Generate a tweet about Caleb Plants.
One thing I will say is that Caleb Plants defense is better than Billy Joe Saunders defense. He’s also more athletic, disciplined, and stronger than Billy. So yeah, be careful when yall make bets lol
Generate a tweet about Handmaids Tale.
Watched three episodes of ghosts in one sitting and then had to stop because of the possibility of a minor argument/stern talking to. Folks. My trauma. I can watch most of Handmaids Tale with no issue, but Ghosts is where my brain says no.
Generate a tweet about viren.
had a dream that after aaravos hatches from the chrysalis he loses all his memories of when he was inside the mirror so now he's just An Elf and viren has to decide whether he wants to corrupt this pure startouch boy by making him remember or attempt to be somewhat good again
Generate a tweet about Ian Kershaw.
Ian Kershaw's 'The Hitler Myth' is a wonderful and insightful work, but right now not the best book to read to keep one feeling bouyant.
Generate a tweet about Pete Walker.
If you don't like Pete Walker, you need to unfollow me right now. #kthxbye
Generate a tweet about Uncle Luke.
i got a fifth in the truck, like Curtis Jackson for ransom . im hoping to get her loose like an Uncle Luke anthem.
Generate a tweet about Mario.
Mario is sussy he looks good for a user icon
Generate a tweet about tini stoessel.
she's = she is he's = he is we're = we are you're = tini stoessel stan
Generate a tweet about Evanescence.
I'm regressing back to when I was 8 and would listen exclusively to Evanescence, Lacuna Coil, and MCR
Generate a tweet about Paris.
Technological limits (lack of elevators) limited Paris buildings to 6 stories. They had no "height restrictions" 200 years ago. Quite the contrary: they MAXIMIZED both the height and density on every block, which was smart. The #Manhattan vs. #Paris "density debate" is so tiring.
Generate a tweet about AlpAy.
I've been entertaining myself with AlpAy's live for the past two nights, now what would I do at this time 🙇🏻‍♀️
Generate a tweet about goodgirls.
#virginriver complete! That cliffhanger though! Now to catch up with #goodgirls before the new season starts!
Generate a tweet about The Wild.
oh wow now a 12 year old ginger boy took pics of me. Lol The Wild’s are thriving here 😂
Generate a tweet about SeanLock.
#SeanLock a pot of jam I could fill with my third wank of the day belly laugh funny. RIP
Generate a tweet about ODDTAXI.
I just want to say again: thank you to everyone who’s supported me the past two months. Beastars & ODDTAXI will be wrapped up next week if I can pull it together. Though I really love the shows, I definitely want to get back to other things. I just really appreciate the patience
Generate a tweet about Siri.
looking at data on the type of requests made of voice-control services (like Siri or Google Home) from the past year and it's fucking heartbreaking: "[Name of service], tell me it's going to be okay" We need to prioritize compassion in AI
Generate a tweet about quintessential quintuplets.
Watched the quintessential quintuplets and googled to see if there would be a season 3 and got spoiled of the TRUE ending and now I'm pissed :(
Generate a tweet about Tim Heidecker.
Thinking about a great bit from AP Bio where Tim Heidecker guests as a total asshole and Patton Oswalt is like “He drinks this beer called Shock Top, I’ve never heard of it. That’s so cool!”
Generate a tweet about abercrombie.
ok my breakdowns over bc I discovered abercrombie’s curve love jeans 💕
Generate a tweet about Cole World.
after 3 months of "The Off-Season" i can say that my opinion has changed about the album. Its not that lit like "Cole World" and not the "AlBuM oF tHe YeAr!!!" wtf ??!
Generate a tweet about Brad Wall.
My other favourite thing about the Brian Jean tweets was he was all “I’m gonna name names” and then he just spent 23 tweets praising Brad Wall, Ralph Klein and Peter Lougheed. Like buddy you could have been clear that you were just naming political people more successful than you
Generate a tweet about Cheryl Cole.
Cheryl Cole would be so disappointed in the lack of fight. Jake, where are your weapons of love?
Generate a tweet about mark ruffalo.
that fucking picture of mark ruffalo that just says "NOT GONNA LIE I DIDNT LIKE THAT BUT THANK YOU FOR SHARING REGARDLESS" makes me laugh every single time i see it
Generate a tweet about adam sandler.
i hate those “how i want to dress” “how i dress” and a adam sandler pic YEAH U WISH HES ENERY IS UNMATCHABLE
Generate a tweet about jaebeom.
goodnight to beomies and jaebeom hope we get teasers audio video or pics for day 6
Generate a tweet about Sissoko.
I hope we are selling Aurier, Sissoko and Ndombele. There is no other reason why those three couldn’t have played tonight.
Generate a tweet about atlus.
at this point atlus should just say "free blocklist in the replies" every time they tweet
Generate a tweet about JayShetty.
Do you love yourself? Self-love isn’t just one aspect of your life. It’s your whole life. But what exactly does self-love look like? Refusing to participate in self-neglect. How you approach yourself is how you will approach everything else. " #JayShetty
Generate a tweet about panera bread.
I've been accused of sexual harassment once. At my job working for panera bread 😂🍞
Generate a tweet about WhatsApp.
You people think I’m denigrating on here. Go and ask WhatsApp people what I put them through. Do you know how how many groups I’ve been kicked out of? They keep saying I could’ve told them they’re stupid in a nicer way.
Generate a tweet about Asriel.
(Solo - Reset) //TW - Death It was just an ordinary day, as usual. It was about 2 months since Asriel and the rest of the Underground had gotten past the Barrier. It was 2 months since Frisk's sacrifice. Truthfully, Asriel was grateful for her sacrifice. They understood {+}
Generate a tweet about Figo.
Pedro moves from Roma to Lazio 🙉 Can you recall a brave transfer? Figo's transfer to Madrid 🐷 Sol's North London move 🥵 Tevez's Manchester switch 😮 It has to be a direct move...🤔 #HTOAsks ⚽️🍊
Generate a tweet about jordan peele.
I’m just hoping it’s not corny af like a lot of these sequels/reboot but I have faith in jordan peele so 🤞🏽
Generate a tweet about Costco.
When i see other people wearing Puma ankle socks, I just assume we all got them from Costco.
Generate a tweet about internet.
There were those who thought the internet was just a better way to send mail.
Generate a tweet about LeMans24.
Kamui Kobayashi has pitted when he's just set the fastest sector time's and didn't finish the lap.. #LeMans24
Generate a tweet about GeneralHospital.
I wish Esme was Emma and they (her/Spencer) reconnected off-screen. #GH #GeneralHospital
Generate a tweet about BIORE.
I ACCIDENTALLY CONFUSED BIORE WATERY ESSENCE W BIORW WATER GEL apparently watery essenve is for the face water gel is sunscreen for thw body which explains why the consistency and white cast is so visible w the water gel well shit
Generate a tweet about SurreyBC.
ALERT: Collision on 68 Ave at 130 St is partially blocking the east and west bound traffic. Emergency crew on site. #SurreyBC ^mc
Generate a tweet about Busquets.
Someone's opinion on players like Busquets can tell you all you need to know about their ball knowledge...
Generate a tweet about Caleb Plant.
Reports: Canelo, Caleb Plant agree to November title fight. The bout is on again, after talks collapsed, last month. #SPEAKFIRST #Boxing
Generate a tweet about humans.
man i don't ever want gemma chan to be typecast bc it does seem like sersi has a similar characteristics to mia on humans but she is so perfect for the role i have no words to describe it
Generate a tweet about Icewind Dale.
So come this Friday I’ll be joining in an Icewind Dale campaign as a Dhampir Fighter. (Soon to be echo-knight) I’ve know of a few players thatve gotten their characters killed in this campaign. Pray for me ya’ll
Generate a tweet about Richard Carlson.
Life will usually go on if things don't go according to plan. It's helpful to keep reminding yourself and repeating the sentence, "Life isn't an emergency." - Richard Carlson
Generate a tweet about Chris Stapleton.
Iowa Sate Fair’s lineup this year.😳 Wtfrick. Blake Shelton, Sam Hunt, Boyz II Men, Cole Swindell, John Stamos & The Beach Boys, Hanson, Dustin lynch, Dan +Shay, AND Chris Stapleton. I’ll be parking my tipsy behind in a cornfield next Aug for 10 days straight. Good lord.
Generate a tweet about Waterworld.
do you ever just think about Waterworld? fuck those were the days
Generate a tweet about Twitter.
“I think I created a Twitter account by accident yesterday.” -my mom
Generate a tweet about Cuba Gooding.
Ima just say it . Cuba Gooding shouldn’t have played in boys in the hood. Acting was ass and forced 👐🏾
Generate a tweet about Thomas Campbell.
“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” - Thomas Campbell #TeamLuke
Generate a tweet about Superwoman.
If Superwoman was a person I’d be me bc wtf 😩
Generate a tweet about Bride Wars.
Need to find a wedding guest outfit, also need to pack. What am I doing? Watching Bride Wars.
Generate a tweet about The Forge.
Oh, for anyone that may care The Forge will soon be back on the market.
Generate a tweet about Jerry Ordway.
The opening scene of #Stargirl 2.2 had a cute little nod to Jerry Ordway the DC comics Writer. Love shit like that
Generate a tweet about Kay jewelers.
Baby Coal, the young lady swallowed ring's from Kay jewelers, do not worry. You'll start to date and find a wife. The cantaloupe is important.
Generate a tweet about Cruz.
Cody Garbrandt really didn't want to finish Cruz in that 2016 fight. lol
Generate a tweet about carol.
#AskWandaVision is there anything anyone can say about monica's reaction to jimmy mentioning carol?
Generate a tweet about La Croix.
La Croix gaslights me on a regular basis. It smells so good, but the reality my taste buds experience is a spicy sour liquid. Yet I keep coming back to them.
Generate a tweet about The Gentleman.
Gonna watch The Gentleman tonight never seen it. Any good? Worth watching?
Generate a tweet about Fran Kirby.
Fran Kirby has always been underrated and it pisses me off
Generate a tweet about The Lorax.
I love starting conversations by asking people if they've seen The Lorax (2012). And, if they say no, I go straight into the topic of Oncest and give them severe whiplash
Generate a tweet about Abercrombie.
Delivery notifications are such a tease. I’m at a work orientation but my Abercrombie jeans came in and I want to try them on. Ignorance is bliss I wish I didn’t know
Generate a tweet about David Ogilvy.
Consumers still buy products whose advertising promises them value for money, beauty, nutrition, relief from suffering, social status and so on. - David Ogilvy
Generate a tweet about Aimé Césaire.
Philosophies and movements must serve the people, not the people the doctrine and the movement. Aimé Césaire
Generate a tweet about Atlus.
Abdiel is voiced by Romi Park, Atlus is really bringing AAA voice acting here
Generate a tweet about Chandrashekhar Azad.
Next what? Lose the beard, twirl the moustaches & pretend to be Chandrashekhar Azad for the UP Election, while the entire house of cards collapses all around us? (10/n)
Generate a tweet about Christ.
“The media’s approach to world history, to church history, to American history is all distorted because they don’t see that Christ is on the throne.” — Joel Beeke
Generate a tweet about TheNorthernTrust.
THROWS A DART AT 2! INSIDE 5 FEET FROM 220! Birdie putt upcoming. #JordanSpieth #TheNorthernTrust
Generate a tweet about Henry James.
Appropriate time of year for what I think is Henry James' funniest line: little Miles in 'Turn of the Screw' asking: 'Look here, my dear, you know... when in the world, please, am I going back to school?'
Generate a tweet about Lower Decks.
Paul F. Tompkins and Carl Tart are in this Lower Decks episode, I’m feasting this morning
Generate a tweet about ncat.
Mannn #ncat gotta do sum bout this parking shit cuz i cant find NAN!
Generate a tweet about Brown University.
Research by Brown University estimates losses of Afghan civilians and militants killed at about 51,000 since 2001...
Generate a tweet about Strong Baby.
MADE with 5 lines, Still Alive and Remember (with Strong Baby) we got it Ji! VIPs got it!! Iyak😭😭😭
Generate a tweet about Saint Leo.
Full roster change for your bulls in the 45th as we look to close out our 2⃣ of 3⃣ exhibition matches. USF 2, Saint Leo 0. #HornsUp 🤘
Generate a tweet about GE.
Slowly adding more OTM 2023 $GE puts. There’re so many good reasons to short this melting ice cube and IV is still low considering how fragile the stock is.
Generate a tweet about Baltimore.
You’ll likely see Baltimore follow this plan, to a degree. I did not hear Harbaugh confirm that, but that’s generally how these things are done during joint practice weeks.
Generate a tweet about covid-19.
The media has a public duty towards covid-19 health messaging, to counter covid hesitancy and deal with misinformation. The complicated nature of operating in a profit-driven environment sees the sector having skewed priorities.
Generate a tweet about #FSU.
So can everyone walk back off that KZ ledge now? #FSU
Generate a tweet about Louis.
Guy with a Louis bag just asked me for change like nah bro have YOU got any change
Generate a tweet about UEFA.
Official: Pep Guardiola has been nominated for UEFA Men's Coach of the Year.
Generate a tweet about Conor McGregor.
When people compare resumes to try and discredit Khabib, I find it so strange. Khabib beat Rafael Dos Anjos, Michael Johnson, Edson Barboza, Al Iaquinta, Conor McGregor, Dustin Poirier and Justin Gaejthe and lost 1 round. 1 round. That's it.
Generate a tweet about eunkwang.
Can’t they like sell online tickets for musicals too?? They only need a few cameras and they’ll have extra money and we can actually see eunkwang & changsub performing like I really don’t understand😭
Generate a tweet about Dorit.
Remember Kyle, Lisa and Dorit will defend Erika even though they know Erika is in big trouble. Lisa R gave a heads up to Erika about the meeting with Sutton, Kyle brought Teddi to do her dirty job. Thank God for Garcelle and Sutton. It’s time to fire the Faux Five #rhobh
Generate a tweet about Diljit Dosanjh.
Diljit Dosanjh about to release his album, Amrinder Gill and Karan Aujla are to release theirs soon. Wow we are getting spoiled
Generate a tweet about TAIL.
#SUNMI's Peaks on Gaon Digital Chart: #1 Gashina #1 Siren #2 24 Hours #2 Full Moon #2 Heroine #3 When We Disco #5 pporappippam #8 Noir #8 LALALAY #22 TAIL #46 You can't sit with us 🔺 #100 Time Is Up #112 Who Am I #118 If That Was You #123 Gotta Go #159 Burn
Generate a tweet about Hov.
My top 5 of real rap: - Hov - Capo - Benny the butcher - Kiss - K. Dot
Generate a tweet about David Lynch.
#manntogether So along with the odd laughter injected in this story we have the last two sections ending in the joys and advantages of shame. What on earth is going on here? This really feels like a David Lynch movie where I am always asking, "What????"
Generate a tweet about Crooklyn.
I really just watch Crooklyn to see the dog pop out the couch 🤣🤣🤣
Generate a tweet about Finn Wolfhard.
Tyler has so so so many Finn Wolfhard sources it’s so funny
Generate a tweet about Ryan Brown.
We have a research advisory group who also help to direct our research activities. - Ryan Brown (OSS)
Generate a tweet about Alfred Enoch.
And Alfred Enoch bout to chewww like I don’t lose 🤣
Generate a tweet about GE.
I used to own so much $GE I could almost retire by now if I kept it … :-(
Generate a tweet about cavetown.
i remember i used to have a friend that had a crush on ed sheeran. they were a cavetown fan as well. how is that possible
Generate a tweet about paul anka.
paul anka has a new project? Paul Anka has a new project…. PAUL ANKA HAS A NEW PROJECT!!!!
Generate a tweet about Re:Zero.
Man I still remember the first time I tried watching Re:Zero when I knew nothing about it. Thought it was generic and boring and stopped halfway through the first episode. What an absolute dunderhead I was.
Generate a tweet about odd taxi.
mr manager odd taxi... im so sorry ur girl group dreams didnt work out....
Generate a tweet about DC.
The next season of Ready To Love is in DC?!
Generate a tweet about childish gambino.
I have a childish gambino song stuck in my head
Generate a tweet about Ashanti region.
Suicide cases are going up with Ashanti region topping up the chat😑 What’s happening 🥺
Generate a tweet about darren criss.
darren criss the only person i would ever wake up this early for
Generate a tweet about Frankenstein's Monster.
-sure at this point. The similarities between this...Frankenstein's Monster, and the 17 that his brother's universe had in the Tournament of Power, while few, were strikingly similar...