stringlengths 14
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PMP® certification is a globally recognized Project Management Certification from PMI® USA. It is a Project Management Methodology which is standard in the world. PMP Certification Mumbai aims to give you knowledge on globally recognized best practices, tools and techniques & Recognize your knowledge, skills and abilities.
We train students in Spoken English, General English and Business English for appearing in interviews. Our course includes all the basics of English language comprising the fundamentals of grammar like preposition, vocabulary, tenses etc. Grammar involves the understanding of all the tenses with the proper know-how about their sets of rules & regulations, how to use them by giving the appropriate examples and also video lectures. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
I was home alone this Christmas, if sharing space with Sadie, Bernice, Cha Cha, Jitterbug AND my cousin Kathy Bannon's cat, Rudie, can be called 'alone'. The Readmans, who are not just staff, but family, are away spending Christmas in Northport. They will be back sometime today, the good Lord and the highway department willing, and I will be glad to see them.
I am indeed the classic example of the woman who has everything, and I have sincerely asked friends and family NOT to give me gifts. Several still persist–silver earrings from my dad and stepmother (they're lovely), the world's softest bathrobe from Mary Ann ( I think it really is), and numerous other things, too. One stands out, though–the prayer shawl made by my busy, creative sister, Sally. I wrapped myself in it this morning, and yesterday morning, too, for my prayer and devotional reading. I felt enfolded in the love and grace of God–and of my sister, too.
Thank you, Sally. For the gift of your time and your love. I will always cherish the shawl. And I will always cherish you.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 26th, 2006 at 3:50 pm in This & That. You can feed this entry. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Well ladies this is a older story but the fact still remains that many black fathers have so many children that they are unable to support the children. This generates alot of the struggle on the children's mother. I will share that I have five children and the five children have three different fathers (2-1-2). The struggle to support my children is one that has born creativity aswell as having shifted me into becoming quite frugile.
The question Knox County officials now face is how to support all these children. Hatchett works a minimum wage job and by law the state can only take 50% of his paycheck for child support. By the time that money is split 21 ways, some of the mothers get less than $2 per month. That leaves the taxpayers footing a large portion of the bill for these children. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
The Engine Control Module (ECM) uses commanded fuel pump flow to determine a desired fuel rail pressure. The actual fuel pressure is monitored using the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor.
Help us improve AutoCodes.com. Leave a comment below or tell us if the information above help you fix the code. What are the symptoms on your vehicle for the P0089 Volkswagen code? Have you replaced any parts? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
The 4 Industries That Rebounded the Most In Q1
June 9, 2021 June 10, 2021 | Executive Search, Insights, Private Equity, Venture Capital
By Reed Flesher
The first quarter was an impressive one for executive search, but perhaps the most impressive aspect wasn't the continued growth in searches or the continued acceleration in completed searches. No; the most impressive part was the fact that even the hardest hit industries in 2020 seem to have rebounded.
In our latest quarterly report, we wrote that Q1 was a litmus test of sorts: We had spent much of 2020 analyzing the recovery from COVID and looking at early signals the impact digital transformation has had on the executive search process; but nowhere in 2020 had we reached a point when we could firmly say that an entire quarter's worth of data was fully separated from the COVID dip.
Q1 was that time, especially as industries like business services, energy, telecommunications and travel/hositality.
In other words, the rising tide has now lifted all boats.
Search Growth
In fact, the four industries that struggled the most to find momentum in 2020—business services, energy, telecommunications, travel/hospitality—had a very good quarter.
Those industries saw opens grow 33% YoY and 47% QoQ—still trailing the global quarterly YoY average for opens (53%), but an impressive turnaround nonetheless.
On the completed search front, business services, energy, telecommunications, and travel/hospitality saw completed searches grow 29% YoY—right in line with the global average.
Accelerated Searches
They likewise saw similar efficiencies in terms of completed searches, finishing searches 9% faster in Q1 than they did in 2020.
Though the numbers may not be as impressive as the overall market acceleration, we've now seen a steady improvement in search velocity, suggesting that these industries will continue in that direction as well, even if they may be trailing behind right now.
"Cycle time wise – our speed to placement has been impacted across the value chain – with much of this being impacted by virtually a 100% video-based search process – in many cases up to the point where final interviews are taking place," Brian Clarke, managing partner at Kensington International, told us in our report. "The biggest question we are asking ourselves – will clients ever accept the candidate interview expense numbers – flying to see candidates again. Not only has it shaved off days to close – but the average search expense is down substantially."
Hiring Focus
The search focus for business services, energy, telecommunications, and travel/hospitality was similar to the overall market, as well, with nearly a third of all searches being directed for C-Suite and board positions (nearly identical to the overall average). Marketing and Sales/Business Development made up another 29% (slightly more than 26% overall average), while Product and Engineers made up 17% (slightly more than the 15% overall average).
Of note: In the four industries we're focused on here, Engineering (13%) carried the bulk of the search share. Overall, however, the split between Product and Engineering was pretty evenly split.
All of this seems to suggest that the industries that got beat up the most by COVID are back in a way that's worth paying attention to. Key to that assertion is the fact that, save for a few minor differences, this subset of industries looks much like the overall market.
What to make of it?
If you subscribe to the belief that the market is only as strong as its weakest link, then this data should indicate to you that everyone is revving along. As such, we're finding increased enthusiasm across the board.
Hiring, demand planning, and industry monitoring is critical to search firms looking for an advantage right now.
If the last year taught us anything, it's that these can't be gut calls anymore. In order to stay nimble, adjust to market trends, and paddle out ahead to catch the wave, firms need stronger insights into their business and the market, and more efficient operations.
To get more insights into how other industries performed in Q1, download our latest report here. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Q: Converting Kinect depth image to Real world coordinate I'm working with the kinect, using OpenNI 2.x, c++, OpenCV.
I am able to get the kinect depth streaming and obtain a grey-scale cv::Mat. just to show how it is defined:
cv::Mat m_depthImage;
m_depthImage= cvCreateImage(cvSize(640, 480), 8, 1);
I suppose that the closest value is represented by "0" and the farthest by "255".
After that, I make a conversion between depth coordinates to World coordinates. I do it element by element of the cv::Mat grey-scale matrix, and i collect data in PointsWorld[640*480].
In order to display these data, I adjust the scale in order to collect value in a 2000x2000x2000 matrix.
cv::Point3f depthPoint;
cv::Point3f PointsWorld[640*480];
for (int j=0;j<m_depthImage.rows;j++)
for(int i=0;i<m_depthImage.cols; i++)
depthPoint.x = (float) i;
depthPoint.y = (float) j;
depthPoint.z = (float) m_depthImage.at<unsigned char>(j, i);
if (depthPoint.z!=255)
openni::CoordinateConverter::convertDepthToWorld(*m_depth,depthPoint.x,depthPoint.y,depthPoint.z, &wx,&wy,&wz);
wx = wx*7,2464; //138->1000
if (wx<-999) wx = -999;
if (wx>999) wx = 999;
wy = wy*7,2464; //111->1000 with 9,009
if (wy<-999) wy = -999;
if (wy>999) wy = 999;
wz=wz*7,8431; //255->2000
if (wz>1999) wy = 1999;
Xsp = P-floor(wx);
Ysp = P+floor(wy);
Zsp = 2*P-floor(wz);
PointsWorld[k].x = Xsp;
PointsWorld[k].y = Ysp;
PointsWorld[k].z = Zsp;
But i'm sure that doing that do not allow me to have a comprehension of the real distance between points. An x,y,z coordinate what will mean?
There is a way to know the real distance between points, to know how much far is, for example, the grey value of the matrix "255"? and the wx,wy,wz what they are for?
A: If you have OpenCV built with OpenNI support you should be able to do something like:
int ptcnt;
cv::Mat real;
cv::Point3f PointsWorld[640*480];
if( capture.retrieve(real, CV_CAP_OPENNI_POINT_CLOUD_MAP)){
for (int j=0;j<m_depthImage.rows;j++)
for(int i=0;i<m_depthImage.cols; i++){
PointsWorld[ptcnt] = real.at<cv::Vec3f>(i,j);
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} |
Our minds are what make us human....well that, and opposable thumbs. We use our minds to understand, remember, plan, rationalize, organize and logic-ize (and make up words). We use all these functions (and more) to solve our problems...and if we look at even the root of that - to avoid pain and to feel good. In our minds we rationalize and think, "_______ happened and I don't like it. How can I stop _______ to feel ______." In this process we develop habitual responses, automatic reactions and filter everything through the lenses from behind which we see the world. Our thoughts and our perceptions join forces. Overtime and with "practice" our thoughts become our beliefs.
Our society and culture focuses strongly on our minds and the power of our minds. We tend to believe that if we think it, it must be true....and if we want to be "better" we have to think more. I believe this creates a dichotomy where we believe the mind has ALL the answers. We become disjointed from the rest of our bodies and the wisdom that lies in us, beyond the mind - the wisdom of our bodies, our intuitions, our emotions.
When we slow down and become mindful we take a step back from our habitual experience to gain perspective. Being mindful of the mind, we simply view our thoughts from a distance - from a witness perspective. We don't try to stop our thoughts, or empty our mind. On the contrary, we are deeply aware of the content of our thinking - yet we don't become enmeshed in it, we don't get carried away by it. We watch the activity of the mind from a curious, non-judgemental, witnessing perspective - we develop mindfulness around the true nature of the mind and the nature of our thoughts. We see the bigger picture of our minds. We begin to notice what thoughts may (or may not) serve our greater personal good. We may begin to realize thought patterns that dominate our experience (for example, anxious thoughts and worries) or perhaps you notice just how unaware you have been as to the content of the thoughts that dominate the internal world of your mind.
In any case, being mindful of the mind is a very dynamic and engaged process. It takes concentration and awareness, compassion and a lack of judgement. It also takes patience - understanding that we never arrive at a mind that is empty and serene. We arrive with an awareness that we can create space in our minds to notice and to choose our thoughts, reactions and even beliefs.
Taking the Victor Frankl quote one layer deeper, and understanding it as it applies to the nature of the mind: "Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Home News Jersey City News Fixing a broken system
Fixing a broken system
Murphy lays out plans to revamp state economic development
Al Sullivan, Senior Staff Writer
Gov. Phil Murphy came to Jersey City's Indiegrove work space to unveil new economic development strategies.
Armed with a new state audit showing New Jersey's programs for economic development from the Christie administration were in far worse shape than first imagined, Gov. Phil Murphy came to Jersey City on Jan. 16 to unveil a new program.
At a press conference held at the Indiegrove, work space f on Newark Avenue, Murphy said he was not surprised by the conclusions of the audit. But he said the size of it was eye opening. He said it appears that as much as $11 billion in various tax breaks and subsidies dedicated to job growth and economic development may have been wasted and did not achieve the job creation the giveaways were intended to create.
After touring the operations at Indiegrove, Murphy laid out a five-part plan for revamping the state's economic redevelopment program, setting specific goals and putting clear caps on spending.
One of the reasons he picked Jersey City for the announcement, he said, is because Jersey City already has initiated a number of key elements toward obtaining the state's objectives.
He said his plan is designed to restore New Jersey to its historic place as an incubator for startup business, noting that the state was once "Silicon Valley before there was a Silicon Valley," which included some notable inventors such as Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.
He said until a few years ago, New Jersey was rated in the top five states for innovative development, but has since fallen to 15, behind places like Northern California, Boston, and Austin, Texas.
Murphy said the new approach to economic development would include efforts to support startup companies, and focus on job growth.
He said this includes promoting ties between business and universities, noting that the state has a number of high-quality institutions, including Rutgers University that already has a $700 million program and world-recognized Princeton University whose program is considered one of the best in the world. Along with these are quality programs at institutions such as Stevens Institute of Technology.
No more awards won through 'connections'
"This is a change of focus," Murphy said, noting that the plan would approach startup investment from theoretical through commercial.
"We need real economic growth in this state," he said. "There will be no more outsized awards that were won through connections, rather than merit, and no more open-ended commitments we can't afford."
"Projects not only need great talent and great ideas, but they need capital." – Gov. Phil Murphy
The five initiatives will help revise the expiring tax incentive programs that are currently administered by New Jersey's Economic Development Authority, he said, and will have firm caps on spending. The plan will also attempt to create partnerships that would generate commercial investments.
While big companies would not be excluded from applying, these must have some ties to startup development and real job creation.
A five-part program
The first of these will be NJ Forward, and would replace the current program known as Grow NJ and would specifically target high-growth industries that would generate high-wage jobs.
He said this would focus on opportunity zones throughout the state. There are 169 census tracks that would qualify for federal incentives, including a number in Jersey City. This program is designed to attract private investment and to encourage hiring locally.
He said the state has a number of very attractive industries that would benefit from this including biotech, life sciences, TV and film (he said he intends to restore film subsidies), and transit-related enterprise.
"This program would be capped at $200 million a year and would be first-come-first-served, and the award would last for five years," he said.
Investment, environment, preservation, fundraising
The second proposal – New Jersey Aspire – would also replace an existing program and would be designed to promote community and neighborhood investment, targeting vacant or underused property for creation of work-space developments and affordable housing. The state would set aside $100 million annually, Murphy said.
The third proposal would replace the current Brownfield grant program and create a competitive tax-credit grant that sets aside a total of $20 million to clean up contaminated land for development with no more than $4 million going toward any one project.
This would have the added benefit of creating more jobs and helping to undo the negative environmental legacy industry has created.
The fourth program would create a new state historic tax-credit program to preserve and give new life to historic buildings through rehab and redevelopment.
"During my tour of Bayonne I saw a huge need for this," Murphy said, "as well as places in Jersey City."
This would also encourage private development to help save these historic buildings.
The state would set aside $20 million annually, and would create a project cap of $4 million, although there could be bonuses for projects that develop 20 percent affordable housing units.
The fifth element called Evergreen would serve as a fundraising mechanism for the other four proposals. It would set aside about $100 million annually to help draw additional private-sector investment in startups and other companies.
"Projects not only need great talent and great ideas, but they need capital," Murphy said. "Evergreen will be designed to help raise capital."
Murphy said these five proposals are intended to "fix a broken system" and will be based on merit instead of political connections, and there will be "no more endless handouts."
To comment on this story online, go to hudsonreporter.com. Al Sullivan may be reached at [email protected]
Gov. Phil Murphy
The decade-long tenure of Rolando Lavarro
Jersey City schools to return to in-person learning on Jan. 18
Hudson County Democrats congratulate Sampson after swearing in
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
WWE signed a huge Superstar and the face of the company when they brought in Ronda Rousey. However, nothing can last forever and WWE knows this. It's already been a year since Rousey came into WWE and she won't be around forever.
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter proposed that the WrestleMania main event could be Ronda Rousey vs Becky Lynch. However, this match could be changed to include Charlotte Flair and it won't hurt the build for the program. In fact, if WWE's goal is to have a great match in the WrestleMania main event then inserting Flair into the situation gives that an even bigger chance of happening.
It was said that putting both Flair and Lynch in that Mania main event spot would create legends out of them. The two are looked at as "lifers" meaning that WWE will likely be their home until they retire. However, Rousey is not looked at in the same way.
Therefore, no matter how much of a focus WWE gives Rousey or how many records she's able to help break it won't change her eventual destination of starting a family at Browey Acres. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
RESTON, VA — According to participating members in the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Assn. monthly Trend of Business Survey, cabinet sales for August 2008 decreased 26.2% compared to sales for August 2007. Stock cabinet sales decreased 21.5%, semi-custom sales decreased 29.6% and custom sales decreased 31.2%.
The year-to-date sales show a decrease of 17.2% with stock sales down 19.2%, semi-custom sales down 15.3% and custom sales down 17.4%.
Survey participants include stock, semi-custom and custom companies whose combined sales represent over 50% of the U.S. cabinet market. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Date: Thursday, 30 August 2012, at 8:32 p.m.
I notice that in Iancho's latest PR ranking list, there were 10 players with both a live and an online PR. Of these 10, half of them had a lower online PR.
Seems to me that the gist of your challenge is that Stick would have to match or better his 2.04 PR to remove your suspicions entirely, but a result in some nebulous range above 2.04 would not do that. You mentioned that if he had "3.0 or so" then some would "take that as proof that he cheated. Others may feel it is still unresolved."
So I'm wondering how far up you think that "grey area" would extend, if you were making a similar challenge to the other four players. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
When you're craving a heavenly slice of cheesy, meaty, veggie-loaded goodness, we know your tastebuds don't want just any old pizza in West Columbia. You want a heavenly pizza topped with a robust tomato sauce, perfectly diced pepperoni, heaping piles of mozzarella cheese, and a hand-tossed crust that's crunchy, crispy, and chewy. You want to take a bite out of the perfect pizza. You want Domino's.
At Domino's on Augusta Rd, we make it easy to get exactly what you want: pizza that's fast and fresh. Order your pizza online or by calling (803) 791-5309, or stop by and place a takeout order in person.
Start off by picking from our menu of crusts. Choose a fluffy, hand-tossed crust that's dusted with garlic seasonings and buttery flavor, a pan crust featuring two huge layers of cheese, a crispy thin crust, or a gluten-free pizza crust! Then, choose a sauce and pile on as many or as few toppings as you want. Whether you're a freak for sausage and mushrooms or love sweet pineapple and tangy feta cheese, your pizza dreams can come true at your local Domino's.
Order from your Augusta Rd Domino's and you'll see—we're pretty serious folks when it comes to pizza delivery. In fact, we're so serious about it that we'll make you a promise. We guarantee that your pizza will arrive toasty hot and fresh at your doorstep, straight from our oven! Can't wait for your pie to arrive? Use our patented Pizza TrackerⓇ system and follow your pizza order as it's prepped, baked, and headed out the door for delivery... and in the meantime, try not to drool on your phone or computer.
Don't keep your hunger waiting any longer! Call (803) 791-5309 or click to order pizza delivery from Domino's now! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
CCF strengthens community by encouraging civic engagement and philanthropy. We help donors and investors meet their financial and charitable goals.
The Claremont Community Foundation was established in 1989 to serve the long-term philanthropic needs of our community. A private nonprofit organization, the Claremont Community Foundation accepts tax-deductible gifts from individuals, families, small businesses, corporations, and other organizations seeking to maximize their long-term philanthropic impact.
Since 1989, the foundation has awarded grants to more than 300 programs and special projects, enriching the lives of youth and adults throughout the community.
I truly enjoyed my time volunteering with the Claremont Community Foundation! The staff are very friendly, welcoming, and flexible which helped me develop both personally and professionally while working on various projects. Also, it's a great way to see the community from a new light - so many opportunities to meet new people and get to know Claremont. Thank you! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
At Outgrow Consulting Private Limited (Delhi), Interns are expected to be professionally well-versed with basic ethics, which includes arriving on time (as specified by the company), notifying the team leader of any deviations from the established schedule, and dressing to the standards of the organization and the work being performed. Respect the organization's reporting structure and follow the policies and procedures of the organization.
3. Assist the MIS team.
Pre-placement offer (PPO) at Outgrow Consulting Private Limited depends on the performance of intern during the internship tenure.
Outgrow is a management consulting company to help SME and large organizations to grow by rationalizing different functions covering strategy, operations, human resources, finance & marketing, formed by top leadership from HSBC, American Express, and Kelly Services. It offers best-in-class learning and growth opportunities. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Jay's Reviews
Review: Player and the Prude by Daisy Harris
Buy Links: Amazon | All Romance
Player and the Prude is the fourth book in Daisy Harris' Men of Holsum College series and I think it is my favorite so far. It features two guys who are mentioned briefly in the previous book — Matt Porter (Gabe's roommate) and Brooks Price (Gabe's occasional sex buddy).
One day Brooks and his lacrosse teammates encounter Matt working at the place where the team is doing some community service. Matt is awkward with his out of style clothes and looming height and Brooks' friend Hunter hones right in on him. Hunter taunts Brooks about hooking up with a guy like Matt and bets Brooks he can't sleep with him. Brooks is a wealthy guy with a social climbing mother for whom connections are everything. Hunter's family is quite powerful and Brooks' mother is pushing him to foster a relationship with Hunter. Although he and Hunter have hooked up on occasion, Brooks doesn't like him much. But he goes along with the bet to save face and to maintain their superficial friendship.
At first Matt can't figure out why Brooks is following him around all the time. But when he talks to Gabe about it, Gabe encourages him to give it shot with Brooks. Matt grew up in a very religious family for whom sex without marriage was a big sin. Matt doesn't want a casual hookup; he only wants to be intimate with someone within a relationship and whom he loves. So although he is interested in Brooks, he feels bad about it. Adding to his guilt, Matt has some kinky urges that make him feel incredibly ashamed. He has a sort of an aggressive, dominant streak, and he fantasizes about holding Brooks down, rough sex, and nasty talk. So he is wary of both Brooks and his feelings about sex, but Matt ultimately gives in and agrees to date him.
The guys hit it off much more than either of them expected. Brooks is loving and patient and willing to give Matt the time he needs to get comfortable with sex. And Matt slowly opens himself up to Brooks, letting himself reach for what he really wants. The two guys soon are dating seriously, but things continue to be complicated with Hunter. He wants to continue his friends with benefits relationship with Brooks, and Brooks' mother is pushing him hard to maintain their connection to boost her social standing. Brooks and Matt must work to get their relationship through the interference.
I really liked this story and think it brought in some unique elements I wasn't expecting. As soon as I read about the bet I assumed the story would follow the typical pattern of the big reveal where Matt would find out and lead to a huge third act conflict. I was pleased that Harris doesn't take the easy way out here, and keeps the story much broader than this usual cliche.
First off, I think Matt is quite an interesting guy. He has had to reconcile his very religious upbringing with his current beliefs about sex. Being at college has broadened his views and he has become more flexible about what is acceptable to him. But he still wants more than just casual sex, something not always easy to find in a college environment. So on one hand he has moved past most of the shame about his sexuality and his desires. But then he still feels guilt for his kinkier side and even as he and Brooks start to form a relationship, he is afraid to tell Brooks what he really wants and needs. I thought Matt was a really interesting character and nicely developed.
I also really liked Brooks and enjoyed his progression from sort of shallow, popular kid to someone with great sweetness and sensitivity. He is so accepting and supportive of Matt's emotional and sexual needs. Brooks shows Matt that he can be aggressive and dominant and all the things he wants, and that Brooks can take it, and even revel in it. I loved that their kinks worked together and the guys were a super hot couple.
Brooks deals with quite a bit of family baggage too. His mother is a total social climber, only caring about people who can give her something. He faces considerable pressure to stay friends with Hunter (and even to date him) for the connections he can bring to their family. But Brooks is willing to stand up for himself and for Matt when it is needed and I really liked that about him.
My only real complaint is that the ending felt quite abrupt to me. I wasn't tracking pages and when I flipped forward and found the ending I practically did a double take. I guess it just didn't feel like an ending scene, and there were some things I wanted to see before the story ended. For instance, with all the backstory about Matt and his family, it felt like things were never quite resolved. We do get an HEA for these guys though and a sense of where things are going in the long term, even if the short term wasn't fully fleshed out. So despite my concerns about missing some details, I did feel confident in their relationship and their future.
Overall I really enjoyed this one. Great characters, interesting plot, super sexy, and quite fun.
Guest Post and Giveaway: Holsum College Series by Daisy…
Review: Townie and the Twink by Daisy Harris
Guest Post and Giveaway: Seduction of a Straight Boy by…
Review: Bossy and the Brat by Daisy Harris
TAGGED: college, Daisy Harris, Men of Holsum College series, Siren Bookstrand, young love
Audiobook Review: The Lady Under the Lake by E.J. Russell
Review: Linus by Macy Blake | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Erin, this was just plain fun. Thanks for letting me host on such a momentous day!
This is a great picture of my friend and why we love her!
Right? There was so much material, the hard part was limiting to just 10 things! Thanks for stopping by, Ginny!
Erin, you looked fetchin in that headband. Love it!!!! Great post!
Isn't Erin awesome in her Ninja gear? So fun!!! You just know she can get all kinds of height too, just see her as Anges! Thank you for stopping by! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
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As always, feel free to reach out to our Support Team with any questions. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Ethanol Continues Record Setting Pace
Cindy Zimmerman January 24, 2006
Yet another new record for monthly ethanol production was set in November, according to the Renewable Fuels Association. The latest figures from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) put November ethanol production at 275,000 barrels per day, up 6,000 b/d from October. Demand for ethanol also set a new record of 297,000 b/d, up 15,000 from the old record set in August last year. Here's a link to all the data from RFA.
Ethanol, Production
Dodge Ram Grabs Biodiesel by the Horns
The National Biodiesel Board is very happy with DaimlerChrysler's decision to approve the use of 20 percent biodiesel in Dodge Ram pickups. Chrysler Group President and CEO Tom LaSorda also sang the praises of biodiesel this week in remarks prepared for the Economic Club of Detroit Jan. 23 meeting saying, "Biofuels represent a huge opportunity to reduce fuel consumption and our dependence on foreign oil." (link to Chrysler release) As would be expected, NBB is very pleased, according to CEO Joe Jobe, "Chrysler Group continues to blaze new trails in the industry by supporting the use of biodiesel in their various diesel vehicle programs. These are important steps in making clean, renewable biodiesel an appealing option for all diesel owners, and we anticipate that other OEMs will follow DaimlerChrysler's lead." (read NBB's release)
Honda and Toyota Urged To Market FFVs
The president of the Renewable Fuels Association this week took Honda and Toyota to task for not marketing flex fuel vehicles (FFVs) in the United States. Bob Dinneen wrote letters to the heads of U.S. operations for both car makers asking them to reconsider their decisions.
In the case of Honda, Dinneen questioned the decision in light of the fact that Honda does market FFVs for use in Brazil.
"Honda's willingness to produce flex-fuel vehicles in Brazil, but not in the U.S., is curious, and it puts your company at a tremendous disadvantage to its American counterparts," Dinneen wrote
The letter to Toyota refuted comments that the national manager of advanced technology for Toyota's U.S. operation made in a recent Wall Street Journal article regarding ethanol's environmental friendliness and sustainability.
"Ethanol has also been a key component of America's effort to reduce tailpipe emissions," Dinneen responds in the letter. "Adding ethanol to gasoline dramatically reduces carbon monoxide pollution, and its oxygen content helps to reduce exhaust hydrocarbon emissions as well. Ethanol also helps to reduce combustion chamber deposits. Finally, ethanol is providing refiners with a clean octane alternative to more toxic gasoline additives."
In both letters, Dinneen also notes that a recent survey found that more than 90 percent of American drivers would prefer an FFV to a conventional gasoline or diesel engine. In addition, Dinneen strongly urged both automakers, who have built strong reputations in the hybrid vehicle market, to incorporate the use of renewable fuels like ethanol in future hybrid technology development.
Here's a link to the full news release. Copies of the letters are also available there.
Ethanol, Flex Fuel Vehicles
Hawaii Ethanol Plans Running Behind
Okay, show of hands out there. How many of you already knew that Hawaii is one of only two states in the nation currently with an ethanol mandate on the books? The other one is Minnesota – which makes sense since it is one of the nation's largest ethanol-producing states. But, Hawaii is apparently going to have a problem meeting the requirement approved in September of 2004 that a majority of the state's gasoline contain ten percent ethanol by April 2, 2006 … none of the six ethanol plants currently being built there are finished yet. I guess it seemed doable at the time, but a story in today's Honolulu Star Bulletin says the state's ethanol producers now expect it will be another year before they are fully operational to meet the demand. Hawaii will have to produce about 38 million gallons of ethanol a year to meet the requirement that 85 percent of the gasoline sold in the state be blended with ten percent ethanol – which it will be able to do once the plants are on-line. Until then, officials say they will be importing ethanol from the mainland to meet the requirement. Of course, the Hawaiian produced ethanol will not be made from corn – it will be made from sugar cane or it's by-product bagasse. Meanwhile, the state has been getting prepared for the mandate by educating the public about ethanol.
Ethanol, Legislation
A New Team For Ethanol
Ethanol is moving up in the racing world. Paul Dana, driver for Team Ethanol, will be jumping into a Rahal Letterman IndyCar® Series car this year. Dana announced the switch today during an Indy Racing League (IRL) press conference. "This is a huge step up for us from a competitive standpoint because Rahal Letterman has such an excellent track record," Dana said. "My teammates will be Buddy Rice, who won the Indy 500 in 2004, and, of course, Danica Patrick, who was Rookie of the Year last year."
Rahal Letterman Racing (RLR) is co-owned by 1986 Indianapolis 500 winner Bobby Rahal and television talk show host and comedian David Letterman. Team Ethanol is sponsored by the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC). Executive Director Tom Slunecka said they could not be more thrilled with the switch to one of the best and well-known IRL teams.
"The Rahal Letterman team, having produced Indy car winners and having the sensation in race car and sports media Danica Patrick, is just a fabulous way for ethanol to get its name out to that many more people."
Click here to listen to the full Rahal Letterman/Team Ethanol announcement with Bobby Rahal, Paul Dana and Tom Slunecka.
EPIC, Ethanol, Indy Racing
Ethanol in the National News
Here's a couple of national feature stories about ethanol and flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs) that have come out in the last couple of days:
This Knight-Ridder article, dateline Maryland, has the headline "Ethanol gets a push, but road ahead fraught with challenge." It starts off talking about how E85 is not selling well outside of the midwest unless it is lower in price, but also brings up the fact that there some five million FFV's on the road, that ethanol production is increasing and that oil companies are the major obstacle to increased ethanol use. This story, which includes quotes from Bob Dinneen at the Renewable Fuels Association and Phil Lampert at the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition, got some very good distribution nationwide. The link is to the long version of the story, which also includes some international bio-fuels facts at the end of the piece.
This Associated Press article just came out today, dateline Los Angeles. In typical mainstream media fashion, it starts out with the charge that automakers are making more FFVs to "skirt mileage standards." Not a real positive tone in the story for the industry, but it does point out the number of FFVs on the road, that E85 is often cheaper than gasoline and that car companies are starting to promote their FFVs. It also points people to e85fuel.com to find out if their car will run on 85 percent ethanol fuel.
The great thing about a blog is that it allows interactive commentary – and this is a great way for the domestic fuel industry to address some of its critics in a public forum.
So, you might notice negative comments about domestic fuels from time to time in the comments section of some posts. I will try to address them myself, but I would also encourage others in the industry to make comments in response as well. There are lots of people out there who are experts in this field, and it's important that we address critical and false statements about biofuels. Making comments is easy – just click on the comments/trackbacks link under the post you want to make a comment on and follow the directions.
I would also note that comments are screened before being allowed on the site – so please be nice.
Luke Perry and Biodiesel America
A new book is being unveiled at the National Biodiesel Conference in San Diego next month. "Biodiesel America" was written by Josh Tickell, author of "From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank: The Complete Guide to Using Vegetable Oils as an Alternative Fuel." According to a release about the book, Tickell shatters the myth that America must remain dependent on Middle East oil. Tickell shows how biodiesel, a cleaner-burning fuel made from vegetable oil and other natural fats and oils, could bring over one million jobs back to America, invigorate our economy and create a stable domestic fuel supply, while leaving our lifestyle and food supply completely untouched.
I thought it was interesting that one of the quotes about the book was from Luke Perry "actor & farmer" who says "Biodiesel America gives me hope for the future of our great country. Thanks to Josh's book, we can grow our fuel, bring money into our communities and stop our dependence on foreign energy." You should remember Luke Perry from Beverly Hills 90210, "in which he portrayed the brooding but sensitive Dylan McKay." That little teen cutie is now 40 years old and, I guess, a farmer. I could not find any info on line to confirm that, although I did discover he was ranked #6 in TV Guide's list of "TV's 25 Greatest Teen Idols" in January 2005. I would be very interested to know what he farms and where.
"Biodiesel America" will be launched on February 6, 2006 at 10:30 a.m. during the general session of the National Biodiesel Board Conference and Expo at the San Diego Convention Center. The Biodiesel America.org website, which was started by Josh (a little cutie himself who looks kind of like Ron Howard when he was Opie and had hair), has all kinds of good stuff on it. Check it out.
Biodiesel, Miscellaneous
Indy Podcasts
Fire up your I-Pod and tune in to the latest in Indy racing news from Indycar.com. There's the Indy Racing Weekly Podcast, IMS Radio Network Podcast, and Indy Racing League Teleconference Podcast.
If you wonder what that has to do with domestic fuels, then you don't know that IRL is embracing ethanol in a big way – starting this year on a 10 percent blend for all cars and going to 100 percent ethanol next year, replacing methanol.
By the way – be sure to tune in Monday for a big ethanol-related Indy announcement.
Ethanol, Miscellaneous
Nationwide Ethanol Plant News
Here are links to some stories this week about ethanol plants in the news.
Nebraska – ASAlliances Biofuels breaks ground on 100 million gallon ethanol plant in Albion – link to story in Columbus Telegram
Indiana – Same company as above breaks ground on plant in Montgomery County. Link to story from INside Indiana Business
Iowa – Iowa BioFuels plant near Blairstown increases production, plans expansion – link to Sioux City Journal story
Nebraska again – Wisconsin-based E Energy intends to build a corn-processing ethanol plant in Custer county – this story from North Platte Telegraph
It's not just that it's Saturday afternoon and I don't feel like doing posts on all of these stories. Usually I link to the press release from the company site and when I started out with the stories on the ASAlliances plants in NE and IN, I couldn't find releases on their site – or the partners Cargill, United Bio Energy and Fagen who make up the development company. So, I decided just to link to the stories I found on them.
Ok – and it is a sleepy, kinda dreary Saturday – so, it works for me.
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New Family Room for Heart Patients – CTHDU Ward
"This is the 11th Family Room to open in the Mater Hospital in the last 6 years. It will be a place of comfort and solace to patients and their families. A space where they can relax and feel at ease with one another during difficult times. The importance of the financial contribution from fundraisers like Sarah, Mary and the Jordan family cannot be overstated" – Gordon Dunne, CEO of the Mater Hospital.
On the 17th January 2018, the Mater Misericordia Hospital opened a new Family Room in the Cardiothoracic High Dependency Unit. Thanks to people like you, there are now 11 new Family Rooms across the different wards of the Mater Hospital. Family rooms are places of solace and comfort for patients and their relatives. They exist to provide a space for people to be together at difficult moments during a healthcare journey. They are somewhere to process bad news. They are also somewhere patients and relatives can meet and have a cup of tea outside of the noise and activity of a public hospital ward setting.
The opening of a new Family Room in the Cardiothoracic High Dependency Unit is thanks to generous donations raised from their local community by Mary and Sarah Jordan and the Jordan family.
The Jordan family have also been instrumental in funding several key projects for the hospital over the years, ever since Sarah Jordan underwent a successful heart transplant in the Mater Hospital in 2011.
From left to right: Mater Foundation CEO Mary Moorhead, fundraisers Mary and Sarah Jordan, End of Life Care Co-ordinator Diarmaid Ó Coimín, Staff Development Coordinator Mary Ryan, Directorate Nurse Manager Nina Sheridan and Acting ADN Marie Brennan
Funds raised by the Jordan family and their community have previously gone to the Heart and Lung Transplant Unit of the Mater Hospital, driving essential training, the purchase of vital equipment and supporting patients who suffer from conditions like Cardiomyopathy, Cystic Fibrosis and Congenital Heart Disease.
With the opening of the new Family Room for patients in the Mater Hospital Cardiothoracic High Dependency Unit, senior hospital staff and hospital foundation staff said a few words in appreciation of the Jordan family and others like them.
"A huge thanks is due fundraisers like the Jordan family. The donations raised by community events have allowed an incredible scope of work in a short space of time. This is the 11th Family Room to open in the Mater Hospital in the last 6 years. It will be a place of comfort and solace to patients and their families, a space where they can relax and feel at ease with one another during difficult times."
– Gordon Dunne, CEO of the Mater Hospital
"The Jordan family have raised over €35,000 for the Mater Foundation, including €6,000 for this Family Room, since 2011. That's an incredible commitment and has made a world of difference to patients that have been through the Mater in recent years. At difficult times, people who've taken ill want their loved ones close by. Thanks to the Jordan family, visiting relatives of someone who's taken very ill will be able to stay close by, even overnight, using this facility."
– Mary Moorhead, CEO of the Mater Foundation
"When you're used to the noise and alarms of a public hospital ward, you don't think twice about them. As hospital staff, it's just your everyday workplace. But for visiting relatives of a sick patient, it's nerve-wracking. Add that to the constant commute, trying to find parking, worrying about someone you love, and it's clear that they don't need the additional stress. This Family Room means a space away from all that where they can relax and have a cup of tea or, when things take a turn for the worse, recuperate together after hearing bad news. It's a very necessary resource and I see everyday the positive impact it makes on the lives of those who use it."
– Mary Ryan, Staff Development Coordinator
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The Mater Foundation is the official fundraising body of the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital.
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The Mater Foundation
53-54 Eccles Street
Email: [email protected]
Charity Registration No: CHY9768
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CRA No: 20024505
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She Spoke: 14 Women who raised their voices and changed the world!
Let Jedlie Fill Your Child's School With Magic & Smiles
Reading with Your Kids Podcast: International Women's Day Special Episode Ft. Kathy MacMillan & Manuela Bernardi
Happy Women's Day listeners!
To celebrate the international women's day here at the Reading with Your Kids Podcast, Kathy MacMillan joins us to share a wonderful project that she has been working on with Manuela Bernardi, She Spoke: 14 Women Who Raised Their Voices and Changed the World.
Manuela Bernardi and Kathy MacMillan first met almost twenty years ago, when they co-wrote Harry Potter fanfiction at SugarQuill.net. Since then, They've critiqued each others' work and supported each other through countless edits – all while living in different countries.
This nonfiction picture book highlights 14 women who stood up for what they believed in and incorporates actual recordings of their voices that readers can hear at the touch of a button. Researching and writing this book has been truly inspiring, as we had a chance to highlight inspiring figures such as Maya Angelou, Jane Goodall, Dolores Huerta, Abby Wambach, and Malala Yousafzai.
She Spoke is available with an audio feature that allows readers to literally hear what they had to say. Tune in to learn about these heroes and hear their inspiring words in their own voices at the touch of a button!
Learn more about Kathy MacMillan
Kathy MacMillan is a nationally certified American Sign Language interpreter, writer, teacher, librarian, and storyteller. She is the author of nine books for parents, librarians, and educators, including Little Hands and Big Hands: Children and Adults Signing Together (Huron Street Press, 2013). Her debut young adult novel, Sword and Verse, was published by HarperCollins in January 2016. She has presented American Sign Language storytelling programs for children and families since 2002.
Find her online at www.kathymacmillan.com or on Twitter at @kathys_quill.
More about Manuela Bernardi
Manuela Bernardi is a film and TV writer based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she was born and raised. She has collaborated on award-winning feature films and has written on shows for TV Globo, TBS, GNT, Multishow, and the History Channel. Her screenplay for the short film The Healing Tree won USC's Peter Stark Special Project grant and went on to be selected for Cannes' Short Film Corner. With a BA in journalism from PUC-Rio, Manuela got her MFA in writing for screen and television from USC in Los Angeles, which she attended on a Fulbright/CAPES scholarship.
More about "She Spoke"
When the world tells you to stay quiet, do you listen, or do you speak up? In She Spoke: 14 Women Who Raised Their Voices and Changed the World, with the touch of a button readers can hear Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune, Dolores Huerta, Dr. Maya Angelou, Dr. Jane Goodall, Shirley Chisholm, Susan Shown Harjo, Hilary Rodham Clinton, Leymah Gbowee, Dr. Temple Grandin, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Tammy Duckworth, Dr. Joanne Liu, Abby Wambach, and Malala Yousafzai.
Through succinct profiles, stunning portraits by illustrator Kathrin Honesta, and the original voices of these women, She Spoke: 14 Women Who Raised Their Voices and Changed the World will inspire readers of all ages to share their own truths and change the world.
Order signed copies and support Deaf Camps, Inc.'s scholarship program!
Order from amazon.com
Order from BarnesAndNoble.com
Order from IndieBound.com and support your local independent bookseller!
Order from Familius.com
In this episode, you'll find out
What "She Spoke" is all about?
out of all the 14 women who rose their voices to change the world, which one inspired Kathy and Manuela the most?
How has writing this book changed Kathy and Manuela?
What does Kathy & Manuela hope readers will take away from this book?
What is Kathy and Manuela currently working on, a message they would like to share with our listeners and much more.
A big thank you to Kathy MacMillan and Manuela Bernardi for joining us and for sharing their wonderful, inspiring book with us!
If you haven't already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.
We'd also love to hear what you think about the podcast and any suggestions on what you'd like to hear in future episodes. Feel free to connect with us on our social media, or email us anytime by contacting us.
Have a stellar day!
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Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from a perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive Amazon e-book. Please click here to get your copy today.
Posted on Mar 8, 2019 March 9, 2019 :
Tagged Author Interview Biographies Books Children's Author Interview children's books Friendship Girls & Women Kids & Family Manuela Bernardi reading Reading with Your Kids She Spoke Women
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It sounds interesting, though probably not my cup of tea. I love, love, love "Rebecca," by the way. I like the 1940 Laurence Olivier, too (and Mitchell and Webb's parody of it!).
meant to say Laurence Oliver *movie*!
I've not seen it. Perhaps I'll look into it, after I've read the book, of course!
Oh man this book! I didn't know it was a series! After I read the last little paragraph I was hoping there would be a next book!
1-I was ready to give up on this book. I kinda did. I couldn't get into it so I stopped to re-read Divergent and Insurgent. But once I picked it back up again I was hooked with Amy and Wolghast and their connection. I really got into their stories. But it did take a while. This book is so long!
2- the vampires scared the crap outta me! I haven't read any vampire stories (apart from Twilight) So I really had nothing to compare it to, but they were utterly spooky! I like the telepathic stuff and how the 12 were able to communicate to their minions. I liked the whole nightmare to the living thing. It was just so creepy!
3- the jump in time was sort of unexpected. it took me a bit to get the characters in the colony straight. It was interesting to learn of how the colony survived. I do have to say I feel like 100 years was sort of a far jump. It seemed kinda far fetched to me that they could be scavenging 100 years into the future and still finding edible food? I have no idea. Maybe I just don't know what it could/would be like 100 years into a post-apocalyptic future!
4- Amy! What's that girls deal? Lol. I do feel like before everything happened, both Amy and Lacey had already possessed an inner physic-type intuition. When Alicia was infected with the virus she possessed different "abilities" than Amy and Lacey. I was sort of hoping they weren't going to go the route of infecting everyone with the virus. Making a super-army with special "powers"? That would have taken too much of a super hero sort of turn in my opinion.
5- I started to read the sneak peak of The Twelve after The Passage. I won't lie, I was a bit confused. Maybe it was too late, Lol. I feel like its going to be a slow start like the Passage with a lot of info, but I'm in! Ill definitely read it! It totally killed me that Saras journal was found at the "massacre" site. Hmmm….
Great pick once again! I loved this book!
Oh-and I looked at Rebecca on my kindle andI says its avaavailable for pre-order and will be delivered on December 17th?
Yeah, I ended up buying a hard copy. Jim gets annoyed when I got back to "analog" books, but I broke down because I am impatient. I don't know why it took so long for it to be available digitally, my heavens it's a classic!
Its been a while since i purchased a hard copy of a book! Lol. Library time I suppose!
I'm so glad you liked it and stuck with it! You messaged me saying you were about to DNF and I was like "noooo Ashley, just a little bit longer" and then it hooked you. Yay! I'm so going to read the next book.
I have not read The Passage. I remember getting very excited about it when it was published but then I think I kept putting off reading it because it's so long. But I remember reading that the story was inspired by his daughter – perhaps Amy is a representation of her and that's why she is somehow more special?
I didn't realize how long it was… The beauty and curse of digital reading I suppose. I did read his story about how his daughter challenged him to write about a girl who saved the world… I also like the name Iris, because flowers make me happy.
I love, love, love this book – but I read it so long ago, I'm not sure I can properly answer the questions. I can add a bit to your discussion, though, after hearing Justin Cronin talk at the National Book Festival a few weeks ago! He got the idea for The Passage from his daughter – she told him his books were boring, and they would take walks and create this more interesting world together!
Late 2014? I'll have to pace myself before I start The Twelve. If I give it 6 months, it might be spaced out well enough. This is all excellent information. I'm still super jealous that you got to go to the National Book Festival! What fun!
It's been awhile since I read this, so I'm a little hazy on the details, but I thought it was superb. I was invested from the start, I really liked the way the outbreak unfolded. I also thought the time jump was another good device – I liked trying to work out how the colony evolved from "today". I had to stop reading for a bit at The Night of Blades and Stars as I was scared!
The Twelve is sitting on my bookshelf waiting for me to start reading.
I was so fascinated by the colony! The evolution from the child refugees- so cool. I was really surprised that I didn't have nightmares after reading this book. I must be getting desensitized!
I also read this awhile ago and have read The Twelve as well. The big time leaps continue in the second book, so be prepared. That didn't bother me too much, except I was so invested in the past characters that I really wanted to know what happened to them (but don't worry, you do get closure regarding most of the past characters)! These aren't usually the kind of books I pick, but I love them! The beginning of The Passage was a bit hard to get into, but same for me that once it picked up speed I couldn't put it down. I read some reviews of The Twelve that complained it wasn't as good as The Passage, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think it suffers a bit from "trilogy middle book syndrome"… so many times in a trilogy the first book is amazing because it is new and different and sets the story and the last book is great because it has more action and wraps everything up, but the middle one is often mostly a bridge between the first and third and can lag a bit. Even so, I still liked it a lot.
I liked Amy and Wolghast a lot, their relationship was so sweet. The end of their story was so sad and just about broke my heart.
Ridley Scott bought the rights to make a movie (movies?) of this trilogy, but I have to say I'm a little uncertain how it will work out. So much of the book was descriptions of what was going on and there were several parts without any real dialogue so I don't know how well that will translate to a movie.
I worry about Ridley Scott doing the movie… It would be hard to transition it to screen with all the background… And hard to make the Vampires look as scary as I imagine without being hokey… A challenge indeed.
Okay, this comment has nothing to do with your book The Passage (although it sounds interesting!) I just had to tell you that your blog (and you, clearly!) got me to read a zombie book, World War Z. I'm not finished yet, although I'm so fascinated by it that it's really hard to not sit down and finish it in one go. I had to read it because my husband and I started watching the movie. All of a sudden he figured out that it was about zombies. Seriously? I said. What did you think the "Z" stood for? That Brad Pitt made a movie about the terrifying potential ZEBRA apocalypse? Now that I'm reading it, I think it's better we didn't watch the movie. I found myself imagining zombies outside of my house in the middle of the night!
So anyway, a long-winded way to say THANK YOU!
I think it would be so sad to have zombie animals. I had to stop watching I Am Legend because I knew the dog was going to die, and I couldn't take it if the dog turned into a zombie. I have two pups of my own, and couldn't bear it.
It was SO SAD! The zombie animals broke my heart!
Thank you SO much for the vampires spoiler!!!
EVERYBODY!!!!!!! Go read this right now! Charleen is awesomesauce!
I'm loving Love at First Book's linky party because it introduces me to so many fantastic new books that I wouldn't normally hear about in my craft / diy blog niche. And this one sounds like one worthy of a read! And I love the idea of a q & a review. Very fun! Thanks for sharing. | {
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Feedback Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha (1595-1671)
A Short (LIfe) Sketch
Taken From: http://www.dvaita.org/scholars/Ragh_T.html
Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha is possibly the most popular of all Maadhva saints. He is revered by many people of all faiths and from all walks of life, who consider him an infallible source of divine succor in times of extreme hardship. It is thus that among the lay masses, he is likely the best known of all Maadhva saints, and is held in very high regard even by many people who are not aware of either the nature or the extent of his stupendous contributions to the literature and metaphysics of Tatvavaada. Therefore, the life and work of Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha has been the subject of numerous books, essays, and other literary artifacts, and has also inspired numerous songs and movies. While all of these do sincerely attempt to capture the greatness of Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha, and do often succeed to a greater or lesser extent, they more often than not are not truly authentic portrayals, for not having placed him in proper perspective, and for not having taken worshipful care in describing his effulgent qualities. Two authentic sources for information about Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha are the complete biography, Raghavendra Vijaya, written by Narayanacharya, and the GuruguNastava by Sri Vaadiindra Tiirtha.
Tradition describes Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha as endowed with great mystical powers of perception and action, which are due to his great devotion and knowledge, and also describes him as carrying out a special task for Lord Raama, by helping devotees find relief from the crushing miseries of everyday life, so that they may focus their minds on the higher purpose of life. He is said to be an avataara of Prahlaada, and to be here to gift away a lot of puNya that he earned in that form; in this manner, he helps devotees who do not have enough merit to earn such puNya and enjoy its fruits on their own, and also sloughs off anishhTa karma that he, as an aparoksha gnyaanii, has no use for.
Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha was a contemporary of the last Nayak of Tanjore. His father TimmaNNaachaarya was a great scholar and exponent of music who, following the fall of the kingdom of Vijayanagara (which happened around 1565), migrated to Tundiramandala (Kanchi) and made the town of Pattana his home with his wife Gopikamba. Venkatanatha (the future Raghavendra Tiirtha) had a brother, Gururaja, and a sister, Venkatamba. Venkatanatha was raised by his brother Gururaja, since their father passed on early, and was a very learned scholar, and also endowed with considerable prowess in music, most particularly in the playing of the veeNaa. He was married at an early age, as per the custom of the time. He did not travel much, for that would have wasted precious time better devoted to the study of shaastra, and was very poor, for he refused to desecrate his learning or his music by making them available to others for pecuniary profit. Thus, while others had to suffer one Ekadashi in shukla paksha, and one in krshna paksha, each month, the young Venkatanatha, and his wife and young son, would have to endure several Ekadashis in each fortnight!
At this time he began to study under Sri Sudhiindra Tiirtha at his Matha in Kumbakonam -- his 'ParimaLa' is a work essentially consisting of a set of notes he took while studying Sri Jayatiirtha's Nyaaya-Sudhaa under Sri Sudhiindra Tiirtha. Sri Sudhiindra Tiirtha was attracted to the scholarly and unassuming Venkatanatha, whom he considered a prize pupil, much to the discomposure of his other shishyas, who considered Venkatanatha a dangerous outsider. One night, the Lord Raama Himself appeared before Sri Sudhiindra Tiirtha in a dream and informed him that he had a mere two years left of life, during which time he must choose and train an able successor; He also decreed that Venkatanatha was just the right choice, and that he should be given sanyaasa by Sri Sudhiindra Tiirtha, so as to succeed him as the piiThaadhipati of the Matha in due time. The next day, Sri Sudhiindra Tiirtha sent for Venkatanatha and informed him forthwith that he would be given sanyaasa, as per His decree. Venkatanatha protested inability to receive such diikshaa, saying "baalaa bhaarya, putraa.anopaniitaH," or that his wife was still very young (and would thus not be able to bear the shocking termination of her married life), and that his son's upanayana had not yet been performed, as was his duty, as a father, to do by his son. Sri Sudhiindra Tiirtha advised Venkatanatha to perform the son's upanayana without delay, and to give up the false attachments to mortal entities that he had permitted within himself.
It took some time for Sri Sudhiindra Tiirtha to convince Venkatanatha to accept sanyaasa. The latter was finally ordained a monk at Tanjore whereabouts of 1621; he was only twenty-three at the time. Venkatanatha thus became Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha. Two years later he became the head of the Matha after the disappearance of his Guru, Sri Sudhiindra Tiirtha.
Soon after his accession as the head, he began a series of pilgrimages that took him to Rameshvaram, Ramnad, Srirangam, and Madurai. He then went westward to Udupi, Subrahmanya, Pandharpur, Kolhapur, and Bijapur. He converted many scholars of other schools to Tatvavaada, especially during his stays at Kolhapur and Bijapur. On his way back to Kumbakonam, he visited Tirupati, Kanchi, Vrddhachalam, and Srimusnam. Years later, in 1663, he obtained a grant for his Matha from Dodda Devaraya Odeyar, during a trip to Mysore. Finally, he moved north and settled at Mantralaya, on the banks of the Tungabhadra in Adoni taluk (in modern Andhra Pradesh). This spot was chosen by him because as Prahlaada, he had performed a great number of yagnyas and other austerities there, and wished to carry on at the same hallowed spot.
He has over forty works to his credit. Most of them are commentaries on the works of previous Maadhva scholars: Ananda Tiirtha, Jayatiirtha, and Vyaasa Tiirtha. The rest include commentaries on the Upanishad-expositions of previous Maadhva scholars, and an independent work on the Bhagavad Gita. History records Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha as a major non-polemical writer of Tatvavaada in the post-Vyaasa-Tiirtha period. Whereas as Vyaasa Tiirtha, he devoted his scholarship to expositions of Tatvavaada and refutations of other schools that often reached stratospheric heights, as Raghavendra Tiirtha, he focused on making very thorough but more accessible elucidation of shaastra, which are useful to less gifted scholars.
Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha has many miracles attributed to him, some occurring while he was present in the flesh, and many continuing to this day. It can hardly be hoped that a short biographical piece such as this one can do even partial justice to his tremendous spiritual powers, but here is a short description of two incidents (one that occurred during his physical life, and one that happened later), which to our mind illustrate Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha's mystical abilities.
Once, while on a tour, Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha met a young boy who was looking after a herd of grazing cattle, and blessed him, saying that if he, the boy, ever faced serious distress, all he had to do to be rescued was call to mind Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha and his blessing. Some time later, Sidi Masanad Khan, the Governor of Adoni, happened to be traveling in the same area, and received a letter. Being illiterate, he could not read it himself, and asked the boy who happened to be nearby to read it to him. When the latter protested his own inability to read, saying that he was a simple cattle-grazer, and had never received an education, the autocrat grew angry, and
demanded that the boy stop toying with him forthwith and read the letter as ordered, or face the consequences of his delinquent refusal to obey; the potentate refused to believe that the boy was telling the truth about being uneducated. Placed in an impossible situation, and faced with the prospect of having to suffer the cruelty of a despot for not doing something he knew not how to do, the boy remembered Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha's blessing, and proceeded to read the letter as demanded by the unlettered ruler. The missive apparently brought good tidings to the Governor, who was so happy with the news that he immediately made the boy his Diwan, or principal officer. Diwan Venkanna, as the boy therefore became, remained a close disciple of Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha throughout his life, and played a key role in the setting up of Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha's Matha on the banks of the Tungabhadra.
The second incident happened over a century later, when the British administration of Adoni taluk decided to withdraw the grants of food-grains that had traditionally been provided to Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha's Matha at Mantralaya -- a vast portion of which had been used to feed anyone who came, including vast numbers of the poor and needy. A British officer by the name of Munro decided to take a first-hand look at the institution, so that he could provide a detailed report to his superiors of the exact state of affairs, and the justification for the withdrawal. He came to the Matha, and had a long discussion with someone he believed was its principal, who convinced him that the grant was for a good cause, and should be continued. It later transpired that Munro, the mlechchha interloper from a alien land, had actually met and conversed with Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha himself, a fortune that most members of the Matha themselves had never received.
Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha departed his physical frame, by his own will, in 1671 -- he and Sri Vaadiraaja Tiirtha are two Maadhva saints who are known to have given up their bodies of their own will, rather than by injury, disease, or disorder. His Brndaavana (which is carved from a rock believed to have been used by the Lord Raama Himself to rest upon, during His journey southward in search of Sita) is at his Matha at Mantralaya, which is a very popular pilgrimage spot for millions, and where he has promised to reside for 700 years (i.e., until the year 2371), blessing devotees with true knowledge and devotion, and helping them overcome their worldly troubles. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
CONSTRUCTION SITE CRANES (2) OPR(LONG TERM) AT 512918N 0000028W (ISLE OF DOGS). MAX HGT 295FT AGL/350FT AMSL. OPS CTC 07501720060. 13-12-0270/AS 2.
FIREWORK DISPLAY WI 0.25 NM RADIUS 513026N 0000644W (SOUTHBANK, LONDON). CTC 07976 747252. 14-02-0201/AS1.
FIREWORK DISPLAY WI 0.25 NM RADIUS 513026N 0000644W (SOUTHBANK, LONDON). HGT 450FT AMSL. CTC 07976 747252. 14-02-0201/AS1.
CRANE OPR 5301M NORTH OF RWY 10/28 AT A HEIGHT OF 279FT THIS IS 5543M FROM THE ARP ON A HEADING OF 346.70 DEG. PSN 534911.72N 0030254.39W.
CONSTRUCTION SITE CRANE OPR (LONG TERM) WI 0.25NM 512817N 0002241W (HOUNSLOW). MAX HGT 223FT AGL/310FT AMSL. OPS CTC, TEL 07791 106304. 13-12-0150/AS 5.
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Attempts to influence the market have mixed success.
Ah, the rebate – always great for the customer (unless it's too little or too onerous) but can be a bit of a mixed blessing for retailers and manufacturers. That certainly seems to be the case with rebates for energy-efficient residential windows across Canada.
Before we examine rebate programs available in various provinces, let's look at the big picture. While some believe these programs are offered by federal and provincial-territorial governments as an incentive to vote the party in power back in, governments generally claim they exist to help citizens save money on their heating bills and to reach broader policy targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In February this year, the federal government held a stakeholder workshop called "Market Transformation for Residential Window Technologies in Canada" related to the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. This meeting followed a related roadmapping R&D workshop in November 2017, where aspirational goals related to window cost and performance targets, R&D needs and more, were discussed. The goal is to move Canada's codes and standards for new housing to Net Zero levels by 2030, and the fenestration component of that will mandate windows meeting a 0.80 U-factor – even for replacement windows. Obviously, this will increase the cost of windows significantly and Natural Resources Canada is looking at incentives to push the market to accept the investment.
It is uncertain what future rebate programs will come out of these discussions, but in terms of past and existing rebate programs, citizens of B.C. have had access to several in the recent past. In late 2007, a provincial sales tax exemption was offered within the Energy Star program and in February 2009, after the recession of the time was underway, three other programs kicked in: the federal Home Renovation Tax Credit (HRTC), the federal EcoEnergy Program and the LiveSmart Program from BC Hydro. In the mind of Cam Drew, president of ThermoProof Windows and Doors in Chemainus, B.C.,the small rebate involved in the PST exemption program only prompted customers who were getting windows replaced anyway to step up the quality of their order, but the triple whammy of programs in 2009 boosted window installations significantly.
Since then, there has been one program for windows in B.C. offered by BC Hydro called PowerSmart. However, Drew notes customers have to get two other items done besides windows, such as the installation of a heat pump, and that "the incentive is limited. It's only for people doing major renovations, and not big enough to move the needle in terms of us doing more business." BC Hydro declined to comment.
In Ontario, the first window rebate program offered was in the 1980s from Ontario Hydro: $5 per square foot for windows with low-E. "The downside, according to the people who ran the program, was that the quality of installation was not addressed," notes Phil Lewin, sales and marketing manager at Gem Windows and Doors in Toronto.
The difficulty of implementing an effective rebate program was demonstrated in Ontario by GreenON. For 10 glorious months, from December 2017 through October of this year, it offered a large rebate of $500 for each Energy Star Most Efficient window installed by dealers making a qualifying list. However, complaints about GreenON abounded. Installers pointed out that invoicing and program submission requirements (age and type of existing windows, etc.) changed several times. A promised program logo never materialized. Webinar information contradicted other given information. The submission portal took four months to get up and running.
Finally, and perhaps most revealing of the problems with rebate programs, GreenON was abruptly cancelled in June by the newly elected PC government of Ontario. They had run on a platform of opposing carbon taxes of any kind, and GreenON was financed by revenues from Ontario's cap-and-trade emissions-reduction program. GreenON has given homeowners and contractors until the end of October to complete outstanding work orders and until the end of November to apply for the rebate. Given the massive work backlog the program has generated, it seems virtually certain that many orders will not be delivered in time and receipt of those rebates put at risk. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Water Resistant up to 30. Men's Casio watch with Black dial. Case diameter: 40 decimeters. Watches has dependable Quartz movement. A Leather bracelet straps this watch to the wrist. The watch is also protected with Mineral window. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Brendan Rodgers: Liverpool FC's League Cup exit is driving us on in other competitions
'Our best football is yet to come' says Reds boss fdespite games mounting up
Andy Kelly
Brendan Rodgers manager of Liverpool in action during a training session at Melwood Training Ground on February 2, 2015 in Liverpool, England. (Photo by John Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)
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Brendan Rodgers has revealed how the pain of missing out on Wembley so narrowly in the Capital One League Cup is driving Liverpool FC on in their quest for success in their remaining competitions.
The Reds travel to Bolton for a difficult-looking FA Cup fourth round replay on Wednesday night with the competition looking relatively open after the shock exits of Chelsea, Manchester City and Tottenham in one of the competition's most famous days last month.
Liverpool avoided joining the casualties but were left with a trip to the Macron Stadium after Neil Lennon's side fought out a 0-0 draw at Anfield.
Their last cup game was the tough extra time loss to Chelsea in the second leg of the League Cup semi final but Rodgers is adamant it has not stopped his team's momentum.
IN PICTURES: Liverpool FC train at Melwood ahead of the Bolton FA Cup game
He said: "After that game (semi final) there was a feeling 'would it disrupt or provoke a negative reaction to our season?'
"If anything it's only promoted the development and momentum that we have.
"Of course we wanted to get to the final but the performance level from the two games and leading into those games has given us great encouragement.
"Our best football is yet to come, we had a real difficult start to the season when other teams had full squads and playing really well.
"For us, we needed to find a way to get back to our identity again and we have got that and our best football is ahead of us. We want to take that into the games and get to cup finals."
The Reds boss is certainly not taking the absence of other big names from the competition as any indication of easier progress in the FA Cup.
"There's still good teams in it but that only counts if you get through yourself," said Rodgers.
"For us it is looking at the Bolton game as being a tough game. You get through each game and it optimises your chance of getting to the final.
"I repeat, we are in two cup competitions and we want to go as far as we possibly can in them. That will be reflected in our teams, our drive and our desire to get through in the competition."
Rodgers may again look to rotate his players at Bolton with the Merseyside derby on Saturday and a mid-week visit of Spurs also looming large.
That Spurs game would be Liverpool's 42nd of the campaign, the same as throughout the whole of last season, yet reached in early February.
Rodgers said: "I think we played 42 games last year and up to now we've played 39. The idea was to bring in a squad that could cope with that. Of course there was a lot of development for those players in there.
"They have been brought in because we want to be for a number of years now in competitions until late on and challenging for leagues and for that you need to have a good squad.
"I know the players are excited and looking forward and are enjoying how they are playing and working at the moment, we want to keep that momentum going."
Dejan Lovren and Steven Gerrard of Liverpool during a training session at Melwood Training Ground on February 2, 2015 in Liverpool, England. (Photo by John Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)
Steven Gerrard, chasing a landmark 700th appearance for the Reds, is fit for the trip to the Macron but may remain on the bench alongside Daniel Sturridge, who is expected to miss out on the starting line up despite his goalscoring return from five months out last Saturday.
On Gerrard, the Ulsterman said: "Yes. He is fine, trained great. I've got to look at the risk as well and how tight his hamstring was after the game (Chelsea). It was 120 minutes, as I said that recovery process, we measure that and look at that.
"If it's too much of a risk...like you see on Saturday we have other players to come in, we manage that recovery process for him individually and that allows him to maybe miss the game, have a bridging session like he did yesterday and come into the session today and was outstanding with no ill effects.
"That prepares him for the game on Wednesday if selected."
The tie must be decided with extra time and penalties in use if necessary.
Anfield stadium
Merseyside derby | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
For Jorge Joao, hair skills always came naturally. As a high schooler, the Brampton, Ont., native would finesse his friends' uninspired cuts in his parents' garage, but he didn't take the craft seriously. After he completed a degree in nutrition and tried a long list of jobs he wasn't passionate about, his friends finally convinced him that styling was the right fit. "I started asking questions, dropped what I was doing and went to hair school," recalls Joao of his career switch.
Now the Contessa-winning artistic director of Koi Hair Studio in Brampton, he also serves as Redken Canada's lead stylist at Toronto's World MasterCard Fashion Week, working feverishly with his team to pull off 32 hair looks over the course of five days. We caught up with Joao backstage to reflect on his start in runway beauty, and the advice he would give to aspiring pros.
How did you first get into runway work? It was very intimidating, to be honest. I was a cutter—but hair finishing is a whole other beast. [At first] it didn't go as well as I thought it would, and if something doesn't go right, it bothers me. So I went into training right off the bat. I got involved with Redken, and that's how I got my start with the [backstage hair] team. I went from being a student to being an educator and started doing more. As I built my confidence and picked up on the skills, one thing led to another.
What advice would you give to a hairstylist who wants to work backstage? Volunteer! Nothing comes overnight. Offer your services and be a good helper, even if it's a small job. If they ask you to pass bobby pins, be the best person passing bobby pins. Don't be afraid to mess up. Everyone's scared to put themselves in a vulnerable scenario where they might look bad or make a mistake, but if you don't, you'll never grow. So, just get it out of the way—make your mistakes. Go in there full throttle. And when a mistake happens, take it as a learning process.
How do you keep your cool backstage? I've got good backing. It's teamwork—one person can't do it. I steer the ship, but a lot of people operate it.
What's one thing you've learned backstage that you wish you'd known when you first started? Less is more. In hairdressing, you're trained to make things look polished and beautiful, but sometimes runway is lived-in and organic.
What are the three key products you're using backstage this season? Our key products [included] Redken Fashion Work 12, our light finishing spray with 24-hour humidity control. We also have our Fashion Waves sea salt spray, as well as our brand new holding spray, Triple Take 32. It's strong but doesn't have that "glue-y" substance a lot of other strong hairsprays have.
Which one of your signature techniques should every woman know? Alternative ways of wrapping a strand of hair around an iron to achieve a different type of curl. Sometimes it's not about wrapping it all the way through and getting the spiral curl. Sometimes it's about wrapping it halfway, leaving the ends out. Or wrapping it, then sliding the iron up and down the actual strand, to get a more natural, lived-in wave.
What would you deem a hair crime? Colouring your hair at home. And believe it or not, I've seen people flatiron their hair with an actual clothes' iron.
If you could change anything about the beauty industry, what would that be? People taking themselves too seriously. Just appreciate things for what they are; everyone has different tastes. I think [there's always] something that can be admired or taken on a positive note, whether you like it or not. Just be light. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
static char* Test_GTBoard_Init()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_Init(&b) == 0, "init failed");
mu_assert(b.board[GTBoard_ValidMin] == GTBoard_Empty,
".board[pos] not empty");
mu_assert(b.board[GTBoard_InvalidMin] == GTBoard_Invalid,
".board[invalidmin] not invalid");
mu_assert(GTStack_IsEmpty(&b.stack), ".stack not empty");
mu_assert(!b.didProduceUnit, ".didProduceUnit wrong");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_Pos()
int pos = GTBoard_Pos(0, GTBoard_Height - 1);
mu_assert(pos == GTBoard_ValidMin, "wrong pos");
pos = GTBoard_Pos(GTBoard_Width - 1, 0);
mu_assert(pos == GTBoard_InvalidMin -1, "wrong pos");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_Rank()
int pos;
pos = GTBoard_Pos(0, 0);
mu_assert(GTBoard_Rank(pos) == 0, "wrong rank");
pos = GTBoard_Pos(GTBoard_Width - 1, GTBoard_Height - 1);
mu_assert(GTBoard_Rank(pos) == GTBoard_Width - 1, "wrong rank");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_File()
int pos;
pos = GTBoard_Pos(0, 0);
mu_assert(GTBoard_File(pos) == 0, "wrong file");
pos = GTBoard_Pos(GTBoard_Width - 1, GTBoard_Height - 1);
mu_assert(GTBoard_File(pos) == GTBoard_Height - 1, "wrong file");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_IsEqual()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsEqual(b, b), "not reflexive");
GTBoard c;
c.board[0] = 389457;
mu_assert(!GTBoard_IsEqual(b, c), "unequal are equal");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_IsValid()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsValid(&b, GTBoard_ValidMin), "valid not valid");
mu_assert(!GTBoard_IsValid(&b, GTBoard_InvalidMin), "invalid is valid");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_IsEmpty()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsEmpty(&b, GTBoard_ValidMin), "empty not empty");
mu_assert(GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_None, GTUnitType_None,
GTBoard_ValidMin) == 0, "unit overflow");
mu_assert(!GTBoard_IsEmpty(&b, GTBoard_ValidMin), "unit is empty");
mu_assert(!GTBoard_IsEmpty(&b, GTBoard_InvalidMin), "invalid is empty");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_IsUnit()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(!GTBoard_IsUnit(&b, GTBoard_ValidMin), "empty is unit");
mu_assert(GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_None, GTUnitType_None,
GTBoard_ValidMin) == 0, "unit overflow");
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsUnit(&b, GTBoard_ValidMin), "unit not unit");
mu_assert(!GTBoard_IsUnit(&b, GTBoard_InvalidMin), "invalid is unit");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_IsRevealed()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(!GTBoard_IsRevealed(&b, GTBoard_ValidMin), "invisible is visible");
b.tiles[GTBoard_ValidMin].isRevealed = 1;
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsRevealed(&b, GTBoard_ValidMin), "visible is invisible");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_IsValidUnit()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(!GTBoard_IsValidUnit(&b, 0), "invalid is valid");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_None, GTUnitType_None, GTBoard_ValidMin);
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsValidUnit(&b, 0), "valid is invalid");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_IsRanged()
GTBoard b;
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_None, GTUnitType_Gatherer, GTBoard_ValidMin);
mu_assert(!GTBoard_IsRanged(&b, 0), "unit not ranged");
b.units[0].type = GTUnitType_Archer;
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsRanged(&b, 0), "unit ranged");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_CanMoveUnit()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanMoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_None),
"invalid unit can move");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_Black, GTUnitType_Gatherer, GTBoard_ValidMin);
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0);
mu_assert(GTBoard_CanMoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_None),
"can't move to valid");
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanMoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_North),
"can move to invalid");
mu_assert(GTBoard_CanMoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_East),
"can't move to valid");
mu_assert(GTBoard_CanMoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_South),
"can't move to valid");
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanMoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_West),
"can move to invalid");
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanMoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_EastEast),
"can move easteast");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_White, GTUnitType_None,
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanMoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_East),
"non-attacking unit can attack opposing unit");
b.units[0].type = GTUnitType_Cavalry;
mu_assert(GTBoard_CanMoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_East),
"attacking unit can't attack opposing unit");
b.units[0].color = GTPlayer_White;
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanMoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_East),
"attacking unit can move on friendly unit");
b.units[0].type = GTUnitType_Fortress;
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanMoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_South),
"can move non-moving unit");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_CanProduceUnit()
GTBoard b;
b.tiles[GTBoard_ValidMin].type = GTTileType_Iron;
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_Black, GTUnitType_Gatherer, GTBoard_ValidMin);
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanProduceUnit(&b, 0, GTUnitType_Gatherer,
GTDirection_East), "can produce with no movement");
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0);
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanProduceUnit(&b, 0, GTUnitType_Spearman,
GTDirection_North), "can produce on invalid");
mu_assert(GTBoard_CanProduceUnit(&b, 0, GTUnitType_Spearman,
GTDirection_East), "cannot produce spearman");
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanProduceUnit(&b, 0, GTUnitType_Archer,
GTDirection_East), "can produce archer");
mu_assert(GTBoard_CanProduceUnit(&b, 0, GTUnitType_Gatherer,
GTDirection_East), "cannot produce gatherer");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_White, GTUnitType_Gatherer,
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanProduceUnit(&b, 0, GTUnitType_Gatherer,
GTDirection_East), "can produce on top of unit");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_CanRange()
GTBoard b;
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_Black, GTUnitType_Archer, GTBoard_ValidMin);
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanRange(&b, 0, GTDirection_East),
"unit with no movement can range");
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0);
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanRange(&b, 0, GTDirection_East), "unit can range empty");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_Black, GTUnitType_Archer,
GTDirection_Pos(GTBoard_ValidMin, GTDirection_EastEast));
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanRange(&b, 0, GTDirection_EastEast), "can range friend");
b.units[0].color = GTPlayer_White;
mu_assert(GTBoard_CanRange(&b, 0, GTDirection_EastEast), "can't range");
b.tiles[GTBoard_ValidMin + 1].type = GTTileType_Mountain;
b.tiles[GTBoard_ValidMin + 1].isRevealed = 1;
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanRange(&b, 0, GTDirection_EastEast),
"can range over revealed mountain");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_CanStay()
GTBoard b;
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_None, GTUnitType_Gatherer, GTBoard_ValidMin);
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanStay(&b, 0), "unit with mvmt = 0 can stay");
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0);
mu_assert(GTBoard_CanStay(&b, 0), "unit can't stay");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_RevealTile()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_RevealTile(&b, GTBoard_ValidMin) == 0, "reveal failed");
mu_assert(b.tiles[GTBoard_ValidMin].isRevealed == 1, ".isRevealed wrong");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_CreateUnit()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_None, GTUnitType_None,
GTBoard_InvalidMin) == -1, "create unit at invalid");
mu_assert(GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_Black, GTUnitType_Gatherer,
GTBoard_ValidMin) == 0, "unit overflow");
mu_assert(b.unitId == 1, ".unitId not updated");
mu_assert(b.board[GTBoard_ValidMin] == 0, ".board not updated");
mu_assert(b.units[0].type == GTUnitType_Gatherer, "created wrong unit");
mu_assert(b.units[0].color == GTPlayer_Black, ".color wrong");
mu_assert(b.units[0].movement == 0, ".movement wrong");
mu_assert(b.population[GTPlayer_Black][GTUnitType_Gatherer] == 1,
".population wrong");
GTTileType t = b.tiles[GTBoard_ValidMin].type;
mu_assert(b.resources[GTPlayer_Black][t] == 1, ".resources wrong");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_White, GTUnitType_Archer,
t = b.tiles[GTDirection_PosEast(GTBoard_InvalidMin)].type;
mu_assert(b.resources[GTPlayer_White][t] == 0, ".resources wrong");
int i;
for(i = 0; i < GTBoard_UnitSize - 1; i++)
mu_assert(GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_Black, GTUnitType_Archer,
GTBoard_ValidMin) == 0, "unit overflow");
mu_assert(GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_Black, GTUnitType_Archer,
GTBoard_ValidMin) == -1, "undetected overflow");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement()
GTBoard b;
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_None, GTUnitType_Cavalry, GTBoard_ValidMin);
mu_assert(GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0) == 0, "reset failed");
mu_assert(b.units[0].movement == 2, ".movement wrong");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_DeleteUnit()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_DeleteUnit(&b, 0) == -1, "removed invalid unit");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_None, GTUnitType_Gatherer, GTBoard_ValidMin);
mu_assert(b.population[GTPlayer_None][GTUnitType_Gatherer] == 1,
"wrong .population");
mu_assert(GTBoard_DeleteUnit(&b, 0) == 0, "can't remove valid unit");
mu_assert(b.units[0].life == 0, "wrong .life");
mu_assert(b.units[0].movement == 0, "wrong .movement");
mu_assert(b.population[GTPlayer_None][GTUnitType_Gatherer] == 0,
"wrong .population");
GTTileType t = b.tiles[b.units[0].pos].type;
mu_assert(b.resources[GTPlayer_None][t] == 0, "wrong .resources");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_DamageUnit()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_DamageUnit(&b, 0, 1) == -1, "damaged invalid unit");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_None, GTUnitType_Cavalry, GTBoard_ValidMin);
mu_assert(GTBoard_DamageUnit(&b, 0, 1) == 0, "can't damage valid unit");
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsValidUnit(&b, 0), "live unit removed");
mu_assert(GTBoard_DamageUnit(&b, 0, 1) == 0, "can't damage valid unit");
mu_assert(!GTBoard_IsValidUnit(&b, 0), "dead unit not removed");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_MoveUnit()
GTBoard b;
b.tiles[GTBoard_ValidMin].type = GTTileType_Wood;
b.tiles[GTDirection_PosEast(GTBoard_ValidMin)].type = GTTileType_Horse;
mu_assert(GTBoard_MoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_None) == -1,
"moved invalid unit");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_Black, GTUnitType_Gatherer, GTBoard_ValidMin);
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0);
mu_assert(GTBoard_MoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_East) == 0,
"can't move valid unit");
mu_assert(b.resources[GTPlayer_Black][GTTileType_Wood] == 0,
"wood wrong");
mu_assert(b.resources[GTPlayer_Black][GTTileType_Horse] == 1,
"horse wrong");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_White, GTUnitType_Cavalry, GTBoard_ValidMin);
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 1);
mu_assert(GTBoard_MoveUnit(&b, 1, GTDirection_East) == 0,
"can't move valid unit");
mu_assert(!GTBoard_IsValidUnit(&b, 0), "didn't kill unit");
mu_assert(b.units[1].pos == GTDirection_PosEast(GTBoard_ValidMin),
"wrong .pos");
mu_assert(b.units[1].movement == -1, ".movement wrong");
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsRevealed(&b, GTDirection_PosEast(GTBoard_ValidMin)),
"new pos not revealed");
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsEmpty(&b, GTBoard_ValidMin), "old pos not empty");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_ProduceUnit()
GTBoard b;
b.tiles[GTBoard_ValidMin].type = GTTileType_Wood;
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_Black, GTUnitType_Gatherer, GTBoard_ValidMin);
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0);
GTBoard_ProduceUnit(&b, 0, GTUnitType_Archer, GTDirection_East) == 0,
"couldn't produce archer");
mu_assert(b.didProduceUnit == 1, ".didProduceUnit wrong");
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsValidUnit(&b, 1), "no valid unit produced");
GTUnit* u = &b.units[0];
mu_assert(u->movement == 0, ".movement wrong");
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0);
mu_assert(!GTBoard_CanProduceUnit(&b, 0, GTUnitType_Archer,
GTDirection_South), "can produce archer");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_Range()
GTBoard b;
int east = GTDirection_PosEast(GTBoard_ValidMin);
int easteast = GTDirection_Pos(GTBoard_ValidMin, GTDirection_EastEast);
b.tiles[east].type = GTTileType_Mountain;
mu_assert(GTBoard_Range(&b, 0, GTDirection_South) == -1,
"invalid unit ranged");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_Black, GTUnitType_Archer, GTBoard_ValidMin);
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_White, GTUnitType_Archer, easteast);
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0);
mu_assert(GTBoard_Range(&b, 0, GTDirection_EastEast) == 0,
"range should not error even with mountain");
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsUnit(&b, easteast), "mountain ignored");
mu_assert(b.tiles[east].isRevealed, "mountain not revealed");
b.tiles[east].type = GTTileType_Plain;
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0);
mu_assert(GTBoard_Range(&b, 0, GTDirection_EastEast) == 0, "range failed");
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsEmpty(&b, easteast), "board not empty");
mu_assert(b.units[1].life == 0, "unit not damaged");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_Stay()
GTBoard b;
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_None, GTUnitType_Gatherer, GTBoard_ValidMin);
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0);
mu_assert(b.units[0].movement == 1, ".movement wrong");
GTBoard_Stay(&b, 0);
mu_assert(b.units[0].movement == 0, ".movement wrong");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_UndoPlay()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_UndoPlay(&b) == -1, "undoing with nothing to undo");
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_Black, GTUnitType_Gatherer, GTBoard_ValidMin);
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 0);
GTBoard c = b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_MoveUnit(&b, 0, GTDirection_East) == 0, "can't move unit");
mu_assert(GTBoard_UndoPlay(&b) == 0, "undo failed");
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsEqual(b, c), "didn't undo move");
GTBoard_ProduceUnit(&b, 0, GTUnitType_Gatherer, GTDirection_East) == 0,
"produce failed");
mu_assert(GTBoard_UndoPlay(&b) == 0, "undo failed");
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsEqual(b, c), "didn't undo produce");
int easteast = GTDirection_Pos(GTBoard_ValidMin, GTDirection_EastEast);
GTBoard_CreateUnit(&b, GTPlayer_White, GTUnitType_Archer, easteast);
GTBoard_ResetUnitMovement(&b, 1);
c = b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_Range(&b, 1, GTDirection_WestWest) == 0, "range failed");
mu_assert(GTBoard_UndoPlay(&b) == 0, "undo failed");
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsEqual(b, c), "didn't undo range");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_EndTurn()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_EndTurn(&b) == 0, "endturn failed");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_ParseUnit()
GTBoard b;
mu_assert(GTBoard_ParseUnit(&b, "W5", GTBoard_ValidMin) == -1,
"parsed invalid token");
mu_assert(GTBoard_ParseUnit(&b, "g1", GTBoard_ValidMin) == 0,
"parse failed");
mu_assert(GTBoard_IsUnit(&b, GTBoard_ValidMin), "no unit created");
GTUnit* u = &b.units[b.board[GTBoard_ValidMin]];
mu_assert(u->color == GTPlayer_Black, ".color wrong");
mu_assert(u->type == GTUnitType_Gatherer, ".type wrong");
mu_assert(u->life == 1, ".life wrong");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_ParseUnits()
GTBoard b;
char units1[] = "we can fly if only we can believe it a dream";
char units2[] =
" \r \n\t --,g4,S9,aa,fk,"
mu_assert(GTBoard_ParseUnits(&b, units1) == -1, "parsed bad string");
mu_assert(GTBoard_ParseUnits(&b, units2) == 0, "parse failed");
mu_assert(b.population[GTPlayer_Black][GTUnitType_Gatherer] == 2,
".population gatherer wrong");
mu_assert(b.population[GTPlayer_Black][GTUnitType_Archer] == 2,
".population archer wrong");
mu_assert(b.population[GTPlayer_Black][GTUnitType_Cavalry] == 1,
".population cavalry wrong");
mu_assert(b.population[GTPlayer_Black][GTUnitType_Spearman] == 1,
".population spearman wrong");
mu_assert(b.population[GTPlayer_Black][GTUnitType_Fortress] == 2,
".population fortress wrong");
mu_assert(b.population[GTPlayer_White][GTUnitType_Spearman] == 2,
".population Spearman wrong");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_ParseTile()
GTBoard b;
char tok1 = 'y';
char tok2 = 'w';
mu_assert(GTBoard_ParseTile(&b, tok1, GTBoard_ValidMin) == -1,
"parsed bad token");
mu_assert(GTBoard_ParseTile(&b, tok2, GTBoard_ValidMin) == 0,
"parse failed");
mu_assert(b.tiles[GTBoard_ValidMin].type == GTTileType_Wood, ".type wrong");
mu_assert(b.tiles[GTBoard_ValidMin].isRevealed == 0, ".isRevealed wrong");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_ParseTiles()
GTBoard b;
char tiles1[] = "they will say: how his hair is growing thin!";
char tiles2[] =
"m, m, m, m, m,"
"l, l, l, l, l,"
"i, i, i, i, i,"
"h, h, h, h, h,"
"p, p, p, p, p,"
"w, w, w, w, w";
mu_assert(GTBoard_ParseTiles(&b, tiles1) == -1, "parsed bad string");
mu_assert(GTBoard_ParseTiles(&b, tiles2) == 0, "parse failed");
int pos = GTBoard_ValidMin;
mu_assert(b.tiles[pos].type == GTTileType_Mountain, ".tiles wrong");
pos = GTDirection_Pos(pos, GTDirection_SouthEast);
mu_assert(b.tiles[pos].type == GTTileType_Lake, ".tiles wrong");
pos = GTDirection_Pos(pos, GTDirection_SouthEast);
mu_assert(b.tiles[pos].type == GTTileType_Iron, ".tiles wrong");
pos = GTDirection_Pos(pos, GTDirection_SouthEast);
mu_assert(b.tiles[pos].type == GTTileType_Horse, ".tiles wrong");
pos = GTDirection_Pos(pos, GTDirection_SouthEast);
mu_assert(b.tiles[pos].type == GTTileType_Plain, ".tiles wrong");
pos = GTDirection_Pos(pos, GTDirection_South);
mu_assert(b.tiles[pos].type == GTTileType_Wood, ".tiles wrong");
return NULL;
static char* Test_GTBoard_Parse()
GTBoard b;
char file1[] = "look upon my work, ye mighty, and despair!";
char file2[] =
"\ntiles {"
"m, m, m, m, m,"
"l, l, l, l, l,"
"i, i, i, i, i,"
"h, h, h, h, h,"
"p, p, p, p, p,"
"w, w, w, w, w,}"
char file3[] = "options {}";
char file4[] = "options{}";
mu_assert(GTBoard_Parse(&b, file1) == -1, "parsed bad string");
mu_assert(GTBoard_Parse(&b, file2) == 0, "parse failed");
mu_assert(GTBoard_Parse(&b, file3) == 0, "parse failed");
mu_assert(GTBoard_Parse(&b, file4) == -1, "parsed bad string");
return NULL;
static char* Test_All()
return NULL;
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} |
The third book in the Arbuckle trilogy is the prequel to In Open Spaces, telling the story of when George and Catherine Arbuckle first met and courted in Deadwood, South Dakota, before George took a job as a wagon boss along the Little Missouri River in Montana. Once they get married and settle down, Catherine becomes the victim of a brutal rape, and her decision to go public with this crime puts their family in an awkward position in the community, much to George's dismay. The strain this event puts on their family almost tears the Arbuckle family apart, but a final twist in the story brings surprising results.
Arbuckle Reviews
"This book is humble and deep, like the author himself. Part love story, part frontier mystery, Russell Rowland's latest novel is a heartbreaking, heartwarming journey that's meant to be savored."
– Jamie Ford, New York Times bestselling author of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, and Songs of Willow Frost
"Arbuckle is a fine novel. Rowland reaches high and gets where he intended to go."
– Richard Wheeler, Six-time Spur Award recipient
Browse All Books:
Fourth-generation Montanan Russell Rowland is a critically-acclaimed author of six books, a teacher, and a radio and podcast host. From the written to the spoken word, he is a true voice of the Big Sky Country. Learn more
Cold Country
Fifty-Six Counties: A Montana Journey
High and Inside
The Watershed Years
In Open Spaces
West of 98: Living and Writing the New American West
Breakfast In Montana
Radio Show:
Fifty-Six Counties
Russell is available for speaking engagements & consultation. Contact The Author
© 2019 Russell Rowland | Website by Classic Ink | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
If you provide breast enlargement surgery, please add your details to the site today.
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Week 17's biggest fantasy football question: NFL reporters give advice to help you in the playoffs
For most fantasy managers, it's championship weekend.
You have come this far and it is not a small achievement. You've negotiated a draft that probably took way too long, damage, trades, bad decisions on game day, and the dreaded COVID-19 list.
It all comes down to this. If you're lucky, your lineup doesn't need major changes. You are not struggling to fill more seats. But maybe there's a move or two that will win you your league and the prize that comes with whatever it may be.
With last-minute movements in mind, fantasy sports scientist Cool soup has a final set of questions for select reporters covering teams where a player or two could make the big difference, whether it's a running back in Houston or New England, or a receiver in Buffalo or Philadelphia, or the entire passing game. Aries. And our journalists have done their best to provide quality answers lately.
Good luck with your championship games:
Nice game for Russell Gage after a month of solid production: blip on the radar, or a week 17 fades?
Hard to say. The frustration over Atlanta's offensive for fantasy players is that the Falcons will play plan to find weaknesses, and each week it's a different place. But Gage hasn't had back-to-back weeks of poor performance since weeks 1 and 2 this season, so perhaps consider it more like a blemish in Week 16 against Detroit. However, the Falcons are going to Buffalo, where it has the potential to be cold and snowy, which could mean a run-heavy game plan. So keep that in mind when you think of Gage this week. – Michael Rothstein
Marquise Brown's goal depth has fallen off a cliff, damaging his imaginative value in the process. Is it designed, or does he still have the game-breaking upside that we continue to chase?
Some of this depends on whether Lamar Jackson (ankle injury) returns as a quarterback. In his first 11 games of the season, Brown received eight receptions on vertical routes. With Jackson out for most of the last three weeks, Brown has no catches on vertical routes. Jackson has the strongest arm on the team and he pushes the ball down the field more than any of the Baltimore quarterbacks. So Brown's big game ability is tied to Jackson. – Jamison Hensley
Should we at least report Isaiah McKenzie to his engagement in Week 16 given the COVID-19 issues in Buffalo's WR space? Can his week 16 be repeated if the bills are mapped again in week 17?
Of course, but there are no guarantees McKenzie sees anywhere near the production he had last week vs. the patriots. With the new COVID-19 protocols, the receivers Cole Beasley and Gabriel Davis are back on the active list and ready to play on Sunday. Specifically when it comes to McKenzie, it will be interesting to see how the Bills split snaps at slot receiver, a position that Beasley has occupied throughout the season, although McKenzie's speed provides a different set of skills than what Beasley's role is on the pitch. McKenzie's numbers in New England were above and beyond his previous career height, and it is unlikely he will put those numbers up again this week. Given his performance, he should have more options in the slot machine, which would reduce Beasley's playing time. – Alaina Getzenberg
Mike Clay will move Isaiah McKenzie down his rankings after Cole Beasley and Gabriel Davis were activated from the reserve / COVID-19 list.
With Sam Darnold at the helm of this offensive, is there a single Panther we should even consider for lineups in Week 17?
No nothing. Not at all. In Darnold's last three starts before going on injured reserve, the offense scored a touchdown. He threw in 190 yards after replacing Cam Newton last week against Tampa Bay and put no points on the board. Running back Chuba Hubbard has done little since Christian McCaffrey went on IR for the second time this season. Wide receivers DJ Moore and Robby Anderson have produced little. So to follow up with the initial no, absolutely not. – David Newton
Either, neither of them or both, when it comes to your comfort when you start the Packers back over the last two weeks of the regular season?
Probably neither, nor because they are not capable. It's just that from one game to the next it's hard to say whether Aaron Jones or AJ Dillon should be the primary back. Lately, it has been a relatively even division when it comes to snap counts. Jones played 33 and Dillon 26 against the Browns. Two weeks before that it was Dillon with 35 and Jones 28 against the Bears. – Rob Demovsky
Can we count on the volume from Rex Burkhead while Houston plays the string?
Don't expect two more touchdowns from Burkhead that he had in Week 16, but he should get the volume. RB David Johnson is on the COVID-19 list, and although he is testing and can play against the 49ers on Sunday, offensive coordinator Tim Kelly has recently shown that Burkhead is Houston's RB1. – Sarah Barshop
Field Yates and Mike Clay discuss whether Rex Burkhead can repeat his success in Week 16 of Week 17.
Will Justin Jackson's big day result in a change in touch distribution when Austin Ekeler returns?
Absolutely not. Dislikes that run and receive can not be replicated by anyone. The only thing that stopped him was COVID-19 and he said he had pretty severe symptoms. But he comes back this week and says he will be better than ever. Jackson had a decent day, but he's no Austin Ekeler. – Shelley Smith
It's a week of season for most fantasy managers now. Is there anything to read in week 16's dud performance from this passing game?
No. It was a bad match for Matthew Stafford, who got three passes intercepted, which meant the Rams had to rely on the running game to make it. But if you noticed, that did not mean Sean McVay in any way gave up calling pass plays, so do not expect them to shy away from calling for Stafford to continue throwing, and look for , that the 13-year-old QB jumps back from a shocking performance. – Lindsey Thiry
Field Yates and Mike Clay discuss how the Rams can take advantage of the Ravens' injury on Sunday.
With the big week 16, is this now Damien Harris' backfield, or should we expect balance with Rhamondre Stevenson back?
The expectation would be a combination with Stevenson. The election in the fourth round from Oklahoma has been impressive and would still be part of a 1-2 battle with Harris if he did not land on the reserve / COVID-19 list. The Patriots had "fit back" Brandon Bolden (34) and Harris (31) all shared snaps last week, with no work for JJ Taylor. The Patriots know it's probably unsustainable, which is why Stevenson expects to return to his "1B" type role for Harris' "1A" in the traditional RB spot. – Mike Reiss
Too little, too late to trust DeVonta Smith, or was week 16 enough to sell you to him as viable this weekend in Washington?
It really depends on your options. He has an average of six goals per game. struggle, and as we have seen, he is a gifted recipient who is capable of putting up big numbers. But like most beginners, his stats fluctuate from week to week and he operates in a run-heavy offensive. Smith is usually good at a handful of catches in a game. Whether he strengthens his production by finding the end zone is a turning point. – Tim McManus
Should we consider "SF starts RB" as a lock for fantasy lineups in week 17?
And it is. This is an advantageous matchup against a Houston defense that is number 27 in the league in yards per. allowed rush and draw as 30. in rushing yards allowed. Elijah Mitchell is closer to a return from her knee problem, and Jeff Wilson Jr. has rounded into shape. Given Mitchell's precarious status over the past few weeks, do not be surprised if the workload is distributed more evenly than before Mitchell's knee problem. Still, this is a good game for the Niners to re-establish their run-first philosophy and run straight against the Texans in a must-have game for the NFC playoff hunt. – Nick Wagoner
Maybe not to the extent of Week 16, but do you expect Antonio Brown to dominate the goals with Chris Godwin and Mike Evans on the sidelines?
And it is. He's by far Tom Brady's most experienced receiver and versatile route runner right now, and he has some incentives he can still reach: 50 receptions, 800 receiving yards and seven touchdowns. Brady loves it when he can get guys the opportunities. Brown can receive $ 333,333 for each incentive. – Jenna Laine
Field Yates and Matthew Berry tell why they think Antonio Brown is a must-start for fantasy managers in Week 17.
Tags: 32 for 32, Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens, Buffalo banknotes, daily, fantasy, Fantasy NFL, List, Los Angeles Chargers, Los Angeles Rams, news - fantasy football, NFL, nfl nation, Philadelphia eagles, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, week 17
Everton bring Mykolenko in the middle of Digne to Chelsea rumors
The Kansas City Chiefs need Chris Jones at his best to lock in the AFC's No. 1 seed
Rams expect 'big energy' and activate S Weddle
Dak, McCarthy defends the QB draw that ended the game
Ronaldo would like to play for 'four or five' more years
'Players Dislike Him' – Attention seeking ace planned by former Man Utd star | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
AILA's Provider Status: Non-Accredited Sponsor - AILA applies for each program individually.
Credit Restrictions: Credit for OnDemand programs is only available from March 1, 2011.
AILA's Reporting Requirements: AILA reports attendance within 30 days, except for OnDemand programs. Attorneys must report attendance for OnDemand programs.
Specialized Credit Requirements: 2 ethics credits per compliance period and 1 credit of substance abuse and mental illness awareness every 3 years.
Attorney Reporting Requirements: Attorneys will receive annual report in January and must complete and return it by February 28. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Parts for Cars by Scalextric, Carrera, Fly etc. : TSR Slot Cars, TSR Slot Cars - Dedicated to Slot Car racing, collecting, restoration, track design, electronics and software.
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These parts will help you enhance the performance of your Scalextric, Fly, Flyslot, Ninco, Slot.It, Slotter and many other 1/32 or 1/24 scale home racing cars.
This 45-tooth gear presses on the stainless steel axle and provides a smoothest gear mesh than seen on any other home-racing car on the market. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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Welcome to my site, where I will share with you my journey on new ways to think outside the box, and use natural ingredients, earths blessings, to heal, treat, and indulge in beautiful experiences while we nurture our soul.
First, believe in yourself and the natural power of nature that surrounds you. This is easier than it sounds. Let me ask you…Have you ever been in the forest and felt like you were surrounded by fairies? Well, I have, and it felt magickal. Or, have you ever just been outside at a park, your backyard or on a hike, or walking down the street and a leaf blows by you and you feel something? That's magickal.
Have you ever felt drawn to the water? That's me for sure! Or, the forest or any other specific place in nature? If you answered yes to any to these questions, then good news, you have magick in your life, and that's a beautiful thing!
There are so many ways to bring magick into your life if you let yourself take it all in and believe. I believe the most important part of willing a change or making a desire manifest if truly believing. Magick takes over from there. From essential oils that have so many magickal benefits, to kitchen magick to fuel your soul with natures blessings, to spells, yes, spells to harness earths energies into manifestations and so much more I can't wait to share with you.
Next Post: Hip hip hooray, it's Earth Day! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Q: Can't search an array in PHP in_array for the presence of multiple needles When giving PHP in_array an array of values I want to search for, it does not work. Although the documentation specifies that you can give a mixed needle.
So basically I want to test for the presence of multiple terms as the value of an array - is there a reason this is not working, and can anyone suggest another way of doing this?
A: For something like searching an array $haystack for multiple $needles that are all strings or numbers, you can use array_intersect($array1, $array2, ...)
It should work for mixed types also.
A: When the documentation says mixed it means it can accept multiple types, e.g. int, float, string. Though the docs should say exactly which types are valid.
A: mixed doesn't mean more than one needle, it refers to types. It's documentation talk for more than one possible type.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} |
My plush puppy buddies are finished! When made with the indicated yarn, each puppy is just under 5 inches tall. (approximately 12.5cm, not including the ears!) I made my dolls with polyester pellets stuffed in the body, but they can be made with just fiber fill as well. They can be easily personalized – you might embroider intitals on the body or hang a special sentimental charm around it's neck… there are many possiblities here!
Please enjoy the pattern and send along pictures of your finished dogs!
This is where I like to start stuffing the head and placing the eyes. (between rounds 7 & 8, with 9 stitches between). I like to get a general idea of the face because I like to sew the nose at this point as well. I can tie the loose ends inside the head while I still have enough room to work!
Use a yarn needle and your dark grey yarn to sew the nose. I repeated this pattern over and over until the nose was filled in to my liking.
Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing. Flatten the ears and sew the openings shut before attaching to head.
fasten off and leave a tail for sewing. Stuff the arms, concentrating the stuffing towards the paw, using less and less stuffing as you move up. Sew the arms shut before attaching to the body.
Fasten off and leave a tail for sewing. Stuff each foot and sew onto body, making sure they are symmetrical. See photos for appropriate placement.
The ears are placed at round 14, with about 10 stitches between them.
Fill the body 3/4 of the way with polyester pellets/beads. Depending on the tightness of your stitches, the beads might fall out of the openings between your stitches. If this is the case, you can use a bit of nylon material (ie pantyhose) to create a bag filled with the polyester beads and put this into the doll's body. Stuff the remaining space with fiber fill. Position the head and sew it onto the body.
Next, position the arms and legs symmetrically and sew them on. I like to sew the openings of the arm shut before attaching, but you do not need to do this for the legs.
Lastly, sew the tail onto the backside of your doll. Try to center it and make sure it doesn't interfere with the balance of the doll when it's placed on a flat surface. The puppy should be very stable since it has a nice flat bottom!
You are finished! Now comes the fun part of personalizing your doll and making it uniquely yours! Think ribbons, bells, pendants, initials, scarves, and more! Have fun!! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
The City of Greenville requires all dogs and cats be vaccinated against rabies by the age of three months and within one year of the initial vaccination they must be revaccinated. After the first vaccination and first booster, animals vaccinated with the one year vaccine must be vaccinated yearly and those vaccinated with the three year vaccine must be vaccinated every three years.
Animals are required to wear their rabies vaccination tags, and owners are to provide a proof of rabies vaccination certificate. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Q: Eclipse Maven Test java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError with External Jar I have project on eclipse and it use maven. The project has external jar, that not maintenance in maven repository. So, the jar file will be added throught Java Build Path in eclipse.
When I run junit, the test run successfully. But when I run the test with maven-test, it throw java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. The error show me, that class in external jar cannot be found. My investigation is, that the maven test cannot read the external jar file.
This error can be solved, when I upload the jar file into maven repository.
The configuration in the Deploment Assembly is not working. The error is still show up.
Does anyone know, how to solve the problem, without upload the external jar file into maven repository?
Thank you
A: Add the external jar to the maven repository using mvn install:install-file command. Then add dependency to this jar in your pom.xml. It should resolve the error. for more on mvn install::install-file: see this link http://www.mkyong.com/maven/how-to-include-library-manully-into-maven-local-repository/.
You can also see the following stackoverflow question Maven: best way of linking custom external JAR to my project?
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} |
class Trend < ActiveRecord::Base
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} |
Celebrate 40 years of 'The Shining' by embracing the horrors of isolation
Come play with us — from a safe, six-feet distance with precautionary face coverings, please. On May 23, 1980, Stanley Kubrick's The Shining hit theaters for the first time. 40 years later, it's renowned as one of the most chilling chapters in horror history, a masterful blend of supernatural and psychological terror so timeless even…
Come play with us — from a safe, six-feet distance with precautionary face coverings, please.
On May 23, 1980, Stanley Kubrick's The Shining hit theaters for the first time. 40 years later, it's renowned as one of the most chilling chapters in horror history, a masterful blend of supernatural and psychological terror so timeless even the Overlook Hotel's carpeting is iconic.
Of course, on this particular anniversary, the story of a struggling writer and his family self-isolating for a winter of productivity only to slowly descend into a murderous nightmare feels especially haunting. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, people everywhere have been forced to cope with the mental and physical consequences of solitude.
That means special screenings, costume parties, visits to your local hedge maze, and whatever other spooky plans you may have had to celebrate The Shining's big Four Zero have likely been canceled. But if Jack, Wendy, and Danny Torrance taught us anything, it's that families can get past any obstacle if they just put down the bat and work together!
So, as an act of goodwill on this most hallowed of holidays, we've come up with five safe ways for horror fans to celebrate The Shining from home. Because 237 was way too many.
5. Have yourself a glass of scotch (or a bowl of ice cream)
HBO Max will release Zack Snyder's cut of 'Justice League'
Can you solve the "scrambled box tops" puzzle? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
You may use the following form to text the link of Fort Gaines to a SMS capable phone.
Fort Gaines is located at 51 Bienville Boulevard, Dauphin Island, AL - 36528. This is the only landmark listed in Dauphin Island. There's also five attractions listed in this city in other categories. You will find the exact location of Fort Gaines on the map above. If you need any other information on Fort Gaines that is not listed here, please call (251) 861-6992 or visit their website.
None of our visitors shared their reviews on Fort Gaines yet. However, we have collected 5 ratings from external sources on this landmark.
Following is a list of other landmarks found within few miles of Fort Gaines. You may also view all landmarks in Dauphin Island, Alabama. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
The 12th International Symposium on the Ordovician System will be hosted on the campus of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, June 8-11, 2015. Visit the web site at http://www.jmu.edu/2015ISOS/ to download the Second Circular.
The scientific sessions in Harrisonburg will be preceded and followed by geological excursions to study the Ordovician successions of the Appalachian Mountains of the Eastern US. A field excursion is also planned for the Ordovician carbonate and siliciclastic deposits of Oklahoma (site of the Katian GSSP), and a field excursion is planned to the spectacular succession of Ordovician dark shale in Idaho. The 5 field trips are described in more detail in the Second Circular and on the web site.
Themes for the 12th ISOS include Ordovician climate, isotope stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, regional stratigraphy, paleoecology and paleobiogeography, and we welcome contributions on all aspects of Ordovician geology.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1CebPBi4CHrYVrp3JnLKT8RWVfoH03D6KRd1OSt515zI/viewform?usp=send_form or download the pre-registraion form from the ISOS2015 web site http://www.jmu.edu/2015ISOS/ and submit it to 2015ISOS at gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you in Virginia in 2015! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
An evaluation of the TARGET (Treat Antibiotics Responsibly; Guidance, Education, Tools) Antibiotics Toolkit to improve antimicrobial stewardship in primary care—is it fit for purpose?
(2017). An evaluation of the TARGET (Treat Antibiotics Responsibly; Guidance, Education, Tools) Antibiotics Toolkit to improve antimicrobial stewardship in primary care—is it fit for purpose?. Family Practice, AdvanceArticle(4), 1-467.
"An evaluation of the TARGET (Treat Antibiotics Responsibly; Guidance, Education, Tools) Antibiotics Toolkit to improve antimicrobial stewardship in primary care—is it fit for purpose?." Family Practice Advance Article.4 (2017): 1-467. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Benjamin founded Elion House in 2008 and has over 13 years experience across multiple clean technology sectors including clean energy, and he has conceived of innovations based on his beliefs of creating new concepts and ideas that will benefit humanity, the natural world, and the global economy. Cleantech first piqued his interest when working as financial engineer at banks he noticed a commonality in the wave nature of probability distributions and quantum physics.
Having lived through the devastation of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, he is committed to accelerating the uptake of new clean technologies and rethinking concepts of business and finance to address disruptions to the global ecological system – biodiversity loss and food-water-natural resource shortages – and to transform the global energy architecture and has personally invested to this cause.
This work has led to recognition in the sustainability, ethical and impact investing space where he speaks on emerging trends in cleantech infrastructure and ESG-compliant investments at consultations around the world attended by policy-makers and conglomerates, including at: RiskMinds 2018, All-Energy Australia 2017, the Windsor Energy Group , Deutsche Bank Alternatives Day, The Borrowers and Investors Forum (AsianInvestor) and the Low Carbon Earth Summit in China.
Previously, Benjamin has over 20 years in portfolio management and international finance and has built teams managing multi-billion dollar complex derivatives portfolios at global banks including JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, HSBC and Nomura; being on the principal team for proprietary trading, structuring and providing market risk and balance sheet management solutions for institutional investors. He started his career in Japan working under scholarship for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Gaimusho) and later at Mitsui & Co. in IT and risk-management systems and technologies.
He has a diverse background and is proficient in Japanese and has an innate understanding of Asian markets. He is a member of the Japanese Securities Dealer's Association, the Singapore Business Federation, and has pledged to the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, Global Compact Network Singapore which is championing sustainability among the business community and is a part of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Singapore has designated 2018 as the Year of Climate Action. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Trump Take Full Credit For Making Debates Profitable For TV Networks [VIDEO]
Steve Guest Media Reporter
Donald Trump says the upcoming Republican primary debate on CNBC should be two hours instead of the newly proposed three hours because it would be "unfair" to viewers' since it's "too much to watch." But he believes they want to make it longer because they can make more money from advertisers thanks to the presence of The Donald.
Appearing "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren" Thursday, Trump said the same thing is happening for CNBC that happened with CNN. The Republican frontrunner explained "they sold the commercials for so much, and for so much money, it was going to be $4000 for a 30 second commercial, it ended up being 200,000 and 250,000."
Trump said that because CNBC has already sold all of the commercial time, they want to increase the debate by an hour to sell more advertisements.
Trump criticized CNBC for lengthening the debate because it's "unfair to the viewers because it's too much, it's too much to watch. And they're doing to because they want to make more money."
Trump continued to explained, "Well I spoke to Reince, and I spoke to the RNC and so have other people actually, and you know, they don't like the idea because it's unfair. It's unfair to the viewers. I don't care. I could stand for five hours. I could stand for ten hours but it's unfair to the viewers."
Trump insisted, "You know, the Democratic debate, if you look at it, that was two hours and it was too long, everybody was bored at the end. They want to make this much longer than that. So I think it's really important that they make it a reasonable period of time."
Trump said the all the Republican candidates "agreed to two hours and now all of a sudden yesterday, they came up with this additional long period of time, whatever it maybe. But it was originally agreed that it was two hours. I mean, the networks are making a fortune off this stuff. They never made money, they always lost money with it. Now they are making a fortuning, I wonder why. So you know, a little bit tough."
Steve Guest | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
RecordsFilterModel::RecordsFilterModel(TagFilter* filter, QObject* parent) :
QVariant RecordsFilterModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
int role) const
if(role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
if(section == 0) {
return "Title";
if(section == 1) {
return "Creation time";
return QVariant();
bool RecordsFilterModel::acceptRow(int sourceRow) const
return true;
QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0, rootIndex());
Record* record = index.data(RecordsModel::kRecordRole).value<Record*>();
int includes = 0;
int includeCount = 0;
bool excludes = 0;
TagFilter::Iterator it = filter_->begin();
while(it != filter_->end()) {
if(it.action() == TagFilter::kInclude) {
else {
it = it.next();
if(filter_->mode() == TagFilter::kUnite)
return (!includeCount && !excludes) || (includes && !excludes);
return (!includeCount && !excludes) || (includes == includeCount && !excludes);
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} |
Рулетка — азартная игра.
Рулетка — инструмент для измерения длины.
Рулетка — пилотажная группа.
Марсельская рулетка — футбольный финт, создание которого приписывается Зинедину Зидану.
См. также
Рулет (выпечка)
Русская рулетка (значения) | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} |
I had every intention of sitting down and blogging over the past, cold, holidays. Obviously, that didn't happen; and once again, I underestimated the exhaustion that comes with pregnancy!
I am now 7 months pregnant, with another little turning 2 next month, and our oldest approaching 4 in the spring. With almost three kids, we decided to stay home and not travel for the holidays. It was really relaxing when I was ironically expecting it to be lonely. I've been learning to be more aware of my limitations and finding peace in respecting them, even if it means missing out.
Both S and C are becoming more helpful to me as they see my mobility limited each day by an extremely swollen tummy. They pick up the things that I drop, bring me their cups, and throw away their trash. Of course, they still act like normal toddlers still… but these little acts of childlike kindness have been a huge consolation to me.
The one thing still making me anxious is giving birth. Even though I have done it twice now, each time has involved fighting with doctors, arguing with nurses, and having to advocate for myself and the kind of birth that I want. I'm afraid I'm attempting a medication-free birth this time around, which is typically met with a lot of resistance from the medical community. Just the thought of having to advocate for myself is exhausting. There is also the fear in the back of my mind, one which the medical community would love to convince me of, that I can't actually do it naturally, on my own.
The truth is, I actually have been complacent in preparing to have a natural birth. Despite gathering books on different methods and downloading birth meditations, I haven't read or listened to any. I've made the excuse of being busy, and surely I am with 2 toddlers, however, the time has come to make it a priority. This gives birth to yet another fear… the reality that this IS happening. I've been able to just daydream about those ideal moments one has with a newborn: the cuddles, the coos, the surprise smiles. I've ignored the trial that will come before those treasured times to the point where I now resist the inevitable.
Well, it is a goal for me in the next week to crack open a book and listen to a meditation. The time has come!
It feels like years have passed since I last posted! It also feels like whenever I do post now, it is just for a quick update! Well, such is the life of a mother. Unexpected, busy, and messy.
I've taken a part time job as one of our county's sexual assault advocates. As you can imagine this is hard work, and can demand a lot of decompression time after a training or shift. So far, I haven't had to work face-to-face with survivors, but the research and training a lone is rigorous and for me, can only be taken in small doses.
When I'm not doing that, I am trying as best I can to be present to my family and cherish them. Getting a first hand look at the atrocities humans commit against one another intensifies my instinctual desire to bond closely and love on my children. To leave them without a desire to look for an imitation of my love elsewhere, and to find certainty and confidence in it.
Both jobs have been equally exhausting and rewarding. As rigorously as predators are planning their evil, there are amazing humans planning prevention against them. My work has strengthened my faith in humanity more than it has robbed me of it.
In any case, that is why I have been so absent. I'm still taking time to care for myself. Zumba, weight lifting, tea, and books have all consoled me and relieved my stress at different times these past few weeks. J and I celebrated our 5th anniversary and have been making some plans to really focus on that success next month when the calendar is less congested. Until then, we are just taking it a day at a time.
Wishing you well, readers! Have a good week.
How PPD made me lose control.
I know, this title makes you think "the devil made me do it," but some thing I had to discover when struggling with postpartum depression was that, it wasn't my fault. This was some thing that happened to me, not a reflection of me. So many women, present company included, think that the symptoms of this condition are a reflection of themselves and their character, when in reality what they've experienced is a severe chemical imbalance in their bodies after childbirth that has brought on certain symptoms.
I remember wanting to yell, even scream at my baby. This urge was so strong, I had to run into my bedroom and scream into my pillow while punching the mattress. I knew it was an inappropriate response. I knew that babies cried, that it was normal, and that I shouldn't scream at a baby for age-appropriate behavior, and yet I literally could not stop myself from releasing this rage.
Flashback to the birth of my first child. Yes, I do say that she is what you could call and "easy," or "good," baby… but it was still hard. I was still sore, she still cried, and the exhaustion was still unbearable. There were times that I wanted to scream and cry, but instead chose to care for myself and my child. Postpartum Depression took away my ability to choose, and therefore robbed me of my ability to act like myself. It was identity theft, plain and simple. I could see the options, what I wanted to choose versus what my mental illness was suggesting, and more than half the time, I was unable to make my own choice. The helplessness was overwhelming.
Now, I'm going to give myself a lot of credit. While I was unable to make appropriate choices [i.e. screaming versus not screaming] I had the ability to remove myself from my children and let the mental illness have its way without harming anyone else in the process. Much like Dr. Jekyll would lock himself away before transforming into Mr. Hyde. Obviously the trouble is, there is always the risk of Mr. Hyde taking over completely, or strong arming his counterpart, which is ultimately why I went for help. That, and because I was sick of having to remove myself from my children when all I really wanted was to cuddle them in estrogen filled bliss. I was in the most powerless position I've ever been in, and the strongest. I clawed and climbed my way from rock bottom to where I am now. I fought doctor's and nurses who wanted nothing more than to lock me in the hole I was already in, in the name of "safety". I fought multiple healthcare systems who told me they couldn't help, until I finally found women who would.
I wish it didn't have to be a fight. I wish it had been easier… but the silver lining in all of this is that I got to see how strong I really am. Hind sight has shown me that what I thought was my weakest moment was actually my strongest. I am a badass, and I pray that moms everywhere will find and embrace their own inner strengths, even if they find they are cloaked in weakness and dusted with shame.
I've been DIYing, and digging through antique stores for more items for the house. We've officially been here over a year, and may of the walls are still bare. This is a significantly bigger place than our last house, so what we had previously owned wasn't enough to full furnish and decorate this house. Little by little we've been adding pieces.
Gallery walls are my go-to right now, as the lend themselves to being rearranged and added to. I hope the never go our of style, because I have more than 1 wall with a cluster of different items and images.
We also replaced an old florescent light that used to hum in the kitchen with these gorgeous pendants. Overall I am happy with the look of our home, and I feel like it blends a lot of different styles. We have rustic pieces, industrial, and even modern touches that reflect our interests.
I've been slacking in the recipe department, so I thought I would share a recipe for my father-in-laws favorite cookies, chocolate thumbprints. I've attempted to make these for him every Father's day for the past 3 years, and I could never quite get the flavor right. This recipe is a keeper though, as it is has the closest taste to the cookies he loves from the bakery. Sophie loved helping me roll the dough and dip some of the sides in sprinkles. This is a great project for little bakers to help with.
Preheat oven to 350. In an electric mixer, mix all the dough ingredients EXCEPT the flour, on medium speed. 1 cup at a time, add in the flour until a thick dough begins to form and there are no lumps of flour. Scoop up a generous teaspoonful (2 level teaspoons) of the dough and shape it into a 1-inch ball with your hands. Roll the ball in the sugar and set it on a tray lined with waxed paper. Repeat with the rest of the dough, setting the balls slightly apart. Press a thumb or forefinger, dipped in flour, into each ball to create a depression. Bake the cookies for 10 minutes. Gently redefine the depressions with your thumb or the tip of a wooden spoon's handle, if necessary. Rotate the sheet and continue to bake until the tops are lightly colored and the bottoms are golden brown, another 8 to 12 minutes. Transfer the cookies to a rack and let cool completely.
When the cookies are cool, prepare the filling: Put the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl set in a wide skillet of almost simmering water, or in the top of a double boiler. (Or microwave on medium power for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring after the first minute.) When the chocolate is almost completely melted, remove the bowl from the heat and stir until completely melted and smooth. Using a spoon, fill the depression of each cookie with the chocolate filling. If the filling hardens while using, reheat it in the pan of hot water. When each cookie is filled, let the chocolate set for at least 15 minutes, then you can store them in an air tight container.
Before we had gotten married, Justin and I took a trip to the zoo, so it was pleasantly nostalgic to take our kids there. We usually take a big vacation in the spring or summer with my in-laws, but this year we decided to give ourselves a break (vaycays with kids are hard work!) and just do little day trips on the weekends.
It was completely crowded and a little hectic, but the girls enjoyed themselves so much! I loved seeing the wonder and curiosity in their eyes! I can't wait for the rest of the adventures we will be taking over the summer. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
<div class="card">
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<div class="item item-text-wrap text-center">
<h2>{{fight.currentFight.battle.battleName | capitalize}}</h2>
<h3>Round {{fight.currentFight.roundNumber}}</h3>
<h3 ng-if="!fight.currentFight.battle.frozen">
<timer max-time-unit="'hour'" countdown="(fight.currentFight.battle.milisLeftTimestamp / 1000)" interval="1000">{{hours}} hour{{hoursS}}, {{minutes}} minute{{minutesS}}, {{seconds}} second{{secondsS}}.</timer>
<h3 ng-if="fight.currentFight.battle.frozen">
Battle is frozen!
<h4 ng-if="!fight.currentFight.open">This fight is closed.</h4>
<div class="item item-text-wrap">
<div class="progress progress-striped">
<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="{{fight.currentFight.battle.defenderDmgPercent}}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: {{fight.currentFight.battle.defenderDmgPercent}}%;">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="{{100 - fight.currentFight.battle.defenderDmgPercent}}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: {{100 - fight.currentFight.battle.defenderDmgPercent}}%;">
<div class="row">
<div class="col text-left">
<h3>{{fight.currentFight.defenderTotalDamage | number:0}}</h3>
<h3>{{fight.currentFight.battle.defenderDmgPercent | number:2}} %</h3>
<div ng-if="fight.currentFight.battle.active && !fight.currentFight.battle.frozen && fight.currentFight.open">
<button ng-click="fight.openFightModal(true)" ng-if="fight.currentFight.canFightOnDefenderSide" class="button button-block button-positive">
<div class="col text-right">
<h3>{{fight.currentFight.attackerTotalDamage | number:0}}</h3>
<h3>{{100 - fight.currentFight.battle.defenderDmgPercent | number:2}} %</h3>
<div ng-if="fight.currentFight.battle.active && !fight.currentFight.battle.frozen && fight.currentFight.open">
<button ng-click="fight.openFightModal(false)" ng-if="fight.currentFight.canFightOnAttackerSide" class="button button-block button-positive">
<div ng-if="!fight.currentFight.battle.active" class="text-center">
<h2>This battle is not active!</h2>
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} |
RUFFIN, Judge.
Breach of implied warranty, etc. Bryan Superior Court. Before Judge Harvey, Senior Judge.
Robert Rosenheimer and Victoria Soland (the plaintiffs) purchased a new home built by Tidal Construction Company (Tidal). After discovering an alleged moisture problem with the synthetic stucco exterior of the house, the plaintiffs sued Tidal and Colormatch Exteriors, Inc. (Colormatch), the company that manufactured the synthetic stucco. The defendants moved for summary judgment asserting that all of plaintiffs' claims were barred by the statute of limitation. The trial court granted defendants' motions, and this appeal ensued. For reasons that follow, we reverse.
To prevail on a motion for summary judgment, a defendant must demonstrate that there are no genuine issues of material facts and that the facts, viewed most favorably to the plaintiff, warrant judgment as a matter of law. 1 "We review a grant of summary judgment de novo." 2
Viewed in this light, the evidence shows that Tidal obtained a building permit in June 1994 to build a house in Bryan County. The exterior of the house was finished using an exterior insulation and finish system, also referred to as synthetic stucco, that was allegedly manufactured by Colormatch. The construction was essentially complete in February 1995, and in March or April 1995, a real estate agent showed Rosenheimer the house. On April 15, 1995, Rosenheimer and Soland signed a contract to purchase the house. Tidal obtained a certificate of occupancy on June 22, 1995, and the closing took place on June 26, 1995.
According to Rosenheimer, after closing on the house, he began noticing moisture problems with the house, which he attributes to both the "defective" nature of Colormatch's synthetic stucco as well as Tidal's improper application of the product. On April 19, 1999, Rosenheimer and Soland filed suit against Tidal. On June 22, 1999, Colormatch was added as a party to the suit. The plaintiffs asserted claims for negligence, negligent misrepresentation, breach of implied warranty, breach of implied contract, and bad faith. With respect to Colormatch, the plaintiffs also asserted a strict liability claim.
Both defendants moved for summary judgment, arguing that the plaintiffs' claims were barred by the statute of limitation in OCGA 9-3-30 (a), which provides that "[a]ll actions for . . . damage to realty shall be brought within four years after the right of action accrues." According to defendants, the right of action accrued four years after Tidal finished building the house in February 1995. Thus, they reasoned, the April 1999 complaint was not timely filed. The trial court agreed and granted both motions for summary judgment.
1. In several enumerations of error, the plaintiffs contend that the trial court erred in concluding that their tort claims are barred by the statute of limitation. The parties agree that tort claims are governed by a four-year statute of limitation. 3 The issue on appeal is when the right of action accrues for damage to realty claims. "It is well settled that the starting date for [such] damage to realty claims is the date of 'substantial completion.' " 4 According to the plaintiffs, the house was not substantially complete until the builder obtained the certificate of occupancy on June 22, 1995. The defendants, on the other hand, argue that the house was substantially complete in February 1995, when the construction was complete. We agree with the plaintiffs.
In the recent case of Hickey v. Bowden, 5 this Court addressed this exact issue. We held that "[b]ecause the [plaintiffs] could not legally occupy the house for the purpose for which it was intended -- as their residence -- until the certificate of occupancy was issued," the date the certificate is issued serves as the earliest date the house can be deemed substantially completed. 6 Here, it is undisputed that the plaintiffs filed suit prior to June 22, 1999, four years from the date the certificate of occupancy was issued. It follows that the trial court erred in concluding that their tort claims are barred by the statute of limitation.
2. The plaintiffs also contend that the trial court erred in finding that the contractual claims are governed by the four-year statute of limitation set forth in OCGA 9-3-30. We agree. In several recent cases, this Court has made abundantly clear that "the six-year statute of limitation governing simple written contracts applies to a contract for the sale of new construction." 7 Thus, to the extent that the plaintiffs' complaint alleges breach of the written contract -- including claims for breach of implied warranty stemming from that contract -- such claims are governed by the six-year statute of limitation. 8 To the extent that the complaint alleges breach of an implied contract, such claim would be subject to the four-year statute of limitation. 9 For the reasons set forth in Division 1, such claims were timely asserted. Accordingly, the trial court erred in granting defendants' motions for summary judgment.
Brannen, Searcy & Smith, Daniel C. Cohen, Ashlee H. Vaught, for appellee.
1 See Swan Kang, Inc. v. Kang, 243 Ga. App. 684, 685 (534 SE2d 145) (2000).
2 Id.
3 See Mitchell v. Jones, 247 Ga. App. 113, 115-116 (2) (541 SE2d 103) (2000).
4 Hickey v. Bowden, 248 Ga. App. 647, 649 (2) (---- SE2d ----) (2001).
6 Id. at 650 (2).
7 Smith v. KLS Constr Co., 247 Ga. App. 493, 494 (1) (544 SE2d 197) (2001).See also Stimson v. George Laycock, Inc., 247 Ga. App. 1, 3 (1) (542 SE2d 121) (2000); Mitchell v. Jones, supra at 114 (1).
8 See Hickey, supra at 649 (1).
9 See Bauer v. North Fulton Med. Center, 241 Ga. App. 568, 572 (3) (b) (527 SE2d 240) (1999).
Eugene C. Brooks IV, Christopher M. Kessinger, for appellants.
Citing Cases:
GROPPER et al. v. STO CORPORATION et al.; RENAISSANCE BUILDING CORPORATION v. KOLBE & KOLBE MILLWORK COMPANY, INC. et al. (250 Ga. App. 820) (552 SE2d 118) (2001) | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
This course covers 8 different challenging topics in AP® Physics 1. Well-respected AP instructors from around the USA will lead you through video, assessment questions, and interactive activities.
Each module breaks these tricky topics into bite-sized pieces - with short instructional videos, on-screen simulations, interactive graphs, and practice problems written by many of the same people who write and grade your AP® Physics 1 & 2 exams.
* Advanced Placement® and AP® are trademarks registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings. Stand-alone units cover the most challenging concepts in the newly redesigned AP® Physics 1 curricula (based on College Board data from 2011–2013 AP® Physics B exams). | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
A current or future state of a <<WholeLifeEnterprise>> or another <<EnterprisePhase>>.
Sounds as though Enterprise Phase and Whole Life Enterprise are the same type of thing but the Enterprise Phase is a time slice. This is why in TRAK there is only the 1 concept of TRAK::Enterprise. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Colorado improved to 17-6 overall after a convincing 3-1 victory against Oregon State (16-8) on Saturday night in Gill Coliseum in Corvallis, Ore.
The win over the Beavers completed the season series sweep of the Oregon schools as CU upset No. 15 Oregon on Friday night after defeating both programs in Boulder last month.
The Buffs took the first set narrowly (25-23), but OSU tied the match up after earning a 25-20 win in the second set. CU came out of the intermission focused, winning the final two sets (25-23 and 25-12) to snap the Beavers' five-match win streak. Colorado is now 7-5 in the Pac-12, while OSU is 6-6.
"It was great to get the sweep on the weekend. The Oregon schools are really tough and are playing some really good volleyball," Colorado head coach Jesse Mahoney said. "We started out a little rough, ball-handling-wise. By the time we were in set three, we were in a pretty good groove and when we got that win, we kind of rolled over them in set four."
Junior Alexa Smith led Colorado with 19 kills and added 16 digs for her 13th double-double this season. Naghede Abu was second on the team with 14 kills. She hit an outstanding .583 with no errors on 24 attacks. Frankie Shebby added another 13 kills and tallied just two errors on 35 swings (.314).
Gabby Carta-Samuels was busy in the back-row for the Buffs, recording a match-high 22 digs. Abu led CU at the net with four blocks, while Smith and Joslyn Hayes each added another three blocks.
For the first time in school history, the Buffs defeated Oregon State and Oregon both at home and away...CU is 10-4 this season away from Coors and has won five of its last six matches...The Buffs are 9-4 against the Beavers and are 3-3 in Corvallis...Colorado has eight matches remaining in the regular season, which includes five at the Coors Events Center.
Kills — CU: Smith 19, Abu 14, Shebby 13; OSU: Marshall 20, Goings 18, Cheshire 8. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Burnaby and Vancouver, British Columbia – June 3, 2014 – Teradici®, developer of industry-leading PCoIP® technology for virtual workspaces, today announced a partnership with CounterPath Corp. (NASDAQ: CPAH) (TSX: CCV), a leading developer of award-winning desktop, tablet and mobile VoIP client solutions. Together, the companies will deliver the industry's first scalable unified communications (UC) solution for PCoIP Zero Clients for desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) deployments.
Integration of CounterPath's market-leading Bria softphone technology into Tera2 PCoIP Zero Clients will culminate in an interoperable UC solution for enterprise customers across the broadest range of SIP-compliant environments, including Alcatel-Lucent, Avaya, Broadsoft, Cisco, Metaswitch Networks and Mitel, for voice, messaging, presence, contacts and social media. With virtual desktops delivered via PCoIP, all applications and data remain in the data center where they can be centrally managed, with a remote link to the local client device. Users can readily move between devices while preserving their desktop environment, greatly enhancing employee mobility, data security and disaster recovery.
"We're delighted to be the first independent software vendor to jointly develop and deliver a scalable VoIP unified communications solution for PCoIP Zero Clients," said Donovan Jones, President and CEO, CounterPath. "Our partnership with Teradici expands the reach of CounterPath and highlights the flexibility of our unified communications solution. With more than one and a half million PCoIP Zero Clients deployed in companies across diverse markets, we have a tremendous opportunity – with great potential for acceleration, as VDI and the emerging DaaS markets reach new levels of maturity."
"In collaboration with CounterPath, we're excited to bring greater flexibility and an enhanced user experience to PCoIP Zero Clients – the most secure, easy-to-manage endpoint devices for virtual workspaces," added Dan Cordingley, President and CEO, Teradici. "Bria softphone solutions have been broadly adopted by more than 400 operators, OEMs and large and small enterprises in more than 50 countries worldwide. CounterPath has a proven track record in delivering a high-quality product with interoperability across a breadth of SIP-compliant network equipment. We've selected the right partner at the right time to jointly develop a scalable, robust, cost-effective UC solution."
Development of a joint UC solution for PCoIP Zero Clients by Teradici and CounterPath is underway with an expected release in calendar Q4.
Built for the cloud, ultra-secure PCoIP Zero Clients simplify IT management and displace traditional PCs at a fraction of the cost, eliminating hard drives, CPUs, graphic processors, applications and OS software. Today, Teradici's ecosystem includes 50 of world's leading computer manufacturers, delivering PCoIP Zero Clients in a variety of form factors (desktop, laptop, all-in-one monitors) that meet the industry's strictest enterprise standards for workplace security, performance and ease-of-management.
CounterPath is a global leader in softphone technology, with millions of endpoints downloaded. With unmatched interoperability with IP PBXs and SIP-based application servers, Bria is built toward industry standards with proven multimedia technology that provides a highly-secure, high-quality, UC experience to voice and video calls over fixed, mobile and Wi-Fi broadband networks. Bria's ability to move a UC session, without interruption, between mobile and Wi-Fi networks gives businesses new options for "always on" connectivity while realizing cost savings through enhanced access to free Wi-Fi networks.
To learn more about the CounterPath Bria, go to: http://www.counterpath.com/bria.html. For more information about Teradici PCoIP Zero Clients, go to: http://www.teradici.com/zeroclient.
Teradici technology is the fabric of the virtual workspace. It powers the spectrum of local, remote, mobile and collaborative work styles, fundamentally simplifying how computing is provisioned, managed, used and deployed throughout virtual and cloud environments, in zero clients, hardware accelerators, standalone workstations and mobile devices. Simple, green, and cost-effective, the Teradici PCoIP virtual workspace architecture delivers a secure, high-definition, highly responsive computing experience.
Teradici customers benefit from a broad PCoIP ecosystem of innovative products and services, and include Fortune 500 enterprises and institutions around the world, local and federal government agencies, and cloud and service providers. Teradici was founded in 2004, and is headquartered in British Columbia. For more information, visit www.teradici.com.
CounterPath's SIP-based VoIP softphones are changing the face of telecommunications. An industry and user favorite, Bria softphones for desktop and mobile devices, together with the Company's server applications and Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) solutions, enable service providers, OEMs and enterprises large and small around the globe to offer a seamless and unified communications experience across both fixed and mobile networks. Standards-based, cost-effective and reliable, CounterPath's award-winning solutions power the voice and video calling, messaging, and presence offerings of customers such as Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T, Avaya, BroadSoft, BT, Cisco Systems, GENBAND, Metaswitch Networks, Mitel, NEC, Network Norway, Rogers and Verizon. For more information, visit www.counterpath.com. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
A quarter of people don't understand there's financial benefits to being sustainable, a survey conducted by IKEA has revealed.
The survey, released as part of IKEA's People and Planet Positive Report, also found that almost half of people don't know where to begin to make their homes more sustainable, with 39 per cent finding the concept "completely overwhelming".
"The findings … suggest there is still work to be done to demonstrate how easy it is for people to make small, simple changes to help create a more sustainable life," the report said.
In positive news, more than half of those surveyed (57 per cent) were aware of both time and cost savings of using products like LED bulbs and water-efficient taps.
The report said this was a "great opportunity" to engage consumers to become more sustainable.
As part of the report launch, IKEA has set up a "sustainability studio" at Central Park in Sydney to represent a sustainable apartment, which demonstrates how easy it is to make simple changes that have great cost and sustainability benefits.
The report is part of an overarching sustainability strategy that aims to develop and promote sustainable materials and appliances, use 100 per cent renewable energy worldwide by 2020, and source 100 per cent of wood, paper and cardboard from sustainable sources by 2020.
In Australia, the company has already done large-scale solar installations on multiple stores, and last year banned the sale of non-LED lighting.
Read the People and Planet Positive Report 2016.
Congratulations on practising innovation, sustainability and profitability for all. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
The work we do doesn't just pay the bills; it makes us happy. We choose career paths that play to our strengths and work together to make the office a collaborative, diverse environment.
We offer flexibility in working hour's so people meet their personal commitments without having to restrict themselves due to work commitment and will route back the employees to build a strong career.
We work hard but never forget to have fun and make a difference. Our success is our people and our people is our strength. We never fail to have fun is our secret of success.
At SrinSoft we all share a desire to give something back to society. SrinSoft partners with a number of community as well as supporting a number of individuals in their volunteering efforts each year.
We look beyond business, SrinSoft encourages individuals' interest and provides opportunities to be part of various in-house committees like Sports Committee, Fun Committee and so on.
Employees' hard work and contribution should never go unnoticed at SrinSoft. Our Rewards program reflects our continued commitment and recognition to our Employees. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Gabriola Players has a new hair stylist
BGHS / March 20, 2011
Brent is volunteering for the Gabriola Players, and will be assisting with the hair for their theatre production of the Odd Couple (female version). Hope to see you there!
The salon is closing early at 5:30 PM on the following dates:
Tuesday, March 22nd
Saturday, March 26th
7:30pm, Thur-Sat, 24-26 March
1:30pm Sun, 27 March
Phoenix Auditorium, The Haven
Tickets $15, available at the door & Artworks
The Odd Couple (female version)
by Neil Simon
Originally, 'The Odd Couple' was written by Neil Simon in 1965 and became a hugely successful Broadway play, but has since been revised as a Hollywood movie, a television series, as well as other spin-offs featuring one or more of the same cast of actors.
In the 1985 female version of 'The Odd Couple,' neat freak Felix Ungar (played by Jack Lemmon) and his easy-going and slovenly friend Oscar Madison (Walter Matthau), have been replaced by New Yorkers Florence Unger and Olive Madison (Jenn Feenan and Jean Wyenberg).
The mismatched pair, together with their circle of long-time girlfriends, enjoy weekly get-togethers for gossip and a game of Trivial Pursuit, typically with uproarious results.
Of course, there has to be a love interest, provided by Olive's upstairs neighbours, the Spanish brothers Manolo and Jesus Costazuela, comically played by Paul O'Sullivan and Steve O'Neill.
Mark the performance dates in your diary because this is a side-splitting comedy you won't want to miss.
March 20, 2011 in BLOG.
Brent G Hair & Spa supports the Gabriola Players Theatre Production
Reflexology has Moved to the Health/Professional Centre
← We are proud to support Gabriola Players
Brent G Hair & Spa supports the Gabriola Players Theatre Production → | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
We are growing our campaign for State Senate with volunteer support from people like you. We would be honored to have your join our team of volunteers throughout the 10th Senate district. Whether you are in Chesterfield, Powhatan, or Richmond, I hope you can fill out the form below and get involved in our campaign. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Netizen Provides Proof She was More Than Friends with Former "Youth With You" and "We Are Young" Trainee, Zhan Yu, After His Company Issues Another Legal Statement Denying the Assault Allegations
Former "Youth With You" and "We Are Young" trainee, Zhan Yu (展羽), was accused of assault by a netizen claiming to be his ex-girlfriend on July 8. She provided pictures of her injuries and medical report sustained from the alleged attack from Zhan Yu. She also recounted the entire ordeal of the alleged attack and even provided videos of Zhan Yu and his manager with the police at the scene. Zhan Yu's management company, STARMASTER, issued a legal statement denying all the allegations. They claim the netizen was just a friend of his and that she had been constantly harassing Zhan Yu and forcing him to date her.
On July 9, STARMASTER issued a lengthier legal statement denying the assault allegations. The law firm representing STARMASTER stated the netizen, "梦比优斯黑化了" ("Ultraman Mebius has turned sinister"), exposed the news about Zhan Yu committing an attack against her in order to fabricate the facts and to slander him. They claim the netizen infringed on Zhan Yu's privacy, took advantage of the public's sympathy, and assembled false "evidence" from unknown sources in order to cyber bully Zhan Yu. As for some netizens' interpretation of "domestic violence", it isn't in line with their relationship. The statement also said their legal team has already completed the work of gathering the related evidence. They will be pursuing legal action against ""梦比优斯黑化了" and other violators.
The netizen responded to the latest legal statement shortly after with more evidence proving that she was more than just friends with Zhan Yu. She provided a video with the caption "So called 'friend'", which shows her hanging out in what is believed to be Zhan Yu's room. In the video, she provided captions saying Zhan Yu leaves her alone in his room while he is hanging out with friends or to avoid stalker fans from finding out about them. She also says she can only check her phone when he's not in the room or else he gets suspicious and mad.
Video: https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4657085087154204?from=old_pc_videoshow
She followed up with another post showing pictures of Zhan Yu and one reportedly of him sleeping. There are also pictures of the notebook he used during "We Are Young". The netizen wrote the following:
More pictures: https://weibo.com/7629123408/KnX4XtPdY
Reportedly Zhan Yu's notebook from "We Are Young"
"1. You would let a female "friend" read your diary, often bring her home to date and get intimate, let her meet your brothers, constantly keep in contact with her, constantly video chat on WeChat and chat on WeChat? How many of these "friends" do you have? Chen Fu, you really treat relationships like a child's game? You and your company still won't speak out to this day? The company's statement said I was constantly harassing you. Each word in the statement was written so well! Hope your conscience is clear! The innocent knows they're innocent!
2. It has been 40 days since the assault incident. You still didn't say one word of apology to deal with it. Instead, you're constantly exerting pressure to threaten me and even said I was pestering you. If I was harassing you, there was no blocking, deleting, even reporting it to the police. Instead, you ask me to come out to talk? Your statement said, 'Accompanied by your manager', tried to negotiate…', meaning you brought your manager to ask me to come out and then hit me? May I ask what is your reason for attacking? Your manager only came afterwards. He didn't see you assault me.
Caption: Toys gifted by fans, but he said he likes more practical things. Also the pillows I use to sleep.
Reportedly a picture of Zhan Yu sleeping
After the incident happened, you ghosted me and wouldn't respond to my Weibo posts or phone calls. In the end, said I was constantly harassing you? You were willingly to let me harass you for more than 2 years, which is quite awesome. We don't have any relations, you don't respond and we can still interact for this long? Is this your method of dumping and getting rid of a so called 'friend'? Do you want to continue using this method to persecute your next victim?
So if you continue to threaten me without apologizing, then I can only sorry."
STARMASTER nor Zhan Yu have responded to the netizen's latest posts.
China Survival Shows We Are Young 2020 Youth With You
zhan yu
Du Meizhu Preparing to File Police Report in Follow Up to Her Accusations Against Kris Wu and His Studio for Allegedly Luring Underage Girls
Hu Ge and Wang Xiaochen Deny Marriage Rumors | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
The Persian Gulf Deception Part IV
Subject: 8. The Persian Gulf Deception (epilogue) (fwd)
-Outline of Epilogue-
B. Another Persian Gulf Crisis
C. False Peace in the Middle East
D. The Balkans and the Caucasus
E. The (Open) Rise to Power of the Russian Right
G. References
EPILOGUE: December, 1992
Some two years after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Saddam Hussein
continues to provoke the West. In the wake of his seeming defeat in the
Gulf war, Saddam has repeatedly violated United Nations' resolutions
against Iraq and has pursued campaigns of brutal internal repression which
have been internationally condemned. His provocations have brought the
world to the brink of renewed hostilities in the Persian Gulf several
times, but fortunately Iraq keeps backing down.
That Saddam continues to provoke the West is inconsistent with Iraq's
best interest but is favorable to Western interests. By continuing to
aggravate the United Nations and the Western powers, Saddam is reducing the
chances for the international sanctions against Iraq to be lifted. Also,
he is making it virtually impossible for Iraq to reenter the world
community such that Iraqi political, economic, and, eventually, military
power can be rebuilt. Lastly, Saddam's troublesome behavior has provided
the West reason and support for renewing hostilities and seeking to oust
the Iraqi dictator from power.
Saddam's seemingly irrational, self-destructive behavior can be made
sense of in the context of a grand strategy by the East to deceive and
defeat the West.
In waging a third world war, the East would seek to win popular control
of the world along side military control. To do this, the blame for war
must be shifted on to the West. This is because whoever is held
responsible for causing the immense holocaust of world war three will be
the focus of unprecedented popular hate. Thus, if it can be staged such
that global war appears to be the West's fault, then people will support,
rather than resist, an effort by the East to defeat the Western powers and,
in turn, dominate the world.
The exact set-up which could be used to frame the West likely involves
a future, unprecedented international crisis or series of crises that will
end in global war triggered from the Middle East. The stage for this may
currently be under development in the form of persistent Iraqi provocations
against the West, Arab/Israeli peace negotiations, a rising tide of
nationalism and ethnic warfare-particularly in Yugoslavia and the Caucuses,
and increasing political turmoil in Russia.
-Another Persian Gulf Crisis-
A logical explanation for Saddam's continuous and apparently irrational
provocations is that he wants the West to resume hostilities and/or seek an
overthrow of his dictatorship.
On several occasions now Saddam has violated United Nations resolutions
against Iraq and has brought forth serious confrontations with the Western
powers. After a "No-Fly Zone" was established over northern Iraq to
protect Iraqi Kurds, Iraq moved missiles and used radar to threaten allied
flights. After an ultimatum from the Western powers, Saddam backed down
and removed the missiles. Last July, Iraq refused to admit weapons
inspectors to its Ministry of Agriculture headquarters. After the Security
Council threatened to use force, Iraq allowed the inspectors in. On top of
these military confrontations, Saddam has irritated the United Nations and
the West by frustrating numerous weapons inspections, failing to fully
disclose information about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, apparently
hiding SCUD missiles, planting bombs on trucks carrying aid to the Kurds,
harassing United Nations officials working inside Iraq, rejecting terms of
U.N.-monitored oil sales intended to pay compensation to victims of the
Kuwaiti invasion, and boycotting meetings of the Iraq-Kuwait boundary
commision and rejecting some of its findings. All in all, Saddam has
persistently antagonized the United Nations and the Western powers in ways
which may eventually result in renewed hostilities.
On top of provoking confrontations with the United Nations, Saddam's
antagonism has led the West to seek an overthrow of the Iraqi dictator. By
creating militarily-enforced 'No-Fly Zones', the West has effectively
partitioned Iraq into three separate states, thereby cornering Saddam: the
Kurd's have the North, the Shiite's have the South, and Saddam is trapped
in the middle. Besides cornering Saddam, America and the Western allies
have helped organize, and have pledged support for, forces inside Iraq
seeking to oust Saddam Hussein from power. For instance, the West has
backed the development of the 'Iraqi National Congress', a conglomeration
of various groups inside Iraq that are opposed to Saddam. The Congress is
currently seeking to replace the government in Baghdad by instigating a
popular internal uprising and/or military coup against Saddam Hussein's
The reason Saddam wants the West to resume fighting and/or try and
overthrow his regime would most likely have to do with preparing the way
for Iraq to trigger war in the Middle East. By provoking Western military
intervention and/or staging an overthrow attempt, Saddam creates the
perfect excuse for taking seemingly last-resort, kamikazee action against
Israel and the West. This would likely involve, at the least, a chemical
SCUD attack against Israel {which would 'make fire eat up half of Israel',
just as Saddam had threatened to do a few months prior to invading Kuwait
(1)}. Because such an attack on Israel would stem from apparently blatant
Western aggression against Saddam's Iraq, the 'imperialist' West will be
held responsible for the ultimate consequences.
-False Peace in the Middle East-
In the context of a grand strategy by the East to deceive and defeat
the West, the current Arab/Israeli peace talks should be considered a
strategic deception. The purpose of such a deception would likely be two-
fold: 1.) to set the stage for a 'surprise' Arab/Israeli war, and 2.) to
insure world war three is blamed on the West rather than the East.
There are numerous indications that the Arabs intend to make war rather
than peace. First off, the proposals for comprehensive peace recently put
forth by Syria and Jordan, two of Israel's most steadfast enemies, are
simply too unprecedented and historically inconsistent. They utterly
contradict the long-time stated intentions of Arab leaders, such as Hafez
Assad of Syria, to annihilate the Jewish state. They also contradict the
decades of extraordinary military investments made by the Arabs to make
good on their stated intentions. Recent evidence that the peace talks are
a lie comes from Syria's continuing support for terrorist attacks against
Israelis in Northern Israel and Southern Lebanon. Furthermore, Syria
continues to buy increasingly sophisticated long-range SCUD missiles which
can be used for chemical attacks on Israel, and, on top of that, Hafez
Assad recently signed a 'weapons cooperation accord' with Russia according
to which Syria will receive billions of dollars worth of sophisticated
Sukhoi and MiG fighter jets along with top-of-the-line Russian tanks and
anti-missile systems (2). If, indeed, Syria were committed to peace rather
than war, such activity would have ended long ago.
If the peace negotiations are deceptive, then the ultimate aim most
likely involves some form of future Arab surprise attack. The Arabs may
very well be planning to reach a comprehensive peace agreement with Israel,
but only to secure the element of surprise and to get Israel to drop its
guard. Specifically, one important military/strategic aim of an agreement
might be an Israeli pullout from the Golan Heights- a mountainous buffer
zone which currently blocks a Syrian breakthrough. Such a pullout, along
side an Israeli false sense of security, would make the Jewish state as
vulnerable as possible to an Arab attack.
To make sure that the East is not blamed for world war three, the Arabs
would want to launch an attack against Israel in a way that appears to be
provoked by the West and Israel itself.
To start with, current Arab peace efforts, along side increasing
violence in Southern Lebanon, may be paving the way for the East to shift
blame on to the West for a future Arab/Israeli war. As the Arabs pursue
peace, they increasingly appear to be peace-oriented rather than
belligerent. Meanwhile, Israel appears to be increasingly belligerent
rather than peaceful because stepped-up terrorist attacks have provoked
Israeli raids against terrorist factions in Southern Lebanon. By linking a
future war to Israeli action in Lebanon, the Arabs could significantly
reverse any blame.
As is mentioned above, besides Lebanon, war could be set-off in the
Middle East in a way that appears to be the West's fault by having Saddam
provoke a crisis with the West and then launch a kamikazee attack against
Israel. Following an Iraqi chemical attack against the Jewish state- an
action which would revive memories of Hitler's gassing of the Jews- Israeli
retaliation will be both assured and severe (3). Israel's military
response could, in turn, be used by the Arabs- particularly Syria- as a
pretense for war that, due to the current peace efforts, would effectively
be a surprise.
All in all, by using Iraq, and possibly Lebanon, to spawn a primary
crisis, the Arabs could launch an attack against Israel and have it appear
to be the West's and Israel's fault.
In the context of a general strategy involving Russia, the goal of an
Arab attack against Israel would be its predictable consequence: to get the
West to use nuclear weapons first. It is widely recognized that Israel has
a substantial nuclear arsenal which includes nuclear missiles. Upon an
Arab breakthrough, it is believed that Israel would launch a nuclear attack
against its perceived enemies (4). This, in turn, would give Russia the
excuse it needs to launch a nuclear attack against the West and have it
appear to be 'retaliation'. Thus, because Israel would be quick to use
nuclear weapons, Russia may be planning to use a surprise Arab/Israeli war
as a catalyst for surprise nuclear attack against the West.
(It should be noted that a 'surprise' attack entails any attack
that is unexpected. In the context of today's apparent 'New World
Order' involving East/West and Arab/Israeli peace and cooperation,
both an Arab/Israeli war and/or a global East/West war would be
unexpected and effectively a surprise at present regardless of the
crisis or crises that may serve as a pretense for war.)
-The Balkans and the Caucasus-
Besides the Middle East, it appears that Moscow may use the Balkan
and/or Caucasian regions as flash-points for world war three.
On a general level, disintegrating the Soviet Union has opened the way
for a rising tide of nationalism and ethnic warfare. What's more, the
perception of a debilitated and militarily weak Russia opens the way for
strong Western military intervention the world over.
By fostering nationalist trends and ethnic conflicts in the Balkans-
principally Yugoslavia- and Caucasian countries- such as Armenia and
Azerbaijan, Russia may be seeking to provoke Western military intervention
that can be linked to the outbreak of world war three. In this way, blame
for global war can be shifted as much as possible on to West.
The focus on these regions would likely have to do with the ease of
pulling the local NATO members into large-scale war. Both the Yugoslavian
and Armenian/Azerbaijan conflicts currently underway can be escalated such
that regional war will breakout involving, at the least, Turkey- NATO's
critical East-West linchpin. This can easily be used as a pretense for
general war between the East and West.
That Moscow is planning to use the Balkan and Caucasian regions for
flashpoints is indicated by inconsistent policies and the statements of
Russian officials. With regard to Yugoslavia, even though Moscow signed an
agreement for an international embargo on arms shipments to Serbia, it is
still supplying large quantities of arms to its ex-ally (5) (Serbia is the
principal belligerent in the Yugoslavian war). Furthermore, Sergey
Yastrzhemskiy, director of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
recently warned that the situation in the Balkans could lead "to a global
explosion fraught with the danger of a third world war" (6). In the
Caucasus, Moscow's calls for a diplomatic solution to the
Armenian/Azerbaijan conflict has been contradicted by policies which have
armed the local populations. Also, last May, General Yevgeny Shaposhnikov,
commander of the CIS (ex-Soviet) army, warned that foreign intervention in
the region "could bring the world into the third world war" (7). More
specifically, the mutual security arrangements of the CIS are arranged such
that, should Turkey intervene in Armenia- something which Turkey has
threatened to do on several occasions, the CIS would be pulled into war
against Turkey and, in turn, NATO.
-The (Open) Rise to Power of the Russian Right-
Along side underhandedly creating war in and around the Middle East, it
would be strategic for Moscow to instigate political turmoil and possibly
civil war in Russia before launching an all-out attack. From such chaos,
Moscow could stage an open rise to power by Russian neo-facists, more
commonly referred to as the "Russian Right".
If, indeed, the East has been pursuing a grand deception over the past
several years, then it is likely that Gorbachev's rise to power in 1985
entailed a dramatic ideological shift to the political right rather than
the left. At first this may seem hard to believe, but, indeed, going into
the 1980's, it was well-recognized that a shift to the right was taking
place at the top in the Soviet Union {for instance, see: Alexander Yanov's,
'The Russian Challenge and the Year 2000' (8)}.
The Russian Right is the ultimate form of facism. It is centered
around an ideology that paints Jews and Westerners as satanic elements
conspiring to overtake Russia and the world. Consequently, Russia has a
messianic calling to wage a merciless war against Israel and the West
before the world is completely controlled by evil "zionist"
(Israeli/Jewish) and "freemasonry" (Western/liberal-democratic) forces
(purportedly by the year 2000). Through this war Russia will fulfill its
destiny of saving (dominating) the world and establishing a global kingdom
of god (dictatorship of man). The pseudo-Christian underpinnings of the
Russian Right brought about a strong alliance between Rightist elements in
the government and leaders in the Russian Orthodox Church. In other words,
with the emergence of the Russian Right, the ideology surrounding Russia's
historical messianic complex shifted from Communism to Orthodoxy. (9)
There were numerous indications that Gorbachev led a rise to power by
the Russian Right. First off, Gorbachev's background in the Komsomols
(Young Communists) involved participation in anti-semitic activities under
Stalin (10). It was these anti-semitic programs which were the roots from
which the Russian Right emerged {especially in the context of Young
Guardism (11)}. Since Gorbachev eventually became a leading figure in the
Komsomols, there is reason to believe he was involved in the emergence of
the Russian Right (12). His remarkably fast rise into the Politburo under
Brezhnev (Gorbachev was only 50 when he entered the Politburo whereas the
average age of a member was over 70) indicates he was tied to an extremely
powerful movement which, at that time, would have most likely been the
Right. During the 1970's, the Russian Right was seeking to bring about a
top-down revolution. By achieving power at the top, the neo-facist
ideology of the Russian Right could be spread downward to the people (13).
This is exactly what happened under Gorbachev.
Soon after Gorbachev came to power and initiated his policy of
Glasnost, or openess, the neo-facist ideology of the Russian Right began to
be introduced to the Russian people through supposedly grassroot
organizations which were, in fact, created and financed by the KGB.
Probably the ultimate example of this is an organization called 'Pamyat'.
Pamyat was underhandedly created by the Soviet government and the KGB
supposedly as an independent organization devoted to renovating and
restoring Russian monuments, museums, historical sights, and Orthodox
Churches (14). Quickly, however, it transformed into a leading front for
the spread of Russian neo-facism. Pamyat and its activities under
Gorbachev could be tied to the KGB, high-level elements of the Soviet
military, and the Central Committee of the Central Party of the Soviet
Union (CPSU). In fact, there were indications that Yegor Ligachev,
Gorbachev's right-hand man, and Raisa Gorbachev, Mikhail's wife, were
directly involved with Pamyat (15). Furthermore, in 1987, Gorbachev's
closest Politburo ally, Boris Yeltsin (!), held an extraordinary meeting
with Pamyat leaders (16). Following this meeting Pamyat was permitted to
use government buildings for meetings and other activities- an
unprecedented privilege. Further indicating Pamyat's connection to the
government, at the 1990 Revolution Day parade in Moscow's Red Square the
military and police kept all groups of demonstrators at least a mile away
from the parade area except for Pamyat (17). Furthermore, that year
Gorbachev appointed two people to his 13-member presidential council who
were believed to be members of Pamyat (18). One of those individuals,
Valentin Rasputin, advocated that Russian Jews ought to be tried
collectively for the murder of Jesus (19).
The linkage between Pamyat and the Soviet power structure indicates
that the Russian Right came to power with the rise of Mikhail Gorbachev,
but an open rise to power by Russian neo-facism and an apocalyptic war
launched against the West will likely be carried out by a Vladimir
Zhirinovsky. Vladimir Zhirinovsky is the leader of a party misleadingly
called the Liberal Democratic Party. He was recently quoted as saying: "I
am the Almighty. I am the tyrant. I will follow in Hitler's footsteps."
(20) His purported goals are the same as Pamyat's, including the
restoration of the Byzantine empire of the East.
Zhirinovsky is evidently an agent of the KGB. A recent outside
investigation of the 1990 August coup in Moscow has uncovered documents and
evidence which establishes direct links between Zhirinovsky, the KGB, and
the CPSU under Gorbachev (21). Furthermore, the evidence indicates that
the Liberal Democratic Party effectively does not exist. Since Zhirinovsky
supposedly received six million votes and came in third in the Russian
presidential elections won by Yeltsin, the indication is that those
elections were, in fact, a fraud (22). Overall, the indication is that
Zhirinovsky is KGB and Gorbachev and Yeltsin are involved in an
unprecedented, global-scale deception.
It appears that Zhirinovsky was created to carry out the dirty work of
the Russian Right. He could prove to be the key player in launching an
all-out Russian attack against the West. To understand how and why this is
so one must first consider the 1991 August coup in Moscow.
There is good reason to believe that the August coup in the Soviet
Union was a staged deception. To understand why, simply consider that,
during a 'hardline' coup in the largest military dictatorship in world
history, it would be unlikely that the supposed main opposition- Boris
Yelstin and his counterparts- would go unarrested or unkilled. It is
outright absurd to believe that this opposition could get away with making
speeches and rallying popular support to undo the coup in the streets of
Moscow. Yet, this is supposedly what happened (23). Realistically,
however, the main opposition would be the first thing to go in a hardline
coup involving the strategically-minded KGB and Soviet military. All in
all, the August coup may have been nothing but a deception and Mikhail
Gorbachev, Boris Yelstin, and the rest of the 'ex-communist', 'ex-Soviet'
leadership, have always been and will likely always be 'hardliners' whose
intent is world domination.
The 1991 coup had a notable peculiarity which may portend a future,
bogus coup which Moscow may be planning to stage prior to launching an
attack against the West. Following the August coup, the Soviet press
emphasized how Gorbachev's 'briefcase' fell into the hands of the supposed
hardliners who threw the coup. This briefcase reportedly carried the codes
which are used to launch the Soviet Union's nuclear missiles. In other
words, it was made clear to the world how the coup could have led to a
nuclear war launched by radical hardliners. (24)
Prior to launching a third world war, it would be strategic for Moscow
to stage a rise to power by the Russian Right. First off, such a move
would be necessary to maintain the consistency of the overall deception.
Yeltsin's Russia, like Gorbachev's Soviet Union, has been painted as
progressive and peace-oriented. Thus, prior to launching a war, Russia
would want it to appear that radical hardliners are in power. This way the
world won't pick-up on the overall deception that's been underway or the
premeditated nature of Russia's attack.
By maintaining the overall deception, Russia's 'true' leaders will be
able to sidestep blame and, more importantly, they'll eventually be able to
achieve popular world control. Following an all-out offensive against the
West and military campaign to dominate the world, Russia would want to
stage a bogus 'return' to power by what have been made out to be
progressive, peace-oriented leaders- especially Mikhail Gorbachev. This
way military control of the world can be reinforced by popular control.
Instead of realizing how Gorbachev and his associates were responsible for
world destruction, people will believe these leaders saved the world from
ultimate destruction by Russian extremists.
It seems clear that Vladimir Zhirinovsky is the openly neo-facist,
hardline leader that Moscow is planning to bring to power for launching
world war three. The stage is being set so that his rise to power
parallels Hitler's rise to power in the Weimar Republic of Germany during
the 1930's. Over the past couple of years, Russia has been transformed
into a what's supposed to be a fledgling democratic nation with no
democratic heritage suffering from increasing political and economic
disintegration. This, of course, was what the Weimar Republic of Germany
was like. Now, a neo-facist dictator, Vladmir Zhirinovsky, can be carried
to power out of popular frustrations. This, of course, was how Hitler
found his way to the top. Once Zhirinovsky's is supposedly placed in
charge, possibly through some sort of bogus palace coup against Yeltsin
(keep in mind it is all staged and Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and the powers that
be are simply engaging in large-scale political deception), he then can be
used to launch a world war; again, 'following in Hitler's footsteps'.
The reason that Moscow would stage a shift to the right in a manner
which parallels the rise of facism in Germany during the 1930's is that it
makes the overall deception more believable. Nevertheless, the connections
between Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and the Russian Right, as well as the
connections between Zhirinovsky, the KGB, and the CPSU as it were, make it
clear that neo-facism found its way into the Russian power structure long
ago. What's taking place at present and what occurs in the future has been
preplanned and is bogus.
That an open rise to power by the extreme right and Vladimir
Zhirinovsky will be used to make way for an all-out war against the West is
made clear by the super-belligerent threats Zhirinovsky has been making.
First off, Zhirinovsky is calling for the forceful reestablishment of the
pre-1917 borders of the Czarist Russian empire. Furthermore, he has vowed
to wage a third world war against the West in Yugoslavia, the Caucuses, and
the Middle East. Lastly, and most importantly, Zhirinovsky recently made
his first international diplomatic trip. He went to Baghdad, Iraq.
Zhirinovsky has pledged to support Saddam Hussein in waging war against
Russia's and Iraq's common enemies of the West, Israel, and Turkey. What
is more, Zhirinovsky has stated that he will not hesitate to use weapons of
mass destruction in that effort. (25)
All in all, by underhandedly provoking war in and around the Middle
East along side staging a radical power shift to the extreme right in
Russia, Moscow creates the ideal scenario for fighting and winning a third
world war against the West. By instigating the collapse of Soviet
Communism and pursuing world peace over the past several years, Moscow has
secured surprise and duped the West into dropping its guard. This has also
made it possible to frame the Western powers such that world war three
appears to be their fault. Lastly, the way has been opened for Russian
Orthodoxy to replace Communism. Now with the West vulnerable but
aggressive, Moscow can underhandedly provoke Western military intervention
at various flashpoints of a third world war. Principally, the West can be
pulled into conflict in the Persian Gulf (Iraq), the Balkans (Yugoslavia),
the Caucuses (Armenia/Azerbaijan), and the Middle East (Arab/Israeli).
Meanwhile, an open rise to power by Russian neo-facists can be staged such
that Moscow can launch its attack without exposing the overall deception.
Suddenly faced by the militant dictator Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Western
military action in and around the Middle East can be used as an excuse for
all-out war, including a massive nuclear strike against the West- likely in
response to a last-ditch Israeli nuclear attack during an Arab overrun.
After the dust settles, the West will have been utterly defeated by the
East from an attack which came as a complete surprise. What is worse, the
horrific war will be blamed on the imperialistic efforts of the West rather
than the guilty East. The stage will be set for Mikhail Gorbachev to
'reemerge' to power in Russia. Orthodoxy can be established in the place
of Communism and Gorbachev can declare himself world savior. Thus, Russia
will have achieved both military and popular dominance of the world.
As for Saddam Hussein, the reason for his seemingly irrational, self-
sacrificial actions thus far would finally become clear. Through his
cooperation with Moscow, Saddam may eventually achieve both military and
popular dominance in the Moslem world. If events generally proceed as is
spelled out above, then, after the dust settles, Saddam would emerge as an
ultimate hero of the Arab and Moslem people. Just as it appeared to be all
over for him, Saddam managed to completely turn circumstances around such
that utter defeat was brought to his 'imperialist' enemies of the West:
Israel, America, and the Western allies. Thus, Saddam will be able to
establish popular dominion over Persia and possibly the entire Moslem
world. Saddam's power will likely be reinforced by his central role in a
Russian/Moslem military alliance to be 'openly' forged later on.
* * * * *
1. "A Slow Slide Toward War". 'Newsweek': 7/2/90; 28.
2. "Major Russia-Syria Arms Sale Reported". 'The Washington Times':
11/3/92; A2.
3. "U.N. Team Looking for SCUD Missiles that may be Hidden". 'Agence
France Presse': 10/18/92.
4. Hersch, Seymour. 'The Samson Option: Israel's Nucler Arsenal and
American Foreign Policy'. Randome House; New York, NY: 1991.
5. "Washington Whispers". 'U.S. News and World Report': 8/10/92; 18.
6. "Foreign Ministry Briefing Covers Yugoslavia, Estonia and Lebanon".
'BBC Summary of World Broadcasts': 6/9/92.
7. "The Question of Azerbaijan; Nationalism Unleashed - I". 'The Nation':
9/14/92; 241.
8. Yanov, Alexander. 'The Russian Challenge and the Year 2000'. Basil
Blackwell; New York, NY: 1987.
9. See (8).
10. "Moscow's Gorbachev: A New Leader in the Old Mold". 'Heritage
Foundation Reports': 8/29/85.
11. See (8).
12. "The Rise and Fall of Gorbachev". 'Los Angeles Times': 12/26/91; A1.
13. To the Russian Right this top-down revolution is in the context of
"The Great Transformation". See (8).
14. Bortin, Mary Ellen. "Russian Heritage Group Said to Fan Nationalist
Hysteria". 'Reuters': 6/2/87.
15. Simes, Dimitri. "Extremists Flourish in Gorbachev Era". 'Los Angeles
Times': 6/25/87; part 2/p5.
16. "Russian Nationalism Spreads; Moscow Group Holds Public Protest". 'The
Washington Post': 5/24/87; A25.
17. "Prizewinner's Ways". 'Forbes': 1/7/91; 10.
18. "Gorbachev Appeases Hard-liners, Names 2 Russians to Inner Circle".
'The Washington Times': 4/26/90; A11.
19. "Yeshiva University Should've Known Better". 'The Jerusalem Post':
20. "Russia: Hardline Communists Take Road to Facism". 'The Independent':
12/1/92; 11.
21. "Accusations by the White House". 'Current Digest of the Soviet
Press': 1/29/92; 23.
22. "Communist Losers Offer Excuses for Russian Poll Defeat". 'The Times':
23. For a comprehensive review of events during the 1991 August coup in
Moscow, see: "Three Days That Shook the World". 'U.S. News & World
Report': 11/8/91; 52.
24. "Where's was the Black Box?". 'Time': 9/2/91; 43.
25. "In Russia, It's Us vs. Them; Nationalists Preach Hate, Militarism".
'Newsday': 12/29/92; 12. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Formal Schooling and Certifications: Yeager attended a 14-week course in off-leash Improvised Explosive Detection with American K-9 Interdiction in Carrsville, VA. Yeager furthered his training by receiving his Home-Made Explosive training in Yuma, AZ and his Marine Corps Combat Training in Twentynine Palms, Ca.
Career Stats: Yeager honorably performed combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan as an Improvised Explosive Detection Dog. Yeager has been credited with detecting and alerting the locations of dozens of explosive devices. During his two combat tours as a Marine IDD, Yeager participated in over 100 combat patrols, and was tasked with clearing routes for his fellow Marines. On April 12, 2012, Yeager suffered shrapnel wounds from an Improvised Explosive Device that caused him to lose part of an ear. This incident also left him with lingering bladder issues, which led to his early retirement from the U.S. Marine Corps. Unfortunately, the same explosion that caused Yeager's injuries took the life of his handler, Lance Cpl. Abraham Tarwoe. The pair was virtuously trying to protect the other Marines in the 2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan.
After the attack, Yeager was transported back to the United States and treated for his injuries until he was stable enough to retire from the U.S. Marine Corps. Traditionally, a Military Working Dog who is retired due to combat-related injuries is offered to the handler for adoption. Because Yeager's handler Lance Cpl. Tarwoe had been killed in action, his wife was given the opportunity to adopt Yeager. Due to his injuries, Yeager is now considered a special needs K-9. With a newborn baby and the emotional and financial stress of losing her husband, Lance Cpl. Tarwoe's wife was unable to give Yeager the necessary care he required. Because of this, Sergeant Yeager needed to be adopted out to a new home. Yeager has diagnosed cases of post-traumatic stress disorder, bladder control issues, and hearing loss, which costs his new owners around $500 a month in medical expenses. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
In Memory of Stuart McRae
6 Feb 2013 All NewsAaron
On January 30, 2013, Stuart McRae passed away at North Florida Regional hospital. He was born in Boaz, Alabama in 1936 to Irwin and Mildred McRae. He spent most of his childhood and adolescence in Georgia and graduated from high school in Tifton in 1954 where he was a three sport standout. He graduated with a BA from LaGrange College in LaGrange, Georgia in 1958, after which he went on to earn a divinity degree from Duke University in 1962.
At Duke, he encountered a mentor, Howard Phillips, who was a member of the prestigious Explorers Club in New York City, and his focus became archaeology and anthropology. One of Stuart's proudest moments was participating in an expedition that unearthed a portion of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
In 1967 Stuart arrived at Santa Fe College, then Santa Fe Community College, as a part-time instructor after earning a Masters Degree in Education at the University of Florida and becoming chaplain at Florida Southern College. When Florida Southern terminated his contract because he was "too student oriented," he found a home in the more educationally experimental milieu at SF. He became the anthropology department full time in 1969, a position from which he retired in 2008 as a full professor. He was a fine colleague, and he loved Santa Fe enormously.
He was a spectacular teacher who cared about the success of each and every student who entered his classroom and went to great lengths to ensure it. He relished the challenge of helping students become great. He was inspired and inspiring. He was wonderful mentor to many students who have gone on to have successful academic careers and many more who have gone on to have successful lives. Of course, he won all sorts of awards which included the Florida Association of Community Colleges' Teacher of the year Award and the Alan J. Robertson Medallion, SF's Lifetime Achievement Award.
Stuart was the college's own Indiana Jones. He was a commanding figure who became the first community college professor to be invited to join the American Anthropological Society, not only for his wonderful classroom work but for his work in the field, which included expeditions to Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador. Stuart's students at Santa Fe did Study Abroad before many such programs existed, and he opened the door to extraordinary experiences for them.
He was a natural born raconteur, entertaining audiences in numerous speaking engagements, as well as delighting his many friends with tales from his classroom, travels and archaeological digs, and the race track. He always had new jokes, and you could hear his booming laugh all over campus. He was a romantic, and magic was everywhere he walked.
Stuart requested cremation, and a celebration of his life will be held in the near future. Details provided here as arrangements are made.
The family requests that those wishing to honor Stuart's memory contribute to the Stuart McRae Study Abroad Scholarship at Santa Fe College by clicking here.
← SF Paramedic Students Invited by Fla. Fire Chiefs to be Start Team Valentine's Day Goodie Basket Raffle This Week to Benefit American Cancer Society → | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
On Wednesday night's season finale of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Margaret celebrates her 50th birthday with a disco-themed blowout at her home with all the ladies -- and possibly a blowout fight.
So, don't hold your breath for a reconciliation between Margaret and Siggy, especially now that Siggy announced she's exiting the series after two seasons.
After the finale, comes the reunion, which Margaret admits was more fun than she anticipated.
But, again, those "surprises" don't include resolution for all the ladies.
Margaret admits she hasn't spoken with Siggy since she made her exit public at the end of last year, admitting, "I didn't really think she wanted to hear from me." Still, Margaret says there is hope for her and Siggy's bestie, Dolores Catania.
That "right direction" could include a second season for Margaret, who shares she'd be open to returning should Bravo ask.
Tune into The Real Housewives of New Jersey every Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET on Bravo to see everything Margaret promised unfold. For more on the show, check out the links and video below. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Domestic Violence Victims Rights or False Allegations, You Are Protected by Candace M. Williams, Esq.
Whether you are a victim of domestic violence of accused falsely of committing an act of domestic violence, Georgia law provides protection. We want you to recognize that you have options and access to the justice system, and that you have more strength and courage within you to help you fight back and win than you have ever realized. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Home / featured / Aleksandar Tonev loses appeal against racial abuse ban
Aleksandar Tonev loses appeal against racial abuse ban
Bot Wednesday, December 17, 2014 featured Edit
A Scottish Football Association appeal tribunal has upheld October's original guilty verdict against the Bulgarian.
It was revealed that the original decision had been based on the belief that Logan, 26, was a more reliable and convincing witness than Tonev, 24.
Celtic had challenged both the decision and the length of the suspension handed out to the on-loan Aston Villa winger.
The SFA states that Tonev's seven-match ban will be applied immediately, although one match has already been served by the player who moved to Glasgow on a season-long loan in August.
English defender Logan reacted on Twitter by saying: "Do the crime, serve the time. Off ya pop geezer. #KickRacismOutOfFootball.
"On that note, let's forget what has happened in the past. It's done n dusted. Now time to move on and forget it. I'll always be me."
About Bot | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Zhu Chen (), född 16 mars 1976 i Wenzhou, i provinsen Zhejiang vid Kinas östkust, är en schackspelare från Qatar. År 2001 blev hon Kinas andra världsmästarinna i schack efter Xie Jun och Kinas trettonde stormästare.
Zhu Chen är sedan år 2000 gift med den qatariske stormästaren i schack Mohamad Al-Modiahki. År 2006 blev hon qatarisk medborgare och spelar sedan dess för Qatar.
År 1988 blev Zhu Chen den första kinesiska spelaren att vinna en internationell schacktävling. Hon segrade då i Världsmästerskapet i schack för flickor under 12 år i Rumänien. Hon följde upp titeln med att bli juniorvärldsmästare för flickor 1994 och 1996.
Vid 25 års ålder segrade hon i knock out-turneringen om Världsmästerskapet för damer 2001. Det var 64 deltagare, där Zhu Chen var rankad som fyra. Hon besegrade i tur och ordning Elisa Maggiolo, Svetlana Petrenko, Alisa Maric, Nino Khurtsidze och Maia Tjiburdanidze, för att få möta Aleksandra Kostenjuk i final. Ryskan skulle senare ta världsmästartiteln 2008. I finalen 2001 stod det 2-2 efter de klassiska partierna och gick till tie break med snabbschack. Efter tie break stod Zhu Chen som vinnare med slutpoängen 5-3 och blev den nionde världsmästarinnan.
Zhu Chen försvarade inte sin världsmästartitel, när det blev dags för nytt världsmästerskap 2004. Hon var dels gravid, men hade också ett omfattande spelschema och världsmästerskapet påannonserades med endast en månads förvarning.
I juni 2004 spelade Zhu Chen två partier mot schackdatorn "Star of Unisplendour", som hade en AMD 64-rpocessor, 2 GB RAM-minne och schackmotorn Fritz 8. Hon förlorade båda partierna.
Zhu Chen har tre guldmedaljer från schackolympiaden för lag, 1998, 2000 och 2002 med det kinesiska landslaget. Hon har också ett lagsilver från 1996 och ett lagbrons från 1994. Hon har också individuella guldmedaljer från schackolympiaderna 1996 och 2000. Sitt allra bästa resultat i den här tävlingsformen nådde hon år 2000 då hennes vinstprocent blev 81,8 procent, med 7 vinster, 4 remier och ingen förlust.
Resultat i valda tävlingar
1988: 1:a plats i Världsmästerskapet för flickor under 12 år
1990: 1:a plats i Nationella kinesiska mästerskapet för damer, grupp B
1991: 2:a plats i Nationella kinesiska mästerskapet för damer
1992: 1:a plats i Nationella kinesiska mästerskapet för damer – kinesisk mästarinna 1992
1994: 1:a plats i Nationella kinesiska mästerskapet för damer – kinesisk mästarinna 1994
1994: 1:a plats i Asiatiska mästerskapet för flickor
1994: 1:a plats i Världsmästerskapet för juniorer – flickor
1996: 1:a plats i Nationella kinesiska mästerskapet för damer – kinesisk mästarinna 1996
1996: 1:a plats i Världsmästerskapet för juniorer – flickor
1998: 1:a plats i 17:e upplagan av Schackolympiaden för lag
2000: 1;a plats i Schackolympiaden för lag
2001: 1:a plats i Världsmästerskapet för damer – världsmästarinna 2001
2002: 1:a plats i Schackolympiaden för lag
2005: 1:a plats i Världmästerskapet för snabbschack
2011. 1:a plats i Arabiska mästerskapet för damer, 1:a plats i Arabiska mästerskapet för damer i snabbschack, 1:a plats i Arabiska mästerskapet för damer i blixtschack
Externa länkar
Zhu Chens schackpartier hos 365Chess.com
Qatariska schackspelare
Kinesiska schackspelare
Stormästare i schack
Födda 1976
Levande personer
WP:Projekt Kina | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} |
We are so proud and honoured that our founder and manager Parv Kaur has been selected as an ambassador of 'Music for all'.
At Music for all, it is believed that EVERYONE should have the opportunity to learn to play music. Sadly, many people are not fortunate enough to have access to musical instruments or ways to help them to learn and discover. This is where Music for all and Parv come in.
At Music for all, nearly all of us are musicians, involved in the musical instrument industry or both. So we really know first-hand what an amazing effect making music can have on people's lives. We see everybody from disadvantaged young people blossoming at school through to older adults discovering music, sometimes for the first time, much later on in life.
Parv Kaur will be taking part in various events, encouraging diversity and getting the wider community involved in various musical projects with Music for all. Not only has she already promoted Bhangra music over the last 25 years but has also development a firm foundation in establishing her own music over the last 18 years. In a very male dominating industry like the Bhangra industry, Parv Kaur has really taken a leap into success with extending her passion worldwide on platforms like The Glastonbury Festival, The West End, House of Commons, Bollywood and much more. Being UK's FIRST Female Dhol Player and introducing UK's first Female Dhol Drumming Team, Eternal Taal, Parv has embarked on a musical journey growing her team from strength to strength. By getting her foot into the industry, Parv has paved the way for other females over the recent years and continues to be an inspiration for many.
We can't wait to see more of what Parv Kaur can bring to the young generations and how she continues to promote music worldwide. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
package org.redisson.api;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
* @author Nikita Koksharov
public interface RLockReactive extends RExpirableReactive {
Publisher<Boolean> forceUnlock();
Publisher<Void> unlock();
Publisher<Void> unlock(long threadId);
Publisher<Boolean> tryLock();
Publisher<Void> lock();
Publisher<Void> lock(long threadId);
Publisher<Void> lock(long leaseTime, TimeUnit unit);
Publisher<Void> lock(long leaseTime, TimeUnit unit, long threadId);
Publisher<Boolean> tryLock(long threadId);
Publisher<Boolean> tryLock(long waitTime, TimeUnit unit);
Publisher<Boolean> tryLock(long waitTime, long leaseTime, TimeUnit unit);
Publisher<Boolean> tryLock(long waitTime, long leaseTime, TimeUnit unit, long threadId);
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} |
For generation, people are not only using garlic because of its medicinal value, but traditionally, people have rubbed their bodies with it, buried it besides their bodies in coffin, worn it around their necks, draped it on household walls and even prayed to it. This great bulb has a lot of benefits, because no other plant has been held out for so long as a cure for so many human ailments. Thats why garlic has been considered as the Wonder Drug.
Garlic has been used medicinally for many years for treating bites, tumors, ulcers, snakebite, wounds, headaches, heart diseases, cancer, pimples, measles and many more. It also prevents infections such as the common cold, cough because of its Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal and Anti-viral property.
A single bulb of garlic a day, keep diseases away.
In general, it exhibits antioxidant activity, which is good for your skin. It also contains flavonoids, which is good for heart and body.
Garlic contains a range of compounds including Allicin, which is a pungent oily liquid that gives crushed garlic cloves their characteristic smell, and has been shown to be the antibacterial agent due to its active sulphur.
Raw garlic is very smelly, so in order to reduce it smell, you can simply add it to your gravy, salad dressings, to soup, yummy pizza or just garnish it before serving or have it in your own style.
Garlic is just magnificent and phenomenal. I am providing few of the basics known and reliable home remedies for some specific ailments, which you could try at your home .
If you have cold and flu, then take small amount of garlic every day until the infection disappears. Garlic tends to reduce the frequency of colds and flu without any side effects. A suggested dose would be two or three cloves of raw or cooked garlic a day.
We all face horrid acne, blemishes, blackheads during our teens. If you want to reduce it, or if you just want to glow up your skin, then take two cloves of raw garlic regularly with warm water early in the morning. It works as a blood cleanser and clean your system internally. Do not eat chocolates, spicy or oily food during this treatment and rinse your face five times a day with cold water. Drinks lots of water daily to flush off toxic waste from the blood and urinate whenever you feel that your bladder is full .Else, apply a cut clove gently on the affected area only if you have no sensitivity to it.
If you have High Cholesterol Level, use garlic in your food. This is the better way for heart patients to reduce their cholesterol level. Modern medical science suggests one reason that garlic might reduce cholesterol , i.e. Garlic is a proven anti-oxidant. This property might help to prevent LDL (Low Density Lipo Protein) from being oxidized. In this way the cholesterol build-up that clogs the arteries could perhaps be reduced by garlic.
If you are very fat and want to loose weight, squeeze half lemon juice in one glass of luke warm water and drink it with two cloves of raw garlic regularly twice a day (morning and evening), for about three months. Avoid using starchy foods and fats. Do exercise regularly. Youll amazingly fell a great change in your body.
If you have Wrinkles, and you want to use anti ageing cream, it would be better to use 3 cloves of garlic regularly as it has a powerful antioxidant effect, which help to protect the body against damaging Free Radicals. Remember, out skin is made up of collagen and it looses elasticity on yearly basis. Therefore, use garlic and do exercise regularly for the positive results.
If you have Earache, put two or three drops of warm garlic oil in the ears.
Take garlic to boosts the weight of babies in the womb. Thus, when they are born, they are heavier than they would have been if you hadnt taken garlic. Some babies are born too small, so garlic is a definite boon in these cases too.
Use two raw garlic daily to reduce the risk of cancer, due to its Anti-Carcinogenic properties. It helps prevent cancerous compounds from forming and developing into tumors. It also inhibits the growth of tumors.
If any insect bites you at the seaside, you just crush the garlic and apply it to the affected area to reduce pain and to remove poison.
Crush two or three small cloves of raw garlic and eat it raw or boiled, before going to sleep. You can have it with a glass of milk or with water. Please do not take more than two or three raw cloves of garlic per day as it might makes your blood thinner and might cause serious ailments.
Do not consume more than three to four raw cloves of garlic a day.
Patients having heart and other problems should take medical advice before consuming it.
Its best to avoid garlic before any surgery because it could probably disturb Anticoagulants.
If you are on any medication, always check with your doctor first before taking raw garlic.
Asthma patients should not use it as it worsens the symptoms of Asthma.
If you have sensitive skin, I recommend not using physically on the affected area. Raw garlic can burn delicate skin! Do not use directly on skin if your skin is sensitive or susceptible to rashes or other skin reactions without consulting your doctor first. People who are or may be allergic to garlic or any of its sulfur compounds shouldnt try direct garlic application on skin too.
Although, garlic is a natural Anti-biotic but a very small number of people have been known to exhibit Hypersensitivity to garlic. Garlic allergy includes skin rash, temperature and headaches. Garlic intolerance could result in Heartburn or Flatulence.
Its important to remember that the effect of garlic on cold and flu comes from Allicin and this can be obtained from crushed, raw garlic and is destroyed by over cooking.
Garlic cloves cooked whole have very little medicinal value.
Garlic with strong smell has more Sulphur in it, which is good enough for medicinal purpose.
Garlic helps to boost up our Metabolism rate. Thus help us to reduce our weight easily.
Garlic helps reduce Atherosclerotic buildup (Plaque) within the arterial system.
Garlic lowers or helps to regulate Blood Sugar.
Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of Strokes.
Garlic helps to prevent Cancer, especially of the digestive system, prevent certain tumors from growing larger and reduces the size of certain tumors.
Garlic helps to remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body.
Raw garlic is a proven natural antibiotic and, while far less strong than modern antibiotics, can still kill some strains of bacteria that have become immune or resistant to modern antibiotics.
Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections in body parts.
It helps to make our immune system stronger against cancer, ulcers, hemorrhoids etc.
I would like to thank Mr. Salman Noorallah for typing my hand written article on computer for me.
I would also like to thank all the viewers and fans of my articles, whose appreciation works as a booster for me.I am receiving thousands of letter daily and I pay my gratitude to every one for such a wonderful support.
Munir Moosa Sewani is one of the prominent and creative teacher since 8 years.His vast experience at this early age has made him more active to work socially for teachers too. He is a Master Trainer In Special Education, Double Masters student, Teacher Educator and a Teacher. He is a Freelance Writer and Photographer too. He is an author of the famous self published story book for children named as "The MORAL STORIES FOR CHILDREN" .He has written almost more than 20 articles on social, educational and cultural issues.
He is also expert in solving health related issues.
He is also a Social worker, private tutor, career counsellor, musician, lyrics writer and many multi dimensional.
His future plan is to write dozens of informating books and articles and to work for media also in order to develop the sense of understanding many dimensions of life through his creativity. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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Pulling Together Pull Together: The Making of an Issue (PART III)
December 8, 2015 1 CommentFeatured, History, humor, Newshumor, membership, publishing, pull together, pulling together pull together
A Blog Series by Matthew T. Eng
With base access at the Washington Navy Yard restricted, I wanted to give readers a sneak peak behind the process of producing the Winter 2015 (Vol 54, no. 4) issue of Pull Together. Disclaimer: The comments included in these posts are my own, and represent an "unfiltered" approach to writing about and communicating history. There's a lot that goes on before each member gets their issue, and I want to share every bit of it with you. Read PART I and PART II.
Part III: Sinus Pressure and a Conversation with Goldilocks
I was making good time for the 7 December deadline for the first draft of the next issue of Pull Together. I WAS. Unfortunately, there is always something that gets in the way…some expected, some unexpected.
After a busy week last week that ended with our Board of Directors meeting last Friday, I was looking forward to a head start on work this past weekend. I had two main things to do: build the December 2015 issue of the International Journal of Naval History (IJNH), and of course, get the draft together for Pull Together. I wanted to advertise the latest edition of IJNH in the next issue, so I knew I had to get it out there beforehand. That was the plan. My ship was steaming at full speed. Then I ran aground. I became sick.
I began to feel bad around Wednesday afternoon. It started as a big headache, so I took some aspirin and kept going. My nose began to get stuffed up on Thursday. My throat felt like a bag of thumbtacks. Aspirin, Sudafed, tea, and cough drops to the rescue. By the time the board meeting was done on Friday, I came home feeling like hot garbage. The medicine increased, and so did my weariness that something else was going on. This wasn't a normal cold.
Things continued to wear me down as the weekend progressed. I was able to finish the new issue of IJNH by Saturday evening. I was doing a lot of work, but not enough if I really wanted to get an acceptable draft of Pull Together in by Monday morning. On Sunday, my wife finally convinced me to go to the doctor. After a long wait at the doc-in-the-box down the street, I was diagnosed with a "severe sinus infection." How serious? They had to give me three different kinds of medications and antibiotics, one of which was Codeine. Needless to say, I was not going to make the Monday deadline. My ship of productivity wasn't exactly decommissioned; I was merely on inactive reserve status. After a day of coughing up unspeakable amounts of things on Monday, the meds began to work their magic this morning. Although I am not feeling at all near one hundred percent, I felt good enough to get some work done today.
The first thing I wanted to tackle was the section recapping the recent VIOLET SKIES conference. After figuring out the design that came from my initial sketch, I tapered down the story to an acceptable length for the full page spread that would also include adequate space for several images from the event. I was confident enough with the design to move on, but I wanted to get a second opinion. Any good historian or history professional knows a second opinion is worth its weight in gold. I went to the only person who could give me an unfiltered and unbiased opinion: my wife Angela. Everybody has an ideal reader that they go to when they want to make sure they are doing something right or wrong. For me, it is definitely her. Although she does not have a background in design, she is an expert of new media and professional writing. Surely, she would give me the news I needed to move on…hopefully. I sent her a message with the draft of the two pages, hoping she would tell me the good news. After feeling like dirt for half a week, this was the kind of validation I needed.
Me: Hey, I sent you the images of the Violent Skies page. Just wanted to double check and see if you like it. Do you like it?
She came back with a one word answer. It was not the answer I was hoping for:
Angela: No.
What was wrong with it? I told her I wanted constructive criticism. I was hoping for a little less, I guess. Then again, this profession is built upon constructive criticism. Take the recent discussion over something I wrote about the McMullen Naval History Symposium. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
"I don't like the way everything is aligned," she said. "I think the border around the pictures are distracting." She also noted that, being a full page spread, the text and image should be right-justified on the second page. Roger that. She was absolutely right. I made the changes and sent her the next round.
She still didn't like it. The more I looked at it, the more I started to dislike it as well. Desktop publishing is a great way to take any ego you once had and squash it like a bug. "I think the bombs on the first page are distracting from the text," she said. "It's way too close." She also questioned why the large quote did not go with the big picture. The best response I could give was, "I don't know…I just needed to fit it in." Not good enough. The quote, albeit loosely related, should probably match the picture nearby. So I decided to switch the photo and captions of Norwood and Dunn with Dr. Sherwood.
It still wasn't right. If this was a children's story, page 6 and 7 of Pull Together would be the proverbial porridge and Angela would be Goldilocks. What's a bear to do? I was beginning to get frustrated, which was entirely my own undoing. I asked her for advice, didn't i? She was also right, which I also hated. The one thing we love to hear each other say at these moments are those three magical words. No, they aren't "I Love You." Those enchanting, life-giving words are "You Were Right." And she was right. I was beginning to feel like Paul Rudd in a scene from Wet Hot American Summer where he doesn't want to pick up dishes he spilled on the floor.
After a bit of back and forth, she got tired of telling me what to do and decided to sketch it out for me on her lunch break and send me what she thinks I should do with the second page catastrophe.
Okay. Got it. I decided to make it even more succinct and included a Dunn-centric photo on page 7. We finally agreed on the final version, give or take a few edits or typos that come with pre-production. She was right. That's why she is my go-to on these matters.
Two pages down. Fourteen more to go. I hope my sinuses clear soon, because I am going to need all my faculties to get this thing out as soon as possible.
Want to see the final product? Make sure to become a member of NHF and receive it in the mail just in time for the Holidays!
Pingback: Pulling Together Pull Together: The Making of an Issue (PART IV) | Naval Historical Foundation
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To celebrate the 300th anniversary of the publication of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, Mike Rendell's monograph explains the influences that inspired Defoe's novel, as well as the hazards that the early European seafaring community encountered while sailing the seas. The author looks into the real-life stories and adventures of men and women who had Read more →
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Icelandair Secures Financing For Three Boeing 737 MAX Jets
On October 1st, Icelandair announced that it had partnered with the firm Aviation Capital Group (ACG) to secure the financing for three of its future jets. This consists of two Boeing 737 MAX 8s and one 737 MAX 9 aircraft. With aircraft being a capital-intensive part of running an airline, leasing firms fill an essential role in allowing carriers to grow and modernize their fleets with lower upfront expenses.
Icelandair has a fleet of nine Boeing 737 MAX aircraft. Photo: Icelandair
"Icelandair is delighted to team up along with ACG, a long-lasting business partner, on this transaction. The campaign we ran for this financing resulted within favorable terms, that both show the faith that financiers have in the value and the opportunities of the aircraft, as well as in the strength of Icelandair and its company model. " -Bogi Nils Bogason, President & CEO, Icelandair Group
Paying for new aircraft
When an airline orders new aircraft, someone obviously needs to pay for it. This will either come from the particular airline itself (with its own savings, or a loan it has secured itself), or through the lessor.
In the case of Icelandair's three upcoming Boeing 737 MAX deliveries, the firm Aviation Capital Group (ACG) will work with the flight to finance the deal. The airline notes that this is a sale and leaseback of two Boeing 737 MAXIMUM 8 aircraft and a finance lease of one Boeing 737 GREATEST EXTENT 9 aircraft. Icelandair says that it had backstop financing in place for these three aircraft. However, because of typically the deal with ACG, this will not be exercised.
The global health crisis depleted the cash reserves of most airlines as they struggled to cover operational expenses amid plummeting revenues. Photo: Anna Zvereva via Wikimedia Commons
The particular fact that one part of the deal was a sale and leaseback means that Icelandair experienced initially ordered the UTMOST 8s intending to own the jets outright. However, due to the airline's financial situation, it has opted to sell these jets to ACG and rent them instead. This will allow Icelandair to follow through on its aircraft orders and fleet growth plans and still pay Boeing for this jets.
New aircraft coming soon
Typically the aircraft for which financing has been secured are scheduled for delivery in December 2021 and January 2022. According to ch-aviation. com , these are the final jets yet to be delivered to often the carrier. Indeed, following this transaction, Icelandair says that it offers completed the financing of all the twelve 737 MAX aircraft that were originally ordered from Boeing inside 2013.
One Icelandair 737 MAX 9 was completed by Boeing in August but has however to become delivered to your carrier. Photo: Icelandair
Along with the aircraft being planned for delivery three to five months from now, we still don't have too much info on the jets. Nevertheless, with information from BOE Family Flights , we do know the most recent plane manufactured by Boeing marked for Icelandair was "delivered" upon August 17th, 2021. This 737 MAX 9 will be registered TF-ICD and has been sent straight to storage at Grant County International Airport. This same jet is marked by Planespotters. net as a new future order, meaning that will the aircraft could have been waiting for this particular financing deal to go through.
Have you flown on the 737 MAX yet? Will you do so with Icelandair? Let us know in the comments.
Tags: 737 MAX Airline News Europe icelandair SaleAndLeaseback
Previous Photo: Emirates Airline Airbus A380-861 A6-EEU (msn 147) (Be part of the magic – Dubai Expo) CDG (Manuel Negrerie). Image: 955380.
Next QANTAS to replace its 20 Boeing 717s and 18 Fokker 100s
How to Change Aeromexico Flight: Change date, time, route or reschedule Booking | {
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Dianabol is a "17 alpha alkylated" steroid. It works by affecting the protein synthesis and supports the buildup of protein. This is a powerful steroid with both anabolic and androgenic effect on the user. This results in a quick and powerful buildup of strength and muscle mass making its primary use in conjunction with mass building injection stacks.
With this in mind Dianabol in commonly paired with injectable testosterone, (enanthate, cypionate, and sustanon). The primary reason for this is to kick-start the mass building process. The aforementioned testosterones can take up to 3 – 4 weeks before becoming effective. The kick-start process will improve the gains in muscle mass, strength and the improvement of muscle pumps. There could be a weight gain of 2-4 pounds every week with the proper nutrition and training.
The reason for the weight gain is due to the fact that there is growth in the muscle fibers along with water retention. Dianabol aromatizes quickly and easily, as a result of its high estrogenic properties. Due to these properties, it is not advised to take prior to competition.
Because Dianabol goes into the category of 17-AA it is liver toxic. Over extended periods of time, this can create high stress on the liver. With the increase in weight due to its being a hypertrophy and water retention, this could increase one's blood pressure to the point of requiring medications for blood pressure control.
Dianabol can create a serious case of acne on the face and neck, shoulders, back, and chest. This is due to the Dianabol conversion to dihydrotestosterone. Because this product readily converts to estrogens, gynecomastia is another possibility.
Should there be a genetic predisposition to hair loss Dianabol will increase the rapidity of hair loss. Known to improve your mood, however, discontinuing of Dianabol will create a loss in strength since there will no longer be fluid retention.
In order for your body to metabolize Dianabol, large quantities of water should be consumed. 1-2 gallons of water per day is highly recommended. Should this advisory not be followed by the performing of strenuous exercises and back pumps can be met with headaches.
Because of the short life of Dianabol, which is only 3-5 hours, multiple doses may have to be taken. Dianabol can cause painful gastrointestinal symptoms if not taken with food. It requires 1 -3 hours to reach the bloodstream.
Dianabol purpose is to jump-start mass and weight gain. It should only be used for a 4-6 week cycle under medical supervision. Dianabol only cycles are severely deterred. This is because it would require a large amount of Dianabol to replace the effects of testosterone.
1 Testosterone Enanthate – 500 mg. week, Dianabol (D-bol) 25 mg. daily, Arimidex – 0.5 every other day.
7 - 12 discontinue Dianabol during week 7, everything else remains the same.
1 Sustanon 250, 750 mg. per week, Deca-Durabolin, 400 mg. wk. Dianabol, 50 mg. daily, Arimidex, 0.5 every other day.
Remains the same until the 6th week, eliminate Dianabol at this time.
Weeks 7 – 14 eliminate Deca-Durabolin rest of dosages remain the same.
Weeks 15-16 continue Sustanon and Arimidex at same levels.
Related: Can Dianabol be used as a Bridge between Steroids Cycles?
If you do decide to engage in a Dianabol cycle there are key factors to remember. While Dianabol is a very powerful steroid, you will automatically increase in size. In order to retain the weight, you must fortify your growth with food. This and high quantities of water will help keep you healthy. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
The recognition of your business in today's internet world is a strong function of the quality of your website. Nowadays, the first major contact you have with your customers is your website. Therefore, if you must capture the heart of a potential customer, it is important that your website have an appealing appearance and an interactive interface.
At Shah-Tech, we work closely with you to design and create a professional website that is not just outstanding and high performing, but also secure, with a stylish design that reflects the essentials of your brand and meets your requirements.
We are a web design company in New York, with a team of in-house web developers. Our team includes professional UX designers, graphics designers and software developers, with rich experience in website development services like Drupal, Laravel, and HTML5 web development that are capable of giving you a high-end website with responsive design. Every website we designs also seamless compatibility and accessibility by mobile devices.
Rates and prices for our web design services are competitive and affordable. Our efficient methodology guarantees a cost-effective and prompt delivery of projects. We will define the scope of the project and give you a comprehensive price quote – no hidden charges. | {
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Natural gas consumption reported down 21% y-o-y through Nov. 30
KIEV, Dec. 24 – Households, municipal heating supply companies and budget-funded organizations cut natural gas consumption by 21% or 4.2 billion cubic meters in January-November 2015 year-over-year.
Anticorruption Action Center lauds Ukraine medical procurement change
KIEV, Dec. 25 – The opportunity for foreign pharmaceutical producers to take part in medicine public procurement using budget funds directly, without mediators, is the key benefit of the transfer of public procurement to international organizations, Oleksandra Ustinova, a board member of the Anticorruption Action Center, told Interfax-Ukraine.
Kazakhstan reportedly backing Kiev in trade dispute with Moscow
KIEV, Dec. 24 - Kazakhstan supports Ukraine in the situation with the Russian food embargo and assured that it will not use similar measures, Ukrainian Finance Ministry Trade Representative Natalia Mykolska said.
Metinvest seeking payment moratorium on $1.125 billion of LPNs
KIEV, Dec. 25 - Metinvest B.V. (the Netherlands), the parent company of the Metinvest international vertically integrated mining and steel group, has proposed that holders of its loan participation notes worth $1.125 billion approve the imposing of a moratorium on any payments on the securities until May 27, 2016.
€200 million EBRD hydropower loan to be registered to Ukrhydroenergo
KIEV, Dec. 25 – The loan of EUR 200 million from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to Ukraine to rehabilitate hydro power plants approved in 2012 will be re-registered to the government-secured loan issued to Ukrhydroenergo with the reduction of the sum to EUR 180 million and extension of the termination of the credit limit from 2018 to 2021.
IFC to provide $200 million for Naftogaz to buy from France's ENGIE
KIEV, Dec. 25 – The International Finance Corporation of the World Bank group would provide a trade finance facility of up to $200 million for the period of up to one year to buy natural gas from France's ENGIE (earlier GDF SUEZ) by Naftogaz Ukrainy under a framework contract signed by the companies.
Kiev's Ukrinbank declared insolvent by National Bank of Ukraine
KIEV, Dec. 25 – Ukrinbank has been declared insolvent by the National Bank of Ukraine.
The decision is outlined in NBU resolution No. 934 of December 24.
Trade group calls for introduction of €50/ton metals export duty
KIEV, Dec. 28 – The Ukrtrubprom association of pipe companies (Dnipropetrovsk) has said that supply of scrap ferrous metal to metal companies has worsened and its exports have increased.
Government gives UAH1.01 billion VAT refund to Zaporizhstal
KIEV, Dec. 28 – Overdue debt on VAT refunding of UAH 1.014 billion was paid to Zaporizhia Steel Works Zaporizhstal, one of the largest taxpayers of Ukraine and Zaporizhia region.
Ukraine real wages reported down 14% year-on-year last month
KIEV, Dec. 28 - Real wages in Ukraine in November fell by 14% year-on-year, and by 2.7% from October 2015, the State Statistics Service reported. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
qigong teacher in Spiez (CH) passes on his experience in body and energy work of east and west.
qigong is a pleasure and plays with body and energies. With very simple but efficient exercises for health we travel physically and mentally through our body and especially through the spine; this will allow us the become aware of our profound human nature. Another particularity of it is the harmonisation of our 3 Dan Tien.l'harmonisation de nos 3 Dan Tien.
Fernando Chedel has been training Tai Chi Chuan for 34 years. He was a close student of the Chinese Tai Chi master Ma Tsun-Kuen for 20 years in Buenos Aires and is his designated successor. He is now the director of the International Ma Tsun-Kuen Tai Chi Chuan school which includes teachers and schools in Argentina, Spain and Germany. In 1995 Fernando moved to Spain in order to give closer support to his European students. His main interests are Tai Chi Chuan as a martial art and as a practical philosophy.
He is 29 years old and passioned by martial arts. He is practicing essentially Tai-Chi Chuan (Combined Tai-Chi Chuan). He is not looking for titles nor glory in Tai-Chi Chuan but "only" for his personal path.
It is important in the morning to prepare one's body and mind in order to start the day in good shape! In fact, there is nothing quite like getting into shape in a gentle way after a good night's sleep. This workshop is suitable for everybody and will be divided into two parts.
Nicole Henriod has been Lizelle Reymond's pupil and has followed training courses of her Master Dee Chao, himself pupil of Cheng Man Ching.
In 1989, she began to follow Master Wang Yen-Nien's training courses and after that his pupil Luc Defago's teaching. She is member of the European College of Yangjia Michuan Taijiquan.
Since 2007, she takes part in the committee who was at the creation of "CentrÂge", this association that groups together and trains teachers of Taiji and Qigong for elder people.
The stick of the Xingyi School also called eyebrows height. This defines clearly the height of the stick.
We will practice handling exercises, static and in move, and will start learning the form comprising 4 duan (sequences). The stick is a dexterity and quickness practice that naturally brings the whole body into spiral or circular movements extremely efficient for the circulation of the energies and the work in depth of the mussels.
Nicole has learned this form with Charles Li, Master Wang's pupil.
After having practiced and taught Traditionnal Ju Jitsu since 1980, Thierry Huguet discovered Tai-Chi Chuan in 1995 at the "Union Art Tai Ji Quan", namely with Thierry Alibert and Georges Saby. Qualified by the Wushu French Federation he distinguished himself at the European championship in St-Petersburg in 2004 as well as at the French championships in Paris in 2005 and 2008. After having studied Wu style with Chen Yi Hi and improved his work with various experts, he now follows this apprenticeship by the historical direct descendants of the Yang family, namely Master Yang Jung and his representatives in France. He has a diploma in Traditional Chinese Massages (Tuina) and is at the moment completing his education in acupuncture at the Wang Academy in Toulouse.
Energetic educatives to "fill" the sabre and to transfer the intents, the Qi in the weapon.
Discover of the 13 postures form for the Yang school.
He began studying Tai Chi Chuan in 1988. Teaching activity in Hannover since 1990.
In this year, he also began studying under Master William C. C. Chen, New York.
Following his certification as teacher by William C. C. Chen Tai Chi Chuan, Inc. in 1993, he founded his own Tai Chi Chuan school in Hannover, Germany.
Training of instructors. Organization of workshops with internationally-known guest instructors; since 1997 he has organized yearly workshops with Master Chen in Hannover.
In 2001, he initiated the International Push Hands Meeting, the largest event of this kind in Germany.
Member of the Taijiquan und Qi Gong Network of Germany (Taijiquan und Qi Gong Netzwerk-Deutschland e. V.), in the Taijiquan und Qi Gong Federation of Europe. Has taught workshops throughout Europe since 1996.
1st chairman of the Taijiquan and Qi Gong Federation for Europe (TCFE).
Connexion of form and push hands.
Susanne Lohrer Rovero CH has been practicing Qigong since 19 years and teaches since 1999. Her teachers are Master Liu Dong and Master Minoru Hoshino and she has also studied at the " Medical Association for Qigong Yanghseng". She is a professional physiotherapeut specialised in the Mezier approach and in rythmical massage.
From the tree form we will go into simple stepping and horse stepping while practicing some formes of the 15 movements qi gongYangsheng.
Self massage is preparing us to the perception of qi while practicing some forms of the bear and the tiger.
Nathan Menaged is a senior disciple of Grandmasters Williams C.C. Chen and the late Dr. Tao Ping-Siang (1919-2006). Having learned the Water style and Tai Chi Chuan from Dr. Tao, Nathan has been conducting workshops throughout the U.S. and Europe for the past fifteen years. His passion for transmitting these Arts is exemplified in his relaxed and simultaneously energetic teaching style that is down-to-earth and easy to understand.
Various parts of the Water-form will be used to help teach three-dimensional yielding as it applies to push hands, sword and self defense applications. Using Master Chen's body mechanics, people will be taught the principles of linking, relaxing and issuing.
Franco Mescola has studied martial arts for over 40 years and internal arts since 1975. In 1985 he founded the Tai Chi Research Centre in his native Venice and has worked in hospitals researching the effetcs of qigong on patients. He has also written a number of articles and books on internal arts. Franco also hosts an international internal arts festival in his native Venice.
Tai chi applications and Tui Shou Chinna enphatizing spiraling patterns.
Helmut Oberlack started to learn Taijiquan in 1981 and Qigong in 1984. He is co-founder of the German Taijiquan and Qigong Network and publisher of the Taijiquan & Qigong Journal. He is teaching Taijiquan and Qigong in private classes and also for the "Verband Turner Bund".
Taiji-Qigong is a relatively new Qigong-style, developed in the 80s; the movements were influenced by Taiji movements. In this workshop we look which Taiji's principles can be applied to the movements and how the quality of the movements changes when we focus on different principles.
"I began Japanese martial arts in 1962 and finally discovered Tai-Chi Chuan in 1978 during my education in Chinese medicine. It is in 1982, after meeting with Serge Dreyer that I was determinate to study the style Yang Michuan. Since then, I wander between hand forms, fan and stick; Qi Gong, manual therapy and dance, Tui Shou and San Shou, with as leading theme the well-being and the pleasure to awake and to share."
My suggestion : "An itinerary between Qi Gong and Tui Shou to improve the vertebral health with the 6 animal dynamisms, and to affine the awareness of the meeting with the 6 internal dispositions and to let the whole evaluate from the awake of the internal space up to the occupation of the external space. With pleasure."
As teenager, I used to practice judo for 5 years. Much later, in 1992, I met with Cornélia Gruber and Tai-Chi Chuan. Since few years I teach an adapted form to a group of elder people.
In this workshop I suggest to let you discover the conscientious walk and to try the experience of a practice that can also be done while sitting. We will work a short form (12 movements) and little work with a partner. This workshop is open to anyone who wants to have a look.
Ronnie has studied Taijiquan since 1981 and is a full-time professional instructor who is also a regular at major European events. He is an active promoter of internal arts who serves as Secretary of the Taijiquan & Qigong Federation and is editor of Tai Chi Chuan & Internal Arts magazine (UK). He has published a number of books and articles on tai chi chuan and two DVD's. Ronnie also organises an annual international internal arts event in his native Scotland.
In the art of Tui Shou we are taught to go with the force of our opponent (yielding) but it is also important that we have a strong internal structure coupled with an appropriate awareness or intent to negate the oncoming force. In this workshop we'll work with a series of exercises to develop these aspects.
Almut Schmitz started to learn Taijiquan and Qigong about 24 years ago with Christel Proksch (Zheng Manqing form), since 1994 she is learning Chen style Taijiquan with Jan Silberstorff and Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang. She has been teaching for more then twenty years, is mother of two children and editor of the Taijiquan & Qigong Journal.
The Tuishou or Push Hands routines are the foundation of Taijiquan partnerwork. In the workshops we will start with a single hand circle and focus on the double hand circle which combines the four basic techniques Peng, Lü, Ji, An or ward off, divert, squeeze and push. In practicing the double hand routine we get a better understanding of these techniques as well as the listening to and understanding of the energy both from our partner and from ourselves. Depending on level and interest of the participants we can also transfer this into the free Push Hands practice.
Student of Cornelia Gruber and teacher at the school of Tai-Chi Chuan C.Gruber in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. "I discovered Tai-Chi Chuan in 1993 and ever since I am studing and refining my technique. I am always looking for the precision in the circular movements by concentrating on working with the center. Tai-Chi Chuan gives me a different approach to my day to day living as well as a certain philosophy."
Epi van de Pol started to learn Yang style Taijiquan in 1975 and has been teaching since 1979. Main influences since 1991 are Wee Kee Jin and Peter Ralston. If you want to know more see www.epitaijiquan.nl.
Sinking starts in the foot and has its relaxing and freeing effect through the whole body. Sinking has to be a continuous even process and the relaxation inside the sinking produces the physical movement. Most people move against the gravity; in Taiji the ideal is to move with the gravity and this process is called sinking. The mind moves the chi and the chi moves the body.
A soft internal martial art as Taijiquan needs to adapt to the forces of the attacker. Yielding is one of the basic qualities in order not to resist any force and yet stick or adhere to the incoming force as well. In order to understand the different levels of yielding we will break up the processes of yielding into several exercises and consider different types of yielding.
1975/1977 : Japan - Cate makes a long stay of nearly 2 years in an Aïkido professional school and has a first contact with Tai-Chi !
1978 : Cate opens a school for martial arts in Bienne. (She is black belt in Aïkido - Karate - Jiu Jitsu).
Three years later, Cate goes for a long travel through China. When she comes back, she dedicates herself entirely to Tai-Chi.
1982 : Creation of the TAI-CHI DO school : Cate gives intensive teachings through Switzerland and at her own centre in Bienne. Tai-Chi becomes then a full-time occupation.
1990 : Cate meets master Chen Xiaowang and becomes a direct disciple.
Twice a year, Cate's school welcomes the master; he gives Taichi intensives courses for teachers but also training courses during week-ends for Cate's pupils and people wanting to practice or discover Chen style.
In 2007, in Lamoli, Cate receives the 20th generation title from master Chen Xiaowang.
I love this sentence meaning that one teaches what we decide to learn !
Baguazhang is widely known as the art of subtle evasion and quick stepping. But in order to be effective, a martial art has to be able also to use whole body for releasing power and hit the opponent. The concept of Zhang - or palms - creates the base for the study of different energies, directions and application. We will go through some of the eight basic palms (Ba Da Mu Zhang) practicing single techniques, repetitions in line and in circle, and two persons training.
Where is the link between immobility (Jing Gong) and movement (Dong Gong)? Where do movement and breath start to become Qigong? From these questions we will start a journey back to the roots of breath, of movement, to understand the main elements of this special branch of Chinese Traditional Medicine. This Qigong has no form, as it is the simple connection between body, mind and breath. Qigong is the base for health and for martial training. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Aug. 7, 2017 (GIN) – As an epidemiologist, Chenai Mathabire is a hard-working researcher, conducting TB screening tests and observing the effects of long-term ARV use on the emergence of non-communicable diseases in HIV patients.
"If you had seen her when she first came in and now when she came in on her own to pick up her meds… For me it was something very nice," she said with a broad smile.
This month, Ms. Mathabire, working with Doctors without Borders (MSF), was awarded the HIV/TB Research Prize at this year's International AIDS Society Conference in Paris.
Ms. Mathabire, working in Malawi and Mozambique, produced scientific evidence that an easy-to-use TB test can be rolled out as a diagnostic tool in community healthcare clinics.
Chenai begin working with MSF in 2011 in her home country, Zimbabwe. as a nutrition coordinator and counselor working with survivors of gender-based violence. She then progressed to being an MSF clinic manager in Harare. Her first international assignment with MSF was to Uzbekistan where she developed and implemented a patient support system for HIV-positive patients.
Soon afterwards, she headed to Bo in Sierra Leone, to implement and improve an ambulance system, to help save the lives of children and pregnant women facing emergencies.
This intervention, which included training nurses to manage patients inside ambulances, substantially reduced maternal mortality rates.
Chenai spent her next two MSF assignments in South Sudan. First she treated people wounded in heavy conflict and then was involved in training and managing nurses in a primary healthcare centre inside a refugee camp.
"I've learned to appreciate what I have," Chenai said somberly. "For the first two weeks of my initial assignment in South Sudan, we had no fruit or vegetables as the ground was too muddy for the plane with supplies to land. I became grateful for the food I was eating after seeing that the people around me survived on wild fruit and some small fish caught in the river. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
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OTC 2016
Houston, Texas, USA (9 March 2016) – The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), which takes place 2–5 May in Houston, announces that 13 technologies will receive the 2016 Spotlight on New Technology Award. The awards will be presented at 1600 hours, 2 May, in the NRG Center Rotunda Lobby.
The Spotlight on New Technology Awards—a program for OTC exhibitors—showcases the latest and most advanced hardware and software technologies that are leading the industry into the future.
For a second consecutive year, OTC will support and recognize the innovative technologies being developed by small businesses with the Spotlight on Small Business Award. In addition to meeting the above criteria, a small business honoree must be independently-owned and operated or a not-for-profit concern and have no more than 300 employees for the 12 months preceding the application deadline.
"The 2016 Spotlight Award winners embody OTC's mission to advance scientific and technical knowledge for the safe, environmentally friendly development of offshore oil and gas resources," said Spotlight Award Committee Chair Mark Kalman. "Thanks to these recipients' pioneering spirit, offshore E&P will continue to play a key role in supplying the world with energy in a sustainable manner."
Copyright (c) 2022 Delta Corporation. All rights reserved. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
At CocoRoo we believe what we put ON our body is just as important as what we put IN our body. That is why we do not add any chemicals to our products. We have carefully selected each ingredient and are proud of our simple, yet effective, ingredient list - EVERY ingredient is edible!
The secret is out- coconut oil is nature's finest moisturizer, but not all coconut oil on the market is the same. To preserve the wonderful nutrients and antioxidants that help keep your skin looking healthy and vibrant, we use only cold-pressed oils. Cold-pressed oils are far superior to expeller pressed and RBD (refined, bleached, deodorized) oils. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Hot Off the Wire: Conference News 'n Notes
Here's the latest TWS Annual Conference news:
Exhibitor space, advertising and both hotel blocks have sold out. All field trips and five of our nine workshops are completely full. However, we still have spots open in these four workshops:
Wetland Ecology and Restoration Techniques
Conserving the Prairie Ecosystem in the Urbanizing Winnipeg Landscape
Basics of the R Programming Language
Behind the Scenes of Scientific Publication and Critical Review 4.0
Attendance includes year-round access to more than 400 presentations from your office or home!
We know that with ten concurrent sessions, it's nearly impossible to take advantage of all of the presentations that are relevant and important to you. But as a conference attendee, you'll be given access to recordings of more than 400 of them afterwards. Look for an email four to six weeks after the conference with instructions on how to access the presentations online.
FREE! My Life With Birds: The Education and Successes of a Wildlife Artist.
Ducks Unlimited Canada, a Gold Sponsor of this year's conference, will be giving each attendee a free copy of My Life With Birds: The Education and Successes of a Wildlife Artist. The book chronicles the life and works of Winnipeg wildlife artist Angus Shortt. With a strong passion for birds, Shortt contributed his artwork and extensive ornithological knowledge to the world for more than 60 years, earning him many honors in both the art and wildlife communities.
World Premiere of "The Private Lives of Wild Creatures."
World-renowned wildlife photographer Robert Taylor dedicated his life to telling the story of Canadian wildlife through pictures. "The Private Lives of Wild Creatures" — part biography, part documentary — takes us through the Canadian arctic, boreal forests and prairie regions, following the archives of photos Taylor left behind. Attendees at the conference have the opportunity to view Taylor's work on the big screen for the very first time. The showing will take place in the Presentation Theatre on Sunday from 12:30-1:15 p.m.
Conference T-Shirts.
There will be no TWS store this year, so T-shirts will only be available for purchase online. To pre-order your shirt, go to the Member Portal, click on the conference registration tab and scroll down to Conference T-Shirt. The shirts are just $15 and will be available for pickup in Winnipeg. Click here to see the shirt.
All members are encouraged to attend the Annual Members Meeting.
The Annual Members Meeting will be held at the conference on Tuesday morning, October 20th from 9-10:30 a.m. We encourage you to come and hear updates on your Society, including announcements of some exciting new initiatives to be launched in 2016. We will also be recognizing the 2015 TWS Fellows and Distinguished Service Award winners. Two lucky conference attendees will win trips to The Lodge at Little Duck and Sasaginnigak Lodge in the prize drawing at the meeting. Registered conference attendees are automatically entered into the drawing.
Don't Wait! If you haven't registered yet, visit our registration page today!
Angus Shortt | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Charlie & the lesbians
Jimmy Diamond
Kay Slice
Tara Nome Doyle
Delv!s • promotion
At 6ft4, with a full beard and a thick mop of jet black hair, Delv!s would stand out in any crowd. But it's thanks to his beautiful soulful voice that he found himself cast into the spotlight, a little under 10 years ago. It was during his Uni days that Delv!s first got to hear the great singers such as Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald or Billie Holiday, who influenced his androgynous and gene-rously deep vocal style.
Following a few show-stopping performances at Pukkelpop, Couleur Café, Gent Jazz or Lowlands, Delv!s released his debut EP, the irresistible disco funk No Ending, fronted by the hit single Come My Way, that topped the radio charts in Belgium for 4 weeks in a row.
Deeply rooted in his love for music from the fifties, sixties and seventies, Rebelman shows a more mature side of Delv!s. For this new track his character is portrayed by a puppet, a symbolic prop used as a poetic and moving allegory.
If it can be labeled a protest song, it is the most sweetly mesmerising one you'll ever hear. The single, recorded in a small cabin by the lake, was put together using field recordings, a humble Squier guitar, an electronic organ and that distinct Delv!s voice wrapped in guitar amps.
A breath of fresh air that promises to open a brand new chapter with Rebelman the first release taken from the Belgian singer's debut album: Blablablue. Watch the video below.
← Previous ProjectNext Project →
Marlies Waters | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Couples Who
Couples Who in a sentence 🔊
Short Example Sentence for Couples Who
1. He then looked at the couples who had been married for several years. 🔊
2. As there were other couples who thus paired off it caused no comment. 🔊
3. It is danced in 3/4 time by single couples, who improvise the figures. 🔊
4. I know a score of couples who have married in that fashion. 🔊
How to use Couples Who in Sentence?
1. Another important function of the physician is to give aid to couples who have difficulty in begetting children. 🔊
2. I have known English couples who had been engaged ten years trying to find out if they were fit for each other. 🔊
3. Walk through the large parks in any city, late in the evening, and observe the couples who occupy obscurely placed benches. 🔊
4. Couples who are no longer young should, perhaps, adopt older children in order that they may stand in the most helpful age relation to them. 🔊
5. We constantly notice a decided resemblance in old couples who have passed, say, two score years together. 🔊
6. When they reach the dancing-room they find it, comparatively speaking, empty, save for a few enthusiastic couples who are still careering round it. 🔊
7. Couples who produce a numerous progeny are looked on, with a wink, as 'maladroits,' which in this region is perhaps the supreme term of abuse.... 🔊
8. The author has seen young married couples who had carried their sexual intercourse to such extremes as seriously to deplete the physical vigor and menace the health of both parties. 🔊
9. The Walloons (young couples), who had been married on shipboard, settled on the site of Gloucester. 🔊
10. Each respective bride and bridegroom danced exclusively one with the other, and the couples who stood up at first remained, as a rule, partners for the whole evening. 🔊
11. And, to complete the scene, arrangements had also been made to obtain a quick decree of divorce (by the same official) for all those couples who deemed themselves mismated after a short experience of an hour or so. 🔊
12. We must go to some well-known hotel, register openly, secure rooms, and conduct ourselves on the orthodox lines of all runaway couples, who are presumably head over heels in love with each other. 🔊
13. Down she came with a crash, and in her fall she clutched wildly at Miss Bardsley, and not only brought both the teachers to their knees, but upset six couples who were following close behind and could not stop. 🔊
14. A minister of religion stated quite recently, "I have had to marry many couples who admitted to me that they knew little about each other. 🔊
15. There really are couples who care for each other very well, who meet in a country house and say: "What! you here! 🔊
16. Young couples who "begin to sit heapy," the Sea Lady told my cousin, as often as not will leave excellent modern fiction behind them, when at last they return to their proper place. 🔊
17. Such public worship, however, has ever been considered bad form at Ottermouth, except among septuagenarians and the rosy-cheeked couples who on Sundays "walk out" together in the country lanes. 🔊
18. There are, I believe, engaged couples who, after parting from each other at 7 P.M., write a long letter before going to bed that night, containing all that they had not time to say. 🔊
19. The four couples who had helped Atumu were identified with the four auxiliary gods of Thot, and changed the council of Five into a Great Hermopolitan Ennead, but at the cost of strange metamorphoses. 🔊
20. All down the valley, during the tourist season, stand char-a-bancs and donkeys and sand-carts, with here and there exhausted couples who have dropped out of the processions and glisten and fan themselves in some scrap of shade. 🔊
21. Our purpose in this article is to point out some of the practical steps which can be taken by couples who do have fallings out, to eliminate friction, to keep love alive, and to discover the deeper and wider happiness which might be theirs. 🔊
22. Many couples who felt unhappy when they were apart, have been utterly miserable when together; and scores who have been ready to go through fire and water to get married, have been willing to run the risk of fire and brimstone to get divorced. 🔊
23. Couples who wish to make special efforts should have complete physical examinations, both husband and wife, for though failure to conceive used to be attributed solely to the wife, we now know that in about thirty percent of cases it is the husband who is the cause. 🔊
24. Of course all of us know completely happy marriages of boy and girl sweethearts; most of us also know unhappy couples who first became engaged during their teens, one of whom has entirely outgrown the other, with mismating as a result. 🔊
25. Young couples who wisely marry on small incomes, instead of wasting the sweetness of their youth over an endless engagement, must make a study of ways and means, and the wife who will cajole a shilling into doing duty for a five-shilling piece is a jewel beyond price. 🔊
26. There were windows on each side, windows possessing the unusual merit of opening from the top; wide double doors made the big front hall a sort of anteroom, and the stairs and piazza furnished opportunities for occasional couples who felt the wish for retirement. 🔊
27. She took his arm and they crossed the ball-room, making their way with difficulty between the spinning couples, who were now perceptibly dishevelled, and certainly to a critical eye by no means lovely in their shapes. 🔊
28. The clerk, a pale, very thin young man, whose weak eyes were enlarged by thick-lensed glasses, thrust a printed form through the wicket of his cage, and went on with his work upon a big ledger, having apparently not the slightest interest in foolish young couples who wanted to commit matrimony. 🔊
29. Sometimes she would be tempted to wander off the direct route on her way home and she would walk up to Piccadilly and past the region of brightly-lighted shops, watching the faces in the crowd round her, envying those who met friends and stopped to talk to them, following with rather wistful eyes the couples who passed, hand clasped in hand; but generally speaking she was too tired in the evenings to do anything save go straight home, eat a hasty supper and tumble into bed. 🔊
30. I did not enter into the previous domestic events which had led to this separation, but I presume they were of a nature similar to those which are not altogether unknown in more civilized society, and I make no hesitation in offering to our legislators the example of my friend the Cree as tending to simplify the solution, or rather the dissolution, of that knotty point, the separation of couples who, for reasons best known to themselves, have ceased to love. 🔊
31. She felt an impulse to take his arm--that strong, strong arm; to walk with him like that--like the old, long married couples, who come to sun themselves in the warm light of the young day, and the sight of passing lovers. 🔊
32. It cannot often happen that two couples who have never seen each other before meet in the same hotel and decide to get married." 🔊
33. And I will add this--that, among my friends and acquaintances, the couples who live most happily together are, without exception, those who made up their minds to be married most quickly, and did not attempt, during years and years of engagement, to try and learn how to know something of each other. 🔊
34. He wiped the smudge of ink off his hand and said, "You both know, of course, that Perimeter D is reserved for couples who have intermarried and are about to have offspring?" 🔊
35. Leading us through into the _Sala di pranzo_, the proprietor, with a sweeping bow, waved us into two chairs at a table beside two native couples who were taking their belated suppers. 🔊
36. From inquiries which I have made right and left I have arrived at this conclusion--that, out of a hundred couples who have got married, fifty would like to regain their freedom after six months of matrimonial life, twenty have come to the same opinion after a couple of years, ten more after a longer period, and about twenty are satisfied, though, in the last case, it often amounts to making the best of it. 🔊 | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Advertising for lawyers, particularly law firms providing services to individuals, is usually direct response advertising which presents different advertising issues than those seen in traditional TV brand advertising.
A recent TV commercial for Lexus focuses on its rotating headlight which rotates 15 degrees in either direction, left or right, following direction of the steering wheel. This could have been a great commercial except one key ingredient is missing. This is a brand commercial which mentions only the headlight and has forgotten the importance of branding Lexus' image of luxury. The Lexus web site states "No matter where you travel, take your luxury accommodations with you." Luxury is the image Lexis has chosen for its brand. The image must be accomplished in every portrayal of the brand. In pure brand commercials such as for Lexus, a commercial can highlight an important feature, however, the feature should tie into one single overall branding scheme. In the Lexus TV commercial, the advanced headlight system should be portrayed as the newest feature in luxury accommodations. This consistent branding scheme establishes Lexis as the leader in automobile luxury.
Law firms practicing in divorce, bankruptcy, criminal law, and personal injury do not provide services that can be purchased in a retail store, such as an automobile or a box of cereal. Consequently, these law firms need direct response advertising rather than advertising purely for branding purposes. In other words, these law firms need advertising which produces a direct response where the targeted audience views the TV commercial causing members of the target audience to respond directly by calling the advertiser. Branding built into direct response advertising will substantially increase advertising effectiveness when people remember how to call the advertiser, both one minute after as well as weeks after they have seen the commercial. When done correctly, branding can be built into a direct response advertising campaign, however, this is where many law firms make their mistake. Due to self pride, most law firms spend most of the few valuable seconds of a TV commercial focusing on two points, one being the law firm name and the second being attributes of the law firm.
Instead of branding the law firm name, the law firm's vanity phone number should be the focus of branding. Jacoby & Meyers®, a national law firm franchise, which offers services to individuals in direct response advertising, has probably become the most successful brand in law firm advertising. Their focus of branding is the law firm name "Jacoby & Meyers", but can you remember how to call them?
Branding a vanity phone number like 1-800-HURT-911® allows the target audience to remember how to reach you. In fact, 1-800-HURT-911 has shown that branding the vanity phone number can produce branding results in as quickly as three months. A large case was signed up after only three months of advertising in New York, when a US mail delivery worker told someone, he was delivering mail to, about a commercial he had seen for 1-800-HURT-911.
Whether branding a name or a telephone number, your brand should have what is known as USP or a Unique Selling Proposition. In other words, does it tell a story? Slogans can also be used to enhance memory of a brand by further telling the story. In the example about Lexus, the USP for the Lexus brand is luxury. Their web site shows the slogan "No matter where you travel, take your luxury accommodations with you." When advertising for lawyers, the USP should be designed around the vanity phone number. For personal injury lawyer advertising, 1-800-HURT-911® tells a story. It says if you're hurt in an accident, you can get legal help fast. The slogan "When you're HURT in an accident, call 911, then call 1-800-HURT-911" ™ enhances the USP.
The second commonly made mistake is that advertising for lawyers should focus on the needs of the target audience instead of focusing on the attributes of the lawyer or law firm. Does the target audience need an easy way to contact a lawyer, a toll-free number, a lawyer they can call for immediate help, a lawyer that will come to visit them, etc.?
This article was written by Philip Franckel, President of 1-800-HURT-911, Inc. 1-800-HURT-911® is a brand with a built-in message saying if you're hurt an accident, you need legal help fast. The slogan "When you're HURT in an accident call 911, then call 1-800-HURT-911,"™ reinforces that message. 1-800-HURT-911 gives you market exclusivity for your entire TV broadcast market and total control over your advertising budget. For a LIMITED TIME, we are offering license FREE use of 1-800-HURT-911 TV commercials for as long as you continue to advertise. This can save you as much as $10,000 or more per year, forever. Our web site will provide you with calls at no extra charge. 1800HURT911.com receives tens of thousands of visitors each month, matches the telephone number, is professional looking and helps build a substantial image in the consumer's mind because the website has hundreds of pages with an extraordinary amount of free research without a hard sell. If you would like information about advertising with 1-800-HURT-911 or 1-800-USLAW-911 see Advertising with 1-800-HURT-911 or send Philip Franckel an email. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
House finches have been spending time in a flowering crabapple tree which I have in my urban (NYC) rooftop garden. I overheard them debating the answer to the question, "If the April showers bring the May flower what does #TheMayflower bring?"
They seemed to agree on the answer to that question, for if the April showers brought us the May flowers, #TheMayflower brought us pilgrims!
Happy May, dear reader, and if you'd like to read more about May's flowers, I have many entries on the subject, including one you can refer to by clicking here.
It's International Migratory Bird Day!
Mother's Day is for the birds! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
layout: post
title: "Efficiently Evaluating Logistic Regression with Feature Crosses"
date: 2017-09-23 10:00:00
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In this post I'll describe a neat trick for efficiently evaluating a
trained logistic regression model under a specific problem setup that arises in online advertising.
### The Problem
At work I'm currently helping to build an ad server, a piece of software that chooses which
ad to serve in a given context.
A crucial sub-problem is to compute the probability that each ad in our inventory will get clicked on.
We know some information about the request context, which we can represent as a feature vector
$\mathbf{x}_r \in \mathbb{R}^{d_r}$, and we know some information about each ad $i$, which we can represent as a feature vector
$\mathbf{x}^i_a \in \mathbb{R}^{d_a}$.
We've trained a model on historical data to predict the probability of a click
given the joint feature vector $\mathbf{x} = \begin{bmatrix}
\mathbf{x}_a & \mathbf{x}_r
\end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^d$.
The form of the model is logistic regression with degree-2 interaction terms thrown in:
$$ p(\text{click} | \mathbf{x}) = \text{logistic} \left( \sum_{j=1}^{d} w_j x_j + \sum_{j=1}^d \sum_{k=1}^d W_{jk} x_j x_k \right)$$
where $\mathbf{w} \in \mathbb{R}^d$ are the weights of the features and $\mathbf{W} \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$
are the weights of the feature interactions.
Given a request context $\mathbf{x}_r$, we need to compute
$p(\text{click} | \mathbf{x}_r, \mathbf{x}_a^i)$ for each ad $i$ in our inventory.
The naive way to score $n$ ads against the request context would take $O(n d^2)$ operations.
But it turns out that if we are allowed to pre-compute some information about each ad ahead of time, we can bring the cost of processing a request down to $O(d_r^2 + nd_r)$.
### The Trick
First, write the model in linear algebra notation:
$$p(\text{click} | \mathbf{x}) = \text{logistic} \left(\mathbf{w}^T \mathbf{x} + \mathbf{x}^T \mathbf{W} \mathbf{x} \right)$$
Now, notice that we can divide the feature weights into request feature weights and ad feature
weights, and we can divide the feature interaction weights into request-request interaction weights,
ad-ad interaction weights, and request-ad interaction weights:
$$ \mathbf{w} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{w}_r && \mathbf{w}_a \end{bmatrix} \quad \quad
\mathbf{W} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{W}_{rr} && \frac{1}{2} \mathbf{W}_{ra} \\ \frac{1}{2} \mathbf{W}_{ra} && \mathbf{W}_{aa} \end{bmatrix} $$
Therefore, the model can be written as
$$p(\text{click} | \mathbf{x}) =\text{logistic} \left( \mathbf{w}_a^T \mathbf{x}_a + \mathbf{w}_r^T \mathbf{x}_r + \mathbf{x}_a^T \mathbf{W}_{aa} \mathbf{x}_a + \mathbf{x}_r^T \mathbf{W}_{rr} \mathbf{x}_r + \mathbf{x}_r^T \mathbf{W}_{ra} \mathbf{x}_a \right) $$
Now, the "ad-only" score $$\mathbf{w}_a^T \mathbf{x}_a + \mathbf{x}_a^T \mathbf{W}_{aa} \mathbf{x}_a$$ can be pre-computed and cached for each ad.
When a request comes in, we can compute the "request-only" score $$\mathbf{w}_r^T \mathbf{x}_r + \mathbf{x}_r^T \mathbf{W}_{rr} \mathbf{x}_r$$
with $O(d_r^2)$ operations.
To score that request again each of $n$ ads, all that remains is to compute the "ad-request" score
$$\mathbf{x}_r^T \mathbf{W}_{ra} \mathbf{x}_a^i$$ for each ad $i = 1 ... n$.
At first glance it might look like that task will take $O(n \, d_r \, d_a)$ time.
But since we know all ads in the inventory in advance, we can precompute and cache $$\mathbf{W}_{ra} \mathbf{x}_a^i$$
for all ads $i$.
Computing the ad-request score for a single ad/request pair is therefore a $O(d_r)$ operation, and doing so for all ads takes time $O(n \, d_r)$.
Therefore, we can score the request against all $n$ ads with just $O(d_r^2 + n d_r)$ operations.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} |
PHOTOS: Peters, Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel & Local Leaders Highlight New Federal Funding to Advance Mound Road Project
Mound Road Industrial Corridor Critical to Local Economy, Supports More Than 70 Major Employers and 200,000 Jobs
WARREN, MI – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) today highlighted new federal resources he secured for Macomb County with Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel, Major General Darren Werner, Senior Commander for the Detroit Arsenal, and Macomb County Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Kelley Lovati.
Peters and the local leaders discussed $2.5 million in new federal funding Peters secured in the most recent government funding bill to help advance and complete the Mound Road/Detroit Arsenal Connector Project. These resources will be used for planning and final design of the project, which will strengthen a corridor that's home to the Detroit Arsenal, General Motors Tech Center, BAE Systems, General Dynamics Land Systems, as well as Stellantis and Ford plants up and down the corridor and a massive supply base and supporting industry. These new federal funds build on a previous $98 million federal grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to revamp Mound Road, which Peters strongly supported and advocated for – including directly in conversations with the former Secretary of Transportation.
The project is located on 5 miles of the 8-lane Mound Road Industrial Corridor in the Cities of Warren and Sterling Heights. According to Macomb County, it is responsible for more than 200,000 existing jobs, supports more than 70 major employers, and produces more than $8 billion in earnings based on jobs in the corridor.
"Macomb County is home to world-class innovators, manufacturers and workers and we need the world-class infrastructure to support them," said Senator Peters. "That's why I'm proud to have secured critical federal resources to help advance the Mount Road project – a major driver of our local economy. I'll continue to support economic engines in Michigan like this – which create good-paying jobs and bolster the industries with deep roots in our state's history like manufacturing, autos, and defense."
"The success of Innovate Mound can be seen in the strength of our partners," said Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel. "With the strategic insights of the Detroit Arsenal and the leadership of our federal partners, we have again brought critical resources back to Macomb County. I want to thank Senator Peters, and our entire delegation, for their commitment to supporting the Arsenal and this transformational road project."
"Our Detroit Arsenal is the center of gravity for ground combat systems in our Army. With these additional funds, it enables us to be a part of this Defense corridor in a better way," said Major General Darren Werner, Senior Commander for the Detroit Arsenal. "We will be able to unencumber Mound Road by expanding our gate out to get large vehicles with tanks and Bradleys and other types of equipment that come and go off the Arsenal in and out quicker, and without impeding the local community."
"The Mound Road project contributes a great deal to the local economy and these additional federal resources secured by Senator Peters will support local jobs here in Macomb County," said Macomb County Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Kelley Lovati. "I look forward to the completion of this critical project, which will help spur continued economic opportunity and modernize infrastructure in our community."
To download high-resolution photos from today's event, click here or on the images below. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Vázaná rotace, též synchronní rotace je dynamický stav, při kterém se menší těleso (např. měsíc), obíhající kolem centrálního tělesa (např. planety) k centrálnímu tělesu otáčí stále stejnou polokoulí, jinými slovy, když se doba rotace menšího tělesa kolem osy právě rovná době jeho oběhu kolem centrálního tělesa.
Pokud existuje tato dvojice těles po dostatečně dlouhou dobu, dochází vlivem slapových sil ke zpomalování rotace obou těchto těles za současného zvětšování poloosy dráhy obíhajícího tělesa, tj. průměrná vzdálenost obou těles roste. V konečném stavu dosáhnou vzájemně vázané rotace obě tělesa, menší z nich dříve. Typickým případem vázané rotace je náš Měsíc. Vázané rotaci podléhají nejbližší měsíce planety Jupiter známé po objeviteli Galileovy měsíce. Pluto a Charon jsou takto propojeny navzájem. Vázanou rotaci také vykazuje značná část měsíců ostatních planet.
Teoreticky je tedy možné mezi dvěma tělesy ve vázané rotaci zkonstruovat orbitální výtah a vzájemně je tak propojit. V rámci konstrukce se mají použít nanotechnologie na výrobu lana propojujícího obě tělesa. Tedy využití uhlíkatých nanotrubiček, nebo také grafenu, kdy neexistuje způsob výroby, která by nebyla nákladná a dostačující v potřebném množství ohromných rozměrů. Po laně by se mohla posouvat kabina a například střední vzdálenost Měsíce od Země je 384 403 km.
Seznam známých těles ve vázané rotaci
Sluneční soustava
Extrasolární tělesa
Z probíhajícího výzkumu vzdálených exoplanet se jeví, že vázaná rotace je poměrně častý jev mimo sluneční soustavu.
Hvězda Tau Boötis je ve vázané rotaci s exoplanetou, nejbližším plynným obrem Tau Boötis b.
Ve stavu vázané rotace se za prozatímních předpokladů má nacházet i všech 7 známých exoplanet obíhajících kolem Trappist - 1.
Ve stavu vázané rotace k jejich nejbližší hvězdě Gliese 581, se nachází i nepotvrzené exoplanety Gliese 581 c, Gliese 581 g, Gliese 581 b, Gliese 581 e.
Nebeská mechanika | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} |
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Seminaarinkatu 15, Jyväskylä Finland | {
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This entry was posted on Friday, October 17th, 2014 at 3:50 pm and is filed under Home Remodeling. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. | {
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This quote is from the same Sarah H. Leslie who helped Ken Silva write THIS POST for Appraising Ministries. Confused already? Well, so am I. HERE is the "about" to Appraising Ministries. It's creator, Pastor Ken Silva, is very ill as I write this and needs prayer from the Christian community. I am a reader of AM and have learned quite a bit from his blog.
This discussion involves important names like Mr. Missler's. It is why I think the following Herescope articles are important. They take a cautionary position when it comes to quoting occult sources without any kind of disclaimer. After reading the articles, I find myself in agreement with them.
The Truth: Many of these sources employed by Chuck Missler in Alien Encounters involve reports from people who have been openly engaged in practices such as "remote viewing" or mediumistic "channeling." These are occult techniques popular in the New Age Movement that are also related to clairvoyance. While it is true that the U.S. government was involved in many experiments with these occult practices, that does not make any of them credible, ethical, accurate or truthful. Some of the leaders in these experiments were seeking methods of altering the human brain and changing worldviews. This especially includes those at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) such as Willis Harman, who had influence over evangelical leaders to change their eschatology.
Many of Gary Stearman's podcasts relate information about the current events in Israel (Here is one from 7/8/13, complete with ad banner, that is an intriguing view of the current situation in Egypt). I am very interested in Israel, as I believe there will be some kind of conflict there soon (no brilliance needed there). And, of course, it is from Jerusalem that Jesus will reign during the Millennium.
I haven't put anything up recently because all of the podcasts begin with an ad for the upcoming Prophecy Summit II in Colorado (That has now changed). Many of the people mentioned in the Herescope article, which I find well researched, will be present in Colorado Springs.
*NOTE: (3/26/16) I am reviewing this post since it has appeared in my top 10 recently more than once. The link above no longer exists. In fact, "Part 2" is missing from Herescope's archives. However, YOU CAN FIND PARTS 3 AND 4 HERE.
Click on the "Part 2" title above and you will see just that. It is a continuation of part 1. It should be the July 5, 2013 post. If not, check the archives. I think Herescope has valid questions and concerns. Consider the following quote from the post: Under the subheading "The 'Star People'," Missler reports at length on a "landmark conference called the "'Star Knowledge Conference'" which was "convened by Lakota medicine man Standing Elk to share secret tribal traditions about the 'Star People' (Extraterrestrials) with a prestigious group of prominent UFO researchers." The footnote for this conference references "Richard Boylan's Star Knowledge Conference Report." I could not locate a list of attendees at this conference, but the glowing report in Alien Encounters actually seems to be made in the first person. Did Missler (or his co-author Eastman) attend this Star Knowledge Conference?
You can see more about the George Catlin painting HERE. When I first googled the name of the man who published the conference reports, Richard Boylan, I found his official website which "contains reports, articles, and other information on the Star Visitors, on their starcraft (UFOs), and on the advanced-Human Star Kids and Star Seed Adults so numerous now in our population." Boylan, who says he is a "retired Clinical Hypnotherapist," holds some elaborate conspiracy theories about "Star Nations," and on his website he offers to teach children "Psychic Exercises." He also posts articles such as "Effects on Human Consciousness and Spirituality of Upcoming Announcement of UFO Reality." His website had plenty to be concerned about so I kept researching him, especially since Missler covered the Star Knowledge Conference for many pages in Chapter Two.
There you have it. You can read the Herescope posts yourself and see what you think. Each have extensive footnotes. As I have stated in previous posts, I do believe there is something going on out there and that it is Satanic in nature (Ephesians 6). We must be careful, however, that we make God's Word our primary source of spiritual information.
HERE is another take on Mr. Missler. I haven't studied this issue enough to know if I agree with all of it, but I share concerns.
How anyone can look at this picture and say that our world happened by chance is beyond me. Those who believe that an ungodly "Big Bang" occurred think I'm brainwashed. Well, I think there was a Godly "Big Bang;" God spoke and "Bang," our universe was here. Those who believe otherwise are the ones who are brainwashed.
After posting, I watched this video called "Aliens and Creation." Gary Stearman quotes the first verse in Psalm 19. Cool beans!
Gary Stearman and Doug Hamp discuss the fig tree that Jesus mentions in Matt. 24. By the way, I am not advertising Doug's DVD. The picture is the one that comes up with the You Tube upload.
This is a short, thought provoking discussion. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
This paper is concerned with blow-up solutions of the complex heat equation
\pa_t u=\Delta u+u^2,
where $u(t):x\in \R^N\to\C$ and $\Delta$ denotes the Laplacian.\\
If we write $u(x,t)=v(x,t)+i\tilde{v}(x,t)$, where $v$ and $\tilde{v}\in \R$, we obtain the following reaction-diffusion system:
\pa_t v&=&\Delta v+v^2-\tilde{v}^2, \\
\pa_t \tilde{v}&=&\Delta \tilde{v}+2 v \tilde{v},
where $(x,t)\in\R^N\times (0,T) \mbox{, }v(0,x)=v_0(x)$ and $\tilde{v}(0,x)=\tilde{v}_0(x)$.\\
Equation (\ref{eqF}) has a strong relation with the viscous Constantin-Lax-Majda equation, which is a one dimensional model for the vorticity equation. For more details see Okamoto, Sakajo and Wunsch \cite{OSWN08}, Sakajo \cite{SJMSUT03} and \cite{SN03} and
Guo, Ninomiya, Shimojo and Yanagida in \cite{GHMY12}.
The Cauchy problem for system (\ref{uv}) can be solved in $(L^\infty(\R^N))^2$, locally in time. We say that $u(t)=v(t)+i\tilde{v}(t)$ blows up in finite time $T<\infty$, if $u(t)$ exists for all $t\in [0,T)$ and
$\lim_{t\to T}\|v(t)\|_{L^\infty}+\|\tilde{v}(t)\|_{L^\infty}=+\infty.$
In that case, $T$ is called the blow-up time of the solution. A point $x_0\in\R^N$ is said to be a blow-up point if there is a sequence $\{(x_j,t_j)\}$, such that $x_j\to x_0$, $t_j\to T$ and $|v(x_j,t_j)|+|\tilde{v}(x_j,t_j)|\to \infty$ as $j\to\infty$. The set of all blow-up points is called the blow-up set.
When $u$ is real (i.e., $\tilde{v}\equiv 0$), then system (\ref{uv}) is reduced to the scalar equation
\pa_t u=\Delta u +u^p\mbox{, where } p=2.
The blow-up question for equation (\ref{uscalar}), with $p>1$, has been studied intensively by many authors and no list can be exhaustive.\\
When it comes to deriving the blow-up profile, the situation is completely understood in one space dimension (however, less is understood in higher dimensions, see Vel{\'a}zquez \cite{VCPDE92, VTAMS93,VINDIANA93} and Zaag \cite{ZIHP02, ZCMP02, ZMME02} for partial results). In one space dimension, given $a$ a blow-up point, this is the situation:
{\textit {
\item either
\sup_{|x-a|\leq K\sqrt{(T-t)\log(T-t)}}\left|(T-t)u(x,t)-f\left(\frac{x-a}{\sqrt{(T-t)\log(T-t)}}\right)\right|\to 0,
\item or for some $m\in \N$, $m\ge 2$, and $C_m>0$
\sup_{|x-a|<K(T-t)^{1/2m}}\left|(T-t)u(x,t)-f_m\left(\frac{C_m (x-a)}{(T-t)^{1/2m}}\right)\right|\to 0,
as $t\to T$, for any $K>0$, where
f(z)=\frac 8{8+|z|^2}\mbox{ and }f_m(z) = \frac 1{1+|z|^{2m}} \mbox{, for all }z\in\R^N.
From Bricmont and Kupiainen \cite{BKN94} and Herrero and Vel{\'a}zquez \cite{HVAIHP93}, we have examples of initial data leading to each of the aboved-mentioned scenarios. Note that (\ref{profileu}) corresponds to the fundamental mode of the harmonic oscillator in the leading order, whereas (\ref{um}) corresponds to higher modes. Moreover, Herrero and
Vel{\'a}zquez proved the genericity of the behavior (\ref{profileu}) in one space dimension in \cite{HVADSSP92} and \cite{HVCRAS94}, and only announced the result in the higher dimensional case (the result has never been published). Note also that the stability of such a profile with respect to initial data has been proved by Fermanian Kammerer, Merle and Zaag in \cite{FZN00} and \cite{FMZMA00}. For more results on equation (\ref{uscalar}), see \cite{BQJMOS77}, \cite{GKCPAM85}, \cite{GKIUMJ87}, \cite{GKCPAM89}, \cite{HVAIHP93}, \cite{HVCRAS94}, \cite{MMCPAM04}, \cite{MMJFA08}, \cite{MZCPAM98}, \cite{MZMA00}, \cite{MMA07} and \cite{QSBV07}.
As we inferred above, equation (\ref{eqF}) appears as a complex generalization of the real valued equation (\ref{uscalar}). Note that there is another complex generalization of (\ref{uscalar}). Indeed, Filippas and Merle consider in \cite{FMJDE95} the following equation:
\pa_t u =\Delta u+|u|^{p-1}u \mbox{ with }u\in\C\mbox{ and }p>1,
and generalize to this equation the results first proved in the real case by Giga and Kohn \cite{GKCPAM85,GKIUMJ87,GKCPAM89}. Our equation (\ref{eqF}) appears then as a ``twin`` of equation (\ref{eqFM}). However there is a fundamental difference between the two. Indeed, equation (\ref{eqFM}) has a variational structure, which allows to use various energy techniques, unlike equation (\ref{eqF}), where such techniques certainly fail. Therefore, considering equation (\ref{eqF}) appears as a highly challenging task.
Considering equation (\ref{eqF}) with non-real solutions, we have the following blow-up results from \cite{GHMY12}:
\textit{(A) A non-simultaneous blow-up criterion, see Theorem 1.5 in \cite{GHMY12}:\\
Assume that}
v_0,\; \tilde{v}_0\in C^1(\R^N),\; 0\leq v_0\leq M,\; v_0\not\equiv M,\; 0<\tilde{v}_0\leq L,
\lim_{|x|\to\infty} v_0(x)=M,\;\;\lim_{|x|\to\infty }\tilde{v}_0(x)=0,
\textit{for some constants $L>0$ and $M > 0$. Then, the solution of (\ref{uv}) blows up at time $t=T(M)$ with $\tilde{v}\not\equiv 0$. Moreover, the component $v$ blows up only at space infinity and $\tilde{v}$ remains bounded.
\textit{(B) A Fourier-based blow-up criterion, see Theorem 1.2 in \cite{GHMY12}:\\
If the Fourier transform of initial data of (\ref{eqF}) is real and positive, then the solution blows up.}
\textit{(C) A simultaneous blow-up criterion, see Theorem 1.3 in \cite{GHMY12}:\\
If $v_0$ is even, $\tilde{v}_0$ is odd with $\tilde{v}_0(x)>0$ for $x>0$, then the fact that the blow-up set is compact implies that $v$ and $\tilde{v}$ blow up simultaneously.}
Following the description in (\ref{profileu}) and (\ref{um}) together with the work of \cite{GHMY12}, we see that the blow-up profile derivation remains open, in the non-real case. Indeed, either we have the description
(\ref{profileu}) or (\ref{um}), with a zero imaginary part, or we have blow-up solutions from \cite{GHMY12}, with a non-trivial imaginary part, and no profile description.
In this paper, we give the first example of a complex-valued blow-up solution of equation \eqref{eqF}, with a non-trivial imaginary part, and a full description of its blow-up profile, obeying behavior \eqref{profileu} (note that our method extends with no difficulty to the construction of an analogous solution obeying the behavior \eqref{um}; however, the proof should be even more technical). Let us note that the blow-up behavior we give here is not predicted by \cite{GHMY12} (see details in the remarks following our result). More precisely, this is our result:
\begin{theorem} ({\bf{Existence of a blow-up solution for equation (\ref{eqF}) with the description of its profile}}) There exists $T>0$ such that equation (\ref{eqF}) has a solution $u(x,t)=v(x,t)+i\tilde{v}(x,t)$ in $\R^N\times [0,T)$ such that:\\
(i) the solution $u$ blows up in finite time $T$ only at the origin; \\
(ii) there holds that
\left \| (T-t)u(.,t)-f \left(\frac{.}{\sqrt{(T-t)|\log(T-t)|}}\right)\right \|_{L^{\infty}}\leq \frac{C}{\sqrt{|\log(T-t)|}},
where $f$ is defined by (\ref{deff}).\\
(iii) For all $R>0$,
\sup_{|x|\leq R\sqrt{T-t}}\left| (T-t)\tilde{v}(x,t)-\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N}C_i}{|\log(T-t)|^2}\left(\frac{x_{i}^{2}}{T-t}-2\right)\right|\leq \frac{C}{|\log(T-t)|^\alpha},
where $(C_1,C_2,..,C_N)\neq (0,0,..,0)$ and $2<\alpha\leq 2+\eta$ for some small $\eta>0$.\\
(iv) For all $x\neq 0$, $u(x,t)\to u^*(x)$ uniformly on compacts sets of $\R^N\backslash \{0\}$, and
u^*(x)\sim \frac{16 | \log|x||}{|x|^2} \mbox{ as }x\to 0.
1) Note that the real and imaginary parts of $u$ blow up simultaneously at $x=0$. However the real part dominates the imaginary part in the sense that
\[v(0,t)\sim \frac{1}{T-t}>>\frac{2\left |\sum_{i=1}^{N}C_i\right|}{(T-t)|\log(T-t)|^2}\sim |\tilde{v}(0,t)|\mbox{ as }t\to\infty.\]
2) As announced right before the statement of our theorem, the solution we construct is new and doesn't obey the criteria given in \cite{GHMY12}: this is clear from (\ref{initialq}) below.
The proof relies on the reduction of the problem to a $2(N+1)-$dimensional problem (a $4-$dimensional one if $N=1$; see Lemma \ref{transversality} below).
In the real case treated by Merle and Zaag in \cite{MZDuke97}, the problem was of dimension $N+1$. Since that number is equal to the dimension of the blow-up parameters ($1$ for the blow-up time and $N$ for the blow-up point), the authors of \cite{MZDuke97} were able to show the stability of the behavior (\ref{profilev}) with respect to initial data, of course in the real case. Here, in the complex case, since the dimension of our problem $2(N+1)$ exceeds that of the blow-up parameters $(N+1)$, we suspect our solution to be unstable with respect to perturbations in initial data.
Our proof uses some ideas developed by Bricmont and Kupiainen \cite{BKN94} and Merle and Zaag \cite{MZDuke97} to construct a blow-up solution for the semilinear heat equation (\ref{uscalar}) obeying the behavior (\ref{profileu}). In \cite{EZSMJ11}, Ebde and Zaag use the same ideas to show the persistence of the profile (\ref{profileu}) under perturbations of equation (\ref{eqF}) in the real case by lower order terms involving $u$ and $\nabla u$.
In \cite{MZ07}, Masmoudi and Zaag adapted that method to the case of the following complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, where no gradient structure exists:
\[\pa_t u=(1+i\beta)\Delta u+(1+i\delta)|u|^{p-1}u\mbox{, with $\beta$ and $\delta$ are reals},\]
(note that the case $\beta=0$ and $\delta$ small was first studied by Zaag in \cite{ZAIHPANL98}).\\
More precisely, the proof relies on the understanding of the dynamics of the selfsimilar version of (\ref{uv}) (see system (\ref{qqtilde}) below) around the profile (\ref{profileu}). Moreover, we proceed in two steps:
\item First, we reduce the question to a finite-dimensional problem: we show that it is enough to control a $(N+1)$-dimensional variable in order to control the solution (which is infinite dimensional) near the profile.
\item Second, we proceed by contradiction to solve the finite-dimensional problem and conclude using index theory.
Surprisingly enough, we would like to mention that this kind of methods has proved to be successful in various situations including hyperbolic and parabolic PDE, in particular with energy-critical exponents. This was the case for the construction of multi-solitons for the semilinear wave equation in one space dimension by C\^{o}te and Zaag \cite{CZCPAM13}, the wave maps by Rapha\"{e}l and Rodnianski \cite{RRIHES12}, the Schr\"{o}dinger maps by Merle, Rapha\"{e}l and Rodnianski \cite{MRRCRAS11}, the critical harmonic heat flow by Schweyer \cite{SJFA12} and the two-dimensional Keller-Segel equation by Rapha\"{e}l and Schweyer \cite{RSCPAM13}.
We proceed in 3 sections to prove Theorem \ref{theorem1}. We first give in Section 2 an equivalent formulation of the problem in the scale of the well-known similarity variables. Section 3 is devoted to the proof of the similary variables formulation (this is a central part in our argument). Finally, we conclude the proof of Theorem \ref{theorem1} in Section 4.\\
{\bf Acknowledgement}. We would like to thank the referee for his valuable remarks which undoubtedly improved the presentation of our paper.
\section{Formulation of the problem}
For simplicity, we give the proof in one dimension. The adaptation to higher dimensions is straightforward. We would like to find initial data $u_0=v_0+i\tilde{v}_0$ such that the solution $u=v+i\tilde{v}$ of equation (\ref{uv}) blows up in time $T$ with
\displaystyle\lim_{t\to T}\left\|(T-t)u(x,t)-f\left(\frac{x}{\sqrt{(T-t)|\log(T-t)|}}\right) \right\|_{L^\infty}=0,
where $f$ is defined in (\ref{deff}).
This is the main estimate and the other results of Theorem \ref{theorem1} will appear as by-products of the proof (see Section 4 for the proof of all the estimates of Theorem \ref{theorem1}).\\
Introducing the following self-similar transformation of problem (\ref{uv}):
w(y,s)=(T-t)v(x,t)\mbox{, }\tilde{w}(y,s)=(T-t)\tilde{v}(x,t),\\
y=\frac{x-a}{\sqrt{T-t}}\mbox{, }s=-\log(T-t),
we see that (\ref{Ineuf}) is equivalent to finding $s_0>0$ and initial data at $s_0$, $W_0(y,s_0)=w_0(y,s_0)+i\tilde{w}_0(y,s_0)$, such that $W(y,s)=w(y,s)+i\tilde{w}(y,s)$
w=\varphi+q\mbox{ and }\tilde{w}=\tilde{q}\mbox{ where }\varphi(y,s)=f\left(\frac{y}{\sqrt{s}}\right)+\frac{1}{4 s},
the problem is then reduced to constructing a function $Q=q+i\tilde{q}$ such that
and $(q,\tilde{q})$ is a solution of the following equation for all $(y,s)\in \R\times[s_0,\infty)$,
\displaystyle \pa_s q&=&\displaystyle({\cal{L}}+V)q+b(y,s)+R(y,s),\\
\displaystyle \pa_s \tilde{q}&=&\displaystyle({\cal{L}}+V)\tilde{q}+\tilde{b}(y,s),
\displaystyle{\cal{L}}=\pa_{y}^{2} -\frac{1}{2}y\pa_y+1\mbox{, }V(y,s)=2\left(\varphi(y,s)-1\right),
b(y,s)=q^2-\tilde{q}^2\mbox{, }\tilde{b}(y,s)=2q\tilde{q},\label{defN}
\displaystyle R(y,s)=\pa_{y}^{2} \varphi-\frac{1}{2}y \pa_y \varphi-\varphi+\varphi^2-\pa_s \varphi.
The control of $q$ and $\tilde{q}$ near $0$ obeys two facts:
\item Localization: the fact that our profile $\varphi(y,s)$ dramatically changes its value from $1+\frac{1}{4s}$ in the region near $0$ to $\frac{1}{4s}$ in the region near infinity, according to a free boundary moving at the speed $\sqrt{s}$. This will require different treatments in the regions $|y|<2K_0\sqrt{s}$ and $|y|>2K_0\sqrt{s}$ for some $K_0$ to be chosen.
\item Spectral information: the fact that the operator $\Lg$ is selfadjoint, $b$ and $\tilde{b}$ are quadratic in $(q,\tilde{q})$ and that
\[\|R(s)\|_{L^\infty}+\|V(s)\|_{L^{2}_{\rho}}\to 0 \mbox{ as } s\to \infty
from (\ref{initialqqtilde}) and (\ref{OperatorL}), which shows that the dynamics of equation (\ref{qqtilde}) near $0$ are driven by the spectral properties of $\Lg$. This will require a decomposition of the solution according to the spectrum of $\Lg$. Note that the operator $\Lg$ is self-adjoint in the Hilbert space
L^{2}_{\rho}=\lbrace g\in L^{2}_{loc}(\R,\C)\mbox{,
<+\infty\rbrace\mbox{ where }\rho(y)=\displaystyle\frac{e^{-\frac{|y|^2}{4}}}{(4\pi)^{1/2}}.
The spectrum of $\Lg$ is explicitly given by
\[spec(\Lg)=\{1-\frac{m}{2}\mbox{, }m\in\N\}.\]
All the eigenvalues are simple, the eigenfunctions are dilations of Hermite's polynomial and given by
h_m(y)=\sum_{n=0}^{[\frac{m}{2}]}\frac{m!}{n!(m-2n)!}(-1)^n y^{m-2n}.
Note that $\Lg$ has two positive (or expanding) directions ($\lambda=1$ and $\lambda=\frac 1 2$), and a zero direction ($\lambda=0$).
Complying with the localization and spectral information facts, we will decompose $q$ and $\tilde{q}$ accordingly as stated above:
\item first, we consider a non-increasing cut-off function $\chi_0 \in C^{\infty}_{0}(\R^+,[0,1])$ such that $supp(\chi_0)\subset [0,2]$, $\chi_0(\xi)=1$ for $\xi<1$ and $\chi_0(\xi)=0$ for $\xi>2$, then introduce
where $K_0\geq 1$ will be chosen large enough so that various technical estimates hold. Then, we write $q=q_b+q_e$ and $\tilde{q}=\tilde{q}_b+\tilde{q}_e$, where the inner parts and the outer parts are given by
\[q_b=q\chi\mbox{, }\tilde{q}_b=\tilde{q}\chi\mbox{, } q_e=q(1-\chi) \mbox{ and } \tilde{q}_e=\tilde{q}(1-\chi) .\]
Let us remark that
\[supp(q_b(s))\subset B(0,2K_0\sqrt{s})\mbox{ and }supp(q_e(s))\subset \R\setminus B(0,K_0\sqrt{s}),\]
and the same holds for $\tilde{q}_b$ and $\tilde{q}_e$.
\item Second, we study $q_b$ and $\tilde{q}_b$ using the structure of $\Lg$, isolating the nonnegative directions. More precisely we decompose $q_b$ and $\tilde{q}_b$ as follows
q_b(y,s)&=&\sum_{0}^{2}q_m(s) h_m(y)+q_-(y,s),\\
\tilde{q}_b(y,s)&=&\sum_{0}^{2}\tilde{q}_m(s) h_m(y)+\tilde{q}_-(y,s),\\
where $q_m$ (respectively $\tilde{q}_m$) is the projection of $q_b$ (respectively $\tilde{q}_b$) on $h_m$, $q_-(y,s)=P_-(q_b)$ (respectively $\tilde{q}_-(y,s)=P_-(\tilde{q}_b)$) and $P_-$ is the projection on $\{h_i,\; i\geq 3\}$ the negative subspace of the $\Lg$.
In summary, we can decompose $q$ (respectively $\tilde{q}$) in 5 components as follows:
q(y,s)&=& \sum_{m=0}^{2}q_m(s) h_m(y)+ q_-(y,s)+q_e(y,s),\\
\tilde{q}(y,s)&=& \sum_{m=0}^{2} \tilde{q}_m(s) h_m(y)+ \tilde{q}_-(y,s)+ \tilde{q}_e(y,s).
Here and throughout the paper, we call $q_-(y,s)$ (respectively $\tilde{q}_-$) the negative part of $q$ (respectively $\tilde{q}$), $q_2$ (respectively $\tilde{q}_2$), the null mode of $q$ (respectively $\tilde{q}$).
\section{The construction method in selfsimilar variables}
This section is devoted to the proof of the existence of a solution $(q,\tilde{q})$ of system (\ref{qqtilde}) satisfying $\|q(s)\|_{L^\infty}+\|\tilde{q}(s)\|_{L^\infty}\to 0$. This is a central argument in our proof. In Section 4, we use this solution and give the proof of Theorem \ref{theorem1}. Though we refer to the earlier work by Merle and Zaag \cite{MZDuke97} for purely technical details, we insist on the fact that we can completely split from that paper as long as ideas and arguments are considered. We hope that the explanation of the strategy we give in this section will be more reader friendly.
We proceed in 3 subsections:\\
- In the first subsection, we give all the arguments of the proof without the details, which are left for the following subsection (readers not interested in technical details may stop here).\\
- In the second subsection, we give various estimates concerning initial data.\\
- In the third subsection, we give the dynamics of system (\ref{qqtilde}) near the zero solution, in accordance with the decomposition (\ref{decompq}).
\subsection{The proof without technical details}
Given $s_0>0$, we consider initial data for equation (\ref{qqtilde}) of the following form:
\displaystyle q_{d_0,d_1}(y,s_0)&=&\displaystyle \frac{A}{s_{0}^{2}} (d_0+d_1 y)\chi(2y,s_0),\\
\displaystyle \tilde{q}_{\tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1,\tilde{d}_2}(y,s_0)&=&\displaystyle \left[ \frac{\tilde{A}}{s_{0}^{\alpha}} (\tilde{d}_0+\tilde{d}_1 y)+\frac{\tilde{B}}{s_{0}^{2}}h_2(y)\right]\chi(2y,s_0),
for some constants $A$, $\tilde{A}$ and $\tilde{B}$ will be fixed later and the parameters $(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)\in [-2,2]^4$.
The solution of equation (\ref{qqtilde}) with initial data (\ref{initialq}) will be denoted by\\ $(q,\tilde{q})(s_0,A,\tilde{A},\tilde{B},(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1),y,s)$, or, when there is no ambiguity by\\ $(q,\tilde{q})(s_0,d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1,y,s)$ or even $(q,\tilde{q})(y,s)$. We will show that given $\tilde{B}\in\R$, if $A$ and $\tilde{A}$ are fixed large enough, then $s_0$ is fixed large enough depending on $A$, $\tilde{A}$ and $\tilde{B}$, we can also fixe the parameters $(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1) \in[-2,2]^4$, so that the solution\\ $(q,\tilde{q})\left(s_0,A\,\tilde{A},\tilde{B},d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1,y,s\right)$ will converge to $0$ as $s\to\infty$.
Thanks to the decomposition given in (\ref{decompq}), in order to control $(q,\tilde{q})(s)$ near $(0,0)$, it is enough to control it in some shrinking set defined as follows:
\begin{definition}\label{defVA}{\bf (Definition of a shrinking set for the components of $(q,\tilde{q})$)}
\noindent For all $A\geq 1$, $\tilde{A}\geq 1$, $0<\eta<\frac 1 2$, $2<\alpha<2+\eta$ and $s\geq e$, we define $V_A(s)$ (respectively $\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$)
as the set of all functions $r$ (respectively $\tilde{r}$) in $L^\infty$ such that:
\[|r_m(s)|\leq A s^{-2}\; m=0,1,\;\; |r_2(s)|\leq A^2 (\log s) s^{-2},\]
\[\forall y\in\R,\; |r_-(y,s)|\leq A(1+|y|^3)s^{-2},\; \|r_e(s)\|_{L^\infty}\leq A^2 s^{-\frac{1}{2}}, \]
\[|\tilde{r}_m(s)|\leq \tilde{A} s^{-\alpha}\; m=0,1,\;\; |\tilde{r}_2(s)|\leq \tilde{A}^2 s^{-2+\eta},\]
\[\forall y\in\R,\; |\tilde{r}_-(y,s)|\leq \tilde{A}(1+|y|^3)s^{-\alpha},\; \|\tilde{r}_e(s)\|_{L^\infty}\leq \tilde{A}^2 s^{-\alpha+3/2}), \]
where $r_-$, $r_e$ and $r_m$ (respectively $\tilde{r}_-$, $\tilde{r}_e$ and $\tilde{r}_m$) are defined in Section \ref{Section2}.
\noindent As a matter of fact, if $s\geq e$ and $(r,\tilde{r})\in V_{A}(s)\times \tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$, then one easily derives that
\|r(s)\|_{L^\infty}\leq C\frac{A^2}{\sqrt{s}}\mbox{ and }\|\tilde{r}(s)\|_{L^\infty}\leq C\frac{\tilde{A}^2}{s^{\alpha-3/2}},\label{petit}
(see Proposition 3.7 page 157 in \cite{MZDuke97} for details). Thus, our aim become the following:
{\bf (Existence of a solution of (\ref{qqtilde}) trapped in $V_A(s)\times\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$)}
There exists ${A_1}} %\def\Ad{{A_4}$ such that for all $A\geq {A_1}} %\def\Ad{{A_4}$ and $\tilde{A}\geq {A_1}} %\def\Ad{{A_4}$, $0<\eta<\frac{1}{10}$ and $2<\alpha<2+\eta$, there exists
${s_{0,1}}} %\def\sd{{s_{0,4}} (A, \tilde{A})$
such that for all $s_0\geq {s_{0,1}}} %\def\sd{{s_{0,4}}$ and $|\tilde{B}|\leq 1$, there exists $(d_0,d_1,\tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)$, such that,\\
if $(q, \tilde{q})$ is a solution of (\ref{qqtilde}) with initial data at $s_0$ given by (\ref{initialq}), then
\[\forall s\geq s_0,\;\; q(s)\in V_A(s)\mbox{ and }\tilde{q}(s)\in \tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s).\]
The aim of this section is to prove this proposition.
In the following lemma, we find a set $D_{A,\tilde{A},\tilde{B},\eta,\alpha,s_0}=D_{s_0}$ such that $(q,\tilde{q})(s_0)\in V_{A}(s_0)\times \tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s_0)$, whenever $(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)\in D_{s_0}$. More precisely, we claim the following:
\begin{lemma}{\bf (Choice of parameters $d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1$ to have initial data in $V_A(s)\times\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$ at $s=s_0$)} \label{initialisationN} For each $|\tilde{B}|\leq 1$, $A\geq 1$, $\tilde{A}\geq 1$, $0<\eta<\frac{1}{10}$ and $2<\alpha<2+\eta$, there exists $s_{0,2}(A,\tilde{A},\tilde{B})\geq e$
such that for all $s_0\geq s_{0,2}$:\\
If initial data for equation (\ref{qqtilde}) are given by (\ref{initialq}):
then, there exists a cuboid
D_{A,\tilde{A},\tilde{B},\eta,\alpha,s_0}=D_{s_0} \subset [-2,2]^4,
such that, for all $(d_0,d_1,\tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)\in D_{s_0}$, we have
\[(q,\tilde{q})(s_0,A,\tilde{A},\tilde{B},d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)\in V_A(s_0)\times \tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s_0).\]
\textit{Proof}: The proof is purely technical and follows as the analogous step in \cite{MZDuke97}, for that reason we refer the reader to Lemma 3.5 page 156 and Lemma 3.9 page 160 in \cite{MZDuke97}. $\blacksquare$
Let us consider $|\tilde{B}|\leq 1$, $A\geq 1$, $\tilde{A}\geq 1$, $0<\eta<1/10$, $2<\alpha<2+\eta$, $(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)\in D_{s_0}$ and $s_0\geq s_{0,1}$ defined in Lemma \ref{initialisationN}. From the local Cauchy theory, we define a maximal solution $(q,\tilde{q})$ to equation (\ref{qqtilde}) with initial data (\ref{initialq}), and a maximal time $s_*(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)\in [s_0,+\infty]$ such that, for all $s\in[s_0,s_*)$, $(q,\tilde{q})(s)\in V_{A}(s)\times \tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$ and:
\item either $s_*=\infty$,
\item or $s_*<\infty$ and from continuity, $(q,\tilde{q})(s_*)\in \pa\left(V_{A}(s_*)\times \tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s_*)\right)$, in the sense that when $s=s^*$, one '$\leq$' symbol in the definition of $V_{A}(s_*)$ and $\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s_*)$ is replaced by the symbol '$=$'.
Our aim is to show that for all $|\tilde{B}|\leq 1$, for $A$, $\tilde{A}$ and $s_0$ large enough, one can find a parameter $(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)$ in $D_{s_0}$ such that
s_*(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)=\infty
We argue by contradiction, and assume that for all $(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1) \in D_{s_{0}}$, $s_*(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)<+\infty$.
As we have just stated, one of the symbols '$\leq$' in the definition of $V_A(s)$ and $\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$ should be replaced by '$=$' symbols when $s=s_*$.\\
In fact, this is possible only with the '$\leq$' symbols concerning the components $q_0$, $q_1$, $\tilde{q}_0$ or $\tilde{q}_1$, as one sees in the following:
\begin{lemma}\label{transversality}{\bf (Reduction to a finite dimensional problem)}
There exists $A_3>0$ such that for each $A\geq A_3$ and $\tilde{A}\geq A_3$ there exists $s_{0,3}(A,\tilde{A})\geq s_{0,2}(A,\tilde{A})$ such that if $s_0\geq s_{0,3}$, then $(q_0(s_*),q_1(s_*),\tilde{q}_0(s_*),\tilde{q}_1(s_*))\in \pa\left( \left[-\frac{A}{s_{*}^{2}},\frac{A}{s_{*}^{2}}\right]^2\times \left[-\frac{\tilde{A}}{s_{*}^{\alpha}},\frac{\tilde{A}}{s_{*}^{\alpha}}\right]^{2}\right)$.
\textit{Proof}: This is a direct consequence of the dynamics of equation (\ref{qqtilde}), as we will show in Subsection \ref{reduction} below.\\
Just to give a flavor of the argument, we invite the reader to look at Proposition \ref{prop36} below, where we project system (\ref{qqtilde}) on the different components of $q$ and $\tilde{q}$ introduced in (\ref{decompq}). There, one can see that the components $q_2$, $q_-$ and $q_e$ (respectively $\tilde{q}_2$, $\tilde{q}_-$ and $\tilde{q}_e$) correspond to decreasing directions of the flow and since they are ``small`` at $s=s_0$
(see Lemma \ref{prop37} below),
they remain small up for $s\in [s_0,s_*]$, and can not touch their bounds. Thus, only $q_0$, $q_1$, $\tilde{q}_0$ or $\tilde{q}_1$ may touch their boundary at $s=s_*$.\\
For more details on the arguments, see Subsection \ref{reduction} below. This ends the proof of Lemma \ref{transversality}.$\blacksquare$
From Lemma \ref{transversality}, we may define the rescaled flow $\Phi$ at $s=s_*$ for the four expanding directions, namely $q_0$, $q_1$, $\tilde{q}_0$ and $\tilde{q}_1$, as follows:
\Phi : & D_{s_0}&\to& \pa([-1,1]^4)\\
&(d_0,d_1,\tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)&\to& \displaystyle \left(\frac{s_{*}^{2}q_0}{A},\frac{s_{*}^{2}q_1}{A},\frac{s_{*}^{\alpha}\tilde{q}_0}{\tilde{A}},\frac{s_{*}^{\alpha}\tilde{q}_1}{\tilde{A}}\right)_{d_0,d_1,\tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1}(s_*) .
In particular,
\mbox{either }\omega q_m(s_*)=\frac{A}{s_{*}^{2}}\mbox{ or }\tilde{\omega} q_{\tilde{m}}(s_*)=\frac{\tilde{A}}{s_{*}^{\alpha}},
for some $m$, $\tilde{m}\in \{0,1\}$ and $\omega$, $\tilde{\omega}\in \{-1,1\}$, both depending on
$(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)$.
In the following lemma, we show that $q_m$ (or $\tilde{q}_m$) actually crosses its boundary at $s=s_*$, resulting in the continuity of $s_*$ and $\Phi$. More precisely, we have the following:
\begin{lemma}[Transverse crossing] \label{transcross}
There exists $A_4>0$ such that for all $A\ge A_4$ and $\tilde A \ge A_4$, there exists $s_{0,4}(A, \tilde A)\ge s_{0,3}(A, \tilde A)$ such that if $s_0 \ge s_{0,4}$ and (\ref{qmqtildem}) holds for some $s_*\ge s_{0,4}$, then
\mbox{either }\omega\frac{d q}{ds}(s_*)>0\mbox{ or }\tilde{\omega}\frac{d \tilde{q}_{\tilde{m}}}{ds}(s_*)>0.
Clearly, from the transverse crossing, we see that
(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)\mapsto s_*(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)
\mbox{ is continuous,}
hence by definition (\ref{defphi}), $\Phi$ is continuous.
In order to find a contradiction and conclude, we crucially use the particular form we choose for initial data in (\ref{initialq}). More precisely, we have the following:
\begin{lemma}[Degree $1$ on the boundary]\label{lem3}
There exists $A_5>0$ such that for each $A\geq A_5$ and $\tilde{A}\geq A_5$, there exists $s_{0,5}(A,\tilde{A})\geq s_{0,4}(A,\tilde{A})$ such that if $s_0\geq s_{0,4}$, then the mapping $(d_0,d_1,\tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)\to (q_0(s_0),q_1(s_0),\tilde{q}_0(s_0),\tilde{q}_1(s_0))$ maps $\pa D_{s_0}$ into $\pa\left ( [-\frac{A}{s_{0}^{2}},\frac{A}{s_{0}^{2}}]^2\times [-\frac{\tilde{A}}{s_{0}^{\alpha}},\frac{\tilde{A}}{s_{0}^{\alpha}}]^2\right)$, and has degree one on the boundary.
Indeed, from this lemma and the transverse crossing property of Lemma \ref{transcross}, we see that if $(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)\in\pa D_{s_0}$, then
$s_*(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)=s_0$,
$\Phi(s_*(d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1),d_0, d_1, \tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)=\left(\frac{s^{2}_{*}q_0}{A},\frac{s^{2}_{*}q_1}{A},\frac{s^{\alpha}_{*}\tilde{q}_0}{A},\frac{s^{\alpha}_{*}\tilde{q}_1}{A}\right)(s_0)$ and $\Phi$ defined in (\ref{defphi}) is a continuous function from the cuboid $D_{s_0}\subset \R^4$ to $\pa [-1,1]^4$, whose restriction to $\pa D_{s_0}$ is of degree 1. This is a contradiction. Thus, Proposition \ref{Newprop} is proved, and from identity (\ref{petit}), we have constructed a solution $(q,\tilde{q})$ to system (\ref{qqtilde}), such that
\[\|q(s)\|_{L^\infty}+\|\tilde{q}(s)\|_{L^\infty}\to 0\mbox{ as }s\to\infty.\]
In the following subsections, we give the proofs of the technical steps of the current subsection (namely Lemmas \ref{initialisationN}, \ref{transversality}, \ref{transcross} and \ref{lem3}), referring to earlier work when the proof is the same.
\subsection{Preparation of initial data}
In this subsection, we study initial data given by (\ref{initialq}). More precisely, we state a lemma which directly implies Lemmas \ref{initialisationN} and \ref{lem3}. It also shows the (relative) smallness of the components $q_2$, $q_-$, $q_e$, $\tilde{q}_2$, $\tilde{q}_-$ and $\tilde{q}_e$, an information which will be useful for the next subsection, dedicated to the dynamics of equation (\ref{qqtilde}), crucial for the proofs of the reduction to a finite dimensional problem (Lemma \ref{transversality}) and the transverse crossing property (Lemma \ref{transcross}). More precisely, we claim the following:
\begin{lemma}\label{prop37}{\bf (Decomposition of initial data in different components)}
For each $|\tilde{B}|\leq 1$, $A\geq 1$, $\tilde{A}\geq 1$, $0<\eta<\frac{1}{10}$ and $2<\alpha<2+\eta$, there exists
$s_{0,6}(A,\tilde{A},\tilde{B})\geq e$
such that for all $s_0\geq s_{0,6}$:\\
(i) there exists a cuboid
D_{s_0} \subset [-2,2]^4,
such that the mapping $(d_0,d_1,\tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)\to (q_0(s_0),q_1(s_0),\tilde{q}_0(s_0),\tilde{q}_1(s_0))$ is linear and one to one from $D_{s_0}$ onto $[-\frac{A}{s_{0}^{2-\eta}},\frac{A}{s_{0}^{2-\eta}}]^2\times [-\frac{\tilde{A}}{s_{0}^{\alpha}},\frac{\tilde{A}}{s_{0}^{\alpha}}]^2$ and maps the boundary $\pa D_{s_0}$ into the boundary $\pa\left ( [-\frac{A}{s_{0}^{2}},\frac{A}{s_{0}^{2}}]^2\times [-\frac{\tilde{A}}{s_{0}^{\alpha}},\frac{\tilde{A}}{s_{0}^{\alpha}}]^2\right)$. Moreover, it is of degree one on the boundary.\\
(ii) For all $(d_0,d_1,\tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)\in D_{s_0}$, we have
|q_2(s_0)|\leq C A e^{-\gamma s_0}\mbox{, for some }\gamma>0,\;\; |q_-(y,s_0)|\leq \frac{c}{s_{0}^{2}}(1+|y|^3)\mbox{ and }q_e(y,s_0)= 0,\\
|d_0|+|d_1|\leq 1,
|\tilde{q}_2(s_0)-\frac{\tilde{B}}{s_{0}^{2}}|\leq C \tilde{A} e^{-\gamma s_0} \mbox{, for some }\gamma>0,\;\; |\tilde{q}_-(y,s_0)|\leq \frac{c}{s_{0}^{\alpha}}(1+|y|^3)\mbox{ and }\tilde{q}_e(y,s_0)= 0,\\
|\tilde{d}_0|+|\tilde{d}_1|\leq 1.
{\textit{Proof}}: Since we have almost the same definition of the set $V_A$, and almost the same expression of initial data as in \cite{MZDuke97}, we refer the reader to Lemma 3.5 page 156 and Lemma 3.9 page 160 from \cite{MZDuke97}. $\blacksquare$
\subsection{Reduction to a finite-dimensional problem}
This subsection is dedicated to the proof of Lemmas \ref{transversality} and \ref{transcross}. They both follow from the understanding of the flow of equation (\ref{qqtilde}) in the set $V_A(s)\times\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$. Accordingly, this crucially relies on the projection of equation (\ref{qqtilde}) with respect to the decomposition given in (\ref{decompq}). More precisely, we claim the following:
\begin{prop}[Dynamics of equation (\ref{qqtilde})]\label{prop36}
There exists $A_7\geq 1 $ such that for all $A\geq A_7$, $\tilde{A}\geq A_7$, $0<\eta<\frac{1}{10}$, $2<\alpha<2+\eta$ and $\theta\geq 0$, there exists $s_{0,7}(A,\tilde{A},\theta)$
such that the following holds for all $s_0\geq s_{0,7}$:\\
Assume that for some $\tau\geq s_0$ and for all $s\in [\tau,\tau+\theta]$,
\[(q(s),\tilde{q}(s))\in V_A(s)\times\tilde{V}_A(s).\]
Then, the following holds for all $s\in [\tau,\tau+\theta]$:\\
(i)(Differential inequalities satisfied by the expanding and null modes) For $m=0$ and $1$, we have:
\[\left |q'_m(s)-(1-\frac{m}{2})q_m(s)\right |\leq \frac{C}{s^2},\]
\[\left |\tilde{q}'_m(s)-(1-\frac{m}{2})\tilde{q}_m(s)\right |\leq \frac{C\tilde{A}^2}{s^{3-\eta}},\]
\[\left |\tilde{q}^{'}_{2}(s)+\frac{2}{s}\tilde{q}_2(s)\right |\leq \frac{C\tilde{A}}{s^{\alpha+1}}.\]
(ii)(Control of the null and negative modes) Moreover, we have:
|q_2(s)|& \leq \frac{\tau^2}{s^2}|q_2(\tau)|+\frac{C A (s-\tau)}{s^3},\\
|\tilde{q}_{2}(s)|& \leq \frac{\tau^2}{s^2}|\tilde{q}_2(\tau)|+\frac{C\tilde{A}(s-\tau)}{s^{\alpha+1}},\\
\left\| \frac{q_-(s)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^{\infty}}&\leq C e^{-\frac{(s-\tau)}{2}} \left\| \frac{q_-(\tau)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^{\infty}}
\left\| \frac{\tilde{q}_-(s)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^{\infty}}&\leq C e^{-\frac{(s-\tau)}{2}} \left\| \frac{\tilde{q}_-(\tau)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^{\infty}}
\|q_e(s)\|_{L^\infty}&\leq C e^{-\frac{(s-\tau)}{2}}\|q_e(\tau)\|_{L^\infty}+C\frac{e^{s-\tau}}{s^{3/2}} \left\| \frac{q_-(\tau)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^\infty}+\frac{C(1+s-\tau)}{s^{1/2}},\\
\|\tilde{q}_e(s)\|_{L^\infty}&\leq C e^{-\frac{(s-\tau)}{2}}\|\tilde{q}_e(\tau)\|_{L^\infty}+C \frac{e^{s-\tau}}{ s^{3/2}} \left\| \frac{\tilde{q}_-(\tau)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^\infty}+\frac{C(1+s-\tau)}{s^{\alpha-3/2}}.
Let us first insist on the fact that the derivation of Lemmas \ref{transversality} and \ref{transcross} follows from Proposition \ref{prop36}, exactly as in the real case treated in \cite{MZDuke97} (see pages 163 to 166 and 158 to 159 in \cite{MZDuke97} ). For that reason, we only focus in the following on the proof of Proposition \ref{prop36}.
\textit{Proof of Proposition \ref{prop36}}:
\noindent The proof of Proposition \ref{prop36} consists in the projection of the two equations of system (\ref{qqtilde}) on the different components of $q$ and $\tilde{q}$ defined in (\ref{decompq}).\\
When $\tilde{q}\equiv 0$, the proof is already available from Lemma 3.13 pages 167 and Lemma 3.8 page 158 from \cite{MZDuke97}.\\
When $\tilde{q}\not\equiv 0$, since the equation satisfied by $\tilde{q}$ in (\ref{qqtilde}) shares the same linear part as the equation in $q$, the proof is similar to the argument in \cite{MZDuke97}. For that reason, we only give the ideas here, and kindly ask the interested reader to look at Lemma 3.13 page 167 and Lemma 3.8 page 158 in \cite{MZDuke97} for the technical details.
(i) Multiplying the two equations in (\ref{qqtilde}) by $\chi(y,s)k_m(y)\rho(y)$, for $m=0,1,2$ and integrating in $y\in\R$, we proceed as in pages 158-159 from \cite{MZDuke97} and we get the differential inequalities given in (i) with no difficulties.
(ii) For convenience, we separate the contribution of $q$ and $\tilde{q}$ in the quadratic term $b(y,s)$ defined in (\ref{defN}) by writing $b(y,s)=B(y,s)-N(y,s)$ with
B(y,s)=q^2\mbox{, and }N(y,s)=\tilde{q}^2.\label{defNN}
Let us first recall equations of $(q,\tilde{q})$ in their Duhamel formulation,
q(s)&=&K(s,\tau)q(\tau)+\int_{\tau}^{s}d\sigma K(s,\sigma)B(q(\sigma))+\int_{\tau}^{s}d\sigma K(s,\sigma)R(\sigma)-\int_{\tau}^{s}d\sigma K(s,\sigma)N(\sigma),\\
\tilde{q}(s)&=&K(s,\tau)\tilde{q}(\tau)+\int_{\tau}^{s}d\sigma K(s,\sigma)\tilde{b}(\sigma),
where $K$ is the fundamental solution of the operator $\Lg+V$.
We write $q=\alpha+\beta+\gamma+\delta$ and $\tilde{q}=\tilde{\alpha}+\tilde{\beta}$, where
\alpha(s)=K(s,\tau)q(\tau),\;\;\beta(s)=\int_{\tau}^{s}d\sigma K(s,\sigma)B(q(\sigma)),\\
\gamma(s)=\int_{\tau}^{s}d\sigma K(s,\sigma)R(\sigma),\;\;\delta(s)=-\int_{\tau}^{s}d\sigma K(s,\sigma)N(\sigma) \label{defdelta}.
\tilde{\alpha}(s)=K(s,\tau)\tilde{q}(\tau),\;\;\tilde{\beta}(s)=\int_{\tau}^{s}d\sigma K(s,\sigma)\tilde{b}(\sigma).\label{defbeta}\\
We assume that $(q(s),\tilde{q}(s))\in V_A(s)\times\tilde{V}_A(s)$ for each $s\in [\tau,\tau+\theta]$. Clearly, proceeding as the derivation of Lemma 3.13 page 167 in \cite{MZDuke97}, (ii) of Proposition \ref{prop36} follows from the following:
\begin{lemma}[Projection of the Duhamel formulation] \label{lemduh}There exists $A_8\geq 1$ such that for all $A\geq A_8$, $\tilde{A}\geq A_8$ and $\theta>0$ there exists $s_{0,8}(A,\tilde{A},\theta)\geq s_{0,7}(A)$, such that for all $s_0\geq s_{0,8}(A,\tilde{A},\theta)$, if we assume that for some $\tau\geq s_0$ and for all $s\in[\tau,\tau+\theta]$, $q(s)\in V_A(s)$ and $\tilde{q}(s)\in\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$, then\\
(i) (Linear terms)
|\alpha_2(s)|&\leq& \frac{\tau^2}{s^2}|q_2(\tau)|+\frac{C A (s-\tau)}{s^3},\\
\left\| \frac{\alpha_-(s)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^{\infty}}&\leq &C e^{-\frac{(s-\tau)}{2}} \left\| \frac{q_-(\tau)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^{\infty}}
\|\alpha_e(s)\|_{L^\infty}&\leq &Ce^{-\frac{(s-\tau)}{2}}\|q_e(\tau)\|_{L^\infty}+Ce^{s-\tau} s^{3/2} \left\| \frac{q_-(\tau)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^\infty}+\frac{C}{\sqrt{s}},
|\tilde{\alpha}_2(s)|&\leq &\frac{\tau^2}{s^2}|\tilde{q}_2(\tau)|+\frac{C A (s-\tau)}{s^{\alpha+1}},\\
\left\| \frac{\tilde{\alpha}_-(s)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^{\infty}}&\leq& C e^{-\frac{(s-\tau)}{2}} \left\| \frac{\tilde{q}_-(\tau)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^{\infty}}
\|\tilde{\alpha}_e(s)\|_{L^\infty}&\leq & Ce^{-\frac{(s-\tau)}{2}}\|\tilde{q}_e(\tau)\|_{L^\infty}+Ce^{s-\tau} s^{3/2} \left\| \frac{\tilde{q}_-(\tau)}{1+|y|^3}\right\|_{L^\infty}+\frac{C}{s^{\alpha-3/2}}
(ii) (Nonlinear terms)
|\beta_2(s)|&\leq \frac{(s-\tau)}{s^3},&|\beta_-(y,s)|&\leq \frac{(s-\tau)}{s^2}(1+|y|^3),&\|\beta_e(s)\|_{L^\infty}&\leq \frac{(s-\tau)}{\sqrt s},\\
|\delta_2(s)|&\leq C\frac{(s-\tau)}{s^3}, &|\delta_-(y,s)|&\leq C\frac{(s-\tau)}{s^2}(1+|y|^3),&\|\delta_e(s)\|_{L^\infty}&\leq C\frac{(s-\tau)}{\sqrt s},\\
|\tilde{\beta}_2(s)|&\leq \frac{(s-\tau)}{s^{\alpha+1}},&|\tilde{\beta}_-(y,s)|&\leq \frac{(s-\tau)}{s^\alpha}(1+|y|^3),&\|\tilde{\beta}_e(s)\|_{L^\infty}&\leq \frac{(s-\tau)}{s^{\alpha-3/2}}.
(iii) (Source term)
\[|\gamma_2(s)|\leq C(s-\tau)s^{-3},\;|\gamma_-(y,s)|\leq C(s-\tau)(1+|y|^3)s^{-2},\;\|\gamma_e(s)\|_{L^\infty}\leq (s-\tau)s^{-1/2}.\]
\textit{Proof:} We consider, $A\geq 1$, $\tilde{A}\geq 1$, $\theta>0$,
and $s_0\ge \theta$.
The terms $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ are already present in the case of the real-valued semilinear heat equation, so we refer to Lemma 3.13 page 167 in \cite{MZDuke97} for the estimates involving them. As for $\tilde{\alpha}$, since the definition of $\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$ is different from the definition of $V_A(s)$, the reader will have absolutely no difficulty to adapt Lemma 3.13 of \cite{MZDuke97} to the new situation. Thus, we only focus on the new terms $\delta(y,s)$ and $\tilde{\beta}(y,s)$. Note that since $s_0\geq \theta$, if we take $\tau\geq s_0$, then $\tau+\theta\leq 2 \tau$ and if $\tau \leq \sigma\leq s\leq \tau +\theta$, then
\[\frac{1}{2\tau}\leq \frac{1}{s}\leq \frac{1}{\sigma}\leq \frac{1}{\tau}.\]
Let us first derive the following bounds when $(q(s),\tilde{q}(s))\in V_A(s)\times\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$:
\begin{prop} [Bounds for $(q(s),\tilde{q}(s))\in V_A(s)\times\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$]
For all $s\geq e$, we consider $r\in V_A(s)$ and $\tilde{r}\in \tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$, where the shrinking sets $V_A(s)$ and $ \tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$ are given in Definition \ref{defVA}. Then, we have:
(i)\; for \;all\; y \in \R,\;\; |r(y,s)|\leq C A^2 \frac{\log s}{s^2}(1+|y|^3),\\
(ii)\; \|r(s)\|_{L^\infty}\leq C\frac{A^2}{\sqrt{s}},\\
(iii)\; for\; all\; y \in \R,\;\; |\tilde{r}(y,s)|\leq C \frac{\tilde{A}^2}{s^{2-\eta}}(1+|y|^3),\;\;|\tilde{r}_b(y,s)|\leq \frac{C\tilde{A}}{s^{\alpha-3/2}},\\
(iv)\; \|\tilde{r}(s)\|_{L^\infty}\leq C\frac{\tilde{A}^2}{s^{\alpha-3/2}}.
\textit{Proof}: The proof is omitted since it is the same as the corresponding part in \cite{MZDuke97}. See Proposition 3.7 page 157 in \cite{MZDuke97} for details. $\blacksquare$
Then, we recall from Bricmont and Kupiainen \cite{BKN94} the following estimates on $K(s,\sigma)$, the semigroup generated by $\Lg+V$:
\begin{lemma}\label{lemK}(Properties of $K(s,\sigma)$):\\
(i) For all $s\geq \sigma>1$ and $y$, $x\in\R$, we have
\[|K(s,\sigma,y,x)|\leq C e^{(s-\sigma)\Lg}(y,x),\]
where $e^{\psi \Lg}$ is given by
\[e^{\psi \Lg}(y,x)=\frac{e^\psi}{\sqrt{4\pi(1-e^{-\psi})}} {\rm exp}\left[-\frac{(ye^{-\psi/2}-x)^2}{4(1-e^{-\psi})}\right].\]
(ii)We have for all $s\geq \tau\geq 1$, with $s\leq 2\tau $,
\displaystyle\left| \int K(s,\tau,y,x)(1+|x|^m)dx \right |\leq C\int e^{(s-\tau)\Lg}(y,x) (1+|x|^m)dx \leq e^{s-\tau} (1+|y|^m).
{\it Proof}:\\
(i) See page 181 in \cite{MZDuke97}\\
(ii) See Corollary 3.14 page 168 in \cite{MZDuke97}. $\blacksquare$
\noindent{\it Estimates on $\delta$ defined in (\ref{defdelta})}:\\
Consider $s\in[\tau,\tau+\theta]$. Since $\tilde{q}(s)\in\tilde{V}_{A}(s)$ by assumption, using (iii) and (iv) of Lemma \ref{VA}, we see that
\forall y\in\R,\;|\tilde{q}(y,s)|\leq \min\left( \frac{C\tilde{A}^2}{s^{2-\eta}}(1+|y|^3),\frac{C\tilde{A}^2}{s^{\alpha-3/2}}\right),
hence by definition (\ref{defNN}) of $N$, we obtain
\forall y \in\R,\; |N(y,s)|\leq C \tilde{A}^4\min\left( \frac{(1+|y|^3)}{s^{\alpha+\frac 1 2-\eta}}, \frac{1}{s^{2\alpha-3}},\frac{1+|y|^6}{s^{4-2\eta}}\right).
Using Lemma \ref{lemK} and the definition (\ref{defdelta}) of $\delta$, we write
|\delta(y,s)| &\leq&\displaystyle\int_{\tau}^{s} d\sigma\int_{\R}\left|K(s,\sigma,y,x)N(x,\sigma) \right|dx\\
&\leq&\displaystyle \int_{\tau}^{s} d\sigma\int_{\R} e^{(s-\sigma)\Lg}(y,x)\frac{C\tilde{A}^4(1+|x|^3)}{s^{\alpha+1/2-\eta}} dx\\
&\leq &\displaystyle\frac{C\tilde{A}^4 (s-\tau)}{s^{\alpha+1/2-\eta}} e^{s-\tau}(1+|y|^3)\leq \frac{(s-\tau)}{s^2}(1+|y|^3),\\
for $s_0$ large enough, since $\eta<1/2$.\\
Using the following bounds in (\ref{bN}) and proceeding similarly, we see that
\[\forall y\in\R,\;|\delta(y,s)|\leq (s-\tau)\min\left(\frac{1+|y|^3}{s^2},\frac{1}{\sqrt{s}},\frac{1+|y|^6}{s^3}\right),\]
since $\alpha> 2$, $\eta<1/2$, and provided that $s_0$ is large enough.\\
By definition of $q_m$, $q_-$ and $q_e$ for $m\leq 2$, we write
|\delta_m(s)|&\leq&\left|\int_{\R}\chi(y,s)\delta(y,s)k_m(y)\rho(y)dy \right|\leq C\int_{\R}|\delta(y,s)|(1+|y|^2)\rho(y)dy\leq\frac{ C(s-\tau)}{s^{3}},\\
|\delta_-(y,s)|&=&\left|\chi(y,s) \delta(y,s)-\sum_{i=0}^{2}\delta_i(s)k_i(y)\right|\leq(s-\tau)(1+|y|^3)\frac{C}{s^{2}}.\\
|\delta_e(y,s)|&=&\left|(1-\chi(y,s))\delta (y,s)\right\|\leq(s-\tau)\frac{C}{\sqrt{s}}.
\noindent{\it Estimates on $\tilde{\beta}$ defined in (\ref{defbeta}):}\\
Consider $s\in[\tau,\tau+\theta]$. Since $q(s)\in V_A(s)$ by assumption, using (i) and (ii) of Lemma \ref{VA}, we see that
\[\forall y\in\R,\; |q(y,s)|\leq CA^2 \min\left( \frac{\log s}{s^2}(1+|y|^3),\frac{1}{\sqrt{s}}\right).\]
Using (\ref{bqt}) and the definition (\ref{defN}) of $\tilde{b}$, we see that
\[\forall y\in\R,\; |\tilde{b}(y,s)|\leq CA^2\tilde{A}^2 \min\left( \frac{\log s}{s^{\alpha+1/2}}(1+|y|^3),\frac{1}{s^{\alpha-1}}, \frac{1+|y|^6}{s^{4-\eta}}\right).\]
Using the definition (\ref{defbeta}) of $\tilde{\beta}$ and arguing as for estimate (\ref{esdelta}), we see that
\[\forall y\in\R,\; |\tilde{\beta}(y,s)|\leq (s-\tau)\min\left( \frac{1+|y|^3}{s^\alpha},\frac{1}{s^{\alpha-3/2}},\frac{1+|y|^6}{s^{\alpha+1}}\right),\]
provided that $s_0$ is large enough, since $\eta<\frac 1 2$ and $\alpha<2+\eta<3-\eta$. Arguing as for (\ref{details}), we get the desired estimates. This concludes the proof of Lemma \ref{lemduh}. $\blacksquare$
Since item (ii) of Proposition \ref{prop36} follows from Lemma \ref{lemduh}, exactly as for Lemma 3.13 page 167 in \cite{MZDuke97}, this also ends the proof of Proposition \ref{prop36} . $\blacksquare$
Since Lemmas \ref{transversality} and \ref{transcross} follow from Proposition \ref{prop36} exactly as in \cite{MZDuke97} (see pages 163 to 166 and 158 to 159 in that paper), this is also the conclusion of the proof of Lemmas \ref{transversality} and \ref{transcross}.
Recalling that we have already justified that Lemmas \ref{initialisationN} and \ref{lem3} hold (see Lemma \ref{prop37} above), and given that Proposition \ref{Newprop} is the consequence of Lemmas \ref{initialisationN}, \ref{transversality}, \ref{transcross} and \ref{lem3}, this is also the conclusion of Proposition \ref{Newprop}. $\blacksquare$
\section{Asymptotic behavior of $u(t)$}
We prove Theorem \ref{theorem1} in this section. We will first derive (ii) and (iii) from Section 3, then we will prove (i) and (iv). \\
Consider $0<|\tilde{B}|\leq 1$. Using Proposition \ref{Newprop}, Lemma \ref{prop37} and Proposition \ref{prop36}, we see that if $A=\tilde{A}=\max(1,{A_1}} %\def\Ad{{A_4},A_7)$, $0<\eta< \frac 1{10}$, $2<\alpha<2+\eta$ and
$T\leq T_9(\tilde B)$ for some $T_9(\tilde B)\le \min(T_1, T_6, T_7)$ where $T_i = -\log s_{0,i}$,
then there exists a parameter $(d_0,d_1,\tilde{d}_0,\tilde{d}_1)$ such that if $(q(s_0),\tilde{q}(s_0))$ is given by \eqref{initialq}, where $s_0=-\log T$, then
\forall s\geq -\log T,\; q(s)\in V_A(s),\; \tilde{q}(s)\in \tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s),&\; \left| \tilde{q}_{2}^{'}(s)+\frac 2 s \tilde{q}_2(s) \right|\leq C\frac{\tilde A}{s^{\alpha+1}}
\mbox{with }\mu_0=\frac{\alpha-2}{4}|\tilde{B} |s_{0}^{\alpha-2},&
\[\left|\tilde{q}_2(s_0)-\frac{\tilde{B}}{s_{0}^{2}} \right|
\leq C\tilde A e^{-\gamma s_0}
\leq \frac{|\tilde{B}|}{4 s_{0}^{2}}.\]
As announced earlier, we use this property to derive (ii) and (iii) of Theorem \ref{theorem1}, then we will prove (i) and (iv).
\noindent (ii) This directly follows from \eqref{but}, \eqref{petit}
and the selfsimilar transformation \eqref{chauto}.\\
(iii) From \eqref{but}, we see that
\forall s\geq -\log T,\;|\left(s^2\tilde{q}_2\right)^{'}|\leq \frac{\mu_0}{s^{\alpha-1}},
which means that $s^2\tilde{q}_2(s)$ has some limit $l$ as $s\to\infty$.\\
Integrating this inequality between $s$ and $+\infty$, we obtain
|s^2\tilde{q}_2(s)-l|\leq \frac{\mu_0}{(2-\alpha)s^{\alpha-2}}.
Putting $s=s_0$ in this identity, then using \eqref{but}, we see that
\[|s_{0}^{2}\tilde{q}_2(s_0)-l|\leq \frac{|\tilde{B}|}{4}\mbox{ and }|s_{0}^{2}\tilde{q}_2(s_0)-\tilde{B}|\leq \frac{|\tilde{B}|}{4},\]
Thus, it follows that
\[|l-\tilde{B}|\leq \frac{|\tilde{B}|}{2}\mbox{, hence }|l|\geq \frac{|\tilde{B}|}{2}>0\mbox{ and }l\not\equiv 0.\]
We then write from the decomposition \eqref{decompq} that for all $s\geq -\log T$, $R>0$ and $|y|\leq R$, $\tilde{q}_e(y,s)=0$, hence,
\[ \tilde{q}(y,s)-\frac{l}{s^2}h_2(y)=\sum_{i=0}^{1}\tilde{q}_i(s)h_i(y)+(\tilde{q}_2(s)-\frac{l}{s^2})h_2(y)+\tilde{q}_-(y,s).\]
Using the fact that for all $s\geq -\log T$, $\tilde{q}(s)\in\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$ (see \eqref{but} above), Definition \ref{defVA} for $\tilde{V}_{\tilde{A}}(s)$, together with \eqref{limite}, we see that for all $s\geq -\log T,\;R>0\mbox{ and }|y|\leq R$
\left|\tilde{q}(y,s)-\frac{l}{s^2} h_2(y)\right|\le \frac{C(\tilde A, R)}{s^\alpha}.
Using the definition \eqref{initialqqtilde} of $\tilde{q}$ and \eqref{chauto} of $\tilde{w}$, we get the desired conclusion.
(i) If $x_0=0$, then we see from (\ref{profilev}) and (\ref{profilevt}) that $|v(0,t)| \sim (T-t)^{-1}$ as $t\to T$. Hence $u$ blows up at time $T$ at $x_0=0$. It remains to prove that any $a\neq 0$ is not a blow-up point. The following result from Giga and Kohn \cite{GKCPAM89} allows us to conclude:
\begin{prop}(Giga and Kohn - No blow-up under the ODE threshold) For all $C_0>0$, there is $\eta_0>0$ such that if $v(\xi,\tau)$ solves
\[\left | v_t -\Delta v\right |\leq C_0 (1+|v|^p)\]
and satisfies
\[|v(\xi,\tau)|\leq \eta_0(T-t)^{-1}\]
for all $(\xi,\tau)\in B(a,r)\times[T-r^2,T)$ for some $a\in \R$ and $r>0$, then $v$ does not blow up at (a,T).
\textit{Proof: } See Theorem 2.1 page 850 in \cite{GKCPAM89}. Note that the proof of Giga and Kohn is valid also when $u$ is complex valued. $\blacksquare$\\
Indeed, since we see from (\ref{profilev}) that
\[\sup_{|x-x_0|\leq |x_0|/2}(T-t)^{-1}|u(x,t)|\leq \left | \varphi\left(\frac{|x_0|/2}{\sqrt{(T-t)|\log(T-t)|}}\right)\right |+\frac{C}{\sqrt{|\log(T-t)|}}\to 0\]
as $t\to T$, $x_0$ is not a blow-up point of $u$ from Proposition \ref{propositionGK}. This concludes the proof of (i) of Theorem \ref{theorem1}.\\
(iv) Arguing as Merle did in \cite{FMCPAM92}, we derive the existence of a blow-up profile $u^*\in C^2(\R^*)$ such that $u(x,t)\to u^*(x)$ as $t\to T$, uniformly on compact sets of $\R^*$. The profile $u^*(x)$ is not defined at the origin. In the following, we would like to find its equivalent as $x\to 0$ and show that it is in 444 singular at the origin. We argue as in Masmoudi and Zaag \cite{MZ07}. Consider $K_0>0$ to be fixed large enough later. If $x_0\neq 0$ is small enough, we introduce for all $(\xi,\tau)\in \R\times [-\frac{t_0(x_0)}{T-t_0(x_0)},1)$,
V(x_0,\xi,\tau)&=(T-t_0(x_0)) v(x,t),\\
\tilde{V}(x_0,\xi,\tau)&=(T-t_0(x_0))\tilde{ v}(x,t),\\
\mbox{where, }x&=x_0+\xi\sqrt{T-t_0(x_0)},\; t=t_0(x_0)+\tau(T-t_0(x_0)),
and $t_0(x_0)$ is uniquely determined by
From the invariance of problem (\ref{uv}) under dilation, $(V(x_0,\xi,\tau),\tilde{V}(x_0,\xi,\tau))$ is also a solution of (\ref{uv}) on its domain. From (\ref{defV}), (\ref{xt0}), (\ref{profilevt}) and (\ref{profilev}), we have
\[\sup_{|\xi|<2|\log(T-t_0(x_0))|^{1/4}}\left |V(x_0,\xi,0)-f(K_0) \right|\leq \frac{C}{|\log(T-t_0(x_0))|^{1/4}}\to 0\mbox{ as }x_0\to 0\]
\[\sup_{|\xi|<2|\log(T-t_0(x_0))|^{1/4}}\left |\tilde{V}(x_0,\xi,0)\right|\leq \frac{C}{|\log(T-t_0(x_0))|^{1/4}}\to 0\mbox{ as }x_0\to 0.\]
Using the continuity with respect to initial data for problem (\ref{uv}) associated to a space-localization in the ball $B(0,|\xi|<|\log(T-t_0(x_0))|^{1/4})$, we show as in Section 4 of \cite{ZAIHPANL98} that
\sup_{|\xi|\leq |\log(T-t_0(x_0))|^{1/4},\;0\leq\tau<1}|V(x_0,\xi,\tau)-U_{K_0}(\tau)|\leq \epsilon(x_0)\mbox{ as }x_0\to 0 \\
\sup_{|\xi|\leq |\log(T-t_0(x_0))|^{1/4},\;0\leq\tau<1}|\tilde{V}(x_0,\xi,\tau)|\leq \epsilon(x_0)\mbox{ as }x_0\to 0,
where $U_{K_0}(\tau)=((1-\tau)+\frac{K_{0}^{2}}{8})^{-1}$ is the solution of the PDE (\ref{uv}) with constant initial data $\varphi(K_0)$. Making $\tau \to 1$ and using (\ref{defV}), we see that
v^*(x_0)=\lim_{t\to T} v(x,t)&=&(T-t_0(x_0))^{-1}\lim_{\tau \to 1} V(x_0,0,\tau)\\
as $x_0\to 0$. We note also that
\[|\tilde{v}^*(x_0)|\leq \epsilon(x_0) (T-t_0(x_0))^{-1}.\]
Since we have from (\ref{xt0})
\[\log(T-t_0(x_0)) \sim 2 \log |x_0|\mbox{ and } T-t_0(x_0)\sim \frac{|x_0|^2}{2K_{0}^{2}|\log|x_0||},\]
as $x_0\to 0$, this yields (iv) of Theorem \ref{theorem1} and concludes the proof of Theorem \ref{theorem1}. $\blacksquare$
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Home Coronavirus NYC Mayor De Blasio Announces Outdoor Dining Guidance For Restaurants In Anticipation of Phase 2 Reopening
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NYC Mayor De Blasio Announces Outdoor Dining Guidance For Restaurants In Anticipation of Phase 2 Reopening
Open Restaurants: As New York City Prepares For Phase 2 Of Reopening, Mayor De Blasio Announces Outdoor Dining Guidance For Restaurants
Qualifying restaurants can use sidewalk, roadways and other outdoor space to allow for social distance among customers; Mayoral Executive Order creates a new and streamlined application process to allow restaurants to expand capacity outdoors
Mayor Bill de Blasio announces guidance for the City's Open Restaurants program, which allows qualifying restaurants and bars to expand outdoor seating on sidewalks, curb lanes, backyards, patios, plazas, and Open Streets as New York City begins Phase 2 of reopening. Joining the Mayor are DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg, SBS Commissioner Jonnel Doris, and Executive Director Andrew Rigie, New York City Hospitality Alliance: City Hall. Thursday, June 18, 2020. Credit: Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office.
NEW YORK—Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced guidance for the City's Open Restaurants program, which allows qualifying restaurants and bars to expand outdoor seating on sidewalks, curb lanes, backyards, patios, plazas, and Open Streets as New York City begins Phase 2 of reopening. The City has established an expedited approval processes by allowing restaurants and bars to self-certify their eligibility for curb lane and sidewalk seating using a new, streamlined application process at NYC.Gov, which will be available starting Friday, June 19th. The mayor codified the guidance by signing Executive Order 126.
"Restaurants are the backbone of New York City's neighborhood culture, and they've done their part in slowing the spread of COVID-19. It's our City's turn to help them reopen safely and responsibly," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "These commonsense guidelines will help local businesses get back on their feet – and let New Yorkers safely enjoy the meal they've earned."
"New York has faced extraordinary times in 2020, and Open Restaurants is an extraordinary next step for us." said Department of Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg. "This summer, as we enter this next phase, we want New Yorkers to go out and enjoy their beloved restaurants — but we want them to do so safely and responsibly. We will monitor this program closely to make sure we do not see any unintended consequences. As with our Open Streets program, we are hopeful that regular New Yorkers will also help make this new program work."
"NYC is home to over 27,000 restaurants that are in need of support as we all work together to reopen. The Open Restaurant Program is an innovative response to the most pressing issues this community faces and provides opportunities for restaurant owners to generate much-needed revenue," said NYC Department of Small Business Services Commissioner Jonnel Doris. "NYC means business and this program ensures that the vibrant restaurant community is well supported and equipped to come back even stronger than before."
"New Yorkers and diners – we are all in this together and we need to do our best to keep each other healthy," said Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot. "Please remember the core four to preventing COVID-19 whether you're staff or a patron — maintain distance, practice good hand hygiene, wear face coverings while not eating or drinking and stay home if sick."
Open Restaurants gives dining establishments five new options. Beginning in Phase 2, restaurants can implement seating in curb lanes and sidewalks. Phase 2 allows reopening and use of as of right outdoor space in backyard and patios. Restaurants can also work with their local Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) to establish seating in plazas. Beginning in July, restaurants can offer seating on Open Streets on nights and weekends.
Sidewalk seating will be in effect until the end of October. Curb lane seating will last through Labor Day. DOT will work with community groups and partner agencies to identify additional seating within full streets closures in July. Restaurants can work with their local BID and DOT to request additional seating in plazas by emailing [email protected].
The Department of Small Business Services (SBS) will work to ensure that the most up-to-date guidance and materials needed by small business owners for a safe phased-in reopening are readily available. The information will be housed on a centralized resource page with guidance and best practices for the restaurant industry across all five boroughs. SBS will also launch a reopening supplies marketplace for easy access to wholesalers selling PPE, gloves, sneeze guards and other equipment. Business owners can call a hotline at 1-888-SBS-4NYC to ask questions about this process.
Rules for compliance include:
Outdoor seating on sidewalks may not exceed the business' frontage width.
Seating cannot extend past the eight feet depth of the curb lane, and it cannot block:
No Standing/No Stopping Anytime zones
FDNY access (e.g. within 15 feet of a fire hydrant)
There must be an eight-foot clear path free of obstructions between the seating and the curb.
Social distancing, hygiene and other health guidance must be followed.
Restaurants must provide their own tables, chairs and traffic barriers.
Restaurants must adhere to all local, state and federal requirements relating to accessibility for people with disabilities, including path of travel, minimum table heights, and clearance requirements.
Customers are not permitted to gather outside of establishments. Businesses that repeatedly fail to comply will have their Open Restaurant authorization revoked by DOT, and will be referred to the SLA.
Executive Order 126 directs the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) to establish and administer the program. The Order temporarily suspends select provisions of the City's Administrative Code, Rules of the City of New York and the New York City Zoning Resolution, including: the prohibition of the consumption of alcohol on streets, specific sidewalk café regulations, and relevant building code provisions. All suspensions are only applicable to the program.
"Restaurants throughout our borough have taken a huge hit from COVID-19, which has been compounded by the difficulty of accessing financial lifelines like the Paycheck Protection Program. I am glad the Mayor is now heeding our call to allow restaurants to place seating outdoors in adjoining sidewalks and curbside parking areas. Giving restaurants a wide array of options for outdoor seating is a necessity to ensure these businesses stay afloat while we manage a safe re-opening process. But given the exigency of this situation and the continuing uncertainty around the duration of this pandemic, I believe we must go even further, extending the curbside pilot until October and loaning out DOT and NYPD barriers, rather than having businesses that are already in dire financial straits cover the costs of those barriers. This is a very positive step, and I look forward to working with business owners, advocacy organizations, and City Hall to build on this progress," said Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams.
"This is what I, and so many restaurateurs, have been pushing for, and I'm glad it's finally happening," said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. "As with everything in this crisis, the devil is in the details and I look forward to working with business owners and the administration in implementing the guidelines."
"As New York City prepares to enter Phase 2 of opening, with qualifying restaurants and bars to expand outdoor seating on sidewalks, backyards, and other open-space areas, we need to make sure that we do it safely," said State Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. "Our local small businesses and restaurants are the core of our communities, and we need to properly resume employment for local workers."
"Let's welcome reopening restaurants by patronizing them. But let's also be sure to observe strict social distancing at all times. We all want to enjoy meals out, but must be vigilant to maintain our health and safety as a top priority. Please follow the city's rules whenever you leave your home," said Assistant Speaker Assembly Member Felix W. Ortiz.
"Our restaurants are a critical source of jobs and revenue and an important component of our neighborhoods' social and cultural fabric," said Assembly Member Steven Cymbrowitz. "Helping this industry to reopen safely and responsibly is an important step both for our economic recovery and as a path to resuming the daily rhythm of our communities."
"Restaurants are a vital part of our economy, both in my home district in Jackson Heights and Corona and citywide. I am hopeful that these new guidelines being issued by the Mayor's Office will allow more restaurants to take advantage of sidewalks, open spaces, and other outdoor areas to open and rehire more staff. Most importantly, we must conduct these re-openings responsibly and safely so that we may avoid a second COVID-19 spike," said Assembly Member Michael DenDekker.
"Whether you eat out or order in, restaurants are the backbone of our neighborhood economies. New Yorkers should continue to be safe, take proper precautions, and support local businesses. And if you do go out, be sure to tip your servers!", said Assembly Member Mathylde Frontus.
"Opening our sidewalks and streets to outdoor dining is a critical milestone in the ongoing war on COVID-19. I am thrilled that our restaurants and diners will be bringing staff back to work to begin the process of rebuilding businesses. Most importantly, we can all celebrate — safely– these first steps toward normalcy and enjoy the glorious outdoors with a drink or meal," said Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright.
"Local businesses represent the diversity and creativity of our neighborhoods. They are part of our community, contribute to its spirit and have in these recent times, demonstrated their dedication by providing food and services to those that would have otherwise gone without. The Open Restaurant Program is how we give back in supporting and easing the burden of reopening, so that our local businesses and friends may continue to serve our city," said Assembly Member David I. Weprin.
"Our bars and restaurants have been hurting from the devastating impact of COVID-19. These businesses are the lifeblood of our neighborhoods. As the city reopens, it is essential that we provide safe guidelines and a framework for these establishments to serve New Yorkers and work toward recovery," said Council Member Keith Powers.
"This will give city restaurants a fighting chance to survive under the new reality of this global pandemic while giving New Yorkers a safe and responsible option to dine, reconnect with others and support the neighborhood eateries that they love," said Council Member Mark Gjonaj, Chair of the Committee on Small Business.
"As thousands of our New York City restaurants prepare to reopen their doors and serve their communities after several difficult months due to COVID-19, the City must do its part to ensure that owners and staff are given every opportunity to rebuild and recover safely," said Council Member Paul Vallone, Chair of the Committee on Economic Development. "The Open Restaurants initiative will give restaurant owners the power to expand and offer food service in the open air, keeping diners safe and offering New Yorkers a way to enjoy a meal while supporting their local small business, whose success will be a critical part of a strong economic recovery."
"The devastation to New York City's restaurant industry from the pandemic has been shocking," said Council Member Adrienne Adams. "Reopening restaurants and bars is not as simple as unlocking the door and I applaud the Open Restaurant Program which will help restaurants to start that process while adhering to safety guidelines. This is a great way for our businesses that are struggling financially to keep the lights on and provide employment opportunities for struggling New Yorkers."
"I am thrilled that the Mayor has heeded the call from restaurant owners across the city to provide safe options for outdoor dining. The COVID-19 crisis left our city's restaurants withering on the vine — relief is desperately needed to make sure they can survive the coming months. Open Restaurants will allow for restaurants to open weeks ahead of schedule, providing much-needed revenue for restaurants, and giving New Yorkers the opportunity to get back to supporting the local businesses they love in a safe and sanitary manner," said Council Member Justin Brannan.
"Open Restaurants takes advantage of our outdoor spaces to give restaurants an opportunity to reopen safely. A focus on a straightforward, streamlined application system will permit restaurants to reopen without the red tape. Bed-Stuy and Crown Heights restaurants, and restaurants throughout the city, will benefit greatly from this much-needed executive order," said Council Member Robert E. Cornegy, Jr.
"By minimizing red tape, this program will help NYC restaurants operate safely and efficiently during phase 2 of reopening," said Council Member Daniel Dromm. "NYC's dining scene was hit especially hard by COVID-19. We need Open Restaurants to help revitalize these small businesses that make our city such a unique and vibrant place in which to live. I look forward to working alongside the administration to ensure the safe and expeditious implementation of this important program."
"Cautious step by cautious step, New York City restaurants will come back and thrive again," said Council Member Ben Kallos. "The City allowing for restaurant seating on sidewalks, patios, plazas, and open streets is a smart move that will help our small businesses recover faster and push our local economy in the right direction. While ultimately the responsibility is on individuals to socially distance, get tested, wear masks, and wash our hands often, this plan will give mom and pop shops a fighting chance to come back. Thank you to Mayor de Blasio and Department of Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg for listening to suggestions and making this plan a reality in the coming days."
"Outdoor dining will be a lifeline for local restaurants, which have been devastated by months of shutdown and uncertainty. As we begin down the path towards recovery, the Open Restaurants program will also help breathe life back into our neighborhoods. We will all have to continue doing our part to wear masks and keep a healthy distance, but having a meal outside will be a safe pick-me-up, for families and for our local economy," said Council Member Brad Lander.
"New York City is nothing without its robust restaurant scene. From fine dining establishments to neighborhood mainstays to spots that expose us to new cultural experiences, almost all owners agree: without safe seating options, they cannot begin to recuperate from the devastation COVID-19 has wrought on their businesses," said Council Member Carlina Rivera. "I look forward to City Hall implementing an outdoor dining program that reactivates our storefronts safely while adhering to smart access and zoning parameters that will benefit and respect these establishments and the communities around them."
"This pandemic has been extremely hard on many of the small businesses that serve Black, Latino, and Asian communities. Many restaurants in Northern Manhattan and in underserved communities were not afforded the same kind of support and financial assistance other restaurants in wealthier neighborhoods received," said Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez. "I am happy to hear that restaurants will be able to slowly start opening their doors and their outside area for New Yorkers to enjoy. As the City begins Phase 2 we need to make sure that we are taking all proper precautions to keep all New Yorkers safe. I am hoping to work with this administration to continue giving priority to the hardest hit zip codes, which saw the highest number of deaths and economic devastation."
"Using public open space to help our struggling restaurants is a huge win. I'm proud the Council has been pushing for these efforts to save our small businesses. We need to reimagine how our public space is used going forward, including how curbside parking, our public space, is used. I'm incredibly pleased to see a simple straightforward application for our restaurants to succeed going forward," said Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer.
"New York City's hospitality industry needed some good news, and the outdoor dining plan unveiled today will help thousands of restaurants and bars begin to reassemble their businesses and recuperate from the financial devastation this pandemic has caused. We applaud Mayor de Blasio, Speaker Johnson, Councilmembers and other supporters who led this initiative, and we look forward to the culinary capital of the world welcoming workers and customers back safely and generating revenues again so our city can recover," said Andrew Rigie, Executive Director and Robert Bookman, General & Legislative Counsel, NYC Hospitality Alliance.
"Following a months-long shutdown, New Yorkers are keen to get back outside and find a new routine in the era of COVID," said Liam Blank, Policy & Communications Manager for Tri-State Transportation Campaign. "The Mayor's outdoor dining plan is a lifeline for many businesses and a safer way for New Yorkers to spend time and money in their community. In the long term, this is an opportunity to rethink and expand healthy public spaces."
"We commend the Mayor for authorizing DOT to implement the Open Restaurants initiative. Reallocating public space for outdoor dining shows respect for working class New Yorkers, who are the backbone of a resilient economy. Restaurant staffers suffered life and livelihood as victims of COVID 19 and street, plaza, curbside and sidewalk seating will provide essential options to residents in a very fair way. The existing Open Streets program has been a success during an immensely stressful time for families. Extending this to business districts is an obvious next step towards our recovery," said Cristina Furlong, Co-Founder, Make Queens Safer.
"Our streets are a pathway to New York City's recovery from this pandemic, so we're pleased to see that restaurants will be able to reclaim space once occupied by cars," said Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Danny Harris. "We commend the Department of Transportation for moving forward with this program, and we expect it to be implemented quickly and equitably across the five boroughs."
"Today is an exciting day! We want to thank Mayor de Blasio for giving us an opportunity to reimagine outdoor seating in NYC. This will give restaurants a fighting chance at survival after covid-19 shutdowns and continued social distancing requirements. Our members are committed to expanding outdoor seating in a responsible way that creates an enjoyable experience for both customers and the community. We have a lot of work ahead of us and we'll need to ramp up quickly but we welcome the challenge with open arms," said Jeffrey Garcia, President of NYS Latino Restaurant, Bar & Lounge Association.
"The Open Restaurants plan to permit the use of sidewalks and parking spaces for outdoor dining puts NYC on par with cities worldwide who are leveraging public space to aid the survival of businesses," said Regina Myer, president of Downtown Brooklyn Partnership. "This is a timely step forward in providing the infrastructure necessary for the City's economic recovery, and for the preservation of its unique culture. We look forward to working with our restaurants on implementation, on further reorienting streets to prioritize people over cars, and with the City on expanding this program to similarly support our retail businesses."
"Providing more outdoor seating options encourages New Yorkers to get fresh air while maintaining social distancing and supporting local businesses. This type of redistribution of our streetscape will help slash emissions from cars and improve air quality. We thank Mayor de Blasio for signing this executive order and commend DOT Commissioner Trottenberg for her leadership on reimagining our streetscape," said Julie Tighe, President of the New York League of Conservation Voters. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
When you're away, your buddy wants to play! In the busy, bustling world, it's next to impossible to be with your sweet pal at all times. With errands to run and work to do, he will have to be on his own from time to time and it may even be part of his daily routine. Alone time doesn't have to be miserable. Make his "me time" as enjoyable as possible until you can return home.
Stuff a food puzzle toy with various treats for your buddy. There are many various puzzle toys on the market designed especially for furry friends. These toys can keep dogs entertained for quite a while and, in the end, they get a tasty reward for all that hard work. Treats to put inside the toy can include peanut butter, carrot sticks and commercial dog treats. As always, keep water available for your dog.
Warning: Avoid leaving stuffed toys with your dog while you're away, especially if he is known to tear these up. This could pose a choking hazard.
Arrange for a dog walker, pet sitter, friend, or relative to stop by your house daily to check in on your dog if your work schedule requires you to be gone for extended periods of time. Like people, dogs need to go to the bathroom and get enough physical activity during their day. After all, who wants to be cooped up for hours on end? If it's not possible to arrange for this, walk or run with your dog for 20 to 30 minutes before heading to work. The workout will give your dog a much-needed release of energy and help him get a good snooze while you're away.
Set up your dog's water bowl, toys and bed in the room with the best view in the house. If he can see birds or cars going by, all the better! We all love a great view and dogs are no different. Being able to see people, cars and other animals outside will help to stimulate your furry friend's mind and help him to feel less alone while you're away. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
David McDowell
The Gallery & Other Makers
A History of Lacock Pottery
Lacock Pottery Bed & Breakfast
Robert & Sheila Fournier variously worked in thrown and hand-built earthenware, stoneware and porcelain, making tableware and decorative items. They settled in Lacock in 1971, turning the old workhouse building into their home and studios.
It was here, that Robert produced his signature pieces, a range of 'pebble pots' based on natural forms, decorated with areas of raw clay and poured, white glaze and small areas of saturated colour. He was renowned for producing a bright turquoise colour. At Lacock Sheila produced a range of thrown ware, and used brushed wax-resist beneath the glaze to decorate her pieces.
Robert is as well known for his many reference books and his role in establishing the Craftsmen (now Crafts) Potters Association as for his ceramic work. Robert co-wrote British Studio Potters Marks, which shows all the makers marks and stamps used in the UK by studio potters, and is still considered an essential publication by many makers and collectors. Robert collaborated with John Anderson to produce documentary films about makers including Rosemary Wren, David Leach and Isaac Button. Today these films serve as records of working practices in the late 1960s and 70s. His archive of early material relating to the Crafts Potters Association now forms the basis of the Ceramic Archive at Aberystwyth.
Robert & Sheila retired from potting in 1987, and David & Simone McDowell took over Lacock Pottery. Sheila died in 2000, and Robert in 2008. Robert Fournier publications >> | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Report: Giants Could Be Without Another Offensive Lineman this Week
The hits keep coming for the Giants offensive line and Ben Bredeson reportedly has a hand injury that could force him to miss some time.
Giants offensive lineman Ben Bredeson suffered a hand injury against the Flacons Sunday and could end up missing some time because of it, reports ESPN.
Bredeson, acquired in a trade with Baltimore on August 31, has been playing left guard for the Giants ever since the team lost Nick Gates in Week 2 to a broken leg. It's unclear when he was injured in Sunday's loss, but if he does indeed miss any playing time, that means the Giants will be on their fourth starter at left guard in as many games.
New York opened the season with Shane Lemieux as the starter. Lemieux re-aggravated a knee injury for which he recently underwent surgery after 17 plays in Week 1 and was replaced by Bredeson.
The following week, the coaches reshuffled the line, moving Gates from center to left guard. Gates suffered a broken leg in the first half of the game against the Washington Football Team and was lost for the season. Bredeson again came into the game in relief of a fallen starter.
The 23-year-old Bredeson, who played his college ball at Michigan, started last week's game against Atlanta and played all 70 snaps on offense. If he can't play Sunday when the Giants visit the Saints, it's possible that New York, who this week signed guard Wes Martin off Washington's practice squad, could be planning to plug Martin in at left guard.
Evan Engram Breaks Silence on Fans' Frustration with His Game
Week 4 Opponent Breakdown: New Orleans Saints Offense
Odell Beckham Jr. Shares New Workout Video Amid Rehab | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |