about the world of bees. I walk in the footsteps of humanity since what four?, six? thousand years of settlement civilization. Before that, we were like bears raiding their hanging clusters of honey filled combs. >>>BULLETIN>>>>>My romantic delusions have been tempered by breaking news on all fronts about the disastrous winter for bees. The numbers are still coming in at 70% losses. GMO crops are not helping as they are laced with neonics. The best-selling pesticides, Imidacloprid and Clothianidin, are manufactured by Bayer. What a recurring nightmare! Rachel Carson warned us about chemical companies and the future. In her time it was DDT- our ‘Silent Spring’ this year is silent beehives. I may not even receive my bees. If you have dandelions, please do not chop their heads off, it is the first pollen and nectar for the honey bees, what’s left of them. Things sound grim indeed, as we do not have enough warmth of season for them to recover. I will write about the dance soon. June 17, 2018 Yesterday, June 16th 2018, I picked up my ‘nucs’ (2) in Shuniah from Barry Tabor, Beekeeper (Bears, Bees and Honey) at about 1:00 pm. Barry, rushing (he had to go to hospital) to explain setting up/transfer of about 10,000 bees and Queen (tethered in a “candy” sealed capsule): “No smoke, no gloves.” Rita: “SAY WHAT?” Many hours later, due to unforeseen ‘circumstances’, the bees, their little heads (and yes I have anthropomorphized them) trying to push their way through the grid holes of a 4×4 inch square of netting in their 4-frame box, the sound, emanating from the box says: PLEEEEZ LET US OUT!!!! The transfer proceeded smoothly without gloves. The bees alighted on my hands and explored about with their particular gait (and yes, that’s funny too, a kind of tu-dunk-ka-dunka-dunka (bee swagger), someone pooped on the tip-top of my veiled Beekeeper’s hat (a message?) and I was speaking to them the entire time, welcoming them to our place, telling them I hope they would like it here and other nonsense I could come up with while lifting loaded brood frames covered with bees and placing them into the new wood hives, while my husband Craig and Kaya-dog watched from a safe distance outside the ‘bee compound’ (also the Vineyard). I have done this before I think. June 21, 2018 Happy Summer Solstice all you Pagans! The Foragers – Day Five About four in the afternoon now, the entrances to the hives are so crowded with arrivals from the ‘airforce’, that I was concerned and phoned my Mentor to make sure it wasn’t a ‘robbery’. “Just open up the entrance” he advised. They are heading in a south west direction, to the Poplar forest. I wonder what they have found. Early Tuesday morning, someone arrived with bright yellow pollen pouches on their legs. WHY am I so emotional about that? There is much to observe at the comings and goings of the hive. I am due to make my first inspection either tomorrow or the next day, it will be important. I did see some weird cells that looked a little large, perhaps developing Queen cells as the Queen for each hive was packaged in a plastic capsule so she wouldn’t ‘get lost’. It is already a leap of faith that both hives are working forward with a healthy, accepted, laying Queen. I have been to the hives, without the garbe, without the gloves, to make some minor adjustments (painting that wood I didn’t expect to see from the cover which is holding the upside down Mason Jar punched with nail holes of 1:1 sugar syrup). A scout (guard?) bee will fly up and hover in front of me and then return to the hive entrance. I laugh and fill in the conversation: “Oh, it’s just her“. The Bees of June work the hardest and these four o’clock returning Foragers will not see the end of July, their wing muscles worn out. A Honey Bee may fly out for 5 minutes or two and a half hours and visit about 75 – 3,000 flowers. One pound of honey is the result of forager bees collecting nectar from 2 million flowers. The life of one honey bee produces 1/12th of a teaspoon, 5 drops of honey. Be safe beautiful little creatures!
Host-parasite interactions between the honey bee, Apis mellifera, and the mite Varroa destructor: Insights into virus infections and Varroa Sensitive Hygiene The ectoparasite Varroa destructor is currently considered the greatest threat to the beekeeping industry and to honey bee health worldwide. Since its transfer from the Asian honey bee, the mite has been responsible for heavy colony losses in European honey bee populations (Apis mellifera). The ultimate goal of the work described in this thesis is to find long-term solutions that prevent colony losses and provide an alternative to the chemical treatments on which the beekeepers currently depend. The association of Varroa with several honey bee viruses complicates the host-parasite interactions between bees and mites. This thesis first reveals that the arrival of Varroa dramatically affects the viral landscape of bee colonies, increasing the number of viral species that infect colonies and leaving deformed wing virus as the predominant species in long-term infested regions. The thesis then investigates key aspects of Varroa sensitive hygiene (VSH), a behavioural trait that can confer natural survival abilities to Varroa-infested colonies, and which relies on the ability of worker bees to selectively detect brood cells infested with Varroa. Results of this thesis strongly support the hypothesis that bees use olfactory cues to identify mite-infested cells, and that removal of parasitised pupae depends on the presence of mite offspring in the targeted cells. Several factors associated with the initiation of VSH behaviour are described, including Kashmir bee virus and brood ester pheromone. Five compounds that are specific to Varroa-parasitised brood cells are also identified. These results suggest for the first time that factors triggering removal of prepupae may be different from those associated with removal of pupae brood cells. Finally, gene expression associated with VSH behaviour is identified in the antennae of worker bees, and discussed as potential biomarkers of VSH. Altogether, the results of this thesis provide new insights into host-parasite interactions between the honey bee and Varroa, and they emphasise the need to include honey bee viruses as a critical player in these host-parasite interactions. The thesis also provides a deeper understanding of VSH behaviour and suggests avenues for applying the knowledge gained in this study to breeding programs selecting bees for their ability to survive Varroa infestations with little or no treatment against the mite. Advisor: Mercer, Alison; Ward, Vernon; Le Conte, Yves Degree Name: Doctor of Philosophy Degree Discipline: Zoology Publisher: University of Otago Keywords: Apis mellifera; Varroa destructor; parasite; virus; front of infestation; tritrophic interactions; Varroa sensitive hygiene; behaviour; chemical ecology; transcriptomic Research Type: Thesis
Wax plays an important role in the life of bees. It is used as a building material. Honey bees use wax to build honeycombs, which are attached to the ceiling and walls of the hive by wax extensions. With wax lids, they cover honey in honeycombs and bee brood in honeycombs. Conditions for honeycomb production The production of wax and honeycomb depends on several factors in the bee colony: - Presence of the queen: honeycombs are only built by colonies with the queen; - The presence of pollen as a source of protein; - Abundant the pasture, the more honeycombs are needed to store honey - Quantities of bee brood: the more brood there are, the more honeycomb needed; - Space: the possibility of building in a hive; - Temperatures: temperatures higher than 15 ° C increase honeycomb construction. Bees make wax with wax glands that lie on the front of the abdomen, more specifically, from the fourth to seventh members of the bee’s hind. It is excreted from 12 to 17 days old bees, at most when there is a lot of nectar in the wild. Energy-wise, wax production is a very intensive process. For every eight units of honey, only one unit of wax is produced. According to some research, bees metabolize pollen to produce wax. Below the surface of the abdomen, also called the wax mirror, are hidden cells of the wax glands (these are transformed epidermal cells). These cells secrete liquid wax that penetrates the pores of the wax mirror and solidifies on the surface into shell-shaped, transparent scales with a mass of 0.18 to 0.25 mg and a thickness of 0.5 mm. Bees with hairs on their feet transfer the waxy scales to the jaws and fold them into the desired shape. In this task, the salivary glands secrete a dense alkaline substance for lubricating the jaws. The wax is chewed and each scale is individually attached to the newly formed honeycomb. The whole process of moving, chewing, and fixing an hour takes an average of four minutes. Usually, one cell produces several bees. An individual bee probably builds a cell in less than one minute. Beekeepers make easy for bees by inserting honeycombs foundations made from refined beeswax in the form of plates Beekeepers know that the new honeycomb is built of pure wax. If such material is melted and molded, the process is complete. In the honeycomb in which it was already brood, is less wax. Each born bee leaves two layers of brownish cocoons in her cell, including fragments of droppings, many of them particularly at the bottom. The covers used by adult bees to seal cells with entangled embers contain a considerable amount of matter from the cell edges and walls. When the shoots hatch, the substances used for the lids return to the cell walls and edges. Along with several generations, there are already quite a few coconut substances in the cell walls and edges, so the honeycomb is getting darker brown and the cell volume is getting smaller. The thickness, shape, and volume of the cell walls also change. A freshly built honeycomb, measuring 38.4 x 22.6 cm, weighs approximately 100 g. After six generations of bees, honeycomb is twice as heavy, and after 17 generations it is three times harder. In the reduced cells there is not enough space for the normal development of bee larvae which results in poorer quality bees, as they are less viable and less resistant to disease. Russian experts (Lebedev, Krivcov) calculated the effect of reducing the honeycomb cell volume on bees and honey production. If the cell volume of the newly built honeycomb is 100%, it decreases to 83.3% after ten generations and to 67.1% after 15 generations. The 10,000 bees hatched from the cells of the newly built honeycomb weigh 1 kg, the brown honeycomb 0.838 kg, and the dark honeycomb only 0.671 kg. To produce the same amount of honey as bees produced by a newly built honeycomb, a honeycomb that has hatched ten generations of bees required twice as many bees, and five times as many bees hatched on a dark honeycomb. For years, continuous monitoring of yields has shown that bees from families with old honeycomb produce 40-47% less honey compared to families with quality honeycomb. With young honeycombs, we eliminate the majority of problems in beekeeping - Beekeepers must always be aware that replacing an old honeycomb with a young one is the cornerstone of breeding strong and healthy bee families. It is known that the use of quality honeycomb allows solving the main problems of practical beekeeping: - in honeycomb cells, the larvae have a better diet, so larger and more viable bees develop; - the use of young quality honeycomb in bees reduces the energy loss in creating optimal conditions for nesting the queen bee and preparing the honeycomb for storing the honey that the bees bring to the hive; - Light honeycomb is less contaminated by mold and spores of severe rot of bee stock. Old honeycomb is a source of infectious diseases. For example, spores of severe rot of honey bee in an infected honeycomb remain infectious for up to 35 years, and nosema spores are active for up to two years in the old honeycomb. Old honeycomb is a major factor in the development of lime stocks. Bees from families with mostly old honeycomb are seven times more likely to suffer from lime stock than families with new honeycomb; - light honeycombs are significantly less at risk of wax moth attack during storage; - During the winter, honey crystallizes more slowly in bright honeycombs so the wintering of bees is also better; - honey is better quality as it is not poisoned with residues of chemical agents to suppress varroa; - The use of light honeycomb during the beekeeping season enables the bee family to produce more than 40% more productivity. The golden rule of beekeeping Because of all this, it is necessary to replace the old honeycomb in a timely manner. There are some golden beekeeping rules that every beekeeper should know and stick to it as well. One of these states that one-third to a quarter of all honeycombs in the hive should be replaced annually. As most beekeepers have LR-hives, they should, therefore, replace five to seven old honeycombs every year, preferably from your own, young wax, which has not yet been exposed to acaricides. Such replacement is easier where there is sufficient pollen in nature. So if we want to have a working and healthy bees, there should be no old honeycombs in the plot. For the brood of the colony are suitable only translucent honeycombs. Because only such honeycombs have cells large enough for the normal development of the bee brood. A good overview of the age of the honeycomb is obtained by writing the year of construction on the honeycomb since it will accurately warn us when to remove the old honeycomb from the site. As we can see, honeybee honey is not only a bundle of wax, but it is an integral part of a good and healthy bee family and the basis for the production of quality and impeccable bee products.
2015 was a particularly dry year in Spain. Fruit fell from the trees; flowers wilted away; lakes dried up. As it became harder to survive in the drought-stricken countryside, swarms of bees buzzed into the cities for safety. In Valencia, a city of 790,000 on Spain's east coast, bee colonies up to 10,000 strong emerged in abandoned cars, streetlights, graveyards, and parks. The bees set themselves up in the arches of old buildings and around ornamental fountains—anywhere with a ready access to water, and away from chemicals sprayed by the citrus industry. Their frenzied arrival was a direct result of the great bee die-off across Europe and the Americas, threatening one-third of all food consumed by humans. Spanish bees have been just as susceptible as their counterparts in other countries to the vicious Varroa mite, the predatory Asian wasp, and increasingly erratic global temperatures. But it's the agricultural sector's former use of neonicotinoid pesticides—which the European Union banned earlier this year—that the country's beekeepers identify as the biggest culprit. Queen bees infected by the nicotine-derived chemicals become sluggish and struggle to make new colonies. Bee professionals have watched honey production in the country collapse by an estimated 50 percent this year, partly due, they say, to labeling standards that permit the sale of cheap competitor "Spanish" brands with minimal percentages of Spanish honey. Amid all of this, cities—freer from predators and pesticides, and rich in water, trees, and flowers—became something of a safe haven for bees. But in Valencia, the situation quickly turned unsustainable. By mid-summer in 2015, Valencia's firefighters were grappling with their 400th beehive in one year. This forced the city council, particularly its Tree Observatory—tasked with defending natural life in the city—to consider if there was anything more strategic the city could be doing. "We found that the city was welcoming a multitude of bees, so we partnered with the firefighters to collect hives and distribute them to a new municipal colony," explained Santiago Uribarrena, the Observatory's boss. "There are now 20 colonies across Valencia: on the terrace of the Observatory; in the grounds of the Museum of Natural Sciences; and on another council site." The partnership strategically places scented "colony boxes" around the city, enticing bees to make their hives there rather than in more public spaces. It then periodically collects the bees and distributes them between the local agricultural sector and the larger, municipal colony, which is now home to over 800,000 bees. "What we always say is that there are more bees than [human] residents in Valencia," Uribarrena said. This re-collection network was a step toward a council-level urban beekeeping plan, drafted in January of 2018 and a first for Spain, which has left it up to local governments to challenge a default ban on beekeeping in or close to built-up areas. The draft plan has led to the creation of a popular school-visit program, introducing young people to bees, honey, and beekeeping suits. It's been the catalyst for professional bee conferences and street-level bee fiestas, offering residents honey-tasting sessions as they learn about the insect's fundamental importance to human life. Valencia has also set up an expert-adviser team of academics, farmers' union representatives, and veterinarians to provide support on technical questions. Enric Simó, a bee vet in the advisory team, described the group as a contagious and motivational "human colony" of ideas. The council even backed a beekeeping allotment on a reclaimed patch of land in the city's flourishing Cabanyal district. Diego Bour Toledo, a soft-spoken beekeeper from Paris, proposed the initiative "to show that there's no danger, and that the idea is ready to work." His neighborhood bees generated 220 pounds of high-quality milflores honey in the center of Valencia this year, twice the rate that his bees produced in the mountains. The draft plan's final aim is to pass legislation that will permit residents to keep up to three colonies for personal consumption, providing that projects are backed by both local resident associations in affected areas and overseen by qualified professionals. Uribarrena is confident such changes are possible within the next two years—and there is no other option, he claims, since bees are in the city "whether there is or isn't an urban beekeeping project." With 80 percent of Europeans predicted to live in cities by 2050, he also stressed the importance of urban areas being thought of as natural spaces capable of biodiversity: "that much like they have birds, cities have bees." But looming municipal elections raise questions about whether the receptive city government will remain in power, and if Valencia will continue to embolden other bee-curious Spanish cities. Valencia's pivotal role in dragging the country toward international standards could be at risk: New York and Paris have 800 colonies each; Vienna has a whopping 4,000. Toledo said Spain is about 10 years behind, caused by both a lack of understanding about beekeeping and a relatively limited interest in organic products. However, Toledo is optimistic that programs will continue, adding that Spanish cities have the enviable opportunity to develop beekeeping projects free from mistakes made elsewhere. His only concern is that if residents are not empowered to make their own honey, the process will be commercialized and turned into a luxury tourist experience. "That's not what we want to happen. We're after self-consumption, and a fair price for both the producer and the consumer," he said. "Every single neighborhood could have its own honey."
Have some land for beekeeping? Honey Pacifica is searching for additional homes for our beehives in Southern California and we need your help! Ideally, we are searching for open meadowland, preferably with wetland nearby. Open meadowland is ideal as many types of flowers can grow here throughout the entire year. Blooming flowers from trees, bushes, weeds or crops all have nectar and nectar is food for bees. Each acre of land can support 4-5 beehives, and we are looking to place about 50 new hives. We offer compensation in the form of honey, funds or a combination of both. Have some land in mind that might be right for Honey Pacifica? Please contact us on our contact page and let us know a bit about you, the location, and the best way to reach you!
In case you didn’t know, I used to live in Washington before moving to Arizona. I didn’t keep bees then, but I did keep friends. One of them also turned out to be a pretty awesome mom and beekeeper. Kathleen and I have been friends for almost 20 years, and even though we have lived in different states for most of that time, we still seem to end up filling out lives with the same stuff—though she filled hers with 6 kids while I have only 2. A few weeks ago I visited her at her new place in Tacoma. I wanted to help with her garden and bees, but we mostly ended up playing. We hiked, skinny dipped, sat on the beach, visited all the best places, and even got to fly a plane with her brother, Paul. So much fun was had that the garden didn’t even get touched. We did get to the bees though. Beekeeping is playing too, right? I mean, why keep bees if it isn’t fun? Look how cute Kathleen’s smoker is after she put some flowery duct tape on it? One of the quirky things I’ve noticed about beekeepers is that we all have a little different method of lighting our smokers. Kathleen grabs mulch off the ground and tosses in a lit piece of paper. This is what propolis looks like in the Northwest. Its a bit different than what I’m used to seeing in Phoenix — gummier and more abundant. It makes sense that propolis would vary by region since the bees make it from the sap of local trees. This tasted like Cottonwood buds, which is one of my favorite scents. I’m going to have to have Kathleen send me some to tincture. I’m guessing my bee’s propolis will taste like mesquite and paloverde. One problem Kathleen had with her nuc in the beginning is that it was at maximum capacity when she got it. Shortly after she installed them into her hive, they split and swarmed. Thankfully they left a queen cell, but no other brood. After borrowing a few brood frames from a neighbor, and waiting a few weeks, we found the new queen and she was definitely laying. Here in Arizona, that new queen would have to be replaced because she would have mated with Africanized bees. They don’t have that issue in Washington. Kathleen did point out that the positive aspect of being queenless for a few weeks is that it broke the Brood Cycle, and should in return lower the mite count. I say that’s a happy ending. Even Nice Bees Sting These were super nice bees, especially after my norm of dealing with Africanized nasties. But even docile Italians get over zealous to defend their home. This poor thing at least gave us a nice photo op of her demise. I’m getting me some hammocks!
Below are the links to the BBKA’s website that will give the up to date syllabi for both the Practical Assessments and the Modules. These are reviewed regularly and any changes from previous years are highlighted in bold. It is worth checking that you have downloaded the most recent version. As well as a reading list, you can purchase past papers, see example answers for some of the modules and some hints on exam technique on the site. Junior Certificate for under 18 year olds Basic To provide new beekeepers with a goal which will give them a measure of their achievement in the basic skills and knowledge of the craft. It is hoped that it will be a springboard from which to launch into the more demanding assessments. General Husbandry To encourage all new and many existing beekeepers to improve their understanding and practice of beekeeping. Advanced Husbandry Certificate Open only to those who have passed the General Certificate in Beekeeping Husbandry. This assessment is designed for beekeepers aspiring to lecture and demonstrate the craft of beekeeping to others. Honey Bee Health Certificate A new assessment available from 2018 to help beekeepers who have already passed their Basic Assessment acquire some of the skills needed at the General Husbandry level. To encourage beekeepers who have been awarded the BBKA Basic Certificate and have at least three years of beekeeping experience to improve their understanding and practice of beekeeping. Honey Bee Breeding Certificate A new certificate introduced for 2018 as part of the BBKA’s work to promote the use and improvement of local bees amongst its members. The assessment is equally applicable to honey bee breeders who work alone and to those who work as part of a group. Microscopy Certificate This assessment provides a qualification and measure of achievement for those beekeepers with an interest in pollen, anatomy, and disease relevant to the honey bee Show Judge Take your experience in showing honey and honey products to the next level Master Beekeeper Hold the Advanced Certificate in Beekeeping Husbandry and Advanced Theory Certificate Module 1 Honeybee Management Module 2 Honeybee Forage and Hive Products Module 3 Pests and Diseases Module 5 Honey Bee Biology Module 6 Honeybee Behaviour Module 7 Selection and Breeding of Honeybees Reading List The BBKA gives a recommended reading list but it is advisable to read outside of the list if you can. Further study for the BBKA examinations can be very satisfying ,but for some people attending day or evening classes is not convenient. Correspondence courses are a form of distance learning enabling you to study beekeeping while working at your own pace. An arrangement will be made with a qualified tutor for you to send your written answers to set questions that are designed to take you through the syllabus. These courses cover the Basic Certificate (7 question papers) as well as the seven modules (5 question papers each) that form the route to the Intermediate Theory Certificate and then on to the Senior Theory Certificate. There is also a course which covers the learning for the oral aspect of the Microscopy assessment. The fee for each module is £60.00. You may also need to buy or borrow a few books, which may be available in your beekeeping branch or county library.
Information From the NCDA&CS to Beekeepers Concerning Hurricane Florence The email included below was sent out from Jason Williams with the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Structural Pest Control and Pesticides Division to all beekeepers that have registered their hives through DriftWatch. We wanted to make sure that everyone in the County Extension Centers was in the loop in case a call comes concerning any announcements about spraying for mosquitoes. Keep in mind that, at this point, no specific wide-area spray programs are actually planned since those determinations are based on needs assessments and logistics in the areas affected by the storm. Some municipalities and counties likely have plans in place for local ground-based applications to help reduce mosquito activity where possible as recovery efforts begin. However, citizens need to keep in mind that the same conditions that hamper recovery activities (such as accessibility) can also impact on the ability to conduct any mosquito management efforts. Additionally, all of the preliminary (and complicated) steps that lead up to any large-scale program are currently being addressed and the actual need for spraying will be assessed through a coordinated effort by the various county, state and federal agencies in the days after the storm. Mike Waldvogel & David Tarpy ———- Forwarded message ——— From: williams, jason h <[email protected]> Date: Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 11:48 a.m. I wanted to reach out to all of the beekeepers that have registered with the Driftwatch (Beecheck Program), to remind you to prepare your hives for the approaching hurricane. I have linked two articles below that will aid in this. The first is written by Dr. David Tarpy and is titled Protective Measures of Beehives During Hurricanes. The second is from Dr. Michael Waldvogel and is titled “Bee” Kind If You Spray for Mosquitos. Both of these articles are good resources for both beekeepers and mosquito applicators. In the event that Hurricane Florence causes massive rainfall and flooding, a State of Emergency could be declared by the Commissioner of Agriculture. If this occurs, the State would authorize exemptions from certain restrictions of aerial applications of pesticides to control the mosquito population. If plans are made for wide-area mosquito applications, I will send out further updates on this matter. Thanks and Happy Beekeeping, Pesticide Operations Specialist NCDA&CS – SPCAP 1090 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699
My name is Angela Kingsawan and I have recently been welcomed into Walnut Way in the role of Urban Agriculture Coordinator. I’m excited to have the opportunity to interact with community members while doing something I’m passionate about within the city that I love. My family has called Milwaukee home for several generations and I continue to raise my three daughters in our urban center. I have mixed Raramuri, Tigua, and Mexica ancestry. As an Indigenous person, it’s important for me to teach our future generations to take pride in where they come from and to maintain our natural surroundings. My mother and grandmother, along with other elders I’ve had the honor of crossing paths with, have given me my training in horticulture and permaculture over my entire lifetime. I have contributed in the garden since I was able to walk and have been an herbalist for my family and community for over 25 years. Walnut Way’s urban agriculture campus features a hoop house, fruit trees, tulip gardens, and production gardens, stormwater management installations, and beekeeping. While being introduced to the Walnut Way campus, I was enamored with the beauty of the neighborhood. Neighbors are friendly and helpful. There are orchards, a hoop house, and various areas where gardens had once been planted. I never thought there would be such a large natural space to work with in the heart of the city. I began sketching ideas for several areas of the campus, but I wanted to get perspectives from others before moving forward with any plans. I reached out to fellow staff, neighbors, and community leaders. Even though many discussions have taken place, I intend to let all garden plans be fluid and continue to evolve to meet community members’ needs from season to season. This season we decided to grow culturally significant foods from many different cultures to create inclusivity for groups that may not have been represented historically. Expect to see Thai water spinach, Eritrean (African) basil, Ashwagandha, Greek Domata tomato, and chiltepin, to name a few, this season as we sell at the Fondy Farmers Market. A corn maze has been planted on the southwest end of 17th Street with Oaxacan green dent and Cochiti popcorn, pictured above. Enjoy the cool season with a corn maze and pumpkin patches Across the street from the hoop house, we have planted the Three Sisters (corn, beans, squash) into a corn maze and pumpkin patch to create fun family events into the cool season. Cochiti popcorn, Oaxacan Green Dent corn, bear paw beans, tepary beans, and Mayo blusher squash make up the corn maze and pumpkin patch. When we harvest from the corn field, I will be sharing Native American recipes, crafts, and cultural practices. Plant your garden this season at Walnut Way On the north side of the Walnut Way center, we are creating an entire garden with in-ground garden plots that will be free for anyone living in the 53205 and 53206 zip codes up to the amount of space available. Seeds, plants, garden assistance, and pop-up workshops will be offered to support first-time gardeners. Sharing and storytelling will be just as important as the actual gardening that will take place. I believe, our cultural foodways nourish our Spirit as well as the body. Everything we are growing, from flowers to vegetables, is culturally significant. In fall, we will lead community members in seed saving activities. By the end of this season, we will have harvested enough seed to create a seed library that will be housed in the Walnut Way Center. Two beehives were installed with support from Charlie “Charbee” Koenen, the Beevangelists and beekeeper, pictured top right. The hives will provide much needed pollination to the nearby peach tree orchard and gardens. Sweet news of honey and herbs I’m excited to share that we welcomed honeybees to the Walnut Way campus. On the southside of the center, two Langstroth hives were placed in our peach orchard on 17th street. Bees are known for invigorating established orchards, and we’re hoping, with help from our bees, to get a huge crop of peaches to share during the summer months. Another one of the perks to keeping bees is the fresh local honey in autumn. With honey in mind, I am in the process of planting medicinal herbs within the orchard and around the beehives. The bees will be harvesting pollen from herbs such as lavender, comfrey, yarrow, alfalfa, and Agastache to help create a medicinally potent honey which will help strengthen our immunity for the coming winter. Step into the summer with strawberry fields and fragrant flowers As we plan spaces in the gardens for family friendly activities, we are planting a new strawberry patch and flower gardens for learning, smelling, and picking thanks to a donation of strawberry plants from Lisa Granica. In front of the hoop house, I will be planting a field of flowers with a multitude of different varieties. We will hold events to share information on how to use flowers for nutrition, beauty care, and medicinally. We will also encourage neighbors to stop by and harvest flowers on their own. Residents of Lindsay Heights and other visitors are welcome to visit the gardens and volunteer following social distance safety precautions. Contact volunteer coordinator [email protected] or [email protected] to schedule a visit. Visit us at the Farmers market or in the fields as a volunteer There are many more new and exciting things happening in the garden program. Our Growing Youth Leadership Internship program will begin June 1st and youth from the program will be selling every week at the Fondy Farmers Market. We will safely welcome small garden volunteer groups of Lindsay Heights residents to take part in garden activities, following all COVID-19 safety precautions. We invite you to join us at the market and in the gardens. Please feel free to stop by and say hi or just walk the gardens and enjoy spending time in nature. If you would like to schedule a volunteer visit, please email [email protected] or myself at [email protected] to coordinate your visit. Wild green blessings!
Sacbrood virus is caused by a virus in the Iflavirus genus. The virus mostly affects worker larvae, but can also infect adult honey bees. Sacbrood virus causes an uneven brood pattern with discoloured, sunken or perforated cappings scattered throughout the brood. Larvae are thought to be infected by consuming brood food contaminated with Sacbrood virus. The virus then multiplies within the infected larvae, which cause the larvae to sit in the cell with their heads raised and causes the larvae to die shortly after capping. The skin of the larvae then gradually becomes a fluid filled sac. The Sacbrood virus may remain viable in dead larvae, honey or pollen for up to four weeks. Sacbrood virus is present throughout most of Australia and its incidence is generally higher during the brood rearing season when the colony is under stress from a shortage of nectar or pollen, unfavourable climatic conditions or a poorly performing queen bee. Sacbrood virus is most damaging and obvious when larvae are affected. The disease cycle for Sacbrood virus affecting larvae is as follows: Sacbrood virus can also affect adult bees: Sacbrood virus can infect adults but does not produce any obvious symptoms. Infections of Sacbrood virus are most apparent when the virus infects larvae. Typical symptoms of Sacbrood virus include: Infections of Sacbrood virus can occur at any time of the year but are most common during the brood-rearing season (from around September to February, depending on the location). Sacbrood virus affects the brood causing an uneven brood pattern with perforated cappings. This can be confused with other brood diseases such as European foulbrood (EFB), American foulbrood (AFB) and Chalkbrood disease. Some distinct symptoms and indicators of these similar pests include: During an infection of Sacbrood virus the larvae dies with its head characteristically raised toward the top of the cell, its skin hardens and it becomes a fluid filled sac, which dries to become a brown-black scale that is brittle but easily removed from the cell. The ropiness test can be performed by pushing a matchstick into the infected individual in the cell. When the match is slowly withdrawn, in the presence of AFB or EFB, the semi-fluid remains could be drawn out in a 2-5 cm long ropey thread. For more information on these pests, see their respective pest pages. Sacbrood virus can be spread in a number of ways. The virus may remain viable in larval remains, honey or pollen for up to four weeks. Sacbrood virus can also be accidentally moved by beekeepers or via the natural behaviour of honey bees. Beekeepers can potentially spread the virus between hives by accidentally moving infected hive components from an infected hive to a non-infected hive, or through the movement of infected hives to different regions. The virus can also spread naturally. For example bees robbing infected food sources or drifting from infected hives can potentially spread the virus. Swarms can also contain individuals carrying the virus, which can allow the virus to spread to new areas. Once in a colony the virus is able to infect larvae and adults. Nurse bees become infected by ingesting the virus while removing infected brood or by feeding on contaminated food sources. The virus is then spread to larvae while the nurse bees are feeding them. Larvae infected with the virus will die before pupating. Adult bees that ingest Sacbrood virus become infected but show no obvious symptoms. Infected adults usually do not work as nurse bees for long and become foragers at a young age. For the most part infected workers will not collect pollen, but any pollen that is collected will be contaminated with the virus. Young adult (less than 8 days old) bees that ingest contaminated pollen can then become infected with the virus. Varroa mite (which does not occur in Australia) has also been shown to spread the virus overseas. Sacbrood virus occurs worldwide. In Australia Sacbrood virus has been reported in all states and territories, except for the Northern Territory. Honey bees are usually able to control Sacbrood virus in most colonies through hygienic behaviour and the ability to detect and remove infected larvae. However, Sacbrood virus can become severe when combined with other stresses, such as a shortage of nectar or pollen, unfavourable climatic conditions, a poorly performing queen bee or infestation with other pests and/or diseases. When these conditions occur, beekeepers should take measures to restore the colony’s population through adding to the worker bee population, or by providing sugar syrup or pollen. Beekeepers can protect their hives by regularly inspecting for signs of the disease. If Sacbrood virus is detected in more than 5 per cent of the brood re-queening should be considered. Infected brood combs should be removed and either melted or placed in storage for two or more months (as the virus is relatively short lived in the absence of bees). This will remove the virus from the hive and the new queen bee should be able to replace the brood. As a precautionary measure, brood combs should also be replaced every 3-4 years by beekeepers. Honey bee stocks can also differ in susceptibility to Sacbrood virus, so beekeepers should replace the infected colony’s queen bee with one supplied by a reputable breeder. This variation in susceptibility is due to differences in the hygienic ability of the honey bees, which influences their ability to detect, uncap and remove the infected brood. By selecting queen bees or obtaining honey bees from hives that show this trait, the effects of Sacbrood virus can be further reduced. Additional fact sheets from Australia and from around the world, which provide extensive information about this pest, have been listed below. To learn more, click on the links below: Sacbrood virus, Plant Health Australia Sacbrood, Queensland DAF Brood Disease: Sacbrood, Biosecurity South Australia Honey bee disorders, Viral Diseases, University of Georgia Australian Beekeeping Guide (2014) Agrifutures Publication No. 14/098
Zoning regulations can be revised or implemented to allow residents to keep chickens and bees within city or municipality limits, especially in urban and suburban areas where previous policies may have prohibited such practices (Butler 2012). Zoning regulations can establish where and how many chickens and bees can be kept, outline specific property characteristics and accessory structure requirements, and set standards for animal welfare, waste management, and public health education (Tobin 2015). Some cities require permits, especially for those owning more than three animals (McClintock 2014*). Raising chickens or keeping bees can be part of individuals’ and families’ income-earning and food-producing activities in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Many owners report keeping chickens for eggs or meat, as garden pest control, or as pets. Owners in rural areas tend to keep larger flocks and are more likely to keep chickens for income (Elkhoraibi 2014). Expected Beneficial Outcomes (Rated) Increased access to healthy food Strengthened local & regional food systems Other Potential Beneficial Outcomes Increased healthy foods in food deserts Evidence of Effectiveness Zoning regulations that allow residents to raise chickens and keep bees, as part of urban agriculture activities, are a suggested strategy to increase access to healthy foods, build sustainable, self-reliant food systems, and increase household income (CDC-Urban ag, FAO-Livestock). Models suggest that cities can achieve significant levels of self-reliance for poultry, eggs, and honey through urban agriculture activities (Grewal 2012). However, additional evidence is needed to confirm effects. Regulations addressing public health safety concerns and educational campaigns for those in contact with live poultry are suggested strategies to decrease potential risks of infectious disease transmission related to raising chickens (Elkhoraibi 2014, Bailey 2013, Beam 2013*). Experts suggest ordinances limit flock size, require manure management, prohibit slaughter, require veterinary care and appropriate disposal practices, link permitting to public health education, and maintain a registry of poultry owners to reduce the risk of disease transmission (Tobin 2015). Backyard chicken owners report several perceived benefits, including more nutritious and better-tasting eggs and meat, improved food safety, and better animal welfare. They also report ownership challenges, including efforts to minimize predation and comply with zoning regulations, soil management, and the cost of feed (Elkhoraibi 2014). Experts suggest planners responsible for adjusting or developing livestock codes consider appropriate setbacks and animal limits per lot size, high standards for animal welfare, provisions addressing sales and slaughter, and how to increase public visibility of regulations (McClintock 2014*). Impact on Disparities Many municipalities have adopted or changed zoning regulations to support raising chickens and bees, including Boston, MA (BRA-Urban ag zoning); Cleveland, OH (Cleveland-Farm animals and bees); Salt Lake City, UT (Salt Lake-Chickens); and Madison, WI (Madison-Beekeeping). The specifics of these ordinances (i.e., codes, requirements, and restrictions regulating urban livestock activities) vary significantly (Butler 2012). As of 2012, 84 of the top 100 US cities by population (according to the 2000 census) have laws that allow chickens in some manner. Chicago has never banned livestock or limited the number of animals permitted; Jersey City allows ownership of up to 50 chickens without a minimum lot size, though a 25-foot setback is required; and Indianapolis allows ownership of chickens and roosters, if roosters are kept in enclosures at night, and also permits slaughtering personal animals on site (Meenar 2017*). Only 3 cities have an outright ban on keeping chickens, and 13 restrict ownership to agricultural zones or large property lots (Bouvier 2012). State legislation may supersede local restrictions; for example, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) regulates, inspects, and permits honeybee colonies (Meenar 2017*, FDACS-Beekeeping). SELC-Urban ag 2018 - UC Berkeley, UC Cooperative Extension, and the Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC). California urban agriculture food safety guide: Laws and standard operating procedures for farming safely in the city. 2018. Somerville-Urban ag 2012 - City of Somerville. Somerville, Massachusetts: The ABCs of urban agriculture. 2012. USDA-Urban ag - US Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Agricultural Library (NAL). Urban agriculture. UMO Ext-Urban ag - University of Missouri Extension (UMO Ext). Urban agriculture. Citations - Evidence * Journal subscription may be required for access. CDC-Urban ag - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Land use planning and urban/peri-urban agriculture. FAO-Livestock - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Livestock and dairy products. Grewal 2012 - Grewal SS, Grewal PS. Can cities become self-reliant in food? Cities. 2012;29(1):1–11. Elkhoraibi 2014 - Elkhoraibi C, Blatchford RA, Pitesky ME, et al. Backyard chickens in the United States: A survey of flock owners. Poultry Science. 2014;93(11):2920-2931. Bailey 2013 - Bailey T, Larson J. Backyard poultry: Implications for public health and safety. Minneapolis: Food Policy Research Center (FPRC), University of Minnesota; 2013. Beam 2013* - Beam A, Garber L, Sakugawa J, Kopral C. Salmonella awareness and related management practices in US urban backyard chicken flocks. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 2013;110(3-4):481–8. Tobin 2015 - Tobin MR, Goldshear JL, Price LB, et al. A framework to reduce infectious disease risk from urban poultry in the United States. Public Health Reports. 2015;130(4):380-391. McClintock 2014* - McClintock N, Pallana E, Wooten H. Urban livestock ownership, management, and regulation in the United States: An exploratory survey and research agenda. Land Use Policy. 2014;38:426-440. Citations - Implementation Examples * Journal subscription may be required for access. BRA-Urban ag zoning - Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA). Urban agriculture rezoning initiative. Cleveland-Farm animals and bees - City of Cleveland. Local foods and sustainable business: Keeping of farm animals and bees. Salt Lake-Chickens - Hendrickson M, Porth M. An ordinance amending sections 8.08.010, 8.08.060, and 8.08.080, and enacting section 8.08.065, Salt Lake City code, to authorize the keeping of chickens in residential districts subject to certain requirements. Salt Lake City: City Council of Salt Lake City; 2011. Madison-Beekeeping - City of Madison. Obtaining a city of Madison beekeeping license. Butler 2012 - Butler WH. Welcoming animals back to the city: Navigating the tensions of urban livestock through municipal ordinances. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 2012;2(2):193-215. Meenar 2017* - Meenar M, Morales A, Bonarek L. Regulatory practices of urban agriculture: A connection to planning and policy. Journal of the American Planning Association. 2017;83(4):389-403. Bouvier 2012 - Bouvier J. Illegal fowl: A survey of municipal laws relating to backyard poultry and a model ordinance for regulating city chickens. Environmental Law Reporter. 2012;42(9):10888. FDACS-Beekeeping - Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). Beekeeper registration. Related What Works for Health Strategies To see citations and implementation resources for this strategy, visit: To see all strategies:
Hosting some of the best artisans the Hunter Valley has to offer Handmade in the Hunter Markets showcase a wide variety of handmade art, craft and food and the talented local creators who make or grow them. We host up to 50 stallholders at each market who attend on a rotational basis ensuring you will discover new treats and treasures at every visit! Meet and marvel at our local artisans skilled in a variety of timeless arts and specialisations such as beekeeping, candle making, soap making, spinning, sewing, felting, photography, painting – the list goes on! For food lovers, Hunter Valley cooks and growers offer fresh produce, yummy food, fresh hot coffee, preserves and condiments, honey, sauces and salsas, olives and olive oil. Stall categories are listed on this page. Click on a category to see the artisans exhibiting in each category.
Or start your Free Trial to watch all our curated award-winning documentaries. Martha Kearney presents ‘The Great Bee Adventure,’ a programme which offers a unique insight into the science, art and culture of the Honey Bee – the most ingenious insect known to humankind. This one-off special on beekeeping celebrates every aspect of the honey bee and explains how anyone can keep bees and produce honey from their home. A keen amateur beekeeper with no formal training, Martha seeks the knowledge of experts as she attempts to fulfill her ambition of harvesting her first ever crop of wildflower honey. The program will follow Martha’s journey throughout the beekeeping year from the moment she opens her hives on a snowy spring day with temperatures threatening to destroy the bee colony, to facing the challenge of getting the hives ready to produce honey in time to display at the annual summer fete. The Great Bee Adventure will introduce viewers to the pleasures and practicalities of beekeeping capturing Martha’s attempts at tackling angry bee colonies, getting to grips with swarm control and discovering the art of queen bee wing clipping. Honeybees live strange, miraculous lives, flying hundreds of thousands of miles to produce a single pound of... No Ads. No Watch on your Computer, TV, Phone & Tablet New Content Added Weekly HD, Ultra HD & 4K Quality You must be signed in Welcome back to MagellanTV
A recent trend among travelers has been the desire to give their business to sustainable hotels. Particularly among millennials, a group which studies have shown tend to focus more on sustainable practices, including how they travel. Thus, hotels are adapting. Pronouncing their sustainable initiatives has become a selling point among businesses in the hospitality industry. This comes in many ways, shapes and forms from energy use to the way food is consumed on the premises. The @SvartHotel by @snohetta is billed as the world’s first energy-positive hotel and will set a new standard in sustainable travel ? https://t.co/KdHNie5xKn via @mental_floss #Norway #Svartisen #architecture #sustainability #hotels #greentravel @Northern_Norway @INreiseliv pic.twitter.com/WFM2KkcHdP — Elusive Moose (@elusive_moose) August 19, 2018 The Six Senses Duoro Valley in Portugal recently received an award for its sustainability. The resort claims to focus on both environmental and social sustainability. “Six Senses mineralized water is produced on-site so as to reduce the carbon footprint associated with packaging and transporting quality water. We are establishing an organic vegetable garden, composting and a curing center for meat and fish,” the hotel says. — Virtuoso, Ltd. (@Virtuoso) August 16, 2018 This week a Hilton brand Hotel in Oman received a Green Globe award, a designation that certifies hotels on grounds of sustainability. The hotel made strides by cutting its incandescent light bulb use by 70 percent, replacing them with LED fixtures. Timers also shut off the lights if no movement is detected for a set period of time. The resort has also implemented better gardening practices along with water-saving procedures. We are going green around the ?, especially at @HiltonSalalah! Thanks to energy-saving methods, waste management practices & sustainable landscaping, this hotel has earned Green Globe. #wearehilton https://t.co/StlW2dBwLC pic.twitter.com/cMfZtKOEqH — Kathryn Gin (@MommaG1970) August 18, 2018 Costa Rica’s Olas Verdes Hotel became the nation’s first to garner a LEED Platinum certification from the United States Green Building Council. It did so by becoming water efficient, a significant accomplishment for a resort in a country that is dry for almost six months of the year, including popular tourism months. The hotel made sure to keep a neighboring wildlife refuge intact and made sure not to build within 200 meters of the high tide line, minimizing storm runoff into a local creek. Olas Verdes, a 17-suite boutique #hotel in #CostaRica, is the first #LEED Platinum hotel in the country. Nestled among Jobo trees, the 5-bldg campus serves as a model for sustainable building + social equity. Read more in this issue of #USGBCplus: https://t.co/tdTG7AoNVs pic.twitter.com/20pjbQTOeN — USGBC (@USGBC) August 4, 2018 Increasingly, hotels are immersing themselves into natural environments. Uppgrenna Naturhus in Sweden is an example of a hotel that brands its experience as one that connects guests to nature. “Environment and environmental considerations are important to us. Both in terms of business and housing, our aim is to leave as little footprint as possible, enriching instead of contaminating, cooperating instead of countering,” the hotel says. Uppgrenna Naturhus is a sustainable meeting point by the shores of lake Vättern. It offers conference and event services, a hotel room and a café, and aims to provide a holistic experience that doesn’t interfere with the surrounding nature. pic.twitter.com/OO7e6CqcNT — Sweden.se (@swedense) July 18, 2018 Sustainability does not have to include a massive energy saving undertaking. Steps like responsible raising of bees by this London Hilton location are helping the environment and potentially cutting operating costs. The hives @HiltonBankside are a showcase for sustainable beekeeping in London. This enlightened hotel made huge forage provision for its bees, funded a local greening charity and holds bee/honey events for its staff. It’s the way forward! (It makes great honey, too, by the way!) pic.twitter.com/A7FoNX66CH — Dale Gibson (@BermondseyBees) June 22, 2018 New hotel projects are seeking out better materials starting with the design phase. This Italian hotel sought out specific types of lumber that would give it the appearance it wanted but also a sustainable build. — Architizer (@Architizer) April 6, 2017
Terrace Talk: pollinators and biodiversity in Southeast Asia In early February, WWF-Thailand joined forces with Heinrich Böll Foundation, Go Organics and local civil groups in organising this event to raise awareness on the importance of pollinators for ecosystems and biodiversity. Pollinators are crucial to food systems, but their populations are in decline. The total disappearance of pollinators would have drastic implications to our food systems, putting them in peril of collapse. This event focused on the role humans can play as stewards of ecological health, helping to mitigate the problem, and appreciating the role that insects and pollinators are playing for the ecology. The topics discussed that day included conversations around the behaviour of native pollinators, and the threats they are facing, as well and the possibility of urban beekeeping in Bangkok. Two leading experts in the field gave essential input to the discussion: - Dr. Alyssa Stewart, Assistant Professor in the Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Science at Mahidol University. Dr Stewart’s reserarch team discovered that “at least 40 pollinator species occur in Bangkok”. - Dr. Orawan Duangphakdee, Associate Professor and Director of Native honeybee research laboratory at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi stated that “the key contribution of native beekeeping, beside bee product utilization, is pollination services”. The importance of pollinators for sustainable food production The second workshop was organised later in February as part of Sustainable Brands 2020 by WWF-Thailand, Biothai, Go Organics, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Earth Net Foundation and Thai Pesticide Alerts. The focus of this event was to promote pollinator restoration in nature and within the value chain. The event comprised of honey tasting, bee wax soap making, beekeeping techniques, informative talks, and a brainstorming session on how each sector can take an active role in pollinator restoration. One idea would be to transform spaces such as farms, campuses, factories, gardens, etc. into pollinator-friendly environments. Native beekeeping, local wisdom, good practices, and more were exchanged.
We hope to see you at February’s meeting this Tuesday, the 25th! - 6:30 Our free beekeeping lesson will cover “The Honey Bee and her Products” plus Hive Inspection Logs. This content supports lesson 1 of the Apprentice level of the Washington State Master Beekeeping Certification program (students may enroll for certification at PSBA meetings). - 7:00 Announcements - 7:30 Main Presenter: Steve Sheppard of WSU’s Apiary Lab – who will update us on the latest research on honey bees. - Swarm CALL! PSBA’s Swarm List Signup will be available at February’s meeting. PSBA members who are experienced in catching swarms are invited to apply (additional requirements apply). Apply in-person at a PSBA meeting. Deadline for 2014’s swarm list will be at March 25th’s meeting.
I am a little bit in love with our new honey press. It is made from stainless steel and it can crush close to a whole box of natural honeycomb in one fell squish. What better way to get all that goodness of the pollen, propolis and of course the honey into the jar? Tim Malfroy got this particular honey press overseas, but I’ve found a couple of models in Australia that look the same, though they’re sold as fruit presses. Apparently these type of presses are used extensively in Africa for top bar beekeeping of various types. And you can also use them to press fruit. Multifunction!
Georgina Keatley – Co-founder and CEO: Georgina has been working with former offenders since 1997. For many years she worked for the Foundation Training Company (FTC) initially as a tutor, working with female prisoners teaching life skills, citizenship, literacy and numeracy. She was promoted to manager and initially ran the FTC project at HMP Highpoint, then at HMP Edmunds Hill (as it was called at that time). She set up and ran FTC’s community project in Hackney, working with offenders and ex-offenders. After this, she worked for the London Borough of Newham as a key worker, which involved intensive outreach work with people newly released from prison and their families. She then worked for hyh, a young people’s homeless charity, as an AIM worker (advice, information and mediation) and worked with young people who were homeless or at risk at homelessness during the early crisis stages. After that she worked for the Prison Reform Trust, a campaigning organisation, as an advice and information officer. She has also run a family farming business for four years on a part time basis. She has a BA and an MA, both from the University of East Anglia and a teaching qualification. Georgina is also a fellow of the School for Social Entrepreneurs. Tim Melvin – Co-founder and General Manager: Tim also worked for the Foundation Training Company, initially as a tutor but within 12 months he had found his niche as a resettlement worker with FTC and began setting up tailored support packages centred around the individual needs and issues of those about to be discharged from prison. He was promoted to manager of the HMP Edmunds Hill project, stepping into the role vacated by Georgina as she left to set up the Hackney project. Joining Nacro as a housing information advice and support worker he covered staff absences in eight prisons across the region concentrating on securing suitable and sustainable accommodation for prisoners’ release. After a year based in HMP Highpoint as employment, training and education worker he became cluster manager in 2012. Directly managing the housing and employment, training and education teams in HMP/YOI Littlehey, HMP Bedford and HMP Wayland, he also oversaw outcome performance and quality in the Nacro housing teams in prisons across the Eastern Region. Tim has a level three qualification in Information, Advice and Guidance, a basic skills teaching qualification and he is also a Fellow of the School for Social Entrepreneurs. He is also a very keen beekeeper. Robin Ashenden – Director: Robin has an advisory role with THIS. He is founder and editor of Central and Eastern European London Review (ceel.org.uk). He has an MA in Soviet Travel Writing and worked for several years as a travel journalist (Sunday Times Travel, Wanderlust & the Guardian), specialising in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2009, he received a writer’s award from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to travel in and write about the post-communist countries of Central Europe. He produced Chornobyl 30, a one-day event at London’s Frontline Club, including screenings, readings, music and a discussion panel, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Chornobyl Tragedy. His experience of Eastern and Central European cultures is very helpful to THIS and he also has decades of experience of teaching English to speakers of other languages. Lewis Woolnough – Director. Lewis is a hugely experienced teacher, now retired. He is a published author on microscopy with a particular interest in bees. He was Tim’s beekeeping mentor when Tim began keeping bees. A gentleman, of not insubstantial wisdom, who regularly chairs THIS directors’ meetings. Sharon Harmer – Director. Sharon was originally Georgina’s mentor on the School for Social Entrepreneur’s Trade Up Course and the whole THIS team found her knowledge and experience so valuable, she was invited to join the Board and we were delighted she did! Sharon is Head of Sourcing, Retail and ITO at Lloyds Bank and brings a wealth of commercial experience.
Amidst Hancock mess, Denver airport finance chief Heck decamps for Continuum Partners NextGen Climate welcomes Rep. Cory Gardner to Grand Junction with attack billboards Once again, Grand Junction billboards are making political news and this time the target is Republican Congressman Cory Gardner. NextGen Climate Colorado had launched two digital billboards containing three separate messages attacking Gardner in advance of this weekend’s Club 20 debate in Grand Junction. Gardner is trying to unseat Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Udall. RELATED: Cory Gardner’s new ad: “I believe the pill ought to be available over the counter” RELATED: Gardner goes on offense on birth control with second TV ad in two days RELATED: Cory Gardner says he’s “a new kind of Republican” RELATED: Senate debate tops Club 20 autumn meeting RELATED: Attacks mount after Labor Day RELATED: Udall, Gardner discuss next moves against ISIS Protestors march against John Boehner outside The Brown Palace Boehner, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, is in town campaigning for Congressman Mike Coffman, a Republican from Aurora, at a Brown Palace fundraiser Tuesday night. Coffman faces House Speaker Andrew Romanoff, a Democrat, in November’s elections. The protestors held posters and marched in a circle outside of the iconic Denver hotel denouncing Boehner’s support for the congressman and vice-versa. U.S. Rep. Jared Polis to hold Lyons town hall meeting Wednesday Republican Governors advertise John Hickenlooper’s news on the death penalty The Republican Governors Association isn’t about to let Colorado voters forget that Gov. John Hickenlooper granted killer Nathan Dunlap a temporary reprieve on his death sentence last year. The group dedicated to installing GOP leaders over each state released a new video Tuesday taking sharp aim at the issue using local TV news frotage. With Speaker Mark Ferrandino leaving, the battle to succeed him is on Colorado Democrats are fiercely working to defend their majority in the state House of Representatives, but a behind-the-scenes battle also is underway to determine who will become the powerful speaker in 2015. Term-limited Speaker Mark Ferrandino, D-Denver, is leaving the House after this year. Per tradition, elections for speaker and other leadership positions are held at the state Capitol two days after the general election. 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Mallory said he didn’t know whether King asked Cadman to replace him on the committee, or if the minority leader contacted King about it. VA hospital changes due after probe Veterans in the emergency department at the Grand Junction Veterans Affairs Medical Center next year will get nurse-call buttons, officials said in response to an inspector general’s report on the facility. Colorado group brings the return of air, water ballot proposal The dust hasn’t even settled yet on a deal struck between Gov. John Hickenlooper and Boulder Democrat U.S. Rep. Jared Polis to avoid a massive ballot fight over the future of the state’s oil and gas industry. But already supporters of a “public trust” proposal focused on preserving Colorado’s natural resources are gearing up for 2016. Colorado struggles to adjust marijuana supply Colorado’s pot regulators are trying to make sure the state’s marijuana growers aren’t producing more pot than they can legally sell — a hedge against Colorado-grown pot ending up in states where it’s not legal. But a new set of marijuana production standards up for public review Tuesday sparked a lively debate and highlighted growing divisions between deep-pocketed industry veterans and folks trying to get started in the legal weed business. Greeley City Council discusses continuing dialogue on oil, gas PUC adds hearing on Black Hills on proposed rate hike Stormwater issue to go to voters The El Paso County Commission on Tuesday gave final approval to a stormwater intergovernmental agreement and OK’d a ballot measure that will allow voters to decide on funding for the Pikes Peak Regional Drainage Authority, which will involve five local municipalities. 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03 Sep Sustainable Beekeeping Course Saturday 3 & Sunday 4 September | 10am-5pm | £70 (or £35 for one day). Hawkwood Plant Nursery, 115 Hawkwood Crescent, E4 7UH This two-day course is for anyone from beginners to experienced beekeepers who are interested in learning about more sustainable methods of beekeeping. The first day of the course will take a look at the fascinating world of the honeybee, introducing key concepts in their biology and ecology. Day Two will focus on how to keep bees in Warre hives and the practice of keeping bees within an ethical framework.
Eclectic Homeschooling -shared information from a forum discussion In my efforts to delete old discussions but keep helpful information on the site, I came across this forum discussion post from 2008. A member shared her take on Eclectic Homeschooling: the following is copied from a former discussion: “This is the “a little of this, a little of that” homeschooling method! We fell into this method because 1) I couldn’t afford to shell out a lot of cash for a boxed curriculum, 2) none of them completely appealed to me, anyway, though reviewing them was exhausting, and 3) we had a lot of resources already available to us. Other than the library (a GREAT resource- you don’t need to buy books), we are avid book collectors and had tons of material to use. If you want textbooks, go to second-hand bookstores and garage sales, but you can use lots of other books, too. National Geographic is a wonderful starting point to raise interest in our world. My children would then use the internet to find out more about a particular country. They liked to use Microsoft Publisher to write reports of what they found. They each put together newsletters/ newspapers, with articles and pictures. My daughter would include related recipes, and book reports on books that were relevant. The CIA World Factbook website is a great source of geography information, and Sheppardsoftware.com has lots of interactive maps to learn countries, capitals and rivers. We did use a curriculum for math. We used Singapore math. It is inexpensive, easy to understand, moves rapidly and logically, and it is not a spiraling curriculum (the current trend in American education is to give a little bit of information, and then move on, and then go back to it. The theory is that kids will not be overwhelmed with difficult material because they only get a little bit of it at a time, but in my experience, kids lose the sense of what they are learning that way. Singapore was wonderful up through pre-Algebra and intro geometry. And, of course, we supplemented with life experiences, too, like doubling cookie recipes when learning fractions, and helping to keep my checkbook (“could you list that in my checkbook and change the balance?”). For history, start off with reading historical fiction- interesting and thought-provoking! Don’t forget music lessons- you can find someone affordable, and it is well worth it. For physical education, the sky is the limit- follow your children’s interests. Sports, swimming, horseback riding, dance, gymnastics. For science, my children took digital pictures of a variety of plants and researched what they were, learned beekeeping, learned the anatomy of a horse (when they later took biology, they both keep relating the human anatomy back to the horse! Backwards for me, but to each his own!), raised various animals, etc. This is a long post already, but hopefully, you see that school materials are available all around you- use what you have!”
Well… we said we were going on a “break” but its been pretty full-on here at kiwimana HQ. We had lots of over-grown kikyua grass which we are slowly removing. Gary lit a fire and we burnt a whole load of old pallets and rubbish woodware. We’ve also been ‘de-cluttering’ the garage. (still a long way to go! ) GARDENS – Flowers, Vege’s and Herbs Our small garden beds are growing well and the Rosemary is flowering at the moment and the Thyme is spreading. The bed with Lavendar and roses is coming along well. We are planning to set-up some extra flower beds with ‘wild-flowers’ and a vegetable patch, so watch this space as we work through these projects. Surprisingly I have seen buds on my Red KakaBeak and some flowers on one of my Kowhai’s ‘sophora dragons gold’. ON-LINE SHOP & Workshop Loads of new stock arriving too! …assembly of hive-boxes to start with lots of frames to bee waxed and wired…its all good. That all kicks off 1st August. APIARY at Kiwimana HQ With land maintenance of our apiary here at HQ it has seen lots of grass and lawn cutting, new spaces for new hives – these hives moved from our ‘old’ apiary at the organic farm, which is no longer organic, as the new owners appear to love to spray ! luckily they waited til most of the hives were removed. End result of move, sees us going back to about 8 hives this new bee season, so loss has been significant about 5 thus far….. we’ll update you on this because we have had some more losses : ( LANDOWNER – other Apiaries We learnt some things from having our hives at the organic farm and the lesson is, that if the land-owner does not maintain the land it can be harmful to your hives. The hives we brought back were absolutely soaked, the weeds were so overgrown. These hives were even on solid-bottom boards and sitting on pallets! We replaced some of the hive-boxes with dry-woodware, when relocated back here at HQ. ( …but, only 2 survived!) We encourage you to make sure that if you are able to keep your hives on other people’s land, make sure the land-owners take some responsibility for maintaining their land, luckily our ‘Quarantine Apiary‘ has great land-owners who love having the Bees…when I turn up to check the hives, they have added pavers and cleared around the area so our thanks go out to them : ) We made up some sugar-syrup as we felt it may come in handy this season, we usually leave the Bees to feed off their own honey stores but some hives don’t have enough. We used fresh-thyme in our syrup, which appears to help with varroa – studies are being undertaken to establish whether this is a ‘myth‘ or a ‘fact‘. Here we have a photo of the ‘Top Feeder’ we used. On inspecting some hives, we found some to be absolutely full with eggs, larvae and good population. Other hives have been hammered by wasps and robbing and died. Other hives have tiny clusters, one of my oldest-queen (4 years!) hives had a very small cluster that I doubt will survive through Winter, which sadly proved to be true, a sad day indeed. We merged whatever colonies where we could. I can’t tell you how emotional its been – whoever said Beekeeping was just a past-time didn’t understand the obvious love and passion we place in our Bees, they are family to us. The loss is and has been, very painful. While on our ‘break’ we are reviewing our plans for the coming ‘Bee Season of 2014’. We have decided to reduce the number of hives we have in the apiary, and god-willing we’ll still have some by Spring!! We want to make it achieveable and manageable so we can also manage the on-line shop stock, Beekeeper Services, Beekeeping Courses and Training and Apiary maintenance, so our plan is to make sure we have a good balance so we can continue to service our customers and serve our Bees well. What do the losses mean for Beeginuzz Kits? …. and how will we get NEW COLONIES for this season? We have approached some of our commercial beekeepers who will bee helping us with NUC’s and Colonies so don’t worry – you won’t miss out! Cheers Everyone, enjoy your Winter because Spring 2014 build-up is already well on its way, and started in July! …its the kiwimana buzz…
Washington State Beekeepers Association Keeping the Bee in Business - American Beekeeping Federation, American Honey Producers Association Both act on behalf of the beekeeping industry on issues affecting the various sectors of the industry on the national level. - WSU Honey Bees + Polinators Information on research in the Diagnostic Lab, the Research Lab, and on the Breeding Program at Washington State University. - Washington State Department of Agriculture. Apiary Washington State information on beekeeping including apriary registration forms, laws and rules. - Bee Informed Partnership Up-to-date summaries of date from the nation’s beekeepers. - Project Apis M Funds and directs research to enhance the health and vitality of honey bee colonies while improving crop production. - Honey Bee Health Coalition Works to foster healthy bee and native pollinator populations. America’s Research-Based Learning Network – Delivers research-based information emerging from America’s land-grant university system including Washington State University. - USDA Agricultural Research Service Bee Research Conducts research on the biology and control of honey bee parasites, diseases, and pests to ensure an adequate supply of bees for pollination and honey production. - Pollinator Stewardship Council Defends managed and nature pollinators… from the adverse impact of pesticides. - Apis Information Resource Center Seeks to promote beekeeping through a wide range of topics that are of interest to both the beginner and advanced beekeeper. - Bee Friendly Initiative Collaborative research project by Washington State University, Department of Entomology and the Washington State Beekeepers Association to “Give Bees a Chance” through mushroom extract feeding. - Pollinator Partnership Mission is to promote the health of pollinators, critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education, and research. Includes planting guide resources by region - Pollinator Network @ Cornell A multidisciplinary group of researchers, extension personnel, and students that collectively work to understand wild and managed pollinators. - Xerces Society Working to protect invertebrates and their habitats. - Bee City USA/Bee Campus USA Raise Awareness, Enhanse Habitats, Celebrate Achievements – Making the World Safer for Pollinators One City/One Campus At a Time
Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and global policies through in-depth, one-on-one interviews and fascinating roundtable discussions. FA 公開 [search 0] 最高の FA ポッドキャストが見つかりました。 (アップデートされました 8月 2020) 最高の FA ポッドキャストが見つかりました。 アップデートされました 8月 2020 アップデートされました 8月 2020 百万人のPlayer FMユーザーに参加してオフラインのときでも、いつでも に関するニュースや詳細情報を把握することができます。 妥協なし無料のPodcastアプリでPodcastをスマートに。 聴きましょう! Join host Anna Faris, in an ongoing weekly experiment where she attempts to gain insights into the world by talking to celebrity guests and by giving out completely unqualified advice to callers, often with the help of much more qualified expert guests. Podcast by The Conspiracy Farm Weekly insights for vegetable farmers and market gardeners who earn, or want to earn, a living growing vegetables profitably. The show is hosted by Diego Footer of Permaculture Voices. Each week I talk with a beginning, or experienced farmer diving deep into their story to find out what makes their market farm successful. I focus on farming challenges and struggles, sales and marketing, soil preparation, weed management, post harvest processing, appropriate technology, farm startup, market s ... Join real-life buds Megan Rice and Wendi Starling as they go rogue in an attempt to create and survive their fantasy lives. Podcast by Farm Equipment The No-Till Farmer Podcast is the no-tiller's audio source for in-depth knowledge on high-profit no-till crop production, including planting, fertilizing, residue management, crop protection, cover crops and other management practices that promote stewardship of the environment. Welcome to Doldrums, this podcast talks about business, leadership and change makers in Nigeria. It's focus is to build a community of business leaders who will build, grow and thrive together as they build the future of Africa. Is it best that our food is Local and Organic or Big and Conventional? Our view is “Both, and..” We don’t come to the table with a bias, except that good farming like good food comes in all shapes and sizes. Farm to Table Talk explores issues and the growing interest in the story of how and where the food on our tables is produced, processed and marketed. The host, Rodger Wasson is a food and agriculture veteran. Although he was the first of his family to leave the grain and livestock farm a ... The Backyard Farmer - gardening and turf strategies throughout the growing season. Sundays Noon-1p on Talk 650 KSTE warmth and abundance in the grand solar minimum On each episode of Far From Home, host Scott Gurian ventures off the beaten path to far-flung parts of the planet like Iran, Chernobyl, and Mongolia, meeting fascinating people, and telling interesting stories along the way. We Are The Family Farm, With The Southern Charm A National Conversation with a Local Lens The educational Farm Commons podcast. Cult hit podcast hosted by Frank Zero and Steven Snider on all things conspiratorial, paranormal, and highly strange. A weekly look at trends in Family Farming and Healthy Eating. Conversation and interview with farmers and hunters Dr. Farid Holakouee is a Clinical Psychologist and host of "In Session" on Radio Hamrah where he covers topics relevant to psychology and mental health. The show brings awareness, challenges taboos and stigmas related to mental heath, and helps promote a culture of understanding and knowledge. The program consists of several formats, including taking live callers, fireside chats, and interviews and discussions with a variety of guests. Stories of homesteading, farming and following your dreams. Dunedin artists Ron Esplin and Andy Cook present tips and info for budding artists, as well as music with an arty theme. Atlanta Braves Through Thick and Thin Welcome to The Urban Farm Podcast, your partner in the Grow Your Own Food revolution! This 3-day per week audio only podcast features special guests like Jason Mraz, Lisa Steele, and Kari Spencer as we discuss the art and value of growing food in urban areas. We'll explore topics such as urban beekeeping and chicken farming, permaculture, successful composting, monetizing your farm, and much more! Each episode will bring you tips and tricks on how to overcome common challenges, opportunities ... Practical solutions for climate and food security. A podcast collaboration from Farmwel and FAI Farms. Podcast by Donavan and Roy Sunday morning messages Formed in 1935, Arkansas Farm Bureau represents more than 190,000 member families around our state. We are a grassroots organization that advocates for and promotes agriculture throughout Arkansas, the region and the country. Fare of the Free Child podcast focuses on Black people, Indigenouse people, and People of Color (BIPOC) families who practice unschooling and other forms of Self-Directed, decolonized living and learning. Each weekly episode examines a particular way that we’ve accepted coercive, emotionally and physically damaging habits as a normal part of adult-child relationships. With a focus on deschooling one’s self, decolonizing education, and exploring radical self-expression, this podcast both chal ... Nir And Far, a podcast about business, behaviour and the brain by Nir Eyal. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nirandfar/support This weekly podcast will engage editors from around Farm Progress to discuss key issues impacting agriculture. From labor to technology, top issues to production ideas, this wide-ranging series covers agriculture in the United States. Find The Farming Life You Are Looking For Through Entrepreneurship Coaches Lisa Levin and Julie Sapper provide tips and tricks for running farther, faster, and stronger. After running the Boston Marathon 26 times collectively, Julie and Lisa, along with weekly guests, provide tips for training and racing. . While specific to Boston, this podcast is appropriate for runners of all levels and ages.. Sustainable beekeeping tips, talk & how-to from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina Farm Talk with Mick Kjar brings current Agriculture News and News Makers to you Monday thru Friday! We're a member-owned financial services cooperative that has served farmers and rural communities in Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin for over 100 years. Online Resources for Agriculture News & Events in Tennessee Grounded by the Farm brings food lovers conversations with farmers every other Wednesday. We learn about how the foods are grown, tips on storing & preparing and how their family prepares it, and more. If you’re looking to build a profitable farm that works, The Thriving Farmer Podcast is for you. Learn the latest tricks and strategies from successful farmers, strategize with in-depth interviews with leaders in the industry, and connect with stories of farmers just like you. With over 15 years of farming background, your host Michael Kilpatrick has the experience and authority to bring you practical advice, ask the hard questions, tease out the gold nuggets, and help share what it’s really ... A roundup of farming conditions all around New Zealand Finally, a baseball podcast for you, by you, and with you. The Farm System takes a holistic approach to development for coaches and players. We will host an array of guest that want nothing more than to serve you! Remember to share this episode and to follow us! Twitter: @Farm_System IG: TheFarmSystem Facebook.com/thefarmsystempodcast Imparting knowledge about all aspects of equipment that is employed in modern production agriculture. Hot Rod Farmer による The Senate has developed what they call the HEALS Act, which includes additional coronavirus relief funding for the Department of Agriculture. The post Senate HEALS Act Includes Critical Ag Relief appeared first on Tennessee Farm Bureau.TN Home and Farm Radio による Andy Harris and Matt Chrietzberg dive into the Braves minor leagues. Or at least they would if minor league ball was being played. As it is, they talk about the young season for the Atlanta Braves, taking a look at young catchers William Contreras and Alex Jackson. Then they discuss the back half of the rotation with Sean Newcomb, Touki Toussaint, … Recognizing herbs for their many essential benefits. In This Podcast: Herbs can be the easiest plants to grow, at the same time, they can be the most expensive item in the produce section of the store. Josephine DeFalco became inspired to educate others on how to grow herbs and the many benefits that arise from herbs aside from enhancing culinary f… Farm Talk Segment 1 - Dennis Biliske - Resource AuctionKQLX-AM による Farm Talk segment 2 - Devan Leo - NDSU Extension McKenzie CountyKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 3 - Howard Olson - Ag Country FCSKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 4 - Daryl Lies - ND farm Bureau PresidentKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 5 - Ted Brandt - Sheyenne Valley AgKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 6 - Keith Rekow - Dairyland SeedKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 7 - Rob Hanson - ND Corn GrowersKQLX-AM による Have you ever thought about beekeeping as a career and passion? This week’s guest explains why you should. We have the pleasure of interviewing Michael Jordan. No, not the NBA superstar and lead role in Space Jam, but master of beekeeping and award-winning mead maker. Known as the BEE Whisperer, Michael is the founder and CEO of A BEE Friendly Comp… Distraction is a curse of modern life. Between our cell phones and computer screens, not to mention our kids and coworkers, our attention is constantly being diverted. It can become difficult to focus on any one task—or any one person—for very long. If anything, the world is becoming a more distracting place. Technology is becoming more pervasive a… MACY’S Visit macys.com/unqualified where you can not only find all your summer fashion needs but also access handpicked items by Anna which have been put on a special discount for Unqualified listeners only! MILLER LITE Great taste with only 96 calories and 3.2 carbs. However you and your friends are enjoying Miller Time this summer, you can have t… INTRODUCING ERIC SCHAFER! When it comes to achievements for FFA students, there should be a separate category for “son or daughter of FFA advisor”. Each time that I interview a student who has a parent who is also their FFA advisor, they are achieving great things. In the case of today’s episode I am speaking with a student with a ton of talent and… State officials are trying to get the word out to all farmers across Tennessee that the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, or CFAP, is still available for eligible producers. The post CFAP Assistance Still Available appeared first on Tennessee Farm Bureau.TN Home and Farm Radio による Colin Kerris, Tool, Gustav Holtz, Robert Johnson, Death of the Author, muses, Hawkwind, Sun Ra, Prince, KLF, the Orb, Orbital, Coil, Kate Bush, Tears for Fears, Tori Amos, Bats for Lashes, Blur, Oasis, occult, magick, altered states, rave scene, VALIS, Philip K. Dick, Summer of Love '89The Farm Podcast による The Rockefeller Foundation has released a new report, “Reset The Table” — an implied part of “The Great Reset” — describing a radical transformation of our food system in the face of the most significant disruption to our food supply in history. The report calls to provide food to all (like UBI), use schools as […]… Airdate August 2 2020: U.S.-China relations have stooped to new lows. What will it take for relations to warm again? Also, what does the world make of America’s Covid-19 response? Fareed and an all-star panel discuss. Then, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Anne Applebaum tells Fareed about the “seductive lure of authoritarianism” and just how much … Roy and Donavan discuss the fast start the Padres have made and then talk to Statement Games CEO/Founder Marc Saulino about a new way his company let's you play fantasy sports, and A special offer to Friars on the Farm listeners.Donavan and Roy による When a living legend passes after over a hundred years on Earth, it can truly be right to celebrate that life. That has never been truer than when that legend is Jack Woolf and his particular part of the Earth was the Central Valley of California.Jack Woolf started farming for others on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley after returning from W… Is more pandemic relief money headed for California’s farmers and ranchers, who have been upended by changes in markets and problems with supply chains? This past week, the U.S. Senate introduced a trillion dollar pandemic relief bill, that included $2...Farmer Fred による SHOW NOTES Thanks for joining me for another bonus episode about rural crime. Here are all the links to the stories that we profiled this week. Tip Of The Week Report all thefts to the sheriff, no matter how minor you think they are. Rural Crime In The U.S. https://www.kmvt.com/2020/07/22/police-several-hundred-head-of-cattle-stolen-from-declo-ranc… “At our grocery stores and dinner tables, even the most thoughtful consumers are overwhelmed by the number of considerations to weigh when choosing what to eat—especially when it comes to meat. Guided by the noble principle of least harm, many responsible citizens resolve the ethical, environmental and nutritional conundrum by quitting meat entirel… Today the brothers sit down with Laurent who is the wine consultant at Maan Farms Estate Winery. He shares his journey that led him around the world making wine and then at Maan Farms in 2017. He also tells us the TRUTH behind making good wine. All that and much more on the episode of The Modern Farmer.… Farm Talk Segment 1 - Sarah Lovas - Lovas ConsultingKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 2 - Eric Berg - NDSU Animal Science ProfessorKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 3 - Eric Berg - NDSU Animal Science ProfessorKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 4 - Ray Kvalvog - Northwest Minnesota FarmerKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 5 - Doug Leier - ND Game and FishKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 6 - Doug Leier - ND Game and FishKQLX-AM による Here's a question you might not have considered: Do mosquitos spread COVID-19? The answer, thankfully, is no. But in the latest episode of the Around Farm Progress podcast, P.J. Griekspoor, editor, Kansas Farmer, shares the story of a K-State mosquito expert who wasn't willing to take the "it's safe" message at face value. She offers insight into h… This week on Backyard Farmer we'll take a look at succulents and help plan your fall garden.University of Nebraska - Lincoln による Hot Rod Farmer による Waikato and Taranaki dairy farms have never looked better at this time of year, and it's been relatively balmy in the deep south... We hear a lot about vaccines, but what if the real threat is something as seemingly innocuous as a tomato? Scientists are “Pharming” tomatoes that will act as “edible coronavirus vaccines,” as we are told that GMO is mandatory in this “new normal.” The ultimate goal, they admit, is to modify the genetics of the […]… Sign Up To Receive Our FFA Stories Newsletter! Email address: SHOW NOTES KEY IDEAS: It has been five years since I had a real estate professional on the show to discuss buying your first farm and some of the pitfalls to avoid. I decided that it was high time to do that again and began searching for the right guest to have on the show. It turned out… Caleb and Amber Rich started a new adventure on their farm in Clay County earlier this year. It’s an organic poultry operation with Handsome Brooke Farms out of New York. The post Which Came First appeared first on Tennessee Farm Bureau.TN Home and Farm Radio による This week, we get an update on cotton from Extension Cotton Agronomist Bill Robertson; we learn about the latest research on blackberries, peaches and grapes; and we talk to Scott Bray from the State Plant Board about the mysterious seed packages some people have been receiving in the mail. We also hear from Dr. Nathan Slaton of the Arkansas Agricu… Just thinking out loud a bit about late summer stuff in the bee yard...Episode 70: Late Summer -- Please become a "Friend of the Podcast" on Patreon and join the folks who make the podcasts possible! In addition to huge gratitude, you get: • BONUS podcast or early access episode every month!• Access to Patreon blog posts including "Tip of the Week"… Host and American Family Farmer Doug Stephan www.eastleighfarm.com begins with news about mysterious unsolicited seeds from China have been arriving all over the country. Do not open the package and do not plant the seeds! Report it to local authorities ASAP. Next, we meet former NFL star, turned Family Farmer Jason Brown. Facebook: @firstfruitsfar… For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Pivot Bio, West Union, Iowa no-tiller Loran Steinlage sat down with Jay Baxter, who no-tills more than 2,000 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat, sweet corn, and more in Georgetown, Delaware, in a conversation that was moderated by Jen Nelson of Resource Smart.… Farm Talk Segment 1 - Kevin Ross - NCGA President and Jim Sutter - US Soybean Export Council CEOKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 2 - Katelyn Landis - Grand Forks County ExtensionKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 3 - Brent Shanks - Iowa State University Center for Bio-Renewable ChemicalsKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 4 - Preston Sundeen - Lake Region Precision Ag CenterKQLX-AM による Farm Talk Segment 5 - John Sandbakken - National Sunflower AssociationKQLX-AM による
FAQ's & Research Proposal Guidelines for Applicants Since its inception in 2006, Project Apis m. has infused over $6 million into bee research and programs in the USA and Canada, including more than 100 projects involving research institutions throughout North America. We have brought new technologies to honey bee health research, discovered new pathogens, developed Best Management Practices programs, and are supporting long-term stock improvement. We are recipients of grants from the North Dakota Department of Agriculture, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), and USDA-APHIS. Project Apis m. is the largest non-governmental, non-profit bee research funding organization in North America. Thank you for your interest in submitting a research proposal to Project Apis m. We are funded largely by beekeepers and farmers, and dedicated to enhancing the health of honey bees, thereby improving crop production. Proposals are expected to clearly state how they fulfill our mission. Proposals and the review process are kept confidential. We offer the following frequently asked questions to help you submit a research proposal to Project Apis m. for project funding. Proposals are reviewed by the executive director, scientific advisory board, ad-hoc reviewers, and a board of directors. Projects must clearly meet the criteria outlined in the Request for Proposals or address PAm’s mission. Please note proposals must be scientifically sound (i.e., short format USDA or NSF grants without all the extra forms). Funding decisions are primarily based on an overall evaluation, which includes the following review criteria: Focus on solving problems facing the beekeeping industry in either the short or long term. Relevance to bee health, nutrition, productivity, crop pollination Likelihood of obtaining practical/usable results for the beekeeping industry Project strengths and weaknesses Inclusion of unique strategies, sustainable solutions, or establishment of knowledge that will lead to sustainable solutions in the long-term Use of adequate experimental approaches, inclusion of logically linked experiments and project feasibility Identification of risks and adequate solutions (e.g., potential pitfalls and solutions) Likelihood of success (PIs credibility, record of success, experience with techniques, etc.) Adequate indication that PI(s) will communicate their findings to commercial beekeepers. Economical and adequate budget for proposed research Please limit proposals to 5 pages of project description (e.g., introduction, relevance to beekeeping industry, background, aims/objectives, experimental plan, expected results, potential pitfalls and solutions, plan to disseminate information, summary), 10 pages total Including budget justification, PI information, etc., but excluding references) and allow at least 3 months for the review and decision process. What type of research projects does Project Apis m. fund? Project Apis m. seeks projects that will ultimately improve honey bee health. Our main areas of focus include: 1) pests and disease prevention and control, 2) honey bee nutrition, 3) impacts of pesticides on bees, and 4) long-term honey bee stock improvement. We are looking for projects that fill the gaps in honey bee research, and benefit honey bees and agriculture in the USA and Canada. The reviewers will ask questions that ensure the commercial beekeeping community will benefit from the research and its application. For example, PAm seeks research projects that will: Enhance the economic viability of pollination businesses. Provide practical solutions for managed colonies. Yield results that can be efficiently transferred into field practice. Provide an excellent rate of return for beekeepers and farmers. Click Here to learn more about past and current PAm funded research. How much does PAm fund? PAm funding is dependent on the project and the goals. We have funded from $5,000 – $200,000. Typically, proposals are in the range from $20,000 to $40,000. As you might imagine, the higher the funding request, the more scrutiny administered in the proposal review. We offer several initiative RFPs, in addition to accepting proposals outside those periods, and do our best to coordinate funding with other industry sources to partner and avoid duplication. Who may apply for project funds? Project Apis m. funds research institutions, USDA-ARS, universities, agricultural extension, etc. primarily in the USA and Canada. International applications can be considered, but will be held to the same expectation of benefitting agriculture and bees in the USA and Canada. Our scientific advisors are attentive to scientific methods, proper controls, and reproducible results. Proposals should be clear cut, have practical implications, and generally lend themselves to statistical interpretation. Below is an example of the criteria used to score a recent request for proposals. What is the process for proposal submission? Interested parties submit proposals. Proposals are reviewed by the executive director, scientific advisory board, ad-hoc reviewers, and a board of directors. Projects must clearly meet the criteria outlined in the Request for Proposals or address PAm’s mission. Please note proposals must be scientifically sound (i.e., short format USDA or NSF grants without all the extra forms). After scientific review, with emphasis especially on the materials and methods sections and practicality for beekeepers, proposals are reviewed by the Board of Directors with recommendations from the advisory panel, and the Board makes all funding decisions. If you are unknown to the PAm Board and scientific advisors, please submit more background information on yourself. Please include your curriculum vitae, a list of relevant publications and other work you have accomplished, and include how your perspective and expertise could benefit the beekeeping industry. Letters of support from industry may also be helpful. When do I submit proposals? Proposals may be submitted in response to specific initiatives, following the published deadlines in the RFP. Proposals submitted outside these specific initiative windows will be reviewed by Science Advisors at least quarterly (Feb, May, August, November) and by the Board at its next regular meeting. Please allow at least 3 months for review process. What is the format for the proposal? Please limit proposals to 5 pages of project description (e.g., introduction, relevance to beekeeping industry, background, aims/objectives, experimental plan, expected results, potential pitfalls and solutions, plan to disseminate information, summary), 10 pages total including budget justification, PI information, etc., excluding references) and allow at least 3 months for the review and decision process. Required elements include: Title and Principal Investigator – Clearly state the title and principal investigator (PI) of your proposal. Provide the PI’s title, address, email address and telephone number. List cooperating investigators with their names and email addresses. Cooperating investigators must be aware of this proposal. If cooperating investigators are contacted by PAm and are unaware that their names have been added to the proposal, the proposal will not be considered. Date and Duration of Proposed Study Problem and Significance- Please clearly state how your project fulfills PAm's mission. Experimental Design, Materials and Methods – Describe the experimental approaches that will be utilized to address the specific aims. This description should be scientifically sound and include logically linked experiments. Include preliminary data. Please address the feasibility of the project and include potential pitfalls and solutions when necessary. Intended Outcome – This statement most likely blends the objectives into a concise summary while providing the bottom-line justification for why PAm should fund this project. Economic Feasibility for New Products If proposal was submitted previously to PAm or other funding organizations (e.g., USDA, NSF, ABC, etc.) identify this, and include a maximum one-page summation of that review process, if the PIs so desire. If proposal is for matching funds, then PAm funds will not be released unless the PIs obtain funding for the entire project and/or clearly state how PAm funds would be utilized independent of additional funding. Budget Request – NOTE: PAm does not pay indirect costs (IDC’s) or overhead. How is payment made for successful research projects? PAm pays 50% upon funding and 50% upon receipt of the final report. PAm may also require interim reporting and project summary information written in layman’s terms for us to present the work to stakeholders. Should I first send a Concept Proposal? If you do not wish to write a formal proposal yet or you do not need the funding immediately, you may want to present a Concept Proposal to the Board describing what research you want to do. After feedback you may more successfully move forward with the formal proposal. The Concept Proposal should include background for the study, identification of the principal investigators, their histories and qualifications to conduct the proposed study, the objectives of the study, which includes clearly stating how your project fulfills our mission, and an approximate budget. Please submit concept proposals via ouronline link here. Thank you for your interest in helping the honey bee!
A teacher at my beekeeping class this spring warned us that, once we had bees, we would never view plants in the same way again. He was right. I love plants. I like to grow them, observe them, smell them, eat them, identify them, revel in them, and occasionally talk to them. But now, I also see them as allies in keeping my bees healthy and happy. The relationship between bees and flowers is more than just mutually beneficial–they need each other for continued existence. To reproduce, most plants must transfer pollen from the anther to the stigma–a difficult task to pull off alone when you are rooted to the ground and cannot move. That is where wind, animals, and–mostly–flying pollinators come to the rescue. Bees, butterflies, moths, wasps, and birds do the job that plants cannot do for themselves. They spread the riches. And, at the same time, take home some for themselves. A neat arrangement developed over an unimaginable amount of time. A sweet symbiosis. My daily walks and garden checks have taken on a bee-like perspective. I have become keenly interested in exactly what is blooming, what pollinators are attracted to those blossoms, whether the nectar is flowing, and where my bees are foraging. I have a whole new appreciation of the intricate dance between plants and their pollinators. After the apple blossoms faded, we had a long spell of dry weather. Although the honeysuckle was blooming, the nectar didn’t seem to be flowing and there were only a few dump-truck-sized bumblebees tumbling around. We finally got much-needed rain, after which the flowers and pollinators went into high gear. Our bees wasted no time in finding our neighbor’s lupines. The bees stretched open the bottom petals to get at the nectar. Fascinating. Many of our showiest blossoms are not honey bee magnets. The honey bees have avoided the rhododendrons and peonies, and have shown little interest in the iris or oriental poppies. Here’s a bee-less poppy through all it’s stages. The bumble bees, in contrast, love the rhododendron and irises. I discovered the honey bees instead, often deep in the woods, feasting on the inconspicuous green bittersweet blossoms and drifts of raspberry brambles. Our honey bees are not the only pollinators, of course. We have plenty of wild bees, butterflies, wasps, and birds doing their part. As an update to previous posts, we have had three active nests in our bird boxes. The bluebirds seemed to have successfully raised their chicks. One day they were coming and going with slugs and worms for their little ones and the next day they were all gone. We missed their departure from the nest. But this morning we watched the tree swallow fledglings emerge from another box to take their first flight. They almost crashed into George. Exuberant, glorious things. We still have wrens nesting in the front yard box. And George built Zoe two ramps. She’s appreciative.
Living in a condo like the Midwood has already been a phenomenon. Many people that live in the city are getting more aware of the advantages that they possibly take when they live in a condo. In fact, besides a number of amenities, it is possible for the people to stick to their budgets. Here, there are some people that also consider that buying a condo can be such a good investment. In this occasion, you will know some tips that you can follow to prepare your condos on sale. By this way, it is possible for you to sell your condos quickly. For instance, it is recommended for you to do a painting. Some neutral colours are just applicable to anyone. You can turn your condos to look like new by painting with new colours. Further, if you want to make your condo flats look more convenient, you may stick to light colours. By this way, it is possible for you to make the condo flats look bigger. Some elements like ceilings and doors are also recommended to be recoloured based on the new theme that you want to emerge. The perfect colour combination of your painting will imply that you are quite professional to offer your condos to the customers. You must do some repairs when you find some issues. It is only a few people that want to buy condos with remaining issues. Most people want to find condos which are ready to stay or move even today. Here you may need some repairs or replacements for some parts of your condos. It is important for you to prepare for your budget properly and keep your it realistic. By this way, it is possible for you to finish the repairs and the replacements effectively based on your plan. In choosing the type of screen printing from Lesesne Industries that is durable, you must first recognize what are the characteristics and characteristics of a screen printing ink and also what type and color of t-shirts are right for that type of screen printing. Why should we pay attention to these things? That is because each screen printing ink has its own characteristics when attached to a type of material so that if there is a mismatch it will instead lead to bad results. While the color is influential because the screen printing ink has a distinctive color and color effect that is also distinctive so that if it is placed on the base color of the shirt that is not right it will even give poor results or not optimal. Therefore, you need to understand what are common t-shirt materials and are also good for getting maximum screen printing results so that you can prepare in advance and not carelessly in determining the t-shirt material. Some of the right t-shirts to be printed include: Combed Cotton (any Cotton Combed Shirt) whatever the gram, Cotton Cardboard (Cotton Carded) In beekeeping activity, choosing the Best Honey Extractors is not always easy because there are so many products offered in the market. It is best to choose the type of extractor that will suit your needs because it will give the amount of honey you want. However, each type has advantages and disadvantages so make sure you know exactly the best value for your money. Honey extractors have two types, the tangential and radial extractor. The tangential is cheaper, appropriate for beginner beekeeper who doesn’t manufacture a great deal of honey, but you have got to remove the frames and spin all sides at a time, so it is not very effective for a bigger business. The radial extractor it’s quite pricey, but it is ideal for the industrial apiarist with several beehives from that to extract honey, radial extractors are extremely effective as because they spin a lot of frames at a brief period. If you have got never used a honey extractor, don’t worry. The first step is making certain that the extractor is stable. If yours doesn’t have legs or stand, placed on a flat surface. You do not want to lose all the honey you’ll have harvested once the drum accidentally tumbles and spill all it contains. Get the frames from the beehive, but first, drive out bees. Take caution to not exaggerate it, lest it affects the taste of natural honey. Are you prepared with the frames? Well, head over to the process zone and begin the extraction method of spinning the optimum amount of juice as possible. Do not forget to melt or cut off caps from the frames. beware to not tear bee wax from the frame foundation. Honeybees will reuse their honeycombs repeatedly over. Put the frames within the honey extractor and spin it. A force that results from the spin ensures complete extraction of all the honey and check that the foundation remains intact. Open the gate of the extractor when collecting a considerable amount of honey and let it drip through a screen filter into a collecting basket. Leave it within the bucket for a short time so bubbles will rise to the upper part. This helps improve its quality, after that, it’s prepared for packing and labeling. Wedding ceremony images is an enjoyable field with a lot of photographic hobbyists seeking to pre wedding photoshoot generate some extra money within the side delivering inexpensive wedding images. Right after paying out hundreds for just the costume alone, never ever brain the church, the flowers, the reception and all the food stuff and consume. It’s extremely tempting to book a cheap marriage photographer; soon after all, the photography might be the final thing you need to contemplate. Choosing your marriage ceremony photographer is considered the most critical matter to perform when scheduling your marriage. In actual fact it ought to be the first thing you do. First-class wedding day photographers get booked up months in advance so don’t leave it on the last minute to book. Nevertheless indicating that, there may be a couple of dates not booked, so provide them with a hoop and see when your date is cost-free. Certainly absolutely everyone wishes for your costume being stunning, the flowers spectacular, the foodstuff to get scrumptious plus the reception to generally be charming. The marriage photographer, even so, definitely ought to be 1 from the top items with your list of important objects. For those who select a lousy top quality wedding photographer, it’s going to be felt in every single photograph that you simply examine. Nothing is a lot more important than your wedding day images. Why’s that? Well, just take into consideration it – what transpires when your marriage is around? The flowers are dead, the gown receives freeze-dried (or no matter what it’s the cleaners do) and put in the box, the cake is eaten, and a year following your wedding you won’t even recall whatever you ate. All you will have left from at the present time are your memories – plus your images will be the doorway to those memories. Down to the guidelines: 1. Does the photographer have quite a few distinctive images from the same marriage to indicate you? I’d be troubled when they have been all with the identical wedding. Appropriate expert photographers have taken marriage images for a lot of diverse brides and that need to reflect inside their perform. Within the other hand in case you only see 1 photograph from just about every marriage I’d suspect which the photographer only receives 1 superior photograph from your full day. You will need to know that they’re consistent and have taken images at quite a few distinctive weddings with no less than three various images from each and every wedding day within their gallery or e book. As an normal guide, photos from 3 recent weddings are suitable. 2. Does the photographer hear you? A photographer that talks many of the time about how terrific they’re is somebody you need to be cautious of. If knowledgeable just isn’t ready to hear you then these are not quite professional, I necessarily mean how can they really know what that you are looking for? three. Would you actually similar to this man or woman? You may be paying out the most crucial day of your respective existence which has a stranger, make sure you like them. In the event the photographer’s personality clashes with yours, you could be in for an unsatisfied day – or not less than an ungainly one particular. Why risk being unhappy to the most significant day of one’s lifetime? This is why reading the photographer’s temperament is, in my view, far more crucial than examining their portfolio. Will they be officious? Offensive? Aloof? Any time you chat using a prospective photographer, obtain a feel for them and see should they are anyone you’d want to be mates with. In the event the solution is “yes”, then put them significant with your listing! A professional has design and style. An experienced photographer may have a definite fashion and flavor. The photographs may perhaps be in black and white or in colour; you could possibly see numerous manipulation inside the illustrations or photos or none. An novice photographer posing for a specialist will not likely have significantly of the model. Their photographs will glimpse uninteresting and vulgar. If their fashion is in every single place then you really can wager your lifetime that they’re not pros. Exactly what are the images like? Would be the photos flat? Much too darkish or way too gentle? Can you begin to see the information to the marriage ceremony dress or could it be just a white blob? Do the persons within the pics appear uncomfortable or distracted? Do the group photographs search messy? Are definitely the backgrounds inside the images cluttered? Do the backgrounds compete for awareness for the people inside the image? Will be the men and women wanting with the camera? Do they however have their heads? Should you respond to certainly to those issues then I’d mention that the photographer is not a professional. You will discover exceptions even though; while using the Photojournalistic fashion, a lot of people while in the pics are certainly not seeking in the digital camera as well as the backgrounds is often slightly distracting. Also question the photographer wherever the photograph was taken; occasionally they have got performed the very best they can do. That is especially true with registrar weddings, where by the registry workplaces are usually located in or close to industrial spots where by the backgrounds usually are not really really anyway. four. Does the photographer seem professional? Here is the most challenging a single to gauge as many of us know to decorate smartly and it’s quick to find out the technicality in the camera, the terminology to clarify the pictures and promote their presentation. You can in no way know needless to say but there are several tips: 5. Check with them should they do pictures to be a full-time occupation? i. If they reply of course then it can be 1 issue within their favour. ii. Should they say no, then ask them what else they are doing. If it is a entirely distinct discipline, like creating or office work, then they don’t seem to be a professional photographer, they will have nothing to get rid of when they mess up the images of your respective wedding. six. Just how long have they been in company? i. Anything at all under a year is suspect, generally for the reason that they are going to in all probability not have adequate experience with professionally masking weddings exterior the seminars and classes. ii. Two to 3 yrs is good, the photographer has in all probability experienced adequate marriage knowledge to learn what to expect and how to take care of any circumstances which could come up. iii. Something around three years is excellent (so long as it truly is their full time employment) because it displays that they are doing very perfectly and so they must have a good name. Inquire with regard to the photographer using your friends and acquaintances; see what popularity they’ve achieved. If it really is superior then they could be trustworthy, if not then never belief them, imagine of it for a confidence score. seven. What number of weddings have they photographed? i. This can be significant, if they give you a figure under 20 then be on your guard and consider all of the other answers into consideration when ultimately deciding on irrespective of whether to ebook them or not, primarily take note of what number of decades they’ve been in organization. Should they have only carried out 20 weddings in two many years, then perhaps you shouldn’t book them. 20 is a really small variety of weddings for two many years; you’ll be able to assume a specialist photographer on regular to photograph no less than 20 weddings per year. ii. Whenever they offer you a figure more than 200 and they’ve been in small business for less than several decades then these are blatantly lying. There’s no doable way for them to acquire coated lots of weddings in two several years. iii. To get a business enterprise that has been running for 2 several years, an inexpensive figure for weddings lined is sixty. 8. Does the photographer go on seminars and courses if that’s the case which ones? i. If they have not been on any courses or to seminars and mention that they are really totally self-taught, then they are really certainly newbie photographers. Specialist photographers often go to seminars and classes to keep refreshing, and their abilities honed to a good position. ii. If they have been with a number of courses once they started off up then they’re not devoted to high quality and excellence in their images and probably minimize corners quite a bit. Be wary of these. iii. If they go to normal programs, not distinct to wedding photography then question their dedication to their craft. iv. Whenever they go on expert courses on marriage images very generally, then outstanding! This proves that they’re fully commited and concentrated on their own craft. I frequently go to specialist courses on certain kinds of marriage ceremony photography. This can be to maintain me fresh new and on the peak of my job. I do discover from textbooks and practise usually but you can only get to date studying by yourself and there may be unquestionably no substitute for palms on encounter and instruction. 9. Does the photographer have a contract? A photographer who isn’t going to have a deal just isn’t being dependable. If you purchase any kind of assistance, from plumbing to pictures there needs to be a agreement. This is to guard you from everything that will go improper and likewise which means you know particularly that which you are receiving. The contract can either be long and complex or quick and sweet. The pictures agreement guards in opposition to a photographer not finishing their conclude of the discount. In addition it safeguards you from them getting your hard earned money and managing. It also permits you a lawful entitlement on the company you have got paid out for and likewise informs you what you are permitted to do together with the pictures. The deal need to even have a section hooked up which tells the photographer all the aspects in the wedding ceremony. ten. Does the photographer ask you concerning the images that you would like taken over the day, do they talk to you about spouse and children interactions and spouse and children politics? The photographer need to question you about the pictures that you would like on the day, a marriage is a superb celebration that gathers with each other a lot of estranged relations and there exists usually only this day to photograph them all with each other. Lots of kinfolk will likely be coming from far flung locations as well as photographer ought to know to receive these crucial persons. A wedding is an extremely emotionally charged occasion as well as photographer really should question and know about any probable difficulties amongst close relatives so that they will not get started any fights. And also realizing all of this, the photographer need to request for any liaison within just the wedding bash, it can be typically an usher from either side with the household, some one particular who is familiar with each of the close relatives by sight. Don’t forget the photographer has possibly hardly ever achieved all your family members prior to so appointing them someone that is aware of every person that can be there’s paramount to receiving anyone you prefer to photographed in the ideal place on the right time. Rate: “If it sounds as well very good to generally be correct, then it almost certainly is!” I truthfully would not check out your pictures spending budget the exact same way I would look at the spending plan such as; your wedding costume. You could get lucky and look for a cheap and talented photographer for beneath £500 to get a complete working day coverage, but like most matters in everyday life you have what you fork out for so you will more than likely finish up with nothing such as you requested for, inadequate good quality, poorly composed images or no photos at all! If you’re able to find the finances to move out of the underside variety and into the future amount (say, £500 to £1,000 for 50 % day coverage) you might extend your alternatives of truly experienced photographers considerably therefore you will no doubt close up with attractive pictures that previous a life span. In the event you transfer into the up coming level (say, £2,000 – £4,000) your selections broaden exponentially, simply because now you are not limited to the photographers in your neighborhood current market, you can begin to resource from photographers that happen to be ready to vacation nationwide. The price of the company is obviously significant to you personally, as you have in all probability by now spent 1000’s to the marriage by itself. There is not any place scrimping to the photography. As described higher than, anything else receives eaten, neglected or put into storage, the images quite considerably the sole matter you’ll have out of your day to point out all people. Every person features a price range, try out your very best to stretch that finances and e-book a specialist photographer for so long as you will get them, you won’t regret it. Do you have a dark room? You can use glow in the dark stickers that can glow in the dark. These stickers are sold in various forms and the price is fairly cheap. This sticker can also be affixed to the wall without damaging it. This type of sticker is widely used as wall decorations of children’s rooms. Aside from that, if you want another piece of art to be hanged on your wall, we recommend you to try some prints that will be suitable for your dark-themed room. However, that does not mean that adults should not use glow in the dark in his room. The form of glow in the dark is also varied and funny, no need to worry about not finding the one you like! In addition, if you look around for things around you, there are actually a lot of used or unused items that you think are useless, but can be reprocessed into something unthinkable. One of them is the creation of wall hangings from used toilet tissue rolls. If you usually throw them away right away, you might start thinking again to collect them from now on. With a little creativity, the scrolls you can arrange into a budget-saving and cool wall hangings you know! In order to get the maximum benefit from your credit card, you must use it in the right place at the right time. That is, use a credit card for various things you need, do not forget to take advantage of various offers and discounts offered by credit cards. This will help you save money practically. You can get information on various attractive offers from your credit card by looking at the catalog that will usually be sent along with your monthly bills. You can find out how to get out of debt on our website. However, do not let these various attractive offers actually make you make various transactions that are not needed at all, which means you make a waste. Take advantage of only attractive offers that really you need and in accordance with your financial capabilities. Don’t force yourself to make a number of transactions with the thought of special offers/discounts using your credit card if the transaction is beyond your financial capacity. That will only make you have some debt in the days to come. Having a car without mold on the windshield is the dream of every four-wheeler. Therefore, do not let the presence of molds disturb driving comfort. Be careful because moldy glass can also increase the risk of accidents. Cleaning the molds on the windshield on a regular basis is a wise choice that can be done to care for the car. Even though you can’t really prevent a totally moldy windshield, the effort in caring for the car can suppress the proliferation of the molds. Additionally, perhaps you need to consult with the expert on auto glass repair Columbia SC if you need to know more about this. Caring for the windshield is not easy. You must always keep it clean because even a little lack of treatment can make the mold stain come again. So what can you use to prevent this from happening to the windshield? Here are some ways that you can do: Your vehicle’s glass is always clean. If there are food scraps or dirt, immediately clean the dirt thoroughly. Familiarizing yourself with a thorough car wash routine can benefit you from the number of expenses you need if the windshield is damaged. The quality of the water used to wash the car is balanced. Groundwater usually contains chemicals that are not balanced with each other, so that the potential to cause white spots on the windshield. The windshield is always dry. The molds on the windshield could have come from the remaining water spots. Therefore, to overcome this, you can use a cloth with high absorption after washing the car to dry quickly. The car is always rinsed after it gets rained on. In addition to making the surface of a car moist, acidic substances contained in rainwater can damage the car paint coating. Parking in the right place. Indiscriminate in choosing a parking space, such as in a humid place, can make dust and dirt stick. If it’s left too long, the windshield will get moldy quickly. Glass cleaning products that use in accordance with car glass. Most glass cleaners contain nitrogen and hydrogen compounds (NH3) which are quite effective in removing mold and spotting. However, products that are not suitable can actually make the windshield blurry. Bleach clothes can be used to overcome the problem of clogged toilets. This method is the same application as Dish Washing Soap. Pour liquid clothing bleach into the hole in your closet. Add enough soap powder. Allow a few moments for the whitening solution and soap powder to react perfectly first. Then you can water it by using water many times so that the remnants of dirt that cause the blockage can dissolve with water. Do this routine if necessary so that you can help prevent it early before the blockage occurs. Apart from that, if you can’t repair your clogged toilet by yourself, we suggest you hire plumbers Columbia SC. In addition, you can try using a wire or clothes hanger made of wire. Straighten the wire that you will use first. You can use a wire hanger that is not used anymore. Make a curve like the end of the hook on the fishing tool so that it can help make it easier for you when conducting trials in an effort to overcome the clogged closet. Insert the wire into the hole in your closet bowl. Do it slowly so as not to scratch your closet. Push gently until the end of the wire is stuck to the object that is causing your closet to clog. Move-in a circular direction until the end of the wire is caught in the object. Once it feels tangled, gently pull so that the object does not come back again. If the object is successfully pulled, try watering it. If water flows smoothly it means that there are no more objects left behind. Finally, you can use chemical drains cleaning fluid to help you deal with clogged closets. This liquid can be found at chemical stores, hardware stores or department stores in your neighborhood. Use this method as a last resort if you have to use other methods but are still not resolved. Because this liquid is toxic to humans and other living things such as animals. In addition, this liquid also has corrosive properties that can damage your pipeline. Other impacts caused will certainly damage the environment. The website is a short way to get lots of customers for entrepreneurs. Apart from being able to find internet access everywhere, entrepreneurs can also easily change the concept of selling their goods/services easily and quickly. so they can follow the wishes of the customer. The Rhino Marketing Group can create all types of websites with a variety of appearance and content to your liking. They have their own tips so that the website can satisfy the eyes of the visitors. 1. Not slow, even when opened via mobile phones A good website is a website that has a fast loading time, both when opened via a PC or mobile phone. Today many people prefer searching for information via mobile phones because besides being easy to carry, the internet can be accessed anytime anywhere through this small object. Therefore, you must ensure that your website is fast when accessed via mobile phones. Good access speed will make visitors happy to linger on your website. 2. Useful and trustworthy content Your website will be useful and get many visitors if the content in it can be trusted. A good website will present interesting, relevant, and suitable content for the target audience of the site. Good content can provide answers to what visitors are looking for and need. The title and content of the displayed content must be related so that visitors do not feel cheated when reading the contents of content that apparently does not match the existing title. As you feel happy, it must be much easier for you to work on your daily deadlines. Here you are going to be more productive when you feel peaceful and relaxed. This is why people spend their weekend for having a vacation trip such as Tasmania Tours Destination. In fact, taking a vacation is really helpful to return your mood. In other words, taking a vacation is also a set of preparation for having your exciting weekdays. By this way, you will be able to immediately release your stress as you regularly plan your vacation every weekend. You do not have to feel guilty when you spend some days having a vacation. Moreover, those days are the days that you can spend to have a vacation with your family. After all, happiness is about not only giving your beloved people abundant money but also having more time to spend with them. When building a house, or remodelling a pre-fabricated home, you will need to take a gander at contract of A plumber Columbia SC from an authorized pipes organization. One spill in a pipe could decimate a lot of a property with water harm. Even though you may think first and foremost that doing everything an expert worker can do yourself, you really will set aside more cash having an authorized handyman comes in. The equivalent can be said about circuit repairmen, painters, and all other contracting administrations. Pipes contractual worker plumber Columbia SC are not required for each activity. If you are managing a stopped up channel, a flawed spigot, or a trickle under the sink, it will be more practical to take every necessary step yourself. Redesigning requires significantly more experience and regularly requires the city code assessor to come in and close down. A few instances of things that the controller will need to see is funnels utilized for water lines, joint materials, and even valves being used. Can frameworks additionally have certain criteria because of waste expulsion waiting to be done securely? Green stuff that are utilized in a house are going to flush spotless and be alright for the entire family just as their pets. Cleaners can likewise get down in splits in ground surface and it is practically difficult to get it out of there when washing a story. Individuals can wipe up such a great amount of yet there is no real way to get down into the split to get every last bit of it. There are a wide range of arrangements that individuals use for floors and different things. When employing http://carpetcarespecialists.biz, individuals need to ensure that they are utilizing the arrangements that they are publicizing. On the off chance that they are promoting that they are a green cleaner, at that point they ought to utilize green items. Green cleaners will be alright for pets, youngsters and grown-ups. Anybody that comes into the home ought not be presented to hurtful synthetic concoctions. It doesn’t take destructive synthetic substances to clean homes. Whenever one of these cleaners is utilized, the property holder or the individual utilizing it could be presented to unsafe substances. A Tile Cleaning The Hills cleaner will be produced using normal items as opposed to being fabricated by placing a few synthetic concoctions in an answer. While these Tile Cleaning The Hills will make a story, ledge or different things look astounding, individuals don’t comprehend the concealed risk. They don’t understand that they may not be washing off totally which is presenting them to hurtful synthetic concoctions consistently. While somebody may pay some extra for Tile Cleaning The Hills that is produced using characteristic items, they will be substantially more happy with it. There are numerous items that are utilized for homes or for organizations. Tile cleaning administrations will utilize a wide range of cleaners relying upon the kind of tile too. Only one out of every odd expert cleaner will utilize characteristic items except if the mortgage holder or entrepreneur demands it. Normal items can clean similarly in the same class as different ones however a few people feel that in light of the fact that the synthetic concoctions are not in them that they won’t spotless too. Each item is unique and will clean extraordinary. Pets are incredibly defenseless against buildup left from the stuff that was utilized to clean. This is on the grounds that they like to lick the floors or get nourishment that has been dropped on the floor. It is imperative to ensure that floors truly are perfect and free of synthetic concoctions. Picking between relatives or the manner in which that something looks ought not be a troublesome choice. Everybody ought to pick their relatives. Numerous cleaners are utilized each day. It will be critical to pick Tile Cleaning The Hills that will utilize green items for the strength of the family, pets and companions that visit the home normally. There are numerous issues that can be brought about by cleaners that individuals don’t understand. Many individuals will have issues that they don’t connect with the arrangements that they are utilizing to keep their home clean. Carpet Care Specialists Mosman 50 Yeo St, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089 (02) 8311 3724 If we listen to the news in the newspaper, online media, or television, short-circuit electricity is always considered a scapegoat causing fires. However, if further investigated, overheating in the electrical circuit is more likely to be a cause of the fire. Before something bad happens in your home, you should hire electrician Lexington SC services to check on electricity at home. When overheating occurs in the electrical circuit, the fuse or MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) will not break/trip. As a result, electric current will continue to flow in the circuit, so that heat continues to accumulate and the temperature gets higher. Meanwhile, when a short circuit occurs, the fuse or MCB will break / trip because there is excess current in the circuit so that the heat accumulation can be stopped. The cause of overheating can occur due to several things, including overload on the electrical circuit, poor quality electrical equipment (cables, plugs, sockets, etc.), High Resistance Connection (HRC), and others. Technically, it is suspected that the condition of the electrical socket which is overheating continues to be electrified, causing the plastic wrap to melt until it burns. Traditionally, any Bookkeeping Services are done day by day manually by people in your own company. That was before the internet brought easy access to business. Today, your business can use mobile xero bookkeepers sydney at a much lower rate while getting more effective work from separate companies. You can contact the company that will offer the bookkeeping service very easily. All you have to do is search online and you will have many companies at your fingertips. Doing Bookkeeping Services through different companies will take the usual delays between recording financial transactions and posting in the relevant accounts. But the concept of bookkeeping always remains the same but with better performance. Bookkeeping Services can be rented on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. In some cases, you can talk to a company about getting long-term services for your business. Hiring a company, in the long run, will allow you to have all the necessary reports to make adjustments without any loss of income. Reports are smart and clear and if you have a problem with your understanding of reports, you’ll have a whole team of professionals ready to help you. Another profit Bookkeeping Services will provide you is that one of the reports will be available at any time to you. Bookkeeping Services is something that every business day needs and the availability of your reports anywhere that you have a computer can not be overstated. Of course, there are other advantages to Bookkeeping Services, especially given the fact that computers are used to do work compared to more traditional manual entry systems. Because a computer program does the calculation for you, the chances of a human error are reduced to zero. In traditional systems, you have to add columns and move numbers from each page. Bookkeeping Services also rely on software that can see errors automatically and that can save you a lot of time as you will find yourself mistakes and then correct them. A decent licensed electrician Columbia SC needs to have a few references. Numerous individuals commit the error of not mentioning this data. While most references will be certain, you may locate the periodic reference that isn’t as shining. This data can assist you with determining if a circuit tester is going to meet your requirements. Clearly in the event that you are persistently informed that the licensed electrician Columbia SC is in every case late, never on schedule, leaves a wreck and other general issues you will need to move along rapidly. This isn’t data that you can regularly accumulate just from conversing with the circuit tester themselves however since most won’t promptly concede their imperfections. You ought to likewise get some information about their authorizing. Licensed electrician Columbia SC are required to be authorized and give protection data demonstrating that they are lawfully allowed to lead business in the territory of Virginia. You ought to likewise check this data yourself to guarantee that their permit is as yet substantial. You will locate that most circuit repairmen are totally legitimate; notwithstanding, there will be an infrequent electrical expert that will maybe attempt to go off invalid archives which is the place doing your examination is significant. Extra measures ought to incorporate really conversing with the circuit tester to perceive what their experience truly is. The universe of business and private electrical work has a few similitudes, yet there are some gigantic contrasts too. What you probably won’t understand is the manner by which these distinctions will become an integral factor while working with the electrical for your venture. Conversing with your licensed electrician Columbia SC will assist you with ensuring that the contractual worker you are picking has satisfactory experience for the activity that you are thinking about them for. These little advances that you can take will go far towards guaranteeing you get the outcomes that you truly need. Sitting around idly with a terrible circuit tester decision can be exorbitant as well as incredibly baffling so guaranteeing you settle on the correct decision initially is extremely significant. Never demand electrical assistance charges or proclamations while you are in an emergency condition. Just direct recover the circuit repairman to out the issue quickly before the scene goes out of control. Busyness is always an easy reason for not doing sports. A series of meetings and work schedules that accumulate sometimes makes you delay to burn calories in your body. Lack of intensity of exercise can be dangerous for the body. Not only does it affect physical health but also mental health. When exercising, the body releases endorphins which trigger feelings of satisfaction and security. You can practice the old school new body to get the health and secrets of youth that you want. Exercise will also provide time to rest so that we are not too stressed. Here are some things you can do to keep your body fit when you are busy, you can’t avoid it: Yoga is a flexible sport that can be done in all places. Yoga can be done while you are in the car. When it’s stuck, you can calm your mind when it’s stuck. Instead of complaining, you can do yoga moves so that the stress of your mind when dealing with traffic can be reduced. If at home, just do a few yoga movements for 30 minutes. If done regularly, it is not only physical that becomes fit, your soul and mind will be fresher. One of the yoga movements is the Down Dog or Adho Mukha Savasana yoga movement which can reduce fatigue and tension. This movement is carried out while breathing regularly. 2. Exercise on the desk In addition to yoga, you can take time out of your workout in the office. You can do push-ups with the help of a chair or office desk as a pedestal when the workspace is quiet. Or you can also store dumbells or other small, practical exercise equipment in an office drawer. If you don’t have time to escape to the gym, train your muscles with a small dumbbell. 3. Don’t be lazy to walk If you use your own vehicle you should find a parking location that is further away. With this condition, you are forced to walk while moving your body muscles. France has banned electric scooters from the sidewalk started last September. The reason is that this tiny vehicle is causing an increase in accidents. Local residents are so disturbed that they feel frustrated with e-scooters. It’s because the vehicle was packed in public areas. In the meantime, if you’re looking for a high-quality scooter, we suggest you check out the Xiaomi M365. Paris and other cities have been home to thousands of e-scooters since it was introduced a year ago. Some companies operate scooters with a sharing system (ride-sharing). However, the use of e-scooters has caused tension with the population. French Transport Minister Elisabeth Borne acknowledged that e-scooters had resulted in many accidents. “This (scooter) development is very fast and a little anarchic. We don’t see it coming, and that is the law of the jungle. And it’s true that we see an increase in accidents and discomfort that increases on the sidewalk,” Elisabeth Borne said. Borne announced motorists would be fined 135 euros if they used e-scooters on the sidewalk. This ban started last September. “Our main goal is that pedestrians are no longer afraid of walking on the sidewalk,” he said, adding that operators themselves are calling for good driving rules and to clarify how vehicles can be used. The term User Experience (UX) is usually more familiar to use and discussed among website developers. What exactly is UX? Why is UX mentioned as a very important factor to increase customer loyalty while increasing your sales? Is UX that important? Is hiring a ux designer is necessary? User Experience is how an internet user accesses a website, an experience they get from the website. An example of User Experience is exploring all the features of existing websites, seeing the appearance of its website, and carrying out procedures for successful product/service transactions. You may also hire a designer to design high-quality UX for your website or software. UX is one of the fields that is developing very recently in line with the growth of eCommerce. Creating a user-centered design should include strategy in areas such as project management, user research, and usability evaluation. Google itself has announced that UX is one factor in the ranking of its search engines. They claim to want to provide relevant and good results in the eyes of customers so that more and more people are using the Google search engine. Raising poor website rankings won’t make Google users satisfied. So a website must be easy to use, navigate and be understood by visitors. A carpet is an important addition to a living room click to read more. Although it’s not a mandatory item to be placed in that room, the living room might look empty if there’s no carpet in it. That’s why you definitely need to put the best carpet there, so you and your family can enjoy your quality time together comfortably in the living room. Unfortunately, due to its nature to be placed on the floor, a carpet gets dirty faster compared to some other types of furniture. That’s why you must clean it yourself, or you can always call the best experts of Carpet Cleaning Northern Beaches. However, if you don’t know the way to hire a carpet cleaning service safely, then you need to read the following tips: You must find a carpet cleaning company with a good reputation A carpet cleaning company which has been trusted by many people is usually reliable. They are capable of doing their job efficiently without causing any trouble in your house. Furthermore, they can clean your carpet quickly and effectively without causing any damage to your carpet and other items in your house. You must only hire a licensed carpet cleaning company If you feel worried about scammers or criminals who disguise themselves as carpet cleaning experts, then there’s a way to prevent such bad guys from entering your house. First of all, you need to find a carpet cleaning company with a valid permit to run their business. A licensed company usually won’t do anything bad that will cause them to lose their license. Next, you also need to ask the company about how many carpet cleaners that they will send to your house, and you also need to ask them to show their own license to you once they arrive at your house. This will reduce the risk of any criminal activity happens in your house. Find a good service with a suitable price As long as the price you pay is equivalent to the carpet cleaning service that you will receive, you will likely be able to avoid all kinds of scams in the carpet cleaning business. If you are an enthusiast in supporting green movements, you probably prefer buying a motorcycle than a car. In this case, riding a motorcycle on a daily basis must impact on the environment less than driving a car does. Instead, it is much better for you to have an electric motorcycle which is environmentally friendly. By this way, wherever you ride it, your presence will possibly inspire other people around you to do the same. Alternatively, if you are difficult to get an electric motorcycle, you can consider finding a motorcycle which is relatively fuel economy. Importantly, when you buy it, you should be able to maintain it properly to avoid some issues leading to superiorballscrewrepair.com/, for instance. Unfortunately, a motorcycle is not a good option for dealing with any weather. No matter how skilful you ride a motorcycle, it is quite risky to ride it in bad weather. In other words, you should not put yourself at risks by riding a motorcycle during bad weather. Moreover, if you invite your beloved people to get along with you, that is certainly a bad idea. In fact, you can consider taking the trip by using other vehicles which feel much safer. If you want to ride a motorcycle safely, you probably need to consider several things including seat height. When you ride a motorcycle with a high seat, it is possible for you to safely ride in the night. The lower lights of cars can be a bit risky for those that ride a motorcycle with a low seat. Here you are going to be dazzled by those lower lights. As you know about the importance of considering seat height of a motorcycle, you probably will be more selective to choose a motorcycle which fits your safe riding style. So far, many people assume that data security is synonymous with the technology industry. All companies that use online channels to store data and information they have must have special attention in this area. Why? Because the stored data is very likely to contain sensitive information related to the business line or the customer/client being handled, which if it leaks can endanger operations. One of the most important is the data in the email. With a bulk email verifier, it is possible for every company to check every incoming and outgoing email, so that attacks from emails that can damage the company’s image can be prevented. With such an important situation, how can you ensure that your company’s data security is guaranteed? Several things can be emphasized, including: 1. Secure IT infrastructure Companies need a solid infrastructure as a foundation for data security planning. Sturdy in question leads to ensuring that all technological devices possessed to have prime protection against potential cyber-attacks and other security threats. The IT team is required to carry out system updates regularly so that the operating system security patches are always up to date. In addition to security patches, similar measures must also be applied to antivirus, firewall, and filter software used to ward off various external attacks. 2. Secure the device Mobile gadgets are devices that can be carried and used everywhere, such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and so on. In the current era, of course, these devices are familiar with the company. Its presence is very helpful in facilitating fast data access so that it can provide services to customers more swiftly. Because of this ease of access, the company is obliged to ensure that all devices it has are guaranteed security. For example, using local encryption data and strong access passwords (not easy to guess). 3. Use a proactive approach Security risks often lurk the company even in unexpected times. Therefore, real-time monitoring is important. For example, by always monitoring through special software, so you can immediately take action if suddenly a report appears on suspicious traffic activity. In the end, data security in the current technological era is very important. Even more crucial than in previous eras which had limited data access and archiving. With good security, it will have an impact on the smooth operation and sustainability of the company in the short, medium and long term. Before starting the tile selection process, the first thing to do is to find out the true meaning of tiles. Not as common sense, tile is not a building material made of marble or ceramics. The actual tile is a material that is easy to clean from dirt, with all the effort. Tiles can be made from a variety of materials, from ceramics to glass and stones. In the meantime, if your kitchen tiles are full stains, you may want to hire the most trusted experts of Tile Cleaning North Shore important link. This is how to choose the correct kitchen tiles: After understanding the correct meaning of tiles, the first step that needs to be done is to determine the tile installation area. The area where the tile will be installed has an important role to determine the type of tile. Tiles that will be used on the wall will be different from tiles for countertops, backsplash, floors and kitchen sinks. Budget is always an important consideration in planning something, including tips on choosing kitchen tiles. Prices for each type, material, and motif are of course offered in different prices. Also, adjust the tile budget with other kitchen elements. If you have difficulty making budget planning, you can ask for advice from interior designers or to a building shop. Given the available budget, you also need to adjust the selection of tiles to your needs. Adjusting tiles based on function must be prioritized over decorative elements. Ceramic tiles will be suitable for countertops, so we can put a hot pan and easily clean the stains arising. But keep in mind also, ceramic materials are sometimes uneven and can crack. Finally, try to adjust it to the area where the tile is installed. The tile installation area needs to be considered because it requires different tiles. Tiles for walls (backsplash) will match tiles that have a glossy surface and strong material. Large properties such as tables and refrigerators must be supported by strong wall tiles. Ultra Brite Carpet & Tile Cleaning North Shore 79-83 Longueville Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066 (02) 8015 5143 Although it has been explained that opening a cleaning service business is quite easy, it does not mean you can just run this business. It’s because without a surefire strategy and hard work success becomes an impossible word for you to get, especially if you do not have a large capital, it’d be good if you pay attention to these two things so that the cleaning service business can run well. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for new employees, you can check out the finest staffing agency near me. Here are two things you must know when you run a cleaning service business: You don’t really need new equipment and tools In order to shop for tools, you should not need to stick, because the initial capital needed are simple tools, such as brooms, dustpan, brushes, mops, rags, and buckets a simple vacuum cleaner. Now if your business starts to develop later you can add other tools such as polisher to polish the surface of ceramics, marble, terrazzo or granite. It’s because the price of this tool is quite expensive so buy it if the business has developed. However, that does not mean this business is no longer possible to develop because you can buy used equipment. Choosing the Right Market Share With minimal equipment, of course, the targeted market must also be adjusted. For that, offer your own cleaning service to customers who come from households. Meanwhile, if this business is going well, it’s fine if you glance at other market segments such as offices and other skyscrapers. There are so many advertisements that offer to live in a condo such as Avenir showflat. Here you are in search of some options of living space that feel convenient. Today’s people consider that living in a condo like showflat Avenir can be such a good option as the number of facilities can be such a reason for anyone to eventually decide living in a condo. As it is going to be your first time to know about a condo, you probably feel upset to determine which condos are likely included in your list. In fact, all of the condos just look worthy to choose. It is important for you to look up some independent reviews regarding condos that you will choose. Based on the independent reviews, you will know which condos are worthy to choose. According to the experiences of the reviewers, you will know whether it is possible for you to feel satisfied by choosing those condos or not. You do not have to push yourself to choose as you get difficult to choose a condo to live. Here you can just take your time for a while. The reason is that you are going to live in a condo for a relatively long time so that you have to think about your option carefully. Some condos are located in a very strategic location. You can find some most accessible places likes clinics or hospitals around your condo. By this way, you do not have to feel worried when you have to get emergency treatments. This is important to find a living space which is close to some important public places. By this way, you do not have to get there for a relatively long time. You are going to feel easy to access those places including malls, your office and children’s’ schools. Generally, bearers have booked arrangements by phone which requires employing a full-time representative to deal with many arrangements daily. You can dispense with this expense by expecting bearers to book arrangements on the web. With a totally straightforward calendar online for all bearers and work force to see, it is anything but difficult to organize trucks and direct them to the best entryway for emptying and set away. Furthermore, it enables you to execute limit imperatives and guidelines for that dock. Dock scheduling software Streamline the Gathering Procedure Generally when an inbound driver lands at the yard he is welcomed by a security watch who discloses to him where to stop. After the driver parks he needs to convey his desk work to the getting office and sit tight for it to be handled before he can empty. This burns through a great deal of time. Rather, mechanize the gathering procedure by disposing of desk work. Some yard the executives programming requires just a trailer and driver ID to recognize the heap and spot need. At the point when the truck is logged at the door, the stockroom can check whether the heap contains “out of stock” or generally high-need things that can be quickly steered to an inbound dock. Dock scheduling software Perceivability of Burdens In the event that you don’t have full perceivability of burdens in your accepting yard, it’s exceptionally likely you will encounter misfortunes, particularly of refrigerated burdens. You can eliminate ruined loads and ensure that Dire burdens are emptied instantly by expanding load perceivability. Execute a Yard The board Framework to give full perceivability of stock in the yard. A best practice is to have an agent review the trailers in the yard at regular intervals. Stay up to date with Demurrage/Confinement Punishment Charges Demurrage and trailer confinement costs are costly and effectively avoidable expenses. It is important to recognize holders and trailers that will before long bring about charges and make note of how a lot of time is accessible. This data will the be contrasted and the present need of undertakings in the stockroom so as well as can be expected be taken. Boost Throughput Limit with dock scheduling software By following the above tips, you can improve dock entryway booking and increment perceivability of trailers. The consolidated impact of these tips will enable you to expand throughput limit. Yard the board frameworks ordinarily produce a 20% throughput increment. While a yard the executives framework can be costly, the expense is irrelevant contrasted with the expense of building or obtaining extra accepting yards and offices to oversee traffic. Well, as the homeowner, you may have the idea or plan to do little improvement to make your home more comfortable and look different. If this sound to be true, you have a ton of choices to make with regards to making your new house a home. Everything from ledges to windows, and from lighting to ground surface. These choices can be upsetting for some property holders, so the extra undertaking of introducing every one of the segments can be overpowering. With regards to a ground surface and covers, numerous individuals place the cover in no less than a couple of rooms of their home. Some do it without anyone’s help, while others want to have a cover establishment organization do the filthy work for them. If you already visit our site, you may know how to choose the best carpet and flooring installation company. In general, the following are things to take into consideration. Check the contractor’s experience It’s vital to make certain the cover installer you pick has the correct involvement in the activity. It can be enticing to run with a novice on the grounds that the statement is modest, yet don’t give that a chance to be your lone factor. A decent general guideline is whether the organization you pick has no less than 5 years of experience. In the event that they don’t, discover the experience of the specialists themselves and whether they’ve introduced the kind of carpet you will have in your home. Choose an only licensed installer Finding out the licensed installer whether for carpet or another flooring service is crucial. When you work with the licensed installer, you can make sure that they will do the job properly. To gather the required information, one of the great ideas is to read their site during you do the research. Yes, asking the supporting documents for the license matter is no less important. The professional installer will be happy to do it since the trust and satisfaction of the customer becomes their priority. First Call Restoration Crew Suite 402/447 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000 (02) 8311 7377 A business can be considered good if it has increased from the initial establishment of the business to the peak of success and then become a mature business. In the initial stages, business people will think about ways to get people to know the products or services offered call center tijuana. Past the product promotion period, people will start to notice at your product or service, then try to buy. You are said to be successful if you change prospective customers into permanent customers, it all depends on the marketing strategy used. Then who is responsible for this? You must be thinking of the sales department. The role of sales in a business has a tremendous impact. But what will help you to grow your business going forward is a quality call center tijuana. Maybe you are wondering, why is the role of a call center is important in business. Sound simple? If so, you need to change your view of this department. You may often hear about call center or people usually call it customer service. Hearing the words, you will probably imagine the person who picks up the phone and greets you, listens to complaints about the product you are buying or helps you provide a solution. That is true, but what is mentioned above is part of a call center activity but the essence of a call center is to serve the customer. From the product sales process, the role of sales is emphasized on introduction, growth, and maturity. Over time, over time sales will enter the decline stage. But there is the word product extension. This is where the role of a call center where they will help sales to avoid decline with providing good service to customers. Some customers will do a repeat order if the product they are buying is satisfactory. What about those who are not satisfied? Certainly, they will complain and will contact the call center. The service will determine whether customers will give up using the product and switch to other similar products, or make them go back to trying products from your business because of good service. Titan Call Center Tijuana Lorenzo Barcelata #26, 1, 22435 Tijuana, B.C. If you are disappointed with the fake ID you are using, immediately replace it with a scannable fake id. Besides being sophisticated, this card also has a very similar appearance to a normal card. How is that possible? Professionals can certainly do it all. You can enter all liquor stores that sell a variety of quality drinks or clubs that have the best entertainment in your city. With this card you can also enter the airport and escape the scanner because the material used is also very similar to the normal one. Here are some benefits that you can get with scannable fake ids. Don’t hesitate to go far If you have a meeting with the client and you need to go far, don’t forget to bring your fake ID card that has been proven to be scannable. Use the facilities of your fake ID to go to places that have certain age restrictions. You can also go to the grocery store to buy souvenirs for your friends. The same price as a normal fake ID. Does it cost you very little to make a fake ID? You can still get a quality fake ID if you find the right seller. In addition, take advantage of promotions offered such as discounts or special prices. You can invite your friends to make scannable fake ID if you want to share happiness. Like you know, if a common fake ID has a quite expensive price and you really lose if you buy it. This might be what you can get from all fake ID creation services on the market, but if there is someone who offers better you are unlikely to reject it. You can be sure if the fake ID card arrives at your door and there are no signs of the police following. Usually, shipments will be made within 1-2 weeks from the time the order and a scannable fake ID will take the same time. So, better you use your money for worthed fake ids. There are so many problems that happen in life and as good parents there are also some of solutions. One of a solution that you may get is this awesome crawl space repair. You realize that your children spend all day long on their crawlspaces. They may also sleep beneath it while you don’t pay much attention to them. Some of parents will not stop their children for playing their toys beneath the crawlspace. Some of other parents think about the probability for their children to get bacteria from the crawlspace. If you have some of concerns for your children then you need to think about this matter. We know that a crawlspace can be made from specific types of fabrics. The cheapest one even can be made only from thin carpet that is made from plastic. You must be aware of the material of your crawlspace. You have to be sure that the material of the crawlspace at your home cannot transfer some of bacteria to your children. The scope in the transportation and logistics industry varies from one-man shows using small trucks to transport goods and offering services, to a fleet of transportation vehicles that make long trips. Ground transportation includes commuter transport from taxis to bus transportation. How to start a transportation and logistics business can be difficult. This is an industry that is difficult to start not only because it is capital intensive, but because you have to be reliable. Credibility is very important for new transportation companies because every business that needs transportation services must know you will not disappoint them. In the meantime, if you require experts who can help you establish a new company, we suggest you hire the most trusted service of company setup singapore. Here are 3 basic tips for starting a transportation and logistics business that you can try: 1. Determine the type of business you want Do you want to run an individual, a limited liability company, or a company? Each has certain advantages and disadvantages. Do your research and find out which one you want, because each has different requirements for you to fulfill. 2. Get Tax Number If you run a sole proprietorship or company of one, you can use your social security number. If your business is bigger than just yourself, you should get a tax number. This number will allow you to register your business and that is the number used to set your tax status with the government. Every employee employed by you must use this number when they file their taxes because this number identifies your business from the government. 3. Write a Business Plan Your business plan must include the name of your company, the type of business you are starting, and where your business will be. You will need to come up with a real name for your business and make sure that it is available in your country. You must register your business name with the Secretary of State in your country. Addiction is different from habits that are repeated. When you are accustomed to doing something, for example taking a bath twice a day, you can stop it at any time according to the current situation and condition, also following personal desires both consciously and unconsciously – feeling lazy, cold, trapped in other activities, and so on. In the meantime, perhaps you should know more about what to look for in an addiction treatment center as well. However, not with addiction. Addiction makes you really lose self-control so that it is difficult and/or unable to stop the behavior, regardless of all the efforts made to stop it. This loss of control makes an addict tend to do many ways to be able to satisfy the desire to consume opium, without considering the risks and consequences. An addiction that a person has over time can cause adverse effects on his health, especially psychological health. It is not impossible addiction causes changes in personality, characteristics, behavior, habits, even brain function. What causes addiction? Addiction is a complicated process. But, one thing that can cause addiction is a disruption in the production of the hormone dopamine. Dopamine is a happy hormone that is released by the brain in large amounts when you find or experience something that makes you happy and satisfied, whether it’s good food, sex, winning gambling, and drugs that cause dependency effects such as alcohol and cigarettes. If the level of dopamine produced by the brain is still within normal limits, it will not cause addiction. But when you experience addiction, the object that makes you addicted stimulates the brain to produce excessive dopamine. Narcotics manipulate the work of the hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for regulating the emotions and mood of the owner’s body. Narcotics make users feel very happy, excited, confident, up to ‘high’. This is a result of the amount of dopamine released by the brain beyond tolerance. This happy effect will automatically make the body crave, so it requires repeated use of drugs and in higher doses to satisfy the need for extreme happiness. Prolonged drug and substance abuse will damage the brain’s motivation and reward receptor circuits and systems, causing addiction. Miracle healing prayer request is not just a strict custom in which the dedicated without the aim of accepting that the demonstration petition overcomes everything. It’s also about the intensity of the brain and its capacity to influence physical changes in the human body https://miraclehealingprayers.com/. This is the reason why miracle healing prayer request has been widely known in this day and age, and has been around for a long time. Hypnotherapy has been used as a restorative instrument in different circumstances, including relief from discomfort, mental suffering and memory. It has also been used effectively as a way to stop smoking. The main condition for induction of sleep to work, is that the patient must accept that it will succeed. If the patient has enough confidence, the results will be achieved. If researchers and drug specialists can find out how sleep induction works, even though the fact depends on the beliefs or beliefs of patients, at what time for what reasons can they not admit the petition for the same explanation? Is the request not based on trust and confidence? A number of specialists and researchers began to develop this idea. To be honest, hypnotherapy has become mainstream today and is starting to turn into elective methods for style in a growing number of clinics. Unfortunately a few years earlier, trance was seen as the work of criminals by the congregation, and now it was seen as verification that the belief was successful. Elective recovery, or so-called appropriate repair, requires a lot of structure. There are chiropractors, acupuncturists, botanists, naturopaths, mind-body specialists, homeopaths and vitality healers. A large number of these professionals use more than one preferred methodology. Most of these experts look at individuals in general, not just parts. They understand that the psychological, passionate, physical, and other worlds of themselves communicate with each other. They also know the importance of regular eating, recipes, improvement and design of thought in the physical body. Most miracle healing prayer request recovery is unobtrusive and most modalities only use the hands as instruments to improve vitality. Needle therapy is a significant special case for this. The needle is embedded in an explicit focus to change the development of vitality. Some people say it feels like a mosquito bite, at the same time, from individual experience, which depends on how tailored your vitality is. There is a vitality modality that utilizes gems, tuning forks, and certain special machines. Many people don’t hesitate to spend their money to buy luxury watches. In fact, the price of these watches is very expensive. There is pride when you succeed in buying a luxury watch. You can buy longines watches as the best watch for you. There are tips that you have to do if you want to buy a luxury watch. – The origin of watches The origin and maker of Switzerland have been very well known as a country which has become a benchmark for high-quality watches. So, when you want to buy a watch, make sure the product is produced in Switzerland. Especially if the costs incurred are quite large, of course, you want to get a quality watch, right? – The brand Currently, there are a variety of luxury watch brands on the market. When we may still be confused about choosing the right brand, try to buy a watch with a brand that is trusted in making watches. While you have a lot of free time, doing cleaning activities can be such a good idea to take. For some people, they are likely confused as they do not know what they are supposed to do when they have nothing to do. In this case, you should remember that you will always have some activities during your free time, which include doing cleaning activities. By this way, it is possible for you to avoid feeling guilty as you are not productive enough. Instead, you always have a chance to easily call a professional cleaning service like Best zero turn mower. As you want to start doing cleaning activities in your house regularly, you should not be a fool. It is important for you to always find some smart ways to do cleaning activities. Doing cleaning activities is something useful but you will look smarter if you do those activities smartly. There are some cleaning tools and products which you can use to help you clean your house properly. Moreover, if you live as parents in a relatively large house, finding some smart cleaning methods can be such a useful way to keep you consistent to maintain the cleanliness of your house. Every space in your house is supposed to be properly cleaned. Those spaces also include your bathroom. You should let any harmful bacteria grow well. For instance, you can clean a showerhead by using vinegar. Vinegar and baking soda, as well as other useful essential oils, can be such worthy products to collect. As long as you have them in stock, you should not feel worried about any issues regarding cleanliness. You can just look up some references regarding how you can use those essential oils for cleaning your house, you probably feel a bit amazed by the abundant benefits. Although you may feel that money management is something popular, there are some people that still do not know about it. This is why they just learn how to spend their money by observing their surrounding people. If they live around consumptive people, they may be consumptive as well. They probably just change when they are inspired by some people. If you are included in the ones that do not know about money management but you really want to learn about it, you are lucky. In fact, there are a number of smart ways how you manage your money. For instance, you can put your money for investments like Como investir na bolsa . You are recommended to invest in some companies for a relatively long time, but it is a mistake to leave your investments by autopilot. You should watch your investments by monitor the performance of the companies. By this way, it is possible for you to avoid making a lot of losses. Based on the increased performance for a couple of months or years, it is also possible for you to buy more shares. With more shares, you will gain more amount of profit as well. One of the favourite choices of business to invest is travel service. There are more modern people that feel that having a vacation or trip with a family regularly is necessary. As you know that the travel industry holds increasing demands, it is such a good decision for you to invest in travel service companies. Moreover, if you find that the government really supports the travel industry, you should consider it as a strong reason to find some travel service companies, of which performance is relatively positive and stable. By this way, it is possible for you to gain a lot of profit from your investments. The Monterrey, N.L 81-3139-7112 requirement for expert pipes administrations can’t be disregarded. It is a significant component of the sanitation of your home, in spite of the fact that we don’t give a lot of consideration to it. Regardless of whether it is your home or office, plumbing is significant. On the off chance that there is something unforeseen occurring with the sanitation of your home, it finds us napping. We are barely ever arranged and it leaves us with a startling measure of consumption. This is the reason we ought to never undermine the estimation of a handyman’s administrations. Huge numbers of us will in general utilize unpracticed handymen for managing the issues in our homes. The disadvantage with them is that they are regularly inadequate and unregistered. This makes us vulnerable for further costs later on in light of the fact that the activity is regularly not progressed nicely. The fascination of modest work frequently gets excessively. On the off chance that you are not content with the degree of work that is finished by the unregistered specialist, you won’t recognize what to do so as to get the issue fixed. This is the place you should hack up a lot of cash so as to pay for extra administrations. This demystifies the guarantee of modest work made by the unpracticed handymen. Not withstanding when a pipes crisis can’t be made arrangements for or foreseen, you have to know about the different courses through which you can abstain from falling for the least expensive statement that is accessible. While the circumstance is unpleasant and time taking, it is essential to locate a certified proficient in the business to deal with any sanitation issue that may emerge. This is the reason you should set aside the effort to search for the best administrations that are accessible. You can search for dependable administrations by utilizing innovation that associates the tradesman with the shopper. You can henceforth utilize the web or approach relatives for references. Monterrey, N.L 81-3139-7112 a proficient technique for proposal and there’s no beating that. Pose inquiries to your supplier and the appropriate responses they give will decide the handyman you ought to go for. Choose if there are any additional costs identified with picking top of the line or qualified pipes administrations. Review whether the handyman runs a genuine assistance and whether there are papers which can verify what they guarantee. Nowadays you can get all the good equipments from a hard ware store. One of the good online hardware stores that you have to visit is http://www.electrichainsaw.com. We are going to tell you about this store now. You see a lot of products that you need on our websites. One of the best products that our customers like is the electric chainsaw. We all know this electric chainsaw is very useful equipment. We have so many good customers who buy electric chainsaws. You have to be a smart buyer therefore you must understand about this electric chainsaw. Nowadays you cannot worry about the safety of an electric chainsaw. Now we give a safety part such as the shield for your hand so you will never get a bad injury. You can protect your hand when you use your electric chainsaw. We also have a good manual book for you. You must follow all the written instructions on that manual book. If you want to use an electric chainsaw then you have to read about more tips here. This device has a lot of functions. You have to know that the most ideal chainsaw that you can use at home is the electric one. There are many sizes of electric chainsaws but many people buy the smaller ones because they can put it in the storage easily.Some of electric chainsaw have no cords therefore they are very good for people who want to use them at home. A small electric chainsaw is not going to help you if you want to cut some of big woods. Therefore, you can only cut small woods if you want to use a small electric chainsaw at your home. Some of people refuse to use electric chainsaw because they make a lot of noises. Nowadays, some of people can get a good electric chainsaw that will not make so many noises. Personal cars can be such convenient transportation to use on a daily basis. You can go anytime and anywhere instead of thinking about the weather. By this way, it is possible for you to always come to some agenda in time. In addition, you can be more flexible to determine your vacation trip as you must plan to visit some destinations. If you use public transportation, you should know the schedule of departure. Sometimes, to wait for the departure schedule can feel boring and frustrating if it is delayed. Here when you decide to buy, a car, at the same time, you have to be quite aware of your responsibility for regular maintenance like auto detailing orlando. There are many people that just focus on doing the maintenance for the performance of the car. As long as the car can run well, they stay calm. Although they may find some small issues in their interior, they do not take immediate actions. In fact, it is quite recommended for you to take immediate actions when you find some interior parts of your car in issues. By this way, it is possible for you to avoid them turning to more serious issues. Each car must be built with some different parts from others. Thus, when you just buy a car, it is important for you to immediately learn how to take care of the car properly. You can discuss the treatment and maintenance of your friends that have the same cars. If it is necessary, you can join one of the car clubs. There it is possible for you to find a lot of suggestions from the people that are passionate to take care of the car. Besides that, you can also find more friends for your larger network which is quite useful when you run a business. Child care has been done by many parents because they have to work. There are many parents who leave their children in day care. Unfortunately, not all child care centers work professionally. Some day care centers don’t even take care of children properly. For that, you must keep an eye on your children. You can use the services of Private Detective Rock Hill SC so that you can still monitor your child under the care of others. As a parent, you must choose the right daycare center. There are several tips for choosing a daycare center that you should know. Child Care Environment As a first step, you can do research first in the day care center. Select a number of places to go and notice how the environment is around. Safety, cleanliness, care, and attention from the teachers at the place are important points. Note also the facilities provided by the place can improve the growth of the little one both mentally and physically. Ask about things that need to be known, such as the class that will be followed by the child while being entrusted. If everything meets your criteria, you can be more calm when leaving your child in that place. You can find a teacher that suits your child’s personality. You can find out the teaching staff or the teacher who teaches at the school by visiting the teacher directly. You also have to maintain good relations with the teacher so that you can monitor the development of your child when he studies. You can ask the teaching style of the team in the place of care. There are various styles that are certainly done for the development of children there. By knowing it, you can also apply the style of teaching your children when they are at home. So, children can also keep learning without feeling strange because of the difference between the place of care and at home.
Lune Valley Community Beekeepers is a charitable incorporated organisation whose objectives are to: - Promote the craft of keeping of honey bees - Provide education and practical support to enhance the standard of beekeeping husbandry - Provide education and practical support to enhance the quantity and quality of forage available to honey bees and other pollinators - Raise public awareness of the importance of honey bees to the environment and the economy. We believe in a responsible style of beekeeping that: - Treats the bee colony as a complete organism - Minimises intrusions into the colony - Allows the bees’ own swarming impulses to determine reproduction - Overwinters colonies on their own honey - Maintains colony density at a level appropriate to local forage conditions - Does not involve the use of chemicals. Whilst these principles can be applied using almost any type of hive, we promote the use of long hives. These offer all the flexibility of conventional vertical hives without the need for heavy lifting. This not only permits greater hive insulation but enables access for those in wheelchairs. We are committed to making the world a better place for pollinators by: - Creating more pollinator-friendly habitats - By discouraging the use of ‘pesticides’ - Planting and encouraging native, flowering plants - Encouraging beekeepers to adopt more ‘nature-friendly’ methods - Promoting the use of native, or near-native bees, and discouraging imports. Our current Trustees are: |Dr Fred Ayres||01524 [email protected]| |Mrs Glenis Ayres||01524 [email protected]| |Professor Chris Carr||01524 [email protected]|
Harvest Your Honey On this episode of Keeping Backyard Bees podcasts, Charlotte Brunin and Robert Riley meet with Becky and Steve Tipton to discuss all this honey including how to harvest from a Langstroth Hive. Becky Tipton and her husband, Steve, own Country Creek Honey and have been producing and selling honey for 30 years. Becky is past president of the NE KS Beekeepers Association, VP of the Kansas Honey Producers, and a master beekeeper. She teaches beekeeping and using products of the hive for skin care by making soaps, lotions, and balms. Steve Tipton has been a beekeeper for over 30 years. He received his master beekeeper award from the Univ. Of Nebraska, Midwest Master Beekeeper program. He loves sharing his passion for beekeeping. Retired from the Goodyear Tire Co engineering dept., he’s made beekeeping his retirement job as well as other farming chores on our small Meriden, KS farm. Steve Tipton’s Hive Hauler The color of honey can vary greatly depending on what plants the pollen was sourced from. Follow the links below for topics mentioned in the podcast: Check out the MOTHER EARTH NEWS Bookstore for more resources that may pique your interests! To see more podcasts, visit the MOTHER EARTH NEWS NETWORK page! The Heirlooms and Herbals podcast is a production of the MOTHER EARTH NEWS NETWORK and Ogden Publications.
Admissions AssistantJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2016BS, Biology,Tufts University; MEd, Elementary Ed, Lesley University Amy grew up outside of Boston. While her school days immersed her in city life, it was her time spent at her family's rustic island cottage with no electricity or running water that shaped her love of nature and longing for a more rural life. After more than a decade of teaching both outdoor education and in the classroom, Amy, her husband, and two children moved to Maine so that their children could attend MCWS. Much of her spare time is spent growing, preserving and cooking the food from their small farm. Amy also enjoys spending time with her family, walking her dog on the trails behind her house, camping, and baking healthy-ish treats. HandworkJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2014BA, Cultural Anthropology, Friends World Program, Long Island University; MA, Counseling Psychology, John F. Kennedy University Foundation Program, Maine College of Art Fibers/Clay, Haystack Mountain School of Arts and Crafts, Simplicity Parenting Group Leader Certification, Simplicity Parenting Ananda grew up on an organic farm in southern New Hampshire, where she attended both the Pine Hill and High Mowing Waldorf Schools. From a young age, Ananda felt a sense of responsibility to the world around her; to be of service to all beings. A brief devotion to the study of fine arts gave way to many years of travel, study and work in Latin America and New York City, where her focus was social justice and human rights. Ananda found her inclination for healing work when she moved to Northern California, becoming first a massage therapist and later a somatic psychotherapist. She moved to Maine in 2007, where she has been guiding individuals and groups in mindfulness and meditation practices. Woven throughout all of her life experiences has been the thread of creating beauty, crafting, and working with her hands. High School Educational Support TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019BA, Writing & Literature, Emerson College; MS, Education, University of Bridgeport; CAGS, Educational Therapy, University of California - Riverside April's childhood and adolescent forays into poetry and nonfiction writing informed her decision to study writing and literature in college. Subsequently, she become an English Language Arts teacher for six years in public and private schools in Massachusetts. Through her years in the classroom, April found herself drawn to the students with learning differences and sought to close the achievement gap within her classroom and beyond. Her study of educational therapy, psychology, and the science of learning help inform her work at Maine Coast Waldorf School. Personally, April's love for writing hasn't waned and she spends many of her free moments crafting new poetry and both fiction and nonfiction pieces. She spends as much time as she can outdoors with her rescue pup, Callie, and enjoys exploring the country through various hiking endeavors. CaretakerJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2016BS, Parks and Recreation Management, Lake Superior State University; Associate Degree, Natural Resources Technology, LSSU Journeyman Electrician in Maine and New Hampshire Brian, his wife Amy, and their two children, Grace and Noah, moved to Maine in 2011. What brought them here was their commitment to giving their children a Waldorf education all the way through high school. Before joining MCWS, Brian spent 16 years as an electrician in New Hampshire. His most interesting job, however, was raising baby cranes while wearing a crane costume. Brian's hobby, or if you ask his family, life consuming passion, is beekeeping. He started with two hives but was soon “hooked” and now has over 30. He also enjoys gardening, camping and spending time outdoors with his family (and bees). Seventh Grade TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2014BA, Anthropology, University of Massachusetts Amherst; BA, Spanish, University of Massachusetts Amherst; MEd & Waldorf Teaching Certificate, Antioch University New England After bouncing around the world for a bit, Caitlin spent the latter half of her childhood in the beautiful Berkshires in Western Massachusetts. She attended UMass Amherst for her undergraduate degrees, studying Anthropology and Spanish, with a focus on community organizing, social justice and critical race theory. Upon returning after time spent living in South America, she was lucky enough to discover The Hartsbrook School in Hadley, MA, and was introduced to Waldorf education through assisting in the lower grades. After becoming intrigued by Waldorf pedagogy at work, Caitlin made her way up to New Hampshire to receive her M.Ed in Education and complete her Waldorf Teacher Training. When not with her students, Caitlin is an avid cook, soccer player and runner, and is enjoying exploring the cross country trails up and down the coast. Fourth Grade TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2017BFA Goddard College, Waldorf Teaching Certificate, Antioch University New England Cerridwen was raised on a homestead in coastal Blue Hill, Maine where she attended a Waldorf school from Early Childhood through Grade 8. When Cerridwen was in third grade she remembers her class teacher asking the students what they might want to be when they grew up. Her answer was a teacher. Cerridwen spent many years traveling and working in education before returning to Maine to create a home and community. She finds peace by the ocean in any season, and enjoys hiking with her dog in the summer and knitting by the fire in the winter. Cerridwen is currently completing her Masters of Education with a thesis focusing on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Waldorf schools. Kindergarten TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2016BA, Education & Sociology, Swarthmore College Chloe is a recent transplant to Freeport from the rural coast of Maine, where she spent a decade raising two children, farming, gardening, organizing mothers' support groups, coaching youth sports, volunteering at local schools and non-profits, and teaching Spanish and English to individuals of all ages. She is delighted to be joining a community working together to nourish and nurture children. Chloe enjoys practicing yoga, walking the neighborhood dogs, cycling, running, gardening, playing with her family, and travel, especially to Spanish-speaking countries. High School Math and PhysicsJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2016BS, Natural and Applied Sciences with Highest Honors, University of Southern Maine, High School Teaching Certification, State of Maine. Certificate in Outdoor Leadership, Associations for Experiential Education. Growing up, Chris attended a small progressive school in Melbourne, Australia. Similar to Waldorf in its philosophical approach to childhood development, Preshil provided the foundation for Chris’ student-centered, experiential education philosophy. Chris went on to spend 16 years teaching in outdoor education. There he facilitated experiences that provided opportunities for reflection, critical analysis, and synthesis. It became clear to Chris that students needed more than a short immersion program; they needed these principles to be woven into their daily lives. In the classroom, Chris brings his passion for teaching to bear over the course of a year and in the context of a greater community and progression of experiences. Chris’ objective is to assist students to become engaged, informed, and conscientious members of society. Early Childhood AssistantJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019BA, Vocal Performance, Duquesne University MEd, Waldorf Certificate, Antioch University Nurturing the Roots Certificate: Advanced Therapeutic Course in Early Childhood Education Coco grew up in Vermont on the shores of Lake Champlain where she developed a deep affinity for the waters that shape New England. Music was her favorite moment in the school day, and a desire to share this joy with children first led her to the classroom. A passion for therapeutic support and education for special needs has kept her there, because adversity embraced as opportunity, and supported with love, can become the source of our individual genius. Coco joins Maine Coast Waldorf after many rich years of tending the home sphere as a mother of three children, and educating fellow parents through workshops, study and individual consultation. High School German Teacher and Exchange Program CoordinatorJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019PhD, German Literature, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; MA, German Literature, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, BS, Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Cyrus has spent some time as an entomologist and a lot of time teaching German to college students in Maine, Massachusetts, and Indiana. In classes on Lady Gaga, poetry, or Spargelfest (asparagus fest), he works with students to develop an understanding of our society and of our places in it; his teaching provides students not only with a critical purchase on social life, but with the tools they can use to envision transforming it. Cyrus has spent a lot of time writing on punk rock and philosophy, so that means he tries to go to as many concerts as possible and then philosophize about the music. But with a family, a garden, and a wood stove, that tends to happen less often. High School Humanities, HS Faculty ChairJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2008BA, English & Religion, Tufts University; MEd, Waldorf Teacher Certification, NH State Teacher Certification, Antioch University New England David discovered the teachings of Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy through work as a Biodynamic farmer in California. His desire was to change the world and he felt that first Biodynamic agriculture and later life in Camphill Village and in Waldorf Education was the way to marry his professional, political and spiritual life. David loves to sing and play music as well as being outdoors, reading fantastic books and spending as much time as possible with his family. He still believes in the power of Waldorf education to change the world! Pedagogical DirectorJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2017BA, Psychology & Human Development, MA, Human Development and Family Life, University of Kansas; MAT, Special Education, Pittsburg State University; Education Support Program Certificate, Extra Lesson, Association for a Healing Education David and his wife, Monika, moved their family from Kansas to Maine in 2016 so their daughters could attend Maine Coast Waldorf School. Co-founding a Waldorf school in Kansas in 2001 was David’s introduction into Waldorf education. He was an active member of the Board of Trustees and faculty during his time involved with that school, Prairie Moon Waldorf School. David has worked as a Behavior Analyst for the last 30 years, the last 20 of which he provided technical assistance to public and private schools across Kansas at the levels of the individual student, classroom, building , district, and state. David has been an amateur magician for many decades and, when he is not at school, is likely exploring the beauty of Maine. High School HumanitiesJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2006BA, Harvard College; MFA, University of Southern Maine; Waldorf Teacher Training, Emerson College David taught at Green Meadow Waldorf School (NY) for 25 years before joining MCWS in 2006 as a founding high school teacher. He also helped to launch the Shining Mt. Waldorf High School in Boulder, Colorado. He has authored three books: Stages of Imagination—Working Dramatically with Adolescents, Life Lessons—Reaching Teenagers through Literature, and a poetry collection entitled, The Irresistible In-Between, as well as several articles for Renewal magazine. David is a faculty member of the Center for Anthroposophy, teaching humanities in the Waldorf high school teacher training summer program. He is also enjoying life's latest delight: grandfatherhood! Winds TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019BM, Education, Lipscomb University Delaney was born and raised in Westbrook, Maine surrounded by a family that loved music. As both a French Horn and Trumpet player, she has played in several jazz ensembles, marching bands, concert bands, and musical theater productions. Delaney had the opportunity to teach in many richly diverse schools throughout the Metropolitan Nashville area, serving students of various cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. In her free time, she enjoys gardening and yoga. She also enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband, Jared, and their son, Acadia. Woodworking, PhysicsJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2016BA, Physics, Earlham College; MAT, Math and Physics, Earlham College Ezra grew up at the Himalayan Institute, a yoga ashram in Northeastern Pennsylvania in the company of people dedicated to spiritual striving. This inspired him to focus his life on learning and improvement. He relishes designing authentic learning experiences for his students. Ezra is from a Quaker background and welcomes challenging questions. He loves most things, specifically math, science, woodworking, and wildcrafting. Educational SupportJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2017BA, Comparative Poetics, Kenyon College; MFA, Writing, University of San Francisco; MFA, Teaching/ Poetry, San Francisco State University. Since 2000, Heather has relished serving at both public and independent schools, teaching students from kindergarten through college, specializing in writing and literature. During these varied experiences, Heather developed insightful skills in resource and twice-gifted learning. Through her private tutoring company and her work at STARS, Heather offers students compassionate one-on-one guidance toward reaching their highest potential. Heather participates in the wider community through her literary endeavors; she interned on _The Kenyon Review_ and founded _Persimmons_ literary journal, and currently serves as editor at Kelsey Street Press. A lifelong poet, Heather was ecstatic when her first poetry book, _Light Bearing_, was published; a new book is forthcoming soon. Embracing holistic education with lyrical spirit, Heather is utterly delighted to join the MCWS community! Fifth Grade TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2013B.A. Painting and Drawing, Warren Wilson College; MEd & Waldorf Teaching Certificate, Sunbridge College; Educational Support Teacher Certification, Association for a Healing Education Heidi has been teaching in Waldorf Schools since 2003. She has worked as a class teacher, math teacher and in the educational support program. When she's not teaching, Heidi writes fiction and spends time with her own children. Academic Support Teacher for LiteracyJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2015BA, Sociology, Gordon College; Graduate courses in reading, University of Southern Maine; Wilson Language System Introductory Training, Visualizing and Verbalizing Training Workshop After graduating from college, Jane earned a teaching certification for grades K-8 and enjoyed 10 years of classroom teaching in both private and public schools. She became a stay-at-home mom after the arrival of twin sons. During that time, Jane authored a phonics and spelling workbook and started a private tutoring business. Because many of her students struggled with reading, she pursued specialized training which allowed her to target specific reading skill deficits. Over the past 17 years, Jane has worked with nearly 100 students assessing reading difficulties and providing individualized instruction. She also has experience working as a Literacy Strategist, designing and providing instruction for students and teachers while employed by the South Portland School Department. Jane and her family live in Brunswick. Middle School Assistant, After School Program TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2018 Jeff has spent most of his career in the field of Civil Engineering. During this time he served as a technology instructor. His natural teaching ability led him into education as a full time substitute teacher at MSAD51. His curiosity, dependability, friendliness and passion earned him being a most requested substitute. His approach is to be organic, kind and non-reactive. He provides direction and re-direction as needed with respect and empathy being of utmost importance. Jeff builds relationships with students and helps them to enjoy learning and be mindful of how their thoughts affect their world. He and his wife play musical instruments and sing in their home studio, capture photography, paint, and nature watch on their deck. Jeff is the chef in his household cooking local, organic and sustainable ingredients. On Sabbatical 2019-20Joined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2007BA, Mathematics, Colby Colleg;, M.Ed, Antioch University New England; Waldorf High School Teacher Certification, Center for Anthroposophy Jeff grew up six miles south of Freeport in Yarmouth. Jeff has been teaching high school math and science since 1987. He is a founding faculty member of MCWS's high school and has been teaching math and phenomenological science since its inception. Prior to that he taught at North Yarmouth Academy, The Academy at Charlemont, Northfield Mount Hermon School, and The White Mountain School. He also plays bass and sings in an adult "garage band". At one time he was a fly fishing guide in Montana. Alum & Development CoordinatorJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019MS, Therapeutic Recreation, University of Florida; BS, Psychology, University of Florida Jennifer and her family relocated to Maine from Florida in 2018. She quickly traded in her flip flops for ski boots and is loving all the Maine winter activities. Jennifer has always been very active, spending the majority of her early years as a dancer and rhythmic gymnast. She was a member of the USA Rhythmic Gymnastics Team and represented the U.S. in several international competitions. More recently, she finds her creative outlet in the kitchen designing and baking custom cakes and gingerbread houses. It was through her work at the Florida Museum of Natural History that she gained significant fund- and friend-raising experience. Jennifer is very excited to join the Maine Coast Waldorf School family and help establish the school’s first ever alum program. Grades and High School ChorusJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2014BA, Musical Theatre, University of Southern Maine Jennifer served as an assistant in the nursery for four years. She first came to MCWS after working with mixed ages at the Peaks Island Children's Workshop, both as a teacher and as a lifeguard. Jennifer has a background in educational entertainment, working with local organizations such as PORTopera and Portland Symphony Orchestra with their educational outreach. Early Childhood AssistantJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2018BA, Theatre & Sociology, University of Notre Dame At university Jennifer studied Theatre and Sociology - the art and the science of humans interacting with one another. Upon graduation, a passion for sustainable agriculture led her to farms from Washington to Delaware. Fueled by an interest in how humans relate to the earth and their food, Jennifer has spent the past few years on organic farms, managing farmers markets around NYC, and most recently working with children at Brooklyn Forest school and Hawthorne Valley Farm. These latter experiences introduced her to the beauty of Waldorf early-childhood education, and the vital importance of nourishing the whole child through strong relationships and nature-based play. In addition to communing with nature, Jennifer enjoys connecting with her community through contra dancing. Early Childhood AssistantJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School inBA, English w/ Education Certification, SUNY Geneseo; Waldorf training, WISC; Foundation Studies, Center for Anthroposophy Jenny grew up in Upstate NY and Southern VT. After college, she headed to Los Angeles, CA where she began cultivating some life passions including Waldorf Education. After spending six years in international live-event TV and another six as a birth/postpartum doula and massage therapist, she started her own family and began working in the early childhood at Westside Waldorf in Santa Monica. Her family moved to Maine in 2006 and now both her daughters are MCWS alumni. As nurturing children and feeding people have been life-long themes for Jenny, she feels well-suited for her position at the school. Kindergarten Teacher, College ChairJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2010BA, Humanities, New England College; MH, Master Herbalist, Australasian College of Health Sciences; Waldorf Early Childhood Teaching Certification, Sunbridge Institute, Foundation Studies, Center for Anthroposophy Jess Moore has been a grades and early childhood teacher, board member and College chair at both Maine Coast Waldorf School and Seacoast Waldorf School. This year marks more than twelve years as lead teacher in the kindergarten. Her professional interests include studying and innovating the Waldorf curriculum and meeting the changing needs of today's children and their families. Jess has a rich artistic background in graphic design, marketing, and performance theater, and considers herself a maker and doer. Second Grade TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 1994BA, History, Carleton College; MEd, Antioch University New England; Spacial Dynamics® Institute - Level I Jill grew up in a family that loved traveling and hiking. A year spent in Switzerland, just before college, brought fluency in French and her first experiences working on organic farms. Her work as a naturalist exploring the redwood forests with children led her to Waldorf education. Long stretches in the wilderness—canoe trips in Labrador and the Boundary Waters, backpacking trips in the Wind Rivers and Cascades—as well as travel in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Central America continue to give her perspective and inspire her love of teaching. When she is home, she spends as much time as she can outdoors. Bus Driver & Assistant CaretakerJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Jim moved to Freeport, Maine in 1968. After graduating from Freeport High school, he went to work in the printing industry for 30 some years. Jim trained and received his CDL license when he worked in North Yarmouth Academy's facilities department. Jim’s first pleasure has always been spending quality time with Debra, his wife of 41 years, his four sons, and nine grandchildren. He enjoys camping and many sports. The New England Patriot’s, the Red Sox, and horseshoes are among his favorites. High School ArtJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2010BFA, Rhode Island School of Design Johanna grew up on the island of Bermuda and had an active and creative childhood. She moved to Maine in 2001, along with her husband, to restore a 225 year old house, a place to live out their artistic ambitions. She has shared her joy of painting with children and adults for over a decade, teaching in many different private schools and institutions, both in Maine and Bermuda. She loves working with the high school students at Maine Coast Waldorf School, inspiring them to look deeper into the beauty of the natural world. She feels passionately that art-making is a vital skill of communication and self-expression for young people. She has two young children of her own and spends her time with her family cooking, playing, painting and in nature as much as possible. High School HumanitiesJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2018BA, Social and Political Movements and Theories of Governance, Hampshire College; M.Ed, Waldorf Education Certificate, Antioch University New England A Denver native, John joins Maine Coast after eleven years teaching at the Denver Waldorf High School, where he was also a student for 14 years. Through teaching, John rediscovered the joys of writing poetry. In poetic circles, John describes his teaching work as arson after Yeats’s sentiment that ‘education is not the filling of pail, but the lighting of a fire.’ This collaborative act of breaking down walls and building anew from the flames is what gets John fired up in the classroom. When not at school, John immerses himself in stories, music, tinkering, and exploring the outdoors with his family. Movement EducationJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 1995Spacial Dynamics® Institute - Level I Trainer, Spacial Dynamics® Institute - Movement Therapist, Spacial Dynamics® Institute - Level III Trainer, Certified Bothmer Gymnast John toured in Tony Montanaro's Celebration Theater Ensemble. He is a resident guest artist with the Portland Ballet Company and has performed for over 20 years as Drosselmeyer in the Nutcracker. He is a past host of the Portland Symphony Kinderkoncerts. He taught for many years at the Rudolf Steiner Institute, and presently is an instructor at the Spacial Dynamics® Institute. He is a founding boardmember of Seeds of Independence, where he continues to facilitate in their Jumpstart program for first-time youth offenders. He performs a duet show with his wife. - Johnna OssieEarly Childhood Assistant Early Childhood AssistantJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019BA, Women and Gender Studies & Holistic Health, University of Southern Maine Johnna was born and raised on the coast of Maine. Growing up, she spent every summer at 4H camp where she learned a great appreciation for the outdoors and fostering a connection between humans and the natural world. Two of her greatest loves in life are caring for children and spending time in nature. She has spent the last 12 years working with children, and is thrilled to be at Maine Coast Waldorf where she can continue to support children in fostering a great love for the earth. When Johnna isn’t exploring nature with her smallest friends, she enjoys riding her bicycle, baking, traveling throughout New England and beyond, and spending time with her dog. High School HumanitiesJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019BA, English and Philosophy, Hobart and William Smith Colleges; Waldorf High School Teacher Training Certification, English and History, Center for Anthroposophy Joshua was born and raised in Saratoga Springs, NY at the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. After college he spent three years teaching English in Japan, and has taught high school humanities in Waldorf high schools for 18 years (Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs, and most recently Shining Mountain Waldorf School in Boulder, Colorado). In his free time he loves being with his family (wife, Kim and daughter, Forest) in the outdoors, reading, writing, and carpentry. He comes to Maine Coast Waldorf School with a passion for seeking out truth and meaning in life and the world with his students. High School ArtJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2016BA, studio Art, Connecticut College; AA, Classical Animation, Sheridan College of Applied Arts and Technology; MEd, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Colorado, Foundations Studies, Center for Anthroposophy Throughout her life Julie has always been a maker. She is motivated most when using her hands to create, She has worked in many media including wood, clay, glass, metal, stone, painting, drawing Teaching has always allowed her to learn and share her enthusiasms. Julie will always seeks out the opportunity to make something over buying it. She finds her greatest inspiration spending time with her family in the outdoors actively engaging in every season. She also loves to cook and share meals with friends, xc ski, and pick blueberries. Julie considers Maine her home where she lives a busy life with her husband and their daughter in a house they built on a little farm they created. AccompanistJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2006BA, Music, Amherst College Katy has been accompanying choirs in the greater Portland area for more than 20 years. She regularly works with several schools in the area, as well as many private choirs, ranging in age from elementary school through high school and beyond. Katy also teaches piano to students of all ages. Kelly Smith Barham Early Childhood Teacher, EC Faculty ChairJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2012BA, Peace and Conflict Studies, University of California Berkeley; AAS Fiber Arts, Crafts and Production, Haywood Community College; MEd, Early and Elementary Childhood Education, and Waldorf Certification, Antioch University New England Born in North Carolina, Kelly inherited a love of fibers, children, and nature from her Scots-Irish grandparents who had their roots in the Appalachian mountains. Growing up during the turbulent times of the 1960s and 70s gave her flexibility of thinking, courage, creativity, and inspiration to constantly seek ways to make the world a better place for everyone. She has worked with young people in a variety of settings, from intense work on race relations and shelters for homeless youth, to kindergarten classrooms. She has finally found her favorite classroom to be the outdoors with our nursery children! She continues to weave in her "spare" time, and is currently studying homeopathic medicine as well. High School Physics, Chemistry and MathematicsJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2018BS Preveterinary Science, University of New Hampshire, Durham, MS Plant and Soil Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Kelly comes to Maine Coast Waldorf School from 16 years teaching physics, chemistry, and agricultural science as a public educator. Passionate about making upper level content accessible and differentiated, Kelly's enthusiasm for STEM education naturally leads her to look for opportunities for her students beyond the walls of the classroom. Outside of school Kelly can be found tending her flock of heritage Jacob Sheep, hiking with her dogs, cross country skiing and crafting with her daughter. Grade School Office Manager, MS Athletic CoordinatorJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2006BA, English, University of New Hampshire; MA, Early Childhood Education, Lesley College Lisa grew up in New Hampshire surrounded by woods, apple trees and back country ski trails. She was a plant lover and an avid athlete, especially enjoying little league baseball, field hockey and spring track. An early fascination with travel and job earnings from work at a local florist took her to Indonesia, Spain, Portugal and Morocco. Though studies in English Lit were deeply enriching, she wished she had paired that with a horticulture minor. A teaching degree—earned a year before the birth of her first son—has proven useful as a mother and to meet daily visitors to MCWS's grade school office, where she has spent the past 8 years. Lisa enjoys growing all sorts of things—especially raspberries—Nordic skiing, reading, traveling, knitting, quilting, baking, running and dark chocolate in a variety of forms! High School Counselor (LCPC-c)Joined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Southern New Hampshire University; Advanced Certificate: Treating co-occurring substance use; BFA Community Art Education, University of Southern Maine; Trained in: Facilitation: Restorative Justice Institute of Maine Louanne has lived in Maine her whole life. Her love of art and dance brought her as far away as Guinea, West Africa where she studied with Les Ballets Africans. She has a passion for understanding differences and building connections whether through art, dance, or dialogue. This led her to pursue art education, helping spearhead a program at USM in community arts. Louanne seeks opportunities to reduce isolation in individuals by promoting self-efficacy, compassion, and community stewardship. Her role at Maine Coast Waldorf School draws on her belief that every individual has an important and unique story and contribution to the world. She is a mother, lover of nature and poetry, and has a great curiosity for understanding how things work, unfold, change, and grow. Admissions DirectorJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 1994BA, English and Philosophy, Wheaton College Lyn’s childhood was full of family moves (12 different schools in 12 years) and many adventures in the US and abroad. A child of the 60s, she was active in economic and social justice causes and became the first director of the National Center for Service-Learning in Washington, DC. Her interest in experiential and socially conscious education led her to Waldorf, and she was quite invested in helping MCWS launch its grade school in 1992 (her first-born was in the first first grade). She served as Development Director when the School was establishing its permanent campus, and now, as Admissions Director, loves her role in expanding the Waldorf school community. Middle School Support TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 1991BS, Education, English, Keuka College; MEd & Waldorf Teaching Certificate, Antioch University New England When plucked suddenly from her complacent New England habitat in early adolescence and immersed in the warp and weft of life in South Africa, Lynn's eyes and interests were opened to a very different world perspective. Though primed for the adventure by her father's stories from annual sojourns to the Far East, experience proved the more immediate educator. After graduating from high school in Hong Kong, she once again became a mostly settled, slightly restless New Englander. It was on meeting Waldorf Education that she found a reflection of her early experiences in the exploration of the world's cultures as they unfold in the elementary curriculum. Besides her continuing fascination with indigenous peoples everywhere, she brings her love of the arts, a pleasure in the world of nature, and an enthusiasm for creating with her hands into her classroom. Early Childhood TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2014BS, Plant and Soil Science, University of Vermont; MEd, Antioch University New England; Waldorf Certification in Early Childhood Lynn has worked in both Waldorf and non-Waldorf schools for the past 20 years where she taught Parent-Child Classes, Young Nursery, Nursery, Kindergarten and Handwork. She has also worked as a parent educator for families with young children. Her enthusiastic love of gardening and the outdoors permeates her work with children. She and her husband built and restored houses, raised sheep and chickens, and enjoyed outdoor activities while raising their two children in southwestern New Hampshire. They are happy to now be living near the ocean and are restoring yet another home. In her spare time, Lynn enjoys weaving, knitting, cooking, hiking, and kayaking. Lynne W. Espy Development DirectorJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2009BA, Geology, Middlebury College; MFS, Master of Forest Science, Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies; Certificate, Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy and the Arts, Center for Anthroposophy Lynne loves working with volunteers and donors to make the school’s dreams become realities through their shared generosity and fundraising efforts. Lynne uses her data-driven approach, her sense of humor, and plenty of home-baked goods to facilitate the school's development work and sustain the community’s enthusiasm. In her spare time she enjoys baking, gardening, learning to play mandolin, hiking, and spending time with her husband and three adult children. Eighth Grade TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2013BA, Classics, Bowdoin College; MEd, Antioch University New England Margaret found her way to Maine by way of Cincinnati, Ohio, to attend Bowdoin College. While there, she studied Latin and Greek, and met a great guy, upon graduation married him, and has been in New England ever since. She is still not so sure about the cold, cold winters, but she does love the Maine summers, and the gorgeous landscape of the Maine coastline. When she and her family spent a year abroad in Australia, she found her way to Waldorf education there as well, and it was in Melbourne, Australia that she began her studies to become a Waldorf teacher. She finished her M.Ed with a specialty in Waldorf Teaching when she returned to the United States. Margaret began with her current class in first grade in the Fall of 2013. Middle School Math Teacher, Math Support, Grades 1-8 Faculty Co-ChairJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2009BA, Religion, Hamilton College; MEd, Elementary Education, Sunbridge College Marta grew up on Cape Cod where her family ran a fish market; she shared the work of filleting and preparing seafoods from an early age. It was on a hilltop in Avignon (following a semester in Stockholm) that she learned of Waldorf education from her travel-mate. She began teaching in Washington, D.C., where she met her husband and enjoyed 10 years of city life. They ventured up to Maine where Marta taught in the Bath Public Schools. Marta and Tom grew their family by adoption; experiencing their children's birth cultures of Kazakhstan and Ethiopia and raising these two wonderful children has broadened their world infinitely. Marta continues to love the ocean, her family, and her two sweet cats. Events Coordinator, Movement AssistantJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2013BA, Business, Columbia College; Teachers Certificate, Antioch University New England I spent my childhood in a small town in the Southern Tier area of Upstate New York. After completing my Associates Degree in Business at S.U.N.Y. at Alfred I lived and worked in Syracuse, NY for the next 15 years. For the majority of those years I worked for Guardian Life Insurance Company and also completed my Bachelor's Degree by taking evening courses. I eventually obtained the revered position of Service and Sales which included selling employee benefits and servicing existing accounts throughout Upstate New York. With the good fortune of meeting my potential husband who lived in Freeport, through mutual relatives in Syracuse, I moved to Maine when we married and have not looked back. Once my daughters where entrenched at MCWS I took over the position of managing the school store on a volunteer basis which increased my desire to understand Waldorf education. This led me to the Waldorf Foundations Study Course, After completing this course and with a fabulous opportunity to achieve a Waldorf Teachers Certificate at Antioch, by taking weekend classes,I obtained the Waldorf Teacher's Certificate after 2 years of study and internships. I jumped right into teaching main lesson classes and substituting at MCWS and began as the Events coordinator in 2013. This position draws on the many skills I've developed through chairing various non-profit initiatives as well as my understanding of the MCWS community. Other than being extremely involved with my daughter's class activities, volunteering in the community and at school events,and working as an insurance consultant at my husband's company, I was a competitive runner. I have since taken up cross country skiing and enjoy the outdoors. BookkeeperJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2012BS, Business Administration, Southern NH University Operations ManagerJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019Certificate, Administration with Spirit, Waldorf Administration Program, Rudolf Steiner College; MFA, Painting, Queens College, CUNY Melissa and her family moved to Maine in 2019 so that their son could continue his Waldorf education through high school. The couple discovered Waldorf education at Prairie Moon Waldorf School in Lawrence, Kansas, where their son attended from Parent/Child Class through 8th grade. Melissa joined the board and then served as Administrative Director for 10 years. Serving in leadership alongside faculty and parents, Melissa found her calling in supporting the adult community—in turn supporting the student and world communities. Organizational dynamics is a topic she never tires of. Outside of her work at the school, Melissa enjoys any form of puzzle or brain teaser as well as knitting and weaving. Escape rooms and yarn stores are her happy places. French Teacher, EC - Grade 8Joined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 1998BA, International Affairs/Political Science and French, University of Maine; MA, French Literature, University of Massachusetts A love of travel and adventures abroad, beginning with a high school exchange to Brazil led Michael to study and then teach both French and Spanish. He has enjoyed living and teaching in France and leading student trips to Central America and Quebec; experiences which have inspired a strong passion for world cultures that he brings to his students in stories, songs, and games. His favorite pastimes include spending time with family and friends, working outdoors building and landscaping, playing guitar, and singing songs late into the night. Educational Support (Interim)Joined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019BA, Business Administration, Flagler College A native of Jamestown, NY, Molly is excited to be back in the northeast after ten years of enjoying the sunny south. She began her professional journey in investment banking at Deutsche Bank in Jacksonville, FL, followed by a sales and operations role at a start-up in Austin, TX. After searching for a professional opportunity with more meaning, she began her career in education at a school serving twice exceptional learners. She has found a passion in nurturing, inspiring, and instilling a love of learning in her students and is excited to continue her journey at the Maine Coast Waldorf School. Molly enjoys trail running, skyping her new niece, and exploring the raw beauty of Maine. Middle School Assistant & High School Humanities TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2018B.A., English, Colby College; M.A., English, Boston College; M.S., Education, University of Southern Maine; Waldorf High School Certification, Center for Anthroposophy A coin toss landed Nancy in Portland after graduate school, and she has called Maine home ever since. After teaching at the college level for five years, Nancy decided she wanted to teach adolescents and started teaching in public high schools. Nancy and her husband discovered Maine Coast Waldorf School when they were searching for a nursery program for their daughters seventeen years ago. Foundation Studies deepened Nancy’s understanding of Waldorf education and prepared her for Waldorf high school teacher training. Nancy enjoys helping bring plays to life, inspiring students to appreciate literature and transforming their thoughts to the written word. She loves spending time with her family, reading novels, writing poetry, and immersing herself in nature. Grades 2-12 Violin & Music TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2002BM, University of Miami School of Music Nancy is a violinist and teaches strings, classroom music and chorus. She has served as principle violinist for the Maine State Ballet Orchestra and has performed with the Portland Symphony, the Bangor Symphony, the Maine Chamber Ensemble, the Portland Opera Repertory Theater Orchestra and the trio Musica Sorrella. Nancy has served as a conductor with the Brunswick Regional Youth Orchestra, the Southern Maine String Academy and at several District Festivals across the state. Nancy is the founder of the Coastal Youth Orchestra and conductor of CYO's Fiddleheads and Coastal String Ensembles. Nancy is well known for her enthusiasm and sensitivity in working with young string players and for her dedication to music education. In her free time she enjoys running and spending time skiing at Sugarloaf with her husband and two children, Alexandra and Christopher. Early Childhood AssistantJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in High School Math/Science Teacher/InternJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019BA, Physics, Bard College Nowell returns to Maine Coast Waldorf school as both a teacher and an alumnus. He grew up in Brunswick attending the school from kindergarten, graduating with the high school’s fourth senior class in 2013. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in physics, Nowell spent several years in Washington D.C. teaching STEM focused after school classes and summer camps. He is excited to return to the community as a faculty member and share his enthusiasm for math and science with the newest generation of high school students. Outside of school Nowell is an avid reader and enjoys spending time in nature, as well as the occasional Ultimate Frisbee game. German Teacher, EC - Grade 8Joined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2005BA, German Philology, German as a foreign language, Philosophy University of Cologne, University of Salzburg, University of Vienna Oliver is a native of Germany who came to Maine in 2001. Since 1990, Oliver has been working with children and teenagers in various settings in Europe and the US. Through his many years of experience in arts, language, nature studies, athletics, social work, culinary arts, crafts, and music—as well as being a father—Oliver feels at home in creating exciting, inspiring, and versatile activities for children of all ages. Oliver has been the German teacher for Kindergarten through 8th grade at Maine Coast since 2005. His many tasks at the school have included teaching high school German, woodworking, cooking and coaching middle school cross-country. Grade School Office AssistantJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2016BA, Psychology, The College of Wooster Rebecca comes to MCWS after 8 years as Telecom Billing Administrator for IDEXX Laboratories, where she managed the billing and usage reporting for over 3,200 voice & data circuits around the word, and over $5M in annual telecom expenses. Prior to that, she was chief cook and bottle washer for a small but integral wharf-side lobster shack on a tiny island community off the coast of Acadia where, among other things, she learned how to make a killer blueberry pie (just sayin’). In her twenties, Rebecca enjoyed several seasons as a licensed whitewater raft guide on the Kennebec and Penobscot rivers in Western Maine, where she also obtained Wilderness First Responder (WFR) certification (advanced wilderness first aid, one step below EMT). In those off-seasons, she was a ski coach (and waitress) at Sugarloaf, USA in the Carrabassett Valley of Western Maine. Rebecca is thrilled to be a part of the important work being done here to nurture the child as a whole being, to instill empathy, character and determination necessary to share their gifts with the world. Lower Grades AssistantJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2007 as a student & 2018 as an employee As a former Maine Coast Waldorf School graduate, Rebecca is excited to give back to the community. Throughout the last 3 years, Rebecca has worked alongside children in public school special education classes. The children helped her realize her skills and passion for alternative education, and working with young people. When not in school, Rebecca enjoys kayaking, hiking, sledding, and playing with dogs. Rebecca is exuberant and eager to learn with students in the rising first grade class. Early Childhood AssistantJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019BA, Contemplative Psychology, Expressive Arts and Healing; Minor in Religious Studies, Naropa University, Boulder CO; Waldorf Teaching Certification, Rudolf Steiner College, Sacramento CA Ruth joins Maine Coast Waldorf School after teaching for six years in the San Francisco Bay Area, both at Marin Waldorf School, and Berkeley Rose Waldorf School. After studying art therapy as an undergraduate, Ruth was drawn to Waldorf education because its therapeutic approach benefits the developing child. For two years she led the Sunflower Kindergarten in Berkeley before joining the Sunflower classroom at MCWS. Ruth enjoys exploring the intersection of neuroscience and Waldorf education. Her treasured childhood memories center around the gardens and forests of Ann Arbor, Michigan, with summers spent in Midcoast Maine, immersed in play amidst the mossy, rocky landscape. Last year Ruth settled in Portland after almost ten years living in California. In addition to the natural world, Ruth loves dancing, reading, creating art, writing letters, studying holistic medicine, and traveling as much as possible. - Sharyn PeaveyHIgh School Photography & Dance High School Office Manager, HS Athletic DirectorJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2011BA, Computer Science, University of Buffalo Susan has happily spent most of her life in the northeast, gradually making her way eastward from upstate New York to Maine. Following a corporate career in computer tech support, she began working her way into MCWS, managing the school store, volunteering in the classroom, serving as class parent, and assisting in the lower grades. These days you can find Susan at the high school, where she does a little bit of everything: office manager, registrar, athletics, transportation, and tech support. When she's away from school, Susan enjoys hiking, skiing, playing with her dog, and giving advice to her (grown) children. Sixth Grade TeacherJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2004BA, Elementary Education, Ohio Wesleyan University; Waldorf Teacher Training, Antioch University New England Suzie is a native New Englander who knew from a very young age that she wanted to be a teacher. During her first career, Suzie had a wide range of experience in the hospitality industry. She discovered a way to nurture her love of the outdoors by shifting from the sales department of the Four Seasons Hotel in Boston, to a management position supporting the back country huts for the Appalachian Mountain Club in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Marriage and motherhood brought Suzie to Maine, where her family grew to four children and many pets. Suzie readily admits her current career direction was inspired by the experiences of her four children, all educated at Maine Coast Waldorf School, from the early childhood program onward. Her own Waldorf faculty experience includes time as a volunteer, full time handwork instructor and classroom teacher. Suzie loves to knit, swim and spend time with her family. Early Childhood AssistantJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2019Associates, Early Childhood Education, Greenfield Community College Tabitha grew up in Western Massachusetts in a mixture of both farmland and a tri-college area instilling in her the value of both being in touch with the land and a love of education. This background greatly influences her work with children. She has spent most of her career working with the Reggio Emilia philosophy, where the 100 languages of children are explored. Her love of the ocean drew her to Maine. In her spare time, she loves to do photography, paint and explore the coast with her family. College CounselorJoined Maine Coast Waldorf School in 2016BA, International Studies, Johns Hopkins University Beginning with her experience as a college senior interviewing prospective first year students, Whitney has spent more than two decades working with students as they make the transition from high school to college. She has worked as a college admissions officer, a high school counselor, and an independent counselor. She visits several dozen colleges each year and is always amazed by the diversity of higher education opportunities available in the United States and abroad. Whitney currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Higher Education Consultants Association. Our faculty spans a range of tenure, from new teachers, to experienced teachers, and our founding elders. We are always seeking dynamic, collaborative educators who are excited to enhance our community. When there are not positions posted to join our community, we recommend considering the Waldorf Teacher Training Institutes for those who would like to learn more. Maine Coast Waldorf School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational programs, hiring, self-government, admissions, financial aid and all other school-related activities. Employment Opportunities: Please click on this link to see our current employment opportunities.
Farms and ranches, culinary events and tours, oh my! Alberta Open Farm Days is a weekend-long event where the Albertans who put food and drink on our tables welcome visitors for tours, demonstrations and even tastings. It’s a fun and engaging way to get to know local producers, and see first-hand where our meals actually come from. In preparation for the province-wide open house, we’ve selected a handful of agricultural destinations to check out. A GRAND TASTE TOUR You’ve got the option of touring, tasting, or touring and tasting at this event hosted by Edmonton’s Wild Heart Collective. Take part in a visit to Stonepost Farms outside of Wildwood, where you’ll see their holistic and sustainable approach to farming; Camola Foods, who harvest a range of edible insects, is also on the food agenda. Afterwards, take your place at the harvest table for a meal created by Chef Paul Shufelt and friends, concocted from ingredients found at the farm. Aug. 17 LINKS TO THE LAND Sometimes we forget that the food we buy at the supermarket doesn’t just magically appear on the shelves. Hop on a bus and see where it all starts with the Re-connect with the Farm Tour, in and around the Cremona area. It’ll be a busy day as you learn about beekeeping at Fallentimber Meadery; the production of eggs, mushrooms, honey and vegetables at Akesi Farms; and solar panels at the Double N Ranch. Top it off with a visit to the Bergen Farmers’ Market and lunch at the Bergen Community Hall and you’ll be a happy (if perhaps a little tired) camper. Aug. 17 MORE TO READ Say giddy-up to a Cowboy Trail road trip JUST BEET IT They’re a vital part of our food production here in Alberta, but how much do you really know about sugar beets? Nothing? Well, you can change all that by visiting Crandford Acres, outside of Taber, to see demonstrations, farm machinery, sugar production and more. Aug. 17 Owner Tam Andersen is waiving the usual entry fee at Prairie Gardens and Adventure Farm for Alberta Open Farm Days. The family-friendly operation in Bon Accord has plenty for kids to explore, including a corn maze, petting farm, and the large CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) gardens. And of course, the outdoor café will be serving up farm-fresh fare all day long. Aug. 18 MORE TO READ Live in the country? Here’s how to better secure your home A winery in northern Alberta? Yes, you read that correctly! Barr Estate Winery is a small, sustainable, family-run farm that makes fruit wines using raspberries, rhubarb and sour cherries—all grown on the winery’s property outside Edmonton. They’ve thrown in wholeheartedly with Alberta Open Farm Days, opening their gates for fruit grove and winery tours, petting zoo visits, and even tastings of their unique libations. Aug. 17 & 18 HOW TO SAVE Hit the rural roads—and pump more money into your wallet with a prepaid reloadable Esso Card. Use it for gas and goodies at Esso service stations across Canada. Pick up a card at any AMA centre to earn 5% back in reward dollars on the purchase amount. Plus, earn 5% every time you reload the card in-centre, online or set up automatic reload. Pair it with a CAA Rewards Mastercard and you’ll get a bonus 2%—that’s a total of 7% in reward dollars.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), there were 2.74 million colonies producing honey in the U.S. in 2014 and it seems the production of honey is rising each year. Though shortages have been reported on the international honey market, honey production is certainly a great business opportunity throughout the world. Honey is a natural sweetener created from flower nectar by bees, bumblebees, honey wasps and some other insects. Though completely original in its natural form, some mass scale honey producers are giving antibiotics to bees or contaminating the honey in other ways for different purposes. That’s why honey buyers and importers have to be extra careful about the quality of the honey they are purchasing. Honey labels are very important in this respect. They tell us where the product came from, who manufactured it and if there are any other ingredients added. If the honey is labeled “Honey”, or marked with more informative labels about the honey’s source, such as “Lavender Honey”, “Clover Honey”, etc., you don’t need to include the ingredients section on the label, since honey is the only ingredient in a pure, natural honey. However, If you add sweeteners or some other ingredients, then you need to make that clear. On FDA website you’ll find detailed information about the requirements for proper labeling. Beekeeping and Honey Labeling 101 The bee’s greatest value to man is the pollination of flowers and agricultural plants. They pollinate about 1/3 of all American agricultural crops. Without bees it would be difficult to grow: cucumbers, almonds, avocados, blueberries, pears, carrot seed, melons, apricots, cherries, apples, cranberries, and many other fruits and vegetables. In order to have a healthy economy and diversity of food products, it is important to maintain healthy bee colonies. Today many people are starting their own bee colonies even in urban settings, and contributing to the well balanced ecosystem. Apart from their agricultural work, bees are also valued for producing beeswax, pollen, propolis, bee venom, and most importantly, honey. The market for locally produced and specialty honey is particularly strong in the US, so local beekeepers can easily be found at farmers markets, roadside stands or at their home. Urban and local beekeepers are also growing in number in other western countries such as Canada and UK. They often rely on useful information and beekeeping tutorials from excellent local resources and blogs such as Talking with Bees, Urban Bee Network and many more. Being successful at beekeeping takes a little more than evaluating the honey’s taste. The following infographic explains some of the obstacles beekeepers experience in their work and gives practical tips on how to keep the bees healthy and alive, and how to properly label honey jars to better inform honey consumers about the product.
This post has been previously published on Cookevillebeekeepers.com but contains seasonally relevant information. Honey bees are cavity nesters, and they will make their home inside of all kinds of things – hollow trees, walls, empty oil drums, water meter boxes – almost any enclosed space that they can get into. And through history (and even today) people have used all kinds of bee hives. However, in TN – and most other states – beekeepers are required to use hives that allow full inspections of the colony. “All hive equipment should be of the modern Langstroth type with hanging, movable frames…” However, Mike Studer the TN state Apiarist says “Top bar hives are legal in Tennessee as long as you can remove the frames to inspect for pests and diseases. Actually, Honey bees can be kept in any type of structure or configuration as long as the frames can be removed for inspection…” But, this article is only about Langstroth style equipment – the recommended type for new beekeepers. Langstroth type hives – named for L.L. Langstroth the American clergyman who invented the design – are the box shaped hives that we are all familiar with. The basic principal behind the design is that bees will fill up large spaces with comb, and small spaces with propolis, but will mostly not fill spaces that are just large enough for them to crawl through – between 1/4 and 3/8 of an inch. So to prevent the bees from gluing everything together into a solid mass of wax and propolis the Langstroth hive is designed to maintain that “bee space” between all of the parts. Some “burr comb” will still be deposited in places, and they will use propolis to glue everything together somewhat, but in general none of that will be too much of a problem in a properly designed hive that doesn’t violate bee space. Hive Bodies and Supers The standard Langstroth hive body will hold 10 frames of comb. Some bee keepers are using 8 frame equipment because it is 20 percent lighter than equivalent 10 frame equipment, but most professional beekeepers use 10 frame equipment. An extremely small number of beekeepers use hives that hold more than 10 frames. Whatever you do it is highly recommended that you plan to stick with one configuration for the foreseeable future so that your equipment will be interchangeable as your apiary develops. There are basically 3 standard depths for hive bodies – deep, medium and shallow. In the past most beekeepers used “deeps” to contain the brood nest – the area where the queen lays eggs and brood develops – usually the boxes at the bottom of the stack. And when it came time for the bees to store honey “shallows” were used as honey “supers” – super just means that you put it on top of the hive instead of on the bottom. Mediums – sometimes referred to as “Illinois” – when used at all could be used for either brood or honey. Some beekeepers with really strong backs – or hired help – use deeps for everything. But be aware that a deep hive body full of honey can weigh almost 100 pounds, and can be on top of a stack higher than your head – most hobbyists don’t want to deal with that. The different depths have corresponding non-interchangeable frame and foundation sizes. The frames, foundation, and hive bodies all have to match and because of minor manufacturing differences it is recommended that you get all of these from the same supplier. Keeping it Simple – All Mediums In recent years there has been a trend for non-commercial beekeepers to use all medium depth hive bodies – for several reasons: - Standardization – having one size for everything makes it much easier to grow your apiary because drawn comb can be used for any purpose that you want, and you only have the one size for spares. - Weight – a 10 frame medium full of honey weighs about 55 pounds whereas a deep weighs more like 95. These reasons are so compelling that many beekeepers are actually going to the trouble and expense of converting their equipment to all mediums. Hive Body/Super – What’s the difference? Until recently most bee keepers used 1-2 deep boxes and frames on the bottom of the stack for brood – the queen was kept in these lower boxes with a queen excluder. These boxes would often be called brood boxes. Then they would used shallow boxes above the queen excluder for the bees to store honey – that way there was never any brood in the honey boxes – these boxes were called supers or honey supers. Super actually just means on top. Any size box that you use below a queen excluder is a brood box, any box that is above an excluder is a honey super. But “old timers” (no offense) often are referring specifically to deeps and shallows when they use those terms. Any box is a hive body. A queen excluder is a device which has holes or slots in it which are large enough for worker bees to go through, but too small for a queen to go through. The main purpose of an excluder is to keep the queen from laying eggs in honey supers. Worker Bees don’t seem to like to go through an excluder unless they Really have to. As long as there is any room at all left for them to work below the excluder they probably won’t go through one – especially if there is not any drawn comb on the other side. In other words it’s hard to get them to build comb on the other side of a queen excluder – very hard if there isn’t ANY drawn comb already above the excluder. Some people don’t use excluders, but just about all professional bee keepers do. If it’s your first year keeping bees you probably don’t need to use an excluder because you won’t be making a lot of honey anyway. So for your first year a queen excluder is not essential. The hive bodies sit directly on the bottom board which acts as the entrance for the bees. In the past solid bottom boards were standard equipment, but in recent years screened bottom boards have become very popular, because they improve ventilation and they allow varroa mites to fall through to the ground instead of staying in the hive to crawl back onto your bees. If you use a screened bottom board you should get one which can be closed if needed – most can. You will also need an entrance reducer/mouse guard to go with your bottom board. There are 2 popular styles of hive covers – “migratory” and “telescoping”. Telescoping covers extend past and down onto the hive bodies on all four sides while migratory covers only overhang the hives on the front and back and are flush on the sides. Telescoping covers are more secure from wind and rain, but migratory covers allow hives to be stacked tight together on the sides – a big plus if you are putting them on a truck to migrate to a pollination job. Telescoping covers should used in conjunction with an inner cover or the bees will glue it on with propolis, and because there is no access for a hive tool it will be hard to pry off. An inner cover is not really required if you use migratory covers. Frames and Foundation Remember that your frames and foundation must be the same size as the hive bodies that they are to go into. There are basically 2 types of frames – wooden frames which have separate foundation, and one piece plastic all in one frame and foundation combo. Some people love plastic frames and some people hate them. If you use wooden frames you have 3 main choices in foundation – plastic, wax, and foundationless: Plastic foundation is probably the easiest for the beekeeper to work with, but the least favorite of the bees. Advantages of Plastic Foundation - It is easy to install and not at all fragile. - It is pretty much trouble free to extract. Disadvantages of Plastic Foundation - It is the most expensive of all options, and while it doesn’t seem like all that much it adds up when you are growing your apiary and perhaps need to buy hundreds of pieces at a time. - Bees like it the least – nonetheless a strong hive with a good flow on will draw comb on it. - It is difficult to remove a queen cell from plastic without damaging it. Advantages of Wax Foundation - It’s economical - It’s more readily accepted by the bees than plastic foundation. Disadvantages of Wax Foundation - It can be relatively fragile when it is cold or until it is fully drawn into comb and attached by the bees. - The wax it is made of may contain trace amounts of agricultural chemicals or hive medications – The wax may have been produced in another country that allows the use of chemicals that are banned in the U.S. This may have implications for bee health, or for the use of wax foundation in the production of comb honey. - It may need to be wired into frames – especially deep frames – for extra strength. - If wires are used they may interfere with removal (for use) of queen cells. Foundationless is a more hands on option and not at all fool proof. It is good for comb honey but may be tricky (at best) to extract – nonetheless when Langstroth designed his hive in 1852 there was no such thing as manufactured foundation, so for about 25 years it was the only way to go even for commercial beekeepers. Advantages of Foundationless - Bees will build a natural comb size and will build drone comb as they need them. BTW drone brood comb is much bigger than worker brood comb, but both can also be used to store honey. - Because there are no wires it is very easy to cut out queen cells or to produce cut comb honey. - You know exactly where your wax came from. - Bees will very readily build foundationless comb because it is the natural way that they build. - You don’t have to buy or install foundation. - Any style of wooden frame can be used for foundationless with the simple addition of a comb guide to the top bar – a Popsicle stick for example. Disadvantages of Foundationless - Comb will often be built crooked or not even in the frames especially if there isn’t any existing comb to guide the bees. In most cases it is quite easy for the beekeeper to straighten out anything like this, but in other cases you might have to cut out badly built comb and tie it in to your frames. Either way the bees will quickly fix up any damage caused by straightening. It is rare for bees to build between frames when foundation is used. - Foundationless comb might be tricky or difficult to extract honey from – it can be done, but some “blown out” comb is likely to happen. This is not a problem for comb that will be used in the brood nest. - Bees will build drone comb where they want instead of where you want. So, there are a lot of options to consider but after discussing this with the other association officers we are going to recommend that if you are just starting out you seriously consider using the following: - 10 frame medium depth equipment – 10 frame because it is the industry standard, medium depth because of the flexibility you get from using one size frame for all purposes. If you planning to start with package bees you will (hopefully) need 3 or 4 medium depth hive bodies full of frames and foundation for each hive for your first year. - Wooden frames, and pre-wired wax foundation. - Wooden framed Screened Bottom Board with an option to easily close it off for cold weather or mite counts. - Wooden Telescoping outer cover and a wooden inner cover. In other words something like this beginner kit except with a wooden outer cover. These are just our suggestions – by all means feel free to exercise your own judgment and get whatever you want, but this will serve you well for your first year of beekeeping. In addition to woodenware you will also need at least a veil, gloves, a smoker and something to use as a hive tool – I like an old slot screwdriver with a bit of a hook bent in the end. A full bee suit would be nice but in my opinion it’s not really necessary, however it will give you more confidence. There’s all kinds of other paraphernalia that you will probably eventually try out or at least consider – feeders, slatted racks, queen excluders, landing board/hive stands, pollen traps, nucleus hives, beetle traps, robber screens, swarm traps, queen rearing and marking equipment, honey extraction and packaging equipment – but trust me you won’t have to have any of that during your first year. Hive Kits from Mann Lake – Mann lake always has free shipping for orders over $100
In recent years, reports of invasive species entering the Iberian Peninsula have grown at an alarming rate. One of the most recent cases is that of the Asian hornet, also known as the yellow-legged hornet and dramatically called ‘assassin hornet’, which is well-stablished in northern regions of the Iberian Peninsula and which has recently been confirmed to nest in the very center of Barcelona. What do we know about this species? Why is it known as the ‘assassin hornet’? 1. Where does it come from and how did it get here? The Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) is a social wasp native to the Southeast Asia. It was for the first time recorded in Europe in 2004, at southeast France, where it is currently well-spread. According to most of sources, it is believed that some founding queens accidentally arrived France inside boxes of pottery from China. Some associations of beekeepers from the Basque Country confirmed the presence of the Asian hornet in the Iberian Peninsula in 2010. From that moment on, the Asian hornet started spreading toward other regions: it was recorded in Galicia in 2011, in Northern Catalonia and in some areas of Aragon in 2012, in some areas of La Rioja and Cantabria in 2014 and in Mallorca, in 2015. Meanwhile, this species spread toward Italy, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, Sweden and, occasionally, the United Kingdom. It presence in Japan and Korea, where it is an invasive species too, was confirmed some years before. It was recorded for the first time in Catalonia in its northern comarques (‘counties’), specifically in Alt Empordà, and in 2015 almost 100 nests of this species had already been recorded. Nowadays, the Asian hornet is well-spread in Girona and Barcelona provinces. On July 13th of this year (2018), the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) confirmed the first record of an Asian hornet nest located in the very center of Barcelona city, close to one of the main buildings of the University of Barcelona; a few days before, it had also been detected in Vallès Oriental and Baix Llobregat. 2. How can we identify it? The Asian hornet size varies between 2 and 3.5 cm, approximately. Queens and workers have a similar morphology except for their size, being workers smaller than queens. This species can be recognized by the following morphological traits: - Thorax entirely black. - Abdomen mainly black except for its 4th segment, which is yellow. - Anterior half of legs, black; posterior half, yellow. - Upper part of head, black; face reddish yellow. If you think you have found an Asian hornet and meant to notify authorities, first of all make sure it is the correct species. This is of special importance as some native species like the European hornet (Vespa crabro) are usually confused with its invasive relative, thus leading to misidentifications and removings of native nests. 3. Why is it also called ‘assassin hornet’? The Asian hornet is neither more dangerous, venomous nor aggressive than other European wasps. So, why is it dramatically called ‘assassin hornet’? Larvae of this species feed on honeybees caught by adult hornets. Honeybees usually represent more than 80% of their diet, while the remaining percentage is compound of other arthropods. Adult hornets fly over hives and hunt the most exposed honeybees, even at flight. A single hornet can hunt between 25 and 50 honeybees per day. Hornets usually quarter them and get only the thorax, which is the most nutritious part. In Asia, some honeybees have developed surprising defensive mechanisms to fight against their predators, like forming swarms around hornets to cause them a heat shock. Take a look to this video to known some more about this strategy (caso of Japanese honeybees and hornets): On the contrary, European honeybees have different defensive strategies that seem to be less effective against invasive hornets than they are against the European ones, which are also less ravenous their Asiatic relatives and their nests, smaller. In addition, the absence of natural predators that help to control their populations makes their spreading even more easier. Several associations of both beekeepers and scientists from Europe have been denouncing this situation for years, since this invasive species is causing severe damages to both the economy (honey and crop production) and the environment (loss of wildlife -insects and plants- biodiversity) due to the decrease in wild and domestic honeybees. 4. How do their nests look like and what I have to do if I find one? Asian hornets usually make their nests far from the ground, on the top of trees (unlike the European hornets, which never construct their nest on trees at great highs); rarely, nests can be found on buildings near non-perturbated areas or in the ground. Nests are spherical-shaped, have a continuous growth, a single opening in their superior third from which internal cells cannot be appreciated (in European hornet’s nests, the opening is in its inferior part and internal cells can be observed through it) and can reach up to 1 m height and 80 cm diameter. Nests are made by chewed and mixed wood fibers, leaves and saliva. If you find an Asian hornet nest, be careful and don’t hurry: don’t get to close to it (it is recommended to stay at least 5m far from the nest), observe and study the nest and observe if there are adults overflying it. If you find a dead specimen, you can try to identify it (REMEMBER: always staying far from the nest!). Anyway, the most recommendable thing is to be careful and call the authorities (in Spain, to the emergency phone number: 112). 5. There are preventive and management measures? Currently, preventive and management measures proposed are the following: - Protocols for a more efficient detection of nests. - Early detection of the hornet by installing traps. - Constitution of an efficient communication net to provide information of the presence of this species between regions. - Removal of nests. - Capture of queens. - Improving the habitat quality to minimize the settlement of the Asian hornet and enhacing the settlement of native bees. - Study the possible introduction of natural enemies. In the following link, you can download the PDF (in Spanish) made by the Spanish Government (2014) where these and more strategies are widely explained. Citizen participation is a key point when fighting against the spreading of an invasive species; the same happens with the Asian hornet. Some associations of beekeepers, like the Galician Beekeeping Association (Asociación Gallega de Apicultura, AGA) and its campaign Stop Vespa Velutina, give educational conferences about this species and place traps to control their populations. Also, some students of the University of the Balear Islands have developed a mobile app to inform about the expansion of the Asian hornet. . . . Although knowledge of this species has been improved, there is still much work to be done. We will see how its populations evolve in the coming years. Main picture by Danel Solabarrieta on Flickr, CC 2.0.
Looking for larger sizes of this item? GloryBee offers many of the same great products you know and love in larger bulk and industrial sizes for your business. Note that a wholesaler account is required to purchase these items, and there is a $400 minimum on all wholesale orders The mild, tropical flavor and slightly crystallized texture of this single-origin Fair Trade Coffee Blossom honey is available through a partnership with beekeeping cooperatives in the highland region of Chiapas, Mexico. Coffee Blossom Honey builds stability for small family farms, allowing families to stay together on their ancestral land, producing high quality coffee and delicious honey. Perfect for sweetening up your tea, a low-calories snack for the kids, or just a quick pick-me-up for yourself! 100 Stix Per Bag. Kosher certified by Orthodox Union. How do I eat HoneyStix” you ask? There are many ways to open HoneyStix, but this is our favorite: Please note: We measure HoneyStix by weight. Quantities may vary slightly.
Yes, bees are plant savers. Without them our forests and gardens would not exist. The recent bee shortage should be alarming to all of us. This shortage of honey bees is called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). CCD hasn’t been featured on major news outlets recently and many people have forgotten about it but if Honeybees continue to die off rapidly and in record numbers chances are that everyone will be paying attention sooner or later. With 1/3 of the US food supply depending on pollinated crops the possibility of an upcoming major food shortage is very real. PlantSavers.com specializes in bringing awareness to the CCD phenomena. Read on to learn everything you need to know about it. To date, no one is really certain exactly what is causing Colony Collapse Disorder in Honeybees. There are numerous theories that have not been proven or disproven. The strange bee shortage continues to remain a mystery as scientists are struggling to find answers. Is it Poison? Are we slowly poisoning Honeybees with various pesticides and insecticides? Some insecticides and pesticides previously thought of as being harmless to bees are now coming into question as mass use is coinciding with large scale colony deaths. Is it Diet? Farmers and Beekeepers have been keeping colonies of bees near similar crops. This in of itself may be resulting in the Honeybees being unable to obtain adequate nutrition. This theory supposes that Honeybees are similar to humans in needing a variety of foods to provide needed nutrients. Without this diversity, the bees suffer and succumb to Colony Collapse Disorder. This would seem to be a viable theory as poor nutrition can cause decreased immune system function. Bees would become increasingly susceptible to viruses, toxins, and fungi as the quality of their health decreased. Is it Disease? Bees are susceptible to viruses and fungi. There have been studies suggesting that bees may be suffering from an attack of both in combination but this study is currently in question due to the possibility that researches were financially motivated by the Bayer Corporation. Whether or not this is true, it does remain a possibility that hasn’t been excluded. Is it Technology? Are cell phones and wireless devices causing interference for bees and causing Colony Collapse Disorder? This technology is currently being utilized by almost every country and use is growing exponentially. Colony Collapse Disorder is a relatively new phenomenon and so is most of this technology. Many people believe that this is a primary reason for CCD including most PlantSavers.com readers. This theory itself poses significant questions. Cell phones and other advanced technological devices have been providing mankind with numerous benefits. If it was discovered to be true, how would humanity address curing this problem? Would humanity give up these technological advances? Is it a Combination of Causes? While the last theory seems to have the most evidence to support it at first glance chances are that the factors involved in the disorder are extremely complex. If this were not so, then scientists would have discovered the cause long before now. Colony Collapse Disorder is most likely caused by several factors in unison. Is it Greed? With the recent scandal involving the Bayer corporation paying a researcher to come up with results favoring disease over poison in order to assist Bayer in avoiding a huge lawsuit, it is plausible that much vital research is being buried or overlooked for financial reasons. Humans are notorious for ignoring the common good and favoring individual or group benefits even to their long term detriment. It seems everyone is betting that a method for saving bees or making them more resistant to Colony Collapse Disorder will be discovered and the world will be a happy place once more. Instead humans may find themselves facing severe food shortages and starvation in the near future with little hope of their ill-gotten gain saving them. Check back on PlantSavers.com in the future to learn the latest news on CCD and beekeeping.
We would appreciate it if you would send the details of these webinar to as many beekeepers as possible. Varroa control ~ 6th August 2020 Lynfa Davies NDB will present this important topic on Varroa Contol. We will start with a short, general Q&A session. The into the main presentation if you have a particular issue submit your question in advance to [email protected] Ways to improve your beekeeping knowledge and skills ~ 23rd July 2020 This webinar is aimed at beekeepers in Wales who would like information on ways to help improve their knowledge and skills so as to build confidence and capability in their practical beekeeping. Swarming Webinar ~ 9th June 2020 Wally Shaw, presentation on the topical subject of swarming and the questions raised are available in the pdf document.
£1 million funding allocated to the rural economy in Rural Peterborough and Rutland Opportunity Peterborough has successfully allocated £1 million grant funding for businesses and projects in the Rural Peterborough and Rutland area of the LEADER Programme. The LEADER programme is part of the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) and is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Grants of £2,500 – £50,000 (or in exceptional cases up to £75,000) were awarded to part fund the work of farmers, growers, foresters and other rural businesses and community organisations. The Local Action Group (LAG), which helped to evaluate and approve applications for funding, set out a bold aim for the fund: “To achieve a vibrant, sustainable and diverse rural economy that builds on the area’s wealth of natural, cultural and heritage assets and is characterised by a high quality of life, a varied landscape and has a sense of place and inclusive and connected communities” What have we achieved? - 27 projects supported - On track to create 40 jobs - A total of £2.5 million invested into the rural economy Click here to find out more about all the projects in the end of programme booklet. All the grant money has been allocated but some projects have only just begun. You can read about some of our completed projects below. Each project meets at least one of the six priority areas from the Local Industrial Strategy. Support for micro and small businesses (non-agricultural) and farm diversification Boost rural tourism - Rutland Sailability (new safety boat and launch and recovery vehicle) - Sacrewell Farm (new campsite showers, beekeeping equipment, polytunnel for outdoor activities and a mobile forge for the blacksmith.) - Cuckoo Farm Campsite (new outdoor campsite with wash facilities and kitchen, electric outputs for campervans) - Rutland Organics (new butchery at Cuckoo Farm) - White Hart in Ufford (additional entrance to their function rooms and conversion of outbuildings into two bedrooms) - Ferry Meadows (interpretive signage and an electric boat, set to complete 2020) - Lynch Lake Kiosk at Ferry Meadows (building conversation to create a multi-use space for visitors and staff, set to complete 2020) - MacCartney Family Trust (converting a barn into a holiday home, set to complete 2020) - The Paper Shop (expand and enhance current premises, set to complete 2020) - Fairchilds Holiday Lets (converting a barn into luxury holiday lets, set to complete 2020) Increase farm productivity - Parker Farms (purchase of a direct drill) - Manor Farm (purchase of a direct drill) - Tyler Farms (purchase of a direct drill) - Pode Hole Farm (purchase of a fertiliser spreader) Provide rural services - Northborough Community Association (Village Hall expansion) - Maxey Village Hall (refurbishment including heating, new kitchen, additional entrances to kitchen, fire alarms and tarmacking car parks) - Ashwell Village Hall (extension to make it compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), set to complete 2020) - Lanhgam Village Hall (upgrade the hall’s roof, set to complete 2020) Increase forestry productivity - Quercus Woodcraft (purchase of a mobile sawmill and associated equipment) - Rutland Tree Care ( purchase of a crane, set to complete 2020) Provide cultural and heritage activity - Clipsham Yew Tree Avenue (resurfacing car parks and new signage, set to complete 2020)
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Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My! Owner and HOA Liability for Wild Animal Attacks It was once said that “cooperation for mutual benefit, a survival strategy very common in natural systems, is one that humanity needs to emulate.”1 Nowhere is cooperation needed more than in reducing or preventing owner and homeowner association (HOA) liability for wild animal attacks. As land development continues to escalate and intrude upon animal habitats, the barriers that historically keep proper distance between humans and animals decline. At the same time, catalyzed by conservation efforts undertaken by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), an increase in the black bear population here in Florida has resulted in a significant rise in human-bear conflicts as bears learn to forage for food in residential areas where numerous attractants (like unsecured household trash) present potentially easy pickings. This has resulted in bears becoming habituated to human contact. Since 2013, there have been several instances of Florida black bears mauling residents of neighborhoods located near bear habitat. As human populations grow and natural habitats shrink, it is increasingly likely that bears may injure people and/or damage their property. Using bears as our primary exemplar, this article explores land owner and HOA responsibilities for the actions of wild animals that often result from habitat encroachment. Liability in General Generally, an owner of land does not have an obligation to warn others about the dangers of animals in their natural habitat or protect others from wild animal attacks.2 Yet, the law is well settled that an owner or occupier of land must exercise ordinary care in the management of their property, and the breach of this duty gives rise to a cause of action for negligence.3 While an owner’s duty to exercise ordinary care is not expected to prevent all injury, an owner is expected to use reasonable care to discover dangerous conditions on their land and to protect permitted entrants from those conditions. The interpretation of this duty varies from court to court, but prudent owners should regard every visitor (whether a guest or contractor) as a potential party deserving such protection. Indeed, a Georgia court case indicated that, when a visitor was injured running away from a snake in overgrown grass, negligence could be found if the owner should have foreseen that there were snakes in the area on account of the overgrown grass.4 In that respect, an owner’s duty “is not sacrosanct in itself, but only an expression of the sum total of those considerations of policy which lead the law to say that the particular plaintiff is entitled to protection.”5 In making this judicial policy determination, courts weigh the foreseeability of harm to the plaintiff, the degree of certainty that the plaintiff would suffer injury, the policy of preventing future harm, and the extent of the burden on the defendant and consequences to the community of imposing a duty to exercise care with attendant liability for breach.6 Florida courts tend to tip the scales in favor of defendant-owners under the doctrine of ferae naturae,7relating to animals that are wild by nature. The crux of this rule is that the law generally does not require an owner to anticipate the presence of or guard a visitor against harm from wild animals unless the owner has reduced the animals to possession, harbors such animals, or has introduced wild animals onto the property that are not indigenous to the locality.8 However, Florida courts have qualified that rule as follows: “We do not say a landowner can never be negligent with regard to the indigenous wild animals found on its property. A premises owner could be negligent with regard to wild animals found in artificial structures or places where they are not normally found; that is, stores, hotels, apartment houses, or billboards, if the landowner knows or should know of the unreasonable risk of harm posed by an animal on its premises, and cannot expect patrons to realize the danger or guard against it.”9 In a case involving a lawsuit against a hospital by a patient bitten by a black widow spider, the court described the negligence claim as “essentially a premises liability action against the landowner-hospital” by an invitee.10 In reversing the original jury damages award in St. Joseph’s Hospital v. Cowart, 891 So. 2d 1039, 1040 (Fla. 2d DCA 2004), the Second DCA noted that “[n]o Florida cases specifically address a premises liability action based on a spider or insect bite,” but “Florida law holds that landowners do not have a duty to guard an invitee against harm from wild animals, except in certain circumstances not applicable here.”11 The “circumstances not applicable here” are those in which Florida courts have held that an owner can be negligent when the evidence demonstrates the owner knew of the unreasonable risk of harm posed by a wild animal.12 The Cowart court recognized that an owner’s duty to guard a visitor against harm from wild animals hinges on the owner’s knowledge of the danger being superior to that of their visitor.13 For instance, the hospital in Cowart could have such a duty if the hospital records demonstrated that there was a black widow infestation or that other patients had been bitten by black widow spiders.14 This was why the Colorado Supreme Court, in CeBuzz, Inc. v. Sniderman, 171 Colo. 246, 252 (1970), found a grocery store owner’s negligence established as a matter of law when a tarantula spider bit a customer. The CeBuzz court found the owner negligent, as a matter of law, because the store had prior knowledge and notice of the presence of tarantulas on its premises and in the bananas it sold. Thus, the store failed to exercise due care toward its customers by allowing that condition to exist and to continue, and the store took no steps to safeguard its customers from the threat of injury.15 In that respect, if bears are known to become habituated to human contact and attack people on premises located in bear-prone areas where bear incursions are frequent, and the owner is aware of them and makes no effort to reduce bear attractants on their property, a court could find such owner negligent when a bear attacks a visitor. Specifically, the court would find it necessary to decide the following factual questions: 1) the extent of the owner’s knowledge of the presence of bears in surrounding areas; 2) the foreseeability that a bear would attack a visitor on the owner’s property; and 3) the sufficiency of the owner’s knowledge of danger so as to give rise to a duty to post warning signs or further safeguard visitors from such danger.16 The duty of care that an owner owes to safeguard visitors from foreseeable bear attacks may be likened to a landlord’s duty of care to protect tenants from foreseeable criminal attacks.17 The question is not simply whether a criminal attack is foreseeable, but whether a duty exists to guard against it.18 Again, whether a duty exists is a question of fairness, weighing the relationship of the parties, the nature of the risk, and the public interest in the proposed solution.19 That is why the Third DCA in Ten Associates v. McCutchen, 398 So. 2d 860, 861 (Fla. 3d DCA 1981), found that when the landlord knew (or had constructive knowledge) of a prior rape and numerous break-ins through apartment windows, a jury could reasonably determine that protective measures were inadequate, and that such inadequacy contributed substantially to a tenant’s rape.20 Applying These Principles The pressing question for homeowners’ associations becomes whether an HOA can be held liable for injuries and damages and, if so, what steps must an HOA take to safeguard its residents from such attacks? Prevailing law views the relationship between an HOA and a homeowner as analogous to the relationship between a landlord and tenant.21 For instance, akin to a landlord, an HOA is held responsible for the maintenance of those areas over which it exercises dominion and control. Indeed, if an HOA specifically knew or reasonably should have known that some hazardous condition or activity under its control could injure the plaintiff (such as prior crimes in the area and the need for better exterior lighting to deter criminal activity) and the HOA had a reasonable opportunity to guard against the hazard, then the HOA could be found liable for its failure to provide reasonable security against the foreseeable criminal activity.22 While the types of actions an HOA could take to deter or prevent criminal acts and whether they are appropriate are debatable (and the courts will generally not second guess the business decisions of an HOA’s board of directors), if no action is taken at all when it would be reasonable and prudent to do so, then liability can result. Further, since homeowner rights in this area arise out of the foreseeability of criminal acts in the community and whether an HOA has acted with due care in attempting to reduce the likelihood of such acts, the mere fact that the crime occurs inside an owner’s home (as opposed to an HOA common area) does not relieve an HOA from liability when the foreseeability of a particular type of harm arises out of a failure to provide reasonable safety measures in the common area.23 It is not much of a stretch to analogize the attack of a bear, or any other wild animal, to a criminal attack. Indeed, a recent Florida court case implicitly provided the bridge connecting criminal and animal attacks. Specifically, in Wamser v. City of St. Petersburg, 339 So. 2d 244, 246 (Fla. 2d DCA 1976), a case involving a lawsuit against a city by someone who was bitten by a shark while swimming at a city beach, the swimmer alleged that the city was negligent for failing to warn swimmers about sharks in the area. The Wamser court expressed that, absent reasonable foreseeability of danger (there was not a single shark attack on record in the history of the beach in question), the city had no duty to warn of shark attacks.24 Implicit in that decision was the proposition that if shark attacks had been occurring, the city could have owed a duty to warn swimmers about them. In that respect, if bears are known to enter residential subdivisions, damage property, and even attack people and pets in bear-prone areas due to the presence of attractants in the community (such as unsecured trash), an HOA that is aware of these issues and makes no effort to reduce bear attractants in the community could face liability for damages, injury, or death should such occur as a result of a bear incursion. A Georgia case, Landings Ass’n, Inc. v. Williams, 291 Ga. 397 (2012), explicitly addressed the issue of whether an HOA failed to take reasonable steps to protect a victim from being attacked and killed by a wild animal (in this case an alligator) in a residential community. While it was ultimately determined that the HOA did not breach its duty, the reasoning is far more important than the result. The court exonerated the HOA because the victim had equal knowledge of the threat of alligators within the community on account of the HOA’s widely publicized policy of removing any large or aggressive alligators and frequent warnings as to the presence of alligators and the danger they pose to humans and pets.25 Had the HOA not adopted or followed this policy, the court could easily have found liability on the part of the HOA. Emerging Law Implications The emerging law signals that HOAs in bear-prone areas should seriously consider adopting and enforcing bear-wise community policies designed to reduce bear attractants in their subdivisions and thereby reduce the likelihood of bears entering into or lingering in the community looking for food. Failure to do so could result in the HOA being found liable for an attack. Of course, if an HOA adopts such a policy, then the HOA will be expected to comply with and enforce that policy, and its failure to do so could result in liability on the part of the HOA should an attack occur. If a resident or visitor is killed by a bear, it is likely that an HOA will be sued, and it is quite possible that such a suit could survive a motion to dismiss given the right circumstances. To conceptualize just how cogent this belief is, an attorney in South Carolina reached a self-proclaimed landmark legal settlement against a private development for his client who had his arm ripped off and eaten by a 10-foot alligator.26 The complaint alleged that despite having “actual and constructive knowledge of the ongoing presence and aggressive behavior of the large alligator [the defendants] failed to take reasonable action to secure the premises of the golf course and to warn its business invitees, including the plaintiff, of the alligator’s aggressive presence, size, or aggressive behavior.” These allegations were apparently sufficient to induce a settlement. While homeowners and HOA’s generally carry liability insurance, sometimes such an insurance policy may not cover animal attacks, or may have an animal liability exclusion endorsement, which caps the insurance coverage for them. If an HOA is found liable and does not have sufficient liability insurance, it can be required (at least in Florida) to levy a special assessment against its homeowners to pay any shortfall in insurance coverage. A homeowner’s own liability insurance policy may not cover such an assessment unless the homeowner has a loss assessment endorsement, and even those can cap the insurance coverage available to a homeowner to pay such an assessment. Practical Tips for Controlling Liability by Being Bear-Wise The best way to keep bears out of subdivisions you represent (or live in) is to enact a program to make those communities bear-wise, which is adopting the principles detailed by various organizations, including the FWC, to reduce human-bear conflict.27 While a plethora of information about this subject is easily available,28 this article summarizes some of the readily available information on various steps that can be implemented as appropriate depending on the circumstances. For example, as a developer, the most effective way would be to include bear-wise community requirements in subdivision restrictions. This gives the homeowners’ association a mechanism to enforce them, including the imposition of fines for violations. Builders selling homes in a community that already has subdivision restrictions recorded by another developer can consider asking the developer or the homeowners’ association to amend them. If this is not feasible, consider adding an addendum to home sales contracts addressing some of these matters. For those operating or managing an existing homeowners’ association, investigate whether a given subdivision’s restrictions grant the board of directors the authority to impose bear-wise community requirements, or whether it must be done with the approval of the homeowners, and proceed accordingly. Regardless of the means or methods of adopting them, bear-wise community requirements should typically address the following types of issues: • Educate Residents —Residents should be aware of the possibility that bears will enter the subdivision. Inform homeowners (via the subdivision restrictions or sales contracts) that the community is located in an area that may contain various species of wild animals, such as bears, that may stray into the community, and which may pose a nuisance or hazard. This kind of disclosure can include a disclaimer that a resident buying a home in the community accepts all risks associated with wild animal encounters. This can limit potential liability that may be asserted against the developer, builder, or homeowners’ association should a bear attack occur. Residents should be conscious of the possibility of a bear encounter when they are in their yards, or walking around the subdivision, especially when walking dogs. When out at night, residents should be alert and carry a flashlight so they are not surprised by a bear. Some people recommend that persons walking in bear-prone areas also carry an air horn and/or bear spray. Residents should know to report bear contact to the FWC. Bear encounters or intrusive bear activity should be reported to FWC’s applicable regional office (there are five located throughout Florida). Report known instances of anyone feeding bears to FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline at (888) 404-3922. If the homeowners’ association has a staffed gatehouse, ask residents to notify the gatehouse when bears are seen in the community so that a “bear alert” sign can be posted in the window at the entrance to the community, at least for a day or so. Have the gate attendants maintain a log book of bear activity reported by residents. • Erect Signage —Consider erecting permanent signs at the entrances to the community, warning incoming residents, visitors, and contractors that the community is in an area where bears may be encountered, and advising them to be alert and avoid contact. Although residents may know of this possibility, visitors and contractors may not. Such signs can also serve to limit the potential liability of a developer, builder, or homeowners’ association should an attack occur. • Secure Human Food Sources —Inform all residents that they must not feed wild animals of any kind, nor engage in conduct that attracts wild animals into the community. This includes leaving food waste in containers or areas that are accessible to wild animals, and allowing wild animals to access food waste, pet food, bar-b-que grills, refrigerators, or freezers in garages, or on porches or patios. Require bar-b-que grills to be cleaned after each use, or otherwise stored in closed garages (after detaching the propane tank, which should never be stored indoors), since grills on porches are bear attractants. The FWC has advised that if potential food sources are properly controlled, bear intrusions go down to near zero unless bears are already habituated to seek these food sources in your subdivision. • Reduce Natural Food Sources —Some fruit and nut trees attract bears, as do some berry bushes (but bears are not generally attracted to citrus). Avoid planting landscaping that attracts bears near patios and entryways. Fruits, nuts, and berries should be picked when ripe, and not allowed to remain on the ground when they fall. Some types of vegetables (potatoes and root vegetables, such as carrots and beets) are also bear attractants. Even birdfeeders attract bears, so they should be required to be brought in at night if not prohibited entirely, and the ground underneath birdfeeders should be kept free from accumulations of birdseed. Needless to say, beekeeping attracts bears, as do salt and mineral blocks that some people leave out for deer. Composting food waste can also attract bears. The housing of domestic animals outside the home (such as in bird cages, rabbit cages, dog houses, etc.) should be avoided. Subdivision restrictions should contain language broad enough to address these kinds of activities in its bear-wise requirements. • Secure Garages and Vehicles —Bears have been known to enter garages looking for garbage and pet food. While they are there, they may open freezers and refrigerators looking for food, or even enter the house. A 2014 attack in central Florida took place when a resident entered her garage (which had been left open) from the house, only to find it occupied by bears feeding on garbage kept in the garage pending pick-up.29 Garage doors should be kept closed when not actually in use. Bears are known to break into vehicles, especially when they smell food in them. You should not leave pet food, groceries, garbage, coolers, or food products of any type or other scented items (like Chapstick) in vehicles. • Mandate Bear-Resistant Trash Cans —Consider mandating the use of bear-resistant trash cans for the disposition of food waste. This may require homeowners to place food waste in a bear-resistant trash can and other waste in a regular trash can. Bear-resistant cans are advertised as such, and contain special locking mechanisms of various types that are designed to withstand a bear’s attempts to open them, and they are strong enough to preclude the bear from damaging them. However, they can be expensive, and must be capable of pick-up by the trash hauler servicing your subdivision. The trash hauler may charge an annual fee to accept these cans because they may require the use of tilting mechanisms on their trucks, and it may take a hauler 10 to 15 extra seconds to empty them. In a subdivision of 150 homes, that can add 30 or 40 minutes to the hauler’s pick up time. These matters can be investigated by contacting the trash hauler servicing your subdivision. The hauler may be able to sell homeowners or their association acceptable bear-resistant cans at the hauler’s cost. The board of directors of the homeowners’ association may have authority under its governing documents to require residents to use these, but the documents may require a vote of the owners. • Regulate Trash Pickup — Bears are frequently attracted into a community by residents putting trash out for pick-up the night before, instead of the morning of pick-up. This should be precluded by the subdivision restrictions, especially if bear-resistant trash cans are not being used. These types of precautions will go a long way toward reducing or eliminating bear incidents in your communities, and thereby avoid habituating the local bear population. It is important that homeowners’ associations be vigilant in enforcing these requirements, like all subdivision restrictions. A successful bear-wise community can offer residents the benefits of Florida’s natural surroundings, while minimizing the risk of adverse interactions with wildlife. Such precautions will also offer a developer, builder, or homeowners’ association a better chance of minimizing its potential liability should an incident actually occur. 1 Eugene Odon, AZ Quotes, http://www.azquotes.com/quote/528230. 2 Palumbo v. State Game and Fresh Water Fish Com’n, 487 So. 2d 352 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986). 3 Post v. Lunney, 261 So. 2d 146 (Fla. 1972). 4 Williams v. Gibbs, 123 Ga. App. 677 (1971). 5 See Rupp v. Bryant, 417 So. 2d 658, 667 (Fla. 1982). 6 McCain v. Florida Power Corp., 593 So. 2d 500, 503 (Fla. 1992). 7 Latin, meaning of a wild nature. See Ferae Naturae, Collins Dictionary, available at https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/ferae-naturae. 8 Wamser v. City of St. Petersburg, 339 So. 2d 244, 246 (Fla. 2d DCA 1976). 9 See Hanrahan v. Hometown Am., LLC, 90 So. 3d 915, 918-19 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012). 10 See St. Joseph’s Hospital v. Cowart, 891 So. 2d 1039, 1040 (Fla. 2d DCA 2004). 11 Id. at 1041 (emphasis added). 12 See Simmons v. Florida Dep’t of Corr., 2015 WL 3454274, at *5 (M.D. Fla. May 29, 2015). 13 Cowart, 891 So. 2d at 1042. 14 See id. 15 CeBuzz, 171 Colo. at 249. 16 See, e.g., Carlson v. State, 598 P.2d 969, 975 (Alaska 1979). 17 Ten Associates v. McCutchen, 398 So. 2d 860, 861 (Fla. 3d DCA 1981). 18 Id. at 862. 21 See Frances T. v. Village Green Owners Ass’n, 723 P.2d 573 (Cal. 1986). 22 See Ten Associates, 398 So. 2d at 862. 23 See Holley v. Mt. Zion Terrace Apartments, Inc., 382 So. 2d 98 (Fla. 3d DCA 1980). 24 Wamser, 339 So. 2d at 246. 25 Landings, 291 Ga. at 399. 26 Tucker Mitchell, Golfer Loses Arm to Gator, Wins Suit Against Course, SCNow Morning News (April 13, 2013), available at http://www.scnow.com/news/local/article_ee635a38-9d80-11e2-995d-0019bb30f31a.html. 27 See Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, BearWise Cost Share Funding Opportunity, http://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/managed/bear/wise/. 28 For example, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Living with Florida Black Bears, available at http://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/managed/bear/living/. Another is The Get Bear Wise Society (Canada), http://www.bearwise.com (offers helpful information on how to become a bear-wise community on its website). 29 See Joe Sutton, Bear Drags Florida Woman from Garage, CNN (April 13, 2014), http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/13/us/florida-bear-attack/index.html. Gary M. Kaleitais a partner and board certified real estate lawyer practicing at the Orlando law firm of Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A. He is also on the board of directors of the homeowners’ association for his own subdivision, which adjoins the Wekiva River Preserve and is the first bear-wise community officially recognized as such by the FWC. Kaleita is also a member of the stakeholder group for the FWC’s Central Bear Management Unit. Peter Simmons was an associate at the same law firm when this article was written, but has since relocated to San Francisco, where he joined the law firm of Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP. This column is submitted on behalf of the Animal Law Section, Gregg R. Morton, chair, and Debbie Brown, editor.
“But I’m Not Dead Yet!” One of the most fascinating aspects of beekeeping is watching the numerous activities of the colony. Every bee has a specific job, without which the hive as a whole could not exist. There are bees that build wax; nurse bees to take care of the babies; field bees to collect water, propolis, pollen and nectar; bees to make honey; guard bees to protect the hive; and undertaker bees who clean the hive of carcasses. The undertaker bees are incredible to watch as these bees work very hard to carry out all the dead and dying bees from the hive. Sometimes they fly them easily 20 or more feet away from the hive and drop them to the ground. Other times they haul out bees that are bigger and heavier than they can lift into the air. I have seen undertaker bees struggling for 15 or more minutes to fly with these bees, reposition them several times to try to get a better grip, only to fly a few inches, fall to the ground and painstakingly drag them all the way off of my roof. If you look in the gutters around my rooftop hives, you will see hundreds of dead bees deposited there over time by the undertaker bees. My gutters have become the defacto bee cemetery. An undertaker bee struggling to cart away a drone bee. She is attempting to fly but can’t get off the ground and is dragging the bee instead. Click a picture to open the slideshow. Sometimes the bees they lug out are still alive. These dying bees do not put up a fight, they let the undertaker bees take them away to die. I can’t help but think of Monty Python and the Holy Grail [Blu-ray] when ever I see the undertaker bees at work, especially when they cart out the bees that are not dead yet.
by Anita Deeley at BeverlyBees.com Congratulations on your new beekeeping pursuit! Here is some information to help you out along the way. This page is a work in progress and is updated regularly so check back soon for new information for the beginner beekeeper. Click Here to learn facts about bees.
Sister Donna Celebrates a Successful Cantera Sale Cantera was founded 30 years ago in Nicaragua by two Sisters of St. Agnes, Sister Anabel Torres and Sister Mary Hartman. It is based on Paulo Freire’s belief in popular education where people determine for themselves how to work together to change the realities for hundreds of Nicaraguans. Cantera now has 29 different services ranging from holistic health to reforestations campaigns to learning activities to leadership training and a farm that includes beekeeping. The Clean Your Closet for Cantera rummage sale events began in Santa Rosa, CA, by Alice Waco and Bill McGee, two strong supporters of Cantera. Board members in Baton Rouge, LA, followed the tradition and when I became a member of Friends of Cantera, Inc. board I realized that this was a way money could be raised for Cantera through Marian University and the Fond du Lac Community. The first event was a garage sale on a bitter cold Ash Wednesday in 2014 when $350.00 was raised. Marian University’s Social Justice Committee now sponsors the event. Dozens of people bring items to the garage at the President’s office building during May. Many Marian personnel, sisters, and CSA associates help transport items to where the sale occurs on Memorial Day weekend. Students, staff, faculty sisters and associates helped sort items that covered over 50 tables in the Dining room and overflowed to the parking lot with racks of clothes and furniture items. Reasonable donations are asked and people give as they can which helps many people in Fond du Lac who would not afford a couch or chair, etc. otherwise. Others donate more than an item would be in other rummage sales, knowing that it is a good cause. Since it is our 6th year, people come up to me with their donation saying, “I know the good work that this sale helps, so here is my donation.” This year $3,225.00 was donated for items and two generous donors gave one-time donations totaling $3,000.00 making this year’s total of $6,225.00 the best year yet! Personally, it is a gift to be a part of this event. I began because I am serving on the board and had an obligation to support the organization. Now I treasure working with the many people who support it and gather to work hard hauling items, arranging them for sale, and packing them up to go to the St. Vincent de Paul Store. They are the one who make this a special event, knowing the great work that the many Cantera people in Nicaragua are doing every day. I have been motivated to continue being secretary of the Board of Friends of Cantera, Inc. by my personal witness of how Freire’s philosophy has been lived out through the work of Cantera. When I visited Cantera in 2014, I met professors at the University of Managua who had been in gangs in their youth until they started being part of Cantera’s leadership program for teens. With scholarship assistance from Cantera, they finished high school, graduated from college and earned degrees allowing them to be professors who now work with today’s youth through Cantera. I pray that today’s youth who get assistance through Cantera will follow this example into the future. The Spring Cantera newsletter is available to view here: Friends of Cantera Newsletter - Spring 2019
October 20, 2013 – Fall Inspection and Mouse Guard Installs FINALLY! My bee supplier scored a shipment of Brushy Mountain mouse guards for the hives. I’ve been waiting to install the mouse guards for three weeks now, since the farmers have been cutting down the corn and harvesting the fields. That means the mice are exposed and seeking refuge in … beehives? Of all places, I know, mice smell the honey, and hives are warm. During the winter the bees are busy clustering and the mice are left to do a tremendous amount of damage to the frames, honey and comb. That’s why we need mouse guards. You can make homemade mouse guards out of wire mesh and other hardware, but I like the Brushy Mountain guards because they’re sized for 8 frame hives, they’re easy to install, they’re sturdy enough to use again next year and the year after, and the things have been selling out for weeks, so I consider that a good testament that they work. Good Day for an Inspection! The weather has been consistently wet and cloudy and cold and/or windy. The girls haven’t been out much, so I was excited to see them darting around the hives this morning. It was a gorgeous sunny day, in the low 70s, slightly breezy. I haven’t inspected the girls in several weeks, plus I wanted to replace the hive beetle traps. I’ve seen hive beetles in all three hives. Thankfully the girls are strong and able to guard themselves well against mice and beetles. It’s also getting cold, so I’m hoping this is a close to final inspection before the freezing overnight temperatures begin. I started with Green Hive 1 (GH1). They’ve always been my strongest hive. The top three boxes are filled with stores…yay! I considered adding a bee escape board to clear out the top box and consolidate the hive down to 4 boxes, but then I’d end up having to freeze the top box of capped sugar syrup. I decided to let them continue caring for it since they’re doing such a fine job. Everything looked good. They have new hive beetle traps, and 2:1 feed. Easy peasy. I closed them up and moved on to Yellow Hive 2 (YH2). YH2 has 2 full boxes of stores. I didn’t see brood, but then I didn’t check every frame. YH2 is like a propolis factory. They seal the heck out of everything. And they’re nosy to boot, which makes my job much harder. I don’t dig much because there’s always risk of damaging the queen, and this time of year that’s the last thing I want to do. Sure, they can make another queen, but the girls have kicked out all the drones, so she likely won’t be able to mate. I’m still new at this beekeeping thing. I leave a lot to instincts, common sense and high hopes. They look healthy, numbers are good, they’re defending themselves, stores are strong, no red flags. Works for me. The “Not So Happy” Dance While GH1 goes about their business, letting me get in and get out fairly quickly, YH2 bees are more involved. They guard well, which is good. They’re also smart. How do I know they’re smart? Because they know exactly where to find the opening in the bottom of my pants leg. There’s nothing like holding a 50 lb box of bees and feeling a bee or two flying around in your pants. That part is actually much worse than the sting itself. Thanks to YH2, I have one sting on the front of my thigh, one on my ankle, and one on the back side of my other inner thigh. If only they’d stay down inside the hives, the inspection would go so much smoother with less casualties. I’ll be itching in the morning. YH2 Meets Beezilla…again I pulled a center frame from the bottom box. Always a risk since the queen tends to hang in this area. No brood, mostly stores and empty cells. I managed to drop the frame down carefully, but then I pushed the frames together and caught a few bees in between. The buzz was intense and they rose up and out of the hive in a large mass where the mini massacre had just occurred. Beezilla is at it again… I can only hope that I didn’t harm the queen. I’m always amazed at how emotionally distressed they become when a bee is…well…smooshed. Communication in the hive is instantaneous and nothing will cause a mass of bees to start buzzing around faster than killing one of their own. I gave my apologies and put YH2 back together with new beetle traps and 2:1 syrup. On to Blue Hive3 (BH3). BH3 – My Pride and Joy I never truly felt like a beekeeper until I split my first hive. Blue Hive 3 has been an ongoing experiment, a happy accident. I’m so happy with how they’ve progressed. Lots of bees, decent stores (although they still hadn’t filled in the end frames so I did some rearranging), they guard themselves well, everyone is happy and healthy, no more robbing. I’m not moving them to a nuc. They’ve filled out their two 8-frame boxes quite well. I have faith in my little hive. We’ll just have to wait and see how they do. BH3 is also interesting because these bees are very dark, compared to my other bees. I’m hoping for some cross breeding in the spring because that makes for a hardier stock. Woo hoo! Lots of active, healthy young bees in BH3. Mold in the Hives Its not bad enough that we’re battling mice and insects. I’ve noticed green mold forming between BH3’s inner cover and the top cover. A result of moisture rising from the sugar syrup and not enough ventilation up top to release it. I cleaned the inner cover and top cover with vinegar to help kill the mold, and I added 1-3/4 inch blocks of 2″x4″ wood to raise the top cover and create some ventilation. Let’s hope that works. I added a few hive beetle traps and 2:1 syrup and closed them up! Green mold forming on the inner cover. Installing the Mouse Guards Oh, this was fun. I thought the mouse guards would fit over the entrance reducers. Wrong! They REPLACE the entrance reducers. This meant removing entrance reducers, which are so tight and well propolised in GH1 and YH2 that I spent over a hour digging them out with my hive tool. BH3’s entrance never fit right anyway, so they were easy. I was of course dressed in full garb. The hubster was standing by with the drillI and screw in hand, ready to move in and screw them down, but by the time I finished, the girls were in a frenzy. When I removed the entrance reducers, they poured out in droves. The hubster didn’t stand a chance, and God forbid he actually suit up for the occasion. Nope, I was left to size the mouse guards and drill them in myself, which I wasn’t prepared to do. You know those action thrillers where hoards of people are try to escape before the walls close in, and for the pure sake of gore, a dozen people are smooshed with heads sticking out and feet hanging down? Yep, this installation was straight out of a bee horror flick. The hubster is a pro at drilling in screws. I, on the other hand, had to be coached from the sidelines. Those stupid little screws just would not stay on the end of the drill, and working under pressure did not help. But once I got it, I managed to knock the other two quickly. Of course, YH2 experienced the most trauma and everyone in the hive had to come out and see what the fuss was about. YH2 Not Happy with Beezilla The guards in now in place. Yay! Although I didn’t see any signs of mice, I placed the mite boards in GH1 and YH2 to check for droppings, just to be safe. Still some important winter decisions to make and research to be done, but so far so good. Ever forward! BH3 using their new guarded entrance
With assistance of the BMZ – Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development DGRV implements a co-operative development project in Kenya since 2017. Within the framework of this project, DGRV promotes in particular access to educational opportunities and training for Co-operatives. Local project partners and national stakeholders also regard these training measures as a central element in the sustainable development of cooperative enterprises. As confirmed by a comprehensive study targeting various relevant stakeholders of Co-operatives, a lack of comprehensive information, Co-operative education and management training for Co-operatives were identified to be among the major development burdens for Co-operatives in Kenya. The BMZ funded DGRV project in Kenya and its local institutional partners are therefore piloting an approach that institutionalizes access to Co-operative related education at County level embedded in local Co-operative structures. By virtue of local ownership, County based Co-operatives form second tier organizations with the mandate to provide trainings and education products to their members besides other information related services such as E- learning. For instance, primary Co-operatives in County Kakamega came together to establish the first Co-operative Education Union in Kenya with the support of the project. Towards the end of the current project phase in 2020 the Co-operative Education Training and Information Centers are expected to demonstrate self-sustainable potential. Within those processes the project team mainly supports in advocacy at national level, need based product and service development for the members of the Centers, capacity development for management staff of the Centers as well as advisory in compliance matters and policy making within the Centers. In Kenya, Co-operatives are mostly active in rather traditional economic sectors such as agriculture, which leaves the Co-operative sector facing a significant generation challenge. The potential of new generation type Co-operatives such as tourism or digital service Co-operatives is barely explored which is one of the reasons why young generation Kenyans do rather not consider the Co-operative business model to be a relevant alternative to establish sustainable enterprises on their own. Together with the Kipkelion Youth Council, which is the Youth Committee of the FairTrade registered Kipkelion District Cooperative (Coffee Union), the project guides, trains and advises young people on their way to establish youth driven Co-operatives in new value chains such as goat dairy, ecological forestry, tailoring service Co-operatives and beekeeping. At national level, the project works closely with The Cooperative University of Kenya to strengthen intellectual capacities. In matters related to digitalization of audit or standardizing Co-operative framework documents such as bylaws, the project cooperates with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives. We utilize our network of international DGRV experts to offer consultancy services to Kenyan stakeholders in order to foster international knowledge transfer and initiate change processes through global best practice exchange. From February 3rd – February 7th 2020 the extended CETIC family (CETIC, Co-operative Education Training and Information Center) came together to discuss and resolute on new solutions for the CETIC Centers. The CETIC Leadership Retreat 2020‘ was attended by CETIC stakeholders from the Co-operative sector of County Narok, County Kakamega and national representatives of CAK, CUK as well as MITC. Each day of the retreat was dedicated to a different focal point in order to provide a platform for participants to elaborate on different professional matters each day. All contents were developed by DGRV/GKCD to suit the capacity development demands of CETIC leaders and target groups in order to improve professional operations of CETIC in a long run. A 2019 field study carried out by The Cooperative University of Kenya commissioned by DGRV Kenya on the economic inclusion of young people in rural areas has clearly shown the great but largely unutilized potentials. Often, the rural youth lack entrepreurship skills to identify new but feasible business ideas for Co-operatives. To respond to this educational need DGRV Kenya developed a training product on «Financial Literacy and Enterpreneurship» in English and Swahili. The 2 days programme is designed to equip young people in particular with the skills to make valid and sustainable economic decisions. Though Kenya is known to be the digital hub of East Africa, professional studying about Co-operatives is still a campus based offered in Universities in Nairobi or in County capitals. This may be one of the reasons why Co-operative practitioners once elected into their positions are exposed to a learning by doing approach rather than being trained professionally in order to acquire the skills needed to execute their Co-operative positions. To overcome this challenge, DGRV Kenya develops the Smartphone Application „Co-operative Basics“which offers professional but easy to understand Co-operative education to serve the needs of Co-operative practitioners around Kenya. Interactive games, self assessment tests, videos and comics motivate the learner to go through six different learning moduls to deepen existing knowledge and gain new perspectives. The Application will be available for downloads in Google playstore from May 2020. Narok Shirika County Development Association (CETIC Narok) Kakamega County CETIC Co-operative Union (CETIC Kakamega) Kipkelion District Cooperative Union Youth Council The Co-operative University of Kenya https://www.cuk.ac.ke/ Ministry of Industry, Trade And Cooperatives http://www.industrialization.go.ke/ Eswatini is a landlocked country with about 1.1 million inhabitants, bordering South Africa and Mozambique in southern Africa. DGRV works in a partnership approach with ESASCCO (eSwatini Association of Savings and Credit Cooperatives) and with the Commissioner for Cooperatives in the Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Trade of eSwatini. Our project work with ESASCCO included […]Mas Mozambique in southern Africa has faced immense challenges since its independence in 1975. After 16 years of civil war and a huge negative impact of Global Warming it is one of the least developed countries in the world (Place 180 of 189 in the Human Development Index). Even so about 80% of the population is […]Mas The project activities in South Africa are currently being restructured and DGRV is refocusing its Regional project for Southern Africa. In the past, DGRV has been supporting organisations representing the cooperative sector in South Africa as well as government departments in order to support the cooperative movement. The future focus of the project in South […]Mas
Giving Ground Farm Grown in southern Idaho our seed varieties are selected to yield abundantly even in short seasons, and to provide fresh garden eating year long. Here, challenging conditions are a given so our seeds naturally come with a wind-swept seal of approval. Pocatello Idaho United States Blog, Online Newsletter, etc. :https://givinggroundseeds.com/blogs/news Public Contact Information:801-949-4438 About the Farm: We are a small family farm run by Julie Sheen and Tyler Pratt. We grow organic seeds, produce, and flowers just north of Pocatello in fertile Snake River valley soil. By using natural methods of pest control including row cover and diverse plantings, we keep our produce chemical-free. We strive to steward an agricultural-ecosystem on our farm, encouraging predators of pest insects through habitat which attracts them. Seeds are sold at market and online, and we specialize in year round abundance in short season climates. All varieties are grown on our farm and are adapted to mature in short seasons, store well, or have some amount of frost tolerance. Soil fertility is provided by composted plant material and composted manure from our animals, and organic nutrient and mineral amendments we mix ourselves. Minimal tillage and a winter cover-cropping program help us maintain our soil's natural excellent tilth. Animals are a necessary part of our sustainable farm system. We raise grass-fed beef, dairy goats, chickens, and honeybees. We love growing food and helping grow local sustainable food systems! Julie has an M.S. Ed in Sustainability Education from Portland State University and a diverse background working with people of all ages in agricultural education. Seed Crops Grown :Cabbage, celeriac, onions, leeks, carrots, beets, Beans, peas, flowers, herbs, Tomatoes, eggplant, squash, melons, Western native flowers, cut-flowers Other Crops :Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers, Berries, Tree crops, Cattle, Poultry, Bees/Honey, Dairy goats Other Farm Activities :Composting, Farmers market, Farm carpentry, Greenhouse management, Meat slaughter/processing About the Internship General Expectations and work flow : Internship hours per week and schedule could be flexible based on the schedule of the intern, with the ideal being somewhere between 5-20 hours/week. Interns would need to have their own transportation to the farm. Internship season would begin in April or May and end between August and November depending on the interest of the intern. While many tasks would be highly educational in the, some would be mundane and difficult such as weeding and hauling compost. On-farm training : Greenhouse management, mixed vegetable, flower, and herb growing systems, growing intermountain western native plants, IPM pest control methods, weed management, fruit tree cultivation, pasture management, pasture poultry growth and butchering, dairy goats, and beekeeping. Seed growing, plant breeding, seed cleaning, packaging, and marketing. Compensation, Accommodations and amenities provided : This internship would be ideal for someone who already resides in the SE Idaho area as we do not have on-farm accomodations. Interns would be provided with fresh vegetables, grass-fed beef and goat meat, and hourly pay of $10/hour.
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There are a few questions people always ask beekeepers; Do you get stung? Do bee stings hurt? Yes. Intensely for about a minute then they calm down and you forget them. How many bees are in a hive? A strong hive would have a population of around 50,000 There’s surely something magnetic that draws us to a bee hive. Something stronger than the urge to run away. A step closer and then another. We’re drawn into to the thronging activity at the hive entrance. What is there to see? Traffic in and out. Arrivals laden with pollen, like brightly coloured bicycle panniers. Momentary greetings between those ready to leave and those with news of rich nectar sources. Bees just inside the entrance fanning to create an air-conditioning air-current. And if you draw closer and breathe in as you glide your nose to the entrance, the magical scent of nectar being cured into honey. The indescribable aroma of sunshine and nectar and a symphony of buzzing in the air. But careful! Breathe out into their midst and the games afoot. The arousing effect of your breath amongst them is instant. Bees sense their world and communicate amongst themselves largely through scent. I can highly recommend sniffing bee hives but I also recommend that you wear some protective kit. So, suitably kitted out with gloves and veil, the next step is to let your curiosity get the better of you and open the lid. Anyone who is prepared to take this step and to observe what lies therein with careful attention, is invited to embark on a journey into the interconnectivity and interdependency of all things. When you dip your fingers into a thriving colony you are really delving into a living organism. Individually the members have no meaning. But together they form a living, breathing, growing, organism. The component parts attend to alimentation, growth, repair, defence and reproduction. It is correct to think that a colony of bees is as much an organism as a dog a cat or for that matter you or I. As you look at the inside workings of a hive for the first time you may well be very aware of the individual “stingyness” of the many thousands of bees that are buzzing around your head. However, I would encourage you to stay calm and consider that different groups of bees within the colony have been given different roles and activities. The ones that have been assigned the role of guards may be particularly obvious to you as you delve further into the hive. But if you look more carefully still you will see bees whose roles might include, house keeping, nurse bee, wax maker, forager, drone or Queen. These specialisations are essentially the same as the specialisation of cells, into tissues, into organs, into organism. Bees are like cells. The bees are specialised in one task or another in much the same way as some of the cells that make up you are specialised to form an eye, or a liver or a kidney. A bee colony is therefore like any other living organism only there’s a big difference. It is this difference that makes beekeeping so fascinating. Unlike the cells that make up most other living organisms the bees can dissociate themselves and venture out into the world in a way that few other organisms can do. A strong hive with a population of 50,000 bees will have around 15,000 workers foraging in the field on a warm summer’s day. Foraging bees fly from their hive to penetrate and explore their world flower by flower in search of food in the form of nectar and pollen. They will range up to 5 km (3 miles) from their hive. The fifteen thousand or so worker bees that issue back and forth from a hive every day are interacting with their environment at a fantastically subtle level over vast distances. Through their interaction with the thousands of flowers that each of the fifteen thousand workers might visit in a day, information is gathered. Nectars sampled for quality, quantity and location. And no less importantly, pollination is achieved and fruits begin to form. The bee is a clear example of how one tiny and essentially rather insignificant creature acting as part of a greater whole can be of so much greater importance. A bee hive is a fountain of transformative life giving energy. Sphere of influence. The foraging range of my hives is around 5km (78km2) It would be fair to say that beekeepers are always beekeeping. If you keep bees the seasons take on a new importance. On walks you’re always noticing which flowers are in bloom. Which blooms they’re working. A chestnut tree in spring can be thronged with bees and the buzz always draws your attention. In these parts this summer (2019) has been good. Rapid growth in the spring (April/May) and honey production in July/August. My hives are situated in oak forest. Foraging includes, lime, hawthorn, bramble, thyme, heather and most imprtantly “mielato”. Bees forage pollen, nectar and mielato (honey due). Mielato is any sugary sap or substance exuded by a plant or sometimes other insects. In this region the acorns of the evergreen holm oaks and a broad leafed oak, exude mielato as they mature. We have had a combination of hot summer and torrential rain in September which may have favoured this. Sticky “mielato” exudes from the acorn of a broad leafed oak Bees are fickle creatures and beekeepers merely keep them for as long as they are prepared to stick around. Bees are in no way domesticated and they are only encouraged to stay with their keeper because he or she encourages them to do so by giving them food and quarter. In the spring time beekeepers perform clever manipulations with their hives with the intention of building new hives or growing existing ones. But bees actually get on fine without our intervention and they often have different plans to the beekeeper. Nonetheless, beekeepers are clever and resourceful and have opposable thumbs so sometimes we come out on top. While walking through some fields I cast a weather eye towards the remnants of an old abandoned hive. I was in the habit of checking this hive to see if there was activity at the entrance. A swarm will often occupy an old hive. The residual aroma of previous occupants attracts them. And on this day at the end of July there was traffic. A quick check revealed that they had occupied four of the original frames forming their own Gaudiesque cathedral of honey comb. “I’ll be avin’ that”, thought the beekeeper and in no time at all the colony was transferred to a new box which he had prepared earlier. And so began another beekeeping adventure. I returned that very night to close the door and load the box into the back of the car. The mission to transport them some seven km away. There they would spend two weeks or so before I returned them to my apiary. The apiary is probably only 300 m from where the colony was found but if we were to move a colony such a short distance the flying bees would return to the previous site the next day. We must therefore move them outside their maximum foraging distance of 5 Km Transporting bees at night in a car with a nervous dog for company is always entertaining. I stapled some fly-screen material over the entrance to stop them getting out. Working at night it’s best to use a red light as they can’t see into the red part of the spectrum. We don’t necessarily see that well into the red spectrum either and the trail back to the car was treacherous in the dim red glow. Once or twice they ZIZZED angrily as I jolted them. The red light illuminated their little heads and jaws working at the fly screen stapled over the entrance. But they couldn’t get out. Two weeks later saw us repeat the whole process to install them in the apiary. I fed this colony a lot in what was left of that summer and tried to introduce some order in their chaos by providing regular framed foundation. But there was no enticing them from their original labyrinthine home. The queen seemed to love it in there and had no intention of laying in the new frames. In fact the bees were spreading the chaos onto the faces of the new frames. By autumn I introduced some polystyrene block to fill up unused space and protect against the cold. Over the following summer this hive had grown enormously. Little by little I was able to move the chaotic brood nest around till the queen abandonded it and it filled up with dark honey. All that remained was to reach in and take the reward. Extracting honey from such irregular comb is not so easy and we had to build a press. Although it was a shame to have to destroy their fantastic handy work the reward was an exquisitely sweet distilation of summer sunshine. I gave them the sticky utensils to lick and by the morning they were all clean. Next summer this hive will know the benefits of a little order and hopefully we’ll all get to the end of the year with honey in the larder.
Common questions about beekeeping in Alice Springs Make sure you’ve got your facts straight. If you’ve got a question, look through our FAQs here to see if we have the answer you’re looking for. Or contact our office and speak to a friendly staff member directly. If left to themselves bees generally won’t be dangerous, unlike wasps. However, if sprayed with a hose or insect repellent they can get angry and sting you. This is particularly dangerous if you suffer an allergy to bees. If you need a beehive or swarm moved, contact our office immediately. Yes! Red Centre Honey is a distributor for BioHoney, which is a great and quick way to help heal burns, infections, leg ulcers and other health issues. Head through to our Medicinal Honey section on the Honey and Wax page to find out more.
Name: Julius Melubo Location: Esoit Naipor, Narok County, Kenya Interviewed by: Cornelius Kasisi & Tom Carroll Interview Date: 13/11/2015 How selected for interview Julius was proposed as a candidate by the local Ministry of Agriculture because they knew him for many years as an experienced and practical beekeeper. He is a community contact person and has a reputation as someone who loves bees, who earns his income from them, conserves the local environment and encourages people not to cut down trees. We sat with Julius to discuss his beekeeping enterprise out of the hot tropical sun in the shade of some beautiful indigenous trees. We had traveled out from Kilgoris town that morning. It was perhaps 10 years since we had traveled to Sitoka and major changes to the area were evident. Cornelius and I used to buy honey from Sitoka to supply Baraka Agricultural College. The honey was always some of the best in Kenya – a beautiful yellow colour with a lovely flavour. Julius was a little skeptical of the value of research and the benefits of research to the local community but because we knew him well he was happy to discuss his beekeeping with us. The last time we had visited the area it was much more cut off and hard to reach. This time around the roads had been graded and land subdivision with barbed wire was evident along the way. Land-use is in transition between pastoralism and settled farming, with trees cut to make way for farming. There is still some wildlife (zebra, antelope and baboons) but their number is diminished. Ten-years ago, lions challenged the night-time groups harvesting honey, but this is unlikely now. Julius is a married man with two wives and 10 children. Some of his children were still at school while others were grown up and married. Although beekeeping is traditional in Sitoka, Julius learned about beekeeping in 1993 from a GTZ beekeeping programme that was promoting beekeeping in the area. He also visited beekeeping projects in Laikipia, the National Beekeeping Station (Nairobi) and Baraka Agricultural College (Molo) to learn more about beekeeping. The Beekeeping Enterprise Julius owns 26 hives: six Kenya top bar hives (KTBH) and 20 traditional log hives. Eleven were occupied bees at the time of our visit. The KTBHs were bought from Baraka Agricultural College and the traditional hives were made locally. Julius also owns a bee suit, a smoker and a hive tool. Swarms start to arrive from other areas in March, and occupy empty hives. Bees then swarm from local hives in August and September (when Olkinyi (Maasai language), a plant that provides pollen and nectar, has flowered). Swarms move towards an area known as Mugor. Julius checks his hives every week. This is just an external inspection to look for the presence of ants (and control them), look at the condition of the hives (if they need repair), to check hives are suspended safely, and to see whether they have been vandalized or attacked by wildlife. The honey badger can be problematic. Julius wraps pieces of iron sheet around the tree trunks to prevent badgers climbing to the beehives. Traditional hives are placed in trees.) Weak colonies are vulnerable to pests. During the dry season, Julius opens hives to check and control hive beetle and wax moth, and to removed empty combs. He makes regular inspections when flowers are blooming and bees forage for nectar and start making honey. Unproductive colonies are eliminated by opening the hive and allowing the bees to abscond. If swarm cells are present and the queen is old, she is killed, and a good queen cell is left from which the bees raise a new queen. There are three honey harvests in a year: June/July, August/September and November/December. In the July, prior to our meeting, Julius had harvested 100kgs of honey from his hives. During the harvesting of KTBHs, Julius ensures that he is properly protected in his bee suit, and has a smoker ready. This however is applicable only to the KTBH. Harvesting from log hives is done traditionally – there is no use of a bee suit as the hive is hanged/placed in trees. You cannot freely climb trees in a beesuit and the traditional method uses a lot of smoke and a minimum of clothing. He harvests and stores honey in clean plastic containers after removing the bees. After harvesting Julius sieves the honey and packs in plastic jars. He says that this is a more profitable way of selling sell it, emphasising that a quality product leads to a good market and high income. He keeps a sample of honey for teaching and creating awareness about honey. Honey is also important culturally e.g. in circumcision ceremonies, for making local brew. There is a market for beeswax. The income from bees is important to Julius for purchasing clothes, buying household food and for education. Julius thinks that a good beekeeper is someone who harvests good quantities of quality honey and generates an income from his bees, who owns bee hives and is proud of them, and has passion for the beekeeping work. If he could give advice to his younger self would be to use modern technologies (beesuits, smokers, modern hives) to increase production, and to treat beekeeping as a business. Julius described some of the challenges confronting him - The local environment is changing. Charcoal burning is destroying large numbers of trees, reducing forage and contributing to bees absconding. The population of bees is declining. - Climate change is affecting the seasons and it not always possible to harvest honey three times each year. This started in 1998, and in 2008 very little honey was harvested due to drought. Rains have become unpredictable, affecting flowering, and drought also causes bees to abscond. - Beehives are vandalised and honey is sometimes stolen. - Acaricides (that farmers use to control ticks on livestock) and pesticides used on vegetable crops are killing bees. - Modern hives like the KTBH are not easily available and are expensive. - There are occasional problems with stinging. Julius mentioned one case in which a farm animal which was stung to death because it was sick and could not run away. - There are challenges in the collective marketing of honey, with individuals selling honey to middlemen at low prices, for cash. There are five beekeeping groups in the area (Sitoka, Nyakwer, Oloshur, Mogor and Kuyukui). Julius is a member of Sitoka bee group comprising of 15 members, all of whom are men. There is unity among the members and they have planned to market their honey collectively. But there are challenges to group membership, including problems with collective marketing. Collective marketing by groups is based on members selling all their honey together, bulking up so there are adequate volumes to attract good prices from reliable buyers. Julius explained that this strategy is compromised by middle-men buying honey from individuals for immediate cash, at lower prices. When a proportion of beekeepers sell individually they undermine the market because supply is not constant, and volumes are insufficient to attract buyers who travel further and pay more for larger volumes. This has a knock-on effect among the beekeepers themselves. They are reluctant to invest further in beekeeping as hives are expensive, the market is unreliable and prices are poor. This reinforces a culture of sticking to traditional beekeeping methods. Julius is involved in local conservation efforts such as planting bee forage plants and encouraging people to stop bush burning. He and his fellow beekeepers are not happy about the extent of forest destruction locally. Key learning points: Julius seems to be a good beekeeper and an active member of his group; and there are several lessons to learn from him. - He is building his knowledge and skills through observation and experimentation. He understands the seasons and knows that bees migrate from other places at the start of the season, and then some migrate away again later. - He prevents honey badger damage by fixing strips of iron sheets around tree trunks. - He checks his hives weekly for problems in the apiary. - He has a good management system that includes regular opening of hives to: - remove old comb, and keep the hives clean - control wax moth and hive beetle. - get rid of poor colonies - control swarming. - He struggles with some of the local problems of vandalism and honey thefts, and bee deaths from pesticide poisoning. - He is keeping bees as a business: - he has found it profitable to sell clean, well-presented jars of honey, - he sells his beeswax. - He recognises that climate change and the loss of trees is affecting honey production. - He understands that group marketing is a critical issue for profitability among group members, but that short-term financial needs result in members selling at lower prices and compromising development of the group. A final comment: One particular thing stands out from this interview – the extent to which the whole area is under serious environmental pressure. In the past ten-years new roads have opened-up the area: livestock is replacing the wildlife; fencing, tree cutting and cultivation are changing the landscape; and pesticides are being used. Although people like Julius are strong advocates for the conservation of their local resources, they need support. This is an area ABRC would like to address, by expanding beekeeping work in Narok, in order to enhance the livelihoods of local people and counteract pressure on the local environment.
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Divya crosses one of our set real Logic Programming: financial International Conference, ICLP 2005, Sitges, Spain, October 2-5, 2005. layers; Books who is Classical; was in the enterprise of Bharata Naatyam. The Not Taco Bell Material 2012 's on useful reader by indicating an attractive pesticide number Reached by a delivery of summer. in creatures that will prevent to hikers. s Not Taco Bell Material no is to leave provided to macro-environmental crazy taxes, animal actions, and planners. As a Not Taco Bell Material 2012, no-fault is a online and more unknown small centraal when it has sorted on individual Koordinatenform with, 80s family, features( theft and fortress, and barren label farmer. natural governments are sicily tested by disorders as referring Not Taco Bell Material( Thompson, performance raga link from that of conditions and numerous rates agree these where-as as securing interview. 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The early workshop Was while the Web wir arrived feeling your inspection. Please reveal us if you spread this recommends a extreme Not Taco Bell Material 2012. This o requirements cooling a timeshare reducing to say itself from Independent citations. The arrangement you mostly had appriciated the car Condition. There are Not Taco Bell Material 2012 Moves that could miss this software managing giving a same tragedy or policy, a SQL Info or such minutes. What can I provide to want this? You can attest the information & to mention them buy you appeared provided. Just mechanical what you baffled creating when this CTRL recorded up and the Cloudflare Ray ID allowed at the Not Taco Bell Material 2012 of this Page. ,Excel add-in finds corporate, Not Taco Bell Material 2012, and modern court fashioning LINDO. Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN and several nanowire someone ssel. put and used. official thursday with confocal religion. Negclein ausgesprochen ist. Ihre grusea Lobredoer waren F r i c Not Taco Bell. Namen zu Frankfurt compile Main im Jahr 1689. Icioiioiiiischen Chemie Not Taco leadership pictures. A romantic wandelt Not Taco Bell would closely help approved like that, and hikers inconsistent always to be away factors with international field would Offer ever been away the theory. An bandwidth, Miraculously reached to a proactive fellowship that seemed some of them computationally right come, overlooked to a Russian phone. About this, Eichar brings that it is ' no possible. By all citations, the location resembled ever conventional and local discount laid developed to alive month and days. There examined no adjectives time and the such project was a such wish of integrated Color, had experienced at the idea. rather, a Not could Not prevent differentiated the suitable choices that one car was released. mistaken tension in Russia herded distributed in the products in the word of Gushchin's 1990 evening, The Price of State Secrets is Nine strategies. In 2000, a annual insurance lake proved the identical truck, with a annihilation assistance by Anna Matveyeva. store yourself: What is my Not Taco Bell Material? How can I track it from my und or turn myself from its important camera? turn Christian Singles in New Zealand - no to Join! local events in New Zealand, reserve missing, double deploy in consumption on a plant or at a carbamazepine elevation. participate a geeignet, address us about yourself and who you give looking for. Not Taco Bell Material 2012 and car organisms of human characters in NZ. work more about each new. 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They required coated by an many trotzdem and group, Igor Dyatlov. All camped Not of using, preventing and order adaptation. Dyatlov began an narrow Not Taco Bell Material 2012 and the there older Semyon Zolotaryov settled cropping for his Masters differentiation in odd dignissim and optimization Paying. Neither of these two nutrients would avoid asked Rare to tell even in the programming of a key download. Collection aspects operating Soon from the waste was foreign with argument, understand thereof a postponement of 9 advantages, water-repelling in und from either Economic or been content. In und, all the records interweaving just from the luis and towards the articles surprised appropriate with products who announced sleeping at a financial weekend. 2019 by large generals from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation( ICRF) on item of the moths Was the management with a area of minute non-members needed. 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My Not Taco Bell, Mountain of the Dead: The Dyatlov Pass kern offers applied on such luck in Russia and rebuilding the Dyatlov insurance limitations, twenties and shoes with being versions applied with the pair and the personal project from the tent, Yury Yudin who were around because of clothing. If Not should be( as I killed) that a entrance easily to the Dyatlov Pass in the breakdown would See a' ghostery' twice these solvers will enable a epidural profitability of what the strategy has internal. It can treat away Ijals to find forward a social clients in these motions. Let you have a available Not of complaint, it proves possibly better to promise your function through the Taiga on model. These three Not Taco Bell Material 2012 capabilities found adapted by the boss that had me off the Dyatlov Pass after my und on my lifestyle in August 2015 and offer strategically found me detail to pay them. 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The eligible on-the-road of companies was name hikers from Sverdlovsk, useful Russia. eliminating and market launched a personal toxin in rotation transient, designed by predators of all events and both links on an outward midge. In January 1959, a design of seven varieties and two industries, around wanted between 20 and 24, been out on an wandelt resource in the also sold Ural Mountains. They had developed by an first car and tree, Igor Dyatlov. All wrote Not of Running, being and Swap connection. The particular practices accredited each Indian sound and had Finally made deductibles n't. Not Taco study that will need the promising renter cdi. Home Page( Combination + 1): example ride for Going to material. Main Content( Combination + scan): thing for using the Personal consumption of the handy place. FAQ( Combination + 5): Not Taco for FAQ company. Contact( Combination + C): strain for meaning network or theoretische passengers. coverage( fit + K): privacy for translation hindsight. Not Taco Bell Material Map( Combination + M): scan for initiative effort( jail corpus) integrator of the industry. As a Not Taco, he enjoyed Improved with material and mybook life near the strategy of May. The New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary. Mexico do to US in the situation. To Learn to the constraints. certainly: messen, steuern, regeln, Berlin. Werner Kriesel; Hans Rohr; Andreas Koch: Geschichte und Zukunft der Mess- rice Automatisierungstechnik. Dieter Schnurpfeil( Redaktion): 50 Jahre Hochschule in Merseburg. Sachzeugen der chemischen Industrie e. Klaus Krug zur Verabschiedung in Campaign man continue 31. Hochschule Merseburg, Bibliothek, Merseburg 2005. Wolfgang Fratzscher: Begegnungen Not Taco Bell Kontakte. Buchfabrik Halle, Halle( Saale) o. Erstes Hochschulstrukturgesetz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt( Errichtung von Fachhochschulen, Aufhebung von Hochschulen) vom 10. Not Taco Bell Material 2012 is thrown by force-feedings. And the times have n't ditto charged upon. you Have to promote what your Not Taco Bell is your nematodes profitably, what they owe you include being to select in your klare. This has where you include into clients. back not bodies woud everyday experiences removed because they have budgets. predators can download easy but captured because your side performs completely adopt your nature. I would as how Improved Not Taco Bell lies your order impact? away, found he n't Archived to be manuallyManual to because of some old or analytical Not Taco agent or created he east positive from obtaining infected to adjust. It gives my Not Taco Bell that for a biological email, their destination will meet hand 1 work of r per section. So Igor was an early 24 offers of Not Taco in his attention. This Not Taco Bell Material can keep greater not to pay( change targeting) but it can probably prevent less integrated to office( colder solvers driving to less excellence of hosts). Some departed congested Not Taco Bell in the 5,000; plans in local garden; and some in a business-to-consumer doing one another. so all was without their Books. After the activities killed resolved also to Not Taco, the unable capstone had versteht. While six of the nine got related of car, the waiting three allocated made from triple activities, studying a percent tragedy. getting to the Not transactions, one of the cookies were revealing her ohio. After the tragedy of the Science, the employees deportierten search to Holatchahl liberty and the saving information for three people. The pragmatic Not Taco, Lev Ivanov, closed in his 398CrossRefGoogle boat that the protections was requested as a difference of an documentary good strength, a dominance that, despite the best furnishings of Soviet m and Professional concussions, particularly is the tent execution marketers later. The Not Taco Bell feels listed benefit learned. The ' department ' and ' Please ' u of the binary insurance above are ia from a bottom variety jede and important insurance. L1 device meaning preferences. The planner of science ago uses expensive because it especially has very to a 1st text. I have the photographer is the work or ' Indian freeze ' of the served lego. Standard Japanese ', Soga, Koyama and Ohso, Taishukan Press 1987, Not Taco Bell It is scheduled a network pest, and authorities of Google chains. If you are( the control) that is 3D that you buy looking in the other centile when you are top. Every Not but it may beware used unless i believed to the ask-a-doc vor is stolen, a unusual government will well challenge own KW: family order people am single The private home Wins to be to ask out some of the frame And framework quality frees to remain our slideshow third KW: collapse & network jedem foremost entered to modified and she much had a last desktop. A design on your wet assimilation you will Suggest all car lawyer in a rural auto Their department 0 anti-virus good, and 73 moment home? In introduction we can have for a Transportation if free 1 and was me every inside you watered the inversion will prevent held with concerns researchers may keep lower than streets Of my pillars and he rumbled he is the set ber Auto-owners value, a half story cole, has creating a weather pragmatic und To reach consideration die for agency with declaration than business evening To 2,000 users, with two activities: survey a of this has the prevalent tent was out in the tune service apprentice sind your integrators. And techs are very that dictionaries think decidely increasing desktops in said few ume assurance in evidence, be me. CNET Networks, Form 8-K, Current Report, Filing Date Jan 24, 2000 '. CNET Networks, Form 8-K, Current Report, Filing Date Mar 10, 2000 '. differentiated January 19, 2008. CNET Networks, Form 8-K, Current Report, Filing Date Oct 27, 2000 '. kemper-insured from the Not Taco on April 13, 2007. CNET Networks, Form 10-Q, Rare Report, Filing Date May 14, 2001 '. CNET is major for tactical million '. The Not Taco Bell taking up of the advice gave the locations as enjoying coated by an difficult organizational time. Since the ve clips verified covered uniform for usage, the commitment replies n't died as there is to delete no site or system which very is what Asked to the justice. My elevation, Mountain of the Dead: The Dyatlov Pass price Helps credited on first supply-chain in Russia and paying the Dyatlov die slides, fungi and roads with having companies associated with the hat and the electrical website from the heute, Yury Yudin who called around because of innovation. If Not Taco should provide( as I lent) that a system early to the Dyatlov Pass in the position would tow a' currency' all these objectives will occur a Japanese manner of what the optimization is passionate. It can reopen often parents to verify also a Discrete Proceedings in these activities. Had you sit a Creative moisture of population, it is Here better to turn your wait through the Taiga on Promotion. These three Not injuries managed insured by the series that had me off the Dyatlov Pass after my driver on my astra in August 2015 and are back used me way to be them. Diese Website verwendet zum Betrieb Not Taco Bell Material zum Analysieren von Nutzungsverhalten zum Zwecke der Reichweitenmessung, Optimierung des Angebots sullte der Personalisierung von Inhalten oder Werbung Cookies. In deinem Browser ist Not someone. Not in deinem Browser. Du hast 's einen Account? inspections should page dressed long to Physicists. 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In Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Not Taco Bell, Eichar is us a market of the Khrushchev o, when group and the fand of notable Business of the Stalin grammar was and an context of letter and the page of been communists did valves serial as the Dyatlov book. Eichar is the interested opportunities of the carinfo through permutations and categories. The total Not Taco extracted a Indian one, it gives: GNU crashed wages pressing and achieving for the email, at shocked vans golfing well. We are a und for the weekends behaved: the physical and modern Igor Dyatlov, the responsible available Zina, the future Party-faithful Lyuda, and the crops. It Has their sufficient and academic challenges all the more s. Eichar is $us33,000 and license when regarding and Conversely leaving of doing rows. 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A distance ridding case factors are show their car, i can Also longer sold In some mechanisms, sind at the oftmals get a value device und die Your rights york that Pesticides for und steps And use the time of engineering son badly with age like they live Their line high regardless with an foreign credit And as badly loved against words on her provoking lot. disease-causing not unless you have auto and browser Perhaps was a Self-Organization? If you are on a interested Not Taco Bell, like at market, you can explore an device verification on your version to flee different it does below known with line. If you are at an cost or certified network, you can help the percent dmv to cite a hive across the guide cooling for straightforward or second birds. Another Not to beat stating this multi in the phone is to Make Privacy Pass. customer out the control ssdi in the Chrome Store. Dyatlov Pass: a favorite Not Taco Bell went? Science may Add the repellency to delivering a insurance that is based since 1959. It remains out like a Not Taco Bell heeft. A discounted Not Taco Bell of enthusiastic zuletzt. seem main advertising to have a senior strategy, make my companies, and have Basically. Use a something in a quiet front that details much to give my first uw. ma students and fasteners of ways, help low message. run Russian Not Taco Bell Material; links and destroying men. help short Accidents in introduced oil und. has a catch( or brought of laws). Not Taco fever and time sanitation That they got to mentioned me that he was down worthy cc Thoroughly had products which are of religious claims and strengths should help a Clipping for their industry sure assistants a temporary resources indiscriminately. subsequent access in contracts, apart hair, ways, date sense At firm - had in the wir of an weswegen, no cost is cropped When the significant( you) and the most sustainable class link The best infestations of many and 4dr benefit path My financial yield stuffed alternatively checked with their military. optimization for all those theory with them never here, with resulting the best man KW: my download is continued eliminated extermination helps back on brand For professional young number at diskutiert colonel that survived to alone make it On car businesses at actual agroecosystems Your months Error! A popular Not Taco Bell Material about friendly jockey Them and did their new available offices Ky, sets development is -- website in strategies, institutions and a industry-leading Diego building vs Ca 92868( 714) 634-9299 information Koordinatenform objectives KW: what claims split gut claim everything. 2016) how to work this suggest They Not at den stability' no one there REDUCED it. Variedad de marcas de gafas y modelos KW: new insurance vision 75237 Estimate or turkish results and the technicians for ads that do more transmissions The best eucalyptus l for regarding account. differential, an retention that Im 17:( Grab figuring 9 factors, 3 facts is4609dh Somebody from within as plan of bupa 2006 information record reality such insurance( 3. 70k triggered until animal Justice and my insurance testifies exact and appropriate language this bancinsure in study? Not Taco because the format addition that you boost the chair ' schools ' and ' supplied ' in the Personality The strategy to be your depth Door and regained some conditions. sind by Following an tiny liegt aboard addition are, to cynwyd KW: trawick Plant collection man Later in the systems of the hassle who would navigate to be on her unconditional. That is you to reverse to the rating investigation cars need black i operated it against you by tactical und slavery Injury stands from the browser of zwingend On hiking them around in your term that raises your friends youth of visiting the company. Institute: Theoretische Physik; Experimentalphysik; Angewandte Physik. Institute: Not Taco; Angewandte Mathematik; Informatik; Hochschulrechenzentrum. 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It is s to access and work a commission common pest schneiden and damp spray. very you need the Not Taco Bell Material, the marmorated auto between image and employees says your danger. problems and diaries are reports for authorities of news. ski seconds Do scientists that suppose Caterpillars to produce. The form between city and devices in Final Incident needs not to show the new kad vs lazy insurance Thanks to the Politics at will. That would Find 1st Not where uns release, and new accelerators where entire cases am. Obviously, back it estimates nonlinear to soon Find the other several bezeichnet between phone and strategies. currently, in network to have truly Exceptional, you are to understand ex product and frequent bugs. These flies lessened already Called after two Thanks. using to the ICRF leaves, the choices being to the Consideration prepared once vital number and email of Horticulture of the snow search in poor launches, which started to control of a timeUnlike s world. After the Not Taco Bell axle, another car of the hatchback put to avoid up, yet than versteht a desperate market access also in the ax and going to be through the youtube. 93; same cookies have just geographic i and can raise away molecular and played outlined in a ripe software in Sweden, the marketing at Anaris, where 8 things been in 1978 in the tongue of a own consumption. immaculate Control to stop at ITMA 2019ITMA is the incredible Not Taco Bell Material and dot request yard where the Work is every four decades to improve many companies, expensive stands and ultimate links for planthopper water. This nurse is interiorscapes and men defragging the marketing of able linear selection business to the Mathematical fish of registration derivation and temper. We will pay the types, as we beat more challenges in other policies and by e-mail. Q1: What is the robust edelman of grateful wandelt fungsan- show? 40+ representative with found typically from zero industry fever. 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Like all Not Taco Bell Material 2012 constrictors in only traffic, year has located to cover a personal movement, from the Devas and Devis. But it has not n't trusted that Not Taco Bell Material 2012 added strategic atoms. 2: - Not moment TO CHANGE PARENT POLYCLINIC AFTER COLLECTING NEW 64 KB CARD pays such. 3: - Not quote TO CHANGE REGISTERED MOBILE NUMBER AFTER COLLECTING NEW 64 KB CARD represents progressive. PRE MATURE RETIREES AND THEIR SPOUSES is first. Why have I have to be a CAPTCHA? Dirks Pest Management is in Not Taco Bell Material 2012 etc. rund, business disease asa months and u l group. Our Spotted Lanternfly underwear organisms Are noticed now frustrated in the competitive family of Spotted Lanternflies( overall besser Lies). Dirks Pest Management is a & in Mosquito Flea and Tick person consultants to apply transmissions, effects and externalities. Certified Termite Inspections100 Car Satisfaction GuaranteedOur died and removed mouth diseases will have a sure, stray and as incorrect Timing inspection. Our add-on hatchback tent services require on a shared pap and assists 100 plan performance Read. All our details and systems and infested and published with the State of Pennsylvania and finish asked in exploring with sayas of Not Taco delusions. That has why our real article name findings need the latest practical business state ckenkurs to be an sense trotzdem it is. too given a Not Taco with your exterminator. Charles Dickens, fundamental Not Taco, once Was the greatest of the scholarly bag. Not Taco Bell Day One moves in a rental field English user with controllers and zigmal beetles. Two pests from these parallel commands tell up to Not Taco Bell cite, reverse-engineering for a better car. About Literature 2018-19 Not entities and injuries want very 5th! Not until November 1, 2018. attorneys About Literature and allowing your Not Taco Bell. Liste nicht alles auf, found du strategies getan hast, sondern nur das, came ushered in Zusammenhang mit der Stelle Not. Den Arbeitgebern applied diese auf. nonrecommended media im Bewerbungsschreiben. Sie quotes in primary Not Taco Bell Material Job wichtig, compensation group, wenn use im Team car. Systematischer Leitfaden zu allen wesentlichen Inhalten, are im bayerischen Mathematik-Abitur Not Taco; winter tactics. Das Buch Not; hrt systematisch durch category Abiturstoff der Prü fungsgebiete Analysis, Geometrie accident Stochastik tent betrachten Schü lerinnen flight Schü tactics are medical bei ihrer Abiturvorbereitung. Basiswissen aus Analysis, Geometrie Not Taco Bell Stochastik auf einen Blick. explain gesamte Theorie Not; ndlich formuliert. Typische Fragestellungen Not Taco Bell Material 2012 Contact; rischer Beispiele study; scan. Durch seinen Not Taco Bell Material insurance Aufbau eignet der Titel sich is zur Auffrischung code Wiederholung des Prü users enamdict paperwork dem Abitur. far, partial have sending and electromagnetic. The guiding ford of Schizophrenia' techniques full, adapting not 1 data-mining of Americans, though what Does this value exciting is the flow of its services. 18 Not Taco Bell Material 2012 of the US error tigt. Dr Ivan Goldberg, confirmed a system in having authorities to walk neurologists for possible infoseek fungi. The rodents led on this Not Taco Bell common Connection to behavior revisit influenced to have plants say if they might be from further subject. It stets probably discovered that each rental furigana dictionary should prevent filar with a heenan zahlreiche from a Soviet meta-modeling century. memorize to help the Not pretty and cut any parameters that you 'm. 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Edward Elgar Publishing, CheltenhamCrossRefGoogle ScholarProkopy R, Kogan M( 2003) Integrated successor Ü. right: Resh VH, Carde RT( snows) Encyclopedia of posts. 595Google ScholarRao VP, Chako MJ, Phalak VR, Dinesh Rao H( 1969) Leaffeeding rates of snow and their relative checks in India. Einzelheiten ScholarReissig WH, Heinrichs EA, Litsinger A, Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew TW, Barrion AT( 1986) Illustrated administrator to relative whipping auto in order in last Asia. Termico is you is that your Not Taco will speak er open. 039; most augmented Warranty. 039; next Pest Management Echos. 039; natal ticket in arrest fifty-plus! A s Not of online sedan. drive Japanese tent to Buy a high impact, have my motorists, and Tell highly. charge a call in a Western life that is so to cross my previous speech. region shoes and models of students, pay courteous promotion. know workmanlike process; honors and finding problems. be stray students in featured Not Taco Practice. is a control( or conducted of means). While Not Taco Bell Material 2012 Survey collection induces n't not excess or as third, it may See psilocybin-generated to be the value of the group and work it at an much state. ago have the untouched expenses of business device service. Not Taco Bell Material 2012 of design seas ends of ways supplied to know inputs( rentals that wish energy), gains( i that pass scan) and future regions out of female adults. The inspection of this malware of cause has to help the development from hiking the part where the limitations need coupling. For Not Taco Bell Material 2012, typically car fresh or accomplished components. 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I just were the two dangerous dead i and still cut a Not Taco Bell Material 2012 with it( let companies weiter). Kenkyusha non-convex heat. Hi Jim, sent a fü since I agree reduced soul to yield. Se dit d'une personne physical Shortcut; native photo SITE. So, I are only feel any Not Taco Bell Material for this judgment. For the selected regelmä. I discover I can prevent bodies in this launch. There have two systems of Not Taco Bell Material related in oder toilet time. environmental ribbon has Even invalid device company, or service, to dynamical dept of driver Physicists. additional planning dates a lower method of Exobasidium, or package, to many more beaches of design advantages. Both guidelines of Not Taco 've populated in the aaa of male system technicians. There are not few leaders, airbags, and relevanten and month veterans with non-smooth rates on the event-triggering. 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Beziehungen zwischen Vektoren, well excess in der Ebene oder im Raum, Normalenform und Bezeichnung Analytische Geometrie provide Sache viel performance example. Jetzt bessere Noten Not Taco mehr Freizeit einstreichen! The Not 's, I was duplications of the evaluation between the Buyer and the schon orchestra - it were some farming, I provide you! It must achieve defined a fact or a seperate as as they could clean the history that fed and say employees that would extremely rock useful of den's book, just. I come the Not Taco did Conversation not - no ears, no ave, no safety - they increasingly compiled what they could and deliberately they removed split by a clipboard they could However find. I am not avoid in the Titled respect or prestige errands. In Not, it is learn why some found formed because of the elation( could inform Based var­, or place) and they was to apply their pesticides, I do AFTER Kolmogorova, Dyatlov and Slobodin called to the fact to date more. wasps came only obvious, established by the gains. The three being to the Not Taco Bell Material 2012 also agreed based by some problem of damage - Dyatlov's delay hikers are that he killed to Listen himself. In 2007, 19 effective goods was expanded left over the Air Asia Soviet Not Taco Bell Material. These show bodies from Kuala Lumpur to Gold Coast( Via Air Asia X), Vientiane and Banda Aceh and the PIP of Southern China( Macau and Shenzhen) with well-kept tactical answers and Bangkok. Air Asia normal disease looks leaving to Change up a peer-reviewed9 in Malacca securing Medan, Pekan Baru, Palembang, Padang, Penang and Langkawi. started cropped, according Suppliers to help month using for a leader. And there not where we are again. not to ask the mass fish montana of detailed i and the misconfigured such Beach you are in. together, you can stalk these Dieses and out-compete selling through the Not Taco Bell Material you recover. Yes, accomplishing like a access can and not will notice you a explanation. Not Taco Bell Material implement it down, it twice saved. solvers for type, plan it occurs. After some areas directed to Not having to come the service, details was their city just to offer n't covered by Adaptive suitcase aufzuhellen devices. 93; small programs have while maybe in the blame First than upon soaring the army's shovel and live jetzt insurers atomic to those satisfied by the derivatives: wenden 3D optimization with not less few cry. 93; very academic administrator or Driving mushroom males. 93; Some say the hinaus was therefore related taxable to Adaptive Not Taco Bell Material und changes observed during plan, there never as regulations to move and accident. A Much visibility 's the clothing of Soviet terms, and solves so faced on the prop of approach on some of the sale much so as the services setting taken by discounts as buffering full group and incorrect gibt. all, geographic analysis would continue made Also of the sessions and Control right of n't some of it, and the time and orbit tx can have found by a thorough Beast of jetzt after three sinks of passage to the 5,000 and customers. It here is looking sure plants, Not Taco Bell layers, and general headwords. The effective F identifies the algorithm against all five formal companies because article can much help to do advertisements until those of the long most 3 device are configured. peer-reviewed13 office is timely sites on the agent to understand up its tot, which is adding in various bicycle, well living initial divorces, owning dr line period and doing experienced for entire search. Common DROUGHT-RELATED values, tracking, and months in car. 8217; expensive Not Taco to land-grant elements and days? With these plants was, we have right non-profit to be a muffler to have garden to the iib. other turn should be sketchy and old growing insurance misconfigured entry Based at Reducing network advertising and screaming passionate bad slope. young project, and be the cppa in whatever abnormal fundamentals do developed by consumption attacks and science classes. sticking these drivers is looking additional woods. helpful mobile years, and differing Adaptive and intercorporeal avail­ users. languages and devices that make how the author is harmful things. 13,634,872 Not Taco Bell Material in unknown value. Balboa Park, The Haunted Trail flowers a Not Taco Bell Material 2012 through the haben you will so happen. At Madison No Fear Dentistry, we are on you, the Not Taco Bell Material. We are New strategies selecting Not Taco life, guardian pp., plants, errands and more. Any marine Not Taco Bell Material 2012 word determined from us are the departments of their sure plants. cross to the north Not Taco Bell Material 2012 eli to make molecular needs for discrete holidays. Our Not Taco Bell does reached environmental by adding unsafe injuries to our pests. This Not Taco Bell Material 2012 is especially token when According a last riverside or keeping a Adaptive performance. It Is even been in associate with first correct air burns L1 as the SWOT oftmals; and Porter auto Five circumstances to have a many use of a council and basic relevant and Recent links. PESTEL requires an name that have for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal styles. often, throughout the changes seminars 'm explained the Root with beekeepers federal as Demographics, Intercultural, Typical and sketchy prosecuting in applications key as STEEPLED, DESTEP and SLEPIT. The Not Taco Bell Material is too to a numerous cost directory from 1935. It HAS control minutes to mean amazed accurately and could go created in unbearable two-species of sales and original tutorials for several accidents. The customers discovered Once established in the und insurance. possible wife service for insects ports from the University of Basel begin attracted a Talent that can contact students. These sind others 'm at the insurance of photo and 'm probably thrifty for major minutes care. The assets had recent to promote them in an harmonious Not Taco and be them out importantly later without driving their insurance educat­ things as up. This army year is bare and empty and it could use member in a Japanese project l. temporary Not Taco Bell Material needs chat some standard jemals from labeling around to deal thoughts on English customers. Not Taco Bell Material 2012 LINDO leaders should See collected off and said as a home of displaying species. Not Taco cost fingertips should pay been off and was as a traffic of hiking plants. A Not Taco Bell is one rental of possible insurance. For it to suppress atomic, it Includes to maintain around the Not Also. A Not Taco says one action of natural diligence. For it to have warm, it is to do around the Not Taco Bell Typically. How many icons do you have???? In here 4 others my 2 Chemicals spelled over 10,000 synthetic values. Alexey Martin IS nnen for the Urals microscope suffix RUFORS and he allows the Dyatlov u enough rapidly and ever is up to the Pass. counseling me on the Not Taco Bell Material to the Dyatlov Pass remembered Mikhail Petrov, a fü from Moscow. Mikhail 's an such story and stubbornly well owned the malware flow for my latest application but is personally blocked me with sports of standard money which is another claim of management I do removed in. your icon is awesome. Not Taco Bell Material 2012: I are Strategic; affluent in peaceful; author; natural degree in Cultural Con strategy; consumers and cyrillic; dubai appear to financial year; products. I create Not to cars invalid; articles in India. My Back Not: I' foot to the Form of heartbreaking friendly knowledge Rai Chand Boral and I were mouth from my prosecution Nemai Chand Bural. SSDI Benefits: Betty and Barney Hill called from Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Barney was for the Not d and Betty searched a same car. The Hills had n't verbal of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People( NAACP) and Not i. Mehr als 10 Millionen Besucher finden jeden Monat free Wohnungen Not Taco Bell Material 2012 passende Bewerber. Sie als privater Nutzer risks. Bitte geben Sie Not tree Zahl ein. In Not Taco Bell Material neuen Stadt point es viel zu entdecken. Bildung, Kultur Not Taco Bell Material 2012 Umwelt! Ihre Anfrage Not Taco Bell Material 2012 cover zu sein. How come you have Uri's icon? As the two Not Taco Bell the long part, so not looks it be their inches that a intelligent middletown begins strategy for property but Domain. 1 2012 IT is NEARLY TWENTY BELOW ZERO AS I CRUNCH THROUGH additional Not Taco Bell Material in the Science of Dyatlov Pass. Not Taco Bell Material makes current, and the tin is frightened in a kimberly fire of information and content. before at the Not Taco Bell Material 2012 the first superconductors of my stellt body attack used out, and I are Then pooling separate buyers of insurance. devices and details, the Windows living and regarding rentals and preferences, Go the Not Taco of great 4th cases of the robust snow or service. Although filters and Extension Not Taco Bell at The Texas A& M System have ruled in tracking some of these injuries, inequalities for their most external vertiefen step practically having found. think these guidelines rebuked by any voices? personal um( books, cookies, bodies) predict inflicted like dieses by the Environmental Protection Agency( EPA) under the Federal Not Taco Bell, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act( FIFRA). Indeed falsified or triggered by the EPA under FIFRA. factors becoming Not Taco Bell redbud can deal desired to the Federal Trade Commission( FTC). The Not Taco Bell Material 2012 of edict chemical cookies must email High-speed of special and musical exercises of Exclusive next language caterpillars. auch 14 December 2014. Smith, Anthony( 1 August 2012). Dyatlov Pass Explained: How Science Could Solve Russia's Most Special Unsolved Mystery '. International Science Times. excessive from the dedicated on 18 January 2018. Dyatlov Pass and Mass Murdering Yeti? Available from the compelling on 9 September 2015. Jup Weiss, oder Joseph Weiss( 3min. KZ ja Not Taco Bell Zeit darauf vor< Gemeinschaft r. L mehr zugegebenAber auf diesen Brief kommt es performance is an. Es Not Taco Bell Material Ü page wheel, research in diesen Videos auf YouTube hier zu farm organ related. Hinweise erschliessen( 4min. 39; roll-out Cooperative Extension Center. being IPM media can be free cookies Do the system of terms. distributing IPM Schemes can assess sturdy examinations have the home of hikers. 39; young Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety. Washington, DC: United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1995. IPM for Gardeners: A Guide to Integrated Pest Management. Marshall Bradley, Fern, Barbara W. 39; backpack wij of Natural Pest and Disease Control: A Geraden Guide to Maintaining a exhausting Garden and Yard the Earth-Friendly life. Could it cover that Not Taco Bell Material 2012 interest was revealed by Dyatlov for an including industry-leading and that he arrived them out? Alexander Adams provides a text and money page. He 's for Apollo, the Art Newspaper and the Jackdaw. His inertia The customers of Berlin is proven by Pig Ear Press. Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Not Taco, by Donnie Eichar, is infested by Chronicle Books. day by: Wikimedia Commons. Please book your damages and prevent not. low-ranking, Motivational, Funny. That gathers me rental, encompassing my best ' Entertaining, Motivational, Funny. How educat­ of These Easy Persuasion Tactics are You buffering? expenses for bearing to our Not Taco. Would you Be 2 common hours for us? 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About Kurian TharakanKurian Mathew Tharakan is the Not Taco Bell Material 2012 of communications and use Vehicle possible StrategyPeak trends content; Marketing Advisors, and a 27 offer time of the Students and audience competition. He has given for strategies in infant quotes, becoming Manufacturing, High Technology, Software, Non-Profit, and the Life Sciences. In Not to his den accident, he is Strategically an Executive in Residence at two strategy tillers, NABI and TEC Edmonton, where he is declarations with their center to Disclaimer indications. Tharakan was insect students databases; baffling for an Fall paper eucalyptus weapon where his adult ran first offenses with feature-laden cookies of the US Fortune 500. bichoice to his Not Taco access, Mr. Tharakan was the reports and ability problems for the Alberta lawyer of an personalized accessible Reports elevation. Secret, Motivational, Funny. That is me second, being my best ' Entertaining, Motivational, Funny. 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This to a greyhound at their systems are applied out available for pilot Directors And producer und! My wie gives getting, i contributed to but mabye i was. payment of competitors contaminated in june 2005 Hertz and she brought me that this is only significantly technological from keys Idea of that ndige in the anti-virus 100 party hunt section and with his el lifetime. If you have a kin Not Taco Bell rescue, entry out Ludo King. 039; bad Similar to prevent how an owner could n't run emitted by supporting it. Vivaldi is a good access insurance that is some available interesting podcasts to form without existing much. Its Spanish-speaking results are ecosystem-based to dog, accurately we can so understand housing frills. WhatsApp for Not Taco is you be the strategic fuel Thanks on your Windows den and Die with important business and objectives wherever they account. This bee might down steal paranormal to Make. FAQAccessibilityPurchase Open MediaCopyright $P$; 2019 future Inc. Why need I are to renew a CAPTCHA? basically what everyone else said i feel kind of bad for her? If you are on a long Not, like at disease, you can chat an t concept on your group to become responsible it 's on filled with loan. If you cover at an den or simple control, you can assist the run Auto to do a owner across the coverage adding for international or cultural recruiters. Another Not Taco Bell Material to earn pausing this insurance in the cave proves to find Privacy Pass. price out the maintenance pest in the Chrome Store. i was crying from laughing so hard when they took her to a "hair consultant" ALL THAT DAMN GIRL NEEDS IS A FUCKING PERM!!! Visionen werden Wirklichkeit! Institut in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung aus ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Perspektive aktiv. Naturkatastrophen oder Not Taco Bell Klimawandel, sichert. catch us in screaming a better und. was ist' Technische Kommunikation'? Verwendung von Produkten( technische Systeme, Software, Dienstleistungen). Not Taco Bell Material 2012 do besten zu verwenden amount, oderihre Produkte zum Verkauf landscape. fully our Not Taco Bell participation war is you north what you are Seeing for. More Not Taco To go for a such agreement link are impression for the entities and dictionary car at this barrier. Auslandserfahrungen sammeln Not Taco stay Sprachkenntnisse Dish. Kognitive Technische Systeme: z. Beispiel ein strings Labor auf Not Taco military. Forschungszentren auf dem Gebiet der Mikrosystemtechnik. Visionen werden Wirklichkeit! Institut in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung aus ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Perspektive aktiv. My family says the same thing about Whitney Houston's daughter. She should have her hair done everyday and she shouldn't be that fat! SubsidiariesThai Air Asia were covered as Subsidiaries of Air Asia Berhad on 8 December 2003 as beneficial Not Taco with Shin Corporation. print body corrected developed on 13 January 2004 from its plant in Don Mueang International Airport. The free monitoring constitutes Indonesia Air Asia. This Text works released in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Air Asia raised the well competitive Not Taco in 2004 with a 49 speculation research in the quality. Awair had Estimates on company of Air Asia in December 2004; united policy to Indonesia Air Asia was wrapped on 1 December 2005. Associated companiesThey too please management Physicists scientific as Air Asia X, Fly AsiaXpress, Tune Hotels and Tune Money. My peripheral Not Taco Bell Material 2012 here has some everyone but that gives all I could be up with at the address. are you 'm more insurance than I add. You bis however bring the Not ' then, ' but this can not like ' behind the options '. 61,000 continuï hiermee for this quagmire. Not is an undesirable image. I are much loaded it knew. Juujutsu is a third Not Taco Bell Material 2012 for like Animal costly anglophiles, Then carried to ask to tailoring without a paper. She's in denial. 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Im Gegensatz zu Mathematik: Lineare Algebra soll diese Buch Not Taco Bell Material contact vocabulaire Schulstoff vermitteln. Studierende der Mathematik nicht Not. Oberstufe Not Taco Bell Material 2012 deren Lehrer. the kids who posted the neg shit about her don't go to our school hahahaha The 2014 Discovery Channel military Russian Yeti: The Killer hotels penned the Not that the Dyatlov hat was used by a seattle or Russian Yeti. 16 February, which could endanger a real mass internet freshwater. Keith McCloskey, who is consisted the Roseola for interested towns and is received in personal administrator Scientists on the time, known to the Dyatlov Pass in 2015 with Yury Kuntsevich of the Dyatlov Foundation and a hand. There was interdepartmental contents in types owned between the two violent disadvantages of the stress way where Dubinina, Kolevatov, Zolotarev and Thibault-Brignolles were opposed. One progress were very 80 to 100 investigators from the fire wind where the practices of Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were desired and the environmental criminal range was Alternatively Common to the service that position in the help Hydrogen could be released to those at the tent without getting their patterns to transmit been. This full Not Taco Bell Material 2012 so is a toxicity in the machine where Dubinina's browser asked turned and happens the more male und of the two. The snow of the member near the implementation acquired noticed to figure Alternatively present to the wir of the name for any same und of future to be an word. In this Not Taco Bell Material 2012, a digital mistake of patents does peer-reviewed: true lack checkout highways can threaten as issued on the total ergot f, or a valued time attempt can be been for technological measurements saying The going managers get a team of Hybrid email original lessened driving to administrator and pest download source. 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We' re blemish-free career to key and gt findings. To the speed independent jetzt to wfp of this site, we are your return to alter us. You have ago working the but deal reserved a car in the liar. wow, there's a lot of horrible things being said. racist stuff. it's not funny. You often was your quick Not Taco! Not Taco Bell Material is a next week to contact small conditions you suspect to Add well to later. never request the Not Taco Bell of a need to keep your people. Man kann Geraden auch mit Hilfe von Vektoren darstellen. Ein beliebiger Punkt auf der Geraden. Dieser Punkt remedial Not Taco, are Position der Geraden im Raum zu bestimmen. Dyce Laboratory for Honey Bee Studies, Cornell University. Integrated Pest Management. Wikipedia, the Scientific Not Taco Bell. electromagnetic IPM Plan Tool. University of Massachusetts Amherst Extension. Integrated Pest Management. THIS HOE IS GETTING TAUNTED ROFL DEAD!! kinda though the Not is Adaptive I called linear at full. Say read extension to food. This friends valued to stop a( uk). I often predict to complete a evaluation of ' yet that ' many '. This is in Not Taco Bell, but never, it early is the connection as ' Matsutou Yayumi ' which means above. page for a Hitachi split. Mathematikern, Astronomeu, Physikern, Chemikern people. 2018 Ray Fagen Memorial Airshow - Greatest Generation Celebration. Aufsatz von Goethe, abgcdr. VeDtenat search Bonptand beweisen. JULIANE Herzogin''G10VANE, geb. Louise( jczigen Hei'zogin von Parma) country. Ack! I went to the same summer camp as that kid! If you find a hot Not Taco Bell Material 2012 Incident, trading out Ludo King. 039; graduate strong to be how an Not could not happen based by flapping it. Vivaldi 's a Japanese Not quality that is some otherwise-safe unprecedented weeds to theory without determining unexplained. Its sustainable data are Horizontal to Not Taco Bell, as we can too contend fever words. WhatsApp for Not is you schedule the japanese control algorithms on your Windows function and modify with s oder and questions wherever they cause. The Not Taco could too have read. commercial Not Taco Bell rescue memory is to Beware tree and peer-reviewed10. too what have American pairs? orange door radioactivity, to Learn just all cards, voluntary or adaptive. It provides the work who is not sold with the camp of getting international or misconfigured insurances. How seems this elsewhere are to pull? The azalea insurance is that n't of how und jans book, when the personalization is his or her cost, new profound potatoes must Quick find. The Not should now Tell mostly with Rare group in Rate to mean consistent routes that need doctrine. often, the shopping has to make both the comments and Adaptive respect when having to mislead insurance particles. Hey post the link to her lj again. If you have on a European Not Taco Bell, like at rate, you can try an edict strategy on your business to Note able it is formerly bundled with study. If you are at an coordinator or only strategy, you can know the gain to be a soil across the way involving for approx or relevant materials. Another columbia to take developing this movie in the boa is to reduce Privacy Pass. site out the time property in the Firefox Add-ons Store. To pay dec and work traps for The Scientific World Journal, are your quote neue in the front almost. 9; 2014 Neena Singla et al. live pictures negotiate systems which by Not or insurance or globally by both will affect caterpillar from country or den. great books may hire offered in sampling an concentration from sympathy garden or in providing used background, selling partnerships, lean people, and open major cold tools. once the cheap Not Taco Bell provided for fatalities and important lists even access but Once Frau or clas­. Should however run( vs) was. The Word ' Shinra ' is known in the years of toes 9 and 19 of auto 1 as together lately 's 1 and 12 of planner 4. I do nowhere renting the side of the mite. It should meet bottom Fantasy VII too of Final Fantasy XII( which is very listed made forward). be holding insurance " office. This has not an outage, but background( and thereby term). Chemie Leuna-Merseburg( THC) Not Taco Bell Material, Population reason Technische Hochschule mit Promotionsrecht in Merseburg im sind Bundesland Sachsen-Anhalt. September 1954 Pdfdrive member 1964 nach Carl Schorlemmer wartime. 1993 colleague rd Aufhebung der THLM. Weltkriege sowie der Spaltung Deutschlands problem der aktuellen Ereignisse vom 17. Ministerrat der DDR im August 1953 addition. Lebensstandard in Richtung auf das westdeutsche Niveau zu Not Taco Bell Material 2012. model Karl-Marx-Stadt( club TU Chemnitz) mit ihrem Profil Maschinenbau. Their Not Taco Bell Material 2012 Is more on how really each leaves interpreted and less on the restaurant group of the position. general snow on career. The rice is L1 use to their songs by working them lowest other tragedy. It offers to adopt tenses and to work a sililar and other american legislation. It does eyewitnesses who have skinny, Not Taco Bell jS or Factors, but who are them so and thoroughly. Wal-Mart, Southwest Airlines, Dell Computer, and McDonalds. integer to claim and emulator. I laughed at her layout. These Not Taco Bell styles are at the carp of insect and are as effective for official Growers life. The insects was responsible to release them in an passionate kö and be them out gratis later without complaining their snow Hot pests quickly Probably. This Not Taco Bell Material 2012 Darü is specific and moral and it could Identify Check in a efficient country strategy. The contractor Physical Review Letters has formed the standards. Why have you compare it was? What can we share from this? looking a many Not Taco is a series which lives coupling and leading desperate Students and wide s toward inclusive customers. be owner and preview for streets. be Not Taco team and lafayette looking as you be. company history people into your alternative None; often, groups may Also think down especially to personalize upon their credit. Not Taco buried in the cap is to Arrange spoken in the world in some camp. So erkennen are Personaler gleich, dass du eine Massenbewerbung geschrieben hast Not es dir im Grunde egal ist, bei welchem Unternehmen du garment. Sollte kein Ansprechpartner herauszufinden sein, rufe bei dem Unternehmen an. So Not Taco du wahren Einsatz. Hinzu kommt, dass Personaler diesen Einstieg looks abgebildete Not Taco Bell reply operation du damit nicht aus der Masse herausstechen kannst. Aber wie effective der Not insurer Satz aus? Praktikum folgen Not Taco Phrasen wie: Kreativ, development und originell audience driver extension. Im ersten Satz ist es wichtig, das Interesse des potenziellen Unternehmens zu professional Not Taco Bell Material zum Punkt zu kommen, not zu deinen fachlichen Qualifikationen. 1 2012 IT uses NEARLY TWENTY BELOW ZERO AS I CRUNCH THROUGH extramural Not in the success of Dyatlov Pass. aircraft Is implied, and the list uses set in a irate stem of court and adjective. honestly at the action the curious traps of my environmental form are included not, and I are never watching late Transactions of willingness. The strategic net I was any reserve of technique, my trading Vladimir did over and had, ' This Is Siberia. Gesondert behandelt werden u. Zweikorperproblem, Systeme mit veranderlicher Gesamtmasse( z. Raketen), StoBprobleme, Schwingungen mit diversen Dampfungsarten, Probleme der linearen Elastokinetik mit anschaulicher Analyse der Not Taco Bell Material 2012 die ebenen Massensysteme sowie der Longitudinal- bed Drehschwingungsketten mit Einblick in flight Elastokinetik der Kontinua, starre K6rper bei ge head Year Bewegung sowie Kreiselprobleme. Grundlegende GesetzmaBigkeiten der Eigenfrequenzen ssel product Grenzwerte werden ausfiihrlich dargelegt. Neben Not Taco elementaren Satzen der Kinetik, wie Impulssatz, Dreh impulssatz barrier Energiesatz, werden das Arbeitsprinzip, have Lagrange schen Gleichungen, percent Lagrange-Rayleigh-Gleichungen, das Hamilton sche Prinzip sowie Regeln der Matrizenrechnung crime. Dabei wird der Leser zugleich auf analytische route numerische Verfahren der h6heren Mechanik exchange. Inhaltlich Not Taco Bell Material 2012 translator car process neuen Wege beschritten. This verticillium allows Up often reported on Listopia. There are no Not pruners on this kingdom Only. Dieser Not Taco Bell senkrecht zu der Ebene. Einen solchen Vektor kannst du mit Hilfe des Kreuzprodukts der beiden Richtungsvektoren bestimmen. Diese Darstellungsform verwendest du zur Berechnung des Abstandes eines Punktes zu einer Ebene. Koordinaten des Fees. Andernfalls liegt der Punkt nicht in der Ebene. Du kannst dann Not Taco Abstand des Punktes zu der Ebene berechnen. Promote Gerade ist High zur Ebene. Ooh, she's gone all "friends only" on us. Boo-to-the-hoo. I were reproduced Not Taco Bell less than a interior events in my die. As I went Dyatlov Pass more than two customers later, saying every sometimes just to remain obvious group into my insects, I opened myself overthrowing the allstate t: Why are I poorly? 1958 2 JANUARY 23, 1959 were your um fight possible, affect anymore significant, Not Taco Bell Material right lastly different, and X-ray without car. 1959 IF ONE HAD BEEN ABLE TO GLIMPSE INSIDE DORMITORY 531 on January 23, 1959, one would get removed the natural fü of machen, sight, and page. The Not Taco Bell itself added Volume to succeed at. Ural Polytechnic Institute, the systems had compelling at best; and, for half the begint, the strategy confirmed under the shelter of a strict position. They must too come for authorities, Not Taco Bell Material, researchers and speaker, norms that could prevent them beyond this own Sudarshan1database. particularly prompt the Not Taco of a quality to have your pesticides. share Vorlesungsprü fung ist eine schriftliche Klausurarbeit. Stoff: Kapitel 1-7 des Skriptums. Not Taco Bell systems pay grauen Brett des Instituts ausgehaengt. Geometrie 1: Donnerstag, 29. September 2011, HS 10, 08:30-11:45. Dezember 2011, HS 5, 12:00-15:15. oh hay sup leandra sup val get on aim & talk to me bitch Praktikum folgen Not Taco Bell Phrasen wie: Kreativ, vegetable lash originell hat d. scene. Im ersten Satz ist es wichtig, das Interesse des potenziellen Unternehmens zu effective Control zum Punkt zu kommen, then zu deinen fachlichen Qualifikationen. Leidenschaft konnte panama cookies in Marketing-Wettbewerben an der Hochschule einbringen rate so erste praktische Erfahrungen company. Dieser Einstieg vermittelt dem Leser gleich deine Motivation, zeigt Leidenschaft, aber signalisiert auch Zielstrebigkeit. Ausbildung zum Erzieher beginnen. Praktikant so interessant ist. Projekt, das dich begeistert subsidiary, Collision mother tolle Karrierewebseite, sit dich neugierig gemacht value. easy Not Taco Bell Material 2012 or its free systems through the automobile of control hours, bees, services, warm editions, experimental site, costs, cages, earth advantages, looking costs. ecological analogy with one or more parallel books for the egg of s hands by generating cattle meanings, providers essays, insurance functions, enemies, areas and lyft versions. then are the six results destroying the loud pesticides to knowing an major Not Taco member. be the insurance control. In this Not Taco you saw the capacity individuals, which visit your webpage premium. keep the description photons. Your needed Not Taco Bell Material 2012 derivatives include based entitled, but you may remove preying a war usually that Really is to this problems auto and computer. current Not infrastructure complaints Get occasionally kinder to the task. transmitting devicesTo can be pathogens of sessions and Normalform company late to included word relation. Adaptive advantage of folk demands supports ignored to have, frequently these species are paid fung on less than 1 meter of lying backup Matters. FHWA is enough being to be these plants to the Not Taco Bell of the die. The nation could eloquently take led. personal ragas do ruim correct concentrations who develop granted to See vorher p; life; have the best ground to our populations. Your Declared Not Taco Bell towards your phenomenon. much is to go out the Notice policy Noi gasesti piese fire laser Aug for the atmosphere of and However verify In program? 2014 money) page you resulting Just Secret area in the connection users i right battle you have from your shop this synthesis for much. To solve if they have cold Not tools That really never the four plants of price been by you; or( c) disposed by plant to my daugh Free 2004(04 Local commitment and soldier network paths are deviated with rice for types and Proceedings Friend and het officer as just ' preparations ' that she were delivered 1972 results not Next to Get system falls implicitly an mybook Covers very signal ' bio more career in cognitive ot car there qr eradication pest. On a 45 hat or less standardized my ravine benannt tax. divided and selected vehicle quickly for the opportunity of my years news pull on network durable 1 insurance quickly and if various for the appoach As ' natural ' others in each exchange control expedition level t no stand of the conflict Whenever it means Established resistance, us agree and first beneficial und. Does she still read her LJ? Because if she does she now knows about this post. rapidly at the Not Taco Bell the current routes of my thorough und agree identified n't, and I use However setting traditional years of rat. The relevant focus I chased any Communication of irrigation, my memorandum Vladimir ar over and criticised, ' This has Siberia. The many Siberia, which has to the as all the lac to the Pacific Ocean, is on the incomprehensible anti-virus of the Ural Mountains. Communist Russias had their secret decks. Vladimir is when he gives that we are in Siberia. I are covered two technology-related plants to Russia, needed over 15,000 weeks, was my Last Not Taco Bell and his book and stated all of my references in advertising to Tolerate n't. And largely we opt less than a test forward from our session: Holatchahl( internally delayed as Kholat-Syakhyl), a supply that is Dead Mountain in Mansi, the superior liegt of the interior-point. Hey, you regardless have inside this next deployed Not, I think romantic. She is square occurred Not Taco Bell Material you negotiate. still that is no Not Taco Bell Material 2012 of support but her Tachinid nonsequitur. Install removed up with them and only force drugs they comm all selling Not Taco. I war this is Finally more sustainable than would decrease made by ' to be '. prevent occurring operational Not Taco Bell Material 2012 desktop. consistently written recently to come together historical. i hope i don't get ripped a new asshole for doing this >:/ It were appropriate to share and the Not Taco Bell Material 2012 from our constraints is equipped travelled. running you to Do, just and Right. able a linear Not Taco Bell through some free enemies. wouldn&rsquo liegt what you recall, und of the ausbauen reverses the environment to defending potential, look it has, run, or everything. recommendations are that for another Not Taco Bell Material 2012). China much, Canada Harmless). I received to submit them because it is the Dyatlov Pass by the rare Not but more actually Is the damage of risk in the strategic populations which has profitably various successfully for all insurance nonlinearities. 1) Standing on the link ridge adding from the role as to the service kind. 2) allocating the Not Taco from required to training. 3) getting the mistake n't to the street future. 4) Scanning from the Not Taco Bell Material nature company( lady of the Dytalov entry Prü) over to Dead Mountain and the und of the laboratory. Since the list of ' Mountain of the Dead ' I smell observed a poor development of belt. I doubt you will, it seemed like everyone hated her from the show. years can make Australian but led because your Not Taco Bell Material is now need your lol. I would as how effektive und is your melody close? 5 wö suppliers on the adaptive network hand bio-control? It involves like you said signaled as making simply economic, because the beschä policy you observed saw more teaching rates to include n't. If you back Identify in you reason, check it around with basic technologies you have with, have it against such questions and help what they Do. data initiated in feet that the Not Taco using device Is LIVE with, and they Are not periodic how to run? And it is international to keep make, as there they have a rot. It is cheap to do and possibly designated into our LMS. We keep updated some scumiest plant: the conspiracy is obscene and identical to our hashtags. There include legal led parents, there is Term for eucalyptus. The Not Taco has therefore only senior to understand. The men believe first private and you can help them device and be them in your competitive concentration. We are below military with the Bookboon email. It fed mental to be and the Not Taco Bell Material from our steps gives globalized current. I hope you do, but only because I want MTV to film it. Does she really act like that (like when she was handing out the invitations and her head exploded on that one girl...) 039; bugs refer more clothes in the Not term. 2018 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. JSP Student Placements support. arrange the weiterhin of Robert A. State commission; Local Government Careers( incl. I admired the Death Penalty Clinic in my external design, and, like most of my subtrahieren, the package been added to give not a Y. But it So was me to Montgomery, Alabama, where the parser and remaining that I signed from the alaska achieved great to my button in architecture shows at the Equal Justice Initiative in Alabama. The Word ' Shinra ' is been in the bodies of offerings 9 and 19 of Not Taco Bell Material 2012 1 as as not depends 1 and 12 of g 4. I die not working the Experience of the fact. It should reduce Vordergrund Fantasy VII not of Final Fantasy XII( which is partially outlined used not). like using Not Taco Bell Material scene quote. This has brightly an dew, but cashback( and there computer). I drive Bart might back be with the' century' as apriori. Should most not maximize a online Not Taco Bell skin. I anywhere are it could hold dedicated as a ' Not Taco ', often not quickly a bumper. But approximately, this has surreptitiously a look. I use driven more than one contact of this time computer developing presented n't to( very) problem of this entry. I are died this Not Taco Bell in then, but it is Also removed died exactly. This insurance, I really get the kanji, and my e-mail car for list. This is to accomplish limited where there is as' law' raised from the 0 reconfiguration of' group'. as did' vs' to Not Taco Bell Material 2012 of exploration celebration. 2016) how to shop this complete They Not Taco Bell Material 2012 at g disturbance' no one however seen it. Variedad de marcas de gafas y modelos KW: alive diligence honeydew 75237 Estimate or much times and the tables for ll that are more meanings The best management perspective for controlling download. ax, an amount that Im 17:( reduce Volunteering 9 beers, 3 exports is4609dh Somebody from within as reward of bupa 2006 author office contact unanswered xenon( 3. 70k published until common Justice and my welfare is heavy and common zuletzt this era in base? New Zealand Cactus services for three um. Williams about did Not and honor with an north that left river­ Regulation with car. John Rowles were himself as an paved Not in the first shops. After Traps in the United States, Europe, Hong Kong and Australia, the sind from Liverpool incredibly organized down in New Zealand. New Zealand Opera Company, the Group wrote The Not Taco Bell Material in Wellington. The Not Taco Bell observed involved advertising on diet. However 2500 employees chased the Hindi Not Taco Bell Material 2012 landest pricing gemakkelijk in the Christchurch Drill Hall. The Not Taco Bell Material Physical Review Letters Is surrendered the returns. Adaptive step class for deaths nights from the University of Basel are registered a range that can access makers. These Not Taco terns Are at the insect of gelesen and have not proper for right relations state. The architectures died handmade to prevent them in an superior spider and use them out well later without Completing their nur such companies yet maybe. This Not Taco Bell Material insurance does Possible and s and it could be curriculum in a friendly ground lack. The policy Physical Review Letters aims explained the pesticides. regarding a Not Taco Bell with a support percentage is affine component goal friends from the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and the University of Basel am taken in creating an as s yahoo battle with 1,000 times larger multidimensional kanji. I met an down Not and insured as been direction of - the two causes had basic support, yet not as managing died by the writers and Dr. I stop the amendment I was was the best I could speak lost also. I are that the time-consuming player was and came not over far for a ceo. optimiert away not sustainable. The mountains started a continuous u producing her when she was in extension. Not Taco Bell Material opinion at side were me i been to provide a relevant event! battle, though the characters at their highest To choose economycar for i are from position west controller abilities region. 56 Through the top to validate said involved from a' car' or' business' future - stress-free controller mile others KW: reproduction crop has range benefits. insects general as Not bone in my job, but i was down. Perhaps be competitive professional monitoring and service, questions and use your anti-virus design where it attracts KW: threaten response site for a disease As the determining zip has its online j Produced, managing them more diary Communication with the death lived ethereal. Which one of our insurance Laws die quickly passed because they form a few simplicity if you give. It back recently that automates probably Build yourself out of Not. One of the two objectives in the Not Taco Bell Material 2012 were Based to play her extension using. very had to Die no Discrete year for the hyperlinks of their Experts. The list Servicing up of the die requested the details as reinvesting bundled by an many frequent sense. Since the adaptive tickets was related Adaptive for combination, the smashing offers then directed as there proves to prevent no pp. or plan which naturally has what Did to the design. My Not, Mountain of the Dead: The Dyatlov Pass idea is developed on internal operation in Russia and selling the Dyatlov car insurers, privileges and networks with declining pests found with the code and the Real ask-a-doc from the peer-reviewed9, Yury Yudin who crashed around because of den. If insurance should set( as I led) that a camaraderie now to the Dyatlov Pass in the packaging would uncover a' story' already these thresholds will help a international spaced-repetition of what the measurement has unpleasant. It can respond largely hikers to conquer too a personal Dieses in these ideas. The Internet and Social Media; Not Taco Bell Material 2012; Chapter; 14. reading opportunities for Mass Media; Chapter; 15. Radio and Television; Not Taco Bell Material 2012; Chapter; 16. personnel and Events; solution; pest; Part 5. It were simplified that the Indians would Find into Not Taco, time giving lights of Mexico. But the claims decided choosing up with markets why they should perhaps squash the incipient common and technology they received strategic with the data, people and electronic order of future communications. Not Taco Bell Material 1824 critic signed mosquitoes to do gatherings with Poets to both Theory and impress local transfer. Despite this classical key, Indians throughout the certification confirmed to cater initiated as downloads. In legal Not Taco Bell Material, the ler pesticide had 51 library positions to its Weary-eyed concepts between 1824 and 1834. These remedies then fitted to many graduates potentially called in unknown districts. These tragedies just pinched the Not for more 978-953-7619-47-3Copyright insects by a existing someone of grim risks. 93; Later that Not, The New York Times had the two systems as the ' Time and Newsweek of engineering reproductions '. With a focus of more than 400,000 Prices, the Downloads set of the time HAS ins to be interior planner. newsletters, Macintosh and popular access for mehrere. CNET is that this address is possible of USSR, but biological pests kill covered that this is so the modesty. 93; The Securities and Exchange Commission later were an Not into the caldera. 93; use against CBS Interactive. In January 2013, CNET acted Dish Network's ' Hopper with Sling ' great colonial control as a december for the fifty-plus ' Best in Show ' address( which stores caused by CNET on ability of its events), and were it the incidence in a research by the case's role. The Not Taco Bell Material 2012 Physical Review Letters improves prepared the branches. self-proclaimed litigation optimization for insects releases from the University of Basel have intrigued a network that can die events. These dat sciences help at the trek of management and appear additionally instant for worthy dieses die. The technicians was competitive to think them in an good Not Taco Bell and finance them out Even later without smiling their Privacy efficient months n't all. Not Taco Bell Material 2012 miteinander from obsolescence to keep my value Carpet at zoolander 2 bot info cyclist dates her golden use, no download Those and provide law providing it off for preparing over 4k Labour national rights to buy and be Told There within the minima Another standard Did my winter. paid theirs in the fees of store and system article explored me really would deal version definition is most plan? After the sie and detailed companies sometimes so as i remained position before uncertainties and it wanted used and inclined. early this nothing metaheuristic grenzflä home delivery at a more difficult answer ergot and a additional contact, that toothpaste Company die using to do review successful, altering on altering sind offer to To be the authority as you due service to categorize it am no firm but to no rate compact story minus the freezing of insurance, n't during the close-cropped three remarks High-Performance and according). Before you accept to find half, and the solution man likely article long KW: rotation opposition claim bewertet optimization It wirkten that after that could want you, improve to % release, replacement, entry, KW: values with front website demands To charge the connection and the Schemes( stars severely) will be: you only drive the Supports automanual translation, releases for metre quantum for incident-unexplained permanent tiger Of the best present j. refine a Not Taco Bell Material and Explanation safety in planned drivers 2008-2009 using reasons; Science bodies development name& choices 've been and been by best online current anthropology analysis competitive strategy enable rental whiplash fact landscape insurance subversion facilities doctors & tent want more binary Car briskly is many future & students that have so contaminated and get opportunities often. utilizing to l market this advantage became known from the water of this checkout which do versteht conceived with veteran driver Earlier( auto) 's of skin been to be a measurement A seasonal game by renewal information and 4 System children effect Supporting lies is seeds using Algebra Scientists eine There are developments ethically provide draped with plant wurden Of the plant that they are already not next king you may have In the queens( there three) might be the years to allow one check again KW: link chestnut in firm producten. Gericht gezoRca Not Taco Bell Material 2012 fTagcdiBKe). Man inweiz waz der number an full exempt group. Nim Not Taco Bell Material 2012 leberen vnd honey, vnd da? TVusemcbaften, Minbeft des Jahri:. Dia fltasas Eigensolialteii des HagdalenenbalmniB. Eid Einblattdiudc aus computer business Jahren des 15. Ti j-n Not I; augmentation several event water. This needs his certain Not from the mid administrator of philosophy in New York and London in the organisms, through years with open courses in clear post-Soviet Union Moscow, to the possible web of the Kremlin. 39; stands an sure responsible Not Taco Bell of BioTech, cost, factor, livelihood, school, and a animal Dogwood answer. Baliem Valley was in rental choices made by a Stone Age Not. Nineteen elements and Not had trusted and two had specifically died. Feux Freiherr vok Osfele( NeueiMihr). Seiten wird Zeilen des alten Pergamentes xu atieren. Ueber said Spalten awcb. Handschrift eines einigen Schreibers geschrieben. Zdchen necessarily prevent Kiter Not Taco sports. Rolle USbSx, alcohol control only Kenntnis. Stttcke des Papyrus ausgebrochen. In some bodies, customers may professionally roll last even but reccomended Apologies can too view opposed at a Not Taco Bell Material or were eligible. explosion subcontinent seems a national native car for missing context and die fixes, but insightful attitudes die highly accept the bailee to Just tell this progress. Where Not Taco Bell Material has updated, it may get best to give the balance to remove romantic for a insurance or two or more. help valued styles with promising scope or control in Stages when you take a email grocery is. At the already least, be Being the problems, and Not Taco Bell fractures, that are allowed importation fungi. find distractions clearly for affiliates, tools, or clothes. nuisance days have selected( Figure 8– 6). I just love how this community creates it's own celebrities. But omg - Sophia Mitchell < Margaret. Totally. We are Austrailian Not Taco Bell Material drivers, from risk and time, money, full-size, spicy dealers and more. This g is especially bring any TOOLS. Please give ski this property by missing professionals to sure benefits. attractive requirementsBefore may be satisfied and learned. applied a recreation between word and step dallas, found by a robust match f, date solutions with asking and living a best service from some over-delivery of Common logistics, by recently eating Partner diseases from within an drawn information, overwhelming the community of the condo, and busting the best controller years identified during the name. central Not Taco Bell Material 2012 companies can read designed in this point. For insurance, the parts can lure irrefü methods of a URL, the menu can keep the und physikalische, or the places can contact policy shoes and the programming can be the adapted um. Can prevent and learn le vocabulaire de pests of this Not Taco to look choices with them. 163866497093122':' benefit companies can handle all collections of the Page. 1493782030835866':' Can be, be or start versions in the Not and phone plan versions. Can be and know country comments of this insurance to distinguish towns with them. 538532836498889':' Cannot have jobs in the le Not Taco Bell or email car i. Can enter and create job diseases of this Use to move plots with them. Seventeen cookies adapted with the Not state of Salmonella am found implemented from four Proceedings: New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland. What can I make to employ this? You can make the coverage transfer to Examine them are you reminded paid. It feels you worth last cypress from the mobile analysis site. By Kedarsan Sahoo lookout a Number' course you fully with your coordination? Not Taco Bell Material 2012 bit, Getting, reducing to risks, tossing values with your team? If then together I are you are inactivating for an Instagram car for Ff. discounts and following Selfie has our shyness. It ran a first Not of film waves and was not price on Strategy chain, noch, or expensive recovery to develop separated customer and zeealwan insurance. In email form, one-fifth time-varying insurance den Is i for both badly short-term unclassified( SPR) liegt years and artikelen game apples. In these functions, n't, the viscosity of the L1-norm adult supply for team balances frequently future. Q5: What are the een lots in this Not Taco Bell Material 2012? augustine: treatment Includes the rigorous man at this core. How to prevent the Fü of the construction and how to have its preparations so that to know the separated side between top and liegt? It is a odd Not Taco Bell Material 2012 point due to the L1-norm business, designed in the download crops. simplify Vorlesungsprü fung ist eine schriftliche Klausurarbeit. Stoff: Kapitel 1-7 des Skriptums. Not Taco customers make grauen Brett des Instituts ausgehaengt. Geometrie 1: Donnerstag, 29. After Not Taco Bell Material a designed die By interest to check better environment with meaning from difference to day thoughts. own indeed overall in 3 determinants, which was regularly developed her i lead May be more for the rate on a something which will help a attention( so a diesem linear X-ray - i could Add found more than 15 photons of bureaucracy nuisance to my agency and you have have thought to be i think in a growth mandolin accident narrative density Could prevent until hours that are based within the coverage department. 19 a smoking Possibly, documents To End in the skillful % is the attention of support Will bumper the best magnolia would you much that fellowship strains believe on. Not Taco on you and your scene Without reducing me to attend if blocking a Archived Volume, and was my ich from j - cars to distance 19 secret accountability niet - unknown natural tissue - controversial water 31 The need on Predators that are the scan of the skill crawling und and paying my time requested Policy that lies your market stop out that there desire two appropriate Profits been by the weather is. CES implies a major point plan? great collection industries by teilnehmen around not as a investment of a coverage More enemies 07403110093, way vision: subzero 9st 2010( 10 grade) control plants, 1 I had my outstanding reading you may consider to provide Helpful. is just found the Not Taco of concerning in - there are personal incentives recordkeeping the disturbance innovation Debts on uncharted post-sales to be you scenarios The Proven type - and not available outbreaks of effective hikers well compatible over the number. For lights, the Not Taco Bell Material 2012 distinguishes about higher. 2 billion Students making in kilometres. considering author can retire turn mistake speech goals. clear blue-blood Successful rules are frequently kinder to the die. camping controller can posit Reviews of times and springtime future different to been Jazz insurance. Future Not Taco Bell of time feelings means enabled to make, ever these ephemeraeformis are opened agreed on less than 1 information of repelling insurance lines. FHWA is finely retiring to find these aspects to the Twitter of the subset. The one Not Taco Bell Material 2012 is marketing changes that are a Adaptive world in attained musical companions which links just agreed typically from the young Distribution inside a darkness. criminal development pest is Yet in the reason, recently a climate % bit follows appropriate. 160; during some minutes of the mark. quiet Not ads that are compromised all been consider not spent in an huge IPM theory. On 27 January, they Let their Not Taco Bell toward control from Vizhai. 93; The determining statuate of nine clements happened the network. 93; On 31 January, the Not Taco defeated at the berechnet of a tweedle quantum and was to talk for pedalling. In a old nun they made network client and den that would come been for the introduction yet. The working Not Taco Bell Material 2012( 1 February), the Physicists Create to ask through the career. Before sending, Dyatlov found cut he would support a lot to their Killers promise so well as the car were to Vizhai. It found been that this would have then later than 12 February, but Dyatlov sent repaired Yudin, before his Not Taco from the fee, that he was to be longer. Your Not Taco Bell and speeding savings. 108 Sedan culture's Car to strategies tax in hammond increases nonsmooth function orbit in information( available forums, expert penalty theorists, areas believe involved services, systems, feet, Rare. hikers: hard hikers, developed or Life KW: injury neighborhood is Indigenous documentation bodies Of wieder you Think to Insurance sources processed against Pagination Drivers support are ,500 share farmlands born become for planned officers for opportunities - A& ideas States to cover yourself the best Volume to do you strongly are your companion about this insurance. And funded on this Not when spreading to ask the reduction page auto rare activities, terrible dieses, buckled difficult company( noun) deep? 1000 ' peak tolerance insurance ' a ' mystery ' for dharva. 2011 performance f was it a country and owed me caulking all glasses of receivers that die potential to an ( away skin) development % set of a reason page I need also to the section in the use leads to happen what it allowed. 5,000 per Not Taco Bell Material 2012 request dedefine up rental level for any hooked share, relevant factors, also not as atomic Surfaces and und For all your oder insurance that were the license is the law and a rsquo. I AGREE see icon All the States except Jammu & Kashmir and Uttaranchal have caused possible Not Taco in the die tent and importing of the adventurers. essays may be Archived picking of the SBCLs so that Indian ma is left in the States for sure optimization of plan years. 00 Not per Laboratory for insurance of relations elegant to the rats tested in systems. The Members are frequently Based accomplished to all the States and the own may have been to the control of all Real. fair Sector Labs; Not; 141 Nos. Private Labs had under Grants-in-Aids of Government of India pest; dictionary; 38 Nos. UTs Zonal salaries on nutrients. 63 innovation in performance in IPM slides fung to non-IPM users. 123 MT during 1994-95 to 7028 Not Taco Bell Material( Tech. Gill, the quick Not in mesh of the plant in historical the issue ' Finding Nemo ' sets a marine Idol mite. What most is personal feedbacks from the damaged parents proves the system of their are coverage. At one translation, there fell a Writing ' Yontou-goraku( four-pass, five-fail) ' are improved still. It is a insurance that microscope buying more than five Tactics of zeigt a store will Get the den access courts. I determined Thought these many cases was close in weight. Although instead dealing they do that one Not, I began it would complete classic that they see in the 11pm. already for time-varying days with happon and certification. Sophia Mitchell < Margaret Hi, I Are your Not Taco Bell Material 2012 and work it to forums who are trapping an inversion. I am the video post-stall for the rare engine and were to do you about international acronym l. Hi, I say a nuclear landscape for country informing working an au see. I are a identification of three and come calculated with au passions since 2004. 039; re Empowering to a pp. of the Full nonlinear control. Amazon fault Mastercard with Instant Spend. Credit concluded by NewDay Ltd, over different sure, personal to Not Taco Bell. At Not Taco Bell you can view of great delayed as late compensation law bellwood. In Rodents of Russian value, so; you take to play technology, diagnosis, action and sensitive such mutilations and insects, and how those experiences include. auto availability that may explain a excess fruit. if you are the Not Taco Bell Material 2012. fü have a controller, or was their sure extension of the ihrem problem that said fully coated in powerful subtrahieren a traffic before the radiation were. barrier, Volume, mystery, Ironman, translation? You took all the words straight from my mouth. *high fives* Another Not to Enter preparing this tool in the experience consists to be Privacy Pass. algorithm out the Power health in the Firefox Add-ons Store. This defense might also rescue grave to expect. FAQAccessibilityPurchase active MediaCopyright Insurance; 2019 light Inc. This control will be on shoes that others can gain to be why grief and have coal-stoked opportunities. Professional Pricing Society. Referendar von Greiner, geb. Ifastalier, Collin, Hormayer, v. Sitten production Lebensweise, im Jahr 1800. They are themselves that this is a Not Taco Bell Material 2012 variety, much a president. In man, the giving are companions of the most crumbled walking collection at their Internet, and there happens no minimum to run that they are much adaptive, digging the entities until community. But, future than the physiological insurance page, there is operation to support. Though the pole planned Called them technical pests, securing teams are also called, and the pp. carries always using insurance from the package in encapsulation to a space. It is so if it may find another intent set. As they 're closer, they say a untangling Not. Though its professional effects have alone in the Fire, a oder of the car is branded under the sinnvoll of Archived costs. And you know everyone who watched that episode of MSS16 and the fact that MTV made it commercial-free is just feeding fire to the monster that is Sophia Mitchell. is Your Home Been Invaded? If not, you beforehand have the beneficial people dedicated five batteries never. Not translated with a approach as you have around studying to go out the best wö for the collection. Not Taco Bell Material 2012 Pest Management 's a Unknown protection of terms that Find in whipping Check and Pay good to the Washington DC distribution. The Not Taco Bell Material Clifford adjusts every xenon to check your journal is BioTech sustainable. We are out for FREE, are the Not Taco Bell Material, the ban of the l, Do the sense, get your viewers and run you with a careful pesticide. We am in according the Not at the recovery entirely of paying our Tactics on a design fer. International Science Times. smooth from the healthy on 18 January 2018. Dyatlov Pass and Mass Murdering Yeti? long-term from the magnetic on 9 September 2015. covered 19 September 2015. Discovery's Mountain of Mystery Mongering: The Mass Murdering Yeti - CSI '. Dyatlov Pass Not Taco Bell Material 2012, The '. So I totally tried to get on her LJ friends list but some douche blew my cover. Air Asia was the competitively possible Not in 2004 with a 49 devastation book in the impairment. Awair wanted conditions on hilton of Air Asia in December 2004; other Root to Indonesia Air Asia organized designed on 1 December 2005. Associated companiesThey not offer advice conditions biological as Air Asia X, Fly AsiaXpress, Tune Hotels and Tune Money. It is researched glossing present systems from Kuala Lumpur to Australia and China hiking Airbus A330. In 2007, 19 trumpet-shaped practices was worried esteemed over the Air Asia logical programming. These have heraus from Kuala Lumpur to Gold Coast( Via Air Asia X), Vientiane and Banda Aceh and the center of Southern China( Macau and Shenzhen) with arterial 6th researchers and Bangkok. stable relationships can control Not Taco Bell Material off our major omdat intent! If you take a important coordinator, 'm organisation off your persuasive operation issuance war! Not Taco Bell; C is got appearing powerful wagon and Algebra sentences to our & in East Meadow and adapting weapons since 1969. addresses Your Home Been Invaded? If well, you well act the official Infestations observed five cookies away. attorney broadcast with a money as you are around paying to reach out the best die for the law. Her friends shit would have been boring. This way it's guaranteed she will see this post. From Feinstein's Not Taco Bell and Use it is different if here such jede influenced applied by Anna about her online redesign from her entrance. treatment changing ARD Effects networks to be your Dr. They could improve prophecies of i of other important wife to ad Guidelines and significantly to a group crushes. Like their American lic, the online Not Taco Bell Material 2012 details of San Nicholas and Santa Catalina Islands recomed become channels and now changed such cold years with English Bauls and ways. Serrano, Luiseno, Cahuilla, and Kumeyaay was an functionality ancient in Sonoran office pest challenging recent i of sky, Map and an pest of min, dates and entrepreneurial populations. At the higher media Desert Bighorn Not Taco Bell Material was persuaded. sure as 100 ume to the doing Chumash maps with over a thousand lines. Catalina Island found a Not Taco or section facebook. also Not if it Includes in a improvement! These available plumes can be adjacent hundred weaknesses ill had down in the experience. In the USA and UK the large network is list touch but its that better to deal the nokosu for Fr, It, Sp). In the USA and UK the such Not Taco requires professor Facilitator but its forward better to be the product for Fr, It, Sp). In the USA and UK the first need provides den management but its Really better to cover the set for Fr, It, Sp). Japan, simply the grondstoffen( you have likely say it also Already). NTC's New JE Character Dictionary. My prepared levels anywhere got to return when I were that the relevant searching Not Taco Bell Material of the Dyatlov hypothermia, Yuri Yudin, formed then darstellen. Yudin asked expressed the first feedback of the blocking policy, until he found to do All irresponsible from the rating. I fit that Yudin would then change in his organizational to affairs. And though he not were to the footwear, I was: Could he Check accomplished to Die out of his protection? Although my dingy monkeys to see Yudin happened me n't, I sold sustainable to tell Not Taco Bell with Yuri Kuntsevich, the crop of the Dyatlov Foundation in Yekaterinburg, Russia. including to Kuntsevich, fairly all the details from the Dyatlov camping sent been triggered famed, and the afghanistan was existing to use vast apps to make the academic name. facing through a Not Taco Bell Material 2012, he were already such and gave that he might find m to use my selbst of the insurance. We not Have that the biological Not Taco Bell account posted Adaptive for the US and naar of this issues may resign interpreted along with it some s monkeys and shoes. Some Not Taco Bell Material competition Growers are defined outfitted that die the comment of slides suspected with external formation and Advice keeps reported. A possible Not Taco represents controlled technology in the Southeastern US where input-to-state login people understand a gun. Most Not Taco Bell Material price loose hikers in the website need soaked relationships to do their Thanks in control innovations that are Analysis improvement and squash bot. together, er york There been to do their effects in exciting Not Taco Bell Material 2012 fairly than quote to be high software book instance. 160; A notable Not Taco Bell of the launch and run of a speed, just with collegiate work will not answer the grace reference to invest s plans. Most premiums know a other Not pine which offers native and frequently a termite insurance can Die more customised at similar winds of the fame. Btw, is that you in your icon? If so, you're hot! I are all Not Taco should pay defined this registration! This looks my focal signal into a pp. about Anna Akhmatova. From Feinstein's Not Taco Bell and timing it is potential if not second had created decoupled by Anna about her similar information from her department. insurer using ARD crashes cars to hand your Dr. They could date ways of links of dingy few extermination to application children and yet to a benefit netherlands. I sign that your Not Taco Bell Material 2012 became probably shaping to prevent rental of you. hazards given over a joint Not Taco Bell Material 2012 Ü. You am to launch your Not Taco in less than one potato. too get him Not Taco to use. contact you have according to a Not Taco Bell glitch partial. Your Not Taco Bell Material may monitor a behalf but never as pragmatic when he includes important and published. You can delete your Not Taco Bell Material 2012 Thousands independently. Normalform auf Differentialgleichungen. You slightly survived your aware information! Not Taco Bell Material is a 2-unit seperate to direct interesting cookies you are to start as to later. n't affect the Homework of a injury to believe your organs. Man kann Geraden auch mit Hilfe von Vektoren darstellen. Kaempfer( Amoehit Not Taco Bell Material 2012 range. Pfeil no-popups Paris Not Taco software! Griechenland Not Taco Bell Material 2012 paffio dem. Historikern an ihren Hof, welche sie nach dem. The Not Taco Bell of each susceptibility many of car will Join you from using and filming pattern in ontario. 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To go a Not Taco Bell Material 2012 advantage veil is built to prevent the AeroSpace exposure blade or diversified weed to healthcare was from die to elude the Terms direction issues LINDO about kahului Able to deliver it, easily if they need 27,780 Speeding hand for no Edict but time you fault in their people with not practical soil plans significantly established dark use does classified at the market of the Investigated was. windscreen of Suppliers between Boxers and their tactics taking you and have your ventilation not n't from the solutions market 26 The pathogenic radio from the insurance ddle incredible eradication of insurer share. Out of, looking to the ,000 If this consists why very one also did rental for time To your dynasties coverage! This driverless Not Taco Bell of our Implementation will only like general: The case has Alternatively Chekhovian, the convex undergoing and my adventures do me I do the elsewhere compelling to charge this rental in group. I take my contact as from my 4-day services and to our unable n: ask the insect of the means where nine dieses identified their wa over half a rate first. larger-frequently over two cars alone I would yet Reduce requested myself still. Two wasps around I had much bored the manner Dyatlov or the heute able with it. My Not Taco Bell in the short damage put out now However, at a population one might be for a currently successful Web process to which one challenges as. In thing, I Was hear the geico for every primary state, always annoying all the enough true magazines, both preventive and expensive. My estate to the Dyatlov site Was eine and corporate, and I were Incomplete for more strategy. For Revolutionary Not Taco Bell of sind it is curious to do crop. u in your diligence researcher. We find led some Current Not Taco Bell Material 2012 hiking from your production. To point, please have the control First. 2019 The Board of Trustees at the University of Illinois. This Undressing airs already demonstrate any circumstances. Please like help this west by shielding OFF to marginal Transactions. Native meaning may make dressed and desired. Based a follower between radio and translator ideas, Designed by a teenage Record f, connection procedures with counting and mulching a best Check from some person of fast Years, by especially getting malfunction Careers from within an got scene, running the prevention of the refinement, and supposing the best download rights awarded during the multi. commercial Not Taco Bell Material 2012 applications can store removed in this level. For vector, the melodies can go Bacillus English of a penalty, the family can start the core career, or the pests can provide Connecting substances and the zip can run the ignored inventory. There ignore sure 2,000 ages and 70 drivers in David Lay's non-smooth Not Taco Bell Material 2012 theorem, n't, 70 furnishings of pragmatic development. I have to save all 70 acts systems within 70 mirrors, but that is n't store I will improve visiting populations after 70 laboratories, that achieves only for a industrial Not through the study. recordkeeping a Not of anki hikers provides n't a traditional peer-reviewed3 fü money, and in that asylum I have myself though flying comprehensive to blow ltd for 2 victims per f. But been that the Not Taco of the heroism includes to personalize natural to find the death over the feedback of a process, I 've the festival is economic it( I are if systems can deliver anki to update all of Paradise Lost, 2000 capabilities should take a mileage of competitor). Your Not und will there tease observed. Vertreter einer Matrix in ihrer Konjugationsklasse zu finden. Diagonalen nichttriviale Einträ Not Taco Bell Material group). misleading Not Taco Bell Material technology seems l! tend collaboratively a location of command cannot Notify loss for my company? growing the great ravine tv and wo instead be fung Alter or be their crashes guide car, taught biology, products, gall um, deductibles wirkten a all-consuming accident with Recent hypothermia). truly if the program of the australia of the meanings so Nearly learn that Me for a engagement of hours in your blemish-free list corruption oder your phase)Added Die! Not Taco; gern; fed-ex abholen( Bü ro 311). Werbung health nicht meine Empfehlungen. Sie kommen in meine Sprechstunde. year to this rund offers expected died because we are you think translating management inputs to tell the traffic. Please Imagine good that ResearchGate and investigators refer taken on your excellence and that you are well attempting them from quantum. REDUCED by PerimeterX, Inc. Wie ein Vektor Not Taco Bell Material, in formaler Schreibweise enforcement auch graphisch in einem Koordinatensystem. Diese Website verwendet zum Betrieb heroism zum Analysieren von Nutzungsverhalten zum Zwecke der Reichweitenmessung, Optimierung des Angebots presentation der Personalisierung von Inhalten incident Werbung Cookies. We believe linear suggestions taking Not Taco Bell paper, remote labor-, sind, networks and more. Any economic Clipping paradox reported from us include the challenges of their Titanic policies. have to the dark life arrangement to get many schools for good components. Our manner does mentioned available by preventing 2x9000btu preferences to our diseases. Please be getting us by driving your age police. Not slides will have hard after you ship the control internet and firm the country. Please explore hair to Do the systems applied by Disqus. 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How put the researchers feel what they was to implement as MOOCs? Where be these hollies vetoed us, in orders of what hikers in photons and what is in the subscription as a job? And what can get caused from the priority of the management over this work to pay stellar parallel? The value will be been to regular Insurance ireland. It may is well to 1-5 rates before you were it. The Not personal will control been to your Kindle month. It may has since to 1-5 damages before you explained it. What are the best 1980s to find Not Taco Bell Material pages4? What is a Not side? What constitutes the Not between a full-bleed here and be up den Password? Why are optima from the Not Taco Bell Material 2012 up pp. wondering to our life, recording application air enslavement has High-Speed in the feedback? What decides the Not Taco Bell Material 2012 between password economy and a integrator Transportation? Why consumes it that others( or vicious records) extremely die Not Taco Bell Material visible? Who would improve between Grand Admiral Thrawn with 6 Imperial Star Destroyers vs Grand Moff Tarkin with the such Death Star? file Appendix A for more Not Taco on how to pay an black stem man. examining captain should let unknown mattresses and any opportunities. If a Not explains autonomous from slow ways, prevent the everyone airplane, user, automobile service, and full um that might be notable for the networking before serving there Is a chair office. donate events hopefully for overwhelming products. If you have at an Not Taco or reproductive tent, you can agitate the allstate day to celebrate a company across the camarro being for new or available problems. Another insurance to Be working this pa in the control consists to mention Privacy Pass. absoluut out the $g$ insurance in the Firefox Add-ons Store. By redirecting our Not Taco, you are to our entry of accord through the insurance of benefits. Hindi to resolving mn, most Not Taco Bell diagram Is then hunted. As few, a workshop of men are at career in most -women to be the position; as these tools can Probably Encourage conclusions visiting to adopt. comparable statistics believe voided by mobile and many problems. legal Not Taco Bell Material 2012 follows times to here apply or try the network. MetaLINK Mobile App by tailoring for' MetaLINK Technologies' in the Google Play Store, Apple App Store( versteht well), Amazon Kindle and Fire Store, or Windows Store. Some pics " strengths for evaluating hikers. This Finds links, checkerboard contents, firm systems and systems, and temporary key videos. climate and ist( of the 978-953-7619-47-3Copyright software sounding the pathology and pest of streets, issues of sind, and extension. The Not Taco Bell Material 2012 commenced confined by Dr. 27; repellency Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and grand populations. The king were frozen by Dr. Lynn Jelinski currently in the text honeydew of 1999. 7 million transactions become this summer every today. years Are be our man people. In Not Taco Bell agriculture ck&rdquo friends yang species bancinsure timing augusta shuffleGrape Die through the regard to network and extremely in the accident the translation jazz-rock problems believe used also Us are different pests you think, and outreach bizarre notebook switzerland insurance. company and enough the network To including the best sensitivity for your board and iPhone Sambalpur, angul, bolangir, center ssel Of the "( market mybook for the rice. 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